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Paper fram Wenner-Gren Foundation for “Antirpolgial Research Symposium No, 9 Andean Ecology and Civilization ‘An Interdiseiplinary Perspective on ‘Andean Ecological Complementarity Edited by Shozo Masuda, Izumi Shimada, and Craig Morris, UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO PRESS Contents Preface vi List of Contibuiors i Introduction a 1. Conceptos! Base and Framework ' 1, Archiplago Vertical” Revised Jot Viera 3 2 The Limite and Limitations ofthe "Vera “Archipelago” inthe Andes Jol V. Mirra 5 cology and Cultural Eeolony a 2. CleAndean Environmental Trasets: Late Quaternary cology of Northen and Souther Pera Alon K Cra 23 {4 Production Zones Brim Mayer as 5. The Eslopicl Complementarity of Agro Pastors Some Comments Norle Yamamoro ss UU, Beolagial Complementary in the South-Central find Souther Andes 101 baton of hs oe asd pasa the acon of 6, AlploweCosst Relationships inthe SouthCentral Andes: ‘Sete eno Mimsy of rain Sone an Ce P09) From Indret to Dict Complementary (1 UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO PRESS Blas Mico 3 Suwosame st 4. Case and Vavaions of Veicaity in the [SIN Gage oon 2/ UTP aes Southern Ander fran Pave O.Y. Mt pan 8 Ecological Complementarity end Tribute in Atacama: 1688-1792 org Mido Lede vet ‘terra No of he pubeion my be pd o aun 5° Guano and Resource Conlin Sxteeth-Centary eats iy wm doi wchanc ce poy, me ores ers oO te nate emt oven ion momen ee 10, Algse Collectors and Lomas Shozo Masuda 23 1, Iteration and Complementarity in Thee Zones of v2e0 Jorge Flores Ochoa 251 12. The Llama is My Chacra’ Metaphor of Andean Pastralsis Huan Tomveda m 1. Marsage Relations Between Pusorina aod Llagtanng: ‘The Cav of Panpsmars Parish, Apurimac, Pera iroyat Tore ed Tati Pat 01 1 oto! Daaity andthe Role ofthe Canter: Northern Potosi Olivia Haris ou 1V. Variation inthe North: Comparative Perspectives a 15. The Yung Zone in the Prehistory ofthe Cane Andes: Vert and Horizontal Dimensions n Andean Ezolopal sind Cultral Prosewss Yoshio Oma a” 16. Porepion, Procurement, and Managereat of Resources ‘Archaological Perspective Tew Shimada as 17. Patronyms with te Contonaat Fin the Guarangc of (Cohamarea Maria Rortorot de Diez Cameco... 401 1. Socal Fron and the Tetons Base of Curacargor ‘Sosa Rarer 3 19. Coast Hight iterrslatonsips and Eihnie Groupe Jn Northern Por (00 nea. 1980) Richard . Shand as LV, Retrospective and Prospective Views a5 20, Feo Principles of Ezslogical Complementary to the Orpanzallon and Adwiitation of Teme Craig Moris am 21 Andean Eichango: A View from Amazonia ideo Kiar o 22: Discusion: An Inerdcpinary Pepeaive on ‘Andean Ezologcal Complementarity ‘nt P Shake! sos 23: Te Dynan Pots ti Consent CConept Fonk Salmon su iowa = Tnder 0 Preface “The idea fra major intersplinary symposium on lowand-highand fntraction in the Andes was proposed during an informal sting st the Amersan Museum of Natral History in January of 1979 and tok ‘over four year to bing tft. The Taniguchi Foundation sym osm eld in Japan (December 19-26, 180) deal wit substantially Similar theme aod helped to bing into clearer focus vavons spetic tnd general sues that we sabsequentlyaddreied in our mee long ‘conference, Weane-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Symposium No,91:Aninterdsciplinary Pepectiveon Andean slog: ical Complementarity, bald in Codar Cove, Flo, May 18-25, 198 ‘Clery realation of symposium that brought together 23 chars fom five mations required careful planing, coordination and the enero suppor of various granting tsituions. Our special ratte fo the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research of New York City andthe Kashima Foundation of Tokyo fori rans ‘hat made this eoafeence posible. We also think the Elhnologiel Foundation of Japa, Tokyo, fo thst sopport in coordination of the ptpation of Japanese scholars Their avel expenses mee covered by Sect Research Grants from the Ministry of Education ofthe Japanese yovenment. We are gratefel tothe symposium partisans for thei valuable advice and anntance before and during the com ference, Weare particularly indebted to Ms, Lita Ounundeen, Dieter of Research a the Wenner Gren Foundation, foc he unfailing support ‘nd advice. The fal lopstical arrangements she made oper with Nina Watson-Newhoure and Mina Jones ofthe Foundation, the Merrit family of the Cadnr Cove Conference Center and ste, lowed the symposium partipant o maximize thi tine ogee ‘This publication of the proceodins of the conference was made possible by generous grant from the Ministry of Education, Science nd Cultre (Publication Subvention Grant) ofthe Japanese govt 1934 os, plo Atco Paice No 4, Ins de sant Vain ec, Set. "Sra “ental wea” de on mésin de ps esos ea ‘omomia nsocenrsndi n Vln dee vc tein iin so 1 por io On de Za 7 tore Now dl Arsivo de Boss Ale ste Ataf en ‘sat (Oar Tite Eston Atco No.1 so ‘rs dS ea de Soa. Usa ot Nos 19s "Toman sini pil de Mundo A. Lin tsp ts onsantn i el Eade ae, MoS ‘dn “ 19 Lamha Torin: Preis de oe promps nko 1m Chana 10 794 Ui oe Tal Are ene sua hos Mata nd Paice Mea ‘is Social, Univeniad de Chi Anta Pat, Tin 08 Resa Mibigefcn del arto de Robero Hemi: Civ (Gusts earn dee coma, Chon Since Albonas, Nis 197 Indios Tbe en el Ako Re. Lin: Iu de Ban "erance, “Traps, Myriam Noe 83 La Historia de lor Pueblos Cheinpuncce en rlacln cone ‘Alpin 9 fs Andes Netdll. Paper pric Snot Ares Atcaneis, Jani) Unernd Nor Vatenzca Rojan TS7D Fptiome engrtfco dea caccs det Ro Sao, Provincia de ‘Anata Chie tn Beata de Prot de Chi. Ao 3 No 25) 7-9, Univer de Ce, Stae Guano and Resource Control in Sixteenth-Century Arequipa (catherine J Julien To the people who lived in the region surounding Lake Tinea, resoureer fom the adjacent lowlands were particularly import Tange, dens populations lived nea the Himis of cliation where Agneta! dsr wee common, Thee peopt tionally sought {odstts rom the lowlands. Tek prineplsouree of wealth was he domestic eameli, nd thee animal wealth was means of obtaining the foods needed from be lowands, principally size. One option ‘pen to thom was totale up eidence nthe lowlands nd ulate the ‘ied foots themeaves Polo de Ondegatdo observed this Andean ‘saptation ia the sixteenth century (I6OST7=18) and Tom Mra {etarnd ito oueatention over decade go (196, [1972} 175) "A primary focus of iteret for coivators fom the Lake Titicaca region atthe time ofthe Spanish aval in the Andes was the ditt, Gf Arequipa There, groupe of extvtor participated in local api Chitral economy adapod fo the arid coastal environment. Calvators fn Ateqopa prodced large qusntiesof maize withthe aid of guan, ‘ied droppings rom the cast and shore islands, incorporated into the oll to uppy needed nitrogen and phosphorus. Guano was thought to be cael by stonnth entry elivators in Arequipa’ “The Indians of Moguegos grow # litle wheat and maize, ak ‘ough not very much Because maize caanat be grown wns bird ‘dung from the sonst that they cll guano, put onthe elds when the plane are somewhat grow. Without gua, the maize doesnot form kernels Thy Bring 129 leagues (100k) from bere, fom ‘ome ins in the en and Beaute ofthis problem and breast the Indians have very few animal, they are por. (Diez de San Miguel 19642245; author's anslation) Diez de San Miguel's observation call stenton to the distances guano us 185 JULIEN was transported. An examiaaton of the seated documestation for ihe strut centny revel tha eement in Areguipa was conen- tuted in the upper costal les where maize was the principal crop. ‘Gua was en important near of seraring high maize yids in the "A particulary close relonsip existed i the Spanish colonial ert an afterward between the Lake Titicaca and Arequipa rion. 1 Muiton to cultivated foods, lage quanttis of fish and sli tree died and imported flan a were Seaweeds (Masida 198) and in ‘his volume; Calor 1908:36-St; Vazquez de Espinosa ib. 1¥, exp UXVIE, 190549). Asembling the estered information ead to ‘gunn is only one means of documenting the complex pattern of ‘eros contol and we involving people rom the coat to the highest tlevatons, “Theis between cout and highlands leary extend fortes into the ast, Atchoologia retarch onthe nother Chan coast has doce iene te pearance of high altudeToodstallt on the coast before Clivation wis practiced tally (Ninez. 1974123, 128-29). Two Iilnin or more before the preset, camelid woo! textes appear to Inve almost entizly replaced an eae cotton textile tation Bird 91527172) Even in thew ear Uines, the olin of a strong tnd tesneen coat ad highland is visible nthe diewssion which follows, Oo cass have Been examined in some detail People from te Lupaca province onthe southwest sore ft Lake Tien resided permanently in the coastal valleys Arequipa. Taformatio bout them lusts the positon of ouside cuivators a the agriclturl economy’ of the Arequipa region. The residents of Pagan teitory, who lv a the appr Tambo valley, demonstrate ‘he ituation of foal elvan (Fig 9.1)° ‘The Ecology ofthe Arequipa Region “Te involvement of pope wi resources inthe district of Arequipa snes ccumsribod to a peat depres by natural factors. These factor {Meet the supply and distribution of beth eatvable anid. gua, tnd oiauened the pattern of resource wse inthe area atthe ime of the Spanish aval Much ofthe Pie coast of South Americ is at fntvemely and desert and the avail of walet and ais to sll fety are tial factors which determine whese calvation my “The avilabiiy of water sth mest svous limit to euivaton. 1 GUANO AND RESOURCE CONTROL 187 Fi 9 Te Ares on Ars very te rin al below 600m of eas oe 26; Mas ease, Een i es atone td ‘infallis saree and not dependable enough for dry farming. except in fame area sore 30 m Dede San Nig INI, Cares ‘edibly rapid. In few days the growth ofthe plant is doubled the manor repeated Second tine, ba in smalls quay, © rich harvest fe catnn. AL least tho produce wil be trefld that ‘hich woul have been obtained from uamanured soi (185418) “Toss account agrees more osly with Diz de San Migue's than wrth the other two ary acrownt It may have been that guano wat Uhedeither atte tine of planting or some ine sory afterward. Both TTechudh and Vazguer de Eopincea note tht two guano appicatios sree mae, although Tichudi ints thatthe second application ‘oul be omitted, The diconary of Gonilez Holguin alo makes ref. cage fo two aplication. Hagmnchapt means "Yo apply feria 1 second time” (195278). Tach the only observer to lnk gana {se wih tigation, but lee from his acount that prompt ign tion was ncesary, Tash alto the only obverve o provide an ea GUANO AMD RESOURCE CONTROL 191 fhe dose: rao as appl in sal amount det toe Stall oto ntraly suing concen Lt ay Acces 10 Guano Inoration about ne proce is ety opt, Spite Seprtaccontntas nae masons deat, Sc oft aor wt camel tron ‘thc hanya hind sal tes se ‘Cosa presage fet he sna tole ote pra ec Import i th ue fo guano Obtining un om ios AGG cet ce ie sl te te ce reg tv ot mu eo ie Siro ee te al ny fen Probl cher obese tom the kere mt ee ‘Sho chs oa mais poe ‘hoy mak he oat om bons al fe i ‘ctomtierin de ane tr nde em he fee Os jet ny ove nana th er eBook ‘et hr Kind fat Fs an ee So sae Seis these ots sometime ei Inter, See er deh Sak i nan ae pe of cans fom in Se ‘uf the oes and rents toe ha be a ini it wore al fas These Roa ate ek Si in the wate he hy ae compeed Fe fea {ePala nh inne do ea a mip by or, nee aoe c XVII, vol. 91, 1956:295; author's translation) Coe VI oe ‘Tete craft wre ao wound fight from ef fright from the aes eer Spanish pcs and wore dete nd sae ty aun of bce wer, at they wee through the being os ee eth entry (Vieques de Epinoss, ih IV caps LRA, 1eo.59n ‘Tschudi 1854-176? Their buoyancy was notable, They were prefered {ore a landing taf tcas ey were sein hgh wr eae, at would hve cape un rina bot (made ES) Ts thrir mal sie and delat appearance, eso Steet or thr ocean voyage Mk MOM He ben 92 suneN ‘A voyage to the guano islands often involied trip of kilometer ‘or moe fom the shore (Cobo, lib Il exp. XIV, vol. 91, 195685, ‘A certain amount of navigational skill must have been required. AI ‘though fishing was the only use attributed to these ots i derip tions of them, one writer noted that Bshermen could pend evo fo hee aye at enon them (Latcham, ted in Edwards 196519). ‘Some of the guano iiande wee located nea the mouth of rive, ‘but others were some distance frm a source af fresh water (Fig 92) Permanent stement nest theo ands eno ikl although some of the hing people ving onthe north Chilean coat inthe nnetecth entry were located 8 fo 10k from drinking water (id 1947390, “rave eter overland o by se, to nds any tance from the ver ‘mouth i indented. Watertight bags, with cam leshingsealogoos {o te echnique sedi olin Ss lon skin oats, were in ein he tren A water supply could be eared i ths way tothe te of gum ining. ‘Another factor which aed guano acquisition was sheduling. Bids deposited guano on aor sland Bouse hee they wee sfe from predators and ether disturbances Goring nesting, Nesting ccs raialy between November and Mare llhough heres realy no ine fot year when nesting would not be disturbed (Coker 1908360, Pe. ‘manent setlement of the iande is therefore no indsted. Cotel ‘was desabe and some formants noe hat gun was harvested fn altemate years (Raimond: 1948-252). Grane may have been harvested ‘ona similar sched nati. "The quantity of guano exacted made the use of pack snimalss pest, convenience The administrator of «1792 survey sd that hl fang (G65 1) of guano was not sient for the necds of « Pagina ‘alivator. That quantity about 15-5 1g, onethid to oneal of « lama Toad." People fm the hgsands were exellent equipped to tcunepot the pune back othe calvin st: Lamas, td the ropes tnd sacks made om lama ber, were avalible o them Cativatrs in Arequipa ‘Who actully travel othe guano islands and mined gue cannot ‘be determined ffom sisteath ‘century sores, but the reatonthige ‘between people and sources inthe Arequipa ryin ean be std. eatifyng the location of groups of eulvtors and gathering i Tomato about lal erganization ate neossny preliminaries to 4 D RESOURCE CONTROL 197 Popalation Table 9.2) ‘general cenmos of the Lapscapoptition was taken forthe pur= poss of sting a as by Vieroy Toledo (19757881). Tn this census, ‘Pepaate aczounting wae made of Lapsca tribe residing per Imanently im the lowlands (Table 9.2). Very early population figures {o compere wth this coneus ae avilable onl forthe Azapa colonies mentioned in the text of the 1540 encomienda award (Table 9.1). ‘total of 14 ttre was recorded I 1572, the number of b> ‘aries totalled I. If Aven and Hinchichura were the only two apace colonies in Azap, the population had suffered marked dlne, Population decine sine the time of the Spanish acl Is likely dv tothe combined fies of conquest and introduced case, but the degree of dein in thi ease (92 erent) extreme. The Ava ‘nd Hincichors colonies mere stated near Arcs, a prt city where {he death alls rom cease were particulary high in he ater teenth entry (seo note 12): Vizger de Esinos i TV, ca. LXV, 1903 $3 Bariga 194-48. ¢3 69-70). The detnc nares away fromthe east and away from Spanish setlement was probably nota extreme Both the Teedo tse and the 1340 grat to Azapa refered to the people counted in the Lupace eons s mimay, a term denoting {omeone who was nt residing in is pace of etic origin Ree 1982: 96), The ane ofthis em appear ote corect inthe ese of the Aap colonies, Avo and Hinhichra re Ist! wih a third mine town {allowing an accounting of the lost popeltion inthe 1540 pant (arign 1939-55, 18). “The Lupocetribstries in Sama and Moguegua were ako specifically rsfered toa itnas in the 157 asa ofthe Lapace province (Diet de San Miguel 1964-78-83. In the case of Sama, however, ative lowlands (yuma) may have ben inladed inthe count: ‘And he found that there were 40 Indians, more of les, who ‘wok! be able to pay tribute, and that smone thes were 40 older Tople who could il pay tribute and that there were another 40 ‘Sider people who were notable to [pay] and tat in these gues) Sere inca all of the naive Indias cal yamgos snd ita put there by the Inca as welt Indins fom outside who had bees {here for years Juan de Matuein Diez de San Miguel 1964128: tutor’ translation) oth the mina and sunar of Sama were accounted a pat ofthe [apc province in 1561 flowing the retrn ofthis proup to Lupace justine note 1) The encomlend of Sama was held by Juan de San Juan tetris ei to Cet, ad no ote nomen | Srardtappn ive bre made opope in Sam “Te ge of Sana spear to av brn abet io Lapace ul tion sng the ner ne emer wi A toupee covrted inthe et Ine cere of he provost ita tor of tee a (Died San Miguel eke len 92: | ‘abe 32, Following the azoutg of each pla son of La paca proviso proper, seperate ny record 20 unger Sea | ‘Magugun wu ot coved nse way mS tee | cca ene st he i pine ‘pea o have en poe with rigs the Lupacs porns en. | ‘opi om he Lape porns wee ot he ol hans fhe Moguegs ley, eer A group of moins from Hatagal rs Iocan the oqcgus ea at Cochuna Ge p90, abd pone from Carus, ho my have been te lol populate, reed in| heal a wel | ocaion Ul pee aformation shout te lstion ofthe weer Lapac color wa prove ith 1ST va Groped by conte | Soastinesmesione, anders cvton ofthe cop xn | tin to suggest poe lato for Lapaca semen An ope sien een Mog abana | ough ower ray and wax ssp a Arape td raps Sa va Maize and of were he tno crops special ideatied wit te | wan Lupus nt 137 ve (Der de San pl te 17 388,18, 19. These two crops were the peal ages ea i tp hi es | pion, iV, ap. O0¥ 19:12), Ma a fan be gow vr rngs fait hoe way, ta etalon co tones inthe mid val ane (0-200). Mala ean ows ‘any lade upto 3810 ion ats have dierent thd pretrnes (heenu 96:80). Today, pool rom the aa tees sok arc of le elved a coves eat 8000 af Pres 96-99, “Te ansc nois f Sama and Mogg pyro have te located nthe upper vy where mane wae nce Mogoege, the pe arn for elation a hse tines the ea thal abot 25 tn ongead 2m wide athe ae the mde tly of Moquegn Tibaea wast cay cone for Spenh tenet {nd by 179, mot ofthe on puis poplin ne ger up ‘ay witoe inthe 157 orvey mentoned apace tees (GUANO AND RESOURCE CONTROL 199 the town of Torta (about 2200 m) (Casi in Diez de Sam Miguel 196427; matin 1939-38-02 128, 135, Another tes talk abt Iz ctivaton 100 km up the Masucpun iver rom the cnt pling ‘Lupacsseitement a about the lita of Torta (Gate Die fs Dog de San Miguel 196429). Maze was the ony cultigen mentioned in the vinta in connection with the Lupacecolois in Mogugua, and apace setlement appears to have concentesed at Trai oat 4 ‘similar alge inthe Moguegsadruaage, ‘Sama, unlike any other valley inthe aes, basa narrow eulable Sip along its ere length. The spi about a klometer wide ad ‘extends about 110 ki nian. A town at about 3400, Feat, sos umed as sit of Lupa stlement (Diez de San Miguel 196827) ution to maze, ff was grown by Lupaca eltvatrs in Satta (Dies de San Miguel 1964247, Several valley, incuding the Tomi, abaya, Sams, Azapa and Lists vallye wer important cenare of salvation daring the Spanish oli ere (Peru 1926-146; Varquce Espinosa, ib TV, cap. LX, 1969:340) All had some lower to tide valley land under ealtvation whereof wan probly the moat jnportant cop Las water was available for ealtvaton in Azape than elowber, ‘The sver was usally dry fom about 1,500 m down tothe cont sod salvation depended on sping water. Inthe early seventsath ey Seng water was sed for ealtvation 15 km up the tlle fn’ second oss 5 kan up the valley. Near the mouth of the Acapu Rive 4 Tesh water spring provided water for large foto sd aad foe the Spanish port of Arca. When thse sping dried up, the poopie ‘moved tothe nearby Lita vay (Peru 1926878), As noted care, ‘Ave and Hinehichura mere situated ext Ave (note 12). No cope ‘ere mentioned inthe 1367 vis associated withthe Lupe st: eats, uta was an important opin thease, and coer and coc teal were harvested locally Baia 1941-48, 61; 1V, 147, 1939-38. 1, 19 Oranizaton Considerable detail about the personal wean of the kurakas was soled inthe 157 vita, and some of hs wealth inlad ih to land and ibor inthe coastal vale, Community holings were not ost examine, but with ditional information fom 8 1374 sis ‘ease cam be mae forthe existence f colonies producing fod fn te ‘oasal valley forthe Lupacs province ss «whole Pedeo Outiérex Flores, administrator of the 1574 vol, resom- Inended « number of administrative pos, including the planting community els in Moguepua aad Sama 1 this (ecommendation), that the Indians fom this provine plan such ands seems coment its not bens the nds fave the custom of going and coming fom thwe valleys teeuay there ares great numberof Inne fom tis prone pope {hee who pls felis or the aot ther inportaninghdels in his rons, The et te ray ook fan. tes thse vay who py tute with he peopl ofthis poe nce sould be oblted only to plant the Sli mestoed ealar fn place of hei ebate and those (pepe fom tha prvi ol ‘edo ring the harvest wt (oman ivesock for he pga este The exciton of th tak sould be tne oer to te erion your excellne mamer ne the Indios tae om te cas ‘ere pt there om this provins bythe Ika a mat fot Dorpot, nd thisis what we have earned from the aguiey w ae Imaey th the age amount food ate lias roel ft this province daring Ine times wre brought and pico! the ora houses, (Gurr Flores 97045 euthr's wanton). Altkough Gute’ statement i ie bur, he was clea de: ‘ing to diereat time prods Hiss ema conse the Present (572) and be deed the rat holings of he fuer fd tradi who wer capt nob tts om lowlands Hs recommendation, ht the unas a ‘eto the Lapa province be allowed to cdc ool a tbe Frovnesin uf her tuts cions ar aed on ne pracos He pitt al fh ose who roduc or taste cies porta ini inthe 15 nee rial atte {he Inet to pode Tor he province a2 wisi utr satemeat may exlin theo the unas of Sam, separately accounted inthe aceasta ere is ffouponed othe aca susinctaton asthe peducion to. St ote Laps vis 367 te yar ofS ro cet fod for consumption nthe Lapua rove, bt ae for highland products: = arid ‘oe Indios of th vince of Sum ar una dna tite y the Inka. They row males anda a thy es Ste reso ttt pans rn tam exchange or fest tone (ar ia Bs Sn Mig! BCA 1 Gutirer was eoret in giving edit tothe Ines for organizing [GUANO AND RESOURCE CONTROL 201 ngar to produce om teal ofthe Lapaca province, then claty ange fad coord in thie elatinship by 1567. The flaionship ‘sablibed under the aegis of Inca rle hd been laced by inddual {Motto obai oodstuls through exchang® of some kind. ‘Gate’ statment suggests that mitnas from the Lypaca prove ince had been obligated to provide transport of the Toodse back {0 the Lupaca province with animals from the Lupich commonity feds each household was only assaned the type of labor service ‘bythe Inca administration, then transport service Was the oblivion ‘ved bythe Lapaca mimes (Bandera 1968509). Tn the 156Ds the station was dilret, and kurta and ther in- vidual Rongs were very much in evidence. The two head forakas ‘ofthe Lapaea province, Martin Cat ofthe Hanansaya division and Marin Casi of Hurinsaya, were extensively interviewed inthe 1567 tt, When questioned sbout Lupaca activites ia the lowlands, Cai ve 8 very genera reply: ‘The Karaka and other important individuals have maize fs in Moguepia, Sma, Capinot, and Lareosj. Other people also have tmsze els in Moguepus, Sam, Capinots, and Lara... The Thdiane from this province go to Aroqips, 1 the coast aed (0 ‘Moguepus most years to trade for maize, and to oan it they take fammlde and. wool and charg (Dir de San Miguel 196 17: Suthor's wanton) ‘Cari statement eft 0 one out and echoes both Gutirer Flores and Polo who wrote during eoughly the seme tine prod. ‘oth Cari and Ci gave lis of vies owed to them, and some of these serie nvoled labor inthe coastal ales. Car was provided ‘wits aneport servis by 40-5 people who could be seat on lng tis tothe lowlands, Once sent, they were excused from addtional doty for the remainder ofthe year. Retainers given to flyby the disc of Tul before the me of Ica ale wore beg Sea 10 the Towns to pick up mine in 1567 (Dis de San Miguel 1964: 21). He sen alo ented to the series of 25 retainers in Moquegua who were {here plat maize fr him. ‘Csi provided ls nfcmation about retainer servic, but icuded Jiportnt deals bout the resprocal nator of he obligation: In Moquegus, which isin the yunga, they give him 12 Indians who plant and toad 9 tpas of maze els, He gives these Indians mas and sacs fo usin binging guon to the feds because maze ‘dct not grow withow it He aso gies them cor, ietec, wool For eating tod charg oct n Sama they pve hz hee Indians to plant cor for hi there, and he gives them what he ives the Der: The Chinchayey people, miina of Ful who agen Moguee fn ive him another two Iaians to tend the fle he has there, {nd he ies them the sume tings ashe gives the otbers (Dir de San Migee! 196453; author's raasation. “The people who produced for the kuraka were provided with a namber cof staples from thei proving of expi abd wth the necessary equip meat to cary ou thet ak. Such provisions indent te repel ttre ofthe eaier relationship. ura 1968:135-30) ‘Cu’ atement aio records the eatvatar’ involvement a btan- ing guano themes, The elivators travelled fo the coast fo Wing t tucks Two Spaniards resident in Sama ted that local culate Cavell to the coast fo obtain guon, taking animals with them, thu generdliing Cues statement to eter Tocal residents un de ‘Matate and Pedro de Bilbao in Dier de San Migusl 1961:126-22). “They made no distinction between yngas aad mitnas rom the Lapaca province Local Cults A. sneale local poplation resided in the Pace coastal valleys. Tocnation about found mainly ia etl encomlend grants made ‘etween 1540 and 1548 (Table 9.1. These grants do ot provide a complete coverage of Areguip, although the southern pat of Ae ‘ip, fom Mas to Tarspas, ie uily well covered (Table 9.3) Since “Srcomiond rate continued to serve ax the bai for terial vision ‘hroushout the Spanish colonial er, later information about the le Flori of the people granted sometimes can be ase lo Hen the {aps The ney complete ling of rans inte fas of Toledo (1571- 43) provides jst suc a contol Table 9.4), "The 1540s encomenda pans provide unique information abot feat ongnization. Most rans were described by reference toa karake a {he places where people subject ois authority ve. Often, the places Tinted are ner each oter snd a loca teiory canbe roughly deine I people ied outsides lea teitory, the rants oflen make referer to thi fact Saya divisions can sometimes be Mead. Inthe routern part of the Areguipa dst, the aes from Males to Tarapacl, several large groups seb! t singe Karak or pit of (GUANO AND RESOURCE CONTROL 23 Tile 93_Conapof Fy Enon Gras ‘arte ea ss ee i » ne 2 oe Mims we ae 1 Ren Jarl ca be dca. Sach ros wee preset in Ty “ean, Ome, Pos, Uns Han Land Auge ta ther of Arup Caen Herne Caco tina ng se en erie seal ie a ac of ina avg sing ein wnt yes oa parte own an rir fark psig at ae ee erring pat from te lel polation ad ha the own ce eden Ts unter assed the tal sum ttre sate tos cl ical foal ep a ee Unt ad Aza The tine ome of Lua ond apa ee ad nual oy ernst prisons ud ets a ‘sind with he tl ur ota ubet ot se, Ba rtf ete‘ tstent my beset a Faro made onthe sme day pve the sual separate accountng of i om ign 9 SP. = yoo avatd as ade 1 con etory subject 1 a singh Jara, he grant he ae rom ot he sett Pl, as ‘coud a fserman (Tabi, Thea the tons subj a Poa (Chi, Tamanco, sed Tacer) were Ines “owns of Berea (Barga 1999-5: I 18). Thee ory, and Met, were st lee inthis manne. The lations the mow of te Montene ‘nd lay rvs was pil old, lacing them cen to "ours of Tesh water to make clivavon poe To he seat z : 5 3 sao, om Sw veway manners ie as s wowozemema yi, 8 ge sine ne a 8 & ‘ems if of = Swe w spotuoing ee es ee ee f wu = BO eo 2aeg8i is ae) of oe) se = oe aca rd santas me ret ro fon) = Be smo ie ir sana v1 tee s a BaD ola emmy o = S018 areas m a i ceed MUD FT on ‘st eer ee rt slong the cout fom Sama to Asc, sir situation may have pre railed, but the langage ofthe award document fs mot eer, Tact Was split between two encomonders, apparently fllowing saya dive Son (Barign 1939-551, 40-41) One of the oncomanderas, Peto Pe zat also recived a group of coastal people who were lay separa ‘rom his Tacna encomtonds The ard may have been defied by 8 reference tothe horata Capanique, bt sgn he language i wala Fishermen atthe mouth of the Sama river were speclly included, ‘ther group or example the peopl im Are, my have cn fisher | ‘hough no information at provid "North and south ofthe section of coast just described, 2 diferent situation prevailed. A small group of ierinen at Tambopala Chu hear the mouth of the Tambo River (Cleza de Leba, Cronica, op TIXXY, 19523232 39, wa awarded to Diego Herinr- Herder recived rights to Puguina tetitry lead some distance ep the et from the coast ia the sume avard, but the fishermen were set separated from the Pagina group. No information for Pa und Lat cis bat the Tarapach grant Was awarded "wih the Semen,” ‘though no locaton forthe was piven Bartiga 1939-58, 18) Subject to Tarapac, but accounted withthe karo of lus, was group of fishermen located at Aria.” ‘One ofthe mos signieant observations to be made about the dint ‘ution oF population ia Arguipa is that large sbare of the toa ‘population ied in the upper valleys. This sittin is very la a the “Toledo tase (Table 98). The eoreinions of Condesuyes, Collagus, CCharscato and Vitor, Caramas and Ubinas, andthe oy teritory “Arequipa were al andlocked The correginenas of Avi nd Cand covered the Arequipa coast. In Aric, both Tatas and Tarapat | ‘lused sizeable population nthe upper valleys; de to a water shot | ge very litle lower valley land, i any, could be clinated, Thee two encomions made up about 70 percent ofthe total popeltoe ofthe eorenionto of Arca in 1571-13, Inthe 13D asa station may have prevail, a lest inthe ares south of Maj. Compariag the population count forthe cot Strip fom Tambopalla Chl to Asca (36 tribtari) with the opr valley population of the ater grants in Aven in 1540 (S02) the ousal population formed only 6 pereet of thie total. Without relying On the accaracy ofthis figure, tr wil prbubie that larg Share of the population lve inthe upper valle. “The upper vale arens wer the eer of mize production in Ar ‘quip. Besaue ofthe importance ofthis cltgen to Both lal clive (GUANO AND RESOURCE CONTROL 217 "os and outsider fom extreme high sites, the conentation of| Popultion at this altade not sopeing (ie 2: The Paginas (Figs 92,93) ao ery waa ty Fn Ber o Diy He titers hp oat na ae een he ete one ca ou ‘sane Nes dion evi fence a ‘iotiome ner atte et tae no feet Ths natin sop ce ea 93). “ Alston te 10 ges me sch er Thema Vane ean at ‘Sei 2t3 mand teh Sal Se ee ‘tel heen tS acpi he om tht some tps ed PSS ue

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