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NIT 900.258.868-9. RESOLUCIN 04613 DE 2010
Versin: Febrero 2014
PROCESO PDE - Worksheet
THIRD TERM 2017 Pgina 1 de 3

Student________________________ Teacher Juan Carlos Carbono- Cristian Noriega .Date__________ Mark__________

Tell whether each is a solid, liquid, or gas.

1.milk - ___________________________ 2. cookie - ___________________________

3. oxygen - _________________________4. fish - ___________________________

5. pencil - ___________________________6. maple syrup - _____________________

Forms of Matter

Everything around you is made of matter. Scientists group matter based on its
properties, or characteristics: what it looks like and how it acts in different situations.
Matter can take three different forms. The three forms are solid, liquid, and gas. Solid
matter has a denite shape. It also takes up a denite amount of space. This means it
has a specic volume. If you could look at solid matter under a very powerful
microscope, you would see its tiny particles moving back and forth. The particles are
packed together, so they vibrate in place. Their overall shape does not change. Liquid
matter takes the shape of its container. When liquid is in a cup, it is shaped like the cup.
When the liquid is in a vase, it is shaped like the vase. The volume of the liquid stays the
same. If you were to look at liquid matter under the microscope, you would see its tiny
particles sliding past each other. Because of this unique sliding movement, the liquid is
able to change its shape so we can pour it. In the form of a gas, matter is usually
invisible. The air around us has several different gases, like the oxygen we breathe in
and the carbon dioxide we breathe out. If you could look at gas matter under the
microscope, you would see its tiny particles oating around with lots of space in
between them. They spread out to ll any container the gas is placed in.

1) What does the word properties mean in the rst paragraph?

2) What are the three forms that matter can take?
3) What does the word vibrate mean in the second paragraph?
4) What is one difference between a solid and a liquid?
5) Are the tiny particles closer together in a solid, a liquid, or a gas?
NIT 900.258.868-9. RESOLUCIN 04613 DE 2010
Versin: Febrero 2014
PROCESO PDE - Worksheet
THIRD TERM 2017 Pgina 2 de 3
NIT 900.258.868-9. RESOLUCIN 04613 DE 2010
Versin: Febrero 2014
PROCESO PDE - Worksheet
THIRD TERM 2017 Pgina 3 de 3

Biblical Integration: After you read all these chapter you will do a resume of your understanding for each verse.

Could This Decision Jeopardize My Integrity or Hinder My Witness for the Lord?

Proverbs 25:26

Like a trampled spring and a polluted well is a righteous man who gives way before the wicked.

Proverbs 10:9

He who walks in integrity walks securely, but he who perverts his ways will be found out.

Proverbs 20:7

A righteous man who walks in his integrityhow blessed are his sons after him.

Proverbs 22:1

A good name is to be more desired than great riches, favor is better than silver and gold.

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