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Writing Objectives

ABCD method - #1
Excellent resource for writing objectives. Describes a prescriptive technique for writing
objectives called the A,B,C,D (Audience, Behavior, Condition, Degree) method. Lots of
examples from many fields of study. Site also contains a wide variety of links both to
other sites on objective writing and other educational sites in general.

ABCD method #2
Promotes the use of an A,B,C,D method for putting together objectives. A,B,C,D is
Audience, Behavior, Condition, Degree. Follows a series of tutorial pages for putting
together an objective which includes guided practice for putting together objectives.

ABCD Method #3
A slideshow that gives a slightly different perspective on the ABCD method. Gives some
concrete examples of objectives written in different disciplines by the ABCD method.

Writing Objectives - verbs to use

Describes learning objectives in terms of Stems and Samples. Describes creating learning
objectives in terms of putting together a stem, a verb, and an outcome. Lots of examples
of outcomes written using this method for a variety of disciplines. Also includes an
excellent list of verbs to use in objective writing.

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