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"Where has all the judgment gone?

The fifth Laurits Bjerrum memorial lecture

I I O I Warm Satrds Drive S E , Albuquerque, NM 87123, U.S.A.

Received May 28, 1980
Accepted July 21, 1980
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This lecture aims at significantly reducing the probability of failure of earth dams by con-
sciously fostering the application of engineering judgment in design and application.

Cet expose cherche B rkduire considerablement la probabilite d'un effondrement des barrages
en terre grice B l'application dClibCrCe d'un bon jugement technique aux travaux de conception
et de mise en oeuvre.
[Traduit par la revue]
Can. Geotech. J., 17, 584-590 (1980)

Engineering judgment and earth-dam design go safety of earth dams was high in our thoughts, and a
hand in hand. Laurits Bjerrum and I discussed this time when we often examined and debated the places
close relationship many times between 1964 and 1973 of precedent, theory, and judgment in the design of
while we served together as consultants on five dams. The debate continues in the profession today.
projects. Our first joint assignment, for the U.S. Designers and regulatory bodies tend to place in-
Army Corps of Engineers, was to participate in the creasing reliance on analytical procedures of growing
For personal use only.

investigation of the Good Friday Alaskan earth- complexity and to discount judgment as a non-
quake of 1964. The remaining four projects involved quantitative, undependable contributor to design. In
dams: failures of construction cofferdams for Can- my view, a view that I believe Laurits shared, judg-
nelton and Uniontown Dams on the Ohio River; ment should be cultivated, recognized, and used as
investigations of the core and cutoff of the Dead Sea our best hope for increasing the safety of earth dams.
Dikes; and, finally, membership on the Board of I shall try to make a case for this point of view in
Consultants of the James Bay hydroelectric develop- my remarks.
ment. Many of you in this audience cooperated with When an engineer at my age talks about judgment,
Laurits in these efforts. he invites the criticism that he is too old to keep up
Laurits and I were together in Seattle from the 9th with the latest advances in theory and methods of
to the 13th of August in 1964, attending a meeting calculation and so, having slipped behind the times,
on the Alaskan earthquake, when an urgent tele- he must depend on a sonlewhat vague attribute called
phone call from Oslo brought him the unwelcome judgment. For myself, there could be considerable
news that leakage through Hyttejuvet Dam had truth in such a criticism. I don't know how to set up
suddenly increased dramatically from 1 or 2 L/s to or solve a problem by means of finite elements. I
more than 10 times that value and was showing no don't speak computer language. I even rely on judg-
signs of stabilizing. You may be sure that Laurits ment to tell me whether I should believe the results of
was worried, and that our spare-time discussions a finite-element study or a computer calculation.
were diverted from the earthquake to the behavior Those of you who know me are aware that 1 am
and safety of the dam. It was our first exposure to indeed no theorist. Neither was Terzaghi, even
hydraulic fracturing under reservoir head as a pos- though he wrote the classic text Theoretical Soil
sible mechanism for unexpected behavior of a dam, Mechanics. Apart from the theory of consolidation,
although we did not recognize it at the time. Indeed, which Terzaghi adapted from the theory of heat
much of the significance of this aspect of Hyttejuvet flow, almost all the theories contained in that book
Dam escaped us until 1966 when Laurits and some of were developed by others. He wrote the book not
you who were his colleagues at the Norwegian Geo- out of a personal liking for theoretical exercises, but
technical Institute (NGI) realized that our hundreds because there was already in the 1940's a consider-
of permeability tests in the Dead Sea Dikes were able array of theories that might be applied to
systematically fracturing the core. geotechnical problems. It was Terzaghi's intention,
Those 9 years were a stimulating period that 1 was an intention in which he succeeded admirably, to
fortunate to share with Laurits, a time when the select from the profuse literature those theoretical
@ 1980 National Research Council of Canada/Conseil national de recherches du Canada
concepts that would be useful in practice and that because of the growth of engineering science. But
were based on assumptions reasonably compatible growth in engineering science has not reduced the
with the real behavior of soils. need for judgment. Judgment is required to set up
While Terzaghi was working on Theoretical Soil the right lines of scientific investigation, to select the
Mechanics, the initial subway project was under con- appropriate parameters for calculations, and to verify
struction in Chicago, where it was my privilege to be the reasonableness of the results. What we can calcu-
his assistant. One of Terzaghi's closest friends was late enhances our judgment, allows us to make better
Albert E. Cumrnings, then Chicago District Manager judgments, permits us to arrive at better engineering
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for the Raymond Concrete Pile Company. A1 adop- solutions.

ted me when I came to Chicago, introduced me to the Yet, although theory can improve our judgment, it
engineering community there, and shared with me his can also inhibit judgment if it is used without dis-
enthusiasm for soil mechanics. He was remarkably crimination and without critical evaluation. The same
familiar with theoretical developments, particularly may be said for many other advances in engineering
in elasticity, that might be applicable to soil mech- science and practice.
anics, and he carried on an extensive correspondence Whether we like it or not, there remain some
with elasticians and workers in soil mechanics aspects of geotechnical engineering in general, and of
throughout the world. He rarely tried to develop the dam design in particular, that are not yet and may
solution for a new problem but searched the litera- never be amenable to theoretical analysis. This does
ture in the expectation that somewhere the solution not mean that we are powerless to deal effectively
already existed. Thus, he knew both the literature of with these aspects. It does imply, however, that we
the time and those who were creating it. should not neglect the aspects for which we have no
Terzaghi appreciated Al's unusual background theory while we overemphasize the significance of
and had great respect for his abilities. Consequently, those for which we do. There is considerable evidence
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he asked A1 to read and criticize the various chapters that most failures of modern earth dams, except
of Theoretical Soil Mechanics as they developed in those due to overtopping, have been the result of
manuscript. It was my good fortune that A1 shared exactly these misplaced emphases.
them with me, and before long Terzaghi was using us Ever since my days as a student of soil mechanics,
both as guinea pigs. My contributions to the effort undoubtedly reflecting the enthusiasm of my teacher,
were modest, but the impact of the 2 years, during Arthur Casagrande, I have felt that the highest
which Cummings and I discussed and debated the expression of the art of applied soil mechanics lies in
manuscript with each other and with Terzaghi, was the design and construction of earth dams (although
to be more profound in my development than I I must admit to an almost equal fondness for tun-
appreciated. I was immersed in theory, in a critical nels). The potential loss of life and property, par-
review of the assumptions involved, and in an effort ticularly in heavily populated areas, requires that
to reduce the useful theories of the time to simple considerations of safety be placed above al! others.
forms for practice. Subconsciously, I absorbed a The great dams we build today were made possible
feeling for the relationships among the variables con- by two simultaneous developments: giant strides in
sidered in the theories and acquired, as a by-product earth-handling equipment, and the understanding
of the effort, a certain measure of judgment based on contributed by soil mechanics to the behavior of
theory. This background has remained with me earth materials. As a result of developments in soil
through the years and has served me well. It is not mechanics, we can make reasonable engineering
something I frequently use in a formal way: it is analyses of the stability of the slopes of dams under
simply there. It guides me in my thinking and in my various operating conditions, we can select and speci-
sense of proportion. fy the materials forming a dam in such a way that
I give you this bit of personal history only because seepage and erosion within the body of the dam will
I am sometimes considered to be averse to theoretical be controlled, and we can make rational and proper
developments. I hope it will become apparent that it allowances for dynamic effects.
is misuse or excessive use of theory of which I am Several earth dams have failed as a consequence of
critical, not theory itself. Indeed, geotechnical engi- inadequate spillway capacity and overtopping. The
neering, and for that matter all engineering, has its vulnerability of earth dams under these conditions
roots in science, in theory, in experiment, in the has long been recognized. The failures have not been
ability to calculate. The competence of geotechnical considered a reflection on the inherent stability or
engineers and the complexity of the problems they permanence of earth dams per se, but rather as a
are able to solve have increased almost entirely limitation of hydrology that can be accommodated
586 CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 17, 1980

by liberal spillway design. The failure of Baldwin of present theoretical analysis. They have, instead,
Hills Reservoir in Los Angeles in 1963, an event that been ascribed to "unthought of" events or to poorly
attracted world-wide attention, was generally at- understood, unquantifiable failure mechanisms. I t
tributed to slow natural or man-induced faulting follows that increased use of analysis or increased
movements that ruptured brittle drainage elements sophistication of analytical procedures cannot as-
lining the reservoir. That the reservoir was completed sure for a particular dam a probability of failure
in 1951, well within the era of soil mechanics, was not lower than the historical value of This con-
considered an indictment of soil mechanics or of clusion should encourage us to concentrate on
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earth dams because the probability of such fault recognizing and coping with the real causes of
movements had not yet become a matter of normal failures of dams, not on more and better analyses of
consideration in dam design. Confidence still pre- modes of failure already routinely and successfully
vailed within the engineering profession and among considered in analysis.
the public that, save for unexpected and especially If a modern earth dam fails, it does so either
unfavorable circumstances, dams designed by quali- because the significance of known conditions has
fied engineers would be safe. been misjudged, or because unknown and perhaps
The failure of Teton Dam on June 5, 1976, dis- unsuspected defects, usually in the foundation or
pelled this confidence. The dam had been designed abutments, are critical. For these reasons, research
and constructed under the supervision of an organ- and design should be concentrated on better means
ization considered by engineers and public alike to to disclose and cope with such features. Yet relatively
be among the most authoritative and experienced in few papers appear that address these problems. Of
the world. The public now could legitimately question the eight papers about dams in the 1979 ASCE
whether any earth dam could be considered safe. Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, for
Several reviews of the history of failures of earth example, seven were strictly analytical, being con-
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dams have led to the conclusion that the probability cerned primarily with the response of such structures
of catastrophic failure of a dam during any one to earthquakes. Only one dealt with any other
year is about one chance in 10 000, a probability aspect of earth-dam design and construction.
indicating that about one in every 100 earth dams The present emphasis on improving analytical
will fail during a lifetime of 100 years. Proposals procedures is, of course, not itself responsible for the
(Baecher et al. 1980a,b) have been made that the failures of recently designed dams. Further improve-
benefit-cost ratios of projects involving dams should ments in analysis and greater sophistication in labora-
be assessed on the basis of this probability. Further- tory testing are likely and may even be profitable. I t
more, this probability is taken to be a base level or is also likely, however, that the concentration of
default value to which a further probability of failure effort along these lines may dilute the effort that
should be added in the event of construction in a could be expended in investigating the factors enter-
seismic area or for other reasons involving higher ing into other causes of failure.
risk. On the other hand, no reduction of risk should Let us return to the proposition that the probabil-
be allowed because of unusually good features at a ity of dam failure can be decreased significantly only
site or high expertise on the part of the designers if the decrease can be made in relation to causes of
and constructors. failure not presently susceptible to analytical pro-
If these statistical postulates appear too unfavor- cedures. Would it be possible to reduce the incidence
able, we need only reflect that the three principal of dam failure by a factor of say lo? Is there
dam-building agencies in the United States, the reason to hope that the historical probability of
Corps of Engineers, the Bureau of Reclamation, and failure need not be taken as the base level prob-
the Tennessee Valley Authority, have been respon- ability? I think there is. I would venture that 9
sible for roughly 500 new dams in the past 20 years. out of 10 recent failures occurred not because of
One of these dams, Teton, failed. This alone is a inadequacies in the state of the art, but because of
failure rate of one in 10 000 per year. Hence, it is oversights that could and should have been avoided,
difficult to argue with the statistical conclusions. Yet, because of lack of communication among parties to
as a professional man, I am not satisfied that a prob- the design and construction of the dams, or because
ability of failure of one in 10 000 per dam year is the of overoptimistic interpretations of geological condi-
best we can achieve even now. tions. The necessary knowledge existed; it was not
Investigators of the risk of failure of dams have used.
pointed out that most failures have been associated In the last 15 years I have had a personal acquain-
with circumstances or mechanisms outside the realm tance with three failures of recently constructed
PECK 587

dams in which inadequately treated joints in thc the critical location and, being more erodible than
bedrock were a major factor. The nature of the the bulk of the core, could have been a significant
material placed against the joints, including the factor in initiating the failure. Both investigating
gradation of transition zones, also played a decisive groups concluded, however, that irrespective of which
part. The failures illustrate the role of nonquantifiable weaknesses might have existed at the locus of the
factors in determining the safety of a dam. The list initial concentrated flow, the design was deficient in
includes Teton Dam, Dyke GJ-11A in the Churchill permitting several unfavorable factors to combine:
Falls system, and the ring dike at the Sir Adam Beck highly erodible core material, heavily jointed rock
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I1 power plant in Niagara Falls, Ontario. They without dental concrete or surface treatment, lack of
illustrate the role of nonquantifiable factors in deter- transition zones between core and rock, unfavorable
mining dam safety. stress conditions associated with the narrow steep-
Although the failure of Teton Dam has been sided key trench, and potential for leakage through
extensively studied and described (Chadwick et al. the grout curtain beneath the grout cap. The juxta-
1976; Eikenberry et al. 1977, 1980), the manner in position of a fine-grained erodible core material and
which it started is not definitely known because the a highly jointed bedrock was fatal.
crucial evidence was destroyed by the floodwaters. At Dyke GJ-11A (Boivin and Seemel 1973), the
There is no disagreement, however, over the follow- upstream end of a subhorizontal relief joint, grouted
ing facts. Failure began in the right abutment where inadequately possibly because it contained ice that
a steep-sided trench, known as the key trench, had had not melted at the time of grouting, communi-
been excavated in the bedrock of the canyon wall. cated directly with the reservoir. Downstream the
The rock was heavily jointed and the joints in the ioint terminated at an intact block of rock that
sides of the trench were open and untreated. The deflected the reservoir water upward through vertical
impervious material used for the core and cutoff of joints against the till core and downstream filter. The
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the dam, a windblown clayey silt, was placed directly force of the jets of water was so great that the lower
against the rock with no intervening transition zones. part of the till core was disaggregated and the fines
A single-line grout curtain, flanked by a row of washed into the filter. The filter material, in turn,
shallower grout holes on each side, extended beneath was washed into the rockfill transition zone. As the
the center of the key trench. The curtain was formed lower part of the core washed out, a tunnel between
by injecting grout through holes drilled in a concrete the upstream and downstream shells developed be-
grout cap cast in a narrow slot formed in the rock neath the still intact upper part of the core.
along the axis of the key trench. Failure occurred The ring dike at Sir Adam Beck I1 station (Taylor
during first filling of the reservoir by piping that 1962) was constructed on a jointed limestone bed-
breached the lower part of the impervious fill in the rock covered bv a soil utilized as a natural blanket.
key trench of the right abutment. Two separate The blanket was reinforced where it appeared to be
official technical investigations followed. inadequate. At one place, however, a construction
The report of the Independent Panel (Chadwick light pole had been set in a shallow crater blasted out
et al. 1976), of which I was a member, concluded that of thk limestone. By coincidence, the crater was
the initial water passage that started the formation located at a master joint that passed directly beneath
of the erosion tunnel through the core could have the dike. The soil filling the joint gradually eroded
been an untreated open joint across the bottom of until, after a few years, a breakthrough occurred
the key trench passing beneath the grout cap, a crack from the backfilled crater and the water rushed
through the core associated with differential settle- through the joint beneath the core. It then rose
ment or arching due to the steep-sided key trench, or through a thin inverted filter under the downstream
a crack due to hydraulic fracturing assisted by the dumped rockfill, and flushed the filter material up
arching. The Interagency Review Group (IRG) into the rockfill. Consequently the rockfill settled
(Eikenberry et al. 1980), in the course of its more from beneath the sloping core, deprived the core of
extended study, recommended excavation of a large support, and permitted it to collapse locally to form
portion of the unfailed left half of the dam and dis- a sinkhole below reservoir level. Fortunately it was
covered a widespread thin horizontal wet seam ex- possible to discharge the reservoir quickly. Thus the
tending from the upstream to the downstream face extent of damage experienced by the dike was
of the broad core. A few other smaller seams were limited, but the facility was out of service for several
also found. Although there was no direct evidence, months. The fine-grained inverted filter beneath the
the IRG speculated that the seam could have been downstream rockfill was intended to ~ r o t e c the t soil
present in the core trench of the right abutment at filling the joints in the limestone fro; eroding into
588 CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 17, 1980

the rockfill if some seepage should pass beneath the present, should have the authority to make decisions
core. The designers did not anticipate the large con- on the spot, and should not delegate their authority
centrated flow actually experienced. unless and until they are satisfied that their judgment
These three failures have at least two features in concerning the particular project has been fully
common. The first was the presence of joints'at the appreciated by their subordinates.
interface between embankment and foundation, I doubt if guidelines, regulations, or even the best
either open (Teton, GJ-11A) or filled with erodible of specifications can take the place of personal inter-
material (Sir Adam Beck 11). The second was the action between designers and field forces at this
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occurrence of at least one other contributing factor stage. Frequently, as a consultant or as a member of
at the place where failure ultimately developed. At a board of consultants, I have walked over a recently
Teton there were several: a highly erodible core exposed foundation or abutment with the field forces,
material, the lack of transition zones between core discussing place by place what treatment would be
and rock, the lack of surface treatment of the open appropriate. Together we studied details of founda-
joints, and bedrock geometry at the key trenches tion conditions, observed treatment in progress,
favoring arching in the core. At GJ-11A, they in- agreed upon it, or changed it. In this manner, the
cluded the unusual termination of the relief joint consultants evaluated the potential problems and
at an impervious rock mass that deflected the flow their solutions, and the field forces gained the neces-
upward against the base of the fill, the ice-filled joint sary insight as to what was required.
at the time of grouting, and a greater than usual The type of foundation treatment is not a matter
degree of segregation of transition and filter materials to be determined by a geologist, unless he is truly an
downstream from the core so that the fines flushed engineering geologist. The geologist should investi-
from the core and filter were not effectively blocked gate the geological characteristics of the foundation
from migrating (although there was evidence that the and its interface with the dam and make them known
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filter and transition had actually brought the situation to the engineer who will form the judgment concern-
under control by the time the head across the dike ing treatment. The consequences of the flow of water
was effectively lowered by the rising tailwater). near the interface, including its effect on the various
We can infer from these three examples, as well as materials in the dam, are within the realm of the
from many others, that a failure is seldom the con- engineer and the decisions regarding treatment are
sequence of a single shortcoming. Usually there is at engineering decisions.
least one other defect or deficiency, and the failure The three failures that I have discussed in some
occurs where two or more coincide. This inference detail originated at the interface between dam and
supports the principle of designing to provide de- foundation. Others, that might equally well have
fense in depth, the "belt and suspenders" principle been chosen as examples, arose from overlooking or
long advocated by Arthur Casagrande. It postulates misjudging geological features in the foundation
that if any defensive element in the dam or its founda- itself. A few had their origin in construction defects
tion should fail to serve its function, there must be in the embankment. They had in common that all
one or more additional defensive measures to take its were outside the scope of numerical analyses. They
place. Teton Dam is an outstanding example of would have been prevented if judgment arising from
violation of the principle: the sole line of defense was extensive experience had been given full scope in
the core and grout curtain. Under such conditions, design and construction, and if the design had in-
it is almost irrelevant to define the precise manner in cluded multiple defenses. Accordingly, 1 think it
which the failure started or whether there may have quite possible that the incidence of failure of major
been such deficiencies in construction as a wet seam dams could be reduced an order of magnitude by
across the core. The design should have provided focusing attention on the details of design and con-
adequate defenses against any such defect. struction that cannot at least presently be covered
The bedrock treatment appropriate to the geo- by analysis, that perhaps cannot be known until
logical conditions is a matter of design. It is not an construction is underway, but that require the per-
aspect of design susceptible, however, to numerical sonal attention of experienced engineers. Research
analysis. Instead, it requires the exercise of judgment, should be directed to those aspects of design and
a sense of proportion. When a jointed bedrock construction in greatest need of improvement: defini-
foundation is being treated and covered with the tion of foundation conditions, conditions conducive
first layers of fill-a crucial time with respect to the to internal erosion and the means for controlling it,
future performance of the dam-engineers fully ac- filter criteria and their practical achievement in con-
quainted with the design requirements should be struction, and prevention and treatment of cracking.
The goal of the research should be improved under- judgment to avoid these weaknesses. If we succeed,
standing, preferably but not necessarily quantitative. we should be able to justify a base level probability
The literature already has much to say about of failure no more than perhaps 10-5 per dam year.
cracking of earth dams. The emphasis, however, is on Such an improvement is now within the state of the
the mechanics of producing the initial cracks, an art. Its achievement does not depend on the acquisi-
aspect that has recently become at least partly tion of new knowledge. It depends on our ability to
amenable to analysis. The analytical results serve a bring the best engineering judgment to bear on
useful purpose: reduction of cracking can undoubt- problems that are essentially nonquantitative, having
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edly be achieved most successfully if the causes of solutions that are essentially nonnumerical. To devel-
cracking are understood and avoided. Nevertheless, op this judgment and to bring it to bear require a
to accord with the principle of defense in depth, reordering of our present views of what constitutes
every dam should be designed on the assumption the highest form of our practice of engineering.
that the core may crack and that the dam should be Without detracting from the necessity for reasonable
safe even if it does. and meaningful engineering calculations and from
So we must reckon with the conclusion that the rewards to those who can carry them out, at least
modern dams seldom if ever fail because of incorrect equal professional prestige and responsibility should
or inadequate numerical analyses. They fail because be accorded men of judgment, even when that judg-
inadequate judgment is brought to bear on the prob- ment is not expressed in numerical form.
lems that, whether anticipated or not, arise in such A lecture honor of the memory of Laurits
places as the foundation or the interface between Bjerrum, a friend so close that a distance of 10 000
embankment and foundation. Sometimes they dis- km between our homes was of no consequence,
close themselves only in subtle ways in the use of would have no meaning to me had I not prepared
the observational procedure. Irrespective of spe- it with his influence in mind. At the time of his
For personal use only.

cifications, contractual arrangements, possibilities of death, we were both members of the Board of
claims for extras, or delays, these problems must be Consultants of the James Bay Project, the greatest
recognized and solved satisfactorily. If we regard single power development in North America. Indeed,
them as second-rate problems, suitable for the Laurits was responsible for my being invited to
application of second-rate judgment, failures of dams become a member of the board. The project was in
will continue at a probability of per dam year. its early stages and economic pressures dictated that
As long as the myth persists that only what can be there could be no overconservatism. We considered
calculated constitutes engineering, engineers will lack many ways to reduce the costs of construction in the
incentive or opportunity to apply the best judgment northland, including those that you have pioneered
to the crucial problems that cannot be solved by here in Norway. But the foundation treatment, as
calculation. strongly advocated by Laurits from the beginning,
Where has the judgment gone? It has gone where has been conservative in concept and exemplary in
the rewards of professional recognition and advance- execution. I think Laurits would have approved.
ment are greatest-to the design office where the And I have confidence that the more than 220 dams
sheer beauty of analysis is often separated from and dikes on that project, aggregating over 140 km in
reality. It has gone to the research institutions, into length, will contribute materially to the eventual
the fascinating effort to idealize the properties of real reduction of the historical probability of failure from
materials for the purposes of analysis, and into the lo-.' to per dam year or even less.
solution of intricate problems of stress distribution
and deformation of the idealized materials. The BAECHER, G., PATE,M.-E., and DE NEUFVILLE, R. 19800. Dam
failure in benefit/cost analysis. ASCE Journal of the Geo-
incentive to make a professional reputation leads the technical Engineering Division, 106(GT1), pp. 101-116.
best people in these directions. -- 19806. Risk of dam failure in benefit-cost analysis.
From a probabilistic point of view, it is logical to Water Resources Research, 16(3), pp. 449-456.
assume a base level probability of failure of 10-"er BOIVIN, R. D., and SEEMEL, R. N. 1973. The Churchill Falls
Power Development, construction of the dykes. Cancold
dam year. There is no reason, however, why engi- (Canadian Commission on Large Dams) Annual Meeting,
neers should be satisfied to consider such a failure Quebec City, P.Q.
rate as the norm. Dams should be designed and CHADWICK, W. L., et a/.1976. Report to U.S. Dept. of the
constructed not to fail, even if a probability of failure Interior and State of Idaho on Failure of Teton Dam.
is incorporated into the benefit-cost analysis. Since (Independent Panel to Review Cause of Teton Dam Failure.)
U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington, DC.
we know wherein the greatest weaknesses lie, we EIKENBERRY, F. W., et nl. 1977. Failure of Teton Dam, a
should be able to devise the means for applying report of findings. (U.S. Dept. of the Interior Teton Dam
590 CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 17, 1980

Failure Review Group.) U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Wash- TAYLOR, E. M. 1962. Sir Adam Beck-Niagara Generating
ington, DC. Station No. 2, pumped storage reservoir, observation of
1980. Failure of Teton Dam, final report. (US. Dept. performance. Annual General Meeting of the Engineering
of the Interior Teton Dam Failure Review Group.) U.S. Institute of Canada, Montreal, P.Q., June 1962, Paper
Govt. Printing Office, Washington, DC. EIC-63-HYDEL3.
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