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Earth-Science Reviews 47 Ž1999.


Definition of subsurface stratigraphy, structure and rock

properties from 3-D seismic data
Bruce S. Hart
New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Socorro, NM 87801, USA
Received 2 February 1998; accepted 12 April 1999


This paper summarizes how three-dimensional Ž3-D. seismic technology is being used, primarily in the petroleum
industry, to define subsurface structure, stratigraphy and rock properties. A 3-D seismic data volume: Ža. provides a more
accurate image of the subsurface than can be obtained with 2-D seismic methods; Žb. is continuous, and so has a much
greater spatial sampling than is obtained with 2-D seismic or other subsurface data Že.g., wells.; and Žc. can be viewed and
interpreted interactively from a variety of perspectives, thus enhancing the interpreter’s ability to generate an accurate
description of subsurface features of interest. Seismic interpretation was once the almost exclusive realm of geophysicists,
however, most 3-D seismic interpretation today is conducted by multidisciplinary teams that integrate geophysical,
geological, petrophysical and engineering data and concepts into the 3-D seismic interpretation. These factors, plus proper
survey design, help to increase the chances of success of a 3-D seismic interpretation project. Although there are cases where
the technology is not appropriate or cannot be applied Žfor economic reasons or otherwise., the general success of 3-D
seismic has led it to become a mainstay of the petroleum industry. The approach and technology, first developed in that
industry, have potential applications in other applied and fundamental earth science disciplines, including mining,
environmental geology, structural geology and stratigraphy. q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: seismic; petroleum; structure; stratigraphy; rock properties

1. Introduction cently has been utilized almost entirely within that

field. However, potential applications of 3-D seismic
Few technologies have affected a geoscience sub-
data in other geoscience disciplines are many, includ-
discipline to the extent that three-dimensional Ž3-D.
ing studies in structural geology, stratigraphy, geo-
seismic has affected petroleum geoscience Žgeology
physics and petrophysics. The mining industry has
and geophysics.. Like the field of seismic stratigra-
begun to investigate the potential of 3-D seismic to
phy before it Žwhich more or less directly spawned
identify and map ore bodies, and to plan mine devel-
sequence stratigraphy., 3-D seismic technology was
opment ŽEaton et al., 1997.. Furthermore, it may be
developed in the petroleum industry and until re-
possible to transfer the technology cost-effectively to
the environmental sector ŽSiahkoohi and West, 1998..
Fax: q1-505-835-6333; E-mail: The cost and technical requirements of collecting

0012-8252r99 r$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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190 B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218

and interpreting 3-D seismic data have prevented, well seismic technology that are often used in con-
until recently, most academic researchers from ob- junction with 3-D data. It is beyond the scope of this
taining and utilizing them, although some 3-D seis- paper to discuss these topics. Furthermore, a com-
mic data have been collected to study deep crustal plete review of the principles of seismic surveying
structure Že.g., Kanasewich et al., 1987, 1995. and and interpretation will not be presented here. Instead,
others have been collected in conjunction with the only those aspects that are germane to 3-D seismic
ocean drilling program ŽShipley et al., 1994.. collection, processing or interpretation will be pre-
Changes within the petroleum industry that have sented here. Numerous other sources present infor-
been brought about by the use of 3-D seismic also mation about the seismic method Že.g., Sheriff and
have had a significant, albeit indirect, impact in other Geldart, 1995.. Brown Ž1996a. dealt exclusively with
areas. One example is the use of computer worksta- 3-D seismic analyses, and Weimer and Davis Ž1996.
tions in data visualization. Some large 3-D seismic presented many illustrative case studies of the use of
surveys contain gigabytes of data. Seismic inter- 3-D seismic data, principally for petroleum explo-
preters have been pushing software and hardware ration and development.
developers to be able to visualize and interpret these
enormous data sets interactively, and the hardware,
software and concepts developed this way will have 2. 3-D seismic acquisition and processing
an impact on other earth science fields. The 3-D
seismic revolution has helped to promote the devel- Like 2-D seismic studies, 3-D seismic data are
opment of multidisciplinary teams. Integration of acquired by generating an acoustic pulse at or near
seismic and geological data and concepts in worksta- the surface Žland surface or sea surface., and record-
tion environments has been undertaken for at least a ing the energy that is reflected from subsurface
decade Žcf., Cross and Lessenger, 1988.. However, changes in physical properties Žspecifically, velocity
the continuous coverage provided by 3-D seismic and density.. Contacts between stratigraphic units
data has revealed details of reservoir complexities having detectable changes in physical properties
that cannot be characterized using 2-D seismic and Žoften associated with the tops of formations, mem-
well control. Multidisciplinary teams in many com- bers, etc.. will cause reflections and be picked as
panies integrate different data types and use the 3-D seismic horizons 1 during the interpretation phase in
seismic workstation Žand derived products such as order to discern structural and stratigraphic details of
maps and volume interpretations. as focal points for interest.
their exploration and development efforts. In some On land, sources are typically vibroseis trucks or
regions and organizations, wells are not drilled with- dynamite, and the receivers are geophones that detect
out previously collecting and interpreting 3-D seis- ground motions. At sea, 3-D seismic surveys are
mic data. collected using airgun arrays, with pressure sensitive
Why have 3-D seismic and associated technolo- hydrophones detecting the reflected energy. In al-
gies had such a profound impact on the petroleum most all cases, it is compressional wave Ž‘‘p wave’’.
industry? What are the benefits of 3-D seismic? How energy that is recorded, although multicomponent
does one acquire and interpret such data? This sum- 3-D surveys that include recording of shear wave
mary will address these questions, and present an- reflections are becoming more common Že.g., Arestad
swers in terms that will be accessible to the geo- et al., 1996..
science community at large. The main purposes of With 2-D seismic data collection, sources and
this paper are: Ža. to illustrate how 3-D data are receivers are laid out along a line, and the reflected
collected and interpreted in the petroleum industry, energy is assumed to come from a point mid-way
and Žb. to suggest how other subdisciplines of geo- between source and receiver Žthe common midpoint.
science might exploit the technology.
There are other developing fields of seismic tech-
nology, such as amplitude variation with offset, ver-
tical seismic profiling, seismic inversion and cross- Italicized terms are defined in Appendix A.
B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218 191

along a vertical 2-D plane. In the case of horizontally do not lie mid-way between sources and receivers.
layered strata, this assumption is valid. However, in Seismic migration is a processing technique that
areas where there is appreciable subsurface structure, attempts to reposition this reflected energy to its true
reflected energy can be recorded from interfaces that subsurface location. The need for migration of 2-D

Fig. 1. Seismic modeling results showing an example of sideswipe and Fresnel zone effects associated with a reef. The upper image shows
the model in map view, illustrating the locations of seismic transects shown below. The reef is visible in a seismic transect that is over 300
m to the side. Although the sections have not been migrated, 2-D migration will not be able to remove the sideswipe image of the reef from
the transects ŽJackson and Hilterman, 1979; cited by Crawley Stewart, 1995.. Reproduced with permission from Hilterman.
192 B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218

seismic data has been recognized from the early

stages of seismic exploration ŽSheriff and Geldart,
Where subsurface structural or stratigraphic enti-
ties have a distinct three dimensionality Ži.e., many
or most areas of geologic interest., reflections may
be recorded from interfaces that are outside of the
plane containing the source and receivers ŽFig. 1..
These reflections, sometimes called sideswipe, can-
not be removed from seismic profiles using 2-D
migration. It may be impossible to distinguish this
sideswipe from reflections that are truly in the plane
of the seismic profile, and maps or interpretations
that are drawn from such seismic sections will be
erroneous. Applied and theoretical examples of this
problem have been presented by French Ž1974.,
Crawley Stewart Ž1995. and Brown Ž1996a. among
The acquisition of 3-D seismic data exploits the
spherical expansion of the acoustic pulse in the
subsurface away from the source. On land, one
common acquisition pattern spreads receiver groups
out in lines that are oriented at 908 to the shot lines
ŽFig. 2.. Reflections from each shot are recorded by
many geophones, producing a row of common mid-
points that is perpendicular to the orientation of the
source lines, and parallel to the orientation of the
receiver lines. By moving the shot location, a subsur-
face grid of common midpoints is generated. Note
that the acquisition geometry shown in Fig. 2 is a
gross simplification of real survey design. Although
there are many different designs that can be used,
each survey typically consists of many parallel source
Fig. 2. Sample source and receiver layout for a land-based 3-D
lines and many parallel receiver lines that are ori-
seismic acquisition program. In this simple case, each shot is
ented perpendicular to the source lines. Each shot is recorded by a line of receivers. By moving the source location, a
recorded by a patch of geophones. In this way, rectangular grid of common midpoints is generated. In practice,
individual midpoints are imaged by different combi- many source and receiver lines would exist, increasing the number
nations of sources and receivers, thus, building up of source — receiver combinations that image a particular mid-
point to build up the fold Žand data quality. of the survey. Other,
the fold Žor multiplicity . of the survey. Higher fold
more complex, survey layouts are typically used in practice.
data, all else being equal, will result in a higher
signal-to-noise ratio and therefore more interpretable
seismic data. Experience has shown that the fold of a
3-D survey needs only to be about one half the fold Increasingly though, innovative techniques such as
of a 2-D survey to obtain the same interpretability using two vessels simultaneously, or implanting geo-
ŽB. Hardage, personal communication, 1994.. phones on the sea floor, are being developed and
At sea, 3-D seismic data are generally acquired by exploited.
ships towing airgun arrays and hydrophone streamers The spacing between the midpoints in the receiver
that sailed back and forth across the survey area. direction is one half the distance between the re-
B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218 193

ceivers, while the spacing in the source direction is of as a series of cubes, or Õoxels Ža term analogous
one half the distance between the source locations. to the 2-D pixels of remote sensing., each of which
For example, assuming that source and receiver loca- stores a particular amplitude value ŽFig. 3.. Using
tions are both at 60 m intervals, midpoints will be modern computer graphics capabilities, it is possible
generated every 30 m = 30 m. In this case, each to visualize and interpret the seismic data in a variety
midpoint represents an area or bin of 30 m = 30 m. of ways Žsee below..
The bin size might be rectangular, rather than square, When seismic data were primarily viewed as pa-
if the distances between source and receiver loca- per sections, the standard display format was to use
tions are not identical. black and white variable area wiggle displays. This
By acquiring continuous coverage of seismic data display presents seismic traces as continuous curves
in three dimensions, the data can be migrated in that define a time series of positive Žpeaks. and
three dimensions. In this way, reflection energy is negative Žtroughs. amplitudes, and the peaks are
accurately repositioned to its true subsurface loca- filled in with a solid black colour.
tion, and transects through a 3-D seismic volume A drawback of the variable area wiggle display is
will only show those features that are truly in the that the eye tends to focus on the peaks, and the
plane of the section Že.g., Brown, 1996a.. As such,
all else being equal, a vertical transect through a 3-D
seismic volume is a more accurate, better image than
an equivalent seismic transect derived using 2-D
acquisition and processing.

3. Viewing 3-D seismic data

Virtually, all interpretation of 3-D seismic data is

conducted on workstations or powerful personal
computers ŽHart, 1997.. By exploring and visualiz-
ing both the data and interpretations in progress, the
geoscientist can derive a much better understanding
of the three dimensionality of subsurface strati-
graphic and structural elements. This allows the in-
terpreter to generate a more accurate subsurface de-
scription Ždepicted in maps, etc.., than by working
with paper seismic displays andror well logs alone.
These visualization technologies further aid the geo-
scientist in conveying the results of his or her work
to others who have not been involved in the interpre-
tation process.
Each bin in a 3-D seismic volume Žhaving x, y
Fig. 3. Conceptual diagram showing a 3-D data volume. Each
dimensions that are defined primarily by data acqui- voxel in such a volume is characterized by x, y, z coordinates
sition operations. can be represented by a single and an amplitude value Žpositive and negative values.. The x and
seismic trace, conceptually centered in the middle of y dimensions of each voxel represent the bin size, and are a
the bin. Each trace in turn is divided into equal function of acquisition parameters, whereas the z dimension of a
increments in the z direction that define the sam- voxel represents the digital sampling interval. The range of ampli-
tudes depends upon how the data have been scaled. In a variable
pling interval. For petroleum exploration purposes, density display Žtop and side of the cube., the numerical amplitude
the sampling interval is typically 2 or 4 ms. The values are represented by colours that are selected by the inter-
result is that the 3-D seismic volume can be thought preter Žsee Fig. 4..
194 B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218

Fig. 4. Colour displays of seismic data. Ža. Seismic data has traditionally been displayed as Õariable area wiggle displays Žleft. in which the
reflected energy is displayed as waveforms consisting of positive and negative amplitude values Žpeaks and troughs respectively.. Peaks are
filled in with black to enhance the interpretability of the seismic transect. Computer graphics displays allow the amplitudes Žcenter. to be
colour coded so that positive and negative amplitudes are shown, respectively, in blues and reds with the darkness of each colour being
proportional to the amplitude value. Whites correspond to zero amplitude. By removing the wiggle trace Žright. the seismic traces are shown
as Õariable density displays. Žb. Variable density display of a seismic transect. By displaying adjacent traces side by side, the display has the
appearance of data continuity throughout the entire transect. Compare with the variable area wiggle display of the same transect Žc.. The
colour display gives approximately equal weight to peaks and troughs Žblue and red, respectively., helping the interpreter to detect
stratigraphic and structural features. Variations in amplitude along a single reflector are also easier to detect. Although the blue–white–red
colour scale shown here is the most commonly used, interpreters will choose other scales to enhance certain aspects of the seismic data.
B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218 195

Fig. 4 Žcontinued..

information present in the troughs can be overlooked the interpreter in an interactive manner, rather than
ŽBrown, 1996a.. With the advent of interactive com- being constrained by the original seismic survey line
puter displays, variable density displays have be- orientation as is the case for 2-D data. Since the data
come the norm. In this display, the peaks and troughs are stored digitally, the interpreter can also zoom in
are arbitrarily assigned distinct colours. One com- on small portions of the seismic data, or zoom out to
monly employed colour scheme shows peaks as blue see the larger structural and stratigraphic framework.
Žwith stronger positive values being shown as darker Most software packages allow the user to quickly
blue. passing through white Žnear zero amplitudes. display vertical transects: Ža. in the inline or line
to red troughs Žmore negative values as darker red.. direction, Žb. in the crossline or trace direction, and
Other colour schemes can be generated by inter- Žc. arbitrary lines that represent transects through
preters to highlight specific aspects of the seismic the data in any direction decided upon by the inter-
data Že.g., bright spots, dim spots. on which they preter. The arbitrary line may consist of a single
wish to focus. The variable density display gives the transect or a series of continuous transects that zigzag
appearance of reflection continuity throughout the their way through the data set Žsometimes called a
entire 3-D volume ŽFig. 4.. multipanel display.. Arbitrary lines are used when
The 3-D seismic data volume is stored in digital the interpreter wishes to view the true geometry of
format, on disk. The types of displays that can be structural or stratigraphic features that are oriented
generated ŽFig. 5. depend on the software and hard- obliquely to the line or trace orientation Žsee below.,
ware capabilities of the interpreter, but generally can or when wishing to tie borehole log information
be grouped into a few distinct categories that are from more than one well by integrating with the
discussed next. seismic data. With vertical transects, the data can be
flattened on a selected horizon to more clearly view
true stratigraphic relationships in areas that have
3.1. Vertical transects been structurally deformed. This latter process is
akin to using a formation top or log pick as a datum
Vertical transects through a 3-D seismic volume to construct a stratigraphic cross-section Žusing well
ŽFig. 5a–d. look like 2-D seismic profiles, but differ logs or outcrops. rather than generating a structural
in that their location and orientation are decided by cross-section.
196 B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218

Fig. 5. Different types of 3-D seismic displays that can be viewed during an interactive interpretation session. Ža, b. Line and trace transects
that correspond to source and receiver line orientations, Žc. arbitrary transect, Žd. multipanel display, Že. time slice, Žf. horizon slice, Žg.
perspective display, Žh. cube display. See text for discussion.

3.2. Horizontal sections undeformed basins.. The utility of time slices for
horizon interpretation is greatest when beds have a
These displays, known as time slices, represent a pronounced dip. In this case, horizon mapping on
slice through the data at a given two-way traveltime time slices can be a quick way of generating time
ŽTWT, constant z coordinate; Fig. 5e and Fig. 6.. structure maps for those horizons. With the advent of
The display is somewhat analogous to a geologic automatic horizon tracking and interfacing of seismic
map. The difference is that instead of viewing how interpretation with mapping packages Žsee below.,
stratigraphic units intersect the ground surface Žwhich time structure maps can, in most circumstances, be
may or may not be planar., the interpreter sees how generated just as readily by basing most interpreta-
the seismic manifestation of the stratigraphy inter- tion on vertical sections.
sects an arbitrarily selected plane of constant TWT Fault interpretation and correlation can be signifi-
through the seismic data. In both cases, however, the cantly improved by interactively working with time
thickness of the reflection from a given stratigraphic slices and vertical slices together. Time slice displays
unit on the display Žmap. is a function of the strati- show faults as curvilinear features that display lateral
graphic dip Žfor a constant thickness, a less steeply offsets of reflections, amplitudes or abrupt changes
dipping bedrreflection will appear wider; Fig. 7a,b. in seismic reflection character ŽFig. 6.. Typically,
and ‘‘thickness’’ Žfrequency. of the reflection event faults can be traced laterally for considerable dis-
Žfor a given structural dip, higher frequency events tances on time slices, thus, reducing the ambiguity
will appear thinner; Fig. 7c.. inherent in interpreting fault locations and orienta-
Although Brown Ž1996a. and others recom- tions from 2-D seismic or well data Žsee below..
mended using time slices for horizon interpretation,
3.3. Horizonr fault and map displays
most interpreters tend to concentrate their use of
these displays on interpreting faults — especially These displays show characteristics of horizons or
where stratigraphic dips are small Ži.e., relatively faults that have been interpreted in a seismic volume.
B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218 197

Fig. 6. Time slice through 3-D seismic volume, offshore Gulf of Mexico. Note curvilinear trends of reflection character offset that
correspond to faults viewed in vertical sections. By interpreting the faults on both vertical transects and time slices, the potential for
miscorrelation is reduced, leading to a more accurate interpretation than could be generated using 2-D seismic data.

They allow the interpreter to view spatial relation- horizon amplitudes are sometimes called horizon
ships in two dimensions. Time structure of an inter- slices ŽFig. 5f.. Channel sandstones and other strati-
preted horizon, showing locations of faults, folds and graphic features can also, under some circumstances,
structural dips, is perhaps the most commonly viewed be identified using seismic amplitudes Že.g., Hardage
display. If desired, the interpreter can interactively et al., 1994; Brown, 1996a.. Structural contours can
adjust the colour scale bar to detect structural rela- be superimposed onto amplitude displays in order to
tionships Že.g., areas with subtle closure that could allow the interpreter to easily search for relationships
act as hydrocarbon traps. that might otherwise be between these two data types ŽFig. 8..
overlooked. Bouvier et al. Ž1989. present an example of the
In many areas, the seismic amplitudes associated use of fault slices to examine fault sealing capabili-
with particular stratigraphic horizons can be of sig- ties of Tertiary faults in the Niger Delta area. By
nificance Že.g., Enachescu, 1993.. For example, generating fault slices in both the hanging wall and
‘bright spots’ are associated with hydrocarbon accu- footwall, the juxtaposition of lithologies across the
mulations in some areas, and interpreters will exam- fault can be assessed. In this way, it might be
ine map displays of the amplitude of seismic hori- possible to judge whether a fault is a barrier to fluid
zons in order to look for stratigraphic or structural flow Že.g., sand on shale contact. or not Že.g., sand
features that might be hydrocarbon traps. Displays of on sand. along the entire fault plane.
198 B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218

times employed in a ‘quick look’ fashion to identify

stratigraphic configurations or rock properties ele-
ments that warrant detailed investigation. Horizon
attributes Ždiscussed below. are also viewed in map
3.4. PerspectiÕe displays
This type of display ŽFig. 5g. shows horizons,
faults and well data as 3-D perspective Žisometric.
views that can be rotated to help the interpreter
assess spatial relationships in 3-D. Additionally, they
can be employed to quality check interpretations —
for example, to ensure that horizon or fault picks are
physically plausible. With some interpretation pack-
ages, it may be possible to superimpose ‘attributes’
such as seismic amplitude, isochrons Žthickness, in
time units., etc. on top of the 3-D surface to more
easily evaluate, for example, possible relationships
between amplitudes and structure. Illumination an-
gles and opacity might also be adjusted to help
detect subtle structural trends.
3.5. Cube displays
This type of display ŽFig. 5h and Fig. 9. allows
the interpreter to view the seismic data as a volume.
By scrolling through the data cube Žfront to back, left
Fig. 7. Schematic diagram illustrating the effects of: Ža. strati- to right, and top to bottom., the interpreter can
graphic dip, and Žb. reflection frequency on the thickness of a
reflection viewed on a time slice. Adapted from Brown Ž1996a..
quickly get an intuitive feel for the broad scale
stratigraphic and structural configuration of a study
area before beginning detailed interpretation. Inter-
Although strictly not related to one horizon, map pretations Žfault and horizon. can, however, be made
displays are also employed to view thickness, in time on the faces of the data cube. The data may be
Žisochrons. or depth Žisopach. units, between two ‘clipped’ in various ways to visualize specific as-
stratigraphic horizons. Other interÕal attributes, such pects of the data set that will assist in the interpreta-
as the maximum amplitude between two horizons, tion.
can also be viewed and interpreted in this fashion. Most cube displays show the faces of the data
These, and other interval attribute analyses are some- volume, while data behind those faces remain out of

Fig. 8. Ža. Vertical transect through 3-D seismic volume from the San Juan Basin, New Mexico, showing classic ‘‘doublet’’ response
Žtroughs. associated with thick accumulations of aeolian Jurassic Entrada Formation. Strong peak above the Entrada is the Todilto
Formation Žgypsum and limestone.. Žb. Time structure contours of the Entrada horizon superimposed on horizon slice of the formation.
Contours were generated by picking the horizon on seed lines, autotracking the horizon throughout the survey area, quality checking the
result, then contouring the data. The contours suggest a thick build-up of the dune deposits along the lower margin of the survey area. The
amplitude of the Todilto reflection decreases over the crest of the buildup Žlower amplitudes shown in lighter greys., helping to corroborate
the interpretation and increase the attractiveness of this area as a drilling target Žsee Vincelette and Chittum, 1981, for a description of the
seismic character of Entrada reservoirs.. Although small, these deposits can form attractive drilling targets. It would not be possible to
pinpoint the optimal drilling location for these types of buildups, or other features such as pinnacle reefs, meandering channel sands, etc.,
with this degree of confidence using 2-D seismic or well control alone.
B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218 199

sight. Voxel rendering technologies allow the inter- bright spots associated with hydrocarbon accumula-
preter to make specific ranges of amplitudes trans- tions, that have specific amplitude characteristics.
parent, leaving only particular ranges of amplitudes This type of display can be especially useful, for
visible. The objective is to facilitate the 3-D viewing example, when planning a deviated wellbore so that
and interpretation of subsurface features, such as it penetrates multiple pay zones that manifest them-
200 B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218
B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218 201

selves as bright spots at distinct stratigraphic levels. gineering data. exists already. Having this informa-
Virtual reality technologies are being explored that tion ‘up front’ allows the interpretation team mem-
allow the interpreter to view the data in 3-D or even bers to better exploit the massive amounts of data
to ‘‘enter’’ the seismic volume ŽDorn, 1998.. How- available to them in the 3-D seismic volume. Typi-
ever, application of these technologies is not cally, however, an interpretation is not viewed so
widespread. much as a ‘final product’ as a ‘work in progress’
that is to be updated and revised as new data become
3.6. Combination displays available through drilling. The establishment of de-
velopment drilling plans Žfinding infill and step out
Some software applications allow several differ- drilling sites. is a common application of 3-D seis-
ent types of data and interpretations to be visualized mic, although most interpreters will also use the data
together Že.g., Fig. 10.. For example, it may be for exploration purposes Že.g., looking for other, as
desirable to examine well paths, interpreted horizons, yet unproductive, stratigraphic intervals.. There is
and some seismic data together. As is the case with increasing use of 3-D seismic data, particularly by
the other types of displays, the objective is to help large companies, as a purely exploration tool.
the interpreter to visualize the geology, engineering It should be noted that although the vertical reso-
and other types of data in 3-D. Another important lution of seismic data Žgenerally, only features 10 m
component is that these displays help the interpreter or more in thickness will be resolved. is not as great
to present hisrher results to others Že.g., co-workers, as wireline logs or core Žmillimeter scale in core,
management, investors. who have not been active in decimeter scale in logs., the continuous subsurface
the interpretation process. coverage in a 3-D survey provides much better spa-
tial control for mapping. For example, in North
America, typical development drilling density might
4. Interpreting 3-D seismic data be 16 wells per section Ž2.59 km2 ., yielding 16
‘control points’ Žwells with wireline logs. in that
In the petroleum industry, most 3-D seismic inter- area. A 3-D seismic survey over that same area
pretation is conducted by members of multidisci- might have 33.5 m = 33.5 m bins, yielding 2304
plinary teams that are composed of geologists, control points in the same area. The result is that the
geophysicists and engineers ŽHart, 1997.. This is 3-D seismic survey has 144 times more control
because experience has shown that the ambiguity points for mapping than even the relatively tightly
inherent in the seismic method Ždue to limitations on spaced wells ŽRay, 1995.. As such, mapping of
vertical and lateral resolution and the non-uniqueness stratigraphic and structural features using 3-D seis-
of the seismic response. can be reduced by integrat- mic Žprovided that they can be detected seismically.
ing geologic and petroleum engineering data and is much more accurate than mapping based on inter-
concepts ŽFig. 11.. pretation between even densely spaced wells or 2-D
As with other subsurface studies, the principal seismic data.
objectives of a 3-D seismic survey are definition of
subsurface stratigraphy, structure and rock physical 4.1. Stratigraphic interpretation
properties. Most such data sets are collected from
areas of existing production, so that some subsurface As with a 2-D seismic interpretation, the strati-
control Že.g., wireline logs, paleontological data, en- graphic interpretation of a 3-D seismic volume typi-

Fig. 9. Sample cube displays. Ža. Entire data set showing east–west and north–south vertical transects along the front and right side faces of
the cube, respectively, and a time slice on the top face. Žb. Entire time range is shown, but the front face has been cut to show an east–west
transect about 2r3 of the way into the volume, showing only a limited part of the survey area. Žc. Entire area of survey is shown, but the top
face has been cut down about 3r4 of the way into the volume. By interactively scrolling through a data cube such as this, the interpreter can
quickly assess changes in stratigraphic and structural style with location and depth.
B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218
Fig. 10. Combination display showing a 2-D seismic line Žleft, colour., a portion of a 3-D seismic cube Žback, grey tones., a voxel display of a 2nd 3-D volume Žgreens and
yellows, right., two interpreted horizons from the seismic data Žblue, pink., some well logs Žblue, coming down from top. and the locations of the 3-D seismic data sets Žyellow
and red grid at bottom., 2-D seismic lines Žblue, at bottom. and wells Žred dots at bottom.. By integrating different types of data and interpretations into single displays such as
this, multidisciplinary teams can make better drilling and reservoir management decisions. Figure courtesy of Landmark Graphics.
B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218 203

Fig. 11. Bar graph showing responses of 133 seismic interpreters when asked about the need to integrate geologic and engineering data and
concepts into a 3-D seismic interpretation. Experience shows that it is only through integration of the technology with other data types that
the true potential of 3-D seismic technology is realized. From Hart Ž1997..

cally begins by tying wireline logs Žgeologic data. to converted to true depths Že.g., meters. using avail-
the seismic data using Õelocity surÕeys, Õertical able velocity data.
seismic profiles andror synthetic seismograms Že.g., Once a stratigraphic framework has been estab-
Sheriff and Geldart, 1995.. From these initial seed lished, such as by defining and mapping flooding
points, horizons are interpreted on a grid of vertical surfaces, unconformities or other significant and de-
transects. The grid allows the user to ‘box in’ the finable horizons, detailed stratigraphic analyses
picks, helping to ensure a consistent interpretation. Žseismic facies analysis, reflection character analysis.
Picking a horizon on every line in a 3-D volume are conducted on those intervals that are judged to be
can be a labour intensive task, and so most software of particular stratigraphic importance. Clinoforms,
packages have an autotracking application that can channels, parasequences, reef complexes or other
be employed to automate the process. The grid of stratigraphic entities are studied using conventional
manual horizon picks forms a network of seed points, seismic stratigraphic criteria Že.g., Mitchum et al.,
from which the software will attempt to track a pick 1977; Sarg, 1987. and by integrating all available
of similar phase and amplitude throughout the seis- log, core and biostratigraphic data Že.g., Hart et al.,
mic volume. Under ideal conditions, such as a con- 1997.. Where line or trace orientations are oblique to
tinuous reflection that has significantly higher ampli- stratigraphic trends, arbitrary lines through a seismic
tude than surrounding events, it might be possible to volume will be selected to examine the true longitu-
autotrack a horizon based on a single seed point. dinal and cross-sectional geometries of clinoforms,
Conversely, in areas of high noise or geologic com- channels and other features.
plexity it may not be possible to autotrack a horizon With most software packages, it is possible to
at all. In any case, the results of the autotracking superimpose wireline logs directly over the seismic
need to be checked and manually edited where nec- data in vertical transects in order to help merge
essary. The finished horizon pick should be both geologic Žlogs. and geophysical Žseismic. data and
geologically and geophysically defensible. Once time concepts ŽFig. 12.. To do so, some time-depth con-
structure maps have been derived, the horizons are version information is required. Depending on the
204 B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218

Fig. 12. Example of a seismic view with well log overlay. Log curve shows g-ray Žincreasing to the right. with true well position indicated
by vertical white lines. Note good correspondence between lithology contrasts as indicated by logs Žlow g-ray, clean carbonates; higher
g-ray, dolomitic sandstones and siltstones. and the location of prominent reflections. This type of display is used to help verify picks, both
log and seismic. Seismic transect shows basinward progradation Žto left. of mixed siliciclasticrcarbonate Permian shelfrslope in Delaware
Basin, SE New Mexico.

types of logs employed, these displays can help to deltaic lobes ŽHart et al., 1997. and even meteorite
guide correlations from well to well, identify facies impact structures ŽIsaac and Stewart, 1993.. In the
associations or stratal surfaces, identify fluid con- petroleum industry, knowledge of the distribution of
tacts, etc. these depositional features can help to identify or
Time and horizon slices can help the interpreter to predict sedimentary facies distributions, and thus the
identify and map features such as fluvial channels, location of reservoir quality rock or barriers or baf-
sinkholes, Že.g., Hardage et al., 1994; Brown, 1996a., fles to subsurface fluid flow that might compartmen-

Fig. 13. Structure map Žlower left. of a horizon suggests the presence of a small NW–SE trending graben Ždarker greys are structurally
lower areas.. A seismic transect in the inline direction ŽA–A . does not clearly show the subtle fault on the southwest. This might be the
orientation of a 2-D seismic line. By viewing an arbitrary line that is perpendicular to the fault orientation ŽB–B ., the fault geometry
becomes clearer. Although the fault is readily apparent, it may not be clear from this view how the horizons correlate from one fault block
to another. As such, a multipanel display was chosen that goes around the fault pinchout to the north ŽC–C –C .. This latter display clearly
shows reflection continuity from one block to the other, thus, confirming the interpretation shown in B–B . Example from New York State
Žsee Hart et al., 1996..
B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218 205
206 B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218

Fig. 14. Two different horizon attribute maps for the same seismic horizon. Ža. Dip map, showing variability in dip amount for the surface
Ždarker s greater dip.. Žb. Azimuth map, showing which way the horizon is dipping. Light source is from the upper right ŽNE., so that
surfaces dipping to the SW appear dark. These maps show linear trends that indicate the presence of subtle faults which were not evident
when interpreting vertical transects through this data volume.
B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218 207

talize reservoir. Typically, vertical sections, time etc... As with stratigraphic interpretation, vertical
structure maps, and horizon displays will be evalu- transects, time slices, and other displays will all be
ated simultaneously to assess a given prospect. utilized together during the structural interpretation
procedure. Faults can be interpreted on both time
4.2. Structural interpretation slices and vertical transects, and the results of inter-
pretation on one display can be viewed and used to
Structural and stratigraphic interpretations neces- guide fault picking on the other. The ability to view
sarily feed off one another. For example, it is not arbitrary lines through the seismic volume can, as
possible to calculate throw on a fault without being with stratigraphic interpretation, have a significant
able to identify common horizons on either side of beneficial impact on structural interpretations ŽFig.
the structure. Conversely, to correlate a horizon from 13..
one side of a fault to the other, the interpreter needs As with a stratigraphic interpretation, the struc-
to understand the fault geometry Žnormal, reverse, tural interpretation begins by identifying the large

Fig. 15. Continuity cube Žsimilar to a Coherency Cubee. showing subtle faulting indicated by curvilinear trends of low coherence Ždark.
and poor data quality area. As with the horizon attribute maps, these cubes help interpreters to recognize subtle structural features that
otherwise might be undetected in vertical sections and time slices. Stratigraphic features, such as channels and reefs, can also sometimes be
delineated with continuityrcoherency cubes.
208 B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218

scale faults, then successively mapping finer details. cally cube displays or time slices are considered to
Faults can generally be detected when the throw is be most revealing ŽFig. 15.. This attribute can very
greater than 1r4 the wavelength ŽSheriff and Gel- precisely and quickly reveal the location of subtle
dart, 1995.. Subtle faults that are not easily recog- faults or stratigraphic features that might be other-
nized on vertical transects can sometimes be detected wise missed.
by generating and examining horizon attributes Že.g., 3-D seismic analyses can often result in structure
Dalley et al., 1989; Hoetz and Watters, 1992; Hes- maps that are significantly different from structure
thammer and Fossen, 1997a; Fig. 14.. These can maps based on 2-D seismic andror well control.
include dip Žin msrm., azimuth Ži.e., the direction That these maps truly are more accurate than the
that the surface is pointing, ranging from 08 to 3608., original maps has been empirically Žand frequently.
edge detection Žemphasizing discontinuities. and demonstrated by drilling results, and by integration
other properties. Depending on the orientation and with other data types Že.g., Badgett et al., 1994;
dip of the fault with respect to stratigraphic horizons, Brown, 1996a; Weimer and Davis, 1996..
any particular one of these displays might help to
detect subtle structures that might have a significant 4.3. Rock properties
impact on subsurface fluid flow.
Coherency Cubee processing Žand similar tech- Definition of subsurface rock properties, such as
niques. generates a seismic attribute that quantifies porosity or fluid saturation, directly from reflection
the similarity between a given seismic trace and its seismic data continues to be a field of significant
neighbours ŽBahorich and Farmer, 1995.. This nu- interest. Seismic inversion is a technique that at-
merical measure is somewhat analogous to the ‘re- tempts to reconstruct the subsurface physical proper-
flection continuity’ that seismic interpreters have ties distribution, usually directly from the processed
been employing qualitatively for many years. When seismic traces Že.g., Lindseth, 1979.. Many inversion
the waveshape for a trace in a given time window is algorithms have been developed, but the inversion
similar to that for adjacent traces, as might be ex- process itself provides non-unique solutions —
pected when the stratigraphy is continuous across an sometimes many different stratigraphic successions
area, the coherency attribute calculated at that posi- could have produced a given seismic section. Ac-
tion is high. When there are significant differences cordingly, interpreters generally attempt to constrain
between traces, as might be expected where the the inversion process with physical property informa-
stratigraphy is offset by faulting, the coherency is tion Ždensity, velocity. derived from well control.
low. This type of data is derived from a 3-D seismic Acoustic impedance volumes are generated for inter-
volume, and can be viewed in the same way; typi- pretation in this way.

Fig. 16. Empirical, quantitative derivation of rock properties from seismic attributes. Ža. Values of selected attributes are extracted from the
bins that correspond to well locations, and crossplotted against well-derived measurements. In some cases, no correlation is present
ŽAttribute 1.. In other cases, there might be a negative correlation between attributes and log properties ŽAttribute 2. or a positive correlation
between the two ŽAttribute 3.. Linear and polynomial regression approaches might be tried. Žb. Relationships might be sought out between a
reservoir property and several attributes. Here, the 3-D graph, which can be interactively rotated, allows the interpreter to view statistical
relationships between three variables. The size of the data point is proportional to its closeness to the observer. This type of interactive data
exploration can help the interpreter to seek out correlations between seismic attributes and log-based physical properties. Multiple regression
techniques can be used to improve the correlation between seismic attributes and reservoir properties. Žc. Once an empirical, numerical
relationship between seismic attributes and rock properties has been established, it is used to assign rock properties to other areas within the
3-D survey area that lack well control. Here, a 2nd order multiple regression based on three attributes Žnot the three shown in Ža.. has been
employed to derive the thickness of the reservoir interval having a porosity greater than 12% Žcontours.. The underlying grey scale shows
structure, with structurally high areas being the lightest. Structure generally shows a dip from upper right to lower left. The thickest porous
section Ž) 20 m. is located beneath the structural culminations in this Jurassic shelf margin carbonate buildup Žcenter of map., although
some porosity also appears to be present on the seaward flank Žbottom. — possibly as talus accumulations. See Hart and Balch Ž1998. for
further discussion.
B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218 209
210 B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218

Complex trace attributes, such as amplitude, in- ship is of limited value if the correlation coefficient
stantaneous frequency, reflection strength and instan- is too low. Second, the relationship should be statis-
taneous phase and many others ŽTanner and Sheriff, tically robust and take into account uncertainties, for
1977; Brown, 1996b. are currently being analyzed example, in the exact borehole location or seismic
and exploited qualitatively in the hopes that they noise. The location of boreholes might be known
contain information about the physical properties of only to within a range of bins, especially if the wells
the rocks being imaged. Although the analysis of are old Žand poorly surveyed. or large offsets in
these attributes is not new, the degree of vigour with deviated wells are present. Using several adjacent
which 3-D seismic interpreters are currently deriving bins in the correlation exercise can, provided that the
and exploiting them ŽHart, 1997. can be related to: reservoir is homogeneous enough, help to determine
Ža. the direct way in which large amounts of digital the robustness of the correlation. Finally, the number
data can be analyzed, and Žb. the ability to link of attributes that can be generated is great, increasing
log-derived physical properties from individual wells the probability that there will be at least one statisti-
to a specific traces in a spatially continuous 3-D cally significant, but possibly spurious, correlation
seismic volume. Seismic amplitudes are the most ŽKalkomey, 1997.. Additionally, Hirsche et al. Ž1997.
readily imaged and qualitatively interpreted attribute pointed out that limited well control or biased sam-
ŽEnachescu, 1993., although other attributes are ex- pling Žonly specific facies might be drilled. can
ploited in a qualitative way as well Že.g., Hardage et make it difficult to assess whether basic statistical
al., 1996., either individually or collectively. Non- assumptions that underpin the utilization of these
uniqueness of response Že.g., seismic amplitudes can methods are violated.
be affected by changes in porosity, bed thickness, Ideally, the interpretation team might have a large
reflector geometry, fluid content, processing and number of wells to work with. From these wells,
other variables. should be an important consideration they can randomly exclude some from the calibration
when interpreting such data. process, then test the predictions of their work against
Using a relatively new technique, growing num- the data from the excluded wells Že.g., Schultz et al.,
bers of interpreters are attempting to correlate seis- 1994.. This approach may not be feasible in areas of
mic attributes empirically with reservoir physical limited well control Že.g., new or small fields.. One
properties measured by borehole logs ŽSchultz et al., of the fundamental questions that should be asked of
1994.. The complex trace attributes potentially con- any rock properties prediction is whether the result
tain information about the physical properties of the makes geologic sense. This is true regardless of how
rocks being imaged seismically, but the direct rela- the prediction is derived, or the strength of the
tionship between the rock properties and seismic statistical correlation. The most prudent approach to
attributes may be practically impossible to derive assessing these predictions is to view them as work-
from first principles. The objective is to try to corre- ing hypotheses that: Ža. will help to assess the risk
late physical properties, as measured from borehole associated with drilling a specific prospect, and Žb.
logs, with seismic attributes derived from the traces will need to be revised as new information becomes
that correspond to the boreholes. Different methods available.
are being utilized or developed, including multiple
regression, geostatistics, and neural networks first to
derive the relationships, and then to distribute prop- 4.4. Integration
erties throughout the area of the seismic survey ŽFig.
16.. As is the case with any subsurface data, there is a
Matteucci Ž1996. and others have identified sev- certain amount of ambiguity in the interpretation of
eral aspects that need to be considered when adopt- seismic data Ž2-D or 3-D. that cannot be removed by
ing this approach. First and foremost, the correlation working with it alone. These limitations are the
between the attributes and physical properties must product of many factors, including the vertical reso-
be statistically significant. A prediction of reservoir lution and non-unique response of seismic data, ac-
properties based on a quantitative, empirical relation- quisition and processing programs, and interpreters’
B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218 211

skills or biases. As such, most interpreters recognize middle 1980s fueled interest in the technology. Al-
that their seismic interpretations need to be inte- though much, if not most, of the ensuing drilling
grated with geologic and engineering data and con- success attributable to 3-D seismic has gone unre-
cepts in order to maximize the benefit that they ported in the scientific literature Žthere are many case
derive from a 3-D seismic volume ŽHart, 1997.. histories in trade journals., the worth of the technol-
As noted previously, the integrated study might ogy is empirically demonstrated by a single statistic
include paleontologic, core, wireline log, production, that shows the extent to which the petroleum indus-
and other data types. Case studies presented by try has begun to focus on the technology: by the end
Badgett et al. Ž1994., Hardage et al. Ž1994., of 1996, 3-D surveys accounted for nearly 75% of all
Rafalowski et al. Ž1996. and Hart et al. Ž1997. seismic acquisition ŽSociety of Exploration Geo-
illustrate how 3-D seismic, core, wireline log, pres- physics, 1997.. The application and development of
sure and production data are integrated with se- this technology has had a tremendous impact on the
quence stratigraphic, seismic attribute, production petroleum industry, largely due to the precision and
and other analyses to generate holistic reservoir accuracy with which stratigraphic and structural ele-
models. Detailed analyses of the seismic data them- ments can be identified, mapped and drilled Že.g.,
selves, possibly including wavelet extraction, for- Haldorsen and Damsleth, 1993; Sibley and Mastoris,
ward modeling, phase correction and other steps, can 1994.. These same types of benefits should be realiz-
be employed to add confidence to the ties between able in any geoscience discipline where the objective
seismic and well data Že.g., Dorn et al., 1996.. is to characterize properly subsurface structure,
Ideally, it would be possible to export a 3-D reser- stratigraphy and sediment Žor rock. properties.
voir model populated with physical properties di-
5.1. Non-petroleum applications
rectly from the seismic analyses into a reservoir
simulator, but this type of activity is not yet com- The cost of acquiring and processing 3-D seismic
monplace ŽHart, 1997.. data is no doubt the greatest impediment to the
Integration is a key component in the developing development of more widespread application of the
field of time-lapse or 4-D seismic analyses. This technology. Additionally, relatively inexpensive PC-
type of analysis seeks to find differences in ampli- based data visualization and interpretation packages
tude Žor other attributes. from a given reservoir that are making interpretation capabilities Žat least the
might be visible in successive 3-D seismic surveys more commonly used applications. accessible to
covering the same area, and then to relate these greater numbers of potential users.
differences to changes in pore fluids that are due to Eaton et al. Ž1997. performed cost–benefit analy-
production or enhanced recovery operations Že.g., ses to examine when the technology can be cost-ef-
Greaves and Fulp, 1987; Anderson et al., 1996.. This fective in the mining industry, and also examined
approach is most widely used where amplitudes some of the technical considerations related to seis-
Žbright spots. provide direct hydrocarbon indicators, mic imaging in plutonic environments, rather than
although applications of the technique to monitor layered sedimentary successions. For example, they
steamfloods or CO 2 injection programs have also noted that while most reflection seismic processing
been undertaken ŽD. Lumley, personal communica- is geared towards enhancing continuous features such
tion, 1998.. as bedding, in crystalline terranes scattering effects
from localized bodies are of paramount importance.
Unmigrated 3-D seismic volumes can help inter-
5. Discussion preters to recognize scattering anomalies produced
by features such as ore bodies, and may therefore be
First conceived within large petroleum companies of greater interest in the mining industry than mi-
in the early 1960s, it was not until the 1970s that 3-D grated volumes ŽEaton et al., 1997..
seismic concepts were publicly presented ŽWalton, Cost was initially considered to be an obstacle to
1972; French, 1974.. Documentation of 3-D seismic the application of 3-D seismic in the environmental
success stories in the late 1970s Že.g., West, 1979. to industry ŽHouse et al., 1996., although recent experi-
212 B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218

mental studies are suggesting otherwise ŽSiahkoohi seismic surveys, limiting their usefulness for regional
and West, 1998.. Cost–savings realized by techno- stratigraphic interpretations, the lateral continuity
logical improvements Že.g., more cost-efficient ac- provided by 3-D seismic will help stratigraphers to
quisition layouts. are likely to overcome this barrier, better understand the controls of local processes such
especially in hydrogeology where aquifers are struc- as reactivation of basement tectonic elements, and
turally or stratigraphically complex, and the eco- autocyclic lobe switching on depositional architec-
nomic considerations associated with water availabil- ture. Additionally, many studies have shown that
ity or contamination are great. Problems associated stratal geometries derived from 2-D seismic profiles
with obtaining high quality shallow seismic data can be misleading, possibly leading to erroneous
Žespecially in the vadose zone. are also currently an reconstructions of depositional histories Že.g., Hart
impediment. and Long, 1996.. The integration of 3-D seismic data
As an ‘academic’ discipline, structural geology into sequence stratigraphic studies will help to re-
could benefit by more widespread application of 3-D duce these potential errors.
seismic data. Experience in the petroleum industry
has shown that many structural interpretations based 5.2. Limitations of 3-D seismic technology
on 2-D seismic are wrong, to varying degrees Žtypi-
cally, fault geometries are oversimplified; e.g., Experience in the petroleum industry has shown
Brown, 1996a; Mansfield, 1996.. Since 2-D seismic that, despite its general applicability, 3-D seismic
based interpretations are used as input into kinematic technology Žlike any technology. has its limitations.
models, it may be desirable or even necessary to These limitations can influence how a survey is
revise some of the models to take into account new collected, processed and interpreted.
details that could be provided by 3-D seismic map- There are areas where good quality seismic data
ping. In some cases, it will not be possible to derive Ž2-D or 3-D. are impossible or very difficult to
the true 3-D geometry Žand evolution. of these struc- obtain. For example, velocity-related problems have,
tures without 3-D seismic data. For example, Mans- until recently, prevented geophysicists from obtain-
field Ž1996. and Rowan et al. Ž1998. demonstrated ing clear subsurface images below salt bodies in the
how 3-D seismic data can be employed to under- Gulf of Mexico or beneath thrust sheets. New pro-
stand the spatial and temporal development of a cessing flows, for example, pre-stack depth migra-
growth fault arrays. These types of analyses tradi- tion, are helping in some of these areas, however,
tionally have been based on 2-D analyses Žseismic or there remain areas where seismic acquisition is not
outcrop., either in section or plan, and case studies Ž?yet. feasible. Portions of North America’s Permian
that document the true 3-D geometry and evolution Basin region fall into this category. In some areas of
of real fault arrays are rare. this basin, unconsolidated Tertiary sediments overlie
Beginning in the 1970s, the development of seis- and bury a dissolution surface developed on a Per-
mic stratigraphy Žand the offshoot of sequence mian aged salt zone. The thickness of the Tertiary
stratigraphy. as a mature science did much to revolu- fill changes abruptly and there is a strong velocity
tionize and reinvigorate the field of stratigraphy. The contrast between the fill and the underlying Paleo-
first order controls on depositional sequence archi- zoic rocks. For this reason, much energy is scattered
tecture Žsea-level change, subsidence and sediment at this contact and the implementation of certain key
supply. are fairly well established, although the rela- processing steps becomes problematic. As such, it is
tive importance of each and the nomenclature used not possible to obtain useable images of much of the
to describe successions of sedimentary rocks remain Paleozoic section.
topics of considerable debate. By providing a contin- In shallow earth applications, it is generally diffi-
uous and accurate image of the subsurface, 3-D cult to obtain good quality seismic data from uncon-
seismic data have the potential to improve our under- solidated or poorly consolidated soils that are above
standing of some of the 2nd or higher order controls the water table. These, and some other settings, are
on stratigraphic architecture. Although 3-D seismic considered to be ‘‘lossy’’ media Ži.e., much energy
data are often collected over smaller areas than 2-D is lost through attenuation as the acoustic pulse
B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218 213

propagates. where it may be difficult or impossible In other areas, noise generated by waves, wind, or
to obtain interpretable seismic images. ‘‘cultural’’ features Že.g., working pumpjacks, road

Fig. 17. Example showing the effects of seismic processing on data interpretability. The images show a common vertical transect through
two different versions of a 3-D seismic volume. Both data versions began with the same field data input, but different processing flows were
applied Ždiscussion and analysis of the processing differences is beyond the scope of this paper.. The upper Žoriginal. image is difficult to
interpret above 600 ms ŽTWT., but after reprocessing Žlower image. the stratigraphy and structure in that part of the section become clearer.
Conversely, the reprocessed volume Žlower. has some of the higher frequencies removed, making stratigraphic details somewhat harder to
interpret in the lower part of the section.
214 B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218

traffic, electromagnetic emissions from power ca- up’’ on a seismic transect beneath a region that has
bles. can cause low signal-to-noise ratios that make fast velocities. are a common type of pitfall, and can
data difficult to interpret. Source testing, wherein be most problematic when available velocity control
different types of source are tested to determine is limited and lateral lithologic changes and depths
which provides the best combination of frequency are great. Depth migration converts the z axis of the
and energy characteristics for a particular applica- seismic volume from time to depth Žeither pre- or
tion, and noise testing, looking at ambient and sys- post-stack., but the quality of the result depends on
tem noise levels, can be used to help design survey the accuracy of the velocity model used during the
acquisition parameters or even determine whether it migration. Experience, and an understanding of the
is possible to collect usable seismic data. principles of geology and geophysics can help the
Other concerns are related to acquisition parame- interpreter to watch out for these and other types of
ters Žsuch as survey design., processing parameters, interpretation problems.
the subsurface geology, non-uniqueness of the seis- Finally, within the petroleum industry there is
mic response and, perhaps, the way that these ele- general recognition of the limitations of 3-D seismic
ments interact. For example, the acquisition footprint technology, and these limitations need to be remem-
is an artifact characterized by patterns of noise in bered if, or when, the technology is applied in other
3-D data that are related to the geometric distribution fields. For example, in addition to the artifacts and
of sources and receivers on the earths surface pitfalls just described, practical limits on vertical and
ŽMarfurt et al., 1998.. This, and noise related to lateral resolution can make targets impossible to
other sources Že.g., multiples, diffractions, low fold identify in seismic data. Improper survey design and
areas., can obscure stratigraphic and structural fea- excessive cost cutting during acquisition and pro-
tures Že.g., Hesthammer and Fossen, 1997b. and cessing have been known to lead to poor data quality
disrupt seismic attribute studies Že.g., Marfurt et al., and failure in the petroleum industry. The geology of
1998.. an area and the project economics need to be charac-
As illustrated in Fig. 17, choices made during the terized up front, in order to properly design a 3-D
processing phase can significantly impact seismic survey or, indeed, to decide whether a 3-D seismic
data interpretability. Older seismic data sets Žboth survey is worth acquiring. Likewise, although 3-D
2-D and 3-D. are sometimes reprocessed using dif- seismic data can provide some valuable insights
ferent parameters to enhance interpretability Že.g., compared to 2-D seismic or well data, it is only
Hesthammer and Fossen, 1997a.. Processing can through the integration of multidisciplinary data sets
affect the quality of the final data volume for a and concepts Že.g., pressures, borehole logs, core,
number of reasons. Two of the more important as- geochemical analyses. that the full benefits of 3-D
pects include the experience of the processors in seismic technology are realized. No matter how
working with data from a particular area Že.g., there widespread the technology has become in the
might be velocity problems or multiples that a pro- petroleum industry, economic, technical or other ob-
cessor with experience from that area might know stacles can cause 3-D seismic to be an impractical
how to handle., and the choice of processing algo- tool for studying the subsurface. Overcoming these
rithms Žoften the better algorithms take more com- obstacles will continue to be a topic of considerable
puter time and are therefore more costly.. interest.
Assuming that the data set has been satisfactorily
acquired and processed, there are still aspects of the
6. Conclusions
interpretation phase that can affect the validity of the
results. The most obvious of these are the inter- This summary has endeavoured to illustrate how
preters capabilities and experience working with 3-D 3-D seismic technology is applied in the petroleum
seismic data and the software used in the interpreta- industry and to suggest that similar approaches might
tion. Various types of pitfalls can confront even an be undertaken in other branches of the earth sci-
experienced interpreter. Velocity related problems ences. Although a 3-D seismic data volume provides
Že.g., a horizontal layer might appear to be ‘‘pulled a tremendous amount of information about the sub-
B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218 215

surface structure, stratigraphy and rock properties, it Autotracking — Automated picking of a seismic
is only through integration of these geophysical data horizon throughout a 3-D seismic volume based on
with other geologic and engineering data and con- seed points provided by the interpreter. Picking pa-
cepts that the true potential of the technology is rameters are set by the interpreter. This process is
unlocked. The quality and continuity of the subsur- used to provide a continuous horizon pick more
face image obtained with a properly acquired 3-D rapidly than could be achieved through manual pick-
survey, combined with the flexible data visualization ing. Despite the time efficiency, results of autotrack-
and interpretation capabilities of interpretation soft- ing applications need to be quality checked by inter-
ware and data integration, help petroleum geoscien- preters, especially in areas of complex geology or
tists to produce the world’s hydrocarbon resources poor data quality.
more economically and efficiently. These, or similar Bin — A rectangular area in the x, y plane
benefits may be realizable in other applied and fun- Žhorizontal. that is represented by a single seismic
damental branches of the geosciences. trace in a 3-D volume. Bin dimensions are deter-
mined by acquisition parameters, and each bin can
be identified by a specific combination of line and
Acknowledgements trace numbers.
Coherency attribute — An attribute defined by
The material presented in this paper is derived comparing a seismic trace with its neighbours over a
from the author’s own published and unpublished sliding time window in order to numerically define
research, and from examples and concepts presented the lateral trace continuity at that location. This
in the literature. Geographic coordinates for some of attribute is commonly used to define discontinuities
the illustrations have been deliberately disguised or that can be due to faulting or stratigraphic features
omitted to conserve the confidentiality of the data. Že.g., channel or reef margins.. The term Coherency
Support for the author’s current research comes from Cubee refers to a technology that has been patented
the AdÕanced ReserÕoir Management Project of Los by Amoco, but other companies have developed
Alamos National Laboratory, the Southwest Section similar attributes Žmost of which are proprietary..
of the Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, and Complex trace attribute — A seismic attribute
the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Re- Že.g., instantaneous phase, instantaneous frequency.
sources. Data sets and technical guidance have been that is derived from the Hilbert transform.
provided by Amoco, Ardent Resources, Cross Tim- Crossline (trace) — One of the two sequentially
bers Oil, Harvey E. Yates, Marathon, and Smacko numbered orthogonal reference coordinates for 3-D
Operating. Interpretation software has been provided seismic surveys Žthe other being the linerinline.. For
to the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technol- land surveys, the crossline orientation is typically the
ogy by Landmark Graphics Corporation. direction in which source lines were laid out.
Fault slice — Amplitudes extracted along the
plane of a fault, and viewed projected onto a vertical
Appendix A. Glossary of some commonly used plane.
terms in 3-D seismic interpretation Fold (multiplicity) — The number of field traces
sharing a common midpoint that are stacked together
This Appendix provides definitions for some terms during data processing to produce a single trace in
in 3-D seismic technology based on common usage the final data volume. All else being equal, the
by interpreters. Some of these terms have other higher the fold, the better the data quality. The fold
meanings in the field of reflection seismology. may not be constant throughout the entire area of a
Arbitrary line r transect — A vertical seismic 3-D survey.
transect through a 3-D seismic volume, the location, Horizon — A seismic pick that typically corre-
orientation and length of which is defined freely by sponds to a particular stratigraphic level Že.g., the top
the interpreter. of a formation..
216 B.S. Hart r Earth-Science ReÕiews 47 (1999) 189–218

Horizon attributes — Attributes that are derived area to monitor changes in subsurface conditions. A
from and define geometric properties of a picked, common example is the use of changes in seismic
continuous horizon, such as dip, azimuth, edge de- amplitudes through time to monitor changes in the
tection, etc. location of an oilrwater contact that are due to
Horizon slice — Instantaneous amplitudes ex- production.
tracted along a horizon and displayed in a map view. Timeslice — A slice through a 3-D seismic vol-
Inline (line) — One of the two sequentially num- ume at a constant TWT. Since subsurface velocities
bered orthogonal reference coordinates for 3-D seis- may vary laterally, a constant TWT does not neces-
mic surveys Žthe other being the tracercrossline.. sarily represent a constant subsurface depth.
For land surveys, the inline orientation is typically Velocity surÕey — Determination of the subsur-
the direction in which receiver cables were laid out. face velocity field, usually by lowering a receiver
InterÕal attribute — A seismic attribute Že.g., down a borehole to different depths, generating an
average frequency, average amplitude. that is de- acoustic pulse at the surface, then measuring the
rived for an interval that is defined either by two vertical traveltime to the receiver.
horizons or a user selected time window defined Vertical seismic profile (VSP) — A seismic pro-
with respect to one horizon. file that is collected in a manner somewhat analo-
Migration — A seismic processing step which is gous to a velocity survey, but with more recording
used to reposition reflected energy to its true subsur- depths. Longer recording times are analyzed in order
face location Žthus, eliminating sideswipe., collapse to detect reflected energy from subsurface interfaces,
diffractions and shrink the Fresnel zone. 3-D migra- and not just first arrivals. Processing transforms the
tion produces a seismic image that is more accurate raw data into seismic traces that: Ža. show the seis-
than an equivalent 2-D image. mic response in the vicinity of the borehole, Žb. can
Multipanel display — A display that consists of be directly tied to other borehole information Že.g.,
two or more contiguous vertical transects Žtypically wireline logs., and Žc. can be displayed in either time
arbitrary lines. through a 3-D seismic volume. or depth.
Patch — In land 3-D seismic acquisition, a rect- Voxel — A ‘‘ volume element’’ defined by the
angular series of geophones that record reflections bin size Žin the x, y plane. and the sampling interval
from a shotpoint that is typically located near the Žin the z direction.. For conventional 3-D seismic
center of the patch. volumes, each voxel stores a numerical amplitude
PerspectiÕe display — A display that shows ob- value.
jects from a seismic survey, typically interpreted
horizons and faults, in pseudo 3-D form. These
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