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g Proj: Admin
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Tel:d Date: 28/08/17
Joist section design

Calculations for timber joists are in accordance with BS EN 1995-1-1:2004+A1:2008

Timber size - 150 mm wide x

300 mm deep
Span of joist SPAN = 2m
Spacing of beams Sp = 450 mm
End bearing - left hand end Y,l = 50 mm
- Right hand end Y,r = 50 mm
Strength class from Table 1 - C16
Service class - 2 (Covered and heated or unheated)
Variable load duration - Short term
Load sharing - Yes

Notches details

End notches -left hand end -type (b) a_L = 0 mm

hef_l = 200 mm
x1_L = 0 mm

-right hand end -type (b) a_R = 0 mm

hef_r = 200 mm
x1_R = 0 mm

Design effects per metre width

Moment due to permanent load MEdGd = 16.875 kNm/m
Moment due to variable load MEdQd = 18.75 kNm/m
Shear due to permanent load at left support VEdGd,L = 23.625 kN/m
Shear due to variable load load at left support VEdQd,L = 26.25 kN/m
Shear due to permanent load at right support VEdGd,R = 30.375 kN/m
Shear due to variable load load at right support VEdQd,R = 33.75 kN/m

Design effects per joist

Maximum moment
due to permanent load MEdGd_j = MEdGd*Sp/1000
= 16.875*450/1000
= 7.594 kNm
due to variable load MEdQd_j = MEdQd*Sp/1000
= 18.75*450/1000
= 8.438 kNm
Maximum shear
due to permanent load at left support VEdGd,L = VEdGd_l*Sp/1000
= 23.625*450/1000
= 10.631 kN
due to variable load at left support VEdQd,L = VEdQd_l*Sp/1000
= 26.25*450/1000
= 11.813 kN
due to permanent load at right support VEdGd,R = VEdGd_r*Sp/1000
= 30.375*450/1000
= 13.669 kN
due to variable load at right support VEdQd,R = VEdQd_r*Sp/1000
= 33.75*450/1000
= 15.188 kN
due to permanent load U,Gk = U,Gk
= 1.112 mm
due to variable load U,Qk = U,Qk
= 1.112 mm

Load Description Type A B C Gk Qk

2 Poin 1.0 0.5 10.0 10.0
UDL 0 2.0 10.0 10.0

Section properties
Area A = 45000 mm2
Section modulus Wy = 2250000 mm3
Second moment of area Iy = 337500000 mm4

Grade stresses - from Table 1 of EN 338:2009

Bending stress fm,k = 16 N/mm2
Tension stress parallel to grain ft,0,k = 10 N/mm2
Tension stress perpendicular to grain ft,90,k = 0.4 N/mm2
Compression stress parallel to grain fc,0,k = 17 N/mm2
Compression stress perpendicular to grain fc,90,k = 2.2 N/mm2
Shear stress fv,k = 3.2 N/mm2
Mean modulus of elasticity parallel Eomean = 8 kN/mm2
5% modulus of elasticity parallel Eo05 = 5.4 kN/mm2
Mean shear modulus Gmean = 0.5 kN/mm2
Density k = 310 kg/m3
Modification factors
Depth factor kh =1
Load duration factor (Table 3.1) kmod = 0.9
Permanent load duration factor (Table 3.1) kmodp = 0.6
System length factor (cl 6.6 of EN 1995) ksys = 1.1
Reduced bending stress factor (cl 6.3.3) kcrit =1
Load configuration factor (cl 6.1.5) kc,90 = 1.5
Shear crack factor (cl 6.1.7) kcr = 0.67
Deformation factor (Table 3.2) kdef = 0.8

Partial safety factors

Material safety factor M = 1.3

Bending check

Bending Stresses

Bending stress due to permanent load

mydGd = MEdGd_j*106/Wy
= 7.594*106/2250000
= 3.375 N/mm2

Bending stress due to variable load

mydQd = MEdQd_j*106/Wy
= 8.438*106/2250000
= 3.75 N/mm2

Total bending stress

myd = mydGd+mydQd
= 3.375+3.75
= 7.125 N/mm2

Design bending strength

fmd = fmk*kh*kmod*ksys*kcrit/M
= 16*1*0.9*1.1*1/1.3
= 12.185 N/mm2

Bending stress utilisation

Ubm = myd/fmd
= 7.125/12.185
= 0.585

Bending status - PASS.

Shear check

Left support

hef_L = hef_l
= 200 mm

Shear stress due to total permanent load

dGdl = 1.5*(VEdGd,L*103)/(kcr*b*hef_L)
= 1.5*(10.631*103)/(0.67*150*200)
= 0.793 N/mm2

Shear stress due to total variable load

dQdl = 1.5*(VEdQd,L*103)/(kcr*b*hef_L)
= 1.5*(11.813*103)/(0.67*150*200)
= 0.882 N/mm2

Total shear stress

dl = dGdl+dQdl
= 0.793+0.882
= 1.675 N/mm2

Design shear strength

fvdl = fvk*kmod*ksys*KvL/M
= 3.2*0.9*1.1*1/1.3
= 2.437 N/mm2

Shear utilisation
Ushl = dl/fvdl
= 1.675/2.437
= 0.687

Shear status at left support - PASS.

Right support

hef_R = hef_r
= 200 mm

Shear stress due to total permanent load

dGdr = 1.5*(VEdGd,R*103)/(kcr*b*hef_R)
= 1.5*(13.669*103)/(0.67*150*200)
= 1.02 N/mm2
Shear stress due to total variable load
dQdr = 1.5*(VEdQd,R*103)/(kcr*b*hef_R)
= 1.5*(15.188*103)/(0.67*150*200)
= 1.133 N/mm2
Total shear stress
dr = dGdr+dQdr
= 1.02+1.133
= 2.153 N/mm2
Design shear strength
fvdr = fvk*kmod*ksys*KvR/M
= 3.2*0.9*1.1*1/1.3
= 2.437 N/mm2
Shear utilisation
Ushr = dr/fvdr
= 2.153/2.437
= 0.884

Shear status at right support - PASS.

Bearing check

Left support bearing check

Bearing contact length

cl = Y,l+minbear
= 50+30
= 80 mm

Bearing stress due to permanent load

c90dGdl = VEdGd,L*103/(b*cl)
= 10.631*103/(150*80)
= 0.886 N/mm2

Bearing stress due to variable load

c90dQdl = VEdQd,L*103/(b*cl)
= 11.813*103/(150*80)
= 0.984 N/mm2

Total bearing stress

c90dl = c90dGdl+c90dQdl
= 0.886+0.984
= 1.87 N/mm2

Design bearing strength

fc90dl = fc90k*kmod*ksys*kc,90/M
= 2.2*0.9*1.1*1.5/1.3
= 2.513 N/mm2

Bearing stress utilisation

Ubl = c90dl/fc90dl
= 1.87/2.513
= 0.744

Bearing status at left support - PASS.

Right support bearing check

Bearing contact length

cl = Y,r+minbear
= 50+30
= 80 mm

Bearing stress due to permanent load

c90dGdr = VEdGd,R*103/(b*cl)
= 13.669*103/(150*80)
= 1.139 N/mm2

Bearing stress due to variable load

c90dQdr = VEdQd,R*103/(b*cl)
= 15.188*103/(150*80)
= 1.266 N/mm2

Total bearing stress

c90dr = c90dGdr+c90dQdr
= 1.139+1.266
= 2.405 N/mm2

Design bearing strength

fc90dr = fc90k*kmod*ksys*kc,90/M
= 2.2*0.9*1.1*1.5/1.3
= 2.513 N/mm2

Bearing stress utilisation

Ubr = c90dr/fc90dr
= 2.405/2.513
= 0.957

Bearing status at right support - PASS.

Deflection check

Section properties used to calculate bending and shear deflection

Second moment of area

I = 75111.11 cm4

Modulus of elasticity
Eomean = 8000 N/mm2

A = 1000 cm2

Shear modulus
Gmean = 500 N/mm2
Section factor
F = 1.2 (For rectangular section)

Final deflection due to permanent load

UfnG = U,Gk*(1+kdef)
= 1.112*(1+0.8)
= 2.002 mm

Final deflection due to variable load

UfnQ = U,Qk*(1+(kdef*21))
= 1.112*(1+(0.8*0.3))
= 1.379 mm

Total deflection
Ufin = UfnG+UfnQ
= 2.002+1.379
= 3.382 mm
Allowable deflection
Uallow = SPAN*1000/250
= 2*1000/250
= 8 mm

Deflection utilisation
Udef = Ufin/Uallow
= 3.382/8
= 0.423

Deflection status - PASS.

Vibration Check

Equivalent plate bending stiffness of the floor about an axis perpendicular to the beam direction
EI1 = Eomean*Iy/Sp
= 8*(3.375*108)/450
= 6000000 Nm2/m

Unfactored permanent area load with self-weight

mass = Weight*103/9.81
= 1*103/9.81
= 101.937 kg/m2
Fundamental frequency, f1 -
EI1fac = sqr(EI1/mass)
= sqr(6000000/101.937)
= 242.611
f1 = (PI/(2*(SPAN2)))*EI1fac
= (3.142/(2*((2)2)))*242.611
= 95.273 Hz

Since f1 is greater than 8 Hertz, Fundamental frequency - Verification to EN 1995 is possible.

Check the static floor deflection based on the requirements of the national annex to EN 1995-1-1

Second moment of area of the floor per m width

Iyb = (1000*thkflb3)/12
= (1000*(10)3)/12
= 83333.333 mm4/m

Floor deflection,  -
eomeanf = 14*Eomeanbd*Iyb*103/Sp4
= 14*12*83333.34*103/(450)4
= 0.341
kdist1 = kstrut*(0.38-(0.08*LOGE(eomeanf)))
= 1*(0.38-(0.08*LOGE(0.341)))
= 0.466
Since max(kdist1,0.3) = kdist1
kdist = kdist1
= 0.466
 = (1000*kdist*SPAN3*kamp*109)/(48*Eomean*103*Iy)
= (1000*0.466*(2)3*1.05*109)/(48*8*103*(3.375*108))
= 0.0302 mm

Deflection limit for the floor unit under a 1kN point load

Since the effective length is less than or equal to 4m

a = 1.8 mm
Floor deflection  ( 0.0302 mm) is less than limit "a" ( 1.8 mm)

Since a is less than 1

b1 = 180-(60*a)
= 180-(60*(3.02*10-2))
= 178.188

Unit impulse velocity response is not required as f1 is greater than 40 Hertz.

The section 150 mm x 300 mm PASSES all checks

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