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Cr*S l$

10 l ls lZ..
{ l gq]l
M>l MS$Z 20 l$lf () $tMS$ Cr*:
lVS: *i (C.$.) AMt 9, 10.
MS , MSP: f]l All
G&MSOlz h* Ost Ayl hhMS

GV>jl$&2017 Cr*: AMt 9 ]l$_ 13 ]lMS$.

$ -$, l-$ -]l D&l$ l]l Cyl[t M>lZ ylNs f]l l$lf

7-10-2017 * ]ll l

$tMS$ Cr*: AMt 9 ]l$_ 13 ]lMS$.
M>ss MlV

]ly l Z S$?
ZsM ~$ $MS$l MS MSW Es.
EMS$ 1985Z G Cyl* fZ 
VS*$Z r Bt$
M_VS $MMS$y {V>$ {l
$MS$ {VS*, GI ll SZ f$

& VS$yl]l$ MS$]l*, l
>$#, *{ $]l]lW.

Z ylOgV, >, ]l, gs ]l*]l MSP MS*]l#yl$ D Csg Ay ZsM (CAIR).. ^l$M JMS
A]l$]l Al$]l >{ ZsM Z $l M M]l$ ]l{l Z]l$ l*$ ^l. SMS$ S
As$. ]l$_ $rMS$ >$. $ $M?
 V> 1920Z M> M>M Al ]l? Al
>{ll Z E*W^yl$.
Z$&M>$  Z$ A{>lV> ~l Z O ~$
 Z Al JMS ${l. C ]l$  Z]l$ s A]l$]l BV> ^l. ]l$ A ^l$yl$. OV> $M.
Ba^l C_a]l ^lMSPV> G$ M>$V> h^l]l^l$a. A.. {]l*lMS {l>Z, ZOl]l VS]l$Z, A$ Gs M_VS
$. 1930Z f.. #s Al 1. VSZMS Z$: CZ ]l$$ ^l$yMS l$ MS{Z ]l$]l$$MS$ l$$ MS$yl l {l f$
Z]l$ l*$^l. E*W^l Z]l$l VSZMS Z$ Z$ ^l$VS]l#. _]l $ Gl E$. N
 1944Z Al$M>Z IG ]l*P&1 As$. D MSOl$]l ZMS$ MS*l$ M_VS MS$y Z Ol MS]l$
Al l$ ]lyl^l Z]l$ MS]l]l$ EV> ^l^l$a.
MS{]l$ l$l$&&A]l$]l$ Al$MS$]l $ E$. Al $
 1950Z yl, gZ GgY Al
2. ]l]l$ Z$: ]l]l$ VSZ l
]l$$ ^l$yMS E*W^l Z]l$ "]l-
M>ss OVSyl 1. {>$MS VS: $MS ,
${ *MS]lZ EMS.
]lll S$ >*]l$MS$l MS
Bl>, GOVS f$ ^l
>{ll$ {^lZl {{V>]l$$ ]l$ Z$' As$. {Oyl]l l {sMSt-
O Ay sM>i  l*s Bsy B () Al l]l, st {MS, MStylll Ey.
Z B]l$ *^$. $, {$$, yl]l$ M ${$, ]l G. {ylV ^l$ylZ ^l]l l lS M*. Z]l$ ]l*MS$ BZ JMSP $t E]l sMSlOMS s {]lV>
 1994Z G$ M> ]lyl^l Z r]l$ M {MS$, r ]l*a t$ . MS>]l$ E*W^lylZ, yl V>-  2016, {]l 24]l VS*VS$ Z Zt E*W^ll$MS$ *^$. E]l {$l l$Z r$tl ^ll l
(ys&2)]l$ ^$. ll>$ D MSOl$]l ZMS$ E. ZylVZ Oyl]l$M VS *]l$y "As']l$  {*f M *_]l f$ lM>l$. $l > tV>
 ]lVS, C]lVS ZsM y]l$ 3. {>$MS Z$: lzV, AV, . s { ^l$ylZ *_. D Al$l]l Z $lOl$. V> ^l$M. EMS$ {VS*&2
MS 1999Z *_. AZylV, MShV, {sV, yl. lzVZ  Al>j$ ZsM {l]l]l$ 2015 ^l]l MS. Gs $ MS$y tl$ SOl$l.. $l V> ]l$
 Z S$.. MSlMS, {V>MS MS, MS, {ylV, MSsV, MsV ]ls l M> C. MS>]l$ A$ ^l$ylZ ylZ sZMZ ^$. f]lr b]l yZMS ^lVS$VS$l$. S$V> Al$]l ^l*. BO VSl gl-
l$l$. {>$MS A]l$]lZ E*W^l G. ]l$]l# ]lZ E*W$$.  2014 OZ l IIsZ ZsMMS$  ]l$ ]l$ ^l D Z]l$ $, l]l MSt $ {]l*MS
 VSl MlM>V> ]lyl$ M> (lls, BsZl$sM/{ {{V>$V ${]l$ 2. S VS: Z ]l$]l$$$ _]l As]l]l$ lMS, lO AlS VSZ]l* E*W^l l$s$]l$ MS^l$M. VSl {{-
yl$, ]lyl$ f]l) Z]l$ A]l {>$MS Z$ As$. lsMS$ Z Z]l$ ZsM Al Al>j$ ]l*l A]lM>]l. ]l$ Al$]l ^l*, H A>O {$
^l>$. 4. $r Z$: ylf, , E*W^l]l$$. ^$. 2. AlS VS: MS{]l$ l$l$ VS - ]l$* ^. {$ Ayl$VS$l$]l
1. lls f]l/ Z$: *P B]lZ OMS$$ E*W^l 3. Oll VS: { _MSlZ Z$ lZ Z {VS Z]l$ AlS MS MS ]l$]l$l$ A ^l$M. l>l k
 s ^ls, ]lVS, VS$ylz Z$ As$. Z]l$ $r Z$ As$. E*VSyl. Ol${M jZ CsMS ]ls ]l$Z E*W^l]l^l$a. N^l*]l A> Oss$
 C ]l*]l$ ${]l$ MSW Eyl VS*l^ ]l*^> MS^l {y]l$, Z]l$ E*W$$.  AlMS $, ]ls$ ZsM, - 3. S: D VSZ Z E*VS *^l$M. ^ll$]l#l$]lyl$ ]lQ-
^l]l ^l]lr$ ^l$VSVS ]l$ Os l M>t$ ll>$ D 4. VS]l$$: VS]l$Z 24 VSr* ]lyl^l ${- l V>Z ^l$. IIs$, VS- GOl E. ]lQV> VSrMS$ 80 MS.$. Ol$]l A>]l$ {lMSV> JMS #MSZ
MSW Es. M>MS ^l]l Z$. r$ Z]l* E*W_ $Ol]l *$Z Cyl$ Ctr*s B O lVS $V> ]lyl^l l sMS$MS$ ts *Z >$M. D s]l$
 lls f]l ZMS$ {VSMS l$. 5. l$ylMS Z$: C ll VSZ ]l]l$]l$ ]l$V>, lV> (IIG), glN $ ll- Gl$$ AylzMS$ W#Z, >]l$ >MS JMS ]l$ ^ll. A-$$ MS]l
HOl ]l$ Es G E*W^l Z$. VS$]l$ OMS lMS$$. O]l ZsM ]l$ MSW E. VS$^lylZ, yl$MS$ Bfq gZ C {---lMS -$l M>MS$y, GsMSyl$
P^Z l$l$. BsZlO GlyMS, jZ E*W^l Z$.. 5. Cl E*V>$: ]l{lVS ]l$Z,  ]lOZ Z$ A$ l$ E*VSyl. {l VS$l$]l $O $ - ^l$-
{]l$Z lzV, { ^l$ylZ D l$ylMS ZMS$ EV> ^l^l$a. AlS Zl]l VSZ, A$l$ Zl]l MS{l (P) ]l*MS$ ]l> Br$: ^l, sMsMt llO]l BrylrZ M-. -M jMS$t V> ]l*MSst$
Z]l$ E*W$$. 6. AlS Z$: r >Z, MS{Z, rMS > ylMSZ, W#Z Z]l$ *W Z$ V> E*VSyl. >$yl ]lQ. s ]l-MS]l ^l$-
2. y f]l Z$: {VS*{lZ yl Z]l$ AlS $]l {*VS>Z, {*V>lMS ]l$-  M {]l$$.. VS$]l$ ^l$MS$]l 5. A]l$]l$: *Z, M, {--l V> Z-]l$ --l$-M-
 lls f]l Z MSs sMS l, Z$ As$. Z; G$tZ $]l$ VS$^lyl, Z]l$ E*W$. ]l*$ EV ]l$ PZ, MSMS . ]l{MS]l$ ^ll$]l#l* ]lR>-
gqMSMS AMS. C V> MSNr- 7. lOl$]l Z$: l {]l$Z W^lylZ Z E*VS GOl $sy.. s { ^l$ylZ; MSP VSl >{Z; Oll, $MS Z, ]l$ s ^l$M. jMS$tMS$ _]l
MS_ Es. E*W^l ]l$ Z$, Z$]l$ E. $syZ l*r]l$ A$ ^l$ylZ; CfV *MS]l llO]lsZ l]l$ l$$ l]l MSt
 C MSlMSZ ${l MSW Es. ll>]l$ lMS Z$ As$.  {^lZ Z]l$ GMS$P]lV> El sZPZ s lzVMS$ D Z]l$ E- Z]l$ E*W^l]l^l$a. $ GsMSyl$ ]l ^l$M.
s *S ${ ZylV, 8. ZllMS Z$: yls MS, MStOl$]l ^l*, *W^l$M]lylZ lls ]l- *W$$. Crs]l$ MS*y E*W^l$M]l^l$a. "S'
AZylVZ E*W$. B]l , Zl]lZ E*W^l Z E]l l f. "ZsM  A$ MS, A$ S {{MS$]l$ ^lst l, l i$;
3. ]ly f]l Z$: Z]l$ ZllMS Z$ As$. M>r B ]l'z As$. D l Z]l$ P l*$ ^l. .^. l* {lMS$ E*VSyl. GI l
 C ^ MSt * MSW Es. *_]l ]l*]lM> *l VS  yl a Ay yl]ll$s BYOlg jMS$t #$$, $tMS$ l]l$]l$MS$s jMS$t
]l$]l#]l$ ^l*ylVS]l#, ^lVS]l#.
Z A]l$]l$ ZZ ]lQOl$ B{MSty (Actroid). (ylByl), yltl$s B As$M G]lj {l r$ DlrMS$ MS*y
B..ylz tyl P, Ol>l
 $ ]l ]l*^ BV> 1. {]l$Z Z]l$..  {^lZ ZMS$ _ ^lrt (ylHD), IIs$ Z l*Z {]l$.

Environment ministry notifies new wetland rules

INTERNATIONAL NATIONAL one is Secretary of the Commission- overall. India and Ethiopia on 5th
Joint Secretary, Department of October signed agreements on trade,
Resolution introduced to Environment ministry notifies SJ&E, Ministry of Social Justice communication and media to boost
support India's UNSC new wetland rules and Empowerment. bilateral ties. Ethiopia has been the
membership The union environment ministry largest recipient of Indian
A resolution has been introduced in notified the new Wetland Centre approves setting up a concessional lines of credit in
the U.S. House of Representatives (Conservation and Management) turtle sanctuary in Allahabad Africa.
supporting India's bid for a Rules 2017. The new rules prohibit The Union Government has decided
permanent seat in the UN Security a range of activities in wetlands like to set up Turtle Sanctuary in ECONOMY
Council. The resolution was setting up and expansion of Allahabad. It will be developed Ministry of Health ranks first in
introduced by Frank Pallone, industries, waste dumping and along with a River Biodiversity Swachh Bharat initiative
founder of the Congressional discharge of effluents. Wetlands can Park at Sangam and it has been The Ministry of Health and Family
Competitive Guidance
Caucus on India and Indian be defined as lands transitional approved under Namami Gange Welfare has been adjudged as the
Americans and three-term lawmaker between terrestrial and aquatic eco- Programme. best department for its contribution Current Affairs
Ami Bera, a vice ranking member systems where the water table is The project at an estimated cost of during 'Swachhta Pakhwada', an
of the House Foreign Affairs usually at or near the surface or the Rs 1.34 crore would include inter-ministry initiative of the of solar and 60 GW of wind energy. awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics
Committee. House Resolution 786 land is covered by shallow water. development of River Biodiversity Swachh Bharat Mission. The IEA said the solar PV and wind for the discovery of ripples in
was introduced on the last day that The new rules will replace the 2010 Park at Sangam (confluence of Ministry observed the Swachhta together represent 90 percent of space-time known as gravitational
the UN General Assembly was in version of the rules. There are at Ganga, Yamuna and mythical Pakhwada from February 1-15. The India's capacity growth as auctions waves.
session and it put the House of least 115 wetlands that are officially Sarasvati), establishment of a Turtle award was presented on the third yielded some of the world's lowest Chemistry: Scientists Jacques
Representatives on record in support identified by the central government Rearing Centre (Permanent nursery anniversary of the Mission on prices for both technologies. Dubochet, Joachim Frank and
of India's bid. and of those 26 are identified as at Triveni Pushp and makeshift October 2. Health Secretary C. K. Richard Henderson have won the
wetlands of international importance annual hatcheries) and awareness Mishra received the award on behalf SPORTS Nobel Chemistry Prize on 4th
UNICEF setting up hundreds of under Ramsar Convention. The new about the importance of river Ganga of the Ministry. Launch of National School and October for the development of
new learning centres for rules stipulate setting up of a State and imperativeness of its College Games announced cryo-electron microscopy. It's a
Rohingya refugee children Wetlands Authority in each State conservation has been approved. RBI keeps key Reserve rates According to Union Sports Minister method of simplifying and
UNICEF announced that it is and union territories that will be unchanged Rajyavardhan Rathore, the improving the imaging of
planning to establish more than headed by the State's environment BILATERAL The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Government launches Khelo India biomolecules.
1,300 new learning centres for minister and include a range of Agreements with Djibouti and left its key policy rate unchanged in National School games in December Literature: British author Kazuo
Rohingya children who have fled government officials. They will also Ethiopia the Monetary Policy declared on 4th 2017 and also Khelo Indian national Ishiguro, best known for his novel
Myanmar to neighbouring include one expert each in the fields Indian President Ramnath Kovind October. However, it slashed the College Games in January 2018. The Remains of the Day, has won
Bangladesh. of wetland ecology, hydrology, visited Djibouti and Ethiopia in the Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR), the From these Games, 1000 children the Nobel Literature Prize. His other
 Rohingya are an ethnic group, fisheries, landscape planning and first week of October. It is his portion of deposits held by banks in will be selected and be given 5 lakh novels are A Pale View of Hills (first
largely comprising Muslims, who socioeconomics to be nominated by maiden trip abroad since assuming government securities by 0.5 per rupees each for eight years for their one), and An Artist of the Floating
predominantly live in the Western the state government. the office of President. India and cent to 19.5 per cent, freeing over training. 1000 more children will be World.
Myanmar province of Rakhine. Djibouti have.. Rs. 57,000 crore to bank funds for added each year.
Myanmar state, which was ruled by Justice Rohini to head  Agreed to establish regular political lending. The central bank cut its
the military junta until 2011, has Commission of Sub- consultations at the level of the growth projections for gross value AWARDS Rajnish Kumar: Managing
been accused of ethnic cleansing in Categorization of OBCs Foreign Office. added, a measure of economic Nobel Awards Director of State Bank of India
Rakhine by the United Nations. It Former Delhi High Court Chief  Made specific reference to areas of output, to 6.7% from 7.3% for the Biology: This year's Nobel (SBI), Rajnish Kumar has been
deported thousands of Rohingyas to Justice G. Rohini has been common concern and interest such current financial year. Medicine Prize went to US appointed as the next Chairman of
Bangladesh in the seventies and the appointed by President of India as as terrorism, renewable energy and Geneticists Jeffrey C Hall, Michael the largest public sector bank.
citizenship law was also enacted by the head of Commission to examine particularly Djibouti's support for India's renewable energy Rosbash and Michael W Young for Soumya Swaminathan: WHO
the junta. the sub-categorisation of Other membership of the International capacity to double by 2022 their discoveries on how plants, appointed Soumya Swaminathan as
 UNICEF is currently running 182 Backward Classes in exercise of the Solar Alliance, maritime According to International Energy animals and humans adapt their one of two Deputy Directors
learning centres in Rohingya camps powers conferred by Article 340 of cooperation in the Indian Ocean Agency, India's renewable energy biological rhythm so that it is General. This is the first time such a
and makeshift settlements in Cox's the Constitution of India. Members Region and technical and capacity capacity will more than double by synchronised with the Earth's post has been ever created within
Bazar, and has enrolled 15,000 of Commission are Dr. J.K. Bajaj building assistance by India to 2022. The country's renewable revolutions. the organization.
children. It plans to increase the Member (Ex-officio)-Director, enhance employment opportunities energy installed capacity is 58.30 Physics: Rainer Weiss, a professor
number of learning centres to 1,500, Anthropological Survey of India, for Djibouti's young people. GW as per the recent government at the Massachusetts Institute of Rajendra Sharma
to reach 200,000 children over the another member will be Ex-officio- Ethiopia: President Kovind is the data. The government has an Technology, and Kip Thorne and
Current Affairs Faculty,
next year. Registrar General and Census first Indian President to visit ambitious goal of increasing it to Barry Barish, both of the California Hyderabad.
Commssion of India and the fifth Ethiopia in 45 years and the third 175 GW by 2022 including 100 GW Institute of Technology, were

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