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Technical Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

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2014 TJEAS Journal-2014-4-04/380-387
ISSN 2051-0853 2014 TJEAS

The effect of intellectual capital on employees' job

satisfaction and organizational performance
Ali Bakhti Arani1, Morteza Ghasemi2, Ali Noori2
1. M.A in arak Islamic azad university
2. Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran

ABSTRACT: Intellectual capitals in an organization are assets which their worth sharing with others
and over time increase. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of intellectual capital on job
satisfaction and performance of employees. This study in terms of the purpose is applicable and in
terms of method for data collection is descriptive - survey. Population of this study including martyr
doctor LABBAFINEJAD Tehran hospital staff and collection method of theoretical discussions was
library, and the data is obtained through a questionnaire. Questionnaire Justifiability with experts
comment in the field of management was confirmed and its reliability was calculated by the
CRONBACH alpha, and was equal to 0.955. Data using SPSS and LISREL, using correlation test
and structural equations model, is analyzed. The results of structural equations model indicate that
human capital has an impact on structural capital and customer capital and customer capital has an
impact on structural capital. The results show that human capital and customer capital have no
impact on organizational performance, and ultimately, job satisfaction has an impact on the
organization performance.
Keywords: intellectual capital, customer capital, human capital, structural capital, job satisfaction,
organizational performance


In organizations Ultra-competitive era, we face an environment where its characteristic is complexity and
globalization and dynamism. Therefore, organizations for establishment and Continuity themselves are faced
with new challenges, overcoming these challenges requires greater attention to the development and
enhancement of internal skills and abilities, it comes through the basics of organizational knowledge and
intellectual capital, which organizations use it to achieve better performance in the business world. Intellectual
capital as a sustainable strategy for achieving and maintaining competitive advantage organizations have
been diagnosed. Therefore, In the current knowledge-oriented world, organizational capabilities has been
based on intellectual capital and managers need to understand what capabilities are required to maintain
being competitive advantage. So Assets based on intellectual capita are becoming a strategic lever for
managing the company's business performance and continuous innovation, so companies do not produce but
only product and service, they must produce Value Added to remain in the new economy and in this era, the
principal challenge of managers is preparing a suitable environment for the growth and development of the
human in knowledge-oriented organization, and intellectual capital management has become a basic skill of
managers in these organizations., and in today's economy competitive advantage of companies is based on
intangible asset and intellectual capital (POOR EYNI, 2010, 69). Intellectual capital is new issue that has been
raised theoretically globally in the last few years. However, since is considered valuable resource for
organizations, its growth and development is very high. This intangible resource is the most valuable resource
in these companies. Hence, nowadays, Necessity of development and management of intellectual capital has
become a serious obligation business arena. In the simplest sense, perhaps can be considered intellectual
capital as knowledge package consists of a collection of intangible and invisible resources, principles, culture,
behavior patterns, capabilities, competencies, structures, relationships, processes and processes obtained
knowledge,. Knowledge base is built based on subjective perceptions. Intellectual capital has three basic
components linked together (Ramirez et al, 2007):
Human Capital: Human capital represents the Existing knowledge of people (BOUNTIS and others quoted
KHANI and MOSHABAKI, 2006). This capital is mobile and does not belong to any particular organization,
Tech J Engin & App Sci., 4 (4): 380-387, 2014

because employees are the owners of human capital. Human capital as a combination of knowledge, skills,
experience and ability of individual employees is defined (McGill, 2006).
Structural capital: human capital, including non-human reserves of the organization (Rose quoted GHOLEYJ
KHANI and MOSHABAKI, 2006) and includes proprietary software, computer programs, databases,
organizational structure and operation of patent, trademark and similar assets that will support the
organization's productivity (McGill, 2006).
Relational /customer capital: Customer capital is the value that customers consider for organization and is
shaped by relationships between the organization and the customers (McGill, 2006).
Job satisfaction is a topic that from the 1920s onwards has been studied many times in different organizations,
according to many experts it is one of the most basic organizational concepts and it is a basis of many policies
and management strategies to increase productivity and efficiency of the organization (ABEDI et al, 2010, 46).
Job satisfaction is some of the feelings and positive attitudes that people have towards their jobs. Victor and
Rome believes that job satisfaction is as a psychological orientation toward the role that employment plays in
your job. Within this definition, given the concept of the role which consists in performing a task performing by
one person, we can say employee believes that he is useful in organization therefore a sense of satisfaction is
given him. Fisher and HANA, consider job satisfaction as psychological factor which is considered to be a form
of emotional adjustment to the job and conditions of employment. It means if desired job provides pleasure to
the person, in this case, the person has the job satisfaction. Given the importance of job satisfaction of staffs in
productivity and competitiveness in organizations, in the present study, the effect of various components of
intellectual capital (human, structural, relational / customer) on the job satisfaction and organizational
performance has been studied.

Theoretical Framework
Intellectual capital which began in 1990 mainly was concerned to raise awareness about the existence and
value of intangible assets and intellectual capital in the organization and development of the classification

Intellectual capital is a complex and elusive entity, but when it is discovered and used, enabling the
organization to a new source of competitive environment (BONTIS, 1996, 47-40).
Intellectual capital, including all the processes and assets that are not shown on the balance sheet as
traditional, as well as including intangible assets (such as trademarks or trade names and royalties),
which modern accounting methods consider them (Ross, 1997, 426-413).
Intellectual capital is the sum of knowledge of members of the organization and its practical application
(ibid., 426-413)
Intellectual capital is the difference between market value of an organization and replacement cost of
its assets (SEETHARAMAN, 2002, 148-128).
Intellectual capital is a unique collection of tangible and intangible resources of company (Gupta,
2001, 309-297
Intellectual capital is intellectual materials such as knowledge and information and spiritual property
(assets) and experience that led to the creation of wealth, there is still no universal definition
(Stewart, 1997, 15).
Intellectual capital is an intellectual material which has been collected and been shaped and are used
for the production of more valuable assets (Klein, 1994, 57).
Intellectual capital is a collection of information and practical knowledge to create value in
organizations (EDVISSSON, 1997, 3).

Overall, job satisfaction is an attitude variable in the past, researches on job satisfaction, more had to be done
according to hierarchy of Maslow's needs, and focus on satisfying the physical and psychological needs, such
as paying salaries, and dignity and respect to people. But now researchers more pay attention to cognitive
processes than basic needs (DARWISH, 2007, 120). Locke (1979) has listed the most important factors
influencing job satisfaction as follows:
1. Mentally risky business, that individual can successfully be consistent with it (be successful in adapt
the work).
2. Personal interest in job, which is much more interested in a job, his satisfaction will be higher.
3. A work which is too boring physically, if a person more be tired, he will has less satisfying and if a
person less be tired, he will has more satisfying.
4. Rewards for performance are fair, informative, and is consistent with the wishes of the individual.
5. Working conditions that are consistent with physical needs and help career goals.
6. Whatever Sense of self-esteem from staff is more, the degree of satisfaction will be more.

Tech J Engin & App Sci., 4 (4): 380-387, 2014

7. Factors which in the work environment facilitate the need to job values, such as salary increases and
promotions. Fairness and justice in payment is associated with job satisfaction. Whatever fairness and
justice be more, job satisfaction will be higher, whatever the satisfaction rate is higher, and the worker
performance is also higher. As well as job satisfaction increase by rewarding (FARAHI BOUZJANI et
al, 2010, 106-105).

The most popular definition of performance by Nelly and Associates has been defined "The process of
explaining quality of effectiveness and efficiency in past actions" (Indigo, 2002, 8).
Organizational performance is an overall structure that refers to how organizational operations. Organizational
performance can be said to be divided into two components:
1- Efficiency, which describes how to use the resources by the organization in producing products or
services, i.e., the relationship between the real and the ideal combination of inputs to produce specific
2- Effectiveness which describes the degree achieve to organizational goals. These targets are usually in
the form of occasion (Degree of conformity of output with customers needs), availability (Frequency,
providing among the priority groups, and physical distance), and quality (degree of achievement of the
required standards). Without a doubt, managers need to know main stakeholders how perceive their
organization, and reiterate this issue in definition of the performance encourages organizations to
measure stakeholder's perceptions (RAHNAVARD, 2008, 79).

The theoretical framework for this research comes from research LONGO and Murray (2011) and SURAJ
and BONTIS (2012). SURAJ and BONTIS, in their study titled "Intellectual Capital Management in
Telecommunication Companies of Nigeria," have studied management of intellectual capital as a strategic
resource for creating competitive advantage. LONGO and Maura have been studied the impact of
intellectual capital on job satisfaction and retention of staff, and the positive impact of both activities human
resource management on intellectual capital have been identified and evaluated.

Human capital

Structural capital Job satisfaction Organization



Figure 1 - Research Analytical Model

(BONTS, 2012, 269)

Research background
NAZARI HASHEMI et al (2010), were examined the impact of knowledge management and intellectual capital
component on the performance of non-governmental organizations in Iran. For this study, a sample of 230
individuals was selected as the sample. The results of their study showed that knowledge management has a
direct impact on performance. They also found that the intellectual capital has more direct impact on the
performance. SAMADI and MOTIEI (2009), were studied the relationship between intellectual capital and
performance indicators of listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange during the years 2003 to 2008. In this
study, 73 companies were selected from the population and were studied. The results of this study showed that
at the 95% confidence level between intellectual capital and profit before tax, operating cash flows and value
added of the companies studied, there is a significant relationship. In other hand, among dependent variables of
this study, pre-tax earning has higher correlation coefficient with the intellectual capital. GHOLEYJ Lee and
MOSHABAKI (2006), using a questionnaire addressed the role of social capital in the creation of intellectual
capital. Respondents of the survey were managers of A and B Iranian Automotive companies, from
respondents of company A 500 persons, a sample of 91 persons and from Company B 258 people, a sample of
72 individuals were selected. The results indicate a significant positive relationship between social capital and

Tech J Engin & App Sci., 4 (4): 380-387, 2014

intellectual capital, in other words, with increase intellectual capital in human, structural and relational
dimensions is increased. MASOUMI, OZRA (2011) examined the impact of human capital on the Agricultural
Bank of GOLESTAN Province Competitiveness. To achieve superior position in the market and maintain it due
to the expansion and diversification of industry and competitive intensity on the one hand and increasing
customer expectations, on the other hand, is increasingly difficult. Today, organizations advantages to outshine
each other, not in the application of new technology, but lies in high confidence and level of employee
commitment to organizational objectives. Due to the competitive world of today and effective role of human
resources in improving the performance of organizations, the objective of this study was to investigate the
impact of human capital factors on financial institutions Competitiveness. In this study, 158 questionnaires were
distributed in GOLESTAN Province Agricultural Bank branches and Hypotheses based on 107 questionnaires
collected of single sample test of a total of were tested. The results showed that capital t of ratio and human
hypothesis (binomial test) has an impact on competitiveness strategies (reducing total cost of providing services
and focus on customer) in the Bank. SHAHAEI and colleagues (2010) examined the impact of intellectual
capital on performance in Tehran's SEPAH Bank. Nowadays, the performance of organizations can not be
judged solely on the basis of financial measures, because researches has shown that the market value of the
companies and financial institutions primarily are determined nonfinancial assets which is called intangible
assets or intellectual capital. Accordingly, this study was conducted with aim of investigation the effect of
intellectual capital components (including human capital, infrastructure and client capital) on the performance of
the old State Bank. The results of positive have supported positive affect of the components of intellectual
capital on the bank's branches performance, and in the meantime, the greatest impact is dedicated to customer
capital, structural and human capital are the subsequent positions. In addition, as the most important scientific
contributions of this study has shown that customer capital plays mediator role in the relationship between
structural and human capital with organizational performance. BONTIS, 1998 has conducted a study titled
Intellectual capital: an exploratory study and evaluate models and measures of intellectual capital in Canada.
This study showed that there are interactions between the components of intellectual capital, and the three
human, structural, customer capital has a good impact on business performance (BONTIS, 2000, 125).
BONTIS et al, 2000, in service and non-service industries in Malaysia, conducted a study of the relationship
between intellectual capital and business performance, the results showed among the components of
intellectual capital, there are relationships, and these capitals on the business performance have relatively
modest effect and about twenty to thirty percent. BELKAOUI (2005), examined the relationship between
intellectual capital and organizational performance in the multinational America companies. He reported
according the results of this study, the components of human capital and structural capital and intellectual
capital have significant relationship with the performance of these multinational companies. FAIRED &
WILIAMS (2002), examined the efficiency value added of physical capital, human capital and structural capital
with efficiency and profitability of the market value of listed companies in Exchange of South Africa. Sample of
this study was 75 companies in Exchange of South Africa. Our results indicate that physical capital is the most
significant determinants of firm performance in South Africa.

Research hypothesis:
Hypothesis (1): human capital has impact on customer capital.
Hypothesis (2): human capital has impact on structural capital.
Hypothesis (3): Customer capital has impact on structural capital.
Hypothesis (4): Customer capital has impact on Job performance.
Hypothesis (5): Customer capital has impact on Job Satisfaction.
Hypothesis (6): Structural capital has impact on Job Satisfaction.
Hypothesis (7): Job Satisfaction has impact on organization performance.


This study in terms of the target is applicable, in terms of the method of data collection, is descriptive-survey. To
gather the data needed for the study, a questionnaire was used. The questionnaire used in this study, with 35
questions regarding investigation of effect of intellectual capital on the Job satisfaction and organizational
performance. Of 35 questions, 9 questions (questions 1 to 9) are related to the human capital variable, 8
questions (questions 10 to 17) of are related to Customer capital variable, 8 questions (questions 18 and 25)
are related to the structural capital variable, 5 question (question 26 to 30) are related to the job satisfaction and
5 questions (questions 31 to 35) are related to organizational performance variable. Comment by James
Stevens even considering 15 observations per predictor variable in a multiple regression analysis using
ordinary least squares standard, a good rule is accounted (GHAFFARI ASHTIYANI, 2008, 93.) The sample size
in this study is calculated as the following formula.

Tech J Engin & App Sci., 4 (4): 380-387, 2014

Because the number of questions is 35, the minimum sample should be between the 175 and 525. After
distribution the questionnaire in several stages, eventually among all the questionnaires distributed, 240 usable
questionnaires were analyzed, based on this number the questionnaire was conducted. It should be noted that
questionnaires distribution through available sampling method was undertaken.

Table 1- CRONBACH's alpha coefficient for each of the variables

No Variable Number of Number of questions CRONBACH's alpha
questions coefficient
1 Human Capital 1-9 9 0.812
2 Customer capital 10-17 8 0.844
3 Structural capital 18-25 8 0.840
4 Job Satisfaction 26-30 5 0.818
5 Organizational performance 31-35 5 0.941

Table 2-The findings related to questionnaire general questions: Respondents (Results are presented based on the
percentage of respondents)
Sex Age History Marriage Education
Woman Man Less Between Over Under5 5 Between10 Over Single Married Diploma Ultra Bachelor MA
than 30 30 to 40 40 years to and 15 15 Diploma
years years 10 years
108,888 132 56 106 76 55 96 64 25 57 183 26 68 118 28

Analysis of Hypotheses presented in the conceptual model

Figure 1 - The statistics for the structural model and the measurement

Also, Figure 1 shows the factor loadings of the questions on the questionnaire. Accordingly, all the independent
variables related to human capital factor loadings are greater than 0.5, therefore, in terms of validity are
confirmed. On the other hand, all the factor loadings of the dependent variables of customer capital, structural
capital, job satisfaction, and organizational performance are more than 0.5, which may indicate the suitability of
these questions.
Table 3: Results of the first hypothesis
Route Hypothesis Standardized Statistics t Comparison with the Significant Result
coefficients critical value
HC C C H1 0.84 8.61 1.96 <8.61 Significant Acceptance of the

In the first hypothesis, in order to evaluate the significance of the proposed hypothesis, the t-statistic is used,
given that the t-statistic is equal to (8.61), and this value is not in the interval (-1.96, 1.96 ), therefore, be
concluded that the hypothesis is significant. On the other hand, the proposed route between two variables of
human capital and customer capital, given that is between an independent variable and a dependent variable,
is a type of gamma (0.84) and positive and significant. According to the results of the first hypothesis, it is clear
that human capital has a significantly positive effect on customer capital, and the first hypothesis is accepted.

Table 4: Results of the second hypothesis

Route Hypothesis Standardized Statistics Comparison with the Significant Result
coefficient t critical value
HC S C H2 0.31 3.89 1.96 <3.89 Significant Acceptance of the hypothesis

In the second hypothesis, in order to evaluate the significance of the proposed hypothesis, the t-statistic is
used, given that the t-statistic is equal to (3.89), and this value is not in the interval (-1.96, 1.96 ), therefore, be
concluded that the hypothesis is significant. On the other hand, the proposed route between two variables of
human capital and structural capital, given that is between an independent variable and a dependent variable,
is a type of gamma (0.31) and positive and significant. According to the results of the second hypothesis, it is
clear that human capital has a significantly positive effect on structural capital, and the second hypothesis is

Tech J Engin & App Sci., 4 (4): 380-387, 2014

Table 5: Results of the third hypothesis

Route Hypothesis Standardized Statistics Comparison with the Significant Result
coefficients t critical value
CC S C H3 0.69 7.36 1.96 <7.36 Significant Acceptance of the hypothesis

In the third hypothesis, in order to evaluate the significance of the proposed hypothesis, the t-statistic is used,
given that the t-statistic is equal to (7.36), and this value is not in the interval (-1.96, 1.96 ), therefore, be
concluded that the hypothesis is significant. On the other hand, the proposed route between two variables of
customer capital and structural capital, given that is between an independent variable and a dependent
variable, is a type of gamma (0.69) and positive and significant. According to the results of the third hypothesis,
it is clear that customer capital has a significantly positive effect on structural capital, and the third hypothesis is

Table 6: Results for the fourth hypothesis

Route Hypothesis Standardized Statistics t Comparison with the Significant Result
coefficients critical value
HC OP H4 0.12 1.52 1.96> 1.52 Meaningless Reject the hypothesis

In the fourth hypothesis, in order to evaluate the significance of the proposed hypothesis, the t-statistic is used,
given that the t-statistic is equal to (1.52), and this value is in the interval (-1.96, 1.96 ), therefore, be concluded
that the hypothesis is not significant. On the other hand, the proposed route between two variables of human
capital and job performance, given that is between an independent variable and a dependent variable, is a type
of gamma (0.12) and positive and non-significant. According to the results of the forth hypothesis, it is clear that
customer capital has no significantly positive effect on structural capital, and the fourth hypothesis is rejected.

Table 7: Fitness Indicators of search model

The fit indices Standard value Index value in research
Degrees of freedom ---- 553
Chi-square ---- 1523.91
Chi-square / degrees of freedom) ( 2 ) Less than 3 2.75
The root mean square error of the estimate Less than 0.08 0.086
The root mean squared error Less than 0.08 0.039
Norm fit index More than 0.9 0.96
Not Norm fit index More than 0.9 0.97
Comparative fit index, or adaptive More than 0.9 0.97
Incremental fit index More than 0.9 0.97
( IFI )
Comparative fit index More than 0.9 0.96
( RFI )

Given that, of the eight indicators studied, seven indicators (chi-square / degrees of freedom, root mean
squared error, normalized fit index, normalized fit index, comparative fit index or comparative fit index,
incremental, and fit indices relative) is in the reasonable and standard extent, it can be concluded that the
research model fit is good.

Table8: Results of the fifth hypothesis

Route Hypothesis Standardized Statistics t Comparison with the Significant Result
coefficients critical value
CC O P H5 -0.11 -1.03 1.96> -1.03 Meaningless Reject the hypothesis

In the fifth hypothesis, in order to evaluate the significance of the proposed hypothesis, the t-statistic is used,
given that the t-statistic is equal to (-1.03), and this value is in the interval (-1.96, 1.96), therefore, be concluded
that the hypothesis is not significant. On the other hand, the proposed route between two variables of customer
capital and job performance, given that is between an independent variable and a dependent variable, is a type

Tech J Engin & App Sci., 4 (4): 380-387, 2014

of gamma (-0.11) and positive and non-significant. According to the results of the fifth hypothesis, it is clear that
customer capital has no significantly positive effect on job performance, and the fifth hypothesis is rejected.

Table 9: Results of the sixth hypothesis

Route Hypothesis Standardized Statistics t Comparison with the Significant Result
coefficients critical value
SC J S H6 0.91 11.57 1.96 <11.57 Significant Acceptance of hypotheses

In the sixth hypothesis, in order to evaluate the significance of the proposed hypothesis, the t-statistic is used,
given that the t-statistic is equal to (11.57), and this value is not in the interval (-1.96, 1.96 ), therefore, be
concluded that the hypothesis is significant. On the other hand, the proposed route between two variables of
structural capital and Job Satisfaction, given that is between an independent variable and a dependent variable,
is a type of gamma (0.91) and positive and significant. According to the results of the sixth hypothesis, it is clear
that structural capital has a significantly positive effect on Job Satisfaction, and the sixth hypothesis is accepted.

Table 10: Results of the seventh hypothesis

Route Hypothesis Standardized Statistics t Comparison with the Significant Result
coefficients critical value
CS P HE H7 0.95 8.21 1.96 <8.21 Significant Acceptance of hypotheses

In the sixth hypothesis, in order to evaluate the significance of the proposed hypothesis, the t-statistic is used,
given that the t-statistic is equal to (8.21), and this value is not in the interval (-1.96, 1.96 ), therefore, be
concluded that the hypothesis is significant. On the other hand, the proposed route between two variables of
organization performance and Job Satisfaction, given that is between an independent variable and a dependent
variable, is a type of gamma (0.9) and positive and significant. According to the results of the seventh
hypothesis, it is clear that Job Satisfaction has a significantly positive effect on Job Satisfaction, and the
seventh hypothesis is accepted.

According to the results of the first hypothesis, it can be seen that the standardized regression coefficient
Gamma is equal to 0.84 and the value of the t-statistic is equal to 8.61. This means that human capital has a
significant positive impact on customer capital, and this hypothesis is accepted. In conclusion, factors such as
combined knowledge, skill of experience and ability of individual employees has a positive effect on customer
capital. This is consistent with results of BOTIS and colleagues (2012) and MASOUMI (2011). According to the
results of the second hypothesis, it can be seen that the standardized regression coefficient Gamma is equal to
031 and the value of the t-statistic is equal to 3.89. This means that human capital has a significant positive
impact on structural capital, and this hypothesis is accepted. This is consistent with results of BOTIS and
colleagues (2012). According to the results of the third hypothesis, it can be seen that the standardized
regression coefficient Gamma is equal to 0.69 and the value of the t-statistic is equal to 7.36. This means that
customer capital has a significant positive impact on structural capital, and this hypothesis is accepted. This is
consistent with results of BOTIS and colleagues and SHAHAEI (2012). According to the results of the forth
hypothesis, it can be seen that the standardized regression coefficient Gamma is equal to 0.12 and the value of
the t-statistic is equal to 1.52. This means that human capital has no significant positive impact on job
performance, and this hypothesis is rejected. This is not consistent with results of BOTIS and colleagues
(2012). According to the results of the fifth hypothesis, it can be seen that the standardized regression
coefficient Gamma is equal to -0.11 and the value of the t-statistic is equal to -1.03. This means that customer
capital has no significant positive impact on job performance, and this hypothesis is rejected. This is consistent
with results of BOTIS and colleagues and SHOJAEI and BAGHBANIAN (2012). According to the results of the
sixth hypothesis, it can be seen that the standardized regression coefficient Gamma is equal to 0.91 and the
value of the t-statistic is equal to 11.57. This means that structural capital has a significant positive impact on
Job Satisfaction, and this hypothesis is accepted. This is consistent with results of BOTIS (2012). According to
the results of the seventh hypothesis, it can be seen that the standardized regression coefficient Gamma is
equal to 0.95 and the value of the t-statistic is equal to 8.21. This means that Job Satisfaction has a significant
positive impact on organization performance, and this hypothesis is accepted. This is consistent with results of
BOTIS (2012).


To strengthen each of the components of the human capital, the following suggestions are offered:

Tech J Engin & App Sci., 4 (4): 380-387, 2014

Identify organizational strategic jobs (that means identify jobs which organization goals are achieved by their
effective performing), Continuous measurement of competency level of employees and the use of improve
programs, Design and creating a system to measure job satisfaction of employees in the certain period,
analysis of these data to achieve job satisfaction, development plans and performance objectives, while having
a balanced system approach to it, continuous measurement of the efficiency of the staff in certain period,
Analysis of data obtained from measuring employee performance and comparison with the performance
standards and providing career pathways and tables substitute for the jobs, the use of performance information
when upgrading them, Providing training, advice to help improve future opportunities of staff who are properly
To strengthen each component of the structural capital, the following suggestions are offered:
Identify those key processes that have the highest value for clients, documenting the process of identifying and
applying best practices of foreign and domestic competitors, use the a developed and modern structures such
as the project's team structures, the use of information systems which make easier access to information.
Budget and more time to research and application development, and collaborating and interacting with scientific
references, and the use of internal and external experiences, competitors, the use of the offers system within
organization for receiving staff comments and outside organization to get feedback for Customer Reviews.
To strengthen each component of the customer capital, the following suggestions are offered: Training
customer-oriented behavior to employees who have direct contact with customers, identify customer needs,
distribution and customer feedback across the organization, Participation of all sectors of the marketing
process, strengthening customer-oriented attitude among all hospital staff, recruit, train, motivate and empower
employees so that they can fully serve their customers. Continuous pursuit and timely response to customer
expectations and complaints, conduct training to employees when dealing with customers.

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