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Accept an integer as input and output the corresponding column the number is

represented in in Excel. So, 1 is A, 27 is AA, etc.

How do you understand the object orientation program?
Data structures, OOPS design questions, problem solving, react.js exercises,
vanilla javascript exercises. No behavioral questions asked.
Convert String addition to sum.
Use OOP to implement a deck of cards with methods add and shuffle
String compression and decompression.
"aaabbb222" to "a3b323" (compress), then decompress back to original string.
The trick would be when a character has more than 10 digits, better format your
output compressed string in order to easily decompress it.
How to detect a loop in a linked list?

What does the key word volatile mean in Java?

What do you want to be in the future ?

Difference between class and object. What's the feature of a Set? 3Sum.

OOP questions basically on JAVA and C.

Not too bad. They asked me about Java class, polymorphism, Java interfaces, and
some networking questions. It wasn't too bad but I wasn't able to answer a couple
of the networking questions. The easiest part was the coding question. I had to
find the total sum of the numbers that are divisible by a given input. Simple
little method

The question I was most surprised by was the Java Interfaces. I was not expecting
that at all.

four round on-site, one question is to transfer integer to Roman, one question is
about prefix tree, one question is for cyclic linked list. But interviewers always
expect you to come up with a better solution after you write down the answer

was asked to implement a java program to get the column name in excel given a
column number. (eg 1 -> A, 27 -> AA)... The solution involved recursion

Duplicating a Linked Link where each node had an extra pointer that could point to
itself, to any random node in the Linked List, or be NULL.

Dependency graph

It's an OOP question that asks you to design a fish tank. You are given a bunch of
objects that reside in the fish tank and their properties, including fishes that
eat plankton and live on different layers of water (surface or deep).

Describe how would you design recommendation system for HomeAway

1 Answer
Design a card, a deck of card in OOP and write shuffle method assuming you have a
random function. Write the code

How do you reverse all of the pointers in a singly-linked list?

Design a way to fetch the email address from a person's name given that they have
thoudands of email-name pairs

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