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Br.J. Anaesth.

(1976), 48, 1175




Diazepam 10 mg given orally alone or with one of the three antacids (aluminium hydroxide 40 ml,
magnesium trisilicate 30 ml, sodium citrate 30 ml) was given in a single dose at random to 200
women undergoing minor gynaecological procedures. The concomitant use of aluminium hydroxide
or sodium citrate hastened the onset of the soporific effect of diazepam marginally, while magnesium
trisilicate tended to delay it. The estimation of plasma diazepam concentrations over 90 min in a
similar series of 67 patients showed that the absorption of diazepam was increased significantly by
the use of aluminium hydroxide, but there were no striking differences in the four groups. The
clinical implications of these findings are discussed.

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The case for oral premedication has been reinforced or tranquillizers were excluded, except where medi-
considerably since the introduction of the benzo- cation had been discontinued for at least 4 weeks.
diazepines. The low water- and high lipid-solubility The premedication consisted of commercially
characteristics of the majority of these compounds available diazepam 10 mg tablets (Valium, Roche)
result in good absorption when given by mouth. Thus, given alone or with one of the following antacids in a
Gamble, Dundee and Assaf (1975) showed that oral single dose: mist, magnesium trisilicate BPC 30 ml
diazepam was absorbed better than diazepam ad- (10 ml contains magnesium trisilicate 0.5 g, mag-
ministered by i.m. injection. This finding was con- nesium carbonate 0.5 g and sodium carbonate 0.5 g);
firmed by studies of the plasma concentrations of aluminium hydroxide gel BP 40 ml (contains approxi-
diazepam. mately 4% w/w aluminium oxide); sodium citrate
Further studies in this department have been con- 0.3 mol/litre solution 30 ml (made up in 10% syrup
cerned with those factors which influence diazepam and chloroform water, as described by Lahiri,
uptake (Gamble et al., 1976), such as the use of Thomas and Hodgson, 1973).
atropine and opiates which delay absorption and The doses employed were larger than those used
aluminium hydroxide which enhances it (Gamble, commonly, and the volumes of antacids were un-
1975). This paper presents a study in which diazepam equal. The larger volume of aluminium hydroxide
was given either alone or with three antacids and was given to compensate for its reported ineflicacy as
reports on the clinical effects and plasma concentra- an antacid in vivo (Morrissey and Barreras, 1974;
tions of diazepam which resulted. Such studies are Harvey, 1975). The patients were observed at 20, 40,
important in view of the fact that antacids influence 60 and 90 min after the drug administration or once
the gastrointestinal uptake of a number of drugs only between 60 and 90 min. On these occasions the
(Harvey, 1975). degree of drowsiness, apprehension, restlessness or
excitement and the incidence of dizziness, emetic
effects, tachycardia and arterial hypotension were
noted as described by Dundee, Moore and Nicholl
Sedation study. This was carried out in four groups (1962a). On the basis of these observations, an
each of 50 women of reproductive years, weighing efficacy score ranging from 5 (excellent sedation) to 1
40-89 kg and scheduled for minor gynaecological (patient very upset, with no sedation) was allocated
operations in the morning. The patients fasted over- each time the patient was seen.
night and received diazepam 10 mg by mouth alone
or with one of the three antacids as premedication in The patients were anaesthetized using a standard
random fashion. Those known to be taking hypnotics technique of 2% methohexitone (initial dose 1.6 mg/
kg) with 75% nitrous oxide in oxygen (total flow
8 litre/min) with additional small increments of the
S. G. NAIR, M.B., M.S., F.F.A.R.C.S., D.A.; J. A. S. GAMBLE, barbiturate as required. Induction complications were
M.D., F.F.A.R.C.S.; J. W . DUNDEE, M.D., PH.D., F.F.A.R.C.S.,
M.R.C.P.; P. J. HOWARD, A.I.S.T.; Department of Anaes-
noted and recorded as described by Dundee, Moore
thetics, The Queen's University of Belfast, Northern Ireland. and Nicholl (1962b).

The patients were seen again 1 and 6 h after TABLE I. Details of patients in the four series receiving
operation and the occurrence of vomiting (including diazepam 10 mg by mouth, alone or with an antacid
retching) or nausea were noted. Where both nausea Average Average
and vomiting occurred this was classified as vomiting. Diazepam No. of age weight
Plasma concentration. This was measured con- 10 mg with patients (yr) (kg)
currently with the sedation studies on similar patients
50 29 57
who had consented to venous cannulation. Patients Aluminium hydroxide
in whom diazepam or its metabolite were present in gel (BP) 40 ml 50 33 60
the blood sample before the drug administration Mist, magnesium
were excluded. In all, 67 patients who were similar trisilicate (BPC) 30 ml 50 34 61
with respect to age and weight were studied. 0.3 mol/litre sodium
citrate 30 ml 50 29 58
The blood sampling technique was identical to that
described by Gamble and others (1975). A 10-ml
sample was obtained before drug administration Patient acceptability was satisfactory for all three
(control sample) and subsequently at 15, 30, 45, 60 antacids, although aluminium hydroxide gel appeared
and 90 min. These were transferred to heparinized to be the least palatable. A few patients thought that

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tubes and centrifuged, as soon as possible, at 3000 the preparation of sodium citrate used in this study
rev/min for 15 min, those samples awaiting centri- was too sweet.
fugation being stored in a refrigerator. The superna- The incidence of drowsiness and apprehension in
tant plasma was transferred into 5-ml polystyrene the various series is displayed in table II. In general,
containers and stored at 20 C until analysed. Parti- the concomitant use of either aluminium hydroxide
cular care was exercised to avoid haemolysis and con- or sodium citrate enhanced the early soporific effect
tamination with heparinized saline during sampling. of diazepam, but the difference (when "good" and
After benzene extraction, plasma diazepam was "fair" degrees of drowsiness are considered together)
estimated by gas-liquid chromatography using an was only significant with aluminium hydroxide at
electron capture detector with griseofulvin as the 20 min (x2 = 6.184; P<0.025) and with sodium
internal standard, as described by Gamble and others citrate at 90 min (x2 = 3.858; P<0.05). In contrast,
(1975). Duplicate analyses were carried out on each magnesium trisilicate tended to decrease the efficacy
sample. Plasma diazepam concentrations were ex- of diazepam and at 60 min the incidence of notable
pressed in ng/ml. drowsiness with diazepam-magnesium trisilicate was
significantly less than with diazepam alone (x2 =
RESULTS 5.876; P< 0.025).
Table I shows that the patients in each of the four In general, the anxiolytic action of diazepam
sedation studies were broadly comparable with regard paralleled its soporific effect in all series, particularly
to average age and weight. when given with antacids.

TABLE I I . Percentage frequency of drowsiness and apprehension noted at fixed times following diazepam
10 mg given by mouth or with three antacids

Preanaesthetic medicationdiazepam 10 mg with:

hydroxide Mist, magnesium Sodium citrate
gel 40 ml trisilicate 30 ml 0.3 mol/litre 30 ml
Min: 20 40 60 90 20 40 60 90 20 40 60 90 20 40 60 90

good 4 20 46 40 8 44 64 60 8 24 40 36 8 32 48 64
fair 8 26 24 30 32 20 16 28 20 8 4 20 12 16 24 24
slight 28 36 18 10 28 16 16 8 16 36 28 28 28 20 16 8

slight 36 22 4 10 36 16 8 12 24 16 8 0 44 32 32 4
moderate 18 6 6 6 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 4 0 0
TABLE I I I . Significance of difference of the frequency of notable (good and fair) drowsiness in
patients receiving diazepam 10 mg by mouth with three antacids. In all cases the series with
the greater drowsiness appears first

Minutes after drug administration

Series compared 20 40 60 90

Aluminium hydroxide gel v. X2 9.014 12.267 11.161

mist, magnesium trisilicate P < 0.005 < 0.0005 < 0.001
Aluminium hydroxide gel v. X 2
sodium citrate p <0.05
Sodium citrate v. X2 6.9376 11.1608
mist, magnesium trisilicate p <0.01 < 0.001

TABLE IV. Average ( + SEM) plasma diazepam concentrations (ng/ml) following diazepam 10 mg given by mouth alone or with
three antacids as shown

Average Min

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No. of wt
Diazepam 10 mg with patients (kg) 15 30 45 60 90

17 59.0 + 3.34 6522 12218 19924 19423

Aluminium hydroxide gel (BP) 40 ml 20 59.21.67 6924 177 + 24 19920 18814 17212
Sodium citrate 0.3 mol/litre 30 ml 15 59.9 2.01 45 16 107 27 154 25 181 22 172 15
Mist, magnesium trisilicate (BPC) 30 ml 15 57.0 1.94 66 20 101 25 122 14 153 19 156 17
no sample analysed.




FIG. 1. Average efficacy scores and plasma concentrations before operation in two comparable groups
of patients over 90 min after the administration of diazepam 10 mg alone or with three antacids.
2.3 -i


<. 2.1

< 1.9

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1.7 -


FIG. 2. Correlation between log mean plasma diazepam concentrations and the mean efficacy
scores before operation (plotted on a log scale) in comparable groups of patients over 60 min after the
administration of diazepam 10 mg alone or with the three antacids as shown: diazepam 10 mg (X)
with: aluminium hydroxide ; magnesium trisilicate A; sodium citrate D.

Table III summarizes the comparable significance Figure 1 is a comparison of the time-course of the
values when diazepam was given with the various sedative effect (as indicated by the mean efficacy
antacids. This table is based on the incidence of score) of diazepam 10 mg and the mean plasma con-
"good" and "fair" drowsiness and probability values centrations in comparable groups of patients. It can
greater than the accepted 5% are not included. It be seen that these follow a similar pattern for the first
can be seen that sedation was best when aluminium hour, but sedation does not decrease with the decrease
hydroxide was used. in plasma concentrations.
Before operation there were no toxic effects attri-
butable to diazepam or its combination with antacids. DISCUSSION

The four series were comparable as regards the It would have been helpful to attempt to correlate the
average duration of anaesthesia and the incidence of degree of sedation with the plasma concentrations in
excitatory phenomena, and respiratory upset during individual patients. However, this was not possible
induction was similar in each, as was the frequency since blood sampling interferes with the clinical
of emetic sequelae after operation. assessment of sedation. A plot of mean efficacy scores
Table IV shows the average plasma diazepam against mean plasma concentrations in similar groups
concentrations following diazepam 10 mg alone or of patients gives a sigmoid curve, since there is a
with the three antacids. There were no striking minimum plasma diazepam concentration below
differences in the four series, except that the con- which there would be no drug-induced soporific
comitant use of aluminium hydroxide resulted in a effect and once diazepam has induced sleep there is
significantly higher concentration at 30 min (t - no increase in the efficacy score with increasing
2.033; d.f. = 3 5 ; P<0.05), suggesting earlier plasma concentrations. This is overcome in figure 2
absorption. by the use of logarithms. The plasma concentration-

response relationship of all series is parallel except for Northern Ireland Eastern Health and Social Services Board
the 60-min reading with aluminium hydroxide, and and Roche Products Ltd.
this is explained by the earlier onset of action and the
more rapid increase in plasma concentration when REFERENCES
this antacid is used. Armstrong, J., and Martin, M. (1953). An in vitro evalua-
The main site of absorption of most drugs is tion of commonly used antacids with special reference to
thought to be the upper small intestine (Smith and aluminium hydroxide gel and dried aluminium hydroxide
Rawlins, 1973). However, the stomach is a potentially gel. J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 5, 672.
important absorption site when the pH is favourable Crawford, J. S. (1970). The anaesthetist's contribution to
maternal mortality. Br. J. Anaesth., 42, 70.
(Travell, 1940; Hogben et al., 1957). Thus several (1971). Anaesthesia for obstetric emergencies. Br. J.
factors could account for the altered absorption of Anaesth., 43, 864.
diazepam when combined with antacids, including Dundee, J. W., Moore, J., and Nicholl, R. M. (1962a).
changes in the rate of gastric emptying and changes Studies of drugs given before anaesthesia. I: A method
of preoperative assessment. Br. J. Anaesth., 34, 458.
in gastric pH.
Dundee, J. W., Moore, J., and Nicholl, R. M. (1962b).
One would have expected that any antacid which Studies of drugs given before anaesthesia. II: A method
increases the gastric pH to near that of the pKa of for assessing their influence on the course of anaesthesia.

Downloaded from by guest on November 4, 2016

diazepam (3.3) would enhance absorption of the drug Br. J. Anaesth., 34, 523.
from the stomach. It is possible that this was achieved Gamble, J. A. S. (1975). Some factors influencing the
absorption of diazepam. Proc. R. Soc. Med., 68, 22.
to a greater extent by aluminium hydroxide than any
Assaf, R. A. E., Mackay, J. S., Kennedy, M. S., and
of the other antacids used in this study. Howard, P. J. (1975). Estimation of plasma diazepam:
The use of antacids before operation has increased critique of a method using gas-liquid chromatography
greatly in recent years, particularly in obstetrics and benzene extraction. Anaesthesia, 30, 159.
(Crawford, 1971; Peskett, 1973). The sequelae of Dundee, J. W., and Assaf, R. A. E. (1975). Plasma
aspiration of gastric contents are lessened by reducing diazepam levels after single dose oral and intramuscular
administration. Anaesthesia, 30, 164.
gastric acidity. Magnesium trisilicate is probably the Gaston, J. H., Nair, S. G., and Dundee, J. W. (1976).
most popular antacid for this purpose, being recom- Some pharmacological factors influencing the absorption
mended by Taylor and Pryse-Davies (1966) and of diazepam following oral administration. Br.J. Anaesth.,
Crawford (1970). However, apart from being pala- 48, 1181.
table there seems little else to recommend it (Harvey, Harvey, S. C. (1975). Gastric antacids and digestants; in
The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics (eds L. S.
1975). It is not a very effective antacid (Kirsner, Goodman and A. Gilman), 5th edn, Ch. 3, p. 960. New
1941; Armstrong and Martin, 1953; Lahiri, Thomas York: Macmillan.
and Hodgson, 1973; Morrissey and Barreras, 1974) Hogben, A., Schanker, L. S., Tocco, D. J., and Brodie,
and has a potential toxicity (Joekes, Rose and Sutor, B. B. (1957). Absorption of drugs from the stomach.
1973) which appears to have been forgotten. Our II: The human. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 120, 540.
studies would not support its superiority over alu- Joekes, A. M., Rose, G. A., and Sutor, J. (1973). Multiple
renal silica calculi. Br. Med. J., 1, 146.
minium hydroxide or sodium citrate but the present Kirsner, J. B. (1941). A further study of the effect of various
findings apply only to a single dose; the situation may antacids on the hydrogen ion concentration of the gastric
be different with repeated administrations. contents. Am. J. Dig. Dis., 8, 53.
Lahiri, S. K., Thomas, T. A., and Hodgson, R. M. H.
The clinical significance of the findings of this (1973). Single-dose antacid therapy for the prevention of
study may lie as much in increasing the safety of an Mendelson's syndrome. Br. J. Anaesth., 45, 1143.
oral premedicant as in enhancing its action. Irres- Morrissey, J. F., and Barreras, R. F. (1974). Drug therapy:
pective of whether or not an antacid increases the antacid therapy. N. Engl.J. Med., 290, 550.
uptake of an oral premedicant, its use before operation Peskett, W. G. H. (1973). Antacids before obstetric anaes-
can be recommended. If it does both, as in the case of thesia. A clinical evaluation of the effectiveness of mist,
aluminium hydroxide and diazepam, its use should magnesium trisilicate BPC. Anaesthesia, 28, 509.
Smith, S. E., and Rawlins, M. D. (1973). Variability in
be encouraged. Human Drug Response, p. 25. London: Butterworth.
Taylor, G., and Pryse-Davies, J. (1966). The prophylactic
use of antacids in the prevention of the acid-pulmonary
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS aspiration syndrome (Mendelson's syndrome). Lancet, 1,
We thank the gynaecological staff at Musgrave Park and 288.
Belfast City Hospitals for their co-operation and Mrs Travell, J. (1940). The influence of the hydrogen ion
Margaret Kennedy and Dr J. K. Lilburn for assistance. concentration on the absorption of alkaloids from the
Technical help was made available through grants from the stomach. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 69, 21.

INFLUENCE DE TROIS ANTI-ACIDES SUR gleichzeitige Verwendung von Aluminiumhydroxyd oder

L'ABSORPTION ET L'ACTION CLINIQUE DU Natriumzitrat beschleunigte das Eintreten der lindernden
DIAZEPAM ADMINISTRE PAR VOIE ORALE Wirkung von Diazepam ein wenig, wahrend es durch
Magnesiumtrisilikat eher verzogert wurde. Schatzungen
RESUME der Plasma-Diazepamkonzentrationen innerhalb von 90
Dix mg de diazepam administres par voie orale seul ou Minuten bei einer ahnlichen Serie mit 67 Patientinnen
avec l'un des trois anti-acides: hydrate d'aluminium 40 ml, zeigte, dass die Diazepam-Absorption durch die Verwen-
trisilicate de magnesie 30 ml, citrate de soude 30 ml, ont dung von Aluminiumhydroxyd wesentlich erh6ht wurde,
ete donnes au hasard, en une seule dose a 200 femmes doch gab es in den vier Gruppen keine auffallenden
subissant des interventions gynecologiques mineures. Unterschiede. Die klinische Bedeutung dieser Ergebnisse
L'usage concomitant de Phydrate d'aluminium ou du wird diskutiert.
citrate de soude a active marginalement le commencement
de Peffet soporifique du diazepam, alors que le trisilicate de LA INFLUENCIA DE TRES ANTACIDOS SOBRE
magnesie a plutdt eu tendence a le retarder. L'estimation LA ABSORCION Y ACCION CLINICA DE
des concentrations de diazepam dans le plasma sur 90 min DIAZEPAM POR VIA ORAL
dans une serie similaire de 67 patientes montre que Pabsorp-
tion de diazepam a ete augmentee d'une maniere significa- SUMARIO
tive par l'emploi d'hydrate d'aluminium, mais il n'y a eu Diazepam 10 mg en administration oral, solo o con uno
aucune difference frappante dans les quatre groupes. On de los tres antacidos (hidr6xido de aluminio 40 ml,

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expose dans cette communication les implications cliniques trisilicato magnesico 30 ml, citrato sodico 30 ml), fue dado
de ces constatations. en dosis unica aleatoria a 200 mujeres sometidas a inter-
venciones menores ginecoldgicas. El empleo concomitante
DER EINFLUSS VON DREI ANTACIDAE AUF de hidr6xido de aluminio o de citrato sodico acelero
ABSORPTION UND KLINISCHE WIRKUNG VON marginalmente el comienzo del efecto soporifico del
ORAL VERABREICHTEM DIAZEPAM diazepam, mientras que el trisilicato magnesico tendio a
demorarlo. El calculo de concentraciones plasmaticas de
ZUSAMMENFASSUNG diazepam en 90 min durante una serie similar de 67
Oral verabreichtes Diazepam (10 mg)allein oder mit pacientes mostr6 que la absorcion de diazepam fue
einem der drei Antacidae (40 ml Aluminiumhydroxyd, aumentada significativamente por el empleo de hidroxido
30 ml Magnesiumtrisilikat, Natriumzitrat 30 ml)wurde de aluminio, pero no habia diferencias notables en los
als Einzeldosis wahllos an 200 Frauen gegeben, die kleineren cuatro grupos. Se comentan las implicaciones clinicas de
gynakologischen Operationen unterzogen wurden. Die estos hallazgos.

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