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‘recor cotvenclonal 5 Yimora suelto 15 conta 4th floor. > de estar, seré quel | VERY DISTURBING te temerle, es un te fy disturbing has been the scandal Fock place dusing the last days of ‘owing t0 the abstention of Marios 0 vote on the Villa- posal fe atttude of Mr. Martos has weal government, in spite of the Piy it counted on in the issue. No F Sagesia was left alone in. the of Providence, Bday intrigues and compromises re {o achieve unity, to search for Bs 10 calm the turbulent spirit of Epoajority against the conspirators ether Mr. Sapasta fails or suc the government has Tost ils po AD rARA TODOS rtfetos, tivo toridades. en Fil © pasado un peal hacer entender qt enas de los pueblo indores, desmoral tidores, con Jiferentes para al aie hacen, mi a todo ésto es defed predicted all the scandals in Con= long ago because the party Tacks unity and definite policies prozram which shoald always vi the whole party. A. party. com A of divergent groups with differ as contra sus opr Hestinos de les ual poner en manos dé Sbracos por estad apecables, y que dle ocupar en. hace this policy, something. is being te. Esto viene 4 ad whic I attitude of Mr. Marios and of and whea La Solidaridad Democratic Fortnightly Barcelona’ May 31, 1889 No. 8 Advertisements and Notices at greed prices Single copy 15 centavos it is a Machiavellian move. Moreover, the spectacle which the majority had shown in putting the Pres- ident on the spot was a glaring mis take, We regret it for the lose of prostige of parliament If Sagasta remains weak in the wake of this serious situation the return of the Conservatives would not be long i And then, it would be the end of progress THE TRUTH FOR EVERYBODY Two lengthy articles entitled “Peti- tions” and “The Authorities in the Philip: pines” were published last March by & ewspaper of Manila to the effect that the principales of the towns are despicable people, liars, depraved, trou- blesome, treacherous, prone to evil do- ing, indifferent to everything good, who neither understand what they say nor practice what they know; that all these are defects inherent in the race; that their complaints should not be taken seriously against their oppressors, who should be permiued 1 enjoy immunity, ete; that the destiny of the people, short, should be placed in the hi three persons selected and chosen ~ by these Yery same impeccable persons, 268 fondo de tantos enigmaticos periodos, su gestiones ¢ indirecias Que las faltas de unos pocos se atri- buyan & toda Ia raza, no es cosa nueva para nosotros. Para envilecer in pais no hay més que generalizar en él lo malo, asi como para enaltecerio, re- forzarle los buenos ejemplos. EL siste- ma, como se vé, surte frutos. Que se (Page 82, left col.) calumnie ¢ insulte 4 la masa del pueblo filipino, & los ocho millones de habitantes que alimentan con su sudor é miles y miles de sus hermanos de la Peninsula, y vierten su sangre por Espana, cuyo idioma juicta hablan, que ésto se hhaga impunemente detrés’ de un pseu- dénimo, tampoco nos extraiia; en Fili= pings todo insulto de arriba’ abajo es permitido: se prohibe la réplica. Parcce que Ia hidalgufa y la nobleza castellanas se averian en el largo viaje: en la Penin- sula serfa un cobarde el gue insultase 4 un paralitico y 4 un mudo; en Filipinas -ien Filipinas es o1ra cosa! Nosotios, dejande & un lado esos in- sultos parapetados y “brévetés,” A. G. D. G., vamos @ analizar el fondo de tan encubierias acusaciones. Estamos conformes en que hay mucha inmoralidad en Filipinas, mucho descon- cier'o, mucha intrigs, y mucho desgo- bierno. Pero no vayamos 4 acusar de ello al pueblo, no le echemos siempre Ta carga afena y la nuestra, En una case, donde el padre de familia ti sutoridad ilimitada, él es el responsable del estado de las coses. Las miserias de un pueblo sin libertad no se deben acha- car al pueblo, sino & sus gobernantes: para que uno sca responsable, es menes- duefio de sus acciones y el ipino no lo ni de sus pensamien- Esto ser amargo para cierto odes, pero ya que algunos quieren desenterrar La SoLIanty |, 1889 trapos, que se desentioren los de ‘hese three on} Examinemos como se han hecho fred with construct hacen los desgraciados principales fave become the 3 los pueblos. phrases, sugged Salvo honradas excepeiones, quel | hay, reconocsmos que la mayor pa i Jas llamadas autoridades, sino son 4 infelices abrumados por cl cargo, exclavor vies, ciegos_ instrumentog ‘unos, cobardes sectarlos de otros mildes y complacientes con todas] fantasias de sus superiores, sordos anes para sus inferiores y para el p pueblo cuyes destinos en sus man epositan. Sf, reconceemes que 19 nos de que se acuerdan muchos de es de su pais, de la concionci, d humanidad, de Dios, ¥ que todo st & servir para mandar, sobornar explotar humillarse para humillar tistacer sus viles_pasiones. porgué de esto? {su origen? Vamos 4 deseribir una vez mas la politica interna de lbs pueblos de has, pars que el Gobierno de la poli se entere y ponga remedios cree eon fuerza Indudablemente que en cada pil (Page 82, right col) hhay dos partidos en embridn: ut E product of their 4 Bir blood for Spairf does not surpril lippines all insult permissidle; to It seems that gentlemanliness in other lands: i youll be cowardly| f and the helpless; i in the Philippines} de por si sin necesided de arrim padrinos, el sediento de justicia cl partido lleno do reproches sins, y tiranias, de ciert ses, el partido en fin denuncied sus enemigos. como filibuster. tar compuesto de hombres dignos, que seguramente saldrin los verdad filibusteros, si se continda com el full sistema seguido hasta ahora. El of el de vagabundos, intrigentes, 1 impropiamente el partido de los por obedecer y servi 4 éstos Jos considera como un fuerte @ pero 4 quienes ni profesan amor ff peto y de quienes serian Ios mas part, we shall le Beounted and noted. E / that there isn athe Philippines, mu Buch intrigue and m “Shall not accuse th we shall not divet the head of the power, he is re 0 them but to their 4 these three only should be excepeiones, que | tue Ta mayor parte dades, sino son Fentire race is not a new thing 3 por el cargo, To_villify_a_nation,there—~is 30s insiramentos fe better than to generalize the xtatios de otros, ‘mnoble. it, one antes con todas = periores, sordos y iotes y para el tos en sus manos novemes que Io m dan muchos de a a conciencia, de sy que todo su sands of their Spanish brothers product of their toil and who tidarsobornar their blood for Spain whose lan para humillae y Shey hardly speak, and that they asiones. Pero y 4 Gid do all these safely behind a 2 origen? jm does not surprise us either wyex mas Ia vidi Philigpines al insults from those od jssible; to talk back is obiemo de Ia Met Pallowed. It seems that Spanish no- fonga remedios si and gentlemanliness are thrown found in other [ands: in the Penin Grit would be cowardly to insult a alytic and the helpless; in the Philip- in the Philippines it would he que en cade pacbl right col.) fn embrién: uno, flerent. Dh our part, we shall leave those in- recounted and noted. We shall the basis of such concealed sc to de justicia_y > de reproches pé nias, de ci An ceamela there is much immo: pines, much disagree ombres dignos, y much intrigue and much misrute ldrén los verdadera Ik these; we shall not divest ourselves Fothers of the charges. In a house of the family has nited power, he is responsible for Hate of affairs, The sulferings of ple without freedom should not be fibed to them but to heir rulers, To artido de Tos frail sir & éstos por 269 be responsible, it ia nesessary that one be master of his own acts, but the File ipino people are not free’ in their a: tions or in their thoughts. This bitter thought may be galling to any, but sines some poople have al- ready exposed dirty linen in public, let them expose everything. Lot us study how the unfortunate priv cipales of the towns are selected and ap- pointed. Excepting a few honorable ones, the majority of these unfortunate people not weary of the office are contempt ble slaves, blind instruments of some, cowardly ‘minions of others, humble and complaisant to all the wishes of their superiors, insensible and tyranni- cal to their inferiors and to the poor peo ple whose well-being is placed in their hands. Yes, we know that what many of them think about is to serve in or- der to command, to bribe in order to exploit, to absse themselves in order to humiliate others and satisfy their vile passions. But why is this so? What is the origin of this attitude? We shall describe once more internal politics in the towns of the Philippines so that the Home Government can be informed of them and can take strong, measures which sre necessary. Unquestionably, in each town there fare (wo groups ( start with: one, the cated, the independent, those who live by themselves without the necessi- ty of crutches oF sponsors, those eager for justice and peace, those filled with reproaches against the int ed ities and short, denounced by their’ enemies as filibusteros because they are composed of honorable men and from which troup the real filibusieras would come if the present lamentable system wi continued. ‘The other group is composed 270 enemigos el dia en que le sean intties Una pequefia parte pertenece. neutral, y es el de los indiferentes. Naturalmente, de Estos dos partidos, cl curs, que ambiciona mandar para hacer fuerte & imponerse a los gober- nantes, escogerd el segundo como el mes diictil el mas maleable, el mos ciego obediente, el mejor ejecutor, de sus pei samientos, De aqui el que los cures en sus informes secretos ensalzen los de este partido como los mas leales, y pi ten 4 los otros como los mas peligrosos para Ie integrided de la patria. Y asi lo creen muchos Resulta de aqui que el criado, ef sac ristin, el coinplaciente correveydile det Cura, ocupa las més de Ins veces, gracias 4 Ta omnipotente influencia del amo las esferas _gubernamental puesto en el pueblo con desprecio de la clase ilustrada, desprecio que el nuevo rites. gubern, tives, informes ete. etc. ayudado por su amo, & quien sirve tambien sirviendo 4 sus mismas pasiones. El sistema es ser vir al sefior para que éste le defienda cuando Ie acusen de explotar al pobre 6 faltar & sus deberes: la cuestién es tener un buen padrino. Consecuencia natural es el odio en el partido opuesto, odio que constituye ef desideratum de ciertos politicos que no tienen mes ciencia ni mes picardia que introducir divisiones y enemistades on los pueblos, favoreciendo 4 éste 6 aque! partido, desmorelizindolos, sin sospechar que semejantes armas pueden series despucs daiiosas. Quien siembra viento, dice el refrain, recogerd tempestades, tiranuelo paga con espedi Rebajadas y prostituidas estas digni dades, en los pueblos, donde todavia se conserva cierto pudor en familias flip nas no contaminadas, se equiva en 10 po- sible ocuper el sitio que dejé vacante un infame y las familias las La Sony amantes de su pais sc encierran g itigubre silencio spiran. Ri (Page 83, left col) dinero y soboraado 4 las cabeces ‘que no les yotaran y eli con un poco de vergi aquel daston, humedo (olavia sudor de una mano baja y bastén emblema un_ tiempo det hoy signo de infamia y esclavitud Glos pueblos generalmente la car sobre un infeiz Sin embargo son pocos Ios qu ésios se encierran en un inutil eg mo, y como Cesar, se envuelven manto para entregarse En la mayer perte de las puct lucha. Unos, por no ver 4 sus ent encurabrados y esponerse & sus tratan de oponerles obsticulos p Xeni vejaciones; otros, y étO¥ mis, Hevados del mal ojomplo, si dia educacién moral quieren tom cn el festiny se dicen: la maquing ira movida por la sengre del fomemos pare en Ta universal ti coptimamos para no ser oprimidy gunos pocos, muy rares, tal vez ces, luchan también sofiando con bien al pueblo, introducir justicia, honradez, pero éstos fan, no realizan su suefo, poral depuesies 6 despierian en algcn d nesta Tucha mezquina 10 medios, buenos 6 malos se empl bornos, regalos, calumnias, scusith informes, ete. Conocemos famili ruinadas, que se Tevantaron des clas @ Ios dos afios de mando; bio otras, pudientes, se arrainaral teando, después de haber pagadd & los votantes. Y aunque es dl c del fraile, gracias 4 la influen manejos de éste, su candidato 4f y el otro puede considerarse felid group are La Souwany fay 31, 1889 sais se encierran en 'y suspiran, Ricos pe mos que han dado. 85, left col.) alo d las cabecas aan y cligieran. £Q verguenza, iba & 69 vumedo todavia co nano baja y un tiempo. del pa Faria y esclayitud? | neralmente Is carge shifiless, the iniriguer, improper: Hobey and serve them and because considered as the strong sup: of the friars, although the lat neither love not respect for fjand may become their most con ble enemies when they are no useful, A smal group belongs 0 Gtral position. These people are the ent ones, faturaly, between these two groups, Upaish priest who spires 9 com in order 0 strengthen himself [be dominant over the officials the second for being. more do jore amenable, more blindly obe- and the better tool for the exe- jon of their idess, From them the gS get their secret Jon pocos los que eg in en un lar, se envuelven en regarse 4 sus asosing arte de las pueblos cesponerse sus tin Jes obsticulos para. p 5 otros, y éstos som I “ejemplo, sin Jieren tomar ps dicen: la maquina sod Te sangre del infel information it dangerous enemies of the state is what many are made to believe ft turns out then that the servant, the the ingratiating mischief-maker the curste occupies very often, thanks ie powerful influence of the mas. Gin official ciscles, the first place of for in the town, to the prejudice of educated class. The new local tyrant de unciations, ctc.. aided by his master, Hho also looks ‘fier his own interests no ser oprimidos. aa ly raros, tal vez los’ bién sofiando con hi ©, introducie mejor su suefio, porque >iertan en algdn dest \a_mezquina todos I 5 males se calumnias iting the por or be re= m . The essential thing [to have a powerful sponsor. misequently this practice produces ited in the opposing party. hatted Which constitutes the ,desideratun. of me politicians who ‘have no other Powledg: and no other trick than 1 Hrcduce divisions and emnities among. Tevantaron fios de mando; en ates, se arruinaron pl de haber papado ani F aunque es el candid Sila influoncia y 4 1g ; su candidato triunfd consideratse feliz. 21 the people, favoring this or that patty, demoralizing them, without suspecting that similar weapons may someday be dangerous 1 them also. Who sows an ill-wind, says the proverb, reaps a whirl wind. Debased and degraded, these honor. able people of the towns where there is honor still preserved in some Filipino families that have not been contami- nated, refrain as much as possible from occupying the seat left vacant by @ con. temptible man; the educated families, those who love their country, keep to themselves in gloomy silence. . . and sigh. We know wealthy proprietors who have given theit money and bribed cabezas so that the latter do not vote and elect them. Who is he, with still 2 litle pride, who would take the staff still damp with the seat of a despicable and vile hand—that staff that once was 4 symbol of power, but now « symbol of corrupticn and slavery? Nevertheless, there are still a few of those who will rotire to a uscless Stoic- ism and, like Caesar, wrap themselves 1 a mantle and surrender themselves 10 their assa Among_a great many of the people, L~ there is dissatisfaction. Some, in order not to see their enemies protected while they expose themselves to attacks, try to oppose them by placing obstacles to prevent molestations: others, and there arc many more of these, carried by the bad example without a solid moral edu- cation wish to tke part in the feast, and they say: “The social machine is drawn by the blood of the poor: we shall oppress so that we are not op- pressed.” A few, very rare few, per- haps-the foolish ones, fight also dream- ing of improving the town, introducing reforms, justice, honor; but, these per sons if they win do not realize their 272 va desterrado, Este es el caso de Ma- naksa en Kabuyaw. ‘Ast se cncienden las pasiones, ast se atizan los resentimientos, y esta’ es una Ge las causas del odio gencral que se profesa al fraile en Filipinas. El articulisia de La Voz de Espanta habla de escritos firmados por los prin- ‘pales sin que estos tengan conocimiento el asunto, No se lo negaremos, porque sabemos muy bien y desde hace’tiempo, ‘que muchos cabezas de barangay han firmado, & instancias del Cura, espe- dientes y escrites en castellano cuyo con tenido no se les leia siquiera. La escusa que nos daban era que el Cura les imenazaba. Ni escusamos la cobardia de tales caberss. ni apladimos 12s ma- {uinaciones del frsile. Y si alguno duda de esios asertos, que nos lo diga porque Je citaremos pueblos y personas que (Page 85. right col.) Por esto el afan del fraile porque f Indio vive ignorante y ciego; ahora no seré dificil que esta ceguedad & igno- rancia se hayan vuelto contra él, procedimientos que él enseié, se. em pleen en su dao. Sin embargo, todos fos escrites ditigides contra Ios’ frailes se diferencian de los que estos destizan contra sus enemigos. en que los prime- ros piden quc el Gobierno esclarezca los hechos: en los dltimos ni se pide que iervenga It ley ni se le permite de- fensa ningune al acusado.” FI que. escribe estas lineas se puso una vez 4 la cabeza de un movimiento antifaile, stscitado por una pregunta del Gobierno. La contestacién si tenia que sor, verdadera, iba 4 lastimar inte- reses frailunos. Los frailes quisieron que se contestase sogtin su gusto y sus conveniencias, ¥ no con arregio é la ver~ dad, pero considerando que ésto era fal- tar ella y al deber de un buen siib- dito, el autor escribié 1a contestacién con arreglo 4 un informe detalleds, tradujo al tagalo, y Ia ley delanig todos y delante de los mismos eng rios dé los frailes para que trasmitig cl contenido & sus amos 6 lo cont jesen si se faltaba 4 la verdad. Ni solo protesté, y todos yoluntari To firmaron, y lo firmaron los. mig fraileros, no pudiendo negar la e cia, Y eso que el autor les record ‘que firmando se atrafan encima 16 Jos rencores del_poderoso. Qué pass? El escrito spt pass por iodos los trémites legals y se encarpets. Los frailes vengarse, y el pueblo presents o crito, pidiendo la intervencién def bierno, ya que el gobierno era 1a del conflicto. . .pero el gobierno ee 4 i dijo ni sin6, no instruy6 sum no aclard los hechos denunciadost gobiemo temin luchar por la verd abandond al pobre pueblo. escrito trataba de agriculta banizacién, senor articulista de La culada purera de los frailes: a delataban suciedades, porque el del escrito no ha q su pluma con tas. inman papan ciortos habitos! Alli no hal que cuestién de siembras, terrenosg minos, escuclas, casas ete. Ese Jo firmaban todos los principales, maba el mismo autor con todas 5 as, lo firmaban mujeres. propia chinos, criados, obreros, lo firmeba § el pueblo, El escrito se lela 4 todo el do, a enemigos y 4 amigos, & autoridi 4 peninsulares, porque teniamos el de nuestras convicciones, ¥ porque amos cn Ta sinceridad del gobierno su amor al bienestar de! pa (Page 84, left col.) Neda, no se hizo neda, De toda) jan ‘Tes venganzas en el pobre Bo viedima de su Teatad al g petty war all employed: brit tateling, etc, niles who x two years there are ves by plea e the candidat ‘the latter's inf ed petitions sign) who knew nothil We shall not de we know very are still alive. why the fria how these have tumed ag ‘ways the friar g May 31, 1889 because they are elther deposed into some exile. this petty war all means, good or ze employed: bribes. gifts, lies, acz ns, tiling, etc. We know of ‘who recovered their I on the hand, there are ich ones, who ives by pleading to the peo- ter they hed paid voters. And if the candidate of the friar, § to the latter’s influence and ma ions, he would win while his op- it may consider himself lucky if he not exiled. This was what hap- id to Manaksa of Kabuyaw. is thus that passions are excited, re- nts aroused, and these are ‘the sof the general hatred of the in the Philippines. he columnist of La Voz de Espaita joned petitions signed by the prin. jes who knew nothing of their eon: Bi We shall not deny hie tterent use we know very well and for serito se_presen Irdmites legales frailes quisi > present6 otro tervencin del dierno era la cat 1 gobierno se cal s denunciados: © por Ia verdad ach iY todoid ies sa, de la culista de La Vo atacaba Ia inmg frailes; alli no porque el auld ido jamés manel nhundicias. que All Spanish iad not even 2 ate principale con todas sus Ke jeres, propieta 2s, lo firmaba tod Tea todo el mu ios, & autorided 2 teniamos ol val nes, ¥ porque o del gobierno y em del pais. ‘eft col.) ada, De todo estg en el pobre pie wchinations of the friar. If there are who would doubt these fects, ons who are still alive © This is why the friar works hard to ind; but it would not be difficult to linderstand how these blindness and ig- orance have turned ageinst him, and Show the ways the friar taught him ace E tow employed aguinst the friar. In spite © of this, all the writings dinested against Sthe friars are different from what they tad al gobierno ¥ 203 unleash agains! their enemies: the former ask the Government to clarify facts, the latter do not allow the enforcement of the law or the defense of the accused ‘The author of the above statements placed himself at the heed of the an friar movement aroused by an inquiry fof the government. The reply, if it were to be baied on truth, would have been prejudicial 10 the interests of the friars. ‘The friars wanted that it be an- sweted according to their dictation and convenience and not according to truth; but since their wish would have turned the reply fer from the truth and remiss in good citizenship the author wrote the reply with a detailed explanation, He then translated the document into Tagalog and read its contents. before everybody and before the messengers of the friars themselves so that they might contradict any portion of it they believed incorrect. No one protested. Everybody signed the decument, in- cluding the partisans of the friars be- cause the latter could not deny the evi- dlence. During the procedure, the av- thor reminded all those who signed that they would be presenting all their com- plaints against these in power. What happened? The document was presented; it coursed through all legal channels; then it was tabled. The friars wanted to take revenge. The town pre Senied another document, requesting the intervention of the government be- cause the latter was not a party to the case; but the government kept silent, saying neither yes nor no; it prepared no Kegal_ brief; it didnot clarify. the charges; it was afraid to fight for truth and it abandoned the poor town. And yet the entire petition dealt with agricul- ture, with industriaization, Mr. Colum nist of La Vor de Espafia! 1 did not attack the immaculate friar; it did not 274 de su buena fé, La Soberania Monacal de Pleridel reproduce en su apéndice tunas imperfectas copias de estas pre: sentaciones. EL gobernador de ta pro: vineia puede decir si cuanto hacemos constar aqui no es la pura verdad, Esto por lo que se refiere 4 nuestras pro. pins esperiencias: callamos Jo que pase tn otros pueblo. La Voz de Expaia quiore que el mu nicipio de los pueblos se ocupe ea pe- dir que sc construyen edificios, calza- das, ete. ;Sabe de seguro el articulista como se llevan & cabo tales obras? é ‘costa del pueblo infeliz, todo gratis, con muchas vejaciones y muchos bejucazos, y luego gpara qué sirven? En el pueblo de Kalamba se constru- yeron 4 costa del pueblo y del goberner dorcillo dos escuelas de _mamposteria para nifios y nifias. La nines con todo no tiene escuela, y tales edifici ahora de cuartel y tribuna En el pueblo de Los Bafios se cons- truyé un hospital @ fuerza de brazos arrancados 4 todos los pueblos de la pro- vineia pagando 4 cada obrero obligado por Ia autorided ocho cuartos diarios, siendo e! jomal ordinario dos. pesetas 6 cuatro reales fuertes, y habiéndose hecho ventas y bazeres de caridad para sufragar Ios gastos de tales edificios El arquitesto era un lego franciscano, Se levanté el hospital, se construyé un palacio para el Capiten General, la age cultura y los pueblos suftieron no poco, y ahora aquellos edificios se pudren so- Titariamente como edificios malditos por tantas ligrimas, por el grito de tos pobres que su obra ha condenado 4 st= frir. ;Por qué el pueblo que paga su ‘bucién ha de ser obligado & tra bojer gratuitamente? ; Para qui si no le han de dejar vivir pe milia? ;Es que paga su contribucién ara que le esclavizen? {Servird el dinero 4Quiere el articulista que el pt cierre los lebies 4 todas las inmora des de los pretendidos ministros de y de las autoridades. . .? Creemos qi articulista no es un filibustero 4 sal das, pero recuerde que donde tos lai callan obran las manos. Tenga cuig con lo que pide La Voz de Espana,, No; no hay que cerrar las yél no hay que ahogar la conciencia hurt el grito de los pueblos. El aire muy débil, muy cong sible, estalla (Poge 84, right col.) cuando se le comprime demasiado) Teyes que prosiden el mundo de I teria son las mismas en el moral y en cl politico. Y nosotros decimos lealmente al gobierno diremos Jo que pensatmos, aunqi cchos se disgusten; queremos ser’ 4 la Metropoli y 4 sus altos gobet Se tiene idea muy equivecada def blo filipino, Los escritores que deserito, lo han calumniado, porg pintario, han tomado por modelos criados, & esa multitud de infe greciados, sin patria, instrucci6n, ‘que pululan, como los pardsios, en de las ofieinas y los banquetes. Ll ilustrada, Ia gue al ver tanto rniscria se cncierra on el sislal fsa no se conoce, como tampoco cee & Ja masa no conteminada del de las provincias, como no se Of su espiritt ai su idioma ni sas B nnient ‘Ahora bien: en ésta lucha des entre el frifismo que quiere I rancia_y las tinieblas como el B que acecha en la noche y en oh hie filth that o here was nothing. s, schools, was signed by ‘his, full_ name a, proprietors, rs, everybo was read {0 “and enemies al insulars because 4 absolutely n jent and of ‘of the Friar ‘some imperfect Gin the Appen “the province are saying he je know this Be ve shall not ie de Espaia Werniment of th petitioning ic., be consiru Kt know for Pate undertaken? people—gratu by many is, and then town of Kali Rotses for 1 Ethe town goven Hin spite of all Blise; the buildi the court and town of Los May 31, 1889 cormption because the author peion never wanted 10 sol his lth that covered some hab- ae Pere was nothing in it bat plants, ane Bh toni chet hoes, ete xdas les inmoralf ment was signed by all the princi- Se rit was signed by the author hin- ead wine signed ae By women. proprictors, Chinese, serv Tees ta Bp isbores, everybody in town. The yment was read to everybody—to and enemies alike, to. oficial, fg Peninsulars because we had the cou- of our convictions and because we fered in the sincerky of the govern andi sts love and concem fr fe country PNothing, absolutly nothing, was done na so vengeance was heaped on the people, viclims of thelr loyally 10 fe government and of thei good faith Mie Power of the Friars by Plaridel re- Ppetces some Smpertect copies ofthese Bitions in the. Appendix. The gove oe prof the province can testify. that talon gobernan Fa we are Saying here isthe absolute equivocada del Be tnt, We know this from our own ex tree se fo Bfericace; we shall not say more. about Imvan, porque the others Bor modelo & La Voz de Esporte wants the muni e infeli “cipal government of the towns to busy insta, Eset wih petitioning that. buildings, s grandes capital pads, etc., be constructed. Does the Columnist “know for sure. how the Frocks are undertaken? At the cost of Dike poor people—gratuitous. labor tompanied' by many. vexations and fang blows, and then, whet for? Jn the town of Kelana two stone Sehoolhouses for boys and. ginls were fonsiucted at the cost of the. people’ = 2nd of the town governor's money. The Fhitden, in spite of all thi, tll hes no Bchoothouses the buildings ore used to ae aie © day for the court and jail. vehe y en el misty vra_asoldar_tirang las exigencias GLa bandera os, Tenga cuidg Yoz de Espaia. conciencia humay os. El aire con 1ebil, muy compg Y nosotres se gyhierno espai sal aunque en el ai 0 tempore «© aminada del pucdl In the town of Los Bat os a hospital 275 ‘was built by dint of civic conscience and labor of all the people of the prov- ince. Every laborer drafted by the government was paid eight cuartos daily wage, while the ordinary wage was two peseias or four reales juerts. Charity sales and bazaars were held to help finance the building. ‘The architect was a Franciscan lay brother. The hos- I was constructed, a palace was built for the Captain-General, agricul ture and the people suffered a lot, and now those buildings rot, abandoned like something accursed by the tears, by the cries of those who have been condemned to suffer for it. Why should the people who pay their taxes be obliged to work gratuitously? Why pay at all if they fare not permitted to live for their fam- ies? Must they pay to be enslaved? Does the taxpayer’s money serve to hire peity tyrants and not to satisfy the needs of the community? Is the Span ish flag the flag of slavery? Does the columnist wish that the peor ple seal their lips to all the corruption of the so-called ministers of God and of those in power? We believe that the columnist is not a filibustero by choice, but it is well to remember that when lips are sesled, hands are freed. La Vo: de Espana should be careful of what it asks, No, the doors should not be closed— the conscience of mankind, the cry of the people should not be stifled. The sit may be a light, compressible sub. stance, but it explodes and: bursts never: theless when itis tightly compressed. The laws which govern the physical world are the same as those that govern the moral and political world. We say this to the Spanish government: We shall say what we believe in although many may be displeased; we like to be loyal (© the Home Government and to its high 276 tio, y lus clases ilustradas y nobles del pafe que quieren la luz, la tuniéa, la in- feligencia directa con Espafa, la antipo~ litica conducta del gobierno, prestindose como un brazo de las corporaciones mo- niésticas, Iastima el sontimiento del pais y los verdaderos intereses de 1a Patria, El pueblo se desengaiia; ve que osté ais- Jado; que el Gobierno no le protege, que tiene miedo 4 su enemigo, con quien tiene contemplaciones. El pueblo duda, va su amor 4 Espafia amenaza apagarse, su esperanze en Ia justicia flaquea; se cansa de tender las suplicantes manos {Tened cuidado! El pucblo combate los frailes; si el gobierno se pone del lado de estes incondicionalmente, x¢ hace fenemigo del pueblo, se confiesa enemigo de su adelamto, y ent6nces habré abierto 41 mismos una’ nueva y desgraciada era! Pretender sumir en tinieblas y embru- tecer a los filipinos es material y morel- mente imposible. Nuestros enemigos podrin predicar desde sus. pulpitos, ex tromar toda clase de medidas, prisio nes, destierros, censuras, prohibiciones, pesquisas, requisas, ete., pero no conse- guirdn su objeto: los ilustrados filipines. {es liberales que allé aumentan ceda dia gracins las. persecuciones. y nosotros. Ja juventud filipina en Europa que he- mos consagrado nuestras fuerzas en beneficio de nuestra patria, nosotros ve Jo garantizamos. Podrin simular otro alzamiento como el de Cavite y & favor de cllo scgar Jas gargantas de tantas caberas ilusiradas, pero de 1a sangre Page 85, left col.) derramada brotarin més frescos y nu meroses retoos. Antes de la catistrofe del 72 habia menos pensadores, menos antifrailes: sacrificaron inocentes victi- mas, y_ tengis ahora 6 Ia juventud tiema, 4 las mujeres, 4 Las doncellas declarindose por una misma causa, Re pitase Ia hecatombe y los verdugos ha- brén sellado su propia sentencia, La SoLipaRio, No; desengéfiense los que aun ey ofuscados. Es menester atender les cesidades del pucblo, si se quicre og servar su amor. Al filipino no se puede cegar ni esclavizar, lucgo hay qi darle libertades y derechos. No ejemplo ninguno en la Historia diga que se haya hecho retroceder & pueblo en vias de ilustracién. La d dencia no viene sino despus del geo; la cascada no oube, Lo frute vuelve sl estado de flor. Quiere gobierno asegurarse el amor de Fil nas? Déle liberiades, trdtela como merece. i Quiere perderla? Eniéng ‘que continue cn sus injustas repre: ‘que cierre sus oidos los clamores 4 pueblo, que lo condene & Ia excl Para terminar repetiremos: hay # cha desmoralizacion en Filipinas, cacareados ministros de Dios y, p gadores de la luz (j}) no han verbs ni siembran la moral cristiana; no dado religién sino rilos y supersti EL pueblo que quieren lamar nifo tenido malos preceptores, ha aprendl malos ejemplos: tal maestro tal d pulo: Tienen también la culpa el sob no que la permite, por debilidad, pucblo que se presta por ignorand los buenos que se cruzan de por egoiimo y se envuclven en dese rado silencio. Esta desmorali no se he de corregir, sellindo los lab Jos scusadores tal como desea La de Espana sino inquiriendo el gobi la causa, persiguiendo, al ioaiga el que cayerele para que nadie tenga derecho 4 cong rar, diputados para que las quejas ¥ f murmuraciones no se condensen of seno de las familias y desde allt seq a causa de futuras tempestades: bien al pueblo, ensefiadle las dulat de Ia paz, para’ que Ia adore y Ta 1 tega. Si. seguis exe sistema de dis May 31, 1889 thy are_much miste [ino people. The wi of them have acc in depicting the pd for models theie | xde of poor unfor . education and ig citios.. They ridiculous persons yes like parasit fices and banquet j those who upon [ misery, wrap the: Shey are not kno fy that their nature, ¢ sufferings are_not| I then, in this ur ween the friars of the| nent in lending ‘an arm of the ts the feeling of the terests of the fre disheartened; th alienated; that the they rely does 1 | suspect, vocillate; Spain wanes; their hope they are tired ‘out! The peo} If the govern the side of the fria to being the enc they themsel ted a new and unto To try to subject d Iknese, to brutalize and morally impossibt (os que aun est er atender las yy are much mistaken about the fipino people. The writers who have Eifel of them have accused falsely be- fase, in depicting the people, they have for models their servants, those Rode of poor unfortunates—without ry, education and home who flock the big cities. They have described ridiculous persons who ingratiate ver like parasites round about ifices and banquets. The educated those who upon sezing such dict ry, wrap themselves in isola- gihey are not known, in the same ty that their nature, their language or sufferings are not known. ell then, in this unfortunate strug- Ietween the friars on the one hand 9, want ignorance and darkness, like bandit who waylays at night and in places, and the educated class, the other hand—honorable. citizens 0 want enlightenment, unity, direct ntact with Spain, the conduct of the ernment in lending itelf 10 serving an arm of the monastic orders ts the fecling of the people and the interests of the nation. “The peo- are disheartened; they see that they alienated; that the government on hom they rely does not protect them is afraid of their enemies. ‘The peo sispect, vacillate; their love for their hope in justice wav they are tired of pleading The people oppose ars. If the government places i ‘Oh the side of the friars completely, it Dmikes enemies of the people; it con 586 to being the encmy of progress: filipino no se i zar, luego hey q cerechos. No hay la Historia 20 retroceder 4 istracion. La de después del apg sube, Ia fruta flor. ,Quicre 1 amor de Filig trdtela_ como wrderla? Enién \justas represions { los clamores 4 re 4 Ia esclavitud tiremes: hay en Filipinas, le Dios y, prog no han sembrad por debilided, por ignorancia ruzan de ‘elven en desest ellundo los labios] mo desea La Voi endo el gobierno § terecho conspi Tas quejas y la * desde all apestades, adle las dul adore y Ia mat istema ‘de disti ied @ new and unfortunate erat ty to irkness, to brutalize them is physical ‘and morally impossible. Our enemies subject the Filipinos to 217 may be able to preach from their pul- ts, to make use of all kinds of means —imprisonmeats, exiles, censures, pro- hibitions, vexations, search, etc., but they will not achieve their purpose. The educated Filipinos, the liberals who in- crease their number every day—thanks to the persecutions, and we the Filipino youth in Europe have dedicated our elves to the welfare of our country. We guarantee this: it may be possible to simulate another revolt like that of Cavite and then, because of it, cut off the heads of many educated "persons, but from the blood spilled, fresher and more shoots will sprout, Before the catastrophe of 1872, there were less thoughtful people, less antifriars; they sactficed innocent vietims; but now you have the young, the women, and the young ladies declaring themselves in fo- vor of the same cause. Repeat the sacri ind the executioners will be sean their own fate No, those who are still befuddled should disabuse themselves. It is neces- sary to look after the needs of the peo- ple, if it is desired to preserve their love. The Filipino cannot be blinded nor enslaved in order to be later given free- dom and rights. There is no example in history wich shows that a people re- trograded because of education. Deca- dlence does not come until after the apo- fee, the waterfall does not rise, the {mit does not return to the flower. Does the government want to be a sured of the love of the Philippines? Give it rights; treat it 2s it deserves to be treated. Do you wish to lose it? Then continue in your unjust oppres- sions, close your ears to the pleadings of the people, condemn them into slav- ery. Jn concluding, we repeat: there is such corruption ‘in the Philippines; the fice \ 278, ros, prisiones y sobresaltos por nada, si castigéis en 4 Vuestras propias faltas, le desesperats, le quitafs el horror & las revoluciones y 6 los disturbios, le endu- recéis y le excitsis @ la lucha. En Fili pinas todavia no hay filibusterismo, pero lo habrii de seguro y terrible si se continda el ojeo: si quieres que el perro de tu vecino rabie, publica que esti rs. bios, {Qué mds filibusterismo que cl filibusterismo de la desesperacién? JOSE. RIZAL. (Page 85, right col.) SISTEMA DE RECAUDACION El sistema de secaudacién de ciertos tributos de Filipinas adolece de vicios que vienen causando un desbarajuste en el tesoro publico y encargados de s recaudacidn, Las cfdulas personales de 9 clase 2% grupo, que son las que deben pagar la generalidad de los pucblos son recau eadas por los eabezas de barangay, agentes de la Hacienda, cuyo cargo cs ‘consejil Cada cabeza tiene & su cargo un pad- rén de contribuyentes tomado literal mente del padrin de almas que Meva cada parroquia; en él aparecen inscritos cierto nimero de individuos vivos. ¢i- funtos, presentes y ausentes y todos estos constituyen cl CARGO del cabeza fen st cuenta corriente con la Administra- ign depositaria de la provincia respec tiva Con arreglo all niimero de inscripcio: nes del padrén de cada cabeza recibe éste de Ia administracién igual mimero de cédulas personales en blanco, para su debida realizacién en. nume caudindola de los com Los cabezas cobran y Iu en el gobierno de la provincia cuanto reeauden, constituyendo estos ingresos Jas partidas de su DATA. La Soupaniny Constituyen también partidas DATA las eédulas que cl cabezs pudisra reeaudar por fallecimicntg ausencia injustijicada del contribuye pero esta justificacion cuesta mds qf Je euota de les efdulas de cargo. bad exampl EI importe de Ia_eédula 9° ola pnt. The goved 2 grupo es de pfs. 1'50 al ao; of letting them justiicar el motive porque Ia cédula Blanco debe constituir partida de dal necesario formar un voluminoso pediente cuyas atenciones son: el Gel papel sellaco, les honerarios de cscrtillo, obsequio 4 los eseribiente directorcillos de Ia casa tribunal ‘que aliendan la prictica de las prime diligencias. gubernativas consistentes declaracién de tres yecinos, infor pregén, y visto bt | sow Ch not taught f fons. The nat corrected bj ‘who accuse, wishes 10 do, bi pment inquire int hing the guilty who should fall body will have “representatives 99 vado al gobierno de la provincia el and their mu pediente para su ultimacién son in pensables también los gastos devi jor lo ménos echo veces de su pueb 4 la cabecera 4 razin de dos, tres 0 tro duros viaje, sogdn la distancia, am de los gastos de comida, obsequio a 1a pendencia del gobierno para ser desi chado el asunto del cabeza y de abonar por su cuenta el duro y med de Ia cédula fallida, De . Treat the pq ute rectnes of ‘away the horror se modo ol cab lts; you hardet lay, there jf Bar von wa povuio lo ae fer tre will recauidavidn, pues las oficinas de had da rechazan Ia devolucién de las ef en blanco sin tal justificacion; y cua va_el cabeza se ha imposibilitado es aparece ester cable desfaleo, Hemos tenido ocas ccausas eriminales formadas contra & bezas de barangay por malversacién @ fondes piblicos y el importe de 10 verdado en cédulas no realizadas apt The system of in the Philippin jay 31, 1889 La Sotparip, Bp, Mey Egad ministers of God and the propo- iors of ‘light (1) have not planted ‘do not sow Christian morality; pave not taught faith but rites and titions. The nation that they wish fPcall a “child” has had bad teachers, earned bad examples. Like teacher, fe student. ‘The government is also to for letting them do this, for be- @ weak; and so are the people who their arms because of egoism and shroud themselves in a mantle of sate silence. This demoralization grnot be corrected by sealing the lips those who accuse, as La Vor de E fa wishes to do, but by letting the smnment inquire into the causes, and fn punishing the guilty and—Ietting fall who should fall. Give liberties so nobody will have the right to con- pire; representatives so that their com- ints and their _murmurings are not Bafincd to the privacy of the homes they become the cause of future germs. Treat the people well, teach the sweetness of peace so that they n it. IF the pol obsequio & Ia dd ‘of banishments, _imprisonments, para ser despa and assaults without cause were fol lowed; if your own faults were punished them, you discourage peace, you lake away the horror of revolutions and Af revolts; you harden the people and lyou incite them to battle. In the Phi t s,toley, there is still no filibus- Merismio but there Will be for sure and ila be terrible, if the abuses co Tt-youwish your neighbor's dog ®Wrave, let it be known that he is mad PWhat could be a worse filibusterimo Bihan the filibuscerismo of despeit? —/ JOSE RIZAL _/ 1 partidas = el coboza fallecimiento 21 contribuyent cuesta més qi de cargo. 2 al aio; ¥ pars que la cédula of partida de dat voluminoso exe ‘onorarios de »s escribientes ay visto de esto provincia 2s de su puchle E SYSTEM OF TAX COLLECTION ‘The system of collection of some PUAKes in the Philippines is replete with malversacion di sorte de lo ma realizadas. api 279 anomalies which continue to confuse the public treasury ‘and those in charge of the collection, The personal cedulas of the ninth lass, second group which are what the majority of the people pay, are collec ted by the cabezas de barangay, agents of the ‘Treasury whose position is hon- orary. Each cabeza has a taxpayers’ list cop- ied from the census list that every pa trish has. In this list are the number of inhabitants living, dead, present, and ab: sent, all of whom are listed in the cabe- za's collection which he must turn over to the administrative agency of the cor responding province. In accordance with the number of names appearing on the list, the eabec: receives from the administration a corres ponding number of blank cedula receipts, ‘equal to the collection he ought to gather from the taxpayers. ‘The cabezas collect and then turn over to the proving This is crediied to his total accountabi- lity Included in the cabera's responsibility are the unpaid-cedulas which he failed 10 al government the amount collect because of the death or absence of the taxpayer. To be credited for these, a “justification” is required for non-collection. ‘This “justification” costs more i obtain than the price of the able cedulas The caduls of the ninth class, second group, costs 1.50. pesos per year, but 19 obtain credit for the blank cedulas turned in, it ig necessary 10 go through an ar yous and costly procedure: pay the price of stamped paper, remuneration of a clerk, presents 10 petty clerks and chiefs of the cotineil’so that they would attend to the preliminary governn requirements of securing the testimor Of three citizens, the information of the rece unido al proceso. ‘Aunque hasta ahora no se han formu: Indo en debida forma, hay aspiraciones ‘en el archipi¢lago por la supresién de (Page 86, left col.) ese cargo, ccasionado 4 grandes desba- rajustes. Por nuestra parie, si el gobierno no cree Hegada le hora de su reforma radi cal, ereemos convenionte adoptar una medida que hiciese mas equitalivo el Propondriamos, por ejemplo, que para con les cabezas do barangay se use el procedimiento que se hace con Jos recaudadores de la contribucién ur- tbana del mismo pais. Entregar al cabe- za las cédulas de sus tribulantes firm das por el administrador 6 interventor ritos en ellas el nombre y apellida del contribuyente respectivo; setialarle plazo para su recaudaciOn; y & su ven cimiento rinda el cabeza la oportuna cuenta, ingresando en caja las cantida- des cobradas; y las cuotas pendientes dle cabro se jusifiquen con ta devolucion de las cédulas, pasado estas desde lue ‘a un nogocisdo 6 comisién de spremios ‘que deben despacharse contra los contri: Buyeates morosos y no contra los cabe- zas como hasta aqui se viene practican- do, Es preciso tener en cuenta que los ea- bezas no son fiadores ni aseguardores de Ia recaudacién, solo son meros recauda. dores y no es justo hacerles responsables de lo que de ninguna manera han re- caudado, ni podido recaudar Tal como estén las cosas, por honori- fico que sea el cargo de cabeza de bi Fangey, no deja de ser repugnante y sobre todo ruinoso. Es muy cmodo atribuir las deficien- cas & Ia indolencia del indio, & su pasién al gallo; pero convénzase el gobierno que nada resuelve ese sistema recti- minatorio. La SovtpaRtngl Estidiese e! asunto, que tiene importancia de lo que 4 primera vi parece, present it t0 for approval for some ei 3, each trip) pending on LA UNIVERSIDAD DE_ MANILA SU PLAN DE ENSENANZA — No, no somos enemigos ni atacan por sistema woo lo que procede de fg religiosos, Mamense dominicos, ag. nos, franciscanos, ete.; aplau laudirémos con calor cuantas refo han procurado y procuran implantar la enseftanza superior de Filipi mas, hay que convenir con nosotfes que esas reformas de poca entidad, pe due deslumbran en aguells isla, rel aio de los elementos de la Edad Medi no siempre 6 nunca han obed aquellas grandes concepeiones que fh esinterés In fecundid fn resultados practicos, ni Mthe cabeca is the amount cha n funds, then he} BP pail 6 jied by “i a ulterior. partir toda mejo anes against versation of p the matter of} wed in the chat cugh until now No son tiempos los act Ja edad madura, ya que hace cien a se ha rasgado el velo que oculteba 4 Ie ojos del vulgo el sanctasanctorum dé autoridad mondstica y de la autoa real, al soplo omnipotenie que agit grande revolucién que hoy conmeii ra el pueblo francés. Mas jah! (Page 86, right col.) bia quedar de lo antiguo, para que contraste fuese mayor, y no parece que para confusion de los que tant abusaron de la buena f€ de los puebl ledo de Ia Providencia dotuve la oO wocién en las fronteras de Espa de barangay be ‘of collection whi collectors. Sollection, after ENSENANZA ‘migos ni atacamas que procede de Ig dominicos, ‘eplaudimos y ap cuantes reformat zuran implantar ¢f ior de Filipina i con nosotros poca entidad, quellasislas, ref actuales, para qui n mondstica sigan ntuidad. Ha Lege desengatios y ue hace cien afi que ocultaba 4 To ‘asanciorum de k de Ta autocraci tente que agitar uc hoy conmemo Ih! algo des ght col.) iguo, pare que dg y no parece sing) Je les que tanto | of the parish priest. After all ese, 10 present it to the provincial gov- a makes, each trip costing him 3 to 4 depending on the distance of his from the provincial capital; also the ses of his meals, gifts to the em- ees to facilitate the business of libera- him from paying the 1.50 pesos for pn-colleciable cedula. us it is that the cabeza prefers to iy the tax, which is impossible to col out of his own pocket rather than go igh the process of securing a ‘justi- fication.” Yet, the Treasury refuses to sept the return of blank cedulas unless geempanied by such “justification.” on the cabeza is no longer able to ver the amount charged to him out of This own funds, then he is accused of mal: ation of public funds We have had occasion to study the eri inal cases against cabezas de barangay F malversation of public funds and in- tibly the matter of uncollected cedu- appeared in the charge. __ Although until now no plan has been finitely formulated, there are hopes in he Archipelago that this assignment Which causes great injustices will be re Uoved. Itis our opinion that if the government does not wish to institute a radical sehengc, then it should adopt a means to J Bake the service more honorable. © We propose, for example, that the ca- esas de barangay be allowed the same Means of collection which are allowed to P the city collectors. ‘This is 10 give the @abezas the cedulas of their taxpayers ed by the administrator or agent and with full names of the taxpayer written On them; to give a deadline for the period tion, after which the cabeza 281 tums over the amount collected and the cedula receipts which have not been paid; the receipts would then be revised by an ‘examining commission who should charge the delinquent taxpayer and not the oa bezas who have been hitherto respon- sible. The cabezas should not be considered as bondsmen or guarantors of the col- lection, but only as deputy collectors, It ‘would not be fair to make them respon- sible for something they have not colles- ted or would not be able to collect. Owing to these difficulties, althous the position of cabeza de barangay honorary, it becomes repugnant and ‘worse, ruinous to the holder. ‘The delinquencies can easily be charged to the indolence of the native, to his love for the cockpit; but the gov. emment should know that no problem can be solved by such a recriminatory system, Study the matter which is more ime Portant than is epparent at first glance. en De epparont af firkt elace. ‘THE UNIVERSITY OF MANILA Its Method of Teaching No, we are not enemies of the Reli- sious, nor do we attack systematically everything that comes from them whe ther they be Dominican, Agustinian, Francisean, ete. We hail and shall fer vently welcome any reform which is tried ‘and which might be wied for the im- provement of higher education in the Philippines. Furthermore, you will agree with us that those reforms of little i Portance, but enlightening to the Islands the refuge of medicval elements— have never followed those great ideas which bring fruitful results, but work against the friars’ interest; neither has the day dawned on them when they

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