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Im p ro v e y o u r c o n flic t
m a n a g e m e n t skills
Test yourself with real-life workplace scenarios and
learn best practices in this quiz.
By Sabine Vollmer

orkplace conflicts are rarely black and To explain how it works best, Pastor likes to use

W white, and managing them usually requires

more than filing a complaint or firing
somebody. To Joan Pastor, a licensed industrial-
examples. The classic conflict scenarios in this quiz
are based on examples that CPAs experienced on
the job and agreed to share with the JofA.
organizational psychologist, author, and executive Test your conflict management skills by selecting
coach who is a frequent speaker at AICPA confer all the steps you think should be taken to handle
ences, conflict management is mostly a multistep each conflict. Then find out in the answer section
process that includes assessment, analysis, monitor the process Pastor considers best practice.
ing, and negotiation.

42 I Journal of Accountancy April 2016

1. Mary is a manager, and Joe is a staff member, a. Shrug off Marys behavior and continue to
from different teams in the corporate finance be a valuable member in the department.
department. Joe works with Mary on a number b. Tell Bill whats going on and ask for
of projects but reports to Bill, another manager his advice.
and a peer of Marys. Mary, who has about five c. Work out a strategy with Bill to handle
years of experience in the industry, tends to be work assignments with Mary.
curt and sometimes demeaning to Joe, who d. File a complaint against Mary with HR.
has been with the company for nearly 20 years
and is very knowledgeable of the industry. To
m a n a g e t h e c o n flic t b e tw e e n h im a n d M a r y ,
J o e s h o u ld :

2 . As manager of the corporate accounting a. Say nothing and trust that the executive
department, Anne reports to Jim, who is the team gets it right.
CFO and part of the executive team. Anne is b. Talk to Jim to find out why the executive
concerned the executive team is adding, cutting, team issued directives without consult
and shifting staff in the accounting department ing her.
without strategic thinking and planning. c. Develop a staffing strategy for her team and
Executive management directed her to eliminate present it to Jim.
a staff position and shuffle priorities after one d. Look for a job at a company whose execu
of three entry-level hires didnt work out. Then, tive management appreciates strategic ideas
the executive team changed its mind, and, from middle management.
without asking for her input, reinstated the third
entry-level position by shifting a position from
elsewhere in the company to the accounting
department. To m a n a g e t h e c o n flic t b e tw e e n
h e r a n d t h e e x e c u tiv e t e a m , A n n e s h o u ld :

3 . Somebody in internal audit tells Susan, chief a. Put Ray on a performance improvement
of the internal audit department, that Ray, one plan and monitor the results.
of her most technically competent managers, is b. Schedule the whole department for
displaying some very poor personal skills with personal skills training.
those who report to him. In the presence of c. Intervene and give Ray a warning.
peers and superiors, Ray is very quiet and turns d. Let Ray go.
down offers of help, but he tells his staff that his
superiors arent supportive enough. I ts them,
not me, Ray tells staff. I try.The tension Ray
creates in the department eventually leads staff
members to quit. To m a n a g e t h e c o n flic t w ith
R ay, S u s a n s h o u ld :

4 . Bob and Jerry are full-time, salaried accountants a. Establish a company policy that sets tiered
who report to Harry. Bob shows up at 8 a.m. on work hours, so employees can work, for
the dot and leaves right at 5 p.m. Jerry comes in example, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or from 9:30
between 9 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. and leaves when a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
the work is done. Their different work styles are b. Offer each the option to work remotely a
creating a morale problem. Harry learns that couple of days per week.
Bob feels hes doing all the work because Jerry c. Track the professional development of
is not working enough and that Jerry feels the Jerry and Bob and assess their strengths
same way about Bob. To m a n a g e t h e c o n flic t and weaknesses.
b e tw e e n B o b a n d J e rry , H a r r y s h o u ld : d. Ignore the squabbling as long as the work
gets done.
April 2016 i 43

5. Sally, a manager in the finance department of a. Do nothing and hope the gossip will die
a not-for-profit with about 400 employees, down or the accused and the accuser will
receives a complaint from Rick, a staff leave the organization voluntarily.
accountant reporting to her, that he is being b. Ask H R to come up with a training
sexually harassed by Rose, who works for a program that addresses sexual harassment
team outside of finance. Sally gets H R involved, and make it mandatory for each employee
but no emails, surveillance tape footage, or to attend.
other communication can be found on either c. Tell Rick she is going to ask executive
employees computer or company cellphone management to not tolerate the gossip and
to corroborate Ricks complaint. Rose denies clamp down on it in the finance function
she harassed Rick. The organization closes its and elsewhere in the organization.
investigation into the complaint without taking d. Suggest Rick and Rose receive counseling.
action, but word gets out and employees across
the organization start to gossip and take sides.
To m a n a g e th e co nflict in v o lv in g o n e o f h er
te a m m e m b e rs, Sally should:

6 . John is not an accountant but has performed a. Tell Samantha to get control of her at
several accounting duties in his 30 years in tendance issues, then thank John for doing
the finance department. Samantha, a young a great job and wait for him to retire.
accountant who just joined the finance b. Make it clear to John and Samantha that
department, is taking over Johns cost accounting processes must be automated and new
responsibilities. Samantha has some attendance systems will be installed, and let them talk
issues but is very good with technology. W hen to each other about what each needs from
she tries to automate processes and proposes a the other to make the changes happen.
move to newer systems, John frequently stops Deal with Samanthas attendance is
her in her tracks and tells her, Thats not the sues separately.
way we do things. Both report to Amanda, the c. Suggest to her peers in executive manage
companys vice president of finance. To m a n a g e ment that the entire company undergo
th e co n flic t b e tw e e n John an d S a m a n th a , training that addresses generational issues.
A m a n d a should: d. Partner Samantha with a mentor.

These answers are directional suggestions. To man a journal about the conflict to prepare herself, but
age conflict in your workplace, you need to consider sooner rather than later, she has to begin managing
the situations unique circumstances as well as your the conflict by talking to Jim and asking him why
companys hierarchies, policies, and culture. the executive team did not consult her in her teams
staffing decisions. There might be a good reason,
1. (b) and (c) The first step Joe should take is talk Pastor said. Maybe the executive team is working
to Bill, his manager, tell him as factually as possible on a project they are not telling anybody about yet.
About the what is going on, and ask for his advice. Joes second Depending on the conversation with Jim, Annes
author step should be to work out a strategy with Bill on next step could be to develop a staffing strategy for
S abine V o llm e r is a how to handle work assignments with Mary. As her team or to look for another job.
JofA se n io r e d ito r. part of the strategy, Bill may talk to Mary, he may
To c o m m e n t on tell Joe to talk to Mary, or he may tell Joe to ignore 3. (a), (b), and (c) There are a lot of problems
th is a rtic le o r to Marys behavior, Pastor said, but that is not for here, Pastor said about the scenario. Susan may
s u g g e s t an idea Joe to decide. W hen the conflict is with somebody have to consult with H R or the legal department
fo r a n o th e r a rticle , outside the department or one or more rungs up in before she does anything. Provided Susan has done
c o n ta c t h e r at the company hierarchy, a rule of thumb is to first go so and is free to manage the conflict, Pastor recom
svollm er@ aicpa. to the person you report to, she said. mended a three-step process.
o rg o r 919-402- First, Susan should call Ray into her office, listen
2304. 2. (b),(c), or (d) Anne may talk to a friend or keep to his side of the story, tell him to stop his behavior,

44 I Journal o f Accountancy April 2016

and give him a warning. She may also want to the CFO to get the executive management team
document the conflict and her actions, Pastor said. involved in getting the word out to all parts of the
If Ray doesnt change his behavior, Susan should organization that the gossip must stop.
put him on a performance improvement plan and
monitor the results closely. If Ray improves, Susan 6 . (b) and (d) There are many employees out there
may want to assign him a mentor. If the conflict who have been 30 to 40 years with a company and
persists, Susan should let Ray go based on poor love when new technology comes on board or are
performance improvement plan results. In addition, very open to learning more, Pastor said. This is
scheduling the whole department for personal skills not a generational issue. This is a personality issue.
training as part of the conflict management process The employee who has been with the company for
is not a bad idea, Pastor said. 30 years either has always been inflexible or has
become inflexible. Amanda should talk to John
4 . (a) and (c) A policy on tiered working hours and Samantha separately, confirm the changes in
should be implemented to clarify expectations and the department are necessary, and ask each what
prevent misunderstandings. Next, Harry should he or she needs to make them happen. Then, she
track what Bob and Jerry are doing while they are should bring John and Samantha together and have
workinghow long it is taking them to complete them talk to each other. Waiting for John to retire
tasks and how well the tasks are doneto deter is not an option. That could be another 10 years,
mine whether Bob or Jerry needs skills develop Pastor said.
ment training. This training would be part of Bobs
or Jerrys professional development, Pastor said. S C O R IN G
If you answered all six questions correctly, congratu
5 . (b) and (c) The size of an organization makes lations. You have excellent conflict management
a big difference in how this conflict is managed, skills.
Pastor said. A t a large company with thousands of If you answered three, four, or five questions
employees, the CFO can tell attendees at the next correctly, youre on the right track. Continue to
division or corporate finance department meeting build your knowledge about managing conflicts.
to just cut it out, she said, because the gossip If you answered fewer than three questions
will eventually die out. But at a small company correctly, consider working with a coach to brush
or not-for-profit with a few hundred employees, up on the processes with which to manage com
you want to nip this in the bud, Pastor said. mon conflicts between peers or within reporting
The CFO needs to kick it up to executive hierarchies. Conflict management skills are a core
management. competency in auditing, risk management, and
In a not-for-profit with 400 employees, Sally compliance-type work.
should check with H R whether sexual harassment
training can be made mandatory and, if it can, -Joan Pastor is CEO
suggest this step to the CFO. Next, Sally should ask andfounding partner at JPA International.

JofA a rtic le s CGMA Magazine a rtic le E m p lo y e e ," CPA Insider, D e c . 7, Managers (#PCG 1301P, p a p e r b a c k ;
2 0 1 5 , t in y u r l.c o m /jf 5 g w m 8 #P C G 13 0 1 E, e b o o k )
" H o w t o S ta r t a n d R u n a "Still L e a rn in g : C E O s W a n t
M e n t o r in g P ro g ra m ," M a rc h 2 0 14, C o a c h in g o n L e a d e rs h ip ," A u g . 7, G o to jo u r n a lo fa c c o u n ta n c y . CPE s e lf-s tu d y
page 34 2 0 1 3 , tin y u r l.c o m /q d 7 y o c m c o m /n e w s le t t e r s t o fin d p a s t
T r a n s fo rm in g Y o u r R o le as
a rtic le s .
" E ig h t H a b its o f H ig h ly E ffe c tiv e G o to c g m a m a g a z in e .o r g to fin d C o n tr o lle r t o B usiness P a r tn e r
A u d it C o m m itte e s ," S e p t. 2 0 07, p a s t artic le s . P u b lic a tio n (# 1 6 4 2 0 0 , o n e - y e a r o n lin e access)
page 46
N e w s le tte r a rtic le Communications: Methods F o r m o r e in fo r m a tio n o r t o m a k e
G o t o jo u r n a lo f a c c o u n t a n c y .c o m and Applications for Financial a p u rc h a s e , g o to c p a 2 b iz .c o m o r
" M a n a g e r S u rv iv a l Series: T h e
t o fin d p a s t a rtic le s . call t h e In s titu te a t 8 8 8 -7 7 7 -7 0 7 7 .
C h r o n ic a lly L a te o r A b s e n t

jo urnalo fac co u n ta n cy .co m

April 2 0 1 6 I 45
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