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Question Difficulty

Question Option1
Type Level

1 Dynamic Visual Display Placards

Erogonomics audit for workplace

2 Workbench/chairs

3 Risk of visual illusion can be alleviated By sholder position guidance

4 Maintenance faults occurs by individual Day shift

Attributes related to safety issues of an

5 Motivation

6 Study of H.F. means Human performance & limitations

H. F training to safety accident To understand them of need for such

investigators investigation in human factors

8 Most important issue in H.F. Communication

Attributes, related to safety issue of

9 Motivation

Accidents causes and attributes made in To use standard practices/ good

investigation reports in organization maintenance

11 Long term memory can be enhance by Introduction of instructions

Important and significant communication in

12 Verbal

Accidents mostly happens due to not only

13 Human Actions
single cause but due to
Individual general health, nutrition disease,
14 tobacco, alcohol, or drug use and general Person is physically fit to do job
life style determines

15 Detrimental effects on safety, select wrong Diet

Most important in safety programme and

16 Continued operation
feedback system

Meeting of management authority and line

17 Good atmosphere
operators should

Significant attributes related to accidents

18 Accidents are only due to one-cause
and which considers error

Which and sweating

19 Normal body temperature-370c
20 Test equipment under what Software

Causes other than human action that lead

21 Human error
to accidents

Human action defined into how many

22 4

23 Most important Communication

24 Which is active failure among the fole A man hits the tow buck

25 HF performance depends upon Ability to speak

A person has a general lifestyle, has drugs

26 Is said to be physiologically fit
alcohol, tobacco. He is said to be
What environmental factor will affect
27 human performance. Mark the incorrect Sufficient light

28 Biomechanics is referred to Strength

Person avoids something at first

29 Main cause of errors
working place (complacency)

30 Vision illusion can be minimised by Shadow support

31 Most important issue in HF Communication

32 How many components are there in HF 4

Pilot does not break in time and crash

33 Active failure
into another aircraft causing damage

34 Risk of visual illusion can be alleviated by Shoulder position guidance

Health, age alcohol, drug, medication &

35 If person is psychologically fit for job

Accident happens not only from a single

36 Human action

Vibrations are extreme & can affect

37 MEDA reporting mark the wrong statement

38 Normal body temperature 280C

39 Test equipment under what Software

40 Biomechanics is referred to Strength

41 HF processing Ability to listen

When a/c goes to gate what should be

42 Investigation

43 HF definition Human performance

44 SHEL model-which cannot be controlled Liveware

45 long term memory Improved by training

46 safety programme & feed back system Continued operation

attributes and facts about human action &

47 Caused due to a single error

Tow tractor didn't apply the brake at

48 what is the example of active failure
correct time
option2 option3 Option4 Option5

Altimeter Chart/Tables

Fixture Tools & equipment All

Using high optical quality windshield

Eye position guidance

Night shift Shift-handover processing time

Skill level Violence All

Factors related environment Human behaviour All

To know them which information To provide basic understanding of

related to safety is to be not reported accident investigation

Leadership Actions Interpretation

Skill level Violence All

To eldhevence of using approved

Inadequate safety oversight

Introduction of training Both 1 & 2

Written Both 1&2

Machine Failure Latent error Both 1&2

Person is unfit physically as well as

Person is physiologically fit to do job

Un-pattern sleep Physical exercise Fatigue

Visible support from company safety


Any topic take on to table and discuss

Should be logical All

Actions performed beyond individual People do actions which they do not

immediate intended
Hardware Environment Livewire

Latent failure Active failure Both 1&2

3 2 1

He drives the vehicle by high speed

Both 1&2
and hits the a/c structure

Ability to listen Ability to remember

Is said to be physically fit for work Is said to be under some depression

Movement AOTA

Glare Optical support

Leadership Action Interpretation

2 1

Person while taxing is driving too fast

and washer into another parked a/c Both
causing damage

Normal optical quality windshield Eye position guidance

If person is physically fit for job If person is suffering from depression

Machine failure Latent failure Both 1&3

Noise is too loud for person to work Ambient temperature

300C 370C

Hardware Environment Liveware

Movement Balance AOTA

Ability to
Ability to speak Ability to see

Search for solutions Both

Human capabilities & limitation Both

Software Hardware Environment

Improved by Cannot be improved and is loct soon Both 1&2

Invisible support from company safety Implementation

Is almost always beyond the

Is always carried out as intended
individuals capability

Tow tractor ided from the ramp and

Both 1&2
hited the a/c
Negative Explanati Correct True & Fill in the
Option6 Marks Hint
Marks on Answer False blanks


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