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fm Page 656 Friday, October 14, 2005 12:32 PM Page 656 Friday, July 22, 2005 11:33 AM

5 A logo of the National

Standards-Based Aeronautic and Space
Administration (NASA)
SECTION Instruction

A Giant Leap for Mankind

On July 20, 1969, American astronauts Neil
Standards-at-a-Glance Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin landed on the moon
Neil Armstrong walks on after a four-day trip in the spacecraft Apollo 11.
History-Social Science the moon in 1969. The Stepping out onto the powdery surface,
Students analyze the information, space capsule that he Armstrongthe rst person ever to have walked
technological, and communications traveled in is reected
on the moonsaid, Thats one small step for
revolutions, with a focus on space on his visor.
man, one giant leap for mankind. Those words
exploration, computer applications, electried a nation and dened a new era of
biotechnology, and medicine. world history.
Analysis Skills Focus Question How have advances in science
CS4 Students relate current events to the and technology shaped the modern world?
physical and human characteristics of places
and regions.
English-Language Arts
Writing 2.4

Advances in Science and

Prepare to Read
People in the past half century have used various terms to
Build Background Knowledge L3 Standards Preview
describe the age they live in, including the atomic age, the elec-
Ask students to recall the discussion of H-SS 10.11 Students analyze the integration of countries tronic age, and the automobile age. All of these labels have one
into the world economy and the information, technological,
globalization in Section 2 of this chapter and communications revolutions (e.g., television, satellites, thing in common: their connection to modern science and technol-
and the many ways in which nations are computers) ogy. Since 1945, scientific research and technological development
interdependent. Based on their previous have had a transforming effect on human history. Startling new
reading, ask students to suggest the role inventions, the computer revolution, and advances in the life sci-
that technology plays in globalization. Terms, People, and Places ences have redefined the world we live inand the lives we lead.

articial satellite biotechnology

Set a Purpose L3 International Space laser Exploring and Making Use of Space
WITNESS HISTORY Read the selection Station (ISS) genetics By the second half of the twentieth century, there were few places
aloud or play the audio. personal computer (PC) genetic engineering on Earth that people had not begun to explore. Space was seen as
AUDIO Witness History Audio CD, the final frontieran unknown world filled with opportunity.
A Giant Leap for Mankind Within a few short decades, people had traveled to this frontier
Reading Skill: Compare Use the chart to and had used its resources to help develop practical applications
Ask What did Neil Armstrong mean that transformed their lives.
compare the impacts of modern science and
by his statement? (that his physical
step symbolized the greater step that The Space Race Begins Rockets are projectiles or vehicles pro-
human beings were making by begin- pelled by the ejection of burning gasses from the rear of the rocket.
Important Science and Technology In the early twentieth century, pioneers in rocketry like the Amer-
ning an entirely new era of exploration)
ican physicist Robert Goddard probed the potential of liquid-
Focus Point out the Section Focus Space Science Computers fueled rockets. From the beginning, Goddard believed that a
Question and write it on the board. rocket could carry people to the moon. At first people met his ideas
Tell students to refer to this question with disbelief. Increasingly, German scientists took interest in
as they read. (Answer appears with Goddards work, prompting him to work with great secrecy.
Section 5 Assessment answers.)
Preview Have students preview the
Section Standards and the list of Vocabulary Builder
Terms, People, and Places.
Have students read this Use the information below and the following resources to teach the high-use word from this section.
section using the Paragraph Shrinking Teaching Resources, Unit 4, p. 87; Teaching Resources, Skills Handbook, p. 3
strategy (TE, p. T20). As they read, High-Use Word Definition and Sample Sentence
have students fill in the chart
manipulation, p. 661 n. the skillful handling of something with the purpose of achieving a specific
comparing the impacts of modern result
science and technology. Janas skillful manipulation of the puppets made them seem almost real.
Reading and Note Taking
Study Guide, p. 173

656 The World Today Page July
Page 657 Friday, 65722,
Friday, October
2005 2:28 PM 21, 2005 2:05 PM

Nevertheless, during World War II German scientists, led by Wernher

von Braun, developed Germanys secret weapon, the V-2 rockets that Teach
flew across the English Channel to rain down on London.
During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union com-
peted with each other to build both rocket-propelled weapons and rock- Exploring and Making Use
etry for the purpose of space exploration. Von Braun, who moved to the WITNESS HISTORY VIDEO of Space H-SS 10.11 L3
United States after World War II, became a leader in the American mis- Watch The Space Race on the Witness History
siles and space program. In 1957, the space age began when the Soviet Discovery School video program to Instruct
Union launched into orbit Sputnik, the first artificial satellite, or man- experience the superpowers struggle to win the Introduce Show students The Space
made object that orbits a larger body. In 1969, the United States Apollo space race.
Race from the Witness History Dis-
program landed the first man on the moon. Both superpowers also
covery School video program. Dis-
explored the military uses of space and sent spy satellites to orbit Earth.
cuss the Cold War space race between
Since the end of the Cold War, the United States and Russia have cooper-
ated in joint space ventures.
the worlds two superpowers.
Teach Review the different ways
Space Science Develops In the decades since Sputnik and Apollo, nations have explored and used space.
rockets have been launched to other planets and beyond. Robotic space
Write the term space race on the board
vehicles have penetrated the mists of Venus and the rings of Saturn,
landed on Mars, and circled the moons of Jupiter. Rocket missions have
and ask students to define and describe
various goals. They can take scientific measurements, release permanent
it. Then discuss how interaction between
satellites or telescopes, and if they are manned, conduct medical or bio- nations about the use of space has
logical experiments. They can also provide information about the compo- changed since the end of the Cold War.
sition and formation of the universe itself. Quick Activity Have students read
Increasingly, nations have worked together to explore space. For the Travelers Tales feature on this
example, Russia, the United States, Canada, Japan, and several coun- page and paraphrase Astronaut Will-
tries in Europe are developing the International Space Station (ISS). iam Anders statement to a partner and
answer the questions. Then extend
their understanding of the feature by
asking them to read the selection The
First Earthrise and complete the
Teaching Resources, Unit 4, p. 93
An Astronaut Views Earth From Space
Major General William Anders (Air Force, Ret.) was an American Independent Practice
astronaut who participated in the United States Apollo moon-
landing project. In 1968, Anders piloted the Apollo 8 spacecraft into Have students read the red heading
orbit around the moon. Although the Apollo 8 astronauts did not land Exploring and Making Use of Space. Ask
on the moon, they were the first to journey to it. In the excerpt below them to create a bulleted list of the ways
from a 1994 interview, he describes what it was like to be among the that people have explored and used space.
first humans ever to see Earth from space. Urge them to read for new ways that they
can add to their list. Use the Think-
it somewhat ironic that we went up there for the moon, but probably it was
and the perspective of it that impressed hard-bitten test pilots like us
Write-Pair-Share strategy (TE, p. T23)
and have students compare their lists.
and I guess the rest of the worldthe most. You realize that the Earth is about as
physically significant as one grain of sand on a beach. But it's our only home. Monitor Progress
It's funny, but the one thing we had not planned on or even thought about was
As students fill in their charts, circulate
photographing the Earth from lunar orbit. And so when we were in the position Thinking Critically to make sure students have accurately
1. Analyze Information Why did listed impacts of modern science and
where we could actually see the first Earthrise, it caught us all by surprise, and
Anders think seeing Earth was the technology. For a completed version of the
there was a mad scramble for the cameras to take pictures of that historic event. biggest surprise of the mission?
chart, see
William Anders, 2. Identify Central Issues What does
from Remembering Apollo, Anders feel was the main result of the Note Taking Transparencies, 130
Discover magazine, July 1994 Apollo 8 mission?

Solutions for All Learners

L1 Special Needs L2 Less Proficient Readers L2 English Language Learners

To help students see how scientific and technological Use the following resources to help students acquire
advances build on previous advances, have them cre- basic skills.
ate an annotated timeline featuring the following Adapted Reading and Note Taking Thinking Critically
events: (1) launch of Sputnik; (2) development of Study Guide 1. He had not appreciated the Earths insignificant
International Space Station; (3) first electronic com- size nor its precious value to humankind.
Adapted Note Taking Study Guide, p. 173
puters; (4) personal computers available; (5) Internet 2. feeling a sense of awe about the Earth and its
Adapted Section Summary, p. 174
well-established. Have students explain how events place in our lives and in the universe
on the timeline are related.
Chapter 19 Section 5 657 Page 658 Friday, October 14, 2005 12:35 PM Page 658 Tuesday, July 26, 2005 12:37 PM

The Computer Revolution Construction on the ISS began in 1998. When it is completed in 2010, it
will serve as a space laboratory, allowing scientists from many different
H-SS 10.11 L3 countries to observe space, conduct research, and develop new space-
related technologies.
Introduce Recall with students the The Impact of Artificial Satellites The thousands of artificial satel-
lites that orbit Earth have a number of very specific applications. These
revolutions about which they have
applications can be divided into three groupscommunications, observa-
read, including the Scientific Revolu-
tion, and navigation. Communications satellites relay information that is
tion and the Industrial Revolution. Dis- used in advanced communications, including television, telephone, and
cuss the characteristics of a revolution. high-speed data transmission. Observation satellites observe Earth, pro-
Ask students what the term computer viding data to scientists, weather forecasters, and military planners.
revolution could mean. What does the Navigation satellites beam precise locations to ship captains and others
term suggest about the impact of com- who need to navigate Earths surface.
puters on modern life? By 2000, artificial satellites had revolutionized global communica-
Teach Trace the changes that have tions. Maintaining stationary orbits over specific points on Earths sur-
occurred since computers were face, artificial satellites can transmit phone messages or television
pictures anywhere on Earth. Linked to cell phones or computers, they
invented. Ask How have computers
allow people separated by thousands of miles to communicate instantly.
evolved? (They have become faster,
smaller, and widely available for indi- Standards Check What is the International Space Station
viduals and businesses.) How does and what is its signicance? H-SS 10.11
the Internet play a role in modern
life? (It allows people to communicate
instantly; it allows information to be The Computer Revolution
shared around the world.) The invention of the computer in the twentieth century caused an
unprecedented information revolution. Very few aspects of modern life
Quick Activity Display Color Trans- remain untouched by computers. Computers run businesses and power
parency 119: Communications plants, help scientists conduct advanced research, and when connected
Technology, Selected Countries. to satellites, make global communications possible. The development of
Use the lesson suggested in the trans- computer technology has given rise to the term Information Age.
parency book to guide a discussion
on how advances in communications
technology are shaping the global INFOGRAPHIC
Color Transparencies, p. 119

Developing Nuclear Energy

During World War II, the United States was determined to create an
atomic bomb that could be used against the Axis Powers. Scientists
including Albert Einstein, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Enrico Fermi, and Edward
Teller participated in the Manhattan Project, as it was called. The project
achieved success in 1945 with the explosion
of a test bomb in New Mexico.

Einstein and
in 1947

Link to Geography
Technology and Modern Life Advances in regions. For example, the Hoover Dam, located along
technology have changed both where and how people the Colorado River on the Arizona-Nevada border and
today live. The growth of car ownership and major the Aswan Dam on the Nile, provide not only flood
highways has provided better access to rural areas. Air control, but also irrigation for surrounding areas and
conditioning has made life in hot climates more bear- over thousands of megawatts of hydroelectric power.
able. Improved water infrastructures have made farm- Technological advances have allowed people to flour-
Answer ing much easier in dry climates, and dams have ish and industry to boom even in lands facing chal-
It is a multinational project to build a space produced valuable hydroelectric power to surrounding lenging climates.
station for international research.

658 The World Today Page 659
Page 659 Tuesday, July Friday,
26, 2005 October
12:48 PM 14, 2005 12:35 PM

Early Computers A computer is a device for making mathematical cal- Independent Practice
culations and for storing, processing, and rapidly manipulating data.
Computers have made it possible to preserve vast amounts of data. And Have students read the Infographic
when linked up in a vast network, they have brought written communi- Twentieth Century Scientific Milestones.
cation over enormous distances instantaneously. Ask students to explain which of the
The first electronic computers, built in the 1940s, were huge, slow inventions mentioned affect their lives
machines. Later, thanks to inventions like the silicon chip, the computer and how. Then have students, working in
was reduced in size. Personal computers, or PCs, became widely avail- small groups, rank which inventions they
able in the 1970s for individual users, both at work and at home. By think are the most important and why.
inserting basic programs into the machine, the user could perform com- Ask them to identify ethical or political
plex and difficult tasks quickly and easily. issues that may relate to these technolo-
Over the next few decades, PCs replaced typewriters and account books gies, such as genetic engineering and the
in homes and businesses worldwide. At the same time, computer technol- safe storage of nuclear wastes. Then take
ogy spread into many different fields. Computerized robots operate in fac- a class vote on the most important inven-
tories. Computers remotely control satellites and probes in space and tion and discuss the result.
students use them in school classrooms. And computers increasingly aid
scientists and architects in developing models to predict disasters, under-
stand environmental changes, and plan urban development.
Monitor Progress
Have students write a brief paragraph
The Internet In the 1970s, various branches of the U.S. government explaining why the development and spread
along with groups in several American universities led efforts to link
of computers is seen as a revolution.
computer systems together via cables and satellites. By the 1990s, the
Internet or World Wide Web was well established, again revolutioniz-
ing information technology. Using the Internet, a person can instantly
communicate with other users around the world. The same person can
also instantly access vast storehouses of information of all sorts.
By 2000, the Internet had grown to a gigantic network, linking individ-
uals, governments, and businesses around the world. E-commerce, or
buying and selling on the Internet, contributed to economic growth.
The Internet also began to shape life in developing nations.

Breakthroughs sequencer
in Medicine
Twentieth-century discoveries in
medicine had a major impact on people
around the world. For example, in 1952
researcher Jonas Salk (left) developed a
vaccine for polio. Polio is a virus that Expanding the
spreads rapidly among people, especially Science of Genetics
children, causing paralysis. Before Salks The study of genes was not new to
discovery, around 20,000 people in the the twentieth century. The work of
United States contracted polio each year. James Watson and Francis Crick,
Because of Salks vaccine, the disease is (right) however, dramatically trans-
extremely rare in the world today. formed the science of genetics. In 1953, Thinking Critically
the two men discovered the basic structure 1. Draw Inferences Why did Albert
of DNAthe material in the chromosomes Einstein later regret his work on the
of all cells that determines how every Manhattan Project?
organism functions. This discovery revolu- 2. Cause and Effect How did the
tionized the study of heredity and paved discovery of DNA affect the eld of
the polio virus the way for genetic engineering. genetics? H-SS 10.11 AUDIO

Link to Technology
The Internet Brings Change When the Internet to increase their profits by selling their products
was first invented, pundits announced that it would onlinesome farmers report earning five times their
change the way we live. In the United States, the former profit. In Africa, the Internet has helped farm-
Internet has changed peoples ways of getting infor- ers prepare for droughts and fend off potential fam- Answers
mation and news, ways of shopping, and even ways ine. In China, Internet outrage after a prisoner died in Thinking Critically
of meeting socially. In many foreign countries, com- police custody led the government to change laws on 1. because it produced a nuclear bomb that threat-
puters and the Internet have also brought significant how it detains prisoners. ened the world with enormous damage
change. For instance, in Peru, farmers have been able 2. It paved the way for genetic engineering, or the
rearrangement of genetic material.

Chapter 19 Section 5 659 Page 660 Friday, October 14, 2005 12:35 PM Page 660 Tuesday, July 26, 2005 12:36 PM

Advances in Medicine and

Biotechnology H-SS 10.11 L3
W hat we now know as corn originally grew as a wild grass in the
Instruct Americas. Thousands of years ago, ancient peoples began experiment-
ing with this grass, carefully selecting good seeds and nurturing plants.
Introduce: Key Terms Ask students About 7,000 years ago, Native Americans near present-day Mexico City
to notice the key term biotechnology developed small ears of corn, calling them maize. Indians throughout
in the red heading. What do they think the Americas, and then European settlers, constantly experimented
biotechnology is? Clarify that bio with corn to produce bigger and better ears.
means life. Discuss other types of The experimentation still continues today.
technology that students have read
about. Ask students to suggest ways Eventually, Native Americans produced maize, a
that technology could affect life. Have plant with ears of plump, soft kernels like todays
them read to find out whether their corn. Maize became a staple crop for many Native
ideas on biotechnology are accurate. American groups. They also developed multi-colored
ears of corn, like those above, using them for food
Teach Write the categories medicine and in religious activities.
and biotechnology on the board. Dis-
cuss the different breakthroughs Ancient wild corn was called teosinte (tee oh SIN tee). Teosinte
described in the text, and ask students kernels, hard and nut-like, grew on thick grassy stalks. Over thousands
to define and describe each. List the of years Native Americans domesticated teosinte, carefully preserving
the seeds of the plants that produced the best ears.
breakthroughs under the appropriate
Quick Activity Have students read At the beginning of the twenty-first century, about 6 percent of the worlds
the feature A Global Food Evolves on population can access the Internet. By 2010, it is estimated that about
this page. Discuss the various stages in 50 percent of the worlds population will have access to the Internet
connecting them to a new world of ideas and information.
the development of modern corn and
the importance of corn as a food and Standards Check What impact have personal computers had on
energy source today. Then help stu- A biotechnology worker cuts into peoples lives? H-SS 10.11
dents develop a statement that frames an ear of corn to extract a section
a debate about genetic engineering, of DNA, or genetic material, that
such as Genetic engineering is the solu-
will be used to improve the next Advances in Medicine and Biotechnology
corn crop. By selecting only specific
tion to world hunger. If time allows, DNA, scientists can transfer only Science and technology have revolutionized our understanding and our
allow students to conduct full-scale the genes that will result in control of both human life and other forms of life on this planet. Develop-
debates based on their statement. desirable crop traits, such as ments in medicine and biotechnologythe application of biological
hardiness or resistance to insects. research to industry, engineering and technologyhave resulted in new
ways to combat and prevent disease.
Independent Practice
Have students choose one of the break- Breakthroughs Transform Medicine In the postwar era, pioneers in
throughs they listed during the Teach the life sciences such as Dr. Jonas Salk became household names. Before
the Salk vaccine, the paralyzing disease polio had crippled thousands of
activity and explain its significance to a
children and adultsincluding President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Other
medical researchers developed vaccines to help prevent the spread of
smallpox and other diseases.
Monitor Progress Breakthroughs in surgery also transformed the field of medicine. In
Check Reading and Note Taking Study the 1970s, surgeons learned to transplant organs, including the human
Guide entries to make sure students have heart, to save lives. Lasers made many types of surgery safer and more
accurately listed different impacts of sci- precise. Lasers are high-energy light beams that surgeons use to cut or
ence and technology. repair tissues and organs. Scientists also had success in treating some
cancers, a disease that affects the global population. In recent decades,
computers and other technologies have become partners with doctors in
diagnosing and treating disease. They have also made it easier for people
to share information, thus making diseases easier to treat.

History Background
The Growth of the Sun Belt The development Arizona, and California. States in the Sun Belt
of advanced electronic and communications technolo- roughly the region in the United States south of the
gies since 1950 has been closely tied to suburbaniza- 37th degree of latitudealso offer people a more
tion and the growth of the Sunbelt in the United moderate climate than northern regions. The Sun Belt
Answer States. Many technological industries built research states have also benefited from the construction of
Personal computers enable people to access and manufacturing facilities in suburbs or in the grow- the interstate highway system and an abundance of
information, create and revise documents, and ing metropolitan areas of the Sunbelt. This has partic- land for development. As a consequence, their popu-
perform complex and elaborate tasks for work ularly affected states such as North Carolina, Texas, lation has grown faster than most other U.S. states.
and personal use rapidly and easily.

660 The World Today Page July
Page 661 Friday, 66122,
Friday, October
2005 11:33 AM 14, 2005 12:35 PM

Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering In the past couple of

decades, the field of biotechnology has exploded. Biotechnology compa- Assess and Reteach
nies make products including vaccinations, medicines, and industrial
bacteria that can be used to treat waste or clean up toxic spills. Assess Progress L3
Biotechnology is closely related to the fields of genetics and genetic
Have students complete the
engineering, which have also made dramatic advances in recent years.
Section Assessment.
Genetics is the study of genes and heredity, while genetic engineering Vocabulary Builder
is the manipulation of genetic material to produce specific results. Beginning manipulation(muh nip yoo LAY shun) Administer the Section Quiz.
in the 1950s genetic researchers, spearheaded by Rosalind Franklin, n. the skillful handling of something
with the purpose of achieving a specific Teaching Resources, Unit 4, p. 86
J. D. Watson, and F.H.C. Crick, examined the chemical code carried by
all living things. Their research established the central role of DNA To further assess student under-
deoxyribonucleic acidin the chromosomes that determine human hered- standing use
ity. Their work revealed the double helix, spiral-shaped DNA that carries Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 82
hereditary traits from parents to children.
Ongoing genetic research has produced new drug therapies to fight
human diseases. Research has also created new strains of fruits and veg-
etables that are intended to resist disease or thrive in conditions that If students need more instruction, have
usually inhibit growth. Genetic cloning, or the process of creating identi- them read the section summary.
cal organisms from the cell of a host organism, has many practical appli- Reading and Note Taking L3
cations in raising livestock and in biological research. Study Guide, p. 174
Biotechnology and genetic engineering have brought benefits, but also
debate. Some people believe that genetically modified foods are unnatu- Adapted Reading and L1 L2
ral and potentially dangerous. The possibility of cloning genetically iden- Note Taking Study Guide, p. 174
tical mammalsincluding human beingshas also raised ethical
questions about the role of science in creating and changing life.
Spanish Reading and L2
Standards of Living Rise As you have read, science and technology Note Taking Study Guide, p. 174
have often had a direct and powerful impact on human life. Advances in
diagnosing and treating disease and increased agricultural output have Extend L4
raised life expectancies worldwide, as well as standards of living. Yet
Display Color Transparency 115:
great challenges still remain, from overpopulation to disasters to corrupt
Humans and the Environment. Ask
governments. In the decades ahead, people will continue to look for ways
students to summarize this political
to solve global problems, using whatever tools they have.
cartoons main idea and relate it to the
Standards Check How have scientic advances affected peoples section content, or use the lesson sugges-
standard of living? H-SS 10.11 ted in the transparency book to guide a

Color Transparencies, 115
Standards Monitoring Online
For: Self-quiz with vocabulary practice
Web Code: mza-3451
Terms, People, and Places Comprehension and Critical Thinking Writing About History
1. What do each of the key terms listed at 3. Synthesize Information Considering Quick Write: Write a Conclusion Write a
by increasing agricultural output and reducing
the beginning of the section have in the history of the Cold War, explain why conclusion that restates your thesis, sums the impact of disease
common? Explain. the United States and Russia competed up the supporting details, and leaves read-
against each other to achieve domi- ers with a nal impression. This nal impres-
nance in the space race. sion can be a memorable statement or even
2. Reading Skill: Compare Use your 4. Recognize Cause and Effect What a call to action. As you write a conclusion Assessment
completed chart to answer the Focus impact has the computer revolution had about science and technology in the modern
Question: How have advances in on globalization? world, consider what basic impression you H-SS 10.9.1 3
science and technology shaped the 5. Express Problems Clearly Biotech- want the reader to remember about the H-SS 10.11 2, 4, 5
modern world? nology has provided many benets, but topic, even if he or she takes nothing else E-LA W 2.4 Quick Write
many people worry about its long-term away from the essay.
effects. Explain why this is so.

Section 5 Assessment political system. In addition, domination Writing About History

in space could play a role in the arms race. Conclusions should refer back to a specific
1. Sentences should reflect an understanding 4. It has brought nations into closer contact thesis statement and summarize data that
of each term, person, or place listed at the and allowed individuals access to global supports that statement. In addition,
beginning of the section. information and the ability to communi- responses should end by asking readers to
2. Science and technology have increased life cate and trade globally. consider an idea or take an action.
expectancies, improved standards of liv- 5. Some people fear that biotechnology will
ing, enhanced communications and navi- change food in unsafe ways and could give
gation, and facilitated space exploration. people dangerous power to create or For additional assessment, have students
3. Each nation felt that winning the space change life. access Standards Monitoring Online at
race would show the superiority of its Web Code mza-3451.

Chapter 19 Section 5 661

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