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NEW TESTAMENT Finish this verse.

In every In the Gospel According to

battle you will need faith as John, which of the apostles
In what city was Jesus born? your ______ to stop the fiery doubts Jesuss resurrection
Bethlehem arrows aimed at you by until he sees Jesus with his
Satan. own eyes?
How many books are in the Shield Thomas
New Testament?
27 Whose example does Paul According to the Gospel of
say Christians should follow Matthew, where does Jesuss
What type of insect did John in Chapter 5 of Ephesians? first public sermon take
the Baptist eat in the desert? Christs place?
Locusts On the mount
After Jesus fed 5,000+ people
Who were the first apostles with two fish and five loaves In the Gospel of John, for
called to follow Jesus? of bread, how many baskets whom does Mary Magdalene
Peter and Andrew were left over? mistake Jesus in his first
12 resurrection appearance?
How many people did Jesus Mary Magdalene
feed with five loaves of bread What does Paul say may
and two fish? abound more and more in How does Judas signal
about 5000 men knowledge and in all Jesuss identity to the Roman
judgment? officials?
After Jesus was arrested, Love He kisses him.
which apostle disowned him
three times? What tribe is Paul from? Who murders John the
Peter Benjamin Baptist?
Herod Antipas
Who recognized Jesus as the According to the Beatitudes
Messiah when he was who will be filled? When Christians observe
presented at the Temple as a Those who hunger and thirst for Palm Sunday, what biblical
baby? righteousness narrative are they
Simeon celebrating?
What does Simon Peter do Jesuss entry into Jerusalem
Who asked Pilate for Jesus for a living before he before his death
body after the crucifixion? becomes an apostle?
Joseph of Arimathea He was a fisherman. According to the Gospels,
what is the unique literary
Paul was shipwrecked on In the Gospel of Mark, how genre Jesus employs to
what island? does the Virgin Mary learn of preach his message?
Malta her pregnancy? The parable
From the angel Gabriel
What is the shortest book in Which Gospel is most
the New Testament? Who is Stephen in Acts of the concerned with the mystery
2 John Apostles? and identity of the person of
The first Christian martyr Jesus?
Who is the author of the John
Book of Revelation? According to the Gospel of
John Matthew, who visits Jesus at Who baptizes Jesus?
his birth and where does this John the Baptizer
Matthew was a _________. meeting take place?
Tax collector The three wise men, in a stable Who takes Jesuss body off
the cross?
To what city was Saul By what name is Paul of Joseph of Arimathea
traveling when he Tarsus known before he
encountered a great and begins his missionary Who is the first apostle to
blinding light? activity? deny Jesus?
Damascus Saul Peter

Who was the first person to According to Pauls Which Gospel is written by a
come upon the injured man formulation in 1 Corinthians, doctor?
in the parable of the Good which is the greatest of the Luke
Samaritan? imperishable qualities?
Priest Love

Who is the high priest of

Jerusalem who put Jesus on
OLD TESTAMENT On which day of the year How were sins forgiven in the
could the High Priest enter Old Testament?
On what day of Creation did the Holiest Place, the inner Animal sacrifice
God create man? most part of the temple How many minor prophets
Sixth Day where the covenant box was are there?
kept? 12
What was the name of Day of Atonement
Adams third son? What is the name commonly
Seth Which of the following was given to the first five books
not a judge? of the Old Testament?
What was the first of the Ten Laban Pentateuch
You shall have no other gods Israel split into two kingdoms Who wrote the first five
before me after the reign of King books of the Old Testament?
Solomon, with Israel in the Moses
At the time of the census north, but what was the name
conducted by Moses in the of the southern kingdom? What time period does the
first chapter of Numbers, Judah Old Testament cover?
which of the twelve tribes of The beginning of man to the
Israel was the smallest? Who was king of the time of the Messiah
Manasseh southern kingdom when the
northern kingdom of Israel From which part of Adams
Who was the mother of fell to Assyria? body did God create Eve?
Samuel? Hezekiah Rib
The southern kingdom What was the first bird that
What kind of bird brought eventually fell also, but to Noah let out of the ark?
Elijah food while he hid in the which great power? Raven
Kerith Ravine, east of Babylon
Jordan? What was the name of
Ravens After the exile, the Israelites Abrahams nephew?
returned and started to Lot
Which of the following is NOT rebuild the temple in
a book of the Old Testament? Jerusalem, but which other What did God ask Abraham
Enoch prophet along with Zechariah to sacrifice to him on Mount
was sent to encourage the Moriah?
What is the last word in the completion of the partly built His only son
Old Testament? temple?
Curse Haggai What did Rachel steal from
her father, Laban, when she
How many books are there in One title of God is El left home with her husband
the Old Testament? Shaddai, which means what? Jacob?
39 Almighty God Labans household gods

In what language was the Old Which king had the longest What was the name of
Testament written? reign over the Kingdom of Josephs youngest brother?
Hebrew Israel? Benjamin
Jeroboam II
What relation was Jacob to When Joseph was in prison,
Abraham? What does Israel mean? whose dream did he correctly
Grandson Prevails with God interpret to mean he would
be restored to his job?
How many sons did Jacob In which prophecy do we Butler
(Israel) have? read about the valley of dry
12 They formed the basis for bones? In what was baby Moses
the tribes of Israel. Ezekiel hidden?
An ark of bulrushes
From which country did Which one of these books is
Moses help the Israelites not classed as a book of What was the first plague the
escape from their lives of history? Lord sent on Egypt?
slavery? Psalms Water turned into blood
Which of these Old On what mountain did Moses
Which tribe of Israel looked Testament prophets lived receive the law from God?
after the religious aspects of during the reign of King Mount Sinai
life? Josiah?
Levi Jeremiah
What was the tabernacle How does Jacob steal his What event triggers the
for? brother, Esaus, inheritance division of Israel into two
To worship God in rights? kingdoms?
By tricking his father with the Rehoboam wants the tribe of
How did Rahab let the help of his mother Judah to secede from the
invading Israelites identify twelve tribes.
her house? From which catastrophe does
She tied a red cord in the Joseph save Egypt? Who is Elisha?
window Famine Elijahs apprentice and
What weapons did Gideon How does God first appear to
use to defeat the Midianites? Moses? What do the deaths of King
Trumpets, pitchers, and lamps As a burning bush Ahab and his wife Jezebel
have in common?
Which judge was betrayed to What object that God gives Dogs eat the blood of their
the Philistines by a woman? Moses allows him to perform dead bodies.
Samson signs and wonders?
A wooden staff Which Jewish festival results
Who did Samuel anoint as from the events in Esther?
the first King of Israel? How does God feed the Purim
Saul Israelites in the desert?
By a strange bread-like Which of the following is not
How did David defeat substance from heaven one of Israels judges?
Goliath? Jephthah
He threw a stone from his sling Why does Moses break the
stone tablets inscribed with What does King Solomon do
How did Uriah die? Gods commandments at in Israel?
David had him placed in the Mount Sinai? He builds a grand temple in
most dangerous spot in the Because the people are Jerusalem.
battle. worshipping a golden idol
What is one of the main
What was Cains punishment Why does God curse the criteria in Leviticus for living
for the murder of Abel? Israelites to wander the in the Israelite camp?
He was banned from his desert for forty years before To be ceremonially clean
occupation and made a restless entering the Promised Land?
wanderer on the earth. Because the Israelites vote Why does God reprimand
down Moses as their leader Job?
What was the secret of Because Job heeds the advice
Samsons great strength? What do Moses and Joshua of his friends
He would lose his strength if his forbid the Israelites to do in
hair were cut. the Promised Land? What did King Solomon ask
Intermarry with the native for from God?
What did Josephs brothers inhabitants Wisdom
do to Joseph?
They sold him into slavery. Who betrays Samson to the Who wrote this line The
Philistines? Lord is my Shepherd, I shall
Who was Moses successor Delilah not want?
after his death? King David
Joshua Why does the prophet Nathan
rebuke David? What does Eve mean?
What was the name of David commits adultery with mother of all living
Davids father? Bathsheba.
Jesse Who married Abraham?
What does David bring to Sarah
Which prophet secretly Jerusalem to bless the
anointed David as king? religious city? Looking for a wife for Isaac,
Samuel The Ark of the Covenant Abrahams servant found:
How did the Jewish prophet How does Absalom flaunt his
Daniel end up in Babylon? brief overthrow of Davids Jacob agreed to work 7 years
He was taken captive in a raid throne? for the hand of:
by the Babylonian army. By sleeping with Davids Rachel
concubines in public
Why does Cain kill his
brother Abel?
Because God is more pleased
by Abels sacrifice than by
This woman promised the This wicked queen wanted to Who was thrown into a lions'
Lord that if He would bless kill the prophet Elijah. den by King Darius? This
her with a son, she would Jezebel person prayed to God three
dedicate the boy to Him. She times a day.
later bore Samuel. This woman gave birth to DANIEL
Hannah Moses.
Jochebed This young boy defeated a
Who was Davids original giant.
wife? This woman was turned into DAVID
Michal a pillar of salt because she
looked back as Sodom and This prophet was swallowed
This woman remained with Gomorrah were being by a fish.
her mother-in-law, Naomi, destroyed. JONAH
after Naomis husband and Lots wife
sons died. What animal was often used
Ruth This woman was Ruths for transportation in the
sister-in-law. Bible?
This woman rumored that Orpah CAMEL or DONKEY (either
Joseph tried to commit answer is correct)
adultery with her.
Potiphars wife What was the first thing that Who was the Son of God?
God created? JESUS
This harlot housed spies sent LIGHT
by Joshua to take the city of What was the name of Jesus'
Jericho. Which day did God create mother?
Rahab plants? MARY
This woman married Moses. What did Jesus' father do for
Zipporah What was the boat Noah built a job?
After David looked upon her AN ARK
lustfully, he had an affair with Jesus told a parable about a
this woman that ultimately How many of each type of prodigal _____.
led to the death of her animal did Noah have on the SON
original husband. ark?
Bathsheba TWO What is the shortest verse in
the Bible?
This woman tempted Samson What is the symbol of God's JESUS WEPT
to reveal the secret to his promise to Noah?
massive strength, which she RAINBOW How many disciples or
used to betray him to the apostles did Jesus have?
Philistines. Who received the 10 TWELVE
Delilah commandments from God?
MOSES Which of the apostles
This brave Israelite woman betrayed Jesus?
became queen of Persia and What are we told to do in the JUDAS
used her influence to protect fifth commandment?
her people, the Jews. HONOR OUR FATHER AND What is another name for the
Esther OUR MOTHER sermon on the mount?
This woman was given to What was the name of Moses'
Jacob as a wife deceitfully brother? What did Jesus feed to 5,000
before he could marry her AARON people
younger sister, who he loved. FIVE LOAVES OF BREAD
Leah What food do we ask God to AND TWO SMALL FISH
give us in the Lord's prayer?
The prophet Hosea was BREAD What was the name of the
commanded to marry this Sea where Jesus calmed a
woman, though she was a People look on the outward storm.
harlot. appearance, but what does THE SEA OF GALILEE
Gomer God look on?
This Egyptian woman was
Sarahs handmaiden, and His father gave him a coat of
bore Ishmael through many colors.
Abraham. JOSEPH
Name three Israelite kings.
(Saul, David, Solomon) Which commander had What were the two sons of
leprosy? Zebadee (one of the
Who built the ark? (Naemann) disciples) called?
(Noah) (John and Jacob)
Which towns were destroyed
Where did Jesus grow up? by fire and brimstone? Which book reports on the
(Nazareth) (Sodom and Gomorrah) missionary travels of Paul?
(The Acts of the Apostles)
Who lived in Ur and moved to Name three of Jesus
a country he did not know? disciples whose names begin What was Jacobs eldest son
(Abraham) with J. called?
(Jacob, John and Judas) (Rueben)
What happened first? Murder
of Abel or the great flood? How many people were saved Name three prisoners
(Murder of Abel) on the ark? mentioned in the bible.
(8) (Joseph, Samson, Paul)
What was the name of the
blind beggar at the gate of Who had a coat made of Who prophesised the coming
Jericho? camel hair and ate locusts of Jesus shortly beforehand?
(Bartimaeus) and wild honey? (John the Baptist)
(John the Baptist)
Was Goliath a Philistine or an What were the names of the
Egyptian? Who said to whom: A mother and grandmother of
(Philistine) person sees what is in front Jacob?
of his eyes but God sees the (Rebecca, Sara)
What was Jacobs brother heart?
called? (God to Samuel) Name three prophets?
(Esau) (Elijah, Jeremiah, Jonah)
What is quoted in John 14,6?
What happened first? The (I am the way, the truth and the What happened first? Jesus
exodus of Egypt or the fall life. No one comes to the father christening or the feeding of
of Jericho? except through me). the 5000?
(Exodus) (Jesus christening)
Which type of animal did
How many years of famine Balaam ride? Name three missionaries
did Joseph prophesise to the (A donkey) named in the bible.
Pharaohs? (Paul, Silas, Barnabas)
(seven) What type of tree did
Zaccariah climb? What was Ruths husband
Which books come before (Mulberry-fig tree) called?
and after the gospel (Boas)
according to Luke? Who commanded the sun
(The gospels according to Mark and moon to stay still? Which illness did
and John) (Joshua) Mephiboseth suffer from?
(He was lame)
What was Jacobs youngest For which type of tree was
son called? Lebanon well known? What came first? Elias
(Benjamin) (Cedar) ascension or Enochs
Where do we first hear about How did Stephanus die? (Enochs rapture)
a shepherd? (Stoned to death)
(Abel, 1. Moses 4,2) Who made the golden calf
Where was Jesus taken and the bronze snake?
Who said: How long will you prisoner? (Aaron, Moses)
waver between two (Gethsemane)
opinions? Name three women in the
(Elijah on Mount Carmel) Which biblical book tells of bible whose names begin
David and Goliath? with R.
Which two birds did Noah (1. Samuel) (Rebecca, Rachel, Ruth)
send out of the ark as
messengers? Is Horeb the name of a town Which king had a sundial?
(Raven and dove) or a mountain? (Hezekiah)
(A mountain)
Who said: I myself, and my Which disciple found a coin
house, want to serve the Where did a jailer find his in the mouth of a fish?
Lord!? faith? (Peter)
(Joshua) (Philippi)
What was Harns father What happened first? The Ten Commandments List
called? What were his beheading of John or the
brothers called? feeding of the 5000? 1. You shall have no other gods
(Noah, Shem, Japheth) (John was beheaded) before Me.

What is written in 1. Timothy Who was Ahasveros? 2. You shall make no idols.
2,4? (A Persian king, Xerxes 1.)
(God wants all people to be 3. You shall not take the name
saved and come to recognise Where in the bible are apples of the Lord your God in vain
the truth.) mentioned for the first time?
(Proverbs 25,11) 4. Keep the Sabbath day holy.
Name three soldiers
mentioned in the bible. Who said: See, I have not 5. Honor your father and your
(Joab, Naemann, Cornelius) heard the half of it. You have mother.
more knowledge and
In which book of the bible to goodness than me, this is 6. You shall not murder.
we read about Haman? rumour I have heard.
(Esther) (The queen of Saba to 7. You shall not commit
Solomon) adultery.
Which 3 books of the old
testament begin with the What was the great-grandson 8. You shall not steal.
letter M? of Boa called?
(Moses, Micah, Malachi) (David) 9. You shall not bear false
Which Roman was in charge Who said: It wont take against your neighbor.
of cultivation in Syria at the much more for you to
time of Jesus birth? convince to become a 10. You shall not covet.
(Cyrenius) Christian?
(Agrippa to Paul) Seven Deadly Sins
What happened first?
Preacher Paul on the Who was Zippora? 1. Gula (gluttony)
Areopagus or the execution (Moses wife)
of Jacob? 2. Luxuria/Fornicatio (lust,
(Execution of Jacob) How old did Enoch become? fornication)
(365 years old)
What were the names of 3. Avaritia (avarice/greed)
Abrahams brothers? Who said: Philistines rule
(Nahor, Haran) over you!? 4. Superbia (pride, hubris)
(Delilah to Samson)
What was the name of a 5. Tristitia
female judge and her What was Timotheus (sorrow/despair/despondency)
companion? grandmother called?
(Deborah, Barak) (Lois) 6. Ira (wrath)

What happened first? Consider what a great forest 7. Vanagloria (vainglory)

Appointment of Matthew as is set on fire by a small
an apostle or the appearance spark. 8. Acedia (sloth)
of the Holy Spirit? (The tongue/James 3,5)
(Appointment of Matthew as an Seven Sacraments
apostle) Which names were Daniel
and his three friends given in Baptism.
What was the goddess in Babylon?
Ephesus called who was (Belshazzar, Sadrach, Mesach, Eucharist.
worshipped the most? Abednego)
(Diana) Confirmation.
What is written in 2.
What was Priscillas husband Corinthians 5,20? Reconciliation.
called; which job did he (We are therefore Christs
have? ambassadors as though God Anointing of the sick.
(Aquila, tent maker) were making his appeal through
us; We implore you on Gods Marriage.
Name three sons of David. behalf: Be reconciled with God!)
(Salomon, Absalom, Nathan) Holy orders.

Who was Bernice?

(The wife of king Agrippa)

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