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Spoken Language Services, Inc.


Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Wehr, Hans (Date)

A dictionary of modern written Arabic.

"An enlarged and improved version of 'Arabisches Wrter-

buch fr die Schriftsprache der Gegenwart' and includes the Con-
tents of the 'Supplement zum Arabischen Wrterbuch fr die
Schriftsprache der Gegenwart.'
1. Arabic language-Dictionaries English.
I. Cowan, J Milton. II. Title.
[PJ6640.W43 1976] 492'.7'321 75-24236
ISBN 0-87950-001-8
Otto Harrauowltz, Wiesbaden 1961, 1066, 1971
Spoken Language Services, Inc. 1976

Spoken Language Services, Inc.

P.O. Box 783
Ithaca, New York 148S0

Shortly after the publication of Professor Hans Wehr's

Arabisches Wrterbuch fr die Schriftsprache der Gegenwart
in 1952, the Committee on Language Programs of the Ameri-
can Council of Learned Societies recognized its excellence
and began to explore means of providing an up-to-date Eng-
lish edition. Professor Wehr and I readily reached agreement

on a plan to translate, edit, and enlarge the dictionary. This

task was considerably lightened and hastened by generous
financial support from the American Council of Learned So-
cieties, the Arabian American Oil Company, and Cornell
This dictionary will be welcome not only to English and
American users, but to orientalists throughout the world who

are more at home with English than with German. It is more

accurate and much more comprehensive than the original
version, which was produced under extremely unfavorable
conditions in Germany during the late war years and the early
postwar period.

lthaca, New York J Milton Cowan

November 1960

Preface to The Pocket-Book Edition

In Order to meet the enormous increase of interest in Arabic
brought about by political, economic and social develop-
ments of the past decade, we have now published our 3rd
Revised Edition of A Dictionary of Modern W ritten Arabic in
this handy, comprehensive and unabridged version.

Mnster Hans Wehr

lthaca, New York J Milton Cowan
February 1976

Thi diotionary presents the vocabulary and phraseology of modern mitten Arabic. It is
based an the form of the language wbich, throughout the Arab world from Iraq to Moroooo, is
found in the proee of books, newapapers, periodicals, and letters. This form is also empioyed in
formal public address, over radio and television, and in religious ceremonial, The diotionary will
be most usefuJ to those working with writinga that have appeared aince the turn of the Century.
The morphology and syntax of written Arabio are esaentially the same in all Arab ooun-
triea. Vocabulary differences are limited mainly to the domain of apecialized vocabulary. Thua
the written language contmnea, as it haa done throughout centuriea of the paat, to ensure the
linguistio unity of the Arab world. It provides a medium of oommunicatkm over the vaat
geographica! area whoee numeroua and widely diverser local dialecta it tranaoends. Indeed,

it gives the Arab people of many countriea a Bense of identity and an awarenesa of their common
culturaJ heritage.
Two powerful and conflioiing forces have affected the development of the modern Arabio
lexicon. A reform movement originating toward the end of the last Century in Syria and
Lebanon haa reawakened and popularized the old conviotion of educated Arabs that the
ancient 'arabiya of pre-Islamio times, which became the classical form of the language kl the
early centuries of Islam, is better and more correct than any later form. Proponenta of this
puristic doctrine have held that new vocabulary muat be derived exoluaively in accordance
with ancient modela or by aemant extension of older forma. They have insiBted on the
replacement of all foreign loanwords with purely Arabio forma and expressiona. The puriata
have had conaiderable influence on the development of modern literary Arabio although
there haa been widespread protest againat their extreme point of view. At the same time
and under the inoreaaing influence of Western civization, Arab writers and jouroalists
have had to deal with a host of new concepts and ideas previously alien to the Arab way
of life. Aa aetual usage demonstrates, the puriats have been unable to eope with the aheer
bulk of new linguiatic material whioh has had to be inoorporated into the language to
make it ourrent with advances in world knowledge. The result is Been in the tendency
of many writers, especially in the fields of Bcience and teohnology, simply to adopt foreign
words from the European languagea. Many common, everyday expressions from the various
colloquial dialects have also found their way into written expression.
From its inception, thia diotionary haa been oompiled on acientifio descriptive principlea.

It oontains only worda and expressiona which were found in context during the course of
wide reading in literature of every kind or which, on the basis of other evidence, can be shown
to be unqueationably a part of the present-day vocabulary. It ia a faithful record of the
language ae attested by usage rather than a normative presentation of what theoretically
ought to occur. Consequently, it not only liste claasical words and phrasea of elegant rhe-
torical style aide by side with new coinages that confonn to the demands of the puriata, but
it also oontains neologiama, loan tranalations, foreign loans, and colloquialiama which may not
be to the linguistio taste of many educated Arabs. But since they occur in the corpus of ma-
terials on which the diotionary ia based, they are inoluded here.
Introduction VIII

A number of special problems oonfront the

loxicographer dealing with preaent-day Arabio.
Since for many knowledge, especially those which have developed outside the Arab
fields of

world, no generally accepted terminology has yet emerged, it is evident that a practical
dictionary can only approximate the degree of completeneas found in comparable dictionaries
of Western languages. Local terminology, especially for many public institutions, offices,
titles, and administrative has developed in the several Arab countries. Although the

diotionary is based mainly on usage in the countries bordering on the eastern Mediterranean,
and administrative terms have been included for all Arab countries, but not with
looal official

equal thoroughness. Colloquialisms and dialect expreasions that have gained ourrenoy in
written fonn also vary from country to country. Certainly no attempt at completeneas can
be made here, and the user working with materials having a maxked regional flavor will be well
advised to refer to an appropriate dialeot diotionary or glossary. As a rule, items derived from
local dialecte or limited to looal use have been so designated with appropriate abbreviations.
normalized journalistio style has evolved for faotual reporting of news or discussion of
mattere of political and topical interest over the radio and in the press. Thia style, which
often betrays Western influences, is remarkably uniform throughout the Arab world. It
reaches large sections of the population daily and constitutes to them almost the only stylistio
norm. Its vocabulary is relatively small and fairly Btandardized, hence easily covered in a
The vocabulary of scientific and teohnological writingB, on the other hand, is by no means
standardized. The impact of Western oivilization has confronted the Arab world with the
serious linguistio problem of expressing a vast and ever-inoreasing number of new concepts
for which no words in Arabic exist. The creation of a soientifio and technological terminology
is still a major intellectual ohallenge. Reluctance to borrow wholesale from European languages
has spurred efforts to coin terms according to productive Arabic patterns. In recent decades
innumerable such words have been suggested in various periodioals and in special publications.
Relatively few of these have gained acceptance in common usage. Specialists in all fields

keep coining new terms that are either not understood by other specialists in the same field

or are rejeoted in favor of other, equally short-lived, private fabrications.

The Academy of the Arabio Language in Gairo especially, the Damascus Aoademy, and,
Academy have produoed and continue to publish vast numbers
to a lesser eztent, the Iraqi
of technical terms for almost all fields of knowledge. The aoademies have, however, greatly
underestimated the difficulties of artificial regulation of a language. The problem lies not so
much in inventing terms as it does in assuring that they gain acceptance. In some instances
neologisms have quickly become part of the stook of the language; among these, fortunately,
are a large number of the terms proposed by academies or by professional specialists. However,
in many fields, suoh as modern Unguis tics, existential philosophy, or nuclear physics, it is
still not possible for professional people from the different Arab states to discuas details of
The Bituation is further complioated by the fact that the purists
their disoipline in Arabio.

and the aoademies demand the translation into Arabio even of those Oreek and Latin tech-
nical terms which make possible international understanding among specialists. Thus while
considerable progress has been made in recent decades toward the standardization of Arabic
terminology, several technical terms which all fit one definition may still be current, or a
given scientific term may have dferent meanings for different experts.
Those teohnical terms which appear with considerable frequency in published works, or
which are familir to specialists in various fields and are considered by them to be stand-
XX Introduotion

ardized terminology, presented no partioular problem. Nevertheless it has not always been
possible to aBoertain the terms in general acceptance with the experta of merely one

let all. Doubtful caseB are entered and marked with a special
alone those of Symbol. A desorip-

suoh as thi has no poom for the mumerable academio coinages which experi-
tive diotionary
in the
enoe has shown are by no means assured of adoption. Only those that are attested
literature have been included.
Classioisms are a further special problem. Arab authors, Bteeped in classioal tradition,
Ages. The
can and do frequently draw upon words whioh were already archaic in the Middle
use of classioal patterns is by no means limited to belles-lettres.
Arohaisms may orop up in
effect is intend-
the middle of a spirited newspaper article. Wherever an aesthetio or rhetorioal
ed, wherever the language aims more at expressiveness than at
imparting information,

authors tend to weave in ancient Arabio and olassioal idioms. They are artistio and

passages of
devioes of the first Order. They awaken in the reader images from memorized
anoient literature and contribute to his aesthetio enjoyment. Quotations from the
Koran or
from classioal literature, whose origins and connotations may well elude the Western reader, are
readily recognized by Arabs who have had a traditional eduoation and who have memorized a
wealth of anoient souroes. In former years many by
writers strove to display their erudition

oiting lexical rarities culled from ancient diotionaries and oollections of Synonyms. As often as

not the author had to explain such nawdir in footnotes, sinoe nobody eise would understand
them. This pedantic mannerism is going out of fashion and there is a trend in more

literature toward smoothness and readability in style. Nevertheless it is olear from the

foregoing that it is not possible to make a Sharp distinction between living and obsolete usage.

All archaic words found in the source material have, therefore, been inoluded in this diotionary,
even though sometimes evident that they no longer form a part of the living lexioon and
it is

aro used only by a small group of well-read literary oonnoisseurs. Suoh included
forms are

but a small sample of what the user is likely to encounter in the writings of a few
authors; the impossibility of inoluding the entire anoient vocabulary is obvious. The user
encountere an old Arabio word whioh he does not understand will have to oonsult a lexioon
of the 'arablya. Finally, some modern authors will ocoasionally take great liberties with
words, so that even highly eduoated Arabs are unable to understand the sense of certain pas-
sages. Items of this kind have not been entered. They would contribute nothing to a dio-
tionary whose scope did not permit inclusion of source references.
The vocabulary of modern Arabic, then, is by no means standardized, its soope in times

diffioult to delimit.These results emerge from the very character of modern Arabio a
written language, powerfully influenced by traditional norms, which nevertheless is required
to express a multitude of new foreign concepts, not for one oountry only, but for many

uted over a vaat geographical area. Arabic phonology, morphology, and syntax have re-
mained relatively unohanged from earliest times, as has muoh of the vooabulary. Here tradi
tional adherence to anoient linguistio norms and to the modeis of olassioal literature, especially

the Koran, has had the effect of preserving the language intaot over the centuries. But
as vocabulary and phraseology mUBt adapt to the new and ever-changing requirements

of externa] ciroumstanoes, these are more prone to ohange. Striotly speaking, every

epoch of Arab history has had its own peculiar vocabulary, whioh should be set forth

in a separate diotionary. But as we have seen, the vocabulary of modern Arabio con-

fronts the lexicographer who aims at completeness with more than a fair Bhare of Prob-

lems and difficulties.


In the presentation of the entries in the dictionary, homonymous roots are given separate-
ly in only a few especially clear instances. The arrangement of word entriea under a given
root does not necessarily imply etymological relationship. Consistent
Separation of such roots
was dispensed with because the user of a praotioal dictionary of modern Arabio will
generally be concerned with Semitio etymology. In confonnity with the practice
in bilingual diotionaries of modern European languages, where
the material is treated in
purely synchronic fashion, the origin of older loanwords and foreign terms is
not indicated.
For reoent loans, however, the source and the foreign word are usually given. Personal names
are generally omitted, but large numbers of geographical names are included; the niaba
adjectivea of these can be formed at will, hence are not entered unless some
peouliarity such
as a broken plural is involved. In transliteration, while the ending of nisba
adjectivea regu-
larly appears as -i (e.g., janbi, dirsi, mklet), the same ending
is shown as -iy for nominal
forms of roots with a weak third radioal, i.e., where the third radical is contained
in the
ending (e.g., qasiy, sabiy, mahmly, mabniy). This distinetion, not present in Arabic Script,
may prove valuable to the user of the dictionary. Because of a distinetion which retains
importance in quantitative metrics, the third person Singular masculine Suffix is
with a long vowel (-h, -M) following Short syllables and with a Short vowel (-Au, -hi) after
long syllables. In any bilingual dictionary, the listing of isolated words
with one or more
isolated translationsis, striotly epeaking, an inadmissible abstraction. In
Order to provide
the syntactical Information to be expected in a dictionary of this size, a
liberal selection
of kiiomatic phrases and sentences illustrating usage has been added.
Symbols showing the
aecraative and prepositional government of verbs are also supplied.
Synonyms and trans-
lationshave been included in large numbers in Order to delineate as accurately as possible
the semantie ranges within which a given entry can be used.
The material for the dictionary was gathered in several stages. The major portion
collected between 1940 and 1944 with the co-operation of several German orientalists. The
entire work was set in type, but only one set of galleys survived the war. The author
the collection of material in the years 1946 through 1948 and added a considerable
of entries. The German edition of the dictionary, Arabisches Wrterbuch fr die Schriftsprache
der Gegenwart, which appeared
in 19S2, was based on a corpus of appnnrimately 45,000 slips
containing oitations ftom Arabic sources. The primary source materials consisted
of selected
works by Th Husain, Muhammad Husain Haikai, Tauflq al-Haklm, Mahmud Taimr,
Juhrn Kalil Jubrn, and Amin ar-Raihani. Further, numerous Egyptian
newspapers and periodicals, the Egyptian State almanac, taqwim misr, for 1935
and its
Iraqi counterpart, datil al-'irq, for 1937, as well as a nurober of
specialized Egyptian
handbooks wore thoroughly sifted. The secondary sources used in preparation of the German
edition were the first edition of Leon Bercher's Lexiqut arabe-francais (1938), which
provides material fron the Tunisian press in the form of a Supplement to
J. B. Belot's
Vocabulaire arabe-jrancais, G. S. Colin's Pour lire la presse arabe
(1937), the third edition of
E. A. Elias' comprehensive Modern Dictionary Arabic- English (1929), and the glossary of
modem Arabic chrestomathy by C. V. Ode-Vassilieva (1929). Items in the secondary sources
for which there were attestations in the primary sources were, of oourse,
included. All other
items in the secondary sources were carefully worked over, in part with the help of Dr. Tahir
Khemiri. Words known to him, or already included in older dictionaries, were incorporated.
Apart from the primary and secondary sources, the author had, of oourse, to consult a number
of reference works in European languages, encyclopedias, leiicons, glossaries,
XI Introduotion

and specialized literature on the most diverse subjeots in Order to ascertain the

correct translation of many teohnioal terms. For older Arabio forma, the available indioes and

collections of Arabio terminology in the flelds of religion

(both Islam and Eastern Churoh),
othere were very helpful. These
jurisprudence, philosophy, Arabio grammar, botany, and
collections were, however, not simply aooepted and incorporated
en bloc into the dictionary,

but used only to sharpen the definition of terms in the

modern meanings aotually attested

in the primary source materialB.

German edition the author oontinued coUecting and presented
After publication of the
material, together with oorrections of the main work, in Supplement tum arabischen
Wrterbuch fr die Schriftsprache der Gegenwart, which appeared in 1959.
The Supplement

contains the results of extensive oolleofcionfrom the writings of 'AbdassalSm al-'Ujaill,

Karam Malham Karam, from newspapers and periodicals of aU Arab

MikS'il Nu'aima, and
countries, as well ae from Syrian and Lebanese textbooks and apecialized literature. In the
Arabio beoame available
postwar years several lexicographioal works dealing with modern
to the author: the second edition of Beroher (1944),
the fourth edition of Elias (1947),

D. Neustadt and P. Sohusser's Arabio-Hebrew diotionary,

MiUtn Arabi'Ibri (1947), Charles
Pellat's Uarabe. vivant (1962), and C. K. Baranov's
oomprehensive Arabic-Russian diotionary,
these with
Arabsko-Buaskiy Slovar (1957). In preparing the Supplement, the author oompared
hisown work but was reluotant to inoorporate items which he could not find attested in
context, and which would merely increase the number of entries derived from secondary

The author is indebted to Dr. Andreas Jaoobi and Mr. Heinrich Becker who, until
in oollecting and
were caUed up for military Service in 1943, rendered valuable assistanoe
manusoript. A con-
coUating the vast materials of the German edition and in preparing the
siderable amount of material was contributed by a number of Arabists. The author wishes
Prof. Werner Caskel, Dr. Hans Kinder-
to express his gratitude for such contributions to
Riohard Sohmidt,
mann, Dr. Hedwig Klein, Dr. Kurt Munzel, Prof. Annemarie Schimmel, Dr.
and especiaUy to Prof. Wolfram von Soden, who contributed a large
amount of exoeUent
material. I am deeply gratefnl to Dr. Munzel, who contributed
many entries from news-
papers of the postwar period and likewise to his coUeague Dr.
Muhammad Saftf. I
appreciate having been able to disouas many difficult items with them. The assistanoe

He contributed 1,500 very valuable items and,

of Dr. Tahir Khemiri was especially useful.
until 1944, his advice to the author during the colleotion and sifting of material shed light
upon many dubious cases. Prof. Anton Spitaler likewise provided valuable observations and
greatly appreoiated advice. Contributions to the Supplement were supplied by Dr. Eberhard

Kuhnt, Dr. Gtz Schregle, and Mr. Karl Stowasser. Moreover, in the oourse of two its to
writers, and pro-
a number of Arab countries, many Arab contributors, students, scholars,
fessional people too numerous to mention generously provided useful
infonnation and counsel.

Here, as in the prefaces to the German edition of the diotionary and the Supplement, the
author wishes to express his sinoere thanks to all those who have contributed to the

suocess of this undertaking.

the material oontained in the German edition of the
This English edition includes all

dictionary and in the Supplement, as well as a number of additions and oorrections the need
for wl ich became obvious only after the publication of the Supplement. Additions have been

inserted in the proof almost up to the prsent time. It was therefore possible to inolude a

number of contributions made by Dr. Walter Jesser in Alexandria. The number of cross-

Introduction XII

references has been conaiderably inoreased. A new type fnt was introduced for the Arabic.
The second edition of Webster' b New International Dictionary was used as a Standard refer-
ence for spelling and for certain definitions. On the Suggestion of the editor, three changes
were made in the System of transliteration used in the German edition, namely, for
r ,

% for , and g for . Also, following hia preferenoe, proper namea were transiiterated without
oapital letters, Bince there is no capitalization in Arabic soript. The author followed a Sugges-
tion made by Prof. Charles A. Ferguson in hia review of the dictionary (Language 30 174, :

1954) to transcribe feminine endings of roots having a weak third.radical (l\-) with the pausal
form -A instead of dt. Also following Dr. Ferguson' s advice, the author has transcribed many
more foreign words than in the German edition. The letters e, c, 9, o, , g, v, and p, which
have no counterpart in classioal Arabio, have been added. The system of transcription for
Arabic word throughout the diotionary is simply a transliteration of the Arabic script. For
foreign word and Arabic dialeot words, however, the usual transliteration of the Arabic is

inadequate to indicate the pronunoiation. In order to avoid diacrepancy between spelling and
pronunciation, the author, in his German edition, would oftenrefrain from giving any tran-
scription at all, but merely enter the foreign word as a rough guide to pronunciation. In the
present edition practically all foreign words have been transcribed (e.g., diblmsi, hikoptar,
viz, vEt) with the help of the added letters. Arab studenta at the University of Mnster were
consulted for the approzimately corract pronunoiation. Nevertheless, in many instances the
foreign source word is also entered becauae pronunoiation variea considerably from Speaker to
Speaker, depending on the dialeot and the degree of assimilation. One other deviation from
a striot transliteration of the Arabic was made for certain foreign words in order to provide
a oloser approximation to the usual pronunoiation. In writing European words with Arabic
letters, I
, j , ^ are, contrary to regulr praotice in Arabic, frequently used to indicate short
vowels. Where thi is the case, we have transoribed accordingly (e.g., J^kPj' otomliki,
iljU'li danmark).
Finally, the author wishes to erpreea his Bincere gratitude to the editor, Prof. J Milton
Gowan, thanks to whose initiative and energy this English edition can now be presented to
the public. Hia generoua expenditure of time and effort on this project has been greatly
appreciated by all involved. To Theodora Ronayne, who performed the exacting taak of
preparing a meticulously accurate typescript, thereby conaiderably lightening our Iabors,
we are indeed grateful. Professor Cowan joine me in recording our special thanks to Mr. Karl
Stowasser, whose quite remarkable oommand of the three languages involved and whose
unusual abilities as a lexicographer proved indispensable. He has devoted his untiring efforts
to this enterprise for the past four years, oo-ordinating the work of editor and author across
the Atlantic. The bulk of the translation was oompleted in 1967-1958, while he was in
Ithaca. During the past two years in Mnster he has oompleted the incorporation of the
Supplement into the body of the dictionary and assisted the author in seeing the work through
the press.

The following paragraphs describe the arrangement of entries and explain the use of
Symbols and abbreviations
Arabio words are arranged aocording to Arabic .'oota. Foreign words are listed in straight
alphabetical order by the letters of the word (cf. ^ j\j bris Paris, jitf kdir cadre) . Arabi-
XIII Introduction

cized loanwords,if they olearly fit under the roots, are entered both wayB,
often with the root

entry giving a reference to the alphabetical listing (cf. jj\i qnn law, ii'jy naizak spear).
Two or more homonymous roots may be entored as separate items, inclnding foreign
words treatcd as Arabic forms (e.g., e karim under the Arabic root '^f nd '(.' tlle

French word crime; cf. also the consonant combination k-r-k). In Order to indicate to the

reader that the same Order of letters occurs more than once and that he should not confine
his search to the first listing, each entry is precedcd by a small raised numeral (cf. jj, _,>).

Under a given root the sequencc of entries is as follows. The verb in the perfeet of the base

stein, if it exists, oomes first with the transliteration indicating the vowcling. It is followed

by the vowel of the imperfect and, in parenthesos, the verbal nouns or mafdir. Then come

the derived stems, indicated by boldface Roman immerals II through X. For Arab users

unaccustomed to this dcsignation genorally used by Western orientalists, the corresponding

stem forms are: II JjJ ja"aU, III Jeti jula, IV Jil afala, V Jxil tafa'ala, VI J*U3
lajaala, VII Jxl infu'ala, VIII J=il ifta'alu, IX Jjl ifalla, X JjiJ isiafula. Whcrever

there is any irregularity, for the rare stems XI through XV, and for the derived stems

quadriliteral verbs the Arabic form is entered and translitcrated (cf. y VII, i*~j VIII, ^**- XII,

-Ulm III). Then come nominal forms arranged aecording to their length. Verbal nouns of the
stems II through and all active and passive partieiplcs follow at the end. The latter are
listed as separate items only when their meaning is not immediately obvious from the verb,

particularly where a substantival or adjeetival translation is possible (cf. ^rU- hjib under

^JC, J^-U shil under J#). The sequence under a given root is not determined by historical
considorations. Thus, a verb derived from a foreign Word is plaeed at the head of the entire
section (cf. l aqlama, t\j II).

Essentially synonymous definitions are separated by commas. A semicolon marks the

beginning of a definition in a different semantic rnge.

The syntaotic markings accompanying the definitions of a verb are a for the aecusative

of a person, * for the aecusative of a thing, U for the feminine of animate beings, for a
group of persona. It should be noted that the Arabic included in parentheses is to be read

from right to left even if separated by the word "or" (cf. ^ji, ^ij). Verb objeets in English

are expressed by s.o. (someone) and (something), the reflexive by o.s. (onesclf).

A dash oecurring within a section indicates that the following form of a plural or of a
verbal noun, or in some instances the introduction of a new voweling of the main entry.
holds for all following meanings in the section even if theso are not synonymous and are
separated by semicolons. This dash invalidates all previously given verbal nouns, imperfect

vowels, plurals, and othor data qualifying the main entry. It indicates that all following defini-

tions apply only to this Iatest sub-entry (cf. Ji^- ka\aqu, J.U 'adala).

In the transcription, which indicates the voweling of the unpointed Arabic, nouns are
given in pausal form without tanwin. Only nouns derived from vorbs with a weak third
radical are transcribed with nunnation (e.g., ^\j qdin, ^1m muqladan, Ju matan in

contrast with Sj^ 1


A raised z
following the transcription of a noun indicates that it is a diptote. This indication

is often omitted from Western geographical terms and other recent non-Arabic proper names
because the inflected ending is practically never pronounced and the marking would have
only theoretical value (cf.
^^O -' 2 Mokholm, Jj.,1

The Symbol O precedes newly coined technical terms, chiefly in the fields of technology,

which were repeatedly found in context but whose general aeeeptance among specialista could
Introduction XIV

not be established with certainty (cf. jUlJ tfz television aet, ^j*- hads Intuition, j- miharr
heating installation).
The symbol D precedes thoae dialect words for which the Arabic Bpelling suggests a
colloquial pronunciation (cf. jLu- haddf, 'Ja*- II).

Dialect words are marked with abbreviations in lower-case lottere (e.g., syr., leb., saud.-ar.,

eto.). These are also used to inrlicate words which were found only in the sources of a particular
area, This does not neceBsarily mean that a word or meaning is confined to that area (cf. j jjU-
jrr, ^ baffia, oUJLt Silmn).
The same abbreviations, but with capital letters, mark entries as the generally accepted
technioal terms or the official designations for public officee, institutions, administrative
departments, and the like, of the country in question (cf.
majlis, i& mahkama).
The abbreviation Isl. Law marks the traditional terminology of Islamic fiqh (cf. i-u-
hadat, U li'n, <i* mt'a), as distinguished from the technical terms of modern juris-

prudence whioh are oharacterized by the abbreviation jur, (cf. ^Af 'amdi, ^Sj talabbus).
For other abbreviated labeis see List of Abbreviations below.
Elatives of the form aj'cdu are translated througbout with the Englih comparative
because this moat often fite the meaning. The reader should bear in mind, however, that in
oertain contexts they will best be rendered either with the positive or the Superlative.
The heavy vertical stroke | terminates the definitions under an entry. It is followed by
phrases, idioms, and sentences which illustrate the phraseologioal and syntactic use of that
entry. These did not have to be transcribed in fll because it has been necesaary to asaume
an elementary knowledge of rabio morphology and synbax on the part of the user, without
which it is not poasible to use a dictionary arranged according to roote. Consequently, no
tranacription is given after the vertical Btroke for:

1 the entry itself, but it is abbreviated wherever it is part of a genitive Compound (e.g.,

. al-ma'li under hib, husn al-u. under vhdvia) ;

2 nounB whose Arabic speUing is relatively unambiguous (e.g., I-tfli, pU, jUT, jU);

3 words known from elementary grammar, suoh as pronouns, negations, and prepositions
the third peraon perfect of the verb type fa'aia, occasionally also the definite article;

4 frequent nominal types, such as:

a) the verbal nouns (mafdir) of the derived atems II and VII X:

J^" taf'U, JUI infi'l, jUil ifti'l, J^l*il if'ill, jUisJ istif'l;

b) the aotive and passive partioiples of the basio verb stem:

Jpli f'U, <Lli f'a, and Jj* maf'l, lijJu maf'la;
c) the nominal types J_i fall, *L*i fa'iia, jU/i*J t and J_yj ful (also as a plural);

JUi/TZa and *i^yj fu'la as well as J*il af'al;

d) the plural forma jUil af'l, oUil af'ild*, JJUi fa'l, Jplil aj'il, J*U* maf'il,

JJUi fa''il, J*Ui fa''il, JJUi falil, J-*Ui aj'il, J-*Uj taf'il, J-*U* maf'il,
JUi fa'lila.

All other poasible vowelings are transcribed (e.g., ij'l, fa"l, fu'ail, fa'vl, af'vl, f'al). Words
with weak radicals belonging in the form types listed above are also transcribed wherever
any uncertainty about the form might arise (cf.
\j rgin under ^j, fjj^- C-j
j under c^ j ,

4j>-il under JU*_* masjid).
XV List of Abbreviations

unit. Thoy are

In transcription, two nouns forming a genitive Compound are treated as a
transoribed aa noun
definite article
noun, with the entry word abbreviated (of under ^--L. .

ahib, _1 Sibh). In a noun Compound where the seoond noun is in apposition or attributive,

it alone is transoribed (cf. under lj\ ibra, iU- jild). In this manner the difference between
the two oonstructions is brought out clearly without resorting to transliteration of the i'rb
endings. A feminine noun ending in - a, as first member of a genitive Compound, is also abbre-

viated, and the construct ending -t is to be read even though it is not expressed in the

In view of the great variety and intricacy of the material presented, it is inevitable
inconsistencies will appear and that similar examples will be treated here and therc in a dinerent
manner. For such incongruities and for certain redundancies, we must ask the user's indulgence.

Mnster Hans Wehh

November 1960

List of Abbreviations

List of Abbreviationa XVI

XVII List of Abbreviationa

I a particle introducing direct and indirect jjl abad pl. jLT dbd endless, eternal
questions; jl I o am in alternative duration, eternity; l-ol abadan alwaya,
queationa; A 1 \jm saw'un a am forever; ever, (with neg.) never (in the
no matter whether or; j\ a-wa particle future), not at all, on no account; (alone,
indicating or implying doubt: or? per- without negation) never! not at all! by
haps? tiUi j ^iiUjI (taSukku) you no means! J* and jA-OI -bl
-oVl Jl, -bV'
wouldn't doubt it, would you? do you abada d-dahri forever; ^-bVl -bl abada
perhaps doubt it? or do you doubt it? l-abadin and ,j<-bVI -bl Jl il abadi ha.
Vi a-l and LI a-m intemifying inter- forever and ever
j'ectiona introducing sentencea : verily,
^-bl abadi everlaating, eternal, endless
truly, indeed, oh yes, etc., IjJiJLi VI
(fa-nzur) oh, do look! why, look! *Jl Li ^jjVl al-abadi eternity

(inndk) why, he is ...! ijJjl abadiya infinite duration, endless

time, eternity
i_>T ab 2 Auguat(month; Syr., Leb., Jord.,Ir.)
JjT bid wild, untamed
.->l see _^l
OjT bida pl. x>\j\ awabid 2 unuaual
\_>l abba u to long, yearn (ctj Jl il uxifanihi thing, prodigious event | Lj-dl x>)j\ a.
for one'a homeland) ad-duny the Wondera of the World

'l-^j! look up alphabe tically -Ojj mu'abbad eternal, endless, ever-

JLI (It. abate) abti abbot {Chr.}

laating | jjj* ^ (sijn) life impriaonment

j\ abara i u (abr) to prick, sting II to pollinate
5JU ibla, ibbla bndle, bale
(* a palm tree)

J u see ji)
,1 j\ ibra pl. j \ ibar needle, pin; indicator

(of an instrument); shot, injection (med.);

jjcl abjad aiphabet
sting, prick |
lj\ *L~ haqanah ibratan to
^jjjcl abjadi alphabetic(al) oLa*:l
give an injection; ^\J\ lj\ i. ar-r'i
elementary facta, simple truths lJj^J-I
| geranium (bot.); Z^-^Lk* j\ (magntlsiya)
iafV the lettera of the aiphabet, the magnetic needle; J^V' Jii sugl al-i.

-ol abada i (*ji\ ubd) to stay, linger (^ at a j^> mi'bar needlecase; pack needle
place); i u to roam in a state of
br see Ji
wildnesa, run wild, be shy, shy away, run
away (animal, game) II to make laating *--/' abraMya and i~Zjj\ abrSiya pl. -l
or permanent, perpetuato, eternize (* diocese, biahopric (Chr.); parish (CAr.) V to be porpetuated, become
lasting or permanent; to return to a <m r*j\ abramis, (j-x.lj-1 bream (200Z.)

State of wildness
>y I ifrriz pure gold
g-ij\ ibrisam, ibrisim silk *i\ abaha and abiha a (abk) to pay attention
(J, also <y to), heed (J, also ^, take
jt_j\ ibriq pl. JjjLI abriq* pitcher, jug
notice (J, also ^ of ) J
*l oj* V j*\ (yu*bahu)

abril April an insignificant, unimportant matter V to

Jj j

display proud, haughty marinere; to turn

j\ abzan pl. jLI abzin* waahbowl
away, keep one's distance, remain aloof

fj\ ifaim pl. fj\j\ abzim* bucklo, claap (^p from), look down (^ upon), think
o.s. far above (^ s.o or

vh4 pl. ^LT ^ and ^^U ma'bitf pl.
<f\ ubbaha splendor, pomp, ostentation,
jjL ma'bujP hollow of the knee, popliteal
pageantry; pride

<_J ab pl. LT6* father (also eccl.}; ancestor,

.Lil V to take or carry under one's arm (*
forefather; ~A L y abati my father!
to put one's arm (*, around s.o., around
jl^Vl al-abawn the parents, father and, hold in one's arm {*, s.o.,
mother; \jy\ abn reverend father, form
Jaul ibf pl. ^>1>T bf m. and f. armpit of address and title of a priest (Chr). \

.u- ^p LI aban 'an jaddin handcd down

jjl abaqa % (jLl ibq) to escape, nin away
from father to son, as inherited from
( a slave from his master)
forefathers; j-. y\ ab su'n marabou;
^1 abaq a kind of hemp ^ -"*
r>-" y. '
pppy ; J>^ ' y. '

jiJ biq pl. JLI ubbq runaway, escaped; ab l-havl the Sphinx; llJI y\ ab
a fugitive l-yaqzn rooster, oock

1 y\ vbwa fatherhood, patemity

Jjl ibil (coli.) cameis
jjil abawi patemal, fatherly
ULI ibla, ibbla bndle, bale
-w_jil ebonite
>LI ibliz alluvial deposits (of the Nile)
*J_jjI (Fr. abonni) abnik pl. -t subscription;
^j-Jj I iblUP pl. ULI ablisa devil, Satan subscription card (e.g., for public convey-

ances, a concert season, etc.)

*j. I II to celebrate, praise, eulogize ( a de-
ceased person), deliver a funeral oration ijl ab a (.LI ib\ l.LI ib'a) to refuse,

( in praise of s.o.) decline; to turn down, reject, scom, dis-

dain (*; to deny (* J* s.o.

4iil ubna passive pederasty |

luij l VI <jl (ill an yaf'alah) he in-

ljl ibbn time; uLI ibbna during,
sisted on doing it; jl Vi ^>l <jl God willed
Ll j at the time of, during
that . . . V to refuse, decline

,jol; ta'bin commemoration (of a de-

LI ib*, .LI ib'a rejection; dislike,
ceased person) |
,joI *U*- haflat at-t.
distaste, aversion, disdain; pride
commemorative celebration (in honor of
jl ably disdainful, scomful; proud, lofty,
a deceased person)
by\* mqtbn catamite; weakng, moLiy-
<_J bin pl. L I vbh reserved, tandofiish
coddle, siasy"; scoundrel
unwilling, reluctant, grudging

i^wl abtb the eleventh month of the Coptic

^yljl abns ebony calendar

i;^L>l ablqri Epicurean furnish, give, afford (<_> to s.o.,

provide, supply (<- * s.o. with) ; to be pro-

jjjI abiqriya Epicureanism
pitious, be favorable { for s.o.), favor
r-jTl vtrujj and j\ utrunj oitron (Citrus (* s.o.); to turn out well (# for s.o.), be in
medica; bot.) favor { of); to suit, befit, become ( s.o.),

be appropriate ( for s.o.); to agree ( with

^JLjT (Turk. ateffi) t&$gi fireman, stoker
s.o.; food) j
^i $> *\S\ [hiuSai'in) every-
jtL ma'tam pl. ft, ma'rim.' obsequies, funeral thing was in bis favor, turaed out well
ceremony for him, came bis way IV to bring (* * s.o.; to give (* s.o.; to grant (*

1jI atn pl. JiT tun, J^l u*un, u/n female
to s.o., bestow (* upon s.o. |
donkey, she-ass
SjJl JT (zakta) to give alms V to origi-
<jjjl a/n, atin pl. Jll vlun, J^jUI aitln 2 nate, atem, derive, spring, arise, result

kiln, furnace, oven (je- from); to end (je- with), result (je-

in); to get (Jl to), arrive (Jl at); to be easy

jLjI duu pl. jjtji aJuw duty, tax, tribute
to do, be feasible without diffioulty, be

^pujjl (Fr.) oto&fa autobus, bus attainable, go well, progress; to go about (J) gently, cautiously X to ask to

(5-jUjjI (Fr.) otomtlki automatic come, induce to come { s.o.)

J yjf and J-jj*yil (Fr.) otomooij automobile JU matan pl. ol* maiin place where comes from place at which one arrives
Jl al i (UjI yn, Jl aty, LjU math
access; pl. ou place of origin; origin,
to come ( or Jl to; J* over s.o.), arrive
source, provenance; place where one has
(* or Jl at); ^ Jl to bring, bring forward,
been or to which one has come; place where
produce, advance, accomplish or achieve starts, where ends; t- jl to bring, give or offer s.o.; to do, perform {* a deed), carry out, c*\ tin coming, next; following j

execute (* e.g., movements); to commit, jVl {usb') the coming week, next week;
perpetrate {* a sin, a crime); to mention JVtT as follows

(J*; to finiah off (J*, also s.o.); il>l_^ muiin, muwtin favorable, pro-
to finish, complete, carry through, dispose, pitious, opportune, convenient, suitable
aettle, wind up, conclude, terminate, bring
to a close (J*; to destroy, annihilate,
iil atta u i a (LjI atta) to be luxuriant, grow

wipe out (J*; to eliminate,

eradicate, profusely (hair, plante) II to fix up, prepare

carry away, sweep away (J*, do

(a; to furnish (* an apartment)

away (J* with); to use up, exhauat (also

V to be or become rieh, wealthy, to prosper;

a subject), prcsent exhauatively, in great to be furnished

(J*,elaborate (J* on |
i>ljl att furniture, furnishings (of an
Jl li" as follows; *_^T Jl (kirihi)
Jp apartment, of a room)
to complete, finish; to spend or use
ti~uu ta'tit furnishing
up the last of; ^-jUIj ^-i-Vl
J* Jl <il ait, tiuJI atil abundant, luxuriant,
to destroy everything, wreak havoc;
profusely growing (hair, plants)
Lrl^J - ^Oa^ J' (buyia) to tackle in the right way, knock on the right x
j atara u
I i (air, SjUI atra) to transmit, pass
door; Jj j* Jjj yu't min qibali is under- along, report, relate (*, je- from, or
mined, weakened, ruined by III to offer, based on the authority of, s.o.) II to

( j or J* s.o.,, act

affect, influence j\ ra (prep.) immediately after, right
(j or J* upoo), produce an effect, make after

an impression, have influence ( j or J* on)

&j\ atari archeologic(al) ; archeologist
to induce (phys.) IV to prefer (J* * to),
(also ^jIjT fri); old, ancient, antique
like (* more (J* than); to have a pre-
iSj\ (1U archeologist; hj\ <ii (luga) dead
dilection, a liking (* for), like (*, be
fond (* of); to choose, deem wise or ad-
visable (jl to do; to adore {*,
j 1 atir egoistic, eelfiflh

s.o., |
_yX\j *-J j\ (nafaah bi-l- j I atara Belfihness, egoism
kair) to wih o.s. well, hope for the best
jrul atlr favored, preferred (J^c by s.o.),
for o.s. V to be impressed, be influenced;
in favor (.u* with s.o.); select, exquisite,
to let o.s. be impressed, be impresible; to
noble; see also alphabetically
be moved, be touched (i_j or J by, also

*); to be exoited, be stimulated; to be

jl ara remainder, remnant; faint
affeoted (<- by, said of materials, e.g., trace, vestige

iron by acid); to be induced (phys.); to ij\* ma'tara, ma'tura pl. j\* ma'Hr*
follow in s.o.'s () tracks, follow a.o.'s exploit, feat, glorious deed
example, emulate ( s.o.); to pursue, follow
jv\j ta'tir action, effect, influence, im-
up (* a question, a problem) ; to perceive,
pression (j,
feel {* X to claim a monopoly; to J* on); effectiveness, efcacy;
induction (phys.)
poesess alone, with the excluaion of others,
monopolize (i_*; to appropriate (^ tfjvb ta'tiri produced by induction, in-, take exclusive possession (l_j of); ductive, inductional, induced (phys.)

to preoccupy (*, engross (* the jlil itr preference; altmism; predilec-

attention) j * <>! ytu-l the Lord has taken tion; ktve, affection
hfm unto Himself
yl* ta'agur being influenced; agitation,
j I atar pl. jIjT tr track, trace, vestige; emotion, feeling; excitability, eensitivity;
sign, mark; touch; Impression, effeot, ac-
(pl. -t) feeling, Sensation, perception j _-
tion, influence (j on); tradition (relating
yUJl easily impressed, impresaible, sen-
the deeds and utterances of Mohammed sitive
and bis Companions); work (of art, esp.
tfjfc ta'atturi: ^ytdl ^Jl\ (madhab)
of literature); ancient monument; jTan-
the impreBsionistic movement
tiquities ; remnants, vestiges ; ( religioua

relics |
jtf^ll 1* *m (d-. archeology; ylj taatiuriya impressionism
j^fl jli museum of antiquitiea; *J j\ V
jlii-l isti'tr arrogation of a monop-
(atara) ineffective, ineffeotnal; jtrj
oly ; monopolization ; preaumption, pre-
(rafi) with retroaotive force O'ur.); -*\
sumptuousness; exclusive power
,>* Xu \J\ asbaha ataran ba'da 'ainin to
be deetroyed, be wiped out, leave noth- jjjU ma'tr transmitted, handed down |

ingbutmemorybehind;,>* -W Lr' *'*' ( a '* j_jjL J_jS (qa-ul) and !jjjL it (kalima)

dah) to destroy completely; j\ J, proverb

tj I
j (also fi itrihi) on bis (its) track, at Mb jja mu'air affecting, acting upon;
heels, after bim; immediately afterwards, affective ; impressive ; moving, toucbing,
presently, thereupon; y^l J immediately pathetic; (pl. -t) influencing factor, in-

afterwards, presently flnence

*j$\ look up alphabetically i-j-l ajabtya horologium (Copt.-Chr.)

LjI ulfiya pl. JiLjI atfin trivet, tripod (in ^-1 ajara u (ajr) to reward, recompense,
ancient times : any one of the three stones remunerate ( s.o.) II to let for rent, let

supporting a cooking pot near the fiie) |

out, hire out, rent, lease (* ; (with na/*
jIj Vi JIj that which rounds out a number, sah) to hire o.s. out IV to let for rent, let

caps, puts the lid on, the crowning out, hire out, rent, lease (* ; to rent,
touch hire, lease, hold under a lease (*,

take a lease (* on) ; to hire, engage, take

JJI atala i to consolidate, strengthen II to
on ( s.o.), engage the Services ( of s.o.)
become rieh V to be Consolidated, be
X to rent, hire, lease, hold under a lease
Btrengthened ; to become rieh
(*, take a lease (* on); to charter {*

J?l atl pl. JjjI utl (coli.; n. un. , pl, a vessel); to hire, engage, take on ( b.o.),
atall) tamarisk (bot.) engage the Services { of s.o.)

JJI atil and JJj* mv'attal deep-rooted; j*- 1 ajr pl. jy- 1 ujr wages, pay,
of noble origin, highborn honorarium, recompense, emolument, re-

muneration; price, rate, fee jj-Jl jj*~\

jrl alima a (um, atam, A* ma'tam) to sin, err, |

u. as-aafar fares
slip V to eschew sin, shun evil; to restrain

o.b., hold back lj>-\ ujra hire, rent, rental; price, rate,

r\ itm pl. *\j\ tm fee; fiied rate, (official) charge; postage

sin, offense, misdeed, |

crime 4jj" Vr 1
postage; JiJl lj>-\ u. an-naql
transport charges, freight(age), carriage,
f U ma'tam pl. r L. ma'tim* sin, offense,
misdeed, crime
_r>-l ajxr pl. I_^-I ujar* 2 hireling;
-j ta'fim sin, offense, misdeed, crime
workraan, laborer, day laborer; employee
s-T tim pl. xl atama and Jl a^tm pl.

utam' 1
j*?\ ajira working woman, factory
Lei sinful, criminai, wicked, ev;
girl, female laborer; woman employee
j*-t ta'jir letting, leasing, hiring out,
Xc 1 tjnutZ antimony
lottingon lease ; lease |yl*Vlj j^r^l fjA*
_r*l a/ir ether (i'ra) Lend- Lease Act

Lul atin Athens jL<l ijr pl. -t rent; letting, leasing,

hiring out, letting on lease | jLf^U for

Lj^JI atybiy Ethiopia
rent, to let

J^~ji atybi Ethiopian; (pl. -n) an jU-l ijra pl. -t rent; letting, leasing,
Ethiopian j.jJVI j^AJI Ethiopia
hiring out, letting on lease

^1 ajja u i (^*-\ ajij) to burn, blaze, flame jl*-l iti'jr rent, lease, tenure
(fire) II to light, kindle, start (* a fire)
j^L ma'jr paid, salaried, on the
V = I
payroll, gainfully employed; employee;
r-U-l l> m* ujj bitter, salty water mercenary, venal, hired, bribed

^U-l ajjj burning, blazing, hot

j*rj* mu'ajjir pl. -n landlord, lesaor

jv^U. mvta'ajjij burning, blazing, flam- j>r^* mwta'jir leaseholder, lessee,

tenant; employer
_^.T jurr (n. un. 5) baked brick

a.o. to do; to enjoin, impose (_> tivatea the heart, a fascinating, thrilling

on s.o.; to take away (* Je from thing; ^Lll L'i>-I (mataru) we got caught
a.o., strip, deprive {* Je s.o. of), in the rain; *j~*\^> -U-i (bi-7ipirihi) to

cut off, bar (* Je s.o. from); to reproach, help s.o., stand by s.o., take care of s.o.,

blame (* Je s.o. for); to hold against look after s.o.; *kl -U-i {nafasah) to

s.o. (Je) that... (Ol), fix the blame fje draw breath; <-Lill <A* .U-l to take s.o.'s

on s.o., jl for the fact that); to obligate breath away; pJI .U-l (7iaum) sleep

(>_> s.o. to); to learn (Je or j*. from overwhelmed him; .u .U-1 (6t-yadiAt)
s.o., *, acquire knowledge (Je or j*. to help s.o., stand by s.o. II to lay under
from s.o.), te i*l' -i>-l(Jilm) to study a spell, enchant, bewitch ( s.o.) III to

under s.o.; to begin, start (j or i_> with censure, blame (>_>, Je s.o. for; to or, with foll. imperf.: to do punish (>_>, Je o s.o. for); to hold, prepare, set out, be about (j or >_> (Je) against s.o. (), resent (J* in

to do |
*u>\ -U-l (uhbatah) to make s.o.) |
!j.U-1jJ V l tu'kidnl pardon me!
preparations, prepare o.s., get ready; forgive me! no offense, I hope! VIII .ucl

"5 -U-t -i*-' (makad) to adopt the same ittakada to take (*; to take on,

course as s.o. eise, follow s.o.'s example; assume (*; to take up, occupy (*

IJU-l* *l* l*-\ to seize s.o., take possession; to pass, adopt (* e.g., a resolution);

of a.o. (a Sensation, or the like); \jtt -U-l to take, single out, have in mind (**, >

(majrhu) to take its course; <Jl X\ s.o. or as); to make use (* of,

(majliaah) to take one's seat, sit down; use (a; to imitate, affect (* e.g.,

jj^ i-l (hidrah) to be on one's guard; s.o.'s manner of speaking) ; to make

J_J-L -U-I (husn) to be friendly, be (j* m out of s.o. or |
"&J- ikl

nice to s.o. ; a_^lic -U-1 (bi-ktirihi) to show (Saklan) to take on a form or shape;

o.s. complaisant toward s.o., try to \Jj* Jcl (mauqifan) to take an attitude,
pleaee s.o.; aJ-U -U-I (bi-danbihi) to assume a position; j:>UI jol-cdl kl to

punish s.o. for hie offense; o]j X^-\ (raya* take the necessary measures; ljl_^f -i^l

h) to ask s.o.'s opinion, consult s.o.; (qarran) to pass or adopt a resolution;

^J>\ -U-l {ukida r-ra'yu) the matter -UJj-l ^Jl^il &\ to take up new po-
was put to a vote; i-jL-L ^l {bi-asbbi) sitions (troops)

to embrace, adopt, e.g., vV"^ -^ .U-l akd acceptance, reception; seizure;
ijjj*yi SjUi-1 (hadra) to adopt Euro- taking out, taking away, removal, etc. |

pean culture; JJL \*-\ iidda) to deal <j\j\ .U-l a. ar-ray voting, vote; ijj -U-1

with s.o. severely, give s.o. a rough (wa-radd) discussion, debate, dispute,

time; *jJ* <^* -U-l to obstruct s.o.'s argument; bj Vj l-i=- 1

J^ V ^i (yaqbalu)

way, hinder s.o. from moving on; A-\ an indisputable matter; Uaej .U-l {wa-

*ijU J* to Shoulder, take upon 'af') give-and-take; traffic, trade; deal-

o.s.; J JjJI Jj-\ ('udda) to prepare, set ings, relationa (esp. business, commer-
out, get ready to do; \x^ 4-1* >-1 cial); discussion, debate; fight, battle

('dhdari) to put a.o. under an Obligation, .U-l ukda spell, charm

impose a commitment on s.o.;
J* -U-l
JL>- 1 akld prisoner of war
Iji. (j\>-} ukida 'al (Amt) girratin to be
*Xs-\ akida booty, spoils
taken by surprise, be caught unawares;
jUj -U-I (muqbala) to repay like for iU-l akk4 captivating, fascinating,

like; i_^UJI -L-^L ^i which cap- thrilling

;; 1


Ju-U ma'kad pl. JU-l* makid 2 place so forth, et cetera; j*V' j-> kira l-

from which one takes, source amri eventuay, finally, in the end, after

O wall socket, outlet {el.) ; adoption, all; jj}\ _^-T kira d-dahri forever; _^-T

borrowing, loan ; manner of acting, mode L-jJl . az-zamn time at which the
of procedura, approach; pl. -U source Day of Judgment is to be expected, the

referencea, bibliography (in booka); rep- end of the world; '>' J* to the last,

rehensible points, faults, flaws, defects, down to the grass roots, entirely, com-

shortcomings |
^>Vl o-tU the simplest, pletely, e.g., j*-T j* _^i {dummira) to
easiest approach ; -Ulli ^^ eaay to be completely destroyed, be wiped off
handle or to use; aee also akada (middle the map ; j>-\ ^- from behind, from the
of paragraph) rear; _^-T <! I* endlesa, infinite; j*-T j
_^\ after all, last of all; _*iJI y-ljl
irf-lj, mu'kada objection, exception;
a. oi-ioAr the end of the month, the last
censure, blame !-bUj* "}/ (mv'kadata)
ten days of the month; I^T ^j-^j lj!
pardon me! no offense, I hope!
last but not least

i_p-U ma'Jcd taken, seized; taken by

lj*-^\ al-kira the hereafter
aurpriae, caught, trapped ; surpriaed

taken {^ with), fascinated (t-* by) _^T kar 3 , f. <j_/-\ ukr, pl. comm. _/-\

Ai ij^U in force, valid ukar* (and jj^\ karn or o U_^-

ukrayt respectively) another, one more,
oli^L makdt receipts, takings,
j*-^l the other ^j*-l ^ (marratan)

returns (com.)
once more; j^^-lM ( _
j*-^ _> he also,

she also, he in turn, ab in turn, j-^ Lil

i-\ II to delay, put off, defer, postpone,
I also; ti^^l oJtf o\ (in knat) other -
adjourn (* ; to hinder, impede,
wise; ^T Jl T j from time to time;
obetruct, hold up ( s.o., *, slow
^ji~\ Jl iL- y* (sana) from year to
down, retard (*; to draw out,
year; <Sj*-\j jj Cr J .
{/o*) once in a
delay (j* # beyond appointed
time); to put back (*,

while, from time to time; tj*-l *5jT

to set back (* a watch, a dock);

(winatan) Bometimes sometimes, at

times at times
to auspend, discharge, dismiss,
(> s.o. from an office) V to be late; to be tf^Vl al-ukr the hereafter
delayed, fall or lag behind (j*), tarry, ufcrow of or relating to the life
SIS- 1

linger, heaitate; to default (j* on), be to come or the hereafter

behindhand, be in arreara (j* with), be
^-1 akir last; latest; rearmost; the
behind {j* in); to hesitate (j* with); to
second of two; l,r-l eventually, finally,
be suspended (from aervice), be dia-
in the end, after all, at last; recently,
charged, be dismiaaed | ^ dJli -Xm j^-^-i l
lately, the other day; j-1/l /l/1 the
l after that, he did not hesitate long
before he ..., presently, he ...
former the latter |
l_^-T ^j lj*-l

last but not least

_^-T kir pl. -n, -t, _/- \j\ aivkir* last,
jU^> mi'kr palm which retaine ita
ultimate, utmost, extreme; end, close,
fruit into the winter
conclusion; foot, bottom (of a paper);
>^l and ;>^l the hereafter i>^l jUl \ ^-U ta'kir delay, deferment, post-

the abode in the hereafter, the ever- ponement; obstruction, retardation; put-
lasting abode; _^-T J( il kirihi and ting back, temporary shelving

j*\i taakkur delay, lag, retardation; ~tjj\ akawya brotherhood (as a re-

hesitation, tarrying, lingering; slowneas, ligious association)

tardinesa; backwardness, underdevelop- U- ukwa brotherhood

1 ik' , j>- 1

ment (of a country) brotherliness, fratemity

j*-j* mu'akkar rear part, tau, end; jl*-l ilcxua fratemization, fraternity,
stern (of a ship) ; remainder, balance (of
a sum, to be paid later); \j*-$* mu'akka
i-t ta'kin fratemization
ran recently, lately, the other day; at
last, finally, eventually j_j>-l ajcr barn, stable

j-j* mu'akkara rear, rear guard (of an

jl adda ut to befall, affct ( s.o.)
army) ; rear positions or lines (m.) ;

stern (of a ship) il j*l amr idd a terrible, evil, horrible

_^l^4 muta'akkir delayed, belated, late;
occurring later (je than); behind, behind- .ol aduba u (adab) to be well-bred, well-
hand, in arrears; backward, underdevel- mannered, eultured, urbane, have refined
oped; lagging, staying behind; defaulter; tastes; adaba i (adb) to invite (to a
Uj^-ldl the later, or modern, authora, party or banquet, s.o.), entertain

writers, or the likefasopposedtoj^ JJtdl); (* s.o.) | ijU >_ol (ma'duba) to arrange a

ol>-uil arrears, balance of a sum re- banquet, give a formal dinner II to

maining due after previous payment refine, educate ( s.o.); to diseipline,


i^lxil OloiJt (buidn) the underdevel- punish, ehastise (* s.o.) IV to invite aa a

oped countries guest ( s.o.) V to reeeive a fine education
to be well-bred, well-educated, eultured,
Sr^Aaji-\ Ukfubf OCtOpuS have refined tastes; to show o.s. polite,

courteous, civil, urbane; to educate o.a.,

j>-\ III to fraternize, aasociate as brothera
refine one's tastes (^ by, through); to let
( with s.o.) V to act or show o.s. as a
o.a. be guided (i_j by) -jj ._oIj (6t-
brother or friend VI to fraternize, asso- |

adabihi) to follow s.o.'s moral example

ciate as brothers

ikwn i_ol adab pl. ._jl.sT db eulture, re-

;-l ak pl. ij*-\ ikwa, jl_^>-l

brother; fellow man, neighbor; friend; finement; good breeding, good manners,

brethren or members of social gracea, decorum, decency, pro-

pl. l_jjil speeif.,
priety, seemliness; humanity, humane-
an order; jl_j>-Vl religious brotherhood
ness; the humanities; belles-lettres c-jj
of the Wahabi sect, militant in character, |

^j^I toilet, water closet; .-olM J~L# and

established by Ibn Sa'd in 1910 |
^-1 L
,,-oVl fJ* ill-mannered, ill-bred, impolite,
my dear friend! *) _^>-l ak tiqa trust-
uncivU; i/UI i_jj"i!l ('mml) populr
worthy, reliable; jJ l brother through
literature; t-o^l Jl*-j literati, men of
both father and mother, brother-german
lettera; ^!^l S-JS' kulllyat al-. (= fa-
<l^-\ ukt pl. cJ\yi~\ akait eister;
culte des lettres) College of arts; ._jIjI

{gram.) cognate; counterpart l^-l the t-jU

rulea, rules of conduet, e.g., j_ji-JI
other (of two), its mate, its counterpart de-
rules of decorum, etiquette; i-jIjVI
(after a fem. noun)
cency, morals

jj>- Jcuwaiy little brother

Jjl adabi moral, ethic(al); literary [

6j>-\ akawi brotherly, fraternal J^l <*-lj moral Obligation; LjjL-j \-td
; ;;

i 10

adabiyan wa-mddiyan morally and phys- V>l, l*i\ adam, adama skin
ically; -o^ ii-iiJI (jalaafa) ethica, moral
<jl adim skin; surface; tanned skin,
science leather |
^jVl f*\
<* al-ar$ the surface

*iLol adabiyt Uterature, bellea-lettres of the earth adabJfna pl. -dt toet, wator j.ljl addm tanner

3 pjT dam* Adam |
,oT ^ human
\ being
^jil oii6 pt. UjI tuia6' a cultured,

refined, educated; well-bred, well-manner-

tji\ dami buman; humane; poor,

ed, civil, urbane; a man of culture and inferior, meager; (pl. -n, joljl awdim 2 )
refined tastes; man of letters, writer, human being

author -*jT damiya humaneness, humanity;

ijjl adiba authoress, writer humanism

iol* ma'duba pl. <>jU ma'ewitt* ban- Ijl adh pl. oljji adawt tool; instrument;
quet, formal dinner Utensil, implement, device, appliance
apparatus; (gram.) particle SA-1 IjI
_jit to'dit education ; discipline; pun-

o. oi-Ajbm machinery of govemment;

ishment, chastisement; disciplinary pun-
._ju_^jl definite article (gram.); *IaI
ishment |
^__j jl^Jl ^j-Lf majlia at-t. dis-
JLLJ (tan/idiya) executive agency; pl.
ciplinary board
materials, equipment, gear, *^j_^~
^jIj ta'dibi disciplinary; punitive, re- olj^l
(AarMya) war material; i-LL^-l
taliatory | <&& <-* (qadlya) discipli-
(iA(tyafiya) stand-by equipment (techn.);
nary action
iJj^. (manztJiya) household Uten-

wot ta'addub good breeding, good sils, household effects

manners, civility, politenesa, courteous-
jjV' al-adn (Hebr.) the Lord; Mr (Isr.)
ness, tact

<_oT dib host <js\ II to convey, take, bring, lead, steer,

t-oj* mu'oddit pl. -n educator

Channel (*, i or u s.o.,, Jl to), see

teacher in a Koranic school (Tun.); that s.o. or (*, or <_j) gets to (Jl);

to bring about, cause, effect, produce

muaddab well-bred, well-mannered, civil,
(Jl; to lead, contribute, be condu-
cive (Jl to a result); to amount, come
jjl vdra scrotal hernia practically (Jl to); to tend (Jl to), aim
(Jl at); to carry out, execute, discharge
jjl adirna 2 Edirne, Adrianople (city in
(*; to perform (* a ritual, etc.);
NW Turkey) to do (vr'j wjibah one's duty); to
^LjLjjVI (Fr. adrtatique) al-adriyatxk and fulfill (-Uj a function, iJIj a mission);

*ilJljjjV1 j bahr al-a. the Adriatic Sea to accomplish (jj^U a task); to take
(L_c an oath; UUll.1 an examination)
*s\ adama i (adm) to take some additional kidmatan a Service, J or
to render (L.0*-
food (* with the bread), enrich (* the to s.o. a e.g., a meaning, a musical
Jl ;

bread) "with aome extra food or condi- composition, etc.) >*"5*Jl ^jI (saldm)

ment to greet, Baiute V to load, be conducive,

a\i\ idm anything eaten with bread; contribute (Jl to results); to be carried

shortening, fatty ingredient out, be performed, be accomplished ; to

; l


arrive ( Jl at), be lead ( Jl to) X to demand, (<_ of, be informed (i_ about) II to
claim {* from s.o. call (i_j to),esp. to call to prayer (J-^LaJl;);

to crow (rooster) IV to announce, make

bl ad* pl. -t (as verbal noun of II)
known (.-, i_j to s.o., inform,
rendering (of a Service); pursuit, Per-
notify (* s.o.); to call to prayer; to call
formance, execution, discharge (of a
upon s.o. (), urge, admonish, exhort
duty), realization, effeotuation, accom-
( s.o.) to do {_-); to herald (i_i or *
plishment (of a task); rendition, reading; to foreshadow (i_j; to be on
(e.g., of a musical oompoeition); fulfill-
the verge (l of doing -UjiJtj jjT
ment; payment f
IjIII j~*- kum al-a.

(JljjJL) (zawl) to show signs of the

good rendition (of a work of art, of a
imminent downfall (end); L*ijIj JJJI jT
musical composition)
(lailu bi-ntipf) it was close to midnight
Sjjtj ta'diya rendering (of a Service); V to herald, announce (i_ X to ask
pursuit, Performance, execution, dis-
permission (j to do, rarely i_j);

charge (of a duty), realization, effectua- to ask permission enter (J*

to s.o.'s
tion; accomplishment (of a task); ful-
house), have o.s. announced (J* to s.o.);
fiUment; payment to take leave (,y of s.o.), say good-by

&J mu'addan assignment, task, func- (-to)

tion ; sense, meaning, signification, import,
jl idn permission, authorization ; oili
underlying idea
Zt\ if God choose, God willing; (pl. jjjl

jl i$ 1. (introducing a verbal clause) (and) udn, olijjl udnt) (postal) order |


then; iJlj jl id dka (also written jlil)

-b^rJl pl. Jj^JI oUjjl postal money order;
<i>jjl uil do.
then, at that time, at the same time, in
doing so; 2. (conj.; temp. and caus.) as, jjl udun, ud,n f., pl. jljT dn ear;
when; since, as, the more so as, because; handle (of a cup) | J**J\-
i^l u^ll
jl jl id anna since, as, in view of the fact (wusf) middle-ear infection, Otitis media
that; for, because (med.)

ljl id 1. (introducing a nominal clause jlil adn call to prayer

the subject of which may he expressed ojl udaina little ear; ear lobe
by i_j with foll. genit.) and then, and
ojU ma'dana, oit. mi'dana pl. iL
all of a sudden; (with noun in nomina-
ma'din 3 minaret
tive case or with i_j) there waa . . .

and all of a sudden there was . .

IjI Idn declaration, proclamation,

2. (conj.) when; if, whenever; whether, if

announcement (^ of | 1.^1; IJ 1 JL*

(introducing indirect questions); lil

tljJi-l indicating that the conversation

when, whenever; VI is (was) ended

lil (id) unless, if

not; except when jJU ma'gn authorized; slave with

limited legal rights (Isl. Law) ; = jj iL
ljl (Dil) idan then, therefore, in that case,
^ji. (Sar'i) ofcial authorized by the cadi
hence, consequently
to perform civil marriages (Isl. Law)
jljT dr 2 March (month; Syr., Leb., Jord., JjiL ma'dniya leave, furlough (mil.
Syr.); license, franchise (Syr.)

jjl a4ina a to listen (Jl to s.o.); to allow, ui_J* mu'addin muezzin, announoer of
pormit (j J s.o.; to hear, learn the hour of prayer

2 lil jjl^jl ariuwzx artesian (well)

il tdan see

^p! a^tya a to suffer damage, be harmed ntosowdissension{^ubetween,among)

i*J l

IV to hrm, hurt, wrong ( s.o.); to mo-

>jl *'rf inheritance, heritage; estate (of
lest, annoy, irritate, trouble ( s.o.) J
,j;jjj l yu'di innocuous, harmless, inoffen -
sive V to aufFer damage, be wronged; to ifS'iyj I UTtduksX orthodox ; <-Siyj V 1

feel offended, be hurt the Orthodox Church

,j}\ adan, Ijl adk, Jjjl adlya damage, ^-Tj^jV' fj^l ar-rm al-urtduks the
hrm; injury; trouble, aruioyance, griev- Greek Orthodox Cburch
ance, wrong, offense, insult
j^jl arija a (araj, _j\arij) tobe fragrant Vdo.
Jjlil idya damage, hrm, harmful-
^jl araj fragrance, sweet smell
neBS, noziousnesB

lil id' hrm, damage, prejudice; jl arij fragrant, sweet- smelling

offense, hurt; grievance, nuisance jl arij fragrance, sweet smell

ij* mu'din hurtful, harmful, injuri-

k-jI II taarjaha to rock, Swing
ous, detrimental, prejudicial; annoying,
irksome, troublesome; painful, hurting, wv-jti* muta'arjih fluctuating

offensive, insulting
,>i*-jVl al~arjanlin Argentina

jjljl artiqi and J^jIjI pl. jIjI artiqa

j^jl urjwwn purple
a heretic (Ckr.)
(jl_j*-jl urjuwni purple (-colored)
t/ljT rmi Aramaean; Aramaio
J^Tj' populr spelling (eg.) of j^*-_^ 'ara-
<_^jl ariba a {arab) to be skillful, proficient
gz (q.v.); Punch (in a Punch and Judy
(_* in; araba % to tighten (a
a knot) HI to try to outwit ( s. o.)

j-jl II to date (* a letter, and the like, <_*

wijl arab pl. <_jIjT rb wish (j for),
with a date); to write the hiatory of
desire, need (j of; purpoae, aim, (*)
goal, end
i-*jl irb pl. ^IjTrfi limb Ljl Ljl Sj*
jU ta'rik dating (of a letter, etc.);

Uxwrxk 2 date; time; his-

(mazso^aft) to tear to pieces or to irik pl.
fr j\y
shreds tory; chronicle, annals |
SLJ-1 f.j^i
hayh biography; curriculum vitae; jIj
jl irba skill, resourcefulness, clever-
*U- {'mm) world history; AjUI L*U the
ness, smartness
jjI uria pl. -jjI raA knot, bow
Jtj ftmf historic(al)
^jl arifc skillful, resourceful, clever,
jrjj* mw'arrifc pl. -n historiographer,
historian, chronicler, annahst; mu
<>jU ma*rab pl. <_.>jL. ma'rtfi 8 wish,
'arrak dated
desire; object of desire, purpose, aim,
goal, end J-j^jl arkabil archipclago

Jojl arbll 2 Erbil (the ancient Arbela, city j^-jl (5p^)v) pl. i^UjI arkina archon, pl.
in N Iraq) notables (Chr.-Copt.)


i_ojl irdabb (now usually pronounced ardabb) painting); ground floor, first floor (tun.);

pl. t_jjljl ardib 2 ardeb, a dry meaaure storage, warehouse charges

[Eg.; = 1981)
fjy-ijl ardurm 2 Erzurum (city in NE
iijl irdabba cesspool Turkey)

JjjVl al-urdunn Jordan (river and country) jl (also *ljjl) urfa pl. ijl uraf (ijjl)

Jijl urdunm Jordanian JjjV' |

<SlLil battalion (formerly, Eg.; mit.)

ijT'lAl al-mamlaka al-u. al-hSimlya the

Uijl arpaqa pl. -t heresy (Ckr.)
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (official

designation) jjU see jj

jljjjl (Fr. ardoise) arduwz slate j^jl urgun pl. j^ljl argin* organ (mu8.
*jjl arz (n. un, ) cedar
J_>pjt urgl, argl a wind instrument (re-
jjl aruzz rice
lated to the clarinet, consisting of two
^jl arasa i (ars) to tili the land pipes of unequal length)

^jl trris and aris peasant, farmer jjl ariqa a to find no sleep II to make
sleeplesa ( s.o.), prevent s.o. () from
^jjz^j] aristuqrfi aristocratic ; aristocrat
JsljJii-jl aristuqrtiya aristocracy
jjl araq lessness, insomnia
_jL-jl arisf Aristotle
iSji arika pl. dUljl ar'ik 2 couch, sofa;
^jl arS indemnity, amercement, fine, pen- throne
alty; blood money (for the shedding of
iLSj! argila pl. jXijl argtP {syr.) water
blood; Isl. Law)
pipe, narghile
^-jji-jl ^yijl (Gr. Qxtenioxonog) archbishop
^oJjl irlandi Iriah
jjj_ijl (Fr. archiduc) archduke, j-LJjl
*j\ arama i to bite
jjl urram molar teeth | *Ji\ j*-
^jl ard f., pl. ^Ijl ardin, j~ji aradn
(harraqa) to gnash one's teeth (in anger)
earth land, country, region, area terrain,
; ;

i*jjl arma, urma root, origin; stump

ground, soil |
(j-*jV (sufl) the
of a tree
nether world; L-JJUi ^jV' (muqaddasa)
the Holy Land, Palestine lj.t mVram root (of a tooth)

^ij I ardi terrestrial, of the earth 2

iljT rm (= *Tjl pl. of fj ri'm) white
soil-, land- (in Compounds) ; situated on
or near the ground, ground {adj.); earth-

Iy; Underground, aubterranean ,>jV al-arman the Armenians

j ^jl ardi Saukl artichoke J*j! armani Armenian (adj. and n.)

^jl arad (coli.; n. un. V) termite; Li-.jl armeniy Armenia

ijjUjVI al-amivut the Albanians
l~Jj\ ardlya pl. -t floor; ground
(also, e.g., of a printed fabric, of a ^jljjl arnwuti Albanian
^jl arnab f., pl. .-Jljl arnib 2 hare; rabbit |
jljl izr m. and f., pl. jjl uzur loin-

ja^ ^jjl (hiTtdi) guinea pig cloth; wrap, shawl; wrapper, covering,

3jjl arnaba female hare, doe |

tju^l o. al-anf tip of the nose; nose, jj mi'zar pl. jju ma'zir 2 apron;
muzzle (of an animal) wrapper, covering, cover

jjlj* mu'zara support, aid, assiat-

liLJjl (Turk. rnek) antik pl. iLiljl arnik 2
ance, backing
pattern, model; form, blank
jjU t'zur mutual assistance
bjjl urztbb Europe
Jjl azifa a (azaj, Jjjl vzf) to come, ap-
jjjl urubbi European (adj. and n.)
proach, draw near (a time)

\ijl ar V honey narrow V do.

jjl azaqa i (azq) to be

jjT ort Aryan jju ma'ziq pl. jj U ma'ziq 2 narrow
passageway, narrow pass, strait, bottle-
ij jT riya Aryanism
neck; predicament, fix, dilemma, critical

Ujl onA Jericho Situation, also ~j~ jju (harij)

jl azza u i (Jrjl aziz) to simmer; to hum, Jjl azal pl. JljT zl eternity (without
buzz; to whiz, hiaa; to fizzle; to wheeze beginning), sempiternity

j-ji aziz hum(ming), buzz(ing); whiz- Jjl azall eternal, sempiternal

zing, whizz, whistle (e.g., of bulleta)

iJjl azaliya sempiternity, eternity

^jl azaba i (azb) to flow, run (water)

(jl V to be or become critical, come to a

i-t1jt. mi'zb pl. ijju ma'ztb 2 and head (Situation, relations)

t_j|> mizb pl. i_-ijL mayztb* drain; azamt emergency;
i*jl azma pl. crisis

gutter, eaves trough Ijjljj jl (urizriya) cabinet crisis

'^Jl izb dumpy, pudgy, stocky; small man fjtvta'azzum: U-I (j t. al-hla critical

development, aggravation of the Situation

liLjVl al-uzbak the Uzbeks
(jju ma'zm victim of a crisis
jjl azara i (azr) to Surround (* II to

clothe s.o. with an jljl izr q.v.); j^j\ izmir2 Izmir (formerly Smyrna, sea-

to cover, wrap up ( a.o., *; to port in W Turkey)

strengthen, brace { s.o., * III to

J^jl izmil pl. Jjpiljl azmtl 2 chisel
help ( s.o.); to support, back up,
strengthen ( s.o.) V and VIII to put on Ojjl (Engl.) azt azote, nitrogen

an izr {see below), wrap o.s. in an Jjji azti nitrogenous

izr VI to help each other; to rally,

unite, join forces ^jl III to be opposite (*), face (* s.o.,

jjl azr strength | jj' -^ &adda azrah
or jjl ,j- xi (min azriht) to help, support, Ijl iz'a (prcp.) opposite, face to face

encourage s.o., back s.o. up; Sadda az* with, facing; in front of; in the face of

ruA to be energetic, vigorous, lusty, (e.g., of a Situation); as compared with;

courageoua Ijli bi-iz'i opposite, face to face with,


front of; Ijl '<& ' -IjlJ isbidj and ^-L-*l isbidj white lead,
facing; in J*
in the face of (e.g., of a Situation)

jtj*\ (It. spiro) isbirto alcohol

r.T s myrtle

LJ -l isbalifa epaulet
"^T pl. -t ace (playing card) t

C--I see J
^1 II to found, establish, set up (*

lay the foundation (* for) V to be founded, JLjli-! fliH static (eJ.)

be establiflhed, be set up
jL-l (Fr. Stade) istd Stadium
^1 im foundation, basia; exponent
iliJ urti pl. iJLl cutida master; teacher;
of a power (math.)
professor (academic title); form of ad-
^U aas pl. tr -
I usus foundation
dress to intellectuals (lawyers, journal-
(also, of a building), fundament, ground- writers and poets); ledger
ists, officials,
work, ground, basis; keynote, tonic
{com.) Jip^l il=^/l (a'zam) Grand Maa-
^U >

genit.) on
jfW iMl
(rnua.) (with foU. title of
ter (of a lodge);
the basia of, on the Btrength of, on
the Rector of AI Azhar Univeraity; Sls-1

of, according to;
(asaa, sihha) completely
,>. *J ,_^l I

^. (hirst; Eg.) and ^^ ilsJ (Syr.)

ed (newB, rumor)
fll profesBor; ^^ ^ ilsJ (Syr.) asso-

ciate professor; fyiu j^- ili^l (mutafarrig ;

^L-l assi fundamental, basic; ele- ff.) part-time professor (holding an

eseential ; principal, chief, main office outside the univeraity) 0*1* ili*l
mentary ; |

Li (hajar) cornerstone, foundation (muaawf) assistant professor {Eg.;8yr,);

ili-l Syr.) visiting professor;
atone J\j (ff.;

JiU j ;;L-l * (j'aiai) they aremasterB of

oL L-l tusiyt fundamentals, prin-
*jjli-l ustdiya mastership; professor-
foundation, estab-
u^Jj ta'sia founding, ship, profeasorate
lishment, setting up, Institution; ground-
ing, laying of the substructure (arch.); JjJlsJ wtan&J" Istanbul, Constantinople
pl. -t facilitiea, Utilities; institutions
J^jU^I istanbll of Istanbul
~> *\s ta'stH founding; foundational,
lS r al-astna, aliatna
iUJSl al-sitna, ili^l/l
fundamental ^Jj ^-Lf (majlia) con-
| iS
Constantinople, Istanbul
Btituent assembly

mu'assis founder jj^l istabraq brocade


L~-ja muassasa pl. -t foundation, jjlJUl wfrdiiji Strategie

establishment; firm (com.); institution;
J tjLl ttsJurJ Australian
Ulj-1 u^uriiy Auatralia
l ^' al-asbn, al-iabn the Spaniards

JJj^l wtor/ini aterling JJ^I =>- pound

jl~*1 isbni Spanish; (pl. -n) Spaniard j

aterling; JJj^l ^-* mintaqat al-i. Ster-

i^L-l isbnak spinach ling area

iJl-I isbniy Spain ;,LiJ see j*\

<j>^1 (It. stoppa) tow, oakum; ootton waate j_j-U ma'ar captivated, faacinated, en-

jjaji-l (It. -Engl, (udio) i8tdiyp\.\jkAf .\

thralled ( v by)

istdiySht studio; atelier _r-l aairra see j ^
)jfL*\ istokholm Stockholm ~*jj~\* look up alphabetically

l-Jji-l (Engl.) istniy Estonia Jsfl^-I isr'W Israel JJl^l j* ban i.


the Israelites; J-Jl^l U_,j daulat i. the

C-jJLL-I i&tiytit steatite, soapatone (min.) State of Israel

^J look up alphabetically JJij- 1 isr'ili Israelitish ; Israelite

j X
Israe (adj. and n.); oUJI^I Judaica
I to display the courage of a lion
against) Jjlj-I isrl* Israfil, the angel who will

J aaad
sound the trumpet on the Day of Res-
pl. J usud, usd, j^J usd,

jLT sd lion; Leo (astron.) | o-VI Ij

leontiasis (med.)
Vj-' u&rvb lead (metal)
s*\ twara (twr) to bind, fetter, shackle, JjJlLJ isfanbiU 2 Istanbul, Constantinople
chain ( s.o.); to capture, take prisoner
JJa-l isfabl pl. -( stable, barn
( s.o.); to captivate, fascinate, hold
spellbound (. s.o.), absorb, arrest (* the *Jfc-l (It. sloppa) uafubba tow, oakum
attention) X to surrender, give o.s. up
as prisoner vXA*' a*turlb astrolabe

j-l aar (leather) strap, thong; cap- ( _ril*-l istaqi pl. -/ element
ture; captivity |
^\ ;xt tiddat al-a.
UljLJ uafuwna
vigor, energy pl. -( column (arch.) ;

cylinder {ma(A.; of an engine); phono-

j~.\ uara pl. ^-1 usar, -t family; dy- graph record;
pl. ,>LUI as/m 2 high-
nasty; clan, kinsfolk, relatives; asirra ranking, prominent personalities ; stars,
see j^ celebrities, authorities, mastere (e.g., of
art: ji)\ ,>I.LI a. al-fann)
j-.L bi-asrthi entirely, completely, al-

together, ^^-L ljU all of them came, jl^LJ usfuwni cylindric(al)

they came one and all
ZjJ*~\ us\ra. pl. jJ*Ul as/ir" legend, fable,
jUI iar (leather) strap, thong; cap- tale, myth, saga
tivity; captivation, enthrallment | jj
t$jjl*-l usfri fabulous, mythical, leg-
jW J to be subjected to, fall into
the clutches of

j^-l a&ir pl. *\jJi usar' 2

JjkJ ustl pl. J-UU aafi/ 2 fleet; squadron
, ^^-1 asr,
tjjUI asr prisoner, captive, prisoner of
D J-l iw/ (colloq. for SbJ) pl. ol^L-l
ustawt master; foreman, overseer; also
jj-l aaxTQ. pl. -t female prisoner, Blave form of address to those in lower callings,
girl e.g., to a cab driver, coachman, etc.

jS\ air winning, captivating, fasci- J&J aaifa a (asaf) to regret

(J* or J,
nating; captor feel sorry J*
for), be sad ( J* about) V do.
IjJiS^-I w/to(iand Scotland
,_iJ aaaf grief, aorrow, chagrin, regret |
lj w asah/ oh, what a
pity! jt-l-CJ iakotianii Scottish, Scotch

it's too bad! Jt~-# Ijj -</ lal-asaji

J wfeila pl. J*LI aslc' seaport, commer-
(or only ^i-^J) unfortunately;
cial center (in the East)
and ,_iJ ji M-iuJK Mo/in do.

,jj aaij and ^i_-l <wi/ regretful, sorry, ilX iekamla stool, footstool

sad, grieved, distreased jjxSL,! iakavdarna' Iskendcron (formerly

JaJ& tatusuf regret Alexandretta, seaport in S Turkey)

JaJ sij regretful, sorry, aad uS'J |

jxi^.'JI al-iskandarlya Alexandria (oity in
JtJ ji (joira dai/in) I left him without N Egypt)
regret," I was only too glad to leave him
LibxSL,! iskandinjly/i Scandinavia
_L J>j-L maaf 'alaihi mourned
(eap. of a dead person, = the late la-
JJ II to sharpen, point, taper (
mented) rush (iof.)
JJ aaai (coli.)

J^,y mu'aij distressing, sad, regret-

1L.I oraJa pl. -i thorn, spike, prong;
point (also, e.g., of a pen = nib); tip of

JiJi. mute' mm/ sad, sorry, regretful; the tongue

\JaJc* aorry! the
-W jj^' oJ-ur/ al-asallya

iljljU w/iwfc and flLl ts/iwfc spinach I letters j, ^- and ^>

iULu.1 (rimi) garden oraoh
jjj asil smooth J--I Jbs- {kadd) Bmooth
J_J |

plex hortensis, 6o(.)


,_ I -I os/aU asphalt *JLI cula eliptic, oval form

-jjUI u/an;', ij/unj sponge Lj. mu* omo2 pointed, tapered

jjiiJ w/anj'i spongy; porous (variant of Jjjl^l) islmbli of

jlxj-l isfindn maple (4ol.)

jJ ->U islanda Iceland

r-lj-i-l vs/id) white lead, ceruse

j^\ /in pl. JU m/in wedge ^-1 see

mara4) jyeXf I aamnjanf aky-blue, azure, cerulean
>j!>-l JorMJi: J-ji/t 1
o-V - (

acurvy (med.) jA asmara Aamara (capital of Eritrea)

.JiiJ uequj pl. 1BLI asgifa,

*_LI cmj/ j
cj.x*I asmant, ismant cement
bishop |
iL^I j-Jj archbiahop
J^rl asmanti cement (ad]'.)

li-l usqufi episcopal

/-.I asana i u and ostna a to become brackish
Lii.1 usqu/iya episcopate, bishoprio
yjiqumn, qumri mackerei (zaol.)
j^ '.
j?\ sin brackish
sea onion
J-iJ isq an Oriental variety of (jj and jj-l) LI m tt (am, LI osan) to
nurse, treat ( a wound) ; to make peace

^j-\ (Engl.) isketi sketch

(jo between, among); ^1 <My l^- 1

LI Man) to be Bad, grieved, distress)

II to console, comfort
/l a&ra u (a*) to saw (; j to
( b.o.); to nurse sharpen with a file (*
II to
( a patient) III to ahare (one's wordly mark, indicate, State, enter, record (
poesessions, . with s.o.), be charitable; to grant a Visa; to provide with
( to b.o.); to aasist, Support (s.o.); to a visa
console, comfort (. s.o.); to treat, eure
^il aiar liveliness, high
(, medically) V to be consoled, spirits, eru-
berance; wildness; insolence,
find Bolace VI to share the worldly imperti-
poaseBsiona; to assist one another, give
mutual aasistance ji\ ar Uvely, sprightly, in high spirits,
exuberant; wd; insolent,
tff-f asan grief, sorrow, diBtreBs impertinent,
">y\ uswa, iswa example, model, pat-
jlii. mi'lr pl. j^l^. mawHr1 saw
tern IjJ utwatan bi following the

model or pattern of, along the linea of; j~t la'ltr issuance of an offioial
in the same manner as, just as, like endoreement; offioial endorsement; visa
UL ma'sh pl. ^X, ffla'nn tragedy, ij^ ta'iira pl. -? visa
drama /. murr or jU-l Jj^iL' transit visa

V-t lasiya consolation, comfort ^i> mu'aUir indicator, needle (of a

measuring Instrument)
Uj. mvwah (for mu'ath) oonsola-
tion; charity, beneficence jlj- mu'alSar jagged, serrated;
ed, designated
wr, uawr
( v by, with)
j\_y\ pl. j_,U tuwir', SjjU
atwira bracelet, hangle Jil Ufa pl. J>UI oAJ/Sn awl, punoh

o\jJ aswn' Aswan (oity in 8 Egypt) jllil Ain potash; saltwort (Salsola kali;
rj-' asj Sweden
41^1 vjna moss
u-j-l atji Swedish
jj> aAr Assyria
^j-l see j-l

<Sjj oUri Assyrian (adj. and n.)

L-T fciy Asia
| ltj^l\ L.T (fugri) Asia
Minor ^s-! afit pl. u"~l u#u flowerpot

tOT siyain Asiatio, Asian (adj. and J-l II to close, shut (a door, eto.)
j-l ifr jLT 4>r covenant, compact,
J.j y) 1 Asyt
(oity in oentral Egypt) oontract load, eneumbrance, brden
; ; sin

pl. jLT bonds, ties

V- 'I V to be mixed, heterogeneoua, motley
(a orowd) ~>j~J fira pl. _^ljl awSeir*
bond, tie
(fig., e.g., .V^ll ^Ijl o. oZ-uwW bonds
ilil uMba pl. ^JLSl oArjJi mired, of friendship); Obligation, commitment
motley orowd
Jrkl *>W pl. -dl stable, barn
sUil iSWiya' Seville (oity in SW Spain)

jwil iibin
jl+i^l iffahn' Isfahan (oity in W oentral
pl. ^,,lil see
Jj Iran)
sod; sound,
become pure; proper, actual; firm,
plU attOa) to be or
X,\ afula u reasonable, sensible; of
strong, unswerv-
firmly rooted; to
be firmly established;
steadfast; deep-rooted;
ing character-,
origin II to found (,
to be of noble
native, indigenous |
J^VI >MI the
foundation, establish
give () a firm sound,
or origin of () V to
be actual reason; J J*-l of
the foundation unerring judgment
rooted, deep-rooted,

or become rmly JJU-I o**"


be or become j^l apl pl. JU-T jii,

ingrained; to take root,
time before sunset, late
derive one's origin
firmly established; to
root out, extir- firmness, steadfastness,
(j.from) X to uproot, aul ojrto
of descent,
pate, extenninate,
annihilate (; Btrength of character; nobUity
organ by surgioal immediately,
remove (. an purity of origin; aflatan
Operation) | ~U >U
(**> * directly, personally
judgment; ju-
| J 3UI o. -"' radically olarity and firmness of
eradicate, eliminate
dciousness - 0* ^ >V^ B po

JJ oji pl. Jj^l root: trunk ( f

own name,
of one's own accord, in one's
cause, reason;
a tree); origin, souroe; privately (as opposed to
(esp., one of a
descent, lineage, stock
fundament, ,ji j. Uli-); ".Uj *lU o?to ton *"*-
noble character); foundation,
basis; the original (e.g.,
of a book);
niybatan directly and indirectly

prinoiples, fundamentals, pedigree, genealogy

pl. J^l ^ ;l_Jj to'f>ito

of a science); ta'afful deep-rootedness

rudimente, element (e.g.,
niles, prinoiples, axioms;
rules; basio extermina-
JUsJ wtf'jl extirpation,
property asset {fin.)
real estate, landed emination; removal by

tion, (redical)
_ }Ul aflan originally, primarily;
by no means, not at aU, not
(with neg.)
>MI j originally, at first; J^tu mutoV deep-rooted, deep-
in the least

the 4 foundations seated; chronic
Uli J_^l u. al-fiqh
jurispnidence, i.e., Koran, camel
of Islamio iil ojif the moaning bray of a
Sunna, qiy (analogy)
and ijn' (con-
and to bend, ourve
>V "
- II
ta wld UabUl i>l aforo i t. (fr)
eensus); fJ^-j
ties; Silu. tV <<*'*> double- (

entry bookkeeping; J^ll

(*) - jltl tfr pl. -t, >l fr
frame (also,
with regulations wheel); hoop
properly, in conformity of eyeglasses); tire (of a

primary, primal, (of a barrel, etc.)

o? original,
genuine, authentic, pure;
basic, jjU.1 ifora rim, feUy (of a wheel)
ohief, main j\ hoop-shaped
fundamental, principal, |
jjU.1 fori framelike,
iJ-Vl ol^
<^.1\ (tomon) cost price;
the com- 2
*j\ see jjl
(jihi) the cardmal points (of
Cardinal number; of pigeon
pass); J-.I 3J C**) li>l ufrujuMo a variety
L.1 j^p ('utfw) regulr
OjjUI ofrn = jjl"
accordance with the
Jj^l upH in the
prin- .jJLii^l, jiWI al-aflantik, oJ-ofianfi
oonforming to prevailing
legist Atlantic
oiples; traditional, ttsual;
and J^U <&"># At "
*""' of P ure JUi^l.1 afl-in^i
j_,l afil pl. .*-! '

authentic, genuine
noble origin; original,
JW 20

uXI afW satin; (pl.

volume of geographical maps
^ly ^^ atlas> ji-il i/*mn, i/Wen wormwood, ab-
sinthe (Artemisia
absinthium; bot.)
u-Ul affcw Atlantio
&i\ ifiin pl. Oi-Lil o/fin
litany (Chr.)
JtU.1 <#tp Atlantio JtiUVI JJ-I
| (Art/)
the Atlantic Pact UiVI ai-a/jn the Afghans;
U_iUil afgntn Afghanistan
ljLI oji sea turtle
JUil o/yni Afghan (adj.
W O0, liT a^ pl. ol>l ^a, aga , lordj

Jil /<?, */? pl.

master, sir; eunuch, harem chamberlain jliT /y horizon;
of Vision, field of Vision; pl. di stant
.i>VI oH0m, ,Uy| aZ-ojrijo the Greeks lands, faraway countries, remote
provinces, interior of the
ii>' V^Cj Greek, Grecian (adj. and n.) country (as'
distinguished from the capital) jliT
o-]-l a#iMfu* August (month) |

t^jV I
. al-ard the remotest parts of
l V to grumble, mutter in earth; J5 y| JliT .
oZ-6.Ji the outlying
complaint (a.
about) portions of the country;
jlfifl jlit feg",
$M oi-a. foreigners, travelers
ijl uff dirt (in the
ears or under the
nails), Jil ufqi horizontal
earwax, cerumen

l JliT fql coming from

uff interj. expressing anger or
a distant
country or region

jlil affq wandering,

wl a/a/displeasure; gnimbling, roving, roaming;
ble tramp, vagabond

cJut ta'otfu/ displeasure; iii\ afaka i (afk) and afita a

grumbling, (i/i, /*, o/oi,
grumble 4yl /*) to lie, teU a lie

iM and SCjl ^.
i >VI
aJ-./ran, the Franks, the Europeans o/ifc, pl . | ^.^
lie, untruth, falsehood
j^A; Europe
4UI ogit liar, lying
u^yl ifranji European
u^jil i/ran* French; J_J^VI Jil o/ai. ,'
(Jyl u/i) to g0 downj se( (stare) .

the French
language; Uj_J>VI the
French J,il / setting (of stars)

>>l t'/rfe pl. j,jUI /r! frieze; edge; curb- Jl / transitory, passing
sidewalk Ul yj\
| ,-.
rf^^, p]at . OjWil
form (of a railroad Station) afifn' Plato
; .LU y J\ I

molding (arcA.) jil o/an stupidity

li>l afriq f. and Li>l i/ri^s, now usually u;>l a/tn and u_,>L ma'/fln stupid,
pronounced foolish, fatuous; fool
afriqiy f. Africa Li^il

JUII (Samllya) North Africa

iS-l a/artdi pl. -iyo gentleman (when refer-
Jijil ifrigi, now usually pronounced ring to non-Europeans
wearing Western
o/tljt African; (pl. clothes and the tarboosh);
-n, JjUI a/ri,a) an (after the
African name) a title of respect
(<#.); p.jjI afan.
dim! Sir! (eg.) afcmdim/
j_ firm, bravo! well done! (I beg your)
pardonf What did you say?
! ;

of, Ol that); to give
jTI II to asBure (. J s.o.
jfjl (It. nvvoatio) wJ advocate, lawyer, assurance ( J to s.o. of); to confirm
representative of
attorney | j^ tfjM Fr. avocat (, a view) V to be or become.
the attorney general (= o.s. (,>. of; to
convinced, convince
reassure sure (y. of; to
o.a., make
'** aUa -
of); to be urgent, imperative,
Ojj\ ajyn opium |
OjSi\ CJJ be sure (o.
in Eg. = ta'kid pl. - asBurance; confirma-
l uqqa - oka, a weight,
tion; emphasis;
-iTl, moet certainlyl
1.248 kg, in Syr. =
1-282 kg
of course

ta'akkud assurance,

jl>l u^mcn pl-

medicament |
^ S* 5 "^^

aTI oKa certain, sure; firm


y^J aqrnbdin composite y definite (desire); urgent,
'j-&p\ 'Um a-l-1- pharmaceutics, phar- (need); \if\ akidm certainly! surely!

macology mu'aitad certain, definite, sure;

Jjiljyl aqrabdini confirmed
Jjl aqit cottage
cheeae jft, muta'akkid convinced (j.
cultivate (>
jil iqlii look up alphabetically i/l akam i (oir) to plow, tili,

acclimate, acclimatize,
adapt, the land)
l agfama to
to acclimatize (o.s.)
olMr pl. -, !/l o* plowman
adjust II to'aiamo jS-l

04S" a climate; area,

Jjl ijBm pl. JUI
';/! im pl- /' ukar baU ( f0r playlg)
region; province, district;
COUntry - LcjTI eizem eczema
district (?.; = i;>); fJ^ 1

distinguished from the

provinces (as
ri Uil o"oJ ii X-rays
regional, looal; lj^_Tl extra
Lil iqllmi cUmatic;
territorial |
3-JW .Ul (miyfiA)

r , fl oksiien oxygen
torial waters
cause to rust II to'ojv
juTI otsada to oxidize,
oJil igBd pl. -^ a i lid * ke y
sada to oxidize, rust,
become rusty
ijdis 2 Euclid
i_.ri uia pl. V 6 1 a*** p oxide
4*' hypostasis,
JI US nm pl. pil
.,.; ^1 Oxford
divine person within
the Trinity (.Chr.); I

constitutive element ^~S I oksiien oxygen

Z\ (Gr. eixmv) iqna icon _^_TI Jcsir elixir

V'jiLl uqynsiya
^iT akuff I
see ^iT
oiMiB Akkadian
JTI aMa u (da, $1 'na'kal) to eat (.

akdlmlya academy to eat up, consume, awallow, devour,

;_r jtf I; to eat, gnaw < at),

destroy (
_. yS I oWMr October

eat away, corrode, erode

(; to JjTb ma'i/ eatable, edible
spend unlawfully (,, enrioh o.a.,
; pl. o V .TL
food, foodstuffs,
feather one's nest (* eatables, edibles
with) | _^jj| U JS"I
V^J (dahru, lariba.) to be old
and wora J l> m-u'kil table companion
out, be timeworn;
LJI JTl (r*) to take JHi. to-oM and JTU.
usunous : mato -a a
intereat; , .-C ll
Jfj; .
| . ,
corroded; eroded; worn,
timewora; fll
ya'famu min oitm tu'kalu l.'kati/ he of cracks; rusty, rust-eaten
knows how to tackle the matter properly;
.JU. Kl OiMuAfi) his skin
WJJ& I t'irj clergy (Chr.)
j JS"|
j" (foAn) to eat off a plate; i.
JS"I *r-js&\ iUirsiya clericalism
(Jajjais) to encroach lipon
s.o.'. rights
Sj&\ ikliriln cleric(al)
II and IV to give s.o. (.) () to eat,
feed ( . s.o. III to eat,
dine l fo'l iklinil clinical
(. with
s.o.) V to be devoured, be
consumed; to 5fl oia, L .*,
be eaten away, ffr ,
ikSmi j-,
corrode, undergo cor-
rosion; to become old,
mm, timewora,
ffr I km (coli. p oltom) h,, ^j..
heap, pile U.1^
fll of cracks; to be
| l. tfVI ,,_,_, (,,
destroyed by cor- something's fishyl there
rosion VI V = than meets the eye
is more to it

J>l all food;

meal, repast; fodder
Jl iU pact, oovenant;
feed JfVI i> gurfat al-a. dining blood relationship,
room; oonsanguinity
(es-) ^~JI JTl a. al-bahr land
away by the sea or the Nile 'VI a-l and U a-m See
(as opposed "~ I o
to ^Jl
c> )
VI aj see 'yi
JSl uhd, uld food; fruit | *jtTl JT to
bear fruit "Vlaii(=VulanZ)l e,t,that...not,in


* pl.

aioW( meal, repast; VI ill
order that

(- V
. . . not, so as not to

Ol inl) unless,if
not; except,
save; (after negation:) only, but, not
OJIfl ulcl prurigo, itch
eruption until |
Ol VI M anna except that ...,
yet, however, nevertheless (also
>US, JJ-I alil, Af I
aifii vora-
ducing main clauses); Ijl
VI illd

cious, gluttonous; hearty unless, if not; except
eater, gour- when; Vlj wa-W
mand, glutton (and if not =) otherwise, orelse;
y.j VI
ill wa-huwa (with a preceding
JST. ma'kal negation)
pl. JTC ma'iiP food, unless he ..., except that he ...; j. L,
Ol VI wa-m hiya ill an (with following
Jf t to-aiM wear; corrosion; erosion verb in perf.) it was not long until ...;
teeo/.) presently, forthwith;
J~ ... Ol VI >L
''m hiya ill an ... hatl no sooner
JS"C" to'fcui wear; corrosion; erosion
had he ... than ...,
(eoi.) e.g.,
^ Ol VI
^ Li

J"* J~ (hamma) he had no sooner made

JSo'l i'ifcj( erosion his plan than
(jeoi.) he carried it out
JS'Tiii eater
K-Vl alaski Alaska
iB* TKfa gangrenous
sore uVI aly and uVTy pl. . regiment
; ;

23 oilt

t_Jl alaba u i (alb) to gather, join forcea, compile, compose, write (a a book) V to
(J* * s.o. against) V to
rally II to incite be composed, be made up, conaist (j*
rally, band together, plot, conspire of); to be united, be combined VI to be
against) attuned to each other, be in tune, be

in harmony ; to harmonize (** with)
,_JVl Jl^r jibl al-alb the Alps
VIII to be united, be Hnked, be connected

uU^l al-albn the Albaniana to be on familir, intimate terma (u

UUI albniy Albania with); to form a coalition (pol.); to fit,

suit (, go well, agree, harmonize

1 abbreviation of ^-T Jl il kirihl and
(*. with); to be well-ordered, neat, tidy
bo on, etc.
X to aeek the intimacy, court the friend-

jJl alladl, f. allati, pl. m. ^JJl alladina ahip ( of s.o.)


f. J^Jl allti, ij\j\i\ allawti, J^Jl all'i

Jei\ ilf pl. ^l ullf intimate; close
(relative pronoun} he who, that which;
friend, intimate, confidant; lover
who, which, that |
Jllj LdJ! j*j ba'da
l-lutayy JI ulfa familiarity, intimacy; friend-
wa-llati after lengthy dia-
ship, love, affection ; union, concord,
cussions, after much ado
harmony, congeniality
^r-ljJl (Fr. Alsace) alzs 2 Alsace (region of
.JiJI alif familir, intimate; tarne, do-
NE France)
meaticated (animal); friendly, amicable,
^Jl II to belittle, disparage J* s.o.) genial; (pl. .Ju^l al'if 2 ) intimate, close

friend, asaociate, companion

Jei\ alj pl. J)_^i ulf, Jj^T lf thousand;
millennium LJj^ ^Jl (mu'allafa) or
_jJI alj familir, intimate ; tarne,

"Jj- V 1 thouaanda and thousands domesticated (animal) attached, devoted, ;

jJ faithful
^1 olj-ip 'aSart al-u. tens of thou-

sands; J>_^VI oll. mi't al-u. hundreds i_JU ma'laf object of familiarity
of thousands
.Jtj ta'lif formation (e.g., of a govern-
JJl alfi; JJI .u. Cid) millennial cele-
ment); union, junction, combination {^>
bration, millenary
of separate things); literary work; com-
i_iJI alif name of the letter 4jL
positum, compilation, writing (of a book,
J[ -Jjl j*
of an article); (pl. .JJL" ta'llf 2 *JaJ\y)
from beginning to end, from A to Z; ,

eLj 4iJI tjjju (wa-yaah) he knows work, book, publication


from A to Z; L Jl ABC i_J ta'luf harmony; familiarity,

3 intimacy, mutual affection; comradeship,

._JI a/t"/a a {alj) to be acquainted, familir,
conversant camaraderie
(a with ; to be on
intimate terms (a with s.o.); to he or get ^Wl i'tilf concord, harmony; agree-
accustomed, used, habituated (a to); to ment ( with); union; coalition, entente
like (a, be fond of (a); to become (pol.)
tarne II to accustom, habituate (a t> s.o.
(j"iWl i'tilfl coalition- (in Com-
to; to tarne, domesticate (* an
pounds) |
HJi^jl j'jj coalition cabinet
animal); to form (a e.g., a committee,
a government); to unite, join, combine, i jJU ma'lf familir, accustomed;
put together (y.j different things); to I
usual, customary; custom, usage
u&\ 24

<_j* mu'oU/ pl. -n author, writer;

Lilil almniya German character or
mu'aaf composed, oonsisting, made up characteristios, Germanity

(j* of); written, comped; (pl. -t) book,

1 Jil\ alj
Jl II to deify ( s.o.), make a god of s.o. ()
publication; see also
V to bocome a deity, a godhead; to deify
JtRu muta'lif harmonious o.s.

jll alaqa (dg) to shine, radiate, flash, <!l, VI h pl. UT liha god, deity,
glitter, gliaten V and VIII do. godhead

jil a&u? brightness, brilliance *Vl ilaha pl. -t goddess

&i\ allq bright, shining, brilliant, ra-

^1, ^\ ildhi divine, of God; theo-
diant; glittering, flaehing, sparkling logical; ^L*VVI al-ilhiyt theological,

jilj ta*alluq glow, radiance, effulgence spiritual concems |

oLVVI U- *ilm al-i.

jlti roufa'atftg bright, shining, bril

liant, radiant dl ah Allah, God (as the One and

Only) U-UM darruka exolamation
JjJ&\ elektrni electronic jjj&\ Ji* C?0
of admiration and praise, see ja
electronic Computer
^1JI aMhumma God! |
Vi ^1 (iU)
Ul alima a {alam) to be in pain, feel pain; unless, were it not that, except that, or
to suffer (<_j from II and IV to
at best (afber a negative statement)
cause pain or suffering { to s.o.), pain,
ijl jUI (id) at leat if or when; if only;
ache, hurt ( b.o.) V = I; to complain
m ^\ (na'am) by God, yes! most
Jl alam pl. *VT lm pain, ache, certainly

Buffering, agony JlJu fV' (nafsnly)

ij]l ulhiya divine power, divinity
mental agony; fV^I ^-1 61** oZ-.
*jlj ta'Uh deification, apotheosis
Passion Week {Chr.)

*JT lih (pagan) god

Jl o/tm aching, sore; aad, grievous,
painful, ezcruciating ; hurting UT liha pl. -t goddess

Jlj ta'aum Sensation of pain, pain, ^T lihi divine

jU. muta'aih divine, heavenly
iy mu'lim aching, painful; sad, griev-
OjA^l etc., see o>*V
ous, distressing

Jli. muta'aim aching, painful; in

(J\) V al u to neglect or fail to do, not to

do (j, desist, refrain (j from

pain, suffering, deeply afflicted ; tonnented |
j lOf. jJl V (jahdan) he will go
"*VI il-ma see Jl to any length, he spares no effort, goes

out of his way for IV to swear J* jT |

^lii alma [al sometimes interpreted as
l 4J he promised himself that he ...
definite article) diamond
O ila oath
li^l al-almn the Germans

almni German; (pl. -an, lil al*

^T (Fr. haUo) hello!

man) a German Ljyll oimjnyd and t^Ujl! alminyam alu-

Ulli almniy Germany

25 ,1

JI il (prep.) to, toward; up to, as far as; pl umm pl. 0I+J ummaht mother;
tili, until; l Jl (conj.) until j tj^\ Jl source, origin ; basis, foundation ; original,

(kiriki) and bo forth, et cetera; JJi Jl original Version (of a book); the gist,
beaidea, moreover, furthermore, in ad- essence of; pl. oL^l matrix
dition to that ; o* Jl tili tomorrow (typ.) j
jd-\ pl u. al-kibr cuttlefish, squid;

LJUI Jlgood-by! ilma

(liq') j-J-i pl u. al-hasan {magr.) nightingale
( U up to where? how far? ^- Jl
Jl) Jj-I pl u. al-kull river mussei (zool.)\

tili when? how long? jJUI ('annt) ^ jl.j.a pl u. durmn Omdurman (city in

get away from me away with you ! central Sudan, oppoaite Khartoum); pl

<iJJi >JU Jl (jnibid.) beaidea, moreover, ^0 1

J I . ar-ra's skull, brain ; cerebral

in addition to that; Ol Jl l-U moreover, membrane, meningea; ,>*jjIj j' r' u <

furthermore; *ii j* Jl (gairid.) and the ar6a uw-ar&a'tn centipede; f* pl u.

like; <Jl L-j and the like, et cetera; iamla(ta) this world, the worldly pleas-

t>J (wa-man) and other people

(rt-ll) *r" ures; ,>*!! pb 6-u. -*on or *^* pb with
like that; iUi (addressing the reader) one's own eyes; T^ill pl and ^Ul pl the
now here you have ...; here ia (are) ...; firBt aura of the Koran; (^_^JI pl u. al-qur

following is (are) ..., e.g., U ^jUJl Jlj Mecca; ^L^Ji pl also: the original text

in the following, the reader will find of the Book from which Koranic revela-

what . .
. ; Ij^I Jl Jl j* -r
^' (uslb tion derivea; the unconteated portionB
'ibrni) a etyle of Hebrew approximating of the Koran; ^J>\ A u. al-wafan capital,
Arabic; Vj i-i Jl V neither thia
illj Jl metropolia; iol^A-l oL^I the most im-
way nor that way, belonging to neither portant eventa ; Ctjjl- cl^l matrix (typ.) 1

group; iUI j-^/l it's up to you, the JjLJ.1 0I4J the main problems; oL^.1
deciaion is yours JJLJl the principal virtuea

V^/T /* (pl. of Jl ilan) benefita, bless- il umma pl. p*l umam nation, people;

ings generation | x+- Mohammed's Com-


munity, the Mohammedans; I-wdl >"^fl

*<Jl alya, ya pl. alayt fat tau (of a aheep); (muftoAta) the United Nations
ij\ umm maternal, motherly;illiterate
oLJl iliya Iliad uneducated; (pl. -n) an illiterate

pl am or? (introducing the aecond member L*i ummiya ignorance; illiteraoy; aee
of an alternative queation)
also under jj*\

^\ umami international
a i-l
ama pl. LI tm*, j\j*\ amawt bond-
maid, slave girl
a*j\ umma motherhood; motherli-
ness, maternity
pl amma u (amm) to go, betake o.a., repair
pl.1 amma (prep.) in front of; in the
(>toa place), go to see ( s.o.); (i*L1
preaence of pl-lH Jl (ammi) to the
imma) to lead the way, lead by one'a J

front, forward, onward, ahead; Jsj i

example ( s.o.); to lead ( s.o.) in prayer;
he had no other
(*jJ umma) to be or become a
jl V' *L.I (iW an)
alternative but to ...; *L-I ^ij (tuaqafa)
mother II to nationalize {* V to
to oppose, resist, 8 top, check
go, betake o.a., repair (* to a place), go
to see ( a.o.) VIII to follow the example iji,\ ammi front, fore-, anterior, for-

(^ of a.o.) ward, foremost |

*-*UI LJ (nu<#a) outpost

lUt imm pl. I a'imma imam, aet o.a. up as lord and master; to behave
prayer leader ; leader ; master ; plumb like an emir; to assume an imperious
line attitude; to be imperious, domineering
VI to take counsel, deliberate together,
l*Ll imma imamah, function or office
confer, consult with each other; to plot,
of the prayer leader; imamate; leading
conspire (Je against) VIII to deliberate,
Position; precedence
take counsel (i_> about); to conspire, plot,
-j tamim pl. -dt nationalization
hatch a plot (l-> against s.o.) | ^L _^i*l

to carry out s.o.'a ordera

l_*t a-m see \ a
j*\ amr 1. pl. jjjl axumir2 order,
*LI amm (with foll. Ji /a) as to, as for, as
command, Instruction <l- to do;
far as... is concerned; but; yet, how-
ordinance, decree; power, authority;
ever, on the other hand | Om LI (ba'du) r
{gram.) imperative | JU j>\ ( lin) royal
(a formular phrase linking introduction r
decree (formerly, Eg.); al\y)
J _^.\ (
and actual subject of a book or letter,
decree, edict of the Bey (formerly,
approx.:) now then,..., now to our
Tun.); tJjJli _^\ ordinance having the
topic: ...
force of law {Tun.); ^S\j ^Vl (wa-n-
a Ll imm if ; Llj LI be it or, either nahy) pl. ,yl>Jlj j\fi\ (lit. : command
or (also j\ LI) and interdiction, i.e.) sovereign power;
fll power(s), supreme authority; -L.
jy _^\
jjll^>.l imbartr emperor (delivery) order (com.); i\_^\ c^ at your

^ j_jtl^-l imbartri imperialxst(ic) disposal, at your Service. 2. pl. jjj

umr matter, afTair, concern, business |

*iJj^'-^' imbartriya empire, im-

*Jlj j*\ (accomplished) fact; Jjj** j*\
perium; imperialism
common knowledge; j*i\ Jjl j at first,

jw.1 ambtr pl. ^oLI ambir* ampere (d.) in the beginning; L ^-V (amrin) for
some reason or other; tiH-Lf* ^-Vl ,^1
(5*! imbiq = J-l isn't it so? iUoT j-VIj LI (amm wa-l-

C_J om< crookedness, curvedness, curvation, amru) things being as they are, there will,

curvature; weakness no doubt, . ..; j*\ j* ^j \^t (min amrin)

whatever may happen; however things
ul amad pl. jLT md end, terminus, may be; ^j-l ,>j jm he has two pos-
extremity; period, Stretch or span of sibities (or alternatives); ,^J! ^^1 which
time, time; distance | 0-w .ul JL for a (introducing a relative clause the ante-
long time (past); -uVl j*- short-dated; cedent of which is another clause); ,^-iJ
of short duration, short-lived ; short- qudiya amruh
tj*\ it's all over with him;
term in the latter and similar phraaes, ^\ is a
frequent paraphrase of "he"
j*\ amara u (amr) to order, command, bid,
instruct ( s.o. _j to do, commission, j*\ immar aimple-minded, stupid
charge, entrust ( s.o. i_> with or to

do; amara, amura v (jLt

ij\ imra power, influence, authority,
command |
J^l c-- under hia command
imra) to become an emir II to invest
with authority, make an emir ( s.o., jLI amra pl. -t, JU am'ir 2 sign,

J over) III to ask s.o.'s () advice, token, indication, Symptom, mark, char-
consult ( s.o.) V to come to power; to acteristic

JjLI tnwSra position or rank of an j-t ia'mur Joint conaultation, counsel,

emir; princely bearing or manners; prin- deliberation, Conference; plot, conspiracy
cipality, emirate; authority, power j
jltjj'l i'timr deliberation, counsel, Con-
jJI i. al-bahr offioe or Jurisdiction of an
ference; plot, conspiracy
admiral, admiralty; jl> J-U c>ljL*l (*.
IjLil-i isti'mra (frequently written
*, 'umdn) Truoial Oman
IjUx-l) form, blank
jul omfr pl. 1^.1 umariJ' Commander;
jA mir Commander; lord, master;
prince, emir; title of princes of a ruling
orderer, purchaser, customer, client
house; tribal chief ^111 j^\ (aly) Com- |

mander of a regiment

(formerly, Eg.;
^Ut ^1 absolute master, vested with
unlimited authority
approx.: colonel; aa a naval rank,
approx.: oaptain); l^lfl jJ\ approx.: jjAa ma'mr commissioned, oharged;
major general (Tun,); jUJI .>! (Eg. commissioner; civil officer, official, esp.,

1939) approx.; admiral, jUJl l_^l jJ? one in executive capacity; the head of
(Eg. 1939) approx.: fleet admiral; j*\ a markaz and qxsm (Eg.) |
(j^JjJi jjA*
j*Ji\ a. al-bahr admiral (when referring to commissioner of police ; xLcl jjA*
a non-Arab officer of this rank; Eg. 1939 (tafliaa) receiver (in bankruptcy; jur.);

approx.: vice-admiral) ; ./Till j*J\ _^*l i5^i-l jjXt m. al-haraka traffic manager
or Ji*Vl jUJl j-J fleet admiral (when (railroad); Li-adl j_yi m. at-ta^fiya re-

referring to a non-Arab officer of this ceiver (in equity, in bankruptcy; jur.)

rank); IjJII j*J a. al-liw* (Ir,, since
<UjA* ma'mriya pl. -t order, In-
1933) brigadier; <_JI .1^ j\ a. I <U-
struction; errand; task, assignment, mis-
'assa commandant of the Bey's palace
sion; commission; commissioner's office,
guard {formerly, Tun.); j^-*JJ-' j**' - a '-
administrative branch of a government
mu'mintn Commander of the Faithful,
agency, e.g., SJLi <ijj^ (qad'iya)
judicial commission charged with Juris-

*j^\ amira pl. -t princese diction in outlying communities (Eg.)

^j^\ amiri (and D ^j* miri) gov- jjJi* muiamirn conspirators, plot-

ernmental), state-owned, State, public ters


iSj^ ^jl (<w) government land [Syr,); <Jjjj* mu'tamirn conspirators, plot-
4jj^*Vl *-Lll government presa ters; members of a congresa, Convention,

jL*l ammr constantly urging, always or Conference, conferaes

demanding (lj to do; inciting, in- jja mu'tamar pl. -t Conference; Con-
stigating | ^Jb SjL^i <rl\ (nafs, au) vention, congress | LJI j&y m. a$-
the baser seif (of man) that inoites to evil &ulh peace Conference

jj-t ta'mr soul, mind, Bpirit; peri-

i}j*\ II taamraka to become Americanized,
cardium (anat.) jj*\d\ t-^Lpl pericar-
adopt the American way of life, imitate
ditis (med.)
the Americans
tj*\}* mu'mara pl. -t deliberation,
'JjJS taamruk Americanization
counsel, Conference; plot, conspiracy
^J^l amarillis amaryllis (bot.)
j*\j ta'ammur imperiousnesB, domi-
neeringneBs;imperious deportment, over- 1^j^*l amrik (formerly, also Uj^J) America]
bearing manners ojii-l ^ij* 1 (janvbiya) South America
; ;

^ 28

JJj-l amriki American; (pl. -n) an ^y\ amuna u (Ll amna) to be faithful, re-
American liable, trustworthy; amina a (amn, uUl
Kjj-VI al-amrikn the Americans amn) to be safe, feel Bafe (j* or *from)
II to reassure ( s.o.), set s.o. 's () mind
JKj^.1 amrikni American; (pl. -n)
at rest; to asaure, ensure, safeguard,
an American
guarantee, Warrant, bear out, oonfirm,
^1 amsu (but acc. Ll amsan) the day corroborate (J*, *; to insure
past, yesterday ; the immediate past, (3tjl-\ U against fire); to entrust ( to
recent time; amsi (adv.) yesterday; s.o., J*; to say "amen" (J*to

recently, lately, not long ago |

^VIj IV to believe (*_> in) VIII to trust ( s.o.),

bi-l-amsi yesterday; not long ago; (>r

-l have confidence, have faith ( in); to
6j}\ amsi l-awwal two days ago, the entrust
(J* * s.o. with, to s.o.

day before yesterday X = VIII; to ask for protection, for

*_ umsiya ^Ll am&iy promise of security, for indemnity

( pl. -t, eve-
(. s.o.)
<yl amn safety; peace, security, pro-
fbjwJ amstirdm Amsterdam r
tection |
jUl j-VI (
mm) public safe-

jw.1 amJir the sizth month of the Coptic ty J *^' JLitj tfl e police

calendar UI amn security, safety; peace

ul imma' and *>l ivnma'a characterless

shelter, protection ; clemency ,

person; Opportunist, timeserver (mil.); safeguarding, assurance of pro-

tection; indemnity, immunity from pun~
J*l amoZa u {amal) to hope {* or *_> for),
ishment UI
| i j (a valedictory phrase)
entertain hopes ( or u of) II to hope; in God's protection!
to ezpect (<> a of s.o.); to raise
^..l amin pl. L.I uman'* reliable,
hopes { in s.o.), hold out hopes ( for
trustworthy, loyal, faithful, upright, hon-
s.o.), give ( s.o.) reason to hope or
est; safe, secure; authorized representa-
expeot | \j<*- *L\ (kairan) tolet s.o. hope
tive or agent; tnistee; gnarantor (J* of);
for the best V to look attentively (*, j
chief, head ; Superintendent, curator,
at), regard, contemplate (a, j;
custodian, guardian, keeper; chambcr-
to meditate; to consider, think over,
lain; master of a gud (Tun.); {mil.)
ponder (*, j, reflect {*, j on)
approx.: quartermaster-sergeant {Eg.
J*l amal pl. JUT ml hope, expec- 1939) JjVt Cr/Vl {awwal) Lord Chamber-

tation (J of, also ^) |

^JS* JJ lain (formerly, at the Eg. Court); j^S~
fallacious hope L.VI approx.: Chief Master of Ceremo-

J*U ma'mal pl. J*L ma'm1 hope niea (ibid.); _^U ,>*' a al-makzan ware-

house Superintendent; stock clerk; ^-1

J*U ta'ammid pl. -t consideration
jjl j* a. rirr ad-daula and ^1 ,>-.!
; pl. C>^L*L" meditations
a. as-sirr permanent secretary of state
J*T m hopeful (Syr.) ; JjX^JI ^*l a. as-pundq and
mu'amm hopeful JUI ,j*J treasurer; cashier; *r*Ull ^^1
mayor (esp. Ir.); *U ^J (
mm) sec-
J_pU ma'ml hoped for, expected
retary general; i_-iil ^*l a. al-maktab
Jrfti* muta'ammil contemplative, med* (formerly) a subaltern rank in the Eg.
itative, reflective; pensive, wistful, musing navy (1939)


j\J min amen! 1

l an (conj.) that; in 1. (conj.) if; jlj
Mxx-n although, even though, even if;
L.1 amna reliability, trustworthiness

loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity, fealty; in-

\j Ol be it or (be it); Vi i

good (= V i) look up alphabetically 2. (par-

tegrity, honesty; confidence, trust,
ticle) not, esp. in the phrase Vi j* l
faith; deposition in trust; trusteeship;
(pl. -t) deposited in trust, a de-
tn Auu tZ2 (f. VI ^ ul) it is nothing but,

it is no more than
posit, trust, charge; secretariat |

JjOi^aJI a. a$-fiundq treasury department : jl

anno (conj.) that; <\ U 6-m annaA
l* ULI ('mma) secretariat general
since he (it), because he (it); *Jl
J* 'ald
ollLVI jit makzan al-a. baggage check annah while he (it), whereas he (it);
room introducing a main clause: however,
j^U mtCman place of safety, safe place yet; <jl illij that is to say, namely, to

<j*.Jj tamln securing, protection; assur-

wit; inna (intensifying particle in-
troducing a nominal clause) verily,
ance ; safeguarding reassurance ensuring
; ;

truly (in most cases not translated in

guaranty, warranty; security, surety; in-
surance | ,^-1 ir*v (ijtim'i) social

security; JjjJ-l -U* ijwu ($idda) fire in- Le 1 innam but, but then ; yet, how-
ever; rather, on the oontrary
surance; *Li-l
J* jJb (AoyA) life insur-

jl anna i (jol anin, U ta'nn) to groan,
lcl imn faith, belief {<_j in)
moan at)

uUjI i'timn trust, confidence; credit anna

jl pl. -t moan, groan oLaTj |

uLSL-1 isttmn trust, confidence wails and laments

^.i mtn peaceful ^rjl anin plaintive sound, wail; groan,

Oj-U ma'mn reliable, trustworthy

4-L ^^ mw'amman 'alaihi insured

mu'min believing, faithful; be- ijlil annl egotistic; egoistio(al), self-

liever ish

y:j* mu'laman entrusted J* with) JUl anniya egoism, selfishness


confidant; sequestrator (jur.)

Jj^UVl al-andl natolia
^j-^lJ omnibua omnibus, bus
^Ulil anns pineapple
amawi of
*l or like a bondmaid or hand-
._Jl II to blame, censure, reprehend, up-
braid ( s.o.)

<S_y\ umawi Ommiad (adj.)
<_-ufc la'nib blame, censure, rebuke
-.1 _jj ban umayya the Ommiads
Ul (pronounced amb) Abba, a high ecclesi-

LjI amib amoebae astic title of the Coptic Church, preceding

the names of metropolitans, bishops,

J'^J amirl admiral
patriarchs, and sainte (< )
tT>*l, 5*^*1 amerik, amerika America
jUI anbr pl. _rUl anbir 2 , jv\j\ anbir 2 ware-
iJljw! amirliya admiralty house, storehouae, storeroom

,-ilJl (Turk. onbagi) onbaai a mil. rank: cor- _r

JjJ*i' 1 al-andalus Spain

poral (formerly, Eg.); ^Lil J-Tj approz.:

L_JjAjI indniaiy Indonesia
private first class (Eg.)

i_^jl, <u_^ see i_J ^jjl anisa a and anusa u (uns) to be com-
panionable, sociable, nice, friendly, ge-
\ inblq alembic
nial; o ^1 to like s.o. 's Company, like to

cJ\ anta, f. anti thou, you (2nd pers. sing.); be together with s.o.; to be or get on
pl. m. jjl antum, f. ^jl antunna you intimate terms (_.> or Jl with s.o.);

(2nd pers. pl. and pote form of address); to be used, accustomed, habituated (Jl

dual 1 antum both of you to); to perceive, notice, find (* a quality,

j, j* in s.o.); to sense, feel, make out,

Ijjl anta-d it's you!
recognize (*, j in, at) [
ij^A- ^1
oUtSwul antikkna museum (li-haditihi) to like to listen to s.o. II to

put at ease to tarne ; III to be friendly, nice

iSJl an/ifca pl. -t (eg.) old, old-fashioned,
( to s.o.); to entertain, amuse (e> s.o.)
IV to keep s.o. {) Company; to en-
jj*Jl anlimn antimony tertain, delight, amuse (* s.o.); to per-
ceive, discern, make out (with the eyes;
iiJl anuta u (ojl uTiwia) to be or become fem-
a; to sense (*; to find, see,
inine, womanly, womanish, effeminate
notice, observe, e.g., LiSi lj ^T he saw
II to make feminine; to effeminate,
that he was duly qualified, that he was a
effeminate; to put into the feminine form
capable man V to become incarnate (Son
(gram.) V to hecome feminine (also gram.)
of God) X to be sociable, companionable;
^jjl unt pl. jI int, jUl ant fem- to get on familir terms, become inti-
inine; female; a female (of animals); mate; to become tarne; to be friendly,
LiJ Jl al-untayn the testicles nice, kind (o to s.o.) ; to accommodafce o.s.,

^jijl untawx womanly, female, women's accustom o.s., settle down; to be familir,

(in Compounds); effeminate, womanish famiarize o.s., acquaint o.s. (<_j or Jl

with); to inform o.s., gather Information
SjjJ I unta femininity, womanlineas
(>_j ahout); to take into consideration,
ijjlj tarnt the feminine, feminine form take into account, bring into play (<

(gram.), draw upon (<~>); to listen

(J to, heed (^ an opinion)

iJJ* mu' annal (gram.) feminine (adj.)

antrbljiy anthropology .Jl uns sociability; intimacy, famili-

\-?rj}_y jjv\ m

arity, friendly atmosphere

^Ljil inj s (syr.) pear
H (ka'b) talus, inner
uH' =

IJLf I (It. Inghilterra) ingiller England anklebone (anat.)

j\Lf*^l al-inglz the English ^1 ins (coli.) man, mankind, human

English; Englishman race
tijJj^l ingdlizi

^Jl insi human; human being

J-jtfl injil pl. Jj--LjI anjil 2 gospel

J-atl tn;'i& evangelical; evangelist

^U ns (coli.) and ^Ul uns people

LLf I injiliya evangelical creed 0-L3 nat mankind, humanity

^Ijl anexy (pl.) people, human beings, put a.o.'a noae out of Joint; *_Vi V-L-

humans etuck-up, haughty, proud

a-x>\ anis close, intimate; close friend; Jjl anfi nasal

friendly, kind, affable, civil, polite, cour-
Uu\ anafa pride; rejection; diadain
(j- of
L-jl insn man, human being | oL-jl
<Jtjj\ anf proud, haughty, stuck-up,
^r-JI . al-'ain pupil (of the eye)
eupercilioua, diadainful
L-ji insna woman
i_j J-I isti'nf fresh atart, recom-
(jL-jl tnn human humane humani-
; ;
mencement, renewal, reaumption, re-
tarian, philanthropist
opening (also, of a legal case); appeal
jLil insniya humanity, humaneness; (jur.) |
ULJ fjJ (qaddama) to appeal,
politeness, civity; mankind, the human make an appeal (jur.)

jj-1 isti'nf i of appeal, appellate;
LJlj* mu'nasa intimacy, famiarity, L#Lil-l isti'nfiyan by appeal
friendlineaa, geniality, cordiality; aocia-
JuT nif preceding, above |
jfJI JjT
bility; conviviality
(dikr) preceding, above, above-mention-
^UjI Inas exhilaration ; friendlineaa, ed; LjT nifan previously, above, in the
geniality ; famiarity, intimacy, cordi- foregoing
ality; sociability
uJcSja mu'tanaf primordial, virginal
(jJlJ ta'annus incarnation (Chr.) atate; beginning

^UI Vtins social life, sociability

U'jm\ (Fr. Anvers) anvers Antwerp (city in
i-jTnisapI. ~t, (jJljl awnis2 young N Belgium)
lady, miss
1 JrjJ-l influuxinz influenza, grippe
,j->>U ma'ns familir, accuatomed
jjl aniqa a to be neat, trim, smart, spruce,
(j-Ju* mustanis tarne
comely, pretty; to be happy (i_> about),
Jti\ (Engl.) minch be delighted (i_> by) IV to please (* s.o.) |

^1 <Jj (iai'u) he likes the thing

<j*-jijl (It. acciuga) anlfga (eg.) anchovy
V to apply o.a. eagerly and meticulously
*-TlLil anfkiya2 Antioch (ancient city in (j to) ; to be meticuloua, fastidious,

Syria; now Antakya, in S Turkey) finical; to be chic, elegant

4*Ll I anqa elegance

onflji ontologic(al) (philo*.)

Jjl aniq neat, trim, spruce, comely,

Jjl anifa a (anaf) to diadain, acom (j*,,
pretty; elegant, chic
l to do; to reject haughtily
(a X to reaume, renew, recommence 3j anq Egyptian
I vulture (Neophron
(*; (jur.) to appeal (* a aentence) percnopterua) |
3jl^\ ^ i ^ je-\ a'azz 2
min baidi l-a. (lit. : rarer than the egga
Jl anf pl. jliTn/, dy\ unf noae;
of a vulture, i.e.) approx.: scarcer than
epur (of a mountain); pride *J6\
\ Jj
hens' teeth (proverbially for rare)
ragma anfiht in defiance of him, to apite
him; <stj\ jS" (anfah) to humiliate s.o., JJ ta'annuq elegance

jiy, mu'niq, y mniq pretty, come- Ul in* pl. Jl niya, uljl awnin
ly, winsome, nice, pleasing vessel, Container, receptacle fUUI <S\

. af-ta'm table Utensils, dishes; mess kit

jti* muia'anniq chic, elegant
jfc Ut annin slowness, deliberateness
*jjj\ anqara Ankara
oll* muta'annin slow, unhurried, de-
(j-J-iil a^olis eel Uberate

dii I nwfc lead (metal)

jl ann (interrog. part.) where ... from?
why is it that...? why? where? (place
^jli&l inkiSri pl. -iya Janizary and direction) ; how? wherever; how-
ever | . . . V I <J Jl 3 (all) and why shouldn't
IJ*J&I, *JS^jl (It. Inghierra) ingilter, in*
he ... ?
giltera England
_jjl anlsn, j^-Jl aniseed
f*SL*j!ji ^ al-anglosaksn the Anglo - Saxons

<Jj~SL~j}&'^\ al-anglosaksniya Anglo- L*Ji anlmiy anemia | O *ij**- L*-jl perni-

Saxondom cious anemia (med.)

T aki! IaT hanf (interj.) oh!

>J&^I al-ingliz the Engliah

(j;>Jd inglizi English; Englishman ^1 II to prepare, make ready, equip (J *, *

s.o., for) y to be ready, be pre-
^pd&l ankalis eel
pared; to prepare o.s., get ready; to

jU^I ai-anm and fl^i (coli.) mankind, the equip o.s., be equipped (J for)

human race LaI uhba pl. ,_-*! uhab preparation,

preparedness, readiness, alertness; equip-
rj>jt\ unmdaj model, pattern; type, ei-
ment, outfit, gear | ^>J-\ LaI u. al-harb
ample; sample, specimen
mitary equipment; h-J\ La! J* ready
j^cl anamn anemone {bot.) toset out; jl-Ui-Vl LaI J* fully prepared;
on the alert (mil.) ; *i~*\ -U-l to make one's
*JI an i to mature, become ripe; to draw preparations, get ready
near, approach, come (esp. time) |
jl <J Jl
_jLI ihb skin, hide
it is (high) time that he; esp. in negative

Statements: b Jl a-lam ya'ni? isn't it i_ *U taahkub preparedness, readiness;

about time ...1 V to act slowly, proceed (pl. -t) preparation
unhurriedly, bide one's time, be patient
<_**U* mula'akhib ready, prepared
X to take one's time, hesitate (j in,

with); to wait JaI ahala u i (J_y>l uhl) to take a wife, get

married; ahila a to be on familir
anan n' (span of) time,
Ji pl. ul
terms (i~> with); pass. ukila to be in-
period j
JJI LiT j (laili) all night long;
habited, be populated (region, place)
jL(Jl J)\Jf\j JJI UT n'a l-laili wa-
II to make fit or suited, to fit, qualify
afrja n-nahr by day and by night
(J a, * s.o., for); to make possible
SUI anh deliberateness ; perseverance, (a J for s.o., enable (* <J s.o. to do
patience |
SU VI J_jt fl al-a. long-suffer-, make accessible (> J to s.o.;
ing, great patience; 3UVI ^j* long-suffer- to welcome (i_j s.o.) "V to be or become
ing (adj.) fit, suited, qualified (J for ; to


take a wife; to marry, get married X to J*U muata'hU worthy, deserving, mer-
deserve, merit {*, be worthy (* of) iting; entitled

Jl ahl pl. -an, JUI ahlin relatives, pi-UI ihlllaj myrobalan, emblic (fruit of
folke, family; kin, kinsfolk; wife; (with Phyllanthus emblica L.; bot.); ellipse
foll. genit.) people, members, followere, (geom.)
adherents, possessore, etc.; inhabitants;
^^nJUaI ihlilaji elliptic(al)
deserving, worthy (J of; fit, suited,

qualified (J for); pl. >Vt, JUVI the j\ au or; (with foll. subj.) unless, exoept
natives, the native population |
CjJI Jl that
a. al-bait members (of the house, i.e.)
(_jjI) <-S\ ba u (aub, jl aufta, t_jLI iyb)
of the family; the Prophet's family;
to return ; t- <_jT to catch , contract
jloJl Jl the people living in the house;
auffer, incur, be in for, be left
*iji-\ Jl a. al-kirfa people of the trade;
with, got one's share of
<JtU-l Jl people pledged by oath,
members of a sworn confederacy; Jl Vj' < - m * n kuM* anbin from all

*_^i-'l o. al-Jpibra people of experience, sides or directions; <-?_y*j *->-*'

\f -
experts; <kJl Jl a. as-safsafa Soph- (wa-vaubin) do.
ists; <: 11
Jl o. as-aunna the adherents jjI auba return
of the Sunna, the Sunnis; jj)\j j-dl J*l
a. ai-maaar uw-Z-wa6ar the resident pop- t-jljl i'yfc return { LLIj LUi dahban
ulation and the nomads; IaU-^JI Jl o.
wa-iyban there and back ; back and

al-wajha people of rank and high social forth, up and down

standing; "}*+-_> "^*l aAZan wa-sahXan wel- uU ma'b place to which one returns;
come! iil> }Ul aAlan ftiia welcome to (used as verbal noun:) return | -Lj >_j>*^
you! J*--j J*l
Ujl^ j *J he is a welcome Coming and going
guest in our house
>_jT look up alphabetically
Jl ahli domestic, family (adj.); na-
tive, resident ; indigenous ; home, na- I
y jl and I j- j\ (It. opera) ffpwd opera
tional { Jl d-bj national bank (Eg.); ^>j>- opera houae
i-UI (harb) civil war; 5-1*1 5*s (mahkama)
C-jyji (Fr.) pret operetta
indigenous court (Eg.); J^M LJI (qatf*)

Jurisdiction of indigenous courts; r-^V Cjj\ (Ft. aol) August (month; magr.)
JV' (t'ni;) domestic production; ijj
wakf tri^j' (Fr. (tutobus) oiobla autobus, bus
Jl {uag /) family

jUI akliya aptitude, fitness, suitable- JI_ht_Jj' (Fr.) otogrf pl. -f autograph
ness, competence; qualification | LUV
,jMj*jjjI otqrfi autocratic
3J_jjUJI the civil rights; i-L*"V' J-T le-

gally competent ; Li* V '

f ** legally incom- JlUjJjl (Fr.) otomtikX automatic
petent, under tutelage
J-ij-yjji (Fr-) o(om&iJ automobile
J*T hil and Jj*u ma'AJ inhabited,
populated (region, place) Jjjl (Fr.) fej pl. -t hotel

Zj"$Mj* muakkilt qualifications, abil-

^jl au; highest point, acme, pinnacle; cul-
ities, aptitudes
mination, climax; apogee (astron.); peak
J*ti* mui'akk married (fig.; of power, of fame)

T h albumen, eggwhite 4t\ fa pl. -t hrm, hurt, damage, ruin, bane,

evil; epidemic, plague; plant epidemio
O <>*-T hin albumin
<J_jJ- ma'f stricken by an epidemio
(jjl) jT da u (aud) to bend, flex, curve,
crook (*; to brden, oppress, weigh Jjjijl (Engl.) ovirl Overalls
down ( s.o.); Jjl awida a (aivad) to
*(iij') jT jo u to bring a.o. (J*) bad luck,
bend to be bent V to bend ;
; to bow
cause diacomfort or hardship (J* to)
ibjl auda brden, load
II to brden ( s.o.) with unpleas-
ij\ awad: jjL flj to provide for b.o.'s ant, troubleaome or difficult
needs, stand by s.o. in time of need;
*sj\ see i#l
ajjl flil (awadah) do.; tosupports.o.,fur-
nish s.o. with the means of Bubsiatence 3 ^lijl uwaiqt (dimin. of Ojl) short timea;

uwr heat, blaze; thirst

good times

IjjjI urubb Europe u-^j' u^>Wj' ojtyni, ogiyns ocean

jjjl urubbi European *Jj\ qiya pl. -tf ounce, a weight of varying
magnitude (Eg.: 37.44 g; Aleppo 320 g;
J-ljjl ruialim* Jerusalem
Jerusalem 240 g; Beirut 213.3 g)
&jj\ (= iLjl) urfa pl. .Ujl ura^ battalion
jjjjlTjl (Fr. occasion) okazyn Clearing sale,
(formerly, Eg.; mtl.)
special sale
(jl^ijjl uruguwy Uruguay
Lil^^Sjl ukrniy Ukraine
IJLfjjl (It.) orkestr orchestra
J^^Sj\ (Fr. oxygene) oksizen oxygen
iLijjl (Turk. rnek) urnik pl, dJLjijl arniJc*

sample, specimen; model, pattern; form,

(Jjl) JT la u (aul, JU ma'l) to return, re-
vert (Jf to); to go back, be attributed, be
attributable (Jl to), spring, derive (Jl
IjjjjI urubb, IjjjjI Europe from) ; to lead, conduce, tend Jl to),

Ujjjl uru&& European result eventually (Jl in); to come or go

eventually (Jl to a.o.), paas into the
^[>-jj_jl rguwy Uruguay
hands of (Jl) |
Jl y$\ JT the long and

Jjl II (eg.) to ridicule (J* s.o.), make fun of the short of it was that . .
. ; Jl LU.I o jT

s.o. (ma^fu) he eventually got to the point

where ... II to interpret, explain (*
jjl iwazz (coli.; n. un.) goose, geese
JT l family, relatives, kinsfolk, clan;
,j*T myrtle; see also alphabetically
companions, partiaans, people; mirage,
L'ljwjl uafurdty Australia fata morgana

<jT la pl. -t Instrument, Utensil; tool;

IjjwjI (It.) austny Austria
apparatus; device, implement, appliance;
^Ljl Oslo machine | LrX\
>*$\ . al-hiss senaory
organs; ijjc JT (bukriya) steamengine;
L-ji -sf aee L-l
Lj |J
jL\ ijT . al-jarr tractor; v^*- JT (ja*

3-ijl wiiya pl. ^Ijl awSin prayer, oration hannamiya) infernal machine; *?ij*- *H
(Copt.-Chr.) (harbiya) instrument of war; .iL^^JI *JT
mobor, engine; 1-U- 5JT calculating ma- Vjl axmvalan first, firstly, in the first

chine; iTU-l 3jT . al-hiyka power loom; place; at first, in the beginning | JjL Vjl
iULA-'l T sewing machine ;_j*.alj JTradio; and Vjti Vjlby and by, gradually, one
ailj ilT hoisting machine, crano, derrick; after the other, one by one; l_/*-lj Vjl
pump; ^i jJ! <JT and li^* Jl (musafy* and \j-\j Vjl {kiran) firBt and laBt, alto-

kina) heater; jj^\ 3J T (photographic) gether? simply and solely, merely

camera; i*-LL!l Tprinting press; Jill ilT
Jjl awwali prime, primary, primordial,
. al-gael washing machine; 'j*& Jl
original, initial, first; elemental, funda-
incubator; JUL-VI iJTreceiver, receiving
mental, basic, principal, chief, main;
set (radio); l^* lT (muqaffira) distling
elementary; primitive, pristine, primeval]
apparatus, still; i>b&\ 5J T and LjK" 3J
*Jj\ i-j.u (madrasa) elementary school,
typewriter; j\J\\ < J ilT . Wb al-qimr
grade school; iJjl jI_j* (mawdd) raw
slot machine; LJL-y* *^ (mawjfyo) mu-
materials; Jjl i-le {'adad) prime number;
sical Instrument; 4_J^I 5jT alarm; siren;
*Jj\ ijy\j (ftra) pro forma invoice
hrn (of an automobile); #lf* T (om;')
(fig.) tool, creature, puppet *Jj\ awwaliya pl. -t fundamental
truth, axiom; primary constituent, es-
jT all meohanic(al); mechanized; mo-
sential component, element; precedence;
torized; instrumental; organic |
jTi.1^ priority
(mihrt) motor plow; -J VI ol_^JI {qwt)
Jil ayyil, iyyal, uyyal pl. JJLl ay'xP
motorized troops; Jl 55^*- (haraka) a
mechanical movement
ULI iyla pl. -t province; regency
JT liya mechanics
iljJLI ailla title deed (jur.)
JVT lti pl. LjVT ltiya (eg.) mu-
sician ; singer J U mal end ; outcome, final issue,

upshot; result, consequence |

JU-I j
Jji awwal 2
, f. Jjl l, pl. m. -n, Jjljl
Jj at present and in the future
aw'tf 2 first; foremoet, most important,
principal, chief, main; first part, be- JjjU ta'mll pl. -f Interpretation,

ginning; (with def. article also) earlier, explanatkm

previous, former; see also under Jj |
Vjl tti't, liliJjl, liUVjl ul'ilca these; those,
JjV' l J V' (insn) primitive man; ij-L
pl. of the demonstr. pron. li and jJIi
Jjl physician-in-chief; JJljVI, tJjJjVI the

forebears, forefathers, ancestors; JJtjl j^ijl oJimi Olympic i-ljV j

v 'LI VI the Olym-
_^Jl o. aH-Sakr the first ten days of a pic games
month, beginning of a month; lj* JjV jLljl olimbiyd Olympiad
li-awwali marratin or JjVI ZjJl for the
first time; *ij\ ^ aUIjI ,^* since its be- j)j\ ul (pl. of jj) owners, possessors, people

ginnings, from the very beginning; j* (with foll.genit.: of) |

^V' jJjl u. l-amr

j^\ Jl *ij\ {kiriki) from beginning rulers, powerful leaders; jlJIj JJ-I ^JjI

to end, from A to Z; j*^\ Jjl awwala u. l-hall wa-l-'aqd (lit. : masters of solv-
l-amri at first, in the beginning; JjVI ing and binding) do.; uliJI ^Jjl u. i-Sa'n

JjVli each time the first available; U Jjl the responsible people
(auwala) the moment when, just when; 1
[ljl uwm thirst
at the very outset of; JjVI ^> jS"\
(aktara) more than before 2
j.jl ohm (el)

omnibiu omnibus, bus jb to'auwuA moaning, sighing; admir-

ing exclamation; plaintive sound, wail
*liT an time; ^\ al-na now jT j and |

**-'j $
J afc tne same time, aimultane- tjj\ aw i to seek refuge, seek aheiter ( Jl at a

ously; j*X Jl T m (kara) from time to place); to go (Jl to bed); to betake o.a.,

time; j^j jT ^j L. (ua-fcaro) and repair (Jl to a place); to shelter, houae,

jT Jju IjT Bometimes, at timea, now and put up, lodge, accommodate, receire as
then, once in a while; Uti UT gradually, a guest (*, s.o., II to shelter,

by and by, little by little; jTj UT lodge, put up, accommodate, receive aa
(wtnatan) sometimes sometimes, at a guest ( s.o.) IT to seek shelter (Jl at

timea at timea; u^/1 JJ qabla l-na a place), to retire (Jl to a place); to

before, previously, formerly; j'SU li-l-na betake o.a., repair (Jl to & place); to

and j^l Jr hatt l-na until now, hith- shelter, houae, put up, lodge, accommo-
erto, so far; <lftl * ba'da l-na from date ( B.O.)

now on, henceforth, in the future; <>

AyJ \wa accommodation, lodging, hous-
1-l*Lo* u^l min al-na fa-fi'idan do.
ing, sholtering

J&T na'Kn that day, at that time, jL ma*win

^jl. ma'wan pl. place
of refuge, retreat, shelter; abode; resting
iilijT na4ka that day, at that time, place; dwelling, habitation | JJ jjL
then (laut) ahelter for the night; doaa house

Oj\ aun calmness, aerenity, gentlenesa ^jT ^l Vm w pl. jjT cAj bant .

oljl awn pl. SjjT un'na time | JJ
*jljl prematurely; -Jtjl j at the right 1
ijTyo, coli. ,jT y, pl. -t sign, token, mark;
time, timely, seasonably, *i\j\ > jat miracle; wonder, marvel, prodigy; model,
the wrong time, untimely, unaeasonably; exemplar, paragon, maaterpiece (j of,

Zj$\ ,> j. fr m tmie * t"116 ; ^j^" uy e.g., of Organization, etc.); Koranio verae,
dj^^J (M and j^-l 0 *jT (dwinaten, JX I
J"jS\ J {y a4-dikr) the veraes of
u&r) at timea, Bometimea; j^-lj the Koran; paasage (in a book), utter-
sometimes sometimeB, at timea at ance, saying, word; iLT (with foll. genit.)
times; jlj^l *i*U (/dto) it is too late; moat solemn assurances (of love, of
ljVI jT (?w) the time haa come, it is
time (J for, to do
jl ay that is (to say), i.e.; namely, to wit
*\ji\ look up alphabetically
\*l yes (with foll. ^ilj yea, indeed! yeB, by
^ilJjl onbaH corporal, aee ^SlJl God!)

(j\) *T aha u and II to moan, aigh V to \*l a VV> f- V o-VV 0, (with foll. genit. or suffix)

moan, sigh; to sigh with admiration (J which? what? what kind oft whoever,
over), exolaim "ah!" whoaoever any, every, no matter what
; . . .

(with neg.) no; Lr! yyum whatever,

jl avnoah (interj.) oh!
whataoever |
cJlT *A, lT U ayyan kna,
TAi, UTAan, Ijl wwwahi oh! no
ayyatan knat whoever he (or ehe) ia,

<*T Aa pl. -* aigh, moan; pl. oL*T matter who he (or Bhe) is; 5" j* j} ayyv
aigha of admiration; rapturous exclama- man kna whoever it may be, whoaoever;

tiona JU- jl J* (ayyi hlin) in any caae, at any

rate, at all events, by all means; -U-Ij ^1 i-jj^jl (Fr. &Aarpe) sash
ayyu whidin any one; OLi ^1 ULI *i j!
*jl) ^T <a i to rcturn, revert (Jl to
inna lah Sa'nan ayya Sanin it is of the ( (; to become (Jl

greatest importance (lit. : it is of im-
portance, and of what importance!); ._-*! Ljl aidan also, too, as well, likewise,
l->L*I Ul o u'jiba bihi ayyam i'jbin eqaally; again; in addition, besides,

how much he admired him! he admired moreover

him greatly; jLil Le! *_L JJl aqbala
ayyam iqblin he sbowed the UIUI tfd/iyd Italy

greatest interest in it Jliajl ili Italian; (pl. -n) an Italian

Li iyy with nominal suffix to express the jjjl (Gr. tlxojv) iqna and <~>j>} iqniya
accusative [
l i)L! take care not to . .., pl. -dt icon (CAr.)
be careful not to . . . ; > iJL I
, j ilL I beware
uiiil aik (coli.; n. un. ;) thicket, jungle
of ...! iiLlj (dial. wayyk), Llj {wayyh)
with you, with him 2
Jjl and ULI see Jjl

jU see 2
JjLI adJ a September (Syr., Leb., It.,

an Jord.)
jjl II to back, support ( s.o., * a claim,

aspiration, etc.); to confirm, corroborate, 3 ij^ljl ailla title deed (?W.)

endorse (* news, a judgment, etc.)

V = pass. of II (<!) >T ma i: -c^jj j- A (zaujatiht) to lose

one's wife, become or be a widower, c~l

j_j ta'yld corroboration, confirmation,
L^*-jj j* (zaujih) to lose one's husband,
endorsement, backing, support
become or be a widow
j^ r jjJjI (Fr. hydrogene) idrozen hydrogen Irl aima, *jA uym and f to*

iJL^jj-ul ILj (qunbula) hydrogen bomb 'ayyum widowhood

ayyim pl. ^-Ll oy'im 8 , ^/Ll aydiTi
j\ air pl. jy) uyr penis
widower, widow
*jU af/yr 3 May (Syr., Leb., Ir., Jord.)
aiwam 2 see
r- r>-
jl^l Irn Iran, Persia
Lei ayyum see *^1 ayy
jly I irni Iranian, Persian; (pl. -n)

a Persian, an Iranian
( fc
>') ^ ^ na * to oomo, approach, draw
near (time) |
jljVl l {awn) the time
loilyl irland Ireland has come: l *J T it's time for him
^jJj-I irlandi Irish; (pl. -n) Irishman
T see j\
JLj-I (Engl.) eriydl aerial, antenna
j\ aina wherc? (= at or to whaL
rj>l i3is Isis place?) j.\ j* min aina where ... from?
1 _ |

j.1 Jl where? (= to what plauo?) ^ j& j_\

I r
i\ ayisa a (^Ll iytw) to despair (^ of
how far we still are from..., worlda
separate us from ... (fig-); il J* '** *_'

^LJ jya despair what is this compared with that!

! )


^\ al~ainu the where; Space (philo*. Ifl ayyuh, with fem. also \^J\ ayyatuh
(vocative particle) ...!
^j! ainam wherever
<_jjjl ayyb 2 Job
ULI ayyna when? (conj.) when
jjjjjlfi al-ayybiyn the Ayubite
j>\ II to ionize (* V to be ionized (el.)

{jA aiwam* Bee pj

_jjI iyn pl. -t ion
^jjI see 2 ^/l
>j fa'yln ionization
2 (jljjl
tw pl. -t recess-like sitting room
^U. muio'ayym ionized
with a raised floor, usually opening on
<jl iAi, iha, ihin (interj.) well! now then! all the main room or courtyard through an
right arcade; estrade

i_j abbreviation of <_jIj chapter LL bbpl. ol_jjL bbawt, otjLL pope; papa,
father, daddy
i_j bi (prep.) in, at, on (place and time);
i^jjLj bbatui, ^jLL papal
with (indicating connection, association,
attendance); with, through, by means 4j_jjLj babawiya papacy
of (deaignating instrumentality or agency, 1
uu ba'ba'a to say "papa" (child)
also with pass. = by); for (
= at the
price of); by ( = to the amount of); by 2
Jiji bu'bu' root, source, origin; core, heart,

(introducing an oath) |
JJL bi-l-lail at inmost part; pupil of the eye, also

(by) night, jlfJl* bi-n-nahr during the (J^aII jij>_ b. al- in

daytime, by day ; j^Jj 1f \J" Samlan
JjL bbiP Babel, Babylon
bi-Sarqin northeast ; C-**J j l^i fa-bih
wa-ni'mat in that case it's all right; JjL bbill Babylonian
l j -J
it is not my intention to ...;
4jL bbih the second month of the Coptic
i]\ Xt \ -U hd bi-dka now we are even, we calendar
are quits; itL_j 4S-<JJ (majVihi) an hour
before his arrival; ^ "with" frequently 7rji\j babj pl. pz>\ji bawblj1 slipper

givea causative meaning to a verb, e.g.,

jjth bbr pl. -t, juI_jj bawbir 3 (= j_y)j)
^ l
y^- (lit. : to rise with, i.e.) to
locomotive, engine; steamship, steamer
boost, further, promote; Jl *j *L
to cause s.o. to arrive at, lead s.o. to; jA> bbnaj camomile (bot.)

for its use as copula after negations, etc.,

*' "I; btista batiste
see grammar; "& bi-l without; jl lc

bi-m anna in view of the fact that; j^^JjtL btlji pathologic (al)

since, as, inaamuch aa, because; J Lc U-^J_jJL btljiy pathology

bi-m fihi including
U^jL bdinjn and jljf-ij baidinjn (coli.;

L b' name of the letter t-> n. un. ) pl. -t eggplant, aubergine


jLj 6> pl. - bar; taproom e -8-> 4- if^i ^ ^\f (kammiyt) consider-
able quantities ^L V (6a' sa) never

jL ba'ara a to dig a well

mind! it doesn't matter! it's all right!

Jj bi'r f., pl. jLT br, jUj bi'r well, ^' cr'H ^ ** doesn't matter that . . .

?o" . i*' a yyu 6o*at.? what does it

bu'ra pl. jJj 6u*ar center, seat

matter? what of it? ^ ^L 4_L ^-J
(fca'aun) he will be none the worse for . .
(flg.); site; pit; abyss .

iU* ^-L V (6a' sa) it won't do you any

Cjj-SIjIj (Fr. paraehute) brSt parachute hrm! don't worry! don't be afraid

(il^m brguwy Paraguay _

( rJj obj bantu bi'a calamities, ad-

versities, misfortunes
(jj^jL see <Jjj _r
^ji bu'a, lL ba's' 3 , ^jj* bu's
<JjIj (Fr.) barlcek parquet, parquetry floor
and ^-Jj fcu'sa pl. ^Jjl a6'a* misery,

*L"jIj see *\jj wretchedness, suffering, distress

rj 6a'te pl. L-Jj bu'as'* miserable,

jIj 6ra pl. -( para (coin) ( _

ajjL brd saltpeter; gunpowder
^L 6*w miserable, wretched
jjjlj ftrda pl. -bjljj bawrid 2 rifle,

J-Uj (Fr.) &cwtfZ pastel


,jJjIj 6>m 2 Paris J~*lj bsU bacilli

^jjlj n Parisian ^iL b5 senior, chief (in Compounds)

Jlj bz pl. l_)u 6iz7fr and jL ba'z pl. j^Jj ^ jI^Ij bS6&vi and ,j!j jlf^lj approx.
6u'z, o\je bi'zn falcon master Sergeant (formerly, Eg.)

jljL bzoV pl. -( bazaar pSi** Ij fcfcaHm physician-in-chief

j^-j^piL bSrayyis a naval rank, approz.

C-Jjlj zoW basalt
petty officer 3rd class {Eg.)
JjjjjLi bzbtmd bracelet
,_jt^ilj bSktib chief clerk

^Jj bausa u (^- L 6a* s) to be strong, brave, Jt'Ij bmufti chief mufti (Tun.)
intrepid; ^^J ba'iaa a (,j-Jj
6a' a) to
^rtM; bSmufattiS chief inspector
be miserable, wretched VI to feign
misery or distress VIII to be sad, worried, ( _r
*JL+r'Li bSmuhandia chief engineer
UL fci pl. ol^L bSawt (CjIjUL) pasha
Js-jJI {J
Jj bi'sa r-rajulu what an evil
man! jilj 63o, 6tg pl. J^ 6auw&g a sparrow
^L ba's strength, fortitude, caurage,

intrepidity (ob verbal noun of ^Jj jjliUI al-bsqvrd the Bashkirs

bcfusa); hrm, hurt, injury, impairment,
^rXilj see jS^L*
detriment, wrong |
^ul -bJ-1 courageous,
brave, intrepid; *i ,^-L V (6a' sa) there
^jAi (Engl.) bs pl. -t bus, autobus
is no objection to it; unobjectionable;
not bad, rather importaut, consklerable, j^li bfn concrete, b6ton
iplj bga celluloid; tortoiae ahell trj <^ri it' s ftu< over between him and
them, they are through with each other
U-fUI al-bkistn Pakistan
Co bau settlement, decision; La battan
JLl-TLj bkistnl Pakistan! (adj. and n.)
definitely, once and for all

Jlj bl whale {zool.) o batta pl. -t adjudication, award final ;

decision; al-battata and o battatan

Ulj bla pl, -t bndle, bale
definitely, positively, decidedly, esp. with

jUU balt pl. oljUU 6o^oum(, ^^j balfi negations: absolutely not, definitely not

overcoat; paletot
Jj batti definite, definitive

J\j (It. balh) ball, dance i-L battiya, bittiya pl. Jla battly

barrel ; tub
jJLj bln balloon
Ljli> battan decidedly, definitely, pos-
jUUI jjr juzur al-blit/r the Balearic Is- itively, categorically, unquestionably, ab-
lands solutely

*JL (Fr.) bleh ballet C-oj Jo&ii adjudication, award

j\j blt definite, definitive |

Cj\j *~>
L1j and S-*Lj bmiya gumbo, okra (Hibiscus
(man') categorical interdiction
esculentus L., 6o(.,a populr vegetable in
Egypt) l
Ji batara u (batr) to cut off, sever (*;
to amputate (*; to mutilate, render
OL see ji
fragmentarily (* a text) VII to be out
*^J\jji\j i-ili SSa bnrmiya ( = Fr. icran off, be severed, be amputated
panoramique) Cinemascope screen
J batr cutting off, severance, Sepa-
ration; amputation
jJj ia'na the tenth month of the Coptio
calendar Jj\ abtar 2 curtailed, docked, clipped,
trimmed; imperfect, defective, incom-
t$lj by, f. IjLj bya pl. -t formerly, in Tunisia,
plete; without offspring
a title aftor the names of the membera
of the Bey's family jli> battr cutting, sharp

jUI jU dar aUby (formerly) the Tuni- J\i btir cutting, sharp

sian government jJUa mabtr broken, abrupt, un-

connected; fragmentary, incomplete
j babr pl. j_j-j bubr tiger
.!j bitr"*, batr'* Petra (ancient city of
Uo babg' 2 (and &a&&aj* a ) pl. oljli-j babg*
Edomites and Nabataeans; ruins now in
wt parrot
SW Jordan)
C~i boXla u i (bau) to cut off, sever (a;
ilji batrak patriarch
to complete, finish, achieve, accomplish,
carry out (*; to fix, settle, de- Jjj batrl, bitrl petroleum
termine (*, decide (*, j on
il abta' 2 an assonant intensifier of w-J II to adjudge, adjudicate, award
ajma' 2 all, altogether, whole, entire
(* VII to be cut off; to be finished,
be done; to be decided j*>1\ -l 4i -iL bti' strong; fll, whole, entire

ik> II to cut off (a *wf bajika a (bajah) to rejoiee (i-> at) V to
vaunt, flaunt (l_j, boast, brag (lj of)
Jij batala i u (batl) and II to cut off, sever
vv-Jt tabajjuh bragging, braggery
{*; to make final, dose, settle,

make conclusive, clinch (* V to M^i* mutabajjih braggart

retire from the world and devote one's
tJjf. bajda, bujda root, aource, heart, es-
life to God (l Jl); to be pious, chaste
and self-denying; to live in chastity
sence, basis |
j-V -^ the heart of the
matter, the actual State of affairs, the
VII to be cut off, be curtailed, be docked
true facts; lf-&- J/I _** {ibn bujdatih) he
J>=j batl virgin; Jj=JI the Virgin Mary knows the Job from the ground up, he is

<}jZj batti virginal

the right man for it

*Jy* batliya virginity j-\ abjar 2 obese, corpulent

Js*s* mutabattil an ascetic, a recluse; a _

l rit bajasa u i (bajs) and II to open a.

pious, godly man passage (for the water), cause (the water)
to flow V and VII to flow freely, pour
V_>=j batl birch tree
forth copiously, gush out

io batta u (batt) to spread, unroll, unfold _

l rj~ bajs, ,^-wf bajis flowing freely,

(a, e.g., a rg); to scatter, disperse Streaming

(a ; to disseminate, propagate,
mjt baja (n. un. ) pelican
spread (a, e.g., a spirit, an ideology,
a doctrine); to sprinkle (a a on); to Jjt II to honor, revere, venerate, treat with
let s.o. {, also J) in on (*, esp. on a deference ( s.o.), show reapect ( to

secret) ; to broadeast, transmit by radio s.o.); to give precedence (J* a or * to


j-JI d-j to peer around; ^Will <Lj to s.o. or over) V to be honored, be

plant, or lay, mines IV to let ( s.o.) in revered, be venerated

on a secret (a) VII to be spread; to be bajal Syphilis (*>.)

Jjj^J tabjU veneration, reverence; def-
ij batt spreading, dissemination, prop- erence, respect
agation; grief, sorrow
^w mubajjal revered, respected; ven-
jo batara i (batira a) and V to break out with
pimples or pustules (skin) jtf bajama i {bajm, >^ bujm) to be
speechless, dumfounded
ju batr pl. jjij biitr (n. un. ju batra
pl. batart) pimples, pustules yc. II to clinch (* a nail)

ju batir, j& batir pustulate, pimpled bahka a (bahh, ^ bahah, rj^ buhh,
rl bahh, **-j buhha, i*-l* bahha)
jj bataqa i u (with _^Jl an-nahra) to open
to be or become hoarse, be raueous,
flood gates so that the river will overflow
husky, harsh (voiee) II and IV to make
its banks VII to break forth, burst out,
hoarse (* s.o.)
well out, pour out, gush out; to emanate,
proeeed, spring (j- or ^ from) * buhka hoarseness

4-\ abakh* hoarse

jliul inbitg outpouring, effusion, out-

pour, outburst; emanation C^T- mabhh hoarse

. ; ;


r%y- II iabahbaha to be prosperous, live in J^ bahtara to disperse, scatter (*;

easy circumstances; to enjoy o.a., have to waste, squander, dissipate (m

a good time II tabahtara pass. of I

rj^. bakbh gay, meny Ijji bahtara waste, dissipation

*>-j^ buhbuha middle; life of ease ^>w mubahtir squanderer, wastrel,

and comfort, prosperity, affluence | j spendthrift
,y <*-j^- amidst
*_^ bahira a to be startled, be bewildered
^w mvbahbah well-to-do, prosperous (with fright)
enjoying an easy, comfortable Life

*: II to travel by Bea, make a voyage IV do.
C-& bht pure, unmixed, sheer; exclusive,
to embark, go on board; to put to sea,
also J* i\ C-*; \z bahtan merely, solely,
set sail, sail, deparb (ship); to go down-
purely, exclusively, nothing but . .

stream, be sea-bound (ship on the Nile)

J^ buhtwr stocky, pudgy, thickset V to penetrate deeply, delve (j into);

i$J>- bukivji stocky, pudgy, thickset

to study thoroughly ( j a subjeet) X =V
j- bahr pl. jU bihr, jj buhr, jUl
-* bahata a (bht) to look, search (* or
06 Aar, _^l abhur sea; largo river; a
^ for, seek (* or ^; to do
noble, or great, man (whose magnanim-
research; to investigate, examine, study,
ity or knowledge is comparable to the
explore (* or ^, less frequently
vastness of the sea); meter (poei.) j |
with j or J*), look into (* or j*); to
j- in the course of, during, (>iL- _^ j
discuss (* a subjeet, a question) III to
(sanatain) in the course of two years,
discuss ( with s.o., J a question) VI to
within two years ; Ja-*jdl ^aj V l j*Jl
have a discussion, discuss together; to
(abyatf, mutawassifl the Mediterranean
confer, have a talk (*. with s.o., j (sometimes shortened to ^jVI j^);
j-LLJIj- b. al-bolfiq the altic Sea;
w* bht pl. Lij*- bttht, olj_^, il*il
V>^-' j. b. al-janb the South Seas;
abht search (^ for), quest (^ of); ^Vl j~J\ the Red Sea (also f^Ull
examination, Btudy; research; investi- al-quhum) al-kazar the
6. ; j_^-'l _^ b.
gation, exploration; discussion; treatise;
Caspian Sea (also J L*_SOl j*JI\); ?jj\ j-
(pl. iW) study, scientific report (j on) the Mediterranean; j^-V ^Ji

iU: bahht pl. -n scholar, research (aswad) the Blaek Sea; oUiUJl j- b.

worker az-zulumt the Atlantic; J^J j- b, l}

jU: bdhhta eminent scholar and c-J.1 j*fcJl {mayyit) the Dead Sea;
J-Jl y: {eg.) the Nile
ui-^w mabhat pl. ^i^-U, mabhit 2 sub-
jeet, theme, field of investigation or dis- j> j*JI al-bahrain the Bahrein Is-

cussion, objeet of research; research, lands

study, examination; investigation bahrni of the Bahrein Islands;


&- L. mubhata pl. -l negotiation, jjUvJl al-bahrina the inhabitants of the

parley, Conference, talk, discussion Bahrein Islands

i.*-b bhit pl. -n and il*i bukkal tjj^- bahrt sea (adj.), marine; maritime;
seholar, research worker; examiner, in- nautical; naval; navigational ; (in Eg.)
vestigator northern, bahriya (with foll. genit.) north
of; (pl. -n, ) eailor, Seaman, mariner |
matio smoke {* V to evaporate
_yU j_^ approx. : Seaman apprentice (water); to volatilize, turn into smoke or
(Eg.) ; ijjwJl il>|^Jl (jtwi) the naval haze; to perfume o.s., or be perfumed,
forcea; \j- *1>UU (na&(t) marine flora, with incense
water plants
jlit bukr pl. -t, abkira vapor,
<j j- bahriya navy fume; steam

j^ bahra pond, pool ijl bukri steam (adj.), steam-driven

jl^ oAr pl. -n, jl* fiara Sea- jjjc bakr incense; frankincense |
man, mariner, sailor; pl. Sjl* crew (of a f_j* b. maryam cyclamen (bot.)

ship, of an airplane)
Jt-\ abkar 3 suffering from balitosis
2jv buhaira pl. -t, J[- bak'ir lake;
^iw mibkara pl. j-^ mabkir* (also
(tun.) vegetable garden, truck garden
t) censer; thurible; fumigator
\j- bukrn crisis (of an illness); cli-
jvJ tabklr fumigation
max, culmination (also, e.g., of ecstasy)
ji^S tabakkur evaporation, vaporiza-
j>*S tabahkur deep penetration, delv-
ing (j into a subject), thorough study
_^-Ij bkira pl. j-\jt batvkir* steamer,
j*<~* mutabahkir thoroughly familir
ijtji buwaikira small steambnat
(j with); profound, erudite, searching,
(_ rJc bakasa a (baks) to deorease, diminisb,
reduce (* ; to lessen (e.g., 4=*JS
jl^ bahlaqa: <. jl< {'ainatAt'} to stare,
qimatah the value of ; to disregard,
gaze <j at)
neglect, fail to heed (*
^ a- ^^ excellent! well done! bravo!
f- f'
^- baks too little, too low; very low
bakka u (bakk) to snore; to spout, (price)

spurt, squirt (*; to sprinkle, splatter bfcis Bmall, little, trifling, un-
l_ r^-lj
(t_> * with) important
i^Ljc bakkJca nozzle
bakiiS pl. ^ij^Li1 bakSlS 2 tip, gratuity
ii^i (eg.) bukJeeka squirt, ayringe
mJ baka'a a (bak') with * : to kill o.b.
Ob* mibakka nozzle (with grief, anger, rage)

tlji 6afc( luck; a kind of lottery |

-*JI J- jJfil abkaq 2 , f. Ljc bakq' 2 one-eyed
unlucky; c^JI j- bad luck
Jjtf bakila a (bakal), bakula u (buhl) to be
lucky, fortunate
iJf; &afci(
niggardly, be stingy (i_> with, ^ or
*_y*~* mabkt lucky, fortunate J* with regard to s.o.), scrimp (jp, J*
s.o., iy for), stint (i_> in, ^f- or Jp s.o.),
Jit II tabaktara to strut, prance VIto
withhold (je-,
J* from s.o., <_>

give reluctantly, grudgingly f^, J* to

jjc II to vaporize, evaporate (*; to
s.o., i~>
fumigate (*}; to disinfect (*;

to perfume with incense, expose to aro- JJ bukt avarice, cupidity, greed

JJc bafcll pl. *& bukal' 1 avarioious, o-i mu9tabidd arbitrary, highhanded,
greedy; miser, skinflint autocratic, tyrannical, despotio ; auto-
crat, tyrant, despot *jIj- ",.- (bi-ra**
iw mabjpala cause of avarioe, that |

yihi) opinionated, obstinate, headstrong

whioh arouses avarice or graed

jjc bufcnuq pl. ^c bakniq* kerchief, veil i- bada'a a (#.u bad') to begin, start (<_> or
(to oover the head) j with, a; t with s.o.; with
foll. imperf.: to do or doing
J badda u (badd) to distribate, spread,
respectively ) ; to set in, begin, start,
disperse II to divide, distribute, spread,
arise, spring up, orop up II to put (*
scatter, disperse (*; to remove,,
J* before eise), give preced-
eliminate (*; to waste, squander,
ence or priority (* to,
J* over
fritter away, dissipate (* V pass. eise) III to begin, start (<_>,
of II; X to be independent, proceed with regard to s.o.), make the first Step,
independently (<_> in, o.g., in one's opinion,
take the initiative or lead (<_> in,
i.e., to be opinionated, obstinate, head-
toward s.o.), e.g., jOI&Lj *Ub {kalm) to
atrong) ; to possesa alone, monopolize
accost s.o., speak first to s.o. IV to do or
(<_>; to take possession (<_> of s.o.),
produce first (*, bring out (*
seize, grip, overwhelm, overcome {<_> s.o.;
new) | -Uu Uj [gju L. m yubdi'u wa-m
said of a feeling, of an impulse) to ; dis-
yu'idu he can't think of a blessed thing
pose arbitrarily, highhandedly (<_> of to say; -Uwj jO-j he says or does every-; to rule despotically, tyrannically,
thing conceivable VIII to begin, start
autocratically (<_> over)
(v with

A* budd way out, escape |

jS i lil
*X> bacT beginning, start .jJ! .u* from
j- -^ (buddun) if it is inevitable |

the (very) beginning; \*Xij Ijj* *Li ('au*

that...; J V (budda) definitely, cer-
dan wa-bacPan) or *J -U J* * :>_>* ('audak 'al
tainly, inevitably, without fail; by all
baSikx) or *0j Jl 1^ (il bacCin) he did
means j* ; Uj V it is necessary, inescapable,
unavoidable, inevitable, c-
it all over again, he began anew
*J Oj V he
aimply mut do it, he oan't get around it;
I- bad'a, il-u badVa, l- bidya
- JS* j- min huUi buddin in any caae, at ^Vl
beginning, start |
*jI- j in the be-
any rate
ginning, at first

- jW abdid* (pl.) Boattered

*l- bad'a beginning, start; first step,
OjO-j fabdid scattering, dispersal, dis- first instance | Oj *1oj badd' ata baSin
persion ; removal, elimination ; waste, right at the outset, at the very be-
dissipation ginning

il-Ll-1 istibdd arbitrariness, high- jl-u bud'i primitive

handedness; despotism; autocracy; ab-
solutem t-u mabda* pl. ^jL. mabdi'* be-
ginning, start, starting point; basis, foun-
jjljj^l istibddi arbitrary, highhand-
dation ; principle ; invention ; pl. prin-
ed, autocratic, despotio; oLjjIjJ^I istib*
ciplea, convictions (of a person); ideology;
ddiyt arbitrary acta
rudiments, fundamental concepts, Cle-
j-L* mubaddid scatterer, disperser; ments jjLII <^S"
Jculub al-m. elementary
squanderer, wastrel, spendthrift books
; .

ja-, mabdai original, initial; funda- to |
JpjJI jlfl Jl jiL {injzi l-wa'd)
mental, basic; LjJL* mabdaiyan origi- to set out to fulfill a promise VI jjLj
nally; in principle jmJ}\ Jl {dihn) to suggest itself strongly,
be obvious to appear at ; first glance as if
IjLI ibtida beginning, Start; novitiate
(jl); l ^S Jl j-iLj (dikni) it oecurred
{Chr.) | jf.
IoijI ifciid'an min from,
beginning os of (with foll. date)
to me all of a sudden that . .
. ;
^JI Jl jalJ
(fahm) to be immediately understood
Jloijl ibtid'i initial; preparatory, ele-
VIII to hurry, rush, hasten (* to); to get
mentary, primary of ; first instance (jur.)
ahead of s.o. antieipate, forestall
original, primitive v'-^ '**& {mahf
[ ( s.o.) |
:AJli UjAjI before she could say
kama) court of first instance; jlaijV' J*d\ a word he exclaimed . .

elementary education; v'-11^ *-j j* {mad*

rasa) lower grades of a high school,
jOj badr pl. jjJj budr fll moon
approx. : junior high school (as dis- jJj badra pl. badart, j\x> bidr huge
tinguished from *j>Ij); v'-^.' "l^-i (&a* amount of money (formerly == 10,000
hda) approx.: junior high school grad- dirhama) j
Jlj*Vl olj-4 enonnous sums
uation certificate of money
\$s\i bdi* beginning, starting |
_^Vi *^li jl-b badri hurry! quick!
bdi'a l~amr and j*Vl jjIj j in the begin-
j j L. mvbdara undertaking, enter-
ning, at first; J[j\ l^ilt j right away,
without thinking twice, unhesitatingly;
.b ^j J^jL bdi'a dl bad'in above all, jjlj bdira pl. j*\jt bavxidir* herald,
first of all, in the first place, primarily; harbinger, precursor, forerunner, first in-

^"i [$sU\ al-bdi'u dibruh (the person dication, sign; unforeseen act; Btirring,
or thing) mentioned at the outset, the impulse, fit (e.g., of rage); blurier, mis-
first-mentioned take; j^ji stirrings, impulses |
j*- jaIj

6. kairin a good, or generous, impulse

^j-U-. mubtadi* beginning; beginner;
novice {Chr.) 2
jXj baidar pl. jiLi baydir* threshing

Toi-* mubtada* beginning, start; {gram.) floor

subjeet of a nominal clause

rjj-ij and jjJ (Turk. bodrum) badrm, bad*
ljJU badara u to come unexpectedly, by sur- rn pl. -t basement

prise; to escape {,y> s.o.; e.g., words in

f-Jj bada'a a {bad') to introduce, originate,
excitement) III to come to s.o. 's ()
start, do for the first time (*, be the
mind, oeeur to s.o. () all of a sudden,
first to do (*); to devise, contrive,
strike s.o. (idea, notion) ; to embark,
invent (a II to aecuse of heresy
enter (Jl upon or set out (Jl to do
( s.o.) IV = I; to create (a; to without delay; to rush, hurry (Jl
achieve unique, excellent results (j in);
to s.o., to a place); to hurry up (<_j with
to be amazing, outstanding (j in, Jl jjb with foll. verbal noun:
VIII to invent, contrive, devise, think
to do promptly, without delay,
up (* X to regard as novel, as
hasten to do; to fall upon s.o ()
unprecedented (a
with (>_>), aecost, assail, surprise (i_>

s.o. with; e.g., Jk-li. ?'$-> j-ib to 9i bad' innovation, novelty; oreationj

snap rudely at s.o.); to react, respond (Jl \*y-j Uju bad* an wa-'audan repeatedly
. 46

f-jj bid* pl. f-l-ul abd" innovator; new, for eise); to compensate (**_>
original; unprecedented, novel | f-U V s.o. for with eise), give s.o. ()
l bid'ano wonderi jl f-Jj "^ l fttd'a an (*) in ezchange for (j) V to change;
no wonder that . j- s-Jj eise than;
. ; to be exchanged VI to ezchange (a,
unlike, different from also words, views, greetings) X to ex-

ijj bf'a
change, receive in ezchange, trade, barter
pl. p-b Staa' Innovation,
novelty; heretical doctrine, heresy; pl. (t_> a and a i_j for); to replace (a

creations (of fashion, of art) f-oJI

t_j and a l-j by), Substitute (l-j a and
| JaI
* l-j for eise)
a&Z aZ-6. heretics

jj ftooT, f-Jj bud* unprecedented, Jjj ftoaaJ pl. JUI a&iJ Substitute,
alternate, replacement ; equivalent, com-
marveloua, wonderful, amazing, admira-
pensation, setoff; reimbursement, rec-
ble, singular, unique; creator |
-j-lJI 1*
ompense, allowance; price, rate; (gram.)
*ilm aX-b. tbe art or science of meta-
phors and appositional Substantive standing for an-
(in general) of good style
other Substantive |
t^l Jjj
**iii badi'a pl. -Jljj badcii'* an aston-
allowance for food ; i
i _ri_Jl Joj b. as-
ishing, amazing thing, a marvel, a wonder;
aafaHya tra vel aUo wance ; iil _^i V ' J-"j
original creation
subscription rate; J-u expense
^.u badti rhetorical account, expense allowance

f-Jjl abda" 3 more amazing, more ez- Jjj badala (prep.) instead of, m place
ceptional; of even greater originality of, in lien of

f-l-ul t&d' creation, fashioning, ehap- j- V->j badalan min in place of, in-

ing; a marveloua, unique achievement; stead of, in lieu of

uniqueness, aingularity, originality; Crea- ifjj badla pl. oooZf, Jjj &2at su
tive ability
(of clothes); costume | >^-l <J ju o. al-

O^'JjI ibd'i romantic (lit.) hammm bathing Buit ; <_r, if Jj (ras*

miya) uniform; iJL^iS *J.u (taSriftiya)

Ov-'JjI ibdaiya romanticism (lit.)
full-dress uniform
f-a mubdi' producing, creating; crea-
*Jjj badaliya compensation, smart
trve; creator; ezceptional, unique, out-
Btanding (in an achievement, eap. of
an artist) JIj badala (prep.) instead of, L. JIjj

(conj.) instead of {being, doing, etc.)

f--tu. mvbtadi' innovator; creator; her-
etio JjJj badil pl. >V-u budal' 2 Substitute,
alternate (^ or ,y for); Btand-in, double
JXj look up alphabetically (theat.); (f. :) serving as a replacement or

Jjj badala u to replace (<~> a, by),

Substitute | iL.u jyu (mafraza) reserve

ezchange detachment (mil.)

(<~> * for) II to change,
alter (a a to), convert (a a JIj baddai grocer; money-changer
into); to Substitute (a for, .-> or l-b baddla culvert ; pipeline ; tele-
j-, ezchange, give in ezchange
phone ezchange, central
(a, wor,}. for); to change (a

III to ezchange (a * with b.o. IV to D JjL* TttobdiP see Jjj

replace (^ a by), ezchange (^ a JjJ-j taidCf change, alteration

ihL. mvbdala pl. -t exchange oV.iL | hatan and UlaJb all by itself, spontane-
ijjljf {tijriya) commercial exchange, ously
trade relatione
i^-Jj badiha sudden or unex-
Jljjl ibdl exchange, interchange, re- pected; improvisation ; impulse, inspi-
placement (<_j by), Substitution (_j of); ration, spontaneous intuition; intuitive
change; phonetic change understanding or insight, empathy, in-

tabaddul stinctive grasp, perceptive faculty

(Jo_j change, shift, turn; J J*
transformation ; transmutation, con Ver- i^-l all by itself, spontaneously; off-

sion hand; i^-l j-^L*- quick- witted, quick at

repartee; S^U- ^jj presence of mind
(JiU tabdul {mutual) exchange |

^"LJl JiLj (. as-aalm exchange of greet- af Jj badihi and ^Oj badahi intuitive;
self-evident ; a priori (adj.)
ings; jW^J-'l JjU thought transference,
telepathy L^Aj badihiya pl. -t an axiom, a fun-

JI-lL-I istxbdl exchange, replacement, damental or self-evident truth; truism,

Substitution commcmplace, platitude

t}x>* mubdil: oLjI_jL-V J-L*

*Ji Jj bad'ih* fundamental or seif-

wandt automatio record changer evident truths

JjLi* mutabdal mutual, reciprocal (jjj) \jj bad u to appear, show, become
evident, clear, piain or manifest, come
Jj baduna u and badana u to be fat, corpu-
to light; to be obvious; to seem good,
acceptable, proper (J to s.o.) III to show,
jjj badan pl. jl-ul abdn, Jo\ abdun display, evince, manifest, reveal, declare
body, trank, torso openly |
ij\xJL ^jL (*adwa) to show

(J-U badani bodily, corporal, physicai, open hostility IV to disclose, reveal, mani-
somatic fest, show, display, evince (*; to
demonstrate, bring out, bring to light,
ljj badna corpulence, obeaity
make visible {*; to express, utter,
j-jXj badin pl. d>Jj bvdun stout, cor- voice (a j J\j ^^1 (ra'yah)

pulent, fat, obese to express one's opinion about; Lij ^JjI

(ragbatan) to express a wish or desire
ijjjj budna corpulence, obesity
V = I; to live in the desert VI to pose as
(1>jL bdin pl. Jj bvdn stout, corpulent,
a Bedouin
fat, obese
j -h badw desert nomads, Bedouins

Oj badaha a to come, descend Buddenly (*

tjjjj badawi Bedouin, nomadic; rural
upon s.o.), befall unexpectedly ( s.o.);
(as distinguished from urban); a Bed-
to aurprise ( s.o.) with (^) III to
appear suddenly, unexpectedly (^
before s.o. with VIII to extem- \j x> badawiya pl. -t Bedouin woman,
porize, improvise, do offhand, on the Bedouin girl

spur of the moment (* luj badh pl. oljOj badawt whim,
ifcioj badha spontaneity, spontaneous caprice; ill-humor

occurrence, impulse; simple, natural way, Sjluj badwa and bidtoa desert life,
naturalness, matter-of-factness ;i1oj bad- Bedouin life; Bedouinism, nomadism
; ;

JJb 48

l-U baida 2
desert, steppe, wilderness, jli bidr seedtime
jXJ tabdlr waste, squandering, dissi-

IjuI ibd* expression, manifestation, pation

jJL. mvbaddir aquanderer, wastrel,

jlj fidm apparent, evident, obvious, spendthrift

piain, visible; inhabiting the desert; pl.
3Xj look up alphabetically
*1 jj budk Bedouins

jaL bdiya desert, semidesert, steppe Ji badala % u (badi) to give or spend frecly,

peasantry; (pl. s\j> bouwdin) nomads, generously (*; to sacrifice (*;

Qedouins to expend (* ; to offer, grant ( * |

X^r- Ji (jahdah) to take pains; Ji

Iaj bidya = Sljb
ljj^do.;.uLn jTji (Jeua mumadatin)
to grant every assistance; ^L-11 Ji to
i 6o^o- n {ba44) to get the better of (*),

beat, surpass
make efforte; J itliJl Ji to obey s.o.,
( s.o.)
defer to s.o.; JU JT Ji (Jeua glin) and
i bad& and iL bdd elovenly, untidy,
JWI Ji to spare no
J_k- J ij*^-J\j
shabby, fitthy, squalid
effort, go to any length, give everything,
Sili badda Blovenliness, untidiness, pay any price for or in order to; Ji

ehabbiness, d^tineaa, filth <4*-j l. (maa uuihihi) to sacrifice one's

honor; (O^ jp or) ~& ji <- Ji to
1i badaa a to revile, abuse (J* s.o.), rail
sacrifice o.s. for s.o.; <*-j Ji (ivus'ah)
(J* at s.o.);

^.ij fautt'a a, ji farfu'a u
to do one's utmoat, do one's best T to
to be obscen* bawdy
fritter away one's fortune, be over-

*iSM ^4* disgusting, loathsome, nause- generous; to prostitute o.s. (woman); to

oua, foul, dirty, obsoene, bawdy, ribald displaycommon, vulgr manners VIII to
wear outin common service, make trite,
*\X> bad* and !li badaa obscenity,
vulgr, commonplaoe to hackney (* ,
ribaldry, foulness (of language) ; disguat,; to abuse (*; to express o.s.
loathing, aversion, contempt
in a vulgr manner, use vulgr language
^-i badaka a to be baughty, proud 4_j JJcjI to degrade o.a., demean o.e.,

sacrifice one's dignity

i-i badak luxury, pomp, splendor;
haughtiness, pride Ji badl giving, spending; sacrifice,

bdik pl. j-Jl>. bawdik* high, surrender, abandonment; expenditure;

haughty offering, granting
lofty; proud,

i badia suit (of clothes)

jXt badara u {badr) to sow, disseminate (*, seed, also fig. = to spread) II to JJL. mibdal pl. JSL. mabdiP s lipper;

waste, squander, dissipate (* pl. JjL. casual clothing worn around
home | JSL. j O^U so-and-so in his
jii badr pl. jjii budr, jli bidr
private life
seeds, seed; seedling; pl. jji pips, pits,

stones (of fruit) JlJbi ibtidl triteness, commonness,

commonplaceness banality; debasement,
ijXt badra (n. un.) a seed, a grain; pip,
pit, stone (of fruit); germ; (fig.) germ
cell (of a development, and the like) JiL bd spender


JJLi* mutabaddil vulgr, common outaide |

l_^j \j barran wa-bahran by
land and sea
Jo~* mvbtadal trite, hackneyed, banal,
common, vulgr ; e veryday , common- ,jj barri terrestrial, land (adj.); wild
place (adj.) (of plante and animals) j SJL \j IjL-
(aayyra, m'iya) amphibious vehicle
j haira (Ist pera. perf. barirtu, barartu) a *

(bin) to be reverent, dutiful, devoted; *lj barrtya pl. ^j j I barrly open

to be kind { or i_> to s.o.); to be chari-
country; steppe, desert; see also x

table, beneficent, do good (_ to s.o.); to <j\j barrni outside, outer, exterior,

obey ( s.o., esp. God); to treat with external; foreign, alien
reverence, to honor (_ or the parents};
j burr wheat
to be honest, truthful; to be true, valid
(sworn Statement); to keep (<_j a promise, 1
l_r bara'a a ( v bar') to create (*, said
anoath) II to Warrant, justify, vindicate;
of God)
to acquit, absolve, exonerate, exculpate,
*j bar* creation
clear (a, s.o., <_> <^-j jj {wajhah)

to justify o.s. by IV to carry out, fulfill *jj bariya pl. -t, Ll_r bary creation
(*, a promise, an oath) V to justify (= that which is ereated); creature; Bee
o.s.; to be justified 2
alBO _r.

j birr reverence, piety; righteousness, ^ jUl tU-bri' the Creator (God)

probity; godliness, devoutness; kindness;
\$J bari'a a (U\j bar'a) to be or become
charitable gift
free, be cleared (j* from, esp. from guilt,
j barr and jL brr pl. j\j\ abrr and blame, etc., Jl toward s.o.); to recover
Ijj barara reverent, dutiful (i_> toward), (j,- from an illness) II to free, clear,
devoted (o to); pioua, godly, upright, acquit, absolve, exculpate ( s.o., j- from
righteous; kind suspicion, blame, guilt) 3*-U \j

*ji+ mabarra pl. -t and jL. mabrr2

(shaia r-rajul) he acquitted the man
IV to acquit, absolve, discharge, exculpate
good deed, act of charity, benefaction;
( s.o.); to eause to recover, eure, heal
philanthropio Organization ; charitable
home (* s.o.) 4i-j \j\ (dimmatah) to clear
institution, or hospital set up with |

private funds
s.o. or o.s. from guilt, exonerate s.o. or
o.s. V to clear o.s. (j* from suspicion,
j j tabrlr justification, vindication
from a Charge), free o.s. (^ from respon-

jL brr reverent, sibility, etc.), rid o.s. (,y, of); to declare

faithful and devoted;
see also under j barr above o.s. innocent, wash one's hands (^ of);
to be acquitted X to restoro to health,
Jjs* mabrr (accepted into the grace eure, heal ( s.o.); to free o.a. (^ from),
of the Lord, i.e.) blessed (said of a
rid o.s. ((>. of)
deceased person)
j bur* and *jj bur* convalescence,
j >* mubarrir pl. -t justification
excuse |
a] jj* )} (mubarrira) unjusti-
*' pl- *L>y' abriy' 2
fiable *<Sj & ar , *\j bur',
bir' free, exempt (^ from), devoid
j barr land (as opposed to sea), terra firma, ((> of ) ; guiltless, innocent ;
mainJand; open country; \j barran out, harmless; healthy, sound


*\j bar* free, exempt (^ from) [ *i jj}\ al-barbar the Berbers

,> *'y (<Wmma*uA) he is innocent of ...

tfjj barbari Berber (adj.); barbaric,
U\j bar'a being free; disavowal, with- uncivillzed (pl.;
j\j barbira) a
drawal; innocence, guiltlessness; naivete, Berber; a barbarian
guilelessness, artlessness; (pl. -t) Ucense,
*ij j barbariya barbar(ian)ism, barbar-
diploma, patent fjj^-l 'y patent on
ity, savagery, cruelty
an invention; iJl >l^ exequatur {a
written authorization of a consular officer,
;>u muiabarbir barbaric, uncivilized

issued by the govemment to which he look up alphabetically

is accredited) ; Jl l*\j b. ai-tiqa (Tun.)
ijiuj barbU (syr.) tube (of a narghile, of an
credentials (dipl.) ; l*\j
J* harmless
without guilt, innocent enema, etc.)

4jj-3 tabri'a freeing, exemption; acquit- !nij barbafa to splash, paddle, dabble (in

tal, absolution, discharge, exoner&tion water)

TjL. mubra'a mubarat, divorce by tjjij (It. barbone) barbni, also bjtj red
mutual consent of husband and wife, muilet (Mullus barbatus; zool.)

either of them waiving all claims by way

\jj see <tj
of compensation (Isl. Law)

\j\ ibr' acquittal, abeolution, release; ij~uj barbia barbel (zool.)

releaae of a debtor from his liabilities,

JLJ_r burtugl Portugal
remifision of debt (Isl. Law)
JUjj burtugli Portuguese
*\jc^\ iatibrai J*A-I ljc-1 ist. al-hamal
the ceremony of aelecting and purifying JUjy burtuql, \Jj burtuqn orange

the Host before Mass (Copt.-Chr.) jUjy burtuqli tlj\jj burtuqni orange,
orange- colored
j\j*r^ji baraguwy Paraguay
jj buttun pl. ij\j bartin 9 claw, talon
Jj jljJI al-bvrzxl Brazil
V_r V to display, show, play up her charms
{Sf-^j (Fr- brasserie) braerl beer parlor,
(woman); to adorn herseif, make herseif
pretty (woman)

f\j Prague burj, *^\j\ abrj tower;

'ry. burj pl. ^jj
a\j\j (Fr. paravent) baravn folding screen Castle; sign of the zodiac | *\^-\ -rj b.

al-hamm pigeon house, do vecot ; r_j

l>l_r bdrahm Brahma
Uli b. al-miyh water tower
4j j birba and ijj birb pl. jl j barbi
'i^-jL brija pl. rJji bawrij3 warship,
ancient Egyptian temple, temple ruins
battleship; brge
dating back to ancient Egypt (eg.) ;

labyrinth, maze ^j-U- jJl t_-jJ lab al-birjs a kind of equestrian

contest, joust, tournament
jf-j barhak pl.
f-\j barbik* water pipe,
drain, culvert, sewer pipe '^j-tft-jti al-birjia Jupiter (ostron.)

jj barbara to babble noisily (e.g., a large J-_f barjal pl. J-I_r barji compaas, (pair
orowd), jabber, mutter, prattle of ) dividera

61 >j!

*+j burjuma pl. ^\j barjim* knuckle, ij bard coldness, chilliness, coolness;

finger Joint cooling; alleviation; cold, catarrh

ij barad hail, ~**j barada un.)

^j- bariha a (r\j barh) to leave (* or ^& hailstone

place, Jl for), depart (* from, Jl on

one's way to); with neg. to continue : ijj bard collyrium
to be (= Jlj) j rj l* he i still in ...;
| ;
jjy burd coldness, coolness, chilliness;
Lii r; U (ganiyan) he U still rieh; rj emotional coldness, frigidity
LU-'I (Ipafa) the matter haa come out,
has beoome generally known; ryj 1j ijj burda coldness, coolness, chil-

to come and go II to beset, harass, liness ; emotional coldness, frigidity |

trouble, molest (<- s.o.) III to leave >-iJI lijj b. ad-dam cold-bloodedness

(* a place, Jl for), depart (* from, Jl on j-iy bardiya ague, feverish chill; see
one's way to) also below

-1y barh depart ure; oessation, stop; *\)j burad** ague, feverish chill
a wide, empty tract of land, vast ezpanse,
*\j barrda cold-storage plant; re-
vastness; U-ly barhan openly and
frigerator, icebox
plainly, patently
-b j tabtid cooling, chilling ; cold
j\J tabrih* agonies, torments (e.g.,
storage, rofrigeration ; alloviation, mit-
of longing, of passkm)
igation | -^ll jl+r J^Az at-t. cold-

o-jL. mvbraha departure storage plant, refrigerator ; -1>>JI **jf-

ffurfat at-t. cold-storage room

-jLi brih (showing the left side, i.e.)

ill-boding, inauspicious, ominous (as jjL brid cold ; cool, chilly ; easy
opposed to f\**)i ^jUI al-brika yester- weak; stupid, inane, silly, dull; dunce,
day blockhead | jU v>l (korb) the cold

war; ojU i*-^ an easy prey; jjIj ^*s.

o-jUl al-brikaia yesterday ^-jUl JJl | f
( ai$) an easy life; ojIj <*: (hujja) a weak
(Zatioto) last night; o-jUl Jjl awwala
argument; jjL ;J (tibg) light, mild to-
l-b. the day before yesterday, two daye
*s* mvbarrid cooling, refreshing; pl.
-JU mu/wirrtA violent, intense, ex-
l refreshments (beverages, etc.)
cruciating, agonizing (esp., of pains)
i_A* mubarrad cooled, chilled
o_ -ju mudarraA &Ai stricken, afflicted,

*j barada u to file (* a piece of metal, etc.)

jly barrd fitter (of machinery)

*j barada u to be or beoome cold; to cool,
cool off (also fig.); to feel cold; to cool, jly birda fitter's trade or work
chil) {*; to soothe, alleviate (* *jly burda iron filings
pain); baruda u to be or become cold
*j^ mibrad pl. jjL. mabrid 1 file, rasp
II to make cold (*; to refrigerate
(*; to cool, chill (*, also fig.); j^ turd pl. *\j\ abrd garment
to soothe, alleviate (* pain) V to refresh
lij burda Mohammed 's outer garment
o.a., oool o.s. off; to be soothed, be
alleriated VIII to become cold, cool off oliy burdya curtain, drape
>j! 52

*ij- IV to send by mail, to mail (* a letter) jjj burz prominence, protection,

6arW post, mail Protrusion

^^i-l 4j jO! (jawui)
air TTiail
j\j birz exorement, feoea; oompeti-

j4j^ &arid{ portal; messenger, oourier;

tion, oontest, match (in sporta) ; duel

mailman ~*jj buraiza (birSza; eg.) ten-piaater

*jjjb look up alphabetioally
jj abraz 1 more marked, more

*if*j bardi, burdl papyrus (bot.) tive; more prominent

Sjjlt 6ardlya pl. -t papyrus | Cj\j jjJI ]* jjL mubraza competition, conteat,
't/m oJ-6. papyrology match, esp. in sporta; duel; fencing

3\j bardq pl. Jj-ily bardiq* jug, pitcher jlj-1 ibrz bringing out, displaying,
setting off, accentuation ; production;
r->jOl i^J la' aJ-6. bridge (game) preaentation

jk^ bardaka to poliah, burnish (* Jjb briz protruding, projecting, sa-
lient; raised, embossed, in relief; marked,
itiy = Itiy distinct, oonspicuoua ; prominent (Per-
jl*i_r = d\Jj
jjw mubarriz surpassihg (J* s.o.),
uSj/ bardaqS (= ^jii^) marjoram superior (J* to s.o.); winner, victor (in

jjjy {Fr. ftorrfure) bardra ourbstone, curb
JjL mubriz competitor, contender;
4*i_r barda'a pl. ilj. ard^i* 1 saddle, pack- combatant, fighter; fencer
aaddle (for donkeya and cameis)
jr jr (Fr. priae) briz pl. -t (plug) socket, wall
^jlj- bar4i'i maker of donkey sad-
plug, outlet (syr.); \jj bariza pl. y\j
dies, aaddler
bartfiz* do. (eg.)

j'ij btrdaun pl. ^ily bardin* work horae,

*'jy) look up alphabetioally
jade, nag
*\jj barazn trumpet
j_r baraza u to oome out, show, appear, oome
into view, emerge; to jut out, protrude, j_r barzaip pl. jlj; barzik* interval, gap,
stand out, be prominent (also fig.); to break, partition, bar, obatruction; isth-
aurpaas, exoel
(J s.o.) II to cause to mus
oome out, bring out, expose, ahow, set
JjJ-r burzq sidewalk
off, accentuate {*; to excel, surpaas
(j J* B -o. in), stand out (j for), dia- 1
^U -r binm pleurisy
tinguish o.a. (j by) III to meet in
combat or duel
I look up alphabetioally
( s.o.); to compete in a
oontest ( with s.o.) IV to cause to come '^j- birsim olover, speoif., berseem, Egyp-
out, bring out, expose, make manifest tian olover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.;
(*; to publish, bring out (* a book, bot.)
etc.); to present, show (m e.g., an identity
card) V to evacuate the bowel VI to vie,
iSJ buri pl. jilyl abri mat
J-j\ abraS* spotted, speckled
63 4J.

<J>j \ look up alphabetically proficient V to oontribute, give, donate

^-L (bai4) soft-boiled

(u>; to undertake (voluntary, ^
cJ-j birUt: c-Jj;, volunteer (^ for), be prepared,
willing (u> to do; to be ready, be

4jJ.j bar&ilna Barcelona (seaport in NE on hand (u-> with)

Spain) lAj bara'a skill, proficiency; efciency,

capability, capacity
J.j barSama to stare, gaze (Jl at; to

rivet (> \*jj buriia superior skill, outatanding

Ir'j barSama riveting
fy tabarrv' pl. -t gift, donation;
jLi_r burSm and <jL5_r (n. un. ) pl. -t
wafer; Host (Chr.)
f-jU ftrt' skilIed, skillful, proficient,
<*\J>j burSma rivet
capable, efficient; brilliant, outstanding
j\-*j burSmji riveter (work of art)

l&jf'j burSamjiya riveting

bar'ama to bud, burgeon, sprout
barifia a (baraf) to be a leper
bur'um pl. har'im* and p*_r
fj f\j
^j burp wall gecko (Tarentola mau- bur'm pl. plj- or^Jm" bud, burgeon;
ritanica, zool.) blossom, flower

^j barap leprosy
Ltjej burgl pl.i-*l_r 6argt/ B flea;pl. l~*\j
^j <i abraf 2 leproua; leper |
^j\ *L- (syr.) small silver coins |
^Jl t>jfij b.

amm a. wall gecko al-bakr shrimp {zool.)

\^j burpa stock exchange jii^ bargaS (coli.; n. un. ) gnat(s), midge(s)

^j baratfa u {^jj bur$) to germinate,

Ji_r &uruZ cooked, parehed and crushed
Bprout (plant) wheat, served together with other food
(eg., syr.)
j^j barfz: 4j^*JI j^j b. al-bahriya fore-
castle, crew quarters (on a merchant (Turk. J.JJ* burfa) brgt pl.
J.j J.\j t

vessel) bargi screw

*Uy barpi'a (**bj barfa'a) to galJop jij birfir pl. ji\j barfir* purple

JUy barfaia i*^j barfala) to bribe ( s.o.)

ij j look up alphabetically
II tabarfala to take bribes, be venal
^Sy baraqa u to shine, glitter, aparkle, flash j

J-U_r birfil pl. JJ-ly barfiP bribe

IjJl cjj- (sam'u) there was lightning
1 Ij- barpuna to rave, talk irrationally IT = I; to emit bolts of lightning
(cloud); to flash up, Light up; to brighten
>jlj- ftur/m, barfm trank of an
(face); to cable, wire, telegraph (Jl to)
3j barq pl. 3jj burq lightning; flash
uL^r barfamn pl. - (*yr., e^.) talj earthen
of lightning; ielegraph |
^_-U 3j (kvUab)
or glase vesael (for preserres, oil, eto.)
lightning without a downpour, used flg.,

fj bara'a a to surpass, excel { s.o.); (also e.g., of s.o. given to making promises
baru'a u) to distinguish o.s., be skillful, without ever living up to them

jy barqi telegraphic, telegraph- (in x

i!y baraka u to kneel down II and IV to
Compounds) make (* the camel) kneel down II to

Jj barqlya pl.
invoke a blessing (J* or j on, J
-t telegram, wire,
on s.o.) III to bless (j or s.o., also J
or J*), invoke a blessing on; to give
Jis bariq pl. jJlj- bar'iq 2 glitter,
one's Messing (* to, sanction
hine, gloss, luster Jj*. jjy jj (ma'
(* V to be blessed (cj by); to enjoy
dini) lustered, coated with metallic
(i_->, find pleasure, deHght (i_j in);
to ask s.o. 'b (^>) blessing VI to be blessed,
3\j burq Alborak, name of the be praised ; ... i]j\J tabraka . . . God
creature on which Mohammed made bis bless . . . ! X to be blessed
ascension to the seven heavens (r^j**)
O birka pl. i]j biralc pond, small
3\j- barrq shining, lustrous, epar- lake; puddle, pool | i-LJI T, 6. as-
kling, flashing, glittering, twinkling eibha swimming pool
3j* mabraq glitter, flash
^-Jl 3j<+ J T/ baraka pl. -t blessing, benediction |

/* m. %9-yubh with the first rays of the o^JI ii qillat al-b. misfortune, bad luck
raorning sun
fjj-l abrak2 more blessed
jjU brig: J^VI JjIj 6. al-amal
dL^y tabrik pl. -t good wish; blessing,
glimpse of hope
jU briqa pl. JjI^j baioriq 2 gleam,
iJjL. mubrak blessed, fortunate, lucky

Jj mubriq: ._Jtf Jj teletype

*ilijLr barrlk 2 (mor.) barracks

jJl al-barga Cyrenaica (region of E Ubya) jtfj birkr compass, (pair of) dividera

jij) look up alphabetically
jlf/ burkn pl. J-.S'ij barkin 2 volcano

*3j^ look up alphabctically JlT/ burknl volcanic

i_"*/ barqasa (3-iiy barqnSa) to variegate, i)\lj barlamn parliament

paint or daub with many colora (* jU.^ barlamnl parhamentary; to embellish (*; Jy one's
*-Jli j- barlamniya parliamentarianism
speech) II tabarqaSa reflex. and pass. of I

(jtij- birqis finch Jlly (It. brillante) brillanti brilliant, dia-

<iij- barqasa colorful raedley, variety,
variegation ,>.Jy bariin Berlin

J*^* mubarqai colorful, vaxiegated,

mj barima a (baram) to be or become
weary, tired (i_j of), be fed up, be bored
>j barqa'a to veil, drape (*, s.o., (^ with), find annoying, weariaome (<->

II tabarqa'a to put on a veil, veil o.a. V to feel annoyed (<-> by), be dis-
pleased (<-> with); to be fed up (^ with),
jj burqu' pl. -jly barqi'* veil (worn
be sick and tired (<-> of, also j*); to be
by women long, leaving the eyes exposed)

impatient, discontented, dissatisfied; to

3Jj barqq (coli.; n.un. 1} plum grieve, be pained



*j barim weary, tired (_> of), dis- tijLj- (Engl.) barmnant permanent wave |

gusted (i_j at, with); dissatisfied, dis- jjUI J* <^*jL^ cold wave (in hair)

j*j barmaq pl. j*\j barmig 2 baluster;
aj tabarrum wearineas, boredom, dia- spike (of a wheel}
guat; discontent, disaatisfaction; uneasi-
nesa, discomfort, annoyance oLfty baramht the seventh month of the
Coptic calendar
^jc* mutabarrim croaa, peevish, vexed,
annoyed tlc^s Birmingham

a*yj barmda the eighth month of the Coptic

[j barama u (barm) to twist, twine (* a

rope); to shape (* rouild and long; calendar

to roll up (* the sleeves) ; to settle, 2

J-jy bar mil pl. J^ij- barmil barrel; keg,
establish, confirm (* IV to twist,
cask; tun
twine (a a rope); to aettle, establish,

confirm (*; to conclude (* a pact); 4-jj barniya pl. Jl^ barniy clay vessel

to confirm ( a judicial judgment); to

barnmaj pl. *ly barmij 2 program,
ratify (* a treaty, a bill) VII to be aet- f\jj
plan, achedule; roater, liat, index; cur-
tled, be established, be confirmed; to be
twisted, be twined

^\j~j burunjuk gauze, crepe

<*\j barrma pl. -at drilling machine
fj barim rope; tring, cord, twine J_r burnua pl. ^pjlj- barnis 2 (also ^^y

fcam&s, &wrn pl.

Lr-^j barnis 2 ) bur-
<t j barrima pl. -at drill, borer, gimlet,
noose, hooded cloak; caaula, chasuble
auger, bit; O oorkscrew
(of Coptic priesta) >jr>J. 6. oZ-
O *^ J barrimlya spirochete hammm bathrobe

*\j\ ibrm aettle ment, eatabliahment; ^'^ barniai pl. -iya maker of bur-

confirmation; concluaion (of a pact, etc.);

ratification | Aj^j <J
*jd\ <* mahkamat 2 Ji^l JL.
1 _r
j'i&J al-barnt the Pyrenees
wn-naqd wa-l-t. Court of Cassation (Eg.)
Jy ftrins prince
rjjv> mdbrm: O +jj* ti (silk) wire 1 _r

rope, cable i-jj-Jy brinsesa princesa

jm mubram firm, strong; irrevocable,

iajy II tabarnafa to wear a hat
definitely established; confirmed, rati-
Jy burnaita pl. -(, JaJ'j' &arnif a
fied |
ajv Lii (gada) inescapable fate;
(European) hat (men'a and women's)
itjw j>^j irrevocably
lamp ahade
2 ~<tj burma pl. * j buram, a\j birm earthen-
*j burha pl. buraht, j burah a while, a
ware pot
time ; ahort time ; instant, moment
Lj* burm Burmo <aj burhatan a little while |
^p^j -Uj

(after two moments =) in a ahort time

<jL/ barm'i amphibious | <J\+j LLj (dabo
bba) amphibious tank (mil.) j barJtam (syr.) = *j* wtarAam

O V-j 1
barm'iya amphibian jPj bardhman pl. 5**lj- barhima Brahman

<~**j barahmiya Brahmanism take in hand (J, set out to do

(J), enter, embark (J upon); to break

barhana to prove, demonstrate
j_r (J* or forth (j* from); to get going; to break
'er s-th.)
out, let fly, explode (with words, esp.
jUj- burhn pl. J*\j barhin* proof in anger or excitement)

Uy barhana proving, demonstration ,jj baran dust, earth

jj barwa waste, scrap *i)j barrya, j^j^l i,\j b. al-aqlm

pencil Bharpener
JJU-Jjj- brotostanti Protestant; (pl. -n) a
l\j* mibrh pocketknife
IjL* mubrdh pl. C-L jL* mubrayt con-
iJb-Jjj brotostantiya Protestantism
test, tournament, matoh (in games and
jjjj (It. proUsto) brotost protest (of a bill sports); competition, rivalry
of exchange)
jLi : Lj-jL ,_^ill Jtfrl a'fi l-qausa UU
riyahd give the bow to h\n\ who knows
6^yjj brotokl protoeol
how to shape it, i.e., always ask an
yjj brOtOn proton e xpert

jLi* mviabrin partieipant in a oon-

f\j*rjJ brogrm program
test, contestant, contender; competitor,
tjrjj buTji pl. -fya trumpeter, bugler

jjj barwaza to frame

*\>_j see Aj and lj
jljj- barwz, binoz pl. jj\j barwiz*
frame ILjj> barifniy, birifdniy Britain, ULLy
^Ji-Jl (vzm) Great Britain
^jj (It. Pruseia) bursiy Prusaia
jU^j> barifani, birifdnl British; Bri-
^jj bursi Praasian tannio

**jj and 43jj (It. prova) brva, brfa pl. -dt l

y bazza u (bau) to take away, steal, wrest,
test, experiment; proof sheet; rehearsal snateh (* * from s.o., rob, strip
(* s.o. of; to defeat, beat, out-
jjj %
(Fr-) bronz bronze
atrip, excel (* s.o.), triumph, be vic-
tS'jjj bronzi bronze, bronzy ^ J 1
t | toriouB (. over) Till to take away, steal,
tfyjjJI ('*) the Bronze Age pilfer (*; to take away, snateh
tSJ, bar * (&wy) to trim, shape (*, nib
(a money, J* from s.o.); to rob, fleece

(* a pen), sharpen (* a pencil); to Scratch ( s.o.) |

^Ul i}\j*\ jl to lift money out
off, scrape off (*; to exhaust, tire of people's pookets, relieve people of
out, wear out, emaciate, enervate ( b.o.),
their money
sap the strength of () III to vie, com- Jljl ibtixdz theft, robbery; fleecing,
pete ( with s.o.), try to outatrip ( s.o.) robbing (of s.o.)
VI to vie, compete, contend, be rivals;
to meet in a conteet, try each other's
j bazza u to bud, burgeon

strength (esp. in games and Sporte) TU to j buzz, bizz pl. jlj. bizz, Jl>l abz&z
be trimmed, be nibbed, be sharpened; nipple, mammilla (of the female breast);
to defy, oppose (J s.o.); to undertake, teat, female breast
; ;


> bazz pl. jj'j busz linen; cloth, dry gooda jU fiztn pl. 1_> buiA, Jl^j bawzin, jl>j
tfzn falcon
*j bizza clothing, clothes, attire; uni-
form *^"j *j (rasmlya) uniform and ^Lj
^pj fco i-j !>(M5a pl. fiws cat

jl> bazzz draper, oloth merohant

Lj 6o*o*a a (.^-j 6cm') to treat amicably
j\j bizza cloth trade (i_j s.o.); to be intimate, be on familir
terms (<_ with)
jy y t
bazbz pl. >jl> bazbiz 2 nozzle, spout
UjIjLj besrbiy Bessarabia
j'j bazara * (bazr) to sow
^L-J basbs, 1-L-j basbsa (eg.) mace (fio(.);
j'j bizr pl. jjj buzr seed(s); pl. jljrl
(wiojf.) fennel
abzr andy jUI abzir* spiee

4~>~-j 6<m6i (,) paatry made of

j> At'zra (n. un.) seed; kernet, pip,
flour, melted butter, sugar and oil
pit, stone (of fruit); germ

jl_> bazzr seedsman (Fr.) baaiiliya pastilles, lozenges

j'j buzaira pl. -t epore (6o(.) U-j bustn pl. (>jL_j 6a*7tn a garden

fy bazaga u to break forth, oome out; to Jli-j tuaint gardener; garden (adj.);

dawn (day) to rise ; (sun) horticultural

buzg appearance, emergence oL-j ftaatana gardening, horticulture

rise (of the eun) a
jji-j (Fr. j)t(OTt) feiat, ,>t (Engl.) bistan
pl. ^.Ij bastin 2 piston
3j bazaqa u (bazq) to spit

Jlj- buzq Bpit, spittle, saliva J>i-J (It. bastone) bastni spades (suit of
playing cards)
**!> bazzqa snail; cobra

>* 771162050 pl. JjL> maMzt^9 spittoon, *-j fttwia Easter; Passion Week (Cr.)

j_j ftoaaro (j_y-> busr) to scowl, frwn;
Jy bazala u (bazl) to eplit (*; to pierce basara u (basr) and VIII to begin too
(m, make a hole (* in); to tap, early (* with), take prmature action,

broach (*; a cask); to puneture, be rash (* in

tap ( s.o.; med.); to clear, filter (* a j~i buar (n. un. ") pl. jL-j biar unripe
liquid) dates
J_> bazl puneture, tapping, paracenteeis j_^U bsr pl. j^jt baw&ii2 hemor-
(med.) rhoids
Jlj- buzl bung (of a cask)
i*-j basafa u (bas}) to spread, spread out
J>* mibzal pl. JjL* mabzil* spile,
(*; to level, flatten (*; to
pigot, tap; cock, faucet enlarge, expand (*; to tretch out,

extend (* ; to unfold, unroll (*

> (It. j)weW) bizia and V_> green peaa
to grant, offer, present (*; to sub-
rj\ ibzim pl. fjLl abzim* buckle, clasp mit, state, set forth, expound, explain

(*, J or Jp to s.o.); to flog (* s.o.;

Cjjaj bizml bismuth
Nejd); to please, delight ( s.o.) | U,-;

Jsijr bizanfi Byzantine 4-*-lji (diraaihi) to spread one's arms;


J 4*111 -b L j (yada l-mus'ada) to ex- simple souls, ingenuous people

| ^ aJl Lj_j
tend a helping hand to s.o.; x'Lii 1^-' 6. al-yadain (pl. L i busuf) generous,
to lay the table; basuta u (>Lj ba* openhanded
efa) to be simple, openhearted, frank,
iLJl al-basita the earth, the world
candid II to spread, spread out, extend,
expand JJL-J bas'ifi elements; simple rem-
(*; to level, flatten (*
edies, medicinal plants; basic facts; to simplify, make simple (*
III to set forth, State, expound, explain; LLj basta simplicity, plainncss
to be sincere (<_* with s.o. about or in, confess frankly (<_j to s.o.
O &j-*\ ubsta pl. L--U absit* rim,
felly (of a wheel)
V to be spread, be unrolled, be spread
out, be extended ; to speak at great L jl absaf 2 simpler; wider, more ex-
length (J about), enlarge (j on), treat tensive

exhaustively, expound in detail (j a L~-u tab3lt simplification

theme); to be friendly, communicative,
IfUI inbimt (n. vic. 3) extensity, ex-
sociable, behave unceremoniously, be
tenaiveness, extension ; expansion, ex-
completely at eaae |
ijoA-l j l-;' to
panse; joy, delight, happiness, gaiety,
talk freely, without formality VII to
spread, extend, expand (intr.); to be glad,
be delighted, be or become happy tL-L <Lp 'adcda bsita extensor (aTiaf.)

.L-j basf extension, spreading,

J-ji* mabsf extended, outstretched
rolling, unfolding;
spread out; extensive, large, sizeable;
presentation, State-
ment, explanation, exposition; cheering, detailed, elaborate (book); cheerful,
happy, gay; feeling well, in good health;
delighting, delectation; amusement; (Eg.)
numerator (of a fraction) (tun.) well-to-do
oJI L-j 6.

al-yad avarice, greed, cupidity ) >'

muTibasit extending, spreading;
gay, happy, cheerful; level surface
ik-j basfa extension, extent, expanae;
size, magnitude; skill, capability, abili- <vL-> (Turk.) basturma a kind of jerked,
ties; excess, abundance; (pl. -t) State- salted meat (eg.)
ment, exposition, presentation; (pl.
jji-JI al-buajr the Bosporus
JL_j biaf) landing (of a staircase); es-
trade, dais, platform (eg.)
J-j basaqa u (3j-i busq) to be high, tall,

lofty, towering; to excel, surpasa or

iL_j bisf pl. -t, Ik-jl absifa, U.--;

busuf oarpet, mg |
ii^JI JL_j 6. ar-rahma > s.o.)

winding sheet, shroud; iJt-. (*-ij or) -.j* J-Li bsiq high, tall, lofty, towering

J* (masalaian, bht) to raise a

ti^-Jl JL_j
Jt. mubaiq high, tall, lofty, towering
question, bring a question on the carpet,
also liibll JL_i (6. -munqaSa) for dis- cJX-j (Fr. bicyclette) biskilet, baskilet bicycle
cussionjv U i1
^J to bring the mat-
O^S.j (It. fciseoo) ftasikt biscuit
ter to an end, settle it once and for all
ljjX-j baskawit biscuit
-Lj baeif pl. Lk_j busaf' 2 simple;
piain, uncomplicated slight, little, mod- 1
basula u (ilL_> 6aadZa) to be brave,

est, inconsiderable, trivial, trifling; i-Jl feariess, intrepid V to scowl, glower X to

name of a poetical meter; pl. IL-j be reckless, defy death
JLj baala courage, intrepidity propagate, preach {*->; a religion,

JLc*l wtibsl death defiance

a doctrine) |
<~> *j ^ (na/*Afl) to
indulge in the happy hope that ... IV to
J-L hbtt pl. }U 6iwaW", JJ^ feauxJ-
rej oice (at good news) X to rej oioe
eiP brave, fearless, intrepid be delighted, be happy (o* at, eap.

mustabsil death-defying, heroio at good news], welcome (i~>; to

takeasa good omen (y \\j**- **
**Lj bisilla peas (kairan) to regard as auspicious

_j 6aama (feum), V and VIII to smile jJa bi&r joy


i*_j boma pl. ftasanuli smile ji_ bvJtr glad tidings

|.L_j baum smiling

^_^j bwbr glad tidings, good newB
*- mo6*m pl. .- L* TTwisim' mouth lj\Jj> biSra pl. -i, J\t bai'ir* good
mouthpiece, holder (for cigars, cigarettes,
news, glad tidings; annunciation, proph-
etc.) ecy; gospel; j-'Lij good omens, propitious
fljl ibtism and (n. vic.) ol_il pl. signa |
*jLiJla-p 'ld al-b. the Annunciation,

f smile the Day of Our Lady (Chr.)

> IxMmaZa to utter the invocation j baixr pl. Ajli bu$ar&* bringer of
il *-J "In the name of God, glad tidings, messenger, herald, har-
p*.J\ j*-J\
the Benificent, the Merciful" binger, forerunner, precursor; evangelist
iLj baamaia utterance of the above
invocation; the invocation itself jiiw tabHr announcement (of glad
tidings) ; preaching of the Gospel ; evan- i

ix-j buaaina kitty

gelization, misaionary activity

^jJj^j pnkolji paychologic(al)

tSs^ tabri misaionary

^j baSJSa a {bau-, lij feztla) to display a /U tab&lr1 foretokens, prognostics,

friendly, cheerful, happy mien; to smile; omens, first signs or indications, heralds
to be friendly (J to s.o.), give s.o. (J) (flg.); beginnings, dawn j**JI _r-^ '

a smile al-fajr the first shimmer of aurora, the

baSSy baiSi smiling, first glimpse of dawn

J.jLi_ J\>
friendly, cheerful tx
muba&Sir pl. -n announcer, mes-

Lij baSSa smile; happy mien senger (of glad tidings) ; evangelist {Chr.);
preacher; misaionary (Chr.)
^ilj biS smiling, happy; friendly, kind
^ lr .- mtutabSir happy,

C~1j buSt (Nejd, Bahr., Ir.) a kind of claak,

= mLc 'ab'a ^ baSara u to peel (*; to scrape off,

shave off, Bcratch off (*; to grate,

cJL> bi&ta (eg.) woolen cloak worn by
shred (* III to touch (*,
Egyptian peasants with to
be in direct contact (*;

Ja balara i, ba&ira a to rejoice, be delighted, have sexual intercourse ( * with s.o. )

at II to announce to attend, apply o.s. (* or <~> to

be happy (<-*

(as good news; _* to s.o.; to take up, take in hand, pursue, practice,

bring news (.-> * to s.o. of ; to spread. carry out (*, a job, a taak, etc.)

jti baiar man, human being; men, ijj&Li baSkr pl. j*T Ltj baSHr2 poker, fire

nd iron

iSjM baSari human ; human being a

j^j fcoSfcir pl. j*TUj AoASAr" towel
epidermal, skin (adj.) |
&jti ^xX der-

ma tologiat <LLj (It.) btiia pl. -dJ bacillus

\fti baSara outer skin, epidermis, ou- JLj baiima a (ba&am) to feel nauseated, be
ticle; skin; complexion disgusted {j. by, be fed up (,>
with) IV to nauseate, sicken, disgust
~*ijii baiariya mankind, human race
(. s.o.)
j-t* mib&ara pl. ji- L. mabt* soraper,
jti basam surfeit, satiety, Ioathing,
jJL* mubSara pursuit, practioe; di-

reot, phyaical cause (Isl. Law) ; mvb jUJLj baSmr (tun.) lacework, trimmings

saratan immediately, directly

t$j*Ltj ba&miri (tun.) laceworker, lace-
jjtxt mabSr : *jj2j* *~r (jvbna) maker
shredded cheese
J*i> bahnaq lipper (worn by fuqaha and
j-iL. mubfir pl. -n direct, immediate women)
practitioner, pursuer, Operator; director
i-ij ba&na (magr.) Sorghum, millet
O manager (Eg.); court usher (Syr.)
(mii.) approx.: staff sergeant (Eg. 1939) month of
crJUj beJana tbe ninth the Coptic
jJL* j indirect; ^L. oLU*l (ibt) calendar
direct hita
jLLi baSnqa pl. JJUj baSnxq 7 kerchief
^ij^Jj baSarS flamingo tied under the chin (pal.)

*1j ba'a a (UUj basa'a) to be ugly, loath- Cr~> baSnin lotus

some II to make ugly, disfigure, distort
baspa i (bafis, ^.^j 6a^{^) to glow,
(*; to disparage, run down (*

X to regard aa ugly, find ugly or re-

sparkle, glitter, shine;
(eg.) u to look

pugnant (* i^u fro^^a embers

*j baii" ugly; offensive, disgusting, ^^ fta^ij glow, shine; glimpee, ray

distasteful, repugnant ; unpleasant (e.g., of hope); lustrous, shining

*-1j bau' ugly;

^Laj basas lustrous, shining; (eg.)
offensive, diBgusting,
spy, detective
distasteful, repugnant; unpleasant

i*-Lij bai&a ugliness u^ ^ basbasa

(<~*i basbasa) to wag {*Jj

6t-^ana/)t'At its tail); (eg.) to ogle, make
*1jI abSa' uglier; more repulsire
sheep's eyes, cast amorous glances

\pL look up alphabetic&lly

*i*~*i baska see o-j

**j (eg.; Turk. baska; invar.) different 1

_ r*j ftapura u, basira a (basar) to look, see; to

dilt Yin to lie, prevaricate realize, understand, comprehend, grasp

(*_j II to make (* s.o.) see, under-
iJLtj baSSk bar
stand or realize (* or <~>, make
ilLLjjl ttitfc lie, deoeit, trickery ( s.o.) aware (* or *- of; to en-


lighten (* or <-> s.o. on or as to; perspicacious, sharp-witted; SjwJl ili

to teil, inform (j> > or u b.o. about) naf&al.-b. sharp discemment, perspicao-

IV to see (*, * s.o.,; to make out, ity

behold, perceive, discern, notice (*, *

abpar* more discerning
a.o. ,, Bet eyes on (*, ), catch aight
to recognize (*,; to
y^J ta&psra enlightenment; Instruc-
of (*, ); * s.o.
tion, Information
reflect (<-> on), ponder (<-> B.tli.) V to
look (a at), regard (*; to reflect y^3 tabawur reflection, consideration;

(j on, ponder (j X to penetration, clear-sightedneBS, perspicao-

have the faculty of visual perception, ity

be able to see; to be endowed with

jJ^ bptra pl. j**\j* bawfyir* eye
reaaon, be rational, reasonable, in-

telligent; to reflect (j on, ponder :

* jMaJl al-bafra Basra (port in S Iraq)
j^u bapaqa u to spit (J* on s.o.)
j~mi bofar pl. jU-l abpr vision, eye-

sight; glance, look; insight; Bight, dis-

uu; 6o^N/a (n. vic.) ezpectoration
(expectorated) spit, spittle, saliva
cernment, perception j-*Jl j-*i short-

sighted, myopic; j-JI gl lamh al-b. JU bvfq spit, spittle, saliva

glance of the eye; j-Jl d?, y-*JI ~i j, _* mi&paga spittoon, ouspidor

s*J\ jJ. ji (dna), ^-Jl gL > Jil j
(aqaa) in the twinkling of an eye, in J-aj ba^aZ (coli.; n. un. #) onion(s); bulb(s) |

a moment, in a flaah, instantly; ^J- jUJI J^u 6. al-fa*r sea onion (Scilla venia)
j~*J\ (mad) within sight; ^ ^mi <I he
J^ bo^oZi bulbous
knowledgeable in, he is familir with
iL-- buiaita pl. -dt, j*ill *L-~i

tSj~*i bapart optic(al), visual, oculax r

6. a$-8a r bulb of the hair (anot.)

oUyuu bapriyt optica

_*j bapama u (bapm) to print, imprint (*

*jL- ba$ra perception, discemment;; to stamp (*; to make, or

perspicaoity, acuteness of the mind, leave, an imprint (* on)

sharp-wittedness 3j bapma pl. ba^xmSX imprint, im-

jw 6ojrtr pl. Ij^ &UjWfd ,a endowed pression j

& I <*-j 6. ai-fcaim stamp im-
with eyesight; aeutely aware (<-> of), print, stamp; >.LVl **J fingerprint

having insight (.-> into) ; possesaing knowl-

lj~*i ba&va embers
edge or understanding (^ of), dis-

ceming, discriminating, vereed, knowl- Lft ba44 tender-akinned

edgeable, profioient (.-> in), acquainted
**) bafa'a a (baf) to cut, alaah or slit open
(_^ with
(*; to out up, carve up, disseot,
i>) &o0tra pl. j-*L* 6a<i**r* (keen) anatomize ( ?.th.); to amputate (surg.)

insight, penetration, discemment, under- II to cut up, oarve up, disseot, anato-
standing, (power of) mental perception, mize III to sleep (l> with a woman)
mental vision | Jjwl ^ deliberately, IT to invest capital (*) profitably in a
knowingly; j- jw J* OK" to have commeroial enterprise T pass. of II; to

insight into, be informed about trade; to ahop, make purchases X to; ijwaJ! iL discerning, clear-sighted, trade
-j ba4* amputation Jd bvf slowness, tardiness | .Lj
slowly, leisurely, unhurriedly
*_j bf (commonly, with genit. pl.

of f. nouns, *jkj with genit. pl. of m. bafi' pl. *LLj bif' slow, unhurried;
nouna ; in classical Arabic *-j with both slowgoing, slow-footed, slow-paced; tar-

genders) some, a few, several dy, late; sluggish, lazy; slow, gradual,

**^L) fti^'a pl. <u^j bja' piece (of

imperceptible | O "j*" ,^j b. at-taraddud

meat); meat; see also &nf above of low frequency (el.)

*_j 6ud' vulva

lU abfa'* slower | CJi v l^ j. tL>t

(gurbi nh) tardier than Noah's raven,

Lj bid'a pl. suLaj ba4'i' a goods,
i.e., slower than a ten years* itch (pro-
merchandise, wares, commodities ; that
verbially of b.o. who is very tardy)
which s.o. has to offer, which he haa to
show, with which he
LLjI ibf' slowing down, retardation,
is endowed (also
deceleration, reduction of speed; tarry -
attributes, qualities) | i*LiJI jLLi freight
ing, delay; slowness
train; U-L-u ^ *xp U r-j*-' he aaid | \L>\ Ojj without
what he had intended to say
Ju mibtfa' pl. f-^L. mai^t' 1 dissect-
tabj,u Blowness; slowing down,
ing knife, Bcalpel

f-Lj! &#f mandate for the manage *jjU*j baltriya pl. -t battery (el. and mil.)

ment of affairs (Ial. Law) ; partnership

ILLUj baff, Uj baffa sweet potato, yam
in a limited Company, capital Investment

uu mub4i' pl. -n limited partner

^-i-Uoj batia potatoea

(com.) *LL> 866 jLj

^JLX>*< mtutabtfi' manager, managing

J*J*j bafbafa (LJj bafbafa) to quaok (duck)
agent {Isl. Law)
jJaj bafaha a (bafh) to prostrate lay low,
batf (n. un. ) duck; iL; batfa leather
feil, throw to the ground, throw down
flask | JUI <L calf (of the leg)
(*, . b.o., V and VII to be pros-
ti bafu'a u (.Uj bw}', IU bi', *Uj trated, be laid low; to lie prostrate,
baf'a) to be slow ; to be slowgoing, sprawl, stretch out; to eztend, stretch;
slow-footed, slow-paced; to tarry, linger, to lie

wait, heeitate II to retard, slow down, ^Ll abfafy 9 flat, level; (pl. gkll ab*
delay, hold up (^ Je b.o. in IV to fih 2 ) hasin-shaped Valley, wide bed of a
slow down, decelerate, retard, delay, hold wadi
up (a; to he slow, go or drive
Uio bafh'* pl. oIjULj
slowly, slow down ; to be late (je for, c \Ut bifJk,

bafhwt basin -shaped valley ; piain,

in meeting s.o.), keep s.o. (je-) waiting
level land, flatland, open oountry; (tun.)
V to be slow, tardy ( j in) VI to be slow,
publio Square
leisurely, unhurried; to go, drive, act or
proceed slowly, leisurely; to he slow- U-Lj bafiha pl. lU ba'ih 2 wide bed
going, slow-footed, slow-paced; to slow of a stream or wadi; a stagnant, shallow

down X to find slow (*, * s.o.,; to

and broad hody of water
have to wait a long time ( for s.o.), ^LkU munbafih proatrate; flat, level;
be kept waiting ( by s.o.) level land, piain

jj bitfik, battik (n. un. ;) melon, water- 0^>*^' i*LLtJ food ration card; jLaLI SjILj

melon; bafk hub (of a wheel; syr.) 6. al-mu'yada greeting card

oJo~> mabtaku melon patch 1

JLj bafala u (b, ^Lt bufln) to be or
ba^ira a to be wild, wanton,
become null, void, invalid, faJse, un-
JLi (bafar)
tenable, vain, futile, wortbJess; to be
recklesa; to be proud, vain; to be dis-
abolished, fall into disuse, become
contented (* with; to disregard
obsolete ; to cease, stop, be discontinued
{* IV to make reckless
to be inactive, be oat of work II to
^Lj bafar wantonness, cockiness, arro-
thwart, fo, frustrate, make ineffective,
gance, hubris, pride, vanity
counteract, neutralize, nullify, invalidate
S^U abfira (pl.) bona vivants, play- (*; to abolish, cancel, annul,
boys, epicures suppreas (* IV = II; to talk idly,

prattle ; to paralyze, immobiliae, hold

\JtJ\ al-bafr* Petra (ancient city of Edom-
down, pin down {* the Opponent)
ites and Nabataeans; ruins now in SW
Jordan) JLj butl nullity; uselessness, futility,

vanity; fabity, falsenees, untruth

j-jL batrak pl. j-jlia bafirik* roe (of fish)
LL bitla and bafla idleness, in-
activity; free time, time off, holidays,
^J*i bulnts Peter
vacations; unemploymeat
J~i_^j ba^raSil and jj& &afraJinstole(CAr.)
jUa baffl pl. -an idle, inactive; un-

jtjii bifriq pl. jliu bafriqa, ,jfej^ 6afdrig a employed, out of work
patrician ; Romaean general ; pengum '^ki bufln nullity ; usetessneas, futHy,
vanity; falsity, untruth; invalidity

iJjLj bafralc, <t\ij*i ba}rik r ilj-_^J bapriyurk jLLj-i ibfl th-warting, frnstration, in-
pl. jLL barika Patriarch (aa an eecle- validatiora; ruin, destruction; abolition,
siastic title, Chr.) cancellation

-S^Lj bafrakiya, <Sj^* bafriyarkiya JtL bfil nugatory, vain, futile; false,
Patriarchate (Chr.) untrue; absurd, groundleas, baselesB;
worthless; invalid, null, void; deception,
jAv bafaa i u (batS) to attack with violence;
He, falsehood; JLUL and *&{, bfitan
to bear down on, fall upon s.o. (<- or j);
falsely; futely, in vain; pl. J-LU abfil 9
to knock out (o s.o.); to hit, strike (l_>
vanitres, trivialities, trifles, flimflam, idle, land with a thud (l_> on)
talk, prattle
,jiJai 6a(i etrength, power, force,
JL-. mubfil prattler, windbag ; liar
violence; courage, valor, bravery; o-p-

pression, tyranny JL-. mubtal nugatory, futile, vain

<tLi batSa impact Jk^ mulabatt unemployed

LL bifqa pl. -t, jILLj bat'iq2 slip (of JLj ba^ula u (Jlk; batla, -J_jlj butla) to be

paper), tag; Card, calling Card; ticket; la-

brave, be heroic, be a hero

bel | jijjJl **Uaj calling card; i__*V LLj JLj batal pl. Jlk)l abfl brave, heroic;
(iJtfijKi) and Juj*dl U identity card; hero; champion, pioneer; hero, protag-
i-j'iiW ji^il 4*U*> b. al-mawd at-gitf'iya, onist (of a narrative, etc.), lead, star
(of a play); champion (athlet.) |
JUll JLj <Ui bifna gluttony ; overeating, in*

b, al-'lam world champion digestion

Lj bafala heroine (of a narrative), LLj bifn pl. <Ui\ abfina girth (of a

female lead, etar (of a play); woman camel)

champion (athlet.) JILj bifna pl. JLLj bat'in* inside.

inner side; lining (of a garment); retinue,
JLU bafla bravery, valor, heroiam
suite, entourage | iJlLj j among, amidst;
iljW ftu/Ja bravery, valor, heroiam; within
Ieading role, starring role (theater, film);
j^Lj bafin pl. LLj bifn and 0U>-*
championship (athlet.) | J.UII J^LJI
rnibfn paunchy, fat, corpulent, stout;
fdtamya) and JUll J^Wi 6. al-'lam
world championship (afWef.); ^J^LJl jj^
the part or role of the hero, Ieading role
^Li bvfain ventricle (of the heart;
<J LLj baflisa Ptolemies
oILj baftniya pl. -at, ^\U> baffin 2

i bnfm, bufum terebinth cover; hlanket; quilt


jLU bfin pl. jjl[>j bawfin* inner,

)U> bafana u (bafn, ^kj fo^Gn) to be
interior, inward, inmost, intrinsic ; hidden,
hidden, concealed, to hide; bafuna u secret; iiUUI coastal piain of E Oman;
(oILj fco/fto) to be paunchy II to line
L-UL* bfinan inwardly, secretly |
<_ijl jLL
(a a garment, <_j a with); to cover
6. al-kaff palm of the hand; p-JI jLL 6.
the inside (_ * of with), hang, face,
al-qadam sole of the foot; j-^l jLU j
fill (uj * with) IV to hide, conceal, s
at bottom, after all, really; J* i\ jWjj the
harbor (a V to be lined, have a
factors, circumstances or reasons at the
lining (garment) ; to penetrate, delve
bottom of; ^j^l jtljj b. al-ard
(a into), become absorbed, engrossed
the secret depths of the earth
(a in) X to penetrate, delve (a into),
become absorbed, engrossed (a in); to J\*l> bfini internal |
^LL ^ij* (marad)
try to fathom (a; to fathom (a
internal disease; ^tUl i_JJl {/*"&&) internal

bottom of have medicine, get to the (a); to

profound knowledge (* of, know *-JUl al-bfiniya name of a school of

thoroughly, know inside out (a thought in Islam, characterized by
divining a hidden, secret meaning in the
jkj ba\n pl. j^ai bvfn, jU abfun
revealed texts
belly, stomach, abdomen; womb; interior,

inside, inner portion; depth j

J& jL-* Tnabfn affected with a gastric or

b. al-qadam sole of the foot; <J&5\ jU b. intestinal ailment

al-kaff palm of the hand; J*J\ aij and

iJ jli^ mvbaitan lined; fiDed (^> with)
il^LJi ,j-*ij raq$ al-b. belly dance; <jLj j
(bafni) in, within, in the midst of; ojhi j *> II (tun.) to fll (a

inside, within, in; l.u-lj Uk> j-j (waladat

ULi (Span, batdn) bfn fulling mill
she gave birth only once; j^i LJ*> (H-

zahrin) upside down 1JLi bfiya pl. ^\ji bawfin pitcher, jug

jLi bafni ventral, abdominal J bazza u to spout, gush out, well out

jU bafin paunchy Jui bazr pl. jjai buzr clitoris (anat.)

; ;


mu bu'bu* pl. aiUj ba'bi'* bugaboo, bogey ii-*Li b&it pl. it*\ji baw'ip incentive,
inducement, motive, Bpur, reason, cause,
ii-*> 6a ato a (6a'Z) to send, send out, dispatoh
(Jl u or a, i s.o. or to); to forward
u or a to); to delegate or *
mab't dispatohed, delegated
(Jl (*_

emit or * ; to evoke, envoy, delegate; reprsentative, deputy

Jl s.o. to) ; to (t_*

arouse, call forth, awaken (*; to

(in the Ottoman Empire)

stir up, provoke, bring on (*; to i-o-u munba'ot source, point of origin
revive, resuscitate (*; to resurreot

( s.o., Ojil j* from death); to inoite, u ba'jara {ij*** ba'tara) to scatter, strew

induce (J* to, instigate (J*; around,fling about (*; to disarrange,

to cause (J*; e.g., aatonishment) throw into disorder (* ; to squander,

Jt^J-'l Ja Jl vi-*> (haxzai ai-ffauf) to waste, dissipate {* II taba'tara pass.

Bcare the wits out of s.o.; j ILA-I ^jj xLm jvKf muba'tar scattered, widespread
(rha l-kayh) to breathe life into
or s.o., revive VII to be sent out, j ba'aja a (ba'j) to slit open (* the belly);
be emitted, be dispatohed, be delegated; to groove, dent, notch (* VII to
to be triggered, be oaused, be provoked; have indantations or notches ; to be
to be resurrected (oJJ j* from death); brutsed, dented, bumpy; to get battered
to originate (j* in), come (j* from), be

caused (j* by); to emanate (fragrance);

m^ munba'ij notched, indented
to arise, spring, proceed, develop (j- 1 ba'uda u (bu'd) to be distant, far away,
from), grow out of (J*) ; to set out to do fax off; to keep away, keep one's distance (with foll. imperf.) VIII to send, (jp from); to go far beyond (je-), ezceed
dispatch ( s.o.) by far ( j to be remote, improbable,

vio ba't sending out, emission, dis-

unlikely I fr *i **! ne ^P* *" m a^ay
from; jl .Uj V it is not unlikely that ...
patching, delegation, etc.; resurrection
II to remove ( s.o.); to banish, exile,
pl. ij*i bu'$ delegations, deputations |
expatriate ( s.o.) III to cause a Sep-
A*2 al-b. approz. : Renaissance
aration (,> between) |
^i Jo -i*L
Party, a political party with strong
from attaining
socialist tendencies ; ti-*Jl ^ Day of
tfJI yj *o prevent; 4JU*-I ju J#\i

(ajfnihi) to stare
Resurrection {from the dead)
wide-eyed IV to remove (*; to
iij &a'to pl. ba'att delegation, deputa- takeaway (*; to eliminate (*,
tion, mission; expedition; student ez- do away with (*); to send away, HiRmfra
ohange; group of exchange Btudents; ( s.o.); to expatriate, banish, exile (
revival, rebirth, renaissance, rise | *i*j b.o.); to ezclude, make unlikely, improb-
*ij$L^. {'aakanya) military mission; ii*j able, impossible (*; to go or move
1-L_Jj.s diplomatic mission; *jj\ *i*j (ata- far away; to go very fax (J in or with
Ttya) arohaeological expedition; ii*Jt ,j-uj VI to be separated, lie apart, lie

ra'ls al-b. chief of mission (dipl.) at some distance from one another
to separate, part Company, become es-
ij*L 6<Ta Easter (CAr.)
tranged; to move away, go away, with-
j.^ mab'at sending, forwarding, dis- draw, depart (j* from); to keep away,
patch ; emission ; awakening, arousal; keep one's distance (je from); to quit,
(pl. tts-L* mab&if) cause; factor leave, avoid (j* ; to follow in regulr
intervals VIII to move or go away; to consistent (j with) |
Xju ,y from afar,

keep away, withdraw (,y. from) ; to quit, from a distance; Xju Xj* l* faA<2) a long
leave, avoid (,y.; to leave out of time ago; _r ^1 Xju 6. al-atar of far-reach-

consideration, disregard (,y X to ing consequence; ^jlill Xju remote in

single out, set aside (*; to think time, going way back in history, ancient;

remote, farfetched (*; to regard as jbjl o_*j 6. as-Sa'w high-minded, bold;

unlikely (*; to diBqualify ( s.o.) ilill Xju 6. aS-Siqqa far apart; j_>ill Xju
6. al-gaur deep; unfathomable; jxll Xju
Xu bu'd remoteness, farness; (pl. jLjI
6. al-mad long - distance, long -rnge;
ab'd) distance ; dimension ; interval
extensive, far-reaching; ^IkJI Xju 6. an-
(mus.) [ Xu J* and xJI J* in the distance,
nazar farsighted; farseeing; JL.I
far off; jU & Xu J* at a distance of 100 -> . -

6. al-manl hardly attainable, hard to

meters; Xu je. and Xu J* from a distance,
get at; Ixju _^j to go far away, go to
from afar; il*jl *j"^J ji three-dimensional
distant lands ; Xju Jf aJ to look off into
jUt^l <
>'^* giya al-a. linear measure;
the distance
UAl Xu 6. al-himma high aspirations,

loftiness of purpose; iJl Xu 6. aS-Hqqa x^u bu'aida (prep.) shortly after, soon

wide interval, wide gap; C-i-JI Xu 6. after

OjS-jS renown, fame, celebrity; Cjj-d\ Xu Xu I ab' ad2 pl. 0* L I ab'id2 farther,
6. ap-paut do.; ^kJl Xu 6. an-Tiazar far- remoter, more distant; more extensive;
sightednesa, foresight; J Ixu bu'dan li
less likely, more improbable; pl. OpLI
away with . . .
ofc'ti 2 very distant relatives | Xu^l ^iJl

Xu ba'du then, thereupon; afterwards, (Axrj) the Far East; Xu^l the absent one
later, after that, in the folkrwing; still, (used as a polite periphrasis for s.o. who
yet Xu afterwards, later; Xu Li see is being criticized or blamed for;
| |fj
L*I; j^jf Xu j* he is only a small boy, also when referring to the Ist and 2nd
he i Btill young; Xu ot } (yati) he persons)

hasn't come yet 4jjUjI db'diya pl. -t country estate

Xo ba'^ (prep.) after; in addition to, XjtJ tab'td banishment

beside; aside from | . . . jf* Xu (W jUj bi'd distance
nt'Ai) aside from the fact that he is...;
iiJ] i Xu afterwards , after that, later eXt-L. mubaada sowing of dissension,

(on); besides, moreover; iJ Xu besides, estrangement, alienation

moreover; l Xu a'ffa an (conj.) after; jljul ib'd removal, Separation, Isola-

il Xu (id), L Xu and L. Xu ,y (fca'di) do.; tion; elimination; expatriation, banish-
4jL- *Xu U 4jL- (aafakun) the height of ment, deportation
X^Lj tab'ud interdistance ; mutual es-
JJxu ba'da'idin then, thereafter, there- trangement
upon, after that, afterwards
Xw mub'ad deported; deportee
O-aj fco'* pl. Ixu bu'ad' z , Xu w'uti,
r OpIju mutab' id separate |
x>Uit ol jU j
jlxu bu'dn, jUj &t i distant, far away,
(fatart) in wide intervals; oljt j
far (,y. from); remote, outlying, out-of-
the-way; far-reaching, extensive; far-
,^1 j- 4*Lu (zaman) at infrequent inter-

vals, from time to time

fetehed, improbable, unlikely; unusual,
strnge, odd, queer; incompatible, in- mustab'ad improbable, unlikely
j*t ba'r, ba'ar droppings, dng (of animals) iu bagta surprising event, surprise;
bagtatan, ijj Je 'al bagtatin all of a
jsaj ba'lr pl. lj*i\ ab'ira, \j*i bu'rn, j*LI
sudden, suddenly, surprisingly
ab'ii2 , if jl*j ba'rin 7 oamel
i.L. mubgata Budden arrival, sur-
jj*j ba'zaqa (*ju ba'zaqa) to scatter, difl-
prising ineident or event, surprise ; sudden
sipate, equander, waste (*
attack, raid

Jj*^ mubaziq squanderer, spendthrifb,

tiLu bugt pl. Lj bigtn small birds

jIj see oili-jj

ijiuo II to divide into parte or portions (* V to be divided, be divisible jJj II tabagdada to swagger, throw one's

weight around, be fresh (properly, to
jj ba'd part, portion; one; some, a
few; a little of, some of | ^Lll ^m b.
behave like one from Baghdad)

al-'vlam' one (or some) of the echolara; iljju bagdd1 Baghdad

u^* jy ff**> li*ij (ra/a'n) we have bagddi
ijjI-Uj pl. -n, .ubu bagSdida
exalted some of them above the others;
a native of Baghdad
j*-*^ I ,^JI (^Jl some Bome, a few
others; Lm j--**j one another, each 1
bagaSa a: #^Jl c~j (md'u) there was
other, mutually, recrprocally ; ^^u j uiu a light shower
one in the other, within one another;
<Lit bagSa light rain shower
^1 j4j ba'da S-Sai* to some extent,
somewhat, a little, rather; Uj'Uil ^^ <LfU 2
<Lia bugSa = iijj
(ba'qUi l-m.) he resembled him somewhat,
Lu (e^.) bugSa etuffed pastry made of
to some extent; ^Jwtj oy ii* (gar)
flour, eggs and butter
for the last hundred years and more

ij*j*j bcCd (n.un. ) gnafcs, mosquitoes iJ

ii bagida a, baguda u {bugd, i^ilij bagda)
to be hated, hateful, odious II to make
j^LaJ tab'id division, partition, por-
( s.o.) hateful (Jl to s.o.) III to loathe,
detest, hate ( s.o.) IV to loathe, detest,
0&u bu'kka club, Bociety hate ( s.o.) VI to hate each other

god Baal; land or plante thriv- u^j bugd, <^j bigda and Liij bagd'*
J*i ba'l the
ing on natural water supply ; (pl.
hatred, hate

J_j*j bul, *lj*u bu'vla) lord; husband (j^-ij bagtd hateful, odious (Jl to s.o.),

loathsome, abominable
'Am ba'la wife

^u ba'li unirrigated (land, plants) ,_rpLj tabgud mutual hatred

fjsji?* mabgd detested, hateful, odious

iLLo ba'labakk 2 Baalbek (ancient Heliop-
olis, village in E Lebanon) c^r mubgid
pl. -n hater; mvb*
gad detested, hateful, odious
C-u bagata a (bagt r *ik> bagta) to come un-
expectedly, J bogt pl. JUj bigl, JLl abgl mulo;
descend unawares ( upon
s.o.) III do.; to surprise ( s.o.)
iL bagla pl. bagalt female mule Jbu
VII to be |

taten by surprise; to be taken aback, lj~\ b. al-ganfara the piers of the bridge

be aghast, be nonplused JUj baggl pl. -n mule driver, muleteer


J bag i (Lo bug*) to seek, desire, covet, jLi baqbq garrulous, loquacious; chat-
seek to attain (*, wiah for terbox, prattler

). (bagy) to wrong, treat unjustly ii^JL baqbqa blister (of the skin)
oppress (J s.o.), oommit
(J# s.o.); to
outrage (J upon); to whore, fornicate
t+u bxtqja pl. pi (wgaj bndle, pack, pack-

VII jJu it is desirable, necessary; it is age

proper, appropriate, seemly; it ought to

,j-jj-j baqdnis, baqdnas parsley
be, Bhould be; with J: it behooves him,
with 4_U: he muet, he should, he ought Ju baqara u to split open, rip open, cut open
to VUI to seek, desire (*, aspire (a IV do.
(* to, strive (* for)
Jkt baqar (coli.) bovines, cattle; n. un.
J bagy infringement, outrage, injus-
Ijli baqara pl. -t cow
tice, wrong
tfjh baqari bovine, cattle-, cow- (in
Jo bagiy pl. LUj bagy whore, pros-
jL baqqr pl. cowhand, cowboy
l_i* bugya objeot of desire; wiah, de-
sire; bugyata (prep.) with the aim of, ^J baqs box, boxwood (bot.)

for the purpose of

oL-Ju buqsumt rusk, Zwieback; biscuit
Ui big' proatitution
l \ h buqSa Yemenite oopper coin
U bugS wiah(ing), desire, endeavor,

effort ^^ili 603J1 present of

*/; baqHS pl.

jl mabgan pl. L* mabgin brothel money; tip, gratuity, baksheesh

coreted things, desiderata,

f L* mabin <Ju II to spot, stain, smudge (* V to
wishes, desires
become stained, get smudged; to be
Uiil ibtiga* desire, wiah; ibtig&a (prep.) spotted, Btained
for the purpose of r
AtJu buq*a pl. Ju buqa , fli biqa
buQh desiring, oov-
f L bgin
pl. l\*t
smudge, stain; place, Spot',
spot, blot,
eting, striving; committing outrages,
aite; plot, patch, lot
oppressive, unjust; oppresBor, tyrant
jul abqa* 1 spotted, speckled
JZ;* mvbiogan aspired goal; aspiration,
UiL bqVa pl. g\jt bawqi'* sly dog,
desire, endeavor, effort
shrewd fellow
ou bafta oalioo, Indian cotton cloth
Ji baqala u (baql) to eprout (plant)
jIij bifUk beefsteak
(coli.; n. un. 3) pl. J> fcwtfJ,
Jj 604I
ji baqq (n. un. !) bedbug, chinoh jJI i_^
JU>1 agdi herbs, potherbs, greens, her-
elm {bot.) baceous plante; specif., legumes |

jj fagga u (tag?) to give off in abundanoe UUI the Leguminosae ; jjUI iUJl hya-
cinth bean (Dolichos lablab L.); iUJl
i3Lu baqqq garrulous, loquacious ; chat- *UJl
UuJ- 1 (hamqS) purslane (bot.) ;

terbox t prattler orach

i_kjl ({ZoAo6ij/o) garden (6of.);

jJ baqbaqa (Ju 6056040) to gurgle, bubble, JU^IUM i celandine (6o(.); 4JLLI ili

splutter, purl (water); to chatter, prattle 6. al-malih common fumitory (bot.)

; ;

JUj baqql pl. -n, Uli baqqla green- li ibqa continuation, retention ; main-

grocer; grocer tenance, conservation, preservation |lii

<-L oJS" L.
J* ifU-l maintenance of the
Uli 6*<7<iJa the grocery business
Status quo
j^J baqlwa, \j$m a kind of Turkish de- U-Jk I istibqa continuation, retention;
light, paatry made of puff paate with maintenance, conservation, preserration
honey and almonds or pistachios
j Li bqin staying ; remaining ; left

j baqqam brazilwood remainder {arh.); lasting, continuing,

permanent, unending; sorviving; living
Ji baqiya a (li baq') to remain, atay,
on; everlaating, eternal (God) | il>LtUi
continue to be (J* in a State or con-
oU-LJI the good works
dition); to keep up, maintain
(J* a state
jjl* mutabaqqin residue, remnant, re-
or condition); to be left behind, be left
mainder, rest
over; to laat, continue, go on; (with foll.

imperf. or part.) to continue to do, iL be (Eg. pronunciation) pl. tl>j^j bakawl,

kcep doing to become Sil j^ i
^\jr bahawt bey
; |
(title of courtesy; cf.
{yabqa fiflan) he is no longer a child II to
loave, leave over, leave behind {*
ijj^j bekawtya rank of a bey
IV to make ( a.o.) stay; to retain,
leave unchanged, leave aa it is, preserve, baki' pl. cnj btk' having or giving
maintain, keep up (*; to leave, little, sparing (e.g., of words)
leave over, leave behind (*, a.o.);
j>-Kj biksin becassine, snipe (zool.)
to leave untouched, save, apare (J* s.o.,, e.g., s.o.'s life) V to remain, stay, LtjjJt^j (Fr. baccalaur&U) baJclriy baooa-
continue to be ( J* in a State or condition) laureate, bachelor'a degree
to be left, be left over X to make stay,
^^jjjJcnj baklSriys bachelor (aca-
aak to stay, hold back, detain ( s.o.);
demic degree)
to spare, save, protect ( s.o., *; to
preserve (*; to retain, keep {* ^LS (Turk. binbafi) bimbix, bikbii major; to stre, put away (* {mit; formerly, Eg.)

4~j baqiya pl. [Am baqy remainder, cSj II to censure, blame ( s.o.)

rest ; remnant, residue | Jj-Ot iJL b.

sj tabkit blame, reproach
ad-duwal the remaining countries, the
j^M\ remorse
rest of the countries ; vM' V"-" (Jbqiya)
the last remnant i$j&l bakteri bacterial, caused by bacteria

LL baq' remaining, staying, lingering, Lijc^h baktiriy bacteria

abiding; continuation, continuance, du-
j bakara u to set out early in the morning,
ration ; survival, continuation of ex-
get up early; to come early (Jl to), be
istence after life; immortality, eternal
early (Jl at) II do.; j _^ and <- _^
life; existence; permanence |
UJI jb
with foll. verbal noun: to do early,
the hereafter
prematurely, ahead of its time III to be
JA abq more lasting, more durable, ahead of s.o. (), anticipate, forestall
more permanent; better preserving; con- (. s.o.) IV = I; VIII to be the first to
ducive to longer wear, better protecting take (*, be the first to erabark (*

on; to deflower <U a girl); to in- ^j I abkar 2 rising earlier

vent (m B.tb.); to create, originate, start
joX-. mibkr precocious
jKsil ibtikr pl. -< novelty, inno-
jSCj bakr pl. jSCjI afcar, 0'lj& fraifcr
vation; creation; invention; origination,
young camel
first production; initiative; creativity,
_^j WJfcrpL J&l afeifcr fkafc-bom, eklest originality; pl. oljOol specif,, creations
firstling ; lmprecedented, novel, new of fashion, fashion deBigns
virgin; virginal
Jf\i bkir early; premature; I_^"Ij b*
tijSsj bikri firBt-boro, first
kiran in the morning ; early (adv.) |

<i_^j bilcriya primogeniture jfUl *-LaJl j (jSaftA) early in the morn-

and bakara pL _^j ing; jfl Jl tili tomorrow

_^j fcaira fcafcar,

-( reel; puBey (mecA.); spool, coil; winch, jJ*Ij ftib'ro pi. jflj* bawkir3 first-

windlasB f
S_^j .L*- fca# b. thread lioge, first produce, early fruits, early
vegetables; pl. first indications or Symp-
^j bakra: ,,-jI 3_^j J* 'oZ fcajfero* oS-
Aim, -pjl SjS j* and *t*^j J* all toms, heralds, harbingers

without exception, all of them, all to- ^L* mubakkir doing early; early; 1^^*
gether; Lr'^j j J*W ^-T-^" tne erwd mubakkiran early in the morning, early
went forth as one man
jSo-. mubtakir creator; creative; Inven-
_^j bukra pL _^j ftutor early morning tar; - mvbtakar newly created, novel,
bukratan early kt the morning; to-
new, original; (pl. -t) creation, specif.,
morrow ; on the foUowing day, next day fashion creation, invention *-*>*
f j=r*
j&j balir coming early; early, pr- (taub) original design, model. dress crea-
mature; precocious tion

j_>SCj bakr and jjf^i bakr coming

r_& bofkraj pl. rj&* bakrij* kettle, coffee
early; early, premature; preeocious
jjS^* bttkr earliness, prematureneas,
premature arrival | Jj*il j tjj* fowi)
my early retura
JSCj II to buckle, buckle up, button up
jKj bakra virginity (*; to fold, cross (* the arms)

jISsj bakkdra puUey (meeA.) | jS^j iJSCj bukla pL JCj bukal, -t buckle
*-5^- (mwrafcfcaia) set of pulleys, block
4^Ci (It. baceald) bakalh codfish
and tackle

jjSj &jfcra and j j_>5o ftufoirfya pri- ^JiJj^i bakalriys bachelor (academic de-

mogeniture gree)

jjflj fctra pl. jS"^j> fcawJJfcw3 first-

C bakima a to be dumb; baknma u
lings; first results, first fruits; beginnmg, to be silent, hold one's tongne IV to
rise, dawn; (with foll. genit.) initial,
silence ( s.o.) V to become silent; to be-
early, first; pl. jS"\jt first signs or indi- come dumb
cations; initial Symptoms; heralds, har-
5^ bakam dumbness
bingers (fig.) |
TljiJl hjfk early fruit;
&afcmd' a ,
*JI>I yjTU IT the first thing he did fA abkam*, f. li pl.
buibn dumb
ol^So and j_>S see <il> JJ-j tabattul moistneBS, dampness, hu-
J bak i (tj buk', J ZwJfean) to cry, weep
over); to bemoan, lament, bewail JjL. mabll, JJL* mubalial, Jx. mvb*
{* s.o.), mourn ( for) II and IV to make tau moist, damp, wet

( s.o.) cry X to move ( s.o.) to teara,

make ( s.o.) cry
Ji bil (from Fr. bille):
^ ^f (harrt)
ball bearing

fo bakk' given to weeping fre-

-$j see a i_-<
quently, tearful,, lachrymose

A\ UU- h'if al-mabk the Wailing t>j^j, ^t-j "ylj bltln, pltin platinum

Wall (in Jerusalem)

j7^ (Fr. plage) bli beach
S-J'lj bkiya pl. i^j bawkin waing-
woman, hired mourner; (eg.) arch, arcade ^sr^i balagr pellagra

i!Li bJcin pl. StSvj bukah weeping, cry- ^j"^; balraj stork

ing; weeper, waer, mourner

dLi-"^ (Fr. plastiqtte) blstlk plastic

iL. mubkin, mubakkin causing tears,

>*$j see Jail
tearful; sad, lamentable, deplorable

ii^j (Engl, plug) spark plug (ir.)

j^SC bikln Peking

Jj bat (also
with foll. j u>a-) nay, rather. .
^j, il^ see jL

(and) even; but, however, yet _LiJ.j balbala to gurgle

balla u (ball) to moisten, wet, make wet 1
)Jj balbala to disquiet, make uneasy or
(*, * s.o.); balla i to recover (^Zj* j*

restive, stir up, rouse, disturb, trouble,

from an illness) II to moisten, wet, make confuse ( s.o., * II tabalbala to feel
wet (*, s.o.) IV to recover (^Zj* j* uneasy, be anxious; to be or become con-
from an illness) V and VIII to be mois- fused, get all mixed up
tened, be wetted; to become wet
1LL balbala pl. Jj^j balbil 2 anxiety,

Jj ball moistening, wetting; moisture uneasiness, concem; confusion, muddle,

jumble, chaos
bill recovery, convalescence, re-

cuperation JLL balbl anxiety, uneasiness, concem

IL billa moisture, humidity j

ilj U Jj^j balbil 2 anxieties, apprehensions
iL ,>U! m zda f-fina billatan what
tabalbul muddle, confusion
J_Lj |

made things even worse . .

iiJ*^i jJji t. al-alsina confusion oftongues

JL balal moisture, humidity; moist- (at the tower of Babel)

ness, dampness, wetness
JJLi bulbul pl. Jj
^ balbil 2 nightingale

JJL balll a moist, cool wind

,Jj balaja u (t-jJj bulj) to shine; to dawn
ALL ballla (eg.) dish made of stewed
(morning, aurora) ; balija a (balaj) to
maize and sugar
be happy, be glad (i-j about), be de-
J^l ibll recovery, convalescence, re- lighted (*-> at) IV to shine (sun) V and
cuperation VII = balaja

rJjl ablaf gay, serene, bright, clear, L baisam pl. -.^ baldsim 2 baisam, balm
fair, nice, beautiful
(j*Lj 6abam{ balsamic, balmy
jpJiW p^Ljl inbilj al-fajr daybreak
Jall) balSafa to Bolshevize II tabalSafa to
KL>Jj beljik Belgium be Bolshevized

JLjJj tety'ifct Belgian (adj. and n.) lllt baliafa Bolshevization

pL balak (coli.; n. un. ) dates (bot.) J-il; buliifi pl. li-^i balSifa Bol-
sheviat(ic); Bolshevik, Bolshevist
oL baluda u (o"^ balda) to be stupid, idiot-

ic, duU-witted II to acclimatize, ha- buUifiya Bolsheviam

bituate {*, to a country or region)
jJLL balaSn heron (zool.)
T pass. of II; to become stupid, besotted,
lapse into a etat of idiocy; to show o.s. 1
ij*b bala$a u (bals) and II to extort, wring
from the stupid side VI to feign etupidity forcibly (j- from s.o.; to black

-iL balad m. and f., pl. j:Aj bd mail { s.o.)

country; town, city; place, Community, ^^L 6aty extortion, blackmail; for-
village; j*^j country; IjL buidn coun- cible imposition of taxes
tries utxl\ i~Jo b. al-habai Ethiopia;

^a>\ *"% b. a-sin China; -U^l *& b. al-

^^ ballp pl. jaJ*^ 6aJ/i a (ep.) earthen-

hind India ware jar

jJj balda town, city; place, Commu- 1

Uj II to pave (*, with flagstones or
nity, village; rural Community; township tes)

^jI baladi native, indigenous, home J"3k bald} pavement, tiled floor; floor
(as oppoaed to foreign, alien); (fellow) tiles; palace; pl. UJjI ablifa floor tiles |

Citizen, compatriot, countryman; a na- JLLil i^l (maiait) the royal court; jlo.
tive; communal, municipal J
^Uj (_ rXf JoUl A2&Z al-b. court mourning
(majlis) city Council, ]ocal Council
t'^j balda floor tile; flagstone, slab-
jL baladiya pl. -t township, Com- stone; paving atone
munity, rural Community; ward, dis-
IlJLj to/t/ paving, tile-laying
trict (of a city) ; municipality, municipal
Council, local authority JaL. mttballaf paved, tiled

lJL balid and -UjI ablad* stupid, dolt- 2

ijL &af oak; aoorn
ish, dull-witted, idiotic
<Uj balfa pl. -t, JaL tuia/ ax
o-^j balda stupidity, silliness
j^tij balfaji pl. -tya engineer, sapper,
aJ-j tabaud idiocy, dullness, obtuse-
pioneer (mil.); gangster; procurer, pan-
ness, apathy
derer, pimp; sponger, hanger-on, parasite
jJ-i. mutaballid besotted, dull, Btupid
*iLL balafa balata gum
ji>\ look up alpha betically
yji (Fr. paletot) balf pl. -t,
J>-^ balti

l_ rxLI pl. i-JLI look up alphabetically paletot, overcoat

oLL balasn baisam, balm; baisam tree;
_^1j butyi bolti (Tapia nilotica), a food fish

black eider {bot.) of the Nile


jJJJl al-balflq the Baltio countries | ^ attain manhood, come of age; *4-M iL
j-UJl 6oAr oJ-6. the Baltio Sea {ahtddak) to attain fll maturity, come
of age ; to reach its climax ; UL ^1 j iL
ifcJ Ij blza hand presB ; (eg.) a kind of cream
(^jiil j or) (mablagan) to attain a high
made of cornstarch, lemon juice and
degree of; iLil l* jL^Xi c-iL ,>.-
honey, or the like
{kina, (JtJfcrayH, mablaga) I had
Ai bala'a and bali'a a {hol') to Bwallow,
come to thia point in my reminiscences

swallow up (*; to gulp down iL* JS* 4i* iL (hdla mablagin) to work
havoo on s.o.; L*o iL (muntahhu) to; to put up (* with, swallow,
reach its climax, come to a head II to
stomach, brook (* | *jj fJL {riqah)
to catch
make ( s.o.) reach or attain (*;
lit. : to swallow one's saliva, i.e.,
to take, bring (Jl * to s.o.), see
one's breath, take a little rest, have a
that (*) gets (Jl to); to convey,
break; to restrain o.a., hold back (said
make transmit, impart, communicate, report
of one in a rage) II and IV to ( s.o.)
(a to s.o. ; to inform, notify
swallow (* |
*juj **L (riqah) to
grant s.o. a short rest VIII = I
(* s.o. of, teil, let know {* s.o.

about); to report {je- about), give an

i*L bal'a large bite, big gulp aecount of {je-); to inform {je. against

*t~j ba'a, ~**jL baU'a pl. -t, ^J"^ s.o.), report, denounce {je. s.o.) |
UL-j iL

balli* 2 sink, drain to fulfill a mission; ^"it- -iL baifihu a-

lmi give him my best regards! III to
**JL bl'a pl. -t, (^JIjj bawlx sewer,
exaggerate (j in; to overdo, do
sink, drain
too long (j; to go to greatest
jL bvX'um bal'im? and *jh bid* lengths, do one's utmost (j in) IV to
pl. f^t
*m pl. **"i0 bala'im % pharynx {anat.); make (*, s.o., reach or attain

*jAi gullet, esophagus {anat.) (

Jl ; to make (* amount (
Jl to),

raise (* an amount, a salary, Jl to); to

x iL balaga u (KjJLj hdg) to reach ( s.o., * inform, notify (u or jn s.o. of,, get (*, to), arrive (* at); to come, teil, let know (^ or je- * s.o. about); to
amount (* to), be worth (* so and so announce, State, disclose (* ; to
much); to come to s.o.'s {) ears; to inform (je- against s.o.), report, denounce
attain puberty (boy); to ripen, mature to report
{je- s.o.) |
i_ r*ij^ -iL!

(fruit, or the like); to come of age; to to the police V to content o.a., be content
exhaust, wear out (j* s.o.); to act {j* (i_j with); to eke out an existence; to
upon s.o.), have its effect {j* on), ffe et still one's hunger (i_j with), eat (^

(j- s.o.); to go far (j, j* in, to be delivered, be transmitted

attain a high degree j, j* of L
( |
UL V Lr" aam'an l balganf may it be
Jl *j to make s.o. or get to or arrive
heard but not fulfilled, i.e., God forbid!
at, lead or take s.o. or to, get s.o. or
(used at the mention of unpleasant) to the point where, l fji\ *j iL
(tarannvb) he began to reel so violently
4L bulga and 9-^Aj balg sufficiency,
competency, adequaey (see also *iX> be-
that...; .U-l iL- ^^1 iL {mablaga l-jidd)
the matter became serious; Jj)l J--JI iL
b. s-aailu z-zub the matter reached a cli- Wj balg pl. -t communioation, In-
max,, things came to a head; JL-J1 iL* iL formation, message, report; announce-
{mablaga r-rijl) to be sexually mature, ment, proclamation ; communique; State-
ment;notification(of thepolice) |
*iL balgami phlegmatic ; phlegmy,
Ultimatum mucous
i_L baiig pl. LL bnlag' 2 eloquent; in-
JAj balafa i {half) to bluff II do.
tense, laeting, deep, profound (e.g., an
impression); eerioua, grave (e.g., an in-
_L half, L balfa bluff

Jury) 2
jLl ablag piebald
9jL bulg reaching, attainment, arrival

(at); maturity, legal majority (J

-iiL bilqi* Muslim narrte of the Queen of
**">0 balga eloquence; ort of good
style, art of composition ; literature | uliUI al-balqn the Balkans
ii^l 1* 'Um al-b. rhetoric
JliL balqni Balkan
LI ablag 2 intenser, deeper, more last-
ing; more serious, graver *L balga' and i*L balga' a pl. -j*^ balgi'

iL^ mablag pl. JL* mablig 1
Bum of money; extent, scope, rnge; dl> see t\jL
(see also examples under iL I)
(ismi) nominal par; p^jII J L^Ll (mda'a) ^SsL balkn balcony

the deposits (at a bank); Jy ii-4 ^-.Jj

Jj balam anchovy
jX\ j (li-yatabayyana, qauli, jidd) in
Order to find, out to what extent my 2
Jj balam pl. *&) ablm sailing brge (tr.)

words were meant seriously

L IV to be silent, hold one's tongue
mJlJ tablig pl. -t conveyance, trans-
mission, delivery (Jl to s.o.); information ^Aj balln bathhouse attendant; name of a

(^ about); report, notification (^c of); plant growing near stagnant waters
communication, announcement, notice |
U^Aj ballna female bathhouse attend-
i-LJI ^t\sS" credentials
ant; lady's maid
UL mublaga pl. -t exaggeration
--iL balansiya 2 Valencia (region and city
*yk\ iblg conveyance, transmission
in E Spain)
Jlj blig extensive, far-reaching ; con-
,j*L pl. 0*J">L ' k U P alphabetically
siderable ; serious ( wound), deep, pro-
found, violent, vehement (feelings), 4L baliha a to be stupid, simple-minded
strong, intense; mature; of age, legally VI to- feign foolishneaa, pretend to be
major stupid X to deem ( s.o. ) stupid or

il^ muballig bearer (of news), messen- simple-minded

ger; informer, denouncer; detective *L balak and **">0 balha stupidity,

2 foolishness, simple -mindedness ; idiocy,

<ih bulga, balga pl. -t, bulag slipper of
imbecility 2_^L. U">U (mubakkira) demen-
yellow leather |

tia praecox
LjliL bulgriy Bulgaria
*L balha let alone, not to speak of,
^jliL bulgrl Bulgarian (adj. and n.) not to mention

iL balga7n phlegm; (pl. i^ balgim 2 ) ex- *L! ablah2 stupid, daltish, dull-witted;
pectoration, Sputum idiotic

L-jL^Jj bilkaraiy bilharziaais, Schistosomiasis *ib bald' trial, tribulation, Visitation,
{med.) affliction, distress, misfortune; scourge,
plague; creditable Performance, bravery,
<j^]j buiahniya abundance, wealth, variety
(of earthly possessions)
gallantry, heroic action
j^. ^ (ha*
8an) favor, Messing, grace (of God); good
'Ol^L Bee l^^lf, Performance

*D j+L bulhn pl. J^-^t balhin* (= JjAl^.l ,4jL> balw trial; tribulation, Visitation,

eg.) sphinx affliction, distress, misfortune, calamity;

and 6aid {balw,

necessity, need |
j^LJI c^ ('ammat) it
Jj) Vj ^ 6aJ*) to
has become a general necessity
teat, try, put to the test ( b.q., m;
to know from long experience (*; 1IL. mubldh consideration, regard,
to afflict ( s.o.); Jj baliya a (Jj
bilan, heed, attention | ;^L.V Id-mvbdlh in-
**$j bald') to be or become old, worn, difference, unconcein, carelessness

ahabby (clothes) ; to dwindle away, van-

t~^j\ ibtild' trial, tribulation, affliction,
ish; to deteriorate, decline, become de-
crepit; to diaintegrate (a corpae), decay,

rot, spoil III to care, be concerned (v Jlj bltn old, worn, worn out; ahabby,
or *, about), be mindful (i_j or a, threadbare, ragged, tattered; decrepit,

of s.o., of; to pay attention (i_> or dilapidated ; decayed, rotten ; obsolete,

* to), mind, heed, take into consideration, antiquated

take into account {<_j or; to take
JL. mublin observant, heedful, mind-
notice (i_j of) |
JU L m ubli, JL1 V
ful (._j of) cj JL. ji heedless of

I don't care ! I don't mind it's all !

right with me! JL> V (as a relat. clause) J^. mubtalan (lesa correctly Ji-. mub*
unconcerned, heedless, carelesB, recklesa talin) afflicted (i_j with, by), auffering

IV to try, test, put to the teat { a.o.); (lj from)

to make experienced, harden, inure (

jjL II tabalwara to cryatalize; to be crys-
s.o. ; aaid of trials, experiences) ; to work
talized; to be covered with cryatals
havoc (* on; to wear out (* |

L- *-i Jjl (bal'an haaanan) to stand j^L baUr, billaur pl. -t crystal; crya-
the test; to prove o.s. brave (in war) tal glss, flint glasa, glaas | O iSj^ Jj^>.

VIII to try, tempt, put to the teat ( a.o.); (sakri) rock crystal, transparent quartz

to afflict (<j s.o. with), visit (^ on

j^L billaura (n. un.) pl. -dt crystal;
s.o.; pasB. vbtuliya to become or be
crystal glass, flint glaas, glass; tube
afflicted (i_j with, hy), suflFer (i_j from)
(radio); crystal, quartz plate (of a de-
Jj bilan decline, deterioration decay, ;
tector; radio); (syr,, pronounced ballra)
putrefaction, decomposition ; worn con- negative (phot.)
dition; wear; shabbiness
tijjL ballri, btUauri crystalline; crys-
batiy worn, old, ahabby, thread-
tal (adj.)
bare; decrepit, dilapidated, decaying,
decomposed, rotten ijj^L ballTxyu, biauTiya pl. -dt lense

*Jb baliya pl. \y$j baly trial, tribula-

tion, Visitation, affliction, distress, mis- j_jL. mubalwar: jj^t* *^*L**

fortune, calamity fruita

jjs, ijjl (Fr. bleust) bdlz, biua pl. -dt the Arabs; <Juj-< Jj Beni Suef (city in

blouae Egypt, S of Cairo)

iljj (Turk. btUk) bulh pl. -t Company ol t&tia and cJu fruit pl. ob oandt
daughter; c-w girl yJI ol t. al-'amm
{m.; Eg.) |
0^*1 fJjl* 6. omi (m.) |

(female) cousin; periphrastically for wifet

approi. : quartermaster Sergeant (former-
dLf- ijl your wife; j&JI - 6. af-jSJfer

pl. J&Vi ob thought, idea; ,j>jVl ob

jL boUfin balloon fr. oi-ari^ inseots and worms; ^-1; b
6aM yes, yee indeed, certainly, surely
6. 6t** calamities, afflictions; j-l ob
fr. ad-dahr do. ; Jl cJj fr. aS-safa word ;
Jj ftoKyn eto., aee jlj j-UJ! ob 6. as-fiadr worries, fearo,

anxieties; ijjj ob fr. tcartZna earth-

j-UUj (It. pagliaccio) jtalyati olown, buffoon
worms, rainwonna
jJjUj (It. fripltanfo) byard billiards
my son
Jj frunaiya

*Jj billseh plisse', pleating IjLi bunwa sonship, filiation

Ixmawi filial
6oUln pl. oJ^J baZdZin1 pallium, liturgical iSj^j

vestment of a bishop worn over the jj fafranntn adoptlon (also flg., e.g..

ohasuble (Chr.); monk*s robe (Copt.-Chr.) of ideas, principles, etc.)

^L balyn pl. ^.^j balyln* (U.S.) billion, j. frunn coffee beans, coffee

(G.B.) milliard; (U.S.) trillion, (G.B.) brown

^j bunni coffee- colored,
b bann finger Ups |
jt-i *~L* -t^ ty***
** bomm loweat string of a musical instru- iru) lit.: he is pointed at with fingers,
ment i.e., he is a famouB man; tiijb fj* \j\ an
\aua bannika I am at your disposal, I
f_Lr bumbg, Le 6vmM$a bow tie
am at your aervice
jLe bomby Bombay
Jj^iL bandra ($yr.; from It. pomodoro)
^L look up alphabetically tomato(es)

^ V JJ tabann to adopt as son (* s.o.); ^jLj fcorwirw1 Banaras or Benares (the Holy
to adopt, embrace (* Oty of the Hindus, in N India)

^1 ihn pl. LjI o&nd*, Oyj banfin son;

^iL see ,^L>
deacendant, scion; offsprmg, son (of a
nation or people) | * aT ^ I pl. jX ji; (son of

Adam) man, human being; jjT ^.l *6n

yjj bint napoleon, louia d'or (gold coin of
dux jackal; -J1 ^1 um al-balad local
20 franca)
inhabitant, native; j^UI Ljl nativee,

native populatkm; v^' i>' ^ a^-^at* Wj II to dope, narcotieize (with banj; s.o.);

warrior, soldier; warlike, belcoae; ^.1 to anesthetize (* s.o.)

JsiJl wayfarer, wanderer; i- u^-*" 0".'

j banj henbane (Hyoscyamus niger;
60 years old; *.U j. I ifrn 'a/t'M tem-
bot.); an anesthetic, a narcotic
poral, transient, passing; JL# ^i ifr

puftiAi hia own aon; ^^ j<l ibn '> v UJl al-banjb the Punjab (region, NW
weasel; ^Ji L jj oan m' tu-wnuS* Indian subcontinent)
^jhJj banjar red beet (eg.) jjlkj banfaln (from It. pantaloni) pl. -*

trousers, pants
Xj band pl. *yj bund article, clause para-
grapb (of a law, contract, etc.); banner; jjl; bangzi Bengasi (city in NE Iib}'a,

large body of troops capital of Cyrenaica)

jXj bandar pl. jjbj bandir* seaport; com- JUiJI al-bangl Bengal (region, NE Indian
mercial center ; district capital (Eg.) ; jAbj subcontinent)
aee also under v-L below |
,^-U* j^j fr.

j7ij banafsaj (coli.; n. un. ) violet (bot.)

'afefca Bandar Abbas (seaport in 8 Iran)
(j^ banafsaji violetlike, violetisb;
a ijjXj
look up alphabetically
violet (adj.) | {
y-^JcJ\ y or
^->*:.II Ijj

J-L> bunduq (coli. ; n. un. ) pl. jaIij bandiq7 ultraviolet

hazelnut(s), filberts; hazel, bazel tree;

^^Lij banfaS, banafS amethyst (min.)
Oj hazelnut, fiJbert; bullet

ajcj binaqa and Ju baniqa gre, gusset (of

j-L> bundttqi Venetian sequin
a ahirt or garment)
JXj bunduqlya pl. JaIij bandiq*
rifle, gun ^tj IJ-L fr. rai ahotgun jiij frunjfc root, core, heart, best part | dkj

j^Jl fr. oi-'umr the prime of fe, the best

iJ-uJl al-bunduqiya Venice
ciliXj bunduqnl pl. -fin, Li band*
diiJ franjfc pl. t\yj bunk bank, bankin g
diqa a Venitian
house |
t-iul-lll <^Jjj credit bank; jij& <iij
JjXj bundq pl. JjiL> bandiq 2 bastard
deposit bank; -all .iL fr. ad-dam blood

#jjj^ banadra (syr.; from It. _pomJoro) bank; JjoJI ^Jb-Jt (dauA) the World Bank
tomatoes 3 mubannah stranded
tiii *

(_fjj.U> j>l aAmar 8 banadri tomato-red

t ilir. iiL* muhannak mvbannak shrewd,
Jj^j (Fr. _pendt*Ze) bandl pendulum sly, astute

j-Cj (Span, bandera) bandera pl. jjLj band* uIj^iScj (Engl.) banibndf banknote
dir 2 pennon, flag, banner
jCj and jijCj see (

jjUj frannr (= jjL bar) glass

jljO (Fr. fraijjnotre) banwr baignoire, theater
ja*>j banzahir bezoar, bezoar stone box of the lowest tier

j>>j banzin, benzln gasoline, benzine x

Jj frans t (Li bind', uLJu bunyn) and Till
to build, erect, construct, set up (a};
J>i (Engl.) pence
to build, establish, rest (J* * on);

t>lj benisilln penicillin to consummate the marriage (L- and LJ*

witb a woman); pass. buniya, ubtuniya
<--u (Fr. peneie) bansSh pansy (bot.)
to be based, be built, rest (
J* on) |
Oj-_Ju bansiyn pl. -i boardinghouse board- ; J* (JfeaZtmatan) to give a word an in-

ing school declinable ending in (a certain vowel or a

vowelleas consonant; gram.) V see 1

^-a^j frinpir f., pl. j-^Lj fransir ring finger
Li frin" building, construction, erection,

ju iuni pl. ijO bunf point (stock market) setting up; structure (also, e.g., of an
;; ;

Organum), aetup, make-up; (pl. Jul less ; bahita to be or become fade pale,
abniya) building, structure, edifice |
U I (color) bahata a to astoniah, amaze, be-

LJI i'dat al-b. reconstruction ; ji-\ LJI wilder, startle, stagger, flabbergast ( s.o.)

(kurr) Freemasonry; J* Lj binaan 'al (Ly buhtn) to Blander, defame ( s.o.)

according to, in accordance with, on the III to come or descend unexpectedly (

baais of, by virtue of, on the atrength of upons.o.); to startle, stagger, flabbergast
J* Ij accordingly, thus { s.o.) IV to surprise, astonish, amaze (

s.o.) VII = I
ijUj binai constructional, building
(used attributively) ; architectural; struc- C~r buht and uLy buhtn slander, falsa
tural accusation; lie, untruth

Li; binya, bunya pl. Jj hinan, btman i^- bahta perplexity, amazement, be-

structure, setup, make-up; Wnya build, wildennent, stupefaction

frame, physique, physical Constitution J ilJkL bhit pale, pallid, faded (color);
iJjl iJjl^ of delicate Constitution; ~^ perplexed, aghast
JJI and JJI -L* of sound Constitution,
healthy; JJI j_j qawiy al-b. husky, jf- mabht perplexed, astonished,
amazed, startled, flabbergasted, aghast

L bann' pl. -n builder; mason; ~f bahija a to be glad, be happy (^ about),

conatructive j
j>- j (Aurr) Freemason be dehghted (w at); bahuja u to be
beautiful, look wonderful IV to gladden,
IjLj binya pl. -( building, structure,
delight, make happy ( s.o.) VIII to be
glad, be happy (i_j ahout), be delighted
jLj bunyn building, construction, ( v at)

erection, setting up; building, structure,

<*^- bahja splendor, magnificence, beau-
edifice; physique, stature
ty, resplendence; joy, delight |
jli^l i^
J~ mabnan pl. jL. mabnin building, delight of the eyes, welcome sight
construction, erection, setting up; build-
Fi- bahij, ff bahtj magnificent, splen-
ing, structure, edifice; form; foundation,
did, beautiful; happy, joyous; delightful
fundament, basis |
JJlj ^]j\ {ra'y) con-

tent and form i>f~. mabhaja a moment of happiness

and joy
,jvj tabannin see ^

P*L+ mabhij joys, delights; pleasures,
jL bnin pl. Lj fiimA builder
amusements, dlversions; splendid things;
J-* mabniy built, set up, erected splendor, pomp, magnificence
founded, based, resting
(J* on); fixed,
jr^ri' *6fijjoy,rejoicing, delight (wat)
established; indeclinable; ending in-
declinably mubhij pleasant, charming, delight-
(J* in; gram.) ..(-.

,j^ (
En gl-) penny
~L. mubtahij happy, glad, dehghted
jm (It. bagno) bany bath, bathtub
J-if- bdhdala to insult ( s.o.); to treat con-
yl^f bahita a, bahuta u and pass. buhita (bht) temptuously, meanly (* s.o.); to expose
to be astonished, amazed, bewildered, ( s.o.) to ridicule, make a laughingstock
startled, perpleied, flabbergasted, speech- (* of s.o.) II tabahdala pass. of I


-L^ bahdala insult, affront, abuse, out- jl*-_rt* bahrajn tinsel, frippery
rage; meanness; triteness, insipidity
rjrf mubahraj showy, tawdry, gaudy,
J-L^ mubahdal maltreated, oppressed, ornate, ostentatious ; trashy, rubbishy,
miserable cheap, inartistic

jr bahara a (bahr) and IV to glitter, shine to ;

j jx bahriz (eg.) a soup
dazzle, overwhelm ( s.o., * s.o. 's eyes) |

jLj^I j^j ji a dazzling, overwhelming

i^f bahaza a (bahz) to oppress, weigh down
thing; pass. buhira to be out of breath, ( s.o.; a load, work), weigh heavily (

on s.o.) IV do.
to pant VII to be dazzled, blinded; to be

smitten with blindness; to .be out of .Ii*L> bhiz heavy, oppreasive, trying;
breath VIII to flaunt, parade, show off, excessive, exorbitant, enormous ; ex-
present in a dazzling light (i_j pensive, costly

jt bahr deception, dazzlement (i_j by)

j^ bahaq a kind of liehen (bot.); herpetic
eruption, tetter; vitigo alba, a mild
jr buhr difficult respiration, labored

brea thing form of leprosy (med.)

Ijr bahra (n. vic.) being dazzled, dazzle- J^ bahala a (bohl) to curBe ( s.o.) V and VI
ment to curse one another VIII to supplicate,
pray humbly (to God)
sr buhra middle, center |
. . . l
jr j
amidst Jf I abhal sa vin ( Juniperus sabina
^1 abhar2 more brliant, more magnif-
icent Jlfl ibtihl supplication, prayer

2 bhil buhl, buhhal

jf\ abhar aorta (anat.) J*L> pl.

jLj- bahr pl. -t spiee

J^JLf- buhll, bahll pl. JJLf bahlil 2 buffoon,

jlfl ibtihr dazzling display, show (i_j
jeater, clown, fool

j*\j bhir dazzling, brliant, splendid jljLf- bahlawn pl. -t, -lya acrobat, tumbler,
equilibriBt, ropedancer, tightrope walker
jjr* mabhr breathless, out of breath,
panting ji_jLr bahlawdni acrobatic |
Jl^J-f (harakt) acrobatics; antics, capers
rjx bahraja (~**rjx bahraja) to adorn, deck of a tumbler; jl^J-r o\jb (fayarn) aerial
out, dreBs up ahowy; to give a deeeptive acrobatics, stunt flying
brightness (* to); to glamorize (;

to rejeet as false a witness); to fake, -f-

IV to make obscure, dubious, unintel-

counterfeit (* II tabakraja to

ligible (* V and X to be obscure,

adorn o.s., spruce o.a. up, dress up; to be ambiguous, unintelligible (J* to s.o.)

fake K^f bahma lamb, sheep

r-_rr bahra] false, spurioua, fake, aham,

^ bahim pl. -,- buhum jet-black
worthless, bad; counterfeit money ; tinsel,
S~~f- bahxma pl. ri^- bah'im 2 beast,
frippery, cheap finery; trash, cheap stuff
animal, quadruped; pl. vestock, cattle,
'**rj^ bahraja empty ahow, hollow pomp (large) domestic animals

*-t- bahimi animal, beetial, brutiah live or stay at a place IT to provide

accommodations (* for s.o., * at a place);
*~*~r bahimiya brutiahnesa, bestiality,
to settle down, reside, live (<_> at a place)
V to settle down {* at a place), occupy
l>Lf-l ibhm obacurity; vagueness, am- markazan a
{\j?j+ place), hold (Ul* ma
qman a position) |
UtSL. T^J (maknan)

l>Lf-l ibhm pl. j>LI abhim* thumb; to gain ground, become generally ac-

big toe cepted; ^^ Ij-j ('<*"') to ascend the

throne ; SU- 1 IjJ (hukm) to oome to
>L bhim big toe
power, take over power
tr* mubham obscure, dark, cryptic,

doubtful, vague, ambiguous --. ja

&! Mo pl. -t (usually pronounced
bai'a) pl. -dt residenoe, domicile, seat;
fotiad) abstraot number (moiA.); O ..
'- 11
Situation; surroundings, environment,
^il ('a*a*) the vagus (<ww<.); ^1 ,-VI
milieu; home, habitat
(um) the demonstrative pronoun (pram.)
Li mab'a place to which oomes;
(jr) W; bdhS. u, bahuwa u and jf bakiya a abode, dwelling, habitation
(L. baW) to be beautiful lil to vie,
compete (lj with b.o. in; to pride
jj tabawvm* : ^j^ *j^ t. al-'ari acces-

sion to the throne

o.b. (l-> on), be proud (lj of), boast {lj of,

l-> to b.o. of VI to compete with ^jt II to divido into chapters or sections {*
one another; to be proud (<^ of), pride ; to arrange in groups, arrange
o.a. (lj on) systematically, class, classify (*

jr bahw pl. .L.I abha hall; parlor, i-jL bb pl. ^j*) abiDb, Lu bibn
drawing room, reception hall door; gate; opening, gateway; entrance;
cbapter, section, column, rubric; group,
( fr boAty beautiful, magnicent, Bplen-
did; brilliant, radiant, shining
olass, oategory; field, domain (flg.) j
JUI the Sublime Forte; ~->X\ ^L
flf bah' beauty, magnicence, splen-
b. tU-mandab Bab el Mandeb (strait
dor; brilliancy
between SW Arabia and Africa; geogr.);

JL. boAifi Bahai (adj.); (pl. -n) an v!>i^' J* near, imminent; 1-bJU- 1<U =i
adherent of the Bahai sect, a Bahai to open up a new way, a new possibility;
<_jL ~ futiha bbv ... was (were) begun,
-f*l abAd more splendid, more bril- under way; *^l <^\j Ji5 (qafaia)
to put an end to, terminate, close
UL. mubhh and LT tabtSAtn pride,; J-iiJI i-jL (b. il-fat) as a favor;
vainglory, boaatfulneas
Jjl _jLi
^ (au&S) with all the more

oljf see iL
reason, the more so; <_jUI IJu j about
this matter, about this; jl IjjjJ -L ^y
(>jj) L M*a u to come again, return; to (b. *4-tfarfira) it ia necessary that . . . ; ,^-jJ

oome back (i~> with, bring back, -uJl t-jLi ^ li* (b. ia-pudfa) that'a no
yield, bring in ( |^-'t L or JiiJLi coincidence; .-Li j* jlT or .-U j J*-.>

(JHit6a t /ojoi) to fail II to provide ao- (with foll. genit.) to belong to, fall under;

commodations (J and for s.o., * at a *A> j i>^i unique of ita kind; l .-L
J* -iL

place), put up (J or s.o., * at) |

Lil* I_^ to pursue one's livelihood, earn one's
(matnan) to take a place, settle down, bread

4j Li bba pl. -t kind, Bort, olass, category **-\> bha pl. -t wide, open Space;

u^I^j &awu& pl. -n doorman, gate- open place, sqnare, plaza; courtyard;

4j\y biwba office of gatekeeper

**-\j\ ibha divulgenoe, disolosure (of
a secret); permission, authorization; li-
4j\jt bawtoaba pl. -t (large) gate, por-
tal | SjL^ll *j\jt b. al-qanfara lock gate
^Ul ibhi licentious, unrestrained, un-
t_-i_j-J (a&ifr division into chaptera,
inhibited; anarchist; freethinker
sectioning, Classification, syBtematio ar-

rangement, grouping V-ll ibhiya freethinking, libertinism;

>-jj~* mubawwab arranged in groups,
classed, classified < Ul istibha appropriation, capture,

seizure; spoliation, confiscation

CAijt boblln poplin
*>Li mubh permitted, allowed, permis-
lujj (Fr. bobine) bobina spool, reel
sible; legal, lawful, licit, legitimate; open
to everyone, permitted for all, free;
Cjjj bvwa aee ~u
ownerless (Ial, Law) ; indifferent (said
UlJ^j, ifljjj (It. potoMa) frtad, fct* potash of actions for which neither reward nor
punishment is to be expected, but whioh
iiJjj btaqa (usually pronounced bautaqa)
are permissible, pl. c>U-L* indifferent,
crucible, melting pot {
jUjll UJ^j j
permissible actions, Ist. Law)
(zamn) in the melting pot of time

(rji) j-L bka u to abate, subaide, let up,

*njt (Fr. bougie) bviih pl. -t spark plug
decrease; to die, go out (fire); to fade,
bleach; to spoil, rot (e.g., meat) II to
(.jj) j-L 6Aa u (&auA) to become known, Bpoil (*
be revealed, be divulged, leak out (secret)
\j) buwk evaporation, exhalation,
to reveal, disclose, divulge (* or _,
vapor, steam
a secret; Jl and J to s.o.) IV to diaclose,

reveal (* or <_j, J to s.o.); to release, fij^j tabwik: h&}\ y? t. an-nukta the

abandon, make public property, declare spoiling of the point of a story

ownerless (* ; to permit, allow, D Aj byik spoiled, bad; vapid, in-

leave (*, J to s.o.); to justify, War- sipid, stale (also, e.g., of a joke)
rant (a X to reveal {*; to
regard as publio property, as ownerless,
!>jUjj bkrest Bucharest

as fair game; to deem permissible, lawful jSj* (Fr. povdre) bdra powder
(a; to hurt (*ij*- hurmatah s.o. 's

honor); to take possession (* of), ap- iiji bdaqa pl. 3\j> bawdiq* crucible, melt-

propriate, take as booty (*; to ing pot

saize, oonEscate (* <*s r^J--' {da*

Ijjj bd Buddha
mah) to proscribe, outlaw s.o.
iSiji b4* Buddhistic; Buddhist
r-ji bauh divnlgence, disolosure (of a
Beeret); confession
5j j^j bdiya Buddhism

rjt buh wide, open Space; courtyard; (jjt) jL; bra u (baur, j\jj bawr) to perish; to

hall lie fallow, be uncultivated (land); to be


futile, unauccessful, unprofitable, lead *jji bza a beerlike beverage
to nothing (work); to be unsalable, be
*jb bz pl. jljjl a&u-dz, ji>j bizn falcon
dead stock (merchandise) | cJJ\ Ojb
(bint) the girl could not get a husband x
^yji ba bus
II to let He fallow (* land); to make un-
profitable, useleas (* IT to destroy \ lj'ji) ^-Ij Mm u (baut) to kiss (* s.o.)

jjt br uncultivated, fallow | j_jj ^j\ <*y bau&a, bsa


(ard), pl. jji j-iljl (arfltfm) fallow land,

j=-yj (It. bu&to) bust corset

j\jt bawr perdition, ruin jljJl jIj k-jj, ii-^j (It. jxwta) &w$a, ftusio post, mail

jj^jJ\ al-buefr the Bosporus
J\i bair unoultivated, fallow (land)
((Art) o*^. ^* u (baui) to be boisterous,
ijlj>. brni (eg.) a vegetable stew shout, roar (crowd) II do.

jLjc- jji br said Fort Said (seaport in NE Jiji baiii pl. ^bjl auMJ (for ^j\\)
Egypt) mob, rabble

\j* jjt br sdn Fort Sudan (seaport in U^>. & (coli.; n. un. I) reed

NE Sudan) i*jt baa pl. ntt inch

jSoj_jjj_jj burturik Puerto Rico t

ba ofr^ linen or silk fabrio
a^jt pl. (j-^'^jl

JUjjj^ burtugl Portugal *L*jt (It. buasola) bosla compass

*-*j>, bwsa pl. -t stock ezchange "Jyjt bfa orucible, melting pot

jlji j^j &r /u'&i Port Fuad (seaport in NE Hiji bza a beerlike beverage
Egypt, opposite Port Said)
9ji b* metatorsal bone {anal.) |f>l *-Jj*i V
3jji baitraq borax 9-^Jl,y he wouldn't know bis knee from
his elbow (proverbially, of a stupid per-
Ljji burm Burma
iJJM (Turk. boru) brl trumpet, bgle

f-U b* pl. f\jt\ abwa the span of the out-

6rj5 pl. -iya trumpeter,
tjrjjji spread arms, fathom; in Eg. today = 4
4ir" mi'mriya = 3m
Jjjt mighty, | 9 Ul

<Jjji bri (pl* tsJji batcri) striped mullet

powerful; oapable, able; knowledgeable;
(Mugil cephalus; zool.) generous, liberal; s-UI j~m* powerlese,
helpless, impotent, we&k, incapable;
**ijj* (Fr.) brlh puree
niggardly, atingy; s-UI jj* impotence,

}jt II to pout, sulk, look glum, sullen

l weakness ; incapability (je- of ) ; f U L
pljltj with might and main
jji bz pl. j\jt\ abioz muzzle, Bnout
I> jS tabwiza sullen mien fjt II to surprise

j^-. mvhavmiz sullen, glum 2

U bga celluloid; tortoise shell

jjt bz, J^j bza ice cream iic-jj bgda and <J>\s-y. bgda potash, lye
83 J*

j\ijt bgz pl. j* \jt batujfiz' strait(s) ; harbor |

Jl^-I-I istibwdl: Q f-dl JI^JL-I f. od-

JJ^joJI J*j* the Dardanelles dam uremia (med.)

*Jj* (Fr. bttffet) bfih hoffet; bar; sideboard JIj fl state, condition; heart, mind; notice,
regard, attention j Jb ji significant, no-
3j* II to blow the trumpet table, conaiderable, important, serious,

3jt bq pl. -dt, 3\jt\ ainvq trumpet grave; JUI f\j farQ al-b. leisure; J_>.

bgle; fanfare; harn (of an automobile,

JUI anxious, uneasy, concemed, worried;

of a gramophone) ; acoustic signaling JUI Jjji long-suffering, patient; ... *JIj l*

de vice; megaphone; mouthpiece, Bpokes- (with verb) why is it that he (it) ...?
why ...T illL U how about you? what do
man ; duplicity, treachery, betrayal |

0_^JI b. ap-paut or jjii^fl 3jt loudspeaker you t hinkt *IL ^U- feal bluh hia mind
at rest, he haa no worries; <fL> ^k^- it
(radio); O ,y*j j> (rahimi) oviduct, is

Fallopian tube (anat.) occurred to him, it came to bis mind;

<J) Jl *JLj
(J*. f Jll) J*l (a'f, alq, ja'ala)
\jj bawwq trumpeter, bugler mind
to turn one's to, give one's atten-

Uli bga bndle; bunch of flowers, tion to, pay attention to, take into ac-

nosegay, bouquet count, be mindful of, bear in mind, heed; VL> Jj jL jl fam yu&p Z-?auft
jL o'tgapl. $\jt baw'iq3 misfortune,
ftdZan he didn't pay any attention to
what I said; VIj 4^. Jju V (yogtu) no

Jli^j btiql, I^j bqla pl. Jj'jj bawqH1 less significant than this

vesael without handles, mug 8

J>j bl postage stamp

jjjjLJ^j boknford patrol wagon, paddy wag- *Jl bl whale (zooj.)

on, Black Maria
*Jb look up alphabetically
JiKv-i^j (Engl.) boki&kf box calf
D *Vj* bld (= iVy) steel
(J^j) JL bla u (baul) and V to make water,
L^J^j see <-i}ji
urinate IV to be diuretic X to cause to
urinate a diatriot of Cairo
3"iji blej*

i}jt baul pl. JI^jI abwl urine ^jij

| xlji blanda Poland
jjj| J^JI marod al-b. as-aukharl diabetea
jxJjj ftJandi Polish; (pl. -fin) Pole
J^j bauli uric, urinary, urinoua |
jiji bl polo
*J>Jl the urinary passages; *Jj^ u^'j^^l
diseases ofthe kidney and urinary bladder Li^j (It. Polonia) blniy Poland
J^j --J (lasammum) uremia (med.)
djiji blnl Polish; Pole
*Lj biia: O V=-T <-Lj (Aintf/a) al-
rJ_>j (Ft. police) blis police *jlj^fl ^}j*
buminuria; O Hj** *^H (dawunj/a) hem- ( _

vice squad; jLi-l ,^-JjJI (?tn*t) criminal


aturia (med.)
police; <Jji~\ (j-J^Jl (<z r&*) military po-
ill^j fuwu/a public lavatory lice; jj-Jl ,j-J>Jl (irrt) secret police;

mabwala wuj/un/ 2 urinal

jj^l ^rt'^i traffio police
j-t pl. JjL*
a diuretic ; mibwala Chamber pot ; toilet, V-Lh *i'jJ rttwyo bviiaiya detective
water doset story
J* 84

*"<-Aji and *-Jj> (Fr. police) blim, btifa (~u) oL* 6dto * (Ca- mabtt) to paas or
pl. j^-Hj-! fcatwJ/v 1 ^r-J^H ^>wdf a spend the night; to stay overnight; to
certificate of insurance, policy | <_Jjj become; to be (j in a Situation); with
jj-Jjl 6. aJ-&&* bill of Iading foll. imperf. : to get into a Situation, get
to the point where; to continue to do,
Lul_^ bli/iyd Bolivia
go on or keep doing, stick to

JJ_jj b/ Bolivian II to brood (by night; a about; to

contrive, hatch (* an evil plan, J against

Ol~JjJl b daal-baulin uremia
s.o.), plot (J against s.o.); to put up for

Pji bm (coU.; n. un. ') pl. ^IjjI abwm owl the night (. s.o.) |
J*~J\ j i (faff; eg.)
to flunk, fail promotion (pupil) IV to put
j^j baun, &n interval, distance; difference up for the night ( s.o.)

jL* (coli.; n. un. ) ben tree (Moringa; 60*.) C-u bait pl. Oj-j buyt, oUj-j buytt
horse-radish tree (Moringa oleifera; bot.) house, buding; tent (of nomads); room;
Egyptian willow (Salix aegyptiaca L. apartment, flat; (garden) bed; family;
60.) oase, box, covering, sheath; pl. oUj-j
large, respectable houses ; respectable fam-
tj'J^oAy. B^enoe Aires iliee; (pl. c*LI abyt) verse lj^\
| <i~u

pony b. al-ibra (navigator's) compass; ^Jl Jl

Jjj (Engl.) bni pl. J\ji bawni
ahl ai-b. family, specif., the family of the
l bh coitus; sexual potenoy; sexuaty Prophet; ^l^Jl Ji people from good,
respectable families; ijLf ^\Jj?> (tij*
W-r*_H (Eng'-) bhimiy Bohemia
riy) commercial houses; fl^J-l C-*Jl (ha*

~*ji bhtmi Bohemian (adj. and n.) rm) the Kaaba; ^J-1 Cjj b. al-kala and
bhimiy Bohemianism, Bo- i_j^V1 C~u toilet, water closet;
hemian life
lall ~u origin or seat of the disease;

*ijji ba*na the tenth month of the Coptio

Jjj c-w
and J.-^.Jt

country house; J-^JtlS

(the essential, principal

year verse of the kasida, i.e.) the quintessence;
the gist, the essentials, the hit of;
*iji (Turk. boya) bya paint; shoe polish that Stands out from the rest, the
<Jt-X* iJf^iJi f 6?*) ^yV* houae painter,
right thing ; J- c-u baitalahm 2 Bethlehem
painter; shoeahine, bootblack
ilil cjJI the ruling house; JLLI ^u treae-

i-j bayya = *Aj look np alphabeticaUy ure house; fisc, treasury, exchequer (lal.

Law); (Tun.) administration of vacant

*iu see *j)
Muslim eetates

oL biyda infantry (Eg.)

J~j baiti
domestio, private, home, of the
^jLj otyti infantryman, foot soldior house, house- (in Compounds) ; domes-
ticated (animals); homemade
jL, UL, _jj'Lj bjyn, biyna, biyn pl. oLLj
~ljt buwait pl. -t small house; small
ftiy<5iW piano
_-u 6i6 pipe, tube; feed pipe, spout (of a

* oL> bayyi pl. -n and UL bayyta

reservoir or tank)
boarder (student); (pl. -n) pupil of a
i-jj &iba (Western) amoking pipe boarding achool {tun.)

Oj-> bayyt stale, old jjj bir Peru

c-i-. mab ovemight stop, overnight

jjy (Fr. bureau) bir pl. -( office, bureau
stay; shelter for the night
Cjjjsj bairP Beirut (capital of Xjebanon)
cJ\j bau stale, old; (eg.) not promoted,
^JaJi j (^off) in school ijjju bairii pl. *3j\ji bawrita, iyU
mubayy plotter, schemer, intri- bayrifa a native or inhabitant of Beirut
^IjJjjy biruqrfi bureaucratic
UUwj fti/m and 4 Im bxj&ma pajama
<^\Jjjo biruqrfiya bureauoracy; red
{-u) jIj bda i to perish, die, paas away, tape

beoome eztinot IV to destroy, extermi-

UUju bizanfiy Byzantium
nate, eztirpate (*, * s.o.,
(jl*j>j bizanft Byzantine
jl -u baida anna although, whereas;
(esp., introducing a sentence:) yet, how- jaj 6i*5n bison
ever, but, ... though
(,j^Lj) (j-ilj fc^a to lay eggs (also *); to stay,
#I-U bait* pl. -L> bid, CjIjI-U bat*
settle down, be or become resident (<_* at
dwt desert, steppe, wilderness
a place) | rjij iSd ^L (tM*-/arrofca) to
jU ibda annihilation, extermination, be bom and grow up in a place; to
eradication, extirpation establish itself and spread (plague) II to

jJL b'id passing, transitory, temporal; make white, paint white, whitewasb,
past, bygone whiten (*; to bleach, blanch (*

annihilative, textiles, Iaundry, rice, etc.); to tin,

X-. muAicZ deBtructive,
(pl. -t) means of extermination oi.1*
tinplate (*; to make a fair oopy (*

Sj^Jj- (Ao&wiytj) inseotioides

of u^Li (wajhah) to make
| *4-j

s.o. appear blameless, in a favorable

*jLj look up alphabetically light, to whitewash, exculpate, vindi-
cate, justify s.o., play s.o. up, make much
jXj baidar pl. j^Lj ftoyrftf' threshing floor
of s.o.; to honor s.o., show honor to s.o.;

Jxj baidaq (and JJL) pl. JjLj ftoydtj*

*4*tj *>' tj*^, ma y God make him happyl
pawn (in chess) 4iij* &. ^jm V this doesn't ahow him in
a favorable light V pass. of II; IX to be
LfXj see Ujb alphabetically
or become white
*D jLrf bayyra pl. -( (paJ.) irrigation
^jj baid pl. ^j-j buy4 eggs
wheel; plantation
4-i-* baida (n. un.) pl. -t egg; testicle;
Ijo, ;>j (It. birra) btr, bira beer \jJ\ *!-*
helmet; main part, substance, essence |

fTio^na' oZ-6. brewery

iLjJI 5-i-i b. ad-dik (the egg of a rooster

J_tj bairaq pl. jjL bayrvf flag, banner, i.e.) an impossible or extraordinary

Standard thing ; oUI **-) b. al-balad a man held

in high esteem in his Community; <*-j j
jlo>j|u bairaqdr color-bearer, Standard
jLfJI (6. in-nahr) in broad day light;
.Ju-Jl 5-i-i 6. a-fiaif the hottest part
aJjJI JU- (Fr. Pyrin&es) jihl al-birinek the of the summer; f^UVl *-*^ the territory
Pyrenees or pale of Islam; j-jJI <*ij j* vliJJl ^
; ;


jUjJl i--j (6. id-din, b. il-wafan) defense !

a night spent awake; ,_ r*ri^l Cj ^' (mauf)
of the faith, of the country; jj\ iju natural death; #L*-j Oj (i/(u2) beneficent
b. al-kidr a woman secluded from the hand, benefaction
outside world, a chaste, respectable
^-- mabxd, mibya4 ovary (<mw(.)
*-*^j tabyida fair copy
^_) baidi, ijyjt-i baidawi and (jjLi-j
baidwi egg-shaped, oviform, oval, ovate O ^'~*ri' ibytdd leukemia (med.)

,^-ijlj 6*K$ pl. ftaur'^ (egg-)

<^._.u buyaida and *Jb_^ buwaida pl. u-j'^
- small egg, ovule; ovum
u-acr* mubayyj, pl. -n whitewasher;
^Lj bayd white, wbiteness; white-
wash; (pl. -() hairen, desolate, un-
bleacher; tinner; copyist, transcriber (of
fair copy)
cultivated land, wasteland; gap, blank
space (in a manuscript); blank; leucoma '*-** mubayyada fair copy
(med.); linen, pl. oL#Lj linen goods,
J*~> baifara to practice veterinary science;
linens; (ayr.) milk, butter, and eggs
to shoe {* a borse)

~}\ ^Lj 6- ol-baid white of egg, al-

bumen; ^Lj 6. al-'ain the white of

,>*jl jLkj baifr pl. *^Lj bayfira veteri-

the eye; ^Lj b, an-nahr daylight,

jL,Jl narian; farrier

(acc.) by day, during the daytime; ^Lj baifari veterinary ji^^JI <-JJl
<jj*z> |

*JJ i'_j-j **jj bayda yaumihx wa-sawda veterinary medicine;

{#>&) ts^d>. vi^
lailihi by day and by night; o^l ^Lj veterinarian
6. al-wajh fine character, good reputation
*J*z> baifara veterinary science; farriery
^Lj Jir* jmajfc 6. a Nile fish (eg.);
^Lj blank, free from writing, printing l
(*~>) 9-\j b'a i (bat', __. mabi') to seil (*

or marks, uninscribed; (jAjjI or) (J

-J, or J to s.o., l- for a price) III to
^LJl (labisa, iriad) to dressin white make a contract ( with s.o.); to pay

u"j* bayd
pl. ^ fcuyutf, bid (egg-)
sovereign or leader
( to s.o.); to acknowledge as
( s.o.), pledge alle-

giance ( to) IV to offer for sale (*

,j-i^l abyad 2
, f. LL baid'*, pl. lJ
VI to agree on the terms of a sale, con-
6t<J white; bright; clean, shiny, polished;
clude a bargain VII to be sold, be for sale
blameleas, noble, sincere (character)
VIII to buy, purchaae (&> * from
empty, blank (sheet of paper); pl. oLi~JI
s.o. and * from s.o. | *!. 9-LjI ^
al-btdn the white race; ,jj*^' white of
**?>) Vj (abt'u, abl'uh) I don't trust him
egg, alhumen ]
Li~> ^jl (ard) harren,
_j bai' pl. f-j-j buy', C/ie-j^ buy't
uncultivated land, waateland; Li-* "*jjj

(taura) peaceful, bloodless revolution

sale | *-Ji for Bale; *i^*- (oL^ or) 5-jj

(jabrlya) forced sales, compulsory sale

a^-i^ l^A-'l (haif) first light of dawn;
jVI <^MJi\ (dahab) platinum; ^tA-JL
by auction; *i-l _j (jumla) wholesale
sale; jU-'lj *?> (Jciyr) optional sale (Isl.
^^-iVl with cold steel; Lj ci-rf* (sohl*

fatuk) his reputation is good; he has

Law); i_-iij j*^ *~j (li-kiri rgtbin) sale

noble deeds to his credit, he has a noble to the highcst bidder; i-JI j'ina

character; UL> <Ja^ (suhuf) noble, glo-

credit Operation (Isl. Law)

rious deeds; ULj ji5~l (ukdba) white *_j bai'a agree ment, arrangement
lie, fih; Lkj UJ (iatla) a sleepless night, husiness deal, commercial transaction,
bargain; eale; purchase; homage |
J* evident (a; to announoe (a;
into the bargain to atate (a; to ahow, demonstrate
(a; to explain, expound, eluoidate
f L bayy' ealesman, merchant, dealer,
(a, throw light (a on) III to part,
commission agent, middleman
go away ( from), leave ( s.o.); to differ,
j maM' sale, pl. -l Bales (esp. on be different (*, from), be unlike
the stock market) (a); to contradict (a, be contrary
UjL> mubya'a pl. -( conclusion of (a to); to confliot, be at variance, be

contract; homage; pledge of allegiance; inconaistent (a with IV to explain,

transaction expound, elucidate (J a to s.o.);

to separate, aift, distinguish (j* a
f-Ljjl ibtiy* purchase
from); to be clear, piain, evident V to be
mj\j b'i' pl, i*L b'a seller, vendor; or become clear, intelligible (J to s.o.);
dealer, merchant; salesman to turn out, prove in the end, appear, be-

oLi b'i'a aaleawoman come evident; to follow (j* from), be

oxplained (
j* by) ; to be clearly dis-
,-* moftt' and f-L* mub' Bold
tinguished (j* from); to seek to ascertain
f-Lw mufcf' buyer, purchaser (a, try to get at the facta (a of);

2 r to eye or examine criticaliy, scrutinize

i*j 6l a pl. -t, jj ftiya' (CAr.) church;
(a, s.o.,; to look, peer (a at);
to see through (a), see clearly,

iL be {eg.) t big, bek pl. ol_^j b&gawt (syr.) perceive,notice,discover,find out (a;
bey (title of courtesy); cf. iiL to distinguish (j* a from) VI to
differ, be different, be opposed, be
iijSLj bekawya rank of bey
contrary; to vary greatly, differ widely;
jl*j bikr compass, {pair of) dividers to vary, differ, fluctuate (ju between two
amounts or limita) X to be or become
^iLSlj Bee ^iL5
clear, piain, evident; to Bee, know, per-
*SLi (Fr.) blkek piqu6 (fabric) ceive, notice (a; pass. ustubina to

follow clearly, be clearly seen (j* from)

(Fr. ftttfe) &(/ ball | J-j
^^f jfcurai 6. ball
bearing ^j bain Separation, division; interval;
difference ^r-Jl olj
enmity, disunion,
*Lo ta/a see J_jj
discord; ^r-JI j in the meantime, mean-
LL batbudn black eider (bot.)

L-jlfL billiarsiy bilharziasia, Schistosomia- ^j baina (prep.) or ^j ^'t fi-m b-

sis (med.)
between; among, amidst j
j ^o either
or, partly partly, e.g., ,>j pj\ jlf
*-Lj (Ft. fite) bilya pl. -i little ball, marble LSnJL^j c~l (pmitin wa-mutakalli*
min) the crowd was divided among thoae
Ii-j^j bimriatn hospital; lunatic asylum
who were ailent and those who talked;
(Lfi\) <J^ bna i (Lj bayn) to be or be- *iM ?. iyadaiki) in front of him, before
come piain, evident, come out, come to him, in his presence; with him, on him,
light; to be clear (J to s.o.); (<>.> bain, in his possession, e.g., <jJj ju ^^ V (si*

ij^iw bainna) to part, bo separated lha) he hasn't got a weapon on him, he

(j* from) II to make clear, piain, visible, is unarmed; jJJi j^t ^j meanwhile,

in the meantime; iS
J6 ^uj J_j Ipi in ijj
Jp as has been provod; ^i J jlT
my heart, at heart, inwardly; v^'-P
Jh to be fully aware of to be well-informed,

in hia arme; Ji j* min bainihim from well-poeted, up-to-date about

among them, from their midst; jv J-j jul abyan* clearer, more distinot, more
something between, a cross, a mixture, obvious
a combination ; neither good nor bad,
Lu tibyn exposition, demonstration,
medium, tolerable; ju Ju ^i something
explanation, illustration
between, a cross, a mixture, a combina-
tion; j-^Tj C-Jj j^-j (waqt, kar), j^> j-^jj tabyin and i'Lt ibna exposition,

{fatra, ukr) at times, fxom demonstration, explanation, illustration

tSj*~\j *J*
time to time j-Lj tabyun difference, unlikeneas, dis-

similarity, disparity
juL m-bain look up alphabetically

Ljj bain, ]u bainam (conj.) while; JjLj tabyuni different, differing, oon-
^lj b'in clear, piain, evident, ob-
(jy bayym clear, piain, evident, ob-
vious, patent; final, irrevocable (di-
vious, patent; (pl. LjjI afcytn' ) eloquent
vorce; Isl. Law); of great length |
L bayn pl. -i cleamess, plainneas, JjLJI b, af-fl towering, of unusual
patency , obviousness ; Statement, dec- height (person)
laration, announcement; manifestation
o'lj b'ina bride's dowry
explanation, elucidation, illustration ; In-
formation, newe ; (official) report, (of-
iij. mabyna distance

ficial) statement; enumeration, index, j-^t mubin clear, piain, evident, ob-
list ; eloquence ; LJt the Koran ; aee vious, patent |
^1\ t^bijl the Koran
also alphabetically JLiA.1 Lj correction
j-Li* mutabyin dissimilar, unlike, dif-
(journ.); LJl je- ^i- (ganiy) Belf-explana-
ferential, differing, vaxying
tory, aelf-evident; jLJI 1*
m al-b.

rhetoric; jLJI JJ*

Lj, oLj look up alphabetically
ff al-b. explicative

apposition (gram.)
t^l see ^LSj
JLj bayni explanatory, illustrative;
y^u see ji*

Cm bayyina pl. -t clear proof, indis- 4-j bih = iL

putable evidence ; evidence (Isl. Law) ;
ojjj (Engl.) biyrih puree
a document serving as evidence |
iJjt (?rfiya) ciroumstantial evidence; 4jj_j-j (Fr. pyorrhle) biyrSh pyorrhea (med.)

Cj abbreviation of ^Jj telephone Ij i* name of the letter Cj

o to (particle introducing oaths) by, Jji\S O^jIj fd&t pl. CjjIjJ tawbit 2 box, case,

ta-hi by Godt ehest, ooffer; oasket, coffin, sarcophagus |


-i^Jl OjjlJ t. al-'ahd ark of the covenant; jZ tibr raw metal; gold duet, gold
Lll ij OjjU (. ra/' aX-miydh Archime- nuggets; ore
dean screw; v'H &jfi ' as-sqiya
jUj tabr ruin, destruction
Bcoop wheel, Persian wheel
j j tibriya dandruff

Sj-j tbiyk tapioca

jj3 tabriz* Tabriz (city in NW Iran, capital
tltl to'ta'a to stammer (with fright) of Azerbaijan province)

^ aee gjS J tabi'a

a (taba, ItAj
tab'a) to follow, suc-

come after s.o. or

(> s.o.,
ojj see jIj (*, ); to trau, track (*, s.o.,,

go after s.o. or (*, ); to walk be-

^t IV j^Jl jtM (froaro) to stare (* or Jl at
hind b.o. (); to pursue (*; to keep,
adhere, stick (* to, observe (*

jlj see j_jl to follow, take (* a road), enter upon
(* a road or course); to comply (* with
jlj (za (= jlL) fresh, tender, new; to belong, pertain (* to); to be
subordinate, be attached ( to b.o.), be
iiU tha fem. of the demonstrative pronoun
under s.o.'b () authority or command, be
iili rfto (dual nom. ii! tnxha, genit.,
under s.o. () |
^jj-JI ^J {dursa) to
acc. tiUw tainika)
attend classes regularly III to follow (*,

^Tjj, fjl tau'am, f. , pl. r\j> tow'tm* * s.o.,; also = to keep one's mind
twin or eyes on, e.g., on a development); to
agree, concur ( with s.o.,
J* in,
Ja* Uli at-tmlz tbe Thames be in agreement or conformity (*, Jp
with); to pursue, chase, follow up ( b.o.,
jlj ty (fun. t afgr.) tea |
j*-\ jU black tea
m; to continuo (*; j^sairah
j^jjU ty&r and ^U tySr (Fr. tailleur) pl. -f on one' way), go on (* with or in)

ladies' taored suit, tailleur IV to cause to Bucceed or follow (in time,

rank, etc.); to place (* s.o.) under s.o.'b

t_J toMa * (tabb, ^- taai, _jLj tabb) to () authority or command, subordinate

periah, be destroyed X to stabilize, be ( t to b.o. s.o., * > to V to
stabilized, be or becomo atable; to be follow (*, esp. fig. : a topic, a devel-
settled, established, well-ordered, regulr, opment, the news, etc., = to watch,
normal; to progress well |
j-VI *J _--! study); to pursue, trail, track (*, s.o.,

eveiytbing went well with bim ; to trace (* ; to be subordinate

(*, to), be attached ( to b.o.) VI to

*J Uj tabban lahf may evil befall bim! *

may he perish follow in succession, be successive or


consecutive, come or happen successively;

<_jLiIJ istitbb normalcy, regularity,
to form an uninterrupted sequence VIII to
orderliness, order ; stability ; favorable follow, succeed ( s.o., *, come
oourae or development
after (*, ); to make (* be succeeded
or followed (l^ by eise); to proBecute
C-dl at'tibt Tibet
( s.o.), take legal action ( against); to

jy tabara i (tabr) to destroy, annihilate (* follow, obey, heed, obBerve, bear in mind (*; to pursue (*; to

examine, investigate, study (* .th.); mSJ tatabbu' foUowing (esp. flg., of an
pass. uttubi'a to have or find followers, argument, of a development, see Y
adherents ( Je for, e.g., for an idea) |
above); pursuit; prosecution; succession,
i-l~- *Jl (siyiuatan) to pursue a polioy; course {
jj\d\ ^-I=Jt the course of history;
*-x *Jl (yamtnoA) to keep (to the) 4J4* iit\jLJ3 ('adlxya) legal aotion, pros-
right X to make (* s.o.) follow, ask ( s.o.) ecution
to follow; to seduce ( s.o.); to have as
>& tatbu succession; relay (ailet.);
its consequence, engender, entail (*
i Ld U consecutively , Buocessively , in; to subordinate to o.a., make
Buccesaion; seriaUy, in serialized form
subservient to o.s. (*

f LJl ittib* following; pursuit (e.g., of

*-j taba' auccesaion; Bubordinateness,
a policy) ; adherenoe (to), compliance
dependency; following, followers; sub-
(with), observance (of); J UL-jl ittiba'an
ordinate, Bubservient (J to; <uiiU
li according to, in accordance or confonn-
successively, consecutively; J LJ taba* an
ity with, pursuant to, in observance of
U according to, in accordance with,
purauant to, in observance of; due to, in O l/V ittib'i olassical

consequence of, as the result of;

(pl. f-Lj! alba) follower, companion,
O *=*V"' baiya classicism

adherent, partisan ; sub ject, national, -jU tbi* pl. *J taba'a, flJ tvbba fol-

Citizen; appertaining, appurtenant, per- lowing, succeeding, subaequent; subsidi-

tinent, incident ary, dependent; minor, secondary; sub-

yJ iaba'% : ijj "<*y*-

uquba) in-
ordinate (J to s.o.), under s.o. (J); be-

cidental punishment (;r.) longing (J to); subject to s.o.'s (J) au-

thority or competence; adherent (J to),
4aJ tabi'a pl. -t consequence; respon-
following (J s.o. or; (pl. ftjl
sibility, responsihleness Je l*-di Jll (alq) 1
alba ) adherent, follower, partisan; eub-
to make s.o. or responsible
ject, Citizen, national; subordinate, serv-
jJ tob? f LJ tib following attach-
pl. ant; faototum; (pl. *j)y) appositive
ed, attending, adjunct; (pl. JlJ ta* (gram.) ; appendix, addendum, Supple-
b'i ) follower, adherent, partisan; aide, ment; O function [math.) | <*jUI JjjJI

help, assistant, attendant, servant {duwal) the satellite countries

1jJ taba'iya pl. -t Subordination, **jU tbi'a pl. -jijj tawabi'* female
subjection; subordinateness, dependenoy; attendant, woman servant; a female de-
citizenship, nationality ; l^i U subse- mon who accompanies women; appurte-
quently, afterwards; oonsequently, hence, nance, dependency; consequence, effect,
therefore, accordingly result; responsibility; pl. *j}y depend-

ULJ tib'an in succeBsion, successively, encies, dependent territories; O satellites

consecutively, one after the other, one {pol.}, = ^1>JI JjJl {duwal) the satellite

by one countries

i*jL. mutba'a following, pursuing, pur- 4-juU tbi'iya nationality, citizenship

suit, prosecution; continuation

fj~* matbu foUowed, succeeded (<_>
f LjI itba {gram.) intensification by by) ;one to whom service or obedience is
repeating a word with its initial con- rendered, a leader, a principal (as distal-
sonant changed, such as katir ba\\r guished from aU subordinate)

il=u muiaibi* auocessive, oonsecutive jtf tajara u and Till to trade, do business;

^ju muttaba' observed, adhered to,

to deal ( J or v in III do. ( with
complied with (e.g., regulation, custom);
followed, traveled (road, course) jlf Hjra commerce; traffio, trade;
*J ttbg pl. 9jS tvbQ tobacco
tfjtf tijri oommercial, meroantilo,
Jj tabala i to oonsume, waste, make siok trade, trading, business (used attributive-
(. s.o.; said of love) II, III and JjjJ ly); oommeroialized jjL*:' c-u (6a)

taubala to spiee, season (* commeroial house, business house; ^i-I

tbai, tb pl. JiljJ tawbiP cori-

4jjUJI (Aarofa) trade, traffio; jjtf Sf^i
ander (bot.); spiee, condiment, aeasoning (Sirka) trading Company ; ^jU" JLL'I

(ittifq) trade agreement

*JjJ tabbfa (ayr., leb.) a kind of salad
made of bulgur, parsley, mint, onion, jc matjar pl. ^U moAS/tr* business,

lemon juice, apices, and oil

transaction, dealing; merohandise; Btore,
J>~- matbl (love-)sick, weak, ravaged,
consumed tj*i* matjari commeroial, trade, trad-
ing, business (used attributively)
J-i* muia&ooZspicedjBeasoned^avored;
j\jc\ ittijr trade, business (<-> in
{ayr., b.) stuffed with a mixture of
rice, chopped meat and various spices, _^- tjir pl. jU: tujjr, tijr merohant,
e.g., Ji. OL: iL (b4injn) stuffed trader, businessman, dealer, tradesman

eggplant iUi-l jij-l; f. al-jumJa wholesale dealer;

jjpdl j.\j t. at-tajn'a and ^ILiJl _^- (.
jlJ (Fr. tableau) tablOh pl. -&t a painting
oZ-gt^Ti retailer

^u tibn straw
_^-U 4*L*> Mf&Ta &2;ira Balable, market-
JJ tibni straw<colored, flaxen able merohandise

oLt tabbn straw vendor U tujba (prep.) in front of, opposite, face

UJI ^jj^ darb at-tabbna the Milky to face with, facing

il^ tahta (prep.) nnder; below, beneath,
^z* matban pl. ^b. matbin* straw- underneath j
^dl -* (tajriba) on
Btack probation; in an ezperimental State;
j%*j*=N <L^- in preparation; JiiJ-l i^
iT^-w tabiyk tapioca
(At/z) in oustody, under guard; jliJI i^
>l <rf-tatar and jHI (rf-ta#r the Tatars (mdd), OjJ_I)I c-*= due, outstanding,
unsettled, unpaid (com.) ; j-^LJI c^
^ Ju totori Tatarian Tatar
under arms; ^ef c-^ (Azm'tAim) in
talr (from one after the other, their hearing, for them to hear ; *iJ^J}\ ^J.
if-rj _r"j)

successively, in succeBsion (taswiya) outstanding, unpaid, unsettled

(com.); J\ji\ ^J (itrfi) under the
ii-UJ (t'jfc trigger patronage or superintendence of; c^
Ju tulun tobacco j jaAJI suboonscious ; *j-*J c^ (ta$ar*
rufihi) at bis disposal; JJl z~* (fab ) in
,^>J3 teians tetanus (mJ.) press; cJi- (unwni) under the
[y# title

of; LJLfrl * (a'ywnin) before our eyes; takm, tukm pl.

tuhm bound-
^j^\.cJ- in traming; oJI c^ (yad) ary, border, borderline, limit

in hand, at hand, avaable, handy; *

ji-\t mutkim neighboring, adjacent
tJj in hifl power; c*- ,> min tahti from
linder, from beneath; under r-j^j iadruj*, **-j4j tadruja pheasant

cJ- tahiu (adv.) below, beneath, j*X) tadmur 1 , usually pronounced tudmur*
underneath Palmyra (ancient city of Syria, now a
JU^ tahtni lower, under- (in Com- small village)

pounds) | <J^ lH^ underwear

iSj* tadmuri, usually pronounced
tudmuri anyone j^-tf V nobody, not
J*. IT to preaent (^ or # # s.o. with j

a living bouI
'*}J- luhfa pl. i_4* fuAa/ gift, preaent;
gern (fig.), curiosity, rarity, article of j\J {eg.\ tarbtza) pl. -t table

virtu, objet d'art; work of art | Ji *i-

\*j*-\j trkm trachoma (med.)
fjannlya) unique work of art

Jt!* mathaf jil. J*-U* maiahif1 mu- ^J (Fr. terrasse) ters terrace

seum |
m^JI ijt^i* m. ai-Sam* waxworks
iS^J tr&m, tramwy tramway
takka u to become sour, ferment (dough)
f become dusty, covered
<>J tariba a to be or
1 j takt pl. Ojic tulft bed, couch; benoh; with dust II and IT to cover with dust
Beat; sofa; ehest, oase, box, coffer, cab- or earth ( s.o., * III to be s.o.'b

inet; wardrobe; platform, dais; band, () mate or comrade, be of the same age
orohestra j
ilUI cJ* t. al-mulk throne; ( as s.o.) T to be dusty, be oovered with

royal residence, capital; SXJLl cJe (. dust

al-mamlaka capital (of a oountry) <~>j tirb pl. <-*lyl atrb person of the

ljj cJc, o\jjJ taktaruwn, taktara* same age, contemporary, mate, com-
wn mule-borae litter panion, comrade

<>J tarib dusty, dust-covered

cit biMa board; deak; blaokboard
aiJ tnrba pl.^ w_r turab dust; earth,
iric tafctafca to rot, deoay ground (also fig.); soil; grave, tomb;

1 graveyard, cemetery, burial ground

Je tajcima a to Buffer from Indigestion, feel

siok from overeating IT to surfeit, satiate ijj turabi pl. -iya (eg.) gravedigger
( s.o.); to give ( s.o.) indigestion, make
<~*\j turb pl. *ij\ atriba, \*J tirbn
siok ( a.o.); to overstuff, cloy (* the
duat, earth, dirt ; ground, soil
stomaoh) TIB = I

J>\J turbi duaty; dustlike, powdery;

*Je tttffama, tuhna pl. J txtkam, -t
earthlike, earthy; dust-colored, gray
indigestion, dyspepsia

matjpm Buffering from indigestion,

O **\J turba cement

1*jjT tariba pl. t-Jl,/ tar'ib* ehest, thorax

hj+ matraba poverty, misery, desti-
J iafcama i to fix the limits of (*), delimit,
tution; (pl. -oU* matrib*) dirt quarry
limit, oonfine, bound (* Ol to
border (* on), be adjacent (* to s%th.) i^J mtUrib dusty, dust-covered
93 AJ
^J larbaaa (== ^-jjj) to bolt (* a door) ^s* motroa, mitras pl. ^jU* matris*

tarbia 2 ,
and ^1^* mitrs Lr>j\^> matria* bolt,
^\*J tirba pl. mu\j
iJ ^-Aj
tarbia2 bolt, latch (of a door or
door latch; rampart, bulwark, barricade;
esp. pl. Lrij\i* barricades

Cr^.J tarbantln turpentine

<iL-y tarana, outf/" tarakna arsenal; ahip-

juj (eg.) tarabeza table yard, dockyard

l/.ij turbin pl. -t turbine J-*y (Fr. tricycle) tricycle

tt*\j see <Zjjj 3ja-j-* (It. terrazzino) tarasina baloony

fj tari'a a to be or become fll (vessel)

jj tirtir gold and silver spangles (eg.)
IV to 11 (a, esp. a vessel)
frJ tarjama to translate (* s.tb. je from
**/ tur'a pl. fj tura', -dt canal;
one language Jl to another); to Interpret
artificial waterway | i\j*^\ **j t, <-trd
(*; to treat (* of by way of
feeder, irrigation canal; ^JtJj^\ ~**J
ezplanation, expound (*; to write a
drainage canal (Eg.); ii^l ic-jXJl the
biograpby (J of s.o., also )
Kesidence of the Sultan of Morocco
<*lj tarjama pl. j~\J tarjim trans-
J*v, AU/ turgul, turgua turtledove
lation; Interpretation; biography (also
LA-I a*;J); introduction, preface, fore- tjy tarifa a to live in opulence, in lurury
word (of a book) S.i.^JI
*jh J)\ (aab'inlya) IV to effeminate ( s.o.); to provide with
the Septuagint opulent means, Surround with luzury

l*; J turjumn pl. ***\J tarjima, (. s.o.) V = I

**-\j tarjim 2 tranelator, Interpreter Jt j taraf and *ij turfa luxury,

opulence, affluence; effemination
frJ* mutarjim translator, interpreter;
biographer J>j tarif opulent, sumptuous, luxu-
frJ* mutarjam translated j J* frJ^*
LUI {film) synchronized (film) Jy* mutraf living in ease and luzury;
sumptuous, luxurious; luxuriously adorn-
rj tariha a (tarah) and V to grieve, be sad
ed, ornate, overdecorated (<- with)
II and IV to grieve, distress (* s.o.)

rj ^-Uy tirfa (magr.) truffle (bot.)

tarah pl. ~\J\ atrk grief, distress,
Jiy tarfala to strut

j jj tarzl pl. *jjj iarziya (eg.) tailor

j tarquwa pl. Jly tarqin collarbone,

<ijj iarziya tailoring clavicle (anat.)

W^J ^odk up alphabetically !
iiy taraka u (tark) to let be, leave, renquish,
renounce, give up, forswear (*; to
II to provide with a ehield or armor
desist, refrain, abstain (* from;

tfj iura pl. ^IjTl atra, ^yjj tura to leave, quit {* s.o., * a place); to leave
shield; disk of the sun; tira pl. tura out, omit, drop, neglect, pass over,
cogwheel, gear |
j\ 3jX~*> aundq at-t. skip (m; to leave (J or Jl * to);
gearbox, transmiasion ; ^yil dlf aamak to leave behind, leave, bequeath, make
at-tura turbot (zool.) over (*, J to s.o.; as a legacy) j
4; 94

J*i &j to let s.o. do; Jl IjK* iiy J tarika a to concern o.a. with trifles

to leave one place for (another) ; u i j *f/

*y turraha pl. -t sham, mockery,
(/i dimma(tAt) to leave in s.o.'s care,
humbug, hoaz
farce; lie,
leave to s.o.; *JU. Jp *Sj to leave or s.o. unchanged, leave or alj/ (Fr. Troade) tirwda Troy
s.o. alono; *jtij *Sj (wa-sa'nah) to
<->jS (Engl, troop) squad, platoon ; squadron
leave s.o. alone, leave s.o. to his own |

Lfj'j-* *-?JJ iawrl) cavalry squadron

devices III to leave ( s.o.); to leave alone
{ s.o.); to leave off hostilities ( against
s.o.) jkij-j/ = ^L *y
[ r
see under ^~J abovo

i\J tark Omission, neglect; relinquish-

jLy* tiryq theriaca; antidote
ment, abandonment; leaving, leaving be-
hind _>/ (Fr.) tricot
5*jT tarika pl. -t (also Urica) heritage, f
i*_J (w'o (f. *-J tfw ) nine
legacy, bequest
jts. UJ tis'ata 'a&ara, f. _, *J I

iS/ tarika pl. <*&\j> tar'ik2 old maid,

'aSrata nineteen
*-J (im* pl. 9-1 Ji ate' one ninth, the
5jU mutraka truce
ninth part
t\jj* matrk pl. -t heritage, legacy
j_>*_j (w'n ninety

*J X to
II to Turkify, Turkicize ( s.o.) ^>UI a(-(' the ninth
become a Turk, become Turkified, adopt
JjVl J/^ trin 1 al-awwal October, j
Turkish manners and customs {j
(JU)I i. aj-fnt November (Syr., Jr., Le&.,
iJjjl at-turk and i\\j^\ al-atrk the
LS'jJL-jS^ tfoko&lovkiy Czechoslovakia
SJ turki Turkish; Turk; ISJA at-tur*

klya theTurkish language JJL;" til Chile

\Sj turkiy Turkey ljU ftftwn2 Tetuan (city in N Morocco)

viL jo tatrxk Turkification
*j abbreviation of JLw, see ^U
ls-SV turkistn 2 Turkistan
^jJ ta'i&a a ((a'oi) to work hard, toil, slave,

L5j3l at-turkumn the Turkmen drudge, wear o.a. out; to be or become

tired, weary (j* of IV to trouble,
\t -

r: -J turumbfy (syr.) pl. -t (Western) drum; inconvenience { s.o.) ; to irk, bother,

&~*j turumbefa (eg.) pl. -t do.; specif., weary, tire, fatigue ( s.o.)
bass drum
i_m ta'abpl.i-jUJl at'b trouble, exertion,
j.k-.y turumbafgl {eg.) drummer labor, toil, drudgery; brden, nuisance,
bandsman (mil.) inconvenience, discomfort, difficulty,

hardship; tiredness, weariness, fatigue;

,jj lurmus.
turms lupine (bot.)
pl. <~>\j\ fees, honorarium
j*j*J termmitr thermometer ta'ib and LJ ta'bn tired, weary,

j turunj see ry' j\ exhausted


95 &
t_-cli- mat'ib 2 troubles, pains, efforts; <J ta/o and *jjJ tu/A paltriness,
discomforts, inconveniences, difficulties, triviality, insignificance

troubles; complaints, ailments, ille (at-

*>Uj tafha paltriness, triviality, in-
tending diflease) ; hardships, strains
significance; flatness, vapidity, insipidity,

t-j!* mvt'ib troublesome, inconvenient, tastelessness ; inanity, stupidity, silliness

tosome, laborioua ; burdensome, irk-

*Ju tafih and **U &/iA little, paltry,
some, annoying ; wearisome, tiresome,
trivial, trifling, insignificant ; worthless;
tiring; tedioua, dull, boring
commonplace, common, mediocre; flat,

t^-jd. mut'ab tired, weary tasteless, vapid, insipid; trite, banal

i^jlj tfiha pl. **ljj fawil/iA* worthless

ij ta'ta'a to stammer; to shake ( s.o.);
thing; triviality, trifle
i*j1 itta'iaa to move, stir

jjliJ see j_j

j*J ta'izz* Taizz (city in S Yemen, seat of
govemment) 3-U7 see Li

^m taaaa a, ia'isa a to fall, perish; to

y IV to perfect, bring to perfection (*
become wretched, miserable; ta'asa and to master, know well {*, e.g., a
IV to make unhappy or miserable, ruin language), be proficient, skillful, well-
(. s.o.) versed (* in

^m ta'a and i-L ta'sa wretchedness, jJ tiqn skillful, adroit

ijLU taqna firmness, solidity; per-
^m la'is and (_ rjjJ ia'la pl. l_*J fection
tu'as* wretched, miserable, unfortunate,
jSjI alqan* more perfect, more thorough
LjI itqn perfection ; thoroughness,
yj-j^-* mat's pl. (j-i^li* mat'is* wretch-
exactitude, precision; thorough skill,
ed, miserable, unfortunate, unhappy
proficiency; mastery, command (e.g., of
tJ tajfa to spit II to say "phew" a special field, of a language) |
U- j
UT^/I to greatest perfection; of excellent
tJu tuff dirt under the fingernails;

dll Uj tuffan laka phew! fie on you! workmanship

O *lij tafffa spittoon, cuspidor

jij mutqan perfect; exact, precise

Ilj tafett, *liiJ taffeta taq i to fear (esp. God) VIII see Jj

JJ taqiy pl. Uul atqiy* 1 God-fearing,

*-LiJ tujfh (coli.; n. un. ) apple(s)
godly, devout, pious
~&J tufka pl. <lXi tufak (ir.) gun, rifle
Jjl atq more pious

J tajala u % (ta) to spit

(u^oti and ,^y taqw godliness
Jij tufi and JUJ tu/Z spit, spittle, saliva devoutness, piety

ta/i/ ill-smelling, malodorous 1
tahka u to trample down, trample under-

iliu mitfala spittoon, cuspidor foot, crush (*; to intoxicate ( 0.0.;

* ta/iAa o (tafak, *>LiJ tafha, *y tufh) to
be little, paltry, insignificant; to be flat, ij tikka pl. ilio (tjfcafc waistband (in the
tasteless, vapid, insipid upper seam of the trousers)


"il takka to tick (dock) spoiled, be ruined, break, get broken,

go to pieces II to min (*; to wear
5SJ (iiia pl. -dt ticking, ticktock (of a
out, "finish" ( s.o.) IY to destroy, an-
clock), ticking noise
nihilate (*; to min, damage, spo,
*'<SS look up alphabetically break (*; to waste {*

Oj5o (ufci pl. of Engl. (tcJtei iJJJ taiaf ruin, destruction; ruination,

damage, injury, hrm; loss; waste

il=Sj taktaka to trample down, trample
lilj talfn spoiled; useless, worthless,
underfoot (*
good- for - nothing
*iHJ taktaka to bubble, simmer (boiling
,JiLu matlaf, ii* matlafa pl. .JiJU.
matlif deBert
J^J tofctaia to tick (clock)
Ji^j mitif wastrel; ruinous, harmful,

4&$o taktaka ticking, ticktock (of a injurious

clock), ticking noise ^jt itlf pl. -t annihilation, de-

struction; damage, injury, hrm
'iJli& taktik tactics

Jt} \j tlif ruined, damaged, broken

<j takiya pl. L&J taky monastery (of a
spoiled, bad
Muslim order); hospice; home, asylum
tjijltt matlf and ._'[:, mutlaf ruined,
(for the invalided or
damaged, broken; spoiled, bad
j; toll pl. J* till, Jtfl atU, Jjl: tull
annihilator, destroyer
!_>!-- mutlif
hill, elevation | <_-*jJ JJ f. a6*6 Tel Aviv
injurer; damaging, ruinous, harmful,
(city in W Israel) injurious, noxious
t^tull tulle
jiij talfaza to televise, transmit by televiaion

Jj^C toJdttf3 hardahipa, troubles, adversities

jiij talfaza televiaion

jjj talld, jJI* fltd, j^I (Zd inherited, time- ijjiij ie i I

I t^'a talfaziya tele vision
honored, old (possession, property) broadcast, telecast

<^jSLJj tiliskb telescope O Jl-ij tilfz televiaion set

Ju IV to Stretch one's neck; to crane (* the jijiij (Fr. t^Wuwion) Kvwyn televiaion

^ilj taljana to telephone
iJj tal'a pl. 9~ti t' hill, hillside,
UjLj tilifn and O^LlJ talifn pl. -dt
mountainside ; (torrential) stream
*Jj talf long, outstretched, extended;
.Lit see JJ
high, tall

telegraph; Ji; tifia fem. of the demonstrative pronoun

ljiij tiligrj, taligrf pl. -t

telegram, wire, cable |

Jl l_/ilj J^jl to

send a wire to atlm (plow) furrow

Jj talam pl. a^AjI

jljilJ tiligrfi, taligrfi telegraphio

J*L* talmafa to take on as, or have for, a

JA) talifa a (ialaj) to be annihilated, be pupil or apprentice {* s.o.); to be or

destroyed; to be or become damaged or become a pupil or apprentice (J of s.o.,

also J*),
receive one's schooling or jJU taU, UUis pl. ^-J^ totalis* sack

training (J*, J from) II tatalmada to be

ji}iAj (Fr. (&wton) (Jfowy3n television
or become a pupil or apprentice (J or
J* of s.o.), work os an apprentice jjUJ pl. -t tallfn telephone

(J or ij J* under s.o.)
djjS talifni telephonic, telephone-
IxJJ talmada sohool days, College (in Compounds)
years; apprenticeship; (time bf) proba-
f tamma t to be or become complete, com-
pleted, finished, done; to be performed,
jUj tmd leaming, erudition be aocomplished (J by s.o.); to come to

JUi; tilmid pl. JL.^ talmid*, lX*-& tal* an end, be or become terminated; to
come about, be brought about, be
mida pupil, atudent, apprentice; proba-
effected, be achieved, come to pass, come
tioner; trainee; disoiple | tfj* .LJj (bahri)
approx.: chief -Warrant W-3 (naval rank; off, happen, take place, be or become a

ftpprox.: chief faot; to be on hand, be there, present

Eff-)l tSj** **s*^ (*/<""*)
itself; (J* in); to
to persist continue
Warrant W-4 (naval rank; Eg.)
(J* or to do II and
IV to
i-Jj tmlda pl. -t girl student
complete, finish, wind up, conclude,

jl ,
'' 2
(tWnwn Tlemcen (city in NW Algeria) terminate (*; to make complete,
Supplement, round out, fill up (*;

SjJl lalmd Talmud to carry out, execute, perform, accom-

plish, achieve (* X to be oomplete,
* taliha a (talah) to be astonished, amazed,
completed, finished
perplexed, at a loss
j-Lc* tamm completeness, wholeness,
Jlj tlih and *U* mutaah at a loss,
entirety, perfeotion; fll, whole, entire,
bewildered, perplexed |
JUI Jli f. al-'aql
complete, perfect; separate, independent;
absent-minded, distracted
L*Le tamman completely, entirely, whol-

j u to follow, succeed; ly, perfectly, fully, quite ; preciely,

(^JJ) tal (jjj (uZu;)

to ensue; (*j*& tilwa) to read, read exactly |

Afj-b (badr) and * le" jJ (qamar)
out loud (*, J* to s.o.); to recite fll moon; oUl **UI AS j at 6 o'clock

(* VI to follow one another, be sharp; 5J&I J A& (ma'n hkalima)

successive in the fll sense of the word; >-pL

entirely, completely
jjj twa (prep.) after, upon | J-yl
<^~ tamima pl. fix" tam'im* amulet
^>bS" jjj Llifto send letter after letter
* atarnm2 more complete, more perfect
j^i tilwa reading; publio reading; I

recital, recitation i* iatimma completion; aupplementa-

tlin following, succeeding, sub- tion ; Supplement


sequent, next; JUiL bi-t-tli then, later, j.:7 tatmim completion; perfection;

subsequently; consequently, honce, there- consummation, execution, fulfillment, re-

fore, accordingly alization, effectuation, accomplishment

Jln. mutatlin successive, consecutive a\jc'\ itmm completion; perfection; ter-

mination, conclusion; consummation, ex-

tai (tun.) tulle
J; ecution, fulfillment, realization, effectu-

jLJj tilibtl telepathy; telepathio ation, accomplishment


fl^l-1 istitmm termination, conclu- xJ (It. tena) tanda awning rooQng, sun roof

jj tannr pl. j^U; tannir2 a ,
kind of
tmm complete, perfect, entire; con-
baking oven, a pit, usuajly clay-lined,
summate of fll value, Sterling, genuine
for baking bread

i!Le" tumbk Fersian tobacco (esp. for the ljj tannra (eyr., leb.) (lady') skirt
^JJ tenni
Ix' tamtama to stammer, mumble, mutter; to 1
iUj tanak tin plate
recite under one's breath (<_j
j^&J tanakji tinsmith, whitesmith
je" tamr (coli.; n. un. #, pl. lamart, jjt tu
&j tanaka pl. -( tin Container, can,
mr) dates, esp. dried ones |
<jx jt
pot; Jerry can
(hindi) ta marin d (bot.)
VIj'U (finiJfca see lilJ alphabetically
^y {tg. tamargi), ^jj*, ^rjU^', jr^>
Ju tennis
pl. -ya male nuree, hospital attendant; t>r

"<*-jt pl. -t female nurse fannin tannin, tannic acid


jji look up alphabetically

nf tahtaha to stammer, stutter

^L-x timsh pl. ~-lc" tamsih 2 crocodile 1

<^ iuhma pl. J- tuham accusation, Charge;

aJu tamga stamp; stamp mark suspicion; insinuation

lks 3jj
waraq t. stamped paper
KAf tihma* Tihama, coastal piain along

je tumman rice
the southwestern and southem shores of
the Arabian Peninsula
jjx tammz* July (Syr. t Ir., Leb., Jord.)
ij5 taxvwan right away, at once, immediately;
j tunn tuna (zool.) just (now), this very minute |
_>dJ li-t-

tawwi at once, right away, also with pers.

*jcJ tinnin pl. jwtJ taJinin* sea monter;
Draco (adron.); waterapout
Suffixes: gjd li-tawwi, U^J li-tairwih
(metecr.); see
(I have, she has) just...; at once, pres-
also alphabetically
ently, immediately
*(jU Wnt' pl. bJ tunn' resident
C~\\y (Fr. toiiee) tuwl toilette
iiL tunbk (pronounced tumbk) and jl.i"

tumbak Fersian tobacco (esp. for the r


matb) to repent, be penitent, do pen-

JLo tinbl pl. J-jLo tanoff* short, of small
ance; with je-: to turn from (sin), be
converted from, renounoe, forawear
jCl (Fr. tfmore) tambar pl. ^J tanotr*; (said of God) to restore to His
Btamp (nw^r.) grace, forgive s.o.) *ul Jl *_jL" to
(J* |

jCi* mutambar stamped (magr.) turn to God in repentance II to induce

to repentance or penitence, make repent
J-U (Turk. tem&el) tambal pl. <LLo fcznd&tfa
( s.o.) X to call on s.o. (*) to repent
*jjj tauba repentance, penitence, con-
jc-*Cj {Fr. tungstene) tongdsten tungsten trition; penance

<->l_J tawwb doing penance; repentant, J\jj tawwq longing, yearning, eager
penitent, contrite; forgiving, merciful (Jl for), craving (Jl
Jj t'iq longing, yearning, eager (Jl
v-JLj t'ib repentant, penitent, contrite for), craving (Jl

'^l*\tfy(tkaaTnmit/a;eg.)be]t buckle, (mtl.)

^j*jij> tcbojjrfiy topography

Jj tl tulle
*l>y tut mulberry tree; mulberry | ^J oJ
(ardi) and ^fj' jj (/ro/) straw-

beny; ir <^> (Ant) and j-LJI oJ jj tun and <J_J tna tuna (zool.)

*. ai-'u&ng raapberry
y (Turk. tun?) tunj bronze
oy tf the firat month of the Coptio calendar
^yjji tnus*, tnia* Tunis
IJJ tttyd, LSJ Kty', 1JJ ttiya zinc ^JJ fnt pl. -fin, <-Jl_J tatvnisa
Tunisian (adj. and n.)
pjj II to crown (* s.o.; also fig. _> *
with) V to be crowned *J_J tniya pl. jl_J iauni alb of priests and
g\5 tj pl. JUwj ff/dn crown; miter {of deacons (CAr.)
a bishop) j^JI -U al-'amvd capital
j f.
(_J) U tAa u and II = (*J) .U fAa and II
{of a column or pilaster); ij&\ g\5 t. cd-
iura oalotte *J tuAa daughter

_J tuwaij little crown, Coronet jJ\Z (It. teoiro) tiyir theater

j tatunj crowning, coronation

D J^ tooi pl. J;lj Bee Jiu

jrj* ie0 ftn(i ^jrj* tgland (Eg. spelling)

^^bJ fitn? tetanus (med.)
Togo (region in W Africa)
(^>) ^Ij *Ao * to be destined, be forcor-
& dained (by fate, by God; J to s.o.); to be
j\j tratan once; sometimes, at times | granted, be given ( J to s.o.) IV to destine,
JjU SjU, lj_U jy
;jlJ(/oron), Ujl; foreordain (i J to b.o.; to grant,
(ukr) sometimes sometimes, at times afford, offer (* J s.o.; pass. utiha
at other times to be destined, be foreordained, be
granted, be given { J to s.o.) J-iyJI J -Jl
L>> taurh Torah, Pentateuch ; Old Testament |

(utiha) he met with success, he was

^-ij*' ^.JjJ torpid, turbid torpedo (Bub- successful; ~<*jib\J Jl (furpa) he was
marine missile) given the opportunity, he had the chance

iJ> turbin pl. -t turbine jLj tayyr pl. -t flow, stream, course, current,

*Jjj> torta pl. -t pie,

flood; fall (of a stream); movement, tend-
enoy, trend; draft (of air); (el.) current
(Jy) JlS <go (taug, jU_J tawaqn) to long, |

yearn, wish (Jl for}, hanker (Jl after),

O j-iU- jLj (mub&ir) and _r^_ jU
desire, crave, covet (Jl, atrive
(mustamirr) direct current; Q t-^jLi* jLj

(Jl for), aspire (Jl to)

(mutanwib) and O >t- jL; (mwto-
gayyir) alternating current; O v^-k* J ^ 1

3J taug, o\JjJ tawaqn longing, yearn- (mutodafc#6) oscillating current (eJ.)

ing, craving, desire
O o^M jLj (ndAt^) pulsating current;

O Jti gs* j\? (*' at-taraddud)

high-frequency current; jI ,jS^ j^j O $jZ u?
^3 (in (coli.; n. un. !) fig |
(bat? at-taraddud) low-frequency current;

O M^ ^ ->y C* 8 1-jaM) high-ten-

fruit of the Indian fig (Opuntia ficua-

sion current;
al-jahd) low-tension current;
O ^ *JLi jW
O J^ jV
indica Haw.)

iLJ tainiha see fJU alphabetically

{dti) Belf-induoed current
{<J) Lj iha i to get lost, wander about, lose
O jtu matr (syr.) dynamo, generator
one's way, go astray; to stray, wander
>" (Turk. teyze) *&a m&teroal aunt (thoughts); to escape (,>. s.o.), elip (,>.

memory); to perish, be destroyed,

^ law pl. ^iJl oty, ^jJ tuy* billy goat

be lost; to be perplexed, Btartled, as-

\ atycu? foolish, crazy tonished; to be haughty; to swagger,

boast, brag (
J* to b.o.) |
LJJ I 44- j J* 4-U
lijd\ ,yX oi-Awmmd t-ttfdlya typhoid fever
a smile flits over bis face II to mislead,
lead astray ( s.o.); to distract, divert
^ji-J (t/fi* typhus
( s.o.); to confuse, confound, bewilder

iL; itfca fem. of the demonstrative pronoun ( s.o.) IV =n

iJii (Uta
<J tih desert, trackless wilderness;

II (from Turk. Je!) to cable, wire, tele- maze, labyrinth; haughtiness, pride
graph {syr.)
LJ tayyh Btraying, stray, wnde ring;

*JJ f*Z hemp; Unen haughty

jLpJ taihn* Btraying, stray, wandering;

<U to fiber, staple
perplexed, at a loss, be wildered; proud,
(*J) flJ Mmo (tatm) to become enslaved, haughty
enthraJled by love; to enslave, make
through Lpj taih'' and i*U* matha a trackless,
blindly Bubervient ( s.o. ;

desolate region; i*U* maze, labyrinth

love) II to enslave, enthral (love; * s.o.);

to make blindly eubservient, drive out 4jLj t'ih straying, stray, wandering,
of bis mind, infatuate ( s.o.; love) roving, errant;lostinthought, distracted,
abBent-minded; lost, forlorn; infinite;
-i. mutayyam enslaved, enthralled (by

love), infatuated

'Lj taim' 1 Taima (oasis in NW Arabia) ^J^J (Engl.) tulip

i abbreviation of *JIj seoond (time unit) Lj} tu'aba* yawning, yawn; fatigue,
f\j fd' name of the letter ^
Ji ta'ara a {tar) to avenge the blood of

^Ju ta'iba a (^M ta'b) and VI to yawn ( or i_j), take blood revenge (oru for


s.o. killed), take vengeance, avenge o.s. e.g., a qualification, a quality, J in s.o.),

(t- on s.o. for, also ^ or J for) IV and concede (J * to s.o.) ; to prove guilty,
VIII jl)l ta'ara to get one's revenge, convict (Je a defendant); to enter, re-
be avenged cord, register, list (
j * in a book, in

jU ta'r pl. -l, jTjI afr, Jj\ tr re- a roster, etc.) j

Jj^il j oJI (waraq) to

venge, vengeanoe, blood revenge; re-

put down in writing, get on

taliation, reprisal |
jU Jj-\ or juJL i*^l
paper; u^i^\ ilaJI (Jiakpa) to determine
s.o. 's identity, identify s.o.; <:?**& C-u!
to take revenge, avenge o.s.; jlill SljL*
(&ak#iyatah) to identify o.s., prove one's
mubrt at-t. return match (sports)
identity V to ascertain, verify (j,
J\j t'ir avenger
J* if), make sure (j of, J* if);

JjJjj tu' ll and jJJj tu'lla pl. JJt taliP to consider carefully (j, proceed
wart with caution (j in) X to show o.s. stead-
fast, persevering; to seek to verify (*
j/j fo'd scars, try to make sure (* of), seek con-
^Uo taAata u (oLJ taif, OjJ |u2)/) to stand firmation of or reassurance with re-

firm, be fixed, stationary, immovable, gard to (a); to ascertain, verify (*,

unshakable, firm, Btrong, stable; to hold make sure (* of; to find right,
out, hold one's ground {J against s.o. or proven or true, Bee oonfirmed (*;, be firm, remain firm (J toward s.o. to regard as authentic {*

or, withstand, resiet, defy (J s.o.
C-y tobt firm, fixed, established; stead-
or; to be established, be proven
fast, unflinching; brave
(fact); to remain, stay (-> at a place);
to maintain (J*, keep, stick, ad- C-jj tabat reliable, trustworthy, credible

here (J* to, abide or stand by C-y tabat pl. oLJl atbt list, index, roster

(J#; e.g., by an agreement); to insist

oLj tabt firmness; steadiness, con-
(J* on) <4*-j J C^J
| (/ wajhihi) to
stancy, permanence, stability; certainty,
hold one's own against s.o., assert o.s.
sureness; perseverance, persistence, en-
against s.o. II to fasten, make fast, fix
durance; continuance, maintenance, ie-
(a; to consolidate, strengthen (*
tention (J* of, adherence (J* to); to stabilize {>; to confirm,
corroborate, substantiate (* ; to jj tubt constancy, immutability,

appoint permanently ( s.o.; to an office); steadiness; permanence, durability; cer-

to prove, establish {*, demonstrate, tainty, sureness |

^+Jl OjJ t. aS-Sahr

show {uti that); to prove guilty, con- the official determination of the be-

vict (J* a defendant); to confirm (Chr.) |

ginning of a lunar month
<i j**i ~u (baparah) to fix one's eyes on,
C-iji atbat 2 more reliable, firmer, stead-
gaze at; 4_.o C-y (qadamaiki) to gain
ier, eto.
a foothold IV to establish, determine
Cj- tatbit consolidation, strengthening
(*; to assert as valid or authentic,
Btabilization ; confirmation ; corrobora-
affirm {*; to confirm, corroborate,
tion, substantiation |
C-^iJI _^ sirr at-t.
substantiate {>; to prove (J* *
the Sacrament of Confirmation (Chr.)
to s.o.; J to s.o., ul that); to demon-
strate, show (>; to furnish compe- oLIl itbt establishment; aSBertion;

tent evidence (* for); to bear witness, confirmation ; affirmation, attestation

attest (* to); to acknowledge (*, demonstration ;

proof, evidence; regia-

tration, entering, listing, recording; doc- Jlu look up alphabetically

umentation, authentication, verification |

CjLJI oaU witness for the prosecution;

/ tajja u to flow copiously
oLJVl --fr ib' al-i. brden of proof (jur.) r\jt tajjj copiously flowing, Streaming

jLjI itbti affirmative, confinnatory, jfi- takuna u to be or become thick, thicken

corroborative, positive to be firm, solid, compact IT to wear out,
exhaust, weaken (s.o.) J 1>jJ *Jfil (darban)
C-Ju tatabbut ascertainment; verifi-
to wallop s.o. give s.o. a sound thrashing
cation, examination, oheck; careful, cau- ,

procedura, circumspection ;
j^all j jfi- 1
adw) to massacre the
tious inter-
enemy; ^t^^L-lj 4^\ to weaken s.o. by
ment (of the remains of a saint; Chr.)
inflicting wounds
CjLj tbit firm, fixed, established; sta-
jfi- tikan, iJt takna, ijyt tukna
tionary, immovable; steady, invariable,
thickness, density; consistency; compact-
const&nt, stable; permanent, lasting, du-
rable, enduring; confirmed, proven; a
constant |
^iU-1 CjIj t. al-jcCa undis- ,>jc takln pl. LJc tukan* 3 thick;
mayed, fearless, staunch, steadfast; C-jU dense
aJ*JI t. al-'azm firmiy resolved, deter-
^0j tady and tadan m. and f., pl. lall o&i'
mined; o iJ^Ul and otf Jlj*l im-
female breast; udder
movable property, real estate, realty;

O 1*1/1 c-jIj unidirectional, _r (arr abounding in water |

-oJl ^ / (dam')
rectified (el.) tear-wet, tear-blurred (eye)

ijU tabita pl. C-ijy tawbit 1 fixed star

w>y taraba i (tarb) and II to blame, censure
0>-i matbt established, confirmed ( and Jp s.o.)

certain, sure, positive, assured; proven

~lj3 tatrib blame, censure, reproof

ji tabara u to destroy, ruin (s.o.); (jjj tu* (lj j

jj tartara tartara) to chatter,
br) to perish III to apply o.a. with zeal prattle
and perseverance (J* to, persevere,
j\jj tartr prattler, chatterbox; jliy
J* in)
tartara do. (fem.)
jjJ tubr ruin, destruction |
jj tartara chatter, prattle
Jjr^J Jo^ (^ J or ) t*^ (do') &t-J-u>atl

wa-t-t. to wail, burat into loud laments j tarada u to crumble and sop (* bread)

Syli. mutbara persistence, persever- Jjj tarid a dish of sopped bread, meat
ance, endurance; diligence, assiduity and broth

iiJ taba}a u and II to hold back, keep, pre- jjw mrad bowl
vent (^ s.o. from doing; to
fj tarama i {tarm) to knock s.o.'s () tooth
hinder, handicap, impede, slow down,
out; tarima a (taram) to have a gap
set back (*, s.o.,; to bring about
between two teeth
the failure (* of, frustrate (a

{jj and <jj) <j tariya a to become wealthy

iu tvbna pl. ,>' fwia lap, fold of a gannent
IV to become or be rieh, wealthy (<- or
(used as a receptacle)
,y, through; to make rieh, enrich

L> tibn = io tvbna (. B.O.)


^j taran moist earth; ground, soil |

pU tgin bieating |
Le-Ij Vj i-i-U *l U
Lj^Jl Ja isJ\ {j\ aina t-t. min at-turayy (rgiya) he has abeolutely nothing, he
(proverbially of things of disproportionate is deprived of all resources, prop. : he
value) what has the ground to do with has neither a bieating (sheep) nor a

the Pleiadea? \j iil ._-! (jayyaba) braying (camel)

approx. : may God rest him in peace 1
jju fafar pl. j\Ju\ aifr crupper (of the
&j tariy pl. Ijj'l atriy' 2 wealthy, saddle)
rieh | <-?j}-\ iiJ war profiteer,

nouveau riche Jju tv.fl dregs, lees, Bediment; residues

Cj\jJ tariyt plantations jju III to associate { with a.o.), frequent

tjj tarwa and *\j tar* forturie, wealth, s.o. 's () Company; to pursue, practice
riches |
ijjtll Jl ahl at-t. the rieh, the
wealthy; "*- Ijj (qaumlya) national ij tafina pl. -t, jii tifan callus,

wealth; Jl. *jj (m'iya) abundance of callosity

water, abundant supply of water (of a
*Ju\ look up alphabetioally

\jj furayy Pleiadea; (also hj) pl. <cj see jJj

oLy turayyt ohandelier

i__i) taqaba u (iaqb) to bore, or drill, a hole

j mutrin wealthy, rieh (* in, pierce, puneture, perforate

{* II do. II and IT to light, kindle

jLu tubn pl.
Ool*? t&'bin snake Hl jLw
(* V and VII to be pierced, be
(. al-ma eel
punetured, be perforated
JLu tubni snaky, snakelike, Serpen-
^Jutaqb piercing, boring, puneture, Per-
tine; eely
foration; (also tuqb pl. v-^j tuqb, ^LJI
^jkL> mafab pl. _-*li mai'ib* drain aiqb) hole, puneture, borehole, drill

<IL*j tu'ala foz
Ju tuqba pl. <_Ju tvqab hole
U*S ta'lab pl. JU ia'lib* fox | ^JLsIl 1j
'Cd at-tiqb match-
w'Uj and i_jUi)l j_j*
alopecia (med,), loas of hair
stick; matches
Xi fa'labi foxy, foxlike
V>^J |t*fifi keenness, acuteness (of the
LLJ ta'laba vixen ; O tetter (med.)

_^J ioff r pl- jy* tvQ* front tooth; mouth; t_ 3*. mtfgoo pl. i_JL* matqib* borer,
port, harbor, inlet, bay; seaport drill, gimlet, auger, brace and bit, wimble,
perforator; drilling machine
jii tugra pl. ji titgar breach, crevasse,
crack, rift, crevice; opening, gap; cavity, v Uj'I ijgb kindling, lighting

hollow; narrow mountain trail

_Jlj fgt penetrating, piercing, Bharp

(lii tagm white, whitenesa (mind, eyes) |

JicM t_itf (. an-nazar per-
spicacity; sharp-eyed; _^ill *_-Lj f. aZ-
>lj tgim white (adj.)
jiJfcr sagacity, acumen, mental acuteness;
(jw) Im tag u (tu tuga) to bleat (heep) shrewd, Bagacious, eharp-witted

lju tuga bieating, bleat oUij tgtbdt borers (zool.)

JmJu taqifa a (taqf) to find, meet ( s.o.); (J* to s.o.), trouble, oppress (J* s.o.);
taqifa a and taqufa u to be skiful, smart, to be sluggish, doltish, slow; to be in a
clever II to make straight, straighten bad mood, be sullen, grumpy; to find
(*; to correct, set right, straighten burdensome and turn away (jp from
out (*; to train, form, teach, edu-; not to bother (jp about); to be
cate ( s.o.); to arrest ( s.o.); to Beize, too dull, too sluggish (jp for, to do
confiscate (* III to fence ( with X to find heavy, hard, burdensome,
s.o.) V to be trained, be educated troublesome (*, find annoying {*,

s.o., |
4i J5L-1 (fitfa) to
Laj taqfa culture, refinement; edu-
find s.o. unbearable, dislike s.o.
oation ; (pl. -t) culture, civilization

jLj taqfl educational; intellectual; Jij {iql pl. JLjM atql weight; brden,

cultural jl J*L (miUhaq) cultural load; gravity; heaviness |

JUJVf **j taf

attach al-a. weight lifting {athlet.); ,y>Jl JJl

(nau'i) specifio gravity
iJtJd> tatqif cultivation of the mind;
training, education; Instruction J5j tiqal heaviness; aluggishness, dull-
JL. mutdqafa fencing, art or sport of
fencing, swordplay, Bwordsmanship J taqal pl. JliJi atql load, baggage

iJiS tataqquf culturedness, oulture, re- 6">iJl at-taqaln the humans and the
finement, education Juan

iji< mutaqqaf educated; trained; oul- Uj Ja^Za trouble, inconvenience, dis-

tured comfort

il Uj faqla heaviness ; sluggishness

J faqvla u (tiql, *JUj taqdla) to be heavy;
doltishness; dullness
with t->: to load or hurden, make heavy; to be hard to bear (J* for JJJ taqil pl. ,-tfu tuqat*, JU' fi^t
s.o.), weigh heavily (J* on), be burden- heavy; weighty, momentous, grave, se-
aome, cumbersome, oppressive( J* to s.o.) rious, important; burdensome, trouble-
to be heavy-handed, sluggish, doltish, some, cumbersome, oppressive; unpleaa-
dull-witted; to be too dull, too sluggish ant, disagreeable, distasteful (person) |

(jp for, to do, not to bother p-dl J-ij (. od - dam insufferable, an-
(jp about) II to make heavy, weight pleasant, disagreeable (person) ; rjj\ J-i
(*; to brden, encumber (J* s.o., t. ar-rh doltish, dull (person) ; a bore
* with, overburden (J* s.o.), over- Jiill J-i |. aj-jl disagreeable, in-
tax s.o.'s
(J*) strength, ask too much Bufferable (person); ^ill J^il |. al-fakm
(J* of s.o.); to trouble, inconvenience, slow of understanding, alow-witted; J-j
bother (J* s.o., t-> with, pester, r
*-Jl |. o-Aim hard of hearing; wli^
molest ( J s.o.) Ulf Ji* and <US' JUI
| 1L2J (fltn'a) heavy industry ; JJsJ L
(kAah) to brden s.o. or ; J*tf JJu heavy water (phya.)
ul>il to brden the budget IV to
Jijl ogaZ heavier ; more oppressive
brden (*, * s.o.,; to oppress, dis-
tress (* s.o.), weigh heavily ( on); to be Ji. mttgZ pl. J-li* moigiP weight
hard to bear ( for s.o.) | <US' JJul (also placed as an equipoise on the
(khilah) see II; VI to become or be scales of a balance) ; miskal, a weight (in

heavy; to be troublesome, burdensome Egypt = 24 Uj* =* 4.68 g) | Iji jUi. m.

v ; ;;


arra the weight of a dust speck, i.e., a iiiJ tu pl. i^JbM aili one third; fuZu*
tiny amount; a little bit; ^* JL* a little a sprawling, decorative calligraphic style

oft a little bit of

NJ fa/ta (f. i* 1
toi) three; INJ
JJ& tatqll weighting, burdening; mo- tolfon three times, thrice

J*)tf /oZft tertiary; Tertiary (?eoi.) |

JiL tatqttl sluggishneas, dulJness j:AiJI JJ L. pre-Tertiary

JJ* mutaqqai and mutqal burdened, jU. j^S taltaia 'aSara, f. i^t* i^
encumbered ; overloaded ; weigbted ( ta&Ka 'a&rata thirteen
with; oppreaeed (o* by); heavy
iJlill aWZif the third; liili (lifan,

JiLbu mutaiqil sluggish, duU; sullen, thirdly; liltf

/eo of a aecond
j^J -
^ taltn thirty

J& JaMIa a (tateZ) to lose a cbild (), also:

.U^ill at-iali* .U^ill pj yaum-
to be bereaved of a loved one by
deatb IV U-j ^\ JfcJI o/ifeaJa l-umma
waladah to bereave a motber of her son
i ^ fuJ|
- a
and ^ii. matlat* three at a
J& taiaZ state of one who has lost a
J*jC (uJ** tripartite, consisting of three,
friend or relative; mourning over the loss
(gram.) triliteral, consisting of three
of a loved one
radicals; tri-; trio (mus.) |
WjjJl J*>tf $

*&5 faJWdn{*) bereaved of a child z-zawy triangulr; olijjJl J^ (. J-uw

ro^i trifoliate
J& taJU bereaved of a child (mother)

<S*tf tka pl. JTIjJ jawfct'Z" bereaved >L>j}\5 JfcW Trinity (CAr.); trinity, triad

of a child (mother) triplet 1 ijJlill yj zoArat af-|. pansy


iiSo fufcna pl. jjSd tukan, -t barracks (mtl.)

!*" tatllt doctrine of the Trinity;

toKa (JL* toloZ) to tear down, deatroy, Trinity {Chr.)

overthrow, subvert (*, esp. LJ_/>
JJiS tatlity
'orion to topple a throne) VII to be
u nl*- mtttaat tripled, triple, threefold;
subverted, overthrown (throne)
having three diacritical dota (letter);
J fua pl. JU /utoJ troop, band, party, (geom.)
triangulr; (pl. -t) triangle \

group (of people); military detachment iljIVI Hill *A (rdya) t dJiLI {'(dam)
and Lt-Lill the tricolor; ilU iiiil (A&W)
l^L* talaba t (ta) to criticize, ran down (
acute-angled triangle; LljjJI *iii- m. az-
s.o.); to Blander, defame ( s.o.)
zauy triangulr; ^Ul jjlIM iiiit
<_Jj talb slander, defamation triangle
(muiasuj -ajutn) isoscelea

i-ii. mailaba pl. ,_Jli. moiZft 9 short- 9-^U-iV' tfjlii.1 iiill equilateral triangle;

coming, defect, blemish, stain, diagrace /Uli iilll right-angled triangle

^J \j tlib slanderous, defamatory ilil al-mutaatt and oliiiil v -^


Bianderer Awft ol-m. trigonometry

dJ5 II to triple, make threefold {*; to r talaja u: *\Jh c->*1j (17710*) it snowed,
do three times (* was snowing; JaZijo a to be delighted,
be gladdened (aoul, heart; lj by) II to C^*JI itL. muntalim o^-^it of ill repute,
cool with ice (*; to freeze, tum into of dubious reputation
ice {* IV *^Jl Cj*L*I it snowed, was
< famma there < j* min famma hence, there-
snowing; to cool, moiaten (* 8,th.) |
Jjl |

fore, for that reason

*jX* {fadrah) to delight, pleaae, gratify
s.o. V to become icy, tum into ice, < tumma then, thereupon ; further-
oongeal; to freeze more, moreover; and again, and once
more (emphatically in repetition) *& < *& |
^1j talj pl. rjtitulj snow; ice; artificial
(kaU) no and a hundred times no! r ^
ice |
JiJI *>4j nudfat a\-t. snowflake
min tumma then, thereupon
^Ji falji snowy, snow- (in Compounds)
ix [ammata (c~c ) there; there is |
icy, glacial, ice- (in Compounds)
<t there ian't
pU" talij icy
^U tumm a grass | >l^l jL Jp (Ja-

r^ tadj pl. -n ice vendor ra/i i-|.) within easy reach, handy; J**-

h~^ taja pl -t iceberg, ice floe; ^1 tjjl

J* li made it readily under-
atandable, he presented it plausibly for all
refrigerator, icebox

lJju matlaja pl. li* matlij* icebox, -Lei look up alphabetically

refrigerator; oold-Btorage plant

jjc famara u to bear fruit IV do. X to profit,
rjk" ma^lj snow-covered iced, ; ioy; benefit (*from);toexploit,utilize(*;
o^ii* frozen food; ioed beverages to invest profitable (* money)

Jli- muiaaj iced ; icy, ice-cold jx tamar pl. jU /wir, jlc I

fruits, fruit (coli.); reault, effect, fruit,
1J talama i (foim) to blunt, make jagged (* fruitage; yield, profit, benefit, gain, break the edge of (*); to make a

breach, gap or opening (* in a wall); to

iy tamara (n. im. of tamar) pl. -t

denle, sully (* reputation, honor) ; Ja*

fruit; reault, effect; yield, profit, benefit,

lima a to be or become jagged, dull, blunt gain

II to blunt (* V to become blunt j^L.1 iatifmr exploitation (also pol.~

VII to be defiled, be discredited (repu- econ.), utilization, profitable uae
jJu mufmir fruitful, productive, prof-

p talm nick, notch; breach, opening, itable, lucrative

gap; crack, fissure, rift |

c*~*Jl 1) t.
jJZ~* mustatmir pl. -n exploiter (pol.-
ap-pit defamation
econ.); beneficiary

Uu tulma pl. ]j fulam = talm | <Jj -u

(Ko tulmatan to fiU a gap; o T V *L*
Jx tamila a (|amaZ) to become drunk IV to
make drunk, intoxicate { s.o.)
(tusaddu) a gap that cannot be closed,

an irreparable loes Jx tamai intoxication, drunkenness

}\j tiim dull, blunt iLc tamala drunken fit, drunkenness

Ajli* maflm defiled, sullied (reputation, Jx tamil intoxicated, drunk(en)

*JU twnla residue, reninant, dregs (of
liL. mutafaUim blunted, blunt; craok- a liquid), heeltap (of wine); scum, foam,
ing (voice) froth

II to appraise, aasen, estimate (*, <-y {'in&na fartuiki) he galloped off

determine the prioe or value (* of; II to double, mako double {*; to do

to price (* |
jJ V l yutammanu twioe, rcpoat (*; to pleat, plait

invaluable, ineetimablo, priceleaa (*; to form tho dual (* of a word);

to provide with two diacritical dots {*
jx iaman pl. U I atmdn, i-c I o|mina
a letter) IV to commend, praise, laud,
price, oost; value |
J^VI >JI (oaft) ooet
extol (J*, s.o.), peak appreciatively
price; ^-UVI J-il' (tudri) par, nominal
(J* of) .bl | >U
<-U JJI ('fim t-fan')
to speak in the most laudatory terms of
j^I famin costly, precious, valuable s.o. V to double, beoome doublo; to be
doublod; to be ropeated; to bend, fold;
j*l olman1 coatlier, more preoioua,

moro valuable
to be bont, be folded, be folded up or
under; to walk with a swinging gait
j^J3 taumln estimation, appraisal, as- VII to bend, bcnd up, down or over, lean,
BeBsment, valuation, rating incline, bow; to fold, be foldable, be

j~i* matmn object of value folded back; to turn away (j* from),
give up, renounce (j*; toturn, face
^L, mu|ammtn estimator, appraiser
toward); to apply turn
(Jl o.a., (Jl to; (with foll. imperf.) to set out, pre-

^L, mtifamman prized, valued, valu- paro (to do X to except, exclude

able, preoioua (j- or * s.tb. or s.o. from), make an

exception (* of
j^i. mujmtn costly, preoioua, valu-
able Jj fany bending ; folding ; turning
away, dissuasion, koeping, prevention
j*t* mufman objeot of value

tj? I in y pl* *U' ?*' fold, pleat, plait,

wie tamniya (f. uLc tam&nin) eight crease (in cloth); bend, twiat o* Li?

ji* *Jlc famtuyata *aara, f. yJ^ jLc Jl tinyan ba'da fmyin from time to
famniya 'a&rata eighteen time

j fumn pl. lx I ajman one-eighth bjl atn'a (prep.) during; in the

course of j U>t j / atn'i do.; j
ex tumna pl. -dl a dry measure (Eg. =
UV -i* <j, UVI dt <j, *ili .USI in the
u; .258 1; Poi. = ca. 2.25 1)
meantime, during all this time, mean-
j^Jlc famnfin eighty while

j^bll a|-tmin the eighth Lu tanya pl. tanaydl fold, pleat, plait,

crease (in cloth)

j*L> mu|amman eightfold; octagonal
Li? fanfya pl. LL> tandy middle in-
<i junna pl. ju {unan fetlock cisor; narrow paas; mountain trail |

!j-Cj JunaVa, {undutua pl. iU> {anddtn breast

LU> j in, inside, among, between, fre-

quently only a fuller, rhetorically more

(of the male)
elegant expression for "in", o.g., LU> j
Ji fafid t (tony) to double, double up, fold, c) in bis heart, inwardly, ^-iSI LU> j in

fold up, fold under (*; to bend, flex the books ; l ^j in, inside, among, be-
(*; to tum away, dissuade, keop, tween; IjUI p^ foUtT of-f. one with
prevent, divert (j* s.o. from) | b* J5 high-flung oapirations

b tantt commendation, praise, eu- Uix-l istitn* ezception, excluaion |

logy; appreciation bil^L. with the exception of, except;

*\^L-\ j- without ezception
b tuntf* and Ji. makn two at a
tizne JbixJ ta*i(n't ezceptional; UUil-l
wfn'Iyan as an ezception iJbJiJ J^*-l |

,jjS tanawi dualist

emergencies; i-JUil I i*JU- 0oii) emer-

*j yi janawiyo dualiam gency Session

Jb tami'i laudatory, eulogistio Ji. ma}niy folded; plaited, pleated;

JLj ttm'i twofold, double, dual, bi-

nary, bi-; biradical {gram.); duet, duo Ji> mujannan double, twofold; in tbe
(mu.) |
jljlll b* iij* (mufcami f. I- dual (gram.)
mihor) two-cyole engine
JM.- mustatnan excepted, excluded

O 3-Jb jund'Iya dualism; duet, duo (,>. from)

IjJ twa see ^ _y
jb*i tfndn, f. jliu! ifnatdni two

^ b*l

'airata twelve
gnd 'oioro, f. ly^ IimI noW
(v>) V^ #**
(also, e.g.,
u to return
a state or condition,
come back
Jl or J to
s.o.); with v : ** rturn 8 t - (J' to 8 -
' -) I

^Vl fji
yaum aZ-inatn and joJ'iM 4-i Jl i-j to regain consciousness, come
Monday to; *Xij <JI v^ (ruiduA) to recover
one's senses II to reward ( s.o.; said of
Jlill at-tni tha second; the neit; Uli
God) IV to repay, requite (* m with);
yiniyan and v^ tniyatan secondly; for
J* X to aeek reward
to reward . s.o. for)
the seoond time, once more, again |

JCjI j j. fnatn the seoond of a pair, pen- <~>j} jauA pl. <LJ tiyb, <'>' atwb
dant, companion pieoe, matoh garment, dress; cloth, material ; (fig.) garb,

3J fdniya pl. j^* |au*!nin seoond outward appearance, guise, cloak, maak;

(time unit) pl. ^Lj olothes, clothing, apparel |


j+-1\ {. as-sahra formal dress, evening

<Sy^ tnav* seoondary; minor |
clothes ; .Uj <->Ji j in piain, homely form
*j_^U matters of seoondary importance, of flawless character, irre-
t-*LiJI jIV
minor matters; <ty *-jJ* secondary
sohool; iSjJ\j o-j subletting
xj\y tatob requital, recompense, re-
L tatniya repetition; plaiting, pleat-
ward (for good deeds); (Ial. Law) merit,
ing; doubling, gemination; (gram.) dual; from a pious deed)
credit (arising
seoond seqnel (o.g., of a collection of
short stories); commendation, praise, <>jZ* matwaba requital, reoompense, re-

eulogy | 9-lJwVl V" Beutoronomy ward (bestowed by God for good deeds)

LjuI i-niin* bending, flection; flexibil- ^ll* mafb and <t\t maiba place to

ity, foldability | Uii^J Jitt foldable, whioh one returns meeting place rendez-; ;

folding vous resort, refuge


;.Liil iniin'a pl. -dt (n. Tic.) bend, li- maiba (with foll. genit.) place or

flexure, curve time at which appears or recurs;


manner, mode, fashion ; see also pre- jli* mair incentive, Stimulus, motive,
ceding entry j lAtx (with foll. genit.) like, spur, ocoasion, cause |
JuJ-l jli* m. ai-

as ; tantamount to, equivalent to, having jadal and fl j*Jl jli object of controversy,

the same function as point of contention

tfra excitation, stirring up, kin-

jlil =
^Uj (i_ VI) to yawn
dling; agitation, incitement; provocation,

(j_jj) jU tra u to stir, be Btirred up, be a- (a)rousing, awakening; irritation, Stim-

roused, be excited to swirl up, rise (dust) ;


to arise (question, problem; a difficulty,

J\j i'ir excited, agitated, raving, fu-
<p-j j wajhihi before s.o.) ; to be trig- rious, mad; rebellious; fury, rage (in the
gered, be unleashed, break out; to revolt, idiomatic phrase */!j jIj see above); (pl.
rebel, rise (Jp against); to rage, storm | jljj tvwwr) inBurgent, rebel, revolution-
yU jU (t'iruh) to fly into a rage, be-
come furious, flare up IV to agitate,
J\j tifira pl. J\y taw'ir* tumult; ex-
excite ( s.o., *; to stimulate (
citement, agitation; fury, rage
s.o., *; to irritate ( s.o., *;
to arouse, stir up, kindle, excite (*, jJL- mvtir exciting; provooative; stimu-
e.g., feelings), cause, provoke, awaken lative, irritative; excitant, irritant, stimu-

(*; to raise, pose, bring up (*JL_* lant; instigator; germ, agent; pl. ol_^i-

masaiatan a question, a problem) |

jtfl stimulants
*jj\j (t'iratah) to infuriate s.o., excite

s.o. X to excite, Btir up, kindle (*, rjtjy triym thorium {ehem.)

esp. passions); to rouse (*; to

Jji VII to swarm, orowd, throng ( J* around
arouse, awaken (*, esp. feelings);
s.o.); to come over s.o.
to elicit, evoke (* wails, outcries, j*
Jji taul and J*J1 6y f. an-nahl swarm
from s.o.) ; to incite, set ( J* * s.o. against) ]

of bees
, *r- jLil-l {qafabah) to infuriate s.o.,

make s.o. angry

*y {um (coli.; n. un. ) garlio

jy taur pl. lyj ttrn bull, steer; ox;

tfji taw % {*\y taw*, j> tuwiy, j_^i. matwan)
Taurus (astron.) |
jjill JjJ *>jj* Srabat
to stay, live (v at a place); to Bettle
dail aUt. oxtail soup
down (l-j at a place); pass.tuwtj/a to
*jy taura excitement, agitation; out- be buried IV to Btay, live; to lodge, put
break, outburst, fit (of fury, of despair, up as a guest ( s.o.)

etc.) ; eruption (of a volcano) ; (pl. -t) up-

,jy tawty guestroom
heaval, uprising, insurrection, riot, rebel-
lion, revolt, revolution 3-UI Ijy (aMiya) i twa pl. fjjj tuwan signpost, road-

war sign
internal strife, civil

jji. matwan pl. jli* matwin abode,

tauri revolutionary (adj. and n.)
habitation, dwelling; place of rest
iSJjy taurawi revolutionary (adj. and
L-.U tayyib pl. ~dt a deflowered but un-
married woman, widow, divorcee
\jy tawarn agitation, excitation,

flare-up, eruption, outbreak, outburst; J^j iaiial pl. JILj taytiP a variety of wild
dust whirl goat (Capra jaela)

J-UU- jtaliq = jii*- jU- jtoa Java

JrJr jVjV pl. '^-"t*- ja'ji** breast; prow, ifjU ;dwi Javanese; benzoin; (pl. -n)

bow (of a ship) a Javanese

jlijU- jwadr rye

jU- ja'ara a {ja'r, Jfc- fu'r) to low, moo;
to supplicate, pray fervently (Jl to God) ^jU lw*4 aergeant = ^jLt, ^ j -1

jU- and jVdr lowing, mooing

(of cattle)
ja'r jl$*-
r*- jvbb pl. t-W'
jM6, uU jibb -well,

ciatern; pit

jU- gz pl. -( (Eg. Bpelling) gaa
**-*. j'uAfro pl. ^-j-- juofc, yU jibb, --jL*-
;aid't& 1 jubbah, a long outer garment,
^JU- jx jazz
open in front, with wide sleeves
<JjjV (
Fr ?azon> Eg.
- spelling) gzn lawn
j*- jaiA pl. -I ajbuh, ^L*. jA, j-L*-l

^iU pa'oso a (;'o7) to be agitated, be con- o;7A beehive

vulsed (with pain or fright)
**>- jabjcna, jabakna powder magazine;
^iU- ja'i emotional agitation; heart, ammunition; artillery depot
bou] |
*iU- J*jj rabafa ja'Sah to remain
calm, compoeed, self-posaeesed; ^i-l Jolj r /a&ara u (jabr, jj^ jubr) to set (* broken

or i^U-l CjI* calm, compoeed, cool, self- bones); to restore, bring back to normal

possessed, undiamayed; iotj ^Ic with

(*; to help back on hi feet, help

unswerving courage, unflinchingly 11p (* s.o.; e.g., one fallen into poverty);

to force, compel (J* s.o. to do


*=TU, TU and o-TU jafcOa jacket, coat _^U j*- (Jffirah) to oonsole, comfort,
gratify, oblige s.o.; to treat (s.o.) in a
jJU- yaZn gallon
conciliatory or kindhy manner II to set
cf j*!W (Eg. spelling) galbrl gallery (fAeaf.) (* broken bones) III to treat with kind-
ness, with friendliness (* s.o.), be nice
jU jom pl. -dt cup; drinking vessel; bowl
(* to s.o.) IV to force, compel (J* b.o.

*a.W jmakiya pl. -(, ilJLIj- jawmi& to do; to hold sway (Je over)
pay V to show o.b. proud, haughty; to act
streng, throw one's weight around; to
jm* ,
tr^V pl- tri*'jr ?tIm^* buffalo show o.b. streng or powerful, demon-

*">*V jmsa buffalo oow strate one's strength or power; to be set

(broken bones) |
iijL 41 1 j^f (bi-bnika)
^-r'V (pronounced imreg, from Turk. ea-
God has demonstrated His power on
neriffi; coli.; n. un. &nrglyt) a variety
your son, i.e., He has takon him unto
of small green plum with saveral stones
Himself VII to be mended, repaired,

#U- jh rank, standing, dignity, honor, glory, je- jabr setting (of broken bones) ; force,
fame compulsion ; coercion, duress ; power,

might; (predestined, inescapable) decree (J

-r jibs gypsum; plaster of Paris
of fate; \j~- jabran forcibly, by force |
i-L*- jabbaa gypsum quarry; plaster
j\i-\ 1* 'Um al-j. algebra ;
^^-Jl j^- *jj yaum kiln
j. al-bahr a local holiday of Cairo (the

day on wbich, in former times, the water *(j~jr J *** (coli.; n. un.;yr.) watermelon(s)
.> i
of the Nile was channeled into the now- 1
jabala u i {jabl) to mold, form, ahape,
abandoned kalxj, or City Canal, thus mark-
fashion (*; to knead (*; to
ing the beginning of the irrigation season)
create {J* s.o. with a natural dispoai osi-

tjj-*- jabri algebraic ; compulsory, tion or propensity for) ; pass. Je (jxtb\uTa)

J-*- I

forced; jabari an adherent of the doc- to be born for, be naturaUy disposed

trine of predestination and the inescap- have a propeneity for

ability of fate; fatalist

iL*- jibla, jibia pl. -t natural dia-

j jabariya an Iatamic school of position, nature, temper

thought teaching the inescapability of a
jabal pl. JL*- jibl, <JL*-l ajbl mountain
fate; fatalism
mountains, mountain rnge |
_J^I JU*-

jL*- jabbr pl. -n, _rL- jabbir*, yL- j. aZ-o> the Alpe; ^'jj^' <J*-r tne Aures
jabbira giant ; colossus; tyrant, op- Mountains (in E Algeria); -*- J-*- ice-
pressor; almighty, omnipotent (God); berg; Lx- J-*- ;. rfn Mount Sinai; J-*-
gigantic, giant, colossal, huge; Orion JjU Gibraltar; jU voloano
(aatron.) *jLi^\ jL*- j, al-kufwa striding

jabali mountainous, hilly; moun-
powerfully, taking huge trides
tain (adj.); montane; (pl. -an) highJander,
JjL*- jibra (art of) bonesetting mountain eer

jwh jabira and *jL*- jibra pl. J\-~- tSj^r gabalwi (eg.) highlander, moun-
jab'ir* Splint (surg.) taineer

->jjv~ jabart omnipotence ; power, j *AT*- gabalya pl. -t {eg.) grotto, oave
might; tyranny
,>*- jabvna u (jvbn, jL- jabna) to be a
Lju~ jibriy** pride, haughtineas coward, be fearful; to be too much of
O a coward (j* to do, shrink (j* from
j$4 tajblr, |LL*II
j^jf orthopedics II to cause to curdle (* milk); to
jL-\ ijbr compulsion, coercion
make into cheese (*; to curdle; to
(jjL^t ijbri forced, forcible, com- aecuse of cowardice, call a coward { s.o.)

pulsory, obligatory |
^jL^Vl -^r^' oona - V to curdle (milk), tum into cheese
pulsory recruitment; military conscrip-
,>*- jvbn and L*- jabna cowardice
,>*- jvbn and <~*- jvbna cheese
j U- jbir and jjt mujabbir bonesetter
jL*- jabn pl. L-*- jvban' 1 coward;
jjjt majbr and jwf mujbar forced,
jL*- jabbn cheese merchant
JJju;. jabra'iP, Jjj- jifcnP Gabriel
^-*- jabin pl. Cr-*r j^bun, i--l ajbina,
1 ro*-
U to plaster, coat, patch, or fix with ,> r l a/bun forehead, brow; fac. ade, front;

plaster {*; to put in a cast, set in face I tirrT

0* mn
J^** I alone; J*

plaster (* IrJI ,>.. in the sky


jatama u jutm) to alight,

J^ jabini frontal J*- (7'atoi, >ji-

sit, perch (bird); to crouch, cower; to

^-l ajban* more cowardly
fall or lie prone, lie face down; to beset,
<>L*- jabbTia pl. - cemetery oppreas (J*

,>-jf ta/btn cheese making, processing <*i*- ;'a|ma (n. vic.) motionless sitting
into cheese or lying

4?r jabaha a to meet, face, confront ( b.o.) *b*- juim and f>V jtm nightmare,
III to face, confront, oppose, defy ( b.o., incubus
a, show a bold front (* to); to face
|^- jutmn pl . - i body , mortal
(* a problem, a difficulty)
ifo- jahha pl. L*- 7*&A, oL^ jabaht
Jl^ jutmn* bodily, physical, cor-
forehead, brow; front, face, facade; front-
line, battle front
jrU ;d/m pl. JU juttam squatting,
<f\jt. mujbaha facing, confront ation,
crouching; perching; prostrate, prone
(jV) b*- /ald u (ju/w) to kneel, reat on the
knees; to bend the knee, genufiect; to
fall on one's knees
^y- jaW (*jL*- jftya) to collect, raise,

levy (* tazes, duties) II to prostrate o.b. ji*- jutw kneeling position

(in prayer) VIII to pick, choose, elect
>>- j'W "** rock pile, mound ; sepulchral
(*, s.o.)
mound, tumulua
L*- jibya raising, levying (of taxes)
j maftan hassock
{pl. -t) tax, duty, impost
^U- jtin kneeling; Jli-I Hercules
JL*. jib'% tax- (in Compounds); fiscal

^ majban pl. <^lf Tnajbin tax, impost

j& jahada a {jahd, *j* juhd) to negate
i_*L- jbin pl. t*- jubh tax collector, disavow, disown,
(*; to disclaim,
revenue officer, collector; (bus, etc.) con-
deny (*; to refuse, reject, repudiate
duotor (ir.)
renounce, forswear, adjure
(*; to

i_jU- jbiya pl. vljr jutwloin pool, basin (* a belief); to deny (* s.o. his right) |

<L/7 j& (jamilah) to be ungrateful to s.o.

U*- j'aW (abbreviation of *$1 v=^) cosine
A&jahd denial; repudiation, disavowal,
rejection, disclaimer; unbelief (rei.)
* jatta u (jag) and VIII to tear out, uproot
evasion, dodging,
j_^ juhd denial;
(* a tree, also fig.)
Bhirking (of a moral Obligation); ingrat-

*^r JvU& pl- <^r y*%* *li-l ajfj body itude; repudiation, disavowal, rejection,
corpse, cadaver; oarcass disclaimer; unbelief (rei.)

ii^f mujtatt uprooted (also fig.) -U-l- jhid denier; infidel, unbeliever

Ji. ?o*J thick, dense (esp. haii) j* VII to hide in its hole or den (an i mal}

J-li- ;'tjZt7 pl. JLv jatliqa catholioos, pri- j* juhr pl. jL*l ajhr, jj*_ juhr hole,

mate of the Armenian Church den, lair, burrow (of animals)


J& jahi pl. ^l* jih&y jLl*; jikSn, Bignificant, important; to take (j

^L*;l ajJuii young donkey; (pl. ^j* serioualy; to trive earneatly (j for), go
jvhS) trestle, horee out of one's way (j to do, make
every effort (j in); to be Berious, be in
<tf jah&a young female donkey
earnest (j about), mean busineas; to
.U* jahaza a (i>* jvhx) to bulge, pro- hurry (j one's step) II to renew (*;
trude (eyeball) to make anew, remake (a ; to
modernize (*; to restore, renovate,
0**11 Jj* juA? ol-'atn exophthalmio
remodel, refit, recondition, refurbish (*
goiter, abnormal Protrusion of the eye-; to be an innova for, a reforraer;
to feature new or novel, produce

<_jf jdhafa a {jdh}) to peel off, scrape off new ; to rejuvenate, regenerate,
(*; to sweep away (; to have revive, freshen up (*; to renew,
a bias ( for), aide (** with s.o.) IV to eztend (* a per mit) ; to begin anew, repeat
hrm, hurt, injure, prejudice (v s --> (a, make a new start (* in; to; to ruin, destroy (o* s.o.,; try again (*ii*- hazzah one's luck) IV to
to wrong (i_> 6.0.) strive, endeavor, take pains; to apply

Jl*H ijhf injustice, wrong; bias, prej- o.s. eamestly and assiduously (j to),
be bent, be intent (j on; to hurry
(j one's step); to renew, make new (*
mujhif unjust, unfair; biased, V to become new, be renewed; to
revive X to be new, be added or enter as

Ji* jahfal pl. Jil*; jahfil

multitude, le- a new factor, come newly into existence;

gion, host, large army; army corps to make new, renew (*

{Syr.); eminent man -U- jadd pl. jj-U- judd good luck, good
~& jahim f. (also m.) fire, hellfire, hell
.u- jidd seriousness, earnestness; dil-
c^fr JoAS**
hellish, infernal
igence, assiduity, eagerness; l-u- jiddan

- jakka (eg.) to lord it, give o.s. airs; to

very, much |
Jj and -U- j- earneatly,
aeriously; Ji*l> .u- jiddu bkizin very high
boast, brag; (syr.) to dress up (alightly
(price); *ii* .u- j. 'azimin very great;
Ji-^-Vl a*. y&* {jidda l-iktilf) they
j-l*' jakkk boaster, braggart
differ widely; J -iA-1 Jl Jp i_j {gi
l-j.) to apply o.s. with diligence to, take
i-u- j'add pl. jj-u- judd, ilojfl ojdd grand-
father; ancestor, forefather Ji-I
pains in, make every effort to
(al) ancestor <_; J_- jiddi serious ; earnest ; Lj J_-
jiddiyan in earnest, eamestly, seriously
3.U- jadda pl. -t grandmother
-U- jiddiya earnestness; seriousness,
.u- ja^Wa to be new ; to be a recent devel-
gravity (of a Situation)
opment, have happened lately, have
-U- jidda newness, recency, novelty;
recently become a fact; to be added, crop
up or enter aa a new factor {circum-
modemness, modernity; O rebirth, ren-
stanoes, costs); to appear for the first

time (also, e.g., on the stage); to be or *.u- judda 2 Jidda (seaport in W Saudi
become serious, grave; to be weighty, Arabia, on Red Sea)
-.u- jadid pl. j.u- judud, judad new, L^ojt mujdib barren, sterile; desolate,
reoent; renewed; modern; novel, uh- arid; unproductive, unprofitable
precedented |
uU_Ji-l al-jadldn day and
i.u- jadaf pl. .u-1 ajddf grave, tomb
night; .b.u- ja anew, again; (ff.)

gj podi lanff brand-new .u-u- judjuJ 0--I.U.

pl. jadjid* cricket
4*;-l ajadd* more serioua, more intent; (100L)

newer, more recent

b^r /odura u (jU- jaddra) to be fit, suit-
AiOjC to)dki renewal (also, e.g., of a able, proper, appropriate (^ for s.o., for
permit); creation of new, origina-;to befit, behoove (i~> s.o.,; to
tion; new preeentation, new production be worthy (^ of), deserve (^ |

(theat.); innovation; reOrganization, re- _^*j j4*: (gikruh) and j5"xJIj jAf it is
form modernization renovation, restora-
; ; worth mentioning
tion, remodeling, refitting, recondition-
jX- yodr wall
ing, refurbisbing ; rejuvenation, regenera-

tion ; pl. -dt innovationa ; new aohievementa _r<u- jodlr pl. -an, IjX- jvdartf*
worthy, deserving (y of ; becoming,
iJjf tajaddvd renewal, regeneration,
befitting {<_>; proper, suited, suit-
able, fit (v for), appropriate to)
(v |
jL- jdd in earaest, earnest; aerioua jTJLj (tfr) worth mentioning
(as opposed to comic, funny)
jX-l ojior1 worthier; more appro-
oU- jdda pl. -<K, itj- jautdd* main priate; better suited, more suitable
street; street
Jjla*- jadra worthiness; fitness, suit-
jjJitf majdd fortunate, luoky abity, aptitude, qualification ; appro-
jajt mu jaddid renewer; innovator; re- priateness

former jix. jidr pl. jX>- jtufur, uljX*. judrn

idjc mujaddad renewed, extended; wall
modeled, reoonditioned, renovated, re- ^j1<u- ;id>f mural, wall (ad].)
stored; rejuvenated, regenerated; new,
reoent, young
jj*. judira (paas.) and II to have smallpoz

4<t mujidd painstaking, diligent, as- iSj-^r jvdarl, jadari smapox

siduous jjJdt majdr and jOjt mujaddar in-

>*'- mxistajidd new, recent; incipient fected witb smallpox; pock-marked

jJjf mujaddara dish mada of rice or

w>o>- jaduba u (*>jJ*- judfo) to be or
(in Syr.) of bulgur with lentils, onions
become dry, arid (soil) IV to Buffer from
and oil (eg. t syr.)
drought, poverty or dearth; to be barren,
sterile; to oome to nothing, go up in x
0*. ?ada'o a (jad ) to cut off, amputate
amoke, fall fiat, fizzle out; (ayr.) to (*, esp. some part of the body)
explode in the barrel (Bhell; mtl.)
J^l fX* bi-jad'i l-anf (prop., at the
w><u- jodb drought, barrenness,sterility; cost of having the nose cut off) at any
sterile, barren price, regardlesa of the sacrifice involved

L-j-u- jadib and v^r' ajdab*, f. L.u- X-I ajda'* mutilated (by having the
jadb'* barren, sterile nose, or the like, cut off)

D *- gada' (= f-Ju- jada') pl. U-u- Jjlf mujdil disputant, Opponent in
gid'n (eg.) young man, young fellow; he- dispute
*(Jj-U- jadwal pl. Jjl-U- jadwiP creek, brook,
Jio- II to curse, blaspheme (J* s.o., esp. little stream; column; list, roster; index;

God) chart, table, schedule |

^j* Jj-V (d*rd*

*) curriculum; ***j_>Jl Jj^*- stock list,

JujJ- tajdxj imprecation, blasphemy
l^jjJl Jj<U- p jU- (ri;a) not quoted
oO. jadafa i and II to row (* a boat) (stock ezchange); Jl>^/I Jju- agenda;
working plan
Jljjt mijdf pl. Ju^Lf majdif1 oar
(jJ*-) io*- jadfi u to give a present (J* to
M-U- jadala u i [jadl) to twisttight,tighten,
s.o.) IV to give as a present (^ J* s.o.
stretoh (* a rope); to braid, plait (*,, present (^
J* s.o. with); to be of
the hair, etc.) II to braid, plait, {*
use, be useful, profitable |
LiJ j.u-1
III to quarrel, wrangle, bicker {* with
(nafan) to be useful; iilj-f V l.u that
s.o.); to argue, debate ( with s.o.); to
won't help you, that will be of no use
dispute, contest (j VI to quarrel,
(to you); U* <Lke j-i* U do.; ^Ui ja* V
have an argument; to carry on a dispute
(/aiiJan) = ^Ui ^yjo ^/ , see J*j X to beg
J.U- jadal quarrel, argument; debate, for alms; to implore, beg (* s.o. for
dispute, discussion, controversy | ^j, plead {* for

1/-U- farada jadalan to asBume for the

Lu- jad* advantage, gain (j* for s.o.)
sake of argument, propow as a basis for
discussion iSj**r jadw gift, present; advantage,
benefit, gain | jj-u- ^ (bi-l) and j-*
J.U- jadall cntroversial; disputatious;
jji*- (airi) of no avail, useless, futile, in
a disputant

JLu- jaddl and Jlo* mijdl disputa- ji*-l a/<&5 more useful, more advanta-
tious, argumentative; mijdl see also
i;.u- jody pl. I.U- ;tt', jUu- jidyn kid,
ilj-i*- jadUa pl. JjI-i?- jad'iP braid,
young billy goat ; Caprioorn (twtron.)
plait; tresa
jxU the North Star
Jljjt mijdl pl. Jjjlf majdiP flag-
i*- jadda u {jadd) to cut off, clip (*
stone, ashlar; see also above under
jaddl jll>- judda pl. -t slip of paper; pl.

JI.U- jtdi and iblf mujdala pl. -f

i^ljl-u- small pieces, shreds, scraps, clip-

quarrel, argument; disputo, discussion, pings

debate JI-U-l JJu >/ (j/a^aJu) incontest-

i_ji*- jadaba i (jadb) to pull, draw (*;
able, indiBputable; JI.U- ^/ Z ;2fa and
to attract (*; to pull out, draw out,
JI.U- ^b 6-&x j. incontestably, indispu-
whip out (*, draw (* a weapon, or
the like); to appeal, prove attractive
Jj4jt majdl tightly twisted; braided, ( to s.o.), attract, captivate, charm,
plaited; interwoven, intertwined (tress allure ( s.o.), win ( s.o.) over (<Jl to
of hair); slender and trim, shapely (e.g., one's side) III to contend ( with s.o.) at
leg) pulling, tugging, etc. (* |
JJ-I *jjl*-

(habla) to vie with s.o.; (to be able) to maniac, lunatic, madman, idiot |

compete with s.o., measure up to s.o., <--jil*M mustaif l-m. mental hospital
be a match for s.o.; jt3*SJI -o iL*- or <iJU-
<~l2* mutajdib mutually attractive;
lij-U- or ^i-jjJ-l Jljirl 4jiU- (afrfa l-h.)
belonging together, inseparable
he engaged him in oonveraation, involved
him in a discussion; *jU*J-l J*\J*\ <jiU- V^- munjadib attracted ; inclined,

(afrdfa l-hadra) to vie with s.o. in cul- tending (Jl to)

ture VI to pull baok and forth ( s.o.); to

jij- jadara u (jadr) to uproot, tearout by the
contend (, * for); to attract each other j
roots (* II do.; to extract the root
kljoi-S Jljil |_>ji1j (afrfa l-h.) they were
(* of a number; math.); to take root
deep in oonveraation, they were talking
together VII to be attracted ; to be jJu- jidr t jadr pl. jj-U- judr root (also
drawn, gravitate (Jl toward, to) VIII to math.); stem, base, lower end; (pl. jtJu-l

attract ( s.o., *, *Jl to o.a.; also aj4r) stub (of a receipt book, or the
magn.); to allure, entice {* s.o.); to win like) | j^j
j-i-r (iarbi'i) squaro root
( s.o.) over (*Jl to one's side); to draw, (math.)

inhale (* puffs from a cigarette, etc.)

jjij^- jidri radical, root (adj.)

<^Ju- jadb attraction ; gravitation jJjf tajdlr evolution, root extraction

appeal, Iure, enticement, captivation | (math.)
IJu- i^l to wrest away, take away by
force; iS M r\ v^-' O***) b61 appeal
-U- jada' pl. jUJ- jvd'n young man, young
fellow (cf. Q f--U- gada'); new, incipient |

L_jto*- jaddb attractive ; magnetic (fig.) co (karbu, jada'atan) the war

ieJU- ^j^. I

suction, suotorial; winning, fetching, en- broke out again, started all over again;
gaging; charming, entioing, oaptivating, LX*- j*>j\ jUl (Z-a77im) he reopened the
gripping whole affair, he roverted to the earlier
ajdab* more attractive, more Status
captivating f-JU- jid' pl. f'-U-l ajgd', f\ji*r jud*
stem, trunk; stump, tree stump; torso
ylo:! injidb attraction, inolination,
proneness, tendency ^Ju- jid'i truncal

v'-k*-' ijtidb attraction; entioement, JJ>- II to row (* a boat)

ijlif m\j4df pl. *-J"Jljf majdip
i-jjU- jtfib attractive; magnetic (fig.); oar
winning, fetohing, engaging; charming,
enticing, captivating, gripping JJU- ;o<t2a a (jadal) to be happy, gay,
ezuberant, rejoice IV to make happy,
LjjU- j4ibiya gravitation; attraction;
gladden, oheer ( s.o.)
attractiveness; charm, fascination; mag-
netism (fig.); Iure, enticement | O V.^W-
J.U- jidl pl. JlJ*-l a/jiJ, JjV ;u^l

gravitational force; i-U-

stump (of a tree)
Jiill ;'. at-tiql

4--.iL.--;. {magnati&iya) magnetism; ^jiU- JjJU- judail wooden post on which

UJX I j. al-jina sex appeal cameis rub themselves

L_jji* majb attracted; possessed, JJu- ^al gaiety, hilarity, exuberance,

maniacal, insane; (pl. i_o jljf majtfib*) happiness

jarr pull{ing), drawing, draft; trac-
J.U- ja4 pl. o^V jv4ln gay, hilar- ,-

ious, cheerful, in high spirita, exuberant, tion; drag(ging), tugging, towage, haul-
ing; bringing on, causing; genitive
happy |

jl\ Jjj*. harf al~j. {gram.) preposition;

^i*- jadln* gay, hilarious, oheerful,
I jj. Uj wa-kalumma jarran and so forth
in high spirits, exuberant, happy
,- jarra pl. jl^*- jirr (earthenwaie)
(.i*. jadama t (;am) to cut off, chop off
(*, esp. a part of the body); to
j- jarra, jurra trail, track; rut (left
remove, take out, exciae {> e.g., the
by a wagon) i *j* bi-j. qalam with
tonss, the appendix ; surg.) ;
paaa. |

one stroke of the pen

judima to be afflicted with leprosy
jum, ajim j*. jirra cud (of a ruminant)
j-JU- jidm pl. fji*- flA-'

root ,,- j- min jarr because of | i^j*r Cr

(IJb- judm leprosy because of you, on your account, for

your sake
<*I-L- judma stubble
,1^- j* min jarr'i because of, due to |

fJu-l ajdam 3 pl. t/V 7'adm mutilated

b\ *\j~- j- because
{from having an arm, a hand, etc., cut

off); leproua; leper j\ j. jarrr huge, tremendous (army);

potter; (pl. -t) tractor; tugboat, steam
AjXt- majdm leprous; leper
tug, towing launch

jj**- judmr stump jawrir*

jjjU jrr pl. jJsr (syr.)

ja^wa, jidwa, ju4wa pl. ^V ?^an ' drawer (of a desk, eto.)
judan, *\J*- jid' firebrand; burning log rake (tool)
ljjj\r jrra [leb.)

u to draw, pull (*; to joriPir* guilt;

j- jarra (jarr) JSr faira pl- J^sr
drag, tug, haul (*; to tow (*; offense, outrage, crime | *jst * m * rt

to trail (a; to drag along {. s.o., jarlrati because of, on account of

*; to draw (J* * on s.o.),
jl/r jam P1 - -** ft variety of BCOr '
bring (* down (J*
upon s.o.); to
pion; tractor
lead (Jl to), bring on, cauBe (Jl; to
yt mijarr trace, tug (of a harness)
enta {* e.g., J* for s.o.);some evil,

(gram.) to pronounce the final consonant ij- majarra galaxy

with t, put (a word) into the genitive |
Ljlyil ingirriya (eg.) towage chargea
~*j j*- j*- (jartratan) to commit an outrage,
for watercraft
a crime (J* against s.o.); \ijJ jr {q*yv*

jjjf. majrr
drawn, dragged, towed,
dan) to be in shackles, go shackled;
i^ Jl jUl jr (qvrihi) to secure advan- etc.; word governed by a preposition,
tagea for o.s., feather one's nest; ^ ^ word in the genitive form; (pl. _rj^
<j> *JLJ (lisnah bi-kalima) he won't magrir*) drain, sewer {eg.); j^M
let a word escape his lips IV to ruminate eis, sewage System (eg.)

Vll passive of I to be driven ; ; to be swept mujtarr ruminant (adj. and n.)

along, drift, float |
Ijjll Jl >?l (war'i)
u (:t/r jur'a, S1^ jar'a) to dare,
to withdraw, fall back, give way VIII to j^- jaru'a

ruminate *-VT J^-\ (lmah) to mull venture, risk, hazard (Jp, take the

over one's grief risk (J* of, jl of doing, have the

courage (Jp for II to encourage practice; proof sheet, galley proof, also

(J* a.o. to V to dare, venture, V-i** ~**j- (matba'iya)

risk,hazard (J* VIII to be venture-
<~ij- tajrib trial, test(ing); trial, trib-
some, be daring; to become bold, make
ulation; temptation
bold (J# with s.o.); to venture
(Jp s.tb.
isijf tajribi trial, test (adj.); ex-
or upon, have the audacity
(J* to
perimental ; based on experience, am-
pirical | ^^1 ^^iJl
^ film, an-nafs)
*iSj*r Jar ? pl- k>r' ajriycT 1 bold, experi mental psychology
courageous (<_*,
J* in; forward,
immodest, insolent; daring, reckless, fool-
O +&.jf- tajrVnya empiricism (phos.)

bardy <~ij* mujarrib experimental ; tester;

examiner; tempter
T>r jw'a and !>- jar'a courage,
boldness, daring; forwardness, insolence
i^t^t mujarrab tried, tested; proven or
establisbed by experience, time- tested,
jjif mujtari' bold, forward
time-tried; experienced, practiced, Bea-

^l^rt- (Fr.) gari pl. -X garage (eg.)

sonod; man of experience

rm gram {eg.) '<-?jjr look up alphabetically

f Lrt- 9

gran granite (eg.)

*i>r jarba4a = ijj*-

jj*r jvrbuz pl. j\Jr jarbiza impoetor,

JJl_/- graniti granitic (eg.)
confidence man, swindler

'-VT j&riba o (jarab) to be mangy; (eg.) to

*jj*r j&rbaza (also Jjj*-) deception,
fade (color) II to test (>; to try, try
s windle
out, eBsay (; to sample (*;

to rebearse, practica (* ; to attempt >- iarb' (^ tx-0 pl c^j* iarbv%

(*; to put to the test, try, tempt jerboa (zool.)

( s.o.) j |
4-ijv>!" * ty one'fl hand at; *jXjj*- jarabandlya (and *jXj\j-) knapsack,
fUVI v>r (ayyma) to gather experience
V>r jarab mange ; itch, Scabies
{Sj-r J*rjwn, <*>^-r jwima pl. jIj--
*->jr j&rib mangy; acabby jarHm* root ; origin ; germ ; microbe,
bacillus, bacterium ryjL C~
V>r' ajrab*! f. l(>- jarb'*, pl.
^^ inframicrobe
I tahi al-j.

jurfc and oO/- j'ar&dn 1 mangy; scabby

v'>r jirb pl. *j_^-I a;r&a, o^. jurub ^j*- look up alphabetically
sack, bag, traveling bag; knapsack;
Srj? jarjara (>->- jarjara) to gargle; to
Bcrotum; covering, case; sheath, scab-
jerk or pull baok and forth; to trail, drag
bard (for the sword)
(*; totowaway (* |*IL> jj-

vlrt" JUfb pl. -t stocking, sock (JpufAu) to drag one's feet, shuffle along
II tajarjara pasa. and refl. of I
*_-i>r 7 or** a patch of arable land
j*-jr farjw gargling; rumbling noise;
**. t&jriba pl. vJ ij
? tajrib^ trial, test;
rumble, clatter (of a wagon)
tryout; attempt; practica, rehearsal;
scientific test, experiment; probation; >r>r jirjir (large, thick) beans
trial, tribulation; temptation; experience, - jirjlr watercreafl (eg., syr.)
rj*r jaraha <*
(Jar $) to wound ( s.o.); to against s.o.) ; to send, dispatch { * a
injure, hurt (* s.o.; alao fig., the feeUnga) military detachment, troops, -L> or Ja
II to invalidste (* testimony), challenge, agatnst s.o.); to free (<> * or b.o. or
declare unreliable (* a witness), take from) ; to isolate {* ; to abatract
formal exception (*, * to) VIII to commit (*; to divest (j- s.o. of hia citizen-
(* an outrage, a crime) |
oL-Jl r-j^i ship, of a rank, of a vested right, etc.) |

(sayyi't) to do evil things t-^LJI ja o^*- to diaarm s.o. ; j* **j ij*-

to free o.s. from, rid o.s. of, give up
r/r fwfy pl r}/r j* rfy* r_j/r JwA,
V pass. of II; to strip o.s., rid o.s., get
d\*-jj*z- jurht, t^j*-\ ajrh wound, in-
rid (j* or je. of ), free o.a. (j* or y. from)
jury, lesion
to be free (j* or jt. from, J for a task);
r}/r jarrh pl. -n surgeon | t^jT to devote o.s. exclusively (J to; to
uL-^l dental surgeon give up, renounce (ja or jp; to
isolate o.b. ; to be absolute
**"l/r jifha Burgery

^' */r ? af<* bare, threadbare, shabby,

t^l/r ?* r surgical | v-L*- *J*
worn; (com.) inventory; atocktaking
('amallya) surgical Operation

ij*- jarid without Vegetation, barren,

j*- jarih pl.
^f/r jarh wounded,
bleak, Btark (landscape)
injured, hurt
*Jr ajrad1 , f. la^*- jardit*, pl. i^-

j* tajrih surgery; defamation, dis-

jurd desolate, bleak, without Vegetation;
hairless, bald; threadbare, shabby, worn
jU jrih injuring; wounding, sting- (garment); open, unprotected (border)
ing, painful, hurting; rapacious (beaat),
i\j- jard (ooll.; n. un. I) locust(s)
predatory |

Jl*-j il^- (rahh&l) migratory locust(s);

4^-jU- jriha pl. r-j[>*- jawrih* pred- jl^
^**Jl ;'. al-bahr langouste, sea oray-
atory animal or bird |
j*LII rjj*- j. fish; UjIj*: bi-jardih in its entirety
af-fair predatory birds
Juj*- jarid palm branches Btripped of
rJ>yr jawrih limbs, extremitiee (of their leaves; jereed, a blunt javelin used
the body) **-j\yr JC with might and
in equestrian games
main, with all hia Btrength
bj>r jarida pl. JJl^*- jarffid* (n. un.
rjj* majrh pl.
fcM- majrih* of palm-leaf Btalk; list, register,
wounded, injured, hurt roster, index newspaper
; | S-_.jd ~*Hj*r
{yaumiya) daily newspaper; #111 JjI_ht
Sj*- jarada u (jard) to peel, paxe (*; to
;'. al-mas' the evening papera; -b^L-l
remove the shell, peel, rind or husk (*
of; to denude, divest, strip, bare
UI and i-JLjxJl -b^-l tho newareel

{*; {com.) to take stock; to make ti^jyr' ajrvdi (*yr.) beardless, hairless
an inventory (aJLJ! of goods on hand)
ijf mijrad pl. ijljf majrid2 scraper
II to peel, pare (*; to remove the
shell, peel, rind or husk (* of; to Juyf tajrid peeng, paring ; dia-

denude, divest, strip, diapossess, deprive robement, Stripping; denudation; depri-

(j* ior i s.o. or of); to withhold vation ; divestment ; disarmament ; dis-

{j* * from s.o.; to draw, unsheathe patching (of troops); freeing; isolation;
(Jt-Jl the sword); to unleash (J* * abstraction |
j-^LJI j JL/f disarmament
3 120

*Jjjj tajrida pl. -i, .bjljf tajnd* ^^ jaritfa a (joro^): ^iy ^j-^ (6i-

military detachment, expeditionary force ri^tAi) he choked on bis saliva, could not

awallow hi saliva (beoause of excitement,

ijjf tajarrud froedom (> or je
alarm, or grief), he was very upset,
from); isolatedness, Isolation; independ-
in a State of great agitation, deeply
ence, impartiality; abaoluteneaa; ab-
stractness, abstraction
moved; jarada u (jard) to choke,
suffocate {. s.o.) IV *j. 4-^1 (cf. I)

*j- mujarrad denuded, bare, naked; to alarm s.o., fill s.o. with apprehension
freed, free (j* or je from); pure, mere,
^iij- jaridi ^itjft Ojj ,>i>l JU-
nothing more than; sole; very, absolute;
hla l-j. dna l-qari4 (proverb; lit.:
abstract; selfless, disinterested; Ist stem
choking prevented poetry, i.e.) in the
of the verb [gram.) |
(with foll, noun in
face of death one does not think of
genitivo mere, sheer, nothing but:)
rhyming {among other interpretations)
ji mujarradu lahwin mere play, just
fun; *ij\ i>*^k w i tn the naked eye;
fyr jara
a a (iar
') ftQ d jari'a a (jara
) to
l* ^jj^-c bi-mujarradi m as soon as, at swallow, gulp, devour (*; to pour
the very moment when down, toss down (* a drink) II to make
3 ( s.o.) swallow (*; to gulp down
lI^St jardal pl. 6^j*r jardil bcket, pail
V to drink {* VIII to swallow, gulp

*sr jurad pl- >J'J>r jir^n, jurdn large down {*

**>r rjr 'i 7<" 'o pl fjT Jura \ & gulp.

jjij*- j&iaun pl. jl>r jarjliP large mouthful, draught; potion, dose (med.)
Jij*- jarafa u {jarf) and VIII to sweep away
-J*- jaraaa i (jare) to ring, toll, knell, (*; to wash away (*; to
(re)sound II to make experienced, inure shovel away (*; to remove (*;
by severe trials, Borely try ( s.o.; time, to tear away, carry off (*; to carry
events) ; to compromise, disgrace, dis- along (* or s.o. or VII to be swept
credit, expoae, bring into disrepute (w away, be carried away
Jj*- jurf, juruf pl. Jjj*? jurf, Jlj*-I
^j*r J ars > Prs sound, tone underout bank or shore;
ajrf cliff,

steep slope, precipice; bluff {along ariver

^j^ jaras pl. ,_--lj*-l ajrs bell
or coast) |
^*^1*- *J>r (jalldi) avalanche
i-^*- jursa defamation, public expo-
sure ; scandal, disgrace lj*- jarrfa pl. -t, ^Juj'j*- jariif2

rake; harrow
'L'j*- jiraya, vvr jiraiya pl. -dt Jersey,

woolen sweater; ^-^r Jersey cloth Jj^f majraf pl. Jjtf majrif* torrent,
strong current
^j*. jaraSa u (jarS) to crush (*; to
*>j- mijrafa shovel, scoop; (*yr.) mat-
grate, bruise, grind (*
tock; trowel
<Art- Jar& ft grating, scraping noise
Ji>f mijrf pl. Jujlf majrlp shovel,
cri-/t" 7 ar ** crushed, bruised, coarsely scoop
ground; crushed grain; grits
JjU- jdrif torrential (stream, moun-
jjU- jSrki pl. ^jlj- jawriS* tain creek); stormy, violent (emotions,
quem, hand mill (for grinding grain) passions)

121 tfj*

^ri^i-l al-jarkas the Circassians U^-1 al-jarmn the Gennanic tribea, the

S^r jarkasi pl. i-S"l_^- jarkisa Cir-

cassian (adj. and n.) ijlv*r jarmni Germanic, Teutonio

{ST jo-rama i (jarm) to bone ( JH al-lahma 1<

t* rn Pl- ^-Hr' a?n (stone) basin;

the meat); to commit an offense, a mortar; {eg.) threshing floor, barn |

crime, an outrage (Jp or Jl againat a.o.), 4jJj-jJ.I j*- j. al-ma'mdiya baptiamal

sin (Jpor Jl against s.o.), injure, hrm, fnt

wrong (Je or Jl s.o.) II to incriminate,

\jr jirn the front part of a camel's neck |

Charge with a crime ( s.o.; ayr.) IV to

<>\jj 'Sj* ^ become established, take
commit a crime, to sin (Jp or Ji against
root o lj*- -U JJI (oiff, jtrnaA) to apply

s.o.), do wrong (Je or Jl to s.o.), hrm

o.a. to and adjust to it, aecustom
wrong (Jp or J! s.o.) VIII = IV
o.s. to
aj*- garm pl. ^jj? gurm {eg.) long,
JIj'j*- iurnl (eg. also gurnl) pl. J-jlj*- itor"
flat-bottomed brge, lighter (naitt.)
nil 7 [eg., garml2 ) Journal, newspaper,
(j- jirm pl. jlj*-l ajrm, jj*- jurum periodical
body; mass, bulk, rolume (of a body) |

<Slei\ (falalnya) the celestial ~u\j>r granlt granite

bodies jj lj*- graniti granitic

>_^- j'urm pl. |I_htI ? fm, |j_^**- jurm

j_^- jarw (jirw, jurw) pl. _^-l a/rin, 1^- j'ir',
offense, crime, sin
*'j*r' a 7** *i_rt"'
ajriya puppy, whelp,

f^ V Ja jarama surely, certainly, of cub (of a dog or beast of prey)

**JjT Wtea gross (= 12 dozen)
fj*- jarim hulking, bulky, huge, vo-
luminoua, of great size fjjt^ jar i (jary) to flow, stream (water) to ;

run; to huny, ruah; to blow (wind); to

/orima pl* jar'im 3 crime;
*f.j*r f Lnr take place, come to pass, happen, oeeur
offense; sin |
(^^Ji* or) ^^rS" ._*- (fcufir,
to be under way, be in progresa, be going
'uzm) capital offense; fljJ-1 jj\j penal
on (work); to befall (J s.o.), happen (J
to); to be in circulation, circulate, bo
|"Lht' *7m crime; eulpability, delin- current; to wend one's way (Jl to),

quency head to proeeed (J* in aecord-

(Jl for);

ijrmi criminal ance with); to follow (*., yield,

ij\ Jr \

give way {,** to, e.g., to a desire);to

?jj X- lahm majrm fillet (meat)
entail (^; (with Ijj) to run or

i.jjf '<* Sana mujarrama an entire be after, seek to get |
*J ^j*.

year ^a*. he had a talk with; *\jjt ,jj*-

(majrhu) to take the same course as,

mujrim criminal; (pl. -n) a crim-
be analogous to, follow same way as,
inal; evildoer, eulprit, delinquent | >jj*
proeeed or act in the same manner as;
jJU reeidivous criminal
f-dl t*>? ^1 * iSjr (minhu -$ai'u

}* j*~
] joramxz* and jarmlz 3 limbs, majr d-dam) it had become second
legs | *'j^\j*r *> (damma) he beat it, he natuie to him; j l*i'l Je ijj*r (alaun)

made off to circulate, make the rounds (rumor)

JJ* 122

U JT Jp ^jt to be on everyone's jJj*- jir&ya pl. -<K daily (food) ra-

Ups; <Ji Je (,- (galamtAi) to come to tions; pay, aalary |
t^- Jb* 'U girya
8.o/s pen (o.g., a poem); <U^ J* ^_^- (eg.) coarse bread
(&#a) to follow a plan; J*JI <ic ^jt L
ljj*- jarayn flow, fluz; course; stream
famolu) the way things are handled,
iSj* majran pl. j\jt majrin water-
what is oustomary practice ; J**JI o t
course, stream, rivulet, gully; torrent or
to be in foroe, be valid, be oommonly
flood of water; pipeline; canal, ohannel;
observed (law, custom); ^ : *WI &jr drain, sewer, pl. sewers, Bewag System;
to be customary, be common practice
power line (et.); ourrent (ei.); current (of
be a common phenomenon, bave gained
a stream); guido rail (lechn.); course (of
vogue; J* UL
^j*. to do custom-
events), progress, passage |
JjJl &jZ- m.
arily, be in the babit of doing;

^r-sl* diJd >j*- that was their habit

l-batd Urethra (anat.);
( ri^JI &{ m. t~

tanaffvs respiratory traot (anat.); ^jt

II to cause to run jj tf^
| (rigoA) to
*\ji\ m. l-haw* air stream, current of
make s.o.'s mouth water III to concur,
air, draft; *\jA X>-\ to take its oourse;
agree, be in agreement ( with s.o., j Bee also ^j*. I and IV
in; to keep paoe, keep up (. with
s.o.; also intelleotually); to be able to oL^L mjarayt, mjariy&t (pl. of
follow (. s.o.); to go (along) (* with); to M (course of) events, happenings

adapt o.s., adjust, conform (* to), be \j\jL mujrh keeping up (with foll.

guided (* by) IV to cause to flow, make genitive : with) ; conformity (with foll.

flow (*; to oanse to run, set lunning genitive: with) J ljl mujrtan li

(*, s.o.,; to make (* take in conformity with, in acoordance with,
place or happen, bring about (a; aooording to
to oarry out, exeoute, enforce, put into
!j-l ijra* pl. -t Performance (of an
effect, apply (*, e.g., rulea, regu-
action) ; exeoution ; enforcement ; pl.
lations); to oarry out, perform (* an
measures, Steps, proceedings J
cUj-l Jj\
action); to set going, set in motion (* a
(itta$a4a) to take measures; SJ^iliC'Ulj-!
projeot), launch (* an undertaking) ; to
(qnnxya) legal steps, proceedings at law
Channel (J or J * to), bestow,
jU- jrin flowing, Streaming, running;
(J* or J * upon s.o.); to
impose, infliot (J, a penalty, on ciroulating; current, present | tfjU-1 _^iJI

s.o.) 4tj (j-j.! (tajribatan) to carry

(Sahr) the ourrent month
out an ezperiment; LL5^ <,/-' *o con " 4jU- jriya pl. -t, j\jt- jawrin girl;

duct an in veetigation ; U1 <l ^^j-l (*'fi* slave girl; maid, servant; ship, veasel
natan) to grant s.o. a subsidy; ^jt *lj*-l

(majrd, with
- jazza u (jan) to cut off, olip (*; to
foll. genitive) to treat
Bhear, shear off (*; esp. the wool of
in the same manner as, put on
equal footing with
jt~ jizza pl. jj- jixaz, J\j*- jaz'iz*
iSjT Jar V course J* L_^- jaryan 'ai
shora wool, fleece, olip
in accordance with, according to

jlj- juxza pl. -t slip of paper; label,

iSSj*- Jm min jarka and il>l_^- ,>
min jar&ika because of you, on your tag

account, for your sake jlj. jazzz pl. -n shearer, woolshearer

Ijj- jarr* runner, racer jjf mijazz woolshears

lj- jaza'a a and Till to be content, oontent jj- /ozr alaughter; butchering; ebb
o.a. (i_* with) II to divido, part, separate, (of the eea)

break up, cut up, partition (*

jjr jazra blood aacrifice
V to divide, break up, be or beoome di-
vided; to be aeparated, be detaohed, be jjJt fa&r pl* jyr ;uzur alaughter
partitioned off; to be divisible, separable camel

(je. from) jlj*- ;audr pl. I, -fin butcher

*>r /uz* pl. |>^l ajz* part, portion;

*jjfr jazira pl- y'j- jaziFir*, jj- ju*
constituent, oomponent; fraction; divi- zur island | Syj*- *r* &At* 7- peninsula;
lion; seotion; the 30th part of the Koran y^Ll AI Jazira, (Northwest) Mesopo-
(= 2 hizb)
tamia; J"I>LI Algeria; Algiers; ^yJli^y-

Ojr /*'* partial; minor, trivial, in- /. al-arab Arabia, the Arabian Peninaula;

aignificant, unimportant; (jur.) minor, olJU-M yM>i(I<W) the Canary Islands;

petty ; LJj*-. juz'iyan partly ; oLJj- 1^-iA^ I '*j_}L\ (Jca4r') Algeciraa (aeaport in

juz'iyl details, particulara; trivialitiea; SW Spain)

aubordinate parte; divisiona, aections -n) islander

<$js? jaxari insular; (pl.
(o.g., of a court of justice) | *Jj*- a|>
,sJ\jr jaz'iri pl- -* Algerian (adj.
{mawdd) petty casea (jur.); SJjr ryr
(junah) aummary deliota (ju-r.); v>r f^ and n.); islander

oourta of aummary justice; *Jj*- LJ jjfi- majzir pl. jjlrf. majzir* alaughter-
(niydoa) p&rquet of a aummary court; house, abattoir; butohery

Vjr k^- minor incident; *-I/r *i>-J

jj* majzara pl. jjlrf- majzir* butoh-
(fcutPtya) part payment; oUSJIj oLi^jLl
ery; masaaore, oarnage
(fcuttiydf) the particular and general as-
pecta, the minor and the major isauea *jj- /aar (coli. ; n. un. I) carrot(a)

*&j? juxai* pl. -t molecule

fj. jazi'a a (jaza", j>- jtu") to be or be-
Jlj*-1 ajz'l pl. -fin pharmaoist, drug- oome anxious, wonied, coneerned; to
gist be aad, unhappy (j* about); to feel

regret (J* for a.o.), pity (J* a.o.); to

^1^1 ajzji pl. -lya phannacist, drug-
mourn (J* for s.o.) V to break apart,
break, snap
V'j*-' ajz'iya and U-lj-! ajzJpna
9 j+- jaz* onyz
pl. -dt pharmacy, drugatore
f-j. juz' axle; ahaft (Uchn.)
jjjf tajzi'a division; partition; Sep-
aration; dissociation; breakdown (into
fj*- jaza' anxiety,
uneasineaa, appre-
claaaea, oategoriea, etc.); fragmentation f
henaion, ooncern; anguiah, fear; aadneas
*J/iU Jj divisible; 4jJj*JI J^jIS divisi- f-j*- jazi* restless, impatient; anxious,
bility; 'j^l ^U
retaUer, rotail merchant
wonied, uneasy, apprehensive
Uj- juzdn, jixdn pl. -f wallet; change
fjjr Z* 8 ** an<1 PJ^T /**' r08 ^88 ; i m "

purae patient; anxious, worried, uneasy, ap-

'jj*- jazara u (;'aw) to alaughter; to kill,

butcher (* an animal); tu (jazr) to 9j mujazza* marbled, veined; varie-

Bink, fall, drop, ebb (water) gated, dappled

;; ;


t_j>- III to act at random, blindly, indis- >-j*- jazm cutting off, clipping; deeision;

oriminately, take a ohance; to speculate resolution, resolve; apodiotio judgment;

(fin.); to speak vaguely, in general terms; (gram.) apocopate form j
rjA-l <*"iU 'almat
to riflk, Btake (v |
**j <JijU- to al-j. = jazma
riak one's life; j <> <JjU- to plunge s.o.
<*j*- jazma diacritical mark () indi-
into (some adventure)
cating vowellessness of a final consonant
<Jlj*- yuaS/ purcbase of a certain a-
fjU- jzim decisive; peremptory, def-
mount of things- (Isl. Law); Ulj*- jtu*
mite, definitive, final; firmly convinced,
/an at random, haph&zardly
absolutely certain (^ of; (pl. fjlj-

jtf mujzafa raanness, recklessness, jawzim?) governing the apocopate form

foolhardiness; riak, hazard; adventure, (gram.)
ajj- majzm cut off, cut Bhort, clipped
Jjljf mujzif rash, reckless, foolhardy decided, Bettled; (gram.) voweess (final
adventurous; venturesome consonant) ; in the apocopate form

J^>>- javula u to be considerable, abun- rj>y+ munjazim (gram.) in the apoco-
dant, plentiful IV .IUI *j J>1 ('a^J'a) pate form
to give generously, openhandedly, lib-
3 jizam (pair of) shoes,
erally to s.o. VIII to write shorthand <uJ*- jazma pl. -t, *j*-

(pair of) boote j J>Ly <*j- (6-ri6f) laced

J*- jad and Jjj-
jazii pl. Jl^ /-
boote; i*U <*j- (Jamm*a) patent-leather
zl abundant, plentiful, ample, mnch;
pure, lucid, eloquent (style) |
^tjl <Jj*-

of sound, unerring judgment; IjSli ji a^J*- gazmaQx (eg.) and JLJ*- gizamti

^jj*- fafcaroA Sukran jazllan he thanked (eg.), jazmti (syr.) pl. -iya shoemaker

him profusely; *^jJ- lji many thanks!

^j*. 7'az t (lj*- joz*) torequite, recompenee
*Jj*- jizlo pieoe, slioe ( s.o., u
or J* for), repay ( to s.o.,

SJIj*. jaztUa profusion, abundance u or J*; to reward (* s.o., *-. or

(rhet.) purity (of style) J* for); to punish ( s.o., or J* for); u

to aatisfy ( s.o.), give satisfaction ( to
J> mujtazil atenographer
b.o.); to compensate, make up (<~> * for with or by); to compensate, offset
'Jjj^- look up alphabetically
(je | \j^- iil iJlj*- (kairan) may
Vj*- juzln ~ lj>J*- God bless you for it! jUi-[^ (jaz'a

ainimmra) he returned to him good

*j.j*- jazama i (jazm) to cut off, cut Bhort,
for evil III to repay, requite (i_> *
olip (*; to judge; to decide, Bettle
with, <~> s.o. for), reoompenae (<-> s.o.
(*; to be positive (u> about), be
absolutely certain (.-> of; to assert
for); to reward (J* or u * s.o. for); to
punish ( J* oru s.o. for) \_y~- >jjU- (Icoi*
authoritatively (^; to make up |

ran) he invoked God's reward upon them

one's mind, decide, resolve (J* to do
IV to auffice ( s.o.), do for a.o. (*); to; to impose, make incumbent (J* *
take the place, serve instead (je of), re- on s.o.); (gram.) to pronounce the
place (je.
final consonant (of a word) without a
vowel; to put (* a verb) into the apoco- lj*- jaz* requital, repayment; rec-

pate form or the imperative ompense, return; compensation, setoff;



amends, reparation; punishment, pen- r II to make corporeal, invest with a

alty |
j-J l>- {naqdi) fine body, embody, incamate (*, give

concreto form (* to; to render or

J'yr Jaz*i penal
represent in corporeal form {* V to
j- jzya pl. j_^- 7'tzan, l_^- jix*
become corporeal, assume concrete form,
tax ; tribute ; head tax on free non- materialize; to become incamate (Chr.);
Muslims under Muslim rule to become three-dimensional

jjf tajziya reward 4- jasad pl. jL_*-I ajsd body |


Ijl* mujzh requital, repayment; A_i-1 'xd al-j. and A_i-t LrJ- Corpus Christi

puniahment Day (Chr.)

^_ r j'aara u {jas8, <_* majaMa) to touch, ja- jasadi bodily, fleshly, carnal

feal, handle (*; to palpate, examine jloi-. jusdnl bodily

by touch {*; to test, sound, probe
jjf taja&sud materialization ; incar-
(*; to try to gain Information
nation (Chr.)
(a about), try to find out (*; to
4 mujassad embodied, oorporined
spy out (* |
*-iJ rr (nabdah) to

feel s.o.'s pulse, (fig.) ^1 ^^J ^r*- to j^ mutajaarid corporeal; incamate

probe, sound out, try to find out (Chr.),
V to try to gain Information { * about), try
to find out (*; to reconnoiter, scout, .*- josara u to span, cross, traverse (*

explore (*; to be a spy, engage in (JjL^ jasra, jj~*- jusr) to venture,

espionage to spy, pry, Bnoop ( J* on

; a.o.) |
risk (
J*, have the courage ( J* to do
IjU^-l *J ,^jtf (akbran) to gather In- II to build a dam or dike; to em-

formation for s.o., spy for s.o. VIII to bolden, encourage ( s.o., J* to do

touch, feel, handle (*; to spy out VI to dare, venture, risk ( J*, have

(* the audacity (J* to do; to be bold,

forward, insolent, impudent (J* with
u~*r jasax u r 4J* forty al-j. delicate

s.o.) VIII to span, oross, traverse (*

to the touch, having a tender surface, fresh

jte* pl- a-f^jr jawb? py

_,-* jiar pl. r*r
\ ajaur, j>-*- juar
bridge; dam, dike, embankment, levee;
i-j^l*- j&&a woman spy (pl. ~vj-*r juara) beam, girder; axle,

jssi of espionage, spy- (in axletree 'Sj**i* j~*- (mutaharrik) movable



Compounds) bridge; jL* (muaaq) Suspension

L^-l*- j&&iya spying, espionage

bridge; f'U
^ pontoon bridge, floating

* *j*. jausaaa spying, espionage

jj*- jasr bold, daring; forward, in-

ljr^- majass spot which one touches or solent, impudent

feels; sense of touch | _
l rA\ jl*- ka&in
ljl~*r jas&ra boldnees, recklessness, in-
al-m. coarse to the touch, having a rough
trepidity; forwardneas, insolence
jjj- tajsur boldness, recklesaness, in-
u^- mijasB probe (med.)
trepidity; forwardneas, insolence

(__ rjf tajaasua spying, espionage

^-l*. mutajtir bold, daring; forward,
^U jsi' hard, rough, rugged insolent, impudent
J^s- 126

jL-*. seo jU-- vl<-*- jaamniya* Gethsemane

*- jaeuma u (<!*- jo*i7na) to be great, big, (j*-) L-*- jaa u to become hard, solid

large, bulky, huge, immense II to make

u - ja$$a u (ja) to grind, crush, bruise,
corporeal, invest with a body {*,
grate (*
give (* shape or form; to materialize
{*; to cause to stand out, bring out i*- juiia hoarseness, huskiness, raucity

(*; to enlarge, magnify (*; (of the voice)

e.g., microecope) ; to make big, bulky,

^ifrlq- jaUS ground, grated, cnuhed
huge (*; to play up, exaggerate
V to become corporeal, become
*r ajaiP, f. .Li- jaSS'* hoarse, husky,

raucous (voice)
embodied; to materialize; to assume a
form, take shape, become tangible or con- and T to belch, burp
Uj-. II
crete; to be materialized; to become big,
Li- juS* and ll*- jufa belch(ing),
large, huge, increase in volume, grow in size
_*- jism pl. j*L-*-l ajsm, {j-t jusm
body (also O of an automobile); sub- jLl- juir livestock

st&nce, matter; masa; form, shape

*/ ja&i'a a ijaSa*) and V to be covetous,
*- jitmi bodily, phyBioal; substan- greedy
tiaJ, material
-*- jaSa' greed, avidity, inordinate
*_- jasim pl. jL*- jism great, big,
large; voluminous, bulky, huge; vast,
*- yoii' greedy, covetous
immense ; stout, oorpulent; weighty, most
signicant, momentous, prodigious to take
_!*- jaJSima a (ja&m, <*LL> j'oima)

^_- jusaim pl. -t particle (phys.); upon o.s. (* some hardship) II to make
corpuscle (biol.) ( s.o.) suffer or undergo (*; to
impose (* on s.o. difficult), brden
_*-! ajaam* more voluminous, larger;
(* * s.o. with V to take upon o.s.,
stouter, more corpulent
suffer, undergo (*, e.g., hardships)
i*L*- jasma size, volume; stoutness,
corpulence J^j- (eg., of. J iiHl) sample, specimen;
olj-*- jusmn body, masa

jusmnl bodily, physical, cor-
Jlr-J-I w-Jitdl corporal punishment
^ II to plaster, whitewash (*

-*T TW gypeum; plaster of Paria

-jf tajtm embodiment; lief; en-

magnification, magnifying
,jL-*- tajaffana to lounge, Stretch lazily,
_jt mujassam bodily, corporeal; - jt'a beer

(math.) body three-dimensional ; tangible,


_^u>. II to corrugate (*

material, concreto; raised, relieflike,

standing out in relief (e.g., 3*-j* <!>- L- ;a'6a pl. v^r ?*'<*& quiver; tube,

relief map); relief; enlarged, magnified |

pipe; gun barrel; O oartridge pouch
* 1* (film) three-dimenaional (stereo- (8yr.) |
jLj^I i-r j. ffbr town gosaip
scopic) film, 3-D motion picture (person)

mm>- ja'ja'a (*>- ja'ja'a) to clamor, roar, think, deem, believe (<_> or s.o. to
shout; to clatter, clap; to bluster, ex- be ..., * * to be ...), take (<_> or

plode in anger s.o. for, * * for); to represent (*

**>>**- ja'ja'a hubbub, rumpus, olamor,, _)>* j ae, or in the form of,

eise); to appoint, settle (J * for

roar; creak, clapping noiae (of a mill
wheel) ; bluster
s.o., in s.o. 's favor) ; to give, grant,
concede (J *, an advantage, to s.o.),
PImu*. ja' ja" clamorous, boiBteroua,
put s.o. (J) in the way of (*); to
noisy; bawler, loud-mouthed person
attribute (* J to s.o., maintain that (>) belongs to s.o. (J); to entrust
Xu- ja'uda u (~*}j>*r jv'da, iL*, ja'da) and
(Jl * to s.o.); to put, get { s.o.,
T to become curly, frizzed, kinky, ourl
*, into a specific State or condition);
(hair); to be wavy; to be creased; to be
(with foll. imperf.) to begin to, aet out to|
wrinkled II to curl, frizz {m; the
hair); to wave (*; the hair); to Jaj *L. to induce b.o. to do; to make
crease, pleat, plait (* cloth); to wrinkle
s.o. do (in a narrative); Hy^t *Lu>-

{* the skin)
(bi-manzilati) to place s.o. on equal
footing with ; .u Jjbi. j *L*. (/ mutend*
u- ja'd (or oJl 0*- j. al-yad, >JSJl .u-
wali yadihi) to bring or put within
j. al-kqff) stingy, niggardly, tightfiated
s.o.'s reach III to seek to bribe, try to
0*- ja' da curl, lock, ringlet win (<_> s.o. with

tjXu- ja'dl and 0**-l aj'ad* curly J**- ju'l pl. JUij-I afl pay, wages;
piece wages; reward, prize
ti-Lj*- pa'fi (ey.) bum, loafer, good-
for-nothing Jj-
ju'U: ^- Jltfl {iUifq) piece
work contract
4-*l* taj'id* wrinkles, lines (of the face)

J**- jv'al pl. ">U- ji'ln dng beetle;

klilxwf taja"udt wrinkles
Uf muja"ad curled, frizzed; wavy;
ll ji'la, ja'ala, ju'la pl. JJU*.
furrowed, creased; wrinkled
ja''iP pay, wages; allowance; reward,
Uo muiaja"id curled, frizzed; wavy; prize; bribe
furrowed, creased; wrinkled
Ll>>>- jugry and vi/** jufirfiya geog- -

J-u- ja'dana idle talk, goeaip (b.) raphy |

vL^ (/oM'iya) physical

a to drop manure (animal) geography

/**- ja'ara
{ja'r) its

jl>*- jugrfi geographica!; geographer

l_^u-. _y) ab ji'rn* Bcarabaeus; dng
beetle i_i- (Ist pers. perf. jafaftu) (JU.
Jaffa i

jim^ ja'jar jaff, >i- juff) to dry, become dry;

little river, creek
to dry out II to dry, make dry (* B.tb.)

J*- ja'ala a (ja'l) to make (*; to put,

JiU*- jaff dryness; desiccation; dry-
place, lay (*; to create (*;
ing up; dullnesa
to effect, bring about (*; to make
(* * a rule, a principle, or the like, JiLijf tijff pl. Juil* tajfif* protective

s.o., e.g., leader, king, etc.), appoint

( s.o. to an office, rank, or the like); tajftf drying; desiccation; de-

to fix, set (* * a Bum, a price, at); to hydration; drainage

<-Jl*- J Jf dfJ I
*-J^r^*- J* {qalam hibr) *^i*- jafwa roughneas; estrangement,
ball-point pen alienation ; disagreement, dissension,

<Jii mujaffaf dried, desiccated, de-

hydro ted; oljt dehydrated foods Li*- jaf' roughness, harshneae; stern-
neas; antipathy, aversion, distaate, loath-
Li*- /u/d* useless, vain, futile |
Li*- _^i
ing; estrangement, alienation
dahaha juf'an to be in voin, be of no
yr \ ajf refraining even more (J
avail, pass useleaaly x

from), more averse (J to

C-i*- jt/J, c*i*- (5t/f (pronounced /(; ep.)
jU- jfin pl. Li*- jufh harsh, rough,
pincers, tweezers; metal clamp |
coarse; brutiah, uncouth, rde
Lj-i j. Saryn arterial olamps
iiTU- look up alphabetically
jj*; (pronounced SiftiH; eg.) filigree

jS^*- III (syr.) to tease ( s.o.)

ilbu-. jt/titfc farm, country estate; govero-
ment land {Pal.)
to be great, lofty,
jaa i (J^*- jall)

ji*- jafr, jl\ i& ' al-j. divination, for- exalted, illustrious, sublime; to be too

tunetelling great (j* for), be beyond (jt), be

far above (je) |
J* Jr ('an
ijj*- jufra pl. jji- jujar pit, hole
il-hofir) to be innumerable II to honor,

Ji*- jafala i u (jafi, J>**- jw/0 an<l IV to dignify, exalt { s.o.); to cover (*,

start, jump with fright; to shy (horse) esp. the ground, as snow, plante, etc.);

II to start, rouse (*, s.o.); to scare to envelop, wrap, drape, clothe ; to border,

away ( s.o.) edge {*, ^ with) IV to honor, digni-

fy, revere, venerate, esteem highly, exalt
Ji*- jafl and 1
J>*- jw/* fright, alarm;
( s.o.) ; to deem too high, too exalted ( j*
for, consider far beyond {je-)

tiiLU- (pronounoed Siflik; eg.) VI to deem o.s. far above (

je) X to
be great, exalted, sublime
ja*- jafn pl. >i*- jufn, OLL*-! aj/dn eyelid

jatt great, outstanding; bolky
iU*- ;'a/na pl. 6 Li*- ;/n, iLi*- jafant
bowl; graps vine J*-
ju major portion, bulle, majority,
main part |
*!*- jvuh most of it; t*V'
(^i*-) Li*- jaf u {jafw, Li*- jaf') to be rough,
;. al-umma the majority of the people;
coaree; to treat ( s.o.) roughly, harshly; 4-i U ite main Contents; *jl JUL U J-j
to turn away ( from), shun, avoid, flee
(jvu) that muoh, at least, can be said
( s.o.) III to treat ( s.o.) roughly, that...
rudely, harshly; to be oruel ( to s.o.);
JL- jalal important, significant, mo-
to be crosa ( with s.o.); to elude, flee
mentous, weighty
( s.o.; slumber); to offend (* against
good taste, one's sense of honor, or the jvlid pl. Jl*- jvkd matter of great
like) VI to withdraw (j* from), shun, importanos, momentous undortaking,
avoid ( b.o.); to loathe {je- s.o.,, great feat, exploit
have an aversion (je to) ; to display rde
<U jvUa, jitta droppings, dng (of
manners, aot the ruffian julal (oannon)
animals); Jutta pl. Jl*-

ji+- jafw roughneas, harshness ball; bomb

129 <-

<U- jna attire, elothing | <ijjX\ 1U-1 goods) X to import (a goods); to fetch,
(1J^5I) (habrawiya, kahntiya) epis- summon, call in ( s.o.); to attract, draw
copal (sacerdotal) vestments (Chr.) (a, a s.o.,; to seek to attract or win
(a, s.o.,; to get, procure (a
JJ*- jtdtl pl. oU-l a;tH<S' 8 , *-l ajta,

JJlU- jal'* great, important, significant, !_Jj>- jalb bringing, fetching; procure

weighty, momentous; lofty, exalted, ment; acquisition; importation, import;

sublime; reverod, honorable, venerable; causation, bringing on, bringing about

glorioua, splendid
!_Jj>- jalab imported; foreign

J-^U jall loftiness, sublimxty, august- i_-i*- jalab and <JU- jalaba clamor;
ness; splendor, glory uproar, tumult, turmoil

"*}>- jalla loftiness, subUmity, august- <JU- julba scar

ness; majesty |
tl'^i-l (i--U*) !_^-L* His
i_--L- jalib imported, foreign; (pl. ^1*-
(Her) Majesty, illil iJ-^U- 7. al-malik His
jaJb, -LU- julab' 2 ) foreign slave
Majesty, the King
^^U- jallb attractive, captivatmg
J-l ajall groater; more sublime; more
importer, trador; see also alphabetically J
iJI v^T a ' av 6 trader
iLfi majalla pl. -( periodical; review,
J-j-^U- gallbiya [eg.) pl. -t, ^"^U- gal
magazine v^*-' *l (iwfc'iya) weekly
b 1 galabia, a loose, shirtlike garment,

magazine; s_+- ^f (JoAriya) monthly

the common dress of the male population
publication; _; i^U iL* (Aflsa) pro-
in Egypt
fessional Journal for . . . ;
*&+-*$ \ iL*.

lawbook, code; jol^l iLf do. <_jLU- see below under i_--U-

and honor, i_Jj^-1 ajlab 2 more attractive, more

<U" tajifa JlU-i jiZ
distinction; esteem, deference, respect;
reverence d_Lf majlaba pl. i_JLf majlib* causa-

tive factor, motive, reason, cause, oc-

ju rose

t-}U- jwZafc, jub rose water; julep urJ'^u-l istijlb procurement, acquisi-
tion; importation, import; supply; at-
i>;:>U- (Fr. gtlatine) ieltin jelly
traction |
j>^LJI ^"iUiJ promotion of

V -
^*- (Fr. glaci) glaseh (eg.) kid leather tourist traffic

JU- jlib causative factor, motive,

i_L- jalaba i u (jalb) to attract (a; to
reason, cause, occasion
fetch, get, bring (a, J to s.o.); toim-
port (a goods); to bring about (a a state, 2
r>'iU- julb, jullb rose water; julep
condition) to bring (a hrm, shame,etc,

LL- jalaba jalap
Jp upon s.o.) to gain, win, obtain
; (* (bot.)

to earn (a; (vj^r fuliib) to scar

1-U- II tajalbaba to clothe o.s. (l-> with), be
over, heal (wound) II to shout, clamor;
clothed, be clad (l_> in a garment, also
to be noisy, boisterous IV to earn, gain,
acquire (a; = II; VII pass. of I
VIII to procure, bring, fetch, get (* <_jLU- jilbb pl. _-xj">U- jalblb* garment,; to draw (a on; to import (* dress, gown; woman's dress
^Lr 130

LU- jidvbbn ohickling vetoh, grass pea 0-1*- julaida pl. -dt membrane, pel-
(Lathyrus Bativus) liole; O film (phot.)

1 oi*. j'afcwi endurance; suffering; pa-

JmJU> jaljala to re verberate; to resound, ring
out; to rattle; to shake (*
tience; firmament

J**U jvljul pl. Jr^r jaljiP (little) Hol, joo lash, Btroke with a whip
bell, Bleigh bell; cowbell; jingle
O-l*- jolJ pl. IxL- julad*' staunoh,
iUJj- jaljala sound of a bell; lond, steadfast; strong, sturdy
shrill sound
0-1*- jalid iee |
jafai 7. iceberg;
J^Lf mujaljil shrill, pieroing; ring- O-ill j- 4*Li (<#'<*) ice floe

ing, resoimding, rererberant

i$0-l*- jaZidtioy, ice-oovered, glacial, iee

'iUJ- juljula, ILnJU-I J-*- jabalal-j. Golgotha (adj.); snow-oovered |

^-lU;I j~JI {'ap)
the Ice Age
^UJ- jidjtdn, jjiln Besame
j^L- 7o2tZ<f long-suffering, patient
U ;aZAa a O'aJaA) to be or become bald
j'iU jalld pl. -fin leather merohant;
^Ul a/ZoA", f. -l^L- jalh'*, pl. ^U jui executioner, hangman
bald-headed, bald
j^U- jalda and *^>U- julvda endurance,
L- jalafca a and II to sharpen (*; to patience
whet, hone {* a knife), strop (* a razor);
loLf mijlada whip, lash, scourge
to stretch, extend, roll out (> metal)

*J*- j'aZfc grindstone, whetstone, hone oJLf tajlid freezing; bookbinding

i'iU jtfcjrf fight, battle (against)

ai*. jalada i {jald) to whip, flog, lash ( s.o.);

jalida a to be frozen, freeze; jaluda oLf tajavd endurance, patience

u to be tough, hardy, undismayed, stead- -drf. mujaid; r&\ oU m.
< a/-ih**u&
fast, patient II to bind (* a book); (to
oaase) to freeze (* III to fight (# s.o.)
oi* mujaUad frozen, ioy, ice-covered;
IV to freeze; to be frozen, be oovered
with ice V to take heart; to show o.s.
bound (book); (pl. -t) volume (book)

tough, hardy, robust; to resign o.s. to oJlf mujlid pl. -an gladiator
patience; to bear, Buffer VI to engage in
olu* mvlajaid patient
a sword fight

oi. jald flogging; (pl. :oU-l ajld) J^U- jitiauz (ooll.; n. un. ) hazelnut; hazel

staunch, steadfast; strong, sturdy

Ajr jalaaa i (,j->U- ?&**) to Bit down (Jl
oi*- jild pl. jl*- jvld, J'iU-l ajldskin, with s.o., at a table, etc., J on a chair);
hide; leather f
oUic oi*. (suktiyn) to sit (Jl with s.o., at a table, J* on a
morocoo; fli oi*- (lamm') patent leather chair) |
*Upl Jl ^^JL- (rasam) to Bit for

.U*- jUda akin, hide; pieee of leather; a painter III to Bit (* with s.o., next to
race |
LixL- ^>\ Um jildatin our country- s.o., in b.o.'r Company); to keep s.o. ()

man, our fellow tribesman, pl. bJ-*- j-> Company IV to ask to sit down, make sit

ban j.
down, seat ( s.o.)

t^oi*. jildi dermal, outaneous, skin *~L- jal&a pl. -t seat (in an auditorium)
(adj.) f
3j-*- <j*'j*' 8'"11 diseases seseion (of parliament, of a committee,

of a court, eto.) ; party, gathering, meet- Ja ^pLf ( tuUi) court, tribunal (3yr.);
ing | 5-JU- J* *aqada jalsaian to convene {^jSLc or) jjfr ^r-U ('r/i f 'fawJ)
a Session ; i*U JL- ('dmma) plenary court-martial; /VI *--* ^rif m. 'u^fraf
Session a-umam Council of the League of

JL- jtba manner of sitting Nations ; aj**II ,jJje. the House of Com-
mons; tVI ^r-U m. al-a'yn Senate
JU- jaZi pl. Ul*- julas'* participant
(/r M Jon*.); Jj^Vl ^r-U draft board,
in a social gathering; table oompanion;
recruiting commission (mil.); &jj ^Sfi-
one with whom one sits together; *-*!*-
(qarawi) local oouno; ^aL^ ^^JLf
the man who was at the party with him
(tgtis&it) economic oouncil; t/y rSjt

<-xU- jaltsa lady oompanion; fem. of (qaumi) national assembly ; L ^pJLf

jjiJ! ta. qiydat af-taura Supreme Rev-
olutionr Tribunal (Eg.); j^fli ,^1
^j^r ftds sitting; sitting down;
accession to the throne; pl. of ^U- and jjTVl ^1 (akbar) the Grand
jlis sitting
Counoil (== le Qrand Conse; Tun.);

Cr^jjW or^f tbe House of Lords; ^ySjt

^jjjt majlis pl. ^Lf majlif seat; <-*'>" m. an-nuuwdft lower house, Cham-
Session room, oonferenoe room; party, ber of deputies; (jLJ ^S*. (niybi) par-
gathering, meeting; sooial gathering liament; <#i-l ^rJLf m. al-jiha approx.:
Session, sitting; counc meeting; counoil; provincial counoil (= conse de rigion;
ooncilium ; collegium, College ; board, Tun.); *\jjj\ ^ySjt m. al-uwzar" cabinet,
oommittee, commission; administrative
Council of ministen
board; court, tribunal | *Jjt j in a.o.'s
LJLf mujlaM social interoourse
presence, in s.o.'s Company; *__j^Lji ^^JLf

and ^jk ijJjL disciplinary board; (_ rJLf

(jJU- 7'fifw pl. t^l*- 7*W*, u^^*- 7'uZZd
tj-i-tj conatituent assembly; jliT -\* sitting; pl. ^"^U- partioipants in a sooial

regional court {tribunal regional; Tun.); gathering

1*VI iJ
SA m. al-umma parliament (Ir.);
.LU- jalafa i (jalf) to ohafe, gall, abrade (*
^Vl ^ySjt m. al-amn the Seourity
the flkin); to shave (^J\ ar-ra'aa the
Counoil; oiJI ,jjjc. m. al-baladtya and
i^jJj _
( rJLf (baZtuft) local Council, munic-
iUL- 7'uZ/a lump, clot <u* 1UL- (da*
ipal counoil; <~>^J-I ,jA*- m. al-harb war |

- maunya) blood olot, thrombus

Council; t_ $ ^^-Lf {Aa*oi) probate court
(for Muslims; %.); -Us* ^M (mubtalif) t_ii- jilf pl. -^U-l 07*20/ boorish, rde, un-
mized court (eg.); fli-dl ^Sfi- defense civil
oouncil; \j\>*j\ ^^-U m. oZ-Zra ad-
ministrative board, committee of manage-
lU ^zZ/a/a (<l*iU jalfaja) to calk {* a ship)

rnent, directorate; board of directors (of jiL- galjana (eg.) to galvanize

a oorporation or bank); i^-ili rJLf m.
olU- galjana galvanization
al-mudiriya provincial Council, provincial
parliament (Eg.); Jljf mugalfan galvanized
iijj}\ S*. m. ad-daula
Supreme Administrative Court (Eg.) ; "^- jalqa: <uj i*-^. (garowtyo) yokel,
tf-jj t^Jjf
(A) religious court, clerical bumpkin
court (of the Coptio Church); jj^i ^IjL
iJjjJI m. fr d-daula counc of stete; j]*- jalama i (jalm) to clip, shear off {*

>" cr-^f oouncil of eiders; Senate (9.); j]*- jaZom pl. p-^-! a7'Idm shears


r _^l ab galamb (eg.) a variety of orab olarify, clear up {*, throw light

(* on); to uncover, unearth, bring to

.ui- II tajalmada to be petrified
light, find out, discover, detect (*
-ui- jalmad pl. -u^- jaJmW and
jalmld 1 *>U- 'j I ihn jal a famous, well-known
ij*U- jtdmd pl. 0-.^U- rook,
man, a celebrity

J*r jally clear, piain, evident, patent,

jUL- juUanr pomegranate blossom
manifest, obvious, conspicuous; LL- ja*

(^U- and J-) ^U- 70W u to olean, polish (* l\yan obviously, evidently ;to olear (* the view);tomake clear,

SJ*- jaltya pl. L^U- jaly sure thing,
make piain* clarify, olear up (*, y
piain fact | J j\ LL- jallyat al-amr the
throw light on (*); to reveal, unveil, true State of the affair
didoae (*; to dislodge, oust, re-
J-l ajl clearer, more obvious, more
move (je * or * s.o. or from); to
shine, be briiant, distinguish o.a. ( j in; to be or become clear, evident, IjL- jilwa unveiling (of the bride) |
manifest; to pull out, move out (j* of a jLU lailat al-j. wedding night
place), go away, depart (j* from a
*iU- jal* clarification, eluoidation
place), leave, quit, evacuate (j* a place); clarity, clearness, plainness, distinctness
jal i to polish, burnish (* departure, (e)migration (je- from); evac-
II to reveal, disclose, bring to light ( jp or uation (j* of an area; mtl.); *sU
*; to show, represent ( s.o., * clearly, plainly ; IT to remove, dislodge, oust,
jLL- jalayn vision, revelation, apoc-
drive away (*, s.o., ; to evacuate
alypse {Chr.)
( s.o., ,j* from); to move away, go away
a place) Jlf majdlin (pl. of Jjf majlan)
(j* from a place), leave (je-

become manifestations
T to olear, evident, manifest; to

reveal itself, be revealed; to appear, 5JL* tajtiya: i-*^l SJjf (hiya) divine
show, come to light, come out, manifest revelation; theophany (Chr.)
itself; to be manifested, be expressed,
Jjf tajain revelation, manifestation;
find expression VII to be clean or cleaned,
Transfiguration (of Christ) |
J^ifl X* 'id
be polished, be bumished to be removed, ;

at-t. Transfiguration Day (Chr.)

be dislodged, be ousted; to move away
ob-l oontemplation
(j* from a place), vacate, evacuate (j*

a place) to be dispelled, vanish, go away,

IUj^I istijla clarification, eluoidation
pass (crisis, difficulty, etc.); to dis-
<JU- jliya pl. -t, Jlj- jawlin colony
appear; to reveal itself, be revealed, be
(of foreigners) ; colony of emigrants
disclosed; to be unveiled (bride) ; to
become manifest, manifest itself; to J*il al-mujai the winner (in a race)
become clear or piain; to clear up and
Jm> mutajain obvious, evident, mani-
reveal (j*; to lead, come (& to), fest, patent
end (je in) ; ** Jj^JJ L
to result (jt- in) j

j)j\ the outcome of the matter, what jjL-. galn pl. ~t gallon (eg.)

will come of it VIII to reveal, disolose

j^Lf mugalwan galvanized (eg.)
(*; to regard (*, look at

(*) X to seek to olarify (*; to J-

juU see l


O^rk* gilyotin guillotine (eg.) pjh jamaha a (jamk, *-L>-

jimh, r-j** ju
mh) to bolt (horee); to be refractory,
*lr abbreviation of tj*A a^ Egyptian
unruly, recalcitrant ; to be defiant; to be
capricious, whimsical; to run out on her
** jamma huaband, run away from home (wife)
i u (jamm) to gather; to collect

one's thoughta, concentrate ; to rest II and ^L^ jimah recalcitrance, defiance; will-
V to grow luxuriantly (plante) X to fulness
gather; to colleot one's thoughts, con-
r^> jumh recalcitrance, defiance
centrate; to rest, relax, seek recreation
(j>- from); to be covered with luxuriant
Vegetation (ground) rj*: 7
am h headatrong, defiant, un-
ruly, ungovemable
*- jamm abundant, plentiful; much,
a great deal of; many, numerous; mani- *L*- jmik headstrong, defiant, un-
fold, multiple; crowd, group of people ruly; indomitable, untamable

_rVi yr j- al-atar effective, efficacious;

*-l> jamada u, jamuda u (jamd, jj> jw
L*-_ L*- -u-l (akabbah kubban) to be more
md) to freeze ; to congeal, harden,
than fond of; i* Jjlji numerous ad-
stnTen, be or become hard or solid, solid-
vantages, ample benefits; jJ * large
ify; to coagulate, clot (blood); to be
crowd, throng
rigid, inflexible (in one's thinking); to
>l>; jamm rest, relaxation, recreation, stagnate; to be apathetic, indolent, dull,
gathering of new strength indifferent | J *-iJ o>i> to be indifferent
toward, put up with, aoquiesce in; OJj^
^t majamm place where gathers
Jj (yaduk) to be niggardly, tightfisted
or flows together | u**^_*j J\j\ li* jt
II to freeze, frost, congeal (*; toso-
(muatajma'uh) what this opinion a-
lidify, coagulate, harden, stiffen (*;
mounts to
to curdle (*; to freeze (* assets)
jf tagmim (eg.) bobbed hairdo (of T to freeze, become frozen, turn into ice,
women) freeze up, become icebound; to freeze to
death; to congeal; to solidify; to harden,
fit*-I istijmm colleotednesa ; con-
set (o.g., cement) ; to coagulate, clot
centration; attentiveness, attentive rev-
(blood) VII to freeze up, become ice-
erence; rest, relaxation, reoreation
bound; to freeze, beoome frozen, turn to

M. iSJ^*\ '

Xf-_ jamd freezing; congelation, solidi-

iSjf'. (from It. gambero) gambari, ^^> gam-
fication, coagulation jJA ~**-j* darajat
ma (eg.) shrimp (zool.)

al-j. freezing point

"*> jamjama (*~*++i jamjama), f^iftl j*j-_
Jj^ jamad ice
(kalma) and II tajamjama to articulate
indistinctly, stammer to express
.iL*; jamd pl. -t a solid; inorganio
; o.a.

poorly, speak incoherently; to mumble body; mineral; inanimate body, inani-

mate being; O neuter {gram.)
*i**>; jumjuma pl. yr-L*; jamjim 2 skull, cra-

^> jumvd frozen state; solid, com-
pact state, compactness, solidity; rigor,
jumjumi cranial rigidity, stTness ; inorganio state ; harden-


ing, induration; hardnesB, infiexibility; mijmara pl. j-Lf majmir* bra-

deadlock, standstill ; inertia, inaotion, zier; censer

inactivity; lethargy, apathy, paasivity,

*iSj*: aoe j^*;

i!j> (eg.) gumruh pl. iijLr; gamrik* customs;

**j*~. jumda solidity, hardness
cuBtomhouse | j*}-) **j raam al-g. oub-

\ if tajmid solidification, hardening;

toms duty, tariff
consolidation ; reinforcement (of a foun-
Sj*: gumruH customs, tariff (used at-
dation) |
Ji>/Sll u*9^ ' al-amwl freezing
tributively) | Sy. *l*' {tihd) customs
of assete
A*jC tajammud freezing; frost; conge-
ii^Hf mugamrak duty paid
lation; solidification; coagulation

j \j I injimd freezing up or ov er, >> jummaiz (coli.; n. un. 5) sycamore (Fi-

cus syoomorus; bot.)

icing up; ice formation

.uU jmid hard, solid; atiff; rigid; ifjA*- look up alphabetically

motionless; inanimate, inorganic; (gram.)

Jjh jamaSa
i u (jami) to unhair (*
defective; dry, dull (book, and the like);
II to make love, caress, pet
impervious to progress or Innovation,
ossified, ultraconservative; pl. ^j>- ja* > jama'a a (jam') to gather (*; to

wmid* inanimate things, inorganio mat- collect (* e.g., money); to unite, combine,
ter, mineral bring together (parts into a whole); to
put together, join (* things); to set,
.Uj*i* mvtajammid frozen, icy; BtifF,
compose (* type; typ.); to compile (*
congealed; coagulated
a book) ; to summarize, sum up (>
Uj^i. munjamid frozen, icy, ice (adj.); to rally, round up ( > people) ; to pile up,
arctic | Ju*^l\ U-\ (muAit) the Arctio amass, accumulate (*; to assemble
Ocean (> several persona); to oonvoke, con-
vene, call (* a meeting); to add (* num-
VpLr; jumd name of the fifth and sixth
bers), add up (* a column); (gram.) to
months of the Muslim year (JjVI j^Lf:
make plural, pluralize (* a word); to
j. l-l Jumada I and ljl\ ^L*: j. l-kira
unite, link, bring together (jw several
Jumada II)
things or persona) ; to combine (j
\j*l II to roast (* meat) VIII to burn incense e.g., both strength and courage); to con-

jX- jamr embers, live coal | Jp lT

tain, hold, oomprise (* |

sum up
*^}\ (afrAfa) to summarize,
^ ^1 {aharra) to b on tenter-
hooka; to be in greatest suspenso, be
to give a survey of; - 1*1 jJl
llitjH {barfTata) to be very efficient,
dying with curiosity
an excellent Job, do superlatively good
j> jamra (n. un. of j>) live coal; round
work; ajUI Jt* *#; (Sartda l-q.) to
firebrand, smoldering embers; rankling
up the herd; VU^L ju <->\&\ *
resentment; (pl. -t) carbunole (med.) |
(tafahtih) the book contains, lists...;
O SSsJ-'I.SjJ;! anthrax
Cjj-j J* - * (yujma'u) the

jl*- jummr palm palm core

pith, of bait is buyt U to pile up, amass, accu-

(edible tuber growing at the Upper end mulate (* ;to rally, round up (,

of the palm trunk) > s.o.); to assemble (* the parts of a ma-

chine) III to have sexual intercourse (U sembly |
/^/l L-j*; j. al-umam League
with a woman) IV to agree ( Jp on, to of Nations; *j_r*- *r*-*r (kairiya) chari-
do be agreed (J on); to decide; to table Organization ; <Ji U-V 1 L^> j.

unanimously <Jp on), reaolvo (J* to do al-ia'f approx. : civil ambulance Serv- | j>j*\ \j**~) (amrahum) they ice; 4?*ij *> (ta&ri'iya) legislative
came to terms, they made a Joint de- assembly; "^j^ -v**; ('ummiya) and
cision V to gather; to assemble, congre- L.I*. a~*j- ('mma) general assembly; gen-
gate; to rally, band together, flock to- eral meeting; plenum, plenary Session;
gether (people); to pile up; to accumu- SJjljJ -*> (ta'wuniya) cooperative

late; to gather into a masB, agglomerate

-> jamV (with foll. genitive) total;
to Cluster; to coagulate VIII to be close
whole, entire; all; entirety; e.g., ^-LJl _--;
together; to como together, meet, join;
to unite, combine (t_> with); to assemble,
all men, all mankind; gM all people,
everybody; the public at large; [*~*- ja*
mcet, convene (an Organization, a com-
mV an in a body, altogether, one and all,
mittee, etc.); to be or get together, have
all of them; entirely, wholly, totally
a meeting, interview or Conference, hold
talks (i-j, - with s.o.), meet (>->, - s.o.); *r\ ajma' 2 pl. -n, f. Li*; jam'' 2 , pl.
to coneur juma' 9 whole,
(Jp in), agree, be agreed (Jp
**; entire, all |

on X to gather, collect (*; *) l/V--^/1 (ajma'a) the entire Islamic

also \jt quwhu one's strength, j-Kil world; Li-; jUI (jam''a) the whole
afkrah one's thoughts); to summarize, house; j^Ij bi-ajmaihi in ita entirety,

sum up (*; to possess, combine to its fll extent, completely, altogether;

(* -jjL--; L I
j jU- all of them came

A-T jam' gathering; collection; com- p Li*; jumma aggregate ; total, total

bination; connection, coupling, joining; amount

aecumulation; (arith.) addition; union,
O tJ^.jif p **: jamma kahrab'i storage
merger, aggregation, integration (jo of);
holding together (j>j of divergent, sep-
**U; jam'a pl. -t group (of people);
arate things); (pl. fjt- jumu) gathering,
band, gang, party, troop; Community;
crowd, throng; gang, troop; (gram.) plu-
aquad (military unit; Eg. 1939) | oUU-;
ral |
J*.iJi j-; j. as-Saml union, integra-
bly lj jam'tin iva-afrdan in groups and
tion; SoJI
_t* *> the broken ( = internal)
plural, JUI *^\ the regulr (= external)
plural; *>l I ism al-j. collective noun ^l*: jam'i collective (as opposed to
(gram.); oJl j-; j. al-yad fist fjiji jardi individual)

*-*; jum', eJaSOl

^ j. al-kaff, -dl -j^ j.
** majma
where two or more things meet, place or
pl. -bf majmi' 2 place
al-yad fist, clenched hand | *jOj ** with
clenched fists point of union, junetion; meeting, con-
gregation, Convention, assembly; (also
lo*; jum'a pl. -> juma' , -t week; Fri-
-J* *- m.'ilmi) academy (scientific);
day 1
4*-M *y_ yaum al-j. Friday ;
! **>
College (e.g., of ecclesiostical dignitaries);
Pasaion Week; -...U-Jl 4-M and 4-M
r>- synod |
jjJj l*j (baladi) provincial synod
ojj-i Good Friday {Chr.)
(Chr.) ; J jJS"l * (ikllriki) clerical

L-^ jam'iya pl. -t club, association, synod (of the Coptic Church); j**L*-", -U--1

society; Corporation, Organization ; as- <>jiJ}\ to win or captivate the hearta;

; .

_L* ^U^c, &-m. 'ainatAt (to look at a.o.) U jmi' comprehensive, extensive,
with complete concentration, intently broad, general, universal; coector; oom-
piler (of a book); compositor, typesetter;
j*jf majma'i academy member, aca-
(pl. p*\j>r jawmi' 1 ) mosque |
**L- 0*
(masjid) great, central mosque where the
*-, tajmV assembly, assemblage (of public prayer is performed on Fridays
the parts of machinery)
LuU- jmi'a pl. -t league, union, asso-
f- Lf; jim' sexual intercourae ; ciation; Community; federation; reli-

comprising or involving another thing gious community, communion; common-

or a number of thinga |
^\ f-L^ _^\ al- nesB, Community of interests or purpose;
kamr j. al-itm wine involves sin, wine university O al-kahrab'
| ^_rt&' ***L- j.

is the vessel of sin storage battery, accumulator; /"ill <<mU-

j. al-umam League of Nationa; 4**Li-i

f-lr^l ijma Agreement, unanimity (also
VlL/l/l {islmxya) Pan-Islamiam; i*\i.\
Jj]l f-Lr^l); unanimous resolution (J* to
5-*j*JI ('arabiya) and i-jjJI JjJi <<mU-
do; Law) consensus {of the
(duwal) the Arab League ; i_*i <<mU-
authorities in a legal question; one of
(a'biya) university extension, adult edu-
the four ufl of iBlamic Law) |
cation courses, evening courses

,jX*-} ijm'i based on general agree- JL.U- jmt'i academic, collegiate, uni-

ment, unanimous; collective, universal versity (adj.); university graduate

tajammu' pl. -t Coming together, f-j^jf majm' collected, gathered; to-

meeting; gathcring; troop concentration; tality, whole; total, sum (arith.) \

crowd, throng, mob; agglomeration; *^*jM matter {typ.); JLJd\ j-iljl fj*^"
m. ar4i the total area of the
O agglutination (chem..-med.) l-qufr

country ; tij^ j** m - /#A its total

f\*r \ ijtima" pl. -t meeting (<- with e
length; ^~*JI f>*?^ (
a$abi) the nervous
s.o. ; of a corporate body ; of parliament)
get-together, gathering, assembly; re-

union; rally; Convention; conjunction, **>*j majm* a pl. -t, *~*ljf majmi**
constellation (a&tron.) ; confluence (of collection (e.g., of works of art, of stamps,
rivers) ; Iife in a social group, Community etc., also of stories); compilation, List;

life, social life; flr*-*^ human society group (also, e.g., of trees, of islands,

J^Lil 9 \&-\ ijtima' af-turuq crossroads, etc.); series (e.g., of articles in a news-

intersection, junction; H^-Vl J*

m al- paper); O battery (el.); alliance, league,

ijt. Bociology; f-l^^l ^ sociologista bloc (e.g., of states); collective, collecti-

vistio Organization; aggregate; complex,
^lrt-1 ijtima' % Community, group (used
block (of buildings); System; bulletin,
attributively) ; social; socialist(ic) ; socio-
periodical | *-*i)l **_j*jM (Sameiya) the
logical j
l^l^^l jLSJI jljj ministry
solar System ; *-pLi^ **j+*r (pin'iya)
for social affairs; i-^I^Vl 3JLA- 1 personal
status ; i-tl^ *V I <.j 1
kidma ) social

service, social work; i^l^-V' iljLJl! *jf mujammi' collector (lechn.) ; Q stor-
(muswh) social equality; -^^-Vl <1-A1 age battery, accumulator
(hai'a) human society
4~L *j mujma' 'alaihi (that which
-*1^- 1 ijtima \ya socialism is) agreed upon, unanimous

*af mujtama* pl. -dt gatbering place, JU- ILr (hllya) circumstantial clause;
place of assembly; meeting place, rendez- *^*j^> *Lr~
(Sarfiya) conditional clause

vous; assembly, gathering, meeting; So- <JjU *Lr-

(mu'tarida) parenthetical clause

ciety; human society; Community, com-

J^l uL*- kisb al-jummal (or jumal)
mune, collective
use of the letters of the aiphabet ac-
cording to their numerical value
i;S^ = **W look up alphabetically
JL> jaml beauty | O J^' 1* *Um
J> jamala u (jaml) to suin up, summarize al-j. aesthetics
(a; jamula u (JL> jaml) to be
J_> jamll beautiful, graceful, lovely,
beautiful ; to be handsome, pretty, come-
comely, pretty, handsome; friendly act,
ly, graceful; to be proper, suitable, appro-
favor, service, good turn; courteay |

priate (^ for s.o.), befit (i_j s.o.) II to

J-i;L Jilj^l, J-W ijA* ma'rifat al-j. and
make beautiful, beautify, embelliah, a-
J_i;L li^p ('irfn) gratitude; J-J^l jljj
dorn (*, s.o., III to be polite,
nukrn al-j. ingratitude; J-^-J _^~U un-
courteous, amiable { to s.o.) IV to sum,
grateful; "^L^ J Jii*- (hafiza) to keep s.o.
total, add (*; to treat as a whole,
in fond remembrance, remember s.o.
mention collectively (*; to sum up,
with gratitude
summarize (>}; to act well, decently,

be nice V to make o.a. pretty, adom o.s. J>l ajmal 2 more beautiful

VI to be courteous, be friendly to one J_*j

tajmil beautification, embeDish-

another ment; cosmetics

Ur; jumla pl. jumal totality, sum, ILLt mujmala pl. -t (act of) courtesy;
whole; group, troop, body; crowd; whole- civility, amiabity; flattery; iLljf muj*

sale; (gram.) Bentence, clause; iL*; jum- malatan amicably, in a friendly way j

latan completely, wholly, on the whole, iHjf jLj ziyrat m. courtesy call; *e\Ji

altogether, in general, at all j

30*- lj *Lr~
oiUUi etiquette

jumlatan wahidatan all at once, at one JW ijml summation, summing up;

swoop; oLjK]1 *J-7 everything in ex- summarization;Vl>l ijmlan on thewhole,
istence; h\j*\ "*Lt-_
^ jlT he was one of his in general, generally speaking, as a general
companions, he belonged to his com- principle |
Jyl .ill- VW to sum up, I
panions; *JU U iL*- j Jlj (jumlati) among (would) say ...; *JL>1 j in its entirety,

other things, he said ...; J^Jl IL^j as a whole; Jl>1/L and JlXlM J* in
jl wa-jumlatu l-qauli antia or ^j general, on the whole, altogether; **-j>
jl j-^l in short ..., to sum up ..., JL>VI bi-wajhi l-i. = VW
briefly stated ...; iiJ^l
J* in short,
JL>I ijmli comprehensive, summary,
in a word; iiJ^L whoUy, on the whole, al-
general, over-all, total, collective |
together, in general, at all; by wholeaale
Jl>l over-all report; JL>1 <*\ji- (garma)
(com.) ; xi-JJ sr^ I
^ j. al-ujra al-mus'
collective penalty; yW jJii (nazra) gen-
iahiqqa gross wages; ii>l j*-\2 wholesaler,
eral view
wholesale dealer; J;I _^- ai'r al-j. whole-
J*jC mujmil pl. -n wholesaler, whole-
aale price; i-fl *Lt-_ (ismiya) nominal
sale dealer
clause; i_l*i *Lt-t (fi'liya) verbal clause; *Lr-

ijjL^I (ikbriya) or <ij^- iLr; (kabariya) J*jt mujmal summary, rsum, ayn-
declarative sentence (or clause); *Lt^ opsis, compendium general concept sum,; ;

5JLI (inSaiya) exclamatory sentence; total | J**^ by wholesale

> 138

J> Jamal pl. Jl> jimdJ, JW a;m{ camel |
inhabitant of paradise, deceased person,
}jri\ J> ;. oZ-yaAi chameleon one of blessed memory

Jl> jamml pl. -n camel driver *lc~ junaina pl. -t, Jb*- jan'in' little

garden; garden
l> jumn (coli.; n. un. 3) pearlB

JJb*- jan'ini gardener

J+* jamhara to gather, colleot {*, *,

s.o.); to aasemble { s.o.) II tajamhara **- jinna possession, Obsession; mania,

to gather, flock together (orowd) madness, insanity

*_/4> jamhara multitude, crowd, throng;

the great mass, the populaoe
shelter, shield
junna pl. ^ junan protection,

jj^r\ jumhr pl. jj\+ jamhir* multi- b*- jann pl. b*-l a/nn heart, soul
tude; crowd, throng; general public,
b*- jannn gardener
public; j&l)~\ the masses, the people

7mri republican (adj. and ,>;>. ;antn pl. L*-l ajinna, Ji>-\ ajnun
iSJ.HT n.)
embryo, fetus; germ (in a seed, etc.)
*iJj*r jwnkrlya pl. -t republio |

jX*- junn possession, Obsession; ma-

.wdl OjJt *jj_>^:I (*ara&ya, mu/taAia)
nia, madness, insanity, dementia; foolish-
the United Arab Republio ; *ijj^) ness, folly ; frenzy rage, fury ; ecstasy, rap-

oll^l i-jU'^l (tihdiya) the Fderal

ture { ji jjU al-j. junn madness has
Republio of Germany; i-kly^-UI *jj_h^;I
many varietiea, manifests itself in many
oll^l (dimgrdjiya) the German Dem-
ooratio Republio
dj^- junni crazy, insane, mad; fran-
j4*j tajamkur gathering (of people);
tic, frenzied
j^f mijann pl. uljf majnn 2 shield
j- ;anna u (jann, ^*- ;unn) to cover, hide,
oonceal, veil
hjt majanna madness, insanity
(*, J*; to descend,

fall, be or become dark (night); pass. uU- jnn jinn, demons

junna: to be or become possessed, insane,
uyjf majnn pl. ,>iljf majnin* pos-
mad, crazy | j^:*- j*- (junnuh) to get
sessed, obsessed; insane, mad; madman,
madly excited, become frantic II to
maniac, lunatic; crazy, cracked; crack-
oraze, make crazy, drive insane, madden,
pot; foolish; fool
enrage, infuriate ( s.o.) IT to cover,
veil, hide, conceal (*; = II; V to i-. janaba u to avert, ward off (* from s.o.

go mad, become crazy X to be covered, II to keep away, avert, ward off
veiled, concealed; to regard ( s.o.) as (a * from s.o., keep s.o. () out of
crazy, think ( s.o.) mad the way of (*), spare (* s.o. III to

j*- jinn (coli.) jinn, demons (invisible be or walk by s.o.'s (*) side; to run

beings, either harmful or helpful, that alongside of (*), run parallel to (*), Bkirt,

interfere with the lives of mortale) flank (*; to avoid (* V to

avoid (m, s.o.); to keep away (*,
^~ jinni demonio; jinni, demon
from), steer clear, get out of the way
Lj- jinniya female demon . of) VI and VIII = V; VIII to be at

L*- janna pl. -t, b*- jinn garden; the side of {*), run Bide by aide with (*),

paradise |
*<dl ob*- paradise; OU-J jTL- run alongside of {*), skirt, flank (*

.Jj janb pl. -">*- junb, v^r' a?na& put aside; UU- jj to leave
aide; jonAa (prep.) beeide, next to, near, aside, omit; t^JU- j in oompariaon

at |
^Jr Jl Lj>- (also yijU L^-) aide by with, as oompared with, as against; re-

aide; 4-f*- jo (;antaA) inaide (it), within; garding, with regard to; ^j*- jo U
4-^*- ,jo U (aina janbaihi) what it con- their hearta; Jl UU- jnib l-fam the
tains, compriaes, its Contents; _-J-
Jp comers of the mouth; .
oJU a oon-
aside, apart; oJi-l olj pleurisy aiderable, or certain, degree of; a con-

aiderable amount of, a good deal of;

4jj jonAa pl. janabt aide; region,
j* jiS <-JU- a great deal of, a large por-
area ] ^L*- J i it within, inside; *'
tion of; j* j^Xt-JU- Ji _> he is very ...;
4?Lj>- ,jo (ffcwnmoAfl) to oomprise, hold,
jI (>. *li* <-Jl*" J* OK" (fcaram) to be very
oontain; jill Ol *- j. ai-gurfa the f
generous; S^^i j* Ji <_JU- J (aAam-
whole room; ii^Jl ol~*- jo in (the middle
mlya) of great importance; <_-j'U- Ji*l Je
of) the room; oLjLI j-lj crammed,
ohock-full, brimful, filled to overflowing
j^LJ-'l ^ 'aZd a'zamt jm'bin u al-

kufra of utmoat importance, of great-

or bursting
est signicance; -JL- Jj everywhere, on
f*r janbi
lateral, aide (adj.)
all aides; *JU- *J ^a^- (kafatja, jnibaJi)
_-j-- jtmui in a atate of major ritual to show o.b. condeacending, affable or
impurity; not belonging to the tribe, not gracious to s.o.; to meet s.o. on fair

a kinaman |
*~dL\ jU-l the neighbor not terms; aJU- j-1 amtna jnibaJi to be

belonging to the family safe from s.o.; |l^l -JU- *j*1 1 (u'trAu)

I paid not the leaat attention to bim;

-jU^- janb (title of reapect) approz.:
*JU- (i_*U, <_-j>j) J*U- (?nt&aAa) to fear
Eight Honorable; f^r Your Honor;
s.o., be afraid of s.o.; *_-Jli-l ill, milk al-j.
you (polite form)
crownlandfl; j^il ^U- (ep.Jfiso,
iiL- janba major ritual impurity (Ial.
treasury; *_-Jli-l jj layyin al-j. gentle;
Law) docile, tractable, compliant; <-Jli-l i>J '* n
<-jL>- junb (= t^-jjUi olj) pleuriay al-j. gentlenesa; <-J\j}-) *-**"-> "^ ^"?'

roomy; spaoioua, unconfined; -JU-1 jJj

uj>- j'onfii aouth; L ;an&an aouth-
friendly, amiable, gentle; *_U-J v,>j*
ward, to the Bouth
feared, dreaded; ^-JU-.I >jt powerful,
Oj^t janbt aouthern L Jl
V*j^*> J>r mighty, Btrong jp 'izzot oZ-j. power
; <_J U-J
South Africa
-JU-.1 i^-j^ maAift aZ-j. dreaded, reapected;
<_-jU- jn*6 pl. <-J|j- jatttSnift 1 aide; lat- jloJi <_-J]^- j about the house, all over the
eral portion; sidepiece; flank; wing; face house; often vi" j =V
(geom.); part, portion, paxtial amount;
,JU- jn*6t lateral, aide, by- (in oom-
partial view, seotion ($* of a acene, pio-
ture or panorama); quantity, amount;
^jjj-I a^noAi foreign, alien ; (pl.-n, -Jl*-I
a certain number (^* of) * few, aome |

aJU> jj on bis part; ^ <_JL- j*

ajnib*) foreigner, alien |
vV'Vl ->'3l the

j^-T <_JU- on the one hand on the other foreign oountriea, the outaide world; 'j
^j[tr 'y\ firqat al-ajnib the Foreign Legion
hand; aJU- Jl to bim, to his address;
at his (its) aide, next to bim (it); JLf V.^ ffonn&iya pl. -t (eg.) curb; em-
beeide bim (it), next to bim (it); ^JU- Jl bankment, levee; aide ohannel, lateral
and -Jl^ aide by aide with; in addition (following a road or railroad traoka); by<
to; apart from, aside from; LjU- **^j to paaa (of a lock or aluice)

<_jjf iajannvb avoidance >*- janh inclined (Jl to

^b^-l ijtinb avoidance r-j^r junh inclination, leaning, bent,

tendenoy (Jl to)
<Jj mujanniba flank, wing (of an army)
U jnih side, flank, wing

4^U- jniha pl. |>r jatttni' rib; pl.

jL>- junbz, jL^ calisthenics; gymnastics; also bosom, heart, soul m m7
j ^^jt Cr 1
athletics bosom, at heart; L^'j*- ^> (Jafarat) Bhe

jjLjf junb& (^jL;) califlthenic(al), beoame happily ezcited, she trembled

gymnastic jjL^l -^Vl gymnastic ex-
with joy
ercises, physical exercisea mu/anna winged
j- janaha a (r->*- ;unA) to incline, be in- -U*- II to draft, conscript, enlist, recruit (
clined, tend (J or Jl to); to lean (J or Jl s.o.; mil,); to mobilize {* an army, J*
to or toward) ; to tum, go over (
Jl to), join against) V to be drafted, be conscripted,
( Jl associate 0.8. ( Jl with) ; to Strand be enlisted (for military Service)

(J* or Jf on a coast; ahip); to diverge,

X*- jund m. and f., pl. ^1*- jund, ibj-l
deviate, depart (jp frora}; to tum away

(jp from), break (jp with) II to provide

a;add soldiers; army |
^^1 .u*- ;. aJ-

aZ0 Salvation Army

(* with wings, lend wings (* to

IV to incline, be inclinod, tend (J or Jl i$-u*- /und pl. a^*- jund soldier, pri-
to) ; to lean ( J or Jl to or toward) ; to tum vate |
Jjl (j-U*- (auwoJ) private first

(J or Jl to; to Strand (ship) class {Ir., Syr.); o*c_. jxj. (miutajidd)

reoruit (/r., 5yr.); Jh^I ^' the Un-

m>- jinh aide
known Soldier
>- junk, jinh darkness, gloom |
* j !o -U*- jundiya military affairs the army, ;

JJJl (;'. il-lail) in the dark of night, under

the military; military Service
cover of night; ^^SCll ^*- Cr 1
il-kar) lit.: between the two halves of Julie, tajnid draft, enlistment (m.)

slumber, i.e., at night when everyone's recruitment; mobization | (jL-VI -^aK

asleep (ijbri) military consoription

XjC tajannud military Service

5*j-. junha pl. - junah misdemeanor
(jvr., less than a felony, *iU*-, and more XjC mujannad recruit
than an infraction, JIJi)
(jjl-U*- gindri standard-bearer, cornet (Eg.)
t*- janah pl. Wj- I ajniha, j- ajnuh 1

wing (of a bird, of an airplane, of a U*- jundub pl. -obr jandib* grasshopper
building, of an army); aide; flank j j U!
^-U*- pandara {eg.) to mangle (* laundry)
4>-l>. I am under bis protection; -L-.
j-U*- pondara mangling (of laundry);
j*$y\ over the ether, by radio; *-L>-
ip^Jl (;. w-*r'a) with winged haste
press; O rotary press (typ.)

^Lj- jiunA misdemeanor (7'ur.); sin ]

\$j'-u*- look up alphabetioally

I 4-1* ^b*. *5/ (;u7iAa) it won't be held

ij-^ iandarma gendarmery
against him if he ...; it won't do any
hrm if he ... uO-^r iandarmi gendarme

-l ajnah* more inclined (Jl to) J*-U*- gandufii (eg.) oysters



*Jai*- jandala to throw to the ground, bring tf^-ijJI (baSari) the human race; 1'
: - LjI
down, feil { s.o.) abn* jinsin our fellow tribesmen; j*

Jai*- jandal pl. JjL*. jandiP stone; ~*i-) iS_r**

iJ he ia Egyptian by natiopality
pl. JjL*- cataract, waterfall (ep.)
ouUll ^--l the fair sex; jX\ ^\ the
strong sex
'JjJl- gundl (eg.) pl. JoU*- pandU gondola
(j-i*- jinsi generic; sexual; racial
Jl_r*- jendrl, ginrl {eg.) general (military
(j-**-V Jd-jinsi asexual, sexless
^ V jinsiya pl. -t nationality, Citizen*
s*- II to say the burial prayera, conduot the ship
funeral Service ( for the deceased; Chr.)
,j-jf- tajnls naturalization ; paronoma-
IjL*- jinza, jandza pl. -St >'L*. jan'iz* aia (rhet.)
bier; funeral procession
^Uj- jins (rhet.) assonance, pun, paro-
Jb- junnz pl. >JU*- ?andntz a requiem, nomasia
funeral rites, ob&equies; funeral proces-
5-JLf mujnasa relatedneas, kinship,
affinity; similarity, likeness, resemblanoe
Jr>>V janzabil (= j-^J) ginger ^^-Ltf tajannus acquisitum cf citizen-

^JU- janzara {= _^j) to be or become ship, naturalization

covered with verdigris

^Ijf tajnus homogeneity, homogene-
jlJN-- jtnar {= jl^j) verdigris ousness; Hkeness, similarity, resemblance

VjV ;nztr (= j^-j) pl.j-jbf janzir 2 chain; ^Lf mujnis similar, like, related;

track (of a caterpillar, of a tank, etc.); homogeneous

a linear measure (= 5 qapaba = 17.75 m; ,_j-iw mutajannis naturalized
also = 20 m ; Eg.) j >- SjlU fra* j. track
^Ui. muiajnis akin, related, of the
sprocket, sprocket wheel
same kind or nature, homogeneous
jj^f mujanzar track-laying (vehicle)
jLIw-. (Lat. Oentiana) gentian (eg.)

uJj~ II to make alike, make aimar (*;

'.Je*- VI to deviate (je from); to incline, be
to assimilate, naturalize ( s.o.); to class,
inclined (Jl or J to
classify, sort, categorize (* III to
be akin, be related, similar (*, to), be up alphabetically
^-*~r 'k

of the same kind or nature ( as s.o.,

* as, be like s.o. or _r*Ui- junf$, ,j^J^~ junfai? sackcloth,
(*, ),

resemble ( s.o., * V to have o.a.


naturalized, acquire the citizenship (<_j);

iL- junk pl. i]j^- junk harp
to be naturalized VI to be akin, related,
of the same kind or nature, homogeneous Jj*- janow Genoa (seaport in NW Italy)

^jJ^- jins pl. ^L*-! ajna kind, sort, va- ^- jan i (jany) to pick, gather, harvest,
riety, species, class, genus; category; sex reap {*,, also the fruitsof one's work);
(male, female); gender (gram.); race; na- to pocket, rake in, collect (*; to
tion |
(j-ii-l .1 ism al-j. (gram.) generic derive (* profit, j* from); to secure, real-
noun, colleotive noun of nonpersonal ize {* profits, an advantage); to ineur
things (which form a n. un. in ); (* evil, hrm, punishment); to cause, pro-
; ; ;


voke, bring about (*; (<>m ^*- jinfa *. jahada a (jahd) to endeavor, strive,
yd) to commit a crime, an outrage { J# on) labor, take pains, put o.a. out; to over-

to offend, sin (J* against); to commit, work, overtax, fatigue, ezbaust ( s.o.)

perpetrate (5jIi*-, Lii danban a crime, an III to endeavor, strive; to fight (J-*-* J
offense; less frequently Jf, on or *^lll for;to wage holy war against
ag&int); to inflict (* some evil,
J* on the infidels IV to strain, exert (* ; to

a.o.) ; to hrm (J* s.o., V to in- tire, wear out, fatigue ( s.o.), give trouble

criminate, aecuse, charge with a crime ( to) | S *-* *' (nafsah) to go to

s.o.), lay the blame (J* on s.o.), great lengths, go out of one's way ( j for
blame (J* s.o.); to actmeanly VIII to or in; j tj A|*-l {fikrah) to

gather, harvest (* concentrate on, put one's mind to, apply

^ jany harvest; reaping (fig.); o.s. to VIII to put o.s. out (J for
Law) to formulate an,

work hard; (Isl.

janan (coli.) firuits
independent judgment in a legal or the-
ob*- jinya pl. -t perpetration of a ological question (based on the applica-
crime; felony (jwr.; in the strictly legal tion of the 4 ufl; as opposed to taqltd,

sense, more than a misdemeanor, <m^, q.v.)

and an infraction, <Jt), capital offense |

Xftm jahd pl. Ajtf- juhd atrain; exer-
oLlii-J ** mahkamat al-j. criminal court
tion; endeavor, attempt, effort; trouble,

JL*- jin'l criminal | v^r *^* (mak* pains ( j on behalf or for the sake of

leama) criminal court; JLjL jyUJl crim-; O voltage, tension {el.) \
X^ X^
inal law, penal law jahada jakdah, also J^*- (Jjl*-)
J^ to do

(try) one's utmost, do (try) all in one's

Jjf majnan pl. Lf ynajnin that which
power, make every conceivable effort;
is picked or harvested, a crop; source
0-4- x& bi'jahdin jahldin with great
of profit or advantage
difficulty, by dint of strenuous efforts;

yf tajannin incrimination, aecuaation x^- J^- Xv after a lot of trouble O *+-

(J* of s.o.); mean way of acting, low, Jl* {'lin) high tension [el.)

underhand dealings
Xt*- juhd strain, exertion; juhda (used
U- janin pl. iL*- junk perpetrator (of prepositionally) to the limit of ... |

a delict); delinquent, criminal liJl juhda $-fqa as far as possible, as

much as possible; ijU x^*- j. tqaiiki
4_L Jjf majniy 'ahxihi harmed, in-
as much as he can, to the limit of his
jured aggrieved party ; victim of a crime

abilities; tj X^*- juhda imknihi do.

^Jnj r- (Fr. Qeneve) idnSf Geneva L. Xf*- juhda m as much as, to the limits

of what . .
. ; ^Xt*- juhdi as far as I can
^ (Engl, guinea) ginek, also gunaik pl. -(
x^- jahid see -i^*- jahd
pound (c^.) | <ht pound
(J-Ijwl) tfjJjf I

Bterling, English pound; ^j- ^^r Egyp- jl#*- jihd fight, battle; jihad, holy war
tian pound (abbreviation : *r) (against the infidels, as a religious duty)

^jlt*- jihdi fighting, military

1jj>\j~ mujhada fight, battle

JL^j- jahbad pl. 1*1+- jahbida man endowed
with a critical mind; great scholar jL**-I ijhd exertion; overexertion, over-

brigbt, brilliant, intelligent etrain(ing)

); ;


^lf!*-l ijtihd effort, exertion, endeavor, jtf- mijhar loud-voiced

pains, trouble ; application, industry, dili-
j& mijhar pl. j*\jL majkir* micro-
gence; (Isl. Law) independent judgment
in a legal or theological question, based
iSstf- mijhari microscopic(al)
on the Interpretation and application of
the 4 u$l t as opposed to taqlid, q.v. jl^jf mijhar loud-voiced ; O loud-
individual judgment Bpeaker

Jj+ f majhd
3 pl. -t endeavor, effort, jh\jt mujhara frankness, candor (of
exertion, pains, trouble, work; O voltage, one's words)
tension (el.) |
4Jl^j Ji; to make every
effort, go to gTeatest lengths
*- jahaza a to finish off ( J* a wounded man),
deliver the ooup de grce to (J*) II to
i*Lf mujhid pl. -n fighter, freedom
make ready, prepare {* ; to arrange
fighter; warrior; sergeant (Eg. 1030)
(*; to provide, Hupply (*;

a^jf mujhid Btrenuous, exacting, try- to equip, fit out, furnish, supply, pro-
ing, grueling; mujhad overworked, ex- vide (v or * or a.o. with) IV to
hausted finish off (J* a wounded man), deliver
the coup de grce to
J^f mujtahid diligent, industrious (J*); to finish, ruin

(pl. -n) mujtahid, a legist formulating (J* s.o.) V to be equipped, furnished,

supplied, provided ; to equip o.a. ; to
independent decieions in legal or theo-
prepare o.a., get ready; to be ready, be
logical matters, based on the Interpre-
tation and application of the four uph
as opposed to muqaUid, q.v. jlf- jahz (also pronounced jihz) pl.

t, J4*-I ajhiza equipment, appliances,

,*- jahara a (jhr, jL+- jihr) to be brought
outfit, gear, rig; trousseau; contrivance,
tolight, comeout, show, appear; tode- gadget ; implement, appliance, Utensil
clare publicly, announce (a or i_ ; to
Installation, apparatus (teehn.); System,
avow in public, proclaim (i_ ; to raise
apparatus (anat.) jX-V (l-ailln)
(k the voice) jahura u Sj Wr
; ( jahra

wireless set, radio; ji^j jL^- radio (re-


to be loud, be clearly audible (voice)

III to declare or say openiy, voice, utter,
ceiving set); O Jr*1 JUr (mustoqb),
O JUe^Vl jl+r, O Jrlidyl jl^- receiver,
express frankly (cj
receiving set (radio); *j.L jl^- (mudV),
_^4*- jhr and jl^*- jihr publicness, Pub- O (Jt-jVl jLp- j. al-irsl transmitter
licity, notoriety; 1_^*- jahran and Ijl^*- (radio); (jjjiJj JL^*- television set; jl^*-

jihran publicly, in public jjU-I drillingrig; oderrick; jl^*-

_^4*- jahratan openJy, overtly, frankly,

^jjj (dauri) circulatory System (anat.);

i^jVI oljl>VI JL^ or J^
<~*j^\ ol^Jl (hazzt,ardiya) Seismograph;
^U Jl^-
<SjVr j'aAri notorioua, well-known, public
,jj^ JL^*- (sirri) seoret Organization, Under-

_r-p- jahir loud (voice, shout) ground Organization; H^-*lM jL^*- sound
locator; iS
~ajiI\ jL^i-l (
apabi) the nervous
ajhar day-blind
System; -*ill JL^- /. al-hadm digestive
_^4*-l ajhar 2 (elative) louder, more au- apparatus
y+4- tajhiz equipment, furnishment;
<jjji- jahwari loud (voice) preparation; pl. j\y+- equipment, gear
jV 144

iSs+f- tajhizi preparatory ; (of & Bohool) J*L- jhil pl. iLp- jahala,
J^*- jzthhal,
preparing for College JI4- juhhl, "^*- juhala' 2 not knowing

(<_j, how to do; ignorant, un-

jaU- jahiz ready, prepared; ready-
educated, literate; foolish; fool
made; equipped | SJaL- (oLji. or) 5 Jl
(albisa) ready-made clothes JaL- j'AtZi pagan, of or pertaining to
pre-Islamic times
j+jt mujahhaz equipped, provided, fur-
nished, supplied (t- with); armed (^ with LUU- jhiliya state of ignorance; pre-

guns; of a ship, tank, etc.) Islamic paganism, pre-Islamio timea

iSjtf- majhl unknown; anonymous

4- IT to sob, break into sobe |
ljtj ^r^r^

(buka) to be on the verge of tears,

(also ~-V! J>ff m. al-ism); pl. J;*^ wa*
jhil 2 unknown things J^^l ii^ jJi<ja(
struggle with teara; to break into tears

aj-m. passive (jrom.)

<4*- jahia (n. vic.) pl. -dt sob; out-
<J_^f majhliya being unknown, un-
burst of tears
known nature
^1^>-I ijhi outburst of teara
-4#- jahuma u (l*- jahma, 0^4*- juAma)
i^*- IV to hear youog ones, litter; to have to frown, glower V to frown, scowl,
a miscarriage (woman) J
I4iJ C-J^-I glower; to regard with displeasure (a,

(nafsah) ehe induced an abortion or J s.o. or, frown (a or J on); to

eye gloomily, coolly, grimly (a, or J
(j-ivr jihd miscarried fetus
s.o., ; to become sullen, gloomy (face)

u*-v? jahitf miscarried fetus

^4*- jahm sullen, glum, morose, gloomy
^l^-l ijhd miscarriage, abortion; in- (face)

duced abortion
l*lt- jahm clouds

jahila a (jahl, Jl*- jahla) to be Igno- 0L4*- jahma and <*_}+> juhma grim
rant; not to know (<-> or *, how to look, sullen expression ; gloominoss ; brood-
do; to be irrational, foolish; to ing silence
behave foolishly ( J* toward) VI to ignore
L^~ jahannam 2 (f.) hell
{* ; to refuse to have anything to do
{> with), shut one's eyes (a to), disregard jahannami hellish, infernal

(* a fact); to affect ignorance, pretend to

y- jaunv pl. '_>*- 1 ajto', l_>*- jiw* (pl. fre-
know nothing X to consider ignorant or
quently with Singular meaning) air; at-
stupid (* s.o.)
mosphere (alsofig.);sky; weather;sphere,
jahl and 4JI4- jcila ignorance; milieu, environment; \j- jaunvan by air;
folly, foolishnees, stupidity | J**- j* out by telegraph, telegraphically ji-\ Jjj

of ignorance air mail; ^loU-i tabaqt al-j. airlayers;

foolish, stupid JkU j>- j (muTnfir) in rainy weather

<-Wr fahl ignorant;

majhal pl. J*Ij majhil 2 un- tfj*. jawwi air, aerial, aero- (in Com-
pounds); airy, atmospheric(al) weather
known region, unexplored territory | J*Ljf

(used attributively), meteorologic(al)

Lj_^I unknown Africa j

^jji-l JoJLJI {fagt) atmospheric pressure;

J^ tajhll stultification
<lj>r Olli (tabaqt) air layers; ^j*- J^l*-!

J*L* tajhul ignoring, disregard(ing) (ustl) air fleet; o^. SjU air raid; ol_>DI
;; -

145 vyr

Sj^I (qwt) air foroe; *j>LI -'^ll avia- to reaound, reverberate, re-eoho; to res-

tion; *jj*- b_ (mind*) airport; j_j*- jL#_>I onate (J or Jl to, be in reaonance

meteorological observationa ; ^_*- ^ (ha* with (phya.) ; <_^*u*'l istajwaba to

jar) meteorite interrogate, examine, question (* s.o.); to

hear ( the defendant or witness); to
l^>- (ecUoq.) jaww (pronounoed gtoa
interpellate ( s.o.; in parliament)
in Eg.) in it, within; inaide
<-j^>- javb traversing, touring, ex-
<j'jr jawuwnt, jfuunwni inner, inaide,
ploration (of foreign oountriea) ; piercing,

4J\j~ gvwfa (eg.) guava (fruit); guava Bhrub juwab opening,

*iyr j^vba pl -# Vjr
gap; hole, pit
Jlj*. (eg.) guwl pl. -t sack
<_j1j*- jawb -pl. <j_jt' ajtoiba answer, re-
Jlj- (It. guanti; eg.) gloves
ply; ootave (to a given tone; mus.);
(eg. ; pronounced gawb pl. -t) letter,
*ujj*- (Ft. jupe) skirt
message |
^^Jjt <_j'j*- j. aS-Sarf main
(.-jj*-) ^L- jba u (javb) to travel, wander clause (concluaion) of a conditional sen-
(* through), traverse, roam, tour, ex- tenoe, apodoBis
plore (*, e.g., foreign landa); to
j'jr jawbi anawering (used attribu-
pierce, penetrate (*, cut through
(*); to wander, cruise (* about a place)
III to answer s.o., Je, reply,
( vVr jawwb traverser (of foreign ooun-
triea), traveler, explorer
respond ( Je to; to comply
to s.o.,

(* with), accede (* to) IV to answer ( or <jU-I ijba answer(ing), reply(ing), re-

Jl s.o., j* or Je a question), reply, aponse, reapondence; compliance; fulfill

respond ( or Jl to s.o.,
J* to; to ment, granting (of a request); accession;
comply (* with a requeat), accede, defer consent, assent |
&i <jU-1 ijbatan U-
(a to); to hear ( s.o.), accede to the re- falabikztm in compliance with your re-
quest or wiahee of (*); to fulfill, grant quest; in answer to your request
(* a wiah); to consent, asaent, agree
<->j\4 tajumb agreement, oonformiby;
(Jl to); to oonour (Jl in) |
*it Jl uUI
(falabihi) to comply with a.o.'s requeet
VI to reply to one another; to echo (*, v il>l istijba hearing, anawering (of a

from) ; to ring out (voices)to be (mutu- ;

prayer); granting, fulnllment (of a re-

aUy) corresponding, harmonize; to be quest); resonanoe, oonaonance (phys.) \

favorable, propitious (** to s.o.; Situation) J <jIj*-1 istijbatan li in compliance with,

VII to soatter, break up, paaa over (clouda) in answer to, in deference to

to be dispelled, disappear, vanish (wor- lylj^LJ istijwb pl. -t interrogation,

ries); to fade (darknesB) X ^U^u-I to hear, questioning; hearing; interview; Inter-
answer (* a prayer), grant (* a requesb); pellation (in parliament)
to comply with the request of (J), ac-
lyjlwL* mutajwib harmonious
cede or defer to the wiahee of (J); to
react (J to); to respond (J to, ^ with), _-c^r_*
( muetajib hearing, anawering,

listen, pay attention (<J to), ahow interest granting ; reverberant, resonant, reso-

(J in); to meet, answer (<-> J s.o. with), nating; responsive, susceptible, impres-
reply (<-> J to s.o. with or by doing aible

oyr 146

Oj- (Engl.) jt jute *yr fd openhandedness, liberality,

(rjr) rW* /** w An& ! * annihilate,
destroy, min; to flood, inundate (* the jy-- javd heavy rains

Und) VIII do.; to carry away, sweep iL- see linder '.u-
away (* s.o., *; storm); to put down,
*>* jda goodness, excellence
subdue, quell (*, o.g., a not)
4-U-l ijha deBtruction, annihilation;
J^r jayyid pl. jU- jiySd good, perfect,
faultless; outstanding, ezcellent, first-
crop damage; crop failure, bad harvest
rate; good (as an examination grade) ; lo>-
^U*-l ijtiyh destmotion, annihilation;
jayyidan well, excellently; thoroughly
Bubdual, suppression la- 0->- (jiddan) very good (also as an
examination grade)
f U- j'ih orushing, devaatating; dis-
jj*-l ajwad1 better
i*L- j'iha pl. ^I_j- jaw'Vf calamity,
i\jj~ jawd pl. j|_>*-I ajwd, jjL-1 aj&*
disaster, ruin; epidemio; crop damage
tnd2 , bjU-l ajtmd*, jj. jd openhanded,
r>*- jvJf pl. rl>f' ajtok broadcloth liberal, generous, magnanimous; jawd
pl. jU- jiyd, jU-I ajyd, .jL-l ajwtd*
(i>*-) jU- jda u {*j*r jvda) to be or become
race horse, racer; charger jI^h-IM j/i
good, become better, improve; (jd)
noble man

to grant generously (i_*, be so gen-

erouB s to do <lj with verbal Jj^f tajwid art of reciting the Koran-

noun); to be
Koran reading (in aoeordance with estab-
liberal, openhanded (^ with
lished rules of pronunciation and Into-, J* toward s.o.), bestow liberally
J* upon s.o.), grant, give lav-
ishly (^ of, J* to s.o.), shower -L mujid adept, efficient, proficient

J* s.o. with); to donate (4* a sum of

j\ijr jaudr see jIjjL- (alphabetically)
money, etc.) aii aU- to Bacrifice o.s.;

to give up the ghoBt; ^-L L-* coU- fa*. Gj*0 jl*- jra u (jaur) to deviate, atray (j^.
nAu &-d-dam*) tears welled from his from); to commit an outrage (J* on),
eyes; #1, II OjU- (heavens granted rain) bear down (J# upon), wrong, persecute,
it rained II to do well {*; to make oppress, tyrannize (J* s.o.); to oncroach,
better, improve, better, ameliorate {* make inroads (J* on another's territory); to recite (the Koran; cf. >u>f) III to be the neighbor of s.o. (), live

IV to do well, do excellently (*; to next door to (); to be adjacent, be next

master (*, be skilled, proficient {* to, adjoin {*; to be in the
(* in), be an ezpert (* at), be conversant jmmediate vicinity of (, *), be close to
(* with an art or field of knowledge); to (, *}; to border (* on) IV to grant
accomplish or say good, ezcellent things; asylum or a aanetuary ( to s.o.) ; to
to achieve ezcellent results; to be ez- protect ,> from), take
( s.o., ( s.o.)

cellent, outstanding, diatinguish o.s. (e.g., under one's wing; to stand by b.o. {),

as a poet) | ii) aL-l (lugatan) to master a aid ( s.o.) VI to be neighbors; to be

language; jJUJl J* >Jl jU-I ( azfa) to play adjacent ; to ha ve a common border
the piano well X to think {* good X to seek protection, seek refuge (*-> with
or ezcellent, approve of (*); to consider s.o., j- from, appeal for aid ( to
(* suitable for or appropriate to{J) s.o., ^ against


jj*- jaur in justice j oppression, tyr- (a; to approve (* of), sanation,

anny; outrage Warrant, authorize (* 111 to pass (*

ljw- jlrn neighbor; refu- or by, go or walk past
jU- jr pl.
(*); to go beyond (*), overstep,
gee; protege", oharge
cross, leave behind (*, also, e.g.,
jU- jra pl. -i neighboress j**S\ j* j-u^Aill JjU- fumr) he is past
thirty; to ezceed, surpass (*; to
jw- jira neighborhood
pass over (ja), disregard (jp,
j_yr jra pl. jj- fuwar pit, hole pay no attention (ja to); to let (jp

see alphabetically go unpunished; to give up, forgo, re-

if jjr
linquish (ja IT to traverse, cross
Jj*- jiwr neighborhood, prozimity; (a, Jl on the way to); to permit,
j\yc in the neighborhood of, in the vicin-
allow (* J to s.o.; to authorize
ity of, near, oloae to
(a J s.o. to do, also * ); to lioense
jjlf mujtoara neighborhood, proxim- (a; to approve, oonfirm, endorse
ity (a a decision, a judgment); to approve

_/U- j'ir pl. j_>- jawara, IjU- jra

(a of, sanotion (a V to toler-
ate, suffer, bear VI to pass (a or
unjuat, unfair; tyrannioal, despotia; ty-
by, go or walk past (*); to
rant, oppressor, deapot
go beyond (*), overstep, cross, leave
jjU mujwir neighboring, adjacent; behind (a; to exoeed, surpass (*
near, close by; (pl. -n) Student (esp. of also
J*); to go too far, overstep,
AI Aznar Univeraity; living in the vicin- all bounds, encroach, make inroads; to
ity of the Mosque) pass over (ja), disregard (ja,

jdt. mujir proteotor pay no attention (ja to); to give up,

forgo, relinquish (*; to refrain (ja
jjUi* mutajwir having a common
from) VIII to pass, run, go (* through),
border; adjoining, adjacent, contiguous
cut aoross (*); to cross (a a border, a

-jjj- jawab pl. -olj'r jotorib 1 stocking; street, a mountain rnge); to traverse
sock (a a country or sea); to oover (* a dis-
tance); to pass {* through the mind;
WrJ^r 7
orJ*y Georgia (republic of the said of ideas, thoughts) ; to go (a through
U.S.S.R.) hard times or a crisis); to surmount,

overcome (a a crisis) X to deem per-
x$jjr jri damask rose (Rosa damascena,
miasible (a; to ask permission
bot.); crimson
jj*- jauz pl. jlj-l ajwz heart, center
"if Jj*r (Engl.) jri jury
(of a desert, of a large area, etc.) jl^-l
| j
za u jatot, jL* majz) to amid, in the middle of, in; Lull j\ji~\ j
(Jjr) JW- ) !>r
pass, come, travel (* through); to pass (fa4a) in spaoe

(* an examination, a test); to be allowed, jij- jatoz permissibility, admissibility

permitted, permiasible ; to be possible, lawfulness, legality; permission, (official)

conceivable; to work, succeed (<S* with permit, Ucense, authorization; possibil-
s.o.; deceit, artifice) | <LJ-I <\* OjU- ity, conoeivability ; passing (of an exam-
(AUa) the trick worked with him, he ination) jiJ\ jl_^- j. as-aafar (pl. -dt)

feil for the trick II to perznit, allow (traveling) passport

->* 148

jlf majz croasing; passage; corridor ^-U* (Aiu) coconut; _*i)l j^*- ;'. 0/40
(pol.-geogr.); metaphor, figurative expres- cocoon, ehrysalis of the ailkworm

sion (rhei.) |
IjU maj&zan, jUI J-y J Ij^jr- jjteo (eg.) narghile
figuratively, metaphorically
tSjj*r iavxi nut (used attributively and
tfjljf majzl figurative, metaphorical in Compounds); nut-brown, hazel

jU-l ijza pl. -t permission, authori- 6

jU- look up alphabetically
zation; approval; license; = Fr. Ucenct
as an academio degree; permit; vaca- Jj>r ;'aai pl. Jjljr jawdtiP young pigeon

tion, leave (of absenoe) _^J- 1 SjU-l i. cd-


(^^-) ^U- jsa u to peer around, pry

hafr grant of patent, isaue of letters
around, look around (J"iU. killa in);
patent; patent; <-L*j SjU-l (guniuZiya)
to search, investigate, explore (*
ezequatux of a consul (dipl.)\ -v* *jl*-'
VIII to search, investigate, explore (*
(maro^tya) siok leave; v*--*-*'
(madrasiya) sohool vacation; jL-'i/lj Jli
on leave, on vacation J-_>*- jausaq pl. jJ^r jawavf palace; man-
or, villa
jjljf mujwaza and Jjljf tajwuz
crossing; ezceeding; overdraft, overdraw- U*j_>*- gawtfa pl. Julj*- pauxJ'tf
(ejj.) dowel,
ing (of an account) ; disregard (je- for)

relinquihment (j* of

(*>_j-) s-L- ;*a u to be hungry; to starve
j>-i i;Vtydz traversing, orossing; pas-
II to cause ( s.o.) to starre, starve out,
sage; transit; oovering (of a distance);
famish ( s.o.) IV do.
passing (of an examination) ; surmounting
(of diffioulties) fj*r ?*' hunger, starvation |
Uy- oU
to starve to death
j-*U- jaiz permitted, lawful, legal; con-
jUj- /au'tJn*, f.
^jr 7 0U ''> P*- f -er-
ceivable, thinkable
jiyfl" hungry, starved, famished
*j V
7''ta V^'J^yr jautfiz* prize, re-
U majS'a pl. -t famine
ward, premium V*'--* -/**?
stipend, scholarship JU- jV pl. _L- ;y*. jr juww-'
hungry, starved, famished
Jljf mujz licensed; licentiate (as an
academio title, = Fr. Ikencii; e.g., j jlif i^f tojufT starving out
j-^LJ! licencii As aetences) .U-l ja'a starving out

jj*. -yj II to give in marriage tj^r- II to make hollow, hollow out (*>

O Jj*r iavz pl* j\yr 7*wSi5 = rJ J couple *jj*r 7 avf pl* *J'j*r' 7 **/ a u hollow, cav-

ity; depression; interior, inside, center,

j^jrt (yr.; pronounced maiwez, < abdomen; north (magr.)
heart; belly,
-jj- muzwaj) wind instrument with a

Jj- j inside, in the interior of, in the

double pipe, correaponding to the Egyp-
tian zummra)
middle of ; J-Ui jr J (/ *Wo) or ^
JiJl (jaufa) in the middle of the night
Mjji.1 al-jauz* Gemini (astron.)
inner, interior,
J_>**" Z*4/*

;auz (coli.; n. un. , pl. -t) walnut subterranean, Underground, subsurface

*J**- |

_^LJI jj*- j. af-fib nutmeg; >JJl j_y? j. cd- (of geological strata); northern (magr.) \

qa% nux vomica; -lAI J_>*- j. aZ-Atntf, j_>- *Jj~- L ground water

(Jij-1 ajwaj 2 , f. \iy- jauf**, pl. jr ~*^j*r j&wwla one given to roaming
;u/ hollow; empty; vain, futile, inane, or traveling; wanderer, wayfarer; Om <>~

pointless, senseless torcycle; cruiser

<Jajj tajwif pl. Ju jLf tajwif* hollow, Jl^ tajwl migration, wandering, rov-
cavity ing, traveling; nomadic life, nomadism
iji^f mujawwaf hollowed out, hollow
V>- jawaln migration, wandering,
roving, traveling; nomadic life, nomadism)
3j*r jauq pl. jl_^-l ajwq and _j- ;auga
ull oVj*- j. al-yad embezzlement, defal-
pl. -i troop, group; theatrical troupe,
operatic Company ; choir {mus.) ; orchestra,
band (also '-lJu^ja **yr) ] Jj^-.l j^* mu" jLf majl pl. -t room, Space (J for
dir al-j. conductor, bandleader, choir; field, domain, ephere; scope, ez-
leader; J>^ll\ j*- j. aS-Saraf Legion of tent ; reach; rnge; elbowroom, free scope;
Honor play, clearance; field (magn.) f
VLf i\J L.

tiJLiJI (Sakk) to admit of no doubt; V

'(Jj*-) JU- jla u (jaul, _j- jaula, Jj_^ toj*
dJ ^*UJ jLf (majla, fa'n) (it is) in-
twiJ, Vj- jawaln) to roam, rove, wander contestable; Jljtl ti* j in this con-
about; to move freely, be at home (j in
nection; L~J oUI JljM fj (ammah)
a field of learning), occupy o.e. (j with); to give b.o. a free hand, wide scope of
to be circulated, go the rounds; to pasa
action; is^*- J^f (hayawx) lebensraum;
(j, <- through the mind) <-l_r JL- r
J**Jl jLf m. al- amal field of activity;
to preoccupy s.o., engross s.o.'s attention;
^.tk'J;,* jLf (magnafisi) magnetic field;
(*_^ljc) s_^,U j J^ U what he is pre-
JLjM tJj-Siddatal-m. field intensity (mogn.)
occupied with, what is on his mind;
tajawvml roaming, roving, wan-
*JL 3 ujJI JL- (dam', 'ainaihi) his Jjjf

eyes swam in tears; j >b cJU- (yaduh) dering, migration ; going out, moving
he laid his hands on, he committed de- about; patrol, round; (round) trip, tour;

falcations of IV to circulate, pasa a- traveling j Jj*dl V-* man" at-t. ourfew

round (* | j ^J\ JL-I (ra'ya)

JJU- jL b'i'j'il pl. j^UL- L peddler,
to weigh thoroughly, ponder hawker
kJI JU-I (nazara) to let one's eyes wander
J>*i* mutajawwil wandering, migrant,
about; to look around V to roam, rove,
roaming, roving, itinerant; ambulant;
wander about, move around; to patrol,
traveling; traveler | J>i* J-5j traveling
go the rounds; to cruise; to tour, travel

from place to place, travel about

salesman; J>*i* pb (6ai/y') peddler,
hawker ; Jj u-*-* (?*****) itinerant
3J_j- jaula pl. -t circuit, round; patrol; preacher
excursion, outing ; tour ; (round) trip
voyage, run {of a steamer); (round-trip) JJ_>- look up alphabetically
flight (of an airplane) ; round (in sports)
JJp- poj/ golf (ep.)

Jj_>*- jawwl wandering, migrant, itiner-

look up alphabetically
ant, roving; cruising; traveling; ambu- I*U-

lant; traveler, tourist; see also alpha-

^ifr fn P* ^Ivr' <7n gulfi ialet, bay
betically |
Jl_j- *lj rmin jawwl pl. *Lj
~*^j*r Tumh jawwla rieman (mit. ; Ujj*-, *^j*-, *Ljjt (It. gonnea) gonea pl. -(

Syr.) (woman's) skirt (eg.)


U- look up alphabetically l
V=f jaib pl. vj^r juyb breaat, bosom,
heart; Bine (matA..); hole, hollow, cavity,
j*j*r II tajauhara to become subatance
excavation; pocket; purse }
,j*ll t_-J-l

j*yr jauhar j*\yr jawhir* intrinsic,

pl. (fc*?) the privy purse; u-J-J *lc* tamm
essential natura, essence; content, Bub- ai-j., *|^ll *_--*- cosine (math.); ,_M uU
atance (as opposed to form; philos,); pocket watch; ~>~i-) >j_-^ pocket money;
matter, subatance; atom; jewel, gern; V**"^' V_fc4-' {anflya) the nasal sinusea
pl. jewelry ^>A-lj i-juj\ (zoi/) the spuri-
| (arnoi.); i.jLl vj^r ? al-invq wama pook-
ous and the genuine ets of resistance (mtl.)

j*y? /ottAara jewel, gern ^j- jatW pocket (adj.)

jauhari substantial; intrinsio,

ij*j*r 'y-- jlp, i
r^r jib and ^_-j- JjL- myyrat
essential, inhereut; fundamental, main, j. jeep
chief, principal; material; jeweler
-* (ir.) <?t( a colorful ootton fabric, ohintz
jrjtsr jauharji jeweler
mugauhart (eg.) jewelry, trin-
-L- j'id pl. jL*-I ajyd, ^*- juyd neck
kets; jewela, gems "4^- jayyid see ij.

iSj*r joiufiya a (jatvan) to be paasionately 8
jL*-, jL*-I see il_^- jawd
stirred by love or grief
1 <j
J r jairi surely, truly, verily
iSj*r jw-n ardent love, pasaion

iSj\*r look up alphabetically

ir* calcareous, lime (adj.)

jWjt j'^jW - 1^ U P alphabetically ii>*- ?

jL*- jayyT unslaked lime

(\yr) *^r ?*' J*, y**?'*' (*j? maji) to come
(, * to); to get (* to), reach (* a place); jLr jayyra limekiln
to arrive; to bring (<^>; <_> to b.o.
V*- II to endorse {^n.); to bring forth, produce (v;

to set forth (*_>; to do, perform; j>*- (It. giro) endorsement {fin.)

to commit, perpetrate (*; to occur,

**j*-, o\jvr see jy-
be mentioned, be said (j in an article,

document or book); (with foll. imperf.) jj- ffiax Giza (city in NEgypt); abrand of
to be about or set out to do | j L. Egyptian cotton
jl fljVl Jj^*- thenewspaper "AlAhram"
(^ji**-) j3A * joyain) to be ei-
reporta that ...; o\ ,^-jjIj ^ U a report
tjil*- (^^-^ir
be agitated; to rage, storm; to
from Paria says that ...; 4fli3 C^U
boil, simmer II to levy troops, mobilize
J jlk> (mufbiqatan) ita results coincided
an army X to raise, mobilize (* an army,
with ...
also, e.g., IjLaJl an^ran followers)
iL*- jl'a, jai'a Coming, arrival |
^^Ju*- jaiS pl. (jJj-*- juyS army, troops,
V^*ij (dakb) coming and going, <_~S
lUjj iL*- to pace the floor, walk up and armed forces | J-ib^VI ^/a*- occupation

down forces; J^L^-I ,_**- army reserve; ^ji**-

^i)j (murbif) territorial army; ,Jj-

^ maji' coming, arrival, advent
iliVl$ Salvation Army; ^-
oLJljLi al-j'iyt the things to come Lil al-masa dusk, evening twilight
,jiL- jayyS agitated, impassioned; ex- <J"^r (It. gelati) jelti ice cream
cited, boiling up; ebullient; pleasurably
** jlm name of the letter r-
excited, happily stimulated

,>- (Fr. jatne) corselet, sheath corset (e^.)

Ujj- jayaan excitement, agitation;
raging ^j*j?r jiyogrfiy geography |
Ji.J Jr \

(Ja--) jU jfa i, II and V to be putrid, stink

<j-iJl (baSariya) anthropogeography

(decaying cadaver) Ij jv*>-- jiyojlziy geophysics

ii-*- jlja pl. u jiyaj, JL*-! ajyf ijL^j^-- jiyofiziyai geophysical |

corpse, cadaver JLj/j^J-l (ana) the geophysical year

JL- *H Czech jis*js*- jiyofiziqt geophysical

Ljt-jIj^ jiyoljiy geology

?'/ pl. JL-I ajyl people, nation, tribe;
generation; Century; epoch, era jiyolji geologic(al)

*U h* nanie of the letter > uhibbu an 1 should like to , . .; l J ,_-*-!

j-UU foSm rabbi

to like about s.o. that he . . . ; <l j< I
l^ V
j jf*i\ -U-U-l the chief
(kaira) he doesn't want him to be hap-
py, he grudges him everythig V to
JjJ*- see Jj*- show love, reveal one'a affections (Jl
to s.o.); to endear o.s. Jl to s.o.),
t/L*- hmx Hamitic (

make o.s. populr, ingratiate o.s. (Jl

U- and llU- see j>*- with s.o.); to court, woo (Jl a woman)
VI to love one another X to like (*;
JU- (pronounced 7wma) pl. t_J[j- auxSntfi 2
to deem (* desirable, recommend-
(formerly 2Vn.) hamba, palace gendarme
able; to prefer
(J* * to eise)
of the Bey of Tunis
._-- hubb love; affection, attachment |
OjJL*- see j^~
olJJl ._--&. a<f-rf/seIf-love,amour-propre;

*._-- habba i (hubb) to love, like II to evoke ^^Uai-Vl ._-- curiosity, inquisitiveness;
(Jl in s.o.) love or a liking (<., m for jjLf^II ._-- h. al-waian patriotism; J L.
or s.o.), make (
Jl s.o. ) love or like (hubban) out of love or affection for, out
(, * or s.o.); to endear (Jl * of friendship for ; j L*- in the desire to . .

to s.o.), make (* dear, lovable,

<j- hubbi friendly, amicable, loving;
attractive (Jl for h.o.), make (*
Lj- hubbiyan in an amicable manner,
palatable, acceptable (Jl to s.o.); to urge
amicably; by fair means (jur.)
(Jl * on s.o.), suggest (Jl *

to s.o.) IV hubb, La mahabba) ._-- Hibb pl, u->L*-l ahbb darling, dear,
(._-- to love,
like dearest (one)
(*, s.o.,; to wish, want,
or like, to do (jl) |
i! ,_--l
V^*- habb aim, goal, end

,_^ habib pl. U-i ahibb'*, l^\ *> II to produce seed, go to seed (plant) to ;

ahilba, v^*"' ahbb beloved, sweetheart, bear seed (grain); to granulate, become
lover; darling; dear one, friend; dear granulated; to granulate (* IV to
(Jl to s.o.); populr; <_j^*"^' the beloved produoe seed
onea, the dear ones i_^> habb {coli.; n. un. ) grains; seed;

ijij*- habiba pl. ^j^t*" tob'ib*

pl. <--L^*~
hubb grain, cereals, oorn;

woman seed(s); grains, kerneis; granules; pellets;

heart, darling, beloved
puls, pastles; berries; acne, pustules,
,_^l ahabb 2 dearer, more desirable,
>jJI chufa (Cyperus es-
pimples |

preferable (Jl to s.o.)

h. al-faqad
culentus L.; bot.); -ll ,_->

li*- habbad (with folL nominative) chaste tree (Vitex agnus castus L.; bot.);

how nice, how lovely i . . .! how good, i}j\l\ ,_->- croton seeds (seeds of Croton

how tiglium; bot.); (magr.) ehernes; ^-

excellent, perfect is , . .!
^ Ix*- JL4JI ^

nice it would be if . .
.; J*i_^ JW-' l-lj*- h. al-hl and (jl*^) lJl ^*- h al-hn

h. l-hlu lau fa'ala it would be nice, or cardamom (Amomum cardamomum L.;

he would do well, if he did it; JU-1 li- Ij bot.); ^LjJI ._->- h. al-gamm hail, hail-

{hlu) that's just wonderfnl! stones

1^*. mahabba love; affection, attach- i-- habba (n. un.; see also >_^- habb)

pl. -t grain, granule; seed; kernel; pill,

ment | JL>J\ i-rf- m. al-wafan patriotism
pastille; berry; puBtule, pimple; trivial-
i_^ tahdbbub courtship, wooing
ity, trifle; a square measure {Eg.; =
^U; tahbub mutual love, concord, 58.345 m) ; pl. oU- beads (of the rosary) |

harmony _^*i <*- h. Salr a linear measure {Eg. ;

0.205 cm); *>1#- i-*- (AwJuw) aniseed; l+-
V^t* mahbb beloved; dear; lovable,
1*^- (^aud* 3 ) black caraway (Nigella
desirable; populr; favorite; beloved one,
aativaL. ;&<>(.); JU^I >U- grains ofsand;
lover; (pl. <-*ul mahaW) 1 gold )
Juli 5-*- A. al-'ain eyeball; pupil (of the
sequin (in Ottoman times; eg.)
eye); *_-Jl L#- h. al-qalb dearest one,
*ijT*- mahbba Bweetheart, darling, beloved, darling
beloved woman
L[ ,,r Aa&aft blister
i_ ^ muhabbab agreeable, pleaaant,

desirable, lovable, dear (Jl to s.o.); nice,

i^ Au&zta pl. -* little grain, small
kernel; small pimple or pustule

lSr^- hubaibi granulr, granulated |

,_-* mvhibb pl. -n loving; lover;
^J.1 {ramad) traohoma {med.)
fancier, amateur, fan; friend |
^U <_^

philanthropic(al), affable; JrjJl U^ oar - habhab (ooll.) watermelon (hij.)

dear friend; jtf^i j>4- friends of arche-

^_--L- hubOhib firefly, glowworm
ology; *j"iJJ ^J- (li-dtihi) egoiflt

^ II to approve, think well (* of,

uUa. mutahdbb loving one another,
oommend (*; to applaud, acelaim,
oheer (. s.o., *
u_.r,-: M ' mustahabb (re)com mendable, do-
sirable (said of acta whose negleot is not
punished by God, but whose performanoo JL* tahbty approval; aoclamation, ao-

is rewarded ; Id. Law) ; well-liked, populr elaim, applause, chearing


p- habara u (habr) to gladden, make happy, catch his breath , take s.o.'s breath
delight { s.o.); habira a (jj-*- hvbr) away Jll ;
j*. A6wa nu'a S-Sugl he
to be glad, happy II to embellish, refine, was committed to prison under hard
make workmanlike (; to compose Iabor II to tie up inaiienably (* funds,
{ * ) in elegant style ; to write, for, esp. for a pious purpose), make
compose (* a religious bequest (*, for the benent of

j- hibr ink jX\ *\ umm al-h. squid, J*) TU to be held back, be held up,
stop, be interrupted, intermit ; to restrain
cuttlefish; 3jj
J s*- (waraq) mere ink
o.s., hold back Till to block, obstruct,
on paper, of no effeot (e.g., an agreement,
bar, confine (*, s.o.,; to detain,
a treaty)
hold in custody (*, * s.o., s.tb.); to hold
j- habr, hibr pl. jL*-! ahbr a non- back, retain, suppress (*, * s.o.,;
Muslim religious authority, learned man, to be detained, held up; to be impeded,
scribe ; bishop ; rabbi { Ji* V jJ-I 1 the Pope held back; to falter, break, fail (voice),
jL-Vl rf
-i- t/r al-a. Leviticus (Old Test.) stop (breath)

jj* habn pontifical |

,jj-*~ ^l-tf u-y- habs (act of) holding or keeping
(qudds) pontifical moss (Chr.) back, obstruction, check, repreasion
blocking off, barring, confinement; dam-
Sjjj. habnya office or dignity of a
ming up, staving off; safekeeping, ousto-
bishop, bishoprio, pontificate
dy, retention; imprisonment, arrest, de-
j- habara, hibara pl. -8t silken Bhawl tention, jailing; (pl. ^j^- hubs) prison,
or wrap (worn in publie by lodies) jail JU-l (ihtiyfi) detention
| is-t*-

jL hab&r, hibr pl. -dt mark, trace (pending investigation) ; ^pl^Ul l_ r^- (in-

(esp. of blows), weit, wale firdi) solitary confinement; -b-li

penal servitude
jjt*- hvbr joy
u-jj- hibs pl. ifl?-! ahbs dam, weir,
tfjL*- hubr pl. CjLjLp- hvbrayt barrage
bustard (zool.)
.j-jj- hubs, hubus pl. ijJ-*-! ahba (Tun.,
jj~- yahbr bustard chick {zool.) Alg. t Mor. = toaqf) inalienable property
the yield of which is devoted to pious
'j* mihbara, mahbara pl. yL* ma
hbir* inkwell
purposes, religious bequest, {Fr. jur.)

"habous" |
j-U l_ r*- ('mm) publio habouB,
jj- habaaa i (habs) to obstruct, shut off, ,_^L- j^*- (k$s) private habous; L-**- OK*
confine (*, s.o.,, block, bar, hold
J* (= J* Liij S*) to be entirely depend-
back, check (* j* from; also tears, ent on . .

laughter, etc.); to withhold (* j* from

i_i*- hvbsa speech defect, impediment
b.o.; to hold in custody, detain
of speech
( s.o. ) ; to apprehend, arrest, jail,

imprison ij-t*- habis blocked-off, shut-off, barred,

( s.o.); to keep, keep back,
confined, locked-up secluded ; bated
put aside, put away (J* * for); to

tie up, invest inaiienably (* capital)

(breath); choking (voice); (pl. L-**- hw

baa**) hermit
J* *_jI)
(nafsah) to devote o.s.

entirely to . . . ; j* Oj ,_,-**- (yatZaA) to jj-*.* mahbas, mahbia pl. ^L* ma

take ( out from under s.o.'s power; hbis* place where is confined or
4-Ll cLs u-jj- (anfsah) to make s.o. locked up; jail, prison; (prison) cell


mihbaa device for shutting off or twist, twine, ttghten to knit

(_ ri* (*;

blocking off (*; to devise, contrive (* a p]an,

a plot) II to twist, twine, tighten {*
<_a mo.hha.aa. hermitage
to fasten (*
^L^l inhiba seclusion, confinement;
etoppage > interruption; cessation <_> habka fabric, tissue; texture,
^L^-l ihtibs retention.restraint; Inhi-

bition, impediment, obstruction, stop- tiL*- hubuk: dL*- h. an-nujm

page the orbits of the celestial bodies
JjJI _r'-r> ihtibs al-baul sup-

pression of urine, ischuria <5~Lj- hibka weaver's trade, weaving

mahbs shut-off (from the out- Jj^ mahbk tightly wo ven ; tight,
side world), isolated, secluded, confined, taut; sturdy, strong, robuBt, husky
locked'Up; imprisoned, captive; tied-up
tlLzt muhtabik interwoven, intersecting
(funds); (pl.
u-^\*^ Tnahbis 2 ) prisoner,
prison inmate, oonvict 1
VIII to ensnare, catch in a snare {*,
rj^ muhabbia donor of a habous (see
( _

-a*- hbe) hbl pl. JL*- hibl, J--l ahbul,

*_L cro^l al-muhabbaa 'alaihi bene- J^>- hubl, JL-1 ahbl rope, cable,

ficiary of a habous (see -a*- hubs) hawser; cord, string, thread; (pl. JL*-

hibl) beam, ray (e.g., of the sun, of

,j-j^* munhabia secluded, shut-off
Light) jet (e.g., of water); vein; sinew,
^^lii-l al-habai Abyssinia, Ethiopia; (pl. tendon j
jugular vein; jy-Jl J^l
^Lj-VI al-ahb) the Abyssinians, Ethio- (aurri) umbilical cord; j^iJl J-J-l (SauH)
pia ns spine; i^-* JL*- (sautiya) vocal cords;

LiU-l al-habasa (and JLjJ-l j^j) Abys-

jSLA\ J^ ivy {bot); ,111 JL^ jets of

sinia, Ethiopia water; VJ Wi > Jr -1 1

<i*W) J J| a h*
(aflaqa) l-habla 'al l-grib to let things
,^1**- kaba&i pl. ^iL-' ahbi Abyssin-
go, slacken the reins, give a free hand,
ian, Ethiopian
impose no restraint; JJ-I li^jl slackening

V*. habata i (i^*- hiibt) and habipi a to of the reins, yielding; relenting; Vj^-*'

come to nothing, fail, miscarry, go wrong; *L- idtaraba habluh to get into a state

to be futile, be of no avail, be loat IV to of disorder, of disOrganization, of disinte-

frustrate, thwart, foil, defeat (>, gration, get out of control; ,>0 J* I <_-j

(la'iba, hablain) to play a double game,

J* * in s.o.; negotiations, efforts,

an attempt, etc.) work both sidea of the etreet

V*. habat scar of a wound, wale, weit iJ**-l uhbla pl. J;jl-1 ahdbil 2 snare,

S*^- hubt futility, failure

net; rope with a noose; pl. Jj^ tricks,

wiles, artificea, stratagems (in Order to

JL*-t t'Aif frustration, thwarting, foil-
UL*- hibla pl. J!t*- hab'il snare, net
^ habaq basil (bot.); (egr.) a variety of
J,,U hbil: JjUL JjU-i +\ (iktalafa)
speedwell (Veronica anagallis aquatica L.)
everything became confused, got into
iL- habaka i u {habk) to weave well and tight a state of utter confusion; p+LLij *ijU-
{*; to braid, plait {*; to all together, all in a modley


'J^- habila a (habal) to be or become preg- .Jo- hatf pl. J*>=*- hutf death |
j* *wj
nant, conceive n
and IV to make preg- <J\L> 4-o- (Jl ,^-j) yabhatu r an (yas' il)

n&nt (U a woman) hat/ihi bi-zfihi he brings about his own

J^ Aa&aJ conception; pregnancy destruction, digs his own grave; <Jt>- L
<ij\ mala hatfa anfihl he died a natural
J^- AuA&J pl. JL*. habkt and ^Lj- death
hablna pregnant

-U- hatama i {hatm) to decree, make neces-

,>*- Aa&an dropsy
sary, prescribe > for s.o.),
Lf^- (l^JI ^_-*- Aa&6 aJ-Mn) cardamom (Arno- make duty, a necessity
(* a
(J* for
mum cardamomum L.; bot.) s.o.); to impose, enjoin
(J* * upon
s.o.); to decide, determine definitely
(j-*-) L*- AaM u (Aa6u>) to crawl, crep; to
{i_j II to decree, make necessary,
present (* b.o. with, give, award
prescribe J* * for s.o. ), make
(* * to b.o. III to be obliging ( to (

(* a duty, a necessity J* for s.o.)

s.o.), show one's good will (toward s.o.); (

V to be necessary; to be s.o.'s
to favor ( s.o.); to side ( with s.o.),
duty, be incumbent (J* upon s.o.)
bepartial (tos.o.);to show respect, def-
erence ( to s.o.) VIII to sit with one's legs ^*- hatm pl. *js- hutm imposition,
drawn up and wrapped in one's garment injunction; final decision, resolution, de-
termination; - hatman decidedly, defi-
~*y*- hibwa, hubwa, habwa gifb, present
nitely, necessarily, inevitably
L*- hib' gift, present
(_j*^*- hatmi decided, definite, final,
LL muhbh obligingness, complai-
conclusive, definitive, unalterable, irrev-
sance, courtesy; favor(ing), favoritism,
ocable, inevitable
L*i- hatmtya decidedness, definite
C-*- hatta u {hau) to rub off, scrape off, scratcb neas, definitiveness, determinateneas, un-
off (*
alterableness ; necessity
o- hitta pl. c^*- hitat (eg.) piece, bit,
i-*i*-V l-hatmlya indeterminism (phi-

J- hatt (prep.) until, tili, up to, as far *y- mahtm imposed, enjoined, ob-
as; (conj.; with perf.) until, so that; (with
ligatory; determined,
subj.) until, that, so tbat, in order that ;
minate, unalterable, inevitable; destined,
definitive, deter-

(particle) even, eventually even; and

predestined, ordained (fate)
even; ji J- even if; (with preceding
negation) not even, and be it only . . .
lA muhattam imposed, enjoined, oblig-
atory; determined, definitive, determi-
oli*- hutdt scraps; morseis, crumbs
nate, unalterable, inevitable; destined,
l*: tahtt corrosion predestined, ordained (fate)

-U*- hatida a (hatad) to be of pure origin I*i. mutahattim absolutely necessary;

m- mahtid descent, origin, lineage

imperative (duty)

j^- hutra small piece, bit, trifle

j>- hitr pl. j%*~ hutur border, edge, U- hatta u (hatt) to urge, incite, prompt,
fringe, surroundings, vicinity goad, spur on, egg on, prod, provoke,


impel ( s.o., J* to do |

*U^ *i-*- '*** mahajja pl. A* mahjj 1

(JptiOhu) to quicken one's pace, hurry of a pilgrimage, object of pilgrimage,

(Jl to a place); Si^ <^~ itoniqq) to Bhrine; destination (of a journey); goal;

hurry, hasten; < ii-*- (gwiamotAi) to road; way; procedure, method *** |

quicken one's pace, break into a run ^I^JI m. a^-^awOb the Right Way, the
VHI and X = I Str&ight Fath; Jj-J-I *j* railroad

d>- hatit fast, rapid, quick r\? htf&j argument, dispute, debate

O *JU- ht&a hormone >+ tahajjuj argumentation, plead-

ing, offering of a pretezt, pretenae, ex-
'J- Ai/i Hittite (n. and adj.)

Jli- Autfia dregs, lees, Sediment; scum ~l*=-l ihtijj pl. -i argumentation;
(flg.); offal, discard, scrapa |
./.jJ-l Li*. pretezt, excuse, plea, pretenae; proteat,
ak eombings remonstrance (J* against), objection,
exception (J* to)
(ji.) li*. Ao3 u (Aafw) to strew, scatter,
^u. htijj pl. ^ijp hujjaj, gje hajij
spread, diaperse (*
pilgrim; hadji, Mecca pilgrim, honorific
**- hajja v to overcome, defeat ( s.o., title of one who has performed the pil-

with argumenta, with evidence), confute grimage to Mecca

( s.o.); to convince { s.o.); (hajj) to
je hajaba t* (hajb) to veil, cover, screen,
make the pilgrimage (to Mecca), perform
the hadj m to dispute, debate, argue, shelter, aeclude (J* from); to hide,

reason ( with s.o.) YI to argue against obscure (j* * from elae, e.g.,

from sight); to eclipee, outshine, over-

eaoh other, carry on a dispute, to debate;
to take counsel Vm to advance (<-> shadow ( s.o.); to make impercepttble,
invisible (j* * to); to conceal (j* *
as-an argument, plea, excuae, or pretezt;
to allege in Bupport or vindication, from s.o.); to make or form a Sepa-

plead (w; to vindioate, juatify (J ration (,>jj ,>> between and) ; to protest, remonstrate ( J* against), n to veil, hide, conceal; to hide from

object, raise objectionB (J* to) aight, koep in aeclusion (U a vornan);

to disguiae, mask (_> * with) Y to
* hajj and 'de hijja pl. -4t, mT hide (j* from), from
conceal o.s., flee
hijaj pilgrimage; hadj, the officio! Muslim conceal
Bight, veil o.a. VII to veil o.b.,
pilgrimage to Mecca i*i-l jj {Zu l-hijja
o.a.; to be oovered up, become hidden,
Zu'lhijjah, the last month of the Ialamio
Y1H to become
be obsoured vanish,
invisible, disappear from eight; to veil
de hujja pl. * Aujo; argument; o.b., conceal o.a., hide; to become hidden,
pretenae, pretezt, plea; proof, evidence; be conoealed (j* from); to withdraw;
document, writ, deed, reoord; authorita- to elude perception; to cease orinterrupt
tive souroe, competent authority |
*** publioation (newspaper, periodical)
ul under the pretenae that . . . , on the keep-
<_jp hajb seclusion ; Bcreening off;
plea . . . , on the pretext of . .
ing away, keeping off

r-Lp hajj pl. ~de\ ahijja circumorbital <~>ljp hijb pl. ^Jt hujvb, *J?\ ah'
ring (anat.) jiba cover, wrap, drape; curtain; wom-
p- mdhajj destination (of a jonrney) an's veil ; screen , partition , folding

screen; barrier, bar; diaphragm (also j+- mahjir, mihjar, mahjar pl. j~\-
j-U-l L-UJ-i; anat.); amulet mahjtr* { ,>JI j*4- m. al-'ain) eye
socket; see also below
<>\je hijba office of gatekeeper
ju*^ tahjir interdiotion, prohibition,
(_jU^j-I ihtijb conoealment, hidden-
ban; see also below
ness, seclusion; veiledness, veiling, pur-
dah jj*>^-' mahjr pl. j**-l* mahjlr* (and
4-U jjj*) one placed under guardian-
r*-U- hjib concealing, Screening,
ship; minor; ward, oharge
protecting; (pl. <~>\>**-fyujjb, Im- ha jaba)
doorman, gatekeeper; chamberlain; order- *JE n to petrify, turn into stone (*;
ly (Syr., m.); (pl. -*-]>*- hawjib
) eye- to make hard as stone (* V to turn
brow |
*\ji\ <-*-U- h, al-hawd' airtight, to stone, petrify, become petrified
je hajar pl. j\jc\ ahjr, j\je hijra, jLf
Vj** mahjb concealed, hidden, hijr stone ; weight (placed as an equipoise
veiled on the scale of a balance) ^L-^/l _/J-l

(aasi) the foundation stone, cornerBtone,

JE hajara (hajr, hijr, hujr, \je hijrn,
^UVI_^J-I *J>j {wa$') laying of the cor-
hujr&n) to deny access (J* to s.o.); to
nerstone; ^^Jl JE h. al-ball flagstone,
stop, detain, hinder (J* or b.o.); to
forbid, interdict J* * to s.o.), pro-
paring stone; ^- Je h. jahannam lunar
caustic, eilver nitrate ; j*jU JE h. al-jir lime-
(J* s.o.) from doing {*); to
stone; JlfJI j*l-\ or JlfJI JE (summqi)
place s.o.) under guardianship, declare
(J* porphyry; j^-VI >^J-i {aswad) the Black
J* s.o.) legally incompetent
Stone (of the Kaaba); -slilt JE hema-
JE hajr restriction, curb(ing), check(ing), tite (min.); ^wJl je h. al-'atra stum-
obatruction, impeding, limitation, cur- bling block; <i-->UJI JE philosopher's
(J* of; barring, ciosing, stone; O j*5JI
J? h. al-qamar eelenite;
de barmen t, preclusion; detention; block-
f.^J* and ,>j JE preciouB stone, gern
ing, confinement, Containment, suppres- jJ-\ J* (tob'} thograph;_^J-i **U
sion (as a protective measure); interdic- lithography
tion, pixihibition, ban ; revocation, or
tjJE hajarl Btony , Btone ( adj . ) |

limitation, of s.o.'s J*) legal competence

( |
<Sj*+i-\ ^a*J! ('(ty) the Stone Age; j-*JI

if* j? ($*#**) quarantine

^i-j.U-1 j^^J-1 the Neolithio period; _r*Jl
JE hijr forbidden, interdicted, pro- /.Uli tj^nJ-l the Paleolithic period
hibited; lap; (pl. jLtl ahjr, jJe hnjr,
_^t hajir stony, petrified
jjjt hujra) mare
jljt hajjr stone mason, stone cutter
JE hujra pl. hujart, je hujar room;
cell; (railroad) aompartment; Chamber |
_^*tf. ma/ijir pl. _^-l* mahjir* (stone)

jlkVl J? waiting room; *_yi\ Ije h. quarry

an-navm bedroom; *--^UJl /^i-l (fall*
jj* tahjir petrification; stone quar
hiya) Chamber of agriculture rying

>nl*. mahjar pl. j~-\- mahjir* military ^rf. tahajjur petrification

hospital, infirmary; prison, jail, dungeon |
jp**m mutahajjir petrified
j*+- (fihhi) quarantine, quaran-
tine Station jy*^ mtutahjir petrified
- ,


'j: hajaza u i (hajz) to hold back, restrain, Jjt hajl, hijl pl. i}j? hujl, Jlfl ah*

hinder, prevent jp * from); to jl anklet


keep away (je * from); to block

J* hajal (coli.; n. un. I) pl. ^f
(off), close, bar; to isolate, insulate, con- hijln, partridge; mountain
Jj hijl
fine, seclude; to make inaccessible; to partridge, mountain quail
set apart; to separate (jo two things);
iLt hajala pl. Jl* hijl curtained
to arrest, detain; to seize, Sequester,
canopy, or alcove, for the bride |
impound (J* or *, e.g., b.o.'s
JUi-l ra^bt al-h. the ladies
property, salary); to confiscate, safe-

guard (*; to reserve (*; to IUJ-1 i-J labat al-hajla hopscotch

make a reservation (* for a theater aeat, mw/wj;a/wearinganklets(woman);

a steamer cabin, a ticket, etc.) VIII to
white-footed (horse); bright, brilliant,
retain for o.s., reserve to o.s. {*
radiant; unique, singular, esp. in the
phraae (agarr 2 )
ist hajz curbing, prevention, re- J^y-'
straint seclusion, confinement, Con-
Jt hajama u (hajm) to cup { s.o.; med.)
tainment, isolation, insulation, Separa-
IV to recoil, shrink, flinch (je from);
tion; arrest, detention, seizure, confisca-
to desist, abstain , refrain (
j* from )
tion, Sequestration (Je of; reser- to withdraw, retreat
forbear (je

vation (of seats) |

hji-\ h. t-hurriya
** Jiajm pl. (*^t hujm, A^\ ahjam
deprivation of liberty, unlawful detention,
{alq) to confis- bulk, size, volume; caliber (of a cannon)
duress (jur.); Je ^^J-l Jil

**A-I jS bulky, sizable, massive

jUJ-l al-hijz Hejaz, region in W a\JP hajjm cupper

Arabia, on the Red Sea coast <*\je hijma cupping, scarification, art

jjljp hijzi of or pertaining to Hejaz.;

of cupping

(pl. -an) an inhabitant of Hejaz -j^ mihjam, 1***^- mihjama pl. *r^-
mahjim 2 cupping glass
j*-U hjiz and j^-U pl. jr]y~ haw*
obstacle, hindrance, impediment, (1^1 ihjm desistance, abstention; re-

obstruction; partition, screen, dividing straint, aloofness, reserve

wall; block, blockade, road block; fence,

jz hajana i (hajn) to bend, curve, crook
gate, railing, balustrade ; hurdle ; bar,
(* VIII to snatch up, grab (*,
barrier; barricade | ^r^' v^' ^~
phragm (anat.); Q ^V >rU- break
take hold ( of

wate.r; (-f^J-l) ii^ jr^ 1 (qumruqiya, j*l ahjan 2 curved, crooked, bent

gumrukiya) customs barriers; O J^-^*- j^ mihjan pl. Jr ^ mahjin

staff or

JaJj-JI lightning rod stick with a crooked end, crosier; hook

O approx.:
sr^~ <^o* muwazzaf hjiz (j) \jj- -o lf haj hihi kairan to think
well of s.o., have a good opinion of s.o.
III to propose a riddle ( to s.o.); to
*-l* muhjafa singlestick fencing
speak in riddles, be enigmatic
JUtl ihjf = l* I

\je, je hijan pl. 1*1 ahj* intellect,

hajala u i {hajl, 0"** hajaln) to hop, brains, understanding, discernment, acu-

gambol men, sagacity, wit, intelligence
leap; to skip,
; ;


J~ hajiy appropriate, suitable, proper aaperated (J* with); to be agitated, be

for upset, be in a atate of commotion

(v )

J~\ ahj more appropriate, more A>- hadd pl. ijA- hudd (cutting) edge
suitable, more proper; more correct, (of a knife, of a sword) ; edge, border,

better brink, brira, verge; border (of a country),

boundary, borderline; limit (flg.), the
Jtl ithjiya pl. ,j*-l*-i ahjiy, ^l*-l
utmost, extremity, termination, end,
ahjin riddle, puzzle, enigma
terminal point, terminua ; a (certain)

l^ hakm U-U- (look up alphabeti- measure, extent, or degree (attained)

cally) (math.) member (of an equation), term
(of a fraction, of a proportion); divine
J*. Jiadda u (hadd) to sharpen, hone (* a
ordinance, divine atatute; legal punish-
knife); to delimit, dclineate, demarcate,
ment (Isl. Law) |
Ai- li-haddi or a>- Jl
mark off, stake off (* land, j* from); to
until, tili, up to, to the extent of, A- Jl
set bounda (* to, limit, restrict,
jS'I ai, jS'I li-h.l-na up to now, sofar;
confine {*; to irapede, hinder,
(haddin) to a certain degree,
eurb, check (j* or a; t (lx>-
L. A*- Jl

hidda) to becorae furioua, angry (J* at): to a certain extent; _-_5 A>- Jl, -L*j A>~ Jl
to a considerable extent or degree,
t u {s\>- hidd) to wear mourning,
considerably, extensively ; A- ^1 Jl
mourn (J* the
deceased) II to sharpen,
{ayyi haddin) how far, to what degree or
hone (* a knife); to forge (*; syr.);
extent; *J x>- V (JwtWa)boundlo33, infinite,
to delimit, demarcate (*; to
unbounded, unlimited; A*- "^ bi-l haddin,
aet bounda (* to, circumscribe,
A>- j-i- Ji il gairi haddin boundlesa, un-
mark off, delincate aharply ; to liinit,
limited, without limita; 1^ A>-
J* 'al
reatrict, confine (j- or *; to dcter-
haddin snw'in, ^f A*-
J* 'al h. siwan
mine, appoint, aasign, achedule, lay down,
in the aame manner; equally, likewiae;
set down, establiah (*; to fix (*
A- J* (haddi) according to, commensurate
e.g., pricea); to define (* |
with; 4jI i -i*- j fi haddi dtihi and .oli a
fl^^aj (baqarah) to dart aharp glances;
in itaelf, aa auch; J*Vi Al~\ {a'l), aL\
to acrutinize (j, look sharply (j at
^jVI {aq-?) the raaximum; ja^l Ai-\ III to oppose (*, * s.o.,,
{adn) the minimum; <jf- A>- ('umri) age
act contrary ( * , to a.o., to ),
limit; {jA*- ji du haddain two-edged;
contravene, counteract, violate (*
ijA*- j (hu/ldi) within, within the frame-
IV to harpen, make sharp (* j

work of; ijA*- ^^jI iJL (aq$ huddihi)

Jl ^kJI Ar-\ (nazar) to look sharply
to attain ita higheat degree; il .jj-U-
at, atare at ; j-oi A- 1
basarah ) to
the bounds or restrictions tbat God has
dart aharp glances; to acrutinize (j
i man's freedom of action, look sharply (j at; a*-\

j^i ^ [bagarihi) to glance sharply; to Ix*- hidda sharpness, keenneas; pitch

put on garmenta of mourning V to be (of a tone); djatinctivcnesa, raarkedness
delimited, be delineated, be bounded, be vehemence, violcnce, impetuoaity; fury,
circumacribed; to be dctermincd, be rage, wrath, ire, anger; excitability,

eatablishcd, be aet down, be scheduled, irascibility, passionateness

be fixed ; to be defined, be definable
lAf- hida aee a>-j
VIII to be or become angry; to become
infuriated, be furioua at), be ex- sAr- hadad forbidden


s\a*- hidd (act of) mourning { J* over) j

delimited, determinate, fixed, definite,
jloJ-l uji taui al-A. garmenteof mourning; definitive |
J*il iji m. al-ma na un-
i-^Jl jIju- A. al-balf court mourning ambiguous ; j^iJl jj^ wi. a^-^famdn

ijO- Aodid iron; pl. OjIju- Atu&l'tf1

of limited Uability; (*JjLA\) UjlA T^i
{Urica) limited Company, oorporation
iron parts (of a structure) ; forgings, hard-
ware, ironware | * U- -b-i*- crude iron, pig jo muhaddad sharpened, aharp ; deter-
iron, iron ore; O Pj^* -4^*- (mut&wi") mined, fixed, appointed, deatined (J for);
wrought iron; Jap JjA*- (fa) unprooessed strictly delimited, clearly defined
iron, pig iron; .uJ-l _^J aAr aZ-A., ij.u-
is* muhtadd angry, furious, exaaper-
_^ii\ caat iron; OjOJ-1 SL- eikkat al-fr.
railroad; ajL -b.u- j <-./* see i_j_p>

-u-u- hadid pl. aI.w Aidrf, l.wl ahid* iljj- ATa, pl. I.U. Afa', l.u- Aidd*, jT-u-

da1 *, Ij*-\ ahidda sharp (knife, eye, hid'n kite (zool.)

tongue, etc.). keen (mind) Aada'a

I.U- pl. l-u- Aidd* double-bladed
a*- I dfyadd 1 aharper, keener ; more axe
vehement, more violent
<_*u- Aodta a (Aadai) to be oonvex, dome-
OjO- hadida pl. o^to*. had&id* pieoe of shaped, cambered, bent outward; to be
iron; object or tool made of iron J hunchbacked; to be nice, kind, friendly
ijj-l iJj.u- A. al-hart plowshare; ij Ji- 1
J* (J*-
or y to s.o.), be solicitous (J*
(ep.) in financiai straita, pinohed for money or i_j about b.o.), care (J* or o> for

j-b-U- Aadidi iron (adj.) |

*j-Aj>w *- s.o.), take care (J* or y of b.o.) II to

(riifcifea) railroad make oonvex, emboaa, camber, vault,

curve, crook, bend (* V and XII
JOjOJ-I al-hudaida Hodeida (seaport in
ihdaudaba to be crooked, vaulted,
W Yemen)

oambered, embossed, convex

jl.u- haddd ironsmith, blacksmith
_>.u- hadab affection, fondneaa, love;
ol-u- Atdia amithcraft, artofsmithing
kindlineas; Bolicitude, care; (pl. l^Iju-

0j4^ tahdld pl. -0J Umitation, delimi- hidb, t^lov-l ahdb) elevation of the
tation ; delineation, demarcation ; re- ground | ojj~<j <-*u- JS"j> (wa-^aubin) or

striction, curb, oonfinement ; determina- V-l*-jVj- J^ * fr m aU sidea, fxom all

tion, fixation, appointment; definition |
directiona, from everywhere; vj** J^* J

-udl J* and -b.udl a^j J* (wa?'A V^j everywhere, in every quarter, on all

*-*.} to be exact Btrictly speaking

. . . ,
. . idea

jU- Addd sharp (also, flg., of a glance), <_*u- hadib curved, cambered, vaulted,
keen (mind); high-pitched (tone); vehe- convex; hunchbacked; kindly, friendly
ment, fiery, impetuous; fierce; vivid;
ij.u- hadaba hunchback, hump; camber,
acute (illness) |
^Ijli jU- h. al-mizj,
vaulting, curvature
UJI iU- A. a$-fa&* hot-blooded, hot-
headed, hot-tempered, irascible ; jU- *j jij v a^l oAdab 9 , f.L-u- hadba' 1 , pl-v^
<zdiya) acute angle; jU-1 c^ aubacute Aw hunchbacked, humped; (elative)

kindlier, friandlier
jjj* moArfd bounded, bordered (^
by); circumscribed, confined; limited i^o^ muAoAiai embossed; cambered,
(= small, e.g., number, knowledge, etc.); oonvex

Jj-U- hadafa u (*j-U- hudt) to happen, occur, j-JI u-j-U- h. aa-sinn young; -i^Jl li-j-U- h.

take place, come to pass; haduta u al-'ahd of recent date, recent, new, young;
(<}l.u. hadta) to be new, recent; to be i_j o^JI j-u-, l-j A+e j.u- (A. 'aAitn)

young II to teil, relate, report (* to s.o., having adopted or acquired ( recent-

u or i, j, ^ about); to speak, ly; not long accus tomed to (, inex-

talk ( to b.o., ^ or j about, of ) |

perienced at (, new at (, newly,
4_Lj *jj*. haddatah galbuk and cJa*- e.g., jVjJI; J^JI j4- (hi-l-wilda) now-
<_ij haddatathu nafsuh his heart, born, r-lj^JL Xfi\ ^^*- (bi-z-zawdj) new\y
his innermost feeling told him (^ wed; Ijjjk -*+J' j-u- ulf he had not; v ** -jJ*"
l {nafwk) to talk known Europe until recently

o.s. into (, try to believe or

ijj*- hadit pl. ijjUl hlt 1 , -u- AkJ*
see (as factual); to resolve, make up
Mji speech; chat, chitchat, amall talk;
one's mind to do; Ol <-jJ hi>J*-
conversation, talk, discussion; interview;
he said to himself, told himself that . .
prattle, gossip ; report, aecount, tale, nar-
III to speak, talk (^ or j * to s.o.
rative ; Prophetic tradition, Hadith, narra-
about; to discuss (j* or j with
tive relating deeda and utterances of bhe
s.o., converse (^ or j with s.o.
Prophet and his Companions j.U-

about); to negotiate, confer ( with s.o.);

**\j*- h. hurfa fabulous story, silly talk;
to address, accost ( s.o.); to call up {*
yj-oi j.u- {qudsi) Muslim tradition in
s.o., by telephone) IV to bring forth,
which God Himself speaks, as opposed to
produce, create, originate (*; to
jjj ij J*. (nabawi) an ordinary Prophetic
found, establih (*; to bring about,
tradition; Jd\ j.U-
h. an-nafs one
cause , occasion , provoke , effect (*
talks o.s. into; premonition; to drop excrement | tf-U- i.u-1
(hadatan) to bring about ; to cauw il>jO*- hudt setting in (of a State or
or do, esp., evil, do mis-
condition), oecurrence, ineidence (of a

chief V to speak, talk (Jl to s.o., je, -_j

phenomenon); oecurrence, ineident, hap-
or j about or of, converse, chat

(Jl or u with s.o., jp, uor j about *jl-u- hadta newness, recency, novelty;
VI to talk with one another, converse, youth, youthfulness
have a conversation X to renew {*;
il*a-l ahdaf newer, more recent
to buy new (*; to introduce, start,
jAjJl j-U- hidtn (or hadat&n) ad-dakr
invent, originate, create (*; to
misfortune, adversities, reverses
find or deem ( s.o.) to be young
4jj.u-l uhdta pl. J-jjU-1 ahdit3 speech;
djJ*- hadat pl. i!>l-U-t ahdt a new, un-
discussion, talk, conversation; chatter;
precedented thing, a novelty, innovation;
fabling, fibbing; topic, subjeet of a con-
event, ineident, oecurrence, happening;
versation ; gossip, rumor (about a person)
phenomenon; evil Symptom; misdeed; |

misfortune; ritual impurity {Id. Law)*,

oj-U-Vl J-*- hum
al-u. praise (of s.o.);

y;.u-VI *y ** al-u. slander, defamation

excrement, feces; (p\.<L>\i*-\,\5i*-hudtn)
young man, youth; il-U-i juveniles ojl muhdata pl. -t discourse, con-
versation, discussion, talk, parley
<o-u- hadit pl. il-U- hidt, U.U. hu*

daUS % new, novel, recent, late; modern; il-u-l ihdt produetion, creation, in-
Ijja*- haditan recently, lately |
*LJl j.U- vention, origination; causation, effectu-
h. al-tn' new - built, recently built ation

ihdwiy&t co-ordinatee to cause (* to descend; to drop

oLJI^-l (pl.)

(a; to ahed (* teara); IjJb- ji*-

(math.) | AiiyF oLlli^l {'amdiya) ordi-
S-l iLSI.u-1 (ufqlya) abscisaas {hadran) to rattle off, expreaa quickly
(math.) (an utterance, a. thought); (hadr)

to come down, step down, deacend; to

ti.IJb.iJ istihdt invention, creation,
glide down, swoop II to drop (*;
production, origination
to lower, incline, dip (* V to
ioU hd occurring, happening, taking deacend gradually; to glide down; to
place; new, recent; freh; (pl. >*])*- come down, descend; to flow down
hawdit2 , also -&t) occurrence, incident, (tears); to derive, atem, originate (,j*

event, happening; episode; case (jur.); from) VII to come or go down, de-
accident, mishap | jj'J ioU a cose of acend; to glide down, Bink down; to be
forgery; ioliJ tL. makn al-h. Bite of in decline, be on the downgrade, to
action, ecene of the crime, locus delicti decline, wane; to flow down (tears); to

i\iU- hdita pl. tj^y haudit 1 occur- slope down, alant down, be inclined (ter-

rence, event, happening; plot (of a rain) ; to come (

Jl to a place), arrive (
Jl at)

play) incident, epieode accident, mishap

; ; [ jj*. hadr rapid recitation of the Koran
jjjii ojU h. al-murr traffic accident (a terminus technicua of tajwxd)

iirf. mnhaddit pl. -n apeaker, talker; jjj+- hadr slope, downgrade, declivity,
Bpokesman; conversation partner, inter- declivitoua terrain
locutor ; relator, narrator a tranamitter of ;

jjj. tahaddur deacent, slant, Blope,

Prophetic traditions, traditionary, repre-
inclination, incline, declivity
sentativeof the science or study of Hadith
inhidr slant, dip, pitch, inclina-
(eee above); O phonograph, gramophone j\jJ-\

tion, descent, slope ; declivity; fall (of a

iOrf- muhdat new, novel, recent, late;
river); decline, waning; ruin, decay, de-
modern; upstart, nouveau riche; oy^\
the Moderne
jiU- hdir thick
J>j*-i. mutahaddit apokeaman, Speaker
j.Uju mutahaddir descending, slanting,
wu*^. mustahdat new, novel; (pl.
-i) novelty, innovation; recent invention,
j.Uw munhadir deBcending; lowered,
modern produet; neologism
dipped; alanting, aloping, declivitous
and to stare, look sharply
r a*- hadaja i II
(terrain); declining, waning, being on
(*, * at s.o., at, often with a^--*
the downgrade, in a State of decadence or
bi-baearihi or Jj bi-nazarihl) decline; run-down, aeedy, down-at-the-

r-i*- hidj pl. gj-b- hwlj, ^1-u-t ahdj heela, down-and-out

load, brden, enoumbranoe j .Uw munhadar pl. -l depression slope, ;

talus, incline, descent, declivity ; fall

jb- y\ ab hudaij stork
(of a river)
4fl4p- hid&ja pl. -t*- ^adN'? camel
saddle ^j*- hadaea i u (hada) to surmise, guess,

conjeeture (*
jj^ hadara, hadura u (hadr, Ij\j*- hadra)

to be thick; hadara u i {hadr, jjJb- ,-1*- hada aurmiae, guess, conjeeture;

hudr) to bring down, lower (*; O intuition


163 jj-

D Ji'i- haddf (< Jli~), iijTLil Jil-U- (yr.) 1

D j-u- AWuw horseshoe
Shuttle (weaving)
'(ji- and ^.u-) I.U- had u (Aadw, Ij. AiWd',
li*- JjLi pra haddfa (syr.) flywheel hid*) to urge forward by singing {*

1 cameis) ; to urge, spur on, egg on, prompt,

Jo- Aa<2aga t (hadq) to Surround, encircle,
encompass (<_j s.o., (with *i-k>
instigate, induce, more (<^i or * s.o.,

bt-'ainihi) to look, glanoe (. at s.o.) II to Jl to, to do; lj l-U- to insti-

gate; to sway, rock, roll (rider,

look, glance, gaze, stare (Jl or j at,
camel); to Bwing along, rock along (in
also <_j) | j jLJl Ja*- (naazra) to fix
riding) Jl li-j-U- *^j -U- their oonrersation
one' glance on ... IV to Surround, J
1 1

encircle, encompass, enclose ,

(lj s.o.,
led them to . . .; .JK^Jl ^J. ^jk
4-fl; to look, glance (j, Jl or _^ at)

{garadun tuhd) a goal much Bought

jLJl J.u-1 (nazara) to fix one'B glance

after or worth striving for V to oompete,
rie ( with s.o.); to challenge, pro-
on . .

roke (*, b.o.,; to defy, oppose,

.u- hadaqa pl. -dl, Ja*- hadaq, JI.U-
resiat, withstand (*, s.o.,, stand
hidq, jl.u-1 aW<^ pupil (of the eye);
up (, against s.o., against;
pl. jlil glances
to incite, stimulate, arouse, animate,
iia*- hadiqa pl. jlli*- had'iq* garden |
sharpen (*; *ITj dak'ah s.o.'s
oLjl^-J-l j.u- A. aJ-AayauiflfaJ/ zoological intellect); to intend (*, to do,
garden, zoo be bent (* on doing

jl.u-1 tTwta^ encircle ment, encompass- l-u- hud' animating singsong, chanting
ment (^ of) of the cararan leader

j-i* _^ fcatar muAd/imminent danger l-i*- hadd' camel driver, cameleer

D J-U- II = JJ*-) to make acid, sour, tart,
ji*-l uhdwa, <j-U-I uhdiya song of the
or sharp (* camel drivers

D J-U- hiq (= JiU-) sour. tart, acid, jj. tahaddin pl. o L A*t tahaddiyt

sharp (taste) challenge, provocation

jU- hdin pl. li*- hud&h Caravan leader

Ja*- hadala i to flatten, lerel, eren, roll
(who urges the cameis forward by
(a; (Aa<M, Jji*- hudl) to treat
singing); camel driver, cameleer; leader
unjustly (Je s.o.)

.u^* mutahaddin challenger, provoker

*J-i*4 nttTufa/a pl. JjU mahdil* roller,

steamroller 1
m hadiya a to remain, stay (i_> at a place),
stick (utoa place)
*a*- VIII to burn, glow, blaze; to burn up,
be consumed by fire; to flare up, break
out (fight); to be furious, burn with
D <jI-U- hidya, hiddya il-b- hid'a
(J* at, orer), also LLi-
{gaizan) jj*- hadira a (hidr, hadar) to be cautious,
j-Ioj-1 ihliddm paroxysm wary, to beware (j* or *, of s.o., of, be on one's guard (j* or *,
*oit mu/i&ufiin furious, infuriated.
against) II to warn, caution (,>
s.o. of or about), put ( s.o.) on his
o*- Au&i see i*-j guard (jr*
against) III to watch out, be

J^ 164

careful; fco be on one's guard ( against), J.U- hadiqa a> hadaqa i (hidg, li- hadqa)
be wory ( of 8.0.) V to beware, be wary to be skilled, skillful, well- versed, proficient

(,> of) VIII = I (*or, maater (; hadaqa

u (<3j-i*- hudq) to turn sour (milk)
j-u- hidr and hadar caution, watch-
V to feign sklfulness, proficiency, clever-
fulness, alertneBS, wariness, circumspec-
ness or smartnesa
tion; precaution |
ji*. -U-l (hadarah) to
be on one's guard; j-U- J 'al hadarin ja*, hidg and l-w- hadqa skill, dexter-
cautiously, warily; on one's guard {^* ity, proficiency; smartnesa, cleverness, in-
against) telligence; perspicacity, sagacity, acumen

jl. Aajftr cautious, wary jiL- hdiq pl. j!*- huddq skillful,

skilled, proficient; well-vereed, clever,

jl-U- Aatlri beware (Ol of doing . . .,
smart, intelligent; sour
y> of! watch out (j- for)! be
careful (^- of)! jJ-U- II tahadlaqa to pretend to be clever
or skillfull, feign skill or knowledge ; to be
jjJ- tahdir warning, cautioning (j- of,

J-U- hadlaqa skillfulneas, dexterity

*jiL* mt^kl^ara caution, precaution,
precautionary meaaure (jJV) l-U- had u: (hadwah) to

} \*- IJu-

jj mahdr that of which one should imitate s.o., take after s.o., follow

beware, against which one should guard s.o.'s example III to be opposite

object of caution ; (pl. -t) danger, peril (*), face, parallel (*, run
trouble, difficulty, misfortune parallel (* to) VI to be opposite each
other, be parallel VIII to imitate, copy
(Ji*- hadafa i (hadf) to shorten, clip, curtail (i~> or J* s.o.,, also, take
{* or y>; to take away, or follow or
J* s.o.,, also *

cut off, clip off { y> from as an example or model; to be, reduce (j-, strike or cross shod; to wear ( aa footgear (j- off; to cancel, strike out,
jJV hadwa (prep.) opposite, face to
delete, drop, leave out, omit, suppress
face with J-JIj J*Jl iiji*- hadwaka n-na'la
(* ;
(gram.) to elide, apocopate, |

bi-n-na'l in a completely identical manner,

drop by aphaereais; to deduct, subtract
to a T, like two peas in a pod
(a; to throw (<^> at s.o.,
pelt (i~> s.o. with; to cast away, J-U- hid' pl. <jJu-t ahdiya shoe;

throw away, discard (<~> II to clip, sandal |

j V' *jL# shoemaker

trim (*; to give ( shape, la*. hid'a (prep.) and AX*- bi-
to trim, clip, or cut (* into proper hid'i opposite, face to face with
*IjV hadd' shoemaker, cobbler
tjj- hadf shortening , curtail ing

cutting off, trimming, etc.; canceling,

;ljl* (j) > r
al& (/i) muhd&ti along,
alongside of, parallel to
cancellation, striking off, croasing off,

deletion; Omission, dropping, supprea- li^*-l ihtid' imitation, copying

sion; (gram.) elision, elpsia, apocopation iL* muhdin opposite, facing

^sili^ ha^iir 1 : jJl* aVI he took all of it, j+- harra u i (Aarr, _,!;*- harra) to be hot
he took it lock, stock and barrel II to liberate ( s.o.); to free, set free,

releose (* s.o.); to emancipate ( s.o.); zeal; vehemence, violence, intensity;

to consecrate ( s.o.) to the Service of burning (of the skin)
God; to clarify, clear up, make clear
*jj>- huraira pl. -t calorie
(*; to formulate precisely, phrase
tfj'j"" harri thermal, thermic, thermo-,
aecurately, define exactly, pinpoint (*
heat (used attributiv ely) ; calorie .u-j ; to revise {> a book) ; to edit, redact |

Lji^- (wahda) calorie

(* a book, a periodical); to write, pen,
indite, compose, oompile (* V to O <Lj[r harriya pl. -t calorie

become free; to be freed, be liberated

Jjj*- harr f- pl- j lj- har'ir 2 hot wind
(,3- from); to be emancipated Till to be
kindled, be heated, flare up \j*- harrn 2 , f. ^j*. harr, pl. jt^*-

hirr, jjlj*- harr thirsty; passionate,

j- harr heat, warmth fervent, hot Ijj
(fig.) |
(jj~ (zafra) a

j- hurr pl. m. jl^-l ahrr, pl. f.

fervent sigh; jy- 9j*s hot tears
har'ir* noble, free-born; genuine (jewels, aharr2 hotter,
j*-\ warmer j-\ Je

etc.), pure, unadulterated; free; living _^i-l ()'<"') on pins and needles, on
in freedom; freeman; independent; free, tenterhooks, in greatest suspense or
unreatrained; liberal (pol.; jl^Vl the excitement
Liberais); frank, candid, open (J* toward
s.o.); free, available, uninvested (money)
O j*- rniharr heating System, heating
ji-\ ^U^-Vl {ihtiy) free reserves, un-
encumberedreaerves; <IL* >- .> min hurri j j tahrir liberation; release; emanei-

mlihi with his own cash, with funds at pation; record(ing), writing; editing, re-
his disposal daction; editorship (of a newspaper, a
periodical); (pl. -Ol, j j\J- tahrir*) piece
lj*- harra pl. -t stony area; volcanic
of writing, record, brief, document
country, lava field |

j j*d\ ur-jJj editor-in-chief; _r j**\ Ijlil

i/- hurriya pl. -t freedom, liberty; board of editors, editorial staff
independence, unrestraint, license (e.g.,
k$jj- tahriri liberational; emaneipa-
poetic) |
^LJI *jj h. al-'ibda freedom
tional ; liberal ; recorded in writing,
of worship ; _iJI hj. h. al-fikr freedom
written, in writing
of thought; f^xJI *tj*- freedom
of speech; <l^JI or) ^J^ll *j_,- h. an- jU- harr hot; warm; ardent, glowing,
nah (a$-$ihfa) liberty of the press fervent, passionate

jj>- harir silk; pl. J\j*. har'ir 2 (j\j*~) jjj- mahrr hot-tempered, hot-headed,
silken wares, silks ,$J*e j_^- ($akri) fiery, passionate, furious

asbestos; ^L-* j j- rayon jj- mvharrir pl. -n liberator, eman-

cipator; writer, clerk; editor (of a news-
iSj^j*- hariri silken, silky, of silk
paper, of a periodical)
ijj\j*- har'iri silken, silk- (in Com-
jj- muharrar oonsecrated to God; set
pounds), of silk; silk weaver
down in writing, recorded in writing,
j\j harrr silk weaver written; booked; pl. oljyt bookrogs,
harra heat; warmth; fever heat, entriea

fever; temperature; ardor, fervor (of j/c* mvtaharrir emancipated; an

emotion), pasaion; eagemen, enthosiasm, advooate of emanoipation

hariba a (harab) to be furious, enraged, >j*- hart plowing, tilling, tillage,


angry III to fight, combat ( s.o.), cultivation of the soil; arable land, tilth;

battle, wage war ( agaiBt s.o.) VI to plantation, culture

fight (one anothor), be engaged in war 4jj- harp. (n. un.) arable land, tilth
of the
IIj. hirta cultivation soil,

^S- harb f., pl.vJj*- hurb war, farming, agriculture

warfare; fight, combat, battle; enemy,
>\j*- harrt plowman
(J* or of
enemies J s.o.) |
(ahliya) civil war; Lil** ^j*- (sihfiya)
il^rf. mihrt pl. i-jjL* mahrit plow

pres3 feud; LlJ-JI ^jjl~\ (qallbiya) the hrit pl. ilj- Aurri plowman
ijU- |

Crusades ;
l _ r li*Jl ^>l (uzm) UUl ^> ,

ijU-l jjI ab l-h. lion

('/amlt/a), <.Ul ^i-l ('mma) World
War 1; L^L- j* ^>l toAx/a* tl- r-^ jai-t?a a {/wm?) to be close, tight,

Aar&u 'an aqih and JU Jt "-r*>^'

^ narrow ; to be straitencd, be confined,

get into a strait, be cornered, be hard

gmaf t7-A. a/ a^in war flared up,
fierce fighting broke out pre83ed; to be oppressed, be anguished
(heart); to be forbidden (J* to s.o.)
Oj- harbi warlike, bellicose, bellig-
II to narrow, tighten, straiten (;
crent, martial, war (adj.), military; (pl.
to complicate (*, make (*
n) wanior, soldier, military man |
difficult; to forbid (Ja * to s.o.);
iJji-\ (blts) military police
to pereist (j in IV to narrow,
*jj>- harba pl. ^j^ hirb lance, spear; confine, cramp, hamper, im-
spearhead; bayonet, sidearm pede, restrict (*; to complicate,

hirba harbiy chameleon make difficult, aggravate, jeopardiz (*

#Li_^- pl. <j\j*-

a Situation, s.o.'s position) ; to embarrasa

( s.o.) ; to coerce, constrain, press
lij*- \j iv harabhf (exclamation of
(Ji s.o. to);to forbid (J* * to
lament) alas! goodness no! oh my!
s.o.) V to refrain from sin or evildoing;
s~>\j- mihrab pl. < jj^ mahTib 2 a re-
to abstain, refrain (j- from), avoid
cesB in amoaque indicating the direction (^; to be eomered, be forced to
of prayer, prayer niche, mihrab the wall; to become or be oppressed,

muhraba struggle, combat, fight, anguished, distressed; to beeome critical,

i, jlrf.

become complicated or difficult, be

battle; warfare
aggravated (Situation), be jeopardized
^\J*.\ ihtirb mutual struggle
(s.o.'s position) | (v) * - L"* ,

^jLt mukrib warring, belligerent; ($adruh) to feel depressed by, feel

(Eg. 1930)
combatant, fighter; corporal annoyed at;

things difficult for people

^ this made

j^jjU^il al-mutahribn the belliger- r jj- haraj closenesa, tightneas, narrow-

ents, tho warring parties ness; confinement, atraitness, constric-

tion,crampedness; restriction, impedi-

~*^.jij*- harb$a pl. harbiSr (tun.)
ment; oppresaion, distress, anguish;
pastille, pill
difficulty; critical Situation; prohibition,

plow the interdiction; forbidden, inter-

*. harata

to cultivate,
% u {hart) to

tili (* the ground)

( soil);

dicted, sin | ^ ^ (haraja) there is no


objection; ^LLc rj- V nothing Stands in the day, score a great success V to be
your way, you are at liberty wary (^ of), be on one's guard (^
against) VIII to be wary {,>. of), guard.
Tj*- haraj (coli.; n. un. S) pl. -dt, r\j-
be on one's guard (j* against), be careful,
hirj, ^l^-l ahrj thicket; denae forest;
take heed, take precautions
woodland, timberland
jj- hirz pl. jl^*-l ahrz fortified place;
rj*- harij narrow, close, tight, confined,
refuge, sanctuary, retreat; custody; (pl.
straitened ; oppressed, hard pressed,
harassed; critical (Situation, position) J !/*-' JJj*- fyurz) amulet

ahraf narrower, closer, tighter, j j*. hariz strongly fortified, guarded;

more straitened; more critical inaccessible, impregnable

g\j- harg (eg.) auction jl^p-l ihrz acquisition, acquirement,

'jbtainment, attain ment, achievement,
-l^- harja seriouenesa, gravity, diffi-
winning, g&ining
culty, complicatedness (of a Situation)
j\j+-\ ihtirz pl. -t caution, wariness,
tj tahrij forestation, afforestation
prudenoe, circumspection ; reservation,
rj taharruj restraint, reserve, aloof- reserve |
jlJ^-V' J-& with all reservation
ness; timidity, diffidence, faint-hearted-
ness; critical complication, gravity, diffi-
O jjl*- hriza fuae (d.)

culty (of a Situation) jj muhriz obtainer, aoquirer, winner,

gainer; possessor, holder (J* of
oU^ muharrijt: Lc V' Olyjfi m. al-
aimn binding, committing, or solemn, ^j>- harasa u [hara, a*\j- hirOsa) to guard,
oaths watch, control (, *, s.o.); to

muhrij disconcerting, embarrass- overaee, superviae, superintend (, *,


ing s.o.); to secure, protect, safeguard, pre-

serve, keep (, *, s.o.); to watch
r-jj>LU mutaharrij: jJuail r-j*^* m.a-
J* over) V and VIII to beware, be wary
sadr annoyed, vexed, anguished, op-
{,y of), guard, be on one's guard (j*

j^ harida a (harad) to be annoyed, dia-

^j. haraa watch; guard, escort; body-
gruntled, angry, furious (J# at, with) guard jLJI j-^-l (sayyr) mitia,

^jU- hrid, Zj- harid and o\*j*- har* "garde mobile" (8yr.) |
JyiJI j-,- h.

dn annoyed, disgruntled, angry, furious aS-Saraf honor guard; JII ^^ (malaki)

the royal guard (formerly Ir., Eg.); (_r
JjV" hirdaun pl. ,>J!/- hardin lizard $Ji\ (mulki) (formerly) bodyguard of
the Bey {Tun.); jyi j->1 (watanl) the
jj>- haraza u (harz) to keep, guard, protect,

preserve (*, take care (* of); National Guard

haruza u (j|^- harza) to be strong ~*~>\j*- hirsa guarding, wabching, con-

be strongly fortified, be impregnable trol; watch, guard, guard duty; super-
IV to keep, preserve, guard (*; to vision, auperintendence ; guardianship, tu-

obtain, attain, achieve, win (* telage, oustody, care, protection ; safe

(jjL^i) \_
rMj jj*-\ (naaran) to win a conduct, escort; administration ; admin-
victory; jrrJ\ ,_^f jj~\ (qaqaba s-sabq) istration of an estate (jur.) ; Sequester |

to oome through with flying colors, carry J*-lj_Jl ~kJj*- coast guard

u*\J*-\ ihtirs caution, wariness, pru- hariaf pl. harSif* acales (of
dence; (pl. -t) precaution, precautionary fish)

meosure j
j Ul^-I for protection from
or against ,j-^*- harasa t and harifa a {hire) to deaire,

want, covet (J*; to be intent,

^jU- hris pl. L-^- harasa, ^1^- be bent (J on) ; to strive ( J* for),
Aurrfl vigilant, watchful ; watchman aspire (J* to)
Bentry, sentinel, guard; overseer, Super-
visor, Superintendent ; Administrator tjfj*- hirs greed, avidity, cupidity,

guardian, custodian, keeper, protector, covetouanesa ; desire; aspiration, endeav-

tutelary (in compounda) TJvJl ^jU- or, wish (J* for); avarice | Jp L*,- in

h. at-tirka Administrator of an estate; the desire for . .

. , in the endeavor to . .

fljA-'l ^jU- keeper of the aeal; j-^l ^jU- r}jj^ '

J* \~fj*~ danger ! (on warning
al-marm goal keeper; jl* ^^*- aigns)
h. *

4'%) aequeatrator, receiver (in bankrupt- ^iij- harty pl. hirOs, Uy-
cy, in equity); ,j-jl*- "&> (maVak) guard- Aura^fl' 8 covetous, greedy, avid, eager
ian angel (CAr.JjJJJl ,j-;L*- a '-&*' night
(J* for); bent (J* on), desirous (J* of)
^j^-! ahme2 more covetous, greedier
^^ mahrs guarded, safeguarded,
secured; protected (by God; esp. used ,jZj*- II to goad, prod, spur on, egg on,
as an epithet after the names of cities) incite, rouae, provoke (J* s.o. to

j*>jj\ the children, the family or to do; to inatigate, abet, stir

up, agitate ( J* a.o. to or against) ; O to
u*j4- muhtaria cautious, wary, careful induce (d.)

^j hara&a i (karS) to Scratch (*, * s.o.,

^^ij^ tahrld incitement, provocation; II to inatigate, prod, incite, instigation, abetment, agitation (J* to);
provoke, incense ( b.o.); to set (^j innammatory Propaganda (J* against
people against each other), sow discord, a.o.); O induction (ei.) O J'J
| o+ij*
dissension (jo among) V to pick a Belf-induction {ei.)

quarrel, atart a brawl (v with s.o.),

tahrigi inciting, instigative, agi-
provoke tS*tj
(*- a.o.)
tative, inflammatory; provocative

p- hirS, hurS pl. ^il^ I ahri, ,Jijj-

^jIj- hrid bad, wicked, evil
huri forest, wood(a)
^j*- muharrig pl. -n inciter, baiter;
^j- kariS and ,Jj-\
ahraJP rough,
instigator, abettor; demagogue, rabble
coarse, Bcabrous
rouaer; agitator, provocator; O induotor

harai, hur3a, <Z\j+. har&a w
roughnesa, acabrousneas
i. mutakarritf, Q induced (d.)

,J-ij^ tahri instigation, prodding,

j- II to slant, incline, make oblique (*
incitement, provocation, agitation, in- ; to bend off, up, down or back, turn
up, down or back, deflect {*

J,j taharrui provooation, importu- to distort, corrupt, twist, pervert, mis-

nity, obtruaion, meddling, uncalled-for construe, falaify (* [
**-i^* j* *ij*-

interference fan mavdi'ihi) to distort the aense of

160 dj"-, rob of its true meaning V to t_jj- Awr/ common garden pepper Cresa
turn off, branch off, take a tuming; (Lepidium sativum L.; bot.)

to deviate, depart, digress {je- from)

ii^- hirfa pl. <Jj- Aira/ profession,
to avoid (je-; to be or become
occupation, vocation, businesB, craft,
bent off, distorted, corrupted, perverted
VII to tum off, branch off, take a tuming;
i_ju j- ari/ pl. Li^- htiraf' customer,
to deviate, depart, digress, turn away
patron, client (tun.)
(jp from); to slope down, slant, be in-
clined (terrain); to tum (Jl to, toward); t_ju j*- hirrif pungent, acrid (taste)
to be twisted, be distorted; to be oblique, oLijj*- spicy food, delicacies
slanting; to be cocked, rakish (headgear);
il^- harfa pungency, acridity (taste)
with <_>: to make appear oblique,
alanted, or distorted; to be corrupted, ijtlj* tahrif pl. -flt alteration, change;

perverted jp *j cj^l to dissuado s.o. distortion ; perveraion, corruption, esp.


from; *^[> <-J^l (mixjuh) to be indis- phonetic corruption of a word

posed, be ill VIII to do (* profea- Jil^l inhirf pl. -<K deviation, di-
sionally, practice (* aa a profession;
gression ; obhqueness, obliquity , incli-
to etrive for aucceas
nation, slant; declination (astron.); ail-

t_jj- harf pl. <Jj- hiraf (cutting) ment, indisposition, also ^Ijil cjj^l

edge (of a knife, of a aword) sharp edge ;

t_jt>-l ihtir&f professional pursuit (of
border, edge, rim, brink, verge ; a trade, etc.)
(pl. J>jj*- hurf, Jy-1 ahruf) letter;
^ij- muharraf corrupted (word)
consonant; particle (gram.); type {typ.) \

tjj*- J* irresolute, wavering, on the fence oyM munharif oblique ; slanted, slant-

L^ij ^ *tLl alfzuh bi-hurfiJi his worde ing, sloping, inclined ; distorted, perverted,

literally; J^J-Ij or j*-\J\

_J/I-Ij hterally, corrupted, twisted; deviating, divergent;
verbatim, to the letter; ,_J^ Li,- harfan trapezium (geom.)
bi-harn literally, word for word; *jj
JJ& muhtarif one gainfully
Jj^I >-Jr-Vlj (waqqa'a, l) to initial (e.g.,
(<-> in), person doing (._-<) profession-
0*U. mu'kadatan a treaty); Jj^J-l
ally ; professional, a pro (sports) ;
h^^\ {abjadiya) the alphabetic letters,
sional (adj.), e.g., jU jU* (oihfi) pro-
the aiphabet; *Hf <Jjj- matter {typ.);
fessional Journalist; climber, careerist
i_-ijl _Jj^i-l (Samsiya) the sun letters
(i.e., sibilants, dentals, r, l, n to which the O -Jj^ muhtaraf pl. -t studio, ateher

/ of the artiole asaimilatea), jj*JJl "-j^'

jj*. haraqa i (harq) to burn (*; to
(qamariya) the moon letters (to which the
burn, hurt, sting, | Ji Jy-
l of the article does not assimilate);
(qalbah), pl. 3j- (qulbahum) to
^J-l J<tj*- h. al-jarr prepoaition {gram.);
vei, exasperate s.o.; u (harq) to rub
(J-'I j- h. al-kafd do.; iju^l cjy-
together (* II to burn (*;
article {gram.); JtL*l\ .J^- h. al-'atf co-
*jL-l 3j*- (aannah) to gnash one 's
ordinating conjunction gram.) ; <Jj-
teeth IV to burn (*; to destroy by
* l+ii-^ I interrogative particle (gram.) ;
fire (*; to singe, scorch, pareh
-Jj*- A. al-qasam particle introducing
(-; to scald (*; to kindle,
oaths (gram.)
ignite, Bet on fire (* | j *1J **i Jy-I

jy*- harfi hteral (fahmata lailihi) to spend the night doing


(, bum the midnight oil over . . . 3jj- mahrq burned, oharred, scorched,
V to bum, be aflame, bum up, take fire, parched ; reddish, bronze-colored ; pl.

be conaumed by fire, be burned; to be olij^ makrqt fuel | 3jj* j^i (fat&r)

consumed (by an emotion), pine away fired clay

(* with), be pained (* by), eat one'B

3j muhriq: jf- iLJ {qunbuia) incen-
heart out j
^i j_^ {iauqan) to be
diary bomb
overcome with longing or nostalgia VIII to
bum, be aflame, bum up, take fire, be O j mvhraq crematory

oonaumed by fire, be burned ~jt- muhraqa burnt sacrifice

j j- harq burning, incineration, com- eijj- harqada pl. Jij^ harqid* Adam's apple
bustion; kindling, igniting, setting afire;
arson, incendiarism ; pl. 3jj*- hurq <j^- harqa fa pl. Jil_^- harqif* protruding

bums {med.) part of the hipbone

3j*- haraq fire, conflagration i^- II to move, set in motion, drive, propel,
operate (m ; to march, move {
*i*- hurqa, harqa burning, incineration,
troops); to stir (*; to start, get
combustion; stinging, smarting, burning
started, get underway (* ; to
(as a phyaical Sensation); torture, tor-
agitate, ezcite, Btimulate {*; to
ment, agony, pain, ordeal
incite, instigate, goad, prod, provoke,
jU- hurq, hurrq tinder actuate, urge (J# s.o. to do; to

awaken, arouse, foment, stir up (*;

jl^ harrq burning, aflame, afire; hot
to vowel, vowelize (gram,, * a consonant) |

jj^- hariq and j^- pl. jt\r har'iq*

jplJL. 'J^- (mai'irah) to grip, excite,
fire; conflagration thrill s.o.; kJttJ^JI i\^- to affect the feel-
be touching, moving, pathetic; V
O '**\r
harrqa torpedo ings,

b5"U ii^ (sdJWnan) he doesn't budge,

jlj^*- haraqn burning, stinging, smart-
he doesn't bend his little finger, he
ing (as a painful Sensation; e.g., of the
remains immobile, apathetic; *SV~ li^-
(skinak) to rouse s.o., put s.o. in

O 3j*- mahraq pl. j jl* mahriq* foouB a State of excitement, commotion or

{phys.) agitation V to move, be in motion, stir,

budge; to start moving, get moving;

jijUi tahartq* (Eg.) season of the
to start out, get underway (traveler);
Nile 's lowest water level, hottest season
to de part, leave (train); to put out, to
of the year
sail (fleet); to be set in motion, be driven,
3\j*-\ ihrq burning, incineration, com-
be operated; to be agitated, be excited,
bustion be stimulated; to be awakened, be roused,

Jiy taharruq burning, combuBtion ; burn- be fomented, be provoked, be caused

ing desire (Jl for)
ii_^- harik lively, active, brisk, agile,
jljw-l ihtirq burning, combustion; fire, nimble
conflagration | O JL^-Vl *> 9^ rfat '-*-
'Sj haraka pl. -i movement, motion;
combuBtion Chamber (tecAn.); jlj*-"SM J^ commotion; physical exercise; stirring,
qbil al-i. combustible
impulse; proceeding, procedure, policy;

JjU- hriq areorust, incendiary action, undertaking, enterprise; military

Operation; continuation, progress; traf- * j* or j from b.o., deny, refuse
fic (ra, Stripping, street); movement (as (* or * ja or ^ * to b.o.; to

a social phenomeuon); vowel (gram.) \

exclude, debar, preclude, cut off (* or

*S\&*>j tfj*- j (sakantihl) in all his ja s.o. from; to excommunicate

doings; in every Situation; jjjL\ *5"y- ( s.o. ; Chr. ) 11 to declare (

(through) traffic; -i'lA' *0" shipping sacred, saorosanct, inviolable, or taboo,

traffio; JUJI *5^- exchange of goods; to taboo (*; to declare (*

JJ^Vl tumover (com.); *jjl iS^-'

'*S"y unlawful, not permissible, forbid, inter-
(nwunya) feminiat movement; ^i-I *-' diot, proscribe (*, J to s.o.); to

nimble, lithe, light, quick, agile, adroit; render ( s.o.) immune or proof (ja
y^i- 1
JJu slow in motion, heavy-handed, against), immunize (> s.o. againai) |

clumsy, sluggish, lumbering, inert, indo- <_iJ Jft to deny o.b.

<j*-, abstain,

lent refrain from IV to excommunicate

( b.o.; Chr.); to enter into the State
O Sj*- harahi kinetio (phys.)
of ritual oonsecration (esp., of a Mecoa
!}\j*- hardk movement, motion pilgrim; see Aj^~\ ihrm) V to be for-

bidden, interdicted, prohibited ; to be

ilj* mahrak path, trajectory (of a
holy, sacred, sacrosanct, inviolable VIII to
honor, revere, venerate, esteem, respect
iil>tf mihr&k poker, fire iron
s.o., * pj^-l to be self-
(*, |

&jj& tahrild dynamio respecting X to deem (* Baoro-

sanot, sacred, holy, inviolable; to deem

ilj taharruk pl. -t movement, motion;
(* unlawful or unpermiesible
forward motion ; start ; departure ; sailing

(of a fleet) ajp- hirm excommunication (Chr.)

i\)\- hrik withers jp- haram pl. Aj*-\ ahrm forbidden,

ij^rf muharrik mover, stirrer; rouser, prohibited, interdicted; taboo; holy,

inoiter, fomenter, awakener, agent; insti- sacred, sacrosanct; sacred, sacred

gator; (pl. -dt) motive, Springs, incen- object; sacred poesession; wife; sanctum,

tive, Bpur, motivating circumstance, oau- sanctuary, sacred precinct; OL^i-l the

sative factor; motor, engine (techn.) two Holy Places, Mecca and Medina |

J^ji-'i <Uti tlit al-haramain the third

l^i* mutaharrik moving, inovable,
Holy Place, i.e., Jerusalem
mobile pronounoed with following vowel,

voweled, vowelized (oonsonant; gram.) <*j*- hurma pl. -t, hurumt, huramt

iT^i* jj~> (fuwar) movies, motion. pic- holiness, sacredness, sanctity, sacro-

tures Banctity, inviolability ; reverence, venera-

tion, esteem, deference, respect; that
iSj*- harkapi (and u^'j*- harlcaia) to stir up, which is holy, sacred, sacrosanct, invio-
agitate, excite, thrill lable, or taboo; (pl. ^y huram) woman,
lady; wife
haruma u, harima a to be forbidden,
prohibited, interdlcted, unlawful, un- Aj*- harm pl. (__/- hurum forbidden,

permitted (J* to s.o.); harama i (hirm, interdicted, prohibited, unlawful;

jl^*- hirmn) to deprive, bereave, dis- forbidden, offense, sin; inviolable, taboo;
possess, divest (* * or j* s.o. of, sacred, sacrosanct; cursed, acoursed | j\
take away, withdraw, withhold (* * or Ay ibn h. illegitimate son, bastard;
f!A' tf*bVI no man's land; neutral ^lji-1 ihtirm pl. -t deference, respect,
territory; *I^J-i c-Jl (bait) the Kaaba; regard, esteem, reverence; honoring (e.g. t

fl>l j^Ail (AiAr) the Holy Month of a privilege); pl. honors, respeots,
Muharram; 1^-1 (majuf) the Holy tributea
Mosque in Mecca; dLU ([^- you mustn't
do (say) thatl * l^-L illicitly, illegally, un-
(,>. of); excluded, precluded, debarred
(j* from); suffering privatum (as oppoeed
A*rtJm pl- -***
*v*-' aArima a to <3jj_r) exoommunicated (Chr.)
woolen blanket (worn as a garment
muharram forbidden, interdicted;
around head and body)
Muharram, name of the first lalamic
fj*- harim pl. *j*. hurum a sacred, month; *1^A-I *j- m. al-hara\m honorific
inviolable place, sanctum, sanctuary, name of this month
sacred precinot; harem; female membera
*j- muhrim Mecca pilgrim who has
of the family, women ; wife
entered the state of ritual conseoration

j*- fyariml women's (in Compounds), (see a\j*-\ ihrm)
for women
(j^ muhtaram honored, revered, vener-
fjj*- hurm pl. -t exoommunication ated, esbeemed, respeoted; (in the salu-
(Chr.) tation of letters:) my dear ; vennrable,
reverend; notable, remarkable, consider-
<j\j*- fyarmi pl. -iya thief, robber,

U^- hirmn deprivation, bereave- ^*j*~ harmal African rue (Feganum harmala

ment, dispossession (of L.; bot.)

s.o., j* of;
debarment, exclusion, preclusion (^ Lj*. harmala pl. J[^- harmiP a
from); excommunication (Chr.); priva- looee wrap worn over the Shoulders
tum | iylM U^- h. al-ir$ exclusion (garment of the dervishes)
from inheritance, disinheritance (Jal. Lato)
bp- harana, haruna u ([^- hirn, hurdn)
*j*- mahram pl. * jl* mahrim 1
to be obstinate, etubbom, headstrong
forbidden, inviolable, taboo, Baorosanct,
holy, or sacred; unmarriageable, being l*Jj*- harn pl. j*- hurun obstinate,
in a degree of oonsanguinity preoluding stubborn, refraotory, reluctant, reaistant

marriage (Jal. Lato) OjjU harn brazier

l*j* mahrama pL * jlrf mahrim

hj>- harua burning; wrath, rage; acridity,
pungency (of taste); pungent, disagree-

j**_^ tahrim forbiddance, interdiction, able odor

prohibition, ban
ifj*- V to seek, pursue (*, strive (*
Aj*-\ ihrm atate of ritual oonseoration for) aspire (* to) ; to examine, investigate
of the Mecca pilgrim (during which the (*; to inquire (j* or * into), make
pilgrim, wearin& two eeamless woolen or inquiries (j or * about); to be intent
linen sheets, nsually white, neither oombs (# on, take care (* of,

nor shares, and observea sexual oon- attend (* to, also j), look (* after
tinenoe); garmenta of the Mecca pilgrim, also j); to see to it (jl that)


cSji-lj bi-l-har hardly, barely 5-j>- hizbiya party aotivities; partisan-

l^l 1 ship, partiality; factionalism

j^- hariy pl. ahriy * adequate,
appropriate, auitable {*_> for), worthy jt'jv- haizabn old nag
(v of f\j jj. {frier) worth
i-^ tahazzttb factiousness; factionalism
mentioning, considerable; Jj-ucJLi jj.
credible, believable; j\ or to be
wjU- hzib: <yjU-
hazabah h. he

exact, or rather
met with a mishap

V>^* miUahazzib partial, biased; par-

ijj-\ ahr more adequate, more proper,
more appropriate tf^VL jl or to toll

the truth, or more explicitly, or put more u

b>- hazara i (azr, jj* maAzara) to esti-
exactly, or rather mate, asseas, appraise (*; to make
j taharrin pl. >\jj- taharrxyi a rough estimate (* of, guess (*

inquiry; investigation

| isJ*d\ U^i iurfat
at-t. or jj^i\ AtJu** maqlakat at-t. secret jj*- hazr estimation, assessment, ap-
police praisal; conjecture, guess, sunnise

- hazza u {hazz) to notch, nick, incise, indent hjj*- hazzra riddle, puzzle

(J, make an incision, cut (j into

\jjf- mahzara estimation, assessment, II and VIII = I
appraisal; conjecture, guess, surmise

j- hazz pl, jjj*- huzz incision, notch, 2

\j y- hazirn' June (Syr., Leb., It., Jord.)
nick; the right time, the nick of time
(jli^- huzuqgni choleric
*>- hazza incision, notch, nick; time;
the right time, the nick of time; predica- **J_>- hazqa, iijjl*- hxqa hiooups
ment, plight
hazama i {hazm) to tie up, bndle, wrap
j |j*- hazz head scurf, ringworm ; tetter, up, pack, do up in a package or bndle
eruption (med.)
(*; to girth {* an animal); to
jlj*- hazza rancor, hatred, hate make fast, fasten, tie (* | >^\ *j*-
(amrah) to take matters firmly in hand
mahazz notch, nick

find the right Solution, hit the nail

j\ t_-*L*l to
kazuma u {hazm, <.lj*- hazma, ~<*jy-
huzma) to be resolute, firm, stouthearted,
the head, hit the mark, strike home
intrepid II to gird ( s.o.) V and VIII
;*- hazaba u (hazb) to befall {. s.o.), happen, to be girded; to- gird o.s., put on a belt
occur (. to s.o.) |
_^VI v>" tne matter hazm packing, packaging, wrap-
became Berious il to rally ( s.o.); to ping; determination, resoluteness, firm-
form or found a party 111 to side, take ness, energy; judiciousness, discretion,
sides ( with), be an adherent ( of s.o.) prudence
V to take sides; to form a party, make
i-j*- huzma pl. *j*- huzam wrapped
common cause, join forces
up or tied up; bndle, fagot, fascine;
<-?j*- hizb pl- v[r**' a hzb group, troop, beam of rayB, radiation beam (phyt.);
band, gang; party {pol.); the 60th part of bunch (of herbs, etc.); Bheaf; package,
the Koran |
*j[>-l j* _j* he belonga to parcel
bis clique, he is of the same breed
Aj*- hizm pl. -t, i*^-l ahzima, *y-
fjj*- hizbi party (adj.), factional huzum belt, girth; gjrdle; oummerbund,


waistband (worn over the oaftan to sense (*; Amm (Ist pers. perf.

fasten it); Bword belt |

j.1/1 ||>- A. haaastu) , (Ist pers. perf. haaistu) a to
al-amn safety belt feel sorry, feel sympathy or compassion

(J for), sympathize (J with). II to grope,

aJ-! ahzam* more resolute; more judi-
feel IV to parceive, sense, experience (*
or <-; to feel (* or -;

I>JU- hxim pl. i*^- Aazama and rj*- to notice (* or -; to hear (* a
Aarim pl. Uj*- Auzamd* resolute, energet- sound, a noise, etc.); to take notice
ic; judicious, disoreet, prudent ( of s.o.) V to grope, probe (* for,
flnger, handle, touch (*, run the
jj*- Aazana u to make Bad, sadden, grieve
hand (* over to grope about,
( s.o.); Aazina a (Auzn, hazan) to be
feel around; to seek Information,;

Bad, grieved (J or J at or because
inquiries (j* about) ; to sense, experience,
of); to grieve, moum J* over) II and IV
perceive (*, ^; to feel {_;
to make Bad, sadden, grieve ( s.o.)
to be affected, be deeply touched (_* by
uj- hvxn pl. jtj*-l aAzdn sadness,

grief, sorrow, affliction

-*- hau Sensation, perception, feeling,
Oj- Aazn pl. jjj- Auzn rough, rugged, sentiment
hard ground
-*- At sensory perception, senBation

oj*- Aaztn sad, mournful, grieved feeling, sentiment; sense; voiee; sound;
^j. Aarin pl. Uj- Auzand'*, jlj-

Atzdn, (J^*- hazAn sad; mourning (for a j-.- hissi sensory; sensuous; pereep-

deceased person); sorrowig, mournful, tible; palpable | O <^' <_jU (madhab)

grieved | ojJ-l inJ-.l (jitm'a) Good Friday senBationalism, sonsualism
oU- hissiyt sensations
jU>- Aaznn* very sad, very grieved,
ri-- ha*is faint noise
worried; in mourning
^lj- haass sensitive; sensible; readily
D JiLi*- AazflyinJ (,>!> Aai'inJ)
affected, susceptible; sensual (pleasure)
sad, mournful, melancholic; mouraing-
(in Compounds), mortuary, funereal i^L_j- hasasa sensory organ

Ji|>- ^ili (qum) cloth for mourning

^L_j- hass&ai allergio | V"**" er*!/*'
aUergic diseases, allergiea (mrf.)

j^ foAaxzvn sadness; behavior of a

L-L-*- haaaAaiya sensitivity (alsotecAn.)
sensibity ; faculty of sensory perception
jj* mahxn grieved, grief-stricken, susceptibility ; sensuality |
**L_i-l ^ij
pained, sad, saddened mara4 <d-h. allergy (med.)

j- mvhzin grievous, saddening; sad; <-* mihassa ourrycomb

melartcholic ; tragio ; <l>\jja mufysinQt griev-
ous things |
~*jj- <Jui* <-# (^ fcim/ttf j/a)
^L I ihsOs pl. -Ot, ^-i-Ul ahais* feel

feeling; Sensation, sense (^ of;

and *ij- <Ajj (riie&ya) tragedy (theat.)
perception (_ of; sensitivity; pl.

-*- Aawa (Ist pera. perf. haaastu) u (hau) oUL-^t feelings, sentiments | O ,^-1 -'

to carry, currycomb (* an animal) to ; feel, jjL sensitivity to light; O L/

-l~-1/l -U-t*
highJy sensitive; *\JJu ^L--! (rnuitarak) take into consideration (<_j or m;
feeling of harmony, concord, unanimity; to reckon (<_j or * with); {to antieipate
^L^-Vl * qiat al~i. insensitivity, dull- a reward in the hereafter by adding a
nesa, obtusenesa pious deed to one's aecount with God
such as resigning in God's will at the
O V-L_^VI uIlUI af-ta'ifa al-ihsdHya
the impressionists
death of a relative; hence:) loJj ,_ 1 M ^I
(tvaladan) to give a son, be bereaved of
i-U- hssa pl. ^]y hawas* Bensation;
a son; ^tJi Zi\ x* *. Z*.l to sacrifloe
aense |
^r-J-'l ^J^l the five senses in antieipation of God's reward in

,j^>* wiaA** feit; senaed; perceptible,

the hereafter; to charge (J* * foi);
noticeable, palpable, tangible; appreci- to think, beliere, suppose; to take ( *

able, considerable (e.g,,loss); ^-j...^ that 1 s.o. for or to be . . .); to be content,

wbich is perceptible through the senses; content o.s. (<_j with); to disapprove
appearance, evidence; oL-j^l thinga (J* * of in s.o.), take ezoeption
perceptible through the senses (J* * to in s.o.), rejeot (J* *
in s.o.); to call
(J# s.o.) to aeoount,
_*- Aawfca u (Aa*6, i^l p- hisOb, L* Am ask (J* s.o.) for an aoeounting
ln, Auibdn) to compute, reckon, calou-
,_*- Aa*6 reckoning, Computing, oal-
late; to count; tocharge, debit
(J* *
culation; thinking, opinion, view; suffl-
to s.o., to s.o.'a aecount); to credit (J * to b.o., to s.o.'s aecount) *jL_- !_ ,r-
ciency j p*p (^l .* or) >l\_ w htubuka (bi-

hasbifea) dirhamun one dirham is enough

f/iwaiaA) to takc or s.o. into
for you ; <jl J-L_*- it suffices to say that . . .
aecount or into oonsideration, reckon
you know enough when you hear that . . .
with or s.o., oount on or s.o.;
you need only \ \*Ju ,j\ tf {muqni'an
. . . ;
J LL*- |_ p. (hitdban) do.; to attach t

it will be enough to convinoe you if . .

importance to s.o. or; i_Vll L i-

i^i JS* li+i dL_~j (b%.h04 IcuUiMiarran)

J >_iL*- (alfa) to have a thousand appre-
but enough of all theee negative aspeots!
hensions about . . ,
hatiba a % (OL-*- his*
bdn, 1_^ mahaaba, mafyriba) to regard
< * fa-had* and that 's all, and no more,

s.o. a*) f consider, deem(*a.o. tobe.

only (interchangeable with Lm)
. .);

to think, believe, suppose, assume; to tf-*-

ijU. (majlis) pl. ^Lf
consider, regard {j- * s.o. as belonging *;*- guardianship oourt, probate oourt
to), oount {ja s.o. among); to see {Eg.)

( J in s.o.; haevba u ihatab,

_ *- hatab pl. i_jI p-1 dfytSb measure,
jU-*- Aa32>a) to be of noble origin, be
extent, degree, quantity, amount; value;
highborn; to be highly esteemed, be esteem, high regard enjoyed by s.o.;
valued III to settle an aeoount, get even noble desoent; ha*aba (prep.), ^* bi-
with s.o.); to call to aoeount,
( (* s.o.)
hasabi and <*- ti*
a ^ ly^tabi acoording
ask ( s.o.) for an aeeounting; to hold to, in aoeordanoe with, commensurate
( s. o.) responsable, make ( b.o.) an- with, depending on
swerable ij J* r^<U- to be oareful,
| <

be on one's guard V to be oareful, be

L*- hasabamd (conj.) acoording to

on one's guard; to take precautions; to

what , as, depending on how . . .

seek to know, try to find out (*

Lj- (ttafaqa) as chanoe will

VI to Bettle a mutual aecount VIII to

have it

debit or credit; to take into aecount, <*- hisba arithmetical problem, um

. ;


wj - hasib pl. .L-*- huMba'* reapeoted, L^Lpt muhAsaba pl. - accounting;

esteemed; noble, of noble birth, highborn Clearing (com.); bookkeeping; request for
accounting; examination of consoience
oL*- husbn oaloulation, reckoning,
(theol.) i--lpl *i gwt al-m. accounting
aooounting; computation lJ-l j 05" |

department, comptroller's office ; Clearing

to be taten into account, be taken into
oonsideration; to be expected, be antic-
ipated; Ol uL_i-l j j&" it waa expected i. A .J^l t'AJiadb computation; calcula-
that . . .; jl JL_*- I expect that . . tion, oonsideration, refloction; debiting;

orediting; valuation; contentedness, sat-

i_jL*- hirtb arithmetic, reckoning, oal-
culus; computation; calculation, estima-
tion, appraisal; aooounting, settlement; ,_ U hasib counter, reckoner, arith-

oonsideration, consideratenesa ; caution ; metician, calculator, Computer

(pl. -AI) bl, invoice; Statement of oosts; maAdJ 1

Vj-* mahsb pl. -an, -.j-l**-

(bank) account; pl. oLl- bookkeeping 1

favorite; obedient, sub-

protege , pet,
JJLI ujL>- h, al-jumrnal (al-jumal) use of
serviert (
J* to s.o.)
the alphabetio lettera aocording to their
ij >*t maJu>iya esteem enjoyed by
numerical value; i^LJ-1 1* 'Um al-h.
s.o., position of distinction; patronage,
arithmetio; J->LuJl .-.L*- h. at-tajdxd
favored position, favoritism
differential caloulus; J.&JI -^L*- h. at-

tak&mul integral calculus; *iL#- j 5" ,_ U muAds.6, i/^r-l**- mu/t&n&^i (<y.)

he reckoned with it, he expected it, he accountant, bookkeeper; comptroller, au-

was piepared for it; <d IL*- J^ to take ditor
s.o. or into oonsideration; to reckon
i_ 1M "Z fnuAJaa that for which one
with s.o. or; ^bAM ^.LJ-I (fntmi) and
can expect reward in the hereafter (e.g.,
JL^ ._>L#- (nrtd't) final Statement of
suJFering, loss, etc.)
account, final aooounting; i_<LJ-l Jl Ui
(da'Ohu) he called bim to account; *ji .#- Kitada u (hasad) to envy, grudge ( s.o.,

yaum a/-. the Day of Reckoning, be envioiu of

t^LJ-1 J* or *, ( s.o.,

Judgment Day; J LI- ftfl to render or a because of VI to envy each

account to s.o.; -*L,p- ^u without limit other

or bounds, to exoess, to an unlimited ex- x~ hasad envy
tent; -*L,p- j* ,y blindly, without fore-
ij-*- heud pl. a_*- Au*w2 envious
thought, at random; j^i t^li- toa.o.'s
credit, to s.o. 's advantage; ^Ai ^L*- J* A-Ui tah&sud mutual envy

to s.o. 's debit, at s.o. 's expense, to s.o. 's J-U h&tid iL-*- AuMdd, iJ_*-
disadvantage^L-J! *^> JJ /agtya'a (-A.
Aasoda envious; envier, grudger
he got a raw deal, he was in for it; ujL#-
i^_*t mahsd envied; smitten by the
jU- (jflnn) current account; ol>L*-
evil eye
^iji'l jj-c, .y . umff aM. savings-bank
aocounta; <-!>>> ^L*- blocked account; . Aa*ira t (Aar) to pull away or off,

4_jjj oLjL-- double-entry bookkeeping; remove (j* *, a oover, a veil, from)
j^Jl ^LJ-1 (saryi) the Julian oalendar; to unoover, lay bare, unveil (j*-;

J jift _*LJ- {garbi)

1 the Qregorian oalendar ( j>-*- Auwr) to beoome dim (sight) ;

jL-p- hitAH arithmetical, mathematioal, hasira a {haaar, ,_- hatra) to regret

computationaJ < J*, be grieTed, be pained (

J* by
,; to sigh (; haaara i, (*; to decide (* a question); to

hasira a (kaaar) to become tired, fatigued settle (* an argument); to deduct, dis-
II to fatigue, tire, weaken, sap { s.o.); count {* an amount from a sum of money)
to grieve, sadden ( s.o.), cause pain or VII to be severed, be cut off; to be finished
grief { to s.o.); to remove (* a cover, be completed, be terminatcd; to be
j* from), lay bare, unveil (j* V to settled (argument)
be diatressed, be pained, be grieved
(Jp haam finishing, completion, termi-
by); to sigh (Jp over) VII to be pulled f~
nation; decision; settling, settlement (of
ftway or off, be removed (je- from); to
an argument); discontinuance, shutdown,
be rolled up, be tu med back (sleeve, je-
closing down; deduction, discounting
from the arm); to disappear suddenly
(of an amount)
(j* from)
(!*- hua&m sword, sword edge
j~*- hasar fatigue, dcbiiity, weakness |
*- huam fatal, trying, grueling (pl.;
j*aJ>\ j- h. al-basar nearsightedness, fj
days, nights, also years)
--U- h&aim decisive; final, peremp-
j-*~ hasir grieved, sad; fatigued, lan-
tory, conclusive, definite, definitive
guid, weary, tired

*j- haara pl. hasart grief, sorrow, j - haauna u (huan) to be handsome,

pain, distress, affliction; sigh -*J L.
beautiful, lovely, nice, fine, good; to be
j !_/

y la-l-haarati alaal unfortunately! j,-. L.

expedient, advtsablo, suitable, proper,
fitting; to be in a proper State, be in a
yhasrati and alj^-- \j w haarath what
a pityl too bad! desirable condition |
dL_j} j-*- jl in h.
ladaika if you like it, if it seems all right
_r*- haair pl. j|aP - haar tired, weary,
to you ; jl iL j-*: it is to your advantage
fatigued, exhausted; dim, dull (eye),
that you .
.;.you ought to .; j~*. . .

ne&rsighted y-*Jl _r- h. al-baaar near-

J -il-UiJ be was all willing to II to . . .

"ighted, myopio
beautify, embellish (*; to adorn,
jj~*- huar nearsightedness, myopia decorate (*; to improve, put into
better form, ameliorate, better (*;
<j\j-- haar&n regretful, sorry, sad,
to make a better presentation (* of
distressed, grieved; to present in a favorable light,
j-- tahasaur sighing; regret depict as nice or desirable (J * to

^U hOair pl. j*)y hawair 2 bared,

s.o.); to sugar-coat, make more palatable

denuded ^-aJl y-l*- h. al-baaar near-

(* unpleasant, disadvanta-

sighted, myopic; ^\j\ ^U h. ar-ra'a bare-

geous) III to treat ( s.o.) with kindliness
headed, hatless IV to do right, act well; to do (*
well, expertly, nicely; to know (* how to
_*- haaak (coli.; n. un. ) thorns, spines; do, be able (* to do; to
spikes, pricks; fishHbnes; awns, beard master (*, have command (* of
(bot.); name of several prickly herbs, esp., be proficient (* in; a lan-
of the genus Tribulus guage, an ort, a handicraft, etc.), be
haaaH thorny, prickly, spiny
oonversant (* with; to do good, be
oharitable; to do favors, do good (Jl or
*- hasama (haam) to cut, sever, out off
V to b.o.), do (Jl or L s.o.) a good turn,
(a; to nniah, complete, terminate be nice, friendly (Jl or ^ to s.o.); to give
alms, give charity (Jl to s.o.) |
4i_*-l U j_*-l ahaan* pl. ,^-U-l ahrin 1 better;

m ahaanah how good he is! how hand- nicer, lovelier, more beautiful ; more
some he ifl! wJu^-l ahsanta well done! excellent, more splendid, more admirable |

bravo! iJli^i J-*-' (almniya) to master t* II U- j-*-1 _> he i better off than

the German language, knowQerman well; they are; j_-l j> JJl> (bi-Uati) in a
bJUl jr-*-! to aim well or accurately; friendly manner, amicably, with kindness

jjjJL* Jr-*-' (ma^rataA) to give good

b_*- Aamd' 1 pl. l-*- Ai*2n (of a wom-
advice ; ^ jli I j-*- (ztitw ) to have a good
an) beautiful, a beauty, a belle
opinion of ..., judge favorably;
J-A-l al-hum pl. -d* (f. of ,>-p.^I
4iL*L&* j-*-l (mu'dmaZaJa^) to treat s.o.
al-ahsan) the best outcome, the happy end*
well V to become nicer, more handsome,
ing; fair means, amicable manner J-J-Lj
more beautiful; to improve, ameliorate, |

amicably, by fair means, in a friendly

get better X to deem (* nice, etc.,
manner; ^-A-i Lr*Vl (aamd') the 99 at-
or good; to regard (* as right, ad-
tributes of God
visable or appropriate; to approve {* of, sanction, condone {*; to como 4i_*- Aaozna pl. -<W good deed, bene-
to like, to appreciate (*, find pleas- faction; charity, alms; pl. ob-- advan-
uro (* in; also IV: j-*u-l tages, merita

j>LtVl (ingiziya) to know English well; j_*- Ao4ffn pl. ^-U-*- hassin 3 gold-
pass. ustuhsina to be good, commendable, finch
i_#t ma/uan nice, good;
j-*- husn beauty, handsomeness, pret- advantage; pl. ^yU- mahsin* beauties,
tiness, lovelineas; ezcellence, Buperiority, charms, attractions, merita, advant&ges,
perfection |
AJ-I j-L li-h. il-hazz fortu- good qualities
nately; IJ^i-JI j_*- good manners, good
,>* tahain beautification, embellish-
behavior; good conduct; i^LJIj ^-Jl j_*-
ment; improvement, amelioration, better-
(A. aa-aair) an irreproachable life; j-*-
ment; processing, refining, finishing; (pl.
hj^^ill A. at-ta$arruf discretion, individual
jwl* toh&ain 3 ) ornament, decoration |

judgment; jliJI j_- %. a?-fann good

opinion, favorable judgment; j^i\ j-*-
O JJl t>^ '* an-mwJ eugenics
ii-L* muAdjana friendly treatment,
euphemism; (S-Jl) x-*iJI j-*- h. al-qafd
kindlineas, amicability
(an-niya) good intention, good will, good
faith; *_a->j j-*- h. ysuf beauty spot, jU-*-l Aln beneficence, charity, alms-
patch; j-L\ c - ritt al-husn a kind of giving, Performance of good deeds
bindweed (Convolvulus cairicus L. ; bot.);
y^ tahaaaun improvement, amelio-

deadly nightshade, belladonna way

ration |
,>-dl J on the to recovery

j-*- hasan pl. jl_*- AiJn beautiful, jL-w.J iatika&n approval, consent;
handsome, lovely; pretty, nice; good, acclaim; discretion; application of dis-
agreeable; excellent, superior, exquisite; cretion in a legal decision (Isl. Law)
l-..i- hasanan well, sptendidly, excellently,
muhassin embellisher,
beautifully; LJ-I the ladies; high j, -^

improver; pl.ob^ muhaaaint cosmetics



j^JL-A-l al-hasaniyn the Hasanides,

j-^ muhain beneficent, charitable

the descendants of Hasan, son of 'Ali ji.i-i* - muatahaan approved, commend-

and Fatim a able; pleasant, agreeable

(s-*.) 1_*- has u (hasw), V and VIII to drink, throng; concentration, massing (esp. of
sip (* troops); mobilization, calling up (of an
_>-.*- hasw and 1_*- {taad* soup, broth
xL- tahai&ud pl. -t ooncentration (of
*^.*- Aoiuxi pl. fcuauxU a sip
^-*- Auswa pl. husuwOt, husawtU, L-*-l
jLlI*-i ihti&Od pl. -i gathering, crowd;
ahsiya a sip, emall quantity of liquid;
concentration (of troops)
soup, broth; bouillon
xiU- hSid numerous (of an assembly),
^i*- AaJ&i u (haiS) to mow, out (* II to orowded (of a public demonstration)
smoke hashish
O IJ-IU h&da battery (eJ.)

Jtt*. haiU (coli.) pl. J&i+. hat'iP

i*- haSara i u (ha&r) to gather, assemble,
herbB, grassee; weeds; hay; hemp (Can-
rally ( people); to cram, crowd, pack,
nabis sativa L.; bot.), hashish, oannabia;
j'am (together); to Bqueeze, press, force,
Btillborn child |
jbjill ,J+l*- h. ad-dindr
stuff, tuck (.jo or j * into)

j-^' rji youm al-haSr the day of con-

*Jui^- haHia (n. un.) herb
gregation (of the dead), the Day of Ren-
(jiLt*- haiSi pl. -n Bmoker or chewer urrection
of hashish, hashish addict
yi*- ha&ara pl. -t insect; pl. vermin,
^LL*- AuAW, UUL*- AuAUa last breath, inject pesta | ol^^J-l L 'Um al-h. ento-

last Bpark of life

^jijj-i*- arfi (eg.) sap-green, reseda- <jj+- haart insectile, insectival, inseot-
colored (in Compounds) ; entomologic(al)

J& mihaSi, \t mihai&a pl. jXt. ma* _ri*- ha&raja and II tahahaja to rattle in
hiP aickle, scythe; fire iron, poker the throat

<t- mihaiia pl. -i (eg.) tool for i^i*- hairaja rattling, rattle in the
weeding, weeder throat

r^t- mahSaS, U-
lt L
^^- m.-kna hash- _- V to be dressed shabbily, dress slovenly
ish den
>Ja+- haaf dates of inferior quality
pi- U mahOP JL*- haSafa glans (penis; anat.)
hashish den
viLl*- haSaka i (hak) to cram, jam, squeeze,
L haSada i u {ha&d) to gather, concentrate,
stuff (j m into)
masa ( esp. troops), call up, mobilize

(> an army); to pile up, Btore up, accn- -i. haiama i (haim) to shame, put to shame
mulate {, Jl at a place) II to amass, (. s.o.) II and IV do. V and VIII to be

accumulate (*, masa, concentrate ( ashamed to face a.o. (^ or j^j; to be

esp. troops) V and VIII to rally, come to- reticent, modeat, shy, baahful, diffident

gether, assemble, gather, crowd together, - aJawi servants, retinue, entourage,

throng together; to be concentrated, be Buite
massed (troops); to fall into line (troops)
LJj- hiSma shame, basbfulness, timid-
U*. haid pl. ijj- huid assembling, ity, diffidence; modesty; decency, de-
rallying ;
gathering, assembly, crowd, corum

-J>- fei&in pl. |cl*- huSam' 2 modest, ' ..< iahSiya Insertion; interpolation

timid, basbiul, shy, diffident

JAJ. iah&Hn avoidance
-51* maAdm 1 pubes, genitals <J\~ hya pl. ^V" Aaw&n border;

J& tahaMum and aLU I i/itt&Sm seam, hem; edge; margin (of a book);
ehame, shyness, modesty, reticenee, de- marginal gloss; marginal notes; oom-
cency, decorum mentary on certain words and passages
of a book, supercommentary footnote; ;

-il* muAta&'m shy, bashful; modest,

postscript; retinue, entourage, suite,
reticent, decent, decorous
servants; dependents; pl. ^J^ critical

^^) iL*- KaS u (ha&w) to atuff, fill, dress apparatus |

i-iU-l jJj and ^JjA-l JJj
(w * with; esp. fowl, eto.); to fill nice, polite, courteous, gracious, amiable,

in (a; to load [m a firearm; mm kindly, friendly; S-iU-l j riqqat al-h. with, o.g., a oamera); to fill (m niceness, amiability, graciousness

a tooth); to insert (* II to inter-

jiJ. mahfrw filled, dressed; stuffed;
polate (*; to insert (*; to mahiwdt
loaded (firearm); pl. Cj]^*-
provide (* with a margin; to hem
filled, or stuffed, diahes
(m a dress); to supply (* a book) with
marginal notes or glosses III to exoept, ^iit mahHy filled, stuffed (esp. food);

from) V to keep away, filled or stuffed

oxclude (j* s.o.

stand aloof, abstain (j* from), avoid, to s.o.)

_^- frawa
u to fall as a share (
Bhun (j*, beware (j* of), be on
III to share ( * with s.o.) IV to
one's guard (j* against) VI to keep away,
allot s.o. () hie share
abstain (j* or j* from), beware (* or
je or j* of), avoid, shun (m or je or j* ljs- hu$f saffron c*. hiffa pl. (j^-*- At<KZf sharo, portion,

allotment; share (/In.) contingent, quota;

jl*. hoho that with which is

apan of time ; lesson, class period -*-

stuffed or filled; dressing, stuffing (of |

fowl, etc.); filling (of teeth); insertion; fj\ j A. /i r-ra6A dividend O -*~

{gram.) parentheais; interpolation ( _ ri^ldl founders' share; O j-*J-l f^

quota System, apportionment ; .*- <j
jl*. haMea pl. -Ol filling, stuffing
j^-j in a short time
(oushion, oookery, eto.) ; load (of a
charge (of a mine); panel, A~+ tah$i$ quota System, apportion-
cartridge), tJ

inlay, inserted piece (in paneling, in a door) ment

\1p~ Julian pl. li*-l aAW bowels, i^L*. muAOwa allotment; sharing (with
s.o.), partaking, participation
intestines; interior, inside |
Li-I j in

the interior of, within, in

JUL**- see -

^ lyiian = Li- haian

u ^^. hofoba

% u to oover or strew with

<JL^. ha&lya pl. -t, \A*- JiaMy pebbles or gravel (* ground); to macad-
cushion, pillow; mattress amize (* ground), metal (* a road);

UU-, ^U- hO&a (with genit., aco. or J) hafiba a and pass. hvfiba to have the

except, save 4i ^U-, 4) UU- God foibid! measles II to cover or strew with pebbles

LiU- far be it from you that you or gravel (* ground); to macadamize

jt iU . . .

Ji jiU, i J\~ (Mio) =4 LftU, i UU (* ground), metal (> a road)



i_*> hoQdb road metal, crushed rock, involve (*; ha^ira a (ha^ar) to
baUast be in a fix, be in a dilemma III to en-

Lrfw- Aa$6fl* 8 (coli.) pebblea; gravel

cirole, Surround {*, s.o.,; to
shut off, seclude (*, * s.o.,; to
rra- hafba measles (med.) block (a; to beleaguer, besiege
i-^lj- Adftba storm, hurricane {*, s.o.,; to blockade (a, s.o.,; to detain, deter, restrain ( s.o.)

^owm. ^wp^wpa to be or become clear, piain, VII to be straitened, confined, narrowed
manifest; to come to light (truth) in; to be or become restricted, limited

4 ha$ada u (ha$d, jU*- ha$d hi$d) to

(<-< or j to) ; to limit o.s. (._j or j to) ; to be

harvest, reap (*; to m'ow {*

Condensed (j to), be concentrated ( j in);
to be or become united (e.g., <*5^- *
IV, VIII and X to be ripe
under s.o. 's rule); to be reducible (j to),
x*v- fyaQd and iL*- A#hZ harvesting, be expressible (j in terms of), oonsist (
reaping, harvest; jU*- harvest time in)

X-*- ha?id, !-L^- ha^ida pl. aJL**- Aa* o- ha$r encirclement, encompass-
everything without exception
harvest yield | -t-a-j
^ ment, enclosure, oorralling; parenthesiz
ing; blocking, blockading, beleaguering,

jLm- ha$$d reaper; harvester siege ; detention, determent ; restraint,

retention, Containment, check; limita-
x*- mijifad pl. o^Lfi maA&pwi' sickle
tion, restriction, connnement; narrowing
O !jU- ka$$da and O -U* mih* gathering, coDecting (of scattered),
$ada mowing machine, mower | O ->Lm- compilation ; enumeration, listing, count

i-ljj (tiarrtlsa) combine ing, Computing; centralization, concen^

tration; (tobaeco) monopoly ^^A-Ij striot
-U*U- A^tti reaper |

ly speaking;
_ rmL\ J^w Jp exhaustively
O *-U*L- h&$ida mowing machine, ltj+d\ j**- h. at-tamwin rationing; I**^p
mower 'almat al-h. parantheses, brackets

j^o maAptf harvested, reaped, mown (typ.); _r*L\ C^s Jftaj 1/ (yadkulu) or
*J j-m*- V (ha$ra) boundless, infinite, im-
-L* mu/uZ and -i .w mu*taA?d ripe
measurable, innumerable; -*i-l 3j* y<**
/ _

*> Aafara t u (ha$r) to Surround, encircle, fqu l-hap-a do.; O j*-\ jLj-l ijzat

encompass, ring
al-h. patent on an invention; j**- jljl
(*; to enctose
iiLUlj ^sJI idrat A. at-tibg wa-t-tumbk
(a; to parenthesize (* a word);
to blockade (*, Government Tobacco Monopoly (Syr.)
s.o.,; to besiege,

beleaguer (*, s.o.,; to detain, j-m- hup- retention (of urine) ; consti-
deter, restrain, contain, hold back {* s.o.); pation
to limit, restrict (j * or _j to); to

condense, reduce in scope (* j-m- ha$ar dyslogia, inability to express; to
o.s. effectively
narrow down, confine (j * to, also

a suspicion to s.o.); to bring together, .>-*- ha$ir pl. r^- hitgur mat
compile, arrange (j * under a
rubric); to enter {J * in a list); to
_-**- hafira pl. JL**. ha$a'ir* mat

put together, set up, list, enumerate jL**- hifr block, blockage, barrier;
(*; to comprise, contain, include, blockade; siege
; ;


I^U- muh^ara block, blockage, bar- obtain (J*; to auquire (J*;

her; blockade; siege to collect (J* fees) X to procure for o.a.,

get (J*; to attain, receive, obtain
jL**i inhif&r reatrictednese, limitation,
(J*; to acquire (J*
confinement; (tobacco) monopoly

blocked, blockaded; J^a hufl setting in, occurrence, in-

jy*- malifr
beleaguered, besieged; limited, reBtricted, cidence, happening (of an event or pro-
cess); obtain ment, attainment (J* of
confined (j to); narrow; achievement (Jp of; aoqui-
unripe and sour

r. hifrim (coli.; n. un. *)

aition (
J* of
grapes (ayr.)
1U.W- hafUa pl. JJL*- haf'iP rest, re-
_^ r ^ hafufa u (iL*- haf&fa) to have sound

mainder ; amount collected, proceeds,

judgment, be judicious, discriminating
returns; revenue, receipts, yield, income,
_'^ r ^ hafif endowed with sound judg- takings
ment, judiciouB, discriminating
J-y*-, Ly and iL*i_p- look up alpha-
^ -~- ha?if endowed with Bound betically
judgment, judicious, discriminating
*J L*- hagfla collection box, alms box
iL*- httffa sound judgment, judi-
J^rf. mah$al result, outcome, upshot,
\& haQala u {J>-*- hufl) to set in; to be
X-**- tahfil pl. -t attainment, obtain-
there, be existent, ertant; to arise, come
ment, gain; aoquisition {also of knowl-
about; to result, come out; to happen,
edge) ; learning, studying, scientific stud-
occur, tranapire, come to pass, take
iea; collection, raising, levy(ing), call-
place; to happen, occui* (J to s.o.), come
ing in (of funds, taxes) ; income, revenue,
(J upon s.o.), befall, overtake (J s.o.); to
receipts, returns, proceeds; resume, sum-
originate, emanate, derive, stera (j- from),
mary, gist (of a speech or opinion) ; j*
be caused, be produced (j- by) ; to attain,
obtain, get, receive, acbieve (J*,
Jli jl J-*U-I Jr^ m Bummary, it may
be said . . .

win s.o. or; to come int

possession (J* of; to
seek (J* a jJ>~** tahfilgi (eg.) = J~-* muhatf
permit), apply <J* for a permit); to
J^U hfil pl. J-*ly- hawtyW setting in,
collect, recover (J* a debt), call in (J*
occurring, taking place, happening; re-
funds); to receive, take in
(J* product (also
Bult, outoome, sum, total,
II to cause (*) to happen or set in; receipts, proceeds,
math.) ; revenubs,
to attain, obtain (*; to acquire returns; crop, harvest;
gain; income,
(*, also knowledge); to infer, deduce
warehouse, storehouse, granary, depot,
{*; to collect ( a fee, faxe, etc.),
magazine; main content, purport, gist,
levy (a taxes, fees, etc.), call in (* money)
essence, substance (of a speech); J-^U-1
to Bummarize, aum up (* V to
oS-U produot(s),
briefly, in short; pl.
result (^ Crom), come out (sum); to be
yield, produce, production (econ.)
obtained, be attained; to be raiBed, be
levied, be required, be demanded; to be J^* mahfl pl. -t, J-*l* mahfiP
result, outcome, issue ; yield, gain
taken in, come in (fees, taxes, funds);
product, produce; crop, harvest; pro-
to be collected {taxea); to procure for
o.b., get; to attain, receive, duction
; ;


J muha^fil ooUector ; tax collector J~*- tafyawun securing, safeguarding,

caahier; (bus, streetcar) conductor protection, protectedness

J-o*i* mutahagsil yield, revenue, pro- j-rf muha$san fortified; entrenched;

ceeds, receipt, returns (j-. froni) immune, proof (1 didda against)

**- ha$una u (oL**- ha$na) to be inac- i^jtjt muhfina, muh^ana sheltered,

well- protected, chaste ; of unblemished
cessible, be well fortified; to be chaste
reputation (woman; Isl. Law)
(woman) II to make inaccessible (*;
to Btrengthen (* to fortify entrench
; ,
- IV to oount, enumerate (*; to
(m; to immunize, make proof (xJ
calculate, compute (* j-. from); to
didda against) IV to make inaccessible
debit, Charge
(J* * to s.o.'s ac-
(*; to fortify, entrench {*;
count), hold (*
J* against s.o.) | V
to be chaate, pure (woman); to remain
*- (yuh$.) innumerable
chaste, be of unblemished reputation
(woman) V to strengthen one's position, lS
^- ha^an (coli.) pebbles, little Btones

protect o.b. ; to be fortified to be seoure,

; L*.- haqh, ly+- hafwa pl. oLa*<
be protected ha&tydt little stone; pebble; calculus,

^u- stone (med.) *Jy IL*- (bauliya) cystio

fyipn pl. j~*- hufn fortresa, fort, |

oalouluB; \j\jJu* ;L*- (fafrwiya) gall-

Castle, citadel, stronghold; fortification,
atone, biliary calculus
entrenohment ; protection |
y'lU j-o- Fly-
ing Fortresa U lS
- ha$& lubn, 0UU**- rosemary
Ud- hifn pl. j***- hufun, iu**J ahfina
horse; stallion |
^^Jl U**- h. al-bafyr i$j~*~ haqawi atony, pebbly, gravelly
hippopotamus; ^jlit. U**- (bitkri) iron
U**-l ihq' pl. -/ count, counting;
horse; OL**- Ij* qwat h., or L**- alone,
enumeration ; calculation, computation
horse power
statistios |
SwJI L**-l i. aa-sukkn census
,>-*- hafin inaccessible, strong, forti-
jL-*-l ihf'l atatiatic(al); (pl. -n)
fied, firm, secure(d), protected; immune,
proof, invulnerable (.Li didda against) |

**-! Jr**-' (fr*?) stronghold (flg.; e.g.,

4JU**-I ihq&'iya pl. -l statistios

of radicalism)
tp- hadda u (hadd) and II to spur on, incite
ab l-hu^ain fox goad, prod
J>~*i~\ji\ (* s.o., J* to), ( s.o.,
J* to
o U*- hagna strength, ruggedness,
forbiddingnesa, impregnability, inaccessi- (j^*- ha44 incitement, inducement,
bility ; Bhelteredness, chastity (of a prodding, prompting, instigation
woman); invulnerability, inviolability;
iri*- had%d
pl. ^jjkjt- hudud, ^-1
immunity (of deputies, diplomata; against
ahidda foot of a mountain; lowland;
perigee (astron.); depth; State of decay

jwt^ tahpin pl. -t fortification, en- I

Jl J> to sink: low (flg.); Jl fj
trenchment ; strengthening, cementing, LI {(&JfcfcaA),
solidification; immunization run into the ground

uu**-l*0blameIessness, unblemished 'u- fyadara u (jj^~ hudr) to be present (*

reputation, integrity (Isl. Law) at), be in the presence (* of s.o.); to

attend (; to be present (* in s.o.'s population, town dwellers (as opposed to

mind), be readily recalled (# by s.o.); to nomads)

take part, participate (1Lt majlisan
iSjl hafari settled, sedentary, res-
in a meeting); to come, get (Jl or #,
ident, not nomadic, non-Bedouin, like
to s.o., to a place), arrive (Jl or * at a urbanites; civilized; urban; town dweller
place); to visit (* a place), attend (* a
*jJ**- ha^ra presence |
~*j~l*- j the
publio event), go {* to a Performance,
presence of . . .; i-UI
/ ^J-
{'aliya) His
etc.); to appear (A*\ before a judge, etc.,
Highness (formerly, title of the Bey of
Jl in, at), show up (Jl in, at); to betake
Tunis); ftr**- respectful form of ad-
o.e., go (Jl,>. from... to);(:jUi- hafra)
dress, eep. in letters; j^^jJI /-*- cf.
to be eettled, sedentary (in s civilized
Fr. Monsieur Je docUwr
region, as oppoeed to nomadio existence)
II to ready, make ready, prepare (* jjti hwjr presence; visit, partici-, also, e.g., a medicine = to Com- pation, attendance; (as one pl. of^U-)
pound), make, produce, manufaoture those present | *jj~**: in his presence;

(*; to study, prepare (* a leason); <UjU jj~i>- k. al-hafla attendance of the

to fetoh, get, bring ( s.o., *, celebration ; j*Jl\ jj-**- A. ad-dihn presence

procure, supply (*; to settle ( of mind; j jj- Sj j waraqat h. summons

s.o.), make s.o. {) sedentary; to civilize (jur.)

{ s.o., m III to give a lecture, jjj-m*- hutfri: 5jjji*- ^Kj-I (afykm)
present in a lecture ( to s.o.); to judgments delivered in the presence of
lecture, give a course of lectures IV to the litigant parties after oral proceedings
fetch, get, bring (*, s.o.,, procura, (jur.); L jj~i*- fiiufriyan contradictorily
supply (*; to take ( s.o., *, (jur.)
Jf to a place) | ** ,-i*-! to have
jUi. hcujAra civilization; culture; set-
with one, bring along V to preparo
tledness, sedentariness
o.s., ready o.a., get ready (J for); to
>**- ha4ira pl. j-'lJw- Jw^d'tr* a small
be ready, prepared; to become settled,
be sedentary in a civilized region; to be group of 6 to 12 people (specif., the

civilized, be in a state of civilization ; to smallest unit of boy scouts = patrol);

become urbanized, become a town aection, squad (mtl.; Syr.)

dweller Till to come ( to s.o.), be in the j*- majvjar presence; attendance, Com-
presence ( of s.o.); to live in a civilized ing, appearanoe (of s.o.); assembly, meet-
region; pasa. uhtutfira to die X to have ing, gathering, Convention; (pl. _r*l* w (*) brought, to call, send (#, for hqlir*) minutes, official report, proces-

B.o., for, have s.o. () come; to verbal, record of the faotual findings |

Bummon (* s.o.); to fetch, procura, *j}~\ j^A m. al-jard inventory listj^p***

supply, get, bring (*; to conjure, 4^ bi-mahfarin minhu in s.o.'s presence

call up, evoke {* a spirit); to visualize, jjj- tahfr preparing, ready ing, making
envision, call to mind (*; to carry
ready; (pl. -t) preparation (J for; also
with o.8., bring along (*; to pre- e.g., for an examination) making, prepa- ;

pare (*, e.g., a medicinal preparation) ration, cooking {of food, etc.), production,
j- hadar a civilized region with towns
and villages and a settled population s^ tahtfirl preparatory, prepara-
(as opposed to desert, steppe); settled tive 0*~W *&***& wJ-M (mu'aimin)

preparatory institutes for teachere, teach- ,>**- hadana u {hadn, Li*- hidna) to clasp
ers* Colleges (Eg.) in one's arms, embrace, hug ( s.o.);

jjf[^ muhtpira pl. -<K lecture

to nurse, bring up, raise ( a child);
(Aatfn, 1
-^*- hidn, Li*, hjna,
jUi*-l ihdr procurement, supply, fetch-
OjJi*- hudn) to hatch, brood, ineubate
ing, bringing
{* an egg; of a bird) VI to embrace one
jJl- tahatfdur civilized way of life another, cling to one another, nestle
against each other VIII to clasp in one's
jLij-l ihtujdr demise, death
arms, embrace, hug (*, s.o.,; to
jUi*-i-l iatikdr making, production,
harbor in one's bosom (* feeling); to
manufacture ; preparation ; summoning | hatch, concoct, contrive (*; to bring
r^jj^^ jLi^-l istihdr al-arwh evoca-
up, raise ( a child)
tion of spirits, Bpiritism
,>*- hjln pl. Ui*-l ahdn breast, bosom
^>U- hdir pl. jJk*- huddar, jj~**- (between the outstretched arms); armful,
hvdr preaent ; attending ; ^->U- i the that which can be carried in one's arms j

present (time); prepared (J for); ready; j-il-L *iJ (qabilah) he reeeived him with
(pl. jLU huddr, *j~^- hadara) settled, open arms; o\Ju\ jy and Li*-1 j amid,
eeden tary, resident, village or town among; with, in the presence of (s.o.);
dweller, not nomadio |
^-iU-l j or cJjJl j I_^~*ll oU*-\ j {fahr') in the heart
y-ili.1 at preBent, now; _^AJI j^*- h. (or folds) of the desert; L*JLi-i jo Jj-UI
al-fikr quick-witted, quick at repartee; she took me in her arms
^U aJ (naqd) cash, ready money
iiUi*- hidna, hadana raising, bringing
j-il*- hSdira pl. jJ*\y- hawdir* Capi- up, nursing (of a child); hatebing (of
tal city, metropos; city (as a center an e gg)> ineubation j
i*LiJ-l jlj children's
of civilization) home, day nursery, creche
jj-* mahdr possessed, haunted or
Ov^*" hadin embraced, hugged, resting
inhabited by a jinni; demoniao in s.o. 's arms
j*- muhaddir maker, producer, manu- mahdan pl. jil* mahdtn*
facturer; diasector {med.) children's home, day nursery, creche
j-*\^> muh$ir lecturer, Speaker uLij- 1 ihtidn embrace, bug(ging),

jj&- muhtfir court usher aecolade

j*c* mutahad^ir civihzed ~<-J>\p~ hdina pl. ^ij- hawSdin 1 nurse*

maid, dry nurse
j-*z4- mvhtadar dying, in the throes
j^-i* muhtafn embracing, hugging;
of death, on the brink of death ; a dying
tender, affectionate
peraon; haunted or inbabited by a jinni;
demoniac J*>- hafta u to put, place, put down,

_r*z' mustahdar pl. -dU preparation set down (*; to take down (* a

(ehem., pharm.) tj\js jJ^^i* (daw'%)

load, brden); to lower, decrease, di-

medicinal preparation minish, reduce (* or j*; to de-

preciate (j- j* min qadrihi or *i*J j min
j^r-**- hadramaut 2 Hadhramaut
qimatihi the value of |
JU^I iu-
\j_fJk hadraml pl. fjLi*- hatfrim 9 man (rihla) to halt, make a stop, dismount,
from Hadhramaut; Hadhramautian (adj.) encamp (while travcling on horsehack,

camelback, etc.); (M, ty^ A*f*) amwj) short-wave transmitter Station;

to sink, descend, go down; to alight li^SI xSy iL* m. taulxd al-kahrab' and

(bird); to land (airplane); to drop {price) iJ\jjjS' iL* power plant

II to put down, set down, take off, un-

JIL*'I inhifit decline, fall, decay. de-
load (* a load) VII to sink, descend, go cadence; inferiority |
JlL*Vl ^l-*-'
down; to decrease, diminish; to decline, ihea al-inh. sense of inferiority
decay, wane VIII to put down, set down,
JIL*I inhiffi postclassical writer
take down (* .th.)

down; ,L*^l. munhatt low, base, low-level, low-

j. hatt(&ct of) putting or setting
grade; fallen, degraded (woman); mean,
depreciation, belittling, derogation, dis-
reduction, vile, vulgr; inferior
paragement (j* of;

diminution, decrease (<y of

hafaba i to gather nrewood ^J*-
Ja- |

&- hifia alleviation, lief, mitigation L. J {fl hablikl) to support s.o., stand

abasement, debasement, demotion, deg- by b.o., back s.o. up VIII to gather

radation (in rank, dignity, prestige) nrewood
humiliation, insult, indignity ahib nrewood
Jm- hafab pl. v -^-

jwl dfyat lower

^IL- haffb wood gatherer; wood-
U^ hafifa price reduction cutter, lumberjack; vendor of nrewood

W- mahaU place at which ia

tahfib singlestick fencing (a

put down or deposited; stopping place, populr game, esp. in rural areas; eg.)

stop; pause, fermata, hold, concluding

^UU hfib wood gatherer; woodcutter,
Btrain, cadence (mvs.) |
JL1/I J** object
lumberjack; vendor of nrewood | ,_.!&
of hope, that on which one's hopes are
jj ica-hfibi lain lit.: like one who
pinned; jltiV' J# <JK* to attract the
gathers wood at night, i.e., blindly, at
glances, draw attention to o.s. ;
^1 it^
(said of s.o. who does
random, heedlessly
m. al-kalm sense, or meaning, of one's
not realise, or think about, what he is
iL* mahafta pl. -t stopping place,
hafama % (hofm) to break, shatter,
stop (also of public conveyances) ; Station,

post; railroad Station; broadcasting Sta- smash, wreck, demolish (* II = I;

jLJI L* V to break, go to pieces; to be broken,

tion, radio Station | Ji^*

m. tahteil at-tayydr transformer Station; be smashed, be shattered; to crash (e.g.,

(^LiUI) liVi iL* m. al-ita (al-l- airplane, structure, etc.); to be wrecked

Bkiya) broadcasting Station, radio Sta- (ship) VII = V

tion; transmitter (Station); v-h> *^ UU- hifma pl. jj- hifam particle,
(ra'iiya) (railroad) main Station; O L* smaU piece, shred, bit, morsel;

oljLiVl m. al-iSrt signal post; O L* broken

JUj^I m. al-irsl transmitter (Station;
*LU*- hupm debris, rubblo; fragments,
radio); j^I iU-y^J iL* (li-l-arpd al-
shards, broken pieces; wreckage, wreck
jawunya) meteorological Station, weather
(of a ship) |
LJ JJ^ fLL- h. ad-duny the
Station; -Ji^Jl IL* m. 09-90*} (Eg.) pump
ephemeral things of this world, the
Station (for dratnage) ; power plant ; O iL* vanities of the world
JLJii "b/l receiving Station (radio); O L*
j-l^.^1 v<j 5-SL-V (l-silkiya qapirat al-
-U- haftm smashed, shattered, wrecked

J- iahflm smashing, shattering, Compound, yard, pound, pinfold; oorral,

wreoking, breaking, demolition, destruc- pen, paddock, coop; hangar, shed; field,
tion, disruption | O J-U-.l Jt "
_ -
domain, realm (fig.) | .jji- j (with foll.
icebreaker (naut.) genit.) inside of, within; jjji- JI 4jj-

|J^ tahaffvm crumbling, disintegra- (jaiabah) to bring s.o. under one's in-

tion;cnuh (of an airplane); coUapae, fluence; cAJVJh j\$i*. airoraft hangara;

breakdown ^XJI *jJ- A. al-qvd* Paradise

jjlK maAffir
U.U. hifima: O -J.I <J.U- icebreaker interdicted, prohibited,

(naut.) forbidden (J* to s.o.); embargoed; pl.

&\>Ji& forbidden things, reatriotions
|J^ mu^atfim crashing, thundering,
roaring (of an explosion, etc.) muAaf (ji- and Jb.) Ji~ haziya a (ijli- huzwa,
/am broken (language) hizwa) to enjoy the favor or good graces
of s.o. {*), be in s.o.*s (x*) favor or
UtA muhatlima: L-iJ Urf (kdjiya)
good graces; to acquire, obtain, attain,
ioebreaker (naui.)
gain, win ( v

Ji. $oa a (hazz) to be lucky, fortunate

>!*- huzwa, hizwa favored position,
IV =1 role of favorite; preoedence; favor, grace;

^ &$? pl- J*!- huzz part, portion, good will, benevolence; prestige, credit,
share, allotment; lot, fate, destiny; good Standing, respect, esteem | xs. \J*. J
luck, good fortune; afnuence, wealth, (^aJ) to find favor with s.o.

fortune; prosperity; pleasure j. Ji- ji

| *-!*- haziya pl. Ulli, hazy paramour,
endowed withj Jiil j_i ti-humi l-h. miatress, oonoubine
and JU.I l^_- ^ fortunately, luckily;
Ji* mahziya pl. -t paramour, mia-
Jii-I ^ tu' al-h. bad luck, misfortune;
tress, ooneubine
J-I .^ sayyt' oi-A. unlucky, unfortu-
nate; JiJ-l j-J unfortunately; ^*. ^ Ja- haffa u (haff) to Surround (^ a, s.o.,

Ji- luokily for me, fortunately; j. S" with, also wj and J, s.o.,,
J- he was lucky in that he . . .; enclose, encompass, border
(v, *;
U** W1* i>--' er*! he is no better off than to depate ( a part of the body), unhair
ahe is ( the skin); to trim, clip (. the beard);

Ji-U. Aafiz lucky, fortunate to chafe, rub off, abrade (* |

jjr*" * -** ne is the objeot of ad-

JijlK maAzfif lucky, fortunate; con-
miring glances, he is the center of atten-
tent(ed), happy, glad
tion, all eyes are upon him; i (^ji*.
ha/t/) to rustle II and VIII to Surround,
Ji- hazara u (Jiosr) to fence in, hedge in
(; to forbid (<
J to s.o.,
(Jj*-> v * a -', encloBe. encom-
prohibit (*
J* s.o. from doing pass, border (S
r , tj.

JLU- hijj side

_rw- hazr forbiddance, interdiction, pro-
hibition, ban; embargo ^V**" h<*W rustle, rustling
jUi. hiz&r, hazUr wall, partition, screen * mihaffa (also mahaffa) pl, -31 litter,
fence, paliaade, railing stretcher; roller stretcher; sedan

j&- hazira pl. ,/lli. hazSir* enclo- JU- Ad/f: JU >. (jwtz) piain bread
sure, railing, fence, palisade, hedge; (without anything to go with it; tg.)


iL- pl, -t enclosure, edge, yU- /ira original condition, be-

margin; brim of a vessel; border, brink, ginning | ^U-l x* on the spot, right

verge; fringe, hem < ~**^~ away, at once; 4^iL- Jl *j~j to revert
| '!A' J*"
. il-fcarb on the brink of ruin to itB original State or origin

jjji*. mahfr dug ; inscribed, engraved

i*. hafid pl. jLi*-l ahfd, lAi*- hafada
grandson; descendant, offspring, scion

.Li*- hafida granddaughter i*- hafaza i (hafz) to pierce, stab (# s.o., <->

with the spear); to incite, instigate, urge,

i*. Aa/ara t (hafr) to dig (*; to drill prompt, induce (J* or Jl s.o. to
(for oil); to excavate (archeol.); to carve V to prepare o.a., get ready, be ready,
(a; to engrave, etch (* metal) j beabout to do (J or Jl), set out to do
jiL*- _^i*- to dig; S^A*- _^i*- (Au/* ready to jump, (J or Jl); to get
ratan) to prepare a pitfall, prepare an make a running start; to listen, pay
anibush VII pass. of I; VIII to dig attention VIII to be about to do,

ji*- hafr digging, earthwork, excava- be ready (J for)

tion (also archeol.); unearthing; drilling } tahaffuz preparedness, readiness;

(for oil); oarving, inscribing (e.g., of vim, dash, verve, sweep, elan
letters); engraving, etching; graphic
jiU- hfiz pl. j>\f*-
hawz 2 spur, drive
arts (etching, wood engraving); scurvy
(Jfttodo, incentive(Jftto), initiative
(ayr.) |
jiJ-l jl**- jahz al-h. oil rig; oil

derrick . mutahafflz ready, prepared (J for)

%j*- hufra pl. j*- hufar pit; hollow, i*- haza a (At/?) to preserve (*; to
cavity, excavation; hole protect, guard, defend(fl.o.); to observe,

ijj*- hafriya digging, excavation; bear in mind (*, comply (* with

be mindful, be heedful (*of;
O gravure; pl. <^-l
^jJ**" excavations,

(archeol.) to keep up, maintain, sustain, retain,

uphold (*; to hold, have in safe-
jU*- haffr digger; engraver; driller;
keeping (*, take care (*;
stone mason |
j^Jtll jU*- gravedigger
to keep, put away, save, tore (* );

jj&- hafir dug, dug out, excavated, to conserve, preserve (*; to retain
unearthed in one's memory, remember, know by
heart (*; to memorize, learn by
j\J- hafira pl. y'U*- Ao/'tr"

excavations heart, oommit to memory (*, esp.

excavated or unearthed; pl.
the Koran); to reserve (* *-iJ for
o.a.; to stay, discontinue^suspend
jji-l vhfr pl. jU-l aA/tr ex-
(Jgi*dl a judicial investigation; jur.) \

cavated; fossil; pl. excavations (archeol.) iil *ki#- may God proteot himl JjjJL; -Wi*-

ji. mihfar pl. jiU- mahfir* spade to hold in care of general delivery

(*; ^-jJl j J^u= (yuhfazu) in

^U A/ir pl. J]y- hawfir* hoof ^ij |
care of general delivery, poste restante;
yU-l Jt ^ili-l to coincide, happen to
Jt\ij\ lii>- (uxtfaa) to be loyal to s.o.,
correspond exactly; ^li-l
J* on the keep faith with s.o. II to have s.o. {*)
spot, right ftway, at once keep
memorize {* III to preserve,

j^U A^/tri ungular, ungulate up, maintain, uphold, sustain (J*;
; -


to supervise, control (J*, watch Li*- hifza anger, indignation, resent-

(J* over; to watch out <J# for), ment, rancor

take care, be heedful, be mindful (J* of),
JiLi*- hifz pl. -t dressing, ligature,
look {J# after) t attend, pay attention
bandage |
JiLi*- h. al-ha} sanitary
(J* to); to keep, follow, observe, bear in
mind (J*, comply (J# with),
conform {J* to); to protect, guard, Ji-i*- hafiz attentive, heedful, mind-
defend (* and J, also j* IV to ful; preserving, keeping, guarding (J*
vex, annoy, gall, irritate, hurt, ofiend

( s.o.) V to keop up, maintain, preserve

ijj*- haflza pl. .Uli*- haf'iz 2 grudge,
(_> ; to obBerve, keep in mind resentment, rancor
(_>, be mindful, be heedful, take
care (_> of, be concemed (<_ with); iixt mahfaza, mihfaza pl. -t, JiiLrf-

to be cautious, be wary, be on one's mahz* folder, bag, satchcl, briefease

guard to be reserved, aloof have diapatch case, portfolio; wallet, pocket-

; ; to
reservations VIII to maintain, uphold book
(t_> or *, e.g,, *sjk. one's rights); *^ mihfaza capsule
to keep up, maintain, retain (._. or *.

. Ji-i* tahflz memorization drill, incul-, e.g., a posture, a characteristic)
cation (esp. of the Koran)
to take care, take over custody (<_ of
s.o.), protect, guard (_ s.o.); to defend JLi*- hifz defense, protection, guard-
(against encroachment), hold, maintain ing (esp. of cherished, sacred thingB);
a possession); to preserve, sustain, preservation, maintenance
(J* of inter-

continue, keep up (._.; to hold, ests); keeping, upholding (of loyalty),
possess (_>; to put away, hold, adherence (to u commitment)
have in safekeeping (<_>, take care
iil* muhfaza guarding; safeguard-
(<-> of; to keep, retain (*_>;
ing; preservation; protection, defense;
iJ Ji>-l to keep for o.a., appro-
conservation, sustaining, upholding,
priate, reserve for o.s. (<_; or *,
retention, maintenance (J* of
take complete possession (* of) X to
conservativism {pol.), conservative atti-
ak to guard or protect {* or J*
s.o. ()
tude; following, observance (
J* of,; to entrast J* or * to s.o.,
compliance (J* with, adherence
com mit
(J# or *) to the Charge of
s.o. (.)
(J* to); guarding (j* against mUfortune),
saving (^ from misadven^ure); garrison
J*- hifz preservation ; maintenance, (mtl.); (pl. -l) governorate (one of five
sustentation, conBervation, upholding; administrative divisions of Egypt, in
protection, defense, guarding; custody, oddition to 14 mudiriyt); office of the
safekeeping, keeping, storage; retention; muhfiz (head of a governorate); prov-
observance, compliance (with); memoriz- ince, any one of the larger administra-
memorization meniory; tive districts (Syr.) ^-iJl
ing, ; (;'ur.) dis- | J* ~*L*U\
continuance, stay, Suspension (of legal seif- preservation ; Lil^l ^mx. ma4hab
action, of a judicial investigation) ahm. conservative movement, conserv-

jUVl ativism, Toryism

J*jU- preservation of ancient mon-
uments (Eg.); '<**}\ JijU- h. a$-?\hha J* tahaffuz caution, wariness, re-
hygiene, Banitation; JiiJ-l JU, police straint, reticence, reserve, aloofnesa;
; ;

(pl. -Ol) precaution, precautionary > mutahaffif vigilant, alert, wary,

measure; reservatio!!, Uroiting condition, oautious; retioent, reserved, aloof; staid,

conditional stipulation, proviso |

Jii*Jl u sedate
with fll reservation
jLtoU mustahfaz
. pl. -t reserve (m.)

lahaffuzi precautionary, pre-

J* Ji- hafala i (ha) to gather, assemble,
ventive |
Uii* *Uj.l (ijr't) pre-
oongregate; to flow copiously; to be
cautionary measures; J* ^L (?uiA)
replete, teem, superabound (- with);
settlement before action, preventive
to pay attention, attend, give one's
settlement {jur.)
mind (u or J to, concern o.s.

JiUi-l ihtifz guarding, safeguarding (^ with), make much (v of), set great
preaervation ; retention, maintenance, stre (- by) ** Ji*. V (hafla) indifferent,

eontinuation, conservation, defense, pro- of no consequence II to adorn, decorate,

tection, vindication, sustaining, up- ornament (- m with) VIII to gather,
holding; keeping, holding, safekeeping, rally, throng together; to oelebrate (v
cuBtody (v of, s.o.); to conoern o.s. (^ or J
with), attend, pay attention, give one's
JkiU- hfif keeper, guarder, guardian,
mind (^ or J to; to honor, wel-
oustodian, caretaker; (pt. -ULi*- hujf&f,
come, receive kindly (^ s.o.)
<k- hafaza) one who knows tbe Koran
by heart (formerly an bonorific epithel) *Ji- ha gathering, meeting, assem-
assembly, congregation, throng,
lL- hza memory; (pl. J|>*-

orowd ; performanoe, show, publio event

hatofiz*) wallet, pocketbook: money
celebration; feast, feetival
order {Sg.)
U- hafla pl. -t assembly, gathering,
bjJtt- mahfz kept, held in saf-
meeting, congregation; party; (social or
keeping, deposited, guarded, preserved;
publio) event; show, Performance (the*
memorized, committed to memory, etc.;
ater, cinema); conoert; festirity, oere-
conserved, preserved (food); reserved;
mony, event, celebra-
ensured, aecured, safeguarded; pl.

Jub)l jU-

commemoration, oom-
O lU^i* canned goods, oonserves ; archives

memorative ceremony for a deceased

memorized materia), what s.o. knowB
person ; ^ji 1 iUA- I (fiW) premiere
by heart iy^ll oll->il j\* the Egyp-

UiU- U- numerous assembly; j/*- *Lu-

tian Public Record Office; U^i* 0*^TL
(frairiya) oharity Performance, charity
oonBerves, canned goods; XU^i* j^iA-l -;
event; jiJJI Li*- A. ad-dafn funeral
all rights reserved
ceremony, obsequies; S-i Ui*- (cttntya)

Jiil* muhfiz eupervisory, Controlling; religious ceremony, Divine Service; li*-

observing ( J, oomplying ( J* with), /aU and _^-- Li*- A. amar evening party,
etc.; conservative {pol.), OjiL^I the soiree; vti-* *^~ motion-picture show;
Conservatives, the Tones; keeper, guard- iflJl Li- tea party; ^jjl Li*- A.

er, guardian, custodian, caretaker, Super- oi-'urff wedding; jLJt-1/l Lu- (public)

visor, Superintendent; mayor; governor reoeption; ji^-f* *^**~ ooncert

(Kg. : title of the chief offioer of a gov-
Js**- Aa/iJ eager,
assiduous, diligent
ernorate ; Syr. : chief officer of a prov-

ince) ; director general, president (= Brit. Ji* wwA/ pl. J*U maAd/1 assembly,
governor) congregation, meeting, gathering; party;

body, collective wholc; circle, quarter ineumbent (J* upon s.o.); to be ade-

J>-L J-i* Masonic lodge; i^r*^! Ji^i quate, suitable, fitting, appropriate
{5-IjJI) (rasmiya, siysiya) the official for s.o.); to be due (J s.o.); *I ^ he
(political) circles or quarters is entitled to it, he has a right to it; J-
JLk-1 ihtifl pl. -t celebration, cere-
4-L he deserved it (punishment); u
mony, featival, festivitiea
to ascertain (*, make sure, be sure

(* of; to recognize, identify {

JiU- ha pl. Ji. ^ujflW, Jil,^ luiwfil 2
s.o.) II to make (*) come true; to
fll < v of), filled, replete ( v with);
realize (*, e.g., a hope), carry out
abundant, copious, Iaviah ; much fre-
(* e.g., a wish), carry into effect, fulfill,
quented, well attended (by viaitors,
put into action, consummate, effect,
partieipants, etc.), numerous (of attend-
actualize (*; to implement (* e.g.,
ance); soleran, ceremonial, festive
an agreement); to produce, bring on,
U hfa pl. -t, Jil^ haivfil 2 yield (* results); to determine, ascertain,

O autobus find out, pinpoint, identify (*; to

prove (*) to be true, verify, establish,

Ji* muAto/t/: j^Lc^l the partieipants
substantiate (*; to confirm, asaert,
in a festive event, the celebrators
aver, avouch, affirm (* ; to be
Jii# muhtafal assembly place, gather- exaet, painstaking, meticulous, careful
ing place; party; * JA:* celebrated (a in doing, e.g., _^iJI ji. (nazara)

ji- hajana u to scoop up with both handa to look closely; to study, examine,

{*; to give a ttle (J to s.o.) investigate, explore {*, look, in-

quire (* into; to verify, check {*
i*. a/na pl. hafant handful
or J; to investigate (j;
<>*- and Jj-) Jj-
Aa/Jya a (Sjli*- kafwa) police); to make an official inquiry (*
to reeeive kindly and hospitably, to into, Institute an investigation (*
welcome, reeeive with honors, honor (i_j of or into; court; fr.); to interro^ate (*
s.o.) V to behave with affection, be s.o.), conduet a hearing (** of s.o.; jur.)
affectionate (^ toward) VIII do.; to III to contend for a right { with s.o.),
celebrate {^ an occasion, a festival) contest or litigate a right ( against s.o.)

^ hafly welcoraing, reeeiving kindly, IV to;
teil the truth; to be right (j in
to enforce (*, e.g., a legal
greeting (^ s.o.,

claim) V to prove true, turn out to be

jLi- hajwa friendly reeeption, wel-
true, be confirmed, prove to be correct;
coming, welcome, Balutation {^ of s.o.)
to materialize, become a fact ; to be
Lji-I ihtij' reeeption, welcome, sal-
realized, be effected, come into effect; to
utation (._> of s.o.); celebration, festivity
be examined, be explored; to ascertain

'j*- hafi-ya a (Li*- fyaf*) to go barefoot; to (*, also j-), make sure, reassure

have sore feet o.s., gain proof, convince o.s., be convinc-

ed, be sure, be certain (* of; to
L- hfin pl. ili. hufh barefoot(ed)
check, verify (* or ,y; to be serious

J>. haqqa i u to be true, tum out to be true, (l-> about X to be entitled, have a
be confirmed; to be right, correct; (also claim (* to; to claim (*, lay
pass. huqqa) to be necessary, obligatory, claim (* to); to deserve, merit (*,
requisite, imperative (J* for s.o.), be be worthy (* of); to require, demand,
necessitate, make requisite (*; to U* huqqa pl. JJU- Au^o?, JU*- hiqq,

fall due, become payable (sum of money), U*-I aAf? small box, case, pot or jar;

mature, become due (note) ; to be due ( reeeptacle, Container; (pl. -t, ji*.

s.o.) IjTill Jm:-,* (iikra) worth mention- Au^of) a weight (Syr. t Pal.) = l uqqa;

ing, noteworthy; *J* fr-' * *l/ iJ^JUJ U*- = 1.280 kg (Ir.)

(rasmu) not subjeot to a fee, free of
fr-\ ahaqq* worthier, more deserving
(i_* of; more entitled (<-? to
fr- a^j truth; correctness, j-S*- Aoftg pl. UM ahiqqd' 2 worthy,
rightful posseasion, property; one'a due;
deserving (_> of, fit, competent,
duty; proper manner; true, authentic,
qualified ; entitled (<-> to)
real; right, fair and reaaonable; correct,

Bound, ralid; jA-l an attribute of God; <JL- Ao^Iga pl. jJU*- kaq'iq* truth,

(pl. 3y*- hxtqg) right, title, claim, legal reality (also pAo*.); fact; the true state

claim (j to); JjiJ-t law, juriaprudence, of affairs, the facta ; true nature, essence

- haqqan really, in reality, real meaning, true aense; haqtqatan

legal Bcienoe ;

in effect, actually, in fact, indeed, truly, really, in reality, in effect, actually, in

in truth; justly, rightly, by rights fact, indeed, truly, in truth |

oLi*- J ol>

?iilj J is that (really) soT reallyT j* I aaw its true nature, as it really is;

justly, rightly, by rights; ji-U truly, in ^\ U-I. J in reality, really, actually;

reality, actually; properly, appropriately, UJu <J ^-J it does not really exist, it is

in a suitable manner; bi-haqqi and not real


J as to aa for with respect to,

JJ- haqiqi real, true; actual; proper,
. . ., . . .,
conceming, regarding; fr- J* j* he ifl intrinsic, essential; genuine; authentic;
in the right; iL** ji-t you are right; ji-1 positive
you are wrong; iLl* fr- y> it i
Jji- huqqi juristic(al); (pl. -n)
your duty; SU* J- ti* you owe this to
Jurist, jurisprudent, lawyer
me; 4-i* LJ- litt^* ft'r/dnan) in re-
Cognition of what he owed her; *5- fr Li*-t ahagqiya legal claim, title, right

he is entitled to it, it ia bis due; fr S" Jli*- kaqq&nl correct, right, proper,
jl - he should have..., he ought to
sound, valid, legitimate, legal
have...; j jA-1 <J he is entitled to ...;

Jli jilj (yugdJ) one may aay, it must be JU*- haqqnlya justice, law |

admitted, it's only fair to aay, say what 4JUM Miniatry of Justice (formerly Eg.)

you will ... though (as a parentheti-

. . .,
J_i* tahqlq realization, actuab'zation,
oal phrase) ; ^11 fr- <Jj* (<*??
effeotuation, Implementation; fuUUlment
to know ezactly, know for
l-ma rifa) (of a claim, of a wish, etc.); achievement,
certain, know very weil, also ^\ fr- ^ accompliflhment, exeuution ; ascertain-
(haqga l-'ilm) ; ^1 fr- ^ fakima kaqqa ment, determination, identifioation, veri-

l-fahm to understand precisely, com- substantiation ; asaertion, af-

prehend thoroughly, be fully aware; confirmation; pinpointing,
UM JjU II (w'ia) true happiness;
precise determination ; exaetness, ao-
3jkL\ Ltf" Jh*Wiyo( aJ-A. law school,
curateness, precision; (= jkJl J-i* (.

faculty of law an-nuf) precise pronunciation ; (pl.

socket of a t) verification, check, checkup, in-

fr- huqq hollow, cavityj
Joint (anat.); also U*- huqqa veatigation; offioial or judicial inquiry,

inquest |
l JJmJI it is a matter of faot mutahaqqiq convinced, sure, cer-
that ..., it is certain that ...; J-*uII tain, positive
properly speaking, striotly speaking,
J* *
mustahiqq entitled; olaiming;
actually; exactly, preoiaely; positively,
beneficiary (of a wakf); deserving,
definitely; J-a^ull .u properly speaking,

striotly speaking, actually; V.^^AJl

worthy |
-UI j^u* m. ad-daf due,
payable (sum)
*. a&-fafy&ya identifioation (of a person),
proof of identity; <_ JJI jj^ j^L^* i- VIII to put into one'B bag, to bag (*
Sahdat t. aS-iak^ya identity oard;

i-^i^Ui jJui ^zZom

^ (. a&j*. bureai of
vi*- hvqb pL v 1-*-' oAfffr
v -**-
identifioation; JlJI jJw: f.. a4-$tlya
long stretch of time, long period
identifioation; JJ*sII ^l ezamining
magistrate; ^IjjVI
*-**- hiqba pl. (_Jl*. hiqab long time,
Jjj* realization of
profits (stock market) stretch of time; period, age | L.jJl j* -
hiqbatan min ax-zamn for quite a time,
J-I \hqOq; jJi UliJ ihqqan U-l- for Borne time
haqq (so) that truth may prevail
<_-Jt#- haqab pl. ^L-I ahab a kind of
<j* tahaqqvq ascertainment, making ornamental belt
sure ; con viotion, certainty, certitude
<- hiqb pl. <-~- hvqub a kind of
verification, check, cheokup
ornamental belt
JUcJ istihqq pl. -t worthiness, i1*- haqiba pl. t^JU*. Aafd*j6 a valise,
deservingness, meritj one'B due or desert; suitoase, traveling bag; leather bag I i-JU-
maturity, payability, falling due (of a
L._jLi diplomatic pouch ; j^JI ^ .. V
of money); re-olaiming or caliing in portemonnaie, change purse; jJI 4 ,, 5 r- A.
of due, demand of a right; vindica- al-yad ladies' purse, handbag
tion (Ial. Law), replevin, detinue I j*
ducJ deservedly, juatly, oi- haqida a, haqada i (haqd, hiqd) to harbor
by rights;
J*j>l j> undeservedly; JLu^Vi feelings of hatred (J* against) IV to
date of maturity incite to hatred or resentment, embitter,
(e.g., of a bond);
JU1I JUu^VI (Ivbnnl) name of a envenom ( s.o.) V = I; VI to hate one
Lebanese order another

- hiqd pl. jU*-1 ahqd, iji*- hugd

3j mahqq worthy, deserving (cj,
hatred, malice, spite, resentment, ranoor
J of), fit, oompetent, qualifying J (o*,

for) ; wrong, at fault, on the wrong Si-i- haqida pl. jJUu- haq'id* hatred,
track malice, spite, resentment, rancor

Ji^ muhaqqiq investigator; inquirer; iji- haqd fll of hatred, spiteful.

examining magistrate resentful, malicious, malevolent, raneor-
Jit muhaqqaq sure, certain, beyond
doubt, unquestionable, indubitable; as- JU hqid fulJ of hatred, spiteful,
sured, established, aocepted, recognized I
resentful, malicious, malevolent, rancor-
ul ji^l j* it is certain that ..., it is a ous; pl. Xi. haqada malevolent people
fact that . .

J*- haqara i (haqr) to despise, scorn, disdain

j< muhiqq telling the truth, in the ( s.o., a; to look down (*, * on),
right, being right have a low opinion (*, of); hagura u

to be low, base, contemptible, despicable to suppresB, represa, restrain (*; +>o

degraded, humiated keep to o.s. {^,-JI tu-airra the secret) ; to

to be despised,
II to disparage, decry, depreciate ( b.o.), spare (*o damah b.o.'s blood or life); to

detract, derogat ( froin s.o.); to degrade, give ( b.o.) an injection (med.) VIII to
humble, humiate; to regard become congested (esp. blood); to suffer
debase, '

with contempt, deBpise, scorn, disdain from strangury; to take an enema, a

* VIII to despise, scorn, clyster; to be injected | <|*-j t>i-l (waj-
{ s.o.,

disdain ( s.o., *, look down (*, Huhu) his face was flushed, his face turned

on) X to regard as contemptible or red

despicable, disdain, despise ( s.o., * withholding;

y&- haqn retention,, look down {*, * on)
sparing ; injecting , injection (
med. ) |

jj&- haqir pl. l^i- huqar* % low, bae, _JL.jJ LJU- kaqnan li~dim'ihim in order

mean, vulgr, vile; Uttle, small, paltry, to Bpare their blood ; -0 j_^JV j ji*-

inconsiderable, poor, wretched, miserable; intravenous injection (med.)

despised; despicable, contemptible huqan injection

*ii*- huqna pl.

aAgar* lower, baser, more con- (med.); hypodermic; clyster; enema

oi mihqana pl.
J>^ mahqin*
!jU>- haqra lowness, vulgarity, base- syringe (med.)
neas, vilcness, meanness; Bmallness, pal-
LI^-I ihtiqn congestion \
p-di b\Jt*-\
triness, insignificance, poorness, wretched-
iht. ad-dam vascular congestion
ness, miserableness ; despicability, con-

temptibleness; ignominy, infamy J}c. muhtaqan reddened by blood

congestion, flushed, red (face)
jj& tahqtr contempt, disdain, scorn;
degradation, humiliation, abasement jji- haqw pl. Li*- hiqa , U-l ahqjS loin,

jLi*-i ihtiqr contempt, disdain, scorn |

groin | *ij*- -i-Li faddada haqwaihi to
gird one's loins

regard b.o. with contempt, look down

i^U- Aaifcfea (Aaitl-) to rub, chafe; to scrape;
one's nose at s.o.
to Scratch; to rub off, scrape off, Scratch
JicJ- muhtaqar despised; contemptible, off, abrade (* | jju j iU- (^oirtAi)

despicable it iinpressed him, affected him, touched

= inside him IV to itch V to rub o.a.,

Ji- haql pl. J>i- huqul field (also fig.
scrape, chafe (-> against); to pick a
domain); column |
Jj^Jl J>5- oil fields;
quarrel (^ with s.o.) VI to rub or scrape
c^jjl JJto- h. az-zait, .UiJl JA*- h. an-naft
against each other VIII to rub o.s.,
oil field; oil area; <_->jU^!l Jji- expen-
scrape, chafe (<-> against); to be in con-
mental fields; Jb_^T J**-
tact, in touch (<_> with) |
jX* j <sh-\
electric field
(padrihi) it impressed him, affected him,
Ji*- haqli field- {in Compounds) touched inside him
ililrf muhqala aale of grain while still
kiU- halck rubhing, chafing; friction;
in growth, dealing in grain futures (UU
'&* hikka itching; Scabies, itch {med.)
ja*, haqana i (haqn) to hold back, with-
hold, keep back, detain, retain (*; iJl*- hakkk lapidary
til* mihakk touchstone; teat **$; to take
| Jp (^ as a Standard or
Jic}\ iii^ tabata al m. in-naxar to norm to have judicial
; power, have
stand a critical test Jurisdiction, have authority (Jp and

iS^rf- mt'Aaa currycomb over), govern, rule, dominate, control

(Jp or s.o.); to order, command {_>
ilUi taA<5 (reciprocal) friction; to bridle, check, curb (, *
ilK^-l tAJtfeH; pl. -i (reciprocal) fric-, s.o.) | f!.L^L -L {hukima,
tion ; close touch or oontact ; friction i'dm) he was sentonced to death; -
(fig., = diasenaion, oontroversy) j
ji. ^ <JliL> (bi-iddnaiihi) to convict a.o., find
i]&>-l min gairi ht. frictionless s.o. guilty(j'ur.); j'J^ (bi-bar'atihi)
to acquit a.o. (jur.) II to appoint (. s.o.)
*fj^ muhakkak chafed, worn away
as mler; to choose ( s.o.) as arbitrator,
i#- kuklca {tun., = huqq) pl. )$i>. hukak make ( a.o.) the judge (j over or in
small box, case, pot or jar, jy between) III to proaecute (
s.o.); to arraign, bring to trial, hale into
_*- VIII to buy up, hoard and withhold,
court ( b.o.); to interrogate, hear ( b.o.)
corner (* a commodity); to monopolize
IV to make (* s.tb.) firm, strong, sturdy,
(* a commeroial article) ; to bare exclusive
solid; to fortify (*; to atrengthen,
posaession {* of, hold a monopoly
consolidate (*; to do well, do
(* over s.tb.)
expertly, master (* field, work), be
jS^p- Aikr, hukr and ^X 1 ;^#- 1 ujrat al-h . proficient (* in) | <-r.l CJ {amrah) to
ground rent, quitrent do thoroughly, carefully, properly;

jp- hakar, hukar hoarded vUl Jii ^-1 (qafla l-bb) to lock the
door firmly; oJ -l (lugatan) to master
_*- huhu hoarding (of gooda) ; mo- a language V to have one's own way
in), proceed (j with) at random, at will,

jjS t- hlcra small vegetable garden handle (j arbitrarily; to pasa

arbitrary judgment (j on); to make o.s.
jti-l ihtikr pl. -t comering, buying
tbe judge (Jp of), pass judgment
up; monopoly; preferential position; (J* on);
to decide (l-> on); to rule, reign, hold
supremacy, hegemony |
^]l lj\jf JS<*-\
ai-bunn away (j over); to dominate, control
iht. t. coffee-trade monopoly;
jjl jfc-l iht. as-sukkar sugar monopoly (J, be in control, be in command
(j of) VI to bring one another before
^jKc-! iktikrt rapacious, grasping,
the judge Jl); to appeal (Jl to)
greedy (f~\
for a legal decision; to be interrogated,

^*- hakama u (huJem) to pasa judgment, be heard (in court) VIII to have one's

express an opinion j on, judge own way (j in), proceed (j with, in

{ Jp,
(Jp, ^ by, from); to decide, give a at will, at random, handle (j

decision, pasa a verdict, posa sentence arbitrarily, judge arbitrarily; to rule,

(Jp on); to aentence (Jp s.o., l> to a reign, hold sway (Jp, j over); to be in
penalty ; said of the judge), impose, control, bo in poasession
(Jp of); to
inflict (l-> a penalty) on s.o. to appeal (Jl to) for a legal decision, seek
pronounce a verdiot or judgment, deliver a decision (Jl from), have b.o. (Jl) decide
judgment, rule (J in s.o.'s favor); to X to be strong, aturdy, solid, firm; to
adjudicate, adjudge, award (u J to a.o. bccome atronger, be strengtnened, be
^ 196

conaolidated; to take root, be or become has its own set of rulea, muat be judged
deep-rooted, deep-seated, ingrained, in- by its own Standards; >K*-1 jjj-i (li-4-
marked, pronounced (feeling, darra) necesaity has its (own) rules,

(approx.: neceasity knowB no law)

i^- huhni legal

<*. Kuhn pl. (&-I ahkm judgment, (

valuation, opiniou; decision; (legal) j!jX- (eg.; pronounced hikimdr) com

judgment, verdict, sentence; condem- mandant; chief of polioe

nation, conviotion; administration of

3jjU&- (ff.;
pronounced hikimdriya)
justice; Jurisdiction; legal oonsequenoe
commandant's office
of the facta of a oase {Isl. Law) ; regulation,
rule, provision, order, ordinance, decree;
C- AaJfcom pl. (ISC*. Aufeim arbitrator,

wisdom; judgeahip; oom- arbiter; umpire, referee


mand, authority, control, dominion, '**- hihma pl. hikam wisdom;

power; govemment, regime; pl.
sagacity; philosophy; maxim; rationale,
Statutes, by-laws, regulations, rulea, underlying reason "Si- (with foll. genit.)

provisions, stipulations, principles, pre- on aocount of, beoause of

cepta; l&- hukman virtually; legally |

i^- hihni gnomio, aphoristio, ex-

* bi-hukmi by virtue of, on the
(&' r ) gnomio
atrength of, pursuant to; by foree of;
preasing maxims | { J&\ j*^
^p- j aa good ae, all but, e.g., ^- jj
aa good as 'S*- kakama pl. -i bit (of a horse's
*.u]l (/{ huhmi l-'adam) it is

nothing, it is practically nonexistent; bridle)

jj\ C- j p-l afbaha / huhmi l-mw ,*- haHm pl. p\S^~ hukama* wise,

garrar it is all but decided; ^- j jf judioious; wise man, sage; philosopher;

^iJI also : to be subject to ; *C- J* J>" physioian, dootor
to give in, yield to s.o.; U\jJA j*- . oJ-
^L* hahimb senior physioian,
bar'a aoquittal; &**- f~ (AttfH)
chief aurgeon
judgment delivered in the presence of

the litigant partiea, after oral prooeed- ojS^- hukma pl. -i govemment
ings (jur.); f1u*Vlj J-I {i'dm) death of govemment, gov-
jjS^- huhmi
sentenee; jU *- (Qiybi) judgment by
ernmental; official; state-owned, atate-
default (jtir.); JM fX\ (#W) self-
oontroDed, of the state, state- (in Com-
determination, autonomy {pol.) ; f-i-

^j^J-l {jumhri) the republican form
J ahkam1 wiser
of govemment, the republioan regime;
jlUI fX\ (mitflog) the absolute, i.e., "* mahhama pl. fV mahkim*
authoritarian, regime; jUl U {niyabi) oourt, tribnnal |
JiLIi-Vi "&* m. al-

the parliamentary regime, parliamen- irti'nf court of appeal, appellate oourt;

tarianism; &-I U- lajnat al-Ji. board of <J>t '*& (ahliya) indigenous court (Eg.;

examiners, review board; Vj*" ^^*-"^' Jurisdiction limited to Egyptian na-

** (ibtida'iya) court of
('urfiya) martial law; Jll (&*-l (in* tionale); UIjijI

tiqtlya) provisional regulations (jur.); flrst inatance; i.JS' yljijl "*& (hulya)

bt *l-l {fatmlya) final regulations civiloourt with Jurisdiction in cases of

(jur.)i i*U (&-I (ifpa) special reg- major importance, at the same time
ulations; *& ^ J& (n) every age appellate inatance of XJ/f }^ t^ffO
V>r ** (juz'iya) in Eg., lowest court pK*=-l istihk&m intensiflcation, in-
of both 5JU1 fl* (approx.: diatrict crease, strengthening; consolidation, sta-
courts) and of Le^Jl fU canonical bilization ; fortification ; pl. oUowi-1 for-
courta (with Jurisdiction in marital and tifications
fatnily mattere); summary court; l*
^L- hkim ruling, governing; decisive;
OLU-I m. al-jinydt criminal court; fl*
L*iJl Jlj*-Vl (Safffiya) courts dealing
(pl. -fin, |lx- hukkm) ruler, sovereign
govemor; judge ^*Li jfL. (bi-amrihl)
with vital statistics; Lkjt l& (muk*
autocratic; autocrat, dictator;

,.1* TL-
talita) mixed court (with Jurisdiction
fmm) governor goneral; lljLil fL- h.
over resident of foreign nationality)
kj-jS <X* (Sar'iya) canonical
al-mubrh umpire, referee (athlet.) ; f L-
^LJI h. offulh (Syr.) justice of the peace;
(administering justice on the basis of the
i-P-UI f\m- h. an-nhiya (Tun.) district
Sharia), court dealing with family
mattere of Muslims; ijjSy. <^ {mar*
kazly) county court, dealing with *S U- hdkimiya domination, dominion,
minor offenses, esp. misdemeanora (Eg.);
rule, sovereignty; judgeship, judicature,

^j'aVl Lull ^ m. al-gad' al-idrl Jurisdiction (tr.)

administrative court; (I^Vij j^'JI <5^ *?l* (_>* mahkm 'alaihi sentenced (^
m. an-naq4 wa-hibrm Court of Cas- to)
pl4*Vl* ^J* fjS^I (i'dm) thoee
sation, the highest court of appeal in
sentenced to death; JJLj J* rj&-

Jf\ ** Court of Cassation (faJtal) doomed to fail

{Syr., Leb. = f
uijd ** in Eg.);
*UI oU-U tribunals fit- muhakkam pl. -n arbitrator, ar-
biter; umpire, referee (j in, over)
{*' tahkim appointment of an ar-
bitrator; arbitration; arbitral deciaion, f* muhkam strengthened, reinforoed;
award; pl. ol^" fortifications | -* firm, solid, sturdy; tight, taut; perfeot,

JU-I starting from the present State of masterly, masterful; well-aimed (blow,
a court's findings (Ul. Law); S+A iL hit); accurate, precise, exact |j-u.uJI S^
hai'at at-t. board of arbitration; Jury, well-planned, well-contrived
committee of judgea, committee of ~

umpires committee of referees

{in sports),
f* ..~* mustahkam reinforced, fortified;
strengthened, consou'dated, strong; in-
(in mil. maneuvera); '<** *J- (lajna) do.
veterate, deep-seated, deep-rooted, in-
iil^ muhkama judicial proceeding; grained (custom, trait, etc.); pl. CjLSCpi_.

trial, hearing (in court); legal prosecution defenses, fortifications

llx-l ihkm perfection; accuracy, -

J--&*-, jjI-iXp- see
exactness, exactitude, precision ; exact
Performance, precise execution
j-B^-Vj $~ hak i (K. hikya) to teil, relate (*
accurately,, report, give an account (* of); to
exactly, precisely; j iJLi

lo^-Vi of higheat perfection speak, talk (syr., leb.); to imitate, copy

(* ; to resemble (*, s.o., III to
tahakkum arbitrariness, arbitrary
fi*. imitate, copy (*, assimilate o.s. (*
powers or action; despotism; domination,
to); to be similar (* to), be like (*),
dominion, rulc, sway, power; control
resemble (*, be attuned, adjust-
of, over)
ed, adopted {* to), be in harmony
^ tahakhtmi arbitrary; despotic (* with)
> 198

atory, tale, nar- sede s.o. or, Substitute for s.o. or

iK- hikya pl. -t

-M <M J ^-L- {qaibihl) she held a

rative, account; {gram.) literal quotation;

(of the words of othere) place in hia heart; j-U jjJd\ yy

{mahaa t-taqdiri ladaihi) to enjoy s.o.'b
mvhkh imitation; simarity,

resemblance; haruiony
high esteem; y *1>M o-J* * J*

JU^.^I (mm nufsi l-qurr'i mahaUa

iiU- hlrin narrator, storyteller; phono-
l-istih&n) to appeal to the readers, meet
graph; O loudspeaker, radio
with the readere' approval II to dissolve,

* mahlny imitated, imitation (adj.) resolve {into its component parte), break
up, decompose, analyze (*; to
j^tL^-S^- ee >*-
make a chemical analyais (* of; to
y halla u {hau) to untie ( a knot), unbind, be dissolvent, act as a solvent (* on;
discharge, absolve, clear,
unfasten, unravel, undo (*; to med.) ; to

Bolve (* a problem, a puzzle); to de- exonerate, exculpate ( s.o.); (*U" tahiila)

cipher, decode (* to dissolve in to expiate an oath; to make permissible

water (*; ehem.); to resolve (* or lawful, legitimate, Banction, justify,

into its components), analyze (*; Warrant (*; to declare permissible

to melt {*; to decompose, dis- or lawful, allow, permit (* IV to

integrate (*; to disband, break up, discharge, release, absolve, diaengage (<>.

an Organization or party, b.o. from); to declare (* lawful,

dissolve {*

parliament) to open, unpack (* a

; legally permissible, permit, allow (*

package, and the like); to loosen, relax; to caue to set in or oeeur, bring

(*; to release, Bet free, let go ( about, produce, cause to take root,, s.o.); to clear, exonerate, exculpate establish, stabilize (*; to cause (*

(^ s.o. from), abeolve ( s.o., ,y from to take or oecupy the place (* of),
hissinsjCAr.); pass. hua to be free ; to be shift, move, translocate (* *, e.g., a
relaxed; u (JjL- hull) to dismount, tribe, to a place); to Bettle (ju * a-

alight, top, halt; to Bettle down, stay mong) JaI* *l*-l (mahattah) to cause s.o.

(u* at a place, also j and *; Jp with or to take the place of s.o. or eise,
s.o., at s.o.'b house), come (for a visit, J* replace s.o. or by, Bubstitute s.o. or
to); to take up reaidence (* in a place for, take s.o. or as Substitute
oome down;
or country); to descend,
descend (J* upon s.o.; wrath); to over-
for; ibJl y *^ y\ {mahaUa l-'inya)

to pay attention to, make one's

come, overwhelm (J* s.o.; Bleep); to
concern V to dissolve, melt, disintegrate
befall (- and J* b.o.; punishment,
to disengage o.s., disassociate o.a.,
suffering), oeeur, happen (^ to s.o.); to
ertricate o.s., free o.s. {> from) VII to
become incamate (j in s.o.; God); to
be untied (knot); to be solved, be un-
Bet in, arrive, begin (time, season); i
raveled (problem); to be dissolved, be
to pass into Bolution, dissolve; to fade
broken up, be disbanded (also, of an
(color); i {hi) to be allowed, per-
Organization, a party, eto.); to dissolve,
mitted, permissible, lawful; to be due,
melt; to become Black, limp, weak, loose,
payable (debt) |
^^u j y (manfib) to
relaxed; to disintegrate; to melt away
take over or hold an offlee; *1* y VIII to settle down (* at a place); to
{niahallah) to be in the right place;

j* y y,
the place of
^ y y (^^m
s.o. or, replace, Buper-
to take oecupy (mtl., * a territory); to assume,
take over, oecupy, hold, have (* a place,
. ;;

a rank, an office) |
Jj^l jlil Ji-I (al- lawful possession |
J-^L- ^1 ihn h. legiti-

makna l-awwala) to occupy the foremost mate son; respectable man, decent fellow
place; aJL^I Ji-I (a'mlah) to take over
JjL- hull stopping, putting up,
s.o. 's functions X to regard {* as
staying ; descending, Coming on, be-
permissible or lawful, think that one
falling, overtaking; incarnation; setting
may do (*); to regard as fair garae,
in, advent, arrival (of a time, of a dead-
as easy prey, seize unlawfully, mis-
line), beginning, dawn; Substitution (for
appropriate, usurp (*

hall pl. J^L- hull untying, un-

J*- J-L- hal'd pl. oLl ahill'* husband
fastening, undoing (of a knot); Solution
(of a problem, of a puzzlc, etc.); un-
iLL halila pl. Jj'^U halail 2 wife

riddling, unraveling, explanation; Solu- J-L-l ihlll outer opening of the

tion (ehem.); dissolution, disbandment, Urethra; Urethra (anat.)
breaking up (of an Organization, etc.),
Jrf. mahall pl. -t, jUt mahll 2 place,
abolition, cancellation, annulment; re-
location, spot, site, locale, locality,
lease, freeing, liberation; decontrol, re-
center; (place of) residence; business;
lease, unblocking (e.g., of a blocked
business house, firm, commercial house
sum); discharge, Clearing, exoneration,
stre, shop; objeet, cause (e.g., of dis-
exculpation; absolution (Chr.) JJ! L Li
pute, admiration, etc.); gear (automo-
soluble, solvable ; O JJJI JJ- i (taijl)
bile) |aUJ^ and<Ld<LI see J^-IandlV;
spectral analysis; J-Uil^ Ji-I J*l ahl al-h.
*L*t (mahallah) in his place; *U.
wa-l-'aqd or Jj Jlj Ji-I J*i (raty) influential
in his (its) place, in his (its) stead,
people, those in power; *Jl*-j-j L- j instead of him; 4^ j utf to be in the
(tarhlihl) in all his doings, in everything
right place; to be appropriate, ex-
he did
pedient, advisable ; to be justified,

Jj- kill: fa) j- J^ j jS~ (hillin) he warranted; <Ltf. j. J improper, mis-

was free to ..., he was at liberty to ...; placed, unsuitable, ill-suited ; out of
he had free disposal of . . . ; j* J^. j c^ I place; inappropriate, inexpedient, in-
you're free to . .
., you may readily . . opportune; A*. JijL^ sdafa mahallah
to be convenient, be most opportune;
iL- halla pl. JL- AiZaZ low copper
J Jrf- ^ (mahalla) there is no room
vessel; cooking pot (ey.) 1

for . .
. ; it is out of place, quite dplace ;
iL- t'/Za way Station, stopping place, J**J! J* m. al-'amal place of employ-
stop, stopover; encampment; absolution ment; i.'i/l
J* m. al-iqma (place of)
(Chr.); dispensation (Chr.) residence, address ^jUT J* (tijri)

business house, commercial house

iL- hulla pl. JL- hulal clothing, dress,
garb vestments
; (ecclesiastic ; Chr.) (com-
ijjLiJlj i-y**!! o^l ('ummlya, ti*

jriya) public Utilities and commercial

plete) suit of clothes; (Western) suit
houses ; Jil ~.\ ism al-m. firm;
4_r*j L- (rasmlya) uniform; ^_Jl iL- h.
as-sahra formal dress
CjUjj J* m. ruhnt pawnshop; o*^
i-L-JI m. as-siyha travel agencies;
J"iL- hall that which is allowed, CjL\?j* Jrf- m. murattibt refreshment
permitted or permissible; allowed, per- parlor; ^1 J* m. al-lahw and J*
raitted, permissible, allowable, admis- m. al-malhi
,^3^.1 (pl. JL* ) amuse-
sible, lawful, legal, licit, legitimate; ment center; *\'J
J* m. n<T objeet
> 200

of controversy, controversial matter; Ji^ muhallil analyzer

K ar m. li-'ajabin
v_-mJ *$ ,^jl J l I
J**j munhall aolved; dissolved, re-
don't aee any reaaon for amazement,
solved, broken up ; disbanded ; lan-
there ia nothing to be aatonished
guid, prostrate, weak; permitted, al-
about; Jii J* m. na?ar deserving
attention, a atriking, remarkable thing
*k* ij?r juyS muktalla oecupa-
J* mahalll local; native, indigenoua;
tion forces
parochial; pl. >Li local news, local
page (of a newspaper) WjL?- aee J^-

J* mahill due date; dato of delivery

t halaba % u (halb) to milk (a an
<U. maaWa pl. -f way Station, animal) |
J\ ^*oJl !_JL- halaba d-dahra
atopping place, stop, etopover, en- aifurah he has seen good and bad
campment; camp; section, part, quar- days V to run, drip, trickle, ooze, Beep,
ter (of a city) |
^jsI 2\ (kubr) leak; to water, drool (mouth, with
Mahalla el Kubra (city in N Egypt) appetite) | IjilM J (_-U^J (afwh)

making the mouth water, appetizing;
J-U" tahlil dissolution,
breaking up, decomposition, specifica- Ji j ^Ull ij^ (al-lu'bu / faml) my

mouth was watering VIII to milk (*
tion, detailing, (pl. JJl^
tahlil 3 ) analysis (ehem.) ; absolution
an animal) X do. ; to squeeze juice (*
(Chr.) |
J-LJb in detail; JJ* J^.
ma'mal t. laboratory for chemical anal- tJU- halb milking
yBes; J^j^T J^ (kahrab'i) electroly-
_JL- halab milk
sis; (JLjUI) ^iJI J-Lill (nafsi) psycho-
analysis JL- halba pl. kalabt race track;
arena; danoe Soor; raoe horses | i-U-
JJ* tahlil* analytic(al)
is*ij\ h. ar-raq? danoe Soor; ,^-J *jl

Ji*: taAaHu/ dissolution, breakup ; Sep- <JJ-1 iJ j he ia not made for that, he
aration, disengagement, disaasociation doean't belong there, it i not in hia
J^l inhill diaBolution, breakup, line; ->uJ^ a niaater
*4*~ of, excelling

decomposition; disintegration ; decay, or outBtanding in

putrefaction; slackening, exhaustion,

i-U- Aul&a fenugreek (Trigonella
prostration, weaknesa, impotence
foenum-graecum ; bot.); tonic, prepared
oecupation (mtl.) \^j^r
J:&-l iht ill of yellowiah grains, for women in

J^b*-Vl oecupation foroes childbed (eg., syr.)

ii^i-l ihttlli occupying, oecupation i^JU kalib milk | <_JU jJ Za&an .

(usedattributively); advocate of foreign cow's milk (eg.)

V^*- Aalfi laotiferoua |
<>^*- V*i
J_>I* mahll solved ; dissolved (frogara) milk cow; v>^' V-Ul (m*
resolved, broken up; looae; untied, ya) dairy cattle
nnfastened, unfettered, free, at large;
weakened, prostrate, ezhausted, lan-
V^- Aalld milker

guid;8olntion(liquid;eAem.) |j<JJIJ>I* ij^U- Aallda milkmaid, dairymaid;

m. ai-fa'r with loose, diaheveled hair dairywoman; milk oow

<_-irf mahlab mahaleb (Prunus maha- *Jii- halaja i (half, hilf) to swear (^ili by
leb; bot.) God) b_r (JlU- (yaminan) to take an

tJl*- hlib Ureter oath II to make ( s.o.) swear; to put

to oath, swear in ( s.o.); to adjure,
*--l * "- mustahlab emulsion u ,
- !-. : ..
entreat earnestly ( s.o.) III to enter
j_jJJi m. al-lauz almond milk
into a confederation, into an alliance
i_J*- halab 2 Aleppo (o with s.o.), become an ally ( of s.o.)
VI to eommit one another by oath
i^-aiU- At&ft, Aaftii aaafetida (Ferula asaa- (J*
to do, join in alliance; to ally,
foetida; bot.)
make an alliance (*. with) X to make
^U- halaja i u (halj, _U- hallj) to gin (* ( s.o.) swear, exaet an oath ( from
ootton) s.o.); to adjure, entreat earnestly (s.o.)

F^*~ b a lj ginning (of cotton) i_li*- half, hilf swearing, oath |

^jM taking the oath
rU- halij ginning {of cotton)
ginned (cotton) (_iL- hilf sworn alliance, confederaey,
league; federation; (pl. <_j^\ ahlf)
5*-t>U- hilja cotton ginner's work or
trade ally |
<jj~-- tjai- ('askari) military
$*- hallj cotton ginner
J^^\ J*1JJ (a}lanti) the
Atlantic Pact
^U mihlaj, i*JL* mihlaja pl. U*.
iJl-L- halif pl . .Ul- hulaf' 2 con -
mahlij 2 cotton gin
federate; ally; allied |
lili-l the Alliea
^U mahlaj pl. iU mahlij 2 cotton (pol.)

*i~L- halifa pl. -t f. of i_j_U-
Jj-i- kalhala to remove, drive away, shove
JtjL- hallf pl. JaJ**~ halllj 2 (mar. r
away II tahalhala to stir from one's eg.) wild boar; pig, swine
place; to move, Btir, budge
.LL- half' und aL- halja (bot.) alfa,
OjjL- halazn snail; spiral esparto

ojjl*- halazna (n. un.) ana; Bpiral JjlI*- tahlif swearing in | ^J-Udl ci-
lajnat at-t. the Jury (in court)
ijjji*- halazni spiral, helical, volute,
winding Jl* muhlafa alliance

^^-L- haliaa a to remain, stay permanently iJJL*; tahluf State of alliance; al-

(<-< at a place), stick (<-< to a place) liance, treaty of alliance

^-i- hila pl. ^-^Ul ahls (with foll.

tjjjt muhallaj sworn, bound by oath;
one addicted or given to,
genit.) (pl. -n) Juror (in court)
one adhering to _^J]I ^^-1 a.
| iJJU*!- mutahlif interallied, allied
al-lahw people given to pleasure and
amusement, bons vivanta, playboys jl*- halaqa i (halq) to shave (* the head,
the face); to shave off {* the beard)
^J*- hiU pl.^^l ahls, ^J*- hula II to circle in the air, hover; to fly, soar
saddle blanket
(bird airplane ;
J* and JSy over or
^J*-! ahlaa , f. .L-L- hals' 2 bay, above; to round, make round,
chestnut (horae) circular or ring-shaped (*; to
; ;

ring, Burround, encircle (J* s.o.,; /_j*- hulqm pl. -S:A>- AaJgtm 3 throat,

to clothe V to form a circle, sit in a gullet |

rjU-' **-b rAaf a-A. a kind of
circle; to gather in a circle (J* around sweet made of cornBtarch, sugar,

s.o.) mastic and pistachios (eg.)

ji- halq shaving, shave; (pl. jji-

be pitch-black,
jiU- halika a (halak) to
hulq, J")A*-I ahlq) throat, gullet,
deep-black XII dJJjl-! tAIau2aita do.
ilU- AaZafc intense blackness
JL- halqi guttural, pharyngeal
iSCU- AuZfca intense blackness
jU- halaq ringa, earrings
"iL- halilc pitch-black, deep-black;
L>- halqa, halaqa pl. ji- halaq, CjLU-
gloomy, murky
halaqt ring (also earring, etc.); link
(of a chain) ; circle (also of people) iTji- hulka gloominess, darkness;
group of students studying under a blackness
professor, hence: lecture, course (e.g.,
.illU- AZifc pitch-black, deep-black;
at AI Azhar University) ; part of a
gloomy, murky
sequence or series ringlet dik decade ; ; ;

market |
Sl*Jl U- h. an-najh life buoy, J*. halama u to dream (uj or j* of; jl j
life preserver; JUj*^I il- h. al-itti$l of being, becoming, doing, etc., in the
and J-^l <L* A. al-wa$l connecting future); to muse, reflect, meditate (<-

link (>j between; fig.); ijll U-i the on; to attain puberty; haluma
missing link, the intermediate form; u to be gentle, mild-tempered VIII to
jS ,> *^LJ U-l J fwmriAi) in the attain puberty
sixth decade of his life, in his fifties;
U. hulm pl. (O^*-' ahlm dream; pl.
iilr-^l L>- Bsh market; jUil Ul- A.
irreality, utopia
al-qutn cotton market

halaqi annular, ring-shaped, |

JU hulmi dream- (in Compounds),
of or pertaining to dreamB

j^A*- hallq pl.

(sihhl), *^JI ^
-n barber
A. as-sihha
( ^ J}U
barber- U.I
hulum sexual maturity, puberty
to attain puberty

surgeon U. hilm pl. f_jL- Au/wm, W>-1 ahlm

j~L- AaZig shaved, shaven, shorn gentleness, clemency, mildness ; for-

bearance, indulgence ; patience ; in-

^W hilqa shaving, shave; barber's
sight, diacernment, understanding, in-
trade |
iWA-l JjjL* s&fin al-h. shaving
telligence, reason | W*-"iM jU~* simple-
soap ; ijt>U- ! o>JL* barbershop ; i*
minded people, simple souls
SWJ-1 g'af al-A. do.; O i*^- 1
U- halam (coli.; n. un. tick; mite;
and O r^li-i *J' safety razor I)

nipple, teat, mammilla (of the female

jjjt miAZa? pl. jJl* mahliq 2 straight

an ^L- halami parasitic; mammillary,

ji* taAZig flying, flight (of air-
craft Je and Jji over a country)

take-off (of an airplane) JL- halim pl. IJU- hulam' 2 mild,

jJU- j- min hliq from above mild-tempered, gentle; patient


j*^i*- halm, j*jJU- hlm a kind of fulness, charm, refinement, wittiness,
Egyptian cheese wit; present of money; ransom | #j^U-

iU- AZt'm pl, -an

J^ (hummuiya) a sweet made of
roasted chick-peas; oL-i ~j%- (fa*
kj muhtalim sexually mature, pu- hiniya) a sweet made of sesame-seed
beBcent, marriageable meal; ijj^J j^- (lauziya) a sweet
made of almonds
(^i- and
hal-uwa u, haliya a, ^- hal
u (*j*>U- halwa, l^i*- A-aJwn) to be lji- hulwn present of money,
sweet; to be pleasant, agreeable (J to gratuity, tip
s.o.) |
jiJl J "^- he enjoyed the thing; ijljl- halwni and jl_^L- AaJw'i
jl *J ~k- it pleased him that..., he confectioner, candy dealer ; pastry
was delighted that . . .
; <l
J*- c~*-
cook, fancy baker
(haaabam) at hie discretion, as he
U m u AatV oh how sweet
pleases; J- oi * to adorn, grace;

*~^-\ U oh, how sweet he is!


J- haliya a to be adorned (t-i with)

is ...,

II to Bweeten (*, e.g., a beverage i-1*: takliya decoration, embellish-

with sugar); to adorn, bedeck, embel- ment, ornamentation
lish, attire, furnish, provide {*, s.o.,
J* muhallan sweetened; decorated,, t-i with) V to adorn o.b., be embellished, adorned, ornamented (<_

adorned, decked out, embellished, with)

graced, endowed, furnished, provided
**- ham pl. \j~\ akm' father-in-law; pl.
(^ with) X to find sweet or pleasant,
like (*, be delighted
relatives of the wife by marriage, in-
(* by)
laws of the wife
~$*- halan sweetness, pleaBantness
Li- hamh pl. c^\jjr- hamawt mother-
jl*- hulw sweet ; pleasant, nice, in-law; see also 1
y- and 2 y-
( l

charming, delightful, pretty | <t^k\ J*-

Z*- huma see 2j*~
a gifted raconteur, amusing, entertain-
ing; *j!i-1 juJI (gudda) pancreas (anat.) 8
j- hamma u (hamm) to heat, make hot
humma to be feverish,
(*; pass.
J*- haly pl.
J*- kuliy piece of jewelry,
have a fever dJIi J *. (humma) that

was decreed to him, that is his lot, his

i~L- hilya pl. At7an, Kulan dec-
J- destiny II to heat, make hot (*;
oration, embellishment, finery; Orna- to bathe, wash (* or s.o. or IV to
ment heat, make hot (* X to bathe,
iSj^*- halw pl. ifj^*- halwa candy, take a bath
confection, confectionery, sweetmeats *- hamma hot spring
*\j\*- halw' 2 candy, confection, con- *- humma blackness, swarthiness,
fectionery, sweetmeats dark coloration; fever
cAji- halwayt (and eg. halawiyt) j- humam (n. un. S) charcoal; any-
sweets (in general) ; sweet pastry j thing charred or carbonized; ashes,
candies, confectionery, sweetmeats cinder; lava

j}U- halwa sweetness ; candies ^y- humm f., pl. L/- hummayt
confectionery, sweetmeats ; grace, grace- fever, fever heat [ jj^jJI _J-1 and
*jjLJI ,yJ-l (tiflya) typhoid fever *j- hamhama ('<**** hamhama) to neigh,

typhus fever; jJi ,y h. d-diqq hectio whinny (horse)

fever; gj\ ,y A. r-rV quartan fever; i***r- hamhama neigh(ing), whinny

,^' relapsing fever; Iji-Jl ,yJ-l ing, whinnies
or jjlji-Jl ^^J-i {pafr', pafrwiya)
*j- tmAtm oxtongue, bugloss (An-
yellow fever; ^-JJl y A. 1-#W tertian
ohusa officinalis; bot.)
fever; 4_*.i)l (/oAmiya) anthrax;
^j^l ^1 (girmiyo) soarlet fever; Jj- Aamtda a (amd) to praise, commend,
^1 ^ h, l-qaii hayfever; J-OJl ^l laud, extol (J* * s.o. for, * II to
(qul*iya) foot-and-mouth disease ; ^^J- praise higbly ( s.o.)
3-^iJl SJil (mit^Hya, AiitHya) cere-
jj- Aamd commendation, praise,
brospinal meningitia ; *>rj*A\ ,yJ-
laudation |
*>> -uA-1 al-hamdu lillh
(mtttamavnvija) undulant fever, Malta
thank God! praise be to God! praised
fever, brucellosis; <Llidl ,yJ-l (ni/fl*
be the Lord!
aiya) puerperal fever, ohildbed fever;
praise worthy, laudable,
O J*! ^\ (nama&ya) spotted fever xj- Aamtd
oommendable benign, harmless (dis-

Aumml feverish, febrile, fever-

(in Compounds)
:j> Aamd praiseworthy, laudable,
j-Lr- hamm (coli.; n. un. ) pl. 'dt,
oommendable, praied
/[* Aamlf im dove, pigeon1
J*-lj)l (Li-
jj- 1 ahmad* more laudable more
oarrier pigeon ; f^-l jU bugloss ,

oxtongue (Anohusa officinalis; bot.)


\j+'i\ ai-farVa al-ahmadiya

Ilr- himm (fate of) death **ij\
Mohammedan Law
llr- Aammdm pl. -d* bath; swim-
-U4- mahmada pl. Jul^ mahmid*
ming pool; spa, watering plaoe |
oommendable aot; juU- praise s,
A. Samt sunbath; *tj* olr-
(bahrlya) seaside resorts

oAimmd' 8 close }j*4- mahmd praised ; commend -

~t- hamim pl. Lr-1

friend; close, intimate; hot water ahle, laudable, praiseworthy

Aammd* 1 .u^ mtthammad praised; commend -

-.1 oAomm', f. L*- , pl.
p able, laudable
Aumm blaok
j.u* mithammadi pertaining or
^ mt'Aamm hot-water kettle, oal-
attributable to Mohammed
dron, boiler

l^i~l wd'Amdm bathing, bath Jjj- hamdala to pronounce the formula

Zi xj-l "Praise be to God!"
>^^. mahmm feverish, having a
fever; frantio, heotie IIjj- hamdala the formula i -ui-l

(see above)
U- Aama'o a to clean out, dredge (* a well)
^j- II to redden, color or dye red {*;
U- Aama' , U- Aam'a mud, mire,
to roast (a; to fry (*}; to
Bludge a roux)
brown (* flour in preparing

* j- Aamfa to be or become angry, IX to turn red, take on a reddish color,

mad redden, blush

furious, (J* at s.o.)

y- humar asphalt ,j~*- hamisa a to work with zeal, be

zealous, eager, ardent, be become
(Sj*- humari asphaltic, asphalt, tar, or"

tarry enthusiastic, get all worked up, get

excited, be filled with fanatie enthu-
*jt- humra redness, red color(ation), siasm V = I; to be overzealous or
red; rouge (eosm.); briok duat, briok
orerenthusiastio (J in ; to
rubble; eryaipelas, St. Anthony's fire advocate fervently (J, throw
o.s. wholeheartedly behind (J)

jU- htmr pl. jj- hamir, ^r- humur, hamia and Lrr-
,j-** 1 ahmas* un-
ahmira donkey, ass
j ^J\
jIf- flinohing, staun ch, steadfaBt, ardent,
. al-wahS and ^-j jU- (utahil) wild eager, zealous, stout, hearty ; fiery,
ass, onager; jl^-1 samm al-h. oleander
enthusiastic, fll of enthusiasm
(Nerium oleander; bot.)
(j-l*- kama and i-Lf* hamdaa
i>\*- himra pl. J\r- ham'ir* she- enthusiasm, fire, ardor, fervor, zeal,
ass, female donkey fanatioism

jjf humr red, red color(ation), tf^*- hamal enthusiastic, ardent,

redness flery, zealous, fanatio; stirring, rous-
ing, thrilling, electrifying
jj- humaira redstart (zool.)

jU- hammr pl. donkey driver

,j ^ tahammus unflinchig zeal,
enthusiasm (J for), fanaticism
y\ ahmar*, f. ^y hamr**, pl.
y tj-**^> mutahammis enthusiastio, ar-
liumr red, red-colored, ruddy ; rosy,
dent, fiery, zealous, fanatio; an ardent
pink |
j*-^\ ^J, y-y\ jji infrared;
follower, a fanatio adherent, a fanatio
j+W ^1 the Red Sea; y^\ ^XJI
the Red CrosB; yy\ o^il (maut) Jt*- hamaia u to excite, im tte, infuriate,
death ;

jt- V I
I (haw)
enrage ( s.o.)

<tr- hamia oatgut (med.)

two red ones", i.e.) wine and meat;
y^j i^Vl ("the black and the red", 1
^- II to roast; to fry, broil (*
i.e.) all mankind; LiiJl y\ lipstick
^m*- himmia, himmas; (oolloq.) hum-

*{f hamr >% smut, ruBt (diBease mus (coli.; n. un. #) chick-pea
affecting oereals); I^J-I Alhambra, the
"t^*" *"?" Homs (the ancient Emesa,
Citadel of Granada
city in oentral Syria)

Jj**l yahmr red; deer, roe, roe-

buck; wild ass; hemoglobin (physiol.)
**~ hamwfa u (<Jy- humda) to be or
become sour II to make sour, sour,
j\y\ ikmirr reddening, blush(ing), acidify, acidulate (*; to develop
redness, red ooloration; erythema (* a photographio plate, a film; phot.);
(med.) to cause (* to oxidize

j** muhammar roasted |

ij*- ^lU +*- hamd pl. ,ji\j*\ ahmd acid
(batfis) fried potatoes (ehem.) |
Jji ijj*. (ba-uli) uric acid

}* hamaza i (hamz) to bite, or burn, the ^- j&

iS Sajar hamdi citrus trees
tongue (taste) *-* hamdiya pl. -t oitrus fruit
acidity or for s.o., * a brden), carry, assume
humda sourness, |

the brden, of s.o. eise), relieve

ujj-i muwallid al-h. oxygen (* je-

(* je- s.o. from, take (* a brden,

agrievance.etc.) froma.o. (je-); toextend,
,-Jl- hummd, hummaid sorrel
show, evince, cherish, harbor (* a feel-
ing, J toward s.o.); to become or be
, tahmid souring, aeidification; pregnant (j* by s.o.); to bear fruit

development (phot.) (tree); to induce, cause, prompt, get

. s.o. to do, make s.o. (.) do

^>U-I ihmd jocular language, joking (J* (J*); to convert, bring around, win
over to one's opinion),
(*jJj J* s.o.
^ 1^ hmid sour, aeid; aeidulous;
convince (*Jj J* s.o. of one's opinion);
,j**\y- Aati-mtd 2 ) aeid (ehem.)
to attack (J* s.o.), also J* 1U- J>
(pl. \

fJA\ ^yi-U A- al-fahm carbonic aeid; (kamlalan) to launch or make an at-

Ji _ J
(jtitri(i) sulphuric aeid
tack on; to ltnow by beart (* a book);
to relate, refer (J* * to), bring (*
j> Aamiga a and hamuqa u (humq, vif to bear (J* upon, link,
hamqa) to be stupid, silly, foolish,
con-elate, bring into relation {*, J*
fatuous; to become angry or furious
with); to trace, trace back (J* *
II and IV to regard ( s.o.) as a fool,
to); to ascribe, attribute, impute (J* *
consider ( s.o.) dumb, stupid, idiotic to s.o.); to make (* a word) agree
VI pretend to be stupid VII to become j

grammatically (J* with another) J*-

angry or furious X to consider ( s.o.)

< ^; j to feel annoyed, be in a mel-


dumb, stupid, idiotic j

ancholy mood, feel blue; - iJ

J* J> to
jj-- humq stupidity, silliness, fool-
pull o.s. together, brace o.s.

; J*^ J*
ishness, folly I

take to mean...,

(mahmali) to

vif hamqa stupidity, silliness, fool- ,

interpret or construe in the sense

ishness, folly; anger, wrath of ..., as if it were ...; *1** ^ J* *U- to
niisinterpret, misconstrue; J* Af
ij\j- humq, hamq smallpox, Variola |

.0-1 (mahmala l-jidd) to take

seriously, take at face value II to
jr-l ahrnaq 2 f. .I> hamqa 1
, pl. &~

have or make ( s.o.) carry or bear (*

hum(u)q, hamq, Jlf hamqa dumb,
J>, load, brden, charge, task (*,

stupid, silly, foolish, fatuous; fool, sim- on

s.o. or * with), impose (

pleton, imbecile
s.o. V to bear, assume, take upon
lif hamqn dumb, stupid, silly,
o.s. (*, e.g., oliiJI an-nafaqt the

foohsh; angry, furious expenses, VjJ-H al-mas'llya the re-

sponsibility); to bear up (* under), bear,

hamala i (haml) to earry, bear (*;
stand, suBtain, endure, tolerate, stomach
to lift, pick up (* in order to carry
undergo, suffer (*; to
(*; to
it), load up and take along (*; to
be able to stand ( s.o.) or put up ( with
hold (*, in one's hand); to carry
s.o.); to set out, get on one's way; to
on or with one, take or bring along
convey depart VI to maltreat, treat unjustly
(; to transport, carry, U s.o.), be prejudiced, be biased, take
(*; to bring, take (Jl or J * (

sides against s.o.); to struggle to

to s.o.); to take upon o.s. (je- instead of (J*
; ;,


one'a feet, rise with great effort J^L^- Lj" ham,lla 'al a brden to,
| J* J*
*-_j (nafsihi) to brace o.a.; to pu 0.8. completely dependent upon
together, take heart, pluck up courage
Jj*- haml long-suffering; gentle, mild-
VIII to carry, bring (*; to carry
away, take away, haul off, lug off (*; to suffer, undergo, bear, stand, JL- hamml pl. -n, l porter, carrier

endure, suatain (*; to allow, permit, iJ L- himla work and trade of a

suffer, tolerate, brook, atomach (*, porter or carrier
acquiesce (* in), put up, bear (* with
L- hammla (carrier) beam, girder,; to hold (*, have capaeity
aupport, base, post, pier, pillar; suspend-
(* for); to imply that (*) is possible,
ers |
jJJJ -JL- (sadr) brassiere
permissible, or conceivable; yahta*
milu and (pass.) yuhtamalu (it is) bear- Jy- humla pl. -t load capaeity,
able, tolerable; (it is) conceivable, pos- load limit, capaeity; tonnage (of a
sible, probable, likely vessel) ; portage, freightage, tranaport
charges; (pl. JJl*- hamait?) family (/r.)
J> haml carrying, bearing; induce-
ment, prompting, encouragement (of J*^ mahmal see J> harnala; also

J* to); delivery; transport, trans- Ul J** J* lju-i i^-l (m. il-jidd) to take

portation, conveyance portage, carry- seriously


ing charges; (pl. JU-I ahml, Jl-

J*^ mahmil (colloq. mahmal) pl. J*l
himl) foetus pregnancy JJ. -.o*
mahmil 2 camel-borne litter mahmal ;

'adam al-h. sterility (of a woman) a richly decorated litter sent by Islamic
himl, haml JU-I ahml cargo, rulers to Mecca as an emblem of their
J> pl.

load, brden | ^ J> haml hayy pay load,

independence, at the time of the hadj

commercial load, live load; ! ,

-, A*-
J~** tahmil burdening; eneumbrance;
(jnayyit) dead load; dead weight (arch.); impoaition; loading, shipping, shipment
J> (muwzin) counterpoiae, coun-
iL*j tahmila pl. J^UT tahm 2 sup-
pository (med.)

J*- hamal pl. j-^jh humln, JU- 1

J**i tahammul taking over, aasump-

ahml lamb; (unconaecrated) Hoat (Chr.-
tion (of burdens); bearing, Standing, suf-
Copt); Ariea, Kam (astron.)
ferance, endurance; durability; strength,
iL- hamla pl. hamalt attack (J* on); hardiness, sturdiness, aolidity (of a ma-
offensive; campaign; military expedition; terial)

expeditionary force ijjjtj iL- (ta'di-

J-l* tahmul prejudice, biaa, partiali-

blya) punitive expedition ; iJU* iL*-

ty; intolerance
(pihfiya) presa campaign; iJLii^l iU-
i}\^-\ ihtiml bearing, standing, auf-
{istikSfiya) reconnaissance raid (mtl.)
-SLjlx-. iL- fering, sufferance, toleration; probability,
motorized detachment (mit.);
ij U^J - (intikbiya) election
likelihood, potentiality | Jl^^l ^^0
(sa'b) hard to bear, oppressive
Jj- hamali pl. -lya ambulant water
J-U- hmil pl. iL- hamala porter'
carrier; bearer (of a note, of a check, etc.

J- hamil foundling; guarantor, war- of an order or decoration); holder (of

rantor an identification paper, of a diploma, of a

certificate) ; holding device, holder, y humw heat
clamp, fastener, hold, support (techn.);
fighter (J* against); (pl. J*l_>*- hawmil 2 )
ir- huma pl. -t, ^ human sting,

stinger (of inseeta); prick, apine (of

pregnant | OjjJI J*U Courier; ^-^1 *b-
. al-askum shareholders ; vjAilfl U#- the
publicists, the writera; <il ^T J*U- A. ^ hamiy hot, glowing; heated,

kalm allh one who knows the Koran ezeited

by heart; J*U- jLJ (tayyr) carrier

current (ei,); iLU- l^Vj* (wuj'f) carrier

y humm see * j

wavea (ei.) *-j- hamiya zeal, ardor, fervor; enthu-

siasm, ardent zeal, fanaticiam; violenoe,
*U- AmtZa pl. -<H device for carry-
vehemence; passion, rage, fury; heat of
ing, carrier | ~*^tj*-
*l*- map case; 3JL.U-
ezeitement; temper, temperament |
jjly U* A. f'irt airorafb carrier
*-y\ (qaumiya) chauvinism
Jj* TTioAmfii carried, borne ; bear-

able, tolerable; load weight, Service Li- humayy heat; ezeitement, Agita-

weight, cargo; tonnage (of a veasel); tion; enthusiaam; fire, pasaion, impet-

predicate, attribute (logic) , *-l* 6y>- uoeity, vehemence; fury, rage; wine
subject (logic) >*^ Ili* (muSh)
*j\j- hamwa heat
motorized infantry (m.) ; [>*- jj~- *?*
(jatowan) airborne troops (mtl.) -*^ mahman fire Chamber, furnace
(of a stove, oven, etc.)
J** muAammai loaded, laden, heavily
charged, burdened (t-> with), encumbered >U- hmin hot; heated, violent, fieroe

(vby) (e.g., a battle) ; glowing, passionate,

muktamal bearable, tolerable fiery; burning

probable, likely
**- ham i (hamy, <Aj~ himya) to defend,
jlt- hamtaqa (Ul#- AamJoga) to stare, gaze guard (a, s.o.,, ,> againat), protect,
or v at) shelter, shield (j* *, s.o., from);

to deny (^^11 the patient) harmful

U*^> himaly Himalaya
food (*; = to put him on diet); to forbid
to do III to defend (j- s.o.
lj*" amfl (oonBtruot State of f harn) and iU- (l s.o.

AamA see 1 *- or, also, of a lawyer in oourt); to

shield, protect, support (jt b.o. or,
*( _>* and > ) v* hamiya a to be or become
take up the cause of {&), stand up for
hot; to glow (metal); to flare up; to fly
{jfi) VI to keep away (* from), shun,
into a rage, become furious J at) ^y- *
( j
avoid (* VIII to protect o.s. (,
u^Ujfl fierce fighting broke out II to oover
from, from b.o.), defend o.s.,
make hot, heat (*; to heat to
seek protection, Beek
o.s. (v with,
glowing (* metal); to fire up (* a stove);
with also x*',
shelter or refuge (*-j s.o.,
to kindle, inflame, stir up, exoite (*
to bathe (= 8 j- II) IT to make hot, heat
j* himan protection; defense; sanc-
j*- hamw heat |
JjJl j*- A. an-niZ

prickly heat, heat rash, liehen tropious *-*- himya that wbioh is defended;
; ! ;

ijl*- himya pl. -t protection, patron- o- hanna sympathy; commiseration,

age, sponsorship, auspices; protectorate compassion, pity; favorable aspect, ad-
(M) vantage
l*l muhmh defense (jur.); legal Lj- hann sympathy, love, affection,
profession, practicing of law J
Ul^l La tenderness; commiseration, compassion,
kai'at al-m. the bar pity; liJLJL*- hannaika have pity! have
-! iAftm* seeking cover, seeking mercy
protection; cover, aheiter, protection b*- hanna compassion, pity, com-
Amt'n pl. l> AumA protector, miseration

defender, guardian; patron { v^"' *l>*^' ,>j- hanin longing, yearning, hanker-
(rfouia) protecting power (of a' protector- ing, nostalgia, craving, desire
j^*- hann affectionate, loving, soft-
4-*U- hmiya pl. -0/ patroness, pro- hearted, tenderhearted, compassionate,
tectress; garrison (miJ.) merciful ; tender, soft, gentle, kind,
^^rf- mahmty protected (<-> by); being moving, touching (voice)

under a protectorate, having the Status Lj- hannn affectionate, loving,

of a protectorate j *-* Lu (minfaga) tender ; compassionate, sympathetic
protectorate (country)
L*i tihnn attachment, derotion,
i-*^ mahmiya pl. -* protectorate
(country; pol.)
J\ tahannun tenderness, affection,
pLt muAmm pl. j^l* muhdmn
defense counsel, counselor-at-law, lawyer,
barriater, attorney (at law), adrocate u*- II to dye red (*, with henna)

*-*[ muhmiya woman lawyer Lj- hinna henna (a reddish-orange

cosmetic gained from leaves and stalks
Jlrf- muhtamin one who seeks pro-
of the henna plant) j
LJ-I _^jl ab l-h.
tection ; proteg ; being under a pro-
robin (redbreast); LJ-I j (colloq. tamr
tectorate, having the Btatus of a pro-
el- hinna) henna plant (Lawaonia inermis;
l\j-, \j- hamh Hama (city in W Syria)
<JU- look up alphabetically
^- hanna (&'-*- hanin) to long, yearn,
hanker (Jl for), crave (Jl; (o- J-^- hanball Hanbalitic, of or pertaining to
the ma4hab of Ahmad ibn Hanbai
hanna, oLj- hann) to feel tenderness,
puritanical, Btrict in religious matters;
affection, sympathy (
J* for s.o.) ; to
(pl. iLij- hanbila) Hanbalite
Bympathize, commiserate (J* with),
feel compassion ( J* for); to pity
(J* h.o.), o^iU-, <jy\*- see j*-
have mercy (J* on) II to move, touch,
fi with tenderness, soften, fill with
jj- hanita a (hint) with t^r j or l*-j : to

compassion (*Jj galbah s.o.'s heart)

break one's oath V to practica piety,

to blossom, flower, be in bloom (tree)

perform works of derotion ; to seek

V to feel sympathy, religious purification; to scorn sin, not

feel pity, feel compas-
sion (J* for s.o.), commiserate yield to sin
(J* with
s.o.); to be tender, affectionate <i-j- hint pl. iltLj-l ahnt perJury; sin

C*- hanjara pl, U*- hanjir3 larynx, i_x*-\ ahnaf* afflioted with a distortion

throat of the foot

kunjr pl. ^-U*- hanjir' larynx, p>- haniqa a (kanaq) to be furious, mad,
angry; to be annoyed, exasperated,
peeved, irritated (J* or J* at, by), be
to prance (horee); to caper,
J*^*- hanjala resentful (J* or j* of) IV to infuriate,
gambol II tahanjala to dance, caper,
enrage, embitter, exasperate, irritate
gambol, frisk
( b.o.)

^x*- Atndi pl. ^jL- AandtV dark night *- hanaq fury, rage, ire, wrath, anger,

(yellow) exasperation, resentment, rancor

J^i-Lj- handaqq (bot.) melilot,

Bweet clover (Melilot us) ,*- haniq furious, mad, angry; resent-

ful, bitter, embittered, annoyed, exas-

1*. hanaS pl. ^Jli*-' ahni snake
perated, peeved

Sc*- II to embalm (. a corpse);to stuff (* a

g U- hniq furious, mad, angry
carcasa) embittered, annoyed,
resentful, bitter,

l*. Atnfa wheat exasperated, peeved |

J* JjU-
(AayA) weary of life, dispirited, dejected;
.L*- hi-nta embalming
Jp JJU (nis')
ScJ- takannuf mummification
j^- muhnaq infuriated , enraged
Sc- muAannaf mummified embittered, bitter, angry, exasperated,

light resentful
j .L;J-1 ijjP 'arafta* ai-Aanffir victoria,

carriage designed for two passengers

iL*- hanaka i u, II and IV to sophisticate,

IL>- hanzal (coli.; n. un. ) colocynth niake experienced or worldly-wise through

(Citrullus colocynthis; bot.)

severe trials (said of fate, time, age)

dk*- hanak pl. iiL*-l ahnk palate

tjc- hanafa i to tum or bend eideways

true Jl*. hanaki palatal

,_^*- hanif pl . Ui- hunaf' *
believer, orthodox; one who scorns the iL*- hunk, hink and *>- hunka world-

falfie creeds surrounding him and pro- ly experienco, worldly wisdom gained
feses the true religion; true (religion) |
through experience, sophiatication
_'-, J- l j-Jl (din) the True (i.e., Islamic)
iU^ mvhannak experienced, worldly
Religion, also U*- Jl ii-J-l (aamA')
di^j (mu*
wiae, sophisticated |

L*~ hanafi pagan, heathen, idolater bannak) shrewd, smart, sharp


(Chr.); Hanafitic (see <Jt*-); (pl. -n)

(ji^- and ^*-) L*- han u and ^- han i to
bend, curve, twist, turn; to lean, incline
3-i*- hanafiya paganism, heathendom toward s.o.); to feel for s.o.
(J* or Jf
(Chr.); Hanafitic madhab (an orthodox sympathize (J* with s.o.), com-
achool of theology founded by Abu miaerate, pity (Jp s.o.), feel compassion,
Hanifah); (pl. -t) faucet, tap;
feel pity (J* for s.o.); to bend, bow,
hydrant flex, curve, crook (* IV to bend,

ULJ-I al-hamfiya the True (i.e., bow, tilt, incline (* ; e.g., *--ij

Islamic) Religion rcCaah one's head); to sympathize (J*


with b.o.), feel compaasion, feel pity
(Jp j^ munhanin bent, curved, crooked,
for s.o.), commiserate, pity
J*> b.o.) YII to twisted; inclined, bowed
bend, curve, twist, tum; to be wind-
J*i* munkanan pl. oU^ munha*
ing, be tortuous, wind, meander (e.g.,
nayt bend, flexure, deflection, curvature;
aroad); toturn,deviate,digress(^frfrom);
turn, twit, break, angle; ourve (of a
to bow (J to s.o.); to lean, incline (J# or road, and math.); slope
3ji over, Jl toward s.o., toward}; to devote o.a. eagerly (J*- to; O^L- hnt pl. C-aj^j*- hawnifi stre, shop;

to contain, harbor (J# | j^jLi l wineahop, tavern

i>~* J* (i*^ V (&'* #0) I harbor no Jjj U- hnti pl. -iya (eg, ) corpee
grudge, I feel no resentment washer; undertaker, roortician, grave-

_^j- Aanu> bending, deflection, flezing, digger

flexure, curving, curvature, twiting,

*\j>- haww** Eve
t Urning

<~jj>- Y to abstahl from sin; to lead a pious

_^*- hinw pl. L*-l aAn' bend, bow,
life; to re&ain, abBtain (j- from
turn, twist, curved line, curve, contour;
pl. riba |
l^L*-l jn in her bosom <ij>- hauba sin, offense, misdeed, out-
_^j- kunw sympathy, compaasion,
tenderness, affection Lj- haub'* soul

J- Aan-j/ bending, deflection, flexing, Cjj*- ht pl. Ob-- Aiin, ol^*-i aAwt fish;

flexure, curving, ourvature, twiting, whale; Pisces, Fishes (astron.) j Oj*-

turning ^-L A. Bulaimn salmon

i-^- hanya bend, turn, curve

j*- IY ahwaja to have need, stand in need,
4^*- Aanti/a pl. LL*- kany arc; be in want (Jl of, need, require,
camber, curvature | j-L* LL*- j in hia want (Jl; to put ( s.o.) in need of
boaom; * LL*- j in hi heart, deep (Jl), make necessary (Jl for s.o.,

inaide him require (Jl of s.o., compel, oblige

(Jl s.o. to); to impoverish, reduce to
*jL*- kinya curving, curvature, twit-
poverty (. s.o.) Jl 4*rj*-\ L. {ahwajah)
ing, turning, bending |

how much he Stands in need of . . . ! how

OjJU- see below urgently he needs ...! VIII to have need,

^- mahnan pl. oU- mdhnin curva- stand in need, be in want (Jl of; also J),

ture, bend, flexure, bow, turn, curve need, want, require (Jl, s.o.)

L*; I inhin* bend, deflection, curvature rj*- haiij need, want, lack, de-
curve; arc; inclination, tut; bow, curtsy ficiency, destitution

SL^i inhin* a {n. vic.) bow, curtsy i^U- hja pl. -t need (Jl or ^ of);
necessity, requirement, prerequisite ; na-
jlji-l al-hawnl the longest ribe; (fig.)
tural, bodily need; pressing need, needi-
breast, boBom | ^j*- *J*.
hi-mil'i h.
ness, poverty, indigence, destitution ;
(they shouted) at the top of their lungs,
object of need or desire; desire, wish,
with all their might
request; necessary article, requiaite;
^- mahniy bowed, inclined (head) matter, concern, business, job, work;
bent, curved, crooked thing, object; pl. \j>- kaw'if needs.
necessities, necessarieft; everyday objecto, t$j>- hdi coachman, cabman, driver
effects, belongings, posseBaions, atuff;
*ikr~ h4iya coaohman's work or trade
olothes, olothing | (J) Jl i^U- j OK* to
stand in need, be in want of (, need, (jjp~) jU- hra i* to return ( Jl to) ; to recede,
require (; (J) Jl V^1 V (Ad?ata) deerease, diminiah, be reduced (Jl to)
. . . is not neoessary, not required, there II to ohange, alter, amend, transform, re-
is no need of...; *j J **-\*- V I don't organise, remodel, modify (* or ,>;
need it; jJX\ X* if (or when) neoessary, to roll out (* dough); to make white,
if need be, in oaae of need; i-^~ j* J wbiten (*; to bleach (* a fabrio)
(0turt AdjoJin) unneceasary; 4*-U-l *j U mto talk, oonverae, have a conversation
the essentials; 4-U-l Jrf. fnoAaU aZ-A. the ( with s.o.); to diacuss, debate, argue
essential passage, the gist, the substance, IT (with Ll_jj-. jawban) to answer, reply
the crux, the interesting part (of an (with negations only) T to be altered,
exposition); c*-U- x- uftftx A/afaAfi to changed, amended, transformed, re-
meet s.o.'a needs, provide for s.o.*s organized, remodeled, modified VI to
needs; o-U- ^^i gu5 AdjataAu to fulnll carry on a diaouasion
fl.o.'s wish; -U-l ^i to relieve nature
jy~ hawar white poplar (also pro-
oL*-U- hjiyt everyday commodities, nounced haur); bark-tanned sheepskin,
Utensils, Utilities, neoessaries, neoessities basil ; marked oontrast between the
white of the oornea and the blaok of the
rj*-' oAuw;"1 in greater need (Jl of
iris ; more neoeasary
#jU- hra pl. -t quarter, part, section
pL^-l ihtiyj want, need, requirement
(of a oity); (Tun.) ghetto; lane, alley,
(pre)requisite, necesaity; pl. -t needs,
aide atreet (with occasional pl. <jjj*-
neoessities, neoessaries
hawri) | xJ\ jU- A. as-sadd blind alley,
ifrjU- mahtvif (pl. of y* mvh dead-end atreet
wt;*) needy, poor, deatitute people
jj*-\ abwar*, f. !;_>- Aaurtf 1 , pL j^-
r\s* muhtj in need, in want (Jl of Aflr having eyes with a marked contraat requiring (Jl; poor, deatitute, of white and blaek, (also, aaid of the
indigent eye:) intensely white and deep-blaok

*U-j*- haujala pl. J*r[>*- hatujiP pbial (eAem.) \j\y hawwra (hawral) cretaoeous
rook; ohalk
(j_j*-) jU- hda u (haud) to tum aside, tum
away tum iSj]y hatvri pl. -n diaciple, apostle
(j& from), turn (je off) II to
(of Jesus Christ) ; diaciple, follower
off, take a turning

jj*- hauda turn, turning <Jj\f hutvtvr cretaceous rock; chalk

hjj^- hriya pl. -t, jj- hr houri,

(j_j*-) JU- Ad(a u (Aaud) to urge on, spur on
virgin of paradise ; nymph (pl. -t)
(* animala) IT do. X i_jjj istahwada to

young locust j
Hl <jjj*- water nymph,
overwhelm, overoome, overpower (Jp
s.o.; esp. emotions), get the better of

gain mastery (Jp over); to aeize o\jjp~ haurn 1 the Hauran, a moun-
(Je on), take possession (Jp of), usurp tainous plateau in SW Syria and N
( Jp Jordan
;; ;

jj mihwar pl. jjlrf mahwir 2 rolling enclosed area, enclosure; precinct(s),
pin ; pivot, core, heart, center ; axis boundary, city limite
ttxle, axletree
ifjj*- hauzi poBsessory, tenurial

j\A mahr (coli.; n. un. ) oystere;

j j- Kaum possession, holding, tenure
shellfish, mussels; mother-of-pearl, nacre
property; area, territory |
*Jjj*- j or
lj\- mahra (n. un.) oyster; oyster tJk
i vj*- J /* A. yadihi in his possession;

shell, muaael; trowel -r-** Vj*- * t}*^ * ne defense of Egyptian

jj- tahwir alteration, change, trans-
formation, reorganization, reshuffle, re- >*- hayyiz, haiz pl. jL*-l ahyz scope,
modeling, modification rnge, reach, extent, compass, confines,
field, domain, realm sphere >*- ;
| j J--U V
j]y Atuwrtalk, conversation, dialogue;
J_ji*il (yadkulu) it is not within the
argument, dispute; text (of a play);
bounds of reason; Jji-Il >*- Jl j y (to
Script, scenario (of a motion picture)
advance to the realm of fact, i.e.) to

jj\- mtthwara talk, conversation, become a reality; jtCVI >*- J f\ h. il-

dialogue; argument, dispute imkn within the realm of possibility,

quite possible
_)jL*i tahtvur discussion
jL*- hiyza possession, holding, tenure;
{jj>- and >*-) jL- hza u {hauz, jL*- hiyza) taking possession, occupation, occupancy;
to possess, own, have (*; to gain, acquisition of title, acquisition of the
win, get, receive, obtain, achieve, attain right of possession; obtainment, at-
(a, e.g., success, victory, etc.); to tainment, acquisition
gain possession, gain control (* of,

seize, monopolize (*; hza t

tahayyuz partiality; prejudice,

(>*- haiz) to drive on, urge on (* camels)

V tahawwaza and tahayyaza to writhe, jL*l \7ihiyz Isolation, seclusion, re-

twist, coil; tahayyaza to stay away, tirement; partiality; prejudice, bias

keep away, seclude o.a., isolate o.s.
J\*~ h'tz posseesor, holder, tenant
(^ from); to be disposed, incline, tend,
lean (Jl toward); to join (Jl s.o. or; >j*i mutahayyiz partial, prejudiced,

to aide (J, Jl with), take sides (J, Jl in biased

favor of) VII to isolate o.s., seclude o.s., jUw munhz secluded, retired, with-
separate, Begregate, disengage o.s., dis- drawn, removed (j* from); an Outsider,
sociate o.s., stay away, keep away, retire, a stranger (j* to)
withdraw (^ or y> from); to join (Jl
s.o. or; to unite (Jl with); to side xj*^- VIII (eg.) to be in a quandary, waver,

(Jl or J with), take sides (Jl or J in favor hesitate

of) VIII to possess, own, have (*;

^(^j*-) ^L*- hSa u (hauS) to round up, drive
to take possession (* of; to keep,
into a trap (* game); to stop, check,
prevent, hin der (^ s.o. from)
prevent, hinder {*, stand in the
jjj- hauz possession, holding, tenure; way {* of); to hold back, stem, stave
obtainment, attainment, acquisition off (* II to gather, collect, amass,
taking possession, occupation, occupancy acoumulate, pile up, hoard (*; to
(jwr.) tenancy; (pl. j]y-\ ahwz) save, put by (* money); to find (*


J^jr- hauS pl. ^2^1 ahws, jLIaj- (\?j*~) -UU- Ata u {huf, *J*=*- Atta, iLL.

iin enclosure, encloBed area; court- ty/a) to guard, protect (*, s.o.,,

yard watch (*, over s.o., over, have the

custody (*, of); to attend (* to), take
^jr- haivas mob, rabble, riffraff
care (* of), look after (*); to Sur-
i^j*- hSi wild; unusual, odd, queer, round, encircle, enclose, encompasa (t-

strnge s.o., II to build a wall (* around

Week, wall in (*; to encircle, Sur-

^U-l s-^-l usbu al-h Passion
round (*, close in from all sidea (*
on III to try to outwit, dupe, or
8 LiU, ^U see ji-, -J> ^l*- Aa Ji outemart ( s.o.); to mislead, lead
astray, seduce ( s.o.) IV to Surround
(._j s.o.,, also *, s.o.,, l- with);
<->- Aaimf aquinting of the eyes (cauBed
to encompasa, enclose, embrace, comprise,
by constant exposure to glaring light)
contain (.->, also *); to ring, encircle
,j*j*-\ ahwa?, 2 f. Lj- hauqa , pl. (>y s.o. ,, also m, s.o.,, l-* with
A? having narrow, aquinting, cloee in from all aides (l-> on); to
u -->-
cyea know thoroughly, comprehend, grasp
completely, underatand fully (l->,
L*- hiysa girth.
be familir, be thoroughly acquainted
A^i>- hausal, ~*L*j*- hausala craw (of a bird) (l-* with) |
1,1* o J*U-I ('man) to know
bladder; pelican l^jljll iL^-1 (marriya) thoroughly, have comprehensive
gall bladder, bile (a;ia(.) knowledge of; to take cognizance,
take note of; u LI* *iUI he in-
La) u- Auwaipti blister, bleb, vesicle;
formed him of . . ., he let him know
water blister
about . .
; he brought ... to his notice
iL^ij*- kuwaifiila pl. -t blister, bleb, V to guard, protect (*, s.o.,; to
vesicle take precautions (* with regard to),

attend (* to); to be careful, be cautious,

,j*j*- hav4 pl.
aAiwd, ^L*- hiy4,
be on one's guard VIII to be careful, be
Ui.*- Ai^n basin; water basin; trough,
cautioua, watch out, be on one'a guard;
tank, cistern, reservoir, Container; basin
to take precautions, make provision (J
of a river or sea; pool; (in the Egyptian
for, so as to ensure ...); to Surround
irrigation system) a patch of land aur-
(l-> s.o.,; to guard, protect, preserve
rounded by dikes, flooded by high watcr
(J* .-> from), take care (-* of),
of the Nile; pond; pelvis {anat.); (garden)
attend (l-> to), look after (.->), see to it
bed; dock; pl. ,j*L*- hiyd (sacred)
(l that)
ground, area, domain (to be proteeted),
sanctum |
JU ^j*- (jjf) dry dock; a_*- hlpi, haifa, *iy- haufa cautious-
a\j- ^j*- . hammm bathtub; Aje ,jij*- ness, caution, provident care, prudence,

('awwm) floating dock; oL- j* jlj to circumspection |

<^*- -^ (hifatak) to

assume the defense of s.o., make o.s. the be on one'a guard, take precautions; *Aj

champion of s.o.; to defend o.s.; t- <Lj- thoughtlessly, unthinkingly, inad-

j. -dl ^-il*- J* {dabba) to defend the faith; vertently

OjJii-lj jnjJI ^j*)y-\ coal and iron deposits

51 L- kiyta guarding, cuatody, pro-

O *-<i>*- uuatda renal pelvis (anat.) tection, care



-Uj j*1 tahwi$ encirclement (atlanfi) the Atlantic Ocean; jjLX! L~\
(hdi') the Pacific Ocean
il>-l ihfa encirclement, encompass-
ment; comprehension, grasp, understand- Jl*t muhf surrounded (- by)

ing, knowledge, cognizance (i_j of, J*>^ mutahawwif cautious, prudent,

acquaintance, familiarity (i_j with); In- provident, circumspect, careful, watchful
formation, communication
Jip- huf edge, rim, brim, brink; border,
ij^ iahawwuf Provision, care, at-
hem, fringe
tention, precaution, prde nee; pl. -t
l*- /a pl. -t, J>\j*- hawfin border,
precautionary measures, precautions
rim, brim, brink, verge ; edge ; fringe,
J Lj- I ihtiyp caution, cautiousness hem |
*-!* ir'. witbin it, in it, therei
prudence, circumspection, carefulness;
(3j*-) jl*- hqa u (hauq) to Surround,
Provision, care, attention, precaution,
enclose, infold, embrace (- s.o.,
prevention; pl. -t precautionary meas-
ures, precautions JL^-1M J-x- J* as a
II = I
(J* s.o.,

precaution, out of precaution, to be on 1

j!p- hauqala {51ip- hauqala) to pronounce
the aafe aide the formula: *J)li ^! *^i V. Jj-^ (see l>j-

jWL^-l ihtiypi precautionary prophy- haul)


lactic; preventive; replacement; Spare- 2

SJJp- hauqala pl. Ji'_>*- aiwgt'P phial (cAem.),
rn Compounds) ; reserve- {in Compounds)
Florence flask
stand-by; reserve funds, capital reserves
(fin.); reserve (mil.) |
^tL^-l trj*- (AaJw) (iJp-) iJl*- Ajfea u (hauk, 1JL>- AtyJfc, ^"L*-
detention pending investigation ; jv\X> Aiyki) to weave (*; to interweave
1JLj>- 1 precautionary measures, pre- (*; to knit (*; to braid, plait

cautions; 4-tL*-l j\ji (qwt) reserves (* ; to contrive, devise, hatch,

(mil.); jWL^-l Jl* capital reserve, reaerve concoct (*; e.g., ruses, intrigues,

fund; *UM ijjJI Jl-^-l (crude-)oil re- pre texte), think up, fabricate, create (*
serves in one's imagination)

Jaj*U- *t pl. jLL-*- hifn, -*L- hiyt, iTLj- hiyka weaving; knitting; braid-
Jul^. haw'ip 2 wall j
JLJ.I Joll*- A. aJ- tng, plaiting

mabk Wailig Wall (in Jerusalem) jiJL*- h'ik pl. iS'L*- hka weaver;
-UU-I ^jc A* (u^i or) Jll alq {tfaraba) (mor.) an outer garment made of a long
bihi ur$a l-h'it to make little of, piece of white woolen material, covering
scorn, disdain, despise; to rejeet body and head, discard, throw overboard;
to ruin, thwart, foil (Jp- and J--) Jl*-
hla u to change, undergo
a change, be transformed; to shift, turn,
-Uj_**- hawip (eg.) clever, smart, shrewd
pass, grow (Jl into, also *), become
Ja_ muhX\ surrounding (- (Jl; to deviate, depart (je from,
comprehensive ; familir, acquainted (^ e.g., a commitment), dodge, evade, fa
with); (pl. -t) circumference, periph- to meet (je; to elapse, paus, go by
ery ; eztent , rnge , scope , compass (time) ; (*ij^*- hailla) to prevent (Ojj
reach, domain, area ; milieu, environ-; to intervene, interfere, interpoae,
ment, surroundings; ocean; pl. olL-tf come d>j between) |-i^* je Jl*- (
ahd) to
surroundings, environment |
^^Lii^! Ja_^l withdraw from a contract; j^i ,>* Jl*-
, ,


j*y\ lt j.j * niftke inaccessible to hawivala to change, undergo a change;

s.o., impossible for s.o. ; to bar or obstruct to be changed (Jl to), be transformed, be
s.o. 's way to; to prevent s.o. from transmuted , be con verted (
Jl into), deny s.o.; juj <-J ,jo JU- become (J!, tum, grow (Jl into),

liliiVl (i^fq) to resist compassion, deny transform (Jl j- or jp from into),

o.s. any sympathy II hawwala to change change, develop, evolve (

Jl j* from
(Jl * or * * to eise), transform, to); to withdraw, go away, leave; to
tranamute, convert, turn, make (Jl * or move (Jl to a residence); to turn away
* a into eise); to transplant (^ from), turn one's back (^p on); to

(*; to transfer (a; to convert deviate (,jp from); to depart, digress,

( k , mathematically ) ; to switch stray (&JJ\ J* from the way); to re-

commutate (* current; el.); to convert, nounce, forgo, relinquish, disclaim (^p
transform (a current; el.); to shunt (* a; to proceed slyly or cunningly |

railroad car); to switch (a a railroad 5L#- JT J_j^ to employ every conceivable

track); to remit, send, transmit (a, trick ; tdhayyala to employ artful

e.g., money by mail, Jl to s.o.); to pass means; to ponder ways and means {J

on, hand on (Jl * to s.o.); to forward to an end, in order to attain

(Jl > to s.o. or to an address); to VI iahwala to try, endeavor, take pains
endorse (a a bill of exchange, a promis- (Jp to do, strive (Jp for);

sory note); to direct, tum (a, also tahyala and VIII to employ artful

Ji nazratan a glance, Jl to or toward); means, resort to tricks, use stratagems

to divert, distract, keep (^ a or s.o. (Jp against s.o.); to deceive, beguile,
or from); to tum away, avert (/-*j dupe, cheat, outwit, outsmart (Ja s.o.);

^ bofamk one's eyes from); to tum to be out (Jp for or achieve (Jp

off, switch off, disconnect (a current; el.) by artful means, by tricks VIII to

oJI J^*- (daffa) to turn the heim, change work or strive ( on one's own re-

the course III hwala to try, attempt, sources), make efforts (on one's own)

endeavor (a, jl to do, make IX J_p-I ihwaUa to be cross-eyed, to

an attempt, make an effort (jl to do squint X to change (Jf to, into), turn,
be transformed, be converted (Jl into);; to Beek to gain (a by artful
to be transubstantiated and(bread
means; to deceive by pretenses, make
wine, Jl into the body and blood of
excuses, hedge, dodge IV to change (a a
Christ; Chr.); to proceed, pass on, shift,
or Jl a to),. transform, tranamute,
switch (Jl to new or different);
tum, make (a a or Jl a into); to
to be impossible (Jp for s.o.); to be
convert, translate (a a or Jl * into);
in conceivable, absurd, preposterous
to transfer (*; to remit, send (*

Jl or Jp to s.o.); to assign (a, s.o., JL- hol m. and f., pl. J1^-l ahwl
or Jp to s.o.) to turn over, hand, Jl ; condition, State ; Bituation ; poeition,

over, pass on (Jp or s.o. or to); Status ; circumstance ; case ; present,

to forward (Jp a to); to refer (J) actuality (as opposed to future); circum-

s.o. to); to cede, transfer (a a debt, Jp stantial expreBsion or phrase {gram.); pl.:

to s.o.; jvr.) |
J\A\ (Jl) > J^l (uhila, conditions, ciroumstances ; matters, af-

ma'i) and -IpUiII Jl J--l {taq'ud) he fairs, concerns; cases; hla (prep.) dur-
was pensioned off; Jl JL-XII C-L-1 ing; immediately upon, right after; just

j^.jj_rJI the bill was protested (n.) V to at; in case of ... in the eventof .. .; VI*-
: ;


hlan presently, immediately, at once, ^jl^LJi h. af-tawri' state of emergency;

right away, without delay; now, actual- ( _rxUI JU- j (talabbus) flagrante delicto

ly, at present [
Jli-I j and JU on the (jur.); Jall JU-I (madanlya) civil status,

spot, at once, immediately; JU- Jf J* legal status ; JU-I j* su al-h. predic-

(Iculli hlin) and JU- ^1 Je (ayyi h.) in ament, plight

any ca8e, at any rate, anyhow; Je JJ-j
JU- hall present, current,
JU- (yabq) it remains unchanged, just
existing; momentary, instantaneous UU- ;

as it is; Jl_>*-Vl j- JU- j in some case or

hllyan at present, actuallj |
IJU- jj~#
other, anyway, if occasion 8hould arise,
(pra) snapshot (phot.)
possibly; {with neg.) by no meana, under
no circumstances, not at all, in no way; SJU- hliya actuality, topicality, time-
JU- J*, Jltf, JU- ^L bi-ayyi h. with neg.
by no meana, not at all, in no way; Jj^- haul pl. Jl_>*-I ahwl year; might,
j Jli-I jJJiT the same goes for ..., it is power |
<iL VI y Vj J_>*- V l haula
the same with..., it is also the case wa-l qwaia ill bi-llh there is no power
with...; j JU-I j* 1^ as is the case and no strength save in God; J Jj*- V
with; .iJJU- yJiS" how are you? Jl* *^ iL Vj (wa-l hllata) he is completely
a thing in itaelf, a separate, independent powerless, he can do nothing, he is at
thing ; j ji- 1 J ly- V I (jaunviya) atmos - the end of his resources
pheric conditions; *..a^lll Jl^*-Vl Tl*
Jj hiwal change of place, change
(Sajcpiya) courts dealing with vital |

4kdt or) u>li

V_>*- <Ce _jiiu V (yabtagna) they don't
statistice; JL>*-VI (pli
want it otherwise, they ask for it
personal Statute ; JU- 1 <_->-L* noun
referent of a circumstantial phrase Jj haula (prep.) around, about;
(gram.); JU- ^jt. 'ard h. application, circa, about, some, approximately, rough-
memorial, petition; Jli-I uUJ, JU- U ly (with following number); about (esp.

see jLJ in news headings, approx. = re, concern-

HU- hlam (conj.) as soon as

ing) |
J_>*- ^ (haulihi) (= <!_>*-) around
him (or it), about him (or it); Lj-Jj*- Cf
JU- hla pl. -t condition, state; Sit- (haulaihim) around the two of them,
uation; (possible, actual) case; hlata about them; from their vicinity, from
(prep.) during |
jl JU- hlata an (conj.)
their surroundings (dual)
whereas; ai* JU-lj under these circum-
Jj haull periodic, temporary, intcrim
stances, such being the case, things
one year old (animal), yearling; young
being as they are; JU- j (hlati) in (the)
animal; lamb, wether
case of ..., in the event of .. ., e.g., JU- j
<u Li (giybihi) in case of his absence, O ^LJj*- hauliyt yearbook, annals
lijJl JU- j (wajh) in case of death; j (= Fr. annalea, as a scientific publication)
JU-I * in thia (that) case; jl JU- li-

hau strength, force, power, vigor
hlati an in case that..., in the event |

J-- Je (standing) upright, erect; y V

that...; lil U JU- j if ; j JLLl ^ 1^ as
*^^- Je*" "^J ^ (qwata) completely helpless and
is the case with...; 2-fr-l (ijti*
in'iya) marital status; *jjJ-I oVU-l (jaw*
wlya) atmospheric conditions; JbX-\ JU- iL*- Ulla pl. J-*- hiyal, J~>U-I ahyil

A. al-katar stand-by, alert, state of artifice, ruse, stratagem, maneuver, sut-

alarm; i^l^l JU-I the status quo; JU- terfuge, wile, trick ; device, shift ; a

means to accomplish an end; expedient, (also Jl V alone) most certainly, pos-

makeshift, dodge, way-out; legal strat- itively, absolutely, by all means

agem (for the purpose of in fraudem
Jj^ tahwil transformation, trans-
legis agere) |
-JLI-I U what's to be done?
mutation, con version (J[ into
j J <L/- ^ (Mota) I have no poasibility
change, alteration, modification; trans
to..., I am in no position to ...; j-U l*
plantation ; trans position, reversal, in
iL- (&i-yadt) I can do nothing, I can get
version, translocation, dislooation, dis
nowhere; VI L*- -Uf A Jam ya;2 At/afan
placement; transfer, assignment; con Ver-
t he couldn't do anything except . .
sion (e.g.,of currency); conversion, trans-
he had no other choice than ...; JLi-l ^#1
formation (of electric current); O trans-
(a'yathu) he was at a Ioss, he was at the
fer (fin. ; ^oJl
Jj_>* t. ad-dain)
end of his wits
remittance (of money), transmittal, send
^*- kiyali cunning, crafty, wy, sly, ing, forwarding; bl of exchange, promis
tricky, foxy sory note, draft (com.); check; endorse-

ahyaP craftier, wilier

ment (com.); c.o.d., cash on delivery |
L^VI o^U-JI Jl Ji^dl IUI <Lli {q&i.
J_>- kawal squinting, Strabismus
Uyal ui-'vmla, ajnabiya) convertibility of
Jj^l ahwaP, f.
fj*. aui' , pl. J>p- currency
i squinting, Bquint-eyed, cross-eyed,
L^ tahwila pl. Jj.jU^ tahvAl* branch,
offsboot ; Biding, sidetrack (railroad) ; aide

JjJ- Au'i change, transformation, canal (irrigation; Eg.); switch (railroad)

transmutation ; prevention (0>> of
iljLtf muhwala pl. -t attempt, try;
Jt_j- At'unf obstacle; partition, screen effort, endeavor; recourse to expedienta,
shifta, or dodges, dodging, hedging
JL Juy&j (prep.) in view of ..., with |

regard to ..., in the face of, opposite, in

Jp <ljU (haytihi) attempt on s.o.'s

front of, before

life, murderous aasault

ti\jf kauxlla pl. -t assignment, cession <Jl*-l ihla transfer, conveyance, as-

(jw.); bl of exohange, (promissory) signment ; remittance ; forwarding, re-

note, check, draft |

JjjJI JJ_>-, Sj-Ijj; *1\j*-
ferring (
Jl or
Jp to a competent autbori-
money order; j* iJlj- . sajar traveler's ty); transmission, transmittal; O transfer
check {fin.); cession, assignment {Isl. Law);
abeurdity | Jp iJl*-1fL with reference to;
Jl_>- hawi (prep.) around, about
SJL-VI ^li magistrate sitting at de-
circa, approximately, roughly, about,
fendant's arraignment, trial judge; <Jl*-l
some (with following number)
u^l (>) J (ma'S) and 1 .fettdl Jl *IUI
*J_jL- hailla Separation, Interruption, (taq'ud) pensioning off
disruption; prevention (up of
J_>* takawwul change, transformation,
JU V l mahdla = 31* V (see
transmutation; abrupt change, sudden
below) turn, reversal ; shift, transition ; departure,

iJUt maAJa roller, wheel (of a draw deviation, digression (je- from) ; re-

weU) nunciation (je of) |

JpuH <k* nuqfat
turning point
o SJU- V l mahlata minhu it is

inevitable; there is no doubt about it; Js* tahayyvl use of tricks, trickery

JjUT tahyvl and JL^-I t'*y& use of ([V*") f^" b^ ma u (haum, Ly- Aawamn) to
tricks, trickery; cunning, craft, subtlety, cirole, hover, glide (in the air; of a
artfulness ; malice, treachery , perfidy bird, also of an aircraft); to hover, swarm,
deception, fraud buzz (Jj*- and J# around) J
-L* i^iJI C-*U-

(faibka, fliddah) suspicion concentrated

Jjl* tahyuli and Jl~*-I iktiyli
on him, he was suapeoted II to circle in
fraudulent, e.g., JLj-I ^^1 (ifls) frau-
the air; to hover in circles, to cirole; to
dulent bankruptcy
go around, revolve (thoughts and iinages,
ULc^l istihdia ohange, transformation, in one'a head or mind); to browse (j in
tranamutation, turn, shift, tranaition a book)
transubstantiation (Chr.); impossibility,
inconceivability, abBurdity, preposterous-
y hauma pl. -5t turmoil of battle,
thick of the fray; main part, bulk,
main body; (tun.) quarter, section (of
JJU- h'il pl. JJlj- Aawd'iP obstacle, a city)
obstruotion, impediment (uj* on the
way to, j jo see JU- hla I); iJU- and <UU> see ,>-
barrier; partition, acreen, folding screen;
Cj^U- see _y*-
(pl* 4f Auwun/) changeable, variable,
frequently changing ; feeble, languid, ,jjm~ haw i to gather, collect, unite (*;
wan, pallid to encompass, embrace, contain, hold,
enolose, comprise, include (*; to
J^ muhaww pl. -<W Converter, trans-
poasess, own, have {*; to clasp
former (tl.)\ endorser
(*, the hand) V to curl (up), coil (up)
iJyt muAaurwtbz switch (railroad) VIII to encompaBS, embrace, contain,

ul* J^ mukawvxd 'alaihi o.o.d., oaah hold, enclose, comprise, include (* or

on devery; <t J^ oolleoted on delivery J#; to possess, own, have (* or Jp
J-rf. muAil transferor, assignor (JJ.
hatvtya convolution, coil, curl,
Zau 1
roll; pl. \j\j*~ hawy intestines, bowels,
Jl* mukl inconceivable, unthink-
able, imposaible, absurd, preposterous,
unattainable *i]y- hatoya pL -t (eg.) wase, round
pd to support a brden on the head or
J^=* mutahaunoil changeable, variable,
on the back
changing |
*Jj**dl ->VVI (a'y&i) the
movable feasts (Chr.) jU- hwin pl. 1^- hutoh anake charmer;
juggler, conjurer, magician
Jljrf. muktl artful, cunning, deceit-
ful, treacherous, perfidious, fraudulent; j\jj& muhtawayt content (s) (of a
Bwindler, cheat, impostor, fraud; crook, book, of a receptaole) |
,j->l <z>LmJz- the

scoundrel; assignee (Isl. Law) | ul Jl^ innermost thoughts, the secrets of the
debtor of a ceded claim, transferee {Isl. heart

(t/" Js*
itf" ^tf** t/" hayya
L* yahy
J.*rjL^ mustahll imposaible, absurd, PW hayh) to live; ^
hayya to live to
preposterous; 0">L*i. impossible thingB, see, ezperience, witness (*, live
imposibilities, absurdities (* through a time) |
illil yJ
l-malik long live the king ! ^- hayiya QjUI ohy'i biologic(al); (pl. -n)
L* yaky (L*- hayA*) to be aehamed (,> biologist |
W*^* {Hmtyd*) bio-

of, because of) II L^ hayy to keep ohemistry

{ s.o.) alive, grant ( s.o.) a long life; to
,&- hayiy bashful, ahy, diffident, modest
say to s.o. (.):*"! t&~* may God preserve
your life!; to greet, Baiute ( s.o.) IV L#-l *L*- haya shame, diffidence, bash-

ahy to lend life (*, * to s.o., to, fulness, timidity ; shyness | LA- i
enliven, animate, vitalize, endow with shameless, impudent; LA-1 < qiUat al-h.

life, call into being (* give birth shamelessness, npudence

(* to); to revive, reanimate, revivify L- hayh pl. olj-- hayawt life; life-
(*, give new life (* to); to put on, blood; liveliness, animation | J*iJ\ L*-
produce, stage, arrange (* e.g., a theat- h. ar-rif country life, rural life; Uli LJ-1
rical Performance, a celebration, and fmma) public life; JJUl ILJ-I family
the like); to celebrate (a, also a life; LJ-1 j>^ mustaw l-h. living
festival) j
jijS'Jl L-l ($ikr) to commem- Standard; O LU J* 'n* a*-. biology
orate (a deceased person), observe the
tjj-*- Aayautf lively, fll of life, vital,
anniversary (of s.o.'s death); JJI L*-l
vigorous; vital, essential to life
(Jail) to burn the midnight oil, JJI L*-l

"iL* (dULtan) to spend the night in *ijs*- hayawiya vitality, vigor, vim
prayer; !^Jl L*-l (aahrata) to perform C->Lj-- hayawiyt: obj-/ oL*> jIj*
in the evening (of an artist); Lp-I
(mawdd mu$dda) antibiotics
*ii*- (haflatan) to give a Performance;
]rf- hayawn pl. -<M animal, beast;
to perform at a celebration (axtist);

JLJ d^ ^jill c~^-\ 4* qad ahyat il-

(coli.) animals, living creatures |

LjJj (tadytya) mammals; jif oljjj-*-

firgatu tatta laylin the theatrical troupe
(muj'tarra) ruminants; J^iL ]^- (fufailt)
gave thxee evening Performances X L*~l
parasite; oj^J-l 1* 'tfm. aJ-A. zoology
utahy to spare s.o.'s () life, let live,

keep alive ( s.o.); L*^l-I istahy,

Jlj-*- Aayaiinl animal (adj.); zoolog-

istah to be ashamed ( to face s.o.; ^* ic(al)

of, because of; to beoome or

feel emharrassed (^ in front of s.o.), be
animal nature
embarrassed {^ by); to be bashful, hy,
diffident ,^j*- huwayyin pl. -<ft minute animal,
(j*- byy pl* 's*-'
hya* living, live,
alive; lively, lusty, animated, active, ,--1 aAyd livelier; more vigorous,

energetio, unbroken, undaunted, un- more vital

dismayed; living being, organism; trihe, 5_*: toAfya pl. -<W, LLtf tahy greeting,
tribal oommunity; block of apartment salutation; Baiute; cheer (= wish that
houses; seotion, quarter (of a city) f
U God may 1 S"jJ i-*
give s.o. long life)
j |

Lp-VI 'Um al-ahy' biology; iUl (

y- iahxyatan li-dikrhu in Order to keep his
h. aX-lam. houseleek tree (Sempervivum memory alive, in remembrance of him;
arboreum L.; bot.) i jS^-JI 4_Jl ('askariya) mUitary salute
^- hayya : ^LJi J*^- hayya ai t-pak
LpI iAy* animation, enlivening
come to prayer! revival, revitalization, revivincation; ar-

*-*- hayya pl. -t snake, serpent, viper ranging, Staging, oonducting, putting on,
;, ;


holding (of a celebration) |

j^-UI L-l t. 1^-*- haitum wherever, wheresoever
a4-dikr commemoration (of a deceased (place); wherever, no matter where...
person); j^-U L-l (ihy'an) (with foll. (direetion) |
jJ\ ]*. (iUafaqa) any-
gen.) in commemoration of..., in me- where, wherever it was (or be), haphaz-
moriam ...; ol_>ll .L*-l i. al-mawl culti- ardly, at random
vation of virgin land
Vjj- haifiya pl. -t standpoint; view-
Li<-I istihy' shame ; diffidence, bash- point, point of view, approach; aspect,
fulness, timidity; shyness respect, regard, oonsideration ; high social

L* muhayyan Btanding, social distinetion, dignity; pl.

face, countenance
also : considerations, legal reasons on
4jOII ii^jl as-silt al-muetahiya sen- which the judgment is hased, opinion
sitive plant (Mimosa pudica; bot.)
O'w.) |
(SjjUI) oLSJ.1 jji (daw) or

hau where (place

JLJ-I t->l*M t oLjLA-I ^l^H people of
t~*- (conj.) and di-
(high) social Btanding, prominent people,
rectum); wherever; since, as, due to the
people of distinetion; vLte^"' Vs^-' t>
fact that; whereas; inasmuch as |
(hayawniya) from a zoological view-
l <t~*- (anna) Bince, as, because, due to
the fact that...; in that...; u6" >i*-
wherever it be; inany case, at any rate;
Jj-JJ- 1 al-hitiyn the Hittites
-*- Jl il hau where (direetion); to
where . . ., to the place where . . . ; -*- j. hda i (hatd, j^*- huyd, jlj-*-
J L-
min haitu from where, whence, where- hayadn, jl* mahid) to deviate, swerve,
from; where (place); whereas; (with depart, desist (je from); to leave, quit,
foll . nominative ) as to , as for give up, abandon, relinquish (je;
concerning regarding , with respect je jU- to dissuade or get
<; s.o. away
to, in view of, because of; j^> from...; to incline, tend (Jl, j*. to,
liJl d- min h. t-taqjatu with regard toward), shade, blend (Jl, j* into) II to
to education, as far as education is keep aside, put aside <* III to stay
concerned; jjOj IIj jjOj _*. j (yadri away, keep apart (*, from s.o., from
wa-l yadri) whether he knows it or not,; to avoid, shun (*, b.o.,
knowingly or without his knowledge; TU to depart, deviate, digreaa, swerve
V ^*- j* (with foll. imperf.) without (j* from)
(being, doing, etc.) ; ja ^*. j. as such, in
iteelf, jh -* j. jJUil ('lam) the world
-l- haid, jl-L- hayadn deviation,
digression, depart ure, Bwerving, tuming
in iteelf, the world as such; jl ^ _i- j.
(anna) inasmuch view
aside, turning away
as; in of the
fact that; since, as, due to the fact 0-- haida deviation, digression, swerv-
that ; <t~* bi-haitu inasmuch as ; in ing, departure (from a course) neutrality ;

Buch a manner that..., so as to...; so impartiality I.L*-

J* aside, apart, to
that...; such as...; (he found himself) one aide
at a point or degree where, e.g., j. c-j*
-L* mahid avoidanoe (je of
jy" V t~- ;ljJl (bar'a, tar) = she |

<* jl* V (mahida) it is unavoidable

was so naive that she couldn't see . . .

*J it~J^ insofar as ... not, provided jL- hiyd neutrality (pol.) aLJ-I
J* |

that... not; jl *t~* (anna) in such a neutral; i-J^I je aU- (fa) derailment
manner that..., so as to..., so that... (railroad)


j:>L- hiydi neutral (pol.) j-'U- h'ir disconcerted, perplexed,

startled, diamayed; embarrassed, help-
JjI^ muhyadtr neutrality {pol.)
less, at a loss, at one's wit's end ; baffled,

Oj'U- haid neutral (pol.) bewdered, confused, uncertain (j

muhyid neutral (pol.) OjJu\

about); Btraying, astray | *^\ j J\~
X>\ ; I

(amrihi) confused, baffled, bewdered,

the neutrals (pol.)
embarrasaed, at a loss, helpless

OjLlu muiahyid neutral (pol.)

j,- muhayyar embarrassed, at a loss,

iWjJ-" haidarbd* Hydarabad helpless

_^*i. mutahayyir and jlirf- muhtr

( j**-) jU- Ara (Ist pera. perf. hirtu) a (ij**~

haira, j\_r*- hayarn) to become confused;

to become or be helpless, be at a Iosb, j*- aeej^-
know nothing (j off about}; to waver,
be unable to choose (joj 0;
hesitate, J
jtj**- flee <-?'j*-

between and) j jU- (amriAf) to


(u-V") 1^- h*W a '

{bau* ~*~*t~ **#*. o*^-
be confused, baffled, bewdered, dis-
mahifi) to flee, escape (j* or from
mayed; to be at a loss, be at one's wit's, run away (j* from), turn one's
end II to confuae, baffle, bewilder, non-
back (y. on) VII do.
plus, embarrasa ( s.o.) V to become con-
fused; to be or become diamayed, atartled, ^j*?- haif, ***lj- haifia flight, escape

baffled, perplexed (j by), be at a loas (j waqa'a haifa baijta

j^_i fj*^- S (**J fi
as to) ; to waver (uncertainly) (Ju to get into a bad fix, meet with
between) | j\ j jJ- (amrihi) to be difficulties
confused, baffled, bewdered, diaconcert-
ed, be at a Iobs, be at one's wit'B end
VIII =V ^J- mahlf
flight, escape; place of
refuge, retreat, sanctuary |
,j*~t- O; U it
s*- hair fenced-in garden, enclosure
unavoidable; l ,y ua^-X jj
1b i they
JjJ-l jw h. aX-hayawn zoological
oouldn't but ..., they had no otber
garden, zoo
alternative but to . .

ijw haira confusion, perplexity, be-

wilderment, embarrasament, helplessness | (jrfL-) CiU- h4at i (haia*, ^^ mahf,

embarraBBed, at a low, helplesa ^i\A mah4) and V to menstruate,

j~~ S
have a monthly period
lj-*- hairn9 , f. iSJf hair, pl. tfjV"
jj- ha%4 (n. un. **i^) and ^L-
hayrd, huyr confused, perplexed,
hiy4 menstruation, monthly period
Btartled, diamayed, diBconcerted, baffled,

nonplused, bewdered, appalled, taken ^'U hai4 (f>) *nd <^j'U- menatru-
aback, Btunned; embarrassed, at a loss, ating
at one' wit'a end; uncertain, helpless,
-, iLL-, lL^, .UL- see ]j*-
sheepish (smile, etc.), confused, in-

coherent (words, and the like)

(haif) to deal unjuatly
\Jt--) 'JiU- hja i

jj. tahayyur confusion, perplexity, ( l with wrong, injure, hrm (J*


bewderment, dismay; embarrasament, s.o.); to restriot, Iimit, curtail, impair, enoroaoh (J* upon) V to
helple (Jp

impair, injure, prejudice, violate (* or portunity, bide one's time X ^>^-t

j, encroach, infringe (* or j* istahyana to wait for the right time
jU- hn bar; cabaret
.J-- haif wrong, injuBtice; hrm,
U- hna pl. -t bar, wineshop, wine
damage, prejudice |
<As- Jt* what a
tavern; pub, tavern, taproom
pity! too bad! <o Jjl^- V (haifa) it

is not out of place, it is quite appro- ,>- hain death, destruetion

priate ,>- hin pl. L-l aAyn, joL-l ahyin*

time; propitious time, good time, op-
1jL- haif Haifa (seaport in NW Israel)
portunity ; hina (prep.) at the time of ...,

(J-*-) jU- hqa i to Surround, beset from all at, upon; (conj.) at the time when, when;
sides (<_j s.o.) ; to fall, descend, come as soon as; U_j- hinan for some time;
{i_j upon s.o., punishment) , befall, over- once, one day; UL-I ahynan occasional-
take, grip, seize, overcome (<_j s.o.), ly, from time to time, sometimes j

happen, oeeur (<_j to) ; to penetrate, L-- -- sometimes sometimes, at

pierce (J the body; of a sword); to times at times; joL-VI j at times,
affect, influence (j s.o., IV to sometimes, once in a while; ^^m j
Burround, beset from all sides (<_ s.o.); (li^V) L^Vl ba'4i l-a. and ^i
to bring down (* <_ upon s.o., cause L-Vl ba'da l-a. sometimes, occasionally, (*) to descend (<_j upon s.o.) now and then, once in a while, from time
to time, at times; jL-VI i_-UI j fi aglabi
J-- haiq consequence, effect (of a
l-a, mostly, mot of the time, in most
mideed redounding upon the evildoer)
cases; ,>- Jl for some time; meanwhile,
iL*- II to weave for the time being; 4^> j then, at the
S~L- see i\y time, in his (its) time; in due time, at
the appointed time; jU-l li da l-hina
iL- haik = tfUL- ; see i\j~
now, right now; ^i-l
just jjij j from
V, iL-, j^l, JL^, ^L^, that time on, from then on; j^i-l iJii Jl
^r etc., see J^-;
i see _ji*-
until that time, tili then; ^j- j (with
foli. verb) whereas; jl Jkp. j and jl j*>- J*
JjL- hyil 2 Hail (town and oasis in N (hini) at the same time when ..., while;
Nejd) whereas, also without jl, j-j-

(<>-) ^^- hna i to draw near, approach, jj^Jr > ald hini hum yazumna
whereas they, on the other hand, claim
come, arrive (time); to happen accidental-
ly |
cJjJI jU- the (right) time has come; f- Jl j<- j*,yj j;- jo, jy -W \~*-i

now j*~y 0i*" J- (H-kara) and j>-Jj j*>- j*j

is the time; l <l jU- the time has
(uw-fcara) from time to time, now and
come for him to ...; jj*+ij l .1 jL- LI
then, once in a while
{a-m, an yafham) haven't they under-
stood yet . . .
J- cJU- (minni
? ; LiiJI itL>- hina'idin at that time, then,
Itifta) I happened to turn around ( Jl to), that day
it just happened that my eyes feil on iJI-L-*- hinadka at that time, then,
(Jl) II to aet a time ( for s.o.) IV to that day
destroy, wipe out ( s.o.) V to watch,
IcL- hinam (conj.) while; when, as
wait (* for a time or an opportunity)

^ (furpata) to wait for an op-

U- ka name of the letter r- i__- kabab amble; trot

jjjU- ktn pl. feauwtf 2 lady, socially <_-^ kabb, kibb heaving, surging (of the

prominent woman |
o^jUM j*j zahrat sea), rough sea
al-k. little blue flower of the steppe {ayr.)
<~s- kabb imposbor, Bwindler

J.U-U- kkm (= fL-U-) rabbi

L. jcaba'a a and II to hide, conceal (*

^r-^jU- fcrain and J~^jU- tarnen* (e^.)

T to hide, conceal o.a.; to be hidden, be
concealed VIII to hide, conceal o.s.; to
disappear; to be hidden, be ooneealed
jj'*- kzq pl. Jjjl>^- fcauxjzig 8 poat, stake,
<_-^ kab\ %ib' that which is hidden,
pole; dirty trick |
jjjU- i-A* that'e tough
a hidden thing
5ix-- kabx'a pl. LL. kaby that which
UU- Jcqn pl. (>*'_**- Juwgtn s overlord,
is hidden ; a hidden, Beeret thing ; a
ruler, sovereign, monarch, emperor
cache |
^jVl IjL*- k. l-ar$ that which

i5"U- fefc earth-colored, khaki is hidden in the earth; natural resources

Li. makba* pl. *jUc makdbi' 1 hiding

place; hide- out, refuge, haunt, retreat;

lU- kam raw, unworked, unprocessed; un- cellar, shelter, air-raid shelter

tanned ; linen ; oalico ; (pl. -i) raw

L. kib* pl. i^-l akbi'a, i-jil akbiya
material; inexperienced, green, untrain-
tent; huak, hll (of grain)
ed, unskled, artless, uncouth, booriah;
pl. oUU- raw materials | fU- i^L- raw SjU- kbi'a, LjU kbiya pl. \j\j-

leather; fU- -U^ raw fibers pU- ; C-j J (zo) hawbi**, vl>*- kawbin large vesael,

crude oll; fU- ^- (su&fear) raw sugar; cask, jar

a\X\ jl^U (mauw<W) the raw materials cXjfi mukabba't hidden, Beeret thinga
jU- dn pl. -i hostel, caravansary; inn,
pub, tavern |
J-U-'l U-'l (kalili) district jj. muktabx hidden, ooneealed

of Cairo (center of art trade and market

CS- IV to be humble (Jl before God)
activity); jJjj U- Khan Yunis (town
in Gaza sector)
<i->- kabu$a u (leubt, oL^ kabia) to be bad;

52 U- kna pl. -t column (e.g., of a news- to be wicked, evil, malicious, vicious,

paper); Square (e.g., on a ohessboard) malignant VI to behave viciously, dis-

play malice; to feel awkward, feel em-

l^- kabba u (kabb, (_-- kabab, i_~^- kabib)
to amble (animal); to trot (horse); to
i-*i- Jcubt badness, wickedness; ma-
jog, saunter (person); to sink (j in
sand); u (kabb) to Brge, heave, be
lignancy (e.g., of a disease) ; malice,
malevolence, viciouaness
rougb (sea) V and VIII to amble (animal)
to trot (horse) <i~*- kahai refuse, soum, dross, alag
; ;

i^- kabit pl. ^l kubvt, iL*- kubat'*, lT j^- j jlT or lT j^- j J^j (kabari
<1>L+ l akbt, iL*, kabata bad, evil, wicked hna) to belong to the paat, be passe, be
malicious, vicious, epiteful; noxioua, no longer existent
injurious, harmful; malignant (diaease);
^*- kibra, j- kubr experience; knowl-
offensive, repulsive, nauaeating, disgust-
ing (odor)
j^-- kabir experienoed, expert (<_
i-jil akbat 2 worse; more wicked
in); familir, conversant, well -acquainted

DLj^ kabfa badness, wickednesB; mal- (i_j with), cognizant (<-j of); j*X\ the
ice, raalevolence, viciouaness, malignancy Knowing (one of the attributea of God)
(pl. *\j kubar**) expert, Bpecialiat |

^- kabara u (Jeubr, *s*- kibra) to try, test

l^J\^rii\ ju- tax expert, tax adviser
(*; to experience (*; to bave
j_^U- kbr pl. jy\j*- kawbir* peg;
tried, have experienced, know by ex-
pin; wedge
perience (; to get to know thor-
oughly, know weil {*, a.o.); jjt mhbar Bense, intrinsic significanoe
kabura u to know thoroughly (i_i or * (pl. yUt makbir 3 ) laboratory, be fuiJy acquainted {<-j or * with
jLJe- mikbr pl. ^IJ makbir9 test tube II to notify, advise, apprise, in-
form, teil ( s.o., <-j of or about) III to
write ( to s.o.), address ( b.o.), turn, j\jt mukbara pl. -t oorreapondence,

appeal to s.o.), oontact b.o.) in (esp. written) Information (in clasaified

( (

writing; to negotiate, treat, parley ads: <-* viJil pleaae write to..., please

with a.o.) IV to notify, inform, apprise, contact ...), notice, notifioation, oom-
advise (l-j s.o. of), let know, teil (<~j
munication |
^J^LiJ \j\jf. telephone call,

b.o. about) ; to communicate, report, telephone conversation ; Vtj^ *jy (k*

relate (<-j * to s.o., teil (<-j a.o.

rijiya) long-difltance call \j- lj\jf-
; V to inquire (* of s.o.), aak ( b.o.)

(airriya) secret communique; ol^ll 1*
TI to inform one another, notify one qalam al-m. intelligence bureau; !/Ll

auother, keep one another informed; to Lj^**- (hu4riyan) apply in person (in

correspond, write eaeh other; to nego- ciasei fied ads)

tiate, treat, parley { with a.o., j about) jL^l ikbr notification, information,
VIII to explore {*, aearch (* into), com munication, note, message; report;
seek Information (* about); to test, indirect discourse, oratio obliqua (gram.)
examine { b.o., *; to try, put to
ijL^I ikbri news-, information- (in
the test ( s.o., *; to have tried,
have experienced, know by experience
(a; to know well (* X to j\ takbur negotiation; correspond-
inquire (je a of s.o. about), aak (je s.o. ence
jti^l iktibr pl. -t exploration, study;
j\- kabar pl. jL*U dkbr news; in- examination ; test ; test item (of an
formation, intelligence ; report, com- examination) ; trial, testing; (scientific)

municatton, message; notificationjruinor; investigation, research, experiment; ex-

Btory; matter, affair; (gram.) predicate perience, empirical knowledge; practical
of a nominal clause; pl. annala [
je JL experience |
oljL^-l (tahririya)

yL^I to inquire of s.o. about s.o. eise; written examination items; jli jt-l

(4ti) personal experience; jLj^^/I J-l- J (* over); tobe lost, wander about, stray;
experimentally ; jLi*-^1 c-^ 011 probation, to grope about, fumble about; to atrug-
on trial; jLlM J***- experimental fields gle, resist; to clatter over the ground,
gallop (horse) VIII to bump (against) ; to
(jjL^-l ifcft&dri experimental; experi-
struggle, resist; to grope about, fumble
ential; empirical
about; to be lost, wander around, stray;
LjLi^-I iktibriya empiricism to stir, bustle

jLi^-l igtikbr pl. -/ inquiry |

ij\* U-jt- kabfa blow, stroke; rap, knock;
OJjLi!-^! Information bureau noise, din, uproar

_^i mukbir pl. -n reporter; detective ]*L>- Jcubf insanity, madnesa, mental
jci muktabar pl. -< laboratory

J.^- Icabala u {kahl) to confound, confuse,

- habaza i (frabz) to bake {* bread) VIII do.
mess up, complioate {*; to hinder,
'jji~ hubz pl. jL>-l akbz bread impede, handicap, stop, hold back (

>*- kvbza loaf of bread

s.o.); to befuddle { s.o.), confuse b.o.'b

() mind, rob ( s.o.) of bis senses, make

JL>- kabbz pl. -an, jL>- baker
{ s.o.) crazy; kabila a (fcabal, JL^
jL*t fcubbz, j^*. kubbaiz, ^jL- u&- Jsahl) to get confused; to be or become
bz mallow (bot.) mentally disturbed, crazy, insane II to
confound, confuse (*, s.o.) ; to
jL>- fci&za baker's trade, art of
oomplicate, entangle, mess up, muddle,
throw into disorder (*; to rob of
>i makbaz, >jt majebaza pl. _>Ljc
his senses, drive insane ( s.o.) VIII to
makbiz 2 bakery become muddled, disordered (mind)

i*^ kabapa i (kabp) to mix, mingle, intermix J-*- hM, kabal confusion ; mental
(i_j * with) n to mix, mingle, inter- disorder, insanity
mix (*; to muddle, jumble, confuse jeabil mad, crazy, insane;
,3-*- feeble-
(a, make a meaa (* of) minded, dim-witted

^x *- Icabi, i- kabi#a medley,

(J-^-i akbat1 mad, crazy, insane; feeble-
mess, mishmash, hodgepodge; ^ jn, ^ a minded, dim-witted
jellylike sweet
JL^-I iJftibl mental disorder
^L- kabbp one who causes confusion,
Jj-jt makbvX mad, crazy, idiotic,
who messes things up; an irresponsible,
imbecilic, mentally deranged, insane;
light-minded person
muddlehead, dolt, fool

* kabafa i (jcabf) to beat, strike (*,

Jjt mukabbal confused, baffled, per-
against; to knock, rap {* on, ^Ul plexed, dismayed; muddled, confused,
onthedoor); tostamp (^^1 theground; mixed up
of animala) j I^JU ik*- JJc {kdbta
'a&w'a) he acts haphazardly, he proceeds (jfi-) L- kab u (kabw, fcubw) to go out, die
rashly or at random V to beat, strike, '(fire)

hit( s.o.) to bring down, feil, knock out,

LL- and L- pl. 1^1 see L>-
throw to the ground ( s.o.); to bump,
hit (* against), eollide (* with), stumble oU pl. v]>*- Bee ^*-

i$j\~*- kibyri caviar seal, signet; stamp | g\j /U- k. az-

zawj wedding ring; jj-jdl fU- Je. an-
J+- kaiara i (jfair) to betray ( s.o.), act
nabiyin the Seal (i.e., the last) of the
perfidiously, disloyally (* toward s.o.);
Prophets = Mohammed
to deceive, cheat, dupe ( s.o.)

JU- katr disloyalty, breach of confi-

fUU ktm pl. *p]y- katvtim1 seal
ring, signet ring; ring
dence, perfidy, treaoheiy, betrayal, de-
ception ^U*i- kitm sealing wax; end, close,
conclusion, termination *UI j at the
jb^- kattr traitor, disloyal person, |

end, at last, finaUy, eventually

cheat, awindler

j-"U- ktir treacherous, perfidious, dis- jl kiimi final, conoluding j <JS*

loyal -*bj^ (kalima) oonoluding speeoh

b^-l iktitm end, close, conclusion,

Ji*- katala i u (katl, i&- kataln) to dupe,
gull, cheat, double-croes, deceive ( s.o.)

III to deceive, oheat, dupe (* s.o.); to <c U- ktima pl. kaiotim*, w|^>-
behave hypooritically VIII =I kavxUlm 2 end, olose, conclusion, termina-
tion; epilogue (of a book); *z\y>- final
J=*t ka and jljt muktala deception,
s tage
trickery, double-dealing, duplicity, dup-
ing, gulling Jjt mukattam ringed, adomed with
Jjljt mukt deceitful, crafty, wily, a ring or rings (hand)

foxy Jjjt muktatam end, close, conclusion,

Jji- katama i (katm, *b*- kitm) to seal, termination

provide with a seal or Bignet (*; to I

j^ katana
i (katn) to circumciae ( a boy)
stamp, impresB with a stamp (a;
VIII pass.
to seal off, olose, make impervious or
^>- katn circumcision
inaccessible (*; also J* the hearte,
said of God); to put one's seal (* on), lf*- katan pl. li^l afcJn son-in-law;
conclude, terminate (*; to wind bridegroom
up, finisb, complete (*; to close,
ob*- kitn, 4Jli> kitna circumcision
heal, cicatrize (wound) T to put on or
wear a ring (i_j) |
i_-*JJIj Ji (dahab) to "jJU- look up alphabetically
wear a golden ring Till to oonclude,
finish, terminate, wind up j*t- kaiara u and katira a to become solid,
become thick, solidify, thicken; to be or
I*- katm sealing; (pl. *U-I aktm,
become viscous, sirupy; to clot, coagulate
ry*- kutm) seal, eignet, seal imprint;
(liquid); to curdle (milk) II and IV to
stamp, stamp imprint; also = L*i>- (see
thicken, inspissate, condense, coagulate
below) JjjJl Irf- postmark, (postal)

(* liquid); to curdle (* milk) V = I

canceation stamp; 2X-\ r* Sam' al-k.

sealing wax O jo^ katra thrombosis (med.)

<^J- katma pl. katamt recital of the jU*. Jeulr dregs (of a liquid); soum
entire Koran, esp. on festive occasions of the earth, riffraff, mob
<rU. ktam, ktim pl. jyt kawtim 2 jli. kutra dregs (of a liquid); Sed-
seal ring, eignet ring; ring, finger ring; iment, lees

Ju to&ojgur coagulation | O ^1 j z* 1 jjt mikadda pl. jljt makdd* cushion,

[mukk) cerebral thrombosis pillow; seat oushion

j-V jdftr thiokened, inspissated, Con- 4*. kadij premature child

densed; viseous, ropy, sirupy; curdled,
r-liji $id; abortion, miscarriage
eoagulated, clotted; yoghurt, curd

Jut mukaar thiokened, mspiseated, jOj^ kadira a (jcadar) to be numb, prickle,

Condensed; visoous, ropy, sirupy; curdled, tingle (leg, arm); to be or beoome limp,
eoagulated, olotted benumbed, paralyzed; kadara u to
confine to women's quarters, keep in
Jjt kaja a fajal) to become embatrassed
seclusion (U a girl) II to numb, benumb,
to be ashamed (,y of or to face s.o.),
stupefy {* b.o., *; to anesthetize,
be abashed (,j- by, feel embarrassed
narcotize, put to sleep { s.o., *;
(,y about or in front of s.o.) II and
med.); to confine to women's quarters,
IT to shame (* s.o.) ; to embarrass, abash,
keep in seclusion (U a girl) IV to make
put to shame ( s.o.)
torpid, stupefy, benumb, deprive of
Jjc fcajal shame (<> at); bashfulness, Sensation, narcotize ( b.o., m V to
diffidenoe, timidity, shyneas; abashment; be numbed, be stunned, be stupefied,
disgraee, shame, ignominy |
JJ U be deprived of Sensation; to coiiie to
(la-l-k.) O disgraoe! the shame of it! rest, calm down

Jje kaj abashed, embarrassed; bash- j^- kidr pl. jjJ*- fendr, jl.U-1 akdr,

ful, diffident, shy, timid; overgrown j$[*-\ akdir* ourtain, drape; women's
with luxuriant, profuse Vegetation; long quarters of a tent; boudoir, private
and flowing (garment) room (of a lady)

Jj^ kafl abashed, ashamed, shame- j-U- kadar and jA- kudra numbness,
faced ; shy, bashful, diffident, timid insensibility (esp. of a limb gone to

ashamed, sleep); daze, torpor, Stupor

o^JP kajln* abashed,
shamefaced; shy, bashful, diffident, tim- j-U- kadir numb (limb); benumbed,
id; bewildered with shame, embarrassed torpid, dazed

Jjjt makjl ashamed, shamefaced jj* takdir anesthetization, narootiza-

Jj^Jt mukj arousing Bhame, shame-
ful; shoeking, disgraceful, ignominious | jjU- kdir limp, languid; benumbed,
*UI Li* VI (a d') the pudenda torpid, dazed; hidden in bis den, lurk-
ing (lion)
-U- kadda u to furrow, plow (* the ground)
V to be furrowed; to become wrinkled yiU- kdira chrysalis (of a Caterpillar;

(skin) lool.)

-W- kadd pl. ij*- kudd cheek; lateral jJut mukaddir anesthetic, painkiUing,
portion, side | a-W- j*-+ a"ara kaddah tranquilizing; (pl. -t) an anesthetic; a
to put on a contemptuous mien narcotic, drug, dope

OA kadd and -U- kudda pl. ja*- hudad jAJt mukaddar numb, torpid, in-

furrow, ridge, groove, rut sensible; (eg.) tipsy, fuddled, drunk

*jd+\ ukdd pl. JjjU-I akdid 2 furrow, joie. mukaddara girl kept in seclusion

ridge, groove, rut; trench, exoavation from the outaide world


229 P-* (

^.u- kadasa i (kad) to Scratch (*; to j-J-us- kid' deception, doceit, swindle,
maul, lacerate, tear to pieces (*; imposture, betrayal, treachery, perfidy,
to violate (* the rules of decenoy, s.o. 's trickery, duplicity
honor, and the like); to disturb (* the
peace); to ruin, sully, run down (or*
^ \JJ- kid'i deceitful, fraudulent
deceptive, delusive, fallacious
sum'atah s.o.'b reputation) II to Scratch
(*; to maul, lacerate, tear to \sli mukdi' swindler, impostor, cheat,
pieces (*; to violate (* the rules sharper, crook
of decency, s.o.'b honor, etc.); to ruin,
Bully, run down (or* sum'atah s.o.'s Ja*- kadila o to fltifien, become rigid; to
reputation) become numb, torpid, limp

,ji.u- AxnWpl.^j-u. kudS, j\j\ akdS

lo*- kadama i w (i*.us kidma) to serve, be at
Scratch, Scratch mark; graze, abrasion
service, do Service to have a job to work
; ;

to wait (ons.o.); to serve ( s.o., *;

0- kada'a o to cbeat (s.o., je. out of;
to render a Service ( to s.o., * to,
to deceive, mislead, dupe, gull ( s.o.);
stand up {. for s.o.) LriJ ^\ aJJ- to tili or
pass. kudi'a to be mistaken, be wrong |

(je. about); to fail to see clearly (je. with

cultivate the soil; !^T ^L-us- **a*- (jfc

regard damtin katiratan) he rendered him many

to), get the wrong impression
(je- of HI to cheat, dupe, deceive,

be at s.o.'s
j^i ^tfj
beck and
^ call;

take in ( s.o.); to try to deceive or
' (ma$liha) to serve s.o.'s interests;
double-crosB ( s.o.) VII to let o.a. be
^-loiJI (quddsa) to celebrate Mass
deceived, be deceived, deluded, misled fj+
(lj by); to
(Chr.) II to employ, hire ( s.o.), en-
be mistaken, be wrong
gage the Services ( of s.o.); to give
i*-U- kud'a pl. j*~ kuda, -t de- work to
( s.o.), provide work ( for)
ception, cheating, s windle X to employ, hire, take on ( s.o., J for
..u- kuda'a impostor, swindler, cheat,, engage the Services (J of s.o. for

Bharper; to put in Operation, operate (*

e.g., a public Utility); to employ, uae
4*0^-1 <j* saww akda'ah to crush
(*, J for), make use, avail o.s. (*
s.o.'s pride, humble s.o. of, J for a purpose)
*mX+ kadl'a pl. *lla- kad'i' 3 de-
(**!- kadam servants, attendants
ception, deceit, betrayal, treachery, per-
fidy, trickery, imposture jji- kidma pl. f-U- kidam, -t a service
(rendered); attendance, service; Opera-
kadd' impostor, swindler, sharper,
tion ; office, employment, occupation,
cheat, crook; deceptive, deluaive
job; work |
.^i iu j in the service of
f-Oj^ kaida fata morgana, mirage ; 1*1+ j at your service ; UJiJJ o-
(kidmatan) in the interest of truth, for
^jjUI akdi'* swindles, underhand
thesakeoftruth; <j j_JI i-uU ('aakariya)
dealings, crooked practices; phantoms,
phantasms, delusions
military service; ijjL^I i-u^l (ijbriy)
conscription, compulsory service; i*ij.'l
^.bfi mikda', mukda', makda' pl. fjljft (sirriya) secret
*ijJ>\ service (pol.);
majcdi' 2 small room, Chamber, cabinet; ^l-UJl iu- k. al-qudda celebration of
bed Chamber Mass (Chr.)


\j*. kaddm pl. manservant, servant, jiji*- kidiw, tjjiU- kudaiwi khedive

attendant; woman servant, female do-

kidiwi khedivial
mestic servant, maid
liii- X to submit, subject o.a.
a*\a*- kadma attendance, Service;

employment, occupation, office, Job t^-V-- mxutakd? submisaive, servile,

aubservient, obedient
i1i- kaddma pl. -t woman servant,

female domestic servant, maid Jijji- ku4rf pl. _iujl^ kadrif* (apinning)

rajtf takdxm work, occupation or duty top

of an employment agent U-iJf- mukaddim jjjit hudrfi turbinate, toplike
see below) | f
-Udl ^Si* maktab at-t. labor

office, employment bureau JiJU kadafa i (ka4f) to hurl away (, o
*l.i-l istikdm (putting into) Oper-

ation; use, utilization; employment, hir- *iJJ mikdafa sng, lingshot, catapult
ing (of an employee); Service, occupation,
Ja- oafc u (a& uV^ #Wn) to leave,
position, job
abandon, forsake, deBert, leave in the
pjU. kdim pl. fl-u- kuddm, i-i^ lurch ( or je s.o.); to Btay behind; to
kadama domestic servant, help ; man- disappoint; pass. kudiia to fail, suffer a
servant ; woman servant ; em ployee setback, meet with diaappointment in to
attendant; waiter; deacon {Chr.) leave, abandon, forsake, desert, leave

ioU- kdima woman servant; female in the lurch ( s.o.) VI to let up, flag,

domestic servant, maid ; woman at- grow alack, languish, wane, decrease,

tendant fade, grow feeble VII to be left in the

lurch; to be helpleaa; to be defeated; to

V^ kdimlya status of a servant
meet with dis&ppointment
jjje. makdm pl. -n, <jljt mak*
Vi>- kidin diaappointment
dim 2 master, employer
JiLic takdul fatigue, languor, weak-
iyAit makdma mistress, lady (of
nesa, feebleneaa; relaxation, lesaening of
the house), woman employer
teosion; disagreement, disaent, disunion
i-y-lit makdmlya Status of the
JUiel inkidl forsakennesa, deaerted-
master or employer
nesa, abandonment; defeat
fjje- mukaddim pl. -n employment
JiU*i* mutakd languid, weak, ex-
hausted, apent, effete
*jic. mustakdim pl. -n employer;
mustakdam (colloq. mustakdim) pl. -n ji^- X to Bubmit, subject o.a.

employee, official loii-l istikd* aubservience, aubmis-

siveneas, servility
oi- III to befriend (. s.o.), make friends (.

with s.o.); to associate aocially ( with) iiV,-. mustakdin submissive, Bervile,

aubservient, obedient
-u- kidn pl. jIa*-I akdan (intimate)
friend, companion, confidant ji~ karra iu(j ji- karxr) to murmur, bubble,
com- gurgle, purl (of running water); to
jj*. kadin (intimate) friend,

panion, confidant ripple, trickle; to snore; (karr, jjj*-


kurr) to fall, fall down, drop; to sink to *i\^ karba pl. -t, ^l^*- kar'ib 2 dis-
the ground, prostrate o.. |
^-ylM J* ji- integrating structure, ruin, ruins
to fall to the ground; 4jJj j-.j ji- (baina
\jj*-karbn,kirbn destroyed, wrecked,
yadathi) he prostrated himself before
demolished, devastated, waste; ruined,
him; *-.i * j*- (tahta qadamaihi) he
broken, out of order
feil at his feet
t_*j_^ takrib pl. -t devastation, de-
jj*- karir purl, murmur, ripple (of
struction, wrecking, demolition; Sabotage
iSiJ*- J^ 'amal takrlbl act of Sabotage
*,jj- kari'a a (*ji- fair*) to evacuate the
yjU krib annihilator, destroyer
bowela, defecate
<~>jk. mukarrib pl. ~n annihilator,
kur* and kar' excrement,
destroyer; Saboteur

<_^ji mukrib annihilator, destroyer

jUI^- kursn* Khurasan (province in
NE Iran) VJj*" karrb (coli.; n. un. ) carob, locust;
carob bean, locust pod, St.-John's-bread
, <- >-
karaba i (karb) to destroy, wreck,
~*iJj*- karruba pl. -t kharouba, a dry
demolish, shatter, devastate, lay waste
measure (Eg.; = l
/n ** = .1291)
(*; kariba a (<-[^- karb) to
be or become destroyed, ruined, waste, ^ij>- karbaSa to Scratch ; to scrawl, scribble

go to ruin, fall apart, disintegrate II to karbS pl. ji!^ karbiS* iyr.)

devastate, lay waste, destroy, wreck,
demolish, ruin, lay in ruins (*

IV = II; V to be or become destroyed,

O oLijyt mukarba&t graffiti

ruined, waste, go to ruin, fall apart, dis- Uij- karbafa to throw into disorder, dis-
integrate arrange, confuse (*

<~>j*- karb destruction, devastation

,jij*- karbaqa to perforate, riddle (*;

<-_/ kurb hole; eye of a needls; anus to spoil, mar {*

<_^- karib destroyed, demolished, Jij*- karbaq hellebore (bot.)

wrecked, devastated, waste; dilapidated, &>j*- karata u (kart) to pierce, bore, perforate
tumble-down, ramshackle; broken, ruin- (m, make a hole (* in)
ed, out of order
jf- kurt, kart pl. Cj|^>-I akrt, ->jj*-
<>j- kirba pl. v>- b.i r b t8
** 6 *>f) kurt hole; bore, drill hole; ring, eye,
ruins; ruin, disintegrating structure eyelet

<ij*- karba, kurba irreligion, lawless- C^ijf- kirrit experienced, practiced,

ness skilled; guide

iij*- kurba pl. <~>j>- kurab hole; eye -j>- kartU rhinoceros
of a needle ; anus
rj- karaja u (rjjf- kurj) to go out, walk
~<ij*- kariba (site of ) ruins
out; to come out (^ of), emerge (^
i_*!j- karb ruin, ruination; state of from); to drive or ride out, go out (in a
destruction or dilapidation ; desolation; vehicle) ; to flow out, exude, efFuse ; to go

(pl. <ij*-\ akriba) (site of) ruins away, depart, leave, retire; to protrude,
project, stick out; to leave (j+; (*; to expel, evict, exile, expatriate

to dismount, alight, diaembark (j* ( s.o., j* from a country); to dismiss,

from), get out, step out (ja of); to fire, remove ( s.o., j* from an office);

emanate, issue, arise, originate, result *hj J* **v*"' (tarwatthi) to rob s.o. of
{j* from) ; to draw away, segregate, his property, dispossess, expropriate s.o.;
separate, secede, dissent (je from), dis- to give off, sound, emit (*, e.g.,

agree (je- with); to deviate, depart (je a tone; said of a musical Instrument);
from an arrangement, from a prin- to set forth, state, express, utter, voiee
ciple); to be an exception (je- to); to be (* an opinion); to break (Uj rihan
outaide a given subjeet (je-), go beyond a wind); to educate, bring up ( s.o.); to
topio (je-), exceed (je- a topic); to be train ( s.o.); to stage, produce {* a play;
alien {je- to), be extraneous (je- from), theat.); to bring out, make, shoot (iijjj

not to belong (je- to), be not included riwyatan a film, said of a director); to
(je. in), have nothing to do with (je-); except, exelude (*, je- from); to
je- rjjt V it is limited to . . ., it i nothing pull out, extract (*; to select (*
but...; to go forth (into battle); to V to be educated; to be trained (j
attack (J* s.o.,, rise, fight
(J* in a school, College, also j+; j in a field);
against); to rebel, revolt
(J* against); to to graduate (j from a school, from a
violate, break, infringe
(Jp a rule, a College, also j*) VI to part Company,
regulation) ; t_> <lc r- j*- to come up separate ; to disengage, disassociate,
to s.o. with ..., confront s.o. with ...; to withdraw from one another ; to oede,
get out, bring out, take out (^ s.o.); to assign, transfer,make over (J j* to
turn out, oust, dislodge (<_* s.o.); to lead s.o.) X to get out, move out, remove (*

away, dissuade (je- <-> s.o. from); to, Jm from); to take out, draw (*

find out, discover (<_* |

-'l je- rj-, j* from); to pull out, extract

(haff) to be derailed, run off the track (*, j* from); to mine, extract,

(train) II to move out, take out, dislodge recover (* mineral resources); to win,

( s.o., *; to tum out, oust, expel, gain, make (* a produet, j* from); to

eviot, drive out ( s.o., * ; to remove, copy, excerpt (*, j* from a book or
eliminate s.o., *; to exelude,
dooument); to derive, draw, deduce,
figure out, compute (j* * from); to
except {*; to train (* s.o., j in a
elicit (*, e.g., astonishment, j* from
skill, and the like); to educate, bring up
s.o.); to find out, discover {*
( s.o.); to distill (*; to pull out,

extract {* s.tb.); to gather, deduce, infer rj>- h&TJ expenditure, outlay, ex-
(*; to explam, Interpret, expound, pense(s), costsjland tax;

elueidate (* IV to move out, take or suitable, that which is s.o. 's due,
out, get out, bring out, dislodge { s.o., which s.o. deserves, which s.o. needs;
*; to unload (*, diaembark, (eg.) ration (food); {pl. oU,/ kurjt)

detrain, etc. {a s.o., e.g., troops); to trimming; edge, edging, piping; pl. lace;

turn out, oust {* s.o.); to emit, send out

trimmings |
il*^*- II* that's what you
waves); to stick need, what you deserve; *
(*, e.g., electric EV-
out (* e.g., the tongue); to fish out (*
al-mafoiaqa one who deserves to be
hanged from tbe pocket); to bring out into
the open, make public (* ; to rj>- hurj pl. *tj>- kiraja saddlebag,
remove, extract (*; to eliminate portmanteau

i~j*- karja pl. karajt exit, departure; to have the. direction .(motion pictures,
Protrusion, protuberance, projection, sa- theater) ; ... r[^- 1 j- directed by . .

lient part; (eg.) funeral (motion picture)

r[f~ karj tax; kharaj, land tax (Ist. r-Ji1 takarruj graduation (from a
Law) school or College)

yr\j*- rj* of or pertaining to land r- j LJc tajcruj Separation , disassocia-

tax; of or pertaining to the taxed and tion, disengagement, (mutual) with-
cultivable area drawal

r\j>- kurj (coli.; n. un. , pl. -l) skin

r\j^jL*\ isiikrj taking out, moving out,
eruption; tumor, abscesa
pulling out, removal; withdra wing ; ex-

rjj*- kurjexit; egression, emergence; traction, derivation, gaining (of in-

departure; exodus; emigration; raid, dustrial products, etc.), mining, re-

foray, sortie (J* against), attack, as- covery (of mineral resources); prepara-
aault (J* on)
.U-'l [ ^ TL J-?~ ^#) tion of an extract; excerpting, copying;
derailment (of a train) deduction, inference; Solution (of a
prob lern)
.j*- kirrlj pl. -n graduate (of a
school, College, or uni versity) | &-J^ jjj* I
rjU- krij outer, outBide, outward,
<->j*}\ mu'tamar al-k. al-'arab Congress of exterior; external, foreign; outside, ex-
Arab Graduates (a supra-national Or- terior (n.); foreign country or countries;

ganization of uni versity graduates ad- quotient (arith.); krija (prep.) outside,

vocating a unified Arab world) out of; U-jU- krijan outside |

je U-jU-
outside of, apart from; rjU-' ti abroad,
rjf- Tnakraj pl. rj^ makrij* (place
in foreign countries; outside; rj^-l J'
of) exit; way out (of a difficult Situation),
abroad, to foreign countries; to the out-
outlet, escape, loophole, stuft, dodge,
side, outward, out
excuse; articulation (of a sound); O eath-
ode (el.) |
lJjjJ-I rA* ^ phonetics <j--jU-M 1 Khrga (town in central

j takrxj education, training (in

Egypt, in Khrga oasis)

schools, Colleges); raising, upbringing, j-jU- kriji outer, out- (in Compounds),
rearing (of children); extraction; deriva- outside, outward, exterior, external
tion, deduction; Interpretation, exegesis foreign; nonresident ^jU- .iL*
] (

ikrj taking out, moving out, policlinic; L>-jU-'l j\jj ministry of


removal; unloading, disembarkment, de- foreign (external) affairs, foreign min-

trainment ; emission ; moving, carting istry; (tTJ^ -^*^ (tilmid) a student

evacuation; publica- not living at a boarding school, a day

away, hauling off;

tion , publicizing, bringing before the student

public; extraction, removal; elimination; rrj\y- kawrij2 the Khawarij, Kha-

dismissal, removal (from an office); oust- rijitea (the oldest religiouB sect of Islam);
ing, expulsion, eviction, expatriation, dissenters, dissidents, backsliders, rebele
banishment (from a country); excretion
rj*- mukrij pl. -n (screen or stage)
(biol.); finding out, discovery, figuring
out; training, formation, education;
directum, productton, Btaging (motion rj mukraj excerpt, extract (from
pictures, theater) | r|/-Vl JjJ (tatoa) a book); oU^Jt exeretions (biol.)
rj*s- mutakarrij pl. -n graduate ij+j*'
karasa u (fcoi?) to guess, estimate (*

( j or ,> of a school or oollege); to conjecture, surmise (*,

form conjeotures {* about); to teil an
r_f*i* mustakraj pl. -t eztraot;
untruth, a falsehood, to lie V to fabricate
excorpt (,> from), partial oopy (,> of)
lies ( Jp againat s.o.) ; to raise false

ji-ji- ka.rka.ra to snore accusations (J* against s.o.)

tobe a virgin, be untouched, ij+jt- JctTf, kurs pl. L*^- kirfn,

^/- karida a
kuran earring
innooent, chaste

karida pl. -ill^- kar'id1 , ^*- ^[f- karrs pl. -n liar, alanderer,

kurud virgin; unbored pearl calumniator

'i/- kurda scrap metal, sorap iron; pl. ],*- karafa u i (karf) to pull off, strip (*

olj^*- fcur<fau>dt notionfi, smallwarefl; leavea from a tree); to turn, lathe, shape

small goods, Bmalls, miscellaneoua Bmall with a lathe (* wood, metal); to exag-
articles; (eg. also) novelties, fanoy goods gerate, boast, brag, lie; u (eg.) to cut

for ladiea into small pieces; to mince, chop, dice

(* meat, carrots, etc.) II (eg.) to cut into

j*-^- tcurdaji doaler in miscellaneoua
small pieces, mince, chop (* VII to
be turned, be lathed, be shaped with a
3*j*- kurdaq, kurduq small shot, buckshot lathe; to join, enter (j, ilL* j /* ailk

an Organization, a Community), af-

Jj/- kardal (coli.; n. un. ) mutard eeeds; with an Organization,
filiate (J, <iiL j
mustard a Community); to penetrate (j or

into); to plunge headlong (j into),

jjt- karaza \ u to pierce, bore (*
embark rashly (j upon); to labor, slave,
jji- karaz (coli.; n. un. '*) pearla
toil | &J1 j \,j-\ (buka) to break into
jjjt mikraz pl. JjLit makriz* awl; tears

punch up
]jS- kar% pulling-off (of leaves);

Jlyt mikraz awl; punch itll i/- iii see ji; turning, turnery

fcarwa a (fcaras) to be dumb, mute; to ^\jt- karrt pl. -n turner, lather;
u -J rf-

become silent, keep silent, hold one's braggart, bluffer, storyteller

tongue IV to silence, reduce to silence,

&\r~ kirfa tumor's trade, turnery,
gag (. s.o.)
art of turning
^^i karaa dumbness, muteness
'^[^ karrfa skirt (st/r.)

^y-1 afcrtw8 , f. U^t kars' 1 , pl. ^j*-

iL*j*- karlta pl. J^J^- kar'if 3 , J*/-
kurs, jU^- kuran dumb, mute
kurut map, chart
jU/- fairan 1
dumb, mute
Sl^jt miJcrafa, makrata pl. ijljt ma*
jU/- fcartwn, U^- karasna concrete krit* lathe
(beton) | O **! L-y- (mtwaUoAa)
liyU- krifa pl. -t map, chart
armored (or reinforced) concrete
iyjjc mahnt cone (maih.); conic
i- kurHf (coli.; n. un. I) pl. i-ir*^
karSif artichoke ijyt mahrityi conic
ij^j*- karfS, <ij*- karf&i pl. (ji^Ulyt jl^- kurfi fabulous, fictitious, leg-

kardfU* cartridge; lead (of a penoil); endary

cartouche (arch.); daybook
ii^jt makrafa prattle, drivel, twaddle, J

Jli^- karfl oats

kurfm ar<tyfma probosois, L-Aij takrif folly , delusion ; foolish

(j^j*- pl. ^[/-
trunk (of the elephant) ; hose talk, drivel, twaddle, boah, bunoombe

al-karpm Khartoum {oapital of Jj>J mukarrif childish, foolish ; (pl.

the Sudanese Republic) -n) prattler, chatterbox, windbag; char-

ir.\*\j*- karjin,' a kind of earthworm

J_Ulyi fcar$n* wormlike, vermiform ij^j*-

JcarfaSa to shuffle, mix (*

<jij*- karfSa pl. J^]j*- karfiS* card

1*^^*- karplf rhinoceros
of low value, discard (in card playing) <

9j- karu'a u (fcur\ i*[^- kar'a) and kari'a

a (kara') to droop, be or become slack, 3j*- karaqa i u {karq) to tear, rend, tear I

limp, flabby; to be or become languid, apart (*; to make a hole (* in); to

soft, spinelesa, yielding VII do. Till to perforate, pierce, bore (* ; to

invent, devise, contrive (* ; to penetrate (*, break, pass (* through

create, originate (*; to traverse, cross, transit (*,

a oountry); to violate, impair, infringe

9/- kari* and *tmJJ- kari' soft, languid,
(*, encroach {* upon); to break |

yielding, spinelesa, devoid of energy,

(* a vow, and the like), commit a breach
of (*); to exceed the ordinary, be un-
9jj>- kirwa' castor-oil plant, palma usual, extraordinary, unprecedented, un-
Christi (Ricinus communis; bot.)
heard-of ^UII Jyi to go beyond what

f-lj^-l iJctir' pl. -t invention is ordinary or customary IV to lurk, lie

in wait V and VII to be torn, be rent, be

f- juft muktari' pl. -n inventor
pierced, be broken VIII to pierce (* I
?} muktara' pl. -( invention ; to cut, break, pass (* through,
penetrate (*; to traverse, cross,
Jiy- karifa a (karaf) to dote, be senile and
transit (*, travel through (*);
feeble-minded; to drivel, talk foolishly
to exceed {* e.g., a limit), go beyond
uyi karaf feeble-mindedness, dotage, (*) | 4<uL< Jj^*-I (masmi'ah) to <

aenility; childishness (of an old man) shrill in s.o.'s ears

Ji^- kari} and <3l*/- karfn feeble-

3j*- karq tearing, rending, laceration;
minded, doting; childish; dotard
piercing, boring, Perforation ; penetration

Juj*- karlf autumn, fall disruption; breakthrough ; tra Version,

crossing, transit; violation, breach; (pl.
jlj*- karifi autumnal
3jj+- kurq) hole, aperture, opening |

Jtjj*- karf pl. jl^- kirf, ii^-l

(Uil ,y$\ 3jii- Je. al-amn al-'mm violation
akrifa, oli^ kirfn young sheep, lamb,
of public security; jliUii 3j*- offense
yearling; wether
againat common usage, violation of
<it^*i kurfa pl. -f superstition; fable, mores; J* Jj^l Jl
51^1 (ittasa'a) the
fairy tale rent is beyond repair

3j- kurq and ^ kurqa awkwardness, *j-\ akram 1 having a perforated nasal
olumsineBs; Btupidity |
Jij\ j J/- (ra'y) septum
^tupidity; folly, madneas; j Ji^J-'l
J* fjt takrim pieroing, boring, drilling;
... ! J\j\ it would be very unwise
Perforation; punching; lacemaking, lace-
to ...
ij/- trg pl. Jyt ttrof tatter, shred;
itjfi takrima lace, lacework, open-
rag; Bcrap (of paper); polishing oloth;
work, filigree
eraser (cloth)
fl^l inkirm etate of unsettlement,
JyM akraq*, f. .1*/- JcarqcT*, pl. J/- disturbance, disOrganization, derange-
wrj clumsy, awkward; stupid; irregulr;
ment |
j l^xll j plyfi'l (tawzun) disturb-
illegal, illieit, unlawful
ance of equilibrium
^fc makraqa trickery, sleight of hand,
Ajjif- makrm defective, incomplete
legerdemain, hoous-pocus, swindle (e.g., a manuscript)
Jjljt makdriq* a kind of pastry (tun.) mukarram perforated; done in

Jlj^-I iktirq penetration; pieroing,

openwork, in filigree

disruption; tra Version, orossing, transit lyi kwrm&a pl. -t (ir.) harrow
JjU- rg and {#jUI or) oUl JjU-
*~>jj~ kurnb oarob, looust; carob bean,
exceeding the customary, unusual, extra-
locust pod, St.-John's-bread
ordinary, unprecedented, unheard-of;
pl. 3j\j+ kawrvf preternatural phe- Jjj*- kirnig pl. jj[f- karniq* young hare,
nomena, miracles; that whioh transoends leveret

the oonceivable or the rational | JjU-

**rwo' castor-oil plant, palma Christi
4M.UI supernatural ; Cj UjLJ.1 3j \j*- k.
(Ricinus communis; 60*.)
al-mufdaft miraoulouB ooincidences
y- kazxa u to pierce, transflx (* s.o.); to
3 fit- muktaraq passage, passageway
stab { s.o., t-> with) Till to pierce,

fyZ- karama i (karm) and II to pierce (* transfix ( s.o., *-> with), make a hole or holes {* in); to

*y- kazz pl. jjj*- kuzz silk, Bk fabrio
perforate (* Tu to be pieroed, be
riddled, be tom; to be deranged, un- l
j^- kazara u to look askance ( at s.o.), give
settled, disorganized; to come to an b.o. () a sidelong glance
end, run out, peter out, get lost VIII to
destroy, annihilate ( s.o.); to carry ^tjJ-' I j* bahr al-kazar the Caspian Sea

off, carry away ( s.o., of death); to

kaizurn pl. jjL*- kayzir* cane, reed;
break (u>ji~JI the ranke), pass through
rattan; bamboo (*)
*j\)lr*- kaizurna cane, atiok
-y- karm pl. *jj- kvrm gap, blank
(e.g., in a manuscript, or the like) j*~ kaza'a a {kaz*) to cut, sever (*

*S~ kvrm hole | ij^\ *j- k. al-ibra J-*)*-

kuia'bal idle talk, bosh
eye of the needle
jy*- kuza'bala pl. -t idle talk, boBh;
**[,+ karrma drill, bit, auger, gimlet; joke, jest, hoax; fib, yam; cock and bull

punch, perforator story

; ;;


J>j*- kazaf pottery, earthenware; poroelain, (*; to put in safekeeping, keep (*

china; ceramics

Sy- kazaf % (made of ) porcelain y- Jcaxn storing; accumulation,

porcelaneous, porcelain, china (adj.) hoarding, amasaing ; storage, warehousing

J Ij. kazzf dealer in chinaware ~*iy- kazna treasure houae ; safe,

potter coffer, vault ; wardrobe, looker ; cup-

i|j>- fcizfa potter's trade, pottery
lj- kizna pl. -t, \y- kax&in*
3j*- kazaqa t to pierce, stab, transfix (*,
treasure houae ; vault, coffer, safe
s.o.,; to drive, ram (,j>jVl j * treasury, treasury department (of an into the ground); to tear, rend, rip
official agency), any offioe for the
apart (* II to tear, rend, rip apart deposit and disbursement of funds;
(a V and VII pass of I and II
locker, wardrobe, closet; cupboard; li-

3j>- kazq rip, rent, tear, hole (in a brary |

joJI *l^- k. ad-daula and ~*j>\)*-

garment) i.1* (mma) public treasury, exchequer;

rdiil Z\y^- k. at-talj ioebox, refrigerator;
Jjjl- kzq pl. ,jij\^- kawztq* post,
i_^&l '\y- k. al-kutvb bookcase; library;
Btakc, pole; dirty trick j
<3jjU- II that's
l~^>j~a*- Z\y- (hifpiya) private library;
tough luck!
^'iU.I 4j\jii- wardrobe, closet, locker
3jj+ look up alphabetically
oj>- jeazina pl. \yi- kaz'in* treasure

L>y- kazala i {kazl) to cut off, sever {*; house; publio treasury, exchequer; treas-

to hinder, prevent, hold back, restrain, ury, treasury department (of an official

keep ( s.o., je from) VIII to cut off, cut agency), any offioe for the deposit and

ehort, end abruptly (*; to shorten, disbursement of funds; cashier's offioe;

abridge, abbreviate (*; to stand vault, coffer, safe; cashbox, tili (of a

alone {<-> with an opinion) merchant) |i-*U-M oj^l (kfpa) (formerly)

the Royal Privy Pree (Ir.); ~*}jJ\ "*Lij>-
J'j^-1 iktizl abridgment, abbreviation;
k. ad-daula public treasury, exchequer;
shorthand, stenography
ii^l, iij^, -u^lj iy <jj*- cash register
<J/j muktazil stenographer
\y- kazzn pl, -t, ^ j\j*- kazxin*

?y- kazama i (kazm) to string, thread (* dam ; reservoir ; basin, sump, pool
pearls) |
<ij\ *yi- (anfah) to pierce the storage tank (also for oil); (pl. -n)

nasal septum (of a camel) and uisert the storehouseman, warehouseman

nose ring for the bridle; to make s.o. jjt makzan pl. oj\Jt makzin*
aubservient to one's will storeroom, storehouse; depoaitory; stook-
jl^. kizm, il^- kizma pl. l^> ka* room, storage room; depot, magazine,
z'im 2 nose ring warehouse ; stre, shop, department
stre ; ujil al-makzan the Makhzan,
l/|^- kuzm lavender {bot.)
the Moroccan govemment (formerly:
ji- kazana u (kam) to stre, stock, lay up, governmental finance department; Mor.) \

hoard, aniasa, accumulate; to keep hj*\ b}A m. adutiya drugstore; jit

secret, keep (* a secret) II and VIII to j\x^>^\ m. al-i$dr shipping room (com.);
stre, stock, lay up, warehouse (*; ^J^\ oyt m, al-'a trunk (of an auto-
to stre up, accumulate (*; to dam mobile)

yfi- makzani being under govenunent jfi- mukzin disgraeeful, shameful,

control or adminitration, belonging to scandalous, infamous
the govemment (Mor.) | <?jf- ^*' jjjt mukziya pl. -t disgraeeful aot,
(amlk) govemment land (Mor.)
Jjljt mahzini pl. -%ya native gendarme
^-^ kassa (Ist pers. perf. Jcasistu) a (<--
kisaa, 1-L-ji. kassa) to be mean, base,
jlit makzin*; Jj^UI jljt m. af-fariq vile; to become less, deorease, diminish,
the nearest, shortest way, a short cut depreoiate, fall in value; kassa u to
lassen, reduce, diminish (* II to
^yfi- makzanji storehouseman, ware-
lassen, reduce, diminish (*

kwoTwir, kaznadr treasurer ^.^ Jaus lettuoe (Lactuca sativa

jj*- takzin storage, storing, ware-
iw^ kassa (n. un.) head of lettuce
housing; storing up, accumulation ; dam-
ming '<-+ kisaa and S-l*- kassa meanness,
baseness, vileness
ujU- kzin pl. *Jji- kazana, o]y-
kuzzn treasurer - **-r- kasis pl. I*-1 akiss'* mean,
base, low, vile, despicable, contemptible,
jjit makzn stored, stored up,
deposited, warehoused; (pl. -#) stock,
Bupply, stock in trade <-_- faw*a pl. ^-JL Jfcoi'w3 mean
trick, infamy
tfj*- kaziya a (kizy, kutan) to be or become
base, vile, despicable, oontemptible t- falsa* o (faw*) to chase away ( s.o.);

(lj*^ kazya) to be ashamed (j- of); '(j-*- kasi'a a to be driven away, make
kaz i to disgrace, dishonor, discredit, off |
cJ- kaei'ta beat it ! scram ! iLJl t-jtl

put to ehame (* s.o.); to shame, abash, ifcsa" aika do.

embarrass ( s.o.) IT to humiliate, de-
L-j^l aksa' s baser, meaner, more des-
grade, dishonor ( s.o.); to shame, put to
picable; weaker
shame { s.o.) X to be ashamed
*^-U- fat' spumed, rejeeted, outeast;
^y- Jfizy, hazan shame, disgrace,
low, base, vulgr, despicable, contempt-
ignominy | I^JJ L y la-l-kaz what a
ible; disgraeeful, shameful, scandalous,
infamous; futile, vain (attempt); weak,
Ljit kasyn*, f. LjA kazy, pl. lulyt feeble, languid
kazy ashamed, shamefaced, abashed;
&?.-,{ kastaka indisposition
shameful, disgraeeful, scandalous, in-

famouB, base, mean, vile ib-Jt mukastak indisposed, unwell,

Ijjc makzh pl. jljt makzin a shame-
ful thing, a diagrace; reason for shame;
j*J- kasira a (jeusr, jL_*> kasr, jL-*- kasra,
pl. shameful things, disgraeeful aots,
lj^ji- kusrn) to ineur a loss, suffer
infamies to go
damage; to lose, forfeit (*;

jjje majeziy ashamed, shamefaced, astray, lose one'a way, get lost ; to

abashed; embarrassed, confused; jji^l periah II to cause loss or damage ( to

the Devil s.o.); to do hrm ( to s.o.); to destroy,


min ( s.o.); to corrupt, deprave ( s.o.) _-i- kasab pl. ujLI^I akSb wood,
IT to cause a loss ( to s.o.); to shorten, lumber, timber L^l | i_, *.r- k. al-anbiya
cut, reduce (* X to grudge
(J* guaiacum wood, lignum vitae
or j s.o. *, envy s.o.
J* or j) the
i-i*- kaSaba pl. -t, t_jLl^l ak&b piece
possession of (*)
of wood; a timber; pale, post; plank,
_ /
_>- kuar loss, damage board | cII 4JL+. k. al-mayyit coffin;

jl^r-*- kusrn loss, damage, forfeiture; r/-il --*" b< oX-masrah stage (of a
theater), -y-ll '<-!+
decline, deterioration ; depravity, pro- J* on the "boards"
fligacy ,ji>- Jcaiabl wooden, woody, ligneoua,
IjLs- kasra pl. J\~J- kas'ir* loss, made of wood; timber-, lumber- (in

damage ; pl. losses, casualties (j in Compounds)

mit.) |
)!* L what a pity! too badl t_jli*^ kaSSb pl. lumber merchant
01^-;- kasrn (eg.) loser; aflfected by l^aJL^ takSib paneling, wainscoting
damage or loss
4TiiJc takiiba pl. -t, t-^ilic takSib*
^U- <> lost, hopeless ; involving barrack, wooden shed
substantial losses; loser; depraved, cor-
l_-L*i takaiSub stiffness, rigor, rigidity;
rupted; profligate, disreputable person,
i_JL^i* mutakaSiib frozen, rigid; stiff,
j-Jt mukassir causing damage, harm-
bard, firm
ful, noxious, injurioua, detrimental

C~L*- kuSt pl. ZjjI^- huSt javelin

l_- karnfa % (kasf, J>-^ kusf) to sink,

sink down, give way, cave in, disappear, -^U^i*- kaki (coli. ; n. un. S) pl. ^^S-lL-
go down to be eclipsed (moon)
; ; % (kasf) kaSkii 2 poppy
to cause to sink, cause to give way |
9,ji*m.L*- ka&kas'a to dank, clatter, rattle; to
jJylM 4j 4i I
,J*-- k. llhu bihi l~ar$a God
made him sink into the ground, God
made the ground swallow him up i*i. kaSkaSa pl. -t noise; dank,
VII to sink, sink down, go down clatter, rattle; rustfe, rustling; craah

<J&.-*- kasf baseness, ignominy, disgrace, *iJL>. (-= ~L ) rattle (toy)

shame; inferiority | Li-- fl sma

lj{+ kuSra leftover (of a meal); offal,
kasfan to humiate, abse, degrade { s.o.)
refuse ; a discard, a worthlesB thing
i_jj-- kusf occultation (astron.)

lunar eclipse A*. kaSa'a a (fj^- kui') to be submissive,

be humhle to humble o.s. to fade
; ;

^ kaiia % u (JcaSi) to enter (j (voice) |

^-m-j *~S- (basarihi) to lower

^Ll- kiSS vermin, insecta one's oyes II to humble, reduce to Sub-

mission ( fl.o.) V to display humility;
i*- II to lignify, become woody or wood- to be humble; to be moved, be touched
like; to line, face or caae with wood, to
Yy-- kui' submissiveness, Submis-
panel, wainscot (* V to lignify,
sion, humility
become woody or woodlike; to become
bard, stiff, firm, rigid; to stiften, freeze *iU- kSi' pl. kaia'a submissive,
(e.g., with panic) humble

JiLi. kuff various fruita, stewed and soaked J*-l affi mora timorous, more fearful;

in airup or rose water, compoto more to be feared, more frightening

ground grain, grita Li* Jfaiyn*, f. Li* kaiy, pl. LH*

JGLu- Jpuikr coarsely
kaJSy timorous, timid, anxious, ap-
<j_i>- kaikariSa Bcab, slough, Bcurf prehenaive

-V II to intozicate, make drunk ( b.o.) ^U- fcn timorous, timid, anxious,

-i^- kam noBe; mouth; vent, outlet

(>** kam pl. ^it* kayHm* noee; i* ka&a u to distraguish, favor (especially,
gills; also pl. *-2t*- noee before others), Single out { s.o.), beatow
special honora ( upon s.o., in preference
.^1* kaAuna u (*i>i* fcuina) to be rough,
to others); to endow (_> a.o. with),
coarse, crude; to be raw, uncut, un-
confer, beatow (_> upon s.o.; to
polished II to roughen, coarsen, make
apportion, allot, assign, accord, give,
crude (* III to be rde, uncivil,
dedicate, devote (-> to s.o., in
boorish { to s.o.) V to display rough,
preference to others); with <iJ : to take
rde, or coarse, manners; to be rough,
possession (* of), demand (*; also
uneven; to lead a rough life XII *jZS-\
4 ,. j; u ^j**- nafaah); to be specifically
ik&iu&ina to be rough, coarse. crude; to
associated ( with s.o.), be characteristic
lead a rough life
(. of s.o.), be peculiar (. to); to

jJL* kaiin pl. Liw- k&n rough, crude in particular {* to), be especially valid
coarse (as opposed to jjL n"im); rde, (* for); to concern, regard ( s.o., *,

unpolished, uncouth; tough, harsh (life); have special relevance (* to), bear (*
hoarse, raucous (voioe) | iJ~Jl\
jJL- k. on) I objo <** (bi-'inyatihi) to devote
al-lama coarse to the touch, rough, un- one's attention to s.o., favor s.o. with
even, wrinkled; jl^l
uncouth, boorish; *jH\ ^2+- &. al-^ra
^ k. alkviq one's attention; ^JUl* *-* (bi-g-dikr) to
makft special mention of s.o. or;
thick-shelled; ^'1 ^M (jiiu ) th J+ _^-\
(ajnwu) I mention, among
strong sex them, especially (with foll. acc); ^ l-i*
jlrf.1 akian*, f. .Lit kaind'*, pl. jl* i
L^ this does not concern me, this is

kuin rough, tough, harsh, rde, un- none of my business II to specify,

partioularize, itemize (*; to spe-

oialize (*, narrow, restriot (J *
*LiX\ al'haSn' the vulgr, uneducated to); to designate, destine, set aside,
earmark, Single out ( J * or . s.o. or

ij^- Jcuina roughness, coarseneea; for a purpose); to devote in particular,

crudeness; rudeness dedicate, assign {J * to); to allocate,
allot, apportion (J * to); to ap-
^ kaHya a (aiy, U*- kaSya) to fear,
propriate (J * funds for); to reBerve,
dread ( s.o., *, J for s.o. or, for); to tie
hold, withhold (J *
be afraid (* of) II to frighten, soare, down (*-> a.o. to a special field) V to
terrify, alarm ( s.o.) V = I; VIII to be
Bpecialize J in, also -* or j, in a scientific

embarrassed; to be ashamed devote one's attention

field); to all

IJJ- fea&ya fear, anxiety, apprehenaion |

(J to; to apply o.s. <J to), go in
(J); to be peculiar to); to
j+ ^*- kaiyatan min for fear of for (->

be choeen, destined, earmarked <J for) especially, particularly, in particular,

VIII to distinguish, favor (l-> s.o. with), specifically

confer distinction (t- upon 8.0. by); to

(^y**- kupsi special; private, per-
devote, give, accord, afford (*-> to s.o.
Bonal, in preference to others); to dedioate
(i-t to s.o., e.g., one's Services); l^L*- kapfa poverty, penury, priva-

(with 4-JJ) to tte exolusive posBession tion, destitution, want

(a of), claim, demand {*, lay ,ja+-\ affof2 more special, more speoifio |

special claim (* to; also <~Ju *j *z*-\ ^^"1/1 J* especially; ^^-^1 j do.
nafsah) ; to be distinguished, be marked
Uu^l akisf' 2 intimate friends, con-
(<-* by); to possess alone, in distinction
from all others, have above others {<^>, have the advantage over others JLa^-I iks'i see a lS*+
(i~> that); to be peculiar (*-> to); to - -'* takfis specialization; speoifica-
concern, regard (<~>, bear (v on); to tion, particularization, itemization; des-
be pertinent, have rele vanoe ( <_j to)
ignation, destination (for a purpose);
have to do ( *_> with) ; to be duly quaJified,
allotment, apportionment, allocation
be competent, have Jurisdiction {*_> in;
reservation; (pl. -t) appropriation, fi-

e.g., an authority); to have as a special
nancial allocation; credit | l _r J*
function or task (<_*
and ^L;rai^\ o-j Bpecifioally

^ ka$$ lettuce (bot.)

(J J
M~*ji takappuf specialization (esp. t in

u^ti~ kupp pl. ^U^ kiffi, ^U^-l a scientific field)

akfif* o*J~**
foffy nut Bhack, shanty,
^Lai^l iktifify pl. -dt jurisdiotion,
competence; speoial province or domain,
- kaf?a jet of water bailiwiok (fig.); pl. prerogatives, Privi-
leges, monopolies ; concesaions (Intern.
,j-L*- Jfapf interstiee, interval,
Law); u^Lm^-VI (olj) j'i duly quafied,
crevice, crack, gap
authorized, responsible, competent; !/li
<*L**- kap#a crevice, crack, interval,
^La^-Vi scope of competence, sphere of
gP authority, Jurisdiction, province, domain,
<**~a>- kapi#a pl. ,j*jL+ji- kap'ip* field

special characteristic or quality, specialty,

^La^.1 iJftisfi pl. -n specialist
particularity, peculiarity
,j*U- k$a special, particular; specific,
L*~*i^ kiaaipan particularly, especially,
peculiar; relative, relevant, pertinent
(<_j to), concerning (<^>; earmarked,
j/^ kup$ specialness; L-y^*- Jeu* designated, destined, set aside (<~> for);

fifan especially, in partioular, speoifical- especially valid or true (<-> for), especially

ly J u^j^ak f ,j-y~**- j and o-y-*^- j* applicable (<_j to), characteristic (<-> of);

(with foll. genit.) as to, concerning, distinguished ; private ; exclusive, not

regarding, with respeot to, as regards; public | t-> i^U- *Joj*r professional

yJ fym\ \Xf and %J*y*\

ii j* in this Journal for...; Aji\j ,j<*ll ('mm) the
oonnection, in this matter, in tbis special and the general; high and low,
respect, about this, concerning this; Je all people; ^-1^1 k-^JJl physician in

*y*\ and ^^m^-\ tt-j

J* (wajhi l-k.) ordinary
<*U- bdffa pl. j-^- kawffi exclusive - tafytb fructification, fertilization

property; private possession; specialty,

V L*^I ityb fertility
particularity, peculiarity, characteristic,

property, attribute; essence, intrinsio

oL^ mulfofi^ibt fertilizers

natura; leading personalities, people of 1.

<* mukfib fertile, productive, fat
dwtinction, <^U^I the upper class, the
j**- fcafira a (apar) to become cold; to
educated; kffiaian and 1^1* bi-fe$fatin
Buffer from the cold III to olasp (* s.o.)
especially, in particular |
jil <^U- j
around the waiBt, put one's arm around
fl %. anfusihim at the bottom of their
s.o.'s () waist Till to shorten, condenae,
hearts, deep inaide
abridge, epitomize (* ; to sum
wU- hfflya pl. -l, ^L*^ kap'ifi*
marize (*
speoialty, particularity. characteristic,
rM^- faer pl. jj~**- kufir hip, haunoh,
peculiarity, property, special attribute, _

feature, trait, qualifi cation ; prerogative,

privilege; Jurisdiction, competence '*j**t- mikfara pl. j*f- malpeir* stick,

baton, wand; maoe, scepter
<+>ji- feuwaiefia (dimin. of <**U- hffa)
one's own business, private affair |
Jb jL*i-l iJptifir shortening, condensation,
jjJ i-i^- j he meddlea in my private abridgment, summarization, epitomiz
affairs ing (of a statement); hrevity |
(j-y-^^ makp special and jL*^-Ij briefly, in short, in a few
tr*** mujfa$$a# chosen, set aside, ear-
marked, designated, destined (J for); j^z- muktafar shortened, Condensed,

allotted, apportioned, allocated; pl. abridged ; hrief, short ; concise, terse

l - -'* (financial) allocations; appropria- Buccinot; (pl. -t) short excerpt, brief

tions, oredits; (daily) allowancea; (food) exposition, Synopsis, outline, summary,

rations | Ul oU^ (itffiya) extra abstract, epitome, compendium
allowancea; lLL1 oU^ m. aJ-mnZtfc civil
^U- Jffiira pl. j~*\)*- kawpir* hip,
haunch, waist | *jjj\ j S^i (Sauha) a

u*z mukta$$ pertaining, pertinent, thorn in bis side

relevant, relative (<- to); duly qualified,

i_' r- jfoafa i {kapf) to mend, repair, Bew
authorized, responsible, competent; spe-
(* a shoe)
cial; pl. oL*ii muktafft competences |

<*zjk\ oL.U.1 the competent authorities; <L*s- fca#fa pl. JL*- jeiff basket
i-*ijil j-'tjjl oompetent (or authoritative) (made of palm leaves)

iL*- kufila pl. J-**-.uiaJ, -t tuft; bunch,

^+- Jpapaba i and kafiba a (ki$b) to be Cluster; lock, wisp (of hair)

fertile (soil) II to make fertile (*;

iL- Jfala pl. JLa- kifl quality,
to fructify, fertilize {* IV = I
property, characteristic, peculiarity, trait;
<^-**- hifb fertility; abundance, plenty; (natural) disposition
superabundanoe, profusion
~m- kafama i to defeat (* an Opponent) in
u^ ka#ib and vi-"" 1-
?*& fertile, argument; to deduct, subtraot (*,
productive, fat
j* from); to discount (* a bill, a note^

hj~**- fpuptiba fertility III to argue, quarrel, dispute ( with s.o.'


to bring legal action (* against s.o.), sue color, tinge (*; to dye (*
{ s.o.), litigate (* with); VI to quarrel, XU ._^*-I ikdavdaha to be or become
argue, have a fight; to go to law, carry green (plant)
on a lawBuit, litigate (_ with s.o.)

VII to be deducted, be subtracted VIII to

O <-*>- kadb Chlorophyll (biol.)

quarrel, argue, have a fight ujU**- kidab dye, dyestuff | O ^i^-

loJI k. ad-dam hemoglobin (biol.)
~*- ka?m pl, jo-^*- kum, jL**-i

afom adversary, antagonist, Opponent; w-ji^ Jeudb green, greenness, green

opposing party (in a lawsuit) color

**- Jcapn deduction ; subtraction -,-- kadib dyed

rebate ; discount ; pl. rj-**- hupm
**,*+ kadkada (i~ki*~k*- kadkada) to Bet in
liabilities (fin.) |
-^'1 j**. ri r al-k.
motion, upset, rock, shake {*
discount rate, bank rate; oVL^JI **
Jf. al-kambiylt bill discount *~*lm~i.*- kadkada concussion, shock, jolt

p-**- kafim pl. ^-

*]c kupam* 1 o)?**-
, - kadada t (kadd) to cut off, break off (*
jcupmn adversary, antagonist, Opponent thorns) |
a&jZ xJ- (Saukatah) to tarne

<j^- kupma quarre), argument, dis-

s.o., hold s.o. in check, curb s.o.'s power

pute, oontroversy, feud; lawsuit

Ali- kadira o (kadar) to be green II to make
quarrel, argument, dispute, green, dye or color green {* jJui-
l*L^ jfipm |

controversy, feud; lawsuit ^jVl (ar$) to sow the Und, tili the earth
IX to be or become green XII j~iy-\
f^f- rnuf$$im adversary, Opponent,
ikdaudara = IX
opposing party (in a lawsuit); antagonist;
litigant jj^- kadir green , verdant ; verdure,
greenery; young green crop (of gram)
^- kap % (L- kif') to castrate, emasou-
j-iA-'l al-kadir, al-kidr a well-known
( s.o.)
legendary figure
, iS *+ fcafiy p\. ol i- kipyn, _*. kipya
~*j-**~ kudra green, greenness, green
a castrate, eunuch
color; (pl. jJ&- kudar) Vegetation,
kutya pl. kuan testicle verdure, greenery, greens; meadow; j~i*-

^j-ot makfiy castrated, emasculated vegetables


<s**- uv* (/a *) gelding jy-i- Ifudari greengrocer

'jl^-l ikpai pl. -n specialist; expert (of j L**- kadr green, greenness, green
a specialized field) color; greens, herbs, potherbs

{kadd) to jolt, jog (*; to j*-**- kadlr green
shake {; to frighten, scare ( s.o.) ~jL*S- kuddra greens, herbs, potherbs
M>- ,jJ
laban kadd buttermilk jUi*- kaddr greengrocer

****- kadda
fright, terror, fear
concussion, shock, jolt;
kudr green

f. .[,-irf-

^LJlj ^Vl J* Jl
kadrff*, pl.

^ to

x^~U- kadaba (kadb) to dye, color, tinge (*

destroy everything, wreak havoc
i; kadaba i and ka4*ba a (vj-^*- \jj\ ai-kadr' "the Verdant" (epi-
kudub) to be or become green (plant) II to thet of Tunis) ; the sky

Cj\j\j^- kadrwt vegetables; greena, ^t- kadama i (kadm) to munch (*,

herbe, potherbs with a fll mouth), bite (* into

\j^m^\ al-kudair' Paradise ~m*- Jcidamm vaat (said of the sea);

sea, ocean
O jj~& yakdr Chlorophyll (biol.)

*j**t- makdara meadow, lawn, turf, *- kaffa u (feaff) to draw or trace a line {
sod, greens, verdant land on); to draw, trace, sketoh, design {*; to write, pen (*; to oarve,
Cj\j~i- mukaddart vegetables
engrave, insoribe (*; to outline,

kadrim* abundant, mark, trace out, preacribe (* J for s.o.

(V**- kidrim pl. pjL**-
oopious ; well- watered, abounding in | (|>-) IW J^ (faltan, aafran) to

water; openhanded, generous, liberal, draw a line; i-^ill *L- (Salbu) bis hair

munificent turaed gray II to draw lines; to rule (*; to furrow, ridge (*; to mark
{_?+ mukadram designation of Buch
with lines or stripes, stripe, streak (*
oontemporaries of Mohammed, esp. of; to pencil {* the eyebrows); to
poete, whose Ufe span bridges the time
mark, designate, earmark, indicate {
of paganism and that of Islam; an old; to demarcate, delimit, delineate,
man who has lived through several
stake out, survey {* land, real estate);
generations or historical epochs
to lay out, map out (* roads) Till to

**iti- kada'a a kud') to bow, defer, trace out, mark, outline, presoribe (* a

Bubmit, yield, surrender (J to s.o., to way) to mark, demarcate,

; delimit, stake, humble o.a. (J before), obey, out, delineate (*; to map out, plan,

follow ( J s.o. or ; to be subjeot ( J and projeot (* e.g., the oonatruetion of a

Jl to a law, to a power, etc.), be under oity); to make, design, devise (* a plan);

b.o.'b ( J or Jl) control II and IT to humble, to plan (*, make plana (a for)

subjugate, subdue, make tractable (

J*- b&tt pl* 1 to4$t liue; stroke;
s.o.) ; to submit, subject, expose ( J or *
atripe, streak; (raroad) line, line of or s.o. to
communication ; telephone line; frontline

ff**- kv4* Submission, obedience, (; furrow, ridge; handwriting; writ-

humility, subjeotion ing, script; calligraphy, penmanahip |

kad' pl. **i*- kudu' submissive, O is-h^ -1**- ( ar4ty ground wire (radio);

humble O ^5**- VI -ltJ-'l (fin*) euneiform writing;

L*l*Vl i*>l>^l (ammxya) the foremost
pji-t ikda* subjugation, subdual;
lines, battle lines (m.); jjb Ja- (briz)
relievo script; 0j*jj ^*L telephone line;

->U- kdi* pl. **iti- kudda*, uU_i- ~<ij*r ^>j^*- (jamoiya) airlines; ^-ba*- .U-

JpwFn, kid*n submissive, humble; obe- (hadidi) and -bJi-l i- Ja- Jf, sikkai cd-
dient, pliant, tractable; subject,. liable, hadid raroad line, railroad track;
prone (J to J lj Ja- k. az-zawl meridian (aslron. = ;

jLfl .Jo-^u Ja- je. nipf an-nahr); O J*-'f

Li*i kada a to be or beoome moist II and
jjl,il (mismri) euneiform writing;
IT to moisten, wet (* IX = I
I^u-Vl Ja- k. al-istitv* equator; J^iall Ja.

J- kadil meist, wet; juioy, suc- k. af-pl or J^l Ja^ (fll) circle of longitude,

oulent; refreshing, gay, lighthearted meridian (geogr.); ^yJ/Ji J- k. al-'ard or

ifjj* J*>- {'ardi) parallel (of Iatitude) '^^ kafi'a a (IL^ kata') to be mistaken; to
(geogr.); U.I *_i; Jt*. k.taqsim al-miyh commit an error, make a mistake; to
divido, waterahed; Jl^SCll Ij\ .W- k. al- sin II to charge with an offense, in-
qwaal-kahrab'iya power linea; ^-LAI J**^ criminate, declare guilty ( s.o.); to 1
meridian {geogr.); iuL'l
^ ^_^. to derail, accuse (* s.o.) of an error or mistake; to
run off the rails (train); /'-,- .W- tun.) IV to be mistaken, to
fine (* a.o.
J* ;

(witw^im) Straightaway, in a straight err,commit an error, be at fault (j in);

line; outright, out and out; Jai-'l Jjl
J* to be wrong (j about, in); to make a
(JZ aZ-fc.) all along the line mistake (j in, with); to miss ( s.o.,

fcu# section, district, quarter (of

e.g.,a shot; * the target); to escape (
J**. a
s.o. or s.o.'s notice; a fact) | *Jti tWI <

(fa'luh) (his omen was wrong, i.e.) his

a#i handwritten; linear; spear
expectations do not come true, are not
<U^- fcu#a matter, affair ; condition, fulfilled; that'a where he ia wrong,
State; office, function, position that's where he made a mistake! U*-l

^1 (Sai'u) (Ut. : the thing escaped |

iL- ^tf/a, fcu#a pl. JaL>^ W/af, fcufa/ a
him, missed him,i.e.) he lacked it; U*-l
piece of land acquired for the purpose of
j-i^l he failed, was unsuccessful; \^+-\
huilding ahouae; a piece of real estate.lot;
district; map or plan of a piece of real
JL-Li^l j he drew the wrong conclu
sions; t>liill jo UmM he confused the
eatate, layout ; plan, project, design, inten-
two things, he mistook one thing for the
tion; line of action, course, policy, rule,
precept, guiding principle J**Jl 'da*.
| i

k. dl-'amal Operation plan, work plan; *la*- kif sHp, lapse, fault, offenae, sin
**j~ja Uai-' ULI (ixbqan) according to
- kafa' and LLi- kaf* error; mistake,
schedule, as scheduled or planned
incorrectnesa ; offense, fault; kafa'an 1

JU>- kafff pl. -n penman, callig- erroneously, by mistake | ... l UiA^I /,*

rapher ; tracing lines, leaving a it is (would be) wrong to ...; tiii-'l ,-iL-l

straight trace |
J*IL^ iLli (faiak) or islh al'k. corrigenda, errata, list of
iLUwi li tracer bullet, tracer (mil.) corrections ; tli I
JJ qatl al-k. ao- '

cidental homicide (jur.)

-UjL^ takfit ruling, drawing of, or
marking with, lines; lineation; designa- 4JLii>- Jcafi'a pl. -t, IjLU*^ ka$y mistake,
tion, marking, earmarking; surveying, blunder; slip, lapse; fault, offense; crime,
survey (of land); planning; projecting, ain; fine (tun.) i

mapping out, laying out (of cities, of

^U- kfi' wrong, incorrect, er-
roads); plan, design
roneous; mistaken, at fault; (pl. IL-

,J*^z <-j (rasm) rough draft, firat hufh, actually, pl. of colloq. kfi), f.

aketch, design U kfi'a pl. [)>\j*- kawpi' 3 sinner

b^aif- makff handwritten; manuscript
J*- mukfi' mistaken, at fault, wrong;

^iaii maktta pl. -t manuscript incorrect, wrong, erroneous

JaLii mukafpaf striped, streaked, ruled; J*+ kafaba u (<-Li kufba, LIL*. kafba) to !

furrowed; designated, marked, earmark- deliver a public address, make a speeoh;

ed; planned, guided, controlled; (pl. -t) to preach, deliver a sermon (^Ul J and
aketch, design, plan, layout; map (of a city) ^Ul an-ndsa to the people); (kafi> t
J^ 246

Ju^ ki\ba) to propose (U to a girl; aaid formal greetings by the words -l LI

of the man), ask for a girl's hand (U) in amm ba'du; conclusion, termination,

marriage (J on behalf of s.o.; said of the end; decision; unmistakable judgment;

matchmaker) ; to give in marriage, ^IW-'i J-a liiJLoj
Jj we're through with

betroth, affiance,engage (J* or J one another once and for all

one's daughter to s.o.) Uj> ,_Ji. (wud* rhetorical,

jl^- jcijbi oratorical,
dah) and l^oj* ^-A (mawaddatah) he -

speech-, lecturing (in Compounds)

courted her love III to address ( s.o.).
c^jLrf. katlb pl. U- kutab'* (public)
speak, talk, direct one's words ( to s.o.),
Speaker ; orator ; lecturer ; preacher,
turn ( to s.o., orally or in writing) |

up; khatib; suitor (for the hand of a girl);

jjLLJU to telephone s.o., call s.o.

&L *iU- (bi-l-kf) to address s.o. on


an intimate first-name basis Yl to talk 1L*- kafiba fiancee

to one another; to converse, confer, have
<>IW- jcafba preaching, sermonizisg,
a talk, carry on a conversation; to write
each other, correspond, carry on a cor-
respondence VIII to seek a girl's (U) i>lL*t kifba rhetoric, oratory; speech,

in marriage, ask for a girl's hand lecture, discourse

!u iL- kufba courtship ; betrothal,
u^Li- katb pl. v^*- h utb matter, af-
Situation, con- engagement
fair, concern, buiness;
ditions, circumstances ; misadventure, iXLit muktaba pl. -t address; public

mishap |
ili*^ L what do you want? address, speech; proclamation ; con-

what's the trouble? what's the matter versation, talk; Conference, parley |

with you? j 4-i*^ U what concern of his iJixij telephone conversation, telephone
what has he to do with t U . .
is . . . ? . call

.iJii u-L. what's it all about?

L^LIjc takfub conversation; talk, dis-

* ^ kifba courtship ; betrothal, en- cussion; (inter)communication (also, e.g.,

gagement telephonic, by radio, etc.) |
<_1U^)1 *J

lugat at-t. colloquial language

iSui- kufia pl. i-^- kufab public

address; speech; lecture, discourse; ora- ^U kfib pl. IL* j^afc' 1 , v^ 1

tion; sermon, specif., Muslim Friday fcwfldft suitor; matchmaker

sermon, khutbah ^U*^ ~<* opening woman
| UU- fcfta pl. ^IW- kuffb
address matchmaker

V LU- kib pl. -t, Um^I akfiba public *jjLft makfba fiancee
address, speech; oration; letter, note,
l UL*t miikfab addressed, spoken to;
message |
^~*-ji->'i*- welcoming address;
{gram.) second peraon
JijJ\ ^ILa k. al-'arS speech from the
throne; Jr-^ V^ 1 (musta'jil) expreBS
J^iwLl look up alphabetically
letter, special-delivery letter; '**& v^ kaiarn) to swing, wave,
Je. taqdima letter of introduction ; O^ ^ Ut Ji*. jcatara i

al-qima al-mvqarrara) brandish (^; to shake, tremble,

Sjjiil **JJI *\* {dt

(= avec valeur declaree) reg- vibrate; to walk with a (proud) swing-


istered, insured letters (e^.); t^UiA-'l J-a

ing gait; to strut, parade haughtily;

u (jjk*~ kufr) to occur J to s.o.), come
al-k. (in letters:) conclusion of the i (

to s.o.'s (J) mind | *JL.

J* y>|l J* (blihi) [^- kafarn swinging, oacillation,

the matter came to his mind, occurred to Vibration

him, he recalled the matter (also Jli j 2

Jm+\ akfar more dangerous, riskier;
and *)Li or Oj J*); ^WU *J
J*- he had
weightier, of greater consequence; more
an idea; JLj jLJ 4 j*\ {lam yakfir bi-blin)
serious, graver
an unexpected matter, one wouldn't
dream of ; kafura u {jj**- fcttfra) to
*jLJ look up alphabetically

be weighty; to be important, significant; ^LJt maktir 3 dangers, perils

to be grave, serious, momentous, danger-
mukfara pl. -t venture, risk,
ous, perilous, riaky, hazardoua III to
hak, hazard, atake {\->, <ii> one's
life); to incur the danger, run the risk jLU^I ikfr notification, information;

(^ of), risk (^; to bet, wager ( warning

J* a stake) IV to notify, inform ( jlrU kfir pl. J\ji- kawfir* idea,
s.o.), let ( s.o.) know (^ about; to thought, notion; mind; desire, inclina-
warn, caution ( s.o.) V to walk with a tion, liking 4>U (K-o/K) for your
| Jr^
lofty, proud gait; to atride, strut (with sake; ^LU- J$" j* min htUi kfirin with
a swinging gait) ; to pendulate, osciUate, all one's heart, most gladly; ^LU- *-U j*
vibrate VI to make a bet (J* againat a 'an flbati kfirin gladly, with pleasure;
stake) of one's own free will, voluntarily; Jp
kafar weightineBS, momentousness iJ^U as you like; J>^ JW to afford
importance, consequence, eignificance satisfaction to s.o., to comfort, reassure

seriousnesB, gravity; (pl. -t, jLU>-l s.o.; ,y ^U- J* ii-l to feel offended

aktr) danger, peril, menace (J* to); by, take offense at; jUU. X* padda'a

riskiness, dangerousness ; risk ; hazard kfirah to trouble, bother s.o. ; J^]^\ 0*1

(pl. jlL^. kifr) stake, bet, wager J-U- (fammana) to calm the excitement; j*

^Li-'l of very great importance, momen- jl .jUc {marra) the thought crossed his

tous; Jm*- ji dangerous, perilous; ,_^- mind that ...; li^UU-' UjTl (ikrman) for

JaJ- (muarrad) endangered, jeopardized;

your sake, to please you ;
__^L I **j~ sur'at

al-k. presence of mind; Jm\-\ q^* quick-

Jm*-\ jLil iSrat al-k. alarm Bignal
Jm*- kafir dangerous, perilous, risky,
hazardous; serious, grave, weighty, im-
jtljft mutcfir one who risks,

portant, significant
who takes a chance ; daring, bold,

lja>- kaira pl. kafart pompoua walk,
perilous, risky,
strut ; swinging gait; idea, thought, J* mukfir dangerous,

>J*>- kafrafa (eg.) to be delirious, to rave,

jlL^ kaffir pendulum (phys.)
talk irrationally
j^~ kafxr pl. J*- kufr weighty,
momentouB important, significant; grave,
~4sjm+ kafrafa delirium, raving

Berious jtiJl jb*- of great importance

jL*- katifa a, Jcafafa i (Jcaff) to snatoh,

j_jL>- kufra weight(iness), importance, wrench or wrest away, seize, grab (*

moment(ousness) ; consequence, signifi-; to make off (* with; to

cance ; gravity, seriousness abduct, kidnap ( s.o.); to dazzle (j~*Jt

<JU09- 248

al-ba$ara the eyes) V to carry away, first part; important matter | <*Li: Jtl
sweep away ( s.o.) VI to Bnatch or seize (afalla) approx.: to manifest its force, set

(* from one another VII to be in (e.g., of a disaater)

snatohed away, be wrested away; to be
,j*L*- kifmi, kafmi {coli. ; n. un. ) mareh
carried away, be swept away VIII to
mallow (lthaea officinalis; bot.)
grab, seize, take forcibly (*; to
snatch, wreat, wrench (j- * froni
\1**- kifm pl. U*. kufum noseband,
halter (of a camel)
s.o.); to abduct, kidnap ( s.o.); to ran
away, elope (U with a woman); to make (jb*-) Hui kaf u (katw) to step, pace, walk;
off (* with; to dazzle (j-aJI al- to proceed, advance, progress |
&\\jL*- \L*-
bapara the eyes) iw-lj (kafawtin) to take lorge strides,
<JaL*- katf grabbing, forcible seizure, also fig. = to make extraordinary
rape; abduction, kidnaping; LiW- katfan progress II and V to overetep, transgress
rapidly, quickly (a; to cross (*, go or walk
through (*); to ford (* a river); to
UL^ katfa pl. kafaft (n. vic.) a
leave its banks, overflow (river) ; to cross,
snatching away, a grab; sudden stirring,
traverse {jUJI the seas); to omit, die-
flash |
j_rJI XjL*. j (barg) instantly, in a
trice, like a atreak of lightning; JJL*-
regard, ignore, pase by ( so.); to go
beyond (*); to extend (Jl to); to
j^aJI c->Ui*^ j* an impulse, a sudden
exoeed, tranacend (*; to excel,
surpass, outstrip, outdo ( s.o. ) ; to
Jiliui- kafff rapacious; robber
proceed, pass (* through, Jl to),
tjO^ kufff pl. <Ja\L*- kafdfif* (iron) leave (*) behind and turn to
hook; fiahhook; (coli.; n. un/) swift, a eise (Jl); to disregard (*, * s.o., in
variety of swallow order to turn one's attention to (Jl) j

.Jula*- kaffif pl. .Ji-LIL- 3

iron /U^l Jl 4j ^Lje (il l-ammi) to promote,
hook advance VIII to step, pace, walk; to
prooeed, advance, progress
t_jlla^-l iktiff grabbing, forcible seizure,
rape; abduction, kidnaping J** katvxt pl. katatot and hufiva pl.
kufwt, kufuwSt, step, pace,
<_ilU- jcfif pl. J*L\j- kawfif3 raven- J*- Jcufan
stride |
tlliA j jU (kufhu) to walk, or
ous; rapacious; rapid, prompt; quick,
follow, in s.o.'s footstepa; jkij l^i*-
sudden; lightninglike ; fleeting; short,
taqaddama kufwatan fa-kufwatan to pro-
brief |
iU- ^Ui ravenous wolves; *jj~*
ceed or advance step by step; Ja*- el
]U- (pra) Bnapshot; LU ^>j*- (harb)
* U- (ittakada) to take a decisive Btep;
ijjij uL^iu^ kafwatn wa-qafza hop, skip

JL- kafa a (kafai) to talk nonsense IV do. and jump (atklet.)

V to Btrut, walk with a pompous gait;

to walk with a proud, awinging gait
-L* Jcafiya ( = i^^) glip, lapse, trans-
gression, fault, offense, sin
Jl* kafal idle talk, prattle
l\]a*- Jcufh pl. of "(jUU kfi' sinner

Jl*- kafil garruloua, chattering, given

Ja*- kaffa i to be light (of weight); to be
to silly talk ; stupid, foolish
slight, inaignificant; to beoome lighter,
Jt*- kafm nose, snout, muzzle (of an animal) decrease in weight, lose weight; to
front part (nose and mouth) ; foremost or decrease in intensity, grow lighter (color)
to be nimble, agile, quick; to hasten, (Jli- Jcaff, kjU^I j* liajar al-Jc.

huny, ruah (Jl to) II to make lighter pumice, pumice stone

(*, reduce the weight of (*); to
jLii- Jcuffn pumice, pumice stone
ease, lighten, relieve, soften (* jp for
JuAji. Jcafif pl. kjli*- Jciff, ijLU-l
s.o. difficult or oppreflsive, also
akff, IUI ajcijf' light (of weight);
* 8 -th., e.g., s.o.'s Bituation); to
J*' <J*
slight, little, trivial, insignificant; thin,
lessen, decrease, reduce, diminish (a or
scanty, aparae; nimble, agile, sprightly,; to mitigate, alleviate, moderate,

temper (* or ^; to thin, dilute

lively; <-i--' name of a poetic meter j

"<S~jL\ -Ja-JuI- k. al-haraka easy movable,

(> e.g., a liquid); (gram.) to pronounce
very mobile; nimble, agile; ^oJI t_i-*- Je.
(> a consonant) without taSdid |
diip <JaJ*-
ad-dam amiable, charming; rjj\ ij-i- je.
kaffif 'anka ! cheer up ! be of good cheer
ar-rh likable, charming, winning, ami-
libp,-- j- min sur'atika/

slow down
i_Ja_iL>- kaffif

"ifill to soothe
able; gay, in high apirits, cheerful; u^
JLil Je. az-zill likable, nice (person); ^i*-
s.o. 's pains V to dress lightly ; to dis-
a brden); to
j^LJI Je. al-'ridain having a thin beard;
burden, relieve o.s. (of
JJI iJaJ^- k. al-'aql feeble-minded, dim-
rid o.s., free o.s. (j- of; to huny
witted ; oJi ^j^U- k. al-yad nimble-
away (je- from), leave (jp in a
fingered, deft; JoJl^- ^li weak tea
huny X to deem (> light; to value
lightly, diadain, scorn, despise (<- s.o. or ij\'^ tajcfif Iightening, easing ; les-, look down (<- upon), think noth- sening, decrease, diminution; reduetion;
ing (<- of), make light (<- of), aet little allaying, mitigation, alleviation, pal-

stre (<- by); not to take serioualy (<- liation, moderation; commutation (jur.);, attach no importance (<- to); to relief; thinning, dilution (e.g., of a liquid) |

carry away, transport < s.o., e.g., joy) cJi-ii-JI u>jJ* extenuating circumstances
J**- kuff pl. OU*- kiff, JLUl akff
shoe, slipper; (pl. cJU^I akff) camel cJU^jl-1 istikfj diadain, acorn, con-

hoof; foot (of the ostrich); sole (of the tempt ; levity, frivolity

foot) O;1*- J^ TJ raja'a bi-kuffai

liJfi- Ctjji zurf mukaffifa extenuating
hunain to return with empty hands,
circumstances (jur.)
without having achieved one's mission;
to accomplish nothing, fail, be un- ,_Ajii. mukaffaf thin, diluted

jU- Jcafata u (o^i*- Jeuft) to become in-
>- kijfa lightless (of weight); alight- audible, die down, die away (sound,
ness, insignificance, triviality; sprightli- voiee) ; to become sent, become still

ness, buoyancy ; agity, nimblenesa III <Jj~*i, <4^xj cjU- {bi-kalmihi, bi-au
inconstancy, fickleness, flightiness, levity, tihi) to lower one's voiee IV to silence,
frivolity |
"<S~jL\ <i>- Je. al-haraka, j i-U- reduce to silence ( s.o.) VIII = I

iT^J-l nimbleness, agility, quickneBs;

O^i*. kuft fading (radio)
>oJl lti- Je. ad-dam amiability, charm
rjj\ Hui- Je. ar-rh do.; uJI <i*- Je. al-yad -iU- kfit dying away, dying down,
becoming sent; inaudible; faint, dying,
manual skill, dexterity, deftness
fading, trailing ofF (sound, voiee); soft,
JU ajeaff* lighter; lesser, slighfcer;
aubdued (Ught, color)
weaker | lfj_r*h J<*-\ a ad-dararain the -

lesser of two evs cJcJf- muktafit soft, low, subdued


'*- kafara u (kafr, Ijli*- kifra) to watch {*, J 4b>- j-*- (janhah) to unbend toward
b.o., or over s.o., over, guard, s.o., ahow o.s. open-minded, responsive,
protect ( s.o., m ; kafira a (kafar, aocessible to; kafwa u to be carefree,
jli- kafra) to be timid, shy, bashful easy, oomfortable (life); to sink, dip, drop,
II = I kafara V = I kafira settle, Bubside ; to become low, drop to an
undertone (voioe) II to lower, decrease,
j*- kafr watching, watch, guard(ing)
reduce (*, price) |
iLl*- <j***~ tyffil

ji- kafar guard detachment, guard; 'alaikaf take it easy! <iliU- iL!*- <j++-

escort |
J^l>-Jl j**- coast guard (Eg.) (ja'Saka) cool off! calm down! relax!
IV *jj^ j-^-l (aautah) he lowered hie
jj*- kafar timidity, shyness, bashful-
voice V and VII to sink, dip, drop, settle,
ness, diffidence
subside ; to be lowered, be reduced
ji- kafir bashful, diffident, timid, shy, (price); to decrease, grow Iess; to be
embarrassed, coy diminished

jJi- kafir pl. \j*- Jeufar*

watchman; j-*- kafd lowering, lessening, decrease,

protector, guardian ; guard, sentry, senti- diminution, reduction; subduing, lower-

nel ing, muffling (of the voice); curtailment,

limitation, restriction; eaae (of life);

jli- kifra watoh(ing), guard(ing),
(gram.) pronunciation of the final con-
protection; guard duty
sonant with i |
i+Jl ,jAJui- k: al-qima

jjiit makfar pl. J>\J makfir* guard devaluation (of a currency) ; ^11 ,j+j-

house, guardroom; guard, control post |

k. aWaiS carefree, easy life ; ,j+*- j j*
il^-tll jJut m. aS-Surfa police Station ,ji*Jl j- he lives in ease and comfort;
Ci^aII !_?***- h> o^-aaut lowering of the
yU- kafira: J-]>Jl *yU-
voice; uAii^\ *-Jj- harf al-k. preposition
coastguard cruiser (Eg.)
jjif- makfr under escort, escorted;
Lf-i*- kaf\4 low, soft, subdued (voice)
covered, sheltered, protected
takfid lowering, cutback, re-

r*- Jcafasa u (kafa) to ridicule, soom ( duotion (esp. of prices) ; diminution,

b.o.), laugh, mock ( at); to destroy, decrease, lessening, curtailment, restric-
demolish, tear down (* a house) tion, limitation

^-iUit t inkifd sinking, dropping,

i*- kafaS day blindness, hemeralopia
subsidence; lowering, reduction; lessen-
JfcX akfaP, f. lii- kafaa'*, pl. JJ>+ ing, decrease. diminution, decrement
kufS day blind, hemeralopic; weak-
dropping of the water level, low water |

Bighted, afflicted with defeotive vision

,Syr (^>UJtl (jatvwi) low-pressure area
^li*. kuffS pl.
J\j kaffiP bat (meteor.)

^j- mukajfad lowered, reduced, low,
moderate (price, rate); lower
kafatfa i (kafd) to make lower (*;

to lower, decrease, reduce, lessen, di- ^r^w munkafi4 low (altitude, fre-

minish (*; to lower, drop (*, j- quency, price, etc.); soft, low, subdued,, also, e.g., the voice); (gram.) to muffled (voice)

^ I
jV I the
pronounce the final consonant of a word Netherlands; munkafa4 pl. -t low
with t; to put (* a word) in the genitive J
ground; depression (geogr.)

jiA kafaqa i u (kafq, ul- kafaqn, 3j*+- it is obvious that . .

. ; iiJLl* Jjc ^ you
kufq) to vibrate; to tremble, shake; know very well..., you are well aware
to beat, throb, palpitate (heart); to (of it); kaf i to hide, conceal (*;
flutter, wave, stream (nag); to Aap the to keep secret (* IV to hide, conceal
winga, flutter (bird); to waver, flicker; (*; to afford (* s.o.) a place to hide,
(kafq) to flash (lightning); to beat, whip shelter, hide ( s.o.); to keep secret (*

(*; eggs, cream, etc.); to make the; to disguise, conceal (*,
sound of footsteps (ahoe) ; (i3>*- kufq) or j* from s.o.) |
Oj-*il J*^l to lower the

to drop one's head droweily, nod off, doze voiee, Bpeak in an undertone T to hide,

off (U- Ji- Je. kafqatan); '

[3y*~ keep o.s. out of view; to disguise o.s.

kufq) to set, go down (celeatial body) VIII to hide, keep o.b. out of view; to dis-
II to roughcast, plaster, tucco (* a wall) appear, vanish; to be hidden, be un-
IT to Aap the wings, flutter (bird); to set, known; to be lacking, be missing, be
go down (celeatial body); to be unauo- absent |
jllVl ^ J^-t to be hidden or
cesaful, go wrong, fail, miscarry, come to disappear from Bight X to hide, keep o.b.

nothing, be abortive ; to fail, be un- out of view; to be hidden, be concealed;

Buccesaful (j in to be hidden from b.o.'s (j^) view, become
invisible (je to s.o.), disappear from
jiA kafq throb(bing) palpitation; beat-
ing, beat; footfall, footstep, tread (of a
boot, of the foot) j*- kafiy hidden, concealed; secret,

unknown; unseen, invisible; mysterious |

i*- kafqa pl. kafaqt (n. vic.) beat,

throb; tap, rap, knock; ticking noise, f^' J^ b- a^-t*w* anonymous; O j[yl

Li^- (anwr) indirect lighting


<jUi*- kafaqn palpitation of the heart, Ij^. kufyatan, kifyatan secretly, clan-

heart beat; throb(bing), beat(ing); flut- destinely, covertly; <* *^~- without bis

tering, flutter knowledge

,jl- kaffq -pa\ipit&nt, throbbing (heart) '*Jt*~ kaflya pl. LU*- kafy a secret, a

fluttering, waving, Streaming (flag) secret affair

O <* mikfaqa whisk, eggbeater Li*- kaf* secrecy, hiddenness | Ui: I

secretly, clandestinely, covertly; Li- V
JL*-1 ikfq failure, fizzle, flop, fiasoo
l J (kaf'a) it is quite evident, it is
jiU- kfiq palpitant, throbbing (heart); quite obvioua that . .

fluttering, waving, Streaming (flag);

li*.l ikf' hiding, secretion; conceal
LU:l al-kfiqn East and West; Jij^l
ment; lowering of the voiee
al-kawfiq the cardinal points, the four
quarters of the world J* takaffin disguise

JiU- kqi mortar, plaster, rough- loU iktif* disappearance

cast; stucco <_>U- kfin hidden, concealed; secret,

Uli*, see -JiJ-

unknown; unseen, invisible

LiU- kfiya pl. iJiU^l kawn a secret;

j~ kaya o to be hidden, be conoealed; to
be unknown to
pl. j]>l al'kawfi the ooverts, the
(a fact; Jp to s.o.);
secondaries (of a bird'8 wing)
disappear, hide |
l Jic ^ it is well

known that ...; as everybody knows ..., Jjfc makfly hidden, concealed

^u muiakaffin disguised, in disguise suffers or suffered); J^U killa

during; between; through | JU- j }\ kalali
<JcJ mvJctafin hidden, concealed, clan-
and d~^*- j f% fcilli during; in the
destine, covert, secret ; disappearing,
course of, within, in a given period of;
dA J^U j meanwhile, in the meantime;
muktafan hiding place, hide-out
J^U- ^ min killi aoroas, through, right

jU. look up alphabetically through the middle of; out of, from
within; (to judge, rea&on, draw conclu-
J*. katia u (kall) to pierce, transfix (*
sions, eto.) by, on the basis of, on the
II to turn sour; to make sour, to sour,
strength of. (to recognize) from
acidify (*; to pickle, marinate (*; to aalt, eure with aalt or in brine
il*. holla need, want, laok; (pl.

J^U- kill) property, attribute, pecu-

(*; to piok (* the teeth); to run the
liarity; characteristio ; natural disposition
fingere {* through, part, comb
(a the hair, the beard, also with the <U- kua pl. JU hvlal friendship
fingere) III to treat ( s.o.) as a friend
J"5U- kill pl. il*-l akiUa boring or
IV to offend (v against), infringe, trans-
driUing implement; peg, pin; epit,
gress (w; to violate, break (i~>
skewer; (also "5U-, pl. ~t) toothpick;, e.g., a rule, a custozn); to fail to
see also JU kalal
fulflll, fail to meet (*-> an agreement);
to forsake, desert, abandon (w s.o., JJ*- kalil pl. oU ajfei* , ^U hln; to disturb, upset, hrm, prejudice
friend, bosom friend; lover; JJX'I Hebron
(cj T to be, lie or oome between (town in Jordanian Palestine) |
iil J-U- (*; also in time), intervene (*

epithet of Abraham
between); to be located or situated, be -U- kalila pl. -t girl friend, woman
interposed, be placed {* between); to friend; sweetheart, paramour
permeate, pervade, interpenetrate (*
JjU-'l |*l umm aI-vJ/ river mussei {xool.), mix, mingle, blend (*with) VIII to
be or beoome defectire; to be in dis- J"5U-1 ikll pl. -t breach, infraotion,
order, be faulty, defioient, imperfeot; to violation (of a law, of a treaty, and the
become disordered ; to be upset, be like) ; offense (against), transgression,

unbalanced ; to be disturbed (order, infringement (of ) ; disturbance (of an

System) |
Jy^-l C-lr^-l the conditions order, of a System); impairment, injury,

are not fulfilled; *Jj^J Ji-I (tawzunuh) hrm (to); average, damage by sea |

to lose one's balanoe, beoome unbalanoed; V J^*-Vl jJ*. *. ('adami l-i.) without
*li* Ji-1 ('aqluh) to be mentally deranged prejudice to, without detriment to

hall viaegar t}-jc*-\ ikiill deficienoy, defectiveneas,


y kiU, kuU pl. J^Ul akll friend,

imperfection; (a falling into) disrepair,
deterioration; faultiness; disturbance (of
bosom friend
a System, of a funetion, of theequilibrium,
JU- kalal pl. J^U- kill gap, interval, eto.); disorder, confusion
interstice; cleft, craok, rupture, fissure;
Jt mukallal pickled; salted; (pl. -t)
a defectire, unbalanoed state, imbalance;
pickles, pickled vegetables
defectiveneas, imperfection; fault, flaw,
defeot, shortcoming; disturbance, upset, Jit mukitt disgraceful, shameful |

disorder ; damage, injury, hrm (that ^UV^ J^ immoral, indecent, improper

253 jU

i__L- kalaba i u (kalb) to seize with the i*U- kalja pl. kalaji emotion, senti-

clawB, clutch (*, pounce (* on); u ment; scruple, qualm, misgiving

(<j~>L^- kilba) to cajole, coax, wheedle
JU- kalij pl. ^U- kuluj, o\*A*- kvijn
( s.o.); to inveigle, beguile, bewitoh,
bay, gulf; canal; ^J-' name of Cairo's
enchant (* s.o., * 'aqlah b.o.'s mind);
ancient city canal which was abandoned
to charm, fascinate, captivate ( s.o.) III to
and leveled at the end of the 19th
cajole, wheedle, coax. inveigle, beguile,
Century |
^jLiil _U:I the Persian Gulf
bewitch, enchant ( s.o.) VIII to Beize
with the claws, clutch {*, pounce (* r**~ kilj misgiving, doubt, scruple,

on); to cajole, inveigle, beguile, bewitch, qualm

enchant ( s.o.) -")t*U iktja (n. vic.) convulsion, jerk,

i_~U- kilb pl. <_j"5U-1 aklb fingemail, twitch; tremor

claw, talon
IXU- klija pl. Uyi- kawHj* emotion,
i_-U- 3j baTqun kullabun and barqu sentiment; scruple, qualm; idea
kullabin lightning without a downpour;
J^i*- kalkaia to shake, convulse, rock (*
a disappointing, disillusioning matter;
s,th.); to rarefy (*, e.g., air; ehem.-
i_-U- and 3j t> ^-U- delusion, illusion
phya.) II takolkala to be shaken, be
Jj~ kullabxv J iLli {faSak) blank
rocked; to come off, become disjointed,
cartridges (Syr.; mil.)
become detached; to become loose, work
u-j-jU- fcallb gripping, captivating, loose; to be or become rarefied (chem.-

fascinating; attractive, engaging, win- phya.)

ning; tempting, enticing; fraudulent,
deceitful; deceptive, delusive, fallacious
J^JU kalkal pl. J^^ kalkiP anklet
JLaU kalkl pl. J^*)U- JealkW anklet
<*"jU- kilba engaging manners, at-

tractiveness, charm J^Jic takalkul rarefication

.lit miklab p 1. i_JIJ maklib 1 claw, talon J^JJt mukalh and JiJUi* mutakalkil

^JU- klib = w^ kallb


*rU- II takalbasa (eg.) to clown iL- kalada u (iji>- kuld) to remain or last
forever, be everlasting; to be immortal,
kalbs pl. ^-to^U- kalbia 2 i^u'jU ,

deathless, undying; to abide forever (Jl

kolbiaa (eg.) clown, buffoon, harlequin
or <~> in, with); to remain, stay (Jl or ^
~l+- kalaja i and III to be on s.o.'s () mind, or j at a place) | ~**-\J\ Jl .iL- to rest,

trouble, preoccupy, prepoesess ( s.o., relax; jift Jl .iL- to lie down to sleep
s.o.'s mind; said of worries, doubts, etc.); II to make eternal or everlasting, per-
to pervade, fill ( s.o.; said of a feeling) |
petuate, eternaze (*, make im-
<Ji J-U- (qalbah) to be uppermost in mortal, immortalize ( s.o.); to make in-
s.o.'s beart V to be shaken, be convulsed, effaceable, unforgettable (* ; a
be rooked VIII to quiver, tremble, quake, memory); to remain, stay, abide, linger
shake ; to twitch ( eye, limb, body ) (i_ at, in a place) to grow very old, enjoy

to animate, move, stir, inapire, fill, a long life, be long-lived IV to eternize,

pervade, possess (*, j the heart; said immortalize, make immortal ( s.o., *

of a feeling) J
lf ^li*-l (gamman) to be; to perpetuate (*; to remain,
filled with boitow, with grief (heart) stay, abide, linger ( Jl or ^ at, in a place)

jU- 254

to be disposed, incline, lean, tend (Jl to) (^^U- kal?) to be or become free, be
V to become eternal or immortal, freed, be liberated (^ from), be cleared,

perpetuate o.a.; to be or beoome long, get rid (,> of); to be saved, be rescued,

lasting, perpetual escape {,> from); to be redeemed, be

delivered, attain salvation {Chr.) ;

-lU- kuld infinite duration, endless time,
(coUoq.) to be finished, be done, be
perpetuity, eternity |
olJ-'l jIj Paradise,
through, be over; to be all gone II to
the hereafter
clear, purify, refine, purge, rectify (*
A*- kuld mole (zool.)
a Situation); to; to clarify (*

-lU- kalad, pl. si*-\ akld mind, heart, liberate, free, save, rescue (* s.o., ,>
spirit, temper from), rid ( s.o., <> of); to redeem,
dever (Chr.); to prepay the postage (Ja
^U- kuld infinite duration, endlesa
on); topay duty (VUiJl J* on merchan-
time, perpetuity, eternity; eternal life,
dise), clear J* goods); to settle (* a bill);
immortality ; abiding, remaining, staying (

(coliog.) to finish (* | *i*- iJA^- (haq'

oJJc tajclid perpetuation, eternization,
qah) to restore one's right, secure one's
immortalization with with
due III to act integrity,

oJl*. klid everlasting, perpetual, eter- sincerity ( toward s.o.),treat ( s.o.) fair

nal; immortal, deathless, undying; un- and Square; to get even, become quits
forgettable, glorious; pl. J\y- kawlid* (/with s.o.) IV to dedicate (a Jto s.o.

mountains j
ol-U-M J)\ the Ganary; to be laryal (J to s.o.); to be

Islands devoted, be faithful (J to) |

^i-M <JA\
jjjt muklid diapoeed, inclined, tend-
(hvbba) to love s.o. dearly; oj Zi iJA^-\
(li-llhi dinah) to worship God fatth-
ing (
Jl to)
fully and sincerely T to rid o.s. (j* of),
^J*- kalam i (kaU) to steal (*; to free o.s. (^ from), get rid (j. of); to be
pilfer, filoh, swipe, purloin (* freed, be delivered, be Baved, be rescued,
III Jl\ 4-JU- (nazara) to glance furtively escape (j* from) VI to act with reciprocal
at s.o. Till to steal, pilfer, filch, swipe integrity and sinoerity; to be quita, be
(*; to get under false pretenses or even X to extract (*, j* from); to
by crooked means (*; to embezzle, copy, ezcerpt (*, j* from) ; to
misappropriate (*; to spend seoret- abstract, take, gather, work out (*,
ly (* hours) |
Jl JJM ir l=rf-l (huf) to as the quintessence, j- of); to deduce,
sneak up on s.o.; (j) Jl JiJI j-li-! to infer, derive (*, j* from); to dis-

glance furtively at s.o. cover, make out, find out (*; to

i_U- kuhaXan by stealth, stealthily,

select, choose (*; to demand
Burreptitiously, furtively
payment of a sum (*) and get it (,> from
s.o.) |
j* JjU (j^li^-1 to derive profit from,
^-^U- kilsi mulatto, bastard
profit, benefit from; \itj *U m\J*z**\ (wa*
,jM^ji-\ iktils pl. -t embezzlement, dan) to exact a promise from s.o.

misappropriation, defalcation
^^U- kalp liberation, deverance,
JiJf- muktalis embezzler, defalcator
iJ riddance; rescue, salvation (,> from);

,jA*- kcUa$a u {^J*- kulj) to be pure, un- redemption (Chr.); payment, settlement,
mixed, unadulterated; to belong (J to liquidation (of a bill); receipt; placenta,

s.o.); to get, oome (Jl to), arrive (Jl at); afterbirth


l^^U- kulga pl. -t excerpt; extract, gram); il^Xll ^ ^U- (tjumrug) dutyfree;

essence ; quintessence, substance, gist ijj^^l ^L*- tax-exempt

(of; abstract, resum6, aummary,
.j^i* mukais liberator; Savior, Re-
epitome; Synopsis \ VW *-"$*- (nih'tya)
deemer (Chr.)
summation (jur.) ; *Jyt*>UI 4-^J-'l (al-

lhtiya) the "summa theologica" (of

al- mukaUap ('alaihi) postage
Thomas Aquinas); *ijt i-"5**- ('i^riya)

perfume essence; <^*JX\j in short, briefly, (j-tlii muklis devoted; sincere, frank,
in a word (introducing a eummary of the candid ; loyal ; faithful ( J to s.o., to
basic ideas); purehearted, virtuous, righteous;
^aLI (in letters) approx. yours truly
: . .
l roJU- kalip pl. LaU kulaja 2
sincerely yours . .
clear, unmixed, unadulterated; sincere,

faithful, loyal; loyal adherent jflly - mustakla$ pl. -t extract, ex-

^ji*- kvl$ clearness, purity ; sincerity
candor, frankness IlU- kalafa i (half) to mix, mingle, com-
mingle, blend {<-j a with) ; to confuse,
^^U- kall? (magr.) tax collector
confound, mix up (ju two things; j ju
^^- maklap safe place ; refuge, with), mistake (j ju _ for)

escape, rescue, salvation, deliverance II to mix, mingle, commingle, blend (*; to cause confusion III to mix,
(j^JJ^ taklia Clearing, purification,
mingle, blend, merge, fuse (> with
refining, rectification ; clarification ; lib- ; to meddle (* in), interfere (*
eration, extrication, deliverance, rescue,
with); to mix, associate ( with s.o.);
salvation ; payment, settlement, liqui-
to have to do ( with s.o.) | * iiJU-
dation; prepayment of postage (J* on);
(nafsah) to befall, attack s.o. (pain,
customs clearance, payment of duty
etc.); *!** j ]aij>- klifa f\ 'aqlthi to be or
(mL^JI J* on merchandise; also r t^ L
become disordered in mind VIII to be
mixed, mix, mingle, form a mixture or
<*oJ LJt muklo&o, pl. -dt receipt blend; to consist of a heterogeneous
mixture, be motley, promiscuous ; to
j^tiU-l tZ sincere devotion, loyal
associate, be on intimate terms (i~> with);
attachment, sincere affection; Bincerity,
to be or become confused, get all mixed up
frankness, candor; loyalty, faithfulness,
fidelity, allegiance (J to) U>- half mixing, blending ; combination

mingling, commingling ((_> with); con-

| _ rijc takallup freedom, liberation, re-
fusing, confounding, mistaking, mix-up,
lease, extrication, escape <j- from)

r'^i^l M;Zpextraction;excerption;
pl- l***-\ aklf component of
Jal>- kf
dorivation, deduction ; selection col- ;
a mixture ; ingredient ; pl. mixture,
lecting (of a sum of money)
blend |
uLJ^l i-^i the four humors of
^U- kli pl. *1*~ kuaf clear; pure, the human body (blood, phlegm, yellow

unmixed, unadulterated; sincere, frank, bile, and black bile); j-Ul > JoU-l
candid, true; free, exempt (,> from) |
common people, populace, rabble, riff-

ij>- $\
,j*}\*- k. al-ujra post-free ; jjl ^L^ raff, mob; .LL iU hilf milf, halt malf
fc. or-ra prepaid, reply paid for (fcele- motley, pell-mell, promiscuously
U- 256

UU- ifalfa mixture, blend, medJey to); to confer, bestow (J* * upon
s.o.), grant, award (J* * to b.o.) |

UU- kulfa Company; mixture

4>Lj -Jl^ (tiybah) to undreas; j- **!*-

and 1U}U J-jift i'ari) to dethrone s.o. ; i*l*- J* ^Jbi

ir^U kallf kalifa pl. -f

mixer, mixing machine (k'atan) to bestow a robe of honor upon

s.o.; J*- <-J Je A*- (haqqa) to arrogate to
Ja-U- fcaiif mixed, blended; motley,
o.s. the right of ...; kalu'a u (U^-
heterogeneous, promiscuous; mixture,
jcal'a) to be dissolute, morally depraved
blend (ja of); medley, hodgepodge; (pl.
II to take away, remove, displace, dis-
lkU> kidal' 3 ) aesociate, companion,
locate {*; to knock out of Joint,
comrade take or break apart (*; pass.

Vi* tottif pl. -i insanity; delirium JcuUi'a to fall to pieces, get out of Joint
III to divorce (U one's wife, in return for
iLJlje. muklafa Company, intercourse, V
a compensation to be paid by her) to
association apart, break; to beoome
go to pieces, fall

V^-l i&f (process of) mixing, or be luxated, dislocated (Joint); to take

blending; mingling, commingling; eon- a vaoation in the country (tun.) |

j Ajfi-

fusion; mental disorder; (social) inter- ^ I^JJI [Sarah) to be addicted to drinking,

course, association, deangs (<_j with) drink heavily VII to be displaced, be

dislocated, be removed; to be diveBted,
Jr^ft maklt pl. VJl* mafcJtJ 1 mixture,
be deprived, be stripped (j^ of,
blend; alloy Ui ^Lcl {qatinth)
forfeit, lose {,> |

JJLi^ mukaUat confused, disordered he was completely taken aback, he was

alarmed, tartled
JJLJt mvJclaf stricken, affiicted

by a disease)
(<-< e.g.,
U jfal' slipping off, taking off (of
clotheB); deposition (e.g., of a mler);
VU* muktalit mixed |
SLLu&l *Ut the dislooation, luxation |
jb^V I *\*- ex-
mixed oourts, see i&t; VLrf *i*j coed- traction of teeth
!* kvT khula, divorce at the instance
^U feda'a a (aT) to take off, put off, slip of the wife, who must pay a compensa-

off (* a garment) ; to doff, take off {*i>jtj tion (IbI. Law)

one's tarbooah); to extract, pull (* a Ui>- kil'a pl. Aji- ka robe of honor
tooth); to wrench, dislocate, luxate {*
-U JpalV pl. l*U- kula'' 2 deposed,
a Joint); to depose, remove, dismiss, dis-
dismissed, discharged (from an office);
charge (* s.o., j* from an office); to
repudiated, disowned; wanton, dissolute,
renounce, forgo, give up (*, with-
dissipated, profligate, morally depraved
draw (* from) ; to throw off, cast off (jli*

'%4rah one' restraint, one's inhibi-

f^U kaa wild, unruly, wanton,
tions); to refuse (i*UJI obedience); to shameless, impudent
diflown, repudiate (ol one's son) ; to
ic-tiU- Jfol'a dissoluteness, dissipation,
divorce (U one's vife) in return for a
profligacy, wantonness, licentiousnesa,
compensation to be paid by her; to get
moral depravity; {tun.) recreation in the
through, have done (* with, be
country, summer vacation
through, have gone through (*,

e.g., a hard day); to impart (Je * J^ kaula fool, dolt, simpleton
^lU. kli': jlUI ^JU- k. al-'idr un- oome or go frequently (Jl to), frequent,
restrained, uninhibited, wanton; liber- patronize (Jl a place), visit frequently
tine, debauchee, roue, rake (Jl s.o.,, come and go (Jl at); to

come, descend (J* upon s.o.; said of

fjljt makl" unrestrained, uninhibited,
afflictions ), befall, overtake { J* s.o.
wanton; wild, unruly; reckless, heedless,

irresponsible ; crazy, mad X to appoint as successor or vicar (* s.o.)

<Jil>- half back, rear, rear part or

<jA>- kalafa u to be the successor ( of s.o.),
portion; successors; kalfu and JA- j*
succeed ( s.o.); to follow ( s.o.), come
min kalfu (adv.) at the back, in the
after s.o. (); to take the place of s.o.
rear; kalfa (prep.) behind, after, in the
(), Substitute ( for s.o.); to replace (

b.o., *; to lag behind s.o. (je-); to

rear of | LfiU- ^^ he ran after her; j*
<Jii>- min halft behind, in the rear of ; j*
stay behind (je after s.o.'s departure);
i_ji^ I from behind, from the rear ; <jAi^ I
to be detained, be held back, be kept
to the rear, backward, back; ^tJl <Jil- Jl
away, atay away (je from) II to appoint
in the wake of; iJalA-'i j in the rear;
as successor { s.o.); to leave behind,
at the back, in the background
leave (*, s.o.,; to have descend-
ants, have offspring III to be contra- Jj^-
halft rear, bind, hinder, back
dictory, contrary, opposed (* to) ; to
JA~ hilf pl. JlU-l aklf teat, nipple,
conflict, clash, be at variance (a with);
to contradiot ( s.o., *; to be
iJiU- kulf dissimilarity, disparity, dif-
different, differ, diverge (* from), be
ference, contrast, variance, discrepancy
inconsistent, incompatible, not in keep-

ing, not to harmonize {* with); to offend u-aU- kalaf pl. Ji*>Ul aklf Bubstitute;
(* against a command, a rule), break, successor ; deacendant, offspring, soion
violate, disobey (* a command, a rule)
U- kilfa dissimilarity, disparity, dif-
IV to leave { offspring, children); to
ferenoe; that which foows and
compensate, requite, recompense (J*
replaces it (e.g., second growth of plante,
s.o.; said of God); to break, fail to keep
day and night, etc.)
(-Uj wadah one's promise), go back
on one's word; to disappoint (1*^1 ar- LLl>- kalifa pl. UU- kulaf' 3 , Ju*^-

raj'a the hopes) V to stay behind; to kal'ip vicar, deputy; successor; caliph;

lag or fall behind (je-); to stay, stay on, (formerly) senior official of the native

remain; to fail to appear or show up; administration in Tunis, assigned to a

to play truant; to be absent; to stay Oj; (formerly) title of the ruler of

away (je from), not go (je to), not Spaniah Morocco

attend (je | #^1 je, ijjjt (majV)
4-J-U-' I kll al-minfaqa al-kalifiya
to fail to come or arrive; i^JI je ijiijc
the Caliphate Zone (formerly, designation
('auda) not to return VI to disagree, of Spanish Morocco)
differ, be at variance; to differ in opinion,
^U- kilfa vicarship, deputyship
be of a different mind VIII to differ, be
succession; caliphate, office or rule of
different, vary (je from); to be varied,
a caliph; (formerly) administrative de-
varying, variable, various, diverse, dis-
partment of a LLU- (Tun.), see above
similar; to vary (^ between); to dis-
agree, differ in opinion, be at variance, Jj^lji miklf pl. <JaJ\ maklif*
argue, quarrel, dispute (j about); to province (Yemen)


Ji-^U- fctJ/ pl. -i difference, disparity, contradictory, contrasting, conflicting;

disaimilarity; divergence, deviation; con- tranagressor (of a command)

trast , contrariety , incongruity , contra-
i_**ly- mutakaif residual; left over;
diction, conflict; disagreement, difference
retarded , backward, underdeveloped
of opinion (J* or j about); dispute,
(mentally, in growth, etc.); pl. -n one
controveray; kilfa (prep.) beside, apart
left behind; straggler; pl. oUli* herit-
from, aside from | 4J->U- kilfyh (= jJ.)
age, legacy, estate ; leftovers ; scraps,
other, the like, ^"^U- othera (than thoae
refuse, offal | <Al*w *ij\ (atriba) waete
mentioned), <i:>U-j and the like (after an
material, overburden, superstratum (in
enumeration) ; <J>-$J bi-kil beside,
mining); U*dl Lil (miyh) waste water,
apart 'from, aside from; oontrary to, as
opposed to, unlike; J U">U- kilfan U
contrary to, against, in contradiction to; jJiji muktalif different, varying,

fjljJf^j- J* unlike that, contrary to divergent (^ from); varied, varioue,

that, on the contrary, on the other diverse; having a different opinion, dis-

hand agreeing (j or J* about)


^- Jcilfi controveraial, disputed (*-i*) -i JJiJft mukUaf jxhx (


controversial, disputed
iilijt- muklafa pl. -t contrast, con-
trariety ; contradiction, inconsistency jU- kalaqa u (kalq) to create, make, originate
contra vention, infringement, violation (*; to Bhape, form, mold (*;

misdemeanor (jur. ; as distinguished from kaliqa a and huqa u to be old, worn,

> and *jbjr); fine (for a misdemeanor) shabby (garment); kaluqa u (U-
kalqa) to be fit, suitable, suited II to
.Jjjfi" takalluf staying away, non-
perfume (* IV to wear out (*,
appearance, nonattendance, nonpresence,
let {* become old and shabby
abaence, truancy (also jj~*A-' J* <J*&);
staying behind, staying on ; stopover
V pass. of II; to be molded, be shaped (<~>

(railroad); backwardness
by a model or pattern), change (<~> with
a model) ; to become angry VI II to
iktilf pl. -t difference, dis-
invent, contrive, devise (* ; to
aimilarity, disparity; diversity, variety;
fabricate, concoct, think up (*;
variant, Variation; difference of opinion,
to attribute falsely {* J* to s.o.
disagreement ; controveray | J <*J\
JjAil i_^l-UI <J*^>-I (raiya, dvnxya) the jU- kalq creation; making; origination;

subjects of every (== irrespective of which is created, a creation; crea-

their) religious denomination; ^^te*-\ J tures; people, man, mankind; physical

j-1j>-I whichever party they may belong
to; Ifi*^-! J* ^\jii\ all the different jU- kvlq, kuluq pl. j^U-l aklq innate
fruits, fruits of every kind peculiarity; natural disposition, charac-

jt maklfa pl. -t camel saddle ter, temper, nature; pl. j"^-t aklq
character (of a person) ; morals morality ;

Jjjc mukaaj left, left behind; Ieft y

jUM ^<
jJL^I *y* s al-k. ill nature;
over; pl. oUiit heritage, legacy, estate;
sayyi' al-k. ill-natured; j\X J^- saht al-k. I

ecraps, leftovers
complaisant, obliging; jLUI dayyiq j^
Jj Lift muklif divergent, varying, al-k. impatient, restless ; j">U- V I i*

different ; inconsistent, incompatible, 'Um al-a. ethics; moral science, morals;

. ;


J^^l I yr aumw ol-a. nobility of created beings; pl. Jj"3U- kal'iq* crea-
character; J'^U-Vl {j*> noble manners, tures, created beings

high moral Standards; J'^U-'Vl i^i Surfat

j^l aklqi moral; ethic(al); ethicist,
aha. vice aquad
moral philosopher |
j-^-l *^- (jurm)

Jl- kulqi ethic(al), moral | i->- /!/- offense against public morals; Ll
offenses against public morals J^"^' (falaafa) moral Bcience, moral
philoaophy; ethics
JiU- kalaq (m. and f.) pl. UU- Jndqn,
3~J-\ aklq shabby, threadbare, wom ^U-I akldqiya morality, moral practioe
JliU- kulqni dealer in old clothes
U- Jcilqa pl. jJU- Jcilaq creation; innate
jJ U- kliq creative ; Creator, Maker
peculiarity of character, natural diapo-
sition, natura; Constitution; physiogno-
my; kilqatan by natura 3j& maklq created; (pl. -t, jJIJt
makliq1 ) creature, created being
Jl. kilqy natural, native, congenital,
innate, inborn, inbred jLit muktaliq inventor, fabricator (of
l- kalaqa rag, tatter
jLJfc muktalaq fabricated, trumped
J-jU- kalq share (of positive qualities,
up, invented, fictitioua; apooryphal; pl.
of religion) | *J J^U- V (fea/ga) disgrace-
-t lies, falsehoods, fabricationa, fictiona
ful, ignominious, deapicable; a worthless
fellow, a good-for-nothing
,>!!* kalqin pl. j'^U- kalqin7 caldron, boiler,
j-U- fcaZij pl. LiU- kulaq* 2 fit, quali- kettle

fied, suitable, appropriate (<^, J for

^JU- kalanj heath, erica (bot.), jl to do; apt (l to do;
in keeping with (>-*), adquate (>-* to), a Uj-U- hulungn (eg.) (rhizome of) galingale
worthy (_* of) j
l ^LU- j^ it is (would (Polypodium Calaguala Kz.; bot.)

be) only fair that we ..., we should ...,

we ought to . . . ; jl jJ-^* he is apt to . (j\*-) ">U- kal u (kulw, *~+ kal') to be


it is only natural for him that he . .

empty, vacant; (kulw) to be free

Uj* OjS l \Xf J-U- (mu'liman) this is (j+ or je- from) ; to be devoid {j- of,

apt to be painful, it is only natural that lack, want (j*, be in need (j- of);

this is painful; L Li*UJ l *A+ *ji Ji

to be vacant (office) ; (#>!*- kalwa) to be

{twpii'an) no more than a quick glance alone (<-*, Jl, * with s.o., Jl also: with

is apt to convince us that or in; to isolate o.a., seclude o.a.;

. .

to withdraw, retire (iljl-ull li-l-mudwala

jjl*- kalq of firm character, stead- for deliberation; court, Jury); to with-
faat, upright
draw for spiritual communion, in Order

jl- 1 ablag* more adequate, more to take counsel (Jl with); to devote o.s.,

appropriate, more natural apply o.a., give one's attention (J to; *j - to forsake, desert s.o., leave
Maker (God)
<5t>U- kallq Creator,
a.o. in the luroh; to pass ( s.o.), go
JU- kaliqa the creation, the universe by s.o. (); to pasa, elapae, go by, be
created by God; nature; natural dispo- bygone, past, over (time) ji-\ *J &-

aition, trait, characteristic ; creaturea, (jaww) to have free Bcope, have freedom
; . ;

* 260

of aotion; JU-. & jfc II (jaml) it is country |

."^1 ** or *^X-\ j under
not without a certain beauty; j* j)j V the open sky, outdoors, in the open air;
UIU (mublaa) it is slightly exaggerated O-'I c~u bau al-Jp. toilet, water closet
J2\i j* ^ V it is not quite UBeless;
*j[+ kalwa pl. fealawt privacy, soli-
.. fi;
J[ ^U- to be alone with o.a.; to
tude ; Beclusion, Isolation, retirement
commune with o.s., take counsel with
place of retirement or seclusion, retreat,
o.s., search one's heart; d\y^ jl* i-.
recess; secluded room; hermitage; re-
tlJU- mundu 'aSri sanawtin fcalat for the
ligious assembly hall of tbe Druses;
past ten yeare II to vaoate, evacuate
booth, cabin |
l^~ J* alone; in retire-
(a; to leave, leave alone ( s.o.);
ment, in seclusion ; *\J-\ ^1- Jp. al-
to release, let go ( s.o., *; to desist,
hammm bathhouse
abetain, re&ain fa from), give up (j^ tL-
(aabilah) to let s.o. off, tfjU- kalaw lonely, solitaxy, secluded,

isolated, outlying; looated in the open

let s.o. go, release s.o.; Joj u^i ,jo J*>

,JI to give s.o. a free hand in, let s.o.

country, rural, rustic, country |
j^)*- Cw
(bau) country house
have bis own way with or in, let s.o.

alone with; to open the way for s.o. to; 1 alfliy' % free (j* from),
J l&diy P-* W^

ijjjll *\* dt* J- Jpalli 'anka h. l-muyia void, devoid (j* of) |
JUI J- carefree,
desist from such desires! IT to empty, eaaygoing, happy-go-lucky
void, drain, deplete (j* * of); to
JU- kallya pl. l/^U- kaly beehive ; cell
vacate, leave uninhabited or untenanted
(frtoZ.) | O JjVl iijJ-l ^1 {al-hayawiya
(* a place); to evacuate (a a city) | J>l
l-l) protoplasm ; irj*- j from within ....
4JL- (aabilah) to let s.o. off, let s.o. go,
from inside . . ., out of . .

release s.o.; J J-jJI J*-l to open the way

for...; J-l (tarafah) to dismiss, VJfc miklh nosebag
discharge s.o., send s.o. away; to exoner- Luc taJpliya vaoating, evacuation
ate, exoulpate, clear s.o.; J <*r* Jtl
^U-l \%U emptying, voiding, draining;
(xm'aA) to be all ears for..., listen
Clearing; vaoating, evacuation 4JL -^-1
intently to...; Jji L. joj <m J*-l to

%. sabilihi bis release

let b.o. say whatever he Ukes, let s.o.

talk freely V to give up, relinquish, forgo, Jit tajfollin relinquishment, abandon-
abandon (j* or j, withdraw, ment, surrender, renunciation, resigna-
resign (j^ or j from); to cede, leave, tion (jf- of

surrender (J j* to s.o.); to lay

*'i*-\ iktil* privaoy, solitude
down (j* an office) VIII to retire, with-
draw, step aside, be alone (i~> or with) ijU- felin empty, void; open, vaoant
(office, position) ; free, unrestiained,
jU- kilw free (j* from), devoid (j* of) untrammeled, unencumbered; free (j*
from), devoid (j* of) in numerous
j{+ kuiw emptiness, vacuity; freedom |

(& from) Compounds corresponding to Engl, -leas

or un-, e.g., *-U*U!l j* JU- useless, j* JU-

J*- Jfal and ">U- U (with foll. aco. or
jtSC-JI {auJfcfcn) uninhabited, untenanted,
genit.) except, save, with the exception
unocoupied; ^/JJl JU- Z d-dain not
bound by, without Obligation to, free

$>- fcal' emptiness, vacuity; empty (<> from) ; JUI JU- oarefree, easygoing,
Space, void, vacanoy, vacuum ; open happy-go-lucky; (pl. Jl^- oiStfn)
- ;


past, bygone (time) [

3Jll jjJi\ the past fermentation (* in); to harbor, entertain
centuriea; JI^J-'I fl/ill j fi l-ayymi h (*}; to bear a grudge, feel reaent-
kawli in the daya past ment <J against s.o.) V to ferment, be
a atate of fermentation to
> kamma u (kmm) to aweep (* a room) ; in ; rise (dough)
to veil the head and faoe (woman) VI to
i u {kmm, Aji- kumm) to exude a
conspire, plot, collude, scheme, intrigue
rotten, foul sme; to rot, putrify, decay
(J* against) VIII to ferment, be in a
/- kumm pl. *U I akmm coop, state of fermentation; to rise (dough);
chicken coop, brooder; poultry pen to become ripe, ripen (also fig.: an idea
~ kamma putrid amell, stench in s.o. 's mind)

>U- kmm stinking, rotten, putrid, ji- kamr m. and f., pl. jji- kumr
foul-amelling; kam look up alphabetically wine; pl. alcoholic beveragea, liquor

A mukimm stinking, rotten, putrid, jj- kamra wine

iSj*~ kamri golden brown, reddish
brown, bronze-colored (actually, wine-
> kamija a (kamaj\ to spoil, rot, decay
ij~ kamada u (jji- kumd) to go out, die
<iji- kamriya pl. -t wine poem,
(fire); to abate, aubside, let up, calm
bacchanalian verse
down, cease, die down IV to extinguish,
put out (* fire); to calm, appease, j\j* kimr pl. Sji-I akmxra, jf- kumur
placate, aoothe, lull, still, quiet {*;
veil covering head and face of a woman
to suppreas, quell (*; to subdue, j\i- kumr aftereffect of intoxication,
soften, deaden, dull (*; to atifle, hang-over
amother, kill (*; fig.)
jj* kamlr leavened (dough); ripe,
jji- kumd extinction ; decline, de- mature, mellow; leaven; leavened bread
generation, deterioration ; quietneas, still-
yJ- kamlra pl. J\j* kam'ir* leaven;
neaa, tranquillity, calm ; immobility,
ferment; barm, yeast; enzyme (ehem.);
(fig.) atarter, nucleus, basis (from which
jU-I ikmd extinction, putting out; greater develops)
calming, aoothing, placation, appease
ment, lulling, atilling; subduing, soften
j\j* kammr wine merchant, keeper
of a wineshop
ing, dulling; settlement; auppreaaion,
quelling (of a riot) jli- kammra wineshop, tavern
-UU- kmid dying; abating, subaiding; jj* kimmir winebibber, drunkard,
calm, tranquil, still, quiet tippler, eot

y- kamara u (kamr) and II to cover, hide, _r~j takmir leavening, raising (of

conceal (* ; to leaven, raise (* dough); fermenting, fermentation

dough); to ferment (*, cause jl^-l iktimr (process of) fermentation
fermentation (* in) III to penneate,
pervade, mix, blend (* with);
j_j*jt makmr drunk, intoxicated,
to posseas, seize, overcome { s.o., e.g.,

an idea, a feeling) IV to leaven, raise (* j*ijt muktamir fermenting, fermented;

dough); to ferment (*, cause alcoholic


^j-i- II to quintuple, make fivefold, multiply ^jLi- kamaSa % u (kamS) and II to Scratch (*

by five (*; to make pentagonal e.g., the face, the skin, with the nails)

(*; to divido into five parts {*

^ii- kamS pl. ^j*- kumS Scratch,
Scratch mark, scar
^jj- kuma pl. ^li-l ajcms one fifth |

i-^i daraba akmdsah

<i.\j- kumSa pl. -t Scratch, scar
<J.l-1 j <^1>-I
asdsihi and ^l-u-V L-li-l
Vj* ('*"
^jaJ kamaa u and kamipa a to be empty,
asdsin) to rack one's brain in eearch
hungry (stomaoh)
of a way out; to be at one's wit's end; to
scheine, Intrigue ,jM-r- kami$, jkl +j-
k . al-bafn ,

LU-I ^j- k. al-haS with an empty

i-> Jcamsa (f. ^,-i- Awma) five
stomach, hungry
jtt. <-i- kamsata 'aSara (f. _,!* ^,-i-
(JjJl (j-ai^l ajcmap al-qadam pl. ,jA.U-'
kamsa 'a&rata) fifteen
akmip hollow of the sole (of the foot) |

j^-> kamsn fifty |

,>*! -Lp 'wJ
^Xl yu-\ Jl ^\j\ j- from head to toe

<z/-fc. Whitsuntide, Pentecoat; ,>*J^I -i-l

akl a/-fc. Whitsunday ; j^-Li-' '

W ayym # kama'a a (kam', fji- kum') to limp,
al-kamsin the period of about 50 days walk with a limp
between Easter and Whitsuntide; J^Jt-
Ji- kamala u (JjJ- ^umZ) to be unknown,
and j^M- khamain, a hot southerly wind
obscure, undistinguished ; to be weak,
in Egypt
J__i- o-p 'id karrwini 50th anniver-
Ji- kamt and <- kamla nap, the
rough, hairy Burface of a fabric ; fibers
rxt- kamis and _ -x*tl *y_ yaum al-k.
l ( r

Thuraday juJ-J u^i- k. al-jasad Corpus

| J> kam languid, sluggish, dull,

Christi Day (Chr.); ^\ tJ k. al-fifh, ^ listless

jl^^l ,j-i*- k. cU-asrr, and i^Jl (_ ri- Jji- fcumJ obscurity; weakness, laa-
k. al-ahd Maundy Thuraday (Chr.)
situde, languor, lethargy; indolence, slug-

^li- kamma pl. i l*- kamma gihness, inactivity; apathy, indifference;

(magr.) sharecropper receiving one fifth sleepiness, drowBiness

of the crop J- kamila kam'* place

pl. J3U-
^l>- kumsi fivefold, quintuple with luxuriant tree growth; thicket,

consisting of five consonants (gram.) |

brush, scrub

\j\j ^*li- (zawy) pentagonal, five-

J.U- km unknown, obscure, un-
distinguished, unimportant, minor ; weak,
i_x*> tcumaim (mor., pronounced languid, sluggih
kmiaa)omament in the shape of a hand
JJt mukmal velvet-like fabric, velvet
(worn by women and children as a
talisman against the evil eye) Jjt mukmali velvety |
JJft oU- (?'W)

deerekin, buckskin
^U-'l al-kmis the fifth

mukammas pentagonal, five- A*- II to guess, oonjecture, surmise; to

(_ r*jt
cornered; pentagon; fivefold, quintuple; make conjectures (* as to); to assess,
appraise, estimate (*
O pentameter
; ;


J-.-J& takmin appratsal, assessment, ,^-Utl al-kanns epithet of the Devil (proper-

estimation; L~*J takminan and JiJt J* ly speaking, he who withdraws when the
approximately, roughly name of God is mentioned)

mukammin appraiser, assessor
UJ*~\ aknas
, f. LJU- kansa s , pl. ( _ri>-
kuns pugnosed
j>- kanna % (j^^- kanln) to speak nasally,
nasalize; to twang, speak through the jLli- kin&r fern (6o(.)
(j^sji &f'n-natt pl. ^^aJU*- foznnts 2 piglet
dj- kunna nasal twang
J-.'^- kanln twanging, nasal twang ^^j^- kinsir pl.
_r^U*- kanfir little finger |
^U-'l) -li* to give top
j^-1 akann 2 , f. U- kanna 2 twanging, J* {_r

rating because of its excellence, put,

speaking through the nose
above everything lse
kunn (= f- kumm) pl. jL-l aknn coop,
mL>- kana'a a {fj-*- kun') to yield, surrender
chicken coop, brooder
bow, atoop (J or Jl to s.o.), humble o.s.

ijjt kanita a to be soft, effeminate V to cringe (J or Jl before s.o.)

display effeminate manners, become or

fy*~ kan' submissive, servile, meek,
be effeminate
humble ; treacherouB, perfidious, di
j^ an& oft, effeminate loyal

J^- kunl pl. >U- kint, jU*- kant

fy*- kun' Bubmissiveness, meekness,
hermaphrodite servility

Jji kunta effeminacy

<J*lJ- kanaf {eg.) twanging, nasal twang
jj takannut effeminacy
jALJ- kanfara to snuffle, snort
vijjc mukannat bisexual; effeminate;
powerless, impotent, weak Je*- kunfus and lk*- kunfusa pl. ^U-
kanfia dng beetle, scarab
j*y**- kanjar pl. j*-L- kanjir 2 dagger
>- kanaqa u [kanq) to choke ( s.o.); to
j^S- kankana to nasalize, speak nasally; to euflbcate, stifle, smother, strangle, throttle,
twang, speak through the nose choke to death to throttle down
( s.o.);

(techn. ; * ; to slow down, cut, check,

<3-L*- kandaqa to dig a ditch or trench (liii^- )

to take up positions, prepare for battle

suppress (j> III to quarrel, have a
fight ( with s.o.) VI to quarrel, dispute,
Jiii. kandaq pl. J-ili- kandiq 2 ditch;
have a fight ( with s.o.) VII pass. of I;
VIII to be throttled, be suppressed; to

^unzuwmya megalomania be tight, constricted (throat); to be

strangled, be choked to death
c-j-^ji- kanzab Satan, Devil
Ji>- kanq strangling, Strangulation
j-j*>- kinzvr pl. _rjli*- kanzlr 2 swine, pig, throttling, suppression j
jl^Vl Ji^ k.

hg: <J JS*~ (barri) wild boar; yjL- al-anwT dim-out

scrofula, scrofulosis (mei.)
oJl iai kanqat (kunqat) al-yad wrist
*/ j*>- feMtzwa sow
JL- kunq auffocation; angina (med.);
jy jLj^ aznztr scrofulous kunq and J>Jl*- knq quinsy, diphtheria

(med.); pl. Jij^ katvniq* and J^ o\f*- kutvn, kitvn pl. Z^-\ akwina, ,^jU-i
fcownig2 do. ajevnn* table [ ij J I <j^- k. az-zina
dreasing table
JL*- kannq choking, throttling, stran-
**v*- &pa (ffO teacher, schoolmaater

J^jt maknaq neck, throat [

*ij*f JU-i
rj>- II (ep.) to rot, decay, spoil
to grab s.o. by the throat, bear down on
s.o.; to have power over s.o. ry- kauk (coli.; n. un. 1) peach (e#.);

plum (syr.)
JL*- kinq strangling oord; neck,
throat (dayyaqa) to *^-j- kauka pl kuwak sky -
J* jLA^ J~^ rj-
I .

tighten the grip around s.o. 's throat, light, windowlike opening; wicket (of a
tread on s.o. 's neck, oppress s.o., beaet canal lock, of a gate); (eg.) alley con-
s.o. grievously; oljjc JU-I to grab s.o. by necting two streeta

the throat
jjji- kda pl. -*, jjji- kuwad helmet
Jbj^ fctng and U- kinqa quarrel,
fight, row
(j_j^) jU- fcra u (j|>- fcwwf) to low, moo

Jbji- asphyxia-
(cattle) ; jj^- kawira a {jj- jcatvar) and
1 iktinq suffocation,
jU- kra u to decline in force or rigor; to
tion; contriction; asphyxia (m#f.)
grow weak, apiritless, languid, to languish,

JjU- kniq choking, strangling; suf- flag; to dwindle, give out (strength)
focating, asphyxiating, stirling, smother-
j_jj^ kaur pl. j\j-\ akuxir, \j^- kirn
ing; throttling, throttle- (in Compounds;
inlet, bay
techn.); (pl.Jl]^ kawniq*) choke coil,
jyi- kawar weakneas, fatigue, enerva-
reactor (radio); gorge, rarine, oanyon j

tion, languor, lassitude

JjU- jU asphyxiating gas; *_-jJ1 JJU- .
ad-di'b wolfsbane, monkshood, aconite jl- kuwr Iowing, mooing
j!^ jcawwdr weak, languid, strength-

Jj^jf- maknq strangled ; suffooated, less

stifled, smothered; suppressed, choking 2

ijjt~ kri pl. *Jjl>- kawrina parson, curate,
(voice, laughter, etc.); constricted; stran-
priest; see also under j^-
gulated; throttled

j^jt muktaniq crammed, jammed, WJj*- brw choir (of a churoh)

crowded, chock-full (<_j with)

3jj- kauzaqa to impale ( s.o.); to corner,
drive into a corner, get into a bad rix
(j*- and ^-) 1^*- kan u, J*- kaniya o (,^-
{ s.o.)
kanan) to use obscene language IV to hit
hard, afflict grievously, wear down, ruin, jj jU- see 3y~
destroy, crush (J* s.o.,; said of fate)
jj- 6jj vxiraq kauSaq wrapping paper;
^i- kanan obscene language;
blotting paper
indecentor obscene; prostitution fornica- ;

u^j- k$ (coli.; n. un. ) palm Ieaves

\~*ji- kpa (eg.) plaitwork of palm

V'j*" kawfa pl- 'St sir, Mr. (title and form
leavea (resembling that of Panama hats;
of address, esp., for Christians and
used as a tarboosh lining)
Westerners, used with or without the
name of the person so addressed) A^\jji- kixofa art of palm-leaf plaiting

265 o<r

u*y- kawa and ^j-l ry-

aee (_ \J*ij takwlf and U-l ikfa intimida-
tion, bullying, cowing, frightening, scar

Hui**-) sj*\*- kfa * (& ^^ ittyd) to ^jyfi takawwuf fear, dread

wade (a into water); to plunge, dive,
JJU- jfc't/ pl. ^J_>>- kuwwaf fearful,
rush (* into, tackle courageoualy
timid, timorous ; scared, frightened,
{* embark boldly (a on); to
alarmed (^ by); afraid (^ of); anxious
penetrate (* orj into), become absorbed,
(Je about), apprehensive (Je for)
engrossed (* or j in); to go into a
subject (j), take up (j a subject), deal ^jji makf feared, dreaded; danger -

(j with) |
iS^dl ^U- (maVot) to rush ous, perilous

into battle; i-^J-l j^ t^*^" (giinra Z-Aar&) (Ji-rf- mukif fear-inspiring, frightful,
to enter the war dreadful, terrible, horrible

<i^- fcawi plunge, rush (into); enter-

(_ / J'U- look up alphabetically
ing, entry (into, e.g., into war, into
negotiations) ; penetration ; search J_^- II to grant, accord, give, concede (* to
into), examination, discussion, treat- s.o., also * J; esp., the right, the

ment (j of a subject) power to do, bestow, confer (*

upon s.o., also * J), vest, endow

<*i\J makfa pl. -t, ^jli- makwid 2
(* s.o. with, also * J)
JU- kl pl. Jj^-I aJewl, JjJ^- ku'l,
,>&. see ^ *Jj_J-

ku'la (maternal) unclo;
mole, birthmark (on the face)
(pl. *>L-

(ij^-) tJU- &/a (Ist pers. perf. kiftu) a

(kauf, Sili makfa, *Jui- kifa) to be
O patch, beauty spot

frightened, scared; to be afraid (*, or iJU- kla pl. -f (maternal) aunt

j- of), dread (*, or ^ s.o. or; to

kawal chatteis, property, esp.,
fear (*, or j- s.o.,;
Jp for s.o., for that consisting in livestock and slares;; jl that) II and IV to frighten, scare, servants; (eg.) dancer; effeminate person,
alarm, fill with fear ( s.o.) V = I sissy

<Jj>y- kauf fear, dread (^ of); li_>>-

J^- kavXi Supervisor, overseer (of a
kaufan for fear (j* of), fearing (Je for) plantation); gardener

-jt- kifa fear, dread (j- of) ku'la relationship of the


<J>\j- kawwf, \Jtuj- kaunuif faintheart-

maternal uncle

ed, fearful, timid, timorous ; coward, J_jfi mukawwal authorized (^ to)

*U- look up alphabetically
J_^-l akwaf 2 more timorous; more
dreadful, more to be feared
(_j>-) jU- kna u (kaun, L>- kiyna) to
be disloyal, faithless, false, treacherous,
lji makfa fear, dread |
jl li (mak*
perfidious, act disloyally, treachorously,
fatan) for fear that ..., afraid that ...
perfidiously (9 toward s.o.); to betray
.Jijljt makivif 2 (pl. zu iilit) fears, ( so.); to cheat, dupe, gull, hoodwink
apprehensions, anxieties ; horrors, dan- ( s.o.), impose ( upon), deceive (<i*"jj

gers, perils one's wife) ; to fool, deceive, mislead


( s.o.; said, e.g., of the memory); to ,jj+ fcuwaiy little brother

forsake, let down, desert ( s.o.); to fail

lj>- kwa brotherlinesB, fratemity
( s.o.; e.g., the voice, and the like); to (= ukiva)

fail to keep {* e.g., a promise), break (Ixp

jljfi- mukwin brotherly, fraternal
'ahdan a contract) II to regard as or call
faithlesa, false, disloyal, treacherous,
j\s- kiyr (coli. ; n. un. S) oucumber |
jCJ> jU^
dishonest, unreliable ( s.o.); to distrust,
k. ianbar (eg.) drumstick tree, purging
mistruet ( s.o.) V to impair, hrm, hurt,
cassia (Cassia fistula; bot.); JL* jL*- fc.

prejudice (* VIII to dupe, gull,

qaSia (eg.) gherkins, pickles
cheat, deceive, double-cross, betray (

s.o.) X Ji*^*\ istakwana to distrust, mis- (^^-) uU kba i (i-^ kaiba) to fail, mis-

trust ( s.o.) carry, be without success, be unsucoesa-

ful; to be frustrated, be dashed, be dia-
L*- kiyna faithlessness, falsenesB,
appointed (hopes); to go wrong II and IV
disloyalty, treachery, perfidy; breach of
to cause to fail; to thwart, frustrate,
faith, betray al; treaeon; deception, fool-
foil, defeat {*; to disappoint, daah
ing iJL.^1 L*- k. al-amna breach of

faith; j-Ji* iL>- ('uzm) high treaeon;

(*J L.T mia s.o.'s hopes) V = I

j^)l 4jL>- breach of promise -_- kaiba failure, miscarriage, defeat,

disloyal, frustration; fizzle, flop; disappointment

jj*- ka'n faithlesB, false, |

treacherous, perfidious; un-

i-ji. ajj walad fc., f. '*-*- cJJ btnt k. (eg.)
reliable, tricky, deceptive
a good-for-nothing, a ne'er-do-well

\j>- kawwn unreliable, faithless, <_JU- k'ib failing; abortive, unsucceas-

disloyal, treacherous, perfidioua; traitor ful; disappointed

^U k'in pl, o\j>- kutvwn, ~<Sj>-

( jj.)
jU- Jcra i to choose, make one'a choice
kawana disloyal, faithlesH, false, un- to prefer J* * to) II to make or let

reliable, traitorous, treacherous, per-

( s.o.) choose ((>> between, j from),
fidiou; traitor give ( b.o.) the alternative, option or

*jU- and SjU- look up alphabetically

choice (,>j between, j in); to prefer

J* a to) III to vie, compete ( with


*o)y~ look up alphabetically s.o.); to make or let ( s.o.) choose, give

( s.o.) the choice, option or alternative

^j*" kaw i {*\j>- kaw', t$j*- kawan) to be
V to choose, seleot, pick (*, s.o.,
empty, be hungry; kawiya a (*\yi-
VIII to choose, make one's choice; to
kaw*) to be empty, bare, dreary,
choose, Belect, elect, pick (*, s.o.,,
desolate, waste
fix upon s.o. or (*, ); to prefer
*\j- kaw and ,jj>- kawan eraptiness l jltf-l (?'<
(J* * to) |
... >j\yr Jl
(of the stomach), hunger the Lord has taken
wrihi) approx. : . .

jU kwin empty, vacant; dreary, unto Himself X to seek or request what

waste, desolate | <%j. J* jU- ('urSihi) is good or best (*) for o.s. ( from s.o.);

completely devastated; ,j-lj>)l ^jl- fc. to consultan oracle, cast lots | j ^il jUc--1

l-wifd (= ^Ijjll JU) with an empty to ask God for proper guidance in

pouch, empty-handed, without a catch akyr

j kair pl. jL kiyr, jU-l

.jji- III to join ( s.o.), join the Company of good; excellent, outstanding, auperior,

{*), accompany (* s.o.)

admirable ; better ; best ; (pl. jj^-

kuyr) good thing, blessing ; wealth, of one's own accord, spontaneously,

property; good, benefit, interest, voluntarily
advantage; welfare; charity ^-Lll j*i-
| jjLi.l iktiyri voluntary, facultative,
the best of all people; ^Ul jl-^.^LIl jL-l elective (studiea)
the best people, the pick of the human
jjt mukayyar having the choice or
race; iL. jJ- j* he ia better than you;
dil jyi- j* it ia better for you ; jJ-'l
J$* j\
the very best; fLJl jj-'l ('mm) the com- jLzift muktr free to choose, having the
monweal, general welfare; fUl! ^1 jj choice or option (j in), volunteering,
welfare State; j for the benefit of; jJ-' jjbjc mitktran (adv.) voluntarily, spon-

-4ij! ft-fc. anjuaihim for their owngood; taneously, of one's own accord; choice, se-
j*AM Jl>l charitable deeds; jX\ ^L lect, exquisite ; chosen, preferred, favorite

jsadA al-k. and j4-'b dL-L* good rnom- a favorite; oljUJc selection, selected writ-
ing! jJ-'L jTj (daJbaraA) to retain a good ings, anthology; (pl. jrljft maktir*) vil-

Impression of s.o.; to speak well of s.o. lage chief, mayor of a village (Syr., Ltb.,
iSj*- <&*'*" charitable, beneficent, be-
nevolent, philanthropic | <ij^- -**; {jam* b>*- aee j>-
'lya) oharitable Organization
(u-i*-) o- ^*" &**** * (tri*- &***> l*- kayasn)
*ij*~ kairiya charity, charitableness, to break (<_> an agreement, a promise)
benevolence, beneficence
kaiS sackcloth, sacking, canvas
j kayyir generous, liberal, openhand-
ii- kaiSa piece of sackcloth; (pl. -t,
ed, munifioent; charitable, beneficent,
,_>*- kiyaS) sack; straw mattress, pallet;
benevolent; benign, gracious, kind
Bedouin tent
jnri- kaira pl. -t good deed, good
thing; pL olj^- resources, treasures (e.g., f
j ! see *i-

of the earth, of a country), boons, blesa-

(ia-^) JU- kfa i (kaif) and II to sew, stitoh
j-ui- klra and kiyara the best, choice,
J*-*i &a# pl. iy-A kuyf, JoL^-l afcyf,
prime, flower, pick, ete
LU->- Hdn thread; twine, oord; pack-

<Ss*- **" glyflower (bot.) thread, string; Aber | JJ lut- &. arnaJ a
spark of hope, a thread of hope
jyi-\ akyar*, f. ^jyi- ktr, ^jj*- krd,
pl. j-U-l akyir* better, superior (_J
L=^ kaift threadlike; fibrous

jL>- kiyr choice; Option, exercise of -UL*- &tyf needle

the power of choioe (//. Law); refusal,
L>- fciyd^a sewing; needlework, tailor-
right of withdrawal (lal. Law) ; the best,
ing, dressmaking | Li-" I ilT sewing
choice, prime, flower, pick, elite; see also
JL*f- kayyf pl. -n tailor
iSj\*- biyn optional, facultative;
LL- kayyfa pl. -( dressmaker; seam-
jL^-1 iktiyr choice; eleotion (aiaopol.;
.LJt mikyaf needle
pl. -t); selection; preference <J* to);
Option; free will (phoa.); L>L=-I iktiyron luU- fc'if tailor
'(J^O ^ kla a to i magine, fancy, think,
to oonaider,
JL^- kayli imaginary, unreal; ideal,
ideational, conceptual; utopian
believe, suppoae (l that);

deem, think ( * s.o. to be ..., * * B.tb.

J-^-l akyaP more coneeited, haughtier,
to be ...), regard (* s.o. as, ** as)
II to make (Jl s.o.) believe (jl that),

to * give J--I akyai pl.

J_^ kll, j>UI akyil*
suggest (Jl s.o.,, s.o. (Jl)

l (*J) *JI J-ii green woodpeoker

the impreasion that (*) |

(kvyyila) he imagined, fancied, thougbt *&:+- fpuyal'* (f.) coneeit, coneeitedness,

that..., it seemed, it appeared to him haughtiness, pride; OLX' al-kuyal'a
that . .
. ; cX*- U Jp (kayyalat; Lri^\ haughtily, proudly
being understood) as the heart dictates,
*J>Jl-A kailvla coneeit, ooneeitedness,
i.e., as ohance will have it, at random,
anobbery, arrogance, haughtiness
unhesitatingly IV to be dubious, doubt-
ful, uncertain, intricate V to imagine, iLjt makila coneeit, coneeitedness,

fancy {*; to present itself, reveal Bnobbery, arrogance, haughtiness; (pl.

itself (J to s.o.'s mind), become the J>IJ makyiP) indication, sign, symptom,
objeet of imagination, appear ( = II characteriBtio; pl. Jjljfr visions, mental

kuyyila; J to s.o.) jJ-'l J JJt (kaira) images, imagery


to suspect good qualitiea in s.o., have J-Jt tafcyil play aoting Ji-sN ,ji fann

an inkling of s.o.'a good qualitiea, think^ dramatic art


well of s.o., have a good opinion of b.o.

JJfi takayyvl pl. -t imagination,
VI to pretend (^ J to s.o., that ...),
phantasy; delusion, hallucination, fancy,
aot (J toward s.o., <- as if); to feel self-
whim, fantastic notion
important, be oonceited; to behave in a
pompous manner, swagger, strut about; JJe takayyull fantastic, fanciful,

to conceive eccentrio ideas, get all kinds imaginary

of fantastio notions, have a bee in one's iJLi^I iktiyc pride; arrogance, haughti-
bonnet; to appear dimly, in shadowy ness
outline; to appear, show (J* on), hover
Jft mukayyila imagination, phantasy
(Jp about; e.g., a smile about b.o.'s

Ups), flit across, e.g., a shadow JJn mujnl dubious, doubtful, uncer-
tain, intricate, tangled, oonfused; confus*
aeross s.o.'b face, etc.) VIII to feel self-
ing, bewildering
important, be conoeited; to behave in a
pompous majmer, ewagger, strut about Jliit muktl coneeited, haughty, ar-
JL- kayl pl. IL^I akyila disembodied
spirit, ghost, specter; imagination; phan- *
j-^ II to gallop (on horseback)

tom, apparition ; phantaam, fantasy,

Jj^ kail (coli.) pl. dj^- kuyl horses;
chimera, vision; shadow, trace, dim
horsepower, H.P. |
JJ^I iL- horse rac-
reflection | ilLi JL^ k. Sakk slightest
ing, horse race
doubt; *\j*m~*i\ JL- Je. af-fahr* scareorow;
jLv- kayyi pl. I, -n horseman, rider
JUJl (JL*- k. a?-?itt shadow play
*JL>- kayyia cavalry (/r.; Eg. 1939)
*)!* kayia pl. -dt ghost, spirit,

specter; phantom ; phantasm, fantasy, JLv- \s* sariya kayyia cavalry

chimera squadron (Eg. 1939)


JU- see Jy- fL- kayym tentmaker
**- II to pitch one's tent, to camp ; to settle
^ic mvkayyam pl. -t camping ground,
down; to stay, linger, reet, lie down, lie
camp, encampment

(J* on, (j or lj at a place); (fig.) to reign ***- htm natural disposition, nature, temper,
(e.g., calm, sence, peace, etc.; j or u character; inonation, bent, tendency
at, in), Bettle
(J* over) V to pitch one'a
u-i JU-I (eg.) to feel s.o.'s pulse, Bound
tent; to camp s.o. out
w-. kaima pl. -t, fL. Jeiym, **-
U- look up alphabetically
Jpiyam tent ; tarpaulin ; arbor, bower
pavilion G <* bnyyo pl* -& noose

(_j|^ da'aba a (da'b, da ab, <->jj* du b) to ^AjuIj (Fr. denldle) dantia laoe
persist, persevere, be indefatigable, un-
Jj ia dnaq, dniq pl. jj Ijj tJawnt^* an anoient
tiring, tireless (j or J* in; to go
in for (J*), apply o.s., devote o.s.
coin, = */ dirham; amall coin; a Bquare
meaaure (Eg.; = 4 aahm = 29.17 m a
(J* to), practice eagerjy (J*

Ja da'6 pl. (-.j-il a<f 6 habit iijU'la danmark Denmark

jjU'la danmarkl Daniah
Ja da'b, da'ab and vjj-* ^'6
persistence, perseverance, tirelessnesa, j_^ilaJl ad-dnb the Danube
indefatigabity, assiduity, eagerness
jli <ya pl. -t wet nurse; midwife
Jj da'tft and <_JU d'ib addicted,
devoted, persistent, aBsiduouB, eager, i_o tJaA&a * (daft, <_^a (2aM6) to creep, crawl
indefatigable, untiring, tireless
(J in) (reptile); to proceed, advance, or move
slowly; to go on all fours; to enter (j
l-jo da'ttft untiring, tireless, indefati-, come (j infco) ; to steal, creep
gable, persevering, persistent
(*_ij J into a.o.'a heart; of a feeling, e.g.,
J j I ad'ab* more persistent, more doubt); to apread (j over, in, through),
assiduouB pervade, invade
fill, (J ; to
gain ground ; to ascendanoy (j
ibla ritia governess, dry nurse, nurse
in s.o.; of a condition, an idea, a Sensa-

Ja dg pl. -( brand (made on cattle, etc.) tion); to Btream in, rush in (of sensationa,

J upon s.o.) |
Li-1 i_^jj 4J ^a (d.
Jta <iJ name of the letter j
al-hayh) to gain vitality II to sharpen,

Uli dliy dahlia(a) (6o(.) point, taper (*

b dm checkera LlaJl i*-jJ lauhat ad-d.

yj d-ubb pl. t-lol adbb, i-jj dibaba

checker board
bear |
_^^l l^oJI (affgar) Little Bear,
Urea Minor (ortron.); jjTVl -**" (ai&w)
iilrflj see Ultfj Great Bear, Urea Major (astron.)

j:> dubbi ursine ^i dabara u (jjt* dubr) tp tum one's

back; to elapse, pasa, go by (time) II to

*o dabba sand hill, mound
make arrangements, make plana (* for),

t^i dabxb creeping, crawling; In- prepare, plan, organize, design, frame,

filtration; influx, inflow, flow (e.g., of devise, concert, arrange, get up, bring

sensations, of Ufe, of vigor) ; reptile about (a; to hatch (> a plot, etc.);

to contrive, work up (* a rase) ; to

ujLjj dabbb creeping, crawling, repent,
diiect, conduct, manage, run, engineer,
ateer, marshal, regulate (* be in
iiljj dabbba pl. -t tank, armored car charge (* of); to manage well, economize
iU- j 2 (kiftatan) to devise a
i_j.u madabb -*** Jl J^l
v >
plan ;

jJiJl j j to conduct the course of

(j7mwo6**) from the lower Nile to its
business, be in charge IV to tum one's
back (j* or J* on s.o.); to flee, run
d&ba dawbb* animal,
*j\s pl. vi-* away; to escape, dodge; to slip away
beast; riding animal (horse, mule, don- V to be prepared, planned, organized,
key) managed; to reflect, ponder (j or * on);
i_ijj duwaibba tiny animal, animalcule; to consider, weigh, contemplate (j or
insect *; to treat or handle with care,
with circumspection <j VI to
^.u mudabbab pointed, tapered
face in opposite directions, stand back to

2 II to embellish, decorate, adorn, omament back; to be contrary, opposite, opposed;

(*; to put in good style, formulate, to be inconsistent, incompatible X to

compoee, write down, put down in tum the back ( on s.o.)

writing {* j* dubr, dvbur pl. jlol adbr rump

r-Lji dlbj pl. dababij1 Bilk backside, buttocks, posteriore; rear part,
rear, hindpart ; back ; last part, end, tail
brocade |

ji j behmd, at the back, in the rear;

ij-Ljj dibja (n. un. of r^i-*) brocade;
from behind, from the rear ; *j a dj
introductory verees or linea, proem,
waiid dvbwah to turn one's back; to
preamble; face, visage; style, eleganoe
flee, run away
of style; renown, repute, standing,
gj* daban trailing behind, belated,
ryj-J tadbij embellishment, adornment,
composition, writing (of
Iji dabra tum (of fate)
omamentation ;

a book) jji* dabr west wind

ol^-u mudabbajt embellishmenta of jjii dabbr pl. jwlj* dabbir* hrnet;

Speech, fine figures of speech wasp
jyo; tadbir pl. -t planning, Organiza-
i^Ajj dabdaba to tread, tap
tion; direction, management, disposal,
*jJuy dabdaba sound of footateps, foot- regulation; economy, economization;

fall, pitapat; pattering or clattering jju tadabir*) measure, move, step
(pl. |

noise; snapping, flapping noise JjU.1 jujJ t. al-manzil housekeeping,

dabdib* point, household management; JjU j^-tf (man*

*jjX> dabdba pl. *oIj-s
zili) do.; oj^ii jjjlJtdb ( and jjjljdl 4*1
tip, tapered end
4>}*>UI (ittakada) to take the necesaary jj^ dt&iy birdlime
Jjj daig sticky, gluey, limy
jLil idbr flight, retreat
iL:> dabaka u (dabk) to stamp the feet; to
jjj tadabbur reflection, meditation (j, dance the dabka (see below)
on), thinking (j about); consideration,
iSji dabka (syr.) a group dance in
contemplation (j of)
which the dancere, lined up with locked
yljj tadbur disparity, dissimilarity,
arrns or holding hands, stamp out the
rhythm and sing

j\i dbir past, bygone (time); the

ultimate, utmost, extremity, end; root
<Lj dibla pl. Jo dibal ring

*^ti\ j-li jJaJ (dbira S-Sai*) to eradicate, diploma

I^L^ diblm and *->1j j diblma pl. -<
root out, suppress radically;
j\j&\ ,j-*Vj (amsi) aometime in the past; ,^-LyJbi di'Mdmji diplomatic; diplomat

j\x\\ ,j-*ir ._-*i (ka-amsi d-dbiri) to i^UjJi diblmsiya diplomacy

vanish into thin air, disappear without
leaving a trace (actually: like yeaterday _^i datara u (j_yi du* r ) to fall into oblivion,

gone by) be forgotten, become obsolete, anti-

quated, extinct; to be blotted out,

jX mudabbir manager, director; ruler,
wiped out, efFaced, obliterated (track by
disposer; leader; ringleader |
JjKll jX,
the wind) II to cover, envelop ( s.o.); to
achemer, intriguer, intrigant
destroy, annihilate (* V to wrap
jX* mudbir: "^--y (/-u mudbiran wa- o.s. (
j in), cover o.s. (j with) VII to be
muqbilan from the rear and from in front or become wiped out, blotted out, ef-
faced, obliterated; to be old; to be for-
jljj dubra (= *j\jj*) packthread, string,
gotten, have fallen into oblivion, be
twine, cord, rope; thread
obsolete VIII iddatara to wrap o.s. (<^ in),

-\s dibs sirup, molasses, treacle, esp. of cover o.s. (i_j with)

grapes jUi ditr pl. jo dutur blanket, cover

-j>* dabbs pl. ^-wlji dabbis* pin; Bafety jyX madtr past, bygone, ancient
pin |
j>J&l ^ji* safety pin (time)

^j dabai junk, rubbish, trash; dabS r* dajja i (dajj, ?^*-i dajxj) to walk slowly
rubblestone, rubble; cruahed rock (used II <-:>LJ1j 4w-j to arm s.o. to the teeth
as su betrat um in macadamizing)
r* dujj (syr.) thrush (zool.)

ijj dabaga a i u (dabg) to tan {* a hide)

*-,> dujja intense darkness, pitch-
Lij dibga tanning, tanner's trade darkness

f-lji dabbg tanner rU: dajj (coli.) chickens; fowl (as a

lij-U madbaga pl. ijjx. madbig 2 tan- generic designation)

nery *-l*-.i dajja (n. un.) hen; chicken |

^fiti-l -U-j d. al-habaS guinea fowl

^a dabiqa a (dabaq) to stick, adhere (i_j to)
to cleave, cling (v to) II to catch with --iLJlj *-u mttdajjaj bi-8-ftith heavily
birdlime (* a bird) armed, bristling with arms

j**i dajira a (dajar) to be embarrassed, be at play the hypocrite, pose aa a friend ( of

a lose s.o.); to cajole, flatter ( B.o.)

daijr pl. jw-li* dayfir* gloom, *.* dujan gloom, darkness, duskinesa
jj i
darkness, dark JJI ^Ij-i dayji l-la dark of night

^ j^i daj*n dark, gloomy U-I.U mudjh hypocriay; flattery,

adulation, sycophancy
M*-i dajala v to deceive, dupe, oheat, take in
swindler, a cbarlatan,
pb djin dark, gloomy
{J* e.o.); to be a
a quack II to coat, smear (*; to t-i~* II tadahdaha to waddle
gild (*; to deceive, dupe, oheat,
^.u-i dahdah and ^1-U-a dahdh dumpy,
take in (J* b.o.), impose ( J* on)
squat, stocky
J*-a dajl deceit, trickery, bumbug,
_^-i dahara a (dahr, jj*-a duhr) to drive
away, chase away ( s.o.); to dislodge,
JLo dajjl pl. -n, UL*-U-j dajja remove ( s.o.); to defeat (* an army)
swindler, cheat, impoater; quack, charla- Till to be driven away, be routed, be
tan (fem. JUo); Antichrist repelled, be thrown back; to be defeated

J-*-a? tadjll impoature, humbug; ohar- (army) to go under, go to ruin, succumb,


latanry, quackery break down, oollapse

jL-aJl indihr banishment, rejeotion;

8 iU-i dijla* the Tigris river
(pl. -l) defeat (m.); nun, fall, break-

u dy-* dujn) to be dusky, down, collapae; catastrophe] l jU-Jjl

^.i dajana (dajn,

murky, gloomy (day); (dujn) to ind. al-kaun end of the world

remain, stay; to get used, become ac- _)j-X* madhr routed, repelled ; ex-
customed, become habituated; to become pelled, caat out; ostracized, banished
tarne, be domesticated II to tarne; to

domesticate {* an animal) | **i -J-' Cj^a

r^o dahraja to roll (* II tadahraja to

roll, roll along ; to roll down

(li-kidmati /.) to put or b.o. to use

for b.o. make or b.o. of Bervice to ,-*-b dhis pl. ij--^ dawhis whitlow, felon
b.o. III to flatter, cajole, ooax, wheedle, {med.)
try to win or entioe by gentle courteBy

( b.o.) IV to be murky, gloomy, over-

^i dahaia a (dahS) to insert, thrust in,

shove in, foiat in, smuggle in VII to

cast (day) ; to be dark (night)
interfere, meddle to mix;

~<*-i dujna, dujunna darkness, gloomi-

gloom ^>o dahada a to be invalid, void, untenable
(argument); to disprove, refute, inval-
jj-jl adjan* dark
idste (* an argument) II and IV to dis-

\i djin tarne, tamed, domesticated prove, refute, invalidate (* an argument)
(animal); dark, gloomy i.l* oUlj-*-

+*-* dahd refutation, disproof
(hayawnt) domeetio animalfl
^jiyi duh4 invalidity, shakiness,
j*-l^i dawjiii1 poultry weakness, refutability (of an argument
or a olaim)
(j*.*) Lo daj u to be dark, gloomy, dusky;
to overehadow, oover, veil, shroud, ^U.u midh4: ^Ua. ^a (da'w) an

blanket {*, Bpread (* over) III to invalid, unjustified claim

(yi) U-a dah u (dahw) to Bpread out, let in, admit, lead in, show in (* s.o.); to
flatten, level, unroll move, take, haul (J* or j * into);

O ^J- midkan pl. ^l-u madhin to incorporate, include, embody, insert

roer, steamroller ( j or * * in); to cause to set in,

bring about, produce, set off, trigger

_^ol iddakara, j+X* muddakira see _^
(J* * in); to introduce (*, e.g.,

(j-^-j dujcaa dolphin an Innovation, an improvement, J* in

or on <*j&\ A*-*\ (madTasa) to

Jo dahola u (Jjrfo duhl) to enter (*, lesa send s.o. to school; J* IjwJ J^aI to bring
frequently j, also, go, step,
Jl, about a change in ...; o^-uS <J* iJUoi
walk, move, come, get (*, j, J( into); to (udkilat) the matter was subjeeted to
penetrate, pierce (*, j, Jl; to take V
modifications to meddle (j in), in-
possession of s.o. (), befall, seize (* terfere (j in, with); to interpose, inter-
s.o.; o.g., doubt); to take up (<*4*i a vene to invade
(j in); (J, in-
post), start at a Job; to enter s.o. 's
(J*) trude, obtrude (j on), disturb (j;
room or house, drop in on s.o.
J*), come to interlock, mesh, gear VI to meddle
to see s.o. (J*); to call on s.o.
(J*); to (j in, e.g., *JjJ-i j in s.o.'s affairs), butt
consummate the marriage, cohabit, sleep in (ijJi-l j on a conversation) ; to
(lj or
J* with a woman); to come (J* interfere (j in, with), interpose, inter-
over s.o.; e.g., joy); (pram.) to be added vene (j in); to interlock, mesh, gear; to
(J* to); to supervene, enter as a new be superimposed ; to intergrade, shade,
(J* upon
factor, aspect, element, etc.
blend ( tJ A*j or ^mi j *-i*j one into the, be newly introduced
(J* into other) ; to come over s.o. {), befall, strike,; to make one'a own, acquire (J* seize { s.o.; e.g., doubt, grief); to join, enter (* or j e.g., a
religious Community); to participate, Jo dakl income; revenues, receipt,
take part {* in); to set in, begin (time, returns, takings (as opposed to r->-
event); to be included (j in; also jr* karj); interference, intervention ; doubt,

dimna), fall, come ( j, jtf , c^ under), misgiving |

J*-uJI <r>j-* income tax; Lrd
belong, pertain (j, yf f c~* to), be V J*o j,\ *J (ayyu daklin) and J^a V
within (j, je*, v^*:); pass.: dukila u or jj (dakla) he should not meddle

to be sickly, diseased, abnormal in he has nothing to do with it is

J* J*o
. . ., . . .,

Jj-Uj j-Vl (ta'diZun) the matter has none of his busineas

undergone modification; ~<*jX\ Jo (w2-

J*o dakdl disturbance, derangement,
w) to take up one's post, start at a job,
disorder, imbalance, or defect of the
report for work; 1-jAll Jo (wairaaa)
mind; defeot, infirmity
to enter school; L-ll
J^j (min') to
enter the harbor, put inj f^-ifil j J^j IU-j dikla intrinsic nature, essence
to come to the point; {**-*- j) ** j Jo inner Belf, innermost, heart, soul (of a
dukila fl 'aqlihl (/i /wuA*) to suffer from person) ; secret intention | *iU- j *- \j

a mental (physical) disturbance II to rja'a dikkUah to commune with o.e.,

make or let enter, bring in, let in (*, searoh one's soul
s.o.,; to enter, insert, include (*
iU-j dukla; iUoJI iL! lailat ad-d. wed-, j or * in) III to come over s.oi (),
ding night
befall, seize ( s.o.; e.g., doubt, suspicion,
despair) IV to make or let enter, bring in, iL-j dukkala a variety of warbler
; ; -;;;

\^- i dakil inner, in ward , internal J^-Jb* tadakkul entry, entrance; in-

inner seif, heart, core; (pl. ^o vasion; interference (j with, in), Inter-

dukal* 3 ) extraneous; foreign, alien; vention; intrusion, obtrusion |

J*-.tdl f-U
exotio ; foreigner, alien, stranger ; not 'adam at-t. noninterferance, noninter-

genuine, false, spurious; newly added vention (pol.)

(J* to); novice;

(new) convert; guest; Interven-
J*-l-C tadkvl interference,
protg, charge, ward *Lo i*JS {ha* |
tion; interlook, meshing, gearing; super
lima), JJ (to/?) foreign word or
J-^-j impoBition; intergradation ; permeation,
expression; (syr.-pal.) JL^-j (dakak)
pervasion; O interference (phys.)
please, if you please
J^-l-s dkil belonging, pertaining (j to),
"*L*-a dakila pl. JJU-j dak'il* inner seif,
falling (J under), included (j in); inner,
inmost being, intrinsic natura, essence;
inward, inside, interior, internal; inside,
heart, aoul | *~J *L*-> j inwardly, in-
interior (of; dkila (prep.) within,
side, in bis heart; Ly Jl^- our inmost inside, in; "sU-Ij dakan inside (adv.) |

being; jjW JIUo the underlying natura

J^UI j- from within; from the inside
of things, the factors at the bottom of
things; <y_p JJUo d. ju*titAi his private iUb dkila pl. J^-'ji dawkiP interior,

affairs, (of a country, etc.) its internal inside, inmost, hidden part; iU-liJI the

Dakhla oasis (in central Egypt)

i}jji-i dukl entry, entrance, admis- J^la dkili inner, inward; internal;
sion; entering, ingress; beginning, aetting
home, inland
interior, inside; domestio,

in; penetration; intrusion, invasion; (as opposed to ,jrjU- hriji external,

first coition in marriage (Isl Law) Jy-i foreign ; pol.) ; indigenous, native ; private

^>ji- 1 d. al-harb entry into war belonging to the house; U*-Ii dkiyan
inside (adv.) |
Jw-Ij JL*SJ boarding stu-
*Jj*-> dufcvXlya octroi, oity toll
denta (as opposed to VtjU- day students)

J-u madkal pl. Jj-Iju mata!1 en- l_U-ti t->j*- (Aarb) civil war; iJu^l^ 3-yX.
trance ; hallway, veBtibule, anteroom (madrtMo) boarding sohool; i-l^-ta ^H^
entrance hall, lobby, foyer; mouth (of a underwear; LLtla i-"A- inland navigation

port, of a canal); O anode (ei.); intro-

Jtf-La dkiliya interior | i"$J\ J^-Ia the
duction (to a field of learning) ; behavior,
interior of the country, the inland
conduct o[)LJI Jrf-U (myyrfU) drive-
LLtUi lj\jj ministry of the interior; yjj
way; jyUll i-jj-U J^-J- introduction to Jw-I-Jl minister of the interior
the study of law; J^-l j-*- hum al-m.

good manners, good oonduct JyiJU madkl sickly, diseased, ab-

normal; (mentally) disordered; of weak

iUIx. mvdjcala interference, inter-
character, spineless; (pl. J--l-U madkll 2 )
vention; participation, interest (j in)
ravenue, receipts, takings, returns

JUol ZAi leading in, showing in,

_jo daJcmasa (LJ- dakmaaa) to fool (J*
bringing in, taking in, hauling in; in-
s.o.) about one's real intentions, pull the
volvement, implication; insertion, inter-
wool over s.o.'s
(Jp) eyes; to cheat; to
polation, incorporation, inolusion; intro-
be sly, crafby, artful
duction (e.g., of a Constitution; of an
improvement, J* on an apparatus, or i_-j dakmasa deception, fooling,

the like) trickery; cunning, craft, slyness


jii-i dakina a to be smoky; to taste or smell achievement is due to God) how capable,
of smoke; dakana a u to smoke, how good, how excellent he is!

emit emoke (fire) II to fumigate, fume

j.s drr (coli.) pearls
(*; to smoke, eure with smoke (*

foodstuffs) ; to smoke (* a cigarette, p durra (n. un.) pl. ~l, jjj durar

tobaeco, a pipe) IT to smoke, emit pearl; a variety of parrot (Psittacus

Alexandri L.)
smoke (fire) V to be smoked, be cured
with smoke to be fumigated ;
iSj* durri glitte ring, twinkling, bril-

dukn pearl millet, dukhn liant (star)


j*~i dakan smoke, fume, vapor jj dirra, darra pl. jji dirar teat;

Uo dukn (dujckn) pl. Lol adkina
smoke, fume, vapor; tobaeco jl;X> midrr ehowering abundant rain
(sky, cloud) ; spouting, pouring forth,
li^-i dujena smoke color; a kind of
welling out
incense (CalamuB aromatious)
jb darr flowing oopiously; produetive,
O <-~*~* dakina cigarette
rieh, lucrative; profitable
J*-Uo dakkini (eg., tun.) tobaeconist
jX. mudirr: JjJI j.u (baul) diuretic(al),
*^*-x* madkana pl. j^lx. madkin* pl. J>J1 C^\jJu diuretios; tS^JI _,.u ('araq)
chimney, smokestaok, funiiel sudorific

J^-i3 tadkin fumigation; smoking

Ijj dara'a (dar') to rejeet (*; to avert,
(e.g., of fish); (tobacoo) smoking
ward off {*, e.g., [^*- kafaran a
i^-lj dakina pl. j-|p daxvkin* chim- danger, je- Crom) VI idddra'a to contend
ney, smokestack, funnel
(j for)
j*-u mudakkin smoker jj dar' repulsion, prevention, avert-
ing; warding off, parrying
uU-b^ look up alphabetioally
iL ji darVa pl. -t target
u-b. daidan habit, practica

^f'j\j* darbazin railing, parapet, banistera,

^a III to pamper, spoil ( a child)
jj darra % u (darr) tc flow oopiously; to
stream, flow, well; to aecrue (J* to s.o.;
x\)i Drres (It. Durazzo, seaport in W
profit, wealth); to be abundant, plentiful

IV to cause to flow; to bestow laviahly, tj[}i durrq (syr.) peach

heap (
J* * upon s.o. ), shower,
overwhelm (J* * with s.o.); to
t/lp darmi dramatic

J* to s.o.) X to stream,
yield (* a profit, w-jjj dariba a (darab, jj durba) to be ao-
flow; to be abundant; to cause or try to customed, be used (<_j to), be practioed,
bring about the abundant flow of {*); to trained, Bkilled (<-< in) II to habituate,
cause s.tb. to yield in abundance; to
(*) aecustom (*, s.o.,, j or ^ or J*
be out for (*), seek to gain (* a to); to practica, drill { s.o., j, i~* or J*
profit), try to make (* a living) in); to school, train, coach, tutor (* s.o.,

jj darr milk; aebievement, accomplish- j, ^ or J* in) V to be aecustomed, be

ment | >,> Zi li-tihi darruh (literally: his used (J* or j to); to be or become
; ;


praoticed, skled, trained, drilled, school- roll together (*; to wrap, wind,

ed (J* or j in); to train (athkt.) twist (J* * around); darija a to

rise or advance step by step J* Ji^Jl jyj
VJJ* durb narrow
i_jjj darb pl.
daraja l-'urfu 'al it has become the
mountain pasa; path, trail, track; road;
general practioe to ... II to make ( s.o.)
alley, lane |
Ldl ^J* d - rt-taM*** tho
rise or advanoe by steps, promote (
Milky Way
s.o.) by degrees; to move or bring (*
iij* durba habituation, habitude, habit gradually cloeer to); to ap- (Jl
familiarity (with, experience; skill, proximate * to); to roll up, fold
practioe put into circu-
up {*; to circulate,

Ljj dariba court of first instanoe lation {*, give currenoy (* to,

(Tun.) make (* the general praotice; to

divido into degrees, steps or grades,
u-jj-Ij tadrib habituation, acoustoming;
graduate, grade, gradate (*; to
practioe; drill; schooling, training, Coach-
insert, include, enter (j * in) III to
ing, tutoring |
j^CJI v--jj-til <*<wfor)
go, keep up (* with, e.g., with the
military training
time, with a fashion) IV to insert, include,
^fjA* mudarrib pl. -n instructor, drill embody (j * in); to
inatructor; trainer, ooach (atJUet.); tamer
enter, register (j *, e.g., in a list),

(of wild animals) book (* V to progress by steps,

^fjA* mudarrab experienced; practioed, advance gradually; to proceed step by

skilIed; trained; schooled step (Jl to); to make progress (j in); to

graduate, grade, be graded, graduated,

,>>[)* darbazln and j>_/ji darbazxn railing, gradated VII to be inserted, entered,
parapet, banisters, balustrade included
incorporated, embodied, (j
in) to be classined (j in, C-* under) X to
^jj dari>a*j to bolt {* a door) ;

make ( s.o.) advance or rise gradually,

^Uji dirbs pl. (j-jjb* <&&**" bolt,
promote ( s.o.) by degrees; to lead (
s.o.) gradually (Jl to), bring ( s.o.)

^jjj darabukka (eg.), dirbakka (ayr.) pl. -<M around to (Jl, J); to bait, allure ( s.o.);

darabukka, a oonical, one-headed hand to entioe, tempt, Iure into destruotion

drum, open at the Bmall end ( s.o.)

&j ji darbaka banging or rattling noise,

rj* dar] entry, entering, registering,
din, uproar, turmoil registration, recording; a rolled or folded

paper; roll, soroll |

_jUJi r J- J 1 tne
p-ji daraja u (rj j-> dur;) to go, walk, move book; *^l$l ji in the
j f% d. il-lealm.
proceed, advance (fllowly); to approaoh course of the talk
gradually, step by Step (Jl; to
p-ji durj pl. r\j*\ adrj drawer (of a
follow a couTBe (J*),
proceed along the
table, desk, etc.); desk (e.g., for pupils in
lines of (J*), proceed in such and such
a manner J*) to go away, leave, depart

to outgrow (^m a nest, a habitation); to ^ji daraj pl. g\ji\ adrj way, route,

be past, bygone, over (time); to have course; night of steps, stairs, staircase |

passed away, be extinot; to circulate, be **-\j^\ a*-j raja'a adrjah (also **^Ija1 jI*)

in circulation, be current, have currency; to retraoe one's steps, go back the way
to grow up (child); (darf) to roll up, one came; to go back, turn back; <_~*i


r}ij\ 5
Tri- ' (adrja r-riyh) to go the .J^ > ^.j-^Li gradually, by and by,
ways of the winds, i.e., to pas unnoticed, by degrees, by steps, atep by step, more
without leaving a trace; to end in smoke, and more
come to nothing, be futile, be in vain
^j-tf iadrljl gradual, gradatory, pro-

i^jj daraja pl. -t step, Btair; flight of gressive; LjCj-U tadrijiyan gradually, by
steps, stairs, staircase; degree, Step, tone and by, by steps, by degrees, in stages

(of a scale; mus.); degree (math. geogr.; t ^Ipl idrj insertion, interpolation, in-
of temperature) ; grade, rate ; degree, corporation; entry, registration, record-
order, rank; class (also, e.g., in trains, ing (j in a list)

of a decoration); phose, state, stage (of a

j:jJJ tadarruj gradual advance or
development) ; mark, grade (in school) |
progress; gradation, graduation |
lj \ji. I i^ji d. al-karra (degree of
graduaUy, by and by; <u*UjjI rj t
temperature; LLJI jL-jjJI ('uly) the
irtiqaihi his gradual rise
maximal temperatures; JJI jL-jjJI

(sufl) the minimal temperatures; ij-j* ^lj.t-1 istidrj capability of graduaUy

JjjUl d. af-fl degree of longitude (geogr.); winning s.o. over, pereuasiveness, art of

(ouL>) <-*1p <-j3 ('ilmiya, jmi'iya) persuasion

academic degree; J5*JI i-jj d. al-'aql jrjli drij current, prevalent, wide-
level of intelligence, IQ ; CjU-j jJI Ji* report spread, populr, common, in vogue,
card (in school); JjVl IjjJl (j) j- (Ja) circulating, in circulation | *-_,! jJl v^&l
first-rate, first-class; <j*-ji ji of superior (kalm) andij-jUI iilil (luga) the populr
quality, high -grade, high-claae; ul -jjJ language, colloquial language
(K-daraja(i) to the extent tbat...; to
such an extent that ..., so much that ...
jJ- mudarraj graded, graduated;
(pl. -t) open staircase, open-air stairs,
^Ip durrj pl. jtp darrip francolin fliere, stoop; grandstand, bleachers;
(zool.); see also alphabetically amphitheater; (amphitheatered) audi-
torium or lecture room
r j-tf tadruf, *^jJS tadruja pheasant
jJ- mudraj inserted, interpolated,
i-!;i darrja pl. -( bicycle | 3jjli *-l;j
incorporated ; entered, registered ; oon-
tained, included (j, ^ in), comprised
j-jj* madraj pl. rj'-^* madrij* way (j. V oy)
tbat one follows or pursues; course, route;
ijj darida a {darad) to become toothless,
road, path; starting point, outset, rise,
lose one's teeth
growth, birth, dawn, beginning(s) ; tar-
mac, runway (of an airfield); (as also ijil adrad 2 toothless
mudarraj) amphitheater; (amphitheater- tjiji durdi sediment, dregs, lees
ed) auditorium or lecture room; grand-
stand, bleachers ^j-x* .L. since its
^-jjjjj dardabis ugly old woman, hag

beginnings; oL rjA* m. nai'cUihl the jap dardara roar, rush (of water) ; idle talk,
place where he grew up; jJI ^jlJ- j jl prattle, chatter
(m. ir-rugiy) to travel the road of
jljp dardr elm (bot.)

jjijs durdr eddy, whirlpool, vortex

j-tf tadrlj graduation; Classification,

categorization ; gradation | j-dl J*, ap dardaSa idle talk, prattle, chatter



^ji daraza u to sew, Btitch *jjjJI Jl> 'ummt ad-darisa (eg.)

railroad section gang, gandy dancers

jji iarz pl. JjjJ dura seam, hem;
suture ^b-i darrs pl. -n (eager) student

dw JJ.P darz Druse j jjjJI J->-
O *-Lp darrsa flau; threahing ma-
tf JJ J pl- |

jabal ad-d. the Jebel ed Druz, the

chine | O *-!p iL*- (Aa^^da) combine

mountainous homeland of the Druses in ^jji dirws mastiff

S Syria VjXi madnua pl. ^j'-U madrw2

madrasah (a religious boarding school
,-p darasa u (dars) to wipe out, blot out,
associated with a mosque) ; school j i-j.u
obliterate, efface, extinguish (*;
SJIjsjI (tofidd'iya) the lower grades of a
to thresh (* grain); to learn, study (*
secondary school, approx. = junior
.th.,J* under s.o.).
J* ^ ^v* ('*)
high Bchool; *Jj\ l*-jJu> {awwallya)
to study under (a teacher, a professor);
u v^jj-i durs) to be effaced, obliterat-
elementary school, grade school; i-j-u
ij_yL> (tnawiya) secondary school, high
ed, blotted out, extinguished II to teach;
Bchool; *iJ^f y-l* (/ijriya) commercial
to inatruct { s.o., * in; III to
College or Bchool; *-j^- *<jA (Aar6tya)
Btudy ( together with s.o.) VI to study
become military aoademy;*J*-l.i i^jX* (dkiliya)
(* carefully together VII to
boarding school; (LI*) Ul* i-j-U fttya,
or be wiped out, blotted out, effaced,
'uiy) College; ^li^Jlj J>JJ1 i-j-u school
obliterated, extinguished
of industrial arts, school of applied art
^ji dars effacement, obliteration
and handioraft; ^jS" i-jA* (kubr) Col-
extinction; (pl. ^jj> durs) study, lege; ieoiil <**jjX\ the old "school"
studiea; lesson, chapter (of a textbook); (= intelleotual or artistic movement)
class, class hour, period; lecture; lesson
(j-jO- madrari scholastic, school
(taught by experience, etc.) | jp Lj ji J)l

(alq) to lecture on ...; L-jji J*l (<*'&) ^Jj-tf tadris teaching, Instruction,

to give lessons; SJjU ^-jj^ (manziHyo) tuition |

,j-Jj4dl ~ hai'at al-t. teaching

homework (of a pupil or Student) staff; faoulty, professoriate (of an aca-

demic Institution)
^Ip dtr* threahing (of grain)
^jli dris pl. ^jtji dawris* effaced,
L*lp dirsa pl. -f studies; study | *-[p
obliterated; old, dilapidated, crumbling |

*Jl* f7tya) oollegiate studies; *_jJ i-lp

<-jlj> i.1* tajaddada drlsuh to rifle
(tnouJtya) attendance of a secondary
from one's ashes
school, secondary education, high-eohool
education L<j (mutawassifa) ^j-U mudorrM pl. -n teacher, in-
; *-|p
high-echool edu- Btruotor; lecturer | opL- ^j-i* (mu3'K2)
secondary eduoation,
assistant professor
cation (Syr.)

^-Sja dtra of or pertaining to study 9-ji II to arm; to armor, equip with armor

or studies; Bcholastic, school; inBtruction- (a V and VIII iddaraa to arm o.a.,

al, educational, teaching, tuitional | p-y take up arms, put on armor

vb J tuition feea; '1 1

pji dir" m. and f., pl. jj* dur*, j*l
academic year; scholastic year, school adru
adrS ooat of mail, hauberk;
, f\j*\
year (suit of ) plate armor armor plate ;

^-j ji darts dried clover armor; armature; {pl. f !pl adra) chemise
279 iJ -P

^ljj aarr'a pl. -at armored cruiser one another; to continue without inter-
ruption, go on incessantly; to face, meet,
i*i)j durrd'a pl. (jjIjj daran' 2 loose
obviate, take steps to prevent (a;
outer garment with sleeves, slit in front
to put in order, set right, correct (a,
fjlj dri* armored, armor-clad, iron- make amends (a for), provide compen-
clad sation or indemnity (a for a loss, or the

i^jlj dri'a pl. fjljj dauxjrt' 2 armored

like) X to correct, rectify, emend (*; to set right, put in order, straight-

en out (a; to make good, repair,

f-jJU mudarra' armored ; armadillo redresa (a a damage, a mistake, etc.),
(zoo.) |
^j-U Jjj (guxj) tank corps; make up (a for); to Supplement, supply
^j-U jL- (aayyra) armored car; Li- that which
(a is miasing); to anticipate,
y-jX* (mu$h) armored infantry (mtl.) foreatall, obviate (a an event)

*-jX* mudarra'a pl. -t armored cruiser iJji darak attainment, achievement,

accomplishment ; overtaking, catching
(Jij-a dar/ side, flank, wing; protection
up ; police ; (pl. iJ 'j .il adrk) bottom,
jj darfa pl. <_jp dira/ leaf (of a lowest level
double door or window)
$j* darakl policeman
Jjjj darfll dolphin
iTjj daraka lowest level; pl. -t

1 descending steps (as opposed to oU-jj;

j i daraqa (leather) shield
cf. Ojll oBj^j U-l oU-jj darajt al-
O iJj-> daraq thyroid gland hayh wa-d. al-maut)

jjj daraqi shield-shaped ; thyroid iJlp darrk much-accomplishing,

| ef-
iJjOjl -UJI (gudda) thyroid gland ficient, successful

j[jj look up alphabetically iJjl-L. madrik2 mental faculties, men-
tal powcrs, intelligence, intellectual ca-
lJji II to last, continue, keep up (rains)
pacities, perception, discernment j
III to reach, get, catch, overtake, out-
^j-*^! the five sensea
distance, outrun (>, s.o.,, catch
up, como up (a, with); to keep up,
(Tip dirkan (adv.) constantly, in-

continue without interruption {* cessantly, without interruption

IV to attain, reach (a, arrive (a i\\ji\ idrk reaching, attainment,

at); to get, catch, overtake { s.o., * achievement, accomplishment; realiza-, catch up, come up (*, with); to tion, perception, discernment, awareness,
come suddenly, unexpectedly ( upon conaciouanesa (iJjp'iM Am faqd al-i. un>
s.o.), overtake ( s.o.; death); to obtain consciousness) ; comprehension, under-
(a; to grosp, comprehend (a; standing, grasp ; reason, intelligence
to perceive, discern, notice (*; to sexual maturity, puberty; age of maturi
realize, understand (a, become ty ilLp^! j- sinn al-i. age of dis

aware, become conscious (a of; to cretion (Isl. Law)

mature, ripen (e.g., a fruit); to attain
iJj-G tadarruk gradual decline
puberty, reach sexual maturity (boy)
V i--^iil Jl ^jl C-TjAj (Sams, magib) the iJlj--l istidrk redress, reparation
sun prepared to set VI to reach and seize correction, emendation, rectification

4p 2S0

iljj> mudrtfc rational, reasonable, en- all of a sudden there was ... III to flatter,
dowed with reason, intelligent; (sexually) treat with flattery or gentle courtesy, ca-

mature, pubescent, at the age of puberty jole, coaz (e s.o.) ; to deoeive, fool, mislead

Cj SjA* mudrakt realizations ; cogni-

{ s.o.); to dissemble; to oonceal, hide,
mask, disguise {* IV to let ( s.o.)
tions; fised notions, established concepts
know (<_j or about, inform,
3 derrick crane
*}ji (Engl.) derrick, notify, advise (<-j s.o. of) | ... L. iljjjl Ly
(adrha), also <-> iJlpl Ly do you realize
<*jj darima a to fall out (teeth) II to clip,
what . . . is? you don't even know what . .

trim (a nails)
means! VI to hide, conceal o.a.

jj darina a (daran) to be dirty, filthy

5jlp dirya knowledge, cognizance,
IV do. V to Buffer from tuberculosis
ji daran pl. \j*\ adrn dirt, filth;
^jjl adr more knowledgeable, better
tubercles; tuberculosis | j,yj p {ri'awi)
informed, knowing better (<_j s.o.,,
pulmonary tuberculosis
botter acquainted (<_j with)
ijji darana (n. un.) pl. -t tuberclo;
t^jjl V l-adri a skeptic
small tumor, outgrowth, excrescence,
tuberculc, nodule l\j\x* mudrk sociability, affabity,
i_jji darani tubercular, tuberculous
jlj darin knowing, aware, cognizant
j-G tadarrun tuberculosis | ^yj j-tf

(H'ann) and UJ\ jAj t. ar-rta pulmonary (i_j of

\fj-L midran, j-U midra (= fj^, mirdan),
tijoj tadarruni tuberculous ljj- midrah pl. jIju madrin pole (esp.
one for punting boats)
j^i* mutadarrin affected with tu-

bercles, tuberculated
3Ljj diryq (= jb/) theriaca; antidote

jj- midrah pl. j\x* madrih 2 spokesman

<1j jj (It. dozzina) dazzina dozen

jtjj dirham pl. a\j2 darhim 1 dirhem,

drachma coin of 50 ^-U) ^j dasaa u (dass) to put, get, slip, shove,
{It. ; a weight
thrust, inBert (j * into); to bury
{Eg. = V12 VJ = ca 3.12
- g); f\j> (j * in the ground); to instill,
nioney, cash
infuse (j <-, * in); to adminieter
^L^-jj duraihimt (dimin. with a surreptitiously (-JI as-mmma poiaon, J
derogatory sense; approx.:) pennies to s.o.); to foist (j * into); to
smuggle (J * into, ju * s.o. among);
Zjj* dxrwa pl. -t | j.) protecting screen or
to interpolate (*; to intrigue,
wall; parapet
scheme, plot (J*, J against s.o.) ^j |

^jj* dirws mastiff ^'U-di to engage in secret machinations,

intrigue, soheme II to put in, get in, slip in,
,Jj jji darwti pl. ,Jj
jlp darvS* dervish
shove in, thrust in, insert (*; to
,j J ^ dar i (ilp dirya) to know (<_j or * hide, oonceal (* V to engage (se- or of; to be aware, be cogni- cretly, Jl in); to be hidden (j in) VII to

zant (u or *of); to nnderstand, com- slip (ju between or among, J into),

prehend (i~> or * | . . . j 1fi tSJ-^i ^y creep, steaJ, sneak (,>i among, J into).


infiitrate (j,); to ingratiate o.a., in- <*Lo daama fattiness, greasiness,

sinuate o.e. (j or Jf to s.o., into s.o. 's griminess, grubbiness
confidence); to be hidden
*-j-j dusma fatness; richness, sub-
<-j-o daaiaa pl. ^'Lo das'ia 2 intrigue, stantiality
machination, scheine, plot j
^Loil ^j
lLo dism plug, stopper
daae ad-d. machinations, intrigues, schem-
ing, plotting (x*i against) ; plot, conspira- j^ daiaam amaranth (bot.)

jjfs disembir, diaambir December
^Ui dasss pl. -n intrigant, intri-

guer, schemer, plotter, conspirator; sand j~i II to introduce, bring in (* V to

snake (Eryx jaculus) be hidden, concealed; to penetrate (Jf

'klo dast pl. tl^i dust place of honor,
seat of honor; seat of office; couno ^ij {Fr. doucke) duS shower, douche

&-t c~o d. al-kukm (a ruler's) throne

,ji*-J daSii and jij a kind of porridge
ul-i dit pl. jj~* dust kettle, boiler, cal- made of crushed wheat and butter
dron made of copper (eg., ayr.)
-i.s daSt junk, trash, rubbish, refuse
i>j daata dozen; pack, packet, package
ji.s II to hand over, present (*; to
j_j^-i dustr pl. ,/Lo dastir 2 Statute; consecrate, dedicate, inaugurate (*
regulations; by-laws; (basio) constitu-
tadiln consecration,
tional law; Constitution {pol.); (colloq.)

inauguration i-^ll jjt-i-tf


dastr permission
of the church
iSjj^s dustri constitutional |
^j_j^-u)l constitutional form of govern- ^i V to belch, burp, eruet

<ci da'a see f-ij
jj^j dustriya constitutionality |

ijjji^jjl ^J* 'adam ad~d.

9j> da"a to rebuff, turn down (contemp-
tuously, tbe poor, an orphan)

i_-pj da'aba a (jUj du'ba) to joke, jest,

j^2 dasara u (dasr) to push, shove, pusb off
make fun ( with s.o.) III to play, toy
{, m with, with s.o.); to joke, jest,
O s*\* dsir propeller, airscrew make fun (* with s.o.); to give ( s.o.) a
j~-* daskara pl. jS'Lo daakir* village good-natured slap or smack {<-) ; to
flirt(U with a woman) ; to dally, philander,
*>* daaam fatness (of meat) ; fat, grease
play around (U with a woman); to play
j dasim fat; fatty, greasy, grimy, ( about s.o.; e.g., waves); to stroke
grubby ; rieh, abundant, substantial gently, caress, fondle (*; to beguile,
meaty, pithy, fll of thoughts (e.g., read- tempt, delude ( s.o.; said of hopes); to
ing material) play (* a musical instrument) j
jJLJi !_-pli

adaam*, dasm' 2
to play on the piano VI to make fun,
il f. lf.i , pl. ^j
dusm very fat ; fatty,
have fun together, have a good time
greasy, grimy,
grubby; richer, more substantial, !_-pj da'ib joking, jocose, playful, jolly,
pithier gay, funny

lAt-i duba pl. -t joking, jesting, fun- Kfi di'ma pl. /i di'am support, prop
making, fun; joke, jest
<.Uj di'ma f Uo
pl. -t, da''im* sup-
v_>Ui da" ab joaose, playful, jolly, gay port, prop, stay, shore; pier; buttress;

ks-\jl mud'aba pl. -t play, fun- pUlar (esp. fig., e.g., SaLJI fleo pillars of

jest; pleasantry; dal- authority)

making, fun; joke,
liance, flirtation, philandeiy strengthening,
-e-tf iad*im support,

<^e.\i d'ib joking, jocose, playful, jolly, reinforcement, consolidation, underpin-

gay, funny

r*\x> mud'ib joking, jesting and jtj) Uj da d u

{.l*j du'') to call

di'bil frog Bpawn, frog's egga

( s.o.); to summon (<-* or s.o.), call or
send for s.o. (*_* or ); to call up ( s.o., Jl,

J^-U muda'bal indisposed, out of appeal to

J for); to call upon s.o. (), b.o.
eorts; round, ball-shaped
{*) for or to do (J, Jl), invite,

urge (J, Jl s.o. to do; to invite,

*il ad'aj 2 , f. 1> j da' ja' 2 , pl. *a du'j black-
ask to come (Jl s.o. to; e.g., to a ban-
eyed; deep-black and large (eye)
quet); to move, induce, prompt (J, Jl *

j*i <a*t'ra o (da'ar) to be immoral s.o. to do, prevail (<J, Jl on s.o.

j*i da'ar immorality, indecency

to do; to call (<-, a s.o. by a
name), name (^, a s.o. so and so), pass.
jpi da'ir unchaste, lewd, licentious, dis-
x-j du'iya to be called, be named; to
solute, obscene, bawdy, immoral, in-
invoke (^1 God to pray to); to wish
(J s.o.) well, bless (J s.o.; properly: to
SjUi da'ra, di'ra indecency, im- invoke God in favor of s.o.), invoke a

morality, licentiousness, debaucheiy |

blessing (cj) upon s.o. (J), pray (^> for

jUoll c~u bau ad-d, brothel, J on behalf of s.o.), implore (v J

for s.o.; to curse (J* s.o.; properly:
jt\i d'ir pl. jUi du"r unchaste,
to invoke God against s.o.), call down
lewd, licentious, dissolute, obscene,
evil, invoke evil J* upon s.o.) ; to
bawdy, indecent, immoral {

propagate, propagandize (*J, make

da' asa a (da's) to tread underfoot, Propaganda, make publicity (<J for); to
trample down, cruBh (*; to knock dem and, require (Jl, call for (Jl);
down, run over { s.o. ; automobile) to call forth, bring about, cause, provoke,
VII pass. of I ocaasion (Jl, give rise (Jl to) |
f k-'jU (du'iya) to be summoned, be
uiipj da'aka a (da*k) to rub (a; to scrub,
called into session (parliament) ; Jl ^i
scour (*; to scrub on a washboard
r">UJl Jr du'iya il hamli s-ailh to be
(a laundry); to crush, squash, mash (*
called up for military Service, be called to; to crumple (a paper)
the colors; ... ^- Jaj-j (yud') a man
xi da'ama a (da'm) and II to support, hold called..., a man by the name of...;

up (a; to prop, shore up, stay, j**JI (Jji 4J Ui (}li l-'umr) he wished

buttress, underpin (*; to cement, him a long life III to challenge (a s.o.);

consolidate, strengthen (a Till *jl to pick a quarrel (b with); to proceed

idda'ama to be supported; to rest, be judicially ( against), prosecute ( s.o.)

based ( J# on) VI to challenge each other, call each


283 **>

other forth or out, summon eaoh other; to (Il. Law) |

l &y~h on the pretext
evoke one another (thoughts, reminis- that...
cences, sentiments) ; to be dilapidated,
^3 da'ly pl. Ufril ad'iy'* adopted
be tumble-down, threaten to fall (walle)
son; bastard; braggart, bigmouth, show-
to sink, subside, cave in; to fall down,
off; pretender; swindler, impostor
sink to the ground (person); to coapae,
break down, deoline, degenerate (fig.,
Uj dua pl. ad'iya call; invocation

of a oultural phenomenon); to flock of God, supplioation, prayer; request,

together, rally VIII ^al r

idda to allege, plea; good wish (J for s.o.); imprecation,

claim, maintain {*, l that); to curse (Jp against s.o.)

lay claim (* to demand, claim ^jl ad' more conducive, more stim-
(*; to make undue claims (* ulating, of greater inoentive (Jl, J to),
to, arrogate (to o.a.), asBume causing or provoking to a greater extent
unduly or presumptuously (*; to
(Jl, J
affect, feign, simulate, pretend, purport
jUi da'tva, di'wa pl. -t Propa-
(^; to testify (in oourt); to accuse
ganda (pol.) ; publicity (
Jl for)
(_j or m
Jp a.o. of), charge
or * Jp s.o. (_j

with), blame (*-j or * J* s.o. for), hold t^jUj dawi, di'wi propagandistio (t^j or *) against s.o. (Ja) X to call
jUj di'ya Propaganda (pol.)
or send ( for s.o.), summon (* s.o.); to
jlpa di 'i propagandistio
cite, summon for examination or trial
( s.o.; court, police); to reoall ( s.o., Slp-U mad" h determining factor, de-
e.g., a diplomatio envoy); to call, ap- cisive motive or inoentive, cause, oc-
point ( s.o., e.g., a professor to a chair); casion
to invoke (* s.o.); to invite, urge (Jl
f-loj iad'in imminent collapse, impend-
s.o. to do, suggest (Jl to b.o.
ing breakdown ; mutual summoning | or to do, call upon s.o. () to

JUil (jf-t-ij iad'i l-ma'ni assooiation of
do (Jl), appeal (Jl to s.o. for
or to do; to call for (*), require,
demand, necessitate, make necessaiy or U^i iddi'a pl. -dt claim; arrogation,

requisite (* undue assumption, presumption ; al-

legation ; pretension, pretense ; acou-

ijci da'wa call ; appeal ; bidding,
sation, charge; IpjVI the prosecution (in
demand, request; call, convocation, sum-
a court of justice)
mons (Jl to), calling up, summoning;
(official) summons, citation; invitation;
U.tL-i iatid'a summons, summoning;
recall, calling back official summons,
claim, demand, plea; missionary activity, ;

nah citation
missionary work (also jp-UI yiS
ad-d.), Propaganda; (pl. OJ^pj da'a* flj d'in pl. Uo du'h one who invites,
wt) invocation, imploration, suppUca- inviter ; Propagandist ; host ; motive,
tion, prayer; good wish | oli-U >\j*s reason, cause ^Ia V (d'iya) it is not

good wishes; ^JL S^pa (Harr) imprecation, necessary, there is no need, there is no
curse; S_jpjJI ^>-Ls> host cause (J for)

i^jpj da'w pl. jjUi da'w, jl*j i-^b d'iya one who calls for

da'win allegation, pretension; claim; (Jl), invites to (Jl); Propagandist

lawsuit, case, action, legal proceedings (with foll. genit. or Jl: of, herald;
yo 284

(pl. f\ji daw'in) motive, reason, cause, J*o daal pl. jUol adpZ, JUj dipZ place
occasion ; pl.
f\j* requiiementa, ezi- with luxuriant tree growth ; thicket,
genoies | <^*j- Leb warmonger; Xje flj-U bush, jungle; defectiveness, faultiness,
li-davxTin pikhtya for reasons of health oomiption
iSjjj" ^Ip - it gives me great pleaa-
Jea dagil covered with dense under-
ure ...
growth (place); impenetrable; corrupted
y-\* mad'tv one invited, guest; call-
Je.u mudgil covered with dense under-
ed, named, by the name of
growth (place) ; false, perfidious, insidious
f-ljfc* mutad'in evoking one another, (in character)
one leading to the other (reminiscences,
thoughta); frail, shaky (Constitution);
i- IV and VIII ijl iddagama to put (j *

dilapidated, tumble-down; ready to fall, into), insert, incorporate, embody
threatened with collapse; declining, in (j * in); (gram.) to contract (J *

a Btage of decline, on the downgrade one letter into another), assimilate (<j * to) VII to be incorporated, embodied,
9Ju mudda'in one who makes an al-
merged, amalgamated; to be assimilated,
legation or pretension, aeger, pretender;
olaimer, olaimant; plaintf; prosecutor
(jur.) ; arrogant, presumptuous, bump- Jij daffa % (JnJ* dafif) to Aap the wings
tious |
(ummi) the public
l/>**JI ^.ill (bird) II to hurry, rush
prosecutor; pUl ^oll ( mm) do. (Mor.)
Jj daff pl. y-s du// aide; lateral

^fA* mvddd'an claimed; 4_U ^xLI the surface

defendant (jur.); pl. oLe-u mudda'ayt ija dttj^, doj^ pl. >#j du// tambourine
claims, pretenaions
*i^ dajffa side ; leaf (of a double door or
fjs~* mwtad'in applicant, petitioner window); cover (of a book), jlail the
two covers of a book; rudder, heim
iii dagdag'a to tickle ( s.o.); to cruah; to |

iiaJl jS\$ or jJI _r-U mudtr ad-d. steers-

chew, munch (*
man, helmsman ; -Linil Je j-iJtotake
Ji-i dagara a (dagr, j^j dagr) to attack (Je the heim, make o.s. the leader; aJl 4j yad

s.o.), fall upon s.o. (Je) ad-d. tiller; SjjjUJ] ioJl j* (eg.) all to-

j*i dagr attack, assault gether, one and all, all without exception

tjj*} dagr attack, assault *jj difftya (eg.) loose woolen cloak

'iSji'i dttgri (eg., syr.) direct, straight; 'ja do/i'a a and j dafu'a u to be wann; to
atraight ahead feel warm II and IV to warm, heat (* V, Vm tiil iddafa'a and X to
Ji IV LJjJI cUjI adgakti id-duny it
warm o.s.
became dark, twight feil
j d/' wannth, warmness, heat
^ftcj dagaJf darkness, dusk, twight
*,jj do/F and jj da/t* warm
<lj dagiSa darkness, dnsk
jT da/'n 9 , f. ^t da/* warm
*Pi dagifa a (daga#) to be chock-full, on
Uj difa heating
the point of bursting
U\is dafaa wannth, warmness, heat
i^ilj dgifa pl. ijapIp dawflift knee-
pan, kneecap, patella Q La daffya pl. -df stove

lix. midfa and slix midfa'a pl. jlj- or *-> s.o., Jl or J to), make s.o. (*-> or )

mai/i' a stove, heating stove do (Jl or J); to hand over, present,
turn over (J or Jl * to s.o.); to pay
ijj" to^'a heating, generation of heat
(Le tamanan a prioe, Jl or J to s.o.) |

j^^ daftar pl. j-'j dafdtir* booklet ; notebook, Jl Um^ i (hifhu) to wend one's way
copybook; daybook, Journal; ledger to III to resist, withstand ( s.o., *,

offer resistance (*, to); to contradict,

(com.); roster, register, offioial register |

ijL^- jis (kisbi) account book; batik- oppose ( s.o., je- so as to make him
book, passbook; obUJ^l Ji>^ibt abstain from, dissuade ( s.o., je-

letter file, letter book, folder, portfolio; from); to auppresB {*; to defend
(je s.o.,, uphold (je-; to be
iy^l Jii pubhcation setting forth the
terms of a purchase, the conditions of a entmsted with the defense (je- of,

leaee, the stipulations of a contract, or of s.o., also jur.) Y to dash forward; to

the like; IJIjU^I jth subscription booklet; dart off, rush off; to pour forth, flow,

a^-pund^ cashbook (com.); stream, gush forth (water) ; to spring up,

jj-iwaJl Jii d.

i*_l LI joj cadastre, land register; joj make itself feit (an idea, a social tend-

<~*Jl d. al-yaumiya diary, Journal; jJL. ency, and the like) VI to shove or push

j-'UJl mask ad-d. bookkeeping one another; to push or shove one an-
other away or aside; to push off, shove
ijUj-i daflarkna archives, pubHc rec-
off (je- from); to issue in intermittent
ords Office (Eg.) | i jLull ihl^M U-JUj gush forth intermittently ; to
bursts ,

d. al-amlk al-'aqriya land-registry office

buret forth, rush out, sally (j* from); to
(Tun.) be driven forward to
be propelled, ;

storm forward VII to dart off*, rush off;

Li^iij difieriy diphtheria
to proeeod rashly, blindly, without
jz dafara to push, push back ( s.o.);
forethought; to be too impetuous, be
dafira a (dafar) to stink too hotheaded; to plunge headlong (j
into; to rush, dart, make (Jl at
jti dafar stench, pounce (Jl on; to rush off,
jti dafir stinking, fetid with
hurry off, go quickly (Jl to; foll.

push imperf.: to do; to give o.s. (J to

^Jj dafasa to hide (*; to
s.o.); to burst forth, gush out, pour
Jj dafa'a a (daf) to push; to push away, forth, spurt, spout, flow, run (j* from;
shove away, puBh back, drive back, repel, water); to let o.s. be carried away or be
remove, dislodge, drive away (je *, overcome (*\jj by, e.g., ^j_j+- *\jj

s.o., from); LjU- 4*j (jniban) to Sahawtihi by one' bodily appetites,

push, shove, or elbow, s.o. aside; to rid jjtJ- *\jj by one*s feehngs, i*-LJl Ijj by
(*-j je o.a., * of, get rid of; worldly things) ; to proeeed, Bet out, begin
to get the better (*, of b.o., of, (with foll. imperf.: to do X to try
conquer, maater control ( s.o., *; to ward off or stave off (*, ^ by)
to fight (i-> * with); to reject,

repudiate {*; to rebut, refute, ii daf pushing back, shoving aside;

disprove (*; to propel, drive (* repulsion, driving away, driving off; dis-

pelhng; parrying, warding off, staving off;; to move, cause, urge, impel, egg
on, goad ( or ^ s.o., Jl or J to do, repulse, rejectiou, repudiation; rebuttal;

induce, incite, force, compel, oblige ( handing over, turning in; payment
i**j daf'a (n. vic.) pl. dafa't shove, eruption; elan, dash, impetuosity, rash-
push, thrust; impetus, impact, momen- ness, hotheadedness, fire, exuberance,
tum, forceful impulae, drive; ejaculation; effusiveness; Belf-abandon ; Ltajl tn-
paymen t ; deposit ; disbursement ; pl. dif'an spontaneously
issuea (stock market)
UUjjI indif'a (n. vic.) sudden out-
l*ij duf'a pl. dufu'l, dufat that burst, outbreak (e.g., of wailing)
which issues at any one time, a burst, a
Jlj dfi* repellent, expellant; driving
gush, a spurt, and the like; time, in-
pushing, giving impetus, incentive, im
atance |
Ia*-\j i*o (duf'atan) all at one
pellent, propelling, propulsive. etc.; re
time, all at once, in one Btroke, in one
peller; payer, e.g., i_Jl^iJ| ^Jlj the tax
feil awoop; WaJl this time; oUii c payers; (pl. Jlp dawfi'*) incentive
six timea; ojUu oLb J* (mutafwita) at
impulse, impetus, spur, motive; Jl-b
different times
(with foll. genit.) motivated by..., by
jij dajf' propelling, impelling, giv- reason of ..., on the strength of ...
ing impetua; O piston (techn.)
oUJa. madf't payments
.u midfa' pl. JIa. madfi' 2 gun,
JIa. muHfi' defender (j* of s.o., of
cannon | Q or^ll *Ju JI.U (6o'tda/ ai-
wwwwuJ) Iong-range guns; ^lUj Ja.
(ra&$&) machine gun; O <*^ j#'-u Jij dafaqa u % {dafq) to pour out, pour
(dakma) heavy artlery; SjLI #1x11 forth (*; u {dafq, j Jj dufq) to
oljTUJ (mudadda) or ol/LU ojULl Jhil be shed; to flow, well out, spout, guah
(mu^tima) anti-aircraft guns; J^tf Ja. forth; to overflow (* with V to
O ol_/UJ jLi. (*wJ/t, mu<idd) three-bar- pour forth, spout forth, gush forth; to
reled anti-aircraft gun (mil.) ; jjU Ja. m. rush in; to break forth, break out, burst
humn mortar; ^Ul Ja. darb m.
<->_,* out; to go off (shot); to plunge blindly
az-zuhr marking of exact noon by cannon (jr Jl into; to rush
(J* against);
shot to crowd
(J* into) VII = V
,j*iA. midfa'i gun-. cannon-, artillery- j dafq pouring out, effuBion
(in Compounds); artilleryman, gunner,
Uij dufqa pl. dufuqt, dufaqt, dufqt
= i*ij duf'a |
ju-j. iijj (dufqatan) =
i-*j- midfa'iya artlery Ij*-\j iJj; j\ oUij d. ar-rih gusts;

j dif' protection; defense (^ of Lil ^ am* gush of water, of B.o. , also jur.) *UaII J**- o# od-d.
jj daffq bursting forth, darting
line of defense; halfbacks (soccer); Sfi-
IJ out, rushing out
^LjaJI majlis ad-d. defense Council; lj\jj
JaI tadaffuq outpour, outflow, issae,
UaII ministry of defense, war miniatry;
effluence, efflux, effusion; influx, run,
JiyJl aII (uw^ant) national defense;
rush, inniah, inpour; outbreak, outburst;
olj-'UJi jLiil jJI (mu4dd) anti-aircraft
impulsiveness ; exuberance, effusivenesa
defense; ^jt j-Uj legitimate self-defenBe
Jilj dfiq pl. jjlji dawfiq* bursting
jjpUj d*'/'i defensive, protective
forth, breaklng out, erupting; gushing,
IjJIa. mudfa'a defense (j* of torrential

UajI indif* pl. -( ruBh(ing), plunging, t^i-Lu mutadafliq impulsive; exuberant,

plunge (j into); outhurst, outbreak, effusive
; ;


Jij difl oleander (Nerium oleander L.; bot.) (bahi) to investigate carefully; ^kJI jji

(nazara) to watch attentively or carefully,

j dafana i (dafn) to bury, inter, inhume scrutinize, examine closely <j; jjj
{ s.o.); to bide, conceal, keep secret (*
51- ^1.1 (mvlhazata) to observe closely
III to deal scrupulously ( with s.o.) IV to
jii dafn burial, interment, inhumation make fine, make thin {* VII to be
crushed, brayed, pounded; to be broken
,>ii dafin pl. Uij dufan' 2 buried,
*ip j^jl ('unquh) he broke his neck
interred; hidden, secret
X to be or beoome thin or fine

i-ii daflna pl. ^Ui daf'in 2 bidden

iji daqq crushing, bruising, braying,
treaaure, treasure-trove
pounding; pulverization, trituration;
,y-U madfan, -u madjana pl. ,jilx. grinding (down); beat(ing), throb(bing);
ffuu2/in 3 burying place, burial ground, bang(ing), knook(ing), rap(ping) ; tat-

cemetery too(ing) | fj*j)?\

ji d. al-jaraa peal, ring-
ing, sound of a bell; .iLJ-l ja d. al-hanak
i see jj chatter, prattle

ji io^jtz i (i diqqa) to be thin, fine, fragile, ja diqq fine, thin; little, small, tiny,
frail; to be little, small, tiny, minute; minute; delicate, fragile, frail |
ja j&
to be subtle, delicate ; to be insignificant, iajar) shrubbery, brush, scrub; joJI J-

unimportant, trifling, inconsiderable ; to humm d-d. hectic fever

be too fine, too subtle (j* for perception)

a daqqa bang, knock,
u (daqq) to crush, bruise, bray (*
(n. vic.) pl. -t

rap; beat, throb; stroke, striking (of a ; to grind, pulverize, powder (*
elock); hammer, hammering sound;
s.tb.); to pound {*, e.g., meat); to
thumping, thump { ,_-UJI oa d. al-qalb
stnke (clock); to beat, throb (heart); to
heartbeata; ^v4-l a d. al-jaraa peal, or
hammer, throb (engine); to knock, rap,
ring, of a bell; telephone call, ring
bang (*-jUI al-bba on the door); to
bump {iwU-Li <~!j rasah bi-l-haif one's a diqqa thinness; finenesB; smallness,

bead against the wall); to drive (* a tininess, minuteness ; triviality, petti.

nail); to ram in, drive in (constr. eng.); ness, paltriness ; subtlety, subtleness,

to beat, strum, play finesse ; critical or precarious

(J* a muBical in-

strument); to type (J* on a typewriter); delicate Situation; accuracy, exactness.

to sound, resound, ring out (said of exactitude, precision |
5jJj exactly, aa
musical instrumenta) yi-l jj (jarasa) curately, precisely, minutely, painS'
| cr
to ring the bell; ^U-'l ^-^ j (;'. al-kafar) takingly, meticulously, sharply ; jj*i)l a
to sound the alarm; acuteness of feeling, sensitivity, sen-
J* cr yi-l ja to call
s.o. up, give s.o. a ring; ^A-l -i (jarasu) sitiveness, sensibity

the bell rang; ie-1 11 cJi the clock Struck a duqqa pl. jia dugag fine dust;
II to triturate, pulverize, reduce to powder
powder {*; to bo precise, exact,
jtfa duqq crushed, brayed, or pulver-
strict, meticulous, painstaking, proceed
with utmost accuracy
ized, substance; powder; flour of lupine
or care (j in ; to scrutinize, examine closely, jJa daqiq pl. jtfa diqg, al adiqqa
determine exactly (*; to do (* fine, thin; delicate, frail, fragile; little, carefully, with precision j *J1 jii small, tiny, puny, minute ; subtle

<*> 288

paltry, petty, trifling, trivial; precise, ac *ii daqi'a a (daqa ) to grovel, cringe; to be
curate, exact; painstaking, scrupuloua, miserable, wretched, humble, abject; to
meticuloua; inexorable, relentless, strict, live in poverty IV do. to make miserable

rigorous; delicate (Situation), critical, ( s.o.; poverty)

trying, seriouB, precarious ; flour, meal f-Uol idq' masa poverty
i_jLXI jJi keeping strict account, strict,
j.u mudqi* miserable, wretched; de-
relentlesa, inexorable; jj*li\ Jjj sensi-
grading, abasing (poverty)
tive; r* <fN JJi d. ap-an' finely worked,

of delicate workmanship ; ^kJ! Jjj d.

Jjj daqal maat (of a ahip); mainmast; (coli.;
an-nazar clear-sighted, penetrating, dia n. un. S) a brand of dates of good quality

cerning, sensitive; jJ-i y\ ab d. butter- (magr.)

fly; UJaJI L^l (a'd') the genitals

ib dakka u (dakk) to make nat, level or
dJLij daqiqa pl. Jjlii daq'iq 2 particle; even. to smooth, level, ram, stamp, tamp
nicety ; intricacy ; detail, particular (a earth, the ground, a road); to presa
minute (time unit) |
j_^V' jJl the nice- down, weigh down to beat down to dev-; ;

ties, intricacies, or secret implications of astate, demolish, destroy, ruin (*

things II to mix, mingle (* VII to be

Jl daqqq grinder, crusher ; flour cruahed; to be leveled

merchant; frequently or constantly beat- iii dakk pl. ii^j dukk level ground;
ing, striking, etc.; player of an instru- devastation, demolition, destruction
ment j
j i*L- repeater (watch)
S*j dakka pl, -t rubblestone, crushed
UL*j daqqqa knocker, rapper (of a rock; hallast
iS*j dikka pl. iJS'j dikak bench
Jii adaqq 2 finer; more delicate; smaller,
Otfj dukkn pl. j^STa dakkin 2 bench;
tinier; more accurate, preciser; stricter
stre, shop
ja* midaqq beetle; pounder, pestle;
(jrfSj rfujfcjtnj'i storekeeper, shop-
(eg.) trail, footpath
keeper, retailer
Sj-U midaqqa pl. JI.U madqq 2 pound-
j.u midakk pl. -f ramrod; O tamper
er, peatle; beetle; clapper, tongue (of a
iJi II to provide (* trousers) with a waist-
jJ-iJ tadqiq accuracy, precision, exact-
band (dikka or tikka)
ness, exactitude I J-Jj exactly, precisely,

accurately, minutely S^ dikka (= <SLj tikka) waistband (in

the upper seam of trousers)

JJ.U mudaqqiq exact, accurate (acholar),

thorough (investigator), painstaking, me- iij^lj^i dikttriya dictatorship

tieulouB, strict, relentlesa
tSjjJl^A dtWirt dictatorial
jj.u mudaqqaq precise, exact (data)
j V^i du&ur pl. S^'Si daktira doctor |

Sylj dqira pl. _^\ji dawqir2 elay vessel J^ii-I j jj^i doctor of law, LL.D. jj'* ;

(tun.) ; stipend for underprivileged JiJI j (Jtfcft) doctor of medicine, M.D.

students (tun.)
I; j^j dwiini doctorate, doctorship,
(_j-13j> daqSm (eg.) rubblestone, crushed doctor's degree, title of doctor |

honarary doctorate
rock; brickbats, gravel
iJiJ\ (fakriya)
; . ;-;;


jj* iddakara see ^Sj coffee (among Syrian nomads and in

some parts of Saudi Arabia)
yij'* (It. decreio) dilerit pl. ob/j decree
JVi dall coquetry, coquettiHhness
jTil odfcan', f. LTi dajfcn"" pl. jT dufcn
pampering, coddling, spoiling
blackish, dark (color)
JJj dalxl pl. Uil adilla, Jfti dal'il*,
j^Ij <fdjfcn dark, dark-colored | ^r-*-' "i/al adiUd' s (the latter of persona)
^Tlj dark green; ^Ij ^L*l yellowish, of
indication ( J* of ) sign, token ; ;

a dingy yellow, mud-colored

proof, evidence (J* of); guide; tourist
"lfi aee 1
guide, cicerone; pilot (of a ship, of an
airplane) ; guidebook, guide manual,
Jj datta u (iJV-J dalla) to show, demons trte, handbook directory telephone directory
; ,

point out (J* to s.o.; to lead, railroad guide, timetable ; guide rail
guide, direct, conduct (Jl or J* s.o. to), (teckn.); roller path (in steel conetruc-
show s.o. () the way (Jl or J* to); to tion) JJaJl *\i\ to furnish the proof
| J*
show, indicate, mark (J*; to point for, demonstrate, prove; j^U JJi
(J* to, evince, indicate, denote, (zarfi) circumstantial evidence; Uli JJi
imply, bespoak, suggest (J*, be cogent proof, conclusive evidence
indicative, be suggestive (J* of); to
JVi dal auctioneer; broker, Jobber,
furnish evidence (J* for,

(Ist pers. perf. dalaltu) i
middleman, agent, commission mer-
chant; hawker
(JV-i dail) to be coquettish, flirt, dally

(of a woman; J* with s.o.) II to prove J^i dalla pl. -t pointing; guidance;

the proof (J* for), leading, leadership; indication (J* of);

(J*, furnish
sign, token; sense, meaning
confirm, corroborate (.-
J* with);
to seil or put up at auction, auction off
*J *il i dilla auction, public sale

(J*; to pamper, coddle, spoil ( business of a broker or middleman

s.o.); to fondle, caress, pet ( a child) brokerage commission ; trade of a dealer,
IV to make free, take liberties (J* with Jobber or agent
s.o.); to pride o.s. (.- on), be conceited
U^ .1 daUla middlewoman, woman
(<- of )V to be coquettish, flirt, dally (of
a woman; J* with s.o.); to be coy,
behave affectedly; to take liberties Jjl adalP proving more cogently (J*
with to pamper, coddle (J* s.o.)
s.o.);, more indicative or Buggestive (J*
X to ask to be shown (J*; to seek 0 I J* J^ J ^ (dalilin) the surest
evidence of, the best proof of
Information, inform (J* about); to o.s.

obtain information; to be informed (J* JJjJ iadlll reasoning, argumentation,

about) ; to be guided (.- by), act or prooeed demonstration; proving (J* of), furnish
in acoordance with (<-); to conclude, ing of proof or evidence (J* for); cor-
gather, infer (J*, .- or from), ^ roboration, subsbantiation, confinnation
draw conclusions (i_j or j- from, J* with pampering, coddling, spoiling; fondling,
regard to), judge (J*, or ,> by) ^ petting, caressing; pet form (of a name) |

Li* doli proper, dignined conduct JJi=JI ~.\ pet name; ,> ">U JJ as a pet

coquetry, flirtation form of . .

<!:> daa pl. J^i dill pot with long JJOj tadaul coquetry, coquettishneas
curved spout and handle used for making pampering, coddling, spoiling

JV-tJ istidli reasoning, argumenta- out, hang out, loll (tongue); to dart out,
tion, demonstration ; conclusion, infer- lick out, leap out, flare up fflame), break
ence, deduction; proof, evidence (Je of) out (fire) ; to be pampered, spoiled
<! 1 i dlla familiarity, chumminess
liberty (that one takes with s.o.); ^Jj daT: ^JjJl _J um ad-d. pet name
audacity, boldness
f-V^ dall' (coli.; n. un. I) watermelon
J^J-U madll proven; (pl. -i) mean- (magr.)

ing, aense |
oUjl oVjJ-U m. al-kalimt
UIj dilgn clay
lexical meanings
.JJj dalafa i (dalf, J>Ji dulf, jLib dalafn)
JJ-U mtidaUal pampered, spoiled (child)
to walk with short steps, toddle; to go
J-U mudill preaumptuous, arrogant | or walk slowly, saunter, stroll (Jl to);
*-uLj Ja. (bi-nafsihl) conceited, seif- to advance toward); to approach
important step by step (Jl s.o. or; to pene-
trate, reach (Jl as far as); to grope (Jl
'Ja dtdb plane tree, sycamore (bot.)
for, of the hand); to leak, drip, trickle

VV/- pl- <-r=J!p Ib U P alphabetically (water)

j Nile Delta, Lower Egypt O -I J dlif pl. Jl \j* dawlif 3 ricochet


s IV to set out at nightfall

^iii dulfin pl. ^jVj daJfin 7 dolphin

r^i dalh pl. A-j <JuJuA moisture-laden cloud

jjj dalaqa u to spl, pour out (> a liquid)
JjJi daldala to set into a swinging motion, VII to be spilled (liquid)

dangle II tadaldala to hang loosely,

Jli dalaka u {dalle) to rub (*; to stroke
d angle
{*, pass the hand (* over; to
JaJj dvidid and JjJJj duldl porcupine knead (^*N the dough); u (i]jii

(zooj.) dulk) to set, go down (sun) II to rub (*, * s.o.), embrocate (*; to
,jJj II to swindle, cheat; to counterfeit, knead; to massage ( s.o.)
forge, falaify (* III to deceive,
dlj dalk rubbing; grazing, brushing,
defraud { s.o.), impose ( on)
touching, touch
(J^IaJ tadtis deceit, fraud; swindle
iJjJj dalk liniment
^-Jaj tadlisi fraudulent
iJjJj dvik, u~~ll\ iljii d. aS-Sams
(jJ-L* mudaas foxged, counterfeit |
*-Ja* j^Ju connterfeit money; ^Jo- r^Li.
.iiJij tadtik embrocation; massage
forged keys
iW-U mudaika pl. -l masseuse
gla iafa'a a (daT) with *SU lisnah: to
stiok out one' tongue; to
*Ij II to rob s.o. () of his senses, drive ( s.o.)
loll, let the
tongue hang out II to pamper, spoil
crazy (love) V to go out of one's mind,

a child); to caress, fondle, pet go crazy (with love) | u>- j c-iiS (hubbihi)
( s.o.)

IV she has fallen in love with him

Jd\ ^J-b ^ (eg.) a nauaeating, dis-
gusting thing VII to stick out, be stuck -Jj* mvdallah madly in love
; )

li IT idlahamma to be dark, gloomy; to be b look up alphabetically
** dam pl. Co d\ma blood; Li homioide
-Ij dalham dark, gloomy; deep-black
cases (jur.) \
^j-^ <o d. al-akawain idlihmm a deep block dragon's blood (a dark-red, resinous

la* mwttaAtmm dark, gloomy; deep- substance derived from the dragon tree,

black Dracaena draco)

i/a dami blood- (in Compounds),

jjj II to let hang, dangle (*; to hang,
suspend {*; to lower (*; to

drop, let down, let fall down (* ,4^.} damaivi blood- (in Compounds),
IV = II; to cast down {* glances, Jl on sanguine; aanguinary, bloody
s.o.) ; to let one's glance {ajUL bi-anzriki)
Ai damma u (dmm) to coat, smear, besmear
Bweep down; to express, utter, voice (*-
(l-j a with); to paint, daub, color,, e.g., aAj bi-ra*yihi one's opinion)
dye, tinge, tint (^ * with) II to rub,
to deliver, make {f:j-*z>, a Statement;
embrocate, anoint (ij * with)
pol.); to adduce, present, advance, offer
(*j** bi-hujjatin an argument); to (O dmm ointment, unguent, salve,
inform, notify, advise (>-> Jl s.o. of), let liniment, embrocation; paint; pigment,

(Jl s.o.) know (^t about); to offer, dye, dyestuff; rouge

present (<-*> Jl to s.o.; to grant, give
aIo dimm ointment, unguent, salve,
(J j4* an interview to s.o.); to Blander,
liniment, embrocation; paint; pigment,
defame, asperse (j s.o.) |
V-dl JU J* JjI dye, dyestuff; rouge
(daiwah, dilti*) or "Voll j j$x> to make
one's oontribution (together with others),
j damim pl. aIo dimm ugly; de-
formed, mifishapen li^l **o d. al-kqa
add one's touch, put in one's two bits' |

ugly to look at, of repulsive appearance

worth V to hang down, be Buspended,
dangle (,y from); to be lowered, be let 1.L.J damma ugliness; ugly appear-
down; to be or become low; to sink, de- ance; abominableness, monstrosity
scend i^Jl J-C to threaten to fall down,
A.jJI ad-dammm Dammam (seapott
be ready to fall
in E Saudi Arabia, on the Persian Gulf
jis dalw usually f., pl. J-il adlin, "V-i

dila, yd adla leather bcket; bcket, *..! damuta u (HjUa damta) to be gentle,

pail; Aquarius {astron.) mild (character) II to soften, mellow {*
4j^j daya pendant
i*.j damit pl. ^jL.j dimt: j^U-'Vl i-J
."VjI idl' delivery (of a Statement);
gentle, mild-tempered
utterance, Statement ; presentation ; grant-
ing olo damta mildness, gentlenesa,

JIj dliya pl. Jljj dawlin water- tenderness (of character)

wheel <for irrigation); trellia, espalier on

i damaja u (pj-J dumj) to enter (j
which grapevines are trained; varix,
go or come into (j), be inserted,,
varicose vein write short-
incorporated (j in) II to

Jui* mutadallin pendent, suspended, hand IV to twist tightly, twine firmly

hanging, dangling ; projecting, over- (a; to enter, insert, include, in-
hanging, ready to fall down corporate, embody (j a in); to
introduoe, interpolate, intercalate <j * 4
D i$j>j* V l dmari ( = jj-JJ V) nobody, in) ; to annex (

j * to) VH to oe no one, not a living soul
inserted, be incorporated (j in); to be
^Oj tadmur*, usually pronounced tudmur,
annexed (j to); to merge (j with), be
Palmyra (ancient city in Syria, now a
awallowed up, be absorbed (j by); to
small village)
be fused, fuse, amalgamate
iSj+JJ iadmuri, usually pronounced
aJ tadmij shorthand, stenography
tvdmuri, someone, somebody; tSj*^ V
- La I idmj insertion , incorporation nobody, no one t not a living soul
Interpolation; inolusion (j in); assim-
^i damasa u to hide, conceal, disguise (*
ilation (; to bury (^jVI j s.o. in the

r-L.Ajl indimj incorporation, insertion ground) II do.
(j in); amalgamation, merger, merging
^a dims (eg.) cinders, ashes
(j with); absorption (j by); annexation

J to) ; fuaion ; assimilation i-lo damsa darkness

+x* mudmaj firm, compact ^lol adma (pl.) hovels, shanties,

+JI+ mundamij firm, compact, tight
^j*} damms pl. t
^-*L*.i damdmls 3
lrfj damajna (also ULfb) pl- -t demijohn,
cave, cavern
^Ic j daims, dims, ^j* j daims pl.

aX*s damdama to mutter, grumble, growl,

( riljj daymls* dungeon; vault

l _r
^1j dmia pitch-dark; dark, gloomy,
l*x** damdama pl. -t growl, snarl; dusky
rumbling noiae, rumble
tr- i* Jji fl mvdammaa stewed beans
lj*s damara u to perish, be ruined, be de-
j+i dimo&tf, dimq* Damascus (capital of
stroyed II to annihilate, destroy, min,
demolish, wreck (* V to be de-
stroyed, demolished, ruined, wreoked L-i* mvdamSaq damascened, dam-
VII to be destroyed, be annihilated asked; (syr.) having adopted a sophia-
tioated Btyle of living (imitating that of
jUj damr min, destruotion
Damascus), urbanized
j^jj tadmlr annihilation, destruction,
*a* dama'a a to water (eye) IV to cause to
weep, evoke tears, make (the eyes) water
jUojl indimr utter defeat, rout, de-
~o dam" pl. fj*a dum' tears
Btruction, annihilation
i*o dam'a (n. un.) tear, teardrop
~t,j*X> mvdammira pl. -t destrpyer
(eg.) dim'a gravy

vuj dam'i: i~**a <JLi (qunbula) tear-

jj^j dammr (eg.) a coarse calico-like
gas bomb
lui dami'a and *-*.! daml' pl. ^ywJ
tSjj** dammri {eg.) made of dammr
dam'd, joUa dam'i' 1 readily inclined to
(see above)
weep, frequently weeping, tearful, lach-
Kj^i damlra (eg.) flood season of the Nile rymose (woman)

9ys damu and flo damm' watering, tumor, ulcer ; f uruncle ; bubo, plague
watery, tearful (eyes) boil; inveterate evil

uXt madma' pl. I.U madmi ri lach-

J* j oy. U> fan dummatt bubonio
rymal canal plague

'j damaya a to refute, invalidate (* a pL dumluj pl. lo damlij' bracelet, bangle

falsehood, an error, a false accusation);
to triumph (* over falsehood; said of
j*i damana u (damn) to fertilize, manure,
dng (* the soil) IV to give o.a. up,
devote o.a., apply
(J* or * to), go in
f-Lj dimg pl. lk*i\ admiga brain
for (Jp or *); to be addicted (J* e.g., to

iiJi ~<J? kujja dmiga cogent argu- Hquor)

menta 4*b jl+i (laAa) irrefu table
j*^ dimn (coli. ; n. un.
pl. j-j diman
fertilizer, manure, dng
2 '^* damaga u [damg) to stamp, provide or i-o dimno pl. j*i diman vestiges or
mark with a stamp (*; to hallmark remnants of a dwelling, ruins
(a gold and silver articles); to brand (*
jlo damn fertilizer, manure, dng
an animal)
lol idmn addiction; excees; mania;
j damg stamping j
c-U^ail j (2.

dipsomania j OJ^S-JJ OUjI i. al-muskirt

al-ma&gt hallmarking of gold and
silver articlea

j^-U mudmin addicted, given up (J*

oL.j damga stamp; hallmark (on gold
e.g., to wine); an addict (J* of)
and silver articles) j 4*0 3jj waraq d.

stainped paper 2
Lj durnn see lyj

y_yX* madmg stamped, bcaring a

j^*j damankr 2 Damanhr (city in N Egypt)
^j*^ see 1 pi
IjI^.j dimuqrti democratic; democrat

<\>\ji dimuqr}iya democracy; demo-

t/j damiya a to bleed II and IV to cause to

cratic attitude or conviction bleed

flj dmin bleeding, bloody, gory

(j--j dimaqs raw silk

,^-o dimaq&i silken, silky

^x* rn.udam.Tnan, f. L.u bloody; blood-
il^-x. madmk and <il*.U mudmai firm, tight,

i*ji dumya pl. ^j duman statue, Statuette;

image, effigy; dummy; doli

Jo damala u (daml, j^Li damaln) to
fertilize, manure, dng (* the soil); JLo dimyt* Damietta (city in N Egypt)
damila a (damal) to heal, heal up, scor
ji danna u (dann, ^J^ dantn) to buzz, hum
over, cicatrize (wound) VII to heal, heal
(inaect); to drone
up, scar over, cicatrize (wound) ; to

fester, suppurate (sore) i dann and ^j danin buzz(ing),

hum(ming), droning, drone

J*i dummal (n. un. *) pl. J*lo dam*
mii*, Jlo dammiP abscess, boil, sore, j dann pl. li. dinn earthen wine jag

llj 294

\ji danaa a and JJj danu'a u (*'j* dun a, ijajj danaf long illness; O cachexia,
Ijj tfcw'a) to be low, mean, base, vile, marasmus (med.)
contemptible, despicable
Ju.u mttdnif, mudnaf emaciated,
Ji dani pl. UjI adniy' 2 .UjI adn'
, haggard, weak
low, base, mean, vile, despicable, con-
temptible; inferior, second-rate, of poor Jh'-s look up alphabetically

<UJj dunqula Dongola (town in N Sudan,
UjI adna' 2 lower, viler, meaner; more on the Nile)
inferior, of poorer quality

J.Uj dan'a lowness, basenesa, mean-

ness, vileness; inferiority iJjXi danmark 2 Denmark

^Ji, kjj (Fr. dentelle) dantilla lace, lace- (jji and U-i) Ij-> (Jana u (_jjj dunw, yUi dan*
work wa) to be near, be close; to come or go
near s.o. or (
j* or Jl or J), approach
J^j dinjil (eg.) pl. J>-Uj danjil 2 axle, axle-
((>' J' J 8 '-> -th.); to come close, get
close (j*, Jl, J to), approximate (j*, Jl,

4-j-ijj (Turk. dondurnia) rfandurma ice cream J; to draw near, be imminent (time,
event); j* *j Uj to bring s.o. close to ...;
jUj dandiSa common people, people of no Jj daniya a (Uj danan, *j_Uj danytz)
to be low, lowly; to be or become mean,
base, vile, despicable, contemptible II to
jjjj dandana to buzz, hum; to drone; to
murmur bring close (*, s.o., j* to), bring,
hum softly, croon (a song); to
take or move {*, a.o.) near (j*),
i$JLo dindl (eg.) turkey approximate (*, j* to); to apply
o.s. (j to, buay o.s. (j with
jLjj pl. _tjUj look up alphabetically, delve (j hito); <-Ju J.i (nafsah)
^ danisa a [danaa) to be aoiled, sullied, to lower o.s., abse o.s., humble o.s. III to
defiled, polluted II to stain, so, dirty, approach ( s.o., *, come or get
befoul, sully, pollute, contminate (* near s.o. or (, *), come or get close; to dishonor, disgrace f*; to (, * to); to approximate (*; to
desecrate (* V pass. of II measure up (*, to) j
JIju V ^ (yu*
dn) an unequaled thing IV to be
^j danaa pl. odna uncleanneas,
near, be close; to approach (j^ or Jl or J
dirt, filth, aqualor; stain, blemish, fault
s.o. or, come, go or draw near s.o.
^i dantsj. (J-IjjI adna, lij dunaa' 2
or (j, Jl, J), come close, get cloae
unclean, soiled, sullied, foul, polluted,
(j* J'> J to); to bring close ( s.o., *
defiled, stained, j* to), bring, take or move ( s.o.,

,^-wJJ tadnis pollution, defilement, so- * near (,>), approximate (*,

ing, sullying, contamination; dishonor jf* to); to lower, drop (*, e.g., the
ing, disgracing; deaecration, profanation veil) V to approach gradually (Jl
or s.o.); to be debased, sink low, sink,
*JJj danija a (danaf) to be seriously l
decline; to lower o.e., abse o.s., humble
IV do.
o.s. VI to come near each other, get close

*Jj danif pl. UjI adnf seriously ill to each other, approach one another; to

298 J>

be olose together; to approaoh, approxi- i$jjs dunyawi, j jLb dunywi worldly,

mate (> VIII JjI iddan to be mundane, secular ; earthly, temporal,

near, be olose, come or draw near, ap- transitory, transient

proach X to wish to be nearer or closer, jiji danwa nearness, oloseness, prox-

try to oome nearer or cloeer; to aeek to
imity, propinquity; lowness, lowliness;
fetch or bring closer (*, Jl to, to meanness, baseness, viloness
0.8.), reach out (* for, wish (Jl *
*jUj dany lowness, lowliness; mean-
ness, baseness, vileness
y i dunw ad vent, approaoh ; proximity

an event) Al tadannin sinking, deoline ; low

nearness, imminence (of
Ievel, nadir (fig.) |
J*>UVl Jo=JI (akqi)
Jj daniy pl. Uil adniyS* near, olose;
the low level of morality, the moral
low, lowly; mean, base, vile, despioable,
contemptible, inferior, infamous, deprav-
61 dnin low; near, close

iJj daniya pl. -t, LUi dany a base \xl* muiadnin olose together
quality or habit; disgraoeful, in-
jMi dahr pl. j_y*> duhr, jh*\ adhur time;
famy, vile aotion
long time, age, epoch; lifetime; eter-
Jj>l adn, f. L'a dunyd pl. m. utal nity; fate, destiny |
j*a)l ob bant
addnin, ys\ adnauna, pl. f. Ja dunan ad-d. blows of fate, trials, affliotions, mis-
nearer, closer ; situated lower down, fortune; j*-Ul JujL^S and j*-dl J>jy*
nether; lower, inferior; lowlier; smaller, vioissitudes of fate, ohanges of fortune;
of less significance; more appropriate, adversities, adverse circumstanoes; jm
better suited, more suitable | j^-ilf ^j*UH dahra d-dhirtn for all eteraity,
(sorg) the Near East; Jil/I ^>U (maj* forever and ever; j*aJI _^T Jl ttf ffiri d~d.

rib) Algeria; JujJ\ J^ > JjI (AaM* do.; 4^ j*ill ... V (od-daAra JfettUaAA)

aJ-wortd) very near or close, imminent; never in all one's life

y^\ t-o'ill the dosest relatives; lol j-

^j*i dahri an adherent of the dahriya,
Lull Jl (aqphu) from one end to the
a materialistio, atheistio dootrine in
other; wholly, entirely, completely, al-
Islam; atheist, freethinker
together; Ji^l -U-l (hadd) the minimum;
Uil hereinafter, below (in writings, doc- jj*j duAri very old, far advanced in
umenta, etc.) e.g., Uil yiji\ {muwaq* years
qi'n) those signed below, the under-
signed; Jjl ^ (with foll. genit.) not the
^i daham a (= ^la) to trample under-
foot, trample down, orush (*,
least, not a single, not one
tread (* on; to run over (
Lb duny (f. of Jil odn) world;
earth; this world (as opposed to S^T);
life in this world, worldly existence; ^i*.i dahiSa a and pass. duHi&a to be astoniflh-

worldly, temporal things or possessions; ed, amazed, surprised {j- or J at); to

earthly things or concems |

L'JJl 3U-I wonder, marvel (> at); to be baffled,

life in this world; U-dl pl umm od-<f. startled, puzzled, perplexed, taken abaok

Cairo; U.uij L'all plil ogma d-d. n- (,> or J by) II and IV to astonish, amaze,
aq'adah approx.: to kick up a dust, surprise, baffle, puzzle, perplex, startle

mhe a stir, move heaven and earth (. s.o.) VII = dahiia



Jljts dahaS perplexity, surprise, con- prise ( s.o.), come unexpectedly (a to

stemation, alarm, dismay s.o.); to enter suddenly, raid, invade (a

^t*^ dahiS astonished, II to blacken (* III to befall,

amazed, sur-
prised; baffled, puzzled, nonplused, per-
seize, grip, attack (* s.o.), come over s.o.

plexed, startled, disconcerted, alarmed, (*; e.g., sickness, despair); to surprise,

upset; dazed, stunned

take unawares, catch red-handed ( s.o.);

to attack suddenly ( s.o.), fall upon s.o.

aj dhSa astonishment, amazement,
{*), invade, raid (a e.g., a house); to
surprise, wonder; perplexity, constema-
overtake ( s.o.; fate), catch up with ()
tion, bafflement, bewilderment, dismay,
IX to be black
S-*.i duhma blackness
^UaJl indihS astonishment, amaze-
ment; perplexity, consternation, baffle- ^il adham %
, f. l>* dahm' 2 , pl. jo
ment, bewilderment duhm black, deep-black |
>l>^ <_aI.i

(dhiya) disaster, catastrophe

Ju>x> mudhiS astonishing, amazing,
surprising, marvelous ; pl. -t amazing *L-*-l ad'dahm' the masses, the com-
thing, marvels, wonders mon people, the populace, also ^Ul L*i

^fijAJ- madhs and jlut* mundahiS 3-M-U mudhama police raid; house
astonished, amazed, surprised; perplexed, search
baffled, puzzled, nonplused, startled;
jJ- mudhamm very dark, pitch-dark
^i dahana u (dahn) to oil (, a, s.o., <^>
\J.> dahaq Stocks (to hold the feet of an
with); to anoint (, a, s.o., <- with);
offender by way of punishment)
to grease, smear (, a, s.o., ^ with)
JUi dihg fll (cup), brimful to rub, embrocate (, a, s.o., <^>

with); to paint, daub (a; to varnish

*Uaj dihqn, pl. UUj dahqina, ,>jIa.i
(a II do. III to treat with gentleness
dahqin 2 man of importance, one who
( s.o.); to cajole, flatter ( s.o.), fawn (
plays an important role, leading person-
on s.o.); to cheat, dupe, gull, take in,
ality; grandee (in ancient Persia) |
i-L-JI d. as-siysa the political leaders
outsmart (* s.o.) V pass. of I

j* dahn oiling, greasing; painting,

il*.i dahaka a (dahk) to crush; to mash (a

ji duhn pl. adhn, oy>i duhn,

ji:> II tadahlaza to stroll about, walk about
-t, Laj dihn oil (edible, lubricating,
(in a hall)
for the skin) ; fat, grease
>Uj difUiz pl. jrJUi 2
daAJ anteroom,
^a.1 duhni oily, oil, oleic, oleo- (in
vestibule, lobby , foyer ; corridor, hall-
oompounds); fatty, greasy
way |
>1aoJI j.1 ibn ad-d. pl. jJIaoJI UjI

foundJing tljLiA^ duhniyt fats, oils; fatty aub-

difUl Delhi
Laj dahn' 2 desert
*jo dahama a (dahm) and dahima a (daham)
OLa^ dahhn house painter, painter
to come or descend (* upon s.o.) euddenly;
to surprise, take unawares, take by sur- <~*s ddhina pomade


jl*j dihifpl. -t, ii*il adhina cosmetic (jj) Jj da' pl. *\j*\ adw' disease, malady |

cream, cold cream, salve, ointment, ._.WJI 1j d. at-ta'lab alopecia, loss of the

unguent; consecrated o, anointing oil; hair; O ^ '* d - ar - ra(19 St. Vitus's

paint, vamish; hypocrisy, dissimulation, dance; O J^l k d a W*l - elephantiasis

(without pl.) painting, daub- O kll *\i d. al-minfaqa shingles, herpes

ing; whitewashing |
UaJJ jj {warSa) zoster {med.)


L*li* mudhana flattery, adulation,

^_jjj II to wear out, wear off (>
sycophancy, fawning ; hypocrisy, dis-

simulation; deceit, trickery Sjbji dbra packthread, string, twine, cord,

mudhin flatterer, adulator, syc- rope : thread

ophant; hypocrite poem consisting of
C^jjj dbait a rhymod
j>x. mudhin oily; fatty, greasy four hemistichs

j_j*i dahwara to hurl down (*; to tear ,-ji VII to spread

down, topple, overthrow (* II ta*

rj* dauh branching trees, branches
ddhivara pass. of I; to fall, tumble; to
to be dragged down, sink to i*-jj dauha tall tree with many
slump, flink;
branches; family tree, genealogical tablo
the loweat level

downfall; decline, '**-\a dha top (child's toy)

jj*jJ tadahwur fall,

(rji) r'-> <^fca u {dank) to conquer, subjugate
(> a country); to resign o.s., humble o.s.;
jo dahiya a (Uj dah') to be clever, smart,
cunning, artful, wy; dah a to befall, to be or become dizzy, have a feeling of

come over dizziness; to feel ill, be sick, feel nausea

overtake, hit, strike { s.o.),

= dah VI to IIto conquer, subjugate (* a people); to

s.o. (
; misfortune) II

pretend to be smart or cunning

make submissive, subdue, humble, hu-
miliate, degrade ( s.o.); to make ( s.o.)

.Lj dah' smartness, slyness, shrewd- dizzy; to molest, bother, trouble ( s.o.);

nesa, subtlety, cunning, craft to daze, stun ( s.o.) aJ\j j> (ra'sah)

to make s.o.'s head go round, make s.o.

jsjl adh smarter, shrewder; craftier,

more skillful, subtler, more dizzy

wilier ;

resourceful; worse, more calamitous i^-p dauka vertigo, dizziness; coma;

Jj dahin pl. ;l*.> duhh smart, sly,

shrewd, subtle, cunning, wy, artful;

f\* d'ik dizzy
resourceful person
iijjj tadwik subjugation, conquest
L*b dhiya smart fellow, old fox, sly
jjj II to be or become worm-eaten

LaIj dhiya pl. *\j* dawhin calamity, ^jj dd (coli.; n. un. S) pl. Uj didn.

disaster, catastrophe |
Lj <-*!> (dahya) worm; maggot; larva; caterpiilar |

(dahm') disaster, ca- j jjLi and _>s!l S-ijJ d. al-qazz silkworm;

and 1>j i-*b
tastrophe; i-*lj j ^yi (fal-yadhab) let f-yW .ip d. ai-qar', ^ jj.i {qar'%) ascarids;

^jjll ijj d. al-qtTmiz cochineal; ,ji\ *j*

him go to hell!

d. al-miii oheese maggots; i-L*-^l iijil\

f*1ll (afwh, asalt aX-aqlm) to be
tapeworm ourrent in both the spoken and written
language, be in general use, be generally
iS>ji ddl wormlike, worm-shaped,
acoepted (e.g., words); IjLel JTIj Ij^i jli
(bdan, a'ydan) he had been around in
jjJ- madd, mudawwid wormy, worm- the world and had Seen a lot; (cooq.) jlj
eaten JL. (blah) to pay attention
(Jl, Je to),

"D ijJ- midwad *jX*

be careful Je with); ^"Ul
(Jl, o,lj
calamity overtook them n to tum in a
circle, spin, whirl, rotate, revolve (^, t
( J J^) jl* dra u (Ajur, ubja dawarn) to tum,
revolve, rotate, move; to turn, tum around (*_., <;
in a circle (Je, *_*,
to invert, reverse (*_.,; to make
Jj- around or s.o.)! circle (Je, c-., Jj.
round, to round (e; to circulate, or s.o.); to begin to tum or rotate;
pass around (*; to set going, set in
to circulat; to go round, apread, be
motion, start; to wind (* a
current, make the rounds (of rumors,
watch, a clock); to look, searoh
etc.); to run, be in Operation (of a ma- (Je for | Jj jji (ra'sah) to tum s.o. 's
chine or engine); to start running, start
head, persuade s.o., bring s.o. round
up (engine); to walk or go about, run
III to go or walk around ( with s.o.) to
to roam, rove, move about, ;

try to bring (. s.o.) round; to ensnare,

wander about, gad about; to make the
inveigle (. s.o.); to try to ensnare (. s.o.);
rounds (J among people), turn suc-
to try to deceive (> s.o.); to cheat, trick
oessively (Je to several people); to turn,

turn one's face, wheel around; to veer, (J or ^

. s.o. out of; to get

stuft, change away, escape, dodge, duck out IV to

ite direction; to change,
take a difibrent turn, become difierent; tum, revolve, rotate, spin, whirl (e;

to tum (Je against s.o.); to have to do, to tum around, tum (*, ^, Jl Jj
one's head toward); to direct
deal ( J^- or Je with), treat ( Sy or Je of ), (Je or Jl *
refer (J^. or Je to), beax (J^ or J on), to, toward), aim (Je or Jl > at);

concem (iy- or Je; to take place, to circulate, pass around (; to

be going on, be in progress, be under set in Operation, set going, set in motion
way; to be discusBed, be talked about ( ju (e a machine, an apparatus); to start,
among); to circulate, pass around (u start up (l^l al-muharrik the motor);; to lead, guide or show around to play, play back (
(t_> e.g., UL U\J.
s.o.); to let roam, let wander (*^>, 4-i_*j tapes); to act upon (.), drive (<
bi-nazarihi, bi-'ainaihi one's eyes, one's; to get under way (e a Job, a
glance, j over) jj durl about face!
| project); to take up (; to initiate
(oommand; mit.); *tj jlj (ra'auh) to be (e; to divert, turn away (^e *,
or become dizzy, giddy; ,^111 . jlj s.o., from); to direct, conduct, steer,
(turnt) to trim sail, adapt o.s. to the manage, head, run (*, be in Charge
Situation; v_^-l ^.j Ojlj (rdk l-harb) (e of); to revolve in one's mind, think
war broke out; ,^1 UU, Ojlj Jll iijUI over, ponder (, l that)
| Jl i^-j, _,bl
the battles that raged yesterday ; *
* (bi-wajhihi) to tum around to s.o.,
(bi-na/nhi) it passed through his mind; look back at s.o.; *-!> jlil (ra'tah) to
Jr-WJe jb (alaun) to be much-discussed, tum s.o.'s head, persuade s.o., bring
be on evefyone's Ups; ii.->Uj .ly^l Je jlj round; f^iji
s.o. j i^ii.\ jljl to bring

oonversation around to a topio, broaoh or al-hijra Medina; fbjill j\> d. alaMm

discuas a subjeet V to be or become round; orphanage, orphans' home
to be circular X do.; to oirole, rotate, ijb ddra pl. -dt halo (of the moon);
revolve, spin, turn; to turn (Jl to), faoe circle; O (M oircuit; O vla
(Jl s.o.); to turn around; to tum one'a
jjta ddri domeetio, native
head, look baok; to cirole (iij-,

walk around (J>-) jjjj diirl domestio (animal); jji-

j jjj ('ua/'') nd JJJ* houae sparrow

j\i dir f., pl. jji dir, jlji diyir, oljl;J
jjj daur pl. jljjl odtor round (of a
diyara houae; building,
diyrit, h* by
patrol; in sports); role, part (played
Btructure, edifioe; habitation, dwelling,
s.o. or; film role, stage role;
abode; reaidenoe, home; Beat, aide,
periodio ohange, rotation, alternation;
locality; area, region; land, oountry (esp.
crop rotation; period; (one'a) tum;
pl. jU, aee below) |
*i\ jIj muaeum (of
phaae, stage, atep, degree, Station; epoch,
antiquitiea); Jj^JI jta postoffloe;.liJI jta
age, era; fit, attaok, paroxysm (of a
d. al-baqS the etemal abode, the here-
after; JUI jUI (bdqiya) do.;
away, die; L^l
M Jl


musical compo-
JUI to paaa
(baid') Caaablanoa (seaport in W Mo- (within a program) | i-i-'j jj'

Wash- taaalaul) vioious oirole, oiroulus vitiosus;

roooo); the White Houae (in
Jl^ jjj (niM'J) final round, finals
ington); !jl~dl jIj eommereial houae,
(othUi.); jliJ"VI jjJ d. oi-miqid Session,
busineaa houae; v.A' ->'* ** a*-^af* war
term (pari.); JjVI jjJll (auranJ) or jjj
zone, enemy territory (Isl. Law: non-
jIj eat of yjl d. at-bufila leading role, starring
Muslim i Ij^JI

the Chief ezeoutive of a oountry; jla

role; j.rt fl or bjJ ^ (la'iba) to play
o*-ja'dda Conatantinople; jla a part or role; &ij jji (ardl)
SjIaJI d.
floor, flrst floor; j jj OK" it was bis tum;
d. os-salfai Conatantinople (dea-
World War jjJI it ia his tum; jj>b (Ul) I for one,'
ignation before I); fiJ\ jli I

d. at-talm paradiae, heaven; epithet (I) for my part, ijjJb (_>) he in tum, (he)
for his part; jjJl; altemately, by tum
of Baghdad; Dar ea Salaam (aeaport
and eapital of Tanganyika Territory); ijji daura pl. -it tum, revolution,
U*_jl jji oinemas, movie housea; jla gyration, rotation; oiroulation; oyole;

IU/II d. ai-hirfa police Station; jIj cirouit; round, patrol; prooeasion {Chr.);
_JI or itbJI jb araenal; J _>Ij
round trip; tour (in general, of an artist
(pinf) cinnamon; Vj-"" ->'* ^* 4^^ ftnd or performer); de tour; period (O 1
;J _,lj d. at-riUu mint (building); ei.); Session (of parliament); oourse (of

Ijl^l jIjJI ('irdqiya) Iraq; f>Jl jIj instruotion) (r., yr.) |

'uj^ j.r'H (**
name of a College in Cairo; Lll Ji d. mawfya) blood oiroulation; **ji-\ j^ll

al-fan' (aa oppoeed to .lijl jh aee (jawwiya) air oiroulation; JW>-' "'J-^

above) the temporal world, thia World; 11

(JJ^f) d -
V , a, ((oj'wui) or-fulio

Lj)l jl j d. al-gad* oourt of juBtioe, tribu- offloen' training oourse (m. r Syr.);

nal; ^^-ll jb d. oi-hrfui publio Ubrary; sl>j bj> {tirfiya) crop rottion; jjj

jji\ jji d. oMoau> amuaement Centers; ^o^ (oWlyo) legislative period; 3jji

night clnbs; J.'-'l jlj theater, playhouse; ^JUll d. al-falak revolution of oeleatial

illl jlj d. al-muik (royal) reaidenoe; bodies; UUJI Ijjj (tUt/d/lyo) flanking
maneuver (mtl.); JL. ijjj (mdUyo)
SjyJ.1 jljJl (mifriya) Egypt; !yil jIj d.

JJ> 300

financial period, fiscal year; Lil Sjjj d. jl-U madr pl. -i orbit; circling, cir-
al-miyh lavatory (with running water), cuiting, circuit, revolution; axis; pivot;
toilet, -water closet
(fig.) that upon which turns or

,jjjj daurt patrolling, patrol- (in depends, the central, cardinal, or crucial
Compounds); periodic, occurring at reg- factor, the pivot; center; aubject, topic,

ulr stated times, recarring, inter- theme (of a converaation, of negotiations)

iiittent; circulatory, cyclic, etc., see scope, rnge, extent, sphere ; tropic
j>> and 'jji; series (athlet.)
^jjoJI jL+J-l (geogr.); O steering wheel |
lt-Jl jU
(jahz) the circulatory System m. as-mratn Tropic of Cancer, ^-U-l jl.u
m. al-jady Tropic of Capricorn;
ijjjj dauriya pl. -t patrol, round; J* .jl.u jtf
it (i.e., the dispute, or the like) was
patrol, reconnaissance squad oLjjj

about..., it hingcd on...; iUI _,|.u

JliS-V1 reconnaissance squads, patrols J*
(?n. is-sana) throughout the year, all
D *jjjIj dwirlya = iijj* dauriya
year round
jo dair pl. adyr, jj\ adyira,
_/ ja! tadunr recitation of the Koran at
j_jj j duyra monastery, convent, cloiBter medium speed (between tartil and hadr;
&j* dairi monaBtic, monaBterial, clois- a technical term of tajwld)
jjl-u mudtvara pl. -t cheathig,
;J dlra region, area, land, homeland humbug, trickery; outwitting; attempted
(bedouin) evasion or circumvcntion, shift, dodge;
j \j* duwr, dawar vertigo, dizziness, persuaeion, inveigling, ensnaring

giddiness; seasickness Sjljl idra turning; turning around or

j \j dawwr rapidly or constantly over, reverting, reversion, Inversion;

turning, whirling, spinning, rotating, starting, setting in Operation; Operation;

circling, circulating; revolving, rotary, drive (techn.); direction, management;

rotatory; whirlpool, eddy, vortex; itin- administration ; administrative agency,
erant, ambulant, roving ; (eg. ) farm department, office, bureau |
^'1 Sjbl
building, farm |
jljj ^L revolving door; t. al-amn the police; ij^ jljl ('urfiya)
jijj *JL peddler, hawker; jj^j J*. jL. military administration; SjIjVI j su
{jahz hafr) rotary drilling rig; ^^ijl j |p al-i, mismanagement, maladministration;
d. a-Sams sunflower SjIjVI ,jJjt majlis al-i. board of directors,
administrative board, committee of man-
jLj dayyr monastic, friar, monk
agement; IjIjVI jS^. markaz al-i. ad-
jljo dairni monastic, friar, monk ministration center, headquarters
Sjlp dawwra whirlpool, eddy, vortex;
tjbl idri administrative, depart-
compaes, pair of dividers (ayr.) |
mental; administrative officer; manager
O 1^1 rf. a/-Aaw' weather vane
(athUt.); Ljljl idriyan through ad-
,jjljj diyri domestic; native ministrative Channels, administrative^,

[fji dawarn tum(ing), rotation, officially

revolution, gyration; circulation, cir- ejlji-l istidra roundness, rotundity,

cling, circuiting ; round trip, tour circularity

jjj! adwar 2 (elative): jr-jyi > jjil _/b d'ir turning, revolving, spinning;
(alsun) more talked about, more fre- circulating; current (e.g., cxpression),
quently expressed or discussed common; ambulant, itinerant; in prog-

ress, under way; working, in Operation; jJc-a mustadir round; circular | yj

'*j .\'.\ mJUI (mu'tamar ai-m.) round-
running (machine, engine); round

table Conference
V*lj d'ira pl. J\ji daw'ir* circle

(also math.); ring; circumference, perim- jjji dauraq pl. jjljj dawriq 1 {eg.) bulging
eter, periphery; sphere, scope, rnge, vessel with a long, slender neck carafe
compasa, extent, circuit; field, domain
(fig.); official agency, department (esp. jjji dauzana to tune (a musicalinstrument);

It., Syr. t Leb.); office, bureau; depart- O to tune in (radio)

ment of a court of justice {Eg., Tun.);

jljjj dzn and jjj dauzana tuning
farm, country estate {eg.);
(of a musical inatrument); jjj O tun-
calamity, affliction j . . . yb j within thc ing (radio)
framework of ...; lj\i i_j-*j J^-i J* 'al
Sakli nifi d. semicircular ; *J\jI\ uu nuq* 1j jjj (It. dozzina) dzina dozen

tat ad-d. essential factor, pivot, crucial

(^-ja) ,^-b dsa u (daus, ^La diys) to
point, crux; O vkjlf i (kahrab'iya) -/'
tread, step (* on); to tread (*; to
electric cirouit; O *jy^i *J\* ehort tread down, trample down, trample
circuit (el.); JijUU ij\s encyclopedia;
underfoot, crush (*; to thresh
<*_jl J\j3 govemment circles, ,/lj-OI
(grain); to treat with disdain, humiliate
(* ij SL-*Jl,4 s -l r JI)LCjil (rasmlya, aiysiya, to run over ( s.o.; automobile)
( b.o.);
'askariya) official (political, mitary)
VII pass. of I
circles or quarters (journ.); ^La^-^I _/'J

Jurisdiction (of an official agency, esp-, ^jj daus treading, trampling, tread,

of a court of justice); -iJi i/loJl (sa* step

nlya) civil list; i- 1^- V 1 lj {l^nya)
i-jj dxsa dense forest, jungle, thioket
appellate court (Eg.; jur.); -)UiJl */la

(inh'fctya) electoral district; *J* Oj'j L-Ija dawwsa pedal

J\fJS\ to suffer adversities ^l-u mads shoe, sandal

jj-'lj da' tri circular, ring-shaped, an-
^jX* modus, ,j>\j* mude trodden,
trampled down; crushed; run over
jj-U muoattrtwir round, circular
ljjlk-jj dusintriy, Ij jlsi-ya dysentery
y4* mudir head, chief, director; ad-

ministrator ; manager ; Intendant, Su- Aj^-yj (Fr. dossier) dosyi, v_,j dsS pl. -t
perintendent; rector (of a univeraity); dossier, file

mudir, chief officer of a mudiria, approx.

i^jj dawaS to irritate { s.o.) or drive
= govemor {Eg.); (pl- L-** mudar' 3 ) (eg.)

administrative officer at the head of a s.o. crazy by noise

county (Syr. Leb., t

Ir,, Saudi Ar.) \
jXm iJyj dauSa (eg.) din, noise, clamor, up-
J*i-I m. al-jauq bandleader, conductor of roar, hubbub, hullabaloo
an orcheatra
*j,ji (Fr. douche) d& pl. -* shower, douche
IjXt mudira directress; administratress

IjjXt mudiriya direction; administra- yj (It. aote) dfa dowry

tion; management; (pl. -t) mudiria,

*-jj II to imprint a mark, to brand
province {Eg.) ; approx. : main depart-
ment of a ministry {Ir.) Mj dag pl. -* brand (on cattle).
<-. 302

(>j->) <jla </a u (dauf) to mix, mingle made the rounds, it oirculated j-J V Jj loj I

(j * with); to add, admix (j (alnin) it passed from mouth to mouth, to) it was the talk of the town, it was on
everybody'a Ups
Jjj titi? duke
Ijj daula pl. Jp duical altemation,
p dtiqa ducheaa
rotation, change; change of time, tum
jja dttyj ducol
of fortune; dynasty; State, country;
ijji dqiya dukedom, duchy power, empira |
UjjJI ^L title of the
Prime Minister; ,S.I ^j ilj> daulat
ijji II to chatter, prattle
r. ai-h. Hia Ezcellency, the Prime
Sjj davka din, row, hubbub, tumult, Hinister; iljjjl Ui faidmat ad-d. title
of the President of the Bepublic (Syr.,
LA.); UJI ajJI Caltya) name
'(Jj->) Jb oVUa u (Jp daufa) to ohange of the

periodically, Uke tum, altemate, rotate; anoient Ottoman Empire; jj>SI J^lll
(jJiJI or) (tutri, "uzm) the big powers;
to change, turn (time, fortune) lljj oJb |

jJSj SJjj (muniadaba) mandatory power

jtoJ^Vt the time of absolutiam ia over,
belongs to the past; JjiJI J cJIj fortune iSji (dam., pronounced dete = yTj
ha turned in his favor (<uU against him) rahm) metal vessel with long curved
III to altemate, rotate (, s.o.,; handle used for making ooffee
to cause to sucoeed by tums or to follow
one another (fOVI al-ayyima the days; Up dauli State (adj.); duwali inter-
God); to altemate (jy between); to
confer, talk (. with s.o., J about), Jji dwoaUya intemationality; inter-
disouss (j with s.o. IT to give nationaliam; the International
ascendanoy, afford superiority, give the
o^jjj dutmilit petty stetes, small
upper hand (^* to s.o. over); to make oountries
victorious, let triumph (J s.o. over),
dJLlIp dauxUatca altemately, by turns;
grant viotory . to s.o. over); to
replaco (ij or ,>
succeasively, one by one, one alter the with), ezchange,
other |
iUlp liSU, (wa-hdkadd) and so
(v or ,> for Jjjl
forth, and ao on
V 1
tff >
ip ""k Jt-oonf l-'abbari

min 6al umayyata the rule paswd from JijJj todvAl intemationalization
the Ommaiada to the Abbaaides VI to
Jj rnvddtcala pl. -dl parley, ne-
altemate, take tums ( lvith or in,
gotiation; deUberation, consultation; dis-
o.g., in some work); to hand eaoh other
cuasion; muddwalatm altemately, one (), pasa () altemately between
after the other, one at a time
themselvea; to handle altemately (
different thingB), take now thia, now Jjlj; tadm altemation, rotation;
that; to ezchange (j^l ar-ra'y views); ciroulation, currency; circulation of mon-
to make frequent use (* of; to ey |
JjIxJIj altemately, by turns, one by
eonfer, have a discuasion, take counsel, one
deliberate; to parley, negotiate; to Jj'ji mutadwal current, circulating,
eirculate, be in circulation, be current, in circulation; valid; oommon, in com-
have currency ^4jVI Jjioj tadtvalathu mon use, prevailing
| Jjlodl *^li (fco*
l-aidl it paased from hand to hand, it Um) the oolloquial langoage

303 03>

Jl;. dawlin see _jb s\i da' im lasting, enduring; endless,

eternal, perpetual, everlasting; perennial;

-*%* dib pl. o-J^ dawltb wheel; tire;
continued, continuous, continual, inces*
gearing, gears, wheels, mechanism, ma-
sant, unceasing, constant ; permanent,
chine, machinery; closet, locker, cabinet,
standing, establiBhed; durable (XcJl I.
| f
cupboard |
^^Ul vVp wardrobe
jriJlj d. at-taqaddum wa-n-numw in a

dollar State of constant progress and growth

jV>> iiJr pl. -<K

Ix lj d'iman always | Ui I l* U (abadan)

'(jj->) ('> ddma u {daum, ?\t* datcdm) to last,
always and ever
continue, go on; to persevere, persist |

*b L nu3 Alma as long as; (the more so) ^li daimi = *\*

since, inasmuch as, as, becase; while

p\Xm mudm wine
he is . . ., when he is . . . ; L*-
U L (hayyan)
j*-oi mustadim constant, continuous,
as long as he is alive; tiL* -.. U (tfumtu)
continual, incessant, uninterrupted
so long as (or while) I am with you II to

move in a circle, tum, spin, revolve, jlyj dmn rudder, heim

rotate, gyrate, circle; to tum, revolve,
jtly* dmnji steersman, helmsman
spin, twirl (* III to persevere,
persist (J* in), apply o.b. diligently and 1
ji II to record, write down, set down, put
steadily (J* to), pursue with diligence down in writing (*; to enter, Ust,
and perseverance (J*; to continue register, book {*; to collect (*
IV to cause to last or continue, perpetuate, poems) | Up^ j (tarfan) to stipulate
make laeting, make permanent f* a condition V to be reoorded, be written
X to make (* last or continue; to down, be put down in writing
continue, go on (* with
\jt* dtwn pl. l/j\j*
dawwin* ao-
pjs daum continuance, permanence, count books of the treasury (in the older
duration; lyj dawnan constantly, at all Islamio administration) ; divan, collection
times, ever, always; doom palm (bot.) of poems written by one author; govern-
4ji dima pl. * diyam, *j>a duym mental office, administrative office; chan*

continuous rain cellery, office, bureau, Sekretariat; Coun-

cil of State, cabinet ; oounc, consultative

j. \j2 dawm duration, continuance,
assembly, board of advisers, executive
permanence, perpetuity; uninterrupted
committee; govemment; court of justice,
suocession; endurance, perseverance;
tribunal; hall; davenport, divan; (rail-
abiding, stay (of s.o., j at a place); Uj.
way) compartment
dawman and permanently,
| ^ jl^ill *JJ lugat ad-d.
(Ij-Ul Je
official jargon, officialese; ^tisll o\x* in-
perpetually, at all times, ever, always |
quisitional court; the Inquisition
(IjoJ! cJj r
(IjaJI CjMj\,Aj^\ oUU working
hours, office hours (Ir., Syr.) <j\ji* diwni administrative, adminis-
trational, official ; an Ottoman style of cur-
i+yc* daimma = ?\j*
sivo (used by the secretaries of the State

[f^ duwwma top (child's toy) Chancellery for treaties, diplomas, fir-

whirlpool, eddy, vortex mans, etc.)

iyl4- mudwama perseverance, endur- j>jjj iadwxn recording, writing down;

ance, persistence; continuance, duration; entry, listing, booking; registering, reg-
oontinuation istration

iijX* mudawwana pl. -t rccord, note; li)l Jl j.j.1

J^y it was he, not they,
entry; body of lawe; pl. CjUjJU writings, who reached the goal; o,j Ih-^ i*-LSl
literature (on a given subject) {aShai bi-wajhih) she averted her face
eo that he could not see her; ^1 Ujj JU-
ji dn low (
lowly; bad, poor, inferior;
to prevent; I^i-l jj i*iVl (o"a,
meager, inadequate j JjjJIj <LU {'ma*
amr') the infrared rays; jj oU^ll
lah) he snubbed htm
^w&JI (maujt) ultra-ahort waves (radio)
ji dna (prep.) below, beneath, under
(in rank, value, etc.); this aide of, short of; rj* dnum a aquare measure (Ir. = about
before ; without ; more than with the ex- ;
2500 m; Pal. = roughly, 900 m")

cluaion of, leaving ... aside, disregard- X

i5j* daw and II to aound, resound, ring out;
ing . .
. ; and not by any means, but not |
to drone; to echo, reverberate III to treat
dlli ji (with foll. nominative) on the way
( a patient, * a disease) VI to treat o.s.
to that, there is ..., before accomplishing
(with a medicine); to be cured
that one must ..., jlJl i^*i .illj j*
(karf al-qatd) before one can do that, ,jji dawan pl. Ipl adwa aickness, ill-

one must etrip the tragacanth of ita neBS, disease, malady

leaves, i.e., accomplish the impoasible;
jj^ dawiy aound, noiBe, ring, clang,
jJj, jj ^ (dni) without; with the roar, thunder, drone; echo, reverberation
exclueion of excluding ; j j Jj and


\j) dawh 'o}j dawya) pl. jj^

Ol ji ,> without (+ foll. gerund in
Engl.); illij* dnaka (with foll. acc.) here
duwiy, diwiy, oU j* iauwi/i inkwell

you are! take...! watch out (* for)! Iji <av' pl. ijil adwiya remedy,
beware (* of) ! *jjj j* he is below him, medicament, medication, medicine, drug
he doean't measure up to him; *yj S"
<j|p daw'% medicinal, medicative,
i->l (ahammiyatan) to be of less im-
portance than...; s\ Jf ojj rl iimun
dnah fotUu tjmtn a Bin to end all Bina; b see jj

ij^SL-]l ^^-Jl jji > ^ijl {sinn, 'askariya) Iji fjiw' treatment, therapy (med.)
thoe below the age for military Bervice;
IjIju ffimwflA treatment therapy
Jl Ju L. jj (nazarin) regardless of, ir-
respective of; Jjli U jjj with no benefit
at all; completely useless; o*~j jl ZJ
j\jj tadwin eure
l&i {taki an yas'adna) ahe is afraid
jji (Fr. douie) dy socket (of a Light bulb)
they will be happier than ehe is; !_-^JI iJU

Uj^ jjj (iuiui, gairih) those booka and no rjk* diyalg (Eg. spelling) pl. -dt dialogue
others; ijl.U L>j* tilL ^ <_ Ul (mtc
ta'ajjib, fadlika, 'ilmika) I admire your rL*j and **-Ljj see s


but not your knowledge,
your virtue more than

stijti dayyt ( ^^jj) cuckold; procurer,
pimp; a variety of warbler {zool.)
knowledge; ^^JS\j j*x$\ ji ]y^\
(kamma, tadammur, Sakw) he stopped jj*_> see ^-i
their mouths to keep them from mutter-
O^Jjjf-l ad-<&pflZ*yfin (Eg. spelling) the Gaul-
ing and complaining; jj ,>**JI jlTlil
A*i- L. (gupnu, yahtamiluh) if the branch
is not strong enough to carry him;
305 Oi J

b-j daidabn, daidubn pl. -t, So La dayd- (J to s.o.), obey (J s.o.); to grant a loan,

dia guard, sentry; sentinel | c-i'LA' LjAo lend money ( to s.o.); to subject,

ship's pilot subjugate ( s.o.); to requite, repay (

s.o.); to condemn ( s.o.), pass judgment

-Uj aee u.a.
{* on s.o.) III to hare a debt ( with s.o.),

jL>' y^' tf/. J J Bee be indebted ( to s.o.); to be the creditor

_r J y-i J^ *' -


( of s.o.), have a money claim { on

^jj du dise (Ampelodesma tenax ; bot.)
s.o.) ijZjj i-*" Mr* *;'> (bi-mabla

*-jj aee *-.>

kmmt q.) he had a claim of five piasters
on him IV to lend money ( to s.o.); to
i-ji see .j-p seil on credit ( to s.o.); to convict, find
guilty, pronounce guilty { s.o.) V to be
^-^ see i^a
indebted, have debts; to subject o.a. (J

ju^jj disembir, disambir December to) VI ^.u |>jl-tf (dain) to contraet a

mutual loan, borrow money from each

iL* dCjt pl. SO* dtto, 4^ duy*, libjl odytJjfc
other X to make or inour debts, take up
cock, rooster |
,_^ji- 1 iLi d. at-Aa&aJF
a loan
turkey, turkey cock; j-jj dLa (rilmi) do.;
dL-l bjj wazn ad-d. bantamweight ^o dain pl. ji* duyn debt; pecuni-
ary Obligation, liability; Obligation (Ist,
$jj)\ JLJI as -au l od-diki whooping
Law); claim (Isl. Law), financial claim |
j'il'it on credit; ^-01 ^j robb ad-d.

creditor; t-^A-l j>* d. al-harb war debte;

*y j* ^j bonded, or funded, debt; ^o
j_l* (Fr. dicor) pl. -di decor, stage deco-
Jlif (mumtz) preferred, or privileged,
debt; -x>-y j-i (muwahhad) consolidated
^Ica daims, dims, ,j*j*a daims pl. j-fL debt; jlk. ^j (mitflog) debt not bound to
daymuP dungeon, rault the physical person of the debtor, but
outliving him (Isl. Law); 3j^~* J^
< s, fi, ojxj see (ji
(mustagriq) claims against an estate

JJ^ri dtmfigi demotic (writing) which exceed or equal the assete (Isl. Law)

dainna judgment; Last Judgment

\f \ji j , ^ \Ju: i dimuqrfi democratic dem- ;

ocrat LoJl ad-dayyn the Judge (attribute

<Sf\jiji, *S\j} dimuqrtiya pl. -t

of God)

democracy; democratic attitude or con- ja madina pl. ^\x mad'in', u-U

viction mudun town, city; ^-.1 Medina (city

(^i) b rfna * to borrow, take up a loan;
in W Saudi Arabia); see a*
to be a debtor, be indebted; to owe (^ J oIj! idna verdict of guilty; convio-

s.o., also, e.g-, ^iJlj *J o\s (Sukr) d. tion j

oIjL CU jX** sadara l-hukmu

lah bi-S-htkr to owe s.o. one's thanks; bi-idnatihi he was convicted

t_j, e.g., bLJ>Lj bi-l-kayh one's ijlai-1 istidna incurrence of debt
Ufe, J to or s.o.); to be indebted
(u J to s.o. for); to be subject, subject
Jb d'in creditor

o.a., bow, yield, (J to s.o. or, be jjx. madyn indebted, in debt; ob-
under s.o.'s (J) power, owe allegiance ligated, under Obligation
Oi J

~<yX. madf/nfya indebtedness, Obli- Z \j diy&na pl. -dt religion; com-

gation mnnion, confession, denomination, sect |

iL ill v* - '-* fonnder of a religion

jx> modln owing; indebted, obligated,

under Obligation; debtor |

jCliU jm OLj dayydn pious, godly, devout,

(fukr) owing gratitude, muoh obliged; religious

J jlT to be indebted to s.o., stand imjayyun piety, godliness, devout-

^ jj
in s.o.'s debt ness, religionsness, religiosity

IjJu mudin moneylender, oreditor ^jz* mutadayyin pious, godly, devout,

Oli. mudn convicted, found guilty;

guilty; judged, condemned * .uu muladayytna religious Community

'(ji) b dana i to profess (v a religion, a jbj dlndr pl. jj dandntr* dinar, a mone-
"oonviction, eto.) (jWfl; ob to profeas tary unit </r., /ord.); pl. j*iLb money

Islam; JbU; jb (bi-AdUM) to adhere to ^jbi ilwSrf diamonds (of a deok of

one's oustoms T to profess (v a religion) oards)

^i dm pl. OIjjI adjuln religion, oreed,

jLjj dln&md dynamo, generator
faith, belief | fr>l\ fy.
ymm ad-d. the

Day of Judgment ^.bi dfodmtt dynamite

Jjj dfnl religious; Bpiritual | Jj^ ir-

O jJ dainam pl. rta daydnim* dynamo.
religious; O Ji-iN ,M f*) enoe of

*j See tS*j
ji dayyin religious, pions, godly,

devout l^ji pl. j^ilp and Jljja t

j 4t (demonstr. pron.) pl. >Vjl ul'i this one, da behold, it is I, here I am, pl. .yl j* l

this; iij bi-di by this, by this means, Ali no^nu uW; used as an aoousativa
thereby; lil J'-(M therefore; Ijf Ja-rf so, in the oonstruot State: master, owner, or

thus, in thia manner; so and so, so and possessor of, with jj nonnative (q.v.),

so muoh; li* M-ba-ii so, thus, in this ji as genitive; Uli 4&ka, f. ilU (Abt,

*ilj ttca, pl. <l>Vjl &'* this, this one;

manner; serves as intensifier after inter-
rogative pronouns (roughly correspond- iJIS jl (itf) then, at that time; in those

ing in English to such phrases as: ... on days; iS'a daliln, f. ilS titta, pl. illlfjl

earth, ...then, or the lue): lil what on ldo?tsa that, that one; iJj bi-dliba by
why then! why in heaven's that, by that means, in that manner;
eartht liU.
diu U-dalita therefore; di .U> fa'da
namet -Iij hvw* <. f. tfi <f *> ft
fka after that, upon that, thereafter,
that one; look at that one! why, that
is..., now if thatisn't...!; IJ.U h/tana-
thereupon; dli mo'a iaWoa yst, still,
307 y
nevertheless, for all that; Ol Ji, (oimo) i dibh saorificial viotim, blood saorifioe
that is (to say), namety, to wit; JV i, *j diblfa, dubha angina (meo*.); diph-
(It'-onna) and that ia beoause . . ., for the angina
theria | L_,xJI ~**J!\ (fadriya)
one reason that...; Ol .ili (M-oma) pectoris (med.) ; O iijjill **iiJI (/u'diyo)
thifl isdue to the faot that ...; JUT tu- do.
$Miia so, thus, in that manner; equally
likewise, in the same manner; yJJ ,Ui iabbh slaughtering,
dering; slaughterer, butoher

diiikum, f. fiS ItUum, pl. pVjl uUMnm

that one; li hidi, f. <i* MrfiM, tfi -2>j dabih slaughtered

Adtf{, pl. .V> WuM'i, dual m. U ^jj $oWAa pl. j|lii daba'ik' slaughter
Wrfdni, f. jl'U Adidnt thia, this one, an animal; sacrifioial viotim, blood saorifioe;
li (alphabetioally) immolation; oering, oblation

Ji X to be wolflike, be fleioe or orael like a fl. madbah pl. f)i- maddbih' slaugh-
wolf terhonse; altar (Chr.)

oJS #'6 pl. v i ii'b, J^jji dv'bn 7*1* madbaha massaore, slaughter,

dieb (Canis anthus), jaokal; wolf |

oamage, butohery
jj-VI v 5 -111
i>j" tf rf-rf-
ijii dabdaba to set into a swinging motion,
name of a nonoontagious skin diseasa
Swing, dangle (* II tadabdaba to
jji ju'Joa pl. c-Jlji davO.'ib' look, Swing, pendnlate; to osoillate (ei.); to
Strand (of hair); tuft, wisp be defleoted (magnetio needle) to vibrate ;

to fluotuate; to waver, vaoillate, hesitate

olS, jlS and *J\i aee jj
jijj dabdaba pl. -dl pendulous motion,
illi eee li pendulation; osoillation (ei.); Vibration

^.bJ iadabdvb pendulous motion,

Jlj ^di name of the letter i
pendulation, swinging; osoillation (ei.);

^i joMo u to drive away, ohase away (*, defleotion (of a magnetio needle)
s.o.,; to defend (je s.o.,
O ^jiiit mudabdib oscillator (ei.)

h^ljj^uMo(ool].;n.un. S) pl. jI aiibba,

Vk-i* mudabdab fluetuating, variable;
jljj dibbn flies, fly |
^jli v^ gdfly,
vaoillating, wavering, hesitant, unsteady
-j'y'z- mvtadabdib: ^>X.'^- jL: (tayytr)
ilii dvbba pl. -41 (n. un. of >^li i) fly
oscillating ourrent (ei.)
tip (of the sword, or the like)

Jji dahala, dabvJa u (dabl, Jj.i dvbvl) to be

oUi ^uAMna, dibbdna fly; sight, bead
wilted, to wilt, wither; to fade; to
(on a fireann)
beoome dry, dry up; to waste away; to
^i. midabba fly whisk, fly watter become dull, lose its luster (eye)

#i dabdha a (dabk) to kill (by alitting the JjS dabl mother-of-pearl, nacre

throat); to slaughter, buteher; to mas- JUS dvbla wiok

sacre; to murder, alay; to sacrifloe, offer
Jjli tjb pl. J;i dvbvl wilted, withered;
up immolate
( an animal) II to kill,
dry, dried up; faded (color); languid,
slaughter, butohor, massaore, murder
dull, laokluster, languishing (glanee);

dabh slaughtering, slaughter feeble, weak, tired

>* 308

J*-j dahl pl. JU-Jl adkal, J^-j du/ resent- a tiny amount, a jot, an iota; *iLUl ^ ijj
ment, rancor, hatred; revengefulness, (Sakk) the least doubt
vindictiveness; blood revenge
^ji dorn atomic j jji iLJ (yanw/o)
j*-i dakara a to keep, preserve, sbore away, atomic bomb; jjj&\ J,ljJl (wif) and
put away (*; to save, lay by ijjj li (fqa) atomic energy
{* VIII j-i\ iddakara to keep, pre- jjjj darr powder
serve, stre away, put away (*; to
^jjjj darri powdery, powdered, pul-
stre, accumulate, gather, hoard, amasa verized
{*; to lay by (a; to save (*
j-ji darira pl. _/lji dar'ir3 fragrant, also strength, trouble, etc.) _^ol
powder, cosmetic scented powder
J L*- (hubban) to harbor love for; _^-ij V
I x^*- (juhdan) he sparos no effort ^ji durri of or pertaining to the off-

spring or progeny
j* pl. jU.jl adkr stored
away, put by, hoarded, or acoumulated; *ijj durriya pl. -/, jjjji darriy

stores, supplies; treasure progeny, descendants, children, offspring

3jii dajctra pl. _r*U dak'ir3 treasure; jXj yadaru see (jij)

stores, supplies; provisions, food; am-

.-jj dariba a (darab) to be sharp, cutting
munition (mil.); (holy) relic
>-jjj ^aroft diarrhea (med.)
jUol iddikr storage; hoarding, amass-
ing, accumulation ; <_ji darib pl. <_jS ^urfi sharp, cutting
storing, gathering; |

saving ^jjj ^^- (/urA) a magnant, incurable

j-X> mvdakkir pl. -fin assistant gunner,
ammunition passer (m., Syr.) ^|jj durrh pl. j[p rfarrtA 8 Spanish fly,

blister beetle (zool.)

j*-X. mudakjfar pl. -dt supply

mnddajcira ji dara'a a (dar') to measure (*; to

jji-X> pl. -t (Syr.) storage
battery, battery take the measure or measurements (*
of; to cover (* a distance); to oross,
Kj'i dura see jji traverse (*a country), travel through (*);

to intercede, intervene, media te, put in
S> darra u (darr) to atrew, soatter, spread
a word (<J for s.o., on behalf of s.o., a^c
(*; to sprinkle (<-* * on |
with s.o. eise) V to use, employ, apply
4-Le j iL,]! jj (ar-ramda fi 'ainaihi) to
bi-darVa or <1-^ bt-wasila a
throw dust in s.o.'b eyeB; u (jjjj

means, an expedient); to use as a pre-

durr) to rise, come up, rise resplendent
tezt, as an exouse (<~t; to use as a
over the horizon (sun) | oy j j (qarnuh)
means (^, JI to an end) VII to
it began to show, it emerged
proceed, advanoe; to intervene
jj darr strewing, scatterhig, sprinkling;
fji dar* power, abifity, capabity (i_>
(coli.) tiny particles, atoms, specks,
to do | i~> UjS JLm* and ot jL*
Uji ((^ar'on) not to be up to, be
ji darra (n. un.) pl. --/ atom; tiny unable to do or accomplish; to be
particle; speck, mote | !jj Jlit. mitql d. unable to stand or bear, be fed up
the weight of a dust particle, a tiny with, be tired of, feel uneasy about, be
amount; a ttle bit; IjS jl-ii. miqdr d. oppressed by
309 ->

furthianus Kcke.); Uj jS (baida*)

fjp dir* f. and m., pl.
jjl adru",

Ujj dur'n arm; forearm; connecting millet (syr.)

rod; cubit, in Syria = .68 m in Egypt: [

^jj daran protection, shelter
^jL Jp (baladi) = .58 m, JjJli-l JjS
ijj'i iurwa, dirwa pl. ^ji duran sum-
(wtan*wtf) .665 m, *j lx> ^Iji (An-

dza) = ^j^ ^[p

.656 m, (m'mdrf) = mit; top; peak; culmination, climax,

ca. .75 m, gj* jjl^ jp (murotoa') = acme, apex

ca. .68
; in Iraq:

&\ .w
flp (6a^d5dt) or ^aL jJjS
(halabi) = jjj- mi^ran and ;ijJU midrA pl.
madrin winnow, winnowing fork

(fcoZadt) = ca. .80 m, tfj\** jji see above

jt's da' ara a (da'r) to frighten, scare, alarm,
-jji dari* stepping lively, Walking terrify ( s.o.); pass. du'ira to be frighten-
briskly; rapid, quick; torrential; rapidly ed (J by), get alarmed (J at); da'ira
spreading, eweepmg (death); devastating; a (da'ar} to be terrified, alarmed, difl-

intercessor mayed IV to frighten, scare, alarm,

darVa pl. -jl;i dar'i' 2 medium, terrify ( s.o.) V and VII to be frightened,
become alarmed
means, expedient; pretext, excuse
jt-i (Ju'r, fright terror, alarm, panic
Jiji darafa i (darf, Ouji da/, Jjji (Zur/,
jc'i da'ar fright, alarm, dismay, con-
liji darafn) to flow, well forth (tears)
to shed (* tears; said of the eye) II to
exceed (
J* an age) X to let flow, shed (a
JiUi lethal, deadly, immediately
tears) a
killin g (poison) |
<JL*i sy (maut)

to drop excrement
sudden, immediate death
ji daraqa i u (darq)

(bird) IV do. by
jti da'aqa a (da'q) to frighten ( s.o.)

ji darq droppings, excrement (of a screaming

Aci da'ina a (da an) and IV to submit,
and ^ji) !ji dar u (darw) to disperse, yield, give in (J to s.o.), obey (J s.o., an
acatter (*; to carry off, blow away order, etc.) ; to concede voluntarily,

(* dust; said of the wind); to winnow, grant willingly (l^ J to s.o.

fan (* gram); ^ji dar i (dary) do.

Uil id'n submissiveness, pliability,
II do. IV = I; to throw down, throw off
compliance, obedience
(*, a s.o., |
--i)l j**Jl ^j (dam'a)
^'x> mud'in submissive, pliable, trac-
the eye shed tears V to be winnowed, be
table, obedient
fanned; to climb (* on), Bcale (*; to

seek shade or shelter (^ in, at, under); jUii mid'n pliable, tractable, docile,

to take refuge (t-j with), flee (u> to) X to obedient, obliging, compliant
take refuge (i-j with), place o.s. under
(i->) protection, flee (i-j to s.o.)
ji'i dafar pungent smell, stench
s.o. 's

jj dura durra, a variety of Borghum |

aJj daqan, diqan pl. uliil adqn, uyi dvqn
t/Li jj (eg.) Indian com, maize (Zea chin; daqn f.,pl. * duqn beard,
mays L.); *|^L* yi (9ajra) do. (ffj/r.); whiskers |
-UI ji d. aS-faik worm-
a variety of millet (Andro- wood, absinthe; rfliiV \jj*- karr
jf_j- jj

pogon Sorghum Brot. var. Schwein- li-adqnihim they prostrated themselves;

^ 310

j J
(parigo j> / l-'amal) report, acoouot, narration, narrative
to be up to one's neck in work, be invocation of God, "wntion of the Lord 's
Bwamped by work (properly: to drown in name; (in Sufism) incessant repetition
work); JS J* dl> (dahika) pl. ^ft of certain words or formulas in praise of
(eg syr.) to fool b.o., make fun of s.o., God, often acoompanied by musio and
lead s.o. around by the nose (<_> with dancing |^Ti J# (with foll. genit.) apropos

to laugh in
; to put on
an act for s.o.;
oi j iL> of, speaking of dl j j
J*> speaking
. . ;

of that, incidentally, in that oonneotion

j dakara u (rfttr, jlTL" tadkr) to remember, fA\ /"ill the Koran; /*iJI JJU above-
mentioned, afore-mentioned; j$\ -
y nr -
bear in mind (*, think (* of); to
of bleased memory, deceased, late; iUI
keep in mind (a; to recalJ, recollect
(*; (dikr) to speak, talk (* of,
jfi (aida) to celebrate, praise, com-
mend s.o. or, speak in glowing
about); to name, mention, cite, quote
terms of s.o. or; &> _^S
(*; to State, designate, indicate J* Jlj L.

(4*hrin min) he still remembered ...

(*; to give {* e.g., faota, data); to
he could still recail . .
point, refer (* to; to report, relate,

teU (J * to s.o.) |

jftj pJi" taqad jfj dakar pl. j^fi duhr, y^Ti dukra,
dumun yudkaru notable progress; V ^Tj duimln male; (pl. j_>Ti) penis
^i (yu4tcaru) inconsiderable, not worth jTi dukra reputation, repute, renown
mentioning; (jJ-'L) j** tf* (Jr) to
have pleas&nt memories of s.o., hold
i$/*i dikrd pl. oL^J dikray&t re-
membrance, recolleotion, memory; pl,
s.o. in fond remembrance; to speak well
reminiseences, memoirs
of s.o.; jJj ^"i (*"") to have unpleasant
memories of s.o.; to speak ill of s.o. sfi dahlr steel
II to remind (<- s.o. of, point out jIQj ta4k&r, tid&r remembranoe;
(<_> to s.o., oall s.o.'s () attention
reminder, meinen to; memory, commem-
(<_* to); to make (* a word) masouline
oration; Souvenir, keepsake; memorial
(gram.) III to parley, negotiate, oonfer,
have a talk, take oounsel (# with s.o.);
day |

All Sainta'
Oi-jaSJI ^

t. jamV al-qiddlrtn

to memorice, oommit to memory, learn,

study (* one's assignment, one s lessons) jjfi; tadt&ri, tirfWrt serving to remind,

<-jjj _^*lj (dwaah) to study one's

helping the memory; memorial, commem-
Iessona, do one's homework IV to remind
(* s.o. of, call (* to s.o. 's () ij ta4kira reminder; memento
mind V to remember, bear in mind (
lf& ta4kira> mostly pronounced lad*, think (* of TI to remind
hara, pl. \ tad4kir* message, note
eaoh other (* of), revive each other's
slip, paper, permit, pass; oard; ticket;
memory of (*) ; to oonfer (together), have
admission tioket | Juj if postcard
a talk, take oounsel Till J'il iddakara
S. ^JtJl oLM if t. itm ai-Sa&iy*
= V; X to remember, recail, keep in
identity oard; i^Ltj ^Uj ifJS t. dahdb
mind, know by heart (*
wa-iyb round-trip tioket; *~* l^JJ
^j rfitr recoUection, remembranoe, (eg.) platform tioket; iJljli! ijf sub-
reminiBoanoe, memory, oommemoration acriptiou tioket; i_t S^X" (fibbiyo)
reputation, repute, renown ; naming, medical presoription ; jjj* fjj permit,
stating, mention(ing), quoting, citation; pass, laistez-paBser; passport; ^jiJi if

(8yr.) identity oard <= i-*^ *ILj Eg,)\ S'i jfrKy pl. Lfil adJciyd'* intelligent,
v Uoi^l i/ (. oZ-Vnii^Sfc ballot sharp- witted, olever, bright; redolent,
fragrant; tasty, savory, delicions
^jTi; ta4karji, tfJ' ta$kart tioket
seller, ticket olerk; (streetoar) oonduotor
Ji 4aa i (4aU, rfufl, I^S falia, *J >
4ia t '*i\*

jf ta4Hr reminding (of s.o., ^ of ma^aUa) to be low, lowly, humble,, reminder, memento; feoundation, despised, contemptible II to lower, debase,
pollination (of female hlossoms ; in degrade, humiliate, humble (*, s.o.,

pomioulture); to subject, break, subdue, oonquer

( s.o.); to overcome, surmount (* dif-
mutfkara pl. -t negotiation,
fioulties, obstacles) IT to lower, debase,
consultation, Conference; deliberation (of
degrade, humiliate, humble (*, s.o.,
a oourt; 3yr.); leaming, memorizing, ; to subject, break, subdue, oonquer
memorization; study
(*, s.o., V to lower o.s., humble
tafiahkur memory, remembrance, o.s., cringe (Jl or J before s.o.); to be
reoolleotion humble, obsequious X to think (* s.o.)
jlTJs-l isttfkr memorizing, memori- low or despicable; to think Utile (* of),
zation, committing to memory disesteem (* s.o.); to deride, flout,
disparage, run down (* s.o.)
IjTlj 4lrira memory
Jj iv lowness, lowliness, insignif-
jjfJu ma4kr mentioned; said, above-
ioance; ignominy, disgraoe, shame, deg-
mentioned; celebrated |
bjfJu Lui j& J
radation, humiliation; humility, humble-
Zorn yafcun Jat'an m. it was of no im-
ness, meekness, submiaaiTeneBS
portanoe, it was nothing
ilj 4iUa lowness, baseness, vileness,
jTi. mufckkar masouline (gram.)
depravity; submissiTeness, obsequious-
/X mufZalHra pl. -<K reminder; note; ness
remark; notebook; memorandum, me-
morial, aide-memoire, (diplomatic) note;
JJj 4alil pl. >W adm'*, iJil a4Ula
low, lowly; despised, despioable, con-
ordinance, deoree; treatise, paper, report
temptible; docile,
(of a learned eooiety, = Fr. nUmoira);
traotable, pliable;
humble, submissive, abject, servile; ob-
pl. reminiscences, memoirs fl^l lflu
sequious, cowering, cringing
m. al-ittihm bill of indiotment (pur,);

JLU ij'x, m. al-jaib writ of habeas JjJj 4ail pl. JJ j 4%dul dooile, tractable,
corpus; lULLS SjJX. (Ufhlya) verbal gentie (animal); female riding oamel
note (cUpZ.)
4J4 ma4oa humbleness, meekness,
<_^"i and j"j) ITj 0afcd u (ufcw, iTi jfciun, submissiveneBs; humiliation
ITj 0afeT) to blaze, flare up (fire); to
ezude a Btrong odor; J'j gakiya (ITj
JJX" taftU derogation, degradation,
bemeaning; overooming, oonquering, sur-
4a&') to be sharp-witted, intelligent
mounting (of difficulties, of an obstaole,
II and IT to cause to blaze, fan (* the
and the lue)
fire); to kindle (* II to immolate an
animal X= $ak Jl/ i$UU degradation, debasement,
iTi $ak acumen, mental acuteness,
inteUigence, brightness; 4uk' %
the sun JJiJ tagdttvl self-abasement
;; ,;

JJi 312

jJi duldvl pl. JiVi daldiP lowest, nether- i/i dimmi a zimmi, a free non-Muslim
most part of; train, hem (of a subjeot living in a Muslim country (see

garment) [
^Ul J iV i the mob, the riffraff S dimma: J1 J*l)

^JJil odia/2 , f. .UJi dalf'

pl. tJJi rfuZ/
j*Uj dimm pl. <*il adimma right, claim,

title ; protection, custody ; security of

having a small and finely chiseled nose
life and property
JJI fl | ^ /* d. al-lail

jjj dal? tip, point; tip of the tongue under cover of darkness
jJ-Ul <JjjJ-' al-hurf a4*didq, JjjJ-i ~ damim blameworthy
censured ;

JJU.UI and SJUjoJl <Jj_^-i ((touJa^tya) the objectionable, reprehensible ; ugly, un-
liquidB t, l, n (phon.) fair, nasty
jJi dalq, daliq, jJi data? eloquent, glib,
<*~.j damima pl. rl jfam'tm 8 blame,
facile (tongue)
Vi dalqa eloquence, glibness (of the madamma blame, censure
.U pl. -*
fjL Tnadmm censured; blameworthy,
^iJJj eto., see ij objectionable, reprehensible

*j damma u (g **", i*-U madamma) to j-i V to grumble, complain (,>. or J* about)

blame, find ^meworthy, dispraise,
jL. i fZtffldr sacred posseasion, cherished
criticize (* s.o.), find fault (s with s.o.)
goods; honor
II to rebuke, censure Bharply ( s.o.)

j-j tadammur pl. -( grumbling,

j*j dmm censure, dispraise, derogation,
complaint, grievance
disparage ment

dmam t/j damiya a (LS dam*) to be in the throes

<*j dimma pl. /j protection,

care, custody; covenant of protection, of death

compact; responsibility, answerableneas LS dam' last remnant; last breath

financial Obligation, liability, debt; in- of life |
;LJ-I ,> LS (ayA) last breath of
violability, seourity of Hfe and property life

safeguard, guarantee, security ; con-

o-JS IV to do wrong, commit a sin, a crime,
science |
VoJJU honestly? really? serious-

my an offense ; to be guilty, be culpable X to

ty? ii-^ S anc* J-i J* upon word,
find or deolare ( s.o.) guilty of a sin,
truly; 4i*-, 4i*i ^ in s.o.'b debt, indebted
of a crime, of an offense
to b.o.; <i*Jj L. bis debt; <i*i Jp under
s.o.'b protection; at s.o.'b dispoBal; for (_jj danb pl. <-yS dunb offense, sin,

the benefit of s.o. or, for b.o. or crime, misdeed

some purpose (allocation of funds)
i_JS danab pl. ^USl adnb tau; end;
4i,j Yf j> she is financially dependent
adherent (pol.), follower, henchman
on him, he has to support her; i-JJI J*l
^J S danabl caudal, tail- (in Compounds)
aM a4-d. the free non-Muslim subjects
living in Muslim countries who, in return appendaged, appendant, dependent

for paying the capital tax, enjoyed u^S unaib petiole, leafstalk {bot.)

protection and safety; iuoJi j*U of pure

i_JJu mudannab comet
conscience, upright, honest; *jj 1/

(barra'a) to reheve one's conscience, t_jJL mudnib culpable, guilty; sinner;

meet one's Obligation evildoer, dehnquent, criminal
> ;


<_**j dahaba a (^Ui dahab, .^a-U madhab) to i_-a-U II iamadhaba (deriv. of >__a.u

go (Jl to); to betake o.a., travel (Jf to); madhab) to follow, adopt, embrace (<~-

to go away, leave, depart; to disappear, a teaching, a religion, etc.)

vanieh, decline, d windle; to perish, die,
_^ dahab (m. and
1 f.) gold; gold piece,
be destroyed; with t-<: to carry
off, take away, abduct, ateal,
gold coin | O tj-*^ *^ {obyad) platinum

sweep or a.o. away, annihilate, ^i dahabi golden, of gold; precioua,

deatroy or s.o.; Jl ** i_-*i to lead or excellent, apposite (e.g., advice, saying,
conduct s.o. to, take s.o. along to; to etc.) |
i*i *jT golden word, maxim,
think, believe (Jl, hold the. view, epigram
be of the opinion (Jl that); to esoape {&
*J dahabiya pl. -t dahabeah, a
s.o.; flg.), slip (ij* s.o.'s mind), jl c# ^ti
long light-draft houseboat, used on the
to lose sight of the fact that..., forget
that ...; to ignore, skip, omit (^;

(with imperf.) to prepare to . . ., be about L_jlfej> dahab going; passing, passage,

to... j
*l>j ^i to go back and forth, falling away, decrease, dwindling, losa,

walk up and down; j- -bul Jl t-J&i disappearance ; leave, departure; trip,

(ab'ada) to go beyond... (flg.); <--*ij l* journey; outward-bound trip or journey

te; j (naz'atihi) what follows along (as opposed to i_jLI iyb return trip;

these lines; \>iL --A-i; ^>l (yudhabu) the railroad); opinion, view (o! Jl that) J

idea of it! you can't mean it! ^.u !_~aS LLIj LiUi (iyaban) there and back; back
(audan) to be futile, be in vain, be of no and forth, up and down; v^b v^ '

avail;r^Jl r!p' " (adrja r-riydh) to tadkarat d. wa-iyb round-trip ticket

go the ways of the winds, i.e., to pass

^>j duhb going |
u-*Ly ^j*i Coming
unnoticed, without leaving a trace; to
and going; uy>ij -- j coming and
end in smoke, come to nothing, be futile,
going, in a State of fluctuation, having its
be in vain; j-IjJI ^^iT <_~*i (ka-amsi ups and downs
d-dbir) to vanish into thin air, disap-
,__*!* madhab pl. t_j&l-U madahib 2 going,
pear without leaving a trace (lit.: like
leave, departure; way out, escape {^t,
yesterday gone by) ; ol^ >_-*i {bi-ba
from) ; manner followed, adopted pro-
h'ihi) to take the glamor away from
cedura or policy, road entered upon; <cj >__*i (bi-nafsihi) to kill
opinion, view, belief; ideology; teaching,
s.o. (joy, terror, etc.) ; J Lac ,_j (bi-
doctrine; movement, orientation, trend
kaylihl) to let one's imagination wan-
(also pol.); school; mazhab, orthodox
der (Jl to); a~*X ^j (madhabah) to
rite of fiqh (Isl. Law) ; religious creed,
embrace s.o.'s madhab (see below); to
faith, denomination | O SLJ-l j 4-*i.
follow s.o.'s teaching, make s.o.'s belief
(hayh) his philosophy of life, his Welt-
one's own, embrace s.o.'s ideas; to
anschauung; (^jLLI (_-*.iil (mddi) the
adopt s.o.'s policy, proceed exactly like
materialistic ideology, the materialistic
s.o.; i_-a-u ^p !_^j (kuUa madhabin) to do approach to life; I-Laj La-u i_jo to go
everything conceivable, leave no stone very far, be very extensive
untumed, go to greatest lengths II to
gild IV to cause to go away,
^.u madhabi denominational, con-
fessional; sectarian
make disappear, remo ve, eliminate (; to take away (a, ^ from s.o.) L-aa. madhabiya sectarianism



w^lj dhib: ^JJl i^*lj rf.

al-laun faded, daintt (with foll. genit.) possessor, owner,
oolorlesa, discolored holder or maater of, endowed or provided
with, embodying or oomprising |
4j yj*-** marfAflft btAf and JUl v.J*k
J2* j'i du 'aql endowed with brains,
m. oi-'ogZ out of one's mind, demented
bright, intelligent; JU ji rieh, wealthy;
w-*i* mu{ZaAAa&, miq^Aoo gilded "*** j'i du fiihha healthy; uU ji 4 San
important, significant; <JjJl\ jj du U
J*j daAala a (daW, J^i jiuAfiJ) to forget,
gurb relative, kin(aman); fjj ji j
overiook, omit, neglect, fail to heed (j*
(zar'tn) unoultivated (Und); JJ ^i ,y; dahila a (J>*j duAJ) to be
min dt go&Ju than before; *~ ji ^y* min
perplexed, alarmed, diamayed, atartled,
di nafrihi of one's own aooord, apon-
aurpriaed, baffled; to be astonished, be
taneously ; y ji dawhv bis relatives,
amazed; to frighten, soare, take alann,
bis kin, his folka; *ijl\j Ij^II jji daw
flinch ; to be absent-minded, be diatraoted
Umawadda wa-l-ma'rifa fhends and ac-
to be or beoome diatraoted (j* from),
quaintances; olfJl jji datr J-JuiruAdf
forget, overiook, fail to heed, negleot
dubioua persona, people of ill repute;
(j* IT to baffle, atartle, nonplus
lill jji daw S-ia'n important, in-
( s.o.); to diatraot (j* s.o. from), make
fluential people; the competent people
(. s.o.) forget (j TU = faktia
(or authorities), those oonoerned with
J^i dvhvl perplexity, oonsternation, the matter; j-VI jij\ vi l-amr rulers,
bafflement, daze, Stupor; oonfusion, be- leaders; Xullf Ji-I jij\ ul l-ha wa-l-'aqd

wilderment, dismay, alarm, fright; sur- influential people, those in power

priae; amazement, astonishment; abaent-
O dt pl. oljj dawt being, essenoe,
mindedness, distraotion, distraetednesa
natura ; seif; peraon, personality; the
aame, the seifsame; -seif; oljill people
J*li dh negligent, forgetful, obV- of rank, people of diatinotion, notables;
ious, diatraoted, absent-minded; dazed, Uli rfdtan personally |
^Jl oli d. oZ-batn

in a Stupor disagreement, diaaenaion, disunion, dia-

cord, enmity; friendship; _-ii-l >li d.
Jjki, madht perplexed, atartled,
ot-/ano pleuriay (med.); *yl oli d.
alarmed, diamayed, dazed, oonfuaed,
ar-ri*a pneumonia; jJ-Jl oli d. a$-padr
baffled, bewildered; distraoted, absent-
diseaae of the ehest, peotoral ailment;
jJI c-li d. al-yad wealth, affluenoe; O
J*.L mv4h startling, baffling, amaz- Uj4jI d. atdlno* our possessiona; j^c 1
! O
ing ddfa J-yamtni to the right, Jl,Ajl oli

J*ij mundah alarmed, diamayed, ddfa &-Hmdli to the left, jU-Jl O dato
l-yaa&ri do.; ^ oll ddto marrattn onoe,
perplexed, atartled, baffled; diatraoted,
one time, ^ oli j / d<W marraiin do.;

^^ yaumin one day, p> olj j

ji ixhn pl. UjI ahn mind; intellect /i ddlt yaumtn do.; 4 olj j / ddft
gadin sometime in the future, before
J*i $ikni mental, intelleotual
long;... olS jfidti ...(with foll. genit.)
X^h'i iikniya mentality
u to..., concerning ..., with referenoe
j'i rf, gerat, ji dl, aee. li da, f. oii dt, to..., re; olilb bi-4-dt none other
pl. m. jjj daw, ^Jjl Zfl, pl. f. olfj than . . ., . . . of all thinga, . . . of all
315 J3J

people; penonally, in peraon; ol^IU l in vain for, make futile efforta in order

I t of all people noiie other than to II to diaaolve, nwlt, liquefy (

I ...; olli oiiJ j in London, of all IT to diaaolve (alao, o.g., tableta in water),

places : ol JJL. SjUJI (sa'drfa) eaaential hap- liquefy (; to melt (; to

pineaa, happineas proper; *- olj it amelt (* metal); to oonaume, apend,

na/tiU, jt-jA oli 4- anjus&im hie aelf, ezhauat, uae up, aap (* | *#- w*ljt

their aelvea, hia (their) very natu; (jvJutah) to ezhauat a.o.'a energy; w*lil
<j'li j, <j'li, j (he) hinuelf; >Ji\ ol i the j <it IjLu ('uaarota mvilfM) to raok
Barne thing; L-Nl oli the aame things; one'a brain with

Lr'li i_JI (*><<o) the aame year; Ilil K-

^jj &avb diaaolution; aolution (alao,
iitihl by hinuelf (itself); in itself; a*
aa a liquid)
uch; for hia (ita) own aake; ili j in

l AoAii ihji fawabdn diasolution, melting,

itaelf; jlj j /l rf. do.; jUi f'li

aelf-exiatent t independent, self-oontained, deliqueaoenoe, liquefaotion | Uli obji

iaolated; oliJLi <2JI (Jtoo) aelf-oonfidenoe; i^jhil) 4. af-lal) (o|-fii2fl/) anowbreak,

olill w AuW> orf-rf- and oll *^ moAo*. thaw; OLijiJJ Jil q&b li-i-i. meltable,

6ol eelf-love, Belfiahneaa, egoiam; aoloble, dissoluble


oUI J j|^VI aelf-oonfidenoe, eelf-

wjjX" todwib diaaolution, aolution,
relianoe; jli; r self-evident, self-
melting, liquefaction
explanatory; <;IS i/ifc* mwtjgii aVUoAfi

olp j,l ibn aatnU >II i$Aba diaaolution, aolution, melt-

ing, liqnefaotion
deaoended from a good family, highbom
wJli iVib diasolved; melted, molten;
jli jfOK own, proper; aelf-produced,
aoloble, diaaoluble
eelf-creeted, apontaneoua; personal; self-

acting, aatomatio; subjeotive (pAtlo*.);

oli and oljj aee ji
(pl. -fi) subjeotivist (pMlot.); Ljli rfo>

(iym of oj., by oj.; penonally, in (ijj) jlj aVMa u (tfaurf, jLiJ (ftyotf) to aoatter,

penon Jljll J-I (Awbm) autonomy

drive away, ohaae away; to remove
(j , b.o., from); to defend,
v'i tfAdy" penonality; aubjeotdvism protoot (j 8.O., *JLe Je fjjl ili
(pAtloe.); identity (of a penon) |
ijlill J^ (an>-nauma 'm

*anatA) to drive or keep

identifioation (of a penon)
the aleep from hie eyea

v'^V ld-40t(ya impenonality

3,j favd defense, protection (j of
Jljj gViwaW high-olaaa, ezelnaive, lux-

jLi tfiydd defense, protection (j of
'iilji aee Ji
>jX> mi$uad pl. >|fl* majwid? manger,
'(w<jj) v'^ rf** " tf Olj^i oVwaMn) to orib, feeding trough
dissolve; to melt; to melt away; to ijli aVtrf pl. Sjlj gVMa defender, proteo-
liquefy, deliquesoe; to dwindle away,
vaniah; to pine away, waate away (/--

^j kasralan va-amm with grief and (jj) j'i tf^lja (aVwf, jlji iawSq, jli.
aoirow) | L- ^lj (/kayd'an) to die of ma^d}) to taste, sample ( food, etc.); to

ahame; J jLifcl o<U (oa/druM) to atrive try, try out, tost (; to get a taste
JJJ 316

(a of, experience, undergo, suffer 9jii duy' widespreadness, common

(a, go through (a) IV to have ness; spreading, spread, disperaion, dif-

( s.o.) taste or sample (a, give (a fuaion; circulation (of news)

s.o. to taste V to taste (a

jl-U madyi' 2 telltale,
fb-u midytf pl.
slowly, repeatedly, thoroughly; to get a
talebearer, tattler, blabber, indiscret
taste (a of; to sense, perceive (a
person; radio Station, broadcasting Sta-; to enjoy thoroughly, savor, relish
tion; broadcasting ; microphone; O radio
(a; to derive pleasure {<>* from)

jjj daxtq pl. jljjl agwq gustatory ic i 1

I id'a spreading, dissemination
sense; taste (j for; also, e.g., literary
propagation ; announcement, proclama-
taste) ; perceptivity, responsiveness (j tion; publication; revelation, disclosure;
for) sensitivity, sensitiveness; savoir-
playback (of a tape; as opposed to re-
vivre, suavity, urbanity , tact ; liking,
broadcasting, radio;
cording); (pl. -l)
inclination; taste, flavor {of food, eto.) j
(radio) broadcast, transmission iclil

JUI jj-l good taste jL*^Vl *. al-akbr newscast, news (radio);

<jjiij iclil (talfaziya) television broad-

Jjj daugi of taste, gustative, gustatory
cast, telecast; SXL*^ icl (l-silkiya)
Jlji dawq taste
and <J jiji_i [) icl i I radio broadcast
3 \j* dawwq epicure, connoisseur, broadcasting, radio; ,j->j^\ **'i' police

gourmet, bon vivant radio ; icl iV I

*Lf majaat al-i. radio
jlJu madq taste
aj'Ij d'i' widespread, common, general;
UJl i daiqa sense of taste
circulating, in ciroulation ; widely known |

^ji daw % and daiciya a to wither, wilt, ir N.n'l *j\* d. ap-pit famous, noted, re-

fade; to be withered, be dry IV to cause nowned, widely known

to wilt, to dry
mX madV spreader, disseminator,

j\'i dwin withered, faded, drooping propagator, proclaimer ; broadcasting,

transmitting (used attributively); (radio)
^i See ji transmitter; radio announcer

(wi) pli d"a i (f-^jj duy') to spread, get 4mJu mudi'a pl. -t woman announcer
about, circulate, be spread, be dis- {radio)

seminated, be or become widespread; to

II to furnish. (a, esp. a book) with
leak out, become public, become generally Jjj
an appendix, add a Supplement (a to);
known IV to spread, spread out, dis-
to provide (a at the end (<-j with)
seminate, propagate (* or <~j; to
IV to trample underfoot, degrade, de-
make known, announce, make public,
base (a
publicize, publish (a or v a -th.) ; to

promulgate (a or ^; to show, Jji da pl. Jjji duyl, jLil adyl

manifest, display (a or <_j, give the lowest or rearmost part of,

evidence (a or ^ of); to reveal, disclose, lower end; tau; hem, border (of a gar-
divulge (a or <-j; to emit (a electrio ment); train (of a skirt); lppet, coat
waves); to broadcast, transmit (a, tau; bottom, foot, end (of a page); ap-
pendage, appendicle; addenda, Supple-
J* to the public; radio) j
SjiiJL Jil

(taifam) to telecast (a ment, appendiz (of a book); retinue,

317 ,b

attendants, suite; dependent; result, lengthy, extensive; -JLiL> ji_c tama&saka

consequence | *bi j immediately there- bi-adyliht to oling to s.o. 's coat tas,

after; Jj-UI j*li innocent, blameless, up- hold onto s.o. UJi Jj j J*/- (jarra/afff)

right, honeBt; Jj-1

Sjl<i fahrat ad-4- to wipe out, bring about the doom
innocence, moral integrity, probity, up- of, let sink into oblivion; iV
rightnesB , honeety ; J-ji-H Ji^i* long ^iil JLiL to reBort to

; r' name of the letter j tjtj ra'ra'a: aJ-m tjfj {bi-'aiTiaihi) to roll

one's eyes
j rt'o pl. j^Jj ri'n, oUj rt'i lung
,jm\j ra'asa a {i-Uj rt'twa) to be at the head,
jjjj H'awi pulmonary, pulmonic,
Pneumonie, of or pertaining to the lung, be the^chairm&n, be in Charge (* of;

lung (used attributively) to preside (* over; to head, lead,

direct, manage, nin (*; ^jj
jIj ra'aba a (ra'b) to mend, repair, patch up rum u to be the chief, the leader II to
(* a rent, and the like); to rectify, put in appoint aa chief or head, make the di-
order, set right {* rector or leader, entrust with the di-

<jjj ru'ba patch (for mending a rent) rectum, management or chairmanship

( s.o.) V = ra'asa Till to become or be
i-*t_^ mtr'ab pl. *->*l_^ mar'ib* repair
the chief, head, leader, or director
shop, garage
,jm\j ra*s m. and f., pl. ^jjj ru's,
jjAj (Fr. rapport) report
^Jjl ar'ua head (also aa a numerative of
oattle); chief, chieftaln, head, leader;
n^jlj rtinaj resin
Upper part, Upper end; tip; top, summit,
iilj = iuj (look up alphabetically) peak Vertex, apex extremity, end prom-
; ; ;

ontory, headland, cape (geogr.); main

ijj ru'd soft, tender; ru'd and .ijj lii (fath)
part ; beginning ; Ulj ra'aan directly,
delicate young girl
straightway; immediately |
<-*\j sui gen-
Ajj ri'd pl. iTjl ar'd peraon of ap- eris, in a class by itself, independent,
proximately the same age, contempo- self-contained, e.g., *J\j k ('Um) a
rary science in itself; ^j ^Ij (both) alike,
one like the other, equally, without
jl^lj rdr radar
distinetion; ^lj Jp (with. foll. genit.)

JKjlj radikal* radical at the head of ; at the end of; at the be-

_jjilj tdiy radio

ginning of, befdte, prior to; ,>*llj ^ J*
(vxi-l-'ain) very gladly; just as you wish!

^jJ^jjIj rdiylji radiology at your Service! il^-iVl ^jjj J* *d r.

il-aihd in public, for all the world to

rji^J rdiym radium | J&U ^j'j ji radio- see ;
Jp L-tj ra'aan *al 'aqbin upside
active down, topsy-turvyi e.g., i_-i* J* L-lj *-l;
rl 318

(qalabah) to tum completely up- ways; Eg.); <-!>^ tr4-*J f * o-nuu7tflft
side down, upaet from the bottom President of parliament, Speaker of the
up; Jl ^]J\ * (qadam) or > (lower) house; i^^J-l ^jHl* ^j r. hai'at
|.ail ljM*-\ J| ^\j\ (afcmafil-qadam) from arkn aUharb ohief of general staff ; ^j
head to toe; Utj * *ij to pay attention to IjjjJI* and jljjJl ^-iJj prime; oU^fl ^tj the prinoipal ev, the minister, premier
root of all ev; ijj ^-lj Ras Tanura <-mj ra't manageresB; directress;
(cape, E Saudi Arabia, oil oenter) ; *j$ ^-Tj
mother superior
f. |m clove of garlio; ^^1 ^j r. ai-jisr
-uj ro'W main, chief, principal,
bridgehead; 4-.U- ^tj (hmiya) hothead, {S
leading ^-ajj j>> {daur) leading role,
hotepur, firebrand ; iiJl ^tj r. u-sana |

New Year; Aj*Ji ^-1j r. oJ-'aTnfld ospital

leading part; (S
mj yi (abab) principal

(of acolumnorpilaster); *-UJl ^-Ij letter-

cause, main reason; ^j jU mainstreet;
*e-$Jb JJLill cardinal virtues(CAr.);iJLi-
head ; JL. ^lj pl. Jl^.1 ^j}j oapital (jSn.);
^T^ll -U-. maaqaf, mcuqif ar-r. birthplace, <s-uj (maqla) editorial, leading article,
home town; ^1^)1 er mi ar-r. zenith
J\j\ oL)l (baiad) the capital &u-iJ rayy (= ^j) mate (naval
city; gL/l/l ^jjj tiptoes rank; Eg.) |
jb/ ^^ (mumUz) a naval
ranjc (approx. = petty offioer 3rd class;
,j-lj ra'ri head (adj.), oephalio; main,
Eg. 1039)
chief, prinoipal; perpendioular, vertical
*-Uj n*<I*j, i-Uj nydao (also i-L)
JLclj raVfmUf oapitalistio ; (pl. -n) leaderahip, leading positiou ; manage*
ment, direction; ohairmanship; presi-

5JLe*lj ra'j-fluJyo oapitalism denoy, presidentahip; supervision, super-

intendenoy |
ijljjJl *-Uj prime ministry,
irjSj ra'U pl. Ujj ru'aa'* one at the
premiership;i-L^l jbpreaidentialpalaoe,
head, or in Charge, of; head; chieftain;
seat of the chief exeoutive of a country
leader; ohief, bse; raia; direetor; head-
maeter, principal; ohairman; governor; ^jj tara"us direotion, management;

President; manager, Bupenintendent; oon- ohairmanship

duetor (miu.); superior (as distinguished
^jj raw'* cIFb Uning rirer beds
from tfjjj* aubordinate); (m.) oaptain (wadis)
(Ir. 1022, Leb.; formerly also 8yr. and '
WJJj* fflar fi' aubordinate; (pl. -fin) a
Eg.); Jjl ^j (awwal) mUitary rank
subordinate, a subaltern
between captain and major ( Fr. capi-
taine 2**" claut; Ir. 1922, Syr. 1062) J\j ra'afa a and Jj ro'u/a u (Tj ra'/a,

4UVI ^j arohbiahop; t-iUI ^j 4*Tj ra'fa) to ahow meroy (<- on s.o.),

baladiya ohief of a munioipality, mayor; have pity (<^> with s.o.), be kind, gra-
jaJd\ fj-Mj editor-in-ohief; 5jI ^^-jIj oious, meroiful (^ to s.o.) V do.
<-*jJ-I r.arknal-harb ohief of general staff;
*i\j ra'fa and iTj ra'fa meroy, com-
C*j_^II ^j r. ai-tairift ohief of pro-
passion, pity; kindlinww, graciousness
tocol, maater of oeremonies (of the king;
formerly Ir.); 5 \ciJl ^j archdeacon;
J>jjj ra'Qf meroiful, compaaaionate;
kind, benerolent; gracious
Mj* (>rjjj r. 'ura/d* (mtf.) maater Sergeant
(ir., Syr.); (Ul/I ^j r. al-aqsm tech- jljl ar*af* kindlier, more gracious
nical direetor general (of the State Rail* (^ toward)
; ;;,

L*lj nS/tyd raffia, rafha palm ly, act the hypoohte, (dis)simulate, dis-
semble ( toward s.o.) IV jjjl onl to show,
ra*omo a (ra'm) to repair, mend
Yb (* demonstrate (* . to s.o. \<jj ^ y
turd (in interrogative sentences) what's
Vj ro'iflw o (Uj K'fnJn) to love tenderly
your opinion? would you say ...! I won-
(*, be very fond (* of); to treat
der . . . , &J L Ji I wonder when . .
tenderly, fondle, caress (*
Ja iSj tur hol I wonder if . . . , would you
ri*m pl. aTjI ar'm white antelope, say that... To*U Uly I (a-furdAd)I wonder
addax if the has eome, would you say ahe has
oome? j_j*I Jlj- 1 would you say I should go
j*j n*m loving, tender (mother to back? V to deem, think, believe VI to pro-
her children)
sent o.a. to or oome intos.o.'s ( J) view, show
o.a. ( J to s.o.) to appear, seem ( J to s.o.)
pL) rAfflo^oA Ramallah (town in W Jor- to appear right, seem appropriate (J to

dan, N of Jerusalem)
s.o.), be thought proper (J by s.o.); to

<-*lj rmiya ramie, a strong, luatroua bast see one another; to look at o.s. (in a
Aber; China Jute (bot.) mirror); to aot the hypoorite; to fake,
fcign, simulate (._* Till to eonsider,
'jlj rwand rhubarb oontemplate (* ; to be of the opinion
(ul that), deoide (l that) | Ulj JJ (ra**
Jj ra' tfj yar (ra'y, l>Jj ru'ya) to see;
yan) to have an opinion; *Aj ^tjl (m'*
to behold, desory, peroeive, notioe, ob-
yah) to share s.o.'s opinion
serve, disoern (*; to look (* * at
j;ij rtCy pl. #ljl <!r<!* opinion, view; as), regard (* * as), oonaider,

deem, think idea, notion, concept, oonoeption; ad-

(* * to be ...); to
judge; to be of the opinion (ul that), Law) sub-
vioe, Suggestion, proposal; (Ul.

believe, think (ul that); to express one'a jective opinion, decision hased on one's
individual judgment (not on Koran and
opinion; to feel (ul that); to deem appro-
priate, think
Sunna) jTj j and jtj jj* in my
proper (*, deoide (* |

on, ul to do; to eonsider,

opinion; ^J\ li* ^ Ll I am of this

oontemplate | C-jIjI a-ra'aita teil me wh&t

opinion; ul o)j ^ he is of the opinion

do you thinkT that J* Jj\ -U-l (uffia) it was

. .
j**)! Jj Jj (ra'ya l-'ain) ; .

to see with one's own put to the vote, (the matter) was voted
eyes; Ujj j;tj (ru**
upon; pAj x* jj J he was not what
y) to have a dream; -***" c* J\j (ajaba)
they had expected; J\j *J *) jj 1
to be amazed at; ljj\i J\j to ^ he had no say in the matter; fUl J\j\
expeot some benefit from; ,>. Jj
('mm) publio opinion; jji^l ji pl. Ij^f l jjj
Vr'j [min w&jibihi) to regard as one's
duty, deem incumbent upon o.s.; ul *J J\j sensible, judicious; man of good sense

to think that would be and judgment; well-informed, knowledge-

it in s.o. 's interest
to ...; *j\j ^\j (ra'yah) to share s.o.'s
able person, one in the know; Ij^l JjU
tabdulal-d. exohange of views; j;T^I <_L*
opinion; pass.: ul j;jj (ruiya) it was
decided that ptdb ar~r. obstinate, stubbora, opinionated
...; ^l ^jj it was feit
proper to do so, it was thought to be the &J\ pJ qism ar-r. committoe of experts,
right thing to do m to aot ostentatiously,
counoil on legal and eoonomio matten
make a show (attaohed to the ministries; Eg.)
before people, attitudinize
to do eyeservioe; to behave hypocritioal- ijjj rdya pl. -t banner, flag

ru'ya seeing, looking, viewing; having to do with etc.; <-*J\

the Lord
inspection, examination (= God) | tfj* VJ (6aA") a naval rank
{approx. seaman; Eg.) ; JUJl <-*j
IjJj ru'y pl. iSjj ru'an vision; dream |

father of the faznily, paterfamilias; ^LjjI

\tjj\ jk*. eifr ar-r. the Apocalypse {Chr.)
UJUt a. aa-sulfn the rulers; v^j'
^\j* mar' an sight, view; vision; ap- Jlil the capitalists; ^1 i>*-* the As-
parition | J* Jj- J* before a.o.'s eyes; cension (Chr.) ; oliUll ^IjjI o. al-ma'&t

^ rt-'j i^j J* (wa-masma'in) before the pensioners; JjJj-J' t'^j' those previously
eyes and ears of; with fll knowledge of convicted; o_yJd\ *bjl artists

Tj* mir'h pl. *\j* mar'in, \\j ma* mistress lady <J>li *j j
<jj roifea pl. -t ;

ry looking glass, mirror; reflection, re- t. al-manzil the lady of the house; ^Jl *jj
flected image landlady; <^*i **j r. Si'rihi his

D ~o)j mirya pl. -t looking glaas, muse; JI*J-I oLj r. al-hijl the ladies

mirror ^j ruift pl. t_jLj rM6, <^>jj ruifc

Lj ri'* and *i>j riy' eyeservice; hy- rob, thiokened juice (of fruit) ; mash, pulp

pocrisy dissimulation dissemblance

^j ruifta (with foll. indet. genit.) many
, ;

Simulation of
e -g-> J^J VJ (rojiti*) many a man,
ft >

Tlj*, l\*\j* mur'h eyeservice; hypoo- lj ^j (marraitn) many a time

risy, dissimulation, dissemblance; Sim-

U j rubbam sometimes ;
perhaps, may-
ulation (<-> of
be, possibly

Ij r'in viewer, onlooker, spectator,

iij rabba, ribba a kind of skin eruption
observer affecting the head and face

O Vj r'iya pl. -t view finder (of

(_jLj rabab, <i^j rabba rebab or rebec,
a camera) a stringed instrument of the Arabs re-

jj marty seen; visible; ^1-jV the sembling the fiddle, with one to threo
visible things, the visible world strings (in Eg. usually two-stringed)

t \j mur'in pl. jjij- muran hypo- !_uj rabib pl. IjjI aribb' 2 foster son,

crite stepsori; foster father; confederate, ally

iLjjj rabiba pl. iJIjj rab'ib 2 foster

iJj and ts^j see j
daughter, stepdaughter ; foster mother;
8 jlj
ry an Egyptian variety of salmon (woman) ally

1 Lj_j rubbiya divinity, deity, godship

*<t\j see j!j

Lj rubbn pl. -iya, SjIjj rabbtTia

*_jj ro&fto u (ro&6, Uj ribba) to be master,
captain, skipper; a naval rank, approx.
be lord, have possesaion (*, of), control
= captain, ll Ijj (tnin) approx. =
{*, s.o.,, have command or au-
thority (*, 6 over); u (rabb) and II to
Commander (Eg. 1939)

raise, bring up ( a child) II to deify, jlij rabbni divine; pertaining to God j

oLjIjJI divine things; jIjjII S^~Jl (?alh)

idolize (*, s.o.,
the Lord's Prayer (Chr.)
^j rabb pl, _jIjj1 arbb lord; master;
owner, proprietor (Isl. Law); (with foll. i>j* (eg.) mirabba (= Jj murabban)

genit.) one possessed of, endowed with, jam, preserved fruit


i_jIj rbb stepfather come ashen, assume a glowering ex-

pression (face)
ilj rbba stepmother
Jjj- murbadd clouded; gloomy, morose
Lj raba'a a to hold in esteem, esteem highly
(<_> s.o.); tf- aj Lj to consider s.o. above, above doing,, have too high an ^-ajj raba$a u (raba) to wait, look, watch, be
opinion of s.o. aa to suspect him of on the lookout (lj for) V to lurk, he
(doing) or as to expect him to do in wait (J for s.o.), waylay, ambush (J; jp 4-ij bj (bi-nafsihi) to deem s.o.); to lay an ambush, move into an
o.s. above, be too proud for, stand ambush; to take up positions [mil.)\ to
aloof from expect (a, lj, wait (a, lj for,)

~<*>jAi\ (j^jy (furpata) to wait (or look) for

i^jj rabi'a pl. LLj raby guard
an opportunity; j*^\ <u ,j*ij (amra) to
c-jj rabata i (rabt) to pat, caress, stroke wait for to befall s.o. or to happen
{ S.O.) II do. a4>- iIjj (fcaft'i) to to s.o., e.g., J ijJi 4j ^ij to wait for s.o.
pat s.o. 's cheek; if J* lUjj (katifihi) to meet with disaster

to pat s.o. on the Shoulder; <l- ojj ^-ajy tarabbup probationary term (adm.)
to be self-satisfied, self-complacent, smug
,j-*Jj% mutarabbip candidate, aspirant

f-t j
rabiha a (ribh, rabah) to gain {* j+ from, profit (j. from) ; to win (sports,
^jij rabada i {rabd, ^jij rubd) to lie down;
to lie, reat (animals ; with the ehest to the
gamea) J cfj\^- *-j L. (tijratuhum) their
ground); to lurk (J for s.o.)
businesa was unprofitable II and IV to
make ( s.o.) gain, allow s.o. () a profit ,jjtij rabad pl. ^IjjI arbd outakirts,

ri&A pl. -ljjl

suburb; place where animala lie down to
j arftA gain, profit;
benefit ; interest (on money) ; pl. pro-
ceeds, returns, revenues; O dividends |
,j-*Jj* marbid pl, ,jai\j* marbid 2 place
^j simple interest, <-Sj j {murale where animals lie down to rest; sheep
kab) Compound interest pen, fold

t\jj rubbh pl. ^-Ijj rababih 2 monkey u

Jijj rabada % (rabt) to bind, tie up, make
arbah more profitable, more lucra-
2 fast, moor (* s,th.); to tie, fasten, attach,
ftJ \

tive hitch (Jl t. to); to connect (Jl *

with); to fix, appoint, determine (*;
~*-\j* murbaha (Isl. Law) resale with
to value, rate, assess (*; to add,
speeification of gain, resale with an ad-
append, affix (Jl * to); to insert

(Jl a in); to combine, unite (*,

f\j rbih profiteer, gainer, winner; l>jj ir-j, -th. with); to hgate {*,
beneficiary; lucrative, gainful, profitable apply a tourniquet (* to); to bandage,
(businesa) dress (* a wound); to bridle, check (*, J*; to brake (* a train); to suspend

fwJ* murbih lucrative, gainful, profit-
able { a cleric; Chr.) |
ajLJ iajj (lisnah) to
silence s.o.; 4-ii Jjj (qalbihi) to fortify
Jjj V to become clouded, become overcast s.o., give s.o. patience (said of God);
(sky); to tum ashen, take on a glowering 4-iU- iajj (ja'Sah) to keep one's self-

expression (face, with anger) IX to be- control, remain calm, be undismayed;

J*J 322

iijiJl -Ujj to praotioe highway robbery i.Uj' irtibf oonneotedness, conneotion,

III to be lined up, poeted, stationed link; oontaot, liaison; tie (_* to); Obli-

(troops); to line up, take up positions; gation, engagement, oommitment; bear-

move into fight- ing (lj on), oonneotion (lj with), relation
to be moored (ahip) ; to
ing poaitionfl | o_ j J*jIj (qa^iyahi) (_ to); unity; league, confederation |

to defend the oause of, fight for Till to ^LjjI jJ* bidn irt. not binding, with-

bind o.a., oommit o.a., engage o.a.; to be out Obligation (com.); JLjjI J*jL liaison

bound (v by, also, e.g., by an Obligation), offleer

be tied (lj to); to be linked, be conneoted J.U-) J*j1j rtf al-jVi composed, calm,
(^ with); to depend (._ on); to unite,
unruffled, undiBmayed, fearless
join foroes
Ij rtnfa pl. -UjIjj ratoif* band;
^jj rabt binding, tying; fastening, join- bond, tie; oonneotion, link; confederation,
ing, attaching, connecting; fixation, de- union, league |
lo^Jl Jajjjj r. af-$adqa
termination (of an amount, of a number) bonds of friendahip; 3-.^" <Mj" (**"

valuation, aasessment | Jl* Jajj finan- lmxya) the Moslem League

cial allocation; UJ\j Ji-I >l ahl al-haU

wa-r-r. influential people, those in power; L-X/ marbf bound; connected; fas-

seam, tened, tied, moored (Jl to); fixed, ap-

>J\ t> makn ar-r. (welded)
pointed; fiied salary; estimate (of the
weld (techn.)
]*j_j rabaf (tun.) aeotion, quarter (of a
i\j* murdbit poeted, stationed; gar-
city), suburb
risoned (troops); Marabout |
J*;l_Al tri*-J

j rabfa pl. -t, .ULj ribt ribbon, band, (jaiS) the Territorial Army (Eg.)

bandage; bndle; parcel, paokage | 3k j

Uj* murtabit conneoted linked (lj
*JJ\ r. ar-raqaba neoktie; jUl *iuj r. as-
with); bound, oommitted (lj by); de-
sq gazter; ajjJI 31jj money purae
pending, oonditional (lj on)

^Uj 5kjl or-


pl. -i, Jjj rufcttf,

band; ligature, ligament; -jj ro&a'a a to gallop (horse); to sit;

to squat; to stay, live n to quadruple,

bandage; dressing (of a wound); bond,
fetter, ahaokle;
Suspension (of a olerio;
multiply by four, inorease fourfold (*; to square (* a number) V to sit or
Chr.); (pl. -, -luj rvbvf) inn for travel-
sit down oross-legged; to sit ^i^Jl Jp qJ
ers, oaravansary; hospice (for Sufis or |

(*arS) to mount the throne, sit on the

the poor) | /r^l ^Uj r. al-ajriba garter;
i.^L-1 ^Uj r. <U-jaxma shoestring; *JJ' -^J
r. ar-raqaba necktie ij rab' pl. y,j rvb\ Ijj r*6\

pUjI arbd', *>jl orfeu* home, residenoe,

J,ly r&, ^tfl -Wjj r* a/-/a# Rabat
quarters; pl. fjiJ region, area, terri-
(oapital of Moroooo)
tory, lands; j (group of) people | gj\
j\X.\ Sklij r*6/a< cJ-/a'J oompoeure, JU-'I Rub' al Khali (desert region in S
self-control, oalmness, intrepidity Arabia)

humrn quar-
rtj rib'i jj\ jf-
martibip r-rib'
)j* marbif, marba, pl. -UjIj-

place where ftni m *l" are tied up tan (fever)

-Uj- marbip hawser, *ij rub' pl. f\ij\ arb* quarter, fourth
)j* mirbat pl.

mooring cable; rope; O terminal (ei.) part; roubouh, a dry measure {Eg. 4

j = 8.26 1); (*yr.) 25-piaster pieoe |
iwj- torfrTa pl. ^jl^" tardof* Square,

tf>- iJ f - *w* quarterly, trimestral quadrangle; Square, plaza; Square panel;

tile, floor tue
,yuj ru&'l quarterly, trimestral

*mj rab'a; Ay\ iuj r. aX-qavAm and ^fzis tarbfi quadratio, Square

!uUII iuj r. ai-qOma (m. and f.) of medium ^il^l ar-rb? the fourth; Ulj rbi'an
height, medium-aized fourthly, in the fourth plaoe

4mj ru&'a robhah, a diy measure (Eg. wlj rooi' (due to erroneous pointing)
- /
C4 = 0.516 1)

_ly roWnT athlete (boxer, wrestler. PjO* fTiarbtl* of medium height, me-
weight lifter, etc.) dium-sized

-jj rooT spring, springtime, vernal gj* murabba' fourfold, quadruple;

seaeon; name of the third and fourth quadrangular; tetragonal; Square, quad-
months of the Muslim year (JjVI ^u r. ratio; quadrangle; a Square; (pl. -t) quad-
al-awwaU Rabia I, and JUII jy r. a|- rangular pieoe; quartet | gj j+ (mr)
fdmt Rabia II); quarter, fourth part Square meter; )L>Vl gj quadrilateral
iwjl arba'a (f. >jl orba*) four | o[i
i*ij* murabba' a pl. -t seotion, distriot,
jVI rfaittl* aJ-a. the quadrupeds
ji* 4ijl arba'aJa 'aktra (f. ;^i* ijl

arba'a 'aSrata) fourteen

>lj murbi' partner in an agrioultural
enterprise (sharing one quarter of the
jtj\ arba'n forty; 0j**jlM a oere-
gains or losses)
mony held an the 40th day after e.o.'s
\mJ* rir jalasa mutarabbi'an to sit
death | Cr^j^l x* *Wof-a. Asoenaion Day _


jpLp rufen oonsisting of four, quadri- lj ruhig" pleasant, oomfortable

partite, fourfold, quadruple; quadran-
gular; tetragonal; {gram.) oonsisting of Jjj rt6j lasso, lariat

four radioal letters, quadriliteral; quartet; U*j ribqa, rabqa pl. Jij ribaa, JLjj
(pl. hK) quatrain (poet.) I^j y^ (muto rioag, JLji arbg noose
mar) four-power Conference; jk*i\ ^/^j
<liij rabaha u (rabk) to muddle, entangle,
quadrilateral; J^jVt ^j
r. l-arjul quad-
oomplicate (*; to oonfuse, throv
ruped(al), four-footed; j\jli\ ^\jj 6j*
muharrik r. l-mihor four-oyole engine
into oonfusion (*, s.o., ; rabika
a (rabak) to be in an involved, oonfused
UjjVI aJ-ar6a'd*, aJ-arW'd*. LujVI p> Situation VIII to be oonfused; to be-
yaum aj-a. Wednesday oome involved ( j in)

jij yarb* pL ^ly yordW" jerboa iihj rabak involved, oonfused Situation
(Jaoulus jaculus; cool.)
iihj rabik oonfused; in trouble, beaet
gj* marba* pl. 1^ mordet' 1 meadow by diffioulties

*rij-" foroT lunar quarter; (pl. ^i\J iJLJjl iriibk pl. -dt entanglement, in-
torof1 ) quadrangle; Square, plaia (sur- volvement; Bnarl, tangle, muddle, mess;
rounded by housee) | IJ lo)l -_jjT quadra- oonfusion; embarraBsment; upaet (of the
ture of the oircle stomaoh)
; ;

*iJj^ mwabbik confusing, bewildering, care; v^' *r!J^ (badaniya) physical edu-

disconcerting oation, physical training; OijJ-1 <^j t.

al-hayawn cattle farming, stockbreed-

iilJj* murtabik confused, complicated,
ing ; r-L^-Ul "<^j t. ad da jaj chicken
involved; bewildered, disconcerted, em-
farming, poultry husbandry; iL-Jl <->j
barrassed; involved (j in) pisciculture ; olJLJl *~>jt. an-

Jjj rabil plump,

fleshy, fat (person) nabtt plant oultivation

Jij rabU, rabali fleshy iSy.J tarbawt, iSj^j tarbiyawi peda-

gogio, pedagogical
ILj rabla pl. rabali (mass of) flesh (of
the body) 4-jlj rbiya pl. -jIjj rawbin hill

rab fleshy, corpulent, fat \->j* murabbin pl. j\j* murabbn edu-
oator; pedagogue; breeder (of livestock)
iJLj rabia corpulence

4-jj murabbiya pl. -t tutoress, govern-

L* j BC6 <-j
ess; dry nurse, nursemaid

(jij) ^J ra&* u (*^J rabS, jjj ru6;) to in- ,Jja murabban raised, brought up
crease; to grow; to grow up; to exceed, educated; well -bred, well-mannered; jam,
(J* a number, also jp), be
more than preserved fruit; pl. oLi^* murabbayt
(J*) *^' J* j J ^
1 .
ore than a hundred preserves
II to make or let grow; to raise, rear,
v'j* murbin ueurer
bring up ( s.o.); to eduoate; to teach,
instruct (. a child); to breed, raise (* o.g., ujj mutarabbin well-bred, well-man-
poultry, cattle); to develop (* e.g., a nered

method) III to practice uBury IV to

p-Ljjjjj (Fr. reportage) pl. -t reportage, re-
make grow, augment, increaee (*;
to exceed (J* a number, an age, a meae-
ure) V to be brought up, be educated; to <1>j\ aratt*, f. \Sj ratt' 3 , pl. *lj rutt af-

be bred, be raised flicted with a Bpeech defeot

jjj robw dyspnea, aethma i_Jj II to array, arrange, dispose (* in a

rubwa (rabwa, ribtva) pl. <Jj ru&an regulr Bequence or order); to decorate,

dreas (* a ahow window); to settle, deter-

mine, regulato (*; to put into

jij ribwa pl. -t ten thousand, myriad
proper order, put together (* words); to
Lj riban interest; usurious interest; prepare, set aside, earmark (*; to
usury fix, appoint (J * a salary for s.o.); to
make accme ( J from),
(* reault or
jjjj ribawi usurious
derive (J* * from), make (*
Ijj rabS surplus, excess; uperiority
the result or consequence of (J*) V to
(J* over s.o.); favor
fall in line; to be arranged, organized or

<->J tarbiya cducation, upbringing set up (along the lines of ) ; to be set aeide,
teaching, Instruction; pedagogy; breed- be assignod; to be subordinate (J* to
ing, raising (of animals) |
*~>\ i
g* sayyi*, be the result or consequence J* of ), (

at-t. ill-bred; ij>JI J . I t ill-bred, result, follow, derive, spring (J* from),
uncivil, ill-mannered; i-*jjl ]p *m at-t. be cauaed (J* by) |
u X> i_Jj (6i-rfim*no*

pedagogy, pedagogics; JL.VI <j baby tihi) to become the debtor of s.o.
<Jj ruiba pl. t-Jj rutab degree, grade, gj rata'a a (rat', ^Jij rut', g\fj rit") to
level ; rank, Btanding, Station ; class, pasture, graze; to gormandize, carouse,
quality; (mil.) rank; olerical rank, ofder feast; to revel, indulge freely (j in) IV to
(of the Christian ministry) ; religious pasture, put out to graze {* cattle)
ceremony (Chr.) u-f^l i^bT ritual {of
pJjA marta' pl. ^j* marcUi* 2 rieh
the Roman Catholio Church)
grazing land, pasture; fertile ground (J

4j\Sj ratba monotony for; fig.); breeding ground, hotbed (of

vice, of evil, etc.)
<_*Jj rattb monotonous

Ljj rutab* 1 noncommissioned offi-

JJj rataqa u i (ratq) to mend, repair, patch

cers (Syr.; mil.)

up, sew up (*

<$j ratq pl. jjjj rvtvq patching, mend-

~<3j* martaba pl. <--j\j* martib 2 step;
a steplike elevation serving as a seat;
ing, repair; dam (of a stocking)

mattress ; grade, degree, rank, class |

dj rataka u i (ratk, ratak, & ratakn)
JjVI v^' J {l) first (roortgage) to run with short stepa, trot

<^j tartlb pl. -t Order, arrangement, 2

dtij* martak litharge (ehem.)
array ; sequence, succession ; make-up,
setup; layout (of a complex, e.g., of Jjj ratila a (rata!) to be regulr, well-ordered,
houses) ; Organization; preparation, ar-
neat, tidy II to phrase elegantly :AS3l al-
rangement, provision, measure, step; kalma one's words); to psalmodize, re-

rite of administering a sacrament (Chr.) cite in a singsong; to sing, chant (a Spir-


u-ijJ3lj one by one,in proper Buccession; itual songs, hymns; Chr.)

r^H-r -^ disorderly, in confuaion

Jjj rail pl. JLfjl artl railroad train |

motorized convoy
ifZj tartibi ordinal | ^J j.u. (*adad)
i oPj (li) (mil.)

ordinal number ^pUj rutail' 2

harvestman (Phalan-

^Jlj rtib monotonous; gium), daddy longlegs; tarantula

(pl. <~Z\jj ra
u-tib 2 ) salary, pay, emolument; pl. <^J\ jj JJ_r tartil slow recitation of the Koran
certain supererogatory exercises of de- (a technical term of tajwid) ; psahnodizing,
votion psalmody, singsong recitation; singing,

c-Jj- murattab arranged; organized, set

chanting (of hymns, etc.; Chr.); (pl.

up, regulated, etc.; (pl. -t) salary, pay, Jjlj- tartiP) hymn; religious song (Chr.)

emolument Jy tartila pl. J-jIj-" tartiP hymn

Jj^t murattil church singer; choirboy,
j rataja u (ratj) to lock, bar, bolt (* the
door); ratija a (rataj) to be tongue- chorister (Chr.); singer, chanter

tied, be speechless, falter IV paes. *-U jl

(rj ratama i (ratm) to utter, say (iJ& bi-
(urtija) words failed him, he was speech-
kalima a word; only with neg.)
less, he didn't know what to say, he
was at a loss
ratam (coli.; n. un. I) retem (Re-
tama raetam Webb., Genista raetam
j-IJj ritj pl. j ruiuj, Alj rat'if
Forsk.; bot.)
gate, gateway j
^UjJI SC* muhkam ar-r.

firmly bolted (gate) <*j ratma and **Jj ratlma pl. * Ljj
rat'im 2 , * j ritm thread wound around
pixJj ratinaj (= p^jfj) resin one's finger as a reminder
yj 326

(jjj) Ijj rata u and II Jj ratt to mend, dam ahake, quake Till to be conrulsed, shake,

(* o.g., stockings) tremble, quake

rj rajj shaking, rooking, convulsion

^JSj (Fr. refcwcAe) riMtf retouch
l*-j rajja convulsion; shook, concns-
ulj ratlnaj (= g^Jlj) k8^ sion

Lu'j (It. refina) rartna pl. JLij Win* incan- p-Uj r*ij&i trembling, quaking, shak-
descent mantle ing, rooking

g-lfjl irtijj shook, concussion; trem-

*l*j rafla * (Jj ratta, SjJj ru^|a) to be rag-
ged, tattered, shabby, worn (garment)
bling, tremor | O 11 e^j' wl al-muJ&
cerebral concussion (med.)
ij rag pl. ilij rit$ old, shabby,
worn, threadbare iAt ij r. aJ-Aa*'a of Ip-j IT to postpone, adjourn, defer, put off

shabby appaaranoe (*

Ujl irjS postponement, deferment,

oj riga old, outmoded things, worn

jj ro^if old, ahabby, worn, threadbare w^-j rajaba u and rajiba a (rajab) to be afraid

3Sj rofdta shabbiness, raggedness

w^-j rajab Rajab, the seventh month
ojij rujtlja shabbiness, raggedness
of the Muslim year

(jjj and Jj) Ijj raW u {raiu>) to bewail, la-

p-j rajaba atu (r>*-J *;flA, ^^J n*#5n)
ment, celebrate in an elegy, in a funeral
to incline (scale of a balance); to weigh
oration ( a deceased person); Jj
more, be of greater weight; to prepon-
rata % (raiy, Ijj rit', v> martiya, Jlj,.
derate, predominate; to surpass, excel
marjA) to bewail, lament, bemoan ( a
( s.o.); to be very likely (l that), ^*-j
deceased person); to elegize, celebrate in
Ol Ji*. it appeared to him most likely
an elegy, in a funeral oration ( a de-
that . . . ;
to weigh ( Xj * in the
ceased person); to mourn (J for, over),
hand) II to make (* outweigh (J*
deplore (J s.o. or; to pity (J s.o.)* eise), give preponderance (* to,
feel sorry (J for) | iLj* Uj to elegize s.o.
J over); to think (* weightier; to
(a deceased person), bewail and celebrate
prefer {J* * s-th. to), give (* pref-
bim in an elegy; *J uV ^ (yu^d) a de-
erence (J* to), favor (J* * more
plorable, regrettable thing
than) ; to think likely or probable (* t
Jj raiy bewailing, bemoaning, lam- Ol that) T to carry greater weight,
entation be weightier, preponderate; to Swing
back and forth, pendulate; to rock; to
Ijj rg* bewailing, bemoaning, lam-
seesaw, teeter Till to swing back and
entation; regret; elegiao poetry
forth, pendulate; to rook; to seesaw,
VJ r<^y pl* fafayt arthritis, gout

S-Jj- martiya and Sj* marfh pl. *i*lj*

1*-Uj rajha forbearance, indulgence,
mariin elegy, dirge, epicedium; pl. ii<lj*
lenienoy; composure, equanimity
funeral orations
ol*-j rujhn preponderance, predoui-

*j roj'ja u (rojj) to convulse, shake, rock inance (J over), ascendancy, superi-; pass.ru77atobeshaken l tremble, ority
j , ; ;

e^ j
*-jl arjah 7 superior in weight, pre- ^^--j rajis dirty, filthy

ponderant; having more in its favor,

i-l*-j rajsa dirt, squalor
more acoeptable ; preferable ; more likely,

more probable |
l j^-jV it is most likely ^-i*-j rajjs roaring, surging (sea)

that . .
. ;
probably . .
. ; ^- V J* probably
1 thundering
in all probability
*-j raja'a i
(f\yrj ruj') to come back,
i_*jl arjahiya preponderance, pre-
come again, return; to recur; to resort,
dominance, prevalence
turn (Jl to); to recommence, begin again,
*-_t>-jl urjka pl.^-ljl arjih* seeaaw; resume (Jl; to fall baok (Jl on), go
Bwing; cradle back, revert (Jl to); to look up (Jl

in a book), conault (Jl a book); to go

w-lj rjify auperior in weight, prepon-
back, be traceable Jl to), be attributable
derant; having more in ita favor, more (

(jl Jl to the fact that ...), derive, stem,

acceptable; preferable; probable, likely
spring (Jl from); Jl 4j *>-j to reduce
~**-j*-j* vuxrjha pl. 7*f?\j* marjih
to (ita elementa, or the like); to depend
seesaw; swing
(Jl on); to be due, belong by right

t^ja murajjah preponderant, pre- (Jl to); to fall under a.o.'a (J) Juris-

dominant; probable, likely diction, be s.o.'s (J) bailiwick; to de-

sist, refrain (j-p from); to withdraw
rj*rj rajraja and II tarajraja to tremble,
(je, also j, e.g., what one has said),
quiver; to sway revoke, countermand, repeal, cancel (j*

r^j*rJ Tajrj agitated; trembling, trem- or (_j, e.g., a decision) ; to turn against s.o.

ulous; swaying; quivering; r}j>-J\ the (J*); ^ J* 4j **-j to claim restitution

Boa of from s.o.; to demand, claim (t-, J* from s.o.); to entail, involve

i^-j VIII to compose or declaim poema in the
(<->, a consequence); to have a good
meter rajaz; to thunder, roar, surge (sea)
effect (j on), be successful (j with) |

jj-j rujz, rijz punishment (infcted by *J* J* TJ ('o^fitAi) pl. ^U^l J* I^tj
God) ; dirt, filth (a'qbihim) to retrace one's steps, go baok
the way one came; ***-JI Jl *>-j (sihha) to
j-j rajaz name of a poetical meter
regain one's health; *j}j~ Jl g-j (#>
jl*-ji arjz verees in the meter rajaz; wbihi) to come to one's senses; *^-j
little (work) song 4~Ju Jl to watch examine
o.s., o.s.; *^y
jj^j'i urjza pl. >*-ljl arjlz 2 poem jl Jl tiJJJ this is due to the fact that ...

in the meter rajaz Jl ,_~uJl a^j- (sabab) the reaaon is to

be found in ...; Jl jTlJJl *j C-*-j he re-

ajj-jl look up alphabeticalJy called, remembered ...; a+'JS' j **-j {kal*

and rajusa u mihi) to go back on one's word II to

rajisa a [rajas) (*-l*-j ra*

commit a cause to come back or return; to return,

jsa) to be dirty, filthy; to
do give back; to send back; to turn away
shameful act, disgraceful or
dirty (^ b.o. from); to sing or chant in a
vibrant, quavering tone; to echo, rever-
rijs pl. ^U-jl arjs dirt, filth;
berate (* [
l-u *>-j [adhu) to
dirty thing or act, atrocity
return the eoho of, echo III to

^r^-j rajas pl. ^l^jl arjs dirt, filth return, come back (*, to); to reve-
cr j
(* to) ; to go over (*) again, reiterate, fj*rj ruj' return; reverting, coming
repeat (*; to go back, apply for back {Jl to); recourse (Jl to); trace-
Information {* to), consult (* a book), ability (Jl to); revocation, withdrawal,
look up (# in a book); to turn ( to s.o., retraotion (
je of ; restgnation,

j in for advice, etc.), consult, aak surrender (j* of; reolamation; re-
( s.o.); to refer (*, to); to check, verify, call; restitution, retum |
JbjJl fyrj by
examine critically (*; to audit {* return mail
accounts, etc.) | <U* w-'j ( agluh) to
5-j rajV excrement
come toone's senses; (nafsah)
to try to make up one's mind, reconsider **;-j marji' pl. -*-lj* marji* 3 return;

the whole thing, think the matter over; authority to which one turns or appeals;

-0 yurja' (in cross references) see ... place of refuge, retreat; recourse, re-

IV to make or let return; to take baok, sort ; authority ; competent authority,

turn back (Jl s.o. to; to force ( responsible agency; source (esp. scientif-

s.o.) to turn back; to ascribe, attribute, ic), authoritative reference work ; re-

trace ( Jl * to) V to retum, come again; source; source to which goea back
to reverberate, echo VI to return to one or to which can be attributed;

another; to withdraw, retreat, fall back, starting point, origin; recourso (jur.) |

back off; to retrograde, fall off, diminish, jkJI a^-j* Jurisdiction, com-
deteriorate ; to dopart gradually (je from) petence: 4JI *-jJJ he is the one to tum
to fall behind, lag bchind to chango one's
; to; Jl ilii j (**-j^' I am thereby referring
mind X to demand the return of to ...; Jl ^yiJl IIa (**-j* ^ this was due
(a), reclaim (a; to get back, recover, to ..., was attributable to ...;fry ,?J'
rctrieve, regain (*; to take back, J-l (m. ul-fadl) tho merit is due to thera
withdraw (o.g., !-Uj wadan a promise),
4-*>-^ marji'iya authority
revoke, ropeal, countermand, cancel (*, o.g., a decision); to say the words: i*>-1j- murja'a reiteration, repetition;
jjo~\j aJI Ulj *u Ij'I inn li-llki wa-inn inspection, study, examination; con-
ilaihi rji'n | *U- Jl **-jwl (hjiza* sultation (of a reference work); request;
tihi) to call to mind, recall application, petition (esp. to an authori-
ty); application for advice or Instruc-
**-j raf coming back, return; (also
tions, etc., consultation (of s.o.); chock-
Oj_aJi *-j r. as-saut, (_j-UdJ! **-j r. op-
ing, verification, re-examination; audit-
$ad) echo ^-aJ'
i^" ^a r -basar
' -

ing, audit (also ^L-A-l Za*-\j+); revision,

in the twinkhng of an eye, in a moment
correction (of a manuscript)
,j^tj raj'i reactionary; retroactivejrev-
fU-jl irj' return, restitution; rcfund-
ocable (Isl. Law) \ ^j^-j j Ij (bi-aiar) with
rotroactive force (jur.) ment; attribution (Jl to); reduction (Jl
i_-j raj'iya reactionism, reaction
*- 1
j tarju' withdrawal, retreat
j>-j raj'a return; recurrence; revo-
change of mind; recession, retrograda-
oation, cancellation ; receipt, voucher;
rafa, rij'a retum to one's wife after
divorce, remarriage with one's divoroed 9 Lfjl irtij* retum to an older form or

wife (Isl. Law) Order, reactionism, reaction

,^**-j ruj' reactionism, reaction ^Lfjl irtijcfi reactionary

; ;

320 *J

fl.j^-l istirj* reclamation; recovery, J^-j rajul pl.

jU-j rijl man; pl. O^U-j
retrieval; retraction, withdrawal, revo- rijlt great, important men, leading Per-
cation sonalities, men of distinction |
ilj^II Jl*-j

returning, reverting, eto.; atatesmen; X Jl jU-j r. aa-
-Ij rji'
sanod infonnants, sources of Information
due, attributable <JI to); rightfuUy be-
longing (Jl to s.o.); subject (J to; JU-j rijli men 's, for men (e.g., ap-
depending (J on) | "**r^ ^-\ (hwnm) parel)
relapsing fever
*J^*-j ntjla masculinity, virility, man-
-1^. murji* checker, verifier, exam- hood
iner; reviser |
oUL-A-1 pfr^j m - al-his*
*Jj>tj rujliya masoulinity, virility,
bat auditor, comptroller
Juj-j rajafa u (rajf, li*-j rajafn) to be con-
- marjil 2 cooking
J-j- mirjal pl. Jr'j
vulsed, be ahaken; to tremble, quake; to
kettle, caldron; boiler
ahiver, shudder; to agitate, convulse,
IV to make tremble jLrfijl irtijl improviaation, extempo-
ahake ( s.o.) ( .o.)

or ehudder; to convulse, shake, rock rization, extemporary speech

(*; to spread lies, falsa rumore;

JLtfjl irtijli extemporary, improviaed,
alsowithi-j,e.g.,ol^L; Ju^jl (bi-ftir't)
impromptu, offhand, unprepared
to spread calumnies Till to tremble,
quake; to shudder J^-Ij rj pl. JrJ rafl> "^Wj rajjia,

JU-j rujjl, '^-j rujln going on foot,

~<**rJ rajfa (n. vic.) trepidation, tremor;
Walking; pedestrian
shudder, shiver
J*v* murtajal improviaed, extempo-
JU-j rajjf trembng, quaking
raneoua, extemporary, impromptu, off-
shaken, convulsed
JiU-jl irjf pl. i-ijr-ij' arjlf1 untrue,
jr j rajama u (rajm) to stone ( s.o.); to
disquieting talk, false rumor
curse, damn, abuae, revile ( s.o.) |

rajila a to go on foot, walk II to comb t-jJ U {gaib) to talk about of which one
(* the hair); to let down (* the hair), let knows nothing; to gueaa, aurmise, make
it hang long V = I; to dismount (j- or conjectures; to predict the future II ^-j
je- from; rider); to assume masculine <_*Jl> do.
mannora, behave like a man | <iJ* <j ^j jj-j rajm stoning; (pl. jj-j rujm)
to walk all the way VIII to improvise,
missile |
<_^J L; >-j (gaib) conjecture,
extemporize, deliver offhand (* a speech)
guesawork; prophecy
X to bocome a man, reach the age of
manhood, grow up; to act like a man, j-j rujum shooting stars, meteorites

display mascune mannera or qualities rujam, rijm

i^j rujma pl, --j jU-j

J-j rijl f., pl. Jr-> 1 ar 7 ul foot J le 8 tombstone

JrJ r *i' P*- Jl*-->'

arf swar111 (
es P- ^-j rajim stoned ; cursed, damned
of locuats); common puralane (Por- see also alphabetically

tulaca oleracea L. ; bot.)

f-} t aj^J look up alphabetically
J^j raj going on foot, pedeatrian,

Walking *jj*rj* marjna basket

yrj 330

(j*rj) Vj r? u (Vj Ta '* W-j jA, ^j rajiya a to beoome silent; to remain si-
:L*-j* marjo) to hope; to hope for lent; pass. -L ^j (rujiya) to be tongue-

{*) ; to expeot, anticipate (*, look for- tied, be unable to utter a sound
ward (* to); to wish (* for, * J s.o.
rt-j (Fr. rigime) rijim diet, e.g., suooess); to ask {* for,
,>or< s.o., l, request (*, ^--j rahiba a (rahab) and rahuba u {ruhb,
,> from s.o., ul that he ...) I^U-t j Uj ijU-j rahaba) to be wide, spacious, roomy
(hh) to plead with s.o., implore s.o.; II to welcome {_> s.o., also _>, e.g.,
;i-ljil #4 j^j\ {'adama l-mu'lfada) I news), bid welcome (_> to s.o.); to re-
must ask your indulgenoe V to hope (*, ceive graciously, make welcome (-> s.o.)
* for); to expect, anticipate (, *, V to welcome (_> b.o.), bid weloome (v* )
s.o.), look forward (* to); to request
(---j rahb wide, spacious, roomy; un-
( s.o.); to ask ( s.o.) VIII to hope (*,
confined |
jX^JI -*-j r. a-padr generous,
* for); to expeot, anticipate (, *,
magnanimous ; broad-minded , open
s.o.), look forward (* to); to dread { s.o.)
minded , liberal ; frank , candid , open
L*-j rajan and L*-j raj' pl. L-jl hearted; carefree; i_^-j jX** (rahb) gen
arj' side, direction; region; pl*L?j! erosity, magnanimity ; open- minded
arj* vastnesses (of a land), expanses; ness, broad-mindedness, liberality; frank'
whole vicinity or area |
*j*L*-jI j about its ness, candor; f\J\ *-*-j generous, open
interior, e.g., _^JI Ujl j (gvrfa) all about handed, liberal; fijJJl i_--j do.
the room, j^Ul Ujl j all over the !_~*-j ruhb vastness, wideness, spacious-
country, throughout the country; CjjLj*
ness, unconfinedness <*Jlj i_--jJl
**ijl U-jl
J* Jl
J: ,.a-,lli (o. ur-radha) the en-
(at, sa'a) to be welcome; *-j L>-j .u-j
tire auditorium resounded with applause;
(aa'atan) to meet with a friendly reception
#L*-jVi ^LS and UjVI ^lj vaat in ex-
tent, vast-dimensioned i_--j rahab vastness, wideness, spa-
ciousness, unconfinedness |
jX^Jl <-
r*-j r.
U-j raj* hope (i_>, j and genit.
ap-padr magnanimity, generosity; light-
of); expectation, anticipation; urgent re-
quest | .U-j J* in the hope of, hoping for;
-*-j rahba, rahaba pl. -dt pubhc Square
LJl Ltj r?' ai-'*' for your Informa-
(surrounded by buildings) {pl. roAofe*
tion (on memos, records, etc.); U-jJI ^tj ;

and <_- U-j rihb) vastness, expanse

J-UJI Cape of Good Hope |

^ll uUj rihb al-kaun and Liill -L-j

*U-j rajh hope, expectation, antici- r. al-fad* vastness of outer space
i_^j rahib = <^--j rahb
--j rajiya hoped for; hope
ijU-j rahaba wideness, vastness, spa-
Sl*-j* marjh hope ciousness, unconfinedness |
j-L-Jl jL-j r.

ap-padr magnanimity, generoity

r'lj rj'in hoping, fll of hope
iL L*-_p marhaban bika welcome!
y?j+ marjw hoped for, expected; re-
queated jl ilJLii ,>. >*vJ.I (min fadlika) <-j\*-S tarhb welcome, greeting |

approx. : I hope you will be kind enough

i-jU-j (qbalah) to receive s.o. with open

to ...; l i\*\j+ >*rjJ>l {mur'tu) please arms

notice that ..., attention is called to the -j-v' tarhib welcoming, welcome, greet-
fact that ... ing
* :

r j

rf-j rahraha: f^l> j-j (*&)

to equiv- gratory, nomadic; (pl. *JL-j rahhla)

ooate, epeak ambiguoualy, beat around great traveler, eiplorer; nomad |

the busb. "*i
migratory birds; Jj-JI (Ij^JI) t-jj/^lfl
('urbn) the nomadio Bedouins
yf^, roAroA and ^^j rahrh wide,
broad, fiat; carefree, pleaaant (life) iJUj rahhla great traveler, explorer;
*i*-j rahada a (rahd) to rinse, waah
L-j* marhala pl. J*-'j* marahiP a
^Uj* mirhd pL j-i^lj- fnordAi^ lav- day's journey; leg of a journey; way
atory, toilet Station ; stage, phase *-l* -u> (yazl*
| J*- 1^
du) it ezceeds it by fax; L^L*- J*-j/ j
Js*-j raAf
exquisite wine; neotar
(haytih) throughout her life, in every

raAala a (Js-j faAfJ) to set out; to Btage of her life

depart, leave; to move away, einigrate;

JL-J" tarhl departure, setting out |

to start ( jp from & place) ^Juj J*- j_ J*-j

:L- hayt at-t.
Jl*-J3l life
(ywfvm) a man constantly on the go,
J^v" tarhfl emigration, exodus; ef-
a dynamio man II to make (* s.o.)
fectuation of (s.o.'b) departure; depor-
leave, induoo or urge ( s.o.) to depart;
resettle, re- tation; evaouation; resettlement; trans-
to evacuate (Jl s.o. to),
fer; moving; transport, transportation;
locate (Jl s.o. in); to deport (Jl s.o.

posting (of accounte); carryig forward

to); to allow (. s.o.) to emigrate; to give
{fin.); JL* J-^y t. 'umml as-
( s.o.) travel clearance; to oarry (pas- |

to transfer
signment (or detailing) of workmen
sengers , e. g. , a ship ) ; (; to transport, oonvey, forward Jl^jl irtihl departure, setting out;

(*; to dispatch, send out (* emigration, exodus; demise; to carry over, post (* an item; ruhhal departing,
J*-Ij rahil pl. J*-j
bookkeeping) ; to oarry forward (* the leaving, parting; traveling; (pl. -n) de-
balance; bank) V to wander, roam,
ceased, late, esp. J*-'Jl *-")' the deceased
migrate, lead a nomadic life; to be evac-
il*-lj rhila pl. J*-Ijj rawhil* female
uated VIII to set out, leave, depart; to
riding camel |
4=1*- lj xi (Sadda) to saddle
move away, emigrate | *jj >j Jl Jo'
one's camel, start out on a journey
(ii rahmati rabbihi) to pass away, die
murahhal pl. -t cany-over |
J*-j rahl pl.
JU-j rihl camel saddle;
J*-j* fj*J~
balance carried forward (fin.)
Baddlebaga; baggage, luggage; pl. stop-

ping place, stop, stopover | JU-JI -Li

J^lj rhiP Rachel
(Sadda) to set out, break camp; *JUj ^11 j-j rahima a (ii-j rahma, *j-j* marhama)
aiq rihiah to stop (
j in, at) to have mercy ( upon s.o.), have com-
passion ( for s.o.); to spare, let ofF( s.o.);
L-j rihla travel, journey; trip, tour;
to be merciful II 4-1* j-j to say to s.o.
Zi\ dii-j rahivtaka llh may God have
il*-j ruhla destination, place for which
mercy upon you; to ask God to have
one is bound
mercy (J* upon s.o.), plead for God's
X-j rahil departure, setting out; emi- mercy Jp for what has happened) V
II ;

gration; exodus; demise VI to ahow human understanding for

JU-j rahhl pl. ruhhal roving, one another, love and respect one an-
roaming, peregrinating, wandering, mi- other X to ask ( s.o.) to have mercy
rj 332

rahim, rihm pl. *Lyl arhm

fj f., s.o.); to reduce the price (* of
uterus ; womb ; relationahip, kinship j
IV to reduce the price (* of V to be
fl*-jVi jj* iavi l-a. relatives on the ma- willing to please, meet on fair terms ( j
ternal aide s.o. in), show o.. ready to oompromise (*.
i>j rahma pity, compassion; with a.o. j in; to make
human concessions
understanding, sympathy, kindness; mer- ( j or <_> in; to permit o.s. liberties,

cy o-j c* off to be at take liberties (j in) X to find cheap,

| s.o. 's mercy;
-j c* *L*- to leave regard as inexpensive (*; torequest or s.o. to s.o. 's

mercy; i*-J\ JL-j pall s.o.'s () permi&sion

^-j rahim pl. Lr^ ruAanuT' and umj rakf supple, tender, soft
roAm merciful, compassionate "*&> cheapness, inexpensiveneee

jj^ll ar-romdn the Merciful (i.e., God) <-**^j ruhpa pl. mj rukap permission;
concession, license, franchiae; admission;
-j* maroma pl. ^Ij* marflflrim 1 pity,
authorization; leave; permit SilJ y Aj
oompassion, Bympathy; mercy | rt

oljLJI r. qiydat as-aayyrt driving

p-J tarklm: J^J p-J (mavid) pl. permit, operator's license
*-Lr" tofflAim 1 intercessory prayer for
tue dead (CAr.) u^-j rakif supple, tender, soft; cheap,
inexpensive, low-priced; base, mean, low;
^Ujwl irftrAm plea for mercy trash, trumpery
p*-j* marAflm deoeased, late, e.g.,
UV-/ tarbU pl. -t t
lJ ^.\j tarkis*
^J.\ the late Mr. ...
granting of permission; permission; au-

rahan thorization ; mandate ; concession ; li-

f., pl. .l*-jl arh', ^.j ruhxy,
cense; price reduotion, price cut
V-j arhiya quem, hand ml
| ^^1 yt
o?or ar-r. millstone; ^oi-1 ^-j *j\a murtalcas
u*-j low-priced, inex-
(JUill) dra( r. Z-Aarb the

broke out; the war (fighting) was going on

war (fighting) pensive, cheap |
JU, ^Jc^ kullu
murtakapin wa-glin every conceivable
effort, everything (in one's power)
jj*~_) rahatci rotating, rotatory

tfU-j rahhy pl. -n grinder

rdjpuma u (U-j rakma) and rakama u
to be soft, mellow, gentle, pleasant
j rakka u to mix with water, dute (* wine)
J*) l^L, ^J^ rakamat
(voice); (l^L,
j rakfe (n. un. ;) light shower ba%4ah (
al bajlih) to sit on the eggs
(hen) II to soften, mellow (* the voice) to
j ru roc, name of a fabulous giant

apocopate (* a word); to tue with marble

bird; (pl. ^U-j rilfk, otj n*ia) rook,
(* the floor)
oastle (chesfl)
rakam (coli.; n. un. ) Egyptian
Uj ra$ Boft (ground); comfort- f-j
vulture (Neophron percnopterus zool.) ;
able, pleasant, easy (life)

pU-j rukm marble

,j*j rakupa u (rufo) to be cheap, inex-
pensiTe; (i-U-j
iU-j rukma pl. -t marble slab
rakfia) to be supple,
tender, soft II to permit, allow (J s.o. mkim
(r-j soft, mellow, pleasant, me-
V or J; to authorize, lioense (J lodious (voice); O note lowered by a
s.o., (-* or j to do; to empower (J semitone, flat (mus.)


<J-J tarkim shortening, apooopation, mitigation, letup; ease, relaxedness; re-

esp. of a name in the vooative by elision laxation; limpness; languor, lassitude

of the final consonant (gram.)
U-jL-1 istirk* = IJCji irti&*

{jj-j and ,j-j) j-j rakuwa u and ^j rakiya \j rkin sagging, drooping
a (jU-j raktoa, l*-j rak') to be or be-
^IjU mutarjcin limp, flaccid, flabby;
come loose, Black, relaxed; to slacken,

slump, aag, relax; l-j rak u (l-j

drooping; languid; negligent, indolent,
rak*): <it U-j (*aiSuh) to live in easy
circumstances, live in opulence IV to ij radda u (radd) to send back; to bring
loosen, slacken (* ; to relax (* back, take back (Jl *, s.o., to); to
to let go (*; to lower, drop, let return (Jl * to its place), put back,
down (* VI to slacken, sag, droop, lay back (Jl * in its place); to throw
become limp; to show little energy or back, repel, drive back, drive away (
zeal, let up, become lax, be remiss (je- s.o.); to resist, oppose ( s.o.); to turn
in; to go down, lump (prices); to down, refuse, decline (*, e.g., the
lag, become dull or iistless (stock market); fulflment of a wiah) ; to ward off, parry,
to diminih, flag, wane, ebb, decreaae; to repel (l*^ hujman an attack); to re-
desist (je from); to be lowered, drop, ject (**-r tuhmatan a suspicion) ; to hand
fll (curtain); to be delayed, be retarded back, give back, return, reBtore (*,
VIII to alacken, slump, sag, droop, be- to s.o.); to retum (*~&J\ as-salma
come limp, flaccid, flabby; to become the greeting); to reply ( J* to s.o.), answer
looso, work loose; to soften, become soft; light); to throw
(J* s.o.); to reflect (*
to relax, become relaxed, unbend; to back, echo (* the voice); to refute, dis-
abate, let up; to languiflh, flag, lose forco prove (Jp; to hold back, keep,
or vigor X= VIII restrain (je- s.o. from; to disauade
(je s.o. from), prevail upon s.o. (*) not
j^-j rakw, rihw loose, slack ; limp,
indolent, languid; Boft; to do (je); to trace back, attribute
flabby, flaccid;
supple (Ji * to an origin); to bring, yield

J* * to s.o.) ; to reappoint, reinstate
U-j rak' ease, comfort, happiness; hkiman as gover-
(e s b.o. as, e.g., iTl*.
prosperity; abundance, opulence (of liv-
i_jUI jj to close the door; blj- Jj
nor) j

ing); welfare; fairncss, lowness (of prices) dLU

(jawban) to answer; li-i li* jy_ L.

U-j ruka gentle breeze this won't help you at all; i/ ^ (yu*
raddu) irrefutable ; aJ1p J* oj ('aq*
'"j^-j rakwa softness; flaccidity, limp-
baihi) pl. ^UUl Jp fij (a'qbihim) to
ness; laxity jjjJI SjU-j r. al-'d weaknoss

drive s.o. back to where he came from;

of character
<c* aLj. ij ('ainah) he averted his eyes

^j-j rakly feeble, weakened, languid; from it II to keep away, avert, prevent,
relaxed, at ease; cozy, comfortable stave off (*; to repel, throw back
(*, s.o.,; to repeat (constantly,
r\J tarkin limpness; slackness; Ian-
frequently); to break forth, burst (*
guor, lasaitude; abatement, mitigation,
into, e.g., into singing), strike up, intone,
letup; relaxation; loosening, looseness
let ring out (* a tune, or the like) j-lJI |
ljjl irtika loosening, slackening; (fad) to return the echo; j _^J! j
looseness, slackness; laxity; abatement. (nazara) to look at again and again;

0;ij* j (farfah) to let one's eyeB jjl aradd 2 more useful, more profit-
wander between, look first at one, then able (J* to 8.0.)
at the other V to be thrown back, be
ijA maradd fact to which is at-
reflected (voice, echo) ; to ring out (shouts)
tributable, underlying factor or reason;
to shift repeatedly (wind); to come and
averting, rejeetion, repulsion; responsory
go (J* at s.o.'s house; rarely Jl), fre-
quent, visit frequently
(Chr.) |
*} }j* V (maradda) irresistible;
(J* s.o.'b house,
Jl *j* (maradduh) it is attributable
a place; rarely Jl); to return, recur; to
to . .
. , one must ascribe it to . . . ; i _. V
hesitate, be reluctant (j in, to do
c*[/ VI *J (Tiiaradda, bar'attth) it can
waver, become uncertain, be-; to
ouly be attributed to his efficiency; uS"
come doubtful (J in or as to
<JU ij* J* (maraddi lisnihi) to be con-
i^JVI J* w; (alsina) to be frequently
stantly on s.o.'s lips, be a standing
discussed (question) VIII to withdraw,
phrase with s.o.
retreat, fall back; to move backward,
retrogresa; to go back, return, revert (Jl jljy tardd frequent repetition; fre-

to); to fall back (Jl on); to go away, ab- quentation

sent o.s. ; to desist, refrain (je from), Ojj^ tardid repetition, reiteration
renounce, give up, abandon, quit, leave
jj j taraddud frequent Coming and
(je; to forsake, deaert (je one's
going, frequentation ; frequency (el.);
faith, one's principles, etc.), apoatatize,
hesitation, irresolution, indecision, waver-
fall off (je from) *J1 J* .tfjl ('aqbaihi),

ing; reluctance
^ Uc Je jjjj (a'qbihim) to withdraw,
I ! I

tum back X to reclaim, demand back, jIjJj! iriidd retreat, withdrawal; ret-
call in (a, demand the return (* of rogression ; renunciation, desertion ; apoa-; to bring back, lead back (Jl s.o. tasy (^Vl {f from Islam) |
^Jl jlojjlT
to); to get back (*; to retrieve, re- ka-rtiddi f-farf in the twinkling of an
cover, regain (*; to withdraw (e.g., eye, in a j'UFy
Aj yadah one's hand; also fig., e.g.,
jlij^l istirdad reclamation, claim of
*^lii-l istiqlaiah one's resignation) ; to
restitution, vindication (Isl. Law) ; re-
withdraw, take out (* money, from an
covery, retrieval; retraction, withdrawal;
aecount, from a bank) *-LiJl i_^J (an*
refundment, reimbursement; withdrawal,
fmh) to catoh one's breath
taking out (of money, from an acoount)
jj radd pl. jjij rudd return; restora-
Jjij- mardd yield, return(s)
tion, restitution; refund, reimbursement
repayment, requital; repulsion; warding 4^* murtadd turncoat, renegade, apos-

off, parrying; denial, refusal; rejeetion; tte

reply, anewer; reflection (e.g., of light);

Mjj radda a (rad*) to support, prop, shore
refutation; attribution (Jl to) |J*Jl ij r.
up (* a wall)
al-fi'l reaction; jtieVI jj rehabilitation
Ijj (raddan) in reply to
oj ritT pl. Ijjl ard(? support; help,
J ...; ijj -U-l
see .Ul akd

oj radda ugliness; reverberation, echo; jjj radu'a u (SJjj radtfa) to be bad V to

bran become bad, be epoiled
jj ridda apostasy (>">L-V1 from radV pl. Ljjl ardiyP* bad;
J*> t^jj
Islam) mean, baae, vile; evil, wicked; vicious,
335 &J
malicious |
S>,.,Jl *^j r. aa-sum'a of Ul <J>bj ridj croup, rump (of an animal)
<J*i*j radij rear man, one following
Ujl ardcC 2 worse; more wicked next in Une; redif, reserve (in the army
*\}j rad'a badness; wickedness; vi- of the former Turkish Empire)

ciousnesa, maliciousness jij radifa fem. of <Juij

i_jj;l irdabb (now commonly pronounced tjily tarduf succesflion; synonymity

ardabb) pl. t-oljl ardib 2 ardeb, a dry
ilj* murdif synonym (of a word);
measure (Ey.; = 1981)
synonymous, conaignificant (J with); oor-
*ojl irdabba cesepool responding in meaning, analogous

pij radah long period of time jaJl l*-.ij ijjl jm mutardif synonymous; jm
| ,y
radaAan mtn ad-dahr for a long time Synonyms

^ij rodtwa i u (riwij) to cruah (*; to (jj radama i u (radm) to fill up with earth (*

roll smooth, level by rolling (* ground) pit, pond) II to repair, fix, mend IV not
to leave (J* s.o.), cling (J* to s.o.;
f.jj rada'a a (rad') to keep, prevent (j& s.o.
said of disease) V to be mended, be re-
from) VIII to be kept, be prevented (je.
paired; to repair, mend (*; to be
wom, show signs of wear
fi!j rd' detening; (pl. f^ljj rauwd' 8 )
jj radm Alling up (of swamps, ponds,
deterrent; impediment, obstacle, handi- f
etc.); nibble, debris; dam
cap; refltriction, limitation, curb, check;
Inhibition (psych.) (Oj radim wom, shabby, threadbare
ijj radga, radaga mud, mire, alush
jj radana i (radn) to spin; to purr (cat);
ijjj radaja u (radf) and radifa a to come
to grumble (J* at)
next, come immediately after s.o. or (*, ), follow, succeed ( s.o., *
jj rudn pl. lijl ardn Bleeve

III to ride behind s.o. (, on the same Jjjj rudaint spear (originally epithet
animal); to be the Substitute ( of b.o.), for one of superior quaty)
replace (<> s.o., *; to be synonymous
ij* mirdan pl. os\j* mardin 1 Bpindle
(* with) IV to seat ( s.o.) behind one
(on an animal); to make (* be <Zjj-*j (Fr. redingote) redengt frock coat,
followed (i_> by eise) ; to complement, Prince Albert
complete (i_j * with or by) VI to
i*^j radha hall; large room, sitting room,
follow one another, come in suocession;
parlor; lobby; entrance hall, vestibule
to pile up in layers, become stratified; |

to form a Single Une; to flock, throng

J Lii- V I ** Jj reception hall, drawing
room, parlor cA^i Ul **.ij r. al-muh*
(J* to); to be synonymous
dart lecture room
tjij ridj pl. tjljjl ardf man
(riding on the same animal) ; one who or gij radiya a (^jj radan) to perish, be de-
that which is subsequent, followe, comes stroyed II to bring to the ground ( b.o.),

next; posteriors, backside, rump; haunoh- bring about the fall of () IV to bring to
es, oroup (of an animal); dual: o\i*J\ the ground ( s.o.), bring about the fall

ar-ridfn day and night of (); to destroy, ruin ( s.o.); to feil


&J 336

( s.o.); to kill { s.o.) j^UJ.Ijjl (qatilan) jj razza u (razz) to insert, drive in (*

to feil s.o. with a deadly blow T to fall II to buraish, polish (* IV to tele-

tumble; to decline, fall off, come down, phone

go from bad to worse; to deteriorate,
jj razza pl. -t staple, U bolt; ring
become worse; to clothe o.s. (i-* with),
screw; Joint pin
put on (l-> a garment) VIII to put on
(* a garment or headgear); to wear (* O _>jj' irzist telephone

a garment, a headgear), be clothed, be

Ijj razaa a (jj raz'} to deprive (<j or * s.o.
clad (* in) |
<j"A* tfJjjl {maldbisah) to
of; pass. jjj ruzi'a to incur or
put on one's clothes, dresa, get dressed
suffer loss; to lose (<-; to be af-

jjj radan ruin, destruction flicted ( v by)

#ljy rid' pl. 40jl ardiya loose outer jj ruz' pl. Ijjl arzS heavy loss,

garment, cloak, robe (lady 's) dress, gown ; serious damage; disaster, calamity

attire, costume |
LJ.I *\ij r. al-mas'
ijjj razi'a and 3jJj razlya pl. Lljj
evening gown
razy heavy loss, serious damage; dis-

jJU muiaraddin dressed aster, calamity

jj radda u: *\J\ oij (sam*) and IV there l-jJj razaba u (razb) to keep, stick, cling
was a drizzle, it drizzled
jljj radd drizzle mirzabba 1
~<ujj* pl. vj!/* marzib' iron
Jjj radila a and radula u (SJlij radla) to be
low, base, vile, despicable, contemptible L-jlj^ mirzb pl. vH-iL^ marzib 2 water-
radla u (radl) to reject, cast off, dis- spout, gargoyle; (roof) gutter
card, repudiate, disown (*, s.o.,;
r Jj razaha a ruzh, razh)
ry jj ruzh,
( ^-ijj
to despise, disdain, scorn (*, s.o.;

to disapprove (*, IV to reject, cast

to auccumb, collapse, sink to the ground

off, discard, repudiate, disown {*, s.o.,

(under a brden); to descend, hover (e.g.,

silence) III to suffer X to regard aa low or despicable
(*, s.o.,
9jjA murzig muddy, boggy, miry
J jj radl rejection ; repudation ; (pl.

Jjij rudl, Jlijl ardl) low, base, mean,

jjj razaqa u to provide with the means of
subsitence ( s.o.; said of God); to
vile, despicable, contemptible
bestow (* * upon s.o., material or
J>jj radll pl. Vij rudal* low, base, spiritual possessions; said of God), endow
mean, vile, despicable, contemptible, de- (* s.o. with); to bless (* s.o. with,
praved esp. lj_>J_j* with a child); pass. ruziqa

3Jlij radla lowness, baseness, mean- to be endowed (* with); to live VIII to

ness, vileness, depravity make a living, gain one's livelihood; to

live ((> on or by X to seek one's
iLij radila pl. JJlSj rad'Hl vice; de-
livelihood; to ask for the means of sub-
Jji^. mardyX depraved, despicable,
wicked Jj rizq pl. ljjl arzq livelihood,
mean, base, vile, evil,
means of living, subsistence daily bread, ;

*jj ruzz (= jjl aruzz) rice nourishment, sustenance; boon, blessing



(of God); property, possessions, wealth, ~*j*j ruab sediment, deposit; lees,

fortune; income; pay, wages j

ilj Jljjl dregs, settlings; preoipitate (ehem.); fail*

dry rations, emergenoy rationa (mil.) uro (in an examination)

Jlj^l ar-razxq the Maintainer, the <_--y taraib Sedimentation; preoipi-

Provider (one of the 99 atthbutes of tation (ehem.)

God) _lj raib pl. c-^ljj rawsib* Sedi-

Jljjwl i&tirzq independent livelihood, ment, deposit; dregs, lees, settlings; pre-

self-support oipitate (ehem.); residue

3jjj* marzq blessed (by God), for- rustdmlya oassock (of a priest)
tunate, prosperous, succeaaful
Ji-j raataqa to tidy, arrange well, put in
3jj* murtaziq hired, hireling, merce-
order (*
nary, kept

_j=-j, y^jj (It. arrosto) rost roast meat

**jj* murtaztqa kept peisons, hangers-
on; mercenariea {Fr. restaurant) reMorn restaurant
'Sj* muriazaq means of Bubsistence,
p*-j maraah (= t-j~~>) pl. r^j* marsih*
livelihood, living
theater, playhouse; stage; party, social

(jj raxama i u (nun) to bndle, bale, paok, gathering

wrap up (*
^j mareahi social, party (used at-

**jj rizma pl. *jj rizam bndle; bale, tributively); formal (dress)

pack; paroel, package; ream (of paper)

a-j rasaka u (ryj ruak) to be firmly

(ljj razna) to be established, be deeply rooted (j in;

ojj razuna v. grave,
serious, sedate, staid, calm, composed, to be firm, solid, stable ; to be oonversant,

self-possessed V to display grave or be thoroughly familir (j with, be

sedate mannera, show o.e. calm, com- well veraed, be at home (j in, in

posed, self-possessed a field); to seep in; to permeate (j a

fabric); to become fast (color or dyea in
C/Jj razln grave, Berious, sedate, staid; a fabric) II and IT to make (* take
composed, oalm, self-possessed
root(s), establish (*; to implant
jljj razna gravity, sedateness, staid (*; to secure, make fast, fix firmly,

ness ; composure, Belf-possession, poise ground (* |

<uJ> j ^1 iyj\ ($ih*
nihi) to impress or inculcate upon b.o.
liUjj ruznma see i-ljjjj
i~>j\ arsak? more firmly established,
<ijj pl. Ujj see i^Jj more deeply rooted |
L*-l* iyj\ (qadaman)
*-j rata covered with verdigris
iy\j rsifr firmly established, deep-
<_^j rosoba u (<-j_>-j ruab) to sink to the
rooted; grounded, firmly fixed, stable;
bottom, Bettle, subside (esp., in water);
conversant (j with, thoroughly
to fail, flunk (in an examination) II to
veraed, completely at home J (
in a field)
cause to settle (*, in a liquid), de-

posit (* a sediment); to preoipitate (* cr

J--j tiar* (eg.) glue, adhesive, speoif.,; ehem.) T to settle, subside, be de- one for pasting leather, made of a yellow
posited; to preoipitate (ehem.) powder
;; !)


i-j ruag pl. j-L-jl <w*5& i-jl aru wrist J-j rial moderation | ! *ilLj
Jp slowly
gently! take it easy!
i_i-j rasafa u t to go in shackles ; to be bound
Jy rtuil pl. ^-j ru&altf 2 messenger;
to be moored (sbip)
runner (m.)

J-j raMla a (rasal) to be long and flowing

Jj--j rasl pl. J-j rund messenger;
(hair) III to oorrespond, oany on a
emissary; envoy, delegate; apostle (Chr.);
correspondence, exchange letters (* with
Jj--jJI or tili Jj--j the Messenger of God
s.o.); to contact ( s.o.), get in touch (
(i.e., Mohammed)
with s.o.) IV to send out, dispatoh (<_j ot
*, s.o. Jl, also J, to); to send off, Jj^j rasli apostolic, papal (Chr.) \

send away (l-> or *, * s.o., Jl, also J,

SJj^J! 15^01 (baraka) apostolio benedio-

to); to send, forward, ahip (l-p or * tion; Jj-^l LJl (sudda) the Holy See;
to send, transmit (radio); Jj-y -u#lJ apostolio delegate
Jl, also J, to);

to rele&se, let go (*; to set free JL-j riala pl. -t, JJL-j raa'iP con-
(*; to discharge (*; to pour
signment, ehipment; mail item; (written)
forth, vent {*, give vent (a to); to
communication, (written) report; missive;
uttei (* words); to shed (* tears); to let
letter, note; epistle; dispatoh; message;
(a the hair) hang down, let it fall
J* on) |
treatise; radio message; (pl. -t) mission,
Jl j J-jl (falabihi) to send for s.o.;
calling, vooation | ~<Sj *JUj (barqiya)
VUjI f^Jl ,)-jl (al-kalma irslan) to
telegram ; *- \j* iJ L-j (farmiya) love
speak without restraint, talk freely
letter; 1U_. JLj (musajjala) registered
r*r.,l- ** <_ij J-jl (nafaah) to yield to
one's natural impulse, do the natural
make O^L-j ruaail*: *J^-*j
Jp ^J-'i Jll (&*
thing; <u& J* *L*j\ (sajiyatihi) to
6ara) he didn't take the matter seri-
a.o. feel at home; l^f Jp *-iJ J jl
(nafsah) to feel at home, let o.s. go

Y to proceed leisurely, take one's time O JL-j* mtrffZ: jji JL-j- m. nur pl.

j in ; to hang down, be long and -t searohlight
flowing (hair) VI to keep up a oorres-
~*L*\j* mursala exchange of letters*
pondence, exohange letters; to send to
correspondence; note, message, letter*
one another, exchange (i~> X to aBk
oommunication; orderly (m.)
(^. b.o.) to send (*, have s.o. (^-)
send (*; to be relaxed, at ease, JUjI irsl sending, forwarding, ship-

free fiom restraint; to be long and flow- ping, dispatoh

ing (hair) ; to be friendly, affable, intimate, SJUjl irsliya pl. -t consigruuent;

chummy (Jl with s.o.); to act naturally, mail item; shipment; transport; (mil.)
without affectation; to let o.s. go; to expedition; mission
enlarge (ft^l j /i l-Jcalm in discourse,

^*j tara38ul art of letter writing
i.e., to talk at length); to o.a.,

give o.s. up (jj to, also ** or Jf); JU^wl istirsl ease, naturalness, re-
to persist (j in, keep up <<j laxedness; abandon; elaboration, expa- tiation

J-j raal easy, gentle, leisurely (pace, J-1j- murail pl. -n correspondent, re-
gait) ; loose, slack, relaxed; long and porter (of a newspaper) \jj>~ ^~\j* (harbl) J

flowing (hair) war correspondent ; ^ U- ^j {h&99


apeoial oorrespondent; ^bj J-Ij* (H*
fj raam drawing (o.g., as a subject in
y&dl) sporta reporter sohool); (pl. (j*j ruam, oU^-j ru*
emt) a drawing; aketoh; graph; pio-
J~s* murn'Z sender (of a letter); con-
ture; photograph; illustration ; pattern
signor; O transmitter (radio)
(e.g., on a fabrio); (pl. *j-j) trace, im-
O *Uj* murnla pl. -t transmitter pression; designation, mark; inscription,
{radio) legend; reoord, notes; (offioial) document,
(legal) Instrument; writing; design; pre
J-p. murdoi sent, forwarded; dis-
scription.regulation; ceremony, form, for
patched; delegated; transmitted (radio);
mality; rate, fee, tax, due ^^ bi-rosmi
long and flowing (hair); (pl. -n) mission- |

intended for, care of (c/o), for; -Ul

ary {Chr.); inoompletely transmitted (of fj\
okd ar-r. taking of a picture; JLj ,-j
a Prophetio tradition resting on a ohain
(bayni) illustrative figure, diagram (in a
of authorities that goea no further back
than the 2nd generation after the Proph-
book); Jy-oll -*j admission fee; Jyo -*j

et) dl ^ja recipient, addressee (of

(dukK) import duty, tariff; ^-A -*j

(SamH) photograph
a letter); consignee; J-_^ t*$> (kalm)
; ijyf"
fj layout,
ground plan (arch.);
J-**j ^j detail
drawing ; ^1* -*j (qan) cardiogram
3JL-r* mursaliya misaion
<)4J j*j-j (qaidlya) registration fees;

J-A-* muetarail loose, flowing (hair); ^UVf fj

r. al-intj excise tax;

ad valorem duty; Jj
^ -j
friendly, affable; intimate, chummy; de- ^-j (hazli)
voted, given np ( j or to caricature, cartoon

-*j rasama u {raam) to draw, traoe (*;

^jO rasmi offioial, formal, conven-
tional; ceremonial; offioial, offlceholder,
to sketch (*; to describe (* e.g.,
publio servant; Lr*j rasmiyan offlcially;
a circle); to paint (*; to reoord, put
down in writing (*; to enter, mark,
oLo rasmiyt formalities; oeremonies,
ceremonial, ritual; rules, regulations
indicate (*; to sketch, outline {* |; flg.); to describe, depict, portray, VO JVj officials; J-O ^r*^* offioial

dress; oourt dress; *~fj _jLj uniforms;

picture (*; to make, work out, oon-
ceive {&- fciftatan a plan); to prescribe
^yfj 4*i Sibhu r. and jfJU <s^- semi-
official; y^ .JuaJ nisfu r. do.; ^fj ji>
(t_> or * J to s.o., lay down as a rule t

gairu r. unoffioial
(<-* or a J for s.o.; to ordain ( a
priest; Chr.) |
oJ^JI !jLS -*j to make the aLj rassm pl. -n draftsman; painter,
sign of the cross, cross o.s. {Chr.) II to artist
enter, mark, indicate {*, j in); to
i*Uj risma, rasma Ordination, con-
appoint to a public office (6 s.o.; tun.)
secration (of a priest; Chr.)
V to follow (*, esp. s.o.'s footsteps,

an example, etc.); to be appointed to -*jj rausam pl. *-'jj raieawn' O cu"-

a public office (tun.) VIII to come out, ohe (yr.)
find visible expression; to be traced, en-
-*j* marsam studio (of an artist)
graved, inscribed, written; to impress it-

self, leave an Impression (J*.

on); to be p>\jA marsim 2 oeremonies, ceremonial,
ordained, be introduced into the office ritual; etiquette, protocol (dipl.); cus-
of the ministry (priest; Chr.); to make the toms; principles; regulations |
SjUI ^o.
sign of the cross (Chr.) --l^il mudir idrat al-m. and *->l_^.l
chief of protocol (dipl.); >=JI cor- pl. oL-*lj rsiyt, ^\jj ratosin towering,
onation ceremonies; olijj-illl ^.\j court unahakable mountains
^*j (= Uj see above) to anchor
taraseum design, planniiig
fj raUa u spurt
aLJjI irtiam pl. -* (visible) ezpres-
^j (raSS) to spatter, Bplash,

(* a liquid); to spray (* a liquid); to

sion, manifestation (e.g., of a feeling, of
sprinkle (*, <_> with, J* on); to
an emotion on B.o.'a faoe)
splatter, Bpatter, bespatter (*, >~>

fy>j* marsm drawn, traoed, sketched; with water, etc.); to water (*

painted; recorded in writing, written;

designed, planned; deereed, ordered; J.j rotf Bprinkling; watering;


ing, spattering; spraying; buckshot *>L** j

(pl. mara&m*) deoree; act, edict;

regulation, ordinanoe (<_> regarding); g*\j* if&\j J-J\ ma#lahat ar-r. taa-l-kana street-

cleaning department; ^J\ ^p 'arabat

ceremonies, oeremonial, ritual; etiquette;
ar-r. watering cart, Sprinkler; Lij ^j to
regulations | jjJl; *j*j* (bi-qnn) en-
fire in brste (m.)
actment, Statute, ordinanoe (Bg,); *>>
^iJS (taSrfl) and ^\J^\ ^j* (i&irtft; j raSia light drizzle

P<. t 8yr.) do.; -1_A' j** mudlr al-m.

Jili-j raSi spattered liquid; drizzle,
chief of protocol {dipl.)
dribble (esp. fig.)

G JU*j rasml pl. J^L-j rtumiP = JU j\j ^Uj raSSS pl. -t water hose; machine
capital (fin.) gun jAJ>j ,i-u (midfa') machine gun;

<yjl areun, jUjI arsn, i<j\ ^Uj ^i {mtuaddas) pl. Uj oL-i

j^j rasan pl.

arrina halter
submachine gun, Tommy gun

ra*5 to be firm, Btable,

Uj raiSSa pl. -* perfume spray,
(j"j) Wj ** (roiu))

steady; to anchor (J* off a coast), cast

atomizer ; O watering oan ; shower,
douche (Mor.)
anchor, land, dock; to ride at anchor (Je
off a coast, j in a harbor); to disembark, O *j miraSSa watering can
land (i-j s.o.; ship); to come or go even-

tually (Je to), land (Je with) | J* Uj j raiaha a (raih) to sweat, perspire; to
leak, be leaky (vessel); to filter, strain,
*\.\ (mazdu) it was knooked down to
percolate (* a liquid) II to raise, rear,
him (at an auotion); i-Jllii J* ~*j
bring up ( a cbild); to train, prepare
(munqaaa) the commission or contraot
( s.o.); to nominate, put up as a oan*
went to him (after an invitation to sub-
didate ( s.o., J for, o.g., for an office),
mit tenders) IT to make fast, fix firmly
(with *- naftah) to be a candidate,
(a; to anchor, place at anchor (*
apply (J for an offioe, etc.); to filter (a
a ship) T to be reared, be brought up;
^jj. marsan pl. ^j* mamain anchor-
to be Buited, qualified, trained (J for
age | rjJ** ts*J* Mersa M&trh (village in; to be nominated as a oandidate,
NW Egypt, on Mediteiranean coast) be a nominee (J for; to catch a cold
iL>j miraoh pl. ^j* marsin anchor
j raih seoretion (of a fluid); Per-

^\j rtin pl. ^Ijj rawrin fixed, Bta- spiration, Bweating; leaking, leakiness;

tionary, immovable firm, steady, atable. ; filtering, filtration, percolation; oozing,

firmly established; anchored, at anchor; trickling ; cold, catarrh


341 jij

i*-lij ruSha transudate, transudation the mind) | xZJ\ j-. sinn ar-r. majority,
{med.) fll legal age; xij iL (ruSdah) to come
nom- of age; xij Jl -_jU to come to one's
t*~>J tarHh training, preparation;
a candidate, eleotion);
senses, calm down, aober up; JjyfL* to
ination (as for
go out of one's mind; x5/ i_-*j to drive
(= 4 jfwij-") candidacy, candidature;
election; ooncession
s.o. mad (pain)

xlj raSad integrity of conduot, straight-

pij taraS&uh Infiltration (med.)
forwardnesa, forthrightneas
^Lijjl irtiSh Infiltration (med.)
jLij raSd integrity of conduet; reason,
~,j* muraJHh pl. -t filter; perco- good sense, senses; maturity; garden
lator; filtering installation ;
purification peppergrass (Lepidium sativum L. ; bot.)
x-ij raMd rightly guided, following
r^j* mura&iah pl. -n candidate, nom- the right way; having the true faith;
inee; having a cold reasonable, rational, intelligent, dis-

ju mutaraih pl. -n candidate, criminating, disceming; mature; (pL

nominee .Ixij ruSad**) of fll legal age, major;

Rosetta (city in N Egypt)
xij rasada u (rud) to be on the right way,
xil^. mar&id? where the right way
follow the right course, be well guided,
leads to; salvation
not go astray (eap., in religious mattera);
to have tho true faith, be a true believer; .ulj- tarltid a declaring (s.o.) of age

to become sensible, become mature, (JUT.)

grow up; to come of age II to lead the jUjI irSd guidance; a condueting,
right way, guide well (* s.o.) IV to lead showing the way (Jl to); guiding hand;
tho right way, guide well (a s.o.); to care ; Spiritual guidance ; instruetion
load, guide, direct (J( s.o. to, direction; directive; information; ad-
ahow (a s.o.) the way (Jl to; fig.); to vising, advice; pl. oljlijl directives, di-
lead s.o. (a) to the discovery that (l Jl), rections, Instructions, advice |
alijlj on
suggest to s.o. the idea of, make s.o. rea- his Instructions, following his direction;
lize that; to call s.o.'b () attention (Jl to lJjJi5\ itij^l j'jj wizTat al-i. al-qaumi, point out (Jl to s.o.; to Ministry of National Guidance <g.)
teach (Jl o s.o. to do, instruct, r
^jLiji j*J- i r iridi didactic poetry
direct, guido (Jl e, s.o. in); to inform (Jl

with the j-llj riid following the right way,

s.o. about), acquaint s.o. (o)

eounsel (Jl rightly guided, having the true faith;

Cacts of (Jl); to advise, s.o.
sensible, reasonable; of fll legal age,
to do; to inform (Jl against s.o.);

to come of age X to ask (e or <_* s.o.) to major [

j-Lil^l UUM {kutafa) the ortho-

show the right way, ask s.o. for guidance dox caliphs (i.e., Abu Bakr, 'Umar,

or directions; to ask (o s.o.) for In-

'Utmn, 'Ali)

structions or information; to conault -Lij- murid pl. -n leader; guide to the

(* s.o.), ask s.o.'s () advice, seek guidance right way; adviser; spiritual guide; in-

( from s.o.); to be guided (<_* by) former; instruetor; (ship) pilot; tourist
guide; Grand Master, Master (e.g., of the
-lij ruid integrity of (one's) actions,
Moslem Brotherhood)
proper, sensible conduet; roason, good
sense, senses; consciouaneas; maturity (of ;xijj murSida woman guide
;; ;,

JTJ 342

pl. JljLij ro&iri 8 belt ^j u

,Sj~j ruSruS rap$a (raft) to fit tightly together,

^ily^j rafr tender (e.g., meat) press together, compress (a; to ram,
force (a .th. into the ground) ; to pile up,
._ij raiafa i u {raif) and ra&ifa a (ra&af), staok up (a; to join together, line
V and VIII to suck, sip (* .th.); to drink up, align, arrange aide by aide (a
(*; to drink up, drain {* a vessel) II to fit tightly together, press together,

ij rol/a (n. un.) pl. -t gulp, aip (of compress (a; to ram home (a;

a drink) to ooat or cover with Iead (a

VI to be pressed together, be paoked

J-tj raSqa u (raSq) to throw (<-> at s.o.
together; to press together, crowd togeth-, pelt, strike, hurt (<_j s.o. with
er; to be or become compact; to insert, fasten, fix (J * in);
TQ&uqa u (lij raSqa) to be shapely, ^L^j rap lead; bullets |
,j*L#j i

of graceful stature; to be elegant, grace- qcdam r. penoil

ful, lissome VI to pelt one another, hurt

5-^Lj raffa (n. un.) pellet; bullet
one another

J-jij raSiq elegant, graceful {exterior,

^Lj rapfi lead, (made) of lead;
leady ; leaden, lead-colored, dull gray
style); svelte, slender, slim; lissome

Lij raSqa elegance, grace, graceful - ra$ip compressed, oloeely packed

ness ; shapeliness, graceful, elender build jammed together; compact

nimblenesB, agility
Otr*l_r" tarf agglutination

J-j raSama u (raSm) to mark, designate (*

X^j roftada u (rad) to keep one's eyes; to make the sign of the cross; to
(a, on); to lie in wait ( for); to observe
seal (* | J* -L-j Jj to make the
(a, watch (a or over,
sign of the cross over; *_L*JI J-j to make
control (a; to conjure {a demon) J
the sign of the cross (Chr.)
lbl/1 x*j to observe the stars, practice
A) raSm pl. p-ij ruSm, jI-j-Sj rw astronomy II to provide, eet aside, ear-
Smt sign of the cross (Chr.) anointment ;
mark (a funds); to prepare, keep ready
(Copt.-Ckr.) to balance
(a; (i_jIJ-l the account;
ir'j ra&ma ornamental halter deco- com.) IV to keep ready (a; to pro-
rated with silver pendants, or the like; vide, set aside, earmark (J a, esp.
camel halter funds, for); to procura, get (a

V ihAi^l x*J to observe the stars, prac-

^yilj rSin tip, baksheesh
tice astronomy
(j^j) Uj ra u (ra&tu) to bribe ( s.o.) Till to
x**j rapd, ra$ad pl. jLji arpd Ob-
accept a bribe, be corrupt, be venal
servation | iblfl X^j r. al-afllc star-
j-ij raSw bribery, oorruption gazing, astronomy; 'o_jr ^'-fj' {jawwiya)
meteorological Observation; jL*j1/I j jj
j-tj rifova, ruSwa, ra&tva pl. ISj, ,jij
weather report
rilkm, ru&an, (eg.) /jjH>j raJwi bribe;
bribery, corruption, dishonesty ~*j\>-x*j rafdakna observatory
Lij ri&a rope, well rope
x*j rapad pl. jLjI ar$d spy, watoher,
#LUj I irtiS* venality, corruptibility watchdog ; lookout, Observation post
bribery, corruption ambush; talisman

343 >->

jL ra?pd: ji-\ .iL) r. al-jaww meteor- rafifa pl. -dt woman oolleague |

ologlBt 1^1 Lii-^j (pamT) a phraae of oourtesy

arfida stock on used by one newBpaper when refer-

-i_,fj rajrid pl. -Uji
ring to another; approx.: our honorable
hand (of merchandise, of supplies)

avaible funds ; balance {com. ; also = friends

remainder of a sum to be paid later) Lj raf&fa firmneas, compaetneaa

capital (fin.) |
Jl~*j j4j dLi uncovered
Jtj^j* marpf paved (._> with)
check, check without sufficient covering
funds u (^Uj to be finnT
j~*j rapuna rosna)
x^j marfiad pl. -Urlj- martyicP 6b- strong; to be sedate, calm, compoaed
servatory jj- -U*j- (jauwi) meteorolog-
Cr-+j rapin firm, unshakable; sedate,

ical Station, weather Btation

calm, composed
O -1-+J
mirpad telescope
JL*j rasna sedateneBs, oomposure,
jL*j- mirjwd Observation post, look- calmneaa, equanimity
out; ambuah |
jL^LL .JJj to lie in wait;

iLtjLL 4L lT and jL^LLi *J Juj to lie ,jij radda u {radd) to crush (*; to

in ambush for b.o., waylay s.o. bruise (* a part of the body)

-Ulj rapid registering; (pl. ->Lj ruppd) ,>j radd pl. ^j^j rudd bruise,
watcher, watchdog, spy | O *-b <-iJ'- contusion
cash rogister; O *-*'-> "j'j^ (mizn) self-
(J-l-^j ra^i^ crushed; bruised
registering balance

J-*lj rpida: <SSi lU-^lj (falakiya) k-jLij ruiA spittle, aaliva

~ij radaka a i {radk) to break, Bmash,
^-*j- >i- mablag marpd security, shatter (*; to crack (* a kernel);
cover (fin.) radaka a {radk) to give ( s.o.) a amall,

u>j II to inlay, set, etud (*, ._> with

paltry present; (fj~*j rudh) to yield,
bow, give in, subordinate o.a., Bubmit (J
gems or gold); to adorn, deoorate, Orna-
to s.o., to VIII i^J -iJjl (Jukno
ment (v * s -^h. with)
ton) to Bpeak rabio with a foreign ao-
tJfc-j ra#afa u (rap/) to pave, lay with Btone oent
(*; rafiufa u (Uj raffa) to
~ij radk U*j radka a amall, paltry

be firmly joined II to lay with flagstones,

pave {*
U^Jj radxka a small, paltry gift; tip,
t--*j rtyf paving (of roada)
Ja~*j rapif firmly joined, firm, Bolid,

compact; (pl. *-jl ar$ifa) pavement;

r-j-^j ni<iiii: Submission, surrender;
yielding, compliance ; sympathetic under-
sidewalk; qnay; wharf, pier; mole, jetty;
standing (J of)
platform; (pl. LU#j ru$af**) oolleague |

*la*M i_'-.-i- j t. al-mahatfa (railway) plat- rU^ mir#ifc nutcracker

form j~J\ J
jii-1 Jl> V i-i--y (Zt'-a'mdZi l-

haJT (i l-bakr) offahore drilling platform ,j*s*j radrada to break into coarae pieoes,
pound, orush (*
(for oil drilling); i_'v^ -ulj* 'at5yi<i

ar-r. quayage, pierage, wharfage j^l^j radrd pebblea, gravel


t>J 344

+j ra4i'a a and ratfa'a i a [ra&, pUij sanotion (* X to seek to satisfy,

ra4a, JpLJj rtuf'a) to suck (ol jjj iadyo try to conoiliate, treat in a conciliatory
ttmmt'Ai at its mother's breast) n and IY manner ( s.o.); to conoiliate, appease
to nuree at the breast, suokle, breast- feed to show
{ s.o.); o.s. obliging, make o.s.
( a baby) populr, ingratiate o.s., try to gain good
will or favor
ftr*j ra4? pl- l*-*j rvtfa''* 'L-ij

fa^'' a Bckling, infant, baby; foster L*j riffan oontentment,

i$*j, contented-
b rother neas, satisfaction ; agreement, oonsent,
aasen t, acceptance, approval; pleasure,
O **L-ij ra4fa pl. -* nureing bottle
delight; good will, favor | ^j je readily,
f-L*j ri^kf foeter relationship &*dlyf is"J\ gs* oay to please, easy
-ilj rd#' pl. ^ij rwfa' suoking; reconciled
suckling, Infant, baby; Infant (adj.)
^>j ra$\y pl. #L>jl ar^iy' 9 satisfied,

+j* murtff and **ij* murtfi'a pl. content; pleasant, agreeable | wj ,jJcj

f~i\j* maroV' wet nurse; foster mother (bi-nafs) gladly

'j^j rjlwn consent, assent, agree-

Oj abbreviation of c* 41! ^>j, see ^j ment, acceptance, approval, sanction
U*j see ^>j riffan good will, favor; pleasure, delight

^0j ragiya a (^>j n#an, jlj^y ri^un, iLij- L*j wr^ a means affrding sat-

martf) to be satisfied, be content (*, isfaction or gratification; satisfaction,

_> or j with); to consent, agree (*, _>

or j to); to approve (*, _> or j of), ac- "<~*j tartfiya Batisfaction, gratification
cept, sanction (*, _> or j ; to accept compensation
the fact, resign o.s. to the fact (l that) ; to
L*j rvf oontentment, contentedness,
be pleased J# or je with); to wish,
satisfaction; agreement, consent, assent,
desire (*, J for s.o.) <_> *_iJ
^j |
acceptance, approval, sanotion ; propi-
{li-Ttafeihi) to permit o.s.; ^j U
tiation, conciliation
Jl U (magaata) he had no desire to
humiliate her; jl j\ ^j (au db) whether Uiy.L bi-l-murtfh by fair means,
he c* amicably
likes it or not; Zi\ ^j (IbI.

eulogy) may God be pleased with him; L#jl ir$* satisfaction, gratification;
vIjVIj i-idl J* ^j
{iyb) to be content fulfillment (of a claim, of a desire) | ,_-*-*
to return without booty, be happy to
U*jVl fa'b al-i, hard to please, fastidious
have saved one's akin II to satisfy, grati-
ij+\j tarS4%n mutual consent
fy, please (* s.o.); to compensate ( s.o.)

III to seek to satisfy, try to please { s.o.); *Lij^-\ iatirtf' conciliatory attitude,
to propitiate, conciliate, win ( s.o.), gain conciliatoriness; propitiation, conciliation
the good will of () IV to satisfy, gratify,
ijLJjwl istirtjtft conciliatory
please ( s.o.) V to seek to satisfy, try
to please ( s.o.); to seek to propitiate ^\j r4%n pl. ;Lj rutfh satisfied,

to conciliate, content; agreeing, consenting; willing,

( s.o.); appease ( s.o.)

TI to come to terms VIII to be ready; pleasant, agreeable (life)

content, pleased (* with); to consent,
ij0j* mw$in satisfactory; satisfying;
agree (* to ; to approve (* of, pleasant. pleasing, gratifying; sufflcient


,_Jj rafiba a and rafuba u (*j_>Lj rutba, jUj i^j ra'aba a (ru'b) to be alarmed, terrined;

rafba) to be moist, damp, humid; to be to be afraid, be scared n and IT to

wet n to moisten (*; to cool, re- frighten, scare, terrify ( s.o.) VIII to be-

fresh; to soothe, soften, oalm (i-ll oi- come frightened, beoome alarmed, be
gata the heart); to become succulent, afraid

mellow, ripen (datee) IV to moisten (* i_jtj ru'b fright, alarm, dismay; to beoome Bucoulent, mellow,
V to be moistened; to be -"Ujl ir'b frightening, intimidation
ripen (datea)
oooled, be refreahed; to be soothed, be i^lj r'ib dreadful, horrifying, terrible
Boftened, be oalmed
<-*j*j* mar'tib frightened, terrined, ap-
<_^j raflt moist, damp, humid; wet; palled, afraid
fresh, oool ; juioy, suooulent, tender (plant)
i~*j mur'ib frightening, terrifying,
4_i>j rufab (coli.; n. un. ) pl. ^Ujl
terrible, horrible, dreadful
arfb, -U*-> rifb fresh, ripe dates
0*j raada a u (ra'd) to thunder; to appall
<_-Ij rafib pl. v^J r *f> moist, damp,
(<_j J s.o. with) IT to make ( s.o.) tremble;
humid; fresh, cool; juicy, succulent,
pass. ur'ida to shudder, shiver, tremble
tender (plant)
(j- with, e.g., with fear) VIII to tremble
<tjj rufba moisture, dampness, hu-
0*j ra'd pl. jjcj ru'd thunder
midity; wetness
J*j ra'da, ri'da tremor shudder
t-itlj rfib moist, damp, humid; wet ;

oLUj- muraftibt refreshments, soft

iUj ra"d (coli.; n. un. !) electric ray

JUj rafl pl. Jl^jl aril rotl, a weight (inEg.

0j0*j ri'did pl. -bjUj ra'dP oowardly;
= 449.28 g; in Syr. = 3.202 kg, in Beirut
and Aleppo = 2.566 kg)
fjtj ro'ra'a to come into the prime of life
Jj rafama u (rafm) to involve, implicate,
(youth) II tara'ra'a to grow, develop,
drag ( j s.o. into unpleasant) VIII to
flourish, thrive
tumble, fall, plunge {j into); to stick
fast, be stuck; to be involved, be en- fjt,j ro* ra*, ru'ru* pl. jl*j ra'ri' in

tangled (j in; to run aground, fll bloom

Strand (ship); to bump, hit, crash (l-j *
ra r** yy (eg.) a variety of
V_>d' }j*J
against) fleabane (Pulicaria arabica Coss., Puli-

O ^j TnaTfam breakwater, mole, jetty caria inuloides D. C; ftot.)

speak ^jttj ra'aSa a {ra &) and ra'tia a (ra'aS) to
$j Tafina u (iJj rafna, rifna) to

unintelligible language, talk gibberish, tremble, shakelVto make (* s.o.) tremble;

jabber to make ( s.o.) Bhiver VIII = ra'aSa

<>Uj rafna, rifna lingo, gibberish il*j ri'Sa tremor | ^J-\

*-1pj r. al-

humm feverish shiver

J-Lj ruiain lingo, gibberish
^Iwjl irii'i tremor, trembling
scum, ragtag;
f\*j ra'' rabble, mob,

rowdies, Hooligans ^mt-j V and VIII to writhe, wind, co

; ;


tjtfj ro'o/a u a and ra'ifa a: aJ\ Juy (an* conaideration (>, allow (* for
fvX) to have a noeebleed III to euperviae, watch, control (*,

keep an eye (* on); to maintain, keep

JiUj ru'f and tJu*j ra'/ noeebleed
up, preserve (*; to observe, bear in
Jwlj r<T/ tip of the nose mind, heed, respect (*, comply
(a with, e.g., with regulations) ; to take
*Uj n*'/a wreath
into oonsideration, take into acoount
J-*j ro'i/ pl. Jl*j ri'dJ squadron of (*, allow, make allowance (* for
annored, motorized, or cavalry troope show; to deferenoe, regard or re-
(8yr., Ir.\ mit.)
spect ( for s.o.); to make provision, Bee
to it (l that) *>U ^Ij (gdgiroAti) to
fUj ru'dm glandera

defer to s.o., respect s.o.'s feelinga or

>j ra'anuw Ramses (name of Eg. kings) wiahea IY yjf *^*jl l
ar'atiuh aam'l I
listened to him; iJLr- JpjI ar'ini aam'aka
jj ru'na u (Xjej ru'na) to be lightheaded, listen to me! * ^jl
Jii (no?araA) to
frivolous ; ra'ana u (ro'n) : ,^-JJi <^*j
follow attentively with one's eyes
ra'anoMu -Sams to have a sunstroke
VIII to graze, pasture (oattle) X to at-
jj ro'n Bunstroke; (pl. l*j ri* tract (*J nazarah s.o.'s eyes, **L I inti*

*<Sn) mountain peak bhaK a.o.'s attention); to observe (*
j*jl or'on* lightheaded, frivoloua, flip-

pant, raah, heedless, careless ; stupid, silly ra 'y oare, keeping, custody, guard-
thoughtleas; unsteady, fickle, volate ianship; protection; observance (J of),
adherence <J to, e.g., to agreement*))
_j*j ru'na pl. -t levity, frivolity,

flippancy; thoughtle
ill L*j God be with you!

i-ej ro'iyo pl. UUj ra'y herd, flock;

(jfij) Uj ro'd u (ro'w, Ijfij ra'wa, ru'wa, tSjf-j
pariah (Chr.); subjecta, Citizens; a sub-
ra'w, ru'ic) and IX jjcjl ir'aw to
ject, a Citizen
deaist (,yoT jt- from sin, from error), re-

pent, Bee the light j

- j*- ifjtjl (^oyyiAi) iSj*j ra'aun, <Sj\*j ro'un and jUj
to repent, turn over a new leaf ra**\ pastoral, bucolic | j_>*j ijj" parish
church (Chr.); LJLcj JUj pastoral letter
iSy-J ra'wa, ru'w repentance, amend-
ment, converBion
*ijfij ra'awiya citizenship, nationality
iSj*j ra'aw and *u*j see ^j-j

ij-j mar' an pl. f\j+ mar'in grasslaud,

^j ra' a {ro'y, iUj ri'ya, ^^ mar' an)
to graze ; to tend (* a flock of animals) ;
grazing land; pasture

(ro'y, jUj rt'dya) to guard, protect, <l*j ri'ya keeping, custody, Charge,
take under one's wing ( b.o.); to care care; attention, conBideration, regard;
(>, for), take care (*, * of); to watch patronage, auspices, sponsorship, pro-
(over); to male a poit (of, make tectorate | IjUj c-^ under the auspices of,
it one't business; to observe, bear in sponsored by; JiUI jUj jS^- markaz r. af-
mind, heed, respect (*; to adhere fifi health center for children (Eg.)

(* to), oomply (* with), abide (e.g., \x^ ijl*j jS"y\ JjoJI iLU* jj. Sarf mv'malat
'ahdan or u*U* mu'hadatan by a treaty ad-duwal al-aktar ri'yatan moet-favored-
or an agreement, etc.); to take into nation clause

i\*\j. murifh oonsideration, regard, V VJ" nndesirable; *J v>V* -* (**sV) i^

deferenoft, respeot; oomplianoo (with), ob- persona grata, *J ^ji-j jf ^j** persona
sarranoe (o.g. of regulations, of dotiea, non grata {dipl.); 4* vj*>* nndesirable,
etc.) | J SU)/ (munTdton) in deferenoo to, onwanted, objeotionable, loathsome
out of regard for, for the uke of; in
oLy mwv^iod? attraetions, lores,
observanoe of ; A^L*** 1*1/- oat of def- advantages
erenoe to them, out of regard for their
feelings, wishes, eto.; li 1*1^ taking rfj ra0o|a a (#) to raok (U at the mother's
this into aooonnt, bearing this in mind teaU; aaid of animals)

flj rtCin pl. :Uj ru'dA, Lej ru'yan, w>j>j ra#tif unweaned young female
Uj rw'if, ri'd* shepherd, herdsman;
goardian, keeper, prototor ; patron, Spon-
4*j rauda u (oUj ra^dda) and raQida a
sor; pastor {Chr.)
(ra$ad) to be pleasant, oomfortable,
y.j* mar'iy observed, oomplied with oarefrae (life)

i^pj roffiba a (5-*j ra&a, ^-ej raao) to oij m^d eaty, oarefrse, pleasant, agree-
want, crave, oovet (j
desire, wish, able (life) | Jej ^V (*aii) a li of plenty
to ask (j* or Jl s.o., j for s.tb., ul to do and opolenoe, requast (j; > or Jl s.o., ul

to do; to prefer (Je J to,

Vj raQid easy, oarefrse, pleasant,

also j* l_> to), like (j, also ^>)

agreeable (life) | .lj ^V fa) a life of
plenty and opolenoe
better than (Je, also je); to dislike, de-
test, loathe (je, have a distaste (j* Jij rafad oomfort, opolenoe, affluenoa

for); to wish (^ J s.o. | <ui -*.r V (of living)

(yur^ofru) nndesirable II to make (# s.o.) oUj rofda oomfort, opolenoe, af-

desirous (j of), awaken a desire, a wish floenoe (of living)
J * in s.o. for); to interest (j * s.o. in, exoite s.o.'a () interest in (j); to
kj*j raQraQa to live in opolenoe and lozory
awaken an avenion (je in s.o. to IV = II
0>j TaQraQa (= jpjp QarQara) to gargle

i^j raQab: L*jj Lij ra6an wa-raAo ^Ujl urpdfa pl. -i, Jkeljl ord^ (ej.) wind-

tan torn between greed and fear lau, winoh; oapstan

Lij raoa pl. raaMf, t-*Uj rt$ft wish, iJkJ-j rafif pl. ii*j\ arfifa, uU#j ruQfn,
desire, longing, appetite (j for) .Jj ru^u/ flat loaf of bread; roll, bon
i_Pj ratfi&a pl. i_JUj ra&Tib* objeot (*yr.)

of desire, desideratiun; wish, desire

>j IT to foroe, oompel, ooeroe (
J s.o. to
^y tarfib awakening of a desire or do
longing (J for); inoitement to oovetous-
Jj raQma (prep.) deapite, in spite of |
neos; invitation, attraotion
ul Jj althoogh,thoagh; je L^j ro^num 'an
wilj rfib pl. *j*j ro^oAo deairing,
in spite of, despite; *iil je l>j (artfM) and
desiroaa ^Ij y-^/ lt-dm rfibin (aale)
spite him, in de-
| iil j* >jjl
J* just to
to the highest bidder flance of bim, against bis will; j* >jJ0

Vj*/* marflfl : V vjV* ooveted, songht &i-r-ra^n min and je and j* Af"J

after, in demand; desired, desirable; j*i despite, in spite of; U* Jf j* JJ)b in

spite of all this; *l* 2J\j and Jij raff night, covey (of birds)
fj\ Ja

against s.o.'s will; against one's own will,

jj rOjgP pl. jyj ru//, tjlij rt//
reluotantly, without wanting it; ^ i-j
Jp shelf; rack; ledge | JJ\ J* *+J>j to shelve
*aid ragmin minnl without my wanting it;, put, aside
l j* J^J in spite of the faot that, al-
Jilij roTd/ radiant, flashing, sparkling,
though; \Jj *$\ ... *$ l ... iU ragman
only reluotantly, only with great effort
lij ro/o'a a (raf) to mend, repair, patoh
>Uj ragm dust and Band
(a clothing), bow up, fine-draw (* a rent),
rugm mucus
lUj dam (* socks); to drag (* a boat) on
i/Uj rum windpipe, traohea [anat.) ahore

*jj* margama pl. jSj* marg'im* com- #Uj raff* darner, fine-drawer
pulsion, ooercion, force; aversion, un-
lij rij* (marital) harmony, love |

willingness, reluctance, dislike, distaste

^J>\j *\ij\j (banin) live in harmony and
l*Ujl irgm oompulsion (Jp to) beget sona (felioitation to newlyweds)

j\j rgim reluctant, unwilling |
*Jlj \ij* marfa' pl. *j}j* rnarji landing
i-lj [anjuh) (aaaAl clause) reluctantly, place, wharf, quay; port, harbor
Caj rafata % u (raft) to break, smash, crush

jiji look up alphabetically (*; to reject, turn down, decline

{*; to dismias, disoharge ( s.o.

(_jpj) Uj ro^E v (fau>) to foam, froth II and

from Service)
IT do. |
AjjIj ^jl (axbada) to fume with
cJj raft dismissal, discharge (from
jpj ragwa, rugwa pl. jli> raun
Cjj ruft mortal remains, body (of a
foam, froth, spinne; lather; dross, slag
j_>pj ragwi foamy, frothy
'*-j raftiya transit duty; clearance certif-
Uj ro^f' windbag (fig., of a person);
icate, clearance papers (com.)
garmlous; chatterbox, prattler

ijlij ru<zwa foam, froth, spume j rafata iu to behave in an obscene


devoid of *Uj rafai obscenity

haB absolutely nothing, he is

all reeources, prop.: he has neither a Jj rafah Rafah (town in S Gaza sector)
bleating (heep) nor a braying (camel)
4*j rafada i (rafd) to support, aid, help (

D raffet i (raff, Jui rafif) to gleam, shimmer, s.o.); to support, uphold, carry (*
glisten, gtter; (raff) to quiver, IV to support, aid, help ( s.o.) X to ask
twitch; to flioker; to Aap the wings (bird); ( s.o.) for support, appeal ( to s.o.) for
to flutter; to wave, stream; to flash, flare help
for a moment ; to appear suddenly ; *
oij rifd pl. iyj rufd, ilijl arfd pres-
to be anxious to please (J s.o.), serve (J
ent, gift; support
s.o.) diligently j^li J* <Jj it flashed

through hi mind, it occurred to bim all *iUj rifda dresaing, bandage (over

of a Budden a wound); saddlecloth, pd

oilj rfid pl. aitjj rawfid* tributary ^j rafa'a a (raf) to lifl, Hfl up, raise aloft,
stream; jloil^l ar-rfidn (Euphrates and heave up, hoist up (*; to raise (*
Tigris = ) Mesopotamia, Iraq, e.g., one's head, also flg.: e.g., the
intelleotual level, a price); to raise in
oilj rfida pl. oiljj ratufid* support,
prop; rafter
esteem (*; to make high or higher
(a; to elevate (*; to heighten,

C>j*j rafrafa to Aap the wings (bird); to exalt, enhance (*; to raise, promote
flutter (flag, wings, or the like); to blow (Jl s.o. to the rank of); to fly, let up
(wind); to blindfold (* the eyes) (*, e.g., a kite); to hoist, ran up (Li* 'aia*
man or h lj ryatan a flag) ; to take off,
(Ji^ij rafraf plj (Jijlij rafrip oushion,
pd; eyeshade, visor (of a cAp); fender
doff, tip (oj qubba'atah one'a hat);
to place, fasten or attaoh (* high
(of an automobile)
above; to erect, set up (*; to raise
(Jij^j rafrf pl. (Jujljj rafrif2 eye
(*jj~* sautah one's voice); to remove,
bandage take away (je- or . * from); to
abolish, eliminate (*; to lifl (*,
^Jj rafasa i u (rafa) to kick ( s.o.)
e.g., a ban), put an end (* to,); to
<_jj rafaa (n. vic.) kick remedy (* a mistake); to free, relieve

of to put (*) before

o^*j raffs steam launch, Bteamboat; (* je- s.o.;

motor tug; O propeller s.o. (

Jl), submit ( Jl * e.g., a petition,
to), file (Jl * a report, and the like, with
Jtij rafS shovel, Bpade a proper authority); to present, dedicate

,j-lij (= ^Uj raffte) steam launch, {Jl * to s.o.); to offer up (* sacrifioes;
steam boat Chr.); to make, deliver (Ij-J a report);
to start, initiate (*-** qafiyotan legal
^ij rafatja % u ira) to leave, abandon action); to ascrihe (Jl * a Prophetio tra-
(*; to discard, dismiss (*; dition to an authority or souroa); {gram.)
to rejeot, turn down, decline, refuse to to pronounce the final consonant with u;
accept (* IV to fimsh, conclude, to put (* a word) in the nominative or in-
terminate V to he higoted, fanatic IX to
dicative, respectively ; pass. rujCa it ap-
scatter, disperse, break up; to disappear,
peared, came in sight, became viaible (J
ceaBe (e.g., pain); to drip (sweat)
before s.o.); *^e *ij rufi'a 'anhu he re-

cr**J mAJ dismissal; rejeotion, refusal, gained consciousnees | ^ 3ji lixi -jj

nonacceptance to put before or above eise;

abandoned; rejected, L*tj *J j (ra'san) to pay attention to

UrfiJj rafl4 dis-

missed;*iU fr *ij (min Sa'nihi) to en-

hance the importance of; to speak
^jij laraffw} bigotry, fanaticism
of in glowing terms; 4iit. ^ **j (mo
i-ii \j r4a pl. ^i \j j rawdfaf* turncoats, knatihi) to Upgrade; *l* <jUj -jj
renegades, dissenters, defectors; troops (yadaihi) to desist, refrain from; -ij
having deBerted their leader; Rafidites, J* (da'w) to sue
iSje-ii\ s.o., lodge a
a Shiitio sect
complaint against s.o. hl,\ in a court);
^iiSj r4i pl. i/'lijl arf^ apostate, 4-L *** jj (qajtyatan) or *~Ji *i jj

renegade, turncoat ; Rafidite ; disloyal, to bring legal action against s.o., go with
rebellious; bigoted, fanatioal b.o. to court; JUj-^1 *j to appeal,
;; )


make an appeal (A*\ to a court) II to ijl arfa'* higher; loftier, more ex-
raise, lift, elevate; to oelebrate oarnival alted; finer; more refined, subtler

m to act as defense counsel (j* of s.o.)

**-ij rafVa pl. ^Jlij ra/dV 1 legal oase
defend (jp s.o., in court), plead s.o.'e
brought before the competent authori-
(j*) cause; to summon, hale (Jl s.o.
ties; a document submitted to a proper
to court) V to be or deem o.s. above
(j*), be too proud (j* for, look
down *Jy m$j* marfa Shrovetide (Chr.); caxnival,
(j* upon) | gj to raise or
pl. i\j* marfi"' do.
bear one's head high TI to hale one an-
other before the jadge (fU-1 Jl); to take *ij* mirfa'a pl. *lj- mardfi'* hoisting
one's oase before the judge (J"U-1 Jl); to gear, crane
plead (in court) Till to rise, lift; to go up,
-Jj." tarff pl. -dt promotion (of an
ascend; to beoome higher; to grow, in-
offioial) ; salary raise ( Jl to the amount of
orease, rise; to ring out (tone, voioe, tnne)

to go away, pass away, be eliminatedj 4jj\j* murdfa'a pl. -t speech for the
disappear ( j* from) | Cj+ ^jl (fautuh) defense (in court); proceedings at law {

to gain prestige i*il^Il a^j yaum ai~m. date fixed for the

trial (of a case in oourt); il>Uil^l >U

Jj raf lifting, hoisting (also, of a
(Eg.) and oUil^i 11* majaUat al-m.
flag); elevation; raise, raising, stepping
(Tun.) code of procedura
up (of prices, of temperatures, etc.)

setting up; ereotion; Abolition; lift (e.g. t ij tarajfu" arrogance, haughtiness,

of a ban) ; remedy, elimination, removal snobbery (j* toward, disdain, oon-
remiaaion (of a tax); Submission, filing tempt ( j of

(o.g., of a report); pronunciation of the

liJjl irtifa* rise (e.g., of prices); ele-
final oonsonant with u (gram.) | JUjV' *j
vation; increase; height, altitude (e.g.,
weight lifting (athUt.)
of a mountain, j**JS pl- J* 'on sajhi l~bakr
Uij rifa height, elevation (e.g., of a above sea level, etc.) \ ... l*3jl J* t
struoture); high rank or standing |
*-L# an altitude of ...

**ij\ (formerly:) title of the Egyptian

2*lj rfi' bearer |
wlj yT hoisting
Prime Minister, *\jjj)\ iJ
~uj **ij rif'al
gear, lifting apparatus, hoist; windlass,
rais al-wusar,' His Exoellency the Prime
winoh; crane; pump; **i'j o** (mt^afc*
fco) suotion pump
f-lij n'/* Shrovetide (Chr.)
Uilj rfi'a pl. *ljj rattt/T' hoisting

*^j rafi high, high-ranking ; lofty, gear, lifting apparatus, hoist; orane;

ezalted, sublime; loud (voioe, sound); hoisting installation (mining) | O **L>

thin, fine, delicate; exquisite, refined, ylj (haw'iya) ejeotor; O (Wl i*ilj r.

subtle; artiatio |
tiil ^Jj r. oj-la'n ap- algm mine Bweeper
prox.: exalted; formerly, in Tunisia, title
*^* mor/* traceable in asoending
of the members of the Bey's family;
order of traditionaries to Mohammed
JJI aUI *-L# (maqm) title con-
(Prophetic tradition) ; (gram.) in the
ferred upon bearers of the order }*ii\
nominative or indicative, respectively
al-qda, established by Fu'ad I in 1936;
i*aj\ OjL\ (*= '*LJ~\ jL\) the fine arts; *i^ muraffa": tili gj.\ (fo'nuA) =
pv+J^j pf *" n od l w (= *U) tiil gij\ (see ^ij ro/f >

351 *J

mj\j* murfi' plaintiff associate, partner; accomplice; kind (v

to), mild, gentle, tender vj-dl jjj
jJU mutaraffi' haughty, arrogant, snob-

r, al-madrasa classmate, sohoolmate


*>j* murtafi' rising, ascending; high,

Jj rafiqa pl. -l woman companion;
iS girl friend; sweetheart; mistress, para-
elevated; resounding, ringing |

IJjLi (sikkat al-h.) elevated railway


[JCj* murtafa" height, altitude; ele-

jij^ mirfaq, marfiq elbow; mirfaqpl.
ji j marfiq 2 anything conducive to
vated place; O terrace; pl. -l heights,

elevations, hls personal ease and comfort, convenience;

appurtenance (of an apartment, of a
jij rafaqa u (rifq) and rafiqa a (rafaq) to be house; such aa kitchen, bathroom, Btable,
kind, friendly, nioe (l-> to s.o., also
J# and etc.); attainment of civilization, civili-

J), treat gently (l_ b.o.,), be courteous zational Institution; pl. J*^ attain-
(i_j with s.o.) III to be a companion, a ments of civilization; conveniences ; pub-
comrade ( of s.o.); to keep { s.o.) Com- lic Utilities; installations; facilities fLiJl

pany; to be on intimate terms, be hand cfiSj* J* (qiym) concern for their wel-
in glove, be frier) d, assooiate closely fare; SU-1 jilj^ m, al-hayh conveniences,
( with s.o.); to accompany ( s.o.; also anything conducive to personal ease and
mus,); to escort (*, s.o., IV to be comfort; i.LJl ji'jil ('mma) the publio
of use, be useful ( to s.o.), avail, serve, Utilities ; j d\ ji l^ refining facilities (oil

help ( s.o.); to accompany (l-> a industry)

with); to attach, enclose, add, append
~*j\j* murfaqa accompaniment ; es-
(._ * to V to show o.s. kind,
cort; Company, association
display a gentle, friendly attitude (v
toward s.o., also **), be nice (^ to s.o., JUJjl irtijq utilization, use; useful-

also **); to do gently (j, proceed ness, serviceableness ; easement (jur.)

gently {j in) | j* j jij {aairihi) to

jil^ murfig pl. -n companion, at-
walk slowly, stroll, saunter VI to travel
tendant; escort; accompanist; adjutant,
together VIII to profit, benefit, gain (l->
aide (Ir.)
from or by), make use, avail o.s., take
advantage (i_> of), utilize (o> s ib.); to o jij* murjaq bihi attached, enclosed;

lean one's elbows, rest one's arms (* on pl. c>\Jj* enclosures (in a letter, or the like)

Jtj rifq friendliness, kindness, gentle- ^jJjA murtafaq that on which one leans
ness |
l^-A-l ^ji^l *-*j^ jam'iyat ar~r. orrests; Support; toilet, latrine
bi-l-hayawn Society for the Prevention
Jij rafala u (rafl) to trail a garment; to
of Cruelty to Animals
strut, swagger
4_j rifqa, rufqa pl. JLij rifq, jjj
Jij ri. train (of a garment)
rifaq, rujaq, jlijl arjq group, troop,
body (of people); company iy |
*ij rafuha u (lij rafh, <*lij rafha, 5-*lij
companied by, in the Company of
rafkiya) to be comfortable, pleasant,
j-ij raflq pl. Lj rufaq* 1 , lij rijq luxurious (Life) II to make (* life) pleasant
companion, attsndant ; escort ; buddy and comfortable; to afford ( b.o.) a
friend; comrade (in Marxist terminology) pleasant, luxurious life; to be a souroe
;; ;

*J 352

of ease and comfort, make thinga easy Jj raqq, riqq parohment; riqq (eg.)

(J*, je- for s.o.), let (J*, j* s.o.) live in tambourine

oomfort; to relax (J*, j* s.o.), provide
4jj riqqa thinness; alenderness, slim-
recreation (J#, j for); to ease, soften,
ness ; fineness, delicateness, delioaey
mitigate (* j* for s.o. ; to cheer up
gentleness, mildneas; amiability, graeious-
(j* s.o.). raise the spirits of (je); to
ness, friendliness |
i-ili.1 i, r. ai-hHya
soothe (& the soul) j * j* *ij to re-
friendliness, courteousness, amiability
lax, find recreation (* from work); J* j
jj*lS\ 4*j sensitivity, delicaey of feeling,
4-J to find recreation
taot; -U1 i*j r. af-fab" kindneas, gentle-
4*j ri/A. and Uj ra/dA well-being, wel- ness, mild temper, friendliness; r}jl\ <*j
fare; personal ease and comfort; good gentleness, mild temper
Irving, luxury, comforts of life
Jlij ruqq flat loaf of bread; O waffles
i*lij rafha, sUj rafhiya comfort-
Jjj raqiq pl. lijl ariqq'*, jtfj riqq
able, luxuriouB life; luxury; comfort,
slave, slaves (sing, and coli.); flat loaf
comfortableness, ooziness; complete re-
of bread (nejd); thin; slender, slim;
laxation and ease
fine, delicate; soft, tender, gentle; sen-
<jj tarfih creation of ease and luxury sitive, taotful, discreet, prudent | *j\jf
habituation to luxury; providing of oom- J-*jJI slave trade; JLA-l jJ>j poor, needy;
fort and relaxation; recreation; (mental) (J\jL\) S^iU-l jJj r. al-hKya (ai-

relaxation |
j^^jJI *jj t. al-'a good liv- hawM) friendly, oourteous, civil, amiable;
ing, comfortable life; *-ij3l -J qitm at-t. jj*l\ jJj sensitive; *jLJl jJj'
reoreation department kind, gentle, mild-tempered, friendly;

r}jl\ Jj gentlehearted
(j*j) ^J A* u (/w ) * dam, mend (*
-#j raqiqa lamina, flake
3j raqqa (j riqqa) to be or become thin,
delicate, fine; to be tender, soft; to be Jjl araqq* thinner; slimmer; more del-

pure, clear, limpid {water); to soften,
relent (J toward s.o.), have pity, feel jlij^ mirqq rolling pin
compassion, have sympathy (J for) |
Jyj* morqq thin, flaky pastry
*Ji J jj (qanth) he took pity on him
II to make thin, thin out (*; to lij raqa'a a to oease to flow (tears)
refine, make fine, soft or tender, render

delicate (*; to polish, smooth, make <_Jj raqaba u (>-jiij ruqyb, lij raq&ba) to
observe, watch, regard attentively (*
elegant (* one's speeoh); to flatten, roll; to supervise, control {*; to
out (* esp. metal) IT to make thin, fine

or tender, render delicate, refine (*

wait (* for), await (*; (<~!yj

to soften (* the heart) T rttqb) to watoh (* over, guard

to soften,

relent (J toward b.o.), have pity, have (*; to take into oonsideration, heed,
observe, respect (*; to fear ( God);
sympathy (J for), sympathize (J with)
to be on one's guard, watch out, be care-
X to be thin, fine, delicate; to soften (*; to enslave, make a slave ( s.o.)
ful j
i Vj V V v^ V (Man -W
4immatan) to treat s.o. ruthlessly III to
3j raqq pl. 3yj rvgq turtle
watch, observe, regard attentively (

jj riqq quality or oondition of being s.o., m, keep an eye (*, * on);
a slave, slavery, bondage to make out, deteot (*; to oon-
; :;

363 JO

trol (*, e.g., the traffio, the ^Jj* mirqab telesoope

presa, a.o.'s doinga, etc.) aupervia (* murqaba Observation ; auper-
some work), have an eye (* on t e.g., on vision; aurveillance; inspection; control;
s.o.'s dealings); to fear ( God) |
Jl l-jIj
oenBorahip (of the presa); znail censor-
4J (lit.: to fear God with regard to 8.0.)
ship; superintendency, controllerahip;
to treat s.o. well for fear of God V to zone of inspection
expect, anticipate, await (*, look
i^Sj taraqqub expectation, anticipation
forward to (*), wait, look, look out (*,

for); to regard (*, look (* at; <->Uujl irtiqb expectation, anticipation

to lie in wait (* for) VIII to expeot, murqib pl. -fln observer; over-
anticipate {* seer, Supervisor, inspector; Controller,

<Sj riqba Observation; control; atten- control officer; censor; Sergeant major,

tion; caution, wariness; vigilanoe, watch- quartermaster Sergeant (Eg. 1030) | <-il_r*

fulness JLu m. talim a military rank (approx.

master Sergeant; Eg. 1030);
<Jj raqaba pl. -t, ^Uj rxqb neck; m. ta'yin a military rank (approx. : quar-
J-^ >r*'j*

(pl. ^Ijj) slave; (/*/. Zaw)person | O V-> termaster Sergeant; Eg. 1030); Ja. >~J\j*
j-i- r. jiar bridgehead; JJI _JL* ptdb
(madanl) title of a high looal ofncial
ar-r. stubborn, obstinate, obstreperous
(Mor,, Tun.); .UjLA-'l t-ilj- linesman
*JJ\ Ji-U do.; ^lij j li* reBponsibility
for it rests on their Shoulders; 4*** J*-\

yk*j i^Uy akada ba'duhum bi-r. badin -lij raqada u {raqd, j>jij ruqd, jj ruqd)
to follow in close Buccession to sleep, be asleep; to go to bed; to lie

down to rast; to lie; to rest; to abate,

Vj*j ruqb anticipation, expectation aubaide, let up, calm down (e.g., a storm)

i_-Jj raqtb pl. U*j ruqab** vigilant, to be down, be flagging; to be dull, list-

warden; less (market) ^-i-Jt jSj (baid) to sit

watchful; guardian, keeper, | J*
watcher, observer, lookout; spy; over- on the egga (hen) II to put (* s.o.) to

seer, Supervisor, inspector ; Controller, aleep; to make ( s.o.) lie down; to put
control offioer; postal oensor; Sergeant ( s.o.) to bed; to lay down, Stretch out

(Syr. t m.) Jjl ^Jj (atvwal) approx.: (* s.o.) IV to put to sleep (* s.o.); to put

staff sergeant (Syr., mtl.) to bed ( a child)

-j raqda sleep ; manner of lying,

j^Jj ruqb donation with the proviao
lying position
that it shall either rerert to the donor
after the donee's death or become the jISj ruqd sleep; reoumbency, reoum-
property of the donee upon death of the bent position
donor (Ist. Law) iyj ruqd sleep; recumbency, recum-

*j\ij raqba supervision, control; oen- bent position; Bleeping, asleep (pl. of the

aorahip (of the presa) active participle)

jylj rqd pl. -Ljljj rawqxd* large jug

<>yj raqba and ~oJ*\j rqba {eg.)

nest egg j* marqad pl. Ji\j* marqicP bed;

couch; resting place; mausoleum
tJj- margab and J_r* marqdba lofty
Observation post, lookout; watchtower; jjj iarqid (eg.) layerage (hrt.) | xSJ
O observatory ,j-i-JI t. al-baid hatching of the eggs

*> 354

IaJJ tarqida (eg.) layer (hrt.) ,j^ij marqaf pl. ^j+^j* marqif dance
hall, ballroom; dance, ball
oilj rqid pl. oJj ruqgad, jyj rugd
sleeping, asleep; lying, reclining, re- jj^ilj r&qi? dancer; dance, dancing
cumbent ; resting ; quiet, dull, listleae (uaed attributively) |
****lj iL*- (Kafia)

(market) dance, ball; ****lj

J <_>* dance music;
**Jlj. J (laila) dancing party
J&j muraqqtd somniferous, lulling; pl.

o'jj^ soporifics *~*i\j rqifa pl. -t female dancer

O kneecap, patella
3jj raqraqa to mix, dilute (* wine with
i**ilj* murqifa (female) danoing part-
water) II taraqraqa to overflow {fj*JJlt
with te&ra; eyea), be bathed (fj-JL in
tearo); to glitter, glisten, eparkle; to .Ljj II to apeckle, Bpot (ft
stii gently, breathe (wind)
.LSjl arqaf* apeckled, apotted; leopard
3\j>j raqrq bathed (in tears), moist,
>jj raqa'a a (raq ) to patch (* a garment);
misty (eye); glittering, ghatening; radi-

ant, brilU&nt, resplendent

raqa'a u (5*lij raq'a) to be stupid

II raqa'a
JjUj ruqriq not deep, shallow (water)
*fij ruq'a pl. ij ruqa', f-lij riq'

^jijj raqa&a u to variegate, make multi- patch ; piece of cloth ; piece of land, ter-

oolored {* II do.; to adom, ein- rain or ground; area; Iot, plot of land;

bellish, decorate (* ground (of a flag); cheaaboard; slip of

paper, piece of paper ; note, brief measage
^/ij\ arqaS* variegated, multicolored,
ticket; ooupon; bond, aecurity; a curaive
style of calligraphy

O u*^-r n*Tifl& pl. u-i^j" marqiP

^ raq? stupid, ailly, foolish; im-
bruah (of the painter)
pudent, impertinent, shameless; (pl. <-*jl

arqi'a) firmament
,j*Sj raqafia u (raqf) to danoe; to prance
(hone; J* to a tnne) U-y (farahan) | ^j UUj raqu'a atupidity, ftwliahness, folly
to dance with joylltoinake(*a.o.)dance;
*tij marqa'a and <?Sj* marqaiya
to set (* in a awinging motion; to
tatters, rags
make {* the heart) tremble |
./-UJ-l ^j
(prop.: to make the throats tremble) to pjj tarqf patohing | <J>*" rfj '

proroke loud laughter m to dance ( l* with al-qarniya tranaplantation of the Cornea

a girl) IT = II; VI to move; to danoe; to (med.)

prance; to tremble (heart) oLJj* muraqqat fragments

<j**j raqt danoing, dance ,j**J\ X**

Jj raqama u (raqm) to write (*; to
muaim ar-r. H anfing inatraotor
point, provide with points (* a text) ; to
~*Sj raqfia (n. vic.) pl. raqafi danoe brand (* a hone); to imprint (* a trace,
a mark); to mark (*; to stripe
,j*Ijj raqq&t (professional) danoer; pen-
{* a fabrio); to number (* II to
dulum (pAy*. ; also of a timepieoe)
point, provide with points (* a text); to
i-Lij raqqtya female danoer; H^pning stripe, atreak (*; to rule (*;

girl, danseoae; baUerina to number (*

388 J

Jj rogm pl. fljjl anpJm numeral; jjl arq higher, superior; more ad-
number, No. |
;.iLil >UjVl (Atiu^iya) the vanoed, more progressed
numerals of the Arabe; ^Ll }j r.
Li,* mirqh pl. 3\j* mardqin staira,
al-qiya or ^Li J> (yiy<W) record (alUet.),
U-Lj Lij (aa;^aJa) to set a reoord
staircase; O elevator, lift

(a**Jei.) *Jj iarqiya raising; (pl. -t) pro-

motion (in rank); elevation; promotion,
-jj ragtm inscription tablet; letter,
furtherance, encourage ment, advance-
ment; extension, development, improve-
}j mirqam pl. il^* marqim* drawing ment
pencil, crayon; (paintor's) brush
3j taraqqin pl. taraqqiyt asoension;
*SJ Jargim pointing; numbering, nu- asoent; advance, advancement; progress,
meration riae, progressive development

tj* marqm pl. -jIj. mar^tm* striped LJjl irtiq* climbing, mounting; as-
cension; asoent; progress, rise, progressive
development ^^Jl IjjI irt. al-'ari ac-
ijrj II taraqwafa (*yr.) to tosa, fling o.s. f

ceasion to the throne

Jjlj rqin asoending, rising; high, high-
Jj ragiya a (ra?y, ru?iy) to ascend (JI or j ranking; Buperior, high-grade, high-class, or to ; to climb, mount, aoale (*
of high Standard; educated, refined; ad-; to riae (in rank), advanoe, be pro-
vanced |
Jl^Jl JJI ijabaqa) the upper
moted; to dato baok, go back (JI to a by-
gone era) ; *j jj to lead s.o. up; to further,
promoto, encourage; raq i (*Jj 3lj rqin pl. *\ij ruqh magician, sor-
ruqya) to use magio or incantationa (* on cerer

s.o., j* II to cause toascend; tjij murtaqin high, superior, advanoed

to promoto (* b.o.); to raise, further, pro- (esp. intellectually)
mote, advanoe (* V to asoend, riae,
advanoe, progress VIII to asoend, riae; to jj* murtaqan ascent, rise

asoend (*; also, e.g., ^j*^ al-'ar&a l

i\j rakka i (rakk, H5j rikka, 5"lSj rakka)
the throne), climb (*, on, also to be weak, feeble; to be poor, meager,
*jjti\ al-'araba into the carriage) ; to
scanty; u (rakk): *i* j ilj (/f
advance, be promoted (^ JI ii
'unuqihi) to saddle b.o. with the respon-

manfib to an offlce); to riae, increaae

sibility for, thrust s.o.

JI to number of ) to advance,
the ;

riae, show an upward trend, develop 55j rikka weakness, feeblenesa

upward; to date baok, go back (JI to a iLSj rakik pl. ilKj rikk, <S3j rakaka
given time) weak, feeble ; thin ; colorless, pallid

jj ruqiy riae, progress, upward devel- (e.g., style) ; scanty, meager, poor,

opment; <> jjl promotion, encourage- pitiful

ment, furtheranoe of illTj rukk weak, feeble

<Sj ruqya pl. jj ruqan spell, ohann,
TKj rakka weakness, feeblenesa; low-
magio; incantation
liness; inadequacy, poorness; colorleas-
li> raqqa* magician, sorcerer neas, pallor (e.g., of style)
4> 3A6

3Tj rukka distaff | &J\ U* tibb ar-r. (eg.) assemble, put together, fit together (*

populr treatment of illnesses by means; to make, prepare (* out of

of oharms and inoantations, praotioed by several oomponents or ingredients); to

women oonstruot, build {* e.g., a teohnical appa-

ratus ) IT to make ( b.o.) ride or mount |

l-Tj rakiba a (vj*j ruktib) to ride (* an \j*j *-lj 4Sj\ (ra'aah wa-hawhu) to
animal); to mount (* an animal); to go, let s.o. have his head, let s.o. do as he
travel (* in a carriage, in an automobile, pleases V to be oomposed, be made up,
on a train, on board a ship, etc.), ride oonsist (,> of ) VI to be superimposed one
(* in a vehiole, on a bicyole); to get,
upon another Till to oommit, perpetrate
olimb (* into a oarriage, on a bioyole, (* a sin, a crime); to pursue, practice
eto.), board (* a train, an airplane, a (* ILLt wi^jl (lajafan) to overdo
ship, etc.); to pursue (* s.o.), be after, go too far
s.o. (i-j with; to engage (* in),
<_^j rakb riders, horsemen, oavalcade;
embark (* on); to oommit, perpetrate
caravan; traveling party; retinue, esoort;
(m a sin, a crime); to master (* |

procession, troop (of people)

j^Jli ^j (bahr) to travel by sea; <_-5j

iU-l (hayh) to master life; Jj:\ <-Sj L-ij rukab, -t knee

ifj rukba pl. |

(Jcatar) to embark on a risky undertaking; i-TjII j\ ab r-rukab dengue, breakbone

stA' 4Ik*' V*J Fuyulah fever (med.)
to get on one's high horse; f,J\ <-Ji ^Sj
ujITj rikb pl. fcjij rufatb stirrup;
{danaba r-rih) to speed along like the
(pl. -t, t^-fj ruhubt ^ifj rdkW) riding
wind; *-lj ^Jfj {ra'aah) to aot at
oamel, riding animal, mount <j&j J*-
one's disoxetion; to aot rashly, follow a |

go by LuijL; haa rikabah bi-ar^in he has

whim; SjLJI *-^j ifiayyra) to
arrived on our soil; oSj j j* he is his
oar, travel in an automobile; JiLJi <--5j
loyal follower, he dogs Mb footeteps;
(Safaf) to oommit exceases, go too far;

SjUJl fcjij ijayyra) to fiy, go by plane;

oKj j jU do.; to oling to s.o.'s heels, be

blindly subservient to s.o.

,_V -II Ji> ^S"j {matna Wunf) to commit

acta of violenoe; JUM *-0* * (www*

Vj^J wktib rnount, riding animal
kdba l-bafal) to make a foolish miatake,
oommit a folly; to embark on a reoklesa Vj rakba pl. ^-JlTj rak'ib* mount,

things; female riding oamel

course, do irreaponsible <_-5"j

jU>-Vl Uu {matiyata Uitfq) to baok the u^jTj ruktib (horsebaok, camelback,

wrong horse, be on the loaing aide, fail; eto.) riding; traveling (in a vehicle, by
Jl^Vl v*j (akwM) * dfy tne horrore; sea, by air, eto.) ; mounting (of a bicyole,
l^AI Jfj (hawff) to fiy, travel by air; of a horse, eto.), boarding (of a train, of
lj <_-5*j (hawhu) to follow one's a ship, eto.) _^JI j/j r. al-bahr navi-

whim II to make ( s.o.) ride; to put, gation; I^AI v^"-* r * o*-* **' flyinSt avia-

place, fasten, mount (Je * on); to tion

fit, mount, insert, set (j * in, e.g-,
u-tSj rakkb one who rides frequently,
a preeious stone in a ring) ; to build in
(professional) horseman or rider, jookey
(> a machine part); to assemble (* e.g.,

the parts of an apparatus); to set up iLSj nJcbn retinue, esoort |

jU jf*

(* a machine); to install (*; techn.), \Sj\ ** (rfiJferoA) approx.: his fame

lay (* an eleotrio line, and the like); to has spread far and wide

357 /->

<-j markab pl. ^_-5*l>. markib* ship, consiating (j- of); Compound, compoeite;
boat, veaael |
jjc .^T,* (frufcri) Bteam- complex; bound, not free; (pl. -t)

hip, steamer; J_^- vO* (Aar&i) warship, composition; a Compound (ehem.); a

man-of-war; ^jji vO* (^wri) patrol oomposite; a complex (psychol.); med-
boat; ^j-Z <-j* (Sir'i) sailing veaael, ication, medioament | <C* (*&)
sailboat; -L*JI t_-5*j- m. ap-paid fiahing Compound JL*/*
intereet; vO* (J* m **
smack, trawler; JiJl -^r* m. an-naql y'i) ohemical Compound; ,^+ju *-^~j*
freighter, transport m. nag? inferiority complex

*Sj markaba pl. -tS( vehicle; carriage, <&r* murtakib perpetrator (of a crime)
45j raJcada u (ijS'j rukd) to be motionless,
^\j markibi pl. markibiya boat-
still, Btagnant
man; ferryman
ijfj rukd suapenaion, Btandstl, Stag-
t_-0" torjfcift pl. -, l-.-Tl_r" tarife*& fitting
nation; aluggishness; stillneas, tranquil-
in, insertion, Betting; building in; faaten-
ing, mounting; assembling, assembly; fi-
-lT lj rkid stagnant ; Bluggish
nal asaembly; installation (e.g., of a tele-
phone extenaion); composition; making,
jTj ralcaza u i (rakz) to plant or ram in the
preparation (out of several components
ground, aet up (* a.tb., e.g., a pole); to
or ingredients) ; construction, building
fix, embed firmly {* II to plant or
(techn. ; etructure ; Constitution, build,
ram in the ground, set up, (*, e.g., a
phyique; (pl. ^~S~\J tarkxb 9) phrase, pole); to position, emplace (*; to
idiom; construction (gram.)
fix, embed firmly (*; to cauBe to
take root, naturalize {*; to con-
fffj iarkibi constructive, conatruc-
tional centiate (*, also one's thoughts, j
on) V to concentrate; jO" tarakkaz ready I

i_jtljl irlikb perpetration (of a ein or

(atarter's command; athlet.) VIII to be im-
planted ; to settle permanently, stay ( j at
_J*1j rkib riding, on horseback, mount- a place); to lean, Support one's weight (J*
ed; riding, traveling (in a vehicle); (pl. or Jl on); to be faatened, be mounted J*

<_jSj rukkab, uL5j rukbn) rider, horse- on); to bebased, rest (J* on); to concen-
man; (pl. <-j|T; rukkb) pasaenger, oc- trate (j on); to gravitate (j to)

cupant (of a conveyance) | **-!_)> t-^Li

jS'j rikz sound, tone
r. darrja cyclist
j5"j rakza pause, rest, break
^jfj* mar hb pl. l^-TI^,* Tnarkib 2
riding animal, mount; (eg., ayr.) red- jKj rikz pl. jfjl arkiza, ljfj rikzn
leather shoes | v^O* ji^ a &** m -
( effO precious minerals, buried treasures of
shoebill (Balaenicepa rex; zool.) the earth

oLT^ murakkibi components, con- jfj rakiza pl. jTKj rak'tz 2 treasure;
atituents, elementa, ingredients (esp. support, brace, shore, stanchion; pillar,

ehem.) pier; post, pile; ahoring

i-S'j murakkab mounted, faatened, j5^* markaz pl. jSl^ markiz* foot-
fixed (J* on); fitted, inserted, aet (j in); hold; stand, Station; place where s.o.

built-in; assembled; made up, oomposed, is poated or stationed; poat; {police, eto.)
;;; ;

/; 358

Station; office, branch office (com.); l rTj Till to

sufFer a setback, be thrown
locality where takes place, soene, back; to decline, degenerate, be degener-
site, Beat; position {mil.); headquarters ate ; to become stunted, atrophy
raain office, central offioe; central ex-
change (telephone); center (of a circle
j^j rakatja u (ralaf) to race, rush, run; to
run away; to gallop (intrans., said of a
and fig.); focus; markaz, an administra-
horse, and trans. * a horse) III to race
tive district (subdivision of a mudiriya,
( s.o.), run a race ( with) VI to com-
Eg.) ; position, Situation, office, post;
pete in a race; to run fast
(social, financial, official, etc.) Status,

standing; power, position (of a country); (j^Bj rakkt} runner, racer

Situation |
^L-l j5^ (asM) starting
tjijS'j ralcd fast-running, swift
point, basis; ,j~J>J' jC- Police Station;

<ij^- j5"'j* (hayawiya) vital Centers 5"j raka'a a (fj?j ruJb*) to bend the body,
jbl/ j m. al-idra main office, cen- bow (esp. in prayer); to kneel down,
tral office, headquarters; - 1 -Ol jf^. m. drop to one's knees II and IV to make
ad-da the seat of the disease; O jC-* ( s.o.) kneel down
*lj*l/l m. al-itf'a broadcaBting Station;
mTj rak'a pl. raka't a bending of the
fij* main office, headquarters; j*
torso from an upright position, followed by
<- \jj\ m. ar-riysa central command
two prostrations (in Muslim prayer ritual)
post ; lJ
iU- 1 *- L j jS^. m. riysat ai-jaiS

Supreme Command of the Anny (Eg.); tS"\j rki* pl. Sj rukka bowing to
JjUI iil*j jS3 m. ri'yat af-fi health the ground
center for children (Eg.) ; 5jJjJi-l <-JI j5"j*

J$j rakala u (rakl) to kick ( s.o., *

m. as-sikka (U-hadidiya railroad junc-
tion; il^JJl fij m. aS-hirfa police Sta- *j rakla (n. vic.) kick
tion ; jLJ j5^* (niybi) parliamentary
f_> rakama u (rahn) to pile up, heap up,
Beat, mandate; O -^>^ jO* power
accumulate, amass (* VI to accu-
mulate, be heaped up; to pile up, gather
(^j5^* markazi central; district (used
(clouds) VIII VI
attributively); tSjO*^ O centrifugal; de-
$"j rakam pile, heap
centralized (administration)

>>Sj rukm pile, heap; lump; cumulus

j5^ markaziya centralism ; central-
ity, central position or Situation; h^j^
decentralization O fj markam pl.
storage battery
'jSj tarlctz setting up; installation

implantation, establishment, naturaliza- f\j tarkum accumulation

tion; concentration |
>Sjj' JWr jahx
jTj Takana u (jS'j rukn) and rakina a
at-t. stabilizer (techn.)
to lean, support one's weight (Jl on); to
jfl j tarkuz concentricity down, become or be calm; to

jKjjl irtikz support trust (Jl in), rely (Jl on); to be de-
pendent, have to rely (Jl on) j
Jl {~j
,+ murakkaz concentrated, central-
jXi\ to remain calm IV to trust (Jl s.o.),
ized; O Condensed
rely (
Jl on), place one's confidence ( Jl in)

j5""l j* mvtarkix conoentric to resort (Jl to) | Jl jO (yurkanu) reli-


able, dependable, trustworthy VIII to ii-.j ramat pl. iLjl arm/ log raft

lean, rechne, support one's weight (Jl or

*, ramo/w a (ramA) to pierce, tranafix (with
> on) a lance; s.o.); to gallop (horse)
^S"j rukn pl. LTjI arkn support,
^Ljl armA
nook basis, basic ele- fj rumh pl. T-L.J rimh,
prop ; corner ; ;

lance, pike; spear, javelin; pole | j\ jj

ment, first principle ;
pl. Lijl staff
ramy ar-r. javelin throwing (athlet.)
(mit.); basic elements, chief elements |

*~>ji-\ lfjl a. al-harb general staff (m.); j-L*j rammh pl. lancer; uhlan

JJf .\ jS*jl a. al-jaii do.; jSaA-I u&jl ^-Jj *lj]l ii^JI <w-mi ar-rmiA Arc-

chief of general staff; Olfj^l J-jof trong turus (tMfron.)

build, stuxdy
X.J ramida a (ramad) to have sore eyes; to be
jTj rufcni: i-^J ^j~* (#"*) corner
inflamed (eye) II to burn to aahes, in-
kick (soccer)
cinerate (* V to burn to ashes, be-
,>r, ratin firm, steady, confident, im- come ashes
perturbable; grave, calm, sedate
xj ramad Ophthalmia, inflammation of
jjTj rukn reliance, confidence, truet the eyes; eye diaeaae ~*- *j (hvbaiU)
| iS

trachoma, granulr Conjunctivitis; jil

j5*_^ mirlcan pl. jj$*ij* marfctn* washtub
XijJI musta&f r-r. eye clinic
L5"l_^ muriana (tun.) betrothal, en-

gagement tfX>j ramadi and j-Uj <~

ri^ ophthal-
mologist, oculist
jSjl irin reliance, confidence, trust
X>j ramid sore-eyed
JjS*j rakwa pl. rakatot (syr.) small coffee
Xj\ armad3 sore-eyed
pot of copper, having a long handle
iL*j ramad, pl. S-Ujl armida ashee |

*j mmma u i (ramm, <>ja maramma) to

aUJ\ 1*>jI arbi'* ar-r. or jLJI ^j yaum
repair, overhaul (*; (ramm, ar-r. or jL^JI -L* 'Ja* ar-r. Ash Wednesday
i*jrimma) to decay; to rot II to decay; (Chr.); aLJ\ j * (lit.: to blow into
to rot V to be ropaired, undergo repair cold aahea, i.e.) to engage in futile under-

ramm repair takings, set out on a wild-goose ohase


aZ-(wnn c&ries jjLj ramdi aahen, ash-colored, ash-

#, ramm: L-'ill pj r.

(med.) gray

i*j rtmma cadaver X-*J larmld cremation, incineration

*l.j- M-rummofiAi whole, complete, en- j*j ramaza u i (ramz) to make a sign, to

tire |
l^j <Ljj-* all Syria wink, nod, motion; to point (Jl to), in-

dicate (Jl; to symboze, repreeent

*.j ramim decayed, rotten; fl-j ro
or exprese symbolically (
Jl ; to
m'im decaying bonea
designate J or (^-> Jl with a dis-
jL.j rumm decayed, rotten tinguishing mark)

Iaja maramma pl. -( repair; shipyard

>j ramz pl. jjj rumz sign, nod, wink,
(Tun.) motion; hint; allusion, intimation; alle-

v-J" tarmtm pl. -i repair, overhauling, gory; riddle; eymbol, symbolio figuro,

restoration emblem, character; secret sign, code sign


j*-> 360

tfj-j ramzl symbolic(al); in code, in bare ezistenoe; to allay s.o.'s hunger;

J*J j*-* J*
'oi kiri ramaqxn at the
point of death; on the verge of exhaustion,
oljj-j ramziyt oipher, code
on one's last legs
J^-Ij rmx pl. j^'jj nnmtV speoi-
3y>j* marmq regarded, looked at;
men, sample; O faosimile
noted, of note; remarkable, notable, sig-
ramasa i u (rams) to bury ( s.o.); nificant, important; lofty, proud
to cover, effaoe, wipe out (* tracks)
liLjl arma&, f. K*j ramfcr* ashen, ash-gray
j jj^cj I to be immersed in
water S*j ramaka pl. -l, fJLj rimk, iJLjl
annale mare
mAj rame pl. ^j-j rumfi*. ^Ujl arms
grare, tomb
J-j II to sprinkle with sand (a, so as
f^ms grare, tomb to blot it) IV to beoome a widower or a
widow V = IV
^j ramakt t w to take with the fingertips (a; to wink, blink J-j raml pl. JLj riml sand | J-^l 1*
*m ar-r. or J-^il u^i ifarb ar-r. geo-
,^1-j ramaS inflammation of the eyeds, mancy (divination by means of figures or
Conjunctivitis lines in the sand)

4-L-j rama blink, wink

J*j ramli sandy, sabulous; sand- (in
Compounds) <Lj *pL eandgl&ss, hour-
J*j rimi pl. ^^.j rumfiJF eyelashes |

,jm*j rama$ white secretion (of the eye)
J-j ramal name of a poetical meter

i/*j VIII to be consumed by grief and sorrow JL.J rammdl geomancer

j-i-j ramo^ parchedness, acorchednees J-jl armaP pl. JJjl arm* widower
(eep. of the ground due to ezcessire heat)
5Ljl armea pl. JJjl armiP, ILljl
U*j roffl^S' 1 sun-baked ground armiia widow

jUL Li.^1 ^ jUw*l approx.: to jump <L>jm mirmala sandboz

out of the frying pan into the fire

J-_/ tarammul widow(er)hood

Uaoj ramatfn 1 Ramadan, the ninth
month of the Muslim calendar I jUj rumtnn (coli.; n. im. ) pomegranate;
Lj knob, pommel; (pl. -t), i^- <Lj
t>j ramaqa u (romg) to regard (a, s.o.,
(yoiaunya) hand grenade, glance, look (*, * at) II to stare,

gaze (*, * at); to perform (* work) per- j-jl and ,j.jl look up alphabetically
functorily and negligently, botoh (* a l
ut ranuS (ramy, iLj rimya) to throw,
job); to keep ( s.o.) barely alive V to
wait (* for an opportunity, and the like)
oast (>, ^ ; to fling, hurl (*, ^
to tosa away, throw down (*, <~>;

J*j ramaq pl. JL>ji armq (last) spark to throw aside, toss asido, discard, lay
of life, breath of life | **j i- aadda ra* aside (*, ^; to shoot, fire; to pelt,
maqah to keep s.o. or o.s. barely alive, hit, bombard (l-> s.o. with), shoot, fire
eke out a living, manage to keep body and (k~> at s.o. with); to oharge (_ s.o.
soul together; to provide s.o. with a with), aecuse (t- s.o. of), blame, re-
361 d->

proach (w s.o. for); to aim, drive, be AJ tarmin vastnees, expanae | i/Lr

aimed (Jl at), have in view, purpoee, JI^V' vast expanae, vastnees
intend (Jl, be out for (Jl);
Aj rmin pl. SLj rumh throwing;
with <j; to sow disaension among or
marksman rifleman
thrower, hurler ; ;

between ^j jti*> Lj fjalaq) he fired a

[Syr. t m.) |
i/[^l Sagittarius (astron.);
shot at him; >--iIU <Jj (?*&) to practice
t/l^t -^ sahm ar-r. Sagitta [aatron.);
divination VI to pelt one another; to
B l
t/lj flame thrower
throw o.s. to the ground, proetrate o.a.,
Aju mvtarmin wide, extensive i/lj
fall to the ground; to throw o.a., fling |

to plunge, rush, throw o.e. J1_^VI vast, huge

o.s.(J* on);
(j into; to be vast, extend far '-Jj 1^ U P alphabetically
into the distanoe; to come, get (Infor-
mation, report, news; Jl to s.o.) | ^j\j j ranna % (joj ronin) to ory, wail, lament;
throw at
J* (qadamaihi) to to resound; to echo; to ring
V- *4

s.o.'s feet; ^Iji Cr* d^S (gir'aihi) to

Jj ranna pl. -dt soream; aound; re-
throw o.b. into s.o.'s arms; *j \j\j UWU
verberation, echo
l.u* ('ahduh) a feeling that he had known

long, long ago, a feeling which lay far jslj ranln lament, wailing; aound; re-

behind him; jl LJI *j\j we have re- verberation, echo; resonance; ring

ceived word that ... Till to throw o.s.

mirnn ring-
Lj rannn and o\Jj*
bed, on or to the
(J on, e.g., on the ing, reaounding; reaonant; reverberating,
ground); to fling o.a., fall (Jp upon s.o.),
throw o.a., plunge (j into; to
have down and lie proetrate
fallen ; to lie, O *^j rannna tuning fork {min.)
sprawl (> on) >jVI Jl JJ |
to fall
^ij\ and iJj' 1^ U P alphabetioally
to the ground, tumble

fjllto make dizzy, make stagger, send

lO ramy (act or procesa of) throwing,
al-harba reeling ( b.o.); to j sway (*
Hinging, shooting, etc. |
j^J 1 j *" |

*" al-^urf
*iLLci (o'fd/aAfl) workup s.o.'s feelings,
javelin throwing, ,j->Jl t/j
^L^L Lj Aie\ send s.o. into a frenzy T to stagger, reel,
discuB throwing [athlet);
totter, sway; to ahake, rock llutl C-* y
i'dm ramyan bi-r-rapfi execution before |

(a'(/uA) to get into one'a stride, be-

a firing squad
come ecstatio, be carried away; to bo
i-.j ramya (n. vio.) throw, toss, fling;
beside o.s.
ahot |
plj j*t 4> VJ VJ rubba ramyatin
4*j* marnaha prow (of a ship)
min gairi rmin many a ahot is without
a (akilled) markaman (proverbially, of
- randaha to scan (verse)
unexpected or undeaerved succeas)
jy II to cloud, muddy (* water); to blur,
4.j ramlya pl. bUj ramy game
dim (* the eyes; said of sleep); to halt,
animal (being shot at or already killed)
stop, top over, atay; to look, glance (j-
marman pl. Aj* marmin aim, toward or at Jl Jti\ Jy (nazara)
ijjA |

end, purpose; goal [athlet.); rnge (of a to keep looking at, atare at
gun); reach, extent j-J\ ^jl*- goal-

J ranq turbid, clouded (water)

keeper; JiJl jy m. an-nazar rnge of
vision, field of vision jJjj raunaq glamor, aplendor, beauty


jO II and V to sing (^ a song); to intone *j rahj, rahaj dust

(t_j a song); to recite in a singsong voice,
Jj rahafa a to gobble, gulp greedily
chant {t_j

*~jj tarnima tornim 8 Jaj roAf, raAa/ pl. .LUjI orA/, Ljl
pl. -jl/ hymn,
anthem; ong; a kind of chanting arAuf, Jljl arhif 1 , .L-aIjI ardAt/ 1 group
itation; (of people), band, troop
little story reoited in a sing-
song voice; little song Jaj raAf pl. J.Uj rtAdf leather loin-
(>j) Lj'j ran u to gaze, look (Jl at

ijj rahufa u (*iUj rahfa) to be thin;

Jj II and IV to please, delight ( s.o.)
to be sharp (sword); roa/o a (raA/)
*--j rahiba a (rahab, ruhb, <j>j rahba) and IV to make thin {*; to make
to be frightened, be afraid; to fear, dread sharp, harpen (*, esp. fig.) | i_i*jl

(* s.o.) | aJL- ^j see *_JU- II to iVl (wtfn) to prick up one's ears (iUI
frighten, acare, alarm, intimidate ( s.o.) so as to catch the words of s.o.), i_i*jl
IV = II; to terrorize ( s.o.) V to threaten (Jl) J *JI (aam') to listen oloeely to

( s.o.); to beoome a monk, enter mo-

ijj rahif thin
nastic lifo (Chr.)
iji-j rahif thin; slender, slim; harp-
<j>j rahba fear, fright, alarm, terror;
ened, sharp
JiUjI irhf sharpening
^j rahb, ruhb fear
<-**j* murhaf thin, fine; sharpened,
~>**j rahbt great fear, fright, terror
sharp | _
l rX\ C**j* m. al-hiss delicate,

t_- s *j rahib dreadful, awful, fearful, sensitive

terrible; solemn, grave

J*j rahiqa a (rahaq) to come over s.o. or
>_>y tarhib intimidation (*, .), overtake (*, . s.o., III to
approach (* an age); to approach the
V^*j' irhb intimidation, frightening
threatening; terror, terrorism (pol.); Sab-
age of sexual maturity; to be adolescent
IV to bring down (* upon s.o.,
make ( s.o.) undergo or suffer (*
J Ujl irhbi terrorist(ic) ; Sabotage to oppress, brden, overburden ( s.o.,
(used attributively) (pl. -n) terrorist
-* with, lie heavily, bear down
~*j tarahhub monasticism, monastio ( on s.o.) |
Li- *ijl (jagban) to tug at
lifo (Chr.) s.o. violently or too violently

Lj ruhbn monk Ulj- murhaga puberty

V*'j rhib pl. (Chr.)

*-*lj rhiba pl. -t nun (Chr.)

JUjI irhq pressure, oppreasion; sup-
pression; heavy load (e.g., of work)
<-*>*/* marhvb terrible, dreadful
i>i^* murhiq adolescent
j*j II tarahbana to beoome a monk, enter
J*j- mwhig oppressive (brden, heat)
monastic Iife (Chr.)

^ij^j rahbana and v^J fahbnlya mo- ^j rahila a to be flabby, soft; to be bloated,

nasticism ; monastio Order, congrega-

fat (flesh, body) V do.

tion (Chr.)
J*j rahil flaccid, flabby, soft
; ;

363 <-J

tarahhul obesity, fatness pending od | <-*j uE" (roAtnaA) to be
under Obligation to s.o.; to be dependent
J*jw mutarahh flaccid, flabby, soft;
on s.o.
bloated, fat
ii>j rahlna pl. ^/Uj rahain* pawn,
*>j rikma pl. >j riAam, /Uj riAm drizzle,
pledge, aecurity; hoatage; mortgage, hy-
lasting fine rain
jkj- marham pl. >lj- mardAim 1 salve,
Uj rihn bet, wager; competition,
ointment; oream, cold cream; pomade

j*j raAawt a (raAn) to pawn, depoait as se- Iim\j* murhana pl. -t bet, wager
curity (*, x* or with b.o.); to
j,*lj rhin pledger, mortgagor; fixed,
mortgage {* real estate) III to bet, lay a
established, certain; lasting, permanent;
wager { with s.o.,
Jp on, that ...) IV to
current; present, actual |
<uljJl <JjjWI
depoait in pledge, give aa a aecurity,
present circumstanoes; i>l^l JU-I the
pawn (* VIII to receive or take
present oondition; the status quo
in pledge, aa a aecurity (^* * from
s.o.); to pawn, depoait in pledge (*; Oj>j- marAn pawned, pledged, mort-
to make (* subject (^ to), make gaged, given as security; subject (<~i to) |

(* conditional (^ on); pasa.: ur- L^LjjL; *Jj*j* jj*1/l (bi-auqtih) there is

tuhina to be subject (^ to) | v *-* i>tj' a time for everything

(nafsah) to pledge o.a. or dedicate o.a.
jfj murtahin mortgagee, pledgee
to the cause of X to demand as a aecurity
(* from s.o.
(j*j) I-*j r u (rahw) to amble
jj rahn pawning, mortgaging, pledg-
ing; (pl. >j ruhn, O_>j ruhnt, jhj rahw quiet, calm, peaceful, trn-
Uj rihn) pawn, pledge; aecurity (y for quil; atillness, calm, peace, tranquillity; hoatage; mortgage, hypothec; j^j (pl. *Uj rih*) crane {zool.)

u dependingon, conditional on, subject to jyj raAtwItt ambler (horse) pal-

rahna (prep.) pending; depending on,

conditional on; subject to, liable to |

J* maha r.pawnshop; <ljUl j*j >.UJI ar-ruh' the city of Urfa (Gr. Edessa)
rahna i&ratihi at s.o. 's beck and call;
j>j rahwana and II tarahwana to amble
*j/Lt- j^j r. saifaratihi under s.o. 's power
or dominion; iJ'i j-*j l-L* this de-
pends on that; **^*1 jj Judl al-mas* i^*jaee^*j
'ala r. htimmihi the problem is being
rjj J ) t^lj r6a u (raub) to curdle (milk)
given every attention by him; j^iJI ijl
II and IV to (cause to) curdle (* milk)
J-Ji j*j di'a s-sijna rahna t-tahqiq he
was taken into cuBtody pending in- t-^jj raub curdled milk, curds
i^Jij r'ib curdled (milk)

i_i*j rahniya mortgage (deed)

'VJJ (^r. "**) ** P'- v'jj' aruw dressing
,>j rahin pawned, mortgaged, pledged, gown
given as security; held in pledge; ae-
curity (v for); responsible (v fc> r ); LSLjLjjj (It. ro6o vweAta) r&oWHy: aJIj

subject (v to); (prep.) subject to, de- LS^-jIjjjJI junk dealer


v*-> 304

t+tjj raubafia sleepwalking, somnambulism haart, the spirits); rayyaha to give

{ s.o.) rest, make {* s.o.) relax, make (
^jMijJ taraubuf aleepwalkiiig, somnam-
s.o.) oomfortable, provide reat and rec-
reation {* for s.o.); to reat (* e.g., *-*-*

Jijj rubel ruble one's eyes) j * j ^jj to find reo-

reation, relax, amuse o.a. in to go in
jjj rblya pl. -at rupee
the evening ( to s.o.); to alternate, vary

rfiWmyd Buthenia (
jo between two things) IV ~jj\ arwaha
to stink, smell bad; ^Ijl arha to give
(tl'jj) i lj rja u (rauj) to drop dng ( s.o.) rest, let (* rest; to deliver,re-

ijj rottf (coli.; n. un. ) pl. >\jj\ ar*

lease (,>. s.o. fromj; to put ( s.o.) at
ease, soothe (* the heart, or the like);
wf dng, droppings (of hone, oamel,
and the like)
to relieve, free ( s.o., ,>. of), ease (,>

for s.o.; to do ( s.o.) a good turn,

(rJj) '-> ^J u (r'jJ w?) to be spread, gladden (<-* s.o. with), make ( s.o.)

oirculate, be ourrent; to find a good kappy (v y) I .> *-** r^J {nafsah) to

market, seil well, be in demand (mer- find reoreation from, relax from V to
ohandiae) ; to be or become briak, piok up fan o.s. (i*-jjil bi-l-mirwaha with the
(market); to be at band, be avsilable fan) VI to fiuctuate, alternate, vary
(J for s.o.) II to spread (* rumors, news, (
ju between ; eep. with two figures fol-
eto.), circulate, put into oiroulation (* lowing); to intervene, lie (Ju between two; ourrenoy, rumors, news, etc.); to events) VIII to find rest (,>. from);
posh the sale (* of, open a market to rest, relax, find recreation; to be
(* for an artide); to seil, bring on the satisfied, be pleased ( Jl with, agree,
market (* an artiole) ; to promote, further consent ( Jl to; to like (J or Jl,

(*, J; to make Propaganda (J for), be happy, be glad (J or Jl about |

propagate (J jj*J ^UjI to be happy to be of service,

like doing favors X rjJ*- istarwaha to

r}jj rawj oiroulation; marketability,

inhale air, breathe; to smell, sniff (*
salability; salee
to be refreshed (Jl by or with;
^jjl arwaj* more widespread, more ^Ijf-i istarha to be calm; to beoome
common; better selling oalm; to find rest; to take a rest, have
jj- tarwij spreading, propagation, a break; to be refreshed (Jl by or with
oiroulation; aale, distribution (of an artiole; to rest, relax (,> from); to be

of commerce); promotion, furtheranoe delivered, be saved (,> from), be re-

lieved (j* of); to oalm down, relax;
4\j rttij oirculating, ourrent; univer-
to rely (Jl on); to be happy, be glad (
sal, widespread, common; salable, mar-
about), be pleased (Jl with)
ketable, in demand, selling well (merohan-
dise); briak (business, market) ^ lj rh wine

j rih f. (occasionally m.) pl. Ai_

jrjj (Fr.) ri rouge
riyh, r}jj\ arwh, -Lijl aryh wind;
(^jj and j) ^lj rha u (^Ijj ratoh) to go faxt; smell, odor | r\j ^i I ab r. weather
away, leave, go; (with foll. imperf.) to vane; soareorow; *4j c^Si* aakanat rf-

begin, set out to do n rawxvaha to fan AuAu to expire, beoome obsolete, fall

(air); to refresh, animate, revive (* the into oblivion; *^j ** habbat rihuh

he waa in olover, be was in luok's Au rayyh pl. -l {eg.) large Irrigation
way; j\ * <_-*J to go with the wind, oanal, main canal (in the Egyptian irri-

vonish gation System)

j rayyify windy rjj \ arwdh* more calming, more

-rjj ruh m. and f., pl. Ajj\ arwh breath
gun t/zj' aryahi generous, liberal, open-
of life, soul; Bpirit (in all aenses);

barrel ^Xill rjj r. al-quds {gudua), also handed


^oSJi jj\ the Holy Ghost; v jj V 5-^jf aryahiya generoeity, liberality,

(rha) Bpiritleas, insipid, inane ; <Jui- munificenoe

*y^ll Hkable, amiable, oharming; J-iJ sweet bas (Oci-
U^j raihn (coli.)
-j^ll dull, boring, unpleaant (person);
mum basilicum; bot.); (pl. 0^-^J ray*
r-o" Ji^ long-suffering, patient; L*^- hin') aromatio plante | o\*J\ Ji qalam
r'jJ^ J* {* r an ) dangerl (on warning ar-r. or JU^I JLiJl (ratAni) a highly
decorative style of rabio calgraphy

(jrjj rAf apirituous; apiritual; pl. -<K Jl*-jj rhni spiritual, immaterial;
spiritual things | vvj ^^*~ State (or
diVlne, sacred, holy; (pl. -fin) olergyman,
frame) of mind; <*-jj cAijjl* alcoholio minister {Chr.)
beverages, spirits
Jl*-jj rAdntya spirituality; trana-
rauh refreshment
CJJ figuration

"**-jj ravha pl. -SA journey or errand in *-\j+ marh place visited in the evening;
the evening murh, also marh pasture; daytime
'**- lj rha rest, repose ; recreation
ease, leisure; vacation; oomfort; (pl. -t, **-jj* mirwaha pl. rj\j* marunh* fan;

r}-> W P8^ f the hand, band | *-\J\j

Ventilator; O propeller ]
,j*jX\ -j^ll

leisurely, gently, alowly, at one's ease; (i^) palm-Ieaf fan; ^^J-'l *-jj* m. al-
i*-lj JSo unhurriedly, leisurely; easily, jpaif punkah, a oanvae-oovered frame

with ease; 5*- 1^1 <i~u bau ar-r. water closet, suspended from the eeiling for fanning

ol.u* a room
toet; i*-\J\ vV*' luxury; <*-\J\
mu'iddi ar-r. oonvenienoes; **-\J\ *ji O r}jj* mirufh fan; Ventilator {mar.)
fatrat ar-r. pause, rest, break, recess;
Ajj* miryh causing flatulence (food)
fjU-l i*-lj r. al-httlqm Turkish de-
light; JlJI i*-lj r. al-yad palm of the jj ianmh fanning; Ventilation, air-

hand ;
^ JiJI i*- lj r. al-qadam sole of ing; refreshment; diversion, amusement
the foot (also ^1 j* jj>\)

i*ij rta smell, odor *4jJ tarwihai ,jJ *4jJ t. nafe walk,
*--jj rAiya spirituality; mentality,
mental attitude, frame of mind
^jlj^l tJL patt at-tardwih prayer
performed during the nights of Ramadan
r\jj rawh departure; going, leaving;
pjj." taryih {eg.) installation; fitting in,
return, return trip (as opposed to *l*);
rest, repose | **-\jjj *j-& S {gvdwthi)
(lit. : in bis coming and going, i.e.) in j-LJjl irtiyh satisfaction, gratification;

everything he did pleasure; joy, delight


~)J 366

^Ijjwl istirwh airing, Ventilation; air drive (Jl at, ,> with; to be
intake; reepiration | <jj-L* r'j^-l (wd* out (Jl or a for), be bent (Jl or * on);
ri) pneumothoraz (med.) to mean ( s.o., *, i_j by); to have

i*-l_r-l wfirAa rest, repose, relaxation,

s.o. () in mind with (<^>), aim at
recreation ; (pl.- t) intermission, recess,
s.o. () with (<^>); to have (good or
evil) designs (*) on s.o. (<-) intend or
pause, rest, break; public reethouse (for
plan to do (*) with s.o. (.-.); to be
travelers; Eg.)
on the point (* or jl of doing, be
*Mj r'ih: jUj f\j (gdin) going back about (a or jl to do; to urge,
and forth, Walking up and down
induce, prompt (J* s.o. to do |

irf-lj r*iha pi. ^ljjrowa'iA*odor,Bmell; jl *j jIjI by thifl he meant that ...; he

fragrance, perfume; pl. \jj perfumes;
understood it to mean that . . . ; \j>- *j jljl

flavoringB (e.g., those used in baking) (kairan) to wish s.o. well; jl *jljl
to seek to induce s.o. to (do; jljl
_, murih restful, reposeful; calming,
*Ul he was on his way to the capital;
Boothing; cozy; comfortable; flatulent
J* *** J 'j' (na/wA) he tried to
fcj* iS -^ (*r) armchair; club chair,
bring himself to do it VIII to repair, be-
easy chair
takeo.s. (* toa place); toexplore (
r\j* murh see above under marh
jjj raitd exploration
rtij* murih resting, relaxing ; re-
L j riyda exploration
lated, calm, serene; reassured, satis-

6ed, content; pleased, delighted

Ioj j j ruwaidan slowly, gently, leisurely
t^j* |

JUI at ease, relaxed, serene, tranquil; Wjj '-4jj gradually, slowly, by and by;
j^-UJl rtij* of peaceful mind, nndisturbed iiojjj ruwaidaJca take it easy! slowly!

by scruples ijj* mirwad pl. ajl_^ marwid* pencil,

_r muttarih resting, relaxing; re- little stick (originally for applying kohl

laxed, calm, reassured to the eyelids)

r'_r mustarh water closet, toilet ilji irda will, volition; wish; desire;
(pl. -t) irade, decree (of a ruler) ; will
{*jj) ilj rda u (raitd) to walk about, power alj^l <_ >- (hamba) at will

move about, prowl; to look, search (*

jjljl irdi intentional, wili?ol, vol-
for III to seek to win (J* s.o.
for, try to entice or tempt (J*
s.o. to do}; to approach, accost aLJjl irtiyd viait (to a place); ex-
( s.o.); to seek to alienate or Iure away ploration
j* * s.o. from) ; to attempt to seduce
( -iJlj r'id pl. jIjj ruvnvd visitor; scout,
(U a woman) <J j* sj\j to seek to
reconnoiterer ; boy scout ; explorer ; leader
tempt s.o. IV to want (*, jl to do
major (m.; U.A.R.); precept, guiding, wish, have a mind, be willing
principle, rule (of conduct)
(jl to do; to want to have (*,
desire, covet (*, strive {* for;
-Ij j murid pl. -n novice (of a Sufi
order); aspirant; adherent, follower, dia-
to be headed, be bound (* for a place);
to intend (*, jl to do; to
aim (Jl or * ji with at), purpose, jlj- murd wanted, desired, intended;
have in view (* &, by; to deBign, purpose, intention

promenade X to be or become glad,

happy, cheerful
^}jj rQdu* Rhodos (chief Island of the
i~*jj rawfa pl. ,j0jj rau4, -t, ^Ijj
riy4, Ujj r\4n garden; meadow |

U-jjjj rdisiy Rhodesia JULVI *->jj (pl. ^^j) kindergarten,

nursery school
(jjj) jlj rza u (rauz) to weigh (*; to
examine {*; to consider (*
^Lj^I ar-riy4 Riyadh (oapital of
Saudi Arabia)
<*lJjjj rznma almanao
<-Ljj riyfa pl. -t practice, exercise;

H physical exercise, gymnastics; sport;

O tfjj (from ^Tj) to point, sharpen
(*; to taper {*; to supply walk, promenade; relaxation, rest; Spirit-

with a heading or title (* essay, book) ual exercise; oL>Ijj religious exeroises,
devotions (Chr.); mathematics <Ju I^Ijj j

D "<-ijj tarwisa head, heading,

t. nafsiki Walking, promenading; L>Ij Jl
i^Jl (bahta) pure mathematics; *~*\j
L-J^II (ta^bxqxya) applied mathematics;
'w^Jj* mirwa race track
SJLi*. <-*1jj {'aqliya) exercise of wits, intel-
(j-jjlj* marwW race horses
lectual games
t ar-rs the RusaianB
U0jJ^ ^Ij j riyfi sportive, sporU (adj.); (pl.

ri Russian sportsman; matheniatic(al) jt^-l

^jj n) j

*r-*^JJ sports news; ,^Ijj J-'j* (murs)

4~~jJ\ ar-raiya the Russian language sports
sports reporter; ^J^i k-*l*IVI

L-j j rny Russia | Li-Jl L-j j

oL^Ijj riytjiiyM mathematics
(&av#*) Byelorussia

fjMtjj tarwt4 sports

f~jj (It. arroato) ftutf, >^*jj J- (ioAm) fried
meat; roast (jj) *\j raa u (rau') to frighten, scare,

alarm ( s.o.); to startle, surprise ( s.o.);

jZjj rau&m pl. j-iljj roiiin 1 skylight,
to awaken fl.o.'s () admiration, appeal
( to s.o.), please, delight, thrill ( s.o.) |

(l^jj) t^b u (tf *-*kj n'itfrfo) to

rd# iJjjjf VI J*'j L* (i maji'uka) your arriv-
tarne, domesticate (* an animal); to break al has beea a complete surprise to me
in, train (* an animal); to train, coach II and IV to frighten, scare, alarm, awe
( s.o.); to pacify, placate ( s.o.) |
*-J ^Ij ( s.o.) V and VIII to be frightened, be
to practice (J*, exercise o.b. {
J* in) alarmed {j* at, by)
II = I; to tarne, regulato (* e.g., a river)
9jj rau* fright, alarm, dismay, fear;
III to seek to
tractable, try to
r* heart, mind, soul | jitjj tf-i*
bring round ( s.o.) to practice, exer-
and dUjj j- {wkkin) take it
cise o.s. ; <j*tJ tarayyw/a (denomina-
to persuade
eaey! relax! apjj j (J-^jI) JJI
tive of i-llj j) to (take a) walk, prome-
b.o., make s.o. believe, talk s.o. into be-
nade; to do physical exercise, go in for
lieving (Ol that), inspire (*; J**-
Sports VI to haggle, bargain (with one
*pjj it occurred to him, it came to his
another, over & price) Till to practice,
exeroise o.a.; to train o.s., school o.s.
(uj on or by meana of); to (take a) walk, 9jj rawa* beauty


**jj rau'a fright, alarm, fear; awe; as- aruxtf* more ounning, more in-
toniBhment, surprise; perplexity; charm, sidioiu
beauty, magniflcence, splendor
Ujj rawagn turning off; swerving;
jj I anm'* more wonderful, more dodging, evasion
marveloua; more charming, more delight-
**j\j* murtoaQa ly, underhanded deal-
ful; more magnifioent; more obvious,
ings; humbug, triokery; artifice, ounning;
pl. -dt distortions, prevarications, lies;
^Lji irtiyff alarm, dismay, ehock trioke, wiles

Vlj nj*' splendid, sdmirable, wonder-

(Jjj) i'j f^qa v (jj raug) to be clear, be
ful, marvelous, glorious, magnifioent
pure (liquid); to surpass, excel
oharming, delightful; awesome, imposing, (J* s.o.,
prove superior (Je to); to please,,
impressive, thrilling; olear aa daylight
delight, { or J s.o., also -c-* j /<
jLfJl lS\j j fi r. in-nah&r in broad day-
'ainihi s.o.), give s.o. pleasure, appeal
light; *jLS Ulj j /( r. &toWA( in the
to s.o. (*, J, 41^. j) II to olarify, pu-
prime of his years; *m\J\ JLJ-I piain
rify, filter (* a liquid) | <*J jj (dama-
h) to refxeah s.o. (drink); to paoify,
**Jlj nT'a pJ. Jljj rat?* 1 an im- plaoate s.o., oool s.o. off; <*Llj! jjj to
poaing thing |
jili ^*lj j r. ai-fann master- make a clearance sale IT to poor out
pieoea of art <* a liquid); to shed, spl (*; to

make (* a liquid) flow <^j L jljl

j_r murawoi' terrible, dreadful, fright- |

ening (mSa wajhihi) to saorifice one's honor,

lose all respect, lose face T to have
jjm mvravnva* frightened, terrihed,
Jlj rq pl. ~t layer, Stratum
gj- mwT dreadful, terrible, horrible
jjj rauq pl. jljjl arw&q portico; hrn
g\3j* murUT frightened, terrified, a-
larmed jj rqa beautiful, pretty, handsome
(of persona; for both genders, sing, and
(jj) fjj rfa (raitf, OUjj raunQn) to pl.)
turn off, swerve; to dodge, evade (je-,

j> s.o.,, get out of the way of Jljj riwq, ruwq pl. jjl arwiqa

(*> *>); rortively to turn away; to go tent; ourtain, soreen; Aap of the tent
away (Jl to), depart, leave (Jl for) III to for proteotion againat the wind (used by

deal in an underhanded, fraudulent Syrian Bedouins) sun roof of mats over

man- ;

a bazaar (*yr.); portico; open

ner ( with s.o.), double-aross ( s.o.); gallery,

to dodge, engage in low triokery, play colonnade, loggia; porch, veranda (*yr.);

fast and looee; to fight with unfair means pavilion of an ezpoaition; living quarters,

(. a.o.) dormitories and workrooms of the

students of AI Aznar University in Cairo,
rawg dodge, shift, artifioe, aly
divided according to provinoes and na-
tionalities |
Ijj <-_/-* **> pitoh one's
t}jJ rauw^ aly, wily, inaidious, orafty tent, take up quarters, settle down
**ijj ruwaia dodge, shift, artifioe, Jljj rivtiql fltoio(al); (pl. -fin) a stoio;
aly triok friar; vif./" ar-ritoqiya Stoioiam

Jjjlj rwq filter (jLjj (Engl.) rfimotizm rheumatism

jyj tarwiq filtration, clarification, pu- ijjj riwand, Jj\j rdwaiui rhubarb

4jujJ tarwiqa {tyr.) breakfaet

5*1 jl irqa pouring out; shedding, \JL **y* *> ( tSJ Tayy* r *yy) to drink one'a

L-dl ljl bloodshed fiJl, quenoh one'a thirst; to be irrigated;

apilling |

raw i to bring (J# or J b.o.) water,

j!\j rtfiq olear, pure
give ( a.o.) to drink; raw i (ljj
llj^II JL mal ar-rk (tg.) publio property, riwya) to teil, relate (J * to s.o.),

oommunity property report (#, give an aooount of (*); to

paas on, transmit (je- * on the
Jjj II to alaver, slobber, drool strength of an authoritative source),

Jljj rutodl alaver, slobbor quote (j from a source) n to queneh

s.o.'s () thirst; to water, irrigate (*
Jjj (Fr. re) rtf role
to drink, quenoh
IV to give (* s.o.) a.o.'s

1 *lj rdma u (rum, *\j* marm) to () thirat; to water (* flowers, eto.); to

(*J j)

desire, wish, want, oovet (*, orave moisten, wet (* V to draw, obtain
(* for); to wish {* J b.o.; to look (j* * from); to ponder (j,
reflect (j on) VIII to quenoh one'a
(a for) (Ij- L.
b J* (yurdmu) as well as

one oould poasibly wish, in ezcellent thirst; to be supplied with water for

order drink, be given to drink; to be watered,

be irrigated; to draw (on a source, i.e.,
Ai * lj rmaUah Ramallah (town in W to obtain Information from it)
Jordan, N of Jerusalem)
iSj r *yy quenohing (of thirst) ; riyy,
*jj rum wish, desire moistening,
rayy watering, irrigation ;

|-l^mardmpl. -dt wish, deeire, oraving, wetting

longing; aspiration
ljj rayyan aroma, fragranoe
*{jj\ ar-rm the Romaeans, the Byzantinea; rauAy thirst-quenohing
Byzantium; pl. / IjjV! aUarwdm (the ad-
jj rawiy final letter, rhyming letter
herents of ) the Greek Orthodox Churoh |

(in Arabio verse); rhyme |

a-\j iSjj ji
*jj\ j*. bahr ar-r. the Mediterranean
monotonous (song)
yjjj rmi pl. fljjl artuSm Romaean,
\jj raw* fresh (water)
Byzantine; Greek Orthodox (Churoh) |

jrjj iLi (dlk) turkey (ep.); uj ^rt" t \jj ruw* prettiness, comeliness, pleas-
(giima) a brand of oheese (ep.) ing appearanoe

Ljj rffm5 and *<jj rma Rome Zjj ravAya deliberation, reflection,

oonsideration **jj j* deliberately, on

<--jj rmiyo Rome |

purpose, *uj j* J* offhand, oaaually

<jl*jj)l ar-rmdn the Romans; the Ro-
*Ajj riwya pl. -dt tale, narrative; re-
manio peoples
port, aooount; story; novel; play, drama;
jLjj rfimdni Roman; Romanian; Ro- motion pioture, film j H^JJ muA*
| (

manio tina) tragedy; <Ajj {masrahiya)

LJUjj rmntyd Romania play, stage play; vti** *iLj motion pio-
&J 370

ture, film; '&**** IAjj (mu^Aiio) oomedy; IT to disquiet, alarm, Btartle, fill with
-TL* iljj (Qintflya) Oper; ^ - ^* iljj suspioion or misgi rings ( * s.o.) T to
(qiea&ya, qafafiya) novel ; JjLx" i lj j (tom- have doubts or misgivings (-, j about),
|iitya) play, dmna; iU iljj aound be Buspicious (u or j of) Till to be
film; i-l_> iljj (tazifya) oomedy suspicious, smell a rat; to suspect, doubt,

(jljj rtuxt't novelist; dramatist, play- queation (^ or j s.o.,, have doubts
wright ; author, writer or misgiviugs (ij or j about), waver
doubtfully (jy between) X to be in
J^iJ yyn1 , f. L j royyd, pl. Ijj riiofl*
doubt, be skeptical (j about), be Bus-
sated with drink; well-watered, well-
picious, bave misgivings, entertain doubts
irrigated; luxuriant, lush, verdaut; fall,
plump (face) ; suooulent, juioy, fresh, t_-;j raib doubt; suspioion; unoertain-

pretty; aeo also alphabetically ty |

ujj ^*j (bi-ld) no doubt, undoubted-
ly, doubtless; <-i ujj V (raiba) there is no
\jj tarwiya deliberation, refleotion,
doubt about it; jii\
tj J r. al-mann
unprediotable turn of fortune, threaten-
(j'jjl ino'i irrigational; irrigated ing fate; misfortune

jj tarawwin deliberation, refleotion, i-ij riba pl. <^ij riyab doubt, aus-
con&ideration pioion, miagiving

jlj rwin pl. rwiyn, *ljj ruwh and i-'lJjl irtiyb doubt, suspioion, dis-
ijlj rdun'ya pl. Lljj raiodyd transmittor
trust, misgiving
(esp. of ancient Arabio poetry); relater;
narrator, storyteller ~~lj* mvrib arousing suspioion, sus-
CjL jj* marwiyt tales, stories, reporta
<-?\jj murtb doubting, doubtful, akep-
ilj aee jlj
tioal; doubter, akeptio; (*t or <J) ul'j
Ljj see jlj doubted, questionable, doubtful; Buspeot,
fluspioious | *jA j ^L"> (amrtAi) sus-
picious, suspect, ander saspicion
'05jj nyya = iJj n'o (aee j) ujw muttarib doubtful, in doubt (j
about); suspioious
.L, sh
Jlj j nydZ pl. -d* riyal, a silver coin : in Eg. = (*J) v' J^ mvstarb (fiki) suspect, sus-
20 qirS tfQ (piasters); in Ir. = 200 faU;
lyy IjjL. JIjj Maria Theresa dollar (i^jj) ilj r$a i (mit) to hesitate, delay,

ob j Riyan (town and airport

tarry T to besitate, tarry, be tardy; to
in S Hadhra-
maut, on Gulf of Aden)
give (u* or j long and tborough
consideration ; to stop; to stay, Ungar
-tj rtfta to disquiet, alarm,
(iij) (raib) (j at a place); to be patient, bide one's
fill with suspioion or miagivings ( s.o., time, temporize, wait
* about; to give pause ( to s.o.),
1jj raifam (conj.) as long as, while;
make { b.o.) stop and think (j! that),
when; until
make ( s.o.) uneaay; to oast a suspioion
(* on s.o.), show ( a.o.) in a suapioioua *^ J ^.->>
6J * * &- j * ^-j' *s*j'i
light; to doubt, question, suspect (* ^[jj* Bee ^jj
;; ;

371 J

j (G.) ratfr Reich inj* ^jl artf marfa produotive Und

D^jIj MrT cad&stre; (also -l

D ^ri j rayyw (= ^j ra*ti) mate (Eg. naval
j jl)

rank) |
jli/ ^ j (mufntfs) a naval rank
land survey

(approz. : petty offioer 3rd olaas; Eg. 1939) *m\j r&'i'a: jl^Jl *m\j J /l r. tn-noMr
in broad daylight (see also fjj)
D *-Ijj ryd (= *-Uj r*d*i) see ^--b

^-l j riyaH presidential Jtjj rif pl. jL j\ aryf fertile, cultivated

land ; country (as opposed to oity ),

(cri->) l-*'->
pa** * (
f*') * provide with conntryside, rural area; Ju ^Jl or j*** Jvj
feathen, feather {*; to feather Lower Egypt; seashore, seaooast; Er Rif
one't nest, beoome wealthy II to pro vi de (hilly coastal region of NE Moroooo)
with feathera, feather (*; to fledge,

grow feathen (bird) T to fledge (bird); Jjj ri rural, rustio, peasant (adj.),
country (used attributively) ; peasant,
to beoome wealthy
farmer; provinoial, yokel, bumpkin; in*

ijjj rii (coli.; n. un. ) pl. ^Lj riyij habitant of Er Rif (in Moroooo)

^ \j j aryi feathen ; feathering, pluznage


elothes, attire, exterior; bristles (e.g., (Jij) Jlj rqa i (jtj raiq) to shine, glisten,
glow, burn ; to flow out, ponr forth IT to
of a brush)
pour out, shed, spl (boo also 3jj)
JJj riia (n. un.) pl. -t feather; quill;

writing pen (also i>U$Jl <Ztj); brush Jtj riq and *juj riqa pl. JL jl ary&q
saliva, epittle jij\
J before break-
(of a painter); plectrum; lanoet; (eg.) |

faat, on an empty stomaoh; *Juj A* and

reed (of oertain wind instrumenta, e.g.,

<ltj\ ojj vxtzn ar-r.

*Ju j JiA (riqah) (lit.: to swallow one'a
of tbe oboe; mus.) |

saliva, i.e.) to oatoh one's breath, rast

featherweight (aifUet.)
a while, take a sbort break; to hold back,
^ j rtff feather (adj.), feathery, feath- restrain o.s. (of s.o. in a rage); *hj **L
ered, plumed, pinnate (baa'ah riqah) to allow s.o. a break,

^\jj riyi houaohold eSeote; fumiture; let s.o. oatch hie breath; Jt_J\ ^yj-l (ajr)

equipment tomake the saliva flow, i.e., to make the

mouth water, atimulate the appetite
jjj *J iJuf V (yajiffu) be is untiring (in
apeaking), he talks incessantly
(^jj) lj rtfa {rai*, ^jj ruy\ bj riyf,
lw j raya'&n) to increase, grow, flourish,
Jij rayyiq: ^LUI J;j j f% r. iS-Sabb
thrive II to increase, augment (* in the fall bloom of youth

jj rai* pl. 9jim j ruyfl' yield; retums, r^a Bjxd II to slobber, fllaver,
HJij) JL> *

proeeeds, income (aocruing from an es-

tte), interest ; profit share, royalty
prime, choicest part iA-ill *jj t. af-
iL^ maryala (atring) apron

iabb the prime of youth <)j>j* maryl bib

o\mj rai' an prime, choicest part j

'tilj look up alphabetically
t^Lill Ujj /< r. iS-Sabb in the prime
of youth; jlfJl Imj j / r. in-nahr Hf j) fb rma i (raim) to go away, move,

in broad dayligbt budge; to leave (* a place) |

-JlS- flj L*

(maknah) not to budge, not to move Hui-))

^' J f *w * to **** P08*988*00 0* v
from the spot n to stay, nmain (uKLIj or * of, Beize, overoome ( J, l- or

at the place); (eg.) to bluff (J* s.o.) s.o., said of passion); to deaoend or oome
(J); to reign, prevail (J in,
<j rfnt (ey.) froth, foam
o.g., silenoe in a room)
-jy" toryfm (ep.) swaggering, bluffing,
swindle Uj, f. Uj see iSjj

Vj rfm (=* <j) addax, white antelope oU j look up alphabetioaUy

* j af
I name of the letter J x^uj zabib (coli. ; n. un. ) dried grapes,

raisins; (eg.) a streng oolorless liquor

jjlj zSq quioksilver, meroury
made of raisins, milky white when diluted
zi'baq quioksilver meroury with water
i-jji azabb*, f. #Lj zabb'*, pl. i_jj zubb
pl j aS; vitriol
hairy, hirsute, shaggy

lj^-lj d^Au Zagora, a brand of Egyptian

Jjj zo&uia u to ohurn (* milk) II to foam,
froth, oream (milk) IT to froth, beoome
jlj xa'ara a i (za'r, j&j za'ir) to roar, bellow foamy, foam (also, with rage)

juj za'ir roaring, roar, bellowing Jjj zabad pl. ilj ji ozfr&i foam, froth;
dross |
_^wJI JjJ z. aWwAr meenohaum
Jtj za'aja a (Jj zfdf) to olamor, be vooif-
!.bj zuoda (freah) butter (aa opposed to
jjf mm); oream; (pl. OjJ zubad)
Mj &J pl. Uj j zljjdn orow ohoicest part, prime, oream, flower,

elite; extraot, quintessenoe; essence, sub-

Ajj jj* maut tu* am a sudden or violent
stanoe; gist, main point
IjJjJ zabdiya pl. tpbj xabdiy bowl
oljj tu* an damel (Lolium temulentum;
jLj dd oivet |
jLjII jji- nnnfir oi-z,
oivet oat
lj zn (ayr. t eg.) beeoh jlj yt jamar z,
tS^iJ zabidi and ^Lj jJ (laban)
ourdled milk (eg.)

*jtj aSna pl. -dt spear; pole |

Jjj* mizbad, *<i*j* mizbada pl. OjIj- ma>
HjJb (jJI) aj-uw|6 (al-qafz) bi-x-x. pole aS&td* ohurn
vaulting (atiUet.)
y j zo&ara u * to soold ( s.o.)

jj'j Jwtty quioksilver, meroury

jj zvbr penis

(j Ij zdy name of the letter j

!/j xubra pl. j-j ruftar pieoe of iron

t-jj zubb pl. v^J' ozMb penis j^jj zafrfir (Book of) Psalms, Psalter
rjj zibrij Ornament, ornamentation, deco- drive (l-> or *, * s.o. or; to presa,
ration, embelliahment squeeze, foroe, eram (lj or *, * s.o. or, j into) |
j**JI j 4
^j (zujja,
u-yj zabarjad chrysolite (min.)
*ijn) he was thrown into prison II to
peneil (O^-U-' al-hdjibain the eyebrows);
^jj zabafa i (zabf) to quaok (duok)
to glaze, eoat with gl&as (#; to
.Ljj zabaf (eg.) mud, mir
enamel (*

ljj zvbfa (eg.) bunoh of dates

j W pl* ^VJ *#? ferrule; arrow-
rt head; spearhead
4*i jj zau&a'a pl. g)jj zawbi stonn, hurri-
cane ^jl asajf*, f. Uj zajj**, pl. ^j zujj

having beautifully arohed eyebrows

Jij zabaqa u % (zabq) to tear out, pluck out
(* hair) VII to slip in ^U-j zujj glasa (aa substanoe)

manure 1*-Uj zujja (n. un.) pieee of

Jj j II to dng,
pl. -t

glaas; (glass) bottle, flask; (drinking)

Jjj tibi, iL j zibla dng, manure
glass, tumbler
Jljj zabbl street sweeper; garbage ool-
^U-j zujjt glass (adj.), glassy,
<lljj zvbla refuse, rubbish, garbage,
rL-j 177a? glazier
w-> tmuajjaj glazed, enameled ;<li\jey
*Lj mazbala, mazbvla pl. JjJ> mo
and iip> oU^a. enameled wre
zbiP dunghill; garbage can

j^-j zajara u (zajr) to drive baok, drive

jtj zabn kicking (camel) ; hot, fierce,

cruel (battle); stupid foolish; fool; away; to hold baok, restrain, prevent
(je- s.o. from); to rebuke, scold, upbraid
(pl. ^Ijj zab*in a ) oustomer, cent, buyer;
( b.o.) VII and VIII _^-Jjl izdajara
guest (of a hotel, and the like) |
<Ij jtj
pass. of I
patron, regulr customer

_^-j zajr foreible prerention ; Buppres-

jij zubn undergarment (nejd, ir.)
sion (of customa, abuses, erimes); re-
Jljj zibna clientele, patronage, custom
buke, reprimand
Jljj zubn pedipalpus or claw of a
iSsrJ *&y* reformatory, penitentiary
ecorpion, of a crayfiah (ueually dual:
(adj.) | ifsrj *** (ma'had) reformatory,
V>JI Ubj) reform sohool
vbj zabniya myrmidons; angels who
srj* mazjar: t_J&l j^y c* xJ qa'ada
thrust the damned into Hell
minhu mazjara l-kalb to sit at a fitting

distanoe from s.o.

ij j zvbya pl. j zuban elevated place
above the waterline |
(Jjll J^JI iL ba* _rt-lj zjir handicap, impediment, ob-
Joga 8-aailu z-zvb the matter reached a staole
climaz, things came to a head
!_rt-ij zjira pl. j*-\jj zavjir* check,

tlj zalta (syr.) to throw curb; restriction, limitation

^j zajja (let pera. perf. zajajtu) u (zajj) to J*-j zajala u (zajl) to let go, release (* a
throw, hurl {#; to push, hove, urge, carrier pigeon)
>3 374

J*- j
zajai pl. JL- jl ozji populr Arabio iU-J zahhfa pl. -dt reptile; imple-
poem in strophio form; soft humming ment for leveling the ground, leveler; ski

sound produoed by the jinn at night creeping,

(_**- 1 j zhif crawling ; pl

jUj zajjl reciter of azjl (see above) ijw-ljj zaxohif* reptilee

IjJl /-Li* Aamm az zj carrier a move

J-j zahala
J-i- (zahl, J>-j zvhl) to
pigeon, homing pigeon away, withdraw, retire (j* from a plaoe)
II to remove (a, s.o., V =* I
(j*-j) L-J zaj u to drive, urge on (, a,

s.o.); to squeeze, press, foroe, cram (, a J*-J zvhaP the planet Saturn, b.o., J into) II to shove, puah
j)*-j zahlaqa to roll, slide (a II tazah*
(a, s.o.); to drive, urge on (*,
laqa to glide, slide, slip, akid
s.o.); to jostle, crowd, cram, jam (, a, s.o., J 1
into); to take or bring L-J zahlaqa: JL-jJl jl-L* maiddn az-z.
(foroibly) (Jl a, * s.o., into); to skating rink
make { * time) pass ; to pass, Bpend
jU>" tazahhtq skating; skiing
{* time) IT to shove, push {*,

s.o.); to drive, urge on (a, s.o.); iij)L-j zahlwi from Zahle (Lebanon), made
to jostle, crowd, cram, jam (, a, in ZabJe (e.g., arraok)
s.o., Jl into); to take or bring (forcibly)
j-j zahama a (zahm) to push, shove, hus-
(Jl a, * s.o., into); to make pass,
tle, jostle, crowd, press, beset { s.o.)
while away (* time); to extend (J a
III to puah, shove, hstle, jostle, crowd,
to s.o.; greetings, compliments, thanks);
press, beset { s.o.); to compete, vie
to bestow (J > on s.o.; e.g., preise) |

( with s.o.) VI to press together, crowd

jl jaJJI Jl ^jl (4%hn) tosuggeat (the idea
together, "iill about; to be closely
or aBsumption) that . .

packed (j in); to compete with one

^J- muzjan Utile, scanty, paltry, trivi- another VIII fj\ izdahama to be orowd-
al, insignificant ed, teem, swarm (- with); to jostle,
crowd together, mill about (e.g., people)
j-j zahara a i (s*-j zaAfr, jl*-j zvhr) to
groan, moan <t~j zahma crush, jam; crowd, throng

s*-j zahir groan, moan(s) fl*-j zihm crush, jam; crowd, throng

jUj zvhr groan, moan(s); dysentery 4i~\y muzhama pl. -dt competition;
(med.) rivalry |
**-ljil JJu V (yaqbalv) un-
rivaled, matchless, without competition
rj*-j zahzaha (**~j-j zahzaha) to move (*,
tazdhum (mutual) competition
from its plaoe); to tear, rip (j* * off) f\j
II tazakzaha to budge, move (j* away from) fl*ojl izdihm crowd, orush, jam; over-
ijw-j zahafa a (zahf) to orawl, creep on the
ground; t crawl about; to advauce j-lj* muzhim pl. -an competitor; rival
(army); to march, be on the maroh (Jp "<t~\}* muzhima (female) rival
against or toward)
*r *> muzdahim overorowded, paoked,
iJw-J zahf advance, march (of an army)
jammed; teeming, Bwarming, crowded,
(pl. <J>-j zvhf) soldiery, army crammed (- with) muzdaham crowd, ;
JUj zahhf creeping, cnwling orush, jam


'**-j zakka pl. -t downpour, heavy shower 1*1 jj zurbiya, tirb\ya pl. jb J zarAbly
oarpet, rg
ji-j zafcara a (za$rt jji-j zvOr) to well,
Ifl j j zariba pl. *Jlj j zaro*ib % zareba,
rise (e.g., river); to be overfull, brimful
vaunt oattle pen, oorral, stockade, fold; (oattle)
(^ of); to boast (^ of, (-*

toabound (uis), barn; {North Afr.) hut made of branohea Vto swell; to rise;

be fll ( v of) ~>j j'J zrb pl* *-rij\jJ zato&rib* a long,

>-lj zl&tr and jUj zo&dr fll, brim- narrow lane

ful, filled to overflowing; abonnding in mizrb pl. ;jl> ffKttdHfc

1 spont
water (asa>); exoeamre, profuse; exuber-
ant (feeling) JhjJ zar6fii pl. J-lj j zarbiP and Ojjj
zartn pl. 0lj j sardMn1 a kind of shoe
J>-j xaJfrafa to adorn, embelah, deoorate,
ornament (* n taxafcrafa to adom Ajj zarada u (zard) to ohoke ( s.o.), strangle

o.a.; to be embelli&hed, ornamented (* a.o.'a neck); to gulp, swallow, devour

JijUj deco-
(* Tm ajajI izdarada to swallow
*j>-j iuJxu/ pl. zafcrif*
ration, ornament, embellishment; make-
up, getup (o.g., of a book); vain, trifling jj zarda sweet diah made of rioe

finery | UJ Jtj^j (lafoiya) flowera of and honey

speech, rhetorical flourishes; LJjJI *-Jj*>*j
ij j zarati pl. ->jjj zurfitj ohain mail,
z. ad-duny the vanities of this world ooat of mail ajjII jU* zebra

>- j zafcrafa pl. -dJ decoration (also lijj zarada chain Unk
stage decoration); omamentation
*i->jj zardlya pliers
j^j zuJprufl ornamental, deoorative
nuurad throat, gullet
*-!>> muzaJprif interior decorator;
muza^raf embelliahed, ornamented |
-UJ-'I jjjj zarzara to chirp
Ji>.^ll jjS3l (oZ-M oJ-fc/J) floriated
jjjj xurzur and jjjjj twfir pl.y jj
Kufio writing xardzir* starling (zooL)

jt-j zakama a (zafpm) to thrnat back {* s.o.);

lijjjjj iwzrl gray with white spota
zakima a (zajfam) to stink (horse)

j-j zakim stinking sow (*; to spread,

f-j j
zara'a a {zar') to
>-jl cu&am* stinking scatter (*; to plant, raise, grow

i*-J zaipma pleotrum (a plants); to tili, oultivate (^jlM <&

anfa Und); to lay (^J lugman a mine)

zafcama atench
VH paas. of I; Tm fjijl izdara'a to aow

jj zarra u to button, button up (*; to

jj zar' aowing; (pl. jj j turiT) seed;
acrew, contort (C-* 'ainaX one's eye) young Standing orop, green orop; plan-
II to button, button up (*
tation; field(s) y-4llj jjfl (#w') gri-

j j zirr pl. jlj jl arrfir, j jj j lurr but- oulture and stock farming

ton; puah button; knob, pommel; bud i*lj j tirSa agrloulture; tling, tillage;
(of a plant); tasael (of the tarbooah, etc.) cultivation (of land); growing, raiaing
s->jj zariba a to flow (water) n to pen, (of crops); farming |
,>jL-JI U'jJ hor-
oorral (* liveatook) oulture

(j^ljj znS'agrioulturaI f agrarian,farm- Jjjlozro^.f. >tfjj zary^.pl.Jjjxwrg
(in Compounds) | Ijj ^jl (ortf) ara- blue; dark-colored; ljjJl the blue sky,
ble land; ^Ijj jj^l field path f dirt the blue
Jlij jl izriqq bluenese, blue [Jlij jVI b
**ijj airTa that whioh iB sown or (AT oi-tzr. oyanosis
planted; crop
jjjj Iook up alphabetioally
zarra' pl. I, -n peasant, farmer;
yjj zarqn a bright red

macro' (arable) land ^rSjj zarhaSa to embelliah with brocade

embroidery; to adorn, embellish, deo-
*j> maxra'a pl. jlj monSrt' 1 field
orate, ornament (*
ander culti vation ; farm ; plantation
tjSjj zarkaS brooade, gold and silver
oountry estate
jUj_^ mazra'dnt fanner
jfjj* mvzarJcai embellished with
Vj'> muzfo'a temporary shareorop- brooade embroidery, brocaded; embroi-
ping contract ( JJ. Zato) dered (_j with silver and gold thread);
embroidered ; embellished, decorated,
jlj 2ri' pl, iwrrtf seedaman,
Jj j
so wer; peasant; farmer; planier
omamented | <jj\ JJl (qalam) oma-
mental writing
jj> mazr* cultivated, planted
^Jj j zirnifp, zarniff arsenio
**jj> mazr'a pl. -5/ young standing
crop, green crop iSJj zar i (j'jJ rirya) to rebuke, scold,
upbraid (J* s.o.), find fault
jlj* mxuri' pl. -fln peasant, fanner;
(* J* with
s.o. beoause of; to revile, dis-
parage (^ or J* s.o.), detraot (<-> or
lj j zar/a pl. -<M body, group, Cluster (of J from) IV to derogate, detract (ij
people) |
I-U-jj olil; j see .u-lj from s.o. or, belittle, ridicule (^

s.o. or V = I; vm ^ jjjl izdar
zarfa, zurfa pl. jljj zarf,
to slight (i_j or *, * s.o.,, make light,
zurf, ijuljj zar'if* giraffe
think little (^ or m, of), defy (_j or

'Jjj zaraqa u (= jjj) to drop excrement

* e.g., danger) X= VIII

(bird); zaraqa u (zarq) to hit, pieroe tfj j zariy bad, poor, miserable, despi-
(i_j s.o. with); to jab, bore (*, into cable, contemptible
s.o. or; to throw, hurl (*
jIjJ zirya contempt, disdain; revile-
Jj j zarq: j"i\ 3j j z. al-ibar injections, ment, disparagement
injectings tjjl izr* contempt, disregard

^Uj* mizrq pl Jjj!_> mazrig* javelin 'jjjl izdir* contempt, disdain, acorn

<Jj j zartga a (zaraq) and IX to be blue iSJJ* muzran despicable, contemptible

ijjj zaraq blue, bluenese, blue oolor; jfj za'bara to deeeive, cheat s.o.)
O glaucoma (med.)
J^*J za abf
pl. iw^J za'bif* a woolen
iijj rurga blue, blueness, blue color; fabric; woolen garment with a low neck-
O oyanosis line, worn esp. by the fellahin (eg.)


j&j za tar = _/*** fjjej za'z' lean, skinny, Ianky, spin-

*j za'aja a and IT to disturb ( s.o.);
fjf-j* muza'za" oon vulsed , shooked
to troable, inoonvenienoe, molest, pester,
upset, disorganized; tottering, shaky,
hftnMW ( s.o.); to disquiet, alarm, make
wobbly, unsteady, precarious
uneasy, upset ( b.o.); to stir up ( s.o.

^ or,/ from a plaoe), rouse (j* or je

fjt-'j* mv&aza'zi' unsteady, haky,
b.o. from a state, e.g., from sleep, etc.), wobbly, precarious; tottering, rocking;
drive (j- or j* s.o. from) Tu to be fiokle, unoertain, ohangeable
stirred up, be roused; to be alarmed (j*
uneasy (j- about >U*j za'afa (xa'f) to drive away
by or at), feel

m&j za'aj uneasiness, unrest J&j za'aja a (za'f) to kill instantly ( s.o.)

IV do.
^Ujl iz'j disturbance
vJUj .- samm zu'f a rapidly killing,
r-U>' I inzi'j inoonvenience, trouble,
deadly poison
disoomfort; disturbance, confusion
ljiej za'farn saffron
> mux'ij annoying, troublesome,
irksome, inconvenient, unpleasant; harry- to cry, yell, ehriek, eoream
Jpj za'aqa a (za'q)

ing; disquieting; unsettling; pl. ^*L^J*

jpj za'q clamor, shouting, orying,
troubles, disoomforts
screaming, yelling

j*j za'ir thin-haired ilej za'qa pl. za'aqt cry, outcry, yell,

j*jl az'ar*, f. Ij*j za'r' 1 thin-haired; soream, shriek

j-pj za'iq clamor, shouting, crying,

j*jl az'ar pl. uljpj zu'rn (leb., pal.) screaming, yelling

highwayman, brigand; crook, scoundrel
to be bored, be fed up
J*j za'a a (za'al)

jUj za'ra maliciousness, meanness

(^ with, be tired (& of); to be
annoyed, angry II to annoy, vex ( s.o.)
jjj*j zu'rr pl. j-jUj za'rtr* ill-

IV to trouble, annoy ( s.o.)

tempered, peevish, testy, irasoible; aza-
role, Neapolitan medlar (Crataegus aza- za'al displeasure, annoyance, irri-
rolus; bot.) tation, vexation

shake violently, convulse, J*J za'il annoyed, angry, vexed, put

fj*j wfza'a to
rock (*; to shake, upeet (* e.g., a out

resolve, a belief, etc.) II taxa'za'a to be j^j za'ln 9 annoyed, angry, vexed,

convulsed; to work loose, wobble, be put out
loose; to shake, rock, totter | J*>j V
Jjplj z'vla annoyance, anger, irri-
tation, vexation
frj*j j rih za'za' and Ujej j (za'*

za'n) violent gale, hurricane s.j za'ama u (za'm) to maintain, allege, claim,

pretend (jl that), deolare (l J to s.o. that)

**j*J za'za'a pl. f\jl*J za'zi' convul- to beeve; to take (* s.o. for or to be . . .),

sion, shock, concussion

regard (* b.o. as) *cJ to olaim for
; |
ol*>j zazaan see
t^P o.b. {* V to set o.e. up as leader; to
; ;


be the leader ( of), lead, oommand (* a Lij zugv#a (eg.) hicoup

body of soldien, or the like) ; to pretend
Jij zotfo/a a to pour out (*; to
to be the lewler, poee leader, be bosay (xajj/)

oounterfeit (* e.g., coins), adulterate,

aj za'm allegation, claim |
&f"j j debase (*
as they olaim, as they say
J*j zo^oi counterfeit money
za'im pl. I>j ru'amd' 1 leader;
J*> truugal pl. J*l> maxg'iP loophole,
ringleader; oolonel (Ir. 1922); brigadier
general (m.; formerly Syr.); guarantor

( v of)
Jlij zaglala to dazzle (^^Jl^n-nazor the eyes)
i*Uj za'ma leadenhip; leading po-
Jjiij zujW pl. JJUj zaliZ> baby,
mtion in politios
infant; xaftid (eg.) squab, young pigeon
^l> mattfim' allegations; claim, pre-
<_jj zaffa (Ist pers. perf. zafaftu) i (zaff, Jtyj
tensions; aagumptions, oonjeetures
zuff) to hurry; u (zaff, Jij zt//) to
r>*> max'm pretended, claimed oonduot in solemn prooeesion (l> the bilde,
alleged, Bo-called
J* or Jl to the bridegroom) ; pass. Jl cJj
zuffat il to be married off to, be given in
ALt-j zi'nifa pl. JuUj za'nif norde, paok,
marriage to; to oonduct in solemn pro-
mob, rabble, riffraff; low base, mean;
oesaion to her new home (l> the bilde,
pl. fins (of fish); flippen (of whale, seal,
also said of the bridegroom); to inform
and the like)
(Jl s.o., * of, teil (Jl > to s.o.)

*-*J xaQab down, fluff, fuzz Jl tSj^\ Jj (buir) to bring glad

tidings to
*-*J taQib downy, fluffy, fuzzy, covered
with fuzz ij zaffa procession (of people), wed-

*-*jl axgab* downy, fluffy, fuzzy,

ding prooeaaion ; one time ; **j zaffatan
onoe ( marratan)
oovered with fuzz
lJJ ff wedding, wedding oeremony |
tagbar nap (of a fabric) J*-\ he
j-fj |
jfj JUjJl *U laat az-z. wedding night
took all of it
J>j*j mff ostrich; fleet, awift (camel)
Uj zagada a to nudge, poke ( s.o.)
Juij taf'tf sough(ing) (of the wind)
ji-j zagara a {eg.) to eye (Jl or J, s.o.),
<> mizaffa bridal sedan
leer (Jl or J at)
cJj II to smear with pitch, to pitch
>j*j 2ora<a (j*J zatfnxia) to utter shrill,
to asphalt (* a road)
long-drawn and trilling sounds (as a
cjj zift pitoh; asphalt uj^Uj cJj
manifestation of joy by Arab women) |

(qaprn) and tar) unpleasant,

(lit.: pitch
bjUj zafrid* shrill, trilling oriee of
annoying, awkward; damned (bad luck)!
joy (of women)
O *=> mizfata pl. cJt> mazdfif?
J>J zagrafa = j>j asphalting machine

C-i> tazfU asphalting

j^J zagzaga to hide, oonceal (*; (17.)

Jj zafara i (xafr, jjj za/ir) to sigh deeply,
to tiokle (* s.o.) heave deep sighs; to pant, groan, moan;
379 /J

to blow off, exhatut, puff out ( air, p!j so99fim Eaqqum, an infernal tree

braath) with exoeedingly bitter fruit, mentinned

in the Koran
*yj ia/ro pl. xafarAt aigh, mou
ij so/fr oxhaling, oxhalatiozi, ax- (yj) Uj zaqd u to ory. crow, peep, oheep
piration; sighing, moaning, moan>; m Uj ntq/t orowing (of a rooster)
alao alphabaticaUy
^Tj zoiafta u (^jTj ndr) to All up, fiU
"jjj n to so with gnaaa, begrne ( t-th.)

jij za/or gro*M, gnaay food yjll U^i | i-5j zatiba pL JBj zabTtfr* (7.)
(oi^if oi-i. Mardi Gru, Shrovo Tueaday saok, bag. gonny sack

jij x^ftr greasy; grimy; unolean, dirty,

SjSj rubra pl. _/j ruiarima (wine)skin;
a wind instrament resembling the oboe
fitthy; stinking, rancid, rank

Jijij za/za/a soughing, whistling (of the

ij pasa. tukima to oatoh a oold
^Bj zwbdm (oommon) oold. oatarrh
jij za/ana to danoe, gambol
iTj takma (oommon) oold, oatarrh
j*iJ /Ir sephyr oloth
iilfj zakna flair; intnition
j 10990 u (sooo) to feed (* iU young ones;
of a bird) (jTj and &) Ej zoU u (j mW) to
thrive; to grow, inorease; to be pure in
heart, be just, righteous, good; to be fit,
zuqqn skin (as a reoeptaole)
snitable (<~* for s.o.), befit (^ s.o.);
Jljj 211909 m. and f., pl. j I aziqqa takiya a to grow, inorease II to inorease,
lane, alley; atrait, oorridor (gtogr.) augment, make grow (*; to purify,

ohaaten (*; to justify, vindioato

jij 09209(1 (UJ mqtaqa) to paep, ohirp,
( s.o.), vonoh for, or bear witneas to,
oheep; to feed (* its young ones; of a
s.o.'s () integrity, deolare ( s.o.) honest,
bird); to dandle, rook in one' arms (
upright or just, attest the honorable
a ohild)
reoord of s.o. (*); to attest to the trnth,
Jljij xaqzq pewit, lapwing validity or oredibility of (*); to

1 Zagazig (oity in oommend, praiae ( s.o.); to reoommend
N Egypt) IT to cause to grow; to grow (*

T to be purifled, be ohastened
1 ilij
ru9&> and Jij zuqltya (eo.) olub, oudgel,
Sj talny pl. IgTjl tukiya** pure;
ohaste; gntless, blamele , sinless; (also

<Lj zagUa pl. JJUj taq/T& narrow road,

S* rfotty. -g. sTi *-^'j)

path, trail Bj tahT growth; (moral) purity,

integrity, honesty, righteouBnass
ij zaqama u (xaqm) to swallow, gulp, gobble
(* food) IT to malte (* s.o.) swallow or tfj (jTj) zoifcdA pl. b~j zakan, oljTj
gulp down (a Vm ajl izdaqama ukawt pority; justness, integrity, hon-
~I esty; justifioation, vindieation; alms-
/3 380

giving, alms, oharity ; alms tax {Isl. Law) \ Jj)j zabcaia to shake, rock, convulBe, cause
J*X>\ !o**j z. al-fifr obligatory donation of to tremble {, *, s.o.); pass. zuizilo
foodstuffs required at the end of Ram- also: to waver, stumble II tazalzala to

adan, the month of fasting quake (earth)

53' teh
purer; more befitting, more 5J^Jj zoZxa&i pl. Jj Vj zaiziP earth-
appropriate; better qnake

iSy tazkiya puriflcation, chastening; JljJj zoZz{, zikl ooncussion, Bhock,

pronouncement of s.o.'s integrity or oredi- convulsion; earthquake
bility; attestation of {a witnees') honor-
JJj xalafa u to swallow, gulp down, gobble
able record (Isl. Law)
(* n to strip, undress ( s.o.) T to

(4) zaa (Ist pers. perf. zalatiu) % (za) and undress, strip
zaa (Ist pers. perf. zalitiu) a (JJj taiai)
JJj zulf nakedness, nudity
to Blip; to make a mistake, oommit an
to slide off
JJj zalaf (coli. ; n. un. ) (eg.) gravel,
error, a slip; s.o. (je), fail

IV to pebbles; road metal, bailast

to affeot s.o. (je; aid of evil)
cause ( b.o.) to alip; to make ( s.o.)
*Jj zaVa pl. *Jj zila' (eg.) a kind of tau
Btnmble or trip
clay jar

Jj za a kind of reed (syr.)

tjdj zal'm pl. ^Vj zal*im* gullet,
*Jj zaa slip, lapee | LJ *Jj z.lisdn
slip of the tongue
JJj zalafa u (zalf, zalaf, JJj zallf) to
JJj zalal slip, apping; lapse; mistake,
approaoh (Jl s.o. or, advance (Jl
error, overaight
toward), go near II to exaggerate, blow
JVJ zuidl oold water |
J\ JVj
z. up (* a report, j in) IV to bring near,
al-baujt white of egg, albumen bring dose (*, s.o., V to flatter

JVj zu/dli alhuminous; iLJYj zvl (Jl s.o.), fawn (Jl upon s.o.), ourry favor,

Uyt proteins SJVj *\j* (mowW 1 ) pro- ingratiate o.s. (Jl with s.o., also J)

teins VIII .Jthjl izdalafa to flatter

<JJ j zalaf servile flattery, sycophanoy,

LjVj zalabiya pl. -<K a kind of doughnut
toadyism, bootlicking
oooked in oil and sprinkled with sugar
Jj zulfa and JJj zvlf servile flattery,
kj zalaja a (rjJj zndj) and zalija a to sycophanoy, toadyism, bootlicking
slip; to slide along, glide along T do. |
mutazaif sycophant, toady,
2^1 J* >" W) to skate VII = V .Jjj
j zalj slippery

j}J zaliqa a (zalaq) and zalaqa u (zalq)

wJ j zalij slippery
to glide, slide; to slip n to make slippery
j* miztaj pl. lj* mazlij* skate
(#; to slip, glide (j * into)
IV to cause to slip j-mt{
rYj* mizlj pl. pJI> mazlij* ( s.o.) aJJI (6t-
(sliding) |

bolt (on a door) baparihl) to look at s.o. sternly or dis-

approvingly V and VII to glide, slide; to
Jj zulaij fatenoe, ornamental tue
skid, slither, slide (Jl into; to slip;

,j<nJj zviaijl faience, ornamental tue to ski; to skate |

gl!l Je ^)>l (talj)
381 yj
to ki; to skate VII to slip from s.o. 's c-j V to be prim, sedate, staid
(je) hand, from (je)
c->" tazammut primness; gravity, se-
j) j zaliq alippery dateness

UJj zalqa (n. vic.) slip, skid, aideslip ^ju mutazamm grave, Btern, staid.
sedate (oharaeter); prim; narrow-minded
Vj zaiqa Blipperiness

Vj zadqa pl. -<K aleigh, aledge, aled; j-j zamjara (j*-j zamjara) to soold; to

toboggon; toboggau chute, Bledding stonn, rage, rave

oourse; gutter, eaves trough
j*j zamara
u (zamr, j*j zamir) to blow,
jljrf mazlaq pl. j)\j* mazljq* eppery play (a wind instrument) II do.
Bpot; slide, ohute; treacherous,
j-j zamr blowing, playing (of a wind
perilous ground, pitfalls, dangers, peius
ins t rument
UJ> mazlaqn (dual) (loading) ramp;
j*j zamr pl. j_^*j zumr a wind instru-
gradient, ramp, driveway, access road
ment resembling the oboe; hrn (of
,jJj-. mizlaq skate; UJj- a pair of an automobile; ayr.)
Bkates | O ^^ ji Jl> ('ajaZdl) roller
j+j zumra pl. j*j zumar troop; gronp
(of people); Sj^j Ij-J blood group
UJjrf mizlaqa pl. jJlj- nuwdWg* sleigh,
jUj zammr player (on a wind in-
sledge, Bld; toboggau
strument), piper
JV>'I inzilq slipping, sliding, skid-
jUj zammra, zummra pl.^Uj to
ding; skiing; skating
mmlr1 (eg.) a wood-wind instrument oon-
jJ>. munzaliq: jl>* <~>l> sliding door sisting of two pipes, related to the
clarinet; siren |
jlJVl *jL*J z. aUin^r
Jj zalam pl.fV.jl azlm arrow without
waraing siren
head and feathers, used in divination
jUj- mixmr single-pipe wood-wind
***j)j zullma, zama pl. JVj zailim*
instrument resembling the oboe
trunk (of an elephant)
jj*y mazmr pl. j**lj* mazmxr1 psalm
-j zarnnta u (zamm) to tie up, fasten, tighten
(*; to truss up {* j *iiL
jr^jl mir1 Izmir, Smyrna (seaport in W
(bi-anfihi) to tum up one's nose, be Turkey)

superoilious II to bridle {* a camel), put

ijAj zumurrud emerald
the bridle (* on a camel)
ts*j*j zumumtdl emerald(-oolored)
>L.j zimm pl. 1>j\ azimma camel
halter, nose rope of the camel; rein, f>J zamzama to rumble, roll (thunder)
bridle; halter; day book; regia ter; ground, to murmur
land <*L*y under his superviaion, under
r>j zamzam copious, abundant (esp.
his direction; ^-Vl fUj z. al-amr reins
water) ; Zemzem, name of a well in Mecoa
of power; ^-Vl *jl
J* ^^J to hold the
4~*j^j zamzamiya water flask, canteen;
reins of power in one's hand, be in oontrol

of power, wield power; O-l fUj Jj te- O thermos bottle

watt z. al-kufon to seize the reins of *J*j zamzama pl. fjUj zamzim* roll

power, assume power of thunder; roar of a lion

; ;

J-3 382

Juj zamafa to escape, slip away sitory; seoolar | 1-uj pUl mines with
time fuse; V*j iLJ (funfrula) time
mJ II and IT to determine (J#, * on), deoide, bomb
resolve, be determined (J#, * to do
jUj zamtfni temporal, time; worldly,
**j* muzmr determined, resolved; earthly; passing, transient, transitory;
munrta' and 4,1 *> deoided; ixnminent;
forthooming, prospective 4i* jil yjll

. . . j oi-mu' tamar al-m. 'aqdvli /{ the

luj xamanlya and oLj <**'JW
period of time, given time
conferenoe whieh is to be beld on (with
following dato) ilLj xamna ohronio fllneas

J.j III to keep ( s.o.) Company, be s.o.'s j*j- muzmm lasting, endoring, long*

(*) oompanion, be a colleagae or asso- lived ; old, deep-seated, in veterate

cdate (j of 8.0, in,); to aooompany ohronio

( s.o.) VI to be oomrades, be olose oom-

j+*j xamhara to beoome red, flushed, blood-
panion* *
shot IV j+*jl maAarra do.
*Lj mJa party, oompany (of people)
^ _^*j zamAarfr bitter oold, severe frort

J~*j zam pl. ^uj rumoT 1 oompanion,

j tanna u (xann) to buzz, drone (insect)
orony, assooiate, oomrade; oolleague; ao-
oomplioe j xann bnzx(ing), drone

*L*j zamtia pl. hU (woman) oompanion; bj zana'a to be limited, be restrioted, be

(woman) oolleague; Bister ship eonfined, be curbed, be suppressed II to

*JL-J zamla comradeship; oolleague- restriot, keep within boands, beset, harry,
ship; fellowship drive in a corner (J# s.o.)
| -Lp L.J (tftnbiya)
soholarship, stipend (tr.)
juJ II taxanbara to display proud, haoghty
izmti pl. J^ljl ozdmtf1 ohisel mannen (J toward s.o.)
jj-jj tunbr pL jyUj tanbir* hrnet
j*j tamina a (1LJ zamdna) to be ohronioally
Hl IV to stay long, remain ( v * * pl<*) iljuj zanbarak, xunburuk, zunburak pl. tiLUj
to last long; to be ohronio (disease) xandoi^ (metal) spring; spiral spring;

j*j zaman pLazmdn time; period,

jL-jl oock (of a rifle, etc.)

tretch of time; dnration; U-j zatmnwn jiUj wuJWg*

jjj zonoo? (ooll.j n. nn. ) pl.
for aome time
Uly; ins {bot.)

oj zamana period of time

D ilUj xanbalik = 1 ju j

j*J zamm, Jmj zamfn pl.

J*j xamn
ohronioally ill
jsJj ranMJ, siotf pl. j^l'j xanObfP basket
made of palm leaves
OL-J zamn pl. i*jl tununa time; dn-
ration; fortune, fate, destiny | OLj ^* tfjliJj zttUdrl dysentery

for aome time (past), for quite a while;

^j xanj, zinj (coli.) pL jij xunj Negro(ei)
J* always, ever; 4iL>J J*l oAJ c.
bis oontemporaries yij smjf, cmjf Negro (adj. and n.)

^j cofrumi temporal, time (adj.) jLfj xanjabr* Zansibar (island and seaport
worldly, earthly; passing, transiant, trn- off E African coast)
) ;

383 ->j

J^j zanjabil ginger jJL'j zini zinc

\^j zanjara to flip, anap (with the fingere) o>cJ zannuzn&z virago, termagant

'jUj zinjr verdigris -j j zanlm low, despised, ignoble, mean

bastard; Btranger, Outsider
jjuf-j zunjufr, zinjafr cinnabar

Jj zan ( jj, Uj zinan, Uj zn') to oommit

sfj zinjir pl. _r>-Uj zanjir* chain |
adultery, fornicate, whore
jg- double-entry bookkeeping
<Jj zinan adultery; fornioation
fj zanika a {zanak) to turn rancid
Uj zt'n' adultery; fornioation
fj zanijf rancid, rank
jlj znin pl. !ljj zunh fornicator,
oJJ zand m. and f., pl. jJ zind, jjjj zund
stick of a fire drill, a primitive device for

kindling fire; by extension, the whole *J'j zmya pl. uljj zawnin whore,

fire drill; zand, zind (pl. ajjj zunt2) harlot; adulteress

ulna (anat.); forearm

uj zahada a, zahida a and zoAiu&j u (zuAd)
jlJJ zind pl. Aijl aznida fire steel; to abstai (j Crom, also je-, *), renounoe,
cock, hammer (of a rifle, etc.) |
jUjJI _/t abandon, forsake (j, also je-, *),
ajar az-zind flint withdraw (j, * from), refuse to have
anything to do with (j, *) |
LioJl j .uj
jajj II tazandaqa to be a freethinker, an
(dunya) to renounoe pleasure in worldly
things, become an aaoetic, lead a pious,
aJj zandaqa atheism ascetio life II to induoe { s.o.) to with-

Ji-lij zindiq pl. <*.>Uj zandiqa zendik, draw or abstain (j from); to spoil s.o.'s

unbeliever, freethinker, atheist () pleasure in (j), arouae & dislike

( j * in s.o. for) T to practioa asceticism,

^J II: Ij Jl j-'j (6i- a*nAi) to glare at s.o.
withdraw from the world X to deem
jUj zunndr and jUj zunnra pl. little, insignificant, trifling, small

^JJ zannir* belt, girdle; sash; band or o*j zuhd (voluntary) renunciation (j
rope worn around the waist; cross Btripe,
of; indTerence (J to, esp. to
traverse band
worldly thinga); abstemiousness, absti-

<i_>j zinzna pl. -i prison cell (.)

nence; asceticism j
LjjJI j AmJ\ (dunyd)
iX/J zanzalakt China tree (Melia azeda-
J-*J zahid little, low, moderate (esp.
rach; bot.)
price), insignifioant, paltry, trifling, small;

ijlkij zinfrlya dysentery a little, a small amount (j* of

jUj zahda smallness, lowness, mod-

Jij zanaqa i (zanq) to tighten, conatrict (m; to hobble (* an animal) II to erateness

keep on ahort rations, scrimp (J* b.o.)> o*> tazahhvd ascetioism, life of retire-
be atingy, tight-fisted (J* toward) ment devoted to the serrioa of God
Uuj zanaqa {magr. zanqa) pl. Jjj zinaq ulj zahid pl. jUj zuhhid abstemiouflt
narrow atreet, lane, alley, dead-end street abstinent, continent, Belf-denying; u-
JUJ zindq neckband, collar cetic

>J 384

j*j zoAarer a (jyj suAtir) to shine, give j*\j zhir shining, luminous, radiant,
light, be radiant IV to glow, gleam, brilliant; bright

glare, shine; to blossom, be in bloom

j*j* mtuhir blooming, in bloom; shin-
(plant, flower) Till j**j\ itdaham to ing, luminous, bright
shine brightly, be radiant; to blossom,
be in bloom; to flourish, proaper, thrive <Ji*j zdkafa a (ijyj xuhf): Ojl! Jl Ji*j

to be on the verge of death Vin <Jt*ajl

j*j zahr (coli.; n. un. *) pl. j_^*j tuhr,
o,il Jl do.
j*j\ ozAur, jl>jl axJir, j*\j\ <uhir* t j+\j\
aihlr* flowere; blossoms; oast iron Jj zaAo?a a {zdhq, Jyj uAg) to die, pass
(also -U.U.I y.j) |
O^WI j*j z. o^-fd/f away, run out, oome to nothing; Cftj
pansy; ^Jlj*j primrose; J-Jl ^j 2. <rf- 4-ij (na/*uA) and 4*-jj iij (rflAwAfl)
asal honeysuokle; J)jti\ j*j z. al-lulu* to give up the ghost, die; to weary, be-

daisy; ^j)1 L orange-flower water come tired (j* of, be diBgusted

(j* with IT to bring about the
jj zaAra (n. un.) pl. -St flower,
ruin or downfall of (*) ; to destroy,
bloesom; splendor, beauty
annihilate (*; (rjj\) ,^-iJl Jjl
j*j xuhra brilliancy, light, brightnesa; to be disgusting, be revolting
beauty J--*)l yj bluing
Jyj xahQq dying, passing, bound to
yjJI oz-ruAara the planet Venus vanish

tSjtj xuhari ByphJlis | iyy j^l^l >j nthm offensive smell

venereal diseases
*j zahim malodorous, fetid

~o j>j zuhriya pl. -5* flower vase

m *>j zuhtna offensive smell
jl>j zoAAdr Aorist <>j*j zuhma offensive smell

tfjlyj zahrwf gay, merry, oheerful

zoAd u (zahw) to blossom, flower,
(_H>J) l*J
be in bloom; to grow, thrive; to shine
j*j\ azhar* shining, luminous, radiant, brightly, be radiant, glow, gleam; to
brilliant; bright; (elative) more ra- give o.s. airs, be haughty, oonceited; to
diant |
ul^j^/l sun and moon; j*ji\ a*U- pride o.s. (<_ upon, both in a favorable
<""* jyi\ ^.U-l AI Azbjtf'Mosque and and a pejorative aense) ; pass. ^j zuKiya
niTersity in Cairo to be proud, conoeited (<_> of), pride o.s.

(<_ on), boast (<_ of), vaunt (<_

tSj>j\ azhari of or pertaining to AI
IT to hlosaom, flower, be in bloom; to
Aznar; (pl. -n) Azhar Student
grow, thrive; to give o.s. airs, be con-
j>y mizhar pl. _f\j* mazdhir* anoient ceited, be boastrul Till ^*j\ izdah and
Arabio variety of the lute; (now pro- pass. uzdvhiya to be self-satisfled, 00m-
nounoed mazhar) a kind of tambourine placent, conoeited, proud; izdah to
shine (<_ at, in, have (<- an ac-

oomplishment) to show; to boast (<_>

*lj*j* mazhariya flowerpot
of, vaunt (<->
j*j tazhir bloom, floreeoenoe
j*j zahw and 2uAu> bloom, florescenoe
jl>jl izh&r florescenoe
splendor; beauty; pride; haughtiness,
jUjijl izdihr flourishing, floreeoenoe, arrogance ; vanity, a vain or futile thing
bloom, beyday or things; fun, play, amusement

385 *SJ

aj xahly brilant, splendid, magnif- ^/f-j ziji marital, matrimonial, eon-

icent, gorgeous, sumptuouB jugal, connubial

Uj zah' radiance, brillianoy, splendor Vrjj zaujiya pl. -t matrimony, mar-

Uj zuW number, amount ruAd'a ;

p-l j zawj marriage j* with) wedding

roughly, about, some (with foll. flgure) j (

matrimony, wedlock r^jfl ***-j woA- |

aj\ azh more flourishing; prouder,
dat az-z. monogamy
more coneeited
r-ljj- mizwj frequently marrying
Uijl izdih' bloom, floreaoenoe, flour-
ishing; heyday; shining; gUttering, splen- jf.jj tazwij
marrying off (of a woman,

dor, radiance; pride (both in a favor- -to)

able and a pejorative sense) r-ljj ziwj doubling, duplication; par-

brilant, radiant, allelism (rhei.)

Ij zhin shining,
resplendent; glowing; splendid, gorgeous, y-jl^. muzwaja pairing, coupling, cloee

magnificent, gaudy, beautiful union (of two things)

_>j- mazhw proud (uj of); haughty, tjj tazawwuj marriage

superoiliouB, vainglorious; cooky, over-
r-jly tazvruj intermarriage
r}j*j\ itdiwj pairedness, doubleness;
ijj Bee gj O coupling (d.) | ^j* ^j*j\ (daribi)

double taxation
rjj H to pair, couple (^. or u > with),

join in pairs or couples (*; to tj'j- mutazatuwij married

double, geminate (*; to employ muzdawij double, twofold, two-
paraUelism (rhei.); to marry off, give
(e.g., of a raUroad: two-track)
in marriage (, u.j^U agirltos.o.) III to

form a pair or oouple; to uae in paraUel 'r'j look up alphabeticaUy

conatruction, join in a pair (jw two
cjj) ^}j zha u = (j) j-lj zha i
words, rhei.); to marry, join in wedlock,
unite in matrimony (j J% 8 -- with) ijj II to Bupply with proviaions ( s.o.), Pro-

V to get married (,>., uj, J*, with), marry vision (a s.o. with); to provide, supply,

(-t V J* * B -) TI to intermarry; to
' equip (uj *, s.o., with); to endow
pair, oome together forming a pair, be (u* s.o. with); to enrich (- * with)

in pairs, be double VIII pjjjl izdawaja to IV to supply with provisions ( s.o.)

pair, be in pairs, be double, appear twice V to be supplied (with provisions); to

take along provisions (on a journey);
rjj zauj pl. r'jJ' oxwj one of a pair;
to learn (j-. from s.o.); to provide o.a.,
husband; wife; mate, partner; couple,
supply o.a., equip o.s. (i~> with)
pair (also, e.g., of shoes); dual uU-jj
oouple jlj zd pl. jlj jl azwd, j jl azvrida

provisions, supplies, stores

VjJ xauja pl. -SA wife
iljj xawd provisions
\jtj zija marriage, wedding
jljj zuwwda provisions
jtjj zauji in pairs, paired; double;
marital, matrimonial, eonjugal; doubles jjj* mizwad pl. ijlj- mazwieP, Jj'j-

(tennis) mazaid* provision bag, haversack


li\j mazda provision bag, haversaok jtjjjl izwirr turning away; averae-
neaa, aversion, dialike, distaate
jjj tazwid supply, purveyanoe (y

of ), proviaion, equipment (i~> with) J\j z'ir pl. -n, j\j j zuwur, f. \j\j

manning (of ahips) zd'ira pl. -t, jjj zuunoar viaitor, caller,

ljS\j pl. jjljj 806 -bj

jj j* mazr viaited
Jj> iMuawurid pl. -n oontraotor, aup-
plier, fumiaher, purveyor, victualer, jjj muzatowar forged, false, counter-

caterer feit; obtained by swindle, faked

Jj> muzatawad provided, supplied, jjj j zauraq pl. jjlj j zatoriq* boat, row-

furoished (^ with); equipped (<-> with); boat, skiff |

jjU: jjjj (buJfri) ateam
armed (v with guns); connected (^ launch; 0Jl Jjjj z. a-faid fiahing boat;

with), attended, accompanied (_j by) UJI Jjjj lifeboat; O Jjjj
t^-U torpedo boat
(jj j) jlj zra u (zaur, jIj j ztydra) to viait

( s.o.), call ( on s.o.), pay a viait { to); J

(j-jj) jjj z&ga u {zaug, Ujj zatoagn) to

to affiict ( s.o.) II to forge, falsify, turn aaide, depart, deviate (j* from),
counterfeit (*; to fake, aimulate awerve; to deviate from truth, to swindle;
TI to exchange viaitB IX to tum aride, aee also ij j TI to tum aaide, swerve

tum away, dissociat o.s. (je- from); to

* lj look up alphabetically
be averse (j* to; *j jjjl to turn
s.o. away, alienate s.o. (j* from) X to jj zf', jjj zf hysaop (60*.)

deaire a.o.'a () viait

Jj j II to adorn, embelah, ornament, dec-
jjj zaur Upper part of the ohest; orate (*; to picture, viaualize (*
throat |
jjjll ^T sore throat
a story, in one's imagination)
jj j zur lie, untruth; falaehood oL#-i
Jlj j zawq embelliahment, adorn ment,
jjj\ Sahdat az-z, false teatimony oraamentation decoration; finery,
; attire;

jjj zur foroe jjj\> by force, forcibly faoe painting, make-up, ooametics

zawar inolination, obliquenesa, 3jj muzawwaq adorned, embelliahed,

alant; crookedneas; falseneaa; perfidy,
ornamented, decorated; florid, flowery

inaidiouaneaa ; aquint (apeeoh) ; dreaaed up, meretricioua, ahowy,

jjj zaura (n. vic.) pl. -t viait, call

Jjj'Ji JjJ'J 1^ U P alphabetically

Ij\j j ziyra pl. -dt viait; call (social, of a
doctor) (Jjj and Jjj) J lj zdla (Ist pers. perf. zultu) u
(Jljj zawl) to go away, withdraw (j*
jjj I azwar*, f. Ijj j zavr'', pl. jjj
or ,> from), abandon, leave (j* or j. s.o.
zur inolined, slanting, oblique; crooked,
or; to diaappear, vaniah; to abate,
ourved; squint-eyed, oroaa-eyed
calm down, die down, oome to an end;
j\j mazr pl. -t place which one
to go down, set; (Ist pers. perf. ziltu) a
visita; ahrine, aanotuary of
(za) to oeaae (with uegationa only) |

j_jj taxtir forgery, falaification yjj" Jjj: i_

,-^-H Jlj (gadab) bis wrath

olx-JI j (aanadi) falsification of doc- abated; JyrjJI & Jlj to cease to exiat;

uments of JiJ: vifo neg. J'J U J>. (*


(yazal), Jlj_ V quivalent to Engl, "still, L*-jJjj zljiyd zoology

yet": <UI cJj L (a/'aivAti) I have not
fjrjijj z&lji zoologio(al)
oeased to do it, I (am) still do(ing) it;
Lt Jlj L he ia still standing; j Jlj L (fjJ) f'J *&ma (?*) to growl, anarl (dog)
he has not oeased to be or to remain in, II to mumble, mutter
he is still in; 4JI **-U- j Jl> V he is
jjj rfim pl. jljjl azwdm juioe, aap
still in need of it, he still needs it; Jl > V
<* jTi J (jtfcrm) he still remembers 1
o\j, Jlj look up alphabetically
bim II Jjj zawwaia to remove, eliminate

'jljj ziwdn, zutvn = uljj (q.v.)

Jjj zayyala to separate
break up, disperse, soatter (* zato
iijj % to contract, wrinkle, knit (*
III Jjlj zwaia to puraue {* devot, e.g., the eyebrows); to remove (*
o.s., apply o.s. (* to); Jjlj zdyaia; to hide, conoeal (* [ U ^jj
to separate, part (*, * from), leave, quit, JL* JV ('ainaihi) he knitted his eye-
abandon (*, s.o.,; to separate brows, he frowned (in anger, and the
(0 jUI Jjlj to move out of the like) IX and V to withdraw into a
houae, leave the house IV to cause to go into seclusion, retire VII do. ; to keep
oease or stop, make disappear or vanish to o.s., live in seclusion or retirement

(*; to remove, eliminate {*,

-lU j tsj'j I (jiidihl) to crawl mside o.s.
put an end (* to, do away (* with (out of Bhame, and the like), make a olean sweep (* of
lj> I tnzttoT retirement, seolusion,
VI JjJ> tazyala to be disjointed, inco-
herent; to pass away, oease, stop
jjlj zwiya pl. Lljj zawyd oorner,
Jjj xaul pl. Jlj jl aztel person, body,
nook; angle (iruh.); small mosque,
figure; nightly apparition, speoter, ghost,
prayer room; (North Afr.) a small oupolaed
phantom, spirit
moeque ereoted over the tomb of a
Jljj zawl end, passage, extinction, Muslim saint, with teaching faoilities and
disappearance, vanishing, oeasation; set-
a hospioe attached to it, usually the
ting (of thesun); noon JljjJi ;_,- ephem- establishment of a religious
order 1

eral, evanescent, fleeting; Jljjli .u> in the Zj\

U.1 (hdda) aoute angle; hjS
afternoon ; J I jjJI x* around noon, by ezternal angle; LljjJI ^jLi.
*rjU-'l mu*
noon; JljjJi it- ifaff az-z, meridian tastvi z-z. equiangnlar ; V>JJ j jl j)l

Jljj zawll: Jljj <**\J\

*LJI j at (munfarija) obtuse angle; Ul ijljJI

four o'clock in the afternoon, at four p. m. right angle; jjljJl ^ hajar az-z. corner -
stone; l=* Lljj j, (muktalifa) from
*Jj j zliya pl. Jljj zawli (i>., savd.)
dferent angles (i.e., aspeots)
knotted rg
jjw munzawin seclusive, seoluding; re-
jj* mizwala pl. Jjlj* maiwiP sundial
tired, secluded; outlying, remote, out-of-
-Jjlj- muzwala pursuit (of, the-way; obsoure
application (to); aasiduous study; prao-
tice (of aome work, of a profeasion) iSJ D (Jj, Ij j zayyd to dress, clothe, ooetume
(v s.o. in) V (j>, L>" tazayy to dress,
Jljl izdia removal, elimination
put on a dress or cos turne; to dress up,
Jjlj zd' transitory, passing, eva- smarten o.a. up; to be dressed, be olad
nesoent, fleeting, ephemeral, short-lived (>-> in), wear (>_>

tJ tiyy pl. Ij jl azy* olothing, dress, ( j) ^'J zAa * (zatA, zuyA, U j zaya* ^j
apparel, attire ; O uniform ; outward Aan) to go away, depart, leave IT to
appearanoe, make-up; oostume; style of remove, drive away, banish (*, do
dreaa, manner of dreaaing; faahion; ex- away with (*); to take away (*;

terior, guise, form, shape |

JloJ-I jjJl
J* to pull away, throw baek {* a ourtain,

fashionable, modish, stylish a veil, eto., j* from |

j* fliDI *>[)!

to reveal, disclose ; Jli/ j* jb-Jl *-ljl

jj j zaibag (= jJJ iCta^) quicksilver, mer- (tim$l) to unveil a monument VII to go

cury away, depart, leave; to be pulled away,
be thrown back (ourtain)
c-j j II to oil, lubrioate, grease (* a machine,
and the like); to add oil {* to some food) J lih pl. L jl azyh (etraight) line

c-j j za pl. &jij ruyt oil (edible, fuel, r}ij zayyh pl. -dt religious prooession

motor oil, eto.) jU- Cj j (Aan*) linseed

5*-ljl izdlJM removal, abolition j
oil; _>L- c-j j (AuZw) sweet oil, oil free of jb^Jt unveiling (of a monument)
hydrogen sulfide; C>jL\ c-jj 2. ai-At

cod-veroil; jjJ-'l dj jz.aJ-tru*oaator (4jj) ilj zdaVz * (SjIjJ ziyda) to become

oil; iiJLJl C-jJ ood-liver oil; greater, beoome more, grow, inorease,

***il)l c-jJ lubrioating oil; pl -aT^1fl ;

Cj j be compounded, multiply; to be greater,
fuel oil; jLJl jj z. al-gz kerosene be more, amount to more (j* or Je than),
exceed ( j* or J*, an amount, o> by),
zaiti oily, oil (adj.), oil-bearing
Jj j j
go beyond an amount or number (J*);
ViJ j^-* or S-iJ 5^-jJ (jrra, lauAa) oil
to augment, increase, Compound (*>
make (* grow or increase to step up, ;

oL j zayyt oil dealer, oilman raise (j-, *, J! * to); to add
(Jp * to); to add, make additions
>J zaiin (coli.; n. un. !) olive tree;
(Jp to), enlarge (Je; to extend,
olive(s) | djj -u-l ahad az-z. Palm
expand, further, advance, promote, in-
Sunday (CAr.); j J-*- /oooZ az-z.
tensify (
j or ,>; to give more
Mount of Oves (Jerusalem)
(a m to s.o. of | J* -Ij> ^/ it is no
Jy j zaitna (n. un.) pl. -dj olive tree; more than ..., it is only ...; ^*lj ilj he
olive | *j_fy a*V the Zaitouna Moeque added (in speeoh followed by quotation)
(large moeque and university in Tunis) Ol ii J* jj (zf) (prop. : add to it that . .

in addition to that there is .... what's

Jji j zaiHJnl olivaceous, olive-colored,
more, there is . .
. ; furthermore, moreover
olive-green; (pl. -fin) student of the Great
^1* *jtj (*man) to teil s.o. more about
Moeque of Tunis
it, supply s.o. with more Information
3Jy j zaitniya, i-iy jll .u-l aAod az-z.
II to increase, augment, Compound, make
Palm Sunday (Cop(.-CAr.) grow III to make a higher bid ( than

j* mozyala oil can, oiler s.o.), outbid ( s.o.; at an auetion) V to

increase; to rise, go up (prioes); to make
c-;> muzayyat oiled additions, add embellishments of oue's
own, exaggerate (in telling; to be
V.j 2*7 leveling line (used by masone);
long-winded, verbose j-, J*JI j* Jj.>~
ephemeris, astronomioal almanao |

j*n ('Um, ma'rifa) to aoquire additional

ifj zija and ^ j rf;i see rfj knowledge, increase one's knowledge VI to

outbid one another; to increase grad- Juir with many, many thanks; .Jt-^l -^x
ually, be growing; to beoome more bi-m. il-asaf with the greatest regret;
intense, intensify; to beoome more and ^Llj^l Jj^x with extreme satisfaotion;
more, exceed more and more (j* *d> t> ^ lt^ ** " unflurpaasable, it's
VIII i\ij\ izdda to grow, be growing, not to be outdone
increase, be compounded, multiply |
JjI> nvuzyada pl. -dt auction, publio
K jbjl (buk'an) he wept more and
more X to demand more, ask for more,
go up with one'fl demands; to try to Jj> tazayyud exaggeration (in re-
achieve more; to aim or work at an porting), one's own embellishments or
increase, expansion or extension {* of); additions, fables, yarn

to ask ( s.o.) to give more of

ul> tazdyud (gradual) increase, in-

^j-b^il az-zaidlya a Shiitie group form- crement, growth

ing an independent common wealth ( Yem-
jljjjl izdiyd increase, growth, rise,

y_ az-zuyd the Zaidites, adherents ol>-( istizda a striving for more;

of the Zaidiya soct
pursuit of an increase, expansion or
Lj ziyda increase, increment, ac- extension; desire or requeet for more

cretion, growth surplus, overplus, excess

Oj>J. otjwl jj |1 (yabqa, li-mustazf-

increase, augmentation, raising, Btepping din) there is nothing to be added, nothing

up; enhancement, elevation, intensifi- more need be eaid about it

cation; extra pay, allowance (in addition

Oj I
j zaid increasing, growing ; ex-
to the salary); addition; iL j ziydatan
cesaive, immoderate; exceeding (je-,
in addition, additionally j* jLj (ziy* in excess
(je- of) ; additional, extra, super-
datan) over and above, beyond, in excess
numerary |
i^-U-l je- a*lj more than nec-
of; regardless of; aside from; ijlj Jj
essary, surplus
*L^ hammalah z. 'an iahammulihl

he loaded him with more than he could S-Jijz'Japl. -Jljjxau'f appendage,

carry; dJii jljj (ziydatan) more- appendix (anal., zool., bot.); outgrowth
over, beaides; -JL-JI^J.1 SjL J excess of (med.) | *j~ iJjlj (mi'awiya) and i.Jlj

births; rLi^l *^.J (*4h) m Order to <l*j j (ddiya) vermiform appendix

make even clearer, for further (anat.)
it eluci-

dation xAj* muxyid pl. -n bidder, outbidder

- j l azyacP more excessi ve, higher,

(at an auction)

greater, bigger bljU mutazyid Bteadily increasing,

*\y* mazd pl. -t auction, public Bale

ijj* mazld an exceeding (J# of; jj II (mor.) to close <* a button)

excess, superabundance high degree, ;

Vj 2*" pl. jLj jl azyr, jLj zt'yr (ep., mojf.)

large extent; utmost, maximum; (with
large, almost oonical jar, made of porous
foll. genit.) excesaive, extreme, utmost,
clay, for storing water
highest, greatest, Superlative ; pass. partic.
of I : increased, etc. ; the derivative stems Vj zir the highest string of stringed in-
of the verb {gram.) |
^^Ul -^e bi-m. - strumenta (mus.)
JiJ 390

jj ziz (ooll.; n. un. ) pl. u\jjzizn cioada; Hif J) zna % (zain) to decorate, adorn {*
chry Balis II to adorn, deoorate, embellish,
ornament (*; to graoe (*, s.o.,
jij j zaizafn jujube (Zizyphus; bot.) ; linden ; to Bhave (* s.o.) ; I4J C-IjJ (nafaah)
to make herself up (lady); to paint in

glowing tones, present in a favorable

{mj) Hj zdga i (zaig, ulijj zayagn) to
light, extol (<J, Jl m to b.o.); to con-
turn aside; to depart, deviate (j* from);
to swerve; to turn away (j* from), turn
jure up {*, J before s.o.' eyes),

create visiona (* of, J in s.o.'s

one'sback (j* on); to wander, Btray,
mind), lead b.o. (J) to believe (ul that);
roam (eyes) IT to cause (* to de-
to give (J s.o.) the idea (jl to do,
viate | *_rmi J Mjt
I {bafarah) he looked
past me, he snubbed me suggest (jl J to b.o. to do V to be
decorated, be adorned ; to dreas up,
mj zai and Im j zayagn a turning smarten 0.8. up, spruce up, preen o.a.;
aside; deviation, departure (jt from) | to shave, get a shave Till IajI iidna
i\ju*j j j (aadd) erring and doing right, to be decorated, be adorned; to be
wrong and right graoed

jIj z'ig deviating, divergent; false, jr j zain beauty ; beautiful, nice,

wrong, distorted, perverted |
UJlj *\JmJ pretty
(nazart) wandering glances
<* j zina pl. -t embellishment, adorn-

Mj look up alphabetically ment, ornament, deooration; olothes, at-

tire, finery; toilette |

ij-jll <-*j z. al-wajh
(Ju j) Jilj zfa i (zaif) to be false, be spuhous make-up; ojll ~u bau az-z. beauty
II to counterfeit (* money); to declare shop ; *-i-jjfl jLitf I ornamental trees
(* to be false or spurious ojJI oULj nabtt az-z. ornamental plante
Juj zaif falseness; pride; (pl. Jy_ j ijjJI u\jm- kuivdn az-z. dressing table;

zuyf) false, spurious, forged, coun- <ijj]l *ij* gurfat az-z. dressing room
jL j zayn beautiful

Ju jl azyaf* falser, more spurious OL j ziyn embellishment, adomment,

Ju>" tazyif falsification, forgery, coun- decoration; ornament

terfeiting Lj zi'ydna barber's or hairdresser's

Ju\j zSif false; forged, counterfeit, trade

spurious Jlj jL*-l false reports; sy tazyxn adorning, decoration, orna-

Uu\j counterfeit money mentation; make-believe, sham, pretense

<Ju> muzayyif forger, oounterfeiter

lf y mwayyin barber, hairdresser

*Ju> muzayyaf forged; counterfeit, ^ymuxayyan decorated, ornamented,

false, spurious; pseudo- adorned (-* with); graoed (_j with)

*jj j II (eg.) to creak, screeoh jl-ij* muzdn decorated, ornamented,

adorned [>~> with); graced (<~> with)
"jjj zlq pl. JL jl tuyg collar, neckband;
border, hem (of a garment) jlj look up alphabetically

(JiJ) Jlj and II, III, VI see Jjj j&j zinkO zlnc

- aa shortened form of au/o (q.v.) request V taaa"ala and J^_j tasatvwala

to beg VI to ask; to ask o.a.; to ask one
LjL- atn satin
another; (je) J* J.LJ to ask o.s. whether

r-L- a; pl. U>r* **7<> tt teak, Indian oak (about); to inquire (je about)

CjU-L- sjt castanets Jj- su'l demand, request, wish

*Jj-- sula demand, request, wish

JjL- da simple; piain, unicolored, uniform
(fabric) |
oU _^ (gaAuw) unaweetened Jlj- sul pl. <il-l <w*a question (je
coffee about); request (je for); inquiry (je
about); demand, claim

Jlt- sa*l given to asking questions,

_/- aa'tra a to remain, be left
inquisitive, ourioua

j^- *u'r pl. jUl cw'r rest, remainder,

JjJ-- sa'l given to asking questions,
remnant, leftover (eap. of food and bev-
inquisitive, curious
Jt. {: .) mas'ala pl. JJl. nuuil'tl 1
jj* su'ra rest, remainder, remnant, question; issue, problem; matter, affair,
leftover (esp. of food and beverages);
case; request
vestige of youthful vigor
L_* muaaala questioning, interroga-
j-'U a'ir remaining; rest, remainder;
(with foll. det. genit.) all
dj-j tasawwul begging, beggary
jJULJl as-ssniyn the Sassanidae, a
JjLJ tasaul (self-directed) question;
dynaaty of Persian kings (226651 A.D.)

jpL> sg sago JJL- s'il pl. -n, Jlj-- t"7, *JU o'aio
questioner; petitioner; beggar
jTU sk, jTU sack coat, lounge jacket

Jj_| mas'l responsible, answerable,

jU sa'ala a (J'_J-- au'l, *Jt mas'ala, JLJ
accountable (je for)
taa'l) to ask (je or * s.o. or about; to inquiie (je of s.o. about); LJji maa'liya pl. -7 responsibility

to ask (* j- or s.o. for, requeat, (* for)

demand, claim (* j* or * from s.o. |

Jj-T. muia&awwil pl. -n beggar
^1 jL- aaalah i to implore, adjure
jU am Shem (eldest son of Noah)
s.o. that he ...; *jL>-l Je jL- to ask s.o.

about s.o. eise; **\j JL- (ra'yah) to i/U *Sm* Semitic; (pl. -n) Semite
ask s.o.'s opinion, consult s.o.; "lHj-* <Jl
L.U^JI al-l-emiya anti-Semitiam
to ask s.o. a question; JI-j (yus'alu) he is

reeponsible, answerable (je for) III to 2 L* saima a {A~> sa'm, i.L- sa'ma) to be

ask, question, interrogate ( s.o.); to call weary, tired (

j- or * of, be bored,

( s.o.) to aecount IV *Jj- JUl [m'lah) fed up (j- or a with; to dislike,

to fulfill s.o.'s wish, comply with s.o.'s detest, loathe (jl doing, have aD

averaion (jl to doing IT to oauae to be the cause of, be to blame

or arouae weariness or boredom ( in s.o.) for; ^xJ\ -_,
Jl (yarji'u) the
weary, bore ( s.o.) reason is to be found in ...; v^'j ^
tp.U-1 SjLJ-l (Howard) to adopt modern
* sa'im weary, tired, bored
civization; *>L-Ij *jI-I
J^_j (asbbah)
rjj- sam disgusted, weary, fed up to join forcee with s.o.; Ju c*Uiu v^VI
<!- sa'ma weariness, disgust, bore- relations between off, they
. . . are broken
dom, ennui no longer have anything in common;

w- sabba u (sabb) to insult, abuse, call

Sj-U vW
jtLS Sdfarah asbba l-ma*
sarra to share s.o. 's joy
names, revile ( s.o.), rail (* at); to ourae
i~*~ sababiya causality
( s.o.); to blaspheme, curse, swear II to
oause, provoke,
arouse, produce, bring
V^ sabbb abuaer, vituperator, reviler
effeot, occaaion (*, give
*i l- sabbba index finger
ooeasion (* to III to exchange in-
snlta or abusire language ( with s.o.) k_^ az&t pl. -JL- sab'ib* Strand
V to be caused, be produced (jp by), be of hair
the oonsequence or result (jp of), follow,
<? masabba pl. -t vilification, abuse,
arise, spring, result (jp from); to be the
reason or cause, be at the bottom {<_> or
j of), be to blame (j for), be instru- t_~uJ tasbib mediate causation (Ist.

mental (J in) ; to seek reasons or motivee Lato)

(Jl for; to aooount, give a reason L sibb abuse,

<_> vituperation, re-
or explanation (Jl for), justify, motivate vilement
(Jl; to use (i_j as a meana
il_ musbba abuse, vituperation, re-
(Jl for); to trade, be in the retail business
vile ment
TI to insult each other, call one another
names, rail at each other VIII = TI *-!* mtwaWti causer, originator, au-

w- sabb abuse, vituperation,

thor; oLw musabbibt caueative faotors
oursing i musabbab caused {& by) ^j-JI

-*il_r (o) oause and effect

-* sabba period of time, (long) while
ij! mu&wa66t& causer; cause; re-
V* *&bax fV^H V* * ol-lm Passion
tailer, small storekeeper
Week (Chr.)
-* subba disgraoe, shame, dishonor L. sab and L- eaba* Sheba |
^-bj Ijj
L- (tpljj) rf. aiiya (ay&diya) sab they
-*** sabab pl. v't**' asbb rope, tent
were acattered to the four winds
rope; meana for obtaining; reason,
cause, motive, ooeasion (with foll. genit. 'L- sabnafr, sabnp spinach
or j: of); meana of subsistence; (esp. pl.)

relations (between people) |

j*TI ^^ ,jL- aee ^L-
main reason; &-I v't-' * al-hukm opin-
t^-jL- sabyis and ,j*L- a&SAi spahis, Alge-
ion O'ur.); *-'J' vW-l luxury; *-* W- rian natire cavalry in the French anny
sdbabi because of, on aecount of, due to,
by; dJli tj-jj because of that, for that x
C-w o&ato u to rest; to keep the Sabbath
reason, therefore; *J i-jJt S* (sababa) IT to enter on the Sabbath
; ;


c-j-Jl as-sabt pl. 0_>~JI o-ftu&J Sab- . masbah pl. l~* nuudiA1 Bwim-
bath, Saturday |
C-uJl fji yawn tw-. do. ming pool
j_>JI <i-y . an-nr Holy Saturday (Chr.) ' - mw&aAa pl. U* motf<S6tAs rosary
oL- suMi lethargy; slumber, aleep

JU utotf lethargio

encephalitis lethargica, sleeping

jLJl Jk\ v W ^oJ
glorification of

pl. -,
(by exclaiming
^jLJ taadbih*


aiokness (med.)
ijfc-J fau&i/ia pl. -t, rflJ taaMA 1
C-w mus&i* lethargio, inactive, mo- glorification of God ; hymn, song of
tionless praiae

*l-*-- a&a< pl. -&, 4i^>l os&a basket **_? toabiha hymn, song of praise

*- tW dill (Anethum graveolens; bot.) f\** 6tA pl. -Un, ^L- vfcfcA, U^
ifca' 8 swimmer; bather |
jtxit j U
j*z>~* sibtambir September lost in thought

r,-- jjaiaj jet (mm.) O VI S&t'a glider, sailplane, oargo

-w- sabaha a (sabk, **-L- tfeiAa) to swim
ol^U 6A* and l_^ sawbih*
(j, ^ in); tD float (fig.); to spread II to
floating onea (epithet for race horsea)
praise, glorify (*l aUaha, 4> Zt-U&t God,
by saying tili 0Uw< subhdna Hh praiae *^ - - muM&6iAa index finger

the Lord!); to praiae, extol (.-< |

b.o.'s praiae,
>w- sabkala glorification of God
-U* (AamdiAi) to eilig

glorify fl.o.
-- joafca u {sabk) to be sound asleep II do.

*- sabha (n. un.) a awim, swimming to manure, fertilize (^j !/! al-arda the

w* svbha pl. CjUt-* aubuht, -

*6oA. beada of the Muslim roaary; joafc dng, manure, fertilizer |

Muslim rosary; supererogatory salat (Isl. tf-^ r- (fcafcwft) manure
?*> sabik briny (soil)

~- subha, sabha
sabaht majesty (of God)
pl. Ol-- subuht,

0i\ y-j il^-
marsh, salt
sabaka, sabka
awamp |

r-L- &fc aalt
^jl do.
subuhtv wajki llh the sublimity, or

the auguat splendor, of God's coun- j-L- sibk pl. wl aatifca dng, ma-

tenanoe ; **Jj ^ ^r- (^baht) lofty nure, fertilizer |

fj-iL 1- (baladi) ma-
heights nure

ul jlw *uAna WA exclamation of i-*- ofctfc pl. ^1- jaM'tj; 1 looso

aurprise, eto. (prop. : praise the Lord! (unspun) cotton

God be praiaed!); ^ 11 oU~- God is far

P_;_" (oa&ifc deep,
sound sleep; O co-
above ..., God is beyond ...
ma, somnolence (med.)
p-L- sabbh swimmer
j^> sabara u i (sabr) to examine with a
rJr* aabh a good b wimmer; swift and
probe, to probe (* a wound); to meaeure,
smooth-running (lit.: floating; of horseB) fathom,
sound (*, e.g., the depth); to

i^L- sibha {art of) swimming explore, examine (* |

^iJl jl_>*l j^>

to probe the depth of, get to the U-. aab'a (f. aoi*) seven ; jl* **-*
bottom of study thoroughly -
j_U, ab'ata 'aiara (f. ; jA'b 'a&rata)
seven teen
s** abr probing (of a wound) ; fath-
oming, exploration, examination - *&% fru' pl. fL-l o*6* one-
jL- sibr pl. ju- avbur probe (med.)
^L uZnT* oonsisting of seven parts;
jjr* dbbra slate; blaokboard
seven-lettered, oonsisting of seven letters
j^a misbar pl. ^L masbir* probe

(med.) j*. MJ) n seventy

jL mitbr pl. ^oL nuMbir1 probe tit*r- &'nf septuagenarian

Vs*r-H <*:JJ' at-tarjama as-sab'iniya

^^a- 6 small wind inatrument resembling the Septuagint

the oboe (eg.)

oUj-JI (Hebr. fg'Ot) as-mb'dt Sha-

_x- U ia$a&ia to be lank (hair) ; to flow buoth, the Feast of Weeks, or Penteoost,

(teara) of the Jews

^ y sabsab pl. v---L- M&utb 1

deseit, J^-1
u*W pl. j-^Ll oaSW 1 week |

wasteland | ^ -- jii (qafr) deeert, f^ 1

*-' Pafl8ion Week Cr ) (

wasteland, desolate region

^jr^ uab'i weekly; Lfj~*l weekly,

.L** sabufa u (tj- subita, tL- ld^a) by the week

to be lank (hair) tw&'tyn weekly feature (radio)
=tj r'l

.L- a&#, ty, 8abaf pl. iL Mj IJl as-sbi' the seventh

lank (hair) |
,_jI .L-. tabf (aabif) ai-

yadain liberal, openhanded, generous; -- sabaga u a (j-jr* iiy) to be long and

<*ll L ;
.- a. ai-gdma sbapely, well-built, wide; to abound, be abundant IV to
of graoeful stature make wide, widen (a; to make
(a oomplete; to bestow amply (J*
Ja?* aibf pl. iL-l aj&df grandson; tribe
upon s.o., a, shower (* J* s.o.
(of the Iaraelitea)
with); to lend, impart liberalJy (* J to
iL- iWxJJ pl. J^U. aobdbif* sboe; to attribute, ascribe (J to
L- avbkt bunch, Cluster (of fruit) s.o., * qualitiea) *jJ>J\ i-*l to per-

form the ritual ablution properly

iLL d6j( pl. \t~t\j* sawbip aroade,
(Ul. Lato)
roofed lane or street; arohway
jU sbig pl. *)j~ Mtcbitf* long and
JLu- n&f and (eg.) iL- ubSl aroade,
looee-fitting (garment); fll, oomplete,
roofed lane or atreet; archway
perfect; exoessive, abundant, ample
A^IIto make sevenfold (*; to divido
into seven parta (*
sabaga i u (sabq) to be, oome, go, get,

or aot, before or ahead of s.o. or

** sab' pl. A--I <m&u', fj*- subu, (a, ), precede, anteoede (>, s.o.,,
i*j~' svbua predatory animal, beast of in place and time), arrive before s.o.
prey; lion
() at (Jf); to outstrip, outdistanoe, leave
*-* mW pl. *L- d* predatory an- behind (*, s.o.,; to forestall

irnal, beast of prey; lion 'a; to anticipate {*; to do

395 &r
or aay (
Jl) spontaneoualy before one presa train; (pl. -n) preoursor; winner

oan b stopped; to turn spontaneously, in oontest; O raee-car driver

instinctively, without knowing why (Jl

J--I asbaq* earlier, anteoedent; pro-
to; to surpass, beat (J* or * s.o.) |
oeding, previous, prior ; former, ex- |

*Li jl *i J-* (an /a'aiaA) he had al-

^^/l ^ill (muqim) the ex-resident
ready done it before; *LjL
J-* (an
<1>I *i

gdbaZaAfi) he had met bim before (para- i-i--l aabaqiya preoedenoe, priority;

phrasing the pluperfeot); Jjli U J-- Beniority

jl {qavlu) we have previoualy (already)

JL- sibdq raoe (esp. of horses); oon-
said that Jr* (tiimi*) he
. . . ; < '
s^* f^" '
test | J* \ X t & iL- (*. tatbu')
had been previoualy sectenoed to ...; 4 X 100 m relay raoe; JL il OL raoe
J J-- it happened to me before, I
hone; JLJl ( '*-) Li haibat (mai*
ezperienoed before (Ol that); l J J--j j*
dn) aas. raoe traok; vj'j^' J'r* ro

I have never before J-U *i J--j i ...;

gatta, boat raoe; r^All jL . ot-fo*
(ai) there has never been one before, WuA arms raoe
(whioh is) unpreoedented; J-uJl JuJI Jk-*
UjL muabaqa pl. -<W raoe (esp. of
. s-saifu l-'a4la (the sword anticipated
horses); oontest; oompetition; emulation
censure, i.e.) one has to aooept the ao-
complished faot, there is (was) nothing JjlJ tasbvq emulation; oompetition
one oan (oould) do about it, it is (was)
JjU a&ifl pl. -n, JL u&Mg anteoe-
already too late; JLJ *i-- (nuh) to
dent, preoeding, foregoing, previous,
bunt out impulsively (with an utteranoe)
prior; former, ex- ; retired, ret. ; UL*
II to oause (* to preoede or anteoede;
sbiqan formerly, previoualy |
jlj^f JjU
to premise {*; to do or give (*
(li-awnihi) premature; JjLJI j formerly,
prematurely III to try to get ahead of
at one time, once; JjLJE' as before;
s.o. (); to try to defeat or beat ( s.o.),
oUI jjLfas it was oustomary before;
seek to get the better of s.o. (); to race
as usual; i^-* J^LJl *Lil {mablaQ, aar*
{* s.o.), run a raoe (* with s.o.); to oom-
fuh) the payment already effected
pete, vie {* with s.o.) TI to try to get
ahead of one another, seek to outdo iJuL- jdotga preoedenoe, priority; pre-

one another, oompete, vie; to try to beat vious caee, precedent; previous, earlier

one another (Jl to ) VIII = TI publication of an author; pl. Jj'j- *

wbiq* antecedens ; previous conviotions j

jT^> sabq antecedenoe; preoedenoe, pri-

jjl^Jl (,jji or) w>l^"l previoualy con-

ority j'^^l J-- * al-iarr premed-
vioted; &)j~ *J j- (man) (one) previ-
itation, willfulnees fjur.); J-Jl *>u ml*
ously convicted; recidivous oriminal
zat aas. initiative; J-Jl Jj- ]

^1 JL &i?ti/a: -U*AJl *-*;! *. al-qaad

premeditation (jur.)
jr* aabaq pl. JL-I aebq stake (in a
race) J_j7 _n* air rruubq unpreoedented

U - sabqa: JLll U-- e. al-qalam slip LL-m> musaWw^an prematurely, in ad-

of the pen, lapsus oalami vanoe

U-- subqa stake (in a race) JjI4 muM&tg pl. -fin oompetitor; con-
teatant; raoer, runner
JL- aabbq antioipatory; precursory;
triumphant | JL- jlU* fast train, ex- JjL-1. muftu&tg oompetitor; oonteatant


iL- eabaka i u {table) to found, cast (* metal), JliLl J-w J* *^i\ J~ i to quote as an
amelt (* ore) ; to form, shape, mold ezample; Lw J*l see ^U; JJl *j cJLi
(* s.o.); to formulate (*; to poliah he was at his wit's end; tiJ j
J* l>rJ
the style (* of II to found, cast J-w (Jawa 'aiayya) there is nothing to
(* metal}, smelt {* ore); to braiae, stew keep me from doing that, I am free to

(* Tu to be poured into a mold, be do that, it is no sin if I do that

JiU sb: *LL- J>^L a pubUo, muoh-
(jln- sablc founding, casting; cast (also frequented road
flg., =* arrangement) ; formulatioa (of *LUI as-sbila the passers-by
an expression); shaping, forming (of a
person) oaLil iL* 4*L*> metalluigio in-
Jj . iruubl lowered, down (curtain)

dustry; 5#jj iL- (diqga) aocuracy, pre- L-VI, jL-l look up alphabetioally
*J-- (ep.) sibinsa pl. -<B oaboose, brake ran;
l)L- sabbk amelter, founder
baggage cor (railroad)
T L- ribka founder's trade and activity
4~* o&oa dotage
*SL~ aabika pl. iUL- sab'ile* ingot
Jap 'agl nuubh impaired mind
jl.,- masbak pl. iL L** mat&bile* foundry (esp. due to old age), feeble-mindednees

iLJ kwMi stewing, braiaing (in a

Sit- sabaMalan indifferently, aimlessly, hap-
corered dish, with scant moisture)
hazardly, at random

J-* II to dedioate to oharitable purposes (* iUL sabha people without work, IT to let (* hang down; to idlers, loafers

let fall, drop (* a curtain, drape, eto.,

(^L-* ^^ U P alphabetically
J* over); to oloae, ahut (* the eyes); to
ahed (* tears); to ear, form ears L- look up alphabetioally

J~- tabal (ooll.; n. nn. ) ears (of

jj~* (Fr. tpofi) 66> Bport(fl)

iL- sabia manure, dng ^- sabd i (saby, L- d*) to take prisoner,

capture; to lead into captirity (esp. in

iL- sabala pl. JL- sibdl mustache
war); to captirate, fascinate, enchant,

J-w aabil m. and f., pl.

J~- u6uZ, charm, beguile, intrigue (*, s.o.,

iL-l (uotla way, road, path ; acoeas vra = i

means, ezpedient, poaaibUity (Jl to, for); ^- saby capture; captirity

(pl. iL-l asbila) public fountain; UL- sabdy
i^- sabiy pl. captire, pris-
(pl. u^L~ nbln) olay pipe bowl, olay pipe
oner (of war)
(of the Bedouins) j
J^-Jl Ol'
** a*"*-
ragabond, tramp; wayfarer, traveler; i-i Miya (female) prisoner

J-w j for the sake of, for, in behalf

rl-*e- nbidj white lead, ceruse
the interest of ; J*-j or J;*-* j* by
of, in

means of, through, by; \ J^- j for the r '*-*- sibiddj white lead, ceruse

cause of God, in behalf of God and his

O^ abbreriation of jjlf J^ ji ttjr*
religion; J^- J* aa, by way of, for:
conunercial register
e.g., i*j*-JI J-x- Jp (tajriba) for a try, ten-
tatirely, **lSCiJl
J^ J* (jukdha) for fun, i-J >4< buttocks, backside

1 --
ii- sitta (f. Attt) six; _,-* *i- at'Uato Jj tasattur cover (mil.)
'aSara (f. j-i* -- attta 'aJfrata) sixteen
O J\- Mtir screen, folding screen
ji** aittn ixty
j_ji masir hidden, in visible masked ;

Jyix fltWnt sexagenarian eheste; (one) having a blamelesa record

oLJI od-Jti the ixth (Isl. Law); pl. jL-a mastir* hidden,
Beeret things
D >^~* ritt pl. -( lady jA. c I a. a/-A*n
a variety of

morning-glory (Ipomoea
j^I. mutasair Q anonymoua

cairica Webb. ; bot.); also belladonna, Je, mustatir hidden, concealed, latent
deadly nightshade (bot.) understood, implied (pronoun)

jli-l pl. jL-I look up alphabetically jz* II to Stack up, stre up, stow {* goods)
to arrange
_- saiara u i (*a(r) to cover, veil (*,

s.o.,; to hide, conceal (*, s.o., > tastif stacking, stowing, storage, j* from); to disguise (jp m

*zm saih, aith, satah pl. L^-l asth buttooks,
from b.o.); to ehield, guard, protect (
s.o., *, jjt against or from); to for-
give (* J* s.o., overlook, condone lj\j?\rigra pl. -t, j\j? aag'ir*, j\j? aa* (*) done by s.o.
(J*) II
= I; V to be gyir* (Eg. spelling) cigarette
covered, be veiled; to cover o.a., hide
&\ asjah 1 f. l*<f aajh* % well-Bhaped,
be concealed (J* from) Till to

cover o.a., hide o.s,; to be veiled, be hapely, beautiful

hidden, be concealed (J* from)

i& sajada u (*j** sujd) to bow down, bow
_- aitr pl. j^i^ sutr, jU^l oair in worship; to throw o.s. down, prostrate
ve ; screen ; curtain, drape, window o.s. (J before); to worship (41 God)
curtain; covering; cover (also mtl.);
i^c gajda pl. sajadt prostration in
protection, Bhelter, guard, Bhield; pre-
prayer |
.u^Jl 0*-l ahad as-s. Whitsunday
text, excuse
ij-* sutra pl. jU> sutar jacket; tunic
ijf? sujd prostration, adoration, wor-
!jji" sutari (tg.) clown, buffoon Bhip; also pl. of 0-L- sjid (see below)

jU^ aiir pl. J-* sutur veil, screen; iU? gajjd pl. -n worshiper (of God)
covering; curtain, drape; pretext, ex-
oLc sajjda, coli. iL j'jVld pl.

cuse li-O-^-l jli-JI the Iron Curtain
sajjid 3 prayer rg; rg, carpet
j i_^-L*
(pol.); lS
\ jl=-JI (fiddi) motion-picture
U-JI and oU-JI title of the leadera
screen; (o1_^Jl) jUI ^ j\z~ barrage
of certain dervish ordere in their capacity
(mil.); *
Z}\ j* jli-JI ij to disclose, un-
of inheritors of the founder's prayer
veil (also a monument); jliJt Ijj j*
behind the scenes, backstage (fig.)

the Veiler, the Coverer

Xw masjid pl. -u-L*. masjid* mosque |
jlr-JI as-sattr
U ^w (jmi') large mosque, mosque
(attribute of God)
where the Friday prayer is condueted;
jIl- aitra pl. J\i* aat'ir 3 veil; AJ-\ -1-^,1,1 (harm) the Holy Mosque
screen; curtain, drape, window curtain; in Mecca; ,^^1 -W-JLl (a^p) name of
cover, covering a mosque on Jerusalem 's Temple Square;

L'l-'r- ~H th two Mosques (of Mecca III to rival, contend; to dispute, debate
and Medina) {# with s.o.); to contest ( s.o.'s right

* to |
i^d-l <UU ihadifa) to draw
-u-L- sjid pl. sujjad,
*jf sujd
s.o. into a conversation, have a talk with
prostrate in adoration, worshiping

\^ sajara u to fire up, heat {* a stove, an

eiji Bcroll; regiter;
oven, etc.) II to cause to overflow {*
J^ pl. -t liat,

index; <i*"^ reoords, archives |

i^jUdl (tijri) commercial register; J^JI

j*+-* musajjar long and flowing (of ^ill {iahabl) Golden Book; O^LjJl
visitors' book, guest book; ilflij-il)!

'jLc look up alphabetically

Uflt of visitors (dipl.) ; jLW I (s^# or) jjtf
cadastre, land register; ^jUuJi Jj^JI

^r II to upset ( s.o.) {'aqri) do.

*j aaja'a a (*f) to coo (pigeon) ; to speak J~ j Uuj pl. -t enterisg, entry,

in rhymed prose II to speak in rhymed registration ; dooumentation authentica- ;

prose tion; booking; reoording; tape-recording;

registering (of mail) ^jU* J^J {'aqri)
*# 8af rhymed prose |

entry in the land register; O^Jl JrJ *J

** saj'a a passage of rhymed prose (t. ap-faut) tape recorder

-L- aji" com poser of rhymed proee Jl^ aijl contest, competition with
altemate success *^l^ J~u v^-' *
J*j* sajf, sijf pl. l^l asjf, J*jf ntjf

(harb) their battle had its ups and downs,

curtain, veil
they fought each other with altemate
JiIjC aijf pl. ,_*? sujuf curtain, veil

^ (Turk. sucuk) ntjuq sausage

(muAammar) fried, or grilled,
j+- Jt?

iU-L_* musjala pl. -t contest, com-
petition; discussion, talk

Jjtf II to register, enter (*, make an J** musajj pl. -n regia t rar; notary
entry {* of to note down, record publio; (pl. -t) tape recorder; J>>~* ^ij^ {

(*, make a note of (*); to have (> pl. U>_* Jut^ magnetio tape; Jk . recorded, put (* on record, <J&I m. al-kuUiya secretary of the faculty
make a deposition or Btatement for the muaajjal registered, etc. (see II)
J** j

official records; to document, prove by >*_. *JUj registered letter; iL* il^-!,*
documentary evidence (*; to give
(mursait) registered mail; >*_* bU
evidence (*;to score (*, o.g.,
regiter tons; *!>*_ iLi*- (<$/ia) concert
<iLi a hit); to put down, write down, of recorded muio
book (J* * to s.o.'s debit); to record

(*, said of an apparatus; also, e.g., jtf aajama u ( a^ 1

u/vffl , r L. jflj)

*L-il l^JJl J on tape); to capture, to flow, stream, well forth (tears, water)
catch (* a soene); to set (* a record; sajama u (w;m, p*? uym, j^
athlet.); to regiter (* a letter); to enter sajamn) to pour forth (* water), shed
(* in the commercial register; to (* tears) IT to shed (* tears) Vn to flow,

have (* an invention) patented, seoure stream, well forth {water); to be fluent,

a patent (* on) l <-iJ to go elegant (apeech); to be harmonious; to
J* J^
on record for {doing or being harmonize, be in keeping (** with)
fl*_jl insijm fluency; hannony; Order plicable (J* a to; said of a law or

--'- mwn*ijMn harmonious

Statut) J* *j J*-Jll

extend the applicability of

{'amaJa) to ^ to . . .

^ eajana u (sajn) to jail, imprison ( s.o.) VII to drag o.s. along, struggle along;

^ sajn detention, imprisonment

to retreat, withdraw,
back (^* from); to be drawn out; to be
pull out, fall

j* sijn pl.
jf sujn prison, jail
applied (J* to; of a law or Statute)
Ll*^ i;'on' s ,
,>*? aojin pl.
^f ^^ sahb withdrawal (of troops, of
aajn imprisoned, jailed, captive; pris- measurea, of rights, of money from an
oner, prison inmate, convict account, etc.); (pl. ^.y* uhubt) draw-
i^jC sajina pl. -dl female prisoner ing (in a lottery)

ltf" sajjn jailer, prison guard, warden ^Itf" sahb (coli.) clouds

^* mojsjun pl. O^T^ w"*;n a im- Ltf" aahba (n. un.) pl. _-*= auhvb,
prisoned, jailed, captive; prisoner, prison ^U? soh'ib* cloud; (pl. -t) umbrella
inmate, convict (rnagr.); *A& aahbata during, in the
couxse of (rj-M) jL^Jl **\& aahbata n~
(j**) ^ *a ? *
u (j* MJW > j** sujw) to be
nahr {Uyaum)

all day long; *A& Uj-

calm, quiet, tranquil (night, sea) II to
L*jj sirn aahbata yaumin we have
cover with a winding sheet, to shroud
been traveng all day; djj *;ji jU?
(c_ll al-mayyita the deceased) V to
in the course of four oenturies
cover o.s. (* with a garment)
U? suhba film on the eye
*-*=" eajxya pl. -t, Ll^" mjy natura,
natural disposition, temper, character; .
riltf' sahhb (Syr., Pal.) zipper, slide

pl. characteristics, traits j *~& j* of fastener

one's own accord, spontaneously <_o_* mashab: l^il <_o_* m. al-haw*

r-L- sjin quiet, calm, tranquil; dark source of the breeze or draft ; draft (of air)
wjL^-jI insihb withdrawal, retreat,

yr*~* muaajjan covered with a winding

pulling out, evacuation (esp. mil.); res-

sheet, ahrouded (corpae); laid out (corpse) ignation; stretohing, extension

. sahha u t (aAA, r/^ suhh) to flow i_^-U shib drawer (of a bill of ex-

down, flow, run, stream j

*\J\ c~& sah' change)
hat is-samd' it rained cats and dogs 4-L j^ H al-ma&hvb 'aiaihi drawee

-Ltf" ,>* 'ain sahhha tearful eye (of a bill of exchange)

<=" sahaba a (sahb) to trail on the ground, Z*& suht, suhut pl. l^l asht for-

drag along (a; to withdraw (*, * bidden or banned; illegal poesessions, ill-

s.o.,, also, e.g., a measure, an Order, gotten property

etc.); to pull out (> troops, j* from);
jyj? sahtt Eg. Square measure of 0.304 m a

to take (* ,y from s.o., Btrip,
(= i/
t4 sahm); suMt penny
dispossess, divest (a ^ s.o. of); to draw
(a water) ; to take out, withdraw (a m^ sakaja a {sahj) to scrape off, shave off,

money, from an account); to draw (a Scratch off, rub off (*; to graze,
a bill of exchange, a lot) ; to unsheathe, abrade (a the skin), strip off (a
draw (* a eword); to apply, make ap- II to scrape off, abrade, strip off (a .)
d*_ miskaj pl. -L- fflow; plane; to annihilate, wipe out (*,

(tool) e.g., an army); to wear out (* clothing);

'***+*-* mishaja pl. -l* fnasdAt;* plan-

sahiqa a, sakuqa u (sithq) to be distant,
far away, remote II to orush; to anni-
ing machine, planer
hilate, destroy T and VII to be crushed,
rl mishj pl. py-L- mowAt;' plane be pounded, be bruised, be pulverized
j^ sahq orushing, bruising, pulveri-
rj* mashj raw, gor (like a skin zation (pl. 3j** svhq) worn garment,


^ oAara a (Ar) to bewitoh, oharm, enchant, J^ suhq, suhuq distance, remotenesa;

infatuate, fascinate {*, s.o.,; to depth, vaatness (of an abyss) *J U*?

wheedle, coax ( s.o.) II = I; V tc have suhqan lah away with himl to hell with
a light meal (shortly before daybreak) himl
jjs sahr, suhr pl. jyi iAr, jU^i j^* sahiq far away, distant, remote;
ashr lungs, pulmonary region of the deep, bottomless (abyss, depth)
<S-l mu&haqa and JU? sihq trib-
jjs ihr bewitohment, beguilement, en- ady, Lesbianism
chantment, faaoination; (pl. jU?l as*
.JLoJl JUfc-Jl insihq al-qalb contrition,
Aar, jj# suhr) sorcery, witchoraft,
penitence, repentance
magic; oharm (of a woman)
J- L> shiq crushing ; overwhelming
&j# Art magio(al) | j^ ^li (f*
( major ity)
ns) magic Untern, slide projector
3jr*,.- mashq ground, grated (bread,
j& aahar pl. jU?l ashr time before
nutmeg, etc.); (pl. Je-' mashiq*) pow-
daybreak, early morning, dawn
der |
.iJI 3j*~-* m. al-fahm coal duat
jyc oAfir last meal before daybreak
J**-j- mujisahiq al-qalb oontrite,

during the month of Ramadan penitent, repentant

jU? sahhr pl. -fln sorcerer, magician,
sorape off, shave off,
wizard, charmer
J*" sahala a (sohl) to
peel (*; to smooth, make smooth
jU? sahhra sorceresa, witoh (*; to plane {*; to file (*

\j\j* sahhra pl. -t oulvert; (pl. jwU?

sahhir 1 ) caae, crate, ehest, box *JU? suhla filings, file duat

j-L** maskir* : ^-1* C& I (in* S-U? sihliya pl. JU? sahlin lizard (eg.)

tafajeat) his lungs became inflated (out

pl. J-l mashiP tool
J-* miahal
of fear or pride)
for smoothing, plane; file
j*-L> shir charming, enchanting; (pl.
J-L* AiZ pl. J*-l>- awhiP littoral,
-fin, j** sahara, jU? suhhr) eorcerer,
coast, seashore; [Eg.) river harbor, an-
enchanter, magician, wizard, charmer
chorage (on the Nile) |
J*-I>JI >*=
5j-U skira pl. -t, j*-\j- sawahir* Jcafar aas. coast guard; *l J*-U V (*&

Borcereas, witch Atta) Bhoreless

j# sahaqa a (sahq) to oruah (*, * s.o.,; Jp-U JAiW coastal, littoral; (pl. *Uf>-
to pound, bruise, powder, pulverize (* auxSAtJa) coastal inhabitant; Swahili


iJL^ sahlab salep (dried tuber of various tsjt* sukri, sikri laughingstook, target
specries of Orchis); a sweet drink made of ridioule; oorvee, Statute labor, forced
of salep labor

j saham blackness, blaok oolor \j# fukriya scorn, deriaion, mockary,

irony; laughingstook, object of ridioule
1^ suhma blaoknesa, blaok oolor
IjI*-a maskara pl. -<K, yi- L- maafrir*
fU? suhm blackness, black oolor
object of ridioule, laughingstook; ridiou-
tuhm blaok
asham*, f. 1^ ahmS*. pl.
f lous, droll, ludicrous;

j\i^J tasktr subjugation, subjeotion;

j# sahana a (ahn) to orush, pouhd, bruise,
grind (a; to smooth by robbing jt~-* musakkir oppresaor

tf saJfifa a (aakat) to be annoyed (J* or
<js sdhna and sahana pl. sahant, a, at b.o., at, be displeased, be

j# suhan (externa!) appearanoe, look(a); angry (J* or with s.o.), reaent (J* or
facial expression, air, mien a IV to disoontent, embitter (
a.o.) ; to anger, eiaaperate, enrage (
<*^** mishana pl. j*-\~* mashin 1
a.o.) V = I

JoC svJpuf, sukf, akaf disoontent, an-

U\j* sih'a pl. UU? MAytS cerebral mem-
noyance, displeasure, indignation, anger,
brane, cortex
irritation, exaaperation; wrath, bitter-
JU^ nAd'i meningeal | v'V-'^' a*j* nesa, grudge, resentment

JU-JI {mara4 al-iit.) meningitis

1L^* maskafa pl. .L>-L_* masfeif* ob-

U fnfcSA pl. ^L- mosdAm iron ject of annoyance, of wrath, of anger

ahovel, spade
J^P- mashf loathsome, hated, odi-
ous; (pl. i^*-U- maskif1 ) (eg.) idol
Uitf u&tyn, n^ttydn morocoo (leather)
J*i*-j tamJfJfitt annoyance, displeasure,
J# sakira a (sakar, safer, suifur, euJpr, ijt*
anger, wrath
stpra, j*** maskar) to laugh, aooff, jeer,

sneer (j- or l- at), mook, ridioule, deride Je sajeufa u [suk)f, C aafffa) to be

(^ or ^ s.o.,, make fun (^ or ^ of) feeble (wit); to be stupid, foolish
II to subject, make subservient ( a.o., a
ijjc sakf, sukf feeble- min dedneas, dim-, J to or for the purpose of); to make wittedneaa, imbecility, idioey; nonsense,
serviceable (J a to), employ, utilize,
fooliflhness, folly
turn to profitable acoount (J * for),
JoJt? sakif pl. JGtf rifyf stupid,
make uae (, of, J for); to exploit (
fatuous, simple- minded; absurd, siy,
s.o., a, J for) V to reduce to aervi-
ridiculoua, foolish; despicable, inferior;
tude, aubjugate ( s.o.); to Bcoff, jeer,
(pl. Luc sukaf' 1
) fool
lje sajefa feeble-mindedness, dim-
lj# sukra laughingstook, target of
wittedness ; (pl. -t) folly, sUly thing to
ridicule; oorvee, atatute labor, forced
do, childish prank
lahor |
ij*~J\ Jl*-j serfs, hondamen
iji+J\ J1>l foroed labor, slave labor Juli* sak'if* aly things

*]> aakia pl. Jl> eijfl lamb Jl^.1 ample funds; ^1 j* .j-LJI Jt: (.

an-nafs) only too glad to relinquish or

J* II to make blaok, blaoken with soot,
give up
besamt (* | ij-Uu ^c (bi-fadrihi) to
irritate s.o., make s.o. angry T to hat j* m%wa generosity

(J* s.o.), harbor resentment (J* against sadda u (stuU) to plug up, oloae up, stop
s.o.), be angry (J* with) up (m; to clog, oongest (*; to
J** saam blackness bar, obBtruot, block up, barricade {*, * J* to s.o.; to block, blook-
*Jc uma blaokne; hatred, resent-
ade (*; to cork, plug, etopper (*
ment, ill will; to pay, defray, settle, cover (*
(li? udm soot, smut, esp. expenaeB, a debt, etc.); to ful-

U-itf aa$ima pl. rlic ao^af im* hatred, fiU, satisfy, meet (* a claim, and the like) |

resentment, ill will Ijii x- (JvQratan) to 11 a gap, close a

breach; i*i) .u (fuimatan) to fill a gap;
y* ao^vT w, Solana w and xxjcina a (j* ll*. x* (jfallatan) to remedy a shortooming;
sujfna, iJlic afcdna, iiitf ju&na) to be 4i*-U- .u (hjaiah) to meet b.o.'b need,
or beoome hot or warm; to warm (up); provide for s.o. ; *X*j J- (ramaqak)
to be feverish II to make hot, to heat, to keep s.o. or o.s. barely alive, eke out
warm (* IT = II an existenoe; to provide s.o. with a bare

J& sufcn hot, warm existenoe; to allay b.o.'s hunger; u .u

(masaddah) to fill b.o.'s place, place
UCc safpdna heat, warmth
s.o.; 4**lk* .u to satisfy or fulfill s.o.'f

<j^jc u6na heat, warmth olaims; Ulji J* (far$an) to fill a gap;

J- to remove or remedy defi-
O fc aakn t
L. o* <. miydA

oiencies; sadda i (>jJ- sudvd, *l.u
boiler, hot-water tank
todd) to be sound, right, in proper con-
O *l*" mkfcna hot-water bottle |
*\* dition; to hit the right thing, say or do
jLJ-l . al-hammdm bath heater, geyaar
the right thing; to be appoaite, be to
olilic mkknt hot Springs the point II to block, bar, obstruot (*; to pay, defray, settle, oover (a
^U *Sin pl. jli* 4u hot, warm
expenses, debts, etc.); to guido (j- * s.o.

(_^c and Jtf) I> *a v, Jtf wya a (l> to), Bhow ( s.o.) the right way (j- to);

mkS) and _jjc mwmx w (*j\J# saJfdwa)

to direct (Jl * to), point, level

to be liberal, generous (J* i_j with (Jl a at); to aim (Jl at); to sight,

toward s.o.); to grant, award (lj, take aim by a sight; to foous (Jl on;
phot.) ; to draw a bead ( Jl or j- on
J* to s.o.), confer, bestow ((_,
J* j

upon s.o.) T to show o.s. generous, dis-

Ljj jo* (dainan) to pay or settle a

play liberality; to endeavor to be liberal debt; \}j jo^- ('ajzan) to oover a def-

or generous VI = V icit; Uvi> J.L- (Jfufdhu) to guide b.o.'s

stepe IV to hit the right thing, say or do
Lc mfcS liberality, municence, gen-
the right thing; to be appoaite, be to the
point V to be guided, be directed, be

a> nfry pLL>' <$y*' , liberal, shown (Jl to) VII to be blocked, be ob-
openhanded, generous; giving generous- structed, be plugged up, become or be
ly (i_j, being lavish (<_j with) |
5jc ologged or congested

403 Jjw.

u sadd plugging, olosing, stopping iL- add obstructive

up; obstruction, barring, barrioading;

>jX-+ masdd closed (circuit; eJ.)
blocking; defrayment (of coats), payment,
settlement (of a debt, of expeneea) ; ful- _j.u (eg. ; sadab) = i_jIX- saddb
fillment, satiafaotion (of a claim, eto.);
j-U aadira a (sadar, Ijl-u aadra) to be
todd, tudd pl. AjJ** sudd, aIjuI asddd
dazzled (eye); to be oonfuaed, bewil-
obstruction, block, obataole; barrier;
dered, startled, dazed; to be deluded
rampart, bank, mound dike dam; ;

weir; barrage, river dam; bar, rail; j-u sidr (ooll.; n. un. I) pl. j-U ndar,
hurdJe (athiet.); bulwark (fig.) |
JUII aJI t, jjJ sudr a variety of Christ's-thora
{'Ml) the High Dam (near . Aawftn) (Zizyphus apina Christi; bot.); lotua tree

xtLH x* balloon barrage (mil.); J_Jl !jU iJ

l\ Jj-u *. a2-muntoAd the lotus tree in
blind alley, dead end the Seventh Heaven; ^^Jll Ij-U iJL to
attain the higheat goal, achieve ultimate
I.U aadda block, barrier; obstruotion,
obetaele; barrioade; dam |
JJb^Jl lxJ\
(Sirydniya) embolism (med.) jl-U rid&ra pl. j-'l-U aadSir* an Iraqi
headgear, commonly of blaok velvet ; over-
-U tudda pl. i-u u&ui gate, door;
seaa cap
threahold; seat; couch, divan | J-Jl

(iijljLJI)V>-^l (nwfittyo) the Holy See jIju siddra pl. -dt = SjIju siddra

j-U k&kJ obstruction, ologging (of a jjU Sdir reckleas (j in

^-o- n to make aixfold (*,); to multiply
il.u uSd payment, defrayment, set- by Bix (*; to make hexagonal, make
tlement, disoharge, liquidation; the prop- hexangular (*
er, right thing to do, the appoaite
^.u suds, sudus pl. ^la-l asds one-
thing to aay; appropriateneas, appoaite-
neas (of a remark), lucky hand (in one'a

aotions) jl^Jt c^ outstanding, due,

^Ij- w&ftf Bizfold; consisting of six

unpaid {com.): ^I-Uj appropriately, appo- parta

aitely; J^l .>1-U. ar-ra'y levelheadedneas ^jLJI as-addis the sixth

}\x*> eudd obstruction in the nose ^i . musaddas hexagonal; hexagon;

hexahedral; hexahedron; (pl. -dt) re-
jl-U tiddd pl. IxJ aeidda plug, Stop-
volver, aixahooter jLil ,_^-i m. iro
per, cork | O Js-O " 1 >' J ^ P lu g (<*)

Very piatol
ol ju tidda plug, stopper, cork; O sight
i-0_* musaddasa pistol, gun, revolver
(of a gun)

ij-U oadxd hitting the target (arrow, j-U tkio/ pl. .jl^-l asddf darkneas, twi-

spear) ; appoaite, pat, pertinent, relevant, light, dusk

right, oorrect (anawer, view) *i-U sudfa pl. .j-U *uda/ darknesa,
-ul asadd* more appoaite, more rel- twilight, dusk; ourtain

Jju soda&i u i (wH) to let (* hang
ojiJ tatdfd payment, defrayment, set- down or fall down; to let down, drop,
tlement, discharge, liqnidation | * lower (Je m on); pass. sudila to
0j.i_aJI outatanding, due, unpaid {com.) hang down (J* on) n and IV = I; V to

Jx* 404

hang down, be lowered, be down VII to 4*-ii- aadja aimplioity; innooenoe, ingen-

descend ( J* on) uoiisneas, naivete ; homeliness, piain-

ness; guilelessnees
J.U sidl, sudi pl. <jj-u sudl, <Jl.ul

aadl veil, ourtain pU *5j?, 94%j pl. r-i- auddaj

simple; piain, unicolored-, uniform (fab-
*.L- VII to dry np (spring)
rio); innocent, ingenuous, naive; piain,
+X* sadam sorrow, sadness, affliotion, homely; artless, guileless, oandid, frank
grief (character); primitive

rJ- aadim
pl. pi- sudum mist, haza;
^ (Pere. aar head) formerly in Compounds
head, chief; j\*j~> airdr (Eg.) supreme
tx- aadlml nebular; nebuloas Commander commanding general ;_-*,-
aar'ashar general (in the former
la- sidna offloe of gatekeeper or ousto- army); o\jj\j~> aarywarn adjutant
dian (of a shrine, specif. of the Kaaba) general

jU sdin pl. iJi- u&ma oustodian, %j~i ma*

aarra u (jjj^ aurr, 5^-j tasirra, 5^*.
gatekeeper of the Kaaba; sexton, sao-
aarra) to make happy, gladden, delight,
riatan (Chr.); keeper, curator; pl. o-
cheer ( s.o.); pass. aurra (jjj~> aurr)
orew (of a maohine gun, of a tank,
to be happy, glad, delighted (J or j* or
i_j at), take pleasure (J or ji or u in)

(jO- and j-u) IX to oonfer (Jl * a benet on II to make happy, gladden, delight,

IV to oonfer (J or a benefit on oheer ( s.o.) III to confide a secret (*

s.o.) Jl *

to render, perform, do to s.o.) Jil J *jL- (u4nikl) to whisper

s.o.); (* |

1..W- Jl ji-l (Jma) to render s.o. a in s.o.'s ear IT to make happy, gladden,
servioe; ol-sLi/s/l <Jl j-ul (iraaddt) to delight, oheer ( s.o.); to keep Beeret,

make suggestions to s.o., advise s.o.; hide, oonoeal, disguiae (*; to teil

*J j&iJI jj-I (Ittir) to extend one's confidentially, confide (lj or * Jl to

thanks to s.o., thank s.o.; JaJU <ji-l to s.o.; to teil under one's breath,
be benefioial; mJI (*J or) 4JI j.ul whisper (<-* or * Jl to s.o. |
*Jil j j*\

(nu#A) to give s.o. (a word of) ad vice; (udnihl) to whisper in s.o.'a ear (*

l.b 4JI ^i-l (ytuftxn) to do s.o. a favor V ^^j iaaarr (and J-rJ tasarrara) to
take (u or U a woman) as coneubine
^a^ Jan pl. ji-l asdiya warp (of a
(ijj- surriya) X to try to hide; to hide,
fabrio); a oontinnous, prevailing char-
be hidden (je- from); to take as coneu-
aoteristio or trait, thread (of a story, of
bine (l* a woman)
an argument, eto.)
j~* nrr pl. jl^l asrr Beeret; secret
li- aadh warp (of a fabrio); a con-
thought; heart, inmost; secrecy; mys-
tinuous, prevailing oharacteristic or trait,
tery ; sacrament (Chr.) ; underlying reason
thread (of a story, of an argument, etc.)
(of; \j^ sirran secretly, privately |

(i~ eudan in vain, futilely, to no end, ijivj \j* ('alniyatan) seoretly and pub-
uselessly |
ji- _jo to be in vain, futile, lioly; J-Ul j~> 9. al-lail watohword, pass-
useless word; oT_/l jl^-l the secret meaning
of the Koran; jJ\ ^-JK" secretary; flf
*-ilJu sadb rue, herb of graoe (bot.)
_^Jl do.; ^1 US* kalimat aas. watoh-

JA- a^aU of the rue word, paasword; or "_,- j to your


health! oheerio! skoalt *j~* j secretly, ^. moMrra pl. -t joy, happiness, de-
inwardly, in h heart; *j~> ^jmI al'aba light, pleasure ; glee, gaiety, hilarity , mirth
sirrah to trouble, worry, bother, harasa
~*j~* misarra pl. jL~* masrr* speaking
s.o.; \j^ j^^-l a/rd sirran to dispense a
tube; telephone
aacrament (Chr.); *^ 4il ^-o* gw&ia
j-J tasarrin conoubinage
A-u trraA may God hallow his Beeret
(eulogy after the name of a deoeased j\y*\ istisrr conoubinage
Muslim saint)
jL- srr gladdening, gratifying, joy-
jj- r.irri secret; private; confidential ous, glad, oheering, delightful
mysterious, cryptio; sacramental (Chr.) |
jjj nuurr glad happy, delighted
iy-Jl (j^'^*^' venereal diseases
(<_ at), pleased (^ with)
*jj^ sirriya seoret; seoretiveness
j-+ musirr gratifying, delightful, pleaa-
j~- surr pl. '*jJ\ asirra umbilical cord ant

j* surra pl. -t, jj*> eurar navel, j^Sa mvstaaarr place of concealment

uinbilious; center
jil^-. surdiq pl. -t large tent, canopy,
tfj* surrt umbilical |
j^l J-i-l {habt) pavilion
umbilical cord
J!^ nf = Jl_^# prdf way t path, road
js* tturur, sirar umbilical cord
jl^-. r<fy palace
jj~, surur line of the palm or forehead
iil^-. sarya pl. -t palace | iJ^Jl
jlj-. sarr: _^l jl_^ a. ai-JaAr last IjjLJI (fafrd') insane aaylum (eg.)
night of the lunar month
Vj- ari&a a (*ra6) to flow; to run out,
j\j~, sirr pl. ij-l oMtra, j jLI aarir* leak n to send in groups or batches {*, *
line of the palm or forehead; pl. featuree,
s.o.,, Jf to) V to flow; to run out,
facial expression, air, also *-^)l yjUI flow off, escape ; to sneak away , Blink away,
a. al-wajh away; to stream, penetrate
steal (Jl into),

jjj* surr joy, happiness, deligbt, infiltrate (Jl; to oreep (j into);
pleasure; glee, gaiety, bilarity, mirth to aneak, slip, steal (Jl into, among);
to creep along, flow along, glide along;
j s* sarir pl. J^l asirra, j^. surur,
to seep through, leak out (Jl to, of a
j\j~> saryir* bedstead, bed; throne, ele-
report); to spread, cculate, be passed
vated seat
around (news) Tu to hide, crawl into ite
s sarira pl. jfl^- wrd'ir1 seoret; lair (animal)
secret thought; mind, heart, soul | LL*
j-y-Ji jw/* tw-a. clearness of oonscience;
Vj- 8%rb pl. vLr-' asrb herd, flock,
bevy, covey, swarm; squadron, group,
y ^Jl <_-i tayyib as.-s. guileless, sim-
wing, formation, flight (of airoraft);
heart, mind j JJ| j* ^^. (ndhl)
i j-- aarr* 2 happiness, prosperity | swarm of bees; u^JI ^iU oalm, com-
l^pjlj 1^1 j {(farr') in good and poeed, confident
bad days, for better or for worse
i-sj* sarab pl. vLr-' asrb burrow,
*ij>* surriya pl. jjlj- aarriy con- hole, den, lair (of an animal); Under-
cubine ground paasage; tunnel, conduit

<j^~ ur&o pl. <~>j~- surab herd, flock, rs* *araha a {rys* *Uf^) to ove away,
bevy, covey, Bwarm go away, leave; to roam freely; to graze
freely (cattle); to be distracted (mind);
mirage, morgana;
phantom; sewage
*r& fata
sariha a to proceed freely, at

will, without restraint | rfj r^ {ma*

->./-* masrab pl. -o l mororift' course riha) to do as one likes II to send (*
(taken by; river bed; drain, aewer cattle) to paature ; to send, dispatch

ujU drft oonspicuous, visible (s.o.); to let go ( s.o.); to dismias (U a

woman by divorce); to grant ( s.o.)
ijU ria pl. vj'j-* sawrib* reptile
leave, d ton*""? ( b.o.) ; to release from an
office, discharge, fire ( s.o.); to release,
*V^- lk U P alphabetically

set free ( s.o.); to let {* the eyes) wander;

aorfwla to clothe (# a.o.) with a sirbl
Jj^ to demobilize, disband (* an army)
(q.v.); to clothe, dress (<- .o. in or
to dispel a.o.'s (^) worries {also ^>
with); to cover, wrap (*, ^ with)
*j>); to comb {* the hair) _^i ^- |

II tasarbala to put on a sirbl (q.v.) ; to put

(ia'rah) to comb one's hair, do one's
on, wear (* a garment); to be clothed, (nazarah)
hair; iii
J -rj~- to set one's
clad, garbed (^ in, also fig.); to wrap
eyes on (Jl) VII ju ^yJ\ (yufakkirv)
o.a. (t-^ in); to dress up (<- in)
to be deep in thought, be absent-minded,

Jbj- sirbl pl. Jj'_r* orMi1 shirt; allow one'a thoughts to wander
coat of mail; garment woman by
r\j* sarh dismissal (of a
Jj^^Jk* muforarW: ^Lli J'../
- *' blessed divorce); release |
*f-\j+ ^l a^laqa m

with youthfulneaa, evincing youthful rhah to release s.o., set s.o. free, set

freshneBs b.o. at liberty; **-\_^ ^il itlq s. hi

release; r-l^" J^L* muflaq cu-s. free, at

r_r- saraja to braid, plait (* the hair) II do.
to baste, tack (a; to saddle (* an
animal) IV do.; tolight (^j-Jl the lamp) j* sank and ^ g U ha wker,
rj* sarj pl. rj_r* ***"*? saddle
oL*-^ sirhn wolf
^1^- sirj pl. _,- *un*; lamp, light

O T^l ^1^- *. al-haraka traffio light;


y masrah pl. rjL- masrih* paa-

ture; stage, theater; scene Jst*slt ^y~*

JJjl ^l_^ . aJ-latf firefly, glowwonn |

*-'./-* r;'a saddlery, saddler'e trade;
J~-r- masrahi dramatic, theatrical,
stage (adj.)
r-l^* sarrj saddler "*

r f_r~* masrahiya pl. -t (stage) play

tSrjs* surji j~j tasrih diamisBal; discharge; re-

Vtj,- *ur;'i ya saddlery, saddler's trade lease; demobilization; (pl. jLi Uu*
rih*) permiaaion, authorization
4-j^~l twrja lie, falsehood
**: jJi tasriha pl. -t hairdo, coiffure
**_,-* misraja, masraja pl. ^jl mo*
rtT lamp; lampstand ^jL- srih: ^jL ^jL grazing freely,

roaming freely; free and unrestrained;

"rjw look up alphabetically
JyM\ *-jL- srih al-fikr distracted, absent-

"ilrr.r* *"7ft dng, manure minded


j-J- munsarih: rj-iU name of a *l\j~ airf = J,l^

poetic meter |
jiJI rj-i* m. dia-
9^0 aaru'a u (aira\ sara', **j" aur'a) to be
tracted, absent-minded
quick, fast, prompt, rapid; to hurry II to
rjjU srk pl. jl>- aawrik* rocket urge ( s.o.) to hurry; to urge on (* an
animal); to apeed up, accelerate, ex-
a^- onwia u (aard) to pieroe, perforate
pedite (* III to hurry, hasten,
(*; to carry on, continue {*,
niBh, run, daah (
Jl to); to make a beeline
e.g., a converaation) ; to teil off one after
(Jl for); to hurry (j in, with), hasten
another, enumerate {* faots, eventa)
(j to do, do in a hurry (j;
to preaent, quote, detail, set forth
to rush, plungewith undue haste (j
neatly (* II to pierce, perforate
into) IV to be quick, faat, prompt, rapid;
to hurry, haaten, rush, run, dash (J!
Sj* aard enumeration mentioning,
to); to hurry (^ or j with, in), hasten
quoting neat, detailed presentation
(l_i or j to do, do in a hurry (*_>

recital, presentation, rendition (of an or j; to aocelerate, speed up, ex-

account, of a narrative, etc.); coherent, pedite (* V to hurry, haaten, rusb,
logical run, daah (
Jl to) ; to hurry (*_> or j with,

'bj* sarida: jJ^LI S-b^- s. al-maulid in), hasten (u or j to do, do in

diacouree dealing with the birth of the a hurry (<_> or J; to be haaty, be

Prophet {during celebration of Moham- raeh (_> or j in) VI to hurry, haaten,

med's birtbday; tun.) rush, run, daah (Jl to)

O masrad index (of a book) 9y* 8ur', sir' pl. fj^-i aard' reina

~**j* aur'a speed, velocity, pace; fast-

v'-V* airdb pl. -/il^- aardib*, -^al^- aar*
neBS, rapidity, quickness, promptness;
dib 2 subterranean vault, cellar ; base-
hurry, haste J*\X\ 1*^* presence of
ment, basement flat

mind ; Jj-U*J1 *fj~ credulity

jbj- airdr (formerly Eg.) aupreme Com-
U jUj- aar'na, air'na, surna m
mander; commanding general
(with foll. verb) how quickly ...!; soon,
Jilj- look up alphabetically before long, preBently, in no time

Qj^. aar? l^-. aur'n,

iJji^ aardk pl. liLil^- sardik 3 rooster,
f\j* air*
fast, quiok, prompt, rapid, speedy, ex-
cock (magr.)
peditious. swift, nimble; ^i^Jl name of
J/.iy- sardin (coli.; n. un. ) sardines a poetio meter ; express train ; Uj ^
aari'an fast, quickly, rapidly, speedily,
^-1^- sirs and ^-'j^- see ^-U- (alpha-
promptly |
^Idl g^ s. at-ta'attur easy
to impreBa, easy affected, aenaitive;
pU^r- airam a cerebral diaeaae ^L.U-1 gj* quick- witted; O **j& h.j*
a. at-taraddud high-frequency (el.); *i^-
l a
i v- sarifa (aaraf, uli*^ sarafn) and aarafa
JljjJI 8. az-zaxol ephemeral, fleeting,
uito awallow, gulp (* V and VIII
transient; JjX^JI ^ credulous; *j ,
(oLtlUI) jUJI 8. at-pq quick-firing,
Uj- aarafn pl. -t crayfish; Cancer rapid-fire; ,_JaII ^ a. al-'afab fragile;
(med.); Cancer (astron.) J ^^ U^ Ji^N gj^ s. at'tanaqqul mobile, maneu-
(bahrt) lobater verable, easily manageable

y-l asra'* faster, quicker, more ctjj-* masrgdt stolen goods

rapid j
olj ji 9^ U m aara'a an 3j-* mwuariq: jil\ j-JL m. aZ-gtiu
ra'auh before long I saw him, it did debilitated, exhausted
not take very long before I saw him

Ul_^ nr'an quickly, in a hurry

L-i^ aorayuafa 1 Zaragoza (city in NE
fjj-l isr' acceleration, Bpeed-up; hurry
irfs* Vgtn dng, manure
jJ tamrru' hurry, haste; hastiness,
raahness, precipitance ^^ (Fr. cirque) sirk oircus

fy-I* mutasarri* quick, fast, prompt, J"^ (Turk. gergi) aarkf (com.) bill of ex-
rapid; hasty, rash, precipitate change payable to the bearer

*s-s* see V ^j* eurm pl. ji_^i asrm anus

<~Jj~> IT to exceed all bounds, be immod- x*j* sarmad endless duration, eternity
erate, be extravagant (j in at), exag-
t$X*j~. aarmadi eternal, without be-
gerate, overdo (j; to waste,
ginning or end
squander, dissipate, spend lavishly (*, J
2, esp. money) Vd*^_r* earandib Ceylon

J>s* saraf and Jii_^l isrf intem- 1

j_r* aarw (coli. ; n. un. ) evergreen cypreBS
perance, immoderateness, exaggeration; (Cupressus Bempervirens L.; bot.)

waste, difisipation, extravagance, prodi-

% 6 or ) *1* i*y- to rid b.o. of worriea,
jj-* II (V* ij
and the like, diapel a.o.'s worries (also *
<Ji^_* musrif immoderate, intemperate,
worries); pass. <* &j* and * je ^^
excessive; extravagant, wasteful, prodigal
<*urrya) to leave b.o. (grief, bojtow, fear,

3j~> saraqa i (saraq, sariq, SJ^ aaraqa, sariqa, and the like) ; to regain one's composure,

\ij* aarq&n) to steal, pilfer, filch (* j* feel at peace again (after anger, fear or

or * frorn s.o.; to rob (* ,> or excitement); bis anxiety or unrest left

* s.o. of II to aocuse of theft, call

him; he found relaxation; he was cheered
a thief (* s.o.) m 4JI _^iJl jL- (nafara) up, bis spirits were raised TU c* isJ~i\
or ^WJ! jU to Bteal a glance at s.o.,
= *:*
&J* {aurriya)

glance furtively at s.o.; j>J! jL (nau* s* tariy pl. *\

Jy* suratv'*, *l;_^l

) to take a short nap TU paea. of I asriy*', \\j* sardh high-ranking, high;

Tu! to steal, filch, pilfer (j- * from high-xninded, noble; distinguished per-
s.o.); to steal (JI into) |
*JI JJU (sam'a) sonality, notable; pl. *\^ elite, Ieading
to eavesdrop; to monitor (radio, tele- claas, the Upper crust; see 1^_r-
phone,eto.);4JljUij^l = *Ji_^iJl JjU; lj- MfdA pl. wl J-r- sarawt hill; back;
(^.LVl Jj^l to gasp, pant
ohief, head; see also ^j- sariy | ot Jy-
ij- aariqa stealing, filching, pilfering; (j-Ul . al-qaum the leaders of the
robbery; (pl. -t) theft, larceny people

l_r- frag thief 4*j~S Uuriya pL -dt diversion, amose-

ment, paatime
JjU triq pl. fin, j- awvju, Jl^
umJj, f. 5*jU aariga pl. Jj|>- widrig* Jlj_r- moA, Je J-r- Viril pL Jj jl^ ord-
thief mfP tnxuers, pmoU; drawen
is* tar i (^^- suran, lij- sarayn, ^j lij- suryn Syrians (coli.) membera of the
masran) to travel by night; to set out, East Syrian Churoh
depart by night; to oirouUte; to flow
(jU^ euryni Syriao, Syrian; a mem-
(electrio ourrent); to emanate, go out
ber of the East Syrian Churoh
(,y from); to Bpread; to be valid, have
validity, be efifeotive, be in, or come i^jj^s* tarywarn (formerly) adjutant gen-
into, foroe
(J* for), have or take effect eral

(J* on); to apply, be applicable (Je

to); to penetrate (j, enter deeply
OL^ look up alphabetically

(j into); to pervade (*_ Jl s.o.'s I

*JJ look up alphabetioally
aoul, of a feeling) | l^- ^^ (*unJAu)
to traveree one's nightly courae ; *Ij*i*
masfaba, misfdba pl. ~^IL^ masfib1
stone bench (against a wall); mastaba
(maf'lvh) to be valid, be effeotive, be
in force IT to travel by night; to make ^L- aafaha a (mfa) to Bpread out, spread,
(v s.o.) travel by night V ^^-j see ,
-r- unfold, unroll (a; to level, even,
tarra V plane, fiatten, make smooth (*; to

tfs* sariy pl. j^l asriya, ^ suryn throw to the ground, feil ( s.o.) II to
little creek, brook see also under ^ J-
; Bpread out, spread, unfold, unroll (*; to level, even, plane, fiatten,
is* aariya pl. \j[^. mry (military)
detachment, flying oolumn, raiding party make smooth (* V to be spread
Company (m.) JL*
out, be unfolded; to be leveled, be
\^. (kayyia)

oavaliy squadron; ol/UJI Zj* aquad- evened ; to lie down on one's back
VII to be Bpread out, be unfolded; to lie
ron of aircraft
flat on one's back, be supine
ljy^ iroyn spread, diffusion ; valid-
ity, efifeotiveness, ooming into foroe
jJ*- safh pl. ^jL- sufh surface (also
geom.); plane (geom,); (pl. also 4^U~I
iSj-* nuuran: .u* gj-* mtur muham* ^L-l aafvh)
attiha, (flat) roof, terraoe;
mad the point of departure for Moham- deck (of a sbip); rj~- sufh (eg., syr.)
med's midnight journey to the Beven
roof terrace {
j*Jl J*- s. al-bafyr sea
heavens, i.e., Jerusalem
level; JJL L-> inolined plane
1^1 rd* nootumal journey; I^-Vl
^fJ** aafhi ezternal, outer, outward,
Mohammed's midnight journey to the
outside.exterior; flat; superficial; c>L-L-
seven heavens
safhiyt externals, superficialities
jU srin pl. *\^ twrh traveling by ^J*-- saphlya fiatness; superficiality
night; night reveler, night hawk; con-
tagious (disease) ; in foroe,
gL** Mffh flat, spread out, stretched
ont, Bupine
valid | JjaU tijU in foroe, efiFeotive,

valid ^IL misfdh threshing floor

jjL sriya a mood or atmosphere ji_. mutoffah even, level, flat; (pl. -dt)
which prevaUs in, or pervadaa, a room urface i-J* ^jS (qadam) flat foot

(e.g., i-l+Ll j* 4jjU an all-pervading

gloom); (pl- h, j\j0, mwdrin) ool-
y*- aafara u {safr) and II to rule (*,
draw lines (* on a sheet of paper); to
umn; Bhipmast
write, jot down, record (* ; to draw
"tflj- and 5j!j- look up alphabetically
np, compose (*
. ,


J+* fr, aafar pl. jj**> su$r, ^L-l (jL*) LU- f<J u (safw, jL* Mfwa) to rush,
asfur, jUc-1 <Mf<Jr line; row pounce, jump (*-> or J* upon), assail,
attack (*-> or J* s.o.); to burglarize (J*
j>L 1
dafr pl. j^lj- tttflr cleaver
a place.), break into a place (Je)
3 fable,
ijj*~\ usfra pl.j*U-*l asfir
_jL- mfw attack, assault ; burglary
legend, saga, myth; fabulous Htory, yara

j j^L-l iwfr mythical, legendary, fab- L- sofwa pl. tataivt attack, assault

ulous influenae, authority; presumption, cocki-

3 ness, pride; power, strength
Ijk. mufara pl. Jl_* masfir ruler;
underlineB, guideline sheet; see also al-
ljL-l look up alphabetioally
phabetically | O v'^' *A-
8 ^^ n^
i*- ga'a see -j
jU-* mfr trowel

,>jl* mMfarfa (ff.)

trowel jU- ao'tar (= ^) wild thyme (Thymus
Berpyllum; bot.)
j\U-> fcuflr writing down, recording
.u- o'ia a and pass. u'tda {'d, ol *
^k. musaffar pieoe of writing, paper,
'da) to be happy, lucky, fortunate; pass.
V -u- (*u'ida) to have the good fortune
and derivatives look up alphabetioally of reoeiving or sharing III to help,
j ^t-
aid, aastet ( s.o., j or J* in, with), give
^L- ofa'a a (eaf, ^L *u|fi') to riBe; to a hand (j or J in); to support,
s.o. ()
spread (dust, fragrance); to shine, be
baok or Jp s.o. in); to oontribute,
brilliant, be radiant; to be or beoome be conducive ( j or J, J to) to favor, ;

manifest, obvious, piain, olear enoourage (j or J* IT to make

L- aaf brilliance, radianoe, glow; happy ( s.o.); to help ( s.o.) |

brightness, luminosity V .Ui-1 (o22) he had the good fortune

to ...
*k- eafa' thump, thud, plump
o*- j'd pl. i>*-' sv,' d good luok, good
f-^L- ffi* brilliance, radiance, glow;
brightness, luminosity
Sj-uJl it-il aZ-tat'a a4-#a'<{ya the Saad-
L-1 a^a' 2 moTO brilliant, brighter;
ist union (formerly a political movement
clearer, more obvious
in Egypt); u^jJaJI as-sa'dlyn the
W- Jf' pl. *Uj<* *#' radiant, Saadists, the followers of Saad Zaghll
brilliant, shining, luminous, bright ; mani- (18561927)
fest, obvious, olear, piain, patent, evident
o*- su'd Cyperus {bot.)
i_*- m' pl. 1.U- su'ad** happy
JL- aaiala u (safl) to intoxioate ( s.o.)
about, at); radiant, blissful; lucky,
( v
TU to beoome or be intoxicated auspicious; felioitous |
^T-Ul J^*^ a.a4-

satt pl.Jlk*l o^<, J>- ufti dihr of blessed memory, the late . .
bcket, pail (of wood or metal) oL-. sa'da happiness; bliss, felicity;

good fortune, sucoess, prosperity, wel-

'JjL-l look up alphabetioally
fare; title of a pasha; aa'dat ... (with

lk~ 4dm plug, stopper foll. name) title of high officials (3yr.,
Leb.) |
JjjU- Your Graoe (form of ad- cU-qaf* disoount rate, bank rate; ULSJl j
dress to a pasha); SaLJI ^j-L title 9. ai-qH'a prioe by the pieoe
of a pasha; JiLJl jla "Houae of Bliss",
j*- *u*r madness; frenzy; voracity
anoient name of Istanbul
j*- su'ur madness, frenzy
&j~ aa'dl Saudi |
jyjl SXll
4j^JI (mamlaka) Saudi Anbia jU- su'r voracity

ol.U* sa'dn ^.L- Jo'dfc 1 j**- sa'ir pl. f*0 su'ur blazing fiame,
pl, ape
fire, blaze; hell, inferno
lj*- ao'ddno pl. .<U nipple, teat |
^Ul doorknob j~* mis'ar pl. jt\~ mae&ir* poker,
fire iron
u-l 'od1 happier, lackier
jU mis'r pl. jr*l moTlr* poker,
J*L mutfada pl. -<U Bupport, baok- fire iron
ing, aid, help, assistanoe; enoouragement,
j^-j ttu'ir prioing, prioe fixing
jm-j ttu'ira prioing, prioe fixing
J*U *TW pl. J*l^ saw'id* forearm |

jruwlM jL lajnat at-t. prioe-fixing com-

ycy\ .j*L- j* (atman) he
l is bis right
h&nd, he is indispensable to him; 4iil
J*U iftadda effidvh to beoome streng,
j*J tas'ira quotation (stock exohange)

powerful; J*L J oi (/otto) to weaken jja* maVr mad, orazy

-U>- TOI to snuff (a tobaoco)
;j*U tfida pl. ul^ eawffid* tributary
l*j> aa'f snuff
^ja_* ma#'&2 pl. -L*l_* mat'id* happy,
Ju- mis'af snuffbox
lucky, fortunate

J*l* musS'id helper, help, aide; as- Juu* III to help, aid, Support ( s.o.) IT to
sistant (adj. and n.); adjutant comply with s.o.'s () wiahee (*_* for),

humor (*_* s.o. in), grant (- s.o.;

U-. mtts'ad favored by fortune, for-
to help, aid, assist ( s.o.)
tunate lucky
Juu* 3a' af (coli.; n. un. ) pl. -t palm

u- s'ara a (*'r) to kindle, start (a a fire, leaves | J**.J\ j*-\ ahad as-$. Palm Sunday
a war) ; pass. su'ira to flare up, run mad (Chr.)
II to kindle, start (* a fire, a war); to JL-I w'<J/ pl. -# aid, relief, help,
prioe (*, set a prioe (* on;
assistance; medioal servioe; J>L-V1 first
to quote on the stock market III to
aid | J^mII <jL-l %. al-'ajaza care for
bargain, haggle over the prioe ( with
s.o.) IT to kindle. light, start (* fire)
the aged; <JL-Vl V 1
*: /am'tyot oi-i.

approx. : civil ambulance Service; JU-j

T to burn, blaze; to flare up (anger)
JiL-VI first-aid men, ambulance meu;
TU to beoome mad, furious Till to
medioal orderlies, hospital corpemen
burn, flare, blaze; to break out (fighting)
L-I/I IjL- aayyrat al-i. ambulance
j*- ai'r pl. jL-l tu'r prioe; rate; ex-
chango rate, quotation (Btook market)
J*~ sa'ala u (ik- u'ta, JL- *u*<U) to cough

-*i-*l j*- *. (U-jpapm disoount rate, bank *- u'Za cough


rate; iJuLll ^*- rate of interest; j**> JL- *u'di cough |

SoIUH rate of interest; Ull y^ s. whooping cough
J- tt'lA pl. ol-U- ri'layl female iji- IT to descend, sink, alip, deoline (flg.);

demon to stoop (Jl to, fig.) |

4JI >JI J*J (na-

tA*- 'HA pl. JU- a'ditn female demon foro) to give s.o. a aharp look Tm to
eat, ewallow (* dry, e.g., a medioi-
jw _jjl afrfl *'n marabou (zool.) nal powder)

j*0 aa' a (aa'y) to move quickly, run, Jj-i- aaff medieinal powder

Bpeed; to move aoross the sky (moon); JLi-l iaff deoline (fig.); triviality

to head, be headed (Jl for), prooeed (Jl

4*i* euftaja pl. Li- aaftif bill of ezohange
to or toward); to strive (J or Jf for),
aspire (J or Jl to); to work (Jl, J
or Ijj for), endeavor, attempt, make u tafaha a {safh, ^ji* sufh) to pour out,
an effort (Ijj or Jl, J to get or achieve spl, shed (* in to whore, forni-
.th.); to run after (Ijj), pur- oate ( with s.o.) TI to whore, fornioate
sue, ehaae (Ijj; to take steps
( j in a matter) | Jl ** y^> to lead
mountain); pl. r>*-* nat, rocky surfaoe
or to ...; ULJ ^j^l j ,y*- (/
J-ar# ftuddcm) to spread evil, cause -U- M05A shedder of blood, killer,

universal hrm and damage; **J- ^-

*i]ij (li-haffihl bi-ffihi) to bring afaout j-Li- /dA fornication
one's own destruotion, dig one's own
grave; .^1 v'>- J tf* Qfarin i-i.) to
a and tafada i (iLi- n/do*) to oover,
.Li- jq/a

work at the ruin of, undermine mount (Jp or U the female); to cohabit; ta' a (^ m'y, IA*~ ri'ya) to (U with a woman) II to put on a skewer

Blander (^ s.o., -U* or Jf to s.o.), discredit (* meat) III to oover, mount (U the fe-

(x* or Jl iy s.o. with) TI to run about male); to cohabit (U with a woman)

in confusion Ajju* nffd pl. -LilU affid1 skewer,

^- aa'y run, oourse; ,j*JI the oere-
mony of running seven times between
jjt- tafara t (jji- au/fir) to remove the veil
af& and Marwa (performed during the
(Lfrt*-j jfr 'an xvajhih from her faoe),
Pflgrimage); effort, endeavor; livestook
unveil o.a.; safara % (aa/r) to shine,
iU- 9% ya Blander, calumniation glow (aurora) II to unveil, uncover, dis-
olose (*; to send on a joumey,
^f-* mas'an pl. pt maATtn effort,
oompel to leave, send away ( s.o.); to
dispatoh, send off (* B,th.); to embark,
f-U*5*t pl. -fln, iL*- t'dA mesaenger; put on board (* passengers) III to travel,
offloe boy, delivery boy; slanderer, oa- make a trip; to leave, depart, go on a
lumniator | >b jJI je-U poetman, mailman journey IT to shine, glow (aurora, s.o.'s

face, etc.); to discloee, unveil, unoover

i_-i- aaQiba a (0ai) to hunger (J for), be
(^; to yield, aohieve, bring (j*
or beoome hungry; to end (,> with, in), result (o*in)
i_-i- aya hunger, starvation
Tu to rise, disappear (dust, clouds)
iU- o^d&a hunger, starvation jjLJI aa-aafr the travelera, the passengers

Li, masgaba famine pl. jLi-i book (esp. one

jjt- nfr asfr

i_-pU S> hungry, starving of the Soriptures)


j* aafar deporture; (pl. jli-l aafar) to Aap the wings, flutter (bird) ; to strike,
journey, travel, trip, tour hit (* s.o. with tbe hand), slap ( s.o.);

to lash (*, e.g., of a storm)

\j* safra pl. aafart journey, travel,
trip, tour *- aaf burned spot
* j- safariya pl. -St journey, travel, i*i- auf'a pl. *- aufa' blaok stain
trip, tour; departure dark spot, brown discoloration
*jx- mfra pl. ^- *u/ar dining table ^i-l asfa'', f. Li- saf** dark-brown

ijrj** aufragt {eg.) pl.

<~v~ aufragiya ji- a/oga u (*a/g) to shut, bang, slam (*
waiter, Steward
the door)
j*- aafxr pl. Ij- t/ard* 1 mediator
dU- aaf aha i u (a/jfc) to shed (* blood)
(between oontending parties); ambassa-
VI to murder each other VII to be shed,
dor (dipl.)
flow (blood)
jjm aufr uncovering of the face (of

a veiled woman) ; unveiling

iU- j/i: L-iJf iU- a. od-dirnd* blood-
Jjli- aifra office or funotion of a
mediator, mediation; embaasy (dipi.)
4U- x0&fc shedder of blood; blood-
^l. masfir* (pl.) part of the face not
covered by the veil Ja- aafala u (J>i- sufl, Jli- *i/dj) and -
fila a to be low; to be below (*);
^U afir unveiled, wearing no veil;
aafala u to turn downward; safvla
barefaced, conspicuous, obvious ; (pl. jA*
% (Uli- aafala) and aafala u (mJI) to be
tafara) scribe
low, base, despicable T to abse o.s.,

^L-. musfir pl. -n traveler passenger ; sink low, go rrom bad to worse; to aot
visiting stranger; guest

J*->i- aafarjal (coli.; n. un. 3) pl. rjU- Ja- avfl lowest part of, bottom
aafrij* quince (Cydonia; bot.)
Ji~ aufli lower, at the bottom; low

aafaafa sophistry; pl. olL-i- sophis- - aifla; ^Ul li- . an-nd lowly
tries, casuistic argumenta |
JU-J.JI J*l people, rifiraff
ahl aa-a. the Sophist
LL- aafla lowneas; lowneas; base-
l-*' safsafi sophistio; Sophist ness, ignominy, despioableness

aafaafa pl. Ji^LU aafaif1 silly talk, iJ LL- mt/dia lowest part

nonsense; poor, inferior stuff

JJ-I asfaP, f. Ji- *u/tt, pl.JiU
,Jl_i- aafaf pl. t_i^LL- aafaif1 silly, aaP lower; lowest; lower or lowest
inane, trivial; poor, inferior |
jj*VI <jli- part, bottom; Ji-I <M/a&i (prep.) under,
poor, inferior stuff underneath, below |
JiJI ,j>jVl (artf)

the nether world; ,>liU J*-l iAj nxUo

J*i- aafof pl. iLL-l <m// basket; scales (of A aafala Afilin to reduce a.o. to the
nah) lowest level or Status

*- aafa'a a {aaf) to soorch, paroh, burn JiU aOfil pl. <U- aafala low; knrry;
( s.o. # s.o. 's akin; eep. of a hot wind); base, mean, despioable
^ 414

cli- saflata to oover with aaphalt, to J- saf i (safy) to raiae and scatter (* the

asphalt dust ; said of the wind) IT do.

ci-l aa/a aaphalt #LfU sfiya* dust

J maefan whirled up; play-

UJLL- sajlaqa Bponging
thing, sport (fig.)

J}U- ai/Wj Bponger

j*i- eafin wedge
ji- a/an coarse hide used for polishing;
emery paper, sandpaper jLi- Bigra = IjL*? cigarette

*(>jL- Ai/m ships (coli.); ship; eee also alpha- iJ LL- (It. scala) saqla scaffold

Jk* sogar* f. hell

i-i- safina pl. ji^ aufun, JU- az

)r\j*- suqrp Socrates
/'*n* ship, vessel, boat ; *^i-J1 Argo
(aa(roB.) |
i-*i.U <-Jl* (mwf/a'iya) gun- saqsaqa chirping, cheeping, peeping
boat; U*j t-i- an(l triJ^' ^s*-* training (e.g., of Bparrows)
- saqafa u (i-ji- suqf, -Li nww^) to
uLi*- saffn shipbuilder, ahipwright
fall (also = to be killed in aotion) ; to

i>U- eijna (art or trade of) ship- fall down, drop; to tumble, trip, slip;

building to fall out (hair); to sink down (J* on,

to); to tut, stumble (J# upon), oome
'j^i-t look up alphabetically
aoross (J*); to find (J*; to
get, come (Jl to s.o.), reaoh (Jf s.o.);
^jL- safanj, sifanj and pliJ u/an; aponge
to decline, sink, drop (Standard); to be-
<i- safiha a (safah) and safuha u (**U- *> come null and void, be abolished, be
/Aa) to be stupid, siUy, foolish; to be canceled; to be dropped, be omitted,
impudent, insolent II to call (*, s.o., drop out ; to be mi&sing; to esoape stupid or foolish; to deolare { s.o.) (j* s.o.), Bp (j* s.o.'b memory) |
legally inoompetent; to depreciate, put { J*-Ji) li-yasqut (fal-yasquf) down with ...
down as inferior (* |
*- <i- to <t - to drop s.o. or; *i* ^Jl J*-
make a fool of o.s. ; <+-j *** (wajhah) l they had had word from him that
to expose s.o., show s.o. up, make a fool he ...; j <-*\j - (ra'auh) he was bom
of s.o., bring s.o. in disoredit, disgrace in . . . , hiB birthplace was . .
; o^iJI j* J*-
s.o., dishonor s.o. VI to pretend to be ('w^unya) to be dropped from member-
stupid or foolish ship; 4L* ,y - fat'ntf) to drop in

<JL* safah foolishneaa, stupidity, bU-

s.o.'s estimation; UwVl j -Ui- to fail
an examination, flunk; *Jj j J*i- svqifa
ness ; impudence, shamelessness, insolence
}l yadxhx to stand aghast, be at a loss,
*Jl* safih 1
pl. >1^jL> aufah* , Li*- si-
be bewildered IV to let fall, drop (*, *
fh foolish, stupid, Billy; fool; an in-
s.o. , ; to make ( s.o.) tumble,
oompetent (Jsl. Law); impudent, shame-
cause s.o. () to slip; to overthrow,
lesa, insolent; insolent fellow
bring down, topple, feil (*, s.o.,;

i*U- aafha fooshnesB, stupidity, silli- to fail, flunk ( s.o. in an examination);

nees; impudenoe, shamelessness, inso- to shoot down (* an airoraft); to deduot,

lence eubtraot (* a number); to eliminate (*

JS- j- from); to have a miscarriage, faU | (u/71) ground plan,

miscarry; to bring about a miscarriage
(woman); to Blink (* iba young one; elevation, vertioal aection (arch.); J&_*
animal) j
* U-l j. <LL-I (j'inafyo) to ^ m. ar-ra'a birthplace, home
deprive s.o. of bis citizenship; j <i*- ,LLI
-Li MMgo^ 1 Muscat (Beaport and
(o^aA) to forfeit one's right in,
capital of Oman)
waive one's claim to; ,jy>> .LJL-t

(da'w) to quash a complaint, nonsuit -UU-1 isgf overthrow; shooting down

a caae; to withdraw or drop a com- (of an aircraft); miscarriage, abortion;

plaint ; j*)\ iti-l deduotion, Bubtraotion; rebate iLL-V!

(Sa'ra) to cause |

V-*4-l (jinsiya) abrogation of citizen-

loss of hair; .Oj j .LL-I tw*yi/a /f t>-

yadiki = -b j .Li- *^/a / yadihi

ship; gation of citizenship; i*J iUL-l

V to Iearn gradually, pick ilJjiJl (jfnwrt ai-/.) devaluation of the

up information
(> > about from); to hunt for
scraps jL*^Vl J*iJ to gather informatioD
| -LiLJ tasquf loas (of hair) JJUJ

VI to fall down, come down, oollapse ; to jUI snowfall

fall successively or gradually; to fall out
JJU *i^ pl. .Uli. uggdf fallen; base,
(hair); to come gradually (Jl to), arrive mean, vile; disreputable, notorious (dis-
one by one (Jl at); to roll, drip (,>. off);
triot); omitted, missing; forgotten
to dribble |
J* ^LJ to break down,
collapee; L*IL*- iJLJ (hufman) to go to *UU sgifa scrap ; (pl. -t) fallen woman,
ruin, disintegrate

Jfc2- saqp dew *\J*m mqufr'* Socotra (island, S of Arabia)

i*- aiqf miacarried fetus - taga'a a (sag') toalap, clap (*, , s.o.,

J*- saqf, siqf, auqj sparks flying from ** musaqqa'a (eg.) dish of eggplant
a flint and meat

.Li*, saqaf pl, J..L-I asgf any worthleHs 1

l II to provide with a roof or ceiling,
thing; offal, refuse, rubbish, trash; junk roof over (*

fULl -Li- *. al-mat' waste, scrap(s)

i-i*- saqf pl. j^i- sugf, . *-S- auguf,
,Ja* saqafi junk dealer, ragman Jii-I a*p*/ roof; oeiling jU-l t jii- *.

iki- sagfa ol-holq palate

pl. saqatt fall, tumble,
plunge; oversight, slip, error, mistake i^- aoqifa pl. ijuli- aaq'if* roofed

IpLLJI iitlLi-. inisprinte, errata passage; roofed gallery; roofing, shelter

J^i- *uj fall, tumble; crash (of an cU-J tasqif roofing

airplane); collapae, breakdown, ruin;
J> masqf roofed, covered (<^ with)
decline, downfall, fall; devolution (of a
right) ; slip, lapee j
_^UI i-^ . ai-la'r JtiJ twgt*/ pl. iU asqifa look up alpha-
loas of hair; j\L.^\ .U^i- rainfall betically

-LJi at/tf hau 3JUL. look up alphabetically

iLli- 'ao^gfa, auqgfa door latch

(eff.) *-- saqlaba to throw down ( s.o.)

.Li* masqaf, mtugif pl. .Li L_, masqi{ a Ji- ijfat pl. UIU *jy<S7i6a Slav;
place where a falling object lands ; water - Slavic

Im saqima a (saqam) and eaquma u (svqm, offloe of one in oharge of providing

beoome water for Mecca pilgrims) ; watering

fli- saqm) to be or sick, ill

ailing; to beoome tbin, lean, skinny; place; drinking vessel

to be poor, meager, measly II to make misq jl masqin [tg.) irri-

=H J_ pl.

sick (. b.o.) IV gation oanal

A- suqm pl. / li-l asqm lnesa, sick-

liL-* musqh shareoropping oontraot
ness; leanness, thinness, flkinnineaa over the lease of a plantation, limited

A- saqam tugdm illness; aick- to one crop period (lal. Law)

pl. flL-l

ness; leanness, thinness, skinniness #U-i-l iatisq* dropsy |

li-L-VI 'iL

lnesa, aiokness; leanness, salt al-ist. prayer for rain

aUL- saqm
thinness, skinniness JtL-L-l istisq'i dropsioal, hydropio

-- 2?im pl. (LL- *tgm, ^L* nt-

JU saqin pl. Li- suqh eupbearer,
qam' 1 sick, ill, ailing; skinny, lean,
Ganymede, saki
emaoiated; meager, measly; poor, faulty
JL* sqiya barmaid; (pl. tS'>- so*

wqin) rivtdet; irrigation diteh, irrigation

aL. misqm seriously suffering; con-
oanal; water sooop; sakieh, water wheel
stantly ailing, siekly
jJL aakka u (sakh) to look, bolt (* the door)
IjUL- siqwa glandera
to mint, eoin (* money); sahka (Ist

pera. perf. aakiktv) a (di- sahah) and

(saqy) to give (* s.o. to
J- so^d \

VIII to be or become deaf

drink, make s.o. (*) drink (*; to

water (* cattle, plante); to irrigate (* C sikka pl. iiC sikak (minting); to dip, sooop, draw (water) | J- die; ooin; road; (tg.) aidestreet, lane
iV>JI (jl&4a) to temper steel III to (narrower than fjli San') \ -U--1 *-
give (* * s.o. to drink; to oon- and iJjJJ-l iSL-Ji railroad; S-e-'jJ <-
clude a lease oontraet (* with s.o.; cf. (tird'iya) Seid path, dirt road; &-1I jl*
iUL ) IV to give (* s.o. to drink, mint
make s.o. () drink (*; to water
K- sukin pl. -dt rudder
(* oattle, plante); to irrigate (*
VD3 to ask (,> s.o.) for a drink; to draw iU asakV, f. ISL- oifcr, pl. iL-

water (,> from); to draw (j* *, e.g., uU deaf

Information, knowledge, eto., from), take, *$[,. maskka pl. -dt ooin; drain
borrow, obtain (,> * from) X to ask hole (hm.) |
olj.l ^U 'um al-m. nu-
(,> s.o.) for a drink (also * for; to mismaties
pray for rain
ijSL* aigra pl. ./TSC- afftfir1 (Syrian spell-
J- saqy watering;
ing) oigarette

UL- siq* pl. i.i-1 asqiya, oUU asqi*

^jtS idrin Saccharin
yt, jUI asqin waterakin, milkwk n i

#UL- saqqa pl. - water carrier; kJ^ sofcifta m (satt) to poor out, shed,

pelioan (zooL) apfll(*s.ta.)VIIto poared

oat, be shed, be spled
UU aiqya Irrigation, watering; affloe
of water snppfier (pec^ the traditional
^-S. maskab pl. t^TL* maskib 3 melt- j~ sakra pl. aakart inebriety, in-
ing pot, cruoible tozication, drunkenness | >jl\ *j*>

<-*_j-* masfeMya melting pot, cruaible a. al-maut agony of death

lj- aakrn', f. tf^** sakr, pl. tfJSL*

^LX- m&hJj meat cooked in vinegar
eukr, sakr drunk, intozioated; a
C-- aakata u (*afa, Oj~ tJhW, oKL- w drunk
lJ* ul^C (fina) (cooq.) dead
J<) to be silent, say not hing; to beoome
silent, Iapse into silence; to be or be- j&~- silckir drunkard, heavy drinker
oome quiet, calm down, subside; to pass
jSC-. mvskir pl. -t alooholio beverage,
over (jt) in silence; not to answer
intozicating Liquor
(je s.o.); pass. eukita to have a stroke
(med.) |
i_-*i*J! <c* c-* (gadab) his anger ^- II to sugar, aprinkle with sugar (*
abated II to silence, oalm, soothe, paoify to oandy, preserve with sugar (*
(*, * s.o.,; to order to be silent,
j~ eukkar sugar; pl. jTKL- aakkir*
hush up ( s.o.) IT do.; to conceal, re-
sweetmeats, oonfeotionery, oandies
fuse to teil (* J

j^ll _- fruotose, levuloee, fruit sugar;

C-- saht silence; taoituinity, reti- jruul j- maitose, malt sugar; *T^*Ji j-
cenee J cXJl Je silently, in silence, quietly s. al-*inab deztro-glucose, deztrose, grape

<- sakta silence, quiet; stroke, apo-

sugar; t_l _- s. al-qasab saooharose,

plexy (med.) 3JU <&- (qalblya) heart

sucrose, cane sugar; ^i!l j- a. al-laban

laotose, milk sugar; oLdl j- .an-no&df
sugar oandy, rock candy; ^^CJI _
oKL- suki silenoe; taciturnity, ret- go^ob as-8. sugar oane; ^^CJI j^. marod
o8~B. diabetes

jj* sukt silence; tacitumity, ret-

tfjS^- tfcfearf (adj.), sugary, like
icence; see also alphabetically
IjjC oonfectionery;
sugar, saooharine;

3j* suktiti taciturn, reticent sweetmeats, candy tfj&JI JjJl | ^^

(marod al-baul) diabetes
OjS-- sakt taciturn, retioent

C~SL sikkit habitually silent "<i_^- ntkkariya sugar bowl

ol^Sw. muaakkart confeotionery,

TL skit silent, mum; taciturn, ret-
sweetmeats, candy
icent; still, quiet, oalm, tranquil; quies-
cent (letter) *jKL- pl. j-'KL- Iook up alphabetioally

\* sakara u (sakr) to shut, close, Iook, bolt i

\ J~* Iook up alphabetioally
(* n do.
al^*> (It. tciirtd) MJturtdA insuranoe

^- sakira a (eakar, aukr) to be drunk; to

ijjljfiL* (Fr. eer#aro<) ejfcreiriya seare-
get drunk, beoome intozioated IT to
tariat; seoretaryship
make drunk, intozicate, inebriate (

s.o.) VI to pretend to be drunk Jifi>- (It. searto) sikart ootton waste

j- aukr intoxioation, inebriety, drunk- jfi~* (Fr. aecraire) sekreter seoretary | _^-
pU (*dmm) secretary-general

j^ tokor an intoxioant; wine 3jj^- jfarettnya searetariat

/- 418

**-_- tJfcurruja, sukruja pl. j&* *& reassnre, appease, plaoate ( s.o.),

1 bowl; platter, plato soothe, allay, alleviate {* pain, and the
Uke); (gram.) to make voweUess (* a
jj^- sukrz Saccharose, sucrose without a
consonant, i.e., pronounoe it

lf ~*
aukkarin Saccharin following vowel) m to live together,
share quartera ( j * with s.o. in) IV to
jJL- II tasaksaka to behave in a servile give or allocate living quarters ( to
manner s.o.); to settle, lodge, put up {* s.o. in)

UL- suksuka wren (?)

VI to live together, share quartera

dJL5wi feuafoufc servity &- sahan means or time for rest;

dwelling, abode, habitation; inhabited

J_>-- fc*3nt Saxonian; Saxon human habitations; ashes
U^S^< *fc*3myd Saxonia
j- sakani sahen, ash-gray
-> Y to grope about (-JU1 af-fulmata in
oljj^j olTj*- J fl haraktihi wa-
the dark) ; to loiter, loaf, hang around ; to
sakantihi in all his doings; in every
proceed aimlesely, dawdle, potter | Jl aJ*
SwII -- (Aaif f-(a*o&h**u) to drive
out into the dark, leave s.o. to an IX- sakina pl. -t residence, home

unoertain fate CijSi sukn oalm, tranqulity, peaee;

silence, quiet; (gram.) vowellessness of
(_j-> sakkf shoemaker
a modial consonant; the graphio Symbol
4lC- *tJbd/o shoemaker's trade, shoe-
of this vowelleBBneas |
j-'LUl 0j- serious-
making ness, sedateness, gravity

JSUl wfcl/ and jtC-l wid/i pl.

OiSL- sakkn outler
TUi askifa shoemaker
utSU eukkn pl. -t rudder
-l tukuffa threshold, doorstep;
,>&* sikkin m. and f., pl. u^- **

hkln* knife
tjTU W/ lintel
c*> aakina pl. JlC sak'in* imma-
*jO pl. JS*"L 1 look up alphabetically nenoe of God, presence of God; devout,
God-inapired peaee of mind; oalm, tran-
jS^- liona u {i)j* mHn) to be or be-
qufflity, peaoe
oome still, tranqu, peaoeful; to oalm
down, repose, rest; (gram.) to be vowel- liS^Mina knife
less (eonaonant, Le., have no vowel im-
J&* tuJcnd Kving, dwelling; atay, so-
mediately fbUowing); to abate, snbeide,
jdum JSUI J* mahaU aas. place of
rannte eaan and the Uke);
(anger, pain, |

to paaa, 90 cwy (j* from s.o., pain),

leare (j* lo, pain); to remain cahn, ^J~tC aJtdHni outler

unxuffied ( Jl at, in the face of); to be

jSL* moJban, moan pL jTl ma-
reaarored (J, Jl by); to rely (J, Jl on),
Jjfcin' dwelling, abode, habitation; honse;
traat, have faith (J, Jl in); to feel at
home, residence, domicile
home ( Jl in, at) ; sahana v, (eakan, j-
eukn) to live, dwell (._ or j, * in), inhab- 0^J toskin pacifioation, tranquiliza*

it (_ or j, a II to oalm (*, s.o., tion, placation



lCl m& settling, settlement; allo- alip away, escape; to epread, extend, get
oation of Irving quarters (Jl to), reaoh (Jl; to fllip, slink,

sneak, steal (Jl into); to betake o.a.,

jTU dJb'n pl. -fln, c* MJhzna, f.

jTtj- atwSn 1 calm, motionless, still; go (

Jl to, with seoret designa); to invade,
infiltrate, enter (Jl; to penetrate
voweUess (medial oonsonant) ; stagnant,
j to, as far as) Tu to steal away, slink
standing (water); O statio (eleotricity )

away, slip away, esoape; to alip, slink,

(pl. o&~ sukk&n, "<S^ ajfeana) dweller,
sneak, steal (Jl into); to infiltrate (Jl
inhabitant, resident, oooupant; t^Jl the, also pol.); to advanoe singly or in
population bJ-1j
jf U inhabitant of Par-
small groups (troops in the field; mit.);
adise, deceased person, one of blesaed
to have pulmonary tuberculosis, be con-
memory; jl j%rf* populous; jy V
Bumptive VIII to pull out or remove
b5*U (yuAarriu) he doesn't budge, he
gently (*; to withdraw gently
doesn't bend hu little finger, he remains
(*, e.g., S* kaffah one's hand, j
immobile, apathetio; cTU iJ_^- {Jjbno*
from); to unsheathe, draw (thesword);
Afl) to rouse, agitate s.o.
to wrest, snatoh (* j* from s.o.
<jj ffuuUH populated, inhabited;
J-* tau basket
haunted (plaoe); poesessed (person) |

*ij$*~* jlill the house ia haunted J- si, 9U oonsumption, phthisis, tu-

jSlJ.1 al-maskna the inhabited world,

beroulosis |
Jj-uJl JJ! (tadarruni) tuber-
ouloeis; <jyj\ JJf (ri'awi) pulmonary
the world
jj_* fliojfcfinl eoumenioal (CAr.)
iL daa pl. J^U ttdf basket | U-
j-* rnuauUm paoifier, soother; (pl.
Cj^L+LI . oJ-muAfnaJdt wastepaper basket;
-t) sedative, tranquilizer
UJI IjT iura* (M-*. basketball

(^Tl. mu*SHn pl. -fln fellow Citizen,

J~L- ftl drawn (sword); desoendant,
neighbor flcion, son

'<- and <jt-* pl. ^"' 1^ U P alpha- *LL #&> pl. JJ^- JiTtP (female)
betioally desoendant

,>.*iSl- sakanjabin oxymel {pharm.) J^L z& basketmaker, basket weaver

J^U aulta pl. -dt desoendant, soion;

LiljjxiC- tfcandin/iyd and jUxiC- sikandi*
nwa Soandinavia progeny, offspring; family; raoe; strain,
stock, provenienoe (of economio plants)
jUx- rikandin&fi Soandinavian
J^U sulli family (adj.)
&j$L* (Hebr. aukkq): O^CJI .u> 'tf -*.
iL-* mwaa pl. -<W, Jl* masW large
Sukkoth, Feast of Tabernacles (Jud.)
needle, paok needle; obelisk

JL. K ki
JLJ tatavl infiltration (pol.); offaide
position (in football, hockey, eto.)
J- of imperative of JU a'aZa
J^LJl insill infiltration (pol.)

J- aa u (j) to pull out, withdraw, or

Jji* masll consumptive, affeoted
remove gently (*; pass. aua to
with pulmonary tuberoulosis
have pulmonary tuberouloeis, be oon-
sumptive V to steal away, slink away, U. miutaUa pl. hW offprint (.)

V- aaia'a a {aal') to olarify (* butter) -:&-! wf2d& spoliation, plundering,

looting, plage, robbing
.^U *T pl. UUt tuITa olarified butter

*1^U alfa salad

JU slib negative (adj.); (pL *J1j~
Hrtifc 1 ) O negative (phot.)

j^U u&fof Slavio; (pl. .fi) Slav -jJ fluwifli unsuooessful

jy^U aaZdjfin red lead, minium aiX- Miotand martingale (of the haroess)

j^U see jL- ilJU aoiota iu to extraot, pull out (*

to ohop off (*, esp. a part of the

diJ^U atttniP Salonica (seaport in NE
body) Tu to steal away, slip away
gU kXq (eg.) = jL-
yt aoJooa u (i) to take away, steal,
wrest, snatch (,> or * from s.o., US-Jl as-aijiqa the Seljuks
rob, strip, dispoasess, deprive (j* or
jJU saljam turnip (Brassioa rapa; bot,); (eg.)
* s.o. of; to plunder, rifle, loot (.
rape (Brassioa napus; bot.)
s.o., m ; to strip of arma and olothing
( a fallen enemy); to withhold (* ^U salaha a (salh) to void ezorement; to
from s.o., deny (* to s.o.; drop dng (bird) II to arm (* s.o. with)
saliba a {mab) to put an or wear V to arm o.s. VI to engage in battle,
mourning, be in mourning V to be in fight, croas awords
mourning Vin = ataba
JL salh and jr^U sulh excrementa,
hJU soft spoliation, plundering, loot- dng, droppings
ing, plage, robbing; negation | i.^*
jr"5U aith pl. *>*L1 asliha arm, weapon;
L--LJI 'almai as~s. minus sign (matk.)
arms, weapons; service (as a branoh of the
L mZU negative (also el.); passive | armed foroes); armor; steel gripper, ateel
^J>\ 4)I or <-iJl <-jUil (muqwama) olaw; plowehare | Ol jJJl ^^U . af-fayarn
passive resistanoe air force; L-jjI ^^U #. ai-furtn oavalry

S-X- oftfya negativism, negative atti- j-SJi iiLi AJ <w-*. bristling with axma,

tude armed to the teeth; **-%* L> saama

eithdh to lay down one'a arma, surren-
u-U oloi pl. v^-' && loot, booty,
plunder, spoils; hide, ahanks and belly
of a slaughtered animal; ropes,
jIj*-S** ni&hddr aword-bearer, Bhield-
bearer, aquire
hawsere (ey.)

-L ealth pL - apoatle (Chr.)

-*>U nlOb pL c-U tuhtb blaok olothing,
mourning (worn by women) jL-J tadty pl. hW arming, equipping;
armament, rearmament; armoring, rein-
-*^- otfdo robber, plunderer, looter
foroement (in ferrooonorete oonatruobion)
_L- aftb itolen, taten, wrested away
JLi tasauh armament, rearmament |

^>jL\ udHb pl. v-JU aadKo1 method, ^Llll jL* *M? ai-(, arma raoe
way, prooedure; oourae; manner, mode,
fasnkm; style (eap. literary); atylistio pe-
JL* muMStA armorer
ouliarity (of an author) |
jli5* *->J^' JL* miuaJtaA armed; armored, rein-
(KOM) literary style foroed (with ateel); => Fr. arme* {
4 *!, i.1 (qwt) the armed forcee; cjj*I make tractable, render o bedient, sub-
i* (iimanl) ferroconcrebe, reinforced due (*, s.o.,; to make easy,
conorete; **J *Uy- (aMrw) do.; smooth, fluent (*

J r Vi (*?*?) wired glasa

^JL sola* incontinence of urine
;LiJL aulahfh, sahjh pl. iJu-^U salhif2 (j-L* salis traotable, pliable, docile,
turtle, tortoise compliant, obedient; flexible, smooth,
<JLi*J- guiahf'lya dawdling, dilatori- fluent (style) |
jLill _
l r^' s. al-qiyd
ness tractable, pliable, docile, oompliant, obe-
Jl- salaka a u (*i#) to pull off, fitrip off; to skin, flay (* an animal); L--^U salsa traotability, pliability,

to detach {je- * from); to end, docility, compliance, obedience (also

terminate, conclude, bring to a close (* .aLl i^-^U s. al-qiyd); smoothneas,

a period of time); to spend (* a period fluency (of style)

of time, j doing V to peel (skin, t^-UI aalas* more traotable, more
from Bunburn) VII to be stripped off, pliable, more obedient; more flexible,
be shed (skin, slough); to shed, cast off smoother, more fluent
(jt-, ,> the slough, the skin), Btrip off,

take off (je-, j- clothing); to abandon, J^j

1 saUabiP name of a spring in Para-

give up, cast off (* a trait, a quality) ; to dise; spring, well

get detached (je, ^. from), come off

JU sdUala to link together, ooncatenate,
(j*> i>); * withdraw, retire (,> from);
interlink, interlook, connect, unite (*
to pass, end (month) <_> with); to chain up, enchain, fetter,
Jl- aalk detaching; skinning, flaying; shackle ( s.o.); to pour (j LLl water
snakeskin, slough ; end of the month into) |
Jl JL- to trace s.o. 's lineage

L aalk: L ^i. (kasab) (barkless)

back to s.o. II tasalsala to flow down,
soft wood, alburnum, sapwood trickle (in a continuous stream); to drip,
dribble, fall in drops (water); to form a
^iJU sak pl. *, -n butcher
chain or seriea, be continuous; to be
nX> sallk Bkinned, flayed; tosteless, interlinked, interlocked, linked together,
insipid (food) concatenate

<iJ Mlika Chinese cinnamon tree JU salsal cool fresh water

(Cinnamomum casaia; bot.); cinnamon
JL.JU silsila pl.
J-*"^ salsiP iron
bark, cassia bark
chain; chain (also flg.); series (of essays,
<jU*U Mlkna pl. -t slaughterbouse, articles, etc.) j
JLA-I ii_L- mountain
abattoir chain; j^LJl U..-U s. az-qahr backbone,

i* rnaslak pl. 1 maalik 2 slaughter- vertebral column; j^JI JU1 (faqriya)

house, abattoir do.; (.-jjtlf^l U..-L fabric of lies; L-

(_-Jjl *. an-nasab lineage, line of ancestora
r^L~* mislk snakeskin, slough
J-Jj toiZ*iiJ sequenoe, mecession
LS munaaiak end of the month |

JL-JIj without interruption, sncoas-

^JL salisa a (sola*, 4~:)U saldsa) to be trac- sively, oonsecutively, continuonsly; ^iS

table, docile, compliant, o bedient; to be J1i to serialize, publiah in

amooth, flowing, fluent (style) IV to seri&l form

url- 422

J1 musalsal chained; contimious jJL- III ~Ud~l islanfaha to be broad, be wide

(numbering) JJ J*i jj (raddu fi'lin)
nL>'A- aulfih wide
chain reaction {phya.) ; <1Jil i]j.\ {mar'a)
Andromeda (astron.) jLL- saliana to proclaim sultan, establish as

(num- ruler ( s.o.) II jU-J tasalfana to be-

JLi. mtttasalsil continuous
come sultan or ruler

JftL- salfana Sultanate

JJ- II to give ( s.o.) power or mastery
J* over), set up as overlord, establish as UaL* utyn m. and f. power, might,

ruler (J* s.o. over); to impose, infliot Btrength; rule, reign, dominion, sway;
authority; mandate, authorization ; legit-
(J* a a penalty on s.o.); to bring to
bear, eiert (* force, pressure, and the imation (^ for); (pl. ^1"A- saifin*)
sultan (absolute) ruler **l^ OLLU
J* on); to load, charge (J* *
like, ; |

with electric current) ,fijl *J* I^LL- |

s. ibrhim red mullet (Mullus barbatus;
(aidiyahum) they laid violent hands on . .
zool.); ulLL ^ < *i)l J>1 L. (anzaia hu)

dealt high-handedly with ...; *Ac .LL- (lit. : God has revealed no legitimation
^.^Ji to set the dogs on s.o. V to overcome, for it; with proceding indeterminate

surmount (J*; to overpower, over- noun) vain, unfounded, baseless, arbi-
whelm (J* s.o.); to prevail, gain the trary

upperhand (J* over), get the better of

<;LLL- sutyna sultana, sultaness
(J*); to be absolute
maater (J* of), rule,
reign, hold sway over); to control, JlLL- eulfni of the sultan; sovereign,
supervise, command imperial, royal |
jlkU Jj^t imperial high-
L- sulta pl. -t, iJ auiaf power,
might, strength ; authority ; sway, do- iJlLL- suniya soup bowl, tureen;
minion, influence, sovereign power, juris* large metal bowl
diction; (pl. -t) official agenoy, author-
J alt'a a (sala
) to crack, become cracked
ity l *tj*y\ <LLJ1 (abawiya) patemal
VII to aplit, break open, burst
authority; patriarchy; V"J^' *^" ("**
hiya) spiritual power <~j j-illl
; ikUl J aal' pl. f^L- aul craok, fissure,

(taSri'iya) legislative power; ijjSL-* *UL rift

('askariya) military authority; iLLJI

*L- Fa pl. aL- n2a' commodity,
JLJI (qad'iya) judicial power; U-Jl commercial article; sebaceous cyst, wen
IjJLijJl (tanfidiya) executive power
^*L- salafa u (salaf) to be over, be past, be
<UL> salfa jacket
bygone; to precede, antecede II to lend,
-L-L sollt strong, solid, firm; glib; im-
loan, advance (* * to s.o. money) IV to
pudent, sharp, loose, vicious (tongue)
make (* precede; to lend, loan,
^)U alfa glibness; impudence, lack advance (* to s.o. money) |
( J>l) LiJ I

of restraint (in one's language); see also (qaul) we have already said, we have
alphabetically previously stated; LUI LS as we have

iai-J tasauf mastery, sway, dominion already said V to borrow (^ from)

rule, influence, authority, supremacy ( J* to contract a loan VIII = V

over); supervision, control JaL* silf pl. J "A-l aslf brother-in-law

'iUL- saiafa and L'A- salta salad iil silfa sister-in-law

JaL> aalaf and pl. JrA-l aalf prede- jU Ao/o^a u (aZg) to Iacerate the skin (

cessora; forebears, ancestoro, forefathen; of s.o.; with a whip); to remove with

<JlL advance payment, prepayment; free boiling water (*; to boil, cook in

loan, noninterest-bearing loan; LiL so boiling water (*; to scald (* plants;

lafan in advance, beforehand, before |

said of excessive heat); to hurt (* s.o.,

ILaJl JAJ>\ the worthy anoeators, the *jLJj bi-lisnihi with one's tongue, i.e.,

venerable forefathers give s.o. a tongue-lashing) T to ascend,

mount, climb, soale {*; to climb
4-aL salafiya pl. -l free loan; (cash)
up (plant)
jL> 9alq (eg.), ailq a variety of chard,
*7ii-}\ as-salafiya an Islamio reform
the leaves of whioh are prepared as a
movement in Egypt, founded by Mo-
ealad or vegetable diBh
hammed 'Abduh (18491005)
j^LJI oa-auq Ascension of Christ
i- ndfa pl. JtL> *to/ loan ; (oash)
advanoe; inner lining of shoes, inner #}U soiqa vicious tongue, violent
sole language

vj^- ui/ choicest wine (made of the -L saliqa pl. jJ^- aalititf dish made
juice flowing from unpressed grapes) of grain cooked with sugar, oinnamon
and fennel (syr.); inborn disposition, in-
UL sulafa* predecessors
jU salaqn and y^iU salqn red
lL. mislafa harrow
lead, minium
ij i fcult/ credit, advance *JJHl _,*-
J^jU salql saluki, greyhonnd, hunting

V ai-(. rate of interest; JJUl dLj

credit bank
Jjj- aalqx saluki, greyhound, hunting
i.LJ taslifa credit, loan i.LJ
IjjUp ('agriya) land oredit
jLJ taaauq climbing; ascent
,JJU oft/ pl. Ji- jZa/, J^- suf,
tjjl^- satvlif2 preceding, foregoing, 3j\* maalq cooked, boiled (meat,

former, previous, bygone, past; prede- egg, vegetable)

cessor; UJL saliJan formerly, previously; ii_ji_. moslqa pl. jJl-* nuwlig* bouil-
above (as a reference in books, eto.) | lon, broth
il.u-VI tJJl^> former, or past, events;
il-Iil oLjLJI an-nabtt al-mutasaU
J"ii\ JJU a.a4'4ikr aforementioned;
liga climbing plante, creepers
^j*jj*>\ tJJU'ars amaranth (bot.);

UJI JJL j /i *. iz-zamn in former diL- aalaka u (salk, iljJ- sulk) to follow
times, in the old days {* a road), travel (* along a road); to
take (* a road), enter upon a course or
*oUL sulft eulfate |
jjLJI oLU a. an-
road (*; fig.); to behave, oomport o.s.
nu&dir ammonium sulfate
(_j*i toward s.o.); to proceed, act; to aet
O ^1-iL- salfata to asphalt (* foot (* on), enter (* a place); aalaka
(salk) to insert (j * in), stick (j *
O cal musalfat asphalted into); to pass (* thread, Sj-Vi j

j-iL *//lrf aulfide through the eye of a needle), thread a

needle |
j *SX* (fra) to chain tili fruwZaJ; pl. ,illL um/^ way,
s.o. up II to clean, clear (*, eap. road, path; course of aotion, polioy;
pipelines, canals, eto.); to unreel, un- procedura, method <J_^J1 JJL-J.I (frau*

wind (* yaxn); to olarify, unravel, dis- Zfya) the urinary passages {anal.); jJJL
entangle (IjJu* 1^1 amran muaqqadan l_j*l m. aJ-AauxS* the respiratory pas-
a oomplicated affair) IV to insert (j * sages (anat.); KJ ilL to enter upon in), stick (j * into); to pass a course (fig.)

(* thread, yVI j through the eye of a

(5^1 fruwJa&f professional, vocational,
needle), thread a needle
industrial, trade (adj.)
ilL sk pl. ibU tulfc thread ; string
.i-LLJ &uZt cleaning, Clearing
(also, of a musical Instrument); line; wire;
rail (Jtfor.); Organization, body; pro-
iDU Uli: passable, praetioable (road);

fession (aa a group or career); corps; ca- entered upon (course); clear, open, not

dre ,>jVI 4L 8. al-anf or ^jVI JUI blooked, not obstructed (also anat.);

(ardi) ground wire; <j^ ibU (bahriya) (pl. -n) one who followB the spiritnal
path (esp., myst.)
underwater cable; O tsJj^ -- 11 -" (ha*
rri) filament (of a radio tube); O iiUI tljL- maelk passable, practicable
^iil (mutahakkim) grid (of a radio (road); entered upon (course)
tube); ^LJI dU\ (JUj) (aiysl) dip-
y> aalima a (i-^U salma, fiU ealm) to
lomatio corps; L^l JL- . ai-Surfa the
be safe and sound, unharmed, unim-
police; dULJl dlLJl barbed wire; O iil-
paired, intaot, safe, seoure; to be un-
Jljll jWVI fuse (ei);
^JLsll dlLJl
objeotionable, blameless, faultless; to be
(ta'ftmi) the teaehing profession, the
oertain, established, clearly proven (faot);
teachera; LiJl ilL *. al-qatf* the judi-
to be free (,> from); to escape (j* a
oiary, the judicature; O fjLU'
i|1 "
danger) II to preserve, keep from in-
(mffdtm) resistor (el.); Q Jl^l -jH-H

jury, protect from hrm ( s.o.), save
(owS'i) aerial; (Jl) j Jl
iX- to be (,j* s.o. from); to hand over intaot
a member of an Organi-
zation and the Iike; to join
(a, J or Jl to s.o.); to hand over,
an organiza*
turn over, surrender (*, * s.o.,, J
tion and the like, e.g., Jl *lkJVI
or Jl to s.o.); to deliver (* J or Jl to s.o.
j_^JI dJUI (bahri) entrance into the ; to lay down (* arms) to surrender,
navy (as also diU j -t^l)
give o.s. up (J or Jl to); to submit,
$L* ski by wire, wire (adj.) resign o.s. (J or Jl to); to greet, salute

JIL-V J-/i wireless; radio, broad- (J* s.o.); to grant salvation (God to
oasting (adj. and n.); radiogram; radio the Prophet); to admit, concede, grant
specialist iXl-V Sjlil (l-; to consent (-* to, approve
| (iSra) radio
message; J1LV J-U radio Operator (o> of, accept, sanotion, oondone

iSX* n/An pl. iL- aak wire; thread;

(v a-th.) <l Jl t^l
| (amrah) to ^
commit one's cause to God, resign o.s.
string (also, of a musical instrument)
to the will of God; *-jj L* (rhah) to
iJ^U #uii behavior, comportment, give up the ghost; jJ-Vl A I-- :

demeanor, manners ; conduot, deport* {nafasah) to breathe one's last, be in

ment, attitude | iJ^J-JI j-*- Au*n as-s. the throes of death; ^jJJ <-iJ U
good behavior, good manners; -u>lji (nafsah) to give o.s. up to the police;
jjUI or 4*LJl v ljT etiquette UVIj ti-J- > Jl
^ (hum, itfa)

to put o.s. at s.o.'s mercy; *-U J L- oase; stair, step, running board; (mus.)

(saUim) give him my best regards! re- seale; means, instrument, tool (fig.) |

member me to him! i-j *J* <it J- (fia) i!j*i* L- (mutaharrih) esoalator

Qod bleas him and grant him Balvation IX- suUama step, stair
(eulogy after the name 01 the Prophet
Mohammed) III to keep the peace, make sm salm soundness, unimpaired-

one'a peace, make up ( with s.o.) ness, intactness, well-being; peace, peace-

IT to forsake, leave, desert, give up, betray fulness; safety, seourity; (pl. -t)

to let sink, drop (*-Jfj Jl greeting, salutation ; salute ; military

( s.o.); <-b
ra'sah i. rukbataihi one's head to one's salute; national anthem |
pUil vAJi

kneee); to hand over, turn over (Jl to (mm) general welfare, common weal;
s.o., * or s.o. or ; to leave, abandon ftAJl jb Paradise; an epithet of Bagh-

Jl a to s.o.) ; to deliver up, surrender, dad; Dar es Salaam (seaport and capital

expose (Jf s.o. to); to oommit o.b., re- of Tanganyika); ^^U! o> (the City

sign 0.8. (a to the will of God, with of Peace =) Baghdad; p"jUl j nhr
ellipsis of <! or (i-l alone:) aas, the Tigris; 5* p^AJl (solmu),

to deolare o.a. committed to the will of SLU >^>L- peace be with youl (a Muslim

God, beoome a Muslim, embrace Islam salutation); p^UI a_U upon him be

4Jil *j\ i-l (amrah) to oommit peace (used parenthetically after the

one's cause to God, resign o.s. to the will names of angela and of pre-Mohammedan
of God; *-jj ,1-1 (rvhah) to propheta); ^^-> L ezclamation of dis-
give up the ghost Y to get, obtain (* may, esp. after oalamitous has; to receive (*; to have (* happened: good Lord! good heavens! handed over or delivered; to take oh dearl Jp p^U U ezclamation of
over, assume (* the management of amazement or grief about there oJlu LS (m. al-huhn) to goes (go) ...! what a pity for ...! how
| fJ-\
take (the reins of) power VI to become nice is (are) ...! *JI* (ballig)

reconciled with one another, make peace give him my kind regards! remember me

with one another Till to touch, graze (* to himl (-"jtJlj (and) that's all, and let; to receive, get, obtain {*; to it be done with that; oUII ...
J it's

take over (*, take posseBsion (* of) all over with ...

X to surrender, capitulate; to give way, ^iJL^L- (Turk. seiaml\k) aalmlik se-

submit, yield, abandon o.s. (J or Jl to
lamlik, reception room, sitting room, par- ; to give o.s. over ( J or Jl to ; to
a man, said of a woman) to lend ; o.s., be a
Buccumb (J to)
<*^>U salma blamelessness, flawlesa-
party (J or Jl to; to
ness; unimpaired stste, soundness, in-
L- salm peace
tegrity, intaotness; well-being, welfare;
i- silm m. and f. peace; the religion safety, security; smooth progress; suc-
of Islam |
1JI -J- hubb aa-B. paoifism cess | S-eLr;^! ioUl (ijm'iya) collective

security; jj-l <*^~> s. a4-&auq good

ijX silmi peaceful; pacifist
taste; a^l (ih) **}L- the integrity of
L- saiam forward buying (Isl. Law); ^U
the country; LJI 0. an-niya sincer-
a variety of acacia ity, guilelessness; i-JI :>Lj in good
i- suUam pl. J^U aalltm 2 , (J^ faith, bona fide; tilu^L- a speedy re-

allim 2 ladder; (flight of) stairs, stair- covery! IoUI aa (a greeting of fare-
;; ;

pL. 426

well, said by the person remaining be- V^ islmiya the idea of Islam,

bind) approx.: good-by! farewell! -J-I Islamism; Status or capacity of a Muslim

ioLJI Jp Ali (hamdu) praified be God for
J.j-Ot-1 look up alphabetically
your well-being! (said to the traveler
retuming from a journey) LJ tasaum receipt ; taking over,
assumption; reception
JL- sallm pl. 1<U aulama safe, se-

oure; free (j- from); unimpaired, undam- C^i-I istilm receipt ; acceptance

aged, unhurt, sound, intact, complete, taking over, assumption | f'^-'Vl jlil

perfeot, whole, integral; faultless, flaw- acknowledgment of receipt

less; well; safe and sound; safe; healthy;
v^_x-l istislm Burrender, capitula-
sane; (euphemistically) seriously injured tion Submission, resignation, Belf-sur-

or damaged, on the verge of ruin |

SJUl ~L s. aUbunya healthy, sound in
JL> 8lim safe, seoure; free (j* from);
body iJUI ; J-- benign (disease) ; Ji*Jl J--
unimpaired, unblemished, faultless, flaw-
e. al-*aql sane ; i;J' /^** ** on - n *y*> ^*
less, undamaged, unhurt, intact, safe and
c-ll 8. (-qa> guileless, sincere, good-
sound, safe; sound, healthy; whole, per-
natured; *-L* jjj ((&*?) good taste
fect, complete, integral; regulr (verb) |

iS^U aulm pl. CjUS- svlmaydt pha- iL-Jl a^I (jam') sound {= external)
lanx, digital bone (of the hand or foot) plural {gram.)

V"^-* sulmxya pl. -( phalanx, digital L* musaam unimpaired, intact, un-

bone (of the hand or foot) blemished, flawless; (also <> J*) ac-

sounder cepted, uncontested, incontestable, in-

1* I <uZania Bafer ; freer ;
disputable, incontrovertible

UU sulaimn 2 Solomon LL* Oj- iL muslim peaceable,peaceful,peace-


loving; mild-tempered, lenient, gentle

ht 8. salmon

Lk* muslim pl. -n Muslim
JLL* svlaimni corrosive

mercury chloride k- mustalim recipient; consignee

JLJ tasUm handing over, turning

jXh> (Fr. eylindre) eilender pl. -t cylinder
over preeentation; extradition; sur-
(of an automobile, and the like)
render (of ; delivery (com. ; of mail)
Submission, surrender, capitulation ; salu- (jLm) ^L- Bald u {ji- svlw, o\jL> stdton)

tation; greeting; concession, admission; and saliya a (J-- suliy) to get rid of
assent, consent (<- to), acceptance, ap- the memory of (a, or je), forget (*,
proval, oondonation, unquestioning reo- or je s.o.,, think no more (, or

ognition (<- of) je of ) II to make ( s.o.) forget (je s.o.,; to comfort, console, solace ( s.o.,

l_ mumlama conciliation, pacifi-
je for the Iosb of); to cheer up ( s.o.);
to distract, divert (je a s.o. 's mind from);
v>U islm Submission, resignation,
to amuse, entertain ( s.o.); to alleviate,
reconoiliation (to the will of God); dispel (* worries, and the like) IV = II
f^L>*Vl the religion of Islam; the era
V to delight, take pleaaure (-* in), have
of Islam; the Muslims a good time, have fun, amuse o.s. (<~>

iS^ xslmi Islamic with) ; to console o.s. (<- je for

with), find comfort (^ jp for in); jL-bM *-' iam al-i&dra (gram.) demon-
to seek diatraotion or diversion (^> j* strative prononn; j-=Jl
f\ (gram.)
from in) diminutive; jxJI -.1 %sm al-'adad (gram.)
jL. salwa, evhva solaoe, consolation, numeral; J*ll ^1 um aZ-mo'nd" ((Tram.)

comfort; fun, amusement, entertainment, abstraot noun ; ^aII -.1 %sm al-'ain

diatraotion, diversion; pastime (gram.) oonorete noun; J^rJl .J (pram.)

| J _j*

u-i*^ (> A- (**^) he leads a oomfort- elative; J^ill ^l um aZ-^7 (gram.) ver-

able life
bal noun, nomen verbi; J*UJI -.1 (gram.)
nomen agentis, aotive participle; --I
tjL* aalw consolation, solace, oomfort
uj**i> (gram.) nomen patientis, passive
^jL- aalw (n. un. ;ljL-) pl. ^^U - participle; lj>.\ ^\ iam ol-marra (gram.)
ZuxZ quail (zoof.) nomen vicis; J-J-l lr-V' (fyvan) the 99
ljL* uiwtSn forgetting, oblivion; oon- names of God (/*/.); utAi *-Ij in s.o.'s

solation, solaoe, oomfort

name, on behalf of s.o.; *\ j in the

"-* modZA pl. JL. nwMdiin

name of God; !Lf-l ^j J\j oLLLJI *XJ
objeet (tuqaddamu t-faiabt) applications will be
of amusement; amusement, entertain- addressed to the ohairman of the society
ment, fun, diatraotion, diversion; solace,
consolation, comfort ^1 iami in name only, nominal, tit-

ular; nominal (gram.) |

^1 iL. (mab*
*JJ tasliya consolation, amusement,
lag) nominal par; *ir\ iU; (jumla) nom*
diatraotion, diversion, fun ; pastime, inal clause (gram.) ; i-r*! i*J (gima)
nominal value, face value
J musain amusing, entertaining;
comforting, oonsoling ;
^- aamma u (aamm) to put poison {* into
comforter, con-; to poison ( s.o., * II to
poison (* V to be poisoned, poison
LijjJ- slov&niy Slovenia 0.8.

D J-* masli (eg.) = je aamn : cooking *- aamm pl. Ajt? aumm, ^Lt* aimm
butter |
J* (fio&ti) vegetable butter poison, toxin ; venom opening, hole

eye (of a needle) |

L*JI fj-J (bai$*)
t'Jimy&m selenium
fj aM
the white narootics (such as cooaine,
I ^-l Heroin, etc.)
vra pl. Lei a*m\ aL-I aSfnn name;
appellation; reputation, Standing, pres- {je* aamm f., pl. flr aam'im*
tige; (gram.) noun; Lt-l isman nominally |
hot wind, hot sandstorm, simoom
iJlJUI p.\ pen name, nom de plume;
pl maamm', oUL. masmmt (pl.)
ils&l ^J do.; tfjljf ^-1 (tf/ri) firm
pores (of the akin)
name (com.); 1* --I um 'oiam proper
name; XU- .1 (pram.) primary noun t/l. maammi porous
(not derived from a verb form); -.1
-J-J 4~*L- masmmiya porouBness, porosity
iam al-jam* (gram.) collective noun
(whioh, though forming no nomen uni- ^j taaammum poisoning, toxication;
sepsis JjJI ^-Jl (6ou) uremia;
tatis, has a broken plural); ^^1 jjj.1 Ji |

iam ol-jins al-jam'i (gram.) generio i$>*-iJI (damatot) blood poisoning, toxemia
lective noun (which can form a nomen jU smm poisonous; toxio, toxioant;
unitatis; e.g., aU- hamm pigeons); venomous

rj~ maemm poisoned; poisonous be indulgent, forbearing, tolerant ( j

toward a.o. in), ahow good will (j in);
* musimm poisonous; venomous;
to be not overpartioular ( j in) j to prac-
toxic, toxioant
tica mutual toleranoe X to ask s.o.'s ()

Bky-blue, azure, oerulean permisaion; to ask forgiveness, apologize

J>f Lc* samnjni
j- samh magnanimity, generosity;
O^jLe* simbtawi sympathetio {physiol.)
kindneas; liberality, munifloenoe
C~r- m tobe on the other aide of (*), be
j- samh pl. Ac* rimh magnanimous,
opposite (*), face (*)
generoua; kind; liberal, openhanded
Cj- samt pl. cy sumt way, road;
j-lr- samh magnanimity, generosity;
manner, mode; C..J1 azimuth (tutron.) |
kindneas; liberality, munifloenoe; indul-
^,-TjJI cj* *. ar-ra* zenith, vertez (ftrem.)
genoe, forbearanoe, toleranoe, forgiveness,
cr*i c~r- . al-iama eoliptio (astron.);
pardon; permisaion (v fr to do
(JIj^VI C~r- equinoctial oolure (a*<ran.);
j*jjjl c-r* s. al-qadam nadir (ortron.); cr" S*-Lc* samha magnanimity; generos-
wOVl soletitial oolure (astron.); j*l ity ; kindneas ; liberality, munificence
C~J nadir (astron.); Jl <^- JU-! to take indulgenoe, forbearanoe, toleranoe; *>-lr*

the road to ... His Eminenoe, Jl 5*-Lc* Hia Eminence

the Mufti (title of a mufti)
CfU' pl. of *, aee ,-j
j* aamiAj>l. Lj* sumah** generoua,
gC Mffluja u to be ugly, disgusting, re- magnanimoua ; kind, forgi ving ; liberal,

volting II to make {* ugly or loath- openhanded

aome H
-1 -,, <i-J-i aJ-Aant/a a*-samA' the
-r* samj pl. rLc* rimj and m; true and tolerant (religion, i.e., Islam)
pl. ^Ir* samjd ugly, disgusting, loath-
1*1. musmaha pardon, forgiveness;
some, revolting
(pl. ~t) vacation, holidays
-** mi; pl. ^U* *im<J;, ^r^* ****
*lj tasmvh indulgenoe, forbearanoe,
mj, Lj- mvmaja** ugly, disguBting,
lenienoy, toleranoe
loathsome, revolting
4t rj* masmh bihi allowed, per-
-lr* samja ugliness, abominableness,
mitted, permissible, admisaible |
licensea, privilegea, prerogatives

r* aamuAa u (aamA, ^Ir* jamA, i*-U-

l~- mutasmih indulgent, forbear-
MmlAa) to be generous, magnanimous,
ing (a* toward), tolerant
kind, liberal, openhanded; samaha a
<Jj- aamlA) to grant from a generous JUj- imAdf pl. Jj-lr* MmAtg" periosteum
heart (<- J s.o.; to allow, pernt (anot.)

(jl or u J a.o. or to do; to

l 4r* samada u (:>_>** aumd) to raise one's
empower (<-* J s.o. to do
authorize, |

head proudly, bear one's head proudly

Zi\ -- V Qod forbid! II to act with
ereot (also with ^J\) II to dng, manure,
kindnesB III to ahow o.a. tolerant (
fertilize (,>j^l the soil)
with s.o., jory in), treat kindly, with

indulgenoe j or u (
a.o. in the matter jLr samd pl. SJjfl asmida dng,
of), forgive j or u (
. a.o. VI to manure, fertilizer |
^lu alr (sin't)

chemical fertilizer; iSj-+* ^ ('u^w{) jr^f aamira woman partner in nightly

organio fertilizer or evening conversation; woman enter-

J-*-j taemid manuring, fertilizing

tainer; woman companion (who enter-
tains with lively conversation)
uUi smid: ^J^ -L.L- s. ar-ra** with
head ereot
jf\ asmar', f. *\jf aamr**, pl. y
eumr brown; tawny; pl. f. *IjIjT* m*
Llilu*. musammidt fertilizers
rwt brown-skinned women
O -V* *am%d (=-f) semolina (*yr.); * jjl masmir1 (pl.) evening or nightly
kind of biscuit or ruak, sometimee ring- entertainments (oonversations, alsogames,
ahaped and Bprinkled with sesame seed vocal recitals, storytelling, etc.)

jI_* miamr pl. j^l. masmir* nail;
jjAf sumdr pl. joLr" mdM dizziness, peg; pin, tack, rivet; oorn (on the toes)

vertigo (^j^JLl Ji^l al-kaff al-mismri ounei-

form writing
Lc wn!^ semolina
IjjI* musmara nightly or evening
\fC samura u (I^r* tmro) to be or tum
chat; conversation, talk, ohat
brown; Samara u (samr, jjf eumr)
to ehat in the evening or at night; to jjL- amir pl. jLc* summr companion
chat, talk (generally) II to nail, fasten in nightly entertainment; causeur, oon-

with nails * to or on); to drive versationalist; entertainer


in (jl(-il al-miemr the nail) III to spend j*\j* sawmir* (pl.) evenings of enter-
the night or evening in pleasant oon- tainment, sooial evenings ; evening or
versation, chat at night or in the evening nightly entertainments (conversation,
( with s.o.); to oonveree, talk, ehat ( also games, vocal recitals, storytelling,
with s.o.) V to be or get nailed down, eto.)
be fastened with nails; to stand as if
j+*~* musammar fastened with nails,
pinned to the ground VI to spend the
nailed on, nailed down; provided, or
night or evening in pleasant conversation,
studded, with nails; hobnailed
chat with one another at night or in
the evening ; to convene, talk, ohat j*\~* musmir companion in nightly

IX =I samura entertainment, oonversation partner

jr* samar pl. jLr I aamr nightly, op IjjUI as-tdmira the Samaritans
evening, chat; eonversation, talk, ehat;
&j*\*> smiri Samaritan; (pl. -n, jC
night, darkness
amara) a Samaritan
IjT* aumra brownness, brown color
l look up alphabotioally
jLr aamr (eg.) a variety of rush used
for plaiting mats (Junous spinosus F., XjjC samarqand1 Samarkand (city in Uzbek
bot.) | tJL &* j\s (hindi svlb) a variety 8.S.R.)
of bamboo
-f oameara to act as broker or middleman
jjr samlr companion in nightly enter-
ij-f sanuara brokerage; caravansary
tainment, conversation partner; enter-
tainer (in general, with stories, songs, jLr* simsr pl. IjAr sam&tira, jJjf
musio, amusing improvisations) samnr*, jwlr aamtr* broker, Jobber t

middleman, agent |
^-*VI jt-r- a. ol- *r* aartC hearing, sense of hearing,

oahum Btookbroker audition; ears; (pL'l**l aam?) ear |

*-JI 4aU earwitness; <*Ullj a*-JI aa-

ij^~f aamaxra (ir.) go-between, match-
aam'u ioa-t-f'atu and *ltj Uf sairian
loa-ttTatan I hear and obey! at your
X" aimaim aeBame Service I very well! -4**" c-^ in their
hearing, for them to hear; **!! 3j*\
t? samafa u (samf) to soald (> .th.); to
istaraq a-aam'a to eavesdrop; to moni-
prepare (*
tor, interoept; <dl ***_j Jjl {alq) to
ir m$1
pl. i^r um^ atring, thread
listen to s.o.; *~f J* madda sam'ah
(of a pearl necklace)
to priok up one's ears
i-Lf mf pl. -i, .Lr* Bumuf, J** 1

jjf aam'i auditory, auditive, hear-

aamifa cloth on whioh food is served; l

ing (used attributively) ; acoustio ; aoous-

meal, repast
tical; traditional | oL**Jl I* 'Um
in~* masmaf pl. .L.I. nuudmtf 1 Boald- aa-aam'iyt aoouBtics
ing house (wheie the oarcasses of slaugh-
**r aum'a reputation (specif., good
tered animals are scalded)
reputation), credit, Standing, name |

O -^** mismaf pl. .L.I. masmif*

i**JI (j->- or) Jut- (hasan) reputable,
vine prop
respectable; i**JI or) j.ij radi'
r* samt'a a (am*, f-Lc* xm', Lc* aanuTa, (aayyi) aa-a. ill-reputed, disreputable
*_. mana') to hear (*, * s.o.,; <->
f-lf jttmT hearing, listening, listening
of or about ; j* * from s.o.) ; to
in; auditioning, audition; hearing, re-
learn, be told (^. a of or about
ceiving (e.g., of a verdict); (gram,
from s.o.); to listen, pay attention (Jl
lex.) generally accepted usage
or J to; ,> to s.o.), hear s.o. (,>)
by hearsay about ^fie* sam'i acoustic; acoustical; au-
out; to learn (l-.;
dible; (gram, and lex.) sanctioned by
to overhear {-.; to give ear, lend
one's ear (Jl or J to s.o., to o *-j ^
common usage; derived from tradition,

traditional, unwritten (Isl. Law)

(yuama*) unheard-of II to make or
Iet ( s.o.) hear (a, give (* a.o. oLpLc sam'iyt acoustics (phya.) to hear; to reoite (*; to say
^r* samt pl. U** guma'if 1 hearing,
(a one's lesBon); to dishonor, disoredit
listening ; hearer, listener ; ^H the
(y s.o.) IV to make or Ist ( s.o.) hear
AU-hearing (one of tho 99 attributes of
(a, give (* s.o. to hear; to
let { s.o.) know (a or about,

teil (a s.o. about T to give ear, 4Lf eamm'a pl. -t earphone; ear-
listen, lend one's ear (Jl, J to s.o., to piece; (telephone) reoeiver; stethoscope;; to eavesdrop, listen (seoretly) ear trumpet; knooker, rapper (of a door)
VI ^-Ul -u uLJ people heard about bim
-*_. maama* earshot, hearing distance |

from one another, word about him got

around, he became known among people
^ r, -
Jp in the hearing of, within
earshot of ; *i* * J* for him to hear,
VIII to hear, overhear (a; to listen,
so that he could hear it
listen closely, give ear, lend one's ear

(Jl or J or a, * to s.o. or; to eaves- *_. miama" pl. L-. masmi'* ear;

drop; to ausoultate (J* s.o.) O stethoscope; (telephone) reoeiver |


^l Jp in their hearing, for them to ST Lt* amiba thicknesa

iil.Lx T7ia*mfc* nah stores, sea-food

*** misma'a earpieoe ; (telephone) atorcs

j&" aamkara tinsmith'a trade, tinamithing
*-L Jmi' pl. -n hearer, listener
j^&* amibar tinsmith, tinner, white-
pj** mowifi' audible, perceptible |
UxJl pj** " al-kalima one whose word
_5Cf* amariya trade or work of a
carriea weight, is paid attention to
tinsriith, tinamithing

f*i_* mustami' pl. -n hearer, listener;

Jr" samHa u (sami) to gouge, scoop out,
pl. ^ the audience
tear >ut (*1j- 'ainah s.o.'s eye) ; samala
Jj* amo^a u (Jy umf) to be high, tall, u (J_-f *miU, Uy Aum&i) to be worn,

lofty, tower up tatte red, in rags (garment) IV to be worn,

tat te red, in rags (garment) VIII to gouge,
3jC samq very high, towering; tall
scoop out, tear out (4_ 'ainah s.o.'s eye)
and lanky
Jr* amai pl. JLfl asmi worn gar-
J*U amiq very high, lofty, towering
ment; tattere, rags; last remainder of
jlr* summq aumac (Rhus; bot.); ita highly a liquid in a resael Jp- |
JJl ^t&l ^ji
acid seeda which, after being dried and to drain the cup to the drega
ground, Berve, together with thyme, as
a condiment
^ samina a (siman, Lt* samna) to be
or become fat, corpulent, obese, atout,
jLr* j? hajar summqx porphyry plump, fleshy, put on weight II and
IV to make fat or plump, fatten ( s.o.)
<litf II to make thiok, thioken (*

jlf tamh roof, oeiling

jf samn pl. jy aumn olarified

butter, cooking butter

<lif swnk thioknesa
je* siman fatneaa, plumpneaa, fleahi-
iLr* omat (coli.; n. un. '*) pl. iJU* ness, atoutneas, oorpulenoe; obeaity
aimh, lilfl asmh fish | ,y_>* dir* .
iic" simna fatneaa, plumpness, fleahi-
m*J plaice (zool.)
ness, stoutneBS, oorpulenoe; obeaity
iSr* amaiba (n. un.) a fish; l*-Jl
,y* summun (ooll.; n. un. ) pl. ^Js*
the Fish, Piaces (astron.)
sammin* quail (zool.)

j* samaki fish-like, fishy, piacine,

tj-x* samln pl. Lt* simn fat; oor-
fish (adj.)
pulent, plump, fleshy, atout, obese
iiLf mdfc: tflcJl as-simkn Aro-
jLf* summn (coli. ; n. un. ) quail (zool.)
turus and Spica Virginia (astron.) j iil^JI

ljl Arcturua (oafrcm.); Jj*Vt iJ^JI (a'zal) U* sammn butter merchant

Spica Virginia (odron.); O^lc-ll Jl jl*- iiU" amna: J-_pi Lf" *. ar-rijl calf
(AoZa?a) to have high-flown aspirations of the leg

iJU" nammh fiahmonger; fiaherman, JU" surnn (coli.; n. un. LjLt* sw

naher mnh) pl. oLilr* sumnayt quail (zool.)

iLr" AxmCJk thick -. musamman fat


jZf (Sp. cemento) cement lr- aam& m. and f., pl. cAj\e (*i*l>r)

aamwt hearen, sky; firmament | lr 1

dy**** wmanjni and djf Lc" aamnjni olj^Jl the highest hearen
sky-blue, azure, cerulean
Jlr sam'i hearenly, celestial; sky-
jOit* samandar Salamander blue, azure, cerulean

J-Lf aamandal Salamander (jjLf samtoi hearenly, celestial; sky-

blue, azure, cerulean ; descended from
j^r- amAari tall and husky, extremely
hearen; open-air, outdoor, (being) under
tall, of giant stature (<*Utl 0 spear
jji )i
tbe open sky; dirine, pertaining to God
(originally epithet of a streng, tough
and religion
^jf samly high, elevated; exalted,
if *ma see ,-j lofty, sublime, august

(y) Lf nid u (y umfito) to be high, ^1 aam higher, farther up, abore;

elevated, raised, ereot, lofty, tall, eminent, more exalted, higher (in rank), more
prominent; to rise high, tower up; to eminent, loftier, more sublime
be above or beyond or s.o. (je), smin pl. lr* sumh high, elevated;
rise abore, tower above (je); to be too exalted, lofty, eminent, sublime, august |

proud (je for) ; to be too high or diffloult j-L- j*\ (amr) royal deoree; t/UI -J 4 --^
(je for s.o.), be or go beyond the under- the High Commissioner
standing of s.o. (je), exoeed s.o. 's (je)

understanding; to rise (Jf to, J* abore jy aammT pl. j^lr sammlr* sable (Martes
zibellina; zool.)
or beyond); to be higher (Je than);
to strire (Jl for), aspire (Jl to, after) j ^jf II to name, call, designate, denominate
<! lr* to Iift, raise, elevate, exalt, lead up, or * by or with a name),
(*, * s.o.,, i_j

bring up s.o. or (Jl to); to buoy s.o.

give a name (*, to s.o., to; to
up, boost, enoourage s.o. in to seek to title, entitle (> or u a as or with);
surpass or excel ( s.o.); to vie for superi-
to nominate, appoint (J s.o. to;
ority or glory ( with s.o.) IV to lift,
to pronounce the name of God by saying
raise, elerate, exalt, lead up, bring up 41I j -ui* 4Ji\ (amm ha) or
I ij?
(*, s.o., VI to vie with one an* 4-le to invoke God over by
other for glory; to be high, elevated, saying -il -j IV to name, call, desig-
raised, ereot, lofty, tall, eminent, prom- nate, denominate (*, s.o.,, l-> or
inent; to rise high, tower up; to be * by or with a name), give a name (*, *
above or beyond or s.o. (je), rise
to s.o., to; to title, entitle (*,
above, tower above (je); to olaim to be u V
or as or with) to be oalled, be
higher in rank (Je than s.o. eise), olaim named -by j^Z he was named
Zaid, he
to be above s.o. (Je); to deem o.a. highly
called himself Zaid
-J um see l
js sumw height, altitude; exalted-
^jf samiy namesake
ness, loftiness, eminence, highness |

JjjJI yf His Grace the Duke; u~*-L* iL*-j Uumiya pl. -<K naming, appella-
jilil _^JI {malaki) His Royal High- tion, designation, name, denomination;
ness; 5-UI j*JI U-L. Her Royal High- nomenolature ; = *\ ; basmala (use of
ness; ^*-Vl >f nobility of charaoter the formula -il --j)
433 L.

*-* musamman named, called, by nail), nib (of a pen); (pl. l I asnn)
name of; (pl. ^L.* mu&ammayt) age (of a person); (eg.) ooarse flow,
deeignation, appellation, name ; Bense, seoonds |
J-t^Jl y. s. ar-ruSd legal age,
meaning (of a word) |
*~* J-l Jl (ajalin)
majority; J-*Jl ^ *. al-fll ivory; j~}\ >>-#
for a limited period, a*_ * ji. J-l Jl for young; ,yJ\ j%-5* old; jJ\ j jl* to be
au indefinite time, sine die, until further advanced in years, be aged; ^Jl *t -*-tu

notice (taqaddamat) to grow older, to age; to

be advanoed in years
i-- sana pl. ^-- sinn, oj^-- sanawt
year i.U <L- (muAamnuuttya) Mo- i sunna pl. ,>" sunan habitual prao-

hammedan year; *-ijf i leap year;

tiee, oustomary prooedure or aotion, norm,
'<* (wwiAlya) year of the Christian usage sanctioned by tradition; iJI or
hjJt year of ,oJl i-- s. an-nabiy the Sunna of the
era, A.D.; Ji- (hijrlya)

the Muslim era (after the hegira), A.H.;

Prophet, i.e., his sayings and doings, later

established as legally binding precedento

i j^jL. i^- (mtWdlya) year of the Christian
era, A.D. (in addition to the Law established by the
Koran) |
i Jl J*l ahl aas. the Sunnites,
tfjL* sanavA annual, yearly; Ly- o-
the orthodox Muslims; U-JJt <** law of
nawiyan annually, yearly, in one year,
per year, per annum
J- sunnl Sunnitio ;
(pl. -fln) Sunnite,
4^L* musnahatan annually, yearly Sunni

' stna see u*J ,>- sanan oustomary praotice, usage,

habit, rule
y- sanna u
(in) to sharpen, whet, hone,
grind (*; to mold, shape, form
jL- sinn pl. i-l asinna spearhead

(*; to prescribe, introduoe, enact, j^-- sann tooth powder

establish (# a law, a oustom) |
li^jli ,j to
^yl oMnn 1 older, farther advanced in
enact, or pass, a law II to sharpen,
whet, hone, grind (*; to indent,
jag, notch (* IT to grow teeth, j. misann pl. -t, L-* masnn* whet-

cut one'a teeth, teethe; to grow old, stone, grindstone; razor strop

to age; to be advanoed in years Till to i*j-- masnn prescribed (as Sunna),

olean and polish one's teeth with the
sanctioned by law and oustom; sharp-
iJlj ; to take, follow {* a ooarae or way); ened, whetted, honed; tapered; pointed
to presoribe, introduce, enaot, establish (e.g., mustaohe, features); stinking, fetid
(# a law, a oustom) | X^- c* j^l (*n* (mire)
naia m.) to follow the Sunna of Mo-
hammed (> musannan toothed, serrated, den-
tate, denticulate, indented, jagged; point-
j~ sann preecription, introduction, ed, sharp; sharp-featured (countenance)
enactment, issuance (of laws)
iiw* musannana pl. -t cogwheel
j*. sinn f., pl. L^I amn, i-*l arinna,
of a comb; of j. murinn pl. l masnn 1 old,
j*>\ asunn tooth (also, e.g.,
aged, advanced in years; of legal age,
a saw blade); jag; oog, sprooket, prong;
legally major
tusk (of an elephant, of a boar, etc.);

fang (of a anake, etc.); point, tij, (of a L see **

idea, thought); to present itself,
jt> rinnra pl. jOb-* sannir* fishing tackle; (J,

offer itself (J to s.o., esp. an opportu-

nity); to afford (^ 6 b.o; to
jLi- aunbd4aj grindstone, whetstone emery ;
disBuade (& s.o. from hia opinion), ar-

gue or reason (j* s.o. out of his opinion)

J^JL- aunbq pl. J-iL> andtig* brge, skiff,
boat fL snih pl. f\j* sawniK* turning
its right aide toward the viewer (game or
*JJL- uniwfc pl. dlib** indfrP toe of the
bird); auspicioua, propitioua; favorable,
hoof hoof; awl, punch, borer
good (opportunity) ; pl. |>- auspices,

good omens, auspiciouB signs ; ideas,

JJL- wdwfc pl. ^Lt> sanbik* and iJj-i-
un&fc pl. L;t> inWfc* brge, skiff,

boat 4^U aniha opportunity

JJU *n6ui (coli.; n. un. ;) pl. -#, Ji^ *> - sink pl. l>1 amk, >- aunk root,

nWJ" ear, Bpike (of grain) ; J-Jl Virgo origin; alveolua, gingival margin of a

(astron.) |
j-jji Jri-" ("* m{ ) C 1 * tooth (anot.)
spikenard (Nardus celtica; bot.); J-i-H fustiness
w* eanak rankness (of oil),

jil (fcinit) Indian spikenard (Nardo-

jw- aanxk rank, rancid (o), fusty
tachys jatamansi; bot.)

iv-U sanka rankness (of oil), fustiness

JjL- un&uti spiciform, spicate,
like a spike or ear (bot.) 1
-U** Axnada u {j^ und) to Support o.s.,

prop o.s., rest (Jl on, upon), lean, recline

jX-^-iL- aan&*'fe, eanbiUak (syr., ir.) trian-
(Jl upon, against) II to support, stay,
gulr meat pie with a wavy bread orust
prop, lean (* III to support, back,
CS* cent assist, help, aid (. b.o.) IV to make (

s.o.) rest (Jl on); to make ( s.o.) lean or

sanfimtir pl. -t oentimeter
recline (Jl against, on); to lean (Jl *
7J> aan;a pl. ^- na;, c*l*-^* sanajt agttinst); to rest, support, prop (Jl *

weight (placed as a counterpoise on the on); to base, found (Jl * on);

ecales of a balance) (scienoe of Islamio traditions:) to base

on as ita
"i*j> ainga (from Turk. ang) pl. ^ noff
a tradition

s.o. (Jl)

to trace back the asorip-


bayonet (eg.)
tion of a tradition, in ascending Order of

pt- n; aoot, emut the traditionaries, to its first authority

so as to corroborate its credibility;
i_jUj-* sinjb gray squirrel; fr of the gray lean a term upon an-
(gram.) to (*)
squirrel other being the subject of the sen-

(JUj einjbi ash-colored, ashen, gray tence, i.e., to predicate it, make it its

predicate; to entrut (J or Jl * to

* aanjaq pl. J<r^-* *Jn;ig' Standard, nag,
s.o.), vest (J or Jl * in s.o.); to at-
banner; sanjak, administrative district to s.o.;
tribute, ascribe (* J or Jl
and subdiviflion of a vilayet (in the
to incriminate, charge (* Jl s.o. with);
Ottoman Empire)
to lean (Jl against, to, on), rest (Jl on);

w- eanaha a (nA, unuA, ><- sunh) to to be based, be founded ( Jl on) |

***3I ^!
occur (J to s.o.), oome to b.o.'b mind Jl (tuhma) to direct one's suspicion on

or toward ...; Jl **pl OX--I (twnidai) ~1\ predicate {gram.); 4-Jl Xil subjeot
Btispioion feil on ... VI to support ose {gram.)

another, give mutual support; to support XjL^ mustanid relying, in relianoe

o.e. , lean, rest; to trust, rely VIII to
(J' J* on), tnuting (Jl, J* to)
lean, reoline, be (J#, recumbent Jl

against, on); to rest one's arms, one's

XI mustanad reason, cause ; mo-

weight (J*, Jl on), support one's weight

tive; (pl. -t) document, paper, deed,

(J> J
b y): to
based, b founded
legal Instrument; voucher, record; re-
ceipt; pl. (documentary) proof, records,
(J*. to rely (J*, Jl on) t trust,
J' on);
data; legal evidence (jur.) ol.fcJLAI jIj
hare oonfidenoe (J#, Jl in); to use as |

archives, office of public records; ol-Ux_*

(documentary) basis (J* .th.),,reet one's
y*jM m. aS-kthn bills of lading
case on <J)

-* sanad pl. -f, jb <wni support,

-U-J1 as-aind region extending along the
prop, stay , rest, back ; baoking ; (pl. lower course and delta of the Indus
ob 1) asoription (of anlslamio tradition), river; the provinoe of Sind, of West
the (uninterrupted) ohain of authori- Pakistan, with the capital oity Karachi;
ties on which a tradition is based f the inhabitants of this region
I-jJS*- oix (jfaSabiya) wooden struts,

wood bracing; (pl. -t) document, ^jjX-- sandars sandarac (a resin obtained

from the sandarao tree, Callitris quadri-

deed, paper, legal Instrument; vouoher,
record; commercial, or negotiable, paper,
seourity, bond; debenture, promissory sundua silk brooade, sarcenet
note, note of hand, debenture bond |

jLiJI ^ - *. Sahn al-b. bill of lading;


or sarcenet
mtndusi (made) of silk brooade

x-JI JUj informants, authorities, souroes

jlx-* sanddn, sindn pl. ^ib aandin* JU ' (see above)

bXLi sindiyn (coli.; n. un. ) evergreen
U-. mienad, maenad pl. A5l . mae* oak, holm oak (Quercus ilex; bot.)

nid1 support, prop, stay; rest, back (of

JLjX-- nndiynl oaken; like oak, oaky
an armchair); cushion, pillow

jbl isnd pl. oJLI asnid2 ascription ^Lx (Fr. syndic) sandik syndio, agent of
a corporation
(of an Islamie tradition), the (uninter-
rupted) chain of authorities on which a 1
j^b eannxr*
j>~' tinnaur pl. oat
tradition is based; 4JU (documentary)
proof, vouchers, reoords, documents JjL- sinnra pl. j*jb-* tannir* fisbing

tackle, fishhook
jUI-I istind leaning (Jl against or
upon); dependenoe (Jl on) |
Jl IjUI-1 <-Lj_juJI as-eanskrUxya Sanskrit

based on, on the basis of, on the strength

-Ui- 8ant a variety of sant tree (Acacia
nilotica; bot.)
-L_* musnad pl. .Ul* masnkP (science

of Islamie traditions:) a tradition the "k- sanfa (eg.) wart

ascription of which is traoeable, in (un-
jjk jnfflf dulcimer ( jJ^-)
interrupted) ascending order of the tra-
ditionaries, to its first authority; mesh; ^-jjk fl/ro CentauruB {astron.)


jk> ein^ir, sanfir psalter; duloimer possible, be feaaible (J for or to s.o.), be

lendered posaible or feaaible (J for s.o.),
jjilii- nngfra Singapore be put in s.o.*s (J) power; to rise, be
elevated, be exalted
JUl- 8tni$l Senegal

J* and L- sanan brillianoe, resplend-

u>*- n/ (ooll.; n. un. 5) pod, capeule, hll
e&oe, splendor; flare, flash, aparkle
L- san' brilliance, resplendence, splen-
IjjU-- sanfara emery dor, radianoe; flash, flare (of lightning);
exaltedness, sublimity, majeaty, high rank
^jSc-* anfcari pl. J^U- rodHra tinsmith,
sanfy high, sublime, exalted,
tinsman, tinner, whitesmith J-
jl5c- naJdr synaxarion, martyrologium
J**l atn more shining, more radiant,
more brilliant

Sc* (Turk. silng) smgt bayonet (syr.) 5JU aniya pl. o\_y sawnin water
Uj&~ einkn cinohona (bot.)
;L muAtnndA pl. U- musannayt
L* V to ascend, mount, Bcale (* | jetty, dam
JULI 5jji {Jt (danoata l-ma'll) to
^Jji-* (Gr. otfpodoc) nAfos synod
attain to greatest honors

**!-> sanama height, aummit peak tfuntin swallow (zwi.)

* L- satvm pl. i*i^l aenima hump (of ^j^- aanawf annual, yearly; b>> ranainyan
the oamel) annually, yearly, per year, per annum
,' "II #U ttuT af-feunfm the beverage
c-^- IT to speak at great length, talk in
of the blesaed in Paradise detail (je- about, of), enlarge, elaborate,
tasannum aeoession to the throne expatiate, dilate (j* on)

musannam oonvex, vaulted, arohed o^> svt pl. *->j4" suhb level oountry
steppe region
\,\^ tntfflffldr : j^* lj- Ij- jazhu
<->W"' ma6 elaboration, elaborateneBs,
jouTa . he repaid bim as they had re-
expatiation, long-windedness, prolixity j
paid S., i.e. he requited evil with good
t^l^Jj elaborately, in detail, at length,

ijj*i- nnamra anohovy; salted and lengthily

amoked fish muA&, musAoA prolix, long-


winded, lengthy, detailed, elaborate

>*i- T to become stale, apoil (food)

^L- musdnahaian annually, yearly

o^ mAZa a (aahad) to be sleepless, find no
sleep II to make sleepless, keep awake,
1 L- san, JL. L- *. maJtW, C L- 0. makka deprive of sleep ( s.o.) V = I

(bot.) aenna (tree) ; senna leaflets (pharm.)

L+~ suhd sleeplessness, insomnia
% (jL*> and J-) L-* san u (L- san*) to gleam, J+* suhud insomniao
ahme, glisten, be resplendent, radiate; to
*[+*> suhd sleeplessness, insomnia
flash (lightning) II to faoilitate, ease,

make easy (* V to be easy, be 4*L- shid sleepless, awake



j+* aahira a (aahar) to be sleepless, find no provide, furniah, aupply (* J or

J* s.o.
sleep, paas the night awake (also with with facitiee); (gram.) to read with-
J-Ul } ; to stay up at night, spend the night out hamzah (* a word) m to be indul-

(J* in or with some activity); to watoh gent, mild, forbearing, obliging ( to-

J* over), guard (J* s.o.'a interests, eto.), ward s.o.), show ( a.o.) one's good will |

look after (J*),

attend to(J* s.o. 's 4 J*U (nafaah) to take liberties
interests, eto.) J
i*- j j+* to attend IV to purge (med.) to relieve (* the oonsti-

a gathering in the evening or at night pated bowels, said of a medioine); paas.

IT to make sleepless, keep awake ( s.o.) ushiia to be relieved (said of constipated
bowels), have a bowel movement, have
j+~ aahar sleeplessness, inaomnia ; wake-
diarrhea V to be or become easy (J for)
fulness, vigil; watchfulness, vigilance(Jp
VI to be indulgent, mild, forbearing
over) | iSj+~ x* JU I spent a long eve-
obliging, tolerant (*. toward s.o., also
ning with him
J); to be negligent, careless (j in
~*j+- sakra pl. aahart evening; evening X to deem easy, think to be easy (*
party, evening gathering, evening Bhow
or Performance, Boiree |
i-L) i_^- (lailiya) J+-- sohl and edkil smooth, level, even,

do.; I^+Jl soft (ground) ; easy, facile, convenient

( L ^M or) <-jLj evening dress,
formal dreas (J* for s.o.); simple, piain; fluent,
flowing, facile (atyle); (pl. J_^- *
o\j+- aahrn sleepless, awake, wakeful
kl) level, soft ground; piain | J|,*i-Vl J^-
watchful, vigilant
handy, easy to handle or to use, oon-
jLj- auhr sleeplessneBs, inBomnia; venient for use ; ^JtX J+- I a. al-ho^m eaaily
wakefulness, vigil digestihle, light; il+- ~Af ('umla) soft
currenoy; -U J4JI j* lT to be eaay
jLj- aahhr one who is habitually up
and abroad at night, a nighthawk
for a.o., come eaay to a.o.; "^+-j ^1 see

O j+~\ aahar Bpermatic duct (anat.)

O U-* saMa (proof) planer (typ.)
j+-* mashar pl. _^l. maahir2 night-
club J-+-* awAatf Canopus (ajfron.)

jmL- ahir sleepless, awake, wakeful; J^+- aahl purgative, laxative, aperi-
watchful, vigilant; evening, night, noc- ent (adj. and n.)

tumal, nightly, taking place by night | iJ_H-- *uAto easiness, ease, facility,
*j*l* ii*- (hafla) evening party, evening
convenience | *J_h-j easily, conveniently
gathering, evening show or Performance,
soiree J+-I aahaP smoother, evener, leveler;
easier; more convenient
Js- sahifa a (sahaf) to be very thirsty
J_+-J fcwAiJ pl. -l faoilitation
Lj- Buhf riolent thirst
Jl+-t MAdZ diarrhea
J+- sahuia u (<1^+- suhla) to be smooth,
J*L-J taahvl indulgenoe, mildneaa,
level, even (ground); to be or become
lenienoy, forbearance, tolerance ; care-
eaay, facile,
(J* convenient
V for) j
lesaneaa, negligence
J+-i hardly ... II to smooth, level,
even (* the ground); to facilitate, make J^ musAif purgative, laxative, ape-
easy, ease (* J or J* for s.o.; to rient; (pl. -i) a purgative, a laxative

J+-- mwAaZ Buffering from diarrhea forgetfulness | \j+- sahwan inattentively,

distractedly, absent-mindedly, heedle&s-

J*Iu mufcuA! indulgent, mild, leni-
ly, neggently; inadvertently, by mis-
ent, forbearing, tolerant
" - mudfeuAai easy, facile
*j4* sahwa a kind of alcove

^ sahama u (j\h-* ^uAm) to look grare,

\j+~ aahwn* inatten tiv e , heedless
hare a grave expression III to cast, or
distracted, absent-minded, forgetful
draw, lots { with s.o.); to participate,
take part j in), partake j of, share #L ahin inattentire, absent-minded,
( (

j IV to give a share J J to b.o. negligent, forgetful | L*V l^L shiyan

( (

in), make s.o. (J) share (j) lhiyan amusing o.a. in a carefree manner,
completely at ease
a* aAm pl. pt^ Am, ^-\ aehum,
tu* suhm arrow; dart; (pl. ^I l
{*j**) L sa a u (*j** sau*) to be or beoome
aehum) portion, share, lot ; Bhare (of bad, evil, foul, wicked; to become worse,

stock) ; sahme, a Square measure of deteriorate (condition); to grieve, sadden,

7.293 m (Eg.) jjll p* rocket; ^.l afflict, hurt, vex, torment, trouble,

^-i-till founders' shares, original shares; offend, pain, make sorry, displeaae

j-ijJJl tk-\ a. al-qar4 bonds, gorernment ( s.o.) |

:>L- L {aaban) what an
bonds; ^*Vl U> hamakU al-a. share- evil way (= what an evil praotice) this

holders, stockholders; -+Jl -LiJ the die is ial UU L (fannan) to think badly of

s.o., have a poor opinion of s.o. ; <uJ IL- L

cast; j --* ,4-J Vy- (musibin) to take
an aotir e part in participate actively in ...
(tlVuhU) he was under an evil star, was

j u-i*jj (4-J uy> (wo-na^iitn) do. ill-starred, he was unlucky or unfortunate

J*j-J yas'um I am Borry II to do badly,
suhm gravenesa Badness, mourn- ;
I_j4- spo, hrm (*; to blame, censure
(a Jp s.o. for; to disapprove (*
,^*+-l aahumi share-, stock- (in Com- of J in s.o.), dislike (J* * in
pounds) s.o.) IT to do badly, spo, hrm (*

to deal badly (Jl with b.o.), aot meanly

*>!. mushama participation, taking
or evilly (Jl toward s.o.); to do evil
part (j in), sharing (
j of) |
i^lil tf"^
(Jl to s.o.), wrong (Jl s.o.); to hrm
Sirkat al-m. joint-stock Company, Cor-
(Jl s.o.), do hrm (Jl to); to hurt, offend,
insult (Jl s.o.); to infliot pain (
Jl on s.o.) |

>L Atm with earnest mien, grave- Ji^^adl LI (tasarrufa) to misbehave,

faced comport o.b. badly; j Jj-cJI LI to

>L-* muttZAtm shareholder, stockholder go about ... in an evil manner; *j jUI LI

(zanna) to think badly of b.o., have a
(_^-) l^,. sahd u {sahw, auhw) to be in-
opinion of LI to
poor s.o. ; j^*=Jl
attentire, absent-minded, distracted; to
choose a poor expression, express o.b.
negleot, omit, forget, overlook (j* |
poorly; J^u.1 LI to misuse, abuse;
4-L (J
4- auhiya 'alaihi to be lost in
d-L* LI (mu'malaiah) to miatreat
thought ^tll LI
s.o., treat b.o. badly; (fahma)

j+~ sahw inattentiveness, inattention, to misunderstand VIH to go through

inadvertenoe, absent-mindedness, dis- rugged times, fall on evil days; to be
tractedness ; negligence, neglectfulness, unpleasantly affeoted; to be offended,
hurt, annoyed, indignant, upset, angered, jann poor opinion ((-> of); iL Uli *UI
displeaaed (,> about, at, by); to be dia- . (-mu'Tnaia mistreatment, eto., see

satiafied, disoontent (j* with); to take IV above

amiss {J*
LlJ w%<S" dissatisfaction, disoontent,
j-- e' pl. 1^-1 a*w* evil, ill; iniquity, indignation, displeaaure, annoyanoe,
injury, offenae; calamity, misfortune |
C-iJl j-- *. al-bakt misfortune, bad luok;
* ^
mttsl' diapleasing, unpleaaant,
JJ- 1 y- a. al-Aau do. ; -UJ- ( j-J un-
offensive; harmful, disadvantageous, per*
fortunately; ^jUI >- ill na-
nicioua; inaulting
ture, ill-temperedness ; <JU-I ^ bad
oonditions; JU-I ^ bad Bituation, pre- U. must' offended, diapleased, an-

dicament; jIjI/I *>- s. al-idra mal- noyed, vezed, indignant (,y about, at, by)
administration, miamanagement ; j-* dieaatisfied, disoontent (j- with)

il^LJI bad behavior, misbehavior, mia-

*\j* see ,jj*>
oonduct; ,jiiJI ^ . az-zann poor opinion;
oLJ^U! *j* bad relations; iLUI _>- a.
<jJj" sawrx horseman, oavalryman, so war;
ol-mumaia mistreatment; Jl^*!/! >- horsemen, oavalry
abuae, miauae; ,+iJl j-* 0. al-fahm mia-
underatanding; VUJ1 a. at-tafkum LJj-* (Fr. soutien) stiyn pl. -t brassiere

mutual miaunderstanding, diaharmony,

Vj- (Fr. xu*4) silh sauteed
diacord; .UaUl j- *. al-gajid evil intent;

LJl j-- 0. an-niya do.; .-AI >- . al-

VU look up alphabetioally
ha4m indigeetion

l]j*, ;j-- zu'a pl. -fl* shame, dis-

grace; diagraoeful aot, atrocity; private j-L- *Za u to travel, rove, roam
part, pudendum; pudenda |
iiJi *y about
(sau'atan) shame on you I

S-U sha pl. -<K, ^U *J oourtyard,

t 8a yy** Dftdt evil, ill, foul |
open square; (open) spaoe; arena; field
JJ.I ^ . al-hatf unfortunate; unluoky
(fig.) v_A' *"-^ * aJ-Jwrfr theater of

person; ^^U-'l ^ . ai-fcuZug ill-natured;

war; fUl c>UL- oourts, tribunals; **-U
LjJ3I ^ 4. ai-tor&iya bad-mannered,
JbiiJl battle field, war zone; Lil 1 L-
badly brought up; i**Jl ^ 4. o-s-*u*n'a
0. al-qa4* tribunal, forum; <->LJVl ^-t-*
l-reputed, disreputable; ^Ul *^- *.
athletio field, Sports field; *>-U !y 6orro*a
af-fab' ill-natured, Ul-tempered; fJlW *ts*
dAataAa to aoquit 8.0.
unlucky, unfortunate; unluoky person;
from bad to J\_y sawwh pl. -n traveler, touriat
!>-' J' *^ t> (<Mvx?a>)

worse ^U i*tA pl. -n, ^L- auyydA, ^l_>^

5^- sayy\a pl. -<K sin, offenae, mis- uwuA traveler, touriat; itinerant der-

deed; bad aide, disadvantage (of vish; anchorite {Chr.)

;l nuwtTa pl. tfjl ma*Iu** evil

u (hy to be or be-
(r>-) ^U> ftJ4a savJf)
deed, vile action; pl. diaadvantages, bad
oome doughy, soft, alippery (esp. ground),
sidea, drawbacks, ahortoominga
yield like mud; to Bink (^^l j in the
IL1 iatita misdeed; offenae, affront, ground, of the foot) | **-jj c^-U (rhuh)

insult; sin, offenae |

jliJl '-I i. ax- to beoome faint, awoon
>y* 440

j_^- II to make blaok, blaoken (*; to book |
^JJI oj4 m. af-fa6' proof sheet,
draft (* a letter, etc.), make a rough galley proof
draft (* of; to cover with writing
'(jj-) iL feto u (L- siyda, j* u'rfud,
(* sheets), soribble (* on sheets) |
*^*-j j^-
su'dad) to be or become master, head,
(wajhah) to expose s.o., ahow s.o. up,
ohief, ohieftain, aovereign, lord, over-
make a fool of s.o., bring s.o. into dia-
lord (*, of or over people, of or over
repnte, disoredit, disgrace, dishonor s.o., rule, govern (*, * s.o.,, reign
IX to be or become blaok
(*, over); to prevail (o.g., view), reign
i\j~ sawd blaok oolor, black, blaok- (e.g., calm); to be predominant, predom-
ness; (pl. Iaj-\ aswida) blaok clothing, inate, have the upperhand (J over)
mourning; arable land, tilth; shape, II to make ( s.o.) master, head, chief,
form; inner pari, coro; majority; multi- ohieftain, eovereign, lord, overlord
tude |
jl^-Ji or JI>Jl j[>- the rural area
L- sayyid pl. aLJ asyd, JjL sda,
of Iiaq; Jiel/I *\jJ\ the great mass,
CjIaL sdt master; gentleman; Mister;
the great majority , the largest part
Sir; lord, overlord; chief, chieftain;
^Ul *\j~ the common people, the masses;
title of Mohammed's direct desoendants
,jJl jlj- 0. at-'ain eyeball; ijJ.1 jIj- |

^X-- (sayyidi, oolloq. sidl) honorifio

suburb, outskirts of the city; JJJI j|>-
before the names of Muslim Saints
*. al-lail the long, dark night
(eap. magr.); O^U A-Jl Mr. So-and-So;
ij~\ aswad*, f. Ij^ mud*', pl. jj- ^U tfV (tnfl^r.) do.; ^1/1 jUJl .l-
*fld blaok; dark-colored; j^-I ew- Supreme Commander of the Navy (Eg.
wod* pl. ljj-- Min a blaok, Negro |
l^Jl (j**) the Sudan; Ijj- fli I.L- sayyida pl. -tu mistress; lady;
severeet reproaches ; ^-U >j*\ coal-blaok,
Mrs. | dLi* io_Jl fo^ikuA) his wife;
} ;a_Jl Mrs. So-and-So
*\>j~ savd'* blaok bile (one of the
oL- riyda command, mastery; dom-
four humors of anoient medioine); mel-
ination, rule, dominion; supremaoy;
anoholy, sadness, gloom
sovereignty; title and form of address
l-4j- auwaid"* blaok bile (one of the of bishops (Chr.) ; siydat . . . (with foll.

four humors of ancient medioine); mel- genit.) nowadays, in Egypt, general

ancholy, sadness, gloom ; l-b^JI Suweida title of reapeot preoeding the name,
(oapital of the Jebel ed Druz) |
l.b>- ^jjL- = you, a reepeotful address in-

i_-UJt *. al-qlh the deepest folds of the troduoed after the abolition of titles of
heart, the inmost rank and Egypt li[^L\ L-
sooial class in |

*. al-mufrn His Eminence the Metro-

ijj\}j* saudwi melancholio, depressed,
politan; ,j-*SJ\ L- approx.: His Ex-
oellenoy the President (Eg-); oii *Jj*
lj^Jl (>*>) {bd) aa-Bdn the Sudan iL- (rfauia) sovereign state

J!j>- adni Sudanese; (pl. -n) a ii}- sudud, su'dad dominion, dorn-
Sudanese ination, rule, reign, power, sovereignty

Jj j-j tastvid rough draft 4?U s'id prevailing (opinion, feeling,

mood, oalm, etc.)

!^< musawwada, muswadda draft,
rough copy, rough sketoh, notes; day- Jjj-Jl, iS-by look up alphabetically

*oL look up alphabetioally and ander a Jj- 3L-L- aiyaa pl. -<U administration,
management ; polioy ; i^l* ydwto
OAj0> savdana to Sudanize (Eg.) for reasons of expedienoy (Jal. Law) |

4jij0> savdana Sudanization (Eg.) IJjAll IL-LJl (duwaliya) diplomaoy; i-*L-Jl

S-LJI ('amaftyo.) praotical polioy, Real-

jj0> II to enolose, fence in, wall in, Surround
politik; O CT^' *-*L
r- * at-towoMu*
with a railing or wall (* III to leap
polioy of expansion
beeet, assail, attaok, assault
(* at
( s.o.);

to befall, overoome, grip ( s.o.,

(j-L- *yd*i political; diplomatio;
(pl. -n, *-*U aaa) politioian; diplomat,
emotion) T to soale (* a wall, a olifF, etc.)
statesman |
*-L-JI j Ijill politioal ciroles;
jjm sr pl. j\j**\ aswr wall; enolosure, (j-LJI iiLJI (nlfc) diplomatio corpa;
fence, railing ^-LJI jLuJVI ^ ('rtm aJ-igtiflSd) po-

jj- sra pl. jj* auwar chapter of litical soience, political eoonomy
the Koran, sura taaawuma (dental) oaries

j_y aaura vehemence, force, violenoe; h'U pl. *-*U 8SC -L

severity (of cold) wa, ^L-* auyya stableman, groom
driver (primarily of anunals); manager,
^lj* aiwr, auwr pl. jy sr, jj->i aawira,
jjUl aswir1 , IjjUI aswira bracelet,
armlet, bangle ; armband ; ouff, wrist- "(j-ijil oa-auwSa Suez (seaport in NE Egypt) |

band ^rij-Jl JL* ganl a-. Suez Canal

'^jl^- look up alphabetioally 'S-Jj-r aee ^j->

*jl>~l look up alphabetioally c--j-- utfto zipper (eg.)

t$j>- 8t% Syrian; (pl. -n) a Syrian ^j- sausan, ssan Uly of the Valley (bot.)

'Ijjj-- ariy Syria | <si^i-\ \*j_y (jan* (Jj-*) iU rfa u (m^) to whip, flog, lash,

Palestine; Ijj>- dcourge ( s.o.)

biya) sJi^i\
l (sugr)
do.; fj&\
Ijjj-> (kubr) (Greater) Syria >j*> sauf pl. Jffl^-I aswf, iL- tyf
whip, lash, soourge
*ljy sriya* = Ijjj--
J*j* miwaf stick or similar implement
O^j") ^U saa u (i^L- aiyaa) to dom- used for stirring
inate, govern, rule ( s.o.); to lead,
guido, conduct, direct (* f * s.o..;
eL a'a pl. -t, pl ' (hort) time, while;

to adininister, manage, regulato (a; hour; timepiece, clock, watch; cUI the

aawisa yaswasu to be or become Hour of Besurreotion ; aa-a*ata now, at

worm-eaten; to beoome carious (tooth); present, by this time, at this moment, in

to rot, decay (bones) n and T = sawisa this instant; at once, instantly, immedi-
ately, just | tO*"'j **' ilr-i
(twi-ttfcr) from
jj-j-* aus (ooll.; n. un. ) pl. Lj^
hour to hour; ieLJI
J*- unt now;
aisn woodworm, borer; mothworm
UL-JI j* from now on, henceforth; j*
^.jM ss lioorioe (Glyoyrrhiza glabra; 4=pL> immediately, presently, instantly,
I WJ* /*
r * lioorice root; at once; i*LJI 4i* from now on, hence-
^j-JI i-jj rubb aa-8. licorice rob, tbick- forth; *^LJ ol* he died instantly; -U
ened licorice juice i_i- 1 . al-jaib pocket watch 5*1*j UL> ;
(ramitya) hourglass ; 4~-r* *U {&im* Jty* II to put off { s.o.); to postpone, draw
*ya) sundi&l; *U J>
I *frn *f ait/ out, delay, procrastinate (*

transitory, ephemeral
Jtf saufa (abbreviated form m s)

iiu-U 'oto'v^tn in that hour particle of future tense, o.g., isJ^j"

(tar) you will see
Jl*L T<SW pl. -yo watohmaker
l rruufa pl. -t, jl maswif*
m^ uuut'a pl. -t little hour, littlo
distance, interval, stretoh; (mw.) in-
terval |
L_ J* at some distance

(fj*>) M-* sga u (JU0, l masg) to be tJuj-J taswif pl. -t prooraBtination,

easy to swallow, go down pleasantly postponement, delay, deferment
(drink, food); to be permiflsible, be per-
jlj-j tastvifi dilatory, delaying, pro-
mitted, allowed (J to s.o.); to swallow
(*; to permit, allow, aooept,

tolerate (*, put up (* with, JlL-i^- sfUf'i sophistio

swallow, stomach (*, fig.) II to
allow oLij-- sufyt, >l-xJf sovylt Soviet
make permissible, permit, (* J
to s.o., admit (*; to justify, jLi^ sufyti, JJ>-, JsAK sofyeil so-
Warrant (-* * with); to lease, let viet (adj.) |
JU>-Jl iU'^1 (tihd) the
{* IV to wash down, swallow Soviet Union
easily {*; (fig.:) to take, swallow,

stomach (*, Btand for (*), (J>-) JL *J?a u (sauq, **L~ siyqa, JU-
V nuud?) to drive, urge on, herd (*,
put up with s.tb. (*) to leaae (*,
X to regard as prisoners, cattle) ; to draft, conscript
take a lease (* of
fcJtJL li'l-jundiya for military service);
easy to swallow, find pleasant (*;

to taste, enjoy, relish (*; to ap- to drive (* an automobile); to pilot

prove (* of, admit, graut (*, (* an airplane); to carry along, convey,

deem {* proper transport (*; to send, dispatch,
forward, convey, hand over (Jl *
j-l masg easy aocess; possibility;
to s.o.); to utter (*; to cite,
permiBsion J LiL ^*~~i / (V *'
quote, propound, put forth (*

tat*') he couldn't put up with ....

iU* JL (masdqah) to follow the
couldn't reconoile himself to couldn't
. . . ,
example or path of s.o.; j-J-I JU to
swallow ...; ilill l 1/ (masga, Sakk)
Jl i^-lM JL
carry on the converaation;
one eannot possibly doubt it
to address s.o.; j.U.I JLj jJLJi {yuaqy.)

A>j-j tatwig biring out on lease, you are the one that ifl meant II to market,
leasing i>l (ffo^) ImI- seil (* merohandise) III to accompany
fej-\j ir*/*"
Lease Act {pol, Tim.) ( s.o.); to go along, agree ( with s.o.)

V to trade in the market, seil and buy

JL sd'i easy to swallow; tasty,
in the market VI to draw out; to form
paltable; permissible, permitted, al-
a sequenoe, be suooessive, be oontinuous,
be coherent; to harmonize VII to drift;
justifying fao-
fj~.< musatvwifl pl. -t to be driven; to be carried away, be
tor, justification, good reason given over j JLJl to carry s.o. away

to drive or urge s.o. to ... VIII to

fLS~* mustasg easy to swallow; tasty, ...,

paltable drive, urge on t herd ( oattle)

443 .

3_y saug driving (of a oar); draft, Jtj* sawiq a kind of mush made of
oonsoription (*tJ^ U-l-jundiya for mili- wheat or barley (also with augar and
tary servioe); mobilization (of troope, dates)
also of forces, energiee, eto.) jU-l
Jij* sutvaiq and <jj-* suwaiqa tem,
jj-J! ijzat aas. driving license Btalk (of plants)

O l!^ sauqiya trategy *i>- uuxziga Bmall market

JU sq f., pl. 3_y sq, uU~- rigor JU- siyq Buocession, sequenoe,
shank; thigh; leg (also geom.); aide oourse, thread (of oonversation) ; oontext
(jjfim.); trank (of a tree); stem, atalk
Jlj-- aavnoq pl. -fin driver (of ani-
(of plants) |
pU-l JU a, al-hamm
mala) ; driver.ohauffeur; (railroad) engineer
bugloss (Anchusa officinalis; bot.); )j
JUII rabiat <w-#. garter; JUII iLj >Uj JU. maaq trend of things, oourse,

Order of the Garter; JLJl Ja '02m development, or progresB, of; U

aas. shinbone, tibia; u**Ull tfjUi* ** Jl it amounts to . . . t comea to . . . , wind*
feudwf s-sqain isoscelea (jm.); c*1j up in . . . , is ultimately aimed at . . . ; also

JL- J* v^J-' (ar&u) the war was or be- see JU sqa above |
oUlj-Ul ,j- JU*
came violent, flared up; war broke out; course of studies; Jl JUII U (S
,ii\ we

LffU j *->.J"l *izf (kaSafat) do.; Juti" have oome to the point where ...

U j j-Vl the matter became diffl-

Jj^-j iasunq marketing, Bale (of mer-
cult; J bU JU J* ._ij (. -jidd) to chandise)
turn one's zeal to, apply o.b. to, ezert
il^-j taswiqa (eg.) bargain, adran-
o.a., make efforts in Order to ...; Je tageouB purohase
JUj *ai (gotiam) in fll swing, oarried

on most energetioally (undertaking, pre- JjUJ taewnq coherence, interrelation,

parationB, etc.); jJl U J-jl arsala connection, contezt; harmony

dqah U-r-rih to Bpeed along like the jJU saiq driving; driving force;
wind (pl. -n, U sqa) driver (of animals);
ohauffeur, driver; (aircraft) pilot
U sqa rear guard, arriere-garde

Jj-- sq mostly f., pl. Jl^-I tuuxSg j*j~* mu8auqar {tun.) = j-* musattkar

bazaar street; market; O fair |

jJl J>- (i\y) iJU eka u (sank) to rub, scrub, bcout
U*-Vlj *. aX-birr wa-l-ihsn eharity
(* II to olean and polish, brush,
bazaar ; *J- I Jj-Jl (Aurra) the free clean (uU-Vl the teeth)
market; U*-Vl J>- eharity bazaar;
i\\j*> aiwk pl, il^ sk a small stick
*>J~-^J" {irtya) do.; j^IM J^- 11

(the tip of which is softened by ohewing

(wuwd) the black market; iJj^iil J^Jl
or beating) used for cleaning and pol-
(m&araifc) the Common Market; Jj--
ishing the teeth
xcJI . an-naqd money market (stock
ezchange); ti1lj*^l J'j-S produce illj miswk pl. iLjU. masxnk*
markets; jLUl j_>I* J_>- . 'u^wi aZ-

gufn ootton exohange

jfj- saukara to insure (* gooda, etc.); to
y_j- sqa subjeets; rabble, mob regiater (* a letter)

J^- *qi plebeian, common, vul- jO mueaukar inaured; registered

gr (letter)


'J^- II to talk or argue s.o. (J) into iSj* sawiya a to be quivalent, be equal
evil or fateful (*); to entioe, seduoe (J s.o., (* to, equal (* II to even,
aid of the Devil) J
<-J <l cJj*. (na/* level, nivellate, flatten, straighten (*
suh) he let himself be seduced (* to); to smooth (*; to smooth
down {*, e.g., folds, wrinkles
'J^-J taaawwaia (for jL? tasa"ala) to beg
<uLJ $ one's clothes) ; to equalize,
Jj-J taaawvnd begging, beggary make equal (i^ m to eise), put
(* B.tb.) on the same level (<-* with;
Jj-1. mutagavwril pl. -n beggar
UfLj iS_y to put two persona on an
{[j-) jU ma u (am) to offer for aale equal footing, treattwo persona as
(* a oommodity); to impoae (* upon equals, reooneile two persona; to make
s.o. a punishment or task), fort (* *
regulr, make good (* ; to oook prop-
upon s.o. a diffioult task); to demand erly (*; to regulato, arrange, make
of s.o. {*) (*) beyond his power up, smooth over, Bettle, put in Order (* a

Li-*- **U (jeasfan) to treat s.o. un- dispute, a eontroversy, eto.) | **J**\ ^y*
justly, wrong s.o.; to humiliate s.o.; to crush s.o. 's pride III to be equivalent,

(il* aiyma) to ordain, oonseorate (a be equal (* to, equal (*;

priest, a bishop, etc.; Chr.) n to impoae, to be worth (*; to equalize, make
foroe (* upon s.o. a diffioult task), equal (<_-> * to eise), put (*

ooeroe (* * s.o. to diffioult); to de- on the same level <i^ with); to establish

mand of s.o. (*) (*) beyond his equality (*jj jw between and);
power; to assess, estimate (m the value *r~>
jjU make them equals, equalize

ofan objeot) ; to mark, provide with a them, put them on the same footing; to
mark (* III to bargain, haggle, regulato, arrange, make up, Bmooth over,

ehaffer over a prioe (* with s.o.); to bar- settle, put in Order (* a dispute, a eontro-
gain, haggle (J or Je, -> with s.o. over) versy, etc.); L^Lj iSjl* = LfLj jj* (aaw
IV to let (* oattle) graze freely; to let w) VI to be equal or similar; to be
(* the eye) wander VI to bargain, haggle balanced, keep the balance VIII to

(j over, for) VIII to bargain, haggle, be even, regulr, equal; to be equivalent

ohaffer (i^ or <j, Je over, for) (* to); to be on the same level; to be or
beeome straight, even, level; to stand
ijL*. mwdwama pl. -t bargaining,
upright, ereet, straight; to straighten up;
to sit down (Je on), mount (Je;
i/U s&ima pl. r\_y sawd'tm1 freely to Bit firmly (Je on an animal); to be
grazing livestook properly cooked, be well done ; to ripen,
mature, be or beoome ripe
pU, iyU look up alphabetioally
iSj* siwan, suwan equality, sameness;

ft tjUL*. see V* (with foll. genit. or suffix) other than,

except | tfj* A~ Je (kaddin) equal(ly),

j*y smir* Sumer
indiBoriminate(ly), alike, the same; *Li

*J**j* Sumatra Sumatra Lk J* faddaldh 'al siwhu he preferred

i)\j"\ look up alphabetioally

bim to everybody eise; ^j-
iSy only, nothing but
V , ^
P*j- shag Sohag (oity in central Egypt, on *\_y aaw* equal; equality, samenesa;
the Nile) sato'a except | ^i JS* ^aJ *\y (la*

445 L.

daiki) it is all the Barne to him, he is in- the law |

tfjLZli J* or tfjL-Ub likewiae,
different to everything; Ij-j #'j- (ao- in like manner, equally, evenly, regularly

wtTon) equally, indiaoriminately, with-

lji-1 istiwtf straightness; eve.nness,
out distinotion; together; #I>JI J* like-
levelness; equality, regularity, steadineaa |
wise, in lue manner, equally, evenly,
J>l-VI V- $a# oj-wf. equator
indiacriminately, without distinotion; all
jlji-l wttwd'i equatorial, tropioal
the aame, making no differenee; J* lj- |

it doesn't make any differenee for ...; V*|>^Vl UkJ.1 (mnfa?a) or >UI
(j') 'L>~ (aatttl'on) regardless
yljs-yi the tropios

or . . . , no matter whether jl* musdwtn equal, equivalent, simi-
or . . . , be it that ... or . . . ,.
1 l_>- lar
do. ; jj . ' i tVI ^ lj- .H^L. A--^
jLl* muto*Junn equal, aimilar, (a)like;
j^jjuVt _r*j the diaeiples of Soorates,
even, equable, equally Btrong; of equal
both Athenians and non- Athenians;
weight, equipoised, equiponderant | jjLi.
(i^jil) lj- (mahajja) the Btraight,
J-j)1 jjLl* m.z-zaw*
jlu*l/l equidistant; Wjjll
right path
yd equiangular (jcom.) jJLJl jjt-I. m.

&jm sawiy pl. Ij^-I ajunyd'* straight; sfat isosoelee (peom.); jLVl jjL-*
right, correot, proper; unimpaired, in- equilateral (geom.)
taet, sound; Btraight-bodied, straight-
_ji_. mtutoun'n Btraight, upright, ereot
shaped, of regulr build or growth; even,
even, emooth, regulr; well done (oook-
regulr, well-proportioned, shapely, har-
ing); ripe, mature
monious; bj-- sauXyan in common,
jointly, together tiji muafawon level, niveau, Stand-
ard Hl jj= water level; tfjt-U
*jj- satnya pl. Uj- aawy equali-

fmi) scientific level; LJ-i jji
ty; sawiyatan together, jointly
m. l-hayh Standard of living; ijy> J
^ *tyy (for m. and f.) pl. IjJ asw*
(with foll. genit.) on an equal level or
equal, similar, (a)likeOL- l> they
footing with ...

are alike, are the same; j.l* L- l>

they are both the same to me u_>.Jl (Fr. Ja 5u&) cm-0uw2 Sweden


riyyamd especially, in par- j-4j- wwidl Swede; Swedish

,j-i>Jl as-suwla Suez (seaport in NE Egypt) |

"<^j- aawsiya (pl.) equal, alike j (j-i^-JI (JbJ) *li* (?andf, qanl) Suez Ganal
they are equals
V*L>" (*) f Svizzera) swiser Switzerland
Ij-Jj- (It.
*j j-j tastoiya leveling, nivellation
settlement, arrangement, adjustment (of tjj^ij* steiseri Swiss

controversies, eto.); equalization ; settle- 1 S~-

ya pl. -<M eurved part of a bow
ment (of a bill) | <i>*-*" -* outstanding,
unsettled, unpaid {com.) 1
D <j- short form of 0-* sayyid, jU~* Mr.,
Sir (esp. nw^r.)
*ljL_* musxvh equality, equivalenoe;
equal rights, equality before the law;
'^ yy iL- see tf-K
settlement, oomposition (com.)
(L- aiym Siam, Thailand
jLJ taatmn equality, equivalence,
aameness; equal rights, equality before jL- tydn oyanogen

*5*a * (***&) to flow, stream, zun i*-L- siyha pl. -t travel; tourism
(vi**) v'-*
(water) ; to zun along, speed along, glide
^U- oayyh pl. -n traveler; toor-
along, creep along, crawl along; to walk
fast, hurry ; {eg.) to leave, give up, relin-
quish {*; (eg.) to negleot (*, * s.o.,
L- s'ih pl. -n, r-U- uyydA, uw; (eg.) to release, let go, free (*, s.o., wh traveler; tourist; itinerant derviah; II to leave, give up, relinquish (* anchorite (Chr.); to negleot {*, s.o.,; to re-

musayyah fluid, liquid; Btriped
leaae, let go, free {*, * s.o., YII to
flow, stream, ran (water); to pour, flow
(Jl into), enter (JI; to peter out, *(;--) j-U aka i {> oaik, uU- sayakdn)
seep away, ezhaust itself; to speed to sink into the ground or mud
along, glide along, ran along, crawl or

creep (along) ; to glide, slip (ju between)

a > tnk pl. j-U-l asyfy spit, skewer; foil,

to walk fast, hurry; with foll. imperf.: rapier; iron prong or bolt

to begin at once to do

i~*, IjU-' see *Jj-*

uiUJl inaiybi, Jdlt jLJl ins. S-SaU

Ijlx-* dra pl. -t (see Jjl-u) an Iraqi head-
gear, commonly of blaok velvet; overseas
i_JL- &"ib forlorn, lost, (a)stray; free,
loose, lax, unreatrained

(s*) jL- ara i (jj- mir, jjj^ aairra,

t^r-i- siblriy Siberia
s~* masir, Ijw mtuira, jUJ ttuyr)

*- II to fence in, hedge in, Burround with to move (on), eet out, strike out, Btart,

a hedge (* V paas. of II get going; to move along; to march;

to travel, journey; to ride (in a vehicle);
A~* siyj pl. -t, <r^*' anoija, ^L-l
to go, go away, leave, depart; to run,
asyj hedge; fencing, fence; enclosure;
operate (j ju between and, of a
(flg.) bulwark, ehield (of a country, of
train); to flow (eleotrio ourrent); to run,
a nation)
be in Operation, funotion, work, go

VU look up alphabetically (machine); to progress (e.g., work); to

make (Jl for, be headed (Jl for
jl*~- aigr cigar (eg.), approaoh (Jl, be directed,
be oriented (Jl toward; to oirou-
jl*r< eigra pl. -t, ,/U aagyir*, y'U*-
late, make the rounds, be or become
sag*ir* oigarette (eg.)
ourrent (proverb); to follow, maintain

(^--) ^L- eha t (oaify, i>L~* oayahn) to (Ijw oairan a behavior, J*; to

flow, ran (water); to melt, thaw, dis- behave, conduct o.s.; to prooeed, aot
solve, become liquid (snow, metal); <J or ,#jx bi-mvqtaft
acoording to) |

(aaik t 4*-U* siyha) to travel, journey; 4i jU to lead s.o., lead b.o. away;
to rove, roam about II to make flow, Ijj jU to follow, pursue s.o.; jU
cause to flow (* a river, etc.); to melt, LUSj C-*- (jVatan toa-iahban) to walk
disBolve, liquefy, Bmelt, fuse (* metal, up and down, go back and forth; j jU
and the like); to melt, clarify (* butter) o-*=M Jrf- (* it-tahaaeun) to be on the
IT to make flow, cause to flow (* road to recovery; IfS jL- Jfl ilai-'l

VII to Bpread, pour forth (kifta) the course he followed; i*- 1>* jU

(siratan hasanatan) to behave well; jU itinerant, roving, roaming about; cirou-

V-^ J* {qadamaihi) not to be dead lating; planet |

SjL- J** {/) <>r

and forgotten, be still much alive, be a JjL- ojlj*. daily newspapers, daiea
tangible reality II to set in motion,
jlr- sayyra pl. -t automobile, car
drive (a; to make (*, e.g.,

j*-Vl jU- a. al-ujra taxi cab; *pj.u jL-

an automobile) go; to Start, start up,
(mvdarra'a) armored aar; IjjjJ j'- {daw
let run (a a machine); to go in (a for a
riya) patrol car; <Jl-Vl jl~- . al-is'f
task), run, carry on, ply, practice (*
ambulance; *J*** SjL- (mu$ajfaha) ar-
a trade); to drive (a a car), pilot, steer
mored car; JiJI jL- s, an-naql truck,
(a; to send, dispatch, send out
lorry; jlJl jJL- (automobile) driver,
(a, * s.o.,; to circulate, put in cir-
culation (a; to stripe (a a garment,
etc.) III to keep up, go along ( with jl* masr pl. -t path (of rays,
s.o.); to walk at s.o. 's () side; to pursue etc.)

(a; to show o.s. willing to please

j^a masir travel, journey, tour;
( s.o.), comply ( with s.o. 's wish); to
march {mtl.); departure; distanoe
be in agreement, be consistent (* with; to be familir, intimate, be hand _r~* masira travel, journey, tour; de-

in glove, get along with s.o.) to parture; diatance

( ;

adapt o.s. (* to oiroumstances, events, ji-j taayir dispatoh, sending out

etc.) IV to set in motion, drive (a; propulsion, drive (techn.) (jUJi _^*-)l

to send, dispatch (a, s.o.,

(najf$i) jet

j^> sair trip, tour, travel, journey, j-L-. muayara adaptation, adjust-
walk, errand, march, procession; move-
ment, motion; departure; course, prog-
ress (of an undertaking) ; procedure,
yU s'ir going, Walking, running;

practioe, cnduct, behavior (way of walker, wayfarer, wanderer ; generally


life; observance, pursuance (J* of | known, current (proverb); see also j~> j

j-*l <*A*- (kadama) transient laborers,

4_ji-J!j _^ j-*- (hiun as-s.) blameless

seasonal laborers (eg.)

life; <Jj* Ijj _^-JI j (garatfihi) in pur-
suance of bis intention _n musayyar direoted, controlled

auyr {leather) belt; by); guided, remote-controlled; not

jy sair pl. jj~* (<_>

girth ; drive belt, transmission belt endowed with free will (phos., as opposed

ii_^r. (mutaharrik) conveyor belt, to j\im* mukayyar)

assembly line
(^Ijrj-- sirs (syr.) glue made of the yellow
Ijy saira gait; course powder of a pulverized root, used esp.

j^* sira pl. y siyar conduct, com- for pasting leather

portment, demeanor, behavior, way of

*j\j^ straf im seraphim
life; attitude, position, reaction, way
of acting ; (in sg. or pl.) biography, r s~* siraj sesame oil

history; pl. campaigns; Ijj-Jl the biog-

iSj-* (Fr. eirque) sirk circus
raphy of Mohammed
jl~ sayyr traveling fraquently, al- L-j-- saisabn sesban (an indigenous Egyp-
ways on the move, continually moving; tian shrub whose leaves have a purga-
; -


tive effeot, Sesbania aegyptiaca Pers.; J-- sail pl. <Sj~* suytil flood, inunda-
bot.) tion; torrent, torrential stream | J--
llj* ('urm) huge masa, flood, stream;
^-i- *m pl. l;- 4feij/t, ,^-L- *xyd*l
<-*jJl Jr-Jl A^ (ruJw) the matter has
(#.) pony; young rat
reached its climax, has oome to a head

Ja-r sat/ara to command, dominate, con- iL- saila stream

trol (Jp; to be master or lord (Jp
*}j~* mtySla liquid state, liquidity,
over, reign, gain power (J* over
flow(ing); to seize (J*, take hold (Jp
of II tasaifara = ^U-- JL- sayyl Streaming, pouring, tor-

rential; fluid, liquid; a liquid; stream;

jU~ eaifara ruie, dominion, domi-
a fluid Jl- J* (qalam) facile pen, fluent
nation, command, supremacy, power, |

authority (J* over); decisive influenae
(J* on); control (J* over) 3JL- sayyla rivulet; pooket

jL~** Mwoiftr ruler, Borereign, over- ^L- aayaln flowing, flow; running;
lord deliquescence, liquefaotion ; gonorrhea
(med.); see also below
(_j-. at/ pl. <J>* suyf, <_i L--I <u y/,
(Ju-I asyw/ s word; sabre, foil, rapier | J- masil pl. JjU- maayiP river

r^t-Vl s. ai-islm title of princes bed, rivulet

of the royal house of Yemen
JJU sa fluid, liquid; (pl.

Ju* */ pl. <Jl~-l aayf shore, coast wJ'i/1 ) a liquid, a fluid | O JSjj-Jl
'am aas. hydraulics
<JL- sayyf executioner

JJU Ttiiyo fluidity, liquid state of

jI_. musyafa fencing (with sabre
aggregation (phys.)
or foil)

^L-- oaya&n' Ceylon

*jK sigra pl. j-'K-. sag'ir* cigarette
tA-- Alan garnet (precious stone)

(*y-) l ~- tma (pasa.) and VII to be oonsecrated,

IjSw- u'&urn, aatitarn henbane (Hyoscy- be ordained (Chr.)

amus niger; bot.)

'L-1/j uw-fcl siyyam see i$j-

Ijjj. (It. sicurtd) aikurth insuranoe a B

|<-. *imfl* see next entry
(SLJ-l) Ji>i #jjC-- (hayh) fire (life)

insuranoe *
*-- m (Ij- rirnd), Ij- sim* 1 , *-
tma pl. *- yam mark, sign, charac-
-^JjSl-' sifcolix, saifcolji peychologio(al)
<J teristic; mien, expression
J^-* *^* (***' ^^r - *yoJn) to
(Jr") *
U-- simiy, L*-* aimty'" natural magio
flow, Btream; to be or become liquid; to
melt J* *jUI
JU (Ju*5&uA) bis mouth ^ sin name of the letter ^
watered for ... II to make flow, cause to
UAIIt al-a&"a (M-mniya S rays
Vfl ,J1
Btream, liquefy, melt, dissolre (*

IV = II b- nn and Lx* n' 1 Sinai

449 jU

^*- (Fr. cinima) cinema, motion-pio- motion-picture actor, film atar | ZAjj
ture theater |
UuJl jja dr as-s. V^i" motion picture, film, movie
motionpioture theatera, movies ; Liw
l^Lw-. (Fr. cinimaiogra'pht) tnimatuQ'
(c~L) uLr ailent film; (jUU) L^>
# rdf cinematograph
UiL or (c-j L) o'U Liw aound film,

talkie ^j$iJLx~ (Fr. cinimascope) sfnimaskb Cin-

^L^ju inem't cinematographio, cine-
matic, cinema-, movie- (in Compounds); ,_j-^x- (Gr. ovvooq) nndos Bynod

^i abbreviation of fjLi idri' street (St.) perceive an evil omen (t-> in), regard as
an evil portent (v; to foretell
.U id* (coli.; n. un. IU &A) pl. .I^i ItuxZA,
calamity {*_> from)
Li JtydA aheep; ewe
^Lill oi-la'm, aJ-&Em the northern re-
V^.P JFu'fr pl. --jti kiinb* downpour,
gion, the North; Syria; Damaacns j LU
j j (yamanan) northward and aouthward

jjU &di> tent; storehouae, warehouse, t/Li idmi Syrian; pl. -fln, >l_^

magazine iuuxSm) a Syrian

jljjjLi Sdarwn fountain; a small water- J\j. Sa'mi Syrian (adj. and n.)
driven gadget adorned with belle, and
iu'm calamity, bad luck, mia-
the like, resembling a mobile
fortune; evil omen, portent | LJ-Jl V-c V
(T-ijjLi Srbim cherubim Up (tomJa\ duni/<5) (don't fill the world
with evil omen!) approz.: talk of the
,^-U Ssi ohaasis
devil and he will appear t

Uli ia'/o root li J*U-I ista'pala $a'*

i/p himd inauspicioua,
lUl oJ'am*, f.
fatah to extirpate, root out, eradicate
ill-omened, ominous, portentous, sinister;, remove drastically
calamitous, disastroua ; unfortunate, fatal,

(^jijTU JflriUI and J^Sli fofcfli pl. jS\J accuraed


SatoktP hammer |
^^TU y) hammer- l*jUJ taSaum pessimism
head (shark)
ma&m and maSm pl.
(JU JJ pl. j-^Li fiidn shawl jli>maTlm* inauapicioua, ill-omened,
ominoua, sinister; unfortunate, unluoky
<JU (Ft. eaZei*) MJ& pl. -dt hunting oabin, |

^j}^ jap {'adad) unlucky number

Bhooting lodge; beach cabin, cabana
* LL mutaS'im pessimiat
>U VI to perceive an evil omen (^ or *_> in),

regard as an evil portent (,y or *->; uU Sa'n pl. jji- Sun matter, affair, con-
to foretell calamity (j* or t_j from) ; to be cern, buaineaa; circumstances, State of
superstitioua ; to be peaaimistic X to affaira, oase; natura, character, quality,
; ;;

jb 460

kind; Situation, condition, etat; signif- Sa'nirt) what business of yours is this?

icance; importance, consequence; Stand- what's that to you? iUi j oU <J he has
ing, prestige, rank cranial suture ;
; pl. OjJ-i to do witb this, he haa a hand in
tears; ja' na like, as | jLi} bi-Sani regard- this; iiUi J *J lt V (Sana) he hasn't
ing, witb regard or respect to, relating anything to do witb this, be has no part
to, pertaining to, ooncerning, as to, in this; iUi j jti J ,^-J I shall have
about; oll
(jaUa) the Sublime (of nothing to do with that, that is none of
God); -tl^-Vl jjlti ijjj Ministry of So- my business, I shan't meddle in that;
cial AfFairs ; S-j-jU-' I
jJJl {krijiya) foreign *j J uU V (Sa'na) I haven't anything to do
affairs; jLtll jj, f. uUJl oli the responsible with it, it's none of my buBiness ; jU <** J
man, the man in cbarge, tbe man directly j*X (kar) I still have a bone to pick
conoerned with tbe matter; jliJI _jjjl ul with him ; <>U ,_ r*J t_-> i (K-6a (K Ax'niA)
J-Jf. and uil jji iaum i-i. the influen- he attended to a task be went to do ;

tial people, tbe competent people; thoee *jU Jl Ji^l (inparafa) he left to do his

concemed with the matter; Li-I jjj-i work; I4JU j* c-*-Ll (ajjJaAaf) she
S. al-hayh worldly affairs; Lill j-L*- of made herseif up ; <>U J*
I ahmala
great importance; U /* ignificant, Ha'nah he neglected him; *jti iiUi that
important ; lill J; high-ranking is his habit; Le*l,a <>ti So* he is alwaya
(formerly, Tun.) title of membersofthe that way; j <iU (Ja'nfc) as he used to
Bey's family; jUJI i^*-L# tbe one con- do in . . .; . . .
^> * <iU (a'noA) as he
cemed; UJI ^L**l those concemed; the used to deal witb people wbo . . . ; jtT

important, influen tial people; O <-Jil* *jb jj it was his wont, he used to . . .

0j_J-iJLj (muJfcaWa/) charge d'affairea (dipl.); jl lt ,y it is in his (its) nature that . . .,

. . . Jl li tiJJj j 4>li (Ja'nuA . . . a'nu he (it) tends to it is his business to . . . ; . .


I- . . .) in this matter he fares just as jl <jL ja ^^J it is not his affair or business

the . . ., he is, in this respect, in tbe to . . . ; it is inappropriate for him to . . .

same Situation as the . . .; <jU IJU it does not tend to . . ., is not conducive
(Sa'nuh) aman whose Situation is thifl, to . . .; UU J-jJt IA#J l (rajuli) there is

a man wbo can be described as a .

a man to keep an eye on, this is an
. .,

important man; there is about this

man in this Situation; liilli Sa'naka or
ania wa-Sa'naka please your-
man ! j_J-J <iU- j 41 (fyalqihi) God has
dllif l-l
created all kinds of things (meaning:
self! do as you like! Xi_J l*j liii'Li (Sa'naka)
strnge things can happen in this
do as you please! just as you wish! Jo world!)
jLij (da'n) let me alone! <uUj <" tora-
JraA wa-fa'nah to let s.o. alone ; to let j^Uill (Fr. chantage) Santl blackmail
s.o. go; not to pay any attention to s.o.;

uli j jh he is concemed with a matter U Sah shah; king (chess) |

iji Li (ballf)

<jU to* that's bis affair; iluti l* what's chestnut tree (60t.); ol< U checkmate
the matter with you T wbat do you want T (chess)

lij liiili U what have you got to do jlLi Shnl the shah's, pertaining to
with this ? wbat business of yours is this ?
the shah; imperial | *-J^^i * J L>' decree
j-Vjj *iU l* (amra) what has he got to do of tbe Sultan (in Ottoman times)
with the matter? iiUi j Jti L* what have
I got to do with thatT wbat business of ^li ASIrt pl. j>*]^1 JatmAin 1 shahin, an
mine is tbatt l j aU U ^1 (ayyu Indian falcon (zwl.)
; -


(jU) li Ja*d u (jU ATu>) to overtake in L-i Sabba (= Sabba) young woman, girl

running, outraoe ( s.o.)

*J> Sabba alum
jli &*w highest point, sumrnit, peak;
._->-i Jotai fully grown (ateer)
goal, objeot |
jtijl 4_*j far-aiming, far-
aspiring; veuy ambitious; j yti iL ^ Li laidfc youth, youthfulness ; youths,
young men, adolescents, juveniles | JjJjf
(sa'unAu) to get as far in aa s.o.
L^Lill rejuvenation
eise, match s.o. in; i.Uu IjU iL

jj\ j (rvqiy) to undergo tremendous jLi Sabdbi youthful, juvenile

progresa; XjJl jlill iL to oarry off the
Vji Subb outbreak (of a war)
prize, hit the bull's eye
<iLi io&M&a reed flute
*y jU Swurma, Swirma (alsoiy^) charooal-
^_;-* Sablba youth, youthfulness; 4~u-i
broiled mutton, out in thin slioes and ar-
the youth (coli.)
ranged oonioally on a vertioal akewer
VU AXW pl. oU Svbbn, ^Li aM6
Loi Sababa youthful, juvenile, young;
^jli SvmS (tun.) pl. ^ilj-i SutotoS sergeant;
youth, young man
offlce boy, handy man; doorman, gate-
ili 366a pl. -t t ^^j-i It366 , , <_-JLi
Sab'ib* young woman, girl
^ijli- SdwiS a military rank, approx.: Btaff
*-j>J~ maSbb lighted, kindled, ignited,
sergeant (Eg.) |
jyjLt J-Sj a military
fiaming, burning; beautiful
rank, approx.: sergeant (Eg.)

Ci;* Afrttt dill (nethum graveolens; &o(.)

^Li Sy tea
i-ti iobito
k a (Sabat) and V to oling, cleave,
_*! Sabba % (^iJ- Sabb, i^-i iaiiba) to
hold fast, hang on, attaoh o.a., adhere
beoome a youth or young man, to
adolesoe, grow up; tu (vLi Sibb,
( v to)

o&a pl. jLii-i Jibtdn spider

vir* Sabib) to raise the forelegs as if t^v-

about to jump; to rear; to prance (horse) J-i_U toJatoui tenacity; attachment,

(v^r* tvbb) to burn, blaze (fire); to
adherenoe, fidelity; stubbomness, obsti-
break out (fire, war); u (Sabb, Subb) nacy
to light, kindle (fire) |
i-^l lj*J ti+-
J^ll mutaSabb tenacious; attached,
(nlrn al-harb) war broke out; j* <_-~
adherent; stubborn, obstinate
JjUI (/auf) to be over the initial atagee,

with neg. : to be still in its infancy II to f u,; - jftitt dill (Anethum graveolens; 6of.)

rhapsodize about a beloved vornan (lf)

*_i a6ah, Aiifc pl. j-j-i Ju6A, j-Lil aibdA
and one's relationship to her, oelebrate
her in verse; to flirt (lf with a woman) blurred , indiatinot shape ; apparition

V to rhapsodize about a beloved woman phantom; ghost, speoter, spirit; night

( and one's relationship to her, celebrate mare; figure, person

Lf )
her in verse; to oompose love sonnets; to
JJ> Sahara u * (Sabr) to measure (*

take fire, blaze up with the span of the hand II do.; to

_*i Sabb (= -Li Sdbb) youth, young gesticulate, make gestures, to gesture

man j Sibr pl. jLil aSbr span of the hand |

<_~1 Sabb alom \jjtj \jJ> (fa-Stbran) inch by inch; jJ>


*-t Sab" sufficienoy, satiety, satiation,

f-lj-b Uljjj jwj Ijw (goftu&iA) to Im- Saturation, repletion, fullneea

itate s.o. or religiously; to follow
*-t Sib\ Sita* that fllls or satis- literally
fies the appetite, All

^jt-i iabbr pl. -dt, jul~* ioMtor1 trumpet *-t iaba Saturation {ehem.)

"yj-- J-i&frra and yjiU M&flro (ejj.) fog, mist **-! htb'a a fill

J>i ia/maj'a to tear to pieces, to shred (* U-i iah"an*, f.

r; 4a6*d, pl. jfrU-'
(J ioWd, ^Li JMT sated, satisfied, lull;

l*>i Sabraqa pocket money
f-Lil tfW satiation, Saturation, reple-
^ijj JiW pl. ^iLi ia&dfift spper tion, Alling; satisfaotion, gratifioation

*iui Jofrofa to cling, cleave, hold on (j to) gl* muSabba*, muSba1 satiated, sat-

urated (_> with) ; replete, filled (_ with),

iLt JuMf<> February (Syr., Jr., Leb.,
fll ( v of) *\>J&\i $1* {kahrat)

electrically charged
l^i Jototy (syr.) large fish found in the
Euphrates and Tigrir rivers jri fabiqa a {Sabaq) to be lewd, leoherous,
u Jo&t'a a (iaA' t flfta
) to satiefy one's
J-i 0609 lewdness, lechery, lioentious-
appetite (j* or * with, eat one's
ness, last
fill (,>. or * of; to be or beoome
sated, eatisfied in one's appetite; to be J_i ag lewd, leoherous, lustful,

fll (j* or * of); to be or beoome fed up, licentious

surfeited (j* with), be or beoome aiok

jt-i jufrug ohibouk
and tired (,> of). have enough (j* of)

II to eate, satiate, 11 1
(_ *, s.o., 4 iLi kkbaka % (Sabh) to interjoin, intertwine,
with); to satisfy, gratify (* the appetite, interlaoe, interweave, entangle (*;
one's deaires, the aensee); to load, to fasten, tighten, attaoh (*, <_

Charge (*, _ with eleotricity) IT to or J to) II to interjoin, intertwine, inter-

ste, satiate, fill (<_ s.o. with); to laoe, interweave, entangle, complicata
satisfy gratify (* the appetite, the (ju or * to orochet V to be inter-
senses); to saturate (*, e.g., with joined, intertwined, interlaced, inter-
a dye); to load, oharge (*, <_> with woven, entangled; to be or beoome
eleotrioity) ; to go in (* for thor- oomplioated, involved, intrioate, con-
oughly; {gram.) to lengthen (* a vowel) fused VI to be intertwined, interlaced,
by writing it plene; pass. uibi'a to be interwoven, entangled; to be inter-
replete, fll (v with, of) | <j fS&l ^i\ meehed, be interwoven like a net VIII to
(kalma) to speak in great detail, at be or beoome interjoined, interlaced,
great length about, deaoribe or interwoven, net-like, retioulate; to be
ezplain elaborately ; \j^ **J.\ intertwined (branohes), be interlooked
(farban) to give s.o. a sound beating (hands) ; to be or beoome entangled,
V to be sated, saturated (<-> with) ; to be snarled ; to get entangled, involved,
fllled (v with), be fll ( v of); to be load- ensnared, embroed, implioated, mixed
ed or charged (_ with, d.) up ( J in) ; to come to blows or to grips


(^ or ** with s.o.); to be or become J-i IV to take care (J* of s.o.), look (J

complicated, involved, intricate, con- after s.o.), take s.o.
(J*) in hand
fused (matter); to join, unite, oombine, JLil oIkK lion oub
J-i *W pl.
coalesce, merge, fuse (*-> with); to meet
(eyes, glances) |
i^-u- j dLUl to be drawn ,>! JaMn, &6in pl. ^Li Ja&ytn 1 godfather,

into a conversation, become engrossed in Sponsor (CAr.); best man, groomsman

a discussion; ^j- J diX^ (harb) to
become involved in a war i-*-i Sablna, Sibina pl. -dt godmother,
i5Li Sabaka pl. iLi Sabah, iJLi Sponsor (Chr.); bridesmaid (Chr.)

A6&, ^Sjr1 tobtt net; netting, net- ji-ll iSbin pl. Oolil a&S6in 8 god-
work; anare; (pl. 3L-i JiWJfc) O grid father, Sponsor {Chr.); best man, grooms-
(raiio) { 4&U iSLi barbed-wire entangle- man (Chr.)
ment, concertina ; ^UV *5Li (l-silkiya) ii-*-2l &tna godmother, Sponsor (CAr.);
radio network
bridesmaid (CAr.)
jLi fa&aifct reticulate, reticular, netted,

net-like; retinal; of framework a-Z II to make equal or similar (u 01 * a

to B.tb. eise); to compare (^ *
*-~i SabaJdya retina (anat.)
with), liken {<-j a to); pass. htbbiha
iJLi u6fc pl. dl^Li Ja&S&ifc* netting, to be doubtful, dubious, uncertain,
network; plaitwork; grid, grill; window; obscure resemble
(J* to s.o.) III to
wioket (poat office, box offlce, eto.) |
iJLi {*, s.o.,, bear a resemblance, be
(j^JI i. ah'ari show window, Bhowcaee, similar (*, to s.o., to, be like
glass case s.o. or (*, ), look (exactly) like

ma$3bi& hook; s.o. ( ) illi 43 Li Ly and the like

iLi. wiai pl. <iLl |

bobby pin iLi* IV to resemble (*, s.o.,, bear a; hairpin, |
resemblance, be similar (, to s.o.,
m. <zZ-u>ara<7 paper olip
to, be like s.o. or (*, ); to
^LLJ ta&buk oonfusion, intricacy,
look (exactly) like s.o. () | dJli <J.\ Lj
obscurity, abstruseness
and the like V to compare o.s. (- with);
iJLlil iStibk entanglement, involve- to imitate, copy (_ s.o., VI to
ment (jin); complication hand-to-hand ; resemble one another, be Bimilar to one
fight, Bcuffie, melee (** with), clash (^ another; to be equal to one another,
with) |
Jliill j fJLliVI (-** ( adam aZ-tft.) be identical; to be ambiguous, unclear
nonintervention in battle VIII to resemble one another, be similar to
one another; to be in doubt (J about),
tii-L. muiabbak plaited, resembling
doubt (j; to suspect (#^.1 j or
plaitwork ; (pl. - dt) window (or door)
adomed with plaited latticework
j s.o.,; to be doubtful, dubious,
obscure (J to s.o.) ^V' J *^M the j

muitabih entangled, involved, matter appeared doubtful to tum

complicated, intricate
<J. iibh pl. Lll aSbh resemblance,
tiLll mn&tabak plaitwork; thicket (of similarity , likeness ; image, picture
branches) analogue; similar, (a)like; -like, quasi-,
semi- (with foll. genit.) v.J*- <^ Sibhu
'.iL- hibuk chibouk |

jaziratin peninsula; J_^- <J> S. harbi

*<iLj^ look up alphabetically semi-military; Ji^^iLl *-! i. al-munharif
. ;

trapezoid (geom.) ; *-i S. raami scurity, ioscrutability; doubt, misgiving,


semi-official, officious (dipl); JUI *~Z suspicion

i. az-zitt penumbra; Vjl *-i subcontinent; r j 1

* - maibuh suspicious, suspect
j**ll 4_1 i. al-mu'ayyan rhomboid {geom.); dubious, doubtful; notorious; a suspeot
4* Uli atAuA the likes of bim, hi kind;
*ALa muibih similar
T ( r *j and the likes of them, and their sort
tmma) olflii. mutabiht obscure, not clear-
(of people) ; *-\J i)> 4-5 j ('uzlotin

all but completely isolated, as good as ly intelligible passages in the Koran

completely isolated _i aSI* (mu&tabah) or *j\ j <li*
(amrt'M) suBpicious, suspect; a suspect;
4~i &j&aA pl. Li' <wf&A resemblance,

similarity, likeness ; image, picture;

<^i 4_i <1L* suspeoted of | 4*u* j <2~*
(panihi) of doubtful make
analogue; similar, (a)like; brasa

Li faban tip, point Li j- Ji {faUa) to

i^-i Subha pl. *^U-i htbht, Subaht, |

Subuht obscurity, vagueneas, uncer- weaken s.o.

tainty; doubt; suspicion; specious ar- Li Sabdh pl. j^i iabawt tip, point;

gument, Bophism; judicial error (Isl. sting, priok

Law) |
0L4-IH jji daw i-Subuht or
C-i &tta i (fatt, oLi sofft, cJLi ialit)
0L4-IJI <-l**l dubious penionB, people of
to be soattered, be dispersed, be dis-
rcpute; <l~^ suspicious, suspect
ill <#_ill
solved; iatta i to scatter, disperse,

jlf-5 iabahn brasa break up (-* a crowd, etc., * |

-aIt 1
iJ- (SamJahum) to disperse or
4_i-i Ja6iA pl. Li iibh similar (-j to),
break up the gathering of people, dis-
like, resembling (^ s.o., .) | Ji^Hj #_*i
solve their unity II to disperse, scatter,
(munfcart/) trapezoid (peom.); ,yjllj ^
break up (,* a crowd, eto., * |
(rosmi) semi-offlcial, offloious (dipl); v-i
(mu'oyyan) rhomboid (peom.) ^p (AamioAum) = ^J- c_S IV = II
V to be soattered, be dispersed, be dis-
4_il aJ6oA J more similar, more resem- solved, scatter, disperse, break up
bling, raore like | ^ 4-1 ' _>* ne resembles . .

C-i SaU pl. oLit ajftl dispersed, sep-

more than anything eise, he is just like. ..
arate^), scattered, dissolved; pl. oUil
4jLL- maSbih* similaritics, related traits manifold, variegated, diverse; soattered
fragments, single pieces, seotions (j* of)
4_j-U to&A comparison ; allegory,

simile, parable ; ascription of human wLi SaUU dispersed, separate(d),

characteristicB to God, anthropomorphi- scattered, dissolved

zation (of God, tkeol.) cJU dispersed,

Satit pl. Ji Jottd"

muibaha pl. -t resemblanoe, separate(d), soattered, dissolved; pl.


imilarity, likeness Ji diverse, sundry, various, different,

manifold, miscellaneous, all kinds of |

<JJ taiabbuh imitation (^ of)

LfL Ji what a difference between
*j\lS taibuh resemblance, similarity, the two of them how different they are
! 1

likeness ; vagueneas, haziness, indistinct- jLi Sattna: L4I0 jLi, L+iu U jLS,
ness, obscurity
j jo jUi what a difference be-
Ll tibh resemblanoe, similarity, tween . . . and ... I how different they

likeness; dubiouBneas, doubtfulness, ob- are!



-,7 --" taStit dispersion, acattering, Ji Satta pl. of cJJ- Saiit (see cJ-)

dissolution; disruption, Splitting, splin-

~i, Sajja u i (Sajj) to break, split, cleave,
fracture, bash in (a, esp. the skull)
1 to cut tear off, rip off (*
Jj- Satara i off,
'< Sajja pl. r^ fydj he&d wound; to tear (up) (*
which Iays open the skull; skull fracture

olJw Sitrt citrate, aalt of oitrio acid
Sajaba u (Sajb) and II to doom to
destruction, to ruin, destroy ( s.o.); to
Jii Satala i to plant, transplant (* a plant)
condemn morally, criticize sharply (

Uli Saila pl. J>ii Suiiil, JJLlS Sat'iP IV to fftet, grieve { s.o.)
seedling, set, transplant
Lof" Sajb destruction, routing, crushing
Jil* mooi pl. JJll* moliStiP (plant)
<-*& Sajab sorrow, grief, worry; dis-
nuraery, arboretum
tress, affction

.Li Satama i u (Autor) and III to abuse,

u^lf Sijb

pl. l^j? Sujub clothes hook

revile, vilify, scold ( s.o.) VI to vify
(attached to the wall)
one another, abuse one another, heap
curses upon one another >-** miSjab pl. ^- Li* maSjib*
clothes hook, clothee raok
11 Satm abuse, vilification

(.lii Sattm one who indulges in fre-

jje Sajara u {Sajr) to happen, oeeur; to
break out, develop (unrest) III to quarrel,
quent abuse or vilification; impudent,
argue, dispute ( or with s.o.) VI to
insolent, impertinent, abueive
quarrel, fight, dispute (with one another);
-ii Satim abused, reviled, vilified,,
to quarrel, argue, fight ( with) VIII do.
j*ill <Jtjjl~\ al-hurf aS-Sajriya the
4+JJ. Sattma pl. fbi Sota* im 9 abuse,
sounds /, S, d (phon.)
vilification, vituperation, insult
jje: Sajar (coli.; n. un. !) pl. jL^I
Icli muStama vilification, vituper-
aSjr trees; shrubs, bushes
Ijje Sajara pl. -t tree; shrub, bush |

(jiZ) bJ Sota u (Satw) to pass the winter, ! _,. ..;) I ly? S. an-nasab genealogical tree
to winter {*-> at a place); to hibemate
_ woody, wooded, abounding
II = I; to rain V to pass the winter, to

in trees
winter, hibernate (^ at a place)
jj Sajir pl. *\j& Sujar' 3 bad com-
lii Sita* pl. *-Lil aStiya, JLi Sutly
panion, bad Company
winter; rains, rainy season

jjf Sujaira pl. -t shrub,

&yj- Satwi, Satawi wintery, hibernal,
winter (adj.) jLf

Sijr (wooden) bar, bolt

Z maiian pl. oLi* maStin winter j\ aSjar2 , f. *[^ Sajr** woody,


residence, winter quarters ; winter resort wooded, abounding in trees

oli Satin wintery, hibernal j**JS taSjir afforestation

^+ muSattan winter residence, winter j Ijc

Sijr fight, quarrel ; dispute,

quarters; winter resort argument; see also above


S^-li. mu&jara fight, quarrel; dispute, {y* and j*) Lf l

Jaj'd u (_jjf fa/w) to

argument worry, trouble, grieve, sadden, distress,

j&i- muSajjar figured with designs of

fill with anxiety ( s.o.); ^ Sajiya a
(\Jf Sajan) to be or become worried,
plante, branched (cloth)
troubled, grieved, sad, distressed, anx-
jtyLt muSjir aboundmg in trees,
ious, apprehensive II to move, touch, grip
( s.o.) IV to grieve, worry, trouble,

Sajarn shagreen (leather) sadden, fill with anxiety ( s.o.)


Ji: Saju'a u {**[ Saj'a) to be courageous,

w Ja/m, f.
*-jf Sajiya
worried, troubled,
grieved, sad, anxioua, apprehensive
brave, valiant, bold II to encourage,
embolden, hearten (J* b.o. to); to j^ iajw grief, worry, distress, anxiety,
favor, support, back, promote, further apprehension, Badness; fear; affectedness,
(, s.o., V to take heart, pluck up emotion; wailing, piain tive, moving strain
courage; to show o.a. courageous; to be (of a tune, of a song, of an instrument)
iSj* Sajawi worried, troubled, grieved,
Saja'a, jUtf"

f\J? Suj', Hja* pl. ** distressed, sad

fufn courageous, brave, valiant, bold;

hero; fLJJI Hydra (oatron.)

U? and j Sajan foreign body in the
throat wbich inhibits breathing; \Jf

gf inj? pl. m. L Suja''*, affectedness, emotion, being moved, a

lJt Sufn, pl. f. g\J! Saj'V, l touching, pathetic mood; also = je iajw
courageous, brave, valiant, bold,

audacious ^ Sajiy worried, troubled, grieved,

distressed, sad; anxious,
pUs* Sajaa courage, bravery, valor,
fearful; gripping, heart-rending, touching,
valiance, boldness, audacity
moving (vocal part, muaic)

-jf I aija'*, f. lief Saf** courageous,

-JL. muiajiin moving, touching, grip-
brave, valiant, bold, audacious
ping, pathetic

-jf I aSja', ifja* pl. ^p-Lil oft;? 1 (prox-

imal or first) phalanx of the finger ~J Sahha (Ist. pers. perf. Sahahiu) u t (Svhh)
to be or become stingy, tight-fisted,
rri*" taSjf encouragement, heart-
avaricious, miserly, niggardly; to stint,
ening, animation J to) ; favoring,
eoonomize (J*>
or -> with or in,
furtherance, promotion, advancement
J* toward s.o.); to be oovetouB, greedy
*#>!-* muSajji' encourager; promoter, or t-> for); to become short, run
supporter, advocate, proponent out, decrease, dwindle III to stint, be
niggardly, be sparing; to withhold (->

jjf Sajina a to be sad, grieved,


worried; to ooo (pigeon); Itajana s.o.,

(fajn, j* &ujn) to sadden, grieve, Suhh stinginess, avarice, niggard-

distress, worry ( s. o.) II and IT = Sajana liness; greed, oovetousness ; scarcity,

pauoity, sparsity; ebb

*/ Sajan pl. y% ivjn, L* I aSjn
worry, anxiety, apprehenaion; sorrow, ^Jr faAlA p l. [ Sihfy* ~** { o^Ao.
grief, distress, sadness; (pl. htjn) twig, .1*1 a&hhtf; pl. f. lr Sahtih*

brauch | oy* i^-d-t oonversation drifta stingy, tight-fisted, niggardly, miserly,

from one topio to aoother avaricious (J* or v with, J* toward):


short, scarce, meager, sparse ; greedy, J^ Sahata a (Sahf) to be far away, distant,
covetous (J* for) mJ^\ |IV' (ayym)
| remote to strike ; (* a match) to Btrand, be

the rainlesa daya, the dry seaaon stranded, run aground (ship); to ground
on a sandbank II to Strand, be stranded,
-li. mu&hha: JJUl j *-Li- V (mu
run aground (Bhip) to ground on a Sand- ;
MA/uita) that ia incontestable ; -LL. V
jl it ia incontestable that , indisput-
bank; to Strand (* a ship)

ably ; 4*- iL. Vj inoontestably, in- iU^ Sahfa


pl. -t stripe, braid (on a

disputably uniform)

(.-^ Sahaba u a (-"j-*" JuA), Sahvba u <Ll> Sahhfa pl. -St (syr.) match,
(*ij Suhba) and paaa. Suhib to be or
beoome pale, wan, sallow, emaciated, L^ Suhhaifa (syr.) matoh, lucifer
lean, haggard; to look ill, Bickly
l**-\ Xhif far (away), distant, remote,
^ijJf fuhtib paleness, pallor, wanneae, outlying, out-of-the-way; stranded
saownesa, emaciation
* Sahurna u (i>\* Sahma) to be or become
o-^ Shib pl. i~*-\jt> fawhib* pale,
fat II to grease, lubrioate (*
wan, sallow; emaciated, lean, haggard;

dim, pale (e.g., light); dull, faded (color); ** Sahm pl. aj hthm, oly^
wan (smile) Suhmt fat, suet, grease; axle grease,
lubricant; tallow, sebum; lard; pulp (of
C~ Sahata ( XJr) to beg, ask for alms

&\* Sahht pl. * beggar | D Ol** **f Sahma (n. un.) a pieoe of fat, eto.
,juJI S. al-'ain aty (med.)
(see **) |
jVI *** S. al-v4n earlobo;
^#jV* ***" S. al-ard truffle; ^Jl ~<lJ:
jj? Sahada a (Sahd) to whet, sharpen,
S. al-'ain eyeball
practica, train, strengthen (*, also,

o.g., the intelleot, one'B forcee); to hone, j* Sahmi

fatty, sebaoeous, stearic

etrop (> a knife); to beg, ask for alms

*>s* Sahim pulpy, mushy, pappy
(. s.o.)
Sahhd (importunate) beggar

,>JI il^" S. al-'ain sty (med.)

^ Sahlm fat, fatty

Sl^ Sihda beggary

O <**-L. mtiAama pl. **-LL. moidAtm'
grease box (of a wheel)
wl* mifha4, ;Jui* mtiha4a whet-
-*iJLS toJAim lubrication, greasing,
stoae, hone
oing (of a machine) | _*wiDI jj*j lubri-

j II to soot, besmut, blacken with soot (* cating oils, lubricants
l**-ij tolaAAum fatness, obesity

jL^ Suhhr soot

**-i> muoA/tam fat, fatty, greasy
jMbl* maihar eharcoal kn, pile
*>~L muiTiim pulpy, mushy, pappy
iSjt-J^ maihaH oharcoal burner (fruit)

Jjj* Suhrwr pl. jjJ: Sahrlr* thruah,

jJ: Sahana a (Sahn) to fill up ( v *
blaokbird (xool.)
with); to load, freight (- a a ship with);
j*Jl muiahhar sooty to ahip, freight, oonsign (* gooda); to

load, oharge (<_> * with, ei.); to jji* Saktr, hj^ pl* jV* Saktir* large,

drive away, chase away, repel ( s.o.) flat-bottomed (wooden) brge ; punt
m to hate ( s.o.); to quarrel, argue,
Sahara (jJ* Sahir) to snore; to snort;
fight {. with s.o.) IV to fill up (v * J* i

to neigh, whinny to bray (donkey)

; with); to load, freight (._> *

with) VI to hate one another; to quarre!, jJL^" SakSaka to rattle, clatter, dank
have a feud
^JLjir (eg.) Sukfiha pl. il* SaUHh*
j Sahn loading, freighting; shipment, rattle (toy) ; toy, plaything ; Skylight
freightage; cargo, lading, load, freight |

j^UI .wJji bilsat aS-S. bill of lading; u* Sahara a {^j* fai&fi) to rise, tower

^ jL- sayydrat S. truck, lorry

up; to beoome high, lofty; to
(star); to appear (J to

b.o.); to stare,

<J: Sahna pl. Sahant cargo, lading, of the eye), be fiied (Jl on,
gaze (Jl at,
load, freight; oharge (ei.)
of the glance); to be glazed (eyea of a
<.* Sihna police, police force dying person); to start out, leave,
depart (Jl to see s.o., for a place),
pb* Sahn'* grudge, rancor, hatred,
travel, journey (Jl to s.o., to a place);
to pass ( Jl * from one State or oondition
*^- Li* muShana pl. -t grudge, into another) | m^* u ^ (baparah) or
ranoor, hatred, enmity;
quarrel, feud, yu lJ ^ to fix one'a eyes, one's
glance (Jl on), look fixedly (Jl at s.o.),

j*-Li Shin loaded, laden, freighted stare, gaze (Jl at) II to represent as
a person or individual, personify
(esp. ship) | O <fj^ *-^ ' al-markam (

battery charger; to apecify (*, identify (*,

to act, play (* a part, of the

baggage car
Shina pl. -t truck, lorry;

aotor); to perform

(maratfan) to diagnose a disease

(actor) | Li^ ^
IV to
jm^L* maShn loaded, laden, freighted send off, send out, dispatoh ( b.o.) V to
(esp. ship); charged (eZ.); pl. CjU>*t* appear, be revealed, ahow o.b. (J to
oargo, lading, load, freight s.o.)

jj# Sahwara
soot (*
to soot, beamut, blacken with ^ Sahf pl.

&uk# individual, person; figure; ohar-

^1^1 aihf, ^j*

aoter (of a play) ; someone, somebody

jj Sahwar blackbird (200I.)
iS Safoi personal, private, of one'a
j\j*t Suhwr soot, smut
own; U** Sahfiyan personally |

\ 't-'fl t}\j*- s}\ or) personal Statute

iJ> Sakka u (Sohle) to nrinate, piss, make ((Uij

water '*~*# Sahfiiya pl. -St individuality,

iJ. Sahk urine, piss personality (also = personage) ; distinctive

way of life, pecoliarity, distinctive char-

r\ Sakk urine, piss
acter, personal stamp; identity |

il*i*jL* miShaha publio lavatory <> jti*l (i'tibriya) legal person (jitr.) ; J-i*
rrMm^i\ identification
* of a person; oL$-i
~& Sahaba u a (Sahb) to flow, stream, run,
4 , II jJui Sahdat t. aS-S. identity
pour forth, guah forth
card; ig-^llt j-S* Ai galam t. ai-S.

U-J* Sahbafa to scribble, serawl (in writing)

bureau of identification


JL*> Sajtfti (oomic) actor, comedian muoh . . . ! very often . . .; very much,
ezoeedingly, vehemently, violently; LxiJ
^fM^JS taijfif personification; ezaot
jl lijjy* tT tremendous was our joy
designation, speclcation; identifioatlon;
when . . .; jjl xl (ozraA) or yjl j* xS
diagnosis; aoting, perfarmanoe (on stage),
to help, support, enoourage, back np
play(ing) (of an aotor)
s.o.; jjl xi (azruAfl) to be energetie,
taljflsi diagnostic | iS
mJ-^3 j-U vigorous, oourageous; A*J\ xi to
diagnostioian tighten the reins, master the Situation;

^^U Sfcifi fixed, glazed (glance); *c jj* xi to strengthen s.o. 's deter-
mination; .ui* xi ('adudah) to
pole, stake {eg.)
strengthen, support, bolster, assist s.o.;
ij+i*!* muSafpif aotor, player; rep-
J* xi (he saddled his female riding
oamel =) he started out on the journey;
pl. -t aotress, JU-jJI xi to start out, depart, leave
player; personality (Jl for); 4JIjj xi (uxtiqah) to shackle,

ol.**'. mu&a%fcitfU qualities or factors

fetter b.o.;
J* x Xi (yadoA) to adhere,
eling to; *jX J* xi (yaiaiAt) to
lending its distinotive charaeter,
clasp s.o.'s hands II to strengthen,
peculiarities, oharaoteristios
intensify (*, make (* strong,

.W" ktkafa (eg.) to shout, bark, bellow hard, harsh, severe; (gram.) to intensify,

at s.o.) double, geminate ( * a consonant); to ezert

pressure (J* on), press (J* upon); to
JUtf Saskia (tg.) to jingla, tinkle; to clatter,
be hard, strict, stern (j J* toward s.o.
rattle v with) ; to coquet, flirt
J upon
in); to impress (i-> s.o. |

J'^ &$RZa (ep.) jingle, jangle, tin- Jl j ix- (falabihi) to demand

kling emphatically or inezorably; *ix je ^ iXi

(tuddida) he was strengthened in his
x- Sadda i (xi lWa) to be or become
determination ni to argue, have an
firm, fast, solid, hard, strong, vigorous,
argument, an ezchange of words with
robust, vehement, violent, intense; s.o.) T to be hard, harsh, strict, severe,

Sadda u (Sadd) to make firm, hard,

stern (J* toward); to be or beeome
strong, solidify, harden, braoe (*,
violent, vehement, intense, strong; to
strengthen, fortify (*, s.o.,
show o.b. stern, harsh, hard, inezorable,
to tighten, pull taut, draw tight
be relentless, remain unmoved, unre-
(*, e.g., the bow); to fasten, tie,
lenting VI to argue with one another
bind (Jl or J* * on, to), lash (J* * on); to saddle (J* an animal); to
Till to be or beeome hard, harsh, rig-

orous, intense, forceful, severe, strong,

put emphasis (*JS* J* 'al kalimatin on
a word), emphaaize, Btress {"<+&' J* a vehement, violent, passionate; to be-

word); to pull, drag {^. s.o. by the come harder, harsher, more rigorous,

coat); to charge, launeh an attack (J* more intense, more forceful, severer,

against, on), assault, attack (J* s.o., stronger, more vehement, more violent,

more passionate; to
(J* or upon; to preea intensify, increase,, eiert pressure (J* on); to insist grow; to become aggravated, more
( j on | Lxi Sadda-mA and xiJ critical ; to beeome tormenting, ex-
L (Ja-Au&a) (with fall, verb) how cruciating, distressing, unbearable (J*

for s.o.), take a turn for the worae (pa^o&an) more wrathful, angrier; xil

(disease, J* with s.o.); to be advanced jj U extremely, exceedingly, very

(tizne of the day); to run, raoe, dash |

muoh, e.g., Uli Jl LlLJ jj U Ail ***-jj

*4*.U 4iil (a&iduh) to beoome streng, (ruAuAum, ta'a#uian, 'um) they are

vigorous extremely eager for knowledge

xt Saddi JJ-I - *. al-Zw tug of Jil aJuid phyBical maturity, virility |

war #xll iL to attain fll maturity, come of

legal age; to reaoh its olimax
xi &u&2a (n. vic.) atrengthening,

intenaification; streaB, emphaais; pulling, XL* madd pl. -t corset, stays

dragging, tugging; tightneea, tautneas; -Ltl taSdid intenaification, atrength-

atresa, atrain; doubling sign over a conso-
ening ; (gram.) intensified pronunciation,
nant {gram.) w*U( 3jj Ai i. waraq
| gemination, doubling (of a conaonant);
ai-la'b deok of carda doubling sign over a oonaonant pressure ;

il Hdda Btrength, forcefulness, power, (>on)

vehemenoe, violence, intensity, aeverity, ili. mtiMdda exohange of words,
force, high degree; (pl- ill-Li Sad'P)
aquabble, argument, quarrel, fight, con-
miafortune, calamity, misory, adversity, troversy, oonfliot
distress, hardahip, affliction, diacomfort
jl-uJl i&ttdd aggravation, intenaifi-
jUi Jiadd pl. *-Lii o&Ma riding
cation, increase; deterioration
saddle (of a oamel)
ajJJl* maidd tense, tight, taut
.-Li Jodid pl. -I-l aiidd'*, al-L
i-UL. muiaddid : o-UL* *-JjJ* aggra-
td&2 atrong, powerful, forceful, vigor-
vating circumstanoea
ous, Btern, severe, rigorous, hard, harah,
violent, vehement intenae; bad, evil, i-li* mu&Kfciwf doubled{letter;pram.);
emphatio, intenae; severe, stern
ominoua, oalamitous, (J* for

B.o.); with foll. aubat. frequently oorre- -j**- mviaiaddid pl. -n Btern zealot,
aponding to Engl, "very", e.g., Ls*N JjX- I
it, proponent of a stern viewpoint
very attentive, very careful |
.bAi ,^1
aolid or flrm ground; ^-Ul .b-Li i. fxi Aidaju a (!#) to break, shatter,

stonthearted, bold, smaah, oruah (* II do.

aUba's courageouB,
audacious, brave, valiant; <. Jk lU -bxl
jjli &J<Zir pl. jil^i louAKr* tent; storehouse,
stubbom, obstinate, unbending, unyield- warehouse, magaxine
ing, relentless; U*UI J*Jtf * aUahja

atrongly worded, vehement in language, Jipli Mda/ pl. <Ju^ htvdif (eg.) shadoof,
sharp in tone; ity\ -k-^ X. al-wafa oruel counterpoised aweep for raising irrigation
.-li iadida pl. oJUi SadSid1 mis-
fartnne, oalamity, miaery, adversity, jxt T to announoe (y in a boastfui,
diatreaa, hardship, affliotion, disoomfort bragging, loud-mouthed manner, to vaunt

(^; toohatter.prattle ^^CJU joll |

xil aiadd? strenger, more intenae,
{kalm) to enunciate overoarefully, speak
everer, harder, wone | naed with foll.
affectedly; to be agape
indeterminate abatraot Bubstantivea aa
paraphraae of simple elativea e.g-, Ja- dq pl. lxil a&Zdg oorner of the
bl^ Jt\ (au&feft) blaoker, L-ii Ail mouth; jawbone 1 J-ii (.J-) J* dl>


fahika bi-m'i {mil'a) dqaihi to gria Sli SM pl. Jlxi &tftft!tf, ilp SavOffl
from ear to ear isolated, separate(d), detactied, alone;
irregulr, abnormal, anomalous, unusual,
jxll aidaq 1
, f. Uxi Sadq'* having a
extraordinary, exceptional, Singular, cu-
large mouth, largemouthed
rious, queer, odd, peouliar, strnge, eo-
jxil. muta&addiq pl. -fln braggart. i]p
oentrio; nonoanoniool (Torsion); pl.
boaster, bigmouth exceptions J^U-^I JLi of deviant (= in-

ferior) oharacter; .^Ul ill $. af-tab'* iLl

jxi Sadana u to be weaned, be on its own
f-LUI, jJ^Wlfl iLi eoeentrio, extravagant,
feet (young animal)
orazy; jli^/l jlxi the foreigners, the
ujli l&ttn pl. Jjlp iowAiin' gazelle
O j)p
I $aw44t peouliarities, idio-
*xi JnuiaAa a to confuse, perplex, baffle ( synerasies

ji* maidh perplexed, appalled, vxl Satfaba i u (Ja{) to uut off, sever (* ; to trim, elip, prune, lop {* hedges,

trees); to adapt, doctor, modify (*

jxl) Ixl AuU u (&uZu>) to sing; to chant (* II do.; to acquire or have education, be-

j in a field) Ixt j V to be scattered, be dispersed; to
oome or be educated ( |

seatter, disperse
LjyJI j* IjuJ to know a little Arabio, have
a smattering of Arabio SjiJ fo^ra pl. o^ahU, jjXi $u#r
particle, bit, tiny piece; fragment,
jXi fadte song, chant
jLi &Zn pl. j^Li Sdn educated,
jX. jXl \jj tafarraq Safara matfara,
trained (e.g., Ulli j linguistically) |

of vocal
H&am mifiam they scattered in all di-
oli J Zaa Sdiya soiree

Sjjli idiiya songstrestt, singer jxl kufco fragrance of muak

*ilx5 Sadyiqa subdeaoon

Ixt $a4an fragranoe, soent, aroma
jlxi Sidyq pl.
(CAr.) ^xl Safily fragrant, aromatio

fo&a u (Saf, ijXX 5u4$4) to segregate, ji. Sarra (Ist pers. perf. farirtu) a, (Ist pers.
separate, isolate o.s. (je from), be sep- perf. Sarurtu) u (farr, ^ Jtirra) to be
arated, isolated (je from), be outside bad, evil, wicked, vicious, malioious, (je), elude (je; to be alone; malignant
to be irregulr, deviate, stand out (J
yi Sott pl. jj^i Surr evil, ill, misohief
or j* from), be an exception ( J* or je
calamity, disaster; iniquity, injusttoe;
to); to be wanting, laoking; to deorease,
hrm, damage, injury; wiokedness, vi-
d windle
oiouBness, malioe; vioe, sin; (pL jlj-Jl

xi hau irregularity, deviation, anom-

airdr) bad, evil, wioked, vicious, mali-
aly, exosption (^ to) ckma ; evildoer, oulprit ; kur (as elative)
ijii irregularity, deviation, anomaly, worae, more evil <ej* ji> *+J* (Sana

exoeption (jp to); ouriosity, ecoentricity, tonmaltn) he brought utter defeat upon
ecoentric charaotcr them
;, ;


(ji^-i Sanum evil, vicious, malioious (o> or * a with); to inculoate,

imbue {* s.o. witb); pass. uiriba to be

;^J rra evil, ill, miBchief; calamity,
or beoome fll {* of, be filled,
disaster; iniquity, in justice; hrm* dam-
imbued, infused (* witb, be domi-
age, in jury ; wickedness, viciousness,
nated, permeated (* by | i U *tji\
malice; vice, sin; vivacity enthusiasm,
^jti_ (yaSrab) to attribute wrongly
fire of youth
to s.o. V to Boak up, absorb, imbibe
jjZ Sarir pl. I^ll aSirr' 1 bad, evil,
{*; to be permeated, imbued,
wicked, vicious, malicious infused (*, o> with; to be fll

very bad, very very {<-> nf ), be filled, replete (l-> with)

j j$ Sirrir evil,

wicked, very vicious, very malicious

i-j-i Surb drinking, drink; absorption
Bcoundrel; j j\ the Evil One { = Satan)
\>ji. Sarba drink; sip, draugbt.Bwallow;
jji> Sarar (coli.; n. un. ) sparkB
dose, potion (of a medicine); laxative,

jjj-1 Sarari spark (used attributively) purgative, aperient

jl^i Sarr (coli.; n. un. ) Bparks \iji. Surba drink; sip, draugbt, swal-
low dose, potion
; (of a medicine)
jl^-l Sarra pl. -t spark |
jl^JJl **f
Sam'at aJ-S. spark plug ; Ij 1^1 ^Ui* kjljj Sarah pl. \ijt\ aSriba bcrerage,
mifth aS-S. ignition key (automobile) drink; wine; fruit juice, fruit syrup,

^jl^-t Sarri spark (used attributively) sberbet |

~Lfell -il^i & ot-tnfffr apple
juice; eider; JliJjJI ^j* ^ cil-burtugl
j \ji. Sarrr sparkling, scintillating
emitting sparks
^l^i Sarrb drunkard, heavy drinker
i^l^-il iSra'abba to stretch one's neck in
i^-j j-i Sarib drinkable, potable
Order to see (J or Jl), orane one's
neck for (J or Jl); to carry one's bead ijl^J Sarrdba, Surrba pl. vi-'./-
high (out of vanity); to leer (Jl at) Sarrib* tassel, tuft, bob { ^ 'o)^ S.

ar-r'i (European) holly (Hex aqui-

v'y' ^u * P^- -** stocking, sook
foum; bot.)

ij-^ Siros glue, paste

t-Hj-S Sirrib drunkard, heavy drinker

>->j$ Sariba a (Stirb, Vj* mo^raA) to drink ^s* maSrab drink (as opposed to
(*; to Bip (a |
j ^-i food) ; (pl. <_jjLii maSrib*) drinking place,
(AttAfctAi) to drink s.o.'s bealtb, toast water hole, drinking trough, drinking
s.o.; U-aJt i^i^ (dukna) to smoke; fountain; lestaurant, bar; inclination,
*j i-jyi (nakbah) to drink s.o.'s taste; movement, sebool (e.g., in philos-

health, toast s.o. II to give (* a.o. ophy) to drink, make or let drink (*
Itjl* maSraba pl. ^jli- mairib 1
s.o.; to drencb, soak, saturate,
drinking place, water hole, drinking
impregnate {i_> * witb); to inculcate,
trough, drinking fountain
imbue (* * s.o. with III to drink
in s.o.'s () Company, have a drink ( 4-j^ maSrdbxya, muSrabiya and
with s.o.) IV to give (* s.o. to *ijl* maSraba mouoharaby, projeeting
drink, make or let drink {* s.o.; oriel window with a wooden lattieework
to drench, soak, saturate, impregnate enclosure ; wooden oriel attio room ;

maSrabiya a kind of drinking vessel; rase, poaition, setting forth; oommentation

pot for nowers (pl- r_Jj^ Surh) oommentary
t>^ taSamtb absorption, aoaking up, explanatory,
^f-s* Sarhi explioatory,
imbibing illustrative

Vj'-i Srib pl. -n, ^^i Air*, vj^-5 -^J Sarha long, thin slice, rasher
SurUb drinking; drinker; (pl. t-*jlji
~**jZ Sariha pl. *l^5 SarSih 1 long,
AitwJn ) mustaohe, frequently dual:
thin slice (e.g., of fruit, etc.), rasher;
girth, cinch; O (microsoope) slide
v-'j^/JU raaJri pl. -t drink, beverage
*^-jj &kjj~* (rhlya) alcoholic beverages,

O4*v~* majfrafm operating room;

operating table; autopsy room

fcj taSrth diasection; anatomy;

*<ls* ^or^>a soup
autopsy, post-mortem examination | k
*iju* Sor ba (eg,), Oj^i irab (ayr.) soup j.illl 'Um at-t. anatomy; O *1jU1I
a *-jl^-i
t. at-muqbala oomparative anatomy
Surrb pl. -< stocking, sock

iL^-S Sarbaka to (en)tangle, snarl (*.;

^ j> tafrlhi disseoting, anatomizing,
dissective, dissectional ; anatomio(al)
to complioate (*
rjj-til inSirh relaxedness, relaxation;
^j^i Harbin a variety of larch (bot.) joy, delight, glee, gaiety

1 yLi Srih pl.

-i faraj pl. ^ijJi air; loop, ring, eyelet; -1^-1 Swrrh explainer,
buttonhole; onus expounder, Interpreter, oommentator.
ijrj* Saraji anal
r'^-1* muSarrih anatomist
^^ U P a lphabetically
S Sarah* u (jj^ SurtUp) to beoome a
rjZ Saraha a (Sarh)to cut in slices, slice, ^r
youth, grow from childhood to maturity
cut up (*.; to cut open, rip open
(*; to bare, expose, make clearly i-jJ Sark prime of youth, spring of
visible or discernible (*; to ex- life

pound (a; to explain, elucidate, 2

j^ Sa-raka a (eg.) to crack, splinter, beoome
illustrate, make piain, set forth, describe,
depict (*; to comment (* on),
intexpret (> s. th.); to open, lay open ^-1 Sark pl. rjji. Surk (eg.) crack,

(j.U padrah s.o. 's heart, J to or for the break, fisaure, fracture
acceptance of) | >U ^J. (kfirah) to
i^i Sarada u (jl^-J Sird, iJyi SurQd) to bolt
gladden, delight s.o. II to cut in slices,
(horae); to run away, flee, take to flight,
slice, cut up (*; to dissect, dis-
take to one's heels, break loose, esoape;
member, anatomize (* a corpse) VII to
to roam, rove, wander, stray, go astray;
be opened (heart); to be relaxed; to be
to be distracted (thoughts) | oi j_i
glad, happy j.l* ^^jjl (#adruh) and
o jJ
(dihnuh) to be absent-minded ;SJS\
AI*1 r\r^^ {kfiruh) to be or beoome
(fiferu) he became lost in thought II to
glad, happy or delighted, rejoice
frighten away, chase away, drive away
^i iarh expoundilig, presentation, ( s.o.); to scare ( s.o.), frighten ( s.o.)

explanation, Illustration, elucidation, ex- into a panic IT to ohase away, drive


away ( b.o.) Y to roam, tramp about, 1

Sariaa a (Saras, *-\ji Sardsa) to be
lead a vagabond life vicious, malicious, miBohievous, ill-tem-

pered, unsociable, quarrelsome, petulant,

ijji. Sard pl. j^i Surud rwming away;
straying ; astray , deviant, aberrant,
peevish VI to be oross, quarrel ( with)

strnge, peculiar (j-yj Saras = i-I^J

ijji. Surd roamig, straying, wan- j*,- Aar vicious, malicioiu, misohie-
dering j&i\ *jji
S. al-fikr absent-minded- vous, ill-tempered, unsociable, quarrel-
ness, distraotedness some, petulant, peeviah; wild, ferooious,
\jj Sarid fugitive, expatriated, dis- fierce

placed, ezpelled ; loafer, tramp, vagrant,

u-ljZ Saris = ,
i &rw
i-lyJ Sardsa wickedness, malice, vi-
ij^lj taSrid expulsion, banishment,
ciousnees, meanness, baaeness, villainy;
eviction; vagrancy, Vagabundage |
ill-temperednese, unsociableneas, queru-
_u_^Xi! hayt at-t. the unaettled life, life of
lousness, petulance, peevishness
a vagabond

AjlS taSarrud vagrancy, Vagabundage

-jy-lyj Sirs glue, paste, see ^j*, u^J**

jjli Srid pl. ijJ. Surud, Surrad, sjj jj-yi AuMfl/pl. tju-l^i Sardsif rib eartilage

Satorid* fugitive, straying, astray; in-

Jr-lr- Sarrtfi epigastric, pertaining
timidated, frightened, helpless, at a loss to the anterior walla of the abdomen
a fugitive, runaway, deseiter; defector;
vagrant, tramp, vagabond jil! jjli L J>ji II to take root

al-fikr absent-minded, distraoted; sJjZ JljJS JMF pl. J>jji SurS root | J^
UUl S. al-hta irregularities of the ,>UI i. aZ-Ja&an whey
lauguage, linguistie anomalies; Jki\ jjU
j^jj SurSr pl. ^ly- SarSir* chaffinoh
(ol^ikJI) i, an-nazar (an-nazart) with
a blank stare; gazing into the void
jjiyj &wtflr (ep.) wild duok [zool.)
IjjU Sdrida pl. jjt^i Sawdrid* pe-
culiarity, anomaly, exception ojU Cjii V jjl_ri SardSir* bouI, seif, nature (of a

ojlj Vj {taftuh) nothing escapes bim, person)

he doesn't miss a thing - &r&/ pl. jS SarO&if* bedsheet


SjL> muSarrad fugitive, refugee, dis-

unkempt jZ Sarafa i u (Sar$) to tear (*; to
placed person ; neglected, | jy-
make incisions (* in), Scratch, soarify (*
JUI confused, diaeonoerted; to slit open, rip open (*; to
i^il* mutaSarrid pl. -fln homeless
impose as a condition, as an Obligation
person, tramp, vagrant, vagabond; ad*
(* J on s.o., make oonditional
(* J for s.o.; to stipulate {*

swallow the wrong way II to tear to shreda (*; to Boratoh,

J^i II taSardaqa to

to choke (to death) Boarify (* ; to make incisions

(* in) III to fix mutual oonditions; to

+*j2, II laSardama to be jagged, indented make a oontraot, oonolude an agreement

A*>j$ Hrdima pl. pil^S Sardim', ^ril^S to bet, wager (* with s. o.) Y to impose
iarddlm* Bmall group, gang, party, severe oonditions or terms |J> j i^-LS
troop; little band {'amaliM) to be metioulous in one's

work, do one's work painstakingly VIII to *^jj-i &rija condition J
J on
impose as a condition, as an Obligation the condition that
(a J* on s.o.; to make conditional
iyl* maSraf program
(* J* for s.o.; to stipulate (*; paus. uUurifa to be prerequisite, iyl* miSrat pl. JylL. maSrif* lanoet,

preconditional (J for) scalpel

J^J Aar/ pl. iyjJ Surf incision (in Ja^yJJ toiri/ scarification, incision

the skin); long out, rip, alash, slit; con-

ilyli* mu Srafa agreement, arrange-
dition, preoondition; proviaion, proviso,
clause; stipulation (of a contraot) |
jt IkjJ

(Sarian), jl ijJ J#, J*>j on the condition Jtj^il tfftrdf pl. -t condition, Pro-

that . . ., provided that ...; (jX>) js vision, proviso; stipulation

iyi unoonditional; aJ jl J#^ ^ (au

jliyi Sarjana to consecrate, ordain ( s.o.,
gatftn) with no stringB attaohed; un-
CAr.) II to be ordained (Chr.)
oonditional (obedience, surrender, etc.);
jLA-'l iyl proviso of the right of with- iiL^-i Sarfana = vjkr*
drawal (from a contract, a commercial
Lijkp iarfnfyo Ordination of a
transaction, an Obligation, and the like,
priest, and any Ordination of persona by
Isl. Law)
laying on of hands (Chr.) ; simony (Copt.-
JfjJ Sarai pl- Jjj-2l aSrf sign, portent | Chr.)
.LJI JljJl the portents of the Day of r

Judgraent fj$ iara'a a (Sar , fjjl Sur*) to go (

into), enter (j; to begin, Start,

^ji. iarfl conditional i^-i *;
commence (j or -* with; with foll.
(;umia) conditional clause {gram.)
imperf. : to do ; to point a weapon
LU^i Sarfiya contraot, agreement {*) at s.o.
(J#); to untie,
unbind, unlace

k^ farfa pl. J^ htraf stroke, line;

(*; to fix (* bayoneta, J* on
hyphen; dash
rifles); iara'a a (Sar*) to introduce,
enact (a laws), prescribe, give (* J to
WjJ Surfa polioe, policemen |
LySlI jlj
s.o. laws), make laws for s.o. (J)
(*) |

polioe Station; ilyiJI ^^j polioe report Ujyi- fji to devise a plan II to draw

^ji Surft, Surati pl. -fin policeman, a weapon (*) on s.o.

(J#); to legislate,
officer make laws IV to draw or train a weapon
(*) on s.o.
(J*) |
Jl *-L* gyil ('ainaihi)
Uj Sarlt pl. Ju'l^i Jartfig', W^il
to cast one's eyes on . . ., turn one'a
airifa band, ribbon, tape; oord, string;
glance toward . . .; *J fjZ\ (qalamak)
leash, line; thong, strap; braid, galloon,
to draw one's pen = to prepare to
chevron, stripe; ribbon (of an order),
write VIII to introduce, enact (* laws) ; to
medal ribbon, servioe ribbon; (railway)
prescribe, give (* J to s.o. laws), make
track, line; film strip; film (also iu^J
laws (>) for s.o. (J)
(jUix-}; (magnetic) tape |
jU -Wj-*
(mufag'g'ar) microfilm; ^Ll J^^-- tape f-iJl aS-Sar* the Revelation, the
measure ; measuring tape ; jLLi Jii
^ canonioal law of Islam J
U/j U^J
pl. 4Jllj JJl^S aound film; sound track; lar'an wa-far'an with fll right, with
magnetio tape; jUl U>jl fuse; Jaj^-tJl ojj good cause, by rights; 0*-lj fr ^J S-U j >
<f tidoi a tapeworm they are alike in this
Aar' lawful, legitimate, legal, ^IjUl tffinTi legislative
rightful; Lt^i Sar'lyan lawfully, le-
9j\J. Sdri' pl. -fin legislator,
gitimately, etc. ^^ill ^JJI (Jibb)
(pl. gj\j~ Sawri'*) street | ^j jli
foransio mediane; ,j-^\ LJI (W) (ra'itf) main Btreet, thoroughfare; fjU
Jurisdiction based on the Sharia; S*l/I
lU fdfftm) public street,
5*^1 the religious courts
fj^rt mafr' legitimate, legal, lawful,
l^ji Sar'iya lawfulness, legality, le- rightful, licit; permiseible, allowed; (pl.
gitimacy, rightfulness maSrt') plan, projeot,
-<K, mJ*1*
'**ji> Jfar'a string (of a bow, of a scheine, design, enterprise, undertaking j

muaical instrument) ; thong, strap >U fjjl* m. gdnn bill, draft law

'<*jj* mair&lya legitimaoy

At-jS, Sir'a law; A^iJl the Sharia, the
revealed, or oanonical, law of Islam fjl mutant* pl. -fin legislator, law-
fLl Hrti' pl. fyi turn', Ayil wfri'a

sail ; tent jJ* mutaiarri* logislator, lawgiver;

Jurist, jurisprudent, legist
^j* Sird'i saing-, sail- (in Com-
pounds), rigged with sails | -j^ cJL* fjCJU rnuitari* pl. -n legislator,

sailsbip, sailboat; -[/* V^* ghder lawgiver; Jurist, jurisprudent, legist

Ul^-i Sarr'a peep window, peep hole J>ji Sarufa u (Saraf, *\^X Sarfa) to be
(in a door) highborn, high-bred, noble, illustriouB,

commence- eminent, distinguished, high-ranking II to

fjji. htr* beginning, start,
ment, inception (j or lj with); plan, make noble, eminent, illustrious, ennoble,

attempt, try j for or at gj^l elevate, exalt, raise to distinction, honor,
( |

attempted ( b.o.), confer honor or distinction ( up

(Jii) *Js* j (zrtja, jaJZ)

tbeft (murder) on s.o.); to honor (v s.o. with); to give

( b.o.) the honor III to vie for precedenoe

iyi srTa pl. Slj-i fartTi'* water
in honor or nobility ( with s.o.); to
hole, drinking place; approaoh to a
approach (a, come within sight
water hole; law; m^I the Sharia, the
(a of, be within shooting distance
revealed, or canonical, law of Islam |
(a of; to overlook, command
jyjj! j nhr aS-S. the river Jordan
(a, look down (a on; to

Uj-1 maSra'a pl. fjLi* ma&Jr' 1 supervise, oontrol (a, waten (a over
water hole, drinking place IV to be high, tall, lofty; to tower,
rise (Ja above); to look down (Ja on),
.jjjj iaSri* legislation | Hj^ U--
overlook, overtop (Ja; to
uttai aM. legislative power, legislative,

mand (Ja the vicinity, etc.); to open,
face (Ja on, e.g., a window on the
^yujjj toirt'i legislative i^j CJl *-**4-'
garden); to look (J upon;

(;am iya) the legislative assembly; jjj
to be a Bpectator, look on (Ja at);
ou^JJ (daura) legislative period, session;
to supervise, oversee, Buperintend, con-
Lm^UI iWLJI (stfa) the legislative power,
trol, waten, have the super-
the legislative, the legislature vision (Ja over), manage, direct, run (Ja
f-IjVI *j oX-tiriC Deu-, be in charge (Ja of; to
teronomy, fifth Book of Moses be near (Ja), be close (J# to,

467 Jj*

be on the point of (J*); to be on the {jliujJS tafrtftt ceremonial; master of

V to be
verge or brink ( J of min, etc.) oeremonies; royal Steward; chief of
honored (_> with), bare the honor, give protoool | iJiJuj^S iJi (badkt) parade
0.8. the honor (<-* of), Li^ taiarrafn uniform
it is (was) an honor to me X to look up jli. mu&rafa supeirision, super-
(Jl to), raise one'e glance (Jl to)
intendence (Jp over)

Ji^i an*/ elevated place Jil^-il Wnl/ supervision, superintend-

ence, control (Jp over); patronage, aus-
Ji^i fora/ high rank, nobility, distinc-
tion, eminenoe, dignity; honor, glory
pices | jlyil ^
under the auspioes of,
under the patronage of
**ji> Je in his honor
JijU &Jr/ pl. Jj]>i iawrif* old
j^-i Sarafi honorary, honor- (in Com-
(camel mare)
>>!- muSrif Supervisor, overaeer, Super-
*i^i Swfa pl. hir(a)ft, Surufi, J^i
intendent | jjl\ Je Ji^ (mattf) dying,
hiraf baloony; baloony lge, box (the-
in the throes of death, doomed to death,
ater) ; battlement
l^-i firfa sherifate, offioe of sherif
Ji^il* miutafraf terraoe
(in Meooa)
ij^ iaraqa u (sarg, jj^- &*r) to rise (sun)
Sii^J hirrfa pl. -<B balcony; gallery
to shine, radiate; ktriqo a (faraq) to
Ju^- fort/ pl. U^J Swaf**, .Jil^Sl swallow the wrong way, have a fit of
aSrf distinguished, eminent, illustrious, choking; to choke (l- on, e.g., -u.-b

noble, highborn, high-bred; honored, bi-darrCxhl on one'a teara) ; Saraqa u to

oelebrated; sublime, exalted, august; sip, lap, suok in (* II to go east;
honorable, respectable, honest (trade, pro- to cut in Btrips and dry in the sun, to
fession); sherif, title of the desoendanta jerk (* meat, for conserration) ; see vJ"j*
of Mohammed; Juy^JI in Ottoman times, IT to rise (sun); to shine, radiate T to
title of the Governor of Meooa beoome an Orients! X to beoome an
Oriental, adopt oriental manners to ;

Jj_/J Sarljl aherinan, of or pertaining

study the Orient
to the house of the sherifs
3ji> Sarq sunrise, east; the Orient, the
yl* ma&raf elevated, commanding
East; lip Xarqan eastward j jjV' i3/-
site, height; pl. JijLi. mai&rif* ele-
S. al-urdunn (tili 1950) Transjordan;
vations, heights, hls
<J;VI J^l {adn) the Near East; J^All

<*ij to&rifa pl. -t honoring, bestowal of i^JVI (aqp) the Far East; -L-j^l ,5/JI
honors; pl. tairift ceremonial, etiquette, the Middle East
protoool (dtpl.) | i_S3il oli^JI (malaklya)
j^i Sartfi eastern, easterly; oriental;
(formerly) bulletin of the receptions,
(pl. -n) Oriental; UjjpiJI the Orientais
inspeotions and visits of the King of
(of the Christian Ghurch) |
Ljjl J^i
Egypt; c>iJuyiJ}\ ^MiSf master of cer-
Eastern Europe; ijVi J^J ijLI tmdrai
emonies; j^-JJI lyS kiswat ai-t. parade
i. l-urdunn (offioial designation tili
uniform; j^-II cH"** 8*1* dre*8 gal*
i960) Transjordan
uniforms; ujli_rI)l jX mudir at-t. ohief
of protoool (dipl.) ijlyj su-dg pitchy pine wood, lightwood
jji Surq rise (of the aun) partioipant, associate ( j of s.o. in) III to
share (j or * with s.o.,, par-
jlyi dar&fi (eg.) uninigated land not
ticipate (j or * * with s.o. in), be or
reached by the Nile floods
beoome partner, partioipant, associate
i}\ji Sarrq suctorial device; part of a ( j or a * of s.o. in); to awaociate o.a.

suction pump (* with s.o.), enter into partnership

( with s.o.), form a partnership, join,

Q jily^ ktrquwa (pl. of j jUyi) Le-
combine (
j or i * with s.o. in); to
rantinea (eg.)
sympathize (* with s.o.) | *A> *JjU
ijjl* maSriq pl. jjli* mo&Jrtg' plaoe IT to
(ra'yah) to share s.o.'s opinion
of aunrise, east; place of rise; the Orient, make ( s.o.) a partner, participant,
the East; l^JH East and West |
associate (j in), give ( s.o.) a share (j
IfjjUuj ^jVI * aJ-artf wa-inadri&uAd or
in), have ( s.o.) ahare (j in) ; to tie
LjjiLlj LJptil (mapriMn) the whole closely to aasociate (- *
(*) {<->),

world; j jj i>.*>^ j aU 0Ter with |
-iL> *5^il to make s.o.
the world the associate or partner of Qod (in His
jj* rua&riqi eastern, easterly, orien- creation and rule); iL ii^l to set up
tal; (pl. jlJL* maSriqa) an Oriental; or attribute associates to God, i.e., to

oLJ/iil orientalia, oriental atudies be a polytheist, an idolator YI to enter

into partnership (* with s.o.); to partic-
Jij-ii toiriy easternization; develop-
ipate together (j in), ahare with one
ment of domestio production (esp. in
another (j VIII to enter
local industry, with the gradual elimi-
partnership, to coperate (^* with s.o.);
nation of Europe), drive for (economic)
to participate ( j ^ with s.o. in), share
independence j ^1 A ayym at-t.
(j *> with s.o.,, collaborate, take
the old name of the three days following
part (j in), contribute (j to); to sub-
the Day of Immolation (lOth of Zu'lhijja)
soribe (J to); to partake of the Lord'a
during the hadj featival
Supper, communicate (Copt.-Chr.)
jl^l rq radiance; radiation, era-
iip Hrk polytheiam, idolatry |
ilyl Jl
dlation, emanation; IllaminiBm (mysti-
aM aS-S. the polytheiats, the idola-
ciam deriving from Neoplatonism)
jJlj-V al-iirqiff&n the Ulaminists,
iijj Sarah pl. i\^ htruk, lll^il
adherents of IUuminism
airk, ill^J Hrk net, anare, gin; trap |

jlj--V' al-isti&rq oriental atudiea 5^1 *J uJ to lay a trap for s.o., trap
3j* mufriq resplendent, radiant, Bhin-
ing iip Snrvk spurious, unsound, phony,
jj-iJL-. mustairiq having oriental man falae

ners; (pl. Orientalist

'Sj. Hrka, farika partnership; oom-
munion (Chr.) ; (pl. -dt) assooiation,
3jji- Saraqraq, Jl^iyi Saraqrq green wood-
oompftTiion ih i p ; Company, oorporation
(com.); commercial enterpriae (Ist. Lato);

iip farika a (Hrk, 'j. Zirka, iarika) to establishment, firm, buriness j

Jutdl ~SjZ

share (j with s.o., participate inauranoe Company; *jjl? tf^S (tijriya)

(j with s.o. in), be or beoome partner, trading Company, firm; 5*liVi - broad-

460 *jr

oasting oorporation; >1il 3^5 S. aJ- iijviil (amn) collective aecurity j* >b ;

muehama Joint- stock oompany, oorpora- {batff) Joint oommuniqu; iJjviil jJ-JI
tion; vU" C** (nhmiya) do.; -S {sq) the Common Market; iijll j^-Jt
Cj^j^\ truat {com.) Community apirit, communality, soli-

darity; i}JHS\ OU-JI (famn) oolleotive

ill^J rdfc pl. i3j-t Iwrufc, ii^l aJfroJfc,
iJl^il ainlfc shoelace

^-5^-i Jarihwf Circaaaian ; (pl. i_5* I^J JardHaa)

&J, Sank pl. K^i hraht*, iil^il

partioipant, partner, oo-

a Circaaaian
airtJjt aharer,

ally; co-owner,
^ Jarama
(Sarm) to split, alit, Blaah (*

(Isl. Law); aooomplice, accesaory (in a

Sarm pl. Ajyi Surm cleft, orack,
orime) of**
| O ^.j* (*#) sent *j2,

split, rift, alit, Blot ; amall bay, inlet

partner (com.)

dL ji> Suraik (eg.) seaame oake ^1 aSram', f. U^ Sarm* 9 having a

diafigured noee; harelipped
&lj2 Sarxha pl. dlSj^ SariVik* woman
partner, woman partioipant, etc. (see Ja^i Sarmala (eg., syr.) to shred, tear to
shreds (a

iL^ taSrik: dli^l i-L^ siyfoat ~*!*j*J.

Sarmfa pl. J^ljJ Sardmtf rag,
at-t. policy of alliances shred, tatter; whore, slut, proatitute

S^LL. muSraka partnership, oopart- ajUjJ, Sarnaqa pl. JJljJ Sarniq* coooxm (of
nership, partioipation (j in); Coopera- the silk worm); chrysalia (of an inaeot);
tion, oollaboration; communion {Chr.); slough (of a anake), snakeakin;
complioity, accesaorinesa (jur.) Sarniq* hemp (Cannabia aativa; bot.);

partnership, oopartner-
hemp seed
il\J-\ iSUrk
ship, ooparoenary; partioipation, sharing, a (Sarah) to be greedy
ji Sariha (J! or J*
joining, co-operation, oollaboration (Jin) for food); to eat greedily, gormandize,
interference (J in); aubscription (j to); gluttonize, be gluttonoua
jointnesa, oommunity communion {Chr.) ;

ji. Sarah gluttony, gourmandism,

(pl. -i) subaoription rate; partioipation
ravenousneaa, voraoity; greedineas, greed,
fee j iJlJ^Lj jointly, in oonourrenoe,
covetousneaa, avidity
together (^ with); jtj+i iJIJLM {fahrt)

monthly aubscription ; monthly fee or *ji Sarih greedy (J* for food), glut-

contribution tonoua; voraoious, ravenous; ravenoua

eater, glutton ; greedy, oovetoua, avid
J'lj^l iitirki sooialist, sooialistio; (pl.
n) a socialiat ~**\j Sarha gluttony, gourmandism,
ravenousneaa, voracity; greedineas, greed,
~*S\j>\ i&tirkiya socialiam
covetousneaa, avidity
iJ^i. muirik pl. -n polytheist
jji Sarw, Sirw honey
iljX muitarik pl. -n partioipant;
subscriber JtjyJ Sinol pl. Jjj'j-i SarwiP trousers,
pants; drawers
ilJLL* mukarak common, Joint, oom-
bined, ooncurrent, oolleotive, oo- |
hA> &A aee dir1


iSjl Sar i (Uran, ^ ra*) to seil, vend jjw muStaran pl. Lj%i* muStarayt

(>_> m for a certain price); to buy, that whioh is purohaaed, purchased
purchaae (*; to bring upon o.a., to goods; purohase, buy(ing), acquisition
aak for (e.g. t -_-eHI troubles, inconven-
to look askance at
ieacea) Sar % (Siran) to expoae
IjjJ Sazran: Ijj- *JI ^Lj

{* to the sun for drying II to expoae
(a to the sun fcr drying VIII to ijjj ,>*. 'am jaznl' 1 an eye looking
buy, purchaae (*; to buy up, askance, ditrustfully or maligrantly ; ij
acquire, obtain by commercial trans- \jji (naxra) distrustful, suspicious glanoe
action {*; to Bell, vend (*
c t (Fr. chiste) slate (min.)
X to become worse, worsen, deteriorato
*-li Abi' far (away), distant, remote; wide,
j^i Sary (coli.; n. un. ) colocynth
large, great (distance); huge, vaet, enor-
t^i Uran pl. ^l airiya purchaae, mous (difference)
buy(ing), bargain
UJL* SaSakn rifled (gunbarrel)
tfji. Saran an itohig skin eruption
*jU*-Llli i*J-l orfiAa* aS-S. firearms
l^i Sir* purchaae, buy(ing) 1*1^1 --*!j
1?* *- muiaan rifled (gunbarrel)
eager to buy; O Lr^ J* ^' (mag-
dura) or O ^' *y qwat aS-S. purchasing 1
- &im seed of the Cassia absus (bot.),

power used as eye powder

IjjS Sarwa purchaae, buy(ing) *i*i-i Joima, Jma toilet, lavatory, privy

tSjji Sarw: jJu ^j dl* V l yanu

Ukn S. naqirin he hasn't a red cent to his
J Sunt sample, specimen ; sampltng

name, he has alsolutely nothing ; V V * *

(ejj.) SiSnagi aasayer (of precious

no use a * metals)
jju isj_^ is-^ (yvjdi) i* i* f
*-i &if$ pl. ,j-j---i Ju^ty fiahhook

O i j_rl ,j*i-l af-Aumm oi-Airouni/a

j^X Samara a kind of gazelle
nettle rash, Urticaria (med.)
.Li Jaffa u (Jki Jafaj) to go to extremes,
OL^i Siryn pl. 'dlp Amty** artery |
go too far, exceed the proper hounds, be
Li!^ 1 taaub aS-S. arterioscle-
excesaive (j in, with); to doviate (j*
from), digress, stray (fjJ>y\\ je from
Jlj^i Siryni arterial | JjL^I J-Jl the topio) VIII to go to extremes, go too
(sudda) embolism (med.) far, exceed the proper bounds, be
excessive ( j in, with)
*\ji2>\ iStir* purchase, buy(ing)
Jfct Saft pl- J*,^ Suff bank, shore,
jU Sarin pl. \ji JurA Beller, salesman,
coast, Beashore, beach, Strand |
i^^JI .Li
vendor purchaser, buyer, customer
al-'arab Shatt-al-Arab, river in SE
O lightning rod {also J*]f*t\ Jj^)'>

Iraq formed by the Tigris and Euphrates

l \jli\ ai-Surh designation of the Khawarij
rivers; the region travereed by this river

j* mu&tarin purchaser, buyer, cus- on the Fersian Gulf

tomer; seller, vendor
Li Saffa a variety of pepper (Capsicum
jjUil al-muStari Jupiter (cutron.) conicum Mey.; bot.)


JoL* Safaf that whioh ia exoessive or Safara u, Safura u (SjlL ja/dra) to be

exceeda the proper bounds, ezcess; in- sly, cunning, artful, shrewd ; to be
road, encroaohment, infringement clever, smart, bright, skillful, adroit II to
halve, divide into two (equal) parte,
*J-Li Saftfa a variety of pepper
(Capsicum oonioum Mey.; bot.)
to bisect, cut through (* in to
halve, share by halves, share equally
J&i* muSiff excessive
(* with s.o.,, go halves ( with
s.o.); to participate, take part (* in
yLi Sfi' pl. yl^i Sawfi'*, TLi Svfn ahore,, share <* *>-_>, .IjT Jli
coast, seaooast, beaoh, Strand |

( r'ah, farahah ) to share s.o.'s

i_Jfe Safaba u (8afb) to out into slices or views, s.o.'s joy V to manifest slynesa,
Strips (*; to strike out, cross out, clevernesa, smartness, adroitness, skill

Scratch out, write off VII to divide, split (* into, intrans.)

(J# or *; to
eraee, efface ( J* or *, e.g., a word,
J*2 Safr partition, division, Separation,
a sentence); to cancel, release (J* or *
a mortgage); to drop, nonauit (^y-s
halving, bisecting; (pl. j_,Li Svfr,
jLt\ aSfur) a half, moiety; hemistich;
da'w a case) II to make an incision, a
portion, share, lot; direotion; Safra in
longitudinal cut, a alit, a Blash ( j in the direotion of . . ., toward j *J* _*?
to strike out, cross out, soratch out,
to move toward b.o., walk up to s.o.;
write off (J* or *; to erase, efface
^Ui *jUiJl Jj (walld anfrah) to
(J* or h, e.g., a word, a sentence); direot one's glances toward a.o. ; Jj
to cancel, release, J* or * a mortgage);
jki t+-j (wajhah) to tum one*s face
to book, enter, poet {* an item, an ac-
count); to finish off, tenninate, wind up
iJtJ- Sifra sjde, half

t_J*i Safb cut, slash; incision, Scratch; jlki Safara slynesa, cunningness,

Crossing out, striking out, writing off; shrewdness, adroitness, skill, clevernesa,

erasure, effacement; annulment, can- smartness

cellation jLi- Safira sandwich; Schnitzel, steak

t_J*i Safb pl. t_jjlii Sufb tall, strap- jULl* muSfara participation, sharing
ping, sturdy, husky
jlkljt inSifr fission, Splitting, cleav-
i--;L1j taSfib: u_>LJ-l i_...W1j posting of age, division, Separation
an account (to the ledger); <_Ltill 5*L-
jULl Sfir pl.jlki Suffr sly, cunning,
shrewd; scoundrel, villain; clever, smart,
~Ui Safaka a (Safk) to roam, rove, stray bright, adroit, skillful

<pLt Safha pl. Safaht escapade ^ki Sifranj, Safranj chess jkiJI
lauhat aS-S. chessboard
J*i Safara u {Saft) * halve, divide into two
(equal) parte, bisect, cut through (* tjtkl Safafa u (Soff) to rinse (under flowing; to cut off, sever (*; water), clean with water, wash (*
^u J*, (baparuh) u (j^Lt Sufr) to be
ULi Suffa piece, chunk, lump; (pl.
squint-eyed; Safara u (jj^Z Sufr,
JdLZ Sufaf) flint (of a gunlock, eg.)
jjLi Sufra, jlki io^ra) to withdraw,

separate, disassociate o.e. (je- from); Li Siffa splinter, chip, sliver

j* 472

1 jUi Safana u (&n) to fasten, attach, tie, ** muSi" radiating, radiant; emit-
bind (w * with a rope) ting rays, radiative; O radioactive

iL>lL~S and jLJL see jL-i (alphabetically) O *** muSi"a radiator

*i Sa'aba a (Sa'b) to gather, assemble,

,_ilii Sazafa u {Sazf) to castrate
rally (> people, *; to disperse,
t_'-^^ fajaf pl. ^jlki #z/ discomfoTt, Bcatter (.* people, * II to form
hardship, difnculty; ruggedness of life
| branches, to brauch; to branch (out),
^1 Jtki > fl*l (* *-'atf) to lead a life
ramify, divide into branches or sub-
of hardships divisions {* V to branch (out),

*Jiki Alf/ hard, harah, rough, rugged,

ramify ; to be subdivided, form sub-

auatere (life, character) divisions; to diverge, move in different

direotions, part Company, separate, split,

Jii jbfiya a (Aifan) to be splintered, be break up, beoome disunited, disorganiz-

shattered, splinter, shiver V do. ed, disrupted; to branch off (
j* from);
to result (je from) VIII to branch out,
i-kl izlya pl. Jii fcfty, l;U Sat&y
ramify; to branoh off
splinter, sliver, chip; shinbone; bone
<_^ kCb pl. vj*- htb people, folk;
i lu"o * (Ja", Li '<f) to disperse,
nation ; tribe, race
soatter, diffuse, Bpread; to beam, radiate,
flash up IV to emit, spread, diffuse (a ,yj> Sa'bi national, people's; populr,; to eradiate (*; to emit folksy, folk- (in Compounds) j

i_*-iJl i^l
rays or beams, radiate, beam V to emit (jabha) populr front; i-*i <X>\Jiys* peo-

rays or beams, radiate, beam, eradiate ple's democracy (in Marxist terminology)

-^ ht" rayB, beams ; spokes 5*i Sa'blya popularity

fl*i ia'd* distracted, confused, be- <Jj*Z Su*bi adherent of the <^y^ t see

wildered, perplezed |
(**~jj) jJ> jU* below
UUi Mb znind became confused, bewilder-
a movement within
<sijAli\ aJf-Su'biya
ed or perplexed
the early Islamio oommonwealth of na-
*l*i dfu'd' (coli.; n. un. I) pl. <*il tiona whioh refused to reoognize the prir-

odFT'a rays, beams; spokes; horizontal ileged poeition of the rabs

wooden orosspieces (on a door or window) |
<_-*i Jfi' pl. wl*i 'b mountain
3 .Hl dj *i1/l (banaftajtya) the
path, mountain trau ; gorge, ravine,
ultra-violet rays; _^1/1 J-^ Jll UlM oanyon; gulf, abyas; reef
the infra-red rays; Uil jj* X-ray
photograph, roentgenogram; O <~L*U ij*i Si'ba reef

lfl radioactivity *_-*i Suab, wl*i &i*b

ijAi Su'ba pl.

M*il d* f
pl. -<K radiation, eradiation branch, bough, limb, ramification ; shoot,
twig, sprig, spray; prong, tine; (sub-)
,yl*il TfS't radiative, radiational |
division, section, department, branch,
O (^l*^' LU jj {naMf) radioaotive
cell; fleld of study, discipline (e.g., at a

**i fafo'V radiation, eradiation university); part, portion; (pl. ^-*i


^jl^l ^aJLDI (an5ri) radiation of heat; Su'ab) bronchus |

^*iJI wlfJl bronchitis

illl {SamH) solar radiation (med.)


tJ> Jhiabi bronchial jj*i look up alphabetically
_ui Sa'ib disrupted, disorganized,
j* kCara u (jj*i Su'r) to know (^,
disunited, scattered, dispersed
l that), have knowledge, be cognizant
uU*i fa'bdn* Shaban, name of the (i-* of); to come to know, realize, notice
eighth month of the Mohammedan year (i_j, oi that); to peroeive, feel,

r sense (_j, Ol that), be oonscious, be

._-*-! a& ab % name of a legendary
raiser, hence, said of s.o. extremely
aware (^ of (*'*") to make or
oompose poetry, poetize, versify ^ij J
niggardly: ^,\ ^ ^X\ greedier than |

... i (iM bi-), ... j

VI VI j*i (i
A'ab {
uw-) and...iVlj-i U, . . .j Vi^U L. be-
,ywl ai'abl extremely miserly, avari-
fore he even realized it, there was all of
oious, or greedy; (pl. -flu) skinflint, miser,
a sudden . . . ; then, all of a sudden, there
niggard ,^1 J (fama') insatiable greed was .
| . ., it happened that . . . IV to let

>,*.*..) iaia"ub ramification, branching, ( s.o.) know ( v or *, of or about

branching off; disruption, split(ting),, notify, inform {<_> or * * s.o. of or
disunion about), give notice or Information ( to

_>Liil in&i'b ramification, branohing,

s.o., y or * of or about), impart ( to

branching off; disruption, split(ting),

s.o., <_> or a X to feel, sense, notice,
peroeive, realize {<_>, a, be consoious,
be aware ( of); to be filled (* with a
t_-** mvtaia"ib ramified , branch - feeling)
ing; manifold, diverse; many-sided,
j*i fa'r, ia'ar (coli.; n. un. pl.
versatile (oLi- 1 ,_,*;. m. al-janab&t) )

jUil ai'r, jj*i iu'fir, jLi H'r hair;

*i Sa'batfa to practice jugglery, legerde bristles; fr, pelt
main, sleight of hand, or magic
V*i fa'ra (n. un.) pl. -dt a hair |

-L*i Sa'baa jugglery, legerdemain, j*- j-tf V (qadra S.) not by a hair's
sleight of hand, magio breadth

jw Ja'tfa a (Ja'^O to be or become dishev- tSS" kt'ri, Sa'ari hairy, hirsute, hair
eled, unkempt, matted (hair) II to (adj.)

dishevel, rffle {* the hair) V to become ^Ai kfriya wire

pl. -dt grille, wire
disheveled, ruffled (hair) ; to disintegrate,
fall apart, deoay (of buildings)
netting, lattice work; O (without pl.)

capillarity | LJl ^i *. ai-iuhbdk

*l*i Sa'at; *!* 1 lamma Sa'afah to (latticed) window shade, Jalousie
straighten out the muddled affairs of
*ij*S 'riya vermicelli
s.o., help s.o. to get back on bis feet; to
Btruggle back to one's feet, "pick up'\ dj/*~ Sa'r&ni hairy, hirsute, shaggy

recover jmi. H'r knowledge &ja1 cJ laita


il->-i Sa'if matted, disheveled, un- K'ri I wish I knew . . . ! would that I

kempt (hair); having matted, unkempt knew...! (pl. jLil aTr) poetry;
hair poem

1^1 afap, f. .Ui Aj'J' matted, &J*} 'rf poetic(al)

disheveled, unkempt (hair) ; having iSj*~ ' pl- ifj\* Jo'r scrub
matted, unkempt hair country

tf^nJl ai-Si'r Sirius, Dog Star (astron.) j** mai'ar pl. jpLi. ma&'ir* cultio
Bhne for ceremonies of the hadj ; sen*
jUi H'r pl. jZ iu'ur, j-il ai'ira
sory organ ; pl. senses, feelinga, sensationa |
password, watchword ; slogan ; motto,
a\J~\ y^li\ (harm) the hadj Station of
de vice; mark, token, sign; signal;
Muzdalifa east of Meoca
distinguishing mark or featore, charac-
teristic, emblem, badge |
jjljf jUl jUil iS'r pl. -t notifioation, infor*

(tijri) trade mark mation (l-> of, about), notioe

jv Sa'ir (coli.) barley; (n. ud. 5) y^Li Sair knowing (by instinotive
barleycorn |
jJJjJ _r*i> {lu'lu'i) pearl perception), endowed with deeper in-
barley; ,^1 Ij^t S. al-jafn sty (med.) sight, with intuition; (pl. lji hfar'*)

O /^ Aj'ira bead (of a gun flight,

mtl.; Syr.) y^li i'iriya pl. -t poetry; poetical

work, poetization; poetical talent; poet-
i^o olj**i Ju'ainW (iamawtya blood
capillaries (biol.)
jt\jZ Saurfir* attacks, diatribes, inveo-
**j*>2> Sairiya vermicelli
tives, calumnies, defamations
jyj. ht'r knowledge, cognizance;
jj*L mafr Bplit, cracked; mad,
consciousness, awareness; peroeption, dis-
orazy, idiotio
cernment; perceptive faculty; Sensation;
Bentiment; feeling; perceptiveness, Ben- JI^L* mui'irni hairy, hirsute, shaggy
sitivity, sensibility ; mood
jyJ- j* J |
i*i ki'ki'a to mix with water, dilute (*
(gairi ht'rin) without bis being aware
a beverage); to Bhine, beam, radiate,
of jj*^\ j ^*\i to lose consciousneBs;
j^ill Ji\i unconscious, insensible; j^ill
^j-iJlj (naft) self-oonsciousness; j^Ul **:**. muh.' Sa' half drunk, tipsy,

otJlj do.; j^*-iJl > dtggai aM. sensi* fuddled

tivity, senaibility; iJ>ill j^l (rnuAfl*
J**i Sa'afa a to scoroh, Bear, singe
rol) Community spirit, communality,
soUdarity; j^*-iJI unfeeling, insen-
f* *-i Ja'/a pl* <-JUi 'd/ summit, top, peak

Ji fa'aJa a (fa'J), II and IV to light, kindle,

(jjj^ ht'ri oonscious; emotional |
ignite, infame, set on fire (*, set
tfjyJ- V unconscious, subconsoious
fire (* to; to set ablaze, fan (*

j jUi ja'drd (pl.) goats Till to catch fire, Start burning,

ignite, burn, flame, blaze, flare up,

lj*2> Ai'ira pl. J US Sa''ir* religioas

ceremony, rite, cultio praotice; pl. also:

break out (fire) |
L- J*i-tl (gafaban)
to be fiaming with rage; Lxi <Aj J*^
ploces of worehip, cultio Brinea
(Saiban) his hair was, or turned, white
j*2>\ ai'ar* hairy, hirsute, long-haired,
*i ht'la pl. J*i iu'oi fire, blaze,
flame; torch
j jj*2> ht'rr poetaster, versiner, rhyme-
*- Tna&'ala pl. J*LL.
mai'iP torch
j*lj$ huvai'ir poetaster, versifler,

rhymester JUi* m'i torch

Jelt maS'i pl. 4-UL* maSaiya *-*LL. mu&gaba pl. -t disorder,
torch bearer; hangman, executioner disturbanoe, trouble, riot, uproar; re-
jLil l'<U Ughting, kindling, ignition, (J* against); diaoord, diaaension,
row, wrangle, quarrel, oontroveray
setting on fire, fanning

jUiil t^ilL muSfib pl. -n troublemaker,

ti't Ignition, inflammation,
agitator, subverter, rioter, mischief-
combuation, burning
J^i. muito't'J burning, ablaze, on Are
ji Sagara u (jji* htgr) to be devoid of
<*J> fa'ntna pL jOUi fa'dnf1 palm branch | fortifications, be unproteoted (oountry);
OLdl (v) ^-1 aAod ('Id) ai-i. Palm to be vaoant, unoooupied,
free, open
Sunday (CAr.) (aeat, position)

I>*i Sa'w'* (used attributiveh/ with jU jjii Svgr vaoanoy (of a position)
#dra, vj*- or*. **** AaffUa, and ibe like)
_/^Lt SQir empty and unproteoted
large-aoale, devastatlng everything (over
(of a oountry); free, vaoant, unoooupied,
a wide area)
open (aeat, position); J^ kuegii*

jj*i kfwafa to practice jugglery, leger-


demain, aleight of hand, or magio arte

*jui iagafa a (&$/) (to hit, or affect, the
;jj*i Aj'ioarfa pl. -dt jugglery, leger- pericardium, i.e.) to infatuate, enamor,
demain, aleight of hand; magio, magio All with ardent pasaion ( s.o.); pass.
arte; humbug, swindle, tricks (L*-) o Ji htgifa bihi (hubban) to lovo
a.o. or pasaionately, be madly in
j^l* muSar wi4 juggler, oonjurer, ma-
love with s.o., be infatuated with or
gician, practitioner of legerdemain;
swindler, triokster
enamored of s.o., be extrexnely fond
(f. *J>*i*)
of VII JiiiJl = Sugtfa bihi
t^i-i Sagaba, iag~iba a {Qb, Sagab) to disturb
(J**i &<>/ perioardium ; passionate
the peace, make trouble, Btir up riots,
love, paasion, aenanal desire; iniatuation,
cause an uproar, not; to provoke dis-
enamorednesa, amoronaneaa; ardent zeal,
cord, diaaension, or oontroveray (among
oraze, love, pasaion
V J*> *) 1IJ * make trouble, disturb
the peaoe; to rebel against), Jui Sagif madly in love, infatuated
mutiny (<_* with), enamored (_* of), fasoinated

<V *>y)
i_-i- Sagab, Sab unrest, trouble,
disturbanoe, diaoord, diasension ; JiLbi ia0df pericardium

commotion, uproar, strife, tumult; brawl, JtjiJ> Sagf obseaaed with fervent
fight, broil, fracas; row, wrangle, con* affeotion (- for) ; madly in love, infat-
tention, quarre], oontroveray uated (<-. with), enamored {<- of)

t_^LLi Safflb trouhlemaker, agitator, JtyJL* maSguf pasaionately fond {<->

aubverter of),madly in love, infatuated (<- with),

enamored <t_* of), fascinated (_* by)
Vj*^ tagb cauaing mueh noise and
unrest, riotoua, turbulent, troubloua
Jii fagala a (ktgl, Svgl) to ocoupy, buay
i^Ll* maigib* troublea, disordera, (i-t * a.o. with); to preoooupy ( a.o.),
disturbancen keep (* s.o.) buay, give { s.o.) trouble;
;; ;;

to distraot, divert, alienate (j s.o. work, run, operate, be in Operation, be
from; to occupy, fill, hold, have in motion (maohine, and the lue) |
(* offloe, seat, pontion); to take ap, *JJ (qaibuk) to be uneasy, apprehensive,

All (* engste, engross (* the worried; j *j Jiil to be distraoted by

attention); to engage, tie down (* foreea from
of the Opponent); paaa. SuQa to
J tuQl oocupancy, Alling, taking
oooupy o.g., buay o.a., be buay {<->
up ; detention, prevention, distraction
with), be engaged in; to be taken up,
(y. from); (pl. JLil aSQl, J>S
occupied (^ by, e.g., ground by build-
SufiU) oooupation, aotivity; work, job;
iS*) 0* l^ * k dutraeted by
*i busineaa, Cancern | J*U Jli that whioh
firom | v * J*i to oooupy o.a.,
is uppermost in one'a mind, ohief or
busy o.s. with, work at f attend to foremost conoern; which preoo-
JUt J to disquiet, diacomfit, make mind or diatraota s.o.
oupies s.o. 's (j
uneasy, trouble, disturb; J cJJ\ Jii from); SU JLil (Uqqa) hard labor;
to devote tims to II to busy,
UU JLil {'Ornma) or i-y^ Jl*' Cm-
ooonpy (s.o.), engage, engrosa (*; mfya) publio works; j>ij Jii (yadawt)
to employ ( s.o.), provide employment
handwork; manual labor; Oj J*i S. yad
( for s.o.); to put ( s.o.) to work, make used appositionally) handmade;
(* a machine) work, put in Operation,
preoooupied (j- with), concerned
J j
make run, start (* a machine) to make, ;
(j* about); y Jii j buay, oocupied with;
produce, manufacture, fabrieate (*
jp Ji^ j S" to be too busy or preocou-
to invest (* money) III to hold in play, with) to be able to attend to
pied (lj

keep oocupied, divert ( s.o.); to distraot; *Li (jJI iam Sutflaka mind your
( s.o.) IT to occupy, busy, employ (
own busineai!
s.o.); to oooupy, hold, All, have (* an
Jlii SafflU very busy; hard-working,
affloe, a position) ; to fill, take up (*,
industrious, diligent, laborious, active;
engage, engroas (* the attention); to
being in Operation, running(of a machine)
cover (t-> * a apace with a building or
(pl. -fi) worker, workman, laborer
buUdings), occupy, take up, fill (y * a
Jj so^ifpl. * (syr.) worker, workman,
Space with); to take, take up, reqnire
down (* forces of laborer, (lowly) employee
(* time); to engage, tie
the Opponent); to distraot, divert, alien- J^U M$l mainsheet (of a sailing
ate, entioe away {je- s.o. from) |
Jiil vessel)

JUI to disquiet, discomfit, make uneasy,

Jii* mafyal pl. JilA* moAlffrf1 Work-
trouble, disturb, prooocupy TI to occupy
shop; workhouse
o.a., busy o.s., be oocupied or busy, be
preocoupied (y with), be engaged (v in), kl* mafyala pl. JilJL* maiQW ocou '
avooation, aotivity, buainess,
attend, devote o.a. ( to ; to pretend
conoern, work, job; effort, ezertion;
to be busy VII to oooupy o.s., busy o.a.,
di Version, distraction, preocoupation,
be occupied or busy, be preocoupied (*-

with); to be oonoemed (y about) Till to
busy o.a., oooupy o.a., be occupied or Jjlj taffil employment, occupation;
buay (4* or j with), be engaged (y or j providing of employment, provision of
in), attend, devote o.a. (y or j to; work; hiring (of s.o., as a worker);

to work; to study J under or with); to opening, starting, putting into Operation



production, manufacture, making; in- *Jti o0ix i (iJ^Li fu/fi/, JuJt ia/f/, JulA
vestment (of money) ia/a/) to be thin, flimsy; to be transpar-

JUiJl in&Ql (state of) being busy or ent, diaphanous, transluoid, pelluoid

occupied; oooupation, aotivity; over- to let (j* shimmer through,

charge, overwork ; apprehension, oonoern, reveal, disclose, betray (j* Till to

anxiety drink up, drain, empty (*; to

eat up, devour (* X to look (*
JUiil i&tiQl (state of) being busy or
through, e.g., through a piece of
ocoupied; work, oooupation (<_> or j fabrio in order to ascertain its quality);
with, at); syntactioal regimen, govern-
to have a glimpse (* of, hope (*
ment (of a word by another; gram,)
for; to try to see (* through,

J*U SQil pl. Jilp SawOgiP that seek to penetrate (*; to peroeive,
which preoccnpies s.o., engrosses s.o.'s discern, make out (*; to shimmer
attention takes up s.o. 's time; oocn- (,y through, show (^ through
pation, aotivity; objeot of oonoern or; to manifest itself, beoome tangible,
worry; pl. Ji-lp distractions, preoccupa- perceptible, noticeable
tions | j c* ^l*Li ii-j he found distrao-
ijul Soff, Hff pl. tjZ Suff diaphanous
tion from' it in . . .; j* J*li JJt j j*
fabric, gauze
(oZ/t 3^*/n) he had a thoueand other
jjtil Safaf transparenoy, transluoenoe,
thinga to think of than...; JiU jJ"l jtT

<l (akbara Sfolin) it was hia greatest diaphaneity

worry JuJ* Saflf thin flimsy translucent,

J^JL* busy, oooupied transparent, diaphanous

maSfrl (<-

with); distraoted, diverted (j* from); Jiji-i Suff transparenoy, translucence,

occupied, taken (seat, Bpaoe) ; busy, diaphaneity
occupied (telephone line, and the Uke);
l Suffa the rest in the glass
worked on, processed |
JUI J^ anx-
ious, apprehensire, concerned, worried; JiLLl Safff thin, flimsy, transluoent,

ILJlj l^JUI oV>iil (iahabiya, fiftya) transparent, diaphanous

gold and silver work 5JLL5 Saffya transparenoy, trana-

Jj ma^liya anxiety, apprehen- lucence, diaphaneity

sion, concern
C- fifi pl. CjjaX Suft (eg.) pinoers,

J* mu&agaX employee, worker tweezen

Jiii- mu&tag busy, occupied (,_ or
jj Saftara to pout, sulk
j with); in Operation, running (of a
machine) *jj Safira thick Up

- o/a pl. ILS &/dA, ilij^ Safawt lip;

rim, edge |
LUI iJI ('u/yd) upper lip,

^1 Ulli (*/&) lower lip; ^Vl i

i. ai-arnab harelip; <jLS cJu Mn* i. word Li Safr pl. jLLil aSfr palpebral margin from
whioh the eyelashes grow, (outer) edge
^yLLt, ULLi, ,^4^$ and ^iLL. see *ii
of the eyelid; edge, rim, border, fringe
i^ji-i see jii
jj-i Sufr pl. jLLil aSfdr palpebral
'JJUi Xaf'if
, J4I Safyif2 Ups margin from whioh the eyelashes grow,


(outer) edge of the eyelid; edge, rim, *-i fa/T pl. U Sufa''* mediator,

border, fringe; labium (anal.) interceasor, advocate; patron saint [Chr.)

holder of the right of pre-emption, pre-

;>i Safra pl. Safart, jUi Sifr large
knife; blade (of a sword, of a knife);
jUi) brink, edge, verge S*Ui Safa mediation, interoession,
razor blade; (pl. |

abyaa advocacy
jjUI ijii-
Jp on the brink of the
JLi Sdfi* mediator, interceasor, ad-
jUi Sar palpebral margin from whioh
vocate; holder of the right of pre-
the eyelashea grow; (outer) edge of the
emption, pre-emptor
eyelida; edge, rim, border, fringe
jil!Jl aS-Sfi'i founder of one of
jkL mfar pl. >li* maffir* flew,
the four orthodox Islamio schoola of
chap; trunk, snout, proboeois
theology; ^ili Shafiitic; (pl. -n, ^]^>
^ti (Fr. chiffre) cipher, code Sawfi'*) adherent of the Shafiitic chool,
^jjti /fi ciphered, coded, in code
>t maSf" accompanied (w by),
~*jXi> Jtifra cipher, code
attended, combined (w with)

Jlki SafSafa to dry, dry out, parch, drain

j IV to pity, oommiserate (Jp s.o.), feel
(* pity Bympathize (J* with);
(Jp for),
i Safafa to suck, suck up, absorb; to to be ooncerned (Jl that, Jp about)
(jl that,
empty, drain; to Bip
worry (Jl that,
Jp about), fear
for, j* s.o.,, be apprehenBive,
iUUi Safffa pl. -t eiphon | O *lLii
feel anxiety (J* about, j* as a result
jUJl J. al-gubr vacuum cleaner
of); to shun, shirk (o-, beware

(j- of), be on one's guard (j* against)

. ia/a'o a (*>/*) to double (*; to

attach, add, subjoin * to th B <th.), jii Safaq evening glow, twilight,

encloae (u> * in; to give the duBk |
J>i-.l JJI (janbi) aurora

(right of) pre-emption (w * to a.o. on australia; JUJl JiiJl {Samli) aurora, grant {. b.o.) the first refusal (w borealia; ^iJl J*^Jl (u#) polar

of; (^ Saf'a) to mediate, light; lfi\ ji Twilight of the

use one'a good offices, put in a good Gods

word, intercede, intervene, plead (J or j Safaqa oompassion, oommisera-
for or on behalf of s.o., Jl with s.o. eise) aympathy, kind(li)nesB, tender -
tion, pity,
V to mediate, use one's good offices,
ness, affeotionatenesa, solioitude, loving
put in a good word, intercede, inter- iiJI r-i* pitiless, mercileas
care |

vene, plead (Jl J or j for or on behalf

Jji a/tig compaasionate, sympathet-
of s.o. with s.o. eise)
ic, affectionate, tender, aolioitous, kind(ly)
Saf pl. ll aSf', l Hfs:
j a A* fo/w compaasionate, aympathet-
either part of a pair; even number
io, affectionate, tender, solicitous, kind(ly)
Saf diplopia, double viaion of a
JUil /f oompassion, pity, sym-
Single object
pathy; tenderness, affectionatenesa care, ;

yuli Saft even (of a number) solicitude; conoern, worry, anxiety, ap-

iii Suf'a (right of) pre-emption prehension


ji U Sdfin proud thirst for revenge, vent one's anger, take

it out (> on) X to seek a eure

<ii III to Bpeak (mouth to mouth) ( to
iL- Ufa* eure, healing, restoration,
recovery, recuperation, convalescenoe
Ui pl. Ui, C-.l^i-l 866 ",_**
satisfaction, gratifioation; (pl. *-LZ\ aSfiya,

L^ Ifl/aAl lip-,labio- (in Compounds), JUI aSn) remedy, medicament, medi-

labial; oral; fiiJI the orals (= oral cation, medicine j ILiil JjU curable
examination); L^ii Safahiyan orally (jUi
f't healing, ourative, medi-
5 |.tll
tjij^l the labiala b, f, m, w cative
Ji- maifan pl. <JiLl maMfin hospital
UUi Kfhan orally
i_J taSaffin gratifioation of one's
^L Jt/dAt oral; ,jUlJI the orals
thirst for revenge, satisfaction
( oral examination); LulLi Hfhlyan
Ull*l istfS seeking of a cure;
cure, (oourse of) treatment
44JIL. muJd/oAoton orally
JU Sfin healing, ourative, medi-
jii IV to be very (J* to, be
close cative, salutory; aatisfactory, clear, un-
on the verge, on the brink of (J*) | equivocal (of an answer)
^Lll *iU J*.
** ^i>\ (hjfat al-ya's) he
Jil mtMfai/a
. pl. ol.iit.. mitstaS*
brought him to the brink of despair
fayt hospital; field hospital; Banitorium |

Ui Jfafan pl. Ll aJ/' edge, rim, vi^ '

J^* insane asylum, mental
border, brink, verge hospital

tSji- Safawt lip-, labio- (in Compounds), jp Saqqa u (049) to split, cleave. part, tear,
labial; oral; l^i Safawlyan orally | rend, rip (*; to break (*;
*i>Jl >j^J-i the labials 6, /, m, w to plow, tili, break up (* the ground);
(jjAon.) to furrow, traveree, orosa (*; to

JlI mujn moribund, doomed pasB, go, travel (* through a region); to

death break (dawn); (3j* Suqq) to break
forth, shoot up, aprout (plant), break
J-i ja/d (Ui A/*) to cure (i> BO - of through, erupt (tooth); (&49> **^
a disease), heal (^* s.o. of a disease, maiaqqa) to be heavy, oppressive, burden-
a a wound), make ( b.o.) well, reatore some, unbearable (J* for s.o.); to grieve,
( s.o.) to health; pass. Svfiya to be trouble (J* s.o.); to molest, harass,
healed, be cured, be reatored to health, inconvenience (J* s.o.), be troublesome,
recover, convalesce, recuperate; to cumbersome (J* for s.o.); to viait
heal, heal up (wound) |
(*LU) il* Ji s.o.), call
(J* upon b.o.) | l^-- cSS-
(guttatah) to quench one's thirst, gratify (jaibah) to tear the front of the garment
one's desire, satiefy one's thirst for re- as a sign of mourning (woman) ; ^Li- ji
venge; ,y *LLe J-i {gaifah) to vent to cut, or open, a way for o.a. ; j$LJ\ jJ
one's anger on b.o., take it out on to break the silence; (li^i) UjLi j-i to
s.o. V and VIII to be cured, be healed, build a streeb (a road); j^L J-i to foroe
be reatored to health (-* by); to take one's way, plow ahead; IjjJU- li^ ji
revenge, avenge o.a., aatisfy one's to open up, or enter npon, a new path

(flg.); UJI Z ('oft) to part from the HZ htqqa pl. ji* hiqaq trouble, toil,

Community, break with the Community; labor, diffioulty, hardahip; diffioult jour-

vUJI L ji fo f-foTo) to rebel, ney; deatination of a journey; distanoe |

ravolt, renounoe allegianoe; fjil\ Ltf tp liill -Uj bu'i al-fuqqa (and ai-Kqqa)

(*aa I-oaum) to eow disoord among large or wide diatance; Jl Xm b.

people; >jU ,p L (JuMroAum) he did af-faqja (and ai-Kqqa) far away, diatant,

not reach their mark; jU jj V remote

(yu&fav jutdruAfi) he is unaurpaasable, il
jjj aafi} a half, moiety; (pl.
he is incomparable, there is no one like him agga, ll aJo#f *) fll brother, brother
II to aplit ( ; to tew open, rip open,
on the patemal and maternal aide;
alit open ( >.th.) V to be plit, be oleft;
(attributively) brother-, siater-; anem-
to Bplit, oraok, bunt; to be eracked TU to
one 11
jkill (ftifr) the brother
| J.'*
be split, be oleft; to spt, orack, bunt; UJtill JjJI (oVtool) the sia-
to plit off, separate, aegregate, seoede, Arab
ter etatea (eep. with referenoe to
break away, withdraw (j from), break oountriea)
(j* with), renounoe (je; to beoome
a sohismatie (Chr.); to break (dawn)
J Saqiqa pl. -dl, jJU-1 kufi'iq'

8 *
fll aiater, siater on the patemal and
.Lu r ;l ('oaUwn) they feil out
tjj* iUjI (mal* matemal aide; hemiorania, migraine |
(with one another);
he j^JI jJlU $. an-nu'mJn red anemones
raJuAfi) he exploded (with anger),
blew hia top VIII to derive (j. a word
from) Jl oaofo^ more troubleaome, more
tireaome, more difficult, harder
ji iaqq pl. Jj iuffia; fiaaure. orack,

ohink, orevioe, rift, oleft, orevasae, iL. maiaqqa pl. -dl, jli. moiilH*
ohaam, Bplit, rent, tear, rip, gap, alit, trouble, toil, labor, diffioulty, hardahip
alot; half, moiety; fiaiion, aplitting,
jl atjA} diaunity, diseenaion, dis-
eraoking, oleavage |
*jill & i. od-rfarro
atomio flssion
jljl inqSq Separation, aegregation,
Ji hqq half, aide, part, portiou;
diasodation, split; aohiam (Car.); diseen-
trouble, diffioulty, hardahip |
i^ijUl! jJ
aion, disoord, disunion
I. al-mu'tnxfa Opposition party; ... V
jll itttod; derivation, etymology
u-ii^ JM VI (HU bi-tP !</). .Pi
^^l only with great effort, with great (of a word)

difBoulty, barely JIS Mgig troubleaome, toilaome, weari-

~u- iaqqa rift, tear, rip, fiaaure, aome, oumberaome, tireaome, tedious,

fatiguing, arduoua, oneroua, diffioult,

oraek, spt, orevioe
hard | lila Jliil hard labor
i jjo pl. jii %a?, jl Jijg
a half, moiety; pieoe; aplinter; trouble, jUL. muMqq aohiamatio (Car.)

toil, labor, diffioulty, hardahip; diffioult jil* tR-uilago; pl. -dl derivative {gram.)
joumey; deatination of a journey; dia*
fi IT to aend far away, remove to a
diatant place ( a.o.)
Siqya, taqp pl. Jit Kqaq apart-
ment, flat, split-level apartment; oom- J>i htqiuf pl. Jiilii soadjt/* a kind of

partmeut (in a train)


j~ Saqira a (Sogar) and Saqura u (S^ Ui SaqS and l Saqan misfortune,

htqra) to be of fair oomplexion, be distress, misery, wretchedness, pain,
light-skinned; to be blond, fair-haired suffering ; hardship, trouble, toil, drudgery

j Sogar fair-complexionednesB; blond- Ji Saqiy pl. LLil atqiy** unhappy,

unlucky, miserable, wretohed, distressed;
~*j2J> Sugra fair-complexionedness ; blond- damned; wretch, villain, culprit, criminal,

ness; redne&s acoundrel, rogue; nasty, naughty, mis-

^1 aiqar*, f. \j Saqr'', pl._^J htqr
fair-oomplexioned, light-skinned; blond, > Saqwa misfortune, distress, misery
fair-haired; reddish
yl Saqtoa misfortune, distress,

jjii Sagraga to be gay, oheerful, be ez- misery; mischief, nastiness, naughtiness

bilarated, amuae o.a.

! Sakka u (Sakk) to pierce, transnz {

Ji SaqSaqa to twitter, peep, ohirp; to s.o. <_* with); to impale, spit (<_* a
babble (<_*; to peep, break (dawn) |
on); to prick, stab {*; to doubt

j* ti-j -- Lj J-JLi to chat, chatter about (- or j s.o.,; to distrust, suspect, question (<-> or j s.o.,, entertain

UJt SagSaga pl. -<U twitter(ing),

doubts, have misgivings (u or j about
s.o., about; to be skeptioal II to
peep(ing), chirp(ing); (silly) prattle; pl.
make ( s.o.) doubt (j, fiU (
J-iL Sag&ig* rigmarole, rambling talk |
s.o.) with doubt, misgivings, skepticism,
Ol Ul * it\ (silly) prattle; jl+JI ~*~*W.
suspioion (J about) T to doubt (_ or j
8. an-nahr daybreak, peep of dawn
s.o.,, have doubts (t-* or J about);
UJt SigSiga pl. J-iL SaqSiq* faucal to be skeptical, have misgivings
bag of the camel
dU &U pl. ii_i hikk doubt,
J^ &?a/ (coli.; n. im. !) (pot)sherds uncertainty, suspioion, misgiving | ^Li

Ulli Suqfa (pot)sherds iU (6-W), dU ^ V> w-Z

(Ajfcto), iU
Sakka, JJLi ji j* min dni S. without
JiU %# shekel doubt, doubtless, undoubtedly, indubi-

JjiLi ASyfii plumbline, plummet

tably, certainly, positively; Jl J_a- V
4-i dLlll (aatnla) doubtless, indubitable,
i_~Ui Saqldba to tum things upside down, beyond any doubt; dLiJI <J I j^j V
upset things n taSaqlaba to be upset, be (yatafarraqu, Sakku) do.
toppled; to tum a Bomersault
*i Ajifci stab, thrust, jab (with the
1JLL5 Saglaba pl. -<B Bomersault point of a weapon)

(_^L5 and Ji) l a?<S u (_> &?w) to make liJExJLj toioifcufc doubt; skepticism
( s.o.) unhappy, miserable, wretched,
Skk doubting, in
distress ( s.o.); Ji Saqiya a (.l

*JI 4L5
doubt, skep-

Saq% !jl Saqwa, I^ oguu) to be

tical |
"UI j llli

armed to the teeth, bristling with arms

unhappy, miserable, wretohed, distressed;
to have trouble (_* with, in IT to *- iijSll. mafkk fihi doubtful,
make ( s.o.) unhappy, miserable, wretch- dubious, uncertain; *^l j iljfLt. (amrikl)
ed, distress (* s.o.) Buspect(ed)


*!J& Sakkaka (eg.) to seil on credit; to buy uSj. Sakia pl. IJ

SJ. hika malioious,
on credit; to borrow spiteful, querulous, quarrelsome, peevish,

petulant, ill-tempered, morose, surly,

dJ. Sukuk (eg.) on credit
sullen, sulky, grumpy, unfriendly
ib (Fr. eaejw) pl. d&Z check
*J&J> iakaa malice, apite, queru-

iji btkrn) to thank lousness, peeviahness, petulance, ill-

jS fafctra u (JfuJfcr,

be temperedness, moroaeness, surliness,

(J or s.o.,
J or J or * for,
sullennesa, sulkineea, grumpiness, un-
thankful, grateful (J or to s.o.,
J* or
to praise, laud, eztol friendliness ; rudeness
J or a for;

(J or . b.o.) |
4-Uj^iJ (yuikaru) worthy * <"i -*- - muikasa pl. -t quarrel,
of thanka, deeerving acknowledgment, controveroy, dispute, wrangle ; plot,
meritorioua, praiseworthy V to thank conspiraoy; moroaeness, surliness, grum-
( J s.o. for, be thankful, grateful piness; petulance, nagging, queruloua-
{* J to b.o. for ness

j&. hikr pl. jj& Sukr thankfulness, ^SltS taihu incongruity, absurdity
gratefulnesa, gratitude; thanks, acknowl-

edgment; praiae, laudation | <M [* ^Sj^U and ^JjSCi look up alphabetically

hikran lata I thank you ! thanks

JS^l SaJcala u (Satt) to hobble (JI^UL
~iij~- IjSCi *j> to expreas many thanka
an animal with the Sikl, q.v.); to
tO 8.0.
vowel, point, provide with vowel points
<jj. btkti of thanks, thanking (* a text); to be dubious, ambiguou,
equivocal, vague, obscure, intricate,
[z btkrn thankfulness, grate-

fulness, gratitude; thanks, aoknowl- difficult II = I; to shape, fashion, form,

edgment; praise, laudation

create, mold, organize, build up (*;

to diveraify, vary, variegate (*,

jjSJ- iakr very thankful to be
bring variety (* into III

J?\J. fkir thankful, grateful similar {*, * to s.o., to, re-

semble {*, * s.o.,, be Iike s.o. or

jlt* ffloifcflr worthy of thanka, (*, ) IV to be dubious, ambiguouB,
deaerving acknowledgment, meritorioua,
equivocal, vague, obscure, intricate,
s.o.) V to be formed,
(J for
KjSiX Hkra pl. J&i- Sak'ir* (eg.) sack, faahioned, ahaped, molded, oreated, or-
gunny sack ganized, built up, take form, take
shape; to be variegated, shaded, graded,
s jl^ look up alphabetically
form various gradations; to materialize,
'l^Sw look up alphabetically appear in visible form (J to s.o.) |

4&J JSCiJ (bi-Saklihi) to take on the

SJ. Aakuaa u (1-I&S iakaa) and Sakisa a
lJ shape of b.o., aaaume the form of
(Sakaa) to be maliciouB, spiteful, queru-
X to regard as dubious (*; = IV
loua, quarrelsome, peevish, petulant, ill-

tempered, morose, surly, sollen, sulky, ji Sakl pl. Jlfcil aikl, 6JJ. sukl
grumpy, unfriendly III to pick a quarrel, similarity, resemblanoe, likeneas; outward

to quarrel ( with s.o.) VI to quarrel appearance, flgure, form, Bhape, build;

(with one another), be querulous, form of peroeption, perceptual form (as

quarrelsome, petulant ; to be incongruous opposed to matter or content; philoa.);

; ;; ;

type, cut, pattern; mode, manner; sort, i^i- muikHa pl. -t, JflL. mafkiP
und, gpecimen ; JO vowelization, vowel- problem, unaolved question, issue; dif-
ing; ^Ci fonnally, in form |
-+lB^ilj j> fioulty
they and the like of them
f-Z iahama u (iahm) to bridle (* an animal);
Ji &>JfcI formal; pl. oUCi for- to bribe (* i.o.); to ailenoe, gag, muzzle
(. a.o.)

O JO iakliya formalism *^Li iakima pl. ffc iak'im*, Ci

JSli Hkl ooquetry, ooquettiahneaa Subum, -i Sakim bit, ourb, snaffle,

S-i Saka
bridoon;(pl. jrMt) O brake (ofawheel);
ooquettiah woman, co-
unrulinesa, unyieldingneaa, obatinacy
quette, fliit
oontempt, disdain, aoorn { S*-SjlJI -u.l-

JSLi fofctt quarrelaome, peeviah stubborn, obstinate, unyielding; _J

i*-Lill qwat ai-i. energy; i*Xil! jji
J5U JiidZ pl. -#, Ji fefcuZ fetter,
qawty ai-i. energetic, vigorous, aotive
bobble (for ahaekling the feet of a riding
animal) *& III to resemble (*, be like (*)
J-&J tailcti pl. -dt forming, formation,
ahaping, molding, fashioning, oreation,
(jj.) Ki iakd u {j& ialcw, j,j$J, Sakw,
Organization, building up Order of march
tCi iakh, VGiZ, Mkdya, iXt iakiya)
(mil.); pl. 0">LSllj formationa; organiza-
to oomplain (j- or *, . of, about, J
or Jl to a.o. t > or * of or about,
iLSjLJ folHJa assortment, seleotion, make a oomplaint; to raiae or lodge a
variety; formation complaint (^ or *, * of, about or againat
i Li* muSkala s.o., J or Jl with s.o.); to suffer (* from
similarity, resem-
blance, likenees V = I; VI to complain to one
another (* of, about Till I
JtCil iikl dubiosity, ambiguity,
obscurity, vagueness
j5li iakwa oomplaint, grievanoe;
(pl. ol^li iakawtU, .ll Kkc?) small
JSLU taikvl similarity, resemblance akin (for water or milk)

I 15 Mkiia way , manner, mode iSj& Sakw pl. jjbO Sakw oom-
(pl. Jf l^i iatCTi/1 ) flank, aide, groin plaint; acouaation; suffering, grievance

< Li
J* in the manner of, of the kind
of, like, |f
^U J of their kind, like
ti iakh
suffering, grievance
complaint ; accusation

them; JTU J*.

uK" to be of the same
kind, of the same Btrain aa ;-* iikya complaint; accusation;
suffering, grievanoe
JCl* muiakkal different, diverse, mani-
fold, miaceUaneona, variegated ; vowel-
i-O iaktya complaint ; accusation
(iz)ed suffering, grievance

jCi* muih turbid, murky (liquid);

Ki iakk* given to complaining,
dubioua, ambiguous, equivooal, obscure, querulous

vague, hazy; diffloult, intricate, in- Ixl* miSkh pl. C>ljti_ mkwt,
volved, problematie; problem, unaolved maikin niche
iJLt-. (for a lamp); lamp,
queation, iaaue; difficolty pendent lamp
illi S&kin oomplainant, plaintiff | ^U haha a (foih) to take off {*AJ liydbak
one's olothee); to shed the oloth (*),

renounoe the ministry (monk, priest) II to

(4^) _>S^- maikw oomplained of,
undress, disrobe, strip ( s.o.); to rob,
acoused, oharged; an aoouaed, defendant
plunder ( s.o.)

,iki* muttakin oomplainant, plaintiff

Li maSlah pl. LL. ma&ik (*yr.,

4_L* Jil* muitojban 'aiaihi oomplained mjd.) long, flowing cloak of wool or
of, acoused, oharged; an aoouaed, de- oamel's hau*, also one with gold embroi-
fendant dery

Ijj jSw Hkriyd ohioory mJjJ taflih robbing, plundering,

tf'&Ci *WWto (&/.)* hSUUa (*yr.), chocolate
Li mviaUak dressing room (in a
^i^Li and Ji^ see oijf IS (alphabeti- publio bath)
JU Salktia to dribble, triokle
Ji fao a (&U, J Salal) to dry up, wither,
beoome crippled, stunted; to be para- Uli JSfa (razor) blade

lyzed, be lame; Salla u to paralyze

\*jU Salaqa u (Saiq) to split lengthwise (*
(* | cS> J-i (/wrafcjtaAfi) to
overwhelm s.o., bring s.o. down IV to
cause (a the hand) to wither; to paralyze jLi bale (e.g., of hay)

(* ; to neutralize, bring to a stand-

JJp AiuZagt person with a sweet tooth
still (* Tu to be paralyzed, be
lamed ijlj* look up alphabetioally

<ii Saa destination (of a journey) 1

J_^i look up alphabetioally
Ali. hila pl. JU Hlal hank, skein (of
L-t look up alphabetioally
yarn); ooil, spool; party, group

JLi Salal paralysis, palsy, para- jU (Engl.) pl. -dt Shilling

lyzaon (also flg.) |

JUU^I Jli 1. al-
jLi ltf pl. *Ail od* oorpse (esp. one in a
aifl, J-iI JUJI infantile paralysia,
State of deoay) ; severed member (of the
Poliomyelitis; tfjij^l JUJt (ihtdzl)
body) part torn
off, fragment remnant;

paralysis agitans, Parkinson's disease stump of a Umb

J-^Ll Saudi pl. -dt cataract, waterfall,
jl.l-S (Turk. eiW) SiUk (eg.) strawberries
-J Samma (Ist pera. perf. iamimtu) a and
Jil ola", f. .* JWW withered,
(Ist pers. perf. Samamtu) u {Samm,
stunted (hand); paralyzed, lame; a
-r* JSamim) to smell, sniff (*;
to snuff (*; to emanate, exude
J^li- maSU paralyzed, lame
(ja from) | Wl or j^-JI
^ (hawtfa)

^U aia&I dandyish, foppish; dandy, fop; to get a breath of fresh air, take a walk;

(pal.) nice, handaome, beautiful famma (Ist pers. perf. Samimtu) a

ktmam) to behave proudly or
X II to kiok haughtily, be proud, haughty, super-

U fetta pl. -<K, C-U lat mattress cilious n to give (* * s.o. to smell,

let f. g.o.) smell (* IV II c^ samite a (^Ir- samt, Sir- jarndto)

T to savor the smeli of (*), sniff to rejoioe at the misfortune of s.o. (u),
(* |
jU^I ^J3 to nose about gloat over s.o.'s (ij) mishaps, savor
for news VIII to smell, sniff (*; s.o.'s (i^i) bad luok II to disappoint (
to gather, underetand (j- * from), s.o.) IV to cause s.o. () to take malioioua
read (j- * into) pleaeure in the mishaps of another
fi> Samm smelling; aense of smell, oL* Samt malioious joy, Schaden-
olfaotion | -ill -i Egyptan populr freude
holiday on the Monday following the
ij'ljr Samdta malioious joy, Schaden-
Greek Coptio Easter at the end of
freude, malioe
Maroh, in April or in early May
-U Sm pl. j\s- Summt, pl. f.
ir 1
Samma pinoh (of enoff); smell,
*i-*l^-i savdfntf1 enjoying another's mis-
odor; slight traoe of, whiff
fortune, malioious, gloating

,y Sammt olfaotory
^r- Jamaj a (am&, ^r- lumfl^) to be
Samam pride, haughtineas, super-
high, tall, lofty, tower up,
I* loom (moun-
tain, building); to disdain
plr" Sammm pl. -n (tobaooo) snuffer turn up one's nose
(J at Jb ij- |

(<*j'l or) (W-<j*/iAf, anfak) to be arrogant,

pLf* Sammm (coli.; n. nn. ) musk-
haughty, proud, supercilioua VI to be
melon, cantalonpe
high, tall, lofty, tower up, loom; to be
^il aSamm, f. .l> aamTOf 1 , pl.
boastful, put ou airs; to be proud, haugh-
Summ having a sensitive, or good, noee; ty, supercilious
supercilious,haughty; proud (in a
jfLlj taimufr pride, haughtiness,
complimentary sense); highborn; most
U Smik pl. r- JFummaj:, *l^i
plr'Vl al-iSmdm the pronnnciation
owm# high, tall, lofty, towering;
of u with a traoe of ', as rdda for rudda,
and vice versa, qla for qua (gram.)
proud, haughty, superoilious | Ju^l >U
S. al-anf proud, haughty, supercilious,
Uli Smma sense of smell, olfao- arrogant
jfL. mutaSmik high, tall, lofty,

maSmm mosk towering; proud, haughty, supercilious;
towering in lofty heights
(jlr-) jlr-f jma'ozza to oontract, get oon-
tracted, shrink; to shrink back, recoil i-i- muimakirr lofty, towering (of building
(> from), ahudder (j- at), abhor, detest

(^, feel disgust (^ for), be nau-

/ nto gather up, lift, roll up, tuok up,
turn up (* a garment); to prepare, get
seated ( j- by)
ready j-^ X" *o embark upon,


sion, repugnance
mxzx shudder; disgust, aver- buckle down to; JcU j* ^ to
bare the upper arm (by rolling up the
>*-i* muSma*ixz disgusted, nauseated' sleeve), get to work; Ul o*U j* ^
revolted (^ by) (*. al>jidd) to buckle down to a Job,
rally all one's foroes, put one's Shoulder
UiLf (Fr.) sam&anyd ohampagne to the wheel V to set to work briskly

je- Sarnar fennel (bot.)

responding to the sexton or saoristan
(Chr.); aoolyte and liturgioal oantor of
\Jr Sumra, Samrn fennel Christian rites (clerics and
jlA jamdr fennel laymen)

^- *- mxtiammir busily at work in (an ^U Smis Bunny (day)

activity) *-
a , muhnia sunny (day)

jj- bmrlf pl. jLA famartj' BtaJk

~A SamSama to sniff (*
with dato dster; date-palm panicle,

branch stripped of ite leaves; little stick; .LA famifa a (famof) to beoome gray-

detonator, primer cap haired, turn gray

LAl ahnaf, f. .ILA SamlS', pl. LA

jlAl see jtA
html, olLA Jumfn gray-haired

^.A Samam (^A hkmt, ^Lf Hmt)

A II to rub, or smear, with wax, to
to be headstrong, balky, restive (of a
^A (laOa) to slip away,
iamata i u and famita a

| 'Ai\

make off, deoamp

(lamat) to be aunny (day) II to expose
( to the sun, lay ( out in
J- hm', iama' (coli.; n. un. ) pl.
the Bun to dry; to porform the office of y tum' wax; (wax) candles ~i |

deaoon (Chr.) IV to be Bunny (day) jt-1\ sealing wax; ^'1 ^A I. al-fatm

V to bask, sun o.s., lie or sit in the sun do.; i~ij1\ jrJU ^A (li-lalmf al-

^ 'I I
f., pl.

tarnt ai-i.
i^jA Hms
ardiya) Soor

taA iam'o, amo'o (n. un.) (wax)

'I I ijji sunrise; ,^SJI '".s*

4arbat oandte | O v[r& '*-'' * aS-Sarira

al-l. aunstroke, heat prostration; iL* spark plug

'I I 'abbd ai-f. sunflower; ^jji. *p iam'i, lama'i waxy, waxen,

*ll Bunset ceraceous, cero- (in Compounds), made

J t
ktrtu aun- (in Compounds), of wax
fl ^l nT : .I I J>j jl*\ (gram.) the sun lettora LA SammS ohandler, maker or

(which assimilato the l of the article); seller of oa n dles

S_A Sjj. (f&ra) photograph, photo;
elA SammSa clothes rack, clothes
^ .'II j.j-*1\ photogiaphy
peg, hat raok
L_A aBHtyo pl. -l (cooq. ^lA imper-
r *- mufammo' waterproof,
iamri) sunshade, parasol; umbrella;
meable (of a garment); (pl. -*)
curtain, screen; stop (of a wind instru-
waterproof material; impregnated linen;
ment) llLHI V-A i. ai-Subok window
waterproof oover or coating; oilcloth,
curtain, drape; O jUJ' r-A * at m

wax oloth; linoleum | J-i ^jA c*^*

fayyr parachute bituminous roof eovering,

^y- fams pl. ^P lumtu head- roofing feit, tar paper; ^JL. .JiL.

strong, balky, restive (horse) (mi'faj) raincoat

j.\Jr iamms pl. _LA Sammita

jl.uA lam'atn pl. -, -LeUA kmXiP,
deacon of the lower rank of the ministry, Ijlskf' candlestiok, candelabrnm
nowadays, with unconsecrated peraonB
frequently performing this office, cor- j * look up alphabetically

Samila a (famal) and Samala u (Samt, the left {pol); Jlr* Hmia north of . . .;

Jjjr* $uml) to contain, comprise, Vir* JumUan to the left; northw&rd, to

comprehend, encloae (*; to imply, the north | J^S JLr- (Sarqi) northeaat;
implicate, include (*; to touoh, af- J> Jlr 1

tforM) northweet; J^iJI ^Sf

fect, fill, overcome, pervade (*, * s.o., kaxcab ai4. polar atar; J^Jl xJl (yad), of feelings, einotions); to prevail, the left hand
be general, universal | cLu 4ir* (6t-
Jlr* forndti, Hmlt northern, northerly,
'inyatihi) to bestow one's care on north; situated on the left; >J^iJl the
s.o., take s.o. under one's wing T J*J leftist parties (pol.) J^Jjl j^jjl (fa/oj)

<L-iJIj to wrap o.a. in the Samta (q.v.)

aurora borealis, northern lights
VIII = V; to wrap o.s. (*, (_. in;
to contain, comprise, comprehend, en- 'dj-r htmll pl JJL> SamOii? amall
close, enfold, imply, implicate, include amount, small quantity; (eg.) iamit
was brisk, vivid, agile, lively, nimble
(Jp | il^-Jl *Liil (aawdu) it

completely black 4
*1*JU, ^UjL. look up alphabetioally
J*-i fand uniting, gathering, concen-
j.U*i iamanoar white beet t ohard
tration ; unity, union | J1JI *j*t 7'am' ai-i.

reonion, reunification ; J-iJI f-^*-l reun- jjJ^f Samandra buoy

ion ; unity, union ; tLr* j^ nuizzaga iamia* J
ji fonna u (Jbnn): jU ji (0<Jratan) to
h to break up, dismember, dismantle,
make a raid, an invaaion; to make an
parcel; to partition, divide
attack, launch an attack (J* againat, up
on) IV = 1

ilr* Samia pl. iamalt cloak; turban | jt Sann pl. ^S lunn (water)skin
ilr* aI ttfflflui famtata the world, the
i-i* mtianna basket without handles
temporal joys

famd***1 (pl.) good qualities;

tiil look up alphabetioally
character, nature
Li Sana'a a (uLt San' an, Santfn) to hate

Jr-1 ahnaP more comprehenaive;

._~i-i Janao pl. i_jLi( ain6 mustaohe
more general, more universal
Uii iinftydn pl. >JLi jandttn* loose
J*U dm comprebenaive, ezhauative;
general, universal, complete, total
trousers resembling pantalets, worn by
J^-l* maimi contained, compriaed,
included, implied |
ol#/, Jj*i* (6i- -li fanija a (Sanaj) to contract, shrink; to
rt'dSyaltAi) enjoying the protection or suffer from convulsions V = I; to

patronage of s.o. ; UJ^tl oVj*i- the in- twibch

herent functiona of an offlce tafannuj contraction, shriveling,
J*iJL- mu&ini comprising, contain- ahrinking (of the Bkin); convulaire
ing, including contraction. (of a muscle), twitch, jerk,
convulsion, spaam, fit, cramp ^JtXll
J*ii* mu&wnai cottage (for rent) |

t^ (ra'H) clonio spaam; tfjjjSOI p^ilfl

^^U^i- muStamaldt content (kuzzi) tonio spaam

'Jlr- Jamal, ItmZ north; north wind; &* ^lU

taSannuji spastic, Bpasmodio,
m/ left hand; left aide; left; J^JI cramplike, paroxysmal, convulsiva
liji^J- Sunfeba pl. -^l^ San&b 1 large Jet II li^l J*ii (ti^Sna) to please the

rock, boulder ears, to delight (of a voice)

jU II to blame, censure, revile, Blander, Jc-t Sanf pl. JyJ- Sunf earring

abuse (J* s.o.)

Jii sanoga u (fang) to hang (*, s.o.

jLi Janr disgrace, ignominy on the gaows)

i5jlii AwmIWj* = Jjt^i arflntg 1 Jii iong hanging

i-i Saniana rustling (of paper) ; cracking, jii Jana? rope

crackling Uli mtfnaga pl. Jjli- ma&ni?3

4-il Jtnna pl. j-Li JawUin' nature, gallows, gibbet; scaffold, plaoe of exe*

disposition; habit, custom, practica cution (by hanging); maSnaqa gallows,

L-i-i Sunaifa knot; nooee, loop
JjlL> maSnq hanged
ik-J Jan^a pl. .L-S Junaf suitcase; satahel;
bag, traveling bag xJI Jl^-i #. aJ-ytuf _JL Sunqub becassine, snipe (zool.)

jii janfcola (ey.) to trip ( s.o.) up; to
-- Sanua u (Ajbo', !*Li iand'a) to be ugly, hook up
abominable, repugrsnt, repulaive, atro- JSCi-t Sankal pl. jTLi Amo^* olothea
cious, hideous, horrid, horrible, dis-
peg; hook
graceful; Sana'a a {San'} to dishonor,

disgrace (v or b,o.) II to calumniate, ^J Sanhaqa to bray (donkey)*

Blander, revile, defame (J# s.o.); to
up|-t &xAa gray oolor, gray
pillory, expose, condemn, denounce (J*
i-4-t uA&a gray oolor, gray

*Li. Sani' ugly, abominable, repug- i-jl+i AAd6 pl. u-^-i JruAuA, jL+i
nant, repulaive, diBgusting, atrocions, JFuAMn flame, blaze, fire; shooting star,

bideouB, horrid, horrible, disgraoeful, luminous meteor; star


ltcJ> Sun'a uglinesa, hideousneaa, hor- Svhh

^il alhab*,
gray; L^JJl
f. ,\tfZ faabd', pl.
epithet of
ridnesa, repuleivenesa (Syria)

JLi San? ugly, abominable, re- X+Z Sahida a (i^ SvhUd) to witness (*
pugnant, repulaive, disgusting, atro-, be witness (* of; to ex-
doua, hideous, horrid, horrible, dis- perienoe personally {* see with
graceful, ignominious one's own eyes (* s.o. in a Situation);

<*Li Sana'a uglinesa, hideousness, to be preaent (* at), attend (* a

horridness, repulsiveness celebration); to be present at the public

appearanoe of s.o. (); to see {*;
aan'o? 1 ugly,
lil aSna'*,

abominable, repugnant,
f. l*Li

repulaive, dia-
(ol+l Sahda) to testify, bear witness;
to attest, oonfirm, certify {*->,
gusting, atrocious, hideous, horrid, hor-
l that), testify, give testimony, give
rible, disgraceful, ignominious
evidence (J* against s.o., to or about
*ij*J- foinfba pl. v-iLi Sanatfib* spicate, J in a.o.'s favor); to sign as a

protuberance; thorn, spike witness, to witness (J* a document);


to aoknowledge, adjudge (^ J to s.o., place where a martyr or hero died; iiU i+i to swear by God; Ljy\i i+i religious shrine venerated
by the people,
to notarize III to see (with one's own esp. the tomb of a saint; funeral cortege;
eyes), view, ixupeot, watoh, observe, proceesion; view, aspect, speotacle, sight,
witness (* IV to oall (. upon s.o.) soenery; place or object of interest;
as a witness J* for; paaa. uShida to scene (e.g., of a orime, of nature); aot,

be martyred, die as a martyr X to call number (as part of a program, e.g., in

( or *_* upon s.o.) or cite { or ^ s.o.) vaudevle), scene (in theater, as part
as witness j
(J* against or for, in); of a play); aspect |
Jbi x*l* (giniCi)
to oite, quote v; to atteet (e.g., song scene, vooal recital;
( :U.| -Uli*
i^-w UT J*. Je 'al ma'n kaiimatin m. al-hay&h aapects of life
bi-baitin the meaning of a word by a
#aLi- muSahada seeing, viewing, wit-
verse); pass. ustuihida to be martyred,
nessing, inspection; (pl. -l) view, sight,
die as a martyr
spectacle; apparition, vision
-i^-i 8ahd, hthd pl. >[+Z A'A&i honey;
honeyoomb il#-5l iihd pl. -l written oertification

-L^-i AzAtfti carbunole > isthd

U" '"^ citation, quotation;
0-4-i ioAld pl. la^i JuAa<&S' B witness; death of a martyr; death of a hero,
martyr, one kied in battle with the heroio death; martyrdom
infidels; one killed in aotton -uU Shid pl. ^i fodid, x^i.

L+ Sakida (woman) martyr SuhHad present; (pl. j^i Suhd, il+il

olfi ioA&ia pl. -t testimony, witness,

aShd) witness
(J* for); notary pubo;
(pl. a[^i Sawhid*) (piece of) evidence
evidenoe, deposition; Statement; certif-
icate, certification, testimonial, affldavit (J* for); attestation; quotation serving
as textual evidence; testimony; an ob-
attestation, atteet; credentials, identi-
long, upright tombstone oL'Vi -uli i. al-
fioation; (Muslim) oreed (= doctrinal

ifbt witness for the prosecution ; n..'l 4*U

formula); martyrdom | oLi^l ol+i L
i. as-sam* earwitness; ,>JI 4*U I. al-
ai-iibt evidence for the prosecution;
'a\n, L* o*U L 'iyn jL* aU ft'ym)
i}jLJ\j j^Jl ^-
ol^i (, hun as~
eyewitness; JJl -i*li I. an-nafy witness
sair) certificate of good conduct; l+i
for the defense; il#-i^l
J-Ji jp JJI _^U- S, kulw af-faraf 'an
^jjj J*. in public,
for everyone to see
-'amal certificate of discharge (from
a position); i^Jlill i^ljjjl ol^i (fTio- J-LkU Shida pl. a*lp Sawhid* an
wiyo) secondary school diploma; jjj .il^ oblong, upright tombstone; index finger;
. 2r false testimony; IiLji Sil^i true copy, oopy of a letter, duplicate;
indirect testimony (7*1. Zaw) ; Li JoaLUI the Earth
S-1U1 1. oJ-'dZtmfyo (.ffp.) diploma of
^4^- moiAd taking place in the
higher learning (highest diploma a-
preeenoe of spectators or witnesses;
warded by AI Azhar Univeraity); l+i
happening before a large audience, well-
SJU ('liya) diploma; JJI Lji J.
attended ; memorable (day, event) I
an-nafy evidence for the defense; l^i
o^l birth certificate
iH^' {A-M 0*") in the act, redhanded,

flagrante delicto | i^l .^J| (yaum)

4^* maShad pl. j>UL- fna&AuP the Day of Resurrection; red-letter day,
place of assembly, assembly, meeting; festive public holiday

j*li* muhid pl. -n spectator, *j+Z hthra repute, reputation, re-

onlooker, observer nown, fame, famousness, celebrity; noto-

riety; Burname {8yr., Leb.) |

5-1U lj+Z
j>LL- muShad visible, perceptible;
('lamiya) world-wide renown, world-wide
pl. ^li*Ll* things seen, Bighta; visible

s+Z Sahir widely known, well-known,

j^ Sahara a (Sahr) to make well-known,
famous, renowned, celebrated (<-> by a
famous, renowned, notorious (*, * b.o.,
name); notoriouB, ill-reputed; to Bpread, make known, divulge,

proclaim, announee (*; to draw, j+i\ aShar* better known, more widely
unsheathe (* a weapon); pass. Suhira known
to be or become well-known, famed,
^Li* mttSdhara pl. -t monthly
famous, renowned, notorious (t~> by or
salary; pl. monthly payments, monthly
for respectively, by or under a
allowances; muSharatan monthly, per
name) | *J* -.A'^ <**"*) to declare
month, by the month
war on s.o.; *JxJ\ j+Z (bunduqiya) to
level a gun (J* at s.o.) II to make well- jl|-M iSHr announcement, prochv
known, famous, renowned, notorious mation, declaration public aales, auetion

(m, s.o.,; to spread, make known, publioity, advertiaing |

^-tAi^/l jLj-il *. al-

divulge, proclaim, announee (*; to ifls notice of bankruptey, declaration of

defame, Blander, revile publicly, pillory, insolvency
condemn, denounce ( s.o.) III to
jL^iil iStihr repute, reputation, renown,
engage or hire ( s.o.) on a monthly
fame, famousness, celebrity; notoriety
basis, rent (* by tbe month
IV to make known, proclaim, announee, jj(--' ma&hr pl. j^*LL* ma&dhir* well-
spread, divulge (*; to unsheathe, known, widely known, renowned, famous,
draw (* a weapon); to seil at auetion, celebrated; notorious, ill-reputed; wide-
also iljll _^il (matda) | ^ ^ *!> j*^ spread, common; a famous, celebrated
(mazda bai*i S.) to auotion off, personality, a celebrity; aoeepted, estab-
put up at auetion VIII to be or liahed, canonical (textual variant, version

beoome well-known, famed, famous, of the Koran) |

jj+Z J* aooording to
renowned, notorious by or for (t-j the general belief, as it is (was) generally
respectively, by or under a name); to understood
be known (j* of s.o., a trait, and the
^jV muSahhar well-known, widely
like); to be widespread,
known, renowned, famous, celebrated
j+Z Sahr pl. _*il aShur, jj+Z Suhr notorious, ill-reputed
new moon; month |
J-Jl j+2- S. al-'asal

honeymoon j^i Sahaga a i ( J^A Sahiq) to bray (donkey)

^_^i Sahri monthly, mensal; ^.j^

Sahaqa a i and Sahiqa a (J^ Sahiq,

Jl^i Suhq, Jl+J taShq) to inhale;

Sahriyan monthly, per month, by the
to sigh deeply; to eob, gulp; to moan,
month |
j_^i ill^il monthly sub-
groan IV cnJU j^tl (bi-Ubuk') to burst
scription; monthly fee or contribution
-' fortnightly, into tears, break out into loud weeping
jjl^i i_' niffu Sahriyin

semimonthly, appearing biweekly 4j+l Sdhqa moan(ing), groan(ing);

*ij+Z Sahrlya monthly salary gulping



J-+* iahlq braying, brays (of a donkey) ul^i Sahwn*, f. ^^ SaJiwd, pl.
sobbing, sota; aigbing, signs; inhalation, tfjl^-i iaJidw oovetous, greedy; lewd,
breatbing in leoherous, lasoivious, Ubidtnous, dissolnte,
JU isXiq pl. j*!^i faudAt?1 high,
lofty, towering (building, mountain) Jl^i tahtoSni oovetous, greedy; lewd,

,>Lijie {'Jflw) tremendous height leoherous, lascivious, Ubidtnous, dissolute,

debauohed; sensual, sensuous, lustful,
Jl^t AjudAig* heights
instinotual, uninhibited

J^i II to accelerate, speed up, expedite

{*; to remove quiokly, huiry off
^ iahly pleasant,
sirable; appetizing, inviting, tasty
agreeable, de-

(. S.O.)
-4-t Sahiya appetite | 4-+-JI f\i or
J+i oAtf nimble, swift, quick L4IJI -oi L (yaftahu) stimulating the
appetite, appetizing; <*LUI -~*--JI *Jj
<Lf^ uA2a bluish-black oolor of the eye
qiiiat ai-S. H-Ha'm want of appetite
J+il oJaP, f. .^1 ioAM' having
*j taiahhin greed, avidity, oupidity,
bluish-black eyea
oraving, desire
4-t zAm pl . * L^i Hhm perspioaoious, L^iil iftihtf greed, oraving, desire, ar-
sagaoious, astute, clever; bold, audacious
dent wish, longing, yearning, eagerness,
energetio; noble, gallant, decent; gentle-
pasaion, oarnal appetite, lust; appetite
JU muiahhin stimulating the appe-
<*L^i idhma perspioaoity, sagacity,
tite, appetizing; oL+JL. appetizers, rel-
astuteness, cleverness; audacity, bold* ishes, hors d'oeuvres
ness, gallantry, noble- mindedness; energy,

vigor, verve; decenoy, respeotability

*i* muahin oovetous, greedy, avid,
oraving, desirous, lustful
J**Li pl. ir^ji- look up alphabetioally
&l* muSiaJuin deairable; desired,

(j^i> and ^) 1^1 JfaJtd u and ^ kxhiya a weloome, agreeable, pleasant; (pl. ' <it

(*^i iahwa) to desire, wish, oovet,

mukahayt) that whioh is ooveted,

crave (* long (* for objeot of desire, II to
make oovetous, fill with desire, allure, *U AT (coli.; n. un. ;U idh) pl. .1^5 Siw\,
entioe to arouse greed, desire,
{ s.o.);
Li Siyh sheep; ewe
appetite { in s.o., * for; to whet
the appetite, be appetizing (food) V and Jl^i biiocti, Hxol pl. -<U (large) aagk
Till to be oovetous, greedy, to long (*
for, arave, desire, wish (*,
H^ji) v -1
**&* (*"*&, vW 1 *>*) to
mix, blend (<_> * with); to adulterate,
feel appetite {* for ^-i ^ | *^ vitiate, oontaminate, spoil, corrupt, pol-
{yuftdh) an undesirable thing
lute, tarnish, sully, stain, Spot {*;
^4-1 Sahwa pl. SaMawt greed, oraving, to mix, blend, intermix {* with) | <j> ^
desire, ardent wish, longing, yearning, *J\i blameless, flawless, unblemished,
eagernesa, passion, oarnal appetite, lust; immaoulate
Vj-* Saub mixture; tarnishing, sul-
ifj+i> Sahwi sensual, sensuous, lustful, lying, roiling, rendering turbid; im*
instinotual, uninhibited pairment, blemish, flaw; hot wind
<^>y 492

SJli kfiba pL ^S\ji iaiaTib* dirt, jjjj Hr consultation, deliberation,

suis, spot, flaw, blemish, defeot, fault; taking oounsel; oounsel; advice |

suspiaion, reuon for suspiaion, suspl- ^fjjJl majl ai-i. and Ujill iSJj* jAjL

oioos faot m. i. d-daula State oounoil

jji. fflaMi mized; adulterated, vi- ifjjZ irl oonsultative, advisory

tiated ry^i l vj^* troubled with worriea maivXr'
jj^L. milwr pl. _rjLi

U look up alphabetioally errand; O stroke (of an internal- com-

bustion engine; fecAn.) f
j|>!ll jUJ jt-
jil^S AaudMgf* rolling pin
jfcjj foufae; pl.
mutarrik JuttA*! l-m. two-oyole engine;

iLji Saubat pl. .iLl^i fatnJMf rolling pin

jljiit t/^J j* (ruba*i l-m.) four-oyole

YjJ II (ep.) to grill, broil, roast (
IjjJL* mahoara, maSra pl. -t oon-

'ryi fh (ooll.; n. un. ) fir, sapin sultation, deliberation, oonferenoe; ooun-

sel, advice, Suggestion

VjJ ttha kite (lool.)
jjLl. muiawara pl. -t consultation,

~li.see i deliberation, oonferenoe

jj^ II to make a sign, beckon, Signal, wink, jlil ifra pl. -t sign, motion, nod,

blink (
Jl to s.o.) ; to point out ( Jl, wink, wave; gesture; Signal; indication;
point (Jl at) m to ask s.o. 's () advice, allusion, hint, intimation; symbolio ez-

seek s.o.' () advice, oonsult (. s.o.); pression; (silent) reminder; advice,

to oonsult, take oounsel ( with s.o.), oounsel, Suggestion; Instruction, order,

<_i jjli (naftah) to take oounsel with oommand | <ij \j\2-\ (barqlya) telegram,

o.s., refleot, bethink o.s. IT to make a wire, dispatoh, oable(gram); vl^ *J^"'

sign, beokon, Signal, wink, blink (J or Jl telegram, wire; jU-'l yl t. al-ifafar

to s.o.), motion (J or Jl s.o., u lo do air-raid waming, alert; .. ,1 I I yll; to ask, invite, arge (Jl s.o.); to sign of the oross {Chr.); cJJ\ Ja_ jlSl

point, allude (Jl to), hint (Jl at), indi- >. </ail al-waqt (radio) time Signal;

oate, point out (J or Jl, call s.o.'s iSL.'i !>UI (l-tilktya) radio message;

(J) attention to (J); to advise (v J oljli^l iL* mahaUat al-i. signal post;

s.o. of, Ol J s.o. to do, sug- ijli^l -.1 um ai-i. demonstrative

pronoun; SjUVI ol.u-j unAaddt oj-.
gest (^ J to s.o., jl J to s.o. to, oommand, Order jl or _* J s.o. signal-oorps Units (mtl.); <&ll ^*j
to do ; to State, indioate (v L. |
(raAna) at s.o. 's beok and oall, at s.o.'s

uLJL. *JI jlij {yuiru, band*) that whioh duposal

is pointed at with the finger Ups, i.e., jjUI t&Iri (mtl.) signalman, member very remarkable, outetand- of the Signal oorps (Eg. 1939)
ing; J>J jLtl L. (bi-larfln) he did not
j>.jUI iiargi (m.) signalman, member
bat an eye VI to take oounsel, delib*
of the Signal oorps {Eg.)
erate, oonsult (j with s.o. about)
X to ask for advice (. s.o.), take oounsel jjlU taSwur Joint consultation, de-

( with s.o.), oonsult ( s.o.) liberation ( with)

ijlS Ura pl. -t sign, token, distin- jllL.1 wlWra pl. -St a seeking of
guishing mark, badge; guise, outward advice, oonsultation ; guidance, advioe

appearanoe -'I 5jL2 sign of the oroas (one reoeives)

| J
: ;

^jLJ istifri consultative, advisory ^\ji- Saudi confuaion, muddle, (stste
of) disorder, disturbance, derangement
jjUl. muSwar adviser, oounselor, oon-
(e.g., of the mind)
^\ji- SavrwM pl. Lil^i SawwHya
j^l* muHr indioative (Jl of); adviser,
a maker of S&Siya's (see above)
oounMlor, Consultant; field manhal (8g.;
It. 1933); Fleet Admiral (Eg. 1939) ^Ij^J tahvti confuaion, confounding,
muddling ; disturbance, derangement
*JI jUil al-muSr iiaihi the afore-
mentioned, the aforesaid, the said
ijijZ* mukmwai muddled, jumbled,
j l.M musteior ad viaer, counselor,
befuddled, confused ; disturbed, de-
Consultant, oounoilor ; chancellor ; approx.
ranged (e.g., of a sensorial function);
justice (title; Eg.) |
ylLJI jLii-. oounselor
ailing, ill
J\ ^^i. m. al-fikr bewildered,
of embaasy; i.^ll jLil. m. al-mufaw
confused, baffled
wa4%ya oounselor of legation

3j jlil_ll jIa dar ai-miMteidrfya offlce

(jljLt pl'
cr!>^ look up alphabetioally

of the chancellor, ohancellery

'^ijjU look up alphabetioally

'vjj^ Saurab fiyoatcher {zool.)

Jhtibarak (eg.) small pastry stuffed with
meat and served with milk rice
*i j>i Joria (eg-), iraba (syr.) and L jji soup
iy-t Sauf pl. Jl^l aSwf race to a goal;
lyj-t (Engl.) fort short, short feature (mo-
State, phase; round, game, half, oourse
tion piotures)
(in Sports and games); goal, aim | LS
<*jj^ Sawurma see lyjli (alphabetioally) (Jj\) (Xl j (Ijuu) IjjJT ll^i (taqaddum,
ruqiy) and ILI^I Jj\ l.U j L
^j^\ aSwaf, f. .L-y Iniad*', pl. ^y, 4f>,
(maiddni r-rwfiy) to make good progreas
,^-jLil aidww* proud; bold, audacious, or headway, advance in great strides,
daring, venturesome | v^' er-*** ' iwU ILj^il Li do. ; ILl^il ji (yo^
oi-Aarb war heroes fquh) he surpasses him by far
II to muddle, confuse, confound, Jl^-1 Suwdf fiame; Are, fervor, ardor, passion
jumble (*, disturb (J* or *, 1
Jj^ II to polish (*; to adorn, deck
complicate (* V to be confused,
confounded, muddled, jumbled, deranged, out (U a woman) T to look out expeot-

disturbed; to feel indisposed, be antly, longingly (Jl for), look forward


(Jl to) expeot, antioipate (Jl

,jt L5 Si muslin ; white cloth
Jj-1 Sauf harrow
UU iia white cloth; UUJI ai-SJSa
and *1i_JI lMti\ (bajd') (motion picture) tjjjj| ai-Sf name of an adminis.
screen trative diatrict of Lebanon

3-JU tya, S&Hya pl. ^I^i foudft j-i fou/a (eooj.) sight, speotacle, view
a kind of headgear, cap, skulloap CAiji &/dn oats
^jX SS Maria Theresa dollar (N tjd)
( Jj-i) Jtt tya u (lauf) to please, delight
i-j-i A2& tuft of hair, lock; creat (of ( s.o.), give joy ( to s.o.); to fill (
birda) s.o.) with longing, oraving, desire.

arouae longing, craving, desire ( ia spur (of a rooater); fork; fishbone; furor
i.o.) IT to All ( s.o.) with longing, of fighting, bravura, bravery, valor,

craving, desire, arouae longing, craving, verve, dash, elan; might, power

desire (* in s.o.) V and VIII to long,

Sy- Sauki thorny, spiky, priokly,
yearn (Jl or *, * for), crave, oovet, &Jt jdl () fruit of
spiny; spinal j

desire ardently (Jl or > the Indian fig (Opuntia ficus-indica

J^- Saug pl. Jlpl ahoq longing, yearn- Haw.; 60*.); $j2 JJ-I (habl) apinal
ing, craving, desire, wish cord; *Jd\ *& ^^ {humm,mul&iya)
oerebroBpinal meningitia (med.); j_j*JI
J_ Sayyiq longing, yearning, craving baok-
j^Jjl ('amS) vertebral oolumn,
desirona, oovetoue brilliant, gorgeous,

bone; spine; Sj^ }*^' (%*&**) spinal

Ji>Jj taJkoiq arouBing of desire, of
i]ji. Sawik thorny, spiky, prickly,
longing; faacination, thrilling, awaken-
ing of ezoitement, of eagerneas
dlflfi AT* thorny, spiky, priokly,
J^JLI taiawumq longing, yearning,
spiny; delioate, ticklish, critioal, difft-
desire, inolination, craving, eagemeas
oult |
iUU dL (sk) pl. &*U ii-aU

jLLil iMiyq longing, yearning, desire, barbed wire

inolination, craving, eagerneas
ii[j* Saukar&n poiaon hemlook (Conium
j!U i&'iq arousing longing, atimu- maculatum; bot,)
lating desire ; brilliant, gorgeous, splendid,

beautiful ^JP) JU a u (iaul) to rise, be raied,

elevated; to raiae, lift (* or <->; to
JjJL* muiaw%oiq arouaing desire or
carry (iory |
uIm cJU (na'dmo*
longing; thrilling, exciting, fasoinating,
tuh) he went away, departed; he died,
absorbing, stimulating, atirring, attrac-
ti ve, interesting ; muiaunoaq filled
be is dead II to

supply III
sparte, soaroe,
to attaok, assaU
short in
with longing (Jl for), desiroos, covetoua
( s.o.) IT to raise, lift (*; to carry
Jlil muMaq longing, yearning, crav-
Jji iaw nimble, adroit, swift, quick,
ing, desiroua, covetoua
expeditious (at work)

(iljty ilLt Ska u (Sauk) to sting, prick, hurt, Jip Sawtol pl. -dt ^Jji atvwiP,
injure, pieroe (<-* s.o. with a thorn, a also Ji^lli Shawwal, name of the tenth
needle, and the like) II to be thorny; to month of the Muslim year
stud (* with thorna or apikes; to
JLl* maiOl oarrying, carriage, oon-
ating, prick, hurt, injure, pieroe (y *
veyanoe, transportation (of loads) ; por-
s.o. with a thorn, with a needle) IT to
terage, oarrving ohargea
ating, prick, hurt, injure

il^ jaufc (ooll.; n. un. :) pl. iJJpl

JU pL J-^Li look up alphabetioally

a&wdk thorns, spikes, prioka, prickles,

*^\ji look up alphabetioally
Bpines; flahbone; forka |
J on
Sautaqt person with a sweet tooth
tenterhooks, on pins and needles Jjp
iS^i iauha (n. un.) thorn, spike, prick, Iji. Saulam darnel (Lolium temulentum;
prickle, spine, ating, point; tine, prong; bot.); a variety of vetoh
496 Li

^LiJI, t/Li pl. #l^i, -.ji. 866 pli **!>- pl* f *L- Bee *ji>

'i-^i Stoma stick, oudgel tSjt Saua % (ji Sayy) to broil, grill, roast
(a meat)
^ II to garner, atore (* e. th., esp. grain)
*\jX iiuxS*, fuwa broiled, or grilled,
*j^i iffijta pl. -eU, _^ Juwan (<.)
meat, and the like jj^JI ,lp j. aa-
storehouae, granary, ahed, barn |

aujuq grilled sauaagea

)-tijZ Sawandar white beet, chard ^ji- ktwiy broiled, grilled, roasted

*ji iawiha o (JawoA) and Li AAo u (ij-t t^i jfawh pl. tfjZ. iatoan aoalp
iauA) to be or become ugly, miashapen,
"<Afi iawxoya gridiron, grill
deformed, defaced, diafigured, distorted,
malformed 1\jLa miiwh pl. jLl* maiwin gridiron,
II to diafigure, deform
defaoe, diatort, mar, mutilate {* s.o.,

*, esp. the face); to revile, Blander,

defame ( s.o.); to jam (l*lil a broad-

truth ;
1 **-j ji {wajha l-h.) to distort 'v*> oL- aee ^
*zjJ*j **-j j-- to diagrace
(Li) Li S'a o (i^i. moii'a) to want; to
one's profession V == I
wiah (*, l that) | -il .Li 61 (in)
*ji. ktwah uglinesa, misshapenness, God willing; it ia to be hoped; I (vre)
malibrmation, deformity, diangurement, hope so; 4)1 Li U whatever (howaoever,
distortion, perveraion how long aoever) God intend (used to
expresa an indefinite quantity, amount,
ji\ ahvdh*, f. Up Sauh'*, pl.

Sh miashapen,
number, or period of time); various,
malformed, ugly, dia-

figured, deformed, diafeatured, defaced

sundry, all kinds of, God knows what;
distorted, perverted
also, exclamation of aurprise: amazing!
that'e right! good! bravo! 4il Li L. Jl
<lj^i ta&wih deformation, disfig- forever and ever, for all time and time
urement, defacement, mutilation ; def- to come; Li
j-iii)l *J L. jiJ (laffaga,
amation; crippledness Ufiqu) to fabticate the most outrageous
jJtj ta&awwuh uglinesa, misshapennesa,
malformation, deformity, disfigurement, <ji jfai' pl. Li! aiya* thing; aome-
distortion, perveraion thing; (with neg.) nothing |
. . . ^, ^
Saih misshapen, malformed, ugly,
<*Li aome, a little, a certain (amount of), a
disfigured, deformed, diafeatured, de considerable . . .; iLUI ^ ,^i (nodfty)

faced; distorted, perverted aome activity; jUJl j* ^ (qalaq) aome

ji. muHawwah diafigured, defaced

uneasinesa, aome anxiety; ^ ^ j^
deformed; mutilated, maimed; misshap
^1 (jahd) without any effort at all;

en, malformed, ugly; distorted, pervert

j-* *tj-

that are two entirely different

^ li* (^or) thia and
ed |
i_jjJ-l jJL- m. al-harb diaabled (in
(or mattere); ^ ^.Vl j there ia
aotive aervice) ; diaabled veteran
wrong, there is a fly in the ointment;
'Li look up alphabetioally *<j-" o**i bv'a SS. to a oertain extent,
a little, aomewhat; ^j, ^ J in nega-
Li (n. un.) see **1 tive aentencea: not in any way; in no
. ; ;

way, by no means, not at all, not in the <Lt look up aiphabetioally

least; ,> jiS' *& J* very, extremely,

C*jJ> Sit pl. Cjtf^-i fuytt chintz, printed
e.g., iULJI ^ J? *J > t
6**1 )
oalioo (eg.)
very simple; j&>\ *^1\ the most; 4~Jl

^> ^ (afbahu JfaCin) very much like . .

. "^ II (tan.) to dry, blot (* IV to
ji Jm li-i or liil U-i (fa-Sai'an) turn away, avert (.-> the eyes, one's

bit by bit, one after the other, by and face, j from)

by. gradually; #ji ^ l-iai' a nothing, -Li Sayyh blotting paper
nil, nonentity; nothing (in Sport scoring);
^^Jl the nothing ; ^ V l-Sai'a
8 ~~S AA an oriental variety of wormwood
nothing (aa objeot) j*-JI ,yJI j* . .
*!/ (bot.)

(Saint S-fai'i l-yartr) only very little;

i* nothing, it is of no oonae-
(~S) ^U &&a (^ SayaJp, *^-i hiyfya,
*i5^ u*4 grow to
quence; iJli ^ ^i j ii ^ this haa
**-ji*~ Sai]f$a)

attain a venerable age

to age, old;

absolutely nothing to do with that

^i Saijf pl. j-i &*y, ^Lil oiyd:,
J-i lot'l objeotive, factual : -.-- maiyaha, li maMyi}?, lL*
Vj*N l-&aCiya nonexistence, noth- ma&TiP an elderly, venerable gentleman;
ingness, nihility, nullity old man; eider; ohief, ohieftain, sheik,

patriarch, head (of a tribe); title of the

^ juyat' a little thing, trifle
ruler of any one of the sheikdoms along
ijj-i htxvayya (colloq.) a little, a bit,
the Persian Gulf ; title of native soholars
trained in the traditional sciencea suoh aa
Sxi. moii'a volition, will ; wish, members of a religious
clerical djgnitaries,
desire |
*ii I &1* Ood wling order, professors of Bpiritual institutions
of higher learning, eto. ; master; master
'(v*i) v li Atta (Ab, i^i Aia, ^JL.
become white-haired, gray- of an order (Sufism); Senator (pari.)
rnab) to |

jf\jj\ ^-Ul (aruzz asmar), jjl ^iJl

haired; to turn white or gray (hair); ui^\
(abya4) (eg-) populr names for oertain
to grow old, to age; to make white-
haired; to bleaoh (* II to make rice dishes; jJl ^i S. al-bahr sea oalf

( s.o.) white-haired, oauae s.o.'s (*)

(xool.);JlJ\ fei ohief ofavillage,
mayor; *aU.-Jl i-i as-9ajjda
hair to tum white (grief) IV = II
village $.

title of the leaders of certain derviah

i_^ Saib grayness of the hair, gray
Orders in their oapaoity of inheritors of
oi white hair; old age
the founder's prayer rg; f^-1/l fe* S-
Lii Saiba a variety of artemisia al-idm aheikh ul-Islam, formerly, eep.
(Artemiaia arboreaoena L.; bot.) in medieval Egypt, title of the Grand


f. Lxi AiiM', pl.
(hair) ; white-haired,
^ Mufti, the spiritual head of Islam, later
being bestowed more and more ex-
clusively upon the Mufti of Gonstan-
gray-haired (person); old, aged; old man
tinople in the Ottoman Empire
t_ - wJW grayness of the hair, title of the chief mufti in Tunisia;
gray or white hair; old age ooll inspector of police (Mar.);
profesaoriate, or fao-
fcJLJ AT& white, gray (hair); white-
haired, gray-haired (person); old, aged; ulty, of the Great Mosque in Tunis;

old man j-j-JI (pl. of majesty) title of a ruler


among the inhabitants of Nejd; ^-L^ (J^i) iLt Sofa i (J, &#) to burn (esp.
^^Jjl majlis ai-Jf. Senate food) II to burn slightly, singe, scoroh,

i^-i Saijfa pl. -dt an old, or alderly,

sear (* IV = II; V = 1; X .WliL-l

vornan, a matron
L- (Qadaban) to be or beoome
fuming with rage, flare up, fly off the
i^U-i Hydfpa position, or dignity, of
a aheik

-i &tfl$a old age, senility jL-i II tafaifana to behave like a devil

Saifftiffi senile, chaAicteristio ulL~5 Saifn pl. O^Li jaydn 1 Shaitan,

of old age Satan, devil, fiend

U*JL> ma&ydfsa pl. -<, lii ma6y%& jlL-i Saifni satanio, devilish, fiendish;
offlee, or dignity, of a aheik; aheikdom demonic, demoniac, hellish, infernal
(in general, speeif., any one of the semi-
*'}** Saitana devilry, villainy, dirty
independent territories on the Persian
Gulf); an administrative subdivision
(Tun.); professoriate (e.g., of AI Azhar) r
(^i) _Lt Sd'a i (^i Sai', ^jj> Suy ) to
{xJ.) oLi Ssda % (xJ. Said) to erect, set up, Bpread, be divulged, become known,
construet, build (m an edifice, and the become publio (news); to spread (out),

like) II = 1; IV = I; ** or /"Jb aLil diffuse ( j over) ; to fill, pervade, dominate

(bi-4%krihl) to oelebrate, praise, commend (j s.o.,; of a feeling); j f Lt to be

s.o. or, speak in glowing terms of generally attributable, be generally ap-

s.o. or plicable to; *j f-Li to spread,

divulge, publicize, circulate; make
aJ- Hd plaster (of a wall); plaster of known, bring to publio
Paris; mortar
notice II to see ( s.o.) off, escort,
J-xiJ taiyid ereotion, setting up, aecompany ( s.o.); to bid farewell
construetion, building (of an edifice) ( to s.o.); to pay (. the deceased) the

Lil Uda praise, commendation, ex- last honora; to send (*, s.o.,;

tolment of to adhere (* to a faction) J

jbU c-*-i
Suyyi'at -janzatu the deceased was
-UL* muktyyad high, lofty, imposing
escorted to his final resting place, the
(of a atmeture)
funeral took place III to follow
jlj^t Sirz* Shiraz (city in SW Iran) s.o. in), adapt o.s.
(J* . to s.o. in); to
conform, fall in
(J* with s.o. in); to
rj^- Sxraj sesame oil
aide (J* *, * with s.o., with in),

Ij-J- Hra a refreshment (made of take sides (J* *, for b.o., for in)
fruit juice)
IT to spread, divulge, publish, publicize,
^jhir^ Hzofrniy sohizophrenia make known, bring to public notice,
circulate (- or i V to aide j J
J*~ SU
1 (
foil, rapier; Jalousie, Venetian
with b.o., with in), take sides
blind |
^UiJ\ Im mu'aim ai-S. fencing
j J for s.o., for in), join (J s.o.,
J^\ oJ
instruetor; la'bat ai-S. fenoing,

swordplay, a faction), make common cause,
hold (J with s.o.); to become a Shiite;
*<U2. fa bottle of the narghile; nar^iile, to pretend to be a Shiite TI to come to
hookah an agreement J*. in, about)
i*-i Sl'a pl. ? itya' followers, m^ZI. muta&ayyi' partial; partisan
adherents, disciples, faction, party, 1 '-- mtt&t* partner, co- partner, oo-
sect ; **-dl the faction of Ali, the Shiah, owner
the Shiites (that branch of the Muslima
<J*_i II to cut up, chop or lice (* fruit)
who recognize Ali, the Prophet's son-in-
law, as his rightful successor); pl. 9-Lil -jLil a&yf (pl.) cuts, slices

aiyS adherents, followers, partisans

OjjLi Slfn chiffon (fabric)
._i ii'i Shiitic; {pl. -n) Shiite
j-i see 3j^
f Li Hy' Community (of property)

(jur.) i^U (Fr.) Hk chic

9j hiy' publicity, spread, circula- tiJLil aSyaP very chic

tion (of news) |
f^-iJt J* in common,
liLS (Fr. ehkque) iSk, iik pl. -t check |
jointly, in Joint
S*-LJi traveler's check
^j^ Suy'l communistic, communiBt;
(pl. -n) a communist \jjj$Lj> (It. cicoria) Sikriy chicory

4-*^ Suy'iya communism ^V^Lt Siklta {syr.) chocolate

xj iaiyx*: Ijbi-I a-x-Ij al-janza fu-

^J-i) JLi Aa to carry, convey, transport

neral, burial (* s.tb.); to raise, elevate, Lift (i

jLL* muSya'a partisanship, partiality ILi ata pl. -t load, brden

iiUl i&Ta spreading, publioation, ilLi Sti/dJa carrying, oaxriage, con-

circulation (of newB) ; rumor; news, veyance, tranaportation (of loads) ; por-

information terage, carrying charges

O -*L-I iS'iya colleotivism {pol.) JLi Sayyl pl. -n, -JLi Sayyla
porter, carrier
n_,*." fo&yyu* partisanship, partiality,

bias (J for) <JLi Sayyla suspender

j'U &'' widespread; (wcll-)known, JLi- mai/ carrying, carriage, con-

public ; general, universal ; common, veyance, tranaportation (of loads); por-

Joint jl -jLiJl it is rumored that . .

terage, carrying charges

9-_jjJ1 jU widely known, widespread,

"Jli pl. u'iLi look up alphabetically
oommon; Jl^-i-Vl Vt in general use,

commonly used, generally aeeepted ; ill* Li Sailam darnel (Lolium temulentum;

LS (m*7fc) Joint property bot.); a variety of vetch

**Jli AYa pl. -t, wj^i lauw'i' 1 LLi SUmn (coli.; n. un. !) steel girdere (*r.)

JJi Alf Chile
*jLl* muSyi* partial; adherent, par-
tisan (~i) j.Li lrna to look out (* for), be on

the lookout, watch; to ezpect (*,

*Ll. muS* widespread; (well-)known,
hope (* for)
public ; general, universal ; common,
Joint; Joint (or colleotive) ownership, 4, _* Sima pl. *J- iiyam natura, temper,

joint tenancy (Isl. Law) public property, disposition, character; habit, custom,

public domain practice


i.U fOma pl. -, *\Z Alm mole, nevus, & JSain disfigurement, marring, dis-
birthxnark honoring, disgraoing; disgraoe, shame

L*i Amtya pl. ^Li Jaydmi (.) Tor- J>\ S'in dishonorable, scandalous,
tex, whirlpool, eddy disgraoeful

i*i* mama pl. ^i. marn, rlt* 0<.i* mu&ayyin dishonorable, scandal-
maiyim* plaoenta ous, diagraceful

'(j^i) 0U Sana i (&_ Ann) to disfigure, "0;-5 An namo of the letter ^

disfeature, mar, dishonor, disgraoe {, *
jU look up alphabetically
s.o., | 42*tr OU T
(sum atah) to de-
tract from s.o.'b good reputation II == I Li pl. of U, see ji

^0 abbreviation of i fafha page (of a IL* (It. sola) fiia pl. -t hall, large room
ijjJL* filn salon, parlor, reoeption room
^ abbreviation of 4jjJI JjX_ pundq ij>JL# *jj* 'arabat f. parlor oar, olub car

al-barid poet-office box, p. o. b.

L.L* see ily* pamla

v!j~* fiu'Ob (coli.; n. un. ;) pl. OLL* pi'bn,
Lx^ fiibdn nit (jL* fa' a i
J^ px'f y) to twitter, chirp (of a

^jL see j*^

t_*-* pabba u (pabb) to pour, pour forth, cast,
empty, fiU (j * into); to impose,
^L* jkJ; thin sheet iron; bread tin, baking ^ 4-L (baHTan) a trial upon s.o. t_#

tin |
^Li* ^L* (muffotta') corrugated iron IjUII to commit an assault; i ($abb)
to be poured pour
^L* l y phi = t^-
1 1j y fhibi
out, forth, shed,
flow (j into); to befall s.o.), come
jL# <Z4 name of the letter ^ upon s.o.
(Ist pera. perf.
fabibtu) a (IjL* pabba) to Iove ardently
L# & in order, right, proper, sound,
(Jl s.o.) V to pour forth, shed, flow; to
regulr, Standard; a rank in army and
drip, overflow (* with), be bathed (* in);
police (intermediate between captain "
to dissolve, melt, deliquesce l*^ i_-i
and major); a naval rank intermediate |

('araqan) to be wet with Perspiration,

between lieutenant and lieutenant Com-
break into a sweat VII to be poured out,
mander (Eg.) L# 1U ('umla) Standard
pour forth, flow, shed, effuse, gush
currency j-L, (QirS) Standard
out; to be intent, be bent
piaster (J* or Jl on},
be out for
(Jp or Jl); to apply o.s. (J*
^-Ut J^U (Turk. sakol ajfast) or Jl to, study, endeavor J or Jl
military rank Intermediate between cap- be or do
to; to be aimed, direoted,
tain and major (Eg.) oriented at) f bear upon <J*)
( Jp

,_ , -,w fiabb pouriog; casting, founding into a Situation), reaoh a State, oome
(of metal); out; flow, guah; outpour, to a point where . . .; to beoome, grow,

effusion; ardently in love, enamored turn; to be ^L-Jl ^*\ (fiabhu) it


beoame morning; j*- J pr^ * have

hr w fabab pl. vW-*' <mW& deolivity;
a good morning, begin the day happily;
dope, incline, hillside
J ~**j (tujbih) parting word
jvt- at
.-u* fabib poured out, shed, spilled;
night : may you be well tbmorrow
blood; Bweat, Perspiration
morning! ^ I lil Lijj
^r+\ Iji *LJu
i,l_> pabdba ardent love, fervent long- (ams) he does it momings and evenings,
ing he does it all the time, inoessantly; -*'

*jL# fvbba rest, remaindar, remnant jJ.1 (haqqu) truth has oome to light;

Jmu --j i he no longer did (so); ~-*j jl

^^a matabb pl. -t, v -**

1 mafbb*
>y~j *i it no longer existed VIII to
outlet, esoape, drain; mouth (of a
have a morning draught; to light (*
river, and the like) ; drainpipe ; funnel, e.g., a lamp); to uae for lighting
Vjr-** mtybib lead (metal) ; pl. oIjj-a- (lj X to begin the day
oaat-metal goods, foundry producta
-^ pubh pl. ^U* I afbh da wn
L* paba'a a (\>r* fub*) to grow (tooth, day break; morning; (ellipt. for ^--Jl !^L#

nail), sprout (plant); fabaa a to turn paJdt af-p.) morning prayer (at dawn)
Jl to, toward)
4j*-** pvbha early morning breakfast, ;

*jL* fin Sabian; Mandaean, see the morning meal

following -L> fabh morning; LU# fabdhan

4jLII a$-9dbi*a the Sabians, desig- in the morning | L-. ^L. pabha mtu'a

nation of two different secta: 1) the in the morning and in the evening,
Mandaeans, a Judaeo-Christian gnostio, momings and evenings; rjJI rW-* &&&*

baptist eot in Mesopotamia (Christians ha l-yaum this morning; j\ iU-L-*,

of St. John), used in thia sense in the sX\j_ ^U* (bi-l-kair) good morning!
Koran. 2) The Sabians of Harran, a L# (*tm) do.

pagan seot extant as Ute as the 11 th ,jf- L- soMAi morning (adj.)

oentury A. D.
^U* ?uMA and uU- aoAJuln', f.

-y+ pabaha a (fiabh) to offer a morning i-

1| i- o&Jbd pretty, oomely, handaome,
draught ( to s.o.); fabuha u (VL* beautiful, graoeful

pabdha) to be beautiful, graoeful, hand-

-*.* aaMJh pl. ^l* fftMA pretty,
some, oomely, pretty; to beam, be
oomely, handsome, beautiful, graoeful
radiant (face) II to offer a morning
draught (* to s.o.); to oome in the 'tvU #o6dAa beauty, gracefulneas,

morning ( to s.o.); to wish a good grace

morning ( J or to s.o.) III v^.J **}-*i a&iAa morning

he attends to it momings and evenings,
r~<* sa6fl morning draught; beauti-
he ia oonstantly, inceasantly oooupied
ful as the early day, radiant, bright
with it IV to enter upou morning; to
wake up, be awake, be in one's sensee; -L mifb&h pl. jL** ma^MA*
become beoome, be, lamp; light, luminary (also flg.); head-
to be or olear; to

or happen in the morning; to get (j light (of an automobile) | SUV1 ^Lr-**

incandescent light, light bulb ; il*.C-l m. JL-+ fiabbr (very) patient, enduring,

(kaSSf) searchlight; JL^T ^U*. (ftdU perseverant, steadfast

rabat) eleotrio light, light bulh; t- 1 . m-
jL** fubr, fubbdr Indian fig (Opuntia
St-^i d^.j^ {yadawl) eleotrio flaahlight
flcus-indica; bot.)
rL**l ifbh moming
s~* pubbair Indian fig (Opuntia ficus-
^L-^-l igtifbdh Illumination, light- indioa; bot.)
ing |
^L^l-I/I jU illuminating gas
Jjr* tabr pl. j^m pubur (very) patient,
r^~** mupbah moming enduring, perseverant, steadfast

j^m pabara i ($abr) to bind, tie, fetter, SjL* pabra and pabrra severe cold
shackle { s.o.); to be patient, be for-
bearing, have !j*~*j tabxra (eg.) light meal in the
patience, take patience,
persevere forenoon, a snack
; to bear calmly , patiently
stoutly, endure (J*; to refrain, *j L** mufbara long-suffering, lon-
abstain, desist (j* from), renounce (a* ganimity, endurance, perseverance, pa-; to hold one'a own (J againat tience, forbearance
s.o.), withstand (J s.o.) II to ask (*
jU-*l itfibr patience, forbearance,
s.o.) to be patient; to admonish ( s.o.)
endurance, perseverance
to be patient ; to console, comfort,
solace (* the heart); to make (*
j-L* pbir patient, long-Buffering, en-

durable; to conserve (*; to pre- during, perseverant, steadfast

serve, can (* | *j j^ (batnah; oIj^a. mupobbari conserves, canned

eg.) to have a snack III to vie in pa- gooda
tience ( with s.o.); to bear stoutly
V to be patient, be forbearing, have or jr* fabbara to ballast (* a ship)

take patience, persevere VIII = V b.M^ fbra ballast of a ship

j--> fiabr fettering, ahackling; pa- r

g~0 paba'a a (fab ) to point with the flnger
tience, forbearance; composure, equa-
nimity, steadfastneas,
(J* or <~> at); to insert one's finger (U
firmness; self-
into the hen, so as to asoertain whether
control, seif- com man d, self-possession
she is going to lay an egg)
perseverance, endurance, hardiness |

\j** *Jsi qataiah pabran to kill s.o. *! ipba' pl. *LI apbi'* finger; toe
in captivity; J, jw )} (fabra) I cannot (also |-juLI1 *^*l i. al-qadam); a linear
bear it! tbis is unbearable! _tuaJ1 <U qiat measure (Eg.; = 3.125cm) |
a- gL|
af-f. impatience; jv*JI J- impatient;
^IkJI French fried potatoea; y^l ^1
*j^ Ji qaUa pabruh to be impatient; lipstick; ,>*JI gL*\ a. as-sujuq frank-
to lose patience ; >U ^j^m ^ j j^ 1 furters;>l^l <*} bapmai al-a. flnger-
lam ydbqa / qauai pabri minza (there is print; gU^/l ^0. do.; ^1 10. j ^1 <J

no arrow left for the bow of my patience, he has a hand in this matter
i.e.) my patience is at an end
_U pub* (eg.) finger; toe (also
jw $abir, $abr aloe (bot.) r-OJI M-%* . al-qadam)

j*-* abra severe cold

%jt+\ upb' pl. rfLl OfbV*

jw pubra heap, pile; pubratan sum- oe

marily, on the whole, in the lump a-* mufabba' gridiron, grill

i^ laboga Uta (ffaftp, pwff) to dye, stain <!jiL fibna (n. un.) a oake of soap

(*, e.g., a fabric), color, tint,

J^jU pbunf soapy, soap-like, sap-
tinge, paint, daub (*; to give
onaoeous, made of soap
(*) the air, touoh, or appearanoe (v of; to dip, immerse {*, j in jL_ pibn soap boiler

water); to baptize ( s.o.) **-.** *i~^

ii*^. masbana soap works
4j.\ {pib$atan urd) to tranaform,

change b.o. VIII to be dyed, be or {j-) L- *aod u (?oiw. jn*&u>, L- p6an,

become colored or tinted; to be baptized, L- poA<5') to be a child, be childish;
receive baptism (pubw, tj-** sabwa) to bend, inoline

(Jl to), feel sensual desire (Jl for); to

ajbj} oolor, dye,
Ar- fi>9
pl- ftr


(coat of) paint,

Btrive (Jl for), aspire (Jl to); ^
aabiya a (.L-* sab\ L- ptan) to behave
varnish; make-up, grease paint, face
like a child, act in a ohildish manner
II to rejuvenate, render youthful again
i^ 9\bga oolor, dye, dyestuff; pig- V to behave like a child, act in a childish
ment; tincture (med.); ooloring, tinge, manner; to inene to youthful pleasures;
tint, shade, bue, nuanoe, touch, air;
to rejuveneaoe, undergo rejuvenation,
natura, character; (coat of) paint, var- regain youth, become young again; to
nish; baptism; religion | *^' *V 0* woo, oourt (U a woman) to tempt, entioe, ;

al-afyn tincture of opium, laudanum; captivate, charm ( s.o., * the heart)

jjJI li^0 9. al-yd tincture of iodine; VI to behave like a child X = VI
IS*. '<i^0 (mahaUiya) local touch, local
L- paban pl. ^J^- pabawt,
color; - -\ ' ^ *-*"> '
(akrajah) to
asb* east wind
change, disfigure s.o. 01

L^, ^0 sxban childhood, boyhood,

O L'tA;^ pibgiyt chromosomes youth;

youthfulness; inolination, pro-

f-L- pibg pl. A^l afiiga oolor, dye, pensity, bent, longing, desire

dyestuff; spiee, condiment, seasoning,

L* fab' childhood, boyhood, youth;

f_L- pabbg dyer

passion; amorous
fr* sabwa youthful
i*L** pibga dyer's trade, art of disposition ; sensual desire ; childish man-
dyeing or staining ners

5n, .- maabaga dyehouse, dye works jr* subw youthful passion; amorous
disposition; sensual desire; childish
i^U. fhig dyer; baptiat |
gLJi b*-ji
(yuhann) John the Baptist
\y^ svbwa ohildhood, boyhood,
& 1 ,
-- masbg dyed, stained, colored, youth; youthfulness
tinted; having a touch or air (<_ of);
sabiy pl. i-~* fibya, aabya, jL-w
influenoed (^ by); imbued (<_j with)
pibyn, pubyn, ^1 asbtya boy, youth,

jw II to soap, rub with soap (a lad

sbn soap jjL-JI hajaT '4^0 aabiya pl. IjL- saby girl;
iijiL | J~
09-9. soapstone, steatite young girl
. ;

JU-^ fibyni boyish, ohildlike; ohild- ijf* ?*A* wholesome, aalubrioua,

ish, puerile; children's healthy, healthful (diet, and the like);

sanitary; hygienio -^Jl ^^1 (mahjar)

ljL* sbin youthful, juvenile, thought- | (J
less, rash
^j* fiahih pl. r-L** pihh, L*H
ofihha*, i*M apihha healthy, well,

$ahha i (<*" ettAa, ~L** po5) to be sound, healthful; oomplete, integral,

healthy; to be all right, be in order; to perfect; whole, entire, undivided; right,

recover, recuperate from); to heal oorreot, proper; true, veritable, aotual,


(of a wound) ; to be sound, strong, real ; authentic, genuine, truthful, re-

vigorous, firm, right, correct, -faultless, liable, credible, believable ; valid, Ie-

unimpaired, unblemished ; to be firm, gally valid, legal, lawful, rightful; strong

unshakable (resolution) to be admisaible, ;

(gram.; of a consonant, a verb) | j^

permissible; to be true, authentic,

-*** (jam') sound plural (ending in j
oertain, eure; to prove true, turn out n or Ol ~cU; gram); ^ j-U- ('adad)

to be true; to hold good, go (Jp for), whole number, integer (math.); ... -*

aPply (J* to )> be tirue (J* 0; to result <l (annah) true, he was (he is) . . .,

or follow definitely (j* from); to be a he was (he is), it is true, . .

fact, turn out (J for); to become a fact; *l afahh* sounder, healthier; more
to be successful, work out well (<J for correct, more proper ~"ifl jl or
s.o.); to fall to s.o. or to s.o.'s share (<J) j more properly speaking

Jp *ir j* c-*^ or **J* ~0 azmuh) he

-UH ashh, ishh chapter of the
was firmly reeolved to ., . . his mind was
Holy Scriptures (Chr.)
made up to . . .
; 4-U jp^ I it may
serve aa a basis; 4-i Jli l mj it is
a* ma#aKk pl. ~t Sanatorium

rightly said of him jUi^l J p** to health retreat, sanitarium

. . .;

appear right, adequate, reasonable II to <* mafahha that whioh promotes

restore to health, oure, heal (* s.o.); to or is oonduoive to health; Sanatorium
oorrect, emend, rectify (*; to pre-
j^*j tahik correotion, reotifioation;
pare a critical edition (* of a teit); to
emendation, critical revision
legalize, authentioate (* a document),
certify, confirm, attest (* the authentioity wmii muaahhih Q vernier (of a rnge

of a document), sign (* a dooument); to finder) | *lL-\ p*^A\ (asfalah) the

impose one's signature, undersign (magr.) undersigned
V to undergo correction, emendation,
iA** vo^ba,
j** sahiba a (<j* puhba,
rectification, be correoted, emended, rec-
fihba) to be or become a companion,
tified X to regain health; to recover,
an associate, a oomrade, a friend ( of
recuperate j* from)
s.o.), make or become friends, be
Zj# aihha health; hygiene; faultless- friends ( with s.o.); to associate, have
nesf, rightness, soundness, oorrectness; social intercourse {* with s.o.) ; to
truth, genuineness, verity, veraoity, acoompany, eeoort ( s.o.); to be oloeely
credibility, authentioity; validity; legal associated ( with s.o.) III = I; to keep
validity , leg ality j
i-y**Ji ^Jl j \jj ( s.o.) Company IV to send along,
('ummiya) Ministry of Public Health delegate as companion or esoort (* *

or * for b.o. s.o. eise or VI to


have social intercourse, associate ( their capaoity of owners of the founder's

with); to become friends, be friends (. prayer rg; UJI ^L, s. as-m'da
with) Till to accompany, escort ( s.o.); title of a pasha; o-U-J! ^*-l* s. as-
to take ( b.o.) as companion or escort, samha title of a mufti, approx. "His
have o.s. esoorted or accompanied ( Eminence"; $X\ _^*JI ^L* s as-
by s.o.); to take along {*, a sumw al-mataki His Royal Highness;
companion) X to take as companion or Ul <-jL**! a. aS-Sa'n those concerned;
escort, take along the important, influential people; <^Uf*l

ol^-iJl a. ai-htbuht dubious persona,
puhba friendship, companionship,
people of l repute; *>ILJI ._-^L (for-
comradeship ; accompanying, Company,
esoort; association, intercourse; friends,
merly) Keeper of the Seal (of the Bey of
Tunisia); j*Jl ._^-L# f. al-'izza title of
oompanions, associates, comrades; (eg.)
a bey; JJl i_^-U . al-'azama His
nosegay, bunch of flowers; suhbata ac-
Majesty; JUil <_^-Li> f al-ma'll title
companied by; with |
l-u "<^f (auhbata)
of a oabinet minister; J*J1 ^
T^-U# s.
herein enclosed
al-amal employer; kill i_--L s. al-
jUmJI as-fahba the Companions of gibfa title of the Coptio Patriarch;
the Prophet Mohammed iL-Jl i_^-U title of Islamic theologians

jUw^ sahbl a Companion of the

and sheiks, such as Rector and Profes-

Prophet Mohammed sors of AI Azhar University ; *J>i}\ <_^-U

$. al-fihra father to the thought, the
<+-{**+ mushaba accompanying, Com- originator of an idea; mjji aUII ^-l^
pany, escort (&. al-maqm) formerly, title bestowed on
bearers of the order otAJI established
<->UJ*^l itfihb accompanying, Com-
pany, escort; association
by Fuad I in 1936

i;*-U# phiba pl. -l, ^-*-l>- pawdAJ,

i^L phib pl. <_jUH afhb, <--**

fahb, 4i l** pahba, uLj* puhbn, ~*-s*

oL*-l^ ^auxJAi&H fem. of ^*-L# woman
puJjba associate, companion, comrade,
companion, etc. | lU-l l^L* s. al-jaWa
Her Majesty; ,5lUI >-Jl i--U p. <w-
friend; adherent, follower; the other
umw aZ-maJaH Her Royal Highness;
(of two) ; (with foll. genit.) man, owner,
<^djJI L*-L# j. oZ-'^mta title of a lady of
poBsessor, holder, maater, lord, oom-
high social standing
mander, reprsentative, author or origi-

nator of ...; entrusted with; addicted *^-y+ fuioaihib friend (diminutive of

or given to; J~ t y ahi = ^U b
y fhibl |
j^J\ _^-L# p. al-amr niler,
<^-_^0 suwaihiba pl. -t girl friend
master, overlord, BOvereign;^]^Jl .^L*
(diminutive of S-*-L#)
shipowner; il'iU-l .^L a t al-joUa His
Majesty; JU- ^--L the noun to which a ujm^i mo^Ai accompanied (i_* by);

oircumstantial phrase (hl) refers; ^-*-L attended (<-> with) ; associated (^ with)

<I>l s, ad-dauia (formerly) title of the provided (- with)

Prime Minister (Eff.); ,>_-Ul ^-*-L# . ad-

j*l a^Aar 1 , f. 1^ faAr'* desertlike; of the
dain creditor; iojJS .^-L s. ar-rif'a
color of desert sand; desolate, bleak
(formerly) title of the Prime Minister
{Eg.)i UJi i_^-L s. as-sajjda title of >\j*e sahriC* pl. jL^1 potrin, ^jlrf*

the leaders of certain dervish Orders in paArti, ol^rf* jmArutff desert, steppe

(jj\j** pahrwi desert, desolate, woste |

^ha mashn ground, brayed, pound-
*jjLh** t^l)' (artfin) desert areas ed, crushed, grated

jU* pahhdra pl. j-U* paAdAir* case, *L** pahn&h sardine

ehest, crate, box
(yf and ^) \* fahd u (pahw) and j*
iji^ II to misplace the diacritical marks; pahiya a (L^ pahan) to be or become
to misread, miapronounce, misspell (* a clear, bright, cloudless, serene (day,
word); to misrapresent, distort, twist (* Bky); (j*r pahw, puhw) to regain
a report, etc.) V to be misread or mis- consciousness, come to; to recover (j.
spelled (word) from intoxication), sober up; to wake
** pahfa pl. JL<* ?t'A/ bow), dish, up, awake (j- from sleep); to become

platter alert (Jl to, become aware (Ji of II to wake up, awaken, rouse ( s.o.)
'<*?** puhaifa saucer
IV to be or become clear, bright, cloudless,
U_^ pahifa pl. tji^ puhuf, JJlrf* serene (day, sky); to wake up, awaken,
pah&if* leaf (in a book or notebook), page rouse ( s.o.)

newspaper, paper, daily, Journal; epi-

j** pahw cloudlessness, brightness,
dermis; surface; exterior L*-Jl L>**JI
serenity (of the weather) ; clarity, alert-
(ftatt&T) honorable name, honor
ness of the mind, consciousness; bright,

^* puhvfi newspaper-, news-, press- serene, cloudlesB, sunny (weather)

(in Compounds), journalistic ; (pl. -n) j** pahwa awakening, recovery of
newspaperman, Journalist | J** yj* consciousness; Btate of consciousness
(mu'tamar) press Conference
^L pakin bright, serene, cloudless,
U" pihfa journalism, news business; clear (weather); (pl. -n, SU* pitAK)
the press awake, wakeful, watchful, alert, vigilant;

conBcious; sober
jL^ pihft journalistic; Journalist,
newspaperman, newBman t_J* pajciba a (pdfeab) to shout, cry, yell,
olamor, roar, bellow; to scold
4J\j* pihfiya woman Journalist (J* s.o.,; to rage, roar, be loudVIII to raise
<J**-*+ maphaf, muphaf pl . <J. La. a din, roar simultaneoualy, be tumultuous,
maphif* volume ; book ; copy of the resound in utter confusion, rage
Koran ( 1_ju
ji t_Ju****)
v-j*' pakab shouting, roar(ing), bei-
<Jij to^Al/ misplacement of the lowing, yelling, clamor, din, hubbub;
diacritical marks; miapelling, alip of cry, outory, yell; raging
the pen ; (grammatical) mistake ; mis-
i^j* pakib orying, yelling, noisy,
representation, distortion
olamoring, voeiferous, roaring, raging

J^ pahal raucouB voiee _jL> pdfckb clamorous, boisterous,

roaring, bellowing, raging
j** pahn pl. f** puhn bowl, dish ; plate
dish, meal, food; yard, courtyard; surface, vi**!*-'' iptijcdb noise, din, clamor,
plane; disk; (pl. fc*H apkina) phonograph hubbub, uproar, tumult, turmoil, roar,
record, disc (tun.) jUI ^** oourtyard, raging

patio; jrU*Jl j** ashtray; j\ y* J* i_~*-L* pkib loud, noiay, clamorous,

(p. il-fcadd) on the (surface of the) cheek boisterous, voeiferous, tumultuous, roar-

ing, raging |
i^L* * (qwa) power of currently buay with , he is at

the voice present occupied with a matter; g-J

sx~*i j* L* Jl (narji'u) we retum to
^nL.m- mupfafcab noise, din, hubbub,
what is our present concern or to what
tumult, raging, roar(ing)
we are just diseussing

pakr (coli.; n. un. I) pl. jj* ^r, JoX^ padxd pus, matter
\jj** pukra, & \J** pakart rockB,
jOjX^ padxdi suppurativa,
solid rock, boulders, rock formations;
pl.j>* rock {geol.)

Ijt* pakra boulder, rock |

J^JI iJ [fX* pdia a (\x* pada') and JJ- padu'a u

Dome of the Rock, the

(i.U^ pad'a) to become or be rusty,
qubbat ap-p. the
Mosque of Omar (in JeruBalem) rust, oxidize II = I; to make (*

rusty, cause (* to rust, corrode

j^> pajeri rocky, stony

J** pakir rocky, \x* pada' rust; oxidation; smut, rust
(plant disease)
padda u (padd) to tum away, alienate,

discourage, divert, deter, restrain, reject, IIj^k pad'a rustinesa

Bend away (j* s.o. from); to dis-

jj* padi' ruty, rust-covered; dirty,
suade (j* s.o. from his desire); to
mean, ehabby
repel, parry, ward ofF (*, e.g., an
t-u*- mtipda* rusty, rust-covered
attack); to hinder, prevent (j* s.o.

from); to impede, hamper, stop, bring r x* padaha a (padh, f\x* pudh) to chant,
to a standtill ( s.o.); to reaist, oppoee sing; to play (^ a song, a tune)
(, b.o.) _^JI -U-j V (nazara) it does not
X* padah banner


offend the eye, it is nice to look at ; u

(padd, *j* pudvd) to tum away (j* iIjU-x^ padaht (musical) strains

from), turn one's back (j* on s.o., on

O oL* pdih note raised a Bemitone,; to stay away, remain aloof (j* a sharp (mtis.)
from II to suppurate, maturate,
fester IV do. V to face, confront (J s.o.) jX* padara u % (jj J- pudr) to go out, step
out (je. or j* of, from within) ; to proceed,
X* padd averting, tuming away cbeok- ;
emanate, arise, originate, stem (je. or
ing, stopping ; repulaion, rejection ; hinder-
ja from), have its origin (j^ or ^ in) ; to
ing, impeding, obatruction, prevcntion;
eome out, be issued, be promulgated ( Order,
resistance, aversion, reluctance
ordinance, law); to appear, be pubshed

ix* padad nearness, proximity; in- (book); to leave, go out (mail); to go

tention, purpoae, design, aim; respect, (J! to); to happen, occur, come to paas;

regard, relation, concern, Bubject, matter; pass. pudira to have a ehest complaint |

topio (of a discusflion) ; padada (prep.) al;t je. jJ-^ (jidd) to set about seriouflly,
work earnestly; <oljl j* j-L*
oppoBite, in front of |
JJ- J* and iA-^ get to

oppoaite, in front of; i-u* j conceming, to act on one's own volition II to send,

regarding, re, with respect to; jJ-J1 j send ofF, dispatch, forward {*; to

in this respect, with regard to thia, export (*; to publiBh, bring out

with relation to this, on this occasion, (* a book); to preface (* a book); to

in this connection; j+\ j-U*> j* he i introduce, commence (^ a a book with)

607 jX*

III to seize, impound, oonfisoate (* (v *t); disgruntled, depressed; .-i-JL.; to urge, press, oppresa { a.o. ), j-uJI munqabid a$-f. dejeeted, low-
throw obstaclea in s.o.'s () way apirited, crestfallen; jX*t\ Ut. maknat
IT to Bend, aend out, dispatch (* o#-a. first place, precedence, priority;
to export
o.g., banknotea,

to issue (*
j-UI ^\j =jX*>\
(zamn) quite a Stretch of time, for some
w ; OU^I & |j^

out (*, e.g.,

bring out (*
a passport); to publish,, e.g., a book); to give,
time; jX*)\
jJ-*j (aakJtama)
j in the foreground;
to irritate s.o.,
issue (* an order); to pronounce, pasa s.o. angry; *>x* r rii\ in&araha fadruh
(* a legal sentence); to utter, expreas to be gladdened, be pleased, be cheered,
(* an opinion, & view) V to be aent, be be happy, rejoiee
diapatched; to preside (* over), head
iSjX* padri pectoral, ehest (used attrib-
(* a group); to have & front seat {* &t a
utively) | j.u 3J_>* (nazla) bronchitis
social gathering) ; to realst, oppoae
(J h.o.), throw obstaclea in s.o.'a (J) *jX* pudra vest, waistcoat; camisole,
way, stand in s.o.'s (J) way X to bring (under)waist, bodice
about, ohtain (*, esp. l&- hukman
(SjX* fiudatri and <ijX* pl. -t
a legal judgment or sentence); to iaaue
vest, waistcoat; bodice
(lj*-j* an ordinance)
jl-U fidr vest, waistooat; (under-)
jX* padr pl. j jX^ pudr ehest, breast,
waist, bodice
bust; bosom, heart; front part, front;
part, portion ; first hemistich ; leader, *j\x* padra, pidra precedence; prea-

Commander; beginning, start, outset, idency, chairmanship ; first place, pre-

oommencement, ineeption; early period, eminence; grand vizierate, office, cban-

beginnings, dawn (fig.) jloll jx* one cellery, or position, of the Orand Vizier

who ooeupies the highest position in


the house, who plays first fiddle in the jjX* pudr coming out, appearance,
house; ^^-j jx* (rahb) generoaity, publication (e.g., of a book), issuance
magnanimity; open-mindedness, broad- (e.g., of an ordinance)
mindedness, liberality, frankness, candor;
j-U*. mapdar pl. j.iLa. mapdir* Btart-
j^-Vl j-U early period of Islam, early
ing point, point of origin ; origin, source
Islam; jJifrV! j-U-Jl title of the Grand
Vizier in the Ottoman Empire; grand (fig.) ; (gram.) infinitive, verbal noun
absolute or internal objeet
vizier (Mor.); t&l jX+ 9. al-makn
the foremost part of a room; jl^Jl jX* jX^S tapdtr sending (off), dispatch,
f. an-nahr daybreak, beginning of the for warding; exportation, export; prefaoe,
day; j.u* _jjl robin (tool.); jX*S\ oUj foreword (of a book) ; issuanoe
bant afi-f. worries, anxieties, appre-
jjLa. mupdara seizure, confiscation
hensions; jX*i\ i_jLj front door; jX*i\ c*lj
ehest complaint; bottom of the heart, jl-U*l idr exportation, export; issue,

seoret thpughts; jX-Jl issuance, bringing out, edition, publi-

^>.j rahb a$-p.

generous, magnanimouB ; open-minded, cation; making out, issuance J

broad-minded, liberal ; free of mis-

jl-U#Vl maprif al-i. bank of issue

givinga, unheaitating; jX-JI V:l-j do.; j -Li~l

I istidr issue, making out
j-uJI j^J fayyiq cte-e. annoyed, angry issuance

jiL fdir going out, emanating, III to find (a, s.o.,, meet ( s.o.,

orighiating; issued, oome out, publiahed, * with; to meet unexpectedly, by

etc.; exportation, export; yield; o'jaUJI chance ( b.o.), light (*, on), come across

export goods, export s.o. or (a, ), run into s.o. or

(a, #), enoounter (*, s.o.,; to coin-

jj+* tnafdr affeoted with a peotoral
cide, be ooinoident, oonour (* with;
ailment, phthiaioal, consumptive, tuber-
to fall (aon a given date); to happen
by ohance, oome to pass (l that) |

j-U*. mutaddir export merchant, ex- L*^fl lJaL* to meet with approval;
porter 1* JiiL {mdhaUdh) to oome in handily,
be convenient, be opportune V to turn
*x*0 pada'a a (#o*T) to split, oleave, part,
away ( j* from), avoid, shun (je s.o.,
sunder (*; to craok, break (a
VI to happen by ohance, oome to pass
objeot), oause (* an objeot) to craok;
to break (* through obstaoles), oonquer, J.U* padaf (ooU.; n. un. J) pl. i_>ii-*l

overcome, surmount (* obstaoles, diffl- addf pearl oyster, sea shell, conch |

culties) |
jJ-L P-i- (haqq) to oome out il/l i-L* 9. ai'Vdun external ear,

openly with the truth j&i JL# (amr) ; auriole, pinna

to execute an Order, oomply with an
_j-U* fadaf, <jJ*mi\ ,jij> maratf 09-
order; paas. fud\a to* have or get a
padaya a nonoontagious skin disease,
headache II to cause a headache ( to
Psoriasis {med.)
s.o.); to molest, harass, trouble (*jl>U

fuddCa to have or j-U* padafi sea-ahell, ahell (adj.); na-

JfltirM s.o.); pass.

geta headache V to get split, get cleft, creoua, mother-of-pearl (adj.)

oome apart, bunt, break, craok; to go *j.U* fudfa pl. Ji-U* fudaf chance,
to pieoas; to reel, waver, be shaken; to haphazard, ooinoidenoe, unexpeoted con-
separate (je from), part (j* with) VII to ourrence; i- fudfatan by ohance, by
get split, get oleft, come apart, break,
ooincidence, aooidentally | i-uJt> or
craok ; to be rudely interrupted ; to break, *.u*]l by ohanoe, by coincidence,
dawn (mornlng) aooidentally; as ohanoe will have it,

JU faeP pl. j** fud' crevice, haphazardly

fissure, orack, break, rift, oleft encounter,
"4i.1L*- mufOdafa pl. -t

*\x+ fiud' headache meeting; ohanoe, haphazard, coincidence,

unexpeoted concurrenee; mufdafatan
j.J-** mafd* having a oraek, oraoked,
by ohance, by ooinoidenoe, aooidentally
iJuL* mvfdif oorresponding (J to),
90 t*d$ pl. 1J-*1 afdd$ temple (anat.);
oonourrent (J with a date of another
earlook, lovelook (also A*II *- qtwat
ohronologioal System), ooinoident ( J with),
falling (Jon a given date)

J-X-* fudfi temporal {anat.) u to speak the

j-U, fiadaqa (fadq, fidq)

truth, be sincere; to s.o.) the

J>* fadafa % u (fadf, >j a~* fiudf) to turn teil (

away (je from), avoid, shun (je s.o., truth (j* about); to prove to be true,;
% {fadf) to turn ( s.o.) away turn out to be correot, oome true; to

(j* from), disoourage, restram, deter be right; to fit exaotly (J* s.o. or,

(je s.o. from); to happen by ohance apply (J* *), hold true (J* of) |
500 ^JUp

4*j or t^j j J-u (/| uxx'dtAf or tm'* lx* 9adOqa pl. -dt friendship
<2aA) to keep, or fulfill, one's promiae;
i*w^JI .u to
JjX* fadiq pl. U-Ul atdiqtf*, .U-O
(noilAato) adviae s.o.
tudaq'*, ulj-u eudq&n friend; friendly,
sincerely; >_J-I *i-U* (AuAfo) to love s.o.
connected by bonda of friendahip
sincerely, truly II to deem (*, s.o., oredible, acoept (* aa true, 3j^ tadq veracious, truthful, hon-
give oredence <*, to a.o., to, est, sinoere

believe, truat (*, s.o.,; to oon-

Ji-U# fiddlq strictly veracious, hon*
sider or pronouno (m to be true,
est, righteous, upright; Jj-uJI epithet of
right, oorreot or oredible ; to believe (*- in)
the firat Galiph, Abu Bakr
to give one's consent, to consent, aasent,
agree (, approve (, J-Ul apdaq* truer, sinoerer | 61*/ j-u*l
grant, Hcense, sanotion, oertify, oonfirm, J (a. burhdnin) the moat reliable, or
substantiate, atteat, ratify, authentioate, best, proof for . . .; jj-u j.ul the moat
legalize, verify 3x^t V loyal, or best, friend
(J |

(yttfaddaqu) incredible, unbelievable, un-

Jl-L^. mifdq confirmation, oorrobo-
reliable, untrustworthy ; -jT j\ J-U*
ration, substantiation; touohstone, ori-
paddiq au kafib (u an affirmative
parentheais) believe it or not III to
treat ( a.o.) aa a friend; to maintain JjO^aJ tatdiq belief, faith (^ in);
one's friendship ( with s.o.); to be or consent, aasent, agreement to),
become friends ( with s.o.), befriend approval, sanetioning, lioeneing, certifi-

(* s.o.); to give one's consent, to con- oation, confirmation, atteatation, rat*

sent, aasent, agree J* to, approve ifloation, verification, authentication,

(J* of), grant, lioenae, sanction, certify,

(J of |
jja-dl ^
confirm, substantiate J* ; to eur'at at-t. oredulity; Jj-i-adi
( g^* cred-
legalize, authenticate a signature, ulous
etc.) IV tofix a (bridal) dower (U for 4*jLa4 muddaqa oonaent, asaent, agree-
a woman) T to give alma
(J* to s.o.); ment (J to), ooneurrenoe (J* in);
to give as alms, donate (J* to s.o., approval, sanetioning, certifloation, con-
firmation, atteatation,
of; legalization, authentication
j-U* pidq truth, trueness, truthfulness (J*
of a document)
sincerity, candor; veracity, correctneas
(of an alleg&tion); efflciency; \jx* J-iLaJ tafiduq legalization, authen-
fidqan truly, reaUy, in truth tioation J* of a document)

U-O fiadaqa pl. -dt alms, charitable JjL* fdiq true, truthful, veracious,

gift; almagiving, charity, voluntary oon- sinoere, candid; reliable; aoourate, true,

tribution of alms, freevill offering genuine, faithful, authentio

legally prescribed alms tax {Isl. Laxe) U*

\ mufaddiqa certificate, certifi-
Jm\ -U fi. al-fifr almsgiving at the cation, atteatation
end of Ramadan (/*J. Law)
J.U&* mufiaddaq oredible, believable,
jl-U* fiadq, fiidaq pl. jx* puduq, reliable, trustworthy | J' *- j. in-
-ol apdiqa (bridal) dower; (pl. credible; Lfj <J JJ-*- (rtumfym)
j_^I) marriage contraot (tun.) legalized, offlcially oertified
JjL* 510

4X**, 1-u* padan pl. I-U*l apiS eoho,

J.U* look up alphabetically
*x+ pada-ma i (padm) to bump, strike, knock,
aj_X^j tapdiya hand olapping
dash, bounce, bang, zun (*, against),

tut (* lipon); to run (* into s.o., e.g.,

j* parra % (aorr, jj+ *0f* r ) to ohirp, strid-
an automobile, etc.); to oolde, olash to
ulate (orioket); to oreak (door);
(^ with, e.g-, train with car) in to squeak, soreech; to grate, Scratch; to
bump, strike, knock, dash, bounce, bang, gnash, ohatter (teeth); to laoe, oord,
run (*, against s.o. or; to resist,
tie up, truas up, bind (*; to shove,
oppoae s.o., battle (*,
put ( j * money into a purse) ; to priok
against); to encounter (hoatilely), olash; or li one's ears) IV to persist
op (i
pasB. (->- fdima to be severely af- on); to make up one's
(J* in), insist (J*
flioted (^ by) TI to oollide (e.g., trains),
mind, resolve, determine, deoide (J* to
encounter (armies) ; to olaah, oonflict
do; to priok up (* or v one's ears)
(e.g., different opinions) Tin to oollide,
\j+ f" * pi* Js+ ^urar money)
olash (l-ot with); to bump, strike,

bag, purse ; bndle, packet, parcel

run (<- against), hit (^, e.g., a |

lyJI or <>vJ-' *j~* 9* al-harajnain the

mine); to take offense at, e.g., at
to); to purra for Meooa and Medina, the tra-
miatakes), take exception (^
ditional funds sent by the different
feil (^ due to), be thwarted (<-* by);
Islamio oountries (nowadays, e.g., by
= VI
Egypt and Tunisia) with the hadj
~kx+ padma pl. fodamt push, thrust,
oaravan to be distributed among the
jolt, shook, blow, stroke; upset, com-
poor of Heoca and Medina; Sj-Jl J<*l
motion, (psychic) hock; obstacle, dif*
the Truste of the purra (who is reapon-
ficulty jjUl \j+ caah
sible for its delivery);

pid&m oolsion, olash ; break - remittance

down, collapse Jt-U-J (l-U* (wijddni)
ohirping, stridulation (of
j j+
mental breakdown
oriokets); squeaking, soreeching

<*jLa. mupdama pl. -d* ooUiaion,

or cO-la
j\j+ parrar JJ1 j\j^ 9.

olaah, impaot orioket (xool.)

(oL-J tafdum oolsion, olash; bounce, wrapped in a purse

\j j+ aurfra ooins
impaot (i-ion); upset, oommotion, (p*y-
jl^l ipr&r persistence, peraeverance
ohic) shook (iL*ill --lt buffer (railroad)
inaistenoe (J* on) | jjy-/iM ,$-*
(J* in),
f1oL*#1 iffidm oolsion, olash; bounoe,
sabq al-i. premediation, wUlxulneas (jur.)
impaot (i-i on); upset, oommotion,
j*a mupirr persistent, insistent; de*
(psyohio) shook
termined, resolute
t$-U* fiadiya a (padan) to be very thirsty

IV to eoho, resound, reverberate V to ^^Jl ap-pirb Serbia; the Serba

ocoupy o,s. (J or Jl with); to turn, j^# pirbl Serbian

apply o.s. (J or Jl to; to under-
embark rj* parvha u (-*-|y-# tarha, *~js+ purha)
take (J or Jl, (J or Jl
upon) to oppose, resist, counteraot, to be or become pure, unadultorated,

antagonize (J s.o.), throw obstaoles in uncontaminated, olear; paraha o

s.o.'a (J) way, be in s.o.'s (J) way (park) to make olear, olarify, explicate,

explain (* II to explain, explicate, shout (J* to s.o.); to yell, bellow, roar
clarify, make clear (*; to declare, (j or <^j j at s.o.) | **-j** j* (par*
state, announce {<~> make a kaktn) to cry out, let out a cry X to
statement (lj about); to speak out cry for help; to call (* to s.o.) for help
frankly, openly, be clear, be ezplioit {*_>t
~**-j** parka pl. -t cry, outory, yell,
je- about), let {._>, jp be known; to
scream; call for help
allow, permit, grant (_* J to s.o.;
to licens (lj, give a permit, grant ^s+ purk crying, yelling; clamor

a license (lj for) III to speak frankly, screaming, screams

openly; to speak out frankly or openly,

As* parijp crying, yelling; clamor,
be clear, be ezplioit {*_> about), avow screaming, screams
{lj, let (^> be known; to de-
rL-* parrk crier, screamer, bawler;
clare (l to s.o. that) IV to make clear,
clarify, explicate, explain {* VI to
become clear, evident, manifest, come to jjL* prjp pl. 'fij\j* pawrik*
Ught VII to become evident, manifest, rocket; siren (magr.) j O .z'*-6 rjj^-
clear oljLUl intercontinental ballistio missile,
_,-* park pl. rjj-* purh Castle,

palace, lofty edifice, imposing structuro 4jvjL* iLi qujibula firkiya rocket
bomb, guided missile
^s+ purh pure, unadulterated, un-
contaminated, clear ; distinot, piain,
jL* prifa gaudy, flashy (color);

glaring (color, Light) ; crude, gross,

obvious, evident, patent, manifest, un-
ooarse; noisy, loud; orier, caller
ambiguous, unequivocal

parih pl. U^ purah' 1 , .* pard severe cold (spell)

fes* f\^
par'ih* pure, unadulterated, uncon- }\j-+ purrd drifting clouds, cirrus
taminated; clear; distinct, piain, obvious,
evident, patent, manifest, unambiguous, rJ-* pvrraid drifting clouds, cirrus

unequivocal; open, frank, sinoere, candid; parpara to let out a piercing cry,
free, openhearted soream shrilly

*-[/- parha clearness, clarity, dis- parpar violent, cold wind,

y-V j *"*

tinctness, plainness; unambiguousness icy gale

openness, frankness, oandor, sincerity,
J-0J-0 purpur pl. s+\s+ &rfii* a
openheartedness parhatan clearly, plain-
variety of cockroach (Blatta aegyptiaca;
ly, distinctly, patently, unequivocally,
zool.); cricket (zool.)
unambiguously openly, frankly, bluntly,

straightforward, honestly, openheartedly jj*s+ fwtftr pl. jj-Ij-* parpir*

cricket {zool.); cockroach (syr.)
r.r*' afrah* purer, clearer; sinoerer

tatih ;L*J tapritp

j\~*r* parpr crioket (zool.)
_p*j pl. -t,

(pubo) statement, deolaration; per- ^\j^ pirf way, path, road

mission, (officieJ) permit, lioense
^j~0 para'a a (par' t pir\ ?_r^> mapra') to
^0 parajca u (l^ pv.rfc, ^ &*#) throw down, feil, bring to the ground
to ory, yell, scream, shriek, shout; to ( s.o.); pass. puri'a to be epileptio,
ory for help; to call (^ s.o.); to call out, have an epileptic fit; to be or go mad
III to wrestle (also as a Sport), fight to pay out, disburse (J * money to);

( with s.o.) VI to wrestle with one to issue, give out (*, e.g., tiokets),

another VU to be or go mad VUI = VI make out (*, e.g., a permit); to

spend, devote (J or Jl or j * time,
f j* par* epilepsy
effort on); to pass, spend (j * time at
f j* pur* rein, doing; to ohange money

thrown to to infleot (* a word) jt> jkJI <J>j*

gj* part pl. jj* par'd (>); |

the ground, felled; epileptio; demented, (nafar) to avert one's glance from,

insane, mad, orazy; (with fall, genit.) disregard, pay no attention to
succumbing to, fallen viotim to, leave out of oonsideration;, | \ij* ^- to be kled (in battle); t (>Js* pro*/) to oreak, grate II to

9* aS-farb addicted to the oause to flow off, draw off (* water);

v|/~^ d_r"
bottle; j;j53i mj+ f. al-kar overoome by to drain (* land); to dispatoh, expedite,

sleep wind up, liquidate (* business); to ohange

money (*); to market, retail, distribute,
fr** mapra* pl. gjU mapri'* battle
seil (* merehandise), dispose (* of
ground; ruin, destruction, perdition,
merohandise) ; to oiroulate (*;
death; fatal oooident; vital part of the
to give a free hand (
j to s.o. in,
body (the injury of whioh oan oause
let ( s.o.) dispose freely (j over, in),
grant the right of disposal (J to s.o.

f l^ miprtf pl. >jL** maprV* leaf over or in; to infleot (* a word),

of a door; hemistioh | fj/-U U- oonjugate (* a verb), deoline (* a noun)
door panel; **\j*** J* rj2** vM' ( m*9" V to aot independently; to dispose
rtfaihi) the door is wide open
freely, have the right of disposal (j

f\j*0 pirif
wrestling, wreetng match; over); to move freely, aot without
fight, struggle restriotion (j in), administer (freely)

mupra'a wrestling, wrestling (j; to behave, aot, oonduot o.s.,

comport o.s. ; to exeroise saoerdotal
match; fight, struggle
funotions (Copt.-Chr.); to be infleoted

ftftna" fight, struggle, conflict,
(gram.); to be derived | U^ 0^*1
j LLT (taparrufan Icaiflyan) to prooeed
9 jj*** mapr' thrown to the ground, arbitrarily in or at VII to turn away;
felled; epileptio; demented, insane, mad, to go away, depart (je from), leave
orazy (je; to give up, abandon, relin-

9 jL** mupri* wrestler; fighter quish, quit (je s.o.,; to flow off,

drain; to pass on, ohange over, turn

J^ parafa % (aar/) to turn; to turn away,
one's attention (Jl to; to proceed
avert (j* *, s.o., from); to
away (Jl to Borne aetivity or to do; to
dissuade, alienate, keep (j* *

apply o.a., devote o.s. (Jl to; to

s.o. from); to divert, distract (j* s.o.

from); to turn, direct (Jl *, e.g.,

be spent, be expended (money); to be

one'a eyes, one's attention, to; to

issued, be made out (e.g., ticket); to

away be fully, i.e., triptotioally, infleoted

grant leave, dismiss, send ( s.o.); |

to give s.o. () the bnish-off; to spend, <Ju Jl J>j~*i\ to withdraw by o.s.,

ezpend (J * money for); to defray the isolate o.a.; J*i Ji^aJl to set about

oost (j* of, pay (J for; to do, proceed to do


J>s* fiarf averting, turning away; ei- J>s*j taaarruf pl. - free diaposal (

penditure, expense; spending, uae, appli- over), right of disposal; usufruct; ad-
oation (e.g., of time, of effort, eto.); is- ministration ; aotion, way of aoting,
suance, iasue, ma.friwg out; disbursement; demeanor, behavior, oonduot ; outflow,
money ohanging; barter (Isl. Law) ; drain- effluz, effluenoe, Output (in terms of
age; infleotion {gram.); (pl. jjj-* purf) the oapacity of a pump), disoharge,
adversities, misfortunes (also _^-dl jjj throughput, quantity of water flowing
9. ad-dakr) | Jj,JI ILA ma^affat a- f. (d.) through; pl. dli^^j measures, dis-
power Station; drainage Station, pumping positions, regulations j^u j^^J

Station; J /~Jlj-'''' 00-0. exchange rate; (munjaz) regulation effeotive imme-

^JI ^ 'um as-s. morphology (gram.); diately (Isl. Law); y-Jl j hum at-t.
Jjj*J\ j* fjU indeclinable (gram.); j^-tj discretion; ^adl jlL. mitflog ai-t.
j jkJI (6i-*. in-noair) regardless of, having unrestricted right of disposal,
irrespeotive of, notwithstanding, to say invested with fll power; -Jp^ij freely;
nothing of -j^-J cJ- at disposal; l^t
s.o.'s Jy
J>s* sirf pure, unadulterated, un- **j~sS c-- to put at s.o. 's disposition;

mixed; mere, shoer, absolute & oU^^j (. ax-xaman the vioissitudes

of time
OLij- sarflyt payments, disburse-
ments J*\j~mJ\ inpirdf going away, leave,
departre; avertedness, aversion (j* to);
~^ij~" pari/ squeak(ing), creak(ing),
abstention (& from), renunoiation (j*of)

<J>\j~0 sarrf money ohanger; cashier,

j_r- maprf devoted, dedicated (Jl

teuer, treasurer; paymaster; banker

to; money spent, ezpenditure; pl.
ty <JujL. majrif* ezpensea, expendi-
v\j~0 parrfa (woman) cashier J tures,oosts|jjjJI Jy _r-and Jj jJl JojU-w
^TIAdl ~**\j~* (woman) ticket agent
postage; ^JJ ^jjy* m, al-jaib pooket
Jl/w fiairaf pl. J>j\~+ pay&rif* money money; JujLJ.1 ^U- postage free,
ohanger; cashier, teuer, treasurer franked; <JujUail jj (waj) to cover the
eosts, defray the expense; j* ^jj-**
Jjw pairafi pl. -ijL- sayrifa
money ohanger; cashier,
*a-x\ (faidma) dismissed, discharged
teuer, treas-
urer Jj^-ti. mvtaparrif approx.: provinoial
iijj- pari/a pl. Ju^ aar'if* reed- governor (Ir.; adminiatering any one of
mat hut the 14 liwd* f q.v.); former title of a
Turkish administrative offioer in Arab
Jij-ft* maprif pl. iJijUa* maprif*
drainage canal, drainage ditoh, drain;
bank; pay offlce, teller's window (at a ISj^u mutasarrifiya Jurisdiction of
bank) a m%Uaparrif (q.v.), approx.: province;
dignity, government, authority, etc.,
'Juy-j tofirif drawing off (of water),
of a mutaparrif
drainage; aale, retail, disposal, distri-
bution; change, alteration; infleotion, Jtj^u munparif fully inflected, i.e.,

declension, oonjugation |
^oll JujU-J triptotioal (gram.); i_'^,y,U the money
t. ad-dahr the vicissitudes of fate; <-ijy-*J
spent, expendituras

ji-lll settlement, windup, or manage* J*s*u munparaf departre, leave,

ment, of affairs going away | c* J*^ V (munparafa)


indispensable, inevitable; ^i,^* mun* JjU-*- matfl fool

sara/oAum at their departure, when

(m. tn-noAdr) at
l^a^ pTu&a u (^ ?u'&a) to be hard,
they left; jlfJl Jj^* j
(J* for); to be
difflcult embarraasing,
the parting of day, at day's end
shooking, unpleasant (J* for, to) II to
make hard, make difflcult (* J for s.o.
"^ paruma u (*tj~ armo) to be sharp;
to be stern, hard, harsh, severe;; to present as difflcult (* J to

farama i {farm, furm) to cut, out off,

s.o. T to become difflcult; to

make (* hard or difflcult VI to be

sever (*; to leave, forsake (

from part with difflcult (of a person); to be hard to

s.o.) separate ( s.o.), (

s.o.) n to out, cut off, cut through, sever, please X to find or consider difflcult

V to decrease, wane, (*

separate (*
dwindle; to elapse, go by, pass; to be _-*** pa'b pl. <_>U~# pi'fc hard,diffioult;

pat, be bygone, be over (time) VII to pl. diffloulties |

J-Vl i^ hard to
elapse, go by, pass ; to be past. be bygone, bear, oppreesive; UyV' *-"* * td-irf
be over (time) hard to please, fastidious; ^l/LI _-*^

obstinate, stubborn, self-opinionated, re-

>^ arm severance, Reparation
calcitrant, headstrong; *-*~0 iU fumZo)
*+j* firma pl. tj* piram herd of
hard currenoy
^w* ju'w&o diffloulty | ^[^ <>_y~*
Jj* parma Bharpness, keenness;
obstinacy, stubbornness, recalcitrance,
harshness, sternness, severity, rigor,
^L*. tTM^KTift 1 difflculties
le j* farima horse bridle
J^m pa'tar wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum;
lyU*. mvframa estrangement, break,
antagonism, hostility

ajU t&rim sharp, harah, hard, severe, Om *fl

2a a {sy** ^u'd) to rise, go up; to
lift, climb, ascend, slope upward; to
mount, scale, ascend, climb (*,
elapsed, past, bygone
(V*-' fn-unfarim climb up (* on ; to take off
(period of time)
(airplane) ; Jl *j **# to make s.o.

s.o. up to
ascend, lead II to ascend, . . .

mount; to go upstream; to travel to

L^ parma pl. *j* furam (eg.) shoe Upper Egypt; to send up ( s.o.); to

cause (* to rise or ascend; to heave

SjL^ furmya pl. -i, \j\j* far&ml
(syr.) shoe made of red or yellow leather; (from one's breast), utter (* sigh, wails,
and the like) ; to cause (* to evap-
orate , vaporize , volatilize { * )

to Sublimate (*; ehem.) |

cAj (xafart) to heave deep sighs IV to
jU rin and jjL pdriya pl.jl- *w*w or advance;
make ( s.o.) ascend to
mast, pole ^i\ ^jL ?. J-'aiam flagpole
ascend (Jl to elevated terrain); to go

maffaba, mififaba pl. ^L** ma^ 1 upstream ; to travel up, travel V to

outdoor stone bench (but into the side evaporate. vaporize VI to rise, lift,

of a house), mastaba ascend



i*-* it'd height, altitude pa'iga a and pass. pu'iqa (pa'aq, U*^
*-U^ pa'da pl. pa'adt rise, incline;
pa'qa) to be thunderstruck ; to lose

slope, deolivity consciouBness | *;1C j *+ (maknihi)

to stop dead in one's tracks, stand as if
*y~0 pu'd ruing, lifting, ascending;
thunderstruck IV to strike down, slay,
take-off (of an airplane); ascent; boom;
destroy ( s.o.; of lightning); to stun,
advance (Jl toward) |
^1 ^^0 p. ar-
stupefy, make unconscious (* s.o.) VII to
robb and ^*_JI 0-t 'id ap-p. Ascension
bo Struck by lightning
Day (Chr.)

fr** pa'aq thunder, peal of thunder

*j*~0 pa'd Bteep hill

J~ pa'iq thunderatruck, dumfounded

V^* ptt'id pl. .u- pu'ud highland,
upland, plateau; 4-a^JI and j^. -L.U*
UpL* p'iqa pl. J^l^ paw'iq* bolt of

*. m^r Upper Egypt -\j -Uu- j on

lightning, thunderbolt

a common basis, on common ground, on 3j*-* map'q Struck by lightning;

equal footing, without distinction, in- thunderstruck, stupefied, dumfounded;
discriminately; .u-lj -l.u* congenial, crushed, destroyed
like-minded, kindred in spirit, agreed
iSUjt-* pa'laka loitering, loafing

j^s-* pikt* pl. AiU. pa'dyida Upper

!}J^0 pu'lk pl. iLJU^ pa'&llk* utterly
destitute; have-not, pauper, poor wretoh;
low pu'ad'' (deep) sigh .I-U-Jl tJ
_rJ beggar; tramp, vagabond, loafer

ianaffasa p-pu'ad'a to aigh (deeply),

heave a (deep) aigh ?~0 pagura u (pigar, SjU* pagra) and
pagira a (pa^ar) to bo or become small, lit-
**'' matfad pl. UcL** map'id1 point
tle, scanty; to diminish, decrease, wane,
of ascent
dwindJe ; to be young ; to be lowly,
U**- mtpW pl. o*L** ma^'? elevator, submisaive, servile, humblo; pagara
lift; O anode u (pagr) to be younger (._> * than
u .^ i mip'ada elevator, s.o. by) |
Iuj Vi J>-* L (bi-sanatin)
he was only one year younger than I
o*L* *Tid pl. 0*1^ ^owd'id" rising,
II to make small(er) or little(r), lessen,
asoending (also, e.g., of vapore) | lj*L*i
minimizo, reduce, diminish, decrease
fa-p'idan and beyond that, and more;
(a; to
l-uLi ^, from on, from upward; debasc, bemean
belittle, deride,

(*,; to
lo*Li ^/l j>. (min al-na) from now on,
form a diminutive (* of a noun) VI to
prove o.s. contemptible, be servile,
-uL*i* muto^n'f rising, ascending (also, fawn, cringe, grovel X to deem (*, * s.o.,
e.g., of vapors) small, little or paltry; to make
light (*, of s.o., of, undervalue
j*~* pa'ira a (pa'ar) to be awry (face; with
(*, s.o.,; to think little <*, of
pride) II 4^
j^0 (kaddah) to put on a
s.o., of | 4-Ju jk^Ji (nafsah) to
contemptuous mien
feel inferior

j** pa'aqa a (*L* fiaiqa) to strike s.o. jis pigar smallncss, littlenoss, scanti-
() down with lightning, destroy, hit, ness, paltriness, pauoity, insignificance
slay ( s.o.; of lightning); to stun, youthfulness, juvenility (also jJI ^0
stupefy, make unconscious ( s.o.); 9. aa-sinn)


\ji~0 fijra: *>_>jl :>-. j (. abawaiki) (ji*0 and ji->) U_ pa#J u (>- o0i,

he is the youngeet of hia parents' au^flw) to inoline, bend, lean (Jl to,

ohildnn toward); ji safi'ya a (ajan, fufiy)

to inoline, bend, lean (Jl to, toward);
j^ jnjfr pL jU- 0ft-, iA- to listen (J to) IT to listen, pay attention,
fufara*' mall, little; paltry, eoanty,
lend one's ear (J or Jl to, to s.o.),
jnaigninoant; tiny, minute; young, ju-
heed (J or Jl
venile, minor; a minor, one ander age |

jj\ jj** . owwin young; u-bi\ jr* ji~ fafto and U~ fa$an inolination,

an-na/s mean-spirited, base, Bervile, disposition, tendenoy; affeotion, attach-


toadying, aringing, groveling jviU^LI jl* ment, good will

ahmuwa&afln small offldals, sub-

t. U_l ifj' attention, attentivenesa
altern offloials; >J J-Jl ('W) Little

Bairam, i.e., the feast of faat breaking *L* jfin inelined, diaposed; attentive;
listener, hearer
on the lat of Shawwal; IjSj ijJ^t Jf
JbuUu f. wo-fcaWro every detail ^ -- muj0n attentive; listener, hearer

ijj^t aoJJro pL /'lw auja"4 venial

ain (JJ. Law); minor miatake; pl.

trivialltiea, trines * faa u ifiaff) to set up in a row or line,

line np, align, array, arrange, Order

;_,U_. aajdra littlenese, paltrineaa,
(; to set, oompose ( type, typ.);
aoantineea, pauoity; lowlineaa, servility,
to rnge, olass, olaasify (*. s.o. among);
humility, humblenesa
to out ( in Strips 11 to set up in

jl^\ atjar', f. jjL* uflra, pl. m. a row or line, line up, align, array,

jiLl O04fltr* smaller, litt ler; younger | arrange, Order (; to oomb (*

^^jll _^_l o. aJ-Jarroin the leiser of the hair) straight YI to line up, take
two evils; if_^JI W*' -Aaia Minor; position in a row or line, stand in a row
j>JI JjJ ((juimi) the amall oountriea; or line, be lined up, be aligned, be strung
^^Jl bj^- (aOnyd) Palestine; Jjl^JI in a line vm VI; to fall in, stand in
^J^JI the wiwimnTW formation (of a military detaohment) |

-L J to line the road,

JjjUI ^-iU- Jl
ju_*j fa* \r dimlnution, leaaening, de-
form a lane (o.g., troops, polioe, eto.)
crease, rednotion j^ill w *W.
diminutive (oram.) J^, taff aligning or arranging

jU^I a0dr diadain, oontempt, dis-

in a line or row; (pl. JjJ~ *u/S/)

row, line, nie, rank, queue; row, or tier,

of seata; grade, form (in sohool); ola,
jiLti tatSjvr aervility, toadying, orlng- aourse; seotion, division, group |

ing, groveling ,JI ad-dam blood group iT

jiL. flir low, lowly, deapised, oon- J>jji-\ typesetting machine; *J*J( J*jL*

temptible; humiliated, meek, dejeoted; (also iLi Ja** pl. JL-* tJusf) non-

anbmiaalve, servile; aabjeot (J to s.o.) oommiasioned offloer; jju* Jtil in*

taqama puffan to line up in rows or

jm. mufafjar reduaed, deareased,
diminiahed | >*.. hy" J (**) on a
fufaf (atone)
rednced or amall aoale, in miniature; ]

jm. molding; ledge

iflrn) miorofilm

.JiU-. tafftf and ijjjJ.1 jLL. type- >*- >W i'orgiving, ready to forgive
aetter, compoaitor
j-Li^ mffQ pl. &, jyU* a/a/ty
Jt-mj, mataJS pl. jL. mafajf poaition plate, aheet, leaf; flagatone, atone alab
(of an army); battle line; row, line,
nie; compoaing atiok ?i~* tatflh plating
(typ.) | JiL*. Jl ^i,
(with folL genit.) to olaaa .o. with, jj-j lafaffult examination, acrutini-
put s.o. on the eame level with zation, aorutiny, atudy

- fafaha a (fafh) to broaden, widen, *- mufaffah ahapad into platea

flatten, beat into a leaf, foliate, plate or thin layera, plated, foliated; armored,
(; to pardon, forgive (je s.o., armor-olad, ironolad, metal-corered | II to broaden, widen, flatten, r>*- <-> (jufai) plywood; ku. IjU.
beat into a leaf, foliate (; to roll (aoyyra) armored sar
out (*; to plate, orerlay, or oorer,
-with metal platea mufaffaka pl. -m armored
(; to armor
armored reoonnaiaaanoe oar (m.)
(*; to equip, furniah, corer (i^ * with) III to ahake handa ( with u> fa/ada i (fa/S) to bind, fetter, ahaokle
s.o.); to greet (. e.o.); to tonoh (
( a.o.) n and IT = I
lightly or gently, graze (, bruah,

glide ( orer, paas, ii~* tafad pl. jlL.1 oa/dd bond, tie,
blow ( orer, of the wind, breath, eto.) fetter
| ~>L>
<*jr (sam'ah) to reaoh a.o.'a aar jlL. fi'/d bond, tie, fetter ^J_JI jlL.

V to leaf, thumb ( a book, etc.); to . al-yadom manaole, handtmff

examine, scrutinize, regard, atudy (a
'>- *a/ora "
(jJu, aa/Cr) to whiatle (bird, VI to ahake handa X to aak a.o.'a

forgireneaa ( for), apologize ( peraon); to hiaa (anake); to chirp,

() to
a.o. for) atridulate (dicket); to aoream (airen)
n= i
* fafh pardon, forgireneaa; (pl.
^LL. < (vj-') Vj-
t ifh) aide, aurfaoe jJL* aa/lr whiatling, whiatle, eto. (aee

UU~ to turn away from a.o. or, abore); high, thin tone (e.g., of a flute) |

pasa orer a.o. or, ignore, anub, j*iJI Jtjj- aibilanta; aee alao below
alight, diaregard s.o. or, deaiat
and alphabetioally
iilu pajfra pl. -M whiatle; airen |

i. fa/ha pl. eafaht outaide, ex- uUVI SjLL# f. al-amn all-olear airen;
terior; plane, surface; page; leaf, aheet; jl&Vi SjlL f. al-inf&r waming airen
'ji-t II to dye yellow, make yellow, to
broad aide or aurface; aheet
f*~* *?/ty yellow ( IX to turn yellow, to
iron; tin, tinplate; tin platea, tin aheeta
yellow; to pale, beoome pale | <^j ji~.\
i-^i-. paflha pl. ^IL. taf/Tih' plate, (wajhvka) he grew pale, he turned
aheet (of metal), leaf (of wood), alab, white
nag (of stone), ledger atone (on a ji-t au/r braaa; money
tomb); tin plate, tin aheet; oan, Jerry
oan j^JI ^LL^ jJu fiafar iaundioe
. al-mifrO' door
panel; O Jjill $\i-0 f. al-miqwal iji~ au/ra yellow color, yellowneaa,
phonograph records, gramophone diacs yellow; pallor, paleneaa (of the face)

jlL pafr yellow color, yellow; </</ even, level; waste, desolate,

pallor, paleneaa <~*Jl jli-. f. ai-baifa barren, empty |

<_ .*..* fli wasteland,

eggyolk desolate area ; li aiy Uli *L*- to de vastate, lay waste

jlL fajjr pl. 1 broas founder

.!>- pl. >- jL-c jw/o'o a (paf) to cuF, buffet, alap

jA*\ affar*, f. pafr'*,
h'ghtly (* s.o.); to alap a.o.'a () face, box
^u/r yellow; pale, pallid, wan | **
embarrassed, s.o. 's {*) ears; to violate (* a rule) YI to
*\j*-0 (<fahka) forced, or
slap one another
laugh;>-1 ^.l* (nuAJ) brass
bile, gall Ui~ fafa (n. vic.) kp, onff, smack;
1yL* tafr'
^--* (ff-)
golden oriole (zool.)
*U_ jWJT' pl. -n a kind of buffoon
ojUu* fufriya golden oriole (zool.)

jj_ tafaqa (<w/g) to slap, smack (*, s.o.,

jjI^jL fafriui bilious; choleric |; to set into motion {*; to

Ijj\jLJ\ ijJ-\ {humm) yellow fever;
Aap, clap; to shut, slam, bang (* a
ijlji- > (tfoAto) bitter, or sar-

donic, laugh'(= Fr. rire jawu)

door); pafuqa u (IL fafqa) to be
thick, heavy, close in tezture (cloth) II to
jljjL^I iffirr ydlowing, yellow; pallor, Aap, clap, smack; to clap one's hands
paleness (of the face) (also <jXj), applaud (J s.o.); to Aap (<-

j1l*a mutfarr yollow-colored; pale, the wings)

pallid, wan 4JUU0 pafqa pl. pafaqt handolasp (in

concluding a deal); conclusion of a

*jJu fiafira a (fafar, jy-0 fiufr) to be empty,
contract (Ul. Law); deal, bargain,
be devoid, vacant (^* of) |
transaction |
S^-U- iL* poor deal, bad
jDI j* Jb (fafirat yadvh) to have loat
bargain; i*lj IJL0 favorable deal, good II to empty, void, vacate, evacuate,
bargain; *x^\j <L# fafqatan tohidakm
free (* IV = II
all at once, wholly, entirely, altogether;
jju* fajr, fufr, fiufur pl.
$ifr, fiafir, JLu#
L*l (a'f), ju# ui* to conclude
jU_l affr empty, void, devoid, {^* a bargain, effeot a transaction; iU
of), free (<> from) j.jJ\ jk^m 9%\r al-ya* UjLaj or) to lose the game,
| jj-iil (^
dain empty-handed return empty-handed ; 3iLJ 1*1 cJ

jjL* fifr zero, naught; nothing

^JiM do.

JU- fiifq pl. J*-* *u/2 dermis,

jju\ affar1 empty, void
underakin ; Peritoneum
jju** mvffir empty-handed |
J-Jl j*~**
J-jL> ja/ig pl. jLLi fi/d? thick, heavy,
m. al-yad with an empty hand; j***
close in texture (cloth) | *^J\ ?*-* *
.^1 J^" ^m oJI without any possessions at
oJ-uujA impndent, insolent, brazen
all, completely destitute

U_# pafqa impudenoe, insolence,

*sL* fafar pl. jU_l af/r Safar, name ofthe
second month of the Mohammedan
J-L-J hand clapping; applause,

acolaim | OU^i^Vl J^-*J applause

'_>l.-a ^o/p(S/ (coli.; n. un. i) a variety of
wiUow (Salix Safsaf F.; 6ot.) ^U-. tafdlri* Sfax (seaport in Tunesia)


1 one foot
JJ~ pafana % to stand with (<-*) troubled, undisturbed, aerene, pure,
slightly raised; to pore, brood, ponder, sheer
reflect, muae Ijk^ pafwa, fufwa the best, or choioest,
jj-* pafan pl. lL#l affn Bcrotum part, prime, cream, flower, elite, quint-

{jJu0 pafin savin (Juniperus sabina; bot.)
LL# so/an (coli.; n. un. :LL pafh pl.
jkj) Li* <w/ u (paftv, fufw, Li. jm/6') to j\jk** #afavrt) stone(s), rook(s)
be or become clear, unpolluted, limpid,
j^Ltf pafivn stones, rocks
cloudless, untroubled, aerene, undis-
turbed, pure; J Li. to apply o.a. to \jk^0 $ifwa sincere friend, best friend, with cloar intent, devote o.a. bosom friend
wholeheartedly to, be completely given
Li* faf* clearness, clarity, limpidity,
to, be Bolely preocoupied with, be
untroubledness, cloudlesaneaa. serenity,
ezcluBively ready for (heaxt, mind) II to
purity, sheernesa ; happiness, felicity,
make cloar, limpid, pure, clarify, clear,
serenity, gaiety, cheerfulness; sincerity,
purify (a; to Bettle, straighten
mtu'alatan a
candor, honesty |
Li# oUU pleasant
out (Jt . question, a
time, delightful houra
problem); to remove the water, pour
off the water (* from, o.g., in J- fafiy clear, limpid, untroubled,
cooking; also *Ut ^ *U-#); to rid of undisturbed, serene, oloudlera, pure,

moistuxe, dry out {*; to olarify, sheer; (pl. l~wl afifitf'*) sinoere friend,

purify, reotify (*, j* by removing best friend, bosom friend; to filter, strain (*; to settle,

*Ju* fiafiya pl. LLL- pafy Ieader's
pay, liquidate (*; to realize (*
ahare of the loot; lion's share of the
assets) III to be sinoere {* toward a.o),
deal honestly ( with s.o.) IV = III

(i or J); to be no longer in a poeition J^. ma$fan refinery

poeaesa no longer, forfeit; to

J-*. mi$fan
(to ...), sieve
cease compoaing poetry (poet) |
IUm** mififh pl. iJiL* maffin Btrainer,
^JJIj to have s.o. in mind for,
colander, filter ; strainer cloth ; sieve
choose, select, or single out a.o. for
refinery, purification plant | J^iJl SU***, grant s.o. in preference to
coffee filter, peroolator
others, bestow upon s.o. (ji
Si which others do not have) VI to <Jl**J taffiya pl. -t ohuification,

be sincere toward one another, be clearance, purification (also flg.); filter-

honest with one another, be of pure ing, filtration; elimination (also in

intent toward one another VIII to choose, sports); settlement, Btraightening out,

select (* s.o.) X VIII; to deem (* adjustment; Clearing (com.); liquidation clear or pure |
IL* j-^l to (com.); clearance B&le | oLLJ-l *~LmJ

realize all one's assets; to confiscate s.o.'s t. al-hisbt settlement of accounU;

property <Ju*d\ jjA* offlcial receiver, receiver in

jjL* fiafw clearness, clarity, limpidlty,
untroubledness, cloudlessnese, serenity, ;UL** mvfifh cordiality, conoord,
purity , sheerness ; happiness, felicity, harmony; good will, sincere attitude or
pleasure, delight ; clear, limpid ; un- disposition

JiLaJ tapfin peacefnl Settlements ^i-w misja' pl. ^JLm ma^gi* elo-
oompromise ( jw between) quent; loud-voiced, having a stentorian
lik*1 itfif' selection (also WoJ.)

U*sJ istitfd-: JI^VI LL^.1 Se- JJL* pqoia u (sa^I, JUL# figl) to smooth,
questration of property poliah, burnish, out (*; to refine

JU s^/En clear, limpid; sheer, pure,

(* style, taste, and the like) TU to
beoome smooth
straight, unmixed, undiluted, unadnl-
terated ; untroubled, nndisturbed ; serene J-L* faql polishmg, burnishing |
pure; net | S-Jl jL s. n-niya sinoere, oUiVI mental training
candid, openhearted; J>*i-1 jL net J-m otftf polished, burnished; smooth,
tonnage; ^LjVI jU net profit shiny, glossy

Ju&* mvsa^in offloial receiver, re- JL# 099dl polisher, smoother

ceiver in equity; olarifler, olarifying
J~- ^ai^aZ pl. #U- tayqa polisher,
^t mvfaffan purified, pure, olear,
4-LL*. mipqala pl. JJLm masdgtP bur-
limpid, oloudless
nisher (tool)
Jl* mvtfa/an chosen, selected; JL.aI.1
Jji-*. mafiql poliahed, burnished;
epithet of Mohammed
out (glass, and the like); acute, refined

j*i* sa/fr sapphire (wit)

U- (It. tcata) fagla pl. JJUL# taqfiP UL look up alphabetioally

scaffold; gangway, gangplank
-iL* sa^Iafr pl. *JUL# faqliba Slav
ifJu* III to approach ( s.o.), go or oome
^tyttya 1 Sioily
near {* b.o.); to be neighbon ( with s.o.),

be adjaoent (* to, adjoin (* .iL sott u (*aU) to beat, strike; to ahut,

O <j\~*A mufqaba affinity look (* the door) |

ulj^l * cX* bis ears
were tingling or ringing; 4*r- iL*
JL+ faqr pl. jjJL puqr, JL+\ a$qur sakar, (am'oAfi) to strike s.o.'s ear (noise); to
falcon, hawk roar in s.o.'s ears TOI to knock together,
ahake, tremble (knees), chatter (teeth)
jjiL pqr Btone axe

*JL* paqa'a
a (tag'* {}*+ W**) to crow
,iL# takk pl. Aj+ fukk, KL- fikk, dU
osufcfc (instrument of) contraot {Isl. Law) ;
(rooater) ; pass. puqi'a to be oovered with
legal instrument, dooument, deed; check,
hoarfrost (gronnd) II to be ioy, ice-eold,
U pwf pl. l5*#1 apgff* area, region, *L*see J*#j
country, district, locality, Und f-L#V
J*# *oUo t
J-U saM) to ring, olink, dank,
Vj^' -"-^jd! (mvtajammida, janbiya)
olatter, rattle
the Antarotic
J-* fiiU pl. J-)LI oZiU, J}L ?JdJ a
<**-# ^afl'o frost, severe oold
variety of venomous adder, viper
^u faq? frost; ice; hoarfrost
JJ- ottl rattle, clatter, olash (e.g.,
U*I a^qa'* more eloquent of weapons), jingling (of oohu)
-L# falvba u (o^L faiba) and jujfta a palb crucifixion

to be or beoome hard, firm, solid, stiff,

> falib pl. LL. fulbn, t_J-* pulub
or rigid, solidify, harden, set, stufen
cross |
tJ>i;l t-^LJI (janbi) the Southern
II to make hard, firm, solid, stiff, or
Cross (astron.); jrf\ .__UJI the Red
rigid, harden, solidify, stiffen, indurata
Cross; J>j2** <fj-* swastika; i_-LJI jLi
(*, s.o., ; to eapport, prop, ahore
and i_-LJl jLil sign of the cross {Chr.);
up (* to harden (* the heart)
l. m I.,JI J>* 'tid o^-^. peony (Paeonia; bot.)
V = I; to ahow o.s. hard or severe
j-L*# fialibi: *- !r i m ..L*mJ\ vj^-' the
t_i~# fidb hard, firm, solid, stiff, rigid;
Crusades; j-aJ-*J1 the orusaders
Bteel; (pl. ^L! a?lub, V V~*I aflb)
spinal oolumn, baokbone; loina; text, C^-L- pz&t (representation of the)
crucifixion, crucifix
body (of a book, and the like) | v--L

^J\ fl.
ar-ra*y obstinate, stubborn, head* i_-La. wtu^ooi crossing, interjunotion
strong, opinionated; *JJ\ i_-L f. ar- (of roads)
raqaba do.; *y}\ i_l f, al-'Hd of robust
C-L ^aZuto u (5j>L fuftUa) to be glossy,
physique, strongly built, huaky, sturdy;
stubborn, reaistant, unbending, unyield- be smooth and shining IT to draw, un-
sheathe (Jt-Jl as-aaifa the sword); pass.
ing, relentless; 4-L ^1 j> (ibn pulbihi)
ufliia to be drawn (sword)
and <X+ Cr J* he is bis own son, his

offspring; LJJ v--L Cr rj*2 * **L J 1

^L* ftdtaj (coli.; n. un. 5) pl. -t cocoon,
(murfara/a mtn pu& J-AoyA) a drama
chrysalis of the silkworm
taken from real life; *_L j at heart, in
his innermost Uj-- look up alphabetioally

i_L ^utta: ,>*)! i-L . oZ-'om sclera ^L falaha u a (^tO pa&SA, rji- futA,
(anof.) i*L** mai&zAa) and fialuha u (r^
pafcty, v-tA~ falhiya) to be good, right,
VrL* 0aJ# hard, firm, solid, stiff,

rigid proper, in Order, righteous, pious, godly;

to be well, thrive; to be usable, useful,
4j^L jn&I&a hardness, callousneas;
praotioable, servioeable, fitting, suitable,
hardenjng, Induration; firmneas, Bolidity,
or appropriate (J for), lend itself (J
stiffhess, rigidity; stubbornness, ob-
to), suit, match (J, fit (~
Btinacy, unyieldingness; intoleranoe |
or s.o.), apply ( to s.o. or; to
iyi\ *i*&*0 fi. al-'vd sternness, severity,
be admissible, permissible (- in, at,
hardness, obstinacy, stubbornness, in-
with); to be valid, hold true (J for)
flexibility, relentlessness
II to put in order, settle, adjust, restore,

lJL-j tapallub hardness, callousneas, restitute (*, make amends, com-

hardening |
(jwl^l lJL-j t. aS-Saryin pensate (* for); to mend, improve, a-
arteriosclerosis meliorate, fix, repair (* III to

*i* mutafaib nnyielding, inflexible,

make peace, become reconciled, make
up, reach a compromise or settlement
relentless, hard
( with s.o.); tofoster peace (jwbetween),
-L# taiaba i (falb) to cruoify ( s.o.) II I; reconcile (,> people) IV to put in order,
to make the sign of the cross
(J* over); settle, adjust (j* or *, overhaul,
to cross o.s.; to cross, fold (* one's restore, restitute, rebuild, reconstruct;
arms) to make amends, compensate (^ or
; ;

a for); to mend, improve, ameliorate, jOLJl muflag af-f. plenipotentiary

fix, repair (,> or *; to make (dipl.)

Buitable or fitting, adjust, modify (* Iv-^U ftdhiya = *-*-"5L* falhiya ; to reform (> or * ; to remove,
make arable Ll aflah* better, more proper, more
remedy (,> or *; to
caltivable, reclaim, cultivate, correot; more pious, godlier; fitter, more
or tili,

promote, enoourage sui table

(a land); to furtber,

( s.o.), make (* s.o.) thrive or prosper, * maflaha pl. j^L*. maflih* matter,
bring good luok ( to s.o.); to make affair; requirement, exigency; that which
peace (Jo between), bring together (ju is benefioial, helpful, or promoting;
people), bring about an agreement (Jo advantage, benefit, interest, good, wel-
between), oonciliate (
ju people) VI to fare; offloe, authority, department,
make peace, make up, beoome reo- governmental agency, administration
onciled with one another VII to be put (cbiefly Eg.) | *tj^l\ j^/l UJ-*- (mit*
in order, be righted, be corrected, be im- riya) Administration of Egyptian An-
proved, be ameliorated VIII = VI; to tiquities ; **"il I jtL m. al- umma the
agree (J* on), aooept, adopt (J* welfare of the people; Aj jJI <!** postal
X to deem (* good, proper, Buit- administration; jj-U-I U>L^ administra-
able, fitting, usable, useful, practicable, tive agenoy for the territories outaide
or serviceable; to make arable, cultiva- the cultivated area (Eg.); -y&-1 L1I
ble, reclaim (a land) (hukmiya) the governmental agencies;
4m]| <J-*- m. o^iWw health office;
-L pvih peace, (re)conciliation, settle-
**UI 4mL1I ('mma) public welfare,
ment, compoflition, oompromiae; peace
commonweal ; o*$i <xl.^ J in s.o.'s
(pol.) t peacemaking, oonclusion of peace |

interest; li xl lj <^JL*11 j (ma/da)

~LJl rU- (Syr.) justice of the peace;
good and bad times, for better or for
^LJl ^U do.; jJl-JI <ij~ qafawiyai
worse ; u^i 3*J-1 in s.o.'b favor, for the
af-fi. Jurisdiction of the ^LJl ^i
benefit of s.o., to a.o.'s advantage, on
jj~0 pulhi of peaoo, peace (adj.); behalf of s.o., in a.o.'s interest; f.u-
arbitrative, arbitrational, arbitratioa- ' ji-L to serve s.o. 's interests

(in Compounds) |
S-JL* *^r {tojna) ar-
jyX mo^IoAt administrational, official,
bitration oommittee
palah goodness, properness,
f&+ JL*; ia#IiA pl. - restoration, resti-
rightness; nsability, practioability, um-
tution, mending, fixing, overhauling,
fulness; righteousness, probity, piety,
repair, improvement, amelioraon
-L mvfiaha peace, conoiliation
Zf-^L* falhiya auitability, fitness,
compromise; composition, settlement
appropriateness, aptness; efflciency;

usability, practioability, usefulness, uae, r-^L^I t#iA pl. -i restoration, resti-

worth; servioeabity, proper or work- tution, redressing, reparation; improve-

ing condition (e.g., of a maohine) ment, amelioration, betterment, mend-

competenoe; validity, applicability; (pl. ing, oorrection ; reoonstruotion ; recon-

-t) fll or mandatory power, power of at- ditioning, repair; renovation, refur-

torney, also **U --"iL* (t&mma) |. 0L4*- bishing; adjustment, settling, remedy -

i_-^LJ! iitVi oompetent authorities; J* ing, removal, elimination; restoration of


order, eetablishment of peaoe, happineas ^L** muslih peacemaker, oonoiliator;

and order; reformation, reform; reola* reformer, reformist; aalt
mation, oultivation (of land); (re)oon-
plU- musfalah and 4,1 pU- gwwndly
ciliation, settlement, oompromiae, peace-
aooepted, univeraally followed, oommonly
inaking (,ju between)
establishod, oonventional, ouatomary;
y'$~*\ tflht reformatory, reforma- (pl. -t) teohnieal term, terminus teoh-
tional, reform- (in Compounds); re-

former, reformist y'^~l -i+** (ma'had)

reformatory, houae of oorreotion
| l

oL* sttfada (o^ salda, ^L* svlda) to be

or become hard, firm, solid, oompaot
V-'iL! p2a^yareviaioiiism,refonnism; (ground) IV = 1
(pl. -t) reformatory, houae of oorreotion
-iL* said pl. j^-I aslOd hard, firm,
iLJ taslvh (re)eonoiliation solid, dry, barren, arid (ground); rigid,

lifeleas, inert
^jmI itfildh pl. -dt agreement,
Convention, practica, uaage; (oolloquial, jjL fv&da hardness, firmness, solidity
linguiatio) uaage; teohnieal term, ter- (of the ground)
ivtiniia teohnioua
'*~*L* (It. salsa) fal^a pl. -t and ^aL*
y'^LMtft isftldJkt oonventional ; teoh- sauoe >Jj;L LaL mayonnaise

nieal (of a term)

JmJL* salfaJa to ring, olink, olank; to
V =*! istisl&h reclamation, oultiva-
olatter, rattle II tasalsala do.
iLJL palsaJa clank(ing), olatter(ing),
iL* fSiih good, right, proper, aound;
olash, rattle
thorough, substantial, downright, out-
and-out, aolid; virtuou, pioua, devout, jLaL salsl dry clay, arglaceous

godly; uaable, uaeful, praoticable, servioe- earth

able, fitting, auitable, approprlate (J for);

j^LLc mupalfah pU shallow, ahoal, flat
(pl. i ]j~* sawlih') advantage, beneflt,
intereat, good, welfare | iL-Jl <JJ_II L* saXCa a (saia') to be bald
(2a/) the worthy anoeston, the vener-
L paia' baldneas
able forefathers; j*Jl iL* (ir) pass-
able, praoticable (read); J*JI iL* i*L* svta, saia'a bald pate, bald head
( amal) fit for aotion, ready for ose, U o*Zo', f. *LU *aT<P, pl. + fuT,
serviceable, praoticable; valid (J for), OLL* pui'dn bald(-headed)
applicable (J to); fUl UJl ('mm)
public welfare, oommonweal; iL* j **L# abbreviation of the eulogy following
(with foll. genit.) in favor of, for the the name of the Prophet Mohammed:
benefit of, to the ad rantage of, in the ^ *JU J-* (mUd, *aam)
-il God bleu
intereat of s.o. or; iL*) do.; ,y S* him and grant him salvation!
4*-L it was in his intereat; <_!*? i|^
u-L* salifa a (palaf) to boast, brag, bluater,
i&akptya) personal intereets

oU-LJI as-slihdt the good works, the

<_L# salaf vainglory, bragging, boast-
good deeda
ing, oonoeit, arrogaooe, pompoaity, seif-

iU*L* mvs&lih peacemaker, oonoiliator import&noe



iL jaJt*/ pl. UL fulaff* vainglorious, -* famna (Ist pera. perf. famimtu) a (^tmm,
biagging, boastful, showing off, pompons, *jf famam) to be or beoome deaf;
blustering, a waggering; braggart, boaster, pamma (Ist pers. perf. pamamtu) u
ahow-off, swaggerer, fonrflusher (pamrn) to olose, plag, oork, stopper

vainglory, bragging, (*, e.g., a bottle) II to deafen (.

l-'iI ,T tafauf
boasting, oonceit, arrogance, pomposity,
s.o.); to make np one's mind (J* to do,determine (J* upon, to do,
resolve, be determined (J* to do,
tjJ.^1. mvtafaif vainglorious, brag-
deoide (J* on, to do; to persist
ging, boastful, showing off, pompous,
(J* in); to design (*; to plan
blustering, waggering
(*, design (J * for) IT to
jL n to perform the salat (SjL see be or beoome deaf; to deafen ( s.o.),

below), pray, worship J

^-UL J^ to make ( s.o.) deaf (*, & to VI to
lead people in prayer; J* J- to pray for; gjve a deaf ear (
j to)
(of Ood) to bleta s.o.: ^, J* dl J- * fiimma plng, oork, stopper
(joflam) Ood bleu bim and graut bim
salvationt (eology alter the zuune of the
*** famam deafhess |
j* ^j S"

Prophet Mohammed) to be deaf to

yL, 5}L* eaih pl. c>\J-0 palawt f

U* fim&m pl. -dt plug, oork, stopper


the offlcial Islamio prayer ritual;
interoessory prayer, bene-

tube (radio)
al-amn (al-amn) safety valve;
| (yi\) uU^I

diotion; blessing, grace (of Ood) | I^-Jl f

>Ul reotifier tube; jp fL Jl **j to let

(rabniya) the Lord's prayer; take ita course, give free rein to
Ijljtll !}L* a prayer performed doring (also to a feeling)
the nighta of Ramadan; jb-Jl l^L- vesper O 4l** pammma embolism (med.)
prayer (CAr .)
ptf ^omfm innennoat, heart; core,

J** mufoKm prayer, worshiper essenoe, marrow, pith ; true, sinoere,

J*** mu^aOan plaoe of prayer, oratory genuine | -IUI *jf j* (. -qalb) from
the bottom of the heart, wholebeartedly,
jjL aolfin salon, parlor, reosption room
most sincerely; ...,** J amid, in;

J- o&S (soiy) to roast, broil, fry {#; *Jl j *jj*0 to affeot s.o. to the very
sottya a (paJan, fuify, ^ ^a") to burn oore, touoh s.o. most deeply
(intr.; i- or in); to be exposed to the
^t* ^amimi oordial, hearty
blaze of (v or a) n to warm, heat (v * with or on) IV = II (>* on or **l ajumm', f. Ix* pamm'*, pl. **
with); to make ( 8.0.) burn (* in, esp. fufiun, U* fttmmn deaf; hard and
jUI in the fire) |
IjvJI j- [>Li oLl tfnrn) solid, massive (rook); *-*JI the deaf

to make s.o. undergo the mort excru- one, epithet of the month of Bajab |

oiating pangs of jealonay; IjU oL*l to **l (JTJ) triliteral verb with identioal

aet on fire; to fire at s.o. or seoond and third radioal, verbum mediae
(mJ.) V to warm o.e., seek wannth (<_ geminatae (gram.); L*I **l (aflaje)

at, by, jb by the fire) Vin = V | V stone-deaf; *-*! ji>- (jatfr) irrational or

jbj JUflj (yuffal bi-nrihi) invinoible, aurd root (math.); Ix* <jT willing tool

a great hero --j tofimim determination (J* for,

JL** mutfalan fireplaoe to do, resolution, decision; resolute


aotion; tenaoious pm-suit (of a plan); JIa** famadnl etemal, ererlasting

planning, projeoting; design, detigning
Silr* fimda (ir.) headoloth (wom by
(e.g., of a dress); (pl. -<, ^U^ tafdmim 1
plan; design; sketoh ^U r- ''
deaigned by so-and-so pMS famfama to persist j in)

** musammtm determined (J* to fauma'a
***j~* pl. ,*-[>- sawdmt'* monk's
do | *LjV< *-~~ fashion Creator,
( oell, hermitage; silo (for grain storage);
{mar.) minaret

cjf pamata u {tarnt, >jf sumJU) to be

jt* Uto gum (*; to paste, glue (*
silent, be taoiturn, hold one'a tongue, IT to exude gum (tree)
hush up, be or beoome quiet or still

II to silenoe {. s.o.) IV = II
r* famQ pl. '^f fum^ gum;
nein |
JJL- r* mucilage; Jj f*
tarnt silence j silently. ('arabi) gum arabio; dUI ir* *. ai-lakk
qnietly shellao; j ir* (marin) rubber, oaou-
^y tumt silenoe; pl. of act. parti- tohouo; j-u* r* (hindl) do.;
Jbjor oa-j. rubber trees
iJl ^
oiple c-L

C>jsf famt silent, taoiturn jir" ami gummy, gummiferous,

gumlike, muoilaginous
C-L fm pl. sy? fumt silent |

Ji*L ^* silent film g~*~*j tafmtQ gumming; reiinifioation

jm** mufmai uniform (oolor); piain, Jf' fomaJa u (fand) to be firm, be hard,
unpattemed; blank (wall); uniform in hold one'a ground, stand firm, hold out,
texture, made of a Single material last, endure
massive, solid, not hollow, oompaot
J** flan rigidity, stifiheu, | Jj- J**
U* * (?1/i)rigor mortis
pimfy pl. I
ofmifea auditory
meatua J^r* pamtila pl.
J-'j- saudmiP, j-L
dmfa pL J'j- saudmtt1 nut (of a boH),
Le* tamada u (tamd) to betake o.a., repair,
go (*, . or J or Jl to, into, toward); to
turn, apply o.e. (* or J or Jl to; *** tnOdj: pl. jle* amdK#* earwax,
(a^s* fumd) to defy, brave, withstand oarumen
(**tj J wajhihl or J s.o.,; to
stand up (<^j j or J against s.o. or j? IV to deal ( s.o.) a fatal blow; to hit

(*, . s.o., fatally jf\i t/j ramd, resist, oppoee (<f-j j or Jl s.o. |

or ; to hold out (<tj j or J against); fa-a^m to shoot and hit, shoot dead on

t to dose, plug, cork, stopper (*

the spot, o.g., a bottle) II to betake o.a.,

j fiann basket
repair, go ( to s.o., * to, toward); to
'<- finna odor emanating from the
close, plug, cork, stopper {*, o.g.,
a bottle) ; to sare, lay by (money) in to
come to blows, fight ( with s.o.) L-* sundn odor emanating from the
Jx* fiamad lord; eternal, ererlasting
(epithet of God) j L-* inndra pl. j*i ^-* aandnJr1 hook, fishhook

sunbfir pl. juL* fanbfr1 (water) stilted, or mannend way; to use means

fauoet, tap for enhaneing her beauty (woman) Till to

Order, oommisaion (*; to create
jj~ look up alphabetioally ( synthetioally; to produce,
manufaoture, make, fabricate (*;
,-: - fantim pl. -dt Centime (>/ih frano)
to pretend, feign, fake, aasume falsely
i^. fanj pl. >- Jim) cymbal (mw.| (; to invent (; to make
(J * into), take, use (J for);
'^i inj'a = 'i~i-
to commit, bind (J s.o. to) X to have

( s.o.) make (*

oU-U *an4jat oastanet
- - fan', sun' produotion, manu-
mw" pan/agiya aee Jm^*
faoture, fabrioation, makuig, design,

make, workmanahip J-Jl * 9- al-yad

JjO^. findtd pl. .oiL. umidScP leader, |

notable; brave, valiant

band work; _JI m-o badf af-fan' of won-
derful workmanahip
jjx^ ujuMj, fandiq pl. ^jli- #aAj*
ji^0 fan'l artifioal, aynthetie
crate, box; ehest; trank, auitease; caae,

oabinet; money box, tili, coffer; pay -0 tun' benefit, favor

offlee, treasurer's offiee; any publio
4i^ stm'a work, workmanahip, mak
Institution where funds are depoaited
ing, manufaoture, fabrication; art; teeh
and diabnraed for a apeolal purpoee (e.g.,
nical skill, artiatio skl; work, oraft,
aick fand, health insurance, etc.) |
trade, business, ocoupation, voeation
-OjJI post-office box; i~ll j-f mail-
profession |
UiJI v"^** artisan, crafts
box; JjJll -CfcJI jjx_ . an-naqd ad-
man; expert, specialist
duwail International Monetary Fund;
ji\ 3jX-0 savinga bank; j>C- y) -* *mS: J-Il t- ! al-yad sklllful,

(eg.) hunchback; Jj-~JI Jul treasurer; skilled, dexteroua, deft jlj daftar o-. cashbook
L_ fini'a pl. -, ^L- pmSi'' art,

J.U- aanrfol aandalwood; aandala; (pl. JiU. skill; oecupation, vooation, oalling, busi-
raUtl*) (freigbt) brge; lighter, brge ness, profession; handicraft; trade, araft;
industry; pl. branchea of industry, in-
!jl_ look up alphabetioally
dustries | *i*j^ S*li- honorable, respeot-

'i* fana'a a (aan', sun*. ^* ****) to do, able trade; oltb-JI ^[>j\ the aitiaans,

make (; to arrange, tage, put on oraftsmen; L-Jl J-j rojuJ o-#. in-

(; to produos, build, manufaotura, dustrialiat; j>lj jILJI v^* 1

(* ro/)

fabrioate, design (; to work, artiaans and tradesmen

treat, prooeas ( | Ujj Jl ^-> to j~'t- anVl artifloial, synthetio,
do s.o. a favor; %r- t
* * do.; * *j ^0 imitation; workmanlike, handioraft,
to do to s.o.; U*-i U-L *j * to trade (adj.);induatrial; artisan, araftaman
do s.o. a dirty triok II to industrialize

( III to oooperate, go along (, yl_. tintfi artifloial, synthetio, imi-

with); to flatter, oajole ( B.o.); to bribe tation; workmanlike, handioraft, trade

(_. . s.o. with) T to pretend, feign, (adj.); industrial |

j-t^ ^ (irr) indua-

aimulate, fake, sham, affect (*; trial seoret; ^LJI ,>ill (/<mn) appUed

to apeak or write in an artifloial, affeoted. arts, arBtio handicraft


-i- fianC aoon, aoting, doing; act, genus, apeoiee, claaa, oategory; sex; U'-u
deed; fact; good deed, benefit, favor; in kind (as opposed to: in oaah)
charge, protege; ereature, wling tool;
tafinlf Classification, oategori-
meal, repaat, banquet
zation, aorting, aaaorting; compilation,
**J~ aanfa pl. ^b- aondT* action, oompoeition, writing; (pl. J^Jl^Stafnff*)
deed; good deed* good tum, benefit, literary work
favor; charge, protege; ereature, wling
, i ,. T to*nf/a assortment, selection

** mafna' pl. mUi ww^dn*** factory, -

* mvfannif author, writer

plant, mill, works; eatabliahment, firm; -"

' '
* m*anno/ pL -dt literary work
>L* also: large atruoturea, installationa,
jk~ fanfara to rub with sandpaper, to
man-made works | -JL*1I (<->UH) i^UjI
aandpaper, to emery (*
mannfaotarers, indaatrialiats
jk-0 fanfar and ijiL* fanfara em-
mapna'lya wagea, pay
**j ta^nf indnatrialization
^0 fanam pl. #U**I ojmdm idol, image
-*7 toaannit* hypoorisy, deimulation,
diasemblement; affeotednesa, affeotation, y~+ fiinio pl. i># pintun, b-^l apnd* one
manneriam of two, twin brother

gbk*l i^iwT produotion, making aanautorstonepine (Pinna pinea; bot.)


^LkJ itfin&l artifidal, aynthetio, jjr^Jft *_-*- habb ap-fi, pine nut, pifion

J />-* *onau/wri pine (adj.) t piny, pine-
^iL# dm* pl. j-jL* funnf maker, like; pineal | ^_^uJ! ;xJl (udda) pineal

producer, manufaoturer, creator; artiaan, gland

oraftaman ; worker, workman, laborer;

*^ aA pst! huflh! quiett

>-* mapn' produot, produoe; pl.

Vt** IX and XI ifhdbba to be or beoome
il^-M reddiah, red-brown
(industrial) producta, produoe,
articlea, manufaotured goods v-*-' afihab*, f. .L^ #aAM* a , pl. |

-*i* muiapanni' subtilizing, puhb reddiah; Lf**JI wine

fining; affected, atilted, mannend ^0 pahada a (pahd) to aoorch, parch, burn
^Jm* mutfana' artificial, synthetic; (*, s.o.,, eep. of the aun)
affected, aimulated, imitated, aham, X+~* fiahd beat
bogus, phony |
k*. ^bi, (miftdh)
duplicate key, masterkey Uf^ pahid soorching beat, blaze

ji~* fuhd soorching heat, blaze

*>\*l* Jan'd' 1 San'a (capital of Yemen)

j+~0 pahara a (fahr) to melt, fuse, smelt (*

J*^** II to sort, aasort, classify, categorize
a.tb.) III to become related by marriage
(*; to oompile, oompoee, write. (*
a book)
( j or . to s.o.) IT to beoome related by
marriage (Jl or u to s.o.) VI to be
J*^* *an/, fiinf pl. jl^l afinf, J^ related by marriage TU to melt, fuae;
funfi/kind, sort, speoimen; article (com.); to melt away, vaniah, break (intr.)
j++ fihr relationship by marriage; of knowledge); to have, eat {* a snaok);
(pl. jlf^l oaMr) husband of one's to take (a a meal); to befall ( s.o.),

daughter, son-in-law; husband of one's fall ( upon b.o.), happen ( to s.o.); to

sister, brother-in-law allot (y to s.o., bestow (<_* * upon
0.0., make (i_< fall to s.o.'s
j^ tahlr molten, in fusion
() lot; to oanse losses (j* to s.o.); to be
_^La* ma$hir* (pl.) smelting furnaoes; right, be in the right; to do the right
blast furnaoea thing, hit the mark; to do right, properly

0^4-*> mifhar pl. -<W fuse (ei.) (*, expressed by a verbal noun); to
say the right word pass. <_u# ufiba to be

^L** mufhara relationship by mar-

stricken, attaoked, afflioted (y by a
riage; O afflnity
disease, and the liko); to be killed |

jL+**jI infihr melting prooess | O *iH-* obLl ^Ll (itflbat) to score, make
j\J\ jl^VI nlk al-in*. at-vOqi fuse (ei.) goals (in sports); *l> j yL*! {'amaliM)
to do right, aot properly; w\j* <**'
.j4, fihrtj, tahrtj pl. j+* soMrf)1
to inour multiple wonnds; jLJc ^a^I
oistern; largo (water) oontainer, tank
(bi-fcasdratin) to Buffer a loss; *jL*I ^ri#l

neigh *4jXt (ifbatan) to be hard hit, be griev-

J4* fiahala a i
(J-*** fiak) to whinny,
(horse) ou&ly afflioted X _j^u-t istafwaba
to approve (* of, sanotion (>
J^* soAti whinny(ing), neighing
<-jj~* aau6 direotion, quarter; that
*j+~0 pabiM pl. fahawt, 1+^ fiih' back (of
whioh is right, proper, or oorreot; pavba
a horse)
(prep.) in the direotion of, toward, to |

j-+^ saAyfln*, also fihyaun* Zion ijj- yJ- J^* t> {haddbin) or <->- JT j>*

~ii*-j or v>-*J p* (X > U<*jj* n ) from all

Jj-4~* oAyfini, ^iAyaunl Zionistio,
des, from all directions, from all
quarten, from everywhere; <->-
J^ J
jwAyntya, pinyaunfya Zion-
~*jjs4~+ V^j every place, everywhere, all over,

in all quarters

'(>->-) yL* J&a u (saub, ort-** ^aiM&a) i_*w payyib rain oloud
to hit (*, the target); to be right,
iL ptiba pl. -d? barvest (tun.)
hold true, be to the point, hit the mark,
be pertinent, be appoeite (opinion) | -~>L* ~>\y~* Pwtib that which is right, proper,

Uli ^1 (am aqWa) by all means, under or oorrect; right, proper, oorreot; right-
all oiroumstances II to direot, fix (Jl * ness, oorreotness, properness; reason, in-, also, e.g. f the glance on, to), aim, teileot, mind, oonsoiousness ; L> |^- tawban
point, train (Jl * at or on); to rightly, justly |
J* j he is right;
agree ( with s.o.)* oonour (*, * with s.o., jX-\j <_jI^JI Sij^ ^" (bW) to aot in

in, consent, assent (* to, exactly the right manner, pursue the right
approve (> of, sanotion (* course; **!>- Jt (*li) **-j to regain one's

IT to hit (* a target); to attain, reaoh, reason, get back to one's senses, beoome
achieve (*, e.g., end, purpose); to reasonable again; vW -
P,'- '' **!>"* "** *

reaoh out {* for, of the hand); to lose one's mind; *Ay+ j <->** to l086

get, obtain, win, gain (* e.g., a fortune), oonsoiousness; *t)y+ & -JI* unoonsoious,

acquire (*, e.g., a certain amount


Vj~*' afwab* more pertinent, mon <Jj~* fautl sonant, sound- (in Com-
apropos, mon appoaite, more proper, pounds), vocal, sonic, acoustio ; resound-
more correct ing, resonant, sonorous; phonetio

*ji>-*' aptoabiya advisability, expe- oL^* fautiyt phonetics

diency d\j~0 fuwt crying, shouting, olamor

*i>-^ kvwt uming; turning, poit- -~* fit (good) repute, standing,
mg; (pl* -<U) correction, reotifioation prestige; fame, renown; celebrity, fa-

L#l ipl&a mousness | iiu_Jl Xu bv'd a#-p. fame,

pl. -t hit; goal, score (in
celebrity; a-*ll ^Tti famooa, celebrated,
Sport); injury, wound; State or process
of being afflioted (by a disease), (attaok
of) illness, siokness; aocident
J-Jl L#l -i~* fayyit loud-voiced, baving a
i. al-'amtU indastrial aocident; iL* Vi J* stentorian voice; O loud-speaker {8yr.)
moAatf aJ-t. soene of the aocident
O ^[t-*- mifw&t microphone

<->]r*2*\ istiftvdb approval ~ij~*i iapwit voting, vote, Casting of

ballots, polling (election)
tj*L#^S* impertinent, apropos, appoaite,

right, oorrect; niited, appropriate cJL* p'it sound- (in Compounds) |

--i-** mwpt pertinent, apropos, appo- O <JL* ^> sound film

aite, right, oorreot; suited, appropriate Oy~*> mufawwit voter; entitled to

vote, franchised
<a * mtMf6a pl. h, *_JL*. matfTib*
misfortune, calamity, disaster rL# look up alphabetically

uU mu^fr stricken, befallen, at- j~0 II to dry (*

tacked, afflioted (^ by) ; injured, wound-
^j-* mu^awwoA withered, dried (herb,
ed, flick, ill; wounded pemon, casualtyj
victim of an aocident; misfortune,
calamity, disaster |
Jl ^L*. grievous l
(j~*) l~* (**& tt = U sdia u
misfortune, mouraful event, death
*j-* *V to listen, lend one's ear (Jf or J to
*<*j~* (Turk. adba) ptibe stove (syr.) s.o., to

(o>-*) oL# #3ta u o (taut) to ring, sound, jL# name of the letter
make a noise or sound; to raise one's
'Jj~* soda 1j jK" 1j^# (fcdwiya) caustio soda,
voice, shout II I; to vote, cast ballots

sodium hydroxide; l^j-JI olju (nrf)

(at an election)
Bodium nitrate
Oj-* paut pl. ojj^l a^utff aound (also
?ym *j*0 (Lat. sodium) sodium
pAon.); voice; tone, strain; melody, tune;
noise; fame, renown; vote; pl. interjec- *jj-* II to form, shape, mold, fashion,
tions {gram.) j
o^all Xu fru'd afi-p. fame, create (*; to paint, draw, sketch
celebrity; CyJl m-j raf afi-fi. echo, re- (*, . s.o.,; to illustrate (with
verberation; oJj^lM 1*. '7m aJ-a. phonet- drawings or pictures, *; to make
ics; Cj^J! y gwoi a^-p. volume, inten - a picture (*, * of s.o., of ; to photo-
Bity (riwiio); fj * <Z*j^* audibly; Oj-*u graph (*, s.o.,; to represent,
Jl* aloud; ^U[ ^>-i (wf**) softly, in a portray (*, fig.) |
*j J>w* (fuuwira)
low voice, under one's breath it appeared to him, seemed to him

jy* 530

Y b pasB. of II; to imagine, fanoy, jj- tafawwur pl. -dt Imagination

oonoeive (*; to think (*, s.o., (also philo.), fanoy, fantasy, idea to be s.o. or (>, ); to seem, oonception, conoept {philo.)
appear, look (J to s.o.)
J*Jl vj~*^ V ijjfZ iafaunpuri yifcing in Imagina-
{'aqlu) unimaginable, inoonoeivable, un- tion only imaginary, fanoied, fiotitious |

O iSjj-*^ All {matfhab) idealism (as a
jj^ fr hrn, bgle; see also below phosophioal sohool)

jj~** mvfawurir pl. -n former, ehaper,

hj~* pfru pl- jj** fuwar form, shape;
fashioner, Creator; painter; photog-
pictorial representation, iUustration;
image, likeness, picture; figure, statue;
rapher; oameraman (motion pictures);

draftaman, commercial artist, Illustrator

replioa; oopy, oarbon copy, duplioate; j

manner, mode; fratan formally

ob*l jj~** the Creator of the Universe;
| hj**
^JI J\jjr&\ jjit {kahrabX qaib)
mU total pioture, overall pioture; jj~*
tS'j^X (mutaharrika) motion pioture, film;
~*ffd\ jj~*i\ jIa motion-picture theater, *jj~** mu^twini oamera
oinema; Sr* * (SamHya) photo- jj*** mufawwar illustrated; (pl. -t)
graph; JV^I J> bj~ (tf&ffo *-<*')
photographer's studio; motion-picture
true oopy; exaot replioa (fig-); nn - studio Lij/^-l j>-** *n. al-fugrfiyd atlas

distorted pioture; *jSL> *jj~* (mukabbara)

1 Tyre (town in S Lebanon)
enlargement, blowup {phot.) ; jwJ>T bj~* 'jj-* ffi*"
in human shape; i-L- *j>-j {jaltya) 1
uL~* young chicken,
u-y-* fl* pl. ptyd
obviously, evidently; <*j* *jj-*J per-
chiok {syr.)
oeptibly, tangibly, palpably; i-*U *jj-*>
(jfta) eepecially, partioularly; **U *j>-*j &0y* auf (eg.) to peep, cheep, squeak

('dmma) generally, in general; *jSL> *jj~*i

9y+ VII to turn on one's heel; to obey,
{mukabbara) increasingly, on a larger
yield, give in, submit (J to s.o., to
scale, to an inoreaaing degree; \>j~*\
b^JL noticeably, markedly; !j^# J*
f-U* atf* pl. >%*! a^vu', f'j^l o^w',
V*W*^* (Hm*ya*fyo) ohemioally, by che-
mical means ; iil L Ij^ j in case that . .
j 1*1*0 ffn saa, a oubio meaaure of

i^i (mujM^aro) on a reduoed varying magnitude fLj UL tit for

if ; )>* J |

scale, in miniature tat; >*U f-LJl *J jj (nwWa, ptfatn) or

,>*Uj UL *J JlT to pay s.o. baok
%Sjj-* rf, fwoart formal; superficial; twofold, bring double retaliation on s.o.
false, sham, deceptive, fallaoious; arti-

fioial, fictitioua, seeming, fancied, im-

UL t&a Balon, parlor, reception room
Hif) i}* **&*
u ^
u9* **^* fiiyga) to
jt>-j tapwir drawing, sketohing; rep- form, shape, mold, fashion, oreate (*
resentation, portrayal, depiction; il-; to formulate (*; to coin (*

lustration; painting; photography, also a word); to fabricate, invent, make up

tr Ul j_y*d\ (Samsi); take (in motion
(a a He) | tUillj v*oJI U {fahab, 44a)

picture making) j j j**d\ ilT camera to work in gold and Bver, practice the
art of goldsmithing
*jj- tapvXra pl. yjUJ tafvXr*
pictorial representation, image, pioture 'fy+ fiau$ forming, shaping, molding,
Illustration fashioning, oreating

iiu** ${a forming, ahaping, molding, jouZa

<i- pl. -dt attack, assault;
fashioning, creating;
shape, form; ezternal
form; wording,
?iya$) foroe; tyranny, despotism, arbitrarineas

text, Version (e.g., ofaletter,of a treaty); 6y~* (Turk. *rf) approx.: sergeant major,

formula (in general, also maih., ehem.); teohnioal sergeant (Eg.) | Am J^

jewelry t gold and silver artioles; {gram.) approx.: master sergeant; ^.J J^
form JcLill ii*M the aotive {gram.); ii**
approx. : quartennaster sergeant {m.)

J*ll the passive foram.); 'l U^uu in

o^j^t paulan pl U-l^ pauOlija staff
a deoided form, in no uncertain terms
with a curved end; polo mallet; scepter.
iL- 0yda oomposing, drafting, word-
ing, forming, formulation, fashioning,
molding, shaping ((>") f - ^ (*um, ^Lm* *ydm) to

; goldsmithery, gold-
abstain (j from; to abatain from
food, drink, and sexual interoourse; to
*L ma$$ jewelry, je weis, gold and fast
silver artioles
|\t-* paum abstention, abstinenoe,
JL* ptTtfl pl. j^L, puyy&Q, *L# p0a,
abstemiousness; fasting, fast; fj^il fast-
puwQ goldamith, jeweler ing during the month of Ramadan, one

oUj-** mofgt gold and silver jew-

of the five prinoipal duties of the Musm

elry, goldsmithery, jewelry jy&\ pj^JI the Great Fast = Lent

j-L* Iook up alphabetioally



if. '\d *.

of Atonement (Jud.)

>j>-* / pl. J^-*l tifwf wool IU- fiym fasting, fast

j^- ffl/f of wool, woolen; Islamio c/L- fiymi Lenten fare

myBtio, Sun*
fL p'im pl. -fin, *j** fiuwwam,
Vj-* ffi/y> Sufi way of life; <ij~J\ p* fiuyyan t pU- fiiym fasting (adj.);
Sufiarn (Islamio mysticism) faster, one who fasts

jU^ ffn tinder, touohwood, punk JUj-^JI a$-omdl Somaliland

illij* ftfna tinder, touchwood, punk JI.J-* om<U Somali (adj. and n.)

lJ!^# pawwf wool merchant ***j-0 pauma'a see *c*

Jj*z)l ai-tapaunouf Sufism (Islamio
(j>-} L ^na u (p>un, 'L^ fiyna) to
mysticism), the Sufi way of life; mysti-
preserve, oonserve, keep, retain, main-
tain, sustain, uphold (*; to maintain
*i_^odl al-mutapawwifa the Sufis, {* e.g., a maohine, an automobile); to
members of Sufi oommunities, mystios proteot, guard, aafeguard, keep, save
(je- *, * s.o., from); to defend (j* *, *
Li^- 04/iytI Sofia (capital of Bulgaria)
s.o., against) V to uphold one's
(J>-) JL #Za u {faul, ii^* paula, honor, live ohastely, virtuously (woman);
fiyl) to Bpring, jump, leap (J* on), to shut o.s. off* seclude o.a., proteot o.s.
attack, assail, aasault s.o.) II to
(J* j-* flaun preservation, conservation,
pan, wash out (* grain, gold) in to vie, guarding, keeping; susten(ta)tion, up-
compete ( with s.o.) holding; maintenance, upkeep, oare;

oy 532

protection, safeguard(ing), seouruig, de- -l_ sayyty orier, loud-mouthed per-

fense; ohastity, respeotabihty V"*- |

son; noisy, olamorous, vociferous, orying

Oj-Jl honorary title of ladies of high olamor, roar,

^ LaJ (oaiyu^ orying,
social Unding bellow(ing)

\j~ titaAt, fuwn pl. iij~t\ afwina

i(a_.) jL. Aia t (aatf) to oatah (in atrap),
oupboard, ease
trap ( game); to hunt ( game); to
uV-. anuwdn (coli.; n. un. :) flint;
hunt down ( game); to oatoh (a fish)

granite V to hunt for prey ; to hunt down (*

jl^. ammoliit: J-il- oljjl (adawSt) to oatoh ( Vm - I |
.111 j jll^l

flint implements JU\ ('aUr) to fish in troubled waters

iL* tiyfea = j>* o |

HL-fl <!&* i
r faul hunting, hont; angling,

malak gaardlan angel (Chr.) fishing (also .ilJI 10 . at-tamak);

game, venison, prey, quarry |
i-* ,>
JL fi'in preserrer, sustainer, main-
dLrf. (. jy4l*i) dreamed up by Mm,
tainer, keeper, guardian, protector; pro-
a produot of his fantasy (of a story)
jL_ tayyid pl. -flu hunter; naher
by** marin well-proteoted, well-kept, |

sheltered; ohaate, virtu-

)< ' H jL* s. os-samaa- fisher, fisherman;
woman longfisher (zool.)
ous (woman); also an epithet for
,li_. satdA'* Sidon (city in Lebanon)
\y0 fwa pl. tSj~* fuwan Btone l a nd mark,
tiailmark ", -- mifyada pl. iL. <naalyt<P trap,

snare; net; hunting or fishing implement

jj^ surf i (twAy) and tawiya o (au*)
and II to dry up, wither, wilt; tavA :j_u matyada pL JjL. maaJyW*
fishery, fishing grounds (also .-L-*.
to peep, oheep, squeak, ohirp, soreeoh

iL dd name of the letter ^

i-* paidaia apotheoary's trade; pharmaay,
yell, ahoat; to soream, saneoh; to orow;
a ory); pharmaoology
to ntter, let oat (1~^ Saroten
to oall oat (y to s.o.). hont, bellow, Ji_. faidatt pl. ibL* tay&da pharma-
bawl ( j or J at s.o.) II to ory out (loud), oist, druggist, apotheoary

roar, bellow, bawl VI to shoat at one

JUx^r tndoIAtl pharmaoist, droggut,
another, oall out to one another; to
olamor, raise a din
'-Ji-0 taidallya pl. JU pharmaoy drug- ;

>,< taik crying, olamor

o..> faiha (n. vio.) pl. - ory, outory,
hattle ory,
cUi-M faidaUyit drugs,pharmaoeutios
ahoat | v.A' " ' HK,r*
war oryj C<U-* J-jl (orsolii) to utter (jv<) jL. flro (>, jjj^ **. j^*-
oriesj i^ r*- t utter * T *""** J*
mosir) to beoome (; (with fall.

within ahouting distanoe; alj j *- , .* >--aa

imperf.) to begin, oonunenoe, Start to...,
(foiAatan) to die unheard (oall) oome to..., get to..., gel into a Situa-

L_ fiyiJA orying, olamor, ory, outory; tion where..., get to the point where...;
ory of a bird to set in, ocour, happen, oome to pass,

take place; to fall to s.o.'s (J) lot, lii j.1 Ljfl JL, (zamdnu am iat) at
befall (J s.o.); to betake o.a., come, all times, under all circumstanoea II, V,
get (.U* or Jl to); to arrive (Jl at); to VIII = I
end, wind up (Jl with), result (Jl in);
<-*r- ***/ pl. .JL^I ay&f summer
Jl *j jU# to lead, bring s.o. or to;

Jl jUu (yu^dru) one proceeds to..., one jsr* faiff aummery, estival, summer
eventually..., (dj-) jr-> *^-J> daylight-saving time
will one will wind up I

with... II to induce ( s.o.) to beoome Jt mapif J^L^, mafyif*

(*, make (* b.o. into, out of summer summer resort; rest
s.o. center, holiday camp
> flir crack (of the door) ; Bmall saltod .jUwl iftiy&f summering, Bummer

hjj^* tairra (act or proceas of) be- >L p'ifa summer(time)

coming, development; end, outcome,
upshot, result
Jlk-- mufff summer resort; (pl.
-n) vacationist, summer visitor
s~** mapir development, progress (e.g.,

of work); (pl. yL, ma&yir*) place at ir-Jl a-in China; tho Chinese
J^l >-*,

which one arrives end, outoome, upshot,

issue, result; fate, destiny, lot; life; see
Jr-* fiinl Chiese (adj. and n.); porce-
also under ^a. j^i\ j J self-deter- china
^ Jf ^
| lain,
mination (pol); m . kui
hayyin the way of
V^* iniya (syr, fiiniya, b. fainiya)
all flesh
pl. J\j~* pawni a large, round metal
s~* tapyir cession, transfer (jur.) plate with raised brim, esp. one made of
copper, used as baking tin, serving tray
t*?" fyiya pl- tf^W* pay^in spur of the
and table top; tumtable, also S^-w l,,:.^
(mvtaharrika); pl. chinaware, porcelain
5i--# see j~* vessels

(J*^) JL ffa i (aif) tobesummery; to \j^ fiiwn pl. ,>_jl^-

-t, pawwin* (large)
spend the summer, estivate (* or ^ in) |
tent, pavilion, marquoe

jLi <d name of the letter ^; a sound slight, sparse, feeble, faint, thin; to
peculiar to Arabic, hence: jLi)l J*l ahl diminish, dwindle, wane, decline, shrink,
a4-4- the Arabic-speaking peoples, the decreose VI = I
Arabs; jLJI ,U do.; jU)I jIUI the
Arabic-speaking countries; iLiJI Li 4a'ia (illij. 4%dla) Bmallness,
iiJ Zutfoi

a^-^. the Arabic language littlencss, tininess; minuteness, Bcant-

iness, meagerness, slightness, sparsity,
J^ (^a'uia u (l'Ui 4a*la, ~*ijj*i 4u'ia) to paucity, feeblenesa, faintness, thin-
be small, tiny, Utile, Bcanty, meager, nesB ; waning, dwindling, diminution.

jl> 634

shrinking, ahrinkage; amall acourately, precisely, metioulously,

number or well; to render preoise, define pre-
oisely (; to regulate, adjuat (
Jj_}_; iu'Ma = iiLi <fa'ila, e.g., tccAn.); to detennine precisely
JJLJ aV pl. JlW oV<, 'Vj-i oVoM"' (Uf taiimalan the apelling and pro-
small, tiny, minute, little f scanty, nunci&tion of a word), vowel(ize) (a a
slight, meager, apane, feeble, faint, tbin word); to observe atrictly, keep ezaotly

= Ut> aVai (a time) ; to regulate, settle, put or keep

JjLiJ luffful
in order (a; to oorreot (a;
L a'ma checken to enter, book, reoord, regiater (a;
to measure off exactly, measure out (a
uLl (ia'n sheep (coli.), take exactly the right amount, the
JLl aVt'nt, fidni mutton (meat) right proportion ( of) vn to be de-

tained, be held back, be held up; to be

JL aVin sheep
regulated, be kept in order, be diaclplin-
*__; Vt6oa '
(0Y1M) to take hold (J of; ed; to be determined, be eatablished, etc.
to keep under lock, put in safekeepmg, (pass. of Qabafa.)
guard oarefully (J II = I; to bolt
- ifabf oapture, apprehenBion,
( the door) IV to be foggy (day)
arreat(ing), detention; restraint, suppres-
!_; oYiM pl. yU tfibb, !__;! 0^1106, sion, subdual, curb(ing), cheok(ing)
L_i tfubbn lizard control; seizure, impoundage, distraint,

<toA6 (ep.) front teeth

connaoation; accuraay, oorreotnesa, exact-
vowelization; oorreo-
w oViooa pl. -f, v^~* #&tf door bolt,
amendment, settlement; regulation,
latch; wooden look
adjuatment of an apparatus (techn.);

vW-* oVAlo fog, miat (pl. iyi (luWJ) protocol, minute,

prooea- verbal; entering, entry, record,
j*i Qabara u to gather, collect, assemble
registry; liu~J tfabfan acourately, exactly,
yUi #Mro, ivbra and viI #Mro precisely, punctually | U t
, I L = IL-*

pl. juLil aottMr" file, dosaier tjabfan; ^bV .! 4- al-ar&ii oadaatral

vQbr doaaier
Burvey; oll_J-l ii bookkeeping; i~i
j_yri\ file,
mJJI ((. ai-idkwa abstemiouaness, conti-
-_* fabaha a (a\ioA) to blacken (*, nence; jjliJI ilSVI -U (oorfya) ca-
said of fire); to snort (horse) dastral survey; ^jJd\ 0 self-control,
self-command; t
-1* J^rT fot* o4-4~
i^_i oViiafa t u (aV>6() to grab, grasp, Beize,
control apparatua, Controlling device;
catch, apprehend, azTest, detain (*,
.!II 0* jl ('*") unvowel(iz)ed
b.o.,, take hold (, . of s.o., of
"_i - fabtiya polioe atation ; police; to keep, hold, retain (*; to t

tackle lesolutely, master, overcome {* Uu maftata pl. JuLi mafbil' pro-, cope (<; to have ( tocol, minutea, proces-verbal
under oontrol, have oommand (a over
lUl ir4ibW discipline | \~Ji"i\ U;; to restrain, hold back, keep
lajnat td-in#. diaciplinary board
down, aubdue, check, curb, oontrol

(, s.o.,; to seize, distrain, im- .UjL #bif Controlling device, control,

to do governor, regulator (tecAn.); prepositor

pound, confiscate (*; (*

635 dU>
entrusted with disoipline (in Eg. sohools); j& dajar annoyance, irritation, vexa-
(pl. JpU; dubbi) offleer; (pl. U\^i tion, anger; dissatisfaction; disoontent,
datvbip) general rule, canon, (moral) displeasure; sorrow, worry, grief
preeept or Order |
jA J*jL* senior offleer;
jf? dajir annoyed, irritated, angry,
jj*L JjL> subaltern officer; i_*aJI _kL>
vexed; morose, sullen; dissatisfied, dis-
^. a$-$aff pl* J^-dJl JL* noncommissioned
content, displeased, uneasy, restless
officer; jj~*\\ J*jI> . af-paut volume
worried, grieved, troubled
control (radio); JjLi ijt^ paff . pl.

Jl > <Ju noncommissioned officer; jw j hmii mu$jir annoying, irritating, ex-

Vj iiUi (air) completely unre- asperating, irksome, tedious
strained, out of all control j*-*"-. mutadajjir = jj* dajir
iluLi (tdtfa police; (pl. <m^# do g* daja'a a (daf, 9y* duj') to lie on
tttSif) ourbing force, order
one's side, lie down; to lie, rechne, be
J^~> ma4bf aecurate, exaet, correct, prostrate; to aleep III to lie, hare sexual
right, precise intercourse (U with a woman) VII I
VIII (jpJfcil and >l iddaja'a) = I
~i $ab , dabu* f., pl. *L> <iW, ^1 a<&u f

t*** daj'a (n. vic.) lying poaition,

lying, recumbency; slumber
^i VIII to take under one'a arm Urf* duja'a, duj'a Iate riser, Blugabed,

>> dibn armpit sluggard, lazybones; lazy, sluggish, inert


jj# dufi late riser, slugabed, sluggard,


* dajja t {dajj, j^-f* (fe/v) to be noisy,

lazybones; lazy, aluggish, inert
boisterous ; to clamor, shout, raise a
hue and cry IV = I a^ dajV one aharing the bed; bed-
fellow; comrade, companion
**f dajja cry, yell, outcry; clamor,
*>-* madja' pl. ,j-Li* maddji'* couch,
noiae, din, row, hubbub, tumult
bed | <v< i*-l he lay down (to sleep);
-_jf*? dajlj cry, yell, outcry; clamor, ******* *i\ aqadda madja' ak or i\
noiae, din, row, hubbub, tumult j*^*ill J* or 4a^Jm jI (ma4ja'ah) to
deprive cf sleep
ry* dajj roaring, bellowing, scream- s.o.

ing, crying -Li. mudji* bedfellow

^t*** dajjj violently roaring, bellow- ^Lu mudfaja' couch, bed

ing, screaming, crying, boisteroua, up-
v^** dahdaha to vibrate, flicker (mirage);
to shatter, break, crush II to vibrate,
j*9 dajira a (dajar) to be angry, annoyed, flicker (mirage)
irritated, exasperated (j* or <_j at,
^L*' dahdh shallow, shoal, flat
about) ; to be dissatisfied, discontent,
displeased (,>. or <_^ with); to sorrow, be
worried, uneaay (j. or <_^ about), be dls* dahiha a {dahh t #thk t dahik) to laugh
disquieted, grieved, troubled (j* or or j* at, about, over); to jeer, Bcoff,
by, over) IV to anger, vex, irritate, jibe (<_. or Jp or j* at s.o., at,
trouble, torment ( s.o.). diaquiet, dis- deride, ridicule, mock, scorn (i_j or Jp
comfit, aggrieve ( s.o.) V = I or ^ s.o., |
Jxl J* <&* [bi-m'i
; . ;

dU> 536

Hdqaihi) or 4-ixi .J* il* (m*Ta) to grin JV dahi ahallow, shoal, flat; a shatlow, a
from ear to ear; -UL. jj je- l** (durrin shoal
muntufdadin) (to- lsugh by ahowing
the teeth), to Bhow
( (J
and j**) U* dah u (dahw, ftuAw)
Btringed pearls, i.e.,

a toothy smile ; to grin from ear to ear

to becomo viaible appear j* , ;
dahiya a (IV dahan) to beoome visible,
oj J di> ((ia^miA*; pl. p+jj Je) (eg.
appear; to be Struck by the sun's rays
&yr.) to fool s.o., make a fool of s.o., pull
II to Bacrifice, offer up, immolate (v
s.o.'a leg,

aroiwd by the noae

make fun of
(<_ with
b.o., lead,

put |
4-ii; ^
,jJd Ij to Baorifice
to sacrifice

and property
on an act for s.o.; <eii j *il> (daganihi)
(properly: the aoul and that which is
to laugh in s.o. 's face II to make ( s.o.)
precioua) IV to be, become; with foll.
laugh III to joke, jeat, banter (* with
imperf.: to begin, start, cmmence, or
s.o.) IV and X to make ( s.o.) laugh (j*
8et about to (do; to oome to..., get
about) | J&JI iUJ L {takl) (that
to..., get to the point where..., get into
which makes a woman who has lost her
a Situation where . .

child laugh =) irreaistibly comioal VI to

laugh y* dahwa pl. dahawt forenoon
iU* dahk, ditfc, dahik laugh(ing)
laughter s* duhan (m. and f.) forenoon |
UlVj JL* (aHyatin wa-tfuhh) over
5SO ddkka (n. vic.) pl. -l laugh
night, from one day to the next, all of a
i> dvJiloa object of ridicule, laugh sudden
-V dahiya forenoon; (pl. OLV
llfti* dahk frequently, or conatantly, dahy) slaughter animal, blood sacrifice,

laughing; laugher immolation; victim | <^ j or ^_-i

(dahiyatah) to fall victim to, become a

fil> dahhk frequently, or oonatantly,
viotim of or s.o.
laughing; laugher; joker, jeafaer, wag,
buffoon j^\ adhan (coli.; n. un. UH adhh)
slaughter animal, blood sacrifice, im-
lj*\ udhka pl. dJL-Ul adhti*
molation (j^Vl * '*<* a'-- tne Feaat
object of ridicule, laughingstock; lark, |

of Immolation, or Qreater Bairam, on

spree, hoax, practical joke
the lOth of Zu'lhijja; ^Vl j_h.
t!X**\adha& more ridioulous, more aUa. the Day of Immolation, i.e., the
laughable, more ludicrous, funnier, more lOth of Zu'lhijja
S-Vl udhlya pl. ^-Ul adhl y* alaughter
&* madhaka object of ridicule, animal, blood sacrifice, immolation
', *' tadhiya sacrincing, immolation;
iUL; dhik pl. J*-\jJ davOhik* (pl. -dt) Baorifice
laughing |
jJ\ **L-L d. as-nnn cheerful,
A~i dahin: U~J& ^L sunlit
gay, sunny
**-Li dahiya pl. ^jJ* .dawJUn sur-
ifl^,^- mudhik ridiculoua, laughable,
loundinga, Ticinity, ontakirta; auburb
ludicrous, droll, funny , oomioal ; co-

median, buffoon, jeatei |

,jf*i* mvdahhan place where one has
(qiffa tamtiliya) oomedy breakfast

r~# dajcka u (fafck) to apurt, spout, squirt (* Ui didda (prep.) against .uill
J* j(f

water) diJJ Ja to do or think the opposite, take

*i*jL> midafefca pl. -l squirt, spray(er)
an opposite stand

pump |
*j!Ju- *1*Jl* (ja&Ulba) suction *lX*i ixddiya contrariness, opposite-
pump; (JjjJ-l) JhIA' ****** Are engine; ness, Opposition; enmity, hostility, ani-
i*iL) *** suction pump mosity

jj*" dahuma u (I* (fojtfma) to be or jU* muddda contrast, opposite,

become big, large, bulky, heavy, gross, contradiotion
voluminous II to inflate, blow up (a
jLj taddd contrast, opposite, oontra- V to swell, become inflated; to
expand, distend
jL* muddd opposed, opposite, con-
j*j*" dakm pl. *I difrm big, large,
trary, oounter-, contra-, anti- (in Com-
sizable, great (also of a name, of pres-
pounds); pl. dbL*. antidotes | oljLi.
tige); bulky, gross; heavy, voluminous,
huge, vost, ample, colossal; stout, cor*
Jj-Ji (habal) contracepti ves ; d j Li*

4j_ri (haSarxya) inseoticides ; ol.iLi.

pulent, plump, buxom ; magnificent,
iLjJI (U-l-fasd) antisepties
splendid, gorgeous, luzurious, pompous |

4**-m*JI i-A* all (midfa'iya) heavy artillery jUii* muiaddd contrary, opposite

ljaf dakma bigness, largeness, great i farra u (darr) to hrm, impair, prejudice,
ness; bulkiness, grossness; heavineas; damage, hurt, injure (a, s.o.,, do
volume, voluminosity; Btoutness, plump-
hrm, be harmful, noxious or injurious
ness, corpulence, obeaity; pomp, splendor (a, * to s.o., to II to damage, hrm,
j teujLhim inflating prejudice III = I; IV = I (<~> or a, );
to ibrce, compel, ooerce, oblige
J^J tadakkum inflation ; s wellin g, (J*
s.o. to); to do violence ( to s.o.), bring
expansion, dilation, distention; (mone-
pressure to beer ( on); to add a second
tary) inflation, also (^-i) JL. *iwkJ
wife to one's household V to be damaged,
(naqdi) |
JUUI ^Ju distention of the
harmed, impaired, prejudiced, hurt, or
spieen (med.)
injured; to suffor damage or loss; to
1*^*1* mwfab&im pl. -t amplifier J
complain (j- of, about) VII to be
jj+*i\ m. ap-paut loud-speaker damaged, harmed, impaired, prejudiced,

hurt, or injured; to suffer damage or
III to be contrary, opposed, oontrosting,
loss VIII to force, compel, ooerce, oblige (
antagonistic, inverse; to act, set o.s.

(a, against), antagonize (* s.o.), contra-

s.o., Jl to); pass. udjurra to be forced,
compelled, obliged (Jl to); to be in an
vene, violate (a, be opposed (a, *
emergenoy or predicament, be hard
to), be contradictory (a to, act
pressed; to be in need (Jl of,
contrary to s.o. or (a, .) VI to be
need, want (Jl
opposed to eaoh other, be contradictory,
contradict one another jJ drr, farr damage, hrm, im-
pairment, prejudice, detriment, injury,
U* 4idd pl. jl-uil addd an opposite, a
hurt; loss, disadvantage
contrary, contrast; word with two
opposite meaninga; adversary, Opponent; jJ dirr, #urr addition of a second wife
antitoxin, antidote, anti- (in Compounds) to one's household

\ji darra pl. -dt, j\j* dar'ir2 wife jLmL. mudfarr forced, compelled, oblig-

other than the first of a plural marriage; ed (Jl to); poor, destitute; wanting (Jl

udder, in need (

Jl of

jj~* darar pl. j\j*i\ adrar hrm, damage, (darb) to beat, strike, hit
j* daraba i (
detriment; loss, disadvantage }
jj^SS U with; J* with on;
s.o., *, i~> *_j

what does it matter? -what's the hrm at

J* * s.o. on); to shoot, fire (*, s.o.,
of it? jj^Jl <-^l atoff <>4-$' the lesser
at, shell, bombard {*, * s.o.,};
of the two evila
to play (*, J* a musical instrument);
*\j*i darr' % distress, adversity |
\jJ\ j to make music; to type (on a type-

l^-lli (aarr') in good and bad days, for writer); to sting (soorpion); to separate,

better or for worse part d>j people); to impose (* J* on; j* -j^ to turn away from,
j j*i darir blind
leave, forsake, abandon, avoid, or shun
~*jjj~" darra pl. -i neoessity, stress, s.o. or; (darb, L^ darabn) to
oonstraint, need; distress, plight, emer- pulsate, palpitate, throb, beat (vein,
gency, want, austerity; darratan neo- heart); to ache (violently), hurt (wound,
essarily jj^^Jl necessarily; jjjM\ Xs- move, to rove, roam
tooth); to stir;
in case of need, if need be, when neo- about, travel (j in, through), loiter,
easary; gj^aXh hjj^ ilV^wa) in case stroll (in streets) ; to cruise (ship) to mi- ;

of dire necessity, if worst comes to grate (bird); to incline (Jl to a oolor),

worst; *K-l hj_r*^ ant* rs? ^Jjj^ shade (Jl into a color); (*-'!/' dirb)
Cj\jJ\ (tubihu) neoessity knows no laws to cover, mount (Uthe camel mare) v_r* |

necessary, imperative,
^Ul di (ajalan) to fix a date for s.o.,*
ifjjj-i darri
requisite, indispensable, inevitable ; pl. jj"if! >-?j~* {anai) to hll rice; j >-^j+

(j-y'ifl (ard) to travel; J* "*ijt <-jj~* (bya)

^i-)jj~" darriyt necessaries, necessi-
tieB tjjj*ib\ j* OB" to be necessary;
to paint or daub; ^-Ul ^j** to

cAijjj* neceasities of knock on the door; ^J-} ^i (jaras) to

life; Jl^-Vl s\ujj~i exigencies, require-

ring the bell ; Li- <-?ir*
(haqnan) to

ments of the Situation administer a syringe, give an injection;

Uni ^j** (&#*) to draw a line; <-^j^
IjJu madarra pl. -dt, jLi* maddrr*
^xSl Lli-I (li-aadsin) and ^-l*-l ^j*
hann, damage, detriment, loss, disad-
<*\x*\ j to brood, rack one's brain in
vantago (J* for)
order to find a way out; to be at one's

j\J**i\ ffirr compulsion, coercion; wit's end; to intrigue, Boheme; to build

neoessity, exigency, requirement; plight, air Castles; to daydream; *-- ^j**
predicament, emergency [jl^i^l x* in (kaimaian) to pitch a tent; *ijl <-jj~*

case of emergency if*

LJl (raqma, qiynya) to break a
record; ("iUl -^ (aalm) to give a
iSj\Ja^\ idfirri coercive, oompulsory,
inevitable, necessary, obligatory
military salute; i^^ ^j* * i 0086 a
tax (J* on s.o.); j, *jUl ^r> (afn&aA)
jLi drr harmful, injurious, detri-
to take root, prevail (at a place); <*?j*0
mental, noxious, disadvantageous oLi-l to settle down, take up

jj^. mudirr harmful, injurious, detri- permanent residence in a place L jL* ^j~*

mental, noxious, disadvantageous (>~> (fban) to make brick; _^-\ j liJ* ^j+
to, for) ('adadan fi Ohara) to multiply a number
; ;;

by another ; <7cj. ->* {'unttqah) to speculate IV to turn away (je fxom),
behead, decapitate s.o., have s.o.'s head leave, abandon, forsake, desert, avoid,
cut off; *Jl* ^,jj (qOiabah) to imitate shun (je s.o.,; to remain, stay,; lo ^^ (a0an) to slap s.o.'s abide ( j in) | J UU v^l (ja' San) to
face; J ili. -^ (mafaZan) to apply a be prepared for, make up one's
proverb to; ^li. *)
^^ (mafatan) to mind to take upon o.s. ; L^jL <^-i\
give s.o. an example, point out a model je (pafhan) to abstain
desist, fxom
for 8.0.; ^i* <->j*i to give an example; (J**JI J*) V-r*' (*amt) to stop work, to
to quote as an example ( J * or
J* s.tb. ^ strike; fLUI je v_^I (fa'm) to go. on
for); jLulfl
Vj^ * impart words of wia- a hunger strike VI to come to blows,
dom, point out morals; I^J <-"./* to mint brawl, fight, strike one another; to
money; Ij*^ ^^i (mait'idan) to agree on be divided, differ, oonflict, clash, be
time or plaoe of a meeting, make an ap- contradictory (opinions, and the like)
pointment; (I^^ll Jl) ijj*\ Jl ^^i (hum* VIII to clash, surge, lap (wavea); to be
ra, fufra) to shade into red (into yellow) eet, or get, into a state of unrest, turmoil,
j^jl/l 4* <-*j~i (ard) to throw s.o. or exoitement, oommotion, tumult, Agi-
to the ground; JLXI j v^ (JfayQl) to tation, be or beoome agitated, troubled;
be in the clouds, be unrealistic; to want to be in a lively stir, move about, bustle,
the impoBsible; yX* Je *J\j ^^i hstle, romp; to sway, reel, waver; to
(bi-ra'aiht 'a\& padrihi) to let one's head be or become disturbed, unsettled,
sink to the ehest; j -.*** ,,| ;
^^i disorganized, disarranged, diaordered,
(bi-sahmin mufibin) to take an active confused, entangled, upset, restless, un-
part in; j oj^-Jj p+-> y^ (u>a-nafibin) easy, or anxious; to tremble, shake
to partieipate in, share; j/u *J ^^i
Vj-* r& beating, striking, hitting,
(bi-'irq) do. ; UU- ^j. * ^^i ('vr#a l-h.)

rapping; shooting, shelling, gunning,

not to give a hoot for ; to disdain,
bombing, bombardment ; multiplication
despise, rejeet ; to throw
oong, formation; minting (of mon-
overboard, jettison; *. ^ >
ey); (pl. vj^-* 4urb) kind, sort,
Jl (noforiAi) to turn one's glance to;
Bpeoimen, species, variety; last foot
<--L-# A-i-ji ^i^i (bi-wajhi fdhibihi) of the seoond hemistich; (pl. ^I^il
to boomerang, fall back on the orig- adrb) similar, b'ke | L*:^ and jIj
inator; LJT Je ^,^i (kalima) to Vy-^ (money) mint; J^ll V-r > d. ar-raml

efface, etrike, or erase, a word; v-j^ geomanoy; jldl v-^ shooting, firing,
Li*# 4^ (paffyan) to turn away s.o. shelling, gunning, bombardment; *^j
or; to disregard, ignore s.o. or i-jj-^JI c-^ ^"^11 to level a weapon, bold a, pay no attention to, pass over weapon ready to fire; jl^lj j* he and
s.o. or; ijL .b.u- J ^^i to take the likes of him
futile steps; to beat the air; *_iJ y-i ItjJ darba (n. vic.) pl. darabt blow,
|.LI i-- (aab'ata ayymin) he deeided
knock, punch; thrust, push, jolt, shock
to stay seven days; ojj Jo ^^

stroke, lash ; shot ; plague, affliction
(ayym) fate separated me from

him, trial, tribulation, punishment |

drew us apart II to mix, blend (^ * (j-*!)! 4. a-Sams sunstroke, heatatroke with) ; to sow dissension, cause V*l* *ls" (q4iy<*) fatal blow, death-
trouble (^ among); to quilt (* a fabric) blow (Jp for); .1^- h^i d. jaz' penalty
III to contend, vie, fight ( with s.o.); to kick (in soccer)

of $rib
v!/** iirb oopulation (of a female *->jW fawrib* pl. -oU**

animal) beating, striking, etc. |

<<j]*iJl 3jj^\ the

yjjj ^ario besten, Struck, amitten,

arteries ; <-0 W J^ a r)
tt * migratory
hit; similar, Hke | 0} j*r" t-ri.r"* one
of tbe oaliber of Sheik So- and -So V-V**-* atft appointed, agreed
lipon, fixed, determmed (time, dato,
i-iyJ ^ortfea pl. l-JI^ faritib* im-
plaoe); multiplioand (math.) |
<J ^Js**
position, impost; levy, tax, duty; char-
multiplier (math.)
aoter, natura |
Jrf-Jl v.y- tf- ad-dalfl
^* mu^arroAo quilt, oomforter
inoome tax; J*Jl iT \mJ^ 4- k**b
tU-'amal wage tax; ,yoUJ V.y^ tf- t_>jL mwjdrib pl. -n speoulator
aZ-mattAf admiasiona tax, entertaizunent
t-jjLiu mvtatfanb conflicting, irrecon-
cable, inoompatible, divided (opiniona,
v^* ma^n*
1 pl. vjL**" "^^ and the like); oontradictory, discrcpant,
camp site, camp; place, pot, locality; inoonsiatent
way, path; large tent, marquee |
V^-*-** mwjjarib diaturbed, diaordered,
(Jli-Vl) Jit* v^* ( aJ-"-**) to be
diaarrayed, uneettled; confused, muddled,
proverbial, be exemplary, be unique,
perturbed; upaet, disrupted, disorganized,
be cited as an example; Jjl vj'-** m *

deranged; uneasy, restive, agitated,

aruzz rice-hulling facities
excited, anxioua ; weak, insufflciently

V^*- m%4rab pl. ^jLi* ma^drifc 1 large Bupported (tradition)

tent, marquee, pavilion; bat, mallet;
Vj--*" muarab playground (fig.)
racket (tennis, eto.) ; whisk, beater
(e.g., for eggs); s watter, flys watter; olic^p see i->s+ ifarb
rj+ faraja u (farj) to spot, stain, befleck,
-Lr** m^fd6 bat, mallet, raoket (ball
gmear (j-oJL * with blood) II I

games, tennis)
V to redden, be or beoome red
jLi- mwfmba pl. -<W Bpeoulation
jX* mtufarraj: j-Ul r.r** m - al-yadain
(stock exohange); silent partnership
with bloodstained hands; (caught) red*
(Itl. Law), limited partnership, partner-
handed, in the act
ahip in oommendam

v!/-*' %4rdb pl. -dt strike

_s* tfortA pl- }j* far'ih*, -*
v il a4riha
grave, tomb; mausoleum
i^jLj fa^drui Opposition, oontradic-
rocom- j-yi farosa i (tfara) to bite firmly or fiercely
tion, inoonsistency, discrepanoy,
patibility, oonfliot, olash (of opinions, and (; fariM a {faras) to be dull

thelike) (teeth from acid food and drink) II to

make ( s.o.) tough, battle-hardened ; to
^j^k>l ifcirb pl. -t disturbanoe, dis-
render dull (oL-V the teeth by acid
order, disarray; oonfusion, muddle, per*
food and drink) IV to render dull (L^/l
turbation; diaorganization, disruption,
the teeth by acid food and drink)
upeet, derangement; trouble, commo-
tion, ttnrest, riot (alao pol.); reetlessnees, ^j* 4%ra pl. ^-ly-il a4r*, ^jy*
nativeness | U^* ob^l ('ajaWya) 4ur& molar tooth |
J-Ul ^y^i <$ al-'aql

nervou* disordera wisdom tooth


iSJs* Vj*" Ivb far* fierce, mur- flare up (war) II to kindle. Ught (* fire) |

derous war j jUI fyJ to set on fire, aet fire to

^jUJ laddrW: ^ji\ ^jL^j *. al-ard IV = II; V to burn, flare, flame, be
ablaze (also of emotion, of paasion)
elevationa, undulations of the ground;
4*^1 ,^-jjLij t. al-wajh wrinklea of the
face f\j*i dirm buming, blaze, flare; Are,

Jr^ darafa i (darf, ^i^i darif, J*ly* dura})

to break wind pL^-*' idfirm buming, flare blaze;

fire, conflagration
.U^ darf (n. un. S) wind, fart
pA-** nwdfarim buming, flaming, on
Jrl^ uraf wind, fart

9y> dara'a a, daru'a u (-[^ (fard'a) and jj*i II to set (^ * a dog on game); to
(fari a o (ftora') to be humble, submissive provoke to a fight
( s.o.) (^ with)
(J! toward s,o.)> humiliate o.a., abse
o.s. (J( before); to implore, bog, beseech, jjj #rw pl. j*\ adrin, *\^i dvrS
hound, hunting dog
entreat {Jl s.o.) III to be similar, be
equal (*, to s.o., to, be like s.o. Ijl^i dartva greed, voraoity

or (*, .), rcsemble (*, b.o.,

jL* darin voraoious, ferocioua, aavage,
T and Till to humiliate o.a., abse o.e.
rapacious; (pl. j\j~i daw&rin) beaat of
(Jl before); to implore, beg, beseech,
prey, predatory animal
entreat (Jl s.o.)

*-**** da'da'a to tear down, demolieh,

y+ dar' pl. jj+ tfurfi', 1^ dirtf

udder, teat yJ&j jjll

raze, ruin, undermine, weaken (*
(zar') agri-
culture and stock farnng
II ta4a'4a'a to decline, deoay, beoome
dikpitated, periah; to beoome weak or
y> dir' like, alike, similar
weaker, wane; to diasolve, fall apart

4*[r* dar'a submissiveneaa, humble- (Organization)

ness; imploring, begging, entreaty, sup-

******* da'da'a demolition, razing; sap-
ping, undermining; debility, fraflty,

itjLi* mu4raT a likeneaa, similarity, feebleneaa jSi\ 4- ai-kibar aenity,

resemblance dotage

f j-j Uujarru* imploring, begging, en- ^

**> . m\Ua4a>'d\ dikpidated, de-
treaty, supplication oayed; weakened, debilitated; weak
frail, feeble; submissive, humble
jt-i dri' frail (of a pereon)

pyLi mudri' like, alike, similar;

<-**+ da'ufa u {du'j, da'f) to be or beoome

(gram.) imperfect weak, weakly, feeble, frail, delioate,

debilitated, impotent, languid, flabby,
jy* ^argarn pl*
/L~ dargim* lion or slack; to beoome weaker, wane, de-

4irgm > l^i crease, diminish, abate, be attenuated;

p l^>i pl. dargima
lion to be too weak ( j*. for IT to weaken,
enfeeble, debitate (j* or *, s.o.,
p^i darima a (daram) to catch fire, be on X to deem { b.o.) weak; to behave
fire, burn, flare, blaze; to break out, arrogantly ( toward s.o.)
> ;;


tj #u'/, 4a'f weakness, feebleness, the lines; (as an expletire after j) j

frailty ; weakening, enfeeblement, de- -pLij witbin it, therein oontained

bilitation Sil/iM uJ-> weakness of will;

LitLi. mufafa doubling,
^)l ,JuuII Cafabi) neurasthenia.nervouB
ing, multiplying; pl. -t oomplioations
debility; J-bdl Ja*~* $. aX-iansul sexual (of a diseaae)
^i*LiJ Uuf'uf doubling, multiplying
,_- - - ^o't/ pl. m. Lu-> (iu'a/d* 1 , iJU
,_ ' mu4a"af twofold, double; mul-
4i'f, ii*-i tfa'afa, pl. f. iJuU-J fa''if*
tiplied, compounded, increased many
weak, feeble; frail, weakly, delicabe,
debilitated, impotent, languid, flabby,

slack; deficient (aa a Bchool-report ,_JpLi. mwj'af twofold, double ; mul-

mark) (
SaIjI/1 ^t*-* weak-willed; Jt z
^i tiplied, compounded, increased many
JiJI 4. al-'aql dim-witted, feeble-minded times ; see also 4*'f

u-iSJI .v $ al-qalb weak-spirited,

Jf 4a'a, 4%'a see
pusillanimous, meek, faint-hearted,

spondent, cowardly; .J*_iJl li my own > 4a$ata a (4&$) to confuse, muddle,

insignificant seif, I (as an expression of mix up (* a story)
**-* 4*9t pl* ^l*-*' <*48&i bunoh,
Jilwl itf'd/ weakening, enfeeblement, bouquet; mixture, muddle, jumble, maze |

debilitation; impaiiment V>W^i >U~il oonfused dreamB; lii-J jlj

Jp (ibbla) to make a thing worse
.Juii muata^af deemed weak weak ;

oppressed, miserable to presB, squeeze (*,

*i <faafa a ((jagt)

s.o.,; to compress (* air); to

Juu> II to double, redouble (*; to
exert pressure (J* on); to oppress,
multiply, Compound (* III do.
auppress (J* s.o.,, bear down
(^* or a VI to be doubled, be
heavily (J* upon) VII to be pressed,
compounded, be multiplied
be squeezed, be oompressed
t_' -^ $i'f pl. _jL~*l a4'f double,
-*-* #*# pressure; emphasia, stress;
that which is twioe as mucb a ; multiple,
oppression, suppression; voltage, tension
that which is severai times as much,
(eZ.) | tfjL-) irJ^II (jatou-i) atmospherio
(after numerals) -fold; fold of a garment;
pressure ; ddl
/ . . ad'dam and iiJJl
pl. interstice, space <**-* *! mi'atu

jji (damawf) blood pressure; -kw

(li'jUvi a hundred times as much, the
t^JI 4- al-haw* air pressure; Jai-i C*
hundredfold of it; *iU_il J^J taltatu
-DI jtjl (. ir-ra'y Wmm) ander the
a4'hi thrice as much, the threefold of
pressure of publio opinion
it; 4*U-il <JL~il a, a4'fihi many times
as much, e.g. i_JU**l *^lj* JLJ.1 IJL JL L^> #j0fa (n. vio.) pressure

UmI (mablagu murattabah ai'fa a.)

O Qy** 4uffiya (wind) pressure
this amount was many times as much
iji-L* dtif nightmar
as bis salary; e-Li liU^I a4'fan
mwf'afatan many times, a hundred- O J**>Li ma4git i
: LjJj* iiLi* (atwi-

fold **ya) compressors

,J-*Lk3 to4'lf* contenta, text (of a JpLij ta4gut compression (j)Ayj.; as

piece of writing); folds; Space between opposed to Jiic to#aZuJ)

JLuil infifjf oompressibility have (; to rill ( with);
Ja* L> 4$i(:
to wrap, envelope, t with),
Lei* *JT oompnaaor (J
spread (J over)

oompressed air
\ykj iafwa: i JI
lJ 4
yi-i o\ al-'aii an
easy, comfortable life

ji^ (Eama a ((io^on) to bear a grudge,

Jl> a^/2n abundant, oopious, ample;
harbor (seoret) hatred against),
(Jp detailed, elaborate, extensive
resent (J a.o.) YI to harbor a grudge
against one another J-> (ioflo t (J^U aVjJ, JJ->L; oViUIn) to lose
one's way, go astray; to stray (j or t
<jk*i 4ign pl. <JtL*l a^dn ranoor, Bpite,
from the way); to err <**~ ^L (so'*
grudge, malioe, malevolence, 111 will,

yvh) bis effort waa in vain II to mialead,

(seoret) hatred
lead astray, misguide ( s.o.); to delude,
^ 4agin malioious, malevolent, deoeive (. s.o.) | _ JL to delude
ranoorous, apiteful, reBentful
o.a. IT = D; to make (. a.o.) lose his
ij*i tfaflna pl. ,>'U_i fafffin' ranoor, way (); to let (.) get lost

spite, grudge, malice, malevolenoe, ill

^i fa error
will, (seoret) hatred
J^-> QaU a straying from the right
iL fafla orowd, throng, jam (of people) path or from truth; error ^ VI J^Li | O
oolor blindneaa, diohromatism
<Li iiffa, Jaffa pl. iJlL ififf bank,
ahore; ooait J^iL a^oZdZa error

u- i . (io/o/ poverty, destitution JjJl wflOa pl. JJLil a&UfP error

jov* #/', atycfa' pl. jolLi afc/SaV frag

*Li* mafaa an oocasion, or possi-
bility, of going astray
O iSj*>. ALi (ooaori) rrogman (mtl.)

JrLu tafl misleading, misguidanoe,

jJLi jafara i (fafr) to braid, plait ( hair),
deluaion, deoeption
interweave, interlaoe, intertwine (;
to twine ( a rope) II = I; in to help,
J^LI %$UU misleading, misguidanoe,

as&ist, aid ( s.o.) TI to help one another deluaion, deception

(J. to do; to be tightly inter- iiLi (fll pl. Jl^ tfawW straying,
woven, be tied up, be olosely oonneoted roaming, wandering; astray, loat; er-
(^* with); to be ooncatenated (evidenoe) roneous, false

jJLi 4a)r pl. j>L tyflr (eaddle) girth JL; aVQIa goal of persistent searoh,

jlLi fafr pl. jjui (fu/ur (saddle) girth objeot of a long-cherished wish | <JL#
^jjtju do.
IjJui iafira pl. JUui <faf'ir' plait;
braid, treas, pigtail; plaitwork, wioker- JL4* mnfo misleading, misguiding,
work; galloon, laoe; Strand, hank, skein; deceptive, deluaive, fallaoioua

plexus (anat.)
J* mv4M
deoeptive, delusive, fallaoious
(jL.) IL. faf u (Jo/w) to be abundant,
oopious; to flow over IT to allot gen- /Li tfala'a a ((W) with .: to aide with s.o.,
erously (Jp * to); to grant, award make common oauae with s.o. ; a^oiu'a

(J t .th. to); to let s.o. or (J.) u (u^L; ia\Sa) to be streng, eturdy,

& 544

robust; <fali*a a ($ala') to be orooked, hug (* s.o.); to join, subjoin, annex

beut, curred, to curve II to crook, bend, (Jl * to), add, attach (Jl *, s.o.,

ourve (* V to be jammed, crammed to), unite (Jl *, s.o., with);

(^ with); to be versed, Bkilled, pro- to combine (within o.a., * different things)

ficient, knowledgeable (,> in), be oon- to dose, compress (* the ups) ; to grasp,
versant, be thoroughly familir or grip, grab, see (J s.o.,; to get

acquainted (j* with), be at home (^* { s.o.) into a predioament (said of fate);

in a field of knowledge) Till to be to pronounce with the vowel u {* a

versed, Bkilled, profioient (<- in), be conBonant; gram.) j
<J^u]l ^i to olose

thoroughly familir or aoquainted, be the ranka; jJ-# Jl * (padrihi) to press

conversant (<- with); to assume, take s.o. to one's bosom , embraoe s.o.

orer, take upon o.s. (<-*, s task, ojJ Jl *> (zaujatah) he embraced
financial expenses, a job, and the lue) hia wife VI to unite, rally, join forces

X to be versed, Bkilled, profioient (,>. VII to olose, draw or orowd together, be

in), be thoroughly familir or acquainted, closely paoked; to be joined, united,

be conversant (j* with) or oombined (Jl with), unite, join forces

(Jl with); to be added, be annexed (Jl

*Li (W affeotion, attachment | **L*
to); to associate, afflliate (Jl with); to
4m he sympathizes with him, he ia
enter, join (Jl an Organization, and the
on hia Bide
like); to comprise, include, encompasa,
^U 4% $tia' pl. ^Li .luH', **'
embraoe, contain (J*
a^bf, *Ju*l <h#u* rib; outlet, chop; Bide
>LVl the ehest, the
~i famm addibion, subjunetion gather- ;
(of a triangle);
ing, oollecting, rallying, joining, uniting,
breast |
J-vJ' >L* d. aJ-MrmtJ barrel
amalganiation, fusion; admiasion, en-
stave; f ^Vi tSJ ^
mufcMdu* J-a. equi-
rollment; the vowel u {gram.)
lateral (peom.); j-^l j ^L *J uS' he had, to do with the matter, he had a *jf <famma the vowel point foru; (pl.

hand in it, he played a role in the affair -dt) embrace, hug

*-Li fal? strong, Bturdy ; knowl- *-** 4amima pl. f\jf (pzmd'im 1 ad-
edgeable, experienoed, skilled dition, Supplement; inorease, raiae (of

4*"5Li ^aU'a Btrength, eturdiness, ro- salary)

bustness (of the body) Li? tafldmm; UL together with,

mL^A mufad ribbed; polygonal; (pl. jointly with

-dt) polygon | Li* r^ corrugated iron (If-ijl iiufimdm annexation (Jl to),

-Lit. muta^oUi* versed, skilled, pro- joining (Jl of), union, association, af-

fioient (&> in), thoroughly familir, con- filiation (Jl with); entry, enrollment

versant (j,- with); expert (,> in) (Jl into an Organization, and the like),

acceasion ( Jl to)
4*Li (Turk. tfobna) (Wttuj stuffed food {e.g.,

fjTui- mo^mflm closed, tight, com-

eggplants Btuffed with meat and rice)
prossed (mouth)
~i iamma u {famm) to bring together, join,
jjv- mun^amm: **! fll olose order
draw together, oontraot (*; to
add (up), sum up (a; to gather,

collect, reap, harveat (*; to unite, O ^ Tu> munifamma accessory, attach-

bring together (> persona); to embrace, ment (teeAn.)


J*l idmahaUa to diaappear, vanish, jjf* damir pl. j)jf dam&ir* heart;
dwindle, fade away, melt away; to mind ; innermost ; oonsoience ; (inde-
deorease, beoome leat pendent or suffixed) personal pronoun
(gram.) |
jrwJl i_-ajU compunotions,
JtA**r*l %4mihll disappearanoe, van-
iahing, evanesoence; fading
oontrition, repentanoe; j^iil ^ hayy
ad-d. oonBcientious, r^j sorupulouB;
mudmahiU vanishing, evanes- j**jb\ murth ad-d. of peaoeful mind;
oent, fading; damped (oaoillations, waves; jwUJI -tili unsorupulous
j^-i* midmr pl. _^.Li* madmir*
mif damafca u (damfc) and II to oil, anoint, race oourse, raoe track; arena; field of

rub, perfume (i_* *, * s.o., with) aotivity, field, domain

isf damada u * (damd t ^ dimd) and II

j\jf\ idmr oonoealment (of a thought),
mental reservatio^; ellipsis (rhet.)
to dress, bandage (*, esp. a wound)
j*\- dmir lean, akinny, tbin; slender,
jli* dimd bandaging (of a wound);
alim, Breite
bandage, band, ligature; oarrying on
of several love affairs (of a vornan) j^Jl* mudmar seoret, hidden, covert;

(independent or auffixed) personal pro*

oU* dimda dreaaing (of a wound),
noun, alsOj^U. --1 (ism; gram.)
jt* damina a {lr* damn) to be or beoome
Ua* mudammid (ir.) male nurse
responsable or liable, be guaranty, give
4*-i* mudammida O compreas; (tr.)
seourity or guaranty, vouoh ((_* or *
nurse for), Warrant, ensure, safeguard, guar-
antee (* J to s.o.; to insure
Jtf damara, damura u (dumr, j^ (Jumr) (j* * against) |
\lxi> *_iJ jjf to
to be or beoome lean, emaciated, skinnyf
be absolutely certain of II to have
thin t alim, Blender; to oontraot, shrink
II to emaoiate, make lean, thin, or
(* insured (> against); to inaert,
include, enclose (* * in eise)
slender (* IT = II; to secrete,
T to oomprise, inolude, oomprehend,
conceal, bide, keep secret (*i j *
imply, embrace, oontoin {* TI to
in one's heart), keep (* to o.s,
be jointly liable, hare Joint responsibility
(*-*AJ j); to haxbor, entertain (Jas
(* for; to be solidary, be in acoord,
feeling toward, against) |
j-iJl *J^1
stick together
(iarra) to bear s.o. a grudge, harbor
ill will against s.o. V to beoome lean, j* dimn inside, interior; dimna
emaciated TU to diy up, wattier, wilt, (prep.) in, within, inside of, among;
shrivel bi* dimnan (adv.) inclusively, implio
itly, taoitly Ui* r>fi* tacitly compriaed,
ji? dumr em&oiation; leanness, skin- |

niness, thinneaa, slenderness, slimness

implicit; jif <y min dimni (with foll.

genit.) included in, implied in, belonging

jjif dumr emaoiation; leanness, to, falling under; -+-> ^ among them;
akinnineas, thinness, slenderness, slim- Ui^j /-'-* (mub&iratan) direotly and in-
neas; atrophy (med.) direotly

j\if dimr: jli* j* (dain) bad debt Jx*^tmn{ included, implied; hidden,
(i.e., a debt deemed unoolleotible) implioit, tacit

die* damn responsibility, guaranty, dLj fanuka u (fank, iTb-> fanka) to be

Warrant, surety, security, liability, as- Btraitened, cramped, confined (oircum-
surance, Bafeguard; insurance |
oli* atancea) ; to be weak, be exhausted
^l^ (jam'l) collective Becurity; 0^-1)1
dL*i 4ank poverty, distress, straits |

4>ll {muMarak) do. ; u^JI >jl- of dL-i ,J+e {'aU) a hard, wretched life

limited liability, Ltd.; ^ll T,- rjfco*

iL Li- ma4ni& Btraits, hardsbips
a^-$. insurance Company
tiii* mu^nik weak, exhausted
j-s* 4am%n pl. Ur* faman'' respon-

sible, anawerable, liable (y for); war- _^ (fanw, iinxe ohildren

rantor, bail(sman), bondsman, surety,
J-i ffantya a (^anan) to become or be lean,
guarantor (t-> for)
emaciated, gaunt, enervated, or worn
Uli* (famna guaranty, surety, War- out; to pine away, be consumed (with
rant (y), oollateral, seourity, bau grief) IV to emaciate, debilitate, weaken,

yf\ adman* offering better guaranty enervate ( s.o.); to exhaust, wear out
( s.o.); to undermine, sap (* the health);
^LiJ ta4mun mutuality, reciprocity;
to oonsume (* s.o.; of anxiety, and the
Joint liability; solidarity |
jyLii T^-S
Sirkat at-t. commercial Company of Joint
j*i fanin lean, emaciated, gaunt,
languished, wasted, wom out, enervated;
j^U* 4min responsible, anawerable,
exhausted; consumed with grief, care-
liable; warrantor, bail(sman), bondsman,
surety, guarantor
J-i (fanan weakness, feebleness, de-
i'^ini- ma$mn guaranteed, ensured,
bility, exhaustion, emaciation; grief
warranted; insured (object); (pl. J^-Ui*
Ji* mv^ncm lean, emaciated, gaunt,
matfmin 2 ) content, purport, meaning(of
languished, wasted, worn out, enervated
a letter, and the like) |
Jj-yJI u^****
exhausted pining away, wasting away
regiatered (letter) ; j*-i* ^j (data) bond- ;

ed, or funded, debt (n.) i+* 4ahada a (fahd) to suppress, oppress,

jji* mwfamman included, implied treat unjustly, persecute ( b.o.) VIII = I

jl(J*-il ftihd pl. -i suppression,

^Lii- mitUufmin mutual, reciprocal
repression, oppreasion, maltreatment, per-
soUdary, united in soUdarity
secution, enslavement
jj $anna (Ist pers. perf. fanintu) a and
4L A- mu4fahid oppressor, tyrant,
(fanna (Ist pers. perf. (fanantu) i (4ann)
to keep back (l->, be sparing or
withhold j^i summit, top (of a
Btingy (v J* toward s.o. with), (fahr pl. jj4~* tfnhr

(be)grudge (J* mountain)

Jp from s.o.,

s.o. lj Jp ir
jpi U (W-ma-Jatf
^J III to be similar, alike, or oorresponding
goiin) to shun no effort for the sake of
to resemble ( s.o., *, be like s.o.

^0 $ann; <-> b-> (<2anan) in Order or (*, ), correepond ( to s.o., m

to apare, in due oonsideration of to; to compare (Jp, <~ * with;

JkU* (fanin niggardly, avaricious,

^ij ju two things); to imitate (_>

stingy; Bparing, thrifty, economioal,
soanty, meager, poor, insufficient Lft*0
ifahan Q menopause, climaoterio
jt-i fhig similar, (a)like, oorrespond- &*>* 4m4a* noise, din, uproar
ing, analogous
4awfan noise, din, uproar
;ULi- mwtfhh similarity.resemblanoe,
Wrnn eas, oorrespondenoe, analogy; oom- '.-**' *r " (#"') *o spread, difluee,
parison (Je with) emanate (fragranoe); to be fragrant,

Li. mwfMn similar, (a)like, cor-

exhale fragrance Y = I

responding, analogous
UUi look np alphabetioally

(y-> >ti aVJ'a u (im!) to gleam, beam,

iSj-i fawt i to resort, have reoourse (Jl
lamp); to
ahine II to light (, a to); jatriya a to be lean, thin, spare,
illuroine, illuminate (*, slight, sorawny IY jj^l to weaken,
e.g., a house) IY = I; to ahed light, out debilitate (, . s.o.,; to hrm, injure,
(J. upon, over); to light, illumine, damage, prejudioe (. s.o., YII to
illuminate (; to enlighten
( join, follow (Jl s.o.), attach o.s.
.th., the mind) V= I; X to be illumined, to
s.o.); to rally, flock (Jl around,
be lit; to seek light; to seek (to obtain)
4'ji * around or under s.o.'s banner)
enlightenment or insight (ij by, through,
in, with); to let o.s. be enljghtened or jLi ifdwin thin, lean, spare, slight,
guided ( v by)
jS <fau' pl. .Ij^l orfio light; bright- (-) J*-* &"> i (fair) to hrm, injure,
neaa, glow | (_ rjl ,_^i f, ai-iarm aunlight, damage, prejudioe (, . s.o.,,
aunahine; jJUI y_ f. al-qamar moon- infliot damage (, upon)
light; ^S" ,yi aearchlight; jl+JI ,^i
j*i fair hrm, damage, injury, prej-
4. an-nakir daylight; ,yi Je (with foll.
udioe; wrong, iniquity, offense
genit.) in the light of, under the ciroum-

stanoeB of, aa seen from...; aecording to

j j^i **_ qiama fb unjust diraion
d>j~i fau'i luminary, light* (in Com-
(j*-4 U jTa i Mai', _l_> (fayf) to get
pounds) | Vj-> i- (sana) light-year
lost, be lost
(J, for s.o.); to lose iteelf,
W 4<y& light, brightness, glow diaappear; to periah II and IV to ruin,

#LI let perish, thwart, frustrate, mar,

fd*a lighting; illumination I destroy
:j-ill I.LiVI (mujoyyada) restricted (, s.o.,; to lose, forfeit (i,

illumination = dim-out; I.LiVI f-V""* be deprived (t of; to waste, aquan-

mifbSh al-i. incandeBoent lamp der, apeud uBelessly (.; to negleot,
omit (; to misa, let go by (,
mufV shiing, luminous, bright
let elip (i, e.g, an opportunity)

jLj 4Sd name of the Ietter ^i "*- *-* (V"4J<"A) to forfeit one's right;
jJI o_ i_i_JI at-fai/a ifayya'ii l-labana
(/>-) jLi rfn Waur) to hrm, injure, (invar.) approx.: you have let the oppor-
damage, prejudioe (*, s.o.,, tunity go by, you missed your ohanoe;
infliot damage (*, upon); to suffer **!> ~jl (tawabaH) to lose one's mind;
violent hunger, starre to death V to "J LI (Ar) to make s.o. miss
writhe with pain; to writhe, winoe, be an opportunity; jll ^Lil (uaqt) to waste
oonvulsed ( with pain, with hunger) time

jj-* faitr violent hunger ^i 4ai' loas

& 648

<_*; ai*a pl. pL> (y* landed hospitality |

Jilp-i j cJl you are my
eetate, oountry estate, domain; small guest

village, hamlet JU- m%4yf hospitable; hospitable

,^i QayS loss; ruin, deatruotion, host

perdition |
cJjH }-* rf. oZ-uwjf losa of iu Li. maffa hostel, guesthouae, inn
^ j- ma4yafa guest room; guesthouae
Jlu^ L yd ^i'dnoA what a lossl
Lil iffa addition, appoaition; aub-
f-L-i mK?y<r prodigal, squandering, junotion, annexation, appending, at,

wasteful; Bquanderer, wastrel, spend- taohment, augmentation, aupplementa-

thrift tion; assignment, allocation; ascription-

" attribution (Jl to); genitive construotion

p _^ n Ut4y? waate, squandering, dis-
(gram.) J*-l Jl oLil (ajal) limitation (of
ipation; negleot, Omission |

a legal transaotion; Isl. Law); Jl L*Vl>

i*L>i ifa waste, squandering, dis-
in eomparison with, in relation to; with
aipation; negleot, Omission ii^lt *LI with regard
| respeot to, regarding . . . ;

i. dl-waqt waste of time to, in oonsideration of; in addition to,

^-i ^ityya' #y*" beeide; <iDi Jl LiVlj moreover, further-

j*L 4'i' pl. }**
more, besides
(getting) lost; poor, wretched, miserable

jLil ifji additional, aupplementary,

:. ^. mo<Era ruin, deatruotion, per-

dition, loss; mutfia, ZJjk <***

auxiliary, contributory, extra; Beoondary,
acoessory, inci-
subsidiary, tributary,
(li-l'Waqt) waste of time, loss of time
dental, Bide-, by* (in Compounds) relative ;

n V mua\tyyV prodigal, squandering, (phot.)

*JL#I ujflya relativity {philo*.)

,_v -i
) JLi #/a t (4U# #yd/a) to stop
J*~* mwfif host
or Btay aa a guest II to take in aa a
^i i- mv4*fa hostesa ; air hostesa,
guest, receive hospitably, entertain ( s.o.)
IV = II; to add, aubjoin, annex, attaeh
(Jl * to); to admix (Jl * .th. to); JiLi. mu^j added, Bubjoined, ad-
to connect, bring in relation (Jl * joined, apposed; oonatruot state (gram.) \

with); to asoribe, attribute, assign (Jl * <J1 J Lill the second, or governed, to s.o.) | fJ Jl l**1 JL>I (ieman) noun of a genitive oonatruction (gram.);

to annex a noun (the firet member of a ifli Jl ULi* moreover, furthermore,

genitive oonstruction) to another (the besides

aeeond member; gram.); Ol *iJli Jl -*-*!

(JLi) J~> ddgo i (4aiq, #g) to be or become
(a$if) what'a more,.., moreover,.., fur-
narrow, straitened, cramped, oonfined;
thermore . ... VII to be added, be annexed,
to beoome too narrow, too oonfined (j
be aabjoined, be attaohed (Jl to) X to
for); to be anguished, uneasy, de-
Invite s.o. () to be one'a guest
presaed, dejeeted (^ beoanae of, by, at,
.,.,,* 4aif pl. u&r* $vyU ^W^ 1
about); to become or be tired, weary
a4yf, 0U~; &jn guest; visitor
of b.o., of ,>jVl *j CJL0 (ar$u)

L> hospitable reoeption to be at a loas, be at one's wit'a end;

j iiyfa
U-l cJL (haytu) life depressed bim,
entertainment as guest, aooomodation *i

he had a bad time, he was bad off; cSL* 4. ap-padr vezed, annoyed (t-. over, at, by),
J-Jl *i (svbulu) to be at a Iosb, be at the angry ( v at, with); upaet, depressed,
end of one's tether, be at one's wit'a end; downcast, dejected; ^pull j^i 4. al-'aql
V kii *5li (dar'an) not to be up to narrow-minded, hidebound, dull-witted;, be unable to do or aooomplish JlkJi J> amall-range; of narrow aoope,; not to be able to stand ar bear limited in extent; oonfined, limited, re-,be fed up with, be tired of, feel strioted
uneay about, be oppressed by; *u. JLi
iV> daiqa, diqa atraitened circum-
Uji do.; j-u jL# (padruh) to be
atancea, poverty; anguish
annoyed, angry; & .4, cJLi (yadvM) to
be incapable of; to be too poor to... J--JI adyatf narrower, tighter

II to make narrow or narrower, narrow Jr-i* madtq pl. JjL madyiq*. jJLi*
(down), straften, oramp, tighten, oonfine, mad'iq* strait(s) ; defile, (mountain)
constrain, restrain, restrict, contract pass; narrow(s), strioture
(*; to pull tight (*, e.g., a
c--ij ta4yiq narrowing, tightening
dresa) ; to harass, oppresa, beset, besiege,
restriotion, limitation; oppression J-juAJ
beleaguer (J* s.o.); to keep J

(J* s.o.) jLJ-l tightening of the blockade; jj i"

short (j in jUi-1 to tighten
| j^ jbA.*l (tightening of the rope =) stran-
the blockade; <Ju
J* j^i to restrain gling, suppression
o.a., take restrictions upon o.s. III to

vex, annoy, anger 3iUi* mvdyaqa pl. -t affliction,

{ s.o.); to harass,
distress, grievance, embarrassment; ob-
oppresa, beset (. s.o.); to trouble, bother,
atruction, impediment, disturbance, har-
inconvenience, disturb, hinder, hamper,
impede, affect gravely aaament, moleatation; depressing State;
(m, * s.o.,,
anger, annoyance, vexation, Irritation;
bear down heavily (*, * upon); to cause
inconvenience, difficulty, trouble, nui-
(. to s.o.) VI to be or become
narrow, to narrow; to become annoyed,
become irritated; to be angry (ja at, UJLi d'iqa pl. jJlj-i ^awd'tg* predio-
about) ament, atraita, difficulty; oritical Sit-

uation, criais ^^uJ! IL; 4. al-'ai

J~> dlq narrowness; tightness, close- |

atraitened oircumatancea; <JU UJUi

ness; confinement, restriction, Limitation,
(mliya) financial atraita
constraint; shortage, scarcity ; oppression,
anguiBh; dejectedneaa, depreasion, dis- JjU* mvdyiq troublesome, irksome,
treaa; lack, want, paucity, poverty; care, wearisorae, disturbing, annoying ; nui-
worry, anziety; anger, annoyance, Ir-
sance (peraon)
ritation, exasperation; wearinesa, ennui I JjUii. muiadyiq annoyed, vexed,
Ul olj J-^ 4 di al-yad poverty, desti- irritated, exasperated, angry; hard preseed
tution; |>Ult j^J 4> al-maqm cramped-
ness, lack of space; JLUJI do.; amall ((^->) ('- 4&m& * (daim) to wrong, hrm
rnge, limited extent, narrow soope;
( b.o.), infliot damage (. upon s.o.); to
xJl J-J 4- al-yad poverty, destitution
treat unjuatly ( s.o.) X = I

-1 daim pl.
fjr* tfuym wrong,
s-* fayyiq narrow; tight; cramped;
inequity, in justice; hrm, damage, det-
short, scarce ; conhned, limited, restrioted
riment, injury
J^l J^-i 4. al-failuq illiberal, un-
generous; impatient, annoy ed; jijl
j^ 'L; look up alphabetioally

.W abbreviation of Jl^i qirf

IL f' name of the letter J JjU. (It. tavola) tvnda table |

la'bat af-f. backgammon, trioktraek;
U Jd&a pl. - ball JjlUI ,j-j table tennis

jjj /&flr pl. joj>L ftxwHr* battalion; c-i. faWw u % (Jobb, fibb, pubb) to treat med*
(0.) line, file, Single file (of soldiers, of ically (*, s.o.,, give medioal
persoiiB Walking one behind the other); treatment (*, * to s.o., to; to seek
queue jjjIUI the fifth column
| u^Ji^\ to remedy, tackle (J II to treat

medically (*, s.o.,, give medical

4-jIL fd&tya pl. t-tljU fawftn fortreaa, fort;
treatment (*, * to s.o., to V to
round fortress tower; (eg.) rook, Castle
receive, or undergo, medioal treatment,
submitto medical treatment; to practica
^-U fowjM*1 frying pan; mediaine, engage in the medical field
fjin pl. ,>r^
{eg.) shallow earthen pot X to seek medioal advioe ( from s.o.),

oonsult ( a dootor)
jU, <jlU see j_ji
u-1 fibb medical treatment; medicine,
jlU frima pl. -dt kiosk, booth, cabin, stall medical science |
L-^l ^1 f. al-asnn

jlL fza fresh, tendar, new

dentistry, dental science; j^W v^'
(baifari) veterinary science; jf-^l <-J""

pjll /za; freah, new (Sar'i) forensic JlLJI <_JJl (naf*

afoi) psychiatry ^i\ 1* 'Um af-f. medioal
\j*U* and <*IL see L^jl
science, medicine; _JJl *JS" kuiycU af-f.

'^JJ^ ^ ,fi* and u*j jU 0wfl* pl. triJ^ medical school, medical College, (chiefly
faurfwt' peacock Q. B. :) faculty of medicine

ILlL fa*(a*a w> incline, bend, tut, bow (<*lj ^ fibbi medical, pertaining to the
medical profession or science li j*^
ra'wAfl one's head; also uaed without |

(fibbiyan) physioaJly fit (e.g., for mili-

tary servioe)
jUlL> mufa'ft* with bowed head
<X fabba pl. -dt (eg.) cushion, pd;
lUtU* mufa'fa*: *T ll tUk. m. ar-ra's
_r -r
plug, Stopper, stopple;
with bowed head
^aA 2
fabib pl. ULI afibb" , l\ afibba
JU fq pl. -<W, lU fign arch (arch.); (pl. physioian, doctor |
jjL- _-*-!* (baifarx)

-dt) layer, Stratum veterinarian ; ^U- v,-*^ Qfft.) physician

in ordinary, private physioian (e.g., of

Uli fdga pl. -dt window
a king); J*-' ~^ medicine man,
yiU ?iya pl. Q jl^U fautifff white ahaman; L-^l ^j-i dental surgeon,
ootton skullcap (often worn under the dentiat; jj. ^u-t (far't) medioal
tarbooah; in Eg. = <&); fatigne eap ezaminer (jur.) ; <j jIA- I ,j+\j*i\ <~<^*

(of the Eg. Territorial Army) (jdiya) dermatologist


^aJ fabiba female doctor, doctress; to impress with a stamp, aeal or

*;U fibba medical treatment; medioal signet (* or, leave or

Jp sei
profesaion one's stamp, aeal, mark, or impress
or *, on s.o., on ; to stamp, imprint,
^oJJ tafbib healing art, medical
practica, medical profesaion (J* * on); to mint, coin
(* money); to print (*; pass.
V:^" * nvutafabbib quack, quaoksalver fvbi'a to have a natural aptitude or
disposition, have a propensity, be dis-
> iabaka u a (fabk) to cook (*
posed by natura for) *wlLj **J
VII to be or get cooked (J* j

(bi-fbi'ihi) to place, set, or leave one's

^1 fabk oooking, cookery; oooked stamp, mark, or impress on s.o. or
food; O celluloid, impart one's own character to
J fabka (n. un.) (articla of oooked) s.o. or; U* ^J, (fubi'a) to be
food, meal, diah, course innate, inherent in s.o., be native,
natural to s.o. II to tarne, domestioate,
LL fabbk cook
break in, train (* an animal) V <*LL - Li

j* tabifc cooked food, fare (bi-tib'ihl) to take on, assume, or

i^-LU fibJca culinary art, receive s.o.'s peculiar character, bear
cuisine s.o. 's stamp or impress VII to be stamped,
be printed, be imprinted, be impressed;
j* Tnafbak pl. lk. mafbik 2 kitchen;
to leave an imprint or Impression (Jon);
cookshop, eating houae, luncheonette
to be disposed by natura ( Jp for)
j* mitbak pl. Vlk. Tnafbik* any
cooking apparatua
jl fab' printing (of a book), print;
(also, e.g., a hot
(pl. g-LU /t6*) impress, impreasion,
plate), cooking stove, kitchen rnge,
portable rnge stamp, hallmark, peculiarity, charac-
teristic, nature, character, temper, (nat-
jji \abar hatchet, ax, battle-ax ural) disposition
^*J-I -J, f. al-hajar
jlj^U fabardr sapper, lithography ; J>jJ. I ^J, typography
pioneer (mil.)
^Ul c* in (the) press, at press (typ.);
*jj>\i look up alphabetically
^Li\ i*j** mustvaddat and musawwadat
"*ij^ fabariya* Tiberiaa (city in Palestine, a/-/. proof sheet, galley proof (typ.); jUI

on W shore of Sea of Galilee) ^JJl i'dai af-f. reprinting reprint; U-L

fab'an or ^UIj by nature, by natural dis-
IjjlA fabSra (syr.) chalk position; naturally! of course! certainly!

jwU tabHr 2 chalk to be sure! ^JJI [^ aayyi* af-f. ill-disposed,

ill-natured, evil by nature; *-UI jli
tf^LL fablliri chalky, cretaceous,
(gLWI) &d$ af-f. eccentric, extravagant
chalk- (in Compounds)
4*J fab'a pl. -t printing, print;
^-JtJ* fabtaba to gurgle, purl (water); topat,
edition, issue, impression
stroke, careas
(Jp s.o.)
ilLJ fabfba bat, mallet, racket (for
^U \obbC printer

ball games) i*U fib'a art of printing j *LWI lT

printing press
^J taba'a a ({ab') to provide with an im-

print, impresB or impreasion (* or ^LU fib'i typographic(al)


^ILU fob'i'
1 nature; on s.o. or, impart one's own char-
uJ. faiS'a pl.

disposition, Constitution ; pe- acter to s.o. or

culiarity, individuality, charaoter; reg- printed, imprinted; ster-
9j^* mafb'
ulr, normal manner; physics; nat- printed material, prints
eotyped ; pl. -t

ural acienoe |
JU-1 **~> by the very printed matter |
4*jUj _*! bearing the
nature of the case, as is (was) only or,
stamp, mark or impress of s.o.

natural, ipso facto, naturally, as a being characterized by; J* f\*J** do.,

matter of course; **-UI <IU physicist;
being by its very nature..., having the
natural scientist; *~UI ^ '*l m W* innate property of...; ^jjJ f\y)** (dauri)
natural acience; Ijj l **- > press law
physics; a periodical; oUj-Ull
UJJI (Xu) (falsafatu) metaphysics; J>
ijjt II to cover, cover up (*; to
-*JJI supernatural; Li^l ^U the nature
make ooinoident or congruent, cause to
of things, State of affairs
coincide, su'perpose (jy two figures;
.J tabi'i nature's, of nature, nature- geom.); to fold (*, also, e.g., the
(in Compounds), natural; inborn, innate, handa); (eg.) to shoe (* a horse); to
inherent, native; normal, ordinary, usual, apply (Jp * to); to be common,
physical; physicist; natural
regulr; universal, widespread; to spread (also
scientist; naturalist j>J* |li* physicist;
| throughout, pervade (*;

natural scientist; OL--1J1 physics; nat- pass. fubbiqa to be applied, apply, be

ural science applicable, be effective, be valid |

Jt. majba" print shop, printing JU^II *j4^ (Suhraiuh) he (it) enjoyed,
Office, printing house, press or achieved, world-wide fame; *ix~* jX
,>*! I (ituh, kafiqain) do., his (its)
IaJ*. matba'a pl. ^Uf mofbt'* print
fame spread throughout the
shop, printing offlce, printing house,
III to bring to coincidence, make co-
press julU.1 *jj*- hurnyal al-m. freedom
incident or congruent, cause to coincide

of the press
(juj jw with), correlate, com-
mafba't printing, printer's (in pare, contrast (jyj Oy a - tn* ^"4)
Compounds), typographic(al) |
^yJ** IU- to adapt, adjust, tally, trim into Bhape
ata') and 1-*J*- 5LU {galfa) typographi- (*; to suit, fit, match (*, * b.o.,

oal error, misprint, erratum, go, tally (*, with), adapt o.s.,

adjust o.s. (*, to s.o., to; to

j^a-L. (eg.) mafba'gi printer
oorrespond (> to, concur, agree,
l*^. mifba'a pl LL. mafbi' printing conform, be in keeping {*, with s.o.,

machine, printing press with, fit (a into IV to close,

~\] tbi' printer; fba' impress, shut (a, e.g., the eyes, mouth, etc.);

stamp, mark, oharacter; (pl. g}jl* to cover, cover up (*, J*, also *

stamp; imprint, with one's hand J*; to Surround,

fatobi' 3 ) seal, signet;
impression; (postage, encircle, encompass (J* s.o.); to
print, impress,
tablet, pl JjJI U agreed, agree, come to an agreement
etc.) stamp; |

postage stamp; jjlT; ^U (J* on,

about) jOj J* J>l (yo) he
t^jjj; .lk

(ta4kri) eommemorative stamp; ^U presBed my hand V to get or be covered

U^l fingerprint; ^lUI l_-*-U keeperof or closed VII = V; to be applicable,

talLi ^J* to place, set, or apply (J* to), fit, suit (J* s.o.,,
the seal;
hold good (J* be true of); to
leave, one's stamp, mark, or impress for), <J*
be in oonformity, be conaistent, be JiJu tafbiq adaptation, socommoda-
oompatible, be in keeping, oonfonn, tion, adjustment ; application
agree (J with), correspond
(J. to
JrJu tafinqi applied; practioal, serv-
jJ fibqa (prep.) aocording to, oor- ing praotioal enda LiJL;
| applied
responding to, in acoordanoe with, in f>=
oonformity with | J Uy. (/jan) do.;
ill.. mvfbaqa agreement, oonformity,
J-VI Jj, ijj*, ifra, ttfl) true oopy;
oongruity, correspondenoe
ezact replica
jilL; tatmq oongruence (geom .)
jJ foioj pl. jLLI afbag Ud, oover;
plate; dish, ahallow bowl; (round) J; U. mvfibiq oorresponding, oongruous,
aalver; aah tray; (pl. jLLI, s lao
JU. oonformable, in agreement or conformity
libq) layer, tier; Stratum (of the air);
(with) |
ilJL j,^ true, truthful, vera-
pl. JU> (with foll. genit.) auperposed oious, agreeing with the facta,
true to
maases, Iayered formationa, pile, largo nature, lifelike
quantitiesof... ;J\l JU.I flying aauoera
jJ- mufbiq entire, oomplete, utter,
J, i, yad fabiqa closed hand absolute, total; mufbaq preased; coat-
ed, inorueted (^-ilL, with gold); subter-
tabaqa pl. -t layer; atratum (of
ranean dungeon, oubliette, Underground
earth, air, Society, eto.); floor, story
ohamber UJJI jj>l {mvfbaqa) (phon.)
a building); clase, category; generation |

the sounds f, $, f t z
O <Uj>Jtll iUJI (fujrriya) stratoaphere;
_^JI olLU (naj'i*j) the impure castes, "
JU. fabq, (vbq (tg.) tobacco
the pariahsj L-jdl JJI (miilawutita)
the middle olaas(es); oUJJI 'JJ. fabala u Ifabl) to beat a drum to drum
^- AorJ v U =

clasa struggle; ^jVI

I; to beat the drum (J for s.o.,
o/-/. olij. ^ 'Um i.e.,to campaign, make Propaganda fors.o.)
aX-ari geology; U-Ul
I. JIill j jj.u.
regarded as third-rate JJ fabl drumming, drumbeat; (pl.
JJ. fubl, JLil afbal) drum; baaa drum
JjU. Mio?, fcttig pl. jjljl, (0^16^1
large brioks; floor, atory (of (of the Western orchestra)
a building) |

^jVI JjUtll (ar^t) ground floor drum

iU. faila iVI iU. | /. aj-urfun
eardrum, tympanio membrane
iljli JidJ pl. ^[A fawoij" laige
bricks *U. labla ., JJ, fytal
(q,.) i O0i r

jU. libSq (with padlock

foll. genit. or sufflx)
that which is in agreement, in keeping,
J-l fabli drum-ahaped
or in oonformity with..., correaponding,
JLL tabbl pl. -n drummer
analogous (to, in aocordance (with),
oonformable (to), ooneistent (with), oom- JJ. mufabbal moist, damp (ground)
patible (with); antithesis, juxtaposition
iU. failo pl. -t table
of contrasting ideaa (rhei.)
yj foifijw pl. -<, d JU. fatal
J-t fabfq (with foll. genit. or sufflx)
a low, round table; turntable; tray, in agreement, in keeping, or in oon-
wooden aalver
formity with..., oorresponding, analo-
gous (to, in accordano (with), con- jA faiina o to be bright, intelligent
aiatent (with), oompatible (with)
j.y labin bright, intelligent
0,-U. (hn and ij-U. (hna pl.
ijiU. fSbna (u_,i (abna) pl. -( a smaU,
,>_-!> (awhin' mill, grinder |
jar-shaped oven, Bank in the ground,
(. al-kaw' windmill
open on top, used for baking bread bak- ;

ery; (pal-, eg.) (baker's) oven mifhana pl. J.-U" ma(hin' mill,

Lt (abbin pl. -l (wheel) tire
ji. ma(hana pl. j-Uu mofAin' mill;
n^J fabanja pl. -l pistol flour mill

kJjl ''t U P alphabetically j-U JAin molar tooth, grinder

J_,U lbiya pl.

>-U (hina pl. J-'^ touwAin molar


^.U. fjjn pl. J-l> tavjin' frying pan;

tooth, grinder
(ey.) Bhallow earthen pot

O jj>JJI ^Ul af-faiojo a(-(ukrinya the

-LJ foAfaAa to break, shatter, smash

J (orra u (farr, jjj <urfir) to aharpen, hone,

JJ. (JuM, (oW?) sediment, dregs, leea grow; to sprout, come
whet (; to

JUJ. (i*i pl. -, J~l (*iJ spieen, out (muatache, hair)

milt (wrrnn altogether, all without
JUJ fAfi Bplenic exception, one and all

j> (urwr forelock;

JUJ (uhl inflammation of the spieen, ;_> (urra pl.

splenitis knotted cloth or kerchief

JjJ* mafhl having a diseaBed spieen, jl> (arrr pl. !jl> (arrira [magr.)

splenetio tambourine player rogue, sooundrel ;

JUJ. (ahlib' I> (ara'a a dar', .j> furfi') to descend,

^_UJ. fuMui (coli. ; n. un. ;) pl.

water moas break in, come (Ja upon), overtake,

befall (Jp s.o.),
happen unexpectedly
^i, fahana a. {(ahn) to grind, mill, bray, to occur (Jp or J to s.o., of
(J. to
pulverize (, 6Bp. grain); to crush, an idea) | Jp 1> U what's got into
to wear
ruin, deBtroy (, s.o.,;
him all of a sudden? what's the matter
out, wear down s.o.), exact a heavy of a sudden? %i Jp o1>
(. with him all

toll (. of s.o.; age, yeare) VI to quarrel, an idea occurred to him, he

wrangle, be antagonistic, be in conflict had an idea; /i J-u' *JU- 1
J* lAi

(with one another), to conflict {taiaddulun yudkaru) (no change worth

jmU (ihn flour, meal mentioning came over the Situation, i.e.)

the Situation remained substantially

,y,J (ahm flour, meal
unchanged IV to praise, laud, extol (.

^*b fahini mealy, farinaceous B.O.)

JLi foAtniyo (ff.)

a sweet made of .^jj (ort' fresh, new
Besame-seed meal and sugar eitraneous, ei-
jjt fri' foreign,
(ahina a thick sauce unusual; accidental, incidental,
V^ [eg., ayr.) trinsic,

made of sesame oil, and served with casual, unforeseen, uneipected, oon-

Balads, vegetables, etc. tingent; a new factor or development

intervening suddenly, a contingent;
UJ fohhdn milier
unexpeoted visitor; sudden Btirring, ^-ijlji* look up alphabetioally
sudden impulse (,> e.g. f of joy)
Jy.J- tarbl pl. Jm\J, larbW tarboosh,
JjU. lrfa pl. ^jljL /au*- un-
foreseen event, unexpected aase, a
oontingent; new faotor or development; ,>^l> larabi tarboosh merohant
inoident, aooident ^jljUI IL. State of
a^.JLt myfatia! wearing a tarboosh,
jT,i /ur*dn{ of unknown origin, wild
tri-J^ mutalarbU wearing a tarboosh,
^\J. tartOmlu*: UJI tarbooshed; hence, in Eg a member of
f ^\J. Tripoli (in
Lebanon); Vji the white-oollar
^J. t, al-jatb Tripoli
olass, of the eduoated
(in Libya) olass

V> /aro a tfaroo) to be moved (witb joy jl> lardha a (Jarl) to throw, oast, fling, tpss
or grief); to be delighted, be overjoyed, (J v or < onto or upon); to throw,
be transported with joy II to delight, toss, or Sing away, throw off, disoard,
All with delight, enrapture, phase, dump (*_. or; to remove, drive
gratify (. s.o.); to sing, vooalize, ohant away, expel, rejeot, disown, repudiate
I to delight, fill with delight, en- (v r " .o.,; to throw or put
rapture, please, gratify (. s.o.); to make (J* a a garment on or over s.o.); to
muaio; to sing, vooalize, ohant; to play present, submit
(J < to s.o.); to
muaio (. for s.o.), sing (. to s.o.) teaoh (J* a tune to s.o.); to oede,
surrender, yield (J < to s.o.); to
V> tarai pl. v'jW ajrSb joy, pleasure,
miscarry, have a misearriage ; to deduot,
delight, rapture;
amuaement, entertain-
subtraot, diseount (,>. < from)
ment (with muaio and the like); muaio |

| .Uli i^UI j to-jU (mundgaao, 'mma)

V^*" *" musioal instrument
to invite tenders, or bids, publiciy for

V> tarib pl.

^,\J. firilb moved (with (e.g., the government for some
joy or grief), touohed, affedted; delighted,
enraptured, transported, pleased, charmed
projeot); Vl> Je
c > (tu'lm) to put
a question to s.o. ; *J\ iLj J ilt_
[mat'alaian, -baht)
to broaoh or
VJ.A tarvb gay, merry, lively
raiae a question, present a problem for
V.A' ofrao' more delightful; mang oonaideration n to cause a misoarriage
better musio, being a better musioian; (U to a woman); U>l , ^J. (ifjirhan)
more melodious to throw far away, fling off
or away in to exohange ( with s.o.
vl>l <trM delight, deleotation, di-
Version f&\ o-jli. (kalim) to oonverse

with s.o., haveatalkwiths.o.; ijoil o-jlt

^JL. mufrib delightful, ravishing, to ohat with s.o., have a oonversation
oharming, amusing, entertaraing; me- witha.o.j ili-VI 4yU. (">)to exohange
lodious; musioian; singer, voealist, Chan-
questions with s.o. to drop, lall, or
tumble to the gronnd 1 to exohange
*ij~ mufriba singer, songstress, vo- with one another (< e.g., thought)
oalist, ohanteuse VII to be flung, be tossed, be thrown,
rejected, be expelled, be disowned, be
teJ" tarabHa (eg.) table repudiated; to throw o.s. down, prostrate
to djU farada u (\ard) to drive away, ohase
o.a. {e.g., ^j*!/l J on the ground);
be thrown down, be dropped VIII to away, push away, shove away, reject,

repel, banish, ezile, dismisa, drive out,

throw far away, fling off or away (a
eviot (j* a, s.o., from); ; to disoard, throw away (a ezpel,

to chaae, hunt, hound (a, a.o., |

rejeotion, re-
r jt fark expulflion,
- y. . ti^ (manf&ihl) to relieve s.o.
pubion, banishment, repudiation; mis- dismiss b.o. II = I; III to
of bis offloe,
carriage, abortion; subtraction, deduo- launch an at-
assault, attack (a, a.o.),

tion, disoount |
c > t-
al-bahr {eg.)
taok (a, on); to stalk (a an animal,
olluviation, alluvial deposits
game); to pursue, follow (a, s.o.,,

run after or (a, give chaae

r^ J r misoarried foetus s.o. ),

(a, to) VIII to drive away as booty (a

4+.J farha pl. > fwa ve (aome- be oon-
animals); to be consecutive,
times embroidered) worn by Arab
tinuoua, form an uninterrupted se-
women as a headcloth; headoloth, head
quenoe, auoceed one another continu-
ve flow uninterruptedly, carry
oosly; to
thrown water perennially (river); to progresa or
> (ort* pl. j-J* \airh&

down, oast down, dumped; thrown to get on at a rapid pace, make good
the ground, felled, proatrate; expelled, headway (undertaking) X to proceed
banished, rejected, disowned, repudiated |
(in one's Speech), go on to say, con-

*|_^iJ| 4.^ bedhdden, oonfined to bed tinue (a, e.g., one's Speech); to

asaignment, task J*i

ohange, paas on (in speeoh) (J *
'**] tariha |
from to); to digress (in speaking),
^jUU {ktl) Job work, pieoework (eg.)
make an ezcursus | Jl iJli j* *J*z*\
a-l> tarrha pl. jl> farH^ mat- l (qaviihi) thereupon he proceeded
treas; haasook, ottoman to speak about..., then he broached the
aubject of..., after that he went on to
ttfrflAa dissertation, thesis (Syr.)
say that...

mafrah pl. jU* mafdrih* place
c jjt ford driving away, chasing away,
where is thrown or at whioh
repulaion, expubion, eviction, dismissal,
is discarded, a dump; place, spot, loca-
banishment, ezpatriation; pursuit, chaae,
tion locality ; seat (in an auditorium)
hunt; swarm (of beea); (pl. jj> furd)

-\J\ iftirh
rejection, repudiation parcel/ package |
l-* \*J* *JU- ^
(mas'alaian fardan wa-'akmn) to study
^jjk. mafrh thrown down, caat
a problem from all aides, in all its
down, dumped, thrown off, discarded;
lying on the ground, proatrate; Sub-
trahend (matt.) | o c
j>ll minuend
&J fardt parcel-, package- (in Com-
(matt.) pounds), like a parcel or package

jk* munfartt thrown down, cast AjU tarda (n. vio.) a driving away,
down, dumped, thrown off, discarded; ohaaing away, repulaion, expulflion, evic-
expelled, banished, rejected, disowned, tion, banishment
farid expelled, evicted, ousted,
outcast, outlawed, banished, exed,
bjm-J farjen tarragon (rtemiaia dracun-
expatriate(d); fugitive. fleeing, on the
oulua; bot.)
run; expellee; outcart, out law; U_^U1I
^> fin pl.
^\J,\ atre, ^jj, furo* sheet
af-taridn night and day (of paper); paper
J4>> farida pl. jS\J, far'id* game
*tAA P*n&* o (jarai) to be or become deaf;
animal, game game

faraXa u to vomit, throw up, disgorge
jl^U farrd cruiser (warship); (eg.) II to deafen ( s.o.)
dike, embankment, dam, levee (esp. of
the Nile) ^J farS whitewashing
oljL farrda cruiser (warship) JJ, farS pl. ^jj, furi (ayr.) herd (of
cattle), flook (of sheep)
*\J* fird pursuit, ohase
^J faroi deafhess
ojlL. mufrada repulsion, expulsion,
baniehraent; pursuit, ohase; hunt ~<J furta deafness
jlUI fighter plane, pursuit plane, inter* JJA atraS, f. .U> farUf, pl. JJ,
ceptor puri deaf iLl JJ,\
| (omifcfc) stone-deai
jl^UI iffird uninterrupted or regulr
,sJ** mufarrii vomitive; emetio
sequence, oontinuity

jljlt-l istifrd
^SJ furH mixed picklea
pl. -t digression,
divagation; exoursus
AA farjara to brag, boast, swagger, show
jjlL. mufrid pureuer; hunter Sylt off

OjU* fighter plane, pursuit plane, inter-

j furfr pl. jt,\J, fartyr* high,
conical oap (of dervishea, clowns, etc.)
*J*a muffarid incessant, uninterrupted,
continuous, continual, unvarying, steady, J tarafr and j>l> farfr (eg.,
syr.) a sort of mayonnaise (made of fa*
constant; general | Sj^U. Ij*\j general
hina, parsley, lemon, o, milk, garlio and
rule; j-iil j^L. m. an-nasq uniform
(adj.); jiJi i^L. m. an-nagm monotonous
J^J tarpa to splash, bespatter, splatter

jj* II to embroider {*; to embellish (. s.o.); to roughoast (* a building, a

a story); to garnish (^ * wall)

{*, e.g.,
a dish with)
vj^J* farffa end, tip, point; Jerusalem
jj* farz pl. jjj furz type, model, artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.;
make, brand, sort, kind; fashion, style bot); truffle

i* jj* farzi fashion- {in Compounds)

j$*J* farfir tartar, wine stone
jlji fifz pl. ljj,\
j_> furuz, afrixa
J_> farafa i (farf) to blink, twinkle, wink,
type, model, olass, make, brand, sort,
kind, variety, speeies; fashion, style;
squint (also aXm bi-'ainaihi) ; faru/a u
(<i\J farfa) to be newly aoquired, be a
architectural style; embroidery jt^UI j.
reoent acquiaition IV to feature or teil
fli}\ old-fashioned, outmoded; jl^UI fJi new or novel, say new or
do.; jl^ i-uL ^L-* muaaah bi-aha}}.
original, introduoe a novel angle or
equipped with the latest arms; ^ idea; to present ( s.o.
v with
JjVl jljLII (awwal) first-claas, first-rate
new or novel), give (* to s.o. l_j
JJ^ tyriz embroidering, embroidery new or novel) V to be on the extreme

>> __ 658

viewpoint or hj fwfa pl. u>J> furo/ novelty,

aide, hold an extreme
be radical, have rarity, ouriosity, curio, rare objeet,
positlon, go to extremes,

radioal views choiee item; exquisite present; maater*

pieoe, chef-d'oeuvre ; hit, high light,

.jjU/or/ eye; glance, look |

<JjL jUl U pieoe de reaistance
(a&ra) he didn't bat an eye; -~jJ* > U^U farf*' (coli.; n. un. 1) tamariak
(kafty) secretly, furtively, diBcreetly;
J. {bot.)
jUI jIjjjd*' ka-rtiddi f-h "* the twin '

<Ju^ ptrif curious, atrange, odd novel, :

kling of an eye, inatantly
exquisite, aingular, rare, uncommon
i_jjU fora/ pl. <J^I afr/ utmoat part,
Ui> farf/o pl. ui?l> ptr'if* rare,
outermoat point, extremity, end, tip,
exquiBite thing; uncommon objeet or
point, edge, fringe, limit, border; aide;
piece (e.g., of art); pl. cJui^U curioaitiea,
region, area, aection; j- J>J a part of,
oddities, uncommon qualitiea
a bit of, eome party;
(as, to a dispute, of
iiljL farfa novelty, uncommonneaa,
a oontract, etc.); faraja (prep.) with, at,
of; pl. J'jW limbs, pecuUarity, bddneas, strangeneas, curi-
on the part or side
genit.) aections of, oaity, originality
extremitiea; (with foll.

jjt ^tro/oy n-nahr in shawl

>J* mifraf, mufraf
parte of |

the morning and in the evening, morninga excesa, exceesiveneaa,

Ji^j tatarruf
and eveninga; (-r
<i- j^l J \y {jarajai
immoderation, extravagance, extremism,
naqi4%n) they were at variance, they oar-
extreme Standpoint or poeition, radical
ried on a feud; Lr
*-iJ jj* J* Wj jK'"(wa-
attitude, radioaliam
iyyku) they held diametrically oppoaed
jU trif newly acquired
views orpoaitions; xJI J'^l
^Lu mtafarrif utmoat, outmost,
the extremitiea of the body, the Umba;
farthest outward, looated at the outer-
gL^I Jl>l fingertips; 4^*1* ^IA' J* a <

gadamaiA) on tiptoe; ij-iil t-iljW <* *- moat point extreme, extremistic radioal
; ;

city; JljUl/l an extremist, a radical ~*ij*i* i^? (jiha)

matno the outakirta of the |

oilcll (muta'qida) the contracting par- outlying district, outak-t(s)

ties; <J>j1j with, at, on the part or aideof;

3J faraqa u (farq) to knook, rap, bang (*
.JijU on the part of J>J Jl *J^ i>
j- ;
hammer, atrike
at, on, esp. at a door) ; to
from one end to the other; JJ >-j'j-I hammer, forge (*, eap.
with a
^*JI the right-wing partiea; J>\J*\ v^r metal); to come over b.o. (*), befall
doJ-l 7'dia6a afrfa l-h. to talk, oonverae,
s.o.; of a feeling); to come (, * to,
have a converaation VjW i> <*U*H *: ;
upon; also of events); to reach (*,
(&ard'ato) to be a highly efficient man,
get to (*), get as fax as (*); to
be highly qualified; ^ill t_iljU *; to
come by night | *J 3J* {uunak) to
give a aurvey or outline of t aum-
atrike s.o.'a ear, reach s.o.'a ear; *)U 3J*
marize, sum up; (UljU) MJ* *J* aJ (bi-blihi) to oeeur to s.o., oome to
*U- > to teil b.o. an epiaode (episodes)
a.o. 's mind; *i*i j 3J {4%hniki) do.
of one's life
** JjU (aam'ah) and *a*1* 3J* to
jL W-f- 'ann and reach e.o.'s ear, come to b.o.'b knowl-
jU \ar\a\ ,>*
tne twinkling of an eye, edge or attention; tjl 3J* to tread,
i>* *.A J i*1

inatantly; Ji* > U (farfata) not one travel, follow, take, or uae a road; <j>J*

moment Vyj* to treat of a subjeet, discuas a

topio; to broach a subject, touch on Jl>. mifrq versatile, many-sided, of
a theme II to hammer, strike with a varied skills or talents
hammer, forge, extend (, esp.
SljUI ifrqa (n. vic.) a bowing of the
metal) IV to bow one's head in silence
4-!j J^J (ra'aah) or <^j to bow
one's head V to seek
to gain accees (J( Jl^^l istifrq transit permission, free

to); to penetrate (Jl or into; passage or entry

to get (Jl to), reach (Jl, arrive JjU. friq pl.
j\J, turrq knocking,
(Jl at); (in a Speech, and the lue) to rapping, banging, striking, beating;
touch (Jl on a subject), go into turnal visitor
(Jl), treat of (Jl) | ili .Jl JJ^ V
Sjlt friqa
(iakhun) not open to doubt, admitting pl.
j\J. \awrvf mis-
fortune, disaster, calamity
no doubt
<i> farqa (n. vic.) pl. laraqt
jjjL. ma(rq much-frequented, much-
rap(ping), traveled, well-trodden (road, trail, path)
bang(ing) (e.g., at a door); |

blow; one time (= Ij,), J->-A* j-r much-discussed, fre-

j,j. (arqatain
twice quently treated subject

'jm turqa way, road passage, passage-

J>. mufriq and J[j\ JJ with
way, alleyway, corridor bowed head

Ji> tariq m. and f., pl. ij. luruq, >> tarqa'a (eg.) to crack (intr., also trans.:
CjliJ, furuql wayj road, high way; trail, V or, e.g., a whip); to crack,
traok, path; method |
jiA j,J, f. al. crunch (*
jaww air route; _^JI ^J. t. al-bahr aea
IijUp (n'mo pl. -<W kiosk, booth, cabin,
iyjJ, jij. (ra'faf) main road; jj^L,
l>U (mm) public road, highway, thor-
oughfare; <-._,> jj^L (ummiya) do.; je
V^ furumba pl. -d* pump
jljm by way of, via; by means of,
through; jl\ ^ji. ^ {f. il.jaunv) by air;
(j> and j jjl, /aruwo u, 4J. fariya a
(j'> tarwa) to be or become fresh,
ij Cr ty means of, through; _,!*
Jj^UI Wanderer, wayfarer; Jj_A^I succulent, moist, tender, soft, mild II to

pl. 3jU\ J-U qufli' af-(. highwayman, make fresh, sucoulent, moist, tender,
waylayer, brigand; J;>JI ^i to commit soft, mild (; to moisten, wet
highway robbery; i_> 05" to have (; to perfume, scent IV to
j (

sense, be sensible praise (highly), extol, laud (. s.o.), lavish

or normal
praise ( on s.o.)
j_> lariqa pl.
3J, far'iq',
furuq manner, mode, iSj" forty fresh, succulent, new;
means; way,
method, procedure; System; creed, faith, moist; tender, soft, mild

religion; (pl. -t, j> furuq) religious j'J tarwa freshness, succulence,
brotherhood, dervish Order | i moistness; tenderness, softness, mild-
Jl(a--Vl directions for use ness jU:l
| :j\J. f. al-kulq gentleness;

furuqi softness of character

J_J pl. -n adherent of a
religious brotherhood j J-\ ifriya vermicelli

JjL. mifraq and "j*, milraqa pl. JjlL, 1^1 ifr' (high) commendation, praise,
mafriq* hammer laudation, extolment
!ilj> JinwUa' (from Fr. Troade) Troy afbaha fu'mata n-nirdn to be destroyed
by fire; v.A' '" *^ ( K-'wM/S'
jlt lzaj look up alphabetically l-harb) cannon fodder

jJI> (Maus" >UL \a'm pl. **>U a/'inta food,

jj> (Tuik. foiiut) ful} pl.

gaiter(s), legging(e) nourishment, nutriment, fare, diet;meal,

repast |
UUI je v^' (o(('"<) to go on
.jLU f&a look up alphabetically
a hunger strike

o> (It. doaina) pl. jl> Jazdzin' dozen -*U* moj'am pl. >lk- mat'im 1 eating

house, restaurant; dining room; mess,

c_t /<J*t, (ist pl. Oj-i fm basin; wash-
messhall (on a ship); food |
w^AJt ^ia m.
basin, washbowl ai-ia'b and ^i> *W. soup kitchen

.- >\. fnit oyifu basin; washbasin, ^oJij tafim inoculation, vaccination;

litt pl.

inlay work |

transplantation of the Cornea {med.)

^ I. aJ-garntyo

Vi-L faSqand' Tashkent (oapital of Uibek

ULI if'dm feeding

jV. maf'm tasted; already known

jl -L failoga (ey.) to do inaccurately, perform
sloppily, bungle, boten, scamp ( a Job, aL fa'ana a (fa'n) to thrust, pierce,

work) transfLx (^ *, s.o., with); to stab

( s.o.); to defame, discredit, hurt (with

~.'*\ -L fagUtqa inaecurate, sloppy, or
words; or j s.o.,, speak
slipsbod work J
evil (J* or j of); to contest, challenge,

impeach j a judgment), appeal

.k (a'ima a (fo'm) to eat ( s.tb.); to taste (Js-
(C- j against a judgment); to refute,
( s-th.); to relish, enjoy, savor (

II to graft, engraft ( to inoculate, disprove (j; to penetrate, enter

vaccinate (ij s.o. with); to inlay (>-> (j or into | jjl j jJ. (rinn) with, e.g., wood with ivory) IV to to be advanced in years, be old; jJ

feed, give to eat ( . s.o., nouiish Jj5 (qaid) to refute a (theological) doo-
(< s.o. with), Berve food or drink () trine VI to thrust eaoh other; to attack

to s.o. (.) | jr & -M *') to appease each other, battle one another

s.o. 's hunger V to taste (* X = V;

>L fa'n pieroing, transfixion; slander-
to aak for food ing, oalumniation, defamation; appeal

~k fa'm pl. fu'fim taste, flavor, (j against; jw.), ohallenge, contestation,

bs vor ; pleasing na vor, lelish impeaohment (j of; jw.); pl. oyl fu'n
calumnies, defamations; attaoks
_*1. la'miya (tg.) patty made of
garlio CaL fa'tn (n. vio.) pl. ta'anl stab,
beans, and seasoned with onion,
thrust; attack; oalumny, defamation,
and parsley
-aI. fu'm graft, oion; bait, Iure, deooy;
jj.ll. tSQn pl. 0^l> /o^'^'>
(pl. fyi fu'Sm) vaooine
pestilenoe JaJ jj.lkll (dutnmali) bu-

-aI. fa'im tasty, savary, delicious bonio plague; tt^iJl ijeUJ' (fcigarl) and

*k fu'am food; bait; i_iU.l 0^0. f.

oJ-nuUiya linderpest, cattle
*k fu'ma pl.
catch, bag jlj^ll *J p-' plague, steppe murrain
quarry, |
JtlL. mafi'in' (pl.) invectives, abuses
J4I. lgin pl. ;UL fugdh tyrant, oppres.
(J against b.o.)
sor, deapot

JtU. fi'in and ,>JI j yXy () ;iU> fjiya tyrant, oppreasor, despot;
aged, old, advanoed in yeara l^U. *lt,j
| bully, brte, gorilla
Ojili. fgvt an idol, a false god; seduoer,
jjk. moCOn plague-infeoted, plague-
tempter (to error)

_il II to znake deficient or Boanty (a;

'jUL an Iraqi weight equaling 2000 kg, in
to be niggardly, stingy
Baara 1637 kg (J toward s.o.),
Stint s.o.)
'IjiL tu#r&* pl. -<B tughra, oaligraphioally
.-iJL (afil deficient ; small, little, slight,
intricate signature of the Ottoman trivial, trifling, insignificant, inconsider-
Sultan, interwoven with hie fatber's
name and his own honorifio, oustomarily
used on written decrees, State documents taffif stinting, serimping, nig.
and coins gardlineas, stinginess, paraimony

iSj^ tvjra = lyl fugr'' 'Jit tafi'a a (.jib, fu/') to go out, die down,
be eitinguished (fire, light); to be out,
^lil tagm oommon people, populace; low-
have gone out (fire, lamp) IV to put
ly, insignificant
out, extinguish, smother, stifle ( a fire),
*-l tuqma, fagma pl. -l band, troop, turn off, switch off ( light); to quench
group (> fire, thirst), alake ( thirst, also lime)

(jit and jU) U. faj u and jl, fag a (fagy)

wata yaumihi wa-ahraqa fahmata laihi
and (agiya a (ji> fagan, oUU (vgyn) to
fi l-'amal) to work day and night
exoeed proper bounda, overstep the
VII = 'Ji. fafi'a
be exoeBsive; to be rough,
tumultuous, rage (aea); to overfiow, D ilii. (affya fire-extinguishing de-
leave its banks (river); to fiood, overfiow, vice

inundate, deluge
(J to overcome, ;UL. mitfa'a pl. 'jlk. maifi'' fire-
seize, grip, befall s.o.); to be ty-
(J fighting equipment, fire extinguisher, fire
rannical or cruel against s.o.), engine
(J* |
"jlUI JU-j the fire department,
tyrannize, oppress, terrorize s.o.), the firemen
ride roughshod (J* over s.o.); jj.
ULI ifjS putting out, quenohing,
\ag a to predominate, prevail, pre-
extinguishing, extinction, fire fighting
ponderate (J* in, at), dominate, out- |

weigh, outbalanoe (J, be pre-

jj_^-l >Ui,l
j^ jahz i. al-hariq fire-
fightingequipment .UUVI JU-j the fire
ponderant (J* over, in eomparison with
department, the firemen; .LitVI oLL^
'amaliyt ai-i. fire-fighting Operations
iljiL fugwn flood, inundation, del-
uge jUil iff'i fireman

LJ. tugyn iJUirl itf'iya fire department

flood, inundation, deluge;
tyranny, oppreasion, suppression, re- UL. mvffa' eitinguished, gone out,
preasion, terTOrization out ; mat, dull, flat, lusterless
jjl. fa/oJra a (Jo/J, jll fu/A) to flow over, people's expense V = II; to arrive un-
C an inconvenient time,
with, also, e.g., invited or at
run over, overflow (^
generosity, etc.); to disturb, intrude; to be obtrusive
the heart with
cause to overflow (^ e.g., the milk) II to potter's clay,
Jik fa tender, soft;

fill to overflowing, All to the brim (> a argil

vessel); to overfill (> .th.) IV = II
Jik lifl pl. JUU afll infant, baby,
_jk fa superabundance, repletion; child
skin eruption, rash, exanthema {med.)
Lik lifia little girl
4mJ1 \aa skin eruption, rash. exan-
ohd (adj.), baby (adj.),
thema (med.) Jjp tiflt
children's, of or pertaining to obildhood
*Jb tal eruptive, exanthematic
or infancy; infantile, childlike, childish
(med.) JJI (fibb) pediatrics
rJjL fu/vA superabundance, Jik fajal infancy, babyhood, early

;.Ulr fujha skimmingB, foam, froth childhood ; childhood, childhood stage

LUk /u/An", f. j~U. fo/* flowing Uk fafla potter's clay, argil

over, running over, brimful, replete,

JUk (u/i potter's clay; argil; clay,
overfull, fllled to overflowing
<*uilu mitfaha skimmer, skimming
4JUk tajla infancy, babyhood, early
childhood; childhood, childhood stage;
-ilk lfih flowing over, running over, initial stage, beginnings, dawn, early
brimful, replete, overfull, fllled to over- period
il ik pajvla infancy, babyhood, early
<j& (ajara i (fafr) to jump, leap, bounce |
childhood; childhood, childhood stage;

L,-*t>r tlyik approx.: her bosom heaved children

violently (with joyous Agitation) iJ^ik fujtiliya infancy, babyhood,

IJb fajra jump, leap, bounce, bound; early childhood; childhood, childhood

impulsive motion, impetuosity; upswing, stage

upturn, suoceasful Step; fajraian

J_^ik Ju/fiJJ child (adj.), baby (adj.),

in one leap children's, of or pertaining to childhood

l_^ik fafrn pauper, have-not or infancy; infantile, childlike, childish

'Djil (afar (= ji) ornpper (of the saddle) Jik fufai uninvited guest, intruder,
obtruder, sponger, hanger-on, parasite,
jiiL. ta/aba i (lall) to run away, flee, eacape aycophant; pL oU-ik parasites (med..

Hol.) |
ij aui y. 'am af-f. parasitology

imperf.: to Jilc mvtafaffi parasitic(al); parasite,

jiU lafiqa a (]a}aq) with foll.

begin, set out to do; to do s-th. apongar, uninvited gueet

(jH) Uk taj u (jil lafw, fu/iu) to float,

intrude, obtrude, impose oj. drift; to emerge, rise to the surface

AiU II to |

upon); to sponge on i.o., jkJI Jl 4, Uk (eafh) to bring to the

(J* (J*
AiSL J at s.o.'s table), live at other surface


yUI tu/iM anything drifting or urrounding area); (of a room,

floating, driftage, floatage, flotsam; halo open (J. upon, to, toward), give
eto.) to
(around the sun or moon)
(> on), face
(J. toward); to look out,
.jU lAfin superficial peek out, peep out (j. of; to
appoar, show
<J^* tfiya floating iceberg
Jl i pl. J^L till dew; fine rain,
G *Ajl* faffSya see >1U

jl /aqqa u (laqq) to crack, pop; to olack, JU. talal pl. J^LI atm, JjlL lulil, used
smack, Aap; to burst, explode chiefly in the pl.: remain, ruins (of
houses); remain, or traces,
jJ" n to introduce into one of 'the Orders of an
abandonod encampment
of the ministry (Chr.) V to perform a
rite, follow a ritual JfV. matll: Jjilu ,j (dam) unavenged
0-& taq weather; climate; (pl.
^.jil i%ufit) rite, ritual; religious custom; Jl r^ba u (lalai, ^JL. maflab) to look,
Order of the ministry, clerical rank (Chr.) search (*, . for s.o., for; to set

out (, for a place), get on one's way
laqrt liturgical; liturgigt (Chr.); (*
otiUI to), go to see (, . s.o.,; to request
altaqttySI the liturgical booka
(Chr.) (, apply (* for); to seek, try to
obtain, claim (^. < from), ask,
jlt faglaga to crack, snap, rattle, clatter, ( ,> s.o. for); to demand, exact, require
ohug, pop, craeh; to crackle,
(de)crep- ( Jl of s.o.; to want, wih (j. .
itate, rustle from; Jl s.o. Ol to do s.tb.); to
>il. fa0Oqa Crash, bang; clap, thud, call (Jl upon s.o.), appeal (Jl to s.o.),
crack, pop; (pl. ji,U, invite, request, entreat,
iaqHq>) ditty, beseech (Jl
gay, populr song s.o.); to order, demand (j.
from), call ( for,
j. from), call in
|J II to harness, bridle ( a borse)
(, ,j. from); to be after s.o. or
yH laqm pl. fjil luqm, lyit luqma, (, .); to study III to demand back,
(U afqum a number of complementary reclaim ( v or . from s.o., call
objects or things; series; suit (of for the return or restitution
clothes) of (^
et (of tools, and the or ), demand, claim (u or i
like) ; harness (of , from
a horse); Service (e.g., of china, s.o.; to demand, claim
( v
b_yl denture, set of teeth V to require, neoessitate, make necesaary
or requisite (. VII pass.
f\l lqim = laqm; crew (of a ship)
of I

dL_.yl ^ill. denture, set of teoth V^ falab search, quest, pursuit;

(pl. -t) demand, claim, call (for), in-
Ji lalla u (fall) to bespray, besprinklo, be-
vitation (to), solicitation,wish, desire,
drizzle, bedew (t, esp. the sky request, entreaty; application,
the earth);
lalla u to emerge, rise,
order, commission; demand (com.);
loom up, come into view, appear, study
show |
iL .* at s.o.'s disposal; ^JI x* and
IV to look down (J. upon), tower j
( V-*UI jj on demand, by request, if
above), commard a view of desired,
(J), on application; O .-IUI j.i
overlook, urvey
(J.; to command! lihini l-l. at sight (com.); .^ILlj,
dominate, overtop ^Jj\
(J, ,.th., e .g., the Canf) supply and demand; UJ1 <-Jl I.

u /aMA) to be or beoome
oJ.'Jm quest of knowledge, craving for _1L faiaAa (
bad, evil, wioked, vicious, depraved
knowledge, studiousneas; Ul (J ^Ji>

'adam at-tiqa motion of "no oonfi. jX, falh (ooU.; n. un. :) pl. j-jll- fuM*
denoe" (pari.) a variety of acacia (Acaoia gummifera);
banana tree; banana
UL faiba litany, prayer (CAr.)
L>JL lalhfya pl. j-t taUMy sbeet of
VLfaliba, lba desire, wish, request,
demand; applioation

UJU JoJIAo (yr.) ream of paper
; IL jalablya pl. -<M Order,
ili ftih bad, evil, wioked, vioious,
depraved, vlainous
V ^U faliJo eiaoting, persistently olaim-
ing or demanding 'j^lt faiwa ifals) to effaoe, obliterate, blot

out (, esp. writing)

IL. maflab search, quest, pursuit;


(pl. JIL. maflib') demand, oall (for); IL ^ effacement, obliteration

requeat, wish; olaim; problem, issue;

^jJL (, effaoed, obliterated, blotted
JIL. (claima of the goyernment =) illegible
out (inscription);

demand; oall, appeal "^1 off satin; (pl. ^U.1 atlu') atlas,
SJIL. mvtlaba
witn volume of geograpbical maps
(with genit. or ^ for )s olaim '

genit. or t- to) UilJL lalasna (eg.) coping (areA.)

ju. (u pi. v^ i
uuab - y *aW,
jUuU Jalo*Jn pl. 5-1 U. (aycilua look up
aeeker, pursuer; claimer, claimant; alphabetioally
oant, petitioner; oandidate; Student,

oholar, also JJI *J> ( oJ-'ilm; pup; _11. filaim, fiasm pl. -St, {*& taltim*
talisman, a seal, or the inscribed
a nayal rank, approl. midshipman
(Eg. like,

1939) jti 11
(mumtz) a naval rank, with wordB or characters;

approi.: ensign (Eg. 1939); oUU-l v* " 1 charm, magical oombination of words;
petitionere ; j-ljj JH / -"# pl. --^U oryptic charaoters
Uk (ala'au (jll. ful', jUk mafio.') to rise,
^jJU, JJiM student's, Student- (in ascend, oome up (esp. of celestial bodies)
oompounds), of or pertaining to studies to oome into view, appear, show, become
visible; to erupt (tooth), oome
or students

sprout, break forth (plant); to go out,
^jJL, matlb wanted (in
get out, come out, emerge (,> from); to
ads); dne, owed (money); unknown (of
come suddenly (J upon s.o. or,
a quantity; math.); (pl. r sl u " mafalib')

overtake (J s.o.,; v "=1
wish, deeire; pl. oljjlL. liabilities, fala'a a u
take or bring to s.o. ;

pl. ^4 ^* olaims
iL ful') and jali'a a to mount,
^J\L. mutalib claimer, olaimant;
ascend, olimb, Scale (; to get (
mvfllab one of whom or s.o. (v)
on top of, aboard, into an
is demanded, one accountable (._> for),
automobile, on a train, etc.), board (

held answerable (v for) a train, eto.) 111 to read, peruee (

to study (; to look ( at,

,.- ' IL-. mutotoUabt requirementa
inspeot, view {*; to acquaint { fjA IoIW striving, aapiring | y-ji.
8.0. tj with), make olear, eluoidate, i*7Li Ijill owiyfi, mpid) efflcient,
explain, expound, disolose
( v . to s.o. energetio, vigorous; Ji^sS\ Jl & (fcj'or., give an insight (i_, , to s.o. into), ruf) curious, eager for news
let s.o. () in on (o,); to shine (*
jil /u/fl' rising, going up, ascending,
on ; of the sun) IV to erupt (tooth),
ascension; rise (esp. of celestial bodies);
come up, sprout, break forth (plant) j to
appearanoe; olimbing, ascent (of a
acquaint (J* s.o. with); to inform ( s.o.
,> or J* of or about), apprise, notify
jt or J . s.o. of), let s.o. (.) know Jl. talVa pl. ^ML falSi'' front row,
(J. or about, teil J . s.o. about); foremost rank, vanguard, avant-garde;

to demonstrate, point out, disclose, pl. harbingers, precursors, presages, por-

reveal, show ( J . to s.o.; to give tents, Erst indications, Symptoms; be-
an insight (J to s.o. into), let s.o. (.) ginnings |
JLII j in front, at the head,
in on
(J*) V to have an eye on in the lead (Jl), wait, look out (Jl fbr); to
jU. matla' pl. ^IL. matMi'' rise,
watoh (Jl for); to strive, be out (Jl for),
time of rising (of celestial bodies); point
be bent (Jl on); to look (Jl at s.o.),
of ascent; starting point, point of de-
regard (Jl s.o.); to look attentively or
parture; break (e.g., of day), dawn
olosely, gaze, Btare (^ or j at) Till to
(e.g. ( of an era); onset, outset, Start,
look; to see, behold, view (j*;
beginning; introduotion, preface, proem;
to study, come to know (J, be-
opening verses (of a poem); preludej
come acquainted (J* with), beoome lookout; ladder, Steps, stairs
aware or oognizant (J* of), obtain
information (J about), be informed <JUu mufia'a reading, perusal, stud.

(J* of); to inspect, examine (J, y; (pl. -<K) (offlcial) announcement |

look into

(J.); to know (J.
UIUI IM reading room, study hall
or of, be aware, be oognizant (Ag>
^iUJ tafaUu' striving, aspiration, en-
of); to be (well) informed (J. about),
deavor, aim; inquiaitivenese, curiosity
have (inside) information
(j* of), be
(thoroughly) aoquainted (J* with), be J^UpI iftiUr pl. St study, examination,
privy (J* to), be in on to inspection; perusal; information, intel-
find out, discover, deteot (j* ligenoe, knowledge; notioe, cognizance;
X to seek to discover, explore, scout, acquaintance, conversauce, familiarity
reoonnoiter (*; to inquire (*
^>Ut-l iatifUC study, researoh, investi.
about; to arouse curiosity (. in
gation, probing ; soouting, reoonnoitering,
s.o.) | jtj *JkJ (ra'yah) to consult
reconnaissanoe; exploration; suspense
s.o., ask s.o.'b advioe or opinion; JLi-i
(in antioipation of flucti ^*.
J^- (iabarahi) to seek information |

hubb al-ist. inquisitiveneas, curiosity;

about s.o. or
JOkLi.^1 j L. (hubtan) out of curiosity;
^U iaT (also coli.) spadiz or inflo- j^lii.^1 !/lt reoonnaissance plane
reeoence of the palm tree; pollen
je->(ki.l ittiflSl researoh-, study- (in
Jl taTa look(s), appearanoe, aspect,
Compounds), explorational, exploratory,
outward appearanoe, guise
faot-finding; soout-, reconnaissanoe- (in
*U fuia'a inquisitive, nosy, ourious
& S80

1 has (absolute) validity for..., it

JU> fi' pl. ^j' fowUli' rising, it

ascending (esp. a celestial body); star of applies to...; vjUI >

J^" >' <*"<>1

jWJl J-- to give free rein, imposo no restraints,

destiny; ascendant, nativity |

good let things take their course; ,>. Ijj- jlU

hum af-t. good fortune, lucky Star,

j-l luckily for mo, fortu- l^JLU (Aarftan) to unleash a war; IjjJI jlll
luok; ,jJU,
ij (daw'u bafnah) the medicine
nately; jJUJI '^ ayy' of-f. ill-starred,

ill-fated, unfortunate, unluoky; hapless loosened bis bowele; J* ^L*/ jlll

he on (rafta) to firo, shoot at; JI i>-j jlW

person; JIU .U (fK'uAfl) feil

fortune / jJI (rijlaihi, rih) to run away head over

evil days, he met with ill

heels, to beat it; fjl *j\~ jlU (ja)

JLU tli'a outset, beginning, Start
to run away head over heels, dash off

Jlk* mufSli' reader like the wind, to bolt; Siljl/I jlU to

give a free hand (J to s.o. j in or
maz* mutafalH' curious, eager, waiting
to do; Lf- jlU to release s.o.,
(Ji f0
set s.o. free, let s.o. go; IjuJ JjJ jUl
milu muttali' viewer, observer; in-
(Ii-'o6rfKtAi) to let one's tears flow freely;
formed (J about, of), aoquainted, fa-
t>.\j^ jlLI (sarAaA) to set s.o. at
milir ,(j with), cognizant (J* of),
liberty, free s.o., release s.o. (from jail
privy (J* to)
or custody); J oLll jlU to give free rein

jll foiujo u (MU falqtt) to he oheerful, to s.o. or, give vent to ;
jovial, happy (face, oountenance) ; aJ. (lihyatah) to let one's beard grow;

tdaqat u, faluqat u (3iU fal}) to be UJLS IMU j iU jUl to indulge in

divorced, get a divorce (said of a woman) defamatory remarks about s.o., back-
pass. tuliqal (jll> falq) to be in labor bite s.o.; v
j"' (oWnaJsum)

II to set looae, releaso, set free, let go (, to incite s.o., e.g., a crowd, the mob (to
s.o.,; to leave, forsake (*, s.o., boisterous demonstrationB, emotional; to repudiate, divoroe (irjj zaw outbursts, and the like) \f-f J ^-11 jU

jatah one's wife); to grant a divorce (7ta/a, sa^iyoJtn) he gave free rein to
decree (J* against a woman; said of the his instincts; jUI jltl to open fire on,
judge) | Ui' C-jH* (nafsah) she dis- fire or shoot at; j jUI jll.1 to set re
solvedher marriage, got a divorce; C-il
to, set on fire; v '4 J 11 1 (**)
{fulliqat) she was granted a divorce
to be openhanded with, bestow

from him (by judicial decree) IV to a

lavishly; (J) j >i>. jlU to give b.o.

undo, loose, disengage (*; to free,

free hand (in, to do, give s.o.
also c*em.),
set free (, . s.o.,,
unlimitedauthorityfor; s~ki\ j^n^J \yM
release, set at liberty, let go, let off, sot
(aidiyahvm) they did as they pleased
loose (, s.o.,; to send out, dis-
with the country, they dealt high,
patch (, s.o.,; to discharge (
handedly with the oountry V to brighten-
a firearm), fire (, at), shoot
beam, be radiant (with joy) l+r J J^" |
utter, emit ( a sound); to
(J* at); to
i.I_ili (imjhvM bi-btuma) her face broke
let burst forth ( laughter); to repudiate,
into a radiant smile VII to be free, be
divorce {<^rjj zaujatah one's wife); to
loose, be set free (also, ehem.); to be
generalize (; to apply (, e.g.,
jlU emitted, emanate; to raoe along, sweep
an expression, a designation, J* to) |

along, dash along; to hurry, rush (JI

... ,-1 4-U(wma) to name or call
to); to be hurled off, be flung away;
designate 9...; J jlW (yu*ku) I
to be diacharged, be flred (firearm); to J-IL /ottj pl. Uli fulaq'i freed,
explode, go off; to burst forth, burst out, rele&sed, Bet free, free; freedman; U1UI
ring out (shoute, voices); to take off, name of those Meccans who remained
start off, decamp, depart (^. from); heathen until the surrender of Mecca
to start rollrag, move off, pull out (train,
*f:Ai falqa ease, relaxedness; un-
vehicle) ; to go on, proceed on one's
restraint; cheerfulness LJI :Ai
way; to go away, leave; to go by, pass,

fluency, eloquence; *-_jJI "^ f. al-wajh

elapse (houra, years); to brighten, beam
cheerfulness of the face, gaiety
(face); with .-: to utter .th. (tongue);
with fo. imperf. : to set out to do, *Ji /aiija repudiated or divorced
begin or start with |
^jc. ^ILil woman, divorcee
(yajri) he set out in a hurry; Uj. jlLil
>iL falga pl. jl^ir fal'iq* atallion
(mvari'an) he went away quickly, rushed
away, dashed off; J* *JU jlLil {lisnuh) <JhAM i/Jdy freeing, liberation; setting
to utter words against; <^-j jlLil {waj* loose, releasing, release; dispatoh(ing);
huhu) his faoe brightened, became apph'cation (J* to); generalization ; llirl
cheerful X <J^ jlkJ (bafnuh) he had iflqan absolutely J j^ir"bll J* absolutely,

a bowel movement unrestrictedly, without exception, in any

respect, under any circumBtanoes; J^irl
J falg talc (min.) ; labor pains, travail;
free, open, unconfined, unrestrained, J o"^** (* ar-ro^?) the firing at,
the shootingof s.o.; r'^-JI J^VU (w-aarA, '.
impeded, uninhibited; free (j- from),
release (of s.o.); (lj*JI) jLJI J^irl opening
rid (,> of) |
Ul jlt folg (fg, futq)
of fire, ahelling, gunning, cannonade
al-muhayy with a happy, cheerful face,
brigbt-faced; **-J\ jU. falg (tilg, fulg) j^Uil infilg outburst, out break, erup-
al-wajh do.; LJI jU eloquent; tion, explosion, release
.j^JI j (e.g., of forces,
JjiUI (hatv') outdoors, in the open, of energies); unrestraint, liberty | *L1
under the open sky; ^xJl jU /. al- j^kJV' nugfat al-inf. starting point, poinb
yadain openhanded, liberal, generous of departure

J fg permissible, admissible j)U flig (of a woman) repudiated,

jU \alag pl. j->l aflg run, race, foot
divorced |
tf^ jJU. ^ (taltan) Bhe ia
irrevocably divorced
race; (pl. -t, j^irl aflq) shot (with a
firearm) |
jlU g^- rapid-fire (rifle, jik* muflag free; unlimited, un-
gun) restricted, absolute; general; UiL. muf<

jU LJ lagan absolutely, unrestrictedly, with-

lisn faliq a facile, fluent
tongue out exception, in any reBpect, under any
circumstances |
jiU.1 Ci-I oli JjoJl (duuxji
<li /a/ya pl. falaqt divorce lili
(t a2-AuA:m) the authoritarian states;
ij^ill (talta) definite divorce
^l^-JI jik. m. (W-aarA free, at large, at

<ILL falaga pl. -t shot |

LjU Ulk do liberty

J^ir faJy divorce, talak | *j*^Lj 3& jUai* mutafallig cheerful, jovial, bappy
(talta) definite divorce ; j*- j J^ (face)

(raj'i) revocable (not definite) divorce;

lL* miflama rolling pin
J^JI ^bT bl of divorce; J^Ul J*L- to
swear by all that's holy il* fulumba pl. -i pump
; ;

jaimaM to frown, acowl, glower, lower fidence, to trast in), rely, depend

(Jl on, upon); to make sure (J* of,

(j\l and JL) JL JaW (JaJy) to paint, daub
reassure o.a. (J* of or with regard to);
(i_j * with); to ooat, overlay, plate
to find reassurance (Jl in), derive oon-
( v * with) |
v-*illi * JL (rfoAoft)
fidence (Jl from)
to gild; b^Sli * JL (kahrabd') to

galvanize, electroplate; L-Lb *

ojLl /uma'nina calm, repoae, serenity,
peace, peacefulness, tranquillity; re-
(mlfuS*) to enamel VII *J* Jkj |J

assurance, peace of mind, composure,

J-1 I* (Mio) he wouldn't be deceived
him calmness, equanimity; trust, oonfidence
by this nue, this triok oouldn't fool

UjuLI ifmi'ndn calm, repoae, serenity,

^At fild* coating, overlaying, plating;
peace, peacefulness, tranquillity; re-
coat, oovering (e.g., of sugar); (ooat of)
Ij^^JIj OJI asBurance, peace of mind, composure,
paint; make-up, face paint |

calmness, equanimity; trust, confidence

(kahrab*) galvanization, eleotroplating

pleasant, becoming, nice,

,jJJ* m-ufmainn (of land) low, low-
JL faliy
lying; oalm, quiet, at ease, composed,
(re)assured, tranquil, serene, peaceable,
lj& faiwa beauty, graoefulneaa, grace, peaceful, safe, secure ; sure, certain
trusting, confident, of good hope

uLlLJl at-fulydn the Italians

vi-*U famata u and fama a (famt) to men-

LJi- ftdaifila1 Toledo (town in Spain)

Btruate; famata u i (famt) to deflower
(U a girl)

-L famma u (|amm, pJ fumm) to over-

i*L menstruation menses,
famf ;

fiow, flood, inundate, deluge, engulf

menstrual discharge
(* VII pass. of I

*L famaha a (rj*L fumh) to turn, be

-L fimm large quantity, huge amount
directed (Jl to, toward; of the eye, of
sea | tj\j All (rimm) tremendous richee
glances); to aspire (Jl to, after), be bent
i.LL fmma pl. -d* (overwhelming)
(Jl on), strive, crave, long, yearn (Jl for),
oalamity, diaaster oovet to take away, remove

LLL fumfa tomato ( v

rj*L fuffliiA fltriving, endeavor, aspi

LLL famfim* (ooll.; n. un. *) tomatoes
ration, desire, craving, ooveting, longing,

LL famana and ,>tL fa'mana to calm, yearning ; ambition ; high aspirationa

quiet, pacify, appease, assuage, soothe lofbineas of purpoae

(*, s.o.,, aet a.o.'s mind at rest;

t-j*1 farnK high-aiming, high-aapiring,
to fill b.o. () with oonfidence (Jl in),
ambitioua; oraving, covetous, desirous,
reassure (Jl * s.o. of or with regard to) arid, eager
n ^.ILI tafa'mana = j*L VI; IV LLI
-LL fammh high-aiming, high-aapir-
gma'anna to remain quietly (j in a
ing, ambitioua; craving, oovetous, de-
place); to oome to rest; to be or beoome
sirous, arid, eager
Btill, quiet, calm, tranquil, at ease,

compoaed, or reasaured, feel assured, *k* mafmah pl. flk. mat&mih* objeot

confident, or seoure; to be sure, be of one's longing or atriving, (aspired)

certain (j or Jl of; to have oon- goal, aim, ambition, burning desire


f\b fmih high-aiming, high-aapiring J|J tamfim* (coli.; n. un. *) tomatoes
longing, yearning, craving, covetoua,
jljW*! fumfumni barbarous, barbaric, un-
avid, eager
educated (esp. speech, pronunciation)

\fj famara u i (famr) to bury, inter, cover

with earth (*, esp, a corpee); aJ fami'a a {fama') to covet, deaire (i_>

or j, wish, crave, strive (<~> or j

tamara i to cover up (* a thing), fill up
for), aspire (^ or j to, after); to ezpeot
(* a well)
(._>, ^ from); to hope j for); to be (

jS fimr pl. jLii afmr old, tattered ambitious; pimua u (*Li tam'a)
garment, rags, tattere to be covetous, avid, greedy, avaricious

jj timirr fiery ateed, raoe hrse

II to make ( s.o.) desiroua (j of), fill

( s.o.) with greed (j for); to allure,

^J*. mifmar plumb line
tempt, entioe ( s.o.); to give ( s.o.) hope
jj*L> mafmr Bubterranean, Under- (ii of), hold out hopea ( to s.o., j of
ground | O lj_^*J*L! ]* *ilm al-mafmrt, embolden ( s.o.), encourage (j

paleontology b.o. to do IV = II

jyh* mafmra pl. j^lk. matmir* *1 fama' pl. fLU afTn* greed,
greediness, avidity, covetousness; ambi-
subterranean atorehouse for grain, Under-
tious deaire, ambition; objeot of desire
ground granary, mattamore
fl*l \amn\S avid, greedy, covetous,
*jj* II (eg.) to ourry(comb), rub down (*
desiroua; avarioious, graaping
a hone)
5-* 1*1 tam'iya avidity, greed; cupidity,
jLt /mr {eg.) currycomb

jLjL fmr pl. j<+\jk fawmir2 look up (

fcJ*. mafma' pl. .11*. mafmi' 1 coveted
alphabetically objeot; covetousness, craving, desire;
hope, expectation; pl. ambitiouB de-
ijS famasa u i (fams, ,_yj^ fums) to be
aigns, ambitiona, Bchemes, aapirationa,
effaced, be obliterated, be erased, be
wiped out, be blotted out, be destroyed,
i*J** mafma'a Iure, enticement, temp-
be eradicated; to lose animation, be-
come lusterless (eye, glance) ; (amorn i

(fams) to eflface, obliterate, eraae, ex- LL. mifTn' filled with greed; obsessed

punge, blot out, wipe out, destroy, erad- by ambition, overambitious

icate (J* or * VII to be effaced,
j^J II to quiet, calm, appease, pacify,
be obliterated, be wiped out, be blotted
allay, aasuage, soothe (*, s.o.,;
out, beoome extinct
see also ^U fa'mana under ut*L VI to
{J fams effacement, obliteration be low; to become low, sink, subside;
to calm down, be or become quiet, calm,
^ l^j 1 infims inoomprehensiblenesa,
still, to abate; to be bent over, to stoop
uUl \amS,n calm, quiet, repose, peace,
ur- LI fdmis extinct, dead; blurred, in-
peacefulneaa, aerenity, tranquillity; re-
distinct; incomprehenaible, abstruse, rec-
assurance, ease, calmneas, peace of
ondite, obaeure
mind, oomposure, equanimity ; truat,
*IU fumfa tomato confidenoe

,>*U tifmin appeasement, molfication, <$j^ fanba pl. -<K paddle box (of a paddle
ealuiing, assuaging, soothing s teamer)

^ylLi* mutafmin low 1*iU fanja 2 Tangier

(j*U and ^^J) * fam u (jJ /umu>), ^^J j*^ fanji from Tangier; native of
tarn i (fawiy) to flow over Tangier, Tangerine

famy (eg.,ayr.) alluvial mud, eilt, jf+^ tanjara pl. j*-UU fanjir* (copper) cas-
alluvium serole, sauoepan, skillet

J funn pl. bll o/nn ton | J* * jl (wu* liid tajtfd Tanta (city in N Egypt)
aajjal) register ton
jki fanfana to ring, sound, peal, jingle,

J /anno * (,>J fanin) to ring, sound, peal, tinkle (bell); to hum, buzz, drone
jingle, tinkle (bell); to hum, buzz, drone (insect); to clang, boom, roar, rnmble;
{insect); to ring (ears) II = I to blare out (<->

^J fanin ring(ing), peal jingle, tinkle, i fajtfana ring(ing), peal, jingle,

tinkling (of a bell); buzz(ing), hum(ming), tinkle, tinkling (of a bell); hum(ming),
drone (of an insect); ringing (of tho buzz(ing), drone (of an insect); clangor,
ears) boom, roar
<jLi fannn ringing, sounding, peal- .JtJ punuf (tanaf,tunf) pl. ^funf, JUU
ing, jingling, tinkling; resounding, re-
afnf top, summit, peak (of a mountain);
verberating, eohoing; humming, buzzing,
ledge, molding, eaves
droning; whistle, buzzer (of a kettle);
famous, renowned, celebrated 1 finfisa, fanfaaa, funfusa pl. ^jJI^* fanfia*

velvet-like carpet, mockado carpet

i_^L II to remain, abide, stay to live, Bettle

down (ij in, at a place) IV to be ex- *1* a group of letters opening the 20th sura;
ceasive (j in), overdo, exaggerate (J Th a Muslim masculine proper name; to brag
j4$* fahara, fahura u (/Ar, jW^ fahTa) to
<_^ funub pl. (_jLU afndb tent rope; be clean, pure; taharat, fahurat (of
sinew, tendon |
ohll xi (Sadda) to stay, a woman) to be clean (as opposed to
sojoum, reside; J <jLU1 ^j^# to settle menstruating) II to clean, cleanse, de-
down, take up permanent residence in terge, expurgate, purge, purify, chasten
a place; J oUU u^# to take root, prevail (a, s.o.,; to disinfect, aterilize
(at a place) dredge {* a canal); to
{*; to e.g.,

wLU fnft exaggeration; fussiness, circumcise ( s.o.) in to circumcise

eircumatantiality, prolixity, lengthiness, ( s.o.) V to clean o.s., cleanse o.b.,

verbosity perform an ablution

3 j4$* fuhr cleannesa, purity; chastity

jj^> fujibr pl. julit fanftir a long-necked,
stringed instrumeot resembling the man- jyt* tahr circumcision; cleansing,

dolin; a device used to raise water for purging, detergent; clean, pure

irrigation, rchimedean screw; drum,

<j I4L fahra cleannes3 t cleanliness,
oylinder (techn.)
purity; cultic purity (lal. Law); chastity;

tSjjt^* funbri player of the jj^* honeas, aanctity, BaintlinesB; ciroum-

eisten |
JjJl jl^i f. a4-4ail innooenoa; V> II to beatify (. s.o.; Chr.)
probity, upright neas, integrity, honesty
Jjl fb bleaaedness, beatitude; Be-
j+U* mafhar purgatory (Chr.) atituda (title of honor of a patriarch;
*j^** mafhara pl. ylL. mofiJAir 1
xroom, lavatory, toilet Tljl*> tafwib beatification (Chr.)

j^Lj <a/Air cleaning, cleansing, purging, V> fb (coli.; n. un. I) brick(a) |

^1 v>
expurgation, purifioation; disinfection (ahmar) baked briok(a); fjlu .^L (mu-
purgation, use of aperienta; dredging; farra) hollow tile(a), air brick(a); J ^jL
circumciaion (nayy) unburned, sun-dried brick(s)

jj^j tafAlrf cleaning, oleanaing, de- -*l^t fawub brick burner, brick-
tergent maker, tilemaker

^*LU jeSAtr pl.jL#U ofAr clean, pure; ^rfjl fbji, (eg.) fobgl -lya
pl. artUlerist,
choste, modest, virtuous | 5-Jl ylV f. artilleryman
a4-4imma upright, righteous, honest;
i-jfjL fbjlya artillery
Jj-l j*LV /. ad-4ail innooent, pure,
unblemished, blameless, upright, right- *jJ* fba the fifth month of the Coptio
eous, honest oalendar

j+U* mufahhir pl. -t a detergent (esp. r^* tha u (fauA) to perish, die; to
antiseptio); an antiseptic, a disinfectant lose one'a way, go aatray, stray, wander
about; to fall; to throw, cast, fling, hurl,
jlJU* mutahhar pure, immaculate
toss, carry away, sweep away (^ s.o.,
'^^i fiArn 1 Teheran (capital of Iran) II to oause to or let periah ( or
<-> s.o.); to endanger, expose to per {*
J4I V to despise, deteat, abhor, Ioathe
or .- s.o.); to throw away, toss away,
hurl away (.-; to throw, cast, hurl,

*^k* mufahham of perfeot beauty (esp. os toss, fling (Jl ^ s.o. into); to carry

an epithet of noble horses) away, transport (Jl ^ s.o. to, into); to

move, induoe, tempt ( b.o., Jl to,
(j^ and iS^)
I4L fad u and ^Lj ya#Ad to do ^IjUI *. c-~> fate dealt

(^L faAu>, ^4! fuAiy, faAy, iilfr /Aya) him severe blows IV to drop, discard
to 000k (*; to stew (*; to (*, s.o.,, shed (*; to let
braise (*; to broil, fry (*; to (<->) be swept away; to carry away,
bake (* tear away, rip away (.-<; to chop

^j^0 fukan cooked diah, cooked meal off (a, esp. the head) V to fall, drop,
be thrown, be tossed; to atray, wander
*jl+i fihya oook's trade
about; to sway, reet, atagger

lj^** mafhan kitchen rljU tawd'ih 2 adveraities, blows of

LI fhin pl. l+i fuhh cook fate

**-jlu mufawwiha pl. -t adventure

^IjL fawdA pl. 3~-J_jI tawya eunuch
*jL VII to rise in the air, soar up
iljL fatinvdya frying pan
jjL faud pl. jtjLl afwd (high, tower-
^U fdba look up alphabetically ing) mountain
;; ;

>> 572

jlk* munjdd pl. xLtu mandd1 balloon, ^jL n to adorn, decorate, deok out (*,

blimp; zeppelin, dirigible j a-i. :>U*u s.o.,

(mu$ayyad) oaptive balloon, kite balloon ^It fd* pl. -dt round, shallow drink-
O ~*tf J'j* J^* (haw'l) barrage balloon
ing oup made of metal, drinking vessel
finget bowl
j_>L II to develop, further,
advance, pro-
mote {* V to develop, evolve; to <-lL faa pl. -dt round, shallow drink-
ohange; to race (motor) ing oup made of metal, drinking vessel |

jj^ $aur pl. jljM afwdr one time (= Fr. s+d\ -IL frying pan; O f^L^di *-lL /.

foia) ; Btate, oondition ; limit, bound al-tafdum buffer (railroad)

atage, degree; phase (also phys., esp. d.) j ^jjll fduriZ pl. ,j-ij^ fawwU? pea-
j^U xu ij^U time and again, again and oook
again; lj^ Ij^L or \jjl* L-** some-
^jL* mt^aunwu ornate, ostentatious*
times sometimes, at times at
ly made-up
times; *jj je- rj*- to lose one's seif-

oontrol, beoome upset; j^U j* *rj*-' ^JjL II to oastrate, emaaculate { s.o.)

(afcrajoh) to upset, disoompoae, dis-

^IjL jaudA pl. ^{jl jawHya
conoert s.o.; jj^H <-rij* of oddbehavior,

j^L afw&r mountain

(fjU) fit Jd*a u (/au') to obey (J or s.o.),
fflr pl. jljLI |jj*
be obedient (J or * to s.o.) II to render
#Ua^ f. fnd* and Ua- jjL f. fnd Mount
obedient, bring into subjeotion, subdue,
eubjeot, subjugate ( s.o.) |
*J i^jjL
jj> fflrf wd *-ij (na/*uAfl) (lit.: bis soul permitted
jl^U fawdr aide walk him, made it easy or feaaible for bim,
JljjL frflnl wild; Turanian i.e.) he allowed himaelf to do (*),

he had no qualms about doing

jjiJ tafawumr pl. -dt development;
(*), he did not hesitate to do (*)
evolution; pl. -dt stages of development,
III to oomply with or aooede to s.o.'s
evolutionary phases, developments J
() wishea (J* or J in, with regard to),
j jlcll developable, capable of development
yield, aubmit, be obedient ( to s.o.,
or evolution
J or j in), obey ( s.o., J or j in); to
jjjUJ tafawwuri evolutional, evolu- be at s.o.'s () oommand (of a faculty,
tionary | *ijJ^ <tj* {naqariya) thoory skill, etc.); to consent, assent ( j to
of evolution, evolutionism IT to obey, follow s.o.,, be

obedient, submit, yield (*, to s.o., to

'jlt fr {= jlUI #dr), IjlU fdra hoop, ring;
tire; frame; wheel; tambourine, oomply (*, with s.o.'s wishes,

with, aooede (*, to s.o.'s wishea,

"jlUl t^dr aee >l to T to do voluntarily (J or u or

*ij j_i frfya look up alphabetically

*, volunteer (J or y or * for, in,
to do; to enlist, volunteer (mil.) \

LjjjL furbtf pl. -dt, i-ji^ fardfrk*1 torpedo f jW (Jpairan) to perform a good

deed voluntarily TU to obey, follow

ijjl /flrfya (ep.) pl. D jj'ji Jawdrf hoe,
obedient, submit,
(J s.o.,, be
yield, aooede (J to), oomply (j with)

jjj> (Turk. torfwi) gaiter(s), legging(s) X to be able (* to do, be in a


73 -i>

Position to do, to get, to carry out, or U f'i' obedient, compliant, sub-

to take upon o.a. (*, be capable missive |
Uj* j\ Uli willingly or un-
(* of, l of doing willingly, whether I (you, eto.) will it or

9J0 fau* obedience ; voluntariness,
spontaneity (in connection with a legally fjL* mufawwa' pl. -n holder of the
relevant action, esp. a deliot; Ist. Law); diploma iasued by the Great Mosque of
ffor m. and f.) obedient, compliant, aub- Turds; mutfawwi* volunteer (also
missive; UjL fauan voluntarily, of one's mil.); unsalaried trainee

own free will, of one's own aocord |

f-jlL* mufwi' obedient, compliant,
U^S jl (karhan) willingly or unwillingly,
submissive; yielding, pliable, pliant;
wly-nilly, whether I (you, eto.) will it
f-jUtil the reflexive, frequently = the
or not; LjJI
9J, tractable, docile,
passive {gram.) |
jlW. jj-u. mild Bteel
amenable; Oj pjL fau'a yadiki under
a.o.'sthumb, at s.o. 's beok and call; *-k* mufi" obedient, compliant

LjJjI9J0 jh (fau'a aidin) he is at our jLr* mutafawun' pl. I volunteer (also

beck and call, he is in our power; 9 J*
mtl.); unsalaried trainee
t\j*\ fau'a amrika at your disposal
i-* mustaf' possible, feasible |
"L*jL fau'iyan voluntarily, of one's
f-LUzil jJi qadra l-m. as far as possible,
own free will, of one's own accord
as far as it is feasible; (joj
L fayyi' obedient, compliant, sub- ^IkUll do.
(^) JiU \\a u (fauf, JiI^U tawf, jUjU
5*Ur \Sa obedience, compliance, sub-
tawajn) to go about, walk about, ride
missiveness; (pl. -t) pious deed [Isl.
about, travel about, move about, rove
Law) IUI c*u bait af-f. the husband's
about, wander about, run around (
house to which a woman, in oase of
in, tour (a; to go, walk,
unlawful desertion, must return (Isl.
ride, run (Jj*-, <-> around, ciroum-
Law); 4*\U\j fc*_JI as-sam'u wa-t-f'atu
{ ambulate (J>~, make the *_*; to
I hear and obey! at your Service! very rounds, walk around (Je among people);
well! itLUj Lr* sam'an wa-\atan do. to circle, circuit, compass (Jj*-, t_*;
to roam, rove, rnge
5-*ljL faw'iya obedience j
^ around, guide
(t_*; to show
voluntarily, of one's own free will, of (^ s.o.); to familiarize

one's own accord o.s., acquaint o.b. (^ with); to become

acquainted (*_* with b.o., with,
JjL. mifw' obedient, compliant
come to know (._ s.o.,; tfou/)
t_jU tafwi' diploma of the Great to appear to s.o. (<_*) in his sleep; to
Mosque of Tunis come (Je upon s.o.), afflict s.o.); to
Uli! ifffa obedience overflow, leave its banks (river); to
Bwim, float, drift II to go about, walk
jU tafawwu' voluntariness ; volun-
about, stroll about, ride about, travel
teering; voluntary Service (
j in a branch
about (j in), tour (j; to go or
of the armed forces); Service as an
walk around (l_j), circle, circum-
unsalaried trainee, voluntary traineeship
ambulate {*_*; to show around,
UlUi^l isti'a ability, capability, fac- guide (*_* or s.o.); to let roam

nJty; powibility (*, let (o> make the rounds


(<^>in), let one's eyes (^) wander; to llt f'ifa pl. iJJljU faw'if* part,

perform the circumambulation of the portion; number; troop, band, group;

Kaaba (tatcf) IV to Surround, en- flwarm, drove, bevy, covey; people;
compass, encirclo, circumscribe (i_j class ; sect, denomination ; confession

V to move about, rove, roam, wander, communion; party, faction; religious mi-

walk about nority j O L1II JIUI (ifrdUlya) the

impressionists; iJJljUI iljU princelings,
J*J* \au\ round, circuit, beat; low
petty kings
wall, enclosure; (pl. iJljW' a^wf) patrol;

raft made of inflated waterskins tied JjI^ f't/i factional, eectarian, de-

together nominational, confessional

l^W \aw\ round, circuit, beat; lJu\^ faiftya sectarianism, denomi-

round trip, round-trip excursion; round- nationaliam; confessionalism
trip flight; circumambulation of the
JtjL* mufaunvif pl. -n pgrima' guido
Kaaba (as part of the Islamic pilgrimago
in Mecca

Ji jL I fawwf amb ulant, itinerant, (J>W) J^ \6qa u (fauq) to be able, be in a

migrant, roving, wandering; going the position (* to do, be capable {*

round b, making the circuit, Walking the of, of doing; to be able to bear or

beat; (pl. ) mounted rural mail caxrier stand (*, bear, stand, sustain,

(Eg.) |
IjUI oli^ makaUt af-f- (Eg.) endure (* II to put a collar or
circuit stations which have the mail necklace fj* fauqan) around s.o. 's

delivered by mounted rural mail carriera () neck; to hoop (*, e.g., a barrel);
to Surround, clasp, enwrap, ring, en-
oljU fawwfa pl. -t patrol boat,
compass (l-j >, s.o., with), en-
coastal patrol vessel (employed by the
circle (*, s.o.,, form or throw a
Egyptian Coast Guard)
circle or cordon (a, around s.o.,

jlfjU ffn flood, inundation, deluge around, enclose (* .) ; to

play (* about, e.g., a smile about the
JiUu maff riding about, traveling,
Ups), flit (a across v'j-M **y*
touring; round trip |
LLil *j (^^j') J*

{bi-dir'axhi) to take s.o. in one's arms,

Jl to end with, wind up with, arrive
embrace, hug, clasp s.o.; <~> *ii* jjl
eventually at; JilLil 'U- the end of the
('unuqah) to present s.o. with, bestow
matter, the final issue, the upshot of it
upon s.o. IV = I
(J*, m, to
jljLj tafwf traveling, touring, wander- do, of or of doing; to
ing, itineration, roving life master (* a method) | \j^ jLj J lam

iJul^ p'if ambulant, itinerant, migrant, yufiq pabran he could not tand or bear

roving, wandering; one going the rounda it, he could not control himself; ^
or making the circuit or Walking the jlL> V {yu\qu) unbearable,

JU intolerahle
beat ; one performing the fawf | j

iJJlt he had a audden im pulse or urge;

J^ fauq ability, faculty, power,
^Lil j-Jl j* Juli *_l* Jilt (gadar)
strengt h, potency, capability, aptitude,
tragedy befell him, he met with a harsh
capacity; endurance; (pl. j'^l
afwq) necklace; neckband, ruff, collar;
JulUI aj-t'if Taif (town in S Hejaz) hoop, circle | #U*J 3j* (najh) life
; ;

buoy; SjL j* ji-\ *~j*-\ (afcrajah elongate, stretch out, prolong, extend,
l-huznu) grief drove him out of hia protract (*; to be very elaborate,
mind very detailed, very exhaustive, long-
winded, prolix; to grant a delay or
jjl jau^t collar-like, loop-shaped,
ring-shaped, annular
respite (J to s.o.) |
J* JIj J> {biah)
to be patient with III to keep putting
jLi, ^ pi. -5^ OLLI* figdn arch (arcA.);
off (j s.o. in or with; to vie for
(pl. -t) Stratum, layer power, greatness or stature, contend,
liil (dqa pl. ~t window compete ( with s.o.), rival, emulate
( s.o.) IV to make long or longer,
iU fd^a pl. -<Sf ability, faculty,
lengthen, elongate, stretch out, extend,
capability, aptitude, capacity, power,
prolong, protract, draw out (* or ,y
strength, potency; energy {phya., etc.);; to take too long, find no end
capacity (of a tecbnical apparatus) |

*J* JUI to keep s.o. waiting a long

bunch, bouquet (of flowers) |
UUJI j time; *j'LJ Jlil (Iwnah) to speak in
(with foll. ma^stfor) it ia possible to . . .;
a forward manner, be pert, aauoy,
LUl joi garfra //. as far as possible, in
insolent in apeech; Jl ^kJI Jlil (ruufara)
the best way possible; *Jli jii J*
he kept staring at him; uj*jJl JLUl he
according to bis capability; !^-u *JU
stayed a long time VI to become long,
(mtMWafcara) accumulated energy; po-
be lengthened, be extended, be prolonged
tential (pAya.); ijjJI "^ (darriyo)
to stretch up, stretch o.s.; to stretch
atomic energy, atomic power; ili
(Jl for), crane one's neck (Jl at); to
*--lsl (tnWj'Iya) productive power, pro-
attack (J* s.o.); to become insolent,
ductional capacity, output capacity
get freah (J with s.o.); to be insolent
S-jU look up atphabetically enough, have the cheek (J to do;
to dare do (<_j), presume (^,
Ji^j ta/ui? pl. -dt encirclement, en-
pretend (<-j to; to arrogate to o.s.
compassment, enclosure, surrounding,
ringing (Jl a rank) j -{/, JjUJ (W-ra'Ai) to
bear one's head high (with pride) X to be
*IU ifqa ability, faculty, aptitude,
or become long; to be or become over-
power, capability, capacity
bearing, presumptuous, display an ar-

JjL, mufawwag ringdove rogant behavior J toward)


JLL* mu(dq bearable, endurable, toler- tili- tlam and UUJ la-flam how
able often often, frequently (with
! foll. verbal
clause) |
ul tili (anna) while, as, the
jSJ, fkiy Tokyo
more so aa
'(JA) ^ t ^ u (fl) to be or become long;
Jjl faul might, power |
JJJ _j-L*
to last long; to lengthen, grow longer,
J_A"j {9. al-haul) the Almighty
extend, be protracted, become drawn
out; to surpass, excel J or s.o.) | Jli J^l fl pl. JIJ^I afivl length; size,

ii*" Cr *i (<"non) it took a long time height, tallness |

^l J^U f. al-andh
before he . . .; l* o J^ this will long-suffering, longanimity, forbearance,
(would) take me too long; ^-a jl uUjJt Jli patience; ^UJl JJ* f. an-wufar far-
(ramdnu, qapura) sooner or later, before sightedness, hyperopia; J^JJl .L^ &a#
long II to make long or longer, lengthen, af-f. geographica! longitude, degree of
J> 576

longitude, meridian; JjUL and V>1 iJW ifla lengthening, elongation,

lengthwiae, longitudinally ; J^U JJ stretohing, extension, Prolongation, pro-

(prep.) during, throughout, . . . long, o.g., traction; elaborateneaa, exhauBtivenesa,

.dl *i J^l (mtu&ia) during this prolixity, long-windedness

period, during all this time, jl+Jl J^l

JLk^i istifla overbearing attitude,
(noAdr) all day (long); L. J^L u long u; haughtineas, preaumptuouaneas, arro-
J^U J* (with fall, genit.) along, along-
aide of; J> J (ey.) ftraight ahead;
J>lt pT long; huge, immense, ample,
Btraightway, directly; at last, finally,
enormous (of funds); use, avail; might,
after all; 1+*>>j J^UI J> J (uw-'artf*Ad)
power, foroe J~J\
*) J>*lt /. op-saufe
througbout the oountry, all over the j

mighty, powerful, forceful; J3U Oji

oountry; *fJ>U j lil (ep.) hare maroy on
and (v) ^ J>lt V (f'a) of no use, of

no avail, useless, unavailing, futile; jli U

J^U ffltt of length, linear, longitudinal acoomplish nothing, be un-
djL> (#) geographioal longitude,
suocesaful, fail
degree of longitude, meridian
JU f&'ila might, power, force; ven-
J^ fuwuoZ a long-legged waterfowl
geanoe, revenge, retribution, retaliation |

Jl^L patola, {itvia (prep.) during, j^lill *L'U* c*J- -jj to be Bubject to

throughout; along, alongaide of punishment by law; O^il lULU * (f.

-maui) under penalty of death

j.> faul pl. JljU /tuxU long; large,

big, tall; high; JijWI name of a poeti- Jjk* mu^auwoZ elaborate, detailed,

oal meter; fawtian long (adv.), exhaustive, ciroumstantial

a long time |
J-Vl J>jl* / oi-a7'oi long- Jjlku mutafdu/ long-extended, long-
term, long-dated; ;UVl Ji^l f. al-anh stretohed, long-protacted, prolonged,
long-fluffering forbearing, patient; Jj^L lengthy
f-Ul mighty, powerful; capable, efflcient;
J.U- muttafll long, oblong, elon-
generous, liberal, openhanded; ^jj\ Ji^t
gate(d), long-stretohed ;
protracted, pro-
ar-HZA long-auffering, forbearing, pa-
longed, long drawn out; a rectangle, an
tient; *.UII J;^ tall; Uli Ji> insolent,
oblong; a sauoy, presumptuous person
impertinent, pert, sauoy

JI^U fuuxtt long

*if jli look up alphabetically

iJl> futoOa pl. - Btable CjSOjU Tulkarm (town in NW Jordan)

iLi f{2ata (prep.) during, througbout,
jL^l fmr pl. j*[^ fawmir* roll, scroll
. . . long

JVjt flni measured lengthwise,

^Ui ^ nor af-fna the Danube rirer

longitudinal iUV>> (It. tonneltaia) fonoUita ton

J^U atwaP, f. J> /lud longer, larger,

j^U faiM
/ayy) to fold, fold up, fold
bigger, taller; extremely tall, very long over, fold under, roll up (*
in, fold

JijU tofwll lengthening, elongation,; to shut, alose (* a book); to

Btretching, extension, Prolongation, pro- keep seoret, seorete, conoeal, hide (*

traction; elaborateneas, exhaustiveneas,; to harbor, hold, oontain (*;

prolixity, long-windedneas to Bwallow up, envelop, wrap up, enwrap


( s.o.; of the dark of night); to Bettle li*

J* (fayya) herein enclosed, horewith
flnally, bury (* the past), have done (in a letter) ; i_Jl
J* j (f. il-gaib) seoretly,
with the past {*); to oross, covertly; l^Jl in
J (j) c** (f. -kitmdn)
traverse (*, esp. a oountry); to under the seal of Becrecy; 1^1 j (with
cover quiokJy (* the way, the distance, foll. genit.) in

J( to); to spend, pass {* a period of

i-U fayya pl. -t fold, pleat |
*jLU ju Jj-
time); to possess o.s., take poasesBion
to involve, comprise, contain
(* of), appropriate {*; pass. &J*
*-L fiya intention, design {*i) ^*
J* fuwiya 'al {= to be folded around |

or over, i.e.) to bear (within itself),

cJJ he went to his destination; he left

harbor, contain, involve ^ji I

in order to do what he had in mind; he
| tf_ji

LL (l-arfa fayyan) to rush through a went his way

country; ULj t$_>U (bdfah) to be tSji fawan hunger; mat j^UI J* |

finished, be done, oome to an end, on an empty stomaoh, without having

flnish; *-* Le ULJl j_>U to Bettle an eaten
anair once and for all, wind up an
^l fawiya pl. Ij^ fawy fold,
J* **\yr tSJ* (jawnihah) to pleat; innermost thoughts, real convio-
harbor, oonceal in one's
tion, true mind; intention, design; con-
heart; > (Uifj *j~jf ^> (ka&hah,
science |
^UI -L* guileless, artleas; j
kaShan) and J* jJl* 4J0 (sadrah) to
[j)j^ (with foll. genit.) inside, within, in,
harbor or look (a Beeret) in one's boaom,
keep, secret, secrete, oonceal, hide; <J*Ju0jj!* (safhatah) to have done ljl fawwya pl. -i frying pan

with, be through with, give

i$J* mafwan pl. jlL mafwin pookei
up, abandon; Jl Ji_/Ul <ji to knife, penknife; pl. folds, pleats |
jjlL- j
hurry or rush to; JJl ^ ^lil tfj (with foll. genit.) inside, within, in,

v^j&JI {1-Tn4%ya fayya s-njii) to break amid; *jj^* j inwardly, at heart, in his
with the paflt, let bygones be bygones; bosom
j^ fawiya a (x$J fawan) to be hungry,
*I_jL* mifwh pocket knife, penknife
suffer hunger, starre IT = fawiya
V to coU (anake) VII to be folded, be AjLJ\ infiwa" Introversion (psych.) |

folded up, in, over, or under, be rolled i/

Jd\ > l>iVi (nafa) do.

up, be turned (over) (page, leaf), be jljLSl infiw'i introverted (psych.)

shut (book, etc.) ; to go by, pass, elapse
j\l fwin starved jLJl ^jU f. l-bafn
(time); to disappear, vanish; to be |

starved, lean, emaciated

covered (distance) ; to be hidden, be
oonoealed ( ii*^ under), be enveloped, i$J* maftoiy folded up, infolded, rolled

be wrapped (c** in) ; to contain, oomprise, up, etc.; J* tfj** bearing (within itself),

encompass, comprehend, embrace, in- harboring, containing, involving |

J to harbor, nurse, J* >LiJl isjim* harboring in one's

volve, include (

bear (* feelings, esp. hatred, love) j^UJl bosom


*- J* to withdraw within o. b., be j!kL* munfawin: *-J J* ^Lu self-ab-

self-oentered, be introverted sorbed, low-spirited, depreased

^U fayy concealment, hiding; (pl. l

(^) ^IL /fca (fib, i_U /{6a) to be good,
l_jil o/wd') fold, pleat |
<X fayyah and pleasant, agreeable; to be or beoome

cJ* 578

delightful, delicious; to please (J s.o.), i-U fiba goodness ; good nature,

be to b.o.'b (J) Uking; to be or become geniality |

^U- i-1 je gladly, most
ripe, to ripen,; to regain health, recover, willingly, with pleasure

recuperate, oonvalesce |
dJ ^jLL-
tjji fb bleesedness, beatitude; Beat-
(laiialxikum) may your night be pleasant I itude (title of honor of a patriarch ; Chr.)
good night t *- C-jLU (na/uAfi) he was
<^LL fayb, fiyb (eg.) north wind
gay, cheerful, cheery, in good spirits,
he feit happy; je
1 ->U (na/aan) to <_jLL fayyb pl. -n masseur

give up gladly, renounce .th. ^J,\ atyob better; pl. ^Jl\ atyib*
willingly; *Jl *-i ~>IL (na/tfuA) he had the best parts (of; pleasures,
a Uking for it, it was to his taste II to comforta, ameoities; delicacies, dainties
make {* good, pleasant, agreeable,
wjIL* mafyib* comforta, amenities
delightful, delioloua, or aweet, to sweeten
(e.g., of life)
{*; to soent, perfume (*, s.o.
ijjLL* mufdyaba pl. -t banter, joke,; to spiee, season (* food), mull
jest, teasing remark
{* wine); to sanitate, improve (* air,
drinking water); to heal, eure { s.o.); wJlL fSib unobjectionable (J for; Ial.

to massage { s.o.) | *^U >_-i' to mollify, Law)

soothe, placate, conciliate s.o., set s.o.'s
i_~k* mufayyab bouquet, bunch (of
mind at rest; *\J *n\ <_J (tarhu)
may God make his earth light (a eulogy
added after mentioning the name of a S-l ftba* Thebes

pious deceased) III to joke, jest, banter,

(j*J} rLU rha i (faih) to perish, die II to
make fun ( with s.o.) IV to make (*
lose (* good, pleasant, agreeable, delight-
ful, decious, or eweet, to sweeten (* (jb) jlL tra i (l^ fayarn) to fly; to V to perfume oj. X _>lLi-l and fly away, fly off, t&ke to the wing; to
_.,J*:^1 istatyaba to find or deem ( hasten, hurry, rush, fly (Jl to); to be

good, pleasant, agreeable, delightful in a State of commotion, be jubilant,

delicious, sweet; to Iike (*, be exult, rejoiee; <_j jIL to snatch away,

fond (* of) carry away, carry off (s.o., | J Lic jlL

Jl (bi-^ayliki) to let one's Imagination

^J fib goodness; (pl. v^ t u V^>)
wander to; ^-Ul J c~+ J jLU (si/) his
scent, perfume |
J^Jl ._-! /. al-'irq
fame spread among people, he became
noble birth, noble descent; <-~UI jj~-
well-known; j-'li jLU (fairuh) to become
jauz af~f. nutmeg
angry, blow one's top; <JUU jLU fofJuA)
__L fayyib good; pleasant, agreeable;
to lose one's mind, go crazy; ilji jlL
delicious ; gay ; well-diaposed, friendly,
Ll*i (*-jj) (/'(WuAfl, rAuAfl Ja* an) his

kindly; well, in good health jU^I ._1*

mind became confused, he became all
al-hq good-natured, genial; **\J\ ..U
mixed up; Uy jlL (farahan) to be beeide
sweet-smelling, fragrant, sweet-scented
o.s. with joy, be overjoyed; *Jj jli
J/Jl i_^ /. aX-'irq highborn, of noble
(W-/uMi) to drive s.o. out of his
descent ; ^-iJl <_J /. an-nafs gay, oheer-
mind; j'_*-*> jlt (bi-fawbihi) to make
ful, cheery, in high spirits
s.o. unconscious II to make or let fly
oL_L tayytbt nice, pleasant things; (*, s.o.,, to fly, send up (*,

gustatory delights, pleasures of the table e.g., a balloon, a kite) ; to pass on

promptly, dispatch posthaste, forward 'jJ fayarn flying, flight; aviation,
witbout delay, rush, ehoot (Jl * aeronautics j 'ji^ l^ni(6oAiaiw3m"J Btunt
to, eap. a report, a message); to knock flying; ^\^ o\jJ* (&rd"i) glider flying,
out (*, e.g., an eye, & tooth) |
jj gliding; ljJJI i-^U- airlines; utjJJl ^^U
<-\j (ra'sah) to obop off s.o.'s head, air force; l jJJI j jj minister of aviation
behead b.o. IV to make or let fly (#,
jlL. ma/r pl. -i airfield, airport
s.o.,, to fly {*; to blow away |

(*; of the wind); to make {* s.tb.)

O f
Lp jU- aircraft carrier

disappear at once, dispel (* V to jlL> ma\ra. airfield, airport

see an evil omen (j* or u in) VI to

j*L- moflr airfield, airport
be scattered, be dispersed, scatter,

disperse, Bpread, diffuse; to be exuded, jJJ tafayyur pessimism

rise (fragrance); to fly apart, fly about, y*U f'r flying; flyer, aviator, pilot;
fly in all directions (esp. sparks); to (pl. -t, jj fair) bird; omen, presage |

vanish, disappear, be dispelled X to j-'IUI ^C graveneas, sedateness; J\U\ J*

make fly, cause to fly (*; to knock ^*JJ (maimn) good luckl Godspeedl
(* out of s.o.'b hond; to alarm (said to s.o. setting out on a journey);
or upset seriously (s.o.), agitate, excite yii j\] (fffiruh) to become angry, blow
(*, b.o.,; = VI; pass. jvlc*-l ustu* one's top
fira tobe terrified | *U* jvWl-I ('aqluh) to
Ij-'U faira pl. -t airplane, aircraft
go out of one's mind (with astoniahment |

Jj-'IU! JL, J* (matni ((.) aboard the air-

or fright)
plane; by (air)plane (e.g., traveling);
j-if fair (coli, and n. un.) pl. j^J fuyr, lij* ijfU (bahriya) seaplane; O yU
jUl afyr birds, bird; augury, omen; iijji (dauriya) (short-range) rcconnais-
j^J poultry; fowl |
i-jU- j^J predatory sance plane, Observation plane -*lj^ ; * y'U*
birds, birds of prey; j^UI i *ilm af-f. (r'iya) Bauplne, glider; fejlLlI lj\l
ornithology; j*L!l j^-jjj J* o\f (ka'an- f. al-mufrada fighter, pursuit plane,
na, /at'ra) motionless or silent with awe interceptor; <ji>^ iy'U ('amdxya) heli-

jJ /atm commotion, agitation (of copter; JLl i^'U ght bomber, combat
anger, wrath); flight; female bird plane; Jliil j-' /. al-muqtala do.;
o,>Ui;vi ;;it or o v->uai s,U
jj fira, fiyara evil omen, portent,
dive bomber; *Jl> lj\ seaplane; j-'U
Lu (nqtfafa) jet plane; JUI Ij-'U /. on-
jLL fayyr flying; evanescent, fleeting; naj/ transport (plane); Q olj-'WI <1*U-
volatile (liquid); floating, wafting, hover- and O oljTlUI Uli aircraft carrier
ing; (pl. -n) flyer, aviator, pilot ^_nj |
.^Ll* mutafayyir pessimist
jLL volatile oils; Jjl jLL (awwal) a
military rank, approx.: first lieutenant mustafir imminent, impending,

of the Air Force (Eg. 1939); oU jU threatening (of disaster); scattered, diB-

(tnin) approx.: second lieutenant of the persed; spread out, spread all over,

Air Force (Eg. 1939) scattered about; widespread; pessimist

_)U tayyra pl. -t aviatrix, womftn (lt^*) ts^* f&* * (/aW, oltA* tayain) to be
pilot; airplane, aircraft; kite (toy) IjLU inconstant, changeable, fickle,
| light-
V^iJ (riytfiya) sport plane; Uli* JjLL headed, thoughtless, heedless, frivoloua,
(qagtfa) bomber; iJ\+ IjLt seaplane reckleas, undecided, confused, helpless,

J 580

aimless, desultory; to miss the mark (of uJuk fai/ pl. JiLUI o/yd/f JijgU /uyfl/
an arrow, also ,y>)l ,}*); to stray (je- fantasy, phantasm; vision, apparition;
from the target), miss (^* a Bpot, o.g., phantom, specter, ghost speotrum {phys.} ;

said of the hand) | 4*4- ^^ (AmuA)

JJ taifl speotral, speotrosoopio
to be on the wrong traok, bark np the
<JiLU* mifydf spectrosoope <JUw
wrang tree, be unsuoeeBsful, fail; ,^11

j_>-- (muiawtot'r) speotrograph

*i\j** (eaw&buh) to lose one's head

^i^L fa inoonstaney, fioklenesa; reok- <LL see Jjt

lessnesa, heedlessness, rashneas; thought-
OlLU failas&n pl. 3-JLW faylisa a shawl-like
lessness; lightheadedness, levity, frivolity
garment worn over head and Shoulders
0lil fayakln inoonstaney, fickleness;
rashness; i>U II to daub or ooat with olay (*
reoklesaness, heedlessness,
thoughtleasness; lightheadedness, levity, j>U fto pl. OLUl ofydn olay, potter's
frivolity olay, argil; soil; basis, foundation |

jjJ^I (Jfaxafl) kaolln, poroelain clay; jlj

LU fiySa inoonstaney, fiokleness;

reoklessnesa, heedlessneBs, raahness; j ,>UI zdda t-tina baakm, iL ,>Lll j jlj

thoughtlesaness; lightheadedness, levity, to make things worse, aggravate or

frivolity oomplicate the Situation

f Ina
i-1 olay, potter's olay, argil
^UlL fd*il ineonstant, ohangeable,
fiokle; lightheaded, frivolous; thought* stuff, material, substance (of which

less, heedless, reokless; undeoided, con- is made) ; kind, speoifio charaoter, dispo-

fused, perplexed, helpless; aimlesA, des- sition, Constitution, nature

ultory, purposelesa LW fayyn mortar oarrier, hod

(,JuL) JIL fd/a i (faij) to appear to s.o. (-<)

in his sleep (of a specter) j-U fayytin Iinula (bot.)


U fd* name of the letter i brt witty, fall of esprit n to adorn, em-
belliah, polish {*, t s.o.,, impart
jtU ft*r wet nuxse
ohftrra (*, to s.o., to; to put (* into an envelope, oover or wrap,
jt ?oAy pl. Lt %ib* gazeile (Gazella doroas)
to envelop, wrap up, oover {* T to
<Ji fabya pl. fabayi female gazeile afTect oharm or eleganoe, display affeot-
edness; to show o.s. elegant, witty, fll
jt fr sharp-edged stone, flint
of esprit VI = V; X to deem or find
jL^ faribn, %irbn pl. Jul^U fardbin1 , j\Ji (*, a.o., elegant, oharming, adroit,
fardbiy poleoat, fitohew witty, eto.

Ctjm yoru/o u (far/, iiljl farfa) to be Jj)i farf eleganoe, graoefulness, graoe,
oharming, chio, nice, elegant, neat; to chario; cleverness, resourcefulness; wit-

tiness, eaprit; (pl. Ctjji furf) vessel, conquer, vanquish, defeat, overcome,
receptacle, oontalner; oovering, wrap, surmount, overwhelm (J* or w s.o.,
cover; (letter) onvelope; capsule, case;, get the better J* or <_ of s.o., of

(gram.) adverb denoting place or time;; to Beize

(J* or <_ s.o.,, take
pl. Jjjjf circumstances, oonditions | J*J** possession (J* or i_* of s.o., of; to
or t^Ji j within, in a (given) period of; get, obtain, attain, achieve, gain, win

J*jJ* {muJfajfifa) and >JljcI1 Jj J*

(J* or <- II to grant viotory
extenuating circumstances; o* Jtjji (J* or u
to s.o. over), make (* s.o.)

(muSaddida) aggravating oircumstances; triumph, render ( s.o.) victorious (J*

J>jJiA\ k-^ bi-hasabi z-z. aocording to or <_ over) IV =
II; TI to ally, enter

circumstanoee, depending on the circum- into an aiance or confederacy, join

stances forces {
J* against)

jjfc far/t adverbial |

SJ^U ^ (&# jjit zufur, zu fr, zxfr pl. jlifcl azfr, ^LUI
yna) or j^k JJi circumstantial evidence azdfir*, joLlil azfir' nail, fingernail;

toenail; claw, talon |

jUtl <*_pw (-L. or) j*
iju Ji *arf/ pl. Lijt zuraf*', f. JJljfc
from (the days of) his earliest youth,
zar'if* elegant, graoeful, charming
since his earliest youth or adolesoenoe;
fll of eeprit, witty, nice, fine
jiUl >U youthful, of tender age
*i\Ji zarfa elegance, gracefulnesa,
j& zafar victory, triumph
graee, charm; eaprit, wittiness
jjt zq/ir victorious, succeBsful, tri
iJu^LS iazrxf wittiness, brilliant and
umphant; (pl. \jiHb) young man, youth
witty manner
t^tjij tazarruf gracefulnesa, grace,
jjjiiil u?/flr pl. jjltl axflr* nail,
elegance, charm, wittiness, eaprit
fingernail, toenail; claw, talon

*^tjjk* mazrf pl. ijujlk. maxrxf* jiU* zfir victorious, triumphant; suc-
cessful; victor, conqueror
Jsjku mutazarrif elegant, dandy, fop
jj&* muzaffar victorious, succesaful,
Jtji^m mustazraf elegant | tjli^l triumphant
*ijr~* luxury articlee, fanoy gooda
JU zaUa (Ist pers. perf. zaliltu) a (tau, JjlU>

j*U m'ana a (za'n) to move away, leave, zulvl) to be ; to beoome , turn into,

depart grow into; (with foll. imperf., participle

or J*:) to continue to do, go on
j*U za'n departure, start, journey,
doing, perBevere in doing,
trek (esp. of a caravan)
stick to, remain, persist in, e.g.,
<~jii za'xna pl. j*i zuun, Utl az'n -Jl he con-
j,SC_j JU (yaakunu l-baita)
camel-borne sedan chair for women; a tinued to live in the house; b*L# Jk he
woman in Buch a sedan remained silent, persisted in his silence;

j^U z'in ephemeral, transient, tran- Juj- Jp JU (mau^t/) to persist in a

Standpoint or attitude II to shade,
overshadow (*, s.o.,, cast a
jjt zafira a (zafar) to be sucoessful, shadow (*, over s.o., over; to
suoceed, be victorious, be triumphant; screen, shelter, protect (*, s.o.,;

to gain a victory (J* or <- over), to preserve, guard, maintaln, keep up

Jk 682

(* IV = II; V to be Bhaded ( v by), ^lfc ?oZa'o a ($aT) to limp, walk with a limp,
sit in the shadow (u of) X = V; to walk lamely
protect o.s. from the suxl (._ by or
JUi fdK' lame
through, hide in the shadow (_*

of, seek the shadow (^ of; Jtik ?iZ/ pl. Jijlk zidf, j^fcl ozid/ oloveu hoof
to place o.b. under the protection or
patronage of s.o. (->), seek ahelter or ref- ik zatama i (zalm, zvim) to do wrong or
uge with s.o. (<-j), be under the patronage evil; to wrong, treat unjustly, ill-treat,

or protection of b.o. (_*)

oppress, beset, hrm, suppress, tyr-
annize {* s. o . ) , commit outrage (
JU ziU pl. J^k ?/#, Jjlfc zidQl, J^lil
upon s.o.); to act the tyrant, act ty-
shadow, umbra;

patronage; shading,

rannicalTy (* toward or against a.o.);
zalima a and IT to be or grow dark,
slightest indication, semblance, trace,
dusky, gloomy, murky, tenebrous, dark-
glimpse(of;tangent (geom.) JU j |
en, darkle V to oomplain (,> of, about)
(with foll. genit.) under the protection
VII and VIII ^1 izzalama to suffer in-
or patronage of, under the auspices of;
justice, be wronged
under the sovereignty of ; JU * under
the protection or patronage of, under ib zulm wrong; iniquity; injuatioe,

the auspices of; Jlkll insufferable, inequity , unfairness ; oppresaion, re-

repugnant (of a person); Jl J-i*- preaaion, suppresaion, tyranny; Ulli

likable, nice (of a person); -dii Jitl-l zidman unjustly, wrongfully

(wiof^aJa) to difllike s.o., find a.o. in
Uli zidma pl. -f, zvlvmt, zvlamt,
sufferable, unbearable, a bore; ,j*&
ji zulam darkness, duskineaa, gloom,
*Ul dj^li or) tagaHapa zluh. his prestige
murkiness | oLiUI j. bahr az-z. the
or authority faded, diminished; it de-
Atlantic Ooean
creased, diminished, dwindled away,
waned Ufc zalmS* darkness |
.Ufc ZJ (laiia)

pitch-dark night
iU zua pl. Jit ntfoZ awning, marquee,
oanopy, aheltering hut or tent, ahelter; 1^ zalm darkness, duskineaa, gloom,
shack, shanty; kiosk, stall; beach chair murkiness

J~IL zalxl shady, shaded, umbrageous *"& zalim evildoer, villain, malefactor,
k mizaa, mazalla pl. -dt, JUi* ma* rogue, sooundrel, tyrant, oppressor

zlP umbrella, parasol, aunshade; lamp ^LU zaltm pl. ULU zilmn male
ahade; awning; O veranda, porch j -l
ikil *%d al-m. Feast of Tabemacles,
Sukkoth (Jud.); Jlj Ji. (wdgtya) para-
i.^ zulma pl. -t misdeed, wrong,
iniquity, inj ustice, outrage
chute; iLU UL. do.; iiikil gX*- jundi
al-m. pl. (U.I) o^Lii j^i*. paratrooper IUI azlam* darker, duskier, gloomier,

Jik* mtzat pl. -an paratrooper; pl. murkier; a viler, more infamous, more
paratroopa, airborne troopa heinous villain

JUl. muzallil Bhady, shadowy, um- Uiiu mozlima pl. Jlk. mazdlim* mis-
brageous, Bhading, ctfuaing ahadow deed, wrong, iniquity, act of injustioe,
Jli- muzl ahady, shadowy, umbra-
geous, shading, causing shadow ViAfcl izlm darkness, gloom
; ;;

JLi ziim pl. -fln, />Ui zum, Uli have a good opinion of s.o., think well
zaiama unjust, unfair, iniquitous, tyran- of s.o. ; v jLII jr-^-l (aksana z-zanna) do.
nical, oppressing; tyrant, oppressor; of- Uli *i *U to have a low opinion of s.o.,

fender, transgressor, sinner think ill of s.o.; <-> jlill UI (o*a"a) do.

jili- mazlm wronged, ill-treated, un- Jl zannt resting on mere assumption,

juatly treated, tyrannized presumptive, supposed, hypothetioal

iL* muzlim dark, dusky, gloomy, et zinna pl. jUi ztnan suspicion,
tenebrous, murky misgiving

^fc jamta a (ufc ?ama', Uli zam', Uli ^>iU zanfo suspicioiiB, suspect(ed)

^am'a) to thirst, be thirsty II to make unreliable, untrustworthy (J* with re-

gard to); a suBpeot

( s.o.) thirst

I ?'*', Ut zania' and Lt zamd' j^i zann suspicious, distrustful

<Ji* moztnna pl. oLL. maznn1 time
l*l tarn an2 , f. jLfc zam*d thirsty or place where one ezpeots; (with
foll. genit. or auffix) place where
i/U zmt' thirsty
or s.o. is presumably to be found, its

jli zanna (lBt pera. perf. zanantv) u (zann) most likely location, the most likely

to think, believe, asaume, presume, place for it (or him) to be; suspicion, mis-
suppose {*; to hold, think, deem, giving J
*JlL. j <: ,.*ll I looked for

consider (* or * * s.o. to be s.o. or; him where I expected to find him,

* * to be; to suspect (u* or where he presumably was; *ilL j* j in

b.o.) *ili to think s.o. capable places where he couldn't possibly be

of doing, believe of s.o. that he maznn
jJi* supposed, preaumed,
would do; j l-U-l jbl V {ahadan assumed; suspicious, suspeot(ed)
yunkirv) I don't think that anyone can
deny; JiJUc iLlil V (tuklifuni) I don't Vj~t zunbb pl. i^uhJi zanbib* shinbone

believe that you oan contradict me; Ji

_^k zahara a (jj^ zuAr) to be or beoome
J* Ij-Ull _* (ywaVato) he oonsidered him
visible, perceptible, distinet, manifest,
capable of...; yiJl j jU (zunfina) to
clear, apparent, evident, obvious (J
think UI of s.o., have a low opinion of
to s.o.), come to light, appear, manifest
s.o.; UJl *j ^U (jaAiJ'a) to suspect s.o.
itself, come into view, show, emerge,
of stupidity IV to suBpect ( s.o.) V to
crop up; to appear, seem (J to s.o.); to
surmise, form conjectures
break out (disease); to come out; to
J* zann pl. jyj; zunn opinion, idea, appear, be published (book, periodical);
asaumption, view, belief, supposition to arise, result (j- from); to aacend,
doubt, uncertainty |
jUI j_*- kuan climb, mount (; to gain the
oz-z. good opinion jUI *" oz-z. upperhand, to triumph
; _^-
(J* over), get
low opinion, distrust; jjlill ._-UI j or J the better (J* of), overoome, over-
jkJl ^S'i most probably, most likely; j*S"l whelm, oonquer, vanquish (J* s.o.); to
l jlif I
it is very likely that . . . ; l *l> LlU get (J* into one 's power; to gain
(zannan) Bince he believed that...; L or have knowledge of), come to (J*
^ iLU (zannuifca) what is one to think know, become acquainted
of...; lU j-. {Aa*una zannuA) to know
(J* with); to; to learn,


to be entirely, oompletely; _wdi j^*i 6t-?.

receive Information (Je about); >I-

cognizant (Je of); to learn (Je aib behind s.o.'s back, insidiously,

II to endorse (* a bill of ezchange) III to treaoheroualy; secretly, stealthily, olan-

help, assifit, aid, support ( s.o.) IY to destinely; A^l j in their midst, a-

make visible, make apparent, show, mong them; U^ti &* ,> from our
demonstrate, present, produce, bring to midst, from among us; jfi Je on (e.g.,

light, expose, disolose, divulge, reveal, on the ground, on the water, eto.), _^t Je

manifest, announce, prociaim, make y-UI on board the steamer; i^lll _^U j*

known, expound, Bet forth (#,); to (?. -qalb), ^Jij^ije.(f. qalbin) or _*U j*
develop (# film; phoU); to grant victory ^~jl\ (z. iLgaib) by heart; oij_^ joi^

(Je Ho s.o. over), render victorioua (mustafcdam) temporary employee

over); to acquaint (Je s.o.
(J* s.o. j^i zuhr pl. jLjtl azhr noon, midday;
with, initiate (Je s.o. into, _^WI
(f.) midday prayer (Ial. Law) |
ju in
give knowledge or Information J* * to _*yi in the
( the afternoon, p.m.; JJ
s.o. about), inform, enlighten (Je s.o.
forenoon, a.m.
about), explain (Je to s.o.; to

let ( s.o.) in on (Je), make ( b.o.)

^j^ zihrl: \ij& (*~J*) *?* t0 P*y no
attention to, not to care about
realize (Je; to show, reveal (Je *, disregard
to s.o.; to axtioulate fully VI to
manifest, display, show outwardly, ez- _n^U zahlt helper, assistant, aid, sup-

hibit, parade (<->; to feign, affect, porter; partisan, backer; back (in soccer);

pretend, simulate (^, act as if, {mor.) decree, edict, ordinance

make out as if (t->); to demonstrate, jj^i ruAr appearance ; visibity,
make a public demonstration; to help conspiououBness ; pomp, splendor, show,
one another, make common cause (Je jj^WI
ostentation, window-dressing |
against) X to show, demonstrate, expose
hubb az-z. ostentatiousness, love of
(*; to memorize, learn by heart
pomp; j^UJl J-e 'ldaz-z. Epiphany {Chr.)
{*; to know by heart (#; to
seek help, assistance, or support ( <_j
jl^Ul az-zahrn Dhahran (town in
with), appeal for help, for aasistance extensive oil region of E Saudi Arabia)

(._j to s.o.); to overcome, surmount,

-fji^+t ju baina tahrnaihim in their
conquer, vanquish (J* s.o.,, have among them
or gain the upperhand (J# over), get the
ijlfi zthdra outside, right side (of a
better (Je of)
garment); blanket (o.g., of a mule)
j^ zahr cast iron |
ij^i-i _^k and .U.W
j^i zahira noon, midday, midday
^1 see^j
jfi zahr pl. jj^i zuhr,
athur ^l more mani-
>^UI azhar* more distinct,
baok; rear, rear part, rear side, reverse;
fest, olearer
flyleaf; deck (of a steamer); upper part,
top, surface; olj_^t zuhrt (as a genit.; j^- mazhar pl. ^*Uk* mazdhir* (external)
eg.) pro tempore, provisional, temporary appearance, external make-up, guise

jjil\ *\ L aUailat az-i. spine, ver- outward bearing, comportment, oonduct,

tebral column; jlJ [^ zahran li-bafnin behavior; exterior, look(s), sight, view;
semblanoe, aspect; bearer or object
upside down, topsy-turvy; --5*
J* [^
i'aqib) from the ground up, radically, of a phenomenon, object in which
manifests itself; phenomenon; Symptom exterior, outward; seeming, presumed,
(med.); pl. manifeatations, expresaions |
ostensible, alleged; outside, exterior,
U-l ^LL. m. al-hayh manifeatations of surface; outskirts, periphery (of a oity);

life (biol.); ^til j externally, in outward (gram.) Substantive; (pl. j*\j)* zatvkiri )

appearance, outwardly external senae, literal meaning (apecif.,

of Koran and Prophetic Tradition); l^*U
j^i tazhir endorsement, transfer by
zdhiran externally, outwardly; seemingly,
endorsement (of abl ofexohange; com.)
presumedly, ostensibly, allegedly |
jlfli zihr pre-Islamic form of divorce, Jxlll z. al-lafz the literal meaning of an
conaisting in the words of repudiation: expresaion; l ^*lk)i it seems, it appears
you are to me like my mother's back that . .
. ; ^*Uill ^*- kasaba z-z. in outward
(jl j^iS" J* cJl anti 'alayya ka-zdhri appearance, externally, outwardly ; j
ummx) _^UiJI apparently, obviouBly, evidently; j
_^Udl and j-^l jhtti j (z. il-amr) aeen
S^Ui* muzhara assistance, support,
backing; (pl. -t) (public) demonstration,
outwardly, externally; outwardly; ^
jh UJl from outside
jy zhiri outer, outside, external,
j l^ii I izhr presentation , exposition
exterior, outward; superficial; Zabiritic,
demODBtration, exhibition, disclosure, ex-
interpreting the Koran according to its
poaure, revelation, announcement, dec-
literal meaning
laration, manifestation, diaplay; develop-

ing (phot.) ytU zhira pl. _^1jt zatvkir* phe-

nomenon, outward sign or token, external
j*Uw Uvfhur diBsimulation, feigning,
Symptom or indication |
Li-1 j*\J* z.
pretending, pretension ; hypocrisy, dis-
al-hayh biologioal phenomena (biol.);
semblance; (pl. -t) (public) demonstra-
<lji? I
j*!A" t^*
*' ltt ?'?* ol-jawwiya
tio^ rally
meteorology;^*l_^>ll ^w (zatwJAiro) to keep
^*U zhir (of God) mastering, knowing up appearanoes
(J*; visible, peroeptible, distinct, yUii* mtazhir pl. -An demonstrator
manifest, obvious, conspicuous, clear,
patent, evident, apparent ; external, IL ja* name of the letter ir

c- 'a&ba u {'06) to drink in large draughte, L* 'aba'a a with negation; _< Le L not to
gulp down (*; to pour down, toss care about, not to give a hoot for, pay
down (* a drink); to lap up, drink avidly no attention to, attach no importance
(* to, not to insist on |
<j L*j ^ (yu'ba'u) un-
(_-* 'ubb, 'ibb breast pocket
important, insignificant; *jU j indif-

ferent, unconcerned II to prepare,

i_jL* 'ubb f. torrents, floods; waves,
arrange (*; to array, set up (*
a.tb.); to mobilize, call up (1j*- jaiian

V_**d ya'bb torrential river an army); to fill, pack (l^ * with);

to load, charge (._* * with); to draw rageous; offender, transgressor, evildoer,

off, decant (j * into), bottle (* ainner
1 .L* 'abada u {oLt 'ibda, jj-* *ubda, *j^*
>w * 'ib' pl. L*! a'W load, brden
'vbdiya) to serve, worahip ( a god),
J* on), encumbrance ( J* to) oLl^l w* a god or human
adore, venerate ( s.o.,
al-ilbt brden of proof (jur.); o*V or
being), idolize, deify ( s.o.) II to enslave,
L^JS* Lt^L jU to take all burdens upon subjugate, Bubjeci s.o.); to
enthrall, (

o.a., carry all burdens improve, develop, make serviceable,

L* 'ab* pl. 1^1 o'W'o aba, cloak- make passable for traffio (* a road)
like woolen wrap (occasionally striped) V to devote o.s. to the Service of
God X to enslave, enthrall, subjugate
Lt 'aji'a pl. - aba, a cloak-like,
( B.O.)
woolen wrap (occasionally striped)
.L*. 'abd pl. -u* 'abid, I-Lp 'ubdn,
~*Lm ta'bta mobilization ; drafting,
'ibdn Blave, serf; bondsman, servant;
conscription ; Alling, drawing off, bottling
(pl. iL* 'ibd) servant (of God),
jU 'bi* see under verb I being, man; jLJI humanity, mankind |

ii .uJl = I (form of modesty); -L*Jl

-* 'aba a {'abat) to fool around, indulge

i_j4-*-iJl do.
in horseplay, commit a folly; to play,
tfj^ .l*, ^j^-l* 'abdaun (eg.) a
joke, jest (^ witb); to toy, play a friv-
variety of melon
olous game (>_* with), mock (i_* s.o.,; to play (abaent-mindedly), fidget, J-* 'abda pl. -t wouian Blave, Blave
fuss, dawdle, fiddle (^ with, e.g.,
girl, bondwoman
while talking); to handle, manipulate
jL* 'abbd: iJl jL* and Ul iL*
( v, tinker (^ with); to abuse 1>r 1>r

*a. aS-Sama sunflower (Helianthus an-

(i-t; to commit an offenae (l-
infringe, en-
nuus L.)
against), violate (>->,

croach (._* upon); to impair, injure (^ 3jL* 'ibda worship, adoration, ven- III to amuse o.s., make fun, play eration; devotional Service, divine Serv-
around, banter, dally ( with b.o.), tease ice (Chr.); pl. -t acta of devotion, re-

( s.o.), play a trick, prank or joke ( ligious observances {Jsl. Law)

on s.o.)
*+* 'ubda humble veneration, hom-
ii_ji 'abat (frivoloua) play; pastime, worahip; slavery, Berf-
age, adoration,
amusement; joke, jest; mockery; Li-*
dom; servitude, bondage
'aba^an in vain, futilely, to no avail,

-JI j. 4jj_j-* 'ubvdiya humble veneration,

uBelessly, fruitleesly |
l it is

lk>l li^ jxJ j homage, adoration, worship; slavery, serf-

foolish and useless to . . . ;

dom; servitude, bondage

*_f u I
( istaf'a,
yujibah) b ut he
couldn't give him an answer Im ma'bad pl. .uU* ma'bid* place of

jU, mu'baia pl. -t teaeing, joke or worship; house of God, temple

prank played on s.o.; funmaking, jest-

.u-*j iabxd enslavement, enthrallment,
ing, banter, raillery subjugation, subjection; paving, pave-

d-tU *b%i joking, jooular; mocking, ment j^Ut |

J-*j" '. af-tvruq road construc-

Bcomful; frivoloua; wanton, wicked, out- tion

. ;;


Um ta'abbud piety, devoutness, de- 'abr crossiug, trarersing, transit;

votion, worahip; hagiolatry, worship or passage; fording; 'abra (prep.) aoross,
oult of saints (Chr.) over; beyond, on the other aide of

jLmsJ istCbdd enslavement, enthrall- jyx. 'vbr orosaing, traversing, transit;

ment, subjugation passage; fording
bl ibid pl. -n, iL* 'vbbdd, !-u jy 'ablr fragrance, scent, perfume,
'abada worshiper, adorer aroma; bouquet (of wine)

ij~~ ma'bd worshiped, adored; deity, tfj^ 'ibri Hebrew, Hebraio; (pl. -fln)

godhead; idol a Hebrew; jj^JI or jjvJI Hebrew, the

Hebrew language
j^m ma'bda ladylove, adored
s* 'abra pl. 'abart, ja 'ibar tear
ij* 'ibra pl. _r* ibar admonition,
47 m muabbad passable, smooth, im-
monition, (warning
warning; or de-
proved (road)
terring) example, lesson; advice, rule,
o-jC* muia'abbid pious, devout; pious precept (to be foUowed); oonsideration
worshiper (Chr.) befitting; that whioh haa to be
oonsidered, be taken into oonsideration
lx* 'abadn* Abadan (island and town in
or account, that which is of conse-
W Iran, oil oenter)
quenoe, of importanoe, decisive
or oonsequential *j+5\ jl*j* maufin
j# 'abara u ('abr, jj-l 'vbr) to oross, tra- |

al-'i. the salient point, the cruoial point

verse (*; to ford {*, wade
(* through; to Bwim (* or
Jf- V ('ihrata) it deserves no attention,

aoroas; to pasa (* over; to

it is of no oonsequenoe; joru j*S\ the
orucial faotor(s) is (are)..., decisive is
ferry (* a river, and the like); * <i i
j* to
carry s.o. aoroas or over; to pass,
(are)...; jl j* V (li-man) it is of no
elapse (Urne), fade, d windle; to pasa oonsequenoe if s.o. . .

away, die, depart; 'abira a (

abar) jLc 'ibra pl. -t explanation, Inter-
to ahed tears II to Interpret (* a dream); pretation; mode of expreasion, diotion;
to atate olearly, declare, asaert, utter, word ; Bentenoe, clause, phrase, idiom,
expreas, voice (j* give expreasion expreasion |
ifjrf-l IjL-w (ukr) in other
(je- to & feeling); to designate (^ je words, expressed otherwise; jt** jL* with or by) to determine the ; 'ibratan fa-'ibraian sentence by Ben-
weight of a coin (*), weigh ( a ooin) tenoe, word by word; ^ IjL* conaisting
Vm to be taught a lesson, be warned; in; tantamount to, equivalent to, mean-
to learn a lesson, take warning, to ing...
learn, take an example {<- from); to oon- jlj* 'ibrm Hebrew, Hebraic; a
sider, weigh, take into acoount or consider-
Hebrew; jljwJI or <\j<+l\ Hebrew, the
ation (*, allow, make allowanoes
Hebrew language
(* for; to aoknowledge a quality
(*) in s.o. (J); to deem, regard, take
jm- ma'bar pl. _/U ma'bir* orosaing
point, orossing, traverse, passage(way)
(* *, s.o., as), look (* *, at as); to esteem, honor, revere, value,
ford; pass, pass road, defile; O lobby

respect, hold in esteem ( s.o.), have j* mi'bar pl. _/U. ma'bir* medium
regard ( for s.o.) X to shed teara, weep for crossing, ferry, ferryboat; bridge
;, ;


jw ta'bir Interpretation (f a dream) elapsed (time); (pl. -fln) passer-by |

assertion, declaration, expression, utter- O oIjJl j\* rjj\-+ interoontinental

anoe (jt of a feeling); (pl. St) expression ballistio misBile, ICBM

(in general, also artistio); (pl. j*jI*j
/ mu'abbir Interpreter (^ of feelings)
ta'bir2 ) (linguiatio) expression, phraae,

term _^-T j^i (Jfar) in other words,

expressive, Bignifioant |
j* ^j (raqt)
interpretative danoing
expressed otherwise

tabiri expresBional, expressive,

G sjjf- (hij.) muBket, gun
emotive j* 'abtua fai, ^j* 'vbfti) to frown,
l r %

knit one'a brows; to glower, lower,

jL^I i'tibr respect, regard, deference,
soowl, look ternly <&-j j ,j-** to
esteem; (pl. -t) oonsideration, regard; |

reflection, contemplation; approach, out- give s.o. an angry look, bcowI at s.o.

view IjL^I II B. I
look, point of view, | J
(^ or) (i'tibran) with respect to, with
^j** 'aha frowning, scowling; gloomy,
regard to, in oonsideration of, con- austere;
diamal, melancholy; stern,
Bidering..., in view of ( i> LAr*' ominouB
from, as of, beginning . . ., starting with . . .

^j^ 'ubs gloominess, gloom, drear-

effektive from... (with foll. indication
iness; sternness, austerity, severity,
of time); *^\ j^Li with reapeot to,
with regard to, in of,

considering..., in view of (; jLs*L ***j* 'ubaa frown, scowl; glower,

jl bi-Hibri an considering (the fact) gloomy look, a gloomy, morose, sullen or
that..., with regard to the faot that..., stern mien
in view of the faot that...; provided
that..., with the proviso that...; jL^Ij
^U 'abbdsi Abbaside; (pl. -fln) an
aa, in terms of, in the oapacity of, e.g.,

*\jjj\ jol jU^Lj Sjj-jU-M jjj (aqdama U ^U- *b%8 frowning, scowling; gloomy,
wuzar'%) the Foreign Minister in bis morose, sullen; austere, stern, severe
oapacity of senior-ranking minister;
sf 'abif pl. LL* 'vbafd* 1 stupid, imbecile,
jLip^I \X$ from this Standpoint, from
idiotio, silly, foolish
this viewpoint; Ol jl~*1 considering
(the fact) that..., with regard to the lifU) i'tibdfan at random, haphaxard-
faot that..., in view of the fact that...; ly, arbitrarily

onthe assumption that...; jlr**!/l U* J*

+ 'dbiqa a {'abaq) to oling (^ to), nger
from this standpoint, from this view-
(^ on, of a soent); to be fragrant, exhale
point; jU*l Jf j in every respect; b^r*'
fragranoe; to be fllled, be redolent (->
Ju- j\ {haqiqatan) from a subjective
with a scent, eto.)
point of view or in reality
j** 'abiq fragrant, redolent, exhaling
t^jL^i Vtibri based on a subjective
approach or outlook; relative | v***
jLi*l {{afoiya) legal person (jur.) *Jua abqa pressure (on the ehest),
feeling of suffocation
j\**bir passing; orossing, traversing,
eto. (see I); fleeting (smile); transient, jiU 'Obiq fragrant, redolent, exhaling

transitory, ephemeral; bygone, past, fragranoe

jJls- 'abqar legendary place inhabited by jUp 'at&d pl. -u*l a*h*d, .ul a**Ja
jinn; fairyland, wonderland equipment; (war) material, materiel, am-
munition J^- jIi* (Aar&i) war material,
tsj** 'abqari multioolored,, colorful oar- |

pet; ingenious, genial; materiel, ammunition

(pl. -fln, 1JL*
'abqira) ingenioufl person, genius -u* 'aJbf ready, prepared; future,

~*ij*-e 'abqartya ingenuity, genius forthooming; venerable; solemn

.iL* 'abak oamlet (woolen fabrio) D j+* mu'attar (< jv) slovenly, sloppy;
stupid; unfortunate
J-p 'abl pl. JL* 'Mi plump, well rounded,
ohubby, fat (e.g., arms) ,* 'atuqa u (Sil:* 'atdqa) and 'ataqa t

('o^, 'ty) to grow old, age; to mature,

JL* 'abl (coli.; n. un. a variety of
wild rose, eglantine
mellow (wine); 'ataqa i to be eman-
oipated, be free (slave) IV to free, set
J-*l a'bal granite
free, releaae, emancipate, mannmit (

j*e II = L* II; to fill, paok (^ * with);

s.o., esp. a slave) VII to free o.s., rid o.s.

to Ioad, oharge * with) (>of)

i^* 'uMtm pl. -tU paokage, paok (of J^ 'itg age, vintage (esp. of wine);

an artiole, of a oommodity) ; Container liberty (as opposed to Blavery); eman-

with its content cipation, freeing, manumission (of a
iL* 'abdya = IL* 'ab'a q. v.

i_-i* alajia i u (*af&, iju. ma'faA) to blame,

J^ 'atlq old, ancient, antique;
matured, mellowed, aged (wine) ; of
censure, reprove, scold
(J* s.o.); i_;r ancient tradition, long-standing; anti-
<;Ij 'o/ofca Ma to cross the tbreshold
quated, outmoded, obsolete; free, eman-
of s.o. II to hesitate, be slow, be tardy
cipated (slave); noble |
jl^l jj* old-
III to blame, oensure, reprove, soold
. s.o. for)
U* 'atqa age, vintage (esp. of wine)
_*= 'atb oensure, blame, rebuke,
reproof, reprimand jliftl i'tq freeing, liberation, manu-
mission (of a slave)
*-i* 'ataba pl. <_-^ ata&, i^Upl a'Mfc
doorstep, threshold; (door) lintel, also Jjl* 'tiq pl. jj'lj* 'atotiq* Shoulder |

LUI UJI <JL .Ul (akatfah) to take

LaJI ('Zj/<J); step, atair | V L*^I J
(stmiyo) (formerly:) His Highness the upon o.s., take over, asaume ;

Bey <jL J* *JjJ_11 Jjl (oZjd i-nuu'iUiyaJa)

(Tun.); Ulli V L*V <*j rafa'ah
to present to place the responsibility on s.o.; aJj
li-a. il-malik (e.g., a
gift) most obediently to the king ^Ai jjl*
J to be at s.o.'s ezpense,
fall to s.o.
k~<Uft *Ub censure, blame, rebuke, re-
proof, reprimand J=~ mw'aa^ mellowed, matured
(wine); old, anoient
*-Jl** mutaba oensure, blame, rebuke,
reproof, reprimand J^m mv'ftg emancipator, liberator,
manumitter (of slaves)
u* 'atuda u (jU* atOd) to be ready, be
dli* 'ataka i to attack
prepared IV to prepare, ready, make
ready (* illl* '(W4 olear, pure, limpid (esp. wine)
'aiaia u ('a) to carry (* citrance, unruliness, wildness, ferooity
J* i |

U* j+*l\ j* iL ('umr) to attain great age;

Jli* 'adl porter, oarrier
to be far advanced in years
*fc* 'ofaJa pl. J* 'otoi crowbar
J* 'atiy pl. U*l a'ta haughty, im-
Jli* 'tldla porter's or carrier's trade; pertinent, insolent ; recalcitrant, re-
porterage fractory, unruly, intractable, wild

J* 'atama i ('atm) to hesitate II to darken, oU 'iin pl. !l=* '%Uh presumptuoua,

obscure, cloud, black out (*; to impudent, impertinent, insolent, arro-

hesitate (esp. with neg.) |

^ "tf,
gant; violent, fierce, strong, wild, furious,

l J* L. , Ol i<u it doea not (did not) raging (atorm)

take long unti]..., before long..., pre-

* *ti# (ooll.; n. un. I) pl. d-i* 'utaf moth
sently... IV to hesitate, waver
worm, moth larra; moth
I* *utm (coli. ; n. un. ) wild olive tree
>L>jU* ma'filt moth-ridden, fll of
Ui atma dark, gloom, darkneas moths, moth-eaten
Ui "atama first third of the night
JU 'optra u % {'afr, j^p 'atlrt jli* 'ifr) to

li* 'aidma opacity, opaqueness; (pl. stumble, trip; <> jU to trip s.o., make
-<H) darknesa s.o. stumble, make s.o. fall, feil s.o.,

-^u" fa'fim darkening, obsouring, cloud- topple s.o.; 'afara 1* (jji* 'vfr) to

come (l-> or J* across), hit, light, strike,
stumble or J* upon), find, discover,
Im* mutim dork
detect (^ or Jp s.o., II to cause

4ie pass. 'uiiAa ('utk, 'atah, **lic 'oWa) to ( s.o.) to stumble, trip (* s.o.), make
be or become idiotic, imbecile, dim- (. s.o.) fall, topple (. s.o.) IV = II; to

witted, feeble-minded, demented, insane, acquaint (Jp s.o. with; to lead

mad, crazy (J* s.o. to V to stumble, trip;

to stutter, stammer, speak brokenly |
*ic uth, 'atah idiocy, imbecility dim-
ii-'l JLiL J^J (bia4yli l-Jcaiba) to fail,
wittedness, feeble-mindedness
meet with failure
l\i atha idiocy, imbecility, dim-
jU 'afra pL 'atart stumbling, trip-
wittednesa, feeble-mindedness
ping ; false step, slip, fall |
lj* ^ hajar
jSm ma'th pl. *JU* ma'tih* idiotic, 'a. stumbling block; *L*-* j *j* <_ii>

insane, mad, crazy; idiot, lunatic, im- ('atratan) to be a stumbling block for
becile, demented person, insane pereon s.o., obstruet s.o.'s way

( j*
and Jt) U* 'at u (>* 'tttw, Jp 'tty, *\y jy* 'ti|ilr discovery, deteotion (J* of)

to be insolent, refractory, recalcitrant, sand

ji 'iiyar dust, fine
unruly; to be violent, fierce, strong, wild,
jjJI* 'fQr pl. jwIjp 'owaflf8 pitfall;
furious, raging (e.g., storma) T do.
j 'utw presumption, haughtiness,
J*i* muia'atjir stumbling, tripping;
insolence, impertinence, arrogance; re-
speaking (a foreign language) brokenly;
calcitranoe, unruliness, wildness, ferooity
broken (of a foreign language)
Je 'tttty presumption, haughtiness,

insolence, impertinence, arrogance; recal- j* 'uimnl Ottoman; (adj. and n.)

. ;


j^fr 'ulnn pl. joli* 'atnin* T

beard <-L ujb wonderful, wondrous, mar-
velous, astonishing, amazing; Bee 'ajab
(^ and J*) Li* 'at u (ji* 'utw),
J* 'a$ a i
('uiiy, 'iiiy) to act wickedly, do hrm, lJj- 'ajib wonderfuj, wondrous, mar-
cause mischief velous, admirable; astonishing, amazing,

remarkable, strnge, odd

gA *ajja i ('ajj, ^j* 'ajlj) to cry, yell, roar;
to cry out for help (Jl to); to rage, roar; *-* 'ajiba pl. JU 'aj'ib* wondrous
to thunder, resound (i_j with); to swarm, thing, unheard-of thing, prodigy, marvel,

teem (^ with) II to raise, swirl up (jUJI miraole, wonder; pl. remarkable things,

al-ubra the dust; of the wind) euriositiea, odditiea ul ^Vl j* | JU

the remarkable thing about the matter
* 'ajj crying, yelling; clamor, roar
is that . .

1 'ujja omelet
<--^ I a'jab* more wonderful, more
?* 'ajij crying, yelling; olamor, roar marvelous; more astonishing, more re-

r\j 'ajj (swirling) dust; amoke markable

*- U 'ajja pl. -t cloud of dust; billow ~*jj I u'jba pl. 1 _--r-UI a'jib* won-
of amoke drous thing; unheard-of thing, prodigy,
marvel, miracle, wonder
^L* 'ajjj crying, yelling, clamoring,
roaring, boisterous, vociferous; raging j ta'jib arousing of admiration
(esp. sea) for, boosting (,y of, publicity

(,> for

<_-* 'ajiba a ('ajab) to wonder, marvel, be
astonished, be amazed (,y or J at, over) V^ I i'jSb admiration (<~> for); pleas-

II to strike with wonder or astonish- ure, Batisfaction, delight (lj in) ; acclaim

ment, amaze, astonish, surprise ( a.o.)

pride; self-complacency, conceit

IV = II; to pleaae, delight { s.o.), appeal >~>+S ta'ajjub astonishment, amaze-

( to s.o.); paSB. IV u'jiba to admire
(i_j s.o.,, have a high opinion (i_j

of); to be proud (l_ of), be vain (^about), V ***1

1 -' isti'jb astonishment, amaze-
glory (^ in) |
4-Aj ^ I (u'jiba) to be
conceited, be vain V to wonder, marvel, <-***+ mu'jib causing admiration, ad-
be aatoniahed, be amazed (^ at, over) mirable
X = V
<_**< mu'jab admirer (^ of s.o., of
(_-* 'ujb pride of, in), vanity
(^; proud (lj of), vain (i_ about) |
in), conceit
*ij -*?* (bi-nafaihi) conceited, vain
<_~ 'ajab astonishment, amazement;
i_-i* muta'ajjib amazed, aatonished
(pl. ._. Aj I a'jb) wonder, marvel; L
'ajaban how strnge ! how odd ! how j 'ajar outgrowth, protuberance, ei-
aatoniahing! how remarkable! <_-*!] \j
crescence, projection
y la-l-'ajab oh, how wonderful! <_^* V
{'ajaba) no wonder!
bun a wonderful, marvelous thing;
^ jS amrun 'aja

j 'agr

(e^,) green, unripe

j j ujar knot, knob,

'ujra pl.
<-l* most prodigioua happening,
('ujb) hump, protuberance, excrescence *j |

wonder of wonders 'vjaruh wa-bujaruh his (ite) obvious

and hidden Bhortoominga, all hia (its) j^l* 'jix pl.>rL>* *atw!;ua weak, feeble,
faults powerless, impotent; incapable (je of),

a variety
unable (jp to do; (pl. ijf 'ajaxa)
J>* 'aggr (coli.; n. un. ")

physically weak; phyaioally disabled;

of green melon. (eg.)
decrepit | *J**ll Jl**.l is'f al-'a. oare

Jtjf II ta'ajrafa to b6 presumptuous, ar- for the aged

rogant, haughty ^mu mu"jiz miracle (eap. one performed

~-j 'ajrafa presumption, arrogance, by a prophet)

haughtiness *^mu mu'jiia pl. -t miracle (eap. one
performed by a prophet)
'ajaza (
ajz) and 'ajiza a to be weak,
lock strength, be inoapable (je of), be *>: aj'aja to bellow, bawl, roar

unable (jp to do; 'ajaza u (jj* <ml 'afaja clamor, roar, bellowing
'ujz) and 'ajuza u to age> grow old
r f
(woman) |
l jp >* L. ("ajaxa, ajiza) Ja* \
a'jaf*, f. #U* ajf'
pl. JLf 'i;d/

not to fail to... II to weaken, debilitate, alender, elim, avelte; lean, emaciated

disable, incapacitate, hamstring, oripple,

J* 'a;tja o ('ajal, iL* 'o/oZa) to hurry,
paralyze ( s.o.) IV to weaken, debilitate,
hasten, speed, rush, be in a hurry; to
disable, incapacitate, hamstring, cripple,
rush, hasten, hurry, come quickly (Jl
paralyze ( s.o.); to be impoesible ( for
to) II to hurry, hasten, speed, rush, be
s.o.) ; to apeak in an inimitable, or
in a hurry; to bring about quiokly,
wonderful, manner ]
^'j ^>^ Jp J^ I

hasten tin (i_, bring or take quiokly

(dabb, maSy) to paralyze a.o.'s every
move; p+iti jp >* I (fahm) to make (J v to); to hurry, rush, urge,

impel, drive ( s.o.), expedite, apeed up,

comprehension imposaible for s.o. X to
accelerate (*; to pay in advance;
deem ( s.o.) incapable (je of)
to pay spot cash (* J to s.o. for) III to
yt *ajz weakness, inoapacity, dis- hurry in order to catch up (*, with
ability, failure, impotence (
j* for, to do s.o., with, rush, hurry (*, after; defioit s.o., after; to oatoh up ( with
s.o.), overtake ( s.o.; esp. death), de-
jj 'aptz, *ajz pl. jLf I a'jz baokaide,
scend swiftly (*, upon); to antioipate,
rump, posterior j
J*Ji jl* I a. an-naJd
forestall (^ * s.o. in or with) IV to hurry,
stumpa of palm trees; j-L*Jl J ^**ii jj
rush, urge, impel, drive (* s.o.) |
CJjJl *Lf I

(padr) to bring the rear to the fore, i.e.,

make up for a jp (waqtu) the time was too short for

to reverae oonditions,
him to... Y to hurry, hasten, speed,
rush, be in a hurry; to seek to get ahead
jyt 'ujz old age in a hurry; to hurry, rush, urge (Jl

jjA 'ajz pl. >'Lf 'ajtfiz*, y* 'ujvz s.o. to) ; to antioipate, forestall (*,

s.o.,; to be ahead (* of,

old woman; old man; old, advanced in
precede (* e.g., events); to reoeive at
onoe, without delay (* a sum), receive
VjM 'ajiza posterion, buttooka (of a to
spot oash |
<-jlji-l ImJ (jawba)
woman) demand a quiok reply from s.o. X to

jl* I
i jz inimitability, wondrous na- hurry, hasten, rush, speed, be in a
tura (of the Koran) hurry; to wish to expedite (*; to
hurry, ruah, urge, impel, drive (# s.o.), ^-T jl sooner or later; J-^/lj J-^' j
expedite, epeed up, aocelerate {* now and in the future; *L*Tjl *L-U j
sooner or later; J-LJI <-o^l j in the
Jjf *ijl pl. J>* 'u;flj, iL* 'ijala oalf |

immediate future
'*. o/-6oAr sea oalf, seal
iL-U 'd;t'Ja fast train, express train;
Jjf *a/oI huiry, haste in a
| Jj* J* iU-LJI life in this world, temporal ezistence
hurry, hurriedly, apeedily, quickly, fast,
rapidly J*** mu'ajjal urgent, pressing; pre-
mature ^^1 J^** m. ar-reum prepaid,

J* 'ajil quick, fast, swift, speedy,

postpaid (mail item); J-wJLI iUJL <*.
(hufon, nafd) Bummary judgment, sen-
iL* a;aii hurry, haste; precipitance, tence by Bummary proceedings (jur.)
^A**- *jj dafa'a mu'ajjalan to pay in
iL* 'ajala pl. -< wheel; bicyole advance

O 01-- iL* {oyyra) motorcycle; iL*

muta'ajjil hasty,
J**^ rash, preoip-
oLl steering wheel; O <*jLj iL* (ndrtya)
musta'jil hurried, in a hurry
J-* 'a;' pl. JL* ';<H quick, fast,
swift, speedy, rapid musta'jal expeditious, speedy;
urgent, pressing; precipitate, premature
J>* 'ajl pl. Jj* 'u;ui quick, fast,
l ^ ...!! jj^Vl (j-ili magistrate of summary

swift, speedy, rapid; hasty, precipitate,

'ajama u {'ajm) to try, test, put to the
JL* 'ujla work quickly thrown to- I*j*

gether, hastily prepared work, rush Job;

test (. s.o.) | .jj* ^ {'dah) to try,
test s.o., put s.o. to the test IV to provide
O sketch {lit.); quickly compiled report
(* letter) with a diacritical point (with
J-iU 'ajln*, f.
J* 'ajl, pl. JL* 'ajl, diacritioal pointa) VII to be obscure, in-
JL* 'ijl quiok, fast, Bwift, speedy, hur- comprehensible, unintelligible to
ried, rapid, hasty, cursory b.o.; language) X to become un-Arabio

J* a'jaP, f.
J* 'ujl, pl. 'uji quick- p 'ajarn (coli.) barbarians, non-Arabs;

er, faster; hastier; more ouraory Fersians; ^*y\\ or *j*aII j^j Fersia

,_Ljnuo ta'jll speeding-up, expediting, pj* 'ajam (coli.; n. un. 1) stone, kernet,
acceleration pit, pip, seed (of fruit)

JL>*i^l isti'jl hurry, haste; precip- ij+f 'ajami pl. *L* 1 a'j&m barbarian,
itance, precipitation JLc-VI non-rab; Persian (adj. and n.)
| **rj J*
(wajhi l-isi.) expeditiously, speedily
**j* 'ujma barbarism, inoorrectness (in

JLucJ ti'jli speedy, expeditious; Bpeaking Arabic)

temporary, provisional *[ 'ajm' 1 oljL* 'ajmwt (dumb)

pertaining to this beost

J-U 'jil world,
worldly ; tem poral
'jilan Boon, presently,
; immediate ; ^U- U ^ I a'jam 2 , f. .L* 'ajm* 1 , pl. *UI
before long; at a'jim 1 speaking incorrect Arabic; dumb,
once, immediately, instantly J-U *- Bpeechless; barbarian,
| non-Arab, for-
(hukm) summary judgment (;ur.); ^-U eigner, alien; a Perian

jJt I a'jami non-Arabic; non-Arab, aa, pass (* for; to amount (i_>

foreigner, alien; a Persian to) | 4-1* ^Ui^/I J* (to count a.o.'a breath-
ing = ) to watc cloaely over s.o., keep
mu mu'jam incomprehenaible, un-
a Bharp eye on s.o., watch s.o.'s every
intelligible, obsoure (language, Speech);
move; J* * -U- to put down, or charge,
dotted, provided with a diacritical point to s.o.'s disadvantage; J-j 1/ (yu*
(letter); (pl. *-L** ma'jim 2 ) dictionary,
*addu) numberlesa, oountlesa, innumer-
lexicon |
**ll *-Jjj*- the letters of the
able II to count off, enumerate (*;
to make numerous, multiply, Compound
^/t 'ajana i u {'ajn) to knead (*; to {* cJLl i-X* (mayyita) to enum-

aoak (* | ^L. j (Jaffa, erate the merits of a dead person,

mas'ala) to bring up a problem time and eulogize s.o. IV to prepare (J >, s.o.,

again, harp on a question for); to ready, make ready, get

L* 'ijn perineum (anat.)

ready (J *, s.o., for); to preparu,
finish, fit, fix up, adapt, ad just, dress,
L* 'ajjn, f. dough kneader
arrange, dispose, set up, make (J *

j^j* 'ajin dough, batter, paate; paates for), draw up, draft, work out (*

(such as noodles, vermicelli, Spaghetti, etc.) o.g., a report); to prepare (* one'a

lesaon) | J Ja* J*l {'uddatah) to make
*LJt- 'aftna a piece of dough; dough;
one's preparations for, prepare o.a. for
soft maaa, soggy mixture ; pl. ^L* 'aj'in 3
V to be or become numerous, be manifold,
be multifarious, be multiple; to multiply,
J^j* 'ajini doughy, doughlike, paaty, increase in number, proliferate, be com-
paate -like pounded VIII to regard s.o.,
(* ,

j^ww mi'jan pl. j-l* ma'jin* kneading as), look {* a, at s.o., at aa),

trough; kneading machine consider, think, deem {* *, s.o.,

to be; to reckon (lj with), rely (i_>

Oj*** ma'jn pl. ^^ ma'jxn 2
upon); to put down (*, l-j, J to
cream (cosmet.) ; putty electuary ; ; majoon
a.o.'a credit,
J# to a.o.'a disadvantage);
(confection made of hemp leaves, hen-

bane, datura seeds, poppy aeeda, honey

to hold (v J# against s.o., take
exception (u J to s.o. because of
and ghee, producing effects similar to ; to provide o.a., equip o.a. (i_>
thoae of hashish and opium) | Oj***
with); (of a woman) to obaerve the iddat,
b- Vi tooth paate
or legally prescribed period of waiting,
Lmu mu'ajjant (pot) pies, pasties before contracting a new marriage X to
get ready, ready o.a.; to stand pre-
lj 'ajwa pressed dates | *jj* ^'^1 a paatry
pared, keep in readineas, stand by; to
made of rieh dough with almonds and
prepare o.a.; to be ready, willing, pre-
date paate (syr.)
pared (J for, to do

J* 'adda u {'add) to count, number, reckon

.u. 'add counting, count; enumeration,
(, j- * s.o. among); to enumerate
listing; computation, calculation
(*; to compute, calculate (*;

to regard (* *, s.o., as), look (* *, a* 'udda readinesa, preparednesa ;

at s.o., at aa), consider, think, (
pl. aj* 'udad) equipment, outfit;

deem (* *, s.o., to be; implement, instrument, tool; gadget,

pass. 'udda to be considered, go (* device, appliance, contrivance; rigging,

595 ^Jp

tackle, sas; harness (of a hone) | AU tude | '<ifi\ jo^J polytheism; oU-jjII jxJ
J 4J-1* 4! or (a'odda) to make one's prep- t. az-zaujt polygamy
arationa for, prepare 0.8. for; *^lll -i* .U-l
iljie! i'tidd confidenoe, reliance,
to make preparationa for s.tb. ; plJl So

olockwork, watchwork
trust ( v in) |
Lj jLtaVl (bi-nafrihi)
self-confidence, self-relianoe
4* 'tto number; (attritmtively:)
jlxc--! isti'dd readiness, wlingness,
several, numerous, many, e.g., -i* jL-j
preparedness; (pl. -t) inclination, tend-
CZdafun) many men, oij- 4* 'iddata
ency , disposition, propensity ; pre-
marrtin Beveral times ; iddat, legally
disposition (J for a diseaae), suscep-
presoribed period of waiting during
tibility (J to a diseaae); pl. conveniences,
which a woman may not remarry after
amenities, comfort J jl4*i-l 5" to
being widowed or divorced (Isl. Law)
be prepared, be set for...; to be ready,
j-U 'adad pl. jl.ul a'dd number, willing, inclined, in a position to...
numeral; figure, digit, cipher; quantity;
iplozJ iati'ddi preparatory
number, issue (of a newspaper) |
^U- j.u
(kss) apeoial number, special issue (e.g., jjj*. ma'dd countable, numerable,
of a periodical) calculable ; limited in number, little,

few, a few, some

jj-i* 'adadi numerical, numeral, rel-
ative to a number or numbers oJa* mu'addida (hjred) female mourner

-04* 'adxd (with foll. genit.) counted Xu mu'add deatined, intended (J for);
among or with; numerous; number; ready, prepared (J for, to do,

large quantity; equal | -U-i* iA* {'adad) willing ( J to do

enormous quantity, great multitude olXu mu'adddt equipment, material,

]li -.U li* this equals that
matenel, gear ; applianoes, de vices,
>I-U 'addd pl. -t counter, meter (for implements, gadgets j
(L^L) Lj_^- olo
electricity, gas, etc.) (Aarfei ya, 'aakartya) war material; 0I4*.
Jj_^-I m. al-hariq fire-fighting equipment
jIja mi'dd pl. 4j.iL* Ttia'did1 abacus
jlxJ ia'dd counting, count; enumera- j4*i. muta addid manifold, multiple,
tion, liating; computation, calculation plural, numerous, varied, variegated, var-
ious, diverse, different; multi-, many-,
J'^\ jIj*; t. al-anfus census

jlj* 'toM" number, quantity

poly- (in Compounds) | L^U-'I j m.
<J ^l-u ^ al-kaly multicellular (biol.) ;
^-IjJl jo-i.
{'idda) innumerable, countless; jl-U J 7. an-nawhi multifarious, variegated,
among, e.g., >j!-U j _>* he is counted
varied, manifold
among them, he is one of them

**- muala'idd prepared, ready (J
j1j*I t'tfd preparation, readying, ar-
for); inclined, in a position (J to, to do
ranging, setting up, making, drawing; predisposed (J for), susceptible
up, drafting
(J to, esp. to a disease)
jilj*l i'ddi preparatory j
jl-ul jl^i

(iaAoa) certificate granted after complet- ,j-A* ooa (coli.; n. un. "*) lentil(6)

ing four yearB of seoondary school (eg.) 54* 'aAwa pl. -t lens; magnifying
glase; object lens, objective
iJ*j ta'addud variety, diversity, multi-
plicity, plurality, great number, multi- ^-U 'ao/wi lentioular
Jap 596

Ja* 'adala i ('adl, IIa* 'addla) to aot justly, even, balanced; to be moderate, be tem-
equitably, with fairness | J-t Ja* to perate
treat everyone with indisoriminate justice,
Ja 'adl straightness, straightforward-
not to disariminate between them; nese; justice, impartiality; fairneas, eq-
'adala i to be equal (*, to s.o., to,
uitableness, probity, honesty, uprigbt-
be equivalent (* to, be on a par
ness; equitable oomposition, just compro-
(*, * with), be the equal ( of s.o.),
mise; (pl. JjO 'udl) just, equitable,
equal, match (*, s.o.,, counter-
fair, upright, honest; person of good
balance, outweigh (* ; to make
reputation, person with an honorable
equal, equaze, level (<_j s.o. with
reoord {Ial. Law); juristio adjunet as-
another), place ( s.o.) on the same level
signed to a cadi (JLfagr,); Vo 'adian
or footing (i_j with another); 'adala i
equitably, fairly, justly |
J-Ull j jj min-
(JjO* 'udl) to deviate, swerve, deflect,
ister of justice
turn away (Jl je from toward); to
digress, depart, refrain, desist, abstain, Ja 'adli forensio, legal, judicial, ju-

ridioal, juristio
avert o.a., tum away (je- from), leave
off, relinquish, abandon, renounoe, dis- Ja *idl equal, tantamount, oorrespond-
claim, give up, forego, waive, drop (je-
ing; (pl. Jlol a'di, JjO 'udl) either |
je- *j Ja to make s.o. desist,
of the two balanced halves of a load
abatain or turn away from ; Jl j^ut Ja oarried by a beast of brden; sack, bag
(bi-bafarihi) to let one's eyes stray to
or toward; 'adula u (illo* 'adala) to be JjO 'adil equal, lue, tantamount,
corresponding; (with foll. genit.) equal
just, fair, equitable II to straighten,
(toB.o.).ona par (with s.o.); (eg.; pl. JJIo
make or put straight, set in order,
'adail) brother-in-law (husband of one's
array (*; to balance, right, rectify,
put in order, straighten out, fix, settle,

adjust (*; to make (* juBt; JjO* 'udl refraining, abstentlon, de-

to adapt (* ; to change, alter, Bistance (je- from), forgoing, renuncia-

oommute, amend, modify, improve (*

tion, resignation, abandonment, relin-; to modulate (* current, wavea; quishment (je- of

et.) III to be equal (*, * to s.o., to, IIa* 'adla justice, fairness, impartial-
be equivalent (* to, be on a par ity; probity , integrity, honesty, equi-
(*, with), be the equal ( of s.o.), tableness; decenoy, proper conduet; hon-
equal, matoh (*, * s.o.,, oounter- orable reoord (Id. Law)
balanoe, outweigh (*; to equate,
iJo 'adliya justice, administration of
treat as equal (Joj jo two persona
justice, jurisprudence iJaJI
| j jj min-
or things) IT to straighten, make or
ister of justice
put Btraight {* T to he changed,
be altered, be oommuted, be modified, Jol a'dal* more regulr, more uniform
undergo modifioation, change or alter-
more balanoed ; juster, fairer, more
ation VI to be in a State of equilibrium,
equitable; more upright, more honest,
be balanced; to be equal, be on a par; more righteous

to offBet one another, strike a balance JjOjJ ta'dil straightening, straighten-

VIII to straighten (up), tense; to draw ing out, settling, setting right; (pl.

o.s. up, sit straight, sit up; to be straight. t) change, alteration, conunutation.
amendment, modification; settlement, gone, have disappeared; to disappear,
adjustment, regulation; improvement; vanish IV to cause ( a.o.) to miaa or
reehuffle (of the cabinet); modulation lack (>; to deprive (* s.o. of
(el.) |
jjlj j JjO*J (wiz&ri) cabinet reahuffle; to destroy, annihilate, wipe out

*JiU* mu'dala assimilation, approxi- (*, a.o.,; to ezeoute ( s.o.); to be

mation, adjustment, equalization, level- or become poor, be reduced to poverty,
ing, balancing, equilibration ;
beoome impoveriahed VII = pasa. I
equilibrium; equality; equivalence; even- ,
adam non-being,
l**u nonexistenoe;
nesa, proportion, proportionateneas, pro- nothing, nothingnesa, nihility ; lack, want,
portionality; equation (math.) absence; losa, privation; (with foll. genit.)

JjljJ ta'dul balance, equilibrium; non-, un-, in-, dis- ; (pl. * loci a'd&m) nonen-
equality ; equivalence ; evenness, tity, nullity, banality, trifle j.*^l *i+
pro* |

portion, proportionateneas, proportion- inattention, indifferenoe; ^L-^-VI *J

ality; draw, tie (in aporta) j

ol^^l JiU noncompetency ; *y?jh fJ* non-being,
tie vote, equal number of votea nonexistence

J I u=* I i'tidl straightneas, erectness, i/J* 'adami nihiliat

tenaeneas ; evenness, ey mmetry, pro- 5-.J* 'adamiya non-being, nonezist-

portion (e.g., of stature, of growth); ence; nihilism
moderatenesa, moderation, temperanoe,
jCU* 'adim not having, lacking, want-
temperatenesa; equinox |
Jloas^l c-r-
ing; deprived (of); devoid (of), without,
samt al-i. equinootial oolure (astrvn.), un- (with foll. genit.) | 1U-I rj*
Jloifrl i'tidli equinootial 'a, al-hayh inanimate, lifeless; j]L}\ rj
Jil* 'dil juat, fair, equi table; up- unequaled, incomparable, onique
right, honest, Btraightforward, righteoua
*ljcl i'dm destruction, annihilation;
J-u* mu'addal average; average amount execution |
fta^L J-I (Aufcm) death
or sum | ~4*jJ\ Jxu m. as-sur'a average sentence
Bpeed; J-U* as an average, on the <J\At.\ i'dmiya headcloth without
'iql (as a sign of mourning)
JiU. mu'dil qual, of equal status,
/lo*jl in'idm abaenoe, laok, non-
having equal rights
J,>Ll* mitta'dil balanced, neutral
jol* 'Win pl. fjlj* 'aw&dim* non-
J-u** mu'tadil straight, even, propor- existent, lost; unrestorable, irreolaim-
tionate, aymmetrical, harmonioua; mod- able; waste- (in Compounds); pl. waste,
erate, temperate; mild, dement (weath- refuse, soraps |
i-jUl Lil sewage,
er) |
Ja=*ll kll (minfaqa) the Temper- aullage, waste water; JlU^I jolj* cotton
ate Zone waste; jm^I i^Jl unbbat al-'a. exhaust
pipe (automobile)
j0* 'adima a ('udm, *adam) to be deprived,
be devoid, be in want, be deficient (* tj-u* ma'dm nonexistent, wanting,
of; to lack, not to have (* s.thl); lacking, abaent ; misaing ; lost ; gone,
to lose, miss (*, s.o.,; pasa.

' Udima to be lacking, be misaing, be j.0*. mu'dim poor, destitute; impov-

abseilt, be nonexistent; to be lost, be eriahed.
o& 598

ja* 'adn Eden, Paradise; 'adan* Aden (city; to cross (*, e.g., a river)
in southem Arabia) III to treat as an enemy ( s.o.), show
enmity ( toward s.o.), be at war, feud
Um madin pl. ojL* ma'dtn* mine;
( with b.o.); to fall out (. with s.o.),
lode ; metal ; mineral ; treasure-trove,
contract the enmity ( of s.o.); to act
bonanza (flg.); (place of) origin, source |

hostilely ( toward s.o.); to counteract,

jjUll 1* 'Um cU-m. mineralogy; ,j>~z+\
disobey (*, s.o.,, act in Opposition
4J-U* to probe into b.o.'s very natura
(*, to), contravene, infringe (*
j.u* ma'dan (eg.; syr. ma'din) very
IV to infect ( s.o., j with a disease)
goodl bravo well done! 1
V to cross, overstep (*; to traverse

J.U. ma' dinx metallic, mineral; oLJxJ.1 (* s.tb.); to exceed, transcend, surpass

mineralogy | J-u. L mineral water (*, go beyond (*); to go

beyond {*) and turn one's attention
j. J*J ta'din mining of metals and
to eise (Jl), not to be limited to
minerals; mining, mining induatry (*) but also to comprise (Jl
Um mu'addin miner eise), extend beyond (*) to
eise Jl) ; t overtake, pase, outstrip,
ulji 'adnn 3 legendary ancestor of the North (

outdistance, leave behind (*; to

overcome, surmount (*, e.g., a
e e
(jic) lop ad u ( adw) to ran, speed, gallop, crisis); to pasa on, sbift, spread (Jl to);
dash, race; to pass (*, or j* s.o., to transgresa, infraot, violato, broak
go past s.o. or (*, * or ^); to give (*, e.g., laws); to engage in brutal,
up, abandon, leave (*, or j* S.O., hostile action, commit agression, a ; to pass over, bypass, omit { hostile act (Je against); to act unjustly
s.o.), not to bother (i_* s.o. with), toward s.o.) to assail, aasault,
(Je ;

exempt, except (01 s.o. from); to cross, attack, raid (Je b.o.,; to infringe,
overstep, exceed, transcend (*, go
encroach, make inroads (Je upon) |
beyond (*); to exceed the proper
4-ie (darb) to come to Mwe with
bounds; to infect (Jl s.o.); u (j-ie
s.o., lay hands upon s.o. VI to harbor
'adw, 'udw, lo* ada, jlj-l* 'udwn,
mutual enmity, be hostile to one a not her,
"idwn) to engage in aggressive, hostile
be enemies VII to be infected (*_- with
aotion, commit an aggression, a hostile
a disease), catch an infection (j* by,
act (Je against); to act unjustly (Je
from) VIII to cross, overstep (*;
toward), wrong (Je s.o.); to aasail, as-
to exceed, tranBcend, eurpass (*
sault, attack, raid (Je s.o.,; u,

go beyond (*); to act outrageously,

(j4e 'adw) to handicap, hamper, impede,
brutally, unlawfuUy (Je against); to
obatruet (je s.o. in); to prevent, hinder
commit exeesses (J* against); to engage
(^ b.o. from) |
j_jl lo* (faurah) to
in aggressive, brutal, hostile action (Je
transcend one's bounds or Umits; j-i; V
against), commit an aggression, a hostile
*i*i jl not to fail to do ; to do s.tb.
inevitably; . . . >j l j-Uj V it is no act (Je againBt); to act unjustly (Je
toward); to violate (Je a woman); to
more than..., it is only or merely...
II to cause to croas, overstep, exceed or assail, assault, attack, raid (Je s.o.,

transcend; to ferry ( b.o., over a river);, infringe, encroach, make inroads

(gram.) to make transitive ( a verb); to (Je upon), make an attempt on b.o.'s

give up, abandon, leave (*, or ^ s.o., (Je) lifo X to appeal for assistance (

to s.o. J* against) to ; stir up, rouse, incite li-Xm* ma'diya pl. il*. ma'din ferry,

(J* s.o. against) ferryboat

lo* 'at&S, la* L or la* l(j /f-md 'add ijjj ia'diya ferrying, ferry Service;
(with foll. ac'c. or genit.) ezcept, save, eonversion into the transitive form
with the exception of, exoepting ... j Li {gram.)
iiilj l-ip besidea
J*j ta'addin crossing, overstepping, ex-
ja* 'orfto running, run, race (also in ceeding, transcending; overtaking, pass
sports) m8 ( e -g-. of an automobile); (pl

ZjA* 'udioa oIjJjJ ta'addiyt) infxaction, violation,

side, slope (of a Valley),
bank, embankment (of a breach (e.g. ( of laws) , transgression,
river), shore
encroachment, inroad (Je on), infringe-
jOp 'adw pl. lapl a'd', ^Op 'idan, ment of the law; offense against law,
'udan, Slip 'ui<3A, .slpl a'din, f. jj* tort, delict {Isl, Law); attack, assault.
'adwa enemy |
(oll, -bjj) ^jij jj* (Zod&J, aggression
aladd2 ) foe, archenemy
I.&-I i'tida pl. -t attack, assault,
*jj* adwa fem. of j-U 'adw raid, inroad (J* on), attempt (J* on
t$-i* *o<y acting hostilely, aggressive s.o. 's life), criminal attack (Je on)
outrage (J* upon); aggression
'odd* enmity, hostility, antag- against; esp.poi.) | l.tol/1 *4e (Jlul) SjuLm
onism, animosity; aggrossion
mu'ahadat {ittifq) 'adam al-i't. pact of
jlo* 'ad'i hostile, inimical, antag- nonaggression
onistic, aggressive
jiLc 'ftn pl. jIjp 'awdin aggressive,
#1j* 'add' runner, racer attacking, assailing, raiding; (pl. lop

'udh) enemy | ^j~J\ tplj* beasts of

^o*l a'd: *\jy\ ^OpI a. l-a'd' the
prey, predatory animals
worst of enemies
IjjIp 'dtya -&, jl_>a 'audtn
iSj-** 'adw infection, contagion; wrong, offense,

misdeed, outrage,* ad-

'udw hostile action
versity, misfortune, reverse; obstacle,
jIop 'adwa pl. -t enmity, hostility, impediment, obstruction ; pl. vicissitudes

antagonism, animosity jlj* p^U oop ('a^a(} fate dealt them

heavy blows, they feil on evil days
1j.u 'udaw ,i hindrance, handicap,
impediment; inconvenience, nuisance, jl** mu'din hostile, inimical, antag-
discomfiture |
#lj.ip jj rough, rugged, onistic
uneven; advcrse, discomfiting, incon-
J** mu'dt'n contagious, infectious g^l^l
venient; bad, poor (mount) |

ij-i** contagious diseases

IjJp 'udwn, 'idwn enmity, hostility,
-Ui muta'addin transitive (yram.); ag-
hostile action, aggression
gressor, assailant
jljOp 'udwni: ij\jJ* i-L- policy of
oi mu'tadin pl. -n assailant, as-

sassin; aggressor {pol.)

^u* ma'dan escape, way out, avoid-
ance |
-o* &A* ^ (ma'd) inevitable, -j-U 'aduba u (ijip 'udia) to be sweet,
unavoidable, inescapable pleasant, agreeable; 'adaba i to

hinder, handicap, impede, obstruct { jis 'udra virginity, virginhood; name

s.o.) II to afflict, pain, torment, try, of an Arab tribe |
jis y\ = jis y\ see
agonize, torture, rack (* s.o.); to punish, above
chaatise, caatigate {* s.o.) T to be pun- tfjis 'udrl belonging to the tribe of
ished, suffer punishment; to feel pain, 'udra {see above)
Buffer; to torment o.e., be in ogony,
jjiJl (jijfJI {haw) platonic love
be harasaed X to find (* sweet,
jlis 'idr pl. jis 'udur cheek; fluff,
pleaaant, or agreeable; to tbink (*
beautiful, nice
first growth of beard (on the cheeks);
cheekpiece (of a horse's harness) |
-is 'adb pl. L-*lis \db sweet; pleaaant,
jlis to throw off all restraint, drop all
agreeable is L> fresh water; <->i*
JU- unrestrain-
pretenses of shame; jliJl
,i-jji-l entertaining, arausing, companion-
ed, wanton, uninhibited
able, personable
Ijis 'adr n pl. <^jlis 'adr virgin;
i_jlie 'adb pl. -t, jisl a'diba pain,
IjiJl Virgo (aetron.); the Virgin Mary
torment, suffering, agony, torture; pun- Ijis !U# (fath) maiden, virgin
(Chr.) |

ishment, chastisement, caatigation

ja ma'fcra pl. jiU. ma'dir* excuse,
jjis 'u^ia sweetness pardon

i_jcl a'dab* sweeter, more pleaaant,

jIjm mi'dr pl. ./SU ma'dir' excuse,
more agreeable plea
^x ta'dib affliction, tormenting,
jiJ ta'ad4ur difficulty, impossibility,
agonizing, torture, tortuxing ; punish- impracticability, unfeasibility
ment, chastisement, oastigation
jliipl i'tidr apology, excuse, plea

jis 'adara i ^udr, ji mo'^tra) to excuee, Tna'dr excused, justified, war-

absolve from guilt ( s.o.), forgive
ranted; excusable
(je or j * s.o. |
(jjio jl he wouldn't
jifti* muta'adgir diffioult, impossible,
let me give any excuses, he wouldn't
impracticable, unfeasible
take no for an ans wer, he kept insisting;
'adara i {*a4r) to circumcise ( s.o.)
is '%4q pl. Jlisl a'rfff bunch, Cluster {of
IV I; to have an excuse |
jijl j* jisl dates, of grapes)
(man andara) he who wams is excused
V to be difficult, impossible, impracti- Jis 'a^oZa u Codi) to blame, censure, reprove,

cable, unfeasible (J* for) YIII to excuse

rebuke, reproach ( s.o.) II = I

o.s. , apologize (j* J or Jl to s.o. for Jis 'a$ blame, censure, reproof,; to give or advance (<-> as reproach

an excuse (je or ,> for), plead (u>)
Jjj* 'adi stern censurer, rebuker,
in defense of (je or ,>.) X to wish to be
severe critic
excused; to make an apology, excuse
Jjls 'dtJ pl. Jli* 'uddl, f. *)iU
o.a., apologize
'&ila pl. J ilj* 'wdiZ 1 censurer, reprover,
jis 'vdr pl. jli*l a'dr excuse [
jis- y) critic
ab 'u. (with foll. genit.) responsible for,
answerable for; jjW * ji*- y} j* (jis and jis) lis- ad u and jis 'adiya a

(tafaunintr) he is the originator of this to be healthy {country, city; due to its

development climate, air, etc.)


jt. 'arra u to be a ahame, be a diagrace (*, *aL> (map am) dining car, diner; i*j*
for s.o., for; to bring ahame or JLiLVI baby carriage; JiJl _^ 'a, an-
diagrace (*, upon s.o., upon, nagt wagon, lorry, van; freight car; Itjt.

diagrace, diahonor (*, s.o., piJI *a. an-naum eleeping car, sleeper; i*j*

mange dng
b 'a. yad handcart, puahcart; wheel-
ijt. 'urra Scabies, ; ; a
diagraceful, shameful thing barrow

Vj* 'arabiya pl. -t carriage, vehicle;
jjt. arar Scabies, mange
araba, coach; see J^
~*j** ma'arra ahame, diagrace, igno-
miny; ,jj* 'arbaji pl. -xya coachman, cabman
stain, blemish, atigma
4>l*jfr 'arbajfna oar ahed, coach house
j** mu'tarr miserable, wretcHed sooun- ;

drei, rogue i-jI^ 'arrb godfather, Sponsor

<-jjt- II to Arabicize, make Arabic (*, s.o.,

ijj* 'arrba godmother, Sponsor; to tranalate ioto Arabic (*;

v'j*' a'rb an Arab of
ijlj*' a'rbi pl.
to express, voice, State clearly, deolare the desert, a Bedouin
(je; to give earneat money, give
'o.jjt- 'urba Arabism, Arabdom, the
a handael, make a down paymeot IV to
Arab idea, the Arab charaeter
Arabicize, make Arabic (*, s.o.,,

give an Arabic form {* to; to make <_-jy ta'rxb Arabicizing, Arahization;

piain or clear, State clearly, declare (je translation into Arabic ; incorporation (of

or *, expreas (unmistakably), utter, loanwords) into Arabio

voice, proclaim, make known, manifest, <_jijfrl i'rb manifeatation, declaration,
give to uoderstaod (je., esp. a proclamation, pronouncement, utterance;
sentiment), give expression (je- to, expreBsion (je of a sentiment); desinen-
esp. to a sentiment) ; (gram.) to use tial inflection (gram.)
desinential inflection, prooounoe the
<->j** mu'arrib translator into Arabic
i'rb V to assimate o.a. to the Arahs,
become an Arab, adopt the customa of i_^w mu'arrab Arabicized; translated
the Arabs X = V into Arabic

<-*jt. 'arab (coli.) pl. ^jjt- 'urvb, ._j^l u/w mu'rab desinentially infleetive
a'rub, iijt- 'urbn, -"'j*' a'rb Arabs; (gram.)
true Arabs, Arabs of the desert, Bedouins
musta'rib Arabiat
\}j- 'arabt Arab, Arabio, Arabiao; truly
Jjjt- 'arbada to be quarrelsome, be conten-
Arabic; an Arab; -^' the 'Arabiya,
tious, pick quarreis; to be noisy, boiater-
the laoguage of the ancient Araba; clas-
oua, riotous, raise a din
Bical, or literary, Arabic

i>j* 'araba a awift ri ver ; (pl. -t)

*<Xijt- 'arbada quarrelsomeneas, con-

carriage, vehicle, wagon, cart; (railroad) tentiousness ; noise, din, uproar, riot

car, coach; araba, coach | i^V <>jt- 'a. i-tj* 'irbxd quarrelsome, contentious;
al-ujra cab, hack, hackney; JS'VI ~**j-*a. noiay, boisteroua, riotous
al-akl dining car, diner; ^j lijt- 'a. raii
Jj^^w mu'arbid quarrelsome, conten-
water wagon, sprinkling wagon ; \j.
tious; noisy, boisterous, riotous
^r'jS'J' 1
cab, hack, hackney; yiJI ~*j,j. 'a.

al-Sahn wagon, lorry; freight car; itj*. ^j-jjt- 'arbaaa toupset,disturb, confuse (s.o.)

'arbana to give earnest money, give a Jljj* 'irzl hut or ehack of the rural warden

handsei, make a down payment (. to a.o.) (usually in a tree or on top of a roof)

'urbn, 'arabn Oy'j* 'arbin IV to
tfj* II {nejd.) to marry (^
Ojijt. pl. s.o. to)

handsei, earneat money, down payment; arrange a wedding feast

pledge, pawn, gage iUjP
^y. 'urs, 'urus pl. ^j^ a'ra,

- y. 'urj) to ascend, mount, 'uruat marriage; wedding, wedding

'araja u {* jj*
rise; 'arija a {'araj) to be lame, walk feast

lamely, limp, hobble II to turn <J* to, ^jb.

ira pl. ^j^ a'rs husband;
toward); to stop, halt, stop over (J* in,
wife ^jt. ^\ ibn 'irs pl. ^j- tjLj bant

at); to turn (j* off, swerve (j* 'ira weasel (zool.)

from); to lame, cripple, paralyzo (

~<*j* 'iraa weasel
s.o.); to zlgzag, make zigzag (*
^j* *urua bridegroom;
IV to lame, cripple, paralyze ( s.o.) tfjj* 'ara pl.

V to zigzag, follow a zigzag course VII to f. (pl. ^pllj 'ar'ia*) bride; doli; Uj^Jl

incline, lean, bend, curve ; to be or al-'aran bride and groom, the new-
become crooked, curved, bent, sinuous, lyweds |
J-dl ^j* * an-nil lotus

winding i-.jjP 'araa pl. 'ar'ia3 bride;


r-jP *araj lameness doli, baby doli ]

*jJl *-jj* ' al-burq"
metal tubes omamenting the veil of
^j*l a'rap, f. U-^* 'arj*', pl. ^y-
Muslim women
'urj, U-yi 'urjn lame, limping; jack
(in a deck of cards) _j y *aria bridegroom
rj** ma'raj pl. rjLw ma'rip place ^jt- 'irria lair of a lion, lion's den

of ascent ; (route of ) asoent

jc. 'aroSa i u to erect a trellis (* for grape-
rjA* mi'raj pl. rjU* ma'rif ladder,
vinea), train on a trellis or espalier, to
stairs trellis, to espalier (* vines) II to roof

-1^*- mi'raj pl. jl*- ma'rif ladder, over (a

stairs; tne midnight journey to

r}j&\ J,jt> 'ari pl. ^jj* *uri, J>\j*\ a'ra'
the seven heavens (made by Mohammed throne; tribe {magr.)
on the 27th of Rajab, from Jerusalem) |
jjc ariS pl. Jj* 'wruS t Jt\j.
plydl J lailat al-m. the night of Mo-
'arffiS1 arbor, bower; hut made of
hammed's ascension to the seven heavens
twigs; booth, shack, ehanty; trellis (for

jLj ta'rij* (pl.) curvee, curvatures, grapevines); shaft, carriage pole

bends, turns, twiste, windings, Binuos-
^^1 El Arish (town in N Egypt, on
ities; wavy lines, serpentines
r-^J ta'arruj zigzag (course)
mJ^ ta'rUa pl. ^jUl ta'riS
'*i trellis,

rj*^ muta'arrij winding, twisting, lattice-work arbor^ bower


tortuous, sinuous; zigzag

^y. 'arisa a {'araa) to be lively, gay, merry
rj^* munarij crooked, curved, bent,

winding, twisting, tortuous, sinuouB "k^jS. 'araa pl. 'araal, ^j^ a'ra

vacant lot; courtyard, court of a house

rj*~ mun'araj pl. -t bend, turn, curve,

twist, angle (of roads, etc.) ,-** mu'arros pimp, procurer; cuckold
xj*j* 'anufa u to be or beoome wide, broad, (J s.o.,, stand up (J against), raise
to widen, h enden; 'aratfa i (*ar4) objeotions, objeet (J to); to face (,
to becomo visible, appear (J to s.o.); to e.g., a problem) to interfere ( J with), med-

get in a.o.'e (J) way; to happen (J to dle (J in); to put one's mind, turn one's
s.o.), befall (J s.o.); to ooeur (J to s.o.), attention (J to), go into (J, e.g.,
come to s.o.'a (J) mind; to turn (J to a topio); to undertake (J, embark
s.o., to; to take care (J of), conoern (J upon; to expose o.s., be exposed,
o.a. (J with), turn one's attention, put be subjeeted (J to; to run the risk
one'fl mind, apply o.s., attend (J to), go (J of), risk (J doing or being;
in (J for), go iuto (J), enter, embark to dare, venture, risk (J VI to
(J upon), take up, treat (J, deal oppose one another; to be contradio-
(J with); to ahow, demonstrate, prsent, tory, conflict, be incompatible (** with)
set forth, display, exhibit, lay open, VIII to betake o.a., go, present o.a. {* to
submit, turn in
(J* * to s.o.), lay, a.o.); to raise an objeetion, make ob-
put (J* * before s.o.); to show jeetiona, objeet
(J to), veto (J,
(* e.g., a film), stage (* e.g., a play); to remonstrate, protest
(J* against); to
offer,suggest, propose oppose (J*
(J* * to resist, s.o.,; to stand
to subjeet up
(J* * to a oritical
s.o.); (J or >, against b.o., against,
examination, and the like); to inspeot stand in, or obetruet, the way of b.o.
(*; to review (> troops), pass in or (J or *, ); to hinder impede,
review (*, also before one's mental obstruet (J b.o.); to happen ( to s.o.),

eye); pass. 'uritfa to be or go mad, befall ( b.o.) | *L^ ^j*l to block

insane |
,j>jL *1 ^ijt. an bstacle arose s.o. 's way X to ask to be shown ( s.o.,

in bis path; ^UU- *J ^ijt- a thought *; to pass in review (>, esp.

ooeured to him, he had an idea II to in one's imagination, before one's mental

make wide or broad, widen, broaden, eye), call up, conjure up, call to one's

exten d (*; to expose (J *, s.o., mind, picture to o.a., visualize {*; to, esp. to risk; J > to to weigh, consider, examine (*;

the sun); to intimate, insinuate (J or to ins pect, review (* troops); to ex-

pound, set forth to prooeed
V, allude (J or <_> to), hint (J or (* s.tb.);

V a*) I J>^ <<j* to hold against

ruthlessly; to masaacre without muoh
the light III to offer resistance ado {* the enemy)
{*, * to
s.o., to, resist (*, s.o.,, r
,j>j* pl. tjijjs- 'wr4 breadth;
work against s.o. or {*, *); to width; presentation, demonstration, Stag-
contradiot, oppose (>, * s.o.,, raise ing, show(ing), Performance; display,
objeetionsj protest, remonstrate {*, exposition, exhibition; Bubmission, fing
against s.o., against; to be against (e.g., of an application); proposition,
s.o. or (>, *); toavoid, shun {>, s.o., proposal, offer, tender; parade; review; to compare (<_> * with) IT to {mil.) ; merchandise, goods ,j>yJlj

turn away, avert o.a. (je from), avoid, across, crosswise, in breadth; i_ ILflj ^^JyJl

shun (j* s.o.,, shirk (j*,give (falab) supply and demand; IjjV'^j*
up, abandon, relinquish, disoard, re-
o. al-ozy* fashion show; JL- ^^ r
nounce, disclaim (j* ; not to mention hl or Jl>^ pl. oVl>j* f
t^; Jl je o"J^ * turn away from application, petition, memorial; Ja*- and to T to resist, oppose eise
(**-J J ) # (darajat) al-'a. degree
J** 604

of latitude; ^-iyJl ilL-i hibbk al-'a. show &*jj* *or4% proBodio(al), metrioal
window; ,j>^*JI
^ yaum ai-'a. the Day
^^j* *ar# pl. ^jf- *ird broad, wide;
of Judgment, Doomsday
extensive, vaat
j-ij* 'af^I croes- (in oompounds),
*ajjft 'arida pl. yjiu^j* 'artff* petitiou,
transverse, horizontal | ^j* J*> (&a#)
application, memorial
latitudinal degree, geographica! latitude
,_r*j** ma'rid pl. ,j*jl** ma'rid* place
jjrij* '\r4> pl. ,j>lj*' a'rdd honor,
where is exhibited or displayed;
good repute; dignity ^iLi^* j Ul I rely
showroom, stage; exposition, exhibition;
on your generosity, have mercy upon
show; fair (com.); (with foll. genit.) time,
oocaaion for |
^j** j (with foll.

(jrij* 'ur4 aide; middle |

j*J\ ^ij* j genit.) in the form of ..., in ... manner;
('. il-bahr) mt sea, on the high seas; on the ocoasion of, at the ooourrence or
J*jU-I ^yijf *j (<?>./-*) JJl to undervalue, appearanoe of; ... ^j** j ^/1 l-J
Boom, diadain, despise, reject; to (laan) with foll. verbal noun: this is

ruin, thwart, foil; to throw not the place for us to . . . ; ^j** j L-J
overboard, jettison ; ^jj. j* *JI ^lii j ^^11 let us not speak of . . . now, this is

('an 'vrdin) he looked askance at him, not the place to speak of . . . ; LjVl ,j>/**
he gave him a slanting glanoe (con- m. aX-axyX fashion show; .Jim_J1 u"j**
temptuously) ; ^Ul
^0^. j amid the m. Of-fuhuf preas review
crowd of people; ^IJl ^0^. j, jM he
^j** mCrad wedding gown
belongs to the common people
^Ijm mi f
r&4'. 4.^"^!^** j JU (m.
iJLij* 'ardnl transversal, transverse,
kaimihl) to mention caaually, say among
latitudinal; measured crosswise
other things
^>j* ora<f pl. j>^l a'rd acoident
,j+lj*> fa'rlff intimation, allusion, hint,
(philo*.); contingent, nonessential ohar-
acteriatio; nonessential, a con-
4mjL* mu'drada Opposition (esp. pol,);
tingent, aocidental; symptom, mani-
resistance, oontradiotion, remonstranoe,
featation of disease; Lij* 'aradan, ^>^Ij
incidentally, by chance objeotion, exception, protest; O resist-

ance (ei.)
j-ij* *aradi acoidental (philo.), non*
,j>ljftl i*r4 shunning, avoidanoe, eva-
essential, unessentiaJ; inoidental, ao-
cidental, contingent, fortuitous, caaual;
sion; reluctance |
^>'j*-l j reluctantly

oL-ij* 'aro^fydi unessentiaJ incidents, ,j>jIm ta'rv4 conflict, clash, antag-

nnessentials; acoidentaia | 5_>j* i^Li onism, oontradiotion, oontrariety
venial ain (CAr.)
,ji\S*\ i'tir&4 pl. -t resistanoe, Oppo-
l^j 'wda target ; (object of ) intention, sition, objection, exception, oounter-
intent, deaign; objeot (J of); exposed, argument, counterasaertion, counterblast,
subjeot(ed), liable (J to; (with riposte, rebuttal, rejoinder, expostu-
foU. genit.) soitable for, fitting for, lation, remonstrance, protest; (right of)
appropriate for veto (Ist. Law) J
^Ij^Vl J*- haqq al-i t,

^j*jj*'ar$ prosody;
last foot of the first hemistich
(pl. ^ jl*l a'&rid

(right of) veto (pol.)

i*> i^lj^cJ vti'r4 examination, survey;
'Um al-'a. metrica, prosody parade, review; revue, muaical show

^Ij^c-I wffr# revue-, show- (iu ence, find out {*; to recognize,
Compounds), revue-Iike J
47ri\Jz*\ i#y acknowledge (_, * as being
(Jirya) show troupe; revue tronpe; right ; * * as) ; to concede, ac-
^I^aI^I ii film musioal knowledge (<J a to s.o.), allow
(J m for in s.o.); to approve (* of);
^jLp 'dr# pl. -n exhibitor (e.g., at
a fair); demonstrator; (pl. ^jjj*
to distinguish, differentiate (j* *, b.o., from); pass. 'urifa to be known

'awri^ 3 ) obstacle, impediment, obstruc-
(_ as, by the name of) | *i^A\ J*- J>j*
tion; temporary disturbance, anomalous
(haqqa l-m.) to know for sure, be Bure
condition (physically); attack, fit, apell;
(of), be positive (about); J-^J-I J cij*- accidental, nonessential, an
* jLijUI she was grateful to him, she appreciated
accidont; aide of the face;
his service, she gratefully acknowledged
the cheeks |
,>,*jUt <Ja^jp- k. al-'rifain
his service II to announce (* * to s.o.
having a sparae beard; Jj^UI ^jl* j, inform, adviBe, appnse (* s.o.
in the middle of the road
of), acquaint {* s.o. with; to
<*ij\s-'rida pl. -t woman demonstrator, introduce (Jl or u> s.o. to s.o. eise),
woman exhibitor; {pl. j^jlj* 'awriij, 3 ) have ( s.o.) meet (Jl or <~> s.o. eise),

aide of the face; doorpost, jamb; cross- pressnt (<_> s.o. to s.o. eise); to define
beam, transom; joist, girder; ,
purlin; {*; to determine, apecify, oharac-

O anode (el.) |
3->jUJI *j qwat al-'. terize, explain (*; {gram.) to make
eloquence; UjV *~#j\s- mannequin definite {* a noun); (Chr.) to confesa

,j>jl* 'ridl accidental, casual, occa- (* a penitent), hear the confession (

sional of s.o.) V become acquainted (^ or


Jl, also J* with s.o.), meet (^ or Jl a.o.) t

yj*jj** ina'rd pl, ^JjU ma'rif
make the acquaintance of a.o. (u> or Jl);
exposition, report ; memorial, petition,
to make o.s. known, disclose one'a iden-
application ; pl. -t propositions,
tity, reveal o.s. (J! to s.o.); to acquaint
proposals, offers, tenders; exhibits, ex-
o.b., famiarize o.s.
J* or Jl with), get to
hibited articles
know (Jp or Jl; to sound, explore
^jU. mu'rid adversary, Opponent, (*; to trace, diaoover, uncover (*

antagonist, opposer; contradicter; (gram.) to be or beoome definite

(noun) VI to become acquainted with one
,j+j^* mu'tari4 running or Iying
another, become mutually acquainted,
across, transversal, traneverse ; ad-
get to know each other; to becorae ac-
versary, Opponent, antagonist, opposer;
quainted (<_< with); to come to know
contradicter; resistance (el.) |
<~*jU* *L^
{*, learn {* about) VIII to confesa,
(jumla) parenthetical clause, parenthe-
admit, acknowledge, own, avow (*;

to recognize (^ s.o.,, grant recog-

*J z
urd% (from Turk. ordu) military en- nition (t_j to s.o., to; to ooncede,
campment, army camp acknowledge (J ^ to s.o.); to make
a confession, to confesa (Chr.) Jjj^l
t_j^ 'arafa i (iyw ma'rifa, jli^ 'irfn)
J?*J-l) to be grateful X to discern, reo*
to know (*, s.o.,; to recognize,
ognize (*
perceive (*, * s.o.,; to be cogni-
zant, be aware (* of, be acquaint- Jj* 'arf fragrance, perfume, scent,
ed (* with; to diacover, experi- aroma
: ;


Jtjf. 'urf beneficence, kindness; custom, vereant (i_j with), more expert, more
usage, practice, Convention, tradition, vereed (<^> in); a better coonoisseur (<_j

habit; legal practice; cuBtom, customary of); (f. *\ij* 'arf'*) having a crest or
law (jur.); (pl. jl^l a'rf) crest, comb mane, crested, maned
(of arooster), mane (ofahorse) | *>jt. j j*. ma'rifa pl. JtjL- ma'rif 1 knowl-
as was his wont, according to his habit;
edge, learning, lore, information, skill,
in hia opinion; ^.L-JlyJl (siysi) pro-
know-how; Cognition, intellection, per-
ception, experience, realization; gnosis;

Jjt- *urf\ traditional, conventional, acquaintance, cognizance, conversance,

usual, common, customary, habitual; versedness; an acquainted person, an
pertainjng to eecular legal practice (as acquaintance, a friend; (gram.) definite
opposed to Sar'i); private, unofficial (as noun; pl. Jjl*l! cultural affairs, educa-
opposed to Tcumi) |
ji/Jl *p-l (hukm) tion | *o*r by, through (after the
martial law; -W f*-Vl do.; *J/* ^* passive); ijmi.\ *- knowingiy, deliberately
(mahkama) court- martial (jur.) ; -*j**^ *-JjL*i' j jj ('ummiya)

minister of education; <*j* j i_^* j& }
ijvjt- 'arif pl. A>j* uraf' 2 knowing
(qaumihl) he was unknown among his
{*_> s.tb.), cognizant, aware (*_j of;
expert, authority , specialist ; teaching
assistant, monitor (an older pupil aa- <Jjl** ma'rif 9 face, countenance,
sisting the teacher of a Koran school); features

Bergeant {Ir.); corporal (; ^-xlj

tjuy ta'rif pl. -t, *JijL ta'rff*
U^aJI a military rank, approz.: master
announcement, notification, communi
Sergeant (Ir., Syr.); <J*ij* _-T approx.
caL'on, information; Instruction, direo
corporal (Ir.); (pl. uU^*. 'irfn) teacher,
tion: 'social) introduction; definition,
esp. a teacher and precentor of congre-
dotermumtion, identification, Bpecifica
gational einging (Copt.-Chr.)
tion, i-haim-terization; a rendering def-

Jl^ 'arrf diviner, fortuneteller inite (gram.) | iJu^cll iljl adt at-t.

(gram.) the definite article ; iLU

**\j* 'arrf a pl. -t (woman) fortuneteller
iJujoill identity cant
Ul^ 'irfa fortuneteller*s trade; for-
"*JujmJ la'rifa notification, information,
tunetelling, divination
appriaing; (pl. -t, iJujlw ta'rlf1 )

<^>{jjt. 'araft Arafat, name of a moun- tarifF; price list

tain and adjacent piain, located four

JtjM ta'arruf acquaintance (*_> or Jl
houre' distance east of Mecca, where the
with) ; exploration, study ; Cognition,
Mecca pilgrims spend the Qth day of
knowledge, perception, realization
Jilj^pl i'tirf recognition, acceptance;
otij* 'irfn Cognition, knowledge, per-
acknowledgment, avowal, admission,
ception; recognition, acknowledgment |
confession; (Chr.) confession |
i_j lilj^l in
J^*i-1 Lijj gratitude, thankfulness ; u^*
recognition of; J-J-Ij JiljklM (bi-l-jamil)
jlkil '. al-fail do.
gratitude, thankfulness; jlJ^Vl y\ ahn
J^l a'raf* knowing better (->, l-i't. father-confessor, confessor (Chr.)
more cognizant, more knowledgeable J I
J*-^ I
j* sirr al-i't. sacrament of
(l^ of), better acquainted, more con- penance (Chr.); jl^Vl i** mu'aim
. ;


al-i't. father-confessor, confessor (Chr.); root; LJJI 3j* 'i. an-nos aciatica (med.);
jl tJljT*^! ^ itmustbeadmittedthat..., J^JI i_-L ^6 al-'i. noble descent; ^nU
admittedly . . . jj^ll fayyib
al- %. of noble descent, high

<Jj^ 'Art/ acquainted, conversant,

born; ^Uj Ji^JI (dasms) blood will teil,

what is bred in the bone will come out
(i^. with); connoisseur, ezpert;
master (tun,)
in the fleah; Jj+i aJ ^^i to have a
share in, participate in
jl* 'rifa (syr.) sage, wise man (of
a village or tribe) 3j* 'araq sweat, Perspiration; arrack,
a strong colorleas liquor made of raisins,
Jjj ma'rf known, well-known; milky white when diluted with water
universally acceptod, generally reoog- (esp. syr.; = eg. zabib) J
hjii\ j^ *
a .

nized; conventional ; that which is good, al-qirba pains, toil, exertion; jjlUj 3j*
beneficia], or fitting, good, benefit; (zahldwi) a well-known brand of arraok
fairness, equity, equitableness ; kindness,
made in Zahl (Lebanon)
friendliness, amicability; beneficence;
favor rendered, courtesy, mark of friend-
jt- 'araqa transom between two
layers of stone or brick
ship; active voice (gram.) |
cjj^l or
cJj^-j in (all) fairness; with appropriate aSj* 'araqiya (eg.) white cotton skull-
courtesy, in a friendly manner, amicably cap (often worn under the tarboosh)
J>jj*L\ _^~U ungrateful; jl J>jji\ it is
'> arqa deep-rootedness; ancient
(well-) known that..., asis well-known...;
ancestral line, old family ,_ ,; l
j I .*
it is commonly held that..., itis generally j |

(naaab) noble descent

understood that . .

*J'>- 'arrqiya (eg.) white cotton

JjLc* muta'raf or 4_lp cjj^ common,
skullcap (often worn under the tar-
usual, customary; commonplace, trivial,
trite, hackneyed, banal
jijt 'ariq deep-rooted |
f-UII j jjj*
JjU. mu'tarif confessor (in the
(qidam) ancient ; centuried, centuries-
hierarchy of saints; Chr.)
old; ~<Aijt. iLV ^ from an old, respectable
ai tjji" mu'taraf bihi recognized, ac- family; <_JI Ji_^ 'a. an-naaab of noble
cepted, admitted, granted, approvcd-of, descent, highborn
licensed, authorized
jl^l al-'irq Iraq; JI_^JI al-'irqn
Baara and Kufa
Jjc- 'ariqa a (araq) to sweat, perspire II to
make or let (* s.o.) sweat, promote ji_^- 'irql Iraqi, Iraqian; (pl. -n)
Perspiration; to add water (m to a drink), an Iraqi
dilute (* a drink); to take root, strike
j/cl a'raq 2 more deep-rooted
roots ; to be deeply rooted ; to vein,
marble (* IV to take root, strike Jjj ma'rq gaunt, emaciated, lean
roots V = IV (face, hand, etc.)

3j* Jja mu'arriq sudorific, promoting

'irq pl. 3jj* *urq root; atem (of
a plant, of a loaf); vein Perspiration
(bot., anai.);
hereditary disposition; race, stock, de- Jj mu'arraq veined; mu'riq firmly
scent i^jiJl 3jt- 'i. ad-dahab ipecac, rooted
| jAJl j 3j** (mu'riq, qidam) very
ipecacuanha (bot.) ; ^j* ^ '%. aus licorice

old, ancient, centuried, centuries-old


i_jj* *arqaba to hamstring (* an animal) (jt II to heap up, pile up, Stack (*
VIII to be vicious; to be stubborn, ob-
uJ^ 'urqb pl. ijIj* 'ardgtft 8 Achil-
Btinate, headstrong
les' tendon; hamstring; 'urqub name of a

famed liar |
i^yij* ^ i^Tl a greater *j* 'arim vicious ; strong, violent,

liar than 'Urqb vehement, powerful, terrific; dam, dike |

j*j* J^j? (jaiS) numerous, huge army

Jjj^ 'urgbi false, deceitful (promise)
Aj* 'urm viciousness (of character);
Jiyt 'arqala to render difficult, complicate, violence, vehemence Aj* J~- (sail)

handicap, hinder, hamper, encumber,

huge quantity, tremendous flood
impede, obBtruct, delay (*, s.o.,,
\j* 'urma pl. 'uram heap, pile,
throw obstacles in the way of s.o. or f^*
bulk, mass, large amount, multitude (*, ); {tun.) to seize, confiscate,
impound (* II ta'arqala to be aj,jc 'arama pl. *j* 'aram heap, pile,

aggravated, rendered difficult, be or bulk, mass, large amount, multitude

become complicated, be hindered,
fjlp 'rim viciousjtempestuous, violent,
hampered, encumbered, impeded, ob-
vehement, strong tremendous, enormous,;

structed, handicapped, delayed

tljje. 'arqala impeding, hindering, en-
cumbering; (pl. JJlj* 'arqiP) en-
tjAj* 'aramram strong, violent,
huge army

(j*j* criT 0'*0 a numerous,

cumbrance, impediment, hindrance; ob-
staclo, difficulty, handicap jc 'urun thicket; lair of a
{jj* 'arin pl.
lion, lion's den
iij* 'araka u (ark) to rub (*; to
turn, adjust {* the knobs of a radio, and Cjjt. 'arina pl. Jl_^ 'ar'in
lair of a

the like) ; to play havoc (* with), damage wild animal

severely (*; 'arika a to be
t>jjt 'irnin pl. ^Lf* 'arnin upper

strong in battle, be a tough fighter

part of the nose, bridge of the nose
III to fight, struggle, contend { with
s.o.) VI to engage in a fight, fight one ^.yt r irnds pl. ^Ij* 'crom*8 distaff ^U/ |

another VIII = VI Sji '. dura cornoob (syr.)

lij* 'ark experience (gained through (jyt) \jc 'ar u ('arw) and VIII to befall,

suffering) grip, seize, strike, afflict (* s.o.), come,

combat descend ( upon s.o.), happen ( to s.o.);

'Sjt. 'arka fight, struggle, battle,
to take possession ( of s.o.)
So^p 'arika disposition, frame of mind,
ijj* 'urwa pl. (jj* 'uran buttonhole;
temper, natura
loop, noose, coil; ear, handle (of a jug,
*T,a* m'raka, ma'ruka pl. iijU ma-
and the like); tie, bond, e.g., lx-Jl ^j*
*rik* battlefield; battle
'u. $-$adqa bonds of friendship ; support,
lilj* 'irk struggle, fight, strife, battle, prop, atay |
JJjJl j^JI {tmttq} the firm,
combat reliable grip or hold, the firm tie

*T,U. mu'raka struggle, fight, strife,

(C* 'ariya a (ury, j_^ *urya) to be naked,
battle, combat nude; to be free, be bare (j* of) | ^ tjj*

iijiw mu'tarak fighting ground, battle <uLJ (j,* or) to take off one's clothea,

ground strip (naked), undress, have no clothes


on; ^Ul JTj^. tfjt. (ass) to be oompletely reinforce, fortify, solidify, consolidate
unfounded, be without any foundatioa make strong, powerful, mighty,

II to disrobe, unclothe, undress ( s.o.); IV to make strong, strengthen, fortify,

to bare, denude, lay bare, unoover reinforce, invigorate, harden, steel (*,

(*; to strip (*LJ j. * s.o. of bis s.o., sth.); to love (*, . s.o.,; to
clothes); to deprive, divest, strip (j* * honor (*, s.o.,; to esteem, value,
s.o. of prize (*, * s.o.,; to make dear,
r endear {*, b.o., V to be or become
iSj* ury nakedness, nudity; un-
strong, powerful, mighty, forceful,
saddJed (horae)
strengthened, fortifled, reinforced, in-
*ijt. 'wrya nakedness, nudity vigorated, hardened, solidified, Con-
solidated; to be proud, boast (<_ of),
*\j* 'ar* nakedness, nudity; bareness;
pride o.s glory, exult
open spaoe, open oountry |
l_^)I j in the ( v in) VIII to

open feel strong or powerful (_. due to,

air, under the open sky, outside,
outdoora; because of); to be proud, boast (<_
l_^JI j r/-* (mturah) open-air
theater of), pride o.s., glory, exult ( v in); to
arrogate to o.s. ( v X to overwhelm,
\jjf. 'wryn pl. U^* 'ary naked, overcome (J* s.o.); to become powerful,
nude, undressed, bare |
iL L^* (malt) mighty, respected, honored, be exalted;
stark- naked (eg.)
to make or hold dear, value highly,
O V^iv* 'vrydnlya nudism ( s.o.)

tijUil al-ma'ri the uncovered parte J* 'in might, power, Standing, weight;
of the body (hands, feet, face) atrength, foroe; honor, glory, high rank,

jl* 'drin pl. l\jt- 'ur&h naked, nude,

fame, celebrity, renown
U> Her High-
ness (title); *Li j* j (Sabbihi) in the
undressed, bare; free, devoid, destitutc,
prime of his youth
bare, deprived, denuded (j*
or j* of; blank, bare (e.g., a *jt- 'ixza might, power, standing,
room), stark (e.g., a narrative) |
^jU weight; strength, force; honor, glory,
l-loil/l barefoot(ed), unshod high rank, fame, celebrity, renown;
pride power, might;
. 'azza i (*izz, ij* 'izza, Jl^* 'azza) to be
t.JU-1 Ij*.
V^' >"
(qaumiya) national pride; lJJd\ 'je. i.
or beoome strong, powerful, respected;
an-nafs sense of honor, self-respect, self-
to be or become rare, scarce, be scarcely
esteem; :j*Jl <_*-L* title of a bey
to be found; to be or become dear,
cherished, preoious
(J* tos.o.); Ol 4-1* _)* j_j* *aziz pl. lj*l a'izz'*, Ij*l a'izza
he is sorry that...; to be hard, diffioult mighty, powerful, respected, distin-

(J for to hurt, pain (J* s.o.), be

s.o.); guished, notable; strong; noble, es-
(J* for s.o.), be hard (J* on teemed, venerable, august; honorable;
.o.) II to make strong, strengthen, rein- rare, scarce, soarcely to be found; diffi-
force, fortify, corroborate, confirm, solid- cult,hard (J* for); precioua, coatly, val-
ify, invigorate, harden, advance, support uable; dear, beloved
(Jp to), cherished,
(*, s.o.,; to consolidate (*,); valued (J* by); friend; ruler, overlord

to honor
tf .>> my dear! (esp. as a salutation in
{* b.o.); to raise in esteem,
elevate, ezalt { s.o.); to make dear, letters); t-JU-t J-_j* mighty, powerful,
endear (# s.o.) | JL- jj*. to strengthen, strong

j*l a'azz 2 mightier, more powerful; Js?lj> 'izr'iP Azroel, the angel of death
Btronger ; dearer, more beloved ; t$j*)l
Jtjt.'azafa i {'azf) to play (Jp on a musical
al-'uzz a goddess of the pagan rabs
Instrument, * tunes); to play (J to or
y* ma'azza esteera, regard, affection, for s.o.), make music (J for s.o.); i u
love ('azf, Jjj* '*/) to turn away (jt from

atrengthening, con- become averae (jp to, avoid,

jj ta'ziz pl. -t,

aolidation, support, backing shun (jt-, abstain, refrain (jl from
Jljtl i'zz atrengthening, fortification,

reinforcement, conaolidation; love, af- Jjj* 'azf disinclined, averse (jt to

fection, esteem, regard

jljici i'tizz pride (i_* in) ,JJa. mi'zaf pl. ijjl* ma'zif* stringed

s** mu'tazz proud; mighty, powerful

instrument ; O piano
ijjlp 'ztf player, (musical) performer
^> 'azaba i u (vjJ* 'utb) to be far, be

diatant (jt. from); to slip, eacape {jt. iij^w ma'zfa pl. -t piece of music,

s.o. 's mind) j

jUi^l j* -rV*
to b6 f r- Performance, recital (on an instrument)
gotten, sink into oblivion; 'azaba u
j> 'azaqa i ('azg) to hoe, dig up, break up,
(> 'uzba, <tjj* 'uzba) to be Single,

unmarried loosen (^jVl al-arfa the soil)

_;j* 'azab pl. l_*!j* 'uzzb, -^'j*' a'zb *j*a mi'zaqa pl. jjU- ma'ziq* hoe,
oelibate, Single, unmarried; bachelor mattock

*jj* 'izba pl.^J* '*ro6 (ep.) country Jj* 'azala i {'azl) to remove, set aside,
estate, farm rural eettlement
isolate, separate, segregate, dctach, cut

bachelorhood off (jp *, s.o., from); to depoee

jJ* 'uzba celibacy;
( s.o.), release, dismiss, discharge ( s.o.
IjjJ* 'uzba celibacy; bachelorhood
- - jp 'on maTifibihi of his office)

_;j*l a'zab 2 celibate, Single, unmarried; IV y^'- Jj*' (maTifibah) to give up one's
bachelor position, resign VII to be or become

^w mu'azzab sheik, emir (Nejd) isolated, cut off, separated, segregated,

detached (js. from) VIII to keep away,
jjt *azar i ('azr) to cenaure, rebuke, reprove,
stand aloof, leave, withdraw; to retire,
reprimand ( s.o.); to refuse to have detach
eeclude o.e., segregate, eecede,
anything to do with s.o.; 'azara i to
o.a., dissociate o.a., separate o.b., isolate
curb, restrain, subdue (* a.o.'a pride,
from purt
o.s. (j* or *, from s.o.,,
and the Uke) II to censure, rebuke,
{jt. or *, with a.o,, with; to be or
reprcf, reprimand ( s.o.); to refuse to <-U^I J>Vl (kidmata), Jj**l
get deposed |

have anything to do with s.o.

('amala) to retire from service,

jj* 'azr censure, blame, rebuke, reproof, from work, go into retirement
J> 'azl removal, dissociation, detach-
j jj ta'zir censure, blame, rebuke, ment, eetting aside, isolation (also, e.g.,

reproof, reprimand; ehastisement, casti- in case of contagioua disease), cutting-off,

gation segregation, Beparation; depoaition, dis-

jlj^l i'tizr aelf-discipline charge, dismissal |

j_^-i Jj* Jwl*- (harq)

fire wall; J^JI JjU j*. irremovable, ap- J>*. mu'tazal pl. -t (plaoe of) solitude,
pointed for life tenure (judge) (place of) retirement

Jjp 'azal unarmedneu, defenselessness

'azama i {'azm, i* j* 'azlma) to decide,
<Sjfi 'uzui unanned, defenseless (J* on; to make up one's
mind, determine, be determined, be re-
<Jj 'uzla retirement, seclusion, re-
(J* to do, be bent (J* on
treat, privacy; eegregation, Separation,; to adjure (J* s.o.); to invite (
detachedness; insulation, insularity, iso-
s.o. o or Jp to or to do II to enchant,

latedness; isolation; solitude jt

Jj* j spellbind s.o.,, by magic riteB)
secluded, segregated, out off, detaohed, VIII to decide, resolve
separated, insulated, isolated from (J* or m on,
make up one's mind, determine, be de-
*J> 'izla pl. Jjp *izal subdistrict of termined, be resolved
(J* or * to do
a nhiya (Yemen), be bent (J* or * on

JIjA 'izl (eg.) fumiture, household j> 'azm determination, firm will,
effects, movable goods, luggage firm intention, decision, resolution; ener-

<J>I a'zaP, f. V> 'azl**, pl. Jj* 'uzl

unarmed, defenseless |
JjtVl iJ^JI star jp 'azma decision, resolution; strict
in the oonstellation Virgo, Spica order (<_. to do
Virginis (agtran.)
'azurn determined, resolved, res-
dj** ma'zil pl. JjIa* ma'ziP place of olute
retirement, houae of retreat; seclusion,
**jj* 'uzma invitation; banquet
segregation, isolation; isolation ward (in
a hospita!) |
jt Jjr separated, detached, _> 'azlma determination, firm will,

apart, secluded, segregated, isolated from firm intention; (pl. Ajt. 'az'im') res-
<J# to do, decision; in-
u>Jm\ in'izl detachedness, seclusion,
cantation; spell
segregation, insularity, insulation; iso-
lation pjl* 'zim determined, resolved
to do
V[>jl in'izliya isolationism
!_)*. mu'tazim determined, resolved
Jlj^cl i'Uzl retirement, seclusion,
(J* to do
retreat, privacy | i.^i-1 Jlj^J i't. al-kidma
retirement from service <j> and Ijt 'az u and
tfje) ('azw) ^>
'az fazy) to trace (back) (J or Jl *
O Jjl* 'zil insulator {et.) to an origin), ascribe, attribute,
O *Jjl* 'zila pl. -(, Jjlj 'awziP impute, owe (J or Jl * to s.o., to
insulator, nonoonductor (el.);to Charge, incriminate (J or Jl *

OjJ** ma'zl far, distant, remote (jt with s.o. or, blame (Jl * for
from) ; isolated, insulated s.o. or, lay the blame (Jl *

Jj*L. mun'azil isolated, Single, solitary.

for s.o., on; ^j* 'aziya a
(.l> 'az') and l> 'az u (l> 'az')
sporadic to
take patience, console o.s. II to persuade
*Sj*l\ al-mu'tazila name of a theological { to bear with equanimity (j or
school which introduced speculative dog- jt, the death of s.o. or the loss of
matism into Islam, comfort, console (jt * s.o. over),

coeree (J* to) II to make difflcult

give comfort, expreas one'B sympathy,
* s.o.

or hard (a; to act hoetilely (J*

offer one's condolenoea (* to b.o.) V

(j* for) toward s.o.); tc oppreas, distress (J*

take patience; to conaole o.s.

VII to oonaole o.s. (*- with), find solace b.o.), bear down hard (J* on s.o.) III to

treat roughly or harenly IV to

VIII to trace (back) one's descent ( s.o.)
(^ in)
be in distress, be in a fix, in a predic-
ament; to become impoverished, be
'azw tracing back, ascription,
j_jp be
reduced to poverty, be up against it,

attribution; imputation, accusation in straitened

in financial Btraits, live

'wo: :j>11 Cr^~ %a8an al ''*- of V

> circumstances to be difflcult, hard,

good ancestry, of good atock trying, adverse (J* for b.o.) VI V;

J> r
az' coraposure, equanimity; X = V; to find (* difflcult, hard,

tTying, or adverse
comfort, consolation, solaoe; ceremony

of mourning j^s. 'usr, 'u*wr diffioulty, trying or

diBtressful Bituation, predicament, plight,

>3 ta'ziya pl. j\^ ta'zin consolation,
pinch, press, straits, Btraightened
solace, comfort; condolenoe |
&j j

circumBtances, distress, poverty, desti-

to expreas one's sympathy, offer one's
condolences; tfjWI {& (qaddama) do.

_* 'asir hard, diffloult; trying, die-
:* muazzin oomforter, consoler, con- %
tressing, adverse
\j~t. 'usra = j-* r
-j. 'aaaa u (
ass) to make the rounds by
j^a 'asxr difflcult, hard, hareh, rough;
night, patrol by night
Air {mountainous district in SW Arabia,
^j^s- 'asas patrol (aa a body of men)
between Hejaz and Yemen)
* f. 'assa guard | Jj^U _*l a'mr* left-handed; harder, more
(ma?na) (formerly:) the bodyguard of difflcult
the Bey of Tunisia
j-jm ma'sara = j~* 'uar
.^. -~ 'Mio tau bone (of the horee); (pl.
jL-*l poverty; financial etraita,
p 'usub) a palm branoh stripped of
ite leaves
jj ta'assur diffioulty
yo'drift* male
*-ji ya'tQb pl. vi"W
bee, drone; notable, chief, leader
jj ma'sr (living) in straitened


--->* 'auaaj boxthorn (Lycium europaeum straitened

j-** mu'sir (living) in
L. and Lycium arabicum Sohwf.; bot.)
circumstances; poor, impoverished

.W_* 'a*jad gold ^.n:,. muia'assir hard, difflcult, try-

ing, difltressing, adverse

j - 1 * 'asjadl golden

as'asa to darken, grow dark

Oj-a* muasjad gilded

'asafa to act recklessly or

j^s. 'uro ('u*r, '*ur) and 'arira a ('asar) u-* i {'tuf)

hard, trying, adverse J thoughtlessly (j in, do (j

to be difflcult, (

for b.o.); 'asara i ('cur) to presa, raahly; to treat unjustly, oppress,

to); to force, compel, tyrannize ( s.o.) II to overburden, over-

urge (^ s.o.

task, overtax ( s.o.) IV = II; V to do ,_^-* 'aaalt honey- colored, amber,
(* at random, haphazardly, dispose brownish
arbitrarily (j of); to deviate, stray (je-

from) VIII to do (*
JL* 'assl gatherer of honey; bee- at random,
keeper, apiculturist
haphazardly; to deviate, Btray (je- from)
to go astray; to force, oompel, coerce Jl* 'aaadla beehive
(i_* s.o. to)
o'^-i* 'aiaaln hyacinth (bot.)
<J* 'aaf injustice, oppression, tyr- IL** ma'aala beehive
<L_aj ta'sila (eg.) nap, doze
J>-* 'asf oppressor, despot, tyrant
J^-*- ma'sl prepared with honey;
JL-* '(usf oppressor, despot, tyrant
honeyed, honeysweet
*-*j ta'assuf arbitrariness ; an arbi-
J-*- mu'asaal: J_~ jU-j (dukn) a
trary, liberal, inaccurate manner of
mild-tasting tobacco, due to its prep-
using the language ; aberration ; de-

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