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2, FEBRUARY 2009

A Low-Profile Third-Order Bandpass

Frequency Selective Surface
Nader Behdad, Member, IEEE, Mudar Al-Joumayly, Student Member, IEEE, and
Mohsen Salehi, Student Member, IEEE

AbstractWe demonstrate a new class of low-profile frequency important step in the design process of a desired FSS is the
selective surfaces (FSS) with an overall thickness of 24 and a proper choice of constituting elements for the array and appro-
third-order bandpass frequency response. The proposed FSS is a priate determination of the structures periodicity. The element
three layer structure composed of three metal layers, separated by
two electrically thin dielectric substrates. Each layer is a two-di- type and geometry, the substrate parameters, the presence or ab-
mensional periodic structure with sub-wavelength unit cell dimen- sence of superstrates, and inter-element spacing are the most im-
sions and periodicity. The unit cell of the proposed FSS is com- portant parameters that will determine the overall frequency re-
posed of a combination of resonant and non-resonant elements. sponse of the structure, such as its bandwidth, transfer function,
It is shown that this arrangement acts as a spatial bandpass filter and the dependence of its frequency response on the incidence
with a third-order bandpass response. However, unlike traditional
third-order bandpass FSSs, which are usually obtained by cas-
angle and polarization of the incident EM wave. One common
cading three identical first-order bandpass FSSs a quarter wave- feature of the traditional FSS design techniques, widely used
length apart from one another and have thicknesses in the order of nowadays, is that they use resonant type constituting unit cells
2, the proposed structure has an extremely low profile and an such as a resonant dipole, slot, circular or rectangular rings, etc.
overall thickness of about 24, making it an attractive choice for [5]. For example, unit cells composed of resonant loops [7], res-
conformal FSS applications. As a result of the miniaturized unit
onant dipoles of different shapes or fractals [8], and Jerusalem
cells and the extremely small overall thickness of the structure, the
proposed FSS has a reduced sensitivity to the angle of incidence of cross [9] are among the most widely used resonant type building
the EM wave compared to traditional third-order frequency selec- blocks of FSSs designed using traditional techniques. In such
tive surfaces. The principles of operation along with guidelines for structures, the size of the resonant elements and the inter-ele-
the design of the proposed FSS are presented in this paper. A pro- ment spacing are generally comparable to one-third to half a
totype of the proposed third-order bandpass FSS is also fabricated wavelength at the desired frequency of operation. However, in
and tested using a free space measurement system at C band.
practical applications, FSSs are not infinite in extent and have
Index TermsFrequency selective surfaces (FSSs), radomes, finite dimensions. Therefore, to observe the desired frequency
spatial filters.
response, the finite surface must include a large number of the
constituting elements and be illuminated by a planar phase front.
I. INTRODUCTION For some applications, such as low-frequency antenna radomes
or frequency selective EMI shielding, FSSs of relatively small
REQUENCY selective surfaces (FSSs) have been the sub-
F ject of intensive investigation for their widespread appli-
cations as spatial microwave and optical filters for more than
electrical dimensions that are less sensitive to incidence angle
and can operate for non-planar phase fronts are highly desirable.
Recently, a new type of frequency selective surface with
four decades [1][4]. Several excellent books have also been de- miniaturized elements was presented by the author in [10],
voted to the theoretical analysis and design of these structures [11]. This type of FSS is composed of a periodic array of
[5], [6]. Traditional FSSs are usually constructed from periodi- sub-wavelength patches printed on one side of a dielectric
cally arranged metallic patches of arbitrary geometries or their substrate and an inductive grid printed on the other side of the
complimentary geometries having aperture elements similar to same substrate. The combination of the capacitance of the patch
patches within a metallic screen [5]. These surfaces exhibit total array and inductance of the wire mesh results in a parallel LC
reflection or transmission in the neighborhood of the element combination, which acts as a first-order bandpass filter at the
resonances for the patches and apertures respectively. The most resonant frequency of the structure. In [11], it was shown that
the sensitivity of the response of this FSS to the angle of inci-
dence can be reduced without using any dielectric superstrate
Manuscript received January 09, 2008; revised August 07, 2008. Current ver- stabilizer. Moreover, it was demonstrated that a relatively small
sion published March 20, 2009.
N. Behdad was with the Antennas, RF, and Microwave Integrated Systems
finite panel of this structure, with panel sizes of about
(ARMI) Laboratory, Department of EECS, University of Central Florida, Or- demonstrates essentially the same frequency behavior as the
lando, FL 32816-2362 USA. He is now with the ECE Department, University full-scale panel. One significant problem of this approach,
of Wisconsin, Madison, WI USA 53706 (e-mail:
M. Al-Joumayly and M. Salehi are with the Antennas, RF, and Microwave
however, is that a double-layer structure is used to achieve a
Integrated Systems (ARMI) Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering first-order bandpass response [11]. This adds to the fabrication
and Computer Science, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816-2362 complexity of the FSS panel. More importantly however,
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
the presence of a separating dielectric substrate between the
at inductive and capacitive arrays increases the insertion loss of
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2008.2011202 the first-order FSS (by increasing the reflected power from the
0018-926X/$25.00 2009 IEEE

Fig. 1. Topology of the third-order bandpass FSS presented in Section II. (a) Three-dimensional view and (b) side view.

FSS). Therefore, using the structure presented in [11], it is not As a result of its low profile and sub-wavelength periodicity,
possible to have a first-order bandpass response with zero (or the frequency response of the proposed structure is less sen-
very small) insertion loss to fully utilize the benefits offered sitive to the angle of incidence of the EM wave compared to
by using the sub-wavelength periodic structures. Furthermore, other third-order bandpass FSSs designed using traditional tech-
using this technique, achieving an FSS with a higher-order niques. In what follows, the principles of operation of the FSS
bandpass response requires cascading multiple FSS panels along with the full-wave simulation results will be presented in
with quarter-wavelength impedance inverters. This results in Section II. In Section III, the principles presented in Section II
a bulky structure and offsets the advantages offered by using are experimentally verified by fabricating a prototype of the pro-
sub-wavelength periodic structures as demonstrated in [11]. posed FSS and measuring its frequency response using a free
A single two-dimensional periodic array composed of res- space measurement system. Finally, a few concluding remarks
onant building blocks such as those presented in [5, Ch. 2] or and a summary of the work are presented in Section IV.
the non-resonant building blocks such as those presented in
[10][12] acts as a bandpass or band-stop FSS with a first-order
bandpass (or band-stop) frequency response. Traditionally, II. FSS DESIGN
to achieve a higher-order filter response, several identical
first-order FSS panels are cascaded with quarter-wavelength A. Principles of Operation
spacing between each consecutive panel [5], [11]. Using this
approach, to achieve a third-order bandpass frequency response, The topology of the proposed structure is shown in Fig. 1.
three first-order FSS panels should be cascaded with a panel Fig. 1(a) shows a three-dimensional topology of different layers
spacing of between each panel. This will result in a com- of the structure. The structure is composed of three different
posite FSS with an overall electrical thickness of roughly . metal layers separated from one anther by two very (electri-
Irrespective of the type of unit cell and the periodicity of the cally) thin dielectric substrates. The top and bottom metal layers
structure, this relatively large electrical thickness significantly consist of identical two-dimensional periodic arrangements of
increases the sensitivity of the response of the FSS to the angle sub-wavelength capacitive patches. The center metal layer con-
of incidence. Furthermore, it reduces the amenability of such a sists of a two-dimensional periodic arrangement of miniaturized
structure to applications where conformal frequency selective slots etched into a ground plane. The capacitive patch layers
surfaces are required. Therefore, FSS design techniques that are identical and the dielectric substrates are also identical re-
allow for significantly reducing the profile (overall thickness) sulting in a symmetric structure with respect to the plane con-
of an higher-order FSSs are highly desirable. taining the miniaturized slots. Fig. 1(b) shows the side view of
In this paper, a new type of frequency selective surface is pre- the FSS. The overall thickness of the FSS, , is twice the thick-
sented which provides an easy method for designing low-pro- ness of the dielectric substrates used to fabricate the structure
file bandpass spatial filters with higher-order filter responses. on. Generally, this thickness can be made as small as to
This structure is composed of two arrays of sub-wavelength ca- as large as . Fig. 2 shows the top view of different layers of
pacitive patches separated from a periodic array of miniaturized the unit cell of the proposed FSS. Each unit cell has maximum
slot antennas using two very thin dielectric substrates. The re- physical dimensions of and in the and directions,
sulting structure has three layers covered with metal patterns respectively, which are the same as the period of the structure
and two very thin dielectric substrates. It is shown that the pro- in the and directions. On the left hand side of Fig. 2, the top
posed structure acts as an FSS with a third-order bandpass filter. view of a single capacitive patch is shown. Assuming that the

Fig. 3. Equivalent circuit model of the third-order bandpass FSS studied in

Section II.

Fig. 2. Top view of the unit cell of the third-order bandpass FSS studied in
Section II. The view of the capacitive patch is shown on the left hand side and lines with characteristic impedances of . This circuit model
the topology of the utilized miniaturized slot antenna is shown on the right hand is only valid for normal incidence. For oblique incidence, both
the characteristic impedances of the transmission lines and the
values of the capacitances and inductances need to be altered.
The equivalent circuit model of the FSS shown in Fig. 3 is basi-
structure has the same period in and directions, each capac-
cally a third-order bandpass microwave filter composed of two
itive patch will be in the form of a square metallic patch with
slow-wave capacitively loaded transmission line resonators sep-
side length of , where is the separation between the two
arated from a parallel LC resonator with two simple impedance
adjacent capacitive patches. Since the structure has sub-wave-
inverters. Fig. 4 shows the expanded equivalent circuit model of
length periods and dimensions, i.e. , the capacitive
the filter, where the impedance inverters, the slow-wave trans-
patches are non-resonant and their 2-D periodic arrangement
mission line resonators, and the parallel LC circuit are clearly
simply presents a capacitive wave impedance to an incident EM
indicated. The impedance inverter is an inductive network with
wave. The right hand side of Fig. 2 shows the top view of the
a transmission line with negative electrical length. The prin-
miniaturized slot used in the unit cell of the FSS. Unlike the ca-
ciples of operation of this inductive impedance inverter and its
pacitive patches, this element is a resonant element. However, it
other variations are thoroughly studied in [14]. Two inductive
is designed to occupy an overall area significantly smaller than
impedance inverters separate two capacitively-loaded transmis-
regular dipole or slot antennas. As seen in Fig. 2, the aperture
sion line resonators from the parallel LC resonator. Therefore,
of each slot occupies an area of , where is only
the combination of these three resonators and two impedance in-
a fraction of the unit cell size . The topology
verters results in the third-order bandpass filter shown in Fig. 3.
of the miniaturized slot antenna used in the unit cell of the pro-
By comparing the two equivalent circuits, it is observed that the
posed structure was first introduced in [13] and details of its
negative length of the transmission lines used in the inductive
operation along with its behavior as a miniaturized slot antenna
impedance inverter is absorbed in the positive length of the ca-
are extensively discussed in this reference. The miniaturized slot
pacitively loaded transmission line, thereby further reducing the
shown in Fig. 2 is single polarized and in the arrangement de-
transmission line length. Moreover, the inductors of the inverter
picted in this figure, permits the transmission of an electric field
network, , are absorbed in the parallel LC resonator.
polarized in the direction. Therefore, the frequency response
of the proposed FSS utilizing this embodiment of the miniatur-
B. Design Procedure
ized slot is polarization sensitive. If polarization discrimination
is not required, a dual-polarized version of the miniaturized slot The proposed FSS can be designed using a simple, three-step
antenna shown in Fig. 2 may be used. design procedure described in this sub-section. The first step
To understand the principles of operation of the proposed in the design of the FSS is to obtain the appropriate element
FSS, it would helpful to consider its equivalent circuit. A simple values for the equivalent circuit model shown in Fig. 3. This
equivalent circuit of the proposed FSS, for a vertically polar- can be accomplished using a circuit simulation software such as
ized TEM plane wave, is shown in Fig. 3. The circuit is com- the Agilents Advanced Design Systems (ADS). For example,
posed of a parallel LC resonator ( and ) with a parasitic se- to obtain a bandpass frequency response with center frequency
ries inductor , separated from two parallel capacitors of operation of 4 GHz and the fractional bandwidth of 20%, the
with two short sections of transmission lines with characteristic equivalent circuit element values shown in Table I can be used.
impedance of and length of . The parallel resonator In this case, it is assumed that a 1.524 mm thick dielectric sub-
represents the miniaturized slot resonator. The series inductor, strate with the dielectric constant of and loss tangent
represents the parasitic inductance associated with the elec- of (RF-35 from Taconic corporation) is used.
tric current flowing in the ground plane of the miniaturized slot. The shape of the FSS transfer function can be optimized using
The dielectric substrates supporting the structure are modeled simple and rapid circuit based simulations. In the second step
with two short pieces of transmission lines where the length of the design process, the miniaturized slot resonator must be
of each line, , is equal to the thickness of the substrate and designed such that it has an equivalent circuit (parallel LC res-
the characteristic impedance of each line is , onator) with element values that match those obtained in the
where is the free space impedance and is the previous step (e.g., and shown in Table I for the FSS
dielectric constant of the substrates used. Free space on both under examination here). The miniaturized slot resonator is es-
sides of the FSS is modeled with two semi-infinite transmission sentially a miniaturized slot antenna composed of a straight slot

Fig. 4. Expanded equivalent circuit model of the third-order bandpass FSS studied in Section II. The impedance inverters and the slow-wave resonators are clearly


section connected to two balanced spirals at each end. The ef-

fective electrical length of the antenna, from one end of one
balanced spiral to the corresponding end of the other balanced
spiral is about half a wavelength. Therefore this antenna is a
resonant structure, which is meandered in order to occupy a sig-
nificantly smaller area compared to non-miniaturized antennas
operating at the same frequency. This structure, which was first
introduced and thoroughly studied in [13], acts as a magnetic
Herzian dipole. Similar to any other electrically small antenna,
the quality factor (Q) of this structure is inversely proportional
to its occupied area [15], [16]. Therefore, by reducing the oc-
cupied area of the antenna (i.e. by reducing as seen
in Fig. 2) while maintaining the resonant frequency of the an-
tenna, the Q of the structure can be increased. This way, by ap-
propriately choosing the aperture dimensions of the miniatur-
Fig. 5. (a) A unit cell of the proposed FSS is placed inside a waveguide with
ized slot antenna, for a constant resonant frequency, the desired periodic boundary conditions to simulate the frequency response of the infinitely
values for and can be synthesized. In practice this pro- large third-order FSS studied in Section II. (b) Equivalent circuit model of a
cedure is carried out using full-wave EM simulations in con- simplified version of the FSS composed of ONLY the dielectric substrates and
the miniaturized slot. This equivalent circuit is used to optimize the topology
junction with circuit based simulations. An incomplete version of the miniaturized slot resonator to match its frequency response to that of this
of the unit cell of the proposed FSS, which consists of ONLY equivalent circuit.
the miniaturized slot resonator sandwiched between the two di-
electric substrates, is simulated using full-wave EM simulations
in CST Microwave Studio Suite using its finite element method full-wave simulations of the sandwiched resonator are matched
solver. The simulations are performed according to the topology to those of the equivalent circuit model of Fig. 5(b) with the
shown in Fig. 5(a), where the unit cell of the structure is placed element values obtained previously. After successful comple-
in a waveguide with periodic boundary conditions to emulate tion of this step, the design of the resonator is finalized. One
an infinite structure. Finite element method (FEM) simulations must note that in this step, we are assuming that the addition of
are performed to calculate the transmission and reflection coef- the capacitive patches on both sides of the slot does not affects
ficients of a vertically polarized TEM wave from this structure. the resonant frequency of this structure. This is a valid assump-
These full-wave simulation results are then matched to those tion, since the width of the slot lines in the miniaturized slot
obtained from the equivalent circuit model shown in Fig. 5(b), resonator are significantly smaller (more than 10 times smaller)
where only the effect of the miniaturized slot antenna and the di- than the thickness of the dielectric substrates covering the slot
electric substrates are taken into account. The dimensions of the on its both sides. Therefore, the effective dielectric constant that
slot resonator are then modified as necessary and this process is the slot resonator experiences will not be significantly changed
then repeated until the frequency response obtained through the after placing the capacitive patches underneath the slot, since


Fig. 7. Transmission coefficients of the FSS studied in Section II with the pa-
rameters given in Tables I and II as a function of the angle of incidence. The
results are obtained using full-wave FEM simulations.

in Fig. 7. Fig. 7 shows the transmission coefficient of the FSS

for an obliquely incident plane wave [as shown in Fig. 1(b)]
for various angles of incidence ranging from to 50 in
10 degree steps. As observed from this figure, the frequency
response of the FSS is not considerably affected1 as the angle of
incidence increases from to . As is increased
Fig. 6. Transmission and reflection coefficients of a typical third-order band-
pass FSS with equivalent circuit parameters and dimensions shown in Tables I
beyond , however, the response starts to deviate from that of
and II. The results obtained using full-wave FEM simulations as well as those the normal incidence. Nevertheless, the structure demonstrates
obtained using the equivalent circuit model are shown here. a rather stable frequency response as a function of angle of
incidence without the aid of any dielectric superstrates that are
commonly used to stabilize the frequency response of FSSs for
most of the slots electric fields are already concentrated in the oblique angles of incidence [5].
dielectric substrates covering the aperture on its both sides.
In the third and final step of the design process, the capacitive III. EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION AND MEASUREMENT
patches corresponding to capacitors (in the equivalent circuit RESULTS
model shown in Fig. 3) are added to the full-wave simulation
model. These capacitors are in the form of simple, sub-wave- The performance of the proposed FSS is experimentally
length, non-resonant patches with side lengths of , where demonstrated using a simple free-space measurement setup.
is the period of the structure and is equal to the Using this approach, a relatively large panel of the third-order
unit cell dimensions. To provide the desired capacitance value, bandpass FSS operating at 4.0 GHz, with the dimensions of
the initial dimensions of these capacitors can be approximated (or equivalently 61 cm 46 cm), is designed and
using the formulae available in reference [17] for calculating fabricated. A wooden fixture with dimensions of 6 feet 4
the capacitance between two printed metallic strips. Finally, feet, with an opening with dimensions of at its center
full-wave simulations are performed on the complete unit cell is also built. The wooden fixture is covered with 0.005 thick
of the proposed FSS consisting of the miniaturized resonator, copper plates on its both sides everywhere except on the aper-
the capacitive patches, and the dielectric substrates. Based on ture opening. This fixture is placed between two double-ridge
the results obtained from the final full-wave simulations, the di- horn antennas connected to the two ports of a vector network
mensions of the capacitive patches are tuned to fine tune the analyzer. The horn antennas are not identical but their operating
frequency response of the structure and obtain the desired fre- bandwidths overlaps in the 35 GHz region, which entirely
quency response. covers the operational bandwidth of the proposed FSS. To
The design procedure outlined above was carried out for the ensure that the FSS is excited with plane waves, the fixture
FSS with equivalent circuit parameter values shown in Table I is placed in the far field of the two horn antennas. The trans-
and the physical and geometrical parameters of this design are mission coefficient of this structure without the presence of
presented in Table II. Fig. 6 shows the FSS frequency response the FSS (open aperture) is measured and this result is used for
as obtained from full-wave EM simulations in CST Microwave calibration purposes. In the next step, the finite FSS panel is
Studio as well as those predicted by the equivalent circuit model placed in the opening of the fixture and the transmission results
presented in Fig. 3. It is observed that the equivalent circuit are measured once again. Using these two measurement results,
model accurately predicts the FSS frequency response. The the transmission response of the FSS is obtained.
frequency response of the proposed FSS is also calculated for 1This is in comparison with a traditional third-order bandpass FSS obtained
non-normal angles of incidence and the results are presented by cascading three first order FSS panels a quarter-wavelength apart.

Fig. 10. Measured transmission coefficients of the third-order bandpass FSS

= 10
for various angles of incidence ranging from  50
to .

Fig. 8. Photograph of the FSS measurement fixture used to characterize the good general agreement observed between the measurement re-
frequency response of the third-order bandpass FSS. The edges of the fixture are sults and the simulation results confirms the fact that the pro-
covered with RF absorbers to reduce the effects of scattering on the performance posed structure acts as a third-order bandpass FSS and asserts
of the measurement. In the photograph, the FSS test sample is placed in the
opening and the photograph of the FSS test sample is also shown in the inset of the validity of the design procedure presented in this paper. At
the figure. its center frequency of operation, the fabricated FSS demon-
strates a measured insertion loss of about 0.4 dB (for normal
incidence), which is mainly attributed to the Ohmic and the di-
electric losses of the structure. The transmission coefficients of
the FSS is also measured for oblique angles of incidence and the
results are presented in Fig. 10. As observed from this figure,
the frequency response of the FSS changes with the angle of in-
cidence; However, compared to third-order bandpass FSSs de-
signed using traditional techniques, the structure demonstrates a
more stable frequency response. Therefore, it may be possible to
further enhance the angular stability of the frequency response
of this structure using the techniques presented in [5]. Promi-
nent among these technique is the utilization of dielectric su-
perstrates on both sides of the FSS used to achieve angular sta-
bilities up to 85 as described in [5] and its cited references.
Fig. 9. Measured and simulated transmission coefficients of the test sample
of the third-order FSS. Simulations are performed using FEM simulations in
Ansoft HFSS. A new technique for designing low-profile frequency selec-
tive surfaces with third-order bandpass responses was presented
in this paper. Unlike traditional FSS design techniques that
Fig. 8 shows a photograph of the FSS panel and the mea- achieve higher-order bandpass responses by cascading multiple
surement fixture. Fig. 9 shows the measured frequency response bandpass FSSs of first order, the proposed technique allows
(transmission coefficient) of the FSS along with the full-wave for designing third-order bandpass FSSs with an extremely
EM simulation results obtained in Ansofts High Frequency small overall profile. It was demonstrated that using this tech-
Structure Simulator (HFSS). As can be seen from this figure, nique, third-order FSSs with an overall thickness of or
a relatively good agreement between the measured and sim- smaller can easily be designed. The principles of operation of
ulated results is observed. The main differences observed be- the proposed FSS along with a simple, three-step procedure
tween the simulated and measured results are mainly observed for designing the proposed structure was also presented in
in the stop band of the FSS. These discrepancies are attributed this paper. Finally, the validity of the proposed concept was
to the leakage from the gaps that exist between the edges of experimentally demonstrated by fabricating an FSS test sample
the FSS panel and the metal covered wooden fixture, scattering and measuring its frequency response using simple free space
from the edges of the fixture, as well as the finite size of the FSS measurements. The frequency response of this test sample was
panel. By covering the opening of the fixture shown in Fig. 8 measured both for normal incidence and for oblique angles of
with a metal screen (instead of FSS panel) and performing a cal- incidence. The measurement results for oblique angles of inci-
ibrated transmission measurement, the shielding effectiveness dence demonstrate that the frequency response of this structure
of this particular fixture was measured to be about 25 dB av- is not as sensitive to the angle of incidence of the EM wave
erage over the 3.05.0 GHz frequency range. Nevertheless, the as those of traditional third-order bandpass FSSs. Therefore,

it may be possible to further enhance this stability by using [16] H. A. Wheeler, Fundamental limitations of small antennas, Proc.
well-known stabilization techniques. IRE, vol. 35, pp. 14791484, Dec. 1947.
[17] N. Marcuvitz, Waveguide Handbook. Lexington, MA: Boston Tech-
nical, 1964.
Nader Behdad (S98M06) received the B.Sc. de-
The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers of gree from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran,
this paper for their constructive comments and useful sugges- Iran, in 2000 and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from
tions that helped improve the quality of this paper. The authors The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 2003 and
2006 respectively, all in electrical engineering.
would also like to thank Taconic Corporation for donating the From 2000 to 2001, he was with the Electronics
dielectric substrates used in fabrication of the structures pre- Research Center, Sharif University of Technology,
sented in this paper. as an Antenna Design Engineer working on de-
sign of antennas for wireless local loop (WLL)
systems. From 2002 to 2006, he was a Research
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Phys., vol. 19, pp. 11631175, Dec. 1948. tennas and frequency selective surfaces.

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