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To be successful at koi fish breeding there are several aspects about these fish

that you need to understand. To be successful at koi fish breeding there are se
veral aspects about these fish that you need to understand. Aquatic animals have
a specific breeding cycle that depends on a variety of factors including temper
ature, habitat, and the availability of food. Koi fish breeding is a task that n
eeds to be properly planned. To begin with, you need to determine the breeding s
eason, which is usually late spring or early summer when breeding and spawning c
ommences. The temperatures are conducive to breeding during these seasons when t
here is plenty of food around. The water temperature and length of the day also
play an important role in koi fish breeding. Temperatures of around 20° C induce th
e releasing of eggs. Eggs mature in females better when the days are longer.
You need to determine mature koi males during the koi fish breeding season. Matu
re males tend to appear slimmer with large, thick pectoral fins and rougher gill
plates. Mature females have pointed pectoral fins and appear plum due to the pr
esence of eggs. Age also plays an important role in successful koi fish breeding
. Male breeders ought to be around 3-5 year while females should be between 4 â 6 ye
ars old. Older females produce eggs with harder shells, which makes it difficult
for the sperm to penetrate and fertilize the eggs. Identify the breeding pair a
s early as possible is advisable, who must be separated from the rest for at lea
st a month. Most professional breeders keep a ratio of two males for every femal
e in a breeding tank.
It is essential to prepare the koi breeding tank in order for successful breedin
g. Providing as natural an environment as possible is advisable. Water hyacinths
will do well in the pond. However, you may opt for synthetic material which is
available in pet stores. Make sure the water contains a neutral pH level and use
a water pump to maintain the correct oxygen level in the water. No chlorine and
other harmful chemicals must remain in the water.
It is advisable to keep spawning ropes in the pond and secure the ends for easy
retrieval. Spawning ropes encourage the koi to lay eggs along the ropes, which p
rotects them from any potential damage. Avoid feeding the koi breeding pair for
a few days before they spawn. Females usually spawn within three days when the m
ale is introduced in the koi fish breeding tank. You can keep a close watch duri
ng the early hours of the morning when spawning usually occurs. This important p
eriod needs to be monitored very closely. The behavior of the koi changes, where
the males push the females against the walls of the pond in order to induce the
m into releasing the eggs. Thousands are released in a single spawning. The male
s then release the sperm to fertilize the eggs. Froth is normally noticeable on
the pondâ s surface, which is an indication of spawning.
With the help of spawning ropes, collecting the eggs and transferring them to a
separate pond dedicated for koi fry is easily achieved.
During the koi fish breeding process the koi tend to eat their own eggs, therefo
re, it is essential to remove them as quickly as possible. The next step is to k
eep the koi fry pond well protected from insects as well. Koi fry usually begin
to swim around after a week. However, make sure the pond is well aerated and a w
ater temperature of 20° C is maintained. Small pellets can be given to the fry afte
r a week. The important thing is to remember to feed them at specific intervals.

Nelson writes more about koi fish here:

koi-fish-breeding. He has raised, studied, bred and cared for hundreds of variet
ies of Koi. His twenty plus years of practical experience and research are avail
able in his latest book,<a href=""> Insid
er's Secrets To Raising Healthy Koi</a>.

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