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FHS 2600 Activity/ Lesson Plan #2: Math Activity

FHS 2600 Activity/ Lesson Plan

PART 1: Preparing the Activity and Planning for Implementation

Student Name: Juila Haglund

Lesson Plan: _Math Plan___________________________________

Classroom / Lab Teachers: Polars / April/Fardos_

Todays Date: October 21,2017 Date of Activity Implementation: ?

Course Instructor Approval before Implementation: ___________________ Date: ___________________


Topic and Overarching Goal (What is your over-arching theme for this plan and what do you want the
children to learn?):
My goals for my math project is for the children to recognize the numbers 1-10. And be able to put certain
amount of seed on the watermelon.

Preparing The Activity

Observation and Assessment:
What interests, assessments, prior knowledge, observations, and/or experiences have you noticed or observed in
this group of children to explain why you have chosen this activity?
I noticed that the children love to use glue, and glue stuff on things.

Activity Description: What are you doing for your activity? Describe in very specific step-by-step detail, using
numbers or bullets. Include how you will get the experience started (materials, props, prep work, transitions)
and what you need to do at the end of your experience (clean-up, transitions, documentation, notations, next
learning steps). Write descriptions in detail with clear instructions for all steps:
1. I will bring the sunflower seeds, and bring the paper plate watermelons
2. Set up the table when I get there (9:00) while they are finishing up brushing their teeth.
3. I will set out 4 trays in front of each of the chair
I will put the paper plate watermelons on each tray
I will put out the sunflower seeds in the middle of the table for them to get on their own
Ill have one bowl of Elmers glue with 2 glue brushes

4. Before they start the project, I will ask them what number is on the watermelon, and see if they
know. If they dont know, I will tell them, and see if they can put the amount of seeds on the
5. Each of the watermelon will have different numbers (1-10) and each children will have different
6. When its time to clean up, Im going to try and have other children help me clean up.

Planning for Implementation

What center or places within the classroom will you be utilizing?
Im going to be using the table thats on the far left side of the classroom

List the materials you need to supply:

Sunflower seeds
Paper plate watermelons

List the materials you would like to have the lab school supply (discuss with Lab Coordinator first):

Elmers glue
Paint brushes to use for the Elmers glue

Types of documentation to be completed (make sure to link to your goals above. If you want the children to
learn body parts, how will you assess if this was accomplished?): __x__ Photos with written documentation
__x__ Work Samples ____ Other

Coordination between Student and Lab Teacher

I discussed this lesson plan with my lab teachers and my plan was approved for: (Initial each line)
____ Safety Issues
____ Scheduling Conflicts
____ Topic of Plan
____ Food Allergies

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