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An agreement was issue for the two concern sides: (side A _________________) and (side B _________________) dated

__________________. This Legal form of document set all the terms and condition which establish and approve by The two
concern sides.

Now, therefore, in contemplation of the abovementioned and the communal benefits contained herein, the concern sides hereto
agree as follows:


In writing shall be interpreted to include whichever document which is recorded in manuscript, typescript, whichever electronic
communication as defined in Section ____ of the Electronic Communications Act ____ but excluding mobile telephone text

The (side A) must have in place contingency plans and arrangements which are approved by the (side B).

The (side A) shall assist the (side B) or whichever side authorized by the (side B) as the case may be in the conduct of the audit.


Invoices must show the period to which they relate and the aspects of the Services for which payment is claimed together with the
agreed charging rates and whichever other details the (side B) or the Beneficiary may require. Failure to provide such information
will entitle the (side B) or the Beneficiary to setback payment of the Contract Price until such information is provided.

If whichever of the partners or employees referred to in the Specification cease, in the reasonable opinion of the (side B), to provide
and be responsible for the provision of the Services and the quality of those Services then the (side B) may terminate the Contract in
harmony with Clause ____ paying only for the Services provided up to the date of such termination.


The (side A) shall at whichever time guarantee that the equipment used and procedures operated conform to the (side B)s or
whichever Beneficiarys Fire Policy as detailed in the Specification.

Subject to satisfactory agreement Involves the concern sides on price, the (side B) reserves the right to increase or reduce the
number of Locations under the Contract at whichever time during the Contract Period.

The Concern Parties agree to the abovementioned listed legal conditions. In witness whereof, the concern sides hereto set their
hands as of the date first written above.

(side A), signature & date (side B), signature & date
Date Date

City, state, ZIP City, state, ZIP

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