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Chapter II


This chapter presents the research design used in the study, the locale of

the study, unit of analysis, participants and respondents, research instrument,

data gathering process and measurement or treatment of the data. This study

was conducted during the first semester of school year 2017-2018 at Notre

Dame University and the main respondents were the key informant personnel. In

order to clearly weigh the preparedness level of the University, a generic

questionnaire was created and distributed to the respondents.

Research Design

For this study, the research utilized qualitative research designs. This

method permitted a flexible and iterative approach of the research subject. A

questionnaire was developed and an interview was conducted with the key

personnel of the University, afterwards to the head of the Accountancy

department in order to validate results gathered from the questionnaire.

Locale of the Study

The study was conducted at Notre Dame University, located at Notre

Dame Avenue, Cotabato City during the first semester of school year 2017-2018.
Unit of Analysis/ Participants/ Respondents

The respondents of the study were the key persons of Notre Dame

University. The respondents were chosen using sampling. The head of the

department was also interviewed for the validation of results.

Research Instrument

The research instrument used in the study is a questionnaire which

covered the different requirements for the certification. Questionnaires were sent

to some of the administration officials including a validity test to ensure that the

questions are clear and understandable. Afterwards, a scheduled interview sheet

was prepared for validation purposes.

Data Gathering Process

The adviser signed the questionnaire, and a letter was addressed to the

concerned administrators regarding the conduct of the survey. The respondents

answered on how ready the department is in terms of the stated requirements.

The key informant personnel served as respondents and this study which

measured the preparedness of the University in applying for ISO 9001:2015

Certification. The letter was given to the respondents and attached to it was the

survey questionnaire. The questionnaire was personally delivered and retrieved

by the researchers. After the tabulation of the questionnaire data, an interview

was scheduled with the head of the Accountancy department. This was made in

order to assess the validity of the results from the questionnaires and give further

clarification to the preparedness of the department.

Measurement/Treatment of Data

All data from the research instrument were decoded into quantifiable

measures to address the research problem. The results were tabulated using

Microsoft Excel; practice and documentation were then calculated. These

indicated whether NDUs Accountancy Department is prepared relative to the

different requirements needed for ISO Certification.

The data gathered from the interview was used as a comparative tool in

order to check if the interpretations were indeed correct as to the current status

of the documents and quality management planning.

Chapter III


This chapter contains the data gathered from the interview conducted. The

results accumulated from the interview with the key informant personnel of Notre

Dame University were evaluated. The results were quantified, presented into

tabular form and textual discussion.

The respondents answered the given free response questions, and the

result shown in Table 3.1 that most of the key personnel agrees to the

requirements in relation to ISO certification.

Table 3.1 Tally of Results

Questions YES NO MAYBE
1. Availability of Quality Manual 7 2
2. Existence of Quality Policy 7 2 1
3. Availability of Resources 7 1
4. Allotment of Funds for ISO 8 1
5. Caters to Interested Parties' Needs 8 1
6. Assessment of Employees' Performance 8 1
7. Existence of Offices to cater ISO
Requirements 9
8. Strategic Plans for ISO Accreditation 5 4
TOTAL 59 8 5 72
Overall Rate 81.94% 11.11% 6.94% 100%

Table 3 shows the results of how prepared is Notre Dame University

regarding ISO accreditation. Almost all of the requirements for filing for ISO
certification such as the questions above are readily available in almost all

sectors of the University. On the other hand, it shows that there are some

departments in the University which are still unprepared for ISO. There are two

respondents of different departments that disagreed that theres a quality manual

for the University, although 7 out of the 9 respondents agreed that there is. In

addition, there are also two respondents thinks that the University has no

existing quality policy while most of them believed that there is. While the rest of

the questions mostly have yes, meaning most respondents agreed that those

requirements are existing and available. On the other hand, some of the

respondents believed that Notre Dame is prepared to cater ISO but it needs

more improvements, which shows as the lowest rate in the table.

Chapter IV

The study is conducted through key informant interviews for the purpose

of collecting information from a wide range of people, including community

leaders, professionals, and administrators who have firsthand knowledge about

the subject matter. These community experts with their particular knowledge are

expected to provide insights, pertinent facts and gives recommendations. There

are eight specific questions which support the result of how well prepared is the

University for ISO certification: A) Availability of Quality Manual, B) Existence of

Quality Policy, C) Availability of resources, D) Allotment of funds for ISO, E)

Caters to interested parties needs, F) Assessment of Employees performance,

G) Existing office that will cater ISO requirements and H) Strategic plans for ISO

certification. The overall requirements for the quality management system pertain

to the sectors capability of determining the processes required, documenting

such processes and its ability to store and update such documents.

Base on the interview conducted with the key personnel of different

departments, in terms of quality manual availability, student, faculty &

administrative manual exists. The colleges also have existing manual of

operations and other documents to ensure quality management system.

Regarding the existence of quality policy, Universitys quality policy is

incorporated in the existing manuals and these policies assumed as a guide in

the operations of each colleges and the different support sections. Generally,
these policies have been helpful in terms of decision making but needs to be

revised and update based on the current operations.

On the other hand, regarding availability of resources in the academic

sector, all three categories are responded and these are available according to

the nature of purpose. These are the Human Resource office, fundamental

facilities and work environment. But according to the key informant, it is lacking of

physical plant facilities. While other respondents answered theres no quality

manual, quality policy and theres no available resources.

Notre Dame University also allots funds for the accreditation. Generally, it

has been providing financial support relevant to programs aligned to its strategic

directions. The current president is really working for accreditations, ISO

certification and other assessment to ensure the quality of services offered by the

University. Other respondent doubt if the top management can provide this

resource since the university is in the K to 12 transition period.

In terms of catering to interested parties need, in all efforts done,

administrators, faculty, staff and students are always consulted. The University

has always been responsive to the needs and opinions of its stakeholders. As to

how well they are responded, there are measures to support or will serve as

indicators like board results, faculty professionalization, parents consultation,

etc. Further, there is also assessment towards faculty members every term. Staff

is evaluated twice a year. There are different modes of evaluating the

performance of faculty and staff through classroom visits, clinical supervisory visit
and actual observation of performance in college and related activities. The tools

were provided by Human Resource Management.

In terms of existing office that will assist ISO requirements and strategic

plan for ISO certification. Notre Dame University has the Institutional Affairs

Office that takes charge of quality assurance and accreditation concerns. Finally,

though program accreditations are given more priority at this time, the University

has integrated ISO accreditation in its priority plans. But some key informant

responded that they cant find item for ISO preparations including the timeline.

Some respondents have not answered the other questions for they are not

the proper authorities to answer.

Chapter V


Summary of Findings

The researchers conducted an interview to the selected key personnel of

Notre Dame University to know their opinion regarding the preparedness of the

University for ISO certification. The respondents opinion to the following

questions asked were: A.) Majority believes that Quality Manual is available in

the University, while some believes it does not exist, B.) Majority believes that

Quality Policy is existing but needs to be revised and updated while some

believes it is not existing, C.) Majority believes that Resources are available in

the academic sector but it is lacking while some believes that theres no available

resources, D.) Some believes that there is Allotment of Funds for ISO while some

is in doubt, E.) The respondents believe that the university is doing its best to

Cater the needs of interested parties, F.) The respondents believe that the

Assessment of employees performance is done in the university regularly

through different modes , G.) There is an Existing office that take charge of

quality assurance and accreditation concerns in the university, and h) Some

respondents believe that the ISO accreditation is integrated in the University

priority plan but some respondents says that they cant find item for ISO


Based on the interview conducted to the key personnel of Notre Dame

University, the researcher concluded that the University is not yet prepared for

the ISO certification because although they have some of the requirements

needed for the certification like the documents, those documents still needed to

be revised and updated, and the university personnel should be aware of its

existence so that it could be applied. Notre Dame University still have some other

important priority that needs to be given an attention therefore they could not give

their full attention for the preparation of the ISO certification requirements.

Preparation for ISO certification needs a lot of time and attention, the

processes done is not easy because the university might be facing some

adjustments for the standardization of their operations. Notre Dame University

may not be fully prepared by now, but they already have some of the

requirements needed for the ISO certification and it will only need improvements.


Upon the findings, conclusions and result of this study the researchers are

able to recommend the following.

Recommendations for the study

1. The managing personnel such as the top management and

administrators should be applying an improved system of planning

various activities regarding the outcomes or results that may affect the

university. This may be observed by creating a platform for these

concerns are acknowledged such as meetings, etc. and the

administrators should also consider having a program to observe

possible risks and opportunities that these actions may


2. The University should have and develop a proper documentation

policy, a general policy that is based on the standards set by the ISO


3. Proper disposal and retention of significant documents must be

observed by the University. Each department must have a head or a

person in rank that will engage such procedures. In these procedures it

should lay out what documents are retained and what are disposed.

4. These procedures must also involve the faculty of the university to

improve documentation that is based on the standards given. These

must be closely observed for departments become ready for ISO

9001:2015 certification

Recommendations for future researchers

1. The researchers should apply qualitative and quantitative research

designs in conducting surveys. Researchers must also interview some

of their respondents to make the study concrete. In this manner the

data or information gathered are more reliable and convey a

convincing result.

2. They must have an orientation first on their respondents and have the

survey questionnaires distributed after the said orientation. In this

procedure the distribution of questionnaires are improved efficiently.

The interview must be based on the consensus of the researchers and

as well as the respondents.

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