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The increased use of technology given the huge technological

divide in India might sharpen inequalities rather than

bridging them.
1. Linguistic barrier: Most of the content on the internet is in English, thusitbecomesharderforpoorto
fetch the benefits of digitalisation due to this Linguistic barrier.

2. Affordability: High infrastructure cost for penetrationinremoteareashasitseffectontheaffordability

of these technologies, thus less use of such technology by the poor.

3. Digital Illiteracy: poor lacks knowledge and education to work with upgrading technology, leading to
slow adaptably.

4. Lack of Physical infrastructure: In India, more households own a mobile phone than have access to
electricity or clean water, but due to poor power infrastructure, people are unable to take advantage of it.

General solution to above problem in addition to awareness, and government policies is to further
development of technology, as only growth in technology on a large scale can solve problems such as
Linguistic barrier by using modern machine-learning advanced translation techniques, affordability by
advanced communication techniques like the Google Balloon, FaceBook Satellite, Digital Illiteracy can
be solved only by modern interactive techniques andincreasetechnologicalinteraction,technologieslike
Solar Power can be used to make up for lack physical infrastructure for power transfer to remote areas.
Also, some specific measures can be applied like:

1. Inclusion of private sector, to vigorously pursue the expansion of broadband and IT infrastructure
throughout the country. It would be imperative that a PPP model is built to implement NOFN.
2. Encouraging entrepreneurs, NGOs in expanding digital literacy and to convert the contentindifferent
3. Gram Panchayats should be encouraged to disseminate the benefits of digitalisation.
4. Digital empowerment of citizens, especially poor; by making universal digital literacy. Schemes like
Digital India will boost this.
5. Establishing special booths for public internet located in remote areas, which gives services at a
subsidised rate; encouraging poor to adapt new technology.

Since digital technologies have over the past decades succeeded in bringing the excluded sections of
society into the formal system; it would be beneficial that schemes like Digital India, National Rural
Internet Mission etc. are implemented at a faster pace.

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