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List of Advantages of Hydrogen Fuel Cells

1. Carbon-emission Free
Advocates for the use of hydrogen fuel cells posit that unlike other sources of power, these fuel
cells do not emit harmful carbon emissions in the air that cause pollution and affect global
warming. Although the chemical process involves burning hydrogen, it emits water, heat and other
emissions but not carbon. The chemical reaction between hydrogen and water does not produce
pollution but instead, releases electricity to be used in various applications.

2. Accessible and Clean

One of the advantages of using hydrogen as an energy source is its being readily available. Since it
is considered the simplest elements, its supply in the atmosphere is abundant. And although it
might take time to break down the compounds and separate them, its being plentiful and easily
accessible make up for the time it takes to complete the process. Moreover, the end-result is a
clean and powerful source of energy.

3. Importance in Science and Technology

Hydrogen fuel cells have many applications and are being used by industries, machinery,
motorcycles, automobiles and NASA. Hydrogen fuel is used to launch space shuttles, making it a
significant factor in science and technology. In fact, NASA has been using hydrogen gas for decades
and had used fuel cells as an alternative energy source along other fuel cell types such as methane
and hydrogen peroxide. Being a non-toxic substance and environment friendly, it has many uses as
opposed to other fuel types.

4. Renewable Energy Source

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. Consequently, it becomes one of the
renewable sources of energy like solar energy coming from the sun. Unlike limited energy sources
like fossil fuels and nuclear energy reserves, energy coming from hydrogen becomes a very
practical and significant alternative energy.

5. Fuel Efficiency
Due to the fact that hydrogen is capable of producing more energy per pound of fuel as compared
to gas and diesel, it becomes more fuel efficient. Cars powered by hydrogen fuel cells can run
more miles than automobiles that run using gas and solar-powered vehicles. When it comes to
combustion technologies, plants that are powered by conventional combustion methods only
produce about 33 to 35 percent of energy. Conversely, when hydrogen fuel cells are used in
manufacturing plants, electricity produced can reach up to 65 percent. Moreover, fuel
consumption is cut down to 50% with the use of fuel cells. This is because cars using hydrogen
cells only use 40% to 60% of the energy generated by the fuel as well as operate quietly and less
moving parts.
List of Disadvantages of Hydrogen Fuel Cells

1. Nitrogen Dioxide Emission

Critics of hydrogen fuel cells argue that although these cells do not emit carbon after burning, they
give out nitrogen dioxide and other emissions. Nitrogen dioxide is a toxic gas and can still be
harmful when ingested by humans. Experts say talk about the risks of respiratory problems such as
lung edema from exposure with lethal dose even for a short period of time. Moreover, it can also
decrease lung function.

2. Storage Issues
Apart from taking much time to separate the compounds of hydrogen, this element is also a
challenge to move and transport. Compared to oil which can be channeled through pipelines and
coal which can be moved to one location to another using trucks, transporting hydrogen can be
expensive. This is one obvious setback of this element since storage and transport can be
considered impractical.

3. High Cost
Aside from having to spend a lot of money to transport hydrogen, the time it takes to break down
its elements makes the process expensive as well. This is also one of the reasons why hybrid cars
are also costly. As long as no other options are applied to make the process faster and easier,
hydrogen as fuel cells will remain to be pricey. Additionally, most cars being manufactured are still
powered with conventional energy source like gas and diesel. Converting these already
manufactured cars into hydrogen-powered vehicles will require a lot of work and money.

4. Highly Flammable
Skeptics have expressed concerns on the safety of using hydrogen fuel cells in cars and other
applications because of the fear of explosion especially in higher concentrations. Although
scientists have tested it several times, they do not rule out that this element is flammable. In case
of fire, hydrogen flame is not seen in daylight, making it dangerous for fire fighters who will
respond to the incident. This concern is also placed on liquid hydrogen. Being colorless and
odorless, inhalation and ingestion is possible without being noticed and if this happens,
asphyxiation can happen to people who are in an area without proper or no ventilation.
5. Climate Change Aggravation
People who are not in favor of using hydrogen as energy source point out that even if it can come
from oil and water, it also comes from fossil fuels, particularly in industrial applications. As a
result, carbon dioxide is also emitted in the air and makes global warming worse. Despite being
renewable, it still needs fossil fuels to be transformed to hydrogen fuel.
Technology is indeed a boon to mankind and the invention of hydrogen fuel cells is one of the
indications. However, there are also setbacks to using this alternative energy source. Perhaps, with
continuous research, the number of its advantages can outweigh its disadvantages.

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