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The Legend of Lau Kawar

Once upon a time,there was a village called Kawar in Tanah Karo North
Sumatra. Before this village turned into a lake, it used to be very prosperous.
One day, the villagers held a feast to celebrate their successful harvest. They
gathered at the village heads house. Delicious food was served. People were
eating and laughing. They were singing and dancing during the feast.
Meanwhile, in one of the houses, there was an old woman. She was lying on
her bed alone. Her son her daughter in law, and granddaughter were at the party.
She could not go because she was sick. She heard the voices coming from the
feast, the songs and music. Suddenly , she felt very hungry. She groaned. Her feet
were too walk. She crept to the kitchen,but there was nothing to eat. Her tears fell.
At the party,the son,suddenly,remembered his mother.Have you sent some
food for mother? he asked. Not yet, the wife answered. Then ,the wife wrapped
a little rice and some fish. She asked her daughter to deliver it to her grandmother
at home.
The little girl ran home. However, before giving the food to the old woman
she ate the fish and left.the bones with the rice. She wrapped the food again and
gave it to her grandmother. When the old woman unwrapped the food, she was
very disappointed. There was only a little rice and some fishbone. She thought her
family had forgotten and humiliated her. She cried and prayed to God, Oh God!
Id rather die and I beg you to destroy this place and all the people here because
they have forgotten an old woman, like me!.
Suddenly, thunder came. The sky turned dark. The land was shaking and
turned into big crater. The rain was pouring into it. It did not stop for several days.
When it stopped the village had disappeared. There was a large lake to replace it.
People called it Lau Kawar .


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