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Proceeding 8 International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management

ISSN : 1978-774X



Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo 1, Nur Riana Fajarwati2

Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology,

Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Today, companies should select the right marketing strategy for their customers for being
competitive in turbulent environment. It is required for keeping existing potential customers
as the main profits resource. There are several methods usually used to analyse customers
loyalty. Most of conventional methods usually just consider frequency of product
consumption to analyse customers characteristics. However, such methods have lack in
analysis of money spent by customers and time between arrival of customers. Actually,
customers who came frequently in a period of time and customers who came rarely but
spent so much money could not be neglected in the customers characteristic analysis.
RFM considers these 3 factors, consumption interval (R), frequency (F) and money amount
(M) in analysing customers loyalty. In this research, raw data about customers transaction
would be analysed using RFM technique. Further, clustering technique would be applied in
order to group customers who have similar characteristics. The clustering was conducted
using Genetic Algorithm (GA), and further it called as GA-Clustering. The clustering
analysis is supervised clustering and the number of cluster was determined based on
number of CRM strategy that have been determined in advance through discussion with
firms owner. The result of this research is customers cluster based on RFM value and
suitable CRM strategy that must be applied to every customers cluster.
Keywords: customers loyalty, customers relationship management, RFM, clustering, genetic

1. INTRODUCTION that is related to satisfaction of customer's

needs. CRM helps the company for better
In dynamic and competitive business, a distinguish, more efficient allocation of
company must have innovative marketing resources to group of customers that have
strategy includes understanding of customer the highest profitability (Soeini and
needs, improve customer satisfaction and Fathalizade, 2012). Moreover, in order to
customer retention. The fulfilment of achieve better customer retention and
particular customer requirements is one of profitability, the company needs to
key factors for the success business. In customise strategies and fulfil different
other words, selection of right marketing customer needs by allocating resources
strategy for particular customers must be the effectively and efficiently (Huang et al.,
main concern to the company in dynamic 2009).
competition. It is important for companies to There are several techniques to analyse
identify potential customers that have high customers characteristic. One of the recent
value in dynamic and global competition technique that start being used widely is
(Chang et al., 2007). The potential Recency, Frequency and Monetary (RFM).
customers must be maintained by Such model is a characteristic-based model
understanding their characteristics and used to analyse the behaviour of customers
defining suitable marketing strategy so that and then make prediction (Hughes, 1996;
they can be loyal customers. Customer Yeh, 2008). RFM model has been widely
Relationship Management (CRM) is a applied in marketing database and it is a
paradigm to strengthen relationship between common tool to develop marketing
company and customers. CRM is everything strategies (Wei, et al., 2010). RFM is easy to

Customers Clustering Based on RFM Score

IM-66 (Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo)
Proceeding 8 International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management
ISSN : 1978-774X

use and generally could be implemented make correction by itself so that the system
quickly. Three variables in RFM are simple, is stable.
these variables could be easily calculated McCarty and Hastak (2007) investigated
based on customer transactions data that is RFM, Chi-Square Automatic Interaction
stored in database. The output of RFM Detection (CHAID), and logistic regression
model could be processed further, such as as analytical methods for direct marketing
using clustering technique, in order to segmentation. It is found that CHAID tends
determine suitable marketing strategies. to be superior than RFM when the response
Several clustering techniques are available rate to a mail is low and the mail would be a
in the literature, and one of the well known relatively small portion of the database.
technique is k-means algorithm. However, However, RFM is an acceptable procedure
the k-means algorithm needs initial solution in other circumstances. RFM may focus too
that is generated randomly, hence, the much attention on transaction information
quality of the result would be depended to and ignore individual information like values,
the initial solution as well. To overcome such lifestyles, and so on that may help a
problem, several meta optimisation company to market the product to their
techniques have been proposed by previous customers better.
researchers (Liu et al., 2011). Lumsden et al. (2008) applied RFM
Actually, meta optimisation technique model to distinguish customer value
have potentiality to solve complicated case according to pre-purchase motivations of
such as clustering. When it used in membership initiation in all-inclusive travel
clustering case, the meta optimisation vocation club in America. In such study,
technique could find cluster centres and at Recency is defined as the number of periods
the same time could find members of each in year since the last visit. Frequency is
clusters. Hence, the meta optimisation defined as the number of visits to clubs on
technique doesn't need to be embedded in a holiday, while Monetary defined as the
clustering technique. It could be used to average expenditure of customer in a time
conduct clustering directly. In this research, period.
Genetic Algorithm (GA) as one of well Cheng and Chen (2009) used RFM
known meta optimisation technique, would model and Rough Set theory to classify the
be used as clustering technique after RFM segmentation of customer value in C-
analysis. GA uses random process and company dataset in Taiwans electronic
stochastic transition in searching the industry. This study firstly utilises RFM
solution. Beside, GA uses an agent model to yield quantitative values as input
population instead of single agent and it attributes. Then k-means algorithm is used
would increase the possibility of the GA to to cluster customer value. Finally, it
find global optimum solution. employed rough set to mine classification
rules that help company in determining an
2. RELATED WORKS excellent CRM.
Study about the use of RFM combined
Several researches about customers with customer grouping has been conducted
clustering to identify the characteristic of by Wei et al. (2011). In such study RFM
customers have been investigated by score of customers would be clustered using
previous researchers. Weng and Liu (2004) self-organising map neural network to
applied modified clustering technique to segment dental patients of a childrens
build an online personalised dental clinics in Taiwan. That study is just to
recommendation system based on customer identify customer's profile of dental clinics
profile as well as product profile. Validation and there is no CRM strategies proposed to
of the proposed system is conducted every cluster formed.
through experiment. When a user use the From review above, it could be seen that
system and the user doesn't click the RFM has received major attention from
recommended product by the system, then researchers to analyse customers
the system will adjust the grouping process characteristics. However, it would be useful
automatically. The proposed system could if the analysis could be continued to

Customers Clustering Based on RFM Score

(Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo) IM-67
Proceeding 8 International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management
ISSN : 1978-774X

customer clustering in order to determine Indonesia rate, in February, 2013 which is

appropriate strategy for CRM. GA, as 5.75%.
optimisation tool, has potentiality to be used
as clustering method. Such idea would be 3.1.1. Recency
investigated in this research. Recency refers to interval between the time
that the latest consuming behavior happens
3. THE METHOD and present. The shorter the interval, the
bigger the Recency value. For Recency
Case study of this research took place in a value, customers will be scored by particular
Day and spa Salon in Jogjakarta, Indonesia. symbols based on quintiles concept. It is
Customer characteristic would be analysed conducted by sorting the customers
based on RFM score and the analysis would according to Recency of customers. The top
be continued to clustering using GA so that 20% of customers would be scored with 5,
suitable marketing strategy for each while the next 20% customers would be
customers cluster could be implemented scored with 4, and so forth. In this research,
well. In this research, GA-clustering is stand the measurement of the recent transaction
alone technique. It means that the GA would period is monthly period.
not be embedded in a clustering algorithm.
Following sub sections explain in detail 3.1.2. Frequency
about RFM model and GA-clustering Frequency refers to the number of
development. transactions in a particular period. For
example, two times of one year, two times of
one month. The many the frequency, the
bigger Frequency value. Higher frequency
score indicates greater customer loyalty. A
customer having a high score of frequency
implies that customer has great demand for
the product and is more likely to purchase
repeatedly. Scoring for Frequency was
conducted by similar way with scoring for

3.1.3. Monetary
Monetary refers to consumption money
amount in a particular period or by the
average money amount per purchase.
Figure 1. General structure of ESCAPP
Marcus (1998) suggested that it is better to
use the average purchase amount rather
3.1. RFM Development
than total accumulated purchase amount.
For RFM model development, data about The much money amount, the bigger
customer transactions was used, which start Monetary value. Same with Recency and
from year 2009 until 2013. The data was Frequency scoring, customers were scored
taken from the firm's database. It means, the by the average of total purchase amount.
data was come from registered customers Customers who have lowest monetary is
only, which was around 215 customers. scored with 1 while customers who have
Unregistered customers is neglected since highest monetary is scored with 5. Result of
the data is not well documented and RFM analysis is shown in Table 1.
impossible to be analysed. The data is about
time arrival and amount of money spent at
that time. In order to get valid analysis,
because the data is about amount of money,
hence the data must be converted to future
value. The conversion is conducted by
considering bank rate, in this case is Bank

Customers Clustering Based on RFM Score

IM-68 (Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo)
Proceeding 8 International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management
ISSN : 1978-774X

Table 1. RFM model result Based on Figure 1 above, then data number
No Customer No R F M 5, 101, 209, 17 and 57 would be cluster
1 1 4 5 2 centre for cluster number 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
2 3 5 5 3 respectively.
3 4 4 5 4
4 5 1 3 4 3.2.2. Fitness Function
5 6 1 5 1
. . . . . The objective of this GA-clustering is to
. . . . . minimise the total absolute distance
215 between each data to nearest cluster centre.
218 5 2 3
Equation 1 shows formula of the total
distance while Equation 2 shows the fitness
3.2. GA Development function of the chromosome.
GA is an optimisation algorithm. GA would = 215
=1 (| |, , = 1, . . ,5) (1)
be used to cluster the data above, hence,
clustering problem must be viewed as 1
optimisation problem. The objective of the = (2)

optimisation problem is minimising the
distance between each data to every cluster where: TD = total distance
centre that would be selected before. d = RFM score of data
Therefore, the decision variable to be found i = index of data
by the GA is the cluster centres that could c = cluster centre
minimise the total distance each data to the j = index of cluster centre
nearest cluster centre. The number of k = index of chromosome
cluster to be formed is same with the
number of CRM strategy that would be 3.2.3. Crossover Operation
applied to the customers. There are 5 CRM Since the chromosome is relatively short,
strategies that have been determined in then one-cut point crossover is used in this
advance through discussion with the owner GA-clustering. The crossover operation
of the firm namely initiative information, would be executed based on a rate value,
positive impression, contact initiative, called as crossover probability. In this
behaviour forming, and mind share to research, the crossover probability is set to
customer. Since the number of cluster has 30%. Figure 2 shows the mechanism of the
been determined in advance, hence this one-cut point crossover.
clustering problem is supervised clustering

3.2.1. Chromosome Representation

In this GA-clustering, chromosome is
individual in a population, representing the
solution of the problem. In this research, the
solution to be found is cluster centres,
hence, the chromosome was constructed
using real number which represents the data
that would be cluster centre. Since there are
5 clusters to be formed, hence a
chromosome would have 5 locus. Figure 1 Figure 2. Mechanism of One-Cut Point
shows example of a chromosome. Crossover

3.2.4. Mutation Operation

In this GA-clustering, mutation process was
conducted by random selections of a locus
Figure 1. Chromosome Representation in the parent chromosome and insert it in
random location. It called as insertion
mutation operation. Same with crossover

Customers Clustering Based on RFM Score

(Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo) IM-69
Proceeding 8 International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management
ISSN : 1978-774X

operation, mutation was also executed solution domain well and the major factor
based on some rate value, called as causes this problem is the diversity of the
mutation probability. In this research, the chromosomes. If the diversity of the
mutation probability is set to 80%. It is quite chromosome is low, then GA would have
high because mutation operation could be poor reference to find the solution. Such
used by GA to escape from monotone phenomenon could be analysed from the
searching. Since the chromosome is searching graph of GA. If average value of
relatively short then high rate of mutation chromosome's fitness fits the best value of
would not randomising the searching chromosome's fitness then the GA could be
process. Figure 3 shows mechanism of considered being trapped in local optimum.
insertion mutation operation. Figure 4 shows the searching process of the

Figure 3. Mechanism of Insertion Mutation

3.2.5. Termination Condition

Basically, there are several termination Figure 4. Searching Process of GA
condition in GA. The most commonly used
by researchers are number of generation It could be seen from Figure 4 that the
and convergence level. This research average value of chromosome's fitness (the
considers both stopping criteria. Initially, GA green line) is never fit the best
would be ran for some number of chromosome's fitness (the red line). It
generations. After finished, the result would means that the diversity of chromosomes
be analysed from the searching graph. If GA could be maintained along searching
already convergence for more than half process. Hence, it could be said fairly that
number of generation, then the result would the proposed GA-clustering is not trapped in
be considered as optimum result. On the local optimum condition and the solution
other hand, if GA is convergence for less provided could be said as optimum or near
than half number of generation, then the GA optimum solution. From Figure 4, it could be
would be continued for some number of seen as well that the GA could find a
generations. solution and the solution could be
maintained, without any improvement, for
4. RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS more than half of number of generation.
4.1. GA-Clustering Hence, it could be claimed fairly that the
After GA has been ran for 1000 generations, proposed GA is able to provide optimum
GA proposes that data number 118, 90, 207, solution. After the cluster centres were
92 and 69 must be cluster centres. From found, then each data could be grouped to
optimisation point of view, in GA there is no the closest cluster centre. Table 2 shows
guaranty that the solution provided is profile of each cluster.
optimum solution. However, there is an
approximation method to justify that the 4.2. CRM Strategies Determination
result of GA is optimum or near optimum CRM strategies for each cluster is defined
solution. Such approximation is carried out through brainstorming with the owner of the
by analysing the searching graph of GA. firm. The CRM strategy for each cluster and
Basically, in GA, one of the major issue is example of actions in every strategy is
avoiding local optimum. The local optimum shown in Table 3.
could occur when GA couldn't explore

Customers Clustering Based on RFM Score

IM-70 (Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo)
Proceeding 8 International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management
ISSN : 1978-774X

Table 2. Cluster Profile

Cluster RFM Score
number R F M
Customers in this cluster do not make purchase for long time. It could be
seen from average interval time purchase, which is 13.5 months. These
customers have the lowest recency than others. The number of transaction
1 2 2 4
is rare, in average only twice per year. However, customers in this cluster
spent high money amount per purchase, in average IDR 213.580,00 per
Customers in this cluster could be categorised as passive customers. The
purchase frequency is not very often, in average only four times per year.
2 2 3 1 Beside, the average money spent per purchase are the lowest, it is only in
average IDR 82.071 per purchase. Customers in this cluster could be said
as almost lost customers.
The last purchase of customers in this cluster is in average of 3 months
ago. The transaction frequency are the lowest, in average only once per
3 4 1 4
one year. However, the money spent is highest, in average IDR
249.978,00. The monetary value of customers in this cluster is the biggest.
The latest purchase of customers in this cluster is in average of 2.5 months
ago. The purchase frequency of customer in this cluster is the highest, in
average of eleven times per one year. Customers in this cluster could be
4 4 4 2
categorised as frequent customer or repeat customers. However,
customers in this cluster spent little money, in average IDR 103.907,00 per
Customer in this cluster could be categorised as potential customer. The
latest purchase of customers in this cluster is in average of 6 months ago.
5 3 4 4 Although the last purchase was in average of 6 months ago, the money
spent is relatively high, in average IDR 175.328,00 per purchase. Beside,
the purchase frequency is often, in average of 8 times per year.

Table 3. CRM Strategy for Each Cluster

CRM Strategy Example of actions Cluster
Differentiate products and services, increase
Initiative information 3
quality of existing product or service.
Encourage the customers to come again (ex: by
member get member program), keep
Give positive
environment clean and beauty, humbly 2
employee, easy and simple service, pre-booking
through website, and so on.
Contact the customers and treat them as very
important customers, give luxurious services,
Contact initiation 1
introducing high class products or services and
give a gifts.
Contact or inform customers regularly to update
the customers with new products or services.
Behaviour forming 5
Ask feedback from the customers to show that
the firm prioritise customer satisfaction.
Show to customers that firm's products or
services are better than the competitor's
Mind share products or services, conduct promotion in 4
commercial medias, explain product knowledge
to customers.

Customers Clustering Based on RFM Score

(Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo) IM-71
Proceeding 8 International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management
ISSN : 1978-774X

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Customers Clustering Based on RFM Score

IM-72 (Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo)
Proceeding 8 International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management
ISSN : 1978-774X

AUTHORS BIOGRAPHIES image processing. His email address is

Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo is a Nur Riana Fajarwati was undergraduate
lecturer in Department of Industrial student in Department of Industrial
Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Faculty if Industrial
Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia.
Yogyakarta. He received her Master of She obtained her bachelor with a research
Science and Philosophy of Doctor from on data mining and RFM topic as its focus.
National University of Malaysia in 2006 and Her email address is
2011 respectively. His research interests are <>.
in the area of Production Planning & Control,
intelligent system, robotics, automation and

Customers Clustering Based on RFM Score

(Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo) IM-73

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