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2, FEBRUARY 2009

Highly Efficient Grouping Strategy for the

Analysis of Two-Port Arbitrarily Shaped
-Plane Waveguide Devices
Ángel Belenguer Martínez, Héctor Esteban González, Member, IEEE,
Vicente E. Boria Esbert, Senior Member, IEEE, Carmen Bachiller, and José Vicente Morro

Abstract—A new grouping strategy for the analysis of two-port been improved by first evaluating the integrals related to the ap-
arbitrarily shaped -plane devices in rectangular waveguides plication of MoM, and then summing the resulting terms, in-
is presented. The new grouping strategy accelerates a previous stead of first summing the Green’s function and then solving
method based on the method of moments and the Green’s function
of an infinite line source placed inside two parallel plates. The the integral equations of MoM, as this was traditionally han-
computational cost of analyzing several -plane filters of different dled. This new approach simultaneously reduces the computa-
geometries is reduced by about 50%, while maximum accuracy is tional cost and increases accuracy, as the distributed sources can
maintained, as a result of using the new grouping strategy. now be placed along the surface of the scatterer, and no singu-
Index Terms—Cavity resonator filters, Green’s function, method larity arises because it disappears through integration before the
of moments (MoM), rectangular waveguides, scattering. Green’s function is summed. In this paper, we significantly im-
prove the numerical efficiency of the technique presented in [18]
by grouping the radiation of neighboring MoM contour cells.
I. INTRODUCTION The idea of grouping the electromagnetic fields produced by
certain groups of cells is not new. This technique has been typ-
HE WELL-KNOWN method of moments (MoM) [1] is ically employed in the fast multipole method (FMM) [19]–[22]
T typically employed for the analysis of antennas and scat-
tering problems in free space [2], [3] where no boundary condi-
and in the multilevel fast multipole algorithm [23]–[25], in
both cases providing important efficiency improvements. These
methods accelerate the solution of the matrix system provided
tions are imposed on the corresponding Green’s function. How-
by the MoM, by using an iterative technique such as conjugate
ever, the MoM can also be applied to the analysis of electromag-
gradients, biconjugate gradients, biconjugate gradients stabi-
netic problems with boundary conditions, such as -plane de-
lized, and others [22], [26]–[29]. These iterative techniques
vices in waveguide technology [4]–[6], which are widely used in
do not directly solve the matrix system of the MoM,
telecommunication applications, as can be inferred from several
recent publications [7]–[11]. To apply the MoM to the analysis but instead they approximate the solution iteratively through
of rectangular waveguide -plane devices, the Green’s func- multiple matrix-vector products of the form . Again these
tion of an infinite line source between two parallel plates must products are not computed directly, but they are evaluated more
be used [12]. This Green’s function, defined as the summation efficiently thanks to a strategy based on three steps, which
of a series of guided modes [13], has been previously used to are: 1) aggregation of the radiation of neighboring cells into a
solve the scattering of single [14], [15] or multiple [16], [17] single radiation pattern; 2) translation; and 3) disaggregation
-plane posts in a rectangular waveguide. The convergence rate of the incoming field into each MoM cell. Those grouping
of the summation of this Green’s function has been accelerated, strategies imply a cost reduction of the matrix-vector product
either using the Kummer’s transformation [14], [17], or by em- from to for the FMM, and for
the multilevel fast multipole algorithm, where represents the
ploying particular basis functions in the application of MoM
[16]. Recently [18], the convergence rate of the MoM with the number of discretization cells considered along the scatterer
Green’s function of a line source between parallel plates has contours.
Due to this important cost reduction, the FMM and the mul-
tilevel fast multipole algorithm are widely used in the analysis
Manuscript received July 28, 2008; revised October 26, 2008. First published
of complex and large scattering structures. Recent studies are
January 19, 2009; current version published February 06, 2009. This work was focused on improving the accuracy by refining several subpro-
supported by the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. cesses of the grouping strategy, e.g., by the anterpolation/inter-
Á. Belenguer Martínez is with the Departamento de Ingeniería eléctrica,
electrónica, automática y comunicaciones, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha,
polation of radiation patterns of groups [30], [31], or by using
Castilla-La Mancha, Spain (e-mail: better sets of basis functions in the MoM current expansion [32],
H. Esteban González, V. E. Boria Esbert, C. Bachiller, and J. V. Morro [33]. Other studies try to improve the efficiency by accelerating
are with the Departamento de Comunicaciones, Universidad Politécnica the convergence of the iterative algorithm used in the matrix
de Valencia, 46022 Valencia, Spain (e-mail:;;; system solution [34]–[36] or trying to parallelize the computa-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2008.2011199 tions [37]–[41]. Finally, there are other papers that are focused
0018-9480/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE

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on using these algorithms for analyzing new 2-D or 3-D struc-

tures in free space or in free semispaces, as in [42]–[46].
In this paper, we propose a method for analyzing two-port
arbitrarily shaped -plane devices in rectangular waveguides.
This new method uses the technique proposed in [18] for accel-
erating the convergence and improving the accuracy of the MoM
using the Green’s function of a line source among parallel-plate
waveguide. The numerical efficiency of this technique is im-
proved here with the use of a new grouping strategy inspired by
the FMM.


The arbitrarily shaped -plane waveguide devices are ana-
lyzed by applying MoM (pulses as basis functions and deltas as
test functions, i.e., point matching) [1], which leads to the fol-
lowing matrix system:


Once this matrix system is solved, we obtain a set of coeffi-

cients , which can be used to reconstruct the current induced
over the scatterers contours due to the excitation . Using the
coefficients , it is possible to compute the generalized scat-
tering matrix of the global structure according to the algorithm Fig. 1. Rectangular waveguide with line source. (a) 3-D view. (b) Top view.
recently presented in [18].
The most time-consuming process of the MoM is solving
the matrix system. An alternative to directly solving the ma-
one “disaggregation.” We must adapt this grouping strategy to
trix system, especially with large matrix systems, is the use
closed problems in order to achieve an important improvement
of an iterative algorithm such as conjugate gradients, biconju-
in the global numerical efficiency.
gate gradients, biconjugate gradients stabilized, and others [22],
[26]–[29]. These algorithms approximate the solution itera-
A. Aggregation
tively through multiple matrix-vector products of the form .
These matrix products are also time consuming, but we can In open space, where the field is expanded into open-space
obtain an accurate approximation for them if we take into ac- modes that propagate radially, the grouping of the radiation of
count that they represent the field scattered by the whole struc- neighbor cells is based on a 2-D or 3-D proximity criterion.
ture with current distribution at the center of each MoM cell. However, inside an -plane device in rectangular waveguide,
Using this physical interpretation for the product , we pro- the geometry is invariant in height ( dimension in Fig. 1). Con-
pose a grouping strategy similar to that used in the FMM. The sidering that the exciting field is the fundamental mode,
main difference between those techniques and our method is that which is also invariant along , then all the scattered fields by
they are typically applied to open space problems (i.e., antennas) the -plane structure are also invariant in height ( modes).
while our method will be applied to -plane devices in a rectan- Therefore, the 3-D structure of Fig. 1(a) can be reduced to the
gular waveguide (see Fig. 1). As in the FMM, we approximate equivalent 2-D problem of Fig. 1(b).
the matrix product with a grouping strategy in the following In this case, we have to choose another criterion to make
three independent steps [20], [21]. groups. Since our field spectrum is a set of guided modes
Step 1) First, grouping of neighbor cells with the proper propagating either to the right or to the left , we have
combination of their scattered fields into a single to make groups according to their separation along the propa-
“modal radiation pattern.” gation axis so we apply a 1-D proximity criterion, and group
Step 2) Next, the “modal radiation pattern” is translated to the MoM cells (line sources) into groups, as shown in the
the reference plane of each target group. example of Fig. 2. The groups are always ordered from left to
Step 3) Finally, the summation of all the “modal radiation right.
patterns” incident over each target group is evalu- As in the FMM, we should now find a way to combine the
ated at each one of the cells belonging to that group, field scattered by all the cells of the same group. Since the field
and this completes a process which is equivalent to scattered by a line source inside the parallel plates is expanded
the matrix-vector computation. as a summation of modes propagating either to the right or left,
we must aggregate the total field scattered by all the cells of a
In the FMM terminology, the first process is named “ag- group to the right (propagating toward ), and to the left (prop-
gregation,” the second one “translation,” and the third and last agating toward ). We must specify two reference planes, one

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Now the left and right propagating spectra of group can be

computed in matrix form as

Fig. 2. Example of the 1-D grouping strategy for a four-pole coupled cavities
H -plane filter with rounded corners in the coupling windows. The MoM cells
are grouped into G=5 groups.
where is a vector of size and stores the
current weights of the MoM cells of the th group

B. Translation
In the aggregation step, we have combined the field scattered
by all the cells of a group into two spectra, one propagating to
the left and another one to the right. The spectra of each group
are related to their own reference planes, so to compute the total
field incident to a particular group , we must translate all the in-
coming spectra from other groups to the same reference planes;
one for the spectra that come from the left and another for
the spectra that come from the right .
The translation of a guided modes spectrum from one to an-
other reference plane only requires a phase shift for each mode,
and that depends on the distance from one to another refer-
Fig. 3. Position of the reference planes for right and left propagating modes for
g H
the th group in an -plane coupled cavities filter. The coordinates of the th n ence plane. To translate the right propagating spectrum of group
MoM cell are also shown. , whose reference plane is , to the left reference
plane of group ( must be to the right of ), i.e., to ,
we just multiply by a diagonal matrix whose ele-
for the set of modes propagating to the right, and another for the ments are
modes propagating to the left (see Fig. 3).
Let be the group that is being processed, be the po- (8)
sition in the axis of the reference plane for left propagating
modes, and be for the right propagating modes. Let be Similarly, if we want to translate the left propagating spec-
the number of cells in the group , and be the weight of trum of group to the right reference plane of group , we
the MoM basis function of the th cell belonging to that group. must use the diagonal matrix , whose elements are
Taking everything into consideration and applying the results
of [18], we can compute the left and right propagating (9)
spectra as
Equations (8) and (9) are identical. Therefore,

and, therefore, we only need to compute left or right translation
(3) Once we have computed the translation matrices, we can
write an expression for the total field incident to a particular
where identifies the MoM cell and identifies the group coming from the MoM cells of the rest of the groups
guided mode, being the higher mode considered
for the analysis. The values of and can be found in (11)
To simplify the expressions, we can put them in matrix form.
For that purpose, we define two new matrices of ele- (12)

where and are, respectively, the incoming field spectra

from the right and left. The groups are ordered from left to right,
so for a particular group , the groups are at
(5) the left side of group and the groups are

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placed at the right side of group , and being the total number rameters involved that have to be used to obtain a good tradeoff
of groups. between accuracy and efficiency.
Finally, the total field incident over the cells of group is
C. Disaggregation
Once we have computed for each group the incoming (22)
spectra from the right and from the left , we must
where the entire vector with the field incident to all the cells
translate each spectrum and evaluate the field at the center
of the MoM problem is
of each MoM cell of group . This step is called
The right and left incoming spectra that propagate, respec-
tively, to the left and to the right can be translated .. (23)
and evaluated at the center of the th cell of group
in matrix form using
With the new grouping strategy, we avoid the computation of
(13) the whole MoM coefficients matrix since we only compute
(14) the interactions among cells of the same group. Besides, we do
not compute the matrix product . The computational cost is
where and are matrices of elements of the form reduced and the only loss of accuracy comes from the truncation
of the Green’s function, as in [18]. The new grouping strategy
(15) does not add any additional loss of accuracy since we obtain
exactly the same vector , but using (22), instead of computing
(16) and multiplying by .

E. Number of Modes
The total field over each cell in group due to the
scattering of the rest of the groups is The number of guided modes considered for the
aggregation, translation, and disaggregation stages cannot
(17) be infinite. The highest order used in all calculations is
. The optimum value for depends on
where is a vector of elements. Each element repre- the distance between groups. If we call this distance , the
sents the field scattered over the th cell in group by all the criterion that we have chosen is to ensure for each frequency
cells, except those in group . point that the scattered field corresponding to the highest order
Substituting (13) and (14) in (17), mode vanishes from one group to another below some
threshold value so that

Substituting (11) and (12) in the former equation (24)

(19) Therefore, must be

and finally substituting (6) and (7), we obtain

where has been proven to provide a good tradeoff

between accuracy and efficiency.
F. Computational Cost
D. Intra-Group Scattering Below we are going to analyze which is the number of
Equation (20) provides the field scattered over the cells of operations required for the computation of the matrix product
group by all the cells of the other groups. To compute the total using the new grouping strategy, i.e., (22). The
field incident for these cells, we must still consider the field that number of operations needed for filling all the matrices
comes from the other cells of the same group is not considered since
this is done only once, while the matrix product is performed
(21) several times by the iterative technique (biconjugate gradients
stabilized) that solves the MoM matrix system so these matrix
where is the submatrix of the entire MoM coefficients ma- products are the most time-consuming process. The number of
trix of (1) that contains the interactions among cells of group . operations needed to evaluate the matrix product for each
In [18], there is a complete study of the value of the different pa- step of the grouping strategy is analyzed separately.

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Fig. 4. H -plane filters (measures in millimeters). (a) Four-cavity filter with rounded corners at coupling windows r=1
mm. (b) Six-cavity filter with rounded
corners at coupling windows r=2 mm. (c) Six-cavity filter with rounded corners at resonant cavities r=3
mm. (d) Round rod bandpass filter from [49].
(e) Wedge bandpass filter from [50].

Step 1) Aggregation step: the products and The order in number of operations can, therefore, be reduced
must be computed for all the groups (there are up to a factor of provided that is much bigger than and .
groups). For all these products we need However, the relation between , , and depends on the par-
operations since , and is the ticular geometry that we are analyzing since we can not freely
number of MoM cells. chose the number of subgroups as in the FMM, and de-
Step 2) Translation step: we need to compute the products pends on the separation along the propagation axis of the dif-
for and ferent groups. The same reduction of the computational time
for . Since and are applies to the computer memory needed to store the matrices
diagonal matrices of size , those products suppose involved in the calculations when the grouping strategy is used.
operations. This must be repeated for all This result is especially important since the MoM matrix
the groups with . In the end, we need system of (1) is solved using an iterative technique that does
operations for this step. not directly solve the matrix system of (1), but instead approx-
Step 3) Disaggregation step: the products and imates the solution iteratively through multiple matrix-vector
products of the form . With the new grouping strategy, the
must be computed for all groups. That
cost of these products and the memory needed is reduced by ,
means operations for this step.
the number of groups used in the grouping strategy.
Step 4) The computational cost of computing the field scat-
Besides, with the new grouping strategy it is not necessary
tered by cells of the same group over themselves
to compute the entire matrix since only the smaller matrices
supposes operations.
with must be computed.
Finally, the total number of operations needed with the new
grouping strategy to compute the vector is of the order III. RESULTS
of The accuracy and efficiency of the new grouping strategy is
tested with the analysis of five -plane filters in rectangular
(26) waveguide. These filters, whose top view is shown in Fig. 4, are
as follows.
If the number of MoM cells is much bigger than the 1) Four-cavity -plane coupled cavity filters. The coupling
number of groups , and groups are placed far away so that windows present rounded corners (radii mm) due to
is small compared with , we expect a number of operations low cost manufacturing techniques [47].
of the order of . 2) Six-cavity -plane coupled cavity filters. The coupling
If we do not use the grouping strategy, and compute the entire windows present rounded corners (radii mm) due
matrix , and then multiply by vector , this matrix product to low cost manufacturing techniques [48].
needs a number of operations of the order of 3) Six-cavity -plane coupled cavity filters. The resonant
cavities present rounded corners (radii mm) due to
(27) low-cost manufacturing techniques [48].

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Fig. 5. Frequency response of the H -plane filters of Fig. 4 compared with results from the bibliography.

4) Bandpass filter with seven round rods [49]. TABLE I

5) Nine-pole bandpass filter with wedges [50]. COMPUTATIONAL COST FOR THE ANALYSIS OF THE FIVE FILTERS OF Fig. 4.
The frequency response (reflection coefficient) of these five ACCELERATED WITH THE NEW GROUPING STRATEGY PROPOSED IN THIS
filters has been computed using the MoM method of [18] ac- PAPER. CPU TIME IS IN SECONDS PER FREQUENCY POINT
celerated with the new grouping strategy presented here. The
biconjugate gradients stabilized method has been used to ac-
celerate the solution of the MoM matrix system of (1). Since
the MoM method uses the Green’s function of a line source be-
tween two parallel plates, only the portions of the metallic sur-
face of the structure that are outside of the parallel-plate wave-
guide must be segmented using the MoM. This means that only
the coupling windows for the first three filters, or the round rods required by the MoM with the Green’s function of a line source
and wedges for the last two filters, must be segmented into MoM between parallel plates [18] and the CPU time of the same anal-
cells. The new grouping strategy groups the MoM cells into ysis method accelerated with the new grouping strategy.
groups so that those MoM cells that are close together in the Results from Table I show that the time is reduced by a sig-
propagation direction must be enclosed in the same group for nificant factor of 2 or 3, depending on the filter. However, the
the grouping strategy to be efficient. This means, for instance, number of groups varies from five in the first filter to ten in the
that the first filter is analyzed with all MoM cells split into last filter. As mentioned before, a time reduction of could be
groups, one for each coupling window, and similarly the MoM expected when the number of MoM cells is much bigger than the
cells of the fourth filter are grouped into groups, one for number of groups and the number of guided modes . Since
each round rod. and are not selectable, we cannot ensure a time reduction
The results of the analysis of the five filters are presented in of . In the geometry of the last two filters, there is a much
Fig. 5, where they are compared with other analysis methods shorter metallic surface for each group so the ratio ,
[47]–[50]. Fig. 5 shows a very good agreement with the results i.e., the number of MoM cells per group, is much smaller, and
from the literature for the five filters analyzed. so the last term in (26) is more important than in the case of
Once the accuracy of the new method is fully proven, we will the three first filters. This results in a smaller time reduction.
test the efficiency improvement of the new grouping strategy. However, this time reduction becomes especially significant in
For that purpose, we present in Table I the CPU time (in sec- design processes where many simulations of the structure must
onds per frequency point) required to analyze each one of the be performed in order to obtain the optimal values of the design
five -plane filters of Fig. 4. Table I shows both the CPU time parameters.

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[26] R. Barrett, M. Berry, T. F. Chan, J. Demmel, J. Donato, J. Dongarra, [47] J. V. Morro, H. Esteban, V. E. Boria, C. Bachiller, S. Cogollos, and
V. Eijkhout, R. Pozo, C. Romine, and H. V. der Vorst, Templates for H
A. Coves, “Efficient automated design of -plane filters with rounded
the Solution of Linear Systems: Building Blocks for Iterative Methods, corners using ASM with a segmentation strategy and hybrid optimiza-
2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: SIAM, 1994. tion techniques,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Symp. Dig., Monterey, CA, Jun.
[27] Y. Saad, Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems, 2nd 2004, vol. 3, pp. 2735–2738.
ed. Philadelphia, PA: SIAM, 2003. [48] J. V. Morro, H. Esteban, V. E. Boria, C. Bachiller, and A. Belenguer,
[28] J. Lee, J. Zhang, and C.-C. Lu, “Performance of preconditioned Krylov “Optimization techniques for the efficient design of low-cost satellite
iterative methods for solving hybrid integral equations in electromag- filters considering new light materials,” Int. J. RF Microw. Comput.-
netics,” J. Appl. Comput. Electromagn. Soc., vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 54–61, Aided Eng., vol. 8, pp. 168–175, Feb. 2008.
2003. [49] S. Yin, T. Vasilyeva, and P. Pramanick, “Use of three-dimensional field
[29] A. F. Peterson and R. Mittra, “Convergence of the conjugate gradients simulators in the synthesis of waveguide round rod bandpass filters,”
method when applied to matrix equations representing electromagnetic Int. J. RF Microw. Comput.-Aided Eng., vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 484–497,
scattering problems,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 34, no. 12, 1998.
pp. 1447–1454, Dec. 1986. [50] R. Lech and J. Mazur, “Propagation in rectangular waveguides period-
[30] J. Sarvas, “Performing interpolation and anterpolation entirely by fast ically loaded with cylindrical posts,” IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon.
fourier transform in the 3-D multilevel fast multipole algorithm,” SIAM Lett., vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 177–179, Apr. 2004.
J. Numer. Anal., vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 2180–2196, 2003. [51] C. Bachiller, H. Esteban, V. E. Boria, A. Belenguer, and J. V. Morro,
[31] O. Ergül and L. Gürel, “Enhancing the accuracy of the interpolations “Efficient technique for the cascade connection of multiple two port
and anterpolations in MLFMA,” IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. scattering matrices,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 55, no. 9,
Lett., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 467–470, Dec. 2006. pp. 1880–1886, Sep. 2007.
[32] Ö. Ergül and L. Gürel, “Linear-linear basis functions for MLFMA so-
lutions of magnetic-field and combined-field integral equations,” IEEE
Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 1103–1110, Apr. 2007.
[33] W. B. Lu, T. J. Cui, and Z. Hui, “Acceleration of fast multipole method
for large-scale periodic structures with finite sizes using sub-entire-do- Ángel Belenguer Martínez received the Telecom-
main basis functions,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 55, no. 2, munications Engineering degree from the Univer-
pp. 414–421, Feb. 2007. sidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), Valencia,
[34] D. Z. Ding, P. L. Rui, R. S. Chen, and Z. H. Fan, “Loose GMRES Spain, in 2000.
method for efficient solution of EFIE in the MLFMA context,” Microw. In 2000, he joined the Universidad de Castilla-La
Opt. Technol. Lett., vol. 49, no. 11, pp. 2661–2665, Nov. 2007. Mancha, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain. His research
[35] P. L. Rui, R. S. Chen, D. X. Wang, and E. K.-N. Yung, “Spectral two- interests include methods for the full-wave anal-
step preconditioning of multilevel fast multipole algorithm for the fast ysis of open-space and guided multiple scattering
monostatic RCS calculation,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 55, problems, acceleration of electromagnetic analysis
no. 8, pp. 2268–2275, Aug. 2007. methods using the wavelets, FMM, multilevel fast
[36] T. Maias and L. Guerel, “Incomplete LU preconditioning with the mul- multipole algorithm, and use of specific basis and
tilevel fast multipole algorithm for electromagnetic scattering,” SIAM Green’s functions for the MoM.
J. Sci. Comput., vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 1476–1494, 2007.
[37] X. M. Pan and X. Q. Sheng, “A highly efficient parallel approach of
multi-level fast multipole algorithm,” J. Electromagn. Waves Appl., vol.
20, no. 8, pp. 1081–1092, Jun. 2006. Héctor Esteban González (S’93–M’99) received
[38] C. Waltz, S. Kubilay, M. A. Carr, B. C. Usner, and J. L. Volakis, “Mas- the Telecommunications Engineering degree and
sive parallel fast multipole method solutions of large electromagnetic Ph.D. degree from the Universidad Politécnica de
scattering problems,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. Valencia (UPV), Valencia, Spain, in 1996 and 2002,
1810–1816, Jun. 2007. respectively.
[39] S. Velamparambil and W. C. Chew, “Analysis and performance of a He then joined the Joint Research Centre, Euro-
distributed memory multilevel fast multipole algorithm,” IEEE Trans. pean Commission, Ispra, Italy. In 1997, he was with
Antennas Propag., vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 2719–2727, Aug. 2005. the European Topic Centre on Soil (European Envi-
[40] O. Ergul and L. Gurel, “Hierarchical parallelisation strategy for mul- ronment Agency). In 1998, he rejoined the UPV. His
tilevel fast multipole algorithm in computational electromagnetics,” research interests include methods for the full-wave
Electron. Lett., vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 3–5, 2008. analysis of open-space and guided multiple scattering
problems, computer-aided design (CAD) design of microwave devices, electro-
[41] O. Ergul and L. Gurel, “Efficient parallelization of the multilevel fast
magnetic characterization of dielectric and magnetic bodies, and the accelera-
multipole algorithm for the solution of large-scale scattering prob-
tion of electromagnetic analysis methods using the wavelets and FMM.
lems,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 56, no. 8, pp. 2335–2345,
Aug. 2008.
[42] Z. O. Zaw, E. P. Li, and L. W. Li, “Analysis and design on aperture an-
tenna systems with large electrical size using multilevel fast multipole
method,” J. Electromagn. Waves Appl., vol. 19, no. 11, pp. 1485–1500, Vicente E. Boria Esbert (S’91–A’99–SM’02)
Sep. 2005. received the Ingeniero de Telecomunicación and the
Doctor Ingeniero de Telecomunicación degrees from
[43] L. Li and Y. Xie, “Efficient algorithm for analyzing microstrip an-
the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia,
tennas using fast-multipole algorithm combined with fixed real-image
Spain, in 1993 and 1997.
simulated method,” J. Electromagn. Waves Appl., vol. 20, no. 15, pp. In 1993, he joined the Universidad Politécnica
2177–2188, Dec. 2006. de Valencia, where he has been a Full Professor
[44] P. Wang and Y. Xie, “Scattering and radiation problem of surface/sur- since 2003. In 1995 and 1996, he held a Spanish
face junction structure with multilevel fast multipole algorithm,” J. Trainee position with the European Space Research
Electromagn. Waves Appl., vol. 20, no. 15, pp. 2189–2200, Dec. 2006. and Technology Centre (ESTEC)–European Space
[45] X. Liu, C. Liang, and X. Zhao, “Analysis of waveguide slot antennas Agency (ESA). His current research interests include
using MLFMA,” Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 65–68, numerical methods for the analysis of waveguide and scattering structures,
Jan. 2008. automated design of waveguide components, radiating systems, measurement
[46] X. W. Zhao, C. H. Liang, and L. Liang, “Multilevel fast multipole al- techniques, and power effects in passive waveguide systems.
gorithm for radiation characteristics of shipborne antennas above sea- Dr. Boria Esbert has served on the Editorial Board of the IEEE
water,” Progr. Electromagn. Res., vol. PIER 81, pp. 303–314, 2008. TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES.

Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Xplore. Downloaded on February 10, 2009 at 03:36 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Carmen Bachiller received the Communication En- José Vicente Morro received the Telecommuni-
gineering degree from the Universidad Politécnica de cations Engineering degree from the Universidad
Valencia (UPV), Valencia, Spain, in 1996, and is cur- Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), Valencia, Spain, in
rently working toward the Ph.D. degree in electro- 2001, and is currently working toward the Ph.D.
magnetism and RF circuits at the UPV. degree at UPV.
From 1997 to 2001, she was a Project Engineer In 2001, he became a Research Fellow with the
with the ETRA I D Company, where she was in- Departamento de Comunicaciones, UPV. In 2003, he
volved with research and development on automatic joined the Signal Theory and Communications Divi-
traffic control, public transport management, and sion, Universidad Miguel Hernández, where he was
public information systems using telecommunication a Lecturer. In 2005, he rejoined the Departamento de
technology. In 2001, she joined the Departamento de Comunicaciones, UPV, as an Assistant Lecturer. His
Comunicaciones, UPV, as an Assistant Lecturer, where she currently teaches current interests include computer-aided design (CAD) design of microwave de-
signal and systems theory and microwaves. She has participated in several vices and electromagnetic optimization methods.
teaching innovation projects.

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