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1.-8. sorularda, verilen tmcede bo braklan yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

1. Benjamin was very _____ for all the support his

friends gave him when he lost his job. 8. Although the weather here isn't ____ to have a
year round tourist season, it has become a favourite
A) surprised summer resort.
B) grateful
C) sorry A) well enough
D) delighted B) as good enough
E) pleased C) good enough
D) as better
2. Pele, who is supposed to be the best football E) more beautiful
player in the world, has been described as a _____
legend. 9.-14. sorularda, verilen tmceyi anlamca uygun
ekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) ageing
B) existing 9. The food we ate yesterday looked perfectly _____
C) rising
D) living A) good and tasted delicious to me.
E) bored B) deliciously and well.
C) and really nicely, didn't it ?
3. Jim told me about his new job last night. It _____ D) finished very quickly.
quite _____, much better than his old job. E) was surely well-prepared.

A) looks / interesting 10. The more students you have in the class, _____.
B) sounds / well
C) felt / awful A) the more likely you enjoyed teaching
D) sounded / good B) they will be the most problematic
E) seems / nice C) you like the school better than the ones youve
worked for before
4. The salary of a bus driver is much higher _____. D) the less effective the teaching will be
E) the better you should understand it
A) of a teacher's salary
B) from a teacher 11. It 's better to have loved and lost _____.
C) to compare as a teacher
D) than a teacher A) to never being loved
E) than that of a teacher B) than never to have loved at all
C) since love is deserved
5. If the earth's surface were entirely land, the D) to never to be loved
temperature would fall quite _____ and night would E) than loving somebody
be _____ than day.
12. No matter how far countries may be
A) too quickly / a lot colder geographically distant from each other, _____.
B) more quickly / the coldest
C) quickly / much colder A) the growth of industrialism in the West is related to
D) quicker /a lot colder the growth of democracy
E) quick / cold B) they are still at a low level in comparison with
common notions as to contemporary living standards
6. I want to buy a pair of shoes _____ the ones I am C) they are obliged to share the political and economic
wearing. fate of the world
D) like every great invention, the automobile has also led
A) the same style like to changes in the society
B) the same style as E) often when the weather is extremely hot, people are
C) as the same colour as very thirsty but are not hungry
D) similar style as
E) the same size of 13. We didn't buy the car _____.

7. Two officers on patrol became _____ of the men in A) and we liked the colour best
the car and decided to approach them. B) and we gladly paid twice as much as the salesman
A) suspicious C) because we agreed on the price he asked
B) guilty D) and when we drove off it wouldn't start
C) terrified E) because they wanted twice as much as it was worth
D) familiar
E) hostile
14. While sitting down in a quiet library reading all E) The more people are brought together, the more they
on my own the other day, _____. understand each other.

A) I found the deep silence really relaxing 18.-20. sorularda, verilen ngilizce tmcenin Trke
B) the sounds of the other readers disturbed me dengini bulunuz.
C) the smell of the old books took me into the world of
dreams 18. Thousands of products that make life easier
D) I have been really impressed by the way they safer and more enjoyable for people were developed
organized the books during the 19th century.
E) I wish I had come here before
A) Binlerce rn 19. yzylda gelitirilmi olup, insan
15.-17. sorularda, verilen Trke tmcenin ngilizce hayatn daha kolay, daha gvenli ve daha elenceli
dengini bulunuz. klmtr.
B) nsanlar hayat daha kolay, daha gvenli daha
15. Gelimekte olan lkelerin, insanlarna yeterli bir elenceli hale getiren binlerce rn 19. yzylda
yaam standard salamas zordur. gelitirmitir.
C) Hayat insanlara daha kolay , daha gvenli ve daha
A) It is difficult for newly emerging countries to provide elenceli hale getiren binlerce rn 19. yzyldan beri
an adequate standard of living for its people. retilmektedir.
B) It is difficult for countries which are growing rapidly to D) Binlerce rn insan hayatn daha kolay, daha gvenli
provide a sufficient standard of living for its people. ve daha elenceli hale getirmi olup, 19. yzylda
C) It is still hard for many countries to provide a sufficient gelitirilmitir.
standard of living for its people. E) Hayat insanlar iin daha kolay, daha gvenli, ve daha
D) It is difficult for the developed countries to supply an elenceli hale
adequate standard of living for its people. getiren binlerce rn 19. yzylda gelitirilmitir.
E) It is difficult for developing countries to provide its
people with an adequate standard of living. 19. It is surprising that we still understand very little
about the cause of ageing.
16. Btn dnyadaki insanlar, modern sosyal
politikalarndan dolay skandinav lkelerine A) Yalanmay hzlandran etkenlerin neler olduunu
hayranlk duyarlar. hala anlayamam olmamz ok artc.
B) artc olan ey, yalanmann nedenlerini hala
A) The Scandinavian countries are famous for their bilmiyor olmamzdr.
modern social policies among all people throughout the C) Neden yalandmz hala anlayamam olduumuz
world. ok artcdr.
B) People throughout the world know that the D) artc olan, neden yalandmz konusunda hala
Scandinavian countries have modern social policies. ok az ey bilinmesidir.
C) The modern social policies of most Scandinavian E) Yalanmann nedenini hala ok az anlayabilmemiz
countries are appreciated by all people in the world. artcdr.
D) People living in the entire world had great admiration
towards the social policies of the Scandinavian 20. No decisions of a government can be more
countries. fateful than the decision to go to war.
E) People all over the world admire the Scandinavian
countries for their modern social policies. A) Bir hkmet savaa girmek gibi bir karar ancak ok
olaanst koullarda verebilir.
17. nsanlar birbirlerine daha ok yaknlatrldka, B) Bir savaa katlmak bir hkmetin verebilecei en
birbirlerine olan anlaylar geliir. ciddi karardr.
C) Bir hkmetin sava karar almasndan daha hayati
A) The closer people come together, the more they bir karar asla olmamaldr.
understand each other. D) Bir hkmetin alaca hi bir karar sava kararndan
B) When people are brought together, they begin to daha ciddi olamaz.
understand each other better. E) Hi bir hkmet bir savaa katlmak gibi hayati bir
C) As people are brought closer together, their karar kolaylkla alamaz.
understanding of each other grows.
D) As their understanding of each other grows, people
no longer come together.
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