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198 xxxl. THE IiUrN. r_23. XXXI" TIIE R,UIN. T_23, 199


'lYrretlic is p[ar]s wealstan fwyrde
gebrrecon Splendid iri this masonry-the fates destroyed it;
burgstede. *burston brosnad enta geweoic '
l*124 a.) the strong buildings crashed, the work of giants moulders away.
hrofas sind gehrorene hreorge torras
The roofs have fallen, the towers are iu ruius,
hrwgeai tttitt berofen hrim on lime
the baued gate is broken. There is frost on the lime,
5 scearde scurbeorge scorene gedrorene
eldo undereotone eordgrap hafa6 s the gaping roofs are shattered and decayecl,
waldendwyrhtan forweorone geleorene and sapped by old age. The clutch of the grave,
heard gripe hrusan op hund cnea the strong grip of the earth, holds phe master-builders,
werpeoda gewitan oft pes wag gebad who have lain in corruption until a hundreil generetious
ro rreghar ond, readlah rice refter oprum of peoples have passed away. Often has this wall,
ofstonden under stormum stea[p] geap gedreas. ro grey with lichen and mottled with red, enilured one sovereignty
wonad giet sle wealstan, wapfnum geheatuen after another,
felon :::: :::: :: :::: :::: and stood firm under storms; though steep ancl broail, it has
grimmegegrund[ea] ::: perished.
15:::: :::: fr): sc&n *:'":'l; it has been gashed by weapons,
:: : : : : : : : ::g: orponc mrsceaft :: : : : : :
l"'i ": i":"1 files,
: ; : : : : : : : : :g: Iamrindum beag fiercely ground
mod mo ; : : : : : : fmy]neswjftne gebreegd 15 shone
hwetred in hringas [[]ygerof gebond the skilfully devised sncient work
zo weallwalan wirum wundrum togedre sank to the dust.
beorht wreron burgrreced burnsele monige
(A man) maile active his mind, his swift thought;
heah horngestreon heresweg micel
ingenious and resolute, he bound wondrouoly together
meodoheall monig. . rnorc . dreama full
zo the {ounilations of the walls, by meaus of wires, iuto circlos'
l. Ouing ln a roughening. o! the parchment onlg the tra.ce o! the first There wers bright buildings' many bathing-halls,
parl ol the digraph e remains, so that the MB. rend;nglainteel
4. lIfB. hrim gea,t torr&s be rofen
uould eeem ti t i plenty of tall pinnacles, a great noise of people,
ll. Owing tn tie hnte in n" r;ii-ii" "".
mar-e!. oylU-the toqt left-hand corner ol the p in
aiap io aisibte. " tZ. iie many a banqueting'hall fult of revelry
got giet ie d,ama4ed below; theinitial i o! thi yottoring
woril is clea.r, !o,o*r;;; to ttw loop of the g 9'6 un.; 23 tn 27 lelters ate miroitt4, The MB, line
what is probably the top loop ol an c. " Then o gop"oy
A.Z cm., in end* with e$ceaft, 17, Belore laa con be aeen the laop of a g lollawed
14 lettero h.ave been loet. MS.. geheap-en, 'e\u felon, which IZ ra by lhe lauer twok ol o small, leltel perlnps e. Ircm lhe probable begin'
t!: _ al n" ig,
con be seen the firsl oiroke. i! a small letter.'?hen
g",p .7 e.i"i*|, ning o! the trIB. line ta lhe loop o! the g f '1 cm,; 1l tn 21 leltera ate mios'
23 to ZT.letters-are missing, _14.
Afler gegrundccz b" or."i" ih";"e i;e; ina, N. fhe ilS' I'ine ends utith mod mo. In lhe nert line no it clca'r,
by the top o! a ,^itt t"ii"i .t ;rh rnay be u. f t prucded, by whal Eeems l,o be the slanlin4 ilucend,er o! a y, before which ate
l.qrobab\,o,loltoycd. ro o g;p ;y
8.8 cm.; 21 lo 2i letteru are missing. Be.yond, fhe gap are trates o! the louet porls the end.s o! lhree ahorl slroku, uhich may be lhose of an m. Irom the probable
ol te1gr1, qe Jirtt apparently 4 the-ncond f,"iXty d or 6. ?henscan
!rc heo be4inning o! the tIS' line tn this poaaible n o gap of 3'1 cm,; 6 to 8 letters
enda an MS.line. l$. Relore orpono is the io7t olZ g foltowd by the merest aie miacin1 . l9 , lI osl oJ the lawer lnlt o! thz h o/ hygorof is atill ttitible'
lrace of lhe. loot ol a snut,ll ldler. i-ron thc .fi
prtilnblc beginninll oJ tho llt l:1. lina 25. MS. 'droamo
I 200
pet onwende wyrd
rHE RUrN. 24-49,
seo sryipg :
xxxl. rIIE RUrN. 24-49.
Fate the mighty changed everything.

25 crungon walo wide cwoman rvoldagas z5 Men fell dead all around; there came a time oI pestilence;
swylt eall fornom secgrof wera death destroyeil the whole host of the people.
I 'wurdon hyra wigsteal rvestenstapolas Their battlements became waste plsces,
burgsteall betend crungon
brosnade the citadel crumbled to pieces. Those who would have rebuilt it
to hrusan forpon pas holu dreorgiail
hergas fell to earth in multitudes. Therefore these courts are dteery,
3o onil pes teaforgeapa tigelum sceadeb 30 and this arch of red stone. The roof-work, strong and circular,
hrost beages rof hryre, *rvong gecrong l*124 b.l parts lrom its tiles, has fallen in ruins to the grouncl,
gebrocen to beorgum . pxr iu beorn monig broken into heaps; where once many & man,
gledmod omd goldbeorht gleoma gefretwed glad of hoart and bright with gold, splendidly arrayed,
wlonc onil wingal wighyrstuzn scan proud and flusheil with wine, shone in his armour,
35 seah on sinc on sylfor on searogimmas 35 looked upon treasure, upon silver, upon intricate gems,
on ead on eht on eorcanst6n. upon wealth, upon possessions, upon the precious stone,
on pas beorhtan burg bradan rices. end upon this bright city with its wiale dominion.
stanhofu stodan stream hate wcarp There stood buildings of stone; ihe spring threrv forth
widan wylme weal eall befeng a broad stream of hot water. A woll received all of it
4o beorhtan bosme palt pa bapu rveron 4o within its bright bosom; there, in the centre,
hat on hrepre ?et \,(es hydelic . woro the hot baths: that was convenient.
leton ponne geotan : : ; : I : :: :::: :: Then they let the hot streams of water
ofer harne stan hate streamas pour over the gr&y stone
un::: : :: : : : un
a5 fo)ppet, hringmere 45 until the circular Iake the hot
. where the baths wero;
ponneis::::: io." n'*
::::::::folre It is a royal thing
huse:::: ::: how the the citY
33, -r1S. gefretwe6 42. A long atroke, perhaps that o! an l, the firsf
letter of the raortl afler gcotan, is ttill oisible. I,hen a galt o! d.5 cm.; 13 to li l,he aeconcl lelter oJ the neil uoril, Iromig orul)aril's o gap oJ 10'6 c!n'; 25 la 29
letters ore missing, 43. Beyorul lhe gap ofer ie clear, fotlowed, by hurne, itt letlc,ra lwte been iosl. At, the olhet ciile o! lhe gap &rL be senn ulwt may be lhe
rohicharnis datnagetl belou, 44. After tn can be seen a trace of the top lett- tail ol an a, the lasl letter in the MB.line, 49, Ih'e o o/ huso is ilamageil
hand, corner of a unall letler, possibly d. Then a gap oJ g.5 cm.; ZJ to 2l letters aboai; alrer it can be seen the lower round,ing o! a leller, tollowd by a baee ol
are missing. 45. Beyond the gap pp t is clear, and a trau o! the tnp right- the Joot o! anolher lettet. Irom httss to the probable end ol l'he MB' line |'lt
hand, arner of the prececling o is aisible. Alter hate can be seen a, cm,-;18to2:lleltersaremissing. Theli,nebelawinthelll$' iablanklot 12 un';
belonging l,o l.he first or lhe suond, letter o! the nert word,, and o.Jter it o tram o! thcn comea burg, oll the leltera dunaqen aboue. AJter it can slill be seen a ilace
o! the loot o! a litter, then a lon4 descend'er, and, lhen o slarl ilesceruler, probably
theloot ol o small leller, ?hen a gap o! 9.5 un.; 22 to 26 lelters are missing.
46. Beyond, lhz. gap ia par, lhe ol the p miosing. 47, The top oJ tiot i7 ani, At lea*t three or fout lelters must be missing, The cloaing marka
the a o! is ie ilamageil, After dl can be *en o desceniler probably belonging to ha oe ilisappeared,

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