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KpasclyK C.A.
HayYHo-uccnedosamenbcKuii uHcmumym m e n e ~MoM ~ H U K ~ ~ U UHI TYY ((KnMw
MHdycmpuanbHbrii nep., 2, 03056,Kueo-056,YKpauHa
Ten. 24 1-77-23,44 1-16-85,e-mail:

AeMHoe 0 6 0 p y ~ o s a ~MoxeT
~e pacnonaraTbcR PRAOM c

Pnc. 1 CTpyKypHan cxeMa npMeMonepeAariHKa UPC:
- -
CY CMHTe3aTOP claCTOTbl; 6K 6 n o ~
- -
ynpasneHMn; 611 6 n o ~nMTaHMn; 3 s~eanahaep;MX
MynbTMflneKCOp; cc - CnyXe6HaR CBR3b.
Fig.1 - Flow chart of DRT transceiver: CY - frequency
synthesizer; 6 K - control unit; 6n - supply unit; 3 -
equalizer; MX - multiplexer; CC - service

2001 11th International Conference "Microwave&Telecommunication Technology" (CriMiCo'Z001). 10-14 September, Svastopol, Crimea, Ukraine
27 8 Q 2001: CriMiCo'2001 Organizing Committee; Weber Co. ISBN: 966-7968-00-6.IEEE Catalog Number: 01EX487
npMeMoM M nepeaaqek SYSTEMS DESIGN
B KaqecTBe napaMeTpos KoHTponsl p#wo6no~a, no-
c-rynatoqvlx clepes 6 K B H M ~K annapa-rype Aoc-ryna, cny-
S.A. Kravchuk
Research instifufe of telecommunications
Tpama npHeMa, a Tame cyMMapHoro ToKa no~pe6ne-
2 Industrial per., 03056, Kiev-056, Ukraine
YnpaenmouMMM mnRtoTcR cmianbi BbicTasneHm
Ph. 241-77-23, 441-16-85
pa6oveh claCTOTbl cq M YPOBHFI B b l X O A H O ~MOLL(H0CTM
B MOAeMHOM o 6 o p y ~ o ~AOnXHa a ~ ~ ~ 06ecne.1~- Abstract - This work presents the principles of creation of
BaTbcn npmaR KoppeKum OLLIM~OK c M C ~ O ~ ~ ~ O B ~ H Mdigital ~ M relay systems for the modern communication and data
B MoAynslTope ceepTowioro KoAepa M PwAa-ConoMoHa, transfer networks. Peculiarities of microwave equipment of such
a B AeMOAynRTOpe AeKOAepbl B H T ~ P (MnM ~ M nOCne- systems are given.
AoeaTenbHbih) M PMAa-ConoMoHa. IlepcneKTMeHo Tawe I. introduction
npMMeHeHHe noMexoycTohccneoro KoAMpoeaHm Ha oc- Development of modern telecommunication networks is im-
HOBe Typ6O-KOAOB. possible without high-performance terrestrial digital microwave
&lFI Tpa@MKa a0 10 M6MTIC 3@C(JeKTMBHO MCllOnb30- systems, which can be easily integrated into the common tele-
BaTb QPSK, a AnFI 34 M6MTIC B ~ v l a n a 3 o ~ aWCTOT x HM- phone circuits (flows E l , E2 and E3), the lines of synchronous
x e I O rru - KAM, Bblue 15 rru - QPSK. B CMCTeMaX digital hierarchy (155 Mbitls) and computer networks (10, 100
nepeAaw noToKoB 100 MGMTICM Bbue ~ c n o n b s y e ~ c ~ ~ Mbitls).
BblCOKOypOBHeBaR KAM. Presented here are the principles of creation of cheap mi-
nOTpe6HOCTb COBpeMeHHblX CeTeh (OCO6eHHO B Cny- crowave digital systems, which are optimal for creation of mod-
ern telecommunication infrastructure. Those principles are
lrae pacnpeAenmenbHbix cHcTeM TMna (crowa-MHoro based on the results of development of microwave radio-
ToqeK) B nepenacle M npMeMe Ha OAHOM TepMlntiane systems in SRI of Telecommunications,
p a ~ ~ bTpa@wKoe
ix 0npeAenrre-r nocTpoeHMe uM@poBbix
MOAeMOB KBK AByX He3aBMCMMblX 6 n o ~ o eMOAynRTOpa M Ii. Main part
fleMOAyn5iTOpa, 0 6 p a 6 a ~ b l ~ a t o qpa3Hble
~x uM@pOBble Digital relay system represents a complex of one or a series
noToKM. B GaHHoM cnyqae ~ p e 6 o e a ~Ha ~ eHanMwe of coupled radio-lines of <<point to point,, type. They consist of
npFIMOh KOPpeKuMM O W M ~ O K06R3aTenbHa. nPMMePOM digital relay terminals (DRT) and remote control system, based
TaKOrO 060pyAOBaHMFI M O W CnyXMTb MOAYnFITOP DM- on the modern network technologies. DRT, in its turn, consists
45 VI AeMOAynFITOp DD-45 aMepMKaHCKOh @MPMbI Ra- of two main parts: external microwave unit with antenna and
dyne ComStream [5]. feeder (for individual duplex communication channels) and
MOAeMHOe 060pyAOBaHMe 06ecnewmae~ n0nHblh internal access equipment, including digital modem and multi-
plexer. It should be noted that in the case of using DRT as a
Goc-ryn 06cnyx~eatoqeronepcoHana K o6qeh cMcTeMe repeater, modem could be placed near the radio-unit in her-
TeneKoHTponn, ~ e n e c ~ r ~ a nM ~ c n~y xae u
6 ~~o h~C B R ~ M metic enclosure.
4epe3 CTaHAapTHble MHTepC(JehCb1. DRS radio-unit (see fig. 1)embodies superheterodyne con-
ClacToTHbik nnaH UPC (7,8,13,15,18,23, 26 M 38 rru) cept with double frequency conversion down to intermediate
COOTBeTCTByeT PeKOMeHaauMFIM MC3-P. B IlpeAenaX frequencies (IF) 70 or 140 MHz in the receiving channel, and
OTAenbHOrO aMana30Ha ClaCTOT nPOM3BOAMTCR er0 ne- one up-conversion in the transmitting channel. IF of the trans-
n e m e Ha pslp, n o p ~ ~ a n a 3 0LLIMPHHO~
~0~ 100-300MTu, mitter lies within 200 ... 850 MHz band, that allows to achieve
COOTBeTCTBytOqMX nOnOCe np0nyCKaHMFI @MnbTpOB AM- rather high tuning out of harmonics of up-converterand to lower
the requirements to band-passfilter after the mixer.
nneKcepa M slenmoqMxcn nmepHbiMvl a ~ a n a a o ~ a ~ ~
Modem equipment should ensure direct error correcting us-
nepec-rpohw Cq. ing convolutional and Rid-Solomon coders in modulator, and
Viterby and Rid-Solomon decoders in demodulator. For traffics
111.3a~nm~e~~e up to 10 Mbps it is expedient to use QPSK. For 34 Mbps traffic
npeAcTaeneHHbie n p w u m b i nocTpoeHMn L\PC MOV in frequency bands less than lOGHz one may use QAM. In the
6blTb MCIlOnb30BaHbl K I K npM pa3pa60TKe HOBblX paAM0- systems, transmitting 100 Mbps flows high-levelQAM is used.
penehwx cMcTeM, TaK M npvl M O A ~ P H M ~ ~vmetoqwx- ~MM
CFI.llpeAcTaenebih noaxop, K nocTpoeHMto TepMMHana
MOXeT 6blTb npMMeHeH B peanM3aUMM a6OHeHTCKMX The principles of DRT design may be used both at the new
relay systems development and at upgrading of the systems
CTaHUMh MMKPOBOnHOBblX PaCnpeAenMTe-nbHblX CMCTeM being exploited. The offered technique of terminal design can
TMna LMDS, MVDS H MHTPHC. be used at creation of subscriber stations of microwave distribu-
tion systems (LMDS, MVDS and MITRIS).
Iv. CnHCOK llblTepal)tpbl
[I]VlH~eHepHO-TeXH#cleCK~~ CnpaBOqHMK no 3neKTpOCBR3M.
PaAwopenehibie nlrlHMM.- M.: C~n3b,1970.- 440 c.
[2] PaAMOpefle6lHble CMCTeMbl Hflfl ctCaTypH>> / K.K. MpMHMq,
C.A. KpaBryK M Ap. / I TexHonorMn M KOHCTpyMpOBaHLle 8
anelcrpo~~oA annapa-rype.- 1999.-Nn4.- C. 26-30.
[3]MDL 2000 Range. TRT Lucent Technologies.- Cedex: Le
Plesis Robinson, 1999.-7 p.
[4] PASOLINK7/8/13/15/18/23/26/28/38 GHz 2x2-16x2MB Digi-
tal Radio System. -Tokyo: NEC Corporation, 1999.-36 p.
[5]Pecypc MHTepHeTa -

2001 11th International Conference Microwave &Telecommunication Technology (CriMiCo2001). 10-14 September, Sevastopol, Crimea, Ukraine
0 2001: CriMiCo2001 Organizing Committee; Weber Co. ISBN: 966-7968-00-6.IEEE Catalog Number: 01EX487 279

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