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There are many reports of Crohns disease in the era of Hippocrates, who described

the symptoms of abdominal pain and diarrhea in his texts. Also in the ancient Chinese
Medicine we can find many references about the healing of diarrhea, abdominal pain
and inflammation of the bowel. The first modern reports were done by Giovanni
Battista Morgagni (1682 1771) an Italian anatomist who is considered the father of
modern anatomical pathology and who was treating patients suffering from chronic
diarrhea. Later on, John Berg at the Serafimerlasarettet in Stockholm in 1898 also
described cases of granulomatous enterocolitis. A Polish surgeon, Antoni Leniowski
(1867 1940) was studying inflammatory bowel disease and in 1904 in Warsaw he
reported about cases that are now known as Crohn's disease. Due to this, in Poland the
condition is still described as Leniowski-Crohns disease. In 1913, Scottish physician
Tomas Kennedy Dalziel (1861-1924) published his article in BMJ with the title
Chronic interstitial enteritis later known as Crohns disease. In the following decade
two American physicians Eli Moschowitz and A. O. Wilensky also described in a
paper titled Non-specific granulomata of the intestine a case of non-specific
granuloma, with thickening of terminal ileum and a formation of fistula. Finally, in
1932 physicians Burrill Bernard Crohn, Leon Ginzburg, and Gordon Oppenheimer
gave a speech at the American Medical Association meeting with the title Terminal
ileitis: A new clinical entity describing 14 cases, which was later published in
JAMA with title Regional ileitis; a pathologic and clinical entity. From that point
and on the condition was referred as Crohns disease because in the article his name
was alphabetically arranged.

Crohns Disease Basic Principles, Alessandro Fichera, Mukta K Krane, Springer,


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