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Table 3.1: Plant tissues

Specimen Image


Cross section

Transverse section
Magnification Power :____________
Specimen Image

Cross section


Magnification power : ___________________

Table 3.2 Insect Tissues
Specimen Image


Magnification Power : __________________

This experiment was conducted to identify tissue system in plant tissues and insect
tissues. In experiment plant tissue, there are two types of root and stem which is transverse and
cross section that had been cut. In root transverse, we identify that root transverse had epidermis
and vascular cylinder. While for root cross section, we manage to identify vascular cylinder,
cortex and pith. In stem transverse, we manage to identify epidermis, cortex, pith and vascular
cylinder. For stem cross, we have identified epidermis, pith, cork and also vascular cylinder.
In this result, almost all components of tissues which are vascular cylinder have inside each of
the root and stem cross section and transverse section. In experiment insect tissues, we are not
able to identified male locust. This is because the insect that we take was so small and the place
we took the insect was in a wet area and not suitable place to catch insect.
In plant tissues, vascular cylinder have an important role to transport and carry food
and water in plant. Vascular cylinder divided into two parts which are xylem and phloem. For
xylem, it conducts water from the roots, through the shoots, and out of the plant. Most xylem
cells are dead cells that form a hollow cylinder that indirectly travels through the entire plant,
root to leaf. Water constantly leaves plants through leaves via transpiration, the process of
water loss by evaporation. It is because water molecules tend to stick together due to their
molecular structure, the moisture that absorbed through the roots is carried up through xylem
to the leaves in order to replace the water that has been lost. Xylem also functions by
transporting dissolved minerals, and, because the cells have thick cell walls, provides some
means of support for the plant. Meanwhile, phloem conduct sucrose that made in the leaves to
the rest of the plant. It also carries molecules necessary for growth and defence. Unlike xylem,
which conducts water up, phloem's contents, which commonly call as 'sap,' move as needed to
different parts of the plant. For example, phloem might move sucrose from the leaves to the
roots for storage during the summer and then back up to the leaves to provide the plant with
the energy necessary for budding during the spring. Unlike xylem cells, phloem cells are alive.
In insect tissues, male testis is important for reproduction. The grasshopper's
reproductive system consists of the gonads, the ducts which carry sexual products to the
exterior, and accessory glands. In males, the testes consist of a number of follicles, which hold
the spermatocytes as they mature and form packets of elongated spermatozoa. After they are
liberated in bundles, these spermatozoa accumulate in the vesicula seminalis.
1. Compare the characteristics of water-carrying cells with food-carrying cells.
- Water-carrying cell was known as xylem. It has secondary cell walls and dead,
hollow tube specializes for transporting water and dissolved solute from roots to
leaves. Meanwhile, food-carrying cell was known as phloem. At functional
maturity, it is living although the nucleus disintegrates at maturity.

2. Briefly explain any precautionary steps you should engage in the slide-making
- There are few precautionary steps that must be follow in the slide-making process.
Firstly, the slide must be clean to ensure the root and soot slide can be observed
clearly. Secondly, the biological samples must be completely dissolved in the
coloured water (eosin stain), to ensure the biological samples can be differentiate
by its colour. Thirdly, the biological samples must be embedded with a hard solid
block such as cover slits. It is to ensure all parts of the biological tissues secured.

3. Discuss the staining properties and chemical reactions involved in the procedure.
- Most cells are essentially transparent, with little or no intrinsic pigment. Stains are
used to confer contrast, to make tissue components visibly conspicuous. The
essential function for staining is simply to make the structure easier to see. For
chemical reaction, it happened between eosin stain and xylem. The colour of the
xylem cells change to red colour according to chemical colour, while the colour
inside the phloem does not change because it is a food-carrying cells.

In conclusion, in root transverse, we identify that root transverse had epidermis and
vascular cylinder. While for root cross section, we manage to identify vascular cylinder, cortex
and pith. In stem transverse, we manage to identify epidermis, cortex, pith and vascular
cylinder. For stem cross, we have identified epidermis, pith, cork and also vascular cylinder.
In this result, almost all components of tissues which are vascular cylinder have inside each of
the root and stem cross section and transverse section. In experiment insect tissues, we are not
able to identified male locust. This is because the insect that we take was so small and the place
we took the insect was in a wet area and not suitable place to catch insect.

Reece, J & Urry, L. Campbell Biology. Ninth Edition. Pearson Education, Inc. (2008)
Biological Techniques and Skills. Laboratory Manual for BIO300. Diploma in Science. Biology
Department. Faculty of Applied Science, UiTM. (2012)

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