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Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University

Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences

Dhar El Mahraz, Fez

Department of English
UFR: General Linguistic Studies

The Effectiveness of Integrating Information

and Communications Technology in Education:
a focus on teachers and students attitudes

A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctorat

Volume II

Submitted by: Abderrahim Agnaou Supervised by: Dr. Mohamed Ouakrime

List of Appendices

Appendix 1: A List of ICT/CALL Terms and Acronyms

Appendix 2: A List of Selected CALL Software

Appendix 3: A List of Selected Companion Websites

Appendix 4: CALL Specialized Organizations

Appendix 5: Translations of Excerpts from the Kings Letters and Speeches, etc.

Appendix 6: Experts from the National Charter on Education and training

Appendix 7: Documents from of Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification

Appendix 8: Email messages sent to seek participation in the surveys

Appendix 9: Teacher Questionnaire

Appendix 10: Student Questionnaire

Appendix 11: DynEd E-learning Platform Content and Technical setup

Appendix 12: A Selection of CALL Journals and Newsletters

Appendix 13: MARWAN Educational Network Procedures

Appendix 1:
List of Selected ICT/CALL Terms and Acronyms

This is a non-exhaustive list of acronyms used in CALL and Educational Technology. It,
however, includes all the technical terminology used in this work.

Adaptive testing Computer-generated tests that change (adapt) to the user's abilities. When the
student answers questions correctly, the next set of questions becomes more
difficult and vice versa.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) The ability of a computer to mimic human attributes in

finding a solution to a problem. Artificial intelligence techniques are applied in
various ways in computer applications in the language world, e.g. in machine
translation programs and in grammar and style checkers.

ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) - A method for moving data over regular
phone lines. An ADSL circuit is much faster than a regular phone connection, and
the wires coming into the subscribers premises are the same (copper) wires used
for regular phone service. An ADSL circuit must be configured to connect two
specific locations, similar to a leased line. A commonly discussed configuration of
ADSL would allow a subscriber to receive data (download) at speeds of up to
1.544 megabits (not megabytes) per second, and to send (upload) data at speeds of
128 kilobits per second. Thus the Asymmetric part of the acronym. Another
commonly discussed configuration would be symmetrical: 384 Kilobits per second
in both directions. In theory ADSL allows download speeds of up to 9 megabits
per second and upload speeds of up to 640 kilobits per second. ADSL is often
discussed as an alternative to ISDN, allowing higher speeds in cases where the
connection is always to the same place.

Application A suite of computer programs which performs a particular function for the user,
such as a word-processor, e.g. Microsoft Word for Windows, or a graphic design
package, e.g. CorelDraw. Increasingly common are integrated packages
combining a suite of applications, such as Microsoft Office and Claris Works.

ARPANet (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) - The precursor to the Internet.
Developed in the late 60s and early 70s by the US Department of Defense as an
experiment in wide-area-networking that would survive a nuclear war.

Asynchronous Electronic communication that is read/used after it is sent, including private e-mail
and email posted to a bulletin board.

Authoring Tool An Application which allows the author to develop learning and teaching materials
with significantly less programming than if a programming language were used, or
with no programming at all.

Bandwidth Describes the capacity at which a given communications channel, such as ordinary
copper telephone line, can transfer information; increasing bandwidth increases
the speed at which data transfer takes place. The greater the bandwidth, the greater
amount of data can be transferred.

Bandwidth How much stuff you can send through a connection. Usually measured in bits-per-
second. A full page of English text is about 16,000 bits. A fast modem can move
about 15,000 bits in one second. Full-motion full-screen video would require
roughly 10,000,000 bits-per-second, depending on compression.

BBS (Bulletin Board System) A computerized meeting and announcement system that
allows people to carry on discussions, upload and download files, and make
announcements without the people being connected to the computer at the same
time. There are many thousands (millions?) of BBSs around the world, most are
very small, running on a single IBM clone PC with 1 or 2 phone lines. Some are
very large and the line between a BBS and a system like CompuServe gets crossed
at some point, but it is not clearly drawn.

BITNET (Because Its Time NETwork (or Because Its There NETwork)) - A network of
educational sites separate from the Internet, but e-mail is freely exchanged
between BITNET and the Internet. Listservs, the most popular form of e-mail
discussion groups, originated on BITNET. BITNET machines are usually
mainframes running the VMS operating system, and the network is probably the
only international network that is shrinking.

Browser A client software program used to search networks, retrieve copies of files and
display them in an easy-to-read, often graphical, format. Browsers such as SPRY
Mosaic, Netscape Navigator, and Microsoft Internet Explorer are used to access
information on the World Wide Web.

CAI Computer-Assisted Instruction or Computer Aided Instruction. The use of a

computer as a medium of instruction for tutorial, drill and practice, simulation, or
games. CAI is used for both initial and remedial training, and typically does not
require that a computer be connected to a network or provide links to learning
resources outside of the course.

CAL Computer Assisted Learning or Computer Aided Learning

CALI Computer Assisted Language Instruction. A term which has now become almost
obsolete, having been replaced by CALL in the 1980s. The term fell out of favour
because it became associated with programmed learning, i.e. a teacher-centred
rather than a learner-centred approach that drew heavily on behaviourism.

CALL Computer Assisted Language Learning. A term which came into favour in the
early 1980s, replacing the older term CALI (Computer Assisted Language
Instruction). Often associated (wrongly) with an old-fashioned approach to the use
of ICT in language learning and teaching, but the leading professional
associations, i.e. EUROCALL, CALICO and IALLT, interpret CALL as meaning
the use of computers in the learning and teaching of foreign languages in the
broadest sense, from the use of word-processors to the use of the Internet.

CAT Computer-Adaptive Test. A test administered by computer in which the display of

the next item depends on the response to the previous item.

CBI Computer-Based Instruction

CBT Computer Based Teaching, Computer-Based Training, or Computer Based Testing

CD-R A recordable compact disc that allows the user to change data and reuse the disc.

CD-ROM Compact Disk Read Only Memory. A CD-ROM is an optical disk on to which
data has been written via a laser. Looks much the same as an audio CD, but can
contain text, sound, pictures and motion video. Once written, the data on disk
cannot be altered, hence the term Read Only. CD-ROMs can store up to 650Mb of

Chat A program that connects computers on a network for instantaneous, multi-way

communication. People who use chat can type messages for delivery to a server,
which displays the messages instantly so that users who are logged on to the chat
service can respond immediately. On the Internet, chat is sometimes referred to as
Internet Relay Chat (IRC).

Chat room A place on the Internet where messages may be read by subscribers in real time.

Client A program or computer which requests a service (such as a file download) from a
server program or computer. An Internet browser is an example of a client
application, as it sends requests for Web pages to World Wide Web servers.

CMC (Computer Mediated Communication) Any form of communication using

computers and computer networks, including e-mail, electronic conferences,
newsgroups, and Web chats.

Concordancer A concordance program operates on a body of texts (a corpus) and is commonly

used for compiling glossaries and dictionaries, e.g. by arranging every word in the
text alphabetically or in order of frequency, together with its context. Concordance
programs also play an important role in language learning and teaching, for
example: (i) the teacher can use a concordance program to find examples of
authentic usage to demonstrate a point of grammar, typical collocations, etc; (ii)
the teacher can generate exercises based on examples drawn from a variety of
corpora; (iii) language learners can work out rules of grammar and usage for
themselves by searching for a particular key word in context (KWIC).

Courseware A set of computerised lessons, exercises, tests and reference material.

Discussion A forum on a Web site for the discussion of a specific topic or set of related topics.

DTP Desktop publishing software allows the user to easily format text in columns,
insert headlines, and enhance documents with media such as video or audio clips,
photos and graphics.

e-learning Electronic learning. According to, it Covers

a wide set of applications and processes such as Web-based learning, computer-
based learning, virtual classrooms, and digital collaboration. It includes the
delivery of content via Internet, intranet/extranet (LAN/WAN), audio- and
videotape, satellite broadcast, interactive TV, and CD-ROM.

Emoticon Emoticons, or smileys :-) , are used to convey emotion. The expressions and
inflections of voice we use to convey emotion, irony, sarcasm, etc. when talking
are lost when communicating over the Internet. To make up for that, a system of
symbols has developed which uses common keyboard marks.

Ethernet A very common method of networking computers in a LAN. Ethernet will handle
about 10,000,000 bits-per-second and can be used with almost any kind of

Fire Wall A combination of hardware and software that separates a LAN into two or more
parts for security purposes.

Firmware Software that has been written to a ROM (Read Only Memory) chip by the

Floppy Disk A removable storage medium that is used in conjunction with a floppy drive,
usually 5.25-inch or 3.5-inch in size.

Forum The dedicated area where people come together to discuss issues, hobbies, or
news. Also called newsgroups.

Freeware Software provided free by its originator. It can be copied and used without
payment to the author(s), although there may be some restrictions on distribution.

FTP (File Transport Protocol) A service for moving an electronic file of any type from
one computer to another over the Internet.

Gap-filler Gap-filling programs, still as popular as ever in CALL, often consist of two parts:
a teacher's program which allows the teacher to input a text and specify words,
parts of words, or phrases that are to disappear, and a student's program which
enables the learner to interact with the computer by filling in the gaps.

Grammar Computer software (often packaged with a word processor) that analyzes certain
checkers limited features of natural language, such as punctuation conventions, passive
constructions, and overly frequent use of forms of the verb to be.

Hacking Trying to illegally gain access to information stored on other people's computers
all around the world, such as grabbing details of credit cards or bank account,
which may be stored in a file somewhere on the computer.

Hardware The physical elements of a computer system - the bits you can see, touch, drop,
kick or fall over.

Host Any computer on a network that is a repository for services available to other
computers on the network. It is quite common to have one host machine provide
several services, such as WWW and USENET.

HTML This is an acronym for HyperText Mark-up Language which is used to format
information so that it can be structured and made accessible to the World Wide
Web (WWW). The language itself is a simplified derivative of SGML, a widely
used standard developed in the mid 1980's. The technique employed is to encase
the information in special markers (called tags) which tell the WWW applications
how the text is to be interpreted.

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) The protocol that forms the basis of World Wide
Web technology. HTTP is the set of rules governing the software that transports
hyperlinked files along the Internet.

Hyperlink A code which contains an "address," which when clicked, will take you to that

Hypermedia Like hypertext except that the concept is extended to multimedia objects such as
graphics, video and audio.

Hypertext Electronic text coded to provide instant access, via links, to other hypertext (or
hypergraphics) elsewhere within a document or in a separate document.

ICT Information and Communications Technology. What this project is all about.
Nowadays most people talk about ICT, which represents a converging of
information (i.e. computer) technology and communications technology. ICT
seems to be the favoured term in the schools sector.

ILS (Integrated Learning System) A computer-driven system of learning in which the

content is presented in tutorial format and which monitors and records the progress
of the learner.

Internet A collection of networks linked together using a common protocol. The global
computer network achieved through the interconnection of smaller computer
networks around the world.

Intranet A private network inside a company or organization that uses the same kinds of
software that you would find on the public Internet, but that is only for internal
use. As the Internet has become more popular many of the tools used on the
Internet are being used in private networks, for example, many companies have
web servers that are available only to employees. Note that an Intranet may not
actually be an internet - it may simply be a network.

IP (Internet Protocol) The standard protocol used by systems communicating across

the Internet.

IP Address A digital code that precisely locates a computer connected to the Internet.

IRC (Internet Relay Chat) A software tool that makes it possible to hold real-time
keyboard conversations online.

LAN A local area network, usually within one building, classroom, or campus, that
allows e-mail and transfer of other data within a confined area; often used in
writing programs as a means for students to brainstorm and peer edit materials.

LAN (Local Area Network) The regional server or servers your computer is connected
to. These in turn are connected to other servers creating a network in your office,
home, etc.

List Electronic messages are received and distributed automatically to a list of

subscribers by listserver software. Lists usually are created around a particular
interest, such as gardening or ESL teaching.

Listserv Mailing list that acts as a newsgroup. Messages sent to a listserv address are sent
to everyone who has subscribed to the list. Responses are sent back to the listserv

Listserv The most common kind of maillist, "Listserv" is a registered trademark of L-Soft
international, Inc. Listservs originated on BITNET but they are now common on
the Internet.

LMS (Learning Management System) Software that automates the administration of

training. The LMS registers users, tracks courses in a catalog, records data from
learners; and provides reports to management. An LMS is typically designed to
handle courses by multiple publishers and providers. It usually doesn't include its
own authoring capabilities; instead, it focuses on managing courses created by a
variety of other sources.

Login Noun or a verb. Noun: The account name used to gain access to a computer
system. Not a secret (contrast with Password). Verb: The act of entering into a
computer system, e.g. Login to the WELL and then go to the GBN conference.

Lurking Reading chat, forum, newsgroup or listserv messages without responding to them.

Maillist (or Mailing List) A (usually automated) system that allows people to send e-mail
to one address, whereupon their message is copied and sent to all of the other
subscribers to the maillist. In this way, people who have many different kinds of e-
mail access can participate in discussions together.

Mainframe Loosely speaking, a very large computer which can serve many users at remote
Computer terminals.

Microcomputer A generic name for a class of computers distinct from mainframes and
minicomputers. Two of the defining characteristics of a micro are that it should be
built around one microprocessor and that it should be standalone.

M-learning Mobile learning. Learning that takes place via such wireless devices as cell
phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), or laptop computers.

Modem (Modulator-Demodulator) A device that converts digital signals from your

computer into analog signals for transmission through a phone line, and vice versa
(called demodulation).

MOO Multi-user, object-oriented site, similar to a conference call, where users may
interact with each other synchronously, that is, in "real" time, and select various
"places" to visit by typing commands or clicking on choices or objects on the

MOO (Mud, Object Oriented) One of several kinds of multi-user role-playing

environments, so far only text-based.

MUD (Multi-User Dungeon or Dimension) A (usually text-based) multi-user simulation

environment. Some are purely for fun and flirting, others are used for serious
software development, or education purposes and all that lies in between. A
significant feature of most MUDs is that users can create things that stay after they
leave and which other users can interact with in their absence, thus allowing a
world to be built gradually and collectively.

MUD (Multi User Domain) A game or simulation in which multiple participants can
engage simultaneously through their connections to the same Internet server.

Multimedia The integration of two or more types of information (text, images, audio, video,
animation, etc.) in a single application.

NC A network computer with very little hard drive storage capability used only to
access the Internet or a local area network (LAN).

Netiquette Internet etiquette, the correct form of behavior to be used while working on the
Internet and Usenet. It can be summed up as, "Don't waste computer resources and
don't be rude."

Network Two or more computers connected to one another for the transfer and sharing of

Newsgroup Open forums or electronic bulletin boards on the Internet, where readers can share
information, ideas, tips, and opinions with each other.

Online Connected. You are online if you are working on your computer while it is
connected to another computer. Your printer is online if it is connected to your
computer and ready to accept data.

OS (Operating System) The primary program running on a computer; started

automatically when the computer is turned on; all other programs run within the
operating system. Examples: DOS, Windows 95, UNIX, OS/2 Warp, and System
7 (Mac). Windows itself is not an operating system.

PC A personal computer, a desktop-sized computer designed for use by one

individual. The modern PC is as powerful as first generation mainframe computers
of yesteryear.

PC (Personal Computer) Usually refers to what 's commonly known as an IBM-

compatible computer, made by any one of dozens of manufacturers or backyard

PDF Portable Document Format. A document format read by Adobe System's Acrobat
viewer. This format is excellent for displaying instruction manuals and other large
documents in a "web-ready" state.

Plug-in A (usually small) piece of software that adds features to a larger piece of software.
Common examples are plug-ins for the Netscape browser and web server.
Adobe Photoshop also uses plug-ins. The idea behind plug-ins is that a small
piece of software is loaded into memory by the larger program, adding a new
feature, and that users need only install the few plug-ins that they need, out of a
much larger pool of possibilities. Plug-ins are usually created by people other than
the publishers of the software the plug-in works with.

Posting A message sent to a newsgroup or the act of sending such a message.

Posting A single message entered into a network communications system. E.g. A single
message posted to a newsgroup or message board.

Protocol A set of rules computer programmers apply when writing code for a specific
software. Computers and networks interact according to standard protocols, which
determine the behavior that each side of a network connection expects from the
other side.

Query A search question that has been asked in a manner the computer's database system
can understand and use.

Search Engine A tool used which matches key words you enter with titles and descriptions on the
Internet. It then displays the matches allowing you to easily locate a subject.
Similar to a card catalog, but not as efficient. Common search engines are
Webcrawler, Yahoo, Alta Vista, Infoseek, and Lycos.

Server A computer or its software that "serves" other computers by administering

network files and network operations. Three types of Internet servers are Web
servers, e-mail servers, and Gopher servers.

Shareware Software that is freely distributed, but the author expects payment from people
who decide to keep and use it.

Simulation A type of software in which the computer uses stored data to simulate a real-life
experience - such as starting a business enterprise, building a town, or traveling the
Oregon Trail - by reacting to decisions of the users.

Smiley A symbol in e-mail and newsgroup messages used to convey emotion, or simply
amusement. Create smileys by typing various keyboard characters. For example, :-
) means happiness.

Spam (or An inappropriate attempt to use a mailing list, or USENET or other networked
Spamming) communications facility as if it was a broadcast medium (which it is not) by
sending the same message to a large number of people who didnt ask for it. The
term probably comes from a famous Monty Python skit which featured the word
spam repeated over and over. The term may also have come from someones low
opinion of the food product with the same name, which is generally perceived as a
generic content-free waste of resources. (Spam is a registered trademark of
Hormel Corporation, for its processed meat product.) E.g. Mary spammed 50
USENET groups by posting the same message to each.

Speech Software that allows the computer limited recognition of and response to the
recognition human voice. Some PCs are already able to turn on and access applications with a
technology verbal command. Language software may be adjusted as to the preciseness of
recognition ability.

Surfing Same as "cruise." The random, aimless exploration of web pages achieved through
following links that look interesting within a document.

Synchronous Computer-mediated communication that takes place in real-time, where

participants are all logged in to one network at the same time from a variety of
remote locations, and where participants' input is immediately conveyed to other
users for immediate response.

TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) A set of protocols

(communications rules) that control how data is transferred between computers on
the Internet.

Telnet A means of accessing the Internet in which multiple users may "talk"
simultaneously. (See MOO.) A Telnet connection emulates entry to the computer
from its home site.

Threaded Organized according to thread, or line of discussion, in a newsgroup or on a

discussion board. A thread is a more or less continuous chain of postings on a
single topic.

Upload The process of transferring information from one computer to another, generally
from a client to a server. For example, you upload a file from your computer to

URL (Universal Resource Locator) The specific path to a World Wide Web file,
including filename and extension.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator) The standard way to give the address of any resource
on the Internet that is part of the World Wide Web (WWW). A URL looks like
this http: //

Usenet The "user's network." A large network connected to the Internet. It contains
Newsgroups or discussion areas on almost any topic available. Messages are
posted publicly for all to see.

USENET A world-wide system of discussion groups, with comments passed among

hundreds of thousands of machines. Not all USENET machines are on the
Internet, maybe half. USENET is completely decentralized, with over 10,000
discussion areas, called newsgroups.

VR (Virtual Reality) A simulated three-dimensional environment, displayed in real

time with interactive capabilities. VR applications have been developed for the
World Wide Web, although the technology is still at an early stage.

WAN An acronym for Wide Area Network. A larger computer network that is
geographically dispersed, such as one that stretches across a university campus.

WBI Web Based Instruction

WBL Web Based Learning

Webinar Web + Seminar

Web Page A single screen (document) on a Web site.

Web Site The location of published hypertext content. Physically, a Web site can occupy an
entire Web server or a part of a server; or it can be spread out among different
servers as long as its sections are all linked, directly or indirectly, to the same
home page.

WWW (World Wide Web) An acronym for the World Wide Web. The WWW is a
hypermedia retrieval system for information. The newest medium of the Internet.
Based on hypertext, the Web provides a quick and easy method of delivering and
receiving information files which are read by a browser. The Webs ability to
transfer files containing not just text but also graphics, sound, and video makes it
the most versatile of all the Internet services.

WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) An acronym dating back to the pre-Windows
and pre-Mac period, when what you saw on the screen was not necessarily what
appeared on your printer - something we now take for granted.
Appendix 2:
CALL Software List
Compiled by Deborah Healey

Healey, D., & Johnson, N. (Ed.). (1995). 1995 TESOL CALL interest section software list.
Alexandria, VA: TESOL Publications.

This is an alphabetically ordered list of commercialized courseware programs. Although quite long,
it is not by any means exhaustive.

Comprehensive software

A+ Advanced Learning System

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: American Education Corporation
Approximate single-unit price: $150
Purchase options: lab, site, volume
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
This is a comprehensive program that combines extensive management tools with step-by-step instruction and
practice in a variety of areas, including reading, writing, grammar, listening, science, and social studies.
Additional third-party software can be added to the management system, which allows teachers to set
sequences of recommended lessons and track learner progress. Without the management system, moving from
one unit to another is quite awkward. The screens are very basic and somewhat repetitive; students accustomed
to a multimedia presentation in interactive programs may be disappointed. Programs cost $150 per title, with
68 titles available. A demo of this program is on the TESOL/CELIA CD-ROM. (Healey)

BBC New English Course

Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Ladder Multimedia
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All but K-6
Special use: bilingual (Chinese)
A series of 24 CD-ROMs provide a variety of language activities. Includes an English-Chinese dictionary.

Business Challenges Interactive

Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Addison Wesley Longman
See also
Purchase options: 50 per level
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: AE, HE
Special use: business, bilingual (French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Italian)
Can be used in conjunction with the Business Challenges Course Book or independently. Soap opera style
video clips about a proposed merger between a British and a Japanese company form the core of the program.
The video clips serve as a basis of interactions with language, including cloze exercises, sentence jumbles and
other point-and-click activities. Onscreen instructions are available in English, French, German, Spanish,
Japanese, and Italian. British English. Two levels, sold separately.

Business Connections Beginning

Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Approximate single-unit price: $190
Purchase options: lab, network
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: Adult, HE
Multimedia CD-ROM with 80 hours of instruction, designed to improve business communication skills for
low-intermediate to intermediate-level adult learners. There are five modules, each with three units, plus a pre-

and a post-test. Introductions, basic explanations, telephoning, and writing email messages and memos are
among the topics. The program includes video and audio clips and animated grammar explanations. Teachers'
guides are available at the product website,

Business English
Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Syracuse Language Systems
See also
Alta ESL
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-12
Special use: Business
Business English vocabulary and speaking practice with a range of exercises.

Citizenship Preparation Program

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Educational Activities Software
Approximate single-unit price: $300
Purchase options: lab, network
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: Adult
Special use: Citizenship
This CD-ROM-based program uses text, graphics, and audio to help learners prepare for the written and oral
portions of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) Citizenship Test. Students learn about US history
and government in preparation for the test. They can listen to questions and record their answers for later
review. Quizzes are included so students can check their understanding. The program requires a sound card,
microphone, and headset. Lab pack of 5 is $590, of 10 is $885; a network version is $1180. A demo is on the

Classworks Gold
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Knowledge Adventure
Approximate single-unit price: $20000
Purchase options: network only
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
A comprehensive, network-based management program that includes a range of software by grade level. Not
designed specifically for ESL. Pricing depends on the number of stations on the network and extent of the
software purchased. Basic packages start around $20,000.

Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Positivo Informtica
Level: Literacy, beginning For: pre-K-3
Special use: literacy, elementary
E-Blocks is an interactive learning table -a portable panel that connects to a computer. Children place blocks
on touch-sensitive locations in response to stimuli and questions presented on the computer screen. The
program includes pictures, music, animation, and games and is designed for young children.

ELLIS Academic
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: ELLIS
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Special use: Bilingual
This is a suite of programs that incorporate video, animation, audio, and text to present information and build
skills in vocabulary, grammar, writing, and oral skills for high school and adult learners. A record and
playback option is also included. True beginners would use Basics to build literacy skills; Intro for beginning
and low-intermediate learners; Middle Mastery for intermediate to advanced; Senior Mastery for English for

Academic Purposes for advanced learners; and Master Pronunciation for pronunciation work at any level.
ELLIS Placement provides initial testing, and Instructor Utilities is the on-line student tracking system.

ELLIS Business Series

Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: ELLIS
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: Adult, HE
Special use: business
This set of CD-ROMs combines high-quality graphics, digital sound and voice recording, video, animation,
text, and interactive point-and-click screen controls. Within its five volumes is information useful for entry-
level employees up to the most experienced executive. The CD-ROMs cover Airports and Transportation,
Hotels, Restaurants, and Hospitality, Office and Social Skills, Business meetings and Discussions, and
Contracts and Negotiations.

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: ELLIS
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Literacy, beginning, intermediate For: K-3
Special use: literacy, bilingual
Three levels: Kids Essentials uses songs, exercises, games, and native-language support for instruction to
combine basic vocabulary development with beginning reading instruction for beginning literacy. Kids Levels
1 and 2 for beginner and low intermediate learners include video as part of tutorials for integrated skills, as
well as native-language support for instruction, games, songs, exercises, and other skills practice.

English Adventures
Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Techno-Ware
Approximate single-unit price: $500
Purchase options: lab
Level: Literacy, beginning For: K-3
Special use: elementary, literacy
DVD-based series of adventure stories, chants, songs, and texts that introduce children to the sounds of letters,
letter combinations, and the creation of words from these sounds (phonics). Record and playback options, as
well as record-keeping.

English Discoveries
Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Techno-Ware
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $650
Purchase options: individual titles also
Level: Literacy, beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Special use: Literacy
Developed by Berlitz and EduSoft, this multimedia program offers materials and activities for reading, writing,
speaking, listening, and grammar skills. It also allows teachers to easily develop their own lessons. In addition
to prepared lessons, students may work in specific areas such as language (grammar), listening (using video
clips), speaking (creating part of a dialogue), and adventures (following clues). There are 12 CD-ROM disks
(Let's Start, 3 Basic, 3 Intermediate, 4 Advanced, and 1 Executive) that are consistent in format and include pre
and post tests. Includes a management system. There are testing options throughout the program and a review
module in the Advanced disks. Individual levels can be purchased separately and cost between $85 and $370.

English Express Deluxe

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Knowledge Adventure
See also

NAS Educational Software
Purchase options: Five-user min. Call for pricing.
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: Grade 5-Adult
This vocabulary-centered language teaching system offers students opportunities for listening, speaking,
reading and writing English. Offers extensive practice in a variety of modes. Requires a CD-ROM drive,
videodisc with barcode reader, computer with hard drive, and either the Macintosh's built-in speech capability
or a sound card. It comes with extensive teacher's guides, including a videotape showing how to apply the
material, lesson plans, and complete scripts of what is on the videodiscs. Installation is part of the package
when a network version is purchased. Price ranges from $5,000 - $11,000 depending upon the system
configuration and the number of users.

English for All

Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: OTAN
Purchase options: see
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: Adult
Five CDs accompany this free online multimedia course at, created as part of the US
government-funded Cyberstep Project.

English for Kids Set

Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: ESL Pro Systems
See also
World of Reading
Learning Services
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Level: Beginning For: K-3
Special use: elementary
Six CD-set includes English For Kids (pronunciation). English Practice Combo (vocabulary, listening,
grammar, spelling). My First Incredible Amazing Dictionary, and PDF-formatted Printing Workbook, Cursive
Writing Workbook, and Creative Writing Workbook. Customized versions are available for speakers of
French, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, German, Chinese, Hindi, Portuguese, and Russian. See a review at

English Tutor
Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: ESL Pro Systems
Approximate single-unit price: $55
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
Includes grammar, reading, writing, and listening Learning English workbooks (PDF format); ESL PRO, a
pronunciation drill and practice program; and the 1000 Key English Words and Idioms guide.

English Tutor for Windows

Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Exceller Software
Approximate single-unit price: $70
Level: Beginning For: All but K-6
Multimedia CD-ROM-based exercises for beginning to low-intermediate learners. Grammar, vocabulary,
reading comprehension and speaking exercises; record-keeping.

English Your Way

Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Syracuse Language Systems
Approximate single-unit price: $70
Purchase options: site and network
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6

Conversational English through multimedia activities. Practice in grammar, speaking, listening, vocabulary,
reading, and writing. Has speech recognition (DragonSpeech). Comes with a microphone and a tape.

ESL 2000
Machine: Mac
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Raytheon HRB Systems
Approximate single-unit price: $1300
Purchase options: site, network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-8
Special use: Business
This multimedia package incorporates textbooks, videodiscs, and CD-ROM and disk-based software. The
package comes with Family Album, USA and Language Dynamics on videodisc, Ellis Master Pronunciation
(see below) and Transparent Language on CD-ROM, as well as other ESL software on disk. The program also
comes with a placement test and detailed record-keeping, including information about the specific lesson
objectives that the student needs or has mastered. The company will tailor the software it includes to fit the
purchaser, but there is a focus on English for Business. Includes over 32 CD-ROMs.

Express Business English

Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Q USA
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: lab, network, site
Level: Beginning For: Adult, HE
Special use: business
CD-ROM-based focus on communication skills, using text, sound, video, and graphics. Topics include
business travel, company management, recruitment and advertising. In addition to the course materials, there
are 4 video clips with study activities. Students can also record and playback. Includes a glossary, grammar
book, cultural notes, crossword puzzles, and a variety of exercises. Works well as a continuation of Business to

Express Course
Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Q USA
Approximate single-unit price: $45
Purchase options: lab, network, site
Level: Intermediate For: Adult
The CD-ROM-based Express Course is designed to develop effective communication skills through self-study.
The program consists of 20 self-contained units and highlights either a topic, a communication skill, or specific
words typical of the language and culture. Contextual language usage, combined with grammar explanation
and culture notes, provides a sound basis for the learner. Unit and course tests measure progress. In addition to
unit activities, the program includes five culture oriented video clips with study exercises.

Flying Colours: EuroPlus+

Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Heinemann ELT
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $90
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-3
Based on Judy Garton-Sprenger and Simon Greenall's course, Flying Colours, this Windows CD-ROM offers
sound, video, multiple choice, matching, voice recording, and a variety of text reconstruction exercises. British
English in the sound and the authentic texts chosen for inclusion.

Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: ESL Pro Systems

Purchase options: freeware
Level: Beginning For: All
A free, downloadable English tutorial application (English Pro Web Edition) that takes a phonetic approach to
learning English is available from this Internet site. Also on the site are a chat and message board and a series
of interactive games to improve vocabulary, listening, grammar, and spelling.

Getting Into Business

Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Edulang
Approximate single-unit price: $95
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-8
Getting Into Business takes the learner to the United States and into a large company. Learners improve their
comprehension in a variety of professional situations, work on their pronunciation and also learn about the
importance of body language.

Hablemos Ingles
Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Learning Company, The
Approximate single-unit price: $80
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All but K-3
Special use: Bilingual
A CD-ROM-based course designed for native speakers of Spanish that includes video and audio recordings,
exercises, games, and a 350-page textbook to help learners improve listening comprehension, grammar, and
writing skills. Like in its English-based counterpart, Learn to Speak English, each lesson begins with a setting
and a dialog. The settings follow a visitor to the U.S. through customs, getting a hotel, exchanging money, to
furnishing an apartment and shopping for food. The students can expand their study of the language presented
in the settings and dialogs through the use of cultural notes, vocabulary study (hear the word, definitions, notes
about usage), grammar notes, exercises (fill in the blank, sentence writing, scrambled sentences, listening
dictation), pronunciation work (listen to the model pronunciation, record voice and play back), and a test of
both grammatical and functional language knowledge. The Windows version uses speech-recognition
technology to evaluate pronunciation on a scale of 'Tourist' to 'Native.' QuickTime movies show cultural points
of interest in the US. System 7 or higher is required on the Macintosh version.

Heartsoft Bestseller
Machine: Mac
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Heartsoft
Approximate single-unit price: $400
Purchase options: $400 lifetime site
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: K-8
Special use: elementary, bilingual
A set of 12 Heartsoft products, including Billiards 'n' Homonyms (vocabulary game), Bubblegum Machine
(sight work with key words), Coin Changer (practice recognizing the value of coins and bills), Electric Math
Chalkboard (uncover a picture by answering math questions correctly), Electric Coloring Book (keeps students
within the lines), Great American States Race (social studies game about the US), Memory Master
(concentration with letters and numbers), Reading Rodeo (literacy game), Sleuth Master (a mastermind game -
guess the hidden 4-number code), Spinner's Choice (a version of Wheel of Fortune - guessing words or phrases
in categories), Tommy the Time Turtle (practice in telling time), and Word Capture (wordsearch puzzles). The
ESL version includes copies of each program in Spanish. Network/site license for $400 lets schools add copies
as their needs grow.

Hotelier, The
Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Formavision Interactive Training Systems
See also
Edusoft Ltd.
Approximate single-unit price: $3190

Purchase options: EUR550 each CD
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: Adult
Interactive multimedia software for workers in the Hotel Industry who want to improve their English. Go into
different hotel departments and learn the language you need to perform your job successfully in English.
Watch videos and hear dialogues showing typical hotel situations and interactions. Or, focus on specific
language functions to facilitate correct language use and enrich your vocabulary. 5-CD-ROM set; titles can be
purchased individually.

I Speak English - Low and High Beginning

Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Intechnica International
Approximate single-unit price: $360
Purchase options: site, network
Level: Intermediate For: All but K-6
Voice-interactive comprehensive programs for low beginning and high beginning students (each level sold
separately). Offers reading, writing, listening, and speaking practice in a self-paced curriculum with hundreds
of lessons. A teacher's manual is included. Bilingual support is available in Spanish and Haitian-Kreol, priced
separately at $85. The low beginning program has 60 hours of phonics work. An unlimited site license for each
program costs $5000. Requires Windows 95/98, CD-ROM, sound card, headset with microphone, and 40MB
of free space per level on a hard drive; network OK.

I Speak English - Low and High Intermediate

Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Intechnica International
Approximate single-unit price: $360
Purchase options: site, network
Level: Beginning For: K-Adult
Voice-interactive comprehensive programs for low intermediate and high intermediate students (each level
sold separately). Offers reading, writing, listening, and speaking practice in a self-paced curriculum with
hundreds of lessons. A teacher's manual is included. Bilingual support is available in Spanish and Haitian-
Kreol, priced separately at $85. An unlimited site license for each program costs $5000. Requires Windows
95/98, CD-ROM, sound card, headset with microphone, and 40MB of free space per level on a hard drive;
network OK.

Ingles Your Way 2.0

Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Syracuse Language Systems
See also
World of Reading
Approximate single-unit price: $70
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All but K-8
Special use: Bilingual
Interactive language course for Spanish speakers that focuses on conversation, vocabulary, and grammar. Has
dialogues with multiple responses and story lines, plus linked record/playback and speech recognition. In the
self-guided mode learners choose what to do by browsing through the conversations or games. Guided
study maps out the sequence of the course for individuals who prefer a more traditional, structured method of
learning. Requires a CD-ROM drive.

Interchange CD-ROM 1
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
See also
Alta ESL
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Purchase options: UK40
Level: Beginning For: All but K-6
Companion to the Interchange series, this CD-ROM offers multimedia exercises. The website at has more activities online.

Issues in English
Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Protea Textware
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $120
Purchase options: lab pack
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
Two CD-ROMs, each with eight issues (Smoking, Gambling, Discrimination, Growing Old, etc.), each
covered at four levels of complexity from Beginner to Advanced. Each issue has a video clip of someone
presenting the issue, with the language activities (approx. 18 per issues per level) based on the video clip. CD-
ROMs sold separately.

Jostens English Language Development (ELD)

Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Jostens Learning Corp.
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: K-8
The ELD program consists of eight units, titled: 1) World of Numbers; 2) School Days; 3); Home, Sweet
Home; 4) My Family; 5) Me, Myself, and I; 6)What Will I Wear?; 7) Animal Antics; 8) Changing Times. Each
of the eight units includes a community exploration, conversation and lesson activity, and a tool-based project.
These components provide the beginning student with an opportunity to see and hear conversations and
complete activities all in the context of real situations. Each unit comes with black line masters and other
materials and ideas. The units themselves are NOT meant to stand alone, i.e. be used without the other
materials and off-computer learning. There are four integrated program components included with the product:
Story Time, Word Time, Time for Rhymes and Storybook Maker. A detailed Picture Dictionary based on the
eight thematic units is included. The CD-ROM version of the Golden Book Encyclopedia is an optional online
feature. A complete collection of classroom materials to support language development instruction such as big
books, activity sheets, performance assessment ideas and observation sheets is available at an additional cost.

Learn and Play set

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: ESL Pro Systems
See also
World of Reading
Approximate single-unit price: $45
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Beginning For: K-8
Four CD-ROMs with workbooks. Students are taught basic grammar, reading, listening, and spelling skills in
the Learn & Play workbooks, and these skills are then reinforced through interactive English games. The box
set includes: Learn & Play Grammar Set, Learn & Play Listening and Spelling Set, Learn & Play Vocabulary
Set, and Crosswords & Puzzles CD-ROMs.

Learn to Speak English

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $80
Purchase options: lab
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
A complete CD-ROM-based course that includes video and audio recordings, exercises, games, and a 350-
page textbook to help learners improve listening comprehension, grammar, and writing skills. Each lesson
begins with a setting and a dialog. The settings follow a visitor to the U.S. through customs, getting a hotel,
exchanging money, to furnishing an apartment and shopping for food. The students can expand their study of
the language presented in the settings and dialogs through the use of cultural notes, vocabulary study (hear the
word, definitions, notes about usage), grammar notes, exercises (fill in the blank, sentence writing, scrambled

sentences, listening dictation), pronunciation work (listen to the model pronunciation, record voice and play
back), and a test of both grammatical and functional language knowledge. The Windows version uses speech-
recognition technology to evaluate pronunciation on a scale of 'Tourist' to 'Native.' QuickTime movies show
cultural points of interest in the US. System 7 or higher is required on the Macintosh version.

Learning English Series

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: ESL Pro Systems
Approximate single-unit price: $45
Level: Intermediate For: All
Series of Learning English workbooks covering intermediate grammar, reading, writing and listening. Each
workbook includes instruction on the key concepts and practice exercises with answers provided. Also, each
workbook is in PDF format offering the student the flexibility to work with it directly on the computer, or print
off a portable hardcopy.

Learning English: Home & Family

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Jostens Home Learning
See also
Learning Services
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: K-12, Adult
Special use: Elementary
A comprehensive ESL program designed for students in grades 4-12 using a theme-based multimedia
approach. Each unit introduces vocabulary and tests student comprehension of theme-related information.
Students listen to and read conversations between characters, write and practice speaking their own related
conversations and complete a variety of other instructional activities including computer-based TPR and task
completions. If using an IBM or compatible, this program runs under Windows.

Learning English: Neighborhood Life

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Jostens Home Learning
See also
Learning Services
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Level: Beginning For: All but HE
A comprehensive ESL program designed for students in grades 4-12 using a theme-based multimedia
approach. Each unit introduces vocabulary and tests student comprehension of theme-related information.
Students listen to and read conversations between characters, write and practice speaking their own related
conversations and complete a variety of other instructional activities including computer-based TPR and task
completions. Themes covered include: shopping, entertainment, banking, asking for directions, and using the
library among others.

Learning English: Primary

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Jostens Home Learning
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: K-3
Special use: elementary
A series of six programs following a theme-based, integrated approach to ESL. Each program consists of three
components--Story Reader, Story Thinker (comprehension questions and activities) and Word Time. The six
programs in the series are: Me, Myself and I (new friends and parts of the body); Animal Antics (the world of
animals); The Time Shop (seasons and time concepts); World of Numbers (grouping, counting and comparing
sets of objects); School Days (people, places, activities and objects found in school); and Home, Sweet Home
(things in and around the home). Requires CD-ROM drive. If using an IBM or compatible, this program
requires an MPC-compliant machine and runs under Windows.

Let's Do Business

Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Abacus Communications
See also
Purchase options: UK100
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Special use: business
CD-ROM for business English that makes extensive use of video clips to demonstrate situations. A variety of
exercises are available, including multiple choice, gap-filling, matching, and true-false. British and Australian
English are prominent.

Let's Go Interactive
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: DynEd International
See also
Oxford University Press
Approximate single-unit price: $600
Purchase options: 1 level for $130; site and lab
Level: Literacy, beginning For: Pre-K -4
Special use: Elementary; bilingual (Sp, Port., Jap.); literacy
A six-level, 12 CD-ROM series designed for children ages 4-10 (pre-readers and early readers), adapted from
the American English textbook series by Oxford University Press. Songs and music by Carolyn Graham.
Animated cats provide guidance throughout. Each lesson builds on the previous ones. Each level contains 8
units with conversation, vocabulary, grammar, and phonics lessons plus songs and a game, following a
grammatical syllabus. A teacher's book, other classroom aids, and some bilingual versions are also available.
Pricing options include per-student-use cost. Contact the publisher for details.

Live Action English Interactive

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Command Performance Language Institute
Approximate single-unit price: $70
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Beginning For: Adult
Based on the classic TPR text, "Live Action English" by Elizabeth Kuizenga Romijn and Contee Seely, this
program teaches practical vocabulary in context with video and still photos in 12 sequences of commands. It
provides ample verb form practice in 4 essential tenses in context. Innovative interactive TPR exercises
include dictations, picture glossary, help, and more. Requires a fairly fast computer of 120 MHz or better.

Longman English Interactive

Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Pearson Education
Approximate single-unit price: $400
Purchase options: each level sold separately
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
Video based, integrated-skills program on CD-ROM. Students work with video, audio, animations, and
practice activities to develop essential skills. Includes culture notes and native language support for
Instructions, The Orientation, Culture Notes, video and audio transcripts, and online Help in nine languages.
Each level offers 100 hours of instruction, and is available in both American and British English. Four levels,
each sold separately: Beginning to High Intermediate

M-Power Your Business English

Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: International Business Images
See also
Purchase options: UK30

Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Special use: business
A variety of CD-ROM-based exercises to improve business English, though many activities would be
applicable to general language learners as well. Topics include Business, Communications, Companies,
Finance, Import/Export, Industry, Marketing, and Personnel. Activities include Pronunciation, Hangman,
Definitions, Word Order, Anagram, Maths, and Identify. British English.

Making Connections 1
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Heinle & Heinle
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Purchase options: lab pack
Level: Intermediate For: 7-12
Special use: science/technology
Companion software for the Making Connections textbook series. This series of three CD-ROMs (levels 1, 2,
and 3) incorporates listening, note taking, chart building, and lateral thinking skills in high school contexts.
Topics are drawn from science, social studies, literature, and math. The programs have recently been adopted
by the State of California.

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
Learning Services
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: grade 4-9
Includes an on-line component designed to encourage students to explore the ancient Mayan ruins. On CD-
ROM or on disks. MECC titles are now sold by Learning Company School.

New Dynamic English

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: DynEd International
See also
Alta ESL
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All but K-8
Special use: Bilingual (Sp, Jap, It, Kor, Chi, Fr, Port)
New interface with the most recent version. Four-level listening-based course, each level with two CD-ROMs.
Includes speech recognition for answers. Primary focus is on basic language concepts. In each lesson,
information is presented in the form of narratives via sound and graphics with text, glossary, speech record,
and repetition always available to the student. Follow-up exercises include Questions generated by the student
by clicking on icons or words from the lesson; Matrix Game in which the student accrues points for correctly
answering questions using vocabulary presented in the lesson; Dictation exercises requiring the student to
listen carefully to a series of sentences from the lesson and select words from a list and place them in the gaps
in the sentences; Fill-in exercises where missing words are placed in sentences from the lesson. Grammatical
and lexical knowledge is reinforced in all games and exercises along with listening comprehension. The
program adjusts the level of difficulty of the questions to the student's demonstrated level of proficiency.
Suitable to be used as primary course material, supplemental resource, or self-access material in a language lab
(index of lessons lends itself well to self-paced instruction). Placement Testing, Mastery Testing and a Records
Manager System allow teachers to track an unlimited number of students. Networkable. Pricing options
include per-student-use cost. Contact the publisher for details.

Odyssey ELL Elementary

Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Compass Learning Systems
Purchase options: contact publisher

Level: Literacy, beginning For: K-4
Special use: elementary, literacy
Comprehensive system that runs from a local server or over the Internet from the Compass Learning server.
Includes extensive record-keeping and curriculum aligned with US government-required standardized testing
(NCLB). The program includes a pre-reading progam and covers English structure and function, with
opportunities for writing. Audio support is available in English and some languages.

Odyssey ELL Secondary/Adult

Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Compass Learning Systems
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Comprehensive system that runs from a local server or over the Internet from the Compass Learning server.
Activities work on reading and language arts comprehension and fluency to prepare students for standardized
testing as well as pronunciation. Audio support is available in English and in some additional languages.

Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Q USA
Approximate single-unit price: $150
Purchase options: 3 components also sold separately.
Level: Beginning For: All but K-6
A multimedia CD-ROM course for beginning learners of English. Using videos, slide shows, reading texts,
practice sentences, and quizzes, QConnect focuses on reading, listening, and speaking skills. Vocabulary
topics include cities, food, holidays, legends, nature, buildings, markets, and more. The course also features an
Exercise Bar that allows the user to navigate through the program explaining the language skill of each
exercise. Features include audio recordings, dictionary, grammar and language use tools (including
pronunciation and intonation) and print option. QConnect is offered in a three volume set.

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Q USA
Approximate single-unit price: $740
Purchase options: Components also sold separately.
Level: Literacy, beginning For: K-6
Special use: Elementary, literacy
CD-ROMs, readers, audio and video cassettes are part of this comprehensive program for young learners of
English. A variety of activities. QKids Kit includes QSteps Kit ($470) and QSurf Kit ($600). QSteps 1 and 2
CD-ROM can be purchased separately from the videos, audio cassettes, teacher's manual, and other Kit
components for $140. QSurf 1 and 2 CD-ROM can be purchased separately for $140. Lab, network, and site
options are also available.

QSurf 1 and 2
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Q USA
Approximate single-unit price: $140
Level: Beginning For: K-4
QSurf is a two-part series and continues where QSteps left off. Learners visit interactive islands filled with
listening, speaking, and reading activities. Each activity teaches new vocabulary while reviewing and
reinforcing words previously learned in QSteps. Games and songs, combined with original animations and
stories, keep young learners engaged and attentive. Each of the islands introduce a different set of vocabulary
words; when an island is selected, the "surfer" leads the way to the next destination. CD-ROM.

Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Clarity Language Consultants
Approximate single-unit price: $225

Purchase options: network, lab
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Integrated skills with a focus on reading and vocabulary strategies including prediction, identifying your
reason for reading, skimming, scanning, dictionary work, guessing or ignoring unknown words. Five levels
(elementary to advanced). The program uses a variety of text types, both formal and informal. All units include
a range of skills activities, such as discussion, listening, and writing. The audio includes a range of accents.

Real English
Machine: Win
Skill: Comprehensive
Publisher: Marzio School
Approximate single-unit price: $80
Level: Beginning For: HE
This program is based on spontaneous interviews of people met on the streets of English-speaking towns and
cities around the world. They speak naturally in response to questions English learners are likely to ask, such
as directions for finding various places. The speakers have a wide variety of regional accents. The lessons are
organized by grammatical structures, and include eight types of exercises, some with voice recognition. The
program can be configured with menus in French, Spanish, or German. This is an issue for students who do not
speak one of those three languages. Perhaps a future version will include an option to configure menus in
English. CD-ROM.

Side By Side Interactive

Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Pearson Education
Approximate single-unit price: $200
Level: Intermediate For: All but K-6
Video-based software program that combines interactive video (from Side by Side TV programs), audio,
graphics, and text to provide students with exercises and activities. Includes lifeskills and civics exercises, as
well. Two-levels; each CD-ROM sold separately.

Smart Start Language Software

Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Syracuse Language Systems
See also
Alta ESL
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: site and network
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All but K-6
Formerly known as Triple Play Plus. Features speech recognition technology, which listens to and evaluates a
spoken response in exercises. Extensive set of exercises and games to help students practice over 1000 words
and phrases. Learners will need some help initially in interpreting the on-screen icons (not all icons are
intuitive, especially cross-culturally). Runs under Windows 3.1 or higher from a CD-ROM.

STEPS English Language Development

Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Jostens Learning Corp.
Level: Intermediate For: Grade 4-up
The Steps program is for students who are linguistically more advanced than those who use the Jostens English
Language Development program (ELD). It was developed in conjunction with Dade County Schools and the
state of Florida. Each unit comes with black line masters and other materials and ideas. The units themselves
are NOT meant to stand alone; i.e., they should be used without the other materials and off-computer learning.
The Steps Intermediate program has the following units: 1) Who am I?; 2) Home and Family; 3) Healthy
Living; 4) Food Time; 5) At Play; 6) At the Mall; 7) Community. The Steps Advanced program includes: 1)
Communications; 2) The U.S.; 3) You and Your Environment; 4) Technology: New and Improved; 5) Careers
and Contributions.

Stickybear's Early Learning Activities

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: comprehensive

Publisher: Optimum Resource
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: $100 school version
Level: Literacy, beginning For: Pre-K-6
Special use: elementary, literacy
Introduces young children to the English alphabet, counting, shapes, opposites and colors. Instructions for the
six different activity options for each lesson objective can be in either English or Spanish. The lessons can be
done either following computer prompts or in a more independent exploration mode. Available on disk or CD-

Story Club
Machine: Mac
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Knowledge Adventure
Purchase options: Part of Davidson Literacy Program
Level: Beginning For: All but HE
Special use: elementary
This is an extensive program that uses multi-cultural folktales as the basis for a whole language approach. The
target audience is K-6, but older children and adults can also enjoy the stories. The CD-ROM has digitized
speech and graphics that enhance the computer-based activities designed for classroom use and individualized
study. Students can read as they listen to the folktales, work on vocabulary, and do writing tasks (with graphics
from the story that they can color in, if they so desire). In addition, it has teacher-led activities using barcode-
controlled videodiscs. Extensive teacher's manuals are provided. Installation is included with some network
purchases. Price is approximately $6,000 - $12,000 depending upon the system configuration and the number
of users.

Talking Business Intermediate

Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Pearson Education
Approximate single-unit price: $190
Purchase options: lab, site, network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: Adult, HE
Special use: business
Multimedia CD-ROM program designed to improve business communication skills for intermediate to
advanced learners, with a focus on listening, pronunciation, and reading. Twelve thematic units are grouped
into three modules: Making Contact, Handling Information and Reporting. The program also includes a pre-
and a post-test. Learners can listen, record, and compare, as well as engage in a variety of other activities. See
a review at Support documents are available on the
publisher's site at

Tell Me More Comprehensive

Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Auralog
Approximate single-unit price: $195
Purchase options: network
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
Special use: bilingual help (Sp, Fr, Ger, Ital, Dutch)
Uses text, audio, video, and speech recognition. Management tools allow teachers to track students' progress
and create their own Educational Paths. The entire pedagogical content can also be printed in exercise-book
format for use in class. The Cultural Workshop provides cultural information. Help is provided in Spanish,
French, German, Italian, Dutch or English. The program is available in 3 levels, which can be purchased
separately or together. CD-ROM and network versions available. See a review at

Tell Me More E-System

Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Auralog
Purchase options: per student, volume pricing
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6

Set of software tools, technology and support to implement traditional and distance learning. The organization
controls and manages all learning with their instructors. Users have access to instructional materials anywhere
they have computer access, on-site or off-site. Instructors can be accessed anywhere via Internet or intranet.

Tell Me More Kids

Machine: Win
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Auralog
Approximate single-unit price: $130
Purchase options: age levels also separately
Level: Beginning For: pre-K-6
Special use: elementary
Specialized English course for Spanish speaking children based entirely on speech recognition. Offers
progressive learning adventures based on age and proficiency level, including more than 1,000 activities,
Karaoke and nearly 120 cartoons. Can be purchased for ages 4-7. 7-9. and 9-12 separately or as a bundle with
all three. Windows 95/98/NT/2000. CD-ROM.

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: TESOL
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: Any
A collection of freeware, shareware, and publisher demos for ESL. Many small programs on a variety of
topics, for a range of levels and skill areas. Individual programs are copiable. CD-ROM.

Machine: Mac
Skill: comprehensive
Publisher: Scholastic Software
Approximate single-unit price: $1750
Purchase options: network, site
Level: Beginning For: K-2
Special use: Bilingual, elementary
Children learn reading, writing, speaking and listening skills with this set of materials, including books, other
print material, and CD-ROMs. Titles include Pizza, Kites, Raindrops, What Lila Loves, The Ball Game, The
Tree House, What's Inside, and several others.

Discussion software:

Amazon Trail II
Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: Reading, discussion
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
online/mail order
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: lab pack, site license
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-4
Amazon Trail is a simulation of a trip up the Amazon River (and through time). The goal is to search for a
medicinal plant that can save the ancient Incas from malaria. As students travel up the Amazon River they
explore the rain forest, visit historical people and landmarks, trade with the people of the region, navigate and
fish for food. The program comes with teacher's manuals and student worksheets that facilitate cooperative
learning-based lessons and communicative language development. CD-ROM version. The earlier version is on
disk and is slightly less expensive. MECC titles are now sold by Learning Company School.

Amnesty Interactive
Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: reading, discussion
Publisher: Amnesty International
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $25

Purchase options: 15 in EU
Level: Advanced For: All but K-3
This interactive CD-ROM from Amnesty International presents information about the struggle for human
rights throughout history. Information is organized by geographical location, time in history, and famous
people. Both human rights abuses and human rights successes are shown. The material is sometimes presented
relatively rapidly, requiring learners to listen or read a second time.

Civilization II
Machine: Win
Skill: reading, discussion
Publisher: MicroProse
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Level: Advanced For: All but K-6
The strength of this program is in the way students must link their own game-playing strategies with the way
that inventions and technology might have been discovered and developed: you can't have literature without
writing, and you can't have writing without the alphabet; and this applies all the way up to building a space-
station. Students obtain knowledge through reading about the developments on screen (the file that creates
them can be edited easily if required). One thing that I and a colleague (who used the game in a larger context)
agree on is that the most important factor is the recording of information by the students as they play. He also
gets them to write a summary of the day's play. I asked mine to copy the screens as they appeared. Effective
for group work or individual play. Before teachers use the program they should run it several times themselves
but should be careful as it is addictive. I would also recommend a companion book (unavailable here): Wilson,
Johnny L. and Alan Emrich. Sid Meier's Civilization: or Rome on 640k a day. Prima Publishing: California,

Community Exploration
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: discussion
Publisher: Jostens Home Learning
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $20
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
Learners interact with people in different settings in the virtual community of Cornerstone. They can take trips
to the airport, supermarket, library, museum, bank, bus station, and other common locations around town.
They will need tasks set by a teacher, however, for language learning benefit.

CrossCountry Canada Platinum

Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: discussion
Publisher: Ingenuity Works
Approximate single-unit price: $70
Purchase options: site, network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
Using a realistic, yet fun visual format this geography simulation lets students take on the role of a long
distance truck driver. Students make decisions about finding and delivering in a timely fashion up to 52
different commodities to 180 cities. Students need to read maps, calculate distances, estimate expenses, and
plan cost-effective routes from coast to coast. The program and accompanying teachers manual offer many
possibilities for ESL/EFL communicative language practice through cooperative learning tasks. Also available:
Cross Country California and Cross Country Texas in Macintosh disk format. Mac/Windows CD-ROM. Demo
version is on the TESOL/CELIA CD-ROM and available on the publisher's website.

CrossCountry USA
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: discussion
Publisher: Ingenuity Works
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: Any
Using a realistic, yet fun visual format this geography simulation lets students take on the role of a long
distance truck driver. Students make decisions about finding and delivering in a timely fashion up to 52
different commodities to 180 cities. Students need to read maps, calculate distances, estimate expenses, and

plan cost-effective routes from coast to coast. The program and accompanying teachers manual offer many
possibilities for ESL/EFL communicative language practice through cooperative learning tasks. Also available:
Cross Country California and Cross Country Texas in Macintosh disk format. Demo version is on the
TESOL/CELIA CD-ROM. CrossCountry USA is now downloadable from the company's website (requires
credit card) or on CD-ROM.

Decisions, Decisions Series

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading, discussion
Publisher: Tom Snyder Productions
Approximate single-unit price: $150
Purchase options: $29 per title; lab, site, network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Students work in groups to use the software and text materials to make decisions. Students check the printed
materials for additional background information. As a group they prioritize their goals, receive multiple
perspectives on the issues from their 'advisors' in the computer, discuss their options and input their course of
action to the computer. The computer presents the consequences and the 'advisors' reappear to offer the
students help in dealing with them prior to another round of decisions, actions and consequences. These
programs work well in a one-computer classroom. The following are ones most likely to be of interest to
ESL/EFL students. Immigration: Students are community decision makers. The computer presents a number of
dilemmas related to immigration policy in the U.S. Prejudice: Students take the role of a mayor up for re-
election in a town with a racism problem. Their 'advisors' in the computer are an historian, a campaign
manager, a lawyer and an activist. The Environment: Students are community decision makers. The computer
presents a number a dilemmas related to environmental damage in a small town. Urbanization: Students are
community decision makers. The computer presents a number of dilemma related to the costs and benefits of
urbanization for a small town. Violence in the Media: Students take the role of an advertising executive for a
company sponsoring a controversial television program about life in a gang-infested urban neighborhood.

Destination Mars!
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: reading, discussion
Publisher: Compu-Teach
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: lab pack, network and site license
Level: Advanced For: Grade 7-12
Special use: science
A space adventure activity; on disk or CD-ROM.

Machine: Mac
Skill: discussion
Publisher: CELIA
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
This is a version of the classic psychotherapy program. Tell Eliza your problems (by typing), and Eliza will
respond with further questions. This works best with students in groups who have had an introduction to what
to do by a teacher. The program works by scanning what students type for key words or by mechanical
transformation of the student's input into further questions. Advanced students can try to cause Eliza to respond
ungrammatically if they recognize how the program is creating its responses.

Escape from Planet Arizona

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: discussion
Publisher: EF Multimedia
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-5
This CD-ROM uses QuickTime VR, digitized video clips, and animation to create a virtual reality setting.
Learners take the role of an alien whose spaceship has crashed in the Arizona desert. They must converse with
the people in a small town nearby in order to find the seven objects needed to repair the ship. The questions
that learners ask are pre-scripted and chosen from a menu; language development comes from the responses of
the townspeople. Since what the townspeople say is quite natural and colloquial, a transcript (with an optional
translation into French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, or Swedish) and an online glossary are provided.
One of the strongest elements of the program is that learners have to do tasks with the information to get to the

next step, which means that learners have to thoroughly comprehend what the townspeople have said. A demo
can be downloaded at; reviews are available online at and in print form in CAELL Journal 7:3 (1997).

Explore Canada
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: discussion
Publisher: NAS Educational Software
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: site, network, lab pack
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All but K-2
Special use: bilingual (French)
This multimedia program teaches Canadian history, geography and culture at two levels of language difficulty
(English and French). The geography section provides detailed information about regions, provinces and
territories in Canada. The history unit is divided into the following six titles: Early History, Colonial Period,
Canada Grows, Exploration, Confederation and Canada Today. Other features available on this program are a
talking dictionary, an index for research assignments, scratch pad activities, Canadian Citizenship test, and
other activities. Network of 5 - $150, network of 10 - $275, network of 20 - $500. CD-ROM.

Factory, The
Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: discussion
Publisher: Sunburst Technology
Approximate single-unit price: $20
Purchase options: lab, network, school
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: 4-8 grade
Simulated machine assembly line. CD-ROM for Mac or Windows.

Gus Goes to Cybertown

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading, discussion
Publisher: Modern Media Ventures
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $20
Level: Beginning For: K-6
Special use: literacy
We use lessons prepared according to what we are teaching to our students. This can be used to identify food
items and build up vocabulary on food and drinks, identify animals, practice clothing items, and do other
beginning-level vocabulary tasks. (MP)

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: discussion, writing
Publisher: Tom Snyder Productions
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Purchase options: lab, network
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All
A creative writing CD-ROM, which lets you or your students write, direct, and play your own animated shows
with talking characters. You select the scene, you direct the actors, you write the dialogue, you choose the
music and special effects. You can screen it in the theater by clicking on the projector. There's even an Idea
Machine which provides story starters, plot twists, and dialogue suggestions based on the scene you've chosen
and the specific personalities of your characters. Uses computerized voices; sometimes you have to fiddle with
spelling to get them to sound right. (SA) Formerly sold by Theatrix, it is good to see this title reappear.

Hollywood High
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: discussion, writing
Publisher: Tom Snyder Productions
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Purchase options: lab, network
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All

Like its predecessor Hollywood, Hollywood High has students write and direct an animated show with talking
characters. The settings and characters are high school-oriented, so this is more attractive to teens but less
useful for adults than Hollywood. Students select the scene and characters, place and move the actors, write the
dialogue, and choose the special effects. Because it uses synthesized rather than digitized voices, they can be
odd. It's possible to tweak the spelling to improve the pronunciation, but the point of this is the dialogue among
the learners creating the show, not the end result itself. This is not recommended as a listening skill builder, but
it's a great tool for discussion at the computer. CD-ROM. Formerly sold by Theatrix, it is good to see this title

Martin Luther King Videodisc

Machine: Mac
Skill: discussion, listening, reading
Publisher: Glencoe McGraw-Hill
Approximate single-unit price: $400
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
This offers historical footage from ABC News as well as still photos and text about the life of Martin Luther
King and the Civil Rights Movement. Clips of young adults talking about the effect of the Movement on their
lives today are also included. The program consists of a double-sided videodisc controlled by a HyperCard
stack. There are extensive options for viewing, including with accompanying text, in Spanish or English, or in
clips to copy to a videotape. Because the options are numerous, students will probably need an introduction to
the program by a teacher. For best language learning results, the teacher should give students information
gathering or information transfer tasks to perform. The strength of the program is in the large quantity of
information provided in a hypertext format that allows movement among ideas.

Machine: Win
Skill: discussion
Publisher: Clarity Language Consultants
See also
Alta ESL
World of Reading
Comenius Group, NAS
Approximate single-unit price: $200
Purchase options: $50 per level ; site, lab available
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
A computerized version of one of Mario Rinvolucri's grammar games, combining language learning with
strategy. It's a virtual boardgame based on the ancient Japanese game "Go" in which students must master an
area of language in order to win. MindLines is the American English version while MindGame is the British
English version. Students can play against each other or against the computer. Each of the five levels comes on
a separate CD-ROM or as a compilation. It comes with an authoring component. A demo is available from the

Opinion Zone 1, 2, 3
Machine: Win
Skill: discussion, reading
Publisher: Lingonet Oy
Approximate single-unit price: $90
Purchase options: 5-user, network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-8
Opinion Zone titles deal with the language of expressing opinions, built around a studio debate. The topics of
these debates include Gun Law, European Union, and No More Roads. In addition to the studio material,
Opinion Zone titles include a variety of interviews with people ranging from an Australian government
minister to a street vendor. Opinion Zone titles are not intended to be self-contained courses; rather, they are
classroom resources that teachers can call on to support an existing study programme. Each title is sold
separately for approximately $90, with 5-user and network versions available. CD-ROM.

Oregon Trail II
Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: discussion
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
online/mail order

Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: lab pack, site license
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Students make decisions following a simulated trip along the Oregon Trail. They can choose the month and
year to start, with different hazards accordingly. The program has excellent graphics and a lot of information is
presented on screen in the course of the simulation. Includes digitized speech. This lends itself to use in
cooperative learning plans where each student in a team has responsibility for monitoring different
information. There are a lot of resources about this period such as pioneer journals that can be used effectively
in conjunction with this program. Having the students keep a journal of their simulated trip also works well as
an extension activity. On CD-ROM. The earlier version, Oregon Trail, is still available in disk or CD-ROM
version and is slightly less expensive.

SimCity Classic
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: discussion
Publisher: Maxis Software
See also
online/mail order
Approximate single-unit price: $20
Purchase options: Deluxe version, network version avail.
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
In this city simulation, learners plan and manage a city through periods of growth, recession, and various
natural disasters. Getting started takes a fair bit of time and teacher work to prepare students, even at advanced
levels. Once learners know the basics, however, the activity is very engaging. This works best as a group
activity since many different areas need simultaneous attention to avoid the city's financial collapse and/or
physical destruction. Other variations include SimEarth, SimAnt, SimCity 2000, SimTown, and SimTower.
SimTown is described below. A demo version is on the TESOL/CELIA CD-ROM.

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: discussion
Publisher: Maxis Software
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
A CD-ROM based simulation where students build and manage a small town. The program features animated
graphics showing people in houses, buildings and around town. Students can even design the citizens of the
town--the kinds of clothes they wear, where they eat, where they go each day etc. As the town grows it uses up
water and produces garbage so teams of students need to negotiate how they will keep their town growing and

Machine: Mac
Skill: discussion
Publisher: PerLingua Software
Approximate single-unit price: $5
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
Role-playing game with voice recognition. Fully-functional shareware program. The object of the game for
students is to go through a house collecting money and fighting monsters. But instead of passively clicking on
buttons to make their character act, students direct the action with their voices.

Storybook Maker/Deluxe
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: discussion, writing
Publisher: Jostens Home Learning
Approximate single-unit price: $45
Purchase options: lab $135
Level: Literacy, beginning For: K-4
Special use: Elementary; literacy
Learners use the included picture cards to create a story that they can then tell to their classmates. Learners
click on and drag the images they want to the desired location on the page. Students can also type in words.

The Deluxe version reads words letter by letter, word by word, or by sentence and supports QuickTime
movies. This graphical program will require a task set by the teacher for students to have much language
learning benefit from using it. Runs on a CD-ROM under Windows or on the Mac.

US Map Game
Machine: Mac
Skill: discussion
Publisher: Computers for Education
See also
CALL-IS Mac Library
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Purchase options: contact the publisher
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: 7-12, Adult
In this HyperCard stack from Elizabeth Hanson-Smith, students attempt to identify states and/or capitals on a
US map. Students can also jump to a reference section. High scorers are recorded in a permanent Hall of Fame.

Vox Pop
Machine: Win
Skill: listening, discussion
Publisher: Lingonet Oy
Approximate single-unit price: $65
Purchase options: network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
This multimedia CD-ROM is based on forty-eight authentic video interviews recorded on the streets of
Cambridge in England. The program is built around task-based activities in which learners use language to
achieve real outcomes like reporting people's opinions on widely-discussed issues. This is supplemented with a
closer look at some of the particular features of authentic everyday language.

Where in the World /USA/ Europe/America's Past/Time is Carmen Sandiego?

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: discussion
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
Learning Services
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Purchase options: lab, network, site, teacher's ed.
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Detective mystery/ adventure. Students need to use travel and geographic clues to solve the mystery. From
Gary Towne: I first used an older version of Carman on a HD-less AT. I highly recommend having an atlas
and an international almanac that includes color pictures of the flags of the world on just a few pages to
facilitate easy scanning. If your class has a variety of ethnicities represented, the class-room corporate
knowledge of the world should be fairly diverse, but there are often some real stumpers in Carmen that maybe
no one would know. I asked for volunteers to take turns on the keyboard, to handle the atlas and almanac, as
well as to record the clues and progress on the board for all to see. This makes the progress more logical. Also,
I had the students take turns reading the text on the screen. They loved it. Some of us ended up staying after
school to try to catch Carmen, because too much class time would be used to finish the whole game. This is
where having a computer lab of some sort would be useful. Enjoy!

Who is Oscar Lake?

Machine: Win,Mac
Skill: discussion
Publisher: Language Publications Interactive
See also
online/mail order
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
Special use: bilingual versions (Sp, Fr, Ger, It)
CD-ROM interactive mystery. Versions are available in a variety of languages, so students could try it in their
language first, then again in English.

Grammar Software:

Azar Interactive
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: Grammar
Publisher: Prentice-Hall Regents
See also
Alta ESL
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Over fifty grammar topics, with exercises, grammar charts, readings with grammar in context, audio clips, and
video clips based on the well-known text. The grammar charts tend to be hard to read, due to the point size
chosen. The exercises on this CD-ROM supplement the text.

Machine: Win
Skill: grammar, vocabulary
Publisher: Binary Logic
Purchase options: contact publisher for details
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: K-6
Special use: elementary
9-level series, each with 16-24 lessons. Major emphasis is on grammar and vocabulary development, with a
variety of exercises that include voice recording and comparison with the model. Extensive record-keeping and
management that prints out reports and certificates. Schools subscribe for a period of time and pass the costs
on to students. The package includes books and a dongle (hardware key). Students can work at home in the
book, then enter their answers on the computer to check them. The company offers on-site teacher training.

CALL for English Library Disks

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, grammar
Publisher: Wida Software
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
Special use: TOEFL
Eurocentres teachers have used Wida's authoring programs and created ready-to-go library disks for almost all
levels, elementary to advanced, concentrating on vocabulary, grammar practice, etc, but also exam practice
including TOEFL. There are 35 disks in all. 27 of the titles are available in Macintosh format (contact the
publisher for details). Windows version due out in February 1999; that will be called the Eurocentres CALL
Library for English. These packages are now sold by Wida.

Canadian Links for ESL

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, grammar
Publisher: NAS Educational Software
Approximate single-unit price: $195
Purchase options: site license $595
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: 9-12, Adult
Designed for new immigrants to Canada, this uses multiple choice quizzes, typing and dragging exercises, and
database searches on health, job search, vocabulary, grammar, literacy, and life skills topics. Minimum
hardware requirements: 286 IBM/compatible, color monitor, mouse. Site license for $600.

Churchill House First Certificate Program

Machine: Win
Skill: writing, grammar
Publisher: Churchill House
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Download this free software program from to help
students revise for the tricky "spot the error" question on the Cambridge First Certificate Exam (FCE). It's also
suitable for intermediate and advanced students who want to work on their grammar.

Corpus Collections
Machine: DOS
Skill: grammar, vocabulary
Publisher: Oxford Univ. Press
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: site
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: 7-12, Adult, HE
These collections are to be used with a concordancer, such as MonoConc or MicroConcord, which lets you
search large text libraries for all occurrences of a word. This is an excellent way of dealing with many
questions which arise out of corrections of written work, such as 'What is the difference between first and at
first?' or '..I don't care and I don't mind?' Collection A taken from 'The Independent' newspaper; Collection B
taken from OUP publications.

Diagnostic Prescriptive Grammar

Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: grammar
Publisher: Merit Audio Visual
Approximate single-unit price: $130
Purchase options: lab, network, site
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
The native-speaker program practices parts of speech. Diagnostic tests determine a student's understanding of
grammar and direct him/her to the appropriate lesson to improve performance. Each lesson focuses on a
particular grammar skill, is self correcting, and allows students to advance without teacher intervention. I
couldn't get the program to run on my 8600 Mac running OS8, but the publisher may have corrected the
problem by now. (LOB)

Diascriptive Language Arts Development

Machine: Win
Skill: grammar
Publisher: Educational Activities Software
Approximate single-unit price: $395
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Intermediate For: All but K-5
Multimedia grammar program includes exercises on capitalization, punctuation, parts of speech, subject-verb
agreement, compound sentences, and paragraph construction. Designed for native speakers, but usable with
ESL. Includes diagnostic tests that determine the language arts skills of each student and prescribe what is
needed for improvement. Thirty-six tutorial lessons, presented with voice and text, develop language arts
concepts, evaluate performance at each level and redirect students to lower levels to help build skills or to
higher levels to learn more advanced skills.

English Easy: Conversations

Machine: Win
Skill: pronunciation, grammar, listening
Publisher: Greenwood Multimedia Corp.
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: site, network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: 3-12, Adult
English Easy is a Canadian series of CDs designed to develop listening and reading skills from Basic to
Advanced levels. The Conversation program consists of interactive dialogues about common situations and
illustrate tone, pronunciation and grammatical structures. The conversations include colloquial phrases to
familiarize students with spoken Canadian English. Interactive dialogues depicting common North American
scenarios illustrate applications of pronunciations and grammar. Relevant vocabulary is introduced for each
subject matter so that students can associate them readily. Skill-testing questions are designed to give students
added practice in listening and reacting to normal speech. Good sound quality and graphics. (RJ)

English Easy: Grammar I and II

Machine: Win
Skill: grammar
Publisher: Greenwood Multimedia Corp.
Approximate single-unit price: $50

Purchase options: site, network
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: 3-12, Adult
Versions I for beginners and Version II for intermediate students. The Grammar program consists of two CDs,
beginning with the introduction of the various structures of a sentence in a systematic sequence to allow the
students to build their skills incrementally. The second CD builds on the first and introduces more complex
grammatical structures. Each CD has interactive practice exercises and the lessons include short dialogues to
illustrate grammar rules and sentence development. Some of the more abstract concepts have multilingual
explanations in Japanese, Cantonese, and Mandarin as well as English to aid understanding.

English Grammar Computerized I and II

Machine: Mac
Skill: grammar
Publisher: Lingo Fun
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: network, site license
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: 9-12, Adult, HE
A pair of programs designed for review of and practice in applying grammar rules. The core of both modules
consists of drill-type grammar exercises. Users choose topics (e.g., present progressive) and lessons (e.g.,
spelling 'ing' forms, negatives, etc.) via menus. The program gives immediate feedback after each answer,
including symbolic notation indicating types of errors and reminders of rules. After three incorrect attempts,
the program gives the correct answer. Points are awarded based on the number of tries before the correct
answer is given. At any time, menus may be used to access program instructions and extensive reviews of rules
with examples. Program I includes topics such as the verb 'to be,' present, simple past, and future tenses,
modals, pronouns, and comparatives. Program II includes present perfect, periphrastic modals, passives, and
condtionals. Students who like to drill themselves enjoy working individually or in pairs in a laboratory
setting. Teachers can assign review and practice based on individual need.

English Teacher, The

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, grammar
Publisher: Opus Educational Software
Purchase options: $29 regis plus $9/month
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All but K-8
Special use: bilingual
The English Teacher is now distributed as an online service for Spanish speakers. Other languages are planned.
Vocabulary and grammar concepts are reinforced systematically and periodically. The three major components
are Working on Words, Building up to Grammar, and Express Yourself in English. These include a variety of
exercises, sound, and video. In addition, the program includes RCT: Right Click Translator to translate any
word and listen to its pronunciation and READY: Reviews Elapsed According to Daily Yield, that administers
and monitors students' study time and statistics according to their performance, programming reviews and
examinations over extended intervals of time. Free chatting with the Teacher's Desk and, email and chatting
with other students. Free trial: any user can register and download the program for free, which will allow five
sessions (24 hour maximun per session) of usage. No credit card required for registering or downloading.
Registration and first month's subscription for $29, then $9 per month.

Error Terror
Machine: Win
Skill: grammar
Publisher: Educational Software Products
Approximate single-unit price: $75
Purchase options: 40 each; lab
Level: Intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All
Arcade-style game where the user has to shoot down errors in a constantly moving passage. Whether the user
wins or loses, after each passage is completed, a list of errors, along with individual notes on each error, is
presented to them, which can be printed off for reference. The 20 passages are graded for difficulty, and the
program is fully authorable. British English in the passages that come with the program.

ESL Bilingual Fitness

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: grammar
Publisher: Merit Audio Visual
See also

Approximate single-unit price: $80
Purchase options: lab, network, site
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All but K-6
Special use: Bilingual
Multiple-choice program helps students cope with troublesome points of English grammar, usage, and
spelling. Previously called ESL Bilingual Demons. Similar to ESL Fitness, but with instructions and
explanations in Spanish. Upgraded for Windows 95/98/2000. Networkable.

ESL Fitness
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: grammar
Publisher: Merit Audio Visual
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Purchase options: lab, network, site
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: 7-12,Adult,HE
Multiple-choice program helps students cope with troublesome points of English grammar, usage and spelling.
Previously called ESL Demons. ESL Fitness Starter for Beginning and ESL Fitness Challenge for Intermediate
level also sold separately. Upgraded for Windows 95/98/2000. Networkable.

ESL Renegades
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: grammar
Publisher: Educational Activities Software
Approximate single-unit price: $185
Purchase options: lab, network
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All but K-3
Game-style format where students can catch and rehabilitate renegades by identifying grammar and usage
errors embedded in sentences. Incorrect answers receive specific feedback. Sold separately or as part of the
ESL/Basic Literacy bundle.


Machine: DOS, Mac
Skill: grammar, reading
Publisher: Lingo Fun
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: HE
More than 500 multiple-choice questions intended to prepare intermediate and advanced ESL students for the
written TOEFL.

Eurocentres CALL Library

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, reading, grammar
Publisher: Wida Software
Approximate single-unit price: $110
Purchase options: 75 for 1-5 users
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
Ten volumes of exercises to use with the Wida Authoring Suite programs (Gapmaster, Storyboard,
Matchmaster, Choicemaster, Testmaster). These have been ported from the DOS-based CALL for English
originals. Volumes include Elementary Grammar, Vocabulary, and Functions; Intermediate Grammar and
Vocabulary; Advanced Grammar, Vocabulary, and Functions; Cambridge Proficience Practice, and
International Business Topics.

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, grammar, listening
Publisher: Higgins, John and Muriel
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All

This is a program to retrieve words containing specified letters, sounds, or belonging to specified grammar
categories. Runs under Windows 95. Requires additional download from Oxford Text Archive. Free for
download from

Fish Trek
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: grammar
Publisher: University of Michigan Press
Approximate single-unit price: $38
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Computer game designed to help teach English article usage; supports The Article Book, but does not require
the book. It offers six game levels, ten levels of difficulty, complete print options, tracking of wrong answers,
and a comprehensive practice session. Includes a test generator option for teachers.

Focus on Grammar series

Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: grammar
Publisher: Exceller Software
See also
Addison Wesley
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Purchase options: lab, network
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
A CD-ROM produced in 1996 as a companion work to Focus on Grammar: An Intermediate Course for
Reference and Practice by Marjorie Fuchs and Miriam Westheimer with Margaret Bonner, Longman, 1994.
Basic, intermediate, high intermediate, and advanced levels are now available. Each level is $100 for a single
user, a lab pack (5) for $299, (10) $499; and network license for $750. Fully capable of standing alone, this
CD-ROM has quite a range of activities for explaining, practicing, and testing all the grammar points covered
in the textbook. While the explanations, charts, appendices are the same as in the textbook, I believe all the
many, many interactive exercises are different. As a bonus, there are also some reading comprehension
passages with questions and some writing prompts, both featuring the grammar structure(s) under study. I'd
recommend this CD for all levels of proficiency except very beginning. It starts with simple present and
present continuous and winds its way 'upwards.' It doesn't cover such advanced topics as conditionals or odd-
ball tenses like future perfect, but it does a very nice job of presenting and practicing grammar topics generally
regarded as being of lower to intermediate difficulty. There's some good material on gerunds, infinitives and
verbs with prepositions which have affinities for one or the other. One feature allows students to keep a record
of their success on the various exercises, and the built-in wordprocessor makes it easy for students to respond
to the writing prompts and to print out their compositions for teachers or peers to read. There's a built-in User's
Manual too. As of this writing (January 1997) I haven't used the CD with students yet and I haven't worked
with it extensively on a trial basis, so there may be pitfalls and glitches of which I'm not aware. However, I am
very much looking forward to turning my lower intermediate grammar students loose on it. (A. Sellers)

Grammar 3D: Contextualized Practice for Learners of English

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: grammar
Publisher: Heinle & Heinle
Purchase options: sold with Grammar Dimensions texts
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Grammar exercises prepared for ESL students ranging from high beginning to advanced; only sold with the
Grammar Dimensions series. Features student control of exercise sequence and record-keeping. Can be used in
conjunction with any grammar text. CD-ROM.

Grammar Express Basic

Machine: Win
Skill: grammar
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All but K-6
Interactive CD-ROM with exercises that teach grammar through listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Dynamic animations introduce grammar points; variety of exercise types; 12 tests, each with 25 questions, for
self-assessment. Closely follows the book by the same name in content.

Grammar Fitness
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: grammar
Publisher: Merit Audio Visual
Approximate single-unit price: $80
Purchase options: lab, network, site; 3 sets for $130
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
This native speaker program offers drill and practice with troublesome points of grammar. Each sentence
contains up to four underlined choices, one of which contains a common error in usage, diction, grammatical
relationship, or punctuation. In response to a wrong answer, the program shows the corrected sentence and
explains why it is right. Formerly known as Grammar Demons. Upgraded for Windows 95/98/2000. A demo
can be downloaded from the website.

Grammar Rom
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: Grammar
Publisher: Addison Wesley Longman
See also
Level: Intermediate For: All but K-6
Intermediate-level grammar exercises for British English with video, sound, voice-recording, and cartoon
graphics on CD-ROM. Includes section tests to monitor progress and on-screen audio help in English, Spanish,
French, German or Italian.

Grammar Sense Interactive CD-ROMs

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: grammar
Publisher: Oxford Univ. Press
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All but K-8
CD-ROMs for Basic (GSI1), intermediate (GSI2), or high-intermediate to advanced high school or adult
learners (GSI3). These supplement the grammar text, Grammar Sense. Each CD-ROM includes interactive
exercises, charts and usage notes with audio examples, games, and tests for learners to check their progress.

I Speak English - Advanced Language Acquisition (TOEFL)

Machine: Win
Skill: listening, grammar, reading
Publisher: Intechnica International
Approximate single-unit price: $360
Purchase options: site, network
Level: Advanced For: All but K-6
Special use: TOEFL
A multimedia CD-ROM designed to prepare post-secondary students for TOEFL, BEST, and other
standardized language tests used in higher education and adult basic education. 40+ lesson program is divided
into four sections.

Inside the SAT/ACT

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: Reading, grammar
Publisher: Learning Company, The
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Level: Advanced For: 9-12
Practice with SAT and ACT tests, designed for native speakers; text is by the Princeton Review. CD-ROM.

LinguaSy Grammar Guide v1.11

Machine: Win
Skill: grammar
Publisher: LinguaSy
Purchase options: free
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
Complete grammar of English written in intermediate level English. Can be used independently or in
conjunction with The Sentence Transformer. You can copy, use and distribute this guide in any way you like.
Supplied in the format of a Windows help file. Runs on Win 3.1 or later (including Win 95). Mouse

recommended. Freeware; the complete program can be downloaded from:

Machine: DOS
Skill: grammar, vocabulary
Publisher: Athelstan
Approximate single-unit price: $195
Purchase options: $400 site license
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: 7-12, Adult, HE
A versatile and fast concordancer, very professionally done. It works on huge text files and produces
concordance output on screen which can be manipulated in numerous ways (e.g. sorted by 1 to n words to right
or left of target, source text can be accessed, non-productive items ejected, printing to file, etc.). Comes with
an excellent manual explaining many uses of concordancers. The optional corpora are separated into business,
science, humanities, etc. texts, generally taken from British newspapers. Recently upgraded.

One Step at a Time

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: Writing, grammar
Publisher: Heinle & Heinle
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Intermediate For: 7-12, HE
This program was designed to accompany the writing and grammar series of the same name. Interactive
computer tutorials accompany each chapter of the text. With this program students can access a word processor
to write assignments collaboratively or independently. Lesson activities are also designed to be done in pairs
collaboratively. Computer-based tests for each level use randomly generated questions in a multiple-choice
format. A feedback screen on test performance can be printed out or saved for record-keeping purposes.
Sample software is free from the publisher. Level 1 and Level 2 sold separately.

Perfect Copy English

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: writing, grammar
Publisher: Logicus
Approximate single-unit price: $200
Purchase options: lab, network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-3
This self-paced program contains 500 stories and letters to edit at three reading levels and three interest levels
(youth, teen, adult). Students have access to help in the form of a word list, context-sensitive grammar rules,
and clues such as highlighting sentences and words with errors and modeling a correct version of the article. A
record-keeping function tracks student progress in working through the skill areas the program addresses:
abbreviations, punctuation, subject-verb agreement, irregular verbs, numbers, pronouns, easily confused
words, and general editing.

QReview Series
Machine: Win
Skill: reading, grammar, vocabulary
Publisher: Q USA
Approximate single-unit price: $375
Purchase options: Components also sold separately.
Level: Intermediate For: All but K-6
Three sets of CD-ROMs for a multimedia review of reading, grammar, and vocabulary. Reading 1 and 2 have
a variety of texts including letters, magazine articles, stories, and humor. Grammar 1 and 2 review English
tenses with anecdotes, short stories, articles, and dialogues. Vocabulary 1 and 2 use video clips with topics
including leisure and hobbies, the environment, and the world of entertainment. Exercises and practice tests are
included in all of these sets. Each set of two CD-ROMs can be purchased separately for $140. Lab, network,
and site options are also available.

Sentence Transformer v3.00

Machine: Win
Skill: writing, grammar
Publisher: LinguaSy

Approximate single-unit price: $25
Purchase options: $25 site license
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: 9-12, HE
The kind of sentence transformation exercises found in the Cambridge FCE and CPE examinations. Each
question has two levels of help -a simple hint and then a direct link to the relevant grammar topic in the on-line
Grammar Guide. There is also AutoCorrection, which formats the student's input before processing it to avoid
'mistakes' due to forgetting to add a full stop or capitalise the first letter, etc. Comes with 100 pre-loaded
questions with room to add many more. 5+ answers for each question. Very easy to use. A demo can be
downloaded or the program ordered from the Internet at The price includes a site license.

Targeting Phrasal Verbs v1.10

Machine: Win
Skill: grammar, vocabulary
Publisher: LinguaSy
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $70
Purchase options: $70 site license
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
Simple multiple choice format program with a question and four possible answers involving choosing the right
phrasal verb. Includes and on-line (editable) dictionary of phrasal verbs and full help. Very easy to use. Price
includes site license. The program can be ordered over the Internet at:

Targeting Prepositions v2.10

Machine: Win
Skill: grammar
Publisher: LinguaSy
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $70
Purchase options: $70 site license
Level: Beginning For: All
Simple multiple choice format program with a question and four possible answers involving choosing the right
preposition. Includes an on-line (editable) dictionary of phrasal verbs and full help. Very easy to use. Runs
under Win 3.1 or later (including Win 95). Mouse recommended. Price includes a full site licence. A demo of
the program or online purchase is available from:

Targeting Verbs
Machine: Win
Skill: grammar
Publisher: LinguaSy
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $15
Purchase options: $15 site license
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
Multiple-choice practice, designed for ESL/EFL. An online, authorable dictionary is also included. Very
simple interface.

Tense Buster 2001

Machine: Win
Skill: Grammar
Publisher: Clarity Language Consultants
See also
Alta ESL
World of Reading
Comenius Group, NAS
Approximate single-unit price: $75
Purchase options: $300 for all 5 levels; lab, site packs
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6

Tense Buster upgrade. Covers selected grammar areas through presentations, practice exercises, rules, tests and
learner training tips; has interactive feedback for right and wrong answers. Students can take notes, listen to the
pronunciation of vocabulary items, hear many of the conversations and texts read out, and track their progress
over different sessions. Teachers can choose North American English or British English. The five courses,
Elementary through Advanced, are sold separately or as a bundle. Includes a free Authoring Kit and
membership to website with downloadable materials to use with the authoring kit. Demos
can be requested from CD-ROM.

Tutor Tapes Grammar Series

Machine: Mac
Skill: grammar
Publisher: TutorTapes
Purchase options: see pub. for individual title prices
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
TutorTapes disks are created by ESL teachers for ESL students. Each program is designed for repetitive
practice after a brief introductory explanation. Most programs run about 20 minutes. A catalog is available
from the publisher.

Understanding and Using English Grammar Interactive

Machine: Win
Skill: grammar
Level: Advanced For: All
From the advanced Azar grammar book by the same name. This CD-ROM includes animated grammar
presentations; introductory dialogues about grammar; practice with listening, speaking and reading; grammar
charts; and record-keeping.

Verb Professor
Machine: Mac
Skill: grammar
Publisher: Nameless Software
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Purchase options: site
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
Study 120 common irregular verbs in present, past, and past participle forms. Verb Professor has both study
and review modes, prints custom reports of verbs to review, and combines five activities (including a listening
exercise) for practice.

Machine: Win
Skill: grammar
Publisher: Higgins, John and Muriel
See also
Purchase options: shareware; $5 or 1.5 to charity
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
A verb-forming algorithm which allows learners to build up any verb-phrase that is acceptable in English and
to see the inflectional rules used to create it. Also contains information on help pages about transitivity, stative
verbs, tenses and aspect. Download from

WordOrder 2
Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: grammar
Publisher: PerLingua Software
Approximate single-unit price: $5
Purchase options: shareware
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
You provide the sentences and Word Order 2 does the rest. A great feature is that you can easily choose how
the sentences are broken up. Students click on words in buttons to make a sentence. Feedback is instant; both
visually (the word is added to the screen) and aurally (there are sounds for correct and incorrect choices). Free
demo is limited to 5 sentences; $5 shareware for full version.

Writer's Choice Interactive Grammar Workbook
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: writing, grammar
Publisher: Glencoe McGraw-Hill
Approximate single-unit price: $250
Purchase options: site
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: 6-12
The program offers drills, learning hints, examples, automatic grading, performance graphs and summary
reports. $250 per level, from grade 6-12. Can be installed on a network.

Listening Software:

Advanced Listening
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: Listening
Publisher: DynEd International
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Advanced For: All but K-8
Listening course for advanced ESL/EFL students that uses authentic lectures from Stanford University
professors to develop high-level listening and note-taking skills for academic or professional environments.
Listening strategy notes give students detailed suggestions about how to approach various aspects of listening
and note taking, both in general and in reference to specific exercises. Record-keeping is included.

Art Lesson, The

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: listening, reading, writing
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
online/mail order
Approximate single-unit price: $55
Purchase options: lab packs from $190-2100
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: K-4
Special use: bilingual, elementary
Students explore and experience a story based on the original work of author Tomie dePaola. They can read
the story, hear it read to them by the author, and explore the text and living illustrations. Integrated art
activities let students create with the author. Also includes video clips as they explore Tomie dePaola's studio,
hear him tell about his childhood experiences, and learn about his life as an author and illustrator. Requires
CD-ROM drive. MECC titles are now sold by Learning Company.

Arthur's Teacher Trouble

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: listening, reading
Publisher: Learning Company, The
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Purchase options: lab, network, site, teacher's ed.
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: K-6
Special use: Bilingual, elementary
An interactive, animated story about an elementary schooler (Arthur the Aardvark) surprising even himself
with what he accomplishes. The program has excellent graphics, sound effects, dialogues, and lots of surprises
to maintain student interest. Text can be heard in English and Spanish. Requires CD-ROM drive. Best used in
K-6 and family literacy settings.

Audioster-40 lesson compilation

Machine: Win
Skill: listening
Publisher: Edulang
Approximate single-unit price: $20
Purchase options: Contact pub for school use
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
The CD-Rom contains 40 listening lessons, each based on an authentic two-minute news report on a topical
subject from English-speaking radio. Each lesson begins with a warm-up language exercise and progresses

naturally through global comprehension work to finish with a series of short automated dictations. The learner
is exposed to a huge variety of different accents aswell as useful, up-to-date vocabulary to talk about world
problems. An efficient and focused means to rapidly improve your communication skills. Topics include
health and medicine, science and technology, business, and art and culture. This CD-ROM is licensed solely
for private at-home use. Schools must purchase the Internet-delivered version of the program.

Back Home
Machine: Win
Skill: listening, vocabulary
Publisher: Wida Software
Purchase options: Contact publisher for pricing.
Level: Intermediate For: All but K-5
A multimedia package based on 12 EFL songs by Christopher Jones. The songs cover a wide range of
vocabulary, grammar and functions. The package uses a wide variety of activity types created with the
Authoring Suite. Demo available. Contact the publisher for pricing.

Basic Skills for the Real World

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading, writing, listening
Publisher: Wasatch Education Systems
Approximate single-unit price: $300
Purchase options: network
Level: Literacy, beginning For: Adult
Special use: literacy
Designed for adults who need reading and writing skills; uses extensive audio. Eight units, sold separately.
Each unit includes a management component. The units are Duc and Linh (lifeskills math and numeracy,
inferences, map reading); New Challenges (signs, maps, compare products, make appointments, make
inferences); Grace Under Pressure (career search, basic home repairs, interpret charts and graphs, auto
purchasing and insurance); Amazing Grace (test-taking strategies, time management, price comparison,
budgeting, writing ads and letters); Joe Moves Up (job attitudes, phone skills, using a catalog, customer
service, cooking); KC Makes Choices (emergency first aid, durgs and alcohol, gangs, getting a job, dealing
with learning disabilities, reading comprehension); Linda's New Start (job handbook, customer service,
comparison shopping, using a timecard); and Day by Day (computing mileage, reading a map, comparison
shopping, making a budget, time management, fact vs. opinion).

Better US Map 2.3b

Machine: Mac
Skill: listening, reading
Publisher: Spivey, Terry
Approximate single-unit price: $4
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: K-12
Special use: geography
Students can click on any state to hear its name pronounced in a real, not Macintalk, voice!) and see the name
on the screen. Once they are ready, they have a choice of three quizzes. One tests them on the names of the
regions - which are not taught in this program! In another they hear and see the question 'Find [state name]' If
they click on the correct state they can click on a pair of dice to move on to the next question. In the other quiz,
they see the state and its capital together with the names of the neighboring states, and they are asked to click
on the appropriate information. Shareware. Requirements: HyperCard or HyperCard Player. Headphones
useful, to stop the teacher from going crazy ;-) (Addis) One version can be downloaded from

Business Territory 1 and 2

Machine: Win
Skill: listening, reading
Publisher: Lingonet Oy
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Purchase options: 5-user
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: Adult, HE
Special use: business
Students visit a variety of working environments in the UK and the USA in these CD-ROM-based programs.
Authentic, non-scripted video interviews are accompanied by transcripts, paraphrases, a glossary, and audio
comments giving both linguistic and business information. Teachers have a wide range of printable worksheets

requiring students to collaborate in researching particular aspects of the companies and presenting their
findings. 5-user licenses available.

Business to Go
Machine: Win
Skill: listening, vocabulary
Publisher: Q USA
Approximate single-unit price: $90
Purchase options: lab, network, site
Level: Intermediate For: Adult, HE
Special use: business
A two CD-ROM comprehensive course that introduces English for professional, social and travel situations.
Business to Go! emphasizes speaking and listening skills and is divided into eight everyday situations: hotels,
travel, appointments, directions, greetings, socializing, eating out and work. Each situation includes: listening
exercises, target vocabulary, pronunciation activities, role-play exercises, and video clips.

Cell ebration
Machine: Mac
Skill: listening
Publisher: Science for Kids
Level: Beginning For: K-6
Special use: Science, elementary
A thematic science curriculum on the Cell for K-6 classrooms in English and Spanish. Requires a CD-ROM
drive. Students play the computer-based game Whats alive?, learn about magnification (The program
comes with a microscope and pre-stained slides.), learn about cells from the scientists who first developed
microscopes and discovered cells (Anton can Leeuwenhoek and Robert Hooke), and design new cells
based on what theyve learned in the lessons.

Children's Classics
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reading, listening
Publisher: Q USA
Approximate single-unit price: $20
Purchase options: lab, network, site
Level: Beginning For: K-6
Special use: Bilingual (Sp, Fr, Ger)
Children's Classics features a multilingual format, in two modes: one where students listen to native speakers;
and one where students read the story and choose to record/replay their voices. Switch easily among English,
French, German, and Spanish. Also features built-in glossary plus writing activities. Exciting games with each
story, sequencing, concentration, and multiple choice. Stories include Jack and the Beanstalk, Pinocchio, and
Peter Pan. CD-ROM.

Clinton Debate
Machine: Mac
Skill: listening
Publisher: CALL Multimedia
See also
Jim Duber
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Advanced For: All but K-6
This lesson is based on excerpts from one of the Presidential debates with B. Clinton, G. Bush and R. Perot. Its
focus is on listening comprehension, though there are a fair amount of reading, writing and discussion
elements to boot. It is designed to play on any Macintosh computer running system 6 or higher, with
QuickTime (a freeware extension) installed and 4 Mb of free RAM. A 12 inch monitor set to display 256
colors would be nice, though not essential. This is a freeware lesson suitable for use in a language lab with a
teacher (though it can be modified for self-access study). Worksheets are provided in Word and Teach Text

Computer Camp

Machine: Mac
Skill: listening
Publisher: CALL Multimedia
See also
Jim Duber, CALL-IS Macintosh Library
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
This lesson is based on a TV news report about an actual computer camp for kids in Santa Clara, California. (I
have gotten permission from the Assistant News Director at the network to use the lesson in my own classes, at
presentations, and to distribute it to other teachers as freeware, e.g., over the Internet). It includes a QuickTime
control bar for the sound which is synchronized to a color slide-show of key images from the report and a
scrolling text field in which the learners type their answers. Handouts are provided in Word and Teach Text
format. They include comprehension questions, a cloze exercise, highlighted vocabulary, and a complete
transcript -- together with b/w images taken from the report. The lesson will run on any Mac running system 6
or 7 with 4 Mb (or more) of free RAM and with QuickTime installed. A color monitor (14 inches or bigger) or
a PowerBook display are also necessary.

Critical Mass
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading, listening
Publisher: H+a Software
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Level: Advanced For: All but K-9
Special use: Science
Designed for native speakers, this includes video clips, text, and graphics about 'America's Race to Build the
Atomic Bomb.' CD-ROM

Dynamic Business English

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: listening, speaking
Publisher: DynEd International
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All but K-6
Special use: Bilingual (Jap, Fr, Sp, Port), business
Formerly known as Interactive Business English. Presented in a similar format to Dynamic English for ESL,
this listening-based business English course on 6 CD-ROMs offers the listening, speaking, reading, and critical
thinking skills for the workplace/international business situation. The topics are Company History, Job
History, Manufacturing and Trade, Product Comparisons, Overseas Assignment, and Future Consequences.
This content-based program begins with a Presentation during which the student answers periodic listening
comprehension questions. These questions reinforce the vocabulary, language concepts, and structure, while
giving the students repeated opportunities to respond. The feedback includes an automated 'shuffler level'
which adjusts the level of difficulty of the questions according to the learner's response. The Question Practice
gives the student practice in question formation. Quantitative English, Dictations, the Verb Grid, and Grammar
Fill-In test the student's knowledge. The program includes voice recording capability for student practice. Mac
and Windows. Individual CDs (one topic each) can be purchased separately. Pricing options include per-
student-use cost. Contact the publisher for details.

Dynamic Classics
Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: listening, vocabulary
Publisher: DynEd International
See also
Alta ESL
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
Special use: Bilingual (Jap)
Dramatized retellings of Round the World in 80 days, A Christmas Carol, Alice in Wonderland, and Robin
Hood on interactive CD-ROM supported by dictations, fill-ins, character matrix, and on-line comprehension
aids. For listening, reading, and vocabulary development. Voice recording. Pricing options include per-student-
use cost. Contact the publisher for details.

English by the Numbers
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: listening, speaking
Publisher: DynEd International
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Intermediate For: Adult, HE
Special use: Business, bilingual (Jap, Fr, Sp, Port, It)
This CD-ROM-based course focuses on the language of numbers and basic mathematics. Useful for students
and people in business and technical fields who need to understand or make oral presentations in English, do
business over the telephone, participate in question-and-answer sessions involving the exchange of numerical
information, and improve listening comprehension. Each unit includes a brief oral presentation followed by
practice activities that test listening comprehension. The material is suitable for TOEIC levels 450-750. Pricing
options include per-student-use cost. Contact the publisher for details.

English Easy: Conversations

Machine: Win
Skill: pronunciation, grammar, listening
Publisher: Greenwood Multimedia Corp.
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: site, network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: 3-12, Adult
English Easy is a Canadian series of CDs designed to develop listening and reading skills from Basic to
Advanced levels. The Conversation program consists of interactive dialogues about common situations and
illustrate tone, pronunciation and grammatical structures. The conversations include colloquial phrases to
familiarize students with spoken Canadian English. Interactive dialogues depicting common North American
scenarios illustrate applications of pronunciations and grammar. Relevant vocabulary is introduced for each
subject matter so that students can associate them readily. Skill-testing questions are designed to give students
added practice in listening and reacting to normal speech. Good sound quality and graphics. (RJ)

English Easy: Vowels and Consonants

Machine: Win
Skill: pronunciation, listening
Publisher: Greenwood Multimedia Corp.
Approximate single-unit price: $80
Purchase options: $40 ea; site, network; see website
Level: Beginning For: 3-12, Adult
Special use: literacy
English Easy series are designed specifically for students learning to speak Canadian English. Vowels and
Consonants are sold separately for $50 each. Students can focus on the oral/aural aspect of the language, brush
up on their grammar knowledge or hone their conversational skill and, at the same time, learn more about
North American culture. The program emphasizes proper pronunciation of English vowels and consonants.
Each new component is followed by listening and spelling exercises to reinforce understanding. Example
words are explained using full-coloured graphics and animations to allow students to associate with them
without resorting to their native language. Abstract words have additional multilingual explanations in
Mandarin, Cantonese, and Japanese to speed understanding. Requires a CD-ROM drive. (RJ)

English for Business 1

Machine: Win
Skill: listening
Publisher: University of Wolverhampton
See also
Purchase options: 60
Level: Intermediate For: All but K-6
Special use: Business
An MBA student is making a visit to a local brewery in this Windows CD-ROM based program. He interviews
the director, hears the company history, and goes on a tour of the brewery and hears about sales, marketing,
policy, and the production process. The video and sound sequences are accompanied by various types of
exercises, including gap-filling, reordering, and multiple choice. Since this has very long video segments, at
least a 486 is recommended. 30MB hard drive space is also required.

English for Success

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: vocabulary, listening
Publisher: DynEd International
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: 6-12
Basic to intermediate-level comprehensive program for pre-teens and teens. It includes not only general
English (listening, speaking, vocabulary, reading, grammar), but also the social language needed for school
and school subjects such as math, geography, history, and science. A record and playback function is included.
Record-keeping includes a "study score" function.

Expeditions into English

Machine: Mac
Skill: listening, vocabulary, speaking
Publisher: Softec
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: site
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All but K-3
Expeditions is a CD-ROM based version of the Prentice Hall Regents series by the same name. It includes a
variety of notional/functional lessons in 12 units integrating text, sound, and color graphics to let students
practice listening comprehension, vocabulary development, and speaking. The recording option lets students
compare their voices with the original and participate in conversations in the lessons. Online help is available
from anywhere in the program. Requires System 7 or higher and 20MB of free space on the hard drive.

Expert Gallery
Machine: Win
Skill: listening, vocabulary
Publisher: Lingonet Oy
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Purchase options: 5-user, network
Level: Advanced For: Adult, HE
Special use: business
Financial English is a video-rich CD-ROM based on a consultation session with an experienced accountant
explaining how to go about setting up a company and managing its finances. The content is authentic both in
the sense that it is an expert answering questions without a script and because his answers are the same as he
usually gives to his clients. The authentic language is scaffolded with language support, including a glossary of
terms, listening to the summaries in clear standard English, and a range of exercises such as gap fill, ordering,
jigsaw, and collocation activities. The descriptions of business procedures and the weighing up of alternatives
form the basis of reporting tasks which encourage students to break out of the shell of passive learning. A
review is online at

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, grammar, listening
Publisher: Higgins, John and Muriel
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
This is a program to retrieve words containing specified letters, sounds, or belonging to specified grammar
categories. Runs under Windows 95. Requires additional download from Oxford Text Archive. Free for
download from

First English

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: listening, vocabulary
Publisher: DynEd International
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Beginning For: 6-12
Multimedia English course for true beginners ages 10-17. The focus is on listening, vocabulary, and grammar,
with speech recording and playback available. Course material includes school vocabulary and situations, as
well as work on letters and numbers. Lessons are sequenced and incorporate review. The management module
lets teachers assign placement and track student progress. Pricing options include per-student-use cost. Contact
the publisher for details.

Fit or Fat?
Machine: Mac
Skill: listening
Publisher: Geoff Taylor
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Beginning For: K-12
Special use: literacy
Originally designed as a way of teaching the phonetic alphabet. The student hears a word pronounced, then has
to click on the robot on the screen who has that word written on his chest. Set up as a series of minimal pairs.
Really challenges the students to distinguish between the various sounds they are having difficulty with. There
is a diagnostic exercise included that goes through a wide range of pairs and scores the results as excellent,
neutral, or needing practice. Unfortunately, the program does not seem to update these results properly as the
students practice each set of sounds. It is also not obvious how to get to the diagnostic test when the stack first
opens. Some sounds are clearer than others--even the better Sound Manager voices can only approximate real
speech. Shareware. Memory or space requirements: 450k disk space, 2MB RAM (or as much as 5 MB RAM if
high quality Voices used.) Headphones help the students focus on the sounds much better (and stop the teacher
from going nuts!) (SA) The program can be downloaded from ftp://ftp.informatik.rwth-

Functioning in Business
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: listening, speaking
Publisher: DynEd International
Approximate single-unit price: $900
Purchase options: network, lab and site licenses
Level: Beginning For: Adult, HE
Special use: Business, bilingual (Jap)
These four CD-ROMs use QuickTime Video and speech recognition technologies to create an engaging
learning environment. The course is designed for intermediate level students preparing to use English in a
business context. The primary focus is on practical language functions common in the business world such as
requesting, refusing, suggesting, confirming, etc. Vocabulary is developed in the context of meetings, phone
calls, a business lunch, negotiations, and a disagreement. Provides about 80-100 hours of intensive self-study
and practice. Networkable.

Getting the Message

Machine: audio CD
Skill: listening
Publisher: Eurocentres Zurich
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Level: Intermediate For: All but K-6
Audio CD-ROM program for learners of English as a Foreign Language. Practice in taking messages on the
telephone. This uses British English.

HyperACE Advanced
Machine: Mac
Skill: listening
Publisher: Athelstan
Approximate single-unit price: $90
Purchase options: site
Level: Advanced For: HE
14-disk set of listening comprehension exercises running under HyperCard. Provides extensive sentence-level
practice in listening to the types of speech that students are expected to comprehend in an academic setting.
Learners listen to a question recorded in high-quality, digitized native speech and choose an appropriate
graphic as the answer or type in the correct response. Textual reinforcement is presented only after the student
has responded. Suitable for classroom work or independent study. In a laboratory setting, headsets are
recommended. Questions require thought as well as language skill to answer correctly, making them more
interesting than the usual listening practice.

HyperACE Intermediate
Machine: Mac
Skill: listening
Publisher: Athelstan

Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: site
Level: Intermediate For: All but K-6
14-disk set of listening comprehension exercises with extensive sentence-level practice. Focuses on the type of
language students are expected to comprehend in an academic setting. Learners listen to a question (digitized
recording), then choose an appropriate graphic or type in the correct response. Students see the text only after
they have answered the question. Headsets are recommended in a lab setting.

I Speak English - Advanced Language Acquisition (TOEFL)

Machine: Win
Skill: listening, grammar, reading
Publisher: Intechnica International
Approximate single-unit price: $360
Purchase options: site, network
Level: Advanced For: All but K-6
Special use: TOEFL
A multimedia CD-ROM designed to prepare post-secondary students for TOEFL, BEST, and other
standardized language tests used in higher education and adult basic education. 40+ lesson program is divided
into four sections.

Imagination Express: Destinations

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: reading, listening, speaking
Publisher: Sunburst Technology
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: $60 each title; lab, network avail.
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
Excellent software for making interactive storybooks. For ESL purposes, it is even better if projected onto a
large screen for whole class oral language activities. Choose from a variety of scenes: school, home,
playground, mall, etc. Place people and objects into this setting. These 'smart stickers' can be positioned inside,
beside, behind, in front of, etc and change their size according to where they are placed on the screen.
Narration can be added. CD-ROMs in the series: Castle; Neighborhoods; Rain Forest; Ocean; Pyramids; and
Time Trip USA. For ESL, Neighborhoods and Oceans are probably most helpful. Sheltered English classes
might be able to use others depending on subject.

Interactive English
Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, listening, speaking
Publisher: 1-12 Interactive
Level: For:
See Language Solution, The: Interactive English. Sold by Wida as Interactive English.

Japan Quake
Machine: Mac
Skill: pronunciation, listening, reading, writing
Publisher: CALL Multimedia
See also
CALL-IS Mac Library
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Material is based on a news report that aired just two days after the huge earthquake in Japan of January, 1995.
This lesson focuses on practicing advanced level listening skills, and in addition to reading and some writing
components, it includes opportunities for pronunciation practice (if a microphone is available) and more. A
small shareware fee ($10 US) is requested to encourage the development of additional lessons. Japan Quake is

Just Grandma and Me

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: listening, reading
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
Learning Services

Approximate single-unit price: $40
Purchase options: lab, network, site, teacher's ed.
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
Special use: Bilingual (Sp, Jap)
This CD-ROM is a story about Little Critter's trip to the beach with his/her grandmother. It offers well-drawn,
animated graphics with text and sound. The story is endearing to adults and children, but may seem too
childish to teenagers. The learner can choose to listen to the story as it is displayed onscreen (with text
highlighted as it is read) or to control the pace and click on different items within each screen to see what they
do. The learner also has a choice of seeing and hearing the text in Spanish and Japanese (kanji). It may be
helpful to low-level learners who speak those languages to go through the story once in their own language,
then listen and read again in English. If students are interacting with the text in 'play' mode, they can be
assigned tasks by a teacher to profit linguistically from the mostly graphical respones to their mouse clicks.

Language Solution, The: Interactive English

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, listening, speaking
Publisher: 1-12 Interactive
See also
Learning Services
World of Reading
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Purchase options: 100; lab, site
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
CD-ROM version of a text by the same name. Point and click operation, with no writing required. Uses
graphics, animation, and voice recording and playback. Includes student tracking software. Approved by the
California Instructional Technology Clearinghouse.

Learn English with Asterix and Son

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: listening, reading
Publisher: EuroTalk
See also
World of Reading
Approximate single-unit price: $45
Level: Intermediate For: All
CD-ROM based programs that use sound, graphics, and text starring the comic book characters of Asterix the
Gaul and his son. Students can monitor their progress with an animated quiz. Voice recording. Several
different stories are available.

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: listening
Publisher: Heinemann ELT
See also
World of Reading
Approximate single-unit price: $55
Purchase options: lab, network
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
This two-level, four CD-ROM set accompanies a book and audio cassette. Materials are designed for
beginning and intermediate ESL students, and could be used for remedial work for upper level students. Could
be used from elementary through higher education. Ability to record student and play back model and student.
Choice of British or American English accent. Each level can be purchased separately for $40, or both for $55.

Longman English Works 1 & 2

Machine: Win
Skill: listening, speaking
Publisher: Addison Wesley Longman
See also

Purchase options: 45
Level: Beginning For: All but K-6
Special use: Bilingual (Sp., Fr., Ger., It.)
Based on Robert O'Neill's books of the same name, geared to false beginners. Each of the 2 CD-ROMs
presents 39 recorded dialogues and texts taken from the student book. Learners can choose to see translations
of part of the dialogue in French, German, Italian, or Spanish. Learners can listen and record their part of a
dialogue sentence by sentence or as a whole. Dialogues include survival skills such as giving personal
information, times and numbers, introducing oneself, checking into a hotel, and interview questions and

Lost Secret, The

Machine: Win
Skill: listening, speaking, reading
Publisher: DynEd International
Approximate single-unit price: $800
Purchase options: site, network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-8
Special use: Bilingual (Jap, Fr)
BBC English's mystery is presented on CD-ROM in MPEG full-motion video, supported by a variety of
practice exercises. The focus is on listening comprehension for basic level students. Students may interrupt at
any time to repeat a sentence, record their voices, hear a spoken translation, see written text, or consult a
glossary. Provides 80-100 hours of home or classroom study. A textbook, student workbook, and teacher's
guide are available. Networkable.

Martin Luther King Videodisc

Machine: Mac
Skill: discussion, listening, reading
Publisher: Glencoe McGraw-Hill
Approximate single-unit price: $400
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
This offers historical footage from ABC News as well as still photos and text about the life of Martin Luther
King and the Civil Rights Movement. Clips of young adults talking about the effect of the Movement on their
lives today are also included. The program consists of a double-sided videodisc controlled by a HyperCard
stack. There are extensive options for viewing, including with accompanying text, in Spanish or English, or in
clips to copy to a videotape. Because the options are numerous, students will probably need an introduction to
the program by a teacher. For best language learning results, the teacher should give students information
gathering or information transfer tasks to perform. The strength of the program is in the large quantity of
information provided in a hypertext format that allows movement among ideas.

McGee Series
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: listening
Publisher: Lawrence Productions
See also
Learning Lab Software
Approximate single-unit price: $55
Purchase options: school version, lab, site
Level: Beginning For: K-6
Special use: Elementary
Designed to encourage exploration and language development. Incorporates animation and digitized sound.
Includes McGee, Katie's Farm, and McGee at the Fun Fair; each is purchased separately.

Measuring Up
Machine: Win
Skill: reading, listening
Publisher: Protea Textware
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $90
Level: Beginning For: All but K-6

Practice with numbers in real-world contexts, including shopping, cooking, weighing packages, and sports.
CD-ROM. Australian English.

Playroom, The
Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: listening, reading
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
Learning Lab Software
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: lab, network, site, teacher's ed.
Level: Literacy, beginning For: Pre-K-6
Special use: Elementary, literacy
Early Learning software on CD-ROM. Activities teach reading and math readiness, basic keyboarding. Has
speech and is compatible with TouchWindow. This is not ESL stuff, but most of it can be easily demonstrated
by the teacher, and kids catch on real quick.

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, listening
Publisher: Q USA
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: K-6
Seven animated interactive language games, focusing on word identification through listening or reading. Can
be purchased with QRead and QPictionary as a set for $100.

Quick English: General 1, General 2, Business, Junior

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: listening
Publisher: LinguaTech
See also
Lingo Fun
Approximate single-unit price: $90
Purchase options: lab pack
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
A family of multimedia CD-ROMs for ESL/EFL students studying at the intermediate to advanced levels. The
Quick English Business and Quick English Junior titles are available for systems running WorldScript-
Japanese or Japanese Windows 3.1/Japanese Win95. Teachers need to add tasks that encourage students to
interact with each other, not just watch passively. Each title has 10 interactive lessons, 15 minutes of video and
over 30 minutes of audio, hundreds of test questions, a listening comprehension section, and a Hangman game.
QE General 1 is 'Social Skills, Planning & Scheduling'; QE General 2 is 'Traveling, Ordering & Shopping'; QE
Business 1 is 'Public Speaking & Business Activities'; and QE Business 2 is 'Negotiations & Transactions.'
Each CD-ROM package is $90, with a five-CD pack (single platform and title) for $245.00.

Rosetta Stone: English Level I, Level II

Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: listening
Publisher: Fairfield Language Technologies
Approximate single-unit price: $300
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
Comprehensive second language tutorial program with target language only. Each level sold separately.
Students see a picture and hear the word/ phrase/sentence with the text optionally turned on or off. After
displaying/playing a set of four prompts, the program drills comprehension by presenting the audio cue to
which the student selects the appropriate picture. The program includes a listening dictation feature. Students
can also record their own voices. Requires a CD-ROM drive. This program can be used as a stand alone
tutorial for very low level students although they may need some help learning to use the computer interface
initially. The program has been upgraded with speech recognition and ancillary material. A demo version is on
TESOL/CELIA CD-ROM. A lab pack (5 copies) is $1475 with each additional for $195. Site license pricing is
$3000 for a 20-station lab, one level; each additional station is $150, and a second level is $2000. A 30-station
lab is $4500 for one level and a second level for $3000.

Sound Sentences I and II
Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: listening
Publisher: Educational Activities Software
Approximate single-unit price: $450
Purchase options: I and II sold separately; lab, network
Level: Literacy, beginning, intermediate For: 6-12, Adult
Special use: Literacy
Students can see pictures, hear a sentence with digitized speech, repeat for playback, and reconstruct the
sentence. Exercises and activities are based on survival English settings useful for middle school through adult
learners. Sound Sentences I and Sound Sentences II are sold separately. CD-ROM. Can be purchased as part of
ESL/Basic Literacy package with Core Reading and ESL Renegades.

Story World 1&2

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reading, listening
Publisher: EuroTalk
See also
World of Reading
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Beginning For: K-5
Special use: Elementary
This ESL program uses 8 well-known children's stories to teach English skills (narrated by British speakers).
CD-ROM 1 has Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, Incy Wincy Spider, 3 Billy Goats Gruff and Humpty Dumpty.
CD-ROM 2 has Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and Jill, Jack and the Beanstalk and Hickory Dickory Dock. A
friendly dragon speaks 18 languages to guide the user in their native language. The user can even record their
own story. The program tracks the progress of each user - earn enough points and print out your own
certificate. Available in the US through World of Reading and other mail order vendors.

Telephoning in English
Machine: Win
Skill: listening, speaking
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
See also
Alta ESL
Purchase options: UK25
Level: Intermediate For: Adult, HE
Special use: Business
Listening and speaking practice in a business English context. Topics include Unit 1; Whos calling, please?;
Unit 2; Would you hold on, please?; Unit 3; Id like to know your prices; Unit 4; Were ready to order now;
Unit 5; Ill have to change the booking; Unit 6; Lets fix another date; Unit 7; What seems to be the trouble?;
Unit 8; Im sure we can sort it out. British English. CD-ROM.

Thumbnail Theater: Macbeth

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: Reading, listening
Publisher: H+a Software
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Timelines, maps of England, video clips, other supporting information as well as a 9-minute animated synopsis
of Macbeth. CD-ROM. Designed for native speakers.

Thumbnail Theater: Treasure Island

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: Reading, listening
Publisher: H+a Software
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Life of Robert Lewis Stevenson, analysis of the characters, stories of famous pirates, and other supporting
material. Includes an animated synopsis of Treasure Island. CD-ROM. Designed for native speakers.

Tortoise and the Hare
Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: reading, listening
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
World of Reading
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Purchase options: lab, network, site, teacher's ed.
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
Special use: bilingual, elementary
Colorful and interactive storybook. Students can hear the story read in both English and Spanish. Each page is
filled with surprises to entertain and motivate new readers. Requires a CD-ROM drive. If this program is used
on an IBM or compatible, it requires an MPC-compliant machine.

Treehouse, The
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: listening, vocabulary, reading
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
online/mail order
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: Pre-K-6
Special use: elementary
This is not ESL stuff, but most of it can be easily demonstrated by the teacher, and kids catch on real quick.
Includes seven educational games. Students explore the on-screen hideaway, learning about music, animals,
mathematics, sentence structure, money & place value. Requires CD-ROM drive.

VOA News Lesson

Machine: Mac
Skill: listening
Publisher: CALL Multimedia
See also
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Advanced For: Adult, HE
This lesson is based on an excerpt of a Voice of America news broadcast. Its focus is on listening
comprehension, though it includes reading, writing, vocabulary, and discussion elements as well. It is designed
to play on any Macintosh computer running system 6 or higher, with QuickTime (a freeware extension)
installed and 4 Mb of free RAM (though 2.5 Mb should be enough with this one). A 12 inch monitor set to
display 256 colors would be nice (though not essential). This is a freeware lesson suitable for use in a language
lab with a teacher (though it can be modified for self-access study). Worksheets are provided in Word and
Teach Text format.

Machine: Win
Skill: listening
Publisher: VOICEbook
Approximate single-unit price: $6
Purchase options: each story sold separately
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
Learners listen to what the person is saying, then write down what they understand. Several modes are
included: Dictionary mode- defines any word in the phrase; Spellcheck mode - corrects half-right words;
Letter-by-letter mode - get a hint, one letter at a time; Grammar mode - grammar notes; Comments -
sometimes cultural references, syntax or pronunciation explanations, or other comments. Each story is a
separate VOICEbook, purchased and downloaded separately.

Vox Pop
Machine: Win
Skill: listening, discussion
Publisher: Lingonet Oy
Approximate single-unit price: $65

Purchase options: network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
This multimedia CD-ROM is based on forty-eight authentic video interviews recorded on the streets of
Cambridge in England. The program is built around task-based activities in which learners use language to
achieve real outcomes like reporting people's opinions on widely-discussed issues. This is supplemented with a
closer look at some of the particular features of authentic everyday language.

Pronunciation software:

8 in 1 English Dictionary
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: pronunciation
Publisher: English Computerized Learning
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: discount if downloaded
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
By the authors of Pronunciation Power, this CD-ROM-based dictionary offers a lot of aural/oral work.
Learners can search by phonic sounds as well as by spelling; listen, record, and playback, and get a translation
in 12 languages: Arabic, Chinese (traditional and simplified), French, German, Japanese, Korean, Polish,
Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese. See a review in CALICO Journal at

Accent Coach
Machine: Win
Skill: pronunciation
Publisher: Syracuse Language Systems
See also
Alta Book Center
Approximate single-unit price: $80
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Accent improvement designed for Japanese speakers. Includes speech recognition, voice recording and
playback. Compares the learner's voice to that of a native speaker on a gauge.

Accent Lab (Edition 2.1)

Machine: Win
Skill: pronunciation
Publisher: Accent Technologies
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Purchase options: site license
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
Pronunciation practice program with voice recording and playback and graphical representations of pitch and
formants. Wide range of sample sounds and sentences included. Most students will need teacher help initially
to understand the pitch and formant displays, but the program is an excellent value for the price. New sound
files and example sentences are easy to add. Edition 2 requires a 16-bit sound card, VGA graphics or better,
and at least 20MB of hard drive space for sound files. Requires a 16-bit sound card, 1024x768 resolution
monitor and at least 18MB of hard drive space for sound files.

Accent Pro
Machine: Win
Skill: pronunciation
Publisher: University of Manitoba School of Music
Approximate single-unit price: $45
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
This CD-ROM-based program has a strong linguistics focus. It includes short lectures with animations,
explaining linguistic concepts related to pronunciation, and games that help students practice IPA, consonant
clusters, word stress, linking, and intonation.

American SpeechSounds
Machine: Win
Skill: pronunciation
Publisher: SpeechCom

Approximate single-unit price: $300
Purchase options: $70 for indiv client version; site lic.
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
The program offers video clips of lip and tongue position to help with pronunciation practice of sounds from
isolated phonemes to words, phrases, and sentences. Linking, stress, and intonation exercises are also included.
A directory based on the student's first language (out of 30 choices) helps students focus on sounds most likely
to be problematic for them. Students can listen or listen, record, and compare themselves to the model. The
Professional version of the program includes IPA and is authorable, so teachers can add their own material.
While the program is designed for self-access, students will probably need some guidance in assessing their
progress when working independently. (DH)

Better Accent Tutor

Machine: Win
Skill: pronunciation
Publisher: Better Accent
See also
Alta ESL
Approximate single-unit price: $125
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
BetterAccent Tutor analyzes intonation, stress and rhythm patterns of a user-recorded utterance and visualizes
these patterns in an easy- to-understand manner. By pinpointing the exact mistakes, BetterAccent Tutor allows
users to focus on the problems that are unique to their speech. Users can record and playback. The program
visualizes the syllabic structure of recorded utterances and highlights the syllables as they are played back,
which allows users to visually compare the user's and native speaker's intonation, intensity and rhythm
patterns. An extensive set of exercises and explanations of each exercise are included, as well as a large
collection of utterances by native speakers to provide users with guidance and a yardstick for correct

Cat Came Back, The

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading, pronunciation
Publisher: Sanctuary Woods/Magic Quest
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Level: Beginning For: K-6
Special use: Elementary, bilingual (Fr., Sp.)
Stories can be read in English, French, or Spanish. Students can record and play back their voices while
pronouncing any of the 1311 words in the story. They can also sing along to the story's song and create and
their own stories with graphics. A teacher's manual is included, with lesson plans, worksheets, and blackline
masters. Requires CD-ROM drive.

Clear Speech Works

Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: pronunciation
Publisher: Royale Software
Approximate single-unit price: $80
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Also sold as Speech Works from Trinity Software, this pronunciation CD-ROM offers a variety of exercises
for practice. Learners can select lessons by their native language or see all the lessons. Learners can listen,
record, and review words, phrases, and sentences. There is a technical vocabulary component, so learners in
different disciplines can practice field-specific vocabulary. The focus is more on sounds than on stress and
intonation, though those lessons are also included. There is no difference in the two products as far as I can
see. (DHealey)

Connected Speech
Machine: Win
Skill: Pronunciation
Publisher: Protea Textware
Approximate single-unit price: $90
Purchase options: site, network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-8
This program focuses on suprasegmentals, the most current approach to pronunciation teaching. It uses 27
video clips with 9 different speakers with a range of accents. A wide range of activities includes oral and visual

feedback and some speech recognition. Three levels: lower intermediate, intermediate, and advanced are
provided. This is helpful, since many pronunciation products use vocabulary that is far too difficult and
uncommon for any but advanced students. North American, Australian, and British versions sold separately.
See a full review at

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: pronunciation
Publisher: Cognitive Concepts
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: K-6
Special use: elementary
Pronunciation in game format. Two CD-ROM set.

ELLIS Master Pronunciation

Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: pronunciation
Publisher: ELLIS
Approximate single-unit price: $400
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Special use: Bilingual
Sold as part of ELLIS Academic. Learners can access vocabulary, cultural notes, grammar lessons, listening
exercises, and pronunciation activities. Learners can see sounds pronounced by male and female video models,
with animated sequences showing articulation points of the tongue, teeth and lips for each phoneme. Audio
explanations are available in 28 languages. Learners can also record and play back their voice to compare to
the native speaker model. Comes with Instructor Utilities, ELLIS' on-line student tracking system.

English Easy: Conversations

Machine: Win
Skill: pronunciation, grammar, listening
Publisher: Greenwood Multimedia Corp.
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: site, network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: 3-12, Adult
English Easy is a Canadian series of CDs designed to develop listening and reading skills from Basic to
Advanced levels. The Conversation program consists of interactive dialogues about common situations and
illustrate tone, pronunciation and grammatical structures. The conversations include colloquial phrases to
familiarize students with spoken Canadian English. Interactive dialogues depicting common North American
scenarios illustrate applications of pronunciations and grammar. Relevant vocabulary is introduced for each
subject matter so that students can associate them readily. Skill-testing questions are designed to give students
added practice in listening and reacting to normal speech. Good sound quality and graphics. (RJ)

English Easy: Vowels and Consonants

Machine: Win
Skill: pronunciation, listening
Publisher: Greenwood Multimedia Corp.
Approximate single-unit price: $80
Purchase options: $40 ea; site, network; see website
Level: Beginning For: 3-12, Adult
Special use: literacy
English Easy series are designed specifically for students learning to speak Canadian English. Vowels and
Consonants are sold separately for $50 each. Students can focus on the oral/aural aspect of the language, brush
up on their grammar knowledge or hone their conversational skill and, at the same time, learn more about
North American culture. The program emphasizes proper pronunciation of English vowels and consonants.
Each new component is followed by listening and spelling exercises to reinforce understanding. Example
words are explained using full-coloured graphics and animations to allow students to associate with them
without resorting to their native language. Abstract words have additional multilingual explanations in
Mandarin, Cantonese, and Japanese to speed understanding. Requires a CD-ROM drive. (RJ)

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, pronunciation

Publisher: ESL Pro Systems
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Purchase options: multi-user, site
Level: Literacy, beginning, intermediate For: All
Special use: literacy
This CD-ROM-based program uses graphics, sound, animation, and text to improve pronunciation skills.
Learners can record and compare their speech. Customized versions are available for speakers of French,
Spanish, Korean, Japanese, German, Chinese, Hindi, Portuguese, and Russian.

Machine: Win
Skill: pronunciation
Publisher: Visual Pronunciation Software
Approximate single-unit price: $500
Purchase options: $245 ea additional seat
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
EyeSpeak is designed to work on segmentals - specific vowel and consonant sounds, based on the students
choice of British or American pronunciation. It does not currently address suprasegmentals such as intonation
and linking It offers students a list of areas to work on based on their native language. Students compare their
pronunciation to the native speaker recordings in the program. A graphic is generated that shows the difference
between the student's and the EyeSpeak teacher's pronunciation. School license is negotiable.

Machine: Win
Skill: pronunciation
Publisher: Communication Disorders Technology
Approximate single-unit price: $75
Purchase options: $60 for language-specific versions
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
Pronunciation program based on contrastive analysis. Offers an all-languages version as well as specialized
versions for Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish. "Vowels in Space" uses the device of an animated
vowel space diagram with digital recordings of many example words to help the student sharpen English
vowel pronunciation and perception. Selected contrasts are practiced in a number of interactive game settings,
including puzzles, treasure hunts, image completion, space battles and simulated bowling. The program
customizes instruction, adapting the instructional sequence to the user's skill level. Students can override the
selection process and choose the contrasts they wish to work on themselves. A detailed log and a progress
chart record work over time. The program can be used in self-study or instructor-led mode.

Japan Quake
Machine: Mac
Skill: pronunciation, listening, reading, writing
Publisher: CALL Multimedia
See also
CALL-IS Mac Library
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Material is based on a news report that aired just two days after the huge earthquake in Japan of January, 1995.
This lesson focuses on practicing advanced level listening skills, and in addition to reading and some writing
components, it includes opportunities for pronunciation practice (if a microphone is available) and more. A
small shareware fee ($10 US) is requested to encourage the development of additional lessons. Japan Quake is

Let's Talk English

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, pronunciation
Publisher: Syracuse Language Systems
See also
Lingo Fun
Alta ESL
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: site and network
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All

Vocabulary and pronunciation skill building with over 2200 words, speech recognition, learning games and
activities. Requires a CD-ROM drive.

Mega Munchers
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: vocabulary, reading, pronunciation
Publisher: Learning Company, The
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Purchase options: lab pack, site license
Level: Advanced For: All but K-6
Three CD-ROM set, with Math Munchers, Word Munchers, and Knowledge Munchers (formerly Trivia
Munchers Deluxe). Arcade-style games. Word Munchers drills the variant spelling of vowel sounds. Students
are presented with a model (/i/ as in fish), they then move around a grid selecting all of the other words that
have the same vowel sound while trying to avoid little monstors that randomly move through the grid. The
program can be set so that students will only work on a limited set of vowel sounds. There is no instructional
phase to the program, so teachers will want to either preteach the common patterns and exceptions or
encourage their students to be persistent discovery learners. Knowledge Munchers is a trivia-style game in
arcade form. Math Munchers works on math skills. MECC titles are now sold by Learning Company School.

No More Accent
Machine: Win
Skill: pronunciation
Publisher: No More Accent
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
CD-ROM based multimedia pronunciation program. 22 lessons, covering vowels, consonants, intonation.
Lessons include workplace vocabulary and common mistakes and misconceptions.

Machine: Win
Skill: pronunciation
Publisher: Antimoon
Approximate single-unit price: $48
Purchase options: $35 if downloaded from website
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
500 word-based pronunciation exercises designed for self-study/supplement to classroom work. The learner
self-assesses for each word practiced. The program uses SuperMemo technology to stage reviewing, so that
each lesson includes some previously-viewed words along with new words. The program chooses words to
review based on the learner's self-assessment, so that words assessed at a lower level are reviewed more

Pronunciation Power
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: Pronunciation
Publisher: English Computerized Learning
See also
Alta ESL
Approximate single-unit price: $195
Purchase options: also separately $145/85; site, network
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
Pronunciation CD-ROM with a variety of exercises for practice. Learners can listen, record, and review the
different sounds. Video and animation are included for each sound, as well as waveforms. See a review in
CALICO Journal at

Pronunciation Screening Test

Machine: Mac
Skill: pronunciation
Publisher: Trinity Software
Approximate single-unit price: $175
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All

ReadSay PROnounce English System

Machine: Win-PocketCE
Skill: pronunciation
Publisher: ReadSay Literacy
Approximate single-unit price: $400
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
This is a system that runs on a handheld computer (Pocket CE). The handheld computer comes with the
package - the software isn't sold separately. This lets learners say phrases into the handheld, then get a
pronunciation diagnosis. It uses a 127.000-word dictionary and is American English only.

Sona-Speech II
Machine: Win
Skill: pronunciation
Publisher: Kay Elemetrics
Approximate single-unit price: $1900
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
Software component of Visi-Pitch IV that uses standard sound cards rather than dedicated hardware. It
includes eight modules dealing with pitch, frequency, intensity, and articulation, and offers spectral
measurements, motor speech profiles, phonation, a waveform editor, and audio feedback tools. Graphically
interesting games are also provided to make therapy tasks appealing to children. Models of speech must be
input by the teacher/clinician.

Sounds English
Machine: Mac
Skill: pronunciation
Publisher: Geoff Taylor
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
Programme of interactive study exercises and memory games/tests for the 44 sounds (phonemes) of English
and the IPA (International Phonemic Alphabet) system, featuring high quality (black and white) graphics, and
recorded and synthetic speech. The program can be downloaded from

Speech Works
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: pronunciation
Publisher: Trinity Software
Approximate single-unit price: $80
Purchase options: Professional/clinician version for $300
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
Also sold as Clear Speech Works by Royale Software, this pronunciation CD-ROM offers a variety of
exercises for practice. Learners can select lessons by their native language or see all the lessons. Learners can
listen, record, and review words, phrases, and sentences. There is a technical vocabulary component, so
learners in different disciplines can practice field-specific vocabulary. The focus is more on sounds than on
stress and intonation, though those lessons are also included. The Professional version offers the ability to add
individual assessments (done by the clinician on the spot) and create individualized study plans.

SpeechViewer III
Machine: Win
Skill: pronunciation
Publisher: Edmark Corporation/Riverdeep
Approximate single-unit price: $1000
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
Interactive displays of speech for speech dimensions such as pitch or for speech patterns in extended speech.
Students can begin with simple sound awareness and advance through exercises that fine tune the control of
multiple aspects of voice (pitch, loudness, voicing). From there, students go on to prepare for complex speech.
From IBM; available through Edmark.

Streaming Speech
Machine: Win
Skill: pronunciation
Publisher: SpeechinAction
Approximate single-unit price: $40

Purchase options: lab packs
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-8
Recordings of spontaneous speech, practice exercises, and record-and-compare options in 10 units. The first 8
units primarily focus on sounds and suprasegmentals. Some pitch contours are used. A supplemental website is
available at British English.

TEAM (Technology Enhanced Accent Modification)

Machine: Win
Skill: pronunciation
Publisher: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
A comprehensive program for improving pronunciation, with a focus on the needs of international teaching
assistants (ITAs). The basic premise is that the student will be using this CD-ROM with a tutor, not in self-
access mode. The program has extensive help files for tutors, explaining how to use each element and each
topic area. Topics include specific consonant and vowel sounds (with formant diagrams for the vowels),
reduced elements, intonation, and stress. Particularly useful for some language groups is practice on missing
sounds--consonants learners drop at the ends of words, making communication especially difficult. Record-
keeping is part of the program.

TOEIC Pronunciation in American English

Machine: Win
Skill: pronunciation, test prep
Approximate single-unit price: $75
Purchase options: 10 packs, site licenses
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: Adult, HE
Special use: business
This interactive multimedia program is designed for non-native speakers of English at the intermediate level
and above. It provides a focus on how to identify and use the most important elements of pronunciation -
stress, intonation and rhythm. It has more than 68 interactive lessons and practices with video, audio, record
and playback, written activities, and a printable workbook. Some management capability.

Video Voice
Machine: Mac
Skill: pronunciation
Publisher: MicroVideo
Approximate single-unit price: $2500
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All
A system for pronunciation improvement with an impressive array of exercise types and options. This offers
clear, easy-to-comprehend graphics of waveforms and formants; most are a single line, rather than the mass of
squiggles typical of computer-generated waveforms. Formant practice can be static or live, as can displays of
pitch, amplitude, and rhythm. Learners can repeat and try to match the teacher/speech clinician-generated
target with a number of visual as well as aural cues. Both children and adults will appreciate the game format
options for practice. Record-keeping is built-in and includes detailed reports. One drawback is that target
sounds do not come with the program and need to be entered by the teacher. This is a potentially highly time-
consuming operation. Still, the wide variety of exercise types and reinforcement activities may make it worth
the effort for institutions with a large number of students who could use this program. Comes with special
digitizing hardware that plugs into the computer and a microphone. Price includes free upgrades.

Machine: Mac
Skill: pronunciation
Publisher: PerLingua Software
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Students watch actors in basic situations and then try to mimic the actors' voices. Students can then watch their
work. There is a video speed control to slow the video (only the students' parts!) so that even students who are
slow speakers can participate. Two games are built in for further practice. The program is free and comes with
one video. Additional videos are for sale on the website.

Visi-Pitch IV

Machine: Win
Skill: pronunciation
Publisher: Kay Elemetrics
Approximate single-unit price: $3250
Purchase options: call for pricing
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
Hardware + software system for detailed speech analysis. In addition to the pitch, frequency, and intensity
information of earlier models, this includes modules for spectral measurements, a motor speech profile,
phonation (including the Sona-Match module, also sold separately), a waveform editor, and audio feedback
tools. Voice games related to pitch, frequency, and intensity are motivating for younger learners. Models of
speech need to be input by the teacher/clinician. Additional specialized modules are also available.This system
is designed for serious speech therapy and priced to match.

Visual Voice Tools

Machine: Win
Skill: pronunciation
Publisher: Edmark Corporation/Riverdeep
Approximate single-unit price: $200
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
A collection of seven tools that help students develop control of their pitch, loudness, voicing, and breath.
Activities begin with simple sound awareness and progress from there. Students use a microphone for input;
each tool provides visual feedback in the form of an animated graphic. Originally by IBM as part of the
SpeechViewer program.

Word Gallery
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: pronunciation
Publisher: Knowledge Adventure
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Purchase options: network
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All but K-6
Graphic guide to English pronunciation and spelling of one-syllable words. Free demo available.

Reading software:

Academy of Reading
Machine: Win
Skill: reading
Publisher: Autoskill International
Purchase options: network - see publisher for details
Level: Literacy, beginning For: preK-12
Special use: Elementary ed, literacy
A phonics-based literacy product, this program uses graphics, sound, and animation to steer teacher and
student through pre-testing, prescribed exercises, then post testing. Strong management component. Has
screens for reading difficulties in oral, aural, motor, speed, response, and other areas. Special needs
accommodated. No reading ability needed to begin but requires ESL teaching to accompany product. Version
5 designed for central deployment, with a web-based user interface.

Machine: Win
Skill: reading
Publisher: Merit Audio Visual
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: lab, network, site
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but HE
Short texts and multiple-choice exercises focus on a specific reading skill. Record-keeping facility; authorable.
Upgraded for Windows 95/98/2000. Networkable.

Ace Detective

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reading
Publisher: Mindplay
See also
online/mail order
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: network, lab pack, site license
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: 3-Adult
Special use: bilingual
Students practice critical reading skills organizing information gained from texts and drawing conclusions.
Also available in French and Spanish. On disks or on Mac/Windows CD-ROM. Now part of One-Pick Pack
(English only) or Language Pack (Spanish or French), which includes Ace Detective, Ace Explorer, Ace
Inquirer, Ace Reporter, Easy Street, Race the Clock Language Arts, Word Hound, and some math titles.

Ace Reporter
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reading
Publisher: Mindplay
See also
Learning Services
World of Reading
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: network, lab pack, site license
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-2
Special use: Bilingual, elementary
Students read 'teletype' messages and conduct 'phone interviews' to find answers to Who, What, When, Where
and Why questions. Once their stories are complete they select the best headline for the story. CD-ROM. Now
part of One-Pick Pack (English only) or Language Pack (Spanish or French), which includes Ace Detective,
Ace Explorer, Ace Inquirer, Ace Reporter, Easy Street, Race the Clock Language Arts, Word Hound, and
some math titles.

Achive: Writing and Language Arts

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: writing, reading, vocabulary
Publisher: Learning Company, The
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: 2-6
Special use: Elementary
Designed to meet a third through sixth grade language arts curriculum- grammar and spelling, parts of speech
and sentence structure, lsynonyms and antonyms, build vocabulary. This incorporates Word Munchers,
Schoolhouse Rock/Grammar Rock, Writing Trek. Designed for native speakers, but useful for ELLs.

Machine: Mac
Skill: reading
Publisher: Computers for Education
See also
CALL-IS Mac Library
Approximate single-unit price: $5
Purchase options: shareware; site license
Level: Beginning For: All but K-6
In this shareware program from Elizabeth Hanson-Smith, students are given eight sets of related words to
alphabetize by moving the words onto a list. Students can look at the correct answer and print out each list
upon completion. The color version is distributed by Computers for Education, and a black and white version
is available on the TESOL/CELIA CD-ROM.

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading

Publisher: Voyager Company
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $15
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: K-6
Special use: Elementary
CD-ROM-based graphical adventure stories about Inigo the Cat and Your Faithful Camel with color
animation, sound effects, and music but no text. Students select objects using the pointer, thereby determining
the course of the story. To have any value in the language classroom, students must have a task set by the
teacher that requires language, such as talking with a partner about what to do next, writing about what the
animals did, or creating a similar story of their own.

Amazon Trail II
Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: Reading, discussion
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
online/mail order
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: lab pack, site license
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-4
Amazon Trail is a simulation of a trip up the Amazon River (and through time). The goal is to search for a
medicinal plant that can save the ancient Incas from malaria. As students travel up the Amazon River they
explore the rain forest, visit historical people and landmarks, trade with the people of the region, navigate and
fish for food. The program comes with teacher's manuals and student worksheets that facilitate cooperative
learning-based lessons and communicative language development. CD-ROM version. The earlier version is on
disk and is slightly less expensive. MECC titles are now sold by Learning Company School.

Amnesty Interactive
Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: reading, discussion
Publisher: Amnesty International
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Purchase options: 15 in EU
Level: Advanced For: All but K-3
This interactive CD-ROM from Amnesty International presents information about the struggle for human
rights throughout history. Information is organized by geographical location, time in history, and famous
people. Both human rights abuses and human rights successes are shown. The material is sometimes presented
relatively rapidly, requiring learners to listen or read a second time.

Animals, The
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: reference, reading
Publisher: Mindscape
Approximate single-unit price: $70
Level: Literacy, beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
This is a CD-ROM multimedia tour of San Diego Zoo. It includes 80 video clips (small-2x 3 inches on screen),
pictures and information about 200 animals, information about the areas they live in, and a section on
endangered animals. We plan to use it as an information source for intermediate academic students. It seems to
have been created for primary to secondary school students, but has been popular with adult EFL students. The
menu page is a picture of the zoo from above, and you just click on the area you're interested in or choose an
animal from a list. (Moore) Version 2 includes the A to Z Gallery, with an animal for each letter of the

Art Lesson, The

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: listening, reading, writing
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
online/mail order

Approximate single-unit price: $55
Purchase options: lab packs from $190-2100
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: K-4
Special use: bilingual, elementary
Students explore and experience a story based on the original work of author Tomie dePaola. They can read
the story, hear it read to them by the author, and explore the text and living illustrations. Integrated art
activities let students create with the author. Also includes video clips as they explore Tomie dePaola's studio,
hear him tell about his childhood experiences, and learn about his life as an author and illustrator. Requires
CD-ROM drive. MECC titles are now sold by Learning Company.

Arthur's Teacher Trouble

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: listening, reading
Publisher: Learning Company, The
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Purchase options: lab, network, site, teacher's ed.
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: K-6
Special use: Bilingual, elementary
An interactive, animated story about an elementary schooler (Arthur the Aardvark) surprising even himself
with what he accomplishes. The program has excellent graphics, sound effects, dialogues, and lots of surprises
to maintain student interest. Text can be heard in English and Spanish. Requires CD-ROM drive. Best used in
K-6 and family literacy settings.

Bailey's Book House

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reading, vocab
Publisher: Riverdeep
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Purchase options: teacher pack
Level: For: K-6
Special use: elementary
Elementary; explore words, rhyming, letters, and stories.

Barron's Book Study Notes

Machine: Win
Skill: Reading
Publisher: H+a Software
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Level: Advanced For: All but K-9
Covers reading skills such as plot summary, character analysis, style and point of view.

Basic Skills for the Real World

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading, writing, listening
Publisher: Wasatch Education Systems
Approximate single-unit price: $300
Purchase options: network
Level: Literacy, beginning For: Adult
Special use: literacy
Designed for adults who need reading and writing skills; uses extensive audio. Eight units, sold separately.
Each unit includes a management component. The units are Duc and Linh (lifeskills math and numeracy,
inferences, map reading); New Challenges (signs, maps, compare products, make appointments, make
inferences); Grace Under Pressure (career search, basic home repairs, interpret charts and graphs, auto
purchasing and insurance); Amazing Grace (test-taking strategies, time management, price comparison,
budgeting, writing ads and letters); Joe Moves Up (job attitudes, phone skills, using a catalog, customer
service, cooking); KC Makes Choices (emergency first aid, durgs and alcohol, gangs, getting a job, dealing
with learning disabilities, reading comprehension); Linda's New Start (job handbook, customer service,
comparison shopping, using a timecard); and Day by Day (computing mileage, reading a map, comparison
shopping, making a budget, time management, fact vs. opinion).

Better US Map 2.3b

Machine: Mac
Skill: listening, reading
Publisher: Spivey, Terry
Approximate single-unit price: $4
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: K-12
Special use: geography
Students can click on any state to hear its name pronounced in a real, not Macintalk, voice!) and see the name
on the screen. Once they are ready, they have a choice of three quizzes. One tests them on the names of the
regions - which are not taught in this program! In another they hear and see the question 'Find [state name]' If
they click on the correct state they can click on a pair of dice to move on to the next question. In the other quiz,
they see the state and its capital together with the names of the neighboring states, and they are asked to click
on the appropriate information. Shareware. Requirements: HyperCard or HyperCard Player. Headphones
useful, to stop the teacher from going crazy ;-) (Addis) One version can be downloaded from

Bilingual Graph Club

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: reading
Publisher: Tom Snyder Productions
Approximate single-unit price: $130
Purchase options: lab, network, site
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: K-6
Special use: bilingual, elementary
Students can use this to construct, organize, and describe data with a variety of graphs. It includes a library of
over 150 icons, and will count numbers aloud as the graph is created. Information can be represented in
Spanish or English. On CD-ROM.

Bilingual Reading Comprehension

Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: reading
Publisher: Knowledge Adventure
Approximate single-unit price: $230
Purchase options: lab, network, site
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: K-6
Special use: Bilingual, elementary
Now part of Classworks, a comprehensive classroom management tool. This component is a reading
comprehension program in Spanish and English that features immediate on-screen translation of stories into
either language. It features 36 stories with colorful graphics. Includes audio capability for students to hear key
words translated into either language.

Building Reading Skills

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading
Publisher: Queue Inc.
Approximate single-unit price: $200
Purchase options: $200 per set; lab, network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Four separate 11-disk sets cover predicting and restating sequence; identifying main ideas, moods, and
irrelevant information; using examples; types of persuasion; inferring main ideas, purpose, and word
meanings; and judging logical validity. Tutorials and short readings with multiple choice and fill-in questions.
Created for junior high level native speakers. $200 per set; $400 for lab packs per set; $1000 network license
per set. $750 for the complete series.

Business Territory 1 and 2

Machine: Win
Skill: listening, reading
Publisher: Lingonet Oy
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Purchase options: 5-user
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: Adult, HE
Special use: business

Students visit a variety of working environments in the UK and the USA in these CD-ROM-based programs.
Authentic, non-scripted video interviews are accompanied by transcripts, paraphrases, a glossary, and audio
comments giving both linguistic and business information. Teachers have a wide range of printable worksheets
requiring students to collaborate in researching particular aspects of the companies and presenting their
findings. 5-user licenses available.

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, reading
Publisher: Wida Software
Purchase options: Contact publisher
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: HE
Uses Wida's Gapmaster program to offer a range of practice materials for English for Academic Purposes
students. 21 exercises work on finding the missing words, word building, finding and correcting mistakes in a
text, answering questions about a written text, and analyzing data in a table. A student workbook, teacher's
manual, and learner's manual are included.

Cat Came Back, The

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading, pronunciation
Publisher: Sanctuary Woods/Magic Quest
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Level: Beginning For: K-6
Special use: Elementary, bilingual (Fr., Sp.)
Stories can be read in English, French, or Spanish. Students can record and play back their voices while
pronouncing any of the 1311 words in the story. They can also sing along to the story's song and create and
their own stories with graphics. A teacher's manual is included, with lesson plans, worksheets, and blackline
masters. Requires CD-ROM drive.


Machine: Win
Skill: reading, writing, speaking
Publisher: Protea Textware
Approximate single-unit price: $45
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-8
Teaches and tests a wide range of skills covering all Learning Outcomes at Levels 2, 3 and 4 of the Reading
and Writing, Oral Communication and Numeracy and Mathematics Streams of the Australian CGEA test.
Australian English.

Charlotte's Web
Machine: Mac
Skill: reading
Publisher: Computers for Education
See also
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: Grade 4-12
This HyperCard stack by Elizabeth Hanson-Smith, Cinny Cowgill, and Trang Nguyen offers students a quiz on
the characters in Charlotte's Web. A reference button allows students to look up names of the characters.

Children's Classics
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reading, listening
Publisher: Q USA
Approximate single-unit price: $20
Purchase options: lab, network, site
Level: Beginning For: K-6
Special use: Bilingual (Sp, Fr, Ger)
Children's Classics features a multilingual format, in two modes: one where students listen to native speakers;
and one where students read the story and choose to record/replay their voices. Switch easily among English,
French, German, and Spanish. Also features built-in glossary plus writing activities. Exciting games with each

story, sequencing, concentration, and multiple choice. Stories include Jack and the Beanstalk, Pinocchio, and
Peter Pan. CD-ROM.

Civilization II
Machine: Win
Skill: reading, discussion
Publisher: MicroProse
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Level: Advanced For: All but K-6
The strength of this program is in the way students must link their own game-playing strategies with the way
that inventions and technology might have been discovered and developed: you can't have literature without
writing, and you can't have writing without the alphabet; and this applies all the way up to building a space-
station. Students obtain knowledge through reading about the developments on screen (the file that creates
them can be edited easily if required). One thing that I and a colleague (who used the game in a larger context)
agree on is that the most important factor is the recording of information by the students as they play. He also
gets them to write a summary of the day's play. I asked mine to copy the screens as they appeared. Effective
for group work or individual play. Before teachers use the program they should run it several times themselves
but should be careful as it is addictive. I would also recommend a companion book (unavailable here): Wilson,
Johnny L. and Alan Emrich. Sid Meier's Civilization: or Rome on 640k a day. Prima Publishing: California,

Click into English

Machine: Win
Skill: reading
Publisher: Clarity Language Consultants
See also
Alta ESL
World of Reading
Comenius Group, NAS
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Click into English, designed by the Adult Multicultural Education Service in Australia, is designed for
intermediate and advanced students who have to tackle different text types in their work or study. The
selection and sequencing of the content in the CD follows a genre-based methodology: the presentation of a
model text, with certain features highlighted, is followed by practice activities and an assessment. CD-ROM.

Cloze Encounters in English (ESL)

Machine: DOS, Mac
Skill: reading, spelling, writing
Publisher: Lingo Fun
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: network
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All but K-6
A cloze generating program in which students fill in vowels, consonants, or words in a reading passage. A
number of short texts are provided and teachers may add passages into the program for students to do.

Complete Shakespeare Collection, The

Machine: Win
Skill: Reading
Publisher: H+a Software
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Level: Advanced For: 9-12, HE
Complete works of Shakespeare plus the American Heritage Dictionary, study notes, sample tests, and essay
questions. On CD-ROM.

Core Reading and Vocabulary Development

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: reading, vocabulary
Publisher: Educational Activities Software
Approximate single-unit price: $675
Purchase options: lab, network
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: 3-6, Adult
Special use: Elementary

This program is a comprehensive approach to reading and language development. In the first phase, students
see, hear, say, and record each word. The second phase is a reading of the lesson text, 2-3 sentences per screen.
The same text is then presented in a timed reading exercise, one phrase at a time. Next the student completes
reading comprehension exercises. Students can refer back to the text to find the answer, and on an incorrect
response the computer highlights the sentence where the answer should have been found. For vocabulary
practice, students complete words from sentences in the text and choose the correct spelling. Directions are
spoken in English and Spanish. This is sold separately or as part of the ESL/Basic Literacy bundle.

Critical Mass
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading, listening
Publisher: H+a Software
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Level: Advanced For: All but K-9
Special use: Science
Designed for native speakers, this includes video clips, text, and graphics about 'America's Race to Build the
Atomic Bomb.' CD-ROM

Curriculum Associates demo

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: Reading, writing
Publisher: Curriculum Associates
Level: Teacher For: T
1996 catalog plus demos of Insight (job choices) and Postcards. Requires Acrobat Reader. CD-ROM.

Machine: Win
Skill: reading
Publisher: Harcourt Achieve
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: 9-12, Adult
The full series includes software, teachers manual, books for independent reading, onsite training and
installation, CD- and Web-delivered professional development and technical support. Reading is taught
through exercises working on vocabulary, phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency and comprehension.

Dave Taylor's Wildlife Reference Library

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reading
Publisher: Ingenuity Works
Approximate single-unit price: $70
Purchase options: $70 site license
Level: Intermediate For: K-6
Content-based reading and grammar practice designed for children. Over 20 digital books for grades 1-6 with
over 300 pictures of the animals and plants on the various ecosystems on Earth that students can copy for use
in projects. Books for grades 1-3 have a 'read aloud' feature. A demo is online at CD-ROM.

Decimal & Fraction Maze

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading
Publisher: Great Wave Software
See also
Learning Services
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: network, site
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
Special use: Bilingual
Includes eight math curricula,with up to 70 levels each, and covers 18 math skills. Spanish/English version
allows each student to see and hear problems in Spanish or English, or to switch between languages at any

Decisions, Decisions Series

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading, discussion
Publisher: Tom Snyder Productions
Approximate single-unit price: $150
Purchase options: $29 per title; lab, site, network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Students work in groups to use the software and text materials to make decisions. Students check the printed
materials for additional background information. As a group they prioritize their goals, receive multiple
perspectives on the issues from their 'advisors' in the computer, discuss their options and input their course of
action to the computer. The computer presents the consequences and the 'advisors' reappear to offer the
students help in dealing with them prior to another round of decisions, actions and consequences. These
programs work well in a one-computer classroom. The following are ones most likely to be of interest to
ESL/EFL students. Immigration: Students are community decision makers. The computer presents a number of
dilemmas related to immigration policy in the U.S. Prejudice: Students take the role of a mayor up for re-
election in a town with a racism problem. Their 'advisors' in the computer are an historian, a campaign
manager, a lawyer and an activist. The Environment: Students are community decision makers. The computer
presents a number a dilemmas related to environmental damage in a small town. Urbanization: Students are
community decision makers. The computer presents a number of dilemma related to the costs and benefits of
urbanization for a small town. Violence in the Media: Students take the role of an advertising executive for a
company sponsoring a controversial television program about life in a gang-infested urban neighborhood.

Destination Mars!
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: reading, discussion
Publisher: Compu-Teach
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: lab pack, network and site license
Level: Advanced For: Grade 7-12
Special use: science
A space adventure activity; on disk or CD-ROM.

Developing Critical Thinking Skills for Effective Reading

Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: reading
Publisher: Merit Audio Visual
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Purchase options: lab, network, site; both sets for $180
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: 7-12,Adult,HE
Helps students sharpen their critical thinking skills and develop their ability to make inferences. Disks contain
short factual readings on four levels. Students read selections and answer multiple choice questions based on
key words and inferences. Upgraded for Windows 95/98/2000. Networkable.

Diascriptive Cloze and Writing Practice Activities

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: reading, writing
Publisher: Educational Activities Software
Approximate single-unit price: $250
Purchase options: lab, network
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
A four-set series available on CD-ROM or disks. Each graded set has 30 cloze passages grouped in three
readability levels. The nonfiction passages use a multiple-choice exercise format. The cloze stories are content-
based with literature, science, and social studies themes. The writing practice segment offers activities to
improve persuasive, narrative, process, descriptive, and report writing. Sets can be purchased separately for
$70 or as a whole for $250. Lab pack of five is $500, of 10 is $750, and a network version is $1000.

Diascriptive Reading I, II, III, IV

Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: reading
Publisher: Educational Activities Software
Approximate single-unit price: $1400
Purchase options: $400/unit; lab pack, networking
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: 4-12, Adult

An interactive reading tutorial designed for native speakers of English, both children and adults. The program
is diagnostic, prescriptive and developmental. The instruction focuses on reading for details, inference, the
main idea, vocabulary (synonoyms, multiple meanings, discovering meaning in context), identifying the
sequential signals in a text, and distinguishing between fact and opinion. The program includes a glossary with
definitions and computer pronunciation of the target words. Useful for ESL false beginners and above.

Diascriptive Reading in Science

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: Reading
Publisher: Educational Activities Software
Approximate single-unit price: $335
Purchase options: lab, network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-3
The program works like Diascriptive Reading, but with a focus on the content area of science. Five diagnostic
tests and 25 reading programs are included. CD-ROM.

Machine: Win
Skill: reading
Publisher: Harcourt Achieve
Approximate single-unit price: $500
Purchase options: for full system
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: K-3
Special use: Elementary
This complete classroom package helps teachers administer and analyze reading K-3 records. The full package
includes a Palm personal digital assistant; PDA-based software; 57 leveled benchmark books (levels 2-20); a
fiction and nonfiction title for each level; an additional book per level for placement and ongoing assessment;
all benchmark books' text, diagnostic, and assessment software loaded on the Palm; Teacher's Guide, Phonics
Blackline Master; and Quick Start CD. The system lets the teacher record reading errors on the Palm, and the
software calculates error rate and tracks student progress.

Easy Street
Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: reading
Publisher: Mindplay
See also
Learning Services
Approximate single-unit price: $55
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Literacy, beginning For: K-3
Special use: Bilingual, elementary, literacy
Builds reading and math readiness skills. Teaches counting, classification and labeling in English and Spanish.
Can be customized for special needs. Now part of One-Pick Pack (English only) or Language Pack (Spanish or
French), which includes Ace Detective, Ace Explorer, Ace Inquirer, Ace Reporter, Easy Street, Race the Clock
Language Arts, Word Hound, and some math titles.

Edunetics Interactive Series (Grades 4-6)

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: Reading
Publisher: Steck-Vaughn
See also
Harcourt Brace
Purchase options: lab pack available
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: 4-6
Special use: elementary, science
Earth science, biology, and history simulations designed for native speakers. CD-ROM. Individual titles range
in price. All are listed separately on the Steck-Vaughan website, not listed as Edunetics.

Edunetics Interactive Series (K-6)

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: Reading

Publisher: Steck-Vaughn
See also
Harcourt Brace
Purchase options: lab pack available
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: K-6, T
Special use: elementary, science
Phonics, Time, Dinosaurs, African Wild Animal Adventures, Earth Care, Violent Earth readings. Designed for
native speakers. CD-ROM. Individual titles range in price. All are listed separately on the Steck-Vaughan
website, not listed as Edunetics.

Eighteen Stories
Machine: Win
Skill: reading
Publisher: Wida Software
Purchase options: $60 for 5 users; $120 for 25
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: HE
Reading skill building with stories; designed for ESL/EFL.

ESL ReadingSmart
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reading
Publisher: Alloy Multimedia
Purchase options: $750 for up to 25 users
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: K-6
Special use: Elementary
Reading skill practice with literature: myths and legends, biographies, poetry, and short stories from different
regions and cultural traditions. Learners can link to related stories, articles, vocabulary and comprehension
activities and relevant Web sites. Vocabulary support is provided through pop-up definitions while reading, as
well as graphics and sound. Teachers can track learners performance through online reports.


Machine: DOS, Mac
Skill: grammar, reading
Publisher: Lingo Fun
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: HE
More than 500 multiple-choice questions intended to prepare intermediate and advanced ESL students for the
written TOEFL.

Eurocentres CALL Library

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, reading, grammar
Publisher: Wida Software
Approximate single-unit price: $110
Purchase options: 75 for 1-5 users
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
Ten volumes of exercises to use with the Wida Authoring Suite programs (Gapmaster, Storyboard,
Matchmaster, Choicemaster, Testmaster). These have been ported from the DOS-based CALL for English
originals. Volumes include Elementary Grammar, Vocabulary, and Functions; Intermediate Grammar and
Vocabulary; Advanced Grammar, Vocabulary, and Functions; Cambridge Proficience Practice, and
International Business Topics.

Froggy Phonics
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reading
Publisher: Ingenuity Works
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Literacy, beginning For: pre-K-3
Special use: elementary, literacy

This CD-ROM has three modes: Learn, where children click on words or letters to hear them spoken; Watch,
where children match words and objects then watch a movie incorporating target sounds; and Play, where
students have five activities that focus on reading, spelling, painting, matching, and pattern recognition.

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading, authoring
Publisher: Wida Software
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $110
Purchase options: site available
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All
A cloze generator that can import text from other programs and print out. Now included in Wida's Authoring
Suite. Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT supported.

Gus Goes to Cybertown

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading, discussion
Publisher: Modern Media Ventures
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $20
Level: Beginning For: K-6
Special use: literacy
We use lessons prepared according to what we are teaching to our students. This can be used to identify food
items and build up vocabulary on food and drinks, identify animals, practice clothing items, and do other
beginning-level vocabulary tasks. (MP)

High Steps to Comprehension

Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: reading
Publisher: Knowledge Adventure
Approximate single-unit price: $230
Level: For: 4-9
Special use: Bilingual (8 languages)
Now part of Classworks, a comprehensive classroom management tool. This component is an interactive
reading program with 48 stories on topics of interest to middle school aged children. The program include a
student management system to track student progress through the lessons. Multilingual audio capability so that
students can hear a translation of the text in any of eight different languages.

How to Read for Everyday Living

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reading
Publisher: Educational Activities Software
Approximate single-unit price: $160
Purchase options: lab, network
Level: Intermediate For: Adult
Designed for adult learners. Topics include reading labels, menus, and job ads; managing money; working
with want ads and job applications; and travel-related reading. Activities include crosswords and other puzzles.

I Speak English - Advanced Language Acquisition (TOEFL)

Machine: Win
Skill: listening, grammar, reading
Publisher: Intechnica International
Approximate single-unit price: $360
Purchase options: site, network
Level: Advanced For: All but K-6
Special use: TOEFL

A multimedia CD-ROM designed to prepare post-secondary students for TOEFL, BEST, and other
standardized language tests used in higher education and adult basic education. 40+ lesson program is divided
into four sections.

I Speak English - Advanced Reading Comprehension (TOEFL)

Machine: Win
Skill: reading
Publisher: Intechnica International
Approximate single-unit price: $360
Purchase options: site, network
Level: Advanced For: 9-Adult
Special use: TOEFL
A multimedia CD-ROM with a focus on reading skills for TOEFL practice. Requires Windows 95/98, CD-
ROM, sound card, headset with microphone; network OK.

Imagination Express: Destinations

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: reading, listening, speaking
Publisher: Sunburst Technology
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: $60 each title; lab, network avail.
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
Excellent software for making interactive storybooks. For ESL purposes, it is even better if projected onto a
large screen for whole class oral language activities. Choose from a variety of scenes: school, home,
playground, mall, etc. Place people and objects into this setting. These 'smart stickers' can be positioned inside,
beside, behind, in front of, etc and change their size according to where they are placed on the screen.
Narration can be added. CD-ROMs in the series: Castle; Neighborhoods; Rain Forest; Ocean; Pyramids; and
Time Trip USA. For ESL, Neighborhoods and Oceans are probably most helpful. Sheltered English classes
might be able to use others depending on subject.

Inside the ACT

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: Reading
Publisher: Learning Company, The
Level: Advanced For: 9-12
ACT test practice designed for native speakers; text is by the Princeton Review. CD-ROM.

Inside the SAT/ACT

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: Reading, grammar
Publisher: Learning Company, The
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Level: Advanced For: 9-12
Practice with SAT and ACT tests, designed for native speakers; text is by the Princeton Review. CD-ROM.

Japan Quake
Machine: Mac
Skill: pronunciation, listening, reading, writing
Publisher: CALL Multimedia
See also
CALL-IS Mac Library
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Material is based on a news report that aired just two days after the huge earthquake in Japan of January, 1995.
This lesson focuses on practicing advanced level listening skills, and in addition to reading and some writing
components, it includes opportunities for pronunciation practice (if a microphone is available) and more. A
small shareware fee ($10 US) is requested to encourage the development of additional lessons. Japan Quake is

Jump Start Reading series

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: reading

Publisher: Knowledge Adventure
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Purchase options: lab, site, T version
Level: Literacy, beginning For: pre-K-2
Special use: elementary, literacy
Three programs, sold separately: JumpStart Kindergarten Grade Reading, JumpStart 1st Grade Reading, and
JumpStart 2nd Grade Reading. Multimedia drill with game elements designed to promote literacy. Teacher
editions include 2 copies of the software plus teacher materials.

Just Grandma and Me

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: listening, reading
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
Learning Services
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Purchase options: lab, network, site, teacher's ed.
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
Special use: Bilingual (Sp, Jap)
This CD-ROM is a story about Little Critter's trip to the beach with his/her grandmother. It offers well-drawn,
animated graphics with text and sound. The story is endearing to adults and children, but may seem too
childish to teenagers. The learner can choose to listen to the story as it is displayed onscreen (with text
highlighted as it is read) or to control the pace and click on different items within each screen to see what they
do. The learner also has a choice of seeing and hearing the text in Spanish and Japanese (kanji). It may be
helpful to low-level learners who speak those languages to go through the story once in their own language,
then listen and read again in English. If students are interacting with the text in 'play' mode, they can be
assigned tasks by a teacher to profit linguistically from the mostly graphical respones to their mouse clicks.

Kids Time Deluxe

Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: reading
Publisher: Great Wave Software
See also
Learning Lab Software
Learning Services
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Purchase options: network, site
Level: Literacy, beginning For: K-6
Special use: Elementary, literacy
Helps children develop early learning skills through computer generated speech, graphics, and writing.

Language Now: English for Spanish Speakers

Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: reading
Publisher: Transparent Language
See also
Lingo Fun
Approximate single-unit price: $140
Purchase options: $30 special offer sometimes
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Reading-based language study, with windows that open up to offer vocabulary, grammar, and usage help on
the word, sentence, or text level in Spanish. The latest edition, on CD-ROM, includes video clips, a talking
dictionary, extensive grammar reference, vocabulary games, and pronunciation help that offers voice recording
with (modestly helpful) waveforms. Especially good for those who have some English and want to maintain a
reading knowledge of the language. The publisher now offers an Educator's Edition with classroom
management tools. (DH)

Last Chance to See

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading
Publisher: Voyager Company

Approximate single-unit price: $30
Level: Advanced For: All but K-6
Over a dozen years ago, Douglas Adams wrote a book about the world being demolished. Adams traveled
around the world, visiting endangered species. This two CD-ROM set is the detailed record of Adams' trek
with pictures and narration by Adams.

Learn English with Asterix and Son

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: listening, reading
Publisher: EuroTalk
See also
World of Reading
Approximate single-unit price: $45
Level: Intermediate For: All
CD-ROM based programs that use sound, graphics, and text starring the comic book characters of Asterix the
Gaul and his son. Students can monitor their progress with an animated quiz. Voice recording. Several
different stories are available.

Let's Go Read: An Island Adventure

Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: Reading
Publisher: Edmark Corporation
Approximate single-unit price: $45
Purchase options: school version avail.
Level: Literacy, beginning For: Pre-K - 1
Special use: Elementary, literacy
Reading skills in an adventure format. Hybrid Win/Mac CD-ROM or on disks by platform. Designed for
native speakers. The CALL Interest Section had some problems with installing the CD-ROM at TESOL- not
enough system resources.

Lost Secret, The

Machine: Win
Skill: listening, speaking, reading
Publisher: DynEd International
Approximate single-unit price: $800
Purchase options: site, network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-8
Special use: Bilingual (Jap, Fr)
BBC English's mystery is presented on CD-ROM in MPEG full-motion video, supported by a variety of
practice exercises. The focus is on listening comprehension for basic level students. Students may interrupt at
any time to repeat a sentence, record their voices, hear a spoken translation, see written text, or consult a
glossary. Provides 80-100 hours of home or classroom study. A textbook, student workbook, and teacher's
guide are available. Networkable.

Martin Luther King Videodisc

Machine: Mac
Skill: discussion, listening, reading
Publisher: Glencoe McGraw-Hill
Approximate single-unit price: $400
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
This offers historical footage from ABC News as well as still photos and text about the life of Martin Luther
King and the Civil Rights Movement. Clips of young adults talking about the effect of the Movement on their
lives today are also included. The program consists of a double-sided videodisc controlled by a HyperCard
stack. There are extensive options for viewing, including with accompanying text, in Spanish or English, or in
clips to copy to a videotape. Because the options are numerous, students will probably need an introduction to
the program by a teacher. For best language learning results, the teacher should give students information
gathering or information transfer tasks to perform. The strength of the program is in the large quantity of
information provided in a hypertext format that allows movement among ideas.

Math and Reading Bonus Pack

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading
Publisher: Compu-Teach
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: lab pack, network and site license
Level: Literacy, beginning For: Pre-K -2
Reading, math, and language skills for young learners (pre-K to 2). Designed for native speakers.

Math for Everyday Living

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reading
Publisher: Educational Activities Software
Approximate single-unit price: $160
Purchase options: lab, network
Level: Intermediate For: Adult
Special use: VESL
Topics include paying for a meal, sales slips, unit pricing, saving on transportation, sales tax, finding a job,
overtime, piecework/commission work, and finding net pay. CD-ROM.

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
online/mail order
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Purchase options: lab pack, site license, district license
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: K-6
Special use: bilingual, elementary
Contains the following content areas: Whole numbers, probability, geometry, measurement, fractions &
decimals. Also available in Spanish. Titles sold separately.

Measuring Up
Machine: Win
Skill: reading, listening
Publisher: Protea Textware
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $90
Level: Beginning For: All but K-6
Practice with numbers in real-world contexts, including shopping, cooking, weighing packages, and sports.
CD-ROM. Australian English.

Mega Munchers
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: vocabulary, reading, pronunciation
Publisher: Learning Company, The
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Purchase options: lab pack, site license
Level: Advanced For: All but K-6
Three CD-ROM set, with Math Munchers, Word Munchers, and Knowledge Munchers (formerly Trivia
Munchers Deluxe). Arcade-style games. Word Munchers drills the variant spelling of vowel sounds. Students
are presented with a model (/i/ as in fish), they then move around a grid selecting all of the other words that
have the same vowel sound while trying to avoid little monstors that randomly move through the grid. The
program can be set so that students will only work on a limited set of vowel sounds. There is no instructional
phase to the program, so teachers will want to either preteach the common patterns and exceptions or
encourage their students to be persistent discovery learners. Knowledge Munchers is a trivia-style game in
arcade form. Math Munchers works on math skills. MECC titles are now sold by Learning Company School.

Millie's Math House

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reading

Publisher: Edmark Corporation
See also
online/mail order
Approximate single-unit price: $20
Purchase options: school version avail.
Level: Literacy, beginning For: pre-K-3
Special use: Elementary, literacy
CD-ROM with interactive math activities. A Spanish version is also available.

My Words
Machine: Mac, DOS
Skill: reading, writing
Publisher: Jostens Home Learning
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Literacy, beginning For: K-6, Adult
Special use: Literacy, elementary
Word-processor with speech capability (uses a speech synthesizer). Words are spoken as they appear on the
screen. The computer stores a list of each user's words in a 'word bank.' Students can see or hear the words in
the word bank in a window of the screen while doing additional word processing. Useful for Language
Experience Approach activities. DOS version is on disks, while the Mac version is on CD-ROM.

National Geographic Society Wonders of Learning CD-ROMs

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading
Publisher: National Geographic Society Educational Services
See also
online/mail order
Approximate single-unit price: $80
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
Special use: Elementary, bilingual
This presents 36 books on eight CD-ROMs. Narrators read the stories, accompanied by background music and
sound effects. Color photographs, word and syllable pronunciations in English and Spanish, and interactive
picture buttons let students explore and learn. The features can be customized by teachers. The stories are
Exploring the Solar System and Beyond, Animals and How They Grow, Our Earth, People Behind the
Holidays, Seasons, The Human Body, A World of Plants, and A World of Animals.

Machine: Win
Skill: reading
Publisher: Howard Bruce and Assoc.
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Level: Literacy, beginning For: All but K-5
Special use: literacy
Phonics program using video to show mouth movements and teach sounds associated with each letter, making
it also useful for pronunciation practice. The program progesses to words and phrases. CD-ROM.

Machine: Mac
Skill: reading, vocabulary
Publisher: Nameless Software
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Purchase options: site license
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All
This program from John McVicker takes any plain text (ASCII) file and uses it for timed and paced readings
with an online glossary, nth word and grammatically-focused clozes, sentence and paragraph jumbles, and
vocabulary practice such as clozes where all vowels or consonants are deleted or learners see only half the
word. Another feature is that the program tracks what the learner did in the 'Notes,' which can be printed out
before the learner quits the program. It is very helpful to see the strategies learners use when doing the cloze.
The notes also record which words were looked up during the reading, the definition from the glossary, and

whatever the learner typed to help him or her remember the word. The readings that come with NewReader are
relatively advanced. Because it is easy to add text to this program--anything you have done in your word-
processor and saved as plain text can be dropped in the NewReader folder for immediate use--it can be for any
level. For the money, it's tough to beat, and the program is regularly updated.

Nicolai's series
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reading
Publisher: H+a Software
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Purchase options: lab
Level: Beginning For: Pre-K-2
Special use: elementary
A number of separate titles with Nikolai as the central character. Titles include Nikolai's Treats and Nikolai in
Outer Space for ages 6+, and Nicolai's Pirates, Toys, Nights, Pharoahs, and Mysteries for ages 4+.

Nikolai's Trains
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: Reading
Publisher: H+a Software
Approximate single-unit price: $15
Purchase options: lab pack
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: pre-K - 4
Special use: bilingual (Fr., Sp., Mandarin, Ger., Jap., Port.); science
An interactive adventure with earth science content and a lot of information about how trains work. Designed
for native speakers. CD-ROM.

Once Upon a Time... Volumes I, II, III, and IV

Machine: Mac
Skill: writing, vocabulary, reading
Publisher: Compu-Teach
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: lab pack, network and site license
Level: Beginning For: Grades 1-6
Story-telling and creation. Designed for native speakers.

Opinion Zone 1, 2, 3
Machine: Win
Skill: discussion, reading
Publisher: Lingonet Oy
Approximate single-unit price: $90
Purchase options: 5-user, network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-8
Opinion Zone titles deal with the language of expressing opinions, built around a studio debate. The topics of
these debates include Gun Law, European Union, and No More Roads. In addition to the studio material,
Opinion Zone titles include a variety of interviews with people ranging from an Australian government
minister to a street vendor. Opinion Zone titles are not intended to be self-contained courses; rather, they are
classroom resources that teachers can call on to support an existing study programme. Each title is sold
separately for approximately $90, with 5-user and network versions available. CD-ROM.

Passion for Art, A

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: Reading
Publisher: H+a Software
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Level: Advanced For: All but K-6
Designed for native speakers. Post-impressionist paintings with timelines and museum information. CD-ROM.

Playroom, The
Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: listening, reading
Publisher: Learning Company, The

See also
Learning Lab Software
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: lab, network, site, teacher's ed.
Level: Literacy, beginning For: Pre-K-6
Special use: Elementary, literacy
Early Learning software on CD-ROM. Activities teach reading and math readiness, basic keyboarding. Has
speech and is compatible with TouchWindow. This is not ESL stuff, but most of it can be easily demonstrated
by the teacher, and kids catch on real quick.

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: writing, reading
Publisher: Curriculum Associates
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Purchase options: lab
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Students select from Mexico, Ghana, Japan, and Turkey as a country of interest, then choose a writing project:
narrative, persuasive, compare/contrast, or descriptive. They can view three different multimedia tours of each
country to look at the culture, history, and geography. Students take notes in a travel log. The program offers a
'Mail Room' where students write postcards, first in a structured format, then without prompts. Teachers can
add more writing assignments. The program includes help in finding keypals on the Internet and a list of
websites for online research. CD-ROM. The publisher offers a free demo.

Primary Steps to Comprehension

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading
Publisher: Knowledge Adventure
Approximate single-unit price: $200
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: K-6
Special use: elementary, bilingual (8 languages)
Now part of Classworks, a comprehensive classroom management tool. This component is an interactive
reading program with 36 original stories written at 6 different reading levels. Each story includes
comprehension questions and can be individualized to different students' needs. The program include a student
management system to track student progress through the lessons. Multilingual audio capability so that
students can hear a translation of the text in any of eight different languages.

Machine: Win
Skill: reading
Publisher: Q USA
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: K-6
Multimedia reader with six stories, each with four possible endings, according to the reader's choice. Each
story is accompanied by a short video clip. Can be purchased with QRead and QPictionary as a set for $100.

QReview Series
Machine: Win
Skill: reading, grammar, vocabulary
Publisher: Q USA
Approximate single-unit price: $375
Purchase options: Components also sold separately.
Level: Intermediate For: All but K-6
Three sets of CD-ROMs for a multimedia review of reading, grammar, and vocabulary. Reading 1 and 2 have
a variety of texts including letters, magazine articles, stories, and humor. Grammar 1 and 2 review English
tenses with anecdotes, short stories, articles, and dialogues. Vocabulary 1 and 2 use video clips with topics
including leisure and hobbies, the environment, and the world of entertainment. Exercises and practice tests are
included in all of these sets. Each set of two CD-ROMs can be purchased separately for $140. Lab, network,
and site options are also available.

R.E.A.D. - Corel

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reading
Publisher: H+a Software
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: lab
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Reading skills for native speakers on CD-ROM.

Read It! Study Skills

Machine: Win
Skill: reading
Publisher: Clarity Language Consultants
See also
Alta ESL
World of Reading
Comenius Group, NAS
Approximate single-unit price: $75
Purchase options: Each area sold separately; lab packs
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: 9-12, HE
This CD-ROM-based English for Academic Purposes program is designed for students facing difficult course
assignments in English. It is available for Computer Studies, General Studies, and Engineering (sold
separately). Each program teaches the same skills, but is based around authentic texts and assignments from
the specific subject area. All versions come with an Authoring Kit to add more texts and exercises. Read It!
helps students work on pre-reading strategies, understanding text cohesion, analyzing a question, assignment
planning, finding source material, note taking, vocabulary strategies, and focused grammar practice. The
program is authorable, and a demo can be downloaded from the website. Lab packs are available: $149 for up
to 5 computers, $374 for up to 20 computers.

Reader Rabbit 3
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: reading, writing
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
Learning Services
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: 2-4
Special use: elementary
Students complete stories by writing their own phrases or choosing from prewritten selections. A newspaper
can be a class project. Available on Mac and Windows disks or a Mac/Win CD-ROM.

Reader Rabbit Reading 1

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: reading, vocabulary
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
Learning Services
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Literacy, beginning For: K-2
Special use: Elementary, literacy
This program is designed to make learning to recognize letters and words fun for younger children. It uses
brightly-colored graphics with smiling animals to motivate sound-symbol practice. Several different types of
exercises are included, mostly phonics-related. Students can choose which type of activity to do; a record-
keeping function is included so that the teacher can see what the learner worked on and how s/he did. CD-

Reader Rabbit's Interactive Reading Journey 2

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: reading, vocabulary
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also

Learning Services
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Level: Beginning, intermediate, teacher For: K-2
Special use: Elementary
Thirty stories; games that promote phonics, word recognition and comprehension. On CD-ROM.

Reading Blaster series

Machine: Mac/ Win
Skill: reading
Publisher: Knowledge Adventure
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Purchase options: lab, site, T version
Level: For: pre-K-6
Special use: literacy, elementary
The Reading Blaster series has three programs: Ages 4-6, Ages 6-9, and Ages 9-12. Multimedia drills and
games build reading skills. CD-ROM. Teacher editions include 2 copies of the software plus teacher materials.

Reading for Comprehension

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading
Publisher: Queue Inc.
Approximate single-unit price: $135
Purchase options: network, site
Level: Advanced For: AE, HE
The program deals with each of the following skills: Main Idea, Details, Conclusions, Context Clues,
Sequence, Sentence Structure, Outcomes, Inferences, Phrases, and Cause and Effect. Each skill is addressed
with extensive drills at each of 5 different reading levels: from Grade 2 to Grade 6. The passages address a
wide variety of high-interest topics including history, geography, biology, arts and crafts, and myths and

Reading Horizons
Machine: Win
Skill: reading
Publisher: HEC Software
Approximate single-unit price: $200
Purchase options: home version; contact pub
Level: Literacy, beginning For: All
Special use: literacy
Multimedia phonics instruction that follows a specific system of instruction, using both explicit (single letters
to words) and implicit (words to sounds) instruction. The method requires that teachers be trained so that they
can present the concepts in a sequential, cumulative manner. The program addresses "sight words" and teaches
them from a linguistics standpoint, rather than rote memorization. It teaches phonological awareness,
phonological decoding, phonological encoding, phonological recording, print awareness, semantics, syntax,
and segmentation. The home version is geared for children; the school version can be used with adults or
children. A demo is available on the website; interested schools can arrange for a more extensive introduction
to the program.

Reading in the Workplace

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reading
Publisher: Educational Activities Software
Approximate single-unit price: $250
Purchase options: $250 each area; lab, network
Level: Intermediate For: Adult
Special use: VESL
Reading skills work in an employment context. Six work areas (sold separately or as a complete set):
construction, health care, clerical, automotive, electronics, and food services. Each program offers three
progressive levels of reading difficulty. CD-ROM.

Reading Magic Library

Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: reading

Publisher: Tom Snyder Productions
See also
Learning Lab Software
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: lab, network, site; five-title pack
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: K-3
Special use: Elementary
Interactive storybooks of the 'create your own adventure' type let students step into the shoes of loveable
heroes, choosing what will happen next. Students can record themselves reading or create QuickTime movies
of their stories. Stories include Jack in the Beanstalk, Hansel and Gretel, Flodd the Bad Guy, Fidd and Martina
in Tough Kudd, and Hilary and the Beast. They can be purchased individually or as a five-title pack.

Reading Rodeo
Machine: Mac
Skill: reading, vocabulary
Publisher: Heartsoft
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: lab, site, network
Level: Literacy, beginning For: pre-K-1
Special use: bilingual, literacy, elementary
Literacy skills are the focus, with audio prompts. Icons show how to make letters, and graphics are used for
letter associations. The rodeo motif comes in with the Cactus Kid, who lassos 104 cartoon graphics which
begin with corresponding letters. The English and ESL version includes 2 sets of disks, 1 in English and 1 in
Spanish. This title is included in Heartsoft Bestsellers.

Reading Search
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reading
Publisher: Great Wave
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Purchase options: lab packs
Level: Intermediate For: All
Reading comprehension with a folktales approach. CD-ROM.

Reading Street Fluency Coach

Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: reading, speaking
Publisher: Scott Foresman
Approximate single-unit price: $200
Purchase options: $240 Mac version; grades sold separately
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: 2-6
Special use: Elementary
Uses voice recognition software to build fluency in reading. Students read selections into the microphone, and
software tracks words correct per minute and provides corrective feedback. Students can listen to model fluent
readings and practice reading on their own. Grades 2-6 sold separately.

REAL Reading in English

Machine: Win
Skill: Reading
Publisher: TELL Consortium
Approximate single-unit price: $45
Purchase options: site
Level: Advanced For: HE
The primary purpose of the two REAL Reading packages, REAL Reading in English for Business and
Management and REAL Reading in English for Social Scientists is to enable students to recognise and apply
the reading skills of prediction, skimming, scanning, searching and demonstrating understanding to a range of
text types likely to be encountered during the second or third year of a first degree at an English-speaking
university. Nine texts are provided in each package, and each text is designed to occupy a higher intermediate
level student for approximately two hours. The secondary purpose is to encourage students to assess their own
work and, as a result, to become more independent language learners. Where responses, rather than
suggestions, are required from the students, answers are provided with which students are required to compare
and evaluate their own input. The two packages are sold separately. CD-ROM.

Road to Citizenship
Machine: Win
Skill: reading
Publisher: Trinity Software
Approximate single-unit price: $80
Purchase options: lab
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: Adult
Special use: Citizenship
Interactive multimedia lessons help users complete the application for naturalization, study for the citizenship
test, and prepare for the interview. The text can be read or heard, with vocabulary pronunciation and
definitions available. A classroom version with record-keeping software and up to five simultaneous users is
also available for $225.

Sitting on the Farm

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading, speaking
Publisher: Sanctuary Woods/Magic Quest
See also
World of Reading
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: K-6
Special use: Elementary, bilingual (Fr., Sp.)
Children can listen to the story, reading along as the words are highlighted, write their own story, record
themselves singing the theme song, and publish their own interpretations of the story. Material is in French,
Spanish, or English. This requires a CD-ROM drive.

Machine: Mac
Skill: reading
Publisher: Softec
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Purchase options: Player only $50; lab pack, volume
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: Any
Two components: author and player. Author lets you add text and link graphics, audio, and QuickTime video
to create dictionaries, gloss vocabulary items, create quiz items, writing exercises, word webs, and crossword
puzzles. One free copy of Player comes with each copy of Author. Additional copies of Player must be
purchased separately. Player lets the student view the items created, including multimedia links. It adds timed
and paced reading; flash cards for vocabulary items; a game for word recognition, spelling, and definitions;
letter and word recognition with a typing drill; a hidden words game, and jumbled words, sentences, and
paragraphs. The program requires System 7 or higher and 20MB of free hard drive space.

Spanish English Education Resources (SEER)

Machine: Win
Skill: reading, vocabulary, writing
Publisher: SEER Education Corporation
Approximate single-unit price: $279
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Special use: bilingual
Digital English Spanish dictionary including synonyms, verb conjugations and idiomatic expressions, and an
interactive computer-aided translator (ICAT). SEER helps students develop and improve full English Spanish

Speed Reader
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading
Publisher: Knowledge Adventure
Level: For:
See Ultimate Speed Reader. This is now sold as part of Excel@High School and Excel@Middle School from

STAR Reading

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading
Publisher: Renaissance Learning
Approximate single-unit price: $400
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
Computer-adaptive reading test designed to assess the reading level of any student with at least a 100-word

Steps to Comprehension
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: reading
Publisher: Knowledge Adventure
Approximate single-unit price: $285
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: K-6
Special use: Bilingual, elementary
Now part of Classworks, a comprehensive classroom management tool. This component is an interactive
reading program with 90 original stories written at 11 different reading levels. Each story includes
comprehension questions and can be individualized to different students' needs. The program include a student
management system to track student progress through the lessons. Multilingual audio capability so that
students can hear a translation of the text in any of eight different languages.

Stickybear's Reading Room

Machine: Mac
Skill: reading
Publisher: Optimum Resource
See also
online/mail order
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: network, site
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: K-6
Special use: Bilingual, elementary
Teaches pre-reading and basic reading skills in both English and Spanish. Exercises include match the word,
find the word, and build a sentence. Activities use colorful animation and digitized speech.

Story World 1&2

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reading, listening
Publisher: EuroTalk
See also
World of Reading
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Beginning For: K-5
Special use: Elementary
This ESL program uses 8 well-known children's stories to teach English skills (narrated by British speakers).
CD-ROM 1 has Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, Incy Wincy Spider, 3 Billy Goats Gruff and Humpty Dumpty.
CD-ROM 2 has Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and Jill, Jack and the Beanstalk and Hickory Dickory Dock. A
friendly dragon speaks 18 languages to guide the user in their native language. The user can even record their
own story. The program tracks the progress of each user - earn enough points and print out your own
certificate. Available in the US through World of Reading and other mail order vendors.

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading, authoring
Publisher: Wida Software
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $110
Purchase options: site available
Level: Intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All

Whole-text deletion program. Now included in Wida's Authoring Suite. Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT supported.

TextMangler 1.2
Machine: Mac
Skill: vocabulary, reading
Publisher: Dickman, Michael
Approximate single-unit price: $10
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
TextMangler imports any text file and 'mangles' it - it leaves the first and last sentences alone, but jumbles the
rest. For example, if you have two sentences with 'and' it will switch the second halves of those sentences
around. After the students have read a text, the teacher can give them a mangled version of it and ask them to
use the mangled version to help them reconstruct the text. The students are thereby provided with all the
vocabulary and sentence structures that they need, but they need to have understood the text to be able to use
the mangled version to help them reconstruct it. It does not work well with very short texts, or texts where
there is a very wide range of vocabulary; it needs a certain amount of repetition to work well. (Addis)

Theme Connections 1, 2, 3
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reading, writing, vocabulary
Publisher: Prentice-Hall Regents
Purchase options: Contact publisher for pricing.
Level: Literacy, beginning, intermediate For: K-6
Special use: literacy, elementary
This 18-disk CD-ROM program supports the Prentice Hall Regents ESL program for Grades 1-6. Each of the
disks links directly to and is fully integrated with a Student Theme Book and provides a variety of interactive
activities (using animation, sound, and graphics). Activities include Screen Play: manipulating objects on the
screen; Match Game: matching words and phrases; Story Reader: listening and reading; Story Maker:
manipulating visuals and text to create a story; Draw and Share: drawing and coloring pictures; Puzzle:
jumbled ideas and sentences; Story Completer: choosing words or pictures to complete a passage; Text
Analyzer: highlighting portions of text onscreen; Comic-Strip Maker: writing and recording dialogue and
creating captions to make a story; and Writing: a word-processor with pre-writing. Theme Connections 1 is
oriented toward K-3; others toward 3-6.

Thinking Things Collection 1

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading
Publisher: Edmark Corporation
Approximate single-unit price: $20
Purchase options: lab, school version
Level: Literacy, beginning For: Pre-K -6
Special use: elementary, literacy
Thinking Thinks develops problem solving skills for small children but is also quite useful all the way to adults
for oral language development in discussing attributes: color; striped; polka-dotted; plain; curly hair; glasses.
Visit the Fripple Shop and Feathered Friends, especially.

Thumbnail Theater: Macbeth

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: Reading, listening
Publisher: H+a Software
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Timelines, maps of England, video clips, other supporting information as well as a 9-minute animated synopsis
of Macbeth. CD-ROM. Designed for native speakers.

Thumbnail Theater: Treasure Island

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: Reading, listening
Publisher: H+a Software
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Life of Robert Lewis Stevenson, analysis of the characters, stories of famous pirates, and other supporting
material. Includes an animated synopsis of Treasure Island. CD-ROM. Designed for native speakers.

Tommy the Time Turtle
Machine: Mac
Skill: reading
Publisher: Heartsoft
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Purchase options: lab, site, network
Level: Literacy, beginning For: K-3
Special use: literacy, elementary, bilingual
Practice in telling time. ESL version includes a set of disks in Spanish, where vocal instructions and all text are
in Spanish, as well as a set of disks in English. This is also sold as part of the Heartsoft Bestseller package.

Tortoise and the Hare

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: reading, listening
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
World of Reading
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Purchase options: lab, network, site, teacher's ed.
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
Special use: bilingual, elementary
Colorful and interactive storybook. Students can hear the story read in both English and Spanish. Each page is
filled with surprises to entertain and motivate new readers. Requires a CD-ROM drive. If this program is used
on an IBM or compatible, it requires an MPC-compliant machine.

Treehouse, The
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: listening, vocabulary, reading
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
online/mail order
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: Pre-K-6
Special use: elementary
This is not ESL stuff, but most of it can be easily demonstrated by the teacher, and kids catch on real quick.
Includes seven educational games. Students explore the on-screen hideaway, learning about music, animals,
mathematics, sentence structure, money & place value. Requires CD-ROM drive.

Trudy's Time and Place House

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reading
Publisher: Edmark Corporation
Approximate single-unit price: $20
Purchase options: school version avail.
Level: Literacy, beginning For: pre-K - 3
Special use: Elementary, literacy
Time and geography instruction with different activities. Designed for native speakers. CD-ROM.

Urban Reader
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: reading
Publisher: Knowledge Adventure
Approximate single-unit price: $230
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Special use: bilingual (8 languages)
Now part of Classworks, a comprehensive classroom management tool. This component is an interactive
reading program with 48 original stories written at 11 different reading levels. Story topics include: The
Olympic Games, Alcohol and Driving, Street Games, and more. Each story includes comprehension questions
and can be individualized to different students' needs. The program include a student management system to
track student progress through the lessons. Multilingual audio capability so that students can hear a translation
of the text in any of eight different languages.

Vital Signs: The Good Health Resource
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading, vocabulary
Publisher: Texas Caviar
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $70
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Special use: bilingual, science
Students learn about health problems, important ways to reduce health risks, how to record and track personal
health information and organizations that are valuable sources of further information. The health database is
completely bilingual in Spanish and English and includes toll-free numbers. Requires a CD-ROM drive.

Word Stuff: Amazing English

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: Reading, writing
Publisher: Addison Wesley Longman
See also
Alta ESL
Approximate single-unit price: $85
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: 4-8
Special use: Elementary
Part of the Amazing English series, the CD-ROM teaches reading skills appropriate to novels plus some essay
writing. Hard-bound teacher's manual. Separate CDs for pre-K-3 (Word Stuff = $85), 3-6 (Word Attack =

World Discovery Deluxe

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: reading, vocabulary
Publisher: Great Wave
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Level: Intermediate For: All
World geography game on CD-ROM.

Reference software:

American Heritage Talking Dictionary

Machine: Win
Skill: reference
Publisher: Learning Company, The
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Level: Advanced, teacher For: All but K-6
This wasn't written for non-native speakers, and it's almost totally lacking in examples of usage, but it's
certainly useful as a teacher's reference tool. It comes with a thesaurus and a 'cultural literacy' dictionary and
can be used as a spell checker for any text. Contains pronunciations of all entries along with definitions. CD-

Animals, The
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: reference, reading
Publisher: Mindscape
Approximate single-unit price: $70
Level: Literacy, beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
This is a CD-ROM multimedia tour of San Diego Zoo. It includes 80 video clips (small-2x 3 inches on screen),
pictures and information about 200 animals, information about the areas they live in, and a section on
endangered animals. We plan to use it as an information source for intermediate academic students. It seems to
have been created for primary to secondary school students, but has been popular with adult EFL students. The
menu page is a picture of the zoo from above, and you just click on the area you're interested in or choose an

animal from a list. (Moore) Version 2 includes the A to Z Gallery, with an animal for each letter of the

Articulation Practice
Machine: Mac
Skill: reference
Publisher: Computers for Education
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $10
Purchase options: site license
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
Exploration and game practice of articulatory phonetics. Location of articulatory organs, demonstration of
tongue and larynx movement for selected consonants. For teachers studying for CLAD competencies. The
color version is distributed by Computers for Education, and a black and white version is available on the

Brain Cogs
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reference
Publisher: Fable Vision
Approximate single-unit price: $150
Level: Intermediate For: 4-9
Multimedia-rich program to help students develop learning strategies, with a focus on remembering,
organizing, prioritizing, shifting, and checking. Students practice with different activities. Record-keeping
function is included. CD-ROM. See a review at

Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: reference
Publisher: Microsoft
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: 9-12, Adult, HE
This CD-ROM is a interactive database of 19,000+ movie titles. It includes Quicktime clips from actual films,
reviews, cinematographic descriptions, biographies and photographs of actors, summaries of plots, Academy
Award lists, and a wealth of other information. All the data is easily searchable in several ways and connected
with hypertext links. Of particular utility in language learning are the audio segments of dialog from many
films; learners can read the accompanying text, but they cannot listen and read the text at the same time.
Intended for use in a content-based course on film for University-level ESL students. Also good for teachers
and students who want to add clips to multimedia presentations.

Collins Cobuild on CD-ROM

Machine: Win
Skill: reference
Publisher: Athelstan
Approximate single-unit price: $70
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
This CD-ROM integrates the Collins COBUILD English Language Dictionary, Collins COBUILD English
Usage, and Collins COBUILD English Grammar, together with a Word Bank containing 5 million words
selected from the Collins COBUILD Bank of English corpus. It has over 70,000 references and over 90,000
real examples and over 2,000 usage points with thousands of real examples.

Collins On-Line Complete Edition CD-ROM

Machine: Win
Skill: reference
Publisher: LinguaTech
See also
Delta Systems
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: lab, network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6

This contains the Collins Pocket Bilinguals (French, German, Spanish, Italian) and a computer-based version
of the COBUILD ESL Student's Dictionary that can be accessed from within any word processing program.
Students can highlight a word either in a reading assignment entered by the teacher or while word processing
and jump immediately into the dictionary to check its meaning or spelling. A five CD-ROM pack is $200, a
ten-user license (1 CD-ROM, all dictionaries) is $350.00, and the Collins On-Line Network Utility (required to
run Collins On-Line from a network server) is $150.

Electric Library
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reference
Publisher: Infonautics
Approximate single-unit price: $90
Purchase options: yearly subscription
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: Any
Web-based full-text online research service at; by subscription. Searches a
database of popular magazines, journals, newspapers, reference works, TV and radio transcripts, photos and

First Connections: The Golden Book Encyclopedia

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reference
Publisher: Jostens Home Learning
Approximate single-unit price: $80
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: Pre-K-4
Special use: Elementary
Designed for grades 4-6, this CD-ROM-based reference uses audio and graphics to enhance learner
understanding of the text. Students can search by title, medium, or category. It also includes a reference game
where students get questions to look up in the encyclopedia. Runs on the Mac (System 7.0.7 or higher, 4MB
RAM, 4MB hard drive space) and under Windows 3.0. Lab pack of 5 is $240; lab of 15, $690; site (30),
$1320; site (50), $2100.

Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reference
Publisher: Grolier Electronic Publishing
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Level: Advanced For: All but K-6
A CD-ROM based encyclopedia; updated annually. Starting with 1997 version, it includes direct links from
articles to related Internet sites for those with an Internet connection.

Insight: Career Exploration Tool

Machine: Mac
Skill: reference
Publisher: Curriculum Associates
Approximate single-unit price: $200
Purchase options: lab
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-9
Career planning software for trade- or college-oriented students or adults.

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reference
Publisher: Inspiration Software
Approximate single-unit price: $70
Level: Literacy, beginning For: K-5
Special use: Elementary
Designed for younger learners than Inspiration, this very visually helps learners build graphic organizers by
combining pictures, text and spoken words to represent thoughts and information. Younger learners develop

early literacy skills, and more advanced students improve comprehension skills and better organize ideas for
writing. The website offers a free trial:

LinguaSy Power Concordancer

Machine: Win
Skill: reference
Publisher: LinguaSy
Approximate single-unit price: $80
Purchase options: $80 for 5, $400 site
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
Concordancing for Windows. Supports most European languages, unlimited texts, KWIC display, extended
search patterns, frequency display, and user-defined categories. Has a customisable interface, full on-line help,
easy 'Step-by-step' guides to using the program, built-in word processor, activities guide, and simple corpus
management. Comes with texts. Easy to install and use. Will link to the Lingua Systems Tag Editor for tagged
texts. More information is available from

Longman Dictionary of American English

Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: reference
Publisher: Exceller Software
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Purchase options: network:
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
LDAE has over 38,000 definitions, which have been especially written for an ESL audience. The program is
well designed, the screens are clear and easy to use, and the program can be used inside other applications.
Incorporating all the features of the Longman Dictionary, it is also useful as a grammar learning tool--a study
notes option let students review or clarify basic grammar and usage concepts. The Macintosh version of LDAE
makes use of Apple's PlainTalk Text-to-Speech software.

Longman Interactive American Dictionary

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reference
Publisher: Addison Wesley Longman
See also
Alta ESL
Approximate single-unit price: $45
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
This CD-ROM-based multimedia dictionary includes sound, graphic images, and video with text. Has
grammar and pronunciation components as searchable indexes as well as built into the dictionary. Since it runs
under Windows on the PC, it is possible to have the dictionary and a word-processor open at the same time,
but only on computers with a lot of memory. Requires System 7 and a 68040 or better processor on the

Mathematics e-Tools
Machine: Win
Skill: reference
Publisher: Pearson Education
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: K-6
Special use: Elementary, bilingual
CD-ROM of math learning resources for grades K-6 with instructions in English and Spanish. The program
can be used by students and teachers to model textbook examples or as a standalone application. It offers
assistance in subjects including place-value blocks, counters, money, time, fractions, probability,
spreadsheets/data/graphers, geometry shapes and geometry drawing.

Microsoft Bookshelf
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reference, writing
Publisher: Microsoft
See also
online/mail order
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Level: Advanced For: All but K-6

A CD-ROM based set of reference materials, including on-line versions of The American Heritage Dictionary,
Roget's Thesaurus, The World Almanac and Book of Facts, The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia, The
Columbia Dictionary of Quotations, The People's Chronology, The Hammond World Atlas, and the National
Five-digit Zip Code and Post Office Directory. There are hypertext links between most of the materials, so the
student can click on a word in the encyclopedia, and Bookshelf will jump to its dictionary where the student
can even hear the word pronuounced. Well-designed and very informative, but like most multimedia programs,
it really needs an up-to-date Mac or PC.

Microsoft Encarta
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reference
Publisher: Microsoft
See also
online/mail order
Approximate single-unit price: $70
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-3
For students doing English for Academic Purposes, this is the best of the CD-ROM encyclopedias. It covers
more topics and in a more sophisticated way than others I'm familiar with. Its interface isn't quite as good as
Compton's, and its multimedia content isn't as extensive as Grolier's but the overall contents, especially the
digital videos, are more thoughtfully arranged. (J.Magoto) Updated annually. Current version does not run
under Windows 3.1.

Microsoft Encarta Virtual Globe

Machine: Win
Skill: reference
Publisher: Microsoft
See also
online/mail order
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
This CD-ROM has both the traditional two-dimensional maps and three-dimensional ones, including a globe
that learners can spin. Culturegrams and a 'family portraits' section that looks at the lives of 31 families in dept
give added depth to the global information presented. Includes color graphics, sound, and videos. Requires
Windows 95 or later. Will not run on earlier versions of Windows.

Machine: Win
Skill: reference
Publisher: Lee Wright & Associates
See also
LinguaTech (outside the US)
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: HE, Adult
Special use: ESP
A terminology database that allows students and translators to access a large library of specialized electronic
bilingual dictionaries and build their own customized annotation files. DOS and Windows.

New Oxford American Dictionary on CD-ROM

Machine: Win
Skill: reference
Publisher: Oxford Univ. Press
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
Interacts with the browser and word-processor so that pointing to a word brings up a pop-up definition and
clicking brings up more information. This CD-ROM includes a customizable user dictionary as well.

New Oxford Picture Dictionary

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reference, vocabulary
Publisher: Oxford Univ. Press UK
See also
Purchase options: 35

Level: Literacy, beginning For: All
Special use: Bilingual (Sp, Chinese versions), literacy
CD-ROM version of the classic dictionary for beginners. Also available: English-Spanish and English-Chinese

Newbury House Dictionary CD-ROM

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reference
Publisher: Heinle & Heinle
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-3
Multimedia dictionary on CD-ROM; expands on paper version with pronunciation help and video clips.

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary on CD-ROM

Machine: Win
Skill: reference
Publisher: Oxford Univ. Press
See also
Alta ESL
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: 60; site
Level: Advanced For: All
CD-ROM-based dictionary offers pictures, maps, games, some audio, and a variety of search options.

Oxford American Interactive Wordpower Dictionary

Machine: Win
Skill: reference
Publisher: Oxford Univ. Press
See also
Alta ESL
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: site
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
This CD-ROM-based dictionary includes not only the usual word lookups, but also three levels of word games
and puzzles. Learners can cut and paste from the dictionary into a word-processor and can print out words and
definitions encountered in the games.

Oxford Electronic Wordpower Dictionary

Machine: Win
Skill: reference
Publisher: Oxford Univ. Press UK
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: 38; site
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
This disk-based dictionary includes not only the usual word lookups, but also three levels of word games and
puzzles. Learners can cut and paste from the dictionary into a word-processor and can print out words and
definitions encountered in the games. British English version.

Oxford Reference Shelf

Machine: Win
Skill: reference
Publisher: Oxford Univ. Press UK
Purchase options: 35 per 'shelf'
Level: Advanced For: Adult, HE
Currently available only in Europe. Includes specialised 'shelves' such as the Writer's Shelf, the Business Shelf,
Language Shelf, and Science Shelf, each with several Oxford reference books. Provides all functions common
to most electronic dictionaries such as searching, cross-referencing, etc, but it does not talk. To look up a

reference when working on a word processor, user has either to switch program on Windows or to use the USE
CLIPBOARD function that looks up a word automatically as soon as it is copied onto the clipboard. CD-ROM.

Random House Unabridged Dictionary

Machine: Win
Skill: reference
Publisher: Random House Reference & Information Publishing
Approximate single-unit price: $75
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
A CD-ROM on-line unabridged dictionary, version 2.0 (to be released in May, 1996) runs under both
Windows 95 and Windows 3.1 and offers pronunciation and graphics with many entries.

Space Adventure
Machine: Mac
Skill: reference
Publisher: Knowledge Adventure
Level: Advanced For: All
Requires CD-ROM drive. A program designed around space exploration, with photographs, illustrations,
digital sound, and full-motion video.

Time Multimedia Almanac

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reference
Publisher: Learning Company, The
Approximate single-unit price: $10
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Advanced For: All but K-6
On CD-ROM. A compendium of articles, pictures, and movies for the past ten years, as well as other
significant periods in U.S. history. The program has an excellent interface and provides many ways to search
its rich contents. Advanced students enjoy how easy it is to find and access authentic sources.

Webster's Spanish/English Dictionary

Machine: Win
Skill: reference
Publisher: Exceller Software
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Purchase options: lab, network, site
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
Special use: Bilingual
Allows online lookup of Spanish to English or vice-versa. Replaces Key Into Spanish. Definitions give
examples of usage. Reference tables in Spanish and English include commonly used phrases, irregular verbs,
signs, weights and measures, and currency tables. CD-ROM.

Word Action
Machine: Win,Mac
Skill: Vocabulary, reference
Publisher: Q USA
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Purchase options: lab, network, site
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
Special use: Bilingual (Sp., Fr.)
CD-ROM multimedia dictionary with video, graphics, sound. 700 words can be accessed alphabetically by
language or through the eight categories. Includes four games. Mac and Windows CD-ROMs sold separately.

Speaking software:


Machine: Win
Skill: reading, writing, speaking
Publisher: Protea Textware

Approximate single-unit price: $45
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-8
Teaches and tests a wide range of skills covering all Learning Outcomes at Levels 2, 3 and 4 of the Reading
and Writing, Oral Communication and Numeracy and Mathematics Streams of the Australian CGEA test.
Australian English.

Dynamic Business English

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: listening, speaking
Publisher: DynEd International
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All but K-6
Special use: Bilingual (Jap, Fr, Sp, Port), business
Formerly known as Interactive Business English. Presented in a similar format to Dynamic English for ESL,
this listening-based business English course on 6 CD-ROMs offers the listening, speaking, reading, and critical
thinking skills for the workplace/international business situation. The topics are Company History, Job
History, Manufacturing and Trade, Product Comparisons, Overseas Assignment, and Future Consequences.
This content-based program begins with a Presentation during which the student answers periodic listening
comprehension questions. These questions reinforce the vocabulary, language concepts, and structure, while
giving the students repeated opportunities to respond. The feedback includes an automated 'shuffler level'
which adjusts the level of difficulty of the questions according to the learner's response. The Question Practice
gives the student practice in question formation. Quantitative English, Dictations, the Verb Grid, and Grammar
Fill-In test the student's knowledge. The program includes voice recording capability for student practice. Mac
and Windows. Individual CDs (one topic each) can be purchased separately. Pricing options include per-
student-use cost. Contact the publisher for details.

English by the Numbers

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: listening, speaking
Publisher: DynEd International
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Intermediate For: Adult, HE
Special use: Business, bilingual (Jap, Fr, Sp, Port, It)
This CD-ROM-based course focuses on the language of numbers and basic mathematics. Useful for students
and people in business and technical fields who need to understand or make oral presentations in English, do
business over the telephone, participate in question-and-answer sessions involving the exchange of numerical
information, and improve listening comprehension. Each unit includes a brief oral presentation followed by
practice activities that test listening comprehension. The material is suitable for TOEIC levels 450-750. Pricing
options include per-student-use cost. Contact the publisher for details.

English on the Job

Machine: Win
Skill: speaking
Publisher: Language Solutions
Approximate single-unit price: $750
Purchase options: site, lab
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: Adult
Special use: VESL
Interactive voice-recognition workplace ESL training software with text and graphics, audio modeling, student
recording. Includes industry-specific vocabulary for life survival, safety, health care, food services, and other

Expeditions into English

Machine: Mac
Skill: listening, vocabulary, speaking
Publisher: Softec
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: site
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All but K-3
Expeditions is a CD-ROM based version of the Prentice Hall Regents series by the same name. It includes a
variety of notional/functional lessons in 12 units integrating text, sound, and color graphics to let students
practice listening comprehension, vocabulary development, and speaking. The recording option lets students

compare their voices with the original and participate in conversations in the lessons. Online help is available
from anywhere in the program. Requires System 7 or higher and 20MB of free space on the hard drive.

Functioning in Business
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: listening, speaking
Publisher: DynEd International
Approximate single-unit price: $900
Purchase options: network, lab and site licenses
Level: Beginning For: Adult, HE
Special use: Business, bilingual (Jap)
These four CD-ROMs use QuickTime Video and speech recognition technologies to create an engaging
learning environment. The course is designed for intermediate level students preparing to use English in a
business context. The primary focus is on practical language functions common in the business world such as
requesting, refusing, suggesting, confirming, etc. Vocabulary is developed in the context of meetings, phone
calls, a business lunch, negotiations, and a disagreement. Provides about 80-100 hours of intensive self-study
and practice. Networkable.

Idiom Fitness
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: speaking
Publisher: Merit Audio Visual
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Purchase options: lab, network, site
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: 7-12,Adult,HE
Presents same material as ESL Fitness in dialog format. Previously known as Idiom Demons. Upgraded for
Windows 95/98/2000. Networkable.

Imagination Express: Destinations

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: reading, listening, speaking
Publisher: Sunburst Technology
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: $60 each title; lab, network avail.
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
Excellent software for making interactive storybooks. For ESL purposes, it is even better if projected onto a
large screen for whole class oral language activities. Choose from a variety of scenes: school, home,
playground, mall, etc. Place people and objects into this setting. These 'smart stickers' can be positioned inside,
beside, behind, in front of, etc and change their size according to where they are placed on the screen.
Narration can be added. CD-ROMs in the series: Castle; Neighborhoods; Rain Forest; Ocean; Pyramids; and
Time Trip USA. For ESL, Neighborhoods and Oceans are probably most helpful. Sheltered English classes
might be able to use others depending on subject.

Interactive English
Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, listening, speaking
Publisher: 1-12 Interactive
Level: For:
See Language Solution, The: Interactive English. Sold by Wida as Interactive English.

Karaoke Jukebox
Machine: Mac
Skill: speaking, vocabulary
Publisher: Geoff Taylor
Purchase options: Freeware
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
This freeware HyperCard stack plays QuickTime Karaoke files. Classroom management is interesting if you
have several people trying to sing along with different songs simultaneously, so it works best with a class-sized
speaker and projection panel to keep the group together. It's easiest for all but the most advanced students to
look at the lyrics ahead of time. Files can be added by pasting or typing in the names of additional songs (also

available on Geoff Taylor's website). Seven sample karaoke songs are included with the downloadable file.
Requires HyperCard 2/2.1 or HyperCard player, QuickTime 2.5 system extension. The 120K stack can be
downloaded from (DH)

Language Solution, The: Interactive English

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, listening, speaking
Publisher: 1-12 Interactive
See also
Learning Services
World of Reading
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Purchase options: 100; lab, site
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
CD-ROM version of a text by the same name. Point and click operation, with no writing required. Uses
graphics, animation, and voice recording and playback. Includes student tracking software. Approved by the
California Instructional Technology Clearinghouse.

Longman English Works 1 & 2

Machine: Win
Skill: listening, speaking
Publisher: Addison Wesley Longman
See also
Purchase options: 45
Level: Beginning For: All but K-6
Special use: Bilingual (Sp., Fr., Ger., It.)
Based on Robert O'Neill's books of the same name, geared to false beginners. Each of the 2 CD-ROMs
presents 39 recorded dialogues and texts taken from the student book. Learners can choose to see translations
of part of the dialogue in French, German, Italian, or Spanish. Learners can listen and record their part of a
dialogue sentence by sentence or as a whole. Dialogues include survival skills such as giving personal
information, times and numbers, introducing oneself, checking into a hotel, and interview questions and

Lost Secret, The

Machine: Win
Skill: listening, speaking, reading
Publisher: DynEd International
Approximate single-unit price: $800
Purchase options: site, network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-8
Special use: Bilingual (Jap, Fr)
BBC English's mystery is presented on CD-ROM in MPEG full-motion video, supported by a variety of
practice exercises. The focus is on listening comprehension for basic level students. Students may interrupt at
any time to repeat a sentence, record their voices, hear a spoken translation, see written text, or consult a
glossary. Provides 80-100 hours of home or classroom study. A textbook, student workbook, and teacher's
guide are available. Networkable.

Reading Street Fluency Coach

Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: reading, speaking
Publisher: Scott Foresman
Approximate single-unit price: $200
Purchase options: $240 Mac version; grades sold separately
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: 2-6
Special use: Elementary
Uses voice recognition software to build fluency in reading. Students read selections into the microphone, and
software tracks words correct per minute and provides corrective feedback. Students can listen to model fluent
readings and practice reading on their own. Grades 2-6 sold separately.

Sitting on the Farm

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading, speaking
Publisher: Sanctuary Woods/Magic Quest
See also
World of Reading
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: K-6
Special use: Elementary, bilingual (Fr., Sp.)
Children can listen to the story, reading along as the words are highlighted, write their own story, record
themselves singing the theme song, and publish their own interpretations of the story. Material is in French,
Spanish, or English. This requires a CD-ROM drive.

Telephoning in English
Machine: Win
Skill: listening, speaking
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
See also
Alta ESL
Purchase options: UK25
Level: Intermediate For: Adult, HE
Special use: Business
Listening and speaking practice in a business English context. Topics include Unit 1; Whos calling, please?;
Unit 2; Would you hold on, please?; Unit 3; Id like to know your prices; Unit 4; Were ready to order now;
Unit 5; Ill have to change the booking; Unit 6; Lets fix another date; Unit 7; What seems to be the trouble?;
Unit 8; Im sure we can sort it out. British English. CD-ROM.

Test Prep software:

Alexis, the Encomium TOEIC Test Preparation System

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: testing
Publisher: Encomium Publications
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: Adult, HE
Special use: business
Practice for the TOEIC, a test often used to asses readiness for work in business in English speaking countries.
CD-ROM. An online version is also available by subscription. Contact the publisher or see the website for

Barron's How to Prepare for the TOEFL

Machine: Win
Skill: test prep
Publisher: Barron's Educational Series
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Level: Advanced For: HE
Test prep textbook with CD-ROM.

Delta's Key to the TOEFL

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: testing
Publisher: Delta Systems
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: HE
Special use: TOEFL
This TOEFL-practice CD-ROM can be used separately or in connection with the text by the same name. The
CD-ROM includes 1200 test questions, tutorials, review features, scripts, and print features for the essay and
progress chart.

Machine: Win
Skill: testing
Publisher: Educational Software Products
Approximate single-unit price: $75
Purchase options: 40; lab
Level: Advanced For: All but K-8
Preparation, practice and feedback for students studying for the IELTS examination. Every part of the exam
analysed. Tips and tactics designed to help them get the best result possible. Timed tests for the reading,
writing and listening papers. Notes on their answers. Written by IELTS examiners and teachers.


Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: test prep
Publisher: Kaplan
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Level: Advanced For: All but K-9
Preparation for GRE, GMAT, LSAT tests. CD-ROM. Designed for native speakers.


Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: test prep
Publisher: Kaplan
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Level: Advanced For: All but K-8
Preparation for SAT, PSAT, and ACT tests. CD-ROM. Designed for native speakers.

Pass First Certificate CD-ROM

Machine: Win
Skill: test prep
Publisher: wds/Pass-English-Exams
Approximate single-unit price: $160
Purchase options: CHF189
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: Adult, HE
Pass First Certificate is a multimedia software program for students preparing for the Cambridge FCE exam. It
contains over 500 exercises in grammar, reading, listening and writing. 5 'mock' exams and a 5,000-word
exam-specific multilingual audio dictionary are also included. Demo versions can be downloaded from the
publisher's website at


Machine: Win
Skill: test prep
Publisher: Teletext
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Level: Advanced For: HE
Special use: TOEFL
Covers listening comprehension, grammar, and reading for the new computer-based TOEFL. CD-ROM.

PowerPrep Software
Machine: Win
Skill: test prep
Publisher: Educational Testing Service
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: 9-12, HE
Special use: TOEFL
Test preparation for the computer-based TOEFL on CD-ROM. Includes two timed computer-based tests with
authentic questions; actual tutorials from the test, including computer literacy practice; three essay topics for
writing practice; sample essays written by actual TOEFL test takers; and score ranges at the end of each
section. The tutorials are the same as in the TOEFL Sampler, free for viewing online at the

Study Skills Success

Machine: Win
Skill: test prep
Publisher: Clarity Language Consultants
Approximate single-unit price: $150
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Practice in academic study skills. The eight units are reading, writing, speaking, listening, research, visuals,
grammar and vocabulary. Each unit includes presentation and input activities and practice. See for additional activities. The International English version has a range of accents and
IELTS elements. The North American version includes only North American accents. Authoring and record-
keeping functions are also available.

Test Mountain
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: test prep
Publisher: DynEd International
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Advanced For: All but K-8
Special use: TOEIC
Game-format practice for the TOEIC and other standardized tests of English. Best for students at TOEIC 600+.
Includes questions, text for listening questions, and explanations for reading questions.

TOEFL Grand Slam

Machine: Win
Skill: test prep
Publisher: ESL Pro Systems
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Level: Advanced For: HE, Adult
Special use: TOEFL
This six-CD-ROM set provides two computer-based practice tests and four workbooks for enhancing English
reading, writing, structure, and listening skills. The practice tests are gauge skill level prior to writing the
exam, while the workbooks provide instruction, tips, and practice. Test packs are also available separately,
with customized versions available for speakers of French, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, German, Chinese,
Hindi, Portuguese, and Russian.

TOEFL Mentor
Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: test prep
Publisher: Encomium Publications
See also

Approximate single-unit price: $90

Purchase options: site, network
Level: Advanced For: Adult, HE
Special use: TOEFL
TOEFL Mentor is a HyperCard-like program that runs off a CD-ROM and includes tutorials, practice tests and
timed tests for all sections of the TOEFL test: Structure and Grammar, Listening Comprehension, and Reading
Comprehension. In addition, test taking strategies and tips are available for both the TOEFL and the Test of
Written English. We've had positive response from students and faculty who have used it, and have had some
success in using it in a workshop environment where more traditional materials (books and tapes) are also
available for students to use. (Sachs) Encomium will update TOEFL Mentor to reflect future changes in the
content/format of the TOEFL test by ETS. Demos are available for downloading from the Encomium
Publications web page at See Tom Robb's review of the program at An online version is available by
subscription; contact the publisher or see the website for details.

TOEIC Preparation Interactive

Machine: Win
Skill: test prep
Level: Advanced For: Adult, HE
Special use: TOEIC Prep

TOEIC preparation, including animated grammar presentations, multimedia vocabulary presentations, and over
1000 TOEIC-style exercises. Has native language support for test-taking strategies and course help in 8
languages. "Virtual Tutor" guides learners through video, role-plays with a virtual partner, record and compare
options, glossary links, and culture notes.

TOEIC Pronunciation in American English

Machine: Win
Skill: pronunciation, test prep
Approximate single-unit price: $75
Purchase options: 10 packs, site licenses
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: Adult, HE
Special use: business
This interactive multimedia program is designed for non-native speakers of English at the intermediate level
and above. It provides a focus on how to identify and use the most important elements of pronunciation -
stress, intonation and rhythm. It has more than 68 interactive lessons and practices with video, audio, record
and playback, written activities, and a printable workbook. Some management capability.

TOEIC Quick Start

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: test prep
Publisher: ESL Pro Systems
Approximate single-unit price: $70
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: Adult, HE
Special use: TOEIC
This bundle includes three practice computer-based tests, two workbooks for enhancing English listening and
reading skills, and TOEIC Tips, Traps & Strategies. The practice tests gauge skill level prior to writing the
exam, while the workbooks and Tips, Traps, & Strategies provide instruction, tips, and practice. The
workbooks are in Adobe PDF format, allowing the student to work directly on screen, or print a portable paper

Top Score (was Mindstorm TOEIC)

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: test prep
Publisher: Mindstorm
Approximate single-unit price: $85
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: HE
This CD-ROM prepares students for the TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication), a test with
a focus on English for Business. The CD contains not only practice with the multiple-choice test but also test-
taking hints, listening practice with famous speeches, and a multimedia game called Maze where learners have
to answer grammar and vocabulary questions to escape. Help sections are in French, Spanish, English, Korean,
Japanese, and Indonesian. A site from the Japanese education ministry contains usefull shockwave-based
vocabulary learning activities: Reviews by Mac People, LeMonde, Yomiuri
Shimbun and others can be found at; a review of the older version is at

Vocabulary software:

Achive: Writing and Language Arts

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: writing, reading, vocabulary
Publisher: Learning Company, The
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: 2-6
Special use: Elementary
Designed to meet a third through sixth grade language arts curriculum- grammar and spelling, parts of speech
and sentence structure, lsynonyms and antonyms, build vocabulary. This incorporates Word Munchers,
Schoolhouse Rock/Grammar Rock, Writing Trek. Designed for native speakers, but useful for ELLs.

All Star Interactive CD-ROM

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: McGraw-Hill ESL/ELT
Approximate single-unit price: $65
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: 8-12, AE
CD-ROM based on the textbook series for high school and adult learners, designed to build vocabulary, math,
and computer skills around life-skill topics. Level 1 and 2 sold separately.

Alphabet Academy
Machine: Mac
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Geoff Taylor
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Beginning For: All but K-6
HyperCard-based exercises and tests to teach the sounds of the English alphabet (choice of US or UK versions)
to teenagers and adults. The program uses black and white graphics, recorded sounds, and speech animation.
The program can be downloaded from

Alphabet, The
Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Protea Textware
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Level: Literacy, beginning For: Adult
Special use: literacy
For beginning level students with zero or near zero English literacy levels. Teaches and tests the names of
letters, upper/lower case matching, alphabetical order, etc. Select American, Canadian, British or Australian
models. Students can record words and sentences. 5 user license: AUD$190; 10 user license: $285; site
license: AUD$380. CD-ROM.

Back Home
Machine: Win
Skill: listening, vocabulary
Publisher: Wida Software
Purchase options: Contact publisher for pricing.
Level: Intermediate For: All but K-5
A multimedia package based on 12 EFL songs by Christopher Jones. The songs cover a wide range of
vocabulary, grammar and functions. The package uses a wide variety of activity types created with the
Authoring Suite. Demo available. Contact the publisher for pricing.

Bailey's Book House

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reading, vocab
Publisher: Riverdeep
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Purchase options: teacher pack
Level: For: K-6
Special use: elementary
Elementary; explore words, rhyming, letters, and stories.

Machine: Win
Skill: grammar, vocabulary
Publisher: Binary Logic
Purchase options: contact publisher for details
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: K-6
Special use: elementary
9-level series, each with 16-24 lessons. Major emphasis is on grammar and vocabulary development, with a
variety of exercises that include voice recording and comparison with the model. Extensive record-keeping and

management that prints out reports and certificates. Schools subscribe for a period of time and pass the costs
on to students. The package includes books and a dongle (hardware key). Students can work at home in the
book, then enter their answers on the computer to check them. The company offers on-site teacher training.

Billiards 'N Homonyms

Machine: Mac
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Heartsoft
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Purchase options: lab, site, network
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: 3-8
Special use: elementary, bilingual
Students see a sentence to complete at the top of the screen, and try to shoot a billiard ball at the pocket near
the appropriate homonym. Correct choices make it into the pocket. The word lists can be customized. The
English and ESL version includes two sets of disks, one in English and one in Spanish. In the Spanish version,
vocal instructions are in Spanish and text is in English. Part of the Heartsoft Bestseller collection.

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Idiom Software
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Purchase options: $100 site
Level: Beginning For: All
The Tutorial section teaches the parts of the body and face. Students can then use Build-a-Face and Build-a-
Body to choose the characteristics of either a body or face by answering basic, either-or questions, which are
both spoken and written. After all the questions are answered, the BodyBuilder assembles the face or body,
saying all the words as it proceeds. An online glossary is also available.

Business to Go
Machine: Win
Skill: listening, vocabulary
Publisher: Q USA
Approximate single-unit price: $90
Purchase options: lab, network, site
Level: Intermediate For: Adult, HE
Special use: business
A two CD-ROM comprehensive course that introduces English for professional, social and travel situations.
Business to Go! emphasizes speaking and listening skills and is divided into eight everyday situations: hotels,
travel, appointments, directions, greetings, socializing, eating out and work. Each situation includes: listening
exercises, target vocabulary, pronunciation activities, role-play exercises, and video clips.

CALL for English Library Disks

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, grammar
Publisher: Wida Software
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
Special use: TOEFL
Eurocentres teachers have used Wida's authoring programs and created ready-to-go library disks for almost all
levels, elementary to advanced, concentrating on vocabulary, grammar practice, etc, but also exam practice
including TOEFL. There are 35 disks in all. 27 of the titles are available in Macintosh format (contact the
publisher for details). Windows version due out in February 1999; that will be called the Eurocentres CALL
Library for English. These packages are now sold by Wida.

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, reading
Publisher: Wida Software

Purchase options: Contact publisher
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: HE
Uses Wida's Gapmaster program to offer a range of practice materials for English for Academic Purposes
students. 21 exercises work on finding the missing words, word building, finding and correcting mistakes in a
text, answering questions about a written text, and analyzing data in a table. A student workbook, teacher's
manual, and learner's manual are included.

Canadian Links for ESL

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, grammar
Publisher: NAS Educational Software
Approximate single-unit price: $195
Purchase options: site license $595
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: 9-12, Adult
Designed for new immigrants to Canada, this uses multiple choice quizzes, typing and dragging exercises, and
database searches on health, job search, vocabulary, grammar, literacy, and life skills topics. Minimum
hardware requirements: 286 IBM/compatible, color monitor, mouse. Site license for $600.

Coin Changer
Machine: Mac
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Heartsoft
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Purchase options: lab, site, network
Level: Literacy, beginning For: All
Special use: bilingual
Practice for beginners in recognizing the value of (US) coins and bills. The ESL version includes a set of disks
in Spanish as well as in English. This program is also sold as part of the Heartsoft Bestseller package.

Compton's Encyclopedia Deluxe

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
Learning Services
Approximate single-unit price: $20
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-3
A CD-ROM based encyclopedia, which is notable for its ease of navigation and quality of articles, which are
written at 10th grade reading level. Its multimedia elements are somewhat uneven--the charts and photos are
excellent comprehension aids, the digital movies and sounds aren't as helpful. Good introduction to research
skills, even for lower level proficiency students. The Windows version has one feature that is definitely worth
looking into. It's called Editing Room and it's basically a multimedia report writing option. Students can take
pictures, videos, animations, sound, and even create narration to develop a multimedia slide presentation of
their research findings. There are sample shows on the disk which give students ideas for things they can
create. It's a great deal considering you get the encyclopedia with all of its images and sounds and this
multimedia report writer on one disk. (Magoto)

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: R.J.C. Watt
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Purchase options: $40 ea additional copy
Level: Intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All
Text analysis and concordance software. Powerful and flexible program. You can download a 30-day trial
from the website at

Core Reading and Vocabulary Development

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: reading, vocabulary
Publisher: Educational Activities Software
Approximate single-unit price: $675

Purchase options: lab, network
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: 3-6, Adult
Special use: Elementary
This program is a comprehensive approach to reading and language development. In the first phase, students
see, hear, say, and record each word. The second phase is a reading of the lesson text, 2-3 sentences per screen.
The same text is then presented in a timed reading exercise, one phrase at a time. Next the student completes
reading comprehension exercises. Students can refer back to the text to find the answer, and on an incorrect
response the computer highlights the sentence where the answer should have been found. For vocabulary
practice, students complete words from sentences in the text and choose the correct spelling. Directions are
spoken in English and Spanish. This is sold separately or as part of the ESL/Basic Literacy bundle.

Corpus Collections
Machine: DOS
Skill: grammar, vocabulary
Publisher: Oxford Univ. Press
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: site
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: 7-12, Adult, HE
These collections are to be used with a concordancer, such as MonoConc or MicroConcord, which lets you
search large text libraries for all occurrences of a word. This is an excellent way of dealing with many
questions which arise out of corrections of written work, such as 'What is the difference between first and at
first?' or '..I don't care and I don't mind?' Collection A taken from 'The Independent' newspaper; Collection B
taken from OUP publications.

Crossword Creator
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: T util, vocabulary
Publisher: Centron Software Technologies
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Purchase options: lab pack $60, site/network license $250
Level: Intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All
Crossword puzzle maker. Includes a thesaurus to help in generating clues. This package received several
recommendations and was praised for being easy to use, though it helps to read the documentation in order to
take advantage of all the features. Puzzles can be solved on screen, printed out, or exported to a word-

Crossword Magic
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Mindscape
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: lab, site, network
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
CD-ROM version of one of the original crossword puzzle generators. Has multilingual capability. Crosswords
can be played onscreen or printed out.

Crossword Plus for Windows

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, authoring
Publisher: Parsons Technology
See also
RDA Mind Builders
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All
Students can listen to clues or read them onscreen. Comes with 100 puzzles and authoring capability. Can use
colors and fonts to differentiate clues and subjects. Puzzles can be solved on-screen or printed out. Requires
Windows and a sound card.

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Idiom Software
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Purchase options: $100 site
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: K-8
Special use: elementary
This simple ESL program developed by teachers focuses on clothing and accessory vocabulary. Students dress
male and female characters through commands they give. Students see graphics and vocabulary words, and use
both in activities. The program includes an online speaking glossary. Multiple program site licences available.

Dynamic Classics
Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: listening, vocabulary
Publisher: DynEd International
See also
Alta ESL
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
Special use: Bilingual (Jap)
Dramatized retellings of Round the World in 80 days, A Christmas Carol, Alice in Wonderland, and Robin
Hood on interactive CD-ROM supported by dictations, fill-ins, character matrix, and on-line comprehension
aids. For listening, reading, and vocabulary development. Voice recording. Pricing options include per-student-
use cost. Contact the publisher for details.

English for Success

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: vocabulary, listening
Publisher: DynEd International
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: 6-12
Basic to intermediate-level comprehensive program for pre-teens and teens. It includes not only general
English (listening, speaking, vocabulary, reading, grammar), but also the social language needed for school
and school subjects such as math, geography, history, and science. A record and playback function is included.
Record-keeping includes a "study score" function.

English in a Flash
Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Renaissance Learning
Approximate single-unit price: $1500
Purchase options: includes setup
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
Vocabulary-based practice that also includes some grammar, listening, and speaking. After vocabulary and
some grammar practice, learners can listen to a story using target vocabulary and structure while reading along.
Learners can record themselves for feedback by the teacher. Beginning vocabulary and academic vocabulary
sets are available.

English Speaking Dictionary

Machine: Mac
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Adult Success Center
See also
Purchase options: send disks and postage
Level: Beginning For: All but HE
Special use: Literacy
A HyperCard-based application for ESL and Adult Basic Education with text, graphics and sound created by
the Adult Success Center at Idaho State University. Learners click on an item to hear it said and see the word.
The disks cover topics such as science, mammals, birds, and workplace terms. These disks run as a set from a

common menu. This is a dictionary; as such, it does not come with additional activities beyond looking and
listening. Send them 10 disks and postage and they'll copy this and send it back to you.

English Teacher, The

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, grammar
Publisher: Opus Educational Software
Purchase options: $29 regis plus $9/month
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All but K-8
Special use: bilingual
The English Teacher is now distributed as an online service for Spanish speakers. Other languages are planned.
Vocabulary and grammar concepts are reinforced systematically and periodically. The three major components
are Working on Words, Building up to Grammar, and Express Yourself in English. These include a variety of
exercises, sound, and video. In addition, the program includes RCT: Right Click Translator to translate any
word and listen to its pronunciation and READY: Reviews Elapsed According to Daily Yield, that administers
and monitors students' study time and statistics according to their performance, programming reviews and
examinations over extended intervals of time. Free chatting with the Teacher's Desk and, email and chatting
with other students. Free trial: any user can register and download the program for free, which will allow five
sessions (24 hour maximun per session) of usage. No credit card required for registering or downloading.
Registration and first month's subscription for $29, then $9 per month.

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, pronunciation
Publisher: ESL Pro Systems
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Purchase options: multi-user, site
Level: Literacy, beginning, intermediate For: All
Special use: literacy
This CD-ROM-based program uses graphics, sound, animation, and text to improve pronunciation skills.
Learners can record and compare their speech. Customized versions are available for speakers of French,
Spanish, Korean, Japanese, German, Chinese, Hindi, Portuguese, and Russian.

Eurocentres CALL Library

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, reading, grammar
Publisher: Wida Software
Approximate single-unit price: $110
Purchase options: 75 for 1-5 users
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
Ten volumes of exercises to use with the Wida Authoring Suite programs (Gapmaster, Storyboard,
Matchmaster, Choicemaster, Testmaster). These have been ported from the DOS-based CALL for English
originals. Volumes include Elementary Grammar, Vocabulary, and Functions; Intermediate Grammar and
Vocabulary; Advanced Grammar, Vocabulary, and Functions; Cambridge Proficience Practice, and
International Business Topics.

Expeditions into English

Machine: Mac
Skill: listening, vocabulary, speaking
Publisher: Softec
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: site
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All but K-3
Expeditions is a CD-ROM based version of the Prentice Hall Regents series by the same name. It includes a
variety of notional/functional lessons in 12 units integrating text, sound, and color graphics to let students
practice listening comprehension, vocabulary development, and speaking. The recording option lets students
compare their voices with the original and participate in conversations in the lessons. Online help is available
from anywhere in the program. Requires System 7 or higher and 20MB of free space on the hard drive.

Expert Gallery
Machine: Win
Skill: listening, vocabulary

Publisher: Lingonet Oy
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Purchase options: 5-user, network
Level: Advanced For: Adult, HE
Special use: business
Financial English is a video-rich CD-ROM based on a consultation session with an experienced accountant
explaining how to go about setting up a company and managing its finances. The content is authentic both in
the sense that it is an expert answering questions without a script and because his answers are the same as he
usually gives to his clients. The authentic language is scaffolded with language support, including a glossary of
terms, listening to the summaries in clear standard English, and a range of exercises such as gap fill, ordering,
jigsaw, and collocation activities. The descriptions of business procedures and the weighing up of alternatives
form the basis of reporting tasks which encourage students to break out of the shell of passive learning. A
review is online at

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, grammar, listening
Publisher: Higgins, John and Muriel
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
This is a program to retrieve words containing specified letters, sounds, or belonging to specified grammar
categories. Runs under Windows 95. Requires additional download from Oxford Text Archive. Free for
download from

First 50 Phrasal Verbs

Machine: DOS
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Independent Software
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $90
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Now called Creatorial; see description there.

First English
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: listening, vocabulary
Publisher: DynEd International
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Beginning For: 6-12
Multimedia English course for true beginners ages 10-17. The focus is on listening, vocabulary, and grammar,
with speech recording and playback available. Course material includes school vocabulary and situations, as
well as work on letters and numbers. Lessons are sequenced and incorporate review. The management module
lets teachers assign placement and track student progress. Pricing options include per-student-use cost. Contact
the publisher for details.

Gerry's Vocabulary Teacher

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Creative Technology
Approximate single-unit price: $45
Purchase options: $60 on CD-ROM
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All but K-8
A database of over 30,000 sentences in context with over 2200 keywords. Users can search and edit sentences,
add sentences, and create language exercises. Keywords include academic language from the Birmingham
Corpus and the Academic Word List from Victoria University in New Zealand. Each keyword includes a
minimum of 10 contexts, and entries include different parts of speech, proverbs from different cultures,
quotations, facts about countries, and trivia. The user can search and edit these sentences, and add more
keywords or sentences of their own. And with a couple of mouse-clicks, users can choose a sequence of
sentences, and build them into a complete language exercise. The program was created by Gerry Luton and
Martin Holmes of the University of Victoria in British Columbia.


Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Idiom Software
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Purchase options: $100 site
Level: Beginning For: All but K-6
This program uses animation, sound, and graphics. Students learn the vocabulary with various exercises, then
run the hotel. They need respond to requests from guests and send the appropriate person: room service,
housekeeping, maintenance, or the bellhop.

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Idiom Software
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Purchase options: $100 site
Level: Beginning For: All
Graphics, text, and sound are used in exercises and tests to help students learn the rooms of the house,
furnishings for each room, and six prepositions of location. The HouseKey Activity requires the student to use
the vocabulary to find five keys hidden in a house. Finding a key in one room allows access to the next. The
program offers help with verb choice, prepositions, and spelling, and includes a glossary with sound.

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: IdioMagic
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: volume, student, download discounts
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
Teaches American idioms and slang through lessons with examples and multiple-choice quizzes. A demo is
available at the website. A discount is available when the program is downloaded rather than purchased on a

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Bruce Zhang
Approximate single-unit price: $24
Level: Intermediate, advanced, teacher For: Teacher, all but K-6
Users (or teachers) add links to use as content resources. Insightin offers instant dictionary access, exercise
generation, spaced repetition, and progress tracking. Download a trial version from the website.

Interactive English
Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, listening, speaking
Publisher: 1-12 Interactive
Level: For:
See Language Solution, The: Interactive English. Sold by Wida as Interactive English.

Interactive Picture Dictionary, The

Machine: Win
Skill: spelling, vocabulary
Publisher: Protea Textware
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $70
Purchase options: lab pack
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
This CD-ROM-based program teaches and tests spelling and vocabulary comprehension. The teacher can
customise by adding own key words, context sentences and number of syllables per word.

Karaoke Jukebox

Machine: Mac
Skill: speaking, vocabulary
Publisher: Geoff Taylor
Purchase options: Freeware
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
This freeware HyperCard stack plays QuickTime Karaoke files. Classroom management is interesting if you
have several people trying to sing along with different songs simultaneously, so it works best with a class-sized
speaker and projection panel to keep the group together. It's easiest for all but the most advanced students to
look at the lyrics ahead of time. Files can be added by pasting or typing in the names of additional songs (also
available on Geoff Taylor's website). Seven sample karaoke songs are included with the downloadable file.
Requires HyperCard 2/2.1 or HyperCard player, QuickTime 2.5 system extension. The 120K stack can be
downloaded from (DH)

Kids English
Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Syracuse Language Systems
See also
Alta ESL
Level: For:
Vocabulary-based CD-ROM with graphics and sound; elementary ed.

Language Solution, The: Interactive English

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, listening, speaking
Publisher: 1-12 Interactive
See also
Learning Services
World of Reading
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Purchase options: 100; lab, site
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
CD-ROM version of a text by the same name. Point and click operation, with no writing required. Uses
graphics, animation, and voice recording and playback. Includes student tracking software. Approved by the
California Instructional Technology Clearinghouse.

Language Tune-up Kit

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Glencoe McGraw-Hill
Approximate single-unit price: $1500
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Large-scale, CD-ROM-based systematic vocabulary improvement drill with sound. Designed for native
speaking adults who read at the 0-4th grade level. Students see the words on the monitor, hear them
pronounced correctly, say and record the words, and listen to both pronunciations for comparison. 87 lessons
are divided into five 'breaks.' Each break is self-contained, contains up to 700 words, and teaches a unique set
of reading skills. An Instructor's Resource Guide contains installation and operating instructions, strategies for
teaching the adult learner, and a placement test.

Let's Talk English

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, pronunciation
Publisher: Syracuse Language Systems
See also
Lingo Fun
Alta ESL
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: site and network
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All

Vocabulary and pronunciation skill building with over 2200 words, speech recognition, learning games and
activities. Requires a CD-ROM drive.

Mega Munchers
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: vocabulary, reading, pronunciation
Publisher: Learning Company, The
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Purchase options: lab pack, site license
Level: Advanced For: All but K-6
Three CD-ROM set, with Math Munchers, Word Munchers, and Knowledge Munchers (formerly Trivia
Munchers Deluxe). Arcade-style games. Word Munchers drills the variant spelling of vowel sounds. Students
are presented with a model (/i/ as in fish), they then move around a grid selecting all of the other words that
have the same vowel sound while trying to avoid little monstors that randomly move through the grid. The
program can be set so that students will only work on a limited set of vowel sounds. There is no instructional
phase to the program, so teachers will want to either preteach the common patterns and exceptions or
encourage their students to be persistent discovery learners. Knowledge Munchers is a trivia-style game in
arcade form. Math Munchers works on math skills. MECC titles are now sold by Learning Company School.

Machine: DOS
Skill: grammar, vocabulary
Publisher: Athelstan
Approximate single-unit price: $195
Purchase options: $400 site license
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: 7-12, Adult, HE
A versatile and fast concordancer, very professionally done. It works on huge text files and produces
concordance output on screen which can be manipulated in numerous ways (e.g. sorted by 1 to n words to right
or left of target, source text can be accessed, non-productive items ejected, printing to file, etc.). Comes with
an excellent manual explaining many uses of concordancers. The optional corpora are separated into business,
science, humanities, etc. texts, generally taken from British newspapers. Recently upgraded.

MonoConc Pro
Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, T util
Publisher: Athelstan
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $95
Purchase options: site
Level: Intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All, teacher
Concordance program. Can load multiple files totaling several million words, then view contents from within
the program. Searches can be case-sensitive or case-insensitive, have wildcards, and include non-letter
characters such as '-' or apostrophes. Unwanted concordance lines can be deleted, while a multi-line context
can be displayed for a given concordance line. A word list function with a frequency count and calculation of
the frequency of collocations is also included. Results can be sorted by search word, text order, or first or
second word to the left or right. An earlier and less full-featured version, MonoConc for Windows, is $70.

Multimedia Flash Cards

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: EuroTalk
See also
Delta Systems
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Level: Beginning For: K-9
Special use: elementary
An computer-based flash card system designed to teach English as a second language to children. Features
several games for learning the vocabulary and the capability for students to listen to digitally recorded
pronunciations of each word and also to record their own voices. If using an IBM or compatible, this program
requires an MPC-compliant machine and runs under Windows.

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Idiom Software
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Purchase options: $100 site
Level: Beginning For: All
Students work through exercises to learn vocabulary related to the family. Then they try the MysteryFamily
Activity, where three members of a family are hidden behind silhouettes. The student must guess their
identities by asking them questions and listening to their responses. For help, students may read a short
biographical sketch about each person. The program keeps track of the number of questions asked and includes
a special display when all identities are correctly guessed.

New Oxford Picture Dictionary

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reference, vocabulary
Publisher: Oxford Univ. Press UK
See also
Purchase options: 35
Level: Literacy, beginning For: All
Special use: Bilingual (Sp, Chinese versions), literacy
CD-ROM version of the classic dictionary for beginners. Also available: English-Spanish and English-Chinese

Machine: Mac
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Nameless Software
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: site license
Level: Advanced For: 9-12, HE
With this program learners work through words from the University Word List, the 2000 most common words
in academic English. They can study the word lists, practice, test themselves, and store words they need to
work more on into a special review list for focused practice. Runs on Mac 6.0+.

Machine: Mac
Skill: reading, vocabulary
Publisher: Nameless Software
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Purchase options: site license
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All
This program from John McVicker takes any plain text (ASCII) file and uses it for timed and paced readings
with an online glossary, nth word and grammatically-focused clozes, sentence and paragraph jumbles, and
vocabulary practice such as clozes where all vowels or consonants are deleted or learners see only half the
word. Another feature is that the program tracks what the learner did in the 'Notes,' which can be printed out
before the learner quits the program. It is very helpful to see the strategies learners use when doing the cloze.
The notes also record which words were looked up during the reading, the definition from the glossary, and
whatever the learner typed to help him or her remember the word. The readings that come with NewReader are
relatively advanced. Because it is easy to add text to this program--anything you have done in your word-
processor and saved as plain text can be dropped in the NewReader folder for immediate use--it can be for any
level. For the money, it's tough to beat, and the program is regularly updated.

Once Upon a Time... Volumes I, II, III, and IV

Machine: Mac
Skill: writing, vocabulary, reading
Publisher: Compu-Teach
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: lab pack, network and site license
Level: Beginning For: Grades 1-6
Story-telling and creation. Designed for native speakers.

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Idiom Software
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Purchase options: $100 site
Level: Beginning For: All but K-6
The learner plays the role of a cook in a restaurant, first learning over 60 food and beverage vocabulary words,
then filling orders. Working efficiently brings a bonus, with a paycheck at the end of the shift. The program
includes digitized sound and an online glossary.

Picture Cue Dictionary

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Attainment Company
Approximate single-unit price: $170
Level: Literacy, beginning For: All
Special use: elementary, literacy
Vocabulary presentation program organized around four thematic units: shopping, meals, appearances, and
home. Display mode presents the target words together with a corresponding picture and digitized
pronunciation one by one. In Matching mode the students match the word to the picture--testing what they've
learned. Teachers can modify the order and content of lessons for each student. Has IntelliKeys overlays for
students with limited manual dexterity. CD-ROM.

Pronunciation Power Idioms

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: English Computerized Learning
Approximate single-unit price: $20
Purchase options: discount if downloaded
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-3
104 Idiom lessons with a picture, a description of the idiom and a recorded sample sentence. Exercises and
quizzes are also included. CD-ROM.

Puzzle Power
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Centron Software Technologies
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Purchase options: lab pack, site/network license
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All
This CD-ROM includes Crossword Creator, Wordsearch Creator, KrissKross (like Scrabble), Quote Falls,
Cryptograms, and Cryptoquizzes. What sets this apart from many others is that graphics, sound, and video
clips can be included in the clues. Hundreds of predesigned puzzles, including New York Times puzzles, are
on the CD-ROM (though these are not specifically for ESL). Puzzles can be played on screen, printed out, or
exported to a word-processor (sound and video may not transfer, and certainly won't print out). Contains both
the Crossword Creator AND Wordsearch Creator.

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, listening
Publisher: Q USA
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: K-6
Seven animated interactive language games, focusing on word identification through listening or reading. Can
be purchased with QRead and QPictionary as a set for $100.

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Q USA
Approximate single-unit price: $40

Level: Literacy, beginning For: K-3
Special use: literacy
Multimedia picture dictionary for young learners of English, divided into two sections - category groupings
and word list. Features a talking ABC board and other colorful graphics. Words are pronounced and displayed.
Alphabet knowledge is taught using animation and sample words for each letter. Can be purchased with QRead
and QPictionary as a set for $100.

QReview Series
Machine: Win
Skill: reading, grammar, vocabulary
Publisher: Q USA
Approximate single-unit price: $375
Purchase options: Components also sold separately.
Level: Intermediate For: All but K-6
Three sets of CD-ROMs for a multimedia review of reading, grammar, and vocabulary. Reading 1 and 2 have
a variety of texts including letters, magazine articles, stories, and humor. Grammar 1 and 2 review English
tenses with anecdotes, short stories, articles, and dialogues. Vocabulary 1 and 2 use video clips with topics
including leisure and hobbies, the environment, and the world of entertainment. Exercises and practice tests are
included in all of these sets. Each set of two CD-ROMs can be purchased separately for $140. Lab, network,
and site options are also available.

QSteps 1 and 2
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Q USA
Approximate single-unit price: $140
Purchase options: Kit for $350
Level: Literacy, beginning For: pre-K-2
Special use: literacy, elementary
The two CD-ROMs contain a total of 8 units, each of which cover a specific vocabulary area. Words and
sentences are presented through games and activities at different levels. The series focuses on the target
language in specific settings; The Guard House (numbers), The Home (family relationships), The Paint
Factory (colors), The Tailor's Shop (clothing), The Gym (parts of the body), The School (classroom), The
Grocery Store (food), and The Theater (feelings). QSteps provides exposure to authentic language in natural
contexts by means of an intuitive user interface for young learners. CD-ROM. Can be purchased as part of
QKids with QSurf for $740.

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Q USA
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: lab, network, site
Level: Beginning For: All but K-6
Quickstart, a video-based CD-ROM, teaches the basics of English by focusing on Electra, a cyber-visitor who
emerges from a computer. Electra has no understanding of English or of concepts of possession, money, or
romance which in turn leads to very humorous situations. Through the use of integrated video clips, this
multimedia course introduces vocabulary in five different everyday settings, focusing on reading, speaking,
listening and basic knowledge of the alphabet. Record and playback ability, reading, listening, and speaking
exercises, and an alphabet review feature make learning fun and interactive. Basic English instructions
combined with comprehension questions allow students to work at their own pace. Quickstart introduces a
vocabulary of approximately 650 words.

Race the Clock

Machine: Mac
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Mindplay
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Level: Beginning, intermediate, teacher For: All but HE
Special use: bilingual

Students race against a clock to complete a Concentration type game. Matches can be pictures of activities
with corresponding words, picture to picture, or word to word. The program comes with a library of 60
animated pictures of actions to be used in the game. Teachers can also create new matches of word to word
such as irregular and present tense verb forms, etc. A demo of this program is on the TESOL/CELIA CD-
ROM. Now part of One-Pick Pack (English only) or Language Pack (Spanish or French), which includes Ace
Detective, Ace Explorer, Ace Inquirer, Ace Reporter, Easy Street, Race the Clock Language Arts, Word
Hound, and some math titles.

Reader Rabbit Reading 1

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: reading, vocabulary
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
Learning Services
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Literacy, beginning For: K-2
Special use: Elementary, literacy
This program is designed to make learning to recognize letters and words fun for younger children. It uses
brightly-colored graphics with smiling animals to motivate sound-symbol practice. Several different types of
exercises are included, mostly phonics-related. Students can choose which type of activity to do; a record-
keeping function is included so that the teacher can see what the learner worked on and how s/he did. CD-

Reader Rabbit's Interactive Reading Journey 2

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: reading, vocabulary
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
Learning Services
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Level: Beginning, intermediate, teacher For: K-2
Special use: Elementary
Thirty stories; games that promote phonics, word recognition and comprehension. On CD-ROM.

Reading Blaster Vocabulary: Ages 9-12

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Knowledge Adventure
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Purchase options: lab, site, T version
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: 3-6
Special use: elementary
Multimedia drill with game elements. Teacher editions include 2 copies of the software plus teacher materials.

Reading Rodeo
Machine: Mac
Skill: reading, vocabulary
Publisher: Heartsoft
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: lab, site, network
Level: Literacy, beginning For: pre-K-1
Special use: bilingual, literacy, elementary
Literacy skills are the focus, with audio prompts. Icons show how to make letters, and graphics are used for
letter associations. The rodeo motif comes in with the Cactus Kid, who lassos 104 cartoon graphics which
begin with corresponding letters. The English and ESL version includes 2 sets of disks, 1 in English and 1 in
Spanish. This title is included in Heartsoft Bestsellers.

Richmond Electronic Dictionary

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: Vocabulary, writing
Publisher: Richmond

Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
Special use: bilingual
Dictionary that can be accessed from within an program. Also includes model letters. CD-ROM.

Scholastic Network
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: writing, vocabulary
Publisher: Scholastic Software
Approximate single-unit price: $250
Purchase options: $2500 site license
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: K-8
Special use: Bilingual
Internet curriculum service for grades K-8 providing access to teacher plans, discussion groups, on-line chats
with authors, thematic guides. Includes an ESL/Spanish department. Articles, books, experts and resources are
accessible. Areas include the Math Center and the Writing Center.

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Idiom Software
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Purchase options: $100 site
Level: Beginning For: K-12
Learners practice classroom objects, colors, and class subjects, then try the SchoolDay Activity -- guessing
whose locker is whose by interviewing six students and looking at the contents of the lockers. Students read
and hear the responses of the students.

Spanish English Education Resources (SEER)

Machine: Win
Skill: reading, vocabulary, writing
Publisher: SEER Education Corporation
Approximate single-unit price: $279
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Special use: bilingual
Digital English Spanish dictionary including synonyms, verb conjugations and idiomatic expressions, and an
interactive computer-aided translator (ICAT). SEER helps students develop and improve full English Spanish

Spell It Deluxe
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Knowledge Adventure
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: grade 1 +
Spell It Deluxe helps students learn basic spelling rules, master the spelling of thousands of commonly
misspelled words, practice proofreading, and continually improve those skills. One of its unique feature is the
availability of new word lists each month on the Davidson Internet site (, extending the value
of the software by providing a fresh supply of spelling challenges. Upgrade of Spell It Plus. Teacher editions
include 2 copies of the software plus teacher materials.

Spelling Blaster: Ages 6-9

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Knowledge Adventure
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Purchase options: lab, site, T version
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: 3-6
Special use: elementary
Multimedia drill with game elements. Teacher editions include 2 copies of the software plus teacher materials.

Super Solvers Spellbound

Machine: Win, Mac, Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Learning Company, The
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Purchase options: lab, site license
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All
Includes various activities (including word searches, crosswords, flash card and jumbled words) to practice
present lists (arranged by topic) as well as up to 100 lists entered by the teacher. Teachers can also edit all
preset lists. After each set of words has been practiced, there is a spelling bee. Words to be spelled are either
spoken or flashed on the screen.

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, T util
Publisher: SuperMemo USA
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All but K-3
This program helps users memorize vocabulary (or other memorizable items, such as spelling lists and
irregular verb forms). It spaces repetitions of items in such a way as to maximize learning. ESL version
available. Teachers can add their own databases of items for their students to learn. Runs under DOS or

Talk Now
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: EuroTalk
See also
World of Reading
Approximate single-unit price: $45
Purchase options: UK26
Level: Beginning For: All
Vocabulary building game with a record option that compares the learner and native speaker pronunciations.
Help is available in more than 40 languages.

Targeting Phrasal Verbs v1.10

Machine: Win
Skill: grammar, vocabulary
Publisher: LinguaSy
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $70
Purchase options: $70 site license
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
Simple multiple choice format program with a question and four possible answers involving choosing the right
phrasal verb. Includes and on-line (editable) dictionary of phrasal verbs and full help. Very easy to use. Price
includes site license. The program can be ordered over the Internet at:

Targeting Vocabulary
Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: LinguaSy
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $15
Purchase options: $15 site license
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
Multiple-choice practice, graded into five levels. The LinguaSy Grammar of English is included. Designed for

Taste for English, A

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Educational Software Products
Approximate single-unit price: $74
Purchase options: 40; lab
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: K-8
Learners help Fred the frog find nice tasty flies for him to eat, in the form of words that fit into a set, while
avoiding words that don't fit. Authorable. British English in the words included.

TextMangler 1.2
Machine: Mac
Skill: vocabulary, reading
Publisher: Dickman, Michael
Approximate single-unit price: $10
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
TextMangler imports any text file and 'mangles' it - it leaves the first and last sentences alone, but jumbles the
rest. For example, if you have two sentences with 'and' it will switch the second halves of those sentences
around. After the students have read a text, the teacher can give them a mangled version of it and ask them to
use the mangled version to help them reconstruct the text. The students are thereby provided with all the
vocabulary and sentence structures that they need, but they need to have understood the text to be able to use
the mangled version to help them reconstruct it. It does not work well with very short texts, or texts where
there is a very wide range of vocabulary; it needs a certain amount of repetition to work well. (Addis)

Theme Connections 1, 2, 3
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reading, writing, vocabulary
Publisher: Prentice-Hall Regents
Purchase options: Contact publisher for pricing.
Level: Literacy, beginning, intermediate For: K-6
Special use: literacy, elementary
This 18-disk CD-ROM program supports the Prentice Hall Regents ESL program for Grades 1-6. Each of the
disks links directly to and is fully integrated with a Student Theme Book and provides a variety of interactive
activities (using animation, sound, and graphics). Activities include Screen Play: manipulating objects on the
screen; Match Game: matching words and phrases; Story Reader: listening and reading; Story Maker:
manipulating visuals and text to create a story; Draw and Share: drawing and coloring pictures; Puzzle:
jumbled ideas and sentences; Story Completer: choosing words or pictures to complete a passage; Text
Analyzer: highlighting portions of text onscreen; Comic-Strip Maker: writing and recording dialogue and
creating captions to make a story; and Writing: a word-processor with pre-writing. Theme Connections 1 is
oriented toward K-3; others toward 3-6.

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Idiom Software
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Purchase options: $100 site
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
Learners study vocabulary related to time, then go to work in a tourist information kiosk, answering questions
using the time and numbers vocabulary. Various people come up and ask about the arrival and departure of
trains and busses, as well as when concerts, exhibitions and other events take place. Learners look up
information onscreen to find the answer. An online glossary is included.

Tomorrow's Promise Spelling

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Jostens Home Learning
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Level: Literacy, beginning For: K-3
Special use: literacy, elementary
CD-ROM-based spelling program for young learners. Full year of instruction on each CD, with 14 activities
and 3 games for each of 60 word lists. Learners can create their own stories and create their own storybook
with the words. Extensive classroom management.

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: PerLingua Software
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
Students reconstruct a text. They are guided by lines where the letters used to be. They type a word and if it is
in the answer, it will appear in the proper place. Authorable. Freeware.

Treehouse, The
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: listening, vocabulary, reading
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
online/mail order
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: Pre-K-6
Special use: elementary
This is not ESL stuff, but most of it can be easily demonstrated by the teacher, and kids catch on real quick.
Includes seven educational games. Students explore the on-screen hideaway, learning about music, animals,
mathematics, sentence structure, money & place value. Requires CD-ROM drive.

Vital Signs: The Good Health Resource

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading, vocabulary
Publisher: Texas Caviar
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $70
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Special use: bilingual, science
Students learn about health problems, important ways to reduce health risks, how to record and track personal
health information and organizations that are valuable sources of further information. The health database is
completely bilingual in Spanish and English and includes toll-free numbers. Requires a CD-ROM drive.

Vocaboly - Vocabulary Builder

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Vocaboly Software
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
Vocabulary practice with five elements: SAT, TOEFL, GRE, GMAT, and VOA Special English. Each has
12,000 words, with definition, phonetic spelling, and pronunciation. Users can create their own "books" of
words. Each book contains eight flash cards for focusing on specified words. Each word can be assigned to a
difficulty level of 0 to 5. Each user has his or her own study record and software setting, which is saved
automatically when you quit the program. Study methods include a word ticker, recall, spelling, listening,
multiple choice, memory game, and a Star Wars game. A demo can be downloaded from the website. See a
CNET review at

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: BastiUK
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All, T
Vocabulary practice program that offers study and test modes, including grammar exercises and completion
tests. Students can set up a learning agenda, with target dates for learning specific words. The program also
allows learners to collect words while they are using other applications, then import them into the program.
Vocabulary files are available both with the program and in an online archive. Words can be saved as linked
primary or secondary (derivatives) lists. Lists can be imported from Excel and exported as HTML. The
program allows multiple uses on the same computer, each with his/her own files and record-keeping system. A

shareware version can be downloaded from the website at

VTrain (Vocabulary Trainer)

Machine: Win
Skill: authoring, vocabulary
Purchase options: free for schools
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All, teacher
Multimedia flashcard creator; ready-made translating flashcards are available between English and over 40
other languages. Powerful editor: voice recording, image edition, smart keyboard switch between 2 languages.
Free for schools; $15 shareware otherwise. Download from the website at http://www.paul- Also on the website is a free tool for collecting words and phrases called WordClip.

Word Action
Machine: Win,Mac
Skill: Vocabulary, reference
Publisher: Q USA
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Purchase options: lab, network, site
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
Special use: Bilingual (Sp., Fr.)
CD-ROM multimedia dictionary with video, graphics, sound. 700 words can be accessed alphabetically by
language or through the eight categories. Includes four games. Mac and Windows CD-ROMs sold separately.

Word Attack
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Knowledge Adventure
Level: For:
See Ultimate Word Attack.

Word Birds
Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: Vocabulary
Publisher: Prentice-Hall Regents
Purchase options: Contact publisher for pricing.
Level: Literacy, beginning For: pre-K - 3
Special use: Literacy, elementary
Multimedia, thematically-organized vocabulary for native speakers. Very easy to use. Only available outside
the US through a Prentice Hall Regents international distributor. CD-ROM.

Word Games with English

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Heinemann ELT
See also
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All but K-6
Teaches 1500 words using 40 different interactive games and puzzles.

Word Hound
Machine: Mac/ Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Mindplay
See also
online/mail order
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: K-6
Special use: Elementary, bilingual

Students direct a mouse making its way through a maze, avoiding the cat and trying to reach the dog house,
where they are asked questions about vocabulary. At the beginning level, learners are asked to match a
picture/word combination with one of two below. Learners progress to more difficult matching questions as
they work their way through the game. All instructions are spoken. Learners get more points with each correct
answer. Learners can listen to instructions in English or Spanish. Available on CD-ROM or disks. A separate
Spanish version is also available. A demo version is on the TESOL/CELIA CD-ROM. Now part of One-Pick
Pack (English only) or Language Pack (Spanish or French), which includes Ace Detective, Ace Explorer, Ace
Inquirer, Ace Reporter, Easy Street, Race the Clock Language Arts, Word Hound, and some math titles.

Word Smart
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Smartek Educational Technology
Approximate single-unit price: $70
Purchase options: sets, network, site
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-3
'Discussions' describe each word's synonyms, antonyms and derivations. Audio available in word lists and
discussions. Five types of exercises: flashcards, column matching, laser review, and multiple choice involve
synonym matching, while sentence completion requires typing in the best word from the set being studied.
Sound, graphics, exercise variety, and a high level of user control make this one popular. Created for 4th
grade-PhD native speakers, so the lowest 5 levels are most useful for ESL. Requires a CD-ROM drive.
Individual volumes are approximately $40 each; sets range from $160-$400, depending on the number of
volumes. (Seaver)

Word Works
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Teacher Support Software
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $70
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: K-6
Comprehensive vocabulary practice with tutorial, practice, and test (including authoring) modules. Text and
audio. With teacher's manual in notebook form. CD-ROM.

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Lexio
See also
Alta ESL
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
This CD-ROM lets students select the words they want to learn and then throughout the day, AutoLearn
displays a custom mix of reminders. Frequent exposure to new words; pop quizzes; an entertaining and
instructing screen saver; in-depth information about each word; spoken pronunciations; Info Cards displaying
over 5,000 tips, examples, definitions, synonyms, and antonyms; flash cards; and quick reference printouts are

WordFill v2.01
Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, authoring
Publisher: LinguaSy
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Purchase options: $25 site license
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All, Teacher
WordFill is an extended cloze testing engine. It displays a text with some words replaced by dashes and the
student must complete the text. The teacher can decide which words are removed, so a Beginners text can have
only a few words removed while an Advanced text has all but, say, proper nouns removed. It also has a timed
display option so students can see the complete text for several seconds -useful for speed reading practice.
(The number and duration of this display can be set by the teacher.) The program has a built-in word processor,

on-line interactive tutorial and over 60 pre-loaded texts (half in business English). Texts can be added or edited
freely. Very easy to use. Works with all main European languages (including support for accented characters).
Runs on Win 3.1 or later (including Win 95). Mouse recommended. A demo of the program can be
downloaded or an order placed over the Internet from:

Wordsearch Creator
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: vocabulary, T util
Publisher: Centron Software Technologies
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Purchase options: lab pack $60, site/network license $250
Level: Beginning, intermediate, teacher For: All
Creates three types of word search puzzles: standard wordsearch (target words are hidden in a grid of letters),
clues puzzles where students see clues to the hidden words, and fill-in-the-blank puzzles where students see a
paragraph with the missing words found in the puzzle. Can be solved on screen, printed out, or exported to a

Wordsmith Tools
Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, writing
Publisher: Oxford Univ. Press UK
Purchase options: 37; site
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
Integrated suite of programs for looking at how words behave in texts. WordList shows a list of all the words
in a text, set out in alphabetical or frequency order. Concordancer shows any word or phrase in context, and
KeyWords finds the key words in a text. Various smaller tools and extensive on-line help also included.
Distributed exclusively over the World Wide Web at

Machine: Mac
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: MacMUSE Software
Approximate single-unit price: $7
Purchase options: shareware; lab pack
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
Players choose one of four modules, Make Words, Master Words, Mixed Words, Match Words, and
accumulate points in any module toward the Hall of Fame. Make Words allows players to create as many small
words as possible from a longer word orphrase of up to 30 characters. Long words can be selected from a pre-
selected list or entered individually per round. Master Words challenges players to decipher a four-letter word
by receiving clues as to what letters are correct and in the right place or correct but in the wrong location in the
word, MasterMind-style. Mixed Words scrambles long words or phrases from the same lists as the Make
Words. Players have an assignable amount of time to decipher the word and enter it in the appropriate field.
Match Words asks players to match words or short phrases to the given clue according to criteria set for each
game. The time to find each match is also assignable. Information about up to 100 players can be stored in the
Player's List. Students and teachers can easily create word lists for play. Teacher editable parameters are
protected by password.

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Attainment Company
Approximate single-unit price: $130
Level: Beginning For: Adult
Everyday vocabulary. Uses graphics, voice recording, human quality speech, and quiz, presentation and print-
out options. Create a word list for each student, save it and add new words anytime. Six programs: People,
community, house, outdoor, actions, adjectives with 80 words apiece. Has IntelliKeys overlays for students
with limited manual dexterity. CD-ROM.

World Discovery Deluxe

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: reading, vocabulary
Publisher: Great Wave

See also
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Level: Intermediate For: All
World geography game on CD-ROM.

World of Words
Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Discovery Educational Software
Approximate single-unit price: $48
Purchase options: site
Level: Literacy, beginning For: K-8
Special use: literacy, bilingual (Sp., Fr., Ger.)
English vocabulary through pictures program. Point to the image to see the word, click to hear it. Listen to
sentences about the pictures. Self-tests in comprehension and reproduction of vocabulary, with progress reports
available. Part 1 "Home and Family": house, garden, rooms, furniture and household objects, family
relationships, occupations and pets. Part 2 "Education and Leisure": classroom objects, school subjects,
numbers, shape and colour, seasons, months, days and dates, time, weather, geography, parts of the body,
music, free time and sports. Part 3 "Out and About": town, shops, clothes, food and drink, transport, railway
station, on the road, directions, the farm and the zoo. Help is available in English, French, Spanish, or German.
Each CD-ROM sold separately or all three as a set.

WriteExpress: Rhymer & Phonetic Finder

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: Vocabulary, writing
Publisher: WriteExpress
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Level: Intermediate For: All
Playing with words. Designed for native speakers. CD-ROM. An online demo is available at

Zak's Word Games

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Addison Wesley Longman
See also
Alta ESL
Approximate single-unit price: $45
Level: Beginning For: K-6
Special use: Elementary
A series of 24 word games. Children collect pieces of the Wheel of Knowledge when they play each word
game. When they have collected all 24 pieces, the space alien Zak is able to go home again. Students can use a
2000-word online dictionary to help them solve the puzzles. Available in British and American English
versions. CD-ROM.

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary
Publisher: Jim Colby
Approximate single-unit price: $8
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-3
Vocabulary program that presents words in context with their opposites, one pair of sentences per exercise
page. Other modes are Browse, where learners can view all of the synonyms and antonyms; Review, where
learners can see the words they worked on before and re-do them; and Search mode, where learners can search
the database for any combination of characters or for one of the eleven classified categories of opposites. The
program has both British and American English, and points out the differences where they arise. A demo can
be downloaded from the website at

Writing software:

Academic Writing: A Language-Based Approach
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: writing
Publisher: Macquarie University
Approximate single-unit price: $70
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Advanced For: HE
Primarily designed as support material for English for Academic Purposes courses, this interactive CD-ROM
includes three main sections. The Big Picture looks at the structure of seven types of academic writing; The
Middle Ground focuses on paragraph-level issues; and Up Close addresses more specific features of academic
language. The program incorporates many annotated student texts from a range of disciplines and genres. An
interactive demo can be downloaded from

Achive: Writing and Language Arts

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: writing, reading, vocabulary
Publisher: Learning Company, The
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: 2-6
Special use: Elementary
Designed to meet a third through sixth grade language arts curriculum- grammar and spelling, parts of speech
and sentence structure, lsynonyms and antonyms, build vocabulary. This incorporates Word Munchers,
Schoolhouse Rock/Grammar Rock, Writing Trek. Designed for native speakers, but useful for ELLs.

Art Lesson, The

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: listening, reading, writing
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
online/mail order
Approximate single-unit price: $55
Purchase options: lab packs from $190-2100
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: K-4
Special use: bilingual, elementary
Students explore and experience a story based on the original work of author Tomie dePaola. They can read
the story, hear it read to them by the author, and explore the text and living illustrations. Integrated art
activities let students create with the author. Also includes video clips as they explore Tomie dePaola's studio,
hear him tell about his childhood experiences, and learn about his life as an author and illustrator. Requires
CD-ROM drive. MECC titles are now sold by Learning Company.

Machine: Mac
Skill: writing, study skills
Publisher: Group Logic
Approximate single-unit price: $190
Purchase options: lab packs
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
Collaborative writing software that allows linked users to write or draw simultaneously in a shared area. Up to
32 people can work simultaneously, writing and viewing each other's writing. Aspects was used in Project
CONNECT, a research project that helped weak note-takers improve by watching an experienced note-taker at
work during classroom lectures.

Basic Skills for the Real World

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading, writing, listening
Publisher: Wasatch Education Systems
Approximate single-unit price: $300
Purchase options: network
Level: Literacy, beginning For: Adult
Special use: literacy
Designed for adults who need reading and writing skills; uses extensive audio. Eight units, sold separately.
Each unit includes a management component. The units are Duc and Linh (lifeskills math and numeracy,

inferences, map reading); New Challenges (signs, maps, compare products, make appointments, make
inferences); Grace Under Pressure (career search, basic home repairs, interpret charts and graphs, auto
purchasing and insurance); Amazing Grace (test-taking strategies, time management, price comparison,
budgeting, writing ads and letters); Joe Moves Up (job attitudes, phone skills, using a catalog, customer
service, cooking); KC Makes Choices (emergency first aid, durgs and alcohol, gangs, getting a job, dealing
with learning disabilities, reading comprehension); Linda's New Start (job handbook, customer service,
comparison shopping, using a timecard); and Day by Day (computing mileage, reading a map, comparison
shopping, making a budget, time management, fact vs. opinion).

Machine: Mac
Skill: writing
Publisher: Computers for Education
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Purchase options: site
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
Thie HyperCard stack from Elizabeth Hanson-Smith asks students to freewrite from four different aspects
(narrative, description, analysis, comparison) about the teacher's prompt or one of several computer-generated
pictures. The student then chooses key words from the freewriting to organize into an idea web. Writing and
the idea web may be printed out. The color version is distributed by Computers for Education, and a black and
white version is available on the TESOL/CELIA CD-ROM.

Machine: Mac
Skill: writing
Publisher: CELIA
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
Helps create the plots for Buddy movies. Learners choose from various lists to generate a plot, which they
can then flesh out. Requires HyperCard.

Business Letter Works

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: writing
Publisher: Round Lake Publishing
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: discount for online orders
Level: Advanced For: All but K-8
Contains 400 customizable letters, memos, press releases, announcements, proposals and other documents
covering a broad range of topics for business. American English, unlike many other business English products.


Machine: Win
Skill: reading, writing, speaking
Publisher: Protea Textware
Approximate single-unit price: $45
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-8
Teaches and tests a wide range of skills covering all Learning Outcomes at Levels 2, 3 and 4 of the Reading
and Writing, Oral Communication and Numeracy and Mathematics Streams of the Australian CGEA test.
Australian English.

Churchill House First Certificate Program

Machine: Win
Skill: writing, grammar
Publisher: Churchill House
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Download this free software program from to help
students revise for the tricky "spot the error" question on the Cambridge First Certificate Exam (FCE). It's also
suitable for intermediate and advanced students who want to work on their grammar.

Classroom Newspaper Workshop

Machine: Mac
Skill: writing
Publisher: Tom Snyder Productions
Approximate single-unit price: $150
Purchase options: lab, site, network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
Tutorial to teach students how to do a class newspaper. Includes brainstorming, grammar, editing, layout, and
reporting skills. Available on CD-ROM or disk; includes teacher's guide, 30 student workbooks, and electronic
newspaper templates.

Cloze Encounters in English (ESL)

Machine: DOS, Mac
Skill: reading, spelling, writing
Publisher: Lingo Fun
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: network
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All but K-6
A cloze generating program in which students fill in vowels, consonants, or words in a reading passage. A
number of short texts are provided and teachers may add passages into the program for students to do.

Constructing the Paragraph

Machine: Mac
Skill: writing
Publisher: Computers for Education
See also
CALL-IS Mac Library, Geoff Taylor
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Purchase options: site
Level: Intermediate For: All but K-6
This Hypercard-based tutorial is designed to prepare upper intermediate and advanced ESL students for
success in academic writing courses. The focus of the instruction is on identifying topic sentences,
understanding the structure of topic sentences, the function of supporting sentences, the use of transition words
and phrases, and common paragraph organization patterns in English. The example texts used in the tutorials
are short and generally relevant to student interests. New color version available. A black and white version is
available through CELIA.

Curriculum Associates demo

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: Reading, writing
Publisher: Curriculum Associates
Level: Teacher For: T
1996 catalog plus demos of Insight (job choices) and Postcards. Requires Acrobat Reader. CD-ROM.

Daedalus Integrated Writing Environment (DIWE)

Machine: Mac,Win
Skill: writing
Publisher: Daedalus Group
Approximate single-unit price: $150
Purchase options: Unit cost $150+/station; site available
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All
Eight interactive modules (real-time 'chat,' class e-mail, brainstorming tool, guided peer response or critical
reading activity, word processor with dictionary and thesaurus, bibliography manager, file server
access/management, automatic class assignment feature) that allow for a wide variety of computer mediated
interaction: teacher to student, student to student, student to whole class. Among its many features is that it
works in real time, so a class that meets in a lab can hold both large and small group discussion on-line: as a
user types a comment, it appears on everyone's screen. Transcripts of all discussions are stored automatically
to the server, and can be saved to a disk or printed out for further review. Although some parts of DIWE can be
run on individual non-networked computers (primarily the brainstorming, reading, word processing, and
bibliography tools), it is most effective when run over a local area network from a file server. The program is
not difficult to use, but instructors may find Daedalus training and support helpful in integrating it into an

existing curriculum. Unit cost starts at $150 per station; additional customer support options, ESL Teacher
Tool, Online Style Handbook, and Foreign Language Tools are also available. Other pricing includes unlimited
campus-wide licenses and annual leases. DaedalusMOO: 7777

Diascriptive Cloze and Writing Practice Activities

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: reading, writing
Publisher: Educational Activities Software
Approximate single-unit price: $250
Purchase options: lab, network
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
A four-set series available on CD-ROM or disks. Each graded set has 30 cloze passages grouped in three
readability levels. The nonfiction passages use a multiple-choice exercise format. The cloze stories are content-
based with literature, science, and social studies themes. The writing practice segment offers activities to
improve persuasive, narrative, process, descriptive, and report writing. Sets can be purchased separately for
$70 or as a whole for $250. Lab pack of five is $500, of 10 is $750, and a network version is $1000.

Dr. Peet's Talk/Writer

Machine: Mac
Skill: writing
Publisher: Jostens Home Learning
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: lab (5) $150, site
Level: Literacy, beginning, intermediate For: K-6, Adult
Special use: Literacy, elementary
Talking word processor which 'says' letters and words as they are typed. Includes a large-text word-processor
and drill in identifying letters. Helpful for beginning readers, adults, and children. The Mac version works with
a Unicorn Board and Adaptive Firmware Card or IntelliKeys. The MS-DOS version requires Digispeech 201A
or later.

Easy Writer
Machine: Win
Skill: writing
Publisher: Software for Students
Approximate single-unit price: $90
Purchase options: lab pack, site
Level: Intermediate For: All but K-6
This software was developed by an ESL teacher and features all authentic writing. It uses more than 85 essays
written by ESL students in which the user has to find and correct the grammar errors. Essays range from high
beginner to high intermediate. Users who want more help with grammar can access grammar help pages which
will explain the rules hyperlink to other sentences and paragraphs which exhibit the same type of error.
Additional exercises and examples are in the accompanying text, "The Grammar HELP! Student Handbook,"
available from the author/publisher.

Electronic Business Letter Writer

Machine: Win
Skill: writing
Publisher: Oxford Univ. Press UK
See also
Purchase options: 37; site
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: Adult, HE
Special use: Business
Business correspondence package. Over 200 model texts cover all forms and subjects of business
correspondence, and extensive help is also provided. British English.

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: writing
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin

Approximate single-unit price: $5
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-8
14 modules on paragraph- and essay-writing that cover how to write a topic sentence, develop and arrange
details, and use sources in addition to different rhetorical styles from process paragraphs to persuasive essays.

Family Album USA

Machine: Win
Skill: writing
Publisher: Prentice-Hall Regents
Level: For:

Great Beginnings
Machine: Mac
Skill: writing
Publisher: Teacher Support Software
Approximate single-unit price: $70
Purchase options: network, site
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: K-6
Special use: Elementary
Students create stories based on thematic vocabulary provided in the program's 'story starters.' Students can
choose graphics to illustrate their own stories and print them.

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: discussion, writing
Publisher: Tom Snyder Productions
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Purchase options: lab, network
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All
A creative writing CD-ROM, which lets you or your students write, direct, and play your own animated shows
with talking characters. You select the scene, you direct the actors, you write the dialogue, you choose the
music and special effects. You can screen it in the theater by clicking on the projector. There's even an Idea
Machine which provides story starters, plot twists, and dialogue suggestions based on the scene you've chosen
and the specific personalities of your characters. Uses computerized voices; sometimes you have to fiddle with
spelling to get them to sound right. (SA) Formerly sold by Theatrix, it is good to see this title reappear.

Hollywood High
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: discussion, writing
Publisher: Tom Snyder Productions
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Purchase options: lab, network
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All
Like its predecessor Hollywood, Hollywood High has students write and direct an animated show with talking
characters. The settings and characters are high school-oriented, so this is more attractive to teens but less
useful for adults than Hollywood. Students select the scene and characters, place and move the actors, write the
dialogue, and choose the special effects. Because it uses synthesized rather than digitized voices, they can be
odd. It's possible to tweak the spelling to improve the pronunciation, but the point of this is the dialogue among
the learners creating the show, not the end result itself. This is not recommended as a listening skill builder, but
it's a great tool for discussion at the computer. CD-ROM. Formerly sold by Theatrix, it is good to see this title

How to Write for Everyday Living

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: writing
Publisher: Educational Activities Software
Approximate single-unit price: $160
Purchase options: lab, network
Level: Intermediate For: Adult
Topics include writing skills for resumes, employment forms, business letters, lists, memos, social security
applications, bank account applications, and driver's licenses. Some voice instructions. Also offers an Internet
link to useful websites. CD-ROM.

IdeaFisher 6.0
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: writing, t util
Publisher: IdeaFisher Systems
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Purchase options: network, site license
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All but K-6
An idea generator and outliner with a large database of ideas and suggestions waitng to link up with your

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: writing
Publisher: Inspiration Software
See also
Alta ESL
Approximate single-unit price: $70
Purchase options: $195 site license
Level: Advanced For: All but K-6
A pre-writing program that allows students to organize and arrange ideas in outline or diagram form. Useful
for making flow charts to show the logical progression of ideas. Most frequently used for concept mapping and
story webbing.

Japan Quake
Machine: Mac
Skill: pronunciation, listening, reading, writing
Publisher: CALL Multimedia
See also
CALL-IS Mac Library
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Material is based on a news report that aired just two days after the huge earthquake in Japan of January, 1995.
This lesson focuses on practicing advanced level listening skills, and in addition to reading and some writing
components, it includes opportunities for pronunciation practice (if a microphone is available) and more. A
small shareware fee ($10 US) is requested to encourage the development of additional lessons. Japan Quake is

Machine: Win
Skill: writing
Publisher: Higgins, John and Muriel
See also
Alta ESL
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: UK30; 2-10 user 60
Level: Intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All but K-6
Students practice punctuation and capitalization rules by finding and correcting errors in paragraphs or longer
text. The bottom of the screen shows a list of the missing punctuation marks and the number of capital letters.
While some exercises come with the program, teachers are expected to add more of their own material. It
works well to use students' own work as the basis for exercises. Windows version available Jan 1999.

Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing!

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: writing
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
online/mail order
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6

This typing program offers a step-by-step tutorial (written for native speakers, so not very useful by beginners
or intermediate level students without a teacher's help getting started), record-keeping so that learners can start
up again where they left off, and game options for further practice. The road race typing game is very popular
with some learners. Sometimes sold bundled with Correct Grammar by mail order vendors. On CD-ROM or
on disks.

Microsoft Bookshelf
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reference, writing
Publisher: Microsoft
See also
online/mail order
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Level: Advanced For: All but K-6
A CD-ROM based set of reference materials, including on-line versions of The American Heritage Dictionary,
Roget's Thesaurus, The World Almanac and Book of Facts, The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia, The
Columbia Dictionary of Quotations, The People's Chronology, The Hammond World Atlas, and the National
Five-digit Zip Code and Post Office Directory. There are hypertext links between most of the materials, so the
student can click on a word in the encyclopedia, and Bookshelf will jump to its dictionary where the student
can even hear the word pronuounced. Well-designed and very informative, but like most multimedia programs,
it really needs an up-to-date Mac or PC.

My Words
Machine: Mac, DOS
Skill: reading, writing
Publisher: Jostens Home Learning
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Literacy, beginning For: K-6, Adult
Special use: Literacy, elementary
Word-processor with speech capability (uses a speech synthesizer). Words are spoken as they appear on the
screen. The computer stores a list of each user's words in a 'word bank.' Students can see or hear the words in
the word bank in a window of the screen while doing additional word processing. Useful for Language
Experience Approach activities. DOS version is on disks, while the Mac version is on CD-ROM.

Once Upon a Time... Volumes I, II, III, and IV

Machine: Mac
Skill: writing, vocabulary, reading
Publisher: Compu-Teach
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: lab pack, network and site license
Level: Beginning For: Grades 1-6
Story-telling and creation. Designed for native speakers.

One Step at a Time

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: Writing, grammar
Publisher: Heinle & Heinle
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Intermediate For: 7-12, HE
This program was designed to accompany the writing and grammar series of the same name. Interactive
computer tutorials accompany each chapter of the text. With this program students can access a word processor
to write assignments collaboratively or independently. Lesson activities are also designed to be done in pairs
collaboratively. Computer-based tests for each level use randomly generated questions in a multiple-choice
format. A feedback screen on test performance can be printed out or saved for record-keeping purposes.
Sample software is free from the publisher. Level 1 and Level 2 sold separately.

Paragraph Punch

Machine: Win
Skill: writing
Publisher: Merit Audio Visual
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $180
Purchase options: lab, network, site
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Learners choose from a menu of topics to develop an idea and write their own topic sentence, body, and
conclusion. Sections include cause and effect, reasons, details, examples, and sequencing. Upgraded for
Windows 95/98/2000.

Perfect Copy English

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: writing, grammar
Publisher: Logicus
Approximate single-unit price: $200
Purchase options: lab, network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-3
This self-paced program contains 500 stories and letters to edit at three reading levels and three interest levels
(youth, teen, adult). Students have access to help in the form of a word list, context-sensitive grammar rules,
and clues such as highlighting sentences and words with errors and modeling a correct version of the article. A
record-keeping function tracks student progress in working through the skill areas the program addresses:
abbreviations, punctuation, subject-verb agreement, irregular verbs, numbers, pronouns, easily confused
words, and general editing.

Personal Letter Works

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: writing
Publisher: Round Lake Publishing
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: discount for online orders
Level: Advanced For: All but K-6
Contains 400 customizable letters covering a broad range of topics for personal use.

Poetry Shop
Machine: Mac
Skill: writing
Publisher: Computers for Education
See also
CALL-IS Mac Library
Approximate single-unit price: $20
Purchase options: contact the publisher
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: 7-12, HE
This HyperCard stack from Elizabeth Hanson-Smith prompts students step by step in the creation of six styles
of poetry and also includes a numer of fiction starters. The poetry styles include Cinquain, Diamonds, Sense
Poems (easy, medium and hard) and Haiku. The color version is distributed by Computers for Education, and a
black and white version is available on the TESOL/CELIA CD-ROM.

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: writing, reading
Publisher: Curriculum Associates
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Purchase options: lab
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Students select from Mexico, Ghana, Japan, and Turkey as a country of interest, then choose a writing project:
narrative, persuasive, compare/contrast, or descriptive. They can view three different multimedia tours of each

country to look at the culture, history, and geography. Students take notes in a travel log. The program offers a
'Mail Room' where students write postcards, first in a structured format, then without prompts. Teachers can
add more writing assignments. The program includes help in finding keypals on the Internet and a list of
websites for online research. CD-ROM. The publisher offers a free demo.

Print Shop Deluxe

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: writing, T util
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
online/mail order
Approximate single-unit price: $80
Purchase options: lab, network, site, teacher's ed.
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All
This computer tool is very useful in enabling students to complete such tasks as creating greeting cards, signs,
personalized letterhead stationary, banners and calendars. The program comes with lots of interesting pre-made
graphics which students can use in the creation of their projects. The new Print Shop Deluxe edition on CD-
ROM adds the following capabilities to the previous editions: scalable graphics; color printing; TrueType fonts
(which can also be scaled without losing any quality); new styles of ready-made graphics to serve as
backgrounds for individual letters or as a border for a whole side of a text; special pre-made headline texts;
'rich text,' which allows users to change fonts, styles, sizes and colors within individual words; a new utility to
export Print Shop Deluxe graphics to other programs; and a layout program to facilitate creative mixing of text
and graphics. Earlier disk-based version is slightly less expensive.

Reader Rabbit 3
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: reading, writing
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
Learning Services
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: 2-4
Special use: elementary
Students complete stories by writing their own phrases or choosing from prewritten selections. A newspaper
can be a class project. Available on Mac and Windows disks or a Mac/Win CD-ROM.

Report Writer, The

Machine: Win
Skill: writing
Publisher: Clarity Language Consultants
See also
Alta ESL
World of Reading
Comenius Group, NAS
Approximate single-unit price: $75
Purchase options: Each area sold separately; lab packs
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: AE, HE
Special use: business, science
Assists business people, engineers and technical staff with writing their documents, providing five levels of
help: 1) Structure and Organization: The Report/Letter Guide helps learners understand text organization and
the function of each part of their writing. 2) Grammar and Style: The Style Guide offers examples, help, and
self-testing. 3) Model Writing: The Report/Letter Guide is a reference library of annotated model writing
specially adapted from genuine reports and letters. 4) The Writing Process: The Process Guide provides an
interactive screen for users to set out schedules for their planning, writing, revising and proofreading. 5) The
Writers Checklist: This function enables writers to check off each stage of the writing process as they
complete it. A demo is available on the website.

Richmond Electronic Dictionary

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: Vocabulary, writing
Publisher: Richmond

Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
Special use: bilingual
Dictionary that can be accessed from within an program. Also includes model letters. CD-ROM.

Right Resume Writer III, The

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: writing
Publisher: Career Development Software
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: Adult
Updated version of The Right Resume Writer. Formats for chronological, skills and professional resumes.
Hints for effective marketing of experiences included. The company now offers Resume Maker, which
includes a career planning component.

Scholastic Network
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: writing, vocabulary
Publisher: Scholastic Software
Approximate single-unit price: $250
Purchase options: $2500 site license
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: K-8
Special use: Bilingual
Internet curriculum service for grades K-8 providing access to teacher plans, discussion groups, on-line chats
with authors, thematic guides. Includes an ESL/Spanish department. Articles, books, experts and resources are
accessible. Areas include the Math Center and the Writing Center.

Sentence Transformer v3.00

Machine: Win
Skill: writing, grammar
Publisher: LinguaSy
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Purchase options: $25 site license
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: 9-12, HE
The kind of sentence transformation exercises found in the Cambridge FCE and CPE examinations. Each
question has two levels of help -a simple hint and then a direct link to the relevant grammar topic in the on-line
Grammar Guide. There is also AutoCorrection, which formats the student's input before processing it to avoid
'mistakes' due to forgetting to add a full stop or capitalise the first letter, etc. Comes with 100 pre-loaded
questions with room to add many more. 5+ answers for each question. Very easy to use. A demo can be
downloaded or the program ordered from the Internet at The price includes a site license.

Machine: Win
Skill: writing
Publisher: American Literacy Council
Approximate single-unit price: $80
Level: Literacy, beginning, intermediate For: All
Special use: Literacy
Sound-Write corrects spelling errors on the spot while simultaneously letting the pupil hear what he/she
spelled. Includes a 50,000 word vocabulary, implicit help with homonyms, simple 'language experience'
queries, and secret tracking of the user's nonstandard spelling. The DECTalk Speech engine from Fonix Corp
is included. It provides a human voice that says words in real time, spells them aloud, and reads sentences after
they're typed. Demo or full versions can be downloaded from the website. The previous version was called

Spanish English Education Resources (SEER)

Machine: Win
Skill: reading, vocabulary, writing
Publisher: SEER Education Corporation
Approximate single-unit price: $279
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Special use: bilingual

Digital English Spanish dictionary including synonyms, verb conjugations and idiomatic expressions, and an
interactive computer-aided translator (ICAT). SEER helps students develop and improve full English Spanish

Spell Tutor
Machine: Mac
Skill: writing
Publisher: MacMUSE Software
Approximate single-unit price: $7
Purchase options: lab pack
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
Spell Tutor is an easy to use and fun program for creating, practicing, storing and printing lists of spelling
words. The student hears the word as recorded on the Mac by the teacher or other student and then must spell
the word using correct case. When finished, the student sees his score and can opt to retake the whole test or
just the missed words. The teacher, parent, or student enters a spelling list of up to 30 words of up to 16 letters
each. The pronunciation of the word is entered at the same time using a Macintosh sound input device. (i.e. the
plaintalk mic which comes with most Macs) Version 1.2 offers the option of allowing the computer to speak
the word when the Apple Speech extension is present. Previously entered words can be easily edited. The list
is stored and can be printed. Requires a Macintosh computer with a 68020 cpu or better, System 7.0 or better.
A Macintosh sound input device (such as the small round mic that comes with some systems) or the Apple
Speech Manager extension. At least 1 Meg of free RAM (2 Megs preferred) Headphones are useful in a lab
situation. (Addis)

Stanley's Sticker Stories

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: writing
Publisher: Riverdeep
Level: Beginning For: K-3
Special use: elementary
Create animated storybooks. CD-ROM.

Storybook Maker/Deluxe
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: discussion, writing
Publisher: Jostens Home Learning
Approximate single-unit price: $45
Purchase options: lab $135
Level: Literacy, beginning For: K-4
Special use: Elementary; literacy
Learners use the included picture cards to create a story that they can then tell to their classmates. Learners
click on and drag the images they want to the desired location on the page. Students can also type in words.
The Deluxe version reads words letter by letter, word by word, or by sentence and supports QuickTime
movies. This graphical program will require a task set by the teacher for students to have much language
learning benefit from using it. Runs on a CD-ROM under Windows or on the Mac.

Storybook Weaver
Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: writing
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
Learning Services
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Purchase options: lab pack, site license
Level: Literacy, beginning, intermediate For: K-6
Special use: literacy, bilingual, elementary
A creative tool for kids to write and illustrate their own storybook. Students can choose from hundreds of
images and scenery combinations, plus a variety of borders and type styles. They can also add sounds and
music to their stories. Story Book Weaver Deluxe on CD offers more graphics and animation, spoken word
narration, and both English and Spanish writing capabilities. The disk version is slightly less expensive.
MECC titles are now sold by Learning Company School.

SuperPrint Bilingual/Spanish
Machine: Mac
Skill: writing
Publisher: Scholastic Software
See also
Learning Services
Approximate single-unit price: $80
Purchase options: network, site
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: K-8
Special use: Bilingual
Graphic print program in bilingual version lets learners switch between the two languages. Includes teaching
guide. Prints cards, newsletters, banners, etc. in color or B&W. Two-way English-Spanish or bilingual/ESL.

Theme Connections 1, 2, 3
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: reading, writing, vocabulary
Publisher: Prentice-Hall Regents
Purchase options: Contact publisher for pricing.
Level: Literacy, beginning, intermediate For: K-6
Special use: literacy, elementary
This 18-disk CD-ROM program supports the Prentice Hall Regents ESL program for Grades 1-6. Each of the
disks links directly to and is fully integrated with a Student Theme Book and provides a variety of interactive
activities (using animation, sound, and graphics). Activities include Screen Play: manipulating objects on the
screen; Match Game: matching words and phrases; Story Reader: listening and reading; Story Maker:
manipulating visuals and text to create a story; Draw and Share: drawing and coloring pictures; Puzzle:
jumbled ideas and sentences; Story Completer: choosing words or pictures to complete a passage; Text
Analyzer: highlighting portions of text onscreen; Comic-Strip Maker: writing and recording dialogue and
creating captions to make a story; and Writing: a word-processor with pre-writing. Theme Connections 1 is
oriented toward K-3; others toward 3-6.

Type to Learn
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: writing
Publisher: Sunburst Technology
See also
online/mail order
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Purchase options: lab, network, school
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
A typing program recommended for beginning typists, used at the University of Kansas. Complete
keyboarding course that includes spelling, grammar, composition, and punctuation work. Two reading levels.
Designed for native speakers. Available on CD-ROM or download.

Ultimate Writing and Creativity Center

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: writing
Publisher: Riverdeep
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: network, site license
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: K-6
Special use: Elementary
Word-processor with graphics, sound, and animation add-ons. An interactive cartoon character prompts
students through the prewriting process. Best for children, due to the nature of the graphics included. Comes
on CD-ROM.

UltraKey 3.0
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: writing
Publisher: Bytes of Learning
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: site, lab; DOS disks cheaper
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All

UltraKey is a keyboard skills tutorial that is more appropriate for ESL users than many on the market. The
explanation about proper posture at the computer is well done and accessible to at least intermediate level ESL
students. The excellent use of graphics and visual prompts also helps. Finally, in the skill check section
students have an option of typing in whatever text they desire. This enables students to practice writing
sentences at their appropriate level while at the same time building keyboard speed. A demo version is
available at the website. Hybrid Windows/Mac CD-ROM, or separate disks versions. Half price on DOS and
Apple II disk versions.

Machine: Mac
Skill: writing
Publisher: Bytes of Learning
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
Integrated writing and writing instruction program that lets users compose while following directed writing
instructions, using story and report starters, or inputting copy for keyboarding development. Word-processing
component includes on-line help, spell checking and text-to-speech. The program differs from others in its
ability to analyze and report on keyboarding performance. UltraWriter is complemented by a program called
UltraWriter Manager which allows teachers to create and edit their own curriculum content for use with
UltraWriter. Available on disk and CD-ROM.

Whatever Next?
Machine: Win
Skill: writing
Publisher: Higgins, John and Muriel
Approximate single-unit price: $65
Purchase options: UK40; 2-10 users UK80
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All
Previously entitled Sequitur/GoOn. Students practice arranging sentences of a paragraph in correct order. The
computer presents the first line of a text and three possible continuations. Authorable. Teachers can enter texts
into the program that students have worked with in class for students to practice on in computer mode.

Word Processor Ideas for Composition

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: writing
Publisher: Computers for Education
See also
CALL-IS Mac Library
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Intermediate, teacher For: Teacher
Free text files from Elizabeth Hanson-Smith. Pre-freshman English course syllabus, assignments, and
templates for writing assignments to learn word processor skills as well as composition.

Word Stuff: Amazing English

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: Reading, writing
Publisher: Addison Wesley Longman
See also
Alta ESL
Approximate single-unit price: $85
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: 4-8
Special use: Elementary
Part of the Amazing English series, the CD-ROM teaches reading skills appropriate to novels plus some essay
writing. Hard-bound teacher's manual. Separate CDs for pre-K-3 (Word Stuff = $85), 3-6 (Word Attack =

Wordsmith Tools
Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, writing

Publisher: Oxford Univ. Press UK
Purchase options: 37; site
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
Integrated suite of programs for looking at how words behave in texts. WordList shows a list of all the words
in a text, set out in alphabetical or frequency order. Concordancer shows any word or phrase in context, and
KeyWords finds the key words in a text. Various smaller tools and extensive on-line help also included.
Distributed exclusively over the World Wide Web at

World Atlas
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: writing
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
online/mail order
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-3
This CD-ROM-based world atlas offers extensive information on countries of the world, including
demographic as well as geographic data. Learners can search for specific information about a country. While it
is possible to print the information about a country, the program is not selective about what to print, resulting
in about 10-15 pages of output.

Write On Plus: Spanish/English Literacy Skills

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: writing
Publisher: Sunburst Technology
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: lab, network, school
Level: Literacy, beginning For: K-6
Special use: Literacy, elementary
CD-ROM based writing activities in both Spanish and English versions. Topics include English for You; My
First Sentences; Class Journals; Chant, Chant, Chant; Poetry for Young Poets; The Me Disk I, Sentence
Writing I, Sentence Combining with Aesop; Sentences to Paragraphs I.

WriteExpress Easy Letters

Machine: Win
Skill: writing
Publisher: WriteExpress
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Special use: business
Designed for native speakers, this CD-ROM offers expert advice, step by step instructions, and sample
sentences for writing business and personal letters on more than 500 topics. Includes 2000 sample letters. A
demo can be downloaded from

WriteExpress: Rhymer & Phonetic Finder

Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: Vocabulary, writing
Publisher: WriteExpress
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Level: Intermediate For: All
Playing with words. Designed for native speakers. CD-ROM. An online demo is available at

Writer's Assistant, The

Machine: Win
Skill: writing
Publisher: Clarity Language Consultants
Purchase options: 5-user $145; 40 user $745
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Special use: science
Renamed and updated as Report Writer for Science and Engineering Reports.

Writer's Choice Interactive Grammar Workbook
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: writing, grammar
Publisher: Glencoe McGraw-Hill
Approximate single-unit price: $250
Purchase options: site
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: 6-12
The program offers drills, learning hints, examples, automatic grading, performance graphs and summary
reports. $250 per level, from grade 6-12. Can be installed on a network.

Writer's Edge
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: writing
Publisher: IdeaFisher Systems
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: network, site license
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All but K-5
This writing program works with Microsoft Word, Word Perfect and Ami Pro. Learners can start by
brainstorming with the concept database, something like an idea thesaurus. This three-level hierarchy starts
with a list of concept categories related to the learner's query word. Writers can then move to Section Titles
from the selected concept category, then to a list of ideas, words, and phrases linked thematically to the section
title. It also works well as a regular thesaurus. Available for Macintosh and Windows.

Writer's Workshop
Machine: Mac
Skill: Writing
Publisher: Heartsoft
Purchase options: lab, site, network
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: K-8
Special use: bilingual
Topics include Sentences & Paragraphs, Capitalization & Punctuation, Writing Letters, Writing for Fun,
Writing to Explain, Writing Process, Writing Descriptively, Expository Writing, Newswriting, and A Writer's
Basic Tools. Split screen has topics on one half, word-processor on the other.

Writer's Workshop
Machine: Win
Skill: writing
Publisher: Harper Collins
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Pre-writing, writing, and post-writing activities and skills. Two-disk set to accompany Aaron's The Little,
Brown Compact Handbook.

Writing Process Workshop

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: writing
Publisher: Educational Activities Software
Approximate single-unit price: $250
Purchase options: lab, network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-3
A prompted writing program with pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading exercises. The four
domains: persuasive writing, report on information/observation, autobiography, and evaluation can be
purchased separately or as a complete series. Separate domains are $70 each. CD-ROM.

Authoring software:

Author Plus
Machine: Win
Skill: authoring
Publisher: Clarity Language Consultants
See also
Alta ESL

World of Reading
Comenius Group, NAS
Approximate single-unit price: $75
Purchase options: $150 for 5, $375 for 20
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
This CD-ROM-based program lets teachers create several different activity types--multiple choice, free
practice, gap fill/cloze, drag and drop, proofreading, and target spotting--with hints, a feedback function that
responds to students' errors, an introductory text option, and on-line help. Vocabulary can be added with
sound. The program uses a simple type and click system to make it easy to author. Exercises can be linked.
Context-sensitive help is available on each screen. A demo can be downloaded from the website.

Authoring Suite
Machine: Win
Skill: authoring
Publisher: Wida Software
Purchase options: $725 for 5 users; $1250 for 25
Level: Teacher For: T
This is an update on Wida's established authoring range incorporating Storyboard, Gapmaster, Testmaster,
Matchmaster, Choicemaster, Pinpoint and Vocab into a single program for Windows. Users pay only for the
titles they want. Authors can enhance text activities with graphics, sound, video and rich text. Students can use
the notepad to give a comment on the activities and teachers can call up and respond to these messages.
Programs can share common glossaries. 'Convert' facility automatically converts files previously authored with
Version 2.0. Single user price: 75 per title (5 computers). Other pricing available: 150-900. Contact Wida
for details.

Authorware Attain
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: Authoring
Publisher: Macromedia
Purchase options: $5000--contact pub. for information
Level: Teacher For: All
Allows teachers to create lessons incorporating text, graphics, animation, sound and videodisc. Windows
versions Win NT, 95, 3.1

Machine: Mac
Skill: Authoring
Publisher: Center for Educational Technology
See also
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
HyperCard authoring program for creating dictations from music CDs. Teacher plays a song, marking relevant
segments. She then types in (or copies and pastes) the lyrics corresponding to those segments. The student's job
is to type in the lyrics (or part of the lyrics) as she is listening to the song on the CD. If she's correct, the song
continues playing. Interesting use of hypermedia in a widely available medium, but fairly hardware-intensive
and time-consuming to prepare. Teachers are advised to get students to do as much of the preparatory work as
possible, e.g. picking music and typing in lyrics for each other. (JM) Our teachers have created a number of
these, and students enjoy them a great deal. (DH)

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: Authoring
Publisher: Wida Software
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $110
Purchase options: site
Level: Teacher For: Teacher

Produces multiple choice tests with feedback for right and wrong answers. Now included in Wida's Authoring
Suite. Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT supported.

Choices 1.1
Machine: Win
Skill: authoring
Publisher: Creative Technology
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Teacher For: T
This program by Martin Holmes enables teachers to create multiple-choice quizzes which students can do on
the computer. Hints can be included as feedback to student responses, and quizzes can be done as timed tests
or with no time limit. At the end of each quiz, the student receives a percentage score. (This is a sister program
for ClozeMaker, with a very similar interface.) Freeware.

Clozemaker 1.1
Machine: Win
Skill: authoring
Publisher: Creative Technology
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Teacher For: T
This program from Martin Holmes enables teachers to create cloze (gap-fill) exercises which students can do
on the computer. Clozes can be created by automatic gapping of every nth word in a text, or by selecting words
to be removed. Students can do the exercises as timed tests or with no time limit, and students may choose to
see a list of the missing words, or the complete text of the cloze if they wish. At the end of each quiz, the
student receives a percentage score. (This is a sister program for Choices, with a very similar interface.)

Course Builder
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: Authoring
Publisher: Discovery Systems International
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
Authoring program for creating interactive computer training programs with sound, graphics and movies,
without scripting or programming. Programs can automatically track and save student reports. Course Builder
Cross Platform converts Course Builder programs created on the Mac for playback on Windows. Programs
cannot be created on Windows, however. More features are available in more expensive versions.

Crossword Plus for Windows

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, authoring
Publisher: Parsons Technology
See also
RDA Mind Builders
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All
Students can listen to clues or read them onscreen. Comes with 100 puzzles and authoring capability. Can use
colors and fonts to differentiate clues and subjects. Puzzles can be solved on-screen or printed out. Requires
Windows and a sound card.

Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: Authoring
Publisher: KenCD Software
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $150
Purchase options: site/network $450
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
Widely-used in foreign languages, this long-time authoring program originally from Conduit hasn't made too
much of an impact in ESL. One reason for that is that it has very limited authoring capability: you're limited to
4-5 types of exercises (and no scripting), and student responses are always evaluated letter by letter, word by

word; the other is that it uses a rather traditional drill and practice paradigm. Becomes more interesting if the
exercises include graphics, sound, or laserdisc access, but this kind of multimedia work can be better done with
other programs.

Machine: Win
Skill: Authoring
Publisher: Higgins, John and Muriel
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $85
Purchase options: UK50; 2-10 users UK100
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All
Variant of Storyboard (whole-text deletion program) in which specific word groups can be displayed, e.g.,
prepositions. Excellent for group work with teacher-useful vehicle for thinking about groups of words and
structures in written texts. Windows version available March 1999.

Examview Test Generator

Machine: Win
Skill: authoring
Publisher: Pearson Education
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
Test generator that works with Pearson Education Content Standards - sold as part of that package.

Exercise Generator Plus

Machine: Win
Skill: authoring
Publisher: Clarity Language Consultants
See also
Alta ESL
World of Reading
Comenius Group, NAS
Approximate single-unit price: $150
Purchase options: $50 each level separately; lab, site
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
Former title: Automatic Exercise Generator. This program, created in conjunction with Oxford University
Press, generates and prints paper-based text and vocabulary exercises. It is based on a pool of 50 specially-
written multicultural texts. Teachers select a text from the list of texts, choose an exercise type, and decide on
the length of the exercise. The program generates the exercise. If it looks satisfactory, the teacher can print a
student copy and teacher master copy (the license includes unlimited photocopying of all material). Exercise
types include gap fill, sentence matching, jumbled words (anagrams), word search, proofreading, sentence
gaps, sentence matching, word forms, vocabulary in context, and sentence organiser. A demo can be
downloaded from the website at CD-ROM. $49 for each individual level, $149 for 5
levels, $298 for use on up to 5 teachers' computers.

Formula Graphics
Machine: Win
Skill: authoring
Publisher: Harrow Software
Purchase options: Freeware
Level: Teacher For: T
For interactive multimedia presentations with graphics, animations, and sound. Can link to a database and
display information with hypertext and graphs. Object-oriented language. Presentations can be played from
floppy disk, CD-ROM, directly through the internet, or embedded in a Web page or other document. Free

Fun with Texts

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: Authoring
Publisher: Camsoft
See also

Purchase options: UK95; lab, site
Level: Teacher For: All
Fun with Texts is a flexible text-manipulation package that was originally developed by Graham Davies as an
extension of its predecessors, Storyboard and CopyWrite. Version 4 now includes the ability to add graphics,
sound, and video. A downloadable demo is available via
The Fun with Texts handbook, which contains instructions for teachers and students, can also be downloaded.
The web page also includes teacher tips contributed by users.

Machine: Win
Skill: authoring
Publisher: Camsoft
Approximate single-unit price: $47
Purchase options: UK25; lab, site
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
A completely rewritten version of GapKit 1.0, this incorporates a range of new features for flexible gap-
fill/multiple choice authoring program. The teacher can copy and paste texts and clipart into GapKit from any
application; create new gapped texts using GapKits's word-processing facilities; create gaps in any text simply
by clicking and dragging the mouse; specify a range of up to 30 alternative answers for each gap, create
multiple-choice exercises with specified or randomised distractors; specify if incorrect puntuation and letters
typed in the wrong case should be penalized; include an optional 'hint line' for each gap; decide whether the
hint line is to appear before or after the student attempts an answer; link a sound file with any gap; link a
graphic image with any gap; resize the program window to accomodate any screen definition. A demo version
can be downloaded from the website at See for more information.

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading, authoring
Publisher: Wida Software
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $110
Purchase options: site available
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All
A cloze generator that can import text from other programs and print out. Now included in Wida's Authoring
Suite. Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT supported.

Guided Listening and Viewing

Machine: Mac
Skill: Authoring
Publisher: Center for Educational Technology
See also
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
Authoring program (based on HyperCard) for creating vocabulary lessons with sound and graphics. Teachers
type in a word, definition, example sentence, and then record what they want their students to hear. Students
can record and play back their voices and compare it to the teacher's.

Guided Reading
Machine: Mac
Skill: Authoring
Publisher: Center for Educational Technology
See also
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Teacher For: Teacher

Guided Reading by David Herren is a HyperCard stack whose purpose is to assist in introducing the
intermediate language student to the literature in the target language through media-based annotations of texts.
It provides an easy means for the instructor to answer questions one time that she knows the students will ask
over and again each semester. I am further hopeful that it will simultaneously engage the student in a way they
might not otherwise be engaged. With very little practice, the instructor should be able to create annotated
editions of text including digital sound, interactive video, graphics and text, designed to provide collaborative
support to the intermediate and beginning language student as they investigate short stories, poetry or excerpts
in the target language. (JM)

Hot Potatoes
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: authoring
Publisher: Half-Baked Software
Purchase options: free under some conditions-see publisher
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
A suite of programs for creating exercises that will run using a web browser, either online or offline. Programs
include JQuiz, to make multiple choice and short-answer quizzes; Jcloze, to create gap-filling exercises;
JCross, to create crossword puzzles painlessly; JMix, for scrambled sentences; and JMatch, for matching
exercises. Graphics and audio can be added easily. Menus (and content) can be in English or any of several
other languages. The real power of the program is that it is so easy to create exercises that students can create
them for each other. Version 6 includes the option of subscribing to a web-hosting service. A version with all
the features, but limited in the number of items in an exercise, can be downloaded from the website. The full
version is free of charge for those working for publicly-funded non-profit-making educational institutions, who
make their pages available on the web.

Machine: Mac/Win
Skill: authoring
Publisher: Sunburst Technology
See also
Learning Services
Approximate single-unit price: $160
Purchase options: school, district licensing
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All,Teacher
For people who have had trouble with HyperCard, this is extremely easy to use and requires only that you be
able to point and click. You can produce programs to help your students in vocabulary, grammar,
pronunciation (it has voice), lifeskills, reading, and writing.

Lersus Easy Content

Machine: Win
Skill: authoring
Publisher: DELFI Software
Approximate single-unit price: $750
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
Full-bodied authoring system to create web-based tutorials and courses. Assists in the integration of Flash
animation, video, audio, and Java applets, as well as text. Tests can also be created. The results (text, Word
document, PDF, HTML, XML, SCORM) can be exported directly to a number of learning management
systems, including WebCT, Moodle, and others. LERSUS does not require experience in programming.

LXR Test
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: authoring
Publisher: Logic eXtension Resources
Approximate single-unit price: $200
Purchase options: site
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
High-end test generation software that offers a variety of scoring and test options and will produce multiple
versions from a single test bank. Offers word processor text editing with rulers and tabs. Selects questions
individually or randomly by objective or key word category. Scrambles both items and choices. Supports
graphics and QuickTime movies. Includes built-in spelling checker. The Professional Edition is $500 and adds
question bank password protection, question linking, global data changing, extended selection capabilities,

mastery specifications, and various print options. The Scoring Edition for $900 adds an optical mark reader
interface for automatic scoring and more detailed item and test analysis options.

Machine: Win
Skill: authoring
Publisher: University of Arizona
Purchase options: free for non-commercial use
Level: Teacher For: T
MaxAuthor is used by an author to associate multimedia with text to prepare it for use by students using the
MAX family of lesson activities: MaxBrowser, Listening Dictation, Pronunciation, Multiple Choice,
Vocabulary Completion, and Audio Flashcards. The author records separate audio for both sentences and
words and has the option of recording audio in the training language only, but can also record translations or
paraphrases in any other language or dialect. The author can either manually define the word and sentence
boundaries or let MaxAuthor choose the boundaries automatically. Download from the website at

Mindpoint Quiz Show

Machine: Win
Skill: authoring
Publisher: Pearson Assessments
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
Game show format with items from ExamView test banks. Use ExamView to create your own Quiz Show
question sets. Simply create a bank or test in ExamView and have your students open the file in Quiz Show.
Can be used with Pearson's Classroom Response System wireless pads, as well.

MP Express
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: T util, authoring
Publisher: Bytes of Learning
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: lab
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All but K-2
CD-ROM-based multimedia presentation tool that lets users create multimedia productions. MP Express can
import and utilize any standard picture, sound, or video including QuickTime VR. It can also record narration.
This can be used by students to create presentations. The company also sells resource CDs that contain movies,
pictures, backgrounds, music scores and sounds for use with MP Express. Currently shipping Resource CDs
include On the Brink: Endangered Species and Living Deserts & Rainforests.

Primary Power Pack

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: T util, authoring
Publisher: Centron Software Technologies
Approximate single-unit price: $55
Purchase options: lab pack $95, site/network license $350
Level: Teacher For: T
Special use: Elementary, bilingual
A special version for the primary grades of Teachers Power Pack with Test Creator and Puzzle Power.

Machine: Mac
Skill: authoring
Publisher: Center for Educational Technology
See also
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Teacher For: Any, teacher
Create dictations using QuickTime movies as the basis. This application is for Macintosh only (pre-MacOS X).
The program can be downloaded for free, but no support is available.

Question Mark Perception

Machine: Win
Skill: T util, authoring
Publisher: Question Mark Computing
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
Assessment management system designed for teachers to author a range of items and organize them into
exams, quizzes, tests or surveys. Assessments can be set up to be available on a specific schedule and delivered
in a variety of ways. The program provides a number of different report types for the assessments.
Assessments can be delivered online, via CD-ROM, on PDAs, or on individual machines.

Question Mark Testing & Assessment

Machine: Win, Mac, web
Skill: authoring
Publisher: Question Mark Computing
See also
Purchase options: $1000-$2000 and up
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
This powerful piece of software incorporates several of the capabilities of the Wida/Eurocentre series; you can
have, within the same file, a gap-filling activity, followed by a matching activity, which goes before a True /
False, or a multiple choice activity. You can collate student answers, and analyse student-results, either on a
student-by-student basis, or taking the entire class into account. It can be used to make 'catch-up' tests for
students who were unable to take a test with the others in the class. There is a Windows version, a Mac
version, and one which allows you to create interactive material on the World Wide Web (QM Perception for
the Web). Prices vary with the platform, starting at $995(Win), $495(Mac), and $1,995(Web) from Question
Mark America and from 999 (Win) 499 (Mac), and 1799 (QM Perception for the Web) from Question
Mark UK.

RichLink Author
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: authoring
Publisher: Sentius Corporation
See also
Purchase options: free download; purchase opt. databases
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
Special use: bilingual (Japanese, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch)
This free authoring tool automates creating Web or CD-ROM content where each word or phrase can contain
multiple levels of annotation. Thus, a single text can meet the needs of students with diverse abilities and from
diverse backgrounds. Databases may be licensed to automate the addition of definitions and translations if
desired. The program can be downloaded from

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: reading, authoring
Publisher: Wida Software
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $110
Purchase options: site available
Level: Intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All
Whole-text deletion program. Now included in Wida's Authoring Suite. Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT supported.

TaskMagic Authoring Software

Machine: Win
Skill: Authoring
Publisher: MDLSoft
Approximate single-unit price: $110
Purchase options: site
Level: Teacher For: Teacher

Easy-to-use authoring tool that allows teachers to create multiple interactive games and exercises from one set
of inputs. See the website for more information, screenshots and free a trial download.

Test Creator
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: T util, authoring
Publisher: Centron Software Technologies
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Purchase options: lab pack $60, site/network license $250
Level: Teacher For: T
Wide variety of test types available.

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: T util, authoring
Publisher: Wida Software
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $110
Purchase options: site available
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
The teacher types in a question or cue and the answer is programmed as a complete cloze with clues. You can
also program up to around 21 variations for one answer. Now included in Wida's Authoring Suite. Windows
95, 98, 2000, NT supported.

Machine: Win
Skill: authoring
Publisher: Creative Technology
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Purchase options: lab, site licenses
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
A suite of two authoring programs, WebRhubarb and WebSequitur. The programs are used to create web
pages (HTML documents) which contain interactive language-learning exercises. The exercises are based on
the Rhubarb and Sequitur programs originally developed by John and Muriel Higgins.

Machine: Win
Skill: authoring
Publisher: Discovery Educational Software
Approximate single-unit price: $28
Purchase options: site license
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: Teacher
Makes a variety of printed puzzle worksheets from words or text you type or paste - crosswords, wordsearches,
scrambled words and text, text mazes and coded text. Download a 15-day free trial from the website:

VersaText 2.0/2.7 Author

Machine: Mac
Skill: Authoring
Publisher: Novasoft/ICD Corp.
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $300
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
Authoring system for creating computer-based reading lessons. Teachers can enter specialized texts, create
explanatory notes connected to parts of the text, and create true/false and fill in the blank comprehension
questions. The program automatically can provide the student with reports on reading speed and paced reading
practice. With the Macintosh version teachers can also add audio and graphics connected to each reading text
and exercise. Version 2.7 is for DOS ($220).

Machine: Mac
Skill: Authoring
Publisher: Center for Educational Technology
See also
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
HyperCard based authoring program for creating dictations from videodisc clips. The teacher plays the
videodisc, marking the segments to create a dictation, then types in the script for each segment. Easier to do
than to describe.

Machine: Win
Skill: authoring
Publisher: Wida Software
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $110
Purchase options: site available
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
This offers six different word game activities from word lists entered by teachers. Now included in Wida's
Authoring Suite. Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT supported.

VTrain (Vocabulary Trainer)

Machine: Win
Skill: authoring, vocabulary
Purchase options: free for schools
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All, teacher
Multimedia flashcard creator; ready-made translating flashcards are available between English and over 40
other languages. Powerful editor: voice recording, image edition, smart keyboard switch between 2 languages.
Free for schools; $15 shareware otherwise. Download from the website at http://www.paul- Also on the website is a free tool for collecting words and phrases called WordClip.

Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: authoring
Publisher: Humanities Computing Lab
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
WebCALIS is an experimental Java version of WinCALIS for PC, Mac, Linux/UNIX platforms. It supports
over half the features of WinCALIS, and also includes numerous additional features, support for the World
Wide Web as a browser applet; multiple hardware and software platforms; and HTML pages. The current
version can be downloaded from

Machine: Win
Skill: Authoring
Publisher: Humanities Computing Lab
Approximate single-unit price: $150
Purchase options: see website for details
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
Family of programs for authoring; interfaces with audio, video, and videodisc; Windows version of CALIS
(Computer-Assisted Language Instruction System). Full range of multimedia presentation. Differs from other
authoring environments by supporting complex string matching with author use of wild cards; automatic
"SpellMarking" of student answers; observing Unicode conventions, i.e., all languages of the world (including
IPA) uniquely identified and distinctively encoded. Contact the publisher or see the website for detailed price
and ordering information.

WordFill v2.01
Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, authoring
Publisher: LinguaSy
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Purchase options: $25 site license
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All, Teacher
WordFill is an extended cloze testing engine. It displays a text with some words replaced by dashes and the
student must complete the text. The teacher can decide which words are removed, so a Beginners text can have
only a few words removed while an Advanced text has all but, say, proper nouns removed. It also has a timed
display option so students can see the complete text for several seconds -useful for speed reading practice.
(The number and duration of this display can be set by the teacher.) The program has a built-in word processor,
on-line interactive tutorial and over 60 pre-loaded texts (half in business English). Texts can be added or edited
freely. Very easy to use. Works with all main European languages (including support for accented characters).
Runs on Win 3.1 or later (including Win 95). Mouse recommended. A demo of the program can be
downloaded or an order placed over the Internet from:

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: authoring
Publisher: Center for Educational Technology
See also
Purchase options: shareware
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
This is the engine behind the other Herren programs and runs on classic Macs (pre-OSX). It is a free download
from this site, but no support is available.

Teacher Utilities:

Accelerated Reader
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: T util
Publisher: Renaissance Learning
Approximate single-unit price: $400
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
Reading management software that includes student recordkeeping for 200 students and computerized quizzes
for reading-range-specific books. A Spanish/English version is also available, with 100 computerized quizzes
for reading-range-specific Spanish language books and 100 computerized quizzes for the same books in
English language. Students receive feedback in the language they select: either Spanish or English. Dual
tracking lets educators separate or combine reporting on reading practice in either language. Accelerated
Reader for Spanish English can be added to an initial Accelerated Reader Starter Kit purchase for an additional
$100. The elementary level (grades 1-3) quizzes are for titles such as Goodnight Moon, Amelia Bedelia,
Charlotte's Web, Clifford series books by Norman Bridwell and Magic School Bus series books by Joanna
Cole. The Middle Grades Starter Kit (Grades 4-9) includes quizzes for James and the Giant Peach, Stuart
Little, The Courage of Sarah Noble, The Great Gatsby, and titles from Betsy Byars, Laura Ingalls Wilder, S.E.
Hutton, and Scott O'Dell.

Annotation Templates for MSWord and WordPerfect

Machine: Win
Skill: T util
Publisher: Creative Technology
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Teacher For: T
Created by Martin Holmes, this is a complete set of macros and a toolbar for WordPerfect 6.1 and 7 and for
Microsoft Word 7. It implements a button-based marking system for use within WordPerfect. Complete
instructions for installing and using the system are provided. Freeware.

Basic Mouse Sklls

Machine: Win
Skill: T util

Publisher: Grey Olltwit
Purchase options: $20 membership to download all pgms
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
Easy-to-use, non-threatening program to help computer beginners gain familiarity with moving, clicking, and
double-clicking a mouse. It works by having the user click on progressively smaller boxes that move around
the screen. Excellent for adult learners as well as for children. A website membership fee allows the download
of about 100 different programs, at least 15 of them good for English language learners.

Crossword Creator
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: T util, vocabulary
Publisher: Centron Software Technologies
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Purchase options: lab pack $60, site/network license $250
Level: Intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All
Crossword puzzle maker. Includes a thesaurus to help in generating clues. This package received several
recommendations and was praised for being easy to use, though it helps to read the documentation in order to
take advantage of all the features. Puzzles can be solved on screen, printed out, or exported to a word-

ELLIS Placement
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: T util
Publisher: ELLIS
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All but K-6
This is an adaptive placement exam that helps evaluate students' skill level in ESL/EFL. Placement includes
more than 1,200 validated questions testing the areas of grammar, reading, vocabulary and listening
comprehension. According to each student response, Placement calibrates the difficulty of the next question.
The student's proficiency level can be accurately established in a matter of minutes. If you are using other
programs from the ELLIS product line, Placement will suggest which ELLIS program best suits the needs of
each student.

EndNote Plus
Machine: Mac
Skill: T util
Publisher: Niles & Associates
Approximate single-unit price: $170
Purchase options: student: $100; lab: $139
Level: Advanced, teacher For: Teacher
Bibliographic software with one-step creation of bibliographies in over 300 styles, including APA, MLA,
Chicago, etc., so it's useful for students, especially graduate students, from many different majors. Other
features include storage of reference information in the EndNote database as a personal card catalog and the
ability to import search results, including abstracts, from online and CD-ROM databases directly into the
EndNote library without having to retype anything. Non-academic price is $300.

Gradebook Plus
Machine: Mac
Skill: t util
Publisher: Mindscape
See also
Learning Services
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
Gradebook Plus is a DOS software program that helps educators keep track of grades and scores by providing
an easy-to-use record keeping system. First, the class is set up by entering class data and student names and
identification numbers. Next, individual grades are entered. At any time, the grades may be displayed on the
computer screen or printed. In addition to raw totals and scores, Gradebook Plus will automatically calculate
many useful statistics on individual students, on classes as a whole, or on individual assignments. Statistics
include mean, median, and standard deviation. A histogram and grades based on an instructor-selected grading

scale are also available. The teacher's manual explains how the program works, describes the different report
options, and gives samples of the various reports.

HyperCard Templates for Language Learning

Machine: Mac
Skill: T util
Publisher: Bradin, Claire
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
A series of templates that teachers can customize easily for classroom use. Karaoke Conversations is high on
the fun factor. They are available for download from

IdeaFisher 6.0
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: writing, t util
Publisher: IdeaFisher Systems
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Purchase options: network, site license
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All but K-6
An idea generator and outliner with a large database of ideas and suggestions waitng to link up with your

Machine: Win
Skill: T util
Publisher: Divace Oy
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
Software that lets teachers control multiple PCs from their own PC. Works as part of a Tandberg lab.

Last Minute ESL/EFL Lesson Plan and Activity Guide

Machine: Win
Skill: T util
Publisher: ESL Pro Systems
Approximate single-unit price: $20
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
Dozens of lesson plans & activities in PDF format, most between 40 and 60 minutes in length. For a variety of
skill areas and for three levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced.

Learning Styles Inventory

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: study skills, T util
Publisher: Educational Activities Software
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Purchase options: lab, network
Level: Intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All but K-3
Students go through this questionnaire to analyze their learning styles. The program offers suggestions to
enhance studying based on the learner's profile. The profiles for whole class can be stored, so that comparisons
of an individual to the teacher or to the class can be printed. Windows and Mac versions have a new interface.
Includes spoken questions in both English and Spanish.

Machine: Win
Skill: t util
Publisher: Creative Technology
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Purchase options: shareware
Level: Teacher For: T
Markin is a teacher's tool created by Martin Holmes for marking student writing in electronic form. A student's
text can be pasted into Markin from an e-mail message or a word-processor file. The teacher can then annotate

the text using a set of buttons, footnotes and other kinds of feedback. The marked text can then be exported as
a World Wide Web page in HTML format, and sent back to the student. The student, opening the page in a
Web browser, will see that parts of the text have been made into links. Clicking on a link will take the student
to the teacher's comment or error diagnosis. The program will also automatically compile error statistics for
each piece of work which is marked. Download as shareware. Only short texts can be marked up without
paying and registering.

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: T util
Publisher: Chariot Software Group
See also
Lingo Fun
Approximate single-unit price: $95
Purchase options: site licenses starting at $290
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
Teacher-management software for handling, student information, grades, and statistics in many report types,
including teacher-designed ones. Upgraded to include importing & exporting of info, making of rosters &
work sheets, attendance by day/student. Easy-to-use, flexible, and completely customizable.

MonoConc Pro
Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, T util
Publisher: Athelstan
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $95
Purchase options: site
Level: Intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All, teacher
Concordance program. Can load multiple files totaling several million words, then view contents from within
the program. Searches can be case-sensitive or case-insensitive, have wildcards, and include non-letter
characters such as '-' or apostrophes. Unwanted concordance lines can be deleted, while a multi-line context
can be displayed for a given concordance line. A word list function with a frequency count and calculation of
the frequency of collocations is also included. Results can be sorted by search word, text order, or first or
second word to the left or right. An earlier and less full-featured version, MonoConc for Windows, is $70.

MP Express
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill: T util, authoring
Publisher: Bytes of Learning
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: lab
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All but K-2
CD-ROM-based multimedia presentation tool that lets users create multimedia productions. MP Express can
import and utilize any standard picture, sound, or video including QuickTime VR. It can also record narration.
This can be used by students to create presentations. The company also sells resource CDs that contain movies,
pictures, backgrounds, music scores and sounds for use with MP Express. Currently shipping Resource CDs
include On the Brink: Endangered Species and Living Deserts & Rainforests.

Primary Power Pack

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: T util, authoring
Publisher: Centron Software Technologies
Approximate single-unit price: $55
Purchase options: lab pack $95, site/network license $350
Level: Teacher For: T
Special use: Elementary, bilingual
A special version for the primary grades of Teachers Power Pack with Test Creator and Puzzle Power.

Print Shop Deluxe

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: writing, T util

Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
online/mail order
Approximate single-unit price: $80
Purchase options: lab, network, site, teacher's ed.
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All
This computer tool is very useful in enabling students to complete such tasks as creating greeting cards, signs,
personalized letterhead stationary, banners and calendars. The program comes with lots of interesting pre-made
graphics which students can use in the creation of their projects. The new Print Shop Deluxe edition on CD-
ROM adds the following capabilities to the previous editions: scalable graphics; color printing; TrueType fonts
(which can also be scaled without losing any quality); new styles of ready-made graphics to serve as
backgrounds for individual letters or as a border for a whole side of a text; special pre-made headline texts;
'rich text,' which allows users to change fonts, styles, sizes and colors within individual words; a new utility to
export Print Shop Deluxe graphics to other programs; and a layout program to facilitate creative mixing of text
and graphics. Earlier disk-based version is slightly less expensive.

Question Mark Perception

Machine: Win
Skill: T util, authoring
Publisher: Question Mark Computing
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
Assessment management system designed for teachers to author a range of items and organize them into
exams, quizzes, tests or surveys. Assessments can be set up to be available on a specific schedule and delivered
in a variety of ways. The program provides a number of different report types for the assessments.
Assessments can be delivered online, via CD-ROM, on PDAs, or on individual machines.

Quick View Plus

Machine: Win
Skill: t util
Publisher: Avantstar
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Purchase options: $39 on CD-ROM
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
Opens files in over 200 different file formats, including Macintosh formats. Cheaper if downloaded from

QuizMaker Pro
Machine: Mac
Skill: T util
Publisher: MacMUSE
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
Vocabulary practice with four game modules.

Results Manager
Machine: Win
Skill: T util
Publisher: Clarity Language Consultants
Approximate single-unit price: $65
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
Comprehensive management and record-keeping program that works with Clarity software. Helps manage user
accounts - especially useful with online licenses.

Machine: Win
Skill: vocabulary, T util
Publisher: SuperMemo USA
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All but K-3
This program helps users memorize vocabulary (or other memorizable items, such as spelling lists and
irregular verb forms). It spaces repetitions of items in such a way as to maximize learning. ESL version

available. Teachers can add their own databases of items for their students to learn. Runs under DOS or

Teachers' Voices 8
Machine: Win
Skill: T util
Publisher: NCELTR
Approximate single-unit price: $28
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
DVD to accompany a book by Anne Burns and Helen de Silva Joyce about teaching practice - latest in the
series of publications on action research projects by teachers.

Test Creator
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill: T util, authoring
Publisher: Centron Software Technologies
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Purchase options: lab pack $60, site/network license $250
Level: Teacher For: T
Wide variety of test types available.

Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: T util, authoring
Publisher: Wida Software
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $110
Purchase options: site available
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
The teacher types in a question or cue and the answer is programmed as a complete cloze with clues. You can
also program up to around 21 variations for one answer. Now included in Wida's Authoring Suite. Windows
95, 98, 2000, NT supported.

Tidy Up
Machine: Win
Skill: T util
Publisher: Grey Olltwit
Purchase options: $20 membership to download all pgms
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
Easy-to-use program to help computer beginners gain familiarity with moving, clicking, and double-clicking a
mouse. Users click on various household articles to move them back where they belong (hence the title).
Excellent for adult learners as well as for children. A website membership fee allows the download of about
100 different programs, at least 15 of them good for English language learners.

Total Recorder
Machine: Win
Skill: T util
Publisher: High Criteria
Approximate single-unit price: $12
Level: Teacher For: T
Convert audio to digital audio - records streaming audio, microphone and line-in input, CDs, and DVDs and
saves the files to the hard drive. The program also converts various digital audio file formats. The Professional
version offers more features. A demo version can be downloaded from the website.

Wordsearch Creator
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill: vocabulary, T util
Publisher: Centron Software Technologies
Approximate single-unit price: $35

Purchase options: lab pack $60, site/network license $250
Level: Beginning, intermediate, teacher For: All
Creates three types of word search puzzles: standard wordsearch (target words are hidden in a grid of letters),
clues puzzles where students see clues to the hidden words, and fill-in-the-blank puzzles where students see a
paragraph with the missing words found in the puzzle. Can be solved on screen, printed out, or exported to a

Machine: Win
Skill: T util
Publisher: Sun-Tech
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
Classroom control software that creates a virtual lab, where each computer screen can be seen and controlled
from the teacher's station. Standard and Professional versions (Professional includes controller for video and
other media) available.

Appendix 3:
A Selection of Companion Websites

A Companion Websites is a website designed to complement a textbook. It may include

downloadable worksheets, interactive activities, teaching tips, articles, discussion and idea
sharing, and sometimes contact with the authors and opportunities for interaction with user of
the textbook worldwide. The following is a list of selected companion websites:

Textbook Companion Website

American Perspectives
American Roots
Anatomy and Physiology for
English Language Learners
Azar Grammar Series
Azar Grammar Series
Contemporary Topics
Contemporary Topics
Cutting Edge
English Express
English Firsthand Caf
Essentials of English
Essentials of English
Focus on Grammar, 3rd Edition
Global Links
Grammar Exchange
Grammar Express
Intelligent Business
Keys to Learning
Language Leader
Language to Go
Literacy Plus
Longman Advanced American
Longman Dictionary of American
Longman ESL Literacy, 3rd Edition
Longman Science
Longman Social Studies
Market Leader
New Cutting Edge
New Opportunities
New Vistas
New Vistas
North Star
NorthStar, Second Edition
NorthStar: Building Skills for the
On the Go
Read and Think
Reading Skills
Reading Skills
Ready to Go
Scott Foresman English
Scott Foresman ESL
Shining Star
Side by Side
Significant Scribbles
Sounds Good
Strategies for Correct Writing
Strategies for Correct Writing
Top Notch
True Colors
What a Life!
What a World
Word by Word
Workplace Plus
Appendix 4:
Educational Technology Organizations

The following is a non exhaustive list of organizations specialized in CALL and Educational
Technology, with the website addresses.

Organization Website


ATELL (Australian Technology Enhanced Language
Learning Consortium)

CALICO (Computer Assisted Language Instruction


LET (Japan Association for Language Education and

JALT CALL N-SIG (Japan Association for Language
Teaching CALL National Special Interest Group)

MUESLI (Micro Users in ESL Institutions)

TESOL CALL Interest Section

ISTE (International Society for Technology in

Information and Communications Technology for
English language Teaching

CUE (Computer-Using Educators)

Computers in Teaching Initiative (CTI)

Association for Learning Technology (ALT)

Teaching and Learning Technology Programme

The Electronic Libraries programme (eLib)

JISC Technology Applications Programme (JTAP)

The Learning Technology Dissemination Initiative

Digital Learning Organization

Americas Learning eXchange

American Society of Training & Development

Brandon Hall

Corporate University Collaborative

MASIE Center

WBT Information Center

Society for Applied Learning Technology

United States Distance Training Association


ALLC - Association for Literary & Linguistic

(ALT) The Association for Learning Technology

CTI (Computers in Teaching Initiative)

IALLT (International Associaltion for Language
Learning Technology)
Appendix 5:
HM King Hassan IIs Letter to His Advisor, M. Abdelaziz Meziane Belfquih
March 09, 1999

Louange Dieu. Que la prire et la bndiction soient sur le Prophte, Sa

Famille et Ses Compagnons.

Notre serviteur dvou, Conseiller de Notre tous les citoyens et une responsabilit partage
Majest, Monsieur Abdelaziz Mziane Belfquih, quassument autant lEtat que lensemble des
que Dieu te prserve et guide tes pas. acteurs concerns, loin des surenchres
partisanes, des ractions subjectives et des
Il ne tchappe pas que Nous portons la
partis pris striles, rivs des dogmes
rforme de notre systme denseignement et
de formation une grande sollicitude et un intrt
constant/ Il sagit dune question de devenir, qui Dans le but dadopter un systme ducatif
devance toutes celles qui retiennent Notre nouveau, dmarqu des aspects ngatifs des
attention. approches du pass et ax sur latteinte des
objectifs de notre temps, Nous avons dcid
Certes, il est indniable que notre systme
comme Nous lavons dj annonc de mettre
dducation a ralis des acquis importants
sur pied une commission spciale compose
durant les annes coules. Mais, force est de
de personnalits autant averties que
constater quil ne sest pas lev la hauteur
concernes par les questions dducation,
des efforts gnreux qui lui ont t consacrs
denseignement et de formation et par tout ce
et que les rsultats obtenus demeurent en de
qui sy rattache.
de Nos aspirations. De surcrot, ce systme
souffre dsormais dun dficit dadquation Cette commission aura pour mission de
entre la formation et lemploi, ainsi que dune proposer les choix fondamentaux qui
incapacit satisfaire aux exigences dune permettront de rformer en profondeur ce
poque fonde sur le dveloppement des secteur vital, conformment Notre but
connaissances et leur utilisation pratique dans suprme de btir lcole nationale marocaine
la vie de tous les jours ; une poque o le de demain, une cole digne de prendre place
progrs des nations se mesure laune de dans le sicle prochain.
lefficience de leur systme ducatif et de son
Aprs mre rflexion quant au profil de la
aptitude accompagner leur dveloppement
personnalit nationale mme de prsider
cette commission et de lamener atteindre ses
Telle est la situation qui Nous a amen, objectifs, cest sur toi que finalement Notre
plusieurs reprises, convoquer des colloques choix sest port. Nous te confions cette
et des commissions ad hoc, dans le dessein mission de confiance, eu gard aux qualits
dune concertation gnrale et systmatique que Nous te connaissons en termes de
sur la question, tant convaincu que comptence scientifique, de rigueur
lenseignement est une affaire qui concerne intellectuelle, dexprience de terrain et de

dtermination dans laccomplissement des serons-Nous assurs de la bonne marche des
missions que Nous tavons confies travaux de la commission.
auparavant, outre la bonne acceptation dont tu
Comme Nous lavons affirm plusieurs
jouis de la part de tous.
reprises, il faut concevoir la rforme de notre
Sagissant de jeter les bases dune politique systme ducatif dans le cadre dune vision
nationale au sens le plus noble du terme globale, empreinte de cohsion, de cohrence
politique qui concerne le devenir de plusieurs et de prospective ; une vision qui soit, en mme
gnrations, Nous entendons que la temps, suffisamment souple pour permettre
commission comprenne parmi ses membres ladaptation convenable aux besoins du prsent
des reprsentants des partis politiques et des et aux exigences de lavenir, telles que les
organisations syndicales reprsentes au impliquent les mutations nationales et
Parlement, aux cts de reprsentants des internationales.
oulmas, des acteurs socio-conomiques et de
A cet gard, notre systme ducatif doit
personnalits spcialises, tant entendu que
rpondre de manire quilibre deux attentes
le nombre total de ses membres devra tre
fondamentales :
limit trente environ. Nous attendons que tu
1. La premire consiste assurer lgalit
Nous soumettes, dans les meilleurs dlais, une
des chances et dispenser les savoirs
liste comportant les noms et qualits des
fondamentaux chacun de Nos fidles sujets,
membres de cette commission, en procdant
pour larracher lignorance, lui viter
des consultations avec les organisations
lanalphabtisme et le doter dune ducation de
politiques et syndicales, pour ce qui est de
base qui le prpare lexercice de ses devoirs
leurs reprsentants, et en choisissant un
religieux, moraux et nationaux, et le rende utile
certain nombre de spcialistes en ce qui
lui-mme, sa famille et sa patrie.
concerne les autres composantes de la
commission. 2. Quant la seconde attente, elle concerne
la satisfaction des besoins grandissants de
Nous attendons aussi de tous ceux qui seront
notre pays en personnes qualifies, dotes
appels faire partie de cette commission
daptitudes professionnelles, en cadres
quils fassent preuve des plus hauts degrs
techniques et en comptences de premier
dimpartialit et dobjectivit, de sorte que les
ordre pour assurer la gestion, lencadrement et
diverses sensibilits quils reprsentent
la production dans tous les secteurs et dans
puissent se fondre dans le creuset dune mme
tous les domaines.
volont nationale mise au service de la
rforme. Ils devront tre mus par les vertus de Paralllement, il ne faut pas omettre de cultiver
lcoute et du dialogue constructif et arms de lexcellence et de prparer llite de nos
la ferme dtermination atteindre les objectifs enfants, qui possdent de grandes
que Nous avons fixs cette commission. Ils potentialits, contribuer activement au
devront se pencher sur les problmes de progrs scientifique et technologique,
lenseignement avec audace et rsolution, mais permettant ainsi au Maroc de tirer un grand
aussi avec ralisme et clairvoyance. Ainsi bnfice des talents et du gnie de ses enfants.
La commission devra se pencher sur les voies

et moyens pdagogiques, les ressources les Etats et les nations sont entrans dans une
humaines, les modes dorganisation et les comptition exacerbe et les progrs des
ressources financires susceptibles de technologies modernes sont prodigieux. Aussi,
permettre latteinte de ces objectifs. pour faire face ces dfis, est-il imprieux
dinstituer un systme ducatif qui puisse
Le systme ducatif actuel, conu pour
former un citoyen possdant toutes les cls de
rpondre aux ncessits urgentes, apparues au
la connaissances, interagissant en symbiose
lendemain de lindpendance, a puis son
avec lesprit de la modernit, afin dassimiler les
objet. Limpratif de lheure est de btir un
progrs scientifiques et technologiques et de
nouveau systme ducatif mme de faire
les employer au profit de notre socit, tout en
face aux dfis du prochain sicle.
sy adaptant constamment. Ceci exige de nous,
A cet gard, la problmatique de lemploi et les
la parfaite matrise des langues trangres, en
besoins du march du travail doivent tre au
plus de celle de notre langue nationale.
cur de la politique dducation et de
Dans ce contexte, la rflexion de la commission
formation, afin dassurer lapprenant, ds les
doit porter sur la faon damliorer les
premires tapes de la scolarisation, une
programmes et les mthodes, les actualiser, les
formation qui lui permette de sexercer aux
perfectionner et faire en sorte quils stimulent et
techniques et aux mtiers et le prpare la vie
dvelopper lesprit dinitiative, de rflexion et
dinnovation. Ainsi pourrons-nous faire passer
Dans un monde tiraill par les courants
les gnrations montantes du stade de la
civilisationnels et o priclitent les valeurs
consommation des connaissances celui de
morales et saffrontent les identits culturelles,
leur cration.
notre systme ducatif se doit daffermir les
Dans le mme esprit, il convient de songer
principes de notre religion musulmane qui
mettre au point un systme dapprentissage
prne le juste milieu, la modration, la
professionnel, notamment dans les secteurs de
tolrance et louverture sur toutes les sciences
lagriculture, du btiment et de lartisanat de
et connaissances profitables. Il se doit
production de biens et de services, de manire
galement de fortifier notre personnalit
assurer une formation qualifiante au plus
marocaine, dans sa spcificit ancestrale, et
grand nombre de ceux qui quitteront lcole
prserver nos valeurs morales et nationales.
un moment donn.
Ceci exige de donner la priorit lamlioration
de lenseignement de notre langue nationale, Si nous parvenons jeter les bases dun tel
de permettre nos enfants de lutiliser systme et la dvelopper, nous pourrons,
convenablement et de les inciter sintresser dune part, assurer aux jeunes des occasions
notre patrimoine culturel dans sa riche dactivits productive et, dautre, sauver les
diversit et la multiplicit de ses confluents mtiers et les savoir-faire dont notre pays
gnreux. regorge et qui contribuent son prestige,
notamment dans le domaine de lartisanat.
Par ailleurs, la mondialisation de lconomie et
la globalisation des changes constituent les Ce nouveau systme ducatif ne pourra
marques mergentes du sicle qui sannonce ; atteindre les objectifs escompts que se nous

en faisons un systme intgr et dot de priv, les collectivits locales et les
passerelles entre ses diffrents types et ses organisations concernes par la chose
diffrents niveaux, depuis lenseignement ducative. Il importe dinsister, dans ce
primaire et fondamental jusqu lenseignement contexte, sur le rle important que peuvent
suprieur et la recherche scientifique,, en assumer le secteur productif et les
passant par lenseignement secondaire et la organisations intresses par cette entreprise
formation professionnelle et technique ; un ducative. Il y a lieu dasseoir des bases qui
systme qui rponde aux aspirations des soient mme de consolider leur partenariat
individus et leur assure une bonne qualification, avec le secteur public, afin quils participent
tout en leur donnant la possibilit de progresser ensemble, avec leur dynamisme habituel, la
sur les plans professionnel et social tout au ralisation des objectifs escompts de la
long de leur vie active. rforme. Dans le mme sens, il convient de ne
pas perdre de vue le rle des collectivits
A cet gard, il est indispensable de se pencher
locales que Nous avons renforces par la
sur la formation continue, en vue de la doter
cration des rgions et que Nous avons dotes
dun cadre juridique qui lorganise et dfinisse
de comptences et de moyens de nature leur
son champ dapplication et ses moyens de
permettre de prendre en charge une partie de
financement. Cela simpose avec insistance,
cette responsabilit.
notamment dans ces circonstances qui exigent
daccompagner la mise niveau de nos En abordant cet aspect, la commission se doit
entreprises pour leur permettre de relever les dexaminer la situation du secteur
dfis de la mondialisation de lconomie. denseignement et de formation prive, pour
dfinir son rle, consolider sa place et
Dans la mesure o tout rforme de
lencourager participer, aux cts des
lenseignement dpend de la mobilisation du
institutions publiques, aux efforts dploys
corps enseignant et de son dvouement sa
dans ce domaine, en tenant compte la fois
noble tche ducative, Nous attendons de cette
des objectifs ducatifs et des intrts des
catgorie, qui est au centre de Notre sollicitude
et de Notre intrt , davantage defforts,
sachant que la mise en uvre de la rforme Il va de soi que lvolution continue du systme
souhaite est tributaire de son dvouement ducatif requiert de rexaminer ses structures
dans laccomplissement de la mission de pdagogiques, afin de les rendre plus
confiance dont elle est charge. cohrentes et complmentaires, et de revoir
lorganisation administrative et les mthodes de
Sur un autre plan, il est de la plus haute
gestion et dvaluation. Il faut galement mettre
importance que la commission comprenne que
en place des mcanismes susceptibles de
les changements intervenus dans
contribuer de faon efficace et cohrente la
lenvironnement conomique et social, tant
russite de la rforme engage et dapporter
interne quexterne, ont fait merger aujourdhui
lappui ncessaire aux institutions
de nouveaux partenaires de lEtat dans
denseignement et de formation, notamment en
lentreprise dducation et de formation. Ces
consolidant leur autonomie et leur
nouveaux partenaires reprsentent le secteur
dconcentration, pour leur permettre de

sintgrer et de sadapter efficacement leur Aussi attendons-Nous de la commission, qui
milieu conomique, social et rgional. Il faut, sera trs prochainement constitue, quelle
enfin, pouvoir aux moyens et aux instruments sattache laborer une charte nationale
que ncessite le dveloppement dune dducation et de formation pour la soumettre
recherche scientifique au service du NOTRE MAJESTE vers la fin de la prsente
dveloppement. anne scolaire. Nous avons donn Nos
instructions Notre Premier Ministre et tous
Pour donner ces rformes que Nous
les membres du Gouvernement de NOTRE
envisageons pertinence et continuit, il importe
MAJESTE pour quils facilitent la tche de la
dasseoir les critres de qualit et les
commission, collaborent avec elle et lui
mcanismes dajustement, car la question
fournissent tout ce qui est ncessaire
ducative exige de nous une radaptation
laccomplissement de sa mission de la
continue pour soutenir ce qui doit ltre,
meilleure faon possible.
renforcer ce qui mrite de ltre, et abandonner
ce qui doit tre abandonn. En confiant aux membres de cette commission
une responsabilit aussi lourde que de noble
La commission se doit, dautre part, de garder
finalit, Nous attendons deux quils prennent
en vue la question de la mise en uvre de la
conscience de leur devoir national, tel que
rforme. Elle doit laborer des propositions qui
Nous avons tenu le mettre en exergue, et
permettent aux organismes comptents,
quils agissent dans la cohsion, la
chargs de lducation et de lenseignement ,
complmentarit, lharmonie et labngation, en
de lappliquer de faon progressive partir de
sattachant entirement atteindre les objectifs
la rentre scolaire et universitaire prochaine ;
que Nous avons tracs et cristalliser les
ainsi son projet sera-t-il empreint defficacit et
idaux et les valeurs que Nous poursuivons.
de ferme dtermination.
Nous prions pour que leur apport soit riche, que
Telles sont les quelques orientations travers
leur mission soit couronne de succs et que
lesquelles Nous avons tenu te tracer
les rsultats de leurs travaux mritent
certaines spcifications pour le choix des
hommage et reconnaissance.
membres de la commission et quelques
Que Dieu te guide et te prserve Notre
repres desquisse de la rforme souhaite,
serviteur dvou, et fasse que le succs
sachant pertinemment que la rforme de
taccompagne dans laccomplissement de ta
lducation et de la formation est autrement
plus complexe que ce quil Nous est possible
daborder en cette circonstance. Cette rforme Salut de Dieu et Sa bndiction sur toi.
est, en effet, le critre rel de toute rforme
vritable et la voie la plus juste pour atteindre
Hassan II, Roi du Maroc
tout le progrs et toute la prosprit auxquels
aspire Notre fidle peuple pour accder au
troisime millnaire.

An excerpt from HM King Mohammed VIs First Throne Speech

Addressed to the People of Morocco on July 30, 1999

Louange Dieu. Que la paix et la bndiction soient sur le Prophte, Sa Famille

et Ses Compagnons.

commission nationale spciale qui a uvr

sous sa Haute sollicitude sinspirant des
Cher peuple,
orientations contenues dans la lettre Royale
La question de lenseignement figure en tte de consacre cette question.
nos proccupations actuelles et futures, en
La commission a couronn ses efforts louables
raison de son extrme importance, de son
par llaboration dun projet de charte nationale
impact sur la formation des gnrations et de
de lducation et de la formation quelle
leur prparation accder la vie active, pour
sapprtait soumettre notre vnr pre.
contribuer ldification de la nation, avec
Nous accorderons ce projet lintrt quil
comptence, savoir-faire, abngation et
mrite et qui correspond nos esprances
loyaut, en aspirant accder au 21me sicle,
dans ce domaine vital pour vaincre le chmage,
par la mise en valeur des potentialits
radiquer ses retombes, maintenir grandes
scientifiques, des innovations technologiques
ouvertes les portes de lemploi devant notre
de lpoque, ainsi que des larges perspectives
jeunesse montante, et linciter consentir des
quelles ouvrent pour lintgration dans le
efforts et faire preuve sans relche de
processus de mondialisation.
crativit et desprit dinitiative, en ne comptant
Notre Auguste pre, qui accordait un grand que sur elle mme.
intrt cette question, a mis en place une

List of Translations by the Author/Researcher
From King Hassan IIs speeches:

... the globalization of economy and the globalization of trade constitute distinctive signs of
the coming [(21st)] century. States and nations are dragged to an exacerbated competition
and the advancement of modern technologies is tremendous. Moreover, in order to confront
these challenges, it is pressing to set up an educational system which can train citizens who
possess all keys to knowledge and who interact in harmony with the spirit of modernity so
as to assimilate the scientific and technological progress and use it for the benefit of our
society while constantly adapting oneself to it.
(Cf. Le Matin, Nov. 26, 1999)

The task of this committee is to propose fundamental options which will allow an in-depth
reform of this vital sector in accordance with our ultimate goal of building Moroccos
national school of tomorrow, a school worthy of carving out a place in the next century.
(Cf. Le Matin, Nov. 26, 1999)

From King Mohammed VIs Thrown Speech of 1999:

(...) The issue of education is at the top of our present and future preoccupations for its
extreme importance, its impact on the training of generations and preparing them for
entering professional life in order to contribute to the building of the nation with
competence, know-how, abnegation, and faithfulness. This is to aspire to enter the 21st
century by highlighting scientific potentialities, technological innovations of the time as
well as wide perspectives they open for the subscription in the process of globalization. (...)
(Cf. Le Matin, Nov. 26, 1999)

From the NCET:

The system of education and training aspires to make the country move forward in the
conquest of science and in the mastery of advanced technologies. It thus contributes to
strengthening its competitiveness and its economic, social and human development, at a
time characterized by openness to the world.
(NCET, Part I, Art. 5)

... this objective should not be thought to mean that technological media will systematically
supplant the real pedagogical relationship constituting the foundation of the educational
process, viz. the vital master-disciple relationship, based on understanding and respect.
(NCET, Part II, Art. 119)

overcome, as much as possible, the difficulties facing education or in-service teacher

training such as remoteness or isolation of target learners;
rely on distance education at lower-secondary and secondary levels for remote regions;
further equal opportunity of access to documentary references, databases, and
communication networks, while solving, rapidly and at the least possible cost, problems
having to do with the inadequacy and the uneven distribution of basic documentary
(NCET, Part II, Art. 119)

Each education-training institution shall facilitate the purchase of computer equipment and
the different pedagogical materials and science tools by means of bulk-buying with special
incentives, for teachers, learners, and administrative personnel.
(NCET, Part II, Art. 120)

Given the decisive and growing role that Educational Technology plays in the systems [of
education] and methods of teaching, and in view of Article 119 of this charter, authorities
in charge of education and training shall look after the integration of this technology into
school life, on the basis of the following objective: a computer lab and multimedia library
in every institution by the end of the next decade, starting from the 2000-2001 school year.
(NCET, Part II, Art. 121)

Missions relating to documentation, technological watch, and dissemination of research

results will be strengthened; the setting up of a high-speed computer network, linking
research and training centers with one another and connecting them to the Internet and to
international scientific and technical databases, will be hastened.
(NCET, Part II, Art. 130)

From DSEP:

The new information and communication technologies (NICT) must be seen as an

opportunity for the [educational] institution to improve its results. Their appropriation by
the educational community will contribute to the overall and integrated training that we
wish for our pupils, while enabling the institution to better accomplish its mission.
(DSEP, 1999:13)

Retrieve files;
Exchange ideas and lead open discussions in groups;
Send and receive messages;
Make communication;
Access documentary and encyclopedic websites;
Life and earth sciences;
History and geography;
Physical education, emulation, competitiveness;
Foreign languages.
Create a class website and publish it on the Internet;
Make use of it in an interactive way so as to renew learning and knowledge
Use materials favoring strategy and thinking;
Use pictures and sound (CD-ROM, ...).
(DSEP, 1999:17)

offering equal opportunity in access to knowledge and information;

making training and teaching faster, more flexible, and more accessible;
reducing the costs of teaching and training;
increasing the number of people who benefit from in-service training;
developing collaborative learning and team work in order to improve performance
and productivity;
bringing out the teaching team from its isolation and preparing the ground for
exchanges within the educational community.
(DSEP, op. cit.:14)

Appendix 6:
Table of Contents and Excerpts from the
National Charter for Education and Training


Premire partie :
principes fondamentaux
Fondements constants
Finalits majeures
Droits et devoirs des individus et des collectivits
Mobilisation nationale pour la rnovation de l'cole

Deuxime partie : espaces de rnovation et leviers de changement

Espace I : l'extension de l'enseignement et son ancrage l'environnement conomique
Levier 1 : Gnraliser un enseignement fondamental de qualit dans une cole plurielle
Levier 2 : L'alphabtisation et l'ducation non formelle
L'ducation non formelle
Dcentralisation et partenariat dans l'alphabtisation et l'ducation non formelle
Rle de la tlvision dans l'alphabtisation et l'ducation non formelle
Levier 3 : Adquation du systme d'ducation et de formation son environnement
Rseaux d'ducation formation
Passerelles entre l'enseignement gnral, la formation professionnelle et la vie
Ouverture de l'cole son environnement et tous les horizons cratifs
Apprentissage et formation alterne
Formation continue

Espace II : Organisation pdagogique

Levier 4 : Rorganiser et articuler les cycles d'ducation-formation
L'enseignement prscolaire et primaire
L'enseignement collgial
L'enseignement secondaire
L'enseignement suprieur
L'enseignement originel
Les communauts aux besoins spcifiques
Levier 5 : Evaluation et examens
Levier 6 : Orientation ducative et professionnelle

Espace III : Amlioration de la qualit de l'ducation et de la formation

Levier 7 : Rviser et adapter les programmes et les mthodes, les manuels scolaires-et les
supports didactiques
Programmes et mthodes
Manuels scolaires et supports didactiques
Levier 8 : Emplois du temps, rythmes scolaires et pdagogiques
Levier 9 : Perfectionner l'enseignement et l'utilisation de la langue arabe et matriser les
langues trangres et s'ouvrir sur le Tamazight
Renforcement et perfectionnement de l'enseignement cl la langue arabe
Diversification des langues d'enseignement des sciences et des technologies
Ouverture sur le Tamazight
Matrise des langues
Levier 10 : Utiliser les Nouvelles Technologies de l'information et de La Communication
Levier 11 : Encourager l'excellence, l'innovation et la recherche Scientifique
Levier 12 : Promouvoir les activits sportives, l'ducation physique scolaire et
universitaire et les activits parascolaires

Espace IV : Ressources humaines

Levier 13 : Motiver les ressources humaines pdagogiques et administratives,
perfectionner leur formation continue, amliorer leurs conditions de travail et
rviser les critres de recrutement, d'valuation continue et de promotion
Formation initiale et recrutement des enseignants et des superviseurs
Formation continue (les personnels d'ducation, de formation et de gestion
Evaluation et promotion
Motivation du corps d'enseignement et d'encadrement, dans les diffrents
Levier 14 : Amliorer les conditions sociales et matrielles des apprenants et prendre
soin des personnes aux besoins spcifiques
Amlioration des conditions sociales et matrielles des apprenants
Personnes aux besoins spcifiques

Espace V : Gouvernance
Levier 15 : Instaurer la dcentralisation et dconcentration dans le secteur de l'ducation
et de la formation
Levier 16 : Amliorer la gouvernance et l'valuation continue du Systme ducation
Levier 17 : Diversifier les modes et les normes des constructions et des quipements, les
adapter leur environnement et rationaliser leur utilisation et leur bon

Espace VI : Partenariat et financement

Levier 18 : Encourager, le secteur priv d'enseignement et de Formation et rguler ses
normes, et son fonctionnement
Levier 19 : Mobiliser les ressources de financement et optimiser leur emploi

La prsente charte se compose de deux parties complmentaires.

La premire nonce les principes fondamentaux qui comprennent les fondements constants du
systme d'ducation et de formation, ses grandes finalits, les droits et devoirs des diffrents
partenaires et la mobilisation nationale ncessaire pour la russite de la rforme.

La deuxime partie regroupe six espaces de rnovation comprenant dix neuf leviers de
changement :
l'extension de l'enseignement et son ancrage l'environnement conomique ;
l'organisation pdagogique ;
l'amlioration de la qualit de l'ducation et de la formation ;
les ressources humaines ;
la gouvernance ;
le partenariat et le financement.

Tant en ce qui concerne les principes fondamentaux que les espaces de rnovation, l'attention
a t porte sur leur formulation afin qu'elle soit aussi claire et prcise que possible, en
gardant constamment en vue la ncessit de concilier ce qui est dsirable et ce qui est faisable.
Ainsi, les leviers de changement sont-ils prsents, autant que faire se peut, sous forme de
propositions pratiques, accompagnes des voies et dlais de leurs mise en oeuvre.

Premire partie
Principes fondamentaux

Fondements constants
1. Le systme ducatif du Royaume du Maroc se fonde sur les principes et les valeurs de la foi
islamique. Il vise former un citoyen vertueux, modle de rectitude, de modration et de
tolrance, ouvert la science et a la connaissance et dot de l'esprit d'initiative, de crativit
et d'entreprise.

2. Le systme ducatif du Royaume du Maroc respecte et rvle l'identit ancestrale de la

Nation. Il en manifeste les valeurs sacres et intangibles : la foi en Dieu, l'amour de la
Patrie et l'attachement la Monarchie Constitutionnelle.
Sur ces fondements, l'ducation cultive les valeurs de citoyennet qui permettent tous de
participer pleinement aux affaires publiques et prives en parfaite connaissance des droits
et devoirs de chacun.
Le systme d'ducation assure tous la matrise orale et crite de la langue arabe, langue
officielle du pays et, complmentairement, s'ouvre l'utilisation des langues trangres les
plus largement utilises dans le monde.
L'ducation s'attache aussi dvelopper un esprit de dialogue ; elle apprend accepter la
diffrence et conduit la pratique dmocratique dans le cadre de l'Etat de Droit.

3. Le systme ducatif s'enracine dans le patrimoine culturel du Maroc. Il respecte la varit

de ses composantes rgionales qui s'enrichissent mutuellement. Il conserve et dveloppe la
spcificit de ce patrimoine, dans ses dimensions thiques et culturelles.

4. Le systme ducatif marocain participe au dveloppement gnral du pays, fond sur la

conciliation positive entre la fidlit aux traditions et l'aspiration la modernit. Il assure
une interaction dynamique entre le patrimoine culturel du Maroc et les grands principes
universels des droits de l'Homme et du respect de sa dignit.

5. Le systme d'ducation et de formation aspire faire avancer le pays dans la conqute de la

science et dans la matrise des technologies avances. Il contribue ainsi renforcer sa
comptitivit et son dveloppement conomique, social et humain, une poque
caractrise par l'ouverture sur le monde.


Mobilisation nationale pour la rnovation de l'cole

20. La dcennie 2000-2009 est dclare dcennie nationale de l'ducation et de la formation.

21. Le secteur de l'ducation et de la formation est rig, en premire priorit nationale, aprs
l'intgrit territoriale.

22. Le secteur de l'ducation et de la formation bnficie, en consquence, du maximum

d'aide et d'attention, tous les niveaux de l'Etat, des collectivits rgionales et locales, des
tablissements d'ducation et de formation eux-mmes et de l'ensemble des acteurs et
partenaires concerns, et ce, sur tous les aspects de la planification, de la ralisation, du
suivi, de l'valuation et de l'ajustement, conformment aux responsabilits et aux rles
dfinis dans la prsente charte.

23. La rforme du systme de l'ducation et de la formation exige un travail de longue haleine

qui s'intgre dans le processus historique du dveloppement et du progrs du pays. Elle
ncessite rigueur et persvrance, en vue d'atteindre les finalits traces. Toutes les forces
vives du pays : gouvernement, parlement, collectivits locales, partis politiques,
organisations syndicales et professionnelles, associations, administrations territoriales,
oulama, personnalits scientifiques, intellectuelles et artistiques, doivent s'associer aux
intervenants du systme ducatif pour participer l'effort collectif, afin de concrtiser les
objectifs de la rforme de l'ducation et de la formation, en plaant les intrts suprieurs
de la Nation dans ce secteur vital au-dessus de toute considration, conformment la
prsente charte.

Deuxime partie
Espaces de rnovation et leviers de changement


Levier 10 : Utiliser les Nouvelles Technologies de l'information et de la Communication

119. Afin d'optimiser l'emploi des ressources ducatives et de tirer le meilleur parti des
technologies modernes, il sera fait recours aux nouvelles technologies de l'information et
de la communication (NTIC) et principalement en matire de formation continue.
Cependant, cet objectif ne saurait tre confondu avec la substitution systmatique des
mdia technologiques la vritable relation pdagogique fondatrice de l'acte ducatif : la
relation vivante matre-lve, base sur la comprhension et le respect.

Les NTIC doivent tre investies en tant que voies de l'avenir et, tout le moins, elles
doivent tre mises profit immdiatement pour:

parer, autant que possible, aux difficults denseignement ou de formation continue des
enseignants, lies lloignement ou lenclavement des apprenants cibles ;
sappuyer sur lenseignement distance aux niveaux collgiaux et secondaires, pour
les rgions loignes ;
avancer vers lgalit des chances daccs aux ressources documentaire, aux bases de
donnes et aux rseaux de communication, tout en rsolvant, rapidement et moindre
frais, les problmes lis linsuffisance et lingale rpartition des ressources
documentaires de base.

Dans cet esprit, les autorits dducation et de formation acclreront, en partenariat avec
les oprateurs qualifis, la conception et la mise en place de programmes de tl-
enseignement et dquipement des coles en nouvelles technologies dinformation et de
communication qui devront devenir oprationnels, titre dexpriences-pilotes, ds la
rentre scolaire et acadmique 2000-2001, pour tre tendus progressivement.

120. Chaque tablissement dducation-formation veillera faciliter lacquisition des

quipements informatiques et des diffrents matriels et outils pdagogiques et
scientifiques par le biais dachats groups des conditions prfrentielles, en faveur des
enseignants, des apprenants et du personnel administratif.
121. Considrant que la technologie pdagogique joue un rle dterminant et croissant dans
les systmes et mthodes denseignement et vu larticle 119 de la prsente charte, les
autorits dducation et de formation veilleront intgrer ces technologies dans la ralit
de lcole, sur la base de lobjectif suivant : un centre informatique et une bibliothque
multimdia dans chaque tablissement au terme de la dcennie prochaine partir de la
rentre scolaire 2000-2001.

Levier 11 : Encourager lexcellence, linnovation et la recherche scientifique

122. Les autorits charges de lducation et de la formation, en partenariat avec les

organisations scientifiques, techniques, culturelles et professionnelles, mettront en place,
au niveau national, rgional et des tablissements, un systme global pour dceler,
rcompenser et encourager les apprenants mritants, notamment par les moyens suivants:

a. gnralisation des prix dexcellence et de mrite tous les niveaux scolaires ;

b. orientation adquate et prcoce des lments mritants ver les domaines o ils peuvent
progresser, sur le plan scolaire et universitaire, produire et innover avec excellence ;
c. organisation de concours dexcellence dans les diffrentes domaines de lenseignement
et de linnovation, et octroi de bourses de mrite pour la poursuite des tudes au Maroc
ou, ltranger, au besoin ;
d. organisation de manifestation lhonneur des apprenants mritants, faire connatre
leurs performances et donner leurs camarades un exemple motivant pour que tous
persvrent dans leffort et la rigueur dapprentissage et de travail ;
e. mise contribution des tablissements autonomes denseignement secondaire prvus
larticle 123 ci-dessous, dans la slection lencouragement et lorientation des lments

123. Les autorits de l'ducation et de la formation lanceront, partir de la rentre scolaire

2000-2001, une exprience pilote consistant en la cration de lyces de rfrence ouverts
aux lves mritants, titulaires du BEC, selon des critres purement pdagogiques, dans
le but de dclencher une dynamique d'mulation et de comptition dans la qute de la
qualit et de l'excellence.
Au moins un lyce de rfrence sera cr dans chaque rgion, et la capacit d'accueil de ce
type d'tablissement devra tre proportionnelle l'effectif total des lves de
l'enseignement secondaire dans la rgion.
Dans ce cadre, chaque lyce qui en exprime la demande et qui rpond des conditions
dtermines relatives l'emplacement, l'quipement et l'encadrement, prendra
l'engagement, conformment des contrats-programmes prcis, de raliser des objectifs
quantitatifs et qualitatifs bien dtermins en matire d'ducation-formation et de garantir
l'excellence de ses laurats.

Ces lyces s'engagent se doter d'internats pouvant accueillir au moins 30% de l'effectif
des lves, en accordant la priorit ceux non rsidant dans les lieux o ces
tablissements sont implants. Les lves issus de familles revenu limit et remplissant
les conditions de mrite requises bnficieront des exonrations prvues dans l'article174.
A la lumire de l'valuation de cette exprience, il sera procd l'affinement des critres
et des procdures qui seront suivis, ainsi que des instances qui seront habilites se
prononcer sur les demandes d'autonomie des tablissements de l'enseignement secondaire.
On s'assurera que ces instances soient indpendantes et aient un caractre partenariat.
Le statut de Lyce de rfrence pourra tre retir toute institution qui ne parviendra pas
raliser les objectifs convenus dans le contrat-programme.

124. A l'instar des classes prparatoires mathmatiques suprieures et mathmatiques

spciales, des classes prparatoires en lettres, sciences humaines et sociales, biologie,
droit et conomie seront cres. Des institutions spcialises seront ouvertes pour la
formation soutenue des professeurs agrgs qui seront chargs de la formations des
tudiants dans ces disciplines nouvellement cres. Ces classes seront accessibles aux
tudiants titulaires du baccalaurat avec mrite. Les laurats de ces classes pourront tre
orients vers des tablissements et des filires de haut niveau qui seront cres, une fois
runies les conditions adquates.

125. La recherche scientifique et technique nationale doit tre oriente principalement vers la
recherche applique, la matrise et l'adaptation des technologies et l'appui l'innovation.
Elle pourra ainsi fortement participer relever les dfis auxquels notre pays doit faire
face en terme de croissance et de comptitivit conomiques, en terme de gestion
rationnelle des ressources naturelles et en terme de dveloppement social.

126. La recherche scientifique et technique devra tre organise de manire gagner en

cohrence et en efficacit :
L'Acadmie Hassan Il des Sciences et Techniques institue par le dahir numro 1-93-
364 du 19 rabiaa II 1414 (6 octobre 1993) contribue, conformment aux missions qui
lui sont dvolues, la dfinition de la politique nationale de recherche scientifique et
technique, l'tablissement des grandes priorits en la matire et l'impulsion des
programmes de recherche ;

Les units et centres de recherche publics existants seront restructurs pour mettre en
rseaux tous ceux qui travaillent dans les mmes domaines et bnficier ainsi d'effets
de synergie tant en termes de moyens matriels que de comptences humaines.
L'implication des entreprises dans ces rseaux sera fortement encourage, de manire
crer les conditions favorables au dveloppement de l'innovation technologique. La
mise en place d'interfaces entre les universits et les entreprises devrait permettre
d'ancrer la recherche dans le monde conomique, de faire bnficier les entreprises du
savoir-faire et des ressources de l'universit et de favoriser la diffusion et la valorisation
des rsultats de recherche.

127. La recherche scientifique et technique doit faire l'objet :

d'valuations internes, au sein de chaque tablissement, destines l'auto- valuation
des chercheurs des programmes ;
d'valuations externes par des organismes et experts indpendants, destines apprcier
les rsultats de la recherche et leur impact sur le dveloppement.

128. Les moyens consacrs la recherche scientifique et technique devraient tre

progressivement accrus pour atteindre vers la fin de la dcennie, au moins 1 % du
produit intrieur brut. La cration d'un fonds national de soutien de la recherche et de
l'innovation permettra de collecter les subventions de l'Etat, les contributions des
entreprises publiques et prives, les dons des particuliers et les allocations provenant de
la coopration internationale. Des dispositions lgales seront prises pour assurer une
gestion souple et transparente des fonds allous la recherche, sur la base de
programmes pluriannuels.

129. Un rapport d'valuation sera publi tous les deux ans, sous la responsabilit de l'autorit
Gouvernementale charge de la recherche scientifique et de l'innovation technologique.
Ce rapport devra permettre de faire connatre :
les rsultats des actions des diffrentes units et leurs contributions aux objectifs
gnraux assigns la recherche et l'innovation ;
le produit et lutilisation des ressources affectes au fonds de soutien.
Ce rapport fera l'objet d'un dbat au sein de l'Acadmie Hassan Il des Sciences et
Techniques qui mettra les recommandations pertinentes dans le cadre des missions qui
lui sont assignes.
Une priorit sera accorde dans l'allocation des ressources de ce fonds aux projets qui
renforcent la collaboration entre l'universit et l'entreprise ; notamment par le financement
de projets de recherche-dveloppement initis par des entreprises et impliquant un
laboratoire de recherche universitaire et le financement de thses de doctorats en
entreprise sur des sujets proposs et cofinancs par cette dernire.

130. Afin d'introduire l'esprit d'entreprise et de gestion de l'innovation dans les tablissements
de recherche et de formation et de favoriser le dveloppement d'activits haute valeur
ajoute par la valorisation de la recherche-dveloppement, les dispositions suivantes
seront prises :
L'encouragement de la mobilit des chercheurs entre les divers secteurs de l'activit
conomique et sociale et les centres de recherche ;
Le renforcement des missions de documentation, de veille technologique et de diffusion
des rsultats des travaux de recherche; la mise en place d'un rseau informatique haut
dbit qui reliera les centres de recherche et de formation entre eux et les connectera
Internet et aux bases de donnes scientifiques et techniques internationales, sera
acclre ;
La cration, au sein de certains tablissements de recherche et de formation
d'incubateurs d'entreprises innovantes sera encourage. Elle devra permettre aux
tudiants et aux chercheurs, porteurs d'un projet de cration d'entreprise partir des
rsultats de leur recherche, d'utiliser pendant une priode limite, les ressources
humaines et l'infrastructure matrielle de leurs tablissements et de bnficier
d'assistance et de conseils pour la concrtisation de leurs projets.

Appendix 7:
Royaume du Maroc
Ministre de lEducation Nationale
Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification


meenntt eett lleess N
Noouuvveelllleess T
Teecchhnnoollooggiieess ddee
maattiioonn eett ddee llaa C
Coom mm muunniiccaattiioonn
((ccyyccllee pprriim
maaiirree eett ccoollllggiiaall))
"Projet de gnralisation des moyens denseignements
Multimdia- Internet"

Assurer aux futurs citoyens la matrise des nouveaux outils d'information et de
communication qui leur seront indispensables au cours de la scolarit et dans la vie
Mettre les potentialits du multimdia et de l'Internet au service de la modernisation

Aspects pdagogiques
L'veil au phnomne socioculturel et technologique que constitue les NTIC.
La prise en compte, dans les activits d'veil, de la dimension NTIC dans
Crer un Site Web de la classe et le Publier sur Internet ;
S'en servir de faon interactive pour renouveler l'apprentissage et l'offre de savoir ;
Utiliser des supports de stratgie et de rflexion .

Organisation de l'enseignement
Dans une premire phase (phase d'initiation), les lves peuvent utiliser des jeux
ducatifs, qui leurs permettent de se familiariser avec le clavier et de surmonter les
obstacles entre la machine et l'lve ;
Dans une deuxime phase, ils peuvent :
rcuprer les documents ;
changer des ides et discuter en direct et en groupes ;
envoyer et recevoir des messages ;
tablir des communications ;
accder aux sites documentaires et encyclopdiques ;
crer un Site Web de la classe et le publier sur Internet ;

Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification "Plan 2008: une classe - un Multimdia - Internet"
Royaume du Maroc
Ministre de lEducation Nationale
Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification


5 ordinateurs multimdias / cole ;

4 ordinateurs multimdias / collge;
6 ordinateurs multimdias / centre (CFI, CPR)
Rseau :
- Ligne tlphonique par tablissement ;
- Un rseau local (serveur )/ tablissement ;


Gnralisation en 2005
Connexion de tous les tablissements scolaires au rseau Net
Environ 20.000 tablissements
34.799 Ordinateurs avec kit multimdia
3.569 Rseaux locaux
Attribution des adresses Internet " e-mail " tous ces tablissements.

Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification "Plan 2008: une classe - un Multimdia - Internet"
Royaume du Maroc
Ministre de lEducation Nationale
Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification


Projet: Enseignement de l'Informatique dans les

Collges dans le cadre de la matire : Technologie


Initier les lves au fonctionnement des ordinateurs.

Sensibiliser les lves aux potentialits offertes par l'outil informatique en tant que
moyen d'apprentissage.

Aspect pdagogique

Structure et fonctionnement des ordinateurs (systme d'exploitation).

Organisation de l'enseignement

Projet pilote dans 30% des collges (sur 940).

L'informatique est enseigne dans le cadre d'une autre discipline savoir la
2h par semaine pour chaque anne (7me anne, 8me anne et 9me anne)


Une salle par collge.

5 ordinateurs par salle (dont les capacits sont aujourd'hui dpasses).


Gnralisation de l'enseignement de la technologie dans tous les collges.

Rvision des programmes de cette discipline.
Mise en uvre du projet de gnralisation des moyens denseignement Multimdia-

Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification "Plan 2008: une classe - un Multimdia - Internet"
Royaume du Maroc
Ministre de lEducation Nationale
Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification


ojjeett:: E
meenntt ddee ll''IInnffoorrm
maattiiqquuee ddaannss lleess L

Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification "Plan 2008: une classe - un Multimdia - Internet"
Royaume du Maroc
Ministre de lEducation Nationale
Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification

Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification "Plan 2008: une classe - un Multimdia - Internet"
Royaume du Maroc
Ministre de lEducation Nationale
Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification

Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification "Plan 2008: une classe - un Multimdia - Internet"
Royaume du Maroc
Ministre de lEducation Nationale
Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification

Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification "Plan 2008: une classe - un Multimdia - Internet"
Royaume du Maroc
Ministre de lEducation Nationale
Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification

Donner aux lves une culture de base en informatique.
Initier une ouverture vers la technologie moderne et tirer profit des liens entre
l'informatique et les autres disciplines d'enseignement.

Aspects pdagogiques

Structure et fonctionnement des ordinateurs (systme d'exploitation)

Initiation aux logiciels (Traitement de texte, tableurs, grapheurs, )
Introduction l'algorithme et la programmation (Turbo-Pascal)

Organisation de l'enseignement

Projet Pilote (98/99) pour une quarantaine de lyces (sur 530)

1h30 par semaine en 2me anne
1h par semaine en 3me anne


Une salle par lyce

5 30 ordinateurs par salle


Gnralisation du projet.

Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification "Plan 2008: une classe - un Multimdia - Internet"
Royaume du Maroc
Ministre de lEducation Nationale
Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification


onn:: P
Paarrtteennaarriiaatt aavveecc V

Appui au projet dintroduction des Nouvelles Technologies de lInformation
et de la Communication (N.T.I.C) dans les tablissements denseignement et de
formation en matire de ralisation de programmes sur Internet intgrs au Site du

Renforcement des comptences des enseignants dans le domaine pdagogique
et appui la prparation des cours ;
Appui aux lves en difficult et/ou en retard scolaire grce la mise en place
de lenseignement assist par ordinateur, avec centre de correction distance.

Plan daction
Cration de banques de cours pr-raliss ;
Aide aux enseignants en matire de prparation des cours ;
Cration dun Sous-Site de cours dappui ;
Cration dun Sous-Site de cours de rattrapage ;
Assistance au dveloppement des Sites Web du MEN, notamment des centres
de formation.

Elments spcifiques au projet

Support d'diteurs de manuels

Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification "Plan 2008: une classe - un Multimdia - Internet"
Royaume du Maroc
Ministre de lEducation Nationale
Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification


onn:: R Rsseeaauu ddeess ttaabblliisssseemmeennttss ssccoollaaiirreess
Coooopprraattiioonn aavveecc lleess ppaayyss ddee ll''oouueesstt dduu B
Connecter des tablissements scolaires, des centres de formation des cadres et des
administrations des pays de la Mditerrane occidentale.

Connaissance mutuelle ;
Comparaisons des systmes ducatifs ;
Elaboration de projets communs ;
Tissage des liens entre les peuples ;

Plan d'action
Dsigner les administrations ;
Dsigner les tablissements ;
Ralisation de Site Web commun ;
5-10 octobre : (Rome) runion des directions des institutions ducatives choisies
par chaque pays ;
Octobre 1999 : envoi du groupe technique des experts auprs des tablissements
intresss une collaboration technique ;
Octobre 1999 : runion des groupes de travail sectoriels (dans les pays
coordonnateurs) ;
Novembre 1999 : dbut des activits de formation continue ;
1er janvier 2000 : Mise en place de la connexion en rseau de tous les tablissements
bnficiaires de la coopration.

Elments Spcifiques au projet

Il s'agit du principal projet de partenariat en coopration sur les NTIC

Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification "Plan 2008: une classe - un Multimdia - Internet"
Royaume du Maroc
Ministre de lEducation Nationale
Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification


onn:: P
Paarrtteennaarriiaatt aavveecc M

Un partenariat troit entre Microsoft et le MEN, qui permettra dapporter une rponse
aux besoins en comptences des annes venir ainsi que des qualifications de haut niveau, et
reconnues lchelle international.

Microsoft au service de lducation :
Etude et identification des projets dvelopper et des moyens ncessaires ;
Conseil dans la mise en uvre des solutions et leurs intgrations avec lexistant ;
Assistance dans la mise en place du pilotage et du transfert de connaissances.

Plan d'action
Prsentation des produits MICRSOFT : [ralis]
Implmentation des produits MICRSOFT [en projet]

Elments Spcifiques au projet

Des produits et des solutions :

des supports en ligne
Franais - Arabe

Prix ducation : jusqu 60% dconomie.

Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification "Plan 2008: une classe - un Multimdia - Internet"
Royaume du Maroc
Ministre de lEducation Nationale
Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification


Critres de slection des tablissements

1) Conditions
1.1 Conditions indispensables :
F Electricit ;
F Scurit : Clture, Gardiennage.
1.2 Conditions importantes :
F Tlphone ;

2) Type dtablissement

2.1. Centres de formation des cadres

Dans la premire phase du projet, tous les tablissements de formation
des cadres doivent tre couverts. Il sagit de :
32 CFI ;
13 CPR ;

2.2. Etablissements du cycle collgial

La priorit est accorde en premier lieu aux collges o sont runies les conditions suivantes,
quils soient urbains ou ruraux :
les collges dispensant un enseignement technologique ;
les collges dispensant un enseignement informatique(initiation) et disposant
dune salle quipe en consquence ;
les collges o sont affects des animateurs pour linitiation linformatique.
La parit 1/3 par milieu, urbain, priurbain et rural est la rfrence

2.3. Etablissements du cycle primaire

Les coles qui rpondent aux conditions suivantes seront prioritaires :

Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification "Plan 2008: une classe - un Multimdia - Internet"
Royaume du Maroc
Ministre de lEducation Nationale
Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification

coles effectifs lves importants ;

coles disposant dune salle non utilise ;
coles fonctionnant selon la formule "une salle - une classe" de lorganisation
fonctionnelle ;
coles dispensant ventuellement une initiation informatique.

La parit 1/3 par milieu, urbain, priurbain et rural est la rfrence.

Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification "Plan 2008: une classe - un Multimdia - Internet"
Royaume du Maroc
Ministre de lEducation Nationale
Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification


Caractristiques des salles multimdia

La salle multimdia doit rpondre un certain nombre de caractristiques, permettant

d'assurer un fonctionnement normal des quipements mettre en place :

Fermeture clef ;
Grilles pour fentre.
Courant lectrique ;
Rideaux ;
Carrelage ou sol ciment ;

Il peut sagir dune salle de classe conventionnelle ou de tout autre local rpondant aux
conditions requises et pouvant abriter les quipements informatiques et accueillir une
vingtaine dutilisateurs.

Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification "Plan 2008: une classe - un Multimdia - Internet"
Royaume du Maroc
Ministre de lEducation Nationale
Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification


onnss d
dttaaiilllleess d deess q
qu uiip
nttss d
ssaallllee M Mu ullttiim


Micro-ordinateur: Poste Client : ( Configuration minimale)

Carte mre volutive.
Microprocesseur PIII 450 MHZ (au minimum)
Mmoire cache 512 Ko;
Mmoire RAM 64 Mo ( 100 Mhz) extensible;
Moniteur 15 couleur , SVGA,
Disque dur de 4,3 Go (minimum) dont un de 10 Go (Serveur);
Lecteur de disquettes 3 1/2 1,44 Mo,
Lecteur CD-ROM 32x interne(ou DVD),
Kit multimdia,
Carte graphique 4 Mo (minimum) sur Bus AGP;
Carte rseau ;
Acclrateur graphique;
Interfaces : 2 ports sries, 1 port parallle, 1 port souris, 2 USB;
3 Slots dextension au moins,
Clavier 105 touches graves (franais et arabe),
Souris compatible Microsoft avec tapis,
Carte Ethernet intgre avec sortie RJ45;
Documentation technique pour toutes les composantes (en franais),.
Housse pour toutes les composantes du PC.
Windows 2000 pr-install avec documentation.
Microsoft Office premium arabe pr-install.

Modem RTC 56 Kb/s

Imprimante type laser rseau
? Vitesse dimpression : 12 pages / minute,
? Mmoire 8 Mo de base extensible 132 Mo,

Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification "Plan 2008: une classe - un Multimdia - Internet"
Royaume du Maroc
Ministre de lEducation Nationale
Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification

? Rsolution dimpression 1200 dpi,

? Carte Ethernet avec sortie RJ45,
? Cble parallle,
? Documentation technique en franais,
? Bac dalimentation de papier (250 feuilles),

Rseau local
? Hub 16 ports ;
? 10prises lectriques avec protection ;
? 6 prises Data ;
? 1 prise de tlphone ;
? Goulotte ;
? 4 disjoncteurs.

Pour lunit Centrale il faut ajouter :

Scanner Couleur HD ;
Graveur SCSI raccordable et enregistrable, mmoire 2 Mo, 24/8X ;

Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification "Plan 2008: une classe - un Multimdia - Internet"
Royaume du Maroc
Ministre de lEducation Nationale
Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification


ntt een
obbiilliieerr d
dee llaa ssaallllee M

L'quipement mobilier d'une salle multimdia se compose des lments suivants :


Nombre Nombre Nombre Nombre
Table Ordinateur (PC) 3 4 6 6
Table de lecture 1 1 0 0
Table Imprimante 1 1 1 0
Chaise semi-mtallique en Ska 10 10 6 0
Armoire haute mtallique portes 1 1 0 0
Tableau Magntique (1mX1m) 1 1 0 0

Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification "Plan 2008: une classe - un Multimdia - Internet"
Royaume du Maroc
Ministre de lEducation Nationale
Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification


oiixx d
deess aan

Les critres de slection seront dfinis en fonction des besoins et exigences de la

discipline dune part et des comptences existantes dautre part.

Dans les coles, lanimateur peut tre un instituteur bilingue ou professeur ayant une
initiation en informatique.

Dans les collges, lanimateur peut tre un professeur dinformatique ou ayant des
comptences en la matire, un enseignant de disciplines techniques ou scientifiques.

Dans les Centres de Formation des Cadres, un cadre informaticien ou de profil

scientifique prendra en charge lencadrement des bnficiaires.

A ces critres quantifiables, il faudra rajouter la motivation, lenthousiasme et la bonne

volont des animateurs pour augmenter les chances de russite du projet.

Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification "Plan 2008: une classe - un Multimdia - Internet"
Royaume du Maroc
Ministre de lEducation Nationale
Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification


oiixx d
deess S
Siitteess eett d
deess C

Les sites Web mis la disposition des utilisateurs ainsi que les CD/ROM de la
bibliothque multimdia proposs aux utilisateurs sont bilingues et doivent avoir un caractre
particulirement interactif, pdagogique, ludique et encyclopdique.
Pour la tranche d'ge (7-13 ans), l'utilisation des CD/ROM vise :

Approfondir chez les lves la capacit la rflexion (le rythme, la musique, la

mmoire visuelle, le sens de lespace, lesprit logique et mathmatique) travers des jeux
dobservation et de mmoire ;
Dvelopper l'activit et la crativit artistique, l'entranement de la mmoire, la
rsolution des problmes de dveloppement et de lobservation ;
Mettre en application les facults de rflexion qui aident les enfants progresser
dans tous les sujets scolaires et dans leurs efforts quotidiens ;
Initier les lves aux techniques de rdaction ;
Dvelopper des activits dveil ducatif, ludo-ducatives varies pour encourager
lapprentissage et la crativit;

Pour la tranche d'ge (14-18 ans et plus), l'utilisation des CD/ROM vise :

Passer des informations dordre ducatif et culturel (supports pdagogiques,

histoire, gographie, conomie ) ;
Initier les lves aux logiciels de simulation de quelques expriences physiques et
chimiques ; leur exposer les grands principes de la Technique, de la Mcanique et de la
Technologie ;
Matrise de l'outil didactique, pdagogique et ludique intgrant le trac de graphes,
les mathmatiques, les dessins gomtriques, le traitement de texte et les fonctions de calcul ;
Dvelopper des activits ludiques permettant dapprendre les langues vivantes avec
des mthodes attractives et captivantes ;
Explorer les dictionnaires des langues courantes, Encyclopdies, Ouvrages divers ;
littrature ;

Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification "Plan 2008: une classe - un Multimdia - Internet"
Royaume du Maroc
Ministre de lEducation Nationale
Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification

Exploiter les programmes de traduction des langues courantes ;

L'accs direct au site Web sera uniquement autoris pour les poste serveur On-line sous le
contrle du personnel d'encadrement. Les autres postes accderont des sites Web
tlchargs sur le serveur Off line.

Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification "Plan 2008: une classe - un Multimdia - Internet"
Royaume du Maroc
Ministre de lEducation Nationale
Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification



I.1 Objectifs

Il s'agit de dispenser une formation pour des personnes qui auront leur charge :
L'assistance technique aux utilisateurs de la salle multimdia dans les centres de
formation ;
L'administration du rseau ;
La maintenance de premier niveau ;
La responsabilit de toute la salle multimdia (Suivi, Evaluation des besoins,
fonctionnement )

I.2 Profil bnficiaires

Les bnficiaires de cette formation doivent ncessairement tre prdisposs assumer la

responsabilit de la salle multimdia. Il serait souhaitable qu'il aient en plus, des
connaissances minimales en informatique.
Un formulaire [voir annexe A] prpar cet effet doit tre dment rempli par les intresss de
chaque centre de formation.

I.3 Nombre de bnficiaires

Il est prvu de faire bnficier deux personnes de chaque centre de formation.

Le nombre total des bnficiaires de cette formation sera de 98 personnes pour la
premire phase du projet.

II- ETABLISSEMENTS SCOLAIRES : 1er Cycle et 2me Cycle fondamental

II.1 Objectifs

Il s'agit de dispenser une formation pour des personnes de la dlgation qui auront leur
charge :
La formation des formateurs qui vont assurer leur tour la formation des
responsables des salles multimdia dans les tablissements scolaires.
L'assistance technique aux responsables des salles multimdia dans les
tablissements scolaires.
Le suivi du projet multimdia dans les tablissements scolaires.

Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification "Plan 2008: une classe - un Multimdia - Internet"
Royaume du Maroc
Ministre de lEducation Nationale
Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification

II.2 Profil des bnficiaires

Les bnficiaires de cette formation doivent ncessairement tre prdisposs assumer les
tches pour lesquelles ils seront forms. De plus, il serait souhaitable qu'il aient des
connaissances minimales en informatique.
Un formulaire [voir annexe A] prpar cet effet doit tre dment rempli par les intresss de
chaque dlgation.

II.3 Nombre de bnficiaires

Il est prvu de faire bnficier deux personnes de chaque dlgation. Le nombre total
des bnficiaires de cette formation sera de 100 personnes pour la premire phase du projet.

Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification "Plan 2008: une classe - un Multimdia - Internet"
Royaume du Maroc
Ministre de lEducation Nationale
Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification



Les modules prvus dans cette formation :

Modules Dure Objectifs

Module1: 1 jour
Acquisition des connaissances gnrales sur
Initiation l'informatique
l'informatique Apprendre utiliser son micro-ordinateur

Module2: 2 jours Matriser lutilisation de certains logiciels

savoir :
Logiciels utiliss WORD2000

Module3: 1/2 jour Connaissances gnrales sur les rseaux (Intrt,

architecture )
Gnralits sur les Connaissances minimales pour configurer et
rseaux paramtrer un rseau.

Module 4: 1/2 jour Connatre les possibilits du Multimdia et

Dcouverte et Applications du Multimdia
utilisation Navigation sur Internet
d'Internet Utilisation des services Internet (FTP,
e-mail )
Paramtrage et configuration

Module 5; 1 jour Informer l'utilisateur sur les manipulations

usuelles d'entretien et de maintenance du
Maintenance de matriel informatique de type PC et imprimante.
premier niveau Donner une premire assistance l'utilisateur
face une anomalie ou panne du matriel

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Royaume du Maroc
Ministre de lEducation Nationale
Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification

Niveau administratif Encadrement et formation Multimdia
Ministre Cellule de formation et de Choix des formateurs : Comit pdagogique :
recherche : La veille technologique et la formation Le comit pdagogique donne un avis
Des formateurs grent un centre de des relais des centres des formations sur les CDROM disponibles et sur les
formation, ralisent les formations des (CFI, CPR) et des centres de sites consulter sur Internet.
relais et assurent une veille ressources de la dlgation*
technologique. constituent un travail temps complet
et doivent tre assurs par des
personnels entirement disponibles
pour ces activits
Les relais : Choix des relais : Bibliothque multimdia :
Centres de Deux formateurs - enseignants grent Le travail essentiel des ces formateurs Un lot le plus grand et le plus vari
ressources de la la bibliothque multimdia, assurent la - enseignants est un travail possible de CDROM est mis la
dlgation * formation et le suivi auprs des d'enseignement et d'encadrement. Les disposition des enseignants de tous les
& enseignants des diffrents formateurs doivent tre constamment tablissements : disponibilit
Centre de formation tablissements tant au niveau des disponibles pour des interventions sur permanente sur place et prts ventuels
(CFI & CPR) installations techniques qu'au niveau le terrain. et temporaires aux tablissements.
Etablissement Les enseignants - ressources : Choix des enseignants - ressources : CDROM:
Un professeur volontaire et Le professeur - ressource ne peut tre Les CDROM prts par la bibliothque
enthousiaste fait la maintenance qu'un enseignant, volontaire, de la dlgation ou acquis par
logicielle de premier niveau et aide ses enthousiaste pour cette charge l'tablissement lui-mme sont utiliss
collgues dans leur approche de l'outil supplmentaire, disposant pour des actions pdagogiques.
informatique ventuellement d'une comptence
* Il s'agit de centres de ressources crer pour les dlgations ne disposant pas de centres de formation proximit.

Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification "Plan 2008: une classe - un Multimdia - Internet"
Royaume du Maroc
Ministre de lEducation Nationale
Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification


Charte Nationale
Plan de nommage des sites et messagerie
publics internet de l'Education.

Ladministration Centrale organisera ses sites Web autour des noms de domaine pour la communication institutionnelle et pour la
communication pdagogique. Les services de Messagerie seront par contre uniquement
adresss sous Leur nommage et leur intgration dans un annuaire seront
conformes aux instructions interministrielles tablies par le groupe de travail Rseau
Inter-Administrations et valides par le secrtaire d'Etat aux Postes et aux Technologies
de l'Information dans le cadre de le future Charte de la Socit de l'Information qui sera
labore cet effet. Ils permettront ainsi davancer vers une cohrence globale des
outils de communication mis en uvre par les diffrents Ministres.
Les propositions de nommage des domaines des services dconcentrs (Cellule
Multimdia, Acadmies et Dlgation) seront :

F Pour les directions centrales

Les initiales de la direction suivi de
exemple :
F Pour la cellule centrale du projet Multimdia .
F Pour les deux Centres de Formation

Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification "Plan 2008: une classe - un Multimdia - Internet"
Royaume du Maroc
Ministre de lEducation Nationale
Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification

F Pour lAcadmie
"ac-nom de la ville chef lieu de".
exemple pour lAcadmie de la Rgion de Rabat :
F Pour la Dlgation
"del-nom de la ville chef lieu de la".
exemple pour la dlgation de Casablanca Fida derb Sultan :

F Pour les Centres de Formation

"centre-nom de la ville".
exemple pour les centres de Rabat :

Les tablissements d'enseignement (lyces, collges et coles) sinscriront dans le cadre

de la politique de nommage des services dconcentrs mais pourront se singulariser, sils le
souhaitent et sils peuvent le grer, dans des sous-domaines du domaine gnraliste de
lAcadmie ou de la Dlgation.

Pour les enseignants, un plan de nommage spcifique sera labor, aprs examen
minutieux des diffrents obstacles ou problmes qui peuvent tre poss par l'effet des
homonymes. Cependant, le principe sera le Une diffrentiation
pourra tre rapporte en le rattachant la dlgation, ou l'tablissement o il exerce.

Direction de la Stratgie, des Etudes et de la Planification "Plan 2008: une classe - un Multimdia - Internet"
Appendix 8:
Emails sent to seek participation in the surveys

Email 1:

Dear participant / colleague,

This message is sent to multiple recipients in BCC. Please forward it to as many colleagues as
you can. I apologize for crossposting or for receiving multiple copies.

I am conducting a survey regarding the integration of Information and Communications

Technology (ICT) in Education. In particular, this questionnaire aims at assessing teachers
application of ICT in teaching and learning foreign languages in private and public
institutions in Morocco. The questionnaire is administered within the framework of a research
study conducted in a doctorate program under the auspices of Dr M. Ouakrime at SMBA
University, Fez. The research study seeks to examine how ICT can increase teacher
effectiveness and improve student achievement by eliciting their views, attitudes and

Please take a few minutes to fill in this 5-section questionnaire and turn it in no later than the
end of December, 2004. Usually it is best to respond with your first impression, without
giving a question much thought. By participating in this survey, you will be listed on a prize
draw to win educational CD-ROMs, reference books, and other useful teaching materials.
You may participate only once. All responses will be held in strict confidentiality and will be
used only in the processing of statistics.

Results will be posted on the Web once the survey is completed later this year. The whole
thesis will be accessible on-line after the defense.
- For the teacher questionnaire, please log on to: http://www.agnaou-survey-
- For the paper version, please download one of the attached file(s): Teacher-CALL-
quest-4pp.pdf or Teacher-CALL-quest-6pp.pdf

I would very much appreciate it if you could take charge of printing out a few copies for your
colleagues and collect them once completed. You may then hand them over to me on the
study-day in Fez on Jan. 7, 2005. The paper version comes in two formats (the two attached
files contain the same items, the difference being character size, layout, and number of pages).
Teacher-CALL-quest-4pp.pdf comes in small size, condensed lay-out on 4 pages (good for
saving paper) and Teacher-CALL-quest-6pp.pdf comes in medium size, aired lay-out on 6
pages (more user-friendly).

Thank you for your time and cooperation.

Abderrahim AGNAOU

The attached files are in PDF Format. You will need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader in
order to view and print them. If you do not have it currently, you can download a free copy
from Adobe at:
Email 2:

Dear colleague,

I am writing to seek your help with regard to the Teacher Questionnaire I am administering
for my doctorate thesis. I would very much appreciate it if you could take charge of printing
out a few copies of the questionnaire for your colleagues and collect them once completed.
You may then hand them over to me on the study-day in Fez on Jan. 7, 2005. The paper
version comes in two formats (the two attached files contain the same items, the difference
being character size, layout, and number of pages). Teacher-CALL-quest-4pp.pdf comes in
small size, condensed lay-out on 4 pages (good for saving paper) and Teacher-CALL-quest-
6pp.pdf comes in medium size, aired lay-out on 6 pages (more user-friendly). Please check
them out before making copies.

If you have not filled out the questionnaire yourself yet, please do so at your earliest
convenience. I prefer the on-line version because it helps in generating statistics very quickly,
thus saving a lot of time in the analysis.

- For the on-line version, please log on to:

- For the paper version, please download one of the attached file(s): Teacher-CALL-
quest-4pp.pdf or Teacher-CALL-quest-6pp.pdf. The files are in PDF Format. You
will need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view and print them. If you do
not have it currently, you can download a free copy from Adobe at:

Thank you for your time and cooperation.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Abderrahim AGNAOU
Appendix 9:
Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)

Teacher Questionnaire

This questionnaire aims at assessing teachers application of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in
teaching and learning foreign languages in private and public institutions in Morocco. The questionnaire is administered
within the framework of a research study conducted in a doctorate program under the auspices of Dr. M. OUAKRIME at
SMBA University, Fez. The research study seeks to examine how ICT can increase teacher effectiveness and improve
student achievement by eliciting their views, attitudes and expectations.

Please take a few minutes to fill out this questionnaire by the end of January, 2005. An electronic version is available on-
line at: By participating in this survey, you will be listed on a prize draw to win educational
CD-ROMs, reference books, and other useful teaching materials. You may participate only once. The survey is
anonymous, but if you would like to take part in the contest, please leave your name and contact information in the space
provided. All responses will be held in strict confidentiality and will be used only in the processing of statistics. Results
will be posted on the Web once the survey is completed later this year. The whole thesis will be accessible on-line after
the defense.

Thank you very much for your participation and cooperation.

Section 1: Background
1. Age: -25 25 ~ 35 36 ~ 45 46 ~ 55 56+
2. Sex: Male Female
3. How many years have you taught English?
0~1 2~5 6~9 10 ~ 15 16+
4. What is English for you?
A mother tongue A 2nd/foreign language
5. In which of the following setting(s) do you currently teach? (Check all that apply)
Primary School (1-6) Lower Secondary School (7-9)
Upper Secondary School (Lyce) University
Specialized school of higher education Language Center
Other (please specify) .............................................................................................
6. What status do you have in your institution?
Language teacher - full-time Language teacher - part-time/adjunct
Pre-service teacher Technical/media instructor
Supervisor Other (please specify) ...........................
7. How many hours per week do you currently teach?
0-5 6 ~ 10 11 ~ 15 16 ~ 20 21+
8. Which is the highest degree you hold?
Doctorate / PhD DEA, DESA, DES(S) / MA
Licence / BA Language teaching certificate
9. Where is the institution where you teach located?
Major city ........................... Town ...........................
Small city ........................... Small village ...........................

Section 2: Computer Equipment/literacy

10. Do you use computers? Yes No (if no, please move to Q. 19)
11. Do you own a personal computer? Yes No (if no, please move to Q. 13)
12. What type of computer do you have?
Desktop PC IBM compatible Desktop Macintosh Laptop (portable) computer Other
13. How often do you use the computer?
Once in a while Occasionally Frequently Almost everyday
14. Where do you usually use the computer?
Home School or university Computer club
Cyber space Other (please specify) ...........................
Teacher Questionnaire CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning)
15. What do you usually use on the computer? (Check all that apply)
Office packages (word processing, presentations, spreadsheets etc.)
Graphics packages (drawing, image retouching etc.)
Web-browsing and other web-based services
E-mailing and other e-mail-based services
Multimedia packages (CD-ROMs, DVDs etc.)
Other(s) (please specify) ...........................
16. Do you have access to the Internet at home? Yes No (if no, please move to Q. 18)
17. If you have an Internet-connected computer at home, what type of Internet connection do you use?
Dial-Up Specialized Line ADSL MARNIS Unsure
18. How often do you use the Internet?
1-3 hours per week 4-10 hours per week More than 10 hours per week

Section 3: Attitudes
19. Between each pair of opposite adjectives there are five slots. Put a check (9) on the first one that comes to your mind to
mark your perception of the computer. Please respond to ALL items even if some adjectives seem to you inappropriate.
bad good
easy difficult
intelligent stupid
mundane fascinating
informative uninformative
useless useful
worthless valuable
interesting boring
20. How do/did you perceive the idea of using ICT in language teaching and learning?
Thats excellent Thats not bad Its all the same Its no use
21. To what extent would you (dis)agree with the following statements? Select one level of agreement for each statement to
indicate how you feel.
SD: Strongly Disagree, D: Disagree, U: Undecided, A: Agree, SA: Strongly Agree

- I enjoy doing things on a computer.
- I know that computers give me opportunities to learn many new things.
- I believe that it is very important for me to learn how to use a computer.
- I believe that the more often I use computers, the more students will enjoy school.
- I am tired of using a computer.
- I feel comfortable working with a computer.
- I would work harder if I could use computers more often.
- I think that it takes a long time to finish when I use a computer.
- Working with a computer makes me nervous.
- Computers do not scare me at all.
- I can learn more from books than from a computer.
- Using a computer is very frustrating.
- Computers are indispensable in life.
- I invent new methods when one way does not work.
- Computers are a tool much like a book or chalkboard.
- Computers will relieve teachers of routine duties.
- I feel qualified to teach computer literacy.
- Teacher training should include instructional applications of computers.
- The computer is time-consuming.
- The computer is addictive and enslaving.
- Computers improve the overall quality of education.
- Computers solve more problems than they cause.
- Word processing is less time-consuming than other ways of writing.
- The use of ICT in education will threaten the future of my position as a teacher.
- I will feel ashamed if my students already know what I am still learning.
- Courses should use e-mail to disseminate class information and assignments.

Teacher Questionnaire CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning)
Section 4: CALL Training
22. Did you receive any (pre-service or in-service) training on using ICT in teaching? Yes No (if no, please move to Q. 28)
23. To what extent did your degree program prepare you for teaching with ICT?
Very prepared Somewhat prepared Not sure Somewhat unprepared Very unprepared
24. How many courses did you take in your pre-service training that focused on using ICT for teaching?
0 1~2 3~4 5~6 7+
25. The extent of time devoted to learning about ICT-based teaching was...
Extremely excessive Excessive Perfect Insufficient Extremely insufficient
26. Do you feel you would have benefited more from instruction regarding ICT-based teaching? Yes No
27. The ICT-centered training I received was relevant to my future teaching experience:
Always Sometimes Never
28. Have you taken classes or attended workshops to learn more about using ICT for teaching? Yes No
29. Do you feel that you are capable of keeping up with the rapid development of ICT?
Always Sometimes Never
30. Have you given any presentations at professional conferences on topics related to CALL? Yes No
31. Which professional organizations do you belong to? (Check all that apply)
ISTE TESOL MATE Other (please specify) .........................................
32. Which of the following is your main source of knowledge about CALL? (Check all that apply)
Journals Professional Conferences Listservs University Courses Public Libraries
University Libraries Colleagues Web Sites Other (please specify) .........................................
33. What language would you like to be used in CALL materials?
Native language Language being learned Other (please specify) .........................................
34. Select one level of agreement for each statement to indicate how you feel.
SD: Strongly Disagree, D: Disagree, U: Undecided, A: Agree, SA: Strongly Agree
I feel confident that I could...
use e-mail.
send e-mail to several people at once.
send e-mail with document attachment(s).
use an Internet search engine (e.g. Google) to find Web pages related to my interests.
bookmark Web sites so as to keep track of updates.
create a database of information about important authors in a subject.
use the computer to create a slideshow presentation (e.g. Powerpoint).
create and edit graphics for multimedia presentations or Web pages.
create a newsletter with graphics and text in 3 columns.
create my own World Wide Web home page.

Section 5: ICT in teaching

35. Is CALL encouraged at your school?
Always Sometimes Never
36. Does your school offer incentives for teachers who use CALL?
Always Sometimes Never
37. Does your school offer incentives for teachers who develop CALL materials?
Always Sometimes Never
38. How would you position yourself in applying ICT to enhance teaching and learning?
Currently not involved in ICT work of any type
Initiating (with little experience in using computers, but motivated and interested in making a start or already starting)
Casual practitioner (computer-literate and independent computer user, but a working pattern has yet to be developed)
Frequent practitioner (able to use the computer in teaching and spending at least 10 hours per week on CALL development)
Expert practitioner (working over 10 hours per week with facility to develop CALL projects)
Creative CALL developer (highly proficient in CALL design, production and development)

Teacher Questionnaire CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning)
39. How would you describe the ICT resources and facilities at your disposal (at work or at home) for applying ICT in your
work and development?
unsatisfactory satisfactory good excellent
- computing facilities:
- networking facilities:
- software support:
- technical support:
40. How confident do you feel using ICT in teaching?
Extremely confident Somewhat confident Not sure Somewhat unconfident Extremely unconfident
41. How long have you been using ICT in teaching?
Never 1 year 2 ~ 5 years 6 ~ 10 years 11 ~ 15 years 16 years +
42. Which of the following would you consider the most important focus of a CALL program?
Sentence structure Pronunciation Problem-solving skills Computer skills Communication skills
43. What kind of CALL materials do you use? (Check all that apply)
General-purpose software (e.g. Word, Powerpoint ...)
Courseware produced by specialized publishers (e.g. DynEd, TellMeMore ...)
Web-based course delivery software (e.g. WebCT, NiceNet ...)
Programs designed using authoring software (e.g. AuthorPlus, ToolBook, HotPotatoes ...)
Software downloaded from the Internet
Courseware designed by myself
44. How do you often keep in touch with students outside the classroom?
By phone By E-mail By snail mail No contact
45. What type of CALL activity, if any, do you often engage in? (Check all that apply)
CD-ROM based programs Web-based CALL programs E-mail-based activities
Interactive chat Visio-conferencing Other (please specify) .........................................
46. In your opinion, why is it important to use ICT in teaching?
to keep up with the latest developments in pedagogy
to ensure that students receive the best education
to comply with the demands of the new ICT-driven generations
to contribute to the rise of a glocal information society
Other (please specify) .........................................
47. What challenges do computers present for language teachers?
48. What is most promising about using ICT in language teaching?
49. What was your first experience, if any, using CALL as a teacher?

Section 6: Contact details

50. Personal details.
- Full Name: ....................................................................................... - E-mail address: .........................................................................
51. Would you like to answer follow-up questions about CALL in a short interview? Yes No (if no, please move to Q. 53)
52. How would you like to be interviewed? (check all that apply)
Phone (please provide phone number(s)) ......................................................................................................................
Face to face (please specify what days and hours you prefer) ...................................................................................
Chat (please specify what chat service, days and hours you prefer) .........................................................................
53. Please use this space if you have any comments about this questionnaire or the topic under investigation.

Thank you very much for taking the trouble and time to complete this questionnaire.
Teacher Questionnaire CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning)
Appendix 10:
Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)

Student Questionnaire

This questionnaire aims at assessing students use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in language
learning in Morocco. The questionnaire is administered within the framework of a research study conducted in a doctorate
program under the auspices of Dr. M. OUAKRIME at SMBA University, Fez. The research study seeks to examine how
ICT can improve student performance and achievement by eliciting their views, attitudes and expectations.

Please take a few minutes to fill out this questionnaire by the end of April, 2005. An electronic version is available on-line
at: By participating in this survey, you will be listed on a prize draw to win educational CD-
ROMs, useful EFL books, and other materials. You may participate only once. If you dont understand a word or a
question, please ask your teacher, supervisor, friends for help; otherwise, send me an e-mail and I will be more than
happy to answer any questions that you may have.

The survey is anonymous, but if you would like to take part in the prize draw, please leave your name and contact
information in the space provided. All responses will be held in strict confidentiality and will be used only in the
processing of statistics. Results will be posted on the Web once the survey is completed later this year. The whole thesis
will be accessible on-line after the defense.

Thank you very much for your participation and cooperation.

Section 1: Background
1. Age: -18 18 ~ 22 23 ~ 27 28+
2. Sex: Male Female
3. Level of education: High school (secondary) Undergraduate (university) ( Post)graduate (3rd cycle)
4. How many hours per week do you study English?
0~2 3~5 6~8 9+
5. For how many years have you been learning / studying English?
-3 years 3 ~ 7 years 8+ years
6. Where is the institution where you study located?
Major city ........................... Town ...........................
Small city ........................... Small village ...........................

Section 2: Computer Equipment/Literacy

7. Do you use computers? Yes No (if no, please move to Q. 18)
8. Do you own a personal computer? Yes No (if no, please move to Q. 10)
9. What type of computer do you have?
Desktop PC IBM compatible Desktop Macintosh Laptop (portable) computer Other
10. Where do you usually use the computer?
Home School or university Computer club
Cyber space Other (please specify) ...........................
11. How often do you use the computer?
Once in a while Occasionally Frequently Almost everyday
12. How would you rate your ICT skills?
Extremely poor Below average Average Fairly good Extremely good
13. What do you usually use on the computer? (Check all that apply)
Office packages (word processing, presentations, spreadsheets etc.)
Graphics packages (drawing, image retouching etc.)
Web-browsing and other web-based services
E-mailing and other e-mail-based services
Multimedia packages (CD-ROMs, DVDs etc.)
Other(s) (please specify) ...........................
Student Questionnaire CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning)
14. Do you have access to the Internet at home? Yes No (if no, please move to Q. 18)
15. What type of Internet connection do you have?
Dial-Up Specialized Line ADSL MARNIS Unsure
16. How often do you use the Internet?
1 ~ 3 hours per week 4 ~ 10 hours per week 10+ hours per week
17. When you use the computer, do you need someone (e.g. teacher, assistant...) to be around to help you?
Not at all From time to time Almost always

Section 3: Attitudes
18. Between each pair of opposite adjectives there are five slots. Put a check (9) on the first one that comes to your mind to
mark your perception of the computer. Please respond to ALL items even if some adjectives seem to you inappropriate.
The Computer
bad good
easy difficult
intelligent stupid
mundane fascinating
informative uninformative
useless useful
worthless valuable
interesting boring
19. How do/did you perceive the idea of using ICT in language teaching and learning?
Thats excellent Thats not bad Its all the same Its no use
20. To what extent would you (dis)agree with the following statements? Select one level of agreement for each statement to
indicate how you feel.
SD: Strongly Disagree, D: Disagree, U: Undecided, A: Agree, SA: Strongly Agree

- I enjoy doing things on a computer.
- I know that computers give me opportunities to learn many new things.
- I believe that it is very important for me to learn how to use a computer.
- I believe that the more often teachers use computers, the more I will enjoy school.
- I am tired of using a computer.
- I feel comfortable and confident working with a computer.
- I would work harder if I could use computers more often.
- I think that it takes a long time to finish when I use a computer.
- Working with a computer makes me nervous.
- Computers do not scare me at all.
- I can learn more from books than from a computer.
- I feel frustrated when I want to use a computer.
- Computers are indispensable in life.
- Computers are a tool much like a book or chalkboard.
- I enjoy computer games very much.
- I enjoy lessons on the computer.
- I will do as little work with computers as possible.
- The computer is addictive and enslaving.
- Computers improve the overall quality of education.
- Computers cause more problems than they solve.
- Word processing is less time-consuming than other ways of writing.
- I will be able to get a good job if I learn how to use a computer.
- I sometimes help my teacher with computer work.

Section 4: ICT in foreign language study

21. Have you ever used the computer as a learning aid? Yes No (If no, move to Q.26)
22. For how long have you been doing so?
-1 month 1 ~ 6 months 7 ~ 18 months 2 ~ 3 years 3+ years
- Please provide the courseware name if you remember it : ...........................................................
23. Have you ever used the Internet as a tool for learning or research? Yes No (If no, move to Q. 26)
Student Questionnaire CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning)
24. Have you ever attended a virtual class on the web? Yes No
25. What are your favorite Internet sources of learning/research? (Check all that apply)
The Web IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Newsgroups
MOOs [(MUDs (Multi-User Dungeons) Object Oriented]
Other(s) (please name) ..................................................................................................
26. Is there a CALL (multimedia) lab in your school? Yes No (If no, move to Q.30)
27. What is the computer-student ratio at the CALL (multimedia) lab?
1 computer for every student 1 computer for 2 students
1 computer for 3 students 1 computer for more than 3 students
28. How many hours a week do you use the CALL (multimedia) lab?
0 1~2 3~5 6+
29. How do you use the CALL (multimedia) lab? (Check all that apply)
Individually (self-access)
In pairs and groups (student self-managed CALL)
With the teacher (teacher-led CALL)
Other (please specify) ...........................
30. Is CALL encouraged at your school?
Always Sometimes Never

31. If your teachers do not use ICT in their teaching, what, do you think, are their reasons? (Check all that apply)
Lack of sufficient resources
Lack of adequate programs
Lack of familiarity with ICT
Dislike /fear of ICT
Other (please specify) ........................................................
32. What hardware facilities are put at your disposal at school for CALL practice?
Fully equipped computer laboratory dedicated to foreign language learning
Fully equipped computer laboratory shared with other subjects/departments
Computer in class for all learners
Computer in class for teacher only
A (portable) computer for all classes linked to a Datashow (multimedia projector)
33. How would you describe the ICT resources and facilities at your disposal for applying ICT in learning?

unsatisfactory satisfactory good excellent

- computing facilities:
- networking facilities:
- software support:
- technical support:

34. Which of the following would you consider the most important focus of a courseware program?
Sentence structure
Problem-solving skills
Computer skills
Communication skills
Other (please specify) ...........................
35. What kind of CALL materials do you use? (Check all that apply)
General-purpose software (e.g. Word, PowerPoint ...)
Courseware produced by specialized publishers (e.g. DynEd, TellMeMore ...)
Web-based Integrated Learning Systems (e.g. WebCT, NiceNet ...)
Software downloaded from the Internet
Teacher-made Courseware
Other (please specify) ...........................
36. How do you often keep in touch, if any, with your teachers outside the classroom?
By phone By E-mail By snail mail No contact

Student Questionnaire CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning)
37. Select one level of agreement for each statement to indicate how you feel.
SD: Strongly Disagree, D: Disagree, U: Undecided, A: Agree, SA: Strongly Agree
I feel confident that I could...
move between open packages (Alt+Tab).
cut and paste selected material from one document to another.
use a word-processor.
use e-mail.
send e-mail to several people at once.
send e-mail with document attachment(s).
use an Internet search engine (e.g. Google) to find Web pages related to my interests.
bookmark Web sites so as to keep track of updates.
create a database of information about important authors in a subject.
use the computer to create a slideshow presentation (e.g. PowerPoint).
create and edit graphics for multimedia presentations or Web pages.
create my own website.

38. What type of CALL activity, if any, do you often engage in? (Check all that apply)
CD-ROM based programs Web-based CALL programs E-mail-based activities
Interactive chat Visio-conferencing Other (please specify) .........................................
39. In your opinion, what is the most important reason for using ICT in language learning?
to practice English with other learners and native speakers
to contribute to the information society and open up to the world
to improve my computer skills and Internet search techniques
to comply with the requirements of the job market
Other (please specify) .........................................
40. What challenges do computers present for you as a member of a rising information (global) society and what position does
ICT have in your strategic plans? In what ways, if any, has the use of ICT changed your perception of the world around you?

Section 5: Contact details


41. Personal details.

- Full Name: ....................................................................................... - E-mail address: .........................................................................
42. Would you like to answer follow-up questions about CALL in a short interview? Yes No (if no, please move to Q. 44)
43. How would you like to be interviewed? (check all that apply)
Phone (please provide phone number(s)) ......................................................................................................................
Face to face (please specify what days and hours you prefer) ...................................................................................
Chat (please specify what chat service, days and hours you prefer) .........................................................................
44. Please use this space if you have any comments about this questionnaire or the topic under investigation.

Thank you very much for taking the trouble and time to complete this questionnaire.
Student Questionnaire CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning)
Appendix 11:
DynEd e-learning content
Dynamic English: Course content
Level 1, Disc 1, Unit Main Learning Points Comments
Personal information: name, where from,
languages spoken, nationality
Introductions (Hi, my name is) Students learn to give and
Countries and cities of the world elicit basic information about
1. Names and Places
themselves and others.
Hello, Max and Kathy! Relative location (here, left, right)
Where is France? Demonstratives (that, this)
Builds recognition of simple
Who Speaks English? Pronouns (personal, possessive)
words and phrases in context.
Question Practice w/SR be, do, Contractions, Negation
Focus Exercises Subject-verb agreement Introduces the most basic
Present Simple tense (She speaks structures in English.
Yes/No and Wh- question formation.
Presents the jobs, families and living
arrangements of three characters.
2. Jobs and Family Extends personal information: age, Students learn to ask and
Richard Chin spelling answer basic questions about
Sara Scott of name, job, salary, marital status. each other in an interview
Henry Thornton Present Simple verbs: have, live, work, format.
Word Practice etc. Introduces useful verbs and
Questions Subj/Verb/Object (He teaches science.) daily vocabulary.
Object Pronouns (him, her)
Adjectives and Prepositions of Location
3. Numbers and Time Numbers 1-100 Prepares students for later
One to One Hundred Clock times and fractions Units which use time and
Time Telephone numbers numbers.
4. Review Exercises Gap-filling and speech recognition
These lessons review Units 1-
Dictations exercises
3 and focus on key points such
Fill-Ins w/SR review key grammar and vocabulary.
as Subject-Verb agreement.
Speech Practice w/SR Develops fluency and reading skills.
5. Video Interactions w/SR
Shows basic introductions, greetings,
and use
At a Party Language review.
of the telephone.
At an Office Provides a model for role-
Telephone Students may interact with the actors
Interview through
Hot Seats Speech Recognition (SR) activities.
Level 1, Disc 2, Unit Main Learning Points Comments
Family relationships (father, mother, etc.)
Days of the week and weekly schedule
1. Family Schedule Time and Duration (when and how long) Students learn how to ask and
The Harris Family answer questions about their
Frequency (every day, on Mondays)
Bob and Sandras daily routines.
Means (by bus, drives his car to work)
Time expressions (after dinner, at night)
Collette and Johns Focuses on specific times,
Schedules Prepositions of Place and Time frequency, and duration of
Questions Sequence (before, after) habitual activities that make
Focus Exercises Subj/Verb/Object: (She practices the up daily life.
Adverbs of Frequency (usually, never)

Introduces basic vocabulary in five
2. Matrix Vocabulary subject areas: seasons, times of day,
Seasons weather conditions, times of life, and types
of people. Students learn to describe the
Times of Day
Adjective and Adverb phrases phases of life and the basic
conditions in which people
Times of Life Word relations/analogies (hot is to cold
live out their lives.
Types of People as summer is to what?)
Matrix Game Indefinite/Definite Reference
Superlatives (the coldest time of year)
Classification (what kind, such as) Students learn to express
3. Likes and Dislikes: Adverbs of Manner (how well, well, a personal preferences and
A Survey little) abilities.
Food and Sports Quantification (a lot, some, any)
What Can You Do? Ability (can/cant, know how to) Presents an interview about
Video Hot Seats w/SR Useful phrases (lets see, for example, I favorite foods, sports, hobbies
mean, not really) and other interests.
4. Review Exercises Gap-filling and speech recognition
Dictations exercises review key grammar and Provides language practice
Fill-Ins w/SR vocabulary. and review activities.
Speech Practice w/SR Develops oral fluency and reading skills.
5. Video Interactions w/SR Presents language useful for making an
Short videos illustrate the use
Telephone: Lets Meet appointment, suggestions, and using the
of the language with a variety
on Thursday telephone for business.
of characters.
Business Telephone Students may interact with the actors
An Interview Provides models for classroom
through Speech Recognition (SR)
Hot Seats role-play and interviews.
Level 2, Disc 1, Unit Main Learning Points Comments
Verb tenses: past, present, and future Students learn to give and
(ate, got up, started, cooked, is eating, is elicit basic information about
going to interview, is going to work late) their daily routines, in the past,
Time phrases (this morning, an hour ago, present, and future.
1. Daily Activities in an hour, later this afternoon)
Kathys Schedule
Time Sequence (then she worked on, Presents the lives of two
Dianes Schedule
after the interview shes going to) women, one working as a
Question Practice w/SR
Focus Exercises Yes/No and Wh- question formation with journalist, and the other as a
past tense and future (be going to). mother in the home.
Short answers (Yes, she did. No, she
didnt.) Extends basic vocabulary, for
Pronunciation: /d/ called, /t/ cooked both work and at home.
Amount/Quantification (enough, plenty,
not enough, the third, one of)
Cause/Effect (They died out because... Students learn to express basic
Polluted air makes us sick.) needs, energy, food, water,
2. Our World Conditional Relations (Without water our relationship to the
Our Planet, Earth there would be no life; if we were closer...) environment, pollution, and
Air, Water, and Pollution the conditions for life to exists
Comparison (-er than)/ Superlatives (-est)
Reason (They died out because...)
Focus Exercises Introduces more complex
Reference (one of; one form of life) ideas that will be developed in
Relative Pronouns (that, where, which) Levels 3 and 4.
one of nine planets that travel around...
there: existential (there isnt enough)

Asking for directions (Where is the?, Students learn the names of
Where can I buy some?) useful businesses and how to
3. Locations Directions (north, south, east, west) specify street locations.
City Locations Location/Prepositions of Location (on the
City Quiz corner, across the street, in front of) The Spatial Relations lesson
Spatial Relations Shapes (triangle, circle, square) focuses on how to describe
Spatial Relations (near, on, under, on top how objects are arranged in
of, inside, to the left of, etc.) relationship to each other.
4. Review Exercises Gap-filling and speech recognition These lessons review Units 1-
Dictations exercises review key grammar and 3 and focus on key points such
Fill-Ins w/SR vocabulary. as verb tenses, time phrases,
Speech Practice w/SR Develops oral fluency and reading skills. and logical connectors.
5. Video Interactions w/SR
Telephone: Arranging to
Requests, Suggestions, Negative Language review.
Questions Provides a model for role-
Are You Going to Class?
Asking for directions plays.
Asking for Information
At a Restaurant Ordering at a restaurant Fluency development
Hot Seats
Level 2, Disc 2, Unit Main Learning Points Comments
Adverb phrases/clauses (when he lands in
London, whenever they get together)
Conditional (If he leaves on Saturday, Students learn to talk and
hell arrive on Sunday. If hes tired) answer questions about travel,
future plans, and choices.
1. Planning Ahead Degrees of Certainty, Modals (will, may,
Departure can, will probably, if he leaves)
Students learn how to give
Choices Future (going to, will, may, can)
reasons for their choices.
Meeting a Friend Infinitive (tried to buy, takes ten hours to
Questions fly from, decide how to get, to go by taxi)
In the context of a man
Focus Exercises It is to express Condition or State
planning a trip, the focus is on
Noun phrases as the Subject (one way to future time, contingencies, and
get from the airport, one of his best friends) degrees of certainty.
Reason/Result (so hes going to get a
discount, Hes going because)
Amount/Quantification (some, most, a
few, many, much, lots)
2. Matrix Vocabulary Comparison (-er than)
Things to Eat Countable/Uncountable (a steak, some Students learn to describe
Things to Drink vegetables, a piece of cake) things they like.
Things to Read Reference (one, the other, these, else,
Things to Listen to besides the radio, one kind of meat) Students learn how to express
Colors Preference (would rather, like better, their preferences.
Matrix Game prefer)
Word relations (Grass is to green as
lemon is to yellow.)
Expressing Change (he became interested
in, got married, he graduated in)
Dates (1879, 1900, 1902, etc.)
Students learn to talk about
3. Biography: Einstein Duration (during that period, throughout
their life history, important
The Early Years his life, until his death, for more than 20
dates, and periods.
The Later Years years)
Focus Exercises Past time, Past tense (showed, published,
Presents the life history of
Questions made, said, wondered, won, died, etc.)
Albert Einstein.
Why, How, and That clauses
Time Sequences (two years later, after
graduation, shortly after that, by this time)

4. Review Exercises Gap-filling and speech recognition
Dictations exercises review key grammar and Provides language practice
Fill-Ins w/SR vocabulary. and review activities.
Speech Practice w/SR Develops oral fluency and reading skills.
5. Video Interactions w/SR Students learn to use the
Making an appointment, confirming
Business Telephone telephone for simple business
information, and using the telephone
Friendly Advice transactions.
Students may interact with the actors
At a Restaurant Provides models for role-plays
An Interview through Speech Recognition (SR) activities.
and interviews.
Level 3, Disc 1, Unit Main Learning Points Comments
Past, present, future events and
experience In the context of a trip to
Present Perfect tense (she has had..., they Europe, this Unit introduces
1. On a Trip have kept in touch, she has never been) the Present Perfect tense.
A Paris Vacation Duration (been, for, since)
Todays Activities Future time and Modals (be going to, Students focus on the
Florence and Beyond will, may, look forward to V(ing)) difference between the past
Question Practice w/SR Conditional (she would do the writing, if tense to express a singular
Focus Exercises they go together, it could be) event and the present perfect
already, yet, ever to express a state or
Yes/No and Wh- question formation with experience.
Present Perfect and Past tenses.
Cause/Effect (As the supply decreases,
the price will increase. Oil spills cause)
Classification (such as, some of the ways
we get energy, fossil fuels include coal, This Unit focuses on global
oil) issues, such as Global Warming.
Conditionals (if the temperature rises, if it
2. Energy Sources
gets into the environmentetc.) Students learn important
Our Energy Needs
Degrees of Certainty (will increase, can vocabulary and concepts
What about the Future?
convert, there may even be..) useful for talking about basic
Focus Exercises Noun phrases (many kinds of wildlife, the science.
energy of falling water)
Passive voice (is converted, are This Unit follows up Level
produced, must be limited, is used, are II:1(2) Our World.
being cut)
Purpose (We need energy for heat. We
need energy to run our factories).
Giving Directions (turn right at the
intersection, cross the street, etc.)
Prepares students for giving
3. Directions Distance (too far, not far enough, one
and following directions.
City Directions block east, two doors down)
City Quiz Location (on the same block as, on the
Spatial Relations This Unit follows up Level
opposite side of the street)
II:1(3) Locations.
Spatial Relations (upper left-hand corner,
second from the left in the top row)
4. Review Exercises Gap-filling and speech recognition
These lessons review Units 1-
Dictations exercises review key grammar and
3 and focus on key points such
Fill-Ins w/SR vocabulary.
as the Present Perfect tense.
Speech Practice w/SR Develops fluency and reading skills.
Polite language for solving a problem
5. Video Interactions w/SR over the telephone and for buying
How Much Are the something.
Language review.
Tickets? Students may interact with the actors
Business Telephone Provides a model for role-
through Speech Recognition (SR)
At a Restaurant (1) plays.
Hot Seats

Level 3, Disc 2, Unit Main Learning Points Comments
Present Perfect/Past tenses contrasted
Passive voice (was rejected, was Students learn to talk about
arrested) their past experiences and
1. Life Experience
Gerund/Infinitive (enjoys teaching, hopes for the future.
Making a New Life
decided to study, likes living in England)
A Path to Success
Change (she became a model, hes This Unit contrasts the lives of
A Troubled Past
Questions getting older, their relationship got better.) three characters.
Focus Exercises Reason/Purpose (for a personal reason, a
grant to study, arrested for stealing) This Unit extends and follows
Time Sequence (at the same time, a year up Level III:1(1) On a Trip.
later, before that, since then, he still lives)
Adverb clauses/phrases (when they are
happy, when someone is rude to them)
This Unit focuses on subject
2. Matrix Vocabulary Compulsion, have to (I only go when I
areas that are often in daily
Occupations have to. You have to put on your socks.)
Places to Go Word relations/analogies (Driver is to
Ways to Travel bus as pilot is to airplane.)
Students should extend the
Things to Wear Gerunds/Infinitives (I prefer flying. The
vocabulary given here, for
Feelings fastest way to travel is to go by airplane.)
example by interviewing each
Matrix Game Countable/Uncountable Amounts (many other.
people, some people, a lot of education, a
pair of gloves, most people)
Adjective clauses/phrases (which was
made in 1920, the second most expensive)
Approximation (approximately 5,400
miles; about 7,400 miles; just over) Students learn to ask
3. Comparisons information questions and
Asking about price/product information
Price and Quality make different kinds of
(How much is the newest one? When was it
Three Sisters comparisons, such as for
made? Which one has the best?)
Country Data product comparison.
Four Cities Comparison (-er than, -est, as good as,
better than, the most expensive one)
Focus Exercises People, products, and places
Countable/Uncountable (how many more, are contrasted.
how much more, how much taller)
Physical Description, Temperature,
4. Review Exercises Gap-filling and speech recognition
Dictations exercises review key grammar and Provides language practice
Fill-Ins w/SR vocabulary. and review activities.
Speech Practice w/SR Develops oral fluency and reading skills.
5. Video Interactions w/SR Presents polite language useful for doing
Students learn how to solve
Telephone Conversation business over the telephone.
problems over the telephone.
Flight Information Students may interact with the actors
At a Restaurant (2) Provides models for role-plays
Interview: Job Experience and interviews.
Speech Recognition (SR) activities.
Level 4, Disc 1, Unit Main Learning Points Comments
Conditionals: Contrary-to-fact, Present,
and Future (if, unless, had)
Logical Relations between events Students learn to make
1. Life Choices (because, even though, not unless, if, had predictions and suppositions
Harrys Accident to) based on real and contrary-to-
Joans Challenge Past Habitual (used to, could, would) fact conditions.
Joes Cafe
Cause/Effect Sequences and Relations
Sandras Dilemma
Question Practice w/SR Modals (will, would, might, could) in Develop language for decision
Focus on Conditionals conditionals making, linking events, and
Necessity, have to, in Conditionals for giving reasons.
Passives (hadnt been injured)
Wh- questions and making Conditionals.

Classification and Exemplification (such
as, other kinds of, one type, another Students learn to listen for the
example) main ideas or for specific
Present Perfect tense to express Result information in a presentation.
2. Epidemic (have made it easier)
Our Changing Lives
Potentiality and Past Ability (can/could) Students learn how to link and
Fighting Infections
(you can still live, an epidemic could...) organize sentences in a
The Adaptability of Life
Preparing for Our Future Logical Relations and Sentence presentation.
Sentence Reordering Connecting (therefore, these, also, as a
result, another) Develops vocabulary related
Adjective clauses (which, that) to health and other global
Passives w/Perfect tenses, be issues.
Specification (neither of them, on either Students learn to follow
3. Space and Time side, one of them) instructions involving
Sequences Conditional Action (not unless, if, so conditions and sequences.
Presentation that) and Problem Solving Focuses on spatial
Speaking Practice w/SR Qualifiers if, except for relationships, time sequences,
Space Game Past Perfect tense (still hadnt arrived) conditional action, and
Time Game Time Sequence (by the time that, not specification/exception.
until, when, while, as, adverb clauses, etc.) Features click and drag games.
4. Review Exercises Gap-filling and speech recognition Reviews the language of Units
Dictations exercises review grammar and vocabulary 1-3, focusing on key points
Fill-Ins w/SR with a special emphasis on Conditionals. such as conditionals, verb
Speech Practice w/SR Develops oral fluency and reading skills. tenses, and modals.
Making Requests, Giving Advice,
5. Video Interactions w/SR
Speculating, and Use of the Telephone for Students learn how to make
Telephone for Business
business. polite requests, suggestions,
Telephone Invitation
Negative Questions (cant you come) and and refusals over the
Interview with an Actor
Tag Questions (you can, cant you?) telephone and in a friendly
Dinner Conversation
Hot Seats Students develop oral fluency through conversation.
Speech Recognition activities.
Level 4, Disc 2, Unit Main Learning Points Comments
Adverb and Noun clauses (that someone Students examine evidence
had gotten in, when the files were opened) and draw conclusions as they
try to solve a mystery.
1. The Secret Code Past Possibilities (may have opened the
Setting a Trap drawer)
This Unit follows up Level
The Suspects Past Conditionals (if she went to the
IV:1(1) which also focuses on
The Investigation office, she couldnt have)
Guilty or Not Guilty? Modals and Degrees of Certainty and
Focus Exercises Logical Necessity (must have, could have,
Important language for
may have)
problem-solving, and for
Making Conditionals and Past Inferences giving reasons.
Vocabulary related to global issues,
history, trends and news events
2. Matrix Vocabulary Extends vocabulary in subject
Adjective, Adverb and Noun clauses (She
Historical Figures areas necessary for academic
succeeded to the throne when she was 17
A World Timeline and general studies.
years old.)
News Events
Adjective phrases (Winner of the Nobel
Great Accomplishments Oral and written follow-up
Regions of the World Peace Prize, Nelson Mandela)
assignments build presentation
Matrix Game Gerunds and Infinitives (with some parts skills.
getting no rainfall, too hot for matter to

Citing Evidence, Reason, and
Argumentation (according to, given the fact
that, it has been well established)
Logical Necessity, Degrees of Certainty Students learn to analyze an
(impossibility, unlikely, must accept the argument.
3. UFOs: For and Against
fact, not unreasonable, might have)
Speculations, Implied Conditionals (it This innovative lesson focuses
For or Against?
would mean that..., they might have on the building of arguments
Drakes Equation
discovered) and counter arguments.
Rulers and Clocks
Sentence Reordering Qualification and Logical Connectors
(however, even if, this means, just, only, on Builds note-taking and
the contrary, otherwise, as a result) summarization skills.
Sentence Ordering and Pronoun
Reference. (it, this means, this, as a result,
such a)
Gap-filling and speech recognition
4. Review Exercises These lessons review Units 1-
exercises review grammar and vocabulary
Dictations 3 and focus on key points such
with an emphasis on Conditionals and
Fill-Ins w/SR as Conditionals, Verb Tenses,
Speech Practice w/SR and Modals.
Develops fluency and reading skills.
5. Video Interactions w/SR
Telephone for Business Giving Advice, Speculating, and Use of Provides a model for role-
Friends on the Telephone the Telephone. plays and for being
UFO Interview Implied conditionals interviewed.
Press Conference

Dynamic Business English: Course Content

Unit and Lessons Main Learning Points Comments
Unit 1 Existential there, there are 300 employees Students learn to give a basic
Company Description Definite & indefinite reference (articles and presentation of their company in
Presentation reference language, another, the third) terms of products, location,
Ace Corporation Temporal sequence, since then, in recent customers and history.
United Industries years Students learn to introduce
Question Practice w/SR Passive vs Active voice themselves and their company in a
Focus Exercises Wh questions about ones company and its social setting.
Grammar Fill-Ins w/SR history Students learn to ask and answer
Simulation w/SR Present perfect to express change, the basic questions about their
At a Party w/SR company has done well company and its products.
Speech Practice w/SR
Quantities and how many questions
Video Review
Locations of companies and competitors
Adjectives: well-managed, well made, high
Mastery Test quality, etc.
Introducing oneself and ones company

Unit 2 Sequence of events, she worked there for Students learn to give a brief
Work Experience seven years, until 1990, then, right after job description, including their
Presentation Passive vs Active voice, Jean was replaced responsibilities and background.
Jean Nielsen by Steve, Steve replaced Jean, ten percent of Students learn to describe the
Tom Jones the workers were laid off, he was transferred structure of their company, who is
Federal Motors to in charge, and how things have
Question Practice w/SR Expressing duration, for more than ten years, changed.
Focus Exercises since 1990, until 1990 Students learn to ask and answer
Grammar Fill-Ins w/SR Wh and how long questions about sequence, basic questions about their job
Simulation 1 w/SR duration and points of time history, education, and
A Job Interview w/SR Verb tenses: past, past progressive, present responsibilities in an interview
Speech Practice w/SRperfect, present perfect continuous situation.
Video Review Present and future perfect, she will have been This unit prepares students for the
Simulation 2 w/SR st
there for ten years, he has been working in the 1 unit in Functioning in Business
Promotion w/SR R&D department since
Speech Practice w/SR
Since/when clauses, since he joined the
Video Review
company, when she left the company
Job transition verbs: promote, transfer, quit,
hire, fire, lay off, join, leave
Mastery Test Job Interview questions and answers
Giving reasons and recommendations in a
meeting, I recommend a ten percent increase.
Unit 3 Quantitative Reference with adjective Students learn to use quantitative
Manufacturing and Trade phrases and passive clauses, ten percent of expressions to refer to something
Presentation the units made in 1989, of the ten thousand and to build longer sentences.
YR1 Robot units made in 1998, Students learn to talk about how
OA-X Computer Passive voice, its being used to, its used for, and why something is being used
Question Practice w/SR were exported Students learn to deal with
Focus Exercises Purpose, used for, used to, designed to, to controversial questions about
Grammar Fill-Ins w/SR improve its office efficiency subjects such as trade.
Simulation w/SR Questions using quantitative expressions, This unit works well in parallel
Foreign Trade w/SR How many of the units made in 1989 with Functioning in Business
Speech Practice w/SR Vocabulary related to trade, export, import,
Video Review free trade, etc.
Exchanging opinions in a business situation,
Im generally against free trade. Oh? Why is
Mastery Test that?
Unit 4 Comparatives & Superlatives related to Students learn to present,
Product Comparisons product specifications, the best made, the describe and compare products
Presentation best selling, the least expensive, $4,000 more Students learn to make both
The Epic than, isnt as expensive as quantitative and qualitative
The SX Countable and Uncountable Amounts, 38 comparisons about products
The Aria miles per gallon, much more expensive, lots of Students learn to ask and answer
A Comparison standard features, how many more, how much questions about products and the
Question Practice w/SR more differences between products
Focus Exercises Comparison of amount, twice as much as, Students learn to express their
Grammar Fill-Ins w/SR half the price, how much more product preferences
Simulation 1 w/SR Classification, in terms of size, as for price, This unit works well in parallel
Buying a Car w/SR such as with Functioning in Business
Speech Practice w/SR Change, sales are up by more than twenty
Video Review percent, sales improved, it began to earn a
Simulation 2 w/SR good reputation, it has become
Buying Preferences w/SR Vocabulary related to product description,
Speech Practice w/SR safety record, highly rated, base price, trouble
Video Review free, customer survey, low cost maintenance,
Mastery Test warranty, dependability

Unit 5 Cause/effect, logical connection, depends on, Students learn to express
Decision Making ifthen, in order to, so that, as a result, alternatives and give reasons
Presentation whether or not, either/o, a good chance that, for deciding on one course
Sonia Scott though, unless, even if, shell have to of action over another
Bob Francis Conditional, if he does well, if he refuses to Students learn to express
Ed Smith go, he may, in that case he could afford to different degrees of
Question Practice w/SR Degrees of certainty, modals, may, could, certainty in linking ideas
Focus Exercises might, a good chance, whatever happens and events
Grammar Fill-Ins w/SR Reason and Purpose, in order to, so that, Students learn to express logical
Simulation w/SR because, according to company policy relationships so that they can
Making a Decision w/SR Verb + infinitive, refuses to go, would like to participate in a decision making
Speech Practice w/SR help, would prefer to be sent meeting
Video Review About + passive gerund, isnt happy about Students develop oral fluency and
being asked, about being posted confidence to express more
Preference, would prefer, would rather complex ideas in a business-
Vocabulary related to making decisions, meeting situation.
Mastery Test This unit works well in parallel
consider, decide, choose, the best/better
choice, either/or, the better choice with Functioning in Business
Giving facts and recommendations, deciding
on a course of action, So you wont consider
Ed for the job? Lets see what he says, Well, if
thats what he needs, I think we should.
Unit 6 Cause/effect, logical connection, dependent The language in Units 5 & 6
Planning Ahead on, depends on several factors, not unless, even helps prepare students to participate
Presentation if, ifthen, whatever the outcome in decision making and forecast
X-2 Test Success Conditional, if the test is a success, sales will analysis
X-2 Test Failure increase, a test failure would be bad, purchase Students learn to distinguish
Question Practice w/SR orders would be canceled between likely and unlikely
Focus Exercises Degrees of certainty, modals, will, may, outcomes when making plans
Grammar Fill-Ins w/SR could, might be postponed, a high probability, Students learn to express degrees
Simulation 1 w/SR unlikely, a possibility of certainty, probability, and
Meeting the Press w/SR Passives, modal + passive, will be canceled, confidence
Speech Practice w/SR will have been phased out, would have to be Students learn to link together
Simulation 2 w/SR postponed complex ideas based on causal
Tech English Quiz w/SR Clauses, Production cant begin on time relations
Speech Practice w/SR unless tomorrows test is a success This unit works well with
Qualifiers, though, unless, even if, whether or New Dynamic English 4
not, not necessarily
Making Suppositions, Lets suppose that
Vocabulary related to making plans and
Mastery Test
hypothesizing, what if

The Lost Secret: Course Content

Episodes Structures & Functions Sample Sentences

1&2 Simple statements and questions I'm a bird.
The main character, Orwell, with to be Is that the man?
has lost his memory. The Statements, questions and Are you a fish?
police question him, and Dr negatives with can You can fly!
Roberts agrees to help him Have/has got Can you remember your name?
regain his memory. Possessive adjectives: my, your, I can't swim, but I can fly.
his, her I've got some appointments this afternoon.
Pronouns: I, you, he, she I haven't got a name.
Questions with what, where, and What's your name? / Where do you live?
who Who are you?
Im sorry.
Polite phrases
Where do you come from?
Simple personal questions

3 Simple present She works in a bookshop.
Orwell recalls meeting a Present progressive in statements Her parents live in Mexico City.
woman on an airplane and and questions We're landing now.
being questioned in customs Pronouns: we, they What are you saying? /
about a plant. He remembers Imperatives What are they doing?
meeting Professor Sline at the Negatives with present tense Bring him here! /
airport. Yes/no questions with simple Don't chew gum!
present I don't know. / It doesnt matter.
Do you like it? /
Wh- questions
Do you know where it is?
Requests and offers with can
What do you do there?
Why can't I remember my answer to her
Can I see the letter, please?
4 Simple past They left the hotel and I went to bed.
Orwell remembers riding in Questions with simple past He was with Sabina at the airport.
Slines car and checking in to Ago Was it warm in Mexico City?
his hotel. Tag questions Did you see them again?
Checking into a hotel What did they talk about?
Invitations and polite refusals Two years ago I wrote a book about the
You are an expert,, aren't you?
This is your book, isn't it?
Ive got a reservation.
How long are you staying?
Would you like a drink first?
That's very kind of you but no, thanks.
5 Future with will I'll spell that for you. / He'll be here soon.
Orwell recalls a phone call Negatives with past tense I didn't drink anything. / It wasn't him.
from Sline, who has stolen his Some, any Why don't you have some lasagna?
manuscript. Flashback to Apologies He doesn't want any minestrone.
where Sabina puts something Making a purchase I'm sorry I'm late.
in Orwells drink. Ordering at a restaurant But the traffic was heavy.
How much is it? / Thank you. I'll take it.
Are you ready to order? / Two lasagnas,
Would you like something to drink?
Why don't you sit down?
6 Future with going to You're going to help me.
Flashback to Slines laboratory Questions with going to What are you going to do?
where Orwell is forced to take Why questions Why are you asking me?
the memory drug. (continued) Expressing and asking about Why did he ask you those questions?
intention I'm going to test the drug.
Expressing needs and wants I need your help!
I wanted to find out how much you know.
7 Review of question forms Did I see her? Or didn't I?
Orwell and Roberts go to the Tag answers Where can I find out?
library for information about Should (obligation) Who was on the balcony?
the Telo plant. Sabina takes the Promises Yes, I am. / Yes, I did.
page they need to Sline. Suggestions No, he isn't.
You should believe me.
Perhaps you should listen to me sometimes.
Don't worry, I'll give it back.
Let's go there now!

8 Present perfect Have you seen this man before?
Sline tells Sabina why the drug Have to I've never seen it.
didnt work on Orwell. Id like You've helped me a lot.
Orwell and Roberts hear on the There is, there are We have to get the plants first.
news about a break-in at Contradicting Why do I have to stay here any longer?
a greenhouse. There's something I'd like to ask you.
I'd like to go back to work.
In England there is one place where they
There are very few Telo plants in South
That isn't what this book says.
9 Future with going to and will I'm going to test it.
Sline and Sabina are preparing Used to (past habitual) This time it will work.
a stronger version of the drug Present perfect He'll be back soon.
to test on Harry. Orwell and Something, nothing, anything, It used to grow only in one part of South
Roberts are on their way to everything America.
Slines laboratory. Apologies Where have you been?
Have I done something wrong?
We can't do anything today.
Nothing can stop me now.
I'm sorry, boss. I forgot your cigars.
10 Present perfect with yet You haven't drunk any yet.
Sabina prepares drinks with Adverbs Does it work slowly, or quickly?
the memory drug for Harry Contractions with is and has What's it made of?
and Sline. Orwell and Roberts Know what + infinitive Where's Sabina?
break into the laboratory. Imperative I think she's gone.
Phrases used for making a She's got the drug.
toast You know what to do.
Try it.
Tell me about this memory drug.
Drink up! Cheers!
11 Present perfect with already I've already read it.
Two years later: Roberts and Could, would and had to There was only one thing I could do.
Orwell meet again and he tells Reported speech Would you sign this, please?
her the lost secret of the Greetings I had to destroy it!
Mepatecs. Suggestions and invitations How nice to see you!
It's been a long time.
You said perhaps it was just a story.
You told me that the secret of the Mepatecs
was on the cup.
Have you got time for a walk?
Why don't we walk along the river?

Functioning in Business: Course content

Units & Variations Topics & Language Functions Objectives
Introduction Introduction of the story, main characters This lesson parallels the first 2
and companies. units in Dynamic Business
Episode 1 Blake checks in to a hotel
Students learn how to make
Checking In Language Functions: Confirming, Offering
polite requests
Variation w/SR Refusing, Im sorry, but, Im afraid
Students learn how to confirm
Bank Customer Requesting, Could I, Can I, If you could do
that, Id really appreciate it

Episode 2 Blake uses the telephone to make an
Making an Appointment appointment for an important meeting Students learn how to use
Variation w/SR Language Functions: Agreeing, polite telephone language
Making an Appointment Confirming, Greeting, Offering, Requesting, Students learn how to arrange
Suggesting, I was wondering if we could get and confirm a meeting
together Students learn how to make a
Telephone language: Id like to speak with, polite suggestion
Webber Industries, May I help you?
Episode 3 Epstein checks the schedule and details of
Confirming Plans a meeting with his boss. Students learn how to use talk to
Variation w/SR Language Functions: Confirming, their boss
Checking an Appointment Offering, Requesting, Suggesting Students learn how to talk to their
Disagreeing, Stalling, Closing a meeting, subordinates
Lets discuss it further tomorrow, I dont Students learn how to be assertive,
think that this is the best time, I understand but polite
your reservations, but
Episode 4 Epstein introduces his boss to a prospective
An Important Introduction business partner
Variation w/SR Language Functions: Greeting, Students learn how to handle an
Introducing Yourself, Introducing, Small talk introduction in a business situation
Looking for Someone Interrupting, Well, I hate to interrupt, Im Students learn how to manage a
(continued) sorry to interrupt, but social situation in a polite way
Social customs of introducing and
handshakes, etc..
Episode 5 Epstein and his boss meet with a Students learn how to handle a
A Business Lunch prospective business partner. They discuss business lunch
Variation w/SR problems and possible solutions. Students learn how to confirm and
Negotiating Language Functions: Agreeing, Offering, clarify problems in a polite way
Promising, Refusing, Confirming Students learn how to qualify a
Clarifying/Qualifying, Let me clarify our statement to avoid misunderstanding
position, Well, not exactly, It depends on
Episode 6 Epstein and his boss, Ms Graham, have a
The Disagreement different opinion. Ms Graham makes it clear Students learn how to deal with a
Variation w/SR that she doesnt intend to follow Epsteins difference of opinion
Making a Choice recommendation. Students learn to state the
Language Functions: Agreeing, disadvantages and advantages of a
Disagreeing, Recommending, Giving an decision.
Episode 7 Epstein and Blake summarize the situation Students learn how to build
Keeping in Touch and agree to stay in touch. business relationships and network
Variation w/SR Language Functions: Accepting, for the future
Making a Polite Refusal Expressing disappointment, Giving an
Opinion, Inviting, Promising, Qualifying,
Refusing, Requesting
Episode 8 Blake has an appointment with a new Students learn how to give and
New Customer company, but the person is not there, so he accept an apology.
Variation w/SR meets with someone else. Students learn how to reassure
Asking a Favor Language Functions: Accepting, someone and make them
Apologizing, Introducing, Requesting, comfortable before a meeting.
Suggesting, Thanking
Episode 9 Blake negotiates several points with a Students learn how to confirm,
Negotiations customer and makes commitments. clarify, and check points in a
Variation w/SR Language Functions: Accepting, negotiation.
Different Endings Clarifying, Confirming, Offering, Promising,
Requesting, Stalling, Ill have to get back to
you on that

English by the Numbers: Course Contents
Lesson Unit Focus Objectives
Unit 1: Numbers, Fractions, and You will learn how to talk about This unit introduces basic
Decimals very large (34,910) and very expressions for talking about
small numbers (.005), as well as numbers and
fractions (3/4) and percentages quantities.

[Study these expressions very

carefully, so that you will be able to
understand and express numbers
with complete accuracy. In business
or technical communication,
misunderstandings about numbers
can lead to very serious problems.]
Unit 2: Operations and Mathematical and technical In this unit you will practice
Relationships relationships are often presented English expressions for describing
through formulas such as a+b=c (a formulas
plus b equals c; c is equal to the sum and other numerical relationships,
of a and b). such as multiples and square roots.

[You will learn to compare

quantities (Which number is half
the sum of the smallest and largest
numbers?) and to talk about
differences and percentages (ten
percent less than the largest
Unit 3: Related Changes Business and technical discussions In this unit you will learn
use graphs to show changes through expressions for describing
time; for example, the increase in increases, decreases, and other
the sales of automobiles or the changes over time.
changes in the average family size.

Very often in business or

technology, changes occur which
are connected to other changes (As
the price of an average house
increased, the percentage of U.S.
families able to buy a new house
decreased). This unit will introduce
expressions for explaining clearly
how one change is related to another
(X remained fairly constant, but Y
increased significantly).
Unit 4: Line Graphs You will learn how to describe This unit focuses on line graphs, a
clearly and concisely the popular tool in business and
information presented in graphs, technical
describing individual pieces of data presentations.
(The rate at the end of 79 was
about 6%) as well as changes over
time (Sales dropped sharply
between 80 and 85 and then
recovered slightly).

The content of the lessons is based

on actual statistics.
Unit 5: Bar Graphs You will learn how to express Bar graphs (or bar charts) are very
information from bar graphs (The useful for presenting and comparing

U.S. spent just over 5% of its GNP numerical information.
for defense in 1979) and to make
comparisons from the data presented
(Italys defense spending was about
the same as Britains in 1979, but
less in 84).
Unit 6: Probabilities, Logical You will study the language of This section provides a variety of
Relations, and Review logical relationships (If X is greater useful language that you will
than Y, and Y is greater than Z, encounter in technical discussions,
which conclusion is incorrect?), academic lectures, and business
probability (What is the probability negotiations, plus a review of
of drawing four cards in a row previous material.
without getting an ace?), equations
(This equation gives the
gravitational force between two
objects of mass M1 and M2
separated by the distance r), and
changes through time (Federals
production volume per employee
increased from about 20 units per
employee in 1980 to over 40 in

Clear Speech Works: Course content

Unit Lesson Pronunciation Focus
1: Finish that Word final voiceless stops after vowels Part A: t vs. no sound
Part B: p vs. no sound
Part C: k vs. no sound
2: Clearer Endings final voiced stops after vowels Part A: d vs. t
Part B: b vs. p
Part C: g vs. k
3: Double Trouble final stops after consonants Part A: nt and nd
Part B: t
Part C: d
4: Very Useful the "v" sound Part A: v vs. f
Part B: v vs. b
5: Hardly Hard the "h" sound Part A: h vs. no sound
Part B: common h words
6: Getting Along the "ng" sound Part A: final ng vs. n
Part B: ng vs. nk
7: Up and Down intonational contours Part A: rising, falling and non-final
Part B: changing meaning with contours
Part C: expressing doubt and certainty
8: Up Front five front vowels Part A: listening to five front vowels
Part B: the two top front vowels
Part C: front diphthong and mid front
9 : At Last the lowest front vowel Part A: the two lowest front vowels
Part B: the low front vs. low central
10: Light Work the l sound with vowels Part A: initial l vs. n
Part B: final l vs. no sound
11: Flying the l sound with consonants Part A: initial gl, bl, sl, cl, and fl
Part B: final ld vs. l
12: Get Ready the r sound Part A: initial r vs. no sound
Part B: final r vs. no sound
Part C: the er sound

13: A Little Riddle the l and r sounds Part A: initial r vs. l
Part B: medial r vs. l
Part C: r vs. l in consonant clusters
14: Says Who? the s and z sounds Part A: final z vs. s after vowels
Part B: final z with consonants
Part C: z vs. d
15: This with That the two th sounds Part A: unvoiced th
Part B: voiced th
Part C: common th words
16: Cheer Up! the ch and sh sounds Part A: sh vs. s
Part B: initial ch vs. sh
Part C: final ch vs. sh
17: Just Enough the j sound Part A: j vs. ch
Part B: j vs. d
18: Willing Work the w and y sounds Part A: initial y vs. no sound
Part B: initial w vs. no sound
Part C: w vs. r and v
19: Loud and Quiet stress and linking Part A: stress and topic
Part B: direct address
Part C: linking
20: Less Confusion central vowels and vowel variation Part A: middle vs. low central vowel
Part B: central vs. front middle vowel
Part C: vowel variation
21: Good to Do back vowels Part A: listening to four back vowels
Part B: high vs. mid-high back vowel
Part C: mid-high vs. mid-low back vowel
22: Right Now three diphthongs Part A: the diphthong in my
Part B: the diphthong in now
Part C: the diphthong in boy
23: Stretching s in initial consonant clusters Part A: st vs. s
Part B: str vs. st
Part C: sp and sm vs. s
24: Hard Work r followed by a consonant Part A: r with k, t, and d
Part B: r with z, sh, and ch
Part C: r with m, n, and l

DynEd e-learning platform

Example Network Configuration #1 for up to 80 non-video or 20* video clients

Pentium or PowerPC
Windows NT 4.0, Novel
File Server Network File
3.11, AppleShare 6.0
(mid range) 128 MB of RAM
250 MB free Hard Drive
Local Area space per DynEd CD
Network 24 Port 100Base-T Switch with 100Base-T Network Card
(LAN) 100Base-T Uplink 100 Base-T Link from
Server to Switch
Student 24 Port Switch with
100Base-T Uplink
Computers Video Video Hubs with < 30
Client Client Audio Clients 10Base-T Link to Client
*For over 5 video clients
RAID 5 hard drive array

Example Network Configuration #2 for up to 120 non-video or 30* video clients

Pentium II Class
Network Windows NT 4.0 or
File Server File Server Novell 4.1
256 MB of RAM
SCSI RAID Hard Drive
Local Area 24 Port 24 Port
Switch Switch
Network 250 MB free Hard Drive
(LAN) space per DynEd CD
Hubs with < 8 100Base-T Network Card
Audio Clients 100 Base-T Link form
Student Server to Switch
Computers Two 24 Port Switches with
Video Audio Audio Video 100Base-T Uplink
Client Client Client Client 10Base-T Link to Client
*For over 5 video clients
RAID 5 hard drive array

*Note: Compressed Video Versions On CDs labeled version 4.0 or higher, we have added several alternative,
more highly compressed versions of the course videos. By selecting one of these alternate video compressions, less
bandwidth is be required of your network. This will allow significantly more video users to run simultaneously.

General Recommendations:
1. File Servers
You should have more than one hard drive partitioned as one volume (RAID).
You should have more than 25% free hard drive space after loading all DynEd content.
Additional memory can improve performance.
2. Network
Switched networks are highly recommended if any Video courses will be used.
Extraneous network traffic can have a negative impact on the performance of DynEd courseware.
A 10Base-T cable can carry 3* video (220KB/second) streams, or 40 audio (22KB/second IMA) streams.
A 100Base-T cable can carry 30* video (220KB/S) streams, or 400 non-video (22KB/S IMA) streams.
3. Student Computers (Clients)
All clients should have Microphones and Speakers or Headphones.
All clients must be able to access the file server as a hard drive (volume).
See the DynEd Users Guide for product specific requirements.
Other Information:
DynEd cannot guarantee network performance; these are guidelines only.
TCP/IP support is not necessary for Networking DynEd courses.
DynEd recommends you have knowledgeable network support personnel available.
We highly recommend testing a network with the Demo Disc to confirm network performance.
Network Evaluation Worksheet
School Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________
Contact Name: _________________________________________
E-mail: _______________________________________________
Number of Simultaneous Users: _________________________________
DynEd Product(s) to be Networked: ______________________________

Processor: ____________________________ RAM: _____________________MB
Available Hard Drive Space: _________________________________________GB
Hard Drive Controller: [ ] IDE [ ] SCSI [ ] RAID .
Network Card: ______________________________________Base-T___________
Operating System: ____________________________________________________

Please fill in the blanks below or provide a written description of your network:
1. I have a 10 / 100 / 1000 Mbit link from the server to a switch / hub / other .
2. From there, I have a 10 / 100 / 1000 Mbit link to a switch / hub / client / other .
3. From there, I have a 10 / 100 / 1000 Mbit link to a switch / hub / client / other .

Optional Text description of the connection(s) between the Server and Clients. Please include all
Switches, Hubs, Routers, and Speeds (10Base-T or 100Base-T).

Example: There is a 100Base-T connection from the Server to a 3Com SuperStack II Switch
2000. 15 clients are on the switchs 10Base-T ports. 5 clients are connected to an 8 Port 10Base-
T hub that is connected to the switch. There is an Ascend P50 Router connected for Internet

Student Computers (Clients)

Processor: _______________________________ RAM: _____________________MB
Operating System: ______________________________________________
Network Card: 10 / 100 / 1000 Base-T .

DynEd International 1633 Bayshore Hwy., Suite 120 Burlingame, CA 94010 USA
E-mail: Tel: +1 650 259 0670 or +1 800 7654-ESL Fax: +1 650 259 0676

DynEds Home Page:

DynEd International, Paris Office
Email: Tel: +1 650 259 0670 Fax: +1 650 259 0676

CALLIOPE home page: http://www;

Centre Commercial NADIA, 1, Bd. Ibrahim Roudani, Casablanca 20100
Email : tel : +212 22 23 31 80 Fax : +212 22 23 28 63
Le Centre de Langue
La procdure suivre pour la formation E-learning Langue Anglaise

1Entrez votre adresse email

qui est utilise comme un
login. Si vous dsirez le
changer, prire de prendre
contact avec votre coordina-
teur. Vous ne pouvez pas
travailler off-line la toute
premire fois. Donc il ne faut
pas cocher Travailler hors
connexion. Aucun cours ne
sera accessible off-line avant
que vous nentamiez au
moins une sance. Aprs
quoi, vous pouvez tudier
pendant une priode bien
dtermine et pour un
nombre de sances limit.
Ces restrictions sont faites soi
par CALLIOPE ou par votre
co-ordinateur (ou le res-
ponsable de formation).

2 Si cest la premire fois

que vous utilisez notre plate-
forme E-learning, prire de
choisir Placement Tests
pour vous positionner par
rapport votre niveau et pour
vous proposer le parcours de
formation idal en se basant
sur les lacunes dceles par
le test. Pour les prochaines
sances, vous pouvez suivre
les recom-mandations que
vous obtenez la fin du test
de position-nement, ou bien
faire le choix du cours que
vous aimeriez suivre. Si vous
choisissez un cours autre que
celui que lon vous a propos,
vous devez soi demander un
mot de passe entrer chaque
fois quon vous le demande ou bien contacter votre coordina-teur ou pour quon vous
dverrouille les cours demands. Voir la liste des cours de la gamme DynEd pour plus de dtails.
3 Il est recommand de
prendre le Practice Test / "test
blanc" pour avoir une ide sur les
types de questions que vous
aurez et sur linterface de la plate-
forme. Il y a un chrono-mtre en
bas de la fentre qui vous indique
le temps coul. Les questions ici
ne sont que des exemples, elles
ne refltent pas la difficult ou la
facilit des questions que vous
aurez dans le test. Ce test utilise
une technique appele
Reshufling : si vous passez le
test plusieurs fois (aprs
consentement de
bien sr), vous naurez pas
forcment les mmes questions.

4 Aprs avoir passer le test

blanc, il faut prendre la 1re partie
du test de position-nement. Il est
recommand de passer cette
partie mme si vous pensez que
vous avez un niveau plus lev
que "Beginner".

5 A la fin de la 1 re
partie du
test, votre score sera affich avec
le parcours de votre formation
initiale (les cours recommands
par le systme). Pour une
interprtation des scores, voir le
tableau Benchmarking.
6 Les participants qui ont
obtenu un score entre 227 et 270
[1.2 ou plus] doivent prendre la
2me partie du test en cliquant sur
Part 2. A la fin de cette 2me
partie, vous aurez une fentre
similaire celle vu la fin de la
1re partie. Pour voir plus de
dtails sur votre score (le temps
pass, les fautes commises,
etc), vous pouvez cliquer sur
Option sur la bar de menu puis
Fichiers de suivi.
Le Centre de Langues
Test de Placement
Le test de placement DynEd est conu pour permettre le positionnement des participants aux niveaux
appropris relatifs un point de dpart sur la srie des cours DynEd. Il est en deux parties. La
premire partie est conue pour des participants d'un niveau relativement bas. Elle permet de les situer
aux niveaux 0.0~1.2 ou bien indique qu'ils devraient plutt prendre la deuxime partie du test. La
deuxime partie est adresse des participants qui ont obtenus un 1.2 ou plus la premire partie, ou
bien qui ont un niveau intermdiaire ou plus. Elle permet de les situer aux niveaux 1.2~3.0, ou plus. A
partir du niveau obtenu lors du test de placement, les participants sont placs dans le cours appropri
selon le tableau Benchmarking suivant:
Niveau de Placement
Cours DynEd Appropris

0.0 Starter 0 ~ 250 NDE 1A

0.5 Elementary 250~350 NDE 1B
1.0 Pre-Intermediate 300~400 NDE 2A; TLS
1.5 Intermediate 350~450 NDE 2B; TLS
2.0 Upper Intermediate 400~650 450 NDE 3A; 3B, FIB; DBE 1,2,3,4
2.5 Advanced 600~750 500 NDE 4A; FIB; DBE 3,4,5,6
3.0 Higher-Advanced 700~850 550 NDE 4B; test prep; authentic materials
3.5 Proficient 800~950 600 advanced content studies or maintenance
4.0 Near-Native Speaker
5.0 Educated Native Speaker

Plus de dtails:
Test de Placement Gnral 1re Partie:
SCORE Niveau de
Cours DynEd
1re Partie PLACEMENT
0~31 0.0 dbutant NDE 1A
32~71 0.2 NDE 1A
72~111 0.5 NDE 1B
112~180 0.7 NDE 1B, TLS
181~227 1.0 NDE 2A; TLS
227~270 1.2 ou suprieur Test de Placement, 2me Partie
Test de Placement Gnral 1me Partie:
SCORE Niveau de
Cours DynEd
0~31 1.2 ou infrieur Test de Placement, rsultats 1re Partie
32~47 1.2 NDE 2A; TLS
48~87 1.5 NDE 2B; TLS
88~115 1.7 NDE 2B; TLS
116~215 2.0 NDE 3A; 3B; DBE 1,2,3,4; FIB
216~283 2.5 FIB; DBE 3,4,5,6; NDE 4A
284~300 3.0 NDE 4B, CSW, TM
301~314 3.2 ou suprieur Vous avez le choix

NDE New Dynamic English EBN English by the Numbers

DBE Dynamic Business English AL Advanced Listening
TLS The Lost Scret TM Test Mountain
FIB Functionning in Business CSW Clear Speech Works

The descriptions below are intended to serve as guidelines to understanding the competence reflected by the corresponding scores and apply in most
cases. The levels (0 to 3+) have been developed from the scale used by the Foreign Service Institute and the Inter-Agency Language Roundtable.


Listening Reading LEVELS
Score Listening Speaking Score Reading Writing TOTAL SCORES
Can : Can : Can : Can :
understand mother-tongue speakers of English conduct meetings with mother-tongue speakers read adequately for most professional needs write effectively, both formally and informally; 3/3+
in meetings of English however, work for publication will still require General Professional
read highly technical manuals in own area Proficiency
455-495 function in all of the situations described below perform all of the below with a greater degree 455-495 review
read all of the below... (>960 Advanced)
whether professional or social, concerning of ease... produce the documents described below
905 - 990
concrete or abstract subjects without undue difficulty
understand most work related situations satisfy most work requirements read most types of documents with varying write an employment application
understand most speakers of English in inter- conduct a job interview in own area of exper- degrees of ease write a letter of complaint 2+
national meetings tise read even highly-technical subjects with little write the documents below with increasing Advanced Working
function in all of the situations described sustain fluency, accuracy and appropriate regis- use of dictionary degrees of accuracy and ease
395-450 395-450 Proficiency
below but with a greater degree of facility and ter in known situations experience difficulties with sophisticated 785 - 900
accuracy menus, novels...
understand: adapt language use for different audiences in read with only the occasional use of a dictio- write with some effort:
explanations of work problems most cases nary: - letters to potential clients
- technical manuals
requests for products on phone make short (30 minute) formal presentations if - 5 page formal reports
prepared - many news articles Basic Working
305-390 305-390 - summaries of meetings
discussions of current events by mother-tongue Proficiency
discuss topics of general interest using non-ela- - popular novels - job application letters
speakers of English 605 - 780
borate structures identify inconsistencies in points of view
headline news on radio

understand:- describe own job responsibilities and academic understand basic technical manuals for write with some difficulty:
explanations related to routine work tasks in background beginners - short memos 1+
one to one situations discuss past and future projects use a dictionary to understand more highly - letters of complaint
205-300 205-300 technical documents Intermediate
some travel announcements make travel arrangements over the phone - descriptions of processes 405 - 600
limited social conversations read agenda for a meeting fill out simple application forms

understand simple exchanges in everyday pro- produce simple if hesitant language adequate use a directory write short notes, directions and lists with
fessional or personal life with a person used to for elementary functions with patient listeners: understand simple instructions difficulty 1
speaking with non mother-tongue speakers introductions, directions, requesting informa- not fill out forms, write detailed memos, letters
130-200 130-200 read simple, standardized business correspon- Elementary
take simple phone messages tion, ordering food... or reports
dence 255 - 400

understand adequately for immediate survival name objects, colors, clothes, people, days, understand odd words e.g. shop names write odd words, formulaic language
needs, directions, prices... months, dates, & give the time read simple memos and menus, train or bus not write creative sentences 0/0+
05-125 comprehend simple questions in social situa- only reproduce formulaic language - telegraphic 05-125 schedules, traffic signs... Novice
tions style 10 - 250

Dont forget to enclose a copy of this chart when communicating your score or your CV.
The Chauncey Group Europe S.A., 66, av. des Champs Elyses (Imm. E), F-75008 Paris. Email:
For all information on the TOEIC Test, Europe- and worldwide,

visit &
Appendix 12:
A Selection of CALL Journals & Newsletters
This is non exhaustive list of journals and newsletters (printed and online), relating to CALL
and Educational Technology. Availability of online material is indicated where known.

ALT-N, Association for Learning Technology Newsletter, Emma Candy, PreClinical

Veterinary Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Summerhall, Edinburgh EH9 1QH,
Tel +44 (0)131 650 6113, Fax +44 (0)131 650 6576, Email:,
Contents online

ALSIC: Apprentissage des Langues et Systemes d'Information et de Communication.

A French speaking electronic journal for language researchers and practitioners.(FR)
Fully online

Ariadne. The Ariadne newsletter is aimed initially at subject librarians and other
working librarians in academic libraries, though many people in the UK Higher
Education and LIS communities will find items of interest within it.(UK)
Fully online, also available in print

Australian Journal of Educational Technology. The Australian Journal of Educational

Technology is a refereed journal publishing research and review articles in educational
technology, instructional design, educational applications of computer technologies,
educational telecommunications and related areas.(AU)
Fully online

BJET, British Journal of Educational Technology, BECTa Publications, Milburn Hill

Road, Science Park, Coventry CV4 7JJ, UK.
Tel +44 (0)1203 416994, Fax +44 (0)1203 411418
CLL (Computer-Assisted English Language Learning) Journal. 1787 Agate St.,
Eugene OR 97403 U.S.A. Email:

CALICO, Computer Assisted Language Learning and Instruction Consortium, Duke

University, 014 Language Center, Box 90267, Durham, NC 27708-0267, USA. ISSN
Tel +1 919 660 3180, Fax +1 919 660 3183, Email:

CALL-EJ On-line, CALL EJ (Journal of the JALT CALL National SIG, Japan)
merged with On-CALL (The Australian Journal of Computers and Language
Education) and became CALL-EJ On-line in May 1999
Fully online
CALL Journal, (Computer-Assisted Language Learning) Swets & Zeitlinger b.v., PO
Box 825, 2160 Lisse, The Netherlands. ISSN 0958-8221

CALL Review, IATEFL, 3 Kingsdowne Chambers, Kingsdowne Park, Tankerton,

Whitstable, Kent, CT5 2DJ, UK.
Tel 01227 276528, Fax 01227 274415,
Extracts available online

Computers and Education, Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane,
Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB, UK. ISSN 0360-1315
Tel +44 (0)1865 843000, Fax +44 (0)1865 843010,

Computers and the Humanities, Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, PO Box 322,
3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISSN 0010-4817

Computers and Texts, CTI Centre for Textual Studies, Office for Humanities
Communication, Oxford University Computing Services, 13 Banbury Road, Oxford,
OX2 6NN, UK. ISSN 0963-1763
Tel +44 (0)1865 283282, Fax +44 (0)1865 273221, Email:,
Fully online, back issues available from 1996

Convergence, Dept of Media Arts, University of Luton, 75 Castle Street, Luton. LU1
3AJ, UK. ISSN: 1354-8565 ISBN: 1 86020 021 4
Tel: +44 (0)1582 734111, Fax: +44 (0)1582 489014, Email:,
Abstracts available online

Edina Newsline. Quarterly newsletter from the national data centre EDINA.(UK)
Fully online

Education, Communication & Information, Taylor & Francis Group, Rankine Road,
Basingstoke, Hants, RG24 8PR, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1256 813002, Fax: +44 (0) 1256 479438, Email:
Online for subscribers

Educational Technology & Society. Quarterly journal of the International Forum of

Educational Technology & Society.
Fully online
IALL Journal of Language Learning Technologies, c/o Language Acquisition Center,
University of Texas at Arlington, PO Box 19557, Arlington, TX 76019, USA.
Tel (817) 794 5148, Fax (817) 794 5147, Email:,

Internet TESL Journal. A monthly web journal for teachers of English as a Second
Fully online
JALT Journal, Urban Edge Building, 5th Floor, 1-37-9 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110,
Japan. Tel: +81 (3) 3837 1630; Fax: +81 (3) 3837 1631
Abstracts available online

Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd, Osney

Mead, Oxford OX2 0EL, UK. ISSN 0266-4909
Tel +44 (0)1865 240201, Fax +44 (0)1865 721205, Email:
Tables of Contents online

Journal of Interactive Media in Education. Theoretical and practical aspects of

interactive media in education.(UK)
Fully online

Language Learning & Technology (LLT) An academic refereed journal sponsored by

seven professional organizations and language resource centers in the United States,
Europe and Australia, and is supported by an editorial board of 30 scholars in the
fields of second language acquisition, applied linguistics, and computer-assisted
language learning.(US)
Fully online

The Language Teacher Online. A monthly publication of the Japan Association for
Language Teaching (Zenkoku Gogaku Kyoiku Gakkai).
Fully online

Literary & Linguistic Computing, Oxford University Press, Walton Street, Oxford
OX2 6DP, UK. ISSN 0268-1145
Tel +44 (0)1865 267917, Fax +44 (0)1865 267782, Email:
Tables of Contents online

ON-CALL, Centre for Language Teaching and Research, University of Queensland,

Brisbane, Queensland 4072, Australia. ISSN 1034-571X.
Tel +61 7 365 6896, Fax +61 7 365 7077, Email: On_Call@CLTR.uq.oz au
Some back issues available online.

Open Learning. The Journal of Open and Distance Learning. Carfax Publishing,
Taylor & Francis Ltd, Customer Services Department, Rankine Road, Basingstoke,
Hants RG24 8PR. ISSN 0268-0513
Tel: +44 (0)1256 813000 Fax: +44 (0)1256 330245 Email:
Online version for subscribers only.

ReCALL, Journal of CTI Modern Languages in association with EUROCALL,

University of Hull, Hull, HU6 7RX, UK. ISSN 0958-3440
Tel +44 (0)1482 466373, Fax +44 (0)1482 473816, Email:,
Some back issues available online.

ReCALL Newsletter, CTI Modern Languages, University of Hull, Hull, HU6 7RX,
UK. ISSN 135 1921
Tel +44 (0)1482 466373, Fax +44 (0)1482 473816, Email:,
Also available online

System, Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford,
OX5 1GB, UK. ISSN 0346-251X
Tel +44 (0)1865 843000, Fax +44 (0)1865 843010

Teaching English for International Business (TEIB) Journal. TEIB Subscriptions &
Advertising, Universidad Siglo 21, Rondeau 165, (5000) Cordoba, Argentina.
Tel. +54 351 423-2626 (Ext. 215), Fax.+54 351 424-8006

Technology Source. Online refereed journal for educational technology.
Fully online

TESL-EJ. Online fully refereed journal for ESL and EFL.(German mirror site).
Fully online

TESOL Matters Online. TESOL's (Teachers of English to Speakers of other

languages) bi-monthly newsletter. (US)
Selected articles online

Web Journal of Modern Language Linguistics (WJMLL). The WJMLL is an electronic

journal devoted to linguistics research in Modern Languages, and is edited in the
School of Modern Languages at the University of Newcastle. (UK)
Fully online
Appendix 13:
Rseau Marwan Octobre 2004



La connexion d'un tablissement au rseau s'effectuera selon la procdure suivante:

1. L'tablissement doit rcuprer le dossier de connexion en le tlchargeant sur le site

MARWAN ( ou en envoyant une demande au CNRST. Le dossier
comporte les documents suivants:

Document A: Demande d'accs au rseau MARWAN

Document B : Charte de scurit et de bon usage

Document C : Bon de commande Maroc Telecom

2. Les trois (3) documents dment remplis et signs devront tre envoys au rseau

3. Le rseau MARWAN se charge de l'tude de la demande, de l'allocation des adresses

IP et de la transmission du bon de commande Maroc Telecom pour la ralisation.

4. Aprs lapprobation de la demande, ltablissement sera notifi et doit prendre contact

avec l'agence Maroc Telecom indique pour rgler les frais de connexions ou dposer une
demande pour que ces frais soient reports sur la premire facture.

Les frais de connexion sont les suivants :

Dbit de la Liaison Loue Frais daccs Abonnement Mensuel

2 Mbps 32 000 14 000
34 Mbps 64 000 40 000

Les tablissements qui le dsirent peuvent commander les routeurs chez Maroc Telecom:

Routeur Prix en DH HT
Quidway 1603 - 1 interface pour Liaison 2 Mbps. 6 140
Cisco 1721 - 1 interface pour Liaison 2 Mbps. 17 080

Cisco 1760 - 1 interface pour Liaison 2 Mbps. 16 920

Cisco 2611 XM - 1 interface pour Liaison 2 Mbps. 28 660

Cisco 3725 - 1 interface ATM pour Liaison 34 Mbps. 111 710

Rseau Marwan CNRST - 52, Charii Omar Ibn El Khattab, Agdal, BP. 8027 Agdal - Rabat
Tl: 037 68 62 33/34 Fax: 037 68 62 35 web:
Rseau Marwan Document A Octobre 2004

Demande D'accs au rseau MARWAN

Etablissement :____________________________________________________

Informations sur ltablissement

Reprsent par: ____________________________________________________________
Dpartement de tutelle:
Enseignement Suprieur
Education Nationale
Formation Professionnelle
Autre : ___________________________________________
Adresse Complte de lEtablissement :_______________________________________________
Ville: ________________________



Adresse Complte dInstallation (*) :_________________________________________________


Adresse Complte de Facturation (*) :________________________________________________

(*)A remplir seulement si ces adresses sont diffrentes de celles de ltablissement.

Correspondant technique (Interlocuteur)





Rseau Marwan CNRST - 52, Charii Omar Ibn El Khattab, Agdal, BP. 8027 Agdal - Rabat 1/2
Tl: 037 68 62 33/34 Fax: 037 68 62 35 web:
Informations sur la connexion

Dbit demand: 2 Mbits/s 34 Mbits/s

Services supplmentaires

Adresses IP :
Nombre total des adresses IP existantes : _____
Nom de l'entit Rseau Nombre
. . . /
. . . /
. . . /
. . . /
Nombre total des adresses IP demandes: _____
Nom de l'entit Nombre

(*) Rserv MARWAN

Nombre total des adresses IP alloues : _____

(*) Rserv MARWAN

IP WAN - Client: ____________________ IP WAN Marwan: ___________________


Date, signature et cachet :

Responsable Administratif de
Fait ............................, le .................................. Fait .............................., le .................................

Rseau Marwan CNRST - 52, Charii Omar Ibn El Khattab, Agdal, BP. 8027 Agdal - Rabat 2/2
Tl: 037 68 62 33/34 Fax: 037 68 62 35 web:
Rseau Marwan Document B Octobre 2004


Ce document prsente la charte de scurit et de bon usage du rseau MARWAN. Elle a pour but :
D'informer les usagers
De les sensibiliser sur les problmes de scurit
De leur faire connatre les sanctions encourues par les contrevenants.
Elle repose sur lengagement du Signataire, au nom des utilisateurs de son site connect au rseau
MARWAN , veiller sur l'application des articles ci-dessous:

ARTICLE 1: Champs d'utilisation

Toute utilisation du rseau MARWAN doit tre pour des fins conformes aux objectifs fixs
savoir: Education, enseignement, le formation et la recherche scientifique.

ARTICLE 2: Utilisation rationnelle

Les ressources du rseau MARWAN devront tre utilises d'une manire rationnelle. Pour ce faire,
toute application consommatrice engendrant un trafic permanent qui a pour effet de saturer les liaisons du
rseau ou dpuiser les ressources de ses quipements est soumise un accord crit des responsables du

ARTICLE 3: Utilisation des donnes lgales

Les donnes stockes et transfres travers le rseau MARWAN exigeront d'tre lgales au regard
des lois qui leur sont applicables. Ci-aprs une liste informative non exhaustive de type de donnes
interdites vhiculer travers le rseau MARWAN ou stocker sur les sites.
1. Obtention d'un accs illgal aux ressources des rseaux connect;
2. porter atteinte la vie prive
3. Utilisation et exploitation des uvres protges par le droit d'auteur, notamment les logiciels, sans
l'autorisation de l'auteur;
4. Atteintes au secret professionnel
5. Diffusion de messages pornographique.

ARTICLE 4: Dsignation d'un responsable technique

Pour veiller sur la scurit de son site, le signataire doit mettre en uvre les ressources techniques
et humaines requises pour viter les agressions contre son site ou contre d'autres sites partir ou par
l'intermdiaire du sien.
Pour cela il appartient au Signataire de dsigner une personne nomme "Responsable technique",
ce dernier en collaboration avec l'quipe du rseau va assurer la formation et la sensibilisation des
utilisateurs du site.

Rseau Marwan CNRST - 52, Charii Omar Ibn El Khattab, Agdal, BP. 8027 Agdal - Rabat
- 1/2 -
Tl: 037 68 62 33/34 Fax: 037 68 62 35 web:
En cas d'un incident de scurit sur le site du Signataire, le responsable technique aprs avoir fait
les premires interventions, doit informer les responsables du rseau dans les meilleurs dlais.

ARTICLE 5: Visites de contrle

Le Signataire de la Charte accepte des visites de contrle par les responsables du rseau afin de
vrifier la bonne utilisation des ressources du rseau MARWAN et l'application du contenu de la prsente
ARTICLE 6: Evolution du contenu de la charte
Cette Charte sera modifie par le Comit de Gestion MARWAN, chaque fois quil y aura des
volutions lgislatives et des nouveaux points dans ce domaine, ces modifications seront notifies
priodiquement au Signataire.

ARTICLE 7: Mesures prises en cas dinfraction

En cas dinfraction de la dontologie dutilisation du Rseau MARWAN, le Signataire sengage
agir rapidement contre les personnes responsables. Cela implique lavertissement de lusage abusif du
service et le rappel des conditions dutilisation de MARWAN. Dans le cas de rcidive, toutes les mesures
ncessaires seront prises, y compris la dconnexion du site au niveau national ou international.

ARTICLE 8: Approbation et signature

Le Signataire de la prsente charte, responsable administratif du site reconnat avoir lu le contenu de la
Charte de bon usage du Rseau national pour lEducation, la Formation et la Recherche Scientifique MARWAN, et
sengage la respecter et la faire respecter par tous les utilisateurs du site identifi ci-dessous.

Etablissement :____________________________________________________

Le responsable administratif dsigne comme responsable technique:

Nom, Prnom :
E-mail : Tlphone :

Le Signataire (responsable administratif de lEtablissement):

Nom, Prnom : Titre :
E-mail : Tlphone :

Signature et cachet du responsable administratif de lEtablissement

Fait ............................, le ..................................

Rseau Marwan CNRST - 52, Charii Omar Ibn El Khattab, Agdal, BP. 8027 Agdal - Rabat
- 2/2 -
Tl: 037 68 62 33/34 Fax: 037 68 62 35 web:

ND :

Prambule : le prsent bon de commande est tabli dans le cadre de la convention signe
entre le Ministre de lEnseignement Suprieur, de la Formation des Cadres et de La
Recherche Scientifique dune part et Ittissalat Al Maghrib dautre part.

N Client :

Etablissement : :......................................................................................
Tutelle :.......................................................................................
Adresse: ........................................................................................
Responsable administratif: TEL : ..

GSM : ..

FAX : ......................................

Adresse complte de facturation : .............................................................................



Adresse dinstallation Dbit de laccs Option Routeur

2 Mb/s Quidway 1603

34 Mb/s Cisco 1721

Plages dadresses IP du site : Cisco 1760

Cisco 2611 XM

Cisco 3725 (34 Mbps)

Coordonnes de linterlocuteur technique :

Nom /Prnom :...
Tel :...
GSM :...
FAX :....



Cration Cession Rsiliation


-Locaux du client accessibles pour

installation :

Date de mise en service par


IAM Client
Nom/Cachet / signature / Date Nom/ Cachet/ Signature/ Date

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