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[DataSet1] Y:\Marketing Analytics Class 1.sav

HO: There is no significant difference in the age group of students having different educational qualification

H1: There is significant difference in the age group of students having different educational qualification

Age of Students

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 24.048 2 12.024 4.854 .023

Within Groups 39.636 16 2.477
Total 63.684 18


From the ANVOA Table, we find that at 5% significance level, p=0.023 which is < 0.05. Therefore, we have to accept the alternate
hypothesis. This means that there is significant difference in the age group of students having different educational qualifications.

This is also evident from the Descriptives table.

Age of Students

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum

Lower Bound Upper Bound

BA/BCom/BSc 4 23.50 1.732 .866 20.74 26.26 22 26

BE/BTech 11 25.18 1.662 .501 24.06 26.30 22 28
BBA/BBM 4 22.50 1.000 .500 20.91 24.09 22 24
Total 19 24.26 1.881 .432 23.36 25.17 22 28


Here, it is clearly seen that the mean age groups of students are different for each of the educational qualification backgrounds. Students having BE/BTech qualifications are older than
the other students, having a mean value of 25.18. Students having BA/BCom/BSc have a mean age of 23.50 years and finally, those with a BBA/BBM have a mean age of 22.50 years.
Though the students of the class having different educational background belong to 3 distinct groups, we have to conduct Post-Hoc analysis to check whether its really 3 groups or not.

Post Hoc Tests

Homogeneous Subsets

Age of Students
Tukey B

Graduation Degree N Subset for alpha = 0.05

1 2

BBA/BBM 4 22.50
BA/BCom/BSc 4 23.50 23.50
BE/BTech 11 25.18

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 5.077.
b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the
group sizes is used. Type I error levels are not guaranteed.


Usually, we use Tukeys B for conducting Post-Hoc analysis. From the above table, two groups are formed clearly. Student having BE/BTech form one group having a mean age of 25.18
while those with BBA/BBM form another group with 22.50. Students with BA/BCom/BSc are seen in both the groups with a mean age of 23.50. It is the discretion of the researcher to
retain these students in any one of the two groups. Because the mean value of the group is 23.50 years, we can retain them in group 1.

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