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KE-7 ELECTRONIC CONTROL SYSTEM INSTRUCTION MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS (COMPONENTS, ~ [NAME AND FUNCTION of CONTROL UNIT COMPONENTS. =~ [NAME AND FUNCTION of CONTROL HEAD COMPONENTS — [NAME AND FUNCTION of THROTTLE ACTUATOR COMPONENTS HOW TO OPERATE a Initial Control operation After Power * ON" ve cnennen - Contra Hood Lever Operation ne cn B Lever potion and abit tpt : en [Nesta Toile Operon ann ——— ® Statin Transor fr , 8 and 4 Station Operation From A Neutral Postion = ° Station Transfor fr 2, 8 and 4 Staton Operation From A Forward Toile Postion —- 9 INSTALLING THE CONTROL HEAD. ae INSTALLING THE CONTROL UNIT ————— a INSTALLING THE THROTTLE ACTUATOR === nnn 18 ‘CONNECTING THE CONTROL HEAD AND CONTROL UNIT v-vvwecwmnenns 1 ‘CONNECTING THE ENGINE, THROTTLE ACTUATOR AND CONTROL UNIT ~ 5 ‘CONNECTING THE NEUTRAL SWITCH HARNESS =m snes 18 ‘CONNECTING THE HARNESS POWER SUPPLY nnn -1 ‘CONNECTING THE COMMUNICATION HARNES§ om an 1B CONNECTING THE DIM HARNESS ———————— 4 (OVERALL. WIRING DIAGRAM = = — PUSH PULL CABLE INSTALLATION ev enveeonintnnnceee BY 1. Pashpull cable inmallation tothe sar ne 2 2 Push-pull eal installation to the marine pear enn BB ADJUSTING THE CONTROL UNIT 1, Setting the thre seustar operation made 2. Setting the forward throtle actuator woke ~~ = 5. Setting the shri setuatr opening ~ 4 Setting the reverse thot aetuatr tke nnn 5. Seting the thre delay nn Setting the abit pause anne YE Kastrction Mana) Revo OPERATION CHECK. =~ 1. Sl and trote operation chee. 2, Confirmation ofthe engine start [MANUAL OPERATION METHOD ——- [ALARM INDICATION "TROUBLESHOOTING [MAINTENANCE AND SERVIC ————~ ‘CONTROL HEAD TEMPLATE. CONTROL UNIT TEMPLATE ET bestraction Manes Berd INTRODUCTION ‘Tie manual has ben propared to ensre your crroct operation of the KET stan. Be eure to ‘read through this manual to understand the content thoroughly with ear to preven injury or Aamage to the property through abuse. Alweys kaop the manual within your rack during operation, ‘his product conte thes (et) and throttle (goveran Ie bs recommended therefor wo rad the ‘manuals of engine and ger ‘The epeicaions may be wet to change without notoe (fr ‘prade), ruling in iflrencos ‘tween the content ofthe manual and the product. In case of ambinity or queasons concerning ‘the product or the manual eanault with your dealer. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ‘Tis manual contains seasons under the Sllowingbeader, which if mat ebeerod, may ru, in injury or damage to he propery. Pay particlar attention to thes precnutions 4X WARNING ‘allure to comply with « Warning may rout fx an secdent of dea or heswyinjuy dy CAUTION aie to comply with @ Caton may result in an acento light injury or damage to the product or popes. ‘KE-1 Instreton Manual Rev 50, 1 . BASIC PERFORMANCE 1 etre Prormane (0) Supply wetage For DCLIV mods: DCW-16¥ er DC24V model: DCIBV=81V (@ Max, current of setustor16A or om (at ONS) (@) Corrent consumption (tand-y): OA or less 2, Peformance of Actuator (0) Taras Operating thrust 1478 (10k) Constraint load: 48N (85k) (2) Thro Stoke: mm MAK. 8. Shit Output Forward: relay contact point (normaly open) Capeciy:24V, 24 max overt rly contact pent (aormally open) Capac: 24¥, 2A as, 4, Temperature Range (0) Operating tamparture: ~20- 478°C (@) Storage temperature: 40> +100°C 5. Main Functions (0) Shit: Forwarfoverse operation (2) Tot: Azclrtionecleration (@) Noutal thot: Only the thet ie activated to warm up the engine (Coro Staton: Mae tations (6) Neutral ene eve: Baas engine startup only when the sit i in Uh noutel poston, (© Dim dopas: Decrease brightness af the LED on the contol head during nighttime (7 Baul indation Daaet rst felts and indeae via Mashing LEDs on th conta head. (@ Mechanical backup: In cae of rytem fare, enable manual operation of actuator leer [KB-7 Instron Manual Rev 50, NAME OF EACH PART ‘The igure below shows an example of two engines /two contro stations stems > indicates identification [> indicates destination vere 4 a ate COMPONENTS [Beg Guang lw | ane ParNa. | Saglowagne Daal engi Naw ‘Sao Tay[Znd [Sd [Ah [Tae [Pea | sd [A (er fswosicoo| [== -}1[2 tata [a [ooneat Ua Dav ent nom) 2 fa fa ja f2]2]2|2 12V mde |sousre00 IMatleacator —pamierao| Tf 1 tapi teeters [a> jcammunason arose Sen -[-]-]- |i ta fata a) Farinas rs) oder than armas 8 tosis Fre onthe a, 12 onder 1 laser 2a Ba afz2fs}alelafefs 2a | 2 Saal | 3% 3 ‘0 [ [Power bm sur 2|2|z2|alalala la isms 10m [sarees (Dacatar 2m ROSar] TP TPT Taye [ [shit erm Sex| eos [Ia ee ee [Sot Nome] 272] 2>2)4 4] | 4 [oam [rorker 208, (@ Barer co zeveoit fro} 1 |2|a la f2fale|s Vl (05100, [Pu Pul abe JC isos wc fa fa fa fa fe fe fe |e fine Supreme . ‘Nee: For each No. refer to the NAME OF EACH PART on the previous page. NAME AND FUNCTION OF CONTROL UNIT COMPONENTS Note: The Control Uni is available in two types; one for 24V and tho other for 12V. Select the ‘opropriate one for your pewer spl: av WW Do not remove ‘Tobe und for eyncheniztion [wea] [wera cou ‘ete oth cnet adn ‘yeh i stale ‘hers Rane Coera q ‘Note: Wien the power suply i earned ON, E ‘Decmardteedsabeced ost v Someone eta ed LS) tte pmer apy vi Hanae Peewee ‘Na Gone wo Hara Powe Sop ‘Toran eine on the ply snl oe arcs Powe Sp comet ‘Debio fargo ht oc Ly. tetneseant etal sa as emanate a ‘Not Th yore dn igh caine em ‘utp ein eet ety oi “hamlet ii hte Sit E/T Instruction Manual Rev 60 NAME AND FUNCTION OF CONTROL HEAD COMPONENTS Hand Lever starboard wa Re (1) Indication Panel ' ‘tothe buzzer |] FF] rn MTndicates the shit r| | ot IL | Seatam Ease" io ‘ Gina | ike ae tebe Sescowetn towratap ) Eeteeretin =< Sees ial ¥ ‘To the waroand Control Select Switch se to eat he sation Unit via Harness Remote Une tet o sans tbe neural Conta) rota operation Oop ee wer yh port Con Unt in {_Switeh Cove ‘Harness Remote Controt KE-T Instruction Manual Rev 60 NAME AND FUNCTION OF ACTUATOR COMPONENTS A\WARNING (Operate the Selector Knob ony incase of emergency (mechanical backop) THROTTLE ACTUATOR Emergency handle runs throttle during manual operation Selector know for manual operation G— connects to the control unit vie actuator harness (A pin connector i> Connects to marine gear vie shift harness [KE Instrvetion Manual Rev 50 7 HOW TO OPERATE Inia Contre Operation Aer Power ON * 1. With power ON, and hand lever in Neutral postin, the aystam isin nota di eondtion. 2, ‘The otra head conncind to remote contol connector one (RCI) i conidered the master contr station nd will baum operational it (0) Set the Randle Iver to the ~ Neutral" positon (2) Onc the green nevteal LHD) are ON, ajstm ie operations Nove TF the hand lve) are moved to fread ar reverse gear poston while power isnot pple to th conte aystm, and then power is applied, contzel mst wil not bac operational unit ntl the hand leet) aw moved ito the neutral poston Th greon outa LED(®) ON statue indicate that the cael astm i operational. $5. When other control stations are require for operation that are connected to WC-2, RIC ‘nd RUC-4 perform the following seins (0) Set the and lever to the " Nawal * poston (2) Open the entch cover, prose and rloso the solct switch, (@) Te green neutral LEDIs) thon lights ON indceting tho contr ie operons Conte Head Ler Ope AX CAUTION ‘Never operate the hand lover wie the engin traning (Oterwa ctuntor ale abd gat may We daraed. AN WARNING [DO NOT ATTIRE? men award or reverse matin via hand lever operation Sun loseratin eleron may ease damage lo Us bate xe oper of psengers be erted onthe bot (0) Moving the an leer from the oes rion t the forward or reverse detent enn the setuatr to abit forward vere guar. Orange forward or revers [LRDG) light wo indent forward a reverse eer prion obtained. (@ Moving the hand lever pet the Forward revere detent cauee the engine nto thee operation and the boat will ezlarate ‘KE-7 Instruction Manual Rev 60, 5 Lever positon and shift output SR ona ever position [Forward ewitch | Reverse witch lyorward throtle range | Cleed Open ‘Netra Opa om [Revere throtle range Open ‘Closed ‘Neutral Tarot Operation 1, Set the hand lover to the" NEUTRAL * position. 2. Open the switch cover noted on tp the control ed and move the hand lever to dhe forward sar potion while preating the station sleet, 3. The green novtral LED Ashes andthe neural throte operation ie activated ‘Neutra throtle operain wil remain active unt properly deactivated ‘To Cans! Neutral Tote Operation 1, Set the hand lever tothe * NEUTRAL " postion 2. Open the sich cover and pre and elas the slat itch After the release ofthe alot sith green, neural LED will tp Mashing "Tie indicates destivation ofthe neutral ehrote operation. ‘Station Transfer for 28 and 4 Staton Opertion From A Neutal Postion 1, Sit the and leven) f the mlected conta to the neural pean, open the ewltch ever pros and rlease th alec ovitch. A continues green neutral LEDG) indictes to consol station in ‘Station Tranafr for 23 and 4 Staton Operation From A Foreard Taotle Pot 1. Sit the hand evra) of the selected conta to the neutral portion, open she aitch cover press andres the sees switch A cantnuoe green neutral LED) indie the canta sat 2, The operator has 4 seconde to move hand levers and match the thot postion of the las see canto sation, Continues orang forward LED() indicates contol station is active Nome Keeping the hand Iver ofthe Int active canto! station in dhe neutral porn, wil result in mel sytem automaialy returning the cont stm to neutral dl onion, A continuous groan neues DG) inte the control staon ative and system it in neutral ile condition ‘KE-1 Instruction Manl Ree 50, ° KE-T Instruction Manual Rev 50 ‘THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 0 INSTALLING THE CONTROL HEAD ———————— AX CAUTION Tratall the contol headin an accesible location for engine stop anytime. Selecta at cation convenient for operation and nstallaton. () Dail mount holo by using the stared lmplate (2) Ina wth stashed washer and nut “Tightening trque 20~a4N «mm (GO~ARg em ‘peal 260m =e] below stallion surface A\ CAUTION “Mount ee cntral Koad within 6D degree from horizontal ‘KB-7 Instruction Manil Rev50 n INSTALLING THE CONTROL UNIT ote nwa the control unit ao thatthe small cover face up or rt for easy aes, (0) Tee actuator roses im Seng, Select the control unit lean a9 that its detanee (@ Dri the mount hole ty ung the atinchod tpt, (@ Insta wit ined pan head machine sew or tapping sew, Tnsalatin with pa head machine sew Installation plate thickness: 3~2 0mm Mount hole ia: 6 7mm Installation with tapping sew Tnotalation plate thickness: 1 Simm Min Plt bole da: 63mm MS machin srew Rts nur washer KE-T Insertion Manual evS0 2 INSTALLING THE THROTTLE ACTUATOR A\ CAUTION Tren of water nt he unit may cao fare nwa in eaten where on wind and eerste thao miniiaed (Seid ication where the ambient emperare ae ehove 150. (a) Install the actuator in @ leation convenient for operation of manual altar knob (2 The actuator harness is 2m in length. Select the contol unit location ao that its distance from the setutor is 2m or less. (Drill the mount hole by using an attached template (@ Install with bot or tapping serew and washer Installation with bolt Tngtallaton plate thickness: 3~25mm ‘Mount holo dia: 69mm Tightening argue: 3.9~5.9N-m Thetallation wich tapping erow Installation plate thickness : 18mm Min Pilot holo dia: 3mm Installation surface KET Tnstrotion Manual Revs 18 ‘CONNECTING THE CONTROL HEAD AND CONTROL UNIT, | A\ CAUTION (Connect the connector firmly. "These nite may fal to operate if the connector isnot connect frm (0) Connostion of the Ere canta ead ‘Connect the harness rence contol to the redtaped barnes of dhe contre oad and connect itt tho FIC of tho port ental unit. *Coanet the harness remo control to the greemtapod harness ofthe consol ‘bed and connect itt the RUC-1 ofthe starboard conzl uit Note: Be ure to comme! the contol head wo the RIC of the each contol uni, (@)Connection of the encnd contrl ead i applicable Carry ost connection tothe RCE the each cnt as dexibed in (D), (enConnostion ofthe third conte hen if appeble ‘Carry out eonnsction to the RUC the each sot! as dered in (0) (a)Connection of tho fourth contol hoad if eppleable *Cazzy out conection tothe RIC the each conte as dasribed in (0) ‘CONNECTING THE ENGINE AND THE ACTUATOR TO CONTROL UNIT (0) For each pir of wires Fortard, Revers) on the throttle haraes, connect se wie to power and the other tthe marine gear solenoid. Then connect dove tote actutar via he pin conectar of the thot actustor. (@) Connie the tote atuatar to tha actustr area via the Spa connect (©) Connie the other ond of tha actuator harness tothe conta unit via the 12a connector Frward ‘Tyo wa ted rom petal a Seward Fieward > Fawardflepen | Teva etd om filly ced w fly ope 3 |Forwardfllopen = Nevin —| Troe ved as aly open to Fl bo ‘Toole em ted rm rar otal [Newt > evr “Too am roel rom ut over [Rovers — Rovers ilopen | Thole riod Gum ally clnod fly opee. | | ieverelepen = Newtal | Tote trond rom fl open oly cnx ‘Toole am crated rom eee otal ‘When the correct operation can not be mide, change the operaon made. (66 “Adhuting the conizl nit on page 25). When the farwardestralveverse LED fates, fer to “Alarm {ndation® on page 28 2. Confirmation ofthe engine start ‘Sep | Dept OK CoxntarmenneitNG |S tie and iver to NEUTRAL, [Ragin stars | arent nota wih ara, and start he engine (Se par 16) 2 [Sete and iver to FORWARD Bagine doormat | Gonna the muta arom [E_ [estar een. are (See paee36) ‘KE.7Inetroton Manual RevS0 MANUAL OPERATION METHOD AN CAUTION [Atempr_mamaal”opertion only Ta came a emergency. To operate the sctutor manually (0) Tit he clectr nc fly i the sero dzetion (A. (2) The scan can then be operniod manly ia the emergecy lr a emerges ever 9 Se ~S: eo FQ @OR 5 5 Note: Return tho slur kno to the egal pasion after mais operation, [KB-1Instrcton Manual Rev50 a ALARM = INDICATION {heave of stom aul the fale indiatd vn the forwardleutalrevere LED ashing frouency and an optional bux. The farward,noutal, and reverse LEDs all fash Smulancouty Faking Case ‘Caras Aeon Tales Frequney es |G) Tinea and conte wit) Resnmaet eto actor [page 1S remot ennected are sedeml ane (The tuatorsetothe |) Sat thescaator NEUTRAL nt |page 27 napus eperaion. sete actr kn o [ecroic Operation”. sy Harea tole cantor with |) Coal our eae. ie breaiage sorting (© Actaar hare wid |coRenlawthaatutorbareae [page 5 re hekag or borg. @)12prlecomectornarnes ofthe 6) Con your eae ntl uit wilh we eakage a soreng Tims) Canin ads contend) Coane ie antl ats page TT je Ret eemtrt unis fae la) Conretheadendcontl unit |) Rannect hecotrl head and page 14 [remit connote corel. Jfcusalunit |) pin connect conta [s)Comect tbe Spin conser, [pag 4 ate ec. (OCenlheadharsan with wow | Coal your dose, roakage or shorting (@)Renetacenzatnarnen wits | 6) Replacotheremetconsotharns [page 14 re beakage rr, (@RC1,2.3.and thereat |) Const your dealer. Sonal it wh we akage orang ‘KE-7 Instruction Marsal Rev By Faking ] Cause Conese hata eters Freueney Times [OR ple analog wit |) Install pas pall cle wr paw BE tintng bnconingofthethrte attr, [ofthese |) Tote erin soaks ameding |) Radueothocookeot thle |page 21 "The ane gear. seat (@) Tero scant et [e)Sethennmortothenmtral [page 27 | ‘sanual operation pao anda he clr End io "eto Oper (4) me ppl cable ead of tel (0) Fx the pk pllabeend page 21 ‘ht sctntr (© Leo mut of ho gar \s)Rasghun te gearcnmeton [page 22 (Three actntarharse with |( Const your dk ee breakage or shorn 7 Amat barnes wis (Replace ho etutr hares. pag 18. sivebreskage ashing |e) 12pimeomecrhareescl _|() Consuls your doc ono nstwith wir beaks aertng ‘ims |A) Onset dupi power erie] 0) Comma bat ia pee? [amennet (a) Rite iat rocker in OFF, _|)TurnON tothceitbreskers. | page 17 (ey Pomerauply hares connector in|) Ronee he wane age 17 [oe connoed creel. [Power upeiyharece 4) Battery vatge beyond the |) Use th atary within the bees 2 operating age range Sprang vag rane (6) Pome supp hareae with wre |()Roplae tho power up ‘ge 17 "rskags Ieee (9 240 12V baron ce 6 Conatyour dole. Sone uni inate Timer) Saas ai hae peed (a) Re isle onic [pas ie sa. le consctbead nares iesborsd |) Const your doi, [) Rcn control armas shorad |) Replace he rete contd nee hamess ley, 2, 2, and sarnseat —_|() Cons your dele [conse nt withsorin [a) Communication Rares wih wire |() Rola Us commit |paaP TD [rose shorn armen (@)Onect te conte uitshas no |) Turn ON cei beaker pace 17 ewer ‘ines Comper harass wi wie |) plas he comljwar armas | VreakagecrshringandTrling [and engage Traling vale. rating lve daengeed anual TROUBLESHOOTING ‘Always onsets lable fat when any probable ouble is oleorved during operation, Sar ‘Caan Comes ton 1 [Rat operating ven |) Foran ot ccad |G) One he power arma whenpowersuplyie _|eurecdy cere. ee page, oN, (2) Ciel breaker OFF, |) Turn ON cre baker [Foreardnauba JO) Atnarmalty tia sim J) Rafer "lar indeton™on eee LEDs ashing page 2820, smuaneouay "Neforwardontral’ (0) Hand lner atin motel 0) Sethe Ba ovr» NEUTRAL [meer LEDON, | ring iil operation ‘eds power ON Se Page 8) |e) 910-1 the ante in \2) Connect the tr aad [novenmnad with be eonathoad, | UCL (Seepage 4). (Ayo ffrwariT (Wr brekagin conte ead [0 Cn your ale ‘tenroverse LEDs [harmo a ON, (2) Wire breakage in remte conta) Replace he ress contre hares bara [onsale pas 19) (LED fxare |) Coos your date [orwardiirarovas [G) Shit harness is at proparh |) Prop comet be a arma ILEDeON btne pear loomed. ‘eee pase 15) Bagagement [Forward/nourarovers |G) Parirpall_cablo_of shite ij Replace pus pale Gee p20) [LED'son but no cngine |actata ie bok o damaged [inpine dart OV Law bay as Cae ty a) Neural vitch Barns exten |) Shorten the pete with eos ng areas xtanson wi beep 10, Neal oid [G) Neel tite opreionls J) Cary out sting oer Jatcrneite —ctent cree, (Ses pas) etre os (2) Cont your dake [Operation pasion JG) Had lverin ie newal psion 0) Sette handover o NEUTRAL [Cena lose | Payal etch 2) Consul your deal. KE-T Instruction Mansa Rev50 MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Repair or replace any damaged part. Contr ead (0) After use, wath wih water and ay to proven corrosion. (@) Never ue reste Beene thie aesembly contsng lactone components control it () After uo, wash with water and dry wo prevent erosion (@ Never use rose beeate this seembly contain electron components. (0) Afters, wah with water and dry to prevent eomoron, (2) Wipe screw and metalic pata with marin erase (@) Chock srows fr loaeess periods Harnese (0) Check fr wir breakage and damage perizdcly (2) Check the canoe, ete. fr dizonncton pero. ‘Pushpll cable (@) Check the puch pul able sd setistrconnacton (push pul cable end) for Loseness patil, (©) Check the push-pull ele and gonr connection for leeenoae peradcally (@) Coa the push-pull eable for damage, wear, and corrosion pei. KET Instruction Masa] Rev50 CONTROL HEAD TEMPLATE CONTROL UNIT TEMPLATE i Z i 4 i z at (for attached machine screws) Dail 467mm. NHK Teleflex Corporation 3-21-10, SHIN-YOKOHAMA, KOHOKU-CU, YOKOHAMA, 1222-0033, JAPAN PHONE:+81(45)475-8905 FAX:+81(45)475-8908 moose 08,0, PRINTED IN JAN COPRICHT 2609

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