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Review Article

Perioperative Management of Children with

Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Deborah A. Schwengel, MD* Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) affects 1%3% of children. Children with
OSA can present for all types of surgical and diagnostic procedures requiring
Laura M. Sterni, MD anesthesia, with adenotonsillectomy being the most common surgical treatment for
OSA in the pediatric age group. Thus, it is imperative that the anesthesiologist be
familiar with the potential anesthetic complications and immediate postoperative
David E. Tunkel, MD* problems associated with OSA. The significant implications that the presence of
OSA imposes on perioperative care have been recognized by national medical
Eugenie S. Heitmiller, MD* professional societies. The American Academy of Pediatrics published a clinical
practice guideline for pediatric OSA in 2002, and cited an increased risk of
anesthetic complications, though specific anesthetic issues were not addressed. In
2006, the American Society of Anesthesiologists published a practice guideline for
perioperative management of patients with OSA that noted the pediatric-related
risk factor of obesity, and the increased perioperative risk associated with adeno-
tonsillectomy in children younger than 3 yr. However, management of OSA in
children younger than 1 yr-of-age was excluded from the guideline, as were other
issues related specifically to the pediatric patient. Hence, many questions remain
regarding the perioperative care of the child with OSA.
In this review, we examine the literature on pediatric OSA, discuss its patho-
physiology, current treatment options, and recognized approaches to perioperative
management of these young and potentially high-risk patients.
(Anesth Analg 2009;109:60 75)

M anagement of the child known to have or is

suspected of having obstructive sleep apnea syn-
Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) Task Force on Peri-
operative Management of Patients with OSA suggests
drome (OSA) is a challenge for the anesthesiologist. a scoring system to estimate perioperative risk based
Children with OSA have recurrent episodes of partial on severity of sleep apnea, invasiveness of procedure,
or complete airway obstruction during sleep, resulting and postoperative opioid requirement. This task force
in hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and sleep disruption, and also supports postoperative admission for children 3
approximately 1%3% of all children are thought to yr-of-age who undergo adenotonsillectomy. However,
have OSA.15 Children who carry the diagnosis of medical evidence is lacking as to whether a monitored
OSA usually have been evaluated by an otolaryngolo- bed is required for some patients with OSA. Beca-
gist, pulmonologist, or sleep specialist, often in prepa- use specific guidelines are lacking regarding such
ration for adenotonsillectomy. However, children patients, local institutional policies often lead to con-
scheduled for other types of surgical procedures may not troversies among anesthesiologists, surgeons, and
be as thoroughly evaluated; OSA in these patients may third-party payers regarding the need for, and level of,
be missed by surgeons or primary care providers.6 8 postoperative monitoring.10
Anesthesiologists are aware of the concerns in This review will summarize what is currently
caring for children diagnosed with OSA, and 82% of known about childhood OSA, including diagnosis,
surveyed anesthesiologists reported that guidelines treatment, and strategies for perioperative care of
would assist them in caring for them.9 The American these patients.

From the Departments of *Anesthesiology/Critical Care Medi-

cine, Pediatrics, and Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, DIAGNOSIS
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland.
OSA presents differently in young children than it
Accepted for publication December 19, 2008.
does in teenagers and adults (Table 1). Adults and
Reprints will not be available from the author.
teenagers with OSA are often obese and have daytime
Address correspondence to Deborah Schwengel, MD, Johns Hop-
kins Medical Institutions, Department of Anesthesiology/Critical Care somnolence; younger children may have normal
Medicine, 600 North Wolfe St., Blalock 1412, Baltimore, MD 21287- weight or failure to thrive and behavior disorders such
8711. Address e-mail to as hyperactivity, attention problems, and enuresis.11,12
Copyright 2009 International Anesthesia Research Society Both adult and pediatric patients have an increased
DOI: 10.1213/ane.0b013e3181a19e21
risk for complications during or after surgery.10

60 Vol. 109, No. 1, July 2009

Table 1. Childhood Versus Adult Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Features
Children Adults
Age 26-yr peak Increased elderly
Gender Male female Males females
Obesity Few Most
Tonsils and adenoids Often enlarged Rarely enlarged
Daytime sleepiness Less common than in adults but can be seen Common
Obstruction Obstructive apnea or hypoventilation Obstructive apnea
Sleep architecture Usually normal Decreased delta and REM
Arousals with obstruction May not be seen At end of each apnea
Surgical Definitive therapy in most patients Minority of cases with inconsistent
Medical (positive airway pressure) Selected patients Most common therapy
Adapted from Sterni and Tunkel, Pediatr Clin North Am 2003;50:427 43.
REM rapid eye movement.

A history of snoring is a sensitive, though not Table 2. Components of Polysomnography Recommended by

specific, symptom that supports the diagnosis of The American Thoracic Society
OSA.13 Primary snorers are those who snore but have Respiratory effortassessed by abdominal and chest wall
no obstructive apnea, gas exchange abnormalities, or movement
multiple arousals on polysomnography (sleep study). Airflow at nose, mouth, or both
Approximately 10% of children have primary snor- Arterial oxygen saturation
End-tidal CO2 or transcutaneous CO2 (recommended
ing.14 17 Primary snoring does not seem to progress to specifically for pediatric polysomnography to detect
OSA and may resolve over time,13,18,19 and although hypoventilation)
generally considered benign, it may be associated with Electrocardiograph
neurobehavioral changes, such as attention disorders, Electromyography (tibial) to monitor arousals
Electroencephalography, electrooculography, and
mild cognitive problems, and anxious or depressive
electromyography for sleep staging
From Standards and indications for cardiopulmonary sleep studies in children. American
OSA in children may manifest with obstructive Thoracic Society. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1996;153:866 78, with permission.
apneas or obstructive hypoventilation (OH).21 Chil-
dren with OH exhibit snoring with continuous partial might prove to be a useful testing modality,41,42 but
upper airway obstruction during sleep, leading to validation of these studies is needed.
paradoxical respiratory effort, hypercarbia, and hy- The gold standard for making the diagnosis of
poxemia in some.22 As many as 40% of snoring OSA in children is use of overnight polysomnogra-
children who are referred to a sleep clinic or otolar- phy. However, there are significant differences in the
yngologist will have OSA,15 and children with OSA criteria for the performance, scoring, and interpreta-
almost always snore and have increased respiratory tion of pediatric versus adult polysomnograms; for
effort during sleep.3,23,24 complete efficacy, it is essential that polysomnogra-
Screening children for OSA is recommended by the phy laboratories have experience in the performance
American Academy of Pediatrics as part of routine and interpretation of these studies in children.43 Use
health maintenance. Evaluation should be pursued for of sedatives and sleep deprivation is not recom-
children with a history of nightly snoring. Although mended.44,45 If sufficient sleep and REM time are
several pediatric studies were unable to show that captured, a single overnight study is usually adequate.
questionnaires differentiated those with OSA from Obstructive events in children with OSA occur
those with primary snoring,3,5,2529 two independent primarily during REM sleep,46 although adult patients
studies of Chinese children reported validated ques- exhibit non-REM preponderance or equal REM and
tionnaires for OSA.30,31 Direct observation of a child non-REM obstruction.47 Obstruction is thought to
having apnea and labored respirations during sleep worsen over the course of a night, however, evalua-
may support the diagnosis of OSA. However, parents tion of upper airway muscles in children has not
may not be able to distinguish primary snoring from shown clinically significant muscle fatigue.48 The ef-
obstructive snoring; as well, obstructive episodes that fect of the perioperative period on this process has not
occur during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep may been adequately studied. Postoperative REM rebound
go unwitnessed.32 Videotapes, audiotapes with pulse may worsen OSA in some patients.47,49
oximetry, questionnaires, and daytime nap studies The components of polysomnography recomme-
may be used but do not exclude OSA when nega- nded by the American Thoracic Society are listed in
tive.3,5,31,33 40 Unattended home polysomnography Table 2. Respiratory events that may be seen during

Vol. 109, No. 1, July 2009 2009 International Anesthesia Research Society 61
Table 3. Respiratory Events that can be Seen During Polysomnography
Event Definition
Central apnea Pause in airflow with absent respiratory effort, scored when 20 s or two missed breaths and
a 3% drop in oxygen saturation
Obstructive apnea 90% reduction of airflow despite continuing respiratory effort, scored when event lasts at
least two missed breaths in children
Obstructive hypopnea 50% reduction of airflow with associated with respiratory effort, scored when at least two
missed breaths and 3% drop in oxygen saturation or arousal
Mixed apneas 90% reduction in airflow, lasting at least two missed breaths, and containing absent
respiratory effort initially (a central apneic pause), followed by resumption of respiratory
effort without a resumption of airflow (an obstructive apnea)
Obstructive End-tidal CO2 50 mm Hg for 25% of the total sleep time with paradoxical respirations,
hypoventilation snoring, and no baseline lung disease

polysomnography are listed and defined in Table 3 cause airway narrowing in children.60 Enlarged tonsils
and depicted in Figure 1. can lead to collapse of the hypopharynx at the level of
Often, obstructive apneas and hypopneas identified the soft palate because of posterior displacement of
during a sleep study are combined to provide the the tongue and descent of the tonsils.61 Although
apnea hypopnea index (AHI), defined as the number of enlarged tonsils and adenoids are clearly an important
discrete obstructive events per hour. Many sleep labora- risk factor in children,62 there is no absolute correla-
tories will report an AHI or a respiratory disturbance tion between the size of the tonsils and adenoids and
index (RDI) that will include the number of all scored the presence of OSA.63 66 Enlarged soft tissues from
respiratory events (including central apneas) per hour. obesity or lymphoid tissues contribute to OSA in
Indices that combine central and obstructive events many children. Other factors include abnormal central
cannot be used to diagnose OSA in children, as normal arousal threshold, abnormal bony anatomy, disor-
children have more frequent central apneas when com- dered neural control of airway caliber or sensation,
pared with adults. Only obstructive event indices should and decreased pharyngeal tone that may be seen in
be used to identify pediatric OSA.50,51 certain types of cerebral palsy.67 Dynamic airway
Data correlating polysomnography parameters narrowing or collapse occurs at multiple sites in
with clinical outcomes in children are lacking, and children with OSA.59 Thus, OSA is often a multifac-
there are no standard guidelines for classifying the torial disorder with overlapping influences that
severity of OSA in children. Polysomnography data together predispose the patient to obstructed
from nonsnoring children have defined OSA as more breathing (Fig. 2).22
than one obstructive event per hour.37,52,53 It is impor- Genetics affect the risk of developing OSA. The
tant to note that the scoring does not consider the incidence of OSA is higher in first-degree relatives of
length of time of the obstructive event. The AHI may index patients with OSA.68 Infants of families with
be misleadingly low in children who have OH rather multiple members affected by sudden infant death
than discrete apnea. OH is not scored as an event but syndrome, apparent life-threatening event, and OSA
diagnosed as shown in Table 3. Thus, children with are more likely to have OSA than those in families
OH may have significant disease with a low AHI if the
with only one case of sudden infant death syndrome
periods of OH are few but long. For this reason, other
or apparent life-threatening event; these infants were
factors must be considered. In our Pediatric Sleep
found to have OSA in their first year of life.69
Laboratory, we classify the severity of OSA based on
Craniofacial abnormalities with altered airway anat-
total clinical picture, number of obstructive events per
omy are associated with abnormal breathing function.70
hour, duration of elevated end-tidal CO2, and fre-
The combination of enlarged tonsils and craniofacial
quency and severity of oxygen desaturation. We clas-
abnormalities (Table 5) can predict development of
sify OSA as severe if the patient has an AHI of 10/h
because of the increased risk of respiratory compro-
Obesity is an important and increasingly common
mise after adenotonsillectomy.54 Oxygen saturation
risk factor for OSA in children. Deposition of adipose
nadir 80% is also suggestive of severe disease and
postadenotonsillectomy respiratory morbidity5558 tissue around the upper airway and external compres-
Suggested guidelines for assessing severity of OSA sion from the excess soft tissue around the neck and
based on polysomnography are listed in Table 4. jaw lead to upper airway narrowing. Decreased chest
wall compliance and upward displacement of the
diaphragm by the obese abdomen when the indi-
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY vidual is supine lead to smaller lung volumes during
The essential feature of OSA in children is increased sleep, decreased oxygen stores, and increased risk of
upper airway resistance during sleep.59 Adenotonsil- desaturation with obstructive events.73 Obese children
lar hypertrophy, allergic rhinitis, turbinate hypertro- continue to have an increased risk of continuing OSA
phy, deviated septum, and maxillary constriction after adenotonsillectomy.74
62 Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children ANESTHESIA & ANALGESIA
Figure 1. Typical polysomnographic recordings demonstrating: (A) Obstructive apnea. Note how the nasal thermistor and
expired CO2 tracings flatten while paradoxical respiratory efforts occur. The event is accompanied by a decrease in arterial
oxygen saturations. (B) Obstructive hypopnea. The hypopnea is characterized by a decrease in nasal pressure signal
associated with continuing paradoxical respiratory effort and desaturation. (C) Central apnea is distinguished from
obstructive apnea by the absence of respiratory effort, which leads to the loss of airflow/pressure signals. This tracing shows
one central apnea episode.

Congenital syndromes carry an increased risk of airway combined with relatively large and medi-
OSA (Table 6). Patients with Trisomy 21 may be ally positioned tonsils, macroglossia, glossopt-
predisposed to OSA,7578 particularly those with osis, increased secretions, obesity, and generalized
midface and mandibular hypoplasia, a small upper hypotonia.79

Vol. 109, No. 1, July 2009 2009 International Anesthesia Research Society 63
Figure 1. Continued.

Chronic OSA can have both reversible and irrevers- time.70 If pulmonary hypertension is left untreated,
ible consequences for the airway. Children with OSA cor pulmonale is eventual and is diagnosed by echo-
have increased pharyngeal collapsibility and lose nor- cardiographic findings of right ventricular hypertrophy,
mal neuromotor responses to hypercarbia and ventricular enlargement, pulmonary and tricuspid
negative pressure.22,80,81 This increased collapsibility valve insufficiency, decreased ejection fraction, and
occurs with even mild OSA and may predispose these dilation of the pulmonary artery.70,89,90 In time, right
patients to more severe pharyngeal collapse later atrial pressure increases, and decreased venous return
in life.81 to the heart results in peripheral edema, hepatic
Reversible and irreversible effects on the cardiovas- congestion, and ascites. Fortunately, right ventricular
cular system are also possible. Chronic obstructed dysfunction and cor pulmonale may be reversible
breathing leads to chronic hypoxemia, hypercarbia or with surgical treatment of OSA.83,86,89
both and, if left untreated, can eventually lead to Although right ventricular dysfunction is classic,
pulmonary hypertension.23,24,70 Pulmonary hyperten- biventricular hypertrophy can develop. It is more
sion develops from vasoconstriction of the pulmonary likely to be seen in patients with severe OSA, but has
arterial vessels in response to the chronic nocturnal been reported in patients with only mild OSA.91
hypoxemia, hypercarbia, and acidosis that accompany Children with OSA show signs of enhanced sympa-
severe untreated OSA.82 86 In a series of 92 children thetic activity,92 autonomic dysfunction93, and endo-
with adenotonsillar hypertrophy, 3.3% developed thelial dysfunction.88 Systemic and diastolic hypertension
pulmonary hypertension that was reversed with ad- or a trend toward higher arterial blood pressures has
enotonsillectomy.87 Cardiovascular morbidity is asso- been documented in children with OSA.24,94 96 Higher
ciated with endothelial dysfunction. Gozal et al.88 blood pressures, especially at night, have been associ-
showed that soluble CD40 ligand levels (sCD40L ated with increased severity of OSA that is particu-
triggers inflammatory and procoagulant states) were larly related to desaturation events,97,98 even though
elevated in children with polysomnography-proven the blood pressures reported might not have been
OSA; tonsillectomy produced both significant im- high enough to require treatment with antihyperten-
provements in AHI and sCD40L in all children except sives. Other studies show evidence of endothelial
those with significant family histories of cardiovascu- dysfunction with OSA but no hypertension.88 In
lar diseases. adults, it has been shown that intermittent hypoxia,
Cardiac dysfunction associated with OSA may be not hypercapnia, is the critical stimulus for OSA-
manifested by structural and functional changes of associated sympathetic activation, endothelial dys-
both ventricles. Right ventricular dysfunction devel- function, oxidative stress and inflammation, which
ops from chronically elevated pulmonary pressure produce cardiovascular dysfunction.99
and negative intrathoracic pressure created by breath- Right ventricular dysfunction and overload leads to
ing against a partially closed upper airway over bowing of the ventricular septum and subsequent

64 Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children ANESTHESIA & ANALGESIA

Table 4. A Severity Ranking System Based on Polysomnography increased left end-diastolic pressure that can result in
pulmonary edema and pulmonary parenchymal dam-
age.70,100,101 Chronic hypoxia is an independent risk
Apnea-hypopnea saturation
index nadir factor for the development of left ventricular hyper-
trophy,91 which is a known risk factor for future
Normal 01 92
cardiovascular disease.102,103 Severe OSA doubles the
Mild OSA 24
Moderate OSA 59 risk of congestive heart failure in adult patients.104
Severe OSA 10 80 Patients with OSA can also experience postobstructive
Peak ETCO2 values and percent of time spent with ETCO2 50 mm Hg should also be pulmonary edema due to either acute airway obstruc-
considered when assessing severity. tion and generation of marked negative inspiratory
OSA obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
pressures or in the relief of significant chronic airway
obstruction. In both cases, physical damage to pulmo-
nary capillaries, release of vasoactive mediators, and
hydrostatic forces that result in fluid transudation to
the pulmonary parenchyma may occur.105
Impaired growth has been seen in some children
with OSA2325 and has been thought to be related to
increased work of breathing during sleep.106 These
children have been shown to have impaired secre-
tion of nocturnal growth hormone.107 Improved
growth has been reported after treatment with
Figure 2. Pathophysiology of pediatric obstructive sleep apnea adenotonsillectomy.106 109
syndrome. The different influences on the airway are additive.
Adapted from Marcus, Respir Physiol 2000;119:14354. TREATMENT
Adenotonsillectomy is the treatment of choice for
most children with OSA. Improvement in sleep-
Table 5. Facial and Airway Features Suggestive of Obstructive related airway obstruction and quality-of-life mea-
Sleep Apnea
sures is estimated to occur in more than 75% of
Small triangular chins children after adenotonsillectomy.110,111 However,
Retro-position of the mandible persistent respiratory abnormalities may be seen in
Steep mandibular plane
obese children and children with the most severe
High palate
Long, oval-shaped face cases of OSA.74,112 Suen et al.26 suggested that a RDI
Long soft palate 19.1 may be predictive of persistent OSA after
Large tonsils in association with the above facial features adenotonsillectomy.
Adapted from Guilleminault et al., Pediatrics 1996;98:871 82; Guilleminault et al., The range of surgical techniques for adenotonsillec-
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2007;136:169 75.
tomy reflects attempts to reduce the considerable
postoperative discomfort and minimize the risk of
Table 6. Some Congenital and Medical Conditions Associated hemorrhage after surgery. The use of radiofrequency
with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome volume reduction or powered intracapsular tonsillec-
tomy can reduce perioperative pain by avoiding
Apert syndrome trauma to surrounding peritonsillar tissues. These
BeckwithWiedemann syndrome procedures provide relief of disordered breathing in
Cerebral palsy children with OSA, and recovery is more rapid than
Choanal stenosis with total tonsillectomy techniques113115; however,
Cleft palate patients after repair
there is a risk of regrowth of tonsillar tissue.116
Crouzon syndrome
Cystic hygroma Children with abnormal craniofacial anatomy or
Down syndrome abnormalities of neuromotor tone may require addi-
HallermannStreiff syndrome tional treatment of persistent OSA, including pharyngeal
Hypothyroidism surgery, craniofacial surgery, and even tracheos-
KlippelFeil syndrome
tomy.117 Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty has been used
Obesity for treatment of persistent OSA in children with
Osteopetrosis neuromotor disease (such as cerebral palsy) or with
Papillomatosis (oropharyngeal) craniofacial anomalies (such as those seen with Tri-
Pierre Robin syndrome somy 21). Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty includes resec-
Pfeiffer syndrome
tion of the uvula, part of the soft palate and tonsillar
Pharyngeal flap surgery
PraderWilli syndrome pillars, with the goal of reducing upper airway ob-
Sickle cell disease struction at the level of the palate and oropharyngeal
TreacherCollins syndrome and nasopharyngeal levels. Tongue reduction proce-
From Sterni and Tunkel, Pediatr Clin North Am 2003;50:427 43, with permission. dures have been used in syndromic children with

Vol. 109, No. 1, July 2009 2009 International Anesthesia Research Society 65
obstructive macroglossia, and flap takedown can be Table 7. Key Questions to Ask Parents
performed for children with sleep-related airway ob-
Does your child have difficulty breathing during sleep?
struction after pharyngeal flap surgery for velopha- Have you observed symptoms of apnea?
ryngeal insufficiency.118 Craniofacial procedures, such as Have you observed sweating while your child sleeps?
mandibular distraction/advancement, genioglossus Does your child have restless sleep?
Does your child breathe through his/her mouth when
advancement, and midfacial advancement, have been
used to treat OSA that results from craniofacial struc- Are you worried about your childs breathing at night?
tural abnormalities.119 Do you have any family history of obstructive sleep
Noninvasive nasal positive-pressure ventilation is a apnea, sudden infant death syndrome, or apparent
common medical treatment for OSA in children. Con- life-threatening events?
Does your child have behavioral problems?
tinuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) delivers a
Adapted from Li et al., Pediatr Pulmonol 2006;41:1153 60; Brouilette et al., J Pediatr
constant pressure to the airway; bi-level positive air- 1984;105:10 14; Messner, Otolaryngol Clin North Am 2003;36:519 30; McNamara and
way pressure (BiPAP) applies pressure that decreases Sullivan, J Pediatr 2000;136:318 23; Whiteford et al., Arch Dis Child 2004;89:8515.

during exhalation. The positive pressure mechanically

stents the airway open and leads to improved func-
tional residual capacity.120 Both CPAP and BiPAP are Children with OSA present for all types of surgical
used safely and successfully for children who have and diagnostic procedures. Although the most studied
contraindications to adenotonsillectomy, persistent procedure for this patient population is adenotonsil-
OSA after adenotonsillectomy, minimal adenotonsil- lectomy, there is evidence that perioperative compli-
cations are increased in OSA patients after all types of
lar tissue, or prefer nonsurgical interventions.120 127
The level of positive pressure required to eliminate
obstructive apneas and normalize ventilation and Preoperative Assessment
night-time oxygen saturation must be determined in Primary care providers do not routinely screen
the sleep laboratory. Serial evaluation and adjustment patients for OSA, nor do they demonstrate adequate
of CPAP is required for growing children, as their knowledge about pediatric sleep disorders.6 8 The
pressure requirements change with time.121,126 Com- prudent anesthesiologist should screen patients begin-
plications of CPAP and BiPAP are usually minor and ning with the question: Does your child snore? A
include local discomfort or irritation from poor mask history of nightly snoring is a sensitive (91%) but not
fit, eye irritation, conjunctivitis, congestion, and skin completely specific (75%) marker of OSA.32 If a patient
ulceration. Children using noninvasive ventilation regularly snores, additional focused questions may
should have regular assessment of facial development. help to clinically identify those with OSA (Table 7),
Midfacial hypoplasia has been reported with long- especially in patients with known OSA risk (Table 6).
term use.128 Regular evaluation of mask fit can help to Children 1-yr-of-age comprise a special group of
avoid these difficulties. Infrequently, hypoventilation patients that has not been adequately studied, but
can be seen; BiPAP with a back-up rate can be used.122 there is OSA in this age group. Presenting signs are
Pneumothorax and clinically significant reductions in snoring, apnea, failure to thrive, developmental delay,
cardiac output have not been reported in children and recurrent respiratory infections.133 It is not clear if
treated for OSA.121 The greatest limitation to the use of infants are in a subset of OSA with more severe
noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation in children disease, more comorbidities, or genetic predisposition.
is poor compliance.121,125 Some infants studied at 2-mo-of-age showed resolu-
tion of OSA between 6 and 12-mo-old.69
Nocturnal oxygen supplementation has been used
The physical examination should include an airway
as a temporary treatment for patients with significant
assessment: nasal anatomy, ability to breathe through
hypoxia associated with OSA until definitive therapy
the nose, presence of elongated facies, oral aperture
can be provided.121,129 In most cases, sleep-disordered
size, mandibular size, intermaxillary distance, thyro-
breathing is not worsened. However, in some patients,
mental distance, tonsillar size, tongue volume, body
supplemental oxygen may suppress the hypoxic ven- habitus, and Mallampati score.134 Guilleminault
tilatory drive and worsen hypercapnia.121 Nocturnal et al.71 showed increased risk of sleep-disordered
oxygen therapy for children with OSA should be breathing in children with the physical features listed
initiated only under monitored conditions, including in Table 5. The examination of the patient should also
assessment of CO2 exchange. include an assessment of muscle tone, handling of oral
The use of orthodontic devices in the treatment of secretions, and observation of facial malformations.
OSA in children seems promising. Orthodontic max- When history, physical examination, and sleep labo-
illary expansion can improve sleep-related airway ratory data are combined, risk assessment is more
obstruction in children with narrow palates,72,130,131 accurate.56
but further studies are necessary to define the indica- Most children presenting for adenotonsillectomy
tions, proper candidates, and effectiveness of orth- do not need cardiac evaluation. However, adult pa-
odontic treatment in the care of children with OSA. tients with multiple episodes of severe hypoxemia,

66 Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children ANESTHESIA & ANALGESIA

Table 8. Clinical Features that Predict Respiratory Compromise Intraoperative Management
After Adenotonsillectomy and, in Some Cases, Persistent Studies that compare one anesthetic to another for
Obstructive Sleep Apnea adenotonsillectomy are few, and no technique is pre-
Severe obstructive sleep apnea on polysomnography ferred. Sedative and anesthetic medications alter the
History of prematurity, especially with respiratory disease CO2 response curve, theoretically placing OSA pa-
Age 3 yr tients at higher risk of sedation and anesthesia-
Morbid obesity
induced respiratory complications.143 Patients with
Nasal problems (deviated septum, enlarged turbinates)
Mallampati score 3 or 4 OSA rescue themselves during obstructive episodes
Neuromuscular disorders/disordered pharyngeal tone by arousal from sleep, but sedatives or residual anes-
Genetic or chromosomal disorders thetics may make it impossible for patients to arouse
Craniofacial disorders themselves during obstructive episodes. Conse-
Enlarged lingual tonsils
quently, short-acting anesthetics should be chosen.
Upper respiratory infection within 4 wk of surgery
Cor pulmonale The use of sedatives in pediatric OSA patients has
Systemic hypertension not been well studied, and the few studies that exist
Marked obstruction on inhalational induction do not include control groups. Preoperative adminis-
Disordered breathing in the postanesthesia care unit tration of midazolam 0.5 mg/kg to 70 children under-
Difficulty breathing during sleep
going adenotonsillectomy for OSA (diagnosed as
Growth impairment due to chronic obstructed breathing
severe in 40% of subjects by polysomnography) re-
Adapted from Blum and McGowan, Paediatr Anaesth 2004;14:75 83; Guilleminault et al.,
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2007;136:169 75; Gerber et al., Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck sulted in two children having respiratory events; one
Surg 1996;122:81114; McGowan et al., Pediatr Pulmonol 1992;13:222 6; Fricke et al., had a self-limited desaturation event before surgery,
Pediatr Radiol 2006;36:518 23.
and one had postoperative obstruction with desatura-
tion, requiring a nasal airway.144 In another small
series, patients with Trisomy 21 were successfully
defined as oxygen saturation 70%, are at risk of left sedated for magnetic resonance imaging studies with
ventricular dysfunction135 and childhood OSA is dexmeditomidine and ketamine without airway in-
associated with hypertension and arterial blood pres- strumentation.79 Sedatives used before the induction
sure dysregulation.136,137 Patients with cardiac in- of general anesthesia may delay emergence in pa-
volvement are at increased risk of perioperative tients, especially for short cases.145,146 Without more
cardiopulmonary complications.70,82,83 Although the evidence, we conclude that patients with OSA can
available data are somewhat limited in the pediatric receive sedatives but require monitoring until recov-
population, we recommend cardiac evaluation for any ery can be demonstrated.
child with signs of right ventricular dysfunction, sys- There is no consensus regarding a best anesthetic
temic hypertension, or multiple episodes of desatura- induction strategy in OSA, but common sense dictates
tion below 70%. Electrocardiogram and chest radiograph that some patients with OSA require approaches dif-
are not sensitive evaluation tools; echocardiography is ferent from those used with normal patients. Children
recommended.102,138 Routine blood gas analysis is not with altered bony anatomy or syndromes are at higher
recommended, but a basic metabolic panel can identify a risk for having a difficult airway. Induction of anes-
patient with compensatory metabolic alkalosis in thesia with volatile anesthetics results in airway col-
response to chronic hypercarbia, and a hemoglobin lapse from relaxation of the genioglossus muscle, thus
level may identify the patient with severe chronic placing the OSA patient at high risk for airway
hypoxemia.139 obstruction.147149 Positioning in an upright or lateral
Preoperative CPAP has been used to reduce the position, use of a jaw thrust maneuver, delivery of
postoperative complication rate and increase airway positive pressure by face mask and placement of an
oral airway may aid in relieving the obstruction.150,151
patency in adult OSA patients,140,141 and may be
In cases when the patient is only partially anesthetized
beneficial for certain pediatric patients.121 In our prac-
and suffering from airway collapse, an airway device
tice, children with very severe OSA who are at risk for
may not be tolerated. If the patient remains in a state
persistent OSA (Table 8) and those with cardiovascu-
of obstruction, desaturation ensues. Severe airway
lar complications from OSA are considered for preop-
obstruction in a spontaneously breathing patient may
erative CPAP/BiPAP therapy. Effective CPAP/BiPAP result in a very high negative inspiratory force gener-
therapy may improve pulmonary hypertension and ated although the patient is inhaling against the
reduce the patients surgical risks.142 This therapy is collapsed pharynx or closed glottis; the increased
usually initiated by a pediatric pulmonologist, and the pulmonary blood flow and pulmonary microvascular
pressures required to treat the patients OSA are pressure that ensues can result in postobstructive
determined in the sleep laboratory. The childs preop- pulmonary edema.70,117 IV induction can be used to
erative CPAP/BiPAP regimen can also be used in rapidly induce a deep plane of anesthesia ready for
postoperative care, and the patients response to ad- airway instrumentation. This technique may be pref-
enotonsillectomy and need for long-term CPAP can be erable for patients with very severe OSA. Children
determined several weeks postoperatively. with simple adenotonsillar hypertrophy with normal

Vol. 109, No. 1, July 2009 2009 International Anesthesia Research Society 67
body habitus and without maxillofacial malforma- most effective for reducing postoperative vomit-
tions are often easily mask-ventilated once an oral ing after tonsillectomy. A randomized, double-blind
airway is placed, and endotracheal intubation is like- study comparing the antiemetic effects of metoclopra-
wise usually straightforward. Children with OSA in mide (0.5 mg/kg) versus ondansetron (0.1 mg/kg) in
addition to craniofacial abnormalities or other signifi- children after tonsillectomy showed ondansetron to be
cant airway disorders must be evaluated for potential superior.165,166 Antibiotics are often given to children
difficult intubation. A recent study of 40,000 adults perioperatively to reduce postoperative complications
showed OSA to be an independent predictor of im- of adenotonsillectomy. A meta-analysis examining the
possible mask ventilation (Kheterpal S et al. Incidence, use of antibiotics for these patients showed an associ-
predictors, and management of impossible mask ven- ated 1-day reduction in time required for return to
tilation; A review of 40,000 anesthetics, 2008 ASA normal oral intake.167
annual meeting, abstract A1243). Whether this asso-
ciation applies to the pediatric population with OSA is Postoperative Management and Analgesia
not known. Children with OSA usually need pain medication
Laryngeal mask airways are used by some anesthe- after surgery, yet chronic hypoxemia renders them
siologists for adenotonsillectomy,152154 but studies more susceptible to the respiratory depressant effects
are lacking regarding their use in patients with OSA of opioids.168,169 OSA patients have been shown to
for this procedure. They can also be used in OSA have a higher incidence of apnea after administration
patients with bony abnormalities for the purpose of of 0.5 g/kg of fentanyl, and diminished minute
managing a difficult airway.155,156 ventilation during spontaneous ventilation under gen-
Upon completion of the procedural anesthetic, pa- eral anesthesia with inhaled anesthetics, when com-
tients should be awake and have adequate strength to pared with non-OSA patients.170 OSA patients may
maintain the upper airway before tracheal extubation. also be more sensitive to the analgesic effects of
We do not recommend deep extubation; patients with opioids. Children with oxygen saturation nadir of
severe OSA and those with comorbidities are at risk of 85% on polysomnography required half the mor-
persistent OSA after surgery (Table 8). Extubation phine dose as those with less desaturation to achieve
should take place in a controlled environment with the same level of analgesia.171 If high doses of opioids
appropriate personnel and equipment available; once are required for an OSA patient after a surgical
stable, the extubated patient can be transported to the procedure, intensive postoperative cardiopulmonary
appropriate care unit. Before extubation, we some- monitoring must be considered. When possible, re-
times place nasal airways in patients with severe OSA. gional anesthesia and/or analgesia should be used.
The child who continues to have significant obstruc- For short procedures, one approach is to minimize
tive episodes after extubation can be positioned in the opioids intraoperatively and then titrate them to effect
lateral decubitus or prone position to help relieve the when the child is awake, tracheally extubated, and in
obstruction. CPAP or BiPAP can be used to assist a monitored setting.70 Less painful procedures may
ventilation and relieve airway collapse. The placement only require non-opioid analgesics, such as ace-
of a nasal airway before extubation might be consid- taminophen or nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs
ered in more severe cases. Reintubation may be re- (NSAIDS).
quired in an occasional patient. Methods for managing posttonsillectomy pain
Efforts are made to reduce the risk of postoperative without opioids have been studied. Surgical options to
vomiting and pain after adenotonsillectomy. A study spare the tonsillar bed have been shown to reduce the
that compared anesthetic techniques using sevoflu- need for pain medications.172,173 Mixed results have
rane and propofol with muscle relaxant and fentanyl been reported with the use of local anesthetic infiltra-
showed no statistical difference in postoperative vom- tion to the tonsillar bed, and this strategy carries the
iting.157 Steroids have been shown to improve postop- risk of intravascular injection.174,175 One group re-
erative oral intake and reduce pain and vomiting.158161 A ported administering ketamine to the tonsillar region,
dosing study of IV dexamethasone for adenotonsillec- finding it to be an effective analgesic with no sedating
tomy showed that low dose (0.0625 mg/kg) is just as side effects in patients without OSA.176,177 Tramadol, a
effective as high dose (1 mg/kg) in reducing postop- synthetic selective mu1 agonist, is an alternate medi-
erative pain and vomiting.162 In another study, adult cation for moderate pain management with poten-
tonsillectomy patients who were treated with steroids tially less respiratory depression, but it is not currently
had less pain, less nausea, and vomiting and im- approved by the Food and Drug Administration for
proved healing as compared with those who were not pediatric patients in the United States. In an Austra-
treated.163 Although nasal steroids have been used to lian study, tonsillectomy patients with moderate OSA
treat pediatric OSA, with improvement in sleep- who received morphine had a significantly higher risk
disordered breathing,164 no studies have examined the of desaturation than those given Tramadol, although
use of nasal steroids to reduce perioperative swelling. they were more comfortable.178 The use of NSAIDS in
A review and meta-analysis of antiemetics showed posttonsillectomy patients has been avoided because
that antiserotonergic drugs and dexamethasone were of reports of associated postoperative bleeding139,179;

68 Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children ANESTHESIA & ANALGESIA

Figure 3. Algorithm for risk assess-
ment and disposition planning.

however, a systematic review did not find an in- and perioperative death.54,56,188,189 Although adeno-
creased risk of reoperation for bleeding and, addition- tonsillectomy improves most patients, children with
ally, found less vomiting when NSAIDS were part of disorders of pharyngeal tone or craniofacial anatomy
the analgesic regimen.180 A different meta-analysis may have residual airway obstruction during the
showed that a significant risk of perioperative bleed- postoperative period and require close observation to
ing is associated with the use of aspirin for analgesia assess the need for intervention.134 The surgeon and
but no increased risk with other NSAIDS.181 Further- anesthesiologist must agree on the discharge plan
more, a large retrospective review on the subject (Fig. 3).
concluded that ibuprofen should be used for the relief We recommend that polysomnography be per-
of pain after adenotonsillectomy.182 Others have writ- formed to help determine the postoperative disposi-
ten that the use of NSAIDS after attainment of hemostasis tion of patients with OSA. Without objective evidence
is reasonable, given the evidence and pharmacokinetics of of the severity of OSA, patients cannot be discharged
the nonaspirin NSAIDS.183 Consequently, the bulk of with confidence. Polysomnography is essential for
evidence supports the use of nonaspirin NSAIDS for patients with comorbidities and high-risk features
postoperative analgesia. (Table 8). Children with OSA who are identified as
Numerous authors have demonstrated that pediat- high risk for respiratory compromise require over-
ric patients with OSA are at increased risk for postop- night inpatient monitoring after surgery in a setting
erative respiratory complications.17,56,184 186 Rates of where signs of respiratory depression and airway
complications range from 6.4% to 27% but depend on obstruction can be recognized and prompt interven-
age, severity of OSA, uniformity of diagnosis, and tion can occur.54,120,190 Two study groups have re-
comorbidities.17,57,186,187 Children 3-yr-of-age have ported the onset of respiratory compromise during
twice the risk of children who are 3 6 yr of age.186 sleep 5 h postoperatively in children with OSA, and
Children with OSA had a 23% rate of respiratory those with severe OSA had significantly more over-
difficulties after adenotonsillectomy, with the greatest night obstructive episodes on the first postoperative
risk seen in children 3 yr and those with preopera- night when compared with children who had mild
tive RDI 10.54 Nursing intervention was required to OSA.187,191 Because REM rebound is a possibility
treat complications in 60% of children with severe beyond the first postoperative night,192 careful
OSA; complications included oxygen desaturation thought must also be given to whether it is safe to
90%, increased work of breathing and changes on a discharge patients with severe OSA on day 2, espe-
chest radiograph (edema, atelectasis, infiltrate, pneu- cially if opioids are needed to control pain.171 Postop-
mothorax, pneumomediastinum, or pleural effu- erative intensive care unit admission is reserved for
sion).55,57,187 Other complications associated with very severe OSA, very young children and those with
severe OSA include laryngospasm, apnea, pulmonary comorbidities that cannot be managed on the floor
edema, pulmonary hypertensive crisis, pneumonia, (Fig. 3).

Vol. 109, No. 1, July 2009 2009 International Anesthesia Research Society 69
Table 9. American Society of Anesthesiologists Risk CONCLUSIONS
Assessment, Scoring System Patients with significant OSA are clearly at higher
Points anesthetic risk in the perioperative period than are
Severity of sleep apnea patients with normal upper airways. Anesthesiolo-
None 0 gists should routinely screen patients for snoring,
Mild 1 airway dysfunction, airway anatomic disorders and
Moderate 2 other coexisting diseases that can increase risk from
Severe 3 OSA in the postoperative period. Rational, safe, cost-
Invasiveness of surgery and anesthesia
Superficial surgery/local anesthesia and no 0 effective decision making for individual patients
sedation hinges on accurate risk assessment in the preoperative
Superficial surgery/moderate sedation or 1 period. Preoperative diagnostic techniques that are
general anesthesia affordable and readily available are needed. Anesthe-
Peripheral surgery with regional anesthesia 1 siologists, along with pulmonologists and otolaryngol-
and moderate sedation
Peripheral surgery with general anesthesia 2 ogy surgeons, should strive to develop and evaluate ways
Airway surgery with moderate sedation 2 of identifying children at high risk to determine safe
Major surgery/general anesthesia 3 disposition in the postoperative period.
Airway surgery/general anesthesia 3
Requirement for postoperative opioids
None 0
Low-dose oral opioids 1 The authors would like to thank Dr. Myron Yaster for his
High-dose oral, parenteral, or neuraxial opioids 3 thoughtful review of this manuscript and Tzipora Sofare,
Total score MA, for her expert editorial assistance.
This table is a possible format developed by the ASA Task Force. It has not been subjected to prospective
study, especially in the pediatric population. Risk stratification was determined by a panel of experts; a
score of 4 suggests possible increased risk, and scores of 5 suggest significantly increased risk. From
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