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The psychology of innovation in organizations

-- Preface

Book August 2015

DOI: 10.1017/CBO9781316104811


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2 authors:

David H Cropley Arthur Cropley

University of South Australia University of Hamburg


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Cropley, D. H. and Cropley, A. J. (2015). The psychology of innovation in organizations. Cambridge,
UK: Cambridge University Press.

The Psychology of Innovation in Organizations

D. H. Cropley and A. J. Cropley

Cambridge University Press, 2015 (in press)


Industrialized societies are undergoing a transition from the Information Age to the

Conceptual Age (Pink, 2005). This means that they need to switch from re-applying

information they already possess to generating new knowledge and methods or to

understanding what already exists in new ways (conceptualization). As will be shown below,

this transition applies at least as strongly to organizations 1 as to society as a whole, and

means that organizations are under unprecedented pressure to develop new products and new

ways of operating. Their need to do this is now so widely accepted that it is almost a truism

that their key activity is innovation. Although it is common to speak of innovation in many

widely disparate domains such as, for instance, sport or composing music, when applied to

organizations it has a special quality, and refers to development of novel processes and

products that can be implemented for commercial benefit, either in existing organizations or

in new ones. In this book, the focus will be on the former.

Innovate or die is the catch-cry for organizations today, but the necessary discussion

is hampered by the absence of a common set of concepts for conceptualizing the issues and of

terms for discussing them. This book offers a reorientation: on the one hand, a switch of

attention away from properties and processes in organizations to a focus on human actors, on

the other hand, a turn to psychological research on creativity to work out the necessary

conceptual framework. The tactic for carrying out the strategy of deriving core ideas from

The term organization is used here to refer to a system in which groups of people work together in a
structured setting to achieve common goals or purposes. Commercial organizations, which are the focus of
interest in this book, have the additional goal of achieving profit through manufacturing, distributing, trading,
providing services, or similar activities.
Cropley, D. H. and Cropley, A. J. (2015). The psychology of innovation in organizations. Cambridge,
UK: Cambridge University Press.

creativity research is to present the organizational issue at stake, to review relevant

approaches in creativity theory, and to use this review to cast light on the organizational issue

in question. This leads to some looseness in distinguishing between the two areas of research,

but tolerance of fuzzy boundaries between domains of knowledge is a core aspect of both

creativity and innovation.

Following the approach just outlined, the book deconstructs the traditional 4Ps

approach to creativity in psychology by dividing the P of Person into three domains (Personal

motivation, Personal feelings/attitudes, Personal attributes), each one characterized by

various behavioral dispositions such as a disposition to react to a problem by generating

novelty versus a disposition to seek to fix what already exists. In addition, the traditional P of

Product is made more specific to innovation by applying the usefulness imperative unlike

creativity, in the case of innovation products must display commercial salience. The result

is, in effect, a 6Ps model of innovation, although the six elements are referred to in this book

as the building blocks of innovation.

The analysis deals with the paradoxes of innovation such as simultaneous calls for

innovation and rejection of innovation in the society as a whole, in the organizational

environment, and within individual people, as well as conflicting conclusions about what

kinds of action promote innovation. This is done by dividing the process of generation and

implementation of novelty into phases, and working out the relationship between the building

blocks and the phases. This approach yields a proactive and dynamic model of the

interactions among the various components of the overall system of innovation within the

various environments in which it is embedded.

The books closing chapters introduce the Innovation Phase Model of innovation

(IPM) and the Innovation Phase Assessment Instrument (IPAI) both derived from the

psychological analysis of innovation in organizations presented in earlier chapters with the

Cropley, D. H. and Cropley, A. J. (2015). The psychology of innovation in organizations. Cambridge,
UK: Cambridge University Press.

help of which it is possible to work out tailor-made guidelines for how to manage innovation

that fit the specific needs of organizations which may have widely differing goals and vastly

different areas of strength and weakness.


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