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May 31, 2017 Dear Editor: On May 1, 2017, this newspaper had an article on the violations that Representative Michele Hoitenga had committed with her campaign finances. My name is mentioned in this article as cone of the two people who submitted complaints to the Secretary of State (SOS) Office. [lcfta message ith the paper about this but was never contacted to give my input on the outeome of this investigation. The article stated that both sides were ready to move on since the case is closed. This statement by the newspaper didn’t include my thoughts. I remain concemed by the conclusions noted by the SOS as they did not address major issues that wore brought up in the five complaints filed against her, I encourage everyone to read for themselves at so you can draw your own conclusions. For example, under number 4 of her response to the Farage Complaint, she states she had a fundraiser in an effort to get “seed money” to get her campaign staried prior to even forming the committee, yet there are still no donors required to be reported. Since when is it allowed to report the names of individual donors to campaigns? While the SOS made her report her expenses for her mailer, they never made her list the donors and how much each donor gave to her campaign as a result of her mailer. How do we know who and how much was donated to her campaign as a result of this “secd money” fundraiser? Did the donors exceed campaign limits? How did she suddenly come up with almost $25,000? I want to know why they are not requiring this and who has influenced the SOS on her behalf to cover this up. I am sure this is only the beginning. (Le Geo? RE ‘A. KANG: 2420 NORTH. mine CADILLAC, MI 49601 1-810-360-5144

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