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Keys to Success
1.1 Mengingat huruf alphabet dengan baik sehingga dapat menuliskannya secepat menulis ABC
1.2 Mengingat nama-nama huruf dengan baik sehingga dapat menyebutkannya secepat menyebutkan ABC
1.3 Huruf alphabet adalah dasar dari bahasa Ibrani.
1.4 Menguasai alphabet adalah langkah awal menguasai bahasa Ibrani.
1.5 Jangan menganggap remeh pentingnya pengenalan alphabet, kenalilah itu seperti nama anda sendiri.
1.6 Keberhasilan belajar bahasa Ibrani dimulai di sini!

Alphabet Chart
1.7 Bahasa Ibrani ditulis dari kanan ke kiri
1.8 Bahasa Ibrani hanya memiliki konsonan

Name Final Form Book Print Sound

Alef a Silent

B B as in Boy

b V as in Van

Gimel g G as in Gas

Dalet d D as in Dog

Hey h H as in Hat

Vav w V as in Van

Zayin z Z as in Zoo

Chet x CH as in BaCH

Tet j T as in Top

Yod y Y as in You

Kaf K K as in Key

$ k CH as in BaCH

Lamed l L as in Lot

Mem ~ m M as in Mat

Nun ! n N as in Nut

Samech s S as in See

Ayin [ Silent

Pey P P as in Pie

@ p F as in Fan

Tsade # c TS as in CaTS

Qof q K as in Key
Resh r R as in Rug

Sin f S as in See

Shin v SH as in SHe

Tav t T as in
Five Final Letters

1.9 Ada lima huruf yang memiliki bentuk berbeda saat menjadi huruf terakir dalam suatu kata.
1.10 Empat final huruf memiliki goresan turun ke bawah garis.
Final Form Basic Form

$ k
! n
@ p
# c
1.11 Satu huruf final lebih kotak bentuknya.
Final Form Basic Form

~ m
Letters with Two Pronunciations
1.12 Ada enam huruf yang memiliki dua pengucapan dalam bahasa Ibrani Alkitab, disingkat begadkefat.

1.13 Dalam bahasa ibrani modern hanya tiga huruf yang memiliki dua pengucapan. Perbedaannya
ditandai dengan titik di tengah huruf, disebut sebagai dagesh. Dengan dagesh huruf menjadi tegas, tanpa
dagesh huruf menjadi lembut.
Soft Hard
V as in Van b B as in Boy B
CH as in BaCH k K as in Key K
F as in Fan p P as in Pie P
1.14 Dagesh ditemukan pada huruf ( gimel ), ( dalet ), dan ( tav), tetapi pengucapan dalam ibrani
modern tidak terpengaruh.

Letters That Look Alike

1.15 Ada beberapa huruf yang tampak sama.

r d
z w
c [
k b
t x h
s ~
Letters That Sound Alike
1.16 Bahasa Inggris memiliki huruf-huruf yang berbunyi sama, contohnya kite and car, atau find dan
1.17 Ada lima pasang huruf yang terdengar mirip.
V as in Van w b
CH as in BaCH k x
T as in Top t j
K as in Key q K
S as in See f s
Guttural Letters + Resh
1.18 Ada empat suara yang dibentuk di dalam tenggorokan, disebut guttural (huruf tenggorokan). a
(alef ), h (hey), x (chet ), and [ (ayin). Huruf r (resh) memiliki kemiripan dengan guttural yang lain.
Focusing on New Material
A. Mengingat nama dan huruf alphabet dengan baik, agar dapat menuliskannya semudah ABC.
B. Sebutkan suara dan nama huruf-huruf di bawah ini, dari kanan ke kiri.

n t K y ~ g m c @ a [ P l
x d

f # z b !
v j $ p r q h s w B

C. Bacalah lagi huruf-huruf tersebut dan lingkari huruf final (sofit).

D. Bacalah lagi huruf-huruf tersebut dan garis bawahi guttural dan resh.
E. Bacalah lagi huruf-huruf tersebut dan gambarlah kotak pada huruf begadkefats.
F. Cocokkan huruf yang mirip.

W k

j f

x t
q K

s b

Reading Your Hebrew Bible

G. Kej. 1:13. Buat suara dan sebutkan hurufnya.

#rah taw ~ymvh ta ~yhla arB tyvarB

~wht ynP l[ $vxw whbw wht htyh
~ymh ynP l[ tpxrm ~yhla xwrw
rwa yhyw rwa yhy ~yhla rmayw


A Brief History of Hebrew Vowels

2.1 During the original phase, Hebrew was written without any vowels indicated in the script. The letters qdc
could have meant righteousness, his righteousness, they are righteous, etc.
This phase was before King David, ca. 1,400 B.C. to 1,000 B.C.

2.2 During the middle phase, several letters of the alphabet came to be used to indicate certain vowels. The
letters wqdc could have meant his righteousness, or they are righteous, but not righteousness. We will
refer to these letters used to indicate vowels as vowel letters.
This phase was after King David, ca. 1,000 B.C. to 300 B.C.

2.3 During the final phase, points" were added to the text to eliminate all ambiguity. The word Wqd>cI could
only have meant they are righteous. We will refer to these points as vowel signs.
This phase was ca. A.D. 700 to A.D. 1000
The scholars responsible for adding the vowel signs to the text are called Masoretes.
The text of the Bible produced by the Masoretes is called the Masoretic Text, abbreviated MT.
You are learning to read the Hebrew text from this final phase.

Vowel Names, Signs, Sounds, and Positions

Name Sign Sound Position

1. qamets ' a as in father a'

2. patach ; a as in father a;

3. chatef-patach ] a as in father a]

4. tsere e ey as in hey ae

5. segol , e as in yet a,

6. chatef-segol / e as in yet a/

7. chireq I e as in she ai

8. chireq-yod yi e as in she yai

9. cholem O o as in snow ao

10. cholem-vav A o as in snow Aa

11. qibbuts u u as in rule au

12. shureq W u as in rule Wa

13. qamets-chatuf ' o as in odd a'

14. chatef-qamets \ o as in odd a\

Vowel Class and Length
2.4 There are three classes of vowels.
a class
e class
u class

2.5 There are four lengths of vowels.

very short

2.6 A basic knowledge of vowel class and length will help you greatly in learning the various forms of words in
future lessons.

Chart of Vowel Class and Length

a i u

Long A cholem-vav yI chireq-yod W shureq

Medium ' qamets e tsere O cholem

; patach I chireq u qibbuts


, segol ' qamets-chatuf

Very Short ] chatef-patach / chatef-segol \ chatef-qamets

The vowels A (cholem-vav) and O (cholem) are different lengths and classes.
Furthermore, ' (qamets) and ' (qamets-chatuf) are two different vowels that look identical; qamets-
chatuf is rare.

Putting Consonants and Vowels Together

2.7 First pronounce the consonant, then the vowel.
2.8 Most vowels are placed under the consonant: r' pronounced like rah.

2.9 The vowelO is placed above the consonant: To pronounced like tow.
2.10 The vowel A is placed to the left of the consonant: AT pronounced like tow.
2.11 The vowel W is placed to the left of the consonant: Wz pronounced like zoo.
2.12 Read the following from right to left:

rp,se !qez" vbey" rb'D'

xt;B' ar'B'
rq,Bo ~yhil{a/ vp,n<
ynIa] ry[i ~ai
~yvin"a] ~Aqm' dWm['
sWs !heKo

daughter tB; 414 father, ancestor ba' 369

he ate lk;a' 1 mother ~ae 451

he remembered 32 brother xa' 372

he is heavy 85 sister tAxa' 372

he sent xl;v' 25 son, descendant !Be 380

The number following the Hebrew word refers to the card number in R. Dillard, Hebrew Vocabulary Cards
(Springfield, Ohio: Visual Education Association, 1981).
The general order of the vocabulary list is nouns followed by verbs.
Tips for memorizing vocabulary [from M. Brown-Azarowicz et al., Yes! You Can Learn a Foreign Language
(Lincolnwood, Ill.: Passport Books, 1986) chap. 3.]
Memorize words grouped according to related meaning.

Review 10 minutes after initial learning.

Review 60 minutes after that.

Review again 24 hours later.

Review every 2 days until automatic recall is attained.

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