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I Lesson X: T'tme- t\r\ your Ii f &

Listening O ,)))11 Listen to th e in fo rm a tio n a b o u t Linda and H useyin. A re the sentences tru e o r false?

T ru e F a ls e [
1 Linda likes the early morning.
2 She usually checks her emails when she arrives at the office.
3 She normally has lunch in the canteen.
4 Huseyin travels a lot.
5 He's a computer salesman.
6 He usually gets home after 8.30 in the evening.

Listen again and co m p le te th e sentences.

She__________ to be in the office before 7.30 a.m. 5 In the afternoon, she ______attend meeting:
Linda__________ most of her time talking to 6 He's a computer expert a nd __________ custome
customers on the phone until lunchtime. to help them with their software problems.
S he__________ to a snack bar and a 7 H e __________ much time in the office.
sandwich there. 8 To relax after work, h e __________ to music on
4 She the food in the canteen. his iPod.

Grammar M ake sentences w ith th e w o rd s and th e co rrect fo rm s o f th e ve rb s in brackets.

1 (work) never / 1/ on Sundays
2 (not have) spare time / she / any
3 (go) often / the snack bar / after work / they / to
4 (spend) usually / Marco / every day / with customers / three hours
5 (enjoy) on Fridays / we / our family / with / having dinner
6 (get up) playing the guitar / 1/ early / to practise / often
7 (have) you / in the company restaurant / how often / lunch / ?
8 (like) watching TV / he / after work / ?

C om plete the sentences w ith the w o rd s in the box.

always every never often once times

1 I start work at 8.00 . day.

2 My partner and I go to the cinem a__________ a month.
3 H o w __________ do you see your friends in the evenings?
4 She hates meat so she _ eats it.
5 He's very punctual. He _ arrives on time.
6 Ben's extremely fit. He plays tennis three a week.

NOTEPAD A n s w e r the q ue stio n s a b o u t yo urself.

1 What tim e do you usually get up?
2 How often do you do sport?
3 When do you normally finish work?
4 How much tim e do you spend checking emails every day?
Lesson 2: U //W are you doLi^g at -the. mome^irrt?
Vocabulary 0 C om ple te th e sentences w ith the w o rd s in th e box.

characters contacts create devices location media microbtogging share

1 Tumblr is a __________ platform which users can post multimedia

content on.
2 Foursquare is a website for m obile__________ such as smartphones.
3 Many people use Facebook t o __________ messages or photos
with their friends.
4 Texts on Twitter can't be more than 140__________ long.
5 On Foursquare, users can 'check in' to a __________ .
6 Linkedln is used to fin d _______ who will help in your job
or career.
7 Facebook was the first social__________ site to become popular.
8 To join this site, yo u ______ _ a personal profile.

G ra m m a r ^J| C hoose th e co rrect p re po sition .

1 Users can share photos and information with / about/ friends.
2 With Tumblr you can follow the blogs by/ of I with other users.
3 It's also possible to share information to / after/ about events.
4 This site links for/ on / to all the other social media sites.
5 Twitter lets users post information on / in / at small texts.
6 Many companies now have a profile in / a t/ on Facebook.
7 Linkedln is a useful site of / for/ about professional networking.
8 You can tell your friends where you are from / b y /a t your mobile phone.

O Put th e w o rd s in o rd e r to m ake sentences.

1 working / the / I'm / today / office / not / in
2 with friends / staying / at the moment / I'm / in London
3 are / interesting / working / they / an / project / on / ?
4 . Facebook / which / posting / she / is / photo / on / ?
5 just / I'm / some / documents / editing / important
6 updating / we / Facebook page / our / aren't / today

C om plete the sentences w ith the verbs in brackets in th e present co n tin u o u s.

1 Tw itter_________ the way people communicate with each other, (change)
2 My colleagues___________ to the conference by train, (not travel)
3 Companies can inform customers about products th e y __________ . (sell)
4 My company__________ new apps for mobile devices, (develop)
5 What kind of softw are__________ yo u ___________ for this project? (use)
6 I always tell my friend if something exciting__________ . (happen)

ITEPAD H i A n sw e r the q ue stio n s a bo ut w h a t you are d o in g at th e m om en t.

EXERC1SE! 4 9 9 9 9 9 W 9 9 9 9 9 9 W 9 W 9 9 9 9 W 9 9 9 V 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 '
1 What are you working on at the moment?
2 What are you reading?
3 What information are you posting online today?
4 Who are you following on Twitter?
5 What clothes are you wearing right now?

Lesson 3: Is -bkact fAe time,?
Vocabulary Q >))i.2 Listen to Jos and w rite th e tim e s as he says th em . Use w o rd s , n ot n u ~ : e- ;
Exam ple: He usually gets up at half past six.
He leaves for work a t _______________________________________________________________
His course s ta rts ___________________________________________________________________
His coffee break is at _____
His lunch break is between
The course ends a t ___
6 He gets home at about

W rite the tim e s fro m j in num bers.

Exam ple: half past six = 6.30
__________ 4 a nd ___________
__________ 5 __________
________ 6 ________
M atch th e b e g in n in g s o f the phrases 1-8 w ith the end in gs a-h.
How are a nice meeting you.
It's such b isn't it?
Can you tell me c a lovely day today!
It's horrible weather, d again soon!
Well, it was e news!
That's great f things with you?
See you g time for lunch,
It must be nearly h what the time is?

O M atch th e sentences in w ith the d e scrip tio n s a -d .

phrases used to ask for information
phrases used to open a conversation or keep a conversation going
phrases used to show interest
phrases used to end a conversation

Pronunciation 0 *))) 1.3Say th e sentences.Then listen and repeat.

1 Could you tell me the time, please?
2 It's exactly 9.50.
3 Does the meeting start at 3.15?
4 I'll take the 11.20 City bus.
5 My working hours are from 8.30 to 4.45.
6 How are things with you?
7 Do you know what time the meeting finishes?
8 I didn't realise it was so late.

NOTEPAD 0 A n s w e r the q ue stio n s a bo ut y o u rs e lf. Use a lte rn a tive w ays o f w ritin g th e tim e w h e re possible.
U K WtMUlUi(1 IU 3UU( l U l S 'KXX
What tim e do you have breakfast?
i*tx ix i
When do you leave for work/university?
When do you normally have your lunch break?
What tim e do you get home after work/university?
When do you normally go to bed?

Lesson 4: (Z&vL&uj
Vocabulary 0 C om plete the sentences w ith the w o rd s in the box.

adults business classes experience interpreting preparation programme teachers

o r r

ur English school is based in

O Donegal, Ireland, and offers a variety
of English courses f o r __________1 and
children. Courses include general English,
__________ 2 English and e xa m _______ 3.
We also provide other language services
including translation a n d __________ 4.
To help you improve your English quickly
o u r__________ 5 have a maximum of
6 students and all o u r __________6 have
professional qualifications and at least two
years te a ch in g ________ _ 7.
Our su m m e r__________ 3 fo r junior students
includes morning English lessons and fun
afternoon activities and excursions. Learning English in beautiful

C hoose th e co rrect w o rd .
He wants to expand I exchange his morning classes 4 We make / run evening classes.
with a colleague. 5 When I come home after a long day, I'm always
I have a 90-minute journey / travel to work every day. excited / exhausted.
If I can't reduce my working hours, I'll have to 6 They often have lectures I lecturers in the
design / resign. morning.

W rite w o rd s in the boxes to co m p le te the sentences.

Exam ple: I try to sleep at least eight hours p e r_____ . n i 9 h t

1 I'm busy in the morning and the evening, so I can only meet you in
th e _____ .
2 Smoking is a bad_____ .
3 I'm writing a _____ on the internet so everyone can read about my trip
to Australia.
4 You can't use the meeting room now because there's a conference
5 If you change or correct documents to improve them, you _ them.
6 Many people_____ their friends on Twitter.
7 Speaking about things like the weather or sport, is called making
8 Politics is not a safe of conversation in many cultures.
9 There are some problems with my presentation. I'm sure I can
10 Everybody wants to go to that new restaurant, it's really_____ .

'C^EPAD W rite d o w n fiv e w o rd s o r e xpressions fro m th is u n it w hich you fin d m o s t useful.

E-ERCISE Try to m ake sentences w ith each o f th em .

Test yourself
Choose th e correct answer. For every correct answer you score one point.

1 H e _____to the gym in the evening. 11 Congratulations____ your new job!

a goes usually a to b for c on
b usually goes
12 A: How are things with you?
c does usually go
2 T he y _____ have problems with their computer system. It a Much too bad
always works very well. b Not too bad.
a rarely c Not fine.
b always
13 _____ you again soon.
c often
a See
How o fte n __ _your parents? b Watch
a you see c Meet
b see you
4 14 A; Did you hear we're opening a new office in Japan?
c do you see
B: Really? That's
a biography of my favourite film director at the a interesting
moment, b fine
a I'm reading c confusing
b I read
15 A: Hi Jane. How are you?
c I don't read
B: Great! I got . last week.
5 her emails first thing in the morning, a fired
a She's checking b promoted
b She checks c up
c She isn't checking
16 My w orking___ . are 10.00 in the morning to 6.00 in the
6 Tweets are always about now. afternoon.
a what happens a time
b what doesn't happen b hour
c what's happening c hours
7 A: What time do you want to meet? 17 This week, I'm working the m orning_____ .
B: h a lf_____ five is best for me. a shift
a thirty b hours
b to c time
c past
18 A _____ is a plan showing when things will happen in the
8 It's 11.15. Which of the answers is correct? future.
a Quarter past eleven a journey
b Eleven past fifteen b shift
c Quarter to eleven c schedule
9 In many-cultures it's very important t o ____ small talk. 19 I'm working from 8.00 in the morning to 7.00 in the evening
a have at the mojrient. I 'm _____.
b make a exhausted
c run b excited
c expecting
10 _____ is informal conversation, normally about other people.
a Gossip 20 When you share ideas and interests with someone, you ha\
b Topic something in _____ .
c Joke a common
b exchange
c general

S core: / 20 poin
Grammar Q C om plete th e sentences w ith the p re p o s itio n s in the box.

at for in on out with

He's confident socialising_____ English. 4 How many business cards did you collect__
Small talk's becoming easier______ the help of new the event?
technology. 5 She finds it easy to make conversation_____ any
Some apps allow you to fin d _____ information topic.
about people. 6 What do people use business cards_____ ?

Choose th e present sim p le o r present c o n tin u o u s fo rm .

1 She wears / 's wearing a business suit every day.
2 I have a day off so I don't w o rk / 'm not working today.
3 We stay / 're staying at the City Hotel for tw o nights. It's really nice here.
4 Peter has / 's having short brown hair.
5 Networking is becoming/ becomes more and more important these days.
6 Tim isn't in the office today. Is he attending / Does he attend the press conference?
7 He has an office job. That means he isn't travelling / doesn't travel a lot.

Listening >2.1 Listen to th e tw o co nve rsa tion s at a n e tw o rk in g event. A re th e sentences tru e o r false?

Paula ... T ru e F a ls e
1 has short brown hair and green eyes.
2 wears glasses.
3 is wearing a black business suit today.
Ibo ...
4 is standing next to the coffee bar.
5 has a beard and short brown hair.
6 is wearing a grey shirt and blue jeans.

Grammar C om plete th e sentences w ith the correct fo rm o f have o r wear.

1 A lisa__________ blonde hair and brown eyes.
2 In summer, she usually__________ sunglasses.
3 I have a job interview at 10.00 so I __________ smart clothes today.
4 _______y o u ____________ a suit and tie every day?
5 He's almost bald. H e __________ much hair.
6 _________ T im ___________a moustache?
7 W h y __________ they a ll___________ dark suits today?
8 I have a moustache, but I a beard.

\C~EPAD A n sw e r the q u e stio n s a b o u t yo urself.

c 1 L II ! ^ ^ ' i ' i . f <3<f
1 What do you look like?
2 What do you wear to work?
3 What do you usually do in the evenings?
4 What are you doing right now?

Lesson 3: Lett's 'talk abowt it ove^Y" (umc^A
M atch the b e g in n in g s o f the sentences 1-8 w ith the e nd in g s a-h.
Language Do you have a a your coat, madam?
Yes, a table b like to drink?
Can I take c for four, in the name of Lynn,
What would you d ready to order, sir?
I'd like e some iced tea as well?
Of course, sir. This f reservation?
Are you g sparkling water, please,
Can I have h way, please.

W hich o f the sentences are used by th e w a ite r/w a itre s s (W) and w hich by th e c u s to m e r (C)?
_____ 2 _____ 3 _____ 4 _____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 8

0 C om plete the q ue stion s w ith the co rrect fo rm o f like o r w o u ld like to go w ith the answ ers.
some Mexican sauce with your steak? - No, thank you.
vegetables? -Yes, especially beans.
What _____ to drink? -A Coke, please.
. spicy food? -Yes, I do.
. sparkling or still water? - Still water, please.
some iced tea? -Yes, please.

wHCiation *)))2.3 Say the sentences.T hen listen and repeat.

1 I'd like some sparkling water, please.
2 Id prefer still water.
3 Do you like spicy food?
4 It's a speciality of this restaurant.
5 I'd like to order some bread as well.
6 Can I have the steak and salad, please?
7 It's served with rice and vegetables.
8 No, thank you. I've had enough.

jWbcabu Ia ry 0 >)) 2.4 C om plete th e co nve rsa tion w ith the w o rd s in the b ox.T h en listen and check.

dishes order served speciality spicy vegetables

Cedric: This is the best Creole restaurant in town.

Do you like __________ 1 food?
Frank: Yes, I do.
Cedric: Then you must try the chicken Colombo.
It's one of my favourite__________ 2.
Frank: What is it?
Cedric: It's chicken made with a special sauce -
a kind of curry. It's a __________ 3 of this
Frank: Sounds good. And it says here that the
dish is __________ 4 with ... christophines?
Cedric: They're__________ 5 a bit like potatoes.
I think you'll like them.
Frank: OK, I'll try the chicken then. And I'd like
a bottle of sparkling water, please.
Cedric: Fine, I think we're ready t o __________ 6.


Lesson 4: (Z&vi&uu
V o c a b u la r y Q C om plete the m enu w ith th e w o rd s in th e box.

cake dishes homemade main soup specialities strawberries sun-dried

The Windmill Inn

A traditional country pub offering home-cooked meals in a friendly
and relaxed atmosphere. Our___ ______ include international
as well as local__________ 2 and we also offer a wide range of
vegetarian food and fresh salads.

__________7of the day
Vegetarian tapas (Med peppers, olives,__________ 4 tomatoes)
Seafood salad

________ 5courses
Roast chicken with vegetables and potatoes
______ 6 pasta filled with spinach and a side salad
Lamb curry served with rice and cashew nuts (very spicy)

Chocolate__________ with vanilla ice cream
Lemon cheesecake
Fresh 1 with cream

^ C om ple te th e c ro s s w o rd .T h e answ ers are w o rd s fro m th is unit.

1 Across
3 First impressions count, so pay_____ to every mi
you make.
4 I don't like sparkling water, I prefer_____ water.
8 The noun form of the verb reserve.
10 A program you can download to your mobile phor
11 The meal between breakfast and dinner.
1 Formal clothes for a man.
2 I'll meet you at th e _____ of the restaurant.
3 If your body reacts negatively to a type of food, yo
may b e _____ to it.
4 A small dish you have before the main course.
5 Gan.I have a bottle o f _____ water with my meal,
6 A curry is a v e ry _____ dish which is typical in India
7 When you meet someone for the first time, it's
important to give a firm _____ .
9 A piece of meat, usually beef.

NOTEPAD W rite d o w n fiv e w o rd s o r e xpressions fro m th is u n it w hich you fin d m o st useful.

EXERCISE Try to m ake sentences w ith each o f th em .

Test yourself
Choose th e correct answer. For every correct answer you score one point.

.csa'1 short blonde hair, 11 A: Are you ready to order?

a "as B: Yes,_____ .
b ~ave a I like fish, please
c s having b Id like the vegetarian dish
meetings regularly? c I do
; --a you attending 12 Milk, yoghurt, cream and cheese are products,
a Do you visit a dairy
: Do you attend b daily

-a: to the office party today? c diary

a Does he wear 13 A list of dishes in a restaurant is called a __

: are they wearing a menu
c *e s wearing b card

He smart clothes every day. c food list

a 5"'t wearing 14 What a person normally drinks and eats is th e ir_____ .
a s ..earing * a meal
; Doesn't wear b diet
e.v, it's a good idea to eye contact. c dish

a ~ a "tain 15 _ _ __is a type of bird.

a A goat
c ze. b A lamb
x snould also in towards a person to show interest. c An ostrich

a era 16 What you look like is your physical_____

3 *66" a appearance
C CSV b body language
Z'E. m e n tio n __ what your partner is saying. c detail

a :i 17 Alberto has brown hair and a s h o rt_____

a ac a bald
c or b blonde

r = e r . ~Dortant to make a good first c beard

a acres'ance 18 Im an events organiser and I ____ conferences and trade
a rcress on fairs. f
e oottacts a arrange
b produce
c provide
= auditor,
a * zo you work? 19 The factory fabrics for the clothes industry.
3 . - 5* are you doing? a maintains
s '*<=: X) you do? b produces
c promotes

He fiark you. I've had enough, 20 Do you s till_____business cards?

a Ic *C'_ <efish? a wear
k W c u c .c j prefer fish? b carry
ci ke some more fish? c serve

S core / 20 p o in ts

Lesson 1: /Y)y first job
Vocabulary 0 M atch the jo b s 1-6 w ith the d e fin itio n s a-f.
1 chef a learns the necessary skills for a job or profession
2 accountant b plays a part in a film
3 actuary c works in a restaurant as a trained cook
4 trainee d keeps financial records
5 actor/actress e helps guests with their luggage
6 hotel porter f specialises in the mathematics of risk

Listening 0 >))3.1 Listen to Pierre ta lk in g a bo ut w ork. A re the sentences tru e o r false?

T ru e
1 Pierre's father owns a restaurant.
2 He studied International Relations at university.
3 He worked as an accountant for five years.
4 He left the company because the pay wasn't very good. -
5 His colleagues were very nice.

Grammar 0 C om plete th e sentences w ith the past tense fo rm o f the ve rb s in the box.
Then listen again and check.

be decide find love not be start want work

My father owns a restaurant in Narbonne and he always__________ 1 me to work in the family business,
but I __________ 2 really interested in that type of work. So I __________ 3 to study business at university.
After I graduated, I __________ 4 working for a large international company in Lyon. I __________ 5 for them
as an accountant for about five years. Most people think working with numbers all the time is boring, but
__________ 6 the job. The pay and conditions__________ 7 excellent and my cglleagues were really nice, bu
after five years I __________ 8 I wanted a change so I started looking for a new job.

Vocabulary 0 C om plete the sentences w ith th e w o rd s in the box.

annum off paid skills starting wage

What's the minimum _________ in your country? 4 How much money do you get p e r__
How m uch_________ . holiday do you get a year? 5 My boss gives me extra tim e ______ to stud1)
W h a t____ do you need for your job? 6 T h e __________ salary is $50,000 per year.

NOTEPAD A n sw e r th e q ue stio n s fo r yo u rse lf.

i x x m i x u r t i I I
1 When did you start your first job/studies?
2 Where did you work/study?
3 How much holiday did you have per year?

Lesson 2: Compaqy his-tory
V o c a b u la r y 0 C om plete the sentences w ith the w o rd s in th e box.

bankrupt investments manufacturer merged pharmaceutical retailers revenue subsidiary

1 Our company is based in Europe, but it has a __________ in Hong Kong.

2 The company is very successful. The __________ for last year was 12 million.
3 Amazon is one of the largest online__________ in the world.
4 Some banks w ent ___________during the financial crisis in 2008 and 2009.
5 BAYER is one of the leading__________ companies in the world.
6 Last year, my company__________ with a French telecommunications company.
7 In the 1990s, they made some bad__________ and lost a lot of money.
8 Renault is a well-known French ca r__________ .

s M atch the w o rd s 1-6 w ith the w o rd s a -f th a t have the sam e m eaning.

1 acquire a offer
2 manufacture b found
3 provide c produce
4 wprkforce d income
5 set up e buy
6 revenue f employees

L is te n in g o))3.2 Listen and co m p le te the te x t w ith the correct in fo rm a tio n .

SiEMENS C o m p a n y H is to ry

~~ cc~ipany started as a small workshop in Berlin in the middle of th e __________ 1, Werner von
5e~ie"s, a German entrepreneur and engineer, revolutionised telecommunications by developing
i :e . :e which improved the telegraph system. In __________ 2, the company started building the
<y>g-distance telegraph line, which connected Frankfurt and Berlin - a distance o f about
__________ 3 kilometres. Over the next few years, Siemens set up a number of subsidiaries in
er countries and also opened their first cable plant near London in __________ 4 Some years
I s = r n __________ 5, Siemens opened Indoline, the first telegraph line connecting India and
E jr o e . And in __________ 6, they developed the first electric passenger train.

C 'a 'T im a r { C hoose the co rrect p re p o sitio n .

1 My university was founded in / a t / o r 1897.
2 The euro became the currency of some European countries in /o n /a t 1st January 2002.
3 I started my new job o n / in /a t May last year.
4 Oil is important at /fo r /o n the national economy.
5 30% of the company is owned from / of / by a Russian enterprise.
6 Our revenue will grow over/ a t/ on the next few years.

\C~EPAD A n s w e r th e q ue stion s fo r yo urself.

4LUUJUX '(juuul ILslJyiJI!yytyOiJyOJyi
1 When was your company/university established?
2 When did you s ta rtyo u rfirst job?
3 When's your birthday?
4 When did you leave school?

Lesson 3 : ^ public*
Functional A
M atch the b e g in n in g s o f the sentences 1-8 w ith the end in gs a -h .
1 Thank you very much a our main markets.
2 I've divided my talk b on the sales in Asia.
3 Let's move on to look at c about our expansion plans for business in Europe.
4 Today, I'd like to talk d interesting facts about our company.
5 So, that brings me e needs local partners with local knowledge.
6 After that, I'd like to focus f for your attention.
7 Let's start with some g to another important issue, which is cost.
8 To conclude, our company h into three main parts.

W hich o f the sentences fro m Q can be used to:

a begin the presentation? __________
b structure it? __ _______
c introduce new information? ________
j d conclude or end the talk? _ _ _ _ _

Pronunciation e )})3.3Say the phrases.T hen listen and repeat.

1 Today, I'm going to talk about the sales targets for next year.
2 Let's start with some background information.
3 I've divided my presentation into three main sections.
4 Firstly, I'm going to talk about the results of the test.
5 I'll now look at our main markets in Central America.
6 Let's move on to our global business perspectives.
7 To sum up, we need to improve customer care.
8 If there are any questions, please dont hesitate to ask.

V o c a b u la r y Q C om ple te th e sentences w ith the w o rd s in th e box.

audience equipment handout interact introduce slide speaking tim ing visual

A d v ic e fo r g iv in g p re s e n ta tio n s

Are you afraid o f __________ : in public? D ont w orry! Just fo llo w o u r advic*e to give the perfect

W hen preparing yo ur talk, always th in k about y o u r __________ 2. What do they need to know?

Before the talk, check the room and make sure you have a ll th e __________ 3 you need.
T hink about how long your ta lk is and make sure th e __________ 4 is right.

D on 't put too m uch inform a tion on each __________ 5 in yo u r presentation.

__________ 6 yourself at the beginning of yo u r talk.

A __________ 7 is often very effective w hen you w ant to illustrate a point.

It's often a good idea to give yo ur audience a __________ 8 after the presentation.
It's also im p orta nt t o __________ 9 w ith the audience.

Lesson 4: (Z&vL&uj
Vocabulary 0 C om plete the te x t w ith th e w o rd s in th e box.

anniversary employ export facility production reputation

This year, we are celebrating our 25th ________ \

Things have changed a lot since we set up the first
small b ic y c le __________ 2 u nit in Lancy, Switzerland.
currently _______ 3 6 50 people and we now desigi
and m anufacture all o f our bicycles in our productio
__________ 4 near Geneva, which covers an area o f ab
2 ,5 0 0 m 2. O u r _______ _ _ 5 business is g row ing into i
markets in Asia and Latin America and today our bic
are sold in more than 50 countries around the world
We believe in q ua lity and are proud o f our excellent
__________ 6 fo r first rate products.

Change th e sentences fro m th e present sim p le to the past sim ple.

1 He wants to study languages. _____________________________________
2 Do you work in an office? _____________________________________
3 She can't study Economics.
4 They don't specialise in risk. _____________________________ _______
5 We aren't interested in History. _____________________________________
6 I find the work very interesting. _____________________________________

Circle ten w o rd s to co m p le te the sentences fro m a presentation.

1 Firstly, I'd like t o _____ myself.
c O N C L U D E O S
2 I'm not an expert at public____
3 T he _____ of this presentation is the company's future.
N S u M M A R Y R E 4 Firstly, I'll give you a n ____ of the sales figures from
T M L X J S R W E A last year.
5 Then I 'll_____ our future sales strategy.
6 _____ , I'll talk about the challenges for us.
O V E R V I E W E I 7 There will be time to a s k _____ at the end of the
D O Q B z D Z H N N presentation.
8 My fir s t______ shows the total sales from Europe.
9 In _____ , a very good year for the sales team there.
c F I N A L L Y E E 10 I'd like t o ___ this section of the talk by thanking the
E Q U E S T I O N S European sales representatives.

=AD | S W rite d o w n fiv e w o rd s o r e xpressio ns fro m th is u n it w hich you fin d m o st useful.

*E=-DSE Try to m ake sentences w ith each o f th em .

Uoiversitatea de Stat
din Cakul

g .S o f
Test yourself
Choose th e correct answer. For every correct answer you score one point.

1 After she graduated, she _ Jobs in the banking sector. 11 A company that controls or owns another enterprise is
a research th e _____ company.
b researched a mother
c researches b parent
c father
2 When I worked for this company in 1990, the pay and
conditions g re a t. 12 The person or company you work for is your
a are a employee
b was b employer
c were c employed
3 W h e n _____ your first job? 13 W h e n _____ a presentation, it's important to remember
a did you get audience.
p have you got a having
c do you get b making
c giving
4 I ___l a job after I finished school.
a don't find 14 Let me first give you an overview _____our marketing
b can't find activities.
c couldn't find a on
b about
5 Denise trained an actuary,
c of
a as
b like 15 I'll now look . the details of the contract.
c for a to
b at
6 His first real job was as a in an expensive restaurant.
c on
a chief
b chef 16 I've divided my talk into three m ain_____ .
c leader a sections
b departments
7 An actuary is a person who often works f o r _____.
c handouts
a a hospital
b a retailer 17 Another word for establish is
c an insurance company a set down *
b set off !
8 When you spend more money than you have, you
c set up
have ___ .
a debts 18 When you complete something successfully, it's called
b bankrupt a n _____ .
c loss a introduction
b investment
9 The pay workers receive is called
c achievement
a revenue
b wages 19 Our company is celebrating its 100th_____ .
c investment a birth
b anniversary
10 A company which is more than 50% owned by another
c innovation
company is called_____ .
a a family business 20 Our company is very safe. We have the best safety
b a- enterprise the industry.
c a subsidiary a record
b recording
c recorder

S core / 20 p o ir
Lesson 1: Luck?
aulary 0 M atch the w o rd s 1-6 w ith the d e fin itio n s a-f.
cure a the rights given to an inventor to sell the product he/she invented
patent b energy transmitted as waves or particles
experiment "c a way to make you better when you are ill
radiation d a product which changes the colour of something
dye e the opposite of natural
6 artificial f a test to discover something or prove a theory

C om plete the ta ble w ith the m issin g w ords.

verb noun

1 investigate
2 discovery
3 cure
4 mixture
5 fail
6 invention

C om plete th e sentences w ith the correct fo rm o f the w o rd s fro m

1 Many scientists are trying to find a ____________ for malaria.
2 Unfortunately, the experim ent__________ so they couldn't solve the problem.
3 He produced a thick purple__________ , which was later used in the fashion industry.
4 The computer was one of the most im portant__________ in the 20th century.
5 The research team was asked t o n ew methods of farming in the 1980s.

6 Alexander Flem ing__________ penicillin in 1928.

'a m m a r 0 o)) 4.1 Choose the correct fo rm o f the ve rb .T h e n listen and check.

I worked/ was working 1 in the export department of a French fashion company

for six years and then I lost/w a s losing2 my job. The company wasn't doing/
didn't d o 3 very well at the time. Actually, I think the whole industry was going/
w ent 4 through a difficult phase. At first, I wasn't knowing/ didn't know 5
what to do, but when my friend Celine and I were talking /ta lk e d 6 about job
perspectives, I had a great idea. We decided/ were deciding1 to start our own
online fashion store together. We specialised /w ere specialising8 in 'green
products', especially eco-friendly bags made of organic cotton or hemp and now
the company is a real success!

A n sw e r th e q ue stion s a b o u t yo u rse lf.

T<c!<' <' UU (' <'cV<V (V<Y (VcYf'V
What did you do after lunch yesterday?
2 What were you doing at 9.00 p.m. yesterday?
3 What did you do last night?
4 What were you doing the last time your phone rang

Lesson 2 : U/Aere uuh&iri...?
Vocabulary O C om plete the sentences w ith the w o rd s in th e box.

decade distribution famine global warming networks peak

1 In 1985, Vodafone and Cellnet opened the first mobile phone__________ in the UK.
2 In the fir s t__________, mobile phones w eren't very popular.
3 There was a __________ in car sales in 2002.
4 Sales and___________ of music, films and TV programmes are changing dramatically.
5 Today, many people are worried about climate change and __________ .
6 The world started paying attention t o __________ in Africa with the help of Live Aid.

Grammar Q C hoose th e correct p re p o sitio n .

1 China's economy is growing w ith /b y / for more than 10% per year.
2 The number of users fluctuated on/over/around the 1 million mark for some years.
3 Our online business rose to /a t /fo r 300,000 sales last year.
* 4 There was a sharp increase fo r /in /a t gas and oil prices everywhere.
5 How did the market develop from / in / between 2000 and 2013?
6 The crisis reduced the size in / o f / in many economies.
7 Sales continued to decrease by / for / until we changed our marketing strategy.
8 The web grew o f/a t/in a rate of 3,500 times a year in the 1990s.

Vocabulary @ Put th e ve rb s in the box in to th e co rrect c o lu m n .T h e n w rite the past tense fo rm s next to
each one.

decline decrease double fall grow increase peak me

Up 0 Down >5
rise - rose

fj} ))) 4.2 Look at th e graph and co m p le te the sentences w ith the phrases in th e box.
Then listen and check.

decreased sharply fluctuated grew steadily increased rapidly peaked

1 In the first three months, online sales______________________to about 5,000 units per month.
2 However, in the second quarter, sales______________________________ .
3 This trend continued in July and August when sales__________ at 32,000.
4 Unfortunately, in September, monthly sales______________________to about 12,000.
5 And in the final quarter, sales__________ between 10,000 and 15,000.

Monthly online soles

20.000 ..
Jan Feb M ar A pr M ay J un J ul A ug S ept O ct Nov Dec

Lesson 3 : S&Ki'mg y o u r idesO.
Vocabulary 0 C om plete the sentences w ith the co rrect fo rm s o f th e ve rb s get, m ake o r take.
1 He always tries t o ________________________ jokes during meetings.
2 I __________ really annoyed when he was talking about cutting costs.
3 Speak quietly t o __________ your audience's attention.
4 If you attend the m eeting,__________ the opportunity to sell your ideas.
5 I think th e y __________ the wrong decision when they sold the company.
6 Speaking out and__________ heard isn't always easy in a meeting.
7 My boss__________ this new trend very seriously.
8 How do you _2________ people to listen to your ideas at a meeting?
M atch th e b e g in n in g s o f the phrases 1-6 w ith th e end in gs a -f.
1 Sorry to a it's a good idea.
2 Can I just come b a question.
3 Personally, I think c more tim e for this project.
4 Can I just d say something?
5 I think we need e interrupt.
6 Sorry, I have f ' in here?

W h a t are th e phrases in 0 used for?

a To interrupt __________
b To offer an opinion __________

)4.3 Say the sentences.T hen listen and repeat.

Can I just say something? *
If I could just finish what I was saying.
Can I just come in here?
Personally, I feel this is an excellent offer.
I think this idea's ridiculous.
Sorry to interrupt, but I don't think this will work.
I suggest we discuss this point at the next meeting.
This sounds difficult. I think we should take it seriously.

Vocabulary 0 ) C om plete the co nve rsa tion w ith th e verbs in the b ox.T h en listen and check.

ask interrupt sell sound speak suggest

A: Today we're going to look at how you can

__________ 1 your ideas during a meeting. Firstly,
if you want people to pay attention,__________ 2
quietly. There's no need to shout.
B: Can I ju s t__________ 3 you a question?
A: Yes, sure.
B: Is it OK t o __________ 4 a conversation if you want to
say something?
A: Yes, of course. If you have an idea you want to
__________ 5 , you should say it. The important thing
is to try to __________ 6 assertive but pleasant.
Lesson 4: (Z&\jL&uu
Vocabulary O C om plete th e te x t w ith th e w o rd s in th e box.

developing food headquarters local pollution profits shoppers support

Fairtrade or local?
Today, many people are thinking more about the
quality of th e ________ 1they eat and also about where
its produced. Fairtrade, which has i t s ________ 2
in Germany, is an organisation that sets standards for
food producers and helps farmers in ________ 3
countries. M any________ 4 are happy to pay a little
more for the products because they know that some
of the ____ 5 go to the farmers. However, some
people think that this type o f ________ 6 isnt very
effective and say it's better to b u y ________ 7 food
instead of fairtrade products. Locally produced
food saves lots of energy because you dont have to
transport it very far, and so it helps reduce _______ 8.

Grammar @ C hoose the co rrect p re p o sitio n .

1 I'm trying to reduce my environmental impact by / on /fo r buying seasonal food.
2 Animal rights are important from / t o / b y m.
3 It's fair to pay a reasonable price a t/to /fo r a product.
4 In supermarkets now, you can buy any vegetable at any time of /fro m /through the year.
5 Farmers in developing countries don't need charity by/ on / from richer shoppers.
6 I'm worried o f/a b o u t/ for chemicals used in food production.

W rite w o rd s in the boxes to co m p le te th e sentences.

A period of ten years is a _____ .
China, Russia, Brazil and India are rapidly growing economies.
They're called_____ markets.
To find something or become aware of it is t o _____ something.
The noun form of the verb grow is _____ .
Unprocessed materials used for manufacturing products are
called ____materials.
6 We offer a wide of local products.
7 The noun form of the verb choose is _
8 A person who gives legal advice is a _
9 A trained cook who works in a restaurant is called a
10 The adjective form of the noun science is _ _ .

NOTEPAD W rite d o w n fiv e w o rd s o r e xpressio ns fro m th is u n it w hich you fin d m ost u sefu l.T ry to make
EXERCISE sentences w ith each o f th em .

Test yourself
Choose the correct answer. For every correct answer you score one point.

- e f c 'eers an experiment when they heard a 11 She gets really_____ when someone talks nonsense.
-oise. a annoyed b assertive c boring

12 Peter isn't shy, but sometimes he finds it difficult to speak

mes xvr'g
in a meeting.
mere aotng
a up
1 The se re " st ... a new bacteria in 1912. b of
sscc'.e^ed c about
13 Meetings are usually a good_____ to present new ideas.
a opportunity
> situation was very bad at the time and our b possibility
very well. c option
a mersr : doing
14 Say what you want to say as simply and_____ as possible.
fc mesr : doing
a loudly
c s - : r '3
b strongly
W -fc :e company in2009. c briefly
[ a soc
15 A: The results last year were really bad.
77x ng
B: What was the reason for the company's_____
n g
te - , s-: e n tific ______ were made in the last century. a low
m spsats b poor
ire a rrro -g h s c difficult
;r~ a *;x w n s
16 When you think something is ridiculous, you think it's _____ .
~~~ : r oe of oetrol________ to a record high last year. a silly or absurd
b interesting
c dangerous

17 An organisation which helps people, especially poor people is

- . - 3er of users fluctuated around the 1 million for called a _____ .
--! c r iths. a government
m re b charity
c support

18 Next month, they're going t o _____ their own 'green' brand.

e a ts quickly. a land
>5para b lunch
t =ac*c. c launch
t 3"5CL5
19 Many people are trying to reduce their environmental
Dies not mean fall. by eating locally produced food.
a influence
(ZecTEcse b impact
t j e r -e c effect

k* -f -g changes slowly, it changes 20 Buying and selling products or services on markets is

I w onav called_____ .
a trade
b economy
c business

S core: / 20 points

Vocabulary 0 C om plete th e sentences w ith the ve rb s in the box.

agree get give judge lose make set solve

A life coach helps people t o __________ their problems.

Do y o u __________ success by happiness or by money?
He helped me t o ______ my own goals.
A friend can also ______ you advice in many situations.
Can I _ _ _ _ _ _ a suggestion?
Many people go to university and . . a degree before
starting to work.
I d o n 't__________ with you.
She saw a life coach because she wanted to . weight.

Listening 0 <>)) 5.1 Listen to the in te rv ie w w ith Francis. A re th e sentences tru e o r false?

1 T ru e F alsi
Francis works with people who need help planning their lives.
He tells his clients what they should do.
It's important for a life coach to listen.
When people ask him questions, he gives them answers.
Open-ended questions make people think about what's important in their lives.

Listen again and co m p le te th e sentences.

1 OK, so you give advice and tell them what th e y . . to solve their problems.
2 A life coach doesn't make suggestions about what people should o r .
3 A life coach__________ to listen and ask the right questions.
4 Well, a life coach______ . clients to examine their lives and set their ov$n goals.
5 They__________ open-ended questions, which make people think about what's important in their lives .
6 As a life coach, I __________ them or answer those questions for them.

Grammar 0 Choose th e co rrect o p tio n using th e in fo rm a tio n in brackets.

1 You should/ must get a degree because it's easier to find a well-paid job. (I think it's a good idea)
2 I m ust/m ustn't tell my boss that I want to leave, (its necessary)
3 The doctor says I shouldn't/ mustn't eat nuts. (I'm allergic to them, it's dangerous)
4 You m ust/should have a degree if you want to become a lawyer, (otherwise you can't be a lawyer)
5 Work-life balance is important. You shouldn't / mustn'fwork so much, (that's my opinion)
6 In our company, we shouldn't/m ustn't use the computer for private emails, (it's against company polic\

NOTEPAD 0 Give advice to a frie n d w h o 's u n h ap py w ith h is/he r job .


1 You should
2 You shouldn't
3 You must
4 Yc_ ""-s tn 't
Lesson 2: xp&rts oct work.
c a b u la r y 0 M atch th e experts 1 -6 w ith th e d e fin itio n s a -f.
1 lawyer a helps people with computer problems
2 IT helpdesk b trains people to get healthy and strong
3 life coach c acts as a legal advisor
4 nutritionist d helps people set goals or plan their lives
5 fitness instructor e advises companies or individual clients onhow to run their businesses
6 consultant f tells people what kind of food is good orbadfor them

0 C om plete the ta ble w ith th e m issing w o rd s.

Verb Noun
1 criticise

2 response
3 explain

4 access
5 solution

6 permit

Use th e co rrect fo rm o f th e w o rd s fro m exercise to co m p le te the sentences.

1 Sorry, we ca n't__________ every fault instantly!
2 Our IT department always__________to emails within tw o hours.
3 I have a problem with my computer. I c a n 't__________my emails.
4 We talk to a lot of angry customers. Our department often gets a lot o f __________ .
5 I don't understand how to open this attachment. Could you __________ how to do it?
6 You must have__________ from your manager to enter these websites.

g ra m mar 0 C hoose the correct w ords.

1 I'm afraid you'll have to / m ust / can't contact the experts in IT.
2 You don't have to / m u st / m ustn't download updates. The system does that automatically.
3 I share an office with five colleagues so we don't have to /m u s tn 't/c a n use loudspeakers.
4 This is very annoying. I m u stn 't / c a n 't / don't have to access my emails today.
5 She works in a call centre and c a n /c a n 't/h a s to wear headphones all the time.
6 OK, I've updated my system, but I still don't have to / m u s tn 't / can't openthis file.

M ake sentences using th e w o rd s and the co rrect fo rm s o f the verbs in brackets. *

1 (not have to) you / in / a suit / wear / the office
2 (have to) make / he / phone call / an / international
3 (can) access / home / my files / 1/ from / ?
4 (must) regularly / the antivirus software / update / you
5 (must not) ta ke /yo u / h o m e /th e company laptop
6 (have to) back up / 1/ day / my files / every / ?

JTRAD t * W rite rules a b o u t w he re you w o rk/stu dy.

- -3C/5E

1 You must
2 You mustn't
3 You don't have to
4 You can
Lesson 3: /Asking for h&lp
M atch the b e g in n in g s o f the q ue stion s 1-8 w ith the e nd in g s a-h.
1 Do you think you a us a hand with the boxes?
2 I don't know what b and look at the presentation?
3 Can you come and give c helping me with the report for the CEO?
4 Could we have d opinion on the website design,
5 Can you come e could help me, Jan?
6 I need a second f give me some advice?
7 Do you think you could g to do about the missing files,
8 Would you mind h a meeting to talk about it?

Listening Q <>))5.2 Listen to th e co nve rsa tion betw een Jam es and Inessa. A re th e sentences tru e o r fa =

1 T ru e F a ls e I
1 Inessa has to give a presentation next week.
2 She has emailed the marketing department three times.
3 James says he will phone the marketing manager.
4 Inessa organised a meeting with the marketing department last week.
Language C om plete the co nve rsa tion w ith the w o rd s in the b ox.T h en listen again and check.

can I talk don't know need think we could would you mind

Hi, Inessa, is everything OK?

Hi, James. Well, actually I have a problem ._____ _1 to you about it for a
minute, please?
Yes, of course. What's wrong?
I __________ 2 to give a sales presentation tomorrow, but I haven't got the
data from the marketing department. I _____ 3 what to do.
Can't you just email them and ask for the information?
I sent them tw o emails yesterday and one today. They don't reply!
4 speaking to them?
J; No problem. I'll phone the marketing manager now.
I: Actually, it happens a lot. Several of my colleagues have the same problem.
Do y o u ________ _ 5 have a meeting with marketing to discuss it?
J: Yes, good idea. I'll ask the marketing manager to set up a meeting next
I: Thanks, James.

Pronunciation >))5.3 Say the sentences.T hen listen and repeat.

1 I'm having some problems with my computer..
2 I need a second opinion about this presentation.
3 Would you mind helping me for a minute, please?
4 Can you check this, please?
5 I really need a hand with the sales event.
6 Do you think you could look at the documents?

0 Make sentences to ask a colleague fo r help o r advice.

fV < r S5 .St5 S.SL c c c c ( c c c c IS J tX ' ( ( ( I <

1 you aren't sure about an email you've written.
2 You need advice about how to deal with a difficult colleague.
3 You want help organising a business trip for your boss.

Lesson 4 : (Z&vL&uj
!m m a r ^ J | C om plete the jo b a dve rt w ith p re p o s itio n s in the box.

at for from o f(x 2) to

Logistics M anager----------------------------------------------------------------------
We're looking______1an energetic logistics manager with at least five years'
experience _____ 2 project management. The role will be project based and you
will have to work evenings and w eekends______ 3 peak times. You must have
good time management skills and be able to w ork__ _4 tight deadlines. We
provide a friendly environment and we offer support ___5 a large team. For
such a demanding role we're offering a very competitive salary _6 $50,000.

C om plete th e ta ble w ith the m issin g w ords.

Noun Adjective
1 support

3 enthusiasm

4 weak

5 strength

Use som e o f the w o rd s fro m exercise 0 to co m p le te th e sentences.

He's v e ry __________ about the new project. He thinks it's a great idea.
2 My boss gave me a lot o f __________ when I started in this position.
3 She's very disorganised. That's her m ain__________ .
He's a v e ry __________ candidate for the position.

C om plete the cro ssw o rd .T h e answ ers are w o rd s fro m th is unit.

1 Another word for objectives.
6 A life coach helps y o u _____ your goals.
8 The verb form of advice.
9 There's a _____ with my computer. I can't access my email.
11 I don't know how to open this file. Can y o u _____ me, please?
12 If you want someone else's ideas, you ask for a
second_____ .
13 A life coach m u s t_____ to people a lot.
2 It's amazing how much depends_____ computers today.
3 The noun form of the verb satisfy.
4 In my job I deal_____ a lot of complaints.
5 If you work more than your working hours, you d o _____ .
7 It's very important to get a good w ork-life_____ .
10 Would you . helping me with this presentation?

W rite d o w n fiv e w o rd s or e xpressio ns fro m th is u n it w hich you fin d m o st useful.

Try to m ake sentences w ith each o f them .

Test yourself
Choose the correct answer. For every correct answer you score one point.

1 My partner says I more exercise. 11 Sometimes people worry that they aren't
a should do a up
b must make b on
c have to make c out

2 I to be in the office at 8.00. 12 A lot of people who work in IT suffer_____ stress

a can a by
b must b in
c have c from

3 A: I'm really stressed and very tired at the moment. 13 If there is a technical problem, a customer
B: You_____ work so much. helpdesk.
a can't < a request
b shouldn't b require
c don't have to c respond

4 Can you help me, please? I . ____open this PDF ft\e. \ 4 \ need some he\p wnththe database.MMou\d\jou rr
a car\Y
> VCWiSWiX a \o\oqY
c don't have to b looking
c look
5 You....... update the software, it does it automatically.
a shouldn't 15 Could you give me som e _____ about how to de
b mustn't problem?
c don't have to a advice
b advise
6 The meeting starts at 11.30. I _____ go now or I'll be late.
c advisor
a must
b can 16 I'm not sure about the samples. Could you have ;
c don't have to them, please?
a on
7 It's always a good idea to back_____ files on your computer.
b at
a on
c for
b up
c over 17 Many people have t<j work to deadlines,
a quick
8 The IT department doesn't get m uch_____ , but it gets a lot
b tight
of criticism.
c short
a praise
b prize 18 My job is terrible. I'm going to offer m y ____.
c pride a response
b review
9 A: How do you open this file?
c resignation
E You need t o ....... shift and then the enter key.
a put 19 We offer a ve ry _____ salary plus bonuses.
b switch a 'competitive
c press b successful
c supportive
10 The opposite of relaxing is _____ .
a stress 20 A: At the moment, I'm working 60 hours a week.
b stressed B: You should_____your hours to 45.
c stressful a extend
b limit
c increase

S core: /
-- ---------
Lesson 1 : ( A pressuytz
I ))) 6, Listen to M arek ta lkin g a bo ut his jo b . A re th e sentences tru e or false?

T ru e F a ls e I
Marek is a software engineer.
He works for a pharmaceutical company.
He reports to the parent company in Poland.
He started working in this job 15 years ago.
He goes to the gym at the weekends to help him relax.

Listen again and co m p le te th e text.

Our colleagues in the US are v e ry __________ 1 and we have to work

to very tig h t__________ 2. In fact, the deadlines are often totally
unrealistic, but we have to try t o __________ 3 them anyway. I started
working here fifteen years ago, and every year I find it harder and
harder to cope with th e __________ 4. What I hate most is that our
team leader doesn't really support us; in fact he usually puts even
m ore__________ 5 on us. T o__________ 6,-l go the gym twice a week
and go out with friends at the weekends.

Choose the correct p re p o sitio n .

1 We need to work faster. We're already after/behind/on schedule.
2 I find it very hard to work on / in / under pressure all the time.
3 How do you cope w ith /b y /in stress?
4 Great-news! We're going to finish the project four weeks before / on / ahead o f schedule.
5 Three of my colleagues are ill at the moment. Can we extend the deadline for/ by / until tw o weeks?
6 The deadline is 12.00 on Friday. It's very important that we finish this project before / on / at time.

J C om plete th e sentences w ith the present perfect fo rm o f the ve rb s in th e box.

be miss read speak visit work

1 M ark,__________ you e ver___________a deadline?

2 What's the most interesting project you__________ ever on?
3 H e __________ never__________ _ to Australia.
4 What's the best book yo u __________ ever___________ ?
__________ your colleagues ever the London office?
E I know her name, but I never to her before.

A n sw e r th e q ue stio n s a b o u t y o u rse lf. W rite co m p le te sentences.

1 What's the most interesting project you've ever worked on?

2 What's the most stressful job you've ever had to do?
3 What techniques have you tried to help you relax when you're under pressure?
Lesson 2: Uave. you dome, it yet;?
(jrammar Q C om plete th e sentences w ith ye t o r already.
I'm sorry, but I haven't finished the presentation_____
I'v e ______ sent them an email about the invoice.
Have you booked a table in the restaurant
It's her birthday next week and I'v e ______ got her a card.
We haven't received any response______ _
Has he checked the figures __________ ?

Vocabulary Q M atch the w o rd s 1-6 w ith the d e fin itio n s a -f.

1 agenda a money spent on a particular activity, e.g. travel, as part of your job
2 diary b a plan or an idea
3 proposal c a place where an event happens
4 expenses d a list of topics people will talk about at a meeting
5 deadline e the final time or date that you must do something before
6 venue f a book which you note appointments or important dates in

Grammar > 6.2 C om plete th e co nve rsa tion w ith the present perfect fo rm o f the ve rb s in th e box.
Then listen and check.

circulate make not decide organise reserve write

A: OK, let's talk about the meeting with our Chinese suppliers next week. Stella, .you
__________ 1 an agenda for the meeting yet?
S: Yes, I have. . already _ it to everyone, so it should be in your inbox.
A: Great. Philip, what about the tour of the production facilities? We agreed that we wanted
to show them some of our production processes before the meeting. _ _ _ _ _ _ you
______ 3 that yet?
P: No, I haven't. We need to discuss what we want to show them. Can we talk about that over
lunch tomorrow?
A: Yes, no problem. OK, what else do we need to talk about? What about dinner?__________ we
__________ 4 the restaurant yet?
I: Not yet. W e __________ even___________ 5 where we want to go! But I __________ already
6 a list of nice restaurants we could take them to. I'll send it to you this afternoon.

M ake sentences w ith th e w o rd s and the present perfect fo rm o fth e ve rb s in brackets.

1 (check) already / the sales figures / he .<
2 (not have) tim e /th e report/1 / y e t / t o finish
3 (pickup) you / my s u it/th e d ry-clea ne rs/fro m /yet / ?
4 (receive) the agenda / we / already
5 (tell) she / her b o s s /th e new deadline / about/already
6 (not do) he / yet / it

NOTEPAD A n s w e r th e q ue stio n s a bo ut yo u rse lf. W rite co m p le te sentences.

( C ( ( ( LZ U U
1 What have you already done on your 'to do' list today?
2 What have you not had tim e to do yet?
3 What are your most im portant achievements in the last two years?
Lesson 3: G&ttLmg -things domes
3 ry ^ C om plete th e sentences w ith th e w o rd s fro m the box.

energy filing grade m ulti-task priorities process trivial urgent

How to manage your time successfully

1 Work on one thing at a time. Don't try to _________
2 If you want to manage your time successfully, you need to
m ake__________ .
3 _ _ _ _ _ the tasks on your to-do list from most important to
least important.
4 Make sure your________________ system is efficient.
5 Changing between different tasks uses up a lot o f____________.
6 If an email takes less than two minutes to __________ , deal with
it immediately.
7 Focus on what's important. Don't spend too much time on
8 You can use instant messaging if it's__________ .

M atch the b e g in n in g s o f th e sentences 1-6 w ith th e e nd in g s a -f.

1 Just a quick reminder a if you could call me today.
2 Could you possibly b to look at the figures I gave you?
3 It would be really helpful c about the email I sent earlier.
4 I think it's important d replying to urgently.
5 Have you had a chance e we deal with this at once.
6 This emails needs f look at this email before lunch?

n Q '))) 6.3 Say the phrases.T hen listen and repeat.

1 Please make it your main priority to reply to this email.
2 It would be really helpful if you could answer them as soon as possible.
3 Have you had a chance to look at this?
4 Please let me know what you want to do about this.
5 We need to deal w ith this email immediately.
6 Could you possibly check this for me, please?

Correct th e fiv e m istakes in the em ail.

Hi Bob
I'm fo rw a rd in g you an email w hich needs replying to urgent.
It w o u ld be really helpless if you couid answ er this query before lunch today. This customer have
com plained before so I think it's quite im portant that w e d eal on it immediately. W e really can't
afford to have such slow customer service.
Please let me n o w when you've had a chance to reply to it.
Best wishes

Lesson 4: (Z&\;Le,u>
Vocabulary Q C om plete the e m ail w ith w o rd s fro m the box.

booked capacity confirm fully let news terms venues

Dear Steven
I understand you're the manager fo r the BCN events and Im w ritin g to give
you an update regarding dates and __________\
W e've __________2 you the W est City Hotel fo r the first show in Toronto on
the 3rd August. It's quite expensive, b ut it's a great venue w ith a ___________
o f over 250. Unfortunately, w e ca n't have the Bell Centre on th e 5th because
i t 's __________ 4 booked. But the g o o d __________ 5 is th a t w e managed to get
the Conolly Park Venue, w hich is even better.
I haven't g ot all the inform ation about the event on the 10th August, b ut I'll
6 you kn o w as soon as I have the details.
T h e __________ 7 and conditions are attached below. Could you please
__________ 8 ASAP th a t this is OK?

Grammar 0 <>))6.4 Reply to the q ue stio n s using th e present p erfect and ye t o r already.
Then listen and check.
Exam ple: Have you seen Anita's email? () Yes, I've already seen it.
1 Have your colleagues been on the course? (/) ____________________
2 Has George sent the invitations to the delegates? ( /) .____________________
3 Have we reserved the rooms at the hotel? (X) ____________________
4 Have you called Sarah? ( /) ____________________

IlilBlil A Look at the clues and fin d th e w o rd s in th e w o rd search.

c X B U D G E T 0 D 1 The money you plan forspend on a project.
2 Something that you need to do quickly is _
I E T 0 E I X T P .E
3 Another word for a question or request.
N S U M A G T Y Y M 4 When you are unhappy with a product or service,
T M L X D S E E E A you o fte n _____ about it.
5 If someone has forgotten to do something, you
c 0 M P L A I N Q N
send them a _____ .
0 V E F I N I W E D 6 The final time or date to complete an activity.
u R G E N T Z H N I 7 An informal word for a concert.
8 A person or task that expects a lot from you
u Y Q U E R Y K Z N
is '
c F L N A I L Y E G

NOTEPAD W rite d o w n fiv e w o rd s o r e xpressio ns fro m th is u n it w hich you fin d m o st useful.

EXERCISE Try to m ake sentences w ith each o f th em .
Test yourself
Choose the correct answer. For every correct answer you score one point.

c - e ver_____ money on something you don't need? 11 is another word for worried.
a Annoyed b Concerned c Sorry

12 Einar is responsible _ all aspects of tour management.

a of e.T hey_____ a single deadline this year. b about
c for

13 I'm waiting for the sales figures from marketing. I've already
them twice, but I haven't received anything yet.
e best jo b _____ . a chased
e f >er ~ad. b chose
wee nad. c circulated
r ever. 14 The conference takes place in May. I need to organise_____
he last time you; _something important? for 120 delegates.
: ; en a venue
b accommodation
c hotel

ita sn 't written the report 15 A: I'm very bad at managing my time.
B: You need to spend more tim e _____ the priorities.
a on
b for
c to
: : :< ec a table for six for tomorrow evening.
-= 5'eady 16 Have you invited a guest speaker for the opening_____?
j--e=c. ~ave a proposal
ycr: b plenty
c plenary
-<ye time. Can w e _____the deadline by a week?
17 If you want to be successful, you need t o _____ realistic
a set
b do
soend more money. We mustn't g o _____budget.
c put

18 A document showing a planned route or journey is an ^ .

a accommodation
b itinerary
ne 3 ..e have been given some governm ent_____for
c information
19 How do y o u _____with pressure at work?
a handle
b cope
c do
;:~ er word for afraid.
20 My colleagues keep interrupting me. I never have a moment's
in the office.
a peace
b piece
c calm

S core: / 20 points

C a r e e r s

'f ! M Lesson 1: Qualified forSuc^eSS?

V o c a b u la r y 0 M atch th e w o rd s 1-6 w ith th e d e fin itio n s a-f.
1 education a an official test
2 degree b a type of institution that offers courses
3 examination c the ability to do something
4 profession d the process of learning skills and gaining knowledge
5 skill e a job which needs special qualifications and skills
6 college f an academic qualification from a university

I C om plete th e sentences w ith th e correct fo rm o f th e ve rb s in th e box.

t be graduate have major not pass study take train

1 After I finished school, I _________to be an electrician.

2 Jorge__________ Science at the University of Barcelona
at the moment.
3 She finished her studies last year. She__________ the
final exam in March.
4 H e __________ a bachelor's degree in business and works
in a bank.
5 __________ you a qualified driving instructor?
6 He didn't go to university because h e __________ the
entrance exam.
7 I __________ from university second in my class.
8 She went to university in Cairo and__________ in Economics.

G ra m m a r Choose the co rrect p re p o sitio n .

1 If you want this job, you need a degree in Economics from / of / by a good university.
2 We need better training fo r /in /o n customer service.
3 She went to /in /o n college to train as a nurse. *
4 He passed his diploma b y /o n /w ith top.marks.
5 Did he major o n /in /a t History?
6 At the moment, he's applying in / t o /fo r a job in marketing.
7 I got a place o f/o n /a t an MBA course in Sydney.
8 He studied Social Science on / in / at the University of Moscow.

NOTEPAD A n sw e r th e q ue stion s a b o u t yo urself.


1 How many years have you studied at school/college/university?

2 What subjects did you study / are you studying?
3 When did you take your final exam?
4 What kind of qualifications do you have?
5 What courses do you want to do in the future?
Lesson 2: Stages a career
0 C om plete the ta ble w ith the m issin g w ords.

Verb Noun

1 invite
2 application
3 promote
4 recruitment
5 rise H

6 retirement

C om plete th e sentences w ith th e correct fo rm s o f th e w o rd s in

1 The economy was weak so the company didn't want t o __________ new staff.
2 After three years in her job, she got a __________ to team leader.
3 H e __________ for many jobs which were advertised online.
4 The company. . me to a job interview last week.
Did you get a pay. ___ in your new position?
When I I want to travel more.

K C '" 4>))7.1 Listen to Kyra ta lkin g a bo ut her jo b search. A re the sentences tru e o r false?

T ru e F a ls e
Kyra started looking for jobs in her final year at university.
She went to job fairs and networking events.
She was offered three different jobs.
After nearly four years, she had to leave the company.

O Choose the correct w o rd s.T h e n listen again and check.

I w nt to job fairs and other networking events and wrote lots of presentations / applications /
qualifications to companies I was interested in.
The situation in the job market was really difficult at the time and there weren't many
interesting jobs shortlisted/ applied/ advertised.
I was invited to three job interviews, but I didn't get recruited/ shortlisted / sacked for a second
Then my boss told me that the marketing department was being appointed/ reduced/
downsized and I was going to be made redundant.
They offered me a small redundancy/retirem ent/com pensation payment and now I'm looking
for a job again!

C om plete the sentences w ith th e present perfect fo rm o f the ve rb in brackets and fo r o r since.
I freelance___________ more than ten years now. (work)
Ben and I __________ an o ffice ___________ January, (share)
H e __________ ten candidates _ _ _ _ _ _ last week, (interview)
How long _ ____ you __ him? _______ we went to school together, (know)
They______ 20 people. . the beginning of the year, (recruit)
I h e r_______ a while. Do you know where she is? (not see)
W e _________ _ with the company__________ more than 10 years, (be)
I'm afraid I __________ time to write the report___________ I came back from lunch, (not have)

WLesson 3: 5&llimg yours&lf
Vocabulary Q C om ple te th e sentences w ith th e w o rd s in th e box.

culturally aware eye for detail focused friendly interpersonal skills team player

1 We're an international company and it's important that all our employees are _ _ _ _ _ and
able to deal with people from different backgrounds.
2 The position in the claims department involves dealing with a lot of customer queries so a
, confident manner is essential.
3 We're looking for someone who can work well with the group. What we need is a real

4 The work involves talking to and meeting customers on a regular basis so we need someone
with excellent__________ .
5 We're looking for people to join our IT project team. We need people who are exceptionally
and can work to tight deadlines.
6 As an accountant you'll prepare the monthly statements for the board. You need to be well
organised with an ______ _ .

Choose th e co rrect w o rd .
1 People who believe in their skills and abilities are shy/ confident/ nervous.
2 My colleague leaves his things all over the place. He's very late / untidy/ unambitious.
3 He wants to make a career and is studying very hard. He's very m odest/arrogant/
4 We talk to a lot of customers with IT problems. We mustn't be untidy / focused/ unfriendly on
the phone.
5 The meeting started at 8.00, but she wasn't there. She's always punctual/ confident/ late.
6 I've prepared the presentation very well, but I'm still modest/ nervous / confident.
M atch the b e g in n in g s o f th e in te rv ie w phrases 1-8 w ith the end in gs a -h .
1 What are your a where I can use my language skills.
2 What can you offer our company b yourself in three years' time?
3 I'd like to work in a position c and determined.
4 I see myself in a d improve my interpersonal skills.
5 I probably need to e that nobody else can?
6 Where do you see f strengths and weaknesses?
7 I'm very focused g myself as a head of department.
8 In the future, I can see h role with more responsibility.

Label the sentences fro m as in te rv ie w e r (I) o r candidate (C).

1 2 _____ 3 _____ 4 _____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____

Pronunciation e ))) 7.2 Say the sentences.T hen listen and repeat.
1 In the future, I hope to work in a position where I can use my English skills.
2 In a few years' time, I'd like to work abroad.
3 The most important thing I have to offer is lots of experience in project management.
4 I've got strong interpersonal skills.
5 I'm very focused and determined.
6 I probably need to improve my language skills.
I see myself in a role with more responsibility than I have now.
8 My computer skills could be better.

Lesson 4 : (Z&vL&uo
is te n in g >)) 7.3 sten to th e in fo rm a tio n a bo ut the B u run di Education Project.
A re th e sentences tru e o r false?

True False I
1 The Burundi Education project started in 2012.
2 The fund-raising department made 45,000 last year.
3 They're looking for a new salesperson.
4 A lot of funding comes from Belgium and Austria.
5 The candidate must speak good English.

ibulary 0 C om plete the te x t w ith the w o rd s in the b ox.T h en listen again and check.

corporate essential focused manage skills teachers

Burundi Education Project

- ::: the Burundi Education Project, an international education charity which
:: -r.ded in 2002 with the aim of developing and supporting schools in rural
:f Burundi. We work together with local _____ ...... and try to improve
E~:nal standards. My team in the fund-raising department made about 45,000
XL Most of the money comes from_________ 2 donors. At the moment we're
for a new fundraiser who can _____ 3 our relationships with these
riss. We need someone who is well-organised,_________ 5 and has very good
ersDnal_________ 4. As a lot of the funding we get comes from companies in
and Australia, it's _ : that they speak good English.

( :f C hoose the co rrect p re p o sitio n .

1 The work involves dealing a b o u t/w ith /in people in many different countries.
2 What do you know o v e r/o n /a b o u t this company?
3 I'm very impressed w ith /o n /a b o u t your results.
4 Never answer your mobile phone b y/o n /d u rin g a job interview.
5 Have you read the team leader's assessment by/ o f/ from Sebastian?
6 I've got a master's degree o n /b y /in Economics.
7 He passed his exam and got a place b y /o n /a t university.
8 She w ent o n /in /to a beginner's course in project management.

W rite w o rd s in th e boxes to co m p le te the sentences.

1 When you stop working at the age of 65 you
2 If a company wants to reduce staff, thev make people
3 The opposite of pass an exam is
4 When vou araduate from university vou aet a
5 BSc stands for Bachelor of
6 Another word for recruit is
7 The adjective form of the noun ambition is
8 HR stands for Resources.
9 What are your and weaknesses?

W rite d o w n fiv e w o rd s o r e xpressions fro m th is u n it w hich yo u fin d m o st useful.

Try to m ake sentences w ith each o f them .
Test yourself
Choose the correct answer. For every correct answer you score one point.

1 I'm _____ History at university. 11 A: Where's Carol?

a training B: I don't know. I _ her today,
b studying a haven't seen b didn't see c don't see
c qualifying
12 I've been with this company 2010.
2 S he____ the exam several times before she passed it. a since
a took b for
b made c during
c did
13 A: Where does Peter live?
3 He went to a . college to train as a cabinet maker. B: In Canada._____ in Toronto for the last six months.
a professional a He lived
b educational b He lives
c vocational c He's lived
4 Karuna _ _ __ from university last year, 14 At a job interview you shouldn't d re ss_____.
a majored a briefly
b graduated b inappropriately
c left c obviously

5 He was very good at Maths and got to p _____ . 15 Keep your answer brief. Answer the questions
a marks w ith o u t_____.
b notes a emphasising
c rates b responding
c rambling
6 Someone who's learning a trade is called_____.
a a student 16 Sheila doesn't speak much about her excellent exam res
b an undergraduate She's a v e ry _____ person.
c an apprentice a communicative
b modest
7 An application for a job usually includes a CV and a
c tidy
a recruiting 17 Rajesh was promoted to project leader when his boss w;
b covering o n _____leave.
c promotion a maternity *
b holiday
8 ...... _ means that a company wants to reduce staff.
c sabbatical
a Downsizing
b Sabbatical 18 After graduating from university, she applied__ severa
c Retiring positions in accounts,
a on
9 If you work freelance you a re _____ .
b to
a training
c for
b employed
c self-employed 19 He failed the exam and _ out of the course.
a fell
10 _____to work with children since I was a teenager.
b dropped
a I wanted
c left
b I've wanted
c I want 20 I lost my job last week. My boss wasn't happy with my
performance so th e y _____ me.
a sacked
b retired
c reduced

S core: / 20 poir
(5 & L \r\c j o rc ja irs L s e s d

2 _ !a ry C om plete the sentences w ith the w o rd s in the box.

decisions filing mess messy relaxed tidy

After the conference, I had to clean up th e __________ .

My desk and__________ cabinet are perfectly organised.
My colleague's office is perfectly organised and looks
very clean and__________ .
I think you should be m ore_________ _ about mess.
Research shows that a __________ desk doesn't always
mean people aren't organised.
I need to learn how to make ____ more quickly.

IC r a a r C hoose the present co n tin u o u s or be g o in g to fo rm . In som e sentences both are correct.

1 She's tidying / going to tidy her desk this week.
2 I've booked a table at Gino's. We're having/ going to have dinner with Franca andTom tonight.
3 Theyre focusing/ going to focus more on work from now on.
4 Where are you going/ going to go on your next holiday?
5 In the future, I'm not checking/ going to check my emails as often as I did in the past.
6 She has decided she's planning/ going to plan more family activities.
7 I've arranged to meet Ute. I'm meeting/ going to meet her at 14.00 in her office.
8 I can't find anything in this mess. I'm organising/ going to organise these documents into folders.

M ake sentences w ith the w o rd s , be g o in g to and th e ve rb s in brackets.

1 (have) he / next week / off / a day
2 (not say) anything / my colleague / about / her messy desk / to / 1
3 (leave) early / she / the office / today
4 (be) I / about / more relaxed / mess
5 (not take) holiday / this summer / 1/ any
6 (tidy) filing cabinet / 1/ and desk / this afternoon / my

R ew rite the sentences using th e present c o n tin u o u s o r be g o in g to fo rm . In som e

sentences both are correct.
Exam ple: I've decided to do more sport this year. I'm going to do more sport this year.
I want to visit my parents at the weekend.
My boss and I have arranged to travel to Paris on Tuesday.
I plan to be more organised.
I don't want to check my emails every five minutes.
I've decided to clear away the things on my desk.
I've arranged to meet my friend Alan tonight.

NOTEPAD A n s w e r th e q ue stio n s a bo ut yo urself.

i z - : se
(V (' (' (' tX' W i'%l <<.d' T C ( < <('<( C r ( C C ( C ( (
1 What are you doing tonight?
2 What are your plans for the weekend?
3 Where are you going to spend your next holiday?

Lesson 2: I must do it!
Vocabulary 0 C om plete th e table w ith the m issin g w ords.

Noun Adjective

1 boredom
2 spontaneous
3 prediction
4 decisive

5 impulse
6 surprising

C om plete the sentences w ith th e w o rd s in f :.

It was a b ig __________ when I won the competition.
Yesterday, we decided to go on holiday to Russia! It was a really. . decision.
I do the same things day after day. My job's really__________ .
I can't make up my mind what to do. I need to be m ore________
You never know what he's going to do next. He is n 't______ . at all.
Some teenagers are v e ry __________ . They do things w ithout thinking.

Listening 0 >)) 8.1 Listen and co m p le te the sentences.

I'm in a difficult situation at the moment. My boss told me that the company is going to cut
1 and so i'm
I'm sure +k + ini
that I'll have +
to . ______2 my j0k happenSi |'|| use t hjs
1to look for a new job in _______ country. I'd like to work in Australia or New
Zealand. My friend Alex worked there for a couple of years, so perhaps I'll ask him what he thinks.
Kevin and Rachel
K: So Rachel, what are your plans for the weekend?
R: I'm going to see some friends on Saturday.
K: G reat... Oh no! It's starting to rain. I'm going to g e t___________ 5. I forgot my umbrella.
R: D on't__________________ 6 , I'll lend you my umbrella.

Grammar 0 M atch the sentences 1 -6 fro m 0 to the fu n c tio n s a -f.

. the company is going to cut s ta ff... a planned decision
. I'm sure I'll have to leave my job. a spontaneous decision
. I'll use this opportunity to look for a new job ... an offer
. perhaps I'll ask him what he thinks, a prediction based on present evidence
m going to get wet. I forgot my umbrella. a fact
Don't worry, I'll lend you my umbrella. something we believe will happen

Choose the correct fo rm : w ill or be g o in g to.

I think I'll a sk/I'm going to ask him about the job.
Have you read the sales report? The company w ill cut--/is going to cut 50 jobs in sales and marketing.
-A n y plans for the weekend?
-Yes, I'll v isit/I'm going to visit an old friend of mine in Scotland.
- It's really hot in here.
- I'll open/I'm going to open the window.
- Can you come to the meeting tomorrow?
- No, I can't. I'm going to attend/I'll attend a conference.
I don't know how to open this file. Maybe I'll ask/I'm going to ask George.

Lesson 3: Le-ts m ake, i t {Aj&dmesdt\\j imS'te^a.d
language o M atch the b e g in n in g s o f th e sentences 1-8 w ith th e end in gs a-h.
1 I'm afraid Friday is a make lunch on Tuesday.
2 Would later b instead of 3.00.
3 I'm afraid I can't c be free on the 1 August?
4 Would you d available on the 17th?
5 How about e is fine.
6 Yes, Thursday f a bit difficult.
7 Would you be g meeting for lunch next week?
8 Let's make it 2.30 h on Monday suit you?

0 W h a t are th e sentences in
1 To suggest arrangements
used for?

2 To respond to suggestions

)}) 8.2 Put the co nve rsa tion in the correct ord er.T he n listen and check.

Hi Chang. It's Celia here from TPS in Dublin.

That will be difficult. On Thursday, I've got a meeting at 2.00 and I

think it will finish late, perhaps 4.30 or 5.00.

Let me just check my diary ... Yes, why not? Friday's good for me.
Shall we say 9.30 in my office?

Hm. Can we find a different day then? Are you free on Friday?

No, I'm afraid there's a problem. Something's come up and I can't

make Thursday morning after all. Are you available in the afternoon?

Yes, that sounds good. See you then.

Hi Celia. Nice to hear from you. Is everything OK for the meeting

next week?

ic ia tio n <>))8.3 Say th e sentences.T hen listen and repeat.

1 Are you available to meet in the morning?
2 I was wondering if we could meet up when I'm in London.
3 I'm afraid I can't make Wednesday.
4 Is next Monday convenient for you?
5 I can't do Tuesday morning. Could we doTuesday afternoon instead?
6 Would Thursday afternoon suit you?
7 I'll be free from around 12.30 onwards.
8 Unfortunately, I w on't be back until Friday lunchtime.

SC^EPAD 0 A n sw e r th e q ue stio n s a bo ut y o u rs e lf. W rite co m p le te sentences.


1 When did you last have to change a plan and why?

2 What plans do you have for your work/study next year?

3 What plans are you looking forward to in the next few months?
Lesson 4: (Z&vLe-uu
I C om plete the e m ails w ith w o rd s in the box.
appointment arrange available how about looking forward meet up make suit

o ^ c

Hi Liliana,
G ood to hear from you.
It would be an excellent idea t o ___________ 1 a meeting when you come over to M adrid next week.
Unfortunately, I have to attend a workshop on Tuesday, so I c a n 't___________ 2 that day. Are you
___________ 3 on M onday or W ednesday? I'll be free all day on M o n d a y and on W ednesday aftern
___________ 4 to hearing from you.
Best wishes

O <~~C

Hi Jamie
I've got a n _______ at 9 .0 0 on M o n d a y morning and a meeting with the production team at 1C
but it w ould be nice t o _________ 6 after that. meeting for lunch on M onday? I could d<
1 .0 0 in your office. W ould th a t. 1you?
Kind regards
C om plete th e c ro s s w o rd .T h e answ ers are w o rd s fro m th is unit.
2 I look. _ to seeing you next week.
3 How . meeting for breakfast?
5 We need to discuss the IT project. Are you
on Monday?
6 The day between Wednesday and Friday.
7 Sorry, I can't make Friday. Something's come
8 At the end of an email you often write 'Kinc
11 Could we m e e t_____ Monday morning?
12 The noun form of the verb arrive.
13 Let's meet at 11.00_____ of 12.00 so we ha
more time.
1 Another word for pick up.
3 I'm _____ I can't make it on the 12th.
4 Another word for messy or disorganised.
5 Another word for concentrate on something
9 An adverb to describe being in or going to a
10 Unfortunately, I won't get back 10.00 i

NOTEPAD 0 W rite d o w n fiv e w o rd s o r expressio ns fro m th is u n it w hich you fin d m o st u sefu l.T ry to mak
EXERCISE sentences w ith each o f th em .

Test yourself
Choose th e correct answer. For every correct answer you score one point.

I ~a.e my final exam in June. a lot for it. 11 I'm going to be in Muscat next month and I _____ if we could
a study meet up.
a Dont study a was planning
: ~ going to study b was thinking
c was wondering
hm e .ou phoned Franca yet? No, but it now.
do - 12 Hi Karen. about our meeting next week,
; 30 a I ring
i doing b I'm ringing
c I'll ring
__ bo tonight?
a Do .ou meet 13 I think we might have to our meeting until my next
: --e /ou meeting visit.

: Ic e s he meet a postpone
b cancel
_ her about the new project over lunch.
c change

14 I'll be free from about 2.30

a after
b onwards
be at the conference?
c later

15 What time's yo u r_____ ?

a flying
b fly
M W~ cn of these options is not correct?
c flight
i ~ meeting Luke at 10.00 tomorrow.
; going to meet Luke at 10.00 tomorrow. 16 I only heard about the meeting yesterday, which is very
: ~ e e t Luke at 10.00 tomorrow. short
a note
' s*'aid _ have time for this tomorrow.
b notice
3 won't
c plan
; w ill
17 Spontaneous people enjoy doing_____ things.
: didn't have
a unexpected
: ; - t like this deal at all. sign the contract.
b disciplined
i don't
c stressful
a ~i not going to
18 Geraldine's very keen athletics and water sports.
e not
a in
; Text Monday for you?
b at
a able
c on
a available
19 Would you be _ tomorrow afternoon?
c convenient
a suitable
'eally glad we managed to find
b available
a a window
c convenient
a = ' appointment
20 At the end of an email to a colleague you can write
c option
a wishes
b greetings
c luck

Score: / 20 points

4 2.2
!=lbrahim, A=Annette
I: Hi Annette, I'm Ibrahim. You work in our Los Angeles office,
don't you?
Linda's favourite tim e is early in the morning. She always tries A: Yes, that's right. I'm an events manager and I lead a team of
: d be in the office before 7.30. It's really quiet at that time and four people.
she can check her emails before her colleagues arrive. Linda I: That sounds interesting. What do you do exactly?
spends most of her time talking to customers.on the phone until A: Well, a lot of things really. We plan and organise events,
kjnchtime. She often goes to a snack bar and eats a sandwich meetings and trade fairs for the whole company. We
tnere. She doesn't like the food in the canteen. In the afternoon, also make travel arrangements for people who attend
sne sometimes has to attend meetings. these events and we try to get good rates for hotels and
conference facilities. Where do you work?
- useyin spends most of his time travelling. He's a computer
I: I'm based in Toronto.
expert and often visits customers to help them with their
A: So you work in Canada, great! What do you do?
software problems. He doesn't spend much time in the office.
I; I'm an internal auditor. I check the company's records and
- e rarely gets home before 8.30 in the evening. To relax after
make sure the financial processes are working correctly. And
.vork, he usually listens to music on his iPod.
then I report the results to the, management.
*)) 1-2 A: Wow! That sounds complicated.
I: No, not really.
jsually get up at half past six in the morning and leave for work
at tw enty to eight. But at the moment, I'm attending a course ) 2.3
on programming apps at the local training centre which starts at 1 I'd like some sparkling water, please.
f past eight, so I'm getting up a bit later, which is great. We 2 I'd prefer still water.
-ave a coffee break at quarter past ten and lunch is between
3 Do you like spicy food?
: ie o'clock and quarter to two. The course ends at five o'clock, 4 It's a speciality of this restaurant.
so get home at about tw enty to six. 5 I'd like to order some bread as well.
i) i.3 6 Can I have the steak and salad, please?
7 It's served with rice and vegetables.
Could you tell me the time, please?
8 No, thank you. I've had enough.
It's exactly 9.50.
Does the meeting start at 3.15? *>)) 2.4
II take the 11.20 City bus.
C=Cedric, F=Frank
Vly working hours are from 8.30 to 4.45.
C: This is the best Creole restaurant in town. Do you like spicy
How are things w[th you? food?
Do you know what time the meeting finishes? F: Yes, I do.
didn't realise it was so late. C: Then you must try the chicken Colombo. It's one of my
favourite dishes.
Jnit 2 F: What is it?
C: It's chicken made with a special sauce - a kind of curry. It's a
2.1 speciality of this restaurant.
F: Sounds good. And it says here that the dish is served with ...
=Nika, !=lbo, Z=Zoya
C: They're vegetables a bit like potatoes. I think you'll like them.
Hi Ibo. This is a great event. Im meeting some really
F: OK, I'll try the chicken then. And I'd like a bottle of sparkling
nteresting people here. How about you?
water, please.
Yfes, it's fantastic. One person I'd really like to meet today is
C: Fine, I think we're ready to order.
Daula Smith from our Paris office. Do you know what she
ooks like?
: Sure. She's got long dark curly hair, green eyes and she Unit 3
.vears glasses.
s she wearing a grey suit and black shoes today? ) 3.1
'es, i think so. My father owns a restaurant in Narbonne and he always wanted
think I can see her over there - next to the coffee bar. me to work in the family business, but I wasn't really interested
in that type of work. So I decided to study business at university.
Hello. After I graduated, I started working for a large international
- Ibo. It's Zoya. I've just arrived. Where can we meet? company in Lyon. I worked for them as an accountant for about
- Zoya. Great, I'm standing near the main entrance. five years. Most people think working with numbers all the
3K. What do you look like? time is boring, but I loved the job. The pay and conditions were
ve got a beard, short brown hair and I'm wearing a white excellent and my colleagues were really nice, but after five years
shirt and black jeans. I found I wanted a change so I started looking for a new job.
hanks. Oh, I can see you. Speak to you in a second.
*) 3.2 >)) 4.4
SIEMENS Compant History A: Today we're going to look at how you can sell your ideas
The company started as a small workshop in Berlin in the during a meeting. Firstly, if you want people to pay atter:
middle of the 19th century. Werner von Siemens, a German speak quietly. There's no need to shout.
entrepreneur and engineer, revolutionised telecommunications B: Can I just ask you a question?
by developing a device, which improved the telegraph system. A: Yes, sure.
In 1848, the company started building the first long-distance B: Is it OK to interrupt a conversation if you want to say
telegraph line, which connected Frankfurt and Berlin - a distance something?
of about 500 kilometres. Over the next few years, Siemens A: Yes, of course. If you have an idea you want to suggest, .
set up a number of subsidiaries in other countries and also should say it. The important thing is to try to sound asse-
opened their first cable plant near London in 1863. Some years but pleasant.
later, in 1870, Siemens opened Indoline, the first telegraph line
connecting India and Europe. And in 1879, they developed the Unit5
first electric passenger train.

) 3.3 *) 5.1
l=lnterviewer, F=Francis
1 Today, I'm going to talk about the sales targets for next year.
I: Francis, you're a life coach. Can you tell us a bit more abo.
2 Let's start with some background information.
what you do?
3 I've divided my presentation into three main sections.
F: Sure. I work with people who have a problem or need to
4 Firstly, I'm going to talk about the results of the test.
make a decision in their lives. Many clients just need sor~
5 I'll now look at our main markets in Central America.
help planning their lives. There are many reasons for s e e r
6 Let's move on to our global business perspectives.
life coach.
7 To sum up, we need to improve customer care.
I: OK, so you give advice and tell them what they should do
8 If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
solve their problems.
F: No, not at all! A life coach doesn't make suggestions abou
Unit 4 what people should or shouldn't do. A life coach must be
able to listen and ask the right questions.
*) 4.1 I: Questions, not answers? How does that work?
I worked in the export department of a French fashion company F: Well, a life coach should help clients to examine their
for six years and then I lost my job. The company wasn't doing lives and set their own goals. They must ask open-ended
very well at the time. Actually, I think the whole industry was questions, which make people think about what's importa1
going through a difficult phase. At first, I didn't know what to in their lives and what they want to achieve. As a life coacf
do, but when my friend Celine and I were talking about job mustn't lead them or answer those questions for them.
perspectives, I had a great idea. We decided to start our own I: OK, I see. Very interesting.
online fashion store together. We specialised in 'green products',
especially eco-friendly bags made of organic cotton or hemp and ) 5.2
now the company is a real success! J=James, i=lnessa
J: Hi, Inessa, is everything OK?
) 4.2 I: Hi, James. Well, actually I have a problem. Can I talk to yoi
In the first three months, online sales grew steadily to about about it for a minute, please?*
5,000 units per month. However, in the second quarter, sales .J: Yes, of course. What's wrong?
increased rapidly. This trend continued in July and August when I: I need to give a sales presentation tomorrow, but I haven't
sales peaked at 32,000. Unfortunately, in September, monthly got the data from the marketing department. I don't know
sales decreased sharply to about 12,000. And in the final what to do.
quarter, sales fluctuated between 10,000 and 15,000. J: Can't you just email them and ask for the information?
4 4.3 I: I sent them tw o emails yesterday and one today. They don'
reply! Would you mind speaking to them?
1 Can I just say something? J: No problem. I'll phone the marketing manager now.
2 If I could just finish what I was saying. I: Actually, it happens a lot. Several of my colleagues have the
3 Can I just come in here? same problem. Do you think we could have a meeting with
4 Personally, I feel this is an excellent offer. marketing' to discuss it?
5 I think this idea's ridiculous. J: Yes, good idea. I'll ask the marketing manager to set up a
6 Sorry to interrupt, but I don't think this will work. meeting next week.
7 I suggest we discuss this point at the next meeting. I: Thanks, James.
8 This sounds difficult. I think we should take it seriously.
) 5.3
1 I'm having some problems with my computer.
2 I need a second opinion about this presentation.
3 Would you mind helping me for a minute, please?
4 Can you check this, please?
5 I really need a hand with the sales event.
6 Do you think you could look at the documents?

Unit 6 Unit 7
<) 6.1 *>)) 7.1
Im a data manager for a pharmaceutical company in Poland. We About eight months before I graduated from university, I started
collect and analyse data for medical research and then report looking for jobs. I went to job fairs and other networking events
the results to our parent company in Chicago. Our colleagues in and wrote lots of applications to companies I was interested in.
the US are very demanding and we have to work to very tight The situation in the job market was really difficult at the time and
deadlines. In fact, the deadlines are often totally unrealistic, but there weren't many interesting jobs advertised. I was invited
we have to try to meet them anyway. I started working here to three job interviews, but I didn't get shortlisted for a second
fifteen years ago, and every year I find it harder and harder to interview. I didn't give up though and after about six months a
cope with the stress. What I hate most is that our team leader big company offered me a job as a marketing assistant.
doesn't really support us; in fact he usually puts even more I worked there for nearly four years. Then my boss told me that
pressure on us. To relax, I go the gym twice a week and go out the marketing department was being downsized and I was going
with friends at the weekends. to be made redundant. They offered me a small redundancy
payment and now I'm looking for a job again!
>)) 6.2
A=Alberto, S= Stella, P=Philip, l=lnes <>)) 7.2
A: OK, let's talk about the meeting with our Chinese suppliers 1 In the future, I hope to work in a position where I can use my
nest week. Stella, have you written an agenda for the English skills.
meeting yet? , 2 In a few years' time, I'd like to work abroad.
S: Yes, I have. I've already circulated it to everyone, so it should 3 The most important thing I have to offer is lots of experience
be in your inbox. * in project management.
A: Great. Philip, what about the tour of the production 4 I've got strong interpersonal skills.
facilities? We agreed that we wanted to show them some 5 I'm very focused and determined.
of our production processes before the meeting. Have you 6 I probably need to improve my language skills.
organised that yet? 7 I see myself in a role with more responsibility than I have
P No, I haven't. We need to discuss what we want to show now.
them. Can we talk about that over lunch tomorrow? 8 My computer skills could be better.
A: Yes, no problem. OK, what else do we need to talk about?
What about dinner? Have we reserved the restaurant yet? *>)) 7.3
Not yet. We haven't even decided where we want to go! But I work for the Burundi Education Project, an international
I've already made a list of nice restaurants we could take education charity which was founded in 2002 with the aim of
them to. I'll send it to you this afternoon. developing and supporting schools in rural areas of Burundi. We
work together with local teachers and try to improve educational
) 6.3 standards. My team in the fund-raising department made about
1 Please make it your main priority to reply to this email. 45,000 last year. Most of the money comes from corporate
2 It would be really helpful if you couldanswer them as soon donors. At the moment we're looking for a new fundraiser who
as possible. can manage our relationships with these companies. We need
3 Have you had a chance to look at this? someone who is well-organised, focused and has very good
4 Please let me know what you want to do about this. interpersonal skills. As a lot of the funding we get comes from
5 We need to deal with this email immediately. companies in the US and Australia, it's essential that they speak
6 Could you possibly check this for me, please? good English.

*>)) 6.4
1 No, they haven't been on it yet. Unit 8
2 Yes, he's already sent them.
3 No, we haven't reserved them yet. ) 8.1
4 Yes, I've already called her. Marla
I'm in a difficult situation at the moment. My boss told me that
the company is going to cut staff and so I'm sure that I'll have to
leave my job. If that happens, I'll use this opportunity to look for
a new job in another country. I'd like to work in Australia or New
Zealand. My friend Alex worked there for a couple of years, so
perhaps I'll ask him what he thinks.
Kevin and Rachel
K=Kevin, R=Rachel
K: So Rachel, what are your plans for the weekend?
R: I'm going to see some friends on Saturday.
K: G reat... Oh no! It's starting to rain. I'm going to get wet. I
forgot my umbrella.
R: Don't worry, I'll lend you my umbrella.

i: And you transform them into elegant handbags?
4 82 S: That's right. And believe it or not, our bags are very popja
C=Celia, Ch=Chang with people all over Europe. One of our latest models is a
C: Hi Chang. It's Celia here from TPS in Dublin. stylish handbag made out of a bicycle tyre.
Ch: Hi Celia. Nice to hear from you. Is everything OK for the I: Wow! So design is very important, I suppose.
meeting next week? S: Yes, design is important. Obviously we want to offer our
C: No, I'm afraid there's a problem. Something's come up and customers attractive and fashionable products, but we
I can't make Thursday morning, after all. Are you available in also believe in quality. Our products have to be strong and
the afternoon? durable. That's why we offer a three-year guarantee on all
Ch: That will be difficult. On Thursday, I've got a meeting at 2.00 products.
and I think it will finish late, perhaps 4.30 or 5.00.
C: Hm. Can we find a different day then? Are you free on 4 93
Friday? 1 I think you're right.
Ch: Let me just check my diary ...Yes, why not? Friday's good 2 Absolutely!
for me. Shall we say 9.30 in my office? 3 I don't quite agree with you on that.
C: Yes, that sounds good. See you then. 4 That makes sense, but do you think they will agree?
5 Exactly!
4 8.3 6 I think it's an excellent idea.
1 Ace you available to meet in the morning? 7 I think we should talk about the budget first.
2 I was wondering if we could meet up when I'm in London.
3 I'm afraid I can't make Wednesday. 4 9.4
4 Is next Monday convenient for you? A=Almira, B=Bruce
5 I can't do Tuesday morning. Could we do Tuesday afternoon A: I think we should redesign our website. It looks a bit out-o
instead? date, don't you think?
6 Would Thursday afternoon suit you? B: I agree. What do you suggest?
7 I'll be free from around 12.30 onwards. A: I'll talk to Sofia, our web designer,-and ask her what she
8 Unfortunately, I won't be back until Friday lunchtime. thinks.
B: That's a good idea.
A: Well, if we give our website a facelift, I think it would be
Unit 9 good to create an English version too.
B: Hm, I'm afraid I disagree.
4 9-1 A: But there are a lot of international customers visiting our
NOKIAN TYRES website and many of them dont speak Spanish!
History B: I'm not sure about that.
The Finnish Rubber Works was founded in 1898 in Nokia, *A: So, is this not open for discussion?
in Finland and manufactured its first car tyres in 1932. The B: No, not really.
engineers at the factory realised that there was a need for
a tyre which was suited to the cold weather conditions in
Nordic countries. As a result, a special cold weather tyre was Unit 10
developed and the Hakkapeliitta was launched several years
later. These tyres became famous in the legendary Monte Carlo ) 10.1
rallies in the 1950s and 1960s. The cars with Hakkapeliitta tyres l=lnterviewer, D=David
were much better on snowy and icy mountain roads. Finnish I: Shopping is big business andit has become a very importc
drivers were so successful in rallies that they were called 'Flying part of our lives. Today there are lots of different ways to bi
Finns'. The company separated from the Nokia Corporation in products, and retailers want to know how we shop to try a
1988 and Nokian Tyres PLC was created. sell us more. Retail expert, David Burrows, has researched
Expertise our shopping habits and thinks that there are four types of
Nokian Tyres is the only tyre manufacturer in the world that customers. So David, what are these four types?
focuses on producing tyres for cold weather conditions. The D: Well, as you said before, shopping is now an important par
company supplies innovative tyres for cars, trucks and heavy of our lives and for some people shopping is even a way ot
machinery, which are mainly used in northern countries. making friends. The Socialiser is the first type. They're very
Production outgoing~and are more interested in relationships, so it's
Key products are still produced in factories in Nokia, in Finland, very important to be friendly and spend a lot of time talkinc
and also in Vsevolozhsk, in Russia. to these customers. They are very different to the second
type - the Director. These people want to make a decision
4 92 quickly, so they want facts. They are normally very confider
l=lnterviewer, S=Sabine and know what they want, so they don't ask other people 1
i: Hi Sabine. Your company manufactures bags made from advice.
recycled materials. Can you tell us a bit more about this idea? !: Very interesting and tw o very different types of customer.
S: Sure. We use lots of waste materials, especially food or drink What about the other two?
packaging, for example milk cartons or yoghurt pots - that
sort of thing.
D: We call the third type the Relater, because they need to
relate to other people. They like to be part of a group and ask <>)) 10.4
lots of people questions before they make a decision, so it's 1
very important to understand whose opinions they listen to. A: So you said you wanted 220 for it, is that right?
I: OK, and the final type? B: Yes, it's only one year old and it's as good as new. I paid 320
D: The last one is the Analyst. These people often work with for it.
numbers, like accountants or mathematicians and they need A: OK, it's not bad, but 220 is too expensive. I would say 190
lots of information before they make a decision, so it's very is a fair price.
important to give them all the facts and figures. B: How about 200?
Great. And I've got one more question for you David. What A: OK, it's a deal.
type of customer are you? 2
D: Well, I work with statistics and I must say that when I go A: So that will be 1,822 in total.
shopping I behave like the Analyst. B: Does that include any discounts?
I: Yes, and I know which type of customer I am too. Thanks B: Yes, it includes a 10% discount for orders in excess of
very much David ... 1,500.
A: What about delivery?
))) 10.2
B: We don't normally offer free delivery, but as this is your fifth
M iguel order this year, we'll make a concession and ship the goods
I'm an electronics engineer and I'm 52 years old. My company to you free of charge.
is thinking about offering early retirement to some employees. A: Great, thank you. Can you confirm these details by email?
If they offered me early retirement, I would accept. If I retired
now, I'd go on a long holiday1with my wife. I think I would visit
my family in Argentina. It's s beautiful country. If I were younger,
I'd move there permanently!
Sum iko
I really want to improve my English skills and I'm thinking about
spending a year in an English speaking country. I've always
wanted to go to New Zealand. If I w ent there, I would study in
Auckland and travel around in my free time. It would also be nice
to see the beautiful beaches. I think if I had enough money, 1
would also travel to the South Island.

*))) 10.3
1 I find that rather expensive.
2 We have a budget of 2,500.
3 I'm afraid we only offer discounts on orders in excess of
4 I'd say $400 is a fail price.
5 We could offer you a 10% discount if you ordered more than
200 items.
6 I agree. It's a deal.


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