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OCTOBER 8,1966


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A Question That Needs Answering
M a n Created Free
IS God to Blame for Man's Wrongs?
1/ W k a t God Has Been Doing
on Our Behalf
W h a t God Will Do for Man in Paraciise
W h a t You Should Do Now 26
W h o Is Principally Responsible? 10
"Your Word Is Truth"
W h y Bas Wickedness Been Permitted W h y , Then, Does God
for So Long? 13 Permit Wickedness? 28
How Much Longer Will It Be? 17 I Watching the World 30
\B"r "It i s elready the hour for you to awake:'
-Rsmons 13 :11

Volume XLVll B r o o k l y n , N . Y . , October 8 , 1966 N u m b e r 19

A Question That Needs Answering

HE history of the human family is page 296) describes it, "One philosopher
T not a particularly pleasant one. It is
filled with the record of man's inhumanity
will offer his solution and many will hail
it as the answer. But it will not be long
to man. Over over again individual or before another philosopher will discover
collective acts of wickedness have plunged a ~ point
d to errors in his patterns, will
large segments of humankind into bru- reveal gaps and distortions, and will pro-
tality and bloodshed. As man's inventive- pose a somewhat different solution, one
ness has progressed, so has his capacity which seems to him more nearly perfects2'
to cause grief. And why is this? Because, as the same
In all this record of wickedness, the book comments, even a great philosophei?
innocent, decent people all too often suf- "does not fashion a perfect picture. Only
fer. They are frequent1.y victims of vio- a God vi7ko knows all experiences of all
lence, perhaps losing homes, loved ones, men and can detect the finest relations
or their o m lives. You may or may not can weave a perfect pattern. No philoss-
have experienced these things personally. pher, however great, is such a God."
Yet mental suffering due to injustices, The fundamental truth of that cannot
unkindness and disloyalty may produce be denied. No man, of himself, however
even greater misery, and you are not likely wise, cm answer the question a s to why
to have escaped such. God permits wickedness. But God c a ~ .
Thinking men a d women throughout And he does!
the ages have wondered why it is this way. Consider this for a moment: If you
Sooner or later they ask the all-important wanted to h o w the views of someone,
question: "16% there is a God, why does would it not be best to let him express
he permit all this wickedness?" Because himself instead of listening to hearsay
sf not having found the answer to this about him? Then, since it is God who
critical question, many have abandoned permits wickedness, it wodd only be fair
belief in God. Irm fact, today some are even and right to listen to his explanation as
saying that "God is dead." to why he has allowed wickedness to exist.
Philosophers and religious leaders To begin with, let us e x m i n e the mat-
throughout the ages have pondered the te-~of how man was created. %his will
problem. Yet, their accumulated ideas are aid us in determining how wickedness
conflicting. As the book Basic Teachings could ever arise within the human family
of the Great Phibsophers (1945 edition, in the first place.
OCTOBER 8, 1966 d
OULD you like someone to dic-

then forced you never to deviate from .a

that course by even a hair's breadth?

to choose what kind of work you will

do, where you will live, what you will
eat and what you will wear?
The answers to those questions are
obvious. No balanced human wants to created a bad thing?
lose complete control of his life. This can No, it was a good thing. The Bible is ex-
be seen even on a national scale where peo- plicit in informing us that all the things
ple are dominated by harsh, dictatorial God created were good. I t states: "God
governments. These oppressive govern- saw everything that he had made and,
ments stifle happiness and initiative. They look! it was very good." (Gen. 1:31) Cen-
also cause such pressures of resentment turies later the man Moses stated of the
to build up that often an outbreak is made Creator: "Perfect is his activity."-Deut.
for freedom. 32 :4.

Freedom a Marvelous G i f t What Human Perfection Means

The desire for freedom is no accident. God created the first man and woman
The Bible tells us that, in addition to life, perfect, that is, complete, without a de-
God gave Adam, his first human creation, fect in their physical organism. But did
a most precious gift. That marvelous gift this perfection mean that they could do
was free moral agency. Man was not to nothing but good? No, for while perfect,
be a human robot, an automaton. He was complete in their mental and physical fac-
endowed with the ability to choose, and ulties, they still had freedom of choice.
that is an ability that we all use each day. If they were compelled to do what was
-Josh. 24:15; Gen. 1:1,26-28. good, then i t could not be said that they
If God had purposed that humans be were truly free to choose.
merely automatons, machinelike, l ~ would
e In addition, Adam was still a man, an
not have equipped them with intellectual earthling, made of flesh and blood. He
powers, powers of perception, judgment, was perfect, it is true, but perfect in his
decision and reason. As a robot, man limited q k e r e as a human. For instance,
would no more have need for such mental man could not live in outer space without
faculties than would a piece of machinery oxygen, for he was not a spirit creature.
or a vegetable. Nor could he stay underwater indefinitely
Was the freedom with which man was without special equipment, for he was not
a sea creature. Also, he must always eat man could not take a wrong course where
food and drink liquids to stay alive. But a moral issue was involved, should we
these and other human limitations did not not also logically argue that an imperfect
mean he was less than perfect. He was creature could not take a right course
still perfect, but within the limits of where such moral issue was involved? Yet
humankind. today some imperfect creatures do take a
Nor did his perfection mean he knew right course on moral issues involving obe-
everything. He would have to learn many dience to God, even choosing to suffer
things. All learning did not come auto- persecution rather than change from such
matically with perfection. In fact, even of a course; while a t the same time others
Jesus Christ, God's Son, who as a man deliberately engage in doing what they
was also perfect, we read: "Although he know is wrong. Thus not all wrong ac-
was a Son, he learned obedience." So tions can be excused by human imper-
under God's direction Adam could learn fection. The deciding factors are the in-
many things as time progressed. He could dividual's will and choice. In the same
also come to appreciate more fully why way, it was not human perfection alone
God is the only one worthy of his worship, that would guarantee right action by the
and that serving God is, without excep- first man, but, rather, his own will and
tion, the right and best thing to do. He choice motivated by love for his God and
could see how wonderful God is, what a for what is right.
marvelous gift his free moral agency was,
and, of his own free will, could want to God's Guidance Vital
serve such a God.-Heb. 5: 8. For his own protection, man needed
But if Adam was perfect, how was it God's guidance and direction. He was not
possible for him to go wrong, to sin? to be free from God and His regulations.
Remember, he was a free moral agent. The reason why is so vital, so fundamen-
He could choose to ignore vital facts of tal, that unless man appreciated its sig-
a question, or to arrive a t a decision based nificance, he would come into grave
on one-sided testimony. He could also difficulty. It is this: Man was not made
meditate long enough on what was wrong to govemz iindependently of God. In fact,
to have this motivate him to wrong ac- he could not live witliaout God.
tion, as the Bible says: "Each one is God did not give man the right or the
tried by being drawn out and enticed by ability to govern without Him, because
his own desire. Then the desire, when it it was never purposed that man be in-
has become fertile, gives birth to sin." dependent from God, his Creator. Free-
Adam's perfection would not immunize dom was to be relative, maintained within
him from error if he deliberately refused proper limits, limits that would work for
to ponder well both sides of a matter, or man's good and contribute to his happi-
if he continued to entertain desires that ness. That is why God inspired his proph-
were in opposition to God's law. His per- et Jeremiah to write: "I well know, Q
fection did not mean he was infallible. Jehovah, that to earthling man his way
-Jas. 1:14, 15. does not belong. I t does not belong to man
That the creature's individual will and who is walking even to direct his step.
choice, rather than perfection, are the Correct me, 0 Jehovah." It also explains
determining factors readily becomes evi- why the Bible counsels: "Trust in Jeho-
dent. If we were to insist that a perfect vah with all your heart and do not lean
OCTOBER 8, 1966
upon your own understanding."-Jer. 10: Or, instead, do we see earth filled with
23, 24; Prov. 3:s. suffering, divided, perplexed, confused and
So while man was perfect as a physical unhappy people? The judgment of history
organism, he must have the guidance of and of our own time is that the latter is
his God and Creator to live life success- true. Man has lost genuine happiness, and
fully and manage his affairs properly. If the reason why is that he has abandoned
he ever stopped accepting divine guidance the guidance of God.
and direction, his mind and intellect,
though perfect. would no more resist de- The Wrong Choice
terioration than would his perfect body With the freedom to cB.~oose,our first
if he deprived it of organic food. Man's pareats, Adam and his wife Eve, chose to
positive dependence on spiritual food was turn their backs on God. Why, Eve even
not in the least less vital than his depen- believed that by departing from God's law
dence on material food, a fact declared she and her husband would become God-
both in the Mosaic law and by God's own like! So they broke God's plainly stated
Son. (Deut. 8:3; Matt. 4:4) If man were regulation and turned aside from his di-
to refuse to accept the guidance of Al- rection. This was nothing less than out-
mighty God over his life, then chaos right rebellion against Almighty God.
would result in the human ranks, as has -Gen. 2: 16, 17; 3:1-6.
happened. However, choosing to rebel against God
How was God's guidance expressed? By would mean that they would now have to
His regularly communicating with the hu- get along without the blessing and guid-
man creation, as the first and second ance of God. That is what they chose,
chapters of Genesis show. Their Makes and that is what God granted them. But
would direct them by talking with them man's rejection of God as his governor
and by giving them his laws, laws that meant that the Creator vvould no longer
would work for their own welfare. sustain him in perfection. Outside God's
Hence, man's freedom was to be regu- care, the human organism would begin
lated by wise, just and loving laws, laws to break down, until eventually death over-
that would result in the happiness of t h e took it. God said.: "In the sweat of your
entire human family. These laws were to face you will eat bread until you return
serve as a constant reminder that the wel- to the groazd, for out sf it you were
fare of men was ever dependent upon obe- taken. For dust you are and to dust you
dience to their Creator. Because free mor- will return." He having turned to sin, his
al agents could deviate in their thinking body was bound to degenerate. The close
and go in a way that would be hurtful relation between the emotional state and
to themselves, they would forever need the physical state, as relates to human
their Creator to lead them in the paths health, is, medically, scientifically, and
sf right knowledge and happiness. Scripturally, undeniable. Compzre Genesis
If man were to stop trusting in God 44:22, 29-34; Proverbs 3:7, 8; 4:20-22;
and start trusting in his own wisdom alone, 13:12; P4:30; P5:30; 16:24; 17:22.
then he would lose his happiness. Has this I t is evident, then, that the Bible's ex-
occurred? Well, what do we see on earth? planation 06 matters fits the facts. Man
Do we see the entire human family of free was created perfect, but this did not mean
moral agents united in a bond of love, that, as a free moral agent, he could not
happy and thrilled with each day of life? choose to sin.
free to choose to do right or wrong, just
7 IS- as you are to this day. Though by nature

they would commit many errors, yet when
they c7~oseto do wrong, it would be their
own fault. That is why the Bible, at Deu-
teronomy 32:5, says: "They have acted
ruinously on their own part; they are not
[C+d's] children, the defect is their own."
True, many innocznt people who try to
do good are victimized by the wicked
deeds of others. But here again, the in-
nocent must appreciate that it is the wick-
ed criminal who is responsible for their
hurt, not God. Furthermore, God is not
oblivious to their plight, and we will later
see how he has taken action to deliver
them from their unfortunate circumstanc-
es, and to erase m y hurt they have un-
justly received.

T HE calamity that came upon Adam

and Eve was their own fault. God had
clearly warned them of the result if they
Tendency t o Shift Blame
So, then, much of the wickedness per-
petrated for the past thousands of years
failed to obey his righteous law; yet they can be traced to man's own doing. He
chose a course of lawlessness toward God. cannot shift the responsibility for his own
But what about all the wickedness com- wrongdoing onto God, although this is
mitted in the thousands of years since what many try to do. Why, even Adam,
then? W!lose fault is that? Is it God's? when called to account for his transgres-
The Bible shows that the blame for sion, tried to avoid responsibility by say-
wickedness lies in two places; one is with ing the cause for his dereliction was "the
man himself. Let us examine his respon- woman whom you [God.] gave to be with
sibility first. me." Since God gave him the woman who
When a person commits a crime, who later induced him to rebel, Adam selfishly
is apprehended? Would it be right to put reasoned that, not only the woman, but
the innocent victim on trial ar,d c ~ n v i c t Gcd himself must bear responsibility for
him and let the criminal go free? No, it his wrong action. However, it was not
is the criminal who is responsible for the God who did the wrong. And the Bible
crime he committed. We cannot hold the assures us that "Adam was not deceived."
innocent one responsib!e for a crime he He was compatent to make a choice. His
did not con~mit.In like manner, we must wrongdoing was his own fault.-Gen. 3:
not hold God responsible for crimes he 12; 1 Tim. 2:14.
did not commit. We must put the biame Throughout history humans have been
where it belongs; on the criminals. plagued by a tendency similar to Adam's,
Remember that, although Adam's off- to blame God for the evil that befalls
spring, born in sin, were not perfect, they them. In the case of some, they follow
were still free moral agmts. They were the dictates of their own will and violate
OCTOBER 8, 1966 7
God's laws. when they are apprehended i t belongs, on the rebellion of Adam and
for their lawlessness, they may feel that Eve. Note what Romans 5:12 says:
God is a t fault for not preventing the out- "'Through one man [Adam] sin entered
come. But why did they break God's law? into the world and death through sin, and
While there can be no doubt that some thus death spread to all men." Also, Job
persons are genuinely perplexed and are 14:4 declares : 'Who can produce some-
seeking to know the reason for God's per- one clean out of someone unclean?"-Ps.
mission 06 wickedness, the sincerity of 51:5; Luke 5:18-25.
many others who strongly criticize God is If, as an example, certain human par-
open to question. Are they really honest ents ignore the divine law and live im-
in their insistence that God is a t fault morally, and so contract venereal disease,
because he did not forcibly prevent man's whose fault is it if their children are born
deviation from righteousness a t its very physically or mentally impaired? It is the
inception? Where, then, is the proof that fault of such ' h c l e a n " parents.
they as individuals personally desire strict- So, too, our first parents became "un-
er control by God or where is the proof clean," imperfect, prone to sickness, and
that even a sizable majority of mankind finally death. They could only pass on to
a t any time has manifested a desire that their offspring what they themselves had:
God use his power to inhibit their wrong imperfection, sickness and liability to
ways or block them in their wrong pur- death. That is why we all suffer from ill-
suits? If they do not want this for them- ness and disease today.
selves, why should we believe they really
would want i t for our first parents? Are False Religion Shares Blame
they not like the person who heartily The traditional religions have often at-
cheers law enforcement but reacts resent- tributed to God the calamities that man
fully when a traffic policeman approaches experiences. Many of earth's population
him?-Ezek. 18:29-32. are taught that poverty, filth and igno-
When entire nations behave criminally, rance are God's will for them. Religious
can they blame God if disaster befalls tradition tells hundreds of millions in some
then?? If they cast out God's command- countries that a cow is more sacred than
ments, can they blame God for their suf- a man, and that, even though the man may
fering? When human governments fail be- be starving, the cow cannot be used for
cause they are not doing God's will, they food. But God's Word says it can. (Gen.
are to blame for the unl'happiness they 9:3; 1 Cor. 10:25) Thus, religions that
bring upon the people. are not based on God's Word increase
man's difficulties, while, a t the same time,
Sickness and Disease saying that such difficulties are the will
But what about all the suffering that of God.
comes from sickness and disease? Even Other millions learn from different sys-
persons who try to do good get sick, tems of religious tradition that it is God's
through no fault of their own. And an will for a few political and religious rulers
infant can get some illness and be maimed to dominate, while the rest of the popu-
for life, or even die. Certainly it was no lation must render them unquestioned
fault of the infant. obedience, even if it means sacrificing
In regard to all such sickness, disease their lives in unrighteous warfare. The
and pain, we must put the blame where people attribute the resulting carnage to
God, since their religion teaches them it Proper Attitude
is God's will for them to kill. Eut God's It is not the course of wisdom for in-
Word does not so teach.-Acts 5:27-29; nocent victims of wicked deeds to blame
Jer. 2: 34. God instead of those guilty. There are
No, God is not to blame for the hurt thousands of men and women who desire
and injustice resulting from man's own to do good and who share the troubles
wrongdoing, even if it is religious, even produced by wicked men, but who pa-
if it Is claimed that this is from God. tiently wait upon God for the realization
Religious systems instituted fiendish in- of all the good promises he has made.
quisitions during the "dark ages," caus- They know that God has tolerated wicked-
ing the torture of men and women. But ness and wicked people for a reason, but
where does God authorize such horrible that when his time limit is up the wicked
crimes? Nowhere! For example, in regard ones will be called to account. The pa-
to the pagan practice in ancient Israel of tient, righteously disposed ones will then
burning childr2n to false gods, Jehovah benefit. Tne Bible counsels: "Do not show
stated: "They have built the high places yourself heated up because of the evil-
of Topheth, which is in the valley of the doers . . . Hope in Jehovah and keep his
son of Hinnom, in order to burn their way, and he will exalt you to take pos-
sons and their daughters in the fire, a session of the earth. When the wicked
thing that I had not commanded and t7mt
ones are cut off, you will see it."-Ps.
had not come up into my heart:' When
37:1, 34.
God condemns what men do, he can hardly
be charged with the blame for it.-Jer. How refreshing it is to know that
7: 31. throughout the centuries, and especially
Wrongs committed in the name of re- today, there are men and women who,
ligion are especially disgusting to God. despite their endurance of trouble and op-
As Jesus said to the religious leaders in pression, do not blame God! Instead, they
his day: "Woe to you, scribes and Phari- declare as did the zpostle P a d : "What
sees, hypocrites! because you resemble shall we say, then? Is there injustice with
whitewashed graves, which outwardly in- God? Never may that become so!"--Ram.
deed appear beautiful but inside are full 9:14.
of dead men's bones and of every sort This attitude is the right one. We must
of uncleanness. In that way you also, out- not accuse God of acts of which he is not
wardly indeed, appear righteous to men, guilty. It is not God who passed imper-
but inside you are full of hypocrisy and fection on to us, but our first human par-
lawlessness."-Matt. 23 :27, 28.
ents. So, too, when men today, of their
The lawless deeds of false religion can- own free will, do wrong, they are to blame,
not be blamed on God, for he does not
sanction religious hypocrisy and cruelty. not God.
The mere fact that a religious movement However, it was previously stated that
claims a long history of hundreds of years the blame for wickedness lies in two
should not be allowed to blind us to the places. We have discussed the responsi-
truth. If it is operating contrary to the bility of man for his own freewill acts
clearly expressed will of God in his Word, of wrongdoing. But who else is respon-
then the hurt they cause is strictly of sible for the wickedness that has prevailed
their own making. on earth for so long?
OCTOBER 8, 1966
existence. The very existence of germs as
disease-causing factors was once doubted.
Though beyond tne range of the naked
eye, time and research established their
existence. Today the precise cause of can-
cer is still unknown, but scientists do not
simply shrug their shouldws and say,
"Cancer is caused by cancer." They are
certain that a causative factor exists. So,
too, wickedness is not just caused by wick-
edness. It had a start, and its spread and
plaguelike proportions also indicate an ac-
tive infecting source.
When did this invisible one first make
himself evident? In the third chapter of
Genesis we read of a serpent's speaking
to the first woman Eve, and speaking in
direct opposition to Jehovah God. God had
HEN criminals operate behind a
W well-planned organizational setup,
with numerous fronts that appear to be
said that disobedience to his laws would
mean death. Now the serpent said the
opgosite: "You positively will not die."'
quite law-abiding, it is difficult for the In faci, the sarpent went on to tell Eve:
man in the street to penetrate the decep- "Yow eyes ar2 bound to be opened and
tion or believe that the unseen master you are bound to be like God." Eve be-
schemers even exist. lieved this wicked, lying s p e ~ c hand dis-
The principal wicked ones whose crim- obsysd God. Then she induced her hus-
inal actions and policies have helped bring balld to join her in rebellion.-Gen. 3:4, 5.
untold mis~riesupon the human family Bnt x ~ h oactually instilled the idea of
also work behind the scenes. But we do rebeuion in the mind of Eve? 'Was i t a
not have to be in ignorance of them, be- mere ?eptile, a snake that has no speech
cause God has exposed their workings so orgsm? So, there must have been some-
that all who desire can know of them for one kehind the serpent malting it appear
their own information and protection. as il he snake were talking. We know
that a skilied ventriloquist can make it
Origin of the Principal Wdeked One
God helps us to identify the principal appear as if an animal or even a dummy
wicked one, the cunning, behind-thc- is talking, when this is not the case a t
scenes criminal responsible for Eve's vio- all. How ~ a u c hmore could a superhuman
lating God's clearly stated law. Who was invisible intdligent creature do so! The
this tempter of Adam's wife Eve? 'Who Bible, a t Revelation 12:9, identifies that
induced her to rebel against her r i g h t e c ~ s powerful spirit creature, speaking of him
Creator? Who started wickedness in the as "the original serpent." He is clearly
universe? identified as being Satan the Devil!
The one mainly responsible for wicked- Here, then, is man's hated enemy and
ness is an invisible wicked one. His in- the one mainly responsible for all wicked-
visibility should not make you doubt his ness throughout the earth today!
Succumbed to Wrong Desire or to kill your neighbor, or vice versa?
Obviously, the God 'whose activity is Freedom is a wonderfui thing, but it
perfect' would not deliberately create a should not be perverted. The Bible says:
wicked one. (Deut. 32:4) He would not "Be as free people, and yet holding your
create intelligent creatures with whom he freedom, not as a blind for moral badness,
could not associate. Such would be ron- but as slaves of God."-1 Pet. 2:16.
lrary to reason.-Ps. 5:4-6; 15: 1, 2.
When God created that invisible spirit, The Ones Principally Responsible
as he did many others, that creature was Responsibility for world wickedness,
perfect. He was complete, without defect then, rests primarily with Satan the Devil.
as a spirit creation, though, like Adam, He is the one to blame, as the Bible ex-
not infallible. This particular creature ap- plicir!y shows a t 1John 5 :19: "The whole
parently was interested in Adam and Eve world is lying in the power of the wicked
and the Bible shows that he got in touch one." But the Bevil is not the only ia-
with %I?em.-Job 38:7; Gen. 3:l-15. visible wicked one. The Holy Scriptures
But how could a perfect creature of also make clear that Christians "have a
high intelligence turn to wickedness, since fight, not against blood and flesh, but
that spirit creature had no tempter, as against . . . the wicked spirit forces in
did the woman Eve? The Bible answers the heavenly places." (Eph. 6: 12) So other
that it was by the entertaining of a wrong wicked spirits, demons, are also respon-
idea. There is nothing wrong in itself with sible for oppressive wickedness.-Rev.
seeing the possibilities in a certain situa- 12:9.
tion. For example, a person in someone But why did angels of God turn them-
else's home may see a watch lying on a selves into demons? Again it was a mat-
table. The possibility of his picking that ter of wrong desire. The Bible informs us
watch up and putting i t in his pocket is that a minority of angels left their as-
evident, but he may not even consider it; signed duties due to improper desire and
or, if the idea does suggest itself, he may then came under the leadership of their
immediately dismiss it. But if he retains fellow rebel, the Bevil. (Gen. 6:2; 2 Pet.
the idea and allows it to develop and grow, 2 :4,5; Jude 6) Together, they have caused
then the process of wrongdoing has been all manner of woes for men, women and
initiated and he may well commit the act children. What oppression has come upon
of wickedness it suggests. mankind because of the Devil and his de-
So, too, with the perfect spirit creature. mons! The Bible tells us, for instance,
The possibility of using the human pair that Jesus Christ "went through the land
for his own purpose rather than that in- doing good and healing all those oppressed
dicated by God was there, and he not only by the Devil." (Acts 10:33) Yes, the Devil
considered it but also failed to dismiss it
was the orie mainly responsible for their
from his mind, and it led to sin.-Aas. 1:
14, 15; 1 Tim. 3:6. unhappy plight. So, too, dishonesty, cheat-
The fact that God granted a generous ing, deception, lying and terrible crimes of
measure of intellectual freedom does not violence have Seen perpetrated and wars
make him responsible for everything a instigated throughout the earth because of
creature does. Does any creature need to the Devil and demons! (John 8 ~ 4 4 ;Heb.
view freedom as a license to do wrong? 2 ~ 1 4 )They are the ones principally re-
Do you feel that it entitles you to rob sponsible for wickedness on earth!
Respl~onsibCEEty ffs Present Woes of Satan's organization.-Luke 4:5-8.
The Bible foretold that there would be So tne terrible woes of wickedness we
a vast increase in every kind of crime in see a t the present time are not from Al-
our day. And the reason for this is shown mighty God. They are mainly caused by
clearly by the Bible to be that Satan and mankind's great enemies, Satan the Devil
his demons have been cast right down to and his hordes of demon angels.
the vicinity of the earth: "Woe for the
earth and for the sea, becaiise the Devil Influence over Man Not Unlimited
has come down to you, having great anger, While the seif-made Satan the Devil
knowing he has a short period of time." induced Adam and Eve to join in his
-Rev. 12:12. wicked rebellion against God's authority,
Other prophecies concerning the time we must remember that he could not com-
in which we live, such as a t Second Tim- pel them to do wrong. Adam and Eve were
othy chapter 3, and Matthew chapter 24, not so weak and incompetent that they
tell of the vast wickedness we now see were unable to resist. The Bible says:
on every hand, This has come about be- "Oppose the Devil, and he will flee from
cause demon-inspired men have permitted you." Our first parents were completely
their minds to be led into the course of capable of telling this lying spirit creature
wrongdoing. Knowing that they have "a that they would not go along with him.
short period of time," the great criminal Centuries later the perfect man Jesus
Satan and his demon hordes are viciously proved that this could be done, for he said
trying to drag down with them as many to Satan: "Go away, Satan! For it is
humans as they can overreach and coerce written, 'It is Jehovah your God you must
into rebelling against God. worship, and it is to him alone you must
A principal means of doing this on a render sacred service.' "-Jas. 4: 7'; Matt.
mass scale is wicked governments that 4:lO.
have the power to hurt millions a t a time. Had Adam and Eve said to Satan what
In fact, the Holy Bible fittingly speaks of Jesus did, the human family would not
human governments under LJe symbol of find itself plagued with such wickediless
injurious and destructive wild beasts. today. Hence, while Satan was the chief
(Dan. 8:l-8, 20-25) As noted in the thir- culprit, responsible for the eventual death
teenth chapter of Revelation, Satan him- of Adam and Eve, they were also respon-
self has been the one who has empowered sible, for they could have turned aside
these ruling authorities. He is the "god his w o n g suggestions. But they did not.
of this system of things." (2 Cor. 4:4) What they did caused all their offspring,
He it is who has instigated their oppres- including us, to inherit imperfection, which
sive rule, their horrible wars, and their brought with it sickness and death.--Heb.
persecutions of God-fearing persons. He 2:14.
has caused these governments to take to Yes, Satan and his demons are the ones
themselves rights and powers that only principally responsible for past and pres-
God can safely exercise. He has promoted ent wickedness. But the fact that all this
all the blasphemies against God that those chaos has gone on for such a long time
national sovereignties have uttered. Thus, causes thinking persons to wonder why.
when we see nations a t one another's mpny has God permitted wickedness for
throats today, i t is not because God is so long? Why has it gone on for nearly
their ruler. It is because they are part 6,000 years now?
;MOST s i x
y e a r s of h u m a n
history have pro-
duced a long rec-
ord of suffering,
tears and death.
The sympathetic
mind cannot but u
feel for the tormented generations of the
past, as well as for our-own. Eve, but, with a view to the future bless-
Why has all this been permitted for so ing of their then-unborn offspring, allowed
long? God's Word gives the definite and sat- them to produce children. (Gen. 22:18;
isfying answers. It tells us of the various Gal. 3:8) How grateful we should be that
issues involved that needed settling. It he did so!
shows us, too, that in God's unsurpassed In passing judgment on that rebel spirit
wisdom he is following a course that will creature who had made a Devil out of him-
work out for the greatest good to all self by lying against God, Jehovah stated
creation. in symbolic language his purpose for the
Are you sincerely interested in learn- future. (Gen. 3:15) The Devil would not
ing why God has permitted wickedness be immediately destroyed but would be
for so long? Then appreciate that there allowed to exist for a time period that God
are a number of interrelated reasons, and himself determined, in order to settle for
that only a full explanation truly satis- all time the issues that had been raised
fies. If your own reputation were a t stake, there in Eden.
would you feel that others were fair if Had the issue been simply one of supe-
they demanded an explanation but then rior power, i t could have been settled by
walked away almost as soon as you started a fight to the finish right then. But there
to talk? Of course not! So, then, let's con- is no evidence that Satan challenged God's
sider carefully what the Bible says about strength. Rather, the account in Genesis
why God has permitted wickedness for so shows that i t was a moral issue. He dis-
long.-Prov. 18:13. puted God's truthfulness, and, as revealed
later in the Bible, he called into question
Not an Issue of Superior Force the integrity of all God's creatures toward
When rebellion broke out in Eden, God God's universal sovereignty. (Gen. 3 :1-5;
did not delay in taking action. The third Job 1:7-12) The settling of such an issue
chapter of Genesis shows that God prompt- in a satisfying way would require time.
ly called to account all who were involved
and passed sentence on them in harmony A Set Time
with his righteous law. (Gen. 3:8-19) As we look back on the history of God's
However, God did not immediately carry dealings with mankind revealed in the Bi-
out the death penalty against Adam and ble, i t is clear that, though God did not
OCTOBER 8, 1966
in Eden tell those who were in rebellion ta.nce. Furthermore, consider the patience
agairst him how long he would tolerate of our Lord as salvation." (2 Pet. 3:9, 15)
wickedness, he himself set a time limit. So it becomes evident that God's long-
Centuries later he indicated that to his swgering has worked for our blessing, not
prophet Daniel in a message through one our harm. Something else has been accom-
of His holy angels. At that time, long be- plished, too, and it is likewise for our bene-
fore the start of our Common Era, he said At*
concerning the end of this wicked system:
"The end is yet for the time appointed." Would the W a y of Rebellion
--Dan. 11:29. Produce Good Results?
Nearly six thousand years from Adam's During the past six thousand years the
rebellion until our day may seem like an Devil and men alienated from God have
extremely long period of time when viewed had full opportunity to work out their
from the standpoint of humans who live wicked schemes. By his course of action
only about seventy years. But, remember, Satan set himself up as a rival ruler, chal-
i t is God who set the time, so it is his lenging God's rulership. By inducing men
viewpoint that counts. Concerning his con- to serve him, he has become their ruler
cept of time, the Bible tells us a t Psalm and their god. For that reason he is called
90:4: "A thousand years are in your eyes in the Bible "the ruler of this world" and
but as yesterday when it is past, and as "the god of this system of things." (John
a watch during the night." A year is a 42:31; 2 Cor. 4:4) It is not just a few
long time to a child who has lived only particularly wicked persons who come un-
five years, but to a man who is sixty it is der his control; rather, the Bible says that
comparatively short. Likewise, to God, "the whole world is lying in the power of
who lives for eternity, a thousand years is the wicked one." ( 1 John 5:19) Also, by
like a day! Prom his standpoint, his tolera- inducing other angels to follow his rebel-
tion of wickedness has not yet lasted six lious course he became "ruler of the de-
full days. mons."-Matt. 9:34.
Certainly that has been no injustice to Would this way of rebellion prove suc-
us. I t is because of God's long-suffering cessful? Would rulership that endeavored
that we have had opportunity to live a t to ignore God ever bring lasting benefits
all, because all of us are descendants of to anyone? True, God could have wiped
Adam. And even under imperfect condi- out the rebellion a t its start, but that
tions life is cherished; yes, even in sickness would not have satisfactorily settled mat-
we cling to it. But the fact that God did ters. 'Therefore, God has permitted a full
not cut short his long-suffering a t some
earlier time, but has allowed it to continue measure of time for Satan to build up his
until our day, affords opportunity for more organization, and for men to arrive at
than a brief existence for us under imper- their peak of military might, material
fect conditions. prosperity and scientific achievement. In
To help us appreciate this, the apostle this way God has enabled all intelligent
Peter wrote: "Jehovah is not slow respect- creation t o see the consequences of re-
ing his promise, as some people consider bellion.
slowness, but he is patient with you be- What is the result? What has nearly six
cause he does not desire any to be de- thousand years of rule by the Devil and
stroyed but desires aU. to attain to repen- men alienated from God shown? Has the
course of rebellion against God brought Legal Precedent Established
lasting happiness? In thus allowing the Devil and rebd-
When the honest person ponders past lious men time to carry their schemes t e
history and the present tragic state of af- their limit, God has taken a long-range
fairs in the world, he must realize how view of matters. Should the situation ever
devoid of genuine progress the record is. arise a t m y future time that any free
All kinds of government have been tried, moral agent abuses his freedom of choice
but still man lacks security and enduring and calls into question God's way of doing
happiness. Can one speak of true progress things, would i t be necessary for God to
when the arrow has been replaced by the grant him time to make good his theories
atomic bomb, and when the world now or charges? Would God allow wickedness
staggers on the brink of another global to exist again for thousands of additional
war? What kind of progress is it when years? Absolutely not!
men send rockets to the moon but cannot Having on this occasion allowed rebels
live together in peace on earth? What to continue for their allotted time of six
good is it for man to build homes equipped thousand years, God will have established
with every convenience, only to have a a legal precedent that can be applied any-
family torn apart by divorce and delin- where in the universe and throughout all
quency? Are riots in the streets, destruc- eternity. It will already have been amply
tion of property and life, and widespread proved that nothing that is out of har-
lawlessness, something to be proud of? Not mony with Jehovah God can prosper. God
a t all! But they are the fruitage of rule will then be f d y justified before all in-
that endeavors to ignore God. telIigent creatures in swiftly crushing any
Surely God's long permission of rebel- rebel. "The wicked ones he will annihi-
lion and its resulting wickedness prove to late."-Ps. 145:20; Rom. 3:4.
all reasonable men that satisfactory rule
of earth's affairs is impossible apart from Satm P r o ~ e da Liar
God. The long time that has elapsed has In the days of the Oriental patriarch
proved rebellious men and angels a dismal Job, about the sixteenth century B.C.E.,
failure, that Satan has no right to rule it was made unmistaka-bly clear that man's
anywhere, and that men surely were not integrity toward 6;od was at issue, in ad-
created with the ability to direct their af- dition to the matter of rulership. Jehovah
fairs apart from God. Now, with the rec- said that there was no one like Job in
ord of six thousand years of failure, never the earth, yet the Devil sneered: "Is it
can it be said that the Creator did cot for nothing that Job has feared God?
allow sufficient time for rebels to experi- Have not you yourself put up a hedge
ment. Never can anyone rightfully claim: about him and about his house and about
'They did not get a chance.' Nor can any- everything that he has all around? The
one say: 'If only they had had more time.' work of his hands you have blessed, and
The allotted time has been ample to prove his livestock itself has spread abroad in
their failure. The way of rebellion has the earth. But, for a change, thrust out
proved to be an absolute disaster! But your hand, please, and touch everything
God will not allow them to wreck this he has and see whether he will not curse
earth. Instead, for the benefit of decent you to your very face.'"Job 1:6-12) Yes,
people, he will "bring to ruin those ruin- Satan challenged that he could turn all
ing the earth."-Rev. 11:18. men away from God, even the one af whom
God would say "there is no one like him God's Name and Power Proclaimed
in the earth." Because of his great love for mankind,
Already Satan I ~ a dbeen trying to prove God will bring an end to wickedness. At
his boast since Eden. Adam failed God, his set time, he will end the rebellioil of
but men of faith such as Abel, Enoch and man and the Devil. The display of power
Noah proved faithful to God. They served he will unleash, and the good it will ac-
God out of love, not for material gain. complish, will be the talk of ages to come!
Job too declared: "Until I expire I shall On a universal scale it will happen as it
not take away my integrity." (Job 27:5) did in ancient Egypt when God told a
Yet Satan, his mind warped by proud haughty ruler: "For this cause I have
ambition, refused to slow down in his in- kept you in existence, for the sake of
sane course. When the perfect man Jesus showing you my power and in order to
was on earth, Satan endeavored to bribe have my name declared in all the earth."
him to commit just one act that would (Ex. 9: 16) When God smashed the proud
be a breach of integrity to God. (Matt. Egyptians and all their military might,
4:9-11) Even when slapped around by the news of it spread far and wide. Years
soldier guards and then nailed to a stake later, a person living in distant Jericho
to die, Jesus held fast. The Devil used his said: "We have heard how Jehovah dried
agents to put Jesus to death, but he could up the waters of the Red Sea from be-
not induce him to break his integrity to fore you when you came out of Egypt,
God. (Phil. 2 :8) His maintaining integrity . . . Jehovah your God is God in the heav-
as a perfect human proved that Adam ens above and on the earth beneath."
could have done it too. -Josh. 2 :9-11.
Satan has continued to bring pressure Throughout the universe will that be
on those who are followers of Christ. said when God crushes wickedness. For
(Luke 22: 31) Clear on down to our day all eternity men and angels will recount
he has 'waged war' with those "who ob- what God did to rid the universe of wicked-
serve the commandments of God and have ness and how he brought blessings to all
the work of bearing witness to Jesus." who love and serve him. His name will
(Rev. 12:17) These have been joined by be proclaimed throughout heaven and
"a great crowd, which no man was able earth when he settles accounts with Sa-
to number, out of all nations and tribes tan, his demons, and wicked people on
and peoples and tongues," who, though earth. Then "they will have to know that
living a t a time of "great tribulation," [he is] Jehovah."-Ezek. 38 :23.
give heartfelt thanks and praise to Jeho- Proved for all time will be the fact that
vah God and to his Son. (Rev. 7:9, 10, the way of rebellion against God does not
14) They appreciate the moral issue a t work for the good of anyone. Satan will
stake and even under the most adverse be proved to be the most monstrous liar
circumstances are glad to have a part in of all time, and no god to follow. A legal
contributing to the overwhelming evidence precedent will have been established once
that God's way is right, that his creatures and for all time for the benefit of men
endowed with free moral agency are able and angels.
to maintain integrity to him, and that they But when will God thus act to wipe out
do so out of love. wickedness? How much longer will it be?
ALL honest-hearted men
a n d women every-
where keenly desire t o
world-shaking events that
would mark his invisible
second presence and the
h o w when God will bring fact that mankind had en-
an end to wickedness. How tered the "time of the end."
much longer will it be? Have we in this generation
The disciples of Jesus seen w h a t J e s u s s a i d t o
Christ were keenly inter- look for? Yes, we have!
ested in t h i s too. T h e y First, Jesus said: "Na-
pointedly asked J e s u s : ,' tion will rise against nation
"Tell us, When will these and kingdom against king-
things be, and what will be dom." Has this prophecy
the sign of your presence seen fulfillment? By all
and of the conclusion of the means! In our generation
system of things?" Since the world has been involved
his second presence was to in a war that saw the mo-
be invisible, heavenly, Je- bilizing of entire nations
sus gave them visible signs and kingdoms i n s u c h a
t h a t would combine t o way that it stood out as
m a r k t h e period of t h e different from any preced-
"time of the end," known ing war. In recognition of
also as the "last days." Per- the fact t h a t the war of
sons living when these 1914-1918 was different
events occurred could know from any previous one in
that they were living in the "last days." human history, historians called it The
-Matt. 24:3; Dan. 11:40; 2 Tim. 3:l. Great War or The World War. It was the
However, what Jesus prophesied did not &st war of its kind in history.-Matt.
occur in his day on earth, or even for hun- 24:7, 8.
dreds of years afterward, nor did the end Indicating the tremendous change that
come. But Jesus realized that many cen- the first world war made in human his-
turies would pass before he would come tory, the New York Times 2Magaxine of
again, this time in Kingdom power, and August 1, 1954, said: "The first war . . .
bring an end to wickedness. During all this closed a long era of general peace and be-
time he knew that men would fight many gan a new age of violence in which the
wars. That is why, before giving the vis- second war is simply an episode. Since
ible evidences that would mark his second 1914 the world has had a new character
presence, he explained: "You are going ... Thus the first World War marks a
to hear of wars and reports of wars; see turning point in modern history." This
that you are not F~~these things generation alone has experienced the ful-
must take place, but the end is not yet." fillment of this Part of the sign Jesus gave-
Certainly such w m did occur during the Jesus included other features to look
nineteen hundred years down to our day. for, too, saying: "There will be great
-Matt. 24:6. earthquakes, and in one place after anoth-
er pestilences and food shortages." (Luke
-"Timeof the End" Begins 21:ll) How true has this description of
Next, Jesus began enumerating the events been since 1914! What an increase
OCTOBER 8,1966 17
we have experienced in these calamities! right now! Satan, knowing his time is
Major earthquakes have become reg- limited, turns his fury upon all. In every
ular occurrences. On March 6, 1960, the field of endeavor he influences leaders
New York Times reported: "Ten or more and common man alike to acts of selfish-
major earthquakes shake the earth every ness and violence, and all the world is in
year. The smallest of them releases about confusion. Anyone who reads a newspaper
a thousand times more energy than an or listens to the news can see the ful-
atomic bomb of the type that destroyed fillment of Bible prophecy in our day. Of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki." Peru, Morocco, this time the Bible foretold: "In the last
Algeria, Japan, Chile, Iran, Colombia, days critical times hard to deal with will
Libya, Yugoslavia, India, Alaska and nu- be here. For men will be lovers of thern-
merous other places have suffered severe- selves, lovers of money, self-assuming,
ly from earthquakes in just the past few haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to par-
years. ents, unthankEul, disloyal, having no nat-
And what about pzstilences? Following ural affection, not open to any agreement,
World War I the Spanish influenza alone slanderers, without self-control, fierce,
took about 20,000,000 lives. And of food without love of goodness, betrayers, head-
shortages a report in Look magazine of strong, puffed up with pride, lovers of
June 11, 1946, observed: "A fourth of pleasures rather than lovers of God, hav-
the world is starving today. Tomorrow ing a form of godly devotion but proving
will even be worse. Famine over most of false to its power; . . . wicked men and
the world now is more terrible than most impostors ~ v i ladvance
l from bad to worse."
of us can imagine. . . . There are now more -2 Tim. 3 :1-13.
people hunting desperately for food than
a t any other time in history." And, be- When? This Generation!
cause of the population explosion that has So it was to our generation that Jesus
taken place since 1946, the Director Gen- referred when he added the key thought:
eral of the United Nations Food and "This generation will by no means pass
Agriculture Organization reported in 1964 away until all these things occus." (Matt.
that half of the world's population was 24:34) The generation that saw the be-
then suffering from hunger or rnalnutri- ginning of woes in 1914 would also see
tion. Since then the situation has not the end of Satan and his entire wicked
improved. system of things. Some who were alive
All the other features of the sign Jesus then would still be alive when '"he end9'
gave have also found fulfillment since comes.
1914. For a certainty then, 1914 marked It is to be carefully noted that the
the beginning of the last days! This be- youngest of those who saw with under-
ginning coincided with Satan's ouster from standing the developing sign of the end
heaven by the enthroned King Jesus of this system of things from its start in
Christ. Speaking of this unparalleled time 1914 are now well over sixty years of age!
of distress, the Bible says: "Woe for the In fact, the greater part of the adult gen-
earth and for the sea, because the Devil eration that experienced the start of the
has come down to you, having great anger, "last days" has already passed away in
knowing he has a short period of time." death. The generation to which they be-
-Rev. 12:12. longed is now well along toward its com-
We are in this "'short period'-f woe plete passing away.
human history will come to an end.
The time left, then, is definitely limited,
and it is very short. Note, too, that Jesus The Bible shows that when God began
pointedly said "this generation will by to shape the earth for human habitation,
rto means pass away until all these things he worked for six "days," or time periods.
occur." So we should not look for the From the indications in God's Word, each
passing away of all members of that gen- was apparently 7,000 years in length.
eration. The end of this wicked system Then, Genesis 2:2 states, Jehovah "pro-
of things will come before all members ceeded to rest on the seventh day from
could pass away. all his work that he had made." This
seventh day, God's rest day, has pro-
"'Times of the Nations" gressed nearly 6,000 years, and there is
Bible chronology also verifies that the still the 1,000-year reign of Christ to go
"last days" began in 1914. One prophecy before its end. (Rev. 20:3, 7) This seventh
based on chronology has to do with what 9,000-year period of human existence
Jesus mentioned when he stated that "Je- could well be likened to a great sabbath
rusalem will be trampled on by the na- day, pictured by the sabbath day God
tions, until the appointed times of the commanded ancient Israel to keep after
nations are fulfilled." (Luke 21:24) What working for six days. (Ex. 20:8-10; 2 Pet.
Jesus referred to was a definite period 3 8 ) After six thousand years of toil and
of time when God would have no repre- bondage to sin, sickness, death and Sa-
sentative government in the earth. The tan, mankind is due to enjoy a rest and
last such was ancient Israel, with its capi- is in dire need of a rest. (Heb. 4:l-11)
tal in Jerusalem. Hence, the fact that we are nearing the
In the year 607 B.C.E. Jerusalem was end of the first 6,000 years of man's exis-
trampled on by the Babylonians. Daniel tence is of great significance.
4:16 notes that "seven times" would pass. Does God's rest day parallel the time
At the end of those "times" God would man has been on earth since his creation?
set up his heavenly government, his King- Apparently so. From the most reliable
dom, under Christ "in the midst of [his] investigations of Bible chronology, har-
enemies."-Ds. 110:2. monizing with many accepted dates of
Those "seven times,"hccording to the secular history, we find that Adam was
Bible timetable, would be a period of 2,520 created in the autumn of the year
years, beginning its count from 607 B.C.E. 4026 B.C.E. Sometime in that same year
This reckoning of time brings us to the Eve could well have been created, directly
year 1914.* And that is no accident! It after which God's rest day commenced.
harmonizes completely with the visible In what year, then, would the first 6,000
sign Jesus gave, which we have seen ful- years of man's existence and also the first
dilled since 1914. 6,000 years of God's rest day come to an
end? The year 1975." This is worthy of no-
6,000 Years Completed in 1975 tice, particularly in view of the fact that
There is another chronological indica- the "last days" began in 1914, and that the
tion that we are rapidly nearing the clos- physical f a d s of our day in fulfillment of
ing time for this wicked system of things. prophecy mark this as the last generation
It is the fact that shortly, according to of this wicked world. So we can expect
reliable Bible chronology, 6,000 years of
P " See the book Life Elrer1asti.n.q-in Freedom of tBLe
* F o r details, see "Your Will Be Done on Earth," S'ona of God, Watch Tcwer Bible and Tract Society,
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, pages 94103. pages 29-35.
OCTOBER 8, 1966
the immediate future to be filled with Of course, as to the precise day and
thrilling events for those who rest their hour of the end, Jesus noted that knowl-
faith in God and his promises. It means edge of this was in the province of his
that within relatively few years we will heavenly Father alone. (Matt. 24:36) But
witness the fulfillment of the remaining when a brief period of years a t the most
prophecies that have to do with the "time separates us from the great windup of
of the end." this old system, the vital thing is to stay
Which prophecies a-re yet to be fulfilled? spiritually awake.-Luke 21 :34-36.
According to the Bible book of Daniel, the So how much longer will i t be? The
"king of the north" answer is: 'Not long,
(the ruling factors of
- -
a for the end of wick-
totalitarianism, par- COMIrgG 3N THE NEXT MUE
* What R e m e d y for a World Torn / edness is near.' Not
ticdarly world com- r with Violence? ) much longer will Je-
rnUniS-m) a n d t h e w The Battle Against Mind-twisting LSD. hovah God tolerate
"king of the south" ,When Speech Becomes Pleasurable. ! the wicked system of
Earth's Giant Seesaw-the Monsoon. I
(the ruling factors of tL ~ - r ~ , .--
- I things
- ~ - " ~ ~
- -
that has con- -
democracy, particu- tinually reproached
larly the Anglo-American combine) are to his name and often blamed him for its fail-
climax their struggle for world domination, ures. Xot much longer will he permit
resulting in considerable agitation and false religious systems and godless poli-
substantial loss, particularly for the "king ticians to deceive the people and run things
of the south." (Dan. 11:40-43) The Bible to suit their selfish inclinations. Not much
also foretells that God's servants will be longer will the Almighty permit Satan
the focus of a final all-out attack by Sa- and his demons to stay active at the earth.
tan and his entire organization of demons To escape the threshing that God will
and earthlings. (Ezek. 38:l-16) Addition- inflict upon this wicked system of things
ally, that great empire of false religion, it is vital that we quickly heed his word
called in the Bible "Babylon the great," of warning given through the prophet
is to experience God's adverse judgment Zephaniah : "Seek righteousness, seek
when i t is ripped to pieces. (Rev. 18:2, 8) meekness. Probably You may be concealed
a f t e r that the other elements of Satan's in the day of Jehovah's anger." (~ep:;.
system will go down in destruction, his 2:3) And as we do so let us Put our trust
commercial and political systems, both of and confidence in our Great Creator, for
which have contributed heavily toward he is not merely the Thrower Down of
the suffering of mankind. Finally, Satan enemies- He is also the Builder UP of
and his demons will be abyssed.-Rev. those who look to him for direction.
19:19-21; 16:16; 20: 1-3. In fact, he has from ancient times been
doing things on behalf of all those who
End Near would eventually receive the gift of life
What cataclysmic times are fast ap- a t his hands. He has been showing love
proaching! A climax in man's history is for us long before we could ever begin
a t the door! How vital, then, for each one to demonstrate love for him. Let us note
who loves life to take note of these evi- what he has been doing in our behalf
dences of history that point to the near during the long period of wicked rule on
end of this wicked system! earth.
20 - AWAKE!
HE rule of rebellious men e r the official, the greater the
T a n d demons h a s been
dragging the human family \ damage. So the highest 0%-
cial, Jehovah, set the exam-
steadily downward these ple for all creation by
many centuries. On the upholding his law. By
o t h e r hand, J e h o v a h providing a ransom,
has been taking posi- , God acknowledges the
tive steps to uplift and claims of his own jus-
save mankind! tice in sentencing Ad-
Our Creator has not a m t o death, a n d t h e
callously ignored the suf- laws of inheritance by
ferings of honest-hearted which we i n h e r i t s i n a s
persons. Rather, during all the Adam's offspring. A t t h e
centuries of wickedness, he has same time he makes provision
been making loving provisions to release for relieving deserving ones.
humans from the grip of sin and death. Since the life that Adam lost was a
perfect one, only a perfect human could
The Ransom provide the ransom. But no natural off-
As a result of hi5 rebellion, Adarn lost spring of Adam could do so, for all were
the right to perfect life and eventually born imperfect.-ps. 49:1.
died. His descendants inherited sin and
Shortly after man,s rebellion, God be-
death. But God has provided a way to
gan giving clues regarding the one he
restore life to deserving ones of Adam's
offspring, while at the same time uphold- would use to free mankind from sin and
- His own law.
ine death. Through the inspired prophets he
revealed much information about this
How? By a ransom, by having a human
creature with the right to perfect life sur- corning Ransomer. Then, nineteen cen-
render it so that his right could be ap- turies ago, God transferred the life of
plied on behalf of others. This would pro- his only-begotten spirit Son to the womb
ceed in harmony with a legal principle of a Jewish virgin. God's Son was thus
that God himself later embodied in the born without Adam's imperfection.
Mosaic law-"life for life." This would When he reached maturity, this Son
provide relief, not for the willful sinner of God, Jesus Christ, maintained integrity
Adam, but for his offspring, who, through to his Father under the severest test that
no choice of their own, suffered the ef-
Satan could bring upon him, death upon
fects of his wrong.-Deut. 19:21, Rev.
a torture stake. He willingly laid down his
Stan. Ver.
right to the perfect human life he had as
But is this not an awkward, roundabout
way of going about it? Could not God one who kept all of God's laws. Jesus could
merely have decreed to free Adam's off- then offer the value of that life to God to
spring from the effects of Adam's sin? redeem what Adam lost-life, perfect hu-
No, not without going contrary to his own man life. Jesus thus "gave himself a cor-
laws. And nothing causes greater disre- responding ransom for all."-1 Tim. 2:6.
spect for law and contributes more to a What a wonderful thing God has done
breakdown of law observance than for for man! He offered his dearest creation
high officials to sidestep the law. The high- so that humans could receive everlasting
OCTOBER 8, 1966 21
life! As the Bible puts it: "God loved the the everlasting happiness of the human
world so much that he gave his only- family. And now, in our day, he has taken
begotten Son, in order that everyone exer- a direct hand in earth's affairs!
cising faith in him might not be destroyed
but have everlasting life."-John 3:16. Kingdom Established in Heaven
All the evidence in fulfillment of Bible
The Kingdom prophecy indicates that God's heavenly
In addition to providing a ransom, God kingdom under Christ began to rule in
has been making preparations for a heav- 1914, coinciding with the beginning of
enly government that will carry out his the "time of the end." The first act of
purpose to make earth a paradise home the Kingdom was "L cast Satan and his
for righteous people. Knowing that man den~onsout of heaven down to the vicinity
was not made to govern independently sf the earth.-Ps. lf0:1, 2; Rev- f2:7-12.
from him, God began developing this gov- Since that time God has caused to be
ernment to admiriister man's affairs inz carried out a worldwide preaching work
righteousness. in fulfillment of the prop&ecy at Matthew
Jehovah inspired the recording s f many 24:14. As a result, many thousands of
prophecies about the ruler of that govern- persons from all nations are being liber-
ment, and what he would accomplish. ated from boridage to Satan's organiza-
When Jesus Christ came to earth he ful- tion, particularly the false religious part.
filled all the many prcphecies about th2t These persons acknowledge themselves
king-to-be. Hence, he proved to be, not on- loyal subjects of the heavenly kingdom
ly the Ransomer, but also the future ruler and are demonstrating the effectiveness
in the heavenly goverramoiid over man- of that government. Vnder its direction
kind. And what ruler ever accomplished they have learned to become law-abiding,
in a lifetime as much good as Jesus did moral and upright, persons of integrity.
in his brief ministry? He even healed the Tney no longer war against one another.
sick and raised the dead. No wonder God- The rioting, hatred, crime and hypocrisy
fearing persons could loolr forward to his that disrupt this world have ceased to be
heavenly rule over mankind! problems within the ranks of the more
A kingdom, or government, also has than one million witnesses of Jehovah,
administrators. Will any others share with subjects of Gcd9s now-ruling heavenly
Jesus in ruling over earth? Yes. The eve- government.-Isa. 2 :4.
ning before his death Jesus promised his The United Nations, with its more than
dose earthly associates: "'I am coming a hundred member nations, has not been
again and will receive you hoine t o my- able to accomplish what God's kingdown
self." Those who join Jesus in heaven be- has accomplished among its subjects in
come with him '" kingdom and priests nearly two hundred lands today! Why is
to our God, and they will rule as kings this so? Because, "unless Jehovah himsel1
over the earths7''Together with Jesus, this builds the house, it is to no avail that its
limited number make up the heavedy builders have worked hard on it."-Ps.
government that will bring eternal bless- 124:1.
ings to humankind.--John 14:2, 3; Rev. Yes, God's government is the only right
5:IO; 14:l-3; 20:6. way, and i t is working marvelously now!
So down through the ages, Jehovah God But what God has done so far is only the
has laid all the necessary groundwork for beginning. Much more will come shortly!
crime. Think of it! No more
wickedness! No more will righ-
teously disposed persons have to
suffer a t the bands of wicked
ones. As Proverbs 10:30 prom-
ises: "As for the righteous one,
to time indefinite he will not be
caused to stagger; but as for the
wicked ones, they will not keep
residing on the earth."
With wicked h u m a n s a n d
wicked demons gone, righteom-
ness will prevail earth-wide. Un-
der the benevolent administra-
tion of God's kingdom, earth's
inhabitants will no more learn
what is bad. Om the contrary,
"righteousness is what the in-
habitants of the productive land
will certainly learn."-Xsa. 26: 9;
Acts 17:31.
Not only will those promoting

H OW different will be the future, when

God brings an end to wickedness! Pn-
stead of sorrow, sickness and death, there
mickehess be removed but there will also
be a rolling back of all the accompanying
effects and the resultant evils of the origi-
will be happiness, vibrant health and ever- nal rebellion and its introduction of wick-
Basting life! The nightmare of the past edness.
will be gone forever. The joy a t that time
will far outweigh all the agony man has Health Restored
ever experienced. All this God will do for Yes, God will also eliminate the great
man in paradise. As Psalm 145:16 says: unhappiness brought to humans by poor
"You are opening your hand and satis- health. How many lives have been taken
fying the desire of every living thing." by cancer, heart trouble and other dis-
Could anyone else make such a promise eases! Thousands, yes, millions of others
and then keep it? Be assured that when have suffered by being crippled, blind or
God promises such things he ful%ills them deaf. Even if you enjoy a measure of
for a certainty. Without fail, earth will health, the distressing reality In this sys-
be transformed into a paradise of pleasure tem is that as you growr old, your eyes
for man's eternal delight!-Hsa. 55 :11. dm,your teeth decay, your hearing dulls,
your skin wrinkles, your internal organs
The Wicked Removed break down, until finally death claims
All this will be made possible by the another victim.
removal of the wicked a t the end of this However, these distressing things that
system of things. No more will there be we inherited from our first parents will
murder, rape and robbery, or any other soon be a thing of the past! How can we
OCTOBER 8, 1966
be sure? Do you remember what Jesus Christ Jesus our Lord."-1 @or. 15:25,
Christ demonstrated regarding health 26; Isa. 25:8; Rom. 6:23.
while he was on earth? The Bible relates: Summing up the benefits that will flow
"Great crowds approached him, having to the human family in paradise, the last
along with them people that were lame, book of the Bible says: "And [God] will
maimed, blind, d m b , and many other- wipe out every tear from their eyes, and
wise, and they fairly threw them a t his death will be no more, neither will mourm-
feet, and he cured them; so that the crowd ing nor outcry nor pain be any more. The
felt amazement as they saw the dumb former things have passed away."-Rev.
speaking and the lame walking and the 21:3, 4.
blind seeing."-Matt. 15: 30, 31.
Imagine the overwhelming happiness Bringing Back Dead Ones
that will come in God's new order as all But what of all those who are in the
human ills are eliminated, not just in one graves? What of your dear ones who have
smalI area, but earth-wide! The Creator's already died, such as a mother or father,
promise is: "No resident will say: 'I am perhaps even a young child?
sick.' " "At that time the eyes of the blind Keep in mind that, while on earth, Je-
ones will be opened, and the very ears sus not only cured the sick and maimed,
of the deaf ones wilI be unstopped. At but also brought back dead persons from
that time the lame one wilI climb up just the sleep of death to demonstrate the
as a stag does, and the tongue of the wonderful power of resurrection God had
speechless one will cry out in gladness." given him. Perhaps you recall the occa-
-1sa. 33:24; 35:5, 6. sion when Jesus came to the house of a
Will it not be thrilling to wake up each man whose twelve-year-old daughter had
morning to a new day and realize that died. Addressing himself to the dead girl,
you are healthier than you were the day Jesus declared: "Maiden, I say to you,
before? And will it not be gratifying for Get up!" What was the result? The Bible
elderly persons to know that they will be tells us: " h i d immediately the maiden
more youthful as each twenty-four-how rose and began walking." How did the
period passes, until they gradually reach people that saw this marvelous miracle
the perfection of body and mind that react? "At once they were beside them-
Adam and Eve originally enjoyed? selves with great ecstasy." They were
Persons who enjoy that kind of health overjoyed. Their happiness could hardly
and happiness will not want to die, for be contained!-Mark 5: 41, 42.
life then will be a real blessing. And they Pn paradise Jesus will use this God-
will not have to die! Why not? Because given power to raise the dead, because
even death will be done away with, since "there is going to be a resurrection of
mankind will no longer be in the grip of both the righteous and the unrighteous."
inherited sin. Jesus Christ "must rule as (Acts 24:15) How great wilI be the joy
king until God has put all enemies mGer earth-wide when group after group of dead
his feet. As the last enemy, death is to persons comes back to join their loved
be brought to nothing." We also read: "He ones! No longer will there be obituary
will actually swallow up death forever." columns to bring sadness. Instead, there
Thus will God's promises concerning ever- may well be just the opposite: announce-
lasting life be realized, for we are told: ments of newly resurrected ones to bring
"The gift God gives is everlasting life by joy to those who have loved them.
Perfect Peace earth will produce plenty of good things to
Peace in all areas of life will be realized. eat, so that hunger will never again stalk
Wars will be a thing of the past, for di- millions. "There will come to be plenty
visive national interests will disappear. of grain on the earth; on the top of the
"They will not lift up sword, nation mountains there will be an overflow." "The
against nation, neither will they learn earth itself will certainly give its produce;
war any more." (Mic. 4:3) This may God, our God, will bless us." "The tree
sound astonishing in view of the growing of the field must give its fruitage, a d
international crisis today, but note the the land itself will give its yield, and they
Bible's promise: "Come, you people, be- will actually prove to be on their soil in
hold the activities of Jehovah, how he security."-Ps. 72 :16; 67 :6; Ezek. 34: 27.
has set astonishing events on the earth. No more will there be slums or over-
He is making wars to cease to the ex- crowded dwellings. Never again will people
tremity of the earth. The bow he breaks live in fear because their neighborhood
apart and does cut the spear in pieces; is overrun with crime and rioting. "They
the wagons he burns in the fire."-Ps. will certainly build houses and have oc-
46:8, 9. cupancy; and they will certainly plant
Peace will also be restored between man vineyards and eat their fruitage. They will
and beast. In this regard God declares: not build and someone else have occu-
"For them I shall certainly conclude a pancy; they will not plant and someone
covenant in that day in connection with else do the eating." "They will actually
the wild beast of the field and with the sit, each one under his vine and under his
flying creature of the heavens and the fig tree, and there will be no one making
creeping thing of the gromd, and . . . them tremble."-Isa. 65:21, 22; Mic. 4:4.
I will make them lie down in security." All these things, and more, God will do
-Hos. 2~18. for man in paradise. It is why the Bible
Just how great the restored peace be- can say: "The meek ones themselves will
tween man and beast will be can be noted possess the earth, and they will indeed
in this prophecy: "The wolf will actually find their exquisite delight in the abun-
reside for a while with the male lamb, and dance of peace. . . . The righteous them-
with the kid the leopard itself will lie selves will possess the earth, and they
down, and the calf and the maned young will reside forever upon it."-Ps. 37:11,
lion and the wdl-fed animal all together; 29.
and a mere ZittZe boy will be leader over That is how God will more than com-
them." Never again will these animals be pensate for the wickedness people have
a threat to man, as "even the lion will suffered during their lifetime, particular-
eat straw just like the bull."-Isa. 11:6-9. ly the innocent. Throughout eternity God
will shower down blessings on mankind,
Earth Transformed so that any hurt they have received in.
And what of the earth itself? It will be the past will fade to a dim memory, if
transformed into a luxuriant paradise. they remember it a t all.-Isa. 65:17.
That is why Jesus could promise the evil- Surely you want to live in that marvel-
doer that was executed with him: "You ous earthly paradise. But to live at that
will be with me in Paradise."-Luke 23:43. time and enjoy all those benefits, what
Under the direction af God's kingdom, must you do now?
OCTOBER 8, 1966
that I may make a reply to him
that is taunting me." Satan, Je-
hovah's chief adversary, is the
one taunting him. His endeavor
is to break down the integrity of
anyone who worships Jehovah.
By your faithful course, share
RE you appreciative when someone in proving that Satan is a liar and that
A gives you something of great value?
Do you not ti-y in some way to express
God is true.--Prov. 27:11.
When Satan tried to turn that ancient
that appreciation? Undoubtedly you do, man of faith Job away from God, deluging
for it is a natural response. him with troubles, how did he react? We
Really, when you stop to consider it, read: "In all this Job did not sin with his
has anyone given US more than our lov- lips." Wnat a delight to see a man like
ing Creator? Think of it! "God sent forth that! Such a resister of the Devil brings
his only-begotten Son into the world that pleasure to God's heart.-Job 2: 10.
we might gain life through him." And You can be like him. And if you are,
what glorious prospects that has provided what can you expect from God? Note
-an eternity of happiness in an earth- what happened in Job's case after the
wide paradise! Truly, we have every rea- matter of his integrity was settled: "As
son to show God our appreciation, both for Jehovah, he blessed the end of Job
in words and in deeds.-l John 4:9. afterward more than his beginning." That
But how? What can we give God in can be your happy lot, too, if you choose
return for his goodness to us? As the to serve God and uphold his righteousness.
Creator of heaven and earth, he owns -Job 42:12.
everything, so there is no material thing
we can give him. However, there is some- Tctke In Knowledge
thing we have that he will accept: o w In order to uphold God's side of mat-
devotion, o w love, our obedience. As free ters and make his heart glad, you must
moral agents we can choose to give these first learn what he wants you to do. You
to whomever we wish.-Ps. 50:10-15. cannot obey Gcd if you do not know his
Tcake Go#s Side requirements. Where will you get the
In these "last days" you have a grand knowledge to obey God and resist Satan
opportunity to show love for the God who and his wicked crowd? The answer is:
has made so many provisions for your "By keeping on g ~ a r according
d to [God's]
benefit. You can make God's heart glad word." (Ps. 119:9) Yes, i t is God's Word,
by upholding his side of the issue regard- the Moly Bible, that provides the knowl-
ing man's integrity. How? By being firm edge you need of his purposes and re-
in applying Bible principles in your home quirements.
and everywhere else, and doing it even However, hzving a Bible in your home,
when confronted with wicked deeds. By and taking in the knowledge it contains,
proving yourself unwavering in your de- are two different things. If you do not
votion to Jehovah God and to his kingdom, gain an accurate understanding of it and
rather than to the schemes of men for apply it, it will not affect your life for
running the world. God's invitation is: "Be good. It is iike having the most delicious
wise, my son, a ~ make
d my heart rejoice, and nutritious food in your refrigerator.
If you never eat it, it will do you no good commandments of my @od.'"--Jas. 4:4;
whatsoever. In the same way, the Bible 1 Thess. 5:22; Ps. 119:115.
must be used, digested, to equip you to Disassociating yourself from this wicked
do the will of God. system also means abandoning the false
True, study of the Bible requires "Lime religions that are part of this world. The
and effort. But so d ~ e sanything worth Bible sharply warns: "Get outof her [the
while in life. And could there be anything world empire of false religion], Iny peo-
more worth while than working toward ple, if you do not want to share with her
everlasting life? Is there anything greater in her sins, and if you do not want to re-
than doing the will of God and making ceive part of her plagues." Hence, you
his heart glad? must analyze your religion to see if what
But do you find the Bible difficult to it teaches and practices is in harmony
understand by yourself? Do not think it with a d ' s requirements. "Make sure of
strange. God knows that assistance is re- all things," the Bible urges. Do not assume
quired to understand the deeper things that your religion must be right, for the
of his Word. The Bible itself tells us about Word of God clearly shows that most re-
a high court official who had difficulty ligicns are wrong.--Rev. 18:4; 1 Thess.
understanding God's Word. A servant of 5:21; Matt. 7:13, 14, 21-23.
God, Philip, noted him reading aloud from Not only should you abandon false re-
the Scriptures and asked him: "Do you ligicn, but you will want to associate with
actually know what you are reading?" those who practice true religion, with
The official answered: "Really, how could those who put Jehovah God first in their
1 ever do so, unless someone guided me?" lives and prove it by being his witnesses.
He did not think it beneath his dignity This will work for your upbuilding and
to ask for help. You, too, will want to protection, particul.arly as the end draws
have his mental attitude.--Acts 3:30, 31. near. I t is "in the congregation of loyal
Ask for assistance in learning the truths ones" that you will be able to do as Psalm
contained in the Bible. Ask Jehovah's wit- 111:1declares: "I shall laud Jehovah with
nesses to st~kdythe Bible with you free all my heart in the intimate group of
of charge. They will consider it a privilege. upright ones and the assembly."-Ps. 149:
1; Heb. 10:25.
Disassociate from Wicked System
Another thing you should do now to Act Now!
show your appreciation for God's loving This wicked system is fast approaching
provisions is to disassociate yourself from its end. That is why it is urgent for you
this wicked system of things. God's Word to learn God's will and then do it, for Je-
warns: "Do you not knou7 that the friend- hovah "is guarding the souls of his loyal
ship with the world is enmity with God? ones; out of the hand of the wicked ones
Whoever, therefore, wants to be a friend he delivers them."-Ps. 97 :10.
of the world is constituting himself an Do not put off lining yourself up on
enemy of God." One way to avoid being God's side. Act now, for his day for exe-
a friend of the world is to '%stain from cuting the wicked is near. Do not let it
every form of wickerhess." When con- catch you unprepared! Instead, let your
fronted with wrongdoing, say as did the attitude be like that of the psalmist when
man of God who wrote: "Get away from he said: "Make me understand, that I
me, you evildoers, that I may observe the may keep 1ivi~g."-Fs. '419: 144.
vant of God expresses the need of God's
direction: "0 LORD,I know that the way
of man is not in himself: it is not in man
that walketh to direct his steps." Though
not created with the ability to govern suc-
cessfully without God's guidance, man was
a free moral agent and could choose to
ignore what God said and meditate on
wrong thoughts. That is what the first
human pair did, and, as a result, sin,
wickedness and death were introduced
into the world.-Jas. 1:13-15; Gen. 2:17;
I T CANNOT be avoided. No matter
where you may look, wickedness exists,
and people are suffering and dying.
Who was to blame for this? Certainly
Throughout the ages thinking persons not God. When humans choose to ignore
have wondered why this is so. How did God's laws and do wrong, they are re-
wickedness get started? Why has God per- sponsible for the consequences. That is
mitted it to continue for so long? Will why the Bible, a t Deuteronomy 32: 5 says:
he tolerate wickedness indefinitely? Or "They have corrupted themselves, their

will he end it soon? It is likely that you spot is not the spot of his children: they
have asked these very questions. are a perverse and crooked generation."
To understand how wickedness began, (AV) Adam and Eve by their own wrong
it is vital to know how man was created. choice brought sin and death upon them-
H e was not made a robot, without free- selves. And all humankind were born
dom of choice, but was given the grand from their degenerating bodies, the sick-
gift of free moral agency.-Josh. 24:15. ness and death we a l l experience were
But was not the first man made per- inherited from t h e m . 4 o b 14:4; Rom.
fect? Yes, at Deuteronomy 32:4 the Bible 5 :12.
states: "The works of God are perfect." Man, however, is not alone in respon-
(Catholic Douay Version) However, that sibility for wickedness. Someone else is
did not mean man knew everything or even more to blame. He is the invisible
could do everything, but he was perfect spirit creature who, in contradiction of
in that he was without a defect in his what God said would be the penalty for
physical organism. For instance, man could disobedience, enticed Eve to disobey, say-
not live in outer space without oxygen, ing: "You positively will not die1'--Gen.
or live underwater indefinitely without 3: 1-4; Rev. 12: 9.
special equipment. He was perfect, but But what caused this perfect spirit crea-
within the limits of mankind.-Gen. 1:31. ture to rebel against God, and then in-
Just as man was created with the need duce the first human pair to join in the
of oxygen to breathe, so he was also made rebellion? As with man, it was due to
with the need of God's guidance. He was entertaining, continually, improper de-
not made to govern independently of God. sires. At James 1 :14, 15 the Bible ex-
Why not locate your own copy of the Bible plains: "Each one is tried by being drawn
and turn in it to Jeremiah 10:23. If it is out and enticed by his own desire. Then
the Authorized or Kir,g James Version, the desire, when it has become fertile,
you will notice there how a humble ser- gives birth to sin; in turn, sin, when it has
been accomplished, brings forth death." knoweth that he hath but a short time."
The improper desires of this perfect spirit -Matt. 24:7, 12, 34; Rev. 12:%2,AV.
were, in time, translated into improper This means that very soon now all the
actions. He came to be known as the Devil wicked will be destroyed by God! (Ps. 145:
and Satan.-John 8:44. 20) After that, God's heavenly govern-
Yet, why has God permitted Satan and ment will shower down upon its earthly
wickedness to continue for so long? For subjects blessings beyond compare. Per-
several reasons. By his rebellion Satan fect health, boundless vigor and freedom
the Devil challenged God's rulership and from the onslaughts of old age and death
a t the same time raised an issue as to will be realized. (Isa. 35:5, 6) Even dead
whether any humans would remain true ones will be resurrected to enjoy these
to their Creator-Ruler under test. Also, blessings. (Acts 24: 15) Perfect peace and
who spoke the truth there in Eden as to happiness will be enjoyed by all who live
the result of disobedience? Was it God or in that restored paradise.-Ps. 37:11, 29.
Satan? Furthermore, could rebellious crea- What should you do in view of the
tures attain to lasting blessings and hap- wonderful things God will do in your be-
piness wliile ignoring God's rulership? half? Why, show appreciation! How?
Time would be required to settle these First, by learning about God and his re-
issues, and God allowed such time. So no quirements. This means regularly study-
intelligent creatures could ever rightly ac- ing his Word. (John 17:3) Then separate
cuse God of not giving the rebels oppor- yourself from this wicked system that is
tunity to work out their own purposes. doomed to destruction. Find out whether
And what has the record of nearly 6,000 the religion you practice is really in har-
years proved? I t has proved God to be mony with God's Word, for, to please
right when he said: "There exists a way God, you must abandon any false religion
that is upright before a man, but the ways that is part of this wicked world. Do God's
of death are the end of it afterward." mill, and in this way add your testimony
-Prov. I 6 :25. to the fact that Satan is a liar and is in-
But how much longer will God tolerate capable of turning all men from serving
wickedness? Jesus' disciples also wanted Je3ovah.Drov. 29: 11.
to know, and so they asked him about it.
In answer Jesus gave many visible evi- Can you answer these quesei~rns?For answers,
dences that would mark the "time of the read the article above.
end" of this wicked system. These includ- ( 1 ) What questions do people raise concerning
ed worldwide war, famines, pestilences, the permission of wickedness? ( 2 ) Was the first
man a robot or did God give him freedom of
widespread earthquakes and an increase choice? ( 3 ) In what sense was he perfect?
of lawlessness. Are not these the things ( 4 ) How is man's need for God's guidance
that are reported on almost daily in the expressed in the Bible? (51 Why is God not
news? Yes, indeed; and historians report to blame for the sit1 of our first parents, and
that they are the characteristics of the for our present imperfections? ( 6 )Who is even
more to blame for wickedness than man?
generation that began with the first world ( 7 ) How was it possible for a perfect spirit
war in 1914. But why such an increase creature to become the Devil? ( 8 ) Why has
of woe in our time? The Bible explains: God permitted wickedness to continue for so
"Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and long? ( 9 ) Is ihe end of wickedness near?
( 10 1 What blessings will God's kingdom bring
of the sea! for the devil is come down unto to mankind? ( 11 1 How can w e show our ap-
you, having great wrath, because he preciation for what God has done for us?
OCTOBER 8, 1966
( h i k e 21:ll) In Turkey official
statistics put the quake to11
for the twentieth century so
f a r at more than 40,000 dead.
The world's most catastrophic
earthquake of modern times
was in China in i920, when
180;000 people died. Three
years later a quake razed
Tokyo, killing 143,000.
Food Shortage
@ At the 1966 annual meeting
of the American Institute of
Biological Sciences, a group
of scientists agreed, on August
15, that man was multiplying
faster than the food s u ~ ~ l v
and that a catastrophe w a s
Era of La\vlessness cide is almost 50 percent high- sight. Dr. Harrison Brown of
9 David Lawrence, in U.S. er this year than last, it was California Institute of Tech-
News & World Report for reported on August 27. "Many nology stated that tine world
August 29, said editorially: of these are young people population would be at least
"Historians some day will whose psychology has been de- 4,300,000,000 by 1923, if no
write that the United States in formed, somehow, by the war," major disaster strikes before
the 1950s experienced an era said Lieut. Col. Nguyen Van that time; but food produc-
of anarchy unparalleled in a Luan. tion is not keeghg pace. The
free country governed origi- Bible writer Luke long ago re-
nally by a written Constitution $930,000,000,000 for A m s corded under divine inspira-
and once dedicated to the @ A published United Press tion that unprecedentecl "food
principle of law and order. We International report stated shortages" rs-ould be part of
are today on the verge of a that "the cost of the global the composite sign that, not
complete breakdown of our arms race has reached stag- only is the present selfish
governmental structure." Fed- gering dimensions-more than system on its way out, but
eral and state governments, $130 billion a year. This is also "the khgdom of God is
he said, face severe financial more than the $125 billion near."-Luke 21: 11, 31.
crises. He went on to say that being spent annually in the
city governments appear to be world on public health and Dishonest Employees
unable to protect human life; education." The arms' race @ Former president of the
they are plagued by street amounts to $40 for every man, Cmzdian Institute of Char-
demonstrations and criminal woman and child in the world. tered Accountants, Derek Lu-
violence. "Even clergymen, Readiness for war seems to said that there has been
who are supposed to preach have become the principal con- an enormous increase in the
doctrines of human love and cern of humankind. Two world last few years in thievery
conciliation, have joined the wars, the first of their kind among trusted employees. He
mob," he pointed out. What in human history, have al- pointed out that apparently
does it mean? Jesus Christ ready marked this generation. honest and trustworthy em-
long ago foretold that this Jesus foretold this for the ployees have embezzled or de-
"increasing of lawlessness" "conclusion of the system of frauded $150,000.000 from Ca-
would mark the last days of things."-Matt. %4:3, 7. nadian businesses. "Lovers of
this wicked system of things. money," "disloyal"-that is
-Matt. %4:12. Earthquake Jolts Turkey what the Bible, at 2 Timothy
@ Eastern Turkey was struck 3:1, 2, said would characterize
Buidde Rise by a devastating earthquake ungodly men in the "last days!'
@ Saigonese know that these on August 20. The unofficial
are critical times hard to deal death toll passed the 2,000 "Devil in Usy'
with, as the Christian apostle mark the next day. There were
estimates that the final toll @ In a special report to the
Paul long ago foretold for our might top 5,000. Hundreds of New York Times,August 24, a
day, at 2 Timothy 3:1. In Sai- villages were reduced to rub- c o r r e s p o n d e n t in southeast
gon, South Vietnam, the rate ble. "Great earthauakes" mere Asia stated that "from the
sf suicide and attempted sui- a sign foretold for our day. terraced rice fields of Central
Java to the exquisite island and persons who choose to the good news that God's king-
of Bali, from the rubber plan- manifest his spirit. dom has been established. F o r
tations of Sumatra to the fish- this they are persecuted, as
ing villages of remote Timor, 'There Will Be Pestilences' Jesus foretold. (Matt. 24:9)
the Indonesian people a r e @ The dreaded sleeping sick- Recently Greece's Orthodox
troubled by the heritage of ness called encephalitis has primate, Archbishop Chrysos-
violence bequeathed by the taken 384 lives so far this year tornos, said: "The Greek Or-
staggering mass slaughter of in Japan and 399 in South thodox Church rega.rds the
Communists," which followed Korea. members of CSehovah's wit-
the abortive Cornmunist-sup- In South Vietnam a plague, nesses] as enemy No. 1."He
ported bid for greater power known as the Black Death went on to say: "We have
in Jakarta last September 30. i n t h e M i d d l e Ages, i s repeatedly appealed to the
It has been estimated that s p r e a d i n g t h r o u g h o u t the authorities to intervene and
400,000 were killed. "There is country. The spread of the prosecute or arrest those of
a devil in us and when it gets disease has been described a s them who engage in prosely-
loose, we can run amok en "very, very serious." tism." But they continue to
masse," one of Indonesia's Heart disease and cancer re- preach. In Greece today there
most d i s t i n g u i s h e d writers main foremost among the kill- are 10,668 of Jehovah's wit-
said. Yes, the Bible agrees ers in spite of medical re- nesses active in preaching
that there is "a devil" in back search, and venereal disease about God's kingdom. World
of the world's violence. "Woe has reached epidemic propor- wide there are over a million,
for the earth and for the sea, tions in many la.rge cities. Yes, and they have been devoting
because the Devil has come pestilences, too, were foretold over 14,000,000 hours each
down to you, having great as part of the "sign!'-Luke month to their preaching
anger, knowing he has a short 21: 11. work. As Jesus foretold for
period of time." (Rev. 12:12) these "last days," this good
And why? Because God's king- Preaching Though Pe~secilted news of the Kingdom estab-
dom has been established in 9 In nearly t w o h u - n d r e d lished in the heavens is being
the heavens and will soon put lands around the earth Jeho- preached in all the world for
out of action both the Devil vah's witnesses are preaching a witness.-Matt. 21:14.

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JANUARY 8 , 1968
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Do You Want a New Order Free 1 Protect Yourself from Lawlessness 20
from Lawlessness? 3
God's Word Reforms Lawbreakers 26
Flood of Lawlessness Engulfing
the Earth 4
"Your Word Is Truth"
How Do They Explain It? 9 Why Do the Wicked Prosper? 27

The Real Causes of Today's Lawlessness 14 1 Watching the World 29

\I "It is already the hour for you to awoke."
-Romans 13:11

Volume X L l X Brooklyn, N.Y.. January 8, 1968 Number 1

HAT would it mean

W to you if the world
were free from lawless-
ness ?
It would m e a n
that you could step
out of your home
and never worry
a b o u t locking a
door. You could
visit any neigh-
borhood without being afraid. You could lawlessness. Why not? Because such an
sit in any park late a t night. You could order will come without fail, and soon!
talk to any stranger without fear. You Within this generation the world will be
would never have to be concerned about rid of all lawbreakers! Yes, you will then
the safety of Your home or Your loved be able to forget about locking your door.
ones. You will then feel free to visit anywhere
No doubt You, as most Persons, want and talk to anyone. You will never again
the world to be free from lawlessness. Cer- have to worry about the security of your
tainly it would be a wonderful thing to home or loved ones. And the world will be
live in a new order where nothing would free from things that drive many to law-
ever mar Your happiness or jeopardize lessness, such as poverty, prejudice and
your freedom, possessions, life or loved injustice.
ones. Because a new order that will be free
there ever be such a 'ystem of from lawlessness is nearing a reality, we
things? the energies and wealth invite you carefully to consider the
now lost due to lawlessness ever be chan-
that begin on the following page. First,
neled into constructive work? Will it ever
be possible for everybody to enjoy life these articles will examine the trend in
under such secure conditions? lawlessness today, Then they will analyze
Judging from today's news the m i S O n S authorities give as to why
it would be simple to conclude that an or- S U C ~lawlessness exists in Our time. Next
der free from lawlessness can never be a they will discuss the more important cam-
reality. es for this lawlessness and when and how
However, do not dismiss the possibility that lawlessness will positively end. This
of living in a new order that is free from issue will also give information on how you
JANUARY 8, 1968 3
can protect yourself from lawlessness mow. iag on in this regard throughout the
First of all, then, let us examine the world? How widespread is lawlessness to-
extent of lawlessness in our time, in this day? What damage to life and property is
generation, in this year. Just what is go- involved? What are the facts?

[ [\11 [I f
!i"\ f\
\ l,\\\ l l\\
stated that the whole world was
going through a "major interna-
tional breakdown in respect for law
and order." He noted: "Public an-
tagonism t o w a r d t h e police i s
reaching epidemic proportions all
over the world, not only in those
countries which we are wont to re-
fer to as underdeveloped countriesq
but in countries which have been
and a r e regarded as some of tlre
most highly civilized in the world."
Similarly, prominent British at-
torney Lord Shawcsoss made this
"Almost everywhere, including
Soviet Russia, there appears to be
an increase in crime, and partic-
ularly, alas, in juvenile crime. . ..
"Why is it t!at there is this increase
crime, when we were all entitled, perhaps,
to think that the unexampled prosperity
which we enjoy now, the better education, the
rather better housing conditions, and so on,
vrould conduce to the opposite result? I wish
UTHORITIES agree on this central I knew the Wwer!'
A fact: There is a raging flood of law- One part of the increase of lawlessness
less activity all over the world. And it is that particularly bothers authorities is the
fast increasing. In many areas it is out of increase of violent crimes. Englad,
control. Your personal ssafety is being J. &dl, writing in Cri??W ~ ' P Z Oair Timc,
jeopardized as never before! said: "The most striking feature of crime
today is the increase in violence." The au-
+This epidemic of crime Is net confined thor are criminals in this
to one type of society. Not only the under- country [figlad] today who appear to
developed countries suffer from it. Even have reached extremes of depravity and
in the most prosperous lands there is an savagery not seen before the last war, a t
enormous increase of lawlessness. least in such numbers."
The same conclusion was reached in an
WorldwMe B~.ecrkdown exhaustive study of crime by a special
The recently retired head of the Royal Crime Commission in the United States.
Canadian Mounted Police, G. B. McClelIan, Undertaken a t the President's direction
and publishing its findings in the report total rapes. In Japan, they're in the majority
The Challenge of Crime in a' Free So- - 4 2 percent.. . .
'What interested me particularly was that
ciety, the Commission said: "The overaJI in many countries abroad, even those with
rate for violent crimes . . . now stands a t low rates, there was a new and alarming
its highest point." pattern of misbehavior.. ..
"The fact is, of course, that juvenile mis-
Greater Worry behavior is a world-wide phenomenon. . .
Even in Russia.. .I found considerable evi-
However, there is another trend that dence of juvenile delinquency."
experts agree is cause for even greater
worry: The fantastic rise in lawlessness Outracing the Population "Explosion"
among young people. Of this the book Crime is rising far more rapidly than
T h e Psychobgy of Crime said: the population in most lands. This flood
"It is alarming that today adolescents are of crime prompted a Federal judge in the
committing the same types of criminal activ- United States to say:
ities as adults, whereas in former times the
"Society's problem with those who will not
type of crime changed as the person grew
obey law has never loomed so large in our
older. For example, young people used to be
national life as i t does today.
involved in more youthful types of crime,
"People murder others in this country a t
such a s pranks or petty stealing, but today
they are committing the same vicious crimes the rate of more than one for every hour of
the day.
as adult criminals-murder, robbery, rape,
"There are more than 140 crimes of theft
burglary, vandalism, and automobile thefts,
every hour; assault and violence and rape
not to mention such minor crimes as purse
grow comparably.
snatching, petty thievery, destruction of
property, and disorderly conduct.... "The murder rate is 10,000 humans lives a
'Tilot only have the types of crimes
changed, but there has been a tremendous
and disturbing increase in the number of CRIME INCREASE
crimes carried out by young people today.
... The increase of juvenile delinquency is crime in the U.S.A. increased
not restricted to the United States. I t has
occurred in many countries throughout the
of population growth.
Corroborating this, American writer
R. Tunley, in Kids,Crime a ~ Chaos,
d noted
the astonishing juvenile crime in various
countries, such as Sweden, and then re-
"Turning from Sweden to Japan, the trav-
eler finds conditions almost as astonishing.
In this Oriental country, before Wodd War
I1 children were said to be among the most
obedient and law-abiding of any nation on
earth. Obviously, things have changed.. . .
"The ratio of crimes committed by Japa-
nese youngsters when compared with adults
is out of all proportion to ours, showing
juveniles acting far more lawlessly, com-
pared with their elders, than ours do.. .Take
one category-violent sex. I n our own coun-
try, juveniles account for 19 percent of the
year, which is higher than the death rate in The rioting was described as "anarchy,"
our current military operations in Vietnam "rebellion," and even as "guerrilla war-
which inspire such emotional and violent fare." Police and national guardsmen
public demonstrations.
14Andthe growth rate of crime is now f a rwere hard pressed to maintain order. In-
greater than the growth in our population." deed, in Detroit, thousands of regular ar-
my troops had to be dispatched by the
Just how much greater than population American government to quell the rioting.
growth is this surge of crimes? In the In that city alone a t least 41 persons were
United States during 1966 there were killed, 2,000 injured, 5,000 made homeless.
3,243,370 major crimes-murder, rape, Propem damage was estimated a t 500
robbery, assault, larceny, auto theft and million dollars! Life magazine stated:
burglary. This was an increase of more
than 11 percent over the previous year. 'When the burning, looting and killing
were over, parts of Detroit had the bombed-
The population increased less that 14 per- out, jagged look of European cities in World
cent during that same time. Grouping the War II....A n estimated 387 buildings were
years from 1960 to 1966 together, we find destroyed, 2,700 businesses and stores looted!'
that the United States population in- One resident exclaimed: "Hell isn't
creased 9 percent, but serious crimes, 62 when you die. Hell is right here when
percent! That means lawlessness increased you're living."
seven times as fast as population! Commenting on the riot, the Los An-
Since population growth is referred to geles Times of July 30, 1967, reported:
as an "explosion," a crime rate seven "What happened in Detroit last week was
times as explosive is a catastrophe. And not a race riot. After the first two days it
during the first six months of 1967 major was not a riot a t all. I t became the highest
crimes skyrocketed 17 percent above the development so far of the new anarchy which
takes over our collapsing urban civilization
same period the previous year. This is a t from time to time!'
a rate of about ten to fifteen times the
Rioting is not confined to the United
population growth!
States. Riots have occurred in many other
Nor is the increase of lawlessness con-
parts of the globe recently. This past sum-
fined to just the "ghetto" areas of large
mer in Japan thousands of rioters repeat-
cities. True, a greater proportion of crime
edly clashed with police. The New York
does occur in these areas, but in the past
Times of August 19, 1967, reported:
few years the rate of increase in the sub-
urbs has been greater. "Japan has a problem of mass violence
among the underprivileged minorities in the
Rioting Spreads
big-city slums. . .The fray last night fol-
lowed the pattern of similar outbreaks on
Lawlessness must also include the hurt many sultry nights in the past summers. The
to life and property resulting from riot- roving mobs hurled rocks at a police substa-
ing, for whatever reason. Such violence tion, stoned shops and private homes, broke
has brought great distress to large nurn-
windows in buildings and cars,. and beat
any policeman who could be seized."
bers of people and has increased greatly
The situation all over the world is not
in the last few years.
much different. As Time magazine of July
During the summer of 1967 riots took 28, 1967, stated:
place in more than 120 cities of the United
States. At least 117 persons were killed. "Violence is so universal and elusive that
sociology and psychology can only approxi-
Thousands were injured. Property damage mate a complex truth. Comparisons with
was over $1,000,000,000. other countries are illuminating but hardly
conclusive. The U.S. has
certainly experienced
nothing like the massacre
of 400,000 Communists in
Indonesia; nor have
Watts or Newark ap- horrible acts. A farmer
proached the lethal fury in Minnesota kills his
of an Indian or a n Arab wife, s e t s f i r e t o h i s
mob." home, killing their four
children. He wounds
People Are Afraid himself to make it ap-
More and more peo- pear a s though it was
ple a r e realizing just committed by outsiders,
how much lawlessness there is.
One consistent reaction has been family of nine-mother, father,
fear. Of the situation in the seven children-are slaughtered by
United States, one official said: a murderer. The only survivor, a
"American cities are burning. four-year-old daughter, hid under
You have more and more crime. Citizens the blankets. Such crimes, repeated over
are terrified." Of this fear Time said: and over, drive fear deep into the heart of
"Fear of the darkened city streets has
become a fact of urban life. The memories In the report of the President's Crime
of bizarre multiple murders linger in the Commission, it was found that 43 percent
mind-13 people dead in Austin [Texas] of those interviewed said they now stayed
from a sniper's rifle, eight nurses in Chicago
killed by a demented drifter. The recollection off the streets a t night because of their
of the Kennedy assassination remains part fear of crime. And 35 percent said they
of the scene." no longer spoke to any strangers because
Almost daily the news tells of similar of this same fear. The report added:
JANUARY 8, 1968 7
"Pear of strangers has greatly impover- fessional criminals, those who make a ca-
ished the lives of many Americans, especially reer of lawlessness. The "take" of orga-
those who live in high-crime neighborhoods nized crime runs into thousands of millions
in large cities. People stay behind the locked
doors of their homes rather than risk walk- of dollars each year. Involved in this are
ing in the streets at night. Poor people spend thousands of criminals who work in orga-
money on taxis because they are afraid to nizations as complex a s large corporations.
walk or use public transportation. Sociable They supply such illegal goods and services
people are afraid to talk to those they do as gambling, narcotics, prostitution and
not know. . . .
"When fear of crime becomes fear of the other forms of vice. Estimates of the mon-
stranger the social order is further damaged. ey made from illegal gambling alone run
As the level of sociability and mutual trust up to $50,000,000,000 a year in just the
is reduced, streets and public places can in- United States!
deed become more dangerous. . ..The re-
ported incidents of bystanders indifferent to To cope with all this crime, "profession-
cries for help are the logical consequence of a al" and "nonprofessional," what is re-
reduced sociability, mutual distrust and with- quired? In the United States there are
drawal." some 420,000 law-enforcement people
What is additionidly frightening is that working in about 40,000 separate agencies.
there are far more crimes committed than They spend more than $2,500,000,000 of
are ever reported. For example, burglaries the public's tax money trying to stern the
occur about three times as often as they tide. Yet, the tide of lawlessness advances
are reported, rapes even more often. In relentlessly.
some areas. only one-tenth of certain
crimes are ever reported to police! Toward More Lawlessness
The hard facts are that never before in
Who Are the Lawless? history has there been such a tremendous
Who are these lawless elements that surge in lawlessness world wide. And
cause such fear? Are they all sinister, every indication is that this increase will
mentally deranged types? Are they all continue.
professional criminals? The Crime Com-
Three years ago, when the situation was
mission's report stzted:
not as bad as it is today, an editorial in
"Many Americans take comfort in the view
that crime is the vice of a handful of people. the New York Times of February 18,
This view is inaccurate. In the United States 1965, stated:
today, one boy in six is referred to the juve- "It is a frightening but inescapable thought
nile court. A Commission survey shows that that the world has drifted apart and become
in I965 two million Americans were received more fragmented since April 1963, when
h prisons or juvenile training schools, or Pope John made his notable appeal for 'st
placed on probation. Another Commission community of peoples based on t r ~ t h ,
study suggests that about 40 percent of all justice, love and freedom.'. . .
male children now living in the United States "Throughout history different elements
will be arrested for a nontraac offense operated a t different times to provide an
during their lives!' anchor, an amalgam, a source of unity for
Hence, more and more "ordinary" citi- societies. There were family bonds, great
zens are committing lawless acts. Through- monarchs, great empires, the world's great
out the world millions of persons regarded religions and, in modern times, political
ideologies. Today none of these factors seems
as decent "next-door-neighbor" types are strong enough to hold societies in check or
being apprehended for vicious crimes. to unite nations and peoples in peace.
Of course, to these must be added pro- "This is a n era that has lost its bearings.
that wanders in a wilderness crying with world being flooded by this rising tide of
rage and striking out in its pain." lawlessness a t this particular time in
Why has all this happened? Why is the history?

w HAT puzzles authorities is this: Why

such increased lawlessness now, in
our time?
Rapid Deterioration Begins
There has always been crime in man's
history. However, authorities agree that
there came a time when a definite turn
The lawlessness of human society can
be likened to a sickness. For every sick- for the worse was made. It was a time that
ness there is a cause. There are several contributed greatly to the rampage of law-
basic, root causes for today's increasing lessness now in progress. British historian
H. R. Trevor-Roper tells of that key event:
lawlessness. Ignoring these root causes
would be like your refusing to eat and then "It is instructive to compare the first World
War with the second . ..the first war marked
wondering why you are undernourished a f a r greater change in history. It closed a
and hungry! Yet, these underlying causes long era of general peace and began a new
usually are ignored by most well-meaning age of violence in which the second war is
simply an episode. Since 1914 the world has
criminologists today! had a new character: a character of inter-
Instead of dealing with the primary national anarchy."
causes, most of those who deal with la--- Never before had the entire world
lessness observe only the surface issues. plunged into total war. Millions of the
We may compare this to viewing that flower of mankind were taught how to
small portion of an iceberg visible above hate and kill on an unprecedented scale.
the waterline. The more important and They were pulled away from their families
larger part is not as apparent, being be- and brutalized in the trenches, on battle-
low the waterline. So too with lawlessness. fields. Their morality suffered a stagger-
The more important causes lie beneath the ing blow. Many of these men came home
surface. from war cynical. They viewed their lead-
ers, politicians and clergymen as untrust-
However, since the apparent, above the
worthy, selfish, even dishonest and hypo-
surface, reasons are what authorities usu- critical. Hence, their thinking was never
ally give, it would be well to note what again quite the same. When they married
these are first. Then we can examine the and had children, their children reflected
far more important causes that are not the partial breakdown of morality that
so apparent. they had suffered.
JANUARY 8, 1968 9
generally not be in
the same condition
as had been their
own fathers to give
children training in
Commenting on
this, a n eminent
criminologist, Pro-
fessor S. Glueck of
H a r v a r d Law
School, stated:
"Parental atti.
tudes toward disci-
plining their young
have changed quite
rapidly. I n t h e
home and o u t s i d e ,
the trend has been
steadily toward
These children then grew up to be the more permissiveness-that is, placing fewer
restraints and limits on behavior.
soldiers of World War II and were also
'Tt's not a new trend, really. Today's
brutalized in vicious warfare. In turn, parents themselves are the products of some-
some of their children fought later wars. what permissive parents of the time before
Can anyone really expect that nations, the second World War."
particularly the youngest, most energetic Does anyone really imagine that such
and impressionable of its citizens, can be horrible deeds committed in war could
subjected to one, two, three and four such lead the world to improved morality in the
shocking experiences as mankind has lived home, to parents' encouraging children to
through since 1914 and not suffer the con- be more lawful? On the contrary, as the
sequences? You reap what you sow. The nations spewed out hate, prejudice, injus-
hatred, killing, plunder and chaos sown by tice and violence internationally, more and
nations since 1914 have produced a har- more individuals imitated these lawless
vest of progressively demoralized people. characteristics locally.
The human family is reeling from these The effect this has had on young minds
staggering blows to its mentality and mo- has been enormous. The Crime Cornmis-
rality, for few things are as immoral, as sion noted:
lawless, as debasing to human morality as "One way of looking at delinquency is in
the mass murder and anarchy perpetrated the context of the 'teenage culture' that
in the name of war. has developed in America since the end of
the second World War. ...
On the whole it is
Breakdown in Home a rebellious, oppositional society, dedicated
to the proposition that the grownup world
This individual breakdown greatly af- is a sham.. ..
fected the home. Fathers who had par- "It may be a short step from distrusting
ticipated in this global anarchy would authority to taking the law into one's own
hands, from self -absorption to contempt for family tension, manifested mainly through
the rights of others, . from feelings of hostility, hatred, resentment, nagging, bick-
rebellion to acts of destruction." ering, or psychosomatic disorders, engen-
dered and maintained emotional disturbances
When the older generation, especially in both children and parents alike!'
the rulers of the world, takes young ones
to task for their lawlessness, they must Also significant was the finding that
ask themselves: From whom have the there are twice as many delinquents from
young learned such lawlessness? If the broken homes as from the general popu-
young are disillusioned with the world, can lation. On the other hand, where the fa-
those who have made it so corrupt and ther was strong, took a good lead, was
violent excuse themselves from blame? affectionate and loving with his children,
the delinquency rate was lower. Of this
The lack of security among nations is the Crime Commission reported:
reflected by a similar lack in the family

JANUARY 8, 1968 11
toward suburban living, helped to separate
"Perhaps the most important factor in the
lives of many boys who become delinquent is
the father from his family. In farm life
their failure to win the affection of their
there were better chances to develop roots,
to make the family a closely knit unit. But
So authorities maintain that the way to in the cities, the father is usually gone all
prevent lawlessness in future adults is by day. Often both parents work, sometimes
good parental care and training of chil- one a t a night job. And in suburbs fathers
dren. But this ability has been severely leave early in the morning and return late
undermined by the damage done to the at night. The book The Psychobgy of
mentality and morality of parents, partic- Crime notes:
ularly the male, by the climate of anarchy
"A parent's frequent absence from home
in the world since 1914. often leads to the most subtle forms of
family tension. In many fanlilies today the
The Indusltrial Age father plays o d y a perfunctory role, mostly
Rapid industrialization has also cola- that of a provider, without taking an em@-
tributed to lawlessness. When large indus- tional part in his family's life. .. .frequently
little attention is paid to him. Consciously or
tries came into being, people left rural unconsciously his wife and children feel his
areas and came where the factories were, absence in that they miss a man upon whom
into the cities. they can depend for guidance, leadership, and
By their packing into cities, the more understanding."
relaxed and emotionally healthy way of
life in the country was lost. In time, great Material Pmperiltg
sections of cities deteriorated and became Another reason authorities advance for
horribly congested slurns. Such close prox- the spread of lawlessness is material pros-
imity of people had a detrimental effect. perity. Since World War II quite a few
As the Crime Commission's report stated: nations have had boom times, producing
more goods than ever before. In Kids,
"Delinquents a r e concentrated dispropor-
tionately iia the cities, and particularly in the Crime and Chaos, the author states:
larger cities. ... "Progress, I found, was recognized a s a
"When so many people are living and major factor in delinquency in almost every
moving in so small a space, the probability country I vkikd. . ..
of collisions can only increase. Crowding "In W g t Germany, which has lived
has a harmful effect on study habits, atti- through an extraorrhary phase of prosper-
tudes toward sex, parents' ability to meet ity in recent years, people have come to
needs of individual children; clearly, crowd- realize, sadly, that a boom carries a built-in
ing intensifies the fatigue and irritability that train of delinquents. ...
contribute to erratic or irrational discipline." 'The United Nations, following a London
conference on the a b j e c t in 1960, summed
Interestingly, the rate of crime per hum
up their Wdings in a report which said,
dred thousand population in the cities was somewhat grudgingly: 'The existing data
found to be over 1,800. The rate for the suggest that the improvement of living con-
suburbs was about 1,200. The rural rate, dition-what is called a better standard of
however, was only a little over 600! So for living--dms not necessarily. ..reduce juve-
nile delinquency.' "
each 100,000 population, the crime rate
in the city was three times that of the The flood of material goods is adver-
rural areas! Clearly, the farther man has tised everywhere. Most persons become de-
gotten away from an agricultural society, sirous of these goods. Those who do not
the worse his situation has become. have the money to buy them often resort
City life, and then the later trend to theft to get what they want, as evi-
denced by the fantastic rise in burglaries, school children have sexual relations with
larceny and auto theft. one another and the number of illegitimate
births among very young girls has increased,
In other instances husbands must work , has the of venereal disease
long hours, perhaps holding two jobs, just in adolescents?"
to support this higher standard of living. Permissiveness ha saturated the enter-
~ ~ ~is subordinated
~ ~ t to acquiring
h i ~tainment
~ a d publishing fields. Many of
material goods. Often the mother works the movies, television program, books and
too. The effect on cl~ildren,as noted pre- magazines now released would never have
been tolerated by either the censors or
viousl~,is disastrous because not will
general public years ago. Today, however,
lhey not get the needed, but by semdimlorality, perversion, and
their pal-erats' example they are taught to
mayhem are steady diets for the viewer
be greedy for things' Greed and and reader. As Time of July 28,
high principles are not companions. 1967, said:
"In the movies and on television, murder
Perrizissive Environment and torture seem to be turning Americans
m e permissive environlnent of todap, [and other nationalities] into parlor sadists.
whether in education, in television, in mov- A recent trend on the stage is the 'theater
ies or in literature, has also contributed of cruelty,' and a growing number of books
delve into the pornography of violence."
heavily to the increase of lawlessness, ex-
perts agree. Concerning this trend, reviewer Bosley
Crowther wrote in the New York Times
There has been widespread acceptance of July 9, 1967:
of philosopher Sigmund Freud's idea that 6,Someth*lg is happening in the movies
much in the individual that is suppressed that has me alarmed and disturbed. Movie-
should be released. Many have gone be- makers and movie-goers are agreeing that
yond this and have taught that there 1-rilling is fun. Not just old-fashioned, oat-
should be no suppression of human desilmes right killing, either, the kind that is quickly
and cleanly done by honorable law-enforcers
a t all. The concept of freedom with respon- ,-,,acceptable competitors in This is
s i b i l i t ~has been largely replaced by the killing of a gross and bloody nature, often
unhealthy concept of freedom without ma,ssive and excessive, done by characters
Such a permissive
environment h a s
played havoc with
right principles and
morality. Of the ef-
fect this permissive-
ness has had on chil-
&en, Crime in Our
T i m says:
"In an e n v i r o n -
ment where moral
standards in all di-
rections have been
lowered, and reli-
gious standards are
almost nonexistent,
can we wonder that
JANUARY 8, 1968 33
whose murderous motivations are morbid, some of these reasons, the President's
degenerate and cold. This is killing of the Crime Commission said:
sort that social misfits and sexual perverts
are most likely to do. And the eerie thing .
"Crime flourishes .. in city slums, those
is that movie-goers are gleefully lapping neighborhoods where overcrowding, econom-
it up.... ic deprivation, social disruption and racial dis-
crimination are endemic. Crime flourishes in
"The passion for this sort of thing is not
exclusive to audiences in the United States. conditions of ai3uence, when there is much
... [these films1 seem to me as socially desire for material goods and many oppor-
decadent and dangerous as LSD!' tunities to acquire them illegally. Crime
flourishes when there are many restless,
A person's physical health is determined relatively footloose young people in the
to a great degree by what he eats. A pes- population Crime flourishes when standards
son's mental health is determined to a of morality are changing rapidly.
great degree by what he exposes his mind "Finally, to the extent that the agencies
to. By being exposed to such mental rub- of law enforcement and justice, and such
bish the minds of millions are being dis- community b&itutions as schools, churches
and social service agencies, do not do their
torted away from what is wholesome. And jobs eEectively, they fail to prevent crime."
together with all the other reasons given,
this debasing mental food gives an addi- All these are apparent reasons for law-
tional push to lawlessness. lessness. But they are only the top part of
These and a few other reasons are most the "iceberg"! There are more fundarnen-
often given by authorities to account for tal causes for the flood of lawlessness now
increased lawlessness today. Summing up taking place! What are they?

LL the foregoing explanations for law- Let us go below the surface, to the
A lessness given by authorities are use-
ful and important. However, they do not
main part of the "iceberg," the part that
is not so apparent to authorities.
really explain why all these things happen
in the first place. Fundamental Laws
Why have concepts of morality loos- The root causes of lawlessness are so
ened? Why does man seem bent on law- important that to ignore them is to put
lessness? Why is this generation plagued our life and future in peril. These root
by more lawlessness than ever before? causes may be compared to fundamental
Why did World War I mark a turning laws that govern the earth and man.
point? Why are the proposed remedies For example, if you throw a rock from
failing? a cliff, which way will the rock travel?
Down, of course. Why? Because the law History has verified this. Mankind has
of gravity acts upon it. Even if you throw tried every idea in human relations that
it upward, it will go only a short way be- one can imagine. All types of philosophies,
fore it plunges downward. It always goes political creeds and religions have been
down, in harmony with the law of gravity. adopted. Today he is employing what he
If you stop eating, what will eventually believes to be the best. Yet, the human
happen to you? Of course, you will get family has never before been in such a
weak and die. It is a law of life that man mess! The reason why is that man has
must take in food to stay alive. If he does abandoned the only true guide, God and
not, then his body will, without fail, begin his wisdom, and has substituted for it hu-
to break down and eventually collapse. man wisdom.
Some do recognize this basic fact. For
Human Behavior instance, one of the members of the Presi-
There is also a law that governs human
behavior. Whether authorities recognize it dent's Crime Commission stated in the
or not, this law is in operation and is just report :
as binding as the law of gravity, as man's "Thorough as the Commission's studies
need for food. have been and comprehensive as its valuable
recommendations are, its report seems defi-
What is this law governing human be- cient to me in that it neglects to recognize
havior? The Bible writer Jeremiah put it godlessness as a basic cause of crime!'
this way: "To earthling man his way does The basic cause of crime is that man-
not belong. It does not belong to man who
kind has abandoned God. The human fam-
is walking even to direct his step." (Jer.
10:23) Later, Jesus Christ said: "Man ily has done so for a long, long time. Ex-
must live, not on bread alone, but on cept for a small minority, people in
every utterance coming forth through Je- general do not seriously consult the rec-
hovah's mouth."-Matt. 4: 4. ord God has inspired for their guidance,
What is the meaning of such state- the Holy Scriptures.-2 Tim. 3:16, 17;
ments? This: Man needs to feed his mind 1 Thess. 2: 13.
on God's Word in order to succeed. Man Even the religions of this world have
was never created with the ability or right abandoned that guide. They frequently
to govern his affairs successfully by him- downgrade the Bible in order to advocate
self, apart from God! Very simply, God their own opinions. As a result they are
did not make humans with that capacity. divided, conflicting and bewildered. They
This fundamental precept meant that are no more able to offer people the real
man must always look to a superior guide solutions for their problems than any oth-
to direct his steps in the right way. Then e r worldly agency, because they have fall-
he would be successful. From where would en into the same trap. They do not really
this guidance come? Jeremiah added:
listen to God's clearly expressed will. As
"Correct me, 0 Jehovah.'" Jer. 10:24)
He recognized that man must depend on God's Word states: "Look! They have re-
his Creator for guidance. Any guide other jected the very word of Jehovah, and what
than this would, in time, fail, and man's wisdom do they have?" (Jer. 8:9) So it
affairs would positively slide downward in can be said that for all practical purposes
disorder, just as the rock thrown from a the clergy today are just as godless as the
cliff goes downward. rest of the world.
JANUARY 8, 1968
says is right, the re-
s u l t w a s a s God
f o r e s a w : "There
exists a way that is
There can be no harmony, no unity, no upright before a ma.n, but the ways 01
success in regulating human affairs with- death are the end of it afterward." ( h o v .
out taking into consideration what God 16:25) JVt'hat has happened to man's ef-
has to say, and then doing what he says. forts is as Psalm 127:l said it would be:
Surely the inventor of a machine knows "Unless Jehovah himself builds the house,
best how it should operate. If one ignores it is to no avail that its builders have
the specifications for operating it, the worked hard on it."
mzchine breaks donn. The Creator of
man, Jehomh God, knows for a certainty A Second Cause
how human socie@ should operate. But There is a second main cause for l a x -
our first forefathers, Adam and Eve, and lessness. It has to do with something we
.the overwhelming majority of mankind all inherit. When our first parents, Adam
since then, have ignored God's regulations. and Eve, rebelled against God, they took
That is why for nearly 6,000 years hu- th?mselves outside of God's perfect care.
inan relations have been degenerating, go- On their own, independent from God, they
ing downward, like a body without food, found that their minds and bodies began
like a rock hurtling downhill. That is why to degenerate because God no longer sus-
this system of things is now floundering, tained them in perfection. Finally, death
gasping, dying! overtook them. (Gen. 3:l-19) They could
When people ignored the fact that they thus pass on to their children, born after
were not designed to function independent- their rebellion, only what they themselves
ly from God, and as a result did what they had, imperfection of mind and body, just
thought was right instead of what God as God's Word states: "'Who can produce
16 AM'A K E !
someone clean out of someone unclean? was instigatkd by a rebellious heavenly
There is not one.'-Job 14:4. son of ~ o whoe
d aho.seduced other spirit
Every person born from human parents sons to join him. He- wanted rulership in
is thus born with a terrible affliction, a place of God. Jesus Christ called this spirit
handicap-inherited imperfection. We all rebel "the ruler of' this world." (John 12:
inherit a tendency toward doing what is 31) I n fact, this invisible 'spirit creature
wrong. (Ps. 51:5) That is why the Bible, who became Satan the Devil offered Jesus
at Romans 5:12, says: "Through one man rdership over -all the kingdoms of the
[Adam] sin [lawlessness] entered into the earth if Jesus would join in rebelling
world and death through sin, and thus against God. The Bible account tells us:
death spread to all men."--Compare "So he [Satan] brought him [Jesus] up
1John 3:4. and showed him all the kingdoms of the
inhabited earth in an instant of time; and the
Because of this inherited imperfection, Devil said to him: 'I will give you all this
"the inclination of the heart of man is authority and the glory of them, because it
bad from his youth up." (Gen. 8:21) And has been delivered to me, and to whomever
Proverbs 22 :15 adds : "Foolishness is tied I wish I give it. You, therefore, if you do an
act of worship before me, it will all be
up with the heart. of a boy." That is why yours.' "-Luke 4:5-7.
cl~ildrendo not automatically do what is
Jesus refused this offer. Yet, he did not
right, but tend toward being bad and need
correction. deny that the Devil is the invisible ruler
of all the kingdoms of mankind! Jesus
Hence, we must recognize that man is knew that God permitted this for a time
boril, not inclined toward doing good, but just as he permitted human rebellion for
inclined toward doing bad. At birth a hu- a time. This time period, now almost 6,000
man is not like a young tree that auto- years, among other things, has demon-
matically grows upright. He is more like strated to all creation how disastrous has
a loose vine that will drop over unless it k e n the rule of spirit creatures and men
is tied to a strong, upright stake. Such a alienated from God.
strong upright is God's Word. It sup- The "ruler of this world" had a smash-
plies the right laws and principles that ing defeat administered to him not long
can guide us in an upright course. As the ago. How so? The Bible states:
inspired psalmist said to God: "Pour word "Down the great dragon was hurled, the
is a lamp to my foot, and a light to my original serpent, the one called Devil and
roadway." (Ps. 119:105) When these high Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited
principles are applied early in life, there earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and
his angels were hurled down with him. . . .
is a strong likelihood that a person will "Woe for the earth.. .because the Devil
grow up to be law abiding. That is why has come down to you, having great anger,
Proverbs 22:6 says: "Train up a boy ac- knowing he has a short period of time."
-Rev. 12: 7-9, 12.
cording to the way for him; even when he
This accounts for the particular intensi-
grows old he will not turn aside from it." t y of lawlessness since 1914. Why? Be-
cause Bible prophecies and the events in
A Third Cause fulfillment of them show that the end of
There is still another basic cause, a the Gentile Times in 1914 led to a war in
third one, for the vast increase of lawless- heaven that resulted in the ouster of Sa-
ness that has taken place since 1914. w and his demons from the heavens
Man's rebellion in the garden of Eden down to earth. That ousting of Satan was
JANUARY 8, 1368
an initial .step that God took to rid the ing of lawlessness." (Matt. 24:12) He also
entire universe of lawlessness. Satan and foretold that this generation would see
his demons, chief promoters of lawless- "great tribulation such as has not oc-
ness, know that their doom is sealed. They curred since the world's beginning until
know that in a very short time now they now, no, nor will occur again."-Matt.
and all lawless elements on earth will be 24:21.
destroyed. That is why their wrath is be- Thus since 1914, Satan's being cast
ing felt on an increased scale since their down to earth, plus the already long
ouster from heaven. Since they will not plunge downward by humankind alienated
be allowed to rule much longer, they want from God, began a terrifying period of
to ruin. lawlessness. The apostle Paul accurately
So, quite unknowingly, the remark of described this time in these words:
The Sun of Clearwater, Florida, on June "In the last days critical times hard to
6, 1960, was appropriate when it stated: deal with will be here. For men will be
lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-
"For 30 years the opening of a new decade assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient
has been like opening a can of devils." to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no
natural affection, not open to any agreement,
"The Increasing of Lawlessness" slanderers, without self-control, fierce, with-
a Feature of ULast Bays" out love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong,
puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures
The end of the Gentile Times in 1914, rather than lovers of God,. ..wicked men
followed by the casting of Satan and his and impostors will advance from bad to
demons to earth, began the "last days" for worse."-2 Tim. 3:l-4, 13.
this system of things. God's time limit for Historians, statesmen, educators and
allowing human and demon rule entered others recognize that something cata-
its final phase. The flood of lawlessness strophic has been taking place since 1914.
now in progress is a direct evidence that Note the remarks of Mr. Justice Jackson
we live near the end of this lawless system in late 1946 when he gave his final testi-
of things. mony a t the trial of Nazi war criminals
Jesus himself foretold that one feature in Nuremberg, Germany. Mr. Jackson
of these "last days" would be "the increas- said, as recorded in Tyranny on Trial:

"It is common to think of our own time this world is going to be too dangerous to
a s standing a t the apex of civilization,. . live in."
the reality is that in the long perspective of
history the present century will not hold Fifteen years from 1960 brings us to
an admirable position.. .These two-score 1975. He predicted that by 1975 this
years in the twentieth century will be re- world would be too dangerous! Interest-
corded in the book of years as one of the ingly, this date is also the one indicated
most bloody in all annals. Two World Wars by the most reliable Bible research as
have left a legacy of dead which number
more than all the armies engaged in any marking the end of 6,000 years of rebel-
war that made ancient or medieval history. lion of men and demons against God.
No half-century ever witnessed slaughter on We can be confident that soon, now,
such a scale, such cruelties and inhumanities, Almighty God, Jehovah, for a certainty
such wholesale deportations of peoples into will bring this lawless system of things to
slavery, such annihilations of minorities.
...If we cannot eliminate the causes to an end. He will rid the world of lawless-
prevent the repetition of these barbaric ness by smashing the hopeless rule of men
events, it is not an irresponsible prophecy to and demons. God guarantees:
say that this twentieth century may yet suc- "In the days of those kings the God of
ceed in bringing the doom of civilization." heaven will set up a kingdom that will never
The causes have not been eliminated! It be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself
is impossible for man himself to eliminate will not be passed on to any other people.
I t will crush and put an end to all these
them! That is why the world continues its kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times
downward plunge just as surely as the indefinite."-Dan. 2: 44.
rock thrown from the cliff, just as surely
as the body denied food! It is simply be- Think of it! God himself will rule the
yond man to remedy the causes. Only God earth by means of a heavenly kingdom!
can, and will. No more will the governing of peoples be
left up to humans! The superior wisdom
End Near of God will then guide all mankind.
What all of this means is that we are Do you long to live in a system of things
fast approaching the end of this lawless free from lawlessness? If you do, then
system of things. There remain very few you will look with keen anticipation to
years before Jehovah God exercises his the end of this lawless system of things.
right to take over all control of earth's You will long to see the fulfillment of the
affairs and eliminate 1awlessness.Ter. psalm that promises: "Just a little while
longer, and the wicked one will be no more
25 :31-33.
Until God acts shortly, men and demons
.. . When the wicked ones are cut off,
you will see it."-Ps. 37:10, 34.
will continue to be more vicious, more de- While that will mean the end of all law-
graded and more immoral as this system lessness, it will not mean the end of all
speeds to its end. (2 Tim. 3:13) It is just people. Those who are now looking to God
as a former United States Secretary of for guidance will survive into that lawful
State noted in the June 13, 1960, issue of new system. They have confidence that
U.S. News & World Report. He declared God-fearing men will live on a restored
that our time is "a period of unequaled paradise earth forever. As the loving Cre-
instability, unequaled violence," and ator promises: "The world is passing away
warned: and so is its desire, but he that does the
"I know enough of what is going on to will of God remains forever."-1 John
assure you that, in 15 years from today, 2 :17.
JANUARY 8, 1968
N THIS time when "the world is
passing away" the rampage of
crime will continue to grow in in-
tensity. As Jesus foretold, the im-
mediate future will bring an "in-
creasing of lawlessness" until God
brings this system of things to its
end.-1 John 2 :17; Matt. 24 :12.
Between now and the end of this
Jawless system, how can you pro-
tect yourself and your loved ones?
What can you do to avoid being
victimized by lawless persons?
Surprisingly t o many, one of the
main ways to avoid being victimized
by an act of crime is to control your-

Wnat does selfcontrol have to do with that the victim hew-a relative, close
k i n g victimized by a crime? Note what friend or an acquaintance. Only 12 per-
the President's Crime Commission re- cent of the murders analyzed were corn-
vealed : mitted by total strangers.
%any crimes are 'caused' by their victims. It was also found that two-thirds of
Often the victim of an assault is the person rape victims were attacked by men whom
who started the fight, or the victim of an
automobile theft is a person who left his they knew. And onIy 19 percent of all men
keys in his car, or the victim of a loan shark and women who were victims of bodily
is a person who lost his rent money at the assault were not acquainted with their as-
race track, or the victim of a co~lfidence sailants. Unwise acts, a lack of self-
man is a person who thought he could get control, on the part of the victim pro-
rich quick!'
voked, or triggered, many of these attacks.
This is particularly true of crimes in- As the New York Times Magmine of June
volving bodily h a m , such as murder and
18, 1967, commented:
assault. In the report Crirnifutl Homicides
Baltimore the following was noted: "Although there is always some danger in
any city of being robbed, perhaps injured
"Almost one-third of the homicides were
on the street, and a considerable danger of
precipitated by actions of the victims, with being burglarized, what people have to fear
non-white victims four times as likely to
most from crime is in themselves: their own
precipitate their own deaths as whites. An
carelessness or bravado; their attitudes to-
important correlation appeared between
ward their families and friends, toward the
alcohol and victim-precipated cases."
people they work for or who work for them;
Almost one out of every three murders their appetites for drugs and liquor and sex;
is caused by the victim's provoking the their own eccentricities; their own perwr-
killer! And frequently the provoker is un- sities; their own passions."
der the influence of alcohol. This reveals The self-control that is needed is a prod-
that a lack of self-control on the victim's uct of God's spirit, available to those who
part is often responsibje for his difficulty. follow his guidance. (Gal. 5:22, 23) You
And in most cases the killer was someone can develop self-control even if you do not
practice it at present. It is an essential Some may consider it brave, or smart,
link in avoiding trouble. to ignore such godly counsel. For example,
there were two couples who were walking
Putting It into Practice on a New York street. Several young men
You can put self-control into practice in made uncomplimenta.ry remarks. The hus-
many ways. For example, you may be rid- bands reacted swiftly and pummeled the
ing public transportation, a bus or a sub- young men. It seemed they had won a
way that is crowded. Someone jostles you, victory. But minutes later the youths re-
perhaps making a nasty remark also. What turned with the rest of their gang. The
should be your reaction? Should you get husbands were brutally beaten, and one
rough, or insult the was killed. What a
jostler back? F a r price t o pay for
From avoiding trou- bravado! How much
ble, t h a t would better it would have
more likely provoke been to ignore the
it. It could plant the remarks and to
seed of violence in 'take their leave.'
someone who is not Another Bible
being restrained by principle t h a t can
godly principles. save you from diffi-
Wherever you culty is recorded at
are, at work, during Proverbs 26:17. It
recreation, while says: "As one grab-
traveling, when b i n g h o l d of t h e
s h o p p i n g , when ears of a dog is any-
dealing with neigh- one passing by that
bors, friends or rel- is becoming furious
atives, it does not at the quarrel that
pay to give an of- is not his." When
fender 'a dose of his r i o t s f l a r e in or
own medicine.' near your neighbor-
G~d'as Word accu- hood, do you want
r a t e l y s t a t e s : "A !d someone jostles you, to see what is going
word causing pain will you Iet yourself get drawn infa a fight? Qo* and voice Your
makes-anger t o opinion? Do you
come up." (Prov. 15:l) This is why so take to the streets and add your voice to
m i n i victims have themselves to blame. the confusion? The Bible advises that the
They provoked their assailant. On the 0th- best thing to do is not to 'grab hold of it.'
er hand, that same proverb counsels: "Am Let it alone. Do not get near it even out of
answer, when mild, turns away rage." curiosity. There are no winners in riots,
However, if, in spite of your using a mild only losers. Retire indoors or to a safe place
answer, the other person continues to be until the danger has run its course.
belligerent, what should you do? God's
Word wisely tells us: "Before the quarrel Not Inviting Trouble
has burst forth, take your leave."-hv. To avoid trouble it is also wise to avoid
17:14. visiting places that have reputations of
JANUARY 8, 1968 el
being haunts for criminals, prostitutes or by leaving the keys in your car, or flash-
homosexuals. A person may think there ing large amounts of money in public, or
is no danger in just touring such places overdressing, such as with a showy dis-
and 'seeing the sights.' But what business play of jewelry. There are persons who
does a person wanting to avoid lawless- can be instigated to commit a crime and
ness have there? The danger of being a who will commit a crime if the opportuni-
victim of lawlessness increases by going ty is presented. They will take your car
where it abounds. if t h e k e y s a r e
Nor should we invite difficulty by in- t h e r e , but might
sisting that we have a right to sit not otherwise.
in any section of a park at any They will follow
hour. Certain places in parks, in- you if you display
deed, some entire parks, are dan- large amounts of
gerous after dark. It is not the money, but might
course of practical wisdom to insist not otherwise. If
on your right and thus take the you overdress and
risk of being robbed or assaulted. wear much jewel-
If you are a woman or young ry in public, you
girl, are you fearful of may attract
being molested o r at- thieves who would
tacked? There are sev- leave the more unpre-
eral things you can do to tentious person alone.
minimize t h e danger. Even Christian minis-
One, of c o u r s e , i s t o ters who call on people
avoid traveling unaccom- to teach them the truths
panied down dark streets of the Bible do not in-
o r sparsely traveled vite trouble. They exer-
areas that are considered cise caution by not trav-
unsafe. Also, what about eling alone in dangerous
the way you dress? Do places, particuIarly a t
you wear suggestive, re- night. They use wisdom
vealing clothing? Do you acquired f r o m God's
&hink it is fashionabIe to r d , which s t a t e s :
wear t h e l a t e s t mini- "Two are better than
Do you dress in a way
skirts? Remember, those that invites trouble? one . . . For if one of
dothing styles have been them should fall, the
fashioned by people who do not have godly other one can raise his partner up. But
principles in mind. If a woman or a young how will it be with just the one who falls
girl wears very short dresses and tight, when there is not another to raise him
revealing clothing, how can she object to
up?,,-ml. 4:9,
being treated like a loose woman, since
that is often the way prostitutes dress? precaution, particularly in high
By dressing like loose women, one makes crime areas, can be the owning of a dog.
herself a target for sexual molesting. Although some burglars will kill the dog
Similarly, do not invite criminal activity to commit their act of burglary, still even
moral suggestions, she will not do
i t . S h e i s b,eing a s k e d t o b r e a k
God's law, s o s h e will r e s o r t t o
screaming or anything else to pro-
tect herself, even if the criminal does
use violence. (Deut. 22:23-27) I n
such situations, the person guided by
God's laws can find protection by ap-
pealing to Jehovah God in prayer,
calling on his name out loud, so that
the assailant can hear it. The Bible
shows there is protection for one who
respects and uses the name of God:
"The name of Jehovah is a strong
tower. Into i t the righteous runs and
is given protection."-Prov. 18: 10.
Will 'you struggle
to keep your money, Protect Your Children
and perhaps lose your life? Mothers and fathers, know where
your children are. It is not wise to-
a small dog will often make enough dis- day, even for convenience, to let your chil-
turbance to discourage most intruders. dren go alone in certain neighborhoods. It
is best for someone to accompany them.
When Confronted by Lawless Persons Another point to consider is this: With
However, some persons bent on crime whom do your children associate? In this
will let nothing stop them. regard you would do well to note what the
Hence, if you should be book Kids, Crime and Chaos states:
a person who thrusts a gun or knife at YOU "F.M. Thrasher, in his intensive study of
and demands your money, what should a boys club in New York City, came up with
you do? Rather than endanger your life, fie distressing news that boys who were
give the mone2/ to hirn! your life is of members of the club had a larger number
delinquencies than boys in the same neigh-
worth far than any borhood who were not members. Even more
session YOU have. The principle here is distressing was the fact that, while 18 per-
somewhat the same as when Jesus said: cent of the boys studied were delinquent
"Do not resist him that is wicked . when they first joined the club, after they
had participated for a while in the club's
a wants to go to court with you activities, the delinquency figure rose to 28
and get possession of your inner garment, percmt.
let your outer 'garment also go to him." "Equally shattering was the revelation,
-Matt. 5:39, 40. not long ago, that among all the boys studied
some have tried to be 'heroic%d have in a Pennsylvania reformatory, 35 percent
were members of the Boy Scouts.
struggled with holdup men. But many "It is not surprising, therefore, that in a
have lost their lives a s the lawle~sperson, recent pamphlet, the Children's Bureau
infuriated, pulls the trigger of his gun, or stated: 'Research indicates that providing
lashes out with his knife. additional recreation facilities in an area
usually does not bring about significant
Yet1 in the case of a Christian & om
'- changes in the volume of juvenile delin.
an, if a man demands she submit to im- quen&.'u
JANUARY 8, 1968 23
What this points up is the Biblical prin- Yet, just a few days later, one of the
ciple that it is not the job of outside four, a prominent religious leader, a cler-
agencies or clubs to train children cor- gyman, "said today he planned to 'dis-
rectly. It is the God-given responsibility locate' Northern cities with massive but
of the parents. It is also their responsibili- nonviolent demonstrations of civil disobe-
t y to provide wholesome recreation for dience."-Tne New York Times, August
the entire fanlily and not to push their 16, 1967, page 1.
children off into clubs, parties or gangs Such massive demonstrations of disobe-
where they are not supervised by their dience easily lead to violence and have of-
parents. ten done so.
Should you lei even the churches of No, you will not help your children by
letting the churches of this world take
Christendom take over the training of
over their training. The most important
your children, to teach them godly prin- reason why this is so is that, very simply,
ciples? No, for these churches do not prac- God has abaradoraed these churches! He is
tice those principles. The Los Angeles not with them. Of such God's Word states:
Times this year declared: "They publicly declare they know God,
"The ministers and the priests who claimed but they disown him by their works, be-
leadership may have had it for an hour on cause they are detestable and disobedient
Sundays, but not for much longer. and not approved for good work of any
"It is a rare church in the modern strug- sort." Jesus Christ similarly said: "Many
gling city which has any real influence over
the conduct of its members.. . .To the poor,
will say to me in that day, 'Lord, Lord
the churches a r e as distant and as selfish as . . . ' And yet then I will confess to them:
the politicians and the businessmen." I never knew you . . . you workers of law-
lessness."-Titus 1:16; Matt. 7: 21-23.
The churches have so little influence for
good because they have abandoned God's Key to Success
laws. They have compromised them for The key to success in avoiding lawless-
their own interests. They water down the ness for yousself and your children is the
Word of God, calling i t myth and legend, wisdom that comes only from God. No
or discard it altogether. They are not psychologist, sociologist, or any other hu-
doing God's will. During wartime, they man agency, however well meaning, can
support both sides of the conflict, even think as God thinks. Therefore the right
blessing weapons of destruction, yet God's solutions to problems regarding lawless-
Word clearly says: "A slave of the Lord ness must come from God. These he has
does not need to fight, but needs to be had recorded in his Word, the Bible.
gentle toward all." (2 Tim. 2:24) These The first step necessary is for you to
churches often instigate others to vio- begin taking in lrnowledge of what God
considers right. As Proverbs 3 :5, 6 urges:
lence, although protesting that they are
"Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and
against it. For example, recently four do not lean upon your own understanding.
prominent civil rights leaders stated: In all your ways take notice of him, and
"Killing, arson, looting are criminal acts he himself will make your paths straight."
and should be dealt with as such. Equally What about your children? God's Word
guilty are those who incite, provoke and call
specitically for such action!'-U.8. News & counsels: "Fathers, do not be irritating
World Report, August 7, 1967, page 11. your children, but go on bringing them
up in the discipline and authoritative ad- Word, your family circle will stand firm
vice of Jehovah."-Eph. 6: 4. ur.der the lawless pressures of today.
"But," you may ask, "isn't this just By your doing God's will, you can look
theory?" No, it is not just theory. It is forward to a new system of things where
practiced daily by hundreds of thousands there will be no more lawlessness. Even
of persons all over the world. These are if you tried to find a lawless person then,
seriously studying the Bible. They thus lis- you would not be able to do so! Regarding
ten to God's voice. Then they do what God lawless ones God promises: "You will cer-
says to do. They teach their children to tainly give attention to his place, and he
do likewise. They associate with others will not be."-Ds. 37:10.
who do the same. In this way, they coun- That will mean the end of jails, the end
teract Satanic pressures and the tendency of police forces, the end of armies, the
humans have toward lawlessness. That is end of weapons of destruction. It will also
why Jehovah's witnesses, who are Bible mean the end of man rule and demon rule
lovers, are known world wide for being that has brought such sadness and pain
law abiding, peaceful. That is why there to the human family.
is no problem among them of increasing What a relief it will be to live in that
lawlessness. You and your children can new system of things, where you will
share their lawful ways and security by never again have to lock your door or fear
coming into association with them. for the safety of your loved ones!
No, you will not convert the world to Soon, the lawful new system will be a
lawful ways by your studying the Bible reality. In the meantime, the best pro-
and learning its high principles. But you tection against lawlessness is to put your
will be building a lawful and peaceful t m t in the Creator, Jehovah God. As the
home. Your household does not have to Bible promises: "Jehovah is guarding all
be a copy of the lawless world outside. those loving him, but all the wicked ones
Built on the right foundation of God's he will annihilate."-Ds. 145:20.

JANUARY 8, 2965
two years ago, a young couple where she confessed to the four offences.
0VER with two children living in London,
England, came in contact with Jehovah's
"With her husband, she had decided to
become a Jehovah's Witness. And Mrs. M-,
a mother of two young children, felt that
witnesses. A Bible study was started with the only way to 'wipe the slate clean' was to
them. As they studied the promises of the go to the police.
Bible and saw that lawlessness would end, " 'She came purely voluntarily,' a police
and learned about the incoming new order, officer told Greenwich Court. ..
"The magistrate said he would give her
they desired to dedicate their lives to God. credit for confessing to the police and placed
However, both of them had been violat- her on probation for a year."
ing the law for some time. They were What of her husband? The Mercury of
guilty of many acts of stealing. But by July 13, 1967, under the headline, "The
their study of God's purposes and require- 'Converted' Raider Confesses All His
ments they both became convinced that Crimes," said the following:
they must settle "A man went to the
their debt with the police and confessed to
law of the land. They ARTICLES IN THE NEXT ISSUE thefts a m o u n t i n g t o
saw the need to "pay Why Many Men Shun Religion. thousands of pounds,
New because he wanted to
back, therefore, Cae- A Kind of Furnace
-the Nuclear Reactor. be a Jehovah's Wit-
sar's things to Cae- What I s Femininity? ness.
sar, but God's things "And a t Woolwfch
to God." (Matt. 22: court last week, 24-
21) They wanted to have a good con- year-old F- M- .. .pleaded guilty. ..
science toward both God and m a n . ' Pet. "Two years ago M- started studying the
Bible. Last year he wanted to be baptised
3:21. into the Jehovah's Witness faith, ...
The young wife confessed four crimes "M-'s wife said: 'There has been a tre-
and her husband confessed almost forty, mendous change in my husband during the
involving property valued at more than last two years. His Bible studies have brought
28,500 ($20,400). Since the husband had a great change to his life.'. ..
three previous convictions, he expected to "M-, who had three findings of guilt and
three previous convictions, was placed on
get a heavy prison sentence. But his wife probation for two years."
was prepared to stand by him and care This outcome was unexpected, but it
for their two young children while he was delighted the couple. It is to the credit of
in prison. the court that they recognized a sincere
What was the result? In the newspaper, desire to turn away from a lawless course.
The Mercury, of June 15, 1967, under the Now that this family has learned to live
headline "Why a Housewife Confessed," by the guide that God has provided, they
the following was related: find great peace of mind and security.
"The police couldn't catch housewife C- With accurate knowledge of what God re-
M-. She had committed four crimes but
changed her job and her address so often quires they are able to live with a clear
that she couldn't be traced. conscience before God and man. They can
"Then Mrs. M- started reading the Bible confidently look forward to the future.
...and later walked into a police station -Acts 24 :16.
world is likened to a wild beast, for it is
heartless and brutish in its manner of
exercising authority over humans. Note
what the apostle John saw in his inspired
vision: "The dragon gave the beast its
power and its throne and great authority.
. . . authority was given it over every tribe
and people and tongue and nation." (Rev.
13:2, 7; compare Daniel 7:19, 20, 23, 24.)
No nation can claim to be exempt from the
ruling influence of this global political
H AVE you ever wondered about the
seeming injustices of life? Those who
have no time for God and little concern
5And since Satan controls all the na-
tions, it is evident that he has it in his
for fellowmen seem to prosper and live in
power to enrich materially those who yield
comparative luxury, while those who love
themselves readily to his anti-God cam-
God and strive to live in harmony with
paign. True, God protects those who love
his righteous principles often find their
and serve him, but he does not guarantee
way beset by obstacles and hardships. Pn-
them material prosperity in Satan's sys-
deed, there are those who go so far as
tem of things. He does guarantee spiritual
to assert that the wicked get away with it
prosperity and the necessities of life. As
and that the honest man cannot get along
the psalmist so confidently expresses it:
in this world.-Mal. 3:14, 15.
"A young man I used to be, I have also
"his state of affairs cannot help but grown old, and yet I have not seen any-
be puzzling to sincere and honest persons one righteous left entirely, nor his off-
until they are convinced of its basic cause spring looking for bread."-Ps. 37: 25.
as revealed in the Bible. Would you like
NOWwe can better grasp the words of
to get your Bible? Then look up the text
Jesus Christ to his disciples: "If you were
at 1John 5: 19; there it is written: "The
whole world is lying in the power of the part of the world, the world would be fond
wicked one." Does not that explain a lot of what is its own. Now because you are
of things as to the prosperity of the no part of the world, but I have chosen
wicked? you out of the world, on this account the
a So, while Jehovah God is the Sover- world hates you." (John 15:19) Sufficient
eign Ruler of the whole universe, includ- reason, is it not, for this world to try to
ing this planet, he is not the one who has deny material prosperity to the followers
organized and is responsible for the ac- of Christ?
tions of the nations of this world. The in- Nevertheless, Christians should never
visible wicked one who is responsible for envy worldlings their temporary prosperi-
all mankind's woes is clearly identified in ty, for their own prospects, if they con-
the Bible as "the original serpent, the one tinue faithful, far outweigh any prosperity
called Devil and Satan, who is misleading this world can give. (Prov. 2:21, 22) This
the entire inhabited earth."-Rev. 12:9; is because the world of unbelievers itself
Matt. 13:38, 39. is but a vain and temporary thing, for
The global system whereby Satan the John the apostle writes: "Everything in
Devil keeps in line all the nations of the the world-the desire of the flesh and the
JANUARY 8, 1968
desire of the eyes and the showy display righteous ones. The righteous themselves
of one's means of life-does not originate will possess the earth, and they will reside
wit11 the Father, but originates with the forever upon it."-Ps. 37:16, 17, 29.
world. Furthermore, the world is passing l1 The wicked are indeed prospering to-
away and so is its desire, but he that does day, and have been prospering during the
the will of God remains forever."--1 John long centuries during which Jehovah God
2 :15-17. has not interfered with world rule by Sa-
Happily the passing away of this pres- tan. But now a drastic change must come.
ent wicked world will not be much longer An everlasting, happy and peaceful life
delayed. The Bible, in fact, foretells the will be the reward of those who subject
sudden action that will put the wicked themselves to the will of God, whereas
ruler of this world out of action: "I saw, the wicked will be blotted out. So wise
an angel coming down out of heaven with persons will heed and find great comfort
the key of the abyss and a great chain in in these inspired words of the Bible: "DD~
his hand. And he seized the dragon . . . not be envious of those doing unrighteous-
And he hurled him into the abyss and shut ness. And just a little while longer, *and
it and sealed it over him, that he might the wicked one will be no more; and you
not mislead the nations any more until will certainly give attention to his place,
the thousand years were ended." (Rev. and he will not be. But the meek ones
20:f-3) Thus, in symbolic fashion, is de-
thenlselves will possess the earth, and they
scribed how the wicked activity by "the
god of this system of things" will come to will indeed find their exquisite delight in
an end.-2 Cor. 4:4; see also John 12:31. the abundance of peace."-Ps. 37:1, 10,
That desirable event is to come soon, 11;also read Ecclesiastes 8:ll-13.
according to all the indications of Bible
chronology and the facts of today. Mean-
time, however, while Satan still rules this
system of things, those who are servants
of God are under test. (Rev.2:fQ; 12:17) ( 1 ) Why do some persons assert that an honest
man cannot get along in this world? ( 2 ) HOW
Will they go on serving the true God in does what the Bible says at 1 John 5: 19 help
spite of the hatred, the persecution, the us to understand why the wicked prosper?
discriminations and o t h e r h a r d s h i p s ( 3 ) Who has organized and now controls and
brought to bear upon them? Will they misleads the nations? ( 4 ) In view of Revelation
13:?, why can no nation claim to be free from
give out and capitulate to this present the influence of Satan's global rule? ( 5 ) What
wicked system of things and its god just does God guarantee for those who serve him
to gain the temporary enjoyment of the amid Satan's system of things? ( 6 ) Why are
Jesus' true followers hated by all the nations
worldly material re~vards?
of this world? ( 7 ) What will be the future s f
loKing David of Israel, himself a man this wicked world? ( 8 ) How does the Bible
who showed willir~gnessto suffer for his give assurance that Satan's wicked activity will
worship of the true God, outlined the right soon come to an end? ( 9 ) Meantime, what
kind sf tests come upon those who choose to
attitude when he wrote: "Better is the serve God, and who i s responsible for these
little of the righteous one than the abun- tests? ( 1 0 ) How did King David rightly
dance of the m n y wicked ones. For the view the temporary prosperity of the wicked?
( 1 1 ) What assurance does Jehovah give as to
very arms of the wicked ones will be the future of the wicked and of those who
broken, but Jehovah will be supporting the maintain faith in him?
to 427, the Interior Ministry
announced. An area of 350
square miles near Lisbon was
reported flooded. Many died
when houses collapsed under
the deluge and other people
drowned in flooded lowland
Criminals Hold Upper Hand
@ Brooklyn Borough Presi-
dent Abe Stark in a plea for
more police painted a grim
word picture of crime in New
York streets. "Death, robbery
and assault are no longer
news," Stark said. "Terror
stalks t h e citizens in the
streets!' "Here in Brooklyn,
British Devalue Pound calls it a base perversion that business, social and religious
9 Britain, on November 18, will ultimately bring death. activities that are normally
devalued the pound sterling by conducted in evening hours are
14.8 percent, from $2.80 to Crhee Increasing grinding to a halt. Our people
$2.40. The move was made in @ Police Commissioner Ho\v- are convinced crime and crimi-
an attempt to lower the cost ard R. Eeary of the New York nals have gained the upper.
of British goods in foreign police department said, on No. hand." People reveal that they
countries in the hope that ex- vember 22, that 1969 showed are desperate and afraid for
ports would rise. In Britain de- an "abnormal bulge" in re- their lives.
valuation means higher prices p o r t e d c r i m e s of violence
for every consumer, especially --murder, felonious assault "-4s Acceptable as Whole BIood"
for imported goods. and robbery. Statistics made 9 JAMA Medical News for
available showed a 13-percent October 23 says: "The use of
Homosexuality Defended increase in murders and a 15- Ringer's lactate solution has
9 In view of what the Bible percent increase in felonious become as acceptable as whole
says a t Romans 1:2732 about assaults. In robberies, there blood in shock and surgery pa-
homosexuality, t h a t i t is were 25,653 complaints during tients. But the key questions
wicked in God's eyes and "that the first nine months of 1967, of why it is effective and how
those practicing such things compared with 15,208 for the much of the fluid to use remain
are deserving of death," the corresponding period of 1966. controversial."
pronouncements of clergymen Youth crimes are high. Arrests
who claim to serve God but of juveniles-persons under 16 "Fed Up" with Lawlessness
publicly condone such im- years of age-for robbery are 9 Richard B. Morris, presi-
moral practices are shocking. up 43 percent for the nine dent of the National Associa-
On November 28 ninety Epis- months, it was reported. The tion of Real Estate Boards,
copalian priests in New York New York Tbnes, on Novem- told the organization's conven-
state and vicinity classified ho- ber 29, stated editorially: "The tion on November 14 that the
mosexual acts between con- increased number of crimes people of America are fed up
senting adults as "morally neu- in the streets is both statisti- with lawlessness. "We have
tral" and declared that in cal and actual. Things look had enough of the downgrad-
some cases such acts may even worse on paper and they are ing of law and custom, we.
be a good thing. Canon Walter also worse in fact. . . . New have had our fill of the deni-
Yorkers can sense hostility gration of the police, of flag-
D. Dennis, of the Cathedral
Church of St. John the Divine, roaming the streets. . . . People burning, of sniping of looting
are afraid to venture out after and of a supersoft attitude
said: "A homosexual relation- dark." toward the criminal. We have
ship between two consenting had altogether too much of the
adults should be judged by the Flash Bloods courts, low and high, taking
same criteria as a heterosexual @ West central Portugal was the shackles off the criminal
marriage-that is, whether il struck by torrential rains and and putting them on the offi-
is intended to foster a p e m a - swirling Aoods the weekend of cers of the law. . . . Fundamen-
nent relationship of love." But November 26. The death toll tal to all our problem-solving
is that what God says? God from the weekend floods rose Inust he the re-establishment
JANUARY 8, 1968 119
of law and order. ...
No nation
which permitted a continual
Church in PolilScs
@ A published report from
Catholic Church in the United
States. Time says: "For most
drift into lawlessness, such as Rio de Janeiro says that the of them, the transition to secu-
we have witnessed this past extreme left wing of Brazilian lar life is a traumatic experi-
summer, has ever endured!' politics, which was all M ence. Unless a cleric enjoys
obliterated by a military revolt private means, he is usually
Pope in the U.N. in 1964, now shows sporadic broke; unless he has close rela-
@ A published Associated signs of life. Some of its most tives, he has no place to stay.
Press dispatch, dated Novem-
ber 11, stated that a Vatican
active elements reportedly are .. .Some are so inexperienced
looking to Rome and the Ro- in the ways of the world that
official hinted that Pope Paul man Catholic Church for help. they show up for job inter-
might ask United Nations The account says: "The most views wearing sports shirts. A
membership for the Holy See. articulate voices demanding few are alcoholics. Many suf-
A member of the Vatican state social reform in Brazil today fer from psychological prob-
secretariat told a news con- are raised by Catholic priests, lems." These former priests
ference: "In principle nothing and the only activists risking generally prefer to remain
prevents the Holy See from bloodshed in the streets are anonymous, because many peo-
participating in the UN in the members of a student organi- ple still remain suspicious of
future as a member state." His zation which has its roots in them. As one priest said: "I
remarks were immediately
taken as a trial balloon. The
the church. . ..Only in the don't go around telling every-
church, and in the student one that I used to be a priest."
Vatican has had observer sta- movement it spawned, is there
tus at the U.N. since April 1964. any really organized protest What Value Religion?
The Vatican representative against the government and @ An Iowa State University
said that the decision rested the military men who chart its professor, Dr. Richard J. Van
solely with the pope and that course." Is it any wonder that Iten, associate professor of
the pope would have to decide, the political element resents philosophy, wrote in a high
which implied that the pope religious meddling? school newspaper what he
was considering the matter. thought about religion. He
Results of Drinking said: Religion is "the rotten
In Parochial Schools @ Americans alone drink residue of generations past."
@ Warren Hinckle, a promi. about 215,000,000 gallons of "There is little in it (religion)
nent lay Catholic, 'in ~ o v e m . alcoholic beverages a year. No- of value." "Whatever its intrin-
ber's Ramparts Maaazilze.
founded by - lay ~atholics,re:
body knows for certain how .
sic value, our religion . . reeks
many Americans take a drink of the pungent sickening odor
portedly tells of his own expe- occasionally. But the number of man," Dr. Van Iten wrote.
rience in parochial schools, of alcoholics, people who re- Other excerpts from his guest
where "one gained the irnpres- peatedly drink too much, now editorial: "We (the older gen-
sion that reading the Bible is estimated a t 4 to 5 million,
might not be a good idea be- eration) have tried religion.
about 4 percent of the adult Too frequently it has tried us.
cause it was filled with danger- American population Many
ous passages that only the claim this estimate is low. Re- We have nothing to pass on
Church could properly inter- to you (the younger genera-
pret for you .. . All I learned
cent evidence from eight states
indicates that anywhere from tion)--except whatever you
about Jews was that Christ are foolish enough to receive.
47 to 87 percent of the drivers
had kicked them out of the
temple for money-changing involved in fatal accidents had This includes religion . .. Be
been drinking. In 1965, auto- religiousif you wLU. But, for
(nobody, nun or priest, made man's sake, do not look to us
much about Christ being a mobiles t o o k 49,000 lives,
Jew, too). Adjectives like 'per- caused 1,800,000 disabling in- for help. Those who cannot
fidious' were applied to them juries and cost about $S,900,- help themselves too often in-
in the prayers we had to mem- 000,000 in property damage, sist on helping others." Much
orize. A course in anti-commu- wage losses, medical expenses of what the professor says is
nism was required," writes and insurance. The Bible ad- true, but he fails to differen-
Hinckle of his Catholic college vises moderation, and obvious- tiate the true religion from
training. "I found my experi- the false. As a result he shares
ence to be typical of other dis- ly for good reasons.
with the failing religions in
illusioned or disenfranchised undermining the spiritual and
C a t h o l i c s who h a v e g o n e Former Priests
through Catholic schools. It is @ According to Time for No- moral values of others and
therefore no wonder that there vember 24, in the past 18 throws a greater load on par-
is a revolt going on in the m o n t h s a n e s t i m a t e d 400 ents who seek to give proper
Catholic Church in America." priests have left the Roman guidance to their children.
The 'mew Morality" word from the recent Wash- Catholic Revolt
@ At the 87th annual meeting ington march is that "demon- @ The Washington Merry-Go-
of the West Virginia Council strations are all over. from.. Round by Drew Pearson re-
of Churches held in Parkers- now on, it's la bombe plas- veals a real revolt within the
burg, one of the principal tique." A group of delegates to Catholic church in America.
speakers, Dr. Joseph Fletcher, the U.S. Conference on Church This revolt has "found priests
an Episcopal seminary profes- and Society asserted, on Octo- rebelling against the hierarchy
sor, told assembled churchmen ber 24, that violence is "an in- a t Catholic University in Wash-
such things as: "Unmarried herent fact in our society" ington, Father William Dubay
love would be infinitely supe- and urged churches to identify calling Cardinal McIntyre of
rior to married unlove"; that with victims of violence. Mo- Los Angeles a bigot." Dubay,
he had "no doubt about the tion pictures and television are now suspended, urged that the
divinity of Jesus" but some- alive with violence. One movie church give up its tax-exempt
times he has "trouble believing is proudly advertised as "dirty status. "If the Church's $44 bil-
in the divinity of God." If you --a combination of lust, impo- lion of tax-free property were
are wondering why the low tency, vulgarity, nudity, neuro- taxed a t normal rates," the
moral tone in the world today, s i s , b r u t a l i t y , voyeurism, priest pleaded, "enormous fed-
perhaps you can see the clergy- hatred and insanity that culmi- eral benefits could go to the
man's words as a contributing nates in murder." Without a poor." Of the 180,000 nuns in
reason. doubt we are witnessing the the United States, The Ladies'
Violence in Society fruitage of a decadent society Home Journal estimates that,
@ Recent civil rights demon- as this system of things speeds in 1966, 3,600 cast off their
strations have spilled over into to its end at God's war of Ar- robes in revolt against Church
violence. And one alarming mageddon. conservatism.

JANUARY 8, 1968
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"What's This World Coming To?" A Grand ~ u t u r Ahead
e in

I The Year 1914 a Turning Point

How Do We Know We Are

5 1 I God's New Order!

A Time to 'Lift Up Your Head' in

Confident Hope
in the "Last Days"? 7

The Sign of the "Last Days"

What Will the 1970's Bring? 13

What Will It Cost You?

Watching the World

"It is alrecldy +he hour for you to awake."
-Romans 13:11

Volume XLlX Brooklvn. N.Y.. October 8. 1968 Number 19

IGET the feeling
that we're on a
runaway train or
something-that the country has gone
over the edge &d there's nothing I or
anyone can do about it," said a doctor in
Los Angeles.
"Society is coming apart a t the seams,"
stated an office worker in Chicago. "It's a
murder epidemic," declared.a Negro stu-
dent in Atlanta. events, if not by the larger problems of
No doubt you, like most people, have their countw, then by such things as the
been horrified by the increased crime, via- exploding immorality in their Own neigh-
lence and assassinations in the United borhood, or by the disruption of family
States. The Wall Street Journal of June 6, life on a scale never before experienced.
1968, observed: "Many converged on the It is a fact that everywhere the politi-
appalling and dark conclusion: ~~~~i~~~ cal, economic, religious and moral situa-
society is sick and frighteningly violent.,, tions a r e deteriorating. That is why peo-
of Par.s said: is mad.,, ple all over the .world, and likely you too,
ask: "What's this world coming to?"
However, the problem of growing trou-
bles is not confined to just one country! An answer to this question was noted
In every nation on earth, including your in U.S. Ne'ws & World Report of June 3,
own, serious difficulties are growing. If 1968, when it said:
you live in a large city, do you not find "A climax of some kind seems to be
that Siolence and crime are spreading? .
approaching the world over : . It's not the
U.S. alone that's hit. Uprisings have erupted
you fear down certain in France, in West Germany, in Spain, in
streets after dark? And when there is Britain. Communist Eastern Europe is af-
a knock at your door, do you not some- fected. So is Red China."
times hesitate to Open it until YOU find out Commenting on the fact that the prob-
if it is someone you know? lem is world wide, an editorial reprinted
Even in formerly peaceful villages and in the New York Times of June 10, 1968,
rural areas, people are being shaken by stated:
OCTOBER 8, 1968 3
"The American people will misread the questions? There is only one proven
meaning of Robert Kennedy's death if they source, a source that this world's leaders
view it solely as a self-contained American
tragedy. The tragedy is the result of the
are ignoring. That source of answers is
spillover of violence and volatile tensions the In it has had for
from one part of the world to another. . .. Our benefit all the information we need to
"We are a t the end of the age of purely answer these questions. "All Scripture is
national or even regional problems. Corn- inspired of God and beneficial for . . . set-
bustibles for setting the globe afire exist
ting things straight.,,-2 s:16.
Showing how rapidly world conditions What does the Bible show as to the
now are building up to some sort of cli- meaning of all these world events? It
max, this same editorial added: shows that for this unrighteow world
time is running out fast! It shows that
"Throughout the entire world people are
caught up in convulsive change. .. . Issues
within a few years at mostthere will take
that formerly took a century or more to place a 'limax in human affairs so gi-
come to a boil are in constant eruption. gantic that it will affect every person on
Everything is being bunched up-time, space, earth, every man, woman and child. It
nations, peoples, issues. And everything has will, without fail, affect you.
a fuse attached to it.
"The habits of nations, always variable, What is this climax? God himself will
have become starkly irrational." take a direct hand in world affairs. He
The noted columnist Walter Lippmann will use his overwhelming power to crush
also observes that a climax of some sort wickedness and wicked people. (Rev. 11:
is approaching, saying in Newsweek of 18) This act of God is called "Armaged-
October 9, 1967: L don" in some Bible versions.
"For us all the world is disorderly and This climactic act of God will bring to
dangerous, ungoverned and apparently un- a sudden end all the trouble and trouble-
governable. Everywhere there is great anx- makers in the world today. It will pave
iety and bewilderment. ... the way for an entirely new system of
"This ... marks, I believe, the historical things where people who love
fact that we are living through the closing
chapters of the established and traditional ness will find true freedom and relief from
way of life." the horrifying conditions of today.
World leaders see these critical prob- So what is this world coming to? The
lems mounting. But they cannot find an- Bible answers: "The world is passing
swers to them. As was said about United away and so is its desire, but he that does
States President Johnson recently: "He the will of God remains forever." ( 1 John
has consulted the wisest men he knows 2 :17) Yes, this violent, crime-ridden, war-
and cannot figure out what else to do." torn world is coming to its end! Time is
These leaders are much like the engineer fast running out for it! It is much later
on a runaway train speeding downhill. At for this world than you may think! In-
the end of the hill there is a yawning deed, it has only a few more years of
canyon the bridge over which has been existence left!
washed out. But the engineer cannot stop Actually, we have been living in a
the train, for the brakes have failed! Di- transition period since the year 1914. In
saster is certain. that year, this system of things began its
What, then, does all of this world trou- downward plunge. It became like that
ble mean? What is this world coming to? runaway train speeding toward a chasm
Where can you find the answers to such where certain destruction awaits it.
HE year 1914 was not an
ordinary year. According to I

God's timetable, that year really

ushered in what the Bible calls
the "last days" for this 'system of things.-2 Tim. 3:l.
Notice just a few of the many statements of historians,
statesmen and editorialists showing the significance of 1914
as an outstanding time marker, a turning point for mankind.
Normal times ended. "The last completely 'normal' year in history was 1913, the
year before World War I began."-Washington, D.C., Times-
Herald, March 13, 1949.

However, is this not just an "Security and quiet have disappeared from the lives of men
"American" view? No, it is since 1914. And peace? Since 1914, the Germans have not
the view of authorities all known real peace nor has much of mankind."-Konrad
over the world. Adenauer, chancellor, West Germany, January 20, 1964.
"In the year 1914 the world, as it was known and accepted
then, came to an end. Far more than any year before or
since was this the punctuation-mark of the twentieth century."
-British author James Cameron in the book entitled "1914."
"If ... the human race survives, some historian in the next
century may well conclude that the day the world went mad
I was August 4, 1914.'-London Star, August 4, 1960.

August 4, 1914, World War I "The first [world] war marked a far greater change in history.
began developing. But did not It closed a long era of general peace and began a new age
World War I1 mark an ,even of violence in which the second [world] war i s simply an
greater turning point? No! episode. Since 1914 the world has had a new character: a .
character of international anarchy. . . Thus the first World
War marks a turning point in modern history."-H. R. Trevor-
Roper, British historian, August 1, 1954.
"It is indeed the year 1914 rather than that of Hiroshima
which marks the turning point in our time, ... it was the first
world war that ushered in the era of confused transition in
the midst of which we are floundering."-Scientific Monthly,
July 1951.
OCTOBER 8, 1968 5
I n addition to anarchy and "The world as man knew it ... was forever ending, and
confusion, 1914 brought the from July 28 to August 4, 1914, the leaders and the led
era of total war and of un- ioined in pronouncing the death sentence. ... World War I
precedented insecurity. was the end of the Golden Age, the beginning of Total War."
-Hanson W. Baldwin, American military analyst, July 26,
"If ever there was a year that marked the end of an era
and the beginning o f another, it was 1914. That year brought
to an end the old world with its sense o f security and began
the modern age, characteristic o f which i s the insecurity that
i s our daily portion."-A. 1. Rowse, Oxford historian and
biographer, June 28, 1959.

Has the half century since "A deterioration has been going on since the first World
1914 seen any return to nor- War.'-Dwight D. Eisenhower, former president of the United
m a l c y ? Or h a s t h e plunge States, September 13, 1965.
downward picked up speed? "Since 1914 civilization has constantly deteriorated. Nowa-
Consider the facts. days it is on the verge of collapse.v'-Newark News, Novem-
ber 20, 1960.
"We seem to leap from incident to incident. Suddenly there
i s a new emergency and men die. Since 1914, great empires
have collapsed and nations hardly known then are now world
problems. ... We have tried war, appeasement, charity, di-
plomacy, the League of Nations, the United Nations. These
efforts have failed. ... Obviously something happened [in
19141 which altered the course o f ... life. That alteration
has not been for the better."-New York Journal-American,
January 24, 1952.

But just because the year 1914 is rec- by Babylon. That was in the year 607
ognized as a turning point, does that in B.C.E. Thus, the "appointed times of the
itself make it the start of the "last days"? nations," as Jesus Christ later called them,
What confirms this conclusion? began.-Luke 21:24.
Both in Bible chronology and in the When did these 2,520 years end? Count-
events that were foretold to take place ing from 607 B.C.E. to 1B.C.E. would be
from 1914 onward we find confirmed be- 606 full years; from 1 B.C.E. to 1 C.E. is
yond doubt that 1914 was the beginning one year; and from C.E. 1 to C.E. 1914
of the end for this present system. is 1,913 years. Thus, 606 plus 1plus 1,913
Briefly stated, in the Bible there is a gives us 2,520 years, ending in 1914."
remarkable prophecy concerning the num- However, is this prophecy relating to
ber of years that God would allow the chronology the only proof that 1914
political nations uninterrupted rule over marked the beginning of the "last days"?
earth's affairs. The time allotted by God No. There is far more to the matter than
would be 2,520 years altogether. that. Consider what came with that date
When did this period of 2,520 years 1914. -
begin? It began when God permitted the * For a more detalled explanation of thls time
period please see the book "Babylon the Great Has
nation of ancient Israel to be overthrown Fallen!" God's Kingdom Rules!, pp. 174 to 181.
nite beginning at midnight and a definite
end twenty-four hours later. During the
time period of the "last days" certain
events would take place, after which God
would bring the period to an end by crush-
ing out of existence this present wicked

we are in the The events that Jesus, the apostle Paul

and other Bible writers bring to our at-
tention were all to take place within the
same generation. (Matt. 24: 34) These
events would identify which generation's
lifetime would embrace the "last days,"
much as your fingerprint identifies you.
Your fingerprint contains a pattern of
marks, or lines, different from what any
other person has. Likewise, the "last days"
contain their own pattern of marks, or
events, that all come together to form a
"fingerprint" that cannot possibly belong
to any other generation.
Remember, however, that it is not just
one of these events by itself that is cru-
cial, although each is highly significant.
All of them must come together in the

H OW can we be sure we are living in

the period of time called the "last
days"? Aside from chronology, what defi-
same generation, like the different lines
that come together on one of your fingers
to form your fingerprint.
nite proof is there that this era began in Before describing these identifying
the year 1914? How long a time is cov- events, Jesus cautioned: "You are going
ered by it? When will it end? to hear of wars and reports of wars; see
The phrase "last days" comes from Bi- that you are not terrified. For these things
ble prophecy such as that recorded a t must take place, but the end is not yet."
2 Timothy chapter 3, verse 1, where the (Matt. 24:6) True to his words, such
apostle Paul states: "In the Zast days things did happen for centuries after the
critical times hard to deal with will be time when Jesus was on earth.
here." It is the same time period that Then, Jesus began listing the world-
Jesus Christ referred to when his disciples shaking events that would constitute a
asked him what the sign "of the conclu- "sign" marking the beginning and dura-
sion of the system of things" would be. tion of the "last days." (Matt. 24:3) Let
-Matt. 24:3. I us now examine some of these events,
This time period has a definite begin- and others foretold in the Bible, that
ning and a definite end. It is similar to make up this sign. Observe how they have
the last day of a week, which has a defi- been undergoing fulfillment since 1914.
OCTOBhR 8, 1968


KINGDOM." "TAKE PEACE AWAY."-Matt. 24~7;Rev. 6:4.
"[World War I] many combatants and covered so large a part
killed more men of the earth. Never had so many nations been
than any previous involved. Never had the slaughter been so com-
war, and i t was prehensive and indiscriminate."-World War I,
the first war to by Hanson W. Baldwin, 1962.
suck in whole na- "Twb World Wars have left a legacy of dead
tions, including which number more than all the armies engaged
c i v i l i a ns.'-life, in any war that made \ancient or medieval
March 13, 1964. history. No half-century ever witnessed slaugh-
"In its scope, its violence, and dbove all, in ter on such a scale, such cruelties and inhuman-
its, totality, i t established a precedent. World ities, such wholesale deportations of peoples
War I ushered in the century of Total War, of into slavery, such annihilations of minorities."
-in the first full sense of the term-global -Mr. Justice Jackson at Nuremberg trial of
war. ... Never before 1914-1918 had a war Nazi war criminals, in Tyranny on Trial, b y
absorbed so much of the total resources of so Whitney R. Harris, 1954.


ANOTHER."-Matt, 24r7.

"During and after the 19-14-1918 war fam-

ine conditions were widespread in many parts
of Europe. Millions died in the Russian famine
alone."-Encyclopcedia Britannica, 1946.
"After World War 11, there occurred the
greatest world-wide shortage of food in his-
tory."-World Book Encyclopedia, 1966.
"The world food situation i s now more pre-
carious than at any time since the period of
acute shortage immediately after the Second
a minimum adequate diet World War."-B. R. Sen, Director General of
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organi- 3,500,000 every year."-New York Times, De-
zation, 1966. cember 29, 1967.
"Every 8.6 seconds someone in an underde- "Everyone admits that more than half of the
veloped country dies as a result of illness caused world is undernourished, with many starving."
by malnutrition. ... 10,000 every day. Over -Natural History, May 1968.


"No recorded pestilence before or since has were piled with corpses. .. .Only two places in
equaled the 1918-1919 death toll in numbers. the world escaped: St. Helena in the South
In those two years an estimated 21,000,000 Atlantic and Mauritius, a small island in the
died of influenza-pneumonia throughout the Indian Ocean."-Today's Health, October
world, some 850,000 in the United States 1967.
alone."-The Saturday Evening Post, Septem- "More people are chronically ill for longer
ber 26, 1959. periods and with less relief than ever before."
"The influenza epidemic of 1918 . ..was a --New York Post, December 6, 1967.
pandemic [universal in scope], a brutal and Disease and pestilence continue to rage.
savage killer that stalked the world, respecting Millions die each year from cancer and heart
neither race nor color nor age. ... In Alaska, trouble. Venereal disease is spreading rapidly.
entire Eskimo villages were wiped out before Cholera, typhoid and other epidemics occur in
help could arrive. In India, where five million country after country, especially in Asia, Africa
persons died, burning ghats and burial grounds and Latin America.

ANOTHER."-Matt. 24~7.

" I n this cen- In 1950 a gigantic quake, one of the most vio-
tury earthquakes lent ever, ripped mountains to pieces in Assam,
have killed more India.
t h a n 9 0 0 1 00 0 In this decade alone-1960: 5,700 were
p e o p l e . " killed in Chile; 12,000 in Morocco. 1962: 10,000
-C h a n g i n g died in Iran. 1963: Skoplje, Yugoslavia, and
T im e 5 I M a Y El Merj, Libya, largely destroyed. 1964: Gigan-
1968. tic quake in Alaska unleashed 400 times more
energy than all nuclear bombs ever exploded.
In 1915, 30,000 were killed at Avezzano, 1965: Devastation in Chile, El Salvador. 1966:
Italy. In 1920, 180,000 died in Kansu, China. 3,000 were killed in eleven nations; large part
In 1923, 143,000 perished in Tokyo-Yokohama, of Tashkent, Russia, destroyed. 1967: Quakes
Japan. In 1935, 60,000 were killed in Quetta, rocked Chile, Colombia, France, Indonesia,
India. In 1939, 23,000 died in Erzincan, Turkey. Turkey, Venezuela. -


"A plague of lawlessness and violence ...
is .. .
"No Filipino i s safe in the streets today.
now sweeping the globe."-New York Times, thrill killing, vandalism, and general mayhem i s
June 6, 1968. steadily increasing."-Philippine Islands Week-
"~iscdFd and violence now are emerging ly Graphic, May 13, 1q64.
.. . from one end of the globe to the other." "We can't have even one day of peaceful life
-US. News & World Report, June 10, 1968. in Seoul because in the evenings the streets
OCTOBER 8, 1968 9
become streets of terror."'---South Korean a wave o f violent crime--murder, rape, assault.
Chosun Daily, April 14, 1964. Racial violence, accompanied b y arson and
"Violent ,-rime isnow running
virtual explosion of crime. ...
Rising disorder,
sooting on Q huge scale, sweeps urban areas
as police stand b y helplessly."-U.S. News &
drift to anarchy and mounting lawlessness. World Report, August 9, 1965; June '87,
Being loosed on the streets in city after city is 1968.


"There has been a tremendous and disturbing there appears to be an increase in crime, and
increase in the number of crimes carried out by particularly, alas, in juvenile crime."-U.S.
young people today. ... I t has occurred in News 8 World Report, November 1, 1965.
many countries throughout the world."-The "The 'teenage .. .
i s a rebellious, op-
Psychology of Crime, by David Abrahamsen, positional society, dedicated to the proposition
1960. that the grownup world i s a sham."--The
"Almost everywhere, including Soviet Russia, Challenge of Crime i n a Free Society, 1967.

"Most of us ... "In our investigations we've found, as an

love money much average, that one out of every three employees
more than any of the i s basically dishonest-which means he will
things i t will buy. It i s seek ways of stealing; that [another] one out
n o t a means t o a n of every three employees will be dishonest i f
end for us, i t is a pas- given the opportunity."-Toronto manager o f
sion."-The Paper Pinkerton's Detective Agency, in Canadian
,Economy, b y David T. Weekly, September 7-13, 1963.
Bazelon, 1963.


-2 Tim. 3:4.
"Our greatest danger is in the decline in
religious conviction and moral character. .. .
It's reached.0 level that should be a great con-
cern."-Michigan Governor George Romney,
Look, September 24, 1963.
"Adultery seems to be as widely practiced as
i t must have been in the orgiastic days before
the Flood."-Pageant, August 1957.
"Not only have vast numbers of Americans
lost all sense of the sacred, the moral, and the
ethical, but the spiritual leaders from both the
laity and the priesthood are often found in the
forefront of this irreligious pursuit of comfort
rather than conviction .. . of the pleasant life tory."-United States Senator Frank Carlson,
rather than the meaningful life. ... June 19, 1'968.
"The criticisms of God rank well above almost "We are not living in ordinary times. .. .
all other criticisms of the hour. More people-in morals with which we have grown up are being
more ways and on more occasions--cast doubt, cast aside ...
God has been dethroned; sex
hurl darts, and throw charges against God such has been deified."-Brisbane, Australia, Cou-
as this counfry has never seen in all of its his- rier-Mail, June 15, 1964.


TO ITS POWER."-2 Tim. 3:5.
"The church has "The majority of our people are members of
rarely been poorer the Church, but are really unbelievers. .. . The
spiritually than it is spark of faith perhaps still alive in them has
today .. .
as unlike been smothered by their association with the
the apostolic church Church."-Lutheran Church booklet Mit einan-
of the first century, of der fur einander beten ("Praying with One An-
the Bible concept of other and for One Another"), Germany, 1963.
the church of Christ, "The church-mouths its pious phrases .. . but
as i s possible to find: it lulls its people to sleep." People are leaving
. ..
A cursory reading the churches "because they are looking at the
of the New Testa- lives of the church as we are living it and they
ment would show that . ..
w e strain at gnats are seeing how phoney i t is."-Professor of
and swallow camels."-Two clergymen in To- religious education, in The Christian Index, De-
ronto Star Weekly, March 28, 1964. cember 14, 1967.


"The fact i s that today the biggest single in the event of
emotion which dominates our lives is fear." a Soviet missile
-David Lawrence,- U.S. News & World Report, attack ... If it
October 11, 1965. were to include
"At a l l levels of American life, people share urban centers,
similar fears, insecurities and gnawing doubts ... the death
t o l l w o u l d be
t o such an intense degree that the country may
1 4 9 million."
in fact be suffering from a kind of national
-United States
nervous breakdown."-The Notional Commit- Secretary of De-
tee for an Effective Congress, December 25, fense, N . Y.
1967. Times, February
"More than 120 dillion Americans would die 19, 1965.

"RUINING THE EARTH."-Rev. 11:18.

"We are rapidly destroying our planet as a "This planet is approaching 'a crisis which
habitat for [man]."-Natural History, May may destroy its suitability as a place for human
1968. society.' . ..
OCTOBER 8, 1968
"Man and his works are disrupting the nu- depleted . .. large bodies o f water are steadily
merous complex and interrelated processes upon being fouled . ..
the precarious balance o f na-
which this planet's web o f life depends. Thus ture i s being disturbed on a scale without prec-
earth's supply of available oxygen i s being edent.'-N. Y. Times, January 1, 1968.


"Jehovah's witnesses have literally covered "The demand for Bible literature about God's
the earth with their witnessing. ... It may be kingdom on the part o f the people throughout
truly said that no single religious group in the the earth has been so great i n the last
world displayed more zeal and persistence i n twenty years that it has been necessary for the
the attempt to spread the good news o f the Watch Tower Society to print more than 100
Kingdom than the Jehovah's witnesses."-These million bound books and more than 325 million
Also Believe, b y Charles S. Braden, 1950. booklets. .. more than 1,300,000,000 Watch-
"All religion i s anathema to the Soviets. tower magazines and more than 1,100,000,000
nothing infuriates them quite as much as do Awake! magazines. ... Jehovah's witnesses
Jehovah's witnesses. ... Pravda reports that are preaching the good news o f God's kingdom
the Witnesses are becoming increasingly active. in 197 lands and islands of the sea. Their Bible
... Faith i s spreading, and all the mighty re- literature now appears in 165 languages."
sources of the state seem unable to destroy it." -1 968 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses,
-Toronto Daily Star, July 2, 1960. page 29.

There are many other features of the tention to the year 1914 as far back as
sign marking the "last days." But the ones 1879, pointing out that disastrous condi-
listed above are sufficient to show how Bi- tions would begin then. Indeed, fifty-four
ble prophecy has been fulfilled. years ago, the New York World of Au-
However, some persons may here state: gust 30, 1914, said:
'Well, wars, famines, pestilences, earth- "The terrific war outbreak in Europe has
quakes, crime-these are all features of fulfilled an extraordinary prophecy. For a
quarter of a century past, through preachers
human living in every age. I t would not be and through press, the 'International Bible
difficult for anyone to predict that they .
Students' . . have been proclaiming to the
would occur again. And, such a prophecy world that the Day of Wrath prophesied in
could apply to many periods.' the Bible would dawn in 1914. 'Look out
Is this true? No, it is not, as thoughtful for 1914!' has been the cry ... of the evan-
reasoning will show. It is one thing to
Yet, while these witnesses of Jehovah
foretell such events or conditions, it is an- were proclaiming that 1914 would bring
other thing to foretell them on tlne scale the worst time of trouble in history, what
indicated, as affecting the entire globe; to were others saying? In the book 1913:
foretell that they would occur concur- America Between Two Worlds [I9621 au-
rently in only one generation; to fore- thor A. Valentine notes: "Secretary of
tell that they would come at the time in- State Bryan said [in 19131 that 'condi-
dicated in Bible prophecy. That is why tions promising world peace were never
the publishers of this magazine called at- more favorable than now,' and Andrew
Carnegie said war with Germany had So do not misread the evidence. It is
never 'even been imagined.' " all there, and it is positively overwhelm-
Thus, right up to t h c v e r y brink of ing, particularly so because the evidence
World War I, prominent world leaders has continued in force for more than half
were forecasting an age of social uhity h century now! And if all this is not the %

and enlightenment. If the conditions that fulfillment of Bible prophecy concerning

have come since 1914' were easily pre- the "last days," then i what does it re-
dictable, then why did not such men fore- quire? What more could be expected in
see them and sound the warning? the way of fulfillment?
Still, some object and say: 'Oh, it's only For your own welfare, you should face
the population increabe and better report- the fact that all the many lines of the
ing methods that make things seem so "finge,qrint" for the "last days" stand out
much worse today.' An answer to this sharply, crystal clear. They allow for only
comes from the following news report: Ohe meaning: that we have been in the
"Washington, May 31 (AP)-FBI Director "last days" since 1914!
J. Edgar Hoover assailed today those who Crucial questions now arise: Is there
attempt to minimize the nation's crime prob- any indication in God's timetable as to
lem by blaming it on the large increase in how much time there is left before this
the youthful population and fuller tabula-
_ tions by police. . He said those who try to
system of things comes to its end?_Can
: 'explain away the shocking truth behind we know how many more years remain
crime statistics' are doomed to failure" for this violent system of things?

T HE fact that fifty-four years of the

period called the "last days" have al-
ready gone by is highly significant. It
generation will by no means pass away
until all these things occur."-Matt. 24 :34.
Jesus was obviously speaking about
means that only a few years, a t most, re; those who were old enough to witness
main before the corrupt system of things with understanding what took place when
dominating the earth is destroyed by God. the "last days" began. Jesus was saying
How can we be so certain of this? that some of those persons who were alive
One way is by noting what Jesus said a t the appearance of the 'sign of the last
when he gave his great prophecy about days' would still be alive when God
the "last days." After he listed the many brought this system to its end.
events that would mark this period, he Even if we presume that youngsters 15
also stated: "Truly I say to you that this years of age would be perceptive enough
to realize the import of what happened in Christians have prayed for during many;
1914, it would still make the youngest of centuries.-Matt. 6 :10.
"this generation'' nearly 70 years old to-
day. So the great majority of the genera- When Do 6,000 Years End?
tion to which Jesus was referring has al- How can it be determined when 6,000
ready passed away in death. The remain- years of human history will end?
ing ones are approaching old age. And According to reliable Bible chronology,
remember, Jesus said that the end of this Adam and Eve were created in 4026
wicked world would come before that gen- B.C.E." From the autumn of
eration passed away in death. This, of it- 4026 B.C.E. to 1 B.C.E. ....
4,025 years
self, tells us that the years left before the 1 B.C.E. to 1 C.E. .................... 1 year
foretold end comes cannot be many. 1 C.E. to 1968 C.E. .......... 1,967 years
6,000 Years Nearing Completion Total to autumn 1968 .... 5,993 years
There is another way that helps con- This would leave only seven more years
firm the fact that we are living in the final from the autumn of 1968 to complete
few years of this "time of the end." (Dan. 6,000 full years of human history. That
12:9) The Bible shows that we are near- seven-year period will evidently finish in
ing the end of a full 6,000 years of human the autumn of the year 1975.
history. What significance does this have? Does this mean that the above evidence
When God gave his laws to ancient Is- positively points to 1975 as the time for
rael, one of those laws involved keeping the complete end of this system of things?
the sabbath day holy. On the seventh day Since the Bible does not specifically state
of the week there was to be no labor. The this, no man can say. However, of this
people were to rest from all their toil. (Ex. we can be sure: The 1970's will certainly
20:8-11) The Bible states that "the Law see the most critical times mankind has
has a shadow of th& good things to come." yet known. The deterioration in human
-Heb. 10:1. relations-within families, communities,
Revelation chapter 20, verse 6, shows cities and nations, and between nations
that God's heavenly kingdom will rule -will worsen, not improve. (2 Tim. 3: 13)
over the earth for one thousand years If the 1970's should see intervention by
after the end of this system of things. Jehovah God to bring an end ta a corrupt
That millennium will bring a sabbathlike world drifting toward ultimate disintegra-
rest to the earth and aIl those then in- tion, that should surely not surprise us.
habiting it. Hence, the first six thousand If you feel that this is painting the
years since man's creation could be lik- picture too darkly, consider what warn-
ened to the first six days of the week in ings the hard facts have forced even men
ancient Israel. The seventh one-thousand- of this world to express. They sense that
year period could be likened to the seventh disaster is approaching, but, lacking the
day, the sabbath, of that week.-2 Pet. Bible's guidance, they do not know what
3:8. to do about it. That is why U.S. News &
How fitting it would be for God, fol- World Report of June 10, 1968 said:
lowing this pattern, to end man's misery "What is developing, as many experts see
after six thousand years of human rule it, is an era of confusion and doubts unlike
anything experienced!'
and follow it with His glorious Kingdom
rule for a thousand years! This Kingdom * For further details see the book "AZZ Scripture Is
Inspired of God and Beneficial,'$ pp. 283 t o 286.

1,656 MARS 857 YEARS 906 YEARS 2,520 YEARS 61 YEARS

h A

lpoo 4,000
5,0w 6,000

4026 B.C.E., 2370 B.C.E., 1513 B.C.E., 607 B.C.E., 29 C.E., 1914 C.E., 1975 C.E.,

Concerning political instability, former tendom stem the tide, for they too are in
U.S. Secretary of State Dean Acheson a state of growing chaos. An Associated
said in 1960: "I know enough of what is Pressdispatch on November 24, 1967, re-
going on to assure you that, in 15 years ported :
from today [or, by 19751, this world .
"Christian theology . . today is in a state
is going to be too dangerous to live in." of chaos, many of its experts admit. 'Today,
And of the struggle between communism we are at the end of a theological era, with
the old theological systems a shambles,'
and capitalism, Intell&ence Digest of Au- says the Rev. James I. McCord, president of
gust 1967 said: "The facts . . . show that Princeton Theological Seminary."
the forces in the world struggle are group- One of the greatest problems, beyond
ing themselves for a decisive show-down." man's solving, is the coming food short-
Everywhere national currencies are in age due to the population explosion. In
trouble. Alfred Shaefer, chairman of the book Famine-1975! food experts
Switzerland's Union Bank, said in 1968: W. and P. Paddock state: -
"Everywhere you see a shakiness. Time "By 1975 a disaster of unprecedented
is running out. Something disagreeable magnitude will face the world. Famines,
could happen at any time." greater than any in history, will ravage the
undeveloped nations!'
Large cities are in such a state of af- "I forecast a specific date, 1975, when the
fairs that efforts to patch them. up have new crisis will be upon us in all its awesome
proved hopelessly insufficient. The air, wa- importance."
ter and land are becoming polluted to the "By 1975 civil disorder, anarchy, military
point of saturation. Transportation in dictatorships, runaway inflgtion, transporta-
tion breakdowns and chaotic unrest will be
many nations is a major killer, and the the order of the day in many of the hungry
crush of traffic often paralyzes major cit- nations."
ies for hours. Schools and colleges are in And the Arizona Republic said on June
a dilemma as to maintaining order. 2, 1968, that Professor R. Heilbroner of
Drug addiction and immorality have New York "predicted that in the early
reached unimagined extremes. Law en- 1970's, 'the greatest catastrophe the world
forcement becomes increasingly difficult, has ever known' will occur when popula-
with the public often apathetic toward tion far outstrips the available food
corruption and even showing violent ani- supply."
mosity toward the police. In the United
States, firemen are frequently attacked Just a 'Passing Phase'?
when answering fire calls. Some will object and say that these
Nor can the religious systems of Chris- distressing conditions are just a 'passing
OCTOBER 8, 1968 15
phase' in world affairs. 'Things will unaided efforts, man can establish lasting
straighten out and the present systems peace is directly contrary to Christian
will gradually improve,' they may say. teaching."
But on what basis can you believe this? However, since the majority of humans
Have men successfully coped with these and their leaders do not really want God
conditions, or, to the contrary, has history as their ruler, they will have to be taken
and your own personal experience proved out of the way. That is why Bible proph-
that these conditions have worsened? ecy says of our time: "In the days of those
Ask yourself: What is the trend? Are kings the 'God of heaven will set up a
men becoming less selfish and more lov- kingdom th%t will never be brought to
ing? Are they becoming less ambitious ruin. And t h e
and proud? Are they tending toward kingdom itself
greater humility, greater love for their will not be
neighbor and concern for his welfare? I s passed on to any
there less violence, less hatred in the other people. It
world? I s it more peaceful, less dangerous? will c r u s h a n d
put an end to all
The facts answer, No! He is not solv-
these kingdoms,
ing his problems. Instead, his manage-
and it itself will
ment of earth is producing crises of ever
stand to times in-
greater proportions. So why believe that
definite." (Dan.
conditions under man's rule will im-
2: 44) What a re-
prove? Why not face the facts as stated
lief t h i s will
in the Bible that this present system is
bring t o those
headed for a crash, but that before it goes
who are sick of
to pieces completely from its own bad-
all the bloodshed,
ness, Almighty God is going to step in
strife and corruption!
and execute his judgment upon it?-Jer. Those who submit to God's require-
25:31-33; Rev. 18:1-8; 19:11-21. ments will be protected by him through
the coming Armageddon destruction of
Change Ahead in World Government -this system of things. He promises: "Seek
It is very appropriate for God to bring Jehovah, all you meek ones of the earth,
an end to man's rule. On their own, in- who have practiced His own judicial de-
dependent from God, men and nations cision. Seek righteousness, seek meekness.
have brought ever greater disaster to the Probably you may be concealed in the day
human family. Unable to get what they of Jehovah's anger."-Zeph. 2:3. ,
want by legitimate and just means, they
After the end of this system of things,
have drenched the earth with the blood
then what? A new day will dawn for the
of innocent people.-Isa. 26 :21.
human family! Armageddon survivors will
Editor David Lawrence acknowledged begin to enjoy all the benefits of a righ-
on September 25, 1967: "Unhappiness on teous new order. Just what will conditions
earth is man-made. Our key weakness is be like on earth then? What blessings will
that we have not solved the problem of flow to the human family during this
self-government." And the editor of In- 1,000-year rule of God's kingdom? For
telligence Digest admitted in August of your own encouragement, examine these
1967: "Only God can settle world affairs. conditions and benefits in the light of
The materialistic concept that, by his own God's promises.
HEN God puts an end to this present
W system of things shortly, it will pave
the way for his clean new order for earth.
supreme power for doing good will be
manifested by his showering down bless-
ings on those of mankind who will live
Armageddon will rid the earth of war, in that new order. Following are a few
violence, crime and injustice. Divisive gov- heartwarming prophecies from God's
ernments, religions and economic systems Word. Many of them find their fulfillment
will be gone forever. primarily in a spiritual sense now among
With God's heavenly kingdom the only God's servants. But they also foretell lit-
government ruling over the earth, God's eral and physical blessings.


Who will bring total disarmament? " [God ]
is making wars to cease to the extremity of the
earth.'-Ps. 46:9.
All survivors of Armageddon will have al-
ready done this: "They will have to beat their
swords into plowshares and their spears into
pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword
against nation, neither will they learn war any
more."-lsa. 2:4.
Why will that peace know no future dis-
turbance? "Evildoers themselves will be cut off,
,.. the wicked one will be no more."-Ps. 37:
9, 10.

"bnd my people must dwell i n a peaceful abiding ' ..... ....._

place and in residences of full confidence and in
undisturbed.resting places."-lsa. 32:18.

Neither will animalistic men

nor literal beasts then be a
"The wolf will actually re-
side for a while with the male --.--+*--..-.
lamb, and with the kid the
leopard itself will lie down,
and the calf and the maned
young lion and the well-fed
animal all together; and a
mere little boy will be leader
over them. And the cow and
the bear themselves will feed;
together their young ones will
lie down. And even the lion
will eat straw just like the bull. ?$
And the suckins child will cer-
tainly play u p i n the hole of
the cobra; and upon the light
& ~ ; ~ ~ ? ~ ~ ~ , ~
aperture o f a poisonous snake
will a weaned child actually
put his own hand. They will
not do any harm or cause any .$I
ruin."-lsa. 11 6 9 .

creeping thing of the ground, . . . I will make them lie

a down i n security."-Hos. 2:18.

A l l persons will become healthy,
spiritually, mentally and physically.
"At that time the eyes of the
blind ones will be opened, and the
very ears of the deaf ones will be
unstopped. At that time the lame
one 'will climb up just as a stag
does, and the tongue of the speech-
less one will cry out in gladness."
-Isa. 356, 6. ,
"And [God] will wipe out every
tear from their eyes, and death
will be no more, neither will mourn-
ing nor outcry nor pain be any
more.'-Rev. 2 1:4.

God's power can even reverse the aging

"Let his flesh become fresher than in youth;
let him return to the days of his youthful vigor."
--Job 33:25.
"The gift God gives i s everlasting life b y
Christ Jesus our Lord."-Rom. 6:23.
"Everyone exercising faith in him might
have everlasting life."-John 3:16.
. ..

Even the dead will come back

from the grave.
"The hour i s coming in which all
those in the memorial tombs will
hear his voice and come out."
-John 5:28, 29.
"The sea gave up those dead i n
it, a n d d e a t h a n d Hades [ t h e
g r a v e l gave u p those d e a d i n
them.'-Rev. 20:13.

The fruits of good works (Gal.

5:22, 231 will be matched by earth-
ly fruitfulness.
"The mountains and the hills
themselves will become cheerful be-
fore you with a joyful outcry, and
the very trees of the field will all
clap their hands. lnstead of the
thicket of thorns the iuniper tree will
come up. lnstead af the stinging
nettle the myrtle tree will come up."
--Isa. 55:12, 13.
"The wilderness and the water-
less region will exult, and the des-
ert plain will be joyful and blossom
as the saffron."-lsa. 35:l.
"You will be with me in Para-
dise."-Luke 23:43.

Malnutrition and famine will be

things of the past;
"Jehovah of armies will certainly
make for all the peoples ... a ban-
quet of well-oiled dishes, a banquet
of wine kept on the dregs, of well-
oiled dishes filled with marrow."-lsa.
"There will come to be plenty of
grain on the earth; on the top of the
mountains there will be an overflow."
-Ps. 72:16.
"Pouring rains of blessing there will
prove to be. And the tree of the field
must give its fruitage, and the land
itself will give its yield, and they will
actually prove to be on their soil in
security.'-Ezek. 34:26, 27.
"The earth itself will certainly give
its produce; God, our God, will bless
US.'-Ps. 67:6.

No slums; no crowded living conditions.

"They will certainly build houses and have occupancy . ..
They w i l l not build and
.someone else .have occu-
pancy; they will not plant
and someone else do the
eating. .. .the work of their
own hands my chosen ones
will use to the full. They
will not toil for nothing, nor
will they bring to birth for
disturbance."-lsa. 65:21-

No need for protective bars and locks.

"They will actually sit, each one under his vine
and under his fig tree, and there will be no one
making them tremble."-Mic. 4:4.

< -.
"OCTOBER 8, 1968
Surely you want to live in such a won- their loyalty to God and be found worthy
derful new order as God's Word describes. of living forever in that restored paradise.
Think of it-no more war, crime, violence, But will not this planet become too
poverty, hunger, poor housing or sickness! crowded with so many millions coming
What a blessing these conditions will back in the resurrection? No, that will not
be for those who sincerely love righteous- be the case. Keep in mind that the Cre-
ness! And under God's loving adrninistra- ator of the universe regulates the thou-
tion by his appointed King, Christ Jesus, sands of millions of heavenly bodies with
all mankind will become one united, hap- a precision that inspires awe in man.
py family. From heaven, this righteous Surely God is capable of determining and
rulership will guide, assist and prosper the regulating a far smaller number of people
activities of those who make up the new to live comfortably on earth. There will
earthly arrangement of things. Fulfilled be no problem of overcrowding to mar the
will be the Bible prophecy: "There are happiness of that new order. Jehovah will
new heavens [God's kingdom] and a new solve any problem that could arise. Hence,
earth [righteous human society] that we we can confidently say: "0 Jehovah of
are awaiting according to his promise, and armies, happy is the man that is trusting
in these righteousness is to dwell." in you."-Ps. 84:12.
-2 Pet. 3:13. Living then will be true living, in the
The new system will certainly fulfill the way the Creator purposed, free from the
promise given through the psalmist, who frustration, irritation, disagreeableness
said of the loving Creator: "You are open- and anxiety that characterizes the lives of
ing your hand and satisfying the desire millions today. That is why the Bible de-
of every living thing." (Ps. 145~16)All scribes the condition of persons then in
the proper desires of God-fearing persons this way: "The meek ones themselves will
will be completely realized under the rule possess the earth, and they will indeed find
of the Kingdom government. Not only their ezquisite delight in the abundance
peace, prosperity and health, but also the of peace." (Ps. 37:ll) Yes, those living in
enjoyment of living among people who are that new order will experience such deep
honest, decent, loving and helpful. peace and contentment that every day will
Nor will this enjoyment be temporary. be an "exquisite delight" to them.
It will not be cut short by death after Do you not agree that God's purpose
seventy or eighty years of life. For God's for earth and man in the near future is
Word guarantees the elimination of death, inspiring? Certainly, nothing that any
saying: "He will actually swallow up man, organization or government on earth
death forever, and the Lord Jehovah will today has done or ever could do remotely
certainly wipe the tears from all faces." compares with what God will do for man
(Isa. 25 :8) "The righteous themselves will in His new order.
possess the earth, and they will reside Surely no one today can deny the ur-
forever upon it."-Ps. 37:29. gent need for a change in the direction
Even those in the graves will have an in which men and nations are moving.
opportunity for life in God's new order, Many, in fact, long for such a change. Yet
for "there is going to be a resurrection they hesitate to believe in the prospect
of both the righteous and the mrigh- of seeing a global change take place in the
teous." (Acts 24:15) In this way the res- near future by God's power. Why? Does
urrected dead will be in position to prove their doubting have a sound basis?

HE evidence that we are far along in

T the "last days" can be either good
news or bad news to you, depending on
even announcing a specific date. Some
have gathered groups of people with them
and fled to the hills or withdrawn into
the position you take. If you long to be their houses waiting for the end. Yet,
free from a rule that has proved both nothing happened. The "end" did not come.
unsatisfactory and unrighteous and that They were guilty of false prophesying.
is torn more and more by discord and Why? What was missing?
confusion; if you really love what is right Missing was the full measure of evi-
and have a sincere desire to do the will dence required in fulfillment of Bible
of your Creator, then this evidence shouldprophecy. Missing from such people were
make you rejoice. Why? Because, as Jesus God's truths and the evidence that he was
Christ said: "As these things start to oc-guiding and using them.
cur, raise yourselves erect and lift your
heads up, because pour deliverance is But what about today? Today we have
getting near."-Luke 21 :28. the evidence required, all of it. And it is
A perfect gzvernment, heaven-based overwhelming! All the many, many parts
and with heaven's blessing and heaven's of the great sign of the "last days" are
power backing i t up, will soon take com- here, together with verifying Bible chro-
plete control of this earth. In this way nology.
God will answer the prayer: "Let your Take a simple illustration: Suppose on
kingdom come." What better news could a hot day a t the beginning of summer,
there be? someone told you that winter was coming
Still some persons may say: "How can within a week because he had seen some
you be sure? Maybe it is later than many trees without leaves. But those trees could
people think. But maybe it is not as late have died from disehse o r age. So, by itself
as some persons claim. People have been that would not be enough evidence that
mistaken about these prophecies before." winter was approaching. Especially so
when none of the other trees had shed
The Difference their leaves, when the heat continued day
True, there have been those in times after day, and when the calendar told you
past who predicted an "end to the world," it was just the beginning of summer. You
OCTOBER 8, 1968 23
could rightly dismiss the claim of winter's the fig tree and all the other trees: When
nearness as unfounded. they are alreqdy in the bud, by observing
What, though, if months later you went i t you know for yourselves that now the
outside each day in the afternoon and summer is near.'YLuke 21:29, 30) Then,
found the temperature approaching the as recorded a t Matthew 24:33, 34, he add-
freezing point, with dull gray clouds scud- ed: "Likewise also you, when you see
ding across the sky? What if you saw all these things, know that he is near a t
that all the trees that were not ever- the doors. Truly P say to you that this
greens had shed their leaves? And what generation will by no means pass away
if you, upon inquiring, found that the au- until all these things occur." We today
tumn harvest of crops had taken place have an the many parts of that sign, near-
weeks ago, and that the migrating birds ly forty of them, being fulfilled within the
and animals had already taken leave for same generation, and we have God's time-
warmer climates? What if your calendar table, his "calendar,"showing that the
showed that the autumn months were a t time has nearly run out for the present
their close? unrighteous system of things. This is very
Would you still doubt if someone told different indeed from the situation with
you that winter was coming very soon? those who proclaimed an "end to the
Would you say he was just guessing or world" in earlier generations.
merely expressing his own idea? Or would
you acknowledge, on the basis of solid The Majority's Opinion
evidence, that he knew the facts and was Not a Sound Guide
telling you the truth? We need to realize that the majority of
After expressing the many parts that persons will not be moved by the evi-
make up the sign of the "last days,"Jesus dence that God's kingdom has drawn near.
used a similar illustration with regard to Why? They are not really interested in
another season, summer, saying : "Note God's new system taking over control of
e a r t h . They do
not want to sub-
mit to God's rule,
preferring to
pursue their own
selfish desires.
These people will
look for ways to
reject or ridicule
the evidence. But
they merely add
t o t h e evidence
of t h e "last
days," for the Bi-
ble foretold: "In
the last days
there will come
ridiculers with
t h e i r ridicule,
proceeding according to their own de- house is abandoned to you." (Matt. 23:38)
sires and saying: 'Where is this promised He warned the people: "When you see
presence of his? Why, from the day our Jerusalem surrounded by encamped ar-
forefathers fell asleep in death, all things mies, then know that the desolating of her
are continuing exactly as from creation's has drawn near. Then let those in Judea
beginning.' "-2 Pet. 3: 3, 4. begin fleeing to the mountains, and let
Many people today are like persons on those in the midst of her withdraw, and
a runaway train who pay no attention let those in the country places not enter
when someone sincerely tries to warn into her; because these are days for met-
them that the train is heading for di- ing out justice."-Luke 21: 20-22.
saster. They keep on with their club-car In that same generation, in the year
conversations, discussing matters such' as 66 C.E., Roman armies did come against
wages, prices or social injustices. Or they Jerusalem, besieging it as Jesus foretold.
keep on arguing over the merits of politi- But then, those armies withdrew, as an-
cal leaders, the latest sports events; or cient Jewish historian Josephus said:
reading, drinking, or playing cards. "without any reason in the world." (Wars
Do not such persons fit the description of the Jews, Book 11, Chapter XIX, sec. 7)
Jesus gave, saying: "For as they were in Here was the sign Jesus had mentioned
those days before the flood; eating and and now the opportunity to act upon it!
drinking, men marrying and women be- Christians, confidently believing the truth
ing given in marriage, until the day that of what Jesus said, rapidly abandoned Je-
Noah entered into the ark; and they took rusalem and all the surrounding area.
no rtote uritil the flood came and swept They crossed the Jordan River to the
them all away, so the presence of the Son east, getting out of Judean territory al-
of man will be"?-Matt. 24:38, 39. together.
Notice that Jesus said "they took no Those who did not believe Jesus, or a t
note." But despite this and despite the least doubted him, ignored the sign.
scoffing of the majority, "the world of Thinking the Romans would not be back,
that time suffered destruction when it they resumed their routine of life. In fact,
was deluged with water." (2 Pet. 3:6) four years later, in 70 C.E., during a re-
But note please that Noah and his fam- ligious holiday the Jews flocked into Je-
ily had the happy experience of living rusalem by the hundreds of thousands.
through that destruction. Why? "Noah They did the very opposite of what Jesus
proceeded to do according to all that God said to do!
had commanded him. He did just so." Just a t that time, the Roman armies
-Gen. 6:22. came back in force! They quickly sur-
rounded Jerusalem, trapping more than a
A Parallel Situation in Jesus7Day million Jews inside the city. After a siege,
The attitude of the majority when Je- those powerful armies of Rome broke
sus was on earth was no different from through the city's defenses. More than a
today. They placed no confidence in his million Jews died due to famine and dis-
warnings nor the hope he announced. ease or were slaughtered, and tens of
Jesus told the Jewish leaders that God thousands were taken captive. Their city
had abandoned their religious system be- and its religious temple were put to the
cause of their willful disobedience and re- torch. By the year 73 C.E.all Judea had
ligious hypocrisy, saying: "Look! Your been desolated. Those who ignored Jesus'
OCTOBER 8, 1968
warning, viewing it as mere "calamity The famous scientist Sir Isaac Newton,
howling," paid with their lives. a critic of ancient writings, said after ex-
Yet, during this very time of horrible amining the Scriptures: "I find more sure
destruction, the Christians who had marks of authenticity in the New Testa-
obeyed Jesus lived in blessed security in ment than in any profane history what-
the mountains across the Jordan River. ever." And modern archaeologist W. F.
Albright said in his book Archaeobgy and
No Real Excuse for Doubting Israel: "No major contention of Scripture
Despite all the evidence surrounding has proved Wistorical."
them in proof that God's kingdom will soon So, while you may choose to doubt the
come against the present wicked system, Bible's authenticity, if you have never
some still call for added proof. They made a thorough study of it, then you
would like some obviously supernatural should be honest enough to admit either
phenomena to take place so as to convince to ignorance of its contents or perhaps
them that it is truly later than they had even prejudice against them. But igno-
thought. But, when a group of religious rance or prejudice on such a vital subject
leaders wanted Jesus to produce some and in a time such as we are now experi-
heavenly display to cause them to believe encing is dangerous indeed. Now, if ever,
in him, Jesus said in reproof: "When men and women everywhere need to re-
evening falls you are accustomed to say, examine their outlook on life, the basis for
'It will be fair weather, for the sky is their hopes and their present course of ac-
fire-red'; and a t morning, 'It will be win- tion, and their reason for their beliefs and
try, rainy weather today, for the sky is convictions.
fire-red, but gloomy-looking.' You know We sincerely hope that you are one who
how to interpret the appearance of the will open-mindedly consider the facts, and
sky, but the signs of the times you can- that your faith in God's justice and love
not interpret."-Matt. 16 :1-3; Luke 12: and in the truth of his Word continues
54-56. unaffected by the doubts and scoffings of
The Bible shows the true meaning of a world that blindly rushes on in a di-
the "signs of the times" in which we are sastrous course. (2 Cor. 4:4; Matt. 15:14)
living. If we believe God's Word we will This system of things is picking up speed
rejoice. Do you believe it? Or are you in its downward plunge. Will you stay
perhaps influenced by persons who at- with it and take the consequences, or will
tempt to discredit and downgrade the Bi- you listen to the counsel of God's Word
ble's reliability? If so, you should not and abandon it?
make the mistake of thinking that such The time remaining for a decision is
criticism has true scientific basis. Note, short. The opportunity is still before you,
for example, what Professor R. D. Wilson like the open door of the ark built by
said in A Scientific Investigation of the Noah before the Flood, and like the open
Old Testantent: gates of Jerusalem when Rome's armies
"Whenever there is sufficient documentary temporarily withdrew. But that door of
evidence to make an investigation, the state-
ments of the Bible in the original text have opportunity will soon close for all time.
stood the test. .
"The chronoloiical and geographical state-

Prompt action is vital if you would be

among the happy survivors of this pres-
ments are more accurate and reliable than
those afforded by any other ancient docu- ent system's destruction. What can you
ments." do and what will it require of you?
you that life either. Man's works,
however noble, all end in death.
Even the sincere attempt. by
means of modern medicine can-
not prolong life indefinitely. In
this regard the New York Times
of October 30, 1966, reported:
"At the moment, efforts to length-
en the life span seem to have
broken down. . . It is now gener-
ally agreed that no single factor is
involved in aging. . . the conquest
of cancer, heart disease and the
like will not lead to a dramatic
increase in the life span. Too many
weaknesses are built into the hu-
man frame to be overcome!'

LIKE a train about to plunge into an

abyss, this system of things is about
to plunge into destruction. Time is fast
So it is futile to look to money or human
means for life. Only God can, and will,
give eternal life to deserving ones.
running out for it! Deserving ones? Does this mean that
If you had the right opportunity to the gift of life will not come to everyone
jump from a train that was heading for automatically? This is just what it means.
certain destruction, would you not do so? While the gift of eternal life is available
True, it might cost you a severe bruising; to everybody, it will be given only to
you might leave behind some of your pos- those who meet the conditions God lays
sessions and the people on the train, but down.dohn 3:35, 36.
you would save your life.
What will it cost you to have the hope What the Cost Is
of living through the end of this wicked God's Word states: "The world is pass-
system of things? What will you have to ing away and so is its desire, but he that
pay to gain life in God's new order? dms the will of God remains forever."
The cost to you cannot be measured in -1 John 2: 17.
money. The apostle Peter once said to a That is the key to eternal life, the doing
person offering him money for benefits of God's will. All the conditions that must
that God gives: "May your silver perish be met are included in $hat framework.
with you, because you thought through So then, if you'want to survive the end of
money to get possession of the free gift this wicked world and be given the gift
of God."-Acts 8:18-20. of eternal life in God's new system, you
need to do God's will.
Eternal Life a Gift It is only logical that if you want to
Similarly, eternal life in God's new or- live in God's new system you must do his
der will be a gift: "The gift God gives is will. What would happen if God allowed
everlasting life." (Rom. 6:23) You can- people to do whatever they wanted in his
not buy that with all the money in the new system? Crime, violence, bloodshed,
world. And no human agency can give hatred, prejudice and injustice would be-
OCTOBER 8, 1968
gin all over again. However, this will not everlasting life, their taking in knowledge
be the case, for God will not again allow of you, the only true God, and of the one
such conditions to prevail.-Isa. 11:9. whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ." (John
Therefore, there must be law and order. 17:3) Yes, the only way to survive the
And the highest law that results in the end of this wicked world and to gain life
best order comes from God. That is why in God's new order is by doing God's will.
there has to be an obeying of God's righ- And the only way to find out God's will is
teous requirements. These requirements to look into his Word, the Bible.
work to the good of everyone, including True, this may take some time and ef-
the one keeping them. Nor are they bur- fort from other pursuits. But consider
densome: "This is what the love of God this: you now probably work about forty
means, that we observe his command- hours a week to make your living. Or, if
ments; and yet his commandments are not you are a housewife, you work hard all
burdensome."-1 John 5 :3. week caring for the needs of the family.
Jesus Christ said: "Come to me, all you Yet, this investment of time and effort
who are toiling and loaded down, and I does not lead toward eternal life because
will refresh you. Take my yoke upon you even ungodly persons do as much. How-
and become my disciples, for I am mild- ever, with far less time and effort, you
tempered and lowly in heart, and you will can take in the knowledge that will start
find refreshment for your souls. For my you on the way to eternal life.
yoke is kindly and my load is light."
-Matt. 11:28-30. Do Not Be Diverted by Opposition
A loving God will certainly not put You need to understand that not all per-
burdens upon you that you cannot carry. sons have respect for God or for his Word.
Keeping God's commandments, doing his Some oppose. Others openly ridicule.
will, is not a heavy, depressing burden. (2 Pet. 3:3, 4) Do not be surprised, there-
Instead, it is refreshing, uplifting, light. fore, to have opposition arise from some
of your friends, or even from close rela-
Spend Time and Effort tives, when you begin to study the Bible.
To do God's will, you must first know Jesus himself said that this might hap-
what it is. To find that out, you need to pen. (Matt. 10:36) If this does happen,
spend time and effort. and others oppose your learning God's
Is that too high a price to pay for learn- will, then what? Should you abandon your
ing about eternal life? Surely not. The study of God's Word? Remember, the Bi-
first-century Christians willingly spent ble says of men: "Not one of them can
time and effort, as have hundreds of thou- by any means redeem even a brother, nor
sands of sincere Christians today, to learn give to God a ransom for him . . . that he
God's will. They eagerly looked into God's should still live forever and not see the
Word to determine the truth: "They re- pit."-Ps. 49:7, 9.
ceived the word with the greatest eager- The gift of eternal life will not come
ness of mind, carefully examining the from any human, only from God. So do
Scriptures daily as to whether these things not let anyone divert you from taking in
were so."-Acts 17:11. knowledge of God. Indeed, although some
There is no substitute for this taking in may oppose you, in time, with patience
of Bible knowledge. Your hope to gain and tact on your part, and with evidence
eternal life depends upon it: "This means that your life has been changed for the
'better by your knowledge of God; i t may you. At that time they will keep calling me,
influence such opposers to accept God and but I shall not answer; they will keep look-
his Word.-1 Pet. 3:1, 2. ing for me, but they will not find me, for
Also, what good would you do for op- the reason that they hated knowledge,
posers by going along with them to cer- and the fear of Jehovah they did not
tain disaster? If you were on a train head- choose. They did not consent to my coun-
ed for a crash, could you do anyone on it sel; they disrespected all my reproof. So
any good by staying with the train just they will eat from the fruitage of their
because others refuse to leave? All you way."-Prov. 1:24-31.
would do is lose your $ownlife. So staying But'this will not be so for those 'who
with this system as it heads toward its do take in knowledge of God, who listen
end will not benefit anyone. to his counsel and reproof, and who then
apply themselves to the doing of his will:
No Time to Lose "As for the one listening to me, he will
The end of this wicked system is ap- reside in security and be undisturbed
proaching rapidly. It is much later than from dread of calamity." (Prov. 1:33) Of
most people realize. Hence, there is no 'this Eind of person the Bible says: 'The
time to lose in working for survival. upright are the ones that will reside in
Do not be misled into thinking you can the earth, and the blameless are the ones
ignore the matter and that God will some- that will be left over in it."-Prov. 2:21.
how favor you when Do you want to be
the end comes. No, "left over" in t h e
you cannot gain AFtTICkES 1N THE NEXT ISSUE e arth when this
+ W h a t H a s Happened t o Respect for
eternal life without wicked system is an-
's Ark H a v e Held All Those
God's approval, and nihilated soon a t Ar-
you cannot get God's mageddon? (Dan. 2:
approval without 44) Then begin tak-
meeting his condi- ing in knowledge of
tions: "Jehovah is with you as long as you God right away. How? By a systematic
prove to be with him; and if you search study of the Bible with those who love
for him, he will let himself be found by God's Word and who live by it. Write to
you, but if you leave him he will leave Awake! magazine and request such a Bible
you."-2 Chron. 15:2. study in the privacy of your own home.
A qualified minister, one of Jehovah's wit-
Those who refuse to listen to God will
nesses, will be sent to show you the most
not survive the end of this system. The practical and beneficial way of under-
Great Judge of all mankind now causes standing your Bible. There will be no cost
.his wisdom to cry out and give warning: of money to you. But it will cost some of
"Because I have called out but you keep your time, about one hour a week.
refusing, . and you keep neglecting all You have no time to lose in making
my counsel, and my reproof you have not friends with God, because time is rapidly
accepted, I also, for my part, shall laugh running out for this wicked system of
a t your own disaster, .I shall mock when things. It is very close to plunging into the
what you dread comes, ...and your own chasm of Armageddon. Therefore, take
disaster gets here just like a stormwind, steps quickly to work for survival and for
when distress and hard times come upon eternal life in God's new order.
OCTOBER 8, 1968
tion of these very moral stan-
dards themselves." Explains
Herberg: "It is here that we
find a breakdown in morality
in a radical sense, in a sense
almost without precedent in
our western history." I t is the
present unprecedented moral
breakdown that the Bible
pointed to as an identifying
mark of "the last days!'-2
Tim. 3:1-3.
World Diseases
@ According to the World
Health Organization, the fol-
lowing is a table of various
diseases in the world today
and the number of persons
Quake K i i s Thousands Orthodox Religion Dying afflicted by them: Schistoso-
@ At no time in history has
miasis-200 million; filariasis
@ The northeastern province -190 million; hookworm450
of Khurasan in Iran was the future of religion in Chris- m i l l i o n ; onchocerciasis-
struck by a severe earthquake .tendom been so uncertain. A 50 million; Chagas' disease
on September 2. More than profound revolution in reli- -7 million; leprosy-11 mil-
10,000 people were killed. Over gious thought is sweeping the lion; trachoma400 million.
one hundred villages were said churches. These were the con-
to have been destroyed or clusions of two noted Berkeley Blood and Money
damaged and 100,000 persons
left homeless. The mud-brick
sociologists, Rodney Stark and
Charles Gock. The authors + During World War I1 the
pointed out that religious fer- United States reported 292,131
homes of peasants were crum- dead in battle and 115,185 dead
bled easily by the earthquake, ment and skepticism are not
new, but the difference this from other causes, six times
which was said to be as strong as many as were killed in ac-
as the one six years ago that time is that the challenge tion in World War I. The
killed 12,000 people in Iran. comes from Christian theo-
logians. As for churchgoers, money costs of World War 11
These earthquakes remind us are said to be $1,154,000,000,000
of Jesus' words about what we "a near majority reject such
traditional articles of faith as -with property damage, ex-
might expect to see in the last clusive of that in China, corn-
days of this system of things. Christ's miracles, life after ing to $230,900,000,000. There
-Matt. 24:7. death, the promise of the Sec- have been 39 wars fought since
ond Coming, the Virgin Birth, World War 11. What a grand
Chile's Disastrous Drought and an overwhelming majority
reject the existence of the relief mankind will experience
@ The worst drought in 102 Devil." T h e s e m e n a d d , when God makes wars to cease
years has seriously affected 'Sooner or later the churches from the earth!
the fertile central valley of will have to face the fact that
Chile, threatening the live- orthodoxy is dead." Alive for 4,000 Years
stock. the centurv-old vine- @ T h e b r i s t l e c o n e pines
yards, the drinking water and Moral Standards Repudiated (Pinus aristata) that cling to
electric power plants. The @ "There has always been a the 11,000-foot arid peaks of
drought has already cost the widespread violation of moral the White Mountains of east-
nation $100,000,000. A modest standards. Today's crisis is no ern California furnish remark-
estimate of the deaths due to different," many persons as- able proof that life can con-
lack of water and fodder is sert. But there is a difference, tinue for thousands of years.
set at 150,000 head of cattle. as the distinguished Jewish A c a r e f u l c o u n t of t h e i r
Some 300,000 sheep are said philosopher Will Herberg ob- growth rings reveal them to
to have died. Rural families serves: "The moral crisis of be older than the 3,500-year-
numbering some 6,000 are said our time consists primarily not old sequoias. So far, more than
to be badly in need of food in the widespread violation of 1,000 trees have been found
supplies. The situation in Chile accepted m o r a l s t a n d a r d s that exceed 4,000 years of age,
was termed by officials as "ex- -when has any age been free indicating that some of these
tremely serious." of that?-but in the repudia- may have begun growing soon
after the great Noachian flood that a flood, as related in the tives looked on in horror. "The
of 2370 B.C.E. The bristlecone Bible, caused the quick deaths. pope is afraid his position is
pines serve to strengthen one's They contend that a vast quan- being nibbled away at. He
faith in the Bible's promise of tity of moisture suspended wants to stop anything he can.
everlasting life in God's rap- high above the earth created But he can't stop us anymore.
idly approaching new order of a 'greenhouse effect' which ex- We just don't pay attention
things. We are assured, "like plains grass found in the stom- when he talks," said a teach-
the days of a tree will the achs of the frozen animals ing priest. He went on to say
days of my [God's] people be!' in the polar regions. When that liberal priests want "com-
-1sa. 65: 22. the water blanket suddenly plete honesty'' in the church,
crashed to the earth, it created and added, "but that's some-
Flood Verified the flood according to the thing you just can't have in
6 Alaska is the scene of dis- theory. Then, with the in- this church." Speaking for
coveries that are of keen in- sulating vapor removed, the himself and other liberals, he
terest to Bible students and polar regions suddenly were went on to say: "The more the
scientists alike. According to plunged into a 'deep freeze' pope says, the more we have
an editorial in the East Liver- and millions of animals were to disregard him. It's exactly
pool Review on July 26, "scien- quick-frozen." like the fabled credibility gap
tists say vast herds of mast- between the U.S. government
odons and other animals in Back-talking Priests and the people!'
the Arctic were killed without 6 Popes, as a rule, are not
used to tongue-lashings at the Criminal Society
visible sign of violence, some hands of priests. When Pope @ There was an all-time high
of them before they could Paul VI recently spoke out of 12,093 murders in the United
swallow a mouthful of food. against too rapid changes in States last year. Also, almost
And t h e y w e r e f r o z e n so the Roman Catholic Church, three times as many of Amer-
quickly that every cell of their the Catholic liberals did not ica's cars are stolen each year
bodies was perfectly preserved. hesitate to lash back a t him as are produced in the Soviet
Some of the scientists believe verbally, while the conserva- Union.

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ing. Why chance missing an issue? Make certain
that you and your family are fully aware at all
times of the current trend of events and their
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OCTOBER 8, 1968 31
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