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Calories Total Fat (g) Cholesterol (mg) Sodium (mg) Total Carbs(g)

Mcdonalds 280 10 30 560 35
Wendy's 270 9 30 600 34
Burger King 290 12 35 560 30
Back Yard Burger 280 15 0 0 38
Small French Fries
Mcdonalds 230 11 0 160 29
Wendy's 280 14 0 270 37
Burger King 230 13 0 380 26
Back Yard Burger 568 36.7 0 743 51.8
Small Coke
Mcdonalds 150 0 0 15 40
Wendy's 112 0 0 8 29.6
Burger King 140 0 0 0 39
Back Yard Burger 200 0 0 50 54

Total Meal Values

Mcdonalds 660
Wendy's 662
Burger King 660
Back Yard Burger 1048

Calories/ DVR's Rec 2100 65 300 2400 300

A Healthier Meal: All of these meals fit into my daily reccommended calorie intake, however they take up about half o
intake so I would not be able to eat three meals a day probably. The Back Yard Burger fries are also o
my recommended total fat for the day. Although these meals number wise seem to fit into the reco
values, they still are not healthy based off of the fact everyone is supposed to have a breakfast, lunc
dinner. I would say the healthiest meal for me would be Wendy's because it has an okay amount of
carbs, fats, and sodium for me to intake. It is also less than half of my recommended calorie intake.
nutritous for me would be the BackYard Burger meal based off of the fact that it has the highest num
most categories and has so many calories.
Dietary Fiber (g) Protein (g)

2 12
2 14
1 15
2 0

3 3
3 3
2 2
6.8 4.5

0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0

25 50

wever they take up about half of that

Back Yard Burger fries are also over half of
r wise seem to fit into the recommended
posed to have a breakfast, lunch, and
cause it has an okay amount of protein,
recommended calorie intake. The least
fact that it has the highest number in

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