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U-32 Learning Plan

Name: Miranda Mishaan Program: Pilot Date: 8/29/17

What do you want to study, in a sentence: Creating an understanding of emotions through fictional & non-
fictional reading and writing.

Why are you interested in this study?

what you hope to gain personally by studying this subject ~ a deeper, more spiritual level of learning of
a field I care about.
why knowledge of this topic will be valuable and important to you ~ to benefit me in my future career
as a therapist.

What do you already know about it? What do you think you know (but arent sure)?
things that you've read or seen which connect you to this topic

I have had a therapist in the past and I have a few methods on how to work with my personal emotions.

Make a list of questions that you hope to be able to answer by the end of the study:
What methods are most beneficial with people who have anxiety?
How can therapy benefit a person vs medication?
What schooling must you complete to become a therapist?

What do you hope to know at the end of the project? Consider hands on know-how and research.

What do you hope to be able to do/show at the end? Have a journal full of notes from books I read and some
character analyzations. I will have 2-3 research papers by the end of the semester, researched based notes, Commented [1]: include what kinds of writing you
want to do: research based, creative writing, etc.
and creative based notes and journal entries.


As you shape your goals, remember that you are expected to work on this project a minimum of 4 hours/week.

Project goals (minimum of three) Action Proof

Be specific about skills youre developing. How will you accomplish this? List action steps. How will you demonstrate this?

Keeping a journal for each Keep a journal for notes

Reading challenging reading from fiction and nonfiction
literature Research and take notes on books
Critical thinking about topics i'm studying Completing 2-3 research
characters and their growth pictures (including online
Connecting ideas through 3 notes from online sources)
different types of literature

Which methods of information gathering do you plan on using? (Check all that apply - highlight, ctrl and left click to check)
Observing, documenting, and/or surveying
Video or audio-taping
Gathering and reviewing published information (reading)
Searching online and electronic databases
Creating a symbolic representation (model building, map making, etc.)
Writing, and reflecting
Other: what or how?_______________________________

What is the biggest overall challenge you anticipate in this project work? What strategies will you use
to address it? (organization, time management, communication, motivation, etc.)

Time management- Finding a time to read when I won't be bored or fall asleep. Getting excited about reading.


What qualities and/or information would your ideal mentor possess?

A degree in psychology or social work

What help do you need from a mentor to accomplish your goals?

A taste of what it's like to be in the field and learning their story of how they got there

How will you give back to the community through your project work?
I will use my knowledge to use methods of practice to help others

PROFICIENCIES List the standards and skills you plan to address in this project

Content: for Pilot plans only

1. Reading 1. I will read 3 different kinds of literature

2. Expository Writing (factual/nonfiction, a book at my level which I
will enjoy, and a book that tests me as a reader)
3. Expressive Writing All of them will help me understand a certain
4. Expository Research Writing concept in multiple angles
5. Speaking and listening 2. I will use my knowledge from my psychology
6. Language research to analyze complex characters and
3. Writing reflections in a journal, which include
poems and creative writing. Also short stories
using detailed descriptions
4. Will use all of my research to develop final
project(s) to display new knowledge
5. I will listen to discussions about different views
on charact

Transferable skills


Create an annotated bibliography and list sources that will help you achieve your goals.
At minimum include: 2 people, 4 books, and 8 internet sources

Approval: Plans need to be approved by the following people, please sign below once plans are approved
Program Advisor

Content Area/
Committee Advisor(s)



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