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NEUROECONOMICS AND GAME has emerged, popularly known as neuroe-

THEORY conomics, which aims to better understand

how people make decisions by integrating
MIRRE STALLEN research from several different fields (for a
Rotterdam School of detailed overview of the field see the hand-
Management, Erasmus book on neuroeconomics by Glimcher and
University Rotterdam, colleagues [2]). As part of this neuroeconomic
Rotterdam The Netherlands approach, researchers have begun to investi-
Donders Institute for Brain, gate the neural correlates of social decision
Cognition and Behavior, making using some of these games.
Radboud University In this article, we first provide a brief
Nijmegen, Nijmegen, introduction as to how neuroeconomic stud-
The Netherlands
ies are typically conducted. Following this, we
ALAN G. SANFEY describe the main findings of current neuroe-
Donders Institute for Brain, conomic studies as they relate to game theory,
Cognition and Behavior, and we conclude with an outline of potential
Radboud University future research directions in this field.
Nijmegen, Nijmegen,
Behavioral Science Institute,
Radboud University Researchers in neuroeconomics have sought
Nijmegen, Nijmegen, to investigate economic decision making in
The Netherlands human subjects by combining a variety of
methods from experimental economics, psy-
Traditionally, studies of decision making chology, and neuroscience. These methods
have focused on situations in which people include (i) behavioral studies that examine
choose between outcomes that only affect how manipulation of the decision environ-
themselves, such as playing a lottery where ment can affect choice, reaction time, skin
choices are described in terms of outcomes conductance, or eye movements; (ii) stud-
and probabilities and players have to pick ies with brain lesion patients that examine
the lottery that they prefer. However, many the consequences of abnormal brain func-
of our decisions in daily life are made in tion on decision making; (iii) experiments
a social context in which the outcome of a applying repetitive transcranial manipula-
decision has consequences not only for ones tion (rTMS) to temporarily disrupt activity
self but for others as well, and where we within the brain; (iv) electroencephalography
need to consider the desires and values of (EEG) or magnetoencephalography (MEG)
others before deciding. studies, which measure at the scalp the elec-
Game theory is a collection of models trical signals of neuronal firing; (v) pharma-
for understanding such instances of interac- cological research to examine the effects of
tive decision making [1]. These models make drug administration and neurotransmitters;
clear mathematical predictions about behav- (vi) genetic studies looking at the correla-
ior in social situations by describing what tion between individual differences in the
strategies decision makers converge on as expression of certain genes and behavior;
they try to maximize their payoff. To study (vii) research using positron emission topog-
complex social processes, such as trust, coop- raphy (PET) to investigate the functioning
eration, and reputation, game theory offers of brain structures by the use of radioac-
a rich variety of well-designed multiplayer tive isotopes; and (viii) functional magnetic
games. Recently, a new interdisciplinary field resonance imaging (fMRI) experiments that

Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, edited by James J. Cochran
Copyright 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

allow for the relatively direct measurement players in a social context interact ratio-
of real-time neural activity. nally, with full information, and that they
Over the last decade, the latter of these make purely self-interested decisions. How-
methods, fMRI, has emerged as the dom- ever, several decades of laboratory experi-
inant technique in neuroeconomic studies. ments by psychologists and economists have
This method provides a noninvasive, indirect found that players rarely behave according
measure of the neural activity that occurs to these strict game theoretic strategies [3].
during decision making by assessing regional Instead, players often appear to care about
changes in the level of blood oxygenation. the welfare of others, and in addition value
Typical fMRI experiments have a temporal factors like reciprocity and fairness. Identifi-
resolution in the order of 1 s and a spa- cation of the neural mechanisms underlying
tial resolution of 23 mm, which means that social interaction in game theory paradigms
use of fMRI allows for the measurement may result in a more precise characterization
of transient cognitive events, and also that of behavior and, subsequently, game theory
relatively small structures within the brain models may be adapted to better fit decision-
can be imaged. A technical constraint of the making behavior.
method is that the blood oxygen level depen- Although neuroeconomics is still a rela-
dent response (BOLD) signal is rather noisy, tively young discipline, there have already
requiring usually many trials to average the been many studies conducted that have used
signal to a stable level. This has implications game theoretic approaches to gain insight
for the type of decision that can be studied, into the neural basis of social decision
and as a consequence most game theoretic making [4,5]). The current findings can be
experiments undertaken with fMRI require usefully summarized in three themes: (i)
many repetitions of the same game. This in reasoning about the intentions of others, (ii)
turn means that genuine single-shot games social reward, and (iii) the role of emotions in
(i.e., where players play only one game with decision making, each of which is expanded
only one partner) are typically not well suited upon in the remainder of this section.
to the MRI environment.
Reasoning about the Intentions of Others
One focus of game theory is to model
CURRENT RESEARCH reciprocal exchange, which has been studied
extensively in the laboratory with games
Recent research in neuroeconomics has like the trust game [69] and the prisoners
begun to investigate the processes under- dilemma game [1012]. A trust game is
lying social decision making using game played with two players. One is termed the
theoretic paradigms. In contrast to standard investor, who is endowed with a particular
behavioral studies in game theory, the monetary amount, and the other is termed
neuroeconomic approach allows for the the trustee. The investor is instructed to
discrimination and modeling of processes choose how much of her endowment she
that are hard to separate at the behavioral would like to pass on to the trustee and how
level. The combination of game theoretic much she will keep for herself. Once this deci-
models with the on-line measurement of sion is made, the experimenter multiplies the
brain activity during instances of decision transferred amount of money by some factor
making offers the promise of increasing our (usually 3 or 4) and passes it to the trustee.
understanding of the processes and factors At this point the trustee has the option to
that are involved in social decision making. return the money to the investor or to keep
An additional benefit of the neuroeconomic all the money to herself. If the trustee decides
approach is that it has the potential to inform to return the money, thereby honoring the
game theory models. This can be helpful, trust of the investor, both players finish the
since actual decision behavior in game theory game with more money than they originally
tasks often deviates from the models pre- had. However, if the trustee decides to keep
dictions. Game theory models assume that the money and thus does not repay the trust,

the investor ends up with a loss and the our partner conveys by his or her behavior
trustee is the only one who benefits. [13,14]. Several neuroimaging studies have
As indicated above, game theory assumes shown a consistent network of areas to be
that a decision maker acts in a rational involved during reciprocal exchange in both
and self-interested manner, and therefore the trust game and prisoners dilemma game
the classical economic prediction would be [11,15,16]. For example, one of the earliest
that a trustee in the trust game would never neuroeconomic studies on the trust game
repay the trust of the investor. The investor, found that activity in the paracingulate
in turn, will realize this and should there- cortex was higher when subjects played the
fore never invest in the trustee in the first game with another human being as opposed
place. However, although game theory pre- to a computer opponent [16] (Fig. 1a).
dicts no transactions to occur, behavioral Increased activation in this same region was
experiments have consistently shown that also found in a following MRI study using the
players in the trust game do in fact engage in trust game [15]. In this study, trust building
social interaction: the majority of investors was examined by having several pairs of
send money to the trustees and most of the strangers play a nonanonymous multiround
time this trust is reciprocated with payments trust game, while alternating their roles as
back to the investor [3]. trustor and trustee. Both players were each
In a standard laboratory prisoners in a separate MRI scanner, with both brains
dilemma game, game theoretic predictions scanned simultaneously during the game.
are also usually violated. The prisoners Using within- and between-brain analyses,
dilemma game is quite similar to the trust the results showed that the paracingulate
game, except that in the prisoners dilemma cortex was particularly active during the first
game both players simultaneously choose phase of the multiround game for players
whether to cooperate with the other or not, that reciprocated their partners decision to
without knowing their partners choice. The trust. In later stages of the game, the activity
payoff for both players depends on the inter- in this region decreased for this group of
action of their choices, such that a players reciprocators. This result suggested that the
individual earnings are highest when he or paracingulate cortex is important during the
she defects and the other cooperates, with early trust building phases of a relationship
the cooperating player receiving only a small and that it plays less of a role during the
amount. Mutual cooperation, in contrast, maintenance stage of trust.
is rewarding for both players, although Other areas that have been consistently
individual earnings are lower than during associated with reciprocal exchange are the
unilateral defection. Game theory would pre- posterior superior temporal sulcus and the
dict that in the prisoners dilemma game both temporal-parietal junction (Fig. 1b). Together
players should decide to defect, but again, with the paracingulate cortex, these regions
this appears to be not in accordance with have been strongly implicated in the cogni-
the experimental data, as behavioral exper- tive capacity of perspective taking, an abil-
iments typically find mutual cooperation ity often termed as theory of mind [17,18].
occurring about half of the time. Given that The concept of theory of mind is defined as
standard game theoretic models are often the understanding that others have of their
inaccurate at describing individual decision own intentions and individual perspective of
making, how can neuroeconomic studies the world, and that these may differ from
shed light on why human behavior appears your own. The finding that regions related
at odds with classical economic predictions? to theory of mind are involved in recipro-
One potentially interesting contribution cal exchange games suggests that players
may come from how the brain perceives in the trust game and prisoners dilemma
and computes the intentions of others, game attempt to infer the strategy of their
suggesting that we value not only the opponent and subsequently act on the belief
monetary outcome of a social interaction, they have about their partners intentions.
but are also concerned with the message Therefore, if we perceive that a partner treats

(a) (b)

Figure 1. Brain regions involved in decision making: (a) PCC, paracingulate cortex; VMPFC,
ventromedial prefrontal cortex; x = 46; (b) TPJ, temporalparietal junction; PSTS, posterior
superior temporal sulcus; x = 7.

us badly when they have the opportunity to functions of these regions is still limited. This
do otherwise, we may punish that person. situation will improve as more studies in this
However, if we believe that our partner had domain will be conducted.
no choice in their behavior, we may decide
to be more lenient [19]. Furthermore, these Social Reward
regions also seem to play a role in peoples In addition to the involvement of brain struc-
ability to determine whether the actions of tures related to theory of mind, research
others are meaningful. Many neuroimaging on the trust game and prisoners dilemma
studies have found that game interactions game have indicated another area that
with human partners produce stronger activ- is critical to social decision making: the
ity in theory of mind regions than identical striatum [7,10,11,24] (Fig. 2a). The striatum
interactions with purported computer part- is located in the center of the brain and is a
ners [16,20,21]. major input station of midbrain dopamine
Interestingly, areas important for theory neurons that play a primary role in the
of mind may also be involved in the decision processing of rewards. Single-cell recordings
to behave selfishly or altruistically. A study in nonhuman primates have demonstrated
on altruism found that activity in the poste- that dopamine neurons in the striatum
rior superior temporal cortex correlated with track reward prediction errors, with unex-
individuals tendency to engage in helpful pected rewards increasing the firing rate of
behavior [22]. Of course, in addition to the dopamine cells and the omission of expected
cortical network related to theory of mind, rewards leading to a decrease in the firing
other areas may be relevant for reasoning rate [25,26]. This reinforcementlearning
about the intentions of others. For example, mechanism is thought to be important for
the cingulate cortex seems to represent infor- the learning of reward values of stimuli in
mation about which player in a trust game is the environment, thereby allowing for the
responsible for a specific outcome (themselves improvement of choices over time.
or their partner), as its activity correlates In parallel to these primate studies, the
with the agent-responsibility (me or not striatum in humans is known to be involved
me) of an action [23]. Future research is in reward processing. Using neuroimaging
expected to increase our understanding on and PET, researchers have discovered that
the neural mechanism of theory of mind this area responds not only to primary
even further by investigating what additional rewards such as liquids, foods, and sexual
areas may be involved in the network as well. stimuli [2730] but also to money [31,32]
Furthermore, our knowledge of the specific or more abstract rewards like reputation or



(a) (b)

Figure 2. Brain regions involved in decision making. Locations indicated only in the right
hemisphere. (a) Striatum; anterior insula; y = 14. (b) DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex;
y = 45.

status [33,34]. Importantly, reward-related demonstrates that prior beliefs may influence
activity has also been associated with the processing of social feedback information,
social decision-making behavior. Several thereby guiding future cooperation.
neuroimaging studies have demonstrated Reward-related activity in social decision
that this area responds to the decision of making has been associated not only with
ones partner to either reciprocate or not positive, mutual cooperation. A study using
reciprocate cooperation [7,10,11,24]. For PET showed that signals in the striatum
example, in the prisoners dilemma game, were also enhanced when players punished
the striatum is activated when cooperation is free riders (nonreciprocators that benefit
reciprocated and deactivated if not recipro- from others in a trust game), suggesting that
cated [10,11]. players may derive satisfaction from punish-
In addition, the striatum appears to ing defectors [35]. In addition, studies have
update the trustworthiness of a partner, reported activity in reward networks when
as activity in this area has been associated participants engaged in charitable donations
with increased cooperation or reciprocity in at a personal cost to themselves [36,37]. For
subsequent rounds of a prisoners dilemma example, a recent study [38] provided partici-
[10] or trust game [7]. A further study pants with an endowed amount of money and
using the trust game paradigm showed that then observed them using fMRI while they
reward prediction errors in the striatum are engaged in a variety of donation situations.
significantly dependent on prior experiences, The researchers found that reward areas
such as the moral reputation of players [24]. were activated when participants observed
Providing investors with a fictional profile of a donation to a charity and, importantly,
the moral reputation of their partners (either that this activation was enhanced when the
morally good, bad, or neutral) before the start donation was made voluntarily.
of a trust game resulted in reduced striatal These neuroeconomic results are impor-
activity when people interacted with morally tant for game theoretic approaches, as they
good or bad partners, but not with neutral show that regions underlying social decision
partners. Presumably this modulation of making overlap with classical reward cir-
striatal activity was absent when players cuitry, thereby suggesting that cooperative
interacted with neutral partners because and reciprocal behavior may be experienced
the behavior of the neutral partners was directly as rewarding by players, indepen-
more unpredictable, as no prior information dent of any monetary reward. This provides
was given on their reputation. This finding valuable evidence that social motivations are

indeed important when engaging in social or reject the offer; accepting means the money
decision making, and that we need to consider is split as proposed and rejecting means that
rewards other than money when constructing neither player receives anything. Since game
models of behavior in these contexts. Further- theory predicts people are motivated purely
more, the results on charitable donations are by self-interest, the standard game theoretic
intriguing as they have relevant implications solution for the responder is to accept any
for decision making at a societal level. The amount that is offered. The proposer should
fact that mandatory transfers to a charity anticipate this and therefore offer the respon-
elicit reward-related activity suggests that der the smallest amount possible. However,
even taxation may produce satisfaction in a considerable amount of behavioral research
certain situations. showed that this prediction is at odds with
observed behavior in the laboratory and the
The Role of Emotions field: proposers generally propose an equal
In addition to research on strategizing split and responders reject offers that are
and social reward, another fruitful direction 20% of the total amount or less [43]. This very
within neuroeconomics is the growing insight robust finding indicates that peoples behav-
that emotions play a crucial role in social ior in the ultimatum game appears not to be
decision making. This idea is in contrast motivated solely by financial self-interest.
to classical models of economic decision Neuroeconomic studies have attempted to
making, which assume that decisions are the specify the processes underlying the reac-
results of a rational and deliberate evalua- tions of responders to unfair offers in the
tion of the available choice options. However, ultimatum game. An early study by Sanfey
although these models have provided a and colleagues [44] found that activity in the
strong foundation for the development of anterior insula correlated with the degree of
central decision-making theories, more unfairness of an offer (Fig. 2a). In addition,
recent research showed that this rationality this region was more active for offers made
assumption is often violated [39,40]. by a human partner as opposed to that by a
Early work in this domain showed that computer partner. In terms of the responders
patients with prefrontal brain damage and decision, activation in this area predicted the
associated emotional deficits performed players decision to either accept or reject the
worse on a gambling task than healthy offer, with a higher level of activity for rejec-
participants [41]. The area that was dam- tions than for acceptances. The activation of
aged in these patients was the ventromedial the insula in the ultimatum game is partic-
prefrontal cortex, a region that later was ularly interesting in light of its suggested
found to be essential for the activation and association with negative emotional states.
successful integration of emotion-related Previous studies showed that activation in
memories in the anticipation of future con- this area is consistently seen in studies to
sequences of actions [42] (Fig. 1a). Building pain and disgust, and to autonomic arousal
from this pioneering research, researchers [45,46]. On the basis of these findings, ante-
have continued to discover that emotions rior insula activity in the ultimatum game
play a vital role in determining decisions. can be interpreted as a reflection of the
A standard game that is frequently used responders negative emotional state to an
to illustrate that emotions have an effect unfair offer.
on decision making is the ultimatum game. Another brain region that was engaged
In this well-studied task, two players are during unfair offers in the ultimatum game
required to split a sum of money that is pro- was the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex,
vided by the experimenter. One of the players a region that, in contrast to the anterior
is deemed the proposer, and the other the insula, usually has been associated with cog-
responder. The proposer is instructed to spec- nitive processes, such as the implementation
ify the division of the money between the two of goal-directed behavior (Fig. 2b). Activation
players, and is allowed to make any split he in this area was greater than activation in
or she wants. The responder can then accept the insula when responders accepted unfair

offers, and less when they rejected these social decision making is still rather limited.
offers. To investigate the function of the dor- However, owing to the explosion of research
solateral prefrontal cortex in the decision to in this field, and to continual refinement and
accept or reject an unfair offer, activity in advances in neuroscientific methodology, this
this brain region has been disrupted using area of research offers much promise in the
TMS [47,48]. After receiving TMS at the right years to come.
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the acceptance One potentially fruitful avenue of research
rate of unfair offers increased, suggesting is the investigation of how parameters of
that the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex plays a decision processes are represented in the
causal role in the implementation of fairness- brain using a formal modeling approach
related behavior. [51,52]. By connecting the parameters of
The finding of separable neural correlates formal (game theoretic) models with neural
for decisions based on emotion (rejections of activity, a more precise characterization
an unfair offer) and deliberation (acceptance of the mechanisms underlying decision
of an unfair offer) suggests that there is no making can be described. In turn, by exam-
unitary system at the neural level that is in ining whether correlates of game theory
control of decision making. Indeed, several parameters are present or absent in the
neuroimaging studies showed that emotional brain, this approach may provide additional
processes seem to reliably engage a differ- constraints on models that aim to predict
ent set of brain structures than cognitive social decision-making behavior.
processes [49,50]. This distinction provides Future studies are also likely to ben-
some support for dual-process theories, efit from advancements in neuroscientific
which hypothesize that decision making is methods. For instance, fMRI measurement
the result of an interaction between an auto- techniques are being improved continuously.
matic, affective system and a more controlled, The traditional, and still most common,
deliberative system. However, explaining approach to investigate brain function is the
decision making in terms of the interaction localization of function to specific isolated
between different subsystems violates tradi- brain areas. However, a more recent way
tional economic theory, as standard economic of examining neural function is to look at
models typically describe human behavior as the structural and functional connectivity
being governed by a unitary process. Future between brain areas [53]. Structural con-
economic models of decision making could nectivity methods, such as diffusion tensor
usefully take into account the neuroeconomic imaging, aim at inferring with the anatom-
evidence for the differential processing of ical connectivity between brain regions by
emotional and deliberative information. tracking bundles of white matter fibers
linking cortical areas. Functional methods
THE FUTURE like Granger causality mapping or dynamic
causal modeling investigate the effective
Many of our most important decisions are relationship between brain areas by mod-
made in a social context. In the preceding eling the direct or indirect influence of one
sections we presented an overview of how brain area over another (possibly more spa-
neuroeconomics has contributed thus far to tially remote) brain area. Currently, these
the understanding of social decision-making brain connectivity methods are becoming
behavior. These findings have demonstrated increasingly popular and neuroeconomic data
that the brain has the ability to rapidly rec- generated by this alternative approach can
ognize and act on the intentions of others, yield useful insights into the neural networks
that key regions involved in reward-based that are relevant for decision making.
learning also underlie choices in social set- A final interesting direction for future
tings, and that emotions play a crucial role research is to investigate the role of hormonal
in social decision-making situations. Despite and genetic factors in decision making. For
these advances, the current state of knowl- instance, oxytocin, a peptide that functions
edge regarding the mechanisms underlying both as a neurotransmitter and as a hormone,

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