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Marine and Petroleum Geology, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp.

499-510, 1995
~'~UTTERWQRTH Copyright(~) 1995ElsevierScienceLtd'
~-IE I N E M A N N
Printed in GreatBritain. All rights reserved
0264-8172/95$10.00+ 0.00

Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic

tectono-stratigraphic development of the East
Java Sea Basin, Indonesia
Stephen J. Matthews*
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd, Uxbridge One, 1Harefield Road, Uxbridge UB8

Paul J. E. Bransden
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd, PO Box 2749, Jakarta Pusat 12940, Indonesia

Received24 October 1993; revised 11 July 1994; accepted 29 July 1994

The East Java Sea Basin is underlain by a metamorphic basement complex. Subsidence of this
basement during the Late Cretaceous resulted in accumulation of up to 3 km of marine Upper
Cretaceous sediments (megasequence 1). Contraction and near peneplanation of the Upper
Cretaceous sediments and underlying basement occurred before the middle Early Eocene,
producing a regional unconformity which defines the base of megasequence 2. The Cenozoic
East Java Sea Basin started to form during the Early Eocene by crustal extension on both planar
normal faults and extensionally reactivated Cretaceous thrusts. Normal faulting was pulsed from
the Early Eocene to Early Oligocene and affected a progressively larger area with time. Complex
structural geometries evolved in response to local extensional reactivation of obliquely
orientated pre-existing structures.
The resultant Palaeogene fault-controlled sub-basins were filled with fluvial, coastal plain and
shelf clastic and carbonate sediments recording an overall transgressive evolution. Regional
subsidence became dominant over fault-controlled subsidence during the Early Oligocene.
Basin-fill during this time was dominated by deep marine, fine-grained clastic sediments.
A regional unconformity of intra-Oligocene age is recognized and is overlain by Oligocene to
lowermost Miocene deep water calcareous mudrocks and limestones which locally onlap
erosionally truncated Eocene rocks. The Lower Eocene to lowermost Miocene sediment package
comprises megasequence 2.
Regional inversion of Palaeogene sub-basins commenced in the Early Miocene and continues
to the present day. The syn-inversion Lower Miocene to Recent sediments comprise
megasequence 3. Inversion has resulted from regional contraction and resultant reverse
reactivation of Palaeogene normal faults and Cretaceous thrusts. Regional subsidence has been
continuous during the inversion history, resulting in a gradual reversal of depocentre location;
Palaeogene depocentres became Neogene highs, whereas Palaeogene platforms became
Neogene depocentres. Miocene deposition during inversion was dominated by the alternation of
fine-grained carbonate-dominated and clastic-dominated cycles. Subsequent Pliocene sandstone
deposition followed fluvial incision during an Early Pliocene Iowstand. The depositional history,
during the Pleistocene to Recent, records rapid relative sea-level changes; progradation of clastic
and carbonate sediments, erosional truncation, channelling and slumping.
The Tertiary structural geometricaP evolution and preserved sediment distribution can be
explained by dominantly dip-slip fault movement during the extensional and contractional
phases of basin development and deformation. Basin-scale cross-sectional geometries similar to
classical positive flower structures have evolved by the reverse reactivation of a geometrically
complex extensional fault system.

Keywords: tectono-stratigraphic evolution; fault-controlled basins; East Java Sea Basin

The East Java Sea Basin is located to the E N E of Java above currently subducting oceanic crust of the Indian
and to the north of the volcanic islands of Bali, L o m b o k Ocean/Australian plate.
and Sumbawa Besar (Figure 1). These volcanic islands BP's recent exploration has been concentrated in the
form part of an extensive magmatic arc positioned central part of this basin, within the Sailus Production
Sharing Contract (PSC), Satanger and Sakala Timur
(BP 50%, Mobil 50%) and Kangean ( A R C O 60%,
* Correspondence to Dr S. J. Matthews BP 40%) PSCs (Figure 2). The data which has been

Marine and Petroleum Geology 1995 Volume 12 Number 5 499

Tectono-stratigraphic development of the East Java Sea Basin: S. J. Matthews and P. J. E. Bransden
116"E 118"E
S /

f "+" k.. / %

0 0

E A \1 SEA ~ ' ~ ~ k_M

Sapudi + f


[ Location of
Foldout I ~ ~-.------~---~_-'-----~ . ~

0 +0" ~ - ~ -
100 150 km ~- _ -
I I I I,_o=

Figure 1 Sub-basin distribution around and within the East Java Sea region, illustrating location of regional seismic line (Foldout 1).
Major fault trends are shown with the downthrown (black rectangle) or inversion (white triangle) symbol in the hanging wall. The area
illustrated corresponds to the region inside the box on the inset regional location map. The black arrows on the inset map indicate
the relative convergence direction and magnitude (mm/a) between South-East Asia and the Indian Ocean/Australian plate at the
present day

acquired during this exploration programme forms the Stratigraphic observations from well and seismic
basis for development of the tectono-stratigraphic data
interpretation presented in this paper.
Several key publications and research theses provide The stratigraphy has been subdivided into mega-
the basis for the current understanding of the regional sequences, which represent deposition during distinct
geological evolution. These include the classic tectonically controlled phases of basin development
publication by Hamilton (1979) and the preceding and and/or deformation. These have been subdivided
subsequent work by Ben Avraham and Emery (1973), further into sequences which can be recognized on
Curray et al. (1977), Silver et al. (1983), Breen et al. seismic and/or well data. Each Tertiary sequence is
(1986), Sikumbang (1986), Tapponnier et al. (1986), referred to by a number, prefixed by T; the assigned
Letouzey et al. (1990), Daly et al. (1991), Hasan sequence number is higher for progressively younger
(1991), Phillips et al. (1991), Bransden and Matthews sequences.
(1992) and Prasetyo (1992). Three megasequences are recognized in the East


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........ ., ',

.2oom.. 1
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Figure 2 East Java Sea Production Sharing Contract (PSC) areas, illustrating location of seismic line (Foldout 3) across the Southern
Basin and structural cross-sections AA', BB' and CC' (Figure 12)

500 Marine and Petroleum Geology 1995 Volume 12 Number 5




SP 6750 6500 6250 6000 5750 5500 5250 5000 4750 4250 4000 3750 3500 3250 3000 2750 2500 2250 2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 750 500
. I' Will

1000 1000

2000 2000


(/) :2:
3000 ~


~ ---

4000 4000


6000 -1IIoilOoo.J-6000

o 20 Km

Foldout 1 Regional seismic line, with highly exaggerated vertical scale, from Lombok to the Northern Platform (refer to Figure 1 for location)
Tectono-stratigraphic development of the East Java Sea Basin: S. J. Matthews and P. J. E. Bransden

Java Sea Basin. The oldest of these is Cretaceous, and penetrated by several wells (Figures 3 and 4~ and is
is overlain by the Palaeogene to Lower Miocene and characterized by a variety of lithologies including
Lower Miocene to present day megasequences. The metasediments, quartzite and chert. The Upper
Cretaceous stratigraphy is summarized in Figure 3 and Cretaceous is overlain in some wells by non-marine red
the Cenozoic stratigraphy in Figure 5. The boundaries beds, which are undated.
at the base and top of the Cretaceous megasequence Seismic data demonstrate that the maximum thick-
are regional angular unconformities. The top of ness of Upper Cretaceous sediment (megasequence 1)
the Palaeogene to Lower Miocene megasequence is exceeds 3 km, preserved in major truncated synclines
defined by an unconformity or onlap surface in areas of beneath a prominent 'base Tertiary' peneplane surface.
basin inversion, which passes laterally into a correlative The base of this megasequence is marked by the change
conformity. from continuous seismic reflectors to an acoustically
transparent section beneath.
Cretaceous megasquence The map-view structural, geometrical interpretation
Numerous wells drilled in the East Java Sea Basin have of the East Java Sea Basin pre-Tertiary is illustrated in
penetrated Cretaceous mudstones, with interbedded Figure 4. The Upper Cretaceous was folded into a
siltstones and sandstones (Figures 3 and 4). These complex east-west trending syncline prior to the
sediments have been dated in some wells as Late middle Early Eocene in the area of the Kangean PSC;
Cretaceous (Campanian to Maastrichtian) based on the internal structure of this syncline consists of
rare marine microfossils. They are typically highly numerous thrusts and thrust-related folds.
indurated and mature to overmature for petroleum
generation (vitrinite reflectance values range from 0.8
to 1.8%). Contemporaneous clastic sediments crop out Palaeogene to Lower Miocene megasequence
onshore south-west Sulawesi (Hasan, 1991), where This megasequence rests on a regional peneplane
they are termed the Balangbaru Formation (Figure 3). surface and is characterized by stratigraphic expansion
The underlying acoustic basement has also been into major normal fault zones. The sedimentary fill is


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,I.::,:G~-;:",*;:~;:~'.t';',;':~;*-;-~';'t:;;: ~ WEST KANGEAN

MARGINAL . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ''!:'~":i~"T i ' i } : ~ " " i " " ; " : " "" SSA-lX ~ ',1, " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii:



U//f~ ; ; IJ BONE" 1 "~D"
; II
v vv
FRAGMENTS ........... I v .......................
Z LLI SHIELD ~ ~ ~:..-.. S,R,-1

vvv vvvv )~:~;, %f,-';: :.,:'',..~;-:,.~/,?;~-;//, t.:/;
! o

// 2"/;~'~"," "" // $/,/z



8andslone ~ Conglo~lerate ~'~ Vo~anic8 ~ Granite ~ Mel~mlorphics ~ Unconformity

Figure 3 Cretaceous tectono-stratigraphic summary

Marine and Petroleum Geology 1995 V o l u m e 12 N u m b e r 5 501

Tectono-stratigraphic development of the East Java Sea Basin: S. J. Matthews and P. J. E. Bransden

115E "(~ 1161= 117"E

0 10 20 30 km ." ,',, ";,': .'..

./:..,,.--" ,. ,,

, "~,;(.:.(..~.,,,;," / , :./;./,...,.,;,-,
........J" ".'",~:',"/i ~',.:,/~7
~," "
//. ..... .,,, /

ii . v

, V V V ~,,~M~
v v v/'~ v
BPjMobil "-.._ ,

discontinuous (probable Upper ~

pre-Tertiary Cretaceous) I "\ J
F i g u r e 4 S t r u c t u r a l m a p o f t h e East J a v a S e a B a s i n p r e - T e r t i a r y , illustrating the location of wells which have penetrated a pre-Eocene

transgressive. The lowermost sediments are fluvial Lower Eocene to Lower Oligocene (TlO-T36
clastics, passing upwards into coals, carbonaceous sequences). No Palaeocene sediments have been
mudstones and occasional distributary channel identified in East Java Sea well sections. Lower Eocene
sandstones of Early to Middle Eocene age. These are coaly sediments are the oldest dated rocks (Ypresian),
overlain successively by shelf mudstones with minor based on palynostratigraphy. They form the upper part
interbedded sandstones and limestones, deep marine of sequence T10 (Figure 5); the lower part of this
mudstones and calcareous mudstones (Figure 5). sequence consists of undated mudstones and coarse

On~-~oreE.Java JS19 L.idah~sbaya BD MDA T,,~g BP HORIZONS & SEQUENCES


? i. :-- : . :- i-. :. :.- :. .. :--: 5 :.. i :.. i. ~ "v : .~ '" " ' T: 5 :~::~::~::~:...:X:::!:3:~:~:,:L.-.T:!:~3:X:-:-...,.~.,~..:--- ..:...-.- -- .-.-..,....

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" " ; ; --.~!::~:: ~.--
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. , :!:~:~:~:~. :: : . . . . : .: .-.... : . , . . . j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : . . . . . . . . . .
;I _ P16 ,:;,:::,::: ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ................ ........ T34 /I
~,i,, .3o .o l

P10 i ~ P ~ " """:":~"":""" ~:"=':':""' -- I o T ~ i:;;:;:ts,,,,n,~,,,~ i--le..~ [,-v-v.qV,,~.=. [~u.~.,~ I~.'~Z'~IM~., I I u"c~'~'"~w

Figure 5 Summary o f East J a v a Sea Basin stratigraphy, petroleum distribution and BP nomenclature for seismic horizons and

502 Marine and Petroleum Geology 1995 Volume 12 Number 5

s N
SP 4250 3750 3250 2750 2250 1750 1250 750
o o

1 1

2 2


3 3

~ Early Miocene to Holocene megasequence

4 4 ~ Palaeogene to Early Miocene megasequence

~ Cretaceous megasequence

~ \/ \

0 0

2 2
Km Km
4 4
0 Km 20
6 6 I

Foldout 2 Line drawing interpretation of part of the seismic line illustrated in Foldout 1 (at the same aspect ratio as the seismic line) and a simplified depth model (horizontal and vertical
scales equal)
Tectono-stratigraphic development of the East Java Sea Basin: S. J. Matthews and P. J. E. Bransden

sandstones, resting on an angular unconformity. The the underlying coarse-grained basal non-marine clastics
areal distribution is shown in Figure 6 and is based on are undated.
seismic interpretation tied to the L 46-1 and L 49-1 The T30 sequence represents continued trans-
wells (located in Figure 6), which fully penetrate the gression which resulted in deposition of a laterally
T10 sequence. extensive carbonate shelf over most of the East Java
The top of the T10 sequence is defined by the top of Sea Basin. The top of this carbonate is dated as Late
the coaly package in the L 46-1, L 46-2, SGP-1 and Eocene (intra-P15). This is recognized by a gamma ray
L49-1 wells (Figure 6), which is interpreted to maximum and is interpreted as a marine flooding
have been deposited on a wide coastal plain during surface.
transgression. Continued transgression led to deposition of
The overlying T20 sequence marks the onset of hemipelagic shales (sequence T34, Figure 8) and
marine environments in the Southern and Central calcareous mudstones (sequence T36) into the Early
Basins (Figure 1) and a resultant gradual shift in the Oligocene.
position of the fluvial depositional systems towards the
north and north-west. These sediments are dated as
early Middle Eocene (P12 or older). These ages are Intra-Oligocene unconformity and Upper
based on planktonic foraminifera in well L 40-1 (which Oligocene to lowermost Miocene (T40 sequence).
penetrates the most open marine T20 sediments) and An unconformity of intra-Oligocene age is recognized
palynostratigraphy in wells L 46-1, L 46-2 and L 49-1. in the central part of the East Java Sea Basin. Outer
A second major pulse of coarse clastic input occurred neritic to bathyal limestones and mudrocks (T40
during the Middle Eocene, recognized as a major break sequence) occur immediately above this unconformity
on wireline logs and a marked change in microfaunal and overlie bathyal mudrocks of Early Oligocene or
assemblages, indicating a shallowing of depositional Late Eocene age in well sections. The sediments
environment. These clastic sediments were deposited beneath the unconformity are locally as old as P16.
conformably on the underlying T20 section. Cyclic The oldest sediments overlying the unconformity are
estuarine to marginal marine sandstone/shale interpreted to be upper P20 or P21 (Figure 5).
alternations form stacked parasequences which clean The unconformity can be identified in most
upwards on gamma ray logs. These parasequences wells which penetrate below the Upper Oligocene.
reduce in thickness and become finer grained upwards. Channelling is interpreted at the unconformity on
Biostratigraphic correlation, heavy mineral data and seismic data and locally there is geometrical evidence
petrographic analyses suggest that deposition of these in the Southern Basin (Figure 1) demonstrating mild
clastic sediments (T25 and T28 sequences, refer to intra-basinal contractional deformation prior to its
Figure 7 for distribution) in the basinal areas was development. Most of the East Java Sea Basin was not
contemporaneous with the earliest deposition of fluvial affected by this localized contraction; typically there is
sandstones on the Northern Platform (Figure 1). structural concordance or parallelism of bedding above
To the north and north-west of the Southern Basin or below the unconformity.
(in the Kangean PSC, Figure 2) the oldest reliably There was clearly a relative sea-level fall which
dated rocks are late Middle Eocene (P14) based on affected the central East Java Sea Basin during the
planktonic foraminifera. Estuarine to marginal marine Oligocene, and this is also suggested from well data in
sediments in this area have been dated as Bartonian; the region of Madura Island (Figure 1), where coarse

116E 117E 11F

mock V Block IV i,.~ J
,AP" I
o lO ~o 30km
, ,

NSA-1D , ~

. of - ~

/--'" 7


Figure 6 Distribution of Early Eocene active faults (bold) and sequence T10 rift-fill (shaded). Future fault locations are shown as thinner

Marine and Petroleum Geology 1995 Volume 12 Number 5 503

Tectono-stratigraphic development of the East Java Sea Basin: S. J. Matthews and P. J. E. Bransden

Figure 7 Distribution of Middle to lowermost Upper Eocene sediments (sequences T25 to T30) and contemporaneous faults (bold).
Darker tone indicates areas of maximum preserved thickness

clastic sediments of Oligocene age occur interbedded of the Prupuh limestone because basin inversion is
with deep water mudrocks. A major shift in facies is interpreted to have been initiated on a regional scale
seen from well data in the region to the north of the near to the end of Prupuh limestone deposition. This is
Kangean PSC. Here, platform and reefal carbonates shown by onlap of younger strata onto the Prupuh
unconformably overlie bathyal mudrocks in well limestone, which was folded into gentle anticlines in
NSA-1D (refer to Figure 8 for location). many of the Palaeogene sub-basin depocentres.
The Upper Oligocene and lowermost Miocene Earlier contractional deformation, which is
sedimentary fill is dominated by parallel-bedded deep recognized locally within the Southern Basin,
water calcareous mudrocks and limestones. The occurred prior to development of the intra-Oligocene
uppermost carbonate within this sequence is a regional unconformity (the alternative candidate for definition
marker of earliest Miocene (N4-NS) age ('Prupuh of the top of megasequence 2). This intra-Oligocene
limestone'). This clean limestone contains a rich stratigraphic break is not the preferred megasequence
foraminiferal assemblage with a high percentage of boundary because its typical structural expression, in
pelagic forams and defines the top of the T40 sequence. most areas of the East Java Sea Basin, is concordant
The Prupuh limestone is interpreted to have been with strata above and below the unconformity surface.
deposited during a marine flooding event. This suggests that an intra-Oligocene eustatic lowstand,
The megasequence boundary is placed at the top and/or regional uplift, generated this unconformity

Figure 8 Upper Eocene (sequence T34) thickness variations (darker tones indicate areas of maximum preserved thickness) and
location of contemporaneous faults (bold)

504 M a r i n e a n d P e t r o l e u m G e o l o g y 1995 V o l u m e 12 N u m b e r 5
TWT (msecs)
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o \]


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o o

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~f ~b0

6~. ~ 00>
Z 0


g c:
~ w f\) ...
o o
8 8
o 8
(S:)8SW) 1M1
v, , I
Tectono-stratigraphic development of the East Java Sea Basin: S. J. Matthews and P. J. E. Bransden

over the bulk of the basin. In parts of the Southern Upper Middle Miocene to Lower Pliocene
Basin the intra-Oligocene unconformity is interpreted (T60-T65 sequences). In the late Middle Miocene to
to result from the combined effect of localized earliest Pliocene (N15-N19), a monotonous mudrock
contractional deformation and a regional drop in and calcareous mudrock succession was deposited over
relative sea level. much of the East Java Sea Basin (Figure 10). Reefal
carbonates developed around subaerial inverted highs.
Lower Miocene to Holocene megasequence In the basinal areas, pelagic carbonates and calcareous
mudrocks produced globigerinid grainstones on sub-
Lower to Middle Miocene (T50- T55 sequences). marine highs. Coarser siliciclastics were deposited at
Lower to Middle Miocene prograding and coarsening
the top of this package (Figure 10); these sandstones
upwards units were deposited on the platforms, with
were the first to be deposited in the eastern part of the
clastic sediments dominant in the west of the basin and
East Java Sea Basin since the Eocene. In the western
carbonates in the east (Figure 9). A progradational
part of the basin, Lower Pliocene deep water sands
carbonate system exists on the Northern Platform in
were deposited in the Madura sub-basin (Figure 1).
the Kangean area; this wedge is thickest at the shelf
break and thins into the basin axes. The lower Middle
Miocene (N9-N14) consists of cycles of progradation Lower Pliocene to Recent (T70 and younger
and aggradation. Wells demonstrate a succession sequences). The uppermost part of the Neogene
consisting entirely of carbonate and calcareous stratigraphy was controlled by rapid relative sea-level
mudrocks. This is interpreted as highstand deposition changes. Shelf and slope areas show cycles of
following the Early Miocene transgression (maximum progradation of carbonate and clastic sediments,
flood) during which the deep water limestones of erosional truncation, massive channelling, slope failure
the Prupuh Formation were deposited. The Rancak (slumping) and passive onlap.
Limestone ( N 1 0 - N l l ) (Figure 4) contains a deep shelf
to bathyal fauna at this location, and is interpreted to
Structural observations from seismic data
have been deposited during a further transgression.
In the west of the East Java Sea Basin and onshore A vertically exaggerated regional seismic line (Foldout
East Java, the first Neogene sand input is dated as 1) from the Northern Basins to the north of the island
Early Miocene. Sand content increases upwards of Lombok (just to the north of the volcanic arc, Figure
to a maximum in the Ngrayong Formation (N9-N11) 1), displays many of the cross-sectional features
(Figure 5). In the Madura area (Figure 1), uppermost observed along the length of the East Java Sea Basin.
Lower to Middle Miocene clastic sediments crop out, A line drawing interpretation of part of this line,
with each clastic cycle being capped by carbonate. The and a true-scale depth conversion, are illustrated in
southern limit of shallow marine to coastal plain Foldout 2.
environments coincide with the Kujung Fault (Figure The southernmost part of the line shows the northern
9). To the south of this the Lower to Middle Miocene submarine flank of the volcanic island of Lombok. This
is a basinal facies comprising thick mudrocks, thin is located immediately to the south of two small
siliciclastic turbidites, carbonate mudrocks and pelagic asymmetric basins which show evidence of translation
limestones. towards the north, based on the asymmetry of thrust-
Clastic sedimentation on platforms north of the related folds (Foldout 1). Sea-bed elevation shows that
Kujung Fault is interpreted as highstand deposition the deformation is active at the present day, and
equivalent to the carbonate progradation in the eastern suggests that the volcanic arc is currently experiencing
platform areas. The sand content decreases to the east, relative northward motion.
away from the source of clastic supply. The minor The southernmost part of the Southern Basin
carbonates which cap the clastic cycles on Madura (shot points 5500 to 4000) displays net extensional
Island may record transgressions. geometries at depth, with no evidence of inversion. The

Figure 9 Lower Miocene facies distribution

Marine and Petroleum Geology 1995 Volume 12 Number 5 505

Tectono-stratigraphic development of the East Java Sea Basin: S. J. Matthews and P. J. E. Bransden

112E 11;E 116E

0 25 50 km CARBONATE
I I I I Platform
Bathyal ~ Carbonates Marine



:i c~ ~'~__


Figure 10 Lower Pliocene facies distribution

southernmost clearly inverted Palaeogene basin is location (the latest of which commenced in the Middle
located between shot points 4000 and 2750 (northern Miocene, N I l - N 1 2 ) .
part of the Southern Basin), where reverse reactivation An inversion structure is located to the north of
of fault movement along the northern bounding fault the main uplift, between shot points 1500 and 750.
to the Southern Basin has caused elevation of the Thickening of the Palaeogene sequences in the hanging
Palaeogene half-graben depocentre (refer also to walls to faults which control this uplift is clear. Detailed
Foldout 3 and Figure 1l). Note that intra-half-graben seismic mapping of the underlying Cretaceous structure
extensional faults have been uplifted passively during has shown that the deep syncline is positioned above
inversion or show geometrical evidence for only minor two thrusts which dip to the north and south,
reverse reactivation. respectively. This syncline is therefore a thrust pop-up
A Palaeogene intrabasin horst is interpreted to con- with fault cut-off relationships consistent with
trol the inversion geometry. The northern bounding contractional faulting. These faults have therefore
fault to the Southern Basin forms the southern experienced reactivation in an extensional sense during
boundary to this horst, whereas the Sepanjang Fault the Palaeogene, prior to contractional reactivation in
forms the northern boundary and controls the largest the Neogene.
magnitude uplift within the central part of the East Java
Sea Basin. The Palaeogene sediments in the hanging Structural and stratigraphic interpretation
wall to the Sepanjang Fault have been uplifted by up to
3 km at various locations (based on analysis of restored Cretaceous
cross-sections). Thickening of the T10 to T40 sequences Upper Cretaceous clastic sediments were deposited in a
from north to south into this fault suggests a prolonged marine environment on a previously deformed and
rift, geometrical control on deposition. The clearly metamorphosed basement. This Upper Cretaceous
defined onlap surfaces within the Neogene on the megasequence was deformed during a compressional
back-limb of the main Central Basin inversion (Foldout or transpressional event prior to erosional truncation
1) date the main pulses of Neogene uplift at this and deposition of Eocene clastic sediments. The precise

] ~ t y Mioceneto
~ne m~u~
] Pak*eog~eto Eacfy

] Besemer~to Cretaceous

5 10km

Figure 11 Line drawing interpretation of the Southern Basin seismic line illustrated in Foldout 3

506 Marine and Petroleum Geology 1995 Volume 12 Number 5

Tectono-stratigraphic development of the East Java Sea Basin: S. J. Matthews and P. J. E. Bransden

timing and duration of this latest Cretaceous and/or Structural rotation prior to deposition of sequence
earliest Tertiary deformation event is not known; T34 is suggested from seismic geometries and dipmeter
dating of Upper Cretaceous sediments to stage level data from the L 40-1 well (refer to Figure 6 for well
has not yet been achieved. The large amplitude/ location). Truncation of fault blocks occurred prior to
wavelength folds and thrusts observed on seismic data onlap of the truncated and tilted fault block topography
within the Cretaceous sedimentary package and under- by deep marine sediments.
lying basement were formed during this time. The truncated highs locally became the site of
carbonate growth, typically in the immediate footwall
Palaeogene to Early Miocene to major N W - S E trending faults, suggesting that
footwall uplift is a likely mechanism for generation
Fault timing, map-view geometry and cross- of these observed Late Eocene unconformable
sectional evolution. The initial Tertiary extensional relationships.
pulses occurred during the Early Eocene (during or Several prominent N W - S E orientated faults (Figure
before P9), and net-extensional displacement on major 8), which show clear stratigraphic expansion in their
faults occurred from then until the Oligocene. The hanging walls during deposition of sequence T34, do
progressive development of this Palaeogene rift system not display major thickness variations from footwall to
in map-view is illustrated by the distribution of hanging wall for older sequences (T10-T30). These
preserved sediments in Figures 6-8. faults cross-cut older structures, suggesting that relative
The major fault zones which were active during rotation of the regional extension vector may have
Palaeogene sedimentation (Figures 6-8) are aligned occurred from the Middle Eocene to the Late Eocene.
along east-west, E N E - W S W and N W - S E trends. Seismic sections across the East Java Sea Basin
The most laterally persistent of these is the Sepanjang locally display extensional geometries very similar to
Fault, which defines the southern limit of the Central those produced in the sand-box models of McClay
Basin. This fault zone is characterized by a consistent (1990), suggesting that movement on non-planar fault
northerly dip and by the progressive reduction in surfaces may have occurred, in addition to extension on
net-extensional displacement along-strike to lateral the dominant planar normal faults.
tips. Palaeogene depocentres are located consistently The along-strike variation in basin geometry during
within the hanging wall, to the north of the fault. deposition of the Palaeogene to Lower Miocene is
Several major faults are located to the north of the illustrated on the true-scale cross-sections of Figure 12.
Sepanjang Fault, the largest of these being the Sakala The Palaeogene cross-sectional and map geometries
Fault (Figures 6-8) which dips steeply to the south illustrated in Figures 6, 7, 8 and 11 and Foldouts 1, 2
within the Kangean PSC. These faults controlled and 3 can all be reconciled most simply as the result of a
Palaeogene thickness variations from hanging wall to dominantly dip-slip extensional structural history.
footwall. The eastern lateral tip of the Sakala Fault is
complex geometrically. There was no hard linkage
between the Sakala Fault and faults to the east Early Miocene to Holocene inversion and regional
(within the Sakala Timur PSC) during Middle Eocene
extension, at which time the eastern limit of the fault Inversion timing, geometry and magnitude.
was defined by an approximately north-south trending The transition from extension to contraction is
structural high (Figure 7). Subsequent lateral fault demonstrated clearly in inverted areas (e.g. Foldouts 1
propagation during the Late Eocene resulted in the and 2, shot points 750-1500 and 1750-2500) where
linkage of the Sakala Fault and faults to the east via a sediment expansion into major fault zones changed
complex transfer zone. to sediment thinning onto developing uplifts.
Faults which controlled the distribution of sequence Non-inverted areas underwent continued regional
T10 trend mainly E N E - W S W , but there are also some subsidence with no major structural-geometrical
N W - S E trending faults which define oblique half- modification. Regional contraction and uplift
grabens and which locally act as transfer faults. In the commenced during the Early Miocene (N4-N5),
area of the Southern Basin (Figure 6), the main faults during or immediately post-dating deposition of the
are aligned parallel to mapped Cretaceous structures, Prupuh limestone.
which are also parallel to the alignment of magnetic The magnitude of uplift resulting from the Neogene
anomalies. contraction is often less than the magnitude of
Fault-controlled subsidence during the Middle to contemporaneous regional subsidence, so that some of
early Late Eocene allowed deposition of the T25 to T30 the compressional structures experienced burial as they
sequences to extend into the Northern Basins (Figures developed (Foldouts 1, 2 and 3 and Figure 11). The
1 and 7) and western East Java Sea Basin. The major main exceptions to this are the largest uplifts in the
faults which controlled facies and thickness variations hanging walls to major faults (e.g. Central Basin
during this time are orientated east-west and N W - S E . inversion). Regional structural dip directions were
Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene extensional therefore reversed progressively during the Miocene,
reactivation of Cretaceous thrusts is interpreted to have resulting in major changes in sediment-fiU patterns.
occurred in the Northern Basins (Foldouts 1 and 2). The main pulse of contraction commenced during the
The Late Eocene was characterized by very rapid Middle Miocene (NIl/N12) in the Central Basin.
sedimentation rates and increasing water depths The distribution of faults which have experienced
within the half-graben and graben depocentres, movement reversal, and thereby controlled inversion
suggesting rapid extension during or immediately prior geometry, are illustrated in Figure 13. The cross-
to deposition. sectional geometries developed during inversion

Marine and Petroleum Geology 1995 Volume 12 Number 5 507

Tectono-stratigraphic development of the East Java Sea Basin: S. J. Matthews and P. J. E. Bransden


) 110 15 T 215~....



o ) ,,o ,..
., ....................

? ) ,,0 5E ~o l.,~. . . . [] . . . . . . . D:-.-

Figure 12 Structural cross-sections across the East Java Sea Basin (refer to Figure 2 for locations). 'Eocene clastics' refers to
sequences T10-T28, 'Palaeogene to Early Miocene' refers to sequences T30-T40 and 'Early Miocene to Recent' refers to the T50 and
younger sequences

(Foldouts 1, 2 and 3 and Figures 11 and 12) are is evidence on some seismic data for propagation of
very similar to those produced in the sand-box models Neogene thrusts as footwall and hanging wall splays
of Buchanan and McClay (1991), suggesting that from the main fault, in addition to the reverse
inversion may have occurred by movement reversal on reactivation of the earlier formed fault zones. The ramp
both planar and non-planar (listric) faults. The largest angle (cut-off angle) of such footwall splays is often
amplitude structures occur consistently in the hanging very low so that the hanging wall effectively moves
walls to the largest displacement Palaeogene faults from ramp to flat during the inversion and a fault-bend
(Sepanjang Fault, Sakala Fault and northern bounding fold starts to form in the hanging wall.
fault to the Southern Basin, Figures 11 and 12, Foldouts Neogene inversion is most simply interpreted as
1, 2 and 3). resulting from fault movement reversal, resulting
The uplift in the hanging wall to the Sepanjang Fault in a correspondence between the main Palaeogene
has resulted in the local elevation of Palaeogene depocentres and the main Neogene uplifts. Uplift
sediments above present day sea level, and forms a geometry is therefore controlled by Palaeogene fault
continuous uplift zone which extends to the west as far geometry and linkage. All the observed Neogene
as Madura Island (Figure 1). inversion structures can be interpreted as the result of
Uplift magnitude increases from east to west, dominantly dip-slip reverse movement, with only minor
along-strike on the cross-sections of Figure 12. There strike-slip displacements (which may be related to

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- /

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Figure 13 Distribution of faults which have experienced movement reversal during Neogene inversion. Inversion symbol is shown
in the hanging walls. Thickening of the syn-inversion sedimentary package in the footwall to the Sakala and Sepanjang Faults is
illustrated by the simplified isopach pattern (area of dark tone), with the maximum preserved thickness adjacent to the faults

508 Marine and Petroleum G e o l o g y 1995 V o l u m e 12 N u m b e r 5

Tectono-stratigraphic d e v e l o p m e n t o f the East Java Sea Basin: S. J. M a t t h e w s a n d P. J. E. Bransden

reactivation of deeper oblique structures) necessary the East Java Sea Basin. Analogue models of inversion
to explain observed structural and stratigraphic (Buchanan and McClay, 1991) also demonstrate the
geometries. viability of a dominantly dip-slip evolution.
The Palaeogene basin history is dominated by
Deposition during inversion. Inversion of the extension and subsidence, rather than a combination of
Palaeogene depocentres resulted in the progressive subsidence and uplift which may have been expected if
migration of depocentre location into areas to the north substantial strike-slip motion (through propagation of a
and south of the Central Basin. Neogene depocentres principal displacement zone) had occurred within the
are therefore located along an axis centred on the East Java Sea Basin.
Southern Basin to Madura sub-basin region (Figure 1), The initial Eocene transgression occurred across a
and to the north in the area of the Northern Platform low relief basement and as a result the coastline
(Figure 1), where carbonates and calcareous mudstones retreat was very rapid. Clastic deposition occurred in
(sequences T50 and T55) prograded from the north- non-marine to marginal marine environments in rift
west and north. This is interpreted as a highstand basins during the Early and Middle Eocene. Continued
depositional system following an Early Miocene subsidence resulted in drowning of the basin during the
transgression. Late Eocene and Oligocene.
The Lower to Middle Miocene carbonate wedges of The overlying Neogene basin-fill is dominated by a
the Northern Platform were drowned and onlapped by mixed clastic and carbonate marine succession with
outer shelf to bathyal mudrocks of sequences T60 and highstand, lowstand and transgressive systems all
T65, which are interpreted to have been deposited recognized.
during a major transgression. These Upper Miocene Carbonate and clastic progradation occurred during
sequences were truncated by an unconformity in the Miocene highstands contemporaneous with inversion.
Early Pliocene. Sandstones were deposited at this time, At this time, clastic progradation was limited to
on the Northern Platform and in the Southern Basin. the western part of the East Java Sea Basin, nearer
These were the first sandstones deposited in this area to the hinterland source area. During lowstands
since the Eocene. They were probably sourced from clastic deposition became dominant as the carbonate
the Sunda Shield to the west and north-west following platforms were exposed and non-productive. Trans-
fluvial incision during an Early Pliocene lowstand gressions resulted in the repression of coarse clastic
(Figure 10). input, with carbonates experiencing rapid vertical
Deposition in areas of strong sub-basin uplift growth. At the transgressive maxima, deeper pelagic
was controlled by the developing subaerial and/or limestones were deposited due to repression of clay
submarine topography. Some submarine highs became input.
the sites of globigerinid grainstone production, which
were subsequently winnowed to produce enhanced
reservoir quality.
Plio-Pleistocene relative sea-level changes and Acknowledgements
resultant cycles of deposition and erosion have resulted The authors thank Pertamina, the management of BP
from the interaction of glacio-eustatic and structural Exploration, A R C O Bali North Inc., and Mobil Oil
inversion processes. Indonesia for permission to publish this paper. The
following staff of BP Exploration are thanked for the
numerous exciting debates on East Java Sea geology,
Conclusions notably Dave Atkins, Laurie Brown, Mark Burchell,
Arnie Ferster, Jon Ford, Martyn Gravestock, Dave
The East Java Sea Basin has experienced two main
Jackson (who produced the depth conversion of Figure
periods of pulsed fault reactivation during the
Cenozoic, in addition to the progressive development
12), Tom Kearney (who produced the depth conversion
of Foldout 2), Gunther Newcombe, Joe Pape, Andy
of new fault systems. These have controlled Tertiary
Pepper, David G. Roberts, John Scott, Neil Taylor,
basin development and deformation. Mark Thompson, Trevor Witton and Toine Wonders
The earlier phase of reactivation occurred during the (who has developed the biostratigraphic interpretation).
Eocene to Early Oligocene and resulted locally in Simon Todd is thanked for commenting on an earlier
crustal extension on previously developed Cretaceous version of this paper. Detailed reviews by Professor
thrusts. Development of new planar normal faults, Ken McClay and Dr Robert Hall assisted considerably.
which are dominant over the reactivated thrusts, also The technical interpretation is that of the authors only,
occurred during the Palaeogene. and does not necessarily reflect the views of BP's
The younger phase of reactivation is Neogene
partners in the East Java Sea PSCs.
inversion and resulted in contractional movement on all
of the major Palaeogene faults and some Cretaceous
structures. Maximum inversion has been concentrated
in the areas of pre-existing Palaeogene depocentres. References
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features can be reconciled without invoking major Ben-Avraham, Z. and Emery, K. O. (1973) Structural framework
of Sunda shelf Am. Assoc. Petrol GeoL Bull. 57, 2323-2366
Cenozoic strike-slip deformation. The observation of Bransden, P. J. E. and Matthews, S. J. (1992) Structural and
Harding (1990) that structures which show a positive stratigraphic evolution of the East Java Sea, Indonesia. In:
flower cross-sectional geometry may be inverted Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association Twenty First
half-graben or graben is clearly applicable to much of Annual Convention, October 1992417-453

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