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Reading The New World Before the arrival of the English, the Powhatan Indians

The Columbian
A. Discuss this question with a partner. used to grow corn, hunt wild animals such as deer, and C. Discuss this question with a partner. In the
Which of these were brought to the gather wild plants for food. When a cornfield started to following lines from the article, what is the
produce less corn, the Indians would plant in another area.

Americas by European explorers and relationship between the noun phrases on
colonists? The Jamestown colonists saw these empty fields as a perfect each side of the comma (,) or dash ()?
horses place to grow tobacco, a New World plant that the Spanish
1. P
 owhatan, father of the legendary
peanuts discovered in the Caribbean. Tobacco from Virginia could
tomatoes be shipped to Europe and sold, and the colonys investors in
malaria 2. tobacco, a New World plant
England were eager to make a profit.
cattle 3. an animal the English brought
The Jamestown colonists also introduced several kinds
tobacco accidentally in their shipsblack rats.
of domestic animals to the New World, including pigs,
cattle, horses, and chickens. The Indians had no large
B. Write answers to the questions.
domestic animals, and so they had no fences around their Writing
1. In your own words, what was the cornfields. They were soon competing with the colonists Imagine that the Columbian Exchange
Columbian Exchange?______________ animals for both crops and wild food. The corn that the never happened. If you live in a New World
________________________________ Indians stored for the winter months, meanwhile, became a country, the rest of the world doesnt know
________________________________ favorite food for an animal the English brought accidentally you exist. If you live in an Old World coun-
in their shipsblack rats. try, you know nothing about the Americas.
2. Whats one thing that wasnt in
In addition to the rats, colonists carried diseases from Write a journal entry about a day in your
your country before the Columbian
the Old World that Native Americans had never been life. What do you eat? What animals do you
exposed to. Diseases such as malaria, smallpox, measles, see? What do you do on a typical day?
and cholera were not always deadly to Europeans, but
________________________________ killed a large percentage of native people in the Americas.
3. Why were the Native Americans The Columbian Exchange, therefore, came at a very high
in Tsenacomoco called Powhatan cost, but without a doubt, it was one of the most significant
Indians?_________________________ When European explorer Christopher Columbus landed on events in modern human history.
________________________________ the island he named San Salvador in 1492, he began a process
known as the Columbian Exchange. Columbus was followed
by explorers, soldiers, and colonists from Spain, Portugal, the
4. Why did the colonists sometimes find Netherlands, France, and England. The Europeans brought
empty farm fields near the Jamestown with them a great number of plants, animals, and diseases that
Colony? _________________________ the New World had never seen. And soon, countries in the Old
________________________________ World smoked American tobacco and tasted corn, tomatoes,
________________________________ peanuts, chili peppers, and potatoes for the first time. Goal 4 Consider the
The first European settlement in what is now the United impact of the
5. Why were the Old World animals a
States began on May 14, 1608, when an English ship landed Columbian
problem for the Powhatan Indians?
on Jamestown Island in the present-day state of Virginia. The Exchange
Jamestown Colony was founded in the middle of an Indian
________________________________ Share your journal entry with a
empire called Tsenacomoco, an area of about 8,000 square
6. Why do you think the Old World partner. How was your imaginary day
miles with more than 14,000 people. The principal Indian chief
diseases were especially deadly for different from a day in your real life?
was Powhatan, father of the legendary Pocahontas, and the
Native Americans?_________________ In your opinion, is the world better
settlers called the native people Powhatan Indians.
or worse because of the Columbian

106 Life in the Past Lesson D 107

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