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Prepositions, heavily used topic in Quran (Seq # 15)

See the below table of prepositions.

English Meaning Proposition




With, by, in, of, on (Its meaning depends on

the context)




Nouns become if they come after any preposition. Consider the noun
(thebook).Bydefaultitis .Prepositionwhencomesbeforemakesthisnoun



The combination of this Preposition and Noun is called as ( Jaar-Majroor).

This combination is heavily used in Quran.


Meaning Jaar Majroor Noun Preposition

from the book
= +

from the house

= +

in the cave

= +

in the sea = +

from evil = +

on Allah = +

Thepreposition haslotofmeaningsdependingonthecontext.Thesecontextswillbe
learned in future.


State TRUE or FALSE: Read the verse Quran (18:37). The phrase (from
dust) which is a Jaar-Majroor combination is present in this verse.

StateTRUEorFALSE:ReadtheverseQuran(18:19).Theword( thecity,the
town)whichis ispresentinthisverse.
State TRUE or FALSE: Read the verse Quran (18:10). The word is
StateTRUEorFALSE:ReadtheverseQuran(18:15).Thewordis because
ofthepreposition .

Behavior of Diptote with Preposition (Seq # 16)

We learned earlier that Fatah is the ending for diptote noun in


cases. One simple example is below. Observe the Majroor case, it has Fatah.


with Fatah as the ending. This understanding should be clear with the following


= +

( inhellfire).Here is


State TRUE or FALSE: Read the verse Quran (18:31). The diptote noun

(bracelets)is becauseoftheprepositionbeforeit.
State TRUE or FALSE: Read the verse Quran (16:18:94). The two diptote nouns
and arenot asthereisnoprepositionbeforethem.

StateTRUEorFALSE:ReadtheverseQuran(16:18:106).Thediptotenoun is

Prepositions when with Pronouns (Seq # 17)

Pronouns may come after prepositions. So, when these pronouns (pronouns comes
under the category of nouns in the Arabic language) join prepositions we get again the
construction Jaar Majroor. The Jaar Majroor is a two words combination or
construction. The below table is one such example. In the below table of Jaar Majroor
construction the final endings ,, , , , are called as attached pronouns. These
attached pronouns (,, , ,, )arein case.Noneedtoworryremembering
these attached pronouns, they come by time and little practice.

Jaar Detached
Meaning Preposition
Majroor Pronoun

from him (masculine) = +

from them (masculine) = +

from you (masculine) = +

from you all (masculine) = +

from me = +

from us = +


the .
State TRUE or FALSE: Read the verse Quran (16:18:81). The

State TRUE or FALSE: Read the verse Quran (18:39).The attached pronoun in

Vocative Harmony, Jaar Majroor case of for preposition with attached

pronoun (Seq # 18)

Seethebelowtablefortheprepositionfor() .

Jaar Detached
Meaning Preposition
Majroor Pronoun

for him (masculine) = +

for them (masculine) = +

for you (masculine) = +

for you all (masculine) = +

for me = +
for us = +

If you see above table the preposition for upon its independenceis . It is Li with

kathrah (Zair).When it joins with direct noun it is written as . Examples are

(Forthemankind),( forAdam)etc.Butwhenbeingjoinedwithpronounitisgetting
Fatah (Zabar). There is no Arabic grammaticalrulehere.Itistogetvocativeharmony
(something easy to say).Saying Lihuisdifficult. And saying Lahuiseasy and gets
vocative harmony. That is the reason it is getting Fatah.


State TRUE or FALSE: Read the verse Quran (18:2). The Jaar-Majroor ( for
them) is present in this verse.
verse Quran (18:10).
StateTRUEorFALSE:TheJaar-Majroorconstruction(forhim)ispresentin the
verse Quran (18:43).

Jaar Majroor with other prepositions (Seq # 19)

The below tables provide Jaar-Majroor constructions with 6 pronouns and prepositions.

Meaning (considering in this Jaar Detached

casewith) Majroor Pronoun

with him (masculine) = +

with them (masculine) = +

with you (masculine) = +

with you all (masculine) = +

with me = +

with us = +

Jaar Detached
Meaning Preposition
Majroor Pronoun

in him (masculine) = +

in them (masculine) = +

in you (masculine) = +

in you all (masculine) = +

in me
= +

in us = +

Jaar Detached
Meaning Preposition
Majroor Pronoun

On him (masculine) = +

On them (masculine) = +

On you (masculine) = +

On you all (masculine) = +

On me
= +

On us = +

Jaar Detached
Meaning Preposition
Majroor Pronoun
towards him (masculine) = +

Towards them (masculine) = +

Towards you (masculine) = +

Towards you all (masculine) = +

Towards me
= +

Towards us = +

Jaar Detached
Meaning Preposition
Majroor Pronoun

about him (masculine) = +

about them (masculine) = +

about you (masculine) = +

about you all (masculine) = +

about me = +

about us = +


StateTRUEorFALSE:TheJaar-Majroorcombination ( towards me) is present in

the verse Quran (18:110).
State TRUE or FALSE: The Jaar-Majroor combination is present in the verse
Quran (18:5).
StateTRUEorFALSE:TheJaar-Majroorcombination( onyouall)isnotpresent
in the verse Quran (18:20).
StateTRUEorFALSE:TheJaar-Majroorcombination (onthem)ispresenttwo
times in the verse Quran (18:21).
StateTRUEorFALSE:TheJaar-Majroorcombination( Aboutthem)ispresentin
the verse Quran (18:28).

Answers to Exercises

Prepositions, heavily used topic in Quran (Seq # 15) T, T, T, T, T

Behavior of Diptote with Preposition (Seq # 16) T, T, T

Prepositions when with Pronouns (Seq # 17) T, T, F

Vocative Harmony, Jaar Majroor caseofforprepositionwith

T, T, T
attached pronoun (Seq # 18)

Jaar Majroor with other attached personal pronouns (Seq # 19) T, T, F, T, T

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