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The Bnai Brith World Center



T he booklet before you tells the

remarkable and little-known story
of Bnai Brith in Eretz Yisrael
from its beginnings in the last decade of the
19th century until the period following the
Pines, and Joseph Mejohasbecame leg-
ends in their own time for their work with-
in the Bnai Brith framework and for other
civic projects that they initiated.

founding of the state. It is a story of dogged One of the most striking aspects of this
determination to form a community of movement was the founders wish to popu-
activists who would drive a movement larize the notion of Jewish nationalism. On
toward Jewish revival in the Land of Israel, the occasion of the Jerusalem Lodges 40th
supported by Bnai Brith members in other anniversary, David Yellin, a founding mem-
countries. The fundamental tasks they ber of the lodge and later its president and
undertook included fostering egalitarianism president of the Palestine District of Bnai
among Jews, initiating Jewish-Hebrew edu- Brith, reminisced in 1928:
cation, promoting settlement of the land
and attempting to ensure the primacy of the What was the essence of the founding of
Hebrew language. The overarching motiva- the lodge? ... [To create a] union of forces
tion for all these activities was a will to pro- which seeks to move society towards joint
mote the idea of Jewish peoplehood efforts. The fact that this body was differ-
through concrete actionall this beginning ent than all others in that it did not operate
a decade before Herzl convened the first by fiat of an omnipotent and exclusive
Zionist Congress. Through the activities of board of directors, whose members are
the pioneer Jerusalem Lodge, Jewish chil- called just once a year for a general meeting
dren and adults were exposed for the first to hear its report, but where every one of
time to Hebrew education; the first libraries the brothers must always come to meetings
were established; missionary activity was and participate...
fought; hospitals were founded; settlements
were established; barriers between the diver- And to this was added a second purpose
gent Jewish sects were overcome; lodges from the day the lodge was founded: to
were formed; and aliyah was encouraged endeavour with this great association [Bnai
from neighboring countries. Brith] which counts its members in the
tens of thousands from among the best
Although it is difficult to determine the active forces in the whole world, to know
cumulative effect these activities had in the concept of [Jewish] nationalism and to
establishing the building blocks upon which recognize it, and this is more than ten years
the state was eventually founded, their sig- before Zionism was born...
nificance should not be underestimated.
The Jewish community in the country at From the outset, the common opinion
the twilight of the Ottoman Empire, which within the lodge was that in order to create
numbered only some 50,000 souls, was a strong force in Eretz Yisrael, assistance
controlled by the feuding leaders of yeshiva must be secured from all the energetic
communities whose sole means of support forces in other cities in Eretz Yisrael and, on
was philanthropy from overseas. The Bnai the other hand, one of its main goals must
Brith leaders sought to create a new com- be to penetrate the large communities in
munity, one in which members would help the ancient world...and to imbue them with
themselves while helping others and one a new spirit, the spirit of our national
that would strive toward rapprochement rebirth... This was the true winning over of
between the existing factions within the the communities that Herzl dreamt about...
community. The towering figures who And how much more work there is to
undertook this taskamong them David persuade the entire Order! Lately the atti-
Yellin, Eliezer Ben-Yehuda,Yehiel Michael tude of the Order has completely changed

2 Bnai Brith and Israel: The unbroken covenant

in regard to the idea of building the land people. As we celebrate Israels 50th anniver-
and to Zionism. Eretz Yisrael is slowly win- sary in a united Jerusalem under Jewish sov-
ning over the hearts of thousands of mem- ereignty, it is right to hear how both Yellin
bers, and whereas before it was forbidden to and Mejohas reminisced about their attitudes
speak at the lodges about Zionism at all, toward this city. Speaking about the estab-
now we find in the official Bnai Brith lishment of the rural settlement of Motza
Manual a special article about Zionism...... outside Jerusalem by the Jerusalem Lodge,
Yellin wrote with pride: How great was the
The leadership of the Jerusalem Lodge celebration of the founding of Motza by
was wise in the ways of old-world diploma- three young farmers, the halutzim [pioneers]
cy and responded quickly to new develop- of those days, when all the brothers of the
ments. Before the First World War, while lodge and their families traveled to the cele-
Eretz Yisrael was under Ottoman rule, it brations of the founding of the first settlement
established lodges in Izrnir and near Jerusalem [emphasis by Yellin]. And
Constantinople which later successfully lob- there was a principle in this step: at that
bied the sultan to lift restrictions on aliyah time, when Jerusalem was completely neg-
and on purchase of land by Jews. Just after lected by the Barons [Hirsch] clerks in regard
the war, when Palestine came under British to agricultural settlement, the Lodge sought
rule, the Eretz Yisrael District was estab- to begin in earnest agricultural settlement
lished, led by the Jerusalem Lodge. near the capital of Eretz Yisrael in order to be
an example for others; and Kiryat Anavim
Jesaias Press, an early member and presi- (Dolev), and Atarot (Kalandia) and Neveh
dent, summed up his sentiments as follows: Yaacov indeed followed....
The Jerusalem Lodge laid the healthy foun-
dations for the development of Hebrew cul- And Mejohas: [The lodge] did not forsake
ture and the national spirit among the any means to elevate the value of our capital
Yishuv not only in Jerusalem but in all of city in the eyes of our brothers abroad, who
Eretz Yisrael, and from it came the message had always thought of it as a city of laziness
and the light throughout the East. The and idlers who receive halukah [charity distri-
lodge created on its own, or provided the bution].
impetus for the creation of, cultural and
financial values which, in their time, made Today, as we celebrate the 50th anniversary
an imprint on the Yishuv and whose great of the State of Israel, we of the World Center
importance is recognizable until today are proud to present this essay on the Jewish
return to Eretz Yisrael. All Bnai Brith mem-
Joseph Mejohas, another founder, used bers should take pride in the story that
metaphors to describe the significant foun- unfolds in the following pages.
dation laid by the lodge: The lodge truly
served as a greenhouse in which all those
healthy seeds of work for our rebirth in the Shalom P. Doron
land were sowed and struck roots, and Chairman
which are today as splendid plants and
essential laws for us, and toward which we Alan Schneider
are all committed in heart and in spirit. Director

In this scheme of national rebirth, Bnai Brith World Center - Jerusalem

Jerusalem held a special place in the hearts 1Elul 5758, August 23, 1998
and minds of the founders. The early
founders spared no effort to strengthen
Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish

Bnai Brith and Israel: The unbroken covenant 3

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