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Open Access Protocol

Effect of vitamin D supplementation on

inammation: protocol for a systematic
Aya Mousa,1 Marie Misso,1 Helena Teede,1,2 Robert Scragg,3
Barbora de Courten1,2

To cite: Mousa A, Misso M, ABSTRACT

Teede H, et al. Effect of Strengths and limitations of this study
Introduction: The extraskeletal role of vitamin D is
vitamin D supplementation
being increasingly recognised. This has important Novel and relevant areas of research which will
on inflammation: protocol for
a systematic review. BMJ
clinical implications, as vitamin D deficiency has guide future research in this field.
Open 2016;6:e010804. reached epidemic proportions worldwide. Vitamin D Protocol is for the first systematic review to
doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015- has proposed anti-inflammatory properties, yet the role investigate vitamin D and inflammation across all
010804 of vitamin D supplementation in reducing inflammation population groups and disease and/or non-
remains largely unknown. The purpose of this review is disease states.
Prepublication history and to investigate the impact of vitamin D supplementation Employs rigorous international gold-standard
additional material is on inflammation, and to identify relevant knowledge methodology and comprehensive search
available. To view please visit gaps in the field. strategy.
the journal ( Methods and analysis: Medline, CINAHL, EMBASE Limited in that the systematic review will include
10.1136/bmjopen-2015- and All EBM will be systematically searched for only published data.
010804). randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and systematic
reviews of RCTs, comparing vitamin D
in the pathophysiology of various inamma-
supplementation with placebo, usual care or other
Received 14 December 2015 pharmacological or non-pharmacological interventions.
tory diseases including Crohns disease and
Revised 10 February 2016
One reviewer will assess articles for eligibility rheumatoid arthritis, as well as in conditions
Accepted 15 February 2016 associated with chronic low-grade inamma-
according to prespecified selection criteria, after which
2 independent reviewers will perform data extraction tion, such as obesity, insulin resistance, type 2
and quality appraisal. Meta-analyses will be conducted diabetes and cardiovascular disease.3
where appropriate. The interaction between vitamin D and
Ethics and dissemination: Formal ethical approval inammation may have clinical implications,
is not required as no primary data is collected. This as vitamin D deciency remains prevalent
systematic review will identify potential clinical worldwide and is increasing as a result of sed-
implications of vitamin D deficiency and entary indoor lifestyles and the use of sun-
supplementation, and will be disseminated through a screen and protective clothing to reduce the
peer-reviewed publication and at conference meetings,
risk of skin cancer.4 At present, there is no uni-
to inform future research on the efficacy of vitamin D
supplementation for inflammation and inflammatory
versal consensus on optimal levels of vitamin
diseases. D, but most experts agree that plasma
PROSPERO registration number: 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels <50 nmol/L
Monash Centre for Health CRD42016037104. would be considered decient.5 It is therefore
Research and Implementation concerning that 2060% of the UK and 10
(MCHRI), School of Public
40% of the US population have vitamin D
health and Preventive
Medicine, Monash University, levels <50 nmol/L.6 Despite the sunny climate
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia in Australia, vitamin D deciency is prevalent
Diabetes and Vascular INTRODUCTION in 50% of women and 31% of men.7
Medicine Unit, Monash Vitamin D has traditionally been known for Vitamin D can be obtained from dietary
Health, Melbourne, Victoria,
its role in regulating calcium and phosphorus sources or supplements in the form of chole-
School of Population Health, for the healthy mineralisation of bone. calciferol or ergocalciferol, although it is pri-
University of Auckland, Recent evidence has broadened interest to marily derived via conversion of
Auckland, New Zealand the role of vitamin D in extraskeletal func- 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin consequent
tions, including in inammation and immu- to exposure to ultraviolet B radiation.8
Correspondence to
Professor Barbora de
noregulation.1 2 The functions of vitamin D However, recommendations to prevent skin
Courten; barbora.decourten@ in inammation are of increasing interest, cancer by reducing sun exposure have made and vitamin D deciency has been implicated it difcult to obtain adequate vitamin D

Mousa A, et al. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010804. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010804 1

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Open Access

through sun exposure, and limited foods have naturally vitamin D is thought to occur partly via down-regulating
high vitamin D levels, or are vitamin D fortied.4 IL-6 since IL-6 has been shown to inhibit adiponectin
Following ingestion or cutaneous synthesis, vitamin D gene expression.23 24
is hydroxylated by the liver into 25-hydroxyvitamin D2 or It is biologically plausible that sufcient vitamin D
D3 (25OHD) and is then converted to its biologically levels may be important in modulating inammatory
active form (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D2/D3 or 1,25OHD, processes, and this seems to be supported by various
for short) via a second hydroxylation in the kidney by experimental and observational studies.1 2 However,
25OHD-1-hydroxylase (CYP27B1).9 1,25OHD functions observational studies are limited given their high risk of
as a steroid hormone and binds to a nuclear vitamin D bias and inability to establish causation or directionality.
receptor (VDR) which has recently been found in Moreover, randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and sys-
nearly all tissue cells, including most inammatory cells, tematic reviews of RCTs to date have focused on specic
with particularly high VDR levels in dendritic cells, population groups, such as children,25 26 or inamma-
macrophages and T and B lymphocytes, thus supporting tory conditions, such as obesity, inammatory bowel
the notion that vitamin D may have a role in inamma- disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.2730
tory and immune responses.10 Thus, there remains a gap in knowledge of the effects of
Several studies have attempted to delineate the effects vitamin D supplementation on inammatory markers or
of vitamin D on inammatory cells and processes. In states across the wider general population. This system-
vitro, vitamin D has been shown to promote monocyte atic review, therefore, aims to address this gap by identi-
differentiation to macrophages, preventing them from fying and comprehensively synthesising evidence
releasing inammatory cytokines and reducing their evaluating the effect of vitamin D supplementation on
ability to present antigens to lymphocytes by inhibiting inammation in all population groups.
cell surface expression of the class 2 major histocompati-
bility complex (MHC-II) molecule.2 Vitamin D also sup-
presses the proliferation and stimulatory abilities of T SYSTEMATIC REVIEW QUESTION
cells and monocytes, and downregulates proinamma- Is vitamin D supplementation effective for treatment
tory cytokines, including C reactive protein (CRP), of inammation (versus placebo or usual care)?
tumour necrosis factor (TNF), interleukin (IL) 6, Is vitamin D supplementation better than other non-
IL-1 and IL-8, while upregulating anti-inammatory cyto- pharmacological or pharmacological interventions
kines such as IL-10.2 In vitro data has also shown associa- for treatment of inammation?
tions between absence of the VDR and increased
nuclear factor B (NFB) activity, a transcription factor METHODS/DESIGN
with a key role in immunomodulation, and in the patho- Rigorous international gold-standard methodology will
physiology of several inammatory diseases and chronic be adopted in this review,31 32 and will conform to the
inammatory states.11 The reverse was also evident, reporting standards of the Preferred Reporting Items for
where vitamin D was shown to prevent NFB transloca- Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA). This
tion and weaken its activity.11 systematic review has been registered on PROSPERO
In vivo studies using animal models have shown that under the identication code: CRD42016037104.
supplementation with 1,25OHD prevented the develop-
ment of inammatory arthritis, type 1 diabetes and auto- Eligibility criteria
immune encephalomyelitis and thyroiditis.1215 Selection criteria using the PICO (Population,
Administration of 1,25OHD to non-obese, non-diabetic Intervention, Comparison, Outcomes) framework in
mice also modulated chemokine and cytokine expres- table 1 established a priori will be used to determine eli-
sion and prevented diabetes.16 Conversely, VDR knock- gibility of articles.
out mice developed severe diarrhoea and rectal
bleeding, suggesting that vitamin D deciency may com-
promise the integrity of the intestinal mucosal barrier, SEARCH STRATEGY
thereby increasing susceptibility to mucosal damage and A systemic search will be developed using relevant
development of inammatory bowel disease.17 search terms (see online supplementary le 1) in
Human observational studies have frequently accordance with the selection criteria (table 1), and the
reported that higher vitamin D levels were associated following electronic databases will be used:
with lower inammatory markers including CRP, IL-6 MEDLINE via OVID;
and TNF in healthy populations,1820 and in those MEDLINE in-process and other non-indexed citations
with proinammatory conditions, such as diabetes, via OVID;
arteriosclerosis and inammatory polyarthritis.3 Vitamin CINAHL;
D has also been associated with adipocytokines, with EMBASE via OVID;
studies showing inverse correlations between vitamin D All Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) Reviews via
and leptin,21 22 and positive correlations between OVID incorporating: The Cochrane Library;
vitamin D and adiponectin.22 23 This latter action of Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Cochrane

2 Mousa A, et al. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010804. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010804

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Table 1 PICO for study inclusion

Participants (P) Intervention (I) Comparison (C) Outcomes (O)
Inclusion criteria
Males and females of Vitamin D2 and/or vitamin D3 Placebo or usual care. Any Inflammatory biomarkers
any age, ethnicity, supplementation, administered other non-pharmacological including, but not limited to:
socioeconomic status, in any form (intravenous, interventions or all interleukins, all TNF,
geographic area, intramuscular, or oral), alone pharmacological interventions TGF-1, hs/CRP, MCP-1,
comorbidity or pregnancy or combined with other ADMA, PAI-1, SAA, IFN,
status intervention/s, of any dosage, NFB, MIF, ICAMs,
and for any duration fibrinogen, MMPs,
adipocytokines: leptin,
resistin, visfatin, adiponectin,
Exclusion criteria
None Studies without vitamin D
Study type Systematic reviews of RCTs and RCTs
Language No limit
Year of publication No limit
ADMA, assymetric dimethylarginine; hsCRP, high sensitivity C reactive protein; ICAMs, intracelleular adhesion molecules; IFN, interferon ;
MCP-1, monocyte chemotactic protein 1; MIF, macrophage migration inhibitory factor; MMPs, matrix metalloproteinases; NFB, nuclear factor
B; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor 1; RCT, randomised controlled trial; SAA, serum amyloid A; TGF-1, tumour growth factor 1; TNF,
tumour necrosis factor .

Reviews); Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects Full articles will be retrieved for further assessment if
(Other Reviews); Cochrane Central Register of the information given suggests that the study meets the
Controlled Trials (Clinical Trials); Cochrane Database selection criteria. Where there is any doubt regarding
of Methodology Reviews (Methods Reviews); The eligibility from information provided in the title and
Cochrane Methodology Register (Methods Studies); abstract, the full article will be retrieved for clarication.
Health Technology Assessment Database (Technology Studies excluded based on full text will be tabulated
Assessments); NHS Economic Evaluation Database with the reason/s for their exclusion.
(Economic Evaluations); and ACP Journal Club.
Bibliographies of relevant studies identied by the Quality appraisal of the evidence
search strategy and relevant reviews/meta-analyses will Methodological quality, in terms of risk of bias, of the
also be searched for identication of additional studies. included studies will be assessed at the study level by two
Corresponding authors of any included trials where independent reviewers using criteria developed a priori,
required data are not presented will be contacted to as outlined in the Monash Centre for Health Research
provide deidentied data (aggregated effect measures) and Implementation critical appraisal template.33
for the purpose of meta-analysis, if deemed appropriate. Individual quality items will be investigated using a
To identify unpublished studies we will also search the descriptive component approach that includes items
National Institute of Health Clinical Trials Register such as conict of interest of authors, presence of pre-
( and the Australian New specied selection criteria, methods of randomisation
Zealand Clinical Trials registries (https://www.anzctr. and allocation of participants to study groups, blinding of participants, carers, investigators or outcome asses-
sors, methods of outcome assessment and reporting,
Inclusion of studies and statistical issues, such as powering and methods of
To determine the literature to be assessed further, one data analysis (see online supplementary le 2). Any dis-
reviewer will scan the titles, abstract sections and key- agreement or uncertainty will be resolved by discussion
words of every record retrieved by the search strategy among review authors to reach a consensus. Using this
using the selection criteria described in table 1, and in approach, each study will be allocated a risk of bias
consultation with a second reviewer. Disagreement rating.33
between reviewers about whether a study meets the
inclusion criteria will be resolved by discussion. Where Data extraction
consensus is not reached, a third reviewer will be con- Data will be extracted from all included studies by two
sulted to reach a decision. A pilot test of the selection independent reviewers using a specically developed
criteria will be conducted on 35 articles in order to data extraction form in line with the selection criteria
rene and clarify the criteria prior to screening. and outcomes of interest (table 1). Both reviewers will

Mousa A, et al. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010804. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010804 3

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check all computed data entries for meta-analyses, if available, or could be imputed or obtained from
applicable. authors, between-group differences will be presented,
Extracted data will include mean values and SDs of and relative differences in outcomes will be assessed.
the outcomes, and their CIs, point estimates and mea- Log transformation will be conducted where necessary.
sures of variability, frequency counts for dichotomous Aggregated effect measures will be used for
variables, number of participants, intention-to-treat ana- meta-analyses where appropriate, when data are derived
lysis, and validity results. from clinically homogeneous groups (where partici-
Outcomes may be reported as continuous measures of pants, interventions and outcome measures are suf-
these inammatory biomarkers, and in such cases, the ciently similar), using a random effects model in Review
mean or standardised mean difference along with their Manager 5.3.5. Dichotomous outcomes will be presented
SDs and CIs will be used to measure the effects (see as relative risks with 95% CIs, while continuous out-
online supplementary le 2). Eligible outcomes may also comes will be presented as weighted mean differences
be dichotomous and, as such, will include relative mea- with 95% CIs. A p value of <0.05 will indicate statistical
sures of inammation risk (risk ratio or OR along with signicance.
CIs), or absolute numbers of patients experiencing at Statistical heterogeneity will be assessed using the I2
least one episode of inammation. test, where I2 values over 50% indicate moderate to high
heterogeneity. Descriptive analyses will be conducted for
Grading the body of evidence those studies which are deemed clinically heteroge-
The quality of the evidence for the effects of vitamin D neous, or present insufcient data for pooling.
supplementation on inammatory markers and diseases
will be assessed as high, moderate, low or very low using Subgroup and sensitivity analyses
the GRADE approach.34 Quality of evidence will be Subgroup analyses, or if applicable, metaregression ana-
graded by two independent reviewers based on risk of bias, lyses will be performed for factors presumed to cause
imprecision, heterogeneity, indirectness and suspicion of variations in outcomes, and may include age, body mass
publication bias. Quality will be reported at the study level, index, dosage regimen, deciency of participants at
and where appropriate, at the outcome level, in line with baseline, participant disease status and study duration.
PRISMA guidelines. Disagreements will be resolved by dis- Sensitivity analysis will be conducted if deemed appro-
cussion, and where consensus cannot be reached, a third priate, and factors to be included will be determined
reviewer will be consulted. Interpretation of the grading during the review process. Heterogeneity I2 >50% will be
scores is presented in table 2. explored through sensitivity analysis using risk of bias.
For meta-analyses of more than 10 studies, funnel plots
will be used to determine small study effects and poten-
DATA ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS tial publication bias.
Planned analyses
Data will be presented in summary tables and in narra-
tive form to describe the populations, interventions and DISCUSSION
outcomes of the included studies. Where data is Although inammatory processes are crucial for the
human host defence against infectious agents and
injury, prolonged systemic inammation contributes to
Table 2 Grading the quality of the evidence (adapted the pathophysiology of many chronic diseases.1
from GRADE Working Group, 2004)34 Moreover, there is limited knowledge on the potential of
Strength of naturally occurring nutrients, such as vitamin D, in
evidence Interpretation improving these inammatory states and conditions.
High quality Very confident in the estimate of the
To the best of our knowledge, this will be the rst
effect, and further research is very comprehensive systematic review investigating the effect-
unlikely to change our confidence. iveness of vitamin D supplementation in improving
Moderate quality Moderately confident in the estimate of inammation in all populations, as previous reviews have
the effect, but further research may been limited to investigating specic inammatory con-
have an important impact on our ditions or population groups.26 28 30 In addition, this
confidence and may change the review will include trials investigating inammation inde-
estimate. pendently, and/or as a risk factor in the pathophysiology
Low quality Somewhat confident in the estimate of of cardiometabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes,
the effect, but further research is very heart disease or chronic inammatory conditions such
likely to have an important impact on
as Crohns disease and rheumatoid arthritis. There is
our confidence and will likely change
the estimate. also a lack of sound evidence to justify biological or
Very low quality Very little confidence in the estimate of sociological differences between population subgroups,
the effect as it is very uncertain. hence, the additional benet of including populations
of all ages and backgrounds in this review.

4 Mousa A, et al. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010804. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010804

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Our systematic review will use rigorous methodology, pre- nuclear-factor-kappa B-mediated interleukin-8 gene expression.
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the review process. MM contributed to the design of the search strategy and 20. Liefaard MC, Ligthart S, Vitezova A, et al. Vitamin D and C-reactive
protein: a Mendelian randomization study. PLoS ONE 2015;10:
statistical methods, revised the manuscript, and will contribute to data e0131740.
collection and analysis. HT and RS revised and edited the manuscript. BdC 21. Fantuzzi G, Faggioni R. Leptin in the regulation of immunity,
determined the scope of the review, revised and edited the manuscript, and is inflammation, and hematopoiesis. J Leukoc Biol 2000;68:43746.
the guarantor. 22. Stokic E, Kupusinac A, Tomic-Naglic D, et al. Vitamin D and
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Competing interests None declared. 23. Vaidya A, Williams JS, Forman JP. The independent association
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commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided subjects. Cytokine 2012;60:8704.
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26. Riverin BD, Maguire JL, Li P. Vitamin D supplementation for
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Mousa A, et al. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010804. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010804 5

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Effect of vitamin D supplementation on

inflammation: protocol for a systematic
Aya Mousa, Marie Misso, Helena Teede, Robert Scragg and Barbora de

BMJ Open 2016 6:

doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010804

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