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Tom 1 Tom 2 Tom 3 T1.1 T1.2 T1.3 T2.4 T2.5 T2.6

6-Jan 19.23 15.38 64.10 26.92 15.38
7-Jan 79.49 25.64 49.04 24.62 67.69 17.95
8-Jan 7.69 34.62 61.54 17.95 7.69
9-Jan 62.24 56.04 60.00 71.79 50.77 60.26 58.33 56.04 28.21
10-Jan 66.67 59.62 57.58 69.23 53.85 50.55 44.44 61.54 92.31
11-Jan 86.90 98.46 67.09 24.36 50.00 84.62 32.31 64.62 34.62
12-Jan 50.00 84.79 36.67 53.85 48.72 75.64 12.50 48.08 11.54
13-Jan 78.57 50.00 25.00 41.03 82.05 76.92 55.56 94.51 28.21
16-Jan 67.86 42.31 20.00 29.23 41.03 60.00 22.22 61.54 15.38
17-Jan 83.33 46.15 77.14 33.85 64.84 46.15 51.67 80.77 38.46
18-Jan 58.93 79.49 70.00 58.97 38.46 36.92 19.44 61.54 7.69
19-Jan 100.00 65.93 65.00 54.95 47.44 37.18 33.33 57.14 8.33
21-Jan 50.00 48.08 60.00 7.69 30.77 50.77 28.57 46.15

70.45 63.09 53.85 42.41 44.89 57.98 32.91 63.60 25.48
T3.7 T3.8 T3.9 T4.10 T4.11 T4.12 T5.13 T5.14 T5.15 T6.16
23.08 20.83 30.77 41.67 61.54 30.77 41.03 46.15
27.88 50.00 15.38 32.69 20.83 50.00 46.15 57.69 40.63 50.77
38.46 25.00 20.51 23.08 26.92
52.31 48.61 27.69 41.03 26.67 45.83 56.92 38.46 33.33 67.03
29.23 43.33 28.85 53.85 54.17 29.17 34.62 16.67 40.00 50.55
26.92 43.33 35.90 13.85 43.75 35.42 42.31 19.23 39.58 52.56
65.38 58.33 35.90 30.77 36.36 43.75 27.78 17.95 20.83 38.46
42.31 38.33 15.38 23.08 29.17 25.00 35.42 30.77 59.72 32.69

41.67 33.33 30.77 7.69 68.18 30.56 36.54 38.46 20.83 53.85
70.24 64.58 43.27 36.92 66.23 60.71 30.77 40.66 48.61
66.67 62.50 35.38 7.69 63.64 50.00 43.59 36.92 69.44
36.67 62.50 57.69 19.23 80.52 43.33 39.74 43.96 36.11 61.54

50.00 40.48 44.87 28.21 63.64 43.75

43.91 45.47 33.74 27.15 50.29 41.60 39.66 32.88 40.92 48.05
T6.17 T6.18
41.67 38.46
48.81 48.08
72.92 44.62
58.33 53.85
16.67 40.00
18.75 44.23
33.33 35.38

27.08 37.50
43.06 41.67
44.44 37.50
38.10 63.64

40.29 42.97
Tom T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
1 70.45 42.41 32.91 43.91 27.15 39.66 48.05
2 63.09 44.89 63.60 45.47 50.29 32.88 40.29
3 53.85 57.98 25.48 33.74 41.60 40.92 42.97

Summary Statistics
Count Average Standard dCoeff. of v Minimum Maximum Range Stnd. skewStnd. kurtosis
T1 3 48.4267 8.36584 17.28% 42.41 57.98 15.57 1.10478
T2 3 40.6633 20.2081 49.70% 25.48 63.6 38.12 1.04113
T3 3 41.04 6.36992 15.52% 33.74 45.47 11.73 -1.14263
T4 3 39.68 11.6889 29.46% 27.15 50.29 23.14 -0.50857
T5 3 37.82 4.3243 11.43% 32.88 40.92 8.04 -1.10881
T6 3 43.77 3.94137 9.00% 40.29 48.05 7.76 0.619254
Tom 3 62.4633 8.31772 13.32% 53.85 70.45 16.6 -0.23837
Total 21 44.8376 11.864 26.46% 25.48 70.45 44.97 0.914776 -0.0984

The StatAdvisor
This table shows various statistics for each of the 7 columns of data. To test for significant differences amongst the column means

WARNING: There is more than a 3 to 1 difference between the smallest standard deviation and the largest. This may cause proble

Source Sum of SquDf Mean SquaF-Ratio P-Value
Between g 1297.14 6 216.191 1.99 0.1348
Within gro 1517.96 14 108.426
Total (Corr. 2815.11 20

The StatAdvisor
The ANOVA table decomposes the variance of the data into two components: a between-group component and a within-group co

Multiple Range Tests

Method: 95,0 percent Tukey HSD

Count Mean Homogeneous Groups
T5 3 37.82 X
T4 3 39.68 X
T2 3 40.6633 X
T3 3 41.04 X
T6 3 43.77 X
T1 3 48.4267 X
Tom 3 62.4633 X

Contrast Sig. Difference +/- Limits

T1 - T2 7.76333 29.0471
T1 - T3 7.38667 29.0471
T1 - T4 8.74667 29.0471
T1 - T5 10.6067 29.0471
T1 - T6 4.65667 29.0471
T1 - Tom -14.0367 29.0471
T2 - T3 -0.37667 29.0471
T2 - T4 0.983333 29.0471
T2 - T5 2.84333 29.0471
T2 - T6 -3.10667 29.0471
T2 - Tom -21.8 29.0471
T3 - T4 1.36 29.0471
T3 - T5 3.22 29.0471
T3 - T6 -2.73 29.0471
T3 - Tom -21.4233 29.0471
T4 - T5 1.86 29.0471
T4 - T6 -4.09 29.0471
T4 - Tom -22.7833 29.0471
T5 - T6 -5.95 29.0471
T5 - Tom -24.6433 29.0471
T6 - Tom -18.6933 29.0471
* denotes a statistically significant difference.

The StatAdvisor
This table applies a multiple comparison procedure to determine which means are significantly different from which others. The b

Kruskal-Wallis Test
Sample SizAverage Rank
T1 3 13.6667
T2 3 8.33333
T3 3 10.3333
T4 3 9
T5 3 5.66667
T6 3 11
Tom 3 19
Test statistic = 8,65801 P-Value = 0,193745

The StatAdvisor
The Kruskal-Wallis test tests the null hypothesis that the medians within each of the 7 columns is the same. The data from all the
gst the column means, select Analysis of Variance from the list of Tabular Options. Select Means Plot from the list of Graphical Options to d

This may cause problems since the analysis of variance assumes that the standard deviations at all levels are equal. Select Variance Check

and a within-group component. The F-ratio, which in this case equals 1,9939, is a ratio of the between-group estimate to the within-group
m which others. The bottom half of the output shows the estimated difference between each pair of means. There are no statistically sign

The data from all the columns is first combined and ranked from smallest to largest. The average rank is then computed for the data in ea
Graphical Options to display the means graphically.

elect Variance Check from the list of Tabular Options to run a formal statistical test for differences among the sigmas. You may want to con

te to the within-group estimate. Since the P-value of the F-test is greater than or equal to 0,05, there is not a statistically significant differen
are no statistically significant differences between any pair of means at the 95,0% confidence level. At the top of the page, one homogenou

ted for the data in each column. Since the P-value is greater than or equal to 0,05, there is not a statistically significant difference amongst
You may want to consider transforming the data to remove any dependence of the standard deviation on the mean.

ally significant difference between the means of the 7 variables at the 95,0% confidence level.
page, one homogenous group is identified by a column of X's. Within each column, the levels containing X's form a group of means within

nt difference amongst the medians at the 95,0% confidence level.

oup of means within which there are no statistically significant differences. The method currently being used to discriminate among the m
riminate among the means is Tukey's honestly significant difference (HSD) procedure. With this method, there is a 5,0% risk of calling one o
0% risk of calling one or more pairs significantly different when their actual difference equals 0.
Summary Statistics
Count Average Standard dCoeff. of v Minimum Maximum Range Stnd. skewStnd. kurtosis
T1 182 50.38 28.49 56.55% 7.69 100 92.31 0.931629 -3.08071
T2 139 45.99 32.79 71.30% 7.69 100 92.31 1.70257 -3.33646
T3 172 43.13 25.57 59.29% 7.69 100 92.31 0.968422 -3.09742
T4 146 41.53 27.50 66.22% 7.69 100 92.31 2.27697 -2.20771
T5 160 38.90 26.56 68.27% 0 100 100 3.74252 -1.0575
T6 138 45.12 28.88 64.00% 7.69 100 92.31 2.22871 -2.33277
Tom 151 63.10 30.82 48.85% 7.14 100 92.86 -1.52434 -2.95165
Total 1088 46.90 29.48 62.87% 0 100 100 4.29784 -7.50839

The StatAdvisor
This table shows various statistics for each of the 7 columns of data. To test for significant differences amongst the column means

WARNING: The standardized skewness and/or kurtosis is outside the range of -2 to +2 for 7 columns. This indicates some significa

Source Sum of SquDf Mean SquaF-Ratio P-Value
Between g 59264.4 6 9877.41 12.06 0
Within gro 885700 1081 819.334
Total (Corr. 944965 1087

The StatAdvisor
The ANOVA table decomposes the variance of the data into two components: a between-group component and a within-group co

Multiple Range Tests

Method: 95,0 percent Tukey HSD

Count Mean Homogeneous Groups
T5 160 38.9018 X
T4 146 41.5277 XX
T3 172 43.1269 XX
T6 138 45.1247 XX
T2 139 45.9919 XX
T1 182 50.3802 X
Tom 151 63.0968 X

Contrast Sig. Difference +/- Limits

T1 - T2 4.38822 9.52326
T1 - T3 7.2533 8.99038
T1 - T4 8.85249 9.39293
T1 - T5 * 11.4784 9.16207
T1 - T6 5.25545 9.5428
T1 - Tom * -12.7166 9.30624
T2 - T3 2.86508 9.64239
T2 - T4 4.46427 10.0188
T2 - T5 7.09019 9.80267
T2 - T6 0.867232 10.1594
T2 - Tom * -17.1048 9.93755
T3 - T4 1.59919 9.51369
T3 - T5 4.22511 9.28584
T3 - T6 -1.99785 9.66169
T3 - Tom * -19.9699 9.42811
T4 - T5 2.62592 9.6761
T4 - T6 -3.59704 10.0374
T4 - Tom * -21.5691 9.81272
T5 - T6 -6.22296 9.82166
T5 - Tom * -24.195 9.59197
T6 - Tom * -17.972 9.95628
* denotes a statistically significant difference.

The StatAdvisor
This table applies a multiple comparison procedure to determine which means are significantly different from which others. The b

Kruskal-Wallis Test
Sample SizAverage Rank
T1 182 580.486
T2 139 524.482
T3 172 510.48
T4 146 492.041
T5 160 463.191
T6 138 528.855
Tom 151 709.48
Test statistic = 61,8732 P-Value = 1,87234E-11

The StatAdvisor
The Kruskal-Wallis test tests the null hypothesis that the medians within each of the 7 columns is the same. The data from all the
gst the column means, select Analysis of Variance from the list of Tabular Options. Select Means Plot from the list of Graphical Options to d

dicates some significant nonnormality in the data, which violates the assumption that the data come from normal distributions. You may w

and a within-group component. The F-ratio, which in this case equals 12,0554, is a ratio of the between-group estimate to the within-grou
m which others. The bottom half of the output shows the estimated difference between each pair of means. An asterisk has been placed n

The data from all the columns is first combined and ranked from smallest to largest. The average rank is then computed for the data in ea
Graphical Options to display the means graphically.

tributions. You may wish to transform the data or use the Kruskal-Wallis test to compare the medians instead of the means.

ate to the within-group estimate. Since the P-value of the F-test is less than 0,05, there is a statistically significant difference between the m
risk has been placed next to 7 pairs, indicating that these pairs show statistically significant differences at the 95,0% confidence level. At th

ted for the data in each column. Since the P-value is less than 0,05, there is a statistically significant difference amongst the medians at the

erence between the means of the 7 variables at the 95,0% confidence level. To determine which means are significantly different from wh
onfidence level. At the top of the page, 3 homogenous groups are identified using columns of X's. Within each column, the levels contain

gst the medians at the 95,0% confidence level. To determine which medians are significantly different from which others, select Box-and-W
ntly different from which others, select Multiple Range Tests from the list of Tabular Options.
mn, the levels containing X's form a group of means within which there are no statistically significant differences. The method currently be

hers, select Box-and-Whisker Plot from the list of Graphical Options and select the median notch option.
method currently being used to discriminate among the means is Tukey's honestly significant difference (HSD) procedure. With this meth
dure. With this method, there is a 5,0% risk of calling one or more pairs significantly different when their actual difference equals 0.
rence equals 0.

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