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"LE~E.NDS'\ op.5.

Fur 5,\" FIlIl"e:.

uHf IS ~hlib\e fOr 'ffie pi~ce to 'Pt p\CI'1~ i(\ ql\ <waltoriul'l' WWt l"IlO,)l.i(Y\"~ ~Ol\o.f'(,e is O'6te\:ma, MeA wFltn! t+\e I!~h~ o\~ \OO1t\M~
(~ho in ~ dis~,,(,e.~ e.~(.tsClln~ wiqe d'f<'AIYlIc, rq(\~~ q~ perce{lflble to tOe. ~vo\ien(,t. Thq,. ~rWJrMe.r shOll~ 'a! fqir\y we\\ ~rqtetA
trtll'l! tbi !~\ll'\iI~IIC" .
(2..) D-iM(V\k i~iCG\TIoI\S re~io ~c.tNe \loTi \ t~ ne.xt q'lnql'nlc. Qi~c.tlol\ . \'\qturqlly ql\ ~'iI\qMltS q~ ~ti'Je.) not CIIbso\lJ+e . W~re ~:)(q(;t
clttr\;~ "\fII. o""i~ t.QA'.eFfiu'e ~~flliE. \tve.},tre.sC&~i CMW. ~if'1jA\letlqi,""'Eo1 ~re. l*t+ethe pede~r ~t\el""<l5ii~1 conl-el<t
('3) tof\ce('{\l~ o.c.(;latt\"\q\~ in " Niobe" ) t~e "CX<lW -lif1e.' k)qrlrl"l1!." OI<:.t OIS for \'\orlq\ bc!rlines . C'Prec.ClII1'I-io,.,Qry II "Icc-\qtl)'\ql\; "Ire vsec;\ I for t"lSl
of ~;()<3')
l"H .' - ~. 100 Cl\'6nQ~~ 0. \u4f'o FE!.jo#\o.bly ,\laIR ~ \VO :\ ~ Ihiflll+e) thi"$ b~ifUj th!! OP+itnll'PI fii ..po where t'Na iMrecfiof\ "'Precu s.

(t) t=l 1i\i,\o!eS <lI flOIv~ lO'Jf1J fi\O(lJ '\fie uSvq\ fZ'i . , diellOTeS t\ shott FIISt: . ExOicf aQI<lIFl'lnS o;n:; te:ftto the piftofWr qnd Ni\1$~1 tot\~+.
~ l\'I~i"I~ qO ClOT flC\vs~ 01+ "1\\ . I.o "l"IertllC)''') whe." there is ~ wf~ I S\1~c:le.f') c;\ynqftlic. c:.N:I~e wi~ thIS Q're.c,+1Of1 9i\lV\ ) the o\esjfto\
~d t'O 4e liii"lf Y\W; ~;~tltI ef ~p i ifSt MM .,.~~ 'I1Hi'l t'M ~QMMetAA!~W ot 1M S\!CI>.C\ "eft et fi'ie Q>Jra(101t c.~e I qt toic

(3) I"<:~$i"9 Q'ITlqf'llk \e~l Tf"OrI\ \~tt t<l r'~ht: ppp.+ Pf?' fT-t fP' f+ f f\'Ip.+ I'IIp. I\'If il'\f..t f . T.t -If. %.+ ~ . "*.t
t"l) ppp.lfoss.) 1'II1!.G\f)S o.s .. C1ft qS ?os~ib\e. (\(irtv~I\1 \1\qvcAible).

00) :

(1'2.) ~ IYIQq"$ V'lith()IJt ~ <lIc.c.~f\t 0(' sms~ .

(1$) AI! "'!IPt'+'> e ~ "'b
'fH'<F~.' ~fii "1101)- II.~' ~Fe~ I Wi tl\( l'eA" ~!!OF IH ** .~ fe' Sh""'~
iifl PfI""SIeq \ teA e)( l\!lWe;iIfI'; P',yec ** . it
I' be e:MplO'je "
with!) - ?",SSC\~e.l "'OI('~ "nol'l c.o\ort." (w1\-hovh,o\OI)f') He.c.he cil \on'tcl"Il", etc. ~0\\\'1 $~V'c;\ be plo.'1et:A " i)oo-v'lbr~t'o~
Q'fJ In , ifl>fl1e ~"I'i\c.t.) 0 ;-, ~i ... e~ 0'1 #Ie rewlHilflf fiE". ',lA'Iilst 4" a~Rs m i\lijlqfl'lenWiI Car f~'j tone:
015) ~ cle.r.oTe.~ 01 "c.oIO\)~~ noise" !I.~ed c''\,reOlth''sollo~) . The H(ls ClIre n-~ IJr re'\~ ;" -\'ne l'I<:)('f\'1q\ y\o.'1~"~ yosir,o(\ I but *'~ ~;r flow
P'~\ ~ t\o\e !1oJ+e. in s"th .. \IWI ~t fie "'ON.,,} +me ~~~. Slr.<,w this ehC.t,0o\o9 f12roEb'lfJ,lQ! pi}c~ qie 2MP'''''M C4t
'(er'f \ow 4!tlb\l,,;e; \e:ve\~,the "noise" ""ill we ~ C\r"ItIYlib\e pl'h:;h 'f+Ie ~1'i\I( 1\$ TtlI\f <If the: lioN fi~~. "'r...t'l S'to;ps'\ (Ol"irhc.v\tifl'y I:)tI
OIt<.e,,\s ,S~fI",q bit IJStci with t'o'~ (when ~os~i'b\e) . Th~ '$\:l\~" ~hOIl\d bt. \tSS prof\'l"1\eot~";he "<:o\o\lre~ Mise".
(l6) 1ueo . .RcA f, ~el'\etf "fifdi ...",cii'j" \If e@i\ <lawA] na;:.ptGtiw11 .. ,i"" 6olle\1(;\"Nna to.tl6\ fiNJef' sMi\(\'n I iA ihe "'.sf of OJ ~~. ~el
+,"'"-). ~. sholl\cl. be: Ii~ q s'~h (with clil\!;fllle."~O "6 iM tone i'i. btnt, so ~t *'e. ~f1Cl\ of the befit tone is not ~~~s;l.eCl\). In both c.qseo~)
tho ~~hO\l'A \:R. 'v1f..Ot 0eep?x1""'9!bt C\ semitong, 1a.ocA cm\y tow~rn" +b~ 'luy toa of the rum E'l('>!C.\ c:>&+a,\s (lCQ \dot h:l ~ porfo/l>!e('
9<,,,* lil<oJiic;;q\ t;el'\~~. \~ ~~ ...," I'IM bt NlAAil'1 ~Ftii,JtA 'e>1- ~vq\WIc:\! .
(\7) ~ cl~ 0. .. kt'/ 'i>1~f>" ~ O\~a itlor. to the 1\0('1'1\0\ \ ~ . Th~ ""\~f " ShoV\d. bQ. \~S rM~'(\e.l'\t 1T,c"n ~ OOf1'nG\1tonI?..
(\%) co<.c.~""'n~ "~\\lW..P~'~" (Ht. !), eit\.er f1PQ; (\;I'"'''''''' 1If' ~~"'~G1 T\<llTtf') r>.ei'f bC!; vsea where O!t'Pf\:)pf'iGI\i )0\1 Ihe l"er 'fV r lYjl1Oc IS
~;~<'f1!.TI\)f\) Ilf\~"~ cr\tIarwisQ. ;~ic",-\-Qd. .
U9) "sOitilt fI!I;!~~"
('S.M'.....I;!'\'Fe; : "'1I\lvt\~ cMfl'je)
C:OtlH':r... ,i~ \ II1tfI!Fi'QO$\)Ii\,
, ... rer~pholf
1 diM;+ Ell" " "
fJ:'A"'Y @'bfl'l ""\
T \lit\erri2~\Ii"'3
io= ' ;pe
mC'lVlq\ (non-t\IJ\firit\) ton~ aor.a/or VIc,Q..-ver;q, OIS inCXIQll\'eJ\ ... 501t;11a lI'\~re" tonc'e.rnin~ *,~:Co\o~ noi'se," ~t ,c;\\e. qn
irtlf!l.rceflHb\1!.. cMn<31? froM '()()f"~1 tone +0 "tololl~ noic;t" o..rcJ./or ,,\ce-~fSClI }OIS inQ;c.o,~. It \~ o,IWo,'6 c.~r <liS +0 whit-h c.<16e \ol!';\e
1\,III'4lt" ~I 5 fi, ",id
so no till the. verlla!', i,,<\AA~\ot<. is ~;>/1IJ\ . \iC,.#~\1l!01 J n;t'\ eM rJStOd; wtga i C'\ teM~\\lI'I \ ii!jh fue5%(;1\ kt;celliiiAl"'3
-\+oe ~ c.o...e.~), i'i. thoIt ~ Itrtlf'OfI"'3 *e. "c:.o\~ r.o~e." ~{f-e(,t ...t "'nc;\
""f'OI)nq +tw. poiott..) of \o~t 0-'11't"11'1lc. leve\J~r'\o\(in +he S\ll.or.rA,
(X:U~"(2))'~~C1l ~laAlOI I~ tTl!! f'jl~ hn'3"\n3 1P (j$ ot ~~ fA'>.OU ..irI@t.~I" ~t- OWJIS !Ie; f\ems\ (om f\\)~) \"r,e sr.!!tII!
~ 'briefl'f touQ\tA vpon . This ~tc.t IS aU\o~q bY I~. ~I)\qr~ .1. Exqct Cri.fC\i Ie; o.te: \e:tt +0 tM' p~f"'f6n;;;Q.f' . An of fiiS~ ~c.'\S f'rt.JSt bC1.
read.i\'t ~U'<:e.'~ 0'1 tnt o.>JC;\Ie.I\C.~.

I'\~ \, b'f 'Io.n S~Mhqf\ .


(9p) Neqr y~" e;t@ of I' NfFeUS" ilw. G\\~tHef)s ttl P""1 qt\ geM \,\~'MI 0.." +0 be '*"ted enkt if The fedtif'J\"F CAn $lJeWS\io@lA\)' p\t\)'
+he hi~h F, int.\\lCAin~ "'1'1'1 no*e$ rvoo,,,~ vp +0 ito.
(21) ],e \inq\ fh~";1!: e1 ., Nio'ee" j'4 \0 hI; p l . ~(Ith ......Il;s+~ ~f-)~" (if lh~ pQ;f'~ Riff t<O\1'\ @;)(!!f;<lte >(itt, & e'~r,
\oM,.. s\1c;tessftJl'1), of
i1breq4ti,t\e~~" , ( e'""p\II'Y \,,~ cOMplex NtinfOI'ttcl no,n"tIonitc;;). In e.i'\1\tr co.~e. ,t+lIs Pfirvise is to be
Whishc;- titlL 'one, \o;cltin'3 o.t. .,/
r\o.'j~ o.~ ~oft", o,rA ql...~o+\'t ~s the rrforl'ller t~n l"t\0\1\ - qn e.(.ho, .. tlot'l-"i'o~to ". thus, -tl-ae l.lse ot "whjstle-~" IS pre.f.erred)
h. t:JAh\1! this
('1.'2.) In the. "ec.ho di \o"tqoo" ~i-e.c.~ 0+ " t'\e.rcvry', the qcc..en~ oms shol1\c;( 'olC.O~e. the. ~oS+ flf'oM;fltrlt if'l -\tie \owes-\- q'fAAll'lk Ieve Is.
In th! dllf'te.te.c.hoe.s,+he. St.(.OM note Sholl\e! ~<.ho tM. firs~ (o,c~!i!otec.\) nem. in teach p"'ic Si rni\qrly 1 ln the triplet e.c.hoe~)tt\(! first
(G\tC~) nMe 'l'hG'J\e\ I:le'iiihoet\n \Jy i+lE! ~tr two (lekS of tt\Q ftitAQ;t' Sloth ~oJp\tit ~AA tri plt;t ed\oet S'M"~ be; pPi>fld .vittl
~'oSOI~ rn'1tnro.k",' o"t(.l.IfQ.c.:Y , with no hint w\'loItsllevtr ot 0.,0'1 -\-wIpo I:.~~) (\1o\~ t\ ~MpO <:'M~ IS ~?tc.if.\eo\)'

I. NE&EV).........

1[. ~\oBE ..... .. .. f.b.

][. l'It/2,tuF.'1 .... ... e.t:!.


,. \'
LE"ENOS oe.~ ,
'fG( )619 rlok.

I. Nt:f<EUS.

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CD Ic\~\) b'l !o.n C;~nqh~n.




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Att';to \~ 160.
PisfinWi t' _ CA log. Esrff;si'lO.

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